1 00:00:02,652 --> 00:00:03,651 NARRATOR: A detailed description 2 00:00:03,671 --> 00:00:06,230 of a highly advanced aircraft appears 3 00:00:06,248 --> 00:00:09,399 in a 3,000-year-old text. 4 00:00:09,493 --> 00:00:10,492 JONATHAN YOUNG: There are tales 5 00:00:10,511 --> 00:00:11,677 of flying craft 6 00:00:11,828 --> 00:00:14,238 that could fly at extraordinary speeds 7 00:00:14,331 --> 00:00:16,664 that defy the laws of physics. 8 00:00:16,684 --> 00:00:19,409 NARRATOR: Ancient stories depict a vehicle 9 00:00:19,428 --> 00:00:23,188 that travels both in the sky and underwater. 10 00:00:23,340 --> 00:00:25,858 WILLIAM HENRY: In Sumeria and in Babylon, they talked about 11 00:00:26,085 --> 00:00:30,696 Oannes who emerged from the sea in a winged disc. 12 00:00:30,923 --> 00:00:33,532 NARRATOR: And the oldest Egyptian hieroglyphs 13 00:00:33,759 --> 00:00:36,702 reference strange objects descending to Earth. 14 00:00:36,929 --> 00:00:40,188 We have depictions in ancient times 15 00:00:40,282 --> 00:00:42,708 of flying craft that seem to be 16 00:00:42,859 --> 00:00:44,877 in the form of pyramids. 17 00:00:45,028 --> 00:00:47,546 NARRATOR: Now, military personnel 18 00:00:47,697 --> 00:00:49,214 are capturing footage 19 00:00:49,441 --> 00:00:51,792 of nearly identical objects in the sky. 20 00:00:51,886 --> 00:00:55,445 Are we encountering the same extraterrestrials 21 00:00:55,464 --> 00:00:59,558 that have occupied Earth for thousands of years? 22 00:01:00,786 --> 00:01:02,561 ♪ ♪ 23 00:01:04,123 --> 00:01:05,731 NARRATOR: There is a doorway 24 00:01:05,882 --> 00:01:08,567 in the universe. 25 00:01:08,718 --> 00:01:12,813 Beyond it is the promise of truth. 26 00:01:12,965 --> 00:01:15,557 It demands we question everything 27 00:01:15,651 --> 00:01:18,059 we have ever been taught. 28 00:01:18,079 --> 00:01:21,396 The evidence is all around us. 29 00:01:21,415 --> 00:01:25,309 The future is right before our eyes. 30 00:01:25,327 --> 00:01:28,236 We are not alone. 31 00:01:28,330 --> 00:01:31,090 We have never been alone. 32 00:01:40,101 --> 00:01:43,510 NARRATOR: July 2019. 33 00:01:43,662 --> 00:01:47,106 San Clemente Island, California. 34 00:01:47,333 --> 00:01:50,442 68 nautical miles west of San Diego. 35 00:01:50,594 --> 00:01:53,595 Nine U.S. warships 36 00:01:53,614 --> 00:01:55,614 belonging to an elite Navy unit called 37 00:01:55,765 --> 00:01:57,616 Carrier Strike Group 9 38 00:01:57,767 --> 00:02:00,119 are performing nighttime training exercises 39 00:02:00,270 --> 00:02:02,121 in restricted waters. 40 00:02:02,272 --> 00:02:05,532 The Navy was undertaking an exercise 41 00:02:05,684 --> 00:02:07,775 with Strike Force 9. 42 00:02:07,870 --> 00:02:11,188 This is an integrated crew 43 00:02:11,281 --> 00:02:13,114 centered on an aircraft carrier, 44 00:02:13,208 --> 00:02:15,450 but with multiple other 45 00:02:15,544 --> 00:02:17,861 U.S. Navy vessels, 46 00:02:17,954 --> 00:02:21,381 and jets really testing how 47 00:02:21,533 --> 00:02:24,368 the U.S. military would respond 48 00:02:24,386 --> 00:02:26,478 in a war-fighting situation, 49 00:02:26,630 --> 00:02:29,222 so everything has to be seamless. 50 00:02:29,375 --> 00:02:30,390 And then, 51 00:02:30,542 --> 00:02:33,377 into the middle of all of this, 52 00:02:33,395 --> 00:02:36,546 suddenly and unexpectedly, 53 00:02:36,640 --> 00:02:38,882 the exercise is interrupted 54 00:02:38,901 --> 00:02:41,160 by an unknown presence. 55 00:02:43,146 --> 00:02:44,479 NARRATOR: The ships are swarmed 56 00:02:44,498 --> 00:02:47,315 by what the Navy refers to as UAVs, 57 00:02:47,334 --> 00:02:50,652 or Unidentified Aerial Vehicles. 58 00:02:50,671 --> 00:02:53,988 The UAVs fly for prolonged periods of time 59 00:02:54,008 --> 00:02:56,249 in low-visibility conditions, 60 00:02:56,343 --> 00:02:59,160 performing brazen maneuvers over the warships 61 00:02:59,180 --> 00:03:01,996 near a sensitive military training range. 62 00:03:02,090 --> 00:03:03,590 Make no mistake about it, 63 00:03:03,684 --> 00:03:08,002 something is penetrating 64 00:03:08,022 --> 00:03:10,856 the sophisticated air defense network. 65 00:03:11,007 --> 00:03:13,917 JEREMY CORBELL: That swarm series 66 00:03:13,936 --> 00:03:16,695 of UFOs around Navy ships 67 00:03:16,846 --> 00:03:19,013 is one of the most important bodies of evidence 68 00:03:19,033 --> 00:03:21,516 ever documented and put out to the public 69 00:03:21,535 --> 00:03:24,519 because it involved so many ships. 70 00:03:24,538 --> 00:03:27,264 There were a strategic coordination 71 00:03:27,282 --> 00:03:28,707 of these unidentifieds. 72 00:03:30,527 --> 00:03:32,452 NARRATOR: The Photographic Interpretation 73 00:03:32,604 --> 00:03:35,956 and Examination team aboard the USS Russell 74 00:03:36,050 --> 00:03:39,534 captured a compelling 18-second night vision video 75 00:03:39,628 --> 00:03:44,798 of multiple UAVs hovering just 700 feet above the ship. 76 00:03:44,892 --> 00:03:47,226 CORBELL: The USS Russell was swarmed by UFOs 77 00:03:47,453 --> 00:03:50,044 like other ships, but this was different. 78 00:03:50,138 --> 00:03:52,973 These were flying pyramids 79 00:03:53,125 --> 00:03:55,308 without any control surfaces, wings, 80 00:03:55,402 --> 00:03:58,237 rudders, tails, plumes, or exhaust. Nothing. 81 00:03:58,388 --> 00:04:00,297 How did these things move? 82 00:04:00,390 --> 00:04:02,407 How were they able to get past 83 00:04:02,634 --> 00:04:04,968 one of our nation's greatest defense systems? 84 00:04:04,987 --> 00:04:07,246 This was something that we couldn't even defend against. 85 00:04:08,824 --> 00:04:11,566 NARRATOR: In December 2017, 86 00:04:11,585 --> 00:04:14,569 just 18 months prior to this incident, 87 00:04:14,588 --> 00:04:17,163 The New York Times exposed the U.S. government's 88 00:04:17,316 --> 00:04:21,260 secret program to investigate unidentified aerial phenomena. 89 00:04:23,155 --> 00:04:25,597 Since that bombshell revelation, 90 00:04:25,824 --> 00:04:28,267 numerous photographs and videos have surfaced 91 00:04:28,494 --> 00:04:31,937 of Navy encounters with different types of UAPs. 92 00:04:32,164 --> 00:04:34,681 And as far as ancient astronaut theorists 93 00:04:34,833 --> 00:04:37,258 are concerned, the video captured 94 00:04:37,352 --> 00:04:41,855 from the USS Russell may be the most extraordinary of all. 95 00:04:41,949 --> 00:04:45,450 Not because there were so many objects seen in the sky, 96 00:04:45,602 --> 00:04:49,246 but because of the UAP's very unique shape. 97 00:04:51,033 --> 00:04:54,275 TSOUKALOS: The fact that there are pyramid-shaped objects 98 00:04:54,295 --> 00:04:56,703 that have been filmed by the Navy 99 00:04:56,855 --> 00:04:59,447 is beyond interesting to me 100 00:04:59,466 --> 00:05:03,193 because we have similar depictions 101 00:05:03,286 --> 00:05:06,638 in ancient times of flying craft 102 00:05:06,865 --> 00:05:09,308 that seem to be in the form of pyramids. 103 00:05:09,535 --> 00:05:12,460 Clearly, what we see in this footage of today 104 00:05:12,479 --> 00:05:14,554 is pyramid-shaped, three-dimensionally. 105 00:05:14,648 --> 00:05:16,373 It's not flat. 106 00:05:16,466 --> 00:05:18,966 It's a three-dimensional pyramid 107 00:05:19,061 --> 00:05:20,968 floating in the sky. 108 00:05:20,988 --> 00:05:22,988 Providing that the footage is real, 109 00:05:23,139 --> 00:05:25,065 providing it is extraterrestrial, 110 00:05:25,217 --> 00:05:28,493 then one could argue that the same visitors 111 00:05:28,645 --> 00:05:30,144 that we've had back then 112 00:05:30,164 --> 00:05:32,164 are showing themselves again. 113 00:05:36,562 --> 00:05:38,986 NARRATOR: On display in the Egyptian Museum 114 00:05:39,081 --> 00:05:40,580 and Royal Mummies' Hall 115 00:05:40,674 --> 00:05:44,343 is an artifact from the pyramid of Amenemhat III, 116 00:05:44,494 --> 00:05:48,088 called a Benben stone. 117 00:05:48,182 --> 00:05:51,683 In ancient Egypt, similar pyramid-shaped capstones 118 00:05:51,835 --> 00:05:55,579 were placed on the top of giant standing stones called obelisks. 119 00:05:55,672 --> 00:05:58,582 The first of these Benben stones 120 00:05:58,675 --> 00:06:01,342 predate the earliest pyramids. 121 00:06:01,362 --> 00:06:03,420 The obelisk pointed up toward the heavens, 122 00:06:03,513 --> 00:06:05,364 so it is an object of worship, 123 00:06:05,591 --> 00:06:08,867 and that capstone, that Benben stone, 124 00:06:09,018 --> 00:06:10,093 was the meeting place. 125 00:06:10,112 --> 00:06:13,187 That was the portal to other worlds 126 00:06:13,281 --> 00:06:17,617 where human energy lifted up and made contact with the gods. 127 00:06:17,769 --> 00:06:20,103 HUGH NEWMAN: The shape of the Benben stone 128 00:06:20,196 --> 00:06:22,196 is like a classic pyramid shape. 129 00:06:22,216 --> 00:06:24,608 And, uh, you know, apparently, the design of pyramids 130 00:06:24,701 --> 00:06:27,052 was based on the Benben stone itself, 131 00:06:27,279 --> 00:06:29,554 and these are like giant versions of it. 132 00:06:31,392 --> 00:06:33,541 DAVID CHILDRESS: The Benben stone was not just, uh, 133 00:06:33,560 --> 00:06:36,561 symbolizing a connection to the heavens, 134 00:06:36,713 --> 00:06:41,358 it was actually memorializing an extraterrestrial visitation. 135 00:06:42,903 --> 00:06:47,147 TSOUKALOS: In ancient Egypt, it's chock-full of references 136 00:06:47,299 --> 00:06:49,724 of celestial beings descending from the sky 137 00:06:49,743 --> 00:06:51,701 and imparting knowledge to our ancestors. 138 00:06:53,563 --> 00:06:56,656 One of the origin stories says 139 00:06:56,808 --> 00:07:01,161 that a Benben stone descended from the sky, 140 00:07:01,313 --> 00:07:04,589 out of which the first creator gods emerged 141 00:07:04,741 --> 00:07:06,666 and started Egyptian civilization. 142 00:07:06,760 --> 00:07:09,261 It was a flying craft. 143 00:07:11,323 --> 00:07:14,433 NARRATOR: Could the pyramidal capstones found atop Egypt's obelisks, 144 00:07:14,584 --> 00:07:16,935 and even the pyramids themselves, 145 00:07:17,086 --> 00:07:20,346 have been inspired by an extraterrestrial visitation? 146 00:07:20,441 --> 00:07:22,441 And if so, 147 00:07:22,592 --> 00:07:25,502 is it possible that similar alien craft 148 00:07:25,520 --> 00:07:28,447 were captured on video above the USS Russell? 149 00:07:30,008 --> 00:07:32,934 What we're seeing from the USS Russell, 150 00:07:32,953 --> 00:07:37,013 these kind of objects flying around in the sky 151 00:07:37,032 --> 00:07:38,865 were an identical shape 152 00:07:38,959 --> 00:07:41,518 and there was multiple ones witnessed and filmed. 153 00:07:41,611 --> 00:07:44,370 And so, is there a connection? 154 00:07:44,523 --> 00:07:46,965 Is this what was witnessed from the USS Russell? 155 00:07:48,543 --> 00:07:51,194 CHILDRESS: It's a fascinating idea that, perhaps, 156 00:07:51,213 --> 00:07:53,546 extraterrestrials first arrived 157 00:07:53,699 --> 00:07:58,218 in Egypt in these small, pyramid-shaped craft, 158 00:07:58,370 --> 00:07:59,794 like we're seeing in this video. 159 00:07:59,813 --> 00:08:02,388 And, in fact, many of the UAPs 160 00:08:02,541 --> 00:08:04,724 that have been reported in modern times 161 00:08:04,876 --> 00:08:07,060 and that we see in the recent Navy videos 162 00:08:07,212 --> 00:08:10,046 are very reminiscent of ancient accounts 163 00:08:10,139 --> 00:08:12,974 of strange objects in the sky, 164 00:08:13,068 --> 00:08:14,475 accounts that you can find 165 00:08:14,495 --> 00:08:17,621 in many ancient cultures around the world. 166 00:08:19,666 --> 00:08:22,650 NARRATOR: Did people living thousands of years ago 167 00:08:22,669 --> 00:08:25,078 encounter the very same objects in the sky 168 00:08:25,230 --> 00:08:28,155 that appear in recent videos and photographs 169 00:08:28,250 --> 00:08:30,342 taken by the U.S. Navy? 170 00:08:31,678 --> 00:08:34,904 And if so, could this indicate that humans 171 00:08:34,923 --> 00:08:36,923 have been sharing planet Earth with another race 172 00:08:37,017 --> 00:08:38,408 of intelligent beings 173 00:08:38,426 --> 00:08:41,077 since our earliest history? 174 00:08:41,096 --> 00:08:44,414 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 175 00:08:44,432 --> 00:08:46,858 and suggest further evidence 176 00:08:47,010 --> 00:08:49,085 can be found in India, 177 00:08:49,178 --> 00:08:51,846 within the pages of one of the world's 178 00:08:51,865 --> 00:08:54,032 oldest texts. 179 00:09:00,707 --> 00:09:03,208 NARRATOR: The coast of Florida. January 2015. 180 00:09:03,435 --> 00:09:06,953 The crew of a Navy F-18 fighter jet 181 00:09:07,105 --> 00:09:09,939 fly into restricted air space and encounter 182 00:09:09,958 --> 00:09:12,942 an airborne object directly in their flight path. 183 00:09:12,961 --> 00:09:16,704 They aim their forward-looking infrared camera at the object 184 00:09:16,798 --> 00:09:19,966 and capture it in flight. 185 00:09:20,060 --> 00:09:22,786 F-18s were chasing this thing, and they couldn't catch it. 186 00:09:22,804 --> 00:09:25,379 The UAP is doing things 187 00:09:25,399 --> 00:09:28,049 that modern aerodynamic vehicles can't do. 188 00:09:28,143 --> 00:09:31,403 NARRATOR: According to the aviator's official report, 189 00:09:31,630 --> 00:09:34,297 the craft descended from altitudes 190 00:09:34,316 --> 00:09:38,076 of 60,000 feet to 50 feet in a matter of seconds, 191 00:09:38,303 --> 00:09:40,895 hovering for short periods of time 192 00:09:40,914 --> 00:09:44,231 and departing at high velocities. 193 00:09:44,251 --> 00:09:46,901 One of the impressive aspects of it, 194 00:09:46,920 --> 00:09:48,587 is that it's moving against the wind, 195 00:09:48,814 --> 00:09:50,380 and you can hear the pilot say this. 196 00:09:59,991 --> 00:10:01,674 CORBELL: It doesn't lose speed, and it rotates 197 00:10:01,827 --> 00:10:03,751 mechanically against the wind. 198 00:10:03,845 --> 00:10:06,253 This gimbal footage 199 00:10:06,273 --> 00:10:10,091 is one of the rare pieces of physical evidence 200 00:10:10,110 --> 00:10:13,612 that is corroborated directly by individuals who are 201 00:10:13,763 --> 00:10:15,855 out there on the East Coast documenting these things. 202 00:10:15,949 --> 00:10:18,783 It is highly impressive. 203 00:10:20,937 --> 00:10:23,622 Now, modern-day aircraft can yaw and pitch, 204 00:10:23,773 --> 00:10:25,457 and they can roll, 205 00:10:25,684 --> 00:10:28,184 but they can't simply pitch straight up 206 00:10:28,203 --> 00:10:30,795 and continue to move forward into the line of flight. 207 00:10:30,947 --> 00:10:32,088 This thing does that. 208 00:10:33,616 --> 00:10:35,541 It's moving extremely fast, 209 00:10:35,636 --> 00:10:38,285 and it's accelerating much faster than the F-18s can. 210 00:10:38,380 --> 00:10:40,880 So that, in itself, 211 00:10:41,032 --> 00:10:43,433 is a feat that mankind has yet to accomplish. 212 00:10:44,886 --> 00:10:47,312 CORBELL: We tried to vet this for a long time. 213 00:10:47,463 --> 00:10:50,482 What's uncomfortable is that we haven't figured it out. 214 00:10:50,709 --> 00:10:53,634 That we don't know whose technology this is. 215 00:10:53,654 --> 00:10:56,971 If you can't identify someone that's far more advanced 216 00:10:56,990 --> 00:10:59,658 than you technologically, Houston, we have a problem. 217 00:11:01,328 --> 00:11:03,386 NARRATOR: Navy video of the incredible encounter 218 00:11:03,479 --> 00:11:06,331 was made public in December 2017, 219 00:11:06,558 --> 00:11:09,668 and the object was dubbed "GIMBAL" 220 00:11:09,895 --> 00:11:14,172 due to its ability to rotate on an axis. 221 00:11:14,399 --> 00:11:16,824 But for ancient astronaut theorists, 222 00:11:16,843 --> 00:11:21,829 just as intriguing as the way it moves is the object's shape. 223 00:11:21,848 --> 00:11:25,258 The craft itself is an acorn-shaped craft. 224 00:11:25,410 --> 00:11:27,427 Immediately, that's reminiscent 225 00:11:27,521 --> 00:11:29,837 of the what the ancient Indian text described as 226 00:11:29,856 --> 00:11:32,649 the vimana, which were acorn-shaped craft. 227 00:11:34,510 --> 00:11:37,511 TSOUKALOS: In the Mahabharata, and at many of the ancient Vedic texts, 228 00:11:37,531 --> 00:11:41,182 they speak about the so-called vimanas. 229 00:11:41,201 --> 00:11:43,201 The vimanas were flying vehicles 230 00:11:43,428 --> 00:11:46,095 with which to reach the celestial realm. 231 00:11:46,114 --> 00:11:49,857 NARRATOR: In the ancient Sanskrit epics of India 232 00:11:49,876 --> 00:11:52,877 there are highly detailed descriptions of the vimana, 233 00:11:53,029 --> 00:11:56,272 which carried the gods and other important figures 234 00:11:56,291 --> 00:11:57,957 through the sky 235 00:11:58,109 --> 00:12:01,219 and sometimes to other planets. 236 00:12:01,370 --> 00:12:04,038 The acorn-shaped craft 237 00:12:04,057 --> 00:12:08,785 were even incorporated at the very top of many Hindu temples, 238 00:12:08,878 --> 00:12:11,563 and some researchers believe 239 00:12:11,714 --> 00:12:14,399 they also inspired similar Buddhist structures 240 00:12:14,550 --> 00:12:16,901 called stupa. 241 00:12:17,053 --> 00:12:20,387 TSOUKALOS: If we go to Indonesia and look at Borobudur, 242 00:12:20,407 --> 00:12:23,466 where we have 194 stupas 243 00:12:23,559 --> 00:12:25,243 sitting in concentric circles, 244 00:12:25,394 --> 00:12:27,746 each stupa, in my opinion, 245 00:12:27,897 --> 00:12:30,749 represents a type of flying craft. 246 00:12:30,900 --> 00:12:35,420 Because "stupa" actually means "celestial chariot," 247 00:12:35,647 --> 00:12:38,923 or a way with which to reach the celestial realm. 248 00:12:39,150 --> 00:12:43,094 And they are in the shape of the so-called vimanas. 249 00:12:44,914 --> 00:12:47,748 NARRATOR: Often, the vimana were described as war machines, 250 00:12:47,768 --> 00:12:50,084 armed with incredible weapons. 251 00:12:50,178 --> 00:12:52,996 There are tales of flying craft 252 00:12:53,014 --> 00:12:54,922 that could defy gravity 253 00:12:55,016 --> 00:12:58,501 and fly at extraordinary speeds that defy the laws of physics. 254 00:12:58,594 --> 00:13:01,780 These were military in usage, 255 00:13:02,007 --> 00:13:04,265 had powerful engines and powerful weapons. 256 00:13:04,284 --> 00:13:06,526 In these battles, 257 00:13:06,678 --> 00:13:09,512 missiles would fire that could wipe out cities. 258 00:13:09,531 --> 00:13:11,623 These were the earliest stories 259 00:13:11,774 --> 00:13:14,684 we have of flying military craft. 260 00:13:14,777 --> 00:13:16,702 HENRY: In the Indian text, 261 00:13:16,797 --> 00:13:20,857 the vimanas are the chariots or craft of the gods. 262 00:13:20,875 --> 00:13:24,135 They were clearly a method of transportation 263 00:13:24,362 --> 00:13:26,954 that could take the gods from place to place, 264 00:13:26,973 --> 00:13:29,215 country to country, or even to other planets. 265 00:13:29,309 --> 00:13:33,460 They're sometimes described as bright clouds. 266 00:13:33,480 --> 00:13:36,130 Some of them are seven stories tall. 267 00:13:36,149 --> 00:13:38,966 NARRATOR: In 1895, 268 00:13:38,985 --> 00:13:41,653 Sanskrit scholar Shivkar Talpade 269 00:13:41,804 --> 00:13:44,989 decided to fashion an aircraft based solely on information 270 00:13:45,216 --> 00:13:47,383 gleaned from the ancient Indian writings 271 00:13:47,402 --> 00:13:49,828 about the vimana. 272 00:13:49,979 --> 00:13:52,238 While the story is hotly disputed, 273 00:13:52,390 --> 00:13:54,223 he allegedly tested the craft 274 00:13:54,242 --> 00:13:56,668 in front of an audience of thousands of people 275 00:13:56,819 --> 00:13:58,819 on a beach in Bombay. 276 00:13:58,839 --> 00:14:01,747 TAYLOR: The legend has it that he flew for, 277 00:14:01,900 --> 00:14:04,342 like, 30 seconds at 1,500 feet. 278 00:14:04,493 --> 00:14:08,404 The Wright brothers only went 120 feet for 12 seconds. 279 00:14:08,423 --> 00:14:12,575 But even more exciting is that this is technology 280 00:14:12,594 --> 00:14:14,686 based on a scripture written 281 00:14:14,913 --> 00:14:17,747 thousands of years before mankind ever had the idea 282 00:14:17,840 --> 00:14:19,524 of heavier-than-air flight. 283 00:14:19,675 --> 00:14:21,359 How is this possible? 284 00:14:23,012 --> 00:14:25,012 NARRATOR: According to the Hindu text, 285 00:14:25,031 --> 00:14:27,348 the crafts were mind-controlled, 286 00:14:27,367 --> 00:14:30,093 able to change direction and pitch 287 00:14:30,111 --> 00:14:32,019 and travel at high speeds, 288 00:14:32,113 --> 00:14:36,190 defying our current knowledge of aeronautical physics. 289 00:14:36,284 --> 00:14:39,118 What's really cool is that these modern-day UFO videos 290 00:14:39,212 --> 00:14:41,621 show that these vehicles 291 00:14:41,773 --> 00:14:45,458 are capable of ridiculous maneuvers. 292 00:14:45,610 --> 00:14:48,553 That they can accelerate at the drop of a dime, 293 00:14:48,704 --> 00:14:52,965 or they can just stop or change direction immediately 294 00:14:53,118 --> 00:14:54,559 at g-forces 295 00:14:54,710 --> 00:14:58,212 that we could not survive. 296 00:14:58,231 --> 00:15:02,400 In the Vaimanika Shastra, which describes what these vimanas 297 00:15:02,551 --> 00:15:04,068 were capable of doing, 298 00:15:04,295 --> 00:15:07,146 the exact same descriptions exist. 299 00:15:07,240 --> 00:15:10,983 The fact that we have similar stories in ancient times 300 00:15:11,077 --> 00:15:14,728 illustrates to me something similar has happened. 301 00:15:14,822 --> 00:15:18,750 NARRATOR: Could it be that the ancient Sanskrit texts 302 00:15:18,977 --> 00:15:21,252 are describing extraterrestrial vehicles 303 00:15:21,404 --> 00:15:23,813 even more advanced than the U.S. military's 304 00:15:23,906 --> 00:15:26,332 most sophisticated fighter jets? 305 00:15:26,426 --> 00:15:30,411 And if so, are we seeing the same alien technology 306 00:15:30,505 --> 00:15:32,822 on display in the recent videos 307 00:15:32,840 --> 00:15:35,082 released by the United States Navy? 308 00:15:35,101 --> 00:15:38,844 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes 309 00:15:38,997 --> 00:15:41,330 and suggest that this technology 310 00:15:41,424 --> 00:15:43,590 may also be depicted on the wall 311 00:15:43,685 --> 00:15:47,946 of an Egyptian temple that dates back thousands of years. 312 00:15:56,122 --> 00:15:58,289 NARRATOR: Dendera, Egypt. 313 00:15:59,775 --> 00:16:01,459 Roughly one and a half miles southeast 314 00:16:01,610 --> 00:16:05,296 of this ancient city lies the Temple of Hathor, 315 00:16:05,523 --> 00:16:08,282 one of the most impressive and well-preserved 316 00:16:08,376 --> 00:16:11,377 archeological sites in all of Egypt. 317 00:16:11,529 --> 00:16:15,698 Among the vast hieroglyphs that cover the columns of the temple 318 00:16:15,717 --> 00:16:17,308 are numerous depictions 319 00:16:17,535 --> 00:16:19,811 of pharaohs standing on mysterious ships 320 00:16:20,038 --> 00:16:22,814 and purportedly traveling through the stars. 321 00:16:24,317 --> 00:16:25,891 HENRY: At the Temple of Hathor, 322 00:16:25,986 --> 00:16:29,895 we see a remarkable depiction of a resurrected pharaoh 323 00:16:29,990 --> 00:16:32,306 standing on what the ancient Egyptians called 324 00:16:32,325 --> 00:16:34,325 the Ship of Eternity. 325 00:16:34,552 --> 00:16:38,329 This is a-a craft that was created by Ptah, 326 00:16:38,481 --> 00:16:40,481 the ancient Egyptian god of technology, 327 00:16:40,500 --> 00:16:44,243 who the Egyptians connected with the star Sirius. 328 00:16:44,337 --> 00:16:45,986 In ancient Egypt, we learn of 329 00:16:46,006 --> 00:16:50,341 pharaohs, gods who travelled the stars riding these craft. 330 00:16:50,493 --> 00:16:52,826 NARRATOR: According to William Henry, 331 00:16:52,846 --> 00:16:54,570 who has spent decades studying 332 00:16:54,663 --> 00:16:57,089 the ancient Egyptian iconography, 333 00:16:57,242 --> 00:17:00,000 an important detail found in some of the depictions 334 00:17:00,020 --> 00:17:02,336 at Dendera and elsewhere 335 00:17:02,430 --> 00:17:05,982 is that the pharaoh is shown within a circle or bubble. 336 00:17:07,935 --> 00:17:09,919 HENRY: In another remarkable example, 337 00:17:09,937 --> 00:17:11,937 we see a Pharaoh sitting on a throne 338 00:17:12,090 --> 00:17:14,440 with Isis and Nephthys 339 00:17:14,592 --> 00:17:16,183 on either side of him, 340 00:17:16,202 --> 00:17:20,687 and he's sitting in a blue bubble or magic bubble. 341 00:17:20,707 --> 00:17:23,115 NARRATOR: The so-called "magic bubble" imagery 342 00:17:23,209 --> 00:17:26,193 is found in artwork throughout the ancient world. 343 00:17:26,212 --> 00:17:28,695 And some researchers speculate 344 00:17:28,790 --> 00:17:30,048 that the repeated connection 345 00:17:30,275 --> 00:17:32,533 between the bubble shape and ascension 346 00:17:32,552 --> 00:17:34,886 may indicate that it represents 347 00:17:35,113 --> 00:17:38,964 a common experience describing space travel. 348 00:17:39,059 --> 00:17:40,224 Throughout the ancient world, 349 00:17:40,451 --> 00:17:42,709 we find other very compelling examples 350 00:17:42,729 --> 00:17:45,805 of beings surrounded by a bubble. 351 00:17:45,899 --> 00:17:49,067 For example, in Tibet we find 352 00:17:49,294 --> 00:17:52,570 Padmasambhava who sits on a lotus throne 353 00:17:52,721 --> 00:17:54,980 surrounded by rainbow-colored light 354 00:17:55,075 --> 00:17:59,151 with a thin line symbolizing some form of a bubble. 355 00:17:59,304 --> 00:18:02,305 When you see the earliest examples of Jesus 356 00:18:02,398 --> 00:18:03,989 ascending into the heavens, 357 00:18:04,084 --> 00:18:07,919 he's sitting on a throne surrounded by concentric rings 358 00:18:08,146 --> 00:18:10,646 that form a bubble around his body. 359 00:18:10,665 --> 00:18:12,239 These are supposed to represent 360 00:18:12,258 --> 00:18:14,650 what the Book of Acts says he ascended in 361 00:18:14,743 --> 00:18:16,761 and will return riding upon. 362 00:18:16,988 --> 00:18:20,080 TSOUKALOS: There are countless paintings 363 00:18:20,174 --> 00:18:23,917 of saints and other celestial beings 364 00:18:24,011 --> 00:18:26,495 that happen to be shown 365 00:18:26,514 --> 00:18:29,181 in some type of an energetic bubble. 366 00:18:29,334 --> 00:18:32,110 What if people saw something 367 00:18:32,337 --> 00:18:36,021 that surpassed their technological intellect, 368 00:18:36,116 --> 00:18:39,617 and thus drew it in that way? 369 00:18:39,768 --> 00:18:42,695 NARRATOR: Mainstream historians interpret the bubble shape 370 00:18:42,847 --> 00:18:46,515 found in religious art as simply symbols of divinity. 371 00:18:46,534 --> 00:18:51,629 But could the repetition of this iconic imagery across traditions 372 00:18:51,856 --> 00:18:56,359 suggest it was something our ancestors witnessed? 373 00:18:56,377 --> 00:19:00,304 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes 374 00:19:00,531 --> 00:19:02,698 and believe further evidence may be found 375 00:19:02,717 --> 00:19:06,960 by taking a closer look at the recently released GIMBAL video 376 00:19:06,980 --> 00:19:10,731 captured by Navy jets in 2015. 377 00:19:13,153 --> 00:19:15,878 When aerospace engineer Dr. Travis Taylor 378 00:19:15,897 --> 00:19:17,971 examined the GIMBAL video, 379 00:19:17,991 --> 00:19:20,383 he noticed a very curious anomaly: 380 00:19:20,476 --> 00:19:23,661 a halo of light surrounding the craft. 381 00:19:26,073 --> 00:19:28,557 TAYLOR: After further analysis of the video, 382 00:19:28,576 --> 00:19:32,653 what we can see is there is a bubble region 383 00:19:32,672 --> 00:19:35,064 that sort of surrounds this craft. 384 00:19:35,157 --> 00:19:37,249 This is something that you don't see 385 00:19:37,343 --> 00:19:38,751 when you look through the same instrument 386 00:19:38,903 --> 00:19:42,254 at, say, an F-18 or an F-22 or an F-35. 387 00:19:42,348 --> 00:19:45,925 Black is hot on their forward-looking infrared camera. 388 00:19:46,019 --> 00:19:48,352 And if black is hot, then white is cooler, 389 00:19:48,504 --> 00:19:51,080 so this is a colder region around the vehicle. 390 00:19:51,098 --> 00:19:53,006 So, maybe 391 00:19:53,026 --> 00:19:55,918 this is a warp bubble 392 00:19:55,937 --> 00:19:58,512 or some sort of propellant-less propulsion field 393 00:19:58,606 --> 00:20:00,256 that someone has discovered. 394 00:20:00,349 --> 00:20:02,516 NARRATOR: The concept of a warp bubble 395 00:20:02,535 --> 00:20:05,036 was introduced in 1994 396 00:20:05,187 --> 00:20:07,763 by Mexican physicist Miguel Alcubierre, 397 00:20:07,782 --> 00:20:09,615 as part of a hypothetical model 398 00:20:09,767 --> 00:20:12,025 for traveling faster than the speed of light. 399 00:20:12,045 --> 00:20:15,104 MICHIO KAKU: I once asked Miguel Alcubierre 400 00:20:15,122 --> 00:20:18,791 how he came up with the idea of the Alcubierre drive. 401 00:20:18,943 --> 00:20:21,052 He told me that he was watching Star Trek. 402 00:20:21,203 --> 00:20:24,037 And in Star Trek, they, well, compress the space 403 00:20:24,057 --> 00:20:26,891 in front of them and expand the space behind them 404 00:20:27,042 --> 00:20:29,635 and would rocket faster than the speed of light. 405 00:20:29,787 --> 00:20:31,637 And then he said, "Well, wait a minute. 406 00:20:31,731 --> 00:20:33,189 I think I can duplicate that." 407 00:20:35,126 --> 00:20:37,401 NARRATOR: In Alcubierre's theoretical model, 408 00:20:37,628 --> 00:20:40,738 the warp drive vehicle is surrounded by an energy bubble 409 00:20:40,889 --> 00:20:42,406 within space-time. 410 00:20:42,558 --> 00:20:44,575 KAKU: You need energy to create a bubble, 411 00:20:44,727 --> 00:20:47,745 what's called a warp bubble, surrounding your starship. 412 00:20:47,972 --> 00:20:50,248 Then you need what is called negative energy 413 00:20:50,399 --> 00:20:53,066 to drive it faster than the speed of light, 414 00:20:53,086 --> 00:20:56,328 while inside, you feel almost nothing. 415 00:20:56,422 --> 00:20:58,071 HENRY: When we look at the idea 416 00:20:58,091 --> 00:20:59,590 of a warp bubble 417 00:20:59,817 --> 00:21:01,592 that could surround a spacecraft, 418 00:21:01,819 --> 00:21:04,262 in the video, engineers are seeing 419 00:21:04,489 --> 00:21:07,265 exactly that principle in action. 420 00:21:07,416 --> 00:21:10,326 As far as ancient astronaut theorists 421 00:21:10,344 --> 00:21:13,178 are concerned, warp bubble technology 422 00:21:13,273 --> 00:21:16,757 could be on display not only in the GIMBAL video, 423 00:21:16,776 --> 00:21:20,836 but also in artwork created centuries ago, 424 00:21:20,855 --> 00:21:23,005 like the pharaoh's blue bubble, 425 00:21:23,024 --> 00:21:25,858 the Tibetan lotus throne, 426 00:21:25,952 --> 00:21:28,677 the ascension of Christ, 427 00:21:28,771 --> 00:21:31,122 and countless other sacred images 428 00:21:31,349 --> 00:21:34,517 that seemingly show identical phenomena. 429 00:21:34,610 --> 00:21:36,460 TSOUKALOS: So, you have to wonder, 430 00:21:36,612 --> 00:21:40,280 what is it that the artist tried to depict here? 431 00:21:40,374 --> 00:21:43,042 It's just like Arthur C. Clarke said, 432 00:21:43,194 --> 00:21:47,788 "Any advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." 433 00:21:47,807 --> 00:21:50,366 HENRY: These are powerful examples 434 00:21:50,384 --> 00:21:52,368 that are suggesting ascended beings 435 00:21:52,386 --> 00:21:54,961 who traveled the stars in magic bubbles 436 00:21:54,981 --> 00:21:57,039 that precisely matches 437 00:21:57,132 --> 00:22:00,151 the Alcubierre warp bubble concept. 438 00:22:00,302 --> 00:22:03,321 TAYLOR: Could these ancient drawings be showing us 439 00:22:03,472 --> 00:22:05,990 the same thing that we're seeing today 440 00:22:06,141 --> 00:22:07,992 in these modern-day infrared cameras? 441 00:22:11,055 --> 00:22:12,663 NARRATOR: Is it possible that depictions 442 00:22:12,815 --> 00:22:15,558 of figures encompassed by bubbles found 443 00:22:15,651 --> 00:22:18,485 throughout history and all around the world 444 00:22:18,504 --> 00:22:22,322 represent an alien technology? 445 00:22:22,342 --> 00:22:25,084 Perhaps further clues can be found 446 00:22:25,236 --> 00:22:28,404 by examining another extraordinary Navy video 447 00:22:28,422 --> 00:22:30,422 and its direct connection 448 00:22:30,516 --> 00:22:31,932 to the ancient world. 449 00:22:43,863 --> 00:22:47,089 NARRATOR: Veteran journalist George Knapp 450 00:22:47,108 --> 00:22:50,201 and documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell 451 00:22:50,352 --> 00:22:54,205 publish astonishing video they acquired from the USS Omaha 452 00:22:54,432 --> 00:22:57,541 that shows a mysterious spherical object 453 00:22:57,693 --> 00:23:01,528 flying at speeds approaching 160 miles per hour 454 00:23:01,547 --> 00:23:03,798 before disappearing into the ocean. 455 00:23:06,777 --> 00:23:11,280 The USS Omaha is one of the central pieces of evidence 456 00:23:11,298 --> 00:23:14,058 that I've put forward to the American and global public. 457 00:23:14,209 --> 00:23:17,970 There were objects that were swarming this Navy warship, 458 00:23:18,064 --> 00:23:19,471 and one in particular 459 00:23:19,624 --> 00:23:22,215 appears to transcend 460 00:23:22,235 --> 00:23:24,793 between the space of air and into sea. 461 00:23:24,887 --> 00:23:27,220 They call that a trans-medium vehicle, 462 00:23:27,240 --> 00:23:29,723 a vehicle that can operate equally as well 463 00:23:29,742 --> 00:23:32,484 from in the air and under the water. 464 00:23:32,637 --> 00:23:34,820 Now, this was suspected, 465 00:23:34,972 --> 00:23:37,063 but when they went to go look for this craft 466 00:23:37,158 --> 00:23:40,309 under the water, or for wreckage, 467 00:23:40,327 --> 00:23:41,585 none was found. 468 00:23:44,573 --> 00:23:46,999 NARRATOR: Tennessee representative Tim Burchett, 469 00:23:47,093 --> 00:23:50,669 an outspoken proponent for disclosure of UFO sightings, 470 00:23:50,821 --> 00:23:55,174 was one of the first members of Congress to review the footage. 471 00:23:55,326 --> 00:23:56,917 TIM BURCHETT: To me, i-it's pretty astounding 472 00:23:57,011 --> 00:23:58,827 when they showed that craft actually 473 00:23:58,846 --> 00:24:00,496 going in and it popping up. 474 00:24:00,514 --> 00:24:01,922 It looked like it didn't even slow down. 475 00:24:01,941 --> 00:24:03,515 There wasn't any friction at all 476 00:24:03,609 --> 00:24:05,943 when it hit the water, so, to me, that's something 477 00:24:06,094 --> 00:24:08,112 that we can't even begin to understand, I don't think. 478 00:24:08,339 --> 00:24:10,931 I've read the mathematical equations of friction 479 00:24:10,950 --> 00:24:13,117 and things like that, and it just defies all of that. 480 00:24:14,845 --> 00:24:16,120 TAYLOR: How could a vehicle 481 00:24:16,347 --> 00:24:18,956 fly into the water at 100 miles per hour? 482 00:24:19,107 --> 00:24:22,776 Well, that suggests either the surface of this vehicle 483 00:24:22,795 --> 00:24:24,444 is frictionless, 484 00:24:24,464 --> 00:24:26,855 and it wouldn't have any interaction 485 00:24:26,874 --> 00:24:29,449 with any material it was flying through, 486 00:24:29,469 --> 00:24:32,803 or it's not frictionless, it's actually a warp bubble 487 00:24:33,030 --> 00:24:36,215 where the spacecraft or craft is inside it. 488 00:24:36,367 --> 00:24:40,144 The stresses and strains by flying through the atmosphere 489 00:24:40,295 --> 00:24:42,796 in outer space and then plunging into the oceans 490 00:24:42,890 --> 00:24:46,150 would be enough to rupture any of our known aircraft. 491 00:24:47,561 --> 00:24:50,546 POPE: These reports of USOs, 492 00:24:50,564 --> 00:24:55,659 unidentified submerged or submersible objects, 493 00:24:55,811 --> 00:24:58,645 are much more common than people might suppose. 494 00:24:58,664 --> 00:25:00,981 In 1991, 495 00:25:01,075 --> 00:25:03,000 Jing Yu Xian, a fisherman 496 00:25:03,151 --> 00:25:05,318 was at Fuxian Lake 497 00:25:05,338 --> 00:25:08,154 when he encountered this strange craft 498 00:25:08,249 --> 00:25:10,991 in the waters of the lake. 499 00:25:11,010 --> 00:25:13,827 He described it as a shining disc. 500 00:25:13,846 --> 00:25:18,182 This UFO was so close and so powerful 501 00:25:18,409 --> 00:25:20,601 that it actually tossed the boat around. 502 00:25:22,913 --> 00:25:26,690 And then rapidly this craft just disappeared up into the sky. 503 00:25:26,842 --> 00:25:30,936 Over the years, there have been many, many cases 504 00:25:31,088 --> 00:25:33,346 of UFOs seen over the water, 505 00:25:33,366 --> 00:25:36,091 disappearing under the water, 506 00:25:36,110 --> 00:25:40,037 and in some cases, emerging from under the water. 507 00:25:40,264 --> 00:25:43,690 CHILDRESS: On December 29, 2020, 508 00:25:43,709 --> 00:25:46,377 a very curious thing happened off of the coast 509 00:25:46,528 --> 00:25:47,878 of Hawaii. 510 00:25:48,105 --> 00:25:53,217 People could see a huge cigar-shaped craft 511 00:25:53,368 --> 00:25:55,627 hovering off the coast 512 00:25:55,780 --> 00:25:58,130 and took photos of it, and, 513 00:25:58,224 --> 00:26:02,208 eventually, this craft then plunged into the ocean. 514 00:26:02,228 --> 00:26:04,970 And the Navy went out there to also 515 00:26:05,122 --> 00:26:07,639 look for possible wreckage of some craft 516 00:26:07,733 --> 00:26:09,900 crashing into the ocean and found nothing. 517 00:26:12,146 --> 00:26:15,239 POPE: One theory about this trans-medium travel 518 00:26:15,466 --> 00:26:18,725 and these USOs is that what we're seeing 519 00:26:18,744 --> 00:26:21,470 is evidence of underwater bases. 520 00:26:21,563 --> 00:26:24,898 Now, this makes a good deal of sense. 521 00:26:24,917 --> 00:26:27,643 I mean, the distance involved 522 00:26:27,661 --> 00:26:29,828 for interstellar travel 523 00:26:29,980 --> 00:26:32,815 means that it's much easier to have a base 524 00:26:32,908 --> 00:26:35,317 on the location that you're interested in 525 00:26:35,336 --> 00:26:38,337 than to constantly travel there and back. 526 00:26:38,431 --> 00:26:42,324 But what if that presence goes back millennia? 527 00:26:42,417 --> 00:26:45,010 They're operating here, but under the oceans, 528 00:26:45,104 --> 00:26:48,513 right under our noses. 529 00:26:48,666 --> 00:26:51,925 HENRY: When we see the spherical object in the video taken by 530 00:26:52,019 --> 00:26:55,337 the USS Omaha hovering for a time 531 00:26:55,356 --> 00:26:57,339 and then descending into the water, 532 00:26:57,358 --> 00:27:00,433 this opens up some really interesting concepts 533 00:27:00,453 --> 00:27:02,177 in relation to the ancient world. 534 00:27:02,270 --> 00:27:05,364 For example, in Sumeria and in Babylon, 535 00:27:05,458 --> 00:27:08,200 they talked about a god being named Oannes 536 00:27:08,294 --> 00:27:10,202 who lived in the sea, 537 00:27:10,354 --> 00:27:14,189 who emerged from the sea wearing a fish cloak. 538 00:27:14,282 --> 00:27:16,300 He was, uh, an initiator of humanity, 539 00:27:16,451 --> 00:27:19,285 who taught writing and science and-and other concepts. 540 00:27:19,305 --> 00:27:22,047 What's amazing about this is that Oannes 541 00:27:22,199 --> 00:27:23,957 also founded a priesthood 542 00:27:24,051 --> 00:27:26,793 of beings called Apkallu priests, 543 00:27:26,887 --> 00:27:28,962 who also wore fish cloaks. 544 00:27:28,981 --> 00:27:31,056 And in Sumerian cylinder seals, 545 00:27:31,208 --> 00:27:33,466 we see these Apkallu priests 546 00:27:33,486 --> 00:27:36,803 on either side of a luminous or radiant tree of life 547 00:27:36,822 --> 00:27:39,231 with a winged disc hovering above. 548 00:27:39,325 --> 00:27:44,219 The inference is-is that this craft came from the sea 549 00:27:44,312 --> 00:27:47,331 because these are priests of a sea being. 550 00:27:47,558 --> 00:27:50,150 And so, here's an example of an ancient being 551 00:27:50,169 --> 00:27:52,920 emerging from the sea and connected with a craft. 552 00:27:54,507 --> 00:27:57,733 NARRATOR: Oannes belonged to a group of powerful beings 553 00:27:57,751 --> 00:28:01,086 known in ancient Mesopotamia as the Anunnaki. 554 00:28:01,238 --> 00:28:03,514 The term Anunnaki means 555 00:28:03,665 --> 00:28:06,758 "those who from the heavens came," 556 00:28:06,911 --> 00:28:09,077 and refers to beings 557 00:28:09,096 --> 00:28:12,690 descending from the sky, imparting knowledge. 558 00:28:12,841 --> 00:28:16,585 That is the most important thing that we can read and learn 559 00:28:16,603 --> 00:28:20,847 about the Anunnaki, that they were our teachers. 560 00:28:20,866 --> 00:28:22,941 So, I think it's very possible 561 00:28:23,093 --> 00:28:25,351 that what the ancient people tried to record 562 00:28:25,446 --> 00:28:27,496 was an extraterrestrial visitation. 563 00:28:29,208 --> 00:28:31,283 NARRATOR: For ancient astronaut theorists, 564 00:28:31,377 --> 00:28:34,694 perhaps the most compelling evidence of an alien presence 565 00:28:34,714 --> 00:28:36,696 that traverses Earth's oceans 566 00:28:36,790 --> 00:28:40,384 can be found in an account from 1492, 567 00:28:40,535 --> 00:28:43,036 recorded by Christopher Columbus. 568 00:28:43,130 --> 00:28:46,782 CHILDRESS: It's a famous story about Christopher Columbus, 569 00:28:46,875 --> 00:28:48,892 and he wrote this in his journals, 570 00:28:49,044 --> 00:28:52,637 that as he was moving west across the Atlantic 571 00:28:52,790 --> 00:28:55,140 towards the Caribbean in his first voyage, 572 00:28:55,292 --> 00:28:58,384 he saw a light out in the ocean 573 00:28:58,404 --> 00:29:01,964 to the west hovering over the water, 574 00:29:02,057 --> 00:29:05,909 and this light then descended into the water, 575 00:29:06,061 --> 00:29:08,987 but Columbus felt that this light was guiding him 576 00:29:09,139 --> 00:29:10,914 towards his destination. 577 00:29:11,141 --> 00:29:15,811 So, if this glowing object that Columbus saw did, 578 00:29:15,829 --> 00:29:17,646 you know, go into the water, 579 00:29:17,664 --> 00:29:21,074 he's perhaps one of the first witnesses to describe 580 00:29:21,168 --> 00:29:23,485 a trans-medium craft like this, 581 00:29:23,578 --> 00:29:26,171 which could hover, uh, above the water 582 00:29:26,323 --> 00:29:28,340 and then disappear into it like a submarine. 583 00:29:28,492 --> 00:29:31,994 NARRATOR: Could the account of Christopher Columbus 584 00:29:32,012 --> 00:29:34,997 and the ancient Babylonian stories of Oannes 585 00:29:35,015 --> 00:29:36,440 have a profound connection 586 00:29:36,667 --> 00:29:40,352 to the object recorded from the USS Omaha? 587 00:29:40,504 --> 00:29:44,506 Do they provide further evidence that the same crafts witnessed 588 00:29:44,525 --> 00:29:48,619 in the distant past are still visiting Earth in the present? 589 00:29:50,030 --> 00:29:53,106 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes 590 00:29:53,125 --> 00:29:55,626 and believe the ultimate proof of this 591 00:29:55,853 --> 00:29:58,712 can be found in the Hebrew Bible. 592 00:30:10,384 --> 00:30:12,810 NARRATOR: Just outside the Capitol Building, 593 00:30:13,037 --> 00:30:15,053 Congressman Tim Burchett of Tennessee 594 00:30:15,147 --> 00:30:16,647 speaks with a reporter 595 00:30:16,798 --> 00:30:19,724 about the much-anticipated government UAP report, 596 00:30:19,819 --> 00:30:22,653 due to be released in less than two weeks. 597 00:30:22,804 --> 00:30:24,729 To the surprise of many, 598 00:30:24,882 --> 00:30:26,715 he suggests that UFOs 599 00:30:26,808 --> 00:30:29,067 have been around for all of human history, 600 00:30:29,219 --> 00:30:30,569 and can even be found 601 00:30:30,721 --> 00:30:33,330 in the Bible's Book of Ezekiel. 602 00:30:33,481 --> 00:30:34,906 POPE: I was intrigued 603 00:30:35,000 --> 00:30:37,559 when I heard that Congressional representative 604 00:30:37,578 --> 00:30:41,487 Tim Burchett had talked about these UFOs 605 00:30:41,507 --> 00:30:43,582 and said, "Well, this is straight out of the Bible. 606 00:30:43,734 --> 00:30:45,233 This is the Book of Ezekiel." 607 00:30:45,327 --> 00:30:47,327 And I thought, "My goodness, 608 00:30:47,346 --> 00:30:49,096 he's an ancient astronaut theorist." 609 00:30:51,517 --> 00:30:54,242 CORBELL: We have seen a lot of unsolicited comments 610 00:30:54,336 --> 00:30:56,428 by congressmen, politicians, 611 00:30:56,580 --> 00:30:59,081 uh, even heads of the CIA 612 00:30:59,099 --> 00:31:02,751 have come forward and given opinions about UFOs. 613 00:31:02,844 --> 00:31:04,844 This has been such a shocking 614 00:31:04,864 --> 00:31:07,939 and revelatory few years about UFOs 615 00:31:08,033 --> 00:31:10,534 that you're now seeing people go back to the Bible 616 00:31:10,761 --> 00:31:13,261 and trying to understand if those events 617 00:31:13,280 --> 00:31:15,355 are similar to the events that we're having today. 618 00:31:15,374 --> 00:31:18,358 NARRATOR: Congressman Burchett's bold assertion 619 00:31:18,377 --> 00:31:21,103 that UFOs can be found in the Bible 620 00:31:21,121 --> 00:31:23,939 was a conclusion he came to after careful study 621 00:31:23,957 --> 00:31:25,549 of the Book of Ezekiel. 622 00:31:27,277 --> 00:31:29,035 According to this text, 623 00:31:29,054 --> 00:31:32,964 the Hebrew prophet Ezekiel describes a fiery chariot 624 00:31:33,058 --> 00:31:37,728 coming down from the sky drawn by four living creatures. 625 00:31:37,955 --> 00:31:41,398 Each creature is flanked by a metallic object, 626 00:31:41,549 --> 00:31:44,902 a wheel within a wheel, that Ezekiel observes 627 00:31:45,053 --> 00:31:48,572 as it descends in a whirlwind making tremendous noise. 628 00:31:48,723 --> 00:31:51,466 BURCHETT: It's pretty clear what's going on in the Bible, 629 00:31:51,559 --> 00:31:53,243 what he's describing, to me. 630 00:31:53,470 --> 00:31:56,138 I've read it many times. You got to realize, 631 00:31:56,231 --> 00:31:59,141 Ezekiel was in sixth century BC, 632 00:31:59,159 --> 00:32:01,309 but he basically describes 633 00:32:01,328 --> 00:32:04,404 what I would say was what people describe as a UFO. 634 00:32:04,423 --> 00:32:05,905 I mean, it's a wheel within a wheel, 635 00:32:05,925 --> 00:32:07,257 there's fire, there's landing gear. 636 00:32:07,484 --> 00:32:10,652 To me, it sounds like there's a craft landing, 637 00:32:10,671 --> 00:32:12,988 and there are smaller craft around it 638 00:32:13,006 --> 00:32:15,006 that are providing protection for it. 639 00:32:15,159 --> 00:32:18,101 And, you know, it's what we see 640 00:32:18,253 --> 00:32:20,345 when you see the president land in a helicopter. 641 00:32:20,497 --> 00:32:22,755 There's not just one helicopter, there's multiple helicopters. 642 00:32:22,849 --> 00:32:25,091 So, to me, it sounds like 643 00:32:25,185 --> 00:32:27,852 Ezekiel saw something that he could not accurately describe, 644 00:32:28,005 --> 00:32:30,355 and he used things around him 645 00:32:30,507 --> 00:32:32,524 that he would see in a day-to-day basis 646 00:32:32,618 --> 00:32:34,526 to describe what he saw. 647 00:32:34,620 --> 00:32:38,121 The closest thing he has is a wheel because that was the, uh, 648 00:32:38,348 --> 00:32:41,274 pinnacle of technology at that time, was a wheel. 649 00:32:41,368 --> 00:32:44,294 NARRATOR: To Congressman Burchett and many others, 650 00:32:44,446 --> 00:32:46,521 the Navy videos indicate 651 00:32:46,614 --> 00:32:48,448 that crafts like those seen by Ezekiel 652 00:32:48,467 --> 00:32:51,117 are still with us in the present. 653 00:32:51,136 --> 00:32:53,786 BURCHETT: I think it's the same type of thing that's being depicted, 654 00:32:53,806 --> 00:32:56,198 in olden times that's being depicted today 655 00:32:56,291 --> 00:32:58,809 in some of those Navy tapes. 656 00:32:58,960 --> 00:33:01,052 There's just too much similarity for it not to be. 657 00:33:01,205 --> 00:33:04,481 If you heard those Navy pilots, they're the sharpest we've got. 658 00:33:07,211 --> 00:33:08,485 BURCHETT: You can tell they're excited, 659 00:33:08,636 --> 00:33:10,821 and they're trying to explain what they're seeing, 660 00:33:10,972 --> 00:33:14,399 much like Ezekiel would try to define what he was seeing. 661 00:33:14,493 --> 00:33:17,977 And so, I think that, um, that it-it proves that 662 00:33:18,071 --> 00:33:20,146 we're definitely not alone. 663 00:33:20,165 --> 00:33:23,333 NARRATOR: To many UFO researchers, 664 00:33:23,560 --> 00:33:25,894 the only difference between ancient sightings 665 00:33:25,912 --> 00:33:29,506 like Ezekiel's and modern 21st-century encounters 666 00:33:29,733 --> 00:33:31,491 is that, today, people have the technology 667 00:33:31,510 --> 00:33:33,659 - to record them. - (camera shutter clicks) 668 00:33:33,679 --> 00:33:37,072 CORBELL: We have seen throughout history 669 00:33:37,165 --> 00:33:39,741 that individuals will testify 670 00:33:39,760 --> 00:33:42,927 to seeing in the sky, you know, shields on fire, 671 00:33:43,080 --> 00:33:45,856 or things that just are not aerodynamic. 672 00:33:46,007 --> 00:33:50,176 Now, because of the-the nature of our technology 673 00:33:50,195 --> 00:33:51,586 and our corroborative evidence, 674 00:33:51,679 --> 00:33:54,514 we have more information to say, 675 00:33:54,608 --> 00:33:58,201 "Yes, this happened exactly like this witness said it happened." 676 00:33:58,428 --> 00:34:01,263 We just didn't have that 150 years ago. 677 00:34:01,281 --> 00:34:02,873 We just didn't have that capability. 678 00:34:03,024 --> 00:34:07,527 The difference now is that we are able to artificially capture 679 00:34:07,546 --> 00:34:12,698 these craft and these objects to a precise measuring 680 00:34:12,718 --> 00:34:14,718 of the rotation and the speeds. 681 00:34:14,869 --> 00:34:17,036 That is just something we did not have before. 682 00:34:17,130 --> 00:34:20,632 We did not have it before, but we have it now, so it's... 683 00:34:20,726 --> 00:34:22,726 I mean, kind of an exciting time to be alive. (chuckles) 684 00:34:24,563 --> 00:34:27,547 TSOUKALOS: Countless times our ancestors referred to these things 685 00:34:27,641 --> 00:34:31,068 up in the sky as flying shields 686 00:34:31,219 --> 00:34:33,311 or flying furnaces. 687 00:34:33,405 --> 00:34:37,741 Today, we actually refer to that as flying craft, 688 00:34:37,892 --> 00:34:41,894 flying machines, unidentified aerial phenomena. 689 00:34:41,914 --> 00:34:45,657 Back then, people didn't have those words. 690 00:34:45,751 --> 00:34:47,751 And so, in my opinion, 691 00:34:47,978 --> 00:34:50,829 there is a clear connection between 692 00:34:50,981 --> 00:34:53,315 the sightings that we have today 693 00:34:53,333 --> 00:34:55,500 and the sightings that we have in the past 694 00:34:55,594 --> 00:34:58,911 because if we would not have the vocabulary, 695 00:34:58,931 --> 00:35:01,264 what we see in those Navy videos 696 00:35:01,491 --> 00:35:04,676 can be described as a flying shield. 697 00:35:04,828 --> 00:35:07,996 These kinds of images have been with us 698 00:35:08,089 --> 00:35:10,348 throughout our entire history, 699 00:35:10,500 --> 00:35:15,112 and they're all telling the same thing, 700 00:35:15,339 --> 00:35:19,098 that the ancient astronauts never left. 701 00:35:19,118 --> 00:35:21,843 The same visitors that we've had back then 702 00:35:21,936 --> 00:35:24,529 are showing themselves again, 703 00:35:24,681 --> 00:35:26,531 and this time publicly. 704 00:35:26,625 --> 00:35:27,791 It's incredible. 705 00:35:30,036 --> 00:35:31,444 NARRATOR: As the photographic and video 706 00:35:31,463 --> 00:35:34,856 evidence of UFOs continues to grow, 707 00:35:34,949 --> 00:35:37,709 so, too, does the number of people 708 00:35:37,803 --> 00:35:39,694 who believe that governments around the world 709 00:35:39,713 --> 00:35:42,305 know more than they are disclosing. 710 00:35:42,457 --> 00:35:45,625 POPE: The idea that there's an alien presence, and the idea 711 00:35:45,644 --> 00:35:47,793 that the U.S. government, amongst others, 712 00:35:47,888 --> 00:35:49,871 knows about all this 713 00:35:49,890 --> 00:35:52,891 is coming out of the fringe and into the mainstream. 714 00:35:52,985 --> 00:35:56,227 Now, you hear of people in Congress talk about it. 715 00:35:56,380 --> 00:35:58,730 We do not need to fear these-these airborne 716 00:35:58,824 --> 00:36:00,382 unidentified objects. 717 00:36:00,400 --> 00:36:02,066 They would've shown themselves to be dangerous 718 00:36:02,161 --> 00:36:04,327 a long time ago by now if they were a threat. 719 00:36:04,554 --> 00:36:07,222 BURCHETT: I wished our intelligence community 720 00:36:07,240 --> 00:36:09,391 would release everything they have on that. 721 00:36:09,484 --> 00:36:11,726 The higher-ups put out a lot that some 722 00:36:11,819 --> 00:36:14,987 of these recent tapes were just sort of a joke, was an anomaly, 723 00:36:15,007 --> 00:36:17,174 but we sure have had a heck of a lot of anomalies. 724 00:36:17,401 --> 00:36:19,843 I think there's a lot more going on to this. 725 00:36:20,070 --> 00:36:21,753 I've talked to military and people 726 00:36:21,905 --> 00:36:24,422 that, when something like this happens, they are generally 727 00:36:24,516 --> 00:36:26,925 told not to bring it up. 728 00:36:27,077 --> 00:36:29,093 They can have psych evaluations, 729 00:36:29,246 --> 00:36:31,246 they can have things put in their records, 730 00:36:31,264 --> 00:36:34,416 and they're encouraged not to bring these kind of things up. 731 00:36:34,434 --> 00:36:37,009 NARRATOR: If the United States government 732 00:36:37,029 --> 00:36:39,512 and other governments around the world 733 00:36:39,606 --> 00:36:44,016 were to reveal all the evidence they have concerning UFOs, 734 00:36:44,110 --> 00:36:46,945 would it show irrefutable proof 735 00:36:47,097 --> 00:36:49,948 that there is an alien air force on Earth? 736 00:36:50,100 --> 00:36:52,600 Ancient astronaut theorists 737 00:36:52,619 --> 00:36:55,879 suspect the truth is even more incredible, 738 00:36:56,106 --> 00:36:59,216 and that hidden away in top-secret facilities 739 00:36:59,367 --> 00:37:00,608 around the globe 740 00:37:00,702 --> 00:37:04,054 are recovered extraterrestrial craft. 741 00:37:12,564 --> 00:37:15,398 NARRATOR: NASA's Advanced Propulsion Physics Lab, 742 00:37:15,625 --> 00:37:17,809 known as the "Eagleworks Project," 743 00:37:17,903 --> 00:37:21,646 announces that, based on their latest experiments, 744 00:37:21,798 --> 00:37:23,298 they now believe it is possible 745 00:37:23,391 --> 00:37:25,633 to create an actual warp drive 746 00:37:25,727 --> 00:37:30,805 and a spacecraft that can travel faster than the speed of light. 747 00:37:30,824 --> 00:37:32,807 TAYLOR: The team at NASA's Eagleworks 748 00:37:32,826 --> 00:37:36,494 has been trying to reproduce a warp field, and 749 00:37:36,646 --> 00:37:38,663 the results have been right at the edge 750 00:37:38,815 --> 00:37:40,573 of experimental error right now. 751 00:37:40,667 --> 00:37:42,667 So, they're not ready to go build the Starship Enterprise, 752 00:37:42,761 --> 00:37:45,762 but it's possible that they can do an experiment 753 00:37:45,913 --> 00:37:48,656 that says we could build the Starship Enterprise 754 00:37:48,750 --> 00:37:50,082 if we put enough work into it. 755 00:37:50,102 --> 00:37:51,751 NARRATOR: While some believe 756 00:37:51,770 --> 00:37:54,012 that such a revolutionary technology 757 00:37:54,164 --> 00:37:57,682 is purely the result of human ingenuity, 758 00:37:57,776 --> 00:38:01,111 others maintain that such advances are possible 759 00:38:01,338 --> 00:38:04,188 because secret government agencies possess, 760 00:38:04,283 --> 00:38:07,951 and are able to study, crashed alien vehicles. 761 00:38:09,288 --> 00:38:11,529 It is a theory that goes back to the famous 762 00:38:11,681 --> 00:38:15,107 Roswell crash of 1947. 763 00:38:15,201 --> 00:38:18,295 BURCHETT: Roswell happened in '47. Roswell, New Mexico. 764 00:38:18,522 --> 00:38:20,371 They put out, you know, UFO crash, 765 00:38:20,524 --> 00:38:22,040 and it was on the headlines of the papers. 766 00:38:22,192 --> 00:38:24,876 Then, the next day, they came back and said, 767 00:38:25,028 --> 00:38:26,619 "No, in fact, it was a weather balloon." 768 00:38:26,713 --> 00:38:29,806 And it just contradicted everything everybody had said. 769 00:38:32,126 --> 00:38:34,536 NARRATOR: Many have alleged that the U.S. government 770 00:38:34,629 --> 00:38:36,479 secretly retrieved an alien spacecraft 771 00:38:36,631 --> 00:38:38,464 from Roswell. 772 00:38:38,483 --> 00:38:40,966 In 1989, 773 00:38:41,061 --> 00:38:44,712 a scientist named Bob Lazar even came forward to say 774 00:38:44,806 --> 00:38:46,656 that he worked for the U.S. government 775 00:38:46,808 --> 00:38:50,401 reverse engineering crashed extraterrestrial vehicles, 776 00:38:50,554 --> 00:38:52,554 divulging incredible details 777 00:38:52,572 --> 00:38:56,482 about the secret project in the years that followed. 778 00:38:56,501 --> 00:39:00,395 The government is holding, uh, nine alien spacecraft, 779 00:39:00,488 --> 00:39:04,749 um, that are propelled by, um, 780 00:39:04,901 --> 00:39:06,584 a modified gravity generator. 781 00:39:06,678 --> 00:39:09,070 Uh... 782 00:39:09,089 --> 00:39:10,755 It's being-- the work is being conducted 783 00:39:10,907 --> 00:39:12,331 15 miles south of Groom Lake. 784 00:39:13,093 --> 00:39:15,352 CORBELL: The only reason you know about UFOs 785 00:39:15,503 --> 00:39:17,095 and Area 51 786 00:39:17,247 --> 00:39:20,190 and that connection is because of Bob Lazar. 787 00:39:21,860 --> 00:39:24,435 He was faced with a lot of adversity through this. 788 00:39:24,529 --> 00:39:25,753 But, in my eyes, 789 00:39:25,847 --> 00:39:27,179 he's telling you the truth, 790 00:39:27,199 --> 00:39:29,866 and it's backed up time and time again. 791 00:39:31,444 --> 00:39:32,702 NARRATOR: For decades, 792 00:39:32,929 --> 00:39:35,521 the U.S. government denied Lazar's claims, 793 00:39:35,540 --> 00:39:37,932 as well as the existence of the facility 794 00:39:37,951 --> 00:39:40,693 where he said the alien craft were being held, 795 00:39:40,712 --> 00:39:42,629 Area 51. 796 00:39:43,364 --> 00:39:45,882 But in 2013, 797 00:39:46,109 --> 00:39:48,276 a Freedom of Information Act request 798 00:39:48,369 --> 00:39:50,128 finally forced officials to admit 799 00:39:50,222 --> 00:39:53,056 that Area 51 is real. 800 00:39:54,208 --> 00:39:56,375 BURCHETT: For the government to say 801 00:39:56,395 --> 00:39:58,453 the things they say and to hold back 802 00:39:58,471 --> 00:39:59,954 on these reports, 803 00:39:59,973 --> 00:40:04,401 it goes back to Roswell or any of those other... 804 00:40:04,628 --> 00:40:06,903 spots. It's just, um, nobody trusts 805 00:40:07,130 --> 00:40:08,721 the government. They don't trust government, 806 00:40:08,740 --> 00:40:10,298 and they really, frankly, they shouldn't. 807 00:40:10,391 --> 00:40:12,075 We-we don't keep our word on anything. 808 00:40:13,653 --> 00:40:16,079 NARRATOR: The United States isn't the only country 809 00:40:16,230 --> 00:40:19,249 accused of covering up attempts to study alien craft. 810 00:40:20,919 --> 00:40:23,978 Many believe the Russians have a similar UFO program 811 00:40:24,071 --> 00:40:26,071 at a site called Kapustin Yar, 812 00:40:26,091 --> 00:40:30,001 often nicknamed the Russian Area 51. 813 00:40:30,153 --> 00:40:33,488 HENRY: Kapustin Yar was one of the former Soviet Union's 814 00:40:33,506 --> 00:40:34,989 most secretive air bases. 815 00:40:35,008 --> 00:40:38,083 The rumor is, is they were reverse engineering 816 00:40:38,103 --> 00:40:39,677 UFO technology 817 00:40:39,771 --> 00:40:42,847 that could be as much as 1,000 years in advance 818 00:40:42,999 --> 00:40:44,023 of what we have today. 819 00:40:45,927 --> 00:40:49,170 NARRATOR: Recovered alien vehicles are also rumored to be held 820 00:40:49,189 --> 00:40:52,431 at the Pine Gap military base in Australia, 821 00:40:52,451 --> 00:40:55,193 at a mysterious desert airfield 822 00:40:55,345 --> 00:40:57,603 in the Xinjiang region of China, 823 00:40:57,697 --> 00:41:01,124 and at Rudloe Manor in England. 824 00:41:01,351 --> 00:41:04,702 With these craft coming from other planets 825 00:41:04,854 --> 00:41:06,111 and other solar systems, 826 00:41:06,131 --> 00:41:09,299 this is clearly a very advanced technology, 827 00:41:09,526 --> 00:41:12,527 and we are now trying to catch up 828 00:41:12,545 --> 00:41:14,195 to these extraterrestrials 829 00:41:14,214 --> 00:41:16,455 and have the same kind of technology 830 00:41:16,549 --> 00:41:17,807 that they already have. 831 00:41:18,034 --> 00:41:19,642 BURCHETT: It's clear that there's something 832 00:41:19,794 --> 00:41:21,035 we don't understand, 833 00:41:21,054 --> 00:41:22,537 and we're not sure where it comes from, 834 00:41:22,555 --> 00:41:24,038 and I just wish they'd just say that. 835 00:41:24,057 --> 00:41:27,058 They think that the American public can't handle it, 836 00:41:27,152 --> 00:41:29,319 and they can, in fact, handle it, I think, very well. 837 00:41:29,470 --> 00:41:33,156 NARRATOR: Is it possible that the sensational footage 838 00:41:33,307 --> 00:41:35,383 recently released by the U.S. Navy 839 00:41:35,401 --> 00:41:38,720 features the same type of aerial vehicles 840 00:41:38,813 --> 00:41:41,313 that were documented by our ancestors? 841 00:41:41,333 --> 00:41:44,392 Do we now have overwhelming evidence 842 00:41:44,485 --> 00:41:47,729 that alien craft not only exist, 843 00:41:47,747 --> 00:41:49,897 but have been present on planet Earth 844 00:41:49,916 --> 00:41:52,175 for thousands of years? 845 00:41:52,326 --> 00:41:54,585 Perhaps, when we discover just who 846 00:41:54,738 --> 00:41:57,405 is behind the UFO phenomenon, 847 00:41:57,423 --> 00:42:00,742 we will uncover an even more profound truth, 848 00:42:00,760 --> 00:42:05,079 that extraterrestrials have been living among us 849 00:42:05,098 --> 00:42:06,523 all along. 850 00:42:06,750 --> 00:42:07,857 CAPTIONING PROVIDED BY A+E NETWORKS