1 00:00:03,078 --> 00:00:06,730 Narrator: It is a mountain that inspires both awe and fear. 2 00:00:06,823 --> 00:00:08,323 Jack "walking eagle" thom: There's things around in this mountain here 3 00:00:08,342 --> 00:00:09,824 That people are really unaware of. 4 00:00:09,918 --> 00:00:11,659 But I believe it cause I seen it. 5 00:00:11,754 --> 00:00:13,587 Narrator: For centuries, 6 00:00:13,739 --> 00:00:16,757 Extraordinary sightings have been reported both on its slopes 7 00:00:16,851 --> 00:00:19,667 And in the sky above. 8 00:00:19,762 --> 00:00:21,836 Nick pope: There are multiple 9 00:00:21,930 --> 00:00:23,597 Strange events taking place. 10 00:00:23,749 --> 00:00:26,933 Ufo sightings, paranormal events, 11 00:00:27,028 --> 00:00:31,179 Strange disappearances, that go back throughout history. 12 00:00:31,273 --> 00:00:33,757 Dustin naef: I've seen people 13 00:00:33,776 --> 00:00:37,110 In this very cave walk right into a wall and vanish. 14 00:00:37,204 --> 00:00:38,195 That's incredible. 15 00:00:39,265 --> 00:00:41,281 Narrator: But are these just stories 16 00:00:41,375 --> 00:00:44,376 Or something more? 17 00:00:44,528 --> 00:00:46,712 Giorgio tsoukalos: What makes mount shasta fascinating to me 18 00:00:46,863 --> 00:00:48,863 Are the questions. 19 00:00:48,883 --> 00:00:51,792 Narrator: Ancient astronaut theorist giorgio tsoukalos, 20 00:00:51,944 --> 00:00:53,944 Author david childress, 21 00:00:53,962 --> 00:00:56,797 And investigative mythologist william henry 22 00:00:56,949 --> 00:01:01,060 Have come together to examine incredible evidence 23 00:01:01,211 --> 00:01:03,287 That suggests mount shasta 24 00:01:03,380 --> 00:01:06,714 May have a connection to otherworldly beings. 25 00:01:06,734 --> 00:01:08,233 David childress: Perhaps it will be 26 00:01:08,460 --> 00:01:10,736 At mount shasta where the extraterrestrials 27 00:01:10,887 --> 00:01:12,738 Finally reveal themselves. 28 00:01:16,151 --> 00:01:17,743 Narrator: There is a doorway 29 00:01:17,894 --> 00:01:20,728 In the universe. 30 00:01:20,748 --> 00:01:23,749 Beyond it is the promise of truth. 31 00:01:24,977 --> 00:01:27,661 It demands we question everything 32 00:01:27,813 --> 00:01:30,071 We have ever been taught. 33 00:01:30,091 --> 00:01:32,424 The evidence is all around us. 34 00:01:33,577 --> 00:01:37,654 The future is right before our eyes. 35 00:01:37,673 --> 00:01:40,157 We are not alone. 36 00:01:40,175 --> 00:01:43,268 We have never been alone. 37 00:01:50,778 --> 00:01:54,279 I'm really delighted to be here with you guys because 38 00:01:54,431 --> 00:01:57,783 I'm curious to learn what the truth is 39 00:01:58,010 --> 00:01:59,343 Behind mount shasta. 40 00:01:59,436 --> 00:02:01,511 I used to live up in san francisco, 41 00:02:01,605 --> 00:02:04,456 And I drove that road countless times. 42 00:02:05,684 --> 00:02:08,627 And what struck me is the fact that 43 00:02:08,854 --> 00:02:11,538 Mount shasta sticks out like a sore thumb. 44 00:02:11,632 --> 00:02:13,966 -Henry: Sure does. -Childress: It really does stand out. 45 00:02:14,193 --> 00:02:15,950 Henry: I do have to admit driving up 46 00:02:15,970 --> 00:02:18,378 From sacramento and catching my first glimpse of it 47 00:02:18,530 --> 00:02:20,530 Off in the distance with the sun setting on it, 48 00:02:20,624 --> 00:02:22,532 My heart skips a beat. I mean, it is majestic. 49 00:02:22,626 --> 00:02:24,292 Tsoukalos: Oh, it is beautiful. Absolutely. 50 00:02:24,311 --> 00:02:25,811 Henry: You can tell that there's really 51 00:02:25,962 --> 00:02:28,129 An allure to it. 52 00:02:28,149 --> 00:02:31,466 What makes mount shasta fascinating to me 53 00:02:31,485 --> 00:02:34,561 -Are the legends and the mythologies of that place. -Henry: Yep. 54 00:02:34,713 --> 00:02:36,563 Childress: Probably more weird books 55 00:02:36,715 --> 00:02:38,064 Have been written about 56 00:02:38,217 --> 00:02:40,901 Mount shasta than any other mountain. 57 00:02:40,995 --> 00:02:43,162 What do you want? Giants? Do you want star people? 58 00:02:43,389 --> 00:02:46,314 Do you want lost civilizations? It all converges at shasta. 59 00:02:46,333 --> 00:02:48,816 And everyone who lives in that area 60 00:02:48,911 --> 00:02:50,252 Is familiar with these stories. 61 00:02:53,156 --> 00:02:54,731 Narrator: Rising to an elevation 62 00:02:54,750 --> 00:02:58,068 Of 14,179 feet, 63 00:02:58,161 --> 00:03:00,345 Mount shasta in northern california 64 00:03:00,497 --> 00:03:03,740 Lies at an intriguing crossroads of folklore, 65 00:03:03,759 --> 00:03:06,518 Geology and the paranormal. 66 00:03:06,745 --> 00:03:09,003 This majestic peak, 67 00:03:09,023 --> 00:03:11,339 Which is also a dormant volcano, 68 00:03:11,433 --> 00:03:14,100 Features breathtaking waterfalls, 69 00:03:14,195 --> 00:03:18,271 Pristine lakes, and spectacular alpine vistas 70 00:03:18,424 --> 00:03:22,034 That attract more than 26,000 visitors each year. 71 00:03:23,370 --> 00:03:26,446 But the native americans who are indigenous to this area 72 00:03:26,540 --> 00:03:30,358 Warn that mount shasta is as dangerous as it is beautiful. 73 00:03:30,452 --> 00:03:34,004 And for very unnatural reasons. 74 00:03:35,216 --> 00:03:38,032 For centuries, the mountain has been known 75 00:03:38,126 --> 00:03:42,203 As a place where people report strange events in the sky, 76 00:03:42,297 --> 00:03:45,224 Encounter terrifying creatures, 77 00:03:45,375 --> 00:03:49,728 And sometimes have even vanished without a trace. 78 00:03:52,958 --> 00:03:55,792 Pope: Mount shasta is a location 79 00:03:55,811 --> 00:03:59,053 Where there are multiple strange events taking place. 80 00:03:59,073 --> 00:04:01,648 Ufo sightings, 81 00:04:01,742 --> 00:04:04,634 Paranormal events, 82 00:04:04,653 --> 00:04:07,496 Strange disappearances... 83 00:04:08,582 --> 00:04:11,491 ...That go back throughout history. 84 00:04:11,643 --> 00:04:13,477 And, indeed, one can look to 85 00:04:13,495 --> 00:04:16,755 Certain native american legends, for example, 86 00:04:16,982 --> 00:04:20,834 To say that mount shasta has always 87 00:04:20,986 --> 00:04:24,096 Been associated with strange goings-on. 88 00:04:26,492 --> 00:04:28,658 There's things around in this mountain here 89 00:04:28,752 --> 00:04:30,752 That people are really unaware of. 90 00:04:30,771 --> 00:04:32,754 Some people don't even want to believe it. 91 00:04:32,848 --> 00:04:34,773 But I believe it cause I seen it. 92 00:04:35,943 --> 00:04:37,776 I've witnessed it. 93 00:04:39,171 --> 00:04:41,429 Narrator: Local native american tribes, 94 00:04:41,523 --> 00:04:44,007 Such as the shasta, wintu, 95 00:04:44,026 --> 00:04:47,177 Modoc and karuk, have inhabited the area 96 00:04:47,195 --> 00:04:49,705 Dating back as much as 12 centuries. 97 00:04:50,791 --> 00:04:53,274 Each revere mount shasta as a place 98 00:04:53,368 --> 00:04:55,702 That possesses mystical powers. 99 00:04:55,854 --> 00:04:57,129 Walking eagle: I was told 100 00:04:57,280 --> 00:04:59,965 By my grandmother and grandfather 101 00:05:00,116 --> 00:05:02,634 That, you know, that we didn't go above the tree line. 102 00:05:03,804 --> 00:05:07,139 That belongs to "grandfather" up there. 103 00:05:07,290 --> 00:05:10,058 So I try to stay as far away as I can. 104 00:05:11,703 --> 00:05:14,204 There was a native american author there, lucy thompson, 105 00:05:14,222 --> 00:05:16,706 1916, she writes a book 106 00:05:16,800 --> 00:05:18,391 All about the native american legends 107 00:05:18,544 --> 00:05:19,818 Of the star people, 108 00:05:19,969 --> 00:05:21,987 All that activity at mount shasta. 109 00:05:22,138 --> 00:05:24,489 And this isn't some, like, kooky book or something. 110 00:05:24,641 --> 00:05:26,825 She's writing the history of her people, the yurok tribe. 111 00:05:26,976 --> 00:05:29,143 All these legends are incredible. 112 00:05:29,163 --> 00:05:31,905 And this has been going on at mount shasta 113 00:05:31,999 --> 00:05:34,074 For hundreds of years. 114 00:05:34,168 --> 00:05:37,002 So can we attribute all these legends to mere coincidence? 115 00:05:37,229 --> 00:05:40,246 -That's the big question. -Henry: I don't think so. 116 00:05:40,341 --> 00:05:43,008 Another layer to this mystery is that shasta is very close 117 00:05:43,235 --> 00:05:45,402 To petroglyph point, where we find some of 118 00:05:45,420 --> 00:05:47,587 What are considered to be some of the oldest 119 00:05:47,681 --> 00:05:49,181 Petroglyphs in north america. 120 00:05:50,409 --> 00:05:54,001 Narrator: 60 miles northeast of mount shasta, 121 00:05:54,096 --> 00:05:55,595 At lava beds national monument, 122 00:05:55,689 --> 00:05:58,673 A curious record of native american traditions 123 00:05:58,692 --> 00:06:00,083 Can be found. 124 00:06:01,195 --> 00:06:04,270 Hundreds of stone carvings, known as petroglyphs, 125 00:06:04,423 --> 00:06:07,924 That were created as much as 6000 years ago 126 00:06:08,017 --> 00:06:10,452 By ancestors of the modoc tribe. 127 00:06:11,613 --> 00:06:13,538 The lava beds petroglyphs 128 00:06:13,690 --> 00:06:16,116 Include ancient calendars, 129 00:06:16,210 --> 00:06:18,860 Depictions of animals, humans, 130 00:06:18,954 --> 00:06:21,863 And celestial beings also referred to 131 00:06:21,882 --> 00:06:24,608 As "sky people." 132 00:06:24,701 --> 00:06:26,885 In various native american traditions, 133 00:06:27,112 --> 00:06:29,796 We have different spiritual beings, uh, located 134 00:06:29,890 --> 00:06:31,965 On these sort of different planes of existence. 135 00:06:32,117 --> 00:06:34,634 And there's a wonderful range of stories 136 00:06:34,728 --> 00:06:37,229 In many, many native american groups that talk 137 00:06:37,456 --> 00:06:39,231 About some of the adventures and interactions 138 00:06:39,382 --> 00:06:42,067 With the sky people, uh, with the humans on earth. 139 00:06:44,463 --> 00:06:46,312 Narrator: One of the petroglyphs depicts 140 00:06:46,465 --> 00:06:49,074 A large, winged creature emerging from inside 141 00:06:49,225 --> 00:06:51,635 Of mount shasta. 142 00:06:51,728 --> 00:06:54,638 It is believed to represent a sky being 143 00:06:54,656 --> 00:06:57,157 Who the modoc people worship as their creator 144 00:06:57,251 --> 00:06:59,233 Known as skell. 145 00:06:59,253 --> 00:07:04,497 The local people believe that in ancient times, 146 00:07:04,650 --> 00:07:07,150 The great sky chief skell 147 00:07:07,169 --> 00:07:10,670 Came down from the sky to live in shasta 148 00:07:10,764 --> 00:07:14,015 And has been there ever since and protects it. 149 00:07:17,179 --> 00:07:19,012 Narrator: Could this petroglyph of skell 150 00:07:19,164 --> 00:07:20,772 Be, as some believe, 151 00:07:20,999 --> 00:07:23,942 An actual depiction of an extraterrestrial being 152 00:07:24,169 --> 00:07:26,945 That the modoc people encountered centuries ago? 153 00:07:29,116 --> 00:07:32,025 So we know there's been humans going through this area 154 00:07:32,119 --> 00:07:34,435 For a long time and creating these petroglyphs 155 00:07:34,529 --> 00:07:36,696 With these mystery teachings on them. 156 00:07:36,848 --> 00:07:40,200 So it's got all of that mythology attached to it 157 00:07:40,352 --> 00:07:43,019 And has all kinds of ufo sightings as well. 158 00:07:43,038 --> 00:07:45,613 Certain mountains are associated with ufos, 159 00:07:45,632 --> 00:07:48,467 And mount shasta's definitely one of them. 160 00:07:48,618 --> 00:07:51,118 It's interesting to me that we have modern accounts 161 00:07:51,138 --> 00:07:53,454 Of ufo sightings, for example, 162 00:07:53,548 --> 00:07:55,715 Right here at mount shasta, 163 00:07:55,809 --> 00:07:58,384 But what's fascinating to me is that there are 164 00:07:58,479 --> 00:08:02,872 Many, many ancient stories of so-called ufo encounters 165 00:08:02,966 --> 00:08:06,209 That we consider today ufo encounters. 166 00:08:06,302 --> 00:08:08,561 And are ufos particularly are seen kind of coming 167 00:08:08,714 --> 00:08:10,714 From the top, the crater of mount shasta 168 00:08:10,807 --> 00:08:13,717 And going up or are they coming out of the side? 169 00:08:13,810 --> 00:08:16,236 -What are... What are the beliefs there? -Henry: They're from all over. 170 00:08:16,330 --> 00:08:18,555 It's like-it's like they're coming out of the mountain 171 00:08:18,573 --> 00:08:21,074 Or that-that they're seen hovering above it. 172 00:08:21,168 --> 00:08:22,501 It's very strange. 173 00:08:23,653 --> 00:08:25,837 Narrator: Over the past century, 174 00:08:26,064 --> 00:08:27,839 There have been more than 50 reports 175 00:08:28,066 --> 00:08:30,842 Of ufo sightings around mount shasta 176 00:08:30,994 --> 00:08:34,304 With an increasing number in just the last decade. 177 00:08:35,257 --> 00:08:37,498 Almost everyone who lives there 178 00:08:37,592 --> 00:08:39,851 Has-has seen something unusual. 179 00:08:41,021 --> 00:08:43,580 One of the most remarkable ufo sightings 180 00:08:43,598 --> 00:08:46,858 I've heard of, it took place in 2008. 181 00:08:47,010 --> 00:08:50,420 Witnesses in the town of mccloud saw a ufo 182 00:08:50,513 --> 00:08:53,439 That looked like a giant glowing jellyfish 183 00:08:53,534 --> 00:08:58,161 Move over the town and then fly off into the distance. 184 00:09:00,766 --> 00:09:02,265 Walking eagle: I was driving back 185 00:09:02,284 --> 00:09:05,118 From, uh, klamath falls, eh, around 7:00, 186 00:09:05,270 --> 00:09:07,045 6:30, 7:00 in the evening 187 00:09:07,196 --> 00:09:09,272 In the summertime. 188 00:09:09,365 --> 00:09:11,291 All of the sudden I looked up on the mountain, 189 00:09:11,385 --> 00:09:13,218 And I seen the whole mountain 190 00:09:13,369 --> 00:09:16,203 Toward yreka side open up. 191 00:09:16,298 --> 00:09:18,631 And then this big ship came 192 00:09:18,725 --> 00:09:21,801 And sat there hovered for a minute and then went right in. 193 00:09:21,953 --> 00:09:23,953 And next thing you know, the mountain closed, 194 00:09:23,972 --> 00:09:26,690 And I was like, "what is going on?" 195 00:09:29,052 --> 00:09:31,311 I never let things like that bother me, though. 196 00:09:31,463 --> 00:09:33,405 I've seen things like that all the time. 197 00:09:33,632 --> 00:09:36,299 And, you know, what's interesting about it, too, 198 00:09:36,392 --> 00:09:38,225 Is that the native americans... There was a group 199 00:09:38,320 --> 00:09:40,653 Of spiritual beings called the waga 200 00:09:40,747 --> 00:09:43,731 That first came to shasta and-and started instructing 201 00:09:43,825 --> 00:09:45,399 The local native americans. 202 00:09:45,419 --> 00:09:48,402 And they told this story that there were giants 203 00:09:48,496 --> 00:09:50,422 That lived in mount shasta. 204 00:09:50,649 --> 00:09:53,499 Giants are often associated with the stories 205 00:09:53,652 --> 00:09:55,743 -Of bigfoot. -Henry: Absolutely. 206 00:09:55,837 --> 00:09:58,263 -And mount shasta is also famous for bigfoot sightings. -Yes, it is. 207 00:09:58,414 --> 00:10:01,248 In fact, the earliest, uh, 208 00:10:01,268 --> 00:10:04,585 Really popular sightings of bigfoot 209 00:10:04,679 --> 00:10:07,088 And where the name bigfoot comes from 210 00:10:07,182 --> 00:10:08,998 Is from northern california 211 00:10:09,017 --> 00:10:11,276 -And around redding. -Mm-hmm. 212 00:10:12,687 --> 00:10:14,779 Narrator: Giants? Bigfoot? 213 00:10:16,265 --> 00:10:19,509 Incredibly, similar stories have been reported 214 00:10:19,602 --> 00:10:21,786 In this area for hundreds of years. 215 00:10:24,516 --> 00:10:28,184 And in October 1930, several newspapers detailed 216 00:10:28,203 --> 00:10:31,855 The discovery of a mysteriously large humanoid skeleton 217 00:10:31,873 --> 00:10:33,857 In the town of redding, 218 00:10:33,875 --> 00:10:36,885 60 miles south of mount shasta. 219 00:10:37,971 --> 00:10:40,138 There are traditions of giants linked 220 00:10:40,365 --> 00:10:42,289 With mount shasta, which absolutely fascinate me. 221 00:10:42,309 --> 00:10:45,201 And one of these, uh, goes back quite a long way, 222 00:10:45,294 --> 00:10:46,961 And it's part of the modoc tribe, 223 00:10:46,980 --> 00:10:48,963 Who are kind of part of this area. 224 00:10:50,150 --> 00:10:54,653 And they say the sky spirit's daughter was abducted by a bear, 225 00:10:54,880 --> 00:10:58,657 And she actually gave birth to a race of giants. 226 00:10:58,884 --> 00:11:01,826 Some people suggest that these are actually hairy beasts, 227 00:11:01,978 --> 00:11:05,622 Sasquatch-like beings, connected with mount shasta. 228 00:11:07,150 --> 00:11:10,410 So you've got this convergence of-of these stories 229 00:11:10,504 --> 00:11:15,173 Of-of massive ufo sightings, giants, star beings. 230 00:11:15,324 --> 00:11:18,568 This is, like, a hotbed area up here. It is incredible. 231 00:11:18,586 --> 00:11:21,070 Native americans in the area around mount shasta 232 00:11:21,089 --> 00:11:24,073 Warned people of the number of disappearances 233 00:11:24,092 --> 00:11:26,259 -That have taken place up there. -So mount shasta 234 00:11:26,411 --> 00:11:28,411 Is one of these hot spots 235 00:11:28,504 --> 00:11:30,522 -For disappearing people, then? -Exactly. 236 00:11:36,938 --> 00:11:40,347 Native americans in the area around mount shasta say that 237 00:11:40,367 --> 00:11:43,017 The area above the tree line is sacred. 238 00:11:43,111 --> 00:11:44,703 -And they warn people, "do not go up there." -is that so? 239 00:11:44,854 --> 00:11:47,096 Right, which makes it not surprising to learn 240 00:11:47,115 --> 00:11:49,874 Of the number of disappearances that have taken place up there. 241 00:11:50,026 --> 00:11:52,877 So mount shasta is one of these hot spots 242 00:11:53,029 --> 00:11:54,879 -For disappearing people, then? -Exactly. 243 00:11:56,049 --> 00:11:58,365 Yes, siskiyou county is the location 244 00:11:58,460 --> 00:12:00,701 That carl disappeared in. 245 00:12:00,795 --> 00:12:03,112 Narrator: Since 2009, 246 00:12:03,131 --> 00:12:05,298 Former police detective dave paulides has been 247 00:12:05,450 --> 00:12:08,451 Applying his professional investigative training 248 00:12:08,470 --> 00:12:12,379 Attempting to solve mysterious missing persons cases 249 00:12:12,474 --> 00:12:14,715 All around the country. 250 00:12:14,735 --> 00:12:17,794 In ten-plus years, I've looked at over 251 00:12:17,887 --> 00:12:20,721 5,000 search and rescue cases. 252 00:12:20,741 --> 00:12:25,226 And in those, 1,200 are unexplained. 253 00:12:25,245 --> 00:12:28,154 And I mean that cases 254 00:12:28,248 --> 00:12:32,083 Of possible animal predation have been vetted out. 255 00:12:32,235 --> 00:12:36,904 Incidents of mental health, suicide, were vetted out. 256 00:12:36,998 --> 00:12:39,573 And what you're left with 257 00:12:39,593 --> 00:12:42,427 Is a complete void of rational explanation. 258 00:12:45,657 --> 00:12:49,917 The area around mount shasta has many unusual disappearances. 259 00:12:49,936 --> 00:12:52,586 Narrator: One of the most baffling disappearances 260 00:12:52,606 --> 00:12:54,664 That dave has been focusing on 261 00:12:54,757 --> 00:12:58,359 Was reported on mount shasta in 1999. 262 00:12:59,521 --> 00:13:03,448 On may 25, three experienced hikers-- 263 00:13:03,675 --> 00:13:06,859 Carl landers, milt gaines and barry gilmore-- 264 00:13:07,012 --> 00:13:09,362 Set off from mount shasta's bunny flat trailhead 265 00:13:09,514 --> 00:13:10,789 Towards the summit. 266 00:13:13,701 --> 00:13:17,036 The guys got up to a place called 50/50. 267 00:13:17,130 --> 00:13:19,705 It was a place where hikers that wanted to summit 268 00:13:19,858 --> 00:13:22,025 Would either camp there or at the next stop, 269 00:13:22,118 --> 00:13:23,968 Called lake helen, for the night. 270 00:13:25,138 --> 00:13:27,955 The next morning, they get up, the wind is howling. 271 00:13:27,974 --> 00:13:30,457 The guys were putting the tent together 272 00:13:30,477 --> 00:13:32,310 And were stashing it for their climb, 273 00:13:32,537 --> 00:13:35,129 And they saw that carl was looking cold. 274 00:13:35,148 --> 00:13:38,708 And so they said, "hey, why don't you go to lake helen's, 275 00:13:38,726 --> 00:13:41,044 And we'll meet you there." 276 00:13:41,062 --> 00:13:42,654 And carl took off walking. 277 00:13:45,900 --> 00:13:47,641 Narrator: Shortly after carl 278 00:13:47,661 --> 00:13:49,643 Left the 50/50 campsite, 279 00:13:49,663 --> 00:13:52,330 Milt and barry followed. 280 00:13:52,557 --> 00:13:54,666 But when they arrived at lake helen, 281 00:13:54,817 --> 00:13:57,818 Just 650 feet away, 282 00:13:57,838 --> 00:14:01,464 Carl was nowhere to be found. 283 00:14:02,658 --> 00:14:05,844 Paulides: Milt gaines, carl's partner, 284 00:14:06,071 --> 00:14:08,996 Got there, and he didn't see carl. 285 00:14:09,015 --> 00:14:11,349 And now he's confused 286 00:14:11,500 --> 00:14:14,577 Because there's no place between 50/50 287 00:14:14,596 --> 00:14:17,096 And lake helen to disappear. 288 00:14:17,190 --> 00:14:19,599 There's no obstructions, you're above timber line, 289 00:14:19,751 --> 00:14:21,175 There's no big, huge boulders 290 00:14:21,269 --> 00:14:23,269 That are gonna get in your way, 291 00:14:23,363 --> 00:14:26,322 And it's a solid snow field with no crevasses. 292 00:14:30,019 --> 00:14:33,020 That started a week-long search and rescue 293 00:14:33,039 --> 00:14:35,615 That would rival any anyone knew about. 294 00:14:36,784 --> 00:14:40,436 Now, one of the things that was done on the landers case 295 00:14:40,455 --> 00:14:42,939 Is that they checked with u.S. Geological survey 296 00:14:42,957 --> 00:14:45,532 For seismic activity on the mountain. 297 00:14:45,552 --> 00:14:48,277 The reason they did that is that sometimes 298 00:14:48,371 --> 00:14:50,722 There's a... An avalanche of rock 299 00:14:50,873 --> 00:14:53,057 And maybe the climber was covered 300 00:14:53,284 --> 00:14:55,226 By the rock and you wouldn't find them. 301 00:14:55,453 --> 00:14:57,211 During the time that carl was gone, 302 00:14:57,230 --> 00:14:59,138 There was no seismic activity. 303 00:14:59,290 --> 00:15:01,882 So they know that carl wasn't covered by rocks. 304 00:15:03,052 --> 00:15:06,295 Narrator: Remarkably, in the more than 20 years 305 00:15:06,314 --> 00:15:07,888 Since carl's disappearance, 306 00:15:07,982 --> 00:15:10,466 No one has found any clues 307 00:15:10,485 --> 00:15:13,244 That could explain what happened to him. 308 00:15:13,471 --> 00:15:15,729 Milt gaines: I don't know how many people 309 00:15:15,749 --> 00:15:17,898 Have been up avalanche gulch. 310 00:15:17,918 --> 00:15:20,418 But, uh, nothing has been found. 311 00:15:20,645 --> 00:15:23,070 No metal ice axe. No metal crampons. 312 00:15:23,089 --> 00:15:27,333 No colorful nylon pack or coat 313 00:15:27,485 --> 00:15:29,594 Or black pants or plastic boots. 314 00:15:29,821 --> 00:15:32,096 Nothing. 315 00:15:32,248 --> 00:15:35,099 Paulides: The search and rescue coordinator on this event 316 00:15:35,251 --> 00:15:37,176 Was an individual named grizz adams. 317 00:15:37,270 --> 00:15:41,013 Grizz had been doing this for 30-plus years. 318 00:15:41,107 --> 00:15:45,610 Grizz said, "dave, I guarantee carl isn't on that mountain. 319 00:15:46,780 --> 00:15:51,098 He either went up or he went in, but he isn't on." 320 00:15:51,117 --> 00:15:53,767 Those were his words. 321 00:15:53,787 --> 00:15:58,122 I think that the comment tells you 322 00:15:58,274 --> 00:16:01,292 That there were few options for a rational explanation. 323 00:16:02,295 --> 00:16:04,295 And so they-they never found him, 324 00:16:04,447 --> 00:16:06,189 They have no explanation for what happened. 325 00:16:06,282 --> 00:16:07,781 (stammers) everyone's just baffled? 326 00:16:07,801 --> 00:16:09,692 Yeah. Yeah, he's hiking up the mountain 327 00:16:09,711 --> 00:16:11,618 In sight of his friends and suddenly disappears. 328 00:16:11,638 --> 00:16:14,455 And do they see him disappear 329 00:16:14,474 --> 00:16:17,533 Or they just look away and they turn around and he's gone? 330 00:16:17,626 --> 00:16:19,811 Typically, in those stories, people 331 00:16:19,962 --> 00:16:21,962 Don't actually see them disappear, but they're 332 00:16:22,056 --> 00:16:25,149 Nearby and they never call out for help or anything like that. 333 00:16:25,376 --> 00:16:27,652 Then there's the story of a three-year-old boy. 334 00:16:27,879 --> 00:16:29,895 He's camping with his parents on shasta, 335 00:16:30,048 --> 00:16:32,281 And he wanders off, disappears. 336 00:16:34,552 --> 00:16:36,219 Narrator: Another very unusual disappearance 337 00:16:36,237 --> 00:16:39,646 That dave paulides investigated near mount shasta 338 00:16:39,666 --> 00:16:43,334 Occurred on September 2, 2011. 339 00:16:43,486 --> 00:16:45,652 Paulides: A three-year-old boy disappeared 340 00:16:45,672 --> 00:16:47,747 On a camping trip. 341 00:16:47,899 --> 00:16:50,082 And he was later found by search and rescue, 342 00:16:50,176 --> 00:16:52,844 At one of the first places they would have looked. 343 00:16:52,995 --> 00:16:55,329 Right next to a trail. 344 00:16:55,348 --> 00:16:59,242 One of the first things search and rescue people do is, 345 00:16:59,260 --> 00:17:02,669 As they're walking down a trail, they're calling the boy's name. 346 00:17:02,764 --> 00:17:04,022 -Tommy! -Hey, tommy! 347 00:17:04,173 --> 00:17:05,765 Hey, tommy, where are you? 348 00:17:05,917 --> 00:17:08,008 Now, if he was near the trail 349 00:17:08,102 --> 00:17:11,529 And he heard that, chances are he's gonna come and get help. 350 00:17:11,756 --> 00:17:13,197 Cause he'd been out there overnight. 351 00:17:13,349 --> 00:17:15,775 So to think that he was next that trail 352 00:17:15,927 --> 00:17:17,760 The whole time is really hard to understand. 353 00:17:18,946 --> 00:17:22,431 Another unusual aspect to that story is that this boy 354 00:17:22,450 --> 00:17:25,859 Told a story of, after going missing, 355 00:17:25,879 --> 00:17:28,880 He was down in some kind of underground cave... 356 00:17:33,053 --> 00:17:37,280 ...And a woman that he thought was a robot 357 00:17:37,298 --> 00:17:40,892 Was there asking him if he was okay and comfortable. 358 00:17:41,953 --> 00:17:43,953 It was all a very strange story, 359 00:17:44,046 --> 00:17:45,805 Something I've never heard before. 360 00:17:45,957 --> 00:17:48,124 Narrator: While the story may sound 361 00:17:48,217 --> 00:17:51,051 Like the product of a child's imagination, 362 00:17:51,071 --> 00:17:54,297 The search and rescue team could provide no explanation 363 00:17:54,315 --> 00:17:57,149 For how the boy went missing for five hours 364 00:17:57,302 --> 00:18:01,079 Only to suddenly turn up right next to the trail. 365 00:18:02,898 --> 00:18:04,398 Many people say these disappearances 366 00:18:04,492 --> 00:18:07,585 Are-are just accidents. 367 00:18:07,736 --> 00:18:10,663 But the idea that somebody disappears 368 00:18:10,815 --> 00:18:13,257 In a location where there are ufo sightings 369 00:18:13,409 --> 00:18:16,761 And sometimes reports of entities 370 00:18:16,912 --> 00:18:20,673 Mirrors the idea, perhaps, of the alien abduction. 371 00:18:21,843 --> 00:18:24,827 Narrator: Is it possible that carl landers and others 372 00:18:24,846 --> 00:18:27,588 Who mysteriously disappeared around mount shasta 373 00:18:27,607 --> 00:18:31,350 Were abducted by extraterrestrial beings? 374 00:18:31,444 --> 00:18:36,689 Or might there be an even more profound explanation? 375 00:18:36,783 --> 00:18:38,858 Uh, people are still disappearing on mount shasta. 376 00:18:39,010 --> 00:18:41,010 -Right. -This is not something that has, 377 00:18:41,028 --> 00:18:43,012 -You know, stopped. -Right. 378 00:18:43,030 --> 00:18:44,847 And it's an open area where, 379 00:18:44,866 --> 00:18:46,940 You know, there's not that many places to hide, 380 00:18:46,960 --> 00:18:49,293 -E-except by going inside the mountain. -Absolutely. 381 00:18:49,445 --> 00:18:52,521 But, once again, this affirms the... Kind of the mystery, 382 00:18:52,540 --> 00:18:55,024 The strangeness of mount shasta and says 383 00:18:55,042 --> 00:18:57,117 This is... There's a lot more going on there than... 384 00:18:57,211 --> 00:18:58,803 Than we really realize. 385 00:19:04,644 --> 00:19:06,385 People are called to mount shasta and they don't know why. 386 00:19:06,537 --> 00:19:07,937 Mount shasta is also apparently on a major ley line. 387 00:19:10,150 --> 00:19:13,042 They're a telluric current of energy going from 388 00:19:13,060 --> 00:19:15,969 Different grid spots and power spots. 389 00:19:15,989 --> 00:19:19,548 What's going on in mount shasta is not just in north america. 390 00:19:19,567 --> 00:19:22,976 All over the world are these power spot mountains 391 00:19:22,996 --> 00:19:24,978 Like mount shasta. 392 00:19:24,998 --> 00:19:26,497 Mount shasta is sometimes said 393 00:19:26,724 --> 00:19:30,393 To be one of the chakras of the planet, too. 394 00:19:31,562 --> 00:19:34,488 Narrator: The ancient sanskrit term "chakra" 395 00:19:34,507 --> 00:19:37,175 Refers to energy centers in the human body. 396 00:19:38,178 --> 00:19:42,346 In his 1967 book earth chakras, 397 00:19:42,498 --> 00:19:45,349 Author robert coon proposed that the planet 398 00:19:45,501 --> 00:19:48,502 Also has energy centers, and that these 399 00:19:48,521 --> 00:19:51,689 Act as connection points to otherworldly dimensions. 400 00:19:53,601 --> 00:19:56,510 His list included mount sinai in egypt, 401 00:19:56,604 --> 00:19:59,104 Mount kailash in tibet, 402 00:19:59,199 --> 00:20:01,365 And mount shasta. 403 00:20:01,517 --> 00:20:03,367 Hugh newman: There were traditions 404 00:20:03,594 --> 00:20:06,111 Of sacred mountains all over the world. 405 00:20:06,206 --> 00:20:10,115 This is where the gods came down, started civilization. 406 00:20:10,268 --> 00:20:11,876 But it's also thought to be 407 00:20:12,103 --> 00:20:14,861 Where communication with the gods took place 408 00:20:14,881 --> 00:20:17,790 And potentially where interstellar travel 409 00:20:17,942 --> 00:20:21,177 May have taken place between this world and other worlds. 410 00:20:23,114 --> 00:20:26,057 It seems that mount shasta is on some energy line 411 00:20:26,208 --> 00:20:29,376 That's perhaps connected even to cusco 412 00:20:29,395 --> 00:20:31,729 And lake titicaca, the great pyramids. 413 00:20:31,880 --> 00:20:35,215 -You know, power spots and sacred spaces. -Sure. 414 00:20:35,235 --> 00:20:37,643 Yeah, it's important to bring up the great pyramid because 415 00:20:37,795 --> 00:20:39,386 It reminds me of mount shasta. 416 00:20:39,405 --> 00:20:40,571 Really? Okay. 417 00:20:41,741 --> 00:20:44,316 Henry: First of all, it's a volcano, 418 00:20:44,410 --> 00:20:46,869 And the word "pyramid" means "fire in the middle." 419 00:20:49,974 --> 00:20:51,916 And underneath the great pyramid are tunnels. 420 00:20:53,068 --> 00:20:55,235 Same thing here at shasta. 421 00:20:55,329 --> 00:20:57,997 And it makes me think, well, maybe shasta could've been like 422 00:20:58,149 --> 00:21:00,741 The natural origin of the idea of the pyramid 423 00:21:00,835 --> 00:21:02,927 As, like, a power center. 424 00:21:03,078 --> 00:21:05,488 But the pyramid is an artificial construction. 425 00:21:05,506 --> 00:21:08,248 -A lava tube is not artificial, that's nature. -Exactly. And what I'm saying is 426 00:21:08,268 --> 00:21:09,992 That perhaps the pyramid is kind of like 427 00:21:10,011 --> 00:21:12,919 A technological version of a naturally-occurring 428 00:21:12,939 --> 00:21:15,189 Power center, like a volcano. 429 00:21:16,350 --> 00:21:19,001 Narrator: The great pyramid of giza, 430 00:21:19,020 --> 00:21:21,094 A power center? 431 00:21:21,114 --> 00:21:24,073 Modeled after a volcano like mount shasta? 432 00:21:25,285 --> 00:21:29,120 In his 1998 book, the giza power plant, 433 00:21:29,271 --> 00:21:32,197 Renowned master craftsman and engineer christopher dunn 434 00:21:32,292 --> 00:21:36,035 Proposed that the great pyramid was originally designed 435 00:21:36,187 --> 00:21:38,779 And functioned as a power plant. 436 00:21:39,948 --> 00:21:43,042 Two years later, based on curious erosion patterns 437 00:21:43,136 --> 00:21:45,952 Within the pyramid, maritime engineer john cadman 438 00:21:45,972 --> 00:21:48,472 Lent his support to this theory. 439 00:21:50,476 --> 00:21:52,718 In the subterranean chamber, there is some evidence 440 00:21:52,870 --> 00:21:55,479 That shows that there had been water present in it. 441 00:21:56,724 --> 00:21:59,817 There's water erosion on the floor, 442 00:21:59,968 --> 00:22:04,488 And then there's also cavitation damage on the ceiling 443 00:22:04,715 --> 00:22:06,991 Right above the pit, and that had to have been 444 00:22:07,142 --> 00:22:09,827 From a compression wave. 445 00:22:11,072 --> 00:22:13,480 Narrator: Cadman concluded that the great pyramid 446 00:22:13,499 --> 00:22:15,649 Was a gigantic hydraulic pump 447 00:22:15,668 --> 00:22:18,652 That drew water from the nearby nile river 448 00:22:18,671 --> 00:22:20,504 To generate power. 449 00:22:21,749 --> 00:22:24,491 But if the great pyramid functioned as a power plant, 450 00:22:24,510 --> 00:22:27,011 What purpose might it have served? 451 00:22:28,497 --> 00:22:31,240 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest 452 00:22:31,258 --> 00:22:33,976 Clues can be found in scared egyptian writings. 453 00:22:35,079 --> 00:22:37,021 Henry: The pyramid texts describe 454 00:22:37,248 --> 00:22:39,582 The ancient egyptian gods as extraterrestrials 455 00:22:39,600 --> 00:22:41,600 Coming and going from two places: 456 00:22:41,694 --> 00:22:43,769 Sirius and orion. 457 00:22:43,921 --> 00:22:46,697 The pyramid itself, according to the ancient egyptians, 458 00:22:46,849 --> 00:22:50,034 Functioned as an ascension device, 459 00:22:50,185 --> 00:22:53,520 So everything that we discover about the great pyramid 460 00:22:53,539 --> 00:22:56,207 Has to be related to its original function 461 00:22:56,358 --> 00:22:58,784 As a portal to other star systems 462 00:22:58,936 --> 00:23:01,937 Or other dimensions. 463 00:23:01,956 --> 00:23:04,548 Narrator: Is it possible that the great pyramid was designed 464 00:23:04,700 --> 00:23:08,386 By otherworldly visitors to function as some kind of portal? 465 00:23:09,614 --> 00:23:11,947 And, if so, could there have been others? 466 00:23:12,040 --> 00:23:15,041 Interestingly, while the great pyramid 467 00:23:15,061 --> 00:23:18,454 Is a man-made structure, geologist dr. Robert schoch 468 00:23:18,547 --> 00:23:21,232 Has identified compelling similarities 469 00:23:21,383 --> 00:23:23,567 That it shares with mount shasta. 470 00:23:25,146 --> 00:23:30,223 I see many similarities between mount shasta geologically 471 00:23:30,243 --> 00:23:32,968 And the natural features 472 00:23:32,987 --> 00:23:36,805 It's associated with and artificial, 473 00:23:36,824 --> 00:23:38,916 Human-constructed pyramids. 474 00:23:40,327 --> 00:23:42,161 Underground flowing water 475 00:23:42,313 --> 00:23:43,996 Can carry a charge, 476 00:23:44,090 --> 00:23:47,166 Build up charge in certain areas that can then 477 00:23:47,318 --> 00:23:52,321 Migrate to the surface along faults and fissures 478 00:23:52,339 --> 00:23:54,823 And, in some cases, then escape 479 00:23:54,842 --> 00:23:57,176 As, basically, balls of charge. 480 00:23:58,345 --> 00:24:00,921 Narrator: Might the unique geology of mount shasta 481 00:24:00,940 --> 00:24:03,182 Make it the perfect location for alien beings 482 00:24:03,276 --> 00:24:06,092 To create a portal to other parts of the universe 483 00:24:06,187 --> 00:24:08,779 Or even other dimensions? 484 00:24:11,175 --> 00:24:14,009 So then, in a sense, it's like an interdimensional portal 485 00:24:14,102 --> 00:24:16,361 Where beings and craft can shift 486 00:24:16,456 --> 00:24:19,272 To other dimensions, go to other planets, even? 487 00:24:19,366 --> 00:24:21,625 -Exactly. -And is it possible that some of these people 488 00:24:21,852 --> 00:24:24,019 Have disappeared, have-have actually even 489 00:24:24,112 --> 00:24:26,371 -Been taken off planet or something? -That would make sense to me. 490 00:24:26,466 --> 00:24:28,707 I mean, given what we're-we're hearing about this, 491 00:24:28,801 --> 00:24:30,617 That they could have just stumbled into some kind of 492 00:24:30,636 --> 00:24:32,695 Portal, as you're suggesting. 493 00:24:32,713 --> 00:24:34,379 I mean, seriously, we've got 494 00:24:34,532 --> 00:24:38,217 Tremendous magnetic energy there, disappearances, 495 00:24:38,311 --> 00:24:40,886 All kinds of mysterious incidences like that. 496 00:24:40,980 --> 00:24:44,039 That's fascinating. William, you went up to 497 00:24:44,132 --> 00:24:45,541 Mount shasta just recently. 498 00:24:45,634 --> 00:24:47,300 Can you tell us about your experience? 499 00:24:47,320 --> 00:24:49,445 Oh, it was absolutely mind-blowing. 500 00:24:56,329 --> 00:24:58,144 William, you went upto mount shasta just recently. 501 00:24:58,164 --> 00:24:59,830 Can you tell us about your experience and what you learned? 502 00:25:00,057 --> 00:25:01,499 Oh, it was absolutely mind-blowing. 503 00:25:01,650 --> 00:25:03,408 Went up there to meet dustin naef. 504 00:25:03,561 --> 00:25:04,743 He's a local historian. 505 00:25:04,895 --> 00:25:05,911 He-he's one of these guys 506 00:25:06,063 --> 00:25:07,229 That was called to the mountain. 507 00:25:07,248 --> 00:25:10,749 He kept hearing about the legends and so forth. 508 00:25:10,901 --> 00:25:13,252 He's been investigating it for many, many years. 509 00:25:13,404 --> 00:25:15,571 Yeah, I've-I've read his books. 510 00:25:15,664 --> 00:25:17,515 And so, you went to mount shasta, too, 511 00:25:17,742 --> 00:25:21,001 Because of these strange disappearances, huh? 512 00:25:21,095 --> 00:25:23,579 Absolutely. What's interesting about this to me is that maybe 513 00:25:23,597 --> 00:25:25,005 It's a case of some kind of 514 00:25:25,024 --> 00:25:26,098 Interdimensional portal opening up. 515 00:25:26,192 --> 00:25:29,026 This is a very mysterious part of the world, 516 00:25:29,253 --> 00:25:31,177 Northern california, where giants were there, 517 00:25:31,197 --> 00:25:33,939 Star people, lost civilizations. 518 00:25:34,033 --> 00:25:35,032 It's magical. 519 00:25:38,612 --> 00:25:40,371 Narrator: In November 2020, 520 00:25:40,598 --> 00:25:43,541 William henry traveled to weed, california, 521 00:25:43,768 --> 00:25:46,785 To investigate firsthand if he could document 522 00:25:46,879 --> 00:25:49,863 Any evidence to help explain the many ufo sightings, 523 00:25:49,882 --> 00:25:54,218 Baffling disappearances, and encounters with strange beings 524 00:25:54,445 --> 00:25:57,537 That have been reported at mount shasta. 525 00:25:57,557 --> 00:26:00,206 And also to explore the incredible notion 526 00:26:00,226 --> 00:26:02,117 That the mountain might actually 527 00:26:02,136 --> 00:26:05,470 Contain a portal through space and time. 528 00:26:05,623 --> 00:26:08,457 -Hi, dustin. I'm william henry. -Hi, william. Glad to meet you. 529 00:26:08,475 --> 00:26:11,810 Local author dustin naef has spent years 530 00:26:11,962 --> 00:26:14,905 Investigating the mysteries of mount shasta. 531 00:26:15,057 --> 00:26:18,742 One story that I think I'm most excited and interested in 532 00:26:18,894 --> 00:26:21,153 Is these light beings that are also described 533 00:26:21,305 --> 00:26:23,639 As living within mount shasta. 534 00:26:23,657 --> 00:26:27,400 Can we now tie that into mu or lemuria? 535 00:26:27,420 --> 00:26:29,995 Yeah, there's a lot of, you know, supporting evidence, 536 00:26:30,147 --> 00:26:32,572 And I-I think there's something to the stories. 537 00:26:32,666 --> 00:26:35,167 Lemuria is a civilization 538 00:26:35,261 --> 00:26:38,411 That was quite an advanced civilization for its time. 539 00:26:38,431 --> 00:26:41,432 And it existed somewhere 540 00:26:41,659 --> 00:26:43,992 Off the pacific coast of north america. 541 00:26:45,179 --> 00:26:49,348 Narrator: The existence of a lost continent named lemuria 542 00:26:49,442 --> 00:26:53,611 Was first proposed by zoologist philip sclater in 1864. 543 00:26:54,780 --> 00:26:57,931 Curiously, this theory is corroborated 544 00:26:58,025 --> 00:27:01,844 By the ancient oral traditions of the native hawaiian people, 545 00:27:01,862 --> 00:27:04,680 Which say that the pacific islands of the region 546 00:27:04,698 --> 00:27:06,790 Were once part of a giant continent, 547 00:27:07,017 --> 00:27:09,460 One that was home to a highly advanced, 548 00:27:09,611 --> 00:27:12,112 Otherworldly civilization. 549 00:27:12,131 --> 00:27:14,948 We do know that there were some people who got lost, 550 00:27:15,042 --> 00:27:17,709 And this is who we call the mu or the lemurian people 551 00:27:17,862 --> 00:27:18,969 You might refer to. 552 00:27:20,139 --> 00:27:23,215 They existed at one time, and then we lost them 553 00:27:23,309 --> 00:27:25,534 Under the ocean. 554 00:27:25,552 --> 00:27:27,386 Mitch horowitz: In the 19th century, 555 00:27:27,538 --> 00:27:30,797 There were various occult and esoteric writers, 556 00:27:30,816 --> 00:27:33,651 Including madame h.P. Blavatsky, 557 00:27:33,802 --> 00:27:36,136 Who identified lemuria 558 00:27:36,155 --> 00:27:38,805 As this primordial human civilization. 559 00:27:38,824 --> 00:27:41,141 And the idea was that some of 560 00:27:41,160 --> 00:27:44,328 Humanity's hidden and occult roots could be traced back 561 00:27:44,555 --> 00:27:47,164 To this so-called continent of lemuria. 562 00:27:48,167 --> 00:27:51,076 Pope: Mount shasta ties in 563 00:27:51,228 --> 00:27:55,655 To the idea of the lost continent of lemuria. 564 00:27:55,749 --> 00:27:57,174 They were thought to be 565 00:27:57,401 --> 00:28:00,252 Very technologically advanced ancestors. 566 00:28:00,404 --> 00:28:03,180 Maybe gods, maybe extraterrestrials. 567 00:28:04,425 --> 00:28:07,333 Whoever these people were, 568 00:28:07,428 --> 00:28:09,669 Some calamity befell them. 569 00:28:09,689 --> 00:28:12,189 And the legend is 570 00:28:12,340 --> 00:28:15,267 That the survivors of this cataclysm 571 00:28:15,419 --> 00:28:17,528 Took refuge in mount shasta. 572 00:28:21,016 --> 00:28:22,925 Narrator: Could there really have been 573 00:28:22,943 --> 00:28:25,018 A highly advanced civilization that existed 574 00:28:25,037 --> 00:28:27,763 On earth thousands of years ago? 575 00:28:27,856 --> 00:28:30,766 And, if so, could there be any truth 576 00:28:30,784 --> 00:28:32,876 To the notion that they took refuge 577 00:28:33,028 --> 00:28:36,547 From a devastating cataclysm in the caves of mount shasta? 578 00:28:37,717 --> 00:28:40,718 One man who was convinced the story was true 579 00:28:40,869 --> 00:28:43,111 Was prospector j.C. Brown, 580 00:28:43,130 --> 00:28:44,871 Who, in the early 20th century, 581 00:28:44,890 --> 00:28:47,558 Made it his mission to find the proof. 582 00:28:49,119 --> 00:28:50,877 You know, j.C. Brown 583 00:28:50,896 --> 00:28:52,730 Became really enamored 584 00:28:52,881 --> 00:28:54,898 With the theories of lemuria and mu. 585 00:28:55,050 --> 00:28:57,292 -Mm-hmm. -J.C. Brown claims to have been up here 586 00:28:57,311 --> 00:29:00,220 In 1906 prospecting for gold 587 00:29:00,239 --> 00:29:02,814 When he accidentally unearthed 588 00:29:02,908 --> 00:29:06,301 A tunnel which he describes as a man-made tunnel. 589 00:29:06,320 --> 00:29:08,987 And about a couple miles in, 590 00:29:09,139 --> 00:29:13,141 He found what he describes as some kind of, uh, reliquary 591 00:29:13,160 --> 00:29:16,587 Containing all kinds of records of a lost civilization, 592 00:29:16,738 --> 00:29:20,482 And he describes finding the bodies 593 00:29:20,501 --> 00:29:22,909 -Of mummified giants. -Wow. 594 00:29:22,928 --> 00:29:26,079 And one of the things miners did was they would mark 595 00:29:26,098 --> 00:29:28,991 The environment with, uh, symbols. 596 00:29:29,009 --> 00:29:31,009 -Mm-hmm. -And there's a place 597 00:29:31,161 --> 00:29:32,936 Not far from mount shasta 598 00:29:33,088 --> 00:29:35,347 Where I've found a whole collection 599 00:29:35,499 --> 00:29:38,609 Of these glyphs that have been carved into rocks. 600 00:29:40,671 --> 00:29:42,446 We know they were made sometime 601 00:29:42,597 --> 00:29:45,357 Between the early 1900s and the 1940s. 602 00:29:45,451 --> 00:29:48,527 -Mm-hmm. -And that would have been the period of time 603 00:29:48,679 --> 00:29:51,121 That j.C. Brown would have been up in this area 604 00:29:51,273 --> 00:29:53,682 Looking around for things. 605 00:29:53,775 --> 00:29:57,185 Henry: This reminds me of, uh, in-in rennes-le-château in France, 606 00:29:57,204 --> 00:29:58,796 Northwest arkansas, oak island, 607 00:29:58,947 --> 00:30:01,114 We find similar kind of symbols appearing 608 00:30:01,208 --> 00:30:02,966 In these various places 609 00:30:03,118 --> 00:30:05,636 Associated with treasuries, deposits. 610 00:30:05,787 --> 00:30:08,363 And then this looks like... Almost like two peaks or a peak 611 00:30:08,382 --> 00:30:10,456 Within a peak, like he's trying to point you inward 612 00:30:10,551 --> 00:30:11,958 Into the mountain almost. 613 00:30:11,977 --> 00:30:14,127 There's an interesting twist to this story. 614 00:30:14,146 --> 00:30:16,980 About 30 years later, 615 00:30:17,132 --> 00:30:20,058 J.C. Brown, uh, returned to stockton, 616 00:30:20,210 --> 00:30:24,062 And his intention was to raise an expedition 617 00:30:24,156 --> 00:30:27,732 To go back up to this site and catalog what he found. 618 00:30:27,827 --> 00:30:31,403 And he raised a party of about 80 different people, 619 00:30:31,555 --> 00:30:33,980 And on the day that they were supposed to depart 620 00:30:33,999 --> 00:30:36,500 To go up to this site, 621 00:30:36,651 --> 00:30:39,077 Um, he just mysteriously vanished. 622 00:30:39,171 --> 00:30:41,063 He just vanishes? 623 00:30:41,081 --> 00:30:42,655 Yeah, no one ever heard from him again. 624 00:30:42,749 --> 00:30:44,007 I wonder if there could be 625 00:30:44,159 --> 00:30:46,568 Some advanced ancient technology 626 00:30:46,587 --> 00:30:48,328 That he didn't fully understand 627 00:30:48,347 --> 00:30:50,496 Associated with portals, 628 00:30:50,516 --> 00:30:53,350 The light beings, and that sort of thing. 629 00:30:53,501 --> 00:30:57,262 So there are actual tunnels that we can access today? 630 00:30:57,356 --> 00:30:59,356 Yeah, I can take you to a place called pluto's cave 631 00:30:59,507 --> 00:31:00,916 Where people report and experience 632 00:31:00,934 --> 00:31:03,343 A lot of this phenomena that we've been talking about. 633 00:31:03,437 --> 00:31:10,275 Fantastic. Let's go. 634 00:31:10,369 --> 00:31:12,703 Dustin is very intrigued, as I am, about the lava tubes 635 00:31:12,930 --> 00:31:15,038 That run underneath shasta that extend into the inner earth. 636 00:31:15,265 --> 00:31:18,041 But we went into the pluto cave-- this lava tube. 637 00:31:18,268 --> 00:31:20,619 -It's about 20 miles from mount shasta. -Okay. 638 00:31:20,713 --> 00:31:22,546 -Childress: Okay, so... -So these extend for miles. 639 00:31:22,697 --> 00:31:24,773 And how big is the tube? I mean... 640 00:31:24,866 --> 00:31:25,957 Yeah, were you able to stand upright? 641 00:31:26,110 --> 00:31:27,533 Henry: No. This was one was huge. I mean, 642 00:31:27,553 --> 00:31:28,793 These are giant caverns. 643 00:31:28,888 --> 00:31:31,555 -Really? -And this-- the pluto cave-- massive. 644 00:31:31,706 --> 00:31:33,206 -You could drive a truck through there. -Really? 645 00:31:33,225 --> 00:31:35,283 -Childress: Okay. Wow. -Absolutely. 646 00:31:35,302 --> 00:31:37,636 -That's interesting. -Childress: And people around there think that if you find 647 00:31:37,730 --> 00:31:39,229 The right lava lube or something, you can get 648 00:31:39,381 --> 00:31:41,957 Into this city and into... 649 00:31:42,050 --> 00:31:44,693 -Inside mount shasta. -Exactly. Right. 650 00:31:47,147 --> 00:31:49,055 Narrator: In November 2020, 651 00:31:49,074 --> 00:31:52,817 William henry along with author dustin naef... 652 00:31:52,912 --> 00:31:55,412 -Naef: It's down this path here. -...Set out to explore what is 653 00:31:55,639 --> 00:31:57,730 Known as pluto's cave several miles north 654 00:31:57,750 --> 00:31:58,898 Of mount shasta. 655 00:31:58,992 --> 00:32:01,810 Henry: That is just spectacular. 656 00:32:01,828 --> 00:32:04,737 Narrator: It is here where numerous eyewitnesses 657 00:32:04,757 --> 00:32:07,832 Claim to have encountered mysterious beings... 658 00:32:07,927 --> 00:32:10,318 As well as seen evidence 659 00:32:10,412 --> 00:32:13,263 Of possible interdimensional portals. 660 00:32:15,659 --> 00:32:18,769 Pluto's cave is one of several natural wonders, 661 00:32:18,996 --> 00:32:21,939 Known as lava tubes, that crisscross the region. 662 00:32:23,183 --> 00:32:26,685 Schoch: Mount shasta is a volcanic mountain. 663 00:32:26,837 --> 00:32:29,688 So volcanic lava tubes are formed 664 00:32:29,782 --> 00:32:32,841 When you have fast-flowing lava. 665 00:32:32,859 --> 00:32:36,194 And it cools on the surface of the flow, 666 00:32:36,288 --> 00:32:38,455 So it actually builds a crust, 667 00:32:38,682 --> 00:32:42,275 But the lava continues to flow in the middle, 668 00:32:42,294 --> 00:32:45,629 And it forms literally a tube. 669 00:32:45,856 --> 00:32:48,448 And these tubes, in some cases, are very small. 670 00:32:48,542 --> 00:32:50,709 They might only be a few feet across. 671 00:32:50,803 --> 00:32:52,527 In other cases, 672 00:32:52,620 --> 00:32:55,288 They've been documented to be 50 feet across. 673 00:32:55,307 --> 00:32:59,142 And some of them have been documented to be 674 00:32:59,369 --> 00:33:03,730 Not just miles long but tens of miles long. 675 00:33:09,379 --> 00:33:10,654 Henry: Check it out, man. 676 00:33:13,383 --> 00:33:14,408 Awesome. 677 00:33:17,054 --> 00:33:18,978 Awesome. 678 00:33:20,315 --> 00:33:23,575 Naef: So almost all of the mythology and legends around the place-- 679 00:33:23,669 --> 00:33:26,411 It all takes place underground in the caves and tunnels 680 00:33:26,505 --> 00:33:28,463 Which surround the area. 681 00:33:29,583 --> 00:33:31,341 If you were able to look underground, 682 00:33:31,493 --> 00:33:32,417 You would just see tunnels 683 00:33:32,569 --> 00:33:35,328 Radiating out in every direction. 684 00:33:35,347 --> 00:33:37,739 There are actually native-authored stories 685 00:33:37,758 --> 00:33:39,758 That you could travel clear into oregon 686 00:33:39,910 --> 00:33:41,435 Completely underground. 687 00:33:42,521 --> 00:33:44,855 Henry: Yeah. Look at that, dustin. 688 00:33:45,082 --> 00:33:48,083 That's awesome. Beautiful skylight. 689 00:33:48,176 --> 00:33:52,087 -Naef: This almost makes like an eye-like symbol. -Henry: Absolutely. Do you think 690 00:33:52,105 --> 00:33:55,090 -J.C. Brown might have discovered a cave like this? -Yeah. 691 00:33:55,183 --> 00:33:57,108 If it was in this area, it would be very similar 692 00:33:57,261 --> 00:33:58,518 To the cave we're in now. 693 00:33:58,612 --> 00:34:00,929 There's a really big subculture here 694 00:34:01,022 --> 00:34:03,373 In mount shasta that has always believed that 695 00:34:03,525 --> 00:34:07,544 These caves and tunnels contain a civilization 696 00:34:07,695 --> 00:34:10,714 Full of people just like you and I. 697 00:34:10,941 --> 00:34:13,625 And they come back and forth through portals 698 00:34:13,719 --> 00:34:15,293 Hidden in these caves. 699 00:34:15,387 --> 00:34:17,554 I've had people actually 700 00:34:17,781 --> 00:34:20,131 Contact me and tell me they've seen people 701 00:34:20,225 --> 00:34:23,635 In this very cave walk right into a wall and vanish. 702 00:34:23,787 --> 00:34:25,136 What-what were these people like? 703 00:34:25,230 --> 00:34:26,621 What did they look like? 704 00:34:26,640 --> 00:34:27,972 They look just like us. 705 00:34:29,217 --> 00:34:31,459 That's how they're able to travel back and forth 706 00:34:31,478 --> 00:34:33,628 And mingle with humans. 707 00:34:33,647 --> 00:34:35,072 Wow. 708 00:34:37,317 --> 00:34:39,634 Narrator: One of the most famous reports 709 00:34:39,653 --> 00:34:42,637 Of a being emerging from within mount shasta 710 00:34:42,730 --> 00:34:46,065 Was made in 1930 by guy warren ballard. 711 00:34:46,085 --> 00:34:49,920 Ballard, a mining engineer who worked in the area, 712 00:34:50,071 --> 00:34:53,406 Claimed he was surveying the slopes of the mountain 713 00:34:53,425 --> 00:34:56,760 When he encountered a mysterious, glowing figure. 714 00:34:58,263 --> 00:35:01,264 Guy reported that when he was hiking on mount shasta 715 00:35:01,491 --> 00:35:04,159 In the early 1930s, 716 00:35:04,252 --> 00:35:06,770 He encountered some extraordinary, 717 00:35:06,997 --> 00:35:08,663 Mysterious teacher, 718 00:35:08,756 --> 00:35:12,109 Which he later identified as the ascended master. 719 00:35:13,612 --> 00:35:17,339 Young: This is a radiant being dressed in white. 720 00:35:17,432 --> 00:35:20,600 And they get into a long conversation. 721 00:35:20,694 --> 00:35:22,953 And this teacher, this guru, 722 00:35:23,180 --> 00:35:26,197 This otherworldly character teaches ballard 723 00:35:26,291 --> 00:35:28,350 The secrets of enlightenment. 724 00:35:28,443 --> 00:35:31,536 Narrator: For ancient astronaut theorists, 725 00:35:31,688 --> 00:35:33,964 Ballard's description of a radiant being 726 00:35:34,191 --> 00:35:36,708 Is reminiscent of accounts from ancient times 727 00:35:36,802 --> 00:35:39,527 Of similarly luminous figures. 728 00:35:40,622 --> 00:35:43,473 In irish legend, we learn of the tuatha dé danann, 729 00:35:43,625 --> 00:35:45,700 Or the tua dé dán. 730 00:35:45,793 --> 00:35:47,644 These are luminous humanoid beings 731 00:35:47,871 --> 00:35:50,038 Who are considered to be beings of immense wisdom 732 00:35:50,131 --> 00:35:52,649 Who are also called the shining ones. 733 00:35:54,044 --> 00:35:57,154 Narrator: Similar to the shining ones of the celtic tradition, 734 00:35:57,381 --> 00:36:00,064 The ancient sumerian gods, known as the anunnaki, 735 00:36:00,217 --> 00:36:02,993 Were also described as glowing figures. 736 00:36:04,312 --> 00:36:07,480 Might these accounts, including those made about mount shasta, 737 00:36:07,499 --> 00:36:09,891 Be true? 738 00:36:09,984 --> 00:36:12,669 If so, can william henry find any evidence 739 00:36:12,896 --> 00:36:14,820 To help verify them? 740 00:36:14,915 --> 00:36:16,915 If you look on the usgs charts, 741 00:36:17,067 --> 00:36:19,325 There's an immense negative magnetic anomaly 742 00:36:19,419 --> 00:36:21,419 That surrounds mount shasta. 743 00:36:21,571 --> 00:36:23,680 Henry: That's the ley line they describe here, right? 744 00:36:23,831 --> 00:36:26,016 Naef: Yeah, a lot of psychic and paranormal phenomena 745 00:36:26,243 --> 00:36:29,853 Actually occurs in places that have magnetic anomalies. 746 00:36:30,004 --> 00:36:32,414 And used as a, as a portal 747 00:36:32,432 --> 00:36:36,193 Between the inner earth realm and the stars? 748 00:36:36,420 --> 00:36:39,921 Yeah, yeah. It... Anything capable of generating 749 00:36:40,014 --> 00:36:42,657 Energy like that could be a portal. 750 00:36:45,095 --> 00:36:47,204 Narrator: Some theoretical physicists believe 751 00:36:47,431 --> 00:36:50,432 That strong variations of electromagnetic fields 752 00:36:50,450 --> 00:36:52,191 May create areas that give rise 753 00:36:52,285 --> 00:36:54,436 To exotic phenomena 754 00:36:54,454 --> 00:36:57,297 Like portals through space and time. 755 00:37:00,627 --> 00:37:04,112 There appears to be, in nature, 756 00:37:04,205 --> 00:37:08,132 The possibility of crossing thresholds 757 00:37:08,227 --> 00:37:11,043 Of energy, of vorticity, 758 00:37:11,063 --> 00:37:12,812 Of electromagnetic phenomenon... 759 00:37:14,458 --> 00:37:15,807 ...That can perhaps 760 00:37:15,901 --> 00:37:18,718 Open up portals in space-time 761 00:37:18,737 --> 00:37:21,905 That we never would have thought possible. 762 00:37:28,229 --> 00:37:30,062 This is, uh, where I've seen people 763 00:37:30,156 --> 00:37:32,082 -Get readings before. -Okay. 764 00:37:32,309 --> 00:37:34,584 Well, let's take a look. See what we got. 765 00:37:34,736 --> 00:37:37,145 I brought my meter with me just to see 766 00:37:37,238 --> 00:37:40,257 If we can detect any magnetic energy here. 767 00:37:41,501 --> 00:37:44,344 Okay. It's jumping all over. 768 00:37:46,156 --> 00:37:48,181 Got some movement here. 769 00:37:56,591 --> 00:37:57,757 All right. We got a reading here. 770 00:37:57,776 --> 00:37:58,666 Very interesting. 771 00:37:58,760 --> 00:38:00,277 Narrator: Several miles north 772 00:38:00,428 --> 00:38:03,095 In northern california, william henry 773 00:38:03,115 --> 00:38:05,523 And author dustin naef have just 774 00:38:05,617 --> 00:38:09,694 Detected a mysterious energy spike in pluto's cave, 775 00:38:09,846 --> 00:38:12,104 A giant lava tube connected to the mountain. 776 00:38:13,125 --> 00:38:15,959 Yeah, we're getting a lot of movement here 777 00:38:16,110 --> 00:38:17,961 On the magnetic side. 778 00:38:18,188 --> 00:38:19,796 I can personally feel it, and then now we got 779 00:38:20,023 --> 00:38:21,523 The readings here that are backing that up. 780 00:38:21,616 --> 00:38:24,025 And sensitive psychic people 781 00:38:24,044 --> 00:38:26,636 Could follow that line, follow the trail 782 00:38:26,788 --> 00:38:30,048 -Where, wherever it leads. -Yeah, a lot of psychic 783 00:38:30,142 --> 00:38:33,292 And paranormal phenomena actually occurs in places 784 00:38:33,312 --> 00:38:36,054 -That have magnetic anomalies. -Right. 785 00:38:36,206 --> 00:38:38,148 Naef: Mount shasta, 786 00:38:38,375 --> 00:38:41,300 It's basically made of a type of, um, geology 787 00:38:41,394 --> 00:38:43,320 That conducts electricity. 788 00:38:43,471 --> 00:38:46,656 And if you were to look underneath mount shasta, 789 00:38:46,883 --> 00:38:50,234 You would find reservoirs of churning water, 790 00:38:50,329 --> 00:38:53,738 Just millions and millions of gallons of water, 791 00:38:53,832 --> 00:38:55,981 Just churning. 792 00:38:56,001 --> 00:38:58,076 And that creates energy. 793 00:38:58,170 --> 00:38:59,669 And that's one of the theories about the pyramid... 794 00:39:01,173 --> 00:39:03,823 ...Is that the tunnels were used as conduits for water, 795 00:39:03,842 --> 00:39:06,343 That the pyramid is a power plant and somehow 796 00:39:06,494 --> 00:39:08,753 Water was used to facilitate that. 797 00:39:08,905 --> 00:39:11,848 Naef: Exactly. But the same thing is happening here at mount shasta. 798 00:39:12,075 --> 00:39:14,258 It's just being driven by natural forces. 799 00:39:14,353 --> 00:39:16,578 So that could explain, if the pyramid is a machine, 800 00:39:16,671 --> 00:39:18,580 Which is the way they describe it, 801 00:39:18,673 --> 00:39:20,023 That would explain how people 802 00:39:20,174 --> 00:39:22,341 Can come and go from mount shasta. 803 00:39:22,361 --> 00:39:24,085 It's like an interdimensional portal. 804 00:39:24,104 --> 00:39:26,588 Naef: I-it does go a long ways to explain 805 00:39:26,606 --> 00:39:28,365 The energy people feel up here. 806 00:39:28,516 --> 00:39:31,701 Because it's a... Basically an energetic site. 807 00:39:33,205 --> 00:39:36,021 So now that you've returned from mount shasta, 808 00:39:36,041 --> 00:39:38,541 Did you come to any conclusions? 809 00:39:38,693 --> 00:39:42,528 In the end, I really don't have a conclusion about mount shasta. 810 00:39:42,547 --> 00:39:44,214 For me, it's a beginning 811 00:39:44,365 --> 00:39:47,717 Because I realize how much is going on there. 812 00:39:47,869 --> 00:39:49,535 You've got the portal aspect, you've got the light beings, 813 00:39:49,629 --> 00:39:51,054 You've got the ufos, 814 00:39:51,205 --> 00:39:54,206 You've got the natural geologic possibilities that are there. 815 00:39:54,300 --> 00:39:55,207 And you've got lemuria. 816 00:39:55,301 --> 00:39:56,559 What makes mount shasta 817 00:39:56,711 --> 00:39:59,378 Fascinating to me are the questions. 818 00:39:59,398 --> 00:40:01,973 Because clearly there are so many stories, 819 00:40:02,067 --> 00:40:03,400 So many legends, 820 00:40:03,551 --> 00:40:05,568 So many events 821 00:40:05,720 --> 00:40:08,071 That have been witnessed by people. 822 00:40:08,222 --> 00:40:11,299 Something clearly is happening there. 823 00:40:11,392 --> 00:40:13,559 You've got all this lore and stories 824 00:40:13,578 --> 00:40:15,136 That's coming out of it. 825 00:40:15,155 --> 00:40:17,414 It is rooted in eyewitness accounts, 826 00:40:17,641 --> 00:40:19,732 It's rooted in historical accounts, 827 00:40:19,751 --> 00:40:21,751 It's not the stuff of legend. 828 00:40:21,903 --> 00:40:25,647 It's tremendously exciting that this is in our own backyard. 829 00:40:25,740 --> 00:40:28,425 It's not peru or the amazon or egypt. 830 00:40:28,652 --> 00:40:30,593 I-it's right here in northern california. 831 00:40:30,745 --> 00:40:34,097 And what's interesting here, too, is we have all the stories 832 00:40:34,248 --> 00:40:37,341 Going into antiquity and-and beginning of time, 833 00:40:37,494 --> 00:40:39,769 But this is something that's still going on. 834 00:40:39,921 --> 00:40:43,088 Well, gentlemen, this has been a fascinating conversation, 835 00:40:43,108 --> 00:40:45,942 And this is what science 836 00:40:46,169 --> 00:40:48,761 And the ancient astronaut theory is all about: 837 00:40:48,780 --> 00:40:50,262 The investigation. 838 00:40:50,356 --> 00:40:53,675 Because, sure, one could just dismiss the whole thing and say, 839 00:40:53,693 --> 00:40:55,768 "oh, come on. It's nothing." 840 00:40:55,787 --> 00:40:59,772 But something clearly is happening at mount shasta. 841 00:40:59,791 --> 00:41:03,685 And I think that this merits even further investigation 842 00:41:03,703 --> 00:41:08,039 Because what if mount shasta is part 843 00:41:08,133 --> 00:41:11,283 Of this giant riddle that we're all investigating? 844 00:41:11,303 --> 00:41:13,303 Captioning provided by a+e networks