1 00:00:03,062 --> 00:00:04,837 Giorgio a. Tsoukalos: An island of giant statues. 2 00:00:04,913 --> 00:00:07,840 A vast plateau covered in enormous geoglyphs. 3 00:00:08,843 --> 00:00:09,991 A megalithic settlement 4 00:00:10,011 --> 00:00:13,737 That dates back more than 12,000 years. 5 00:00:13,756 --> 00:00:14,847 On ancient aliens, 6 00:00:14,998 --> 00:00:17,016 We've trekked across deserts, 7 00:00:17,092 --> 00:00:18,166 Hacked through jungles, 8 00:00:18,185 --> 00:00:20,244 Flown to remote islands, 9 00:00:20,262 --> 00:00:22,913 And climbed rugged mountains 10 00:00:22,931 --> 00:00:25,082 In order to investigate extraordinary sites 11 00:00:25,100 --> 00:00:29,028 That seem to defy any conventional explanation. 12 00:00:29,179 --> 00:00:31,346 We're going to look back at what I consider 13 00:00:31,365 --> 00:00:34,258 To be the top ten ancient sites we've visited. 14 00:00:34,260 --> 00:00:37,036 And you can decide for yourself, 15 00:00:37,187 --> 00:00:41,689 Do these places hold the proof that earth has been visited 16 00:00:41,709 --> 00:00:44,025 By extraterrestrials? 17 00:00:44,045 --> 00:00:46,128 ♪ ♪ 18 00:00:51,535 --> 00:00:54,278 When I think of all the mysterious sites 19 00:00:54,296 --> 00:00:56,722 We've investigated on ancient aliens, 20 00:00:56,873 --> 00:01:00,284 It's really tough to narrow them down to the top ten 21 00:01:00,286 --> 00:01:02,786 And even tougher to rank them. 22 00:01:02,805 --> 00:01:05,972 Each of these sites offers compelling evidence 23 00:01:06,125 --> 00:01:09,551 That extraterrestrials visited our ancestors. 24 00:01:09,570 --> 00:01:12,462 And at one particular site in peru, 25 00:01:12,481 --> 00:01:16,967 That evidence is imprinted right on the vast desert floor. 26 00:01:16,985 --> 00:01:19,136 And what makes it even more incredible 27 00:01:19,154 --> 00:01:22,664 Is that you can only see it from high above the earth. 28 00:01:24,810 --> 00:01:28,495 At number ten on my list of top ten mysterious sites, 29 00:01:28,647 --> 00:01:30,881 The nazca lines. 30 00:01:32,151 --> 00:01:34,093 ♪ ♪ 31 00:01:37,339 --> 00:01:40,766 Narrator: Southern peru. 1927. 32 00:01:41,844 --> 00:01:45,495 While hiking in the foothills of the arid nazca desert, 33 00:01:45,514 --> 00:01:49,499 Archaeologist toribio mejía xesspe discovers 34 00:01:49,518 --> 00:01:52,760 What appears to be a large network of ancient roads 35 00:01:52,780 --> 00:01:54,363 Carved into the earth. 36 00:01:56,099 --> 00:01:58,508 Years later, as airplane travel to the region 37 00:01:58,510 --> 00:02:00,435 Becomes more frequent, 38 00:02:00,454 --> 00:02:04,289 Aerial flyovers reveal nearly 100 other designs 39 00:02:04,441 --> 00:02:05,791 In the nearby landscape. 40 00:02:07,369 --> 00:02:09,628 Nick redfern: The nazca lines consist 41 00:02:09,705 --> 00:02:11,688 Of these massive drawings 42 00:02:11,707 --> 00:02:13,632 Or carvings, if you like, on the ground. 43 00:02:15,878 --> 00:02:18,470 Everything from geometric symbols, lines 44 00:02:18,622 --> 00:02:21,531 To animals, even fish, birds. 45 00:02:21,550 --> 00:02:23,976 But the intriguing thing about them is, you know, 46 00:02:24,052 --> 00:02:25,960 That, number one, they're massive. 47 00:02:25,980 --> 00:02:29,481 And they can really only be seen properly from the sky. 48 00:02:31,485 --> 00:02:35,154 Narrator: According to mainstream archaeologists, 49 00:02:35,305 --> 00:02:39,324 These mysterious earth drawings were created by the nazca, 50 00:02:39,401 --> 00:02:42,402 An ancient people that flourished in the region 51 00:02:42,554 --> 00:02:45,622 Between the first century and eighth century ad. 52 00:02:46,742 --> 00:02:48,892 But what was their purpose? 53 00:02:48,911 --> 00:02:52,078 Erich von daniken: Archaeology has still no answer. 54 00:02:52,231 --> 00:02:53,488 In my opinion, 55 00:02:53,507 --> 00:02:57,567 It has something to do with the extraterrestrials. 56 00:02:57,586 --> 00:03:00,846 Our ancestor made these gigantic signs in the ground 57 00:03:00,923 --> 00:03:04,499 Because they want to signalize to the beings up there, 58 00:03:04,518 --> 00:03:06,518 "we are here. Come down here." 59 00:03:09,765 --> 00:03:12,599 If you leave nazca and travel due west 60 00:03:12,751 --> 00:03:16,770 Some 2,400 miles out into the pacific ocean, 61 00:03:16,922 --> 00:03:18,255 You'll eventually reach one 62 00:03:18,273 --> 00:03:20,848 Of the most remote islands on earth. 63 00:03:20,868 --> 00:03:23,944 It was discovered by dutch explorer jacob roggeveen 64 00:03:24,096 --> 00:03:26,705 On easter Sunday, 1722, 65 00:03:26,856 --> 00:03:30,542 And he was amazed by the gigantic stone statues 66 00:03:30,694 --> 00:03:32,452 He found all over the island. 67 00:03:32,604 --> 00:03:35,881 They've become one of archaeology's greatest riddles. 68 00:03:37,609 --> 00:03:41,053 Mysterious site number nine, easter island. 69 00:03:42,281 --> 00:03:43,780 ♪ ♪ 70 00:03:43,799 --> 00:03:46,967 Narrator: April 5, 1722. 71 00:03:47,895 --> 00:03:51,621 Dutch explorer jacob roggeveen and his crew 72 00:03:51,640 --> 00:03:54,733 Are 2,400 miles off the coast of chile 73 00:03:54,810 --> 00:03:57,794 When they spot a small landmass completely isolated 74 00:03:57,796 --> 00:03:58,820 In the pacific ocean. 75 00:03:59,982 --> 00:04:00,906 As they draw closer, 76 00:04:01,057 --> 00:04:02,574 They are surprised to find 77 00:04:02,651 --> 00:04:05,077 That the remote island is inhabited. 78 00:04:05,228 --> 00:04:07,804 But even more unexpected 79 00:04:07,823 --> 00:04:09,473 Are the giant stone figures 80 00:04:09,491 --> 00:04:12,084 Staring out at them from the shore. 81 00:04:13,996 --> 00:04:16,162 Paul bahn: The statues on easter island, which we call moai, 82 00:04:16,315 --> 00:04:17,981 Are one of the great archaeological wonders 83 00:04:17,983 --> 00:04:18,924 Of the world. 84 00:04:19,001 --> 00:04:20,667 We know they carved 85 00:04:20,819 --> 00:04:22,819 Something like a thousand of them 86 00:04:22,838 --> 00:04:26,247 Over a period of probably roughly about 500 years, 87 00:04:26,267 --> 00:04:29,159 Weighing tens of tons. 88 00:04:29,161 --> 00:04:31,103 No other culture in the world has ever done this, 89 00:04:31,179 --> 00:04:32,604 Certainly not on this scale. 90 00:04:32,756 --> 00:04:35,941 In many ways, we still don't know exactly how they did it. 91 00:04:37,019 --> 00:04:39,611 Narrator: The moai were found to have been carved 92 00:04:39,763 --> 00:04:43,115 From the volcanic bedrock at the center of the island. 93 00:04:43,266 --> 00:04:46,451 But exactly how the native people managed to move 94 00:04:46,603 --> 00:04:49,679 Such enormous statues out to easter island's shoreline, 95 00:04:49,698 --> 00:04:53,292 In some cases more than 11 miles from the quarry, 96 00:04:53,443 --> 00:04:56,962 Has been the subject of endless debate. 97 00:04:57,873 --> 00:05:00,281 There have been many theories over the years 98 00:05:00,301 --> 00:05:02,467 As to how they were moved. 99 00:05:03,953 --> 00:05:05,378 The first theory is thought 100 00:05:05,531 --> 00:05:07,806 That they must have been dragged horizontally 101 00:05:07,957 --> 00:05:11,977 On sledges or rollers or something of that kind. 102 00:05:12,128 --> 00:05:15,055 It was tried again recently for a tv film, 103 00:05:15,207 --> 00:05:16,815 And, again, they moved it a few meters, 104 00:05:16,966 --> 00:05:19,042 But it really doesn't prove anything. 105 00:05:19,061 --> 00:05:22,379 You're talking about several hundred statues. 106 00:05:22,397 --> 00:05:25,382 And it would depend on the size and weight of the statue, 107 00:05:25,400 --> 00:05:28,068 The number of people you had available to help, 108 00:05:28,220 --> 00:05:29,494 The distance you were going to go, 109 00:05:29,571 --> 00:05:31,721 The kind of terrain. 110 00:05:31,740 --> 00:05:35,892 So, basically, we don't really know. 111 00:05:37,062 --> 00:05:40,672 According with the oral tradition and the legends... 112 00:06:01,103 --> 00:06:05,012 Tsoukalos: So one has to wonder if mana was some type 113 00:06:05,032 --> 00:06:07,107 Of extraterrestrial technology 114 00:06:07,259 --> 00:06:10,093 That allowed these stones 115 00:06:10,112 --> 00:06:13,372 To be levitated into place. 116 00:06:15,784 --> 00:06:19,378 Some have suggested that sound technology was used 117 00:06:19,454 --> 00:06:21,380 In order to move some of these rocks. 118 00:06:21,531 --> 00:06:26,443 Because scientists have proposed that levitation technology 119 00:06:26,461 --> 00:06:29,446 Can be achieved with one thing, 120 00:06:29,464 --> 00:06:31,281 Sound frequencies. 121 00:06:31,299 --> 00:06:36,620 This mana is an energy that no one understands today. 122 00:06:36,638 --> 00:06:39,398 Is it some kind of extraterrestrial energy? 123 00:06:39,549 --> 00:06:41,066 We just don't know. 124 00:06:43,904 --> 00:06:46,796 You know, what's really curious is that so many 125 00:06:46,815 --> 00:06:51,076 Of the world's most massive megaliths are found on islands, 126 00:06:51,227 --> 00:06:52,802 Where, in ancient times, 127 00:06:52,821 --> 00:06:56,581 Resources and manpower were extremely limited. 128 00:06:56,733 --> 00:07:00,568 And on one island nation in the middle of the mediterranean sea, 129 00:07:00,587 --> 00:07:02,479 You'll find some of the oldest 130 00:07:02,497 --> 00:07:05,924 And most enormous structures anywhere on earth. 131 00:07:07,094 --> 00:07:10,595 Number eight in our countdown of mysterious sites, 132 00:07:10,747 --> 00:07:12,931 The islands of malta. 133 00:07:14,326 --> 00:07:16,226 ♪ ♪ 134 00:07:19,440 --> 00:07:23,275 Narrator: The maltese islands lie in the center of the mediterranean sea, 135 00:07:23,426 --> 00:07:25,259 Just south of Italy. 136 00:07:25,279 --> 00:07:29,522 Scholars believe the first inhabitants migrated here 137 00:07:29,675 --> 00:07:33,510 From the nearby island of sicily in 5200 bc. 138 00:07:33,528 --> 00:07:37,622 Today, stone structures on two of the islands, 139 00:07:37,774 --> 00:07:41,275 Malta and gozo, are considered by archaeologists 140 00:07:41,295 --> 00:07:43,369 To be among the greatest achievements 141 00:07:43,522 --> 00:07:46,465 By ancient builders anywhere in the world. 142 00:07:46,616 --> 00:07:49,134 There are engineering features in these temples 143 00:07:49,285 --> 00:07:50,710 That are just astonishing. 144 00:07:51,638 --> 00:07:55,031 We're talking about walls enclosing space, 145 00:07:55,050 --> 00:07:57,476 Paved walkways. 146 00:07:57,627 --> 00:08:00,312 They were ceilinged at one time. 147 00:08:00,388 --> 00:08:03,223 Definitely much more complex than anything else 148 00:08:03,375 --> 00:08:06,735 That was appearing on earth for a very long time. 149 00:08:08,063 --> 00:08:10,380 ♪ ♪ 150 00:08:10,398 --> 00:08:14,993 In 2014, giorgio tsoukalos traveled to malta 151 00:08:15,070 --> 00:08:17,237 To get an up close look 152 00:08:17,389 --> 00:08:19,414 At its incredible megalithic structures. 153 00:08:20,483 --> 00:08:22,225 At the temple of hagar qim, 154 00:08:22,227 --> 00:08:24,485 He met with dr. Anthony bonanno, 155 00:08:24,505 --> 00:08:29,065 A professor of archaeology and classical literature. 156 00:08:29,084 --> 00:08:31,325 -What does "hagar qim" actually mean? -So-- oh, well, 157 00:08:31,345 --> 00:08:34,012 "stones of worship" or "standing stones." 158 00:08:34,089 --> 00:08:36,239 -Like this one. -There you are, yes. 159 00:08:36,258 --> 00:08:37,924 -That's right. -Check this out. This is huge. 160 00:08:38,076 --> 00:08:40,501 -Wow. -Yes, uh, three meters high 161 00:08:40,521 --> 00:08:43,337 By six meters, 50 wide 162 00:08:43,357 --> 00:08:45,172 And about another meter thick. 163 00:08:45,192 --> 00:08:49,085 That makes about 20-odd tons. 164 00:08:49,104 --> 00:08:51,012 -Minimum? -Minimum, yes. 165 00:08:51,865 --> 00:08:53,865 -That's right. -Tsoukalos: This is incredible. 166 00:08:54,017 --> 00:08:55,534 So, this is one of the largest 167 00:08:55,685 --> 00:08:57,202 -Freestanding stones? -It is. 168 00:08:57,279 --> 00:08:59,763 I mean, you know, when I see stuff like this, 169 00:08:59,781 --> 00:09:01,706 -That's when I wonder, you know, how... -Yeah, h-how did they carry it? 170 00:09:01,858 --> 00:09:04,100 -Was... -How did they-- they quarried it, in this case. 171 00:09:04,119 --> 00:09:05,192 -Yes, they must have quarried it. -And put upright. 172 00:09:05,212 --> 00:09:06,336 And then put it upright, yes. 173 00:09:08,549 --> 00:09:12,199 Narrator: While visitors to these islands are immediately struck 174 00:09:12,219 --> 00:09:13,701 By the massive megaliths, 175 00:09:13,720 --> 00:09:17,797 One of malta's most incredible structures remained hidden 176 00:09:17,949 --> 00:09:19,849 For centuries. 177 00:09:21,620 --> 00:09:23,136 In 1902, 178 00:09:23,288 --> 00:09:25,955 Construction workers accidentally discovered 179 00:09:25,974 --> 00:09:28,641 One of malta's most curious features, 180 00:09:28,794 --> 00:09:34,239 A mysterious underground sanctuary dating to 2500 bc. 181 00:09:34,724 --> 00:09:36,891 Called the hypogeum, 182 00:09:36,910 --> 00:09:38,484 The subterranean structure 183 00:09:38,637 --> 00:09:41,729 Was revealed to be three levels deep, 184 00:09:41,748 --> 00:09:44,874 All hewn from solid stone. 185 00:09:46,995 --> 00:09:49,145 Jeff williams: How could people from that far back, 186 00:09:49,147 --> 00:09:51,648 How could they know how to construct such a thing? 187 00:09:51,666 --> 00:09:53,258 But if you look at some of the chambers, 188 00:09:53,335 --> 00:09:55,485 It looks like it's actually been carved 189 00:09:55,503 --> 00:09:57,429 With some type of a laser. 190 00:09:57,505 --> 00:10:00,506 So I don't-- I don't know exactly how it was done, 191 00:10:00,659 --> 00:10:02,434 But I do know that they had a technology 192 00:10:02,510 --> 00:10:06,179 That far exceeds what we have today as far as stonecutting. 193 00:10:06,331 --> 00:10:11,334 Tsoukalos: If you look at the way some of these walls have been cut, 194 00:10:11,353 --> 00:10:15,004 There had to have been a type of plan 195 00:10:15,006 --> 00:10:17,523 Or construction plan beforehand. 196 00:10:17,676 --> 00:10:21,119 And one has to wonder if that engineering knowledge 197 00:10:21,196 --> 00:10:24,013 Was imparted upon the builders, 198 00:10:24,032 --> 00:10:27,626 Which were our ancestors, by extraterrestrials. 199 00:10:29,112 --> 00:10:32,279 Narrator: Could the incredible stonework found at the hypogeum 200 00:10:32,299 --> 00:10:36,134 Have been achieved using extraterrestrial technology? 201 00:10:37,137 --> 00:10:40,788 Curiously, the first archaeological investigations 202 00:10:40,807 --> 00:10:43,199 Performed at the site in 1907 203 00:10:43,218 --> 00:10:46,478 Turned up more than 7,000 skeletons. 204 00:10:46,554 --> 00:10:50,556 And according to a national geographic magazine article 205 00:10:50,709 --> 00:10:52,542 From may 1920, 206 00:10:52,560 --> 00:10:56,804 Many were found to have unusually long skulls. 207 00:10:57,640 --> 00:11:00,066 In 2014, I had the great privilege 208 00:11:00,218 --> 00:11:04,311 Of looking at five of these elongated skulls, 209 00:11:04,331 --> 00:11:07,724 And they were very interesting because one of those skulls 210 00:11:07,742 --> 00:11:10,985 That I looked at had a missing sagittal suture. 211 00:11:11,913 --> 00:11:14,488 Narrator: The sagittal suture connects to the sides 212 00:11:14,508 --> 00:11:16,323 And roof of the cranium. 213 00:11:16,343 --> 00:11:19,402 This suture is open when a person is born 214 00:11:19,404 --> 00:11:23,014 And closes around the age of 35. 215 00:11:23,166 --> 00:11:24,683 As you can see, even from the inside, 216 00:11:24,834 --> 00:11:29,003 There's no sign of the middle suture. 217 00:11:29,022 --> 00:11:31,356 -Right. -Completely fused. 218 00:11:32,767 --> 00:11:34,751 Tsoukalos: That's fascinating. 219 00:11:35,603 --> 00:11:39,680 Even if you have a suture that ossifies or fuses together, 220 00:11:39,700 --> 00:11:43,426 You still have a fine line 221 00:11:43,428 --> 00:11:45,929 That you can discover or detect. 222 00:11:45,947 --> 00:11:49,933 And with the one skull that I was able to look at in malta, 223 00:11:49,951 --> 00:11:52,043 That suture was completely missing. 224 00:11:55,031 --> 00:11:57,273 Narrator: Enormous megalithic structures 225 00:11:57,275 --> 00:12:00,201 Built more than 5,000 years ago. 226 00:12:00,220 --> 00:12:05,223 A mysterious underground sanctuary hidden for centuries. 227 00:12:05,374 --> 00:12:09,469 Ancient skulls of abnormal size and shape. 228 00:12:09,621 --> 00:12:13,547 As far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, 229 00:12:13,567 --> 00:12:16,901 The evidence all points to one conclusion, 230 00:12:16,978 --> 00:12:20,129 That the islands of malta were once home 231 00:12:20,148 --> 00:12:22,907 To extraterrestrial beings. 232 00:12:30,584 --> 00:12:32,825 There aren't many places on earthind-blowing. 233 00:12:32,978 --> 00:12:34,811 That can turn modern archaeology on its head 234 00:12:34,829 --> 00:12:37,830 Like the next mysterious site on our countdown. 235 00:12:37,983 --> 00:12:40,592 It's a place that mainstream science says 236 00:12:40,743 --> 00:12:42,819 Can't possibly exist. 237 00:12:42,837 --> 00:12:44,654 But not only does it exist, 238 00:12:44,672 --> 00:12:46,580 It may even provide evidence 239 00:12:46,600 --> 00:12:47,766 Of the great flood described in the bible. 240 00:12:49,585 --> 00:12:54,013 Number seven on our countdown of the top ten mysterious sites, 241 00:12:54,165 --> 00:12:55,940 Gobekli tepe. 242 00:12:57,018 --> 00:12:59,027 ♪ ♪ 243 00:13:00,447 --> 00:13:03,339 Narrator: Sanliurfa, turkey. 244 00:13:03,341 --> 00:13:05,742 October 1994. 245 00:13:06,861 --> 00:13:08,269 While plowing his field, 246 00:13:08,346 --> 00:13:12,015 Shepherd savak yildiz spots a strangely shaped stone 247 00:13:12,033 --> 00:13:13,792 Protruding from the ground. 248 00:13:13,943 --> 00:13:16,352 After brushing away the dirt, 249 00:13:16,371 --> 00:13:20,781 He realizes that it may be part of a much larger object. 250 00:13:20,801 --> 00:13:24,618 It wasn't until german archaeologist klaus schmidt 251 00:13:24,638 --> 00:13:27,806 Visited the site and began digging 252 00:13:27,957 --> 00:13:31,701 When they realized what was really at this site. 253 00:13:31,719 --> 00:13:34,554 William henry: What he discovered was mind-blowing. 254 00:13:34,706 --> 00:13:37,206 After discovering the first t-shaped pillar 255 00:13:37,225 --> 00:13:38,465 Buried at the site, 256 00:13:38,485 --> 00:13:43,396 He soon found more of these massive structures. 257 00:13:44,566 --> 00:13:47,141 Narrator: Klaus schmidt had the sediment layers 258 00:13:47,160 --> 00:13:49,719 Of the site radiocarbon-dated. 259 00:13:50,572 --> 00:13:53,389 The results indicated that the stone structures 260 00:13:53,408 --> 00:13:56,893 Could be as much as 12,000 years old, 261 00:13:56,911 --> 00:13:58,728 More than 5,000 years older 262 00:13:58,746 --> 00:14:03,007 Than mankind's first known civilization in mesopotamia. 263 00:14:04,235 --> 00:14:07,661 Some researchers propose, the megalithic structures 264 00:14:07,681 --> 00:14:10,849 Provide evidence that an advanced civilization existed 265 00:14:11,000 --> 00:14:14,168 On earth many thousands of years ago, 266 00:14:14,187 --> 00:14:17,747 One that was assisted by otherworldly visitors 267 00:14:17,765 --> 00:14:21,025 Before falling victim to a deadly cataclysm. 268 00:14:23,771 --> 00:14:26,089 There is evidence of a great cataclysm 269 00:14:26,107 --> 00:14:28,925 That took place around 12,900 years ago. 270 00:14:28,943 --> 00:14:31,202 It's called the younger dryas impact event... 271 00:14:32,614 --> 00:14:34,597 ...Where comets and air bursts 272 00:14:34,616 --> 00:14:38,042 Impacted the land and the ice sheets, 273 00:14:38,119 --> 00:14:39,193 Causing massive flooding. 274 00:14:39,212 --> 00:14:41,954 I mean, gobekli tepe dates to the time 275 00:14:42,107 --> 00:14:44,549 Of the younger dryas events that were taking place 276 00:14:44,700 --> 00:14:48,111 Over a few thousand-year period. 277 00:14:48,129 --> 00:14:51,372 Andrew collins: Gobekli tepe could be the smoking gun 278 00:14:51,391 --> 00:14:53,950 Of a lost civilization, 279 00:14:53,968 --> 00:14:56,636 'cause it confirms that, at the time of the last ice age, 280 00:14:56,788 --> 00:14:59,397 There was high culture existing in the world. 281 00:14:59,548 --> 00:15:03,192 This is something that had been speculated for many years. 282 00:15:06,648 --> 00:15:08,631 If you think gobekli tepe is one 283 00:15:08,650 --> 00:15:10,633 Of the most mysterious sites on earth, 284 00:15:10,635 --> 00:15:14,078 There's another that I think is even more baffling. 285 00:15:14,230 --> 00:15:17,807 It's a series of massive stones in northern France 286 00:15:17,825 --> 00:15:20,493 That have been arranged in a very deliberate 287 00:15:20,645 --> 00:15:23,237 And perplexing geometric pattern. 288 00:15:23,256 --> 00:15:26,549 Even modern archaeology can't explain their purpose. 289 00:15:28,836 --> 00:15:32,579 At number six on our countdown of the top ten mysterious sites, 290 00:15:32,599 --> 00:15:35,683 The standing stones of carnac. 291 00:15:36,995 --> 00:15:38,937 ♪ ♪ 292 00:15:40,181 --> 00:15:43,590 Narrator: On the northwest coast of France, 293 00:15:43,610 --> 00:15:45,276 Just south of brittany, 294 00:15:45,353 --> 00:15:48,838 Lies one of the most important prehistoric sites 295 00:15:48,856 --> 00:15:49,781 In europe. 296 00:15:49,857 --> 00:15:52,951 At the seaside village of carnac, 297 00:15:53,102 --> 00:15:56,955 Over 3,000 megalithic stones are placed in rows 298 00:15:57,031 --> 00:15:58,848 Over two miles long. 299 00:15:59,701 --> 00:16:03,536 The carnac stones were hewn from local rock formations 300 00:16:03,688 --> 00:16:08,357 And erected between 4500 to 2500 bc, 301 00:16:08,376 --> 00:16:10,617 At the end of the stone age. 302 00:16:10,637 --> 00:16:14,931 They are the largest collection of standing stones in the world. 303 00:16:16,034 --> 00:16:18,142 Archaeologists are baffled 304 00:16:18,294 --> 00:16:21,204 By the many megaliths at carnac here. 305 00:16:22,207 --> 00:16:25,725 It's clearly a massive construction project, 306 00:16:25,877 --> 00:16:30,971 With blocks of granite weighing 50 to 100 307 00:16:30,991 --> 00:16:34,158 To even up to 350 tons. 308 00:16:35,403 --> 00:16:38,812 Narrator: Although mainstream archaeologists speculate 309 00:16:38,832 --> 00:16:42,166 That the carnac stones are most likely tomb markers, 310 00:16:42,243 --> 00:16:44,560 Ancient astronaut theorists believe 311 00:16:44,579 --> 00:16:46,729 These stones are intentionally laid out 312 00:16:46,731 --> 00:16:49,899 In a unique geometric formation. 313 00:16:49,917 --> 00:16:53,085 Robert schoch: The carnac stones were laid out incredibly precisely 314 00:16:53,238 --> 00:16:56,681 Using standard units of measurement 315 00:16:56,832 --> 00:17:00,351 That show very sophisticated mathematics. 316 00:17:00,503 --> 00:17:01,668 It's been suggested 317 00:17:01,688 --> 00:17:05,839 That they were using the pythagorean theorem 318 00:17:05,859 --> 00:17:07,750 Thousands of years ago. 319 00:17:07,769 --> 00:17:08,934 It may elude us now, 320 00:17:09,087 --> 00:17:11,087 Exactly what they were trying to accomplish, 321 00:17:11,105 --> 00:17:12,679 But it seems like they were encoding 322 00:17:12,699 --> 00:17:14,181 Some kind of information. 323 00:17:14,200 --> 00:17:16,517 Narrator: The pythagorean theorem 324 00:17:16,536 --> 00:17:19,186 Wasn't established until 2,000 years 325 00:17:19,205 --> 00:17:22,765 After the last carnac stones were erected. 326 00:17:22,784 --> 00:17:26,527 So how could the builders have possessed this knowledge? 327 00:17:26,546 --> 00:17:28,771 And why were the stones arranged 328 00:17:28,790 --> 00:17:31,624 In such precise geometrical patterns? 329 00:17:31,776 --> 00:17:33,033 Childress: The carnac stones are 330 00:17:33,053 --> 00:17:34,960 A perfect marker for any kind 331 00:17:35,113 --> 00:17:37,388 Of aerial vehicle looking down on the earth. 332 00:17:37,465 --> 00:17:40,725 Von daniken: The extraterrestrials told our ancestor, 333 00:17:40,876 --> 00:17:43,043 "do this. Move stones. 334 00:17:43,063 --> 00:17:47,290 Put it exactly in this pattern. We order you." 335 00:17:47,308 --> 00:17:49,292 It was on purpose. 336 00:17:49,310 --> 00:17:52,295 The idea was that generations in the far future 337 00:17:52,313 --> 00:17:53,720 Will start to ask questions. 338 00:17:53,740 --> 00:17:55,798 That's the situation we have today. 339 00:17:56,743 --> 00:18:00,912 Narrator: Could the carnac stones contain a mathematical message 340 00:18:01,063 --> 00:18:04,307 Left by extraterrestrials? 341 00:18:04,325 --> 00:18:07,752 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes 342 00:18:07,829 --> 00:18:10,237 And suggest further evidence can be found 343 00:18:10,256 --> 00:18:15,218 By examining a famous megalithic site to the north. 344 00:18:22,435 --> 00:18:24,994 We're nearly halfway is, we through our countdown 345 00:18:25,012 --> 00:18:27,346 Of my top ten most mysterious sites 346 00:18:27,498 --> 00:18:30,666 That we've investigated on ancient aliens. 347 00:18:30,685 --> 00:18:32,092 And the next site on my list 348 00:18:32,112 --> 00:18:35,671 Is one that some believe has the power to heal, 349 00:18:35,690 --> 00:18:38,265 While others say it was once a portal through space and time. 350 00:18:38,284 --> 00:18:40,343 But what's most amazing to me 351 00:18:40,361 --> 00:18:43,103 Is that ancient people arranged these stones 352 00:18:43,123 --> 00:18:46,457 To be an exact replica of our solar system. 353 00:18:48,536 --> 00:18:51,796 Number five, stonehenge. 354 00:18:53,191 --> 00:18:55,091 ♪ ♪ 355 00:18:59,139 --> 00:19:01,455 Narrator: Wiltshire, England. 356 00:19:01,474 --> 00:19:04,791 The neolithic monument known as stonehenge 357 00:19:04,811 --> 00:19:09,647 Has dominated the landscape here for no less than 5,000 years. 358 00:19:10,633 --> 00:19:14,485 The iconic stone circle consists of vertical standing stones 359 00:19:14,637 --> 00:19:16,970 Towering 13 feet tall 360 00:19:16,990 --> 00:19:19,732 And weighing 25 tons each, 361 00:19:19,884 --> 00:19:22,994 Topped by connecting horizontal lintel stones 362 00:19:23,145 --> 00:19:27,072 And surrounding a smaller ring of stones in the center. 363 00:19:27,225 --> 00:19:31,727 Newman: Stonehenge is unlike any stone circle anywhere on the planet. 364 00:19:31,746 --> 00:19:35,631 It's perfectly circular. It has lintels above it. 365 00:19:37,159 --> 00:19:39,660 It's designed with precision-engineered 366 00:19:39,679 --> 00:19:42,071 Astronomical alignments. 367 00:19:42,073 --> 00:19:45,183 How could the ancient stone age people of britain 368 00:19:45,334 --> 00:19:47,852 Move these stones into place? 369 00:19:50,264 --> 00:19:52,581 Narrator: However stonehenge was constructed, 370 00:19:52,600 --> 00:19:55,918 It involved moving much more than just the stone blocks 371 00:19:55,937 --> 00:19:57,028 That stand today. 372 00:19:57,104 --> 00:19:59,438 According to researchers, 373 00:19:59,590 --> 00:20:03,016 This is just 25% of the original monument... 374 00:20:03,928 --> 00:20:06,445 ...The center of a much larger structure 375 00:20:06,597 --> 00:20:09,765 That was surrounded by multiple concentric circles 376 00:20:09,784 --> 00:20:14,194 Constructed over a period of more than a thousand years. 377 00:20:14,214 --> 00:20:15,713 John martineau: So, stonehenge is very interesting 378 00:20:15,790 --> 00:20:19,383 In that it evolves over a very long period of time. 379 00:20:19,460 --> 00:20:22,703 And the first thing that goes up at stonehenge 380 00:20:22,722 --> 00:20:24,204 Is not there anymore. 381 00:20:24,224 --> 00:20:29,285 It's the 56 holes that today are known as the aubrey circle. 382 00:20:29,303 --> 00:20:32,713 It used to be filled with 56 stones in a big stone circle 383 00:20:32,732 --> 00:20:35,307 Just inside the henge. 384 00:20:36,218 --> 00:20:38,719 Tsoukalos: Stonehenge is a replica 385 00:20:38,738 --> 00:20:41,297 Of our solar system on earth. 386 00:20:41,315 --> 00:20:46,135 Each circle corresponds with one of our planets 387 00:20:46,153 --> 00:20:49,413 Inside our solar system, including pluto. 388 00:20:49,490 --> 00:20:53,826 So, now we have a structure that's at least 4,000 years old, 389 00:20:53,978 --> 00:20:56,479 And our ancestors knew about pluto? 390 00:20:56,497 --> 00:20:58,739 Without telescopes? 391 00:20:58,758 --> 00:21:02,075 Someone told them about pluto 392 00:21:02,095 --> 00:21:05,412 And all of our planets in our solar system, 393 00:21:05,431 --> 00:21:07,823 And that is the message. 394 00:21:07,842 --> 00:21:09,916 Because, in neolithic time, 395 00:21:09,936 --> 00:21:12,728 There is no way that they knew about this. 396 00:21:17,777 --> 00:21:20,669 As amazing as stonehenge looks today, 397 00:21:20,688 --> 00:21:22,688 Remember, what's still standing 398 00:21:22,840 --> 00:21:26,175 Is only a fraction of the original structure. 399 00:21:26,193 --> 00:21:29,770 But 2,400 miles to the south 400 00:21:29,789 --> 00:21:32,698 Is an even more extraordinary ancient site 401 00:21:32,850 --> 00:21:35,376 That remains almost perfectly intact. 402 00:21:36,963 --> 00:21:39,297 The number four site on my countdown, 403 00:21:39,448 --> 00:21:41,757 Egypt's giza plateau. 404 00:21:43,285 --> 00:21:44,710 ♪ ♪ 405 00:21:44,862 --> 00:21:46,862 Narrator: In April 2018, 406 00:21:46,881 --> 00:21:50,382 Ancient astronaut theorist giorgio tsoukalos, 407 00:21:50,535 --> 00:21:52,701 Egyptologist ramy romany, 408 00:21:52,720 --> 00:21:55,962 And archaeoastronomer dr. Giulio magli 409 00:21:55,982 --> 00:21:58,316 Traveled to cairo to investigate 410 00:21:58,467 --> 00:22:00,967 What is perhaps the most impressive structure 411 00:22:00,987 --> 00:22:02,969 Ever constructed on earth, 412 00:22:02,989 --> 00:22:05,948 The great pyramid of giza. 413 00:22:07,643 --> 00:22:08,576 (grunts) 414 00:22:09,737 --> 00:22:11,737 This is... 415 00:22:11,889 --> 00:22:14,056 -Look at the size of this thing. -...Incredible. 416 00:22:14,075 --> 00:22:16,500 Romany: Every single block is bigger than this car. 417 00:22:16,652 --> 00:22:19,337 Tsoukalos: Yeah. It is insane. It really is. 418 00:22:19,413 --> 00:22:20,838 Romany: Are you ready for some climbing? 419 00:22:20,915 --> 00:22:25,417 Tsoukalos: I have goose bumps on my calves right now. 420 00:22:26,420 --> 00:22:28,995 Narrator: Built from more than two million limestone blocks 421 00:22:29,015 --> 00:22:32,332 Each weighing thousands of pounds, 422 00:22:32,352 --> 00:22:34,577 The pyramid is aligned perfectly 423 00:22:34,595 --> 00:22:36,745 To the cardinal points of the compass-- 424 00:22:36,747 --> 00:22:40,024 North, south, east and west-- 425 00:22:40,175 --> 00:22:42,860 Suggesting that its builders possessed 426 00:22:43,011 --> 00:22:45,270 Extraordinary geographical knowledge. 427 00:22:45,423 --> 00:22:48,924 According to mainstream egyptologists, 428 00:22:48,943 --> 00:22:53,445 The great pyramid was built sometime around 2500 bc 429 00:22:53,598 --> 00:22:56,707 As the burial tomb of the pharaoh khufu. 430 00:22:56,784 --> 00:22:59,543 But this claim has yet to be proven. 431 00:23:00,955 --> 00:23:03,272 Archaeologists and egyptologists claim 432 00:23:03,290 --> 00:23:05,532 That they were tombs for the pharaohs, 433 00:23:05,551 --> 00:23:09,035 And yet no egyptian pharaoh was ever found 434 00:23:09,055 --> 00:23:10,679 In a pyramid in egypt. 435 00:23:12,450 --> 00:23:15,117 We have found the mummies of many egyptian pharaohs, 436 00:23:15,136 --> 00:23:18,454 But they're found in vaults deep underground 437 00:23:18,472 --> 00:23:20,806 At the valley of the kings in luxor, 438 00:23:20,958 --> 00:23:23,959 Hundreds of miles away from the pyramids. 439 00:23:23,978 --> 00:23:27,053 The pyramids have no real explanation 440 00:23:27,073 --> 00:23:29,148 Of what their purpose was. 441 00:23:30,317 --> 00:23:33,077 Narrator: But if the pyramids at giza were not intended 442 00:23:33,228 --> 00:23:36,062 To house the remains of dead pharaohs, 443 00:23:36,082 --> 00:23:39,875 Then why were these towering monuments built? 444 00:23:41,254 --> 00:23:45,164 In his 1998 book the giza power plant, 445 00:23:45,316 --> 00:23:48,426 Noted machinist and engineer christopher dunn 446 00:23:48,577 --> 00:23:51,837 Proposed that the shape, positions of chambers, 447 00:23:51,989 --> 00:23:54,990 And proximity to underground rivers indicate 448 00:23:55,009 --> 00:23:58,436 The pyramids of giza functioned as ancient power plants. 449 00:23:58,512 --> 00:24:01,830 This incredible hypothesis, 450 00:24:01,849 --> 00:24:03,332 Which has since been adopted 451 00:24:03,350 --> 00:24:05,592 By other scientists and researchers, 452 00:24:05,611 --> 00:24:08,279 May be impossible to ever prove. 453 00:24:09,507 --> 00:24:12,841 But ancient astronaut theorists believe new information 454 00:24:12,860 --> 00:24:15,861 About the great pyramid may soon be revealed. 455 00:24:16,013 --> 00:24:18,864 In March 2016, 456 00:24:19,016 --> 00:24:21,867 Archaeologists examining the ancient structure 457 00:24:22,019 --> 00:24:24,962 With a new technology known as muography 458 00:24:25,113 --> 00:24:27,206 Made a shocking discovery, 459 00:24:27,358 --> 00:24:30,301 A mysterious chamber inside the structure 460 00:24:30,452 --> 00:24:33,286 That is as large as the statue of liberty. 461 00:24:33,306 --> 00:24:37,457 This new room is only the beginning of it. 462 00:24:37,477 --> 00:24:41,036 I'm sure, within the next months or at least two years, 463 00:24:41,055 --> 00:24:44,206 They will discover more rooms in the great pyramid. 464 00:24:44,225 --> 00:24:48,802 I personally think that the great pyramid in egypt 465 00:24:48,821 --> 00:24:51,489 Holds some sort of time capsule. 466 00:24:53,217 --> 00:24:55,551 Narrator: Perhaps what lies within the great pyramid 467 00:24:55,569 --> 00:25:00,164 Will reveal not only incredible truths about ancient egypt 468 00:25:00,241 --> 00:25:02,833 But about the history of humankind. 469 00:25:04,245 --> 00:25:06,170 Could there be clues that reveal 470 00:25:06,247 --> 00:25:11,175 That egypt was once home to an extraterrestrial civilization? 471 00:25:18,259 --> 00:25:19,850 High in the mountains of peru lies a city 472 00:25:20,002 --> 00:25:23,020 With monumental walls so tightly joined 473 00:25:23,171 --> 00:25:25,414 That modern engineers admit 474 00:25:25,416 --> 00:25:27,750 That they couldn't replicate it today. 475 00:25:27,752 --> 00:25:29,360 Which begs the question, 476 00:25:29,436 --> 00:25:31,862 How did ancient people accomplish this 477 00:25:31,939 --> 00:25:34,757 Without the help of modern technology? 478 00:25:34,759 --> 00:25:36,200 And at an altitude of 12,000 feet? 479 00:25:37,778 --> 00:25:39,370 Number three on my countdown 480 00:25:39,446 --> 00:25:41,705 Of the world's top ten mysterious sites, 481 00:25:41,857 --> 00:25:44,375 Sacsayhuamán. 482 00:25:45,603 --> 00:25:47,378 ♪ ♪ 483 00:25:48,455 --> 00:25:51,048 Narrator: Cuzco, peru. 484 00:25:51,199 --> 00:25:53,050 On the northern outskirts of what was once 485 00:25:53,201 --> 00:25:55,052 The capital city of the inca, 486 00:25:55,203 --> 00:25:59,372 At an elevation of more than 12,000 feet, 487 00:25:59,392 --> 00:26:02,951 Looms the ancient fortress of sacsayhuamán. 488 00:26:02,970 --> 00:26:05,971 Mainstream archaeologists suggest 489 00:26:06,123 --> 00:26:10,292 The inca built this megalithic site in the 15th century ad, 490 00:26:10,294 --> 00:26:13,070 But many researchers now believe 491 00:26:13,147 --> 00:26:15,147 That the foundation of sacsayhuamán 492 00:26:15,299 --> 00:26:18,634 Dates back centuries earlier. 493 00:26:18,652 --> 00:26:20,411 My feeling is that we're looking 494 00:26:20,487 --> 00:26:23,080 At a two-phase, uh, construction site 495 00:26:23,157 --> 00:26:25,916 In many of the so-called, uh, inca stone monuments 496 00:26:26,068 --> 00:26:29,978 And that the inca structures sit on top 497 00:26:29,997 --> 00:26:32,147 Of much more ancient rock-cut structures 498 00:26:32,166 --> 00:26:33,315 And megalithic structures 499 00:26:33,334 --> 00:26:35,759 That we just don't know who built them. 500 00:26:35,836 --> 00:26:39,096 And this actually fits with the incas' own view. 501 00:26:39,173 --> 00:26:41,657 Narrator: Like many inca sites, 502 00:26:41,675 --> 00:26:44,935 Sacsayhuamán features astonishing stonework 503 00:26:45,087 --> 00:26:48,831 But not all of it credited to the inca. 504 00:26:48,833 --> 00:26:51,108 According to conventional archaeology, 505 00:26:51,185 --> 00:26:55,170 The killke culture built the older sections of the site 506 00:26:55,172 --> 00:26:57,840 Approximately 1,000 years ago. 507 00:26:57,842 --> 00:27:00,600 But the inca themselves believed 508 00:27:00,620 --> 00:27:04,513 The site was constructed by an earlier, unnamed race of people 509 00:27:04,531 --> 00:27:09,793 Led by a powerful god who descended from the skies. 510 00:27:09,945 --> 00:27:12,463 Throughout time, there has been witness 511 00:27:12,614 --> 00:27:14,690 To a god named viracocha 512 00:27:14,692 --> 00:27:16,467 That visited the south american people 513 00:27:16,543 --> 00:27:20,045 And blessed them and gave them all types of technology. 514 00:27:20,956 --> 00:27:22,973 Some of his physical characteristics 515 00:27:23,125 --> 00:27:26,034 Make him stand out from the indigenous population, 516 00:27:26,053 --> 00:27:27,870 Because he was not at all similar 517 00:27:27,888 --> 00:27:30,130 To the indigenous people. 518 00:27:30,149 --> 00:27:34,134 Viracocha was the primary deity of the andes, 519 00:27:34,153 --> 00:27:36,228 Going back many thousands of years. 520 00:27:36,380 --> 00:27:38,489 He was thought to be the founder 521 00:27:38,565 --> 00:27:43,452 Of all the ancient sites we see in peru and bolivia today. 522 00:27:45,055 --> 00:27:48,740 Narrator: But did viracocha actually exist? 523 00:27:48,893 --> 00:27:52,728 Could he have been, as ancient astronaut theorists suggest, 524 00:27:52,730 --> 00:27:55,673 A visitor from an alien world? 525 00:27:57,176 --> 00:27:59,343 If so, it might help to explain 526 00:27:59,420 --> 00:28:02,680 Just how the ancient site was constructed. 527 00:28:03,590 --> 00:28:05,683 It's amazing, all these, uh... 528 00:28:05,834 --> 00:28:07,685 The-the weight of the stones. 529 00:28:24,611 --> 00:28:28,521 Hancock: The walls are put together with blocks of stone 530 00:28:28,541 --> 00:28:30,541 Weighing 50 or 100 tons... 531 00:28:31,785 --> 00:28:34,545 ...Cut and shaped like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle 532 00:28:34,621 --> 00:28:36,380 So that they lock together so tightly 533 00:28:36,457 --> 00:28:40,884 That you can't even get a sheet of paper between them. 534 00:28:42,221 --> 00:28:44,112 Narrator: According to local legend, 535 00:28:44,131 --> 00:28:48,225 A bird was responsible for the seamless construction. 536 00:28:48,376 --> 00:28:50,619 Legends say the winged creature carried 537 00:28:50,621 --> 00:28:52,896 A powerful chemical in its beak, 538 00:28:52,973 --> 00:28:56,400 A substance capable of melting stone. 539 00:29:13,327 --> 00:29:17,421 Narrator: But is it possible, as ancient astronaut theorists suggest, 540 00:29:17,498 --> 00:29:21,425 That the mythical bird might actually have been a spacecraft, 541 00:29:21,502 --> 00:29:26,430 Piloted by alien visitors known to the locals as space brothers? 542 00:30:00,299 --> 00:30:02,524 Many of the sites we've featured on my countdown are famousweight 543 00:30:02,543 --> 00:30:04,951 Because they were constructed with stone blocks 544 00:30:04,970 --> 00:30:08,788 Of the most extraordinary size and weight. 545 00:30:08,808 --> 00:30:14,219 And no megalithic construction on earth is more staggering 546 00:30:14,371 --> 00:30:16,796 Than my number two most mysterious site, 547 00:30:16,816 --> 00:30:18,649 The ruins of baalbek. 548 00:30:20,210 --> 00:30:22,110 ♪ ♪ 549 00:30:26,050 --> 00:30:27,307 Narrator: Eastern lebanon. 550 00:30:27,326 --> 00:30:29,475 The bekaa valley. 551 00:30:29,495 --> 00:30:32,220 Here at this archaeological site 552 00:30:32,222 --> 00:30:34,814 Stand the ruins of heliopolis... 553 00:30:35,742 --> 00:30:39,244 ...Built in the fourth century bc by alexander the great 554 00:30:39,396 --> 00:30:41,154 To honor zeus. 555 00:30:41,173 --> 00:30:44,232 But beneath the corinthian columns 556 00:30:44,251 --> 00:30:47,402 And remnants of both greek and roman architecture 557 00:30:47,421 --> 00:30:52,240 Lie the ruins of a site that is much, much older. 558 00:30:52,259 --> 00:30:54,000 According to archaeologists, 559 00:30:54,019 --> 00:30:56,854 It dates back nearly 9,000 years. 560 00:30:57,931 --> 00:31:00,599 The ancient city of baalbek, 561 00:31:00,751 --> 00:31:04,769 Named after the early canaanite deity baal. 562 00:31:06,423 --> 00:31:11,109 Hanan charaf: Baal is the god of life, the god of the sky, the god of the sun. 563 00:31:11,261 --> 00:31:15,855 He was the god that was venerated on the site of baalbek 564 00:31:15,875 --> 00:31:18,834 During the canaanite and the phoenician times. 565 00:31:21,121 --> 00:31:22,954 Robert mullins: And so, because it was already sacred 566 00:31:23,107 --> 00:31:24,773 To the god baal, 567 00:31:24,791 --> 00:31:27,217 Then later the greeks and the romans 568 00:31:27,369 --> 00:31:30,804 Then would build temples on this very same spot. 569 00:31:32,466 --> 00:31:34,725 Narrator: Archaeological surveys have revealed 570 00:31:34,801 --> 00:31:37,285 That the enormous stone foundation that lies 571 00:31:37,304 --> 00:31:41,123 At the base of the site dates back thousands of years. 572 00:31:41,141 --> 00:31:44,793 Baalbek, as we know from the archaeological evidence, 573 00:31:44,811 --> 00:31:47,312 Must have existed during neolithic period, 574 00:31:47,464 --> 00:31:52,492 Between 6,000 to 8,000 years or even 9,000 years bc. 575 00:31:55,915 --> 00:31:59,474 Narrator: But even more significant to ancient astronaut theorists 576 00:31:59,493 --> 00:32:02,586 Is their belief that the colossal stone platform 577 00:32:02,737 --> 00:32:06,089 May have been built using extraterrestrial technology. 578 00:32:08,001 --> 00:32:10,410 As evidence, researchers point 579 00:32:10,429 --> 00:32:12,487 To the gigantic megalithic stones 580 00:32:12,506 --> 00:32:15,323 Incorporated into the foundation, 581 00:32:15,342 --> 00:32:19,603 Each weighing between 800 to 1,600 tons 582 00:32:19,754 --> 00:32:22,064 And perfectly fitted together. 583 00:32:24,001 --> 00:32:28,111 In baalbek, stone blocks were transported 584 00:32:28,188 --> 00:32:32,841 Which have a weight of over 1,500 tons. 585 00:32:32,859 --> 00:32:35,177 And this not in a flat land. 586 00:32:35,195 --> 00:32:36,620 It's all mountain. 587 00:32:37,772 --> 00:32:43,368 We have absolutely no idea how such heavy loads 588 00:32:43,520 --> 00:32:45,537 Could have been transported in the mountain. 589 00:32:45,689 --> 00:32:48,190 I have nothing but a speculation to this. 590 00:32:48,192 --> 00:32:51,301 But for sure it does never fit 591 00:32:51,453 --> 00:32:55,788 Into the prehistoric knowledge of our ancestors. 592 00:32:56,550 --> 00:32:59,125 This is the real mystery of baalbek-- 593 00:32:59,144 --> 00:33:01,369 How these stones came to be there, 594 00:33:01,388 --> 00:33:03,463 Why they were placed there, and specifically 595 00:33:03,482 --> 00:33:05,107 How they were transported into place. 596 00:33:06,727 --> 00:33:09,135 Because some of the stones are of such magnitude 597 00:33:09,154 --> 00:33:12,380 That modern machinery is incapable of putting them there. 598 00:33:12,399 --> 00:33:15,808 But somehow our ancestors were able to do this. 599 00:33:17,312 --> 00:33:21,164 Birnes: It is one of the oldest, oldest megalithic sites on the planet. 600 00:33:21,241 --> 00:33:23,667 And it has these huge stones laid out 601 00:33:23,818 --> 00:33:26,169 In a precise geometrical shape 602 00:33:26,246 --> 00:33:29,506 At a time when the prehistoric people 603 00:33:29,657 --> 00:33:31,082 Who would have lived there 604 00:33:31,235 --> 00:33:35,303 Would have no concept of how to move stones of that nature. 605 00:33:37,516 --> 00:33:40,242 Narrator: But if the moving, hoisting and setting 606 00:33:40,244 --> 00:33:43,854 Of such massive stones was so incredibly difficult, 607 00:33:44,005 --> 00:33:48,007 Then who, or what, helped to place them there? 608 00:33:48,027 --> 00:33:51,753 And, perhaps more importantly, why? 609 00:33:51,772 --> 00:33:54,923 We know that the ancients always went to power places, 610 00:33:54,941 --> 00:33:57,592 And baalbek clearly is one of them. 611 00:33:57,611 --> 00:33:59,519 It is a place where the gods were worshipped, 612 00:33:59,538 --> 00:34:01,371 Where the gods were said to be present. 613 00:34:01,448 --> 00:34:03,265 And so, when it comes to baalbek, 614 00:34:03,283 --> 00:34:05,934 This platform was built there for a reason. 615 00:34:05,952 --> 00:34:07,360 For what purpose it was used 616 00:34:07,379 --> 00:34:10,438 Is a question we can't answer at this moment in time. 617 00:34:10,457 --> 00:34:13,533 But what we do know is that whatever was happening there 618 00:34:13,552 --> 00:34:15,610 Had a great religious significance to them 619 00:34:15,629 --> 00:34:18,371 And was linked with worshipping deities, 620 00:34:18,390 --> 00:34:21,283 Deities which clearly are of an otherworldly origin. 621 00:34:21,285 --> 00:34:23,209 Hopefully, at one point, 622 00:34:23,228 --> 00:34:25,562 Archaeology will be so open-minded 623 00:34:25,713 --> 00:34:27,898 That they actually want to explore this further. 624 00:34:29,976 --> 00:34:33,962 We're just moments away from the top site on my list. 625 00:34:33,980 --> 00:34:35,647 And in my opinion, 626 00:34:35,799 --> 00:34:38,391 We've definitely saved the best for last. 627 00:34:38,410 --> 00:34:40,368 Can you guess what it is? 628 00:34:46,476 --> 00:34:51,496 We've finally reached number one on my top ten countdown 629 00:34:51,648 --> 00:34:54,666 Of ancient aliens' most mysterious sites. 630 00:34:54,818 --> 00:34:56,409 Lying in ruins atop a vast plateau in the andes mountains 631 00:34:56,428 --> 00:34:59,429 At an altitude of over 12,000 feet, 632 00:34:59,581 --> 00:35:02,933 The megalithic stones found at this incredible location 633 00:35:03,009 --> 00:35:05,994 Are among the largest on planet earth. 634 00:35:06,012 --> 00:35:09,106 But even more impressive is how they were cut 635 00:35:09,182 --> 00:35:11,591 With such exact precision. 636 00:35:11,610 --> 00:35:15,170 And, to me, they provide the strongest evidence 637 00:35:15,188 --> 00:35:18,022 That extraterrestrials visited our planet 638 00:35:18,175 --> 00:35:20,784 And changed the course of human history. 639 00:35:22,696 --> 00:35:26,790 My number one most mysterious site, puma punku. 640 00:35:28,185 --> 00:35:30,127 ♪ ♪ 641 00:35:32,038 --> 00:35:36,524 Narrator: Bolivia, south america. 642 00:35:36,543 --> 00:35:41,972 Here lie the mysterious ancient ruins of puma punku. 643 00:35:42,123 --> 00:35:45,142 Spread across a desert plateau 644 00:35:45,218 --> 00:35:47,960 Are dozens of megalithic stone blocks 645 00:35:47,980 --> 00:35:49,813 Cut with extreme precision 646 00:35:49,964 --> 00:35:54,818 And some weighing more than 100 tons. 647 00:35:54,895 --> 00:35:58,989 These are the mysterious ruins of puma punku, 648 00:35:59,065 --> 00:36:03,827 Nearly 13,000 feet in the altiplano of bolivia. 649 00:36:04,738 --> 00:36:09,499 What you have here are massive blocks of granite 650 00:36:09,576 --> 00:36:15,413 Scattered like some kid's toy blocks around the site. 651 00:36:15,565 --> 00:36:21,661 Archaeologists are baffled by what puma punku was, 652 00:36:21,680 --> 00:36:24,997 How it looked, and what the purpose 653 00:36:25,017 --> 00:36:28,185 Of this enormous structure would have been. 654 00:36:30,856 --> 00:36:34,599 Narrator: What sets puma punku apart from other ancient megalithic sites 655 00:36:34,751 --> 00:36:37,527 Is the incredible stonework, 656 00:36:37,604 --> 00:36:41,198 Which some researchers suggest is far too sophisticated 657 00:36:41,274 --> 00:36:44,350 To have been accomplished using primitive tools. 658 00:36:45,278 --> 00:36:48,371 One of the amazing things here at puma punku 659 00:36:48,448 --> 00:36:51,541 Is the precision of the blocks. 660 00:36:51,693 --> 00:36:54,452 You can see with this block of granite 661 00:36:54,604 --> 00:36:59,883 That it's really been cut at very accurate right angles. 662 00:37:01,611 --> 00:37:05,722 Not only do these granite blocks have precision corners 663 00:37:05,799 --> 00:37:10,060 But they also have these difficult drill holes 664 00:37:10,136 --> 00:37:14,064 That are going right through the rock. 665 00:37:16,068 --> 00:37:18,126 Narrator: Mainstream scientists believe 666 00:37:18,128 --> 00:37:20,144 The site was originally constructed 667 00:37:20,297 --> 00:37:22,722 About 2,000 years ago. 668 00:37:22,741 --> 00:37:27,744 But in 1945, archaeologist arthur posnansky proposed 669 00:37:27,895 --> 00:37:30,989 That puma punku was much, much older. 670 00:37:31,141 --> 00:37:33,917 By examining the structures and what he believed 671 00:37:33,994 --> 00:37:36,661 Were their original alignment with the stars, 672 00:37:36,813 --> 00:37:40,924 He dated the ruins to 15,000 bc. 673 00:37:42,410 --> 00:37:44,168 But how could such primitive people, 674 00:37:44,321 --> 00:37:47,413 Living perhaps over 10,000 years ago, 675 00:37:47,432 --> 00:37:50,767 Have produced such flawless stonework? 676 00:37:50,844 --> 00:37:53,419 Von daniken: The spanish conqueror asked the inca, 677 00:37:53,438 --> 00:37:57,423 The people living there, including the king of the inca, 678 00:37:57,442 --> 00:38:00,184 "what is this puma punku?" 679 00:38:00,337 --> 00:38:03,338 And they all said, "it's not us. 680 00:38:03,340 --> 00:38:05,931 "it's not our forefather who make this. 681 00:38:05,951 --> 00:38:10,287 These were made by the gods in one single night." 682 00:38:12,607 --> 00:38:15,625 Tsoukalos: One of the earliest chronicles that we have 683 00:38:15,777 --> 00:38:21,131 In regards to puma punku talks about that these giant platforms 684 00:38:21,207 --> 00:38:27,119 Were moved through the air by the sound of a trumpet. 685 00:38:27,139 --> 00:38:30,807 They basically floated into place. 686 00:38:30,958 --> 00:38:33,310 And here's another very interesting thing that, 687 00:38:33,461 --> 00:38:37,147 According to the myths, this is exactly what happened 688 00:38:37,223 --> 00:38:40,483 With the moai on easter island. 689 00:38:40,560 --> 00:38:44,303 Narrator: Could it be that the local traditions of easter island 690 00:38:44,323 --> 00:38:48,641 And puma punku tell nearly identical stories of levitation 691 00:38:48,660 --> 00:38:51,661 Because the ancient people at both sites witnessed 692 00:38:51,738 --> 00:38:54,998 The same extraterrestrial technology? 693 00:38:55,149 --> 00:38:58,560 And if the stone blocks of puma punku 694 00:38:58,578 --> 00:39:00,837 Were once part of a megalithic structure, 695 00:39:00,914 --> 00:39:03,840 How did it end up in ruins? 696 00:39:04,826 --> 00:39:07,235 I honestly believe that puma punku 697 00:39:07,237 --> 00:39:09,737 Is more than 12,000 years old. 698 00:39:10,682 --> 00:39:13,833 12,000 years ago, there was a global cataclysm 699 00:39:13,852 --> 00:39:17,187 That destroyed a lot of ancient sites that we find, 700 00:39:17,263 --> 00:39:21,024 Whether in egypt or the altiplano of bolivia. 701 00:39:22,009 --> 00:39:24,194 We had, at the end of the last ice age, 702 00:39:24,345 --> 00:39:26,696 All kinds of catastrophic flooding 703 00:39:26,848 --> 00:39:29,532 Due to the events in the climate changes 704 00:39:29,609 --> 00:39:33,761 And the melting of the glaciers and increased precipitation. 705 00:39:33,763 --> 00:39:37,857 There were incredible rises in sea levels 706 00:39:37,876 --> 00:39:40,377 Since the end of the last ice age. 707 00:39:40,453 --> 00:39:42,695 More than 12,000 years ago, 708 00:39:42,714 --> 00:39:47,442 Lake titicaca was 100 feet higher than it is today. 709 00:39:47,444 --> 00:39:49,702 And I believe that puma punku 710 00:39:49,721 --> 00:39:52,947 Was literally on the shore of the lake at that time, 711 00:39:52,949 --> 00:39:55,783 Whereas now it's eight miles away. 712 00:39:55,802 --> 00:39:58,228 12,000 years ago, 713 00:39:58,304 --> 00:40:03,215 It was hit by a wave of mud coming from lake titicaca 714 00:40:03,235 --> 00:40:04,901 As a tsunami. 715 00:40:07,797 --> 00:40:11,223 Narrator: A megalithic structure built more than 12,000 years ago 716 00:40:11,243 --> 00:40:15,745 With the help of extraterrestrial technology 717 00:40:15,822 --> 00:40:18,748 Destroyed by a great cataclysm. 718 00:40:18,825 --> 00:40:22,493 If this incredible story is true, 719 00:40:22,646 --> 00:40:24,921 One question still remains. 720 00:40:25,072 --> 00:40:28,741 What was puma punku? 721 00:40:28,760 --> 00:40:31,761 Childress: When you look at the complexity of puma punku, 722 00:40:31,838 --> 00:40:34,747 The huge platforms, the interlocking blocks 723 00:40:34,766 --> 00:40:37,175 That was made into what they thought 724 00:40:37,327 --> 00:40:39,102 Were indestructible walls... 725 00:40:40,605 --> 00:40:42,439 ...What you could have is 726 00:40:42,515 --> 00:40:48,336 A kind of perfectly made granite spaceport 727 00:40:48,338 --> 00:40:51,448 That extraterrestrials would want. 728 00:40:52,692 --> 00:40:56,286 Although the origins of many of the incredible sites 729 00:40:56,362 --> 00:41:00,123 We've featured on ancient aliens continue to be debated, 730 00:41:00,200 --> 00:41:03,626 To me, puma punku is so extraordinary 731 00:41:03,703 --> 00:41:07,464 That it is the one site where I will say, yes, 732 00:41:07,615 --> 00:41:12,710 This was likely built directly by the aliens themselves. 733 00:41:12,862 --> 00:41:14,971 But make no mistake, 734 00:41:15,048 --> 00:41:17,807 Each and every one of the sites on our countdown 735 00:41:17,884 --> 00:41:21,961 Deserves to be investigated with an open mind. 736 00:41:21,980 --> 00:41:24,814 And it is only by asking the questions 737 00:41:24,891 --> 00:41:27,558 That we can finally uncover the truth 738 00:41:27,711 --> 00:41:31,379 Of our extraterrestrial origins. 739 00:41:31,381 --> 00:41:33,323 Captioning provided by a+e networks