1 00:00:05.507 --> 00:00:08.426 [ Man Narrating] Evidence of a cataclysmic event. 2 00:00:09.260 --> 00:00:13.264 You can see it here that this event took place. 3 00:00:14.990 --> 00:00:17.268 [ Narrator] Written accounts describing lost cities. 4 00:00:18.186 --> 00:00:21.690 Atlantis had a great advanced civilization. 5 00:00:21.773 --> 00:00:25.694 [ Narrator] And mythic tales of gods punishing humanity. 6 00:00:25.777 --> 00:00:29.698 They decided that they would destroy all these civilizations. 7 00:00:29.781 --> 00:00:32.367 [ Narrator] In ancient cultures throughout the world... 8 00:00:32.450 --> 00:00:35.360 there are numerous stories of mankind... 9 00:00:35.120 --> 00:00:38.810 nearly being destroyed by a great flood. 10 00:00:38.164 --> 00:00:42.430 But could such an event have actually taken place? 11 00:00:42.794 --> 00:00:46.381 And might it have been caused by an otherworldly force? 12 00:00:46.464 --> 00:00:48.883 [ Man ] One has to ask the question... 13 00:00:48.967 --> 00:00:52.554 “What if Noah was one of the extraterrestrials?” 14 00:00:53.722 --> 00:00:56.474 [ Narrator] Millions of people around the world believe... 15 00:00:56.558 --> 00:01:00.395 we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings. 16 00:01:01.146 --> 00:01:03.148 What if it were true? 17 00:01:03.982 --> 00:01:07.944 Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? 18 00:01:09.320 --> 00:01:11.740 And if so, might we find evidence... 19 00:01:11.823 --> 00:01:15.326 in the stories of the great flood? 20 00:01:47.358 --> 00:01:50.695 [ Narrator] It is one of the best-known stories of the Bible... 21 00:01:51.696 --> 00:01:54.282 and variations of this ancient tale... 22 00:01:54.365 --> 00:01:57.660 can be found in cultures throughout the world. 23 00:01:58.912 --> 00:02:02.457 From ancient Hindu teachings and Mesopotamian legends... 24 00:02:02.540 --> 00:02:04.167 to Mesoamerican myths... 25 00:02:04.250 --> 00:02:09.923 it is written that the gods sent a powerful flood to wipe out all of humanity. 26 00:02:11.216 --> 00:02:13.384 God is angry at human beings... 27 00:02:13.468 --> 00:02:17.222 because human beings have not been behaving properly. 28 00:02:17.305 --> 00:02:19.516 They have been violating God's laws. 29 00:02:21.643 --> 00:02:24.604 [Woman ] Certainly the most famous of these is the legend of Noah. 30 00:02:25.605 --> 00:02:30.260 In Genesis, God becomes so disgusted with the behavior of his creation... 31 00:02:30.109 --> 00:02:33.738 that he says he repenteth of making them... 32 00:02:35.615 --> 00:02:37.992 and he brings forth the deluge. 33 00:02:41.370 --> 00:02:43.331 In stories much older than the story of Noah... 34 00:02:43.414 --> 00:02:46.835 in the story of Gilgamesh, the Sumerian legend... 35 00:02:46.918 --> 00:02:50.755 the council of gods brought the flood. 36 00:02:51.589 --> 00:02:55.552 In Plato's writing, Zeus brought the flood. 37 00:02:55.635 --> 00:02:58.847 [Man] In Hinduism, God had instructed that one day... 38 00:02:58.930 --> 00:03:01.150 the whole Earth will be flooded. 39 00:03:01.990 --> 00:03:04.180 When that happens, you build a boat... 40 00:03:04.102 --> 00:03:07.772 and you gather the people, some animals... 41 00:03:07.856 --> 00:03:09.774 and then I will save you. 42 00:03:13.945 --> 00:03:16.300 [ Narrator] The story of the great flood... 43 00:03:16.114 --> 00:03:19.701 is often considered to be mythological. 44 00:03:19.784 --> 00:03:23.580 Bu! Similar stories of a cataclysmic flood can be found... 45 00:03:23.663 --> 00:03:28.209 in approximately 1,200 different cultures around the world. 46 00:03:28.293 --> 00:03:30.753 And many anthropologists say... 47 00:03:30.837 --> 00:03:33.631 that because these stories are so numerous... 48 00:03:33.715 --> 00:03:36.259 and date back thousands of years... 49 00:03:36.342 --> 00:03:40.130 it is unlikely that they originated from a single source. 50 00:03:41.639 --> 00:03:44.267 [ MAGLIOCCO ] When we find similar myths all over the world... 51 00:03:44.350 --> 00:03:48.229 like the myth of the flood, then we have to ask ourselves... 52 00:03:48.313 --> 00:03:52.150 are these things that human beings came up with independently? 53 00:03:52.233 --> 00:03:57.238 Because, let's say, there was a great flood in ancient history... 54 00:03:57.322 --> 00:03:59.824 that has been memorialized in people's mythologies... 55 00:03:59.908 --> 00:04:02.702 because it was such a cataclysmic event... 56 00:04:02.785 --> 00:04:08.917 that people looked for a religious explanation for it. 57 00:04:09.000 --> 00:04:13.671 [ Man ] The fact that there are ancient stories that speak of the same flood... 58 00:04:13.755 --> 00:04:17.910 it almost leads into that direction... 59 00:04:17.175 --> 00:04:20.345 that at some point, some cataclysm happened... 60 00:04:20.428 --> 00:04:25.990 that not just affected one geographic area of the world... 61 00:04:25.183 --> 00:04:26.851 but the entire planet. 62 00:04:28.478 --> 00:04:33.191 [ Narrator] If a cataclysmic flood really did occur, killing most life on the planet... 63 00:04:33.274 --> 00:04:35.485 what could have caused it? 64 00:04:35.568 --> 00:04:38.279 And is there any physical evidence to suggest... 65 00:04:38.363 --> 00:04:40.865 that it actually happened? 66 00:04:40.949 --> 00:04:43.952 Scientists say answers to both questions... 67 00:04:44.350 --> 00:04:47.380 may be buried deep beneath the sea. 68 00:04:50.375 --> 00:04:52.585 [ Narrator] The Indian Ocean. 69 00:04:54.300 --> 00:04:58.716 According to the five scientists who make up the Holocene Impact Working Group... 70 00:04:58.800 --> 00:05:02.720 this area, 900 miles southeast of Madagascar... 71 00:05:02.804 --> 00:05:08.142 is where an enormous asteroid struck the Earth thousands of years ago. 72 00:05:08.226 --> 00:05:11.813 This impact may have been so large... 73 00:05:11.896 --> 00:05:16.901 that it triggered enormous tsunamis that flooded inland areas across the region- 74 00:05:16.985 --> 00:05:21.406 an event the local inhabitants would have perceived as a great flood. 75 00:05:22.407 --> 00:05:27.495 Since so many ancient cultures have a flood story or a flood mythology... 76 00:05:27.578 --> 00:05:30.810 this is probably based in some sort of real event. 77 00:05:32.166 --> 00:05:36.879 And an asteroid landing in the ocean in the right place, triggering a tsunami... 78 00:05:36.963 --> 00:05:39.632 would then lead to one of these major floods. 79 00:05:40.341 --> 00:05:44.429 [ Narrator] The Holocene Group says evidence for a catastrophic asteroid strike... 80 00:05:44.512 --> 00:05:48.266 lies in what they believe is an 18-mile-wide crater... 81 00:05:48.349 --> 00:05:53.104 on the floor of the Indian Ocean, just west of the island of Madagascar. 82 00:05:54.220 --> 00:05:58.609 Holocene Group scientists believe further evidence supporting their theory... 83 00:05:58.693 --> 00:06:01.529 also lies in what are called chevrons- 84 00:06:01.612 --> 00:06:06.951 ancient deposits of sediment and fossils in both Madagascar and Australia. 85 00:06:08.578 --> 00:06:13.410 What was so out of place and unusual about the chevrons... 86 00:06:13.124 --> 00:06:17.128 was that they weren't land-based debris. 87 00:06:17.211 --> 00:06:22.258 But, rather, it was the kind of debris you get from an ocean sea bottom- 88 00:06:22.341 --> 00:06:26.471 things like marine animals, marine fossils. 89 00:06:26.554 --> 00:06:29.891 They've also found what's really the smoking gun... 90 00:06:29.974 --> 00:06:32.894 of any asteroid or comet impact... 91 00:06:32.977 --> 00:06:34.979 and that's micro-beads. 92 00:06:35.630 --> 00:06:37.398 The only way they're formed is by... 93 00:06:37.482 --> 00:06:41.444 the extreme heat of an impact melting the rock... 94 00:06:41.527 --> 00:06:44.405 the rock being thrown into the air or water... 95 00:06:44.489 --> 00:06:47.575 and cooling into these nice little spheres. 96 00:06:51.871 --> 00:06:57.210 [ Narrator] Similar marine fossils have also been found on the other side of the world- 97 00:06:57.293 --> 00:07:02.465 at the ancient temple complex of Puma Punku, in modern-day Bolivia. 98 00:07:05.930 --> 00:07:08.513 If the Holocene Group's initial findings prove true... 99 00:07:08.596 --> 00:07:11.974 they could be definitive evidence that a cosmic strike... 100 00:07:12.580 --> 00:07:15.937 caused large-scale flooding thousands of years ago. 101 00:07:17.814 --> 00:07:21.943 Bu! If an asteroid really was responsible for a worldwide flood... 102 00:07:22.944 --> 00:07:26.720 scientists say it would have to have been as large... 103 00:07:26.155 --> 00:07:29.784 as the one that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs... 104 00:07:29.867 --> 00:07:32.360 which measured eight miles wide... 105 00:07:32.120 --> 00:07:36.707 and struck the Earth with a force five billion times more powerful... 106 00:07:36.791 --> 00:07:39.877 than the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. 107 00:07:44.900 --> 00:07:46.217 [ Man ] There are many ancient texts... 108 00:07:46.300 --> 00:07:50.721 that tell us that there wasn't just a flood... 109 00:07:50.805 --> 00:07:55.268 but there was also a conflagration, a period of fire... 110 00:07:55.351 --> 00:08:00.314 when the Earth was bombarded with firestorms, the gods bringing them down... 111 00:08:00.398 --> 00:08:04.360 and that this period was then followed by a flood. 112 00:08:05.486 --> 00:08:08.489 And it would seem that fragments of this comet... 113 00:08:08.573 --> 00:08:10.533 vaporized the ice sheets... 114 00:08:10.616 --> 00:08:14.780 that had been covering large parts of the northern hemisphere... 115 00:08:14.162 --> 00:08:16.831 for tens of thousands of years... 116 00:08:16.914 --> 00:08:22.503 sending all of the water up into the atmosphere, which then rained down... 117 00:08:22.587 --> 00:08:26.924 perhaps even for 4O days, 4O nights, like the Bible tells us. 118 00:08:31.345 --> 00:08:34.932 [ Narrator] According to those scientists who subscribe to this theory... 119 00:08:35.160 --> 00:08:38.186 the fires that might have occurred just before the flood... 120 00:08:38.269 --> 00:08:42.648 would have left behind an ash layer in the earth all over the world. 121 00:08:43.941 --> 00:08:48.571 This distinctive ash layer, which scientists call the Usselo horizon... 122 00:08:48.654 --> 00:08:53.492 could be the ultimate proof that the great flood really occurred... 123 00:08:53.576 --> 00:08:57.330 and researchers believe they may have discovered it. 124 00:09:01.459 --> 00:09:04.879 Just outside the small Belgian town of Lommel... 125 00:09:04.962 --> 00:09:07.924 author and researcher Andrew Collins... 126 00:09:08.700 --> 00:09:11.100 follows local archaeologist Ferdi Geerts... 127 00:09:11.930 --> 00:09:15.765 to the site of a mysterious black layer of soil excavated by a mining company. 128 00:09:17.600 --> 00:09:22.730 I can already see a black layer in the soil here. 129 00:09:22.813 --> 00:09:28.361 It's about just under a meter down, three to four feet. 130 00:09:29.695 --> 00:09:34.283 And are we looking here at the Usselo horizon? 131 00:09:34.367 --> 00:09:35.868 - Is this it? - [ Man ] Yes. 132 00:09:35.952 --> 00:09:39.830 At the end of the ditch, we see a peat layer. 133 00:09:39.914 --> 00:09:43.251 At the top of the peat layer, there is some charcoal. 134 00:09:43.334 --> 00:09:46.128 - Right. Can we go down and look at this? - Yes. 135 00:09:48.589 --> 00:09:50.925 [ Narrator] Collins and Geerts get a closer look... 136 00:09:51.800 --> 00:09:54.595 which allows them to determine that this dark layer of soil... 137 00:09:54.679 --> 00:09:58.990 seems to date to the end of the last ice age- 138 00:09:58.182 --> 00:10:02.770 about the same time the Usselo horizon ls supposed to have formed. 139 00:10:03.354 --> 00:10:08.250 If we come down from the surface here, which is obviously the modern day... 140 00:10:08.109 --> 00:10:10.987 there is this accumulation of sand... 141 00:10:11.700 --> 00:10:14.532 over a period of around 13,000 years... 142 00:10:14.615 --> 00:10:17.576 that takes us back to this point here. 143 00:10:17.660 --> 00:10:21.789 - The black is a layer, and the white is sand. - Yeah. 144 00:10:21.872 --> 00:10:24.292 - We call that a soil horizon. - Yeah. Okay. 145 00:10:25.793 --> 00:10:29.297 [ Narrator] According to Geerts, this black layer dates back... 146 00:10:29.380 --> 00:10:33.551 to the time period when a global flood may have devastated Earth. 147 00:10:33.634 --> 00:10:35.469 But what is it made of? 148 00:10:36.345 --> 00:10:38.889 Collins and Geerts dig into the soil... 149 00:10:38.973 --> 00:10:42.643 and discover that it is, indeed, charcoal. 150 00:10:42.727 --> 00:10:45.980 This is the Usselo horizon, and to Collins... 151 00:10:46.630 --> 00:10:51.485 it's confirmation that the catastrophe described in the Bible was real. 152 00:10:51.569 --> 00:10:55.239 This is physical evidence... 153 00:10:55.323 --> 00:10:59.785 of that flood, of that conflagration. 154 00:10:59.869 --> 00:11:03.414 This is your absolute evidence... 155 00:11:03.497 --> 00:11:05.833 that this event took place. 156 00:11:05.916 --> 00:11:08.586 This is the evidence of the cataclysm. 157 00:11:10.421 --> 00:11:11.941 [ Narrator] Could the Usselo horizon... 158 00:11:12.600 --> 00:11:15.593 a possible impact crater in the Indian Ocean... 159 00:11:16.510 --> 00:11:19.930 and sea fossils at Puma Punku all be proof... 160 00:11:20.140 --> 00:11:24.727 that the ancient story of a great flood is not a myth-.. 161 00:11:24.810 --> 00:11:27.730 But that it is based on actual events? 162 00:11:28.689 --> 00:11:32.234 And if so, could the rest of the story- 163 00:11:32.318 --> 00:11:35.488 In which God' sent' a flood to annihilate the human race- 164 00:11:35.571 --> 00:11:38.282 be true as well? 165 00:11:38.366 --> 00:11:43.996 This suggests that a great flood did in fact happen, that it was real. 166 00:11:45.414 --> 00:11:49.460 But then it also presents us with an intriguing possibility. 167 00:11:49.543 --> 00:11:51.712 It is entirely possible that... 168 00:11:51.796 --> 00:11:56.967 there is an extraterrestrial origin to this terrible flood. 169 00:12:01.305 --> 00:12:05.559 [ Narrator] Could it be that the great flood described in so many ancient texts... 170 00:12:05.643 --> 00:12:09.730 really did occur at the end of the last ice age? 171 00:12:09.814 --> 00:12:14.527 And if so, could it have been brought on by extraterrestrial beings? 172 00:12:16.280 --> 00:12:18.989 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes... 173 00:12:19.730 --> 00:12:21.659 and claim that evidence of this can be found... 174 00:12:21.742 --> 00:12:25.704 at the top of one of the world's most sacred mountains. 175 00:12:33.629 --> 00:12:38.426 [ Narrator] Laurel, Maryland. October, 2014. 176 00:12:39.593 --> 00:12:43.848 At Johns Hopkins University, top scientists from all over the world... 177 00:12:43.931 --> 00:12:49.812 gather for the first International Asteroid Impact Deflection Assessment Workshop. 178 00:12:51.689 --> 00:12:56.527 The focus of this event is to demonstrate the latest technology designed... 179 00:12:56.610 --> 00:13:01.310 for diverting the course of asteroids headed for a collision with Earth. 180 00:13:04.535 --> 00:13:08.380 The proposed method involves launching a spacecraft... 181 00:13:08.122 --> 00:13:12.460 to collide with the asteroid at a velocity nine times faster... 182 00:13:12.543 --> 00:13:16.422 than the speed of a bullet fired from an AK -47. 183 00:13:21.635 --> 00:13:24.930 If we look at the dinosaurs, for example, 65 million years ago... 184 00:13:26.557 --> 00:13:31.395 they were wiped out due to the impact of a giant rock... 185 00:13:31.479 --> 00:13:35.232 that wiped out everything on planet Earth at the time. 186 00:13:37.818 --> 00:13:43.449 And so, right now, scientists around the globe are working tirelessly... 187 00:13:43.532 --> 00:13:47.536 to redirect asteroids from possible collisions with Earth. 188 00:13:51.749 --> 00:13:56.337 [ Narrator] In addition to using direct impact to knock an asteroid off course... 189 00:13:56.420 --> 00:14:00.700 scientists have also looked into the possibility... 190 00:14:00.900 --> 00:14:02.510 of creating a gravity tractor... 191 00:14:02.593 --> 00:14:06.764 that could actually manipulate the trajectory of the object. 192 00:14:08.182 --> 00:14:11.727 But if we are close to developing this kind of technology today... 193 00:14:12.895 --> 00:14:17.858 is it possible that extraterrestrials who visited Earth in the distant past... 194 00:14:17.942 --> 00:14:22.238 already possessed the ability to redirect asteroids? 195 00:14:22.321 --> 00:14:25.908 And if so, might they have used this technology... 196 00:14:25.991 --> 00:14:29.161 not to deflect an asteroid away from Earth... 197 00:14:30.790 --> 00:14:31.622 but towards it? 198 00:14:33.207 --> 00:14:38.796 We are talking about technology that equals ours today... 199 00:14:38.879 --> 00:14:42.925 or as some have said, that it actually surpasses... 200 00:14:43.800 --> 00:14:47.137 whatever it is that we've achieved so far in our modern age. 201 00:14:48.556 --> 00:14:53.180 And so, if we can control the trajectories of asteroids... 202 00:14:53.102 --> 00:14:55.646 to direct them away from Earth... 203 00:14:55.729 --> 00:15:00.317 then it's certainly possible that highly advanced extraterrestrials... 204 00:15:00.401 --> 00:15:05.720 could have had the technology to direct an asteroid towards Earth. 205 00:15:06.407 --> 00:15:10.160 It's interesting how the legends described how the flood came. 206 00:15:10.244 --> 00:15:12.538 It is stated that... 207 00:15:12.621 --> 00:15:17.209 a great meteor or comet or something was to swing around from behind the sun... 208 00:15:17.293 --> 00:15:22.923 and as such, rip the oceans out of their bodies. 209 00:15:23.424 --> 00:15:26.100 The flood was clearly contrived. 210 00:15:26.930 --> 00:15:29.847 It was sent by higher powers... 211 00:15:29.930 --> 00:15:33.434 to correct things here on Earth. 212 00:15:33.517 --> 00:15:37.771 They had an intent and a purpose for Experiment Earth... 213 00:15:37.855 --> 00:15:40.149 which they believed had become corrupted... 214 00:15:40.232 --> 00:15:45.446 and, therefore, the flood was sent as an attack... 215 00:15:45.529 --> 00:15:48.324 an assault upon humanity. 216 00:15:51.160 --> 00:15:55.390 [ Narrator] If the great flood was a real, historical event... 217 00:15:55.122 --> 00:15:58.959 could it have been deliberately caused by otherworldly beings... 218 00:15:59.430 --> 00:16:01.420 as ancient astronaut theorists suggest? 219 00:16:02.129 --> 00:16:04.965 But if so, why? 220 00:16:05.490 --> 00:16:08.344 What might they have been trying to destroy? 221 00:16:13.891 --> 00:16:17.895 [ Narrator] Mount Hermon, Lebanon. 1869. 222 00:16:19.229 --> 00:16:22.524 Exploring the top of this historic mountain range... 223 00:16:22.608 --> 00:16:25.986 British archaeologist General Sir Charles Warren... 224 00:16:26.700 --> 00:16:30.324 discovers the sacred temple of Qasr Antar... 225 00:16:30.407 --> 00:16:34.828 believed to be highest place of worship in the biblical world. 226 00:16:38.248 --> 00:16:41.418 [ Man ] Sir Charles Warren hiked up to the top of Mount Hermon. 227 00:16:41.502 --> 00:16:46.600 The ruins of this temple are there, and there he found an ancient stele... 228 00:16:46.900 --> 00:16:49.930 and he broke this stele into two pieces... 229 00:16:49.176 --> 00:16:52.429 and brought it back to the British Museum. 230 00:16:53.722 --> 00:16:57.226 [ Narrator] When scholars translated the Greek text, it read: 231 00:16:57.309 --> 00:17:00.896 “According to the command of the greatest and holy God... 232 00:17:00.979 --> 00:17:04.149 those who take an oath proceed from here.” 233 00:17:04.942 --> 00:17:09.988 The inscription's significance was lost on archaeologists for more than a century... 234 00:17:10.720 --> 00:17:13.909 until biblical scholar George Nickelsburg connected it... 235 00:17:13.992 --> 00:17:16.829 to an oath mentioned in the ancient Book of Enoch. 236 00:17:17.996 --> 00:17:22.668 According to Enoch, Mount Hermon is where a band of renegade angels... 237 00:17:22.751 --> 00:17:24.440 known as the Watchers... 238 00:17:24.128 --> 00:17:26.964 descended from the heavens in the distant past... 239 00:17:27.470 --> 00:17:30.920 and took an oath before meeting with humans. 240 00:17:31.802 --> 00:17:35.973 In the time before time, the sons of God came down to Earth. 241 00:17:36.974 --> 00:17:38.976 They were the shining ones, the Elohim. 242 00:17:39.590 --> 00:17:43.647 Those are fallen angels, and they found the women very attractive... 243 00:17:43.731 --> 00:17:46.316 and they married the women or bonded with the women. 244 00:17:48.260 --> 00:17:52.573 [ Narrator] The offspring of these unnatural unions between angels and humans... 245 00:17:52.656 --> 00:17:56.744 were said to produce giant hybrid beings catted the Nephilim... 246 00:17:58.162 --> 00:18:01.206 and God was so disgusted by their existence... 247 00:18:02.249 --> 00:18:06.170 that he decided to send a great flood to cleanse the Earth of them. 248 00:18:09.631 --> 00:18:15.179 But how is it that human women were able to be impregnated by angels? 249 00:18:15.262 --> 00:18:19.160 Could it be, as ancient astronaut theorists suggest... 250 00:18:19.990 --> 00:18:22.936 that the Book of Enoch is not actually describing angels... 251 00:18:23.200 --> 00:18:26.607 but rather a different kind of otherworldly being? 252 00:18:29.260 --> 00:18:31.987 [ CHILDRESS ] You've got to wonder what was really going on here. 253 00:18:32.700 --> 00:18:36.450 Are extraterrestrials coming and now breeding with humans? 254 00:18:36.533 --> 00:18:41.413 Which was somehow forbidden, and wrong, but they did it anyway. 255 00:18:42.122 --> 00:18:45.876 So the other extraterrestrials decided this is a big mistake. 256 00:18:45.959 --> 00:18:48.504 Now we've got to destroy all these people. 257 00:18:58.639 --> 00:19:00.724 [ Narrator] Could the story of the great flood... 258 00:19:00.808 --> 00:19:05.479 actually be describing extraterrestrials coming to Earth long ago... 259 00:19:05.562 --> 00:19:10.442 and interbreeding with human women to create a mutant race of giants? 260 00:19:11.819 --> 00:19:14.738 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes... 261 00:19:14.822 --> 00:19:19.760 and claim further evidence can be found by examining ruins... 262 00:19:19.159 --> 00:19:22.830 that are believed to date back thousands of years before... 263 00:19:22.913 --> 00:19:25.457 our earliest known civilizations. 264 00:19:34.508 --> 00:19:38.262 [ Narrator] The Gulf of Khambhat, India, 2001. 265 00:19:41.140 --> 00:19:44.434 Scientists working some 25 miles from shore... 266 00:19:44.518 --> 00:19:47.396 and 125 feet below the surface... 267 00:19:47.479 --> 00:19:49.731 stumble across something extraordinary- 268 00:19:51.275 --> 00:19:54.695 what appears to be the signs of an ancient civilization. 269 00:19:54.778 --> 00:19:58.532 [Shimkhada ] Recently, the marine archaeologists of India... 270 00:19:58.615 --> 00:20:02.619 have discovered two cities in the Bay of Khambhat. 271 00:20:02.703 --> 00:20:04.621 They are still working on it- 272 00:20:04.705 --> 00:20:09.420 going down there and archiving it and taking photographs and videos. 273 00:20:11.628 --> 00:20:16.300 [ CHILDRESS ] They think that these cities were destroyed in a geological change... 274 00:20:16.383 --> 00:20:19.469 that happened many thousands of years ago. 275 00:20:19.553 --> 00:20:21.388 But you have to wonder yourself... 276 00:20:21.471 --> 00:20:25.392 if there are not more sunken cities all around India. 277 00:20:26.602 --> 00:20:30.105 Their own legends and myths say exactly that. 278 00:20:31.899 --> 00:20:35.402 [ Narrator] Ruins found beneath the ocean in the Gulf of Khambhat... 279 00:20:35.485 --> 00:20:39.197 are thought to date back at least 9,000 years... 280 00:20:39.281 --> 00:20:41.783 to the time when some researchers believe... 281 00:20:42.826 --> 00:20:44.578 a comet struck the Earth... 282 00:20:46.830 --> 00:20:49.333 and caused a global deluge. 283 00:20:55.297 --> 00:20:58.258 Could these submerged cities not only be evidence... 284 00:20:58.342 --> 00:21:00.677 that the great flood really did occur... 285 00:21:00.761 --> 00:21:04.970 but also that it wiped out an advanced society... 286 00:21:04.181 --> 00:21:08.518 that existed long before the earliest known human civilization? 287 00:21:09.269 --> 00:21:12.640 Scientists say further evidence can be found... 288 00:21:12.147 --> 00:21:14.524 in archaeological sites around the world... 289 00:21:14.608 --> 00:21:18.570 that date back to end of the last ice age. 290 00:21:20.405 --> 00:21:23.867 In southeastern Turkey lies Gobekli Tepe- 291 00:21:23.951 --> 00:21:27.454 an extraordinary series of circular stone structures... 292 00:21:27.537 --> 00:21:31.208 with intricately carved pillars weighing as much as 50 tons. 293 00:21:32.292 --> 00:21:34.461 Radiocarbon dating indicates... 294 00:21:34.544 --> 00:21:38.674 parts of the complex were built about 10,000 BC... 295 00:21:38.757 --> 00:21:41.969 and at least one archaeologist believes there are signs... 296 00:21:42.520 --> 00:21:45.138 it may have been destroyed by a flood. 297 00:21:51.144 --> 00:21:54.940 [ Man ] We have evidence there of catastrophic destruction... 298 00:21:55.230 --> 00:21:59.277 of pillars being knocked over at the end of the last ice age... 299 00:21:59.861 --> 00:22:04.408 that things were very severe-people were trying to rebuild it at the time. 300 00:22:04.491 --> 00:22:09.579 Eventually they effectively gave up and covered over the entire site... 301 00:22:09.663 --> 00:22:12.165 maybe to come back later to uncover it... 302 00:22:12.249 --> 00:22:14.793 maybe to simply bury it for posterity. 303 00:22:17.921 --> 00:22:19.923 [ Narrator] In the rain forests of Indonesia... 304 00:22:21.174 --> 00:22:25.262 is a series of terraces, walls and steps on a hill... 305 00:22:25.345 --> 00:22:28.348 that the locals call Gunung Padang. 306 00:22:28.432 --> 00:22:31.643 When scientists drilled into the earth to determine its age... 307 00:22:31.727 --> 00:22:37.107 they discovered the site dates back to at least 9700 BC. 308 00:22:38.442 --> 00:22:42.946 Very interestingly, one of the layers of Gunung Padang... 309 00:22:43.300 --> 00:22:44.990 that's been exposed seismically... 310 00:22:45.730 --> 00:22:51.663 shows that there was an entrance to a cave at about 9700 or so BC... 311 00:22:51.747 --> 00:22:54.249 that was subsequently covered over. 312 00:22:57.127 --> 00:23:01.590 Again, I think this ties in with the events of the end of the last ice age. 313 00:23:04.920 --> 00:23:06.887 People were going into caves. They had to escape. 314 00:23:08.263 --> 00:23:11.580 And then things were covered over after that. 315 00:23:13.310 --> 00:23:16.521 [ Narrator] Are these ruins that are found across the world... 316 00:23:16.605 --> 00:23:22.444 evidence of an advanced civilization that existed before a global deluge? 317 00:23:23.487 --> 00:23:27.908 And if so, might we find mention of it in ancient myths? 318 00:23:29.659 --> 00:23:34.164 [ MAGLIOCCO] if we go back to ancient Greece, one of the myths... 319 00:23:34.247 --> 00:23:37.959 one of the sacred narratives that Plato preserves... 320 00:23:38.430 --> 00:23:43.900 is the narrative that there used to be a great continent, which he calls Atlantis... 321 00:23:44.591 --> 00:23:49.120 and Atlantis had a great, advanced civilization. 322 00:23:51.807 --> 00:23:57.620 Atlantis was one of the continents that was destroyed by the great flood. 323 00:23:58.271 --> 00:24:01.316 [SCHOCH ] When does he date Atlantis? To 9600 BC... 324 00:24:01.942 --> 00:24:06.154 which is very close to the modern date of the end of the last ice age. 325 00:24:07.155 --> 00:24:12.953 So all this, I believe, ties together that we had an earlier cycle of civilization. 326 00:24:13.360 --> 00:24:17.916 It was devastated at the end of the last ice age by natural catastrophes. 327 00:24:17.999 --> 00:24:23.797 Humanity was driven into a dark age that lasted thousands of years... 328 00:24:23.880 --> 00:24:28.260 until civilization reemerged about 5,000 years ago. 329 00:24:30.470 --> 00:24:33.560 [ Narrator] Is it possible that the story of Atlantis... 330 00:24:33.140 --> 00:24:38.190 is really describing a civilization that existed before 70, 000 BC... 331 00:24:38.103 --> 00:24:42.650 when the great flood and the end of the ice age are said to have happened? 332 00:24:43.233 --> 00:24:47.362 Did Atlantis suffer the same fate as Gobekli Tepe... 333 00:24:47.445 --> 00:24:51.116 Gunung Padang, and many other ancient structures... 334 00:24:51.199 --> 00:24:54.327 that appear to have been hit by some catastrophic event? 335 00:24:55.620 --> 00:24:57.914 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes... 336 00:24:58.999 --> 00:25:02.627 and suggest that the most compelling evidence can be found... 337 00:25:02.711 --> 00:25:07.591 not with what was destroyed, but with what survived. 338 00:25:17.350 --> 00:25:21.521 [ Narrator] Qumran, Palestine, 1946. 339 00:25:22.939 --> 00:25:25.692 In the desert, 70 miles east of Jerusalem... 340 00:25:27.110 --> 00:25:31.281 a Bedouin shepherd leaves his flock of sheep and goats to look for a stray. 341 00:25:33.200 --> 00:25:37.162 Walking along the cliffs, the shepherd spots a cave in the distance. 342 00:25:39.164 --> 00:25:41.958 [ Man ] He threw a stone into a cave... 343 00:25:42.420 --> 00:25:44.628 and he heard the crack of breaking pottery. 344 00:25:44.711 --> 00:25:46.254 [Clattering ] 345 00:25:46.338 --> 00:25:48.465 So he went in to investigate... 346 00:25:48.548 --> 00:25:52.552 and found jars that contained ancient manuscripts. 347 00:25:55.472 --> 00:25:59.351 The Bedouin shepherd's find led to a discovery of 11 caves... 348 00:25:59.434 --> 00:26:03.271 that contained the most extraordinary cache of literature... 349 00:26:03.355 --> 00:26:06.149 arguably in human history- the Dead Sea Scrolls. 350 00:26:07.734 --> 00:26:11.988 There are 800 pieces of literature found in these 11 caves... 351 00:26:12.720 --> 00:26:15.116 and it tells us so much about the ancient world. 352 00:26:17.118 --> 00:26:20.800 One of the amazing revelations is a story about Noah... 353 00:26:20.163 --> 00:26:22.916 that we don't see in the Old Testament. 354 00:26:24.501 --> 00:26:28.129 And the story is that when Noah is born, he's an extraordinary baby... 355 00:26:28.213 --> 00:26:33.593 with a strange complexion and the ability to light up the room with his eyes. 356 00:26:34.261 --> 00:26:39.570 What's interesting is that you actually have Noah's father, Lamech... 357 00:26:39.140 --> 00:26:42.352 questioning whether or not Noah is his son. 358 00:26:45.605 --> 00:26:51.278 And this is due to the fact that we have this story about these fallen angels... 359 00:26:51.361 --> 00:26:54.698 that came down and had sex with women. 360 00:26:56.992 --> 00:27:02.747 Lamech confronts his wife, Batenosh- “Is it my son or is it one of theirs?” 361 00:27:03.290 --> 00:27:07.794 [TSOUKALOS ] Noah's exterior is described as very foreign. 362 00:27:07.877 --> 00:27:12.132 His eyes are described to be glowing like sunbeams. 363 00:27:12.215 --> 00:27:15.552 His skin is glowing as well. 364 00:27:17.846 --> 00:27:20.560 Now, that's a very bizarre description. 365 00:27:20.140 --> 00:27:23.643 And so one has to ask the question... 366 00:27:23.727 --> 00:27:27.439 “What if Noah was one of the extraterrestrials?” 367 00:27:29.816 --> 00:27:32.652 [ Narrator] Could it be, as ancient astronaut theorists suggest... 368 00:27:32.736 --> 00:27:38.491 that the biblical figure of Noah was, in fact, an alien being? 369 00:27:39.617 --> 00:27:41.619 Is this the reason he is described... 370 00:27:41.703 --> 00:27:45.373 as having a strange complexion and glowing eyes? 371 00:27:46.416 --> 00:27:48.960 The key thing that's going on with Noah... 372 00:27:49.440 --> 00:27:53.506 is that he is pure in God's sight, and so is his family. 373 00:27:53.590 --> 00:27:57.927 And this purity seems to be genetic, as much as what you might call spiritual. 374 00:28:00.130 --> 00:28:04.170 And so, when God makes plans to wipe out the rest of humanity... 375 00:28:04.100 --> 00:28:09.314 what he's wiping out is the extraterrestrial dimension of humanity... 376 00:28:09.397 --> 00:28:12.442 that has come about through the pollution of human genetics. 377 00:28:15.987 --> 00:28:19.320 [ Narrator] Could extraterrestrials have sent the great flood... 378 00:28:19.115 --> 00:28:21.910 to cleanse the earth of genetic mistakes... 379 00:28:23.119 --> 00:28:26.956 and make Noah the father of a new version of humankind? 380 00:28:29.542 --> 00:28:31.544 According to ancient stories... 381 00:28:31.628 --> 00:28:34.297 the world that Noah's descendants were born into... 382 00:28:34.381 --> 00:28:38.385 was very different from the one that existed in pre-flood times... 383 00:28:38.885 --> 00:28:41.805 when gods, giants, fairies... 384 00:28:41.888 --> 00:28:45.683 and other creatures were said to share the planet with humans. 385 00:28:46.768 --> 00:28:50.146 The flood does seem to serve as a demarcation point. 386 00:28:52.941 --> 00:28:56.236 In the Bible, we read about how before the flood... 387 00:28:56.319 --> 00:29:01.116 people had longer lives, but then after the flood, shorter lives. 388 00:29:01.199 --> 00:29:05.495 We see the same thing in Mesopotamian tradition, with the Sumerian King List... 389 00:29:05.578 --> 00:29:09.666 where before the flood, we have kings that ruled in Mesopotamia... 390 00:29:09.749 --> 00:29:11.751 with extraordinarily long lives. 391 00:29:12.836 --> 00:29:18.758 After the flood, the lengths of reigns of these kings becomes much shorter. 392 00:29:18.842 --> 00:29:21.344 The other thing that happened before this great demarcation... 393 00:29:21.428 --> 00:29:23.513 is that the gods were present among us. 394 00:29:23.596 --> 00:29:27.809 There was a close interaction between the human and the sacred. 395 00:29:27.892 --> 00:29:30.937 The gods would guide us, and they would be tempted. 396 00:29:31.200 --> 00:29:33.982 There would be interaction- the god might marry a mortal... 397 00:29:34.650 --> 00:29:36.359 and then there would be descendants of the gods. 398 00:29:36.443 --> 00:29:38.736 Now the gods seem so far away. 399 00:29:38.820 --> 00:29:43.658 So, there are these theories that this was the big shifting point in human history. 400 00:29:44.659 --> 00:29:48.371 It is really interesting to note that the interaction with these higher beings... 401 00:29:48.455 --> 00:29:51.400 seems to only be located in the past. 402 00:29:51.124 --> 00:29:54.294 All these depictions of, “There were giants upon the Earth.” 403 00:29:54.377 --> 00:29:57.255 Or a time when man interacted with the gods. 404 00:29:57.338 --> 00:29:58.798 Where are the gods today? 405 00:29:58.882 --> 00:30:02.135 We only seem to have subtle interactions. 406 00:30:02.218 --> 00:30:06.140 [ Man ] it's curious to think why that might have been. 407 00:30:06.970 --> 00:30:10.894 What was it about this great flood, this dividing line in history... 408 00:30:10.977 --> 00:30:14.314 that caused the separation of God and man? 409 00:30:16.149 --> 00:30:21.362 It could be that our evolution depended upon a natural upbringing... 410 00:30:21.446 --> 00:30:25.825 an upbringing that was not contaminated by this notion... 411 00:30:25.909 --> 00:30:28.369 that we're not alone in the universe. 412 00:30:28.453 --> 00:30:31.623 It could be a necessary part of the human development. 413 00:30:38.171 --> 00:30:40.173 [ Narrator] Could it be that the great flood... 414 00:30:40.256 --> 00:30:44.302 removed not only most living creatures from the Earth... 415 00:30:44.385 --> 00:30:49.766 but also any trace of the alien beings that gave birth to our species? 416 00:30:50.600 --> 00:30:52.936 Perhaps additional clues can be found... 417 00:30:53.190 --> 00:30:58.240 by further examining the story of Noah and how he survived. 418 00:31:10.370 --> 00:31:14.123 [ Narrator] Uzengili, Turkey, 1997. 419 00:31:14.707 --> 00:31:19.295 More than 7,000 feet up, near the country's eastern border... 420 00:31:19.379 --> 00:31:22.715 an American explorer searching for Noah's Ark... 421 00:31:22.799 --> 00:31:24.467 named David Allen Deal... 422 00:31:24.551 --> 00:31:28.429 stumbles upon the ruins of an ancient settlement. 423 00:31:29.550 --> 00:31:31.307 There is an extraordinary archaeological site... 424 00:31:31.391 --> 00:31:35.103 in the Anatolian plateau in Turkey, called Naxuan. 425 00:31:36.229 --> 00:31:40.483 And Naxuan comes from an ancient word that means “Noah's Zion”- 426 00:31:40.567 --> 00:31:43.270 the city of God that Noah built. 427 00:31:45.780 --> 00:31:50.827 Mount Ararat, which is the legendary resting place of Noah's Ark, is very close by. 428 00:31:50.910 --> 00:31:54.872 So it makes a lot of sense that this could have been the landing site of the ark... 429 00:31:54.956 --> 00:31:57.458 and then this city would have been built by Noah. 430 00:32:02.500 --> 00:32:05.258 [ Narrator] The ancient Armenian historian Moses of Choren... 431 00:32:05.341 --> 00:32:08.928 called Naxuan “the place of first descent”... 432 00:32:09.120 --> 00:32:12.181 where Noah and his family emerged from the ark... 433 00:32:12.265 --> 00:32:15.602 and built the first city or town after the flood. 434 00:32:18.271 --> 00:32:21.774 Could this be the first settlement in the post-flood world? 435 00:32:21.858 --> 00:32:24.444 The place where Noah lived and died? 436 00:32:26.904 --> 00:32:30.575 Today, this remote area is largely uninhabited. 437 00:32:30.658 --> 00:32:33.453 But according to explorer David Deal... 438 00:32:33.536 --> 00:32:38.541 a recent archaeological dig reportedly uncovered something remarkable- 439 00:32:40.126 --> 00:32:44.589 the region may contain as many as a million graves. 440 00:32:46.549 --> 00:32:49.636 There is evidence that people came from all over the world... 441 00:32:49.719 --> 00:32:53.348 to bury their dead here for 10,000 years. 442 00:32:55.308 --> 00:32:57.977 The idea is that if you are brought here... 443 00:32:58.610 --> 00:33:01.731 to be buried in the site of this extraordinary prophet- 444 00:33:01.814 --> 00:33:06.402 this man who was chosen by God to be the survivor of the deluge- 445 00:33:06.486 --> 00:33:10.990 that you too would be resurrected because you were in such holy company. 446 00:33:13.326 --> 00:33:15.495 [ Narrator] If the story of Noah is true... 447 00:33:15.578 --> 00:33:18.665 could this patch of earth be the final resting place... 448 00:33:18.748 --> 00:33:21.918 of the father of all of humanity? 449 00:33:28.966 --> 00:33:31.469 [Young ] When the floods ended, God said... 450 00:33:31.552 --> 00:33:35.223 “Go forward, be fruitful, multiply, populate the Earth.” 451 00:33:35.306 --> 00:33:40.353 And then it says, “God will create the descendants of Noah in God's image.” 452 00:33:40.436 --> 00:33:45.191 We have the presence of the divine in our lineage, and it all goes back to Noah. 453 00:33:48.653 --> 00:33:50.613 [ Narrator] According to some researchers... 454 00:33:50.697 --> 00:33:55.243 if this is indeed the place where Noah began the re-population of the Earth... 455 00:33:55.326 --> 00:33:58.538 then the ark must be nearby as well. 456 00:33:59.455 --> 00:34:00.957 [ Mullins] In the Book of Genesis... 457 00:34:01.400 --> 00:34:04.711 we read about how God commanded Noah to build an ark... 458 00:34:04.794 --> 00:34:08.840 and the measurements of this ark are quite large. 459 00:34:09.966 --> 00:34:15.722 The dimensions usually given are about 450 feet long by 75 feet wide... 460 00:34:15.805 --> 00:34:18.725 by about 45 feet high. 461 00:34:18.808 --> 00:34:23.980 Such a boat of these dimensions was never seen in the ancient world... 462 00:34:24.630 --> 00:34:29.235 and, in fact, not until the 19th century was there ever a boat of this size. 463 00:34:31.654 --> 00:34:35.241 [ Narrator] In 2009, a Dutchman named Johan Huibers... 464 00:34:35.324 --> 00:34:37.994 started building a full-size version of Noah's Ark... 465 00:34:38.578 --> 00:34:42.810 using the instructions laid out in the Bible. 466 00:34:42.165 --> 00:34:47.670 It took him three years and more than a million dollars to complete the project. 467 00:34:47.754 --> 00:34:52.425 But while the ship seems perfectly designed to ride out a torrential storm... 468 00:34:52.508 --> 00:34:55.470 many say it's still far too small... 469 00:34:55.553 --> 00:35:00.516 to literally hold two of every animal species on the planet. 470 00:35:02.351 --> 00:35:04.353 [ Downing ] it would seem pretty clear that Noah... 471 00:35:04.437 --> 00:35:09.609 did not scoop up every form of life on Earth and put it in the ark. 472 00:35:09.692 --> 00:35:14.864 And so as a means of saving all life-forms on Earth... 473 00:35:14.947 --> 00:35:18.242 this is not possible, not believable. 474 00:35:19.535 --> 00:35:22.246 [ Narrator] But ancient astronaut theorists suggest... 475 00:35:22.330 --> 00:35:26.292 there might be another way in which the ark was able to preserve... 476 00:35:26.375 --> 00:35:30.922 two of every creature on Earth, as stated in the Bible. 477 00:35:31.500 --> 00:35:34.258 Let's look at it from a technological perspective. 478 00:35:35.468 --> 00:35:40.560 The only way that you can create an ark... 479 00:35:40.139 --> 00:35:44.310 like Noah created according to what we can read in the Old Testament... 480 00:35:44.393 --> 00:35:48.220 is if you collect DNA samples. 481 00:35:49.982 --> 00:35:52.318 So what if the ark... 482 00:35:52.401 --> 00:35:57.573 was a metaphor or a symbol for some type of a DNA bank? 483 00:35:59.700 --> 00:36:04.163 [ Narrator] Did the ark described in the story of Noah really exist? 484 00:36:04.247 --> 00:36:09.710 And if so, might it have been not a vessel to carry two of every animal species... 485 00:36:09.794 --> 00:36:11.838 but a DNA bank... 486 00:36:11.921 --> 00:36:16.259 built to hold the genetic information of all life on our planet? 487 00:36:17.900 --> 00:36:21.848 [ CHILDRESS ] What one might read into this is that... 488 00:36:21.931 --> 00:36:25.935 some kind of special DNA bank was to be created... 489 00:36:26.561 --> 00:36:30.690 that animal DNA, plant DNA... 490 00:36:30.773 --> 00:36:33.109 and human DNA, for that matter... 491 00:36:33.192 --> 00:36:36.112 were all to be preserved somehow... 492 00:36:36.195 --> 00:36:42.118 in an ark that was to float through the flood and this catastrophe. 493 00:36:43.870 --> 00:36:49.166 [ Narrator] Is it possible that all of humanity is descended from Noah's genetic lineage- 494 00:36:49.250 --> 00:36:54.460 a new species that replaced the indigenous people who once existed on Earth? 495 00:36:55.131 --> 00:36:58.217 And all that remains of this once-great society... 496 00:36:58.301 --> 00:37:03.139 are the giant slabs of rock that' were too big to be washed away by the flood? 497 00:37:04.560 --> 00:37:08.895 And if so, might we be destined to suffer the same fate? 498 00:37:09.604 --> 00:37:11.856 Perhaps further clues can be found... 499 00:37:11.939 --> 00:37:14.692 by looking at our own modern-day version... 500 00:37:15.860 --> 00:37:18.154 of Noah's Ark. 501 00:37:25.828 --> 00:37:28.331 [ Narrator] Spitsbergen, Norway. 502 00:37:30.833 --> 00:37:34.754 On this remote archipelago, not far from the Arctic Ocean... 503 00:37:36.880 --> 00:37:38.966 lies the Svalbard Global Seed Vault. 504 00:37:47.990 --> 00:37:49.600 Known as the Doomsday Vault... 505 00:37:49.143 --> 00:37:53.856 this repository for the DNA of plants, animals and humans... 506 00:37:53.940 --> 00:37:56.609 can withstand nearly any cataclysm... 507 00:37:56.692 --> 00:38:01.280 including a flood, an earthquake or a nuclear blast. 508 00:38:10.581 --> 00:38:13.209 [Woman ] The Svalbard Seed Bank is a structure... 509 00:38:13.292 --> 00:38:16.837 or a facility that's sunk into the permafrost. 510 00:38:18.464 --> 00:38:21.926 It's essentially an international effort to deposit as many seeds- 511 00:38:22.900 --> 00:38:24.553 particularly seeds of crop plant varieties- 512 00:38:25.304 --> 00:38:28.570 to help to preserve genetic diversity. 513 00:38:36.816 --> 00:38:41.988 [ Narrator] With the Doomsday Vault, are we creating our own modern-day ark? 514 00:38:42.710 --> 00:38:45.866 One that instead of housing two of every living creature on Earth... 515 00:38:45.950 --> 00:38:49.745 will house the seeds of every kind of plant life? 516 00:38:49.829 --> 00:38:52.248 [ Fisher] The Svalbard Seed Vault has been designed... 517 00:38:52.331 --> 00:38:54.458 with some sort of cataclysm in mind. 518 00:38:55.668 --> 00:38:58.379 The idea is that in the event of some catastrophic event... 519 00:38:58.462 --> 00:39:01.924 it would still stay cold and preserve seeds for thousands of years. 520 00:39:02.800 --> 00:39:05.553 It's sort of this last hope for genetic diversity. 521 00:39:07.304 --> 00:39:09.390 [ Narrator] The Svalbard is just one... 522 00:39:09.473 --> 00:39:13.769 of several biological storehouses located around the world. 523 00:39:14.770 --> 00:39:18.107 England's Millennium Seed Bank is even larger... 524 00:39:18.190 --> 00:39:24.155 while the US federal government has built a similar facility in Fort' Collins, Colorado. 525 00:39:25.865 --> 00:39:29.535 Scientists say one reason for these repositories... 526 00:39:29.618 --> 00:39:31.579 is that another large asteroid... 527 00:39:31.662 --> 00:39:35.207 similar to the one that is believed to have caused the great flood... 528 00:39:35.291 --> 00:39:37.543 will eventually strike Earth. 529 00:39:37.626 --> 00:39:39.754 It's just a matter of time. 530 00:39:39.837 --> 00:39:41.338 [Frisbee] You always have the risk... 531 00:39:41.422 --> 00:39:43.966 and, of course, we've seen it here on Earth... 532 00:39:44.500 --> 00:39:47.720 of having large asteroids or comets hit the planet... 533 00:39:47.803 --> 00:39:50.681 and cause tremendous ecological damage. 534 00:39:51.766 --> 00:39:56.145 Right now all our genetic eggs are in one basket. 535 00:39:56.228 --> 00:40:01.567 Whether it's a comet or asteroid hitting us, we are in jeopardy. 536 00:40:05.290 --> 00:40:07.740 [ Narrator] In February of 2013... 537 00:40:07.823 --> 00:40:11.911 an asteroid large enough to take out all of New York City... 538 00:40:11.994 --> 00:40:15.206 came within 18,000 miles of Earth. 539 00:40:16.874 --> 00:40:22.254 Another has been predicted to strike the Earth sometime in the next 20 years. 540 00:40:25.257 --> 00:40:30.429 But if a great flood, or some other global catastrophe, were to occur today... 541 00:40:30.513 --> 00:40:32.973 are we prepared to survive it? 542 00:40:33.599 --> 00:40:38.479 And if there really are extraterrestrial beings watching over the Earth... 543 00:40:38.562 --> 00:40:42.566 are they likely to be the cause of such a cataclysm? 544 00:40:42.650 --> 00:40:46.700 Or will they simply be observers... 545 00:40:46.153 --> 00:40:49.448 sitting quietly by and letting nature take its course? 546 00:40:49.532 --> 00:40:54.203 If extraterrestrial gods are there watching us... 547 00:40:54.286 --> 00:40:57.206 and either aware of future catastrophes... 548 00:40:57.289 --> 00:41:01.168 or are capable of making them themselves... 549 00:41:01.252 --> 00:41:05.214 then perhaps we need to be prepared for that. 550 00:41:07.967 --> 00:41:10.594 We live in a precarious point... 551 00:41:10.678 --> 00:41:14.515 where at any time we could go through another catastrophe. 552 00:41:17.143 --> 00:41:19.190 And you have to ask yourself... 553 00:41:19.103 --> 00:41:22.640 if the extraterrestrials themselves may not create that. 554 00:41:25.192 --> 00:41:27.820 [ Man ] One of the explanations for why extraterrestrials... 555 00:41:27.903 --> 00:41:29.989 might seek to destroy humankind... 556 00:41:30.720 --> 00:41:32.908 is because they treat us as their property. 557 00:41:34.493 --> 00:41:36.579 They treat us as their offspring. 558 00:41:36.662 --> 00:41:42.251 And they're able to make decisions about humanity based on their needs. 559 00:41:42.334 --> 00:41:44.837 So perhaps their needs were satisfied and they decided... 560 00:41:44.920 --> 00:41:47.673 they didn't want humankind around anymore, so it's just as easy... 561 00:41:47.756 --> 00:41:51.930 to wipe 'em out as it is to continue to perpetuate their existence. 562 00:41:52.303 --> 00:41:54.597 [Woman ] The evolution of humans on this planet... 563 00:41:54.680 --> 00:41:59.268 has been completely and totally an experiment on the part of extraterrestrials. 564 00:42:00.686 --> 00:42:03.814 If survival is the bottom line... 565 00:42:03.898 --> 00:42:06.358 they are trying to get us... 566 00:42:06.442 --> 00:42:10.487 over some kind of a finish line when we're still alive. 567 00:42:12.907 --> 00:42:17.536 Our survival was ensured by extraterrestrials... 568 00:42:17.620 --> 00:42:19.538 way back in the remote past... 569 00:42:19.622 --> 00:42:22.791 because we are their direct offspring. 570 00:42:24.293 --> 00:42:26.670 We are their product. 571 00:42:26.754 --> 00:42:31.759 They, in fact, have a vested interest in our survival. 572 00:42:35.888 --> 00:42:40.601 [ Narrator] Are we the descendants of an extraterrestrial ancestor named Noah... 573 00:42:40.684 --> 00:42:45.356 who was sent to repopulate the Earth after the great flood? 574 00:42:45.439 --> 00:42:47.149 And if so... 575 00:42:47.233 --> 00:42:51.904 are there extraterrestrials watching over us even to this day... 576 00:42:52.696 --> 00:42:55.241 not to destroy us, but simply... 577 00:42:55.324 --> 00:42:59.745 to see if we can prevail over the Earth's next great cataclysm? 578 00:43:01.163 --> 00:43:05.251 It is a question we may not have much time to think about... 579 00:43:05.334 --> 00:43:10.464 except to consider how much or how many will survive.