1 00:00:01.168 --> 00:00:03.602 NARRATOR: Possessed by demons. 2 00:00:03.637 --> 00:00:04.915 GEORGE NOORY: The dark side needs 3 00:00:04.939 --> 00:00:07.806 physical bodies to act and exist in. 4 00:00:07.842 --> 00:00:10.342 NARRATOR: Tempted by evil. 5 00:00:10.378 --> 00:00:13.979 ROBERT CARGILL: Many people desire things so badly 6 00:00:14.150 --> 00:00:15.559 that they're willing to forfeit their immortal soul. 7 00:00:15.583 --> 00:00:19.151 NARRATOR: And enlisted to the dark side. 8 00:00:19.186 --> 00:00:22.254 They understood that they were serving darkness. 9 00:00:22.289 --> 00:00:25.691 NARRATOR: If there is good that exists in the world, 10 00:00:25.726 --> 00:00:28.293 must there also be evil? 11 00:00:28.329 --> 00:00:32.698 Are there negative energies that permeate the cosmos? 12 00:00:32.733 --> 00:00:36.769 And if so, might the true source of these dark forces 13 00:00:36.804 --> 00:00:40.739 be extraterrestrial beings? 14 00:00:40.775 --> 00:00:42.586 WILLIAM BRAMLEY: There's good and evil in the world. 15 00:00:42.610 --> 00:00:43.820 When you look at all the evidence, 16 00:00:43.844 --> 00:00:47.246 you're gonna find, behind this, 17 00:00:47.281 --> 00:00:49.810 extraterrestrial entities. 18 00:00:49.116 --> 00:00:52.518 NARRATOR: Since the dawn of civilization, 19 00:00:52.553 --> 00:00:56.889 mankind has credited its origins to gods 20 00:00:56.924 --> 00:00:59.691 and other visitors from the stars. 21 00:00:59.727 --> 00:01:02.795 What if it were true? 22 00:01:02.830 --> 00:01:04.863 Did extraterrestrial beings 23 00:01:04.899 --> 00:01:08.367 really help to shape our history? 24 00:01:08.402 --> 00:01:12.671 And if so, are some of these beings acting 25 00:01:12.706 --> 00:01:15.874 as dark forces? 26 00:01:48.800 --> 00:01:51.410 NARRATOR: Richard Ramirez, the "Night Stalker." 27 00:01:51.445 --> 00:01:55.814 Found guilty of killing 13 people. 28 00:01:55.850 --> 00:02:00.185 He claims to be "a minion of Satan sent to Earth" 29 00:02:00.221 --> 00:02:02.654 to carry out atrocities for the Devil." 30 00:02:04.692 --> 00:02:08.427 David Berkowitz, "Son of Sam." 31 00:02:08.462 --> 00:02:13.332 Charged with killing six people and wounding seven others. 32 00:02:13.367 --> 00:02:17.603 He stated that he was a "soldier in a Satanic army." 33 00:02:19.773 --> 00:02:21.773 Ted Bundy. 34 00:02:21.809 --> 00:02:24.760 Serial killer and rapist. 35 00:02:24.111 --> 00:02:28.113 Arrested in connection with over 36 murders. 36 00:02:28.149 --> 00:02:30.949 He alleged that something overtook him 37 00:02:30.985 --> 00:02:32.851 while committing the crimes. 38 00:02:32.887 --> 00:02:35.587 He called it "the entity." 39 00:02:35.623 --> 00:02:39.625 Were these men simply delusional, 40 00:02:39.660 --> 00:02:41.590 or could their claims 41 00:02:41.950 --> 00:02:42.973 that they were compelled to violence by dark entities 42 00:02:42.997 --> 00:02:45.964 actually be true? 43 00:02:49.336 --> 00:02:52.738 The idea of otherworldly agents of good and evil 44 00:02:52.773 --> 00:02:54.606 influencing humans 45 00:02:54.642 --> 00:02:58.477 exists in nearly every culture throughout the world. 46 00:02:58.512 --> 00:03:02.915 Philosophers, religious scholars and psychologists 47 00:03:02.950 --> 00:03:06.285 have long debated not only the existence of, 48 00:03:06.320 --> 00:03:10.789 but also the nature of, these forces. 49 00:03:10.824 --> 00:03:13.910 Light and dark forces 50 00:03:13.127 --> 00:03:17.896 may be something quite objective and real. 51 00:03:17.932 --> 00:03:21.867 They may in that sense be spiritual powers, 52 00:03:21.902 --> 00:03:25.404 uh, the things that are named as God on the one hand 53 00:03:25.439 --> 00:03:29.700 and Satan and the Devil and the demons on the other. 54 00:03:31.579 --> 00:03:33.979 JONATHAN YOUNG: Whether we think of light and dark forces 55 00:03:34.140 --> 00:03:36.848 in metaphysical terms, that is out there somewhere, 56 00:03:36.884 --> 00:03:38.817 or psychological terms, 57 00:03:38.852 --> 00:03:42.254 there are light and dark forces of some kind, 58 00:03:42.289 --> 00:03:44.523 and respecting that is important. 59 00:03:47.610 --> 00:03:48.538 CARGILL: The majority of humans on Earth 60 00:03:48.562 --> 00:03:51.129 and throughout history believe 61 00:03:51.165 --> 00:03:53.565 that otherworldly beings are actually agents. 62 00:03:53.601 --> 00:03:57.200 They're doing things in this world, 63 00:03:57.370 --> 00:04:00.380 either directly to us or indirectly, 64 00:04:00.740 --> 00:04:02.874 and that they too are experiencing 65 00:04:02.910 --> 00:04:04.876 a battle or a struggle 66 00:04:04.912 --> 00:04:09.448 and using us as humans as agents, as proxies if you will, 67 00:04:09.483 --> 00:04:11.116 to fight this battle. 68 00:04:11.151 --> 00:04:15.887 BRAMLEY: There's obviously good and evil in the world. 69 00:04:15.923 --> 00:04:19.570 I think when you look at all the evidence of the UFO 70 00:04:19.930 --> 00:04:20.959 and the ancient astronaut evidence, 71 00:04:20.995 --> 00:04:23.695 you're gonna find, behind this, 72 00:04:23.731 --> 00:04:27.165 entities that were accused of causing the darkness, 73 00:04:27.201 --> 00:04:30.200 the war, the suffering, all of that, 74 00:04:30.370 --> 00:04:32.704 were by and large extraterrestrial entities. 75 00:04:32.740 --> 00:04:35.874 They called them the gods, uh, in Mesopotamia. 76 00:04:35.909 --> 00:04:38.430 Also in Egypt. 77 00:04:38.780 --> 00:04:41.880 And then that morphed into angels 78 00:04:41.915 --> 00:04:44.883 and forces of Satan. 79 00:04:44.918 --> 00:04:47.119 Today we call them extraterrestrials, 80 00:04:47.154 --> 00:04:49.540 but it's really the same thing. 81 00:04:49.890 --> 00:04:52.570 GIORGIO A. TSOUKALOS: There's no question in my mind 82 00:04:52.920 --> 00:04:55.160 that good and bad permeates the entire universe, 83 00:04:55.195 --> 00:04:59.264 that good and bad, yin and yang, positive-negative exists 84 00:04:59.300 --> 00:05:03.435 all throughout the known and the unknown universe. 85 00:05:03.470 --> 00:05:06.505 Good or evil, in my opinion, also applies 86 00:05:06.540 --> 00:05:08.173 to extraterrestrials themselves. 87 00:05:11.578 --> 00:05:14.479 NARRATOR: Are good and evil more than just qualities 88 00:05:14.515 --> 00:05:17.582 that exist within an individual? 89 00:05:17.618 --> 00:05:21.453 Could they be tangible forces that permeate the cosmos? 90 00:05:23.590 --> 00:05:28.260 Perhaps further clues can be found by examining ancient texts 91 00:05:28.295 --> 00:05:32.264 that describe the unleashing of dark forces upon the earth. 92 00:05:35.703 --> 00:05:39.710 Mount Helicon, Central Greece. 93 00:05:39.106 --> 00:05:41.606 At the base of this mountain, 94 00:05:41.642 --> 00:05:45.410 sixth-century-BC poet Hesiod claimed 95 00:05:45.446 --> 00:05:48.647 to have made contact with the nine Muses... 96 00:05:48.682 --> 00:05:52.500 Immortal daughters of the god Zeus, 97 00:05:52.860 --> 00:05:55.887 said to impart knowledge and art to humans. 98 00:05:55.923 --> 00:06:01.626 Hesiod composed poems under the guidance of these muses, 99 00:06:01.662 --> 00:06:05.630 including what many consider his most important work... 100 00:06:05.666 --> 00:06:11.236 the Theogony and the infamous story of Pandora's box. 101 00:06:13.507 --> 00:06:15.874 CARGILL: When the Titan, Prometheus, 102 00:06:15.909 --> 00:06:19.611 stole fire from the gods and gave it to humans, 103 00:06:19.646 --> 00:06:21.120 Zeus wasn't happy about it. 104 00:06:21.480 --> 00:06:22.781 Zeus wanted revenge. 105 00:06:22.816 --> 00:06:26.251 So what he did was he commissioned Hephaestus 106 00:06:26.286 --> 00:06:29.688 to create Pandora, the first woman. 107 00:06:29.723 --> 00:06:31.556 So he gave Pandora a pithos, 108 00:06:31.592 --> 00:06:34.860 a jar that contained all of the evils of the world. 109 00:06:36.930 --> 00:06:39.664 RICHARD RADER: We call it a box, but in Greek it's a jar, 110 00:06:39.700 --> 00:06:41.566 and she's told, "Don't open this," 111 00:06:41.602 --> 00:06:43.735 and of course she opens it up, 112 00:06:43.771 --> 00:06:46.638 and so all these evils are released into the world. 113 00:06:46.673 --> 00:06:51.760 These evil forces are sometimes embodied by demons. 114 00:06:51.111 --> 00:06:52.944 Sometimes those demons are gods, 115 00:06:52.980 --> 00:06:57.149 sometimes they are a hybrid mix of monsters and gods, 116 00:06:57.184 --> 00:07:03.155 but they are the forces of negative events in the world. 117 00:07:03.190 --> 00:07:06.191 Zeus wanted to counterbalance the fact 118 00:07:06.226 --> 00:07:07.959 that they had these good things 119 00:07:07.995 --> 00:07:12.664 that had been unfairly, in Zeus' opinion, given to humans. 120 00:07:12.699 --> 00:07:17.302 So it's an explanation that lays the existence of evil 121 00:07:17.337 --> 00:07:21.940 at the responsibility of the deities, of the gods. 122 00:07:23.377 --> 00:07:25.710 BRAMLEY: Pandora is telling a theme 123 00:07:25.746 --> 00:07:29.381 that people believed to be true for a long time. 124 00:07:29.416 --> 00:07:32.717 That these gods, these extraterrestrial gods, 125 00:07:32.753 --> 00:07:36.388 were in control of human society. 126 00:07:37.958 --> 00:07:40.792 Pandora was an unleashing 127 00:07:40.828 --> 00:07:46.640 of entities or beings to cause these things to happen. 128 00:07:46.990 --> 00:07:48.834 DAVID WILCOCK: The box itself might have been 129 00:07:48.869 --> 00:07:51.937 some sort of portal that, when you opened the box, 130 00:07:51.972 --> 00:07:55.207 you may actually create a doorway 131 00:07:55.242 --> 00:07:59.277 that a whole variety of nasty entities, spiritual beings 132 00:07:59.313 --> 00:08:01.880 or extraterrestrial life, potentially, 133 00:08:01.915 --> 00:08:05.817 was able to fly into the earth through. 134 00:08:11.391 --> 00:08:13.792 NARRATOR: Might the story of Pandora's box 135 00:08:13.827 --> 00:08:16.228 be describing the release of negative beings 136 00:08:16.263 --> 00:08:19.231 upon the earth by extraterrestrials, 137 00:08:19.266 --> 00:08:22.167 as ancient astronaut theorists propose? 138 00:08:24.938 --> 00:08:27.739 Could it be that these dark forces 139 00:08:27.774 --> 00:08:31.343 are actual entities that infiltrated our world? 140 00:08:32.980 --> 00:08:36.470 FANTHORPE: If we look into some 141 00:08:36.830 --> 00:08:38.383 of the eastern legends, 142 00:08:38.418 --> 00:08:42.754 we come across beings like the jinn, 143 00:08:42.789 --> 00:08:47.626 who could on occasion provide goodness and help 144 00:08:47.661 --> 00:08:52.230 and on other occasions were like demons 145 00:08:52.266 --> 00:08:55.133 and could provide all kinds of evil 146 00:08:55.168 --> 00:08:57.135 and all kinds of temptation. 147 00:08:57.170 --> 00:08:59.571 So that's the theory: 148 00:08:59.606 --> 00:09:04.276 That the forces of good and evil are perhaps 149 00:09:04.311 --> 00:09:08.460 personal beings of some sort. 150 00:09:09.349 --> 00:09:13.351 The jinn are-are really of some alternative world, 151 00:09:13.387 --> 00:09:17.289 but they're able to pass through gateways 152 00:09:17.324 --> 00:09:21.359 and come into our world to influence us. 153 00:09:21.395 --> 00:09:23.295 So you have to wonder, perhaps, 154 00:09:23.330 --> 00:09:25.931 if the jinn aren't in some ways 155 00:09:25.966 --> 00:09:28.867 some kind of extraterrestrial force 156 00:09:28.902 --> 00:09:31.369 that's using other dimensions to appear 157 00:09:31.405 --> 00:09:35.140 and influence us in some way. 158 00:09:37.544 --> 00:09:39.611 NARRATOR: Could it be that the stories of the jinn 159 00:09:39.646 --> 00:09:43.181 and of Pandora's box are actually accounts 160 00:09:43.216 --> 00:09:46.251 of extraterrestrials purposely unleashing 161 00:09:46.286 --> 00:09:48.153 dark forces upon humanity, 162 00:09:48.188 --> 00:09:51.423 as ancient astronaut theorists suggest? 163 00:09:51.458 --> 00:09:54.392 And if so, might this be evidence 164 00:09:54.428 --> 00:09:56.895 that alien entities exist 165 00:09:56.930 --> 00:10:00.198 that are intent on man's destruction? 166 00:10:00.233 --> 00:10:02.467 Perhaps clues can be found 167 00:10:02.502 --> 00:10:04.369 by examining the beliefs of a Christian sect 168 00:10:04.404 --> 00:10:05.770 that was denounced 169 00:10:05.806 --> 00:10:08.306 as the Church of Satan 170 00:10:08.342 --> 00:10:10.809 and ultimately exterminated. 171 00:10:18.919 --> 00:10:21.886 NARRATOR: Villerouge-Termenès Castle. 172 00:10:21.922 --> 00:10:24.122 Languedoc, France. 173 00:10:24.157 --> 00:10:26.491 This medieval fortress, 174 00:10:26.526 --> 00:10:29.594 dating back to the 13th century AD, 175 00:10:29.630 --> 00:10:31.930 served as the final holdout 176 00:10:31.965 --> 00:10:35.600 of the Christian sect known as the Cathars. 177 00:10:35.636 --> 00:10:38.136 In 1321, 178 00:10:38.171 --> 00:10:40.205 the last known Cathar perfectus, 179 00:10:40.240 --> 00:10:42.173 Guillaume Bélibaste, 180 00:10:42.209 --> 00:10:44.209 was burned at the stake here 181 00:10:44.244 --> 00:10:47.379 as part of the Holy Inquisition. 182 00:10:47.414 --> 00:10:49.800 SABINA MAGLIOCCO: The Cathars were 183 00:10:49.116 --> 00:10:50.649 a heretical sect 184 00:10:50.684 --> 00:10:53.840 that developed in Europe during the Middle Ages. 185 00:10:53.120 --> 00:10:55.587 They are considered a Christian heresy. 186 00:10:57.658 --> 00:11:00.158 The Cathars saw all of the things 187 00:11:00.193 --> 00:11:01.559 that happened in the world 188 00:11:01.595 --> 00:11:04.950 as a result of a cosmic struggle 189 00:11:04.131 --> 00:11:07.298 between the forces of good and the forces of evil. 190 00:11:07.334 --> 00:11:09.300 The forces of God on one hand 191 00:11:09.336 --> 00:11:11.169 and the forces of Satan on the other hand. 192 00:11:11.204 --> 00:11:14.205 And we human beings were nothing but pawns 193 00:11:14.241 --> 00:11:16.541 in this cosmic struggle. 194 00:11:16.576 --> 00:11:18.977 McGOWAN: It was heresy to believe 195 00:11:19.120 --> 00:11:21.179 that there is a force as strong as God, 196 00:11:21.214 --> 00:11:23.748 and the Cathars certainly believed that. 197 00:11:23.784 --> 00:11:25.517 The Cathars believed in an evil force, 198 00:11:25.552 --> 00:11:28.860 a force that was here to corrupt humans. 199 00:11:28.121 --> 00:11:32.257 The Cathars referred to this force as Rex Mundi. 200 00:11:32.292 --> 00:11:34.359 Rex Mundi means the king of the world. 201 00:11:34.394 --> 00:11:37.395 He is essentially a type of demon. 202 00:11:37.431 --> 00:11:39.998 Rex Mundi will lead you from your path 203 00:11:40.330 --> 00:11:42.834 with material temptations. 204 00:11:44.337 --> 00:11:46.771 STEPHEN O'SHEA: The Cathars believed 205 00:11:46.807 --> 00:11:49.874 that there were two great forces 206 00:11:49.910 --> 00:11:52.243 of darkness and light 207 00:11:52.279 --> 00:11:54.746 that collided at the beginning of time. 208 00:11:57.217 --> 00:12:00.752 And that the good God remained out there 209 00:12:00.787 --> 00:12:02.287 somewhere in the stars, 210 00:12:02.322 --> 00:12:05.390 but the bad God, sometimes called the Devil, 211 00:12:05.425 --> 00:12:08.426 called many names, created matter, 212 00:12:08.462 --> 00:12:11.896 and it trapped our particles of light 213 00:12:11.932 --> 00:12:13.331 in humanity. 214 00:12:13.366 --> 00:12:15.667 McGOWAN: The Cathars believed that we are angels 215 00:12:15.702 --> 00:12:18.269 contained within flesh 216 00:12:18.305 --> 00:12:21.339 and that we struggle every day 217 00:12:21.374 --> 00:12:24.420 with remembering our divine origins, 218 00:12:24.770 --> 00:12:25.543 with remembering 219 00:12:25.579 --> 00:12:29.280 that there are dark forces that tempt us 220 00:12:29.316 --> 00:12:30.982 away from our spirituality, 221 00:12:31.170 --> 00:12:33.852 and they tempt us with the physical world. 222 00:12:33.887 --> 00:12:36.321 O'SHEA: The Cathars believed 223 00:12:36.356 --> 00:12:38.857 that you had to lead a perfect, 224 00:12:38.892 --> 00:12:41.793 an exemplary, aesthetic life 225 00:12:41.828 --> 00:12:44.162 in order to escape this world. 226 00:12:44.197 --> 00:12:45.997 If you didn't, 227 00:12:46.320 --> 00:12:48.500 if you became too involved in the things of this world, 228 00:12:48.535 --> 00:12:50.869 upon death, you would be reincarnated. 229 00:12:50.904 --> 00:12:52.270 There was no hell. 230 00:12:52.305 --> 00:12:54.372 Hell is here, hell is on Earth. 231 00:12:55.809 --> 00:12:58.443 FANTHORPE: The Cathars had very odd ideas 232 00:12:58.478 --> 00:13:02.800 about the human race. 233 00:13:02.115 --> 00:13:04.582 Their ultimate idea of heaven, 234 00:13:04.618 --> 00:13:07.352 or of a celestial end of the universe, 235 00:13:07.387 --> 00:13:10.188 was that everybody would resume 236 00:13:10.223 --> 00:13:12.900 a spiritual nature 237 00:13:12.125 --> 00:13:15.293 and that all things physical would go. 238 00:13:17.697 --> 00:13:20.298 CARGILL: Because the Devil is the-the ruler 239 00:13:20.333 --> 00:13:22.133 over this physical world, 240 00:13:22.169 --> 00:13:23.835 this perishable world, 241 00:13:23.870 --> 00:13:26.371 he's going to try to exchange 242 00:13:26.406 --> 00:13:28.139 these possessions on this earth, 243 00:13:28.175 --> 00:13:31.209 uh, for things that are immortal or imperishable... 244 00:13:31.244 --> 00:13:33.311 Namely human souls. 245 00:13:35.182 --> 00:13:37.982 And many people desire things on this earth 246 00:13:38.180 --> 00:13:41.152 so badly that they're willing to forfeit their immortal soul, 247 00:13:41.188 --> 00:13:42.587 their eternal soul, 248 00:13:42.622 --> 00:13:44.355 and live under the rule of the Devil 249 00:13:44.391 --> 00:13:47.358 in exchange for this temporary wealth. 250 00:13:48.562 --> 00:13:50.361 NARRATOR: Could it be that humans 251 00:13:50.397 --> 00:13:52.797 really are otherworldly beings 252 00:13:52.833 --> 00:13:54.766 trapped in physical bodies, 253 00:13:54.801 --> 00:13:57.936 as the Cathars believed? 254 00:13:57.971 --> 00:13:59.804 And do the dark forces 255 00:13:59.840 --> 00:14:02.106 serve to keep mankind in physical shackles 256 00:14:02.142 --> 00:14:03.708 here on Earth? 257 00:14:03.743 --> 00:14:07.779 Some ancient astronaut theorists say yes 258 00:14:07.814 --> 00:14:11.349 and suggest that further evidence can be found 259 00:14:11.384 --> 00:14:14.285 in one of humanity's earliest creation accounts... 260 00:14:14.321 --> 00:14:16.321 The Mesopotamian epic 261 00:14:16.356 --> 00:14:20.240 known as the Atra-Hasis. 262 00:14:20.600 --> 00:14:24.128 ERICH VON DANIKEN: We know from Sumerian cuneiforms 263 00:14:24.164 --> 00:14:28.366 that the gods created humans as slaves. 264 00:14:28.401 --> 00:14:31.402 Our forefathers could not understand it. 265 00:14:31.438 --> 00:14:33.605 They believed, erroneously, 266 00:14:33.640 --> 00:14:36.541 that these extraterrestrials are some gods, 267 00:14:36.576 --> 00:14:38.810 because they came down from the skies, 268 00:14:38.845 --> 00:14:40.478 they influenced humans, 269 00:14:40.513 --> 00:14:42.947 and they had supernatural forces. 270 00:14:42.983 --> 00:14:45.850 They were not spirits or ghosts... 271 00:14:45.886 --> 00:14:47.719 Definitely not. 272 00:14:47.754 --> 00:14:50.755 BRAMLEY: The Mesopotamian creation story 273 00:14:50.790 --> 00:14:52.824 talks about that there's several elements 274 00:14:52.859 --> 00:14:55.760 that needed to go into creating this work race 275 00:14:55.795 --> 00:14:59.464 that the extraterrestrial gods wanted to make. 276 00:14:59.499 --> 00:15:00.932 In order for the body to function, 277 00:15:00.967 --> 00:15:04.350 you need to attach a soul to make it work. 278 00:15:04.700 --> 00:15:05.970 WILLIAM HENRY: The gods fashioned the body 279 00:15:06.600 --> 00:15:08.206 as a sort of prison 280 00:15:08.241 --> 00:15:11.910 that would trap the divine sparks or souls 281 00:15:11.945 --> 00:15:15.580 of the light beings in a human form. 282 00:15:17.317 --> 00:15:20.785 One begins to wonder if this dualistic or hybrid aspect 283 00:15:20.820 --> 00:15:24.122 of humanity is sort of like a game 284 00:15:24.157 --> 00:15:26.424 to these extraterrestrial gods. 285 00:15:26.459 --> 00:15:28.459 Let's conflict these humans. 286 00:15:28.495 --> 00:15:29.505 Let's put them on this planet. 287 00:15:29.529 --> 00:15:31.620 Let's see what happens. 288 00:15:31.970 --> 00:15:34.432 Humans are essentially hybrid beings. 289 00:15:34.467 --> 00:15:36.868 We are conflicted beings. 290 00:15:36.903 --> 00:15:39.304 Part of us is immaterial and light, 291 00:15:39.339 --> 00:15:42.440 and the other part of us is material and dark. 292 00:15:42.475 --> 00:15:45.443 And it's that constant conflict between us 293 00:15:45.478 --> 00:15:47.278 that-that rules our lives 294 00:15:47.314 --> 00:15:49.614 and defines our civilization. 295 00:15:49.649 --> 00:15:52.917 NARRATOR: Is it possible that humans were not only 296 00:15:52.953 --> 00:15:55.820 the creation of extraterrestrial beings, 297 00:15:55.855 --> 00:15:58.890 but also one deliberately fashioned 298 00:15:58.925 --> 00:16:03.194 to possess attributes of both good and evil? 299 00:16:03.229 --> 00:16:06.597 And if so, are the forces of light and dark 300 00:16:06.633 --> 00:16:08.499 in an epic struggle 301 00:16:08.535 --> 00:16:11.269 to influence the path of mankind? 302 00:16:11.304 --> 00:16:14.405 Perhaps further clues can be found 303 00:16:14.441 --> 00:16:16.107 by examining the life 304 00:16:16.142 --> 00:16:19.377 of one of the most controversial and polarizing figures 305 00:16:19.412 --> 00:16:21.790 in modern history... 306 00:16:21.114 --> 00:16:23.648 Grigory Rasputin. 307 00:16:29.789 --> 00:16:32.560 NARRATOR: Yekaterinburg, Russia. 308 00:16:32.920 --> 00:16:34.993 July 17, 1918. 309 00:16:37.731 --> 00:16:40.498 Members of the deposed Russian royal family, 310 00:16:40.533 --> 00:16:43.868 Tsar Nicholas and Tsarina Alexandra Romanov 311 00:16:43.903 --> 00:16:46.404 and their five children, are awakened 312 00:16:46.439 --> 00:16:49.273 in the middle of the night by Bolshevik soldiers. 313 00:16:49.309 --> 00:16:53.110 They are led to the basement of their safe house. 314 00:16:53.460 --> 00:16:55.790 One after the other, 315 00:16:55.115 --> 00:16:56.514 they are executed. 316 00:16:56.549 --> 00:16:59.450 (gunshots) 317 00:16:59.486 --> 00:17:03.121 Rumors spread that their death 318 00:17:03.156 --> 00:17:04.722 was the result of a curse 319 00:17:04.758 --> 00:17:07.225 laid upon them by the powerful mystic. 320 00:17:07.260 --> 00:17:10.628 Grigory Rasputin, 321 00:17:10.663 --> 00:17:13.331 a man who had been murdered himself 322 00:17:13.366 --> 00:17:15.660 a year and a half prior. 323 00:17:17.604 --> 00:17:20.905 McGOWAN: Rasputin wrote an open letter to Russia. 324 00:17:20.940 --> 00:17:23.474 And within this open letter he states, 325 00:17:23.510 --> 00:17:25.309 "If I am murdered by the royal family 326 00:17:25.345 --> 00:17:28.179 "or by someone related to the royal family, 327 00:17:28.214 --> 00:17:30.982 "within two years every member of the royal family 328 00:17:31.170 --> 00:17:34.318 will be dead." 329 00:17:34.354 --> 00:17:37.255 NARRATOR: Just who was this mysterious figure 330 00:17:37.290 --> 00:17:39.857 known as Rasputin? 331 00:17:39.893 --> 00:17:43.327 And how did he come to be so infamously associated 332 00:17:43.363 --> 00:17:47.331 with dark powers from beyond the grave? 333 00:17:52.272 --> 00:17:55.573 Pokrovskoye, Western Siberia. 334 00:17:55.608 --> 00:17:59.143 A comet streaks across the Russian sky 335 00:17:59.179 --> 00:18:01.212 the evening 336 00:18:01.247 --> 00:18:05.183 of January 23, 1871. 337 00:18:05.218 --> 00:18:08.319 This celestial event 338 00:18:08.354 --> 00:18:10.154 is said to have set the stage 339 00:18:10.190 --> 00:18:14.225 for the birth of Rasputin. 340 00:18:14.260 --> 00:18:18.262 From the, uh, memoir of Maria Rasputin, 341 00:18:18.298 --> 00:18:20.398 Rasputin's daughter, 342 00:18:20.433 --> 00:18:22.366 she wrote that when he was born, 343 00:18:22.402 --> 00:18:24.100 there were other omens and portents... 344 00:18:24.370 --> 00:18:27.338 Things like a dog with six legs being born, 345 00:18:27.373 --> 00:18:31.375 babies with deformities, that kind of thing. 346 00:18:31.411 --> 00:18:34.312 NARRATOR: From a very early age, 347 00:18:34.347 --> 00:18:36.881 Rasputin displayed what some believed 348 00:18:36.916 --> 00:18:38.916 to be supernatural powers, 349 00:18:38.952 --> 00:18:42.687 including psychic premonitions and the ability 350 00:18:42.722 --> 00:18:45.723 - to heal animals. - (horse snorting) 351 00:18:45.758 --> 00:18:48.126 And by the time he reached adulthood, 352 00:18:48.161 --> 00:18:51.662 he would experience a vision that would profoundly alter 353 00:18:51.698 --> 00:18:55.666 the trajectory of his peasant life. 354 00:18:55.702 --> 00:18:57.902 McGOWAN: One day while plowing his fields, 355 00:18:57.937 --> 00:19:02.730 Rasputin sees a strange light in the sky, 356 00:19:02.108 --> 00:19:04.575 and out from the middle of this light 357 00:19:04.611 --> 00:19:07.478 emerges a vision of the Virgin Mary. 358 00:19:07.514 --> 00:19:10.348 And she doesn't speak to him, 359 00:19:10.383 --> 00:19:13.451 but he watches her gesture to the horizon 360 00:19:13.486 --> 00:19:16.154 and Rasputin takes this to mean 361 00:19:16.189 --> 00:19:20.910 that he is being told by the Mother of God that he must 362 00:19:20.126 --> 00:19:24.280 go and find himself on a spiritual pilgrimage. 363 00:19:24.630 --> 00:19:28.266 And this begins the huge shift in Rasputin's life. 364 00:19:28.301 --> 00:19:31.680 NARRATOR: But was it really the Virgin Mary 365 00:19:31.104 --> 00:19:34.380 that appeared to Rasputin? 366 00:19:34.730 --> 00:19:36.374 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest 367 00:19:36.409 --> 00:19:38.409 that what Rasputin encountered 368 00:19:38.444 --> 00:19:40.411 was a very different kind 369 00:19:40.446 --> 00:19:43.648 of otherworldly being. 370 00:19:43.683 --> 00:19:46.951 BRAMLEY: The vision set Rasputin 371 00:19:46.986 --> 00:19:49.530 on his course of then trying 372 00:19:49.880 --> 00:19:52.230 to become a religious monk, 373 00:19:52.580 --> 00:19:55.590 which finally led him to the czarist family. 374 00:19:55.940 --> 00:19:57.595 This has been a very consistent thing 375 00:19:57.630 --> 00:19:59.630 throughout all of human history. 376 00:19:59.980 --> 00:20:01.732 People claiming that they're being guided. 377 00:20:01.768 --> 00:20:05.503 Well, then you have to ask, well, who's guiding them? 378 00:20:05.538 --> 00:20:07.538 People have made contact. 379 00:20:07.574 --> 00:20:10.508 And it is clear that there is 380 00:20:10.543 --> 00:20:15.112 a definitive extraterrestrial involvement here. 381 00:20:15.148 --> 00:20:18.282 We have religious-ized 382 00:20:18.318 --> 00:20:20.251 this understanding. 383 00:20:20.286 --> 00:20:22.653 We have developed a mythology, 384 00:20:22.689 --> 00:20:25.957 a legend around something, 385 00:20:25.992 --> 00:20:30.561 and we have not understood it correctly. 386 00:20:32.732 --> 00:20:35.299 NARRATOR: In 1905, 387 00:20:35.335 --> 00:20:37.468 after years of wandering and developing 388 00:20:37.503 --> 00:20:39.503 a reputation as a healer, 389 00:20:39.539 --> 00:20:42.600 Rasputin was introduced 390 00:20:42.410 --> 00:20:44.275 to the Russian royal family. 391 00:20:45.545 --> 00:20:47.445 HEALEY: The reason why 392 00:20:47.480 --> 00:20:51.682 the royal family are interested in Rasputin 393 00:20:51.718 --> 00:20:54.352 is the problem they have with their only son Alexis, 394 00:20:54.387 --> 00:20:57.521 who is hemophilic. 395 00:20:57.557 --> 00:21:00.391 It becomes very clear 396 00:21:00.426 --> 00:21:03.461 from the earliest visits to the palace 397 00:21:03.496 --> 00:21:07.632 that Rasputin's prayers, his gaze, 398 00:21:07.667 --> 00:21:09.667 that psychological penetration 399 00:21:09.702 --> 00:21:13.271 that he's able to help stop the bleeding. 400 00:21:13.306 --> 00:21:17.375 YOUNG: Rasputin certainly had a powerful magnetic presence. 401 00:21:17.410 --> 00:21:20.344 He gained great favor with the royal family, 402 00:21:20.380 --> 00:21:21.646 the czar's family. 403 00:21:21.681 --> 00:21:23.392 Some felt he was one of the most powerful people 404 00:21:23.416 --> 00:21:25.716 in Russia at the time, but he also drew 405 00:21:25.752 --> 00:21:27.251 the attention of powerful rivals, 406 00:21:27.287 --> 00:21:30.870 so he made some major enemies. 407 00:21:30.123 --> 00:21:33.240 McGOWAN: Rasputin's behavior certainly 408 00:21:33.590 --> 00:21:35.259 became an area of concern for the nobility. 409 00:21:35.295 --> 00:21:37.261 He was seen to be debaucherous. 410 00:21:37.297 --> 00:21:39.397 He was involved in orgies. 411 00:21:39.432 --> 00:21:42.366 He was a very, very heavy drinker. 412 00:21:42.402 --> 00:21:45.303 He was often seen battling with demons out loud 413 00:21:45.338 --> 00:21:48.339 as he walked through the streets. 414 00:21:50.777 --> 00:21:53.100 NARRATOR: Rasputin's erratic behavior 415 00:21:53.460 --> 00:21:56.180 would earn him the nickname "the mad monk." 416 00:21:56.215 --> 00:21:58.149 But might he really have been functioning 417 00:21:58.184 --> 00:22:01.719 as a vessel for otherworldly forces? 418 00:22:01.754 --> 00:22:03.721 Forces he had little, 419 00:22:03.756 --> 00:22:07.558 if any, control over? 420 00:22:07.593 --> 00:22:09.560 This whole idea of channeling 421 00:22:09.595 --> 00:22:12.196 essentially implies that you are 422 00:22:12.231 --> 00:22:15.366 a conduit to a different world or to a different realm, 423 00:22:15.401 --> 00:22:17.935 so then the question arises, 424 00:22:17.970 --> 00:22:20.404 are you in control of, uh, that conduit 425 00:22:20.440 --> 00:22:23.174 or not? 426 00:22:23.209 --> 00:22:25.676 NOORY: The dark side needs physical bodies 427 00:22:25.712 --> 00:22:29.130 to act and exist in. 428 00:22:29.480 --> 00:22:31.115 And Rasputin could've been one of those. 429 00:22:31.150 --> 00:22:32.516 They could've used him. 430 00:22:32.552 --> 00:22:33.918 They could've possessed him. 431 00:22:33.953 --> 00:22:37.588 BRAMLEY: Rasputin really almost comes 432 00:22:37.623 --> 00:22:40.658 across as really being a pawn in a much bigger game. 433 00:22:40.693 --> 00:22:44.610 And that's a bigger game that's connected to extraterrestrials. 434 00:22:44.970 --> 00:22:47.198 And that's one of the amazing things about it. 435 00:22:48.935 --> 00:22:52.636 NARRATOR: On the night of December 16, 1916, 436 00:22:52.672 --> 00:22:55.606 Grigory Rasputin was lured to the home 437 00:22:55.641 --> 00:22:58.242 of Prince Felix Yusopov. 438 00:22:58.277 --> 00:23:01.412 Yusopov and his co-conspirators 439 00:23:01.447 --> 00:23:03.381 were convinced that Rasputin 440 00:23:03.416 --> 00:23:06.150 was set to destroy the royal family 441 00:23:06.185 --> 00:23:10.821 and was being led by forces of darkness. 442 00:23:10.857 --> 00:23:14.725 HEALEY: Yusupov offers Rasputin cakes 443 00:23:14.761 --> 00:23:16.927 that he has laced with cyanide 444 00:23:16.963 --> 00:23:20.598 and sweet wine that also is poisoned. 445 00:23:20.633 --> 00:23:22.767 Felix Yusupov becomes anxious 446 00:23:22.802 --> 00:23:25.636 because Rasputin hasn't died 447 00:23:25.671 --> 00:23:27.304 despite consuming what he thinks 448 00:23:27.340 --> 00:23:29.840 are prodigious amounts of-of cyanide. 449 00:23:29.876 --> 00:23:32.309 So he makes an excuse, goes upstairs 450 00:23:32.345 --> 00:23:33.811 to talk to the other conspirators 451 00:23:33.846 --> 00:23:35.880 and-and gets a gun from them. 452 00:23:35.915 --> 00:23:38.115 He comes back downstairs 453 00:23:38.151 --> 00:23:39.884 - and then he shoots him. - (gunshot) 454 00:23:39.919 --> 00:23:42.887 And he thinks that he's killed him. 455 00:23:42.922 --> 00:23:45.589 Rasputin, however, is still alive. 456 00:23:45.625 --> 00:23:47.591 And he crawls out of the cellar 457 00:23:47.627 --> 00:23:51.280 and out into the courtyard, 458 00:23:51.630 --> 00:23:53.764 where he's bleeding profusely onto the snow. 459 00:23:56.269 --> 00:23:58.636 Then they got really panicked and they actually 460 00:23:58.671 --> 00:24:01.380 shot him through the head as well. 461 00:24:01.730 --> 00:24:03.841 They beat his body way beyond the point 462 00:24:03.876 --> 00:24:05.376 that somebody should have died, 463 00:24:05.411 --> 00:24:06.544 then they tie him up 464 00:24:06.579 --> 00:24:07.912 and they throw him into the river 465 00:24:07.947 --> 00:24:10.681 and his body was found 466 00:24:10.716 --> 00:24:12.750 frozen solid in the ice of the river, 467 00:24:12.785 --> 00:24:14.718 and it showed that he had 468 00:24:14.754 --> 00:24:16.320 managed to wrestle out of his shackles 469 00:24:16.355 --> 00:24:18.389 inside the river. 470 00:24:18.424 --> 00:24:21.859 McGOWAN: Rasputin would not die. 471 00:24:21.894 --> 00:24:23.727 What would have killed a normal man 472 00:24:23.763 --> 00:24:25.596 did not kill him. 473 00:24:25.631 --> 00:24:27.698 This raises a very interesting question. 474 00:24:27.733 --> 00:24:30.568 Was Rasputin somehow protected? 475 00:24:30.603 --> 00:24:33.971 NARRATOR: Could it be that there 476 00:24:34.600 --> 00:24:35.773 were extraterrestrial dark forces 477 00:24:35.808 --> 00:24:38.509 working through Rasputin 478 00:24:38.544 --> 00:24:40.478 and possibly protecting him, 479 00:24:40.513 --> 00:24:43.881 as some ancient astronaut theorists suggest? 480 00:24:43.916 --> 00:24:47.418 Might these same forces have led 481 00:24:47.453 --> 00:24:50.554 to the assassination of the Russian royal family... 482 00:24:50.590 --> 00:24:55.590 An outcome that Rasputin had prophesied? 483 00:24:55.940 --> 00:24:58.629 If so, are there other humans on Earth 484 00:24:58.664 --> 00:25:02.533 that serve as foot soldiers for an otherworldly cause? 485 00:25:02.568 --> 00:25:04.835 Perhaps evidence of this 486 00:25:04.871 --> 00:25:07.204 can be found by exploring 487 00:25:07.240 --> 00:25:09.640 what was happening behind the scenes 488 00:25:09.675 --> 00:25:14.111 during one of mankind's darkest hours. 489 00:25:19.619 --> 00:25:20.684 NARRATOR: Genghis Kahn. 490 00:25:20.720 --> 00:25:22.887 Vlad the Impaler. 491 00:25:22.922 --> 00:25:24.889 Adolf Hitler. 492 00:25:24.924 --> 00:25:27.910 Joseph Stalin. 493 00:25:27.126 --> 00:25:29.960 Many of history's most powerful leaders 494 00:25:29.996 --> 00:25:31.896 have been accused of making a pact 495 00:25:31.931 --> 00:25:35.933 with dark forces in exchange for power. 496 00:25:35.968 --> 00:25:38.702 The idea of a pact with the Devil 497 00:25:38.738 --> 00:25:41.405 seems to be worldwide. 498 00:25:41.440 --> 00:25:45.543 And there are many stories of those 499 00:25:45.578 --> 00:25:47.711 who have made such a pact 500 00:25:47.747 --> 00:25:50.748 and then had their life of wealth 501 00:25:50.783 --> 00:25:54.351 and power and sexual pleasure. 502 00:25:54.387 --> 00:25:57.187 Today we don't talk about making a deal with the Devil 503 00:25:57.223 --> 00:26:00.240 as much as we talk about making pacts 504 00:26:00.590 --> 00:26:02.226 with extraterrestrial civilizations. 505 00:26:02.261 --> 00:26:06.564 This is a-a retooling of a very ancient idea, 506 00:26:06.599 --> 00:26:09.800 but it may in fact take us back to the original source 507 00:26:09.835 --> 00:26:12.303 and the original truth of these stories 508 00:26:12.338 --> 00:26:15.390 of deals with the Devil or other nefarious beings. 509 00:26:16.676 --> 00:26:19.643 NARRATOR: Have we historically misinterpreted 510 00:26:19.679 --> 00:26:22.980 stories of encounters with demonic forces? 511 00:26:23.150 --> 00:26:27.170 And could these entities actually be extraterrestrial, 512 00:26:27.530 --> 00:26:29.853 as ancient astronaut theorists suggest? 513 00:26:34.260 --> 00:26:37.761 Wewelsburg Castle, Northwest Germany. 514 00:26:40.366 --> 00:26:42.700 In the crypt of the north tower, 515 00:26:42.735 --> 00:26:46.904 12 pedestals surrounding a gas pipe 516 00:26:46.939 --> 00:26:49.473 meant to feed an eternal flame 517 00:26:49.508 --> 00:26:52.943 stand as a testament to the occult leanings 518 00:26:52.979 --> 00:26:57.147 of Heinrich Himmler and the Nazi SS. 519 00:26:57.183 --> 00:27:03.287 And on the marble floors of the circular Hall of SS Generals 520 00:27:03.322 --> 00:27:07.458 is the mystical symbol of a Black Sun. 521 00:27:07.493 --> 00:27:12.896 Wewelsburg Castle was acquired in 1933 by Himmler. 522 00:27:12.932 --> 00:27:17.670 He intended to make that the spiritual center of the world. 523 00:27:17.103 --> 00:27:22.606 The Black Sun symbol symbolized an invisible sun or a dead sun, 524 00:27:22.642 --> 00:27:25.409 and consequently it was believed 525 00:27:25.444 --> 00:27:29.847 that there was hidden power that resided in that, 526 00:27:29.882 --> 00:27:31.649 that could be tapped, 527 00:27:31.684 --> 00:27:34.485 that would link you into a completely different source 528 00:27:34.520 --> 00:27:39.356 of energies from the ordinary ones that you would get. 529 00:27:41.193 --> 00:27:44.280 O'SHEA: By tapping into a dark force, you have more power. 530 00:27:44.630 --> 00:27:48.499 If you think about necromancy, black magic, alchemy, 531 00:27:48.534 --> 00:27:50.367 the black arts, 532 00:27:50.403 --> 00:27:53.671 you're trying to tap into the dark forces 533 00:27:53.706 --> 00:27:55.739 to accrue more power. 534 00:27:55.775 --> 00:27:57.841 And of course, having power 535 00:27:57.877 --> 00:28:02.546 from some telluric earthly dark force 536 00:28:02.581 --> 00:28:05.883 would make you unvanquishable. 537 00:28:05.918 --> 00:28:07.885 Nazi Germany 538 00:28:07.920 --> 00:28:11.388 was an occult society. 539 00:28:12.958 --> 00:28:15.225 They were seeking contact. 540 00:28:15.261 --> 00:28:19.663 They were seeking the secret power to gain control, 541 00:28:19.699 --> 00:28:24.702 because they worshipped what was called the Black Sun... 542 00:28:24.737 --> 00:28:26.570 The darkness. 543 00:28:26.605 --> 00:28:29.740 They understood that they were serving darkness. 544 00:28:31.110 --> 00:28:33.430 Particularly within the SS, 545 00:28:33.790 --> 00:28:37.481 they were totally absorbed with trying to make contact 546 00:28:37.516 --> 00:28:41.850 with hidden entities, extraterrestrials. 547 00:28:41.120 --> 00:28:45.422 Even they used a medium to contact other worlds. 548 00:28:47.126 --> 00:28:48.625 NARRATOR: It is well known 549 00:28:48.661 --> 00:28:51.280 that high-level members of the Nazi Party 550 00:28:51.630 --> 00:28:53.630 participated in magic ritual 551 00:28:53.666 --> 00:28:56.366 and extraterrestrial contact efforts. 552 00:28:56.402 --> 00:29:00.170 However, the Allies were also said 553 00:29:00.206 --> 00:29:03.607 to have employed psychics, magicians and channelers 554 00:29:03.642 --> 00:29:05.843 to assist the war effort. 555 00:29:05.878 --> 00:29:09.747 The Allies also made use of what you might call 556 00:29:09.782 --> 00:29:12.683 psychic magical, uh, warfare, 557 00:29:12.718 --> 00:29:15.180 and some of it was done at the highest level. 558 00:29:15.540 --> 00:29:18.550 Churchill, in particular, 559 00:29:18.900 --> 00:29:21.191 was very much involved into that. 560 00:29:21.227 --> 00:29:22.926 Churchill, of course, had been initiated 561 00:29:22.962 --> 00:29:25.696 as a Druid in 1908. 562 00:29:25.731 --> 00:29:28.132 He was into the occult thing. 563 00:29:28.167 --> 00:29:30.968 There was more psychics and occultists, et cetera, 564 00:29:31.300 --> 00:29:33.403 on the British government's payroll 565 00:29:33.439 --> 00:29:34.838 than that of any other government 566 00:29:34.874 --> 00:29:36.640 except the German government, 567 00:29:36.675 --> 00:29:39.810 'cause Churchill decided that was very important. 568 00:29:39.845 --> 00:29:43.847 He literally recruited a whole team of psychics and occultists 569 00:29:43.883 --> 00:29:46.150 and put them on the payroll, 570 00:29:46.185 --> 00:29:48.318 like Aleister Crowley. 571 00:29:51.590 --> 00:29:53.290 NARRATOR: Aleister Crowley was considered 572 00:29:53.325 --> 00:29:56.326 the world's most infamous occultist 573 00:29:56.362 --> 00:29:58.862 and claimed to have studied the secret teachings 574 00:29:58.898 --> 00:30:02.320 of the ancient Egyptians. 575 00:30:02.670 --> 00:30:04.670 Aleister Crowley was a British occultist 576 00:30:04.103 --> 00:30:07.370 who's considered the wickedest man alive. 577 00:30:07.720 --> 00:30:10.400 He was important to human history because he is said 578 00:30:10.750 --> 00:30:14.110 to have given Winston Churchill that famous "V" sign. 579 00:30:14.460 --> 00:30:16.880 "V for victory" is what we think it means, 580 00:30:16.916 --> 00:30:18.649 but in Crowley's world 581 00:30:18.684 --> 00:30:22.686 it's a s... ancient symbol that was given to Churchill 582 00:30:22.721 --> 00:30:25.550 to help defeat Nazism 583 00:30:25.900 --> 00:30:29.193 and to counteract the power of the swastika. 584 00:30:30.663 --> 00:30:34.298 NARRATOR: Is it possible that both the Allied forces 585 00:30:34.333 --> 00:30:38.101 and the Nazi SS were attempting to receive help 586 00:30:38.137 --> 00:30:41.371 from otherworldly sources? 587 00:30:41.407 --> 00:30:45.800 If so, did World War II serve as a battle 588 00:30:45.440 --> 00:30:47.978 between extraterrestrial forces 589 00:30:48.130 --> 00:30:50.948 of light and dark? 590 00:30:50.983 --> 00:30:53.684 Perhaps evidence of this can be found 591 00:30:53.719 --> 00:30:56.887 by further examining the magic rituals 592 00:30:56.922 --> 00:30:58.755 of Aleister Crowley. 593 00:31:05.798 --> 00:31:06.964 NARRATOR Rome, Italy. 594 00:31:06.999 --> 00:31:10.701 November 6, 2014. 595 00:31:10.736 --> 00:31:14.671 Vatican officials announce a pastoral emergency 596 00:31:14.707 --> 00:31:17.474 due to a rise in occult activity, 597 00:31:17.509 --> 00:31:19.843 such as the use of Ouija boards 598 00:31:19.879 --> 00:31:22.112 and séances. 599 00:31:22.147 --> 00:31:25.782 They caution that the spiritual realm 600 00:31:25.818 --> 00:31:28.652 is very real and that these games 601 00:31:28.687 --> 00:31:31.455 may have unintended consequences. 602 00:31:33.192 --> 00:31:35.659 Similar warnings concerning the danger 603 00:31:35.694 --> 00:31:37.828 of trying to summon dark forces 604 00:31:37.863 --> 00:31:41.598 can be found throughout history, 605 00:31:41.634 --> 00:31:43.634 and in 1918, 606 00:31:43.669 --> 00:31:46.503 the infamous occultist Aleister Crowley 607 00:31:46.538 --> 00:31:50.730 claimed to be in contact with a dark entity 608 00:31:50.109 --> 00:31:54.110 that he was actually able to put a face to. 609 00:31:54.460 --> 00:31:57.614 FITZGERALD: Aleister Crowley conducted some rituals 610 00:31:57.650 --> 00:32:01.251 in which he came into contact with a being called Lam. 611 00:32:01.287 --> 00:32:04.721 He believed this was what, as he called it, 612 00:32:04.757 --> 00:32:07.291 an interdimensional being. 613 00:32:07.326 --> 00:32:10.127 But he never wrote anything about Lam, 614 00:32:10.162 --> 00:32:12.763 which is curious, 'cause he wrote a great deal 615 00:32:12.798 --> 00:32:15.650 about some of his other rituals. 616 00:32:15.100 --> 00:32:16.845 It could be that it frightened him and he didn't 617 00:32:16.869 --> 00:32:19.536 want to encourage other people to go down that stage. 618 00:32:19.571 --> 00:32:22.940 NOORY: What was he looking at? 619 00:32:22.975 --> 00:32:24.841 Where did that creature come from? 620 00:32:24.877 --> 00:32:28.111 Who knows? But it doesn't look human. 621 00:32:28.147 --> 00:32:30.447 It looks more extraterrestrial. 622 00:32:30.482 --> 00:32:33.951 CHILDRESS: Lam looks very much 623 00:32:33.986 --> 00:32:36.954 like a Grey alien. 624 00:32:36.989 --> 00:32:40.724 And in some ways he looks like one of the Atenists, 625 00:32:40.759 --> 00:32:42.526 like Akhenaten. 626 00:32:42.561 --> 00:32:45.896 Or their children, with large, extended heads. 627 00:32:45.931 --> 00:32:48.598 So you have to ask yourself, is this Lam 628 00:32:48.634 --> 00:32:52.202 actually some Grey alien who's appeared to Crowley, 629 00:32:52.237 --> 00:32:55.105 and have these Grey aliens 630 00:32:55.140 --> 00:32:56.940 appeared throughout history? 631 00:32:58.877 --> 00:33:02.790 NARRATOR: Is it possible that through his ritual practices, 632 00:33:02.114 --> 00:33:04.214 Aleister Crowley made contact 633 00:33:04.249 --> 00:33:07.784 with an extraterrestrial entity called Lam? 634 00:33:07.820 --> 00:33:11.588 Some ancient astronaut theorists say yes 635 00:33:11.623 --> 00:33:14.191 and claim further evidence can be found 636 00:33:14.226 --> 00:33:16.693 by examining the magical rituals 637 00:33:16.729 --> 00:33:19.290 that coincided with the beginning 638 00:33:19.640 --> 00:33:21.565 of the age of UFOs. 639 00:33:29.108 --> 00:33:31.108 Pasadena, California. 640 00:33:31.143 --> 00:33:35.450 1946. 641 00:33:35.800 --> 00:33:38.782 In a mansion on Millionaire's Row, 642 00:33:38.817 --> 00:33:40.484 rocket scientist and founder 643 00:33:40.519 --> 00:33:44.121 of Jet Propulsion Laboratories Jack Parsons 644 00:33:44.156 --> 00:33:47.224 and Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard 645 00:33:47.259 --> 00:33:49.126 dabble in the magical rituals 646 00:33:49.161 --> 00:33:50.827 of Aleister Crowley. 647 00:33:54.166 --> 00:33:56.566 Jack Parsons is arguably 648 00:33:56.602 --> 00:34:00.137 the most controversial and strange figure 649 00:34:00.172 --> 00:34:03.730 in the history of the American space program. 650 00:34:03.108 --> 00:34:07.770 He found out about the work of Aleister Crowley 651 00:34:07.112 --> 00:34:09.246 and the secret society known as O.T.O., 652 00:34:09.281 --> 00:34:11.748 or Ordo Templi Orientis, 653 00:34:11.784 --> 00:34:14.170 and Parsons got very interested 654 00:34:14.530 --> 00:34:16.186 in what you could essentially call 655 00:34:16.221 --> 00:34:18.210 black magic and Satanism. 656 00:34:19.792 --> 00:34:23.627 Then comes along the science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard. 657 00:34:23.662 --> 00:34:26.960 L. Ron Hubbard moved in with Jack Parsons, 658 00:34:26.131 --> 00:34:29.990 and together they started to do 659 00:34:29.134 --> 00:34:33.700 this elaborate magical ceremony. 660 00:34:33.105 --> 00:34:35.906 Between January and March 1946, 661 00:34:35.941 --> 00:34:38.909 Jack Parsons and Ron Hubbard 662 00:34:38.944 --> 00:34:41.678 were conducting these rituals. 663 00:34:41.713 --> 00:34:46.830 Crowley certainly didn't authorize them 664 00:34:46.118 --> 00:34:48.510 to do the rituals. 665 00:34:48.870 --> 00:34:50.821 The one thing he did say was to advise people 666 00:34:50.856 --> 00:34:55.692 not to do his rituals unless they were properly prepared. 667 00:34:55.727 --> 00:34:59.463 He was not happy with them doing them. 668 00:34:59.498 --> 00:35:04.267 NARRATOR: Some ancient astronaut theorists suggest 669 00:35:04.303 --> 00:35:06.169 that by conducting the rituals 670 00:35:06.205 --> 00:35:08.638 without understanding the consequences, 671 00:35:08.674 --> 00:35:11.975 Hubbard and Parsons inadvertently ushered in 672 00:35:12.100 --> 00:35:14.878 the UFO age. 673 00:35:14.913 --> 00:35:18.715 Apparently the same latitude line of Pasadena, California, 674 00:35:18.750 --> 00:35:21.251 if you take it all the way around the earth, 675 00:35:21.286 --> 00:35:22.786 you've got the Roswell crash 676 00:35:22.821 --> 00:35:25.422 which happens the very next year, 1947, 677 00:35:25.457 --> 00:35:28.291 and many other UFO sightings and crashes 678 00:35:28.327 --> 00:35:31.995 that took place all over the world. 679 00:35:32.300 --> 00:35:35.332 It was as if Parsons and Hubbard were walking alongside a tarp 680 00:35:35.367 --> 00:35:37.234 that was hanging down vertically 681 00:35:37.269 --> 00:35:39.136 and they had a box-cutter knife 682 00:35:39.171 --> 00:35:40.904 and slit holes in the tarp, 683 00:35:40.939 --> 00:35:43.340 and these holes become like portals 684 00:35:43.375 --> 00:35:46.843 that allow extraterrestrials to get in. 685 00:35:46.879 --> 00:35:48.979 NOORY: I think that Hubbard 686 00:35:49.140 --> 00:35:51.581 and Parsons dabbled in things 687 00:35:51.617 --> 00:35:54.170 that they shouldn't have dabbled with. 688 00:35:54.520 --> 00:35:56.987 There are a lot of experts out there that think 689 00:35:57.220 --> 00:36:01.458 that demonic forces are indeed extraterrestrials. 690 00:36:03.295 --> 00:36:06.530 So who knows what the two of them mixed and conjured up? 691 00:36:06.565 --> 00:36:09.199 But there was always talk that the two of them 692 00:36:09.234 --> 00:36:13.870 were big into UFOs and very strange things like that. 693 00:36:13.906 --> 00:36:16.239 And they may have opened up a doorway, 694 00:36:16.275 --> 00:36:18.975 a portal to get all these things through. 695 00:36:23.448 --> 00:36:27.250 NARRATOR: Is it possible that the modern-day UFO phenomenon 696 00:36:27.286 --> 00:36:30.353 is connected to rituals that were conducted 697 00:36:30.389 --> 00:36:34.791 to summon otherworldly beings? 698 00:36:34.826 --> 00:36:39.462 Could this be evidence that dark forces really are 699 00:36:39.498 --> 00:36:42.320 of an extraterrestrial nature, 700 00:36:42.670 --> 00:36:46.360 as some ancient astronaut theorists suggest? 701 00:36:46.710 --> 00:36:48.872 Perhaps further clues can be found by examining 702 00:36:48.907 --> 00:36:52.876 recent studies that show positive and negative energy 703 00:36:52.911 --> 00:36:56.947 can, in fact, alter our physical world. 704 00:37:00.319 --> 00:37:01.851 NARRATOR: Tokyo, Japan. 705 00:37:01.887 --> 00:37:05.550 1999. 706 00:37:05.900 --> 00:37:07.991 Japanese researcher Dr. Masaru Emoto 707 00:37:08.260 --> 00:37:12.762 publishes findings claiming that human thoughts, words, 708 00:37:12.798 --> 00:37:17.267 and feelings have a direct effect on water molecules. 709 00:37:18.737 --> 00:37:22.505 Emoto and his team subjected samples of water 710 00:37:22.541 --> 00:37:26.142 to numerous types of positive and negative stimuli, 711 00:37:26.178 --> 00:37:29.450 such as applying labels to the samples 712 00:37:29.810 --> 00:37:30.981 and addressing them verbally. 713 00:37:31.160 --> 00:37:33.283 They then flash-froze the samples 714 00:37:33.318 --> 00:37:37.988 to capture the structural formation of ice crystals. 715 00:37:38.230 --> 00:37:40.290 Using high-speed photography, 716 00:37:40.325 --> 00:37:43.260 the team found observable differences 717 00:37:43.610 --> 00:37:44.628 in the crystal formations 718 00:37:44.663 --> 00:37:47.430 when subjected to destructive thoughts 719 00:37:47.466 --> 00:37:50.634 compared to thoughts of love and appreciation. 720 00:37:50.669 --> 00:37:53.270 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest 721 00:37:53.305 --> 00:37:57.173 that these findings may have profound implications 722 00:37:57.209 --> 00:38:00.910 not only regarding the existence of good and evil 723 00:38:00.946 --> 00:38:05.949 but also on our relationship to extraterrestrial entities. 724 00:38:05.984 --> 00:38:08.218 WILCOCK: There could be parasitic entities 725 00:38:08.253 --> 00:38:10.200 in the spirit plane 726 00:38:10.550 --> 00:38:13.256 that can feed off of negative energy 727 00:38:13.292 --> 00:38:16.326 and actually harness that energy and use it 728 00:38:16.361 --> 00:38:18.261 as a food supply. 729 00:38:18.297 --> 00:38:21.831 When we give them our energy 730 00:38:21.867 --> 00:38:25.835 through sending a concentrated focus towards them 731 00:38:25.871 --> 00:38:30.707 that they then have more ability to project into our reality. 732 00:38:30.742 --> 00:38:33.376 It's possible that right now on Earth 733 00:38:33.412 --> 00:38:35.378 we are actually seeing a battle 734 00:38:35.414 --> 00:38:39.490 between negative and positive extraterrestrials 735 00:38:39.840 --> 00:38:41.618 who are working behind the scenes 736 00:38:41.653 --> 00:38:45.955 in a battle for control over humanity's future. 737 00:38:45.991 --> 00:38:48.391 NARRATOR: Do the observable effects 738 00:38:48.427 --> 00:38:50.360 of positive and negative energies 739 00:38:50.395 --> 00:38:54.264 on the structure of water molecules provide proof 740 00:38:54.299 --> 00:38:57.334 that dark forces exist? 741 00:38:57.369 --> 00:38:59.869 If so, could the escalating violence 742 00:38:59.905 --> 00:39:02.539 occurring in our world today 743 00:39:02.574 --> 00:39:06.900 have a more profound origin than we realize? 744 00:39:06.440 --> 00:39:09.746 There are those who believe the answer is yes 745 00:39:09.781 --> 00:39:13.450 and that humans may have the power to stop it. 746 00:39:16.154 --> 00:39:18.254 CHILDRESS: You can't really have the forces of light 747 00:39:18.290 --> 00:39:20.523 without forces of dark. 748 00:39:20.559 --> 00:39:24.294 And every individual has to make that choice themselves 749 00:39:24.329 --> 00:39:27.397 of whether they're going to go to the dark side of the force 750 00:39:27.432 --> 00:39:29.933 or the light side of the force. 751 00:39:29.968 --> 00:39:33.837 FANTHORPE: You have the power of good and the power of evil. 752 00:39:33.872 --> 00:39:36.172 They are looking for recruits 753 00:39:36.208 --> 00:39:40.910 to help each of them to conquer the other. 754 00:39:40.946 --> 00:39:46.783 So maybe the powers have times of ascendancy 755 00:39:46.818 --> 00:39:49.386 and they have times of failure. 756 00:39:49.421 --> 00:39:51.287 And so we're left wondering: 757 00:39:51.323 --> 00:39:53.823 Who is going to win? 758 00:39:53.859 --> 00:39:57.394 CARGILL: According to the biblical stories... 759 00:39:57.429 --> 00:40:00.497 The Apocalypse of John, right, the Book of Revelation... 760 00:40:00.532 --> 00:40:02.932 If you could peel behind and look 761 00:40:02.968 --> 00:40:05.268 and see what's really going on in the heavenly realm, 762 00:40:05.303 --> 00:40:07.360 then you could see 763 00:40:07.720 --> 00:40:09.372 that there are forces at play 764 00:40:09.408 --> 00:40:11.808 and that what we're seeing on this earth 765 00:40:11.843 --> 00:40:14.778 is just the-the physical manifestation 766 00:40:14.813 --> 00:40:18.548 of an otherworldly battle that's going on. 767 00:40:18.583 --> 00:40:21.518 HENRY: When we think about this struggle between light and dark, 768 00:40:21.553 --> 00:40:24.530 this is the whole end times scenario of Christian 769 00:40:24.890 --> 00:40:27.957 or Judeo-Christian prophecy that at the end times 770 00:40:27.993 --> 00:40:30.427 we will see a final battle between the sons of light 771 00:40:30.462 --> 00:40:32.128 and the sons of darkness, 772 00:40:32.164 --> 00:40:35.698 with humankind as the swords in that battle. 773 00:40:39.738 --> 00:40:42.710 TZADOK: The biblical prophecy is clear: 774 00:40:42.107 --> 00:40:46.209 We will reintegrate with our universal destiny, 775 00:40:46.244 --> 00:40:48.445 a restoration 776 00:40:48.480 --> 00:40:51.800 of our bonds of heaven and earth, 777 00:40:51.116 --> 00:40:56.920 which mean an extraterrestrial and terrestrial bond and union. 778 00:40:56.955 --> 00:41:02.392 And when the Messiah comes, he comes with an army. 779 00:41:02.427 --> 00:41:06.563 It comes from a place off this earth, 780 00:41:06.598 --> 00:41:09.466 most believe from out of the skies. 781 00:41:09.501 --> 00:41:10.978 Well, what would we call an invading army 782 00:41:11.200 --> 00:41:12.435 from out of the skies? 783 00:41:12.471 --> 00:41:15.605 We're not going to call it an army of angels. 784 00:41:15.640 --> 00:41:20.910 We're going to call it an extraterrestrial invasion. 785 00:41:25.383 --> 00:41:28.318 NARRATOR: Are human beings actually soldiers 786 00:41:28.353 --> 00:41:33.289 in a cosmic war between good and evil? 787 00:41:33.325 --> 00:41:38.628 And if so, have our experiences with the light and dark forces 788 00:41:38.663 --> 00:41:42.131 helped to prepare us for the final battle, 789 00:41:42.167 --> 00:41:45.680 one that will reunite us 790 00:41:45.103 --> 00:41:48.505 with our extraterrestrial creators? 791 00:41:48.540 --> 00:41:53.142 Or will we find ourselves fighting 792 00:41:53.178 --> 00:41:54.410 against them?