1 00:00:13,513 --> 00:00:16,098 Wow. 2 00:00:16,099 --> 00:00:20,644 It's gigantic. 3 00:00:20,645 --> 00:00:23,939 The rock itself is said to weigh about 500 tons. 4 00:00:23,940 --> 00:00:25,774 Wow. 5 00:00:25,775 --> 00:00:28,569 You want to just look down below here. 6 00:00:28,570 --> 00:00:31,739 That's amazing. 7 00:00:31,740 --> 00:00:32,931 It's hovering above the water. 8 00:00:34,868 --> 00:00:36,660 This monolith is said to be 9 00:00:36,661 --> 00:00:39,246 related to one of the first gods 10 00:00:39,247 --> 00:00:42,040 that descended from the heavens to Japan, 11 00:00:42,041 --> 00:00:46,670 and he traveled over the country on a sky ship 12 00:00:46,671 --> 00:00:48,756 made out of a giant rock. 13 00:00:48,757 --> 00:00:50,591 So what you're telling me is that there is 14 00:00:50,592 --> 00:00:53,427 a deity flying around in the sky 15 00:00:53,428 --> 00:00:57,682 with a gigantic vehicle made of stone? 16 00:00:59,434 --> 00:01:01,436 Absolutely. 17 00:01:33,259 --> 00:01:36,220 Tokyo, Japan. 18 00:01:36,221 --> 00:01:39,223 May 2017. 19 00:01:39,224 --> 00:01:44,853 The University of Tokyo reveals designs for electric vehicles 20 00:01:44,854 --> 00:01:48,774 that are able to charge while driving on powered roadways, 21 00:01:48,775 --> 00:01:53,195 enabling the Japanese to travel freely with unlimited mileage 22 00:01:53,196 --> 00:01:56,031 throughout the country. 23 00:01:56,032 --> 00:01:59,743 This same month, the Japanese government, 24 00:01:59,744 --> 00:02:02,913 in cooperation with private companies, 25 00:02:02,914 --> 00:02:06,083 unveils plans to unleash a countrywide drone 26 00:02:06,084 --> 00:02:08,877 delivery system by 2020, 27 00:02:08,878 --> 00:02:13,465 with self-driving trucks to follow in 2022. 28 00:02:13,466 --> 00:02:18,887 And Inami Hiyama Laboratory brings to market 29 00:02:18,888 --> 00:02:22,766 a new prosthetic device called MetaLimbs, 30 00:02:22,767 --> 00:02:27,646 a pair of wearable robotic arms controlled by the legs and feet, 31 00:02:27,647 --> 00:02:31,942 giving the user two additional hands to work with. 32 00:02:31,943 --> 00:02:35,195 These are just a few of the scientific innovations 33 00:02:35,196 --> 00:02:38,615 introduced by the Japanese in a single month. 34 00:02:38,616 --> 00:02:42,160 And they, along with numerous others, 35 00:02:42,161 --> 00:02:45,956 have helped accelerate mankind's technological advancement 36 00:02:45,957 --> 00:02:47,708 at a breathtaking pace. 37 00:02:47,709 --> 00:02:50,794 Yet, in the midst of this cutting-edge technology 38 00:02:50,795 --> 00:02:55,340 are antiquated teahouses, palaces 39 00:02:55,341 --> 00:02:58,719 and shrines dating back thousands of years 40 00:02:58,720 --> 00:03:01,638 that create a stark contrast 41 00:03:01,639 --> 00:03:05,183 between the old and the new. 42 00:03:05,184 --> 00:03:07,811 Japan can be a puzzle to a Westerner. 43 00:03:07,812 --> 00:03:09,730 On one hand, you have this modern culture 44 00:03:09,731 --> 00:03:14,359 with trains that are going 250 miles an hour. 45 00:03:14,360 --> 00:03:16,570 Robots can serve you in the home, 46 00:03:16,571 --> 00:03:19,823 can help people with handicaps walk. 47 00:03:19,824 --> 00:03:23,493 They can be a robotic pet. 48 00:03:23,494 --> 00:03:26,413 They have parking garages in which the cars, 49 00:03:26,414 --> 00:03:27,748 uh, park themselves. 50 00:03:27,749 --> 00:03:30,876 So, Japan is always on the cutting edge 51 00:03:30,877 --> 00:03:33,462 of technological development and innovation. 52 00:03:33,463 --> 00:03:37,007 Yet, at the same time, it cherishes and looks back 53 00:03:37,008 --> 00:03:39,343 at its age-old traditions, 54 00:03:39,344 --> 00:03:42,847 some of them going back several millennia, in fact. 55 00:03:45,516 --> 00:03:47,184 While Japan is a nation 56 00:03:47,185 --> 00:03:49,227 where old world traditions 57 00:03:49,228 --> 00:03:52,189 and new world technology collide, 58 00:03:52,190 --> 00:03:55,567 ancient astronaut theorists suggest the two 59 00:03:55,568 --> 00:03:58,862 are not as disconnected as they may seem 60 00:03:58,863 --> 00:04:02,199 and that the secrets of ancient Japan 61 00:04:02,200 --> 00:04:06,703 help explain why they are at the forefront of technology today, 62 00:04:06,704 --> 00:04:11,960 secrets that are connected to extraterrestrial visitation. 63 00:04:18,967 --> 00:04:23,512 December 18, 2007. 64 00:04:23,513 --> 00:04:27,891 Ryuji Yamane of the Democratic Party of Japan, 65 00:04:27,892 --> 00:04:30,978 under increasing pressure from his constituents, 66 00:04:30,979 --> 00:04:33,522 publicly demands a response 67 00:04:33,523 --> 00:04:35,816 from the prime minister and his cabinet 68 00:04:35,817 --> 00:04:40,070 to address the surge of UFO activity over Japan, 69 00:04:40,071 --> 00:04:44,325 totaling more than 300 reported sightings per month. 70 00:04:45,910 --> 00:04:48,870 The cabinet's official statement 71 00:04:48,871 --> 00:04:51,623 is that it "has not confirmed the existence 72 00:04:51,624 --> 00:04:55,877 of unidentified flying objects from outer space." 73 00:04:55,878 --> 00:04:59,173 But within a few hours, everything changes. 74 00:05:01,092 --> 00:05:03,301 Just hours after this meeting, 75 00:05:03,302 --> 00:05:06,805 the Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura 76 00:05:06,806 --> 00:05:08,765 announced on live television 77 00:05:08,766 --> 00:05:12,227 that regarding the question of extraterrestrials, 78 00:05:12,228 --> 00:05:15,106 he definitely thinks they exist. 79 00:05:17,275 --> 00:05:22,654 Then, a week later, the Japanese Defense Minister Shigeru Ishiba 80 00:05:22,655 --> 00:05:25,949 revealed that he had been carefully considering 81 00:05:25,950 --> 00:05:29,870 different response scenarios for an alien invasion. 82 00:05:29,871 --> 00:05:32,205 And what he said is incredible. 83 00:05:32,206 --> 00:05:34,041 He said, and I quote, 84 00:05:34,042 --> 00:05:36,877 "There are no grounds for us to deny 85 00:05:36,878 --> 00:05:40,047 "that there are unidentified flying objects 86 00:05:40,048 --> 00:05:44,468 and some life forms that controls them." 87 00:05:44,469 --> 00:05:48,638 Two years later, the wife of the prime minister 88 00:05:48,639 --> 00:05:51,892 came out with an extraordinary series of statements, 89 00:05:51,893 --> 00:05:57,022 in which she claimed that she had been abducted by aliens, 90 00:05:57,023 --> 00:05:59,483 that she had traveled on a UFO. 91 00:05:59,484 --> 00:06:01,735 For the wife of the prime minister to come out 92 00:06:01,736 --> 00:06:05,697 and make a statement like that was absolutely unprecedented. 93 00:06:05,698 --> 00:06:09,826 I think the only reason this isn't on the front page 94 00:06:09,827 --> 00:06:12,537 of every newspaper in the world is that, 95 00:06:12,538 --> 00:06:15,290 certainly in the United States, we do tend to be 96 00:06:15,291 --> 00:06:18,919 rather heavily focused on English-speaking countries, 97 00:06:18,920 --> 00:06:23,465 and, indeed, very U.S.-centric in our outlook. 98 00:06:23,466 --> 00:06:26,384 If the statements being made in Japan 99 00:06:26,385 --> 00:06:28,595 were being made in America, 100 00:06:28,596 --> 00:06:32,350 it would be on every major news network 24-7. 101 00:06:34,477 --> 00:06:38,188 Could these profound statements 102 00:06:38,189 --> 00:06:41,942 coming from top Japanese government officials reveal 103 00:06:41,943 --> 00:06:44,945 that they have knowledge of alien visitation? 104 00:06:44,946 --> 00:06:48,198 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest 105 00:06:48,199 --> 00:06:51,785 evidence of alien contact on these islands 106 00:06:51,786 --> 00:06:54,704 dates back thousands of years, 107 00:06:54,705 --> 00:06:58,667 and can be found within the teachings of Shintoism. 108 00:06:58,668 --> 00:07:02,754 Shintoism is the primary religion of Japan, 109 00:07:02,755 --> 00:07:06,800 with over 107 million followers, 110 00:07:06,801 --> 00:07:10,595 and is designed around a set of ritual practices 111 00:07:10,596 --> 00:07:13,181 that connect present-day Japan 112 00:07:13,182 --> 00:07:16,643 to its ancient mystical past. 113 00:07:16,644 --> 00:07:19,604 At its center are celestial beings 114 00:07:19,605 --> 00:07:22,065 that, according to the Japanese people, 115 00:07:22,066 --> 00:07:25,236 still roam their islands to this day. 116 00:07:26,988 --> 00:07:30,198 The term "Shinto" translates as "the way of the kami," 117 00:07:30,199 --> 00:07:32,534 or, uh, "the way of the gods." 118 00:07:32,535 --> 00:07:34,619 It's a tradition 119 00:07:34,620 --> 00:07:38,790 that has a millennia-long history in Japan. 120 00:07:38,791 --> 00:07:40,834 There are over eight million kamis, 121 00:07:40,835 --> 00:07:42,460 according to the Shinto tradition, 122 00:07:42,461 --> 00:07:44,337 and each one of them has 123 00:07:44,338 --> 00:07:48,008 its own particular personality traits, if you will. 124 00:07:48,009 --> 00:07:49,843 So, in that sense, they are quite different 125 00:07:49,844 --> 00:07:52,429 from the notion of monotheistic God that we have 126 00:07:52,430 --> 00:07:57,517 in traditions that are most widespread in the West. 127 00:07:57,518 --> 00:07:59,436 The kami are these celestial beings 128 00:07:59,437 --> 00:08:02,105 that are able to inhabit basically anything, 129 00:08:02,106 --> 00:08:04,608 from a human being 130 00:08:04,609 --> 00:08:07,986 to an animal, and even inanimate objects. 131 00:08:07,987 --> 00:08:12,616 So on the one hand, they're these multi-dimensional beings, 132 00:08:12,617 --> 00:08:14,451 but then, they also describe them 133 00:08:14,452 --> 00:08:18,622 as having come down from their celestial palace in the sky, 134 00:08:18,623 --> 00:08:22,459 which is called Takamagahara. 135 00:08:22,460 --> 00:08:25,212 The celestial kami will come into the terrestrial world, 136 00:08:25,213 --> 00:08:28,048 our world, and they need a home, 137 00:08:28,049 --> 00:08:31,551 so they have these major shrines for these kami 138 00:08:31,552 --> 00:08:33,220 when they come into the world, 139 00:08:33,221 --> 00:08:37,599 so that they can feel at home in the terrestrial world. 140 00:08:37,600 --> 00:08:42,646 The Japanese archipelago is dotted with over 81,000 shrines 141 00:08:42,647 --> 00:08:44,814 that are devoted to the kami gods, 142 00:08:44,815 --> 00:08:47,943 and it's believed that these are houses or places 143 00:08:47,944 --> 00:08:50,737 where these extraterrestrial beings come to live 144 00:08:50,738 --> 00:08:52,364 when they're on Earth. 145 00:08:52,365 --> 00:08:55,075 The Japanese people will visit the shrines of the kami 146 00:08:55,076 --> 00:08:57,160 with the belief that they are actually praying 147 00:08:57,161 --> 00:09:01,040 to an extraterrestrial being who can fulfill their blessings. 148 00:09:03,292 --> 00:09:07,170 If what Shinto followers call "the kami" 149 00:09:07,171 --> 00:09:09,422 really are otherworldly beings 150 00:09:09,423 --> 00:09:12,717 that have been visiting Japan since ancient times, 151 00:09:12,718 --> 00:09:18,056 are they still being encountered today in the form of UFOs? 152 00:09:18,057 --> 00:09:20,850 Perhaps further clues can be found 153 00:09:20,851 --> 00:09:24,271 by examining ancient Japanese structures 154 00:09:24,272 --> 00:09:27,149 that defy explanation. 155 00:09:30,837 --> 00:09:35,508 There are thousands of these statuettes 156 00:09:47,122 --> 00:09:51,043 Honshu, Japan. April 2017. 157 00:09:53,078 --> 00:09:55,596 Near the modern-day city of Osaka, 158 00:09:55,746 --> 00:09:58,039 Giorgio Tsoukalos meets 159 00:09:58,040 --> 00:10:01,918 with fellow ancient astronaut theorist Takeharu Mikami 160 00:10:01,919 --> 00:10:05,630 to investigate one of the oldest and holiest sites 161 00:10:05,631 --> 00:10:10,093 in the country... The Ishi-no-Hoden megalith, 162 00:10:10,094 --> 00:10:12,971 a Shinto shrine said to be inhabited 163 00:10:12,972 --> 00:10:15,933 by an otherworldly being. 164 00:10:20,104 --> 00:10:22,981 Wow. 165 00:10:22,982 --> 00:10:25,150 It's gigantic. 166 00:10:25,151 --> 00:10:26,776 This is... 167 00:10:26,777 --> 00:10:28,028 I had no idea. 168 00:10:28,029 --> 00:10:30,531 I mean, it is massive. 169 00:10:33,451 --> 00:10:36,620 The rock itself is said to weigh about 500 tons. 170 00:10:36,621 --> 00:10:38,872 - 500 tons? - Yes. 171 00:10:38,873 --> 00:10:40,124 Wow! 172 00:10:45,254 --> 00:10:48,381 This is said to have the soul of a god, 173 00:10:48,382 --> 00:10:50,467 or kami, inside it. 174 00:10:50,468 --> 00:10:52,969 Okay, so to this day, 175 00:10:52,970 --> 00:10:56,222 this is the belief, that some type of spirit 176 00:10:56,223 --> 00:10:58,099 lives in this, 177 00:10:58,100 --> 00:11:01,646 or that the rock itself has spirit. 178 00:11:03,105 --> 00:11:05,523 The spirit of a god is inside, 179 00:11:05,524 --> 00:11:09,527 and the stone carries a special spiritual meaning now. 180 00:11:09,528 --> 00:11:11,237 Okay. That's amazing. 181 00:11:11,238 --> 00:11:14,325 I want to... I need to walk around. 182 00:11:16,035 --> 00:11:19,789 I mean, I had no idea how massive this is. 183 00:11:24,418 --> 00:11:27,004 So, do you want to just look down below here? 184 00:11:28,422 --> 00:11:31,007 It looks like it's floating over the water. 185 00:11:31,008 --> 00:11:32,592 It really does. 186 00:11:32,593 --> 00:11:35,178 Oh. 187 00:11:35,179 --> 00:11:37,806 The name for this rock is Ame-no-kishi, 188 00:11:37,807 --> 00:11:39,892 or the Floating Rock from the Heavens. 189 00:11:44,105 --> 00:11:46,356 So this monolith is said to be related 190 00:11:46,357 --> 00:11:48,358 to one of the first gods 191 00:11:48,359 --> 00:11:50,902 that descended from the heavens to Japan, 192 00:11:50,903 --> 00:11:54,948 and he is said to have traveled over the country 193 00:11:54,949 --> 00:11:57,534 on a sky ship made out of a giant rock, 194 00:11:57,535 --> 00:12:01,079 which was called Ama no Iwafune, 195 00:12:01,080 --> 00:12:04,040 which is the Heavenly Rock Ship. 196 00:12:04,041 --> 00:12:05,875 So what you're telling me is that there is 197 00:12:05,876 --> 00:12:09,379 an ancient Japanese legend that speaks of a deity 198 00:12:09,380 --> 00:12:11,506 flying around in the sky 199 00:12:11,507 --> 00:12:15,719 with a gigantic vehicle made of stone? 200 00:12:15,720 --> 00:12:17,929 Absolutely. 201 00:12:17,930 --> 00:12:19,472 So, do you think 202 00:12:19,473 --> 00:12:22,726 that is the reason why it was called 203 00:12:22,727 --> 00:12:27,731 a vehicle made of stone, because it was so powerful and strong 204 00:12:27,732 --> 00:12:31,901 and virtually indestructible that the story became 205 00:12:31,902 --> 00:12:34,071 it's a vehicle made of stone? 206 00:12:36,824 --> 00:12:38,616 You're absolutely right, 207 00:12:38,617 --> 00:12:40,243 because the gods were... 208 00:12:40,244 --> 00:12:43,455 flying over the land on a giant ship. 209 00:12:43,456 --> 00:12:45,498 It wasn't a plane, because it didn't have wings. 210 00:12:45,499 --> 00:12:46,833 It looked like a ship 211 00:12:46,834 --> 00:12:49,085 made out of very hard material 212 00:12:49,086 --> 00:12:51,671 that was like a very hard stone, 213 00:12:51,672 --> 00:12:55,675 and they would descend from the heavens and down onto the land, 214 00:12:55,676 --> 00:12:58,344 and thus, they would travel around the country. 215 00:12:58,535 --> 00:13:00,870 According to the Japanese, 216 00:13:00,871 --> 00:13:03,956 otherworldly beings had been visiting their islands 217 00:13:03,957 --> 00:13:06,792 for over 12,000 years. 218 00:13:06,793 --> 00:13:09,212 The earliest culture that we can identify in Japan 219 00:13:09,213 --> 00:13:10,880 is the Jomon, 220 00:13:10,881 --> 00:13:15,051 which is originally a Stone Age culture 221 00:13:15,052 --> 00:13:20,182 running roughly from 10,000 BCE to 300 BCE. 222 00:13:21,558 --> 00:13:24,810 It is a culture that we don't know an awful lot about, 223 00:13:24,811 --> 00:13:26,479 because they had no writing system. 224 00:13:26,480 --> 00:13:29,232 All we have is artifacts. 225 00:13:29,233 --> 00:13:32,026 The little that we do know about the Jomon 226 00:13:32,027 --> 00:13:34,737 comes from archaeological evidence. 227 00:13:34,738 --> 00:13:38,407 And... one of the most representative, uh, 228 00:13:38,408 --> 00:13:41,410 artifacts that is tied to the Jomon 229 00:13:41,411 --> 00:13:43,413 is the Dogu statue. 230 00:13:47,084 --> 00:13:50,836 Approximately 15,000 Dogu figurines 231 00:13:50,837 --> 00:13:53,589 resembling strange, humanoid beings 232 00:13:53,590 --> 00:13:57,510 have been found throughout the Japanese islands. 233 00:13:57,511 --> 00:14:01,264 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest these figurines 234 00:14:01,265 --> 00:14:05,518 represent the very kami the Japanese believe descended 235 00:14:05,519 --> 00:14:08,980 to this world in the ancient past. 236 00:14:08,981 --> 00:14:11,107 There are thousands of these statuettes 237 00:14:11,108 --> 00:14:13,442 that have been recovered, and these figures have 238 00:14:13,443 --> 00:14:17,613 goggle-type eyes, and they have rivets all over their body, 239 00:14:17,614 --> 00:14:20,449 indicating that they're wearing some kind of a space suit 240 00:14:20,450 --> 00:14:22,286 or technological armor. 241 00:14:23,453 --> 00:14:26,163 So you have to ask yourself, 242 00:14:26,164 --> 00:14:29,959 were these statues sky beings 243 00:14:29,960 --> 00:14:32,920 who came and directed the Japanese 244 00:14:32,921 --> 00:14:37,466 to have their civilization and culture, and that ultimately, 245 00:14:37,467 --> 00:14:40,137 these sky gods are their ancestors? 246 00:14:42,222 --> 00:14:45,683 Do the Dogu figures represent extraterrestrials 247 00:14:45,684 --> 00:14:49,937 that visited Japan thousands of years ago? 248 00:14:49,938 --> 00:14:52,398 And could they have descended in a craft 249 00:14:52,399 --> 00:14:55,860 that resembled the monolith called Ishi-no-Hoden, 250 00:14:55,861 --> 00:14:58,572 as ancient astronaut theorists suggest? 251 00:15:01,074 --> 00:15:03,492 Perhaps further clues can be found 252 00:15:03,493 --> 00:15:06,329 in Japan's official historical texts, 253 00:15:06,330 --> 00:15:08,414 which describe the islands 254 00:15:08,415 --> 00:15:12,169 as inhabited by otherworldly beings. 255 00:15:16,173 --> 00:15:18,341 Ise, Japan. 256 00:15:18,342 --> 00:15:21,552 In the center of this remote coastal city 257 00:15:21,553 --> 00:15:26,641 is a massive complex of 125 individual shrines 258 00:15:26,642 --> 00:15:29,727 erected 2,000 years ago, 259 00:15:29,728 --> 00:15:33,522 dedicated to the supreme goddess of Shintoism... 260 00:15:33,523 --> 00:15:35,691 Amaterasu. 261 00:15:35,692 --> 00:15:37,735 When Amaterasu is residing 262 00:15:37,736 --> 00:15:41,781 in the terrestrial plane, instead of the celestial plane, 263 00:15:41,782 --> 00:15:45,701 her home is the Grand Shrine at Ise, 264 00:15:45,702 --> 00:15:48,037 which is built without any nails, 265 00:15:48,038 --> 00:15:50,623 any metal fastenings whatsoever. 266 00:15:50,624 --> 00:15:54,836 It's also architecturally unlike any other shrine in Japan. 267 00:15:56,213 --> 00:15:58,714 Modern architects still have difficulty 268 00:15:58,715 --> 00:16:01,718 comprehending how this palace was built. 269 00:16:02,928 --> 00:16:06,222 It is the most important shrine in Shintoism, 270 00:16:06,223 --> 00:16:10,101 and has been visited by hundreds of millions of pilgrims 271 00:16:10,102 --> 00:16:12,103 over thousands of years. 272 00:16:12,104 --> 00:16:13,896 Now, allegedly, 273 00:16:13,897 --> 00:16:16,899 the shrine contains something called the Sacred Mirror, 274 00:16:16,900 --> 00:16:20,236 one of Japan's three most sacred artifacts, 275 00:16:20,237 --> 00:16:22,238 which are collectively known 276 00:16:22,239 --> 00:16:25,950 as the Imperial Regalia of Japan. 277 00:16:25,951 --> 00:16:29,995 They were given by Amaterasu to Emperor Jimmu, 278 00:16:29,996 --> 00:16:33,040 the first emperor of Japan. 279 00:16:33,041 --> 00:16:35,251 And they have only been seen 280 00:16:35,252 --> 00:16:38,170 by the emperors and high priests of Japan. 281 00:16:38,171 --> 00:16:39,839 But what were they? 282 00:16:39,840 --> 00:16:43,093 And why is the public not allowed to see them? 283 00:16:44,302 --> 00:16:46,721 If these are items that are brought to Earth 284 00:16:46,722 --> 00:16:49,974 by celestial beings, then by definition, 285 00:16:49,975 --> 00:16:53,895 that would make them of extraterrestrial origin. 286 00:16:55,981 --> 00:16:59,692 Is it possible that the Ishi-no-Hoden megalith 287 00:16:59,693 --> 00:17:03,112 and the Ise Grand Shrine are physical evidence 288 00:17:03,113 --> 00:17:08,033 of extraterrestrial visitations in Japan's ancient past? 289 00:17:08,034 --> 00:17:11,662 And might the prime minister of Japan and his cabinet 290 00:17:11,663 --> 00:17:13,664 still have connections 291 00:17:13,665 --> 00:17:16,792 to these same otherworldly beings? 292 00:17:16,793 --> 00:17:19,128 Perhaps the answer can be found 293 00:17:19,129 --> 00:17:22,590 by more closely examining Emperor Jimmu, 294 00:17:22,591 --> 00:17:25,050 and the stories that he was guided 295 00:17:25,051 --> 00:17:27,887 by an intelligence that spoke to him... 296 00:17:27,888 --> 00:17:29,647 from the sky. 297 00:17:31,866 --> 00:17:33,868 Why would they label a boat. 298 00:17:48,936 --> 00:17:50,631 Osaka, Japan. 299 00:17:53,087 --> 00:17:55,839 In the middle of this modern metropolis 300 00:17:55,840 --> 00:17:57,924 lies the Daisen Kofun, 301 00:17:57,925 --> 00:18:02,597 a tomb for one of Japan's long line of divine emperors. 302 00:18:04,015 --> 00:18:08,602 Covering over 400,000 square meters, the Daisen Kofun 303 00:18:08,603 --> 00:18:12,857 is considered the largest tomb by area in the world. 304 00:18:14,942 --> 00:18:18,320 There are more than 160,000 kofun 305 00:18:18,321 --> 00:18:20,906 dotting the Japanese archipelago, 306 00:18:20,907 --> 00:18:23,241 all of which contain the remains 307 00:18:23,242 --> 00:18:25,787 of emperors or their royal families. 308 00:18:27,080 --> 00:18:31,083 There are burial mounds throughout the world. 309 00:18:31,084 --> 00:18:34,961 However, there's one specific shape that exists only in Japan, 310 00:18:34,962 --> 00:18:36,798 and this is the Keyhole Kofun. 311 00:18:38,758 --> 00:18:42,387 Most of these can only be seen from the sky. 312 00:18:43,805 --> 00:18:47,057 This raises the question as to why emperors would be buried 313 00:18:47,058 --> 00:18:50,060 in such a way that they are actually being memorialized 314 00:18:50,061 --> 00:18:51,980 and being seen from the sky. 315 00:18:53,272 --> 00:18:56,483 The Japanese believed that the royal family 316 00:18:56,484 --> 00:19:00,987 was descended from gods that came from the sky. 317 00:19:00,988 --> 00:19:02,781 So we have to wonder, 318 00:19:02,782 --> 00:19:05,242 is this a way for the extraterrestrials 319 00:19:05,243 --> 00:19:08,830 to identify the tombs of their ancestors? 320 00:19:11,124 --> 00:19:13,375 Could the thousands of kofun 321 00:19:13,376 --> 00:19:15,585 dotting the Japanese islands 322 00:19:15,586 --> 00:19:20,007 contain the bodies of extraterrestrial beings? 323 00:19:22,135 --> 00:19:25,262 Curiously, in 2016, 324 00:19:25,263 --> 00:19:28,056 researchers studying high-resolution photos 325 00:19:28,057 --> 00:19:29,725 of the surface of Mars 326 00:19:29,726 --> 00:19:33,229 spotted an eerily similar keyhole-shaped mound. 327 00:19:34,647 --> 00:19:37,482 Is this possibly a kofun found on Mars, 328 00:19:37,483 --> 00:19:40,110 burying some lost extraterrestrial god? 329 00:19:40,111 --> 00:19:42,070 If so, we can see that there's 330 00:19:42,071 --> 00:19:45,240 definitely a connection between what we're seeing on Mars, 331 00:19:45,241 --> 00:19:47,701 as some type of kofun burial site, 332 00:19:47,702 --> 00:19:51,372 and over 160,000 of these found all over Japan. 333 00:19:55,793 --> 00:19:58,044 Could the kofuns in Japan, 334 00:19:58,045 --> 00:20:00,547 and the alleged structure on Mars, 335 00:20:00,548 --> 00:20:03,049 contain definitive proof of a link 336 00:20:03,050 --> 00:20:06,053 to beings from outside our world? 337 00:20:09,432 --> 00:20:11,725 To investigate this theory further, 338 00:20:11,726 --> 00:20:15,103 Giorgio Tsoukalos and Takeharu Mikami 339 00:20:15,104 --> 00:20:19,900 were granted special access to one of Japan's oldest tombs... 340 00:20:19,901 --> 00:20:22,737 the Ishibutai Kofun. 341 00:20:23,780 --> 00:20:26,323 Oh, man, it's gigantic. 342 00:20:26,324 --> 00:20:30,076 It's a megalith from sixth century AD. 343 00:20:30,077 --> 00:20:32,079 Okay. 344 00:20:35,124 --> 00:20:37,125 The largest rock on this tumulus 345 00:20:37,126 --> 00:20:40,504 weighs about 77 tons. 346 00:20:40,505 --> 00:20:44,425 Have they calculated the weight of all the rocks combined? 347 00:20:47,428 --> 00:20:50,514 All together, this would weigh about 2,300 tons. 348 00:20:50,515 --> 00:20:51,848 Wow! 349 00:20:51,849 --> 00:20:54,351 That's incredible. 350 00:20:54,352 --> 00:20:55,644 Can we go inside? 351 00:20:55,645 --> 00:20:57,104 - Yes. - All right. 352 00:21:08,950 --> 00:21:10,952 Wow. 353 00:21:12,703 --> 00:21:14,287 So I presume one of these rocks up there 354 00:21:14,288 --> 00:21:16,289 is the one that's 77 tons. 355 00:21:16,290 --> 00:21:20,293 We would have great difficulty achieving that today. 356 00:21:20,294 --> 00:21:21,962 And I'm not saying we can't do it. 357 00:21:21,963 --> 00:21:23,839 Of course we can do it. 358 00:21:23,840 --> 00:21:26,508 But we would use sophisticated, 359 00:21:26,509 --> 00:21:29,177 high-tech, heavy machinery. 360 00:21:29,178 --> 00:21:33,974 Excavation visitors have found wooden sleds 361 00:21:33,975 --> 00:21:36,226 that are said to have been the tools 362 00:21:36,227 --> 00:21:38,520 they used to drag and carry 363 00:21:38,521 --> 00:21:41,815 these large rocks across the fields. 364 00:21:41,816 --> 00:21:44,651 However, we don't know exactly how and from where 365 00:21:44,652 --> 00:21:47,195 these rocks were carried from. 366 00:21:47,196 --> 00:21:49,698 Yeah, I completely and utterly disagree with that notion. 367 00:21:49,699 --> 00:21:52,158 You put 77 tons on wood, 368 00:21:52,159 --> 00:21:54,828 it crushes into dust. 369 00:21:54,829 --> 00:21:58,999 So that's wonderful that these sleds were found, 370 00:21:59,000 --> 00:22:01,668 but I highly doubt 371 00:22:01,669 --> 00:22:05,422 that 77 tons were on wooden sleds. 372 00:22:05,423 --> 00:22:10,260 Because I've once seen a five-ton block being placed 373 00:22:10,261 --> 00:22:11,595 on wooden rollers, 374 00:22:11,596 --> 00:22:14,347 and it got crushed into oblivion. 375 00:22:14,348 --> 00:22:15,849 This area here, 376 00:22:15,850 --> 00:22:19,185 it's very hilly, uh, mountainous. 377 00:22:19,186 --> 00:22:21,354 So in those ancient texts, 378 00:22:21,355 --> 00:22:25,943 does it say how these stones were moved into position? 379 00:22:27,528 --> 00:22:30,238 Traditionally, there were a group 380 00:22:30,239 --> 00:22:33,533 of very skilled artisans or architects 381 00:22:33,534 --> 00:22:37,621 who held a lot of, uh, secret skills and technology 382 00:22:37,622 --> 00:22:39,164 that was only kept to them. 383 00:22:39,165 --> 00:22:40,749 But, unfortunately, 384 00:22:40,750 --> 00:22:44,711 we don't know what exactly those skills and technologies were. 385 00:22:44,712 --> 00:22:47,213 I agree that there was engineering knowledge 386 00:22:47,214 --> 00:22:48,840 that has been lost. 387 00:22:48,841 --> 00:22:51,384 And to build something like this, 388 00:22:51,385 --> 00:22:54,596 does he presume that this knowledge 389 00:22:54,597 --> 00:22:58,475 may have come from some of those kamis or celestial beings 390 00:22:58,476 --> 00:23:01,938 that are in Japanese mythologies? 391 00:23:04,941 --> 00:23:07,067 So the further back in history we go, 392 00:23:07,068 --> 00:23:10,236 the greater these monuments become. - Yes. 393 00:23:10,237 --> 00:23:13,239 So the technology was there from the very beginning. 394 00:23:13,240 --> 00:23:14,741 And if we go back in time 395 00:23:14,742 --> 00:23:17,911 to follow these roots of these beings, we will go back 396 00:23:17,912 --> 00:23:21,581 to prehistoric times of the-the era, the age 397 00:23:21,582 --> 00:23:24,167 of the kamis or the deities. 398 00:23:24,168 --> 00:23:26,419 Ancient Japanese Shintos believe 399 00:23:26,420 --> 00:23:30,048 that once you die, you would be put into a coffin 400 00:23:30,049 --> 00:23:31,383 that was shaped like a boat 401 00:23:31,384 --> 00:23:34,762 and then travel to the land of the gods. 402 00:23:36,097 --> 00:23:39,099 You know, that's so fascinating, because... 403 00:23:39,100 --> 00:23:43,269 there are stories of flying boats 404 00:23:43,270 --> 00:23:44,604 all around the world. 405 00:23:44,605 --> 00:23:46,439 In ancient Egypt, 406 00:23:46,440 --> 00:23:50,819 you have the sun barges descending from the sky. 407 00:23:50,820 --> 00:23:52,612 In Native American cultures, 408 00:23:52,613 --> 00:23:56,116 you have the flying canoes. 409 00:23:56,117 --> 00:24:00,036 Why would they label a boat a flying boat? 410 00:24:00,037 --> 00:24:03,039 Well, could it be perhaps because they didn't have 411 00:24:03,040 --> 00:24:05,792 the vocabulary to say "airplane"? 412 00:24:05,793 --> 00:24:08,336 I don't think our ancestors pulled this 413 00:24:08,337 --> 00:24:10,005 out of their own imagination. 414 00:24:10,006 --> 00:24:13,299 I think they actually saw flying boats, 415 00:24:13,300 --> 00:24:16,971 and thus the legends were born. 416 00:24:18,848 --> 00:24:21,850 Might the Ishibutai Kofun have been built 417 00:24:21,851 --> 00:24:25,311 with the help of extraterrestrial beings, 418 00:24:25,312 --> 00:24:30,608 beings that were also present on Mars in the distant past? 419 00:24:30,609 --> 00:24:34,487 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes 420 00:24:34,488 --> 00:24:36,656 and suggest further clues can be found 421 00:24:36,657 --> 00:24:40,744 by examining another mysterious megalithic structure, 422 00:24:40,745 --> 00:24:45,331 one that some believe represents the so-called flying boats 423 00:24:45,332 --> 00:24:48,835 that, according to the ancient Japanese stories, 424 00:24:48,836 --> 00:24:52,506 were used to travel to the land of the gods. 425 00:24:58,012 --> 00:25:00,014 So this could be some type of representation 426 00:24:59,817 --> 00:25:03,290 of one of those flying vehicles that our ancestors witnessed. 427 00:25:15,450 --> 00:25:19,104 Hitachi Province, Japan. 1803. 428 00:25:22,441 --> 00:25:25,651 Local fishermen on the Harayadori shore 429 00:25:25,652 --> 00:25:29,989 spot an unusual craft drifting in the distance. 430 00:25:29,990 --> 00:25:32,408 When the vessel washes ashore, 431 00:25:32,409 --> 00:25:35,579 they are astonished by what they witness. 432 00:25:38,832 --> 00:25:41,459 This craft was likened to the shape 433 00:25:41,460 --> 00:25:43,461 of a Japanese incense burner. 434 00:25:43,462 --> 00:25:46,255 It is almost literally a flying disk, 435 00:25:46,256 --> 00:25:48,674 a flying saucer. 436 00:25:48,675 --> 00:25:51,010 On the outside of this craft 437 00:25:51,011 --> 00:25:54,847 were multiple small metal plates, 438 00:25:54,848 --> 00:25:58,184 uh, not too dissimilar to heat-resistant tiles 439 00:25:58,185 --> 00:26:01,313 that you'd find, say, on a space shuttle. 440 00:26:04,608 --> 00:26:06,525 A hatch opened, 441 00:26:06,526 --> 00:26:09,195 and a young woman came out of the craft 442 00:26:09,196 --> 00:26:13,407 dressed in clothes that had never been seen before 443 00:26:13,408 --> 00:26:16,410 and speaking a language that nobody understood 444 00:26:16,411 --> 00:26:17,787 in the slightest. 445 00:26:17,788 --> 00:26:20,665 When they looked inside the craft, 446 00:26:20,666 --> 00:26:23,209 they could see hieroglyphs 447 00:26:23,210 --> 00:26:26,545 and strange writing all inside of the craft. 448 00:26:26,546 --> 00:26:30,424 The story of the strange Utsuro Bune craft 449 00:26:30,425 --> 00:26:34,762 appears in three different Japanese texts. 450 00:26:34,763 --> 00:26:39,308 Even today, modern historians, uh, struggle to understand 451 00:26:39,309 --> 00:26:42,103 what this means. 452 00:26:42,104 --> 00:26:45,065 Nobody can really decipher this. 453 00:26:48,213 --> 00:26:52,091 Japanese today are very familiar with this story. 454 00:26:52,092 --> 00:26:55,136 And to them, this is a curious story 455 00:26:55,137 --> 00:26:59,765 of one of the gods of their ancestry 456 00:26:59,766 --> 00:27:03,436 who had somehow arrived there on the island 457 00:27:03,437 --> 00:27:05,396 in this mysterious craft 458 00:27:05,397 --> 00:27:08,567 and then departed. 459 00:27:10,652 --> 00:27:13,654 Could the Utsuro Bune incident 460 00:27:13,655 --> 00:27:16,824 have marked the return of extraterrestrial beings 461 00:27:16,825 --> 00:27:21,245 that were present in Japan in the distant past? 462 00:27:21,246 --> 00:27:24,623 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes 463 00:27:24,624 --> 00:27:27,585 and claim further evidence can be found 464 00:27:27,586 --> 00:27:30,421 by examining a strange monolithic stone 465 00:27:30,422 --> 00:27:33,674 that many believe was carved to resemble the very craft 466 00:27:33,675 --> 00:27:38,680 that have been visiting Japan for thousands of years. 467 00:27:45,520 --> 00:27:47,938 Asuka Park, Japan. 468 00:27:47,939 --> 00:27:50,941 April 2017. 469 00:27:50,942 --> 00:27:52,776 Does that say "rock ship"? 470 00:27:52,777 --> 00:27:55,113 - "Masuda Rock Ship, this way." - Oh, all right. 471 00:27:56,865 --> 00:27:58,491 Giorgio Tsoukalos 472 00:27:58,492 --> 00:28:02,161 and ancient astronaut theorist Takeharu Mikami 473 00:28:02,162 --> 00:28:05,372 set out to examine Masuda-no-Iwafune, 474 00:28:05,373 --> 00:28:08,125 an 800-ton rock structure 475 00:28:08,126 --> 00:28:11,462 that was carved from a single piece of granite and resembles 476 00:28:11,463 --> 00:28:14,340 no other architecture in Japan. 477 00:28:14,829 --> 00:28:17,664 Oh, man. Whoa. 478 00:28:17,665 --> 00:28:20,501 Wow. That is... 479 00:28:20,502 --> 00:28:22,002 I mean, 480 00:28:22,003 --> 00:28:25,381 I've never seen anything like it. 481 00:28:25,382 --> 00:28:28,008 While some researchers believe 482 00:28:28,009 --> 00:28:31,261 the Masuda-no-Iwafune megalith is a tomb, 483 00:28:31,262 --> 00:28:34,932 others claim it is meant to depict the sky boats 484 00:28:34,933 --> 00:28:39,019 that are described in ancient Japanese stories. 485 00:28:39,020 --> 00:28:43,023 So, the idea is that this was the entrance 486 00:28:43,024 --> 00:28:44,483 to a Buddhist temple. What do they mean by that? 487 00:28:44,484 --> 00:28:45,943 Inside... I mean, where? 488 00:28:45,944 --> 00:28:49,363 It would actually predate Buddhism in Japan, 489 00:28:49,364 --> 00:28:51,740 so it wouldn't have anything to do with Buddhist temples. 490 00:28:51,741 --> 00:28:53,158 Right. So, 491 00:28:53,159 --> 00:28:56,704 what is the actual translation of "Masuda-no-Iwafune"? 492 00:28:59,457 --> 00:29:01,875 "Masuda" is the name of the region, 493 00:29:01,876 --> 00:29:03,544 and "iwafune" literally means 494 00:29:03,545 --> 00:29:05,879 "stone ship" or "rock ship." 495 00:29:05,880 --> 00:29:06,923 Okay. 496 00:29:11,052 --> 00:29:13,637 Yes, it's... naturally, the iwafune 497 00:29:13,638 --> 00:29:15,556 or the rock ship 498 00:29:15,557 --> 00:29:16,932 would have come down from the heavens 499 00:29:16,933 --> 00:29:19,309 as a vehicle for the gods 500 00:29:19,310 --> 00:29:20,894 to descend upon Earth. 501 00:29:20,895 --> 00:29:24,815 So, I guess with the combination of the mythologies 502 00:29:24,816 --> 00:29:27,067 of celestial beings, this could be 503 00:29:27,068 --> 00:29:29,987 some type of representation of one 504 00:29:29,988 --> 00:29:32,990 of those flying vehicles that our ancestors 505 00:29:32,991 --> 00:29:34,742 perhaps witnessed. 506 00:29:38,079 --> 00:29:40,372 Could the Masuda-no-Iwafune 507 00:29:40,373 --> 00:29:43,625 have been carved to resemble the so-called flying boats 508 00:29:43,626 --> 00:29:47,671 that were referred to in ancient Japanese texts? 509 00:29:47,672 --> 00:29:51,008 And was a similar alien craft witnessed 510 00:29:51,009 --> 00:29:55,095 by Japanese fishermen in 1803? 511 00:29:55,096 --> 00:29:58,098 Perhaps further clues can be found 512 00:29:58,099 --> 00:30:02,269 by examining much more recent UFO sightings 513 00:30:02,270 --> 00:30:06,148 and the long-held belief that Japan's imperial family 514 00:30:06,149 --> 00:30:10,487 has a connection to otherworldly beings. 515 00:30:14,991 --> 00:30:16,993 Coming up... 516 00:30:32,985 --> 00:30:35,445 Kyushu, Japan. 517 00:30:35,446 --> 00:30:39,616 The seventh century BC. 518 00:30:39,617 --> 00:30:44,037 According to Japan's earliest known historical texts, 519 00:30:44,038 --> 00:30:48,333 Kojiki and Nihon Shoki, it is from this point 520 00:30:48,334 --> 00:30:50,710 that the country's first ruler, 521 00:30:50,711 --> 00:30:53,088 Emperor Jimmu, set out to conquer 522 00:30:53,089 --> 00:30:55,924 and unify the Japanese islands. 523 00:30:55,925 --> 00:30:57,842 He seems to have come out of Kyushu, 524 00:30:57,843 --> 00:30:59,386 the southern island, 525 00:30:59,387 --> 00:31:02,472 and moved across Japan to find a better place 526 00:31:02,473 --> 00:31:04,641 to center the government and center his realm, 527 00:31:04,642 --> 00:31:07,394 conquering people along the way, 528 00:31:07,395 --> 00:31:10,855 and eventually he settles in the Yamato region. 529 00:31:10,856 --> 00:31:13,692 And that becomes the center of Japan's government, 530 00:31:13,693 --> 00:31:17,488 all the way until it moves to Tokyo in 1868. 531 00:31:20,783 --> 00:31:23,910 As he was working his way northwards, 532 00:31:23,911 --> 00:31:27,580 he was actually assisted 533 00:31:27,581 --> 00:31:30,166 by a divine crow. 534 00:31:30,167 --> 00:31:33,837 A three-legged crow, known as Yatagarasu. 535 00:31:33,838 --> 00:31:36,589 "Yatagarasu" loosely translates 536 00:31:36,590 --> 00:31:38,091 to "eight span crow." 537 00:31:38,092 --> 00:31:39,718 So, we can imagine 538 00:31:39,719 --> 00:31:41,846 that this crow would have been extremely large. 539 00:31:43,347 --> 00:31:47,642 In some instances, Yatagarasu is also depicted 540 00:31:47,643 --> 00:31:52,439 within a fiery orb in the sky. 541 00:31:52,440 --> 00:31:54,649 This so-called "crow" 542 00:31:54,650 --> 00:31:56,860 guided him on his journey 543 00:31:56,861 --> 00:32:00,780 and advised him in military matters to ensure his success. 544 00:32:00,781 --> 00:32:03,700 And, when you look at ancient depictions of this crow, 545 00:32:03,701 --> 00:32:07,287 it is often depicted inside some kind of an orb, 546 00:32:07,288 --> 00:32:09,205 this circular disc. 547 00:32:09,206 --> 00:32:12,000 So if you look at that, you have to ask, 548 00:32:12,001 --> 00:32:16,588 what exactly were the ancient Japanese talking about here? 549 00:32:16,589 --> 00:32:20,300 Because this, to me, sounds more 550 00:32:20,301 --> 00:32:24,804 like he was being guided by some kind of a flying craft 551 00:32:24,805 --> 00:32:28,058 than an actual crow. 552 00:32:28,059 --> 00:32:32,353 Could Japan's first Emperor, Jimmu, 553 00:32:32,354 --> 00:32:34,606 and the imperial family today, 554 00:32:34,607 --> 00:32:39,069 be direct descendants of extraterrestrials? 555 00:32:39,070 --> 00:32:42,489 And might the three-legged crow, Yatagarasu, 556 00:32:42,490 --> 00:32:46,534 really have been an alien craft? 557 00:32:46,535 --> 00:32:49,162 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 558 00:32:49,163 --> 00:32:52,415 and suggest further evidence can be found 559 00:32:52,416 --> 00:32:56,461 by examining a military coup designed to cover up 560 00:32:56,462 --> 00:32:59,632 this extraterrestrial heritage. 561 00:33:05,638 --> 00:33:09,933 Kyoto, Japan. 1183. 562 00:33:09,934 --> 00:33:15,438 Military general Minamoto no Yoritomo 563 00:33:15,439 --> 00:33:18,108 besieges the capital city of Japan, 564 00:33:18,109 --> 00:33:20,944 forcing the current Emperor Antoku 565 00:33:20,945 --> 00:33:23,488 and his bodyguard to flee. 566 00:33:23,489 --> 00:33:27,075 For nearly 700 years after, 567 00:33:27,076 --> 00:33:30,245 military dictatorships known as shogunates 568 00:33:30,246 --> 00:33:33,123 maintained strict control over Japan. 569 00:33:33,124 --> 00:33:37,460 Isolationist policies allowed few to enter 570 00:33:37,461 --> 00:33:41,590 or exit the islands, with death as the ultimate penalty. 571 00:33:43,551 --> 00:33:48,263 Only in 1867 did shogun Tokugawa Yoshinobu, 572 00:33:48,264 --> 00:33:52,392 facing a revolt from the Japanese people, 573 00:33:52,393 --> 00:33:57,188 relinquish control of the government back to the emperor. 574 00:33:57,189 --> 00:33:59,858 The Meiji Emperor was the first of the emperors 575 00:33:59,859 --> 00:34:01,526 after the restoration. 576 00:34:01,527 --> 00:34:03,903 Made a point of tracing his lineage 577 00:34:03,904 --> 00:34:06,448 all the way back to Emperor Jimmu... 578 00:34:08,701 --> 00:34:11,911 and to Amaterasu, as well. 579 00:34:11,912 --> 00:34:15,456 So, this notion of a divine emperor, 580 00:34:15,457 --> 00:34:20,754 of a living kami at the head of Japan, was resuscitated. 581 00:34:22,131 --> 00:34:25,633 They wanted to return to the original Japanese empire, 582 00:34:25,634 --> 00:34:27,760 the one founded by Jimmu, 583 00:34:27,761 --> 00:34:30,346 and his connection with the extraterrestrial beings. 584 00:34:30,347 --> 00:34:33,266 What happened after this is extraordinary. 585 00:34:33,267 --> 00:34:35,351 Suddenly Japan takes off. 586 00:34:35,352 --> 00:34:38,855 It starts accelerating in its technological ability. 587 00:34:38,856 --> 00:34:43,526 It suddenly becomes a world-conquering nation. 588 00:34:43,527 --> 00:34:47,739 By the early twentieth century, Japan was a superpower 589 00:34:47,740 --> 00:34:52,160 and it had amassed a vast colonial empire, 590 00:34:52,161 --> 00:34:56,456 rivaling that of the greatest Western colonial empires. 591 00:34:56,457 --> 00:34:59,918 And what Japan accomplished in modernization 592 00:34:59,919 --> 00:35:02,503 in the span of 20 years, 593 00:35:02,504 --> 00:35:04,505 it took most European nations 594 00:35:04,506 --> 00:35:08,177 about 200 or even 300 years to accomplish. 595 00:35:10,387 --> 00:35:13,723 So you have to wonder 596 00:35:13,724 --> 00:35:16,351 with the reinstating of the royal family, 597 00:35:16,352 --> 00:35:20,104 was this also a reconnection 598 00:35:20,105 --> 00:35:23,900 to the technical and extraterrestrial past 599 00:35:23,901 --> 00:35:28,404 that had begun centuries ago in Japan, 600 00:35:28,405 --> 00:35:31,157 and is now continuing today, 601 00:35:31,158 --> 00:35:34,370 possibly with the guidance of extraterrestrials? 602 00:35:38,958 --> 00:35:42,502 Could Japan's meteoric rise to power 603 00:35:42,503 --> 00:35:45,672 be a direct result of reinstating the "divine," 604 00:35:45,673 --> 00:35:48,591 perhaps extraterrestrial, dynasty 605 00:35:48,592 --> 00:35:51,761 originally established by Emperor Jimmu? 606 00:35:51,762 --> 00:35:56,266 And is this why some of Japan's top government officials 607 00:35:56,267 --> 00:35:59,560 have recently made statements supporting the notion 608 00:35:59,561 --> 00:36:02,647 that alien visitation is real? 609 00:36:02,648 --> 00:36:06,985 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 610 00:36:06,986 --> 00:36:12,448 and suggest further evidence of an alien presence in Japan today 611 00:36:12,449 --> 00:36:17,454 can be found by examining a recent mass UFO sighting. 612 00:36:19,957 --> 00:36:26,462 In July 2015, multiple witnesses in and around the city of Osaka 613 00:36:26,463 --> 00:36:30,675 sighted a fleet of UFOs 614 00:36:30,676 --> 00:36:33,803 moving in a quite extraordinary fashion 615 00:36:33,804 --> 00:36:37,390 in broad daylight right over the city. 616 00:36:37,391 --> 00:36:41,477 And various people caught them from different angles on camera. 617 00:36:41,478 --> 00:36:45,189 Now, the government was quick to dismiss them as candles 618 00:36:45,190 --> 00:36:47,483 or lanterns in the sky. 619 00:36:47,484 --> 00:36:50,069 But the erratic movements and patterns suggested 620 00:36:50,070 --> 00:36:52,281 that they were technological in nature. 621 00:36:56,327 --> 00:36:58,369 Similar white orbs 622 00:36:58,370 --> 00:37:00,371 were reported four years earlier, 623 00:37:00,372 --> 00:37:03,041 during one of the worst environmental disasters 624 00:37:03,042 --> 00:37:05,251 in mankind's history. 625 00:37:05,252 --> 00:37:09,505 On March 26, 2011, 626 00:37:09,506 --> 00:37:12,842 two weeks after the meltdown of the Fukushima Daiichi 627 00:37:12,843 --> 00:37:15,178 nuclear power plant in Okuma, Japan, 628 00:37:15,179 --> 00:37:17,638 a fleet of white orbs 629 00:37:17,639 --> 00:37:22,769 was recorded hovering over the site. 630 00:37:22,770 --> 00:37:27,023 If we go back and look at the history of the UFO subject, 631 00:37:27,024 --> 00:37:29,567 we find a great deal of interest with, 632 00:37:29,568 --> 00:37:32,862 for example, our atomic energy plants, 633 00:37:32,863 --> 00:37:36,866 our nuclear missile silos. 634 00:37:36,867 --> 00:37:40,286 And it suggests to me that maybe 635 00:37:40,287 --> 00:37:43,915 we're seeing alien entities who are deeply concerned 636 00:37:43,916 --> 00:37:47,711 by our usage of atomic power. 637 00:37:52,049 --> 00:37:56,219 Could the white orbs witnessed above Osaka 638 00:37:56,220 --> 00:38:00,139 and Fukushima be alien craft belonging 639 00:38:00,140 --> 00:38:03,601 to the same celestial beings the Japanese trace back 640 00:38:03,602 --> 00:38:05,895 to their very origins? 641 00:38:05,896 --> 00:38:09,315 Perhaps further clues can be found 642 00:38:09,316 --> 00:38:13,820 by examining recent attempts by Japanese astronomers 643 00:38:13,821 --> 00:38:17,825 to make contact with extraterrestrial beings. 644 00:38:23,674 --> 00:38:27,051 Tokyo, Japan. July 1983. 645 00:38:27,052 --> 00:38:32,015 At the University of Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, 646 00:38:32,016 --> 00:38:36,978 astronomers Hisashi Hirabayashi and Masaki Morimoto 647 00:38:36,979 --> 00:38:40,398 target a telescope towards the star Altair. 648 00:38:40,399 --> 00:38:46,195 Using radio waves, they transmit a short, binary-encoded message 649 00:38:46,196 --> 00:38:50,159 in an attempt to contact extraterrestrial life. 650 00:38:52,286 --> 00:38:55,580 This was a groundbreaking piece of history 651 00:38:55,581 --> 00:38:58,499 in terms of the search for extraterrestrial life. 652 00:38:58,500 --> 00:39:02,754 This message basically told information 653 00:39:02,755 --> 00:39:06,591 regarding human life, human history, DNA, 654 00:39:06,592 --> 00:39:09,719 and also the location of the Earth itself. 655 00:39:09,720 --> 00:39:12,805 So, any potential extraterrestrials 656 00:39:12,806 --> 00:39:15,516 living in the vicinity of Altair 657 00:39:15,517 --> 00:39:18,853 would potentially know where we're coming from. 658 00:39:18,854 --> 00:39:23,149 The star of Altair is 16 light-years away from Earth, 659 00:39:23,150 --> 00:39:25,485 and so it was expected 660 00:39:25,486 --> 00:39:28,029 that the binary message would reach that star 661 00:39:28,030 --> 00:39:30,782 by around 1999. 662 00:39:30,783 --> 00:39:34,535 And now, from 2015 on, 663 00:39:34,536 --> 00:39:39,832 the Japanese are expecting some kind of reply from their signal. 664 00:39:39,833 --> 00:39:42,543 Now, what's particularly intriguing 665 00:39:42,544 --> 00:39:45,213 is that Altair actually represents 666 00:39:45,214 --> 00:39:48,049 one of the ancient Japanese gods. 667 00:39:48,050 --> 00:39:51,260 This makes me wonder if the scientific community 668 00:39:51,261 --> 00:39:53,721 had come to a conclusion that perhaps 669 00:39:53,722 --> 00:39:57,558 their ancient god, represented by Altair, 670 00:39:57,559 --> 00:39:59,560 may not have been a god after all. 671 00:39:59,561 --> 00:40:02,563 So you have to wonder here, 672 00:40:02,564 --> 00:40:04,732 are these Japanese astronomers 673 00:40:04,733 --> 00:40:08,236 trying to contact the extraterrestrial gods 674 00:40:08,237 --> 00:40:10,279 that they believe 675 00:40:10,280 --> 00:40:13,741 came to Earth and started the Japanese civilization? 676 00:40:13,742 --> 00:40:15,285 It would seem so. 677 00:40:17,246 --> 00:40:22,417 In 2010, JAXA, Japan's national space program, 678 00:40:22,418 --> 00:40:25,628 announced plans to establish a base on the moon 679 00:40:25,629 --> 00:40:27,755 by the year 2020. 680 00:40:27,756 --> 00:40:33,177 And recently, the Shimizu Corporation unveiled designs 681 00:40:33,178 --> 00:40:35,555 for their LUNAR RING project, 682 00:40:35,556 --> 00:40:39,016 a massive band of solar panels surrounding the moon 683 00:40:39,017 --> 00:40:44,730 that would beam limitless clean power back to Earth. 684 00:40:44,731 --> 00:40:46,858 When you look at all this together, 685 00:40:46,859 --> 00:40:49,485 you can't help but wonder what's going on here? 686 00:40:49,486 --> 00:40:54,532 Is it about reaching out to extraterrestrials, 687 00:40:54,533 --> 00:40:57,452 or is it perhaps about using 688 00:40:57,453 --> 00:41:00,621 extraterrestrial knowledge and technology 689 00:41:00,622 --> 00:41:02,957 that the Japanese already have? 690 00:41:02,958 --> 00:41:07,628 This suggests that the Japanese people are serious 691 00:41:07,629 --> 00:41:10,131 about colonizing space 692 00:41:10,132 --> 00:41:12,091 and may be working with extraterrestrials 693 00:41:12,092 --> 00:41:15,011 on developing this enormously advanced technology. 694 00:41:15,012 --> 00:41:18,973 Is it possible that there is a link 695 00:41:18,974 --> 00:41:21,350 between Japan's technological advancements 696 00:41:21,351 --> 00:41:25,897 and the country's connection to extraterrestrial beings? 697 00:41:25,898 --> 00:41:31,068 And are these beings the same otherworldly entities 698 00:41:31,069 --> 00:41:33,905 that have been influencing the development of Japanese culture 699 00:41:33,906 --> 00:41:36,032 for thousands of years? 700 00:41:36,033 --> 00:41:39,452 Ancient astronaut theorists say, yes, 701 00:41:39,453 --> 00:41:43,664 and believe the proof lies not only at various locations 702 00:41:43,665 --> 00:41:46,292 found throughout the Japanese landscape, 703 00:41:46,293 --> 00:41:49,253 but also on Earth's neighboring planets... 704 00:41:49,254 --> 00:41:51,422 and one in particular... 705 00:41:51,423 --> 00:41:54,300 soon to be explored. 706 00:41:54,301 --> 00:41:57,304 CAPTIONING PROVIDED BY A+E NETWORKS