1 00:00:02,787 --> 00:00:04,746 I cannot wait to see this. 2 00:00:04,747 --> 00:00:05,707 Pretty amazing. 3 00:00:05,708 --> 00:00:06,826 Waiting for a long time. 4 00:00:06,827 --> 00:00:09,036 I mean, it's almost unheard of. 5 00:00:09,037 --> 00:00:11,077 I have never seen one in person. 6 00:00:12,957 --> 00:00:13,957 Wow. 7 00:00:13,958 --> 00:00:15,416 Incredible. 8 00:00:15,417 --> 00:00:17,246 That is freaky. 9 00:00:17,247 --> 00:00:18,746 It's odd, right? 10 00:00:18,747 --> 00:00:21,666 Are extraterrestrial artifacts 11 00:00:21,667 --> 00:00:24,576 being dismissed by scholars? 12 00:00:24,577 --> 00:00:29,626 This object had a date of 140 million years. 14 00:00:29,627 --> 00:00:33,206 Is our scientific process flawed? 15 00:00:33,207 --> 00:00:36,536 Scientists are far too quick to put a period 16 00:00:36,537 --> 00:00:39,366 at the end of the sentence and this is a problem. 17 00:00:39,367 --> 00:00:43,786 Will we be forced to rewrite our history books? 18 00:00:43,787 --> 00:00:45,576 The findings are undeniable. 19 00:00:45,577 --> 00:00:47,366 We are not alone. 20 00:00:47,367 --> 00:00:48,916 Extraterrestrial, human-like groups 21 00:00:48,917 --> 00:00:51,036 have been visiting us all along. 22 00:00:51,037 --> 00:00:53,326 Looks amazing. 23 00:01:27,141 --> 00:01:29,180 New York City. 24 00:01:29,181 --> 00:01:32,981 February 2017. 25 00:01:32,982 --> 00:01:37,021 At New York University, Giorgio Tsoukalos meets 26 00:01:37,022 --> 00:01:39,771 with art collector Jared Collins, who is in possession 27 00:01:39,772 --> 00:01:42,771 of a 2,000-year-old elongated skull. 28 00:01:42,772 --> 00:01:44,191 Oh. 29 00:01:44,192 --> 00:01:45,891 Wow. 30 00:01:45,892 --> 00:01:47,771 That is fantastic. 31 00:01:47,772 --> 00:01:51,981 The skull is incredibly well-preserved 32 00:01:51,982 --> 00:01:56,151 and Jared is having it tested at the university to find out 33 00:01:56,152 --> 00:01:59,811 if it might possibly contain abnormalities that indicate 34 00:01:59,812 --> 00:02:02,101 it is something other than human. 35 00:02:02,102 --> 00:02:06,981 He agreed to meet Giorgio outside of the Anthropology Lab 36 00:02:06,982 --> 00:02:09,061 for a first look at the skull. 37 00:02:09,062 --> 00:02:10,691 So, how did this come to be in your possession? 38 00:02:10,692 --> 00:02:11,941 Well, it's not actually mine. 39 00:02:11,942 --> 00:02:13,601 It is on loan to me. 40 00:02:13,602 --> 00:02:15,351 Me and one of my colleagues 41 00:02:15,352 --> 00:02:18,061 contacted a museum and we asked them, 42 00:02:18,062 --> 00:02:20,691 "Do you have an elongated skull in your collection?" 43 00:02:20,692 --> 00:02:23,441 And they said they have just one, this one. 44 00:02:23,442 --> 00:02:26,271 And have they told you anything about it? 45 00:02:26,272 --> 00:02:28,021 - Actually... - Like the provenance? 46 00:02:28,022 --> 00:02:32,191 Strangely, this has been in storage for decades. 48 00:02:32,192 --> 00:02:34,811 They have never tested it. 49 00:02:34,812 --> 00:02:36,601 They had very little information on it. 50 00:02:36,602 --> 00:02:39,651 They know it's absolutely Paracas. 51 00:02:39,652 --> 00:02:41,191 So, this skull was found 52 00:02:41,192 --> 00:02:43,311 - in the Paracas region of Peru. - That's right. 53 00:02:43,312 --> 00:02:46,521 But no real modern testing has ever been done on this. 54 00:02:46,522 --> 00:02:47,981 Oh, this is amazing. 55 00:02:47,982 --> 00:02:50,061 So, let's go, right? 56 00:02:50,062 --> 00:02:51,812 Okay. 57 00:02:55,062 --> 00:02:59,771 NYU Professor of Anthropology Dr. Todd Disotell 59 00:02:59,772 --> 00:03:02,521 agreed to conduct a forensic evaluation 60 00:03:02,522 --> 00:03:04,351 of the elongated skull. 61 00:03:04,352 --> 00:03:07,391 I've seen casts; I've never seen one in person. 62 00:03:07,392 --> 00:03:10,191 - Okay. - Wow. 63 00:03:10,192 --> 00:03:14,191 That is... freaky. 64 00:03:14,192 --> 00:03:17,311 I mean, I just can't come up with another term. 65 00:03:17,312 --> 00:03:19,441 I love that your first reaction is that it's freaky, 66 00:03:19,442 --> 00:03:20,941 'cause I agree with you. 67 00:03:20,942 --> 00:03:22,191 Well, I mean, look at it. That's... 68 00:03:22,192 --> 00:03:23,152 It's-it's quite bizarre. 69 00:03:23,153 --> 00:03:25,811 I can see that 70 00:03:25,812 --> 00:03:28,651 this is a relatively young individual. 71 00:03:28,652 --> 00:03:30,231 And how did you determine that, for example? 72 00:03:30,232 --> 00:03:31,981 Well, so, by looking at the teeth. 73 00:03:31,982 --> 00:03:36,061 We have some deciduous, or some baby teeth, remaining. 74 00:03:36,062 --> 00:03:39,101 It doesn't yet have its third molar, 75 00:03:39,102 --> 00:03:43,101 which typically comes in around 18 years old or so. 76 00:03:43,102 --> 00:03:46,021 So, I-I would guess that this 77 00:03:46,022 --> 00:03:48,771 is somewhere maybe 12 to 14 years old. 78 00:03:48,772 --> 00:03:50,391 Really? 79 00:03:50,392 --> 00:03:53,731 Um, let me just, uh, move it over 80 00:03:53,732 --> 00:03:56,651 - to the sterile bench surface. - Mm-hmm. 81 00:03:56,652 --> 00:03:59,651 Wow. So, it's very fascinating. 82 00:03:59,652 --> 00:04:02,151 Besides the shape. 83 00:04:02,152 --> 00:04:04,151 The sagittal suture 84 00:04:04,152 --> 00:04:08,851 looks like it has completely fused. 85 00:04:08,852 --> 00:04:10,731 If it's an adolescent, maybe 12 years old, 86 00:04:10,732 --> 00:04:12,731 isn't that quite young to have a-a fusion so... 87 00:04:12,732 --> 00:04:14,851 It is, but... 88 00:04:14,852 --> 00:04:16,601 - I'm holding it, I'm looking at it. - Yeah, yeah. 89 00:04:16,602 --> 00:04:19,481 And it's just been completely obliterated. 90 00:04:19,482 --> 00:04:22,811 The sagittal suture is the seam 91 00:04:22,812 --> 00:04:27,061 where the two parietal bones of the skull come together. 92 00:04:27,062 --> 00:04:32,101 Although the markings may be faint due to fusing over time, 93 00:04:32,102 --> 00:04:34,811 all human skulls are expected 94 00:04:34,812 --> 00:04:38,061 to have some evidence of this feature, 95 00:04:38,062 --> 00:04:42,061 so it is curious that this skull does not, 96 00:04:42,062 --> 00:04:45,731 nor do the skulls of a number of other mysterious specimens 97 00:04:45,732 --> 00:04:50,891 that have been collected and examined by various experts. 98 00:04:50,892 --> 00:04:54,231 One of the great enigmas of planet Earth 99 00:04:54,232 --> 00:04:56,441 is that all over the world 100 00:04:56,442 --> 00:05:00,521 we find skeletons with people 101 00:05:00,522 --> 00:05:04,941 having these elongated skulls. 102 00:05:04,942 --> 00:05:09,601 For centuries, various native cultures have engaged 103 00:05:09,602 --> 00:05:11,351 in the ritual practice 104 00:05:11,352 --> 00:05:14,311 of artificially elongating their skulls 105 00:05:14,312 --> 00:05:18,271 by tightly wrapping the heads of their children through infancy. 106 00:05:18,272 --> 00:05:22,231 However, these skulls still feature evidence 107 00:05:22,232 --> 00:05:25,061 of the cranial sutures. 108 00:05:25,062 --> 00:05:27,771 You also have the whole speculation 109 00:05:27,772 --> 00:05:30,601 of why people were doing the head binding 110 00:05:30,602 --> 00:05:33,231 and the artificial elongation anyway. 111 00:05:33,232 --> 00:05:34,851 Why were they doing that? 112 00:05:34,852 --> 00:05:37,891 They wanted to have these elongated skulls 113 00:05:37,892 --> 00:05:41,151 and to them it represented the elite, 114 00:05:41,152 --> 00:05:44,271 the gods, the rulers. 115 00:05:44,272 --> 00:05:49,151 And you have to wonder if there was a race here on Earth 116 00:05:49,152 --> 00:05:53,351 with these elongated heads and were they extraterrestrials? 117 00:05:53,352 --> 00:05:57,191 Okay, let's move on 118 00:05:57,192 --> 00:06:00,231 to extracting some tooth and bone powder 119 00:06:00,232 --> 00:06:02,231 to get DNA out of that. 120 00:06:02,232 --> 00:06:04,771 - Okay. Excellent. - Yeah. 121 00:06:04,772 --> 00:06:06,391 In order to obtain 122 00:06:06,392 --> 00:06:09,811 the needed genetic material from the artifact, 123 00:06:09,812 --> 00:06:14,481 Dr. Disotell will need to remove a tooth and drill into it 124 00:06:14,482 --> 00:06:16,271 to extract the samples. 125 00:06:16,272 --> 00:06:19,731 The analysis of the material will determine the sex, 126 00:06:19,732 --> 00:06:23,811 ancestral lineage of both the father and the mother, 127 00:06:23,812 --> 00:06:26,691 and any DNA anomalies when compared 128 00:06:26,692 --> 00:06:29,482 with the current human genetic database. 129 00:06:31,522 --> 00:06:34,191 Looks pretty good. 130 00:06:34,192 --> 00:06:39,351 So, we will pack this up and send it off 131 00:06:39,352 --> 00:06:41,651 and in four to six weeks, they should have the result. 132 00:06:41,652 --> 00:06:43,521 Four to six weeks, okay. 133 00:06:43,522 --> 00:06:45,851 Thank you very much, really appreciate your input on this. 134 00:06:45,852 --> 00:06:47,814 - Take care, gentlemen. - You got it. -Thanks a lot. 135 00:06:49,652 --> 00:06:52,651 For hundreds of years, researchers have been confronted 136 00:06:52,652 --> 00:06:56,651 with numerous scientific anomalies. 137 00:06:56,652 --> 00:07:01,151 But traditional science is often intolerant of evidence 138 00:07:01,152 --> 00:07:05,391 that doesn't fit neatly within accepted frameworks. 139 00:07:05,392 --> 00:07:07,811 Because of these prejudices, 140 00:07:07,812 --> 00:07:10,191 could we be missing a greater truth 141 00:07:10,192 --> 00:07:14,481 about mankind's origins? 142 00:07:14,482 --> 00:07:18,811 I think scientists need to look at these things, 143 00:07:18,812 --> 00:07:22,311 and instead of just dismissing it offhand right away, 144 00:07:22,312 --> 00:07:24,691 to be like, wait a second. 145 00:07:24,692 --> 00:07:26,191 Maybe we are not the first. 146 00:07:26,192 --> 00:07:29,191 Maybe another civilization did exist. 147 00:07:29,192 --> 00:07:32,391 Perhaps there is an extraterrestrial connection. 148 00:07:32,392 --> 00:07:34,981 Because clearly we have a mystery there 149 00:07:34,982 --> 00:07:36,406 and everybody's looking the other way. 150 00:07:41,232 --> 00:07:44,601 Glen Rose, Texas. 151 00:07:44,602 --> 00:07:46,851 This rural, southern town 152 00:07:46,852 --> 00:07:50,561 has a population of only 2,500, 153 00:07:50,562 --> 00:07:52,731 but may hold one of the most 154 00:07:52,732 --> 00:07:57,311 incredible archaeological artifacts ever found. 155 00:07:57,312 --> 00:08:01,441 At the Creation Evidence Museum 156 00:08:01,442 --> 00:08:05,771 is an ancient hammer known as the "London Artifact," 157 00:08:05,772 --> 00:08:07,941 named after the central Texas town 158 00:08:07,942 --> 00:08:11,771 where it was discovered in 1936. 159 00:08:11,772 --> 00:08:15,561 The hammer itself was found in the Travis Formation. 160 00:08:15,562 --> 00:08:18,106 It's a concretion of sandstone. 161 00:08:18,107 --> 00:08:21,486 And it usually takes about a 140 million years for this to form. 162 00:08:21,487 --> 00:08:24,146 That would put it at 140 million years old. 163 00:08:24,147 --> 00:08:27,986 Mainstream scientists contend 164 00:08:27,987 --> 00:08:33,776 that the first modern humans emerged only 200,000 years ago. 165 00:08:33,777 --> 00:08:38,776 But if so, how is it possible that such an artifact exists? 166 00:08:38,777 --> 00:08:43,865 The hammer was scientifically analyzed in the 1980s 167 00:08:43,866 --> 00:08:46,155 by two independent labs, 168 00:08:46,156 --> 00:08:49,615 the Creation Science Foundation based in Australia 169 00:08:49,616 --> 00:08:53,945 and the Batelle Memorial Laboratory in Columbus, Ohio. 170 00:08:53,946 --> 00:08:57,905 Incredibly, both labs concluded that the hammer 171 00:08:57,906 --> 00:09:01,865 could indeed be over 100 million years old. 172 00:09:01,866 --> 00:09:04,035 Part of the handle, actually, 173 00:09:04,036 --> 00:09:07,075 is starting to go through a process called coalification. 174 00:09:07,076 --> 00:09:09,985 It's where you have inorganic material and organic material 175 00:09:09,986 --> 00:09:11,905 changing into coal. 176 00:09:11,906 --> 00:09:13,695 This is something that just simply can't happen 177 00:09:13,696 --> 00:09:16,115 in the span of, say, a hundred years. 178 00:09:16,116 --> 00:09:18,285 Like most people saying, "Oh, this is nothing more 179 00:09:18,286 --> 00:09:19,865 "than a hammer that was left behind 180 00:09:19,866 --> 00:09:22,986 by a would-be prospector from the mid-1800s." 181 00:09:26,625 --> 00:09:29,004 In addition to coalification, 182 00:09:29,005 --> 00:09:33,685 the handle of the hammer shows signs of petrification. 183 00:09:33,686 --> 00:09:36,049 This process of the organic wood 184 00:09:36,050 --> 00:09:38,459 being replaced by mineral crystals 185 00:09:38,460 --> 00:09:40,629 takes millions of years. 186 00:09:40,630 --> 00:09:45,089 Test results concluded that the material on the hammerhead 187 00:09:45,090 --> 00:09:50,669 consisted of 96.6% iron, 2.6% chlorine 188 00:09:50,670 --> 00:09:53,879 and less than one percent sulfur. 189 00:09:53,880 --> 00:09:57,839 Incredibly, this material contained no carbon 190 00:09:57,840 --> 00:10:00,549 to indicate modern manufacturing. 191 00:10:00,550 --> 00:10:04,799 When we were making steel for tools, 192 00:10:04,800 --> 00:10:07,999 part of the process is to use a blast furnace 193 00:10:08,000 --> 00:10:11,499 to remove carbon out of it completely, 194 00:10:11,500 --> 00:10:15,209 but we always have about point two to two percent left over. 195 00:10:15,210 --> 00:10:17,299 There's always a carbon signature on our steel, 196 00:10:17,300 --> 00:10:18,919 but there wasn't any carbon whatsoever 197 00:10:18,920 --> 00:10:21,089 that was found in this particular material. 198 00:10:21,090 --> 00:10:26,669 This object may be as old as 140 million years. 199 00:10:26,670 --> 00:10:30,839 And obviously, that's a crazy proposition 200 00:10:30,840 --> 00:10:33,669 if you think that modern-day archeology suggests 201 00:10:33,670 --> 00:10:36,919 that we've only been around for about 10,000 years, 202 00:10:36,920 --> 00:10:39,549 you know, creating stuff with our own hands. 203 00:10:39,550 --> 00:10:42,129 So, this falls into the category 204 00:10:42,130 --> 00:10:45,299 of out of place artifacts. 205 00:10:45,300 --> 00:10:48,919 Artifacts that shouldn't exist. 206 00:10:48,920 --> 00:10:52,589 If the London Hammer really dates back 207 00:10:52,590 --> 00:10:57,049 to over 100 million years, as the data suggests, 208 00:10:57,050 --> 00:10:59,919 this find would have to fundamentally reshape 209 00:10:59,920 --> 00:11:03,130 our understanding of human development on Planet Earth. 210 00:11:05,380 --> 00:11:07,879 But ancient astronaut theorists suggest 211 00:11:07,880 --> 00:11:11,049 there is another, much more substantial relic 212 00:11:11,050 --> 00:11:14,030 of the ancient world that is far older 213 00:11:14,031 --> 00:11:16,570 than mainstream archaeologists propose: 214 00:11:16,571 --> 00:11:20,151 the Great Pyramid of Giza. 215 00:11:24,209 --> 00:11:26,328 Giza, Egypt. 216 00:11:26,329 --> 00:11:30,118 Here, on the west bank of the Nile, 217 00:11:30,119 --> 00:11:33,998 stands the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: 218 00:11:33,999 --> 00:11:36,418 the Great Pyramid. 219 00:11:36,419 --> 00:11:39,591 According to accepted history, 220 00:11:39,592 --> 00:11:43,221 the Great Pyramid was built around 2500 BC 221 00:11:43,222 --> 00:11:45,422 as a tomb for the Pharaoh Khufu. 222 00:11:48,262 --> 00:11:50,881 However, the dating of the pyramid 223 00:11:50,882 --> 00:11:53,381 and its association with Khufu 224 00:11:53,382 --> 00:11:58,181 is based entirely on evidence discovered in May of 1837 225 00:11:58,182 --> 00:12:01,092 by British explorer Richard Howard Vyse. 226 00:12:04,302 --> 00:12:07,592 Colonel Vyse, um, basically used, um, gunpowder... 227 00:12:40,762 --> 00:12:43,421 Since stone cannot be carbon-dated, 228 00:12:43,422 --> 00:12:45,421 and no other inscriptions, 229 00:12:45,422 --> 00:12:47,721 except for the Pharaoh's official monogram, 230 00:12:47,722 --> 00:12:49,761 were found on the pyramid, 231 00:12:49,762 --> 00:12:52,971 this date has stood relatively unchallenged. 232 00:12:52,972 --> 00:12:57,011 However, new evidence that has been found 233 00:12:57,012 --> 00:12:59,471 in Colonel Vyse's personal journal 234 00:12:59,472 --> 00:13:03,131 has researchers questioning his discovery. 235 00:13:03,132 --> 00:13:05,221 Some have even suggested 236 00:13:05,222 --> 00:13:08,632 that he may have forged the name of Khufu himself. 237 00:13:36,422 --> 00:13:39,631 After the contradicting evidence was exposed, 239 00:13:39,632 --> 00:13:45,221 in 2014, two University of Dresden archaeology students 240 00:13:45,222 --> 00:13:49,261 smuggled a sample of the paint used in the King Khufu markings 241 00:13:49,262 --> 00:13:51,631 and had it analyzed by a German laboratory. 242 00:13:51,632 --> 00:13:55,721 The sample was too small for radiocarbon dating, 243 00:13:55,722 --> 00:14:00,011 but the technicians were able to determine something shocking: 244 00:14:00,012 --> 00:14:05,261 the pigment was not painted onto the original limestone blocks, 245 00:14:05,262 --> 00:14:09,091 but a later plaster repair. 246 00:14:09,092 --> 00:14:13,301 This finding suggests that the cartouche was not original 247 00:14:13,302 --> 00:14:17,342 to the pyramid construction, but added at a much later date. 248 00:14:19,922 --> 00:14:25,091 Colonel Vyse had spent nearly $1.3 million on his expedition 249 00:14:25,092 --> 00:14:29,091 to uncover truths about the Great Pyramid. 250 00:14:29,092 --> 00:14:33,011 Is it possible that in his desperation to find something, 251 00:14:33,012 --> 00:14:37,221 he did the unthinkable and forged the cartouche of Khufu 252 00:14:37,222 --> 00:14:42,091 onto the chamber wall, thereby establishing an inaccurate date 253 00:14:42,092 --> 00:14:43,472 for the structure? 254 00:14:45,222 --> 00:14:48,681 Interestingly, this is not the only evidence 255 00:14:48,682 --> 00:14:50,881 contradicting the dating of the Pyramid 256 00:14:50,882 --> 00:14:54,091 and the entire Giza Complex. 257 00:14:54,092 --> 00:14:59,181 A seventh century BC text known as the Inventory Stela, 258 00:14:59,182 --> 00:15:02,681 unearthed by archaeologists in 1858, 259 00:15:02,682 --> 00:15:05,131 details repairs made by Pharaoh Khufu, 260 00:15:05,132 --> 00:15:07,422 including work on the Sphinx. 261 00:15:29,012 --> 00:15:32,092 Could the dating of the entire Giza site be wrong? 262 00:15:34,382 --> 00:15:39,881 In 1992, Boston University geologist Robert Schoch 263 00:15:39,882 --> 00:15:42,801 created a stir among Egyptologists 264 00:15:42,802 --> 00:15:46,471 when he suggested that, based on the evidence of water erosion 265 00:15:46,472 --> 00:15:48,261 at the Sphinx enclosure, 266 00:15:48,262 --> 00:15:54,091 he would date the site to approximately 10,500 BC. 267 00:15:54,092 --> 00:15:56,881 Immediately, without even seeing my evidence, 268 00:15:56,882 --> 00:15:59,591 they start going, "It doesn't go back that far." 269 00:15:59,592 --> 00:16:02,761 I was talking about real evidence, real science, 270 00:16:02,762 --> 00:16:05,381 which they simply did not want to hear, 271 00:16:05,382 --> 00:16:09,471 because it did not fit their preconceptions. 272 00:16:09,472 --> 00:16:11,341 Like the Sphinx, 273 00:16:11,342 --> 00:16:15,421 is it possible that the Great Pyramid is also far older 274 00:16:15,422 --> 00:16:18,551 than Egyptologists are willing to admit? 275 00:16:18,552 --> 00:16:22,051 But if so, just who built it? 276 00:16:22,052 --> 00:16:28,131 According to Arabian writers Ibrahim al-Maqrizi, 278 00:16:28,132 --> 00:16:31,721 the Great Pyramid was not constructed by Khufu, 279 00:16:31,722 --> 00:16:34,341 the Great Pyramid was constructed 280 00:16:34,342 --> 00:16:36,051 long before the Great Flood 281 00:16:36,052 --> 00:16:38,762 by a king with the name of Surid. 282 00:16:41,262 --> 00:16:44,721 And then, the old Arabian writers clearly say 283 00:16:44,722 --> 00:16:50,471 Surid is the same figure which the Hebrew society calls Enoch. 284 00:16:50,472 --> 00:16:54,011 Enoch was taken up into the heavens 285 00:16:54,012 --> 00:16:56,221 by the archangel Michael. 286 00:16:56,222 --> 00:17:00,551 He was told by the angels of a coming cataclysm 287 00:17:00,552 --> 00:17:03,881 and he was instructed to build the Great Pyramid 288 00:17:03,882 --> 00:17:06,091 as a repository for the knowledge 289 00:17:06,092 --> 00:17:07,921 that he not only learned in Heaven, 290 00:17:07,922 --> 00:17:10,681 but all the earthly knowledge as well. 291 00:17:10,682 --> 00:17:15,382 Perhaps these were otherworldly beings described as angels. 292 00:17:18,302 --> 00:17:22,011 Maybe everything we know about Egyptology is wrong. 293 00:17:22,012 --> 00:17:24,971 And we have to go back and, and open up our imagination 294 00:17:24,972 --> 00:17:28,761 to the possibility that there's another explanation 295 00:17:28,762 --> 00:17:31,341 that in fact involves the assistance of extraterrestrials 296 00:17:31,342 --> 00:17:33,802 in the creation of the Great Pyramid. 297 00:17:36,472 --> 00:17:39,551 In November 2015, 298 00:17:39,552 --> 00:17:42,511 researchers at Giza scanned the Great Pyramid 299 00:17:42,512 --> 00:17:44,051 using thermal cameras, 300 00:17:44,052 --> 00:17:47,341 and found two anomalous areas. 301 00:17:47,342 --> 00:17:51,011 They submitted a request to the Department of Antiquities 302 00:17:51,012 --> 00:17:53,301 to do a more formal investigation 303 00:17:53,302 --> 00:17:55,761 in hopes of locating what they believe 304 00:17:55,762 --> 00:17:58,381 might be hidden chambers. 305 00:17:58,382 --> 00:18:03,341 As scientists continue to discover new finds at the site, 306 00:18:03,342 --> 00:18:05,301 might they stumble upon the evidence 307 00:18:05,302 --> 00:18:08,091 that supports the ancient accounts? 308 00:18:08,092 --> 00:18:13,221 After all, this has happened before, 310 00:18:13,222 --> 00:18:15,682 with the unearthing of a once mythical land. 311 00:18:24,084 --> 00:18:27,623 Hisarlik, Turkey. 1870. 312 00:18:27,624 --> 00:18:30,453 This small village is the site 313 00:18:30,454 --> 00:18:34,413 of one of the most sensational discoveries of the 19th century: 314 00:18:34,414 --> 00:18:38,793 the legendary city of Troy. 315 00:18:38,794 --> 00:18:42,453 The city was the infamous location for the Trojan War 316 00:18:42,454 --> 00:18:45,454 described in the classic Greek epic The Iliad. 317 00:18:48,834 --> 00:18:50,373 Prior to its discovery 318 00:18:50,374 --> 00:18:53,413 by amateur archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, 319 00:18:53,414 --> 00:18:58,743 Troy was considered to be a mythical location. 320 00:18:58,744 --> 00:19:04,083 Heinrich Schliemann, a German businessman and pioneer, 321 00:19:04,084 --> 00:19:07,533 read Homer's Odyssey and The Iliad 322 00:19:07,534 --> 00:19:11,493 and he became convinced that Troy existed 323 00:19:11,494 --> 00:19:16,243 somewhere in Turkey, where it's placed within the story. 324 00:19:16,244 --> 00:19:19,743 So he went out to Turkey 325 00:19:19,744 --> 00:19:23,123 and he asked the locals out there 326 00:19:23,124 --> 00:19:25,163 what they knew about the legends. 327 00:19:25,164 --> 00:19:28,083 And they eventually pointed him in the direction 328 00:19:28,084 --> 00:19:31,033 of a huge mound. 329 00:19:31,034 --> 00:19:33,293 So here he dug, 330 00:19:33,294 --> 00:19:38,453 and he found the lost city of Troy itself. 331 00:19:38,454 --> 00:19:40,793 In addition to Troy, 332 00:19:40,794 --> 00:19:43,123 other cities that were previously relegated 333 00:19:43,124 --> 00:19:45,293 to the realm of mythology 334 00:19:45,294 --> 00:19:48,164 have also been discovered to be real. 335 00:19:49,584 --> 00:19:52,083 The Mediterranean Sea. 336 00:19:52,084 --> 00:19:53,743 2000. 337 00:19:53,744 --> 00:19:55,743 A group of divers working off 338 00:19:55,744 --> 00:19:58,453 the Egyptian coast near Alexandria 339 00:19:58,454 --> 00:20:01,293 discovered the submerged ruins of statues 340 00:20:01,294 --> 00:20:03,953 and even entire temple complexes. 341 00:20:03,954 --> 00:20:06,203 One instance of the discovery of something 342 00:20:06,204 --> 00:20:07,793 that we thought was legendary 343 00:20:07,794 --> 00:20:10,493 was the discovery of Heracleion, Thonis, 344 00:20:10,494 --> 00:20:12,833 near Alexandria. 345 00:20:12,834 --> 00:20:15,793 We had read about this in Greek myth and Greek histories. 346 00:20:15,794 --> 00:20:17,533 We had no evidence for it. 347 00:20:17,534 --> 00:20:20,333 And then, one day, it gets discovered. 348 00:20:20,334 --> 00:20:25,033 Dating back to the seventh century BC, 349 00:20:25,034 --> 00:20:29,033 Thonis, or Heracleion, as it was known to the Greeks, 350 00:20:29,034 --> 00:20:31,293 was cited in ancient myths 351 00:20:31,294 --> 00:20:33,833 as a major trading post for the region. 352 00:20:33,834 --> 00:20:35,583 For a long time. 353 00:20:35,584 --> 00:20:38,913 Heracleion in Egypt was in many stories, 354 00:20:38,914 --> 00:20:41,833 but had not been found until the year 2000. 355 00:20:41,834 --> 00:20:45,663 In India, in the year 2001, 356 00:20:45,664 --> 00:20:47,333 something similar happened. 357 00:20:47,334 --> 00:20:51,493 The Mahabharata tells of the time 358 00:20:51,494 --> 00:20:55,993 Lord Vishnu built a great fortified city, Dvaraka. 359 00:20:55,994 --> 00:20:58,533 It was thought to be an imaginary place 360 00:20:58,534 --> 00:21:00,663 and then, it was discovered. 361 00:21:00,664 --> 00:21:04,913 And before that, in the first half of the 20th century, 362 00:21:04,914 --> 00:21:06,873 there is another example. 363 00:21:06,874 --> 00:21:09,993 In the Bible, Joshua fought the Battle of Jericho, 364 00:21:09,994 --> 00:21:11,833 but we didn't know if there was a Jericho 365 00:21:11,834 --> 00:21:14,413 until it was discovered by archeologists. 366 00:21:14,414 --> 00:21:17,663 This lets us know that there is more information in myth 367 00:21:17,664 --> 00:21:19,834 than we might have thought. 368 00:21:21,874 --> 00:21:24,703 But of all the places on Earth 369 00:21:24,704 --> 00:21:26,953 that were thought to be mythological, 370 00:21:26,954 --> 00:21:29,913 the one that has inspired the most fascination, 371 00:21:29,914 --> 00:21:32,623 and has proven the most elusive, 372 00:21:32,624 --> 00:21:35,913 is not a city, but an entire continent: 373 00:21:35,914 --> 00:21:37,663 Atlantis. 374 00:21:37,664 --> 00:21:42,123 As described by Plato in the fourth century AD, 375 00:21:42,124 --> 00:21:46,293 Atlantis was the home of a highly advanced civilization 376 00:21:46,294 --> 00:21:48,623 which mysteriously disappeared into the ocean 377 00:21:48,624 --> 00:21:51,533 thousands of years ago. 378 00:21:51,534 --> 00:21:55,083 While mainstream scholars continue to dismiss Atlantis 379 00:21:55,084 --> 00:21:57,993 as nothing more than a fanciful myth, 380 00:21:57,994 --> 00:22:00,623 there are many who believe Plato's account 381 00:22:00,624 --> 00:22:04,203 was based on a very real place. 382 00:22:04,204 --> 00:22:08,743 But if Atlantis, like other formerly mythical locations, 383 00:22:08,744 --> 00:22:11,373 were discovered, would it offer proof 384 00:22:11,374 --> 00:22:14,704 of extraterrestrial contact with early humans? 385 00:22:21,124 --> 00:22:25,623 Dunedin, New Zealand. February 2017. 386 00:22:25,624 --> 00:22:30,373 Scientists at New Zealand's top geological institute, 387 00:22:30,374 --> 00:22:32,083 GNS Science, 388 00:22:32,084 --> 00:22:35,413 announce the discovery of a lost continent, 389 00:22:35,414 --> 00:22:39,413 one that sunk into the ocean millions of years ago. 390 00:22:39,414 --> 00:22:42,743 They dub the landmass "Zealandia," 391 00:22:42,744 --> 00:22:45,793 as it extends directly under New Zealand. 392 00:22:45,794 --> 00:22:49,743 Although it is almost entirely underwater, 393 00:22:49,744 --> 00:22:52,413 it fits the definition of a continent 394 00:22:52,414 --> 00:22:55,163 as it consists of an intact piece of crust 395 00:22:55,164 --> 00:22:58,583 that is distinctly different from the ocean floor, 396 00:22:58,584 --> 00:23:02,533 and clearly separated from Australia. 397 00:23:02,534 --> 00:23:06,743 This was a shocking discovery, 398 00:23:06,744 --> 00:23:08,873 because they thought the number of continents on Earth 399 00:23:08,874 --> 00:23:10,623 had been basically fixed. 400 00:23:10,624 --> 00:23:12,373 Now, this one looks like it could have been 401 00:23:12,374 --> 00:23:14,033 another continent, 402 00:23:14,034 --> 00:23:16,833 where perhaps human beings dwelled. 403 00:23:16,834 --> 00:23:18,533 And if it was, 404 00:23:18,534 --> 00:23:20,914 this could certainly rewrite a lot of history books. 405 00:23:23,294 --> 00:23:27,663 Could this be the lost continent of Atlantis? 406 00:23:27,664 --> 00:23:29,533 Ancient astronaut theorists 407 00:23:29,534 --> 00:23:32,623 say that it is a distinct possibility. 408 00:23:32,624 --> 00:23:35,873 There is an ongoing bias among scientists 409 00:23:35,874 --> 00:23:38,413 that anything from the ancient past must, therefore, 410 00:23:38,414 --> 00:23:42,413 be a made-up fake story, a myth. 411 00:23:42,414 --> 00:23:46,333 And yet, these scientists have to look at the reality 412 00:23:46,334 --> 00:23:49,703 that archaeological discoveries are verifying 413 00:23:49,704 --> 00:23:52,414 that the actual stories have merit. 414 00:23:58,512 --> 00:24:00,391 New York City. 415 00:24:00,392 --> 00:24:02,971 February 2017. 416 00:24:02,972 --> 00:24:05,801 That's pretty amazing we were able to do this. 417 00:24:05,802 --> 00:24:09,181 Giorgio Tsoukalos and Jared Collins 418 00:24:09,182 --> 00:24:11,301 continue their scientific investigation 419 00:24:11,302 --> 00:24:15,141 of a mysterious 2000-year-old elongated skull. 420 00:24:15,142 --> 00:24:17,551 We were able to set up a CT scan. 421 00:24:17,552 --> 00:24:19,852 I mean, that's almost unheard of. 422 00:24:22,012 --> 00:24:23,141 Wow. 423 00:24:23,142 --> 00:24:26,551 Because anthropologist Dr. Todd Disotell 425 00:24:26,552 --> 00:24:29,471 found this skull to be missing the sagittal suture 426 00:24:29,472 --> 00:24:33,301 that exists on all naturally formed human skulls, 427 00:24:33,302 --> 00:24:36,471 Giorgio and Jared have taken it 428 00:24:36,472 --> 00:24:40,301 to New York University's radiology department. 429 00:24:40,302 --> 00:24:43,221 There, it will be subjected to a CT scan... 430 00:24:43,222 --> 00:24:44,971 - Let's scan it. - Yeah, let's see what's inside. 431 00:24:44,972 --> 00:24:47,221 ...which should reveal whether or not 432 00:24:47,222 --> 00:24:49,221 the skull really is missing the suture, 433 00:24:49,222 --> 00:24:53,761 or if it is simply not visible to the naked eye. 434 00:24:53,762 --> 00:24:58,301 During the procedure, a series of computerized x-ray images 435 00:24:58,302 --> 00:25:02,431 are taken from 360 degrees and stacked together 436 00:25:02,432 --> 00:25:04,511 to form a 3-D image. 437 00:25:04,512 --> 00:25:07,261 If any hairline evidence of the missing suture exists, 438 00:25:07,262 --> 00:25:10,221 it will show up in the scan. 439 00:25:10,222 --> 00:25:12,511 That looks amazing. 440 00:25:12,512 --> 00:25:14,591 - It is incredible. - Isn't it incredible? -Yeah. 441 00:25:14,592 --> 00:25:16,391 So these are surface rendered images 442 00:25:16,392 --> 00:25:18,261 to allow you to see the skull. 443 00:25:18,262 --> 00:25:22,261 For the sake of comparison, we have put similar images 444 00:25:22,262 --> 00:25:24,091 of a actual patient. 445 00:25:24,092 --> 00:25:25,431 - Okay. - So you can obviously see 446 00:25:25,432 --> 00:25:27,301 the teeth, the orbits 447 00:25:27,302 --> 00:25:29,301 where the eyes would sit and you can see 448 00:25:29,302 --> 00:25:31,091 that it's a very deformed skull. 449 00:25:31,092 --> 00:25:33,051 Do you find any strange anomalies... 450 00:25:33,052 --> 00:25:34,971 Besides the shape, obviously? 451 00:25:34,972 --> 00:25:37,931 Well, there's a lot that's interesting about this. 452 00:25:37,932 --> 00:25:40,931 There's a sagittal suture that runs across the top of the skull 453 00:25:40,932 --> 00:25:43,011 that I'm not seeing on this skull. 454 00:25:43,012 --> 00:25:48,011 It's fused, but what is confounding to me is 455 00:25:48,012 --> 00:25:50,091 you can see the sutures in the other areas. 456 00:25:50,092 --> 00:25:52,801 And the fusing of a suture, 457 00:25:52,802 --> 00:25:57,051 is that something where, if we were to look closer, 458 00:25:57,052 --> 00:26:00,221 would we see a remnant of that suture? 459 00:26:00,222 --> 00:26:03,221 We can look at it this way on these images. 460 00:26:03,222 --> 00:26:05,551 So you can see right here, there should be 461 00:26:05,552 --> 00:26:07,891 a sagittal suture right there and we're not seeing it. 462 00:26:07,892 --> 00:26:10,091 There's a lot of distortion, but I'll show you. 463 00:26:10,092 --> 00:26:12,351 This is what a suture elsewhere would look like, 464 00:26:12,352 --> 00:26:14,891 so these are the sutures, uh, elsewhere. 465 00:26:14,892 --> 00:26:19,511 Have you seen many skulls that have missing sutures? 466 00:26:19,512 --> 00:26:21,722 I've never seen anything like this skull. 467 00:26:24,512 --> 00:26:27,301 Ancient astronaut theorists 468 00:26:27,302 --> 00:26:31,391 point out that science often has a difficult time with data... 469 00:26:31,392 --> 00:26:34,221 Such as the missing sagittal sutures... 470 00:26:34,222 --> 00:26:37,391 That does not fit into the accepted paradigm. 471 00:26:37,392 --> 00:26:39,351 And they suggest 472 00:26:39,352 --> 00:26:42,551 that findings that defy conventional explanation 473 00:26:42,552 --> 00:26:47,222 often get set aside, instead of being investigated. 474 00:26:50,182 --> 00:26:52,141 St. Catharines. 475 00:26:52,142 --> 00:26:53,052 Ontario, Canada. 476 00:26:53,053 --> 00:26:56,261 Spring 1970. 477 00:26:56,262 --> 00:26:59,681 Researchers at the Earth Sciences Department 478 00:26:59,682 --> 00:27:01,301 at Brock University 479 00:27:01,302 --> 00:27:05,391 receive a sample of wood that was found buried 480 00:27:05,392 --> 00:27:10,181 150 feet underground on an island off Nova Scotia. 481 00:27:10,182 --> 00:27:13,141 After scientists run carbon dating tests 482 00:27:13,142 --> 00:27:15,431 on the material, 483 00:27:15,432 --> 00:27:20,351 they place the object as being from 3000 years in the future. 484 00:27:20,352 --> 00:27:24,351 Confounded, the team runs the test again, 485 00:27:24,352 --> 00:27:27,261 only to get the exact same results. 486 00:27:27,262 --> 00:27:30,431 Since it's an organic piece of material, 487 00:27:30,432 --> 00:27:32,801 they were able to date it. 488 00:27:32,802 --> 00:27:35,851 But the dates that they received 489 00:27:35,852 --> 00:27:39,471 completely contradicted everything, because 490 00:27:39,472 --> 00:27:42,891 it had a date of 3,000 years into the future. 491 00:27:42,892 --> 00:27:44,552 Well, how is that possible? 492 00:27:46,802 --> 00:27:50,931 How is it that modern dating techniques 493 00:27:50,932 --> 00:27:55,431 can produce results that are so obviously contradictory? 494 00:27:55,432 --> 00:27:58,971 The basic idea behind radiocarbon dating is that 495 00:27:58,972 --> 00:28:01,851 radioactive carbon decays at a set rate, 496 00:28:01,852 --> 00:28:05,091 and you can use that to date when various animals 497 00:28:05,092 --> 00:28:08,591 and life-forms died and how long they've been dead. 498 00:28:08,592 --> 00:28:12,181 However, there are known flaws in the science. 499 00:28:12,182 --> 00:28:13,761 Inorganic materials, 500 00:28:13,762 --> 00:28:17,221 like stone, cannot be carbon-dated. 501 00:28:17,222 --> 00:28:19,721 And exposure to radioactivity 502 00:28:19,722 --> 00:28:22,801 can alter the dates dramatically. 503 00:28:22,802 --> 00:28:26,431 The dating may abruptly increase 504 00:28:26,432 --> 00:28:28,641 because of nuclear weapons going off. 505 00:28:28,642 --> 00:28:32,181 It's also changed if a volcano erupts, 506 00:28:32,182 --> 00:28:34,221 it puts a lot of carbon dioxide in the air. 507 00:28:34,222 --> 00:28:38,261 But scientists crave certainty, like all human beings, 508 00:28:38,262 --> 00:28:39,761 certainty and predictability. 509 00:28:39,762 --> 00:28:41,972 So they tend to minimize the caveats. 510 00:28:46,092 --> 00:28:49,221 But if the carbon measurements can be skewed 511 00:28:49,222 --> 00:28:51,431 due to exposure to radiation, 512 00:28:51,432 --> 00:28:55,011 just how inaccurate might the dating be? 513 00:28:55,012 --> 00:28:57,511 Perhaps answers can be found 514 00:28:57,512 --> 00:29:00,181 when the process is put to yet another, 515 00:29:00,182 --> 00:29:03,512 even more confounding test. 516 00:29:04,714 --> 00:29:06,843 Irvine, California. 517 00:29:06,844 --> 00:29:09,463 April 2017. 518 00:29:09,464 --> 00:29:12,673 Ancient astronaut theorist Giorgio Tsoukalos 519 00:29:12,674 --> 00:29:16,253 is visiting the Keck Carbon Cycle Research Lab 521 00:29:16,254 --> 00:29:18,043 at the University of California 522 00:29:18,044 --> 00:29:20,673 to see firsthand how radiation 523 00:29:20,674 --> 00:29:24,253 can dramatically alter the results of carbon dating. 524 00:29:24,254 --> 00:29:26,583 - Dr. Southon. - Oh, hi. 525 00:29:26,584 --> 00:29:28,003 Giorgio. Pleasure to meet you. 526 00:29:28,004 --> 00:29:29,583 - How you doing? - Pleasure to meet you. 527 00:29:29,584 --> 00:29:31,583 I'm here to learn about carbon dating. 528 00:29:31,584 --> 00:29:32,883 Let me show you how this thing works. 529 00:29:32,884 --> 00:29:34,173 - All right. - Follow me. 530 00:29:34,174 --> 00:29:37,633 Dr. John Southon 531 00:29:37,634 --> 00:29:41,043 is using accelerator mass spectrometry equipment 532 00:29:41,044 --> 00:29:43,043 to carbon date a sample of redwood 533 00:29:43,044 --> 00:29:45,043 that was exposed to radiation 534 00:29:45,044 --> 00:29:49,543 during the testing of atomic weapons in the 1950s. 535 00:29:49,544 --> 00:29:53,463 The process begins by sterilizing the wood chip 536 00:29:53,464 --> 00:29:55,463 and then exposing it 537 00:29:55,464 --> 00:29:59,843 to various chemical processes to remove any contamination. 538 00:29:59,844 --> 00:30:03,503 The material undergoes a combustion process 539 00:30:03,504 --> 00:30:07,883 and is reduced to graphite for optimal data retrieval. 540 00:30:07,884 --> 00:30:11,423 Finally, the graphite is sent through 541 00:30:11,424 --> 00:30:13,633 an accelerated mass spectrometer to measure 542 00:30:13,634 --> 00:30:15,423 the rate of radiocarbon decay 543 00:30:15,424 --> 00:30:18,923 and generate the age of the object. 544 00:30:18,924 --> 00:30:20,463 Pull up a chair. 545 00:30:20,464 --> 00:30:22,044 All right. 546 00:30:24,716 --> 00:30:26,335 So what are we looking at here? 547 00:30:26,336 --> 00:30:29,545 Okay, so, this is our result here. 548 00:30:29,546 --> 00:30:34,795 This is how much radiocarbon was in the samples 550 00:30:34,796 --> 00:30:36,165 that we measured from that redwood. 551 00:30:36,166 --> 00:30:37,505 Okay. 552 00:30:37,506 --> 00:30:40,125 And the thing that's strange about them 553 00:30:40,126 --> 00:30:43,625 is that the radiocarbon age is negative, 554 00:30:43,626 --> 00:30:46,955 which means, at least at face value, 555 00:30:46,956 --> 00:30:49,415 these are from 600 years in the future. 556 00:30:49,416 --> 00:30:51,835 Really? Okay. 557 00:30:51,836 --> 00:30:55,875 And the explanation for that has to do with 558 00:30:55,876 --> 00:30:58,955 nuclear weapons testing in the atmosphere 559 00:30:58,956 --> 00:31:02,005 in the 1950s and 1960s. 560 00:31:02,006 --> 00:31:03,715 This is amazing. 561 00:31:03,716 --> 00:31:06,125 In your estimation, do you think that 562 00:31:06,126 --> 00:31:11,215 if an object is closer, let's say, to a nuclear testing site, 563 00:31:11,216 --> 00:31:16,165 that an item like that would be yielding more crazy results? 564 00:31:16,166 --> 00:31:18,455 If it was really close, yes. 565 00:31:18,456 --> 00:31:19,915 Okay. 566 00:31:19,916 --> 00:31:21,715 So it would give you dates that 567 00:31:21,716 --> 00:31:23,255 would be the equivalent of 568 00:31:23,256 --> 00:31:26,505 tens of thousands of years in the future. 569 00:31:26,506 --> 00:31:29,755 Well, I think that's so incredibly fascinating. 570 00:31:29,756 --> 00:31:33,215 If any object is exposed 571 00:31:33,216 --> 00:31:35,455 to some type of a thermonuclear event, 572 00:31:35,456 --> 00:31:38,666 it changes the result of the carbon dating. 573 00:31:40,256 --> 00:31:41,955 So I think that it's about time 574 00:31:41,956 --> 00:31:44,455 for us to look at our ancient history, 575 00:31:44,456 --> 00:31:46,875 because what if something similar 576 00:31:46,876 --> 00:31:48,545 happened in our past? 577 00:31:48,546 --> 00:31:51,545 Stories of ancient warfare 578 00:31:51,546 --> 00:31:54,665 involving the gods using sophisticated weapons 579 00:31:54,666 --> 00:31:57,625 can be found in numerous texts. 580 00:31:57,626 --> 00:32:00,545 And ancient astronaut theorists 581 00:32:00,546 --> 00:32:04,125 have long proposed that these stories are backed up 582 00:32:04,126 --> 00:32:09,125 by physical evidence that can be found throughout the world. 583 00:32:09,126 --> 00:32:12,125 One curious site that seems to indicate 584 00:32:12,126 --> 00:32:14,505 some kind of an atomic explosion 585 00:32:14,506 --> 00:32:18,875 is the very southwestern corner of Egypt, 586 00:32:18,876 --> 00:32:21,585 right up along the border of Libya. 587 00:32:21,586 --> 00:32:24,215 And that area is a sandy area, 588 00:32:24,216 --> 00:32:28,835 but it is covered with evidence of vitrification. 589 00:32:28,836 --> 00:32:32,165 That's what happens when you detonate an atomic bomb 590 00:32:32,166 --> 00:32:35,875 in a desert area, it turns the desert into glass. 592 00:32:35,876 --> 00:32:38,665 And also at Mohenjo-Daro, 593 00:32:38,666 --> 00:32:40,875 which is on the border of Pakistan and India, 594 00:32:40,876 --> 00:32:44,215 were these lumps of glass 595 00:32:44,216 --> 00:32:47,335 that had been molten and melted. 596 00:32:47,336 --> 00:32:49,835 And there were skeletons that were also found 597 00:32:49,836 --> 00:32:52,755 that were radioactive. 598 00:32:52,756 --> 00:32:56,625 So the evidence shows that there was some kind of 599 00:32:56,626 --> 00:33:00,836 atomic detonation or atomic war in our ancient history. 600 00:33:02,916 --> 00:33:05,545 There are suggestions that 601 00:33:05,546 --> 00:33:09,665 there may have been some past nuclear weapon's detonation. 602 00:33:09,666 --> 00:33:12,665 And if that occurred, 603 00:33:12,666 --> 00:33:18,295 then the carbon dating must account for that possibility. 604 00:33:18,296 --> 00:33:21,255 And that would make, by the way, everything look younger 605 00:33:21,256 --> 00:33:23,256 in carbon dating. 606 00:33:25,256 --> 00:33:27,335 The oldest dates that can be measured 607 00:33:27,336 --> 00:33:32,715 by carbon dating go back to only 70,000 years ago, 608 00:33:32,716 --> 00:33:34,795 a tiny fraction of Earth's estimated 609 00:33:34,796 --> 00:33:37,715 six-billion-year history. 610 00:33:37,716 --> 00:33:41,415 Scientists have come to rely on the fossil record 611 00:33:41,416 --> 00:33:45,626 to fill in the gaps, but that, too, has its limitations. 612 00:33:52,376 --> 00:33:55,335 Myanmar, Southeast Asia. 613 00:33:55,336 --> 00:33:58,955 December 8, 2016. 614 00:33:58,956 --> 00:34:02,835 Paleontologists discover a piece of amber 615 00:34:02,836 --> 00:34:06,045 containing the perfectly preserved tail of a dinosaur 616 00:34:06,046 --> 00:34:08,875 believed by mainstream scientists to be 617 00:34:08,876 --> 00:34:11,796 99 million years old. 618 00:34:14,796 --> 00:34:18,125 The specimen is shocking as it reveals 619 00:34:18,126 --> 00:34:20,665 that not all dinosaurs were covered in scales, 620 00:34:20,666 --> 00:34:23,335 as they had been depicted for more than a century. 621 00:34:23,336 --> 00:34:26,456 Some actually had feathers. 622 00:34:28,336 --> 00:34:32,255 But how could archaeologists have gotten it so wrong? 623 00:34:32,256 --> 00:34:34,085 One of the criticisms 624 00:34:34,086 --> 00:34:37,335 against the fossil record are the gaps in the record. 625 00:34:37,336 --> 00:34:40,665 That is, we can see what we think this animal looked like, 626 00:34:40,666 --> 00:34:43,085 you know, three million years ago, 627 00:34:43,086 --> 00:34:44,585 and then we can see what we think it looked like 628 00:34:44,586 --> 00:34:45,955 one million years ago, 629 00:34:45,956 --> 00:34:47,506 but what happened in between? 630 00:34:49,726 --> 00:34:53,225 Due to gaps of up to 80 million years, 631 00:34:53,226 --> 00:34:56,855 the fossil record is woefully incomplete, 632 00:34:56,856 --> 00:34:58,805 and the process of becoming a fossil 633 00:34:58,806 --> 00:35:02,185 itself is extremely difficult. 634 00:35:02,186 --> 00:35:05,105 Vertebrate bones are very difficult 635 00:35:05,106 --> 00:35:06,975 to turn into fossils. 636 00:35:06,976 --> 00:35:09,935 We are these wonderful picnic lunches 637 00:35:09,936 --> 00:35:12,645 for a lot of different creatures. 638 00:35:12,646 --> 00:35:16,975 Unless you fall into a water-filled mud bath, 639 00:35:16,976 --> 00:35:21,765 or in the ocean, leaving your bones almost anywhere 640 00:35:21,766 --> 00:35:26,395 is going to make sure it's never turned into a fossil. 641 00:35:26,396 --> 00:35:28,855 There's life-forms that have never, probably, 642 00:35:28,856 --> 00:35:30,685 ever been fossilized. 643 00:35:30,686 --> 00:35:33,355 This leaves room for all kinds 644 00:35:33,356 --> 00:35:36,065 of anomalous beings to really exist. 645 00:35:36,066 --> 00:35:41,355 We may yet find fossils of nine-foot giants, 647 00:35:41,356 --> 00:35:44,305 and even of extraterrestrials. 648 00:35:44,306 --> 00:35:47,395 While conventional science remains resistant 649 00:35:47,396 --> 00:35:50,305 to the notion that extraterrestrial 650 00:35:50,306 --> 00:35:53,265 or hybrid beings have ever existed on the planet, 651 00:35:53,266 --> 00:35:56,145 ancient astronaut theorists believe 652 00:35:56,146 --> 00:35:59,766 they may be very close to uncovering definitive proof. 653 00:36:05,606 --> 00:36:08,265 Los Angeles, California. 654 00:36:08,266 --> 00:36:11,645 April 2017. 655 00:36:11,646 --> 00:36:16,065 After nearly two months, the results from the DNA test 656 00:36:16,066 --> 00:36:19,645 that was performed on a 2,000- year-old elongated skull 657 00:36:19,646 --> 00:36:23,565 from Paracas, Peru, are finally in. 658 00:36:23,566 --> 00:36:27,065 To analyze the results, Giorgio enlisted the help 659 00:36:27,066 --> 00:36:29,645 of Dr. Todd Disotell. 660 00:36:29,646 --> 00:36:32,436 All right, Todd, you got the results? 661 00:36:34,396 --> 00:36:36,146 Yeah, and they're very, very interesting. 662 00:36:43,049 --> 00:36:45,263 Los Angeles, California. 663 00:36:45,264 --> 00:36:48,798 April 2017. 664 00:36:48,799 --> 00:36:51,279 All right, Todd, you got the results? 665 00:36:51,280 --> 00:36:53,909 Yeah, and they're very, very interesting. 666 00:36:53,910 --> 00:36:56,279 Giorgio Tsoukalos is online 667 00:36:56,280 --> 00:36:59,239 with anthropologist Dr. Todd Disotell 668 00:36:59,240 --> 00:37:01,699 to receive the results of a DNA test 669 00:37:01,700 --> 00:37:05,119 that was performed on an elongated skull. 670 00:37:05,120 --> 00:37:09,699 They did get a good, clean DNA profile 671 00:37:09,700 --> 00:37:12,739 from the maternally inherited DNA. 672 00:37:12,740 --> 00:37:16,699 So this particular specimen is actually not found 673 00:37:16,700 --> 00:37:18,199 in the New World, 674 00:37:18,200 --> 00:37:20,539 not found amongst Native Americans, 675 00:37:20,540 --> 00:37:25,199 and it's typically found amongst Europeans and Middle Easterners. 676 00:37:25,200 --> 00:37:29,119 In fact, the 100% match was to a Scottish individual. 677 00:37:29,120 --> 00:37:32,449 This makes no sense whatsoever. 678 00:37:32,450 --> 00:37:35,369 Really? In a South American skull? 679 00:37:35,370 --> 00:37:36,989 This is all very strange. 680 00:37:36,990 --> 00:37:39,739 That could mean that people from Europe 681 00:37:39,740 --> 00:37:46,279 got to South America, you know, 1,500 years earlier 683 00:37:46,280 --> 00:37:49,449 than we currently understand that. 684 00:37:49,450 --> 00:37:51,279 That's amazing. 685 00:37:51,280 --> 00:37:54,699 Unfortunately, the condition of the sample 686 00:37:54,700 --> 00:37:57,659 did not yield any "Y" chromosome. 687 00:37:57,660 --> 00:38:00,409 But that's not surprising. 688 00:38:00,410 --> 00:38:03,829 There is between a couple hundred 689 00:38:03,830 --> 00:38:08,829 to a couple thousand times as much maternal DNA 690 00:38:08,830 --> 00:38:10,539 in every cell of the body. 691 00:38:10,540 --> 00:38:13,119 So what does that mean? 692 00:38:13,120 --> 00:38:15,659 What have we not found out because of that? 693 00:38:15,660 --> 00:38:18,539 Well, so one, that would allow us to definitively determine 694 00:38:18,540 --> 00:38:23,329 the sex, and knowing who the father was 695 00:38:23,330 --> 00:38:26,159 would be very, very informative. 696 00:38:26,160 --> 00:38:28,409 Unfortunately, we're missing that. 697 00:38:28,410 --> 00:38:29,949 Right. 698 00:38:29,950 --> 00:38:34,239 Do you think that a case can be made at all... 699 00:38:34,240 --> 00:38:37,119 And again, this is complete speculation... 700 00:38:37,120 --> 00:38:40,779 That perhaps it is not necessarily human. 701 00:38:40,780 --> 00:38:43,199 Is that a possibility? 702 00:38:43,200 --> 00:38:44,829 Well, it's possible. 703 00:38:44,830 --> 00:38:46,779 But still, we actually don't know what this is. 704 00:38:46,780 --> 00:38:49,909 Since we didn't get any definitive result, 705 00:38:49,910 --> 00:38:54,449 obviously, a scientist always wants to try to do that. 706 00:38:54,450 --> 00:38:56,369 This is extraordinary. 707 00:38:56,370 --> 00:38:59,579 Yeah. It still leaves open the possibility 708 00:38:59,580 --> 00:39:01,239 of something interesting. 709 00:39:01,240 --> 00:39:05,159 Right, so I think that we have something here 710 00:39:05,160 --> 00:39:08,539 that definitely merits further investigation. 711 00:39:08,540 --> 00:39:11,869 It's worthy of study, or opening up 712 00:39:11,870 --> 00:39:15,200 a new area of inquiry and some new hypotheses. 713 00:39:18,280 --> 00:39:20,659 The results confirmed the fact 714 00:39:20,660 --> 00:39:23,159 that there is a mystery there. 715 00:39:23,160 --> 00:39:26,909 First of all, we couldn't figure out who the father is 716 00:39:26,910 --> 00:39:28,699 of that thing. 717 00:39:28,700 --> 00:39:31,869 Number two, it has European DNA. 718 00:39:31,870 --> 00:39:34,579 Two things that make no sense. 719 00:39:34,580 --> 00:39:37,489 And it had a missing sagittal suture. 720 00:39:37,490 --> 00:39:39,739 So I do think that 721 00:39:39,740 --> 00:39:41,660 that is an extraterrestrial skull. 722 00:39:43,240 --> 00:39:45,579 Could preconceived notions 723 00:39:45,580 --> 00:39:49,159 concerning mankind's origins be causing scientists 724 00:39:49,160 --> 00:39:51,909 to overlook valuable data? 725 00:39:51,910 --> 00:39:55,079 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 726 00:39:55,080 --> 00:39:58,449 and suggest that the scientific community 727 00:39:58,450 --> 00:40:01,659 has been too quick to find answers when they should be 728 00:40:01,660 --> 00:40:04,240 asking more questions. 729 00:40:07,040 --> 00:40:09,989 Science has built this house... It's called the standard model... 730 00:40:09,990 --> 00:40:12,909 And, unfortunately, this house has some big holes 731 00:40:12,910 --> 00:40:16,659 in its walls, and we hang paintings over them, basically, 732 00:40:16,660 --> 00:40:20,659 and we try to kind of paper those over. 733 00:40:20,660 --> 00:40:24,989 We want certainty, we want everything to fit, 734 00:40:24,990 --> 00:40:28,199 but new knowledge always changes things. 735 00:40:28,200 --> 00:40:31,279 The model of thinking in modern-day academia 736 00:40:31,280 --> 00:40:34,449 is that artifacts can't possibly exist 737 00:40:34,450 --> 00:40:37,409 outside of our chronological timeline. 738 00:40:37,410 --> 00:40:39,779 They decide it's easier to simply 739 00:40:39,780 --> 00:40:41,659 put the pieces in that fit, 740 00:40:41,660 --> 00:40:43,949 and remove the pieces that don't. 741 00:40:43,950 --> 00:40:47,989 Scientists are far too quick 742 00:40:47,990 --> 00:40:50,369 to-to put a period at the end of the sentence. 743 00:40:50,370 --> 00:40:55,039 They're looking at a giant jigsaw puzzle 744 00:40:55,040 --> 00:40:57,329 with only a few pieces that are there. 745 00:40:57,330 --> 00:41:00,699 But they're drawing huge conclusions 746 00:41:00,700 --> 00:41:03,489 without really seeing all the evidence. 747 00:41:03,490 --> 00:41:05,449 And this is a problem 748 00:41:05,450 --> 00:41:09,869 in trying to reconstruct our ancient history. 749 00:41:09,870 --> 00:41:13,779 Science is about letting the evidence 750 00:41:13,780 --> 00:41:16,369 lead the investigation, drawing conclusions 751 00:41:16,370 --> 00:41:18,579 based upon what you find. 752 00:41:18,580 --> 00:41:22,489 And the findings are undeniable: we are not alone. 753 00:41:22,490 --> 00:41:24,869 Extraterrestrial, human-like groups have been 754 00:41:24,870 --> 00:41:26,660 visiting us all along. 755 00:41:29,370 --> 00:41:32,119 Are we finally entering a new age of science 756 00:41:32,120 --> 00:41:36,779 where we will be forced to rewrite our history books? 757 00:41:36,780 --> 00:41:40,949 Perhaps we are finally getting close to finding the answers 758 00:41:40,950 --> 00:41:45,039 to the questions that mankind has been asking for centuries. 759 00:41:45,040 --> 00:41:47,989 Where did we come from? 760 00:41:47,990 --> 00:41:50,489 Why are we here? 761 00:41:50,490 --> 00:41:53,699 And are we alone in the universe?