1 00:00:03,671 --> 00:00:05,487 Narrator: The human genome remains one of modern science's 2 00:00:05,581 --> 00:00:07,581 Greatest mysteries. 3 00:00:07,733 --> 00:00:08,841 Adam siepel: We still understand very little 4 00:00:08,992 --> 00:00:10,250 About our genetic history. 5 00:00:10,344 --> 00:00:14,238 Narrator: Are homo sapiens a miracle of nature? 6 00:00:14,256 --> 00:00:17,332 Or could there be another, more profound explanation? 7 00:00:17,426 --> 00:00:21,411 Linda moulton howe: The evolution of the humanoid primate on this planet 8 00:00:21,505 --> 00:00:24,097 Is because of the genetic manipulation 9 00:00:24,191 --> 00:00:26,416 Of extraterrestrial entities. 10 00:00:26,435 --> 00:00:29,753 Giorgio a. Tsoukalos: The more we look into our dna, 11 00:00:29,846 --> 00:00:33,348 We recognize that something happened. 12 00:00:33,367 --> 00:00:37,036 Narrator: Ancient astronaut theorist giorgio tsoukalos 13 00:00:37,187 --> 00:00:38,537 And author david childress 14 00:00:38,688 --> 00:00:43,024 Are meeting with experts in religion, science, and mythology 15 00:00:43,044 --> 00:00:47,788 For a provocative discussion on the truth behind the origin 16 00:00:47,882 --> 00:00:50,624 And future of mankind. 17 00:00:50,718 --> 00:00:53,443 Caroline cory: Extraterrestrials are trying to influence 18 00:00:53,462 --> 00:00:55,462 Our dna and upgrade it. 19 00:00:55,614 --> 00:00:57,614 Tsoukalos: I think earth has been 20 00:00:57,707 --> 00:00:59,975 A hybridization program all along. 21 00:01:02,638 --> 00:01:04,730 Narrator: There is a doorway 22 00:01:04,881 --> 00:01:07,791 In the universe. 23 00:01:07,884 --> 00:01:10,569 Beyond it is the promise of truth. 24 00:01:11,797 --> 00:01:13,980 It demands we question everything 25 00:01:14,133 --> 00:01:16,316 We have ever been taught. 26 00:01:16,410 --> 00:01:20,637 The evidence is all around us. 27 00:01:20,656 --> 00:01:23,990 The future is right before our eyes. 28 00:01:24,085 --> 00:01:26,810 We are not alone. 29 00:01:26,829 --> 00:01:30,172 We have never been alone. 30 00:01:37,098 --> 00:01:41,916 I'm excited to be here with you guys to talk about dna, 31 00:01:42,010 --> 00:01:43,827 Because the ancient astronaut theory 32 00:01:43,920 --> 00:01:46,605 For 50 years now has suggested 33 00:01:46,832 --> 00:01:51,259 That man and animal, they were essentially the same. 34 00:01:51,278 --> 00:01:54,504 But then, the so-called gods arrived, and they saw 35 00:01:54,523 --> 00:01:58,617 That one of these species had potential. 36 00:01:58,844 --> 00:02:02,103 And this is when they changed the genetic makeup 37 00:02:02,123 --> 00:02:05,273 In order to make us intelligent. 38 00:02:05,292 --> 00:02:08,443 Cory: I've been doing a lot of research about dna 39 00:02:08,462 --> 00:02:11,296 And I think we can see there's some sort of design. 40 00:02:11,448 --> 00:02:13,114 There's s-- there is intelligence 41 00:02:13,208 --> 00:02:15,634 Behind this whole creation. 42 00:02:15,785 --> 00:02:17,043 David childress: This is really interesting, because recently, 43 00:02:17,196 --> 00:02:21,140 Scientists have been able to start manipulating dna. 44 00:02:21,367 --> 00:02:25,869 Right, and the more we look into the science of our dna 45 00:02:25,962 --> 00:02:28,054 And into the science of evolution, 46 00:02:28,207 --> 00:02:31,541 We recognize that something happened. 47 00:02:31,635 --> 00:02:34,378 Something happened in our dna 48 00:02:34,396 --> 00:02:38,657 That cannot be explained away with just coincidence. 49 00:02:38,808 --> 00:02:40,308 Rabbi ariel bar tzadok: You remember in the bible, 50 00:02:40,402 --> 00:02:42,886 It says in genesis chapter one, 51 00:02:42,979 --> 00:02:45,906 "let us make man in our own image." 52 00:02:46,058 --> 00:02:48,575 Curious plural terminology. 53 00:02:48,727 --> 00:02:50,410 -William henry: Right. -Well, the ancients asked, 54 00:02:50,504 --> 00:02:52,396 "who is god talking to?" 55 00:02:52,414 --> 00:02:56,566 And the response was, he was talking to his angels. 56 00:02:56,585 --> 00:02:59,085 And if we understand in our modern terms 57 00:02:59,180 --> 00:03:01,996 That these angels might have been extraterrestrials, 58 00:03:02,016 --> 00:03:03,256 There you go. 59 00:03:03,350 --> 00:03:04,741 Right from the bible, 60 00:03:04,834 --> 00:03:06,743 You have a clear, definitive statement 61 00:03:06,762 --> 00:03:09,079 Of an extraterrestrial development of human dna. 62 00:03:09,097 --> 00:03:10,689 Henry: Absolutely. And dna holds 63 00:03:10,840 --> 00:03:12,441 Information but it's programmable. 64 00:03:15,087 --> 00:03:20,866 Narrator: Dna is the molecule that defines every living creature on earth. 65 00:03:21,093 --> 00:03:25,353 Dna is the molecule of life itself with a code, 66 00:03:25,372 --> 00:03:27,873 A molecule with a code on it. 67 00:03:28,100 --> 00:03:30,617 Kirsten fisher: The dna code is essentially like 68 00:03:30,711 --> 00:03:33,954 A language consisting of genes 69 00:03:34,106 --> 00:03:37,607 That confer particular traits like eye color or hair color. 70 00:03:37,701 --> 00:03:40,277 All these traits, basically, that we recognize. 71 00:03:40,370 --> 00:03:43,129 Siepel: In a sense, dna is the program 72 00:03:43,282 --> 00:03:47,709 That gets run by the computer, and the computer is the cell. 73 00:03:47,728 --> 00:03:51,471 The cell executes the instructions 74 00:03:51,565 --> 00:03:57,461 In the dna molecule in order for organisms to live and develop. 75 00:03:57,554 --> 00:04:00,722 And it depends a little bit on the environment 76 00:04:00,741 --> 00:04:02,816 And other things that are happening, and that's why, 77 00:04:02,968 --> 00:04:04,892 For example, two identical twins, 78 00:04:04,987 --> 00:04:07,061 Even though they have the same dna, 79 00:04:07,155 --> 00:04:08,997 Are not precisely identical. 80 00:04:11,660 --> 00:04:16,813 Narrator: In 1859, nearly a century before the discovery of dna, 81 00:04:16,906 --> 00:04:19,833 English biologist charles darwin theorized 82 00:04:19,927 --> 00:04:23,670 In his controversial book, on the origin of the species, 83 00:04:23,822 --> 00:04:25,430 That every living thing 84 00:04:25,582 --> 00:04:27,415 Was the product of natural selection, 85 00:04:27,509 --> 00:04:30,269 Evolving over millions of years 86 00:04:30,496 --> 00:04:33,755 To adapt and survive in changing environments. 87 00:04:33,849 --> 00:04:37,834 When scientists later discovered dna 88 00:04:37,927 --> 00:04:39,686 And its ability to adapt, it seemed to be in line 89 00:04:39,780 --> 00:04:42,355 With darwin's theory. 90 00:04:42,449 --> 00:04:46,693 But today, with a far greater breadth of scientific knowledge, 91 00:04:46,845 --> 00:04:50,789 A number of darwin's assumptions have been found to be incorrect. 92 00:04:50,940 --> 00:04:54,184 And one burning question remains: 93 00:04:54,202 --> 00:04:56,853 If evolution is the only factor 94 00:04:56,946 --> 00:04:58,446 In the development of life on earth, 95 00:04:58,465 --> 00:05:02,634 Then why are humans so incredibly unique? 96 00:05:02,861 --> 00:05:06,138 We don't see dolphins building cars. 97 00:05:06,365 --> 00:05:08,715 We don't see elephants building houses, you know? 98 00:05:08,867 --> 00:05:09,866 That might sound trite, 99 00:05:09,959 --> 00:05:11,384 But it's a fact that these animals 100 00:05:11,478 --> 00:05:14,554 Just simply haven't progressed and advanced in the way we have. 101 00:05:14,706 --> 00:05:18,892 There's something definitely different about the human race, 102 00:05:19,044 --> 00:05:21,111 And the big question is, why is that? 103 00:05:22,548 --> 00:05:25,973 Nobody has ever denied that evolution exists 104 00:05:26,068 --> 00:05:27,492 Because there is a fossil record. 105 00:05:27,644 --> 00:05:31,905 However, even darwin himself in the origin of species, 106 00:05:31,999 --> 00:05:34,499 In the last chapter, he says, you know, "I like my theory, 107 00:05:34,726 --> 00:05:37,394 But there is something that does not make sense." 108 00:05:37,412 --> 00:05:41,081 And this is why we have the so-called missing link. 109 00:05:41,233 --> 00:05:43,917 -Cory: Mm. -And the ancient astronaut theory suggests 110 00:05:44,069 --> 00:05:46,419 That that missing piece 111 00:05:46,513 --> 00:05:51,575 Is an external artificial mutation of our genetic makeup. 112 00:05:51,668 --> 00:05:53,760 Cory: I mean, we know that's possible. 113 00:05:53,854 --> 00:05:56,521 Even now, scientists are cutting dna, you know, 114 00:05:56,748 --> 00:05:59,524 Isolating the gene that is responsible for this, 115 00:05:59,751 --> 00:06:02,009 Responsible for that, moving things around. 116 00:06:02,029 --> 00:06:03,753 Henry: Dna is essentially digital. 117 00:06:03,772 --> 00:06:04,921 -It's information, right? -Tsoukalos: Right. 118 00:06:05,014 --> 00:06:06,698 But it's programmable. You can cut, copy, paste 119 00:06:06,925 --> 00:06:08,033 And edit it. 120 00:06:08,184 --> 00:06:09,275 So, after crick and watson 121 00:06:09,428 --> 00:06:11,945 Discovered the double helix nature of dna, 122 00:06:12,039 --> 00:06:15,448 It launches this whole search into molecular biology, 123 00:06:15,601 --> 00:06:17,042 Bioengineering and so forth. 124 00:06:18,787 --> 00:06:20,712 Narator: In 1953, 125 00:06:20,864 --> 00:06:25,217 Molecular biologists james d. Watson and francis crick 126 00:06:25,368 --> 00:06:28,035 Made one of the most important scientific breakthroughs 127 00:06:28,130 --> 00:06:30,780 In human history when they identified 128 00:06:30,874 --> 00:06:33,950 The double-helix structure of dna. 129 00:06:34,043 --> 00:06:37,303 The discovery led to a radical new era 130 00:06:37,456 --> 00:06:39,231 Of genetic experimentation, 131 00:06:39,458 --> 00:06:43,068 Culminating in a revolutionary method to edit dna 132 00:06:43,219 --> 00:06:45,979 Known as crispr. 133 00:06:46,073 --> 00:06:48,982 Developed in 2012 134 00:06:49,076 --> 00:06:52,819 By scientists jennifer doudna and emmanuelle charpentier, 135 00:06:52,971 --> 00:06:56,823 Crispr, which stands for "clustered regularly 136 00:06:56,975 --> 00:06:59,400 Interspaced short palindromic repeats," 137 00:06:59,420 --> 00:07:01,586 Is a tool that enables scientists 138 00:07:01,738 --> 00:07:04,756 To target and modify individual genes. 139 00:07:07,243 --> 00:07:10,336 Siepel: Crispr can be thought of as a kind of a genetic scissors 140 00:07:10,489 --> 00:07:13,765 That can snip dna at a desired location. 141 00:07:13,992 --> 00:07:17,269 And what that allows people to do is effectively cut out 142 00:07:17,496 --> 00:07:19,921 One sequence and paste in another sequence, 143 00:07:19,940 --> 00:07:22,441 Just like you might do in a word processor. 144 00:07:22,668 --> 00:07:25,777 Crispr is incredibly powerful because it allows 145 00:07:26,004 --> 00:07:29,263 Dna sequences to be altered in desired ways. 146 00:07:29,283 --> 00:07:31,116 It could be used to improve crops, 147 00:07:31,343 --> 00:07:35,120 It could be used to fight pathogens, 148 00:07:35,347 --> 00:07:39,182 It could be used to confer immunity to a disease. 149 00:07:39,201 --> 00:07:42,686 And, of course, it could be used for other purposes, 150 00:07:42,704 --> 00:07:45,279 Like, creating blue eyes from brown eyes, 151 00:07:45,373 --> 00:07:47,782 Or blonde hair from brown hair. 152 00:07:49,194 --> 00:07:51,953 You know, one of the most fascinating things I've found 153 00:07:52,047 --> 00:07:55,365 About the whole crispr scenario and why it's so important, too, 154 00:07:55,458 --> 00:07:57,534 Is that we can alter and edit dna 155 00:07:57,552 --> 00:07:59,978 So then it's passed on to future generations. 156 00:08:00,205 --> 00:08:04,057 And that is kind of a really dangerous premise. 157 00:08:04,151 --> 00:08:05,542 Tzadok: That's a very controversial issue 158 00:08:05,560 --> 00:08:06,818 -Today in modern science. -Henry: It is. 159 00:08:06,970 --> 00:08:09,379 Tzadok: We're doing the work of angels 160 00:08:09,397 --> 00:08:10,989 By directing evolution. 161 00:08:11,216 --> 00:08:13,825 Narrator: While genetic engineering of humans 162 00:08:13,977 --> 00:08:16,219 May seem like an issue that won't need to be faced 163 00:08:16,238 --> 00:08:18,479 For many years to come, 164 00:08:18,499 --> 00:08:22,000 It has, in fact, already happened. 165 00:08:22,227 --> 00:08:26,730 In November 2018, chinese biophysics researcher 166 00:08:26,823 --> 00:08:29,674 He jiankui made the shocking announcement 167 00:08:29,901 --> 00:08:32,827 That he used crispr on twin female embryos. 168 00:08:32,846 --> 00:08:37,423 And the plan to monitor the twins' health 169 00:08:37,518 --> 00:08:39,851 For the next 18 years. 170 00:08:40,078 --> 00:08:43,021 In a bold effort to make the twins immune to hiv, 171 00:08:43,248 --> 00:08:48,193 He deleted a single gene, known as ccr5. 172 00:08:49,421 --> 00:08:52,422 Although the procedure was a success, 173 00:08:52,440 --> 00:08:55,534 His unauthorized actions to tamper with human biology 174 00:08:55,685 --> 00:08:59,429 On such an audacious scale led chinese authorities 175 00:08:59,447 --> 00:09:03,375 To incarcerate him for a three-year prison sentence. 176 00:09:03,526 --> 00:09:05,210 Fisher: We just don't know enough 177 00:09:05,437 --> 00:09:08,271 About the long-term effects of gene editing 178 00:09:08,364 --> 00:09:11,365 To be performing those types of procedures 179 00:09:11,385 --> 00:09:13,793 On humans at this point. 180 00:09:13,887 --> 00:09:17,038 Redfern: As far as these experiments are concerned, 181 00:09:17,057 --> 00:09:20,466 What they demonstrated was that scientists 182 00:09:20,619 --> 00:09:25,146 Now had the ability to quite literally play god. 183 00:09:28,476 --> 00:09:30,902 Narrator: Further research published in the journal cell 184 00:09:31,129 --> 00:09:33,813 Showed that the removal of gene ccr5 185 00:09:33,907 --> 00:09:37,576 Also significantly improves memory, cognition 186 00:09:37,803 --> 00:09:42,138 And even the brain's ability to repair itself after a stroke. 187 00:09:42,157 --> 00:09:45,584 These developments, as ethically complicated 188 00:09:45,735 --> 00:09:49,921 As they are, proved that dna can in fact be altered 189 00:09:50,148 --> 00:09:53,174 To advance the evolution of human beings. 190 00:09:55,821 --> 00:09:58,822 The way that I'm looking at this is, 191 00:09:58,840 --> 00:10:03,827 This whole crispr technology is simply a rediscovery 192 00:10:03,920 --> 00:10:06,938 Of technology that existed way before 193 00:10:07,090 --> 00:10:09,499 And has been used here on planet earth, 194 00:10:09,517 --> 00:10:13,260 Perhaps, of course, not by human beings. 195 00:10:13,280 --> 00:10:16,114 You know, this is something that erich von daniken 196 00:10:16,341 --> 00:10:20,009 Has proposed in chariots of the gods? Over 50 years ago, 197 00:10:20,028 --> 00:10:22,345 That the ultimate proof 198 00:10:22,364 --> 00:10:26,516 Of an extraterrestrial intervention will not be found 199 00:10:26,609 --> 00:10:29,352 In a crashed spaceship somewhere 200 00:10:29,371 --> 00:10:32,038 Or a ray gun that's discovered in a cave, 201 00:10:32,190 --> 00:10:35,024 But rather, in our dna. 202 00:10:35,118 --> 00:10:36,376 Childress: Just recently, in 2018, 203 00:10:36,470 --> 00:10:41,698 This australian geneticist discovered these dna knots 204 00:10:41,791 --> 00:10:43,457 Which they called the I-motif. 205 00:10:43,477 --> 00:10:45,977 And they think that this is perhaps 206 00:10:46,129 --> 00:10:48,462 What's creating the modern human. 207 00:10:48,482 --> 00:10:51,816 So, one has to ask the question, who did that? 208 00:10:58,307 --> 00:11:00,233 Actually, in 2018, 209 00:11:00,385 --> 00:11:01,826 This australian geneticist discovered these knots 210 00:11:02,053 --> 00:11:04,812 In our dna, and some of the doctors think 211 00:11:04,831 --> 00:11:09,075 That this is perhaps what's creating the modern human. 212 00:11:09,227 --> 00:11:10,560 Henry: This is a major discovery 213 00:11:10,578 --> 00:11:12,671 That they've made, that our dna 214 00:11:12,822 --> 00:11:15,173 Doesn't necessarily look like a double helix all the time. 215 00:11:15,324 --> 00:11:16,916 It can take on different expressions and-- 216 00:11:17,068 --> 00:11:19,511 But this one is, like, really sticking out. 217 00:11:19,662 --> 00:11:20,679 Childress: But these knots have been there 218 00:11:20,830 --> 00:11:23,089 -From the very beginning of our dna. -Yes. 219 00:11:23,241 --> 00:11:25,183 -Yes. -And I'm gonna predict 220 00:11:25,410 --> 00:11:27,744 That they have a very significant role to play 221 00:11:27,762 --> 00:11:28,853 In our evolutionary future. 222 00:11:29,080 --> 00:11:31,523 I wouldn't be surprised if they find that, 223 00:11:31,674 --> 00:11:34,008 -Because, again, they are... -Th-- we don't believe anything 224 00:11:34,027 --> 00:11:35,435 -Is a coincidence. -Right. 225 00:11:35,587 --> 00:11:38,846 Narrator: In April 2018, 226 00:11:38,865 --> 00:11:41,700 Dr. Daniel christ at the garvan institute 227 00:11:41,927 --> 00:11:44,260 Of medical research in sydney, australia, 228 00:11:44,353 --> 00:11:46,779 Announced that he had discovered 229 00:11:46,932 --> 00:11:50,283 A curious anomaly in human dna. 230 00:11:50,435 --> 00:11:53,770 Dr. Christ and his team identified sections 231 00:11:53,863 --> 00:11:55,788 Of the double helix genetic structure 232 00:11:55,882 --> 00:11:59,551 That are twisted into what they described as knots. 233 00:12:01,796 --> 00:12:03,446 While the function of these knots remains 234 00:12:03,465 --> 00:12:06,466 Largely a mystery, scientists suspect 235 00:12:06,560 --> 00:12:10,803 These unusual dna shapes may play an essential role 236 00:12:10,956 --> 00:12:13,639 In human evolution. 237 00:12:13,792 --> 00:12:17,718 We don't exactly know the, uh, the function, 238 00:12:17,738 --> 00:12:21,481 But presumably, because it's changing the shape of the dna, 239 00:12:21,633 --> 00:12:23,742 One of the proposed ideas, right, 240 00:12:23,893 --> 00:12:29,322 Is that they may be involved in-in gene regulation. 241 00:12:29,474 --> 00:12:32,809 We've known for more than 50 years that, uh, 242 00:12:32,827 --> 00:12:34,919 The way genes are turned on and off, 243 00:12:35,071 --> 00:12:38,256 The way they're regulated is at least as important 244 00:12:38,407 --> 00:12:41,909 As what the genes actually do once they're turned on. 245 00:12:41,928 --> 00:12:43,928 Narrator: Is it possible, 246 00:12:44,080 --> 00:12:46,506 As ancient astronaut theorists propose, 247 00:12:46,658 --> 00:12:49,993 That these mysterious dna knots not only played 248 00:12:50,011 --> 00:12:53,420 An important role in the evolution of humankind, 249 00:12:53,515 --> 00:12:55,681 But are physical evidence 250 00:12:55,834 --> 00:12:58,943 That extraterrestrials manipulated human dna? 251 00:13:01,114 --> 00:13:03,948 There are these parts inside our dna 252 00:13:04,100 --> 00:13:07,452 That do not correspond to that double helix structure. 253 00:13:07,679 --> 00:13:11,122 How crazy is that? Because, through science, 254 00:13:11,274 --> 00:13:15,109 We've learned that it seems as if those parts 255 00:13:15,128 --> 00:13:20,781 Were somehow extraordinary from the rest of the structure. 256 00:13:20,801 --> 00:13:23,450 -Cory: It's almost like added information. -Sure. 257 00:13:23,470 --> 00:13:26,304 I think the common denominator of this whole discussion 258 00:13:26,531 --> 00:13:29,641 Is that dna is changeable, it's malleable. 259 00:13:29,792 --> 00:13:32,035 Tsoukalos: More and more question marks 260 00:13:32,128 --> 00:13:35,814 Arise because we now have evidence 261 00:13:35,965 --> 00:13:38,041 That some of the things that happened 262 00:13:38,059 --> 00:13:42,395 With our own human dna are not coincidental. 263 00:13:42,547 --> 00:13:45,064 So, one has to ask the question: 264 00:13:45,216 --> 00:13:48,326 What was the purpose of it and who did that? 265 00:13:48,477 --> 00:13:50,995 And, of course, the ancient astronaut theory suggests 266 00:13:51,147 --> 00:13:54,407 That this was done through a targeted manipulation 267 00:13:54,559 --> 00:13:57,669 Of our genes by artificial means. 268 00:13:57,896 --> 00:14:00,171 This goes into the old kabbalistic beliefs 269 00:14:00,323 --> 00:14:02,582 About the pre-adamic civilizations. 270 00:14:02,734 --> 00:14:05,251 That we had a humanoid civilization. 271 00:14:05,403 --> 00:14:09,088 And then along came god, the angels, 272 00:14:09,240 --> 00:14:12,350 And made adam out of that which was before him. 273 00:14:15,580 --> 00:14:17,689 Narrator: According to an ancient jewish interpretation 274 00:14:17,840 --> 00:14:20,191 Of the bible known as the kabbalah, 275 00:14:20,343 --> 00:14:22,343 Adam was created from a humanlike race 276 00:14:22,362 --> 00:14:25,421 That already existed on earth. 277 00:14:25,514 --> 00:14:28,199 There are some who believe this points 278 00:14:28,426 --> 00:14:31,870 To the genetic engineering of homo sapiens, 279 00:14:32,097 --> 00:14:35,114 And that further manipulation of human dna 280 00:14:35,266 --> 00:14:38,768 Can be found in the biblical story of the garden of eden. 281 00:14:38,786 --> 00:14:41,954 Let's look, then, at the story of the garden of eden 282 00:14:42,107 --> 00:14:44,883 And adam and eve, living, uh, sort of blissfully 283 00:14:45,034 --> 00:14:46,792 In this edenic garden 284 00:14:46,887 --> 00:14:50,388 And then suddenly this serpent-being comes to them 285 00:14:50,539 --> 00:14:54,208 And offers them some special food to eat. 286 00:14:54,302 --> 00:14:56,561 Who is this serpent? 287 00:14:56,788 --> 00:14:59,305 Ancient legend tells us that the serpent 288 00:14:59,457 --> 00:15:04,551 In the garden of eden was actually a humanoid form. 289 00:15:04,646 --> 00:15:08,631 It stood erect, had arms and had legs, and clearly, it spoke. 290 00:15:08,724 --> 00:15:11,225 The serpent talks to eve and says, 291 00:15:11,244 --> 00:15:13,227 "hey, have a piece of fruit." 292 00:15:13,321 --> 00:15:15,580 Eve eats. Adam, too. 293 00:15:15,807 --> 00:15:18,641 And suddenly, they completely change 294 00:15:18,734 --> 00:15:20,826 Into what we would call modern people 295 00:15:20,921 --> 00:15:25,256 Who are now creating clothing, creating ornaments. 296 00:15:25,408 --> 00:15:28,151 They're building houses and vehicles. 297 00:15:28,169 --> 00:15:30,929 Tools and things like that. 298 00:15:31,156 --> 00:15:34,840 We have, in a sense, an evolutionary leap 299 00:15:34,993 --> 00:15:40,179 From primitive humans to more modern humans 300 00:15:40,273 --> 00:15:43,942 Who are more aware of themselves and their surroundings. 301 00:15:46,262 --> 00:15:48,838 Narrator: According to ancient astronaut theorists, 302 00:15:48,931 --> 00:15:50,782 Strikingly similar creation myths exist 303 00:15:50,933 --> 00:15:53,859 In ancient cultures around the world. 304 00:15:53,954 --> 00:15:58,456 For instance, mayan tradition describes how humans 305 00:15:58,607 --> 00:16:02,109 Were created by a feathered serpent known as kukulkan, 306 00:16:02,128 --> 00:16:06,113 And ancient chinese stories portray the first emperor, 307 00:16:06,132 --> 00:16:10,209 Huangdi, as the offspring of a human woman 308 00:16:10,361 --> 00:16:13,620 And a dragon god who descended from the sky. 309 00:16:13,640 --> 00:16:16,975 But perhaps most remarkable of all 310 00:16:17,202 --> 00:16:20,553 Is the creation story of the sumerians, 311 00:16:20,647 --> 00:16:23,648 Who are believed, by most mainstream archaeologists, 312 00:16:23,875 --> 00:16:27,560 To be the earliest human civilization on earth. 313 00:16:27,712 --> 00:16:30,563 Approximately 4,000 years ago, 314 00:16:30,657 --> 00:16:33,899 The sumerians recorded stories about powerful beings 315 00:16:34,052 --> 00:16:36,160 Called the anunnaki, 316 00:16:36,387 --> 00:16:39,313 Who descended to earth from the sky. 317 00:16:39,332 --> 00:16:43,334 One of these figures was known as enki, 318 00:16:43,561 --> 00:16:45,819 And according to author zecharia sitchin, 319 00:16:45,839 --> 00:16:50,174 Who spent years studying the sumerian cuneiform tablets, 320 00:16:50,401 --> 00:16:52,585 Enki is the equivalent of the serpent 321 00:16:52,679 --> 00:16:54,178 In the garden of eden. 322 00:16:56,332 --> 00:17:00,351 Enki is the god of technology of the annunaki. 323 00:17:01,504 --> 00:17:03,913 Zachariah sitchin noticed that enki 324 00:17:03,931 --> 00:17:06,673 Was symbolized by a serpent 325 00:17:06,693 --> 00:17:10,086 And he made the simple leap to suggest 326 00:17:10,179 --> 00:17:12,530 That he, in fact, is the serpent 327 00:17:12,757 --> 00:17:14,532 In the garden of eden that was responsible 328 00:17:14,759 --> 00:17:18,352 For putting us on our current path of evolution. 329 00:17:18,446 --> 00:17:20,613 Enki altered our human dna 330 00:17:20,765 --> 00:17:23,949 In order to awaken us and to illuminate us. 331 00:17:24,044 --> 00:17:26,878 Ancient astronaut theory proposes that this actually 332 00:17:27,029 --> 00:17:30,122 Is extraterrestrial intervention, 333 00:17:30,216 --> 00:17:33,125 That as the egyptian and sumerian stories tell us, 334 00:17:33,219 --> 00:17:36,128 Beings came from other worlds and activated 335 00:17:36,281 --> 00:17:40,374 That part of our brain that makes us human. 336 00:17:40,393 --> 00:17:43,969 What's fascinating to me is that all around the world, 337 00:17:44,122 --> 00:17:47,290 In ancient cultures, there are these stories 338 00:17:47,383 --> 00:17:50,068 -Of a so-called tree of life. -Right. 339 00:17:51,237 --> 00:17:54,463 Tsoukalos: And in ancient sumeria, 340 00:17:54,482 --> 00:17:56,315 You have this tree of life. 341 00:17:56,409 --> 00:17:58,392 It looks like, for all intents and purposes, 342 00:17:58,411 --> 00:17:59,985 Like a double helix structure. 343 00:18:00,138 --> 00:18:02,638 Then in portugal, in silves, 344 00:18:02,657 --> 00:18:06,309 There is this egg, this ancient giant egg, that was discovered. 345 00:18:06,402 --> 00:18:10,070 -Henry: Right. Right. -And it has a double helix structure on there. 346 00:18:10,164 --> 00:18:13,165 Tsoukalos: Or even the caduceus symbol in ancient greece. 347 00:18:13,259 --> 00:18:15,075 Childress: Of hermes, yeah. It's a double helix. 348 00:18:15,095 --> 00:18:16,910 So yeah, we're looking at a dna strand. 349 00:18:16,930 --> 00:18:18,654 Let's go to a really direct one. 350 00:18:18,673 --> 00:18:21,582 Ancient egypt, ptah. You look up his name 351 00:18:21,601 --> 00:18:22,934 In the egyptian hieroglyphic dictionary by budge, 352 00:18:23,161 --> 00:18:24,918 And he says he was the god that fashioned 353 00:18:25,012 --> 00:18:27,163 -The human body. -Tsoukalos: Yes. 354 00:18:27,181 --> 00:18:29,089 Henry: And you look at his hieroglyph, and there's a double helix. 355 00:18:29,183 --> 00:18:30,591 Tsoukalos: Right. 356 00:18:30,685 --> 00:18:32,168 That cannot be by chance. 357 00:18:32,261 --> 00:18:34,520 Tsoukalos: And so this idea, to me, 358 00:18:34,614 --> 00:18:37,115 Suggests that someone wanted to leave behind 359 00:18:37,266 --> 00:18:39,909 A message about our dna. 360 00:18:46,868 --> 00:18:49,185 Cory: I've been doing a lot of research about dna lately. 361 00:18:49,278 --> 00:18:51,036 I was talking to garry nolan, 362 00:18:51,189 --> 00:18:54,132 Who's a very well-known geneticist at stanford. 363 00:18:54,359 --> 00:18:57,042 And he was telling me that they realized 364 00:18:57,137 --> 00:18:59,620 That every 600,000 years, dna doubles in complexity. 365 00:18:59,639 --> 00:19:05,201 So, they kept going back to the very first time 366 00:19:05,219 --> 00:19:07,979 Where it started, where it couldn't double anymore. 367 00:19:08,206 --> 00:19:11,891 And that was nine billion years ago. 368 00:19:12,043 --> 00:19:14,652 They're saying that our dna started nine billion years ago? 369 00:19:14,803 --> 00:19:17,380 And earth is how old? 370 00:19:17,398 --> 00:19:18,714 -Four and a half billion. -Henry: Four and a half, 371 00:19:18,733 --> 00:19:19,991 -Maybe five. -So how could... 372 00:19:20,218 --> 00:19:21,492 Our dna is twice as old as the earth. 373 00:19:21,644 --> 00:19:24,069 -Exactly. How... -So, it didn't come from earth, then. 374 00:19:24,222 --> 00:19:25,312 And I think we need to talk about francis crick 375 00:19:25,331 --> 00:19:26,998 -For a moment, too. -Yeah. 376 00:19:27,149 --> 00:19:29,000 Because even crick himself believed 377 00:19:29,151 --> 00:19:31,502 -That there was some kind of an intervention. -Yep. 378 00:19:31,654 --> 00:19:36,657 Narrator: Two decades after discovering the structure of dna in 1953, 379 00:19:36,676 --> 00:19:38,659 Francis crick made a statement 380 00:19:38,678 --> 00:19:41,754 That shocked the scientific world. 381 00:19:41,906 --> 00:19:44,849 He had come to the conclusion that human dna 382 00:19:45,076 --> 00:19:47,351 Was far too complex to have evolved 383 00:19:47,503 --> 00:19:51,838 Over the 4.5-billion-year history of planet earth. 384 00:19:51,858 --> 00:19:54,675 Chandra wickramasinghe: Francis crick asked the question, 385 00:19:54,694 --> 00:19:59,088 Could it be that the extremely complex dna 386 00:19:59,181 --> 00:20:03,926 That we have in us was seeded from outside? 387 00:20:04,019 --> 00:20:06,762 Was an intelligent entity involved 388 00:20:06,781 --> 00:20:09,690 In, sort of, flooding the earth 389 00:20:09,709 --> 00:20:12,359 With the genes that make humans? 390 00:20:12,378 --> 00:20:16,172 And I think that this is certainly a logical possibility. 391 00:20:17,291 --> 00:20:19,383 Andrew collins: Francis crick wrote 392 00:20:19,610 --> 00:20:24,463 And promoted the idea that it was possible 393 00:20:24,615 --> 00:20:28,893 That dna may have been seeded 394 00:20:29,044 --> 00:20:32,396 On this planet from another star system 395 00:20:32,623 --> 00:20:36,625 In a process known as directed panspermia. 396 00:20:36,644 --> 00:20:39,144 Henry: Francis crick comes up, of course, 397 00:20:39,297 --> 00:20:41,797 With the idea of directed panspermia as an explanation, 398 00:20:41,816 --> 00:20:45,076 Of an extraterrestrial civilization that shoots dna-- 399 00:20:45,303 --> 00:20:47,636 Loads it up on a rocket-- shoots it out into space, 400 00:20:47,655 --> 00:20:49,638 And this is the origin of human dna. 401 00:20:49,732 --> 00:20:51,991 So, this is francis crick himself, 402 00:20:52,143 --> 00:20:53,325 -Is a believer. -The man who discovered dna. 403 00:20:53,419 --> 00:20:55,086 -Exactly. -And he won the nobel prize for it. 404 00:20:55,237 --> 00:20:57,588 -You don't get a greater authority than that. -Right. 405 00:20:57,815 --> 00:20:58,739 Henry: He said it was impossible that this 406 00:20:58,758 --> 00:21:01,425 Could have happened spontaneously. 407 00:21:01,652 --> 00:21:04,595 So, but are you talking about intervention 408 00:21:04,822 --> 00:21:06,264 -Yes. -...In the middle of the evolution? 409 00:21:06,415 --> 00:21:09,267 -Or from the very beginning? -Hmm. 410 00:21:09,418 --> 00:21:10,601 -Both. -Cory: It's starting as... 411 00:21:10,753 --> 00:21:12,011 -It could very well be both. -I think it's both. 412 00:21:12,163 --> 00:21:17,016 In my opinion, someone changed the genetic makeup 413 00:21:17,110 --> 00:21:19,351 In the humanoid species. 414 00:21:19,504 --> 00:21:20,611 Henry: I'm glad you brought that up, giorgio, 415 00:21:20,763 --> 00:21:22,354 'cause geneticists have discovered other types 416 00:21:22,507 --> 00:21:24,782 Of hominins in our dna. 417 00:21:24,933 --> 00:21:27,285 Denisovans and-and others. 418 00:21:27,436 --> 00:21:29,102 Narrator: In recent years, 419 00:21:29,122 --> 00:21:31,514 New discoveries in genetic research 420 00:21:31,532 --> 00:21:35,442 Have profoundly altered the timeline of human evolution. 421 00:21:35,536 --> 00:21:38,612 Michael dennin: When you look at the evolution of humanity, 422 00:21:38,706 --> 00:21:41,690 And the different species that have existed throughout time, 423 00:21:41,784 --> 00:21:44,117 Early on, we had a pretty simple story. 424 00:21:44,137 --> 00:21:46,304 We-we started with our ancestors, 425 00:21:46,455 --> 00:21:48,697 We split from chimpanzees and monkeys, 426 00:21:48,791 --> 00:21:51,550 The homo sapien ancestors developed. 427 00:21:51,702 --> 00:21:53,644 And what confuses the story is, 428 00:21:53,796 --> 00:21:56,296 As we do more research in archeology, 429 00:21:56,316 --> 00:21:59,483 We're discovering a wide range of different hominins. 430 00:22:00,561 --> 00:22:02,469 Collins: Before modern humans 431 00:22:02,488 --> 00:22:05,472 Occupied the eurasian continent, 432 00:22:05,491 --> 00:22:09,493 There were two so-called archaic humans existing there. 433 00:22:09,645 --> 00:22:12,663 To the west and the central area, 434 00:22:12,815 --> 00:22:14,665 We had the neanderthals. 435 00:22:14,892 --> 00:22:17,576 But from the central to the eastern part 436 00:22:17,670 --> 00:22:20,671 Of the continent, we had the so-called denisovans. 437 00:22:20,823 --> 00:22:22,673 And there are a number of others. 438 00:22:24,326 --> 00:22:25,843 Dennin: Given the great diversity, 439 00:22:26,070 --> 00:22:28,087 And of the number of different species, 440 00:22:28,239 --> 00:22:31,682 How is it that homo sapiens ended up the only one left? 441 00:22:34,503 --> 00:22:36,929 Narrator: Scientists now believe that, dating back 442 00:22:37,081 --> 00:22:39,339 As much as 40,000 years ago, 443 00:22:39,359 --> 00:22:41,750 At least eight humanlike species 444 00:22:41,844 --> 00:22:45,196 Existed on earth at the same time. 445 00:22:45,347 --> 00:22:48,849 Howe: The discovery could be that the evolution 446 00:22:48,868 --> 00:22:52,352 Of the humanoid primate on this planet 447 00:22:52,372 --> 00:22:54,872 Is because of the genetic manipulation 448 00:22:55,099 --> 00:22:58,042 Of extraterrestrial biological entities 449 00:22:58,269 --> 00:23:02,338 Using this planet earth like a laboratory. 450 00:23:04,366 --> 00:23:06,442 This would suggest that some type 451 00:23:06,460 --> 00:23:08,034 Of experimentation has been going on, 452 00:23:08,054 --> 00:23:11,204 Because why would there, all of a sudden, 453 00:23:11,224 --> 00:23:14,283 Be these brand-new species that come along 454 00:23:14,376 --> 00:23:16,227 And then suddenly disappear again? 455 00:23:16,378 --> 00:23:18,062 Henry: So, the mystery deepens because, 456 00:23:18,213 --> 00:23:20,564 At first, we thought, based on darwin, 457 00:23:20,716 --> 00:23:22,215 That because we came from primates, 458 00:23:22,235 --> 00:23:25,051 That we must also have 48 chromosomes, 459 00:23:25,146 --> 00:23:26,812 Just like the primates. 460 00:23:26,964 --> 00:23:29,556 And then they discovered that that's not true. 461 00:23:29,575 --> 00:23:33,894 That humans have 46 chromosomes, 23 pairs. 462 00:23:33,913 --> 00:23:35,579 And that became a big mystery. 463 00:23:35,731 --> 00:23:37,081 What-what happened to the other two? 464 00:23:39,827 --> 00:23:42,903 Narrator: One principle that biologists generally agree on 465 00:23:42,922 --> 00:23:45,664 Is that species which are closely related 466 00:23:45,816 --> 00:23:49,242 Usually have the same number of chromosomes. 467 00:23:49,262 --> 00:23:51,320 Chromosomes are long physical molecules 468 00:23:51,413 --> 00:23:54,823 That consist of a dna strand. 469 00:23:54,917 --> 00:23:57,159 And when we talk about the genome, 470 00:23:57,252 --> 00:23:59,920 We're talking primarily about the dna 471 00:24:00,014 --> 00:24:02,773 Stored in the chromosomes. 472 00:24:02,925 --> 00:24:06,835 Once the idea of-of evolution, um, by descent caught hold, uh, 473 00:24:06,854 --> 00:24:10,856 It was assumed traits would be shared between humans 474 00:24:10,950 --> 00:24:14,526 And other primates because of our common ancestry. 475 00:24:14,679 --> 00:24:16,954 And so when it was discovered that humans actually have 476 00:24:17,181 --> 00:24:19,290 46 chromosomes, that was surprising. 477 00:24:21,276 --> 00:24:22,868 Narrator: Some researchers believe 478 00:24:22,962 --> 00:24:25,871 That these missing chromosomes may hold the key 479 00:24:25,965 --> 00:24:29,358 To what causes human beings to behave differently, 480 00:24:29,376 --> 00:24:31,694 And demonstrate higher intelligence 481 00:24:31,712 --> 00:24:33,637 Than other species on earth. 482 00:24:36,367 --> 00:24:40,961 Collins: We broke away from a common primate ancestor 483 00:24:40,980 --> 00:24:46,484 That we shared with chimpanzees and other types of ape. 484 00:24:47,712 --> 00:24:50,045 And what's so significant 485 00:24:50,138 --> 00:24:54,399 Is that this break seemed to change 486 00:24:54,494 --> 00:25:00,739 The amount of chromosomes that were in our cells. 487 00:25:00,891 --> 00:25:05,002 Narrator: In 2005, a team of scientists discovered 488 00:25:05,153 --> 00:25:07,838 That two chromosomes in the ape genome 489 00:25:07,990 --> 00:25:10,156 Appear to have fused together to create 490 00:25:10,176 --> 00:25:14,512 A single, larger chromosome in humans, called chromosome 2. 491 00:25:16,849 --> 00:25:19,683 In their own terms, this is what they say, this is not natural. 492 00:25:19,835 --> 00:25:22,427 This is not the product of evolution. 493 00:25:22,522 --> 00:25:25,764 Something intervened to fuse these two chromosomes. 494 00:25:25,858 --> 00:25:27,525 So, was that an upgrade? 495 00:25:27,752 --> 00:25:30,027 You can call that an upgrade, absolutely. 496 00:25:30,254 --> 00:25:32,012 Like what crispr can do now, we can alter 497 00:25:32,031 --> 00:25:35,440 And edit dna so then it's passed on to future generations. 498 00:25:35,535 --> 00:25:38,869 So-- but the point is, that this is what defines us as humans, 499 00:25:39,096 --> 00:25:41,038 And it is, and definitely, an intervention. 500 00:25:41,189 --> 00:25:42,706 It's an upgrade. 501 00:25:42,858 --> 00:25:44,449 So, essentially, we weren't necessarily created 502 00:25:44,544 --> 00:25:46,693 From scratch, 503 00:25:46,787 --> 00:25:50,047 But built upon and added from that which was already there. 504 00:25:50,274 --> 00:25:51,290 This is why I'm asking the questions, 505 00:25:51,442 --> 00:25:53,366 Because I'm looking at ancient patterns 506 00:25:53,460 --> 00:25:55,444 And we're seeing modern patterns. 507 00:25:55,537 --> 00:25:57,012 We're going through this right now. 508 00:26:03,396 --> 00:26:05,062 Henry: What all this ultimately speaks to me 509 00:26:05,289 --> 00:26:07,714 Is that while the time span is vast, 510 00:26:07,808 --> 00:26:10,901 Hundreds of thousands of years, there seems to be a project, 511 00:26:11,053 --> 00:26:12,570 -That we're the project. -Tsoukalos: Absolutely. 512 00:26:12,721 --> 00:26:13,796 And they're aiming us towards an ultimate outcome. 513 00:26:13,889 --> 00:26:15,055 Cory: Right. I've been working 514 00:26:15,149 --> 00:26:17,408 With hundreds of people for the last few years 515 00:26:17,559 --> 00:26:20,077 About their abduction experiences. 516 00:26:20,228 --> 00:26:23,806 And in my experience working with many individuals, 517 00:26:23,824 --> 00:26:26,417 The common dominator of the abduction 518 00:26:26,644 --> 00:26:29,587 Is it has to do with some sort of genetic engineering 519 00:26:29,814 --> 00:26:33,424 And genetic combining of the dna. 520 00:26:35,653 --> 00:26:36,760 Narrator: Throughout the world, 521 00:26:36,912 --> 00:26:39,245 Thousands of people have reported being abducted 522 00:26:39,265 --> 00:26:41,340 By extraterrestrials. 523 00:26:41,434 --> 00:26:44,935 While such reports are rarely taken seriously, 524 00:26:45,087 --> 00:26:48,013 Many researchers suggest that the accounts given 525 00:26:48,165 --> 00:26:51,850 By alleged abductees are too similar to dismiss, 526 00:26:52,002 --> 00:26:55,613 And may reveal an extraterrestrial agenda. 527 00:26:55,764 --> 00:27:00,284 The first documented case of a reported alien abduction 528 00:27:00,435 --> 00:27:05,364 Appeared in the boston traveler on October 25, 1965. 529 00:27:05,458 --> 00:27:09,126 According to the account, betty and barney hill 530 00:27:09,353 --> 00:27:11,462 Were driving through new hampshire late at night 531 00:27:11,613 --> 00:27:15,207 When a large flying saucer rapidly approached them, 532 00:27:15,359 --> 00:27:18,710 And then hovered over their car. 533 00:27:18,863 --> 00:27:22,381 The couple claimed that they had been taken aboard the craft 534 00:27:22,475 --> 00:27:26,126 And were subjected to numerous medical experiments, 535 00:27:26,145 --> 00:27:29,605 Including both eggs and sperm being taken. 536 00:27:32,134 --> 00:27:34,877 In the more than five decades since the hills' 537 00:27:34,895 --> 00:27:37,655 Compelling reported alien abduction, 538 00:27:37,806 --> 00:27:40,949 Thousands of people have come forward with similar claims. 539 00:27:43,721 --> 00:27:45,996 What's particularly notable is the fact 540 00:27:46,148 --> 00:27:51,393 That during alien abductions, people talk about blood, 541 00:27:51,412 --> 00:27:56,748 Eggs, semen, cells, dna taken from their bodies 542 00:27:56,901 --> 00:27:59,568 And essentially experimented on 543 00:27:59,586 --> 00:28:03,496 By these strange, short, black-eyed entities 544 00:28:03,516 --> 00:28:06,758 That have become known as the greys. 545 00:28:06,911 --> 00:28:09,594 The people that come to me don't know each other. 546 00:28:09,689 --> 00:28:12,672 So, they're telling me all these different stories 547 00:28:12,692 --> 00:28:14,917 That are actually strikingly similar. 548 00:28:15,010 --> 00:28:18,362 Most of the time, extraterrestrials 549 00:28:18,589 --> 00:28:21,848 Are doing some sort of genetic manipulation, 550 00:28:21,867 --> 00:28:26,762 Taking eggs from the female, or sperm if it's a-a male. 551 00:28:26,780 --> 00:28:28,038 -They... -Childress: Or sometimes 552 00:28:28,265 --> 00:28:30,523 These children as fetuses, disappear from the mother, 553 00:28:30,543 --> 00:28:31,783 Don't they, and they're suddenly gone? 554 00:28:31,936 --> 00:28:34,619 -Yes. Exactly. -There are cases like that, right? 555 00:28:34,714 --> 00:28:39,365 So, these are kind of medical mysteries, anomalies. 556 00:28:39,460 --> 00:28:43,387 Narrator: One of the most shocking and disturbing accounts 557 00:28:43,538 --> 00:28:47,616 Of extraterrestrial abduction involved a las vegas couple, 558 00:28:47,634 --> 00:28:52,287 Dhyanne swanson and bret oldham, in 1987. 559 00:28:52,306 --> 00:28:55,215 At the time, dhyanne was almost four months pregnant 560 00:28:55,234 --> 00:28:57,067 With her first child. 561 00:28:58,571 --> 00:29:01,313 We're asleep and then, I don't know what time it was, 562 00:29:01,465 --> 00:29:02,740 But I was woken up. 563 00:29:02,891 --> 00:29:04,390 And then I sat up. 564 00:29:04,485 --> 00:29:06,410 Our bedroom door was open, 565 00:29:06,561 --> 00:29:09,913 And there were these three entities 566 00:29:10,065 --> 00:29:12,491 Looking over the door, so I thought it was a dream. 567 00:29:12,643 --> 00:29:13,825 And-and you know how you're so scared you just go... 568 00:29:13,919 --> 00:29:15,043 (ragged inhale) 569 00:29:16,313 --> 00:29:18,404 And then it went black. 570 00:29:18,424 --> 00:29:22,651 And then I woke up and I was on this ice-cold metal bed 571 00:29:22,669 --> 00:29:24,744 And then it was, I was strapped down. 572 00:29:24,838 --> 00:29:26,764 But I couldn't move. 573 00:29:26,915 --> 00:29:29,600 And then that's when I realized they were doing something to me. 574 00:29:29,751 --> 00:29:32,177 And I remember just calling, just saying, "please. 575 00:29:32,329 --> 00:29:34,438 Please don't, don't take my baby. Don't hurt us." 576 00:29:36,517 --> 00:29:38,591 I woke up the next morning 577 00:29:38,611 --> 00:29:41,278 In my own bed and I was covered in blood. 578 00:29:44,008 --> 00:29:46,191 Bret rushed me to my doctor's office 579 00:29:46,343 --> 00:29:48,952 And he took us in right away, 580 00:29:49,104 --> 00:29:52,514 And, uh, he thought I had miscarried, but he wasn't sure. 581 00:29:52,533 --> 00:29:56,126 He gave me an examination, and he was very perplexed. 582 00:29:56,278 --> 00:29:58,854 He told us that there was no evidence 583 00:29:58,872 --> 00:30:00,038 Of me ever being pregnant. 584 00:30:00,190 --> 00:30:01,614 He said that was crazy, 585 00:30:01,634 --> 00:30:04,301 Because he had just saw me the week before. 586 00:30:06,138 --> 00:30:09,289 Narrator: The sudden disappearance of the four-month-old fetus 587 00:30:09,308 --> 00:30:12,476 Baffled many in the medical community. 588 00:30:12,703 --> 00:30:16,054 What you have here is an ultrasound image 589 00:30:16,206 --> 00:30:18,649 Of a three-month fetus. 590 00:30:18,876 --> 00:30:21,226 And this fetus here is lying on its back, 591 00:30:21,378 --> 00:30:24,137 And if you measure what we call crown-rump length-- 592 00:30:24,156 --> 00:30:25,972 And that would be the longest distance 593 00:30:25,991 --> 00:30:29,551 From the head to the rump, this area here-- 594 00:30:29,570 --> 00:30:32,812 This is approximately about five to six centimeters, 595 00:30:32,832 --> 00:30:35,165 Which is about the diameter of a baseball. 596 00:30:35,392 --> 00:30:39,911 So could the body absorb this fetus overnight? 597 00:30:40,005 --> 00:30:41,672 That's very unlikely. 598 00:30:44,568 --> 00:30:47,085 Narrator: Is it possible, as dhyanne claims, 599 00:30:47,179 --> 00:30:51,406 That her unborn child was taken by extraterrestrials? 600 00:30:51,425 --> 00:30:55,594 And if so, what would be the purpose? 601 00:30:55,688 --> 00:30:58,838 Swanson: I believe they took my child that night. 602 00:30:58,858 --> 00:31:02,484 I believe it with all my heart that they took my child. 603 00:31:04,755 --> 00:31:06,346 I believe that they're testing on us. 604 00:31:06,365 --> 00:31:08,514 I believe that they are. 605 00:31:08,534 --> 00:31:11,368 And I wonder sometimes, did they have some kind of... 606 00:31:11,519 --> 00:31:14,854 Plan for that baby? 607 00:31:14,874 --> 00:31:19,042 Narrator: Some researchers suggest that dhyanne's story, 608 00:31:19,194 --> 00:31:22,862 When considered alongside the many strikingly similar accounts 609 00:31:22,882 --> 00:31:26,958 Of abductees being subjected to medical experiments, 610 00:31:27,052 --> 00:31:30,554 May provide evidence of an extraterrestrial agenda. 611 00:31:33,117 --> 00:31:36,952 We believe that they are, uh, creating hybrids 612 00:31:36,970 --> 00:31:42,290 On craft; that they began with the greys 613 00:31:42,384 --> 00:31:45,736 And they combined human genetics 614 00:31:45,887 --> 00:31:48,405 Through some kind of gene splicing. 615 00:31:49,650 --> 00:31:51,983 When I say "hybrids," I mean 616 00:31:52,136 --> 00:31:57,581 That the genetic material has been altered and upgraded. 617 00:31:57,732 --> 00:32:02,068 And perhaps some of the e.T.'s genetic material 618 00:32:02,087 --> 00:32:03,921 Has been inserted. 619 00:32:07,651 --> 00:32:10,076 -From these children who you say have been taken... -Yeah. 620 00:32:10,095 --> 00:32:12,596 The-the hybrids-- have we identified 621 00:32:12,823 --> 00:32:16,324 -Any of them that we can look at? -Yes. 622 00:32:16,343 --> 00:32:18,510 I-I've been doing a lot of research in that field. 623 00:32:18,662 --> 00:32:20,920 I mean, I've been working with so many children 624 00:32:20,940 --> 00:32:23,181 That seem to have special abilities. 625 00:32:23,275 --> 00:32:27,502 So, I believe that there are extraterrestrial, uh, species 626 00:32:27,521 --> 00:32:29,613 That are upgrading the dna. 627 00:32:37,181 --> 00:32:38,271 To me, I think the extraterrestrial intervention 628 00:32:38,365 --> 00:32:40,290 Has to do with supporting... 629 00:32:40,517 --> 00:32:43,185 -An evolution. Our growth. -...Our evolution and growth. 630 00:32:43,278 --> 00:32:45,203 There's some sort of agenda going on, 631 00:32:45,355 --> 00:32:48,114 Because after this abduction experience, 632 00:32:48,208 --> 00:32:50,616 The person comes back upgraded. 633 00:32:50,636 --> 00:32:54,137 So, are-are you saying, then, that these children 634 00:32:54,364 --> 00:32:57,032 Have these greater abilities, psychic abilities 635 00:32:57,050 --> 00:32:58,700 -A-and stuff like that, right? -Exactly. 636 00:32:58,719 --> 00:32:59,893 I mean, that's what I believe is happening. 637 00:33:03,298 --> 00:33:05,649 Narrator: Throughout the world, scientists and researchers 638 00:33:05,876 --> 00:33:09,227 Have been baffled by numerous cases of children 639 00:33:09,379 --> 00:33:11,880 Who display astonishing and inexplicable 640 00:33:11,898 --> 00:33:13,949 Extrasensory abilities. 641 00:33:15,327 --> 00:33:17,977 Often referred to as star children 642 00:33:18,071 --> 00:33:20,405 By ancient astronaut theorists, 643 00:33:20,557 --> 00:33:23,483 Some researchers suggest they have been genetically modified 644 00:33:23,577 --> 00:33:29,247 To possess heightened intuition and even psychic abilities. 645 00:33:29,341 --> 00:33:33,068 Richard boylan: Star kids are advanced in several departments. 646 00:33:33,086 --> 00:33:36,162 These kids, by and large, are much brighter 647 00:33:36,256 --> 00:33:40,759 Than the, uh, old-school child of a previous generation. 648 00:33:40,911 --> 00:33:44,913 They're using special gifts they have as advanced star kids. 649 00:33:45,006 --> 00:33:48,358 For example, in that area of telepathy. 650 00:33:48,585 --> 00:33:50,435 They can pick up on things that somebody else 651 00:33:50,587 --> 00:33:52,821 Is thinking or sensing. 652 00:33:55,350 --> 00:33:58,093 Narrator: In 1982, the chinese government 653 00:33:58,111 --> 00:34:00,370 Launched a nationwide search for children 654 00:34:00,597 --> 00:34:03,523 With psychic abilities such as telekinesis, 655 00:34:03,617 --> 00:34:06,434 Telepathy and clairvoyance. 656 00:34:06,528 --> 00:34:09,771 In total, chinese officials identified 657 00:34:09,864 --> 00:34:12,774 More than 1,000 children who possessed 658 00:34:12,793 --> 00:34:17,462 What researchers referred to as extra human function. 659 00:34:17,614 --> 00:34:20,965 Might further study of these incredible abilities reveal, 660 00:34:21,118 --> 00:34:24,377 As some ancient astronaut theorists suggest, 661 00:34:24,396 --> 00:34:26,063 That they are the result 662 00:34:26,290 --> 00:34:31,068 Of extraterrestrial manipulation of the human genome? 663 00:34:31,219 --> 00:34:36,131 So, what is making these children to be alien hybrids? 664 00:34:36,224 --> 00:34:37,816 If we looked at their dna, we would see 665 00:34:37,910 --> 00:34:39,968 It would be different than ours? 666 00:34:39,986 --> 00:34:41,636 Or-- is that kind of what you're saying? 667 00:34:41,729 --> 00:34:44,989 They would have a "normal" human dna, 668 00:34:45,142 --> 00:34:48,493 Plus added information. 669 00:34:48,645 --> 00:34:52,255 I believe that part of our dna has to do 670 00:34:52,407 --> 00:34:56,167 With our supersensory a-abilities. 671 00:34:56,261 --> 00:35:01,247 We cannot see those abilities in the "normal" part of the dna, 672 00:35:01,266 --> 00:35:03,325 Uh, but then you look at 673 00:35:03,343 --> 00:35:05,677 Why certain people can do certain things. 674 00:35:05,829 --> 00:35:09,940 I mean, we have people who can move objects with their mind. 675 00:35:10,167 --> 00:35:13,168 We have people who can be completely blindfolded 676 00:35:13,186 --> 00:35:17,763 And are able to reprogram their brains entirely 677 00:35:17,858 --> 00:35:21,076 To be able to see without their eyes and so on and so forth. 678 00:35:22,346 --> 00:35:25,680 Narrator: In her 2018 documentary film, 679 00:35:25,699 --> 00:35:28,458 Superhuman: The invisible made visible, 680 00:35:28,685 --> 00:35:32,445 Renowned futurist caroline cory investigated 681 00:35:32,539 --> 00:35:34,614 A group of children who demonstrate 682 00:35:34,708 --> 00:35:37,050 Incredible extrasensory capabilities. 683 00:35:38,044 --> 00:35:40,712 In one segment, caroline tested 684 00:35:40,806 --> 00:35:42,380 The children's ability 685 00:35:42,532 --> 00:35:44,883 To positively identify objects and images 686 00:35:44,977 --> 00:35:48,395 While wearing blindfolds that completely block out all light. 687 00:35:51,483 --> 00:35:53,633 Cory: Justin, 688 00:35:53,727 --> 00:35:55,986 Tell me what's on this card. 689 00:35:56,213 --> 00:35:57,545 Teacup. 690 00:35:57,564 --> 00:36:00,640 And now, tell me what's on this card. 691 00:36:00,659 --> 00:36:02,717 A tiger. 692 00:36:02,736 --> 00:36:05,811 Isabella, what is the shape and color of this stone? 693 00:36:05,906 --> 00:36:07,831 Kind of like a circle, and I don't-- 694 00:36:08,058 --> 00:36:10,333 And it's not really, it's kind of, like, see-through. 695 00:36:10,485 --> 00:36:14,412 Evie, tell me the shape and color of this stone. 696 00:36:14,506 --> 00:36:18,491 Um, it's red and kind of 697 00:36:18,585 --> 00:36:20,826 -A circle? -Yes. 698 00:36:20,846 --> 00:36:23,905 Evie, tell me what I'm holding in my hand. 699 00:36:23,924 --> 00:36:25,515 A wooden spoon. 700 00:36:25,742 --> 00:36:27,592 Cory: There was a study that was done 701 00:36:27,744 --> 00:36:30,670 Where scientists were able to demonstrate 702 00:36:30,689 --> 00:36:33,581 That dna is actually receiving information 703 00:36:33,675 --> 00:36:36,935 From the external environment. 704 00:36:37,029 --> 00:36:40,363 The environment literally is changing the information 705 00:36:40,590 --> 00:36:43,441 And the genetic code at a dna level. 706 00:36:43,535 --> 00:36:46,094 All sorts of informational waves 707 00:36:46,187 --> 00:36:49,431 Are being transmitted into our being. 708 00:36:49,524 --> 00:36:52,434 That said, a telepathic communication, 709 00:36:52,452 --> 00:36:56,713 For example, could also be a type of wave 710 00:36:56,940 --> 00:36:59,774 That we are receiving, even at a dna level. 711 00:36:59,793 --> 00:37:02,777 We could literally be communicating 712 00:37:02,870 --> 00:37:06,114 With nonvisible, nonphysical beings 713 00:37:06,132 --> 00:37:10,802 Transmitting this information to us through our dna. 714 00:37:10,896 --> 00:37:13,455 I think we are born with these abilities. 715 00:37:13,548 --> 00:37:15,457 We're not taught that we have them. 716 00:37:15,550 --> 00:37:18,626 How is that possible for a human to all of a sudden 717 00:37:18,720 --> 00:37:21,145 Be able to do these superhuman things? 718 00:37:21,240 --> 00:37:23,798 I think it is because 719 00:37:23,817 --> 00:37:27,077 "part" of our dna is what's responsible. 720 00:37:27,304 --> 00:37:29,988 Perhaps we're being altered genetically in order to advance 721 00:37:30,082 --> 00:37:32,999 The race beyond what is transpiring in our world now. 722 00:37:40,150 --> 00:37:42,074 Perhaps we're being altered genetically in order to advance 723 00:37:42,094 --> 00:37:45,929 The race beyond what is transpiring in our world now. 724 00:37:46,080 --> 00:37:50,934 I guarantee, that's what they're doing with us, to us. 725 00:37:51,161 --> 00:37:53,103 I personally think it's to evolve us. 726 00:37:53,254 --> 00:37:55,755 Tsoukalos: What's fascinating to me is that 727 00:37:55,774 --> 00:37:58,666 With darwinian evolution, one thing that's always said 728 00:37:58,685 --> 00:38:02,946 Is that you need long, long periods of time. 729 00:38:03,097 --> 00:38:06,508 -Right. -And with certain things that we now can see, 730 00:38:06,526 --> 00:38:08,359 It doesn't take a long time. 731 00:38:08,512 --> 00:38:11,513 Through science, we've learned that somehow, 732 00:38:11,531 --> 00:38:13,790 All of a sudden, evolution accelerated exponentially. 733 00:38:15,127 --> 00:38:17,460 Narrator: Scientists believe that human dna 734 00:38:17,687 --> 00:38:20,130 Has been evolving for billions of years, 735 00:38:20,357 --> 00:38:22,299 Making it nearly impossible to trace 736 00:38:22,526 --> 00:38:25,543 Its trajectory back to its origins. 737 00:38:25,637 --> 00:38:29,639 But in 2007, university of wisconsin professor 738 00:38:29,866 --> 00:38:32,884 John hawks did a comprehensive analysis 739 00:38:32,978 --> 00:38:36,704 Of the human genome going back 80,000 years 740 00:38:36,723 --> 00:38:40,317 And discovered something astonishing. 741 00:38:40,468 --> 00:38:42,468 According to his research, 742 00:38:42,487 --> 00:38:47,215 Over the past 5,000 years, human dna has evolved at a rate 743 00:38:47,308 --> 00:38:49,826 Of approximately 100 times greater 744 00:38:49,977 --> 00:38:54,331 Than at any previous time during that 80,000-year period. 745 00:38:54,558 --> 00:38:57,909 The essential question that remains for dr. Hawks 746 00:38:58,003 --> 00:39:00,503 Is why? 747 00:39:00,655 --> 00:39:04,174 Cory: Humanity is expanding, is advancing. 748 00:39:04,325 --> 00:39:07,068 We are evolving. 749 00:39:07,087 --> 00:39:09,328 But is it possible that extraterrestrials 750 00:39:09,422 --> 00:39:11,848 May have enhanced our dna? 751 00:39:11,999 --> 00:39:15,577 And the more our own dna gets enhanced, 752 00:39:15,670 --> 00:39:18,188 The more we become like them. 753 00:39:18,339 --> 00:39:21,249 So perhaps they are our ancestors. 754 00:39:21,342 --> 00:39:24,027 And perhaps that is our destiny. 755 00:39:25,605 --> 00:39:28,013 Narrator: If extraterrestrials genetically engineered 756 00:39:28,033 --> 00:39:31,034 The human race thousands of years ago, 757 00:39:31,185 --> 00:39:34,186 As ancient astronaut theorists suggest, 758 00:39:34,206 --> 00:39:38,933 Is it possible that they are continuing to upgrade our dna, 759 00:39:38,952 --> 00:39:44,606 Helping us to evolve so that we become like them? 760 00:39:44,624 --> 00:39:46,365 Childress: So what's the next step then? 761 00:39:46,385 --> 00:39:48,367 Is it possible that there's going to be 762 00:39:48,387 --> 00:39:50,795 Some giant change, 763 00:39:50,947 --> 00:39:52,964 -And they're preparing us for that? -Henry: That's what... 764 00:39:53,058 --> 00:39:54,799 I think that there's a positive intention behind this. 765 00:39:54,951 --> 00:39:56,375 And here we are in this age 766 00:39:56,395 --> 00:39:58,286 Of immense change and transformation. 767 00:39:58,304 --> 00:40:00,212 We're get-- we're right on the verge 768 00:40:00,232 --> 00:40:02,381 Of migrating into space. 769 00:40:02,401 --> 00:40:06,069 And perhaps they're aiming us towards an ultimate outcome, 770 00:40:06,220 --> 00:40:11,408 Because they want us to ultimately migrate into space. 771 00:40:11,559 --> 00:40:13,968 And they want us to be more like them. 772 00:40:14,061 --> 00:40:16,154 I think for those who think that, uh, 773 00:40:16,306 --> 00:40:20,491 All alien, uh, interference or intervention is negative, 774 00:40:20,644 --> 00:40:23,420 Is to block us; I think they're so advanced 775 00:40:23,571 --> 00:40:25,496 That if they wanted to destroy us, 776 00:40:25,649 --> 00:40:27,573 -They would have done so by now. -Oh, absolutely. 777 00:40:27,667 --> 00:40:29,592 I always embrace this idea 778 00:40:29,819 --> 00:40:33,321 That the extraterrestrials mean well. 779 00:40:33,414 --> 00:40:35,247 Tzadok: Mm-hmm. This is a growth, 780 00:40:35,341 --> 00:40:37,434 An evolution of our race, 781 00:40:37,661 --> 00:40:41,420 A fulfillment of prophecy or the angelic 782 00:40:41,514 --> 00:40:43,347 Or extraterrestrial goal. 783 00:40:43,500 --> 00:40:46,668 We're part of it. We're living it right now. 784 00:40:46,686 --> 00:40:48,336 Tsoukalos: My friends, 785 00:40:48,429 --> 00:40:50,095 I think we've learned a lot, 786 00:40:50,115 --> 00:40:52,598 And especially from you, caroline. 787 00:40:52,617 --> 00:40:56,101 This thing that is going on right now, 788 00:40:56,121 --> 00:41:01,124 Overall, illustrates that we are not alone in the universe, 789 00:41:01,275 --> 00:41:04,461 We've never been alone in the universe, 790 00:41:04,612 --> 00:41:07,112 And some type of experimentation has been going on 791 00:41:07,132 --> 00:41:09,782 To usher in a new era. 792 00:41:09,801 --> 00:41:11,634 -Agreed. -And so, 793 00:41:11,861 --> 00:41:13,303 I'm looking forward to the future. 794 00:41:13,454 --> 00:41:15,138 Captioning provided by a+e networks