1 00:00:02,000 --> 00:00:05,040 It has been called, the key to the universe. 2 00:00:05,468 --> 00:00:09,788 We are just discovering something which is completely blowing our minds. 3 00:00:10,325 --> 00:00:12,751 A gateway to new technologies... 4 00:00:12,911 --> 00:00:15,827 We're going into a vast unknown territory. 5 00:00:16,037 --> 00:00:17,917 Who knows what we'll find. 6 00:00:18,466 --> 00:00:23,229 ...and possibly the most important scientific breakthrough of all time. 7 00:00:23,850 --> 00:00:27,181 It's going to open up new layers of our understanding of reality. 8 00:00:27,985 --> 00:00:33,594 Could the so-called, "God Particle," really reveal the truth about our origins. 9 00:00:34,744 --> 00:00:38,440 And might clues to its significance have been left here on Earth... 10 00:00:38,640 --> 00:00:42,862 ...thousands of years ago by extraterrestrial beings? 11 00:00:43,678 --> 00:00:46,946 We can use this to understand our place in the universe, 12 00:00:47,320 --> 00:00:51,080 and even to teleport and travel... 13 00:00:51,718 --> 00:00:53,113 ...through time and space. 14 00:00:53,834 --> 00:00:56,001 Millions of people around the world... 15 00:00:56,110 --> 00:01:00,434 ...believe we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings. 16 00:01:01,150 --> 00:01:02,940 What if it were true? 17 00:01:03,824 --> 00:01:07,785 Did Ancient Aliens really helped to shape our history? 18 00:01:08,394 --> 00:01:13,439 And if so, might there be evidence in the discovery of the God Particle? 19 00:01:52,850 --> 00:01:56,047 Every religion seeks to answer the same question. 20 00:01:56,329 --> 00:01:57,915 Where did we come from? 21 00:01:59,490 --> 00:02:03,629 Philosophers, sages, and priests have pondered our origins... 22 00:02:03,719 --> 00:02:05,740 ...since the dawn of humanity, 23 00:02:06,234 --> 00:02:11,032 while science, has looked for evidence that might one day give us the answer. 24 00:02:11,879 --> 00:02:16,359 Both religion and science, approach the idea of where we come from... 25 00:02:16,579 --> 00:02:17,865 ...with a set of rules. 26 00:02:19,971 --> 00:02:22,271 Science, has the scientific method. 27 00:02:22,743 --> 00:02:25,339 Religion comes at the same question with its own set of rules. 28 00:02:25,429 --> 00:02:28,069 A presupposition that a god or gods exist. 29 00:02:29,485 --> 00:02:32,865 Religion, gives us a certain view of reality. 30 00:02:33,214 --> 00:02:35,769 And science gives us a different view of reality. 31 00:02:35,859 --> 00:02:38,627 And yes, there are points at which these two world views... 32 00:02:38,717 --> 00:02:39,877 ...are compatible. 33 00:02:41,542 --> 00:02:44,734 Science and religion, at their best moments... 34 00:02:44,824 --> 00:02:47,706 ...are searching for truths as is philosophy. 35 00:02:48,184 --> 00:02:51,469 Especially at moments like the moment of the Big Bang, 36 00:02:52,576 --> 00:02:54,559 the moment of creation, the Genesis. 37 00:02:55,515 --> 00:02:58,918 These streams of thought converge. 38 00:02:59,438 --> 00:03:03,106 In effect, science and religion and philosophy, 39 00:03:03,196 --> 00:03:05,307 are all searching for the same thing. 40 00:03:06,411 --> 00:03:08,586 It reminds me of Einstein's question, 41 00:03:08,819 --> 00:03:11,705 "What were God's thoughts when he was making the Universe?" 42 00:03:15,258 --> 00:03:18,265 If Science and Religion, are both searching for answers... 43 00:03:18,355 --> 00:03:19,791 ...to the same questions, 44 00:03:20,225 --> 00:03:22,974 then why do we so often considered them at odds? 45 00:03:24,640 --> 00:03:27,480 Is it necessary that one negates the other. 46 00:03:29,281 --> 00:03:32,751 Science, speaks nothing whatsoever about the existence of God. 47 00:03:33,755 --> 00:03:37,104 And because of that, there's still an opening for God, Right? 48 00:03:37,194 --> 00:03:40,294 There's still a possibility that God stands behind all this. 49 00:03:40,384 --> 00:03:42,473 That God's responsible for the Big Bang. 50 00:03:44,611 --> 00:03:48,679 In the Ancient World, the Philosophers were the Scientists. 51 00:03:49,096 --> 00:03:51,904 There was no clear distinction between hard research... 52 00:03:51,994 --> 00:03:54,096 ...and Theological speculations. 53 00:03:54,186 --> 00:03:58,757 All serious thinkers were trying to figure out the nature of reality. 54 00:03:59,294 --> 00:04:02,680 Now we consider these to be separate pursuits. 55 00:04:04,214 --> 00:04:08,945 If we truly want to bridge the gap between Religion and Science... 56 00:04:09,587 --> 00:04:15,639 ...we must recognize that religion needs to become more scientific. 57 00:04:16,914 --> 00:04:19,839 And science would benefit by becoming a way bit more religious, 58 00:04:19,929 --> 00:04:21,704 ...not even in a Mythological sense, 59 00:04:22,190 --> 00:04:27,217 but by looking back to the religious, and quote what they interpret to be myth, 60 00:04:27,405 --> 00:04:31,294 and say, if there's any legitimacy or reality to this, what is it? 61 00:04:31,585 --> 00:04:33,866 Let's explore. Let's discover. 62 00:04:34,486 --> 00:04:36,637 Let's find out what the truth is. 63 00:04:38,849 --> 00:04:42,816 As our technology advances at an increasingly rapid rate, 64 00:04:43,560 --> 00:04:47,160 are we getting closer to discovering our true origins? 65 00:04:49,616 --> 00:04:54,141 And finding out whether or not, we really are alone in the universe? 66 00:04:55,331 --> 00:04:58,077 Some believe, a recent scientific breakthrough... 67 00:04:58,238 --> 00:05:02,476 ...may prove to be a giant leap forward in our search for the truth. 68 00:05:07,554 --> 00:05:09,071 Geneva, Switzerland. 69 00:05:10,567 --> 00:05:14,278 Here, buried over 300-feet beneath the Earth, 70 00:05:14,810 --> 00:05:17,958 and covering a remarkable 17-mile expanse, 71 00:05:19,128 --> 00:05:22,796 is the largest and most complex machine ever created. 72 00:05:24,560 --> 00:05:27,880 The Large Hadron Collider, or LHC. 73 00:05:29,485 --> 00:05:31,640 Smashing tiny protons together... 74 00:05:31,734 --> 00:05:35,597 ...at speeds of nearly 670 million miles per hour, 75 00:05:35,945 --> 00:05:38,994 the LHC creates such intense energy... 76 00:05:39,307 --> 00:05:43,230 ...that some people are afraid it could actually create a black hole... 77 00:05:43,320 --> 00:05:45,840 ...and swallow up the entire Earth. 78 00:05:47,280 --> 00:05:51,040 The Large Hadron Collider, is a real triumph of human civilization. 79 00:05:51,152 --> 00:05:54,633 It's easily the most complicated and powerful device... 80 00:05:54,723 --> 00:05:56,665 ...that the human beings, have ever built. 81 00:05:57,920 --> 00:06:01,040 You're actually firing two protons into each other... 82 00:06:01,440 --> 00:06:05,320 ...and having them collide with an enormous release of energy, 83 00:06:06,400 --> 00:06:10,840 recreating conditions in a very small area similar to the Big Bang... 84 00:06:11,079 --> 00:06:13,107 ...in its very earliest instant. 85 00:06:14,315 --> 00:06:17,294 It is a bit like going back in time, towards the Big Bang, 86 00:06:17,384 --> 00:06:19,470 or the beginning of the universe getting to points... 87 00:06:19,560 --> 00:06:22,280 ...in the history of the universe where the energies were that high. 88 00:06:26,337 --> 00:06:28,915 On July 4th, 2012, 89 00:06:29,354 --> 00:06:31,750 thousands crowded outside in Auditorium, 90 00:06:31,840 --> 00:06:36,280 at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, 91 00:06:36,520 --> 00:06:40,400 to hear the announcement of the LHC's first major finding. 92 00:06:40,987 --> 00:06:43,510 Streaming the event live around the world, 93 00:06:43,704 --> 00:06:46,301 scientists prepare to reveal a discovery... 94 00:06:46,497 --> 00:06:50,918 ...that could solve a decades old mystery about the nature of our universe. 95 00:06:51,324 --> 00:06:55,154 The atmosphere in the room was incredible. 96 00:06:55,294 --> 00:07:00,707 It was not like a normal physics symposium, or seminar. 97 00:07:00,797 --> 00:07:04,986 It was truly something of completely different magnitude... 98 00:07:05,076 --> 00:07:06,752 ...was going to be announced, 99 00:07:07,080 --> 00:07:10,000 that it is completely extraordinary, which it was. 100 00:07:11,601 --> 00:07:13,509 As a layman, I would now say, 101 00:07:14,449 --> 00:07:15,554 I think we have it. 102 00:07:20,271 --> 00:07:24,596 What the scientists at CERN had discovered was a tiny bit of matter... 103 00:07:24,766 --> 00:07:27,256 ...that some call "The God Particle". 104 00:07:28,326 --> 00:07:30,630 Scientists around the world celebrated the discovery... 105 00:07:30,720 --> 00:07:34,120 ...of the God Particle as a milestone in human knowledge, 106 00:07:34,280 --> 00:07:35,960 and thought that it's going to open up... 107 00:07:36,058 --> 00:07:38,578 ...new layers of our understanding of reality. 108 00:07:39,887 --> 00:07:42,905 But just what is the so-called "God Particle?" 109 00:07:43,500 --> 00:07:46,105 And what is it telling us about the universe? 110 00:07:47,800 --> 00:07:50,960 Known in the scientific community as the Higgs Boson, 111 00:07:51,600 --> 00:07:57,000 the particle was first theorized by physicist, Peter Higgs, in 1964. 112 00:07:58,325 --> 00:08:01,982 Its discovery confirms the existence of an invisible force... 113 00:08:02,072 --> 00:08:05,617 ...throughout the universe, known as, the Higgs Field. 114 00:08:06,214 --> 00:08:09,612 Scientists believe when particles interact with this field, 115 00:08:09,702 --> 00:08:11,191 they acquire mass, 116 00:08:11,281 --> 00:08:12,822 which slows them down, 117 00:08:13,022 --> 00:08:16,823 and allows them to form matter such as planets and stars. 118 00:08:17,285 --> 00:08:20,429 An image that's often used is ping-pong balls, 119 00:08:20,519 --> 00:08:22,037 moving through sand or sugar. 120 00:08:22,157 --> 00:08:25,346 Sometimes they're pushed down real deep, sometimes they're on top of the sand. 121 00:08:25,436 --> 00:08:29,089 If you're on top, you move around quickly; If you're deep in, you move slowly. 122 00:08:29,228 --> 00:08:32,607 And that interaction with this other Higgs particle... 123 00:08:32,697 --> 00:08:34,683 ...is what gives other particles, their mass. 124 00:08:35,883 --> 00:08:40,016 You really can't overemphasize the importance of finally saying... 125 00:08:40,106 --> 00:08:41,953 ...there is a Higgs particle, 126 00:08:42,189 --> 00:08:44,871 and that, we, really are on the right track. 127 00:08:47,162 --> 00:08:49,258 There's great excitement in the scientific community... 128 00:08:49,348 --> 00:08:52,356 ...because the Higgs Field permeates all of space-time. 129 00:08:53,285 --> 00:08:56,337 It's possible, theoretically, 130 00:08:56,427 --> 00:08:59,512 to effectively switch off the mass of particles... 131 00:08:59,602 --> 00:09:03,037 ...and achieve near light speed very easily. 132 00:09:03,457 --> 00:09:08,864 This could open up not only the planets, but the stars to human exploration. 133 00:09:13,186 --> 00:09:16,426 Whether it's through science, religion, philosophy, 134 00:09:16,516 --> 00:09:19,294 or the ancient astronaut theory, the fact is, 135 00:09:19,384 --> 00:09:22,936 we are all seeking answers to the same questions. 136 00:09:23,100 --> 00:09:27,467 Who are we? Where do we come from, and ultimately, where are we going? 137 00:09:27,637 --> 00:09:31,817 And so we celebrate a discovery like, the Higgs Boson, or, God Particle, 138 00:09:31,907 --> 00:09:35,114 because, it brings us that much closer... 139 00:09:35,225 --> 00:09:38,834 ...to answering the questions that have fascinated humanity... 140 00:09:38,944 --> 00:09:41,543 ...for thousands of years. 141 00:09:44,021 --> 00:09:47,798 Scientists believe that the discovery of this tiny particle, 142 00:09:47,958 --> 00:09:52,550 could represent a quantum leap in our understanding of the universe. 143 00:09:55,207 --> 00:09:58,215 Some have even proposed that it could open the door... 144 00:09:58,305 --> 00:10:00,265 ...to anti-gravity technology, 145 00:10:00,525 --> 00:10:05,078 travel at the speed of light, and the creation of wormholes. 146 00:10:06,303 --> 00:10:10,988 However, Ancient Astronaut theorists, propose that, the God Particle... 147 00:10:11,078 --> 00:10:15,945 ...is not a new discovery, but rather a rediscovery. 148 00:10:24,000 --> 00:10:25,640 Chandighar in India. 149 00:10:27,047 --> 00:10:30,634 This thriving city at the foot of the towering, Himalayas, 150 00:10:30,934 --> 00:10:33,960 is the Capital of India's Punjab state. 151 00:10:34,240 --> 00:10:38,200 It was in this region of northwest India that scholars believe... 152 00:10:38,277 --> 00:10:41,342 ...a series of religious texts called, the Vedas, 153 00:10:41,612 --> 00:10:46,130 were compiled from oral stories that had been passed down for centuries. 154 00:10:47,183 --> 00:10:50,118 The Vedas, according to the Indian tradition itself, 155 00:10:50,270 --> 00:10:54,007 were put together in the final form about 5000 years ago. 156 00:10:54,097 --> 00:10:59,638 But these hymns, had been circulating in the Indian region for a long time. 157 00:10:59,884 --> 00:11:05,912 We do know that not a single letter of the four Vedas has changed, 158 00:11:06,994 --> 00:11:08,884 unlike any other text in the world. 159 00:11:09,488 --> 00:11:13,407 So there was the belief that the text of the Vedas... 160 00:11:13,497 --> 00:11:18,076 ...should not be tampered with because they represent the entire cosmos. 161 00:11:19,578 --> 00:11:23,988 In the Hindu lore, the Vedas are not of earthly origin. 162 00:11:24,078 --> 00:11:27,596 They are from mysterious sources. And they are from before time. 163 00:11:27,845 --> 00:11:29,560 They are from before human history. 164 00:11:29,650 --> 00:11:33,585 And are said to be from before even the gods. 165 00:11:34,330 --> 00:11:38,624 Major figures in modern science were ardent students of the Vedas. 166 00:11:38,731 --> 00:11:41,692 Bohr and Schrodinger, read arduously. 167 00:11:41,782 --> 00:11:44,105 Oppenheimer, could read it in Sanskrit. 168 00:11:44,638 --> 00:11:47,194 Even Einstein and Tesla, were known to have read it. 169 00:11:47,284 --> 00:11:51,002 It had a profound influence on modern thinking. 170 00:11:54,518 --> 00:11:59,346 Inside these ancient tomes, are Hinduism's first stories of creation. 171 00:12:00,600 --> 00:12:03,560 In one Vedic text, called, the Rig Veda, 172 00:12:03,785 --> 00:12:07,390 creation was said to have begun suddenly and explosively... 173 00:12:07,598 --> 00:12:10,552 ...from an infinitesimal point of pure energy. 174 00:12:11,257 --> 00:12:14,381 It describes this strange cosmic egg... 175 00:12:14,471 --> 00:12:17,545 ...that begins as a single concentrated point. 176 00:12:17,756 --> 00:12:21,731 And everything expanded from this single concentrated point... 177 00:12:21,821 --> 00:12:23,558 ...to form the universe. 178 00:12:23,770 --> 00:12:26,722 Now, if you look at this from a modern perspective... 179 00:12:26,982 --> 00:12:30,273 ...this actually reflects modern science's Big Bang theory, 180 00:12:30,393 --> 00:12:33,556 where the universe began as a singularity... 181 00:12:34,392 --> 00:12:37,912 ...and expanded to form the universe as we know it today. 182 00:12:38,329 --> 00:12:40,878 To me, the similarities are astounding. 183 00:12:42,614 --> 00:12:44,996 It's not like this idea was just banging around... 184 00:12:45,086 --> 00:12:46,346 ...for anybody to see. 185 00:12:46,436 --> 00:12:49,662 It was a concept that our scientists didn't start to embrace... 186 00:12:49,752 --> 00:12:51,631 ...until the 20th century. 187 00:12:51,721 --> 00:12:54,934 And yet, it was already there, in these texts... 188 00:12:55,024 --> 00:12:58,860 ...that are at least 3000 years old, if not much older. 189 00:12:59,568 --> 00:13:02,506 What is remarkable in the Vedas... 190 00:13:02,596 --> 00:13:07,607 ...is that, they were able to come to an understanding, 191 00:13:07,808 --> 00:13:11,744 which is very similar to the understanding that modern science has reached, 192 00:13:11,944 --> 00:13:16,741 through the intuitions of our great contemporary scientists. 193 00:13:19,022 --> 00:13:21,857 Is it really possible that the Hindu creation story... 194 00:13:21,947 --> 00:13:23,264 ...from the Rig Veda, 195 00:13:23,384 --> 00:13:26,914 is evidence, that people living thousands of years ago, 196 00:13:27,074 --> 00:13:30,448 may have had knowledge of the precise scientific process... 197 00:13:30,538 --> 00:13:33,195 ...involved in the creation of the universe? 198 00:13:34,194 --> 00:13:39,446 A process, modern scientists, are only just beginning to understand? 199 00:13:41,008 --> 00:13:43,755 Ancient astronaut theorists, say, yes, 200 00:13:43,959 --> 00:13:46,429 and believe that further proof can be found... 201 00:13:46,519 --> 00:13:52,003 ...in another early creation story, the Hebrew Bible's Book of Genesis. 202 00:13:55,304 --> 00:13:58,151 One of the first phrases in Genesis, "Let there be light." 203 00:13:58,726 --> 00:14:01,350 And, this is like the moment of the Big Bang. 204 00:14:02,316 --> 00:14:06,360 The whole universe began effectively as light, as energy. 205 00:14:07,281 --> 00:14:09,789 We're speaking of moments of existence... 206 00:14:09,978 --> 00:14:13,439 ...that humans would experience just as a great flash of light. 207 00:14:14,548 --> 00:14:18,057 And, in that sense, the story of Genesis in the bible... 208 00:14:18,147 --> 00:14:20,144 ...and science, converge. 209 00:14:21,323 --> 00:14:25,268 We have in this verse, the description of the very first light. 210 00:14:25,358 --> 00:14:27,948 The light out of which all things came. 211 00:14:28,038 --> 00:14:31,440 The light which led, finally, to match to things of substance... 212 00:14:31,530 --> 00:14:33,547 ...to the universe, itself. 213 00:14:34,180 --> 00:14:36,334 In current scientific theory, 214 00:14:36,654 --> 00:14:40,467 fractions of a second after the Big Bang, the Higgs Field transformed... 215 00:14:40,557 --> 00:14:43,222 ...what had been particles of light into mass. 216 00:14:43,312 --> 00:14:45,861 Matter, into creation itself. 217 00:14:45,951 --> 00:14:49,110 We have very strong parallels with the scriptures. 218 00:14:49,940 --> 00:14:53,064 First, light and then, matter. 219 00:14:57,526 --> 00:15:01,556 Similar descriptions of the universe beginning from a single point of light... 220 00:15:01,924 --> 00:15:05,223 ...can be found in cultures throughout the ancient world, 221 00:15:06,080 --> 00:15:09,884 from Egypt to China and to the American Southwest. 222 00:15:11,200 --> 00:15:16,640 In the Egyptian creation narrative, the very first god was, Atum. 223 00:15:16,954 --> 00:15:21,912 He emerged from the darkness to create Egyptian civilization. 224 00:15:23,061 --> 00:15:25,306 The Sumerian, the Egyptian, the Norse. 225 00:15:25,426 --> 00:15:28,264 Something emerges out of darkness. 226 00:15:28,354 --> 00:15:30,715 Or, they're emerges out of chaos. 227 00:15:31,037 --> 00:15:34,021 Where there was no form, form begins. 228 00:15:34,231 --> 00:15:38,505 There is something about these stories that is beyond any one of them... 229 00:15:38,595 --> 00:15:41,955 ...that seems to allude to a greater reality. 230 00:15:45,555 --> 00:15:49,521 But, how is it, that the ancient world's most sacred texts... 231 00:15:49,761 --> 00:15:52,802 ...all described creation in much the same way... 232 00:15:52,962 --> 00:15:55,438 ...as our current scientific theory. 233 00:15:56,140 --> 00:15:57,894 And where did our ancestors... 234 00:15:57,984 --> 00:16:00,406 ...get this seemingly advanced understanding... 235 00:16:00,508 --> 00:16:02,855 ...of the origins of the universe? 236 00:16:03,299 --> 00:16:06,818 Ancient astronaut theorists believe the answers may lie. 237 00:16:07,058 --> 00:16:10,417 In the stories of the man who compiled the Vedic texts... 238 00:16:10,507 --> 00:16:11,862 ...in written form, 239 00:16:12,080 --> 00:16:15,520 a mysterious sage named, Veda Vyasa. 240 00:16:16,731 --> 00:16:18,019 In the Hindu mythologies, 241 00:16:18,109 --> 00:16:22,122 Vyasa is believed to be a reincarnation of the god, Vishnu, 242 00:16:22,479 --> 00:16:25,712 and that Vishnu, specifically took on a human embodiment... 243 00:16:25,826 --> 00:16:29,599 ...to be able to write down these classic texts. 244 00:16:29,992 --> 00:16:33,840 This sage, Vyasa, who is the author of the Vedas... 245 00:16:33,930 --> 00:16:36,142 ...was said to be an immortal. 246 00:16:36,502 --> 00:16:39,948 And, ultimately, one of the gods himself. 247 00:16:40,900 --> 00:16:43,625 Some have suggested that Vyasa, came to earth... 248 00:16:43,715 --> 00:16:47,504 ...to record and impart this Vedic knowledge to mankind. 249 00:16:48,748 --> 00:16:52,831 Now, could it be possible that he was in fact an extraterrestrial... 250 00:16:52,921 --> 00:16:56,872 ...who came here with the direct mission to bring knowledge to mankind... 251 00:16:57,392 --> 00:17:01,217 ...and guide them in their understanding of Science and Physics? 252 00:17:02,965 --> 00:17:07,178 Could Veda Vyasa, really had been an extraterrestrial? 253 00:17:08,077 --> 00:17:12,271 And might have educated mankind about the workings of the universe... 254 00:17:12,399 --> 00:17:15,573 ...thousands of years before the Large Hadron Collider... 255 00:17:15,663 --> 00:17:17,704 ...was ever, even constructed. 256 00:17:18,112 --> 00:17:20,146 But if so, why? 257 00:17:22,074 --> 00:17:25,758 Ancient Astronaut theorists, believed further evidence can be found... 258 00:17:25,998 --> 00:17:28,357 ...in the stories of a Greek scientist, 259 00:17:28,959 --> 00:17:31,869 2500 years ahead of his time. 260 00:17:39,722 --> 00:17:42,396 The Thracian coast, Greece. 261 00:17:43,385 --> 00:17:48,540 At the northern end of the Aegean Sea, lie the ruins of an ancient metropolis. 262 00:17:49,160 --> 00:17:53,720 2500 years ago, Abdera was a thriving seaport... 263 00:17:53,800 --> 00:17:55,200 ...and trading center. 264 00:17:55,698 --> 00:17:58,926 It was a wealthy hub of commerce between empires... 265 00:17:59,206 --> 00:18:03,989 ...and the home of one of history's greatest thinkers, Democritus. 266 00:18:05,018 --> 00:18:10,005 Democritus, was a Greek philosopher in the 5th century before the Common Era. 267 00:18:10,125 --> 00:18:13,084 He was not just a philosopher, but a scientific theorist. 268 00:18:13,174 --> 00:18:16,451 In fact, his great gifts have led him to be revered... 269 00:18:16,541 --> 00:18:18,667 ...as the father of modern science. 270 00:18:22,516 --> 00:18:25,299 Democritus was born to a wealthy family... 271 00:18:25,579 --> 00:18:27,915 ...and educated by Persian Magi, 272 00:18:28,435 --> 00:18:31,808 learned priests who were said to control the fates. 273 00:18:32,925 --> 00:18:36,350 It was believed that he was trained by the Magi, 274 00:18:36,590 --> 00:18:38,405 these priests of the east, 275 00:18:38,760 --> 00:18:43,080 and, that he also traveled to Egypt and to Babylon, 276 00:18:43,199 --> 00:18:46,529 and studied with the secret masters... 277 00:18:46,619 --> 00:18:50,683 ...who had these ancient wisdom teachings hidden in their lineage. 278 00:18:51,926 --> 00:18:54,142 Democritus traveled quite a bit. 279 00:18:54,280 --> 00:18:59,320 And through his travels learned quite a lot traveling east, 280 00:18:59,526 --> 00:19:04,342 through what we call "the ancient near East," studying with the Magi. 281 00:19:04,440 --> 00:19:06,160 And studying with Chaldeans, 282 00:19:06,240 --> 00:19:10,480 who were known for their magical, mysterious learnings... 283 00:19:10,552 --> 00:19:14,159 ...and their magical, mysterious knowledge, as well. 284 00:19:19,245 --> 00:19:22,125 Through his travels and his interactions with people... 285 00:19:22,215 --> 00:19:24,438 ...said to have mysterious knowledge, 286 00:19:24,718 --> 00:19:28,606 the young Philosopher and Mathematician, came up with a radical theory... 287 00:19:28,696 --> 00:19:31,061 ...concerning all matter in the universe. 288 00:19:32,508 --> 00:19:38,667 Democritus, theorized, that everything, people, plants, stone and sun, 289 00:19:38,880 --> 00:19:43,880 were made of the same stuff, tiny particles he called, atomos. 290 00:19:45,058 --> 00:19:48,314 He, developed an early version of the atomic theory. 291 00:19:48,522 --> 00:19:51,001 It is an early theory of everything in the world... 292 00:19:51,091 --> 00:19:54,958 ...being made up of these very, very small, invisible particles, 293 00:19:55,048 --> 00:19:57,343 which Democritus, then, called atoms. 294 00:19:58,210 --> 00:20:01,425 Democritus argued that there's a fundamental building block. 295 00:20:01,545 --> 00:20:03,927 Even though we couldn't see them, that was the theory. 296 00:20:04,017 --> 00:20:06,557 The philosophical theory that was in ancient Greece. 297 00:20:06,647 --> 00:20:08,744 This is long before science. 298 00:20:09,437 --> 00:20:11,467 When Democritus was talking about atoms, 299 00:20:11,557 --> 00:20:14,106 it's amazing how close he got to what we really know. 300 00:20:14,196 --> 00:20:18,663 What he was motivated by was the idea that if you cut something up, 301 00:20:18,753 --> 00:20:20,797 the pieces still have the same properties. 302 00:20:21,177 --> 00:20:22,879 And so, he just did the thought experiment. 303 00:20:22,969 --> 00:20:25,538 Well, if I keep cutting it smaller, then eventually, 304 00:20:25,628 --> 00:20:28,568 I'll have the smallest possible piece, and that's the atom. 305 00:20:28,658 --> 00:20:30,643 And that's what gives it its properties. 306 00:20:30,836 --> 00:20:33,647 That's basically, our picture of matter, now, that smallest piece... 307 00:20:33,737 --> 00:20:37,073 ...is the protons, neutrons, and the electron, that make up the atom. 308 00:20:41,749 --> 00:20:45,317 What Democritus articulated 2500 years ago, 309 00:20:45,721 --> 00:20:49,659 is remarkably similar to today's Standard Model of physics, 310 00:20:50,159 --> 00:20:54,382 the basis of our search for the Higgs Boson, or God Particle. 311 00:20:56,065 --> 00:20:58,949 But how could Democritus's have known about atoms... 312 00:20:59,069 --> 00:21:00,910 ...and the forces that govern it? 313 00:21:01,720 --> 00:21:06,040 Could it be that Democrates had access to advanced and perhaps... 314 00:21:06,120 --> 00:21:10,280 ...even extraterrestrial information about the quantum realm. 315 00:21:11,404 --> 00:21:15,634 Some Ancient Astronaut theorists believe that the answers lie, 316 00:21:15,834 --> 00:21:20,984 in an even more radical suggestion, Democritus made, about the cosmos. 317 00:21:21,880 --> 00:21:26,307 In his writings, Democritus proposed that there are many worlds... 318 00:21:26,397 --> 00:21:29,457 ...and that these worlds even sustained life. 319 00:21:29,768 --> 00:21:33,658 Now, could it be that by other worlds he was maybe even referring... 320 00:21:33,748 --> 00:21:36,038 ...to parallel universes? 321 00:21:36,835 --> 00:21:40,874 As we fast forward from Democritus to the more current era... 322 00:21:41,214 --> 00:21:44,020 ...where the idea of parallel universes have really taken off... 323 00:21:44,120 --> 00:21:46,040 ...is the multi-universe view, 324 00:21:46,105 --> 00:21:48,589 where all possibly universes has occurred. 325 00:21:48,800 --> 00:21:53,000 This is very similar to Democritus' idea of making all possible universes. 326 00:21:53,120 --> 00:21:56,250 But now, they're very much next to each other, parallel in space, 327 00:21:56,340 --> 00:21:58,060 as well as occurring in time. 328 00:22:01,293 --> 00:22:05,792 Some cosmologists today, believe our universe is one of many, 329 00:22:06,815 --> 00:22:11,475 and that the God Particle could lead us to discovering this other universes. 330 00:22:13,555 --> 00:22:16,941 Is it possible, that Democritus had knowledge of this... 331 00:22:17,031 --> 00:22:19,239 ...2500 years ago? 332 00:22:20,363 --> 00:22:24,789 And might that information had come to him not only from a different world, 333 00:22:24,909 --> 00:22:27,604 but perhaps, a different universe? 334 00:22:29,373 --> 00:22:33,552 Democritus, claimed to communicate with what he thought were parallel worlds. 335 00:22:33,792 --> 00:22:37,750 He, sometimes would exercise his energy by going into places of the dead... 336 00:22:37,910 --> 00:22:41,414 ...and would receive what he thought were voices and information... 337 00:22:41,504 --> 00:22:43,066 ...which would predict the future. 338 00:22:43,833 --> 00:22:47,412 Some accounts of Democritus describe him as having access... 339 00:22:47,502 --> 00:22:49,525 ...to magical powers, 340 00:22:49,615 --> 00:22:54,296 with which he could control the weather and predict natural disasters. 341 00:22:55,247 --> 00:22:58,079 He, also allegedly communicated with what, he, referred to... 342 00:22:58,169 --> 00:23:00,032 ...as other worlds. 343 00:23:00,282 --> 00:23:03,424 And, he, described images and voices that came to him... 344 00:23:03,514 --> 00:23:06,268 ...giving him all sorts of information. 345 00:23:07,218 --> 00:23:10,199 Is it possible that the priests of the Magi, 346 00:23:10,317 --> 00:23:13,121 the priests of the Egyptian mystery schools... 347 00:23:13,211 --> 00:23:17,990 ...and the priests of Babylon taught him some form of ancient practice, 348 00:23:18,110 --> 00:23:21,908 that allows the human body to become an instrument... 349 00:23:22,028 --> 00:23:24,712 ...to connect directly on a telepathic level... 350 00:23:24,832 --> 00:23:26,632 ...with extraterrestrial beings? 351 00:23:27,283 --> 00:23:29,592 The more that we draw forth in science... 352 00:23:29,865 --> 00:23:32,739 ...we're going to discover the truths of the past... 353 00:23:32,939 --> 00:23:34,753 ...that have long been hidden from us. 354 00:23:35,039 --> 00:23:37,959 Yes, mankind has been directed from the beginning. 355 00:23:41,729 --> 00:23:45,340 But did Democritus, truly have understood atomic theory... 356 00:23:45,760 --> 00:23:51,640 ...and the concept of multiple universes all the way, back in the 5th century BC.? 357 00:23:52,372 --> 00:23:55,739 Or is it possible as some Ancient Astronaut theorists... 358 00:23:55,829 --> 00:23:59,436 ...suggest that he was simply documenting information... 359 00:23:59,556 --> 00:24:02,588 ...passed on to him by more advanced beings. 360 00:24:04,066 --> 00:24:07,071 Clues about our universe deliberately left for us... 361 00:24:07,161 --> 00:24:09,234 ...to discover over time? 362 00:24:10,014 --> 00:24:13,581 Perhaps, the answer can be found by looking at the discovery... 363 00:24:13,671 --> 00:24:18,349 ...of the God Particle and its connection, to the Mayan calendar. 364 00:24:24,440 --> 00:24:26,160 Palenque, Mexico. 365 00:24:27,127 --> 00:24:30,579 These majestic stone ruins are all that remain... 366 00:24:30,669 --> 00:24:32,874 ...of the once powerful Mayan city. 367 00:24:34,126 --> 00:24:37,756 With its towering stone pyramids and ornate plazas, 368 00:24:38,056 --> 00:24:43,271 Palenque, reveals the true sophistication of the Mayan civilization. 369 00:24:44,078 --> 00:24:47,593 In terms of scientific and artistic achievements, 370 00:24:47,720 --> 00:24:52,640 the Maya, were among the world's best ancient civilizations. 371 00:24:53,102 --> 00:24:59,419 Their advancements in math, engineering, astronomy, geometry, 372 00:24:59,509 --> 00:25:02,983 were unparalleled in the entire Americas. 373 00:25:06,653 --> 00:25:10,738 It was in this, ancient Mayan city that researchers have unearthed... 374 00:25:10,898 --> 00:25:13,921 ...one of the best examples of a remarkable calendar, 375 00:25:14,061 --> 00:25:16,625 that tracked not only days and months, 376 00:25:16,865 --> 00:25:20,473 but also ages spanning thousands of years. 377 00:25:21,789 --> 00:25:27,427 The Maya, were very, very intent on recording the passage of time, 378 00:25:27,547 --> 00:25:31,097 so much so, that the early scholars called the entire culture... 379 00:25:31,200 --> 00:25:33,200 ...esoteric time worshipers. 380 00:25:33,440 --> 00:25:36,080 They had a number of calendrical cycles, 381 00:25:36,434 --> 00:25:39,778 the one of the last ones they made we call the long count. 382 00:25:40,058 --> 00:25:41,120 To the western mind, 383 00:25:41,210 --> 00:25:44,274 you could look at it as the odometer on your car. 384 00:25:44,393 --> 00:25:46,540 It clicks through time, 385 00:25:47,009 --> 00:25:49,315 ...and scholars have a difference of opinion... 386 00:25:49,405 --> 00:25:52,605 ...whether it is a cycle that will reset itself... 387 00:25:52,725 --> 00:25:55,428 ...or whether it is a system that can go backwards... 388 00:25:55,518 --> 00:25:57,317 ...and forward into perpetuity. 389 00:26:01,390 --> 00:26:06,092 The Mayans, were obsessed with the idea of time cycles and worlds. 390 00:26:06,182 --> 00:26:09,362 They believed that we had existed in three previous worlds... 391 00:26:09,452 --> 00:26:13,346 ...and that they could forecast or predict the emergence of a new world. 392 00:26:13,436 --> 00:26:15,375 And that was the purpose of the Mayan calendar, 393 00:26:15,465 --> 00:26:18,269 was to pinpoint a specific date and time, 394 00:26:18,359 --> 00:26:21,972 when one world would end and a new world would begin. 395 00:26:26,183 --> 00:26:31,244 The Mayan calendar last turned on the 21st of December, 2012. 396 00:26:32,529 --> 00:26:36,670 Thousands of people from around the world descended on Mayan sites... 397 00:26:36,760 --> 00:26:38,202 ...to mark the event. 398 00:26:40,040 --> 00:26:43,840 Some, however, sought dire omens in the occasion. 399 00:26:45,150 --> 00:26:48,906 The Mayan prediction of the end of the world in December 2012, 400 00:26:48,996 --> 00:26:52,968 caused a firestorm of prophecy watchers, 401 00:26:53,058 --> 00:26:56,006 and people believing that it was actually Doomsday. 402 00:26:56,191 --> 00:26:58,964 But as we know now, nothing of that nature... 403 00:26:59,054 --> 00:27:01,010 ...actually happened at that time. 404 00:27:03,636 --> 00:27:06,600 If it wasn't a doomsday clock as many believed, 405 00:27:07,180 --> 00:27:10,487 then, just what was this ancient calendar predicting? 406 00:27:13,716 --> 00:27:18,912 Ancient Astronaut theorists suggest it may have in fact, been counting down, 407 00:27:19,212 --> 00:27:21,007 not to the end of the world, 408 00:27:21,207 --> 00:27:25,125 but to the dawn of a new era in human history. 409 00:27:26,523 --> 00:27:28,900 The Mayan's never said it was going to be doomsday. 410 00:27:28,990 --> 00:27:32,399 They simply said it would be a new moment of creation. 411 00:27:33,023 --> 00:27:37,184 Maybe, the Mayan calendar predicted a monumental leap forward. 412 00:27:37,274 --> 00:27:40,959 A transition that would lead us into a whole new era... 413 00:27:41,049 --> 00:27:43,732 ...of scientific understanding and possibility. 414 00:27:45,499 --> 00:27:48,708 What did happen was we discovered the God Particle, 415 00:27:48,798 --> 00:27:51,474 the Higgs Boson. So, perhaps, 416 00:27:51,564 --> 00:27:54,231 what the Mayan Calendar was trying to predict... 417 00:27:54,456 --> 00:27:57,396 ...was not some terrible catastrophe, 418 00:27:57,636 --> 00:28:02,212 but our own very important discovery of the God Particle. 419 00:28:02,708 --> 00:28:05,539 And, how we can use this... 420 00:28:05,629 --> 00:28:08,012 ...to understand our place in the universe. 421 00:28:13,296 --> 00:28:17,177 If the Maya did indeed predicted the discovery of the God Particle, 422 00:28:17,597 --> 00:28:19,161 did they also leave a clue, 423 00:28:19,251 --> 00:28:21,634 as to where, this knowledge could take us? 424 00:28:23,584 --> 00:28:27,543 Some Ancient Astronaut theorists believe the answers may be found... 425 00:28:27,720 --> 00:28:32,760 ...480 miles north, on carved blocks of hard volcanic andesite, 426 00:28:33,040 --> 00:28:36,480 at another Mayan archaeological site in Izapa. 427 00:28:37,680 --> 00:28:41,920 On Stela 5, there is a depiction of a mythological tree, 428 00:28:42,127 --> 00:28:46,228 that the Maya believed connected the cosmos and the Earth. 429 00:28:48,391 --> 00:28:49,260 For the Maya, 430 00:28:49,350 --> 00:28:52,776 the world tree bridged the seen and the unseen. 431 00:28:52,866 --> 00:28:55,340 The celestial and the earthly. 432 00:28:56,057 --> 00:28:59,174 The Mayans believed the tree exuded a kind of syrup... 433 00:28:59,280 --> 00:29:01,400 ...or sap, called, the Itz. 434 00:29:01,698 --> 00:29:05,688 It had qualities that allowed portals to open to make contact... 435 00:29:05,778 --> 00:29:07,515 ...with unseen dimensions. 436 00:29:07,605 --> 00:29:11,403 It was the key, if you will, to other worlds. 437 00:29:14,575 --> 00:29:17,463 The Mayans, talked about this type of cosmic ooze... 438 00:29:17,553 --> 00:29:20,659 ...that they thought literally emanated from the world tree. 439 00:29:21,087 --> 00:29:24,261 Itz, actually opened up portals to other worlds. 440 00:29:24,461 --> 00:29:27,649 Maybe they're talking about some advanced energy... 441 00:29:27,739 --> 00:29:29,741 ...that they didn't directly have access to, 442 00:29:29,831 --> 00:29:32,068 but had the understandings and teachings, 443 00:29:32,188 --> 00:29:34,459 possibly taught to them by extraterrestrials. 444 00:29:36,203 --> 00:29:41,032 When I, looked at the symbolism of the sacred tree, I got to thinking... 445 00:29:41,155 --> 00:29:45,199 ...what if, that sap is the Higgs Boson, the God Particle, 446 00:29:45,319 --> 00:29:49,064 and you have scientists saying that it could potentially lead... 447 00:29:49,154 --> 00:29:54,306 ...to time travel, and our ability to create tiny wormholes. 448 00:29:55,576 --> 00:29:59,518 Now is it possible that we can use the discovery... 449 00:29:59,758 --> 00:30:02,126 ...of the God Particle and the Higgs Boson, 450 00:30:02,286 --> 00:30:04,508 to understand our place in the universe... 451 00:30:04,800 --> 00:30:09,560 ...and even to teleport and travel through time and space. 452 00:30:11,750 --> 00:30:15,507 Was the Mayan calendar devised to predict the discovery... 453 00:30:15,597 --> 00:30:17,158 ...of the God Particle. 454 00:30:18,359 --> 00:30:22,321 And if so, could this mean that we are getting closer... 455 00:30:22,400 --> 00:30:27,640 ...to a reconnection, with alien beings that visited Earth, long ago? 456 00:30:29,251 --> 00:30:33,840 Some Ancient Astronaut theorists believe another clue may be found, 457 00:30:34,070 --> 00:30:38,142 just outside the entrance to the Large Hadron Collider, 458 00:30:38,382 --> 00:30:41,099 with the statue of, Shiva. 459 00:30:46,836 --> 00:30:48,510 Geneva, Switzerland. 460 00:30:50,240 --> 00:30:53,880 Outside the headquarters of CERN's Large Hadron Collider, 461 00:30:53,960 --> 00:30:59,720 is a 12-foot statue of the Shiva Nataraja, or the Dancing Shiva, 462 00:31:00,068 --> 00:31:03,045 one of Hinduism's most powerful gods. 463 00:31:04,615 --> 00:31:08,340 Lord Shiva, is one of the three great gods of the Hindu teaching. 464 00:31:08,430 --> 00:31:10,388 He, is the god of destruction. 465 00:31:11,069 --> 00:31:14,249 His job is to destroy but it is in order to renew. 466 00:31:14,339 --> 00:31:16,928 He, destroys and creates. 467 00:31:18,391 --> 00:31:21,945 His energy, the dance, he's considered the lord of the dance, 468 00:31:22,433 --> 00:31:26,911 a cosmic dance and it's the dance of destruction and recreation. 469 00:31:29,408 --> 00:31:32,072 God Shiva, is a complex character. 470 00:31:32,364 --> 00:31:36,539 It's very difficult to understand, Shiva, in one word. 471 00:31:37,517 --> 00:31:41,293 Because, he, is the god of procreation. And, he, is also the god of destruction. 472 00:31:41,383 --> 00:31:45,707 He's also the god that destroys everything because everything that is created... 473 00:31:45,827 --> 00:31:47,278 ...must come to an end. 474 00:31:52,683 --> 00:31:54,625 According to Hindu mythology, 475 00:31:54,949 --> 00:31:58,303 Shiva, is the god who will one day destroy the universe, 476 00:31:58,393 --> 00:32:00,373 to make way for a new one. 477 00:32:01,242 --> 00:32:04,014 Shiva's cosmic dance is not seen as a negative, 478 00:32:04,104 --> 00:32:06,318 even though it is greatly destructive. 479 00:32:07,901 --> 00:32:12,505 It is destroying in order for something new to be created. 480 00:32:12,665 --> 00:32:15,326 So it is an essential part of the process of life... 481 00:32:15,416 --> 00:32:18,978 ...that things are cleared away so new things, new possibilities, 482 00:32:19,068 --> 00:32:21,482 better possibilities can emerge. 483 00:32:23,446 --> 00:32:27,638 But, could the various attributes associated with this Hindu god, 484 00:32:27,855 --> 00:32:32,705 be connected to a recent discovery made at the Large Hadron Collider... 485 00:32:32,869 --> 00:32:37,262 ...about how our universe could suddenly and catastrophically end? 486 00:32:39,629 --> 00:32:44,581 One of the intriguing outcomes of the Higgs Boson mass measurement, 487 00:32:44,720 --> 00:32:50,160 is the realization that the Higgs Boson and the top cork... 488 00:32:50,905 --> 00:32:56,148 ...may put us right on the ragged edge of an instability condition... 489 00:32:56,238 --> 00:32:57,518 ...in the universe. 490 00:32:58,137 --> 00:33:01,712 The universe can exist in several different states. 491 00:33:02,572 --> 00:33:07,954 Water, it can exist as steam, as liquid water, frozen ice. 492 00:33:09,276 --> 00:33:11,973 If the universe changes state, 493 00:33:12,253 --> 00:33:17,900 it would produce bubbles of space time expanding at the speed of light... 494 00:33:17,990 --> 00:33:22,039 ...that could destroy everything, all normal matter, all everything... 495 00:33:22,149 --> 00:33:24,182 ...in the universe as we know it. 496 00:33:26,757 --> 00:33:28,705 Some people are saying, they're used it, say, 497 00:33:28,795 --> 00:33:31,349 there's going to be expanding bubbles of nothingness that will create new, 498 00:33:31,439 --> 00:33:32,885 a whole new universes. 499 00:33:33,173 --> 00:33:36,909 And in a sense, we know that the universe has to be unstable... 500 00:33:36,999 --> 00:33:39,150 ...because it made the Big Bang in the first place. 501 00:33:45,011 --> 00:33:48,220 Could Shiva, not only be a mythological deity... 502 00:33:48,460 --> 00:33:52,160 ...that represents the ancient Hindus understanding of the universe, 503 00:33:53,373 --> 00:33:56,764 but might he also then, an other worldly being, 504 00:33:57,044 --> 00:33:59,526 who passed on information to our ancestors... 505 00:33:59,616 --> 00:34:02,346 ...that we, are only now, rediscovering? 506 00:34:02,894 --> 00:34:05,909 Maybe the great god, Shiva, the destroyer, was actually trying... 507 00:34:05,999 --> 00:34:07,710 ...to communicate in ancient times. 508 00:34:07,800 --> 00:34:10,708 Things that we're learning today about breaking things down... 509 00:34:10,798 --> 00:34:13,399 ...to the finest particles, and understanding that these... 510 00:34:13,489 --> 00:34:17,439 ...are how we understand the basis of life at a subatomic level. 511 00:34:18,327 --> 00:34:21,273 In Hindu tradition, Shiva, was often portrayed... 512 00:34:21,363 --> 00:34:25,570 ...as blue skinned with a third eye in the middle of his forehead. 513 00:34:26,170 --> 00:34:29,352 And if you look at the different depictions of Shiva's dance, 514 00:34:29,442 --> 00:34:33,068 you see, that he is almost always surrounded by some type... 515 00:34:33,158 --> 00:34:36,005 ...of a circular structure with flames. 516 00:34:37,736 --> 00:34:41,190 We see parallels to technology where he's always depicted... 517 00:34:41,280 --> 00:34:43,801 ...in this circle when he's doing his cosmic dance. 518 00:34:44,020 --> 00:34:47,360 It seems very similar to what we see at the Hadron Accelerator... 519 00:34:47,450 --> 00:34:50,093 ...in this large circular particle accelerator. 520 00:34:50,183 --> 00:34:52,840 Maybe there's some tie-in between Shiva being depicted... 521 00:34:52,930 --> 00:34:54,202 ...in a circular device, 522 00:34:54,292 --> 00:34:57,517 and the way we're smashing particles now in the Hadron Accelerator. 523 00:34:59,222 --> 00:35:03,735 Now, what did our human ancestor artists try to depict here? 524 00:35:04,435 --> 00:35:07,854 Do the accounts of his cosmic dance... 525 00:35:08,921 --> 00:35:11,770 ...refer to some type of misunderstood technology, 526 00:35:12,150 --> 00:35:15,085 very much similar to the Large Hadron Collider? 527 00:35:16,725 --> 00:35:17,683 In the Catholic Mass, 528 00:35:17,760 --> 00:35:21,320 there is a ceremonial artifact called, a Monstrance. 529 00:35:22,864 --> 00:35:25,551 If you look at this image, if you look at this item, 530 00:35:25,641 --> 00:35:27,035 it has a burst of light. 531 00:35:27,125 --> 00:35:32,535 Very similar to the pattern of Shiva's light, this dance of creation. 532 00:35:32,982 --> 00:35:38,881 Some say, this shape can be seen in the Hadron Collider at CERN. 533 00:35:42,687 --> 00:35:47,139 Some?? Suggest that the invention of tools like the Large Hadron Collider... 534 00:35:47,259 --> 00:35:49,657 ...are happening as part of a plan? 535 00:35:50,413 --> 00:35:53,811 Did celestial beings who came to Earth in the distant past, 536 00:35:53,965 --> 00:35:58,168 give early humans insights into the origin of existence? 537 00:35:59,059 --> 00:36:02,679 Ancient Astronaut theorists believe the answers may be found... 538 00:36:02,959 --> 00:36:05,777 ...not in what CERN has already uncovered, 539 00:36:06,208 --> 00:36:09,060 but in discoveries yet to come. 540 00:36:13,785 --> 00:36:17,532 CERN Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland. 541 00:36:19,580 --> 00:36:24,003 The Large Hadron Collider was heralded as a monumental success... 542 00:36:24,093 --> 00:36:29,726 when it helped to discover the Higgs Boson, or God Particle, in 2012. 543 00:36:30,226 --> 00:36:32,532 But that, was only the beginning. 544 00:36:33,155 --> 00:36:37,199 Since then, researchers have embarked on a multi-year project, 545 00:36:37,289 --> 00:36:41,045 to upgrade what is already the most powerful machine on Earth, 546 00:36:41,366 --> 00:36:46,001 by retrofitting it with bigger, better, and more efficient systems. 547 00:36:47,410 --> 00:36:52,290 When the Large Hadron Collider is activated again in 2015, 548 00:36:52,502 --> 00:36:57,046 it will wield at least double the power it did, in 2012. 549 00:36:57,268 --> 00:37:01,717 And could boast even 10 times more by the end of the decade. 550 00:37:03,421 --> 00:37:08,016 When you look at the size of the detectors at the Large Hadron Collider, 551 00:37:08,177 --> 00:37:12,731 you realize that we really are pushing the limits of technology. 552 00:37:13,657 --> 00:37:17,315 The Large Hadron Collider is something like seven times... 553 00:37:17,405 --> 00:37:21,008 ...more powerful than anything else that's existed before. 554 00:37:21,822 --> 00:37:27,200 We'll be even able to get even closer to conditions in time, 555 00:37:27,290 --> 00:37:30,043 even closer to the beginning of the Big Bang. 556 00:37:33,357 --> 00:37:37,884 The work that is happening right now during the LHC shutdown, 557 00:37:38,004 --> 00:37:41,265 is to prepare the detectors and the experiments... 558 00:37:41,725 --> 00:37:43,651 ...for the big energy step. 559 00:37:44,236 --> 00:37:47,371 We are going into even more higher energy, 560 00:37:47,571 --> 00:37:51,965 and that means that we're probing deeper and we can be just around the corner... 561 00:37:52,055 --> 00:37:56,493 ...of discovering something which is completely blowing our minds. 562 00:37:57,879 --> 00:38:02,303 The human race is going to be focusing more energy in a small area... 563 00:38:02,393 --> 00:38:03,998 ...than we've ever done before. 564 00:38:04,088 --> 00:38:06,720 So we're looking for a whole new phenomenon. 565 00:38:08,779 --> 00:38:12,855 The scientists at CERN hope that by increasing the power... 566 00:38:12,945 --> 00:38:14,998 ...of the Large Hadron Collider, 567 00:38:15,318 --> 00:38:18,968 they will not only be able to learn more about the God Particle, 568 00:38:19,128 --> 00:38:23,919 but also, uncover other, perhaps even more profound secrets... 569 00:38:24,009 --> 00:38:25,335 ...of the universe. 570 00:38:25,843 --> 00:38:30,889 But some scientists, have voiced concerns, that the Large Hadron Collider... 571 00:38:31,116 --> 00:38:34,811 ...could create a black hole that would swallow up the Earth, 572 00:38:36,317 --> 00:38:38,900 set off a massive nuclear explosion, 573 00:38:39,749 --> 00:38:43,274 or even form a vacuum bubble that could tip the balance... 574 00:38:43,364 --> 00:38:45,202 ...of the entire universe. 575 00:38:47,892 --> 00:38:49,761 Perhaps this is a little hubris. 576 00:38:49,905 --> 00:38:54,270 And we all know what happens when physicists get full of hubris. 577 00:38:54,916 --> 00:38:57,116 But there's always a little bit of fear when you're pushing back... 578 00:38:57,206 --> 00:39:00,635 ...the frontiers of science. It's part of the frontier spirit. 579 00:39:02,505 --> 00:39:05,434 We have to admit that we don't know how the universe started. 580 00:39:05,524 --> 00:39:07,956 And, as we go into higher and higher energies, 581 00:39:08,046 --> 00:39:10,121 we don't know what we are going to find, 582 00:39:10,211 --> 00:39:13,041 because this physics at these levels is an experimental... 583 00:39:13,131 --> 00:39:15,815 ...completely experimental science. 584 00:39:15,971 --> 00:39:18,487 We don't have the complete understanding... 585 00:39:18,577 --> 00:39:20,279 ...and description of the universe, 586 00:39:20,369 --> 00:39:24,681 that can create this anxiety and fear that we might create something... 587 00:39:24,771 --> 00:39:26,565 ...that will end the universe. 588 00:39:27,196 --> 00:39:30,620 When we look at the experiments that have been conducted at CERN... 589 00:39:30,820 --> 00:39:32,810 ...with the Large Hadron Collider, 590 00:39:33,236 --> 00:39:37,296 it may be that humanity is taking its first baby steps... 591 00:39:37,456 --> 00:39:41,445 ...towards the actual construction of the universe. 592 00:39:42,559 --> 00:39:45,610 We're manipulating matter at the subatomic level. 593 00:39:45,810 --> 00:39:50,489 And we are literally harnessing the forces of creation themselves. 594 00:39:50,814 --> 00:39:55,644 The amount of the universe that we see and know, 595 00:39:55,734 --> 00:39:58,529 that is part of the standard model of physics, 596 00:39:58,901 --> 00:40:02,573 is only like four percent of the mass of the universe. 597 00:40:03,305 --> 00:40:06,206 We're going into a vast unknown territory. 598 00:40:06,392 --> 00:40:09,590 We're going to be witnessing events that no human being... 599 00:40:09,680 --> 00:40:12,378 ...has ever witnessed before. At energy density scales, 600 00:40:12,469 --> 00:40:15,049 no human being has ever been able to create before. 601 00:40:15,139 --> 00:40:16,354 So it's very exciting. 602 00:40:16,974 --> 00:40:18,754 Who knows what we'll find. 603 00:40:22,269 --> 00:40:26,428 By wielding the incredible power of the Large Hadron Collider, 604 00:40:26,716 --> 00:40:29,297 could we one day recreate the big bang, 605 00:40:29,453 --> 00:40:32,236 to form an entirely new universe? 606 00:40:33,480 --> 00:40:36,800 And at the same time, destroy our own? 607 00:40:37,560 --> 00:40:42,760 Or might we instead be reaching the threshold of a new age for mankind. 608 00:40:43,775 --> 00:40:48,159 If Ancient Astronauts came to our planet hundreds of centuries ago, 609 00:40:48,446 --> 00:40:51,694 perhaps, they deliberately planted the seeds of knowledge... 610 00:40:51,894 --> 00:40:55,037 ...that would eventually lead us to where we are today. 611 00:40:56,557 --> 00:40:59,491 Perhaps, finding the so-called, God Particle, 612 00:40:59,868 --> 00:41:04,946 will allow us to finally answer mankind's most persistent questions, 613 00:41:05,449 --> 00:41:06,728 who are we? 614 00:41:06,991 --> 00:41:08,689 Where did we come from? 615 00:41:09,177 --> 00:41:11,444 And the most persistent of all, 616 00:41:12,310 --> 00:41:14,195 are we alone?