1 00:00:01,230 --> 00:00:02,813 He was an artist 2 00:00:02,814 --> 00:00:05,191 whose paintings have become priceless masterpieces. 3 00:00:05,192 --> 00:00:07,401 Leonardo produced some of the world's 4 00:00:07,402 --> 00:00:08,736 most recognizable paintings... 5 00:00:08,737 --> 00:00:10,363 The Mona Lisa, the Last Supper, 6 00:00:10,364 --> 00:00:12,031 the Lady with an Ermine. 7 00:00:12,032 --> 00:00:14,075 He was a genius 8 00:00:14,076 --> 00:00:17,411 whose inventions were centuries ahead of their time. 9 00:00:17,412 --> 00:00:19,580 He drew construction plans 10 00:00:19,581 --> 00:00:22,208 for tanks, for helicopters, 11 00:00:22,209 --> 00:00:27,004 all sorts of wild things that came into reality 12 00:00:27,005 --> 00:00:29,590 during our lifetime, right now. 13 00:00:29,591 --> 00:00:31,592 But there are those who believe 14 00:00:31,593 --> 00:00:34,136 that Leonardo da Vinci was inspired 15 00:00:34,137 --> 00:00:37,265 by an extraterrestrial intelligence, 16 00:00:37,266 --> 00:00:41,435 that his paintings are embedded with secret knowledge 17 00:00:41,436 --> 00:00:44,814 and contain codes which, when deciphered, 18 00:00:44,815 --> 00:00:48,067 will provide the keys to unlocking the universe. 19 00:00:48,068 --> 00:00:50,778 I think da Vinci is trying to tell us 20 00:00:50,779 --> 00:00:53,239 that there's a higher intelligence 21 00:00:53,240 --> 00:00:54,783 that operates in our world. 22 00:01:23,312 --> 00:01:26,188 And so, ladies and gentlemen, 23 00:01:26,189 --> 00:01:29,358 we move to the Leonardo da Vinci, the Salvator Mundi, 24 00:01:29,359 --> 00:01:31,527 the masterpiece by Leonardo of Christ the Savior, 25 00:01:31,528 --> 00:01:34,405 previously in the collections of three kings of England. 26 00:01:34,406 --> 00:01:35,865 New York City. 27 00:01:35,866 --> 00:01:39,368 November 15, 2017. 28 00:01:39,369 --> 00:01:42,288 $370 million. Back to Francoise's clients... 29 00:01:42,289 --> 00:01:45,583 at $370 million dollars, ladies and gentlemen. 30 00:01:45,584 --> 00:01:46,834 400. 31 00:01:46,835 --> 00:01:48,669 $400 million! 32 00:01:48,670 --> 00:01:51,756 At a Christie's auction at Rockefeller Center, 33 00:01:51,757 --> 00:01:55,176 Leonardo da Vinci's newly authenticated painting 34 00:01:55,177 --> 00:01:56,677 Salvator Mundi 35 00:01:56,678 --> 00:02:00,514 sells for a record-breaking $400 million. 36 00:02:00,515 --> 00:02:04,352 - Sold. - The buyer is a Saudi prince, 37 00:02:04,353 --> 00:02:08,439 representing the new Louvre museum in Abu Dhabi. 38 00:02:08,440 --> 00:02:12,610 But why was a member of the Saudi royal family... 39 00:02:12,611 --> 00:02:16,530 Or anyone... so willing to pay such an incredible price 40 00:02:16,531 --> 00:02:18,325 for a work of art? 41 00:02:20,869 --> 00:02:23,662 Leonardo da Vinci has captured the fascination 42 00:02:23,663 --> 00:02:25,414 of so many people. 43 00:02:25,415 --> 00:02:28,959 I really believe he was way ahead of his time. 44 00:02:28,960 --> 00:02:32,254 But if Leonardo were alive today and realized 45 00:02:32,255 --> 00:02:35,299 how much his paintings would go for, he'd go crazy. 46 00:02:35,300 --> 00:02:37,551 It's a lot of money for a painting. 47 00:02:37,552 --> 00:02:40,429 You ask yourself if there's another possibility. 48 00:02:40,430 --> 00:02:44,183 There are those who believe that the Salvator Mundi 49 00:02:44,184 --> 00:02:48,187 is much more than a priceless piece of Renaissance art. 50 00:02:48,188 --> 00:02:51,065 They believe, when considered in context 51 00:02:51,066 --> 00:02:54,151 with other examples of da Vinci's paintings, 52 00:02:54,152 --> 00:02:57,196 that it contains a piece of a giant puzzle, 53 00:02:57,197 --> 00:02:59,615 one that, when put together, 54 00:02:59,616 --> 00:03:02,869 could reveal the secrets of the universe. 55 00:03:06,915 --> 00:03:10,501 April 15, 1452. 56 00:03:10,502 --> 00:03:13,504 Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, 57 00:03:13,505 --> 00:03:15,506 the illegitimate child 58 00:03:15,507 --> 00:03:20,010 of a nobleman and his maid, is born in Vinci, Italy. 59 00:03:20,011 --> 00:03:22,972 If you were not entitled to take your father's name, 60 00:03:22,973 --> 00:03:25,766 your last name just became the town you came from. 61 00:03:25,767 --> 00:03:28,936 This probably aided his development. 62 00:03:28,937 --> 00:03:30,938 The fact that he didn't belong 63 00:03:30,939 --> 00:03:33,149 also meant that he wasn't caught up 64 00:03:33,150 --> 00:03:35,568 in the official version of reality. 65 00:03:35,569 --> 00:03:39,906 He was free enough to have his own ideas. 66 00:03:41,616 --> 00:03:43,617 When he was a teenager, 67 00:03:43,618 --> 00:03:46,954 Leonardo settled in nearby Florence. 68 00:03:46,955 --> 00:03:51,375 At that time, the city was a cultural mecca, 69 00:03:51,376 --> 00:03:54,628 the beating heart of a classical revival 70 00:03:54,629 --> 00:03:56,630 known as the Renaissance. 71 00:03:56,631 --> 00:03:58,632 The Renaissance is a resurgence 72 00:03:58,633 --> 00:04:01,969 of new ideas and approaches and interests 73 00:04:01,970 --> 00:04:03,971 in not only antiquity 74 00:04:03,972 --> 00:04:07,516 but in the reinterpretation of the human condition. 75 00:04:07,517 --> 00:04:11,062 It reinvents, really, the culture of the time. 76 00:04:13,607 --> 00:04:17,193 Leonardo received an informal education 77 00:04:17,194 --> 00:04:19,904 in the studio of the renowned Florentine painter 78 00:04:19,905 --> 00:04:22,156 Andrea del Verrocchio, 79 00:04:22,157 --> 00:04:25,117 but was also largely self-taught. 80 00:04:25,118 --> 00:04:28,954 Despite this... Or perhaps because of it... 81 00:04:28,955 --> 00:04:33,042 He excelled at a staggering range of disciplines. 82 00:04:33,043 --> 00:04:36,337 Da Vinci was way ahead of his time 83 00:04:36,338 --> 00:04:39,006 during the period in which he lived. 84 00:04:39,007 --> 00:04:43,427 He drew construction plans for tanks... 85 00:04:43,428 --> 00:04:47,723 for helicopters, all sorts of wild things 86 00:04:47,724 --> 00:04:49,600 that came into reality 87 00:04:49,601 --> 00:04:53,813 during our lifetime, right now. 88 00:04:55,106 --> 00:04:57,525 In March 2018, 89 00:04:57,526 --> 00:05:00,528 author and ancient astronaut theorist William Henry 90 00:05:00,529 --> 00:05:02,613 traveled to Florence to learn more 91 00:05:02,614 --> 00:05:04,657 about the Renaissance master. 92 00:05:04,658 --> 00:05:07,409 He was also eager to find out, firsthand, 93 00:05:07,410 --> 00:05:10,246 if there was any truth to the theory 94 00:05:10,247 --> 00:05:14,500 that da Vinci hid secret messages in his paintings. 95 00:05:14,501 --> 00:05:18,128 At the Piazzale Michelangelo, overlooking the city, 96 00:05:18,129 --> 00:05:21,215 Henry met with Dr. Michael Kwakkelstein, 97 00:05:21,216 --> 00:05:23,717 who has made it his life's work to discover 98 00:05:23,718 --> 00:05:26,887 everything there is to know about Leonardo da Vinci. 99 00:05:26,888 --> 00:05:30,599 I'm so excited to be here in Florence, home of Leonardo. 100 00:05:30,600 --> 00:05:32,476 Yeah, you look around, you start to see 101 00:05:32,477 --> 00:05:34,478 that these are what you see in Leonardo's paintings. 102 00:05:34,479 --> 00:05:36,689 Absolutely. He took his inspiration 103 00:05:36,690 --> 00:05:39,191 just from those hills, those trees. 104 00:05:39,192 --> 00:05:42,236 500 years ago, Florence was, of course, a much smaller city. 105 00:05:42,237 --> 00:05:43,487 - Right. - So just crossing the Arno 106 00:05:43,488 --> 00:05:45,739 over there, you see the Ponte Vecchio, 107 00:05:45,740 --> 00:05:49,034 Yes. -Leonardo would find himself amidst nature 108 00:05:49,035 --> 00:05:51,704 to study the fall of water or the movement of water, 109 00:05:51,705 --> 00:05:53,789 - to study birds. - Leonardo created 110 00:05:53,790 --> 00:05:56,333 just a prodigious volume of... 111 00:05:56,334 --> 00:05:58,586 an explosion, really, of creativity. 112 00:05:58,587 --> 00:06:00,796 What do we have left of his legacy? 113 00:06:00,797 --> 00:06:03,591 Do we have a lot? A little? 114 00:06:03,592 --> 00:06:05,384 Well, we have a dozen paintings. 115 00:06:05,385 --> 00:06:07,261 Some of these paintings are unfinished. 116 00:06:07,262 --> 00:06:09,972 Some of these paintings are in a bad state. 117 00:06:09,973 --> 00:06:12,099 Uh, but we have his notebooks, 118 00:06:12,100 --> 00:06:13,767 his manuscripts... It's like a map 119 00:06:13,768 --> 00:06:16,228 - of his mind, all these writings. - Wow. 120 00:06:16,229 --> 00:06:18,522 You've personally been able to explore those notebooks 121 00:06:18,523 --> 00:06:20,608 - and spent your life... - I'm still working on it. 122 00:06:20,609 --> 00:06:22,444 It's a life work. 123 00:06:24,654 --> 00:06:27,448 But while Leonardo's genius 124 00:06:27,449 --> 00:06:30,367 was highly regarded in his lifetime, 125 00:06:30,368 --> 00:06:34,622 he was also highly scrutinized by the Roman Catholic Church, 126 00:06:34,623 --> 00:06:37,458 which remained a powerful political force 127 00:06:37,459 --> 00:06:39,501 throughout Italy and much of the world. 128 00:06:39,502 --> 00:06:42,963 During the Renaissance, there was a rediscovery 129 00:06:42,964 --> 00:06:47,384 of ancient classical documents that were stored in monasteries 130 00:06:47,385 --> 00:06:50,346 after the dissolution of the Roman Empire. 131 00:06:50,347 --> 00:06:52,306 Because of these new discoveries, 132 00:06:52,307 --> 00:06:54,141 new ideas were circulating, 133 00:06:54,142 --> 00:06:57,144 ideas from great minds like Plato, 134 00:06:57,145 --> 00:06:59,813 Aristotle and Galen from the ancient world. 135 00:06:59,814 --> 00:07:01,815 But these great ideas 136 00:07:01,816 --> 00:07:05,778 often did not combine well with Christianity, 137 00:07:05,779 --> 00:07:10,658 and Leonardo is someone who represents a point of conflict. 138 00:07:10,659 --> 00:07:13,410 It is this ancient knowledge 139 00:07:13,411 --> 00:07:16,830 that has led many scholars and ancient astronaut theorists 140 00:07:16,831 --> 00:07:19,667 to suggest that da Vinci, while Christian, 141 00:07:19,668 --> 00:07:23,963 was also open to a wide range of spiritual philosophies. 142 00:07:25,173 --> 00:07:27,216 Philosophies which, if revealed, 143 00:07:27,217 --> 00:07:29,385 would have placed him in opposition 144 00:07:29,386 --> 00:07:32,513 to the strict teachings of the Catholic Church, 145 00:07:32,514 --> 00:07:36,476 and would have caused him to be publicly shunned as a heretic. 146 00:07:37,519 --> 00:07:38,936 It's almost certain 147 00:07:38,937 --> 00:07:41,939 that Leonardo had access to secret knowledge. 148 00:07:41,940 --> 00:07:45,609 Leonardo was actually not, as a lot of people think today, 149 00:07:45,610 --> 00:07:47,736 some kind of atheist. 150 00:07:47,737 --> 00:07:50,364 Leonardo was a heretic. 151 00:07:50,365 --> 00:07:53,450 He passionately believed 152 00:07:53,451 --> 00:07:57,579 in something that was outside of the mainstream religion, 153 00:07:57,580 --> 00:07:59,874 and therefore very dangerous. 154 00:08:01,793 --> 00:08:05,379 Florence, Italy. 2002. 155 00:08:05,380 --> 00:08:08,882 Using infrared diagnostic techniques, 156 00:08:08,883 --> 00:08:12,386 Dr. Maurizio Seracini uncovers the underdrawing, 157 00:08:12,387 --> 00:08:14,513 or preliminary sketch, 158 00:08:14,514 --> 00:08:17,474 done by Leonardo da Vinci for his unfinished painting 159 00:08:17,475 --> 00:08:19,728 Adoration of the Magi. 160 00:08:20,979 --> 00:08:23,522 Commissioned in 1481, 161 00:08:23,523 --> 00:08:25,816 the work depicts the biblical story 162 00:08:25,817 --> 00:08:30,904 of the three wise men visiting the infant Jesus in Bethlehem. 163 00:08:30,905 --> 00:08:33,741 But by viewing the painting with this new technology, 164 00:08:33,742 --> 00:08:37,578 it becomes apparent that Leonardo's original sketch 165 00:08:37,579 --> 00:08:40,164 actually included many more details 166 00:08:40,165 --> 00:08:43,835 than those that could be seen with just the naked eye. 167 00:08:45,211 --> 00:08:47,838 The first time I aimed the camera, 168 00:08:47,839 --> 00:08:51,592 the infrared camera, to the, uh, to the Adoration, 169 00:08:51,593 --> 00:08:55,095 uh... I felt very privileged. 170 00:08:55,096 --> 00:08:58,640 Because for the first time in 500 years, 171 00:08:58,641 --> 00:09:03,145 I managed to see probably the best creativity effort 172 00:09:03,146 --> 00:09:06,398 of Leonardo on a work of art. 173 00:09:06,399 --> 00:09:08,859 And science can help you to go back, 174 00:09:08,860 --> 00:09:11,487 like if you were in a time machine, 175 00:09:11,488 --> 00:09:15,032 and I saw dozens of figures... 176 00:09:15,033 --> 00:09:20,120 Fighting horses, uh... nature, architecture. 177 00:09:20,121 --> 00:09:22,956 And now my eyes alone could not see them, 178 00:09:22,957 --> 00:09:24,792 because they were covered 179 00:09:24,793 --> 00:09:29,254 by a brownish monochrome layer of paint... 180 00:09:29,255 --> 00:09:31,465 that later I understood 181 00:09:31,466 --> 00:09:33,802 was not applied by Leonardo. 182 00:09:35,053 --> 00:09:37,721 In the background of the top left, 183 00:09:37,722 --> 00:09:40,891 you could see a couple of people 184 00:09:40,892 --> 00:09:45,562 sitting in despair on stairs of a temple in ruins. 185 00:09:45,563 --> 00:09:48,899 Well, aiming the camera at the scene, 186 00:09:48,900 --> 00:09:52,821 then suddenly a completely different view came out. 187 00:09:53,822 --> 00:09:56,156 The detail that was painted over 188 00:09:56,157 --> 00:09:59,076 was a scene of a pagan temple 189 00:09:59,077 --> 00:10:03,163 that was rising up through the ruins of a Christian church. 190 00:10:03,164 --> 00:10:05,707 And this was considered problematic 191 00:10:05,708 --> 00:10:08,836 during the Renaissance period with Christianity 192 00:10:08,837 --> 00:10:10,921 as the one and only true religion. 193 00:10:10,922 --> 00:10:15,384 Upon close examination of da Vinci's original sketch, 194 00:10:15,385 --> 00:10:17,678 instead of a temple in ruins, 195 00:10:17,679 --> 00:10:20,472 the artist seemed to be depicting a scenario 196 00:10:20,473 --> 00:10:23,810 in which an Egyptian temple is being rebuilt. 197 00:10:25,436 --> 00:10:28,856 Most notable is the fact that one of the temple columns 198 00:10:28,857 --> 00:10:32,484 is capped by a lotus flower, which in ancient Egypt 199 00:10:32,485 --> 00:10:35,947 represented the so-called, "Flower of Life." 200 00:10:37,740 --> 00:10:41,076 The Flower of Life is the information 201 00:10:41,077 --> 00:10:45,497 behind how the universe was created. 202 00:10:45,498 --> 00:10:49,878 Everything in the universe is geometric. 203 00:10:53,882 --> 00:10:59,094 Sacred geometry implies that there is intelligence behind it. 204 00:10:59,095 --> 00:11:02,639 It's believed by mystics to be a symbol 205 00:11:02,640 --> 00:11:05,893 of advanced super consciousness, 206 00:11:05,894 --> 00:11:08,395 a way of plugging into the knowledge 207 00:11:08,396 --> 00:11:10,856 possessed by extraterrestrial beings. 208 00:11:10,857 --> 00:11:15,152 Da Vinci, we can fairly say, was practically obsessed with it. 209 00:11:15,153 --> 00:11:19,406 And one wonders if da Vinci actually tapped into 210 00:11:19,407 --> 00:11:21,283 the ultimate cosmic secrets 211 00:11:21,284 --> 00:11:23,368 represented by the Flower of Life. 212 00:11:23,369 --> 00:11:26,830 Cosmic secrets? 213 00:11:26,831 --> 00:11:30,417 Sacred geometry? 214 00:11:30,418 --> 00:11:33,629 Was Leonardo da Vinci encoding his paintings 215 00:11:33,630 --> 00:11:36,048 with forbidden knowledge? 216 00:11:36,049 --> 00:11:39,259 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes. 217 00:11:39,260 --> 00:11:42,971 And they believe that knowledge may have been given to him 218 00:11:42,972 --> 00:11:47,936 after direct contact with extraterrestrial beings. 219 00:11:54,779 --> 00:11:58,198 Recognized as a genius even in his lifetime, 220 00:11:58,199 --> 00:12:02,202 Leonardo da Vinci has one of the most thoroughly recorded lives 221 00:12:02,203 --> 00:12:05,914 of all the Renaissance artists. 222 00:12:05,915 --> 00:12:11,961 Da Vinci was such a popular figure that his life 223 00:12:11,962 --> 00:12:15,006 was documented in great detail. 224 00:12:15,007 --> 00:12:17,008 However, what's interesting is 225 00:12:17,009 --> 00:12:21,221 that there are two years missing from his existence. 226 00:12:21,222 --> 00:12:24,808 He basically disappeared off of the face of the earth. 227 00:12:24,809 --> 00:12:30,438 From 1476 to 1478, 228 00:12:30,439 --> 00:12:33,650 Leonardo da Vinci's activities completely disappear 229 00:12:33,651 --> 00:12:35,985 from the historical record. 230 00:12:35,986 --> 00:12:41,407 The gap occurs when the artist was between 24 to 26 years old, 231 00:12:41,408 --> 00:12:43,868 just at the point when he was beginning 232 00:12:43,869 --> 00:12:45,328 to come into prominence. 233 00:12:45,329 --> 00:12:49,833 So what could account for these missing years? 234 00:12:49,834 --> 00:12:53,378 Ancient astronaut theorists point to a strange experience 235 00:12:53,379 --> 00:12:57,340 the artist had while hiking near a cave. 236 00:12:57,341 --> 00:13:01,094 It is one of the very few autobiographical anecdotes 237 00:13:01,095 --> 00:13:05,849 da Vinci ever made in his personal journal. 238 00:13:05,850 --> 00:13:08,351 He came across this cave. 239 00:13:08,352 --> 00:13:09,978 And as he stood in front of it, 240 00:13:09,979 --> 00:13:14,732 all of a sudden he felt drawn to go inside 241 00:13:14,733 --> 00:13:17,902 in order to find out about the miracle 242 00:13:17,903 --> 00:13:21,197 or the wonderment that's inside. 243 00:13:21,198 --> 00:13:24,075 We don't know what happened inside this cave, 244 00:13:24,076 --> 00:13:26,870 but it's quite possible that Leonardo da Vinci 245 00:13:26,871 --> 00:13:30,248 actually encountered extraterrestrial teachers 246 00:13:30,249 --> 00:13:33,418 who then gave him certain information. 247 00:13:33,419 --> 00:13:35,712 And it's this knowledge, perhaps, 248 00:13:35,713 --> 00:13:38,172 that made Leonardo da Vinci 249 00:13:38,173 --> 00:13:40,551 the incredible genius that he was. 250 00:13:42,887 --> 00:13:46,014 I'm not sure Leonardo da Vinci went to another world, 251 00:13:46,015 --> 00:13:49,267 but I have a feeling that this guy, somehow, 252 00:13:49,268 --> 00:13:53,813 through dreaming or going through some kind of dimension, 253 00:13:53,814 --> 00:13:56,734 was able to see the future, our future. 254 00:13:59,278 --> 00:14:03,072 Those we call geniuses, such as Leonardo da Vinci, 255 00:14:03,073 --> 00:14:06,659 are able to discern and detect these codes 256 00:14:06,660 --> 00:14:11,331 that are coming to them from these higher levels of reality 257 00:14:11,332 --> 00:14:16,085 and utilize them in their work, in their art, 258 00:14:16,086 --> 00:14:17,587 in their inventions 259 00:14:17,588 --> 00:14:21,132 to improve this physical world that we live in. 260 00:14:21,133 --> 00:14:24,093 Unlike other artists, Leonardo da Vinci 261 00:14:24,094 --> 00:14:27,931 did not have to measure the ratios and the proportion. 262 00:14:27,932 --> 00:14:30,433 It just came to him spontaneously. 263 00:14:30,434 --> 00:14:34,854 He was tapping into something that allowed him 264 00:14:34,855 --> 00:14:38,441 to bring down knowledge and information, 265 00:14:38,442 --> 00:14:41,278 just like the ancient cultures did. 266 00:14:44,531 --> 00:14:46,783 Ancient astronaut theorists 267 00:14:46,784 --> 00:14:49,535 suggest that further evidence 268 00:14:49,536 --> 00:14:52,789 of Leonardo's contact with extraterrestrial intelligence 269 00:14:52,790 --> 00:14:54,582 can be found by a close examination 270 00:14:54,583 --> 00:14:56,960 of one of his most intriguing paintings, 271 00:14:56,961 --> 00:14:59,587 The Virgin of the Rocks. 272 00:14:59,588 --> 00:15:01,756 The Virgin of the Rocks is really a showpiece 273 00:15:01,757 --> 00:15:04,467 for some of Leonardo's special techniques, 274 00:15:04,468 --> 00:15:07,637 including sfumato, which adds this hazy aura. 275 00:15:07,638 --> 00:15:12,976 We see figures emerging from shadows into spot lighting 276 00:15:12,977 --> 00:15:15,812 in a way that other artists of his time didn't do. 277 00:15:15,813 --> 00:15:21,317 In March 2018, author and researcher William Henry 278 00:15:21,318 --> 00:15:23,528 traveled to the outskirts of London. 279 00:15:23,529 --> 00:15:27,198 There he met with da Vinci expert Lynn Picknett 280 00:15:27,199 --> 00:15:31,536 in order to get her thoughts on this unique work of art. 281 00:15:31,537 --> 00:15:33,705 I've just come from the National Gallery 282 00:15:33,706 --> 00:15:37,083 and experienced The Virgin of the Rocks. 283 00:15:37,084 --> 00:15:39,210 When you look at it, you're... 284 00:15:39,211 --> 00:15:40,795 you're drawn into it. 285 00:15:40,796 --> 00:15:43,965 - The colors, the setting... - Mmm. Yeah. 286 00:15:43,966 --> 00:15:47,010 Yeah. -It's almost like it's just coming out of the wall 287 00:15:47,011 --> 00:15:48,469 and you're stepping into it. 288 00:15:48,470 --> 00:15:50,054 Yeah, and also, there's a sense 289 00:15:50,055 --> 00:15:51,556 of there's something lurking in it 290 00:15:51,557 --> 00:15:53,016 that we don't really get, 291 00:15:53,017 --> 00:15:55,477 that he's holding back a little. 292 00:15:56,854 --> 00:15:59,022 The Virgin of the Rocks 293 00:15:59,023 --> 00:16:02,150 depicts the apocryphal story of an early meeting 294 00:16:02,151 --> 00:16:05,361 between the infant Jesus and the infant John the Baptist 295 00:16:05,362 --> 00:16:07,030 during the time 296 00:16:07,031 --> 00:16:09,198 of the Holy Family's flight to Egypt. 297 00:16:09,199 --> 00:16:10,950 In this painting, 298 00:16:10,951 --> 00:16:14,245 apparently what we have is the baby John the Baptist 299 00:16:14,246 --> 00:16:16,039 kneeling to Jesus, 300 00:16:16,040 --> 00:16:19,208 and the Virgin Mary's got her arm around John the Baptist. 301 00:16:19,209 --> 00:16:22,295 And there's an archangel, who is Uriel. 302 00:16:22,296 --> 00:16:26,049 And, you know, so far, so good, you might think. 303 00:16:26,050 --> 00:16:30,762 Except that the children are with their wrong protectors. 304 00:16:30,763 --> 00:16:31,971 Oh. 305 00:16:31,972 --> 00:16:33,306 I mean, you would expect Jesus 306 00:16:33,307 --> 00:16:34,766 - to be with his mother. - Mm-hmm. 307 00:16:34,767 --> 00:16:36,517 And it so happens that Uriel 308 00:16:36,518 --> 00:16:39,395 is traditionally John the Baptist's protector. 309 00:16:39,396 --> 00:16:40,772 Right. 310 00:16:40,773 --> 00:16:43,733 Uriel is... has a big backstory 311 00:16:43,734 --> 00:16:45,401 with informing Noah about the flood. -Yes. 312 00:16:45,402 --> 00:16:46,819 Archangel of wisdom. 313 00:16:46,820 --> 00:16:48,571 Yeah, yeah. Wisdom is... 314 00:16:48,572 --> 00:16:50,448 Yeah, that's important here. 315 00:16:50,449 --> 00:16:54,077 - A celestial being coming from the heavens. - Yeah. Yeah. 316 00:16:54,078 --> 00:16:57,163 In one of the so-called lost chapters 317 00:16:57,164 --> 00:17:00,750 of the Hebrew Bible known as the Book of Enoch, 318 00:17:00,751 --> 00:17:04,128 the archangel Uriel guides Enoch, 319 00:17:04,129 --> 00:17:06,130 the great-grandfather of Noah, 320 00:17:06,131 --> 00:17:08,049 through Heaven, where he is taught 321 00:17:08,050 --> 00:17:12,386 all the secrets and mysteries of the universe. 322 00:17:12,387 --> 00:17:15,223 Is it possible that da Vinci knew 323 00:17:15,224 --> 00:17:19,352 of this lost and some would say forbidden chapter of the Bible 324 00:17:19,353 --> 00:17:23,439 and for this reason deliberately included Uriel 325 00:17:23,440 --> 00:17:25,817 as a way of sending a secret message 326 00:17:25,818 --> 00:17:29,570 about what he believed to be the extraterrestrial source 327 00:17:29,571 --> 00:17:31,949 of his incredible genius? 328 00:17:33,992 --> 00:17:36,119 And there is, as you say, 329 00:17:36,120 --> 00:17:37,912 something very portal-like about this painting. -Mm-hmm. 330 00:17:37,913 --> 00:17:39,580 We just dropped a very important word, 331 00:17:39,581 --> 00:17:41,124 as well: the word "portal." 332 00:17:41,125 --> 00:17:43,000 Oh, oh, yes. -It suggests to me that this painting 333 00:17:43,001 --> 00:17:45,420 is a sort of portal that he's taking us into, 334 00:17:45,421 --> 00:17:48,131 where something very special is happening here. -Yes. Yes. 335 00:17:48,132 --> 00:17:50,550 Maybe that explains why it's such an otherworldly, 336 00:17:50,551 --> 00:17:52,218 - almost dreamlike scene. - Yeah. 337 00:17:52,219 --> 00:17:54,887 The veil between this world and the other world. 338 00:17:54,888 --> 00:17:58,349 In his painting The Virgin of the Rocks, 339 00:17:58,350 --> 00:18:01,602 did Leonardo da Vinci deliberately plant clues 340 00:18:01,603 --> 00:18:05,690 that were intended for future generations to find? 341 00:18:05,691 --> 00:18:08,901 Clues that gave insight into his belief 342 00:18:08,902 --> 00:18:11,195 that much of mankind's knowledge 343 00:18:11,196 --> 00:18:15,908 had profoundly extraterrestrial origins? 344 00:18:15,909 --> 00:18:19,120 Leonardo was equally fascinated with backgrounds 345 00:18:19,121 --> 00:18:21,247 as he was with figures in the foreground, 346 00:18:21,248 --> 00:18:22,915 and one of the things that's so striking 347 00:18:22,916 --> 00:18:24,333 about Virgin of the Rocks 348 00:18:24,334 --> 00:18:27,295 is this very craggy, spooky, dramatic cavern 349 00:18:27,296 --> 00:18:30,131 that provides the backdrop for the figures. 350 00:18:30,132 --> 00:18:32,592 There are almost no other precedents 351 00:18:32,593 --> 00:18:36,846 for this group of figures in this sort of location. 352 00:18:36,847 --> 00:18:38,681 Could it be 353 00:18:38,682 --> 00:18:41,100 that Leonardo deliberately staged this scene 354 00:18:41,101 --> 00:18:43,060 at the mouth of a cavern 355 00:18:43,061 --> 00:18:45,563 in order to draw a link between the painting 356 00:18:45,564 --> 00:18:48,983 and his earlier experience in the cave? 357 00:18:48,984 --> 00:18:52,320 And by placing Jesus with the archangel Uriel, 358 00:18:52,321 --> 00:18:55,656 was he indicating a belief that the archangel 359 00:18:55,657 --> 00:18:59,869 was actually an extraterrestrial entity? 360 00:18:59,870 --> 00:19:03,706 Da Vinci's inclusion of the archangel Uriel, 361 00:19:03,707 --> 00:19:07,210 it makes you wonder if Leonardo may have had an experience 362 00:19:07,211 --> 00:19:09,212 with the archangel Uriel, 363 00:19:09,213 --> 00:19:12,299 who told him about humanity's future. 364 00:19:14,301 --> 00:19:16,761 Of the only 15 known paintings 365 00:19:16,762 --> 00:19:19,013 attributed to Leonardo da Vinci, 366 00:19:19,014 --> 00:19:22,141 is it possible that they all contain evidence 367 00:19:22,142 --> 00:19:23,601 of the artist's belief 368 00:19:23,602 --> 00:19:27,063 in so-called secret or forbidden knowledge? 369 00:19:27,064 --> 00:19:30,566 And if so, might they also contain clues 370 00:19:30,567 --> 00:19:32,443 that are intended to reveal 371 00:19:32,444 --> 00:19:35,238 not only da Vinci's personal beliefs, 372 00:19:35,239 --> 00:19:38,282 but a message that he was entrusted to convey 373 00:19:38,283 --> 00:19:41,245 to future generations? 374 00:19:46,135 --> 00:19:49,220 Milan, Italy. 375 00:19:49,221 --> 00:19:53,349 Housed in the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie 376 00:19:53,350 --> 00:19:57,061 is one of Leonardo da Vinci's most iconic paintings: 377 00:19:57,062 --> 00:20:00,064 The Last Supper. 378 00:20:00,065 --> 00:20:02,567 This imposing mural... 379 00:20:02,568 --> 00:20:06,738 More than 15 feet tall and nearly 29 feet wide... 380 00:20:06,739 --> 00:20:10,742 Depicts the biblical moment when Jesus tells his disciples 381 00:20:10,743 --> 00:20:12,703 that one of them will betray him. 382 00:20:16,582 --> 00:20:18,583 It's a very poignant moment. 383 00:20:18,584 --> 00:20:21,419 And the disciples are reacting to this statement, 384 00:20:21,420 --> 00:20:23,588 many in horror. 385 00:20:23,589 --> 00:20:27,425 To the left is Saint Bartholomew, 386 00:20:27,426 --> 00:20:31,137 who seems to have leapt to his feet and hit the table 387 00:20:31,138 --> 00:20:35,141 and is leaning towards Jesus in shock. 388 00:20:35,142 --> 00:20:39,270 And third from right of Jesus in the middle is Saint Philip, 389 00:20:39,271 --> 00:20:43,357 who seems to cave in with shock. 390 00:20:43,358 --> 00:20:46,694 What's interesting about this Last Supper 391 00:20:46,695 --> 00:20:48,988 is it looks like a frozen moment of action. 392 00:20:48,989 --> 00:20:50,740 If you imagine you have a remote control 393 00:20:50,741 --> 00:20:53,451 and the scene is on pause and you were to unpause it, 394 00:20:53,452 --> 00:20:54,952 all this movement would happen. 395 00:20:54,953 --> 00:20:57,789 But at this frozen moment, you can really study 396 00:20:57,790 --> 00:21:01,376 the actions and reactions of the people depicted. 397 00:21:04,963 --> 00:21:08,174 As with Leonardo's other works, 398 00:21:08,175 --> 00:21:10,885 many researchers and ancient astronaut theorists 399 00:21:10,886 --> 00:21:15,807 believe that this painting contains hidden messages. 400 00:21:15,808 --> 00:21:17,809 When we were writing Templar Revelation, 401 00:21:17,810 --> 00:21:22,146 I looked at The Last Supper, 402 00:21:22,147 --> 00:21:24,148 and I thought, "But wait a minute, 403 00:21:24,149 --> 00:21:26,984 that's a woman, sitting next to Jesus." 404 00:21:26,985 --> 00:21:30,696 Sitting at the right hand of Jesus is a figure 405 00:21:30,697 --> 00:21:34,826 that has long been assumed to represent the apostle John. 406 00:21:34,827 --> 00:21:37,328 But unlike the other figures in the painting, 407 00:21:37,329 --> 00:21:42,333 this one appears to have strikingly feminine features. 408 00:21:42,334 --> 00:21:45,545 In his own Treatise on Painting, 409 00:21:45,546 --> 00:21:49,507 Leonardo writes that women should always be depicted in art 410 00:21:49,508 --> 00:21:51,509 with "their heads looking downwards, 411 00:21:51,510 --> 00:21:55,680 and leaning a little on one side." 412 00:21:55,681 --> 00:22:00,351 If you look at Jesus sitting at the center of the table, 413 00:22:00,352 --> 00:22:04,188 leaning like that, 414 00:22:04,189 --> 00:22:08,192 to one side, is the woman who, with Jesus, 415 00:22:08,193 --> 00:22:10,027 forms a giant "M" shape, 416 00:22:10,028 --> 00:22:15,366 presumably, a clue to her name: Mary, Mary Magdalene. 417 00:22:15,367 --> 00:22:17,952 In the Bible's New Testament, 418 00:22:17,953 --> 00:22:21,122 Mary Magdalene is identified as a follower of Jesus 419 00:22:21,123 --> 00:22:23,583 who witnesses both his crucifixion 420 00:22:23,584 --> 00:22:25,251 and his resurrection, 421 00:22:25,252 --> 00:22:28,671 but she was not reported to have been a participant 422 00:22:28,672 --> 00:22:31,007 in what is called the Last Supper. 423 00:22:31,008 --> 00:22:33,342 If that is true, 424 00:22:33,343 --> 00:22:36,721 then why would Leonardo place her in his painting? 425 00:22:36,722 --> 00:22:39,765 Did the artist have access to secret knowledge 426 00:22:39,766 --> 00:22:42,226 about the true nature of the relationship 427 00:22:42,227 --> 00:22:45,271 between Jesus and Mary Magdalene? 428 00:22:45,272 --> 00:22:48,691 It seems that Leonardo was trying to point 429 00:22:48,692 --> 00:22:54,113 to Mary Magdalene having been extremely close to Jesus. 430 00:22:54,114 --> 00:22:56,574 We have them joined at the hip, 431 00:22:56,575 --> 00:23:00,578 we have them wearing mirror image clothes. 432 00:23:00,579 --> 00:23:06,250 Jesus, as a 30-year-old Jewish man of the time, 433 00:23:06,251 --> 00:23:10,504 would've been very hard-pressed to be without a wife. 434 00:23:10,505 --> 00:23:12,506 So, the theory is 435 00:23:12,507 --> 00:23:15,968 that Mary Magdalene was, in fact, his wife. 436 00:23:15,969 --> 00:23:18,930 But the Catholic church didn't want Jesus, 437 00:23:18,931 --> 00:23:22,433 as the son of God, to have a wife. 438 00:23:22,434 --> 00:23:27,855 They wanted him to be celibate, to be godlike, 439 00:23:27,856 --> 00:23:32,818 and so cast Mary Magdalene as a prostitute, 440 00:23:32,819 --> 00:23:37,699 rather than as a woman of importance. 441 00:23:40,077 --> 00:23:43,788 If Leonardo did indeed intend to depict Mary Magdalene 442 00:23:43,789 --> 00:23:47,333 as the person sitting next to Jesus, what makes her inclusion 443 00:23:47,334 --> 00:23:51,128 even more curious is an element of the story that seems 444 00:23:51,129 --> 00:23:54,632 to have been deliberately omitted: Jesus's chalice, 445 00:23:54,633 --> 00:23:58,844 otherwise known as the Holy Grail. 446 00:23:58,845 --> 00:24:02,932 In the Bible, it says one of the reasons for the Last Supper 447 00:24:02,933 --> 00:24:06,644 was for Jesus to instigate the communion. 448 00:24:06,645 --> 00:24:09,689 His blood, represented by the wine on the table, 449 00:24:09,690 --> 00:24:12,024 and his body, which was to be broken on the cross, 450 00:24:12,025 --> 00:24:14,860 by the broken bread. 451 00:24:14,861 --> 00:24:17,863 Now, there is no great glass, 452 00:24:17,864 --> 00:24:21,993 or indeed, any particular glass of wine in front of Jesus, 453 00:24:21,994 --> 00:24:24,495 which, in itself, is an enormous thing. 454 00:24:24,496 --> 00:24:28,332 According to legend, the Holy Grail 455 00:24:28,333 --> 00:24:31,002 had magical, life-giving properties. 456 00:24:31,003 --> 00:24:32,628 But there are some who insist 457 00:24:32,629 --> 00:24:36,173 that an actual Grail never really existed. 458 00:24:36,174 --> 00:24:39,176 Instead, they believe it was a symbol, 459 00:24:39,177 --> 00:24:42,972 intended to represent Jesus's divine bloodline. 460 00:24:42,973 --> 00:24:46,517 Many people suggest that the Holy Grail 461 00:24:46,518 --> 00:24:48,686 was the body of Mary Magdalene, 462 00:24:48,687 --> 00:24:52,898 when she was pregnant with the child of herself and Jesus. 463 00:24:52,899 --> 00:24:55,568 So this is goddess lore. 464 00:24:55,569 --> 00:24:58,863 The Grail is a womb, and the true mystery, 465 00:24:58,864 --> 00:25:02,867 the true, sacred story, is birth. 466 00:25:02,868 --> 00:25:06,245 Human birth is the miracle. 467 00:25:06,246 --> 00:25:08,539 Mary Magdalene, 468 00:25:08,540 --> 00:25:10,916 according to a number of traditions, 469 00:25:10,917 --> 00:25:14,378 actually was the wife of Jesus. 470 00:25:14,379 --> 00:25:17,923 And she was pregnant with his children. 471 00:25:17,924 --> 00:25:21,594 And in fact, these children will be special, 472 00:25:21,595 --> 00:25:25,473 and carrying a special new type of DNA 473 00:25:25,474 --> 00:25:28,934 for a new type of person on Earth. 474 00:25:28,935 --> 00:25:31,854 And this is, literally, the Holy Grail. 475 00:25:31,855 --> 00:25:34,857 Did Leonardo da Vinci 476 00:25:34,858 --> 00:25:37,943 have special, extraterrestrial knowledge? 477 00:25:37,944 --> 00:25:40,946 Knowledge about mankind's origins that he encoded 478 00:25:40,947 --> 00:25:45,201 in the form of secret messages within his paintings? 479 00:25:45,202 --> 00:25:49,872 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, and also suggest 480 00:25:49,873 --> 00:25:52,416 that within his painting of The Last Supper 481 00:25:52,417 --> 00:25:56,087 is yet another, even more profound code. 482 00:25:56,088 --> 00:25:58,756 One that, when translated, will allow 483 00:25:58,757 --> 00:26:06,757 direct communication with our alien ancestors. 484 00:26:07,175 --> 00:26:11,053 Lecce, Italy. 2003. 485 00:26:11,054 --> 00:26:14,890 Based on a close examination of Leonardo da Vinci's notebooks, 486 00:26:14,891 --> 00:26:19,353 musician and scholar Giovanni Maria Pala begins to examine 487 00:26:19,354 --> 00:26:22,815 one of the artist's most famous works, The Last Supper, 488 00:26:22,816 --> 00:26:25,401 for evidence that da Vinci may have hidden 489 00:26:25,402 --> 00:26:29,071 a musical composition in the now-iconic painting. 490 00:26:29,072 --> 00:26:32,533 One of the intriguing theories about Last Supper, 491 00:26:32,534 --> 00:26:34,702 that I actually think has some merit, 492 00:26:34,703 --> 00:26:37,830 is that a scholar found musical notes. 493 00:26:37,831 --> 00:26:40,416 One of the things to keep in mind is that 494 00:26:40,417 --> 00:26:42,877 there's no such thing as an accidental, 495 00:26:42,878 --> 00:26:44,754 or "just for the sake of it" insertion 496 00:26:44,755 --> 00:26:46,589 in old master paintings. 497 00:26:46,590 --> 00:26:51,385 Each aspect was carefully decided upon. 498 00:26:51,386 --> 00:26:53,888 Leonardo definitely was a musician, 499 00:26:53,889 --> 00:26:59,101 and he served the de' Medicis as a lyre player, 500 00:26:59,102 --> 00:27:02,980 and as a singer for a number of years. 501 00:27:02,981 --> 00:27:06,108 He played what we would call the organ. 502 00:27:06,109 --> 00:27:10,112 Well, there was an organ in the church 503 00:27:10,113 --> 00:27:14,618 where he was painting The Last Supper. 504 00:27:17,412 --> 00:27:19,413 In March 2018, 505 00:27:19,414 --> 00:27:22,750 William Henry met up with Giovanni Maria Pala in Florence, 506 00:27:22,751 --> 00:27:27,963 to find out more about his incredible theory. 507 00:27:27,964 --> 00:27:28,964 Hi. I'm William, the translator. 508 00:27:28,965 --> 00:27:30,382 Pleasure to meet you, William. 509 00:27:30,383 --> 00:27:32,301 - William Henry. Nice to see you. - Absolutely. 510 00:27:32,302 --> 00:27:33,636 - William Henry. - I'm Giovanni. 511 00:27:33,637 --> 00:27:34,877 - Nice to meet you. - Thank you. 512 00:27:36,473 --> 00:27:39,058 How did you come to find this evidence 513 00:27:39,059 --> 00:27:43,438 that in his... one of his famous frescos is a hidden melody? 514 00:27:49,361 --> 00:27:50,820 So the first thing 515 00:27:50,821 --> 00:27:52,154 that really caught my attention was that this is 516 00:27:52,155 --> 00:27:54,490 the, uh, tablecloth of the Holy Mass. 517 00:27:54,491 --> 00:27:56,116 Right. 518 00:27:56,117 --> 00:27:58,494 And there are some vertical lines along here, 519 00:27:58,495 --> 00:28:00,079 and also some horizontal lines, 520 00:28:00,080 --> 00:28:01,664 which prove to be very important. 521 00:28:01,665 --> 00:28:03,791 And as a musician, the first thing that came to mind 522 00:28:03,792 --> 00:28:06,460 seeing these horizontal lines, was a musical pentagram. 523 00:28:06,461 --> 00:28:09,505 Is the musical pentagram what we today would call 524 00:28:09,506 --> 00:28:12,174 - a sheet of music? - Yes, that's exactly right. 525 00:28:12,175 --> 00:28:16,304 So how did you bring this melody to life? 526 00:28:21,518 --> 00:28:23,435 He says you can see here, the highlighted 527 00:28:23,436 --> 00:28:25,271 is these little pieces of bread, Right. 528 00:28:25,272 --> 00:28:28,357 Of which there are many all across the table here. 529 00:28:28,358 --> 00:28:32,070 So he pinpointed the loaves of bread as being the notes. 530 00:28:37,909 --> 00:28:40,661 And another extremely important element that he noted 531 00:28:40,662 --> 00:28:44,081 was the lines of the sheet were exactly aligned 532 00:28:44,082 --> 00:28:46,792 with the hands of the apostles all across the table. 533 00:28:46,793 --> 00:28:48,919 So the elements that really gave life to this music 534 00:28:48,920 --> 00:28:50,713 are the loaves of bread 535 00:28:50,714 --> 00:28:52,548 and the hands of the apostles. 536 00:28:52,549 --> 00:28:54,718 Okay. 537 00:28:56,887 --> 00:28:59,263 We have to remember an important fact that Leonardo 538 00:28:59,264 --> 00:29:02,433 had this peculiarity of writing from right to left. 539 00:29:02,434 --> 00:29:05,144 So now let's, uh, let's give it a listen. 540 00:29:05,145 --> 00:29:07,147 ♪ ♪ 541 00:29:52,233 --> 00:29:55,027 People have suggested that through meditation, 542 00:29:55,028 --> 00:29:59,365 chanting, and through vibration, essentially, 543 00:29:59,366 --> 00:30:03,535 that you can access this realm of knowledge. 544 00:30:03,536 --> 00:30:06,121 And this realm of knowledge is timeless. 545 00:30:06,122 --> 00:30:09,583 Not only does the sound have the power 546 00:30:09,584 --> 00:30:11,627 to manifest all forms of phenomena, 547 00:30:11,628 --> 00:30:14,964 it also has the power to manifest 548 00:30:14,965 --> 00:30:17,800 how one perceives that very phenomena. 549 00:30:17,801 --> 00:30:22,429 In both Hinduism and Buddhism, as well Jainism, 550 00:30:22,430 --> 00:30:25,599 even religions such as Sikhism, you have specific mantras 551 00:30:25,600 --> 00:30:29,478 that are tuned to these deities. 552 00:30:29,479 --> 00:30:31,605 So these mantras are used 553 00:30:31,606 --> 00:30:35,651 both to create a rapport, connection 554 00:30:35,652 --> 00:30:37,403 with these deities, to summon them, 555 00:30:37,404 --> 00:30:39,072 to help you manifest them. 556 00:30:41,825 --> 00:30:44,326 The idea that harmonic sounds 557 00:30:44,327 --> 00:30:47,955 or music might be the ideal means of communication 558 00:30:47,956 --> 00:30:51,333 with extraterrestrial beings was a key component 559 00:30:51,334 --> 00:30:55,088 of NASA's Voyager program in 1977. 560 00:30:57,173 --> 00:31:00,134 Originally designed as a pair of robotic probes 561 00:31:00,135 --> 00:31:03,512 which could collect and send back important information 562 00:31:03,513 --> 00:31:07,850 about the Earth's sister planets, Voyagers 1 and 2 563 00:31:07,851 --> 00:31:10,352 each carried a large golden disc 564 00:31:10,353 --> 00:31:14,815 onto which various images and sounds were recorded. 565 00:31:14,816 --> 00:31:17,568 The disc and its contents were the brainchild 566 00:31:17,569 --> 00:31:20,863 of famed astronomer Carl Sagan, who worked closely 567 00:31:20,864 --> 00:31:25,034 with space artist and science journalist John Lomberg. 568 00:31:25,035 --> 00:31:28,203 I felt that art, visual arts and music 569 00:31:28,204 --> 00:31:32,374 might be as legitimate a content of interstellar communication 570 00:31:32,375 --> 00:31:34,918 as math and physics, which he thought interesting. 571 00:31:34,919 --> 00:31:36,712 If they were to ask me 572 00:31:36,713 --> 00:31:39,048 what to send to establish communication, 573 00:31:39,049 --> 00:31:41,050 I'd send them music. 574 00:31:41,051 --> 00:31:46,722 The mathematical relationships that underlie most aesthetics, 575 00:31:46,723 --> 00:31:49,266 and whether you're talking about intervals in music, 576 00:31:49,267 --> 00:31:51,060 like harmony, 577 00:31:51,061 --> 00:31:54,021 or whether you're talking about proportion in architecture 578 00:31:54,022 --> 00:31:55,564 or painting, 579 00:31:55,565 --> 00:31:57,858 these things are not things that we just conjure up 580 00:31:57,859 --> 00:31:59,568 out of our own minds. 581 00:31:59,569 --> 00:32:02,154 They're a reflection of the beautiful fractal nature 582 00:32:02,155 --> 00:32:04,114 of the universe. 583 00:32:04,115 --> 00:32:07,868 Did you ever see the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind? 584 00:32:07,869 --> 00:32:09,036 Uh, si. 585 00:32:09,037 --> 00:32:11,080 The spaceship lands 586 00:32:11,081 --> 00:32:13,749 at the Devils Tower, and it starts playing tones, 587 00:32:13,750 --> 00:32:16,585 the language of the universe, 588 00:32:16,586 --> 00:32:18,630 and it loops infinitely. 589 00:32:20,882 --> 00:32:23,426 The melody begins with an E. 590 00:32:25,095 --> 00:32:27,931 And it ends with an E as well. 591 00:32:29,307 --> 00:32:33,560 And it can be repeated, um, pretty much infinitely. 592 00:32:33,561 --> 00:32:35,270 If Leonardo da Vinci 593 00:32:35,271 --> 00:32:37,981 really did encode musical notes 594 00:32:37,982 --> 00:32:40,234 within his painting of the Last Supper, 595 00:32:40,235 --> 00:32:42,236 what was his purpose? 596 00:32:42,237 --> 00:32:45,614 Was he trying to convey an important message to humanity 597 00:32:45,615 --> 00:32:47,783 from another world? 598 00:32:47,784 --> 00:32:51,120 Or... was he trying to teach humanity 599 00:32:51,121 --> 00:32:53,580 the means by which it can communicate 600 00:32:53,581 --> 00:32:57,001 with its extraterrestrial ancestors? 601 00:33:03,647 --> 00:33:07,900 It is here, in what some would call an unlikely setting, 602 00:33:07,901 --> 00:33:10,111 that the world's most expensive work of art, 603 00:33:10,112 --> 00:33:13,448 Leonardo da Vinci's Salvator Mundi, will reside. 604 00:33:14,491 --> 00:33:18,995 Established in November 2017, 605 00:33:18,996 --> 00:33:21,998 this architectural marvel consists of a floating dome 606 00:33:21,999 --> 00:33:26,002 created from a complex geometric design 607 00:33:26,003 --> 00:33:28,004 of 7,800 interlocking stars 608 00:33:28,005 --> 00:33:32,008 that cast beams of light into the space below. 609 00:33:32,009 --> 00:33:34,385 Its appearance has been likened 610 00:33:34,386 --> 00:33:36,721 to that of a giant flying saucer, 611 00:33:36,722 --> 00:33:39,849 and the museum's architect, Jean Nouvel, 612 00:33:39,850 --> 00:33:42,059 says his goal was to emphasize the fascination 613 00:33:42,060 --> 00:33:45,105 generated by rare encounters. 614 00:33:47,524 --> 00:33:50,067 The museum looks like this giant disc 615 00:33:50,068 --> 00:33:53,571 with thousands of stars. 616 00:33:53,572 --> 00:33:56,240 Are they trying to signal something, 617 00:33:56,241 --> 00:33:59,952 or is it purely an architectural choice? 618 00:33:59,953 --> 00:34:03,080 But why is this futuristic museum 619 00:34:03,081 --> 00:34:06,083 considered by many ancient astronaut enthusiasts 620 00:34:06,084 --> 00:34:08,127 to be the most appropriate setting 621 00:34:08,128 --> 00:34:11,088 for what others would consider a traditional depiction 622 00:34:11,089 --> 00:34:12,924 of Jesus Christ? 623 00:34:12,925 --> 00:34:14,550 And what is it 624 00:34:14,551 --> 00:34:18,304 about this 518-year-old Renaissance painting 625 00:34:18,305 --> 00:34:21,933 that compelled its owner to pay such a record price? 626 00:34:21,934 --> 00:34:23,935 $400 million is the bid. 627 00:34:23,936 --> 00:34:26,772 And the piece is... sold! 628 00:34:29,566 --> 00:34:31,901 I'm looking forward to seeing what we've got inside. 629 00:34:31,902 --> 00:34:34,111 During his meeting with art historian 630 00:34:34,112 --> 00:34:35,613 Dr. Michael Kwakkelstein 631 00:34:35,614 --> 00:34:38,699 at the Dutch University Institute for Art History 632 00:34:38,700 --> 00:34:40,952 in March 2017, 633 00:34:40,953 --> 00:34:43,955 ancient astronaut theorist and author William Henry 634 00:34:43,956 --> 00:34:47,124 - Ah, there we go. - Decided to share his thoughts 635 00:34:47,125 --> 00:34:51,462 concerning da Vinci's recently discovered masterpiece. 636 00:34:51,463 --> 00:34:54,131 He's got that lion-like gaze, 637 00:34:54,132 --> 00:34:57,468 just very powerful, staring directly at us. -Mesmerizing. 638 00:34:57,469 --> 00:34:59,470 Mona Lisa smile, slightly. 639 00:34:59,471 --> 00:35:03,641 But it's this crystal sphere that draws people in. 640 00:35:03,642 --> 00:35:06,143 This, in fact, is the Cintamani Stone, 641 00:35:06,144 --> 00:35:09,313 the wish-fulfilling gem of Tibetan Buddhism. 642 00:35:09,314 --> 00:35:12,108 The Cintamani Stone? 643 00:35:12,109 --> 00:35:14,151 A legendary relic that appears 644 00:35:14,152 --> 00:35:16,738 in many examples of Buddhist art? 645 00:35:18,323 --> 00:35:21,826 But why would Leonardo da Vinci depict Jesus Christ 646 00:35:21,827 --> 00:35:26,330 holding an orb that features a Buddhist symbol? 647 00:35:26,331 --> 00:35:28,791 Gemani means "jewel," 648 00:35:28,792 --> 00:35:31,460 and chinta, in this case, is referring to "wishes." 649 00:35:31,461 --> 00:35:33,504 It's the jewel that grants wishes. 650 00:35:33,505 --> 00:35:36,674 If you look at deities like Ksitigarbha, 651 00:35:36,675 --> 00:35:39,510 he actually is holding it in his hand, 652 00:35:39,511 --> 00:35:42,638 and it looks like a little orb. 653 00:35:42,639 --> 00:35:45,224 And he can travel through all the six realms 654 00:35:45,225 --> 00:35:48,185 where various beings dwell. 655 00:35:48,186 --> 00:35:50,938 In Buddhist scripture, the Cintamani Stone 656 00:35:50,939 --> 00:35:54,900 is often described as a wish-fulfilling crystal sphere 657 00:35:54,901 --> 00:35:58,571 and is most often seen in the possession of a Bodhisattva, 658 00:35:58,572 --> 00:36:01,198 or enlightened teacher. 659 00:36:01,199 --> 00:36:04,869 Much like Jesus holding the orb in the Salvator Mundi painting, 660 00:36:04,870 --> 00:36:07,371 the Bodhisattva is usually depicted 661 00:36:07,372 --> 00:36:11,876 holding the Cintamani Stone in the palm of his hand. 662 00:36:11,877 --> 00:36:14,503 But how would a 15th century Renaissance artist... 663 00:36:14,504 --> 00:36:16,213 A Roman Catholic... 664 00:36:16,214 --> 00:36:19,216 Have known about a 10th-century Buddhist symbol? 665 00:36:19,217 --> 00:36:21,677 And why would he have included it 666 00:36:21,678 --> 00:36:24,806 in an otherwise traditional religious painting? 667 00:36:26,850 --> 00:36:29,018 For William Henry, a key to the answer 668 00:36:29,019 --> 00:36:31,228 may be found by noting the presence 669 00:36:31,229 --> 00:36:34,565 of three simple white dots, or stars, 670 00:36:34,566 --> 00:36:38,736 floating inside the transparent orb. 671 00:36:38,737 --> 00:36:42,031 We have those triple dots on that sphere 672 00:36:42,032 --> 00:36:44,075 that symbolize the three stars of Orion, 673 00:36:44,076 --> 00:36:46,744 indicating that there's this cosmic connection 674 00:36:46,745 --> 00:36:48,914 that they're trying to make. 675 00:36:50,082 --> 00:36:51,832 Orion? 676 00:36:51,833 --> 00:36:54,377 The constellation that the ancient Egyptians believed 677 00:36:54,378 --> 00:36:57,213 was the place of origin for the gods? 678 00:36:57,214 --> 00:36:59,715 And whose three most prominent stars, 679 00:36:59,716 --> 00:37:02,510 which form what is referred to as Orion's Belt, 680 00:37:02,511 --> 00:37:04,970 are oriented in precise alignment 681 00:37:04,971 --> 00:37:07,890 with not only the great pyramids of Egypt, 682 00:37:07,891 --> 00:37:10,434 but also Teotihuacan in Mexico? 683 00:37:10,435 --> 00:37:12,561 The ancient Egyptians believed 684 00:37:12,562 --> 00:37:15,356 that their gods, Osiris in particular, 685 00:37:15,357 --> 00:37:18,275 came from Orion. 686 00:37:18,276 --> 00:37:21,445 And that upon his resurrection from the Earth, 687 00:37:21,446 --> 00:37:24,615 Osiris returned to Orion. 688 00:37:24,616 --> 00:37:29,411 Is it possible that what this painting is showing 689 00:37:29,412 --> 00:37:31,789 is that Jesus himself 690 00:37:31,790 --> 00:37:37,294 is somehow from the constellation Orion, 691 00:37:37,295 --> 00:37:41,924 and that that is ultimately where we, 692 00:37:41,925 --> 00:37:45,261 as a human species, are from? 693 00:37:45,262 --> 00:37:48,097 We have this very powerful connection 694 00:37:48,098 --> 00:37:51,142 between the resurrection of Osiris, going to Orion, 695 00:37:51,143 --> 00:37:56,105 and Christ ultimately returning from Orion. 696 00:37:56,106 --> 00:37:59,483 When we look at Christ holding this crystalline orb, 697 00:37:59,484 --> 00:38:02,153 it's trying to tell us that there's a... 698 00:38:02,154 --> 00:38:04,613 a higher intelligence that operates in our world. 699 00:38:04,614 --> 00:38:06,157 He tapped into it. 700 00:38:06,158 --> 00:38:08,033 But ultimately he's saying, 701 00:38:08,034 --> 00:38:12,080 there's a cosmic intelligence interwoven within human history. 702 00:38:13,540 --> 00:38:16,125 Is it possible that Leonardo da Vinci 703 00:38:16,126 --> 00:38:19,754 was in possession of extraterrestrial knowledge? 704 00:38:22,007 --> 00:38:26,051 Ancient astronaut theorists believe the answers can be found 705 00:38:26,052 --> 00:38:27,636 by examining the artist's final 706 00:38:27,637 --> 00:38:30,264 and perhaps most prophetic work of art, 707 00:38:30,265 --> 00:38:34,477 one which many believe hides a startling portrait. 708 00:38:37,459 --> 00:38:41,254 Amboise, France. 1513. 709 00:38:41,255 --> 00:38:43,506 At Château du Clos Lucé, 710 00:38:43,507 --> 00:38:45,842 a 61-year-old Leonardo da Vinci 711 00:38:45,843 --> 00:38:49,929 begins work on what will be his final painting. 712 00:38:49,930 --> 00:38:52,348 Three years later, he completes his portrait 713 00:38:52,349 --> 00:38:54,183 of an androgynous figure 714 00:38:54,184 --> 00:38:56,352 emerging from a shadowy background... 715 00:38:56,353 --> 00:38:59,355 Saint John the Baptist. 716 00:38:59,356 --> 00:39:04,068 Picture this painting in a dimly lit chapel. 717 00:39:04,069 --> 00:39:06,321 Before lighting the candle, you don't see anything. 718 00:39:06,322 --> 00:39:07,989 - Right. - You light the candle, 719 00:39:07,990 --> 00:39:10,533 and the light of the flame illuminates the painting, 720 00:39:10,534 --> 00:39:13,077 and there emerges, against a dark background, 721 00:39:13,078 --> 00:39:15,038 Saint John the Baptist. 722 00:39:15,039 --> 00:39:16,622 And the pointing upward to heaven, 723 00:39:16,623 --> 00:39:18,291 saying: I'm from the light, 724 00:39:18,292 --> 00:39:19,917 I'm witnessing to the light. 725 00:39:19,918 --> 00:39:21,627 He's pointing to another realm. 726 00:39:21,628 --> 00:39:23,087 Oh, yes. 727 00:39:23,088 --> 00:39:26,174 This is where divine wisdom comes from. 728 00:39:26,175 --> 00:39:28,676 This is the source of everything. 729 00:39:28,677 --> 00:39:31,888 The first words of Saint John are, "I saw the light. 730 00:39:31,889 --> 00:39:34,474 - I will come to this Earth." - Wow. 731 00:39:34,475 --> 00:39:37,268 Leonardo was encoding 732 00:39:37,269 --> 00:39:41,147 extraordinary secrets in his paintings. 733 00:39:41,148 --> 00:39:43,775 He wanted to imbue his work 734 00:39:43,776 --> 00:39:48,237 for the future generations with his own private message. 735 00:39:48,238 --> 00:39:52,075 His paintings are like portals to another world, 736 00:39:52,076 --> 00:39:54,243 where the real Leonardo inhabits. 737 00:39:54,244 --> 00:39:56,245 But whether we're big enough 738 00:39:56,246 --> 00:40:00,291 to accept what he has to say is quite another matter. 739 00:40:00,292 --> 00:40:05,296 I think he had some very subtle messages he wanted to convey 740 00:40:05,297 --> 00:40:09,258 to not the people of that time, but to the people of our time. 741 00:40:09,259 --> 00:40:11,427 And we have to look for it. 742 00:40:11,428 --> 00:40:13,930 Is he talking about extraterrestrials? 743 00:40:13,931 --> 00:40:16,432 Is he talking about the future? 744 00:40:16,433 --> 00:40:19,644 Investigators have recently found 745 00:40:19,645 --> 00:40:21,562 some pretty astonishing things 746 00:40:21,563 --> 00:40:25,108 about Leonardo da Vinci's painting John the Baptist. 747 00:40:25,109 --> 00:40:29,278 And they mirror the image to create a double image, 748 00:40:29,279 --> 00:40:32,573 and then through an enhancement process, 749 00:40:32,574 --> 00:40:36,160 they are able to bring out what seems to be 750 00:40:36,161 --> 00:40:39,122 the face of an extraterrestrial. 751 00:40:39,123 --> 00:40:41,290 It's a pretty unusual thing, 752 00:40:41,291 --> 00:40:44,168 and we know that da Vinci 753 00:40:44,169 --> 00:40:47,588 did use this mirroring technique. 754 00:40:47,589 --> 00:40:49,966 And so this isn't something that is so farfetched 755 00:40:49,967 --> 00:40:52,302 that he would do. 756 00:40:53,679 --> 00:40:57,723 Da Vinci is one of a long line of artists 757 00:40:57,724 --> 00:40:59,976 who have told us, beginning with the ancient Egyptians 758 00:40:59,977 --> 00:41:02,812 and running through the early Christians and Tibetans, 759 00:41:02,813 --> 00:41:06,691 that art is a medium, it's a conduit 760 00:41:06,692 --> 00:41:09,485 through which ordinary people can connect 761 00:41:09,486 --> 00:41:14,240 with higher-dimensional beings, even extraterrestrials. 762 00:41:14,241 --> 00:41:16,450 And I think this is the ultimate message 763 00:41:16,451 --> 00:41:18,995 that Leonardo placed in the codes 764 00:41:18,996 --> 00:41:21,456 and the symbols within his paintings. 765 00:41:22,833 --> 00:41:25,209 Did Leonardo da Vinci experience 766 00:41:25,210 --> 00:41:29,046 an extraterrestrial encounter, one that opened his mind 767 00:41:29,047 --> 00:41:33,509 to what was once considered forbidden knowledge? 768 00:41:33,510 --> 00:41:36,512 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 769 00:41:36,513 --> 00:41:40,850 and believe that da Vinci encoded his works in such a way 770 00:41:40,851 --> 00:41:43,895 that future generations could learn the truth 771 00:41:43,896 --> 00:41:46,856 about mankind's origins. 772 00:41:46,857 --> 00:41:49,400 And that, when fully understood, 773 00:41:49,401 --> 00:41:52,945 will lead the way to our ultimate destiny. 774 00:41:52,946 --> 00:41:56,158 CAPTIONING PROVIDED BY A+E NETWORKS