1 00:00:02,169 --> 00:00:04,319 Giorgio a. Tsoukalos: A ufo sighting over multiple cities. 2 00:00:04,338 --> 00:00:05,412 Man: I don't know what the hell that is. 3 00:00:05,564 --> 00:00:08,065 Tsoukalos: An extraterrestrial event 4 00:00:08,158 --> 00:00:10,492 That changed the course of history. 5 00:00:10,511 --> 00:00:12,736 And an alien abduction 6 00:00:12,829 --> 00:00:16,406 Witnessed by no less than six people. 7 00:00:16,500 --> 00:00:19,243 On ancient aliens, we've investigated 8 00:00:19,336 --> 00:00:21,578 Dozens of extraordinary encounters 9 00:00:21,597 --> 00:00:25,190 From among the thousands that have been reported. 10 00:00:25,417 --> 00:00:28,676 Here's what I consider to be the most compelling stories: 11 00:00:28,771 --> 00:00:32,847 My top ten alien encounters. 12 00:00:32,867 --> 00:00:35,776 Each one adds to the growing body of proof 13 00:00:35,870 --> 00:00:38,762 That we have been visited by extraterrestrials 14 00:00:38,781 --> 00:00:41,356 For thousands of years. 15 00:00:41,375 --> 00:00:43,375 ♪ ♪ 16 00:00:49,050 --> 00:00:52,700 People tell me about their ufo sightings all the time, 17 00:00:52,795 --> 00:00:56,555 And let me tell you, I've heard some really incredible stories. 18 00:00:56,782 --> 00:00:59,725 In fact, there are thousands of ufo sightings 19 00:00:59,952 --> 00:01:01,952 Reported every year. 20 00:01:01,970 --> 00:01:05,289 Unfortunately, most are single-witness testimonials 21 00:01:05,382 --> 00:01:08,216 That can't be corroborated or verified. 22 00:01:08,235 --> 00:01:12,220 But in 1982, along new york's hudson river, 23 00:01:12,239 --> 00:01:14,389 There was a flood of ufo sightings 24 00:01:14,483 --> 00:01:19,078 Reported over multiple days by hundreds of eyewitnesses. 25 00:01:20,322 --> 00:01:24,808 Number ten on my countdown of the top alien encounters: 26 00:01:24,901 --> 00:01:28,754 The hudson valley ufo sightings. 27 00:01:35,429 --> 00:01:38,171 Narrator: Kent, new york. 28 00:01:38,265 --> 00:01:41,658 New year's eve, 1982. 29 00:01:41,751 --> 00:01:44,419 Just a few miles from the hudson river, 30 00:01:44,513 --> 00:01:47,013 New year's eve revelers spot 31 00:01:47,166 --> 00:01:48,665 A gigantic v-shaped craft 32 00:01:48,684 --> 00:01:52,169 Throbbing with red, white and green lights. 33 00:01:52,262 --> 00:01:55,280 As they watch in amazement, the colors vanish, 34 00:01:55,432 --> 00:01:58,266 Replaced by white lights so bright 35 00:01:58,360 --> 00:02:00,119 They illuminate the ground. 36 00:02:00,346 --> 00:02:03,680 Over the next months, authorities are bombarded 37 00:02:03,773 --> 00:02:06,608 With hundreds of similar reports. 38 00:02:06,627 --> 00:02:08,702 Man: Oh, good god. 39 00:02:08,854 --> 00:02:10,854 -Woman: What's that? -Man: I don't know. 40 00:02:10,947 --> 00:02:13,357 -Woman: It's not a plane. -Man: I don't... 41 00:02:13,450 --> 00:02:14,858 I'll be... I'm gonna tell you something, honey. 42 00:02:14,951 --> 00:02:17,136 I don't know what the hell it is. 43 00:02:17,287 --> 00:02:20,139 Philip imbrogno: Usually, ufos just appear 44 00:02:20,366 --> 00:02:24,476 To a small number of people, and they disappear. 45 00:02:24,628 --> 00:02:25,811 In this case, 46 00:02:26,038 --> 00:02:28,054 People were stopped on the highways. 47 00:02:28,207 --> 00:02:30,390 People were running out of their houses 48 00:02:30,542 --> 00:02:32,967 Watching this enormous object pass over 49 00:02:32,987 --> 00:02:35,904 The size of a football field. 50 00:02:39,476 --> 00:02:40,901 Narrator: The sightings continued 51 00:02:41,053 --> 00:02:43,829 For more than six years 52 00:02:44,056 --> 00:02:47,891 And became the most widely reported in american history. 53 00:02:47,910 --> 00:02:50,169 David childress: The hudson valley ufo sightings 54 00:02:50,320 --> 00:02:53,488 Continued well up to 1988. 55 00:02:53,507 --> 00:02:55,232 It's estimated 56 00:02:55,325 --> 00:02:58,510 That as many as 5,000 people called in 57 00:02:58,662 --> 00:03:00,495 And made reports 58 00:03:00,589 --> 00:03:05,684 Of this very large, lit up ufo. 59 00:03:06,854 --> 00:03:10,580 Narrator: But why were so many ufo encounters reported 60 00:03:10,599 --> 00:03:13,433 In this one particular area? 61 00:03:13,527 --> 00:03:15,194 Man: There are six, 62 00:03:15,421 --> 00:03:18,513 And the lead one has his three lights on. 63 00:03:18,607 --> 00:03:21,925 Everybody else only has two. 64 00:03:21,944 --> 00:03:23,944 Tsoukalos: Some have suggested the reason 65 00:03:24,038 --> 00:03:27,097 Why these sightings have happened at the hudson valley 66 00:03:27,190 --> 00:03:31,359 Is because they are on top of a vortex. 67 00:03:31,378 --> 00:03:33,045 Now, what's a vortex? 68 00:03:33,272 --> 00:03:36,030 Well, there are varying opinions of what that is. 69 00:03:36,050 --> 00:03:38,108 Some have suggested that they are 70 00:03:38,126 --> 00:03:39,384 Magnetic points 71 00:03:39,611 --> 00:03:43,388 That are part of the earth's magnetic grid. 72 00:03:44,616 --> 00:03:45,873 They also represent 73 00:03:45,893 --> 00:03:49,119 The combination of earth energies 74 00:03:49,212 --> 00:03:51,121 Kind of congregating into one spot, 75 00:03:51,139 --> 00:03:52,880 These telluric currents 76 00:03:52,900 --> 00:03:54,233 And these magnetic earth currents. 77 00:03:54,460 --> 00:03:57,294 And, so, one suggestion is that they create 78 00:03:57,387 --> 00:03:59,463 Portal-type effects or vortexes. 79 00:03:59,556 --> 00:04:03,133 Entrances into the otherworld. 80 00:04:03,151 --> 00:04:05,819 Narrator: Could the hudson valley ufo sightings 81 00:04:05,971 --> 00:04:08,896 Be evidence of a hidden power vortex 82 00:04:08,916 --> 00:04:12,918 And even a portal through time and space? 83 00:04:14,237 --> 00:04:15,645 You have places around the world 84 00:04:15,739 --> 00:04:18,315 That are known for their vortexes. 85 00:04:18,408 --> 00:04:22,486 Stonehenge is said to have a vortex. 86 00:04:22,579 --> 00:04:25,655 Sedona, arizona has a number of vortexes, 87 00:04:25,674 --> 00:04:27,933 And it's famous for them. 88 00:04:28,160 --> 00:04:29,843 And, so, it's thought that the hudson valley 89 00:04:29,937 --> 00:04:32,920 Is also a vortex area. 90 00:04:32,940 --> 00:04:36,090 So, you have to wonder there if these ufos 91 00:04:36,110 --> 00:04:39,185 Have been attracted to the hudson valley. 92 00:04:39,338 --> 00:04:41,280 And still to this day, no one has come up 93 00:04:41,507 --> 00:04:44,007 With a-a good explanation of what was happening 94 00:04:44,100 --> 00:04:46,026 In the hudson valley during this time. 95 00:04:46,178 --> 00:04:48,787 Man: They're heading north-northwest. 96 00:04:48,938 --> 00:04:51,248 Holy good god. 97 00:04:53,794 --> 00:04:57,462 Just 150 miles east of the hudson valley, 98 00:04:57,689 --> 00:05:01,949 Another extraordinary encounter took place in 1961. 99 00:05:02,044 --> 00:05:03,969 And what makes it so unique 100 00:05:04,196 --> 00:05:06,713 Is that it is the first documented report 101 00:05:06,807 --> 00:05:08,865 Of an alien abduction. 102 00:05:08,884 --> 00:05:12,869 My number nine alien encounter: 103 00:05:12,888 --> 00:05:15,647 The abduction of betty and barney hill. 104 00:05:20,879 --> 00:05:22,154 Narrator: Lancaster, new hampshire. 105 00:05:22,381 --> 00:05:26,491 September 19, 1961. 106 00:05:27,719 --> 00:05:31,479 Betty and barney hill are driving late at night 107 00:05:31,498 --> 00:05:33,498 When a large flying saucer intercepts them 108 00:05:33,650 --> 00:05:36,317 And hovers over their car. 109 00:05:36,337 --> 00:05:39,487 Above them, the hills observe otherworldly figures 110 00:05:39,581 --> 00:05:42,732 In the windows of the craft. 111 00:05:42,751 --> 00:05:45,844 Days later, the couple reports missing time, 112 00:05:46,071 --> 00:05:49,163 And after participating in hypnotic regression, 113 00:05:49,183 --> 00:05:50,757 They claim to realize 114 00:05:50,851 --> 00:05:54,761 That they were abducted by extraterrestrials. 115 00:05:54,913 --> 00:05:57,414 Under hypnotic regression-- 116 00:05:57,432 --> 00:05:59,265 Separately, by the way, 117 00:05:59,360 --> 00:06:01,860 So they each wouldn't contaminate the other's story-- 118 00:06:02,087 --> 00:06:06,013 Betty and barney told the exact same story. 119 00:06:06,033 --> 00:06:09,259 The object hovered over the car, then landed in front of them, 120 00:06:09,352 --> 00:06:10,443 And they were yanked out of the car 121 00:06:10,596 --> 00:06:12,946 By these small four-and-a-half-foot beings 122 00:06:13,098 --> 00:06:16,208 And dragged into a clearing, where they boarded a spaceship. 123 00:06:17,436 --> 00:06:19,786 Ken storch: Betty pleaded with her captors, 124 00:06:19,938 --> 00:06:21,696 If you will, that... 125 00:06:21,715 --> 00:06:25,366 Not to harm her, uh, as she laid on this table 126 00:06:25,386 --> 00:06:28,053 And experiments were done on her, 127 00:06:28,280 --> 00:06:32,782 Like a needle being inserted into her stomach. 128 00:06:32,876 --> 00:06:35,452 Barney relates a number of skin samples 129 00:06:35,470 --> 00:06:37,896 And sperm being taken from him. 130 00:06:39,124 --> 00:06:40,473 Jason martell: The beings described 131 00:06:40,567 --> 00:06:41,716 By betty and barney hill 132 00:06:41,810 --> 00:06:44,461 Fit the classic case of a grey. 133 00:06:44,554 --> 00:06:46,129 Now, there are variations to size 134 00:06:46,148 --> 00:06:47,739 And dimensions of these beings, 135 00:06:47,966 --> 00:06:49,983 But they all seem to have the same characteristics. 136 00:06:50,077 --> 00:06:52,135 Slim, spindly bodies. 137 00:06:52,154 --> 00:06:54,154 Large oval heads. 138 00:06:54,248 --> 00:06:56,581 Large oversized eyes. 139 00:06:58,994 --> 00:07:01,569 Narrator: In the years since their reported abduction, 140 00:07:01,588 --> 00:07:03,496 Betty and barney hill's encounter 141 00:07:03,590 --> 00:07:05,498 Has become legendary. 142 00:07:05,592 --> 00:07:09,319 But what was not well-known was that betty and barney hill 143 00:07:09,412 --> 00:07:11,504 Were not the only members of their family 144 00:07:11,657 --> 00:07:13,598 Who have been abducted. 145 00:07:13,825 --> 00:07:17,436 Betty hill was my aunt, my mother's sister. 146 00:07:17,663 --> 00:07:21,273 Something that we have never revealed before 147 00:07:21,500 --> 00:07:26,594 Is that my mother had a close encounter in 1958. 148 00:07:26,688 --> 00:07:30,356 She saw this huge cigar-shaped craft 149 00:07:30,451 --> 00:07:33,452 Hovering over a field. 150 00:07:33,679 --> 00:07:37,122 She had no explanation for what had happened 151 00:07:37,349 --> 00:07:38,439 As far as she knew. 152 00:07:38,459 --> 00:07:42,202 She had gone shopping, and she had driven home. 153 00:07:42,354 --> 00:07:46,039 My mother eventually underwent hypnosis, 154 00:07:46,133 --> 00:07:48,616 And through hypnosis, 155 00:07:48,635 --> 00:07:51,619 She recalled having been abducted, 156 00:07:51,638 --> 00:07:53,287 As well. 157 00:07:53,381 --> 00:07:56,624 And I also had this uncanny 158 00:07:56,718 --> 00:07:58,810 Sort of dreamlike experience 159 00:07:58,962 --> 00:08:02,205 Of being taken to a craft. 160 00:08:03,299 --> 00:08:06,893 It appears that this is generational in my family. 161 00:08:06,987 --> 00:08:08,803 My aunt betty was taken, 162 00:08:08,897 --> 00:08:10,655 My mother was taken, 163 00:08:10,807 --> 00:08:14,618 And there's a good chance that I have been taken, as well. 164 00:08:16,813 --> 00:08:18,238 Narrator: Could it be 165 00:08:18,332 --> 00:08:20,815 That extraterrestrial beings are abducting 166 00:08:20,909 --> 00:08:22,408 Not only individuals 167 00:08:22,503 --> 00:08:24,227 But also families? 168 00:08:24,246 --> 00:08:27,413 And if so, why? 169 00:08:27,566 --> 00:08:30,992 Nick pope: It seems that specific bloodlines 170 00:08:31,011 --> 00:08:32,585 Are involved here. 171 00:08:32,738 --> 00:08:34,571 And if that's the case, 172 00:08:34,589 --> 00:08:37,849 It raises the intriguing possibility 173 00:08:38,001 --> 00:08:41,502 That the extraterrestrials are interested in human biology, 174 00:08:41,522 --> 00:08:45,415 That they are monitoring specific genetic lines 175 00:08:45,433 --> 00:08:47,317 For some purpose. 176 00:08:50,422 --> 00:08:53,423 One of the most important factors I consider 177 00:08:53,441 --> 00:08:56,350 When it comes to evaluating a ufo encounter 178 00:08:56,444 --> 00:08:59,538 Is how credible is the witness? 179 00:08:59,689 --> 00:09:03,542 And to me, there is no better expert than a pilot 180 00:09:03,769 --> 00:09:06,378 When it comes to reporting on a flying craft. 181 00:09:06,605 --> 00:09:10,940 The next encounter on my list took place in 1947 182 00:09:11,034 --> 00:09:14,344 And helped launch the modern ufo era. 183 00:09:15,556 --> 00:09:19,391 Number eight: The kenneth arnold ufo sighting. 184 00:09:23,972 --> 00:09:25,730 Narrator: Washington state. 185 00:09:25,882 --> 00:09:30,460 June 24, 1947. 186 00:09:30,553 --> 00:09:33,630 Aviator and businessman kenneth arnold 187 00:09:33,723 --> 00:09:36,557 Is piloting a private plane near mount rainier 188 00:09:36,577 --> 00:09:39,819 When he suddenly spots nine fast-moving objects 189 00:09:39,913 --> 00:09:42,138 Flying in tandem. 190 00:09:42,157 --> 00:09:43,823 As he was flying around the mountain, 191 00:09:43,917 --> 00:09:45,141 He suddenly caught sight 192 00:09:45,160 --> 00:09:48,161 Of a squadron of strange-looking objects. 193 00:09:48,313 --> 00:09:50,547 He could not figure out what they were. 194 00:09:51,666 --> 00:09:53,833 Richard dolan: He was able to measure 195 00:09:53,985 --> 00:09:56,502 The speed that they were going at by... 196 00:09:56,655 --> 00:09:58,321 'cause he knew the distance between two particular peaks 197 00:09:58,414 --> 00:10:00,432 Which were about 15 miles apart. 198 00:10:00,583 --> 00:10:03,768 And he timed the passage of these objects by the peaks 199 00:10:03,995 --> 00:10:05,995 And came to something like 1,200 miles per hour, 200 00:10:06,089 --> 00:10:09,015 Which, in 1947, was just not done at all, 201 00:10:09,167 --> 00:10:11,425 Anywhere close to that. 202 00:10:11,445 --> 00:10:13,519 He later described the objects 203 00:10:13,614 --> 00:10:15,672 As being somewhat delta-shaped 204 00:10:15,765 --> 00:10:18,174 And flying as if you were to skip a saucer 205 00:10:18,193 --> 00:10:20,860 Across a body of water. 206 00:10:20,954 --> 00:10:23,104 And this gave rise to the term 207 00:10:23,123 --> 00:10:25,773 "flying saucer." 208 00:10:25,867 --> 00:10:27,459 Narrator: The u.S. Air force 209 00:10:27,686 --> 00:10:30,353 Formally categorized kenneth arnold's experience 210 00:10:30,446 --> 00:10:33,114 As a mirage, but it emboldened 211 00:10:33,133 --> 00:10:34,615 Others to come forward 212 00:10:34,709 --> 00:10:37,043 With their own unexplainable encounters, 213 00:10:37,137 --> 00:10:41,197 And a flurry of ufo reports quickly followed. 214 00:10:42,291 --> 00:10:46,369 When you look at the year 1947, the statistics are 215 00:10:46,388 --> 00:10:48,554 That there were at least 800 reports 216 00:10:48,649 --> 00:10:51,298 To police and airports 217 00:10:51,393 --> 00:10:53,985 Of people saying that they were seeing something in the sky 218 00:10:54,212 --> 00:10:55,654 And they didn't know what it was. 219 00:10:55,805 --> 00:10:57,471 It was actually required that all officers 220 00:10:57,565 --> 00:10:59,157 Fill out a form if they saw anything 221 00:10:59,308 --> 00:11:01,567 That might be regarded as a ufo or a flying saucer. 222 00:11:01,662 --> 00:11:04,645 And in addition to that, they were told not to discuss 223 00:11:04,665 --> 00:11:06,498 Their sighting or what was on their report 224 00:11:06,725 --> 00:11:08,667 With anyone. 225 00:11:08,894 --> 00:11:11,152 Narrator: Kenneth arnold's encounter 226 00:11:11,171 --> 00:11:15,006 Marked the beginning of the modern ufo era, 227 00:11:15,233 --> 00:11:17,417 But there are also those who believe it gave rise 228 00:11:17,569 --> 00:11:19,678 To a massive government cover-up. 229 00:11:20,663 --> 00:11:24,516 We became aware in the '40s... 230 00:11:25,744 --> 00:11:28,353 ...Of these extraterrestrial biological entities 231 00:11:28,580 --> 00:11:31,097 And that the government's been trying to hide it 232 00:11:31,249 --> 00:11:33,358 For all of these decades... 233 00:11:34,586 --> 00:11:37,587 ...And that the same question of intent 234 00:11:37,680 --> 00:11:39,088 And agenda 235 00:11:39,182 --> 00:11:41,607 And exactly who from where and why 236 00:11:41,702 --> 00:11:44,536 Are the same questions today. 237 00:11:50,043 --> 00:11:53,378 On October 13, 1917, a huge crowd gathered, 238 00:11:53,529 --> 00:11:56,197 Over 30,000 people in a small town in portugal 239 00:11:56,216 --> 00:11:58,550 Witnessed an incredible event 240 00:11:58,701 --> 00:12:01,035 That the catholic church declared to be 241 00:12:01,129 --> 00:12:03,555 Of supernatural character. 242 00:12:03,706 --> 00:12:06,282 At the center of the event were three children 243 00:12:06,301 --> 00:12:09,969 Who, for months, had reported receiving messages 244 00:12:10,121 --> 00:12:13,064 From a lady in the sky. 245 00:12:14,309 --> 00:12:18,311 Number seven on my countdown of the top alien encounters 246 00:12:18,463 --> 00:12:22,407 Is the miracle of the sun at fátima. 247 00:12:28,640 --> 00:12:30,156 Narrator: Fátima, portugal. 248 00:12:30,308 --> 00:12:33,084 May 1917. 249 00:12:33,311 --> 00:12:36,312 Three young children walking through a sheep pasture 250 00:12:36,331 --> 00:12:38,239 Are stopped in their tracks 251 00:12:38,258 --> 00:12:41,092 By what appears to be a glowing angel. 252 00:12:42,988 --> 00:12:44,988 As the figure begins to speak, 253 00:12:45,006 --> 00:12:48,099 They believe she is the holy virgin mary 254 00:12:48,251 --> 00:12:52,495 Sent to deliver a very important message. 255 00:12:52,588 --> 00:12:55,014 Childress: These three children 256 00:12:55,108 --> 00:12:59,352 Claimed that they were visited by the virgin mary, 257 00:12:59,504 --> 00:13:01,262 Who appeared to them in the sky 258 00:13:01,356 --> 00:13:04,690 And told them that she had 259 00:13:04,843 --> 00:13:07,268 Certain prophecies for them 260 00:13:07,287 --> 00:13:09,770 And that over the next six months, 261 00:13:09,790 --> 00:13:13,182 She would return to them and give them 262 00:13:13,201 --> 00:13:14,125 These prophecies. 263 00:13:14,352 --> 00:13:17,370 And so on the-the 13th of each month, 264 00:13:17,522 --> 00:13:19,522 These three children 265 00:13:19,541 --> 00:13:22,467 Would gather on this hillside in fátima, 266 00:13:22,694 --> 00:13:25,194 And, according to them, the virgin mary 267 00:13:25,213 --> 00:13:28,932 Would appear to them and tell them these stories. 268 00:13:31,645 --> 00:13:33,978 Narrator: During one of these visits, 269 00:13:34,130 --> 00:13:36,815 The children claimed that the apparition told them 270 00:13:37,042 --> 00:13:38,891 She would return to perform a miracle 271 00:13:38,985 --> 00:13:42,136 On October 13th. 272 00:13:42,155 --> 00:13:44,656 They reported the encounter to the local catholic bishop, 273 00:13:44,807 --> 00:13:48,401 And on October 13, 1917, 274 00:13:48,495 --> 00:13:52,664 Over 30,000 people gathered to witness the event. 275 00:13:52,815 --> 00:13:54,982 A huge crowd gathered, 276 00:13:55,001 --> 00:13:59,062 And they said that they witnessed, 277 00:13:59,155 --> 00:14:02,507 Uh, the sun moving in the sky. 278 00:14:02,658 --> 00:14:05,401 Imbrogno: They saw the sun spinning like a disk 279 00:14:05,420 --> 00:14:07,403 And then coming down to the planet earth, 280 00:14:07,422 --> 00:14:09,013 And people got very frightened. 281 00:14:09,165 --> 00:14:11,015 Narrator: The incident 282 00:14:11,242 --> 00:14:13,926 Was labeled an event of supernatural character 283 00:14:14,079 --> 00:14:16,596 By the catholic church. 284 00:14:16,690 --> 00:14:19,340 But as far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, 285 00:14:19,359 --> 00:14:23,862 It was a very different type of otherworldly encounter. 286 00:14:25,181 --> 00:14:27,848 This whole event took place for eight minutes, 287 00:14:27,868 --> 00:14:30,017 Not eight seconds. 288 00:14:30,111 --> 00:14:32,278 They had time to look it. 289 00:14:32,430 --> 00:14:34,113 It was not the sun. 290 00:14:34,265 --> 00:14:36,541 It was a ufo because it turned, 291 00:14:36,692 --> 00:14:39,435 It changed its color all the time. 292 00:14:39,454 --> 00:14:42,863 This object appeared in the sky in front of the sun, I believe. 293 00:14:42,957 --> 00:14:44,457 I read all the reports. 294 00:14:44,609 --> 00:14:47,793 And colors of light spread out 295 00:14:47,946 --> 00:14:50,796 From the object to the ground. 296 00:14:50,949 --> 00:14:54,058 To me, it indicates contact 297 00:14:54,210 --> 00:14:56,895 With an extraterrestrial intelligence. 298 00:14:59,457 --> 00:15:01,900 Encounters reported by a group of people 299 00:15:02,127 --> 00:15:05,069 Can make strange sightings hard to deny. 300 00:15:05,296 --> 00:15:07,980 And when a ufo sighting is reported 301 00:15:08,133 --> 00:15:11,817 By thousands of residents of a major metropolitan city, 302 00:15:11,912 --> 00:15:13,394 In my opinion, 303 00:15:13,413 --> 00:15:16,155 That's about as undeniable as it gets. 304 00:15:17,400 --> 00:15:21,327 The number six alien encounter on my top ten countdown: 305 00:15:21,479 --> 00:15:23,588 The phoenix lights. 306 00:15:29,821 --> 00:15:31,821 Narrator: Henderson, nevada. 307 00:15:31,839 --> 00:15:35,174 March 13, 1997. 308 00:15:35,268 --> 00:15:37,343 At 6:55 p.M., 309 00:15:37,495 --> 00:15:39,512 Local police receive a report 310 00:15:39,664 --> 00:15:42,756 Of a massive v-shaped object traveling southeast 311 00:15:42,776 --> 00:15:44,943 Across the night sky. 312 00:15:45,094 --> 00:15:46,836 Over the next three hours, 313 00:15:46,854 --> 00:15:49,839 The craft is witnessed by thousands of people 314 00:15:49,857 --> 00:15:51,950 As it journeys down through arizona 315 00:15:52,101 --> 00:15:54,285 And into sonora, mexico. 316 00:15:54,512 --> 00:15:57,288 With most of the reports coming from phoenix 317 00:15:57,515 --> 00:16:00,366 As well as photographs and video footage, 318 00:16:00,518 --> 00:16:04,445 The incident becomes known as the phoenix lights. 319 00:16:04,464 --> 00:16:06,947 Dolan: The entire city of phoenix was able to see 320 00:16:06,967 --> 00:16:10,042 This half-a-mile-long display of lights over the city 321 00:16:10,195 --> 00:16:12,195 In a very, very distinctive pattern. 322 00:16:12,213 --> 00:16:14,955 It was a triangularish-shaped object 323 00:16:14,975 --> 00:16:17,700 Seen very reliably 324 00:16:17,793 --> 00:16:20,203 By quite a large number of witnesses. 325 00:16:20,221 --> 00:16:23,055 Who's our best witness to that? 326 00:16:23,149 --> 00:16:25,208 The best one? 327 00:16:25,226 --> 00:16:28,486 Governor fife symington of arizona. 328 00:16:28,637 --> 00:16:31,397 As a pilot and a former air force officer, 329 00:16:31,491 --> 00:16:35,051 I can definitively say that this craft did not resemble 330 00:16:35,069 --> 00:16:37,144 Any man-made object that I'd ever seen. 331 00:16:37,163 --> 00:16:39,222 Birnes: He says, "yeah, I really did see the ufo." 332 00:16:39,240 --> 00:16:41,574 And he describes it. He actually was 333 00:16:41,726 --> 00:16:44,168 Maybe a hundred feet away from that flying triangle 334 00:16:44,395 --> 00:16:47,079 And could see through it and the stars above. 335 00:16:47,173 --> 00:16:50,008 Dolan: Governor symington was a qualified pilot 336 00:16:50,159 --> 00:16:52,235 And in the air force reserve, as well. 337 00:16:52,253 --> 00:16:54,328 I think he knew what he was seeing. 338 00:16:54,347 --> 00:16:56,255 But some of these other witnesses said, 339 00:16:56,349 --> 00:16:58,090 "yeah, I could've almost thrown a baseball and hit it, 340 00:16:58,243 --> 00:17:00,667 It was that low over the... Over our heads." 341 00:17:00,687 --> 00:17:02,411 Narrator: The governor of arizona 342 00:17:02,505 --> 00:17:05,023 Described a strange, triangular ufo 343 00:17:05,174 --> 00:17:07,025 That appeared translucent, 344 00:17:07,252 --> 00:17:11,178 Camouflaging itself amidst the star field above. 345 00:17:12,423 --> 00:17:15,258 Birnes: They were seen by hundreds of people. 346 00:17:15,276 --> 00:17:18,369 But when they looked between the lights, 347 00:17:18,596 --> 00:17:22,523 What they could see were the stars. 348 00:17:22,542 --> 00:17:26,193 But it wasn't just the night sky as if there was nothing there. 349 00:17:26,212 --> 00:17:29,939 They were wavy as if something was getting in the way 350 00:17:29,957 --> 00:17:32,441 Of the direct light from the stars. 351 00:17:32,535 --> 00:17:35,678 So, it's stealth. It's camouflaged. 352 00:17:38,633 --> 00:17:41,117 Narrator: Camouflaged? 353 00:17:41,135 --> 00:17:43,561 Could the descriptions of the phoenix lights 354 00:17:43,712 --> 00:17:46,046 Indicate that witnesses were observing 355 00:17:46,066 --> 00:17:48,900 Some type of stealth alien technology 356 00:17:49,051 --> 00:17:50,643 That, whether intentional or not, 357 00:17:50,795 --> 00:17:53,646 Momentarily revealed itself? 358 00:17:53,740 --> 00:17:55,573 And if so, 359 00:17:55,724 --> 00:17:58,743 Could there be far more extraterrestrial aircraft 360 00:17:58,894 --> 00:18:02,229 In our skies than we ever imagined? 361 00:18:02,323 --> 00:18:03,989 People think of disclosure 362 00:18:04,084 --> 00:18:07,993 As being the archetypal landing on the white house lawn. 363 00:18:08,146 --> 00:18:11,831 What if aliens are already here 364 00:18:11,983 --> 00:18:14,408 And then disclosure, 365 00:18:14,427 --> 00:18:15,985 Open first contact 366 00:18:16,078 --> 00:18:19,263 Is the day when they reveal themselves? 367 00:18:25,830 --> 00:18:27,438 People often ask me, 368 00:18:27,665 --> 00:18:29,423 "why aren't there any ufo sightings 369 00:18:29,517 --> 00:18:31,609 Before the 20th century?" 370 00:18:31,836 --> 00:18:34,520 And my answer is, "of course there were." 371 00:18:34,672 --> 00:18:36,114 History is filled with alien encounter stories. 372 00:18:36,341 --> 00:18:38,765 But our ancestors didn't have the words 373 00:18:38,860 --> 00:18:41,010 Like "aliens" and "ufos," 374 00:18:41,028 --> 00:18:43,179 And, of course, this was long before 375 00:18:43,197 --> 00:18:45,014 They had built flying machines. 376 00:18:45,032 --> 00:18:47,107 What their stories describe 377 00:18:47,127 --> 00:18:50,944 Is what I call misunderstood technology, 378 00:18:50,964 --> 00:18:53,280 Like this ufo sighting that took place 379 00:18:53,299 --> 00:18:55,374 In the fourth century ad 380 00:18:55,526 --> 00:18:58,302 And forever altered the course of humanity. 381 00:18:59,547 --> 00:19:01,472 Number five on my countdown: 382 00:19:01,624 --> 00:19:03,641 Constantine's vision. 383 00:19:07,889 --> 00:19:10,556 Narrator: Rome. 384 00:19:10,708 --> 00:19:15,378 October 27, 312 ad. 385 00:19:15,396 --> 00:19:18,714 At the milvian bridge on the north side of the city, 386 00:19:18,733 --> 00:19:19,973 Deposed emperor constantine 387 00:19:19,993 --> 00:19:23,402 Prepares to reclaim his throne from maxentius. 388 00:19:23,554 --> 00:19:25,329 In the sky, 389 00:19:25,481 --> 00:19:29,292 He witnesses what he believes is a divine vision. 390 00:19:31,171 --> 00:19:33,913 Constantine and his followers 391 00:19:34,007 --> 00:19:35,673 Saw in the sky 392 00:19:35,824 --> 00:19:37,991 What their chroniclers say 393 00:19:38,085 --> 00:19:43,347 Was a huge, white, fiery cross. 394 00:19:45,685 --> 00:19:49,002 Now, his followers didn't know what to make of this, 395 00:19:49,096 --> 00:19:51,247 But constantine decided 396 00:19:51,340 --> 00:19:53,482 That this was the christian cross. 397 00:19:54,677 --> 00:19:57,195 At that point, he made a vow to christ 398 00:19:57,346 --> 00:19:58,863 That if he won the battle, 399 00:19:59,014 --> 00:20:02,425 He would convert to christianity for good, 400 00:20:02,518 --> 00:20:05,094 And he would make christianity 401 00:20:05,187 --> 00:20:08,431 The state religion of the roman empire. 402 00:20:08,524 --> 00:20:10,766 William bramley: The vision of constantine 403 00:20:10,785 --> 00:20:12,376 Was extremely significant. 404 00:20:12,603 --> 00:20:14,620 They thought it was some kind of message. 405 00:20:14,772 --> 00:20:18,007 "fight this battle and establish this form of christianity." 406 00:20:19,277 --> 00:20:20,793 Kathleen mcgowan coppens: Constantine feels, 407 00:20:20,887 --> 00:20:23,704 After viewing this extraordinary sign from the heavens, 408 00:20:23,723 --> 00:20:26,449 This lighted cross in the sky, 409 00:20:26,467 --> 00:20:28,559 That he will go forth the next day, 410 00:20:28,711 --> 00:20:31,120 And he will conquer the roman empire. 411 00:20:31,138 --> 00:20:33,231 And this is exactly what he does. 412 00:20:34,459 --> 00:20:36,959 This vision becomes 413 00:20:36,978 --> 00:20:40,238 One of the crucial turning points in human history. 414 00:20:44,059 --> 00:20:46,577 Narrator: Constantine's victory at the milvian bridge 415 00:20:46,729 --> 00:20:48,562 Was the first step in christianity 416 00:20:48,581 --> 00:20:51,082 Becoming europe's dominant religion, 417 00:20:51,233 --> 00:20:54,585 And the world was changed forever. 418 00:20:56,664 --> 00:20:59,315 But was the cross-shaped object 419 00:20:59,333 --> 00:21:01,575 Constantine claimed to have seen in the sky 420 00:21:01,669 --> 00:21:04,336 Really a sign from god? 421 00:21:04,430 --> 00:21:08,582 Or might it have been some other extraordinary force? 422 00:21:08,676 --> 00:21:11,494 Bramley: It looked like the shape of a cross, but the shape 423 00:21:11,512 --> 00:21:14,497 Of a cross could have been airplane-type objects 424 00:21:14,515 --> 00:21:16,332 Because the fuselage and the wings will look like a cross 425 00:21:16,425 --> 00:21:17,349 To somebody who's looking up. 426 00:21:17,443 --> 00:21:18,943 And, of course, they had no concept 427 00:21:19,094 --> 00:21:21,186 Of these things back then. 428 00:21:21,281 --> 00:21:24,598 Tsoukalos: Now, it was not just constantine's vision 429 00:21:24,692 --> 00:21:26,342 Because it is described 430 00:21:26,360 --> 00:21:28,844 That the army of constantine 431 00:21:28,937 --> 00:21:31,789 Also saw something up in the sky. 432 00:21:31,940 --> 00:21:34,850 Pope: This was a pivotal moment. 433 00:21:34,869 --> 00:21:37,703 The adoption of christianity 434 00:21:37,797 --> 00:21:41,206 As the official religion really changed the world, 435 00:21:41,301 --> 00:21:45,027 And that's now a large part of the world we live in. 436 00:21:45,046 --> 00:21:46,862 Narrator: Is it possible 437 00:21:46,881 --> 00:21:50,141 That a 1,700-year-old ufo encounter 438 00:21:50,292 --> 00:21:53,052 Was responsible for one of the greatest turning points 439 00:21:53,146 --> 00:21:55,054 In human history? 440 00:21:55,206 --> 00:21:56,630 So, the question is 441 00:21:56,649 --> 00:21:59,800 Is this one of the earliest ufo encounters 442 00:21:59,894 --> 00:22:01,377 That we have on record? 443 00:22:01,395 --> 00:22:03,779 And, in my opinion, yes, it is. 444 00:22:06,567 --> 00:22:08,308 Remember when I said earlier 445 00:22:08,328 --> 00:22:10,569 That the case of betty and barney hill 446 00:22:10,721 --> 00:22:13,739 Was the first alien abduction ever reported? 447 00:22:13,891 --> 00:22:16,559 Well, that's because the term "alien abduction" 448 00:22:16,652 --> 00:22:19,653 Did not exist thousands of years ago. 449 00:22:19,672 --> 00:22:23,323 In fact, one of the most compelling abduction accounts 450 00:22:23,417 --> 00:22:25,584 I've ever read is ancient 451 00:22:25,678 --> 00:22:28,904 And can be found in a text that might surprise you: 452 00:22:28,923 --> 00:22:30,681 The holy bible. 453 00:22:31,926 --> 00:22:33,759 Number four on my countdown: 454 00:22:33,853 --> 00:22:36,145 Elijah's chariot. 455 00:22:38,766 --> 00:22:39,932 Narrator: Northern israel. 456 00:22:40,026 --> 00:22:43,677 The ninth century bc. 457 00:22:43,696 --> 00:22:47,514 According to old testament texts found in the hebrew bible, 458 00:22:47,533 --> 00:22:50,534 It was here that the prophet elijah 459 00:22:50,761 --> 00:22:54,597 Had several encounters with both angels and god 460 00:22:54,615 --> 00:22:56,949 During which he was given prophetic warnings 461 00:22:57,101 --> 00:23:00,360 Of drought and cataclysm. 462 00:23:00,380 --> 00:23:02,955 One of the most important, uh, prophets 463 00:23:03,049 --> 00:23:05,716 In-in israelite tradition, of course, is-is elijah. 464 00:23:06,886 --> 00:23:09,870 Elijah predicts some rough things coming, 465 00:23:09,889 --> 00:23:11,947 And, of course, they do. 466 00:23:11,966 --> 00:23:14,967 There is a very special role 467 00:23:15,119 --> 00:23:16,969 In communicating god's designs 468 00:23:17,121 --> 00:23:19,230 And sometimes his condemnation. 469 00:23:19,381 --> 00:23:23,359 So, elijah is met with rather divine-like figures. 470 00:23:24,553 --> 00:23:27,220 Narrator: In his final encounter with god, 471 00:23:27,314 --> 00:23:30,557 It is written that elijah is met by a chariot of fire 472 00:23:30,576 --> 00:23:32,076 And horses of fire 473 00:23:32,303 --> 00:23:35,579 That take him up to heaven in a whirlwind. 474 00:23:35,731 --> 00:23:37,156 Patrick cooke: Elijah's experience 475 00:23:37,308 --> 00:23:41,160 Details a spinning object 476 00:23:41,312 --> 00:23:43,921 Or a whirlwind that came over him 477 00:23:44,072 --> 00:23:46,072 And a chariot of fire. 478 00:23:46,167 --> 00:23:47,332 So, the question is 479 00:23:47,485 --> 00:23:49,835 Was it the chariot of fire that was spinning? 480 00:23:49,987 --> 00:23:51,077 Or was it 481 00:23:51,097 --> 00:23:55,674 A beam that came down and took him up? 482 00:23:55,826 --> 00:23:57,843 It's not a far stretch to say that this was 483 00:23:57,937 --> 00:24:02,756 An actually, uh, spinning object that was above him 484 00:24:02,850 --> 00:24:04,925 That took him up into it. 485 00:24:05,019 --> 00:24:08,094 Redfern: Could the-the fire have been some sort of engine? 486 00:24:08,114 --> 00:24:09,613 When he's taken up in a whirlwind, 487 00:24:09,765 --> 00:24:12,174 You know, you only have to look at, for example, 488 00:24:12,193 --> 00:24:14,285 -When the space shuttle takes to the skies. -Man: Four, three, two... 489 00:24:16,772 --> 00:24:18,363 Redfern: You know, you have these rumbling, 490 00:24:18,516 --> 00:24:21,350 Roaring jet flames, et cetera, et cetera. 491 00:24:21,443 --> 00:24:22,626 If you look at it in that context, 492 00:24:22,778 --> 00:24:26,630 You could really place this into a ufo category. 493 00:24:28,209 --> 00:24:31,284 Cooke: Definitely, these are, uh, characteristics 494 00:24:31,378 --> 00:24:33,637 That we see of abductions 495 00:24:33,789 --> 00:24:35,797 Where people are taken up into objects. 496 00:24:36,884 --> 00:24:39,384 Narrator: Could it be that a story found 497 00:24:39,537 --> 00:24:41,720 In one of the earliest books of the hebrew bible 498 00:24:41,872 --> 00:24:43,539 Is, in fact, 499 00:24:43,632 --> 00:24:45,374 An account of an alien abduction 500 00:24:45,467 --> 00:24:48,727 That occurred thousands of years ago? 501 00:24:48,879 --> 00:24:51,063 And if so, what might it reveal 502 00:24:51,215 --> 00:24:55,308 About extraterrestrial intervention on earth? 503 00:24:55,328 --> 00:24:57,661 Rabbi ariel bar tzadok: We see from the biblical record 504 00:24:57,888 --> 00:25:01,165 That mankind has a purpose and a destiny. 505 00:25:01,316 --> 00:25:03,058 There clearly are extraterrestrials, 506 00:25:03,077 --> 00:25:06,395 And they are clearly interacting with us 507 00:25:06,413 --> 00:25:09,748 And guiding us and directing humanity 508 00:25:09,900 --> 00:25:13,677 Towards this predestined end. 509 00:25:19,593 --> 00:25:22,168 When it comes to alien abduction reports, 510 00:25:22,188 --> 00:25:25,247 Most rely on the testimony of the abductees themselves. 511 00:25:25,266 --> 00:25:29,935 It's very rare for an abduction to be witnessed by anybody else. 512 00:25:30,029 --> 00:25:34,014 But in this next case, there were multiple witnesses 513 00:25:34,033 --> 00:25:37,183 Who saw the abduction as it happened. 514 00:25:37,203 --> 00:25:39,278 This is one of the most fascinating 515 00:25:39,430 --> 00:25:41,372 And famous accounts on record. 516 00:25:42,616 --> 00:25:46,618 Number three on my list of the top ten alien encounters: 517 00:25:46,771 --> 00:25:49,838 The travis walton abduction. 518 00:25:52,443 --> 00:25:56,387 Narrator: The apache-sitgreaves national forest, arizona. 519 00:25:57,557 --> 00:26:01,183 November 5, 1975. 520 00:26:02,395 --> 00:26:06,046 22-year-old forestry worker travis walton 521 00:26:06,140 --> 00:26:09,808 Is driving home after sundown along with six coworkers 522 00:26:09,902 --> 00:26:13,571 When suddenly, a strange light appears in the sky. 523 00:26:13,722 --> 00:26:16,056 We'd just finished a long, hard day, 524 00:26:16,075 --> 00:26:17,074 And it was starting to get dark. 525 00:26:17,225 --> 00:26:19,318 So, uh, we loaded up our equipment. 526 00:26:19,470 --> 00:26:20,393 We were headed home. 527 00:26:20,413 --> 00:26:22,580 And I noticed, uh, 528 00:26:22,731 --> 00:26:25,249 Some little glimmers of light coming through the trees, 529 00:26:25,400 --> 00:26:27,810 And the light seemed to be coming 530 00:26:27,828 --> 00:26:30,479 From higher than where ground level would be. 531 00:26:30,497 --> 00:26:34,258 It was only when we got to where this light 532 00:26:34,409 --> 00:26:35,426 Was crossing the road 533 00:26:35,653 --> 00:26:38,762 That we had an unobstructed view of the craft. 534 00:26:38,989 --> 00:26:41,247 Allen dalis in the back yelled out, 535 00:26:41,342 --> 00:26:42,916 "it's a flying saucer!" 536 00:26:43,010 --> 00:26:44,751 And I said, "mike, stop." 537 00:26:44,770 --> 00:26:46,086 (tires screech) 538 00:26:46,180 --> 00:26:48,997 It was a clearly visible, 539 00:26:49,091 --> 00:26:51,942 Clearly defined metallic object, 540 00:26:52,094 --> 00:26:55,095 A disc, hovering there, outlined against the sky. 541 00:26:55,114 --> 00:26:57,189 I threw open the door, 542 00:26:57,283 --> 00:26:59,950 Thinking I'd get a closer look before it took off. 543 00:27:00,177 --> 00:27:02,786 As I got closer to it, the sound it was making, 544 00:27:03,013 --> 00:27:06,031 It was a sound you-you both heard and felt. 545 00:27:06,125 --> 00:27:08,367 And, uh, the crew said 546 00:27:08,461 --> 00:27:11,036 They could feel the vibration in the truck. 547 00:27:12,206 --> 00:27:16,525 They said it seemed like something was about to happen. 548 00:27:16,543 --> 00:27:19,361 (chuckles): And it was. 549 00:27:19,380 --> 00:27:22,956 That's when this energy hit me. 550 00:27:22,975 --> 00:27:26,977 The crew said that it was like I'd stepped on a land mine. 551 00:27:28,147 --> 00:27:30,539 Like an explosion 552 00:27:30,632 --> 00:27:33,466 So violent that, uh, they thought 553 00:27:33,560 --> 00:27:34,777 It, uh, it had killed me. 554 00:27:35,804 --> 00:27:39,715 When this beam of energy hit me, 555 00:27:39,733 --> 00:27:42,326 I felt like a physical blow, 556 00:27:42,477 --> 00:27:45,812 But with a sort of a tingling, sort of an electric shock 557 00:27:45,831 --> 00:27:48,407 Sort of feeling at the same time. 558 00:27:48,559 --> 00:27:52,836 I don't know whether I came to soon after I was taken aboard. 559 00:27:52,988 --> 00:27:55,731 But I know I was on 560 00:27:55,749 --> 00:27:58,917 Some kind of an elevated gurney or operating table. 561 00:27:59,011 --> 00:28:01,253 I was looking straight into the face of this creature, 562 00:28:01,405 --> 00:28:03,514 And I just flipped out. 563 00:28:05,167 --> 00:28:09,169 Pope: He saw these hideous entities that scared him. 564 00:28:09,188 --> 00:28:13,098 Maybe quite similar to the modern idea 565 00:28:13,250 --> 00:28:15,600 Of the so-called alien greys. 566 00:28:15,753 --> 00:28:18,862 And he fought, and he panicked. 567 00:28:20,090 --> 00:28:22,774 And then these aliens seemed to go away, 568 00:28:22,927 --> 00:28:24,943 And then their place was taken 569 00:28:25,095 --> 00:28:28,447 By much more humanlike aliens, 570 00:28:28,599 --> 00:28:30,449 And he calmed down. 571 00:28:30,543 --> 00:28:33,544 Walton: In the case of these human-looking ones, 572 00:28:33,771 --> 00:28:36,196 I started to have serious misgivings 573 00:28:36,290 --> 00:28:37,530 That this was a rescue. 574 00:28:37,550 --> 00:28:41,276 And that's when they put this mask over my face, 575 00:28:41,295 --> 00:28:43,178 And I just blacked out real quickly. 576 00:28:46,392 --> 00:28:47,707 Pope: Now, the suspicion here 577 00:28:47,727 --> 00:28:50,953 Was that, actually, these weren't different aliens. 578 00:28:50,971 --> 00:28:52,563 These were the same aliens, 579 00:28:52,790 --> 00:28:55,807 But they were capable of shape-shifting 580 00:28:55,901 --> 00:28:59,903 Into something else specifically to calm him down. 581 00:29:04,392 --> 00:29:05,391 Narrator: Crews searched everywhere 582 00:29:05,411 --> 00:29:07,469 For the missing forest worker. 583 00:29:08,639 --> 00:29:12,140 But it wasn't until five days later that walton 584 00:29:12,159 --> 00:29:15,586 Reappeared in a nearby town. 585 00:29:15,813 --> 00:29:19,481 I was lying facedown outside in the dark, 586 00:29:19,500 --> 00:29:21,759 And there was a light above me. 587 00:29:21,910 --> 00:29:24,428 And I saw the bottom of the craft there 588 00:29:24,579 --> 00:29:26,764 Right before it shot up into the sky. 589 00:29:30,085 --> 00:29:32,344 Narrator: When details of travis walton's close encounter 590 00:29:32,496 --> 00:29:34,754 Were revealed to authorities, 591 00:29:34,774 --> 00:29:39,109 They dismissed his account as a possible hallucination. 592 00:29:40,687 --> 00:29:42,854 But travis has no doubt 593 00:29:43,007 --> 00:29:45,857 That what he and his coworkers experienced 594 00:29:46,010 --> 00:29:49,435 Was a genuine extraterrestrial encounter. 595 00:29:49,530 --> 00:29:51,863 Walton: What no one asked 596 00:29:52,016 --> 00:29:54,533 Was, you know, "what about the rest of the crew?" 597 00:29:54,685 --> 00:29:57,443 How do seven people have an identical hallucination? 598 00:29:57,463 --> 00:29:58,962 And besides that, 599 00:29:59,189 --> 00:30:00,964 They were given lie detector tests 600 00:30:01,191 --> 00:30:03,859 By state police, which they passed. 601 00:30:03,877 --> 00:30:06,378 There's real-life things that occur out there 602 00:30:06,530 --> 00:30:08,713 That need to be understood. 603 00:30:08,808 --> 00:30:11,791 So, take a look at the facts a-and then judge. 604 00:30:11,811 --> 00:30:15,479 I don't know the purpose that they had. 605 00:30:15,630 --> 00:30:17,964 All I know is what happened to me. 606 00:30:17,983 --> 00:30:19,441 This was unmistakable. 607 00:30:25,491 --> 00:30:28,900 Every now and then, an encounter is so compelling 608 00:30:28,994 --> 00:30:32,404 That it turns skeptics into true believers. 609 00:30:32,498 --> 00:30:36,391 That's exactly what happened in the early 1970s 610 00:30:36,484 --> 00:30:39,319 When a nasa scientist set out 611 00:30:39,413 --> 00:30:41,487 To prove erich von daniken wrong. 612 00:30:41,582 --> 00:30:44,066 But, in fact, he ended up supporting 613 00:30:44,084 --> 00:30:46,068 One of erich's theories so strongly 614 00:30:46,161 --> 00:30:47,010 That he even wrote a book about it. 615 00:30:48,255 --> 00:30:50,088 Number two on my countdown: 616 00:30:50,182 --> 00:30:52,474 The wheels of ezekiel. 617 00:30:56,838 --> 00:30:58,930 Narrator: Northeast syria. 618 00:30:59,024 --> 00:31:01,917 The khabur river. 619 00:31:02,010 --> 00:31:04,269 According to the hebrew bible, 620 00:31:04,421 --> 00:31:07,589 It was here, in the sixth century bc, 621 00:31:07,608 --> 00:31:09,849 That divine beings descended from heaven 622 00:31:09,869 --> 00:31:11,927 And made contact 623 00:31:12,020 --> 00:31:15,780 With a hebrew priest named ezekiel. 624 00:31:15,875 --> 00:31:18,876 Ezekiel was by the river khabur, 625 00:31:19,027 --> 00:31:21,795 And he said a great whirlwind came toward him. 626 00:31:23,607 --> 00:31:26,216 He described it as a fire enfolding itself, 627 00:31:26,443 --> 00:31:27,792 And out of the fire 628 00:31:27,945 --> 00:31:29,961 Was the color of amber, 629 00:31:30,055 --> 00:31:32,614 Which is the hebrew word 630 00:31:32,633 --> 00:31:34,950 Which means "polished specter of metal," 631 00:31:34,968 --> 00:31:38,787 Which implies that it's metallic and that it's spinning. 632 00:31:38,880 --> 00:31:41,047 And it lands in front of him, 633 00:31:41,141 --> 00:31:44,142 And suddenly, out of this whirlwind 634 00:31:44,294 --> 00:31:46,069 Come four creatures. 635 00:31:48,298 --> 00:31:50,465 Narrator: In the bible, the prophet ezekiel 636 00:31:50,558 --> 00:31:53,818 Calls these spiritual beings cherubims 637 00:31:53,913 --> 00:31:57,822 And describes them as having four faces, four wings 638 00:31:57,917 --> 00:32:01,752 And skin that shone like polished bronze. 639 00:32:01,979 --> 00:32:04,737 Downing: Ezekiel says that he was taken up 640 00:32:04,757 --> 00:32:08,650 Into the sky and taken to different places 641 00:32:08,743 --> 00:32:10,594 Where he could see different things. 642 00:32:11,822 --> 00:32:13,822 And then he was told 643 00:32:13,915 --> 00:32:16,158 Some of the future things that were going to come. 644 00:32:16,251 --> 00:32:19,678 This was a huge image of hope 645 00:32:19,772 --> 00:32:23,589 That came to ezekiel during his experience. 646 00:32:23,609 --> 00:32:28,003 Narrator: But is this the story of a divine encounter? 647 00:32:28,096 --> 00:32:29,929 Or could ezekiel's description 648 00:32:29,949 --> 00:32:33,024 Of metallic wheels descending from the sky 649 00:32:33,118 --> 00:32:34,618 In a whirlwind of fire 650 00:32:34,845 --> 00:32:38,196 And strange beings with skin like polished bronze 651 00:32:38,290 --> 00:32:43,109 Point to a different type of otherworldly contact? 652 00:32:44,037 --> 00:32:46,521 He's got the best description of a ufo 653 00:32:46,540 --> 00:32:47,798 That's anywhere in the bible... 654 00:32:49,042 --> 00:32:51,635 ...Because he basically says 655 00:32:51,786 --> 00:32:54,805 That the thing looked like a wheel within a wheel, uh, 656 00:32:55,032 --> 00:32:58,058 Kind of a classic flying saucer description. 657 00:32:59,052 --> 00:33:00,811 Travis taylor: Ezekiel describes 658 00:33:01,038 --> 00:33:03,538 That the outside of the wheel doesn't spin. 659 00:33:03,631 --> 00:33:06,391 The inside of the wheel spins. 660 00:33:06,543 --> 00:33:09,236 So, he's telling us that's the engines. 661 00:33:10,897 --> 00:33:13,048 None of this necessarily has to be magic. 662 00:33:13,141 --> 00:33:15,383 This could all be technology. 663 00:33:15,477 --> 00:33:17,569 Coppens: It's basically the account 664 00:33:17,721 --> 00:33:20,998 Of a guy who's been abducted who has been told certain things 665 00:33:21,225 --> 00:33:23,742 And who's then returned to the place of origin. 666 00:33:23,894 --> 00:33:25,910 It would be what we today would describe 667 00:33:26,005 --> 00:33:27,337 As an abduction account. 668 00:33:29,583 --> 00:33:32,917 Narrator: Could it be that the prophet ezekiel's account 669 00:33:33,012 --> 00:33:36,013 Of a heavenly close encounter might have been something else? 670 00:33:36,240 --> 00:33:39,574 Perhaps one not involving heavenly beings 671 00:33:39,667 --> 00:33:43,928 But visitors of another interplanetary nature? 672 00:33:44,081 --> 00:33:47,432 This concept was put forth to the public 673 00:33:47,526 --> 00:33:51,586 By the ancient astronaut theory pioneer erich von daniken 674 00:33:51,605 --> 00:33:55,515 In his 1968 book chariots of the gods? 675 00:33:55,534 --> 00:33:57,517 And after hearing erich speak 676 00:33:57,611 --> 00:33:59,685 At a conference in the early 1970s, 677 00:33:59,780 --> 00:34:02,614 Nasa engineer josef blumrich 678 00:34:02,708 --> 00:34:06,668 Was determined to debunk his controversial interpretation. 679 00:34:07,788 --> 00:34:11,273 I had a speech at nasa in huntsville, 680 00:34:11,366 --> 00:34:14,700 And I spoke about ezekiel. 681 00:34:14,795 --> 00:34:17,962 And the chief engineer of that time, 682 00:34:18,057 --> 00:34:20,390 Mr. Joe blumrich, 683 00:34:20,542 --> 00:34:22,801 Came to me and said, "erich, this was very interesting. 684 00:34:22,895 --> 00:34:24,061 "but in the bible, 685 00:34:24,212 --> 00:34:26,805 You will definitely not find any technology." 686 00:34:26,899 --> 00:34:28,732 But he still said, 687 00:34:28,883 --> 00:34:31,810 "I will read originally in the bible ezekiel." 688 00:34:31,962 --> 00:34:34,979 Narrator: Blumrich set out to find flaws 689 00:34:35,074 --> 00:34:36,889 In von daniken's theory, 690 00:34:36,983 --> 00:34:39,392 But when he read the book of ezekiel, 691 00:34:39,411 --> 00:34:41,653 He was shocked to find himself agreeing 692 00:34:41,747 --> 00:34:43,914 With the controversial author. 693 00:34:45,142 --> 00:34:46,491 So much so, in fact, 694 00:34:46,643 --> 00:34:49,828 That he wrote a book called the spaceships of ezekiel 695 00:34:49,922 --> 00:34:52,147 In which he provided a blueprint 696 00:34:52,240 --> 00:34:54,149 For a practical landing module 697 00:34:54,167 --> 00:34:58,095 Based on the description found in the biblical story. 698 00:34:58,322 --> 00:35:00,488 Several years later, 699 00:35:00,507 --> 00:35:04,175 A german structural engineer named hans herbert beier 700 00:35:04,269 --> 00:35:05,936 Also sketched out a blueprint 701 00:35:06,163 --> 00:35:08,179 Of the second section of the book of ezekiel 702 00:35:08,273 --> 00:35:09,922 Where ezekiel is told 703 00:35:10,016 --> 00:35:11,591 To construct an open-topped building 704 00:35:11,685 --> 00:35:14,594 To house the flying chariot. 705 00:35:14,688 --> 00:35:16,521 Tsoukalos: Hans herbert beier 706 00:35:16,673 --> 00:35:19,023 Sent the blueprint to erich von daniken. 707 00:35:19,176 --> 00:35:23,695 Within five minutes of looking at these blueprints, 708 00:35:23,847 --> 00:35:26,698 Erich was on the phone with joe blumrich. 709 00:35:26,850 --> 00:35:29,351 And he said, "hey, joe, 710 00:35:29,369 --> 00:35:33,355 Can you bring a model of your spaceship of ezekiel?" 711 00:35:33,448 --> 00:35:35,615 And then he called hans herbert beier, 712 00:35:35,634 --> 00:35:38,284 And he said, "can you bring a model 713 00:35:38,303 --> 00:35:41,471 Of your construction of ezekiel's temple?" 714 00:35:41,623 --> 00:35:45,216 Both models were created to the same ratio. 715 00:35:45,310 --> 00:35:46,977 And guess what? 716 00:35:47,204 --> 00:35:52,207 Ezekiel's spaceship fit into the temple construction 717 00:35:52,300 --> 00:35:55,877 That hans herbert beier recreated 718 00:35:55,970 --> 00:35:58,822 According to the biblical measurements. 719 00:36:00,717 --> 00:36:04,386 Narrator: As far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, 720 00:36:04,404 --> 00:36:06,646 The biblical account of ezekiel 721 00:36:06,740 --> 00:36:08,573 Provides conclusive evidence 722 00:36:08,667 --> 00:36:10,742 Of an alien encounter. 723 00:36:10,836 --> 00:36:12,894 But more importantly, 724 00:36:12,987 --> 00:36:16,080 It may also reveal that for thousands of years, 725 00:36:16,175 --> 00:36:18,566 The destiny of humankind 726 00:36:18,585 --> 00:36:22,345 Has been directed by extraterrestrials. 727 00:36:29,188 --> 00:36:33,415 This may be one of the oldest alien encounter stories, 728 00:36:33,433 --> 00:36:36,342 But for me, it is still the most compelling. 729 00:36:36,361 --> 00:36:39,421 Written over 3,000 years ago, 730 00:36:39,439 --> 00:36:41,347 It was banned from the bible 731 00:36:41,366 --> 00:36:45,202 Because this ancient text describes in detail 732 00:36:45,353 --> 00:36:48,872 Humankind's extraterrestrial origins. 733 00:36:49,933 --> 00:36:52,951 My number one alien encounter: 734 00:36:53,045 --> 00:36:56,046 Enoch's ascent to heaven in a chariot of the gods. 735 00:37:01,461 --> 00:37:04,888 Narrator: Khirbet qumran, palestine. 736 00:37:05,115 --> 00:37:07,724 In 1946, 737 00:37:07,875 --> 00:37:09,784 A collection of ancient manuscripts 738 00:37:09,877 --> 00:37:11,803 Known as the dead sea scrolls 739 00:37:11,955 --> 00:37:13,713 Is discovered hidden in clay jars 740 00:37:13,807 --> 00:37:16,215 Deep inside a cave. 741 00:37:16,235 --> 00:37:17,883 Among the manuscripts 742 00:37:17,903 --> 00:37:19,627 Is the book of enoch, 743 00:37:19,646 --> 00:37:22,722 A so-called lost biblical text. 744 00:37:22,741 --> 00:37:24,908 In the bible's old testament, 745 00:37:25,059 --> 00:37:27,135 Enoch is the seventh of ten patriarchs 746 00:37:27,228 --> 00:37:29,471 Who lived before the great flood 747 00:37:29,564 --> 00:37:32,565 And the great-grandfather of noah. 748 00:37:32,584 --> 00:37:35,568 But where the hebrew bible only mentions enoch briefly, 749 00:37:35,587 --> 00:37:37,087 The book of enoch, 750 00:37:37,314 --> 00:37:39,497 Which consists of more than 100 chapters, 751 00:37:39,649 --> 00:37:42,092 Greatly expands on his story. 752 00:37:42,243 --> 00:37:45,578 In it is a curious passage 753 00:37:45,597 --> 00:37:48,323 That details enoch's ascent to heaven. 754 00:37:48,341 --> 00:37:50,325 Von daniken: According to the book of enoch, 755 00:37:50,343 --> 00:37:52,994 He says he was 12 years old. 756 00:37:53,013 --> 00:37:55,272 The whole community of his village wanted to sleep, 757 00:37:55,499 --> 00:37:58,090 But then they hear the noise in the sky. 758 00:37:58,110 --> 00:38:01,669 Two angels came down from the sky. 759 00:38:01,688 --> 00:38:03,596 One of the two beings said to enoch, 760 00:38:03,690 --> 00:38:05,282 "don't be afraid, human." 761 00:38:05,433 --> 00:38:08,860 Then they went up to the so-called heaven. 762 00:38:09,012 --> 00:38:11,195 William henry: And in the book of enoch, we learn 763 00:38:11,348 --> 00:38:14,774 Enoch himself is taken into the heavens in a fiery chariot. 764 00:38:14,793 --> 00:38:17,109 Von daniken: Enoch goes up to the so-called sky, 765 00:38:17,203 --> 00:38:18,962 And there enoch sees 766 00:38:19,113 --> 00:38:22,373 Something over the earth which he cannot describe. 767 00:38:22,526 --> 00:38:25,284 He has no word like "spaceship" or something. 768 00:38:25,304 --> 00:38:28,263 He says it looked like houses of crystal. 769 00:38:31,459 --> 00:38:33,551 Tsoukalos: It is described that he sees 770 00:38:33,703 --> 00:38:36,146 Planet earth underneath him. 771 00:38:36,297 --> 00:38:38,873 He actually describes his arrival, 772 00:38:38,892 --> 00:38:42,060 How he has to walk through these different rooms 773 00:38:42,154 --> 00:38:44,379 Where he sees 774 00:38:44,472 --> 00:38:46,639 Jewels and he sees shiny surfaces 775 00:38:46,733 --> 00:38:49,050 And blinking lights. 776 00:38:49,069 --> 00:38:51,386 It is an eyewitness account. 777 00:38:51,404 --> 00:38:54,739 It's, "I, enoch, did this. I, enoch, saw that." 778 00:38:54,833 --> 00:38:59,727 The book of enoch is one of the first abduction accounts 779 00:38:59,821 --> 00:39:03,581 Written down by a fellow human being. 780 00:39:03,675 --> 00:39:06,659 Narrator: Does the book of enoch really describe 781 00:39:06,753 --> 00:39:08,345 An actual abduction event? 782 00:39:08,496 --> 00:39:09,995 One that took place 783 00:39:10,090 --> 00:39:12,407 Thousands of years ago? 784 00:39:12,425 --> 00:39:13,999 And if so, 785 00:39:14,019 --> 00:39:16,744 Might this incredible close encounter 786 00:39:16,763 --> 00:39:18,671 Be documenting communication 787 00:39:18,765 --> 00:39:22,007 With otherworldly beings? 788 00:39:22,027 --> 00:39:23,585 Robert cargill: Enoch, he was said 789 00:39:23,603 --> 00:39:24,694 To be at the right hand of god. 790 00:39:24,921 --> 00:39:27,030 In fact, enoch was said to be god's scribe 791 00:39:27,181 --> 00:39:28,198 In later tradition. 792 00:39:28,349 --> 00:39:31,426 So, god would decree things, and enoch 793 00:39:31,444 --> 00:39:34,204 Was the one who recorded everything that went on. 794 00:39:35,374 --> 00:39:39,042 So, enoch was the keeper of all knowledge of heaven. 795 00:39:40,194 --> 00:39:41,360 Henry: This is one of the reasons 796 00:39:41,380 --> 00:39:44,439 Why the book of enoch is so controversial. 797 00:39:44,532 --> 00:39:47,867 Enoch was the first human to ascend 798 00:39:47,886 --> 00:39:49,719 To the throne of god, 799 00:39:49,871 --> 00:39:53,223 Where he is given powerful universal knowledge 800 00:39:53,374 --> 00:39:57,185 By angelic beings or extraterrestrial beings. 801 00:39:59,456 --> 00:40:01,639 Narrator: If enoch was given information 802 00:40:01,733 --> 00:40:05,235 From extraterrestrial beings to share with mankind 803 00:40:05,386 --> 00:40:08,071 As ancient astronaut theorists contend, 804 00:40:08,298 --> 00:40:10,890 What truths about our otherworldly past 805 00:40:10,909 --> 00:40:14,393 Might be waiting to be revealed? 806 00:40:14,413 --> 00:40:18,473 The extraterrestrials want that in a far future of mankind, 807 00:40:18,566 --> 00:40:21,251 We start to see these things. 808 00:40:21,402 --> 00:40:23,645 We start to translate these books. 809 00:40:23,738 --> 00:40:26,238 And now we start to ask questions. 810 00:40:26,258 --> 00:40:29,317 We start to ask, for example, how can we explain that? 811 00:40:29,335 --> 00:40:33,154 Have we maybe been visited by extraterrestrials? 812 00:40:33,173 --> 00:40:36,340 And I think it's important to think in this way, 813 00:40:36,435 --> 00:40:39,102 Because these extraterrestrials have promised to return. 814 00:40:40,163 --> 00:40:43,589 And one day, they will return. 815 00:40:43,608 --> 00:40:46,776 Pope: I was taught not to believe in coincidence. 816 00:40:46,928 --> 00:40:49,112 I was taught to look for patterns. 817 00:40:49,339 --> 00:40:51,281 When you have all these encounters, 818 00:40:51,432 --> 00:40:53,265 These sightings, 819 00:40:53,285 --> 00:40:57,287 These descriptions we have from biblical times onwards, 820 00:40:57,514 --> 00:40:59,622 It tells you there's something going on. 821 00:40:59,849 --> 00:41:01,791 Doesn't necessarily tell you what it is, 822 00:41:02,018 --> 00:41:04,294 But it tells you there's something there. 823 00:41:05,872 --> 00:41:08,539 Well, that concludes my list for now. 824 00:41:08,633 --> 00:41:11,375 But considering what is written in the book of enoch, 825 00:41:11,528 --> 00:41:14,212 Perhaps, as erich von daniken likes to say, 826 00:41:14,306 --> 00:41:18,457 The most important encounter of all is yet to come. 827 00:41:18,477 --> 00:41:20,310 Captioning provided by a+e networks