1 00:00:02,986 --> 00:00:04,077 Giorgio tsoukalos: An ancient figurine 2 00:00:04,230 --> 00:00:06,730 Of a modern-day airplane. 3 00:00:06,823 --> 00:00:10,917 A primitive statue of a man in a spacesuit. 4 00:00:11,070 --> 00:00:13,403 Mysterious crystal skulls 5 00:00:13,497 --> 00:00:17,332 Whose origins are entirely unknown. 6 00:00:17,426 --> 00:00:19,259 For more than a decade on ancient aliens, we've traveled 7 00:00:19,353 --> 00:00:22,187 The globe and investigated strange objects 8 00:00:22,339 --> 00:00:26,007 Found on every continent on earth. 9 00:00:26,027 --> 00:00:27,860 I'm counting down what I consider 10 00:00:28,011 --> 00:00:31,421 To be the top ten alien artifacts. 11 00:00:31,515 --> 00:00:33,866 Artifacts that, in my opinion, 12 00:00:34,017 --> 00:00:36,869 Provide strong evidence that in the distant past, 13 00:00:37,020 --> 00:00:40,688 Extraterrestrials walked among us. 14 00:00:40,708 --> 00:00:42,666 ♪ ♪ 15 00:00:48,941 --> 00:00:52,125 Ancient artifacts offer us a fascinating glimpse 16 00:00:52,278 --> 00:00:55,128 Of how our ancestors lived. 17 00:00:55,281 --> 00:00:57,631 And for ancient astronaut theorists like me, 18 00:00:57,783 --> 00:01:00,392 Some artifacts provide critical evidence 19 00:01:00,619 --> 00:01:03,620 To support the notion that extraterrestrials 20 00:01:03,713 --> 00:01:06,473 Visited earth in the remote past. 21 00:01:06,567 --> 00:01:10,569 One compelling example is a group of precisely-carved 22 00:01:10,720 --> 00:01:14,222 Objects that are not only surrounded in controversy, 23 00:01:14,316 --> 00:01:18,702 But may possess a technology far more advanced than our own. 24 00:01:19,896 --> 00:01:22,581 Number ten on my countdown 25 00:01:22,808 --> 00:01:26,335 Of the top alien artifacts: The crystal skulls. 26 00:01:33,319 --> 00:01:37,412 Narrator: Lubaantun, belize. Central america. 27 00:01:37,431 --> 00:01:41,325 Here, in the jungles of the yucatán peninsula, 28 00:01:41,343 --> 00:01:44,344 Lie the ruins of an ancient pre-colombian city that 29 00:01:44,496 --> 00:01:47,922 Thrived in the eighth century ad. 30 00:01:47,942 --> 00:01:51,168 In 1924, 31 00:01:51,261 --> 00:01:53,353 Explorer frederick albert mitchell-hedges 32 00:01:53,447 --> 00:01:55,005 And his daughter anna 33 00:01:55,098 --> 00:01:59,409 Discovered a human-sized skull made of clear quartz crystal. 34 00:02:01,513 --> 00:02:04,014 Mitchell-hedges was told by the mayans that 35 00:02:04,107 --> 00:02:07,126 His skull was over 3,600 years old. 36 00:02:07,353 --> 00:02:09,795 This is fascinating, because this would pre-date 37 00:02:10,022 --> 00:02:12,614 Mayan civilization. 38 00:02:12,633 --> 00:02:14,541 Mitchell-hedges and his daughter 39 00:02:14,693 --> 00:02:16,209 Kept the skull under lock and key 40 00:02:16,362 --> 00:02:17,878 For almost four decades 41 00:02:18,030 --> 00:02:20,806 Before allowing it to be studied. 42 00:02:20,957 --> 00:02:23,142 Philip coppens: When it comes to the mitchell-hedges crystal skull, 43 00:02:23,293 --> 00:02:26,720 It has been analyzed on a number of occasions. 44 00:02:26,814 --> 00:02:30,465 Frank dorland in the 1960s did it as a private individual. 45 00:02:30,484 --> 00:02:33,877 Hewlett-packard did it as well, and the british museum did 46 00:02:33,970 --> 00:02:36,304 A very short analysis in 1980 as well. 47 00:02:36,323 --> 00:02:39,383 So this skull has been subjected to 48 00:02:39,401 --> 00:02:42,736 A number of detailed scientific analyses. 49 00:02:42,888 --> 00:02:46,331 In all of those occasions, what was found was that it was 50 00:02:46,483 --> 00:02:51,561 Almost impossible for a human being to make this. 51 00:02:51,655 --> 00:02:53,005 Tsoukalos: The mitchell-hedges skull 52 00:02:53,232 --> 00:02:55,065 Was milled or worked 53 00:02:55,158 --> 00:02:58,660 In a way that went counterclockwise 54 00:02:58,754 --> 00:03:01,346 To the creation of the crystal. 55 00:03:01,573 --> 00:03:04,499 Crystal grows in a certain direction. 56 00:03:04,518 --> 00:03:07,686 And if you don't mill or work the crystal 57 00:03:07,913 --> 00:03:10,931 In that particular direction, it'll shatter. 58 00:03:11,083 --> 00:03:13,025 So how was it done? 59 00:03:13,176 --> 00:03:16,436 Quartz crystal is extremely hard. 60 00:03:16,588 --> 00:03:20,014 And almost any object that's made out of 61 00:03:20,108 --> 00:03:23,035 Carved quartz crystal would probably 62 00:03:23,262 --> 00:03:27,206 Have to be created using power tools. 63 00:03:29,952 --> 00:03:32,102 Narrator: Although hundreds of people have claimed to be 64 00:03:32,120 --> 00:03:34,362 In possession of ancient crystal skulls, 65 00:03:34,381 --> 00:03:38,383 A curious legend can be found in multiple cultures 66 00:03:38,535 --> 00:03:41,795 That says there are exactly 13 crystal skulls 67 00:03:41,889 --> 00:03:47,467 Located around the planet that are of otherworldly origin. 68 00:03:47,561 --> 00:03:50,120 These include the synergy skull, 69 00:03:50,213 --> 00:03:51,805 Discovered in the melanesian islands 70 00:03:51,899 --> 00:03:53,807 Of the south pacific, 71 00:03:53,901 --> 00:03:57,402 The amar skull of tibet, 72 00:03:57,629 --> 00:04:00,146 The einstein skull, found in mexico, 73 00:04:00,241 --> 00:04:02,908 And the mitchell-hedges skull. 74 00:04:03,059 --> 00:04:07,913 Researchers suggest that not only were these 13 skulls 75 00:04:08,064 --> 00:04:10,640 Constructed using advanced technology, 76 00:04:10,659 --> 00:04:13,418 But that they may contain ancient knowledge, 77 00:04:13,645 --> 00:04:18,482 Hidden from mankind for thousands of years. 78 00:04:18,500 --> 00:04:20,926 What we know as a fact is that crystal is 79 00:04:21,077 --> 00:04:22,819 Able to store information. 80 00:04:22,912 --> 00:04:25,989 So what we need to ask ourselves is whether 81 00:04:26,008 --> 00:04:28,100 Crystal skulls were made out of crystal 82 00:04:28,327 --> 00:04:32,662 Because our ancestors wanted to put information in them. 83 00:04:32,756 --> 00:04:35,590 While we might not have a means of extracting it, 84 00:04:35,609 --> 00:04:39,519 I think we really require it for ourselves, 85 00:04:39,613 --> 00:04:43,690 To try and make an effort to see what kind of information might 86 00:04:43,842 --> 00:04:48,120 Be present within these crystal skulls. 87 00:04:48,347 --> 00:04:51,197 The moment you lay eyes on a crystal skull, 88 00:04:51,292 --> 00:04:54,518 You know you're looking at something extraordinary. 89 00:04:54,611 --> 00:04:56,944 But the next artifact on my countdown 90 00:04:56,964 --> 00:05:00,114 Could be described as a simple wooden toy. 91 00:05:00,208 --> 00:05:03,543 That is, until you take a closer look, and see that 92 00:05:03,695 --> 00:05:07,864 This bird-shaped object is more like a modern-day glider. 93 00:05:09,034 --> 00:05:12,602 My number-nine alien artifact: The saqqara bird. 94 00:05:16,650 --> 00:05:18,299 Narrator: Saqqara, egypt. 95 00:05:18,393 --> 00:05:22,970 French archeologists digging at the step pyramid of king djoser 96 00:05:23,065 --> 00:05:26,974 Unearth a tomb over 2,000 years old. 97 00:05:27,069 --> 00:05:29,644 In it they find a small wooden model 98 00:05:29,663 --> 00:05:33,223 Of what appears to be a bird lying beside a papyrus 99 00:05:33,241 --> 00:05:36,743 Bearing the inscription, "I want to fly." 100 00:05:36,895 --> 00:05:40,505 The artifact was later sent to the cairo museum, 101 00:05:40,657 --> 00:05:42,657 Where authorities placed it alongside 102 00:05:42,676 --> 00:05:44,843 Several other bird figurines. 103 00:05:45,070 --> 00:05:48,680 But the saqqara bird was noticeably different. 104 00:05:48,907 --> 00:05:51,091 Dr. Uwe apel: It's interesting, because on one hand, 105 00:05:51,243 --> 00:05:55,095 Clearly, it should look like a bird, because it has eyes 106 00:05:55,247 --> 00:05:58,023 And has a typical nose of a bird. 107 00:05:58,250 --> 00:06:03,253 Uh, on the other hand, the wings are clearly not bird wings. 108 00:06:03,346 --> 00:06:05,422 Dr. Algund eenboom: To the middle of the rump, 109 00:06:05,515 --> 00:06:08,700 You'll see this wing a bit thicker. 110 00:06:08,927 --> 00:06:14,097 In this region, the lift-up is the highest. 111 00:06:14,116 --> 00:06:19,193 The whole thing becomes thinner to the end of the wings, 112 00:06:19,213 --> 00:06:23,382 And those wings are modeled down. 113 00:06:23,609 --> 00:06:28,128 And this is a very modern aerodynamic design. 114 00:06:28,222 --> 00:06:32,298 Apel: Then the other point is birds have no rudders, because a bird 115 00:06:32,393 --> 00:06:36,302 Doesn't need a rudder, because of its aerodynamic architecture. 116 00:06:36,397 --> 00:06:42,142 And so there is the idea they are not representing birds, 117 00:06:42,294 --> 00:06:44,736 But flying machines, or aircraft. 118 00:06:44,963 --> 00:06:48,131 Narrator: Aircraft? 119 00:06:48,224 --> 00:06:50,575 Could the saqqara bird reveal that 120 00:06:50,802 --> 00:06:55,321 The ancient egyptians possessed the power of flight? 121 00:06:55,416 --> 00:06:59,901 To find the answer, in 2006, aviation and aerodynamics 122 00:06:59,920 --> 00:07:02,570 Expert simon sanderson built a scale model 123 00:07:02,664 --> 00:07:04,147 Of the saqqara bird, 124 00:07:04,240 --> 00:07:07,500 Five times larger than the original, 125 00:07:07,594 --> 00:07:10,262 And tested its aerodynamic properties in a wind tunnel. 126 00:07:13,842 --> 00:07:15,992 We're running at a constant speed, slowly increasing 127 00:07:16,085 --> 00:07:17,677 The angle of attack and then measuring 128 00:07:17,771 --> 00:07:20,497 The forces which it's producing. 129 00:07:20,515 --> 00:07:24,684 That way we can learn about its flight characteristics. 130 00:07:24,836 --> 00:07:28,113 At ten degrees, we're producing four times weight and lift. 131 00:07:28,340 --> 00:07:29,506 So it actually would be flying now. 132 00:07:29,524 --> 00:07:31,341 -Yeah. -That's good. 133 00:07:31,434 --> 00:07:34,453 Eenboom: Tests show the saqqara bird is 134 00:07:34,604 --> 00:07:39,015 A highly-developed glider. 135 00:07:39,108 --> 00:07:44,037 And this is a design we use today. 136 00:07:44,189 --> 00:07:47,357 Narrator: But if the saqqara bird is capable of flight, 137 00:07:47,375 --> 00:07:51,136 Where would ancient egyptians have acquired such technology? 138 00:07:51,363 --> 00:07:53,955 Eenboom: I think that people in ancient times 139 00:07:53,974 --> 00:07:57,033 Were visited by beings coming not from this earth. 140 00:07:57,052 --> 00:08:01,796 And they gave us culture and scientific technologies 141 00:08:01,815 --> 00:08:05,800 To improve our life on earth, 142 00:08:05,894 --> 00:08:09,571 Coming from the primitive to a higher-developed culture. 143 00:08:14,553 --> 00:08:18,555 The next artifacts on my list might be microscopic in size, 144 00:08:18,648 --> 00:08:21,649 But they're enormously significant. 145 00:08:21,668 --> 00:08:24,836 They appear to be advanced nanotechnology, 146 00:08:25,063 --> 00:08:27,564 And they were found so deep beneath the earth 147 00:08:27,657 --> 00:08:29,415 That geologists estimate them 148 00:08:29,510 --> 00:08:31,901 To be thousands of years old. 149 00:08:31,920 --> 00:08:34,679 We're potentially looking at actual remnants 150 00:08:34,906 --> 00:08:36,681 Of alien technology. 151 00:08:38,001 --> 00:08:40,410 And that's why number eight on my countdown 152 00:08:40,428 --> 00:08:43,021 Is the russian nanotubes. 153 00:08:48,587 --> 00:08:53,256 Narrator: Eastern russia, 1991. 154 00:08:53,275 --> 00:08:56,535 Geologists lead an expedition into the mineral-rich 155 00:08:56,686 --> 00:09:01,522 Ural mountains in hopes of locating gold deposits. 156 00:09:01,542 --> 00:09:05,268 For decades, people hiking in this area of the urals 157 00:09:05,287 --> 00:09:09,439 Near the kozhim, naroda and balbany rivers, 158 00:09:09,532 --> 00:09:12,108 Have reported witnessing unidentified craft 159 00:09:12,201 --> 00:09:13,885 And strange anomalies in the sky. 160 00:09:17,616 --> 00:09:20,967 On this occasion, however, the geological team encounters 161 00:09:21,061 --> 00:09:25,880 Something unexpected not above the earth, but below it. 162 00:09:25,899 --> 00:09:30,476 While excavating at depths of over 30 feet, 163 00:09:30,571 --> 00:09:35,907 They discover a scattering of tiny metal coils and springs. 164 00:09:36,134 --> 00:09:38,225 Paul stonehill: They discovered very unusual objects 165 00:09:38,245 --> 00:09:40,653 That were tiny springs 166 00:09:40,747 --> 00:09:43,915 That were always somehow curled towards the left side. 167 00:09:45,660 --> 00:09:49,254 Most of them could not be seen unless you use the microscope. 168 00:09:49,481 --> 00:09:52,665 Just a few were maybe a few millimeters in size. 169 00:09:52,759 --> 00:09:54,408 That soil wasn't touched 170 00:09:54,502 --> 00:09:58,822 For hundreds of thousands or more years. 171 00:09:58,840 --> 00:10:01,600 The area where it was found was probably 172 00:10:01,751 --> 00:10:04,677 Tens of kilometers around. 173 00:10:04,771 --> 00:10:09,441 It's as if something exploded thousands of years ago, 174 00:10:09,668 --> 00:10:12,277 And the fragments were lying all over the place. 175 00:10:14,948 --> 00:10:18,341 Narrator: The metal fragments were sent to the russian academy 176 00:10:18,360 --> 00:10:22,454 Of sciences in st. Petersburg for analysis. 177 00:10:22,605 --> 00:10:23,938 Childress: They found thousands of these things. 178 00:10:23,957 --> 00:10:26,366 They have to look at them through microscopes. 179 00:10:26,518 --> 00:10:30,353 Some of them are just one ten thousandth of an inch in size. 180 00:10:30,372 --> 00:10:35,133 They're all kinds of spirals and tiny machined bits. 181 00:10:35,284 --> 00:10:37,618 When they look at it, they seem to be exactly like 182 00:10:37,638 --> 00:10:40,546 The kind of tiny nanoparticles 183 00:10:40,699 --> 00:10:45,034 And machine bits that we are creating today. 184 00:10:45,053 --> 00:10:47,220 Narrator: Testing revealed that the fragments were composed 185 00:10:47,314 --> 00:10:52,484 Of rare metals, and appear to have been manufactured. 186 00:10:52,711 --> 00:10:54,711 But based on the depth at which they were found, 187 00:10:54,729 --> 00:10:57,063 Geologists estimate they would date back 188 00:10:57,215 --> 00:11:01,067 Tens of thousands of years. 189 00:11:01,161 --> 00:11:04,412 So what could explain this seemingly impossible discovery? 190 00:11:07,334 --> 00:11:10,576 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest clues may be found 191 00:11:10,671 --> 00:11:14,063 By examining the materials that make up the nanospirals, 192 00:11:14,082 --> 00:11:18,659 Like tungsten and molybdenum-- elements commonly used 193 00:11:18,753 --> 00:11:21,571 In nasa spacecraft. 194 00:11:21,589 --> 00:11:24,741 Molybdenum is an additive that we use to put in steel 195 00:11:24,834 --> 00:11:27,260 To make steel have various properties. 196 00:11:27,412 --> 00:11:30,171 And it's used in manufacturing aircraft. 197 00:11:30,265 --> 00:11:35,084 Narrator: Could it be, as ancient astronaut theorists speculate, 198 00:11:35,178 --> 00:11:37,178 That the nanospirals have come from 199 00:11:37,272 --> 00:11:39,447 An extraterrestrial craft? 200 00:11:41,927 --> 00:11:45,945 Ural mountains are a very interesting space 201 00:11:46,097 --> 00:11:49,933 In the paranormal history of russia. 202 00:11:49,951 --> 00:11:53,545 And I've studied a lot because there have always been 203 00:11:53,772 --> 00:11:57,623 Incredible ufo sightings in the ural mountains. 204 00:11:57,776 --> 00:12:01,627 So, is this a debris field from a crashed 205 00:12:01,780 --> 00:12:05,223 Extraterrestrial craft in the ural mountains? 206 00:12:05,450 --> 00:12:08,618 There could be crash sites all over the world 207 00:12:08,636 --> 00:12:11,146 That are hundreds of thousands of years old. 208 00:12:19,740 --> 00:12:21,798 Oftentimes, artifacts that support 209 00:12:21,891 --> 00:12:23,408 The ancient astronaut theory 210 00:12:23,559 --> 00:12:26,469 Are hiding in plain sight. 211 00:12:26,488 --> 00:12:29,322 For example, there's an egyptian temple carving 212 00:12:29,474 --> 00:12:31,398 That some scholars believe is a representation of a snake 213 00:12:31,493 --> 00:12:33,251 And a lotus flower. 214 00:12:33,478 --> 00:12:36,145 But in my opinion, what you're looking at is 215 00:12:36,164 --> 00:12:38,481 The depiction of modern technology. 216 00:12:38,500 --> 00:12:43,577 Number seven on my countdown of alien artifacts, 217 00:12:43,671 --> 00:12:46,097 The dendera light bulb. 218 00:12:52,939 --> 00:12:55,256 Narrator: Dendera, egypt. 219 00:12:55,275 --> 00:12:58,926 370 miles south of the giza plateau 220 00:12:59,020 --> 00:13:01,446 Stands the hathor temple. 221 00:13:01,673 --> 00:13:04,265 The narrow passageways of this more than 222 00:13:04,284 --> 00:13:09,270 2,000-year-old monument are lined with curious images, 223 00:13:09,289 --> 00:13:11,772 And one that is of particular interest 224 00:13:11,866 --> 00:13:14,793 To ancient astronaut theorists. 225 00:13:14,944 --> 00:13:17,444 Tsoukalos: Underneath this structure is the so-called 226 00:13:17,464 --> 00:13:21,299 Lotus flower of dendera. 227 00:13:21,450 --> 00:13:24,803 And there are not just a few inside the crypt, 228 00:13:24,954 --> 00:13:28,214 But they're, in fact, also on the outside wall on top. 229 00:13:28,366 --> 00:13:30,867 That's something that's often not discussed. 230 00:13:30,885 --> 00:13:32,310 So what are we looking at here? 231 00:13:32,537 --> 00:13:38,541 Egyptology suggests that this bulb-like thing, 232 00:13:38,560 --> 00:13:43,563 It essentially is the aroma of the lotus flower, 233 00:13:43,657 --> 00:13:47,659 And that the snake in the middle illustrates fertility. 234 00:13:47,810 --> 00:13:50,403 What's often not discussed is that 235 00:13:50,555 --> 00:13:54,999 The surrounding hieroglyphics... 'cause you have monkey gods 236 00:13:55,151 --> 00:13:58,077 Standing around with sharp knives. 237 00:13:58,229 --> 00:14:00,487 It indicates danger, death. 238 00:14:00,507 --> 00:14:03,157 And there are textual references 239 00:14:03,176 --> 00:14:08,254 That say that this has something to do with a bringer of light. 240 00:14:08,348 --> 00:14:12,258 Why would there be descriptions of bringers of light? 241 00:14:12,410 --> 00:14:15,169 Egyptologists maintain that it actually portrays 242 00:14:15,263 --> 00:14:16,855 The moment of creation. 243 00:14:17,006 --> 00:14:20,483 But it definitely resembles a lightbulb or a lamp. 244 00:14:22,754 --> 00:14:24,845 Here is a replica of the bulb that's shown 245 00:14:24,865 --> 00:14:27,607 In the dendera reliefs in egypt. 246 00:14:27,701 --> 00:14:30,426 What's interesting about this bulb is the fact that 247 00:14:30,445 --> 00:14:33,096 On the wall relief, we see the bulb is actually 248 00:14:33,114 --> 00:14:37,041 Plugged into what appears to be a power source. 249 00:14:37,193 --> 00:14:40,119 So what we have here is a bulb, which very easily 250 00:14:40,271 --> 00:14:42,105 Could have been used by the egyptians to light 251 00:14:42,198 --> 00:14:44,382 The deep recesses of tombs and crypts. 252 00:14:44,609 --> 00:14:46,718 Tsoukalos: How did the ancient egyptians 253 00:14:46,869 --> 00:14:50,129 Light the insides of their structures? 254 00:14:50,281 --> 00:14:54,634 Because some structures, not only are they deep underground, 255 00:14:54,728 --> 00:14:56,953 But there's different corners, and different shafts 256 00:14:56,971 --> 00:14:59,564 And corridors, sometimes on multiple levels. 257 00:14:59,715 --> 00:15:04,235 And some of these places are filled with hieroglyphics. 258 00:15:04,462 --> 00:15:06,629 The extraterrestrials did not let these people 259 00:15:06,648 --> 00:15:07,739 Work in the dark. 260 00:15:07,966 --> 00:15:10,967 Of course they provided lighting sources. 261 00:15:10,985 --> 00:15:15,580 And then that was also put in stone. 262 00:15:15,731 --> 00:15:18,565 Because otherwise, nobody would believe 263 00:15:18,660 --> 00:15:23,496 That truth in the future. 264 00:15:23,648 --> 00:15:27,574 I've read the creation stories of countless ancient cultures, 265 00:15:27,594 --> 00:15:29,986 And in nearly every one of them, 266 00:15:30,079 --> 00:15:32,913 The gods came down from the sky, 267 00:15:32,933 --> 00:15:35,582 Usually in some type of flying craft, 268 00:15:35,602 --> 00:15:38,269 Surrounded by smoke and fire. 269 00:15:38,421 --> 00:15:40,421 Now, to me, these are nothing else 270 00:15:40,440 --> 00:15:42,941 But extraterrestrial encounters. 271 00:15:43,092 --> 00:15:45,610 And if you want further proof, just take a look 272 00:15:45,761 --> 00:15:49,930 At how the ancient people of japan depicted their gods. 273 00:15:49,950 --> 00:15:54,193 Number six on my alien artifacts countdown: 274 00:15:54,287 --> 00:15:55,453 The dogu statues. 275 00:15:59,684 --> 00:16:02,460 Narrator: On the east asian islands of japan, 276 00:16:02,611 --> 00:16:05,521 Remnants of the ancient world can still be found in the midst 277 00:16:05,614 --> 00:16:08,949 Of a modern, hi-tech society. 278 00:16:09,043 --> 00:16:14,213 And the most incredible are not the opulent palaces and shrines, 279 00:16:14,307 --> 00:16:17,216 But a collection of extremely ancient clay vessels 280 00:16:17,310 --> 00:16:19,719 And figurines, 281 00:16:19,871 --> 00:16:23,648 Some of which date back more than 12,000 years. 282 00:16:23,799 --> 00:16:27,468 They are credited to a people called the jomon. 283 00:16:27,562 --> 00:16:32,381 The earliest culture that we can identify in japan is the jomon, 284 00:16:32,400 --> 00:16:36,052 Which is originally a stone age culture running roughly 285 00:16:36,070 --> 00:16:41,833 From 10,000 bce to 300 bce. 286 00:16:41,984 --> 00:16:45,670 It is a culture that we don't know an awful lot about, 287 00:16:45,897 --> 00:16:47,154 Because they had no writing system. 288 00:16:47,248 --> 00:16:50,491 All we have is artifacts. 289 00:16:50,510 --> 00:16:52,401 Dominic steavu: The little that we do know about the jomon 290 00:16:52,495 --> 00:16:55,179 Comes from archaeological evidence. 291 00:16:55,406 --> 00:17:00,000 And one of the most representative artifacts 292 00:17:00,020 --> 00:17:03,688 That is tied to the jomon is the dogu statue. 293 00:17:07,360 --> 00:17:10,695 Narrator: Approximately 15,000 dogu figurines, 294 00:17:10,846 --> 00:17:13,272 Resembling strange humanoid beings, 295 00:17:13,424 --> 00:17:16,200 Have been found at various jomon sites in japan. 296 00:17:18,705 --> 00:17:21,372 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest these figurines 297 00:17:21,524 --> 00:17:24,617 Represent the kami, a group of beings 298 00:17:24,769 --> 00:17:27,027 The japanese believe descended to this world 299 00:17:27,121 --> 00:17:30,106 In the ancient past. 300 00:17:30,199 --> 00:17:33,384 Shintoism is the primary religion of japan, 301 00:17:33,611 --> 00:17:36,128 And they worship what they call the kami, 302 00:17:36,222 --> 00:17:39,799 Which are these celestial beings that are able to inhabit 303 00:17:39,951 --> 00:17:42,618 Basically anything, from a human being to an animal, 304 00:17:42,637 --> 00:17:46,305 And even inanimate objects. 305 00:17:46,457 --> 00:17:48,900 Then they also describe them as having come down 306 00:17:49,127 --> 00:17:51,644 From their celestial palace in the sky. 307 00:17:51,738 --> 00:17:54,572 And these figurines look like these humanoid beings 308 00:17:54,723 --> 00:17:57,983 That are in some type of space suits. 309 00:17:58,078 --> 00:18:00,060 Henry: There are thousands of these statuettes 310 00:18:00,154 --> 00:18:01,304 That have been recovered, 311 00:18:01,322 --> 00:18:04,473 And these figures have goggle-type eyes, 312 00:18:04,492 --> 00:18:07,251 And they have rivets all over their body, 313 00:18:07,403 --> 00:18:09,328 Indicating that they're wearing some kind of a space suit 314 00:18:09,480 --> 00:18:12,590 Or technological armor. 315 00:18:12,741 --> 00:18:17,244 Childress: So you have to ask yourself, were these statues 316 00:18:17,263 --> 00:18:21,432 Sky beings who came and directed the japanese 317 00:18:21,584 --> 00:18:24,268 To have their civilization and culture, 318 00:18:24,420 --> 00:18:28,606 And that ultimately these sky gods are their ancestors? 319 00:18:31,336 --> 00:18:34,612 Narrator: As far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, 320 00:18:34,763 --> 00:18:38,599 The dogu figures were not inspired by the imagination, 321 00:18:38,618 --> 00:18:42,011 But depict very real visitors that the people of japan 322 00:18:42,029 --> 00:18:44,864 Encountered thousands of years ago, 323 00:18:45,016 --> 00:18:49,085 And provide a compelling record of extraterrestrial contact. 324 00:18:57,286 --> 00:18:59,453 We're coming up on the halfway mark in my countdown 325 00:18:59,547 --> 00:19:02,473 Of the top ten alien artifacts, 326 00:19:02,700 --> 00:19:06,126 And this next object is truly remarkable. 327 00:19:06,220 --> 00:19:09,296 It's an ancient figurine that was discovered in mexico, 328 00:19:09,390 --> 00:19:13,559 But to me, it clearly depicts a man in a modern flight suit. 329 00:19:13,653 --> 00:19:18,047 The number-five artifact in my top ten countdown: 330 00:19:18,065 --> 00:19:19,991 The rocket man of la venta. 331 00:19:23,329 --> 00:19:25,721 Narrator: Throughout the world, ancient illustrations 332 00:19:25,740 --> 00:19:28,148 And statues can be found that depict figures 333 00:19:28,242 --> 00:19:30,075 Dressed in strange attire 334 00:19:30,228 --> 00:19:32,228 That, as far as ancient astronaut theorists 335 00:19:32,246 --> 00:19:34,488 Are concerned, is eerily reminiscent 336 00:19:34,582 --> 00:19:37,082 Of modern-day space suits. 337 00:19:37,177 --> 00:19:41,237 Examples include cave art in Italy, australia, 338 00:19:41,330 --> 00:19:44,348 And the american southwest, 339 00:19:44,500 --> 00:19:47,092 As well as sculptures, like the statue of pachamama 340 00:19:47,245 --> 00:19:50,246 In tiahuanaco, bolivia, 341 00:19:50,264 --> 00:19:54,083 Depictions of the mayan god kukulkan in mexico, 342 00:19:54,101 --> 00:19:58,029 Curious figures carved into the hoysaleswara temple 343 00:19:58,256 --> 00:20:01,181 In india, and a strange sculpture found 344 00:20:01,201 --> 00:20:04,518 In guatemala city. 345 00:20:04,612 --> 00:20:07,705 But perhaps most intriguing of all is a small figurine 346 00:20:07,856 --> 00:20:09,874 Attributed to the olmec, 347 00:20:10,101 --> 00:20:13,360 A civilization that emerged around 1400 bc 348 00:20:13,379 --> 00:20:16,939 In the area of modern-day mexico. 349 00:20:16,958 --> 00:20:19,792 The olmecs are one of the most mysterious 350 00:20:19,886 --> 00:20:24,280 Ancient cultures known to the history of our planet. 351 00:20:24,298 --> 00:20:27,967 And in la venta, we have carvings 352 00:20:28,119 --> 00:20:33,639 That show the olmecs in very bizarre scenes. 353 00:20:33,733 --> 00:20:38,143 One of them is this plumed serpent that appears to be 354 00:20:38,238 --> 00:20:42,465 Floating in the sky, and you actually see a person 355 00:20:42,558 --> 00:20:47,394 Sitting inside this flying snake. 356 00:20:47,413 --> 00:20:53,158 And so you have to wonder if somehow the olmecs had access 357 00:20:53,253 --> 00:20:57,738 To aviation technology, and I personally think they did. 358 00:20:57,757 --> 00:21:01,592 Because at the museum of natural history in new york city, 359 00:21:01,744 --> 00:21:05,912 There is a olmec figurine about this tall, 360 00:21:05,932 --> 00:21:10,159 And you can tell that this guy is wearing 361 00:21:10,177 --> 00:21:13,420 Some type of a flight suit. 362 00:21:13,439 --> 00:21:17,016 You've got the legs here like in a modern-day astronaut suit, 363 00:21:17,168 --> 00:21:20,352 And there's also some type of a life-support pack 364 00:21:20,505 --> 00:21:22,113 That's on his chest. 365 00:21:23,357 --> 00:21:25,341 There are six wings, 366 00:21:25,434 --> 00:21:28,677 And the head is clearly enclosed 367 00:21:28,696 --> 00:21:32,290 By a skullcap similar to modern-day astronauts. 368 00:21:34,702 --> 00:21:37,461 In my opinion, it is the smoking gun 369 00:21:37,688 --> 00:21:40,614 Of our ancestors having aviation technology 370 00:21:40,708 --> 00:21:42,591 Thousands of years ago. 371 00:21:44,879 --> 00:21:48,306 When it comes to ancient artifacts depicting advanced 372 00:21:48,457 --> 00:21:51,700 Technology, one of the most extraordinary examples 373 00:21:51,794 --> 00:21:55,128 I've ever seen is a tiny gold figurine 374 00:21:55,222 --> 00:21:58,541 That looks remarkably similar to a modern-day airplane. 375 00:21:58,559 --> 00:22:01,468 In fact, it's such an important piece of evidence 376 00:22:01,487 --> 00:22:03,321 For the ancient astronaut theory 377 00:22:03,548 --> 00:22:06,549 That I wear a replica on my shirt pocket. 378 00:22:06,567 --> 00:22:09,234 Number four on my countdown 379 00:22:09,387 --> 00:22:12,496 Of the top ten alien artifacts: The gold flyer. 380 00:22:17,061 --> 00:22:19,837 Narrator: The southern highlands of colombia. 381 00:22:19,988 --> 00:22:23,007 In the late 19th century, tomb robbers 382 00:22:23,234 --> 00:22:24,842 Searching along the magdalena river 383 00:22:24,993 --> 00:22:28,587 Stumbled upon a gravesite dating back 1,500 years 384 00:22:28,739 --> 00:22:33,500 To a pre-colombian civilization known as the tolima. 385 00:22:33,519 --> 00:22:36,261 Among the funerary objects found there 386 00:22:36,414 --> 00:22:40,191 Were hundreds of small two to three-inch gold figurines. 387 00:22:40,342 --> 00:22:44,177 Tsoukalos: So the tolima culture placed inside tombs little tiny 388 00:22:44,197 --> 00:22:46,847 Objects made of gold, and they found hundreds of thousands 389 00:22:46,866 --> 00:22:50,426 Of those in the form of different animals: 390 00:22:50,444 --> 00:22:55,781 Birds, fish, frogs, insects. 391 00:22:55,875 --> 00:22:58,859 However, out of these hundreds of thousands, 392 00:22:58,878 --> 00:23:03,047 There were 17 that looked like modern-day airplanes. 393 00:23:05,385 --> 00:23:08,127 They have a triangular shape, 394 00:23:08,279 --> 00:23:11,964 They have an upright tail fin, 395 00:23:12,116 --> 00:23:14,800 Stabilizers, 396 00:23:14,894 --> 00:23:18,062 And a fuselage. 397 00:23:18,289 --> 00:23:21,306 And they have nothing in common with 398 00:23:21,459 --> 00:23:24,402 Anything similar in nature. 399 00:23:28,466 --> 00:23:31,558 Narrator: In 1997, german aviation experts, 400 00:23:31,652 --> 00:23:33,652 Including algund eenboom, 401 00:23:33,746 --> 00:23:35,729 Set out to test the gold flyer's flight capabilities 402 00:23:35,748 --> 00:23:39,324 By building a scale-model replica, 403 00:23:39,419 --> 00:23:42,736 Fully equipped with landing gear and a working engine. 404 00:23:42,755 --> 00:23:46,239 Eenboom: It was rather simple because we don't need 405 00:23:46,333 --> 00:23:49,743 To put much parts to this shape 406 00:23:49,762 --> 00:23:52,321 Because this shape is perfect. 407 00:23:52,339 --> 00:23:56,008 Everything was already done by the native people 408 00:23:56,102 --> 00:23:59,178 2,000 years ago. 409 00:23:59,272 --> 00:24:01,272 Narrator: Once completed, the remote-controlled flyer 410 00:24:01,499 --> 00:24:04,275 Took off down a makeshift runway, and flew. 411 00:24:10,116 --> 00:24:11,932 Coppens: When you see this thing taking off, 412 00:24:11,951 --> 00:24:14,618 You really feel that this is the real deal. 413 00:24:16,847 --> 00:24:18,939 It was a very successful test, 414 00:24:18,958 --> 00:24:25,278 And showed us how perfect ancient people were working out 415 00:24:25,372 --> 00:24:27,948 Aerodynamic design. 416 00:24:27,967 --> 00:24:32,377 What shows you that there must be something happened. 417 00:24:32,472 --> 00:24:37,123 We are not quite sure how it did, but that it did. 418 00:24:37,143 --> 00:24:38,701 This is applied science. 419 00:24:38,719 --> 00:24:40,478 This isn't just thinking somewhere. 420 00:24:40,629 --> 00:24:44,540 This is people going out there and making sure and proving 421 00:24:44,558 --> 00:24:47,151 What I still see-- anybody can see this-- 422 00:24:47,302 --> 00:24:49,061 That this is real, this is genuine. 423 00:24:49,155 --> 00:24:52,490 This little thing, which sits in a museum, could fly. 424 00:25:01,316 --> 00:25:06,653 In 2017, I flew to romania with erich von daniken to check out 425 00:25:06,672 --> 00:25:09,155 One of the most remarkable artifacts 426 00:25:09,175 --> 00:25:10,657 We had ever heard of. 427 00:25:10,676 --> 00:25:13,994 An aluminum object said to be at least 40,000 years old. 428 00:25:14,013 --> 00:25:17,163 And even more extraordinary is that it was scientifically 429 00:25:17,183 --> 00:25:21,352 Tested and found to have been made from an aluminum alloy 430 00:25:21,503 --> 00:25:25,764 That doesn't match anything humans have ever manufactured. 431 00:25:27,009 --> 00:25:31,270 Number three on my countdown of the top ten alien artifacts 432 00:25:31,364 --> 00:25:33,197 Is the wedge of aiud. 433 00:25:43,784 --> 00:25:46,451 Narrator: 1970. 434 00:25:46,546 --> 00:25:49,788 Workers digging a trench along the banks of the mures river 435 00:25:49,882 --> 00:25:52,198 Unearth two giant bones, 436 00:25:52,218 --> 00:25:55,719 And with them, a mysterious metal object 437 00:25:55,871 --> 00:25:59,298 Buried 35 feet beneath the surface. 438 00:25:59,392 --> 00:26:03,894 This strange object, known today as the wedge of aiud, 439 00:26:04,121 --> 00:26:06,638 Is an aluminum alloy that appears to have been made 440 00:26:06,791 --> 00:26:09,400 Thousands of years before humans were able to smelt 441 00:26:09,551 --> 00:26:11,402 Or fabricate metal. 442 00:26:12,813 --> 00:26:18,150 It was ten meters in depth, associated with some bones, 443 00:26:18,244 --> 00:26:21,637 Which they later identified as woolly mammoth bones. 444 00:26:21,730 --> 00:26:24,397 They were extinct 40,000 years ago, 445 00:26:24,417 --> 00:26:27,476 So they must be older than that. 446 00:26:27,494 --> 00:26:31,905 The wedge was analyzed three times, to my knowledge. 447 00:26:31,924 --> 00:26:36,318 The main metal in its composition is aluminum. 448 00:26:36,337 --> 00:26:39,412 Michael dennin: Humans didn't really start working with aluminum 449 00:26:39,506 --> 00:26:40,823 Until well into the 1800s. 450 00:26:40,916 --> 00:26:44,159 So when you look at this wedge and you analyze it, 451 00:26:44,252 --> 00:26:46,662 It really has most of the modern properties 452 00:26:46,755 --> 00:26:48,397 We would associate with aluminum. 453 00:26:50,610 --> 00:26:53,611 Narrator: For decades, government officials refused to reveal 454 00:26:53,838 --> 00:26:56,521 Where the wedge of aiud was being held. 455 00:26:56,674 --> 00:27:00,025 But its location has recently come to light. 456 00:27:00,177 --> 00:27:04,196 On January 18, 2017, 457 00:27:04,348 --> 00:27:05,848 At the national history museum 458 00:27:05,866 --> 00:27:08,851 Of transylvania, ancient astronaut theorists 459 00:27:08,869 --> 00:27:11,870 Giorgio tsoukalos and erich von daniken 460 00:27:11,964 --> 00:27:14,798 Were offered a rare opportunity to get a firsthand look 461 00:27:14,950 --> 00:27:17,801 At the wedge of aiud. 462 00:27:17,953 --> 00:27:20,696 Museum curator ana gruia 463 00:27:20,714 --> 00:27:21,972 Has taken it out of a storage locker 464 00:27:22,124 --> 00:27:23,974 Where it has been deliberately hidden 465 00:27:24,126 --> 00:27:27,102 From the public since the early 1970s. 466 00:27:29,631 --> 00:27:32,040 Okay, I'm just gonna put my gloves on. 467 00:27:32,134 --> 00:27:33,651 Tsoukalos: This is great. 468 00:27:36,730 --> 00:27:38,547 Gruia: So, this is it. 469 00:27:38,565 --> 00:27:40,140 Von daniken: Oh, okay. 470 00:27:40,234 --> 00:27:42,326 Tsoukalos: This is strange. 471 00:27:44,997 --> 00:27:47,723 And here, this is the... Where they took the sample out, 472 00:27:47,741 --> 00:27:49,667 And here, to make the analysis. 473 00:27:49,818 --> 00:27:52,485 And here you see two pieces that are broken off, sort of. 474 00:27:52,505 --> 00:27:56,415 So maybe it was attached or something. 475 00:27:56,509 --> 00:27:58,083 But very strange. 476 00:27:58,235 --> 00:28:00,493 So what does the museum have to say about this? 477 00:28:00,513 --> 00:28:03,422 This is a very strange piece. 478 00:28:03,574 --> 00:28:06,241 It is. It is a strange piece for us as well. 479 00:28:06,260 --> 00:28:09,411 As historians, we do not consider it 480 00:28:09,430 --> 00:28:12,172 A historical object that we're used to. 481 00:28:12,191 --> 00:28:15,600 We don't know what it was used for, and we 482 00:28:15,695 --> 00:28:19,588 Acknowledge these uncertainties about its dating, 483 00:28:19,681 --> 00:28:21,423 And its composition as well. 484 00:28:21,442 --> 00:28:23,367 Von daniken: So we have a real mystery here. 485 00:28:23,594 --> 00:28:28,855 But you see this patina over this whole object? 486 00:28:28,949 --> 00:28:30,282 And this creates another problem. 487 00:28:30,376 --> 00:28:33,936 Tsoukalos: Yes. Because you cannot fake a patina. 488 00:28:33,954 --> 00:28:38,215 It's impossible to artificially create a patina. 489 00:28:40,794 --> 00:28:44,221 Narrator: The patina is a thin coating of various metal compounds 490 00:28:44,372 --> 00:28:46,281 That forms on the surface of the metal 491 00:28:46,300 --> 00:28:49,893 During exposure to atmospheric elements. 492 00:28:50,045 --> 00:28:51,711 The older the object, the thicker 493 00:28:51,805 --> 00:28:54,732 The patina layer will be. 494 00:28:54,959 --> 00:28:58,643 It takes hundreds, if not thousands of years 495 00:28:58,738 --> 00:29:02,239 For a thick layer of patina, as this apparently is, 496 00:29:02,390 --> 00:29:04,466 For it to develop. 497 00:29:04,485 --> 00:29:07,745 Von daniken: So, we-we still have a mystery here. 498 00:29:07,896 --> 00:29:11,490 Tsoukalos: In all of your adventures, how does this compare 499 00:29:11,584 --> 00:29:14,643 To some of the other things that are inexplicable? 500 00:29:14,736 --> 00:29:16,979 I am helpless. I have no idea. 501 00:29:16,997 --> 00:29:19,572 -That says it all right there. -(laughs) 502 00:29:19,666 --> 00:29:21,925 Very bizarre. Bizarre. 503 00:29:24,171 --> 00:29:27,097 Narrator: Could the wedge of aiud be a physical remnant 504 00:29:27,249 --> 00:29:29,099 Of an extraterrestrial visitation 505 00:29:29,251 --> 00:29:31,769 That occurred thousands of years ago? 506 00:29:33,013 --> 00:29:36,774 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes... 507 00:29:36,925 --> 00:29:39,518 And suggest that even more compelling evidence 508 00:29:39,612 --> 00:29:43,614 Of alien contact exists on the other side of the world, 509 00:29:43,765 --> 00:29:47,117 Hidden deep within an ancient tomb. 510 00:29:54,034 --> 00:29:56,535 When it comes to finding proof that extraterrestrials 511 00:29:56,629 --> 00:29:59,112 Visited earth, the evidence is not always obvious. 512 00:29:59,131 --> 00:30:02,282 But sometimes it can be crystal clear 513 00:30:02,301 --> 00:30:04,284 If you know what to look for. 514 00:30:04,303 --> 00:30:08,138 To me, this next artifact irrefutably depicts 515 00:30:08,290 --> 00:30:12,717 An astronaut in the cockpit of a rocket ship. 516 00:30:12,812 --> 00:30:17,463 Number two on my list of the top ten alien artifacts: 517 00:30:17,483 --> 00:30:20,150 The sarcophagus lid of king pakal. 518 00:30:28,402 --> 00:30:30,661 Narrator: Palanque, mexico. 519 00:30:30,888 --> 00:30:33,664 1952. 520 00:30:33,891 --> 00:30:37,559 Archaeologist alberto ruz lhuillier discovers 521 00:30:37,578 --> 00:30:39,561 The pyramid tomb of king pakal, 522 00:30:39,580 --> 00:30:41,839 Who ruled over the ancient mayan city 523 00:30:41,990 --> 00:30:45,750 From 615 to 683 ad. 524 00:30:45,903 --> 00:30:49,495 This is the famous temple of the inscriptions behind me. 525 00:30:49,515 --> 00:30:53,758 Perhaps the most famous pyramid in all of the mayan world. 526 00:30:53,853 --> 00:30:59,523 The french-mexican archeologist alberto lhuillier 527 00:30:59,674 --> 00:31:03,009 Began his excavations at the top. 528 00:31:03,028 --> 00:31:05,362 It took him four years 529 00:31:05,513 --> 00:31:10,367 To slowly excavate, step by step, 530 00:31:10,594 --> 00:31:14,187 Down the pyramid, until he finally came 531 00:31:14,281 --> 00:31:17,875 To the tomb of lord pakal, 532 00:31:18,026 --> 00:31:21,545 And the giant sarcophagus and lid 533 00:31:21,772 --> 00:31:23,714 That the pyramid were built around. 534 00:31:28,295 --> 00:31:32,130 Narrator: Arguably the most remarkable mayan artifact ever found, 535 00:31:32,224 --> 00:31:35,541 The stone sarcophagus lid of king pakal has produced 536 00:31:35,636 --> 00:31:38,878 Considerable controversy. 537 00:31:38,898 --> 00:31:42,548 Mainstream scholars believe the depiction is of king pakal 538 00:31:42,568 --> 00:31:45,903 On a journey to xibalba, the land of the dead. 539 00:31:48,556 --> 00:31:52,467 But ancient astronaut theorists believe the king is portrayed 540 00:31:52,560 --> 00:31:57,730 Seated at the controls of a spacecraft. 541 00:31:57,750 --> 00:32:00,584 You see a man bending forward, 542 00:32:00,735 --> 00:32:04,829 Almost like a racing motorcyclist. 543 00:32:04,982 --> 00:32:08,592 He has his nose on some kind of oxygen mask. 544 00:32:08,743 --> 00:32:11,762 He uses his upper hand to manipulate the knob. 545 00:32:11,913 --> 00:32:15,173 You see his lower hand, he manipulates some controls. 546 00:32:15,267 --> 00:32:19,770 He's sitting on a kind of chair in a sort of capsule. 547 00:32:19,921 --> 00:32:23,682 Now, what's amazing about this is that through modern eyes 548 00:32:23,776 --> 00:32:27,335 We can readily identify that it appears as if 549 00:32:27,354 --> 00:32:30,072 Pakal is riding in some kind of a spaceship. 550 00:32:32,267 --> 00:32:34,693 Narrator: In 2011, the strange carving 551 00:32:34,845 --> 00:32:37,179 On king pakal's sarcophagus lid 552 00:32:37,197 --> 00:32:40,198 Was translated into a 3d replica 553 00:32:40,350 --> 00:32:42,459 By modelmaker paul francis. 554 00:32:42,610 --> 00:32:44,461 Paul francis: When I saw this, I instantly said 555 00:32:44,612 --> 00:32:46,964 "there's a guy in a space capsule." 556 00:32:47,115 --> 00:32:48,707 You know? It doesn't need to be spelled out for me. 557 00:32:48,801 --> 00:32:50,968 I don't have to find anything. It was already there. 558 00:32:52,787 --> 00:32:57,290 Tsoukalos: I think this is absolutely extraordinary because 559 00:32:57,309 --> 00:33:00,460 For the longest time we have said that what is on this 560 00:33:00,479 --> 00:33:04,222 Pakal lid is not something symbolic. 561 00:33:04,316 --> 00:33:08,210 It was something that the artist saw or was told about, 562 00:33:08,228 --> 00:33:13,215 And then he or she tried to recreate this on a slab. 563 00:33:13,233 --> 00:33:17,494 I also love the detail that you have underneath his right foot, 564 00:33:17,721 --> 00:33:21,814 Where his foot is resting on a pedestal. 565 00:33:21,834 --> 00:33:23,575 And that is exactly what we can see 566 00:33:23,669 --> 00:33:26,077 On the palenque slab. 567 00:33:26,171 --> 00:33:30,081 And how his hands are manipulating some controls. 568 00:33:30,234 --> 00:33:32,009 And also, this kind of breathing apparatus 569 00:33:32,160 --> 00:33:35,328 That's going on in front of his nose. 570 00:33:35,347 --> 00:33:38,740 Francis: The breathing apparatus is actually a very neat piece. 571 00:33:38,833 --> 00:33:41,743 It's called the giver of life. 572 00:33:41,836 --> 00:33:44,412 The soul transfers through this, 573 00:33:44,431 --> 00:33:48,007 And a giver of life, to me, would be air. 574 00:33:48,101 --> 00:33:49,342 I mean, we breathe air. 575 00:33:49,361 --> 00:33:53,421 This is a guy who needs this mask to survive. 576 00:33:53,515 --> 00:33:55,181 Tsoukalos: Because, where is he? 577 00:33:55,275 --> 00:33:57,034 Francis: Outer space. 578 00:34:05,769 --> 00:34:08,286 We're down to number one on my countdown 579 00:34:08,438 --> 00:34:11,122 Of the top ten alien artifacts. 580 00:34:11,216 --> 00:34:13,942 Ancient aliens has traveled to all corners of the globe 581 00:34:13,960 --> 00:34:15,034 Investigating the most incredible objects 582 00:34:15,054 --> 00:34:17,128 Ever uncovered. 583 00:34:17,281 --> 00:34:20,632 But this final one truly gives me goosebumps. 584 00:34:20,726 --> 00:34:22,893 Many of these have been found all over the world, 585 00:34:23,044 --> 00:34:25,453 But in season ten we were able to have 586 00:34:25,472 --> 00:34:28,231 One of them tested in a lab. 587 00:34:28,458 --> 00:34:30,400 The results were nothing short of remarkable. 588 00:34:32,387 --> 00:34:35,388 Number one on my countdown of mysterious artifacts: 589 00:34:35,407 --> 00:34:39,242 The paracas elongated skulls. 590 00:34:46,827 --> 00:34:48,827 Narrator: New york city. 591 00:34:48,921 --> 00:34:51,904 February, 2017. 592 00:34:51,924 --> 00:34:55,483 At new york university, giorgio tsoukalos meets with 593 00:34:55,502 --> 00:34:56,909 Art collector jared collins, 594 00:34:56,929 --> 00:35:01,556 Who is in possession of a 2,000-year-old elongated skull. 595 00:35:04,661 --> 00:35:07,938 Oh, wow. That is fantastic. 596 00:35:08,089 --> 00:35:12,517 Narrator: The skull is incredibly well-preserved, 597 00:35:12,669 --> 00:35:15,186 And jared is having it tested at the university 598 00:35:15,280 --> 00:35:18,523 To find out if it might possibly contain abnormalities 599 00:35:18,675 --> 00:35:21,618 That indicate it is something other than human. 600 00:35:23,455 --> 00:35:25,104 Tsoukalos: So this skull was found 601 00:35:25,124 --> 00:35:27,773 -In the paracas region of peru. -That's right. 602 00:35:27,793 --> 00:35:30,869 But no real modern testing has ever been done on this. 603 00:35:31,021 --> 00:35:32,129 Oh, this is amazing. 604 00:35:34,524 --> 00:35:37,450 Narrator: Hundreds of strange, misshapen skulls have been found 605 00:35:37,469 --> 00:35:39,361 On the southern coast of peru 606 00:35:39,379 --> 00:35:42,697 From excavations dating back to 1927. 607 00:35:42,716 --> 00:35:47,035 It was at this time that archaeologist julio tello 608 00:35:47,053 --> 00:35:49,721 First excavated a massive burial complex 609 00:35:49,873 --> 00:35:52,649 Thought to have been built by the paracas people 610 00:35:52,800 --> 00:35:57,821 Who lived in the region from 800 bc to 100 bc. 611 00:35:58,048 --> 00:36:01,324 Mainstream archaeologists say the elongation 612 00:36:01,476 --> 00:36:04,552 Is most likely the result of head binding, 613 00:36:04,571 --> 00:36:06,888 Which involves wrapping the heads of infants 614 00:36:06,981 --> 00:36:08,814 While their skulls are still soft 615 00:36:08,834 --> 00:36:10,959 In order to change the shape. 616 00:36:12,412 --> 00:36:16,064 But some of the paracas skulls display abnormalities 617 00:36:16,157 --> 00:36:17,841 That head binding cannot explain. 618 00:36:20,420 --> 00:36:24,014 So, let's go, right? Okay. 619 00:36:25,851 --> 00:36:27,759 Okay. 620 00:36:27,911 --> 00:36:31,188 Narrator: Nyu professor of anthropology dr. Todd disotell 621 00:36:31,415 --> 00:36:34,173 Agreed to conduct a forensic evaluation 622 00:36:34,267 --> 00:36:36,584 Of the elongated skull. 623 00:36:36,603 --> 00:36:39,921 I've seen casts. I've never seen one in person. 624 00:36:39,940 --> 00:36:43,516 -Okay. -Wow. 625 00:36:43,535 --> 00:36:46,428 That is... Freaky. 626 00:36:46,446 --> 00:36:49,431 I mean, I just can't come up with another term. 627 00:36:49,449 --> 00:36:52,024 I love that your first reaction is that it's freaky, 628 00:36:52,044 --> 00:36:54,102 -'cause I agree with you. -Well, I mean, look at it. 629 00:36:54,195 --> 00:36:56,362 -That's... -It's-it's quite bizarre. 630 00:36:56,381 --> 00:36:59,457 Narrator: In addition to being elongated, 631 00:36:59,551 --> 00:37:02,719 The paracas skull possesses an abnormally large jaw 632 00:37:02,870 --> 00:37:05,371 And eye sockets. 633 00:37:05,390 --> 00:37:09,467 Let me just move it over to the sterile bench surface. 634 00:37:09,561 --> 00:37:12,395 -Mm-hmm. -Wow. 635 00:37:12,547 --> 00:37:14,456 So, it's very fascinating. 636 00:37:14,549 --> 00:37:17,049 -Besides the shape. -(laughter) 637 00:37:17,069 --> 00:37:22,888 The sagittal suture looks like it has completely fused. 638 00:37:22,908 --> 00:37:24,724 I'm looking at it, and it's just been 639 00:37:24,818 --> 00:37:26,468 Completely obliterated. 640 00:37:26,486 --> 00:37:31,306 Narrator: The sagittal suture is the seam where the two parietal 641 00:37:31,399 --> 00:37:34,251 Bones of the skull come together. 642 00:37:34,402 --> 00:37:39,314 Although the markings may be faint due to fusing over time, 643 00:37:39,332 --> 00:37:41,332 All human skulls are expected to have 644 00:37:41,485 --> 00:37:44,094 Some evidence of this feature. 645 00:37:44,245 --> 00:37:47,389 So it is curious that this skull does not. 646 00:37:50,160 --> 00:37:52,752 Okay, let's move on to extracting 647 00:37:52,846 --> 00:37:54,587 Some tooth and bone powder 648 00:37:54,681 --> 00:37:56,681 To get dna out of that. 649 00:37:56,775 --> 00:37:59,334 Okay, excellent. 650 00:37:59,427 --> 00:38:02,612 Narrator: The analysis of the material will determine the sex, 651 00:38:02,764 --> 00:38:05,949 Ancestral lineage of both the father and the mother, 652 00:38:06,176 --> 00:38:08,843 And any dna anomalies when compared with 653 00:38:08,936 --> 00:38:10,453 The current human genetic database. 654 00:38:15,627 --> 00:38:17,109 Looks pretty good. 655 00:38:17,129 --> 00:38:21,205 So, we will pack this up and send it off, 656 00:38:21,300 --> 00:38:24,617 And in four to six weeks they should have the result. 657 00:38:24,636 --> 00:38:26,210 Tsoukalos: Four to six weeks? Okay. 658 00:38:26,363 --> 00:38:27,378 Thank you very much. 659 00:38:27,531 --> 00:38:28,972 I really appreciate your input on this. 660 00:38:29,199 --> 00:38:30,098 -Take care. -Thanks a lot. -You got it. 661 00:38:33,203 --> 00:38:37,055 Narrator: Two months later, in April, 2017, 662 00:38:37,207 --> 00:38:39,316 Giorgio contacted dr. Disotell 663 00:38:39,543 --> 00:38:41,967 To find out the results of his testing. 664 00:38:41,987 --> 00:38:44,395 All right, todd, you got the results? 665 00:38:44,489 --> 00:38:46,823 Yeah, and they're very, very interesting. 666 00:38:48,068 --> 00:38:51,494 They did get a good, clean dna profile 667 00:38:51,646 --> 00:38:54,497 From the maternally inherited dna. 668 00:38:54,724 --> 00:38:58,059 So this particular specimen is actually 669 00:38:58,078 --> 00:39:02,914 Not found in the new world, not found amongst native americans, 670 00:39:03,066 --> 00:39:07,493 And it's typically found amongst europeans and middle easterners. 671 00:39:07,512 --> 00:39:11,681 In fact, the 100% match was to a scottish individual. 672 00:39:11,908 --> 00:39:15,259 -This makes no sense whatsoever. -Really? 673 00:39:15,354 --> 00:39:18,838 In a south american skull? This is all very strange. 674 00:39:18,932 --> 00:39:24,602 That could mean that people from europe got to south america, 675 00:39:24,754 --> 00:39:28,590 You know, 1,500 years earlier 676 00:39:28,683 --> 00:39:31,275 Than we currently understand that. 677 00:39:31,370 --> 00:39:33,111 That's amazing. 678 00:39:33,263 --> 00:39:36,764 Unfortunately, the condition of the sample 679 00:39:36,783 --> 00:39:39,876 Did not yield any y chromosome. 680 00:39:40,027 --> 00:39:42,194 Unfortunately, we're missing that. 681 00:39:42,214 --> 00:39:43,380 Right. 682 00:39:43,607 --> 00:39:47,050 Do you think that a case can be made at all-- 683 00:39:47,277 --> 00:39:49,886 And again, this is complete speculation-- 684 00:39:50,113 --> 00:39:54,206 That perhaps it is not necessarily human? 685 00:39:54,226 --> 00:39:56,059 Is that a possibility? 686 00:39:56,210 --> 00:39:58,395 Well, it's possible. 687 00:39:58,622 --> 00:40:01,714 But still, we actually don't know what this is. 688 00:40:01,733 --> 00:40:04,901 Since we didn't get any definitive result, obviously 689 00:40:05,052 --> 00:40:07,052 A scientist always wants to try to do that. 690 00:40:07,072 --> 00:40:09,054 This is extraordinary. 691 00:40:09,149 --> 00:40:10,965 It's worthy of study 692 00:40:10,984 --> 00:40:14,727 Or opening up a new area of inquiry 693 00:40:14,746 --> 00:40:16,913 And some new hypotheses. 694 00:40:21,494 --> 00:40:23,086 Narrator: An ancient skull, 695 00:40:23,237 --> 00:40:26,831 More than twice as long as a normal human skull, 696 00:40:26,983 --> 00:40:30,318 With an enlarged jaw, enlarged eye sockets, 697 00:40:30,336 --> 00:40:34,322 No sagittal suture, and dna that does not match 698 00:40:34,415 --> 00:40:37,934 The area in which the skull was found. 699 00:40:38,161 --> 00:40:41,271 Might additional testing reveal that this skull 700 00:40:41,422 --> 00:40:44,107 Is not entirely human? 701 00:40:46,336 --> 00:40:49,261 So, did this paracas skull belong to someone 702 00:40:49,281 --> 00:40:52,356 Who was part extraterrestrial? 703 00:40:52,451 --> 00:40:57,120 Ancient astronaut theorists resoundingly say yes. 704 00:40:57,347 --> 00:40:59,939 Well, that concludes my countdown, for now. 705 00:41:00,033 --> 00:41:04,185 And I'm confident that as more and more mysterious artifacts 706 00:41:04,204 --> 00:41:08,131 Come to light, the evidence of alien contact 707 00:41:08,358 --> 00:41:10,967 Will soon become too hard to dismiss, 708 00:41:11,194 --> 00:41:13,695 And we will finally have undeniable proof 709 00:41:13,788 --> 00:41:17,623 Of our extraterrestrial origins. 710 00:41:17,642 --> 00:41:19,476 Captioning provided by a+e networks