1 00:00:02,152 --> 00:00:03,744 Giorgio a. Tsoukalos: Official reports of alien craft 2 00:00:03,896 --> 00:00:05,504 Suddenly retracted. 3 00:00:05,655 --> 00:00:07,822 Ufo investigations 4 00:00:07,842 --> 00:00:10,901 Designed to spread disinformation. 5 00:00:10,919 --> 00:00:12,753 Government whistleblowers 6 00:00:12,905 --> 00:00:15,514 Forced to conceal their identities. 7 00:00:16,925 --> 00:00:19,576 Over the years, ancient aliens has investigated 8 00:00:19,595 --> 00:00:24,506 The long history of government attempts to cover up the truth 9 00:00:24,525 --> 00:00:27,675 About the extraterrestrial presence on planet earth. 10 00:00:27,770 --> 00:00:32,680 And now we're going to take a look at what I consider to be 11 00:00:32,700 --> 00:00:35,534 The most compelling and revealing examples... 12 00:00:35,761 --> 00:00:40,706 As we count down my top ten alien cover-ups. 13 00:00:48,774 --> 00:00:53,385 Many people believe that there is strong evidence that aliens 14 00:00:53,612 --> 00:00:57,556 Have visited earth, and that for decades, even centuries, 15 00:00:57,783 --> 00:01:00,225 Governments around the globe have been hiding 16 00:01:00,452 --> 00:01:04,621 Information that has been classified as top secret. 17 00:01:04,640 --> 00:01:07,715 But is this just a conspiracy theory? 18 00:01:07,735 --> 00:01:13,814 That's what many had suggested until finally, in December 2017, 19 00:01:13,908 --> 00:01:16,967 The new york times published a front-page headline 20 00:01:17,060 --> 00:01:20,079 Revealing that the u.S. Government was funding 21 00:01:20,306 --> 00:01:24,750 A secret program to investigate ufos. 22 00:01:24,977 --> 00:01:28,253 Number ten on my countdown of the top cover-ups-- 23 00:01:28,480 --> 00:01:30,339 Aatip. 24 00:01:33,910 --> 00:01:37,337 Narrator: On December 16, 2017... 25 00:01:37,431 --> 00:01:40,841 The new york times ran an explosive story entitled 26 00:01:40,993 --> 00:01:43,827 "glowing auras and 'black money': 27 00:01:43,846 --> 00:01:47,422 The pentagon's mysterious ufo program." 28 00:01:47,441 --> 00:01:50,609 It was the first time the american public 29 00:01:50,760 --> 00:01:53,595 Learned of a top secret u.S. Government project-- 30 00:01:53,689 --> 00:01:57,341 The advanced aerospace threat identification program... 31 00:01:57,359 --> 00:02:00,202 Otherwise known as aatip. 32 00:02:01,513 --> 00:02:03,847 The revelations concerning the existence 33 00:02:03,940 --> 00:02:07,534 Of the pentagon's aatip program are extraordinary. 34 00:02:07,628 --> 00:02:10,854 It is the single biggest 35 00:02:10,873 --> 00:02:15,041 Ever news in the whole history of the ufo phenomenon. 36 00:02:15,136 --> 00:02:19,621 It's not quite a "spaceship in a hangar" smoking gun, 37 00:02:19,715 --> 00:02:22,382 But it's the closest we've ever been. 38 00:02:22,476 --> 00:02:25,793 Narrator: The article reported that the program had been 39 00:02:25,813 --> 00:02:29,797 In operation from 2007 until 2012, 40 00:02:29,817 --> 00:02:32,818 And was run by a former pentagon official 41 00:02:33,045 --> 00:02:34,802 Named luis elizondo, 42 00:02:34,897 --> 00:02:37,972 A senior career intelligence officer 43 00:02:38,066 --> 00:02:40,325 With top security clearance. 44 00:02:40,552 --> 00:02:44,312 It was elizondo's job to investigate reports 45 00:02:44,331 --> 00:02:47,148 Of unidentified flying objects... 46 00:02:47,242 --> 00:02:50,502 And to measure what threat they could pose to national security. 47 00:02:51,747 --> 00:02:54,339 But while aatip's funding officially ended 48 00:02:54,491 --> 00:02:56,658 In 2012... 49 00:02:56,677 --> 00:03:00,179 Elizondo claims he continued to work on the program 50 00:03:00,330 --> 00:03:03,998 Out of his pentagon office for the next five years. 51 00:03:04,018 --> 00:03:06,576 And with the help of officials 52 00:03:06,595 --> 00:03:09,188 From both the u.S. Navy and the cia. 53 00:03:10,191 --> 00:03:13,508 In October 2017, elizondo resigned 54 00:03:13,527 --> 00:03:16,420 To protest what he characterized 55 00:03:16,438 --> 00:03:20,365 As "excessive secrecy and internal opposition." 56 00:03:20,517 --> 00:03:24,352 Pope: I've sat down and had this conversation with luis elizondo 57 00:03:24,446 --> 00:03:27,097 Face-to-face, and it's clear 58 00:03:27,115 --> 00:03:29,783 That there is no reason to believe that the pentagon has 59 00:03:29,877 --> 00:03:34,213 Any intention of declassifying and releasing any more material. 60 00:03:35,457 --> 00:03:38,550 So he's done some very important work in bringing 61 00:03:38,777 --> 00:03:41,962 This story out of the shadows and into the open. 62 00:03:42,114 --> 00:03:44,389 When elizondo left the pentagon, 63 00:03:44,541 --> 00:03:46,374 He was determined to make aatip's 64 00:03:46,393 --> 00:03:49,135 Years of investigation known to the public. 65 00:03:49,230 --> 00:03:52,397 He did so by helping to distribute three videos 66 00:03:52,549 --> 00:03:55,234 To the press that were released in conjunction 67 00:03:55,461 --> 00:03:58,320 With the new york times' sensational front-page story. 68 00:04:01,224 --> 00:04:03,967 Taken by cameras mounted on navy jets, 69 00:04:04,060 --> 00:04:06,470 They were perhaps the most spectacular 70 00:04:06,488 --> 00:04:08,563 And credible ufo videos 71 00:04:08,657 --> 00:04:11,083 Ever released to the public. 72 00:04:18,592 --> 00:04:20,500 Travis taylor: One of the really interesting things about aatip 73 00:04:20,594 --> 00:04:23,077 Is how much information hasn't been released. 74 00:04:23,171 --> 00:04:25,079 We hear things that are coming. 75 00:04:25,099 --> 00:04:28,158 I bet you there's a lot more. 76 00:04:28,176 --> 00:04:29,768 Narrator: In June 2020, 77 00:04:29,919 --> 00:04:32,829 The government acknowledged what luis elizondo 78 00:04:32,848 --> 00:04:36,758 Had claimed for years-- that the uap investigations 79 00:04:36,777 --> 00:04:40,186 Have continued uninterrupted but under a new name-- 80 00:04:40,281 --> 00:04:43,448 The unidentified aerial phenomena task force. 81 00:04:44,785 --> 00:04:48,269 As far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, 82 00:04:48,363 --> 00:04:50,697 This recent disclosure only confirms 83 00:04:50,791 --> 00:04:53,625 Their suspicions that the government continues 84 00:04:53,777 --> 00:04:56,753 To hide the full extent of its ufo investigations. 85 00:04:58,357 --> 00:05:01,758 And that far more incredible revelations are yet to come. 86 00:05:08,475 --> 00:05:11,217 For years government officials 87 00:05:11,312 --> 00:05:13,812 Denied rumors of a top secret 88 00:05:14,039 --> 00:05:17,390 Military installation in the nevada desert. 89 00:05:17,543 --> 00:05:20,710 But in 2013, one of the most significant 90 00:05:20,729 --> 00:05:23,655 Cover-ups in american history was finally revealed. 91 00:05:24,716 --> 00:05:28,827 Number nine on my list: Area 51. 92 00:05:37,838 --> 00:05:42,174 Narrator: After decades of secrecy, denials, and cover-ups, 93 00:05:42,401 --> 00:05:46,236 The cia declassifies documents which acknowledge 94 00:05:46,329 --> 00:05:48,922 The existence of a top secret military 95 00:05:49,074 --> 00:05:52,742 Research facility known as area 51. 96 00:05:52,836 --> 00:05:55,745 Pope: This was an historic announcement. 97 00:05:55,839 --> 00:05:58,765 Finally these years of rumors 98 00:05:58,859 --> 00:06:02,194 That the ufo community and the conspiracy theory community 99 00:06:02,421 --> 00:06:06,423 Had been claiming to be true had been validated. 100 00:06:06,441 --> 00:06:08,683 Michael bara: The federal government was forced to acknowledge 101 00:06:08,702 --> 00:06:11,595 The existence of the area 51 base because 102 00:06:11,613 --> 00:06:13,930 Of a freedom of information act request. 103 00:06:15,024 --> 00:06:17,692 It took them over a decade to actually respond, 104 00:06:17,711 --> 00:06:19,878 But in the end they eventually had to admit what everybody 105 00:06:20,105 --> 00:06:22,547 Already knew, which was that area 51 did exist. 106 00:06:24,626 --> 00:06:26,776 Narrator: Since 1955, 107 00:06:26,795 --> 00:06:28,887 This top secret base... 108 00:06:29,038 --> 00:06:31,948 Located in the remote desert of southern nevada... 109 00:06:32,041 --> 00:06:33,950 Has been considered the epicenter 110 00:06:34,043 --> 00:06:37,044 Of the military's most classified projects... 111 00:06:37,064 --> 00:06:39,472 From the u-2 spy plane 112 00:06:39,566 --> 00:06:42,058 To the f-117 stealth fighter. 113 00:06:43,404 --> 00:06:47,147 But many believe that in the darkest corners of area 51 114 00:06:47,241 --> 00:06:50,133 Lurks an even bigger secret... 115 00:06:50,152 --> 00:06:52,727 One that hides the ultimate evidence 116 00:06:52,821 --> 00:06:55,747 Of extraterrestrial contact. 117 00:06:57,251 --> 00:06:58,808 Richard dolan: Over the years, there have been a number 118 00:06:58,827 --> 00:07:00,310 Of claims by people who have been associated 119 00:07:00,328 --> 00:07:01,586 With area 51... 120 00:07:01,813 --> 00:07:03,980 Who have spoken to journalists or whistleblowers, 121 00:07:03,999 --> 00:07:06,816 In which they have stated, quite explicitly, 122 00:07:06,835 --> 00:07:09,761 That there is extraterrestrial technology at area 51. 123 00:07:12,582 --> 00:07:14,991 Linda moulton howe: So the united states began 124 00:07:15,084 --> 00:07:18,085 With a policy of lies and denial. 125 00:07:18,180 --> 00:07:20,605 Let's call it for what it is... 126 00:07:20,832 --> 00:07:22,515 Counterintelligence. 127 00:07:22,609 --> 00:07:25,335 Ufos and ets have been 128 00:07:25,428 --> 00:07:28,188 At the top of the counterintelligence list 129 00:07:28,340 --> 00:07:30,449 Since world war ii. 130 00:07:30,676 --> 00:07:33,201 Our government doesn't want us to know the truth. 131 00:07:36,623 --> 00:07:40,292 The cover-ups we've looked at so far have been extraordinary, 132 00:07:40,443 --> 00:07:43,203 But what if I told you there was an even bigger one 133 00:07:43,297 --> 00:07:46,539 That occurred 1,600 years ago? 134 00:07:46,692 --> 00:07:49,801 And it all revolved around which religious texts 135 00:07:50,028 --> 00:07:54,197 Would be included or banned from the holy bible. 136 00:07:54,290 --> 00:07:57,458 In fact, it was one of those banned books 137 00:07:57,478 --> 00:08:00,887 That inspired erich von daniken to introduce the world 138 00:08:00,981 --> 00:08:03,873 To the ancient astronaut theory. 139 00:08:03,967 --> 00:08:06,559 Number eight on my cover-up countdown: 140 00:08:06,653 --> 00:08:08,904 The book of enoch. 141 00:08:12,050 --> 00:08:13,399 Narrator: Central anatolia, turkey. 142 00:08:13,494 --> 00:08:16,995 The fourth century ad. 143 00:08:17,222 --> 00:08:20,056 A group of 30 clerics from the christian church 144 00:08:20,149 --> 00:08:22,483 Hold the council of laodicea, 145 00:08:22,503 --> 00:08:24,728 A clandestine meeting to discuss 146 00:08:24,746 --> 00:08:27,822 The removal of certain books from the biblical canon. 147 00:08:27,841 --> 00:08:30,842 Among them is the book of enoch. 148 00:08:32,012 --> 00:08:34,738 According to many biblical scholars, 149 00:08:34,756 --> 00:08:37,924 The reason for this was most likely the controversy 150 00:08:38,018 --> 00:08:41,186 Over the accounts of fallen angels descending to earth 151 00:08:41,413 --> 00:08:44,264 In order to mate with the daughters of men-- 152 00:08:44,358 --> 00:08:48,026 Accounts that the people of the time had taken as fact. 153 00:08:49,196 --> 00:08:51,604 There are references in the scriptures 154 00:08:51,698 --> 00:08:54,032 To rebellious angels, 155 00:08:54,259 --> 00:08:56,368 Who were in trouble with god, came to earth, 156 00:08:56,519 --> 00:09:00,113 Found the daughters of men attractive and married them, 157 00:09:00,265 --> 00:09:03,375 Which is to say had sex with them and produced offspring. 158 00:09:05,546 --> 00:09:07,937 In the book of enoch, it actually gives the numbers. 159 00:09:07,956 --> 00:09:10,940 It says 200 angels disobeyed god and came 160 00:09:10,959 --> 00:09:13,969 To earth and mated with human women. 161 00:09:16,965 --> 00:09:19,632 Rabbi ariel bar tzadok: If angels are what we think they are today, 162 00:09:19,726 --> 00:09:23,453 These nonhuman entities, 163 00:09:23,471 --> 00:09:26,380 What on earth, why on earth, how on earth 164 00:09:26,474 --> 00:09:28,625 Could there be any interest 165 00:09:28,718 --> 00:09:32,812 In a sexual relationship with human women? 166 00:09:32,906 --> 00:09:35,056 We must re-understand 167 00:09:35,150 --> 00:09:38,059 What these sons of god are. 168 00:09:38,153 --> 00:09:42,138 Indeed, it is recorded in ancient legend that these were 169 00:09:42,231 --> 00:09:45,900 Some form of humanoid physical beings. 170 00:09:45,994 --> 00:09:48,587 Something extraterrestrial. 171 00:09:48,814 --> 00:09:51,739 We should translate the old texts with modern sense. 172 00:09:51,758 --> 00:09:54,150 Use the word "extraterrestrials" 173 00:09:54,169 --> 00:09:56,094 Instead of the word of "angel." 174 00:09:56,321 --> 00:09:59,155 Use a word of, uh, "leader of extraterrestrials" 175 00:09:59,174 --> 00:10:00,890 Instead of "archangel." 176 00:10:02,603 --> 00:10:04,919 If you see something is brought to heaven, 177 00:10:04,938 --> 00:10:06,587 It's just space. 178 00:10:07,774 --> 00:10:11,276 It's time to wake up to see these things with modern eyes. 179 00:10:13,096 --> 00:10:16,356 Narrator: Is it possible that stories found in the book of enoch 180 00:10:16,450 --> 00:10:19,951 Are really depicting alien beings coming down to earth 181 00:10:20,103 --> 00:10:24,271 To mate with humans and manipulate our genetic makeup? 182 00:10:24,366 --> 00:10:27,851 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes 183 00:10:27,944 --> 00:10:30,128 And suggest that the book of enoch 184 00:10:30,355 --> 00:10:32,538 Was removed from the biblical canon 185 00:10:32,691 --> 00:10:35,375 In order to cover up the truth about humankind's 186 00:10:35,469 --> 00:10:37,969 Extraterrestrial past. 187 00:10:47,539 --> 00:10:50,148 There was another secret government program 188 00:10:50,299 --> 00:10:53,467 Whose purpose, as far as the public was told, 189 00:10:53,487 --> 00:10:56,396 Was to get to the bottom of the ufo phenomenon. 190 00:10:56,490 --> 00:11:00,158 But was the real purpose to get to the truth... 191 00:11:00,309 --> 00:11:02,552 Or to cover it up? 192 00:11:02,645 --> 00:11:04,996 One of the biggest disinformation campaigns 193 00:11:05,223 --> 00:11:08,391 Ever is number seven on my countdown 194 00:11:08,484 --> 00:11:10,818 Of the top ten cover-ups... 195 00:11:10,912 --> 00:11:13,421 Project blue book. 196 00:11:22,498 --> 00:11:25,183 Narrator: A number of high-ranking u.S. Air force generals 197 00:11:25,334 --> 00:11:27,334 Come together to launch a formal investigation 198 00:11:27,354 --> 00:11:30,004 Into ufo reports. 199 00:11:30,098 --> 00:11:32,582 Project blue book. 200 00:11:32,600 --> 00:11:35,026 Under the command of air force captain 201 00:11:35,253 --> 00:11:38,604 Edward ruppelt, this new top secret agency 202 00:11:38,757 --> 00:11:41,682 Would take ufos and their potential threat 203 00:11:41,702 --> 00:11:44,619 To national security very seriously. 204 00:11:45,855 --> 00:11:50,266 Project blue book produced a standard form 205 00:11:50,285 --> 00:11:53,044 For people who wanted to report a ufo. 206 00:11:54,272 --> 00:11:55,863 What did it look like? 207 00:11:55,957 --> 00:11:57,123 Was there a sound? 208 00:11:57,217 --> 00:11:58,775 They even had a chart, 209 00:11:58,868 --> 00:12:01,277 Uh, for people to calculate 210 00:12:01,296 --> 00:12:03,638 The angle of elevation. 211 00:12:05,283 --> 00:12:07,875 If ufos are nothing to worry about, 212 00:12:07,894 --> 00:12:10,303 Why is the air force requesting 213 00:12:10,455 --> 00:12:12,956 So much information about the true nature 214 00:12:13,049 --> 00:12:14,733 Of what the witnesses saw? 215 00:12:15,810 --> 00:12:18,644 Narrator: In January 1953... 216 00:12:18,797 --> 00:12:22,315 After gathering hundreds of reported sightings, 217 00:12:22,467 --> 00:12:25,577 Photographs and interviews... 218 00:12:25,804 --> 00:12:28,821 Captain ruppelt and astronomer dr. J. Allen hynek 219 00:12:28,974 --> 00:12:32,475 Prepared and presented their best 23 cases 220 00:12:32,494 --> 00:12:35,236 To a cia-formed panel of scientists 221 00:12:35,330 --> 00:12:37,981 Led by dr. H.P. Robertson. 222 00:12:38,074 --> 00:12:40,833 The robertson panel concluded 223 00:12:40,986 --> 00:12:44,596 That the evidence could all be dismissed as natural occurrences 224 00:12:44,747 --> 00:12:48,007 And was not worth the effort of the government. 225 00:12:48,159 --> 00:12:50,343 According to many researchers, 226 00:12:50,437 --> 00:12:53,420 Including j. Allen hynek's son paul hynek, 227 00:12:53,440 --> 00:12:56,182 The government never really intended 228 00:12:56,334 --> 00:12:58,684 For project blue book to uncover the truth 229 00:12:58,837 --> 00:13:01,446 Behind the ufo phenomenon in the first place. 230 00:13:01,673 --> 00:13:04,949 But instead... Set out to debunk it. 231 00:13:06,678 --> 00:13:10,938 The air force, their job was to find answers, not the truth. 232 00:13:12,183 --> 00:13:15,034 So, the mission of project blue book was to find 233 00:13:15,128 --> 00:13:19,539 And create and cram in as many answers as they could. 234 00:13:19,633 --> 00:13:22,358 The interesting thing, though, even with that impetus 235 00:13:22,451 --> 00:13:25,028 To explain away every case they could, 236 00:13:25,046 --> 00:13:29,532 Was out of the 12,000-odd cases that they officially examined, 237 00:13:29,625 --> 00:13:31,551 They admitted they couldn't 238 00:13:31,703 --> 00:13:34,145 Explain over 700, or five percent, of them. 239 00:13:35,798 --> 00:13:40,376 Narrator: In 1969, project blue book was finally shut down 240 00:13:40,395 --> 00:13:42,487 On the grounds that there was no proof 241 00:13:42,638 --> 00:13:45,990 The unidentified objects posed a national security threat 242 00:13:46,217 --> 00:13:48,827 Or were of extraterrestrial origin. 243 00:13:50,221 --> 00:13:52,405 But was that really the end of the story... 244 00:13:52,557 --> 00:13:55,074 Or only the beginning? 245 00:13:56,244 --> 00:13:59,320 Even though project blue book was terminated in 1969... 246 00:13:59,339 --> 00:14:02,748 We've seen with aatip recently 247 00:14:02,843 --> 00:14:05,418 That these government agencies never really go away. 248 00:14:05,512 --> 00:14:08,179 They just sort of morph into another agency. 249 00:14:08,406 --> 00:14:10,348 So clearly the air force has admitted 250 00:14:10,575 --> 00:14:13,351 They have not stopped studying ufos. 251 00:14:16,523 --> 00:14:19,248 The mere disclosure of a government program 252 00:14:19,267 --> 00:14:22,509 Such as project blue book really makes you wonder 253 00:14:22,529 --> 00:14:26,013 Just how many other top secret government programs 254 00:14:26,032 --> 00:14:28,199 There might be. 255 00:14:28,426 --> 00:14:32,278 In 1984, another one of these secret programs 256 00:14:32,372 --> 00:14:35,206 Was revealed when information on it was leaked 257 00:14:35,358 --> 00:14:37,600 To a hollywood producer. 258 00:14:37,619 --> 00:14:40,770 Number six on my countdown 259 00:14:40,863 --> 00:14:44,048 Of the top ten cover-ups: The majestic 12. 260 00:14:53,226 --> 00:14:56,877 Narrator: Movie producer and ufo researcher 261 00:14:56,971 --> 00:15:00,881 Jaime shandera arrives home to find a manila envelope 262 00:15:00,901 --> 00:15:04,569 Has been dropped through the mail slot of his front door. 263 00:15:06,222 --> 00:15:07,964 The postmark indicates that it was sent 264 00:15:08,057 --> 00:15:10,224 From albuquerque, new mexico, 265 00:15:10,243 --> 00:15:14,153 But no return address is written on the envelope. 266 00:15:15,248 --> 00:15:18,732 And what he had received was this package right here. 267 00:15:18,752 --> 00:15:21,327 This is the original package, and inside the package 268 00:15:21,479 --> 00:15:26,332 There was a roll of film inside this canister. 269 00:15:26,484 --> 00:15:29,743 And this is actually the roll of film that he received. 270 00:15:29,763 --> 00:15:33,322 And this film, when copied properly, 271 00:15:33,341 --> 00:15:35,433 Produced these eight pages 272 00:15:35,660 --> 00:15:37,018 Of the eisenhower briefing document. 273 00:15:40,923 --> 00:15:43,182 Narrator: The eisenhower briefing document 274 00:15:43,334 --> 00:15:46,444 Is a memo that was allegedly written in 1952 275 00:15:46,671 --> 00:15:48,854 By the first director of the cia, 276 00:15:49,007 --> 00:15:50,782 Roscoe hillenkoetter, 277 00:15:51,009 --> 00:15:53,934 To president-elect dwight eisenhower. 278 00:15:53,954 --> 00:15:58,514 In it, hillenkoetter writes that sitting president 279 00:15:58,607 --> 00:16:01,292 Harry truman has formed a secret group 280 00:16:01,444 --> 00:16:04,370 Within the u.S. Government called the majestic 12 281 00:16:04,464 --> 00:16:08,299 To examine crashed extraterrestrial spacecraft. 282 00:16:09,636 --> 00:16:12,303 Wood: The document that he received basically reported 283 00:16:12,530 --> 00:16:14,788 That we had had previous crashes, 284 00:16:14,808 --> 00:16:17,383 Including the one at roswell. 285 00:16:17,477 --> 00:16:21,479 The bottom line recommendation to president eisenhower 286 00:16:21,706 --> 00:16:24,399 Was that this topic continued to be kept secret. 287 00:16:26,894 --> 00:16:29,895 Narrator: March 1994... 288 00:16:29,990 --> 00:16:33,382 Almost a decade after jaime shandera received 289 00:16:33,476 --> 00:16:35,493 The eisenhower briefing document, 290 00:16:35,720 --> 00:16:37,978 Majestic 12 researchers are shocked 291 00:16:37,998 --> 00:16:40,906 When a second roll of film surfaces. 292 00:16:41,059 --> 00:16:44,502 This time it is sent anonymously to a ufo group 293 00:16:44,653 --> 00:16:46,579 In maryland from quillin's drugstore 294 00:16:46,673 --> 00:16:48,506 In la crosse, wisconsin. 295 00:16:50,418 --> 00:16:53,402 Investigative journalist linda moulton howe 296 00:16:53,421 --> 00:16:56,739 Was among the first to examine these documents. 297 00:16:56,758 --> 00:17:00,000 And she has been conducting research on mj-12 298 00:17:00,094 --> 00:17:02,270 For more than two decades. 299 00:17:04,024 --> 00:17:07,191 In April 2017, 300 00:17:07,418 --> 00:17:10,603 Editor and researcher giorgio tsoukalos traveled 301 00:17:10,697 --> 00:17:13,514 To albuquerque, new mexico to meet with linda 302 00:17:13,608 --> 00:17:15,199 And find out what she knows 303 00:17:15,426 --> 00:17:18,685 About these mysterious documents. 304 00:17:18,705 --> 00:17:20,204 Tsoukalos: So, if I understand this correctly, 305 00:17:20,431 --> 00:17:22,782 Somebody at some point took photos 306 00:17:22,876 --> 00:17:25,618 Of a document that existed in paper form. 307 00:17:25,712 --> 00:17:27,861 Do we know who did this? 308 00:17:27,955 --> 00:17:29,955 Who took those photographs? 309 00:17:30,050 --> 00:17:31,957 There are people who have served in the military 310 00:17:32,052 --> 00:17:35,369 Or cia, dia, nsa, nro. 311 00:17:35,388 --> 00:17:37,280 And they are angry, they feel 312 00:17:37,373 --> 00:17:39,540 That this story should come out. 313 00:17:39,559 --> 00:17:42,876 This might have been somebody who had this manual 314 00:17:42,896 --> 00:17:45,396 In their work, photographed it, 315 00:17:45,548 --> 00:17:47,473 Maybe right there at the pharmacy, 316 00:17:47,625 --> 00:17:49,792 And the rest is history. 317 00:17:49,811 --> 00:17:53,129 Of all the documents that I've ever seen and studied, 318 00:17:53,222 --> 00:17:55,740 It is this restricted som1-01, 319 00:17:55,967 --> 00:17:58,801 Majestic 12 group special operations manual, 320 00:17:58,820 --> 00:18:01,728 That I think is really confirmation. 321 00:18:01,748 --> 00:18:04,657 It goes beyond disclosure because this is 322 00:18:04,751 --> 00:18:06,492 April 1954... 323 00:18:06,586 --> 00:18:08,160 Majestic 12 group. 324 00:18:08,313 --> 00:18:11,089 It's the war office stamp-- it is real. 325 00:18:11,316 --> 00:18:14,500 And the title: "extraterrestrial entities 326 00:18:14,652 --> 00:18:17,095 And technology, recovery and disposal." 327 00:18:17,246 --> 00:18:19,171 "top secret, 328 00:18:19,265 --> 00:18:21,674 Majic eyes only." 329 00:18:21,826 --> 00:18:24,343 And then when you start getting into... 330 00:18:24,437 --> 00:18:26,996 What is in this book, 331 00:18:27,089 --> 00:18:29,832 You have the illustrations 332 00:18:29,851 --> 00:18:31,834 And sketches 333 00:18:31,853 --> 00:18:34,670 Of different craft, ufos. 334 00:18:34,763 --> 00:18:36,697 I mean, that's incredible. 335 00:18:39,452 --> 00:18:41,268 Narrator: Did the united states government learn 336 00:18:41,362 --> 00:18:43,362 About an alien presence on earth 337 00:18:43,456 --> 00:18:45,456 In the 1940s... 338 00:18:45,608 --> 00:18:47,941 And devise a top secret committee 339 00:18:47,961 --> 00:18:51,036 To investigate this shocking revelation? 340 00:18:51,131 --> 00:18:53,965 While government officials continue to insist 341 00:18:54,192 --> 00:18:56,859 That the majestic 12 never existed, 342 00:18:56,878 --> 00:18:59,028 Those who have researched the documents 343 00:18:59,121 --> 00:19:01,139 Remain convinced of their authenticity 344 00:19:01,366 --> 00:19:04,550 And have found no evidence that mj-12 345 00:19:04,702 --> 00:19:06,811 Was ever discontinued. 346 00:19:09,858 --> 00:19:12,466 Ups 347 00:19:12,485 --> 00:19:15,135 Happened on December 9, 1965, 348 00:19:15,229 --> 00:19:17,730 When a bell-shaped object 349 00:19:17,882 --> 00:19:20,449 Crashed to earth in kecksburg, pennsylvania. 350 00:19:22,053 --> 00:19:25,554 At number five on my countdown of the top ten cover-ups: 351 00:19:25,573 --> 00:19:28,291 The kecksburg ufo incident. 352 00:19:37,493 --> 00:19:40,160 Narrator: Thousands of people watch 353 00:19:40,254 --> 00:19:43,514 As a brilliant fireball streaks across the night sky. 354 00:19:43,741 --> 00:19:47,259 And a large object was seen to come down 355 00:19:47,353 --> 00:19:49,595 In a wooded area. 356 00:19:49,747 --> 00:19:52,690 And witnesses actually claimed 357 00:19:52,917 --> 00:19:55,751 That this strange object, which was described 358 00:19:55,770 --> 00:19:58,196 As the size of a volkswagen beetle, 359 00:19:58,347 --> 00:20:01,324 Caused what appeared to be sonic booms. 360 00:20:03,185 --> 00:20:05,611 Howe: The phones went off, and all 361 00:20:05,763 --> 00:20:08,539 Of the volunteer fire departments all around: 362 00:20:08,691 --> 00:20:12,192 "we have a plane crash in the woods of kecksburg." 363 00:20:12,212 --> 00:20:14,545 Well, there was a man named jim romanski, 364 00:20:14,697 --> 00:20:16,939 And I had a real privilege 365 00:20:16,958 --> 00:20:20,343 To talk with him directly in March of 1998. 366 00:20:22,280 --> 00:20:24,947 Because he was one of only about ten people 367 00:20:24,966 --> 00:20:27,207 In this whole saga, who had 368 00:20:27,301 --> 00:20:29,802 15 minutes in the forest, 369 00:20:29,954 --> 00:20:31,712 Close up, officially 370 00:20:31,731 --> 00:20:33,639 As a volunteer fireman 371 00:20:33,733 --> 00:20:35,458 Walking around 372 00:20:35,476 --> 00:20:38,903 And trying to understand, what are we looking at? 373 00:20:39,054 --> 00:20:43,466 He said it was like an acorn or a bell. 374 00:20:43,559 --> 00:20:46,077 And on the top, it was copper colored. 375 00:20:46,228 --> 00:20:48,395 And then in the bottom was a band, 376 00:20:48,489 --> 00:20:50,656 About four inches wide, 377 00:20:50,808 --> 00:20:53,918 And raised up, not carved in, 378 00:20:54,069 --> 00:20:58,256 Were symbols that went around a portion of this craft. 379 00:20:58,407 --> 00:21:00,741 And he and others said 380 00:21:00,760 --> 00:21:04,487 They looked sort of like egyptian hieroglyph. 381 00:21:05,823 --> 00:21:08,081 Narrator: Just minutes after the firefighters arrived 382 00:21:08,101 --> 00:21:10,009 At the location of the crash, 383 00:21:10,161 --> 00:21:13,437 They were met by a convoy of military personnel 384 00:21:13,589 --> 00:21:16,423 -And ordered to leave. -(indistinct radio chatter) 385 00:21:17,168 --> 00:21:20,336 Suddenly the military entered the area, 386 00:21:20,354 --> 00:21:23,188 Uh, cordoned it off, and it was even 387 00:21:23,341 --> 00:21:26,784 Suggested that a very large military vehicle 388 00:21:26,935 --> 00:21:30,121 Was seen carrying away this object 389 00:21:30,272 --> 00:21:32,790 To god knows where. 390 00:21:32,941 --> 00:21:35,108 And the whole thing was essentially hushed up. 391 00:21:35,944 --> 00:21:38,521 Our government tried to explain everything away 392 00:21:38,614 --> 00:21:40,689 In kecksburg as a meteorite, 393 00:21:40,708 --> 00:21:43,359 And those men who stood around this object, 394 00:21:43,377 --> 00:21:45,636 In that forest, 395 00:21:45,863 --> 00:21:49,473 On December 9, 1965 knew it was no meteorite. 396 00:21:49,700 --> 00:21:52,535 They said at the time, this was this big 397 00:21:52,553 --> 00:21:55,295 Acorn- or bell-shaped craft 398 00:21:55,315 --> 00:21:58,149 From outer space. 399 00:21:58,376 --> 00:22:01,377 What was it that was found in kecksburg? 400 00:22:01,470 --> 00:22:03,970 We may never know. However, we do know 401 00:22:04,065 --> 00:22:07,550 What the u.S. Military found during another famous ufo event 402 00:22:07,643 --> 00:22:09,902 That took place in England. 403 00:22:10,054 --> 00:22:12,721 It's one of the most credible firsthand accounts 404 00:22:12,740 --> 00:22:15,407 Of an alien craft on record. 405 00:22:16,652 --> 00:22:20,153 Number four on our countdown of the top ten cover-ups: 406 00:22:20,173 --> 00:22:22,506 Rendlesham forest. 407 00:22:27,847 --> 00:22:31,015 Narrator: Rendlesham forest. Suffolk county, England. 408 00:22:32,185 --> 00:22:35,502 On December 26, 1980, 409 00:22:35,521 --> 00:22:37,688 Near an air base leased to the united states air force 410 00:22:37,840 --> 00:22:39,523 By the raf... 411 00:22:40,768 --> 00:22:43,268 ...Strange lights are reported on the horizon, 412 00:22:43,363 --> 00:22:47,180 In what appears to be a possible downed aircraft. 413 00:22:47,274 --> 00:22:49,425 Two u.S. Servicemen 414 00:22:49,518 --> 00:22:51,535 Are dispatched to the site. 415 00:22:54,782 --> 00:22:58,709 Strange lights were seen about 300 to 400 meters away 416 00:22:58,936 --> 00:23:01,787 From an area that was called the east gate. 417 00:23:01,939 --> 00:23:05,958 And the patrolling officers at the east gate saw the lights 418 00:23:06,052 --> 00:23:08,794 Above the forest and they thought potentially it was 419 00:23:08,888 --> 00:23:11,463 A downed aircraft or an aircraft in distress. 420 00:23:11,557 --> 00:23:12,781 So two of them, 421 00:23:12,875 --> 00:23:14,617 Sergeant penniston and airman john burroughs, 422 00:23:14,710 --> 00:23:17,453 Went further into the forest. 423 00:23:17,471 --> 00:23:19,546 Narrator: Once at the so-called crash site, 424 00:23:19,565 --> 00:23:24,235 The men observed a strange triangular craft on the ground, 425 00:23:24,462 --> 00:23:27,196 Approximately three meters wide at its base. 426 00:23:29,300 --> 00:23:32,392 Sergeant james penniston: I noticed that there was an inscription on the side 427 00:23:32,412 --> 00:23:34,078 Of the, uh, aircraft. 428 00:23:34,229 --> 00:23:35,729 I was expecting to find, uh, I don't know, 429 00:23:35,748 --> 00:23:39,065 Usaf, uh, something like that. 430 00:23:39,160 --> 00:23:42,161 And what I find is glyphs. 431 00:23:42,313 --> 00:23:44,588 Uh, pictorial glyphs making no sense at all. 432 00:23:44,740 --> 00:23:47,091 Then I was running my hand over the side of the craft, 433 00:23:47,242 --> 00:23:48,651 It was very warm to touch. 434 00:23:48,669 --> 00:23:53,246 At this time we were getting the feeling of electricity 435 00:23:53,266 --> 00:23:55,674 That was just bouncing... It was much, much stronger. 436 00:23:55,826 --> 00:23:58,436 There was this feeling of being drawn into it 437 00:23:58,587 --> 00:24:00,012 Or being pulled into it. 438 00:24:00,164 --> 00:24:01,997 The craft was on the ground 439 00:24:02,016 --> 00:24:04,442 Approximately, you know, 45 minutes. 440 00:24:04,593 --> 00:24:07,111 And then there was a bright flash of light. 441 00:24:07,262 --> 00:24:09,596 And then the craft just took off... (stammers) 442 00:24:09,615 --> 00:24:12,950 Out of the area, I mean, it was just... Out of the area. 443 00:24:16,104 --> 00:24:19,682 The following night, u.S. Air force colonel charles halt 444 00:24:19,700 --> 00:24:21,942 Led his own search party to the location 445 00:24:22,036 --> 00:24:24,110 Of this strange encounter. 446 00:24:24,130 --> 00:24:27,131 What they discovered were high levels of radioactivity 447 00:24:27,282 --> 00:24:29,800 Where burroughs and penniston had previously seen 448 00:24:30,027 --> 00:24:32,970 The strange craft, and three impact holes 449 00:24:33,121 --> 00:24:34,713 In the ground. 450 00:24:35,883 --> 00:24:38,124 Halt: While we're walking around, we also notice 451 00:24:38,144 --> 00:24:40,219 Four or five objects in the sky. 452 00:24:40,371 --> 00:24:44,297 They moved at very high speed, made sharp, angular turns 453 00:24:44,317 --> 00:24:46,967 As though they were doing some type of a grid search. 454 00:24:46,986 --> 00:24:50,470 Then one came at high speed, stopped directly overhead, 455 00:24:50,490 --> 00:24:53,065 3,000, 4,000, maybe 5,000 feet, and sent down 456 00:24:53,217 --> 00:24:57,310 A concentrated beam about eight or ten feet from us. 457 00:24:57,330 --> 00:24:59,497 We noticed the other object to the south sending down 458 00:24:59,648 --> 00:25:01,999 Similar beams on woodbridge base. 459 00:25:02,818 --> 00:25:04,393 At that point I was thinking, 460 00:25:04,411 --> 00:25:05,986 Why did I ever get involved in this? 461 00:25:06,005 --> 00:25:07,505 How will I ever explain this? 462 00:25:09,992 --> 00:25:13,010 Narrator: In spite of the compelling eyewitness testimony, 463 00:25:13,161 --> 00:25:16,347 The ministry of defence soon declared the case closed. 464 00:25:19,352 --> 00:25:22,353 Penniston and burroughs were ordered by their superiors 465 00:25:22,504 --> 00:25:26,098 To document the events they witnessed in rendlesham forest. 466 00:25:26,192 --> 00:25:29,768 But both men claim they were pressured to leave out 467 00:25:29,862 --> 00:25:33,088 Certain details of the event, especially those 468 00:25:33,107 --> 00:25:36,200 Suggesting the craft may have been extraterrestrial. 469 00:25:37,945 --> 00:25:40,204 I had to give this, uh, sanitized story. 470 00:25:42,433 --> 00:25:43,857 There's a lot of detail that was left out. 471 00:25:43,876 --> 00:25:46,101 And truth by omission 472 00:25:46,120 --> 00:25:48,862 Is not the truth, you know, it's a lie. 473 00:25:48,881 --> 00:25:50,881 Sergeant john burroughs: They didn't want it to appear 474 00:25:51,033 --> 00:25:52,383 Like the government was trying to cover it up. 475 00:25:52,534 --> 00:25:54,777 But I clearly felt 476 00:25:54,795 --> 00:25:57,129 That they didn't want me to go into all the details. 477 00:25:58,391 --> 00:26:01,559 Pope: Now, I did a cold case review for the ministry of defence. 478 00:26:01,710 --> 00:26:05,211 I am still subject to the official secrets act. 479 00:26:05,231 --> 00:26:10,216 But I can tell you, chances are these craft were real. 480 00:26:10,236 --> 00:26:13,904 And if they're real, they might actually be extraterrestrial. 481 00:26:22,081 --> 00:26:25,899 In wiltshire, England is a maze of stone quarries 482 00:26:25,918 --> 00:26:28,919 Excavated over a century ago, 483 00:26:29,071 --> 00:26:31,980 Where it has long been rumored that the british government 484 00:26:31,999 --> 00:26:36,001 May have conducted secret ufo investigations. 485 00:26:36,095 --> 00:26:38,929 In 2017, I had the opportunity 486 00:26:39,081 --> 00:26:40,931 To investigate this site 487 00:26:41,083 --> 00:26:44,435 With former british defense ministry official nick pope. 488 00:26:45,921 --> 00:26:49,273 The number three cover-up on our top ten countdown: 489 00:26:49,424 --> 00:26:51,275 Rudloe manor. 490 00:26:57,174 --> 00:27:00,025 Narrator: In England's southwest county of wiltshire stands 491 00:27:00,119 --> 00:27:03,011 Rudloe manor. 492 00:27:03,105 --> 00:27:06,272 On the surface, it appears to be nothing more 493 00:27:06,292 --> 00:27:09,084 Than a quaint english manor house. 494 00:27:11,188 --> 00:27:13,113 But deep beneath this structure 495 00:27:13,132 --> 00:27:16,358 Lie an astounding 2.2 million square feet 496 00:27:16,377 --> 00:27:18,877 Of vast caverns divided 497 00:27:19,029 --> 00:27:21,263 Into many smaller chambers. 498 00:27:22,975 --> 00:27:25,142 For years it was home to a group 499 00:27:25,369 --> 00:27:27,794 Called the provost and security services. 500 00:27:27,813 --> 00:27:29,888 They're kind of like the james bonds 501 00:27:30,040 --> 00:27:31,482 Of the british royal air force. 502 00:27:31,633 --> 00:27:34,877 But back in the 1990s, 503 00:27:34,895 --> 00:27:38,213 And certainly going back to the 1950s, the provost 504 00:27:38,232 --> 00:27:40,824 And security services were heavily involved 505 00:27:40,976 --> 00:27:43,619 In ufo investigations. 506 00:27:45,239 --> 00:27:48,573 Narrator: In 2007, the ministry of defence 507 00:27:48,726 --> 00:27:50,575 Announced that rudloe manor was no longer 508 00:27:50,728 --> 00:27:52,503 In use by the military. 509 00:27:54,064 --> 00:27:55,822 But if that's true, 510 00:27:55,916 --> 00:27:58,417 Why are the grounds surrounded by chain link fences, 511 00:27:58,569 --> 00:28:01,086 Monitored by security cameras, 512 00:28:01,238 --> 00:28:04,181 And even protected by guard dogs? 513 00:28:05,576 --> 00:28:09,578 To find the answers, in January of 2017, 514 00:28:09,596 --> 00:28:13,357 Ancient astronaut theorist giorgio tsoukalos 515 00:28:13,508 --> 00:28:16,585 Traveled to the protected boundaries of rudloe manor. 516 00:28:16,678 --> 00:28:18,678 Tsoukalos: There it is. 517 00:28:18,698 --> 00:28:20,272 Narrator: Joining him in his search for the truth 518 00:28:20,366 --> 00:28:21,490 Was nick pope. 519 00:28:25,446 --> 00:28:26,704 We're here. 520 00:28:28,282 --> 00:28:30,023 During your time at the mod, 521 00:28:30,042 --> 00:28:31,616 What did you learn about this place? 522 00:28:31,769 --> 00:28:35,103 Or any type of, uh, ufo cases that may have 523 00:28:35,197 --> 00:28:37,105 Happened around this area? 524 00:28:37,124 --> 00:28:39,508 Well, this whole area is rich in ufo sightings. 525 00:28:41,111 --> 00:28:43,703 Ufo sightings were investigated 526 00:28:43,723 --> 00:28:46,539 By staff based here at rudloe manor. 527 00:28:46,559 --> 00:28:49,059 But for years we-we denied it. 528 00:28:50,621 --> 00:28:52,563 We told parliament, the media, 529 00:28:52,714 --> 00:28:55,290 And the public that these things were of no interest, 530 00:28:55,309 --> 00:28:58,143 That rudloe manor had no involvement in this. 531 00:28:58,295 --> 00:29:01,054 And yet when the files were declassified, 532 00:29:01,073 --> 00:29:03,482 -It turned out that people were right. -Right here? 533 00:29:03,634 --> 00:29:05,058 -Right here! -Okay. 534 00:29:05,077 --> 00:29:06,818 And-and so this-this building 535 00:29:06,971 --> 00:29:08,320 Really was at the heart 536 00:29:08,472 --> 00:29:12,082 Of britain's secret ufo research. 537 00:29:12,234 --> 00:29:13,992 And particularly the underground facilities below us. 538 00:29:14,086 --> 00:29:16,569 And the ufo community 539 00:29:16,589 --> 00:29:19,239 Alleges that that's where the uk 540 00:29:19,333 --> 00:29:21,833 Keeps its alien hardware. 541 00:29:21,927 --> 00:29:24,094 Crashed ufos, 542 00:29:24,246 --> 00:29:27,413 All sorts of secrets 543 00:29:27,433 --> 00:29:29,600 And research and investigation projects 544 00:29:29,827 --> 00:29:33,253 Went on from, uh, this particular facility. 545 00:29:33,272 --> 00:29:35,088 So then this was basically considered, 546 00:29:35,107 --> 00:29:38,591 Or is considered the uk's area 51. 547 00:29:38,685 --> 00:29:40,093 Absolutely right. 548 00:29:40,112 --> 00:29:42,571 Even rumors of, uh, alien bodies. 549 00:29:44,174 --> 00:29:46,008 Narrator: Alien bodies? 550 00:29:46,101 --> 00:29:47,785 Could the ultimate proof of government 551 00:29:47,936 --> 00:29:51,437 Contact with extraterrestrials be hidden in the tunnels 552 00:29:51,457 --> 00:29:54,366 Right beneath nick and giorgio's feet? 553 00:29:54,518 --> 00:29:58,295 While rudloe manor is completely inaccessible, 554 00:29:58,446 --> 00:30:01,857 Another entrance to the underground facilities 555 00:30:01,875 --> 00:30:04,359 Is found two miles away at the equally secretive 556 00:30:04,452 --> 00:30:07,546 Installation known as the corsham computer centre, 557 00:30:07,698 --> 00:30:10,390 Or ccc. 558 00:30:13,295 --> 00:30:15,646 Despite the fact that it, too, is not open to the public, 559 00:30:15,797 --> 00:30:19,817 Ancient astronaut theorist giorgio tsoukalos asked 560 00:30:19,968 --> 00:30:21,560 Nick pope to take him to the ccc 561 00:30:21,712 --> 00:30:24,563 For a firsthand look at the installation. 562 00:30:24,715 --> 00:30:26,231 -All right. -Good luck. 563 00:30:26,383 --> 00:30:27,807 Thank you very much. 564 00:30:27,827 --> 00:30:29,051 Narrator: As a former employee 565 00:30:29,069 --> 00:30:30,569 Of the ministry of defence, 566 00:30:30,721 --> 00:30:33,555 Nick did not feel it was appropriate for him 567 00:30:33,574 --> 00:30:36,058 To approach the facility himself without clearance. 568 00:30:36,076 --> 00:30:37,075 I'll see you later, nick. 569 00:30:37,227 --> 00:30:39,169 -Yes. -Take care. 570 00:30:43,901 --> 00:30:46,751 Here we are. 571 00:30:46,904 --> 00:30:48,095 The ccc. 572 00:30:52,351 --> 00:30:54,351 The lights are on. 573 00:30:55,746 --> 00:30:58,856 And, uh, just like, uh, nick explained, 574 00:30:59,007 --> 00:31:02,693 It's got barbed wire, it is fenced down, it's impenetrable. 575 00:31:02,920 --> 00:31:05,345 Clearly this entrance goes underground. 576 00:31:05,439 --> 00:31:08,365 (siren wailing) 577 00:31:08,592 --> 00:31:11,610 Narrator: Within minutes of giorgio's arrival at the security gate, 578 00:31:11,704 --> 00:31:14,621 The crew is met by a military police unit. 579 00:31:18,769 --> 00:31:23,380 Unfortunately, the situation ends with filming being halted. 580 00:31:23,607 --> 00:31:25,549 But why? 581 00:31:25,700 --> 00:31:29,277 Is it possible, as ancient astronaut theorists suggest, 582 00:31:29,371 --> 00:31:31,963 That rudloe manor is not only used 583 00:31:32,057 --> 00:31:34,799 For secret government ufo investigations, 584 00:31:34,952 --> 00:31:38,228 But is housing extraterrestrial technology? 585 00:31:38,380 --> 00:31:40,856 And even alien bodies? 586 00:31:42,050 --> 00:31:44,735 Whatever's going on down there, it's big. 587 00:31:44,886 --> 00:31:46,645 Still to this day, 588 00:31:46,797 --> 00:31:48,647 Thousands of people work there. 589 00:31:48,741 --> 00:31:50,556 And yet you can't get any real information 590 00:31:50,651 --> 00:31:52,317 About what they're doing. 591 00:31:52,469 --> 00:31:54,411 It's absolutely off limits. 592 00:32:01,328 --> 00:32:04,162 The most famous in ufo history. 593 00:32:04,314 --> 00:32:06,331 And for more than 70 years, 594 00:32:06,425 --> 00:32:09,426 The entire world has wanted to know the truth 595 00:32:09,577 --> 00:32:13,597 About what really happened that day in the desert of new mexico. 596 00:32:15,100 --> 00:32:19,177 Number two on our countdown of the top ten cover-ups: 597 00:32:19,271 --> 00:32:21,772 The roswell incident. 598 00:32:25,593 --> 00:32:29,004 Narrator: In July of 1947, 599 00:32:29,097 --> 00:32:31,448 An unidentified flying object crashed to earth 600 00:32:31,599 --> 00:32:35,619 In the desert just outside roswell, new mexico. 601 00:32:35,846 --> 00:32:39,181 It is today the most famous ufo event on record 602 00:32:39,274 --> 00:32:41,366 In part because it was the army itself 603 00:32:41,460 --> 00:32:45,203 That reported the craft as a flying disc. 604 00:32:45,297 --> 00:32:48,465 Bill birnes: July 8th and 9th, the newspaper headlines, 605 00:32:48,616 --> 00:32:52,360 "army captures flying disc outside of roswell." 606 00:32:52,454 --> 00:32:55,864 How did the newspaper get that story? Walter haut. 607 00:32:55,957 --> 00:32:58,550 He was the official public information officer 608 00:32:58,644 --> 00:33:01,311 At the roswell 509th, who gave the story to the newspaper. 609 00:33:02,648 --> 00:33:05,874 Narrator: But the military quickly walked back its story. 610 00:33:05,967 --> 00:33:09,561 Within days, the mysterious roswell ufo 611 00:33:09,713 --> 00:33:11,989 Was given an earthly origin 612 00:33:12,140 --> 00:33:14,216 When the government claimed that the downed craft 613 00:33:14,309 --> 00:33:16,660 Was merely a weather balloon. 614 00:33:16,811 --> 00:33:21,164 Major jesse marcel, the head intelligence officer 615 00:33:21,391 --> 00:33:24,893 At roswell army airfield, traveled to fort worth, texas 616 00:33:24,911 --> 00:33:26,319 With the debris recovered 617 00:33:26,413 --> 00:33:28,413 From the roswell crash site. 618 00:33:28,565 --> 00:33:31,416 He and brigadier general roger ramey, 619 00:33:31,510 --> 00:33:32,917 Head of the eighth air force, 620 00:33:33,012 --> 00:33:37,088 Were scheduled to present their findings to the media. 621 00:33:37,182 --> 00:33:39,090 Stephen bassett: It came out that president truman 622 00:33:39,184 --> 00:33:41,167 Sent orders to general ramey, 623 00:33:41,261 --> 00:33:42,744 "hold up something. 624 00:33:42,837 --> 00:33:45,930 "get some reynolds wrap out-- off the fish in your freezer 625 00:33:46,025 --> 00:33:48,433 "and hold it up and say that's what you found, 626 00:33:48,585 --> 00:33:51,102 Not a disc," which is exactly what they did. 627 00:33:51,196 --> 00:33:53,846 And the reporters basically just turned around, went home. 628 00:33:55,108 --> 00:33:58,368 Narrator: For ufo researchers, evidence that the actual 629 00:33:58,520 --> 00:34:02,205 Wreckage from roswell was indeed replaced with a weather balloon 630 00:34:02,432 --> 00:34:05,691 Can be found within the notorious photograph... 631 00:34:05,711 --> 00:34:10,105 Along with clues as to what was being hidden from the public. 632 00:34:10,123 --> 00:34:12,791 When general roger ramey was, uh, 633 00:34:12,943 --> 00:34:14,793 Posing for photographs with jesse marcel 634 00:34:14,945 --> 00:34:16,702 In the aftermath of all of this, you can 635 00:34:16,722 --> 00:34:19,781 See him very clearly holding a piece of paper. 636 00:34:19,874 --> 00:34:22,450 Pope: General ramey had a document in his hands, 637 00:34:22,469 --> 00:34:24,544 The so-called ramey memo. 638 00:34:24,563 --> 00:34:27,380 Modern forensic document analysis 639 00:34:27,474 --> 00:34:29,232 And photographic enhancement 640 00:34:29,459 --> 00:34:33,403 Has enabled some researchers to zoom in on this. 641 00:34:33,555 --> 00:34:37,390 And to clarify at least some portions of the text. 642 00:34:37,484 --> 00:34:40,243 What it tells us is astounding. 643 00:34:40,395 --> 00:34:44,730 Some of the phrases in the memo are "victims of the wreck" 644 00:34:44,750 --> 00:34:48,418 And "disc which we will ship." 645 00:34:48,570 --> 00:34:52,255 So, clearly something more than just a weather balloon 646 00:34:52,407 --> 00:34:56,760 Was involved here, and the memo might just be the smoking gun. 647 00:34:58,263 --> 00:35:00,580 Dolan: We actually have evidence of an fbi memo 648 00:35:00,599 --> 00:35:03,007 That made such a statement that what was recovered 649 00:35:03,160 --> 00:35:06,603 Was being brought to wright field for analysis. 650 00:35:06,830 --> 00:35:08,847 Well, you're not going to bring balloon parts 651 00:35:08,941 --> 00:35:10,756 To wright field for analysis. 652 00:35:10,851 --> 00:35:12,851 That's not going to happen. 653 00:35:13,003 --> 00:35:15,854 Narrator: Is it possible that wright-patterson air force base 654 00:35:15,948 --> 00:35:19,341 In dayton, ohio is still housing the remains of the object 655 00:35:19,359 --> 00:35:24,195 Recovered from the new mexico desert more than 70 years ago? 656 00:35:24,289 --> 00:35:27,124 And if so, could they be using the debris 657 00:35:27,351 --> 00:35:30,627 To try and recreate extraterrestrial technology? 658 00:35:33,465 --> 00:35:36,541 Even now, in the last few years, 659 00:35:36,635 --> 00:35:40,470 There have been important ufo sightings around dayton. 660 00:35:40,622 --> 00:35:43,882 And witnesses, uh, in that area are looking out over 661 00:35:44,034 --> 00:35:48,645 Wright-patterson air force base and, even in broad daylight, 662 00:35:48,872 --> 00:35:52,207 Seeing unusual craft hovering over the base. 663 00:35:52,225 --> 00:35:54,709 This is a very distinct possibility that's supported 664 00:35:54,802 --> 00:35:57,395 By the fact that no jets are released 665 00:35:57,547 --> 00:35:59,472 When these ufos appear. 666 00:35:59,491 --> 00:36:01,716 It's almost as if they know what they are. 667 00:36:01,809 --> 00:36:03,718 Maybe it's because it's one of our own 668 00:36:03,737 --> 00:36:06,246 Reverse-engineered craft. 669 00:36:09,393 --> 00:36:12,485 You may be surprised that the roswell incidn, 670 00:36:12,579 --> 00:36:16,414 And I believe this one is undoubtedly the most significant 671 00:36:16,566 --> 00:36:21,178 Because it has the most serious implications for humankind. 672 00:36:21,329 --> 00:36:25,348 According to former air force commander robert salas, 673 00:36:25,500 --> 00:36:28,000 Back in the 1960s, 674 00:36:28,020 --> 00:36:31,596 Ufos shut down one of america's key missile sites. 675 00:36:31,748 --> 00:36:33,415 How does he know this? 676 00:36:33,508 --> 00:36:35,692 Well, because he was there. 677 00:36:35,919 --> 00:36:39,696 My number one cover-up of all time: 678 00:36:39,847 --> 00:36:43,783 The malmstrom nuclear missile crisis. 679 00:36:48,265 --> 00:36:50,022 Narrator: Malmstrom air force base, montana. 680 00:36:50,116 --> 00:36:54,602 March 16, 1967. 681 00:36:54,621 --> 00:36:57,714 Before dawn, sentries and maintenance crews 682 00:36:57,865 --> 00:37:00,792 Near the base's nuclear missile silos 683 00:37:00,886 --> 00:37:04,554 See mysterious lights flying back and forth across the sky. 684 00:37:07,375 --> 00:37:10,285 These lights are so bright that the men on the ground can't 685 00:37:10,303 --> 00:37:13,304 Identify what they are. 686 00:37:13,457 --> 00:37:15,473 But when one of them takes up a position 687 00:37:15,625 --> 00:37:18,643 Just outside the base's security fence, 688 00:37:18,737 --> 00:37:22,322 A sentry calls his superior to report a ufo. 689 00:37:24,818 --> 00:37:28,319 Pope: One of the missiles suddenly went off-line. 690 00:37:28,413 --> 00:37:30,747 And then another and another, 691 00:37:30,974 --> 00:37:33,491 Until the whole flight of missiles 692 00:37:33,643 --> 00:37:37,145 Was somehow mysteriously deactivated. 693 00:37:37,238 --> 00:37:40,331 Redfern: This is highly disturbing 694 00:37:40,484 --> 00:37:43,760 Because it suggests, in the event 695 00:37:43,911 --> 00:37:46,654 That ufos one day become hostile, 696 00:37:46,673 --> 00:37:51,226 Our entire atomic arsenal may become completely inoperable. 697 00:37:55,274 --> 00:37:58,942 Narrator: In June 2019, giorgio tsoukalos arranged 698 00:37:59,093 --> 00:38:01,853 To meet up with one of the men who was stationed 699 00:38:02,005 --> 00:38:05,097 At malmstrom on the night of this historic ufo event... 700 00:38:06,510 --> 00:38:10,287 ...Retired air force missile launch officer robert salas. 701 00:38:12,015 --> 00:38:15,350 While malmstrom was deactivated at the end of the cold war, 702 00:38:15,368 --> 00:38:17,794 A nearly identical minuteman missile facility 703 00:38:17,945 --> 00:38:21,539 In south dakota is still accessible to the public. 704 00:38:21,691 --> 00:38:24,950 -Let's go in here. -Thank you very much. 705 00:38:24,970 --> 00:38:28,713 Narrator: So robert invited giorgio there to walk him through exactly 706 00:38:28,865 --> 00:38:31,641 What he experienced in 1967. 707 00:38:33,478 --> 00:38:35,461 Tell me what happened that night. 708 00:38:35,480 --> 00:38:36,813 I got a phone call from the topside guard. 709 00:38:36,964 --> 00:38:39,316 He's screaming into the phone. I mean, he's really... 710 00:38:39,467 --> 00:38:41,059 Frightened. 711 00:38:41,153 --> 00:38:43,820 (klaxon blaring) 712 00:38:44,047 --> 00:38:46,731 He said, "I got all the guards out here, weapons drawn," 713 00:38:46,825 --> 00:38:48,474 And we see this gigantic 714 00:38:48,568 --> 00:38:51,811 Red-orange object oval shape hovering 715 00:38:51,830 --> 00:38:53,747 Above the front gate. 716 00:38:56,076 --> 00:38:59,077 And all of a sudden, we get klaxons, 717 00:38:59,171 --> 00:39:01,396 Horns. 718 00:39:01,414 --> 00:39:04,749 We both look over at the control panel here. 719 00:39:04,901 --> 00:39:07,177 And, boom, boom, boom. One right after the other. 720 00:39:08,663 --> 00:39:10,180 All no-go. 721 00:39:13,076 --> 00:39:16,519 I mean, it has to be incredibly startling and disconcerting 722 00:39:16,671 --> 00:39:19,430 That someone else with higher technology is able 723 00:39:19,524 --> 00:39:21,583 To disable our missiles. 724 00:39:21,601 --> 00:39:24,194 Exactly, and that's how I've come to the conclusion 725 00:39:24,345 --> 00:39:27,422 That these were extraterrestrial objects. 726 00:39:27,515 --> 00:39:29,774 Or they were constructed off earth. 727 00:39:29,868 --> 00:39:31,034 Mm-hmm. 728 00:39:31,185 --> 00:39:33,686 Because we had nothing that could do anything 729 00:39:33,705 --> 00:39:37,540 Like this either then or now. 730 00:39:37,692 --> 00:39:42,212 And then was there a debriefing or was there a discussion? 731 00:39:42,363 --> 00:39:45,048 We were ordered to our squadron commander's office. 732 00:39:45,199 --> 00:39:47,384 And then the guy next to him, he shoved 733 00:39:47,611 --> 00:39:50,220 This paper in our faces, "sign here." 734 00:39:51,965 --> 00:39:53,297 I said, "what is this?" 735 00:39:53,450 --> 00:39:55,541 And he said, "this is a nondisclosure 736 00:39:55,560 --> 00:39:58,286 "statement about the incident. 737 00:39:58,304 --> 00:40:01,139 You are never to speak about it to anybody." 738 00:40:01,291 --> 00:40:02,399 So you were given an order. 739 00:40:02,550 --> 00:40:04,234 We were ordered to sign it, yeah. 740 00:40:05,570 --> 00:40:06,628 And that was it. 741 00:40:06,646 --> 00:40:09,130 Uh, I could not speak about this, 742 00:40:09,149 --> 00:40:11,223 And I didn't speak about this to anyone 743 00:40:11,243 --> 00:40:13,868 For, uh, about 27 years. 744 00:40:16,656 --> 00:40:19,732 Narrator: Military officials have never provided an explanation 745 00:40:19,826 --> 00:40:21,400 For the missile shutdown. 746 00:40:21,494 --> 00:40:24,479 Was it caused by extraterrestrials? 747 00:40:24,497 --> 00:40:27,590 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes 748 00:40:27,742 --> 00:40:31,169 But suggest that we may never know the full story 749 00:40:31,321 --> 00:40:33,821 Because for 50 years 750 00:40:33,840 --> 00:40:37,267 The united states military has covered it up. 751 00:40:40,163 --> 00:40:43,681 That concludes my top ten list for the all-time greatest 752 00:40:43,833 --> 00:40:46,091 Extraterrestrial cover-ups. 753 00:40:46,111 --> 00:40:48,352 But the questions still remain. 754 00:40:48,505 --> 00:40:50,505 Why keep us all in the dark? 755 00:40:50,523 --> 00:40:52,690 Do they think it's for our benefit? 756 00:40:52,842 --> 00:40:55,601 Or could it be for other reasons? 757 00:40:55,695 --> 00:41:00,623 As far as I'm concerned, we the people must continue 758 00:41:00,775 --> 00:41:04,869 To search for the evidence and to demand to know the facts. 759 00:41:05,021 --> 00:41:06,445 It may be the only way 760 00:41:06,465 --> 00:41:09,782 That we'll finally get to full disclosure. 761 00:41:09,801 --> 00:41:13,118 I'm ready for the truth. Are you? 762 00:41:13,138 --> 00:41:15,472 Captioning provided by a+e networks