1 00:00:00,032 --> 00:00:02,971 A 1,000-year-old temple 2 00:00:02,972 --> 00:00:06,474 built to commemorate a visitation by a god. 3 00:00:06,876 --> 00:00:12,110 A coronation stone believed to be a gateway to the heavens. 4 00:00:12,949 --> 00:00:19,617 And strange chants designed for communicating with otherworldly beings. 5 00:00:20,156 --> 00:00:23,288 To enter ritual allows us to reenter a space 6 00:00:23,292 --> 00:00:27,958 where the gods are alive, and allows us to spend time with them. 7 00:00:29,031 --> 00:00:34,797 You are going into a frequency and harmony to actually talk 8 00:00:34,837 --> 00:00:38,738 directly with those beings that are supernatural. 9 00:00:39,709 --> 00:00:43,875 Throughout the world, ancient rites and rituals 10 00:00:43,876 --> 00:00:45,713 connect us to another dimension. 11 00:00:45,714 --> 00:00:50,349 But just who or what are we communicating with? 12 00:00:50,920 --> 00:00:54,419 All over the world, ancient people and modern people 13 00:00:54,420 --> 00:00:58,624 are using rituals to connect them with gods, 14 00:00:58,826 --> 00:01:03,593 yet these gods may well be ancient astronauts. 15 00:01:03,599 --> 00:01:07,932 Millions of people around the world believe we 16 00:01:07,970 --> 00:01:11,303 have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings. 17 00:01:11,574 --> 00:01:14,175 What if it were true? 18 00:01:14,477 --> 00:01:19,011 Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? 19 00:01:19,448 --> 00:01:24,782 And if so, might we find the evidence in our most sacred rituals? 20 00:01:42,386 --> 00:01:45,386 sync by bellows www.addic7ed.com 21 00:01:59,987 --> 00:02:03,057 The Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. 22 00:02:06,759 --> 00:02:10,731 Here among the ancient mine ruins of Chichen ltza stands 23 00:02:10,733 --> 00:02:13,101 the great pyramid of El Castillo, 24 00:02:14,503 --> 00:02:20,203 built by the Maya sometime between the 9th and 12th centuries A.D. 25 00:02:20,412 --> 00:02:26,046 El Castillo served as a temple to the feathered serpent god Kukulkan. 26 00:02:26,048 --> 00:02:33,052 It is also believed to be the site of the Mayans' most important ritual: 27 00:02:34,053 --> 00:02:35,523 human sacrifice. 28 00:02:40,309 --> 00:02:41,909 They would bring their human victims 29 00:02:42,009 --> 00:02:46,809 up the stairs of their temple, they would cut up their being hearts, 30 00:02:46,810 --> 00:02:51,009 and that would be the form of sacrifice the Mayans engaged in. 31 00:02:52,409 --> 00:02:56,409 In their rituals, there was the sacred importance of blood sacrifice 32 00:02:56,510 --> 00:03:03,016 That by shedding blood, they could empower their desire and 33 00:03:03,018 --> 00:03:05,252 be granted what they wanted. 34 00:03:05,754 --> 00:03:11,390 So there is a theme of blood that runs through this system of sacrifice. 35 00:03:11,861 --> 00:03:14,195 That blood must be shed. 36 00:03:15,297 --> 00:03:21,965 Although ritual sacrifice is no longer practiced at El Castillo--- 37 00:03:22,037 --> 00:03:25,372 worshipers still come to celebrate a time when the Mayans 38 00:03:25,374 --> 00:03:30,309 say god Kukulkan descended from the heavens to bring wisdom to man. 39 00:03:30,779 --> 00:03:34,781 They light fires to unite with the spiritual realm, perform 40 00:03:34,783 --> 00:03:39,953 sacred dances and repeat prayers in numerical sequences to enter 41 00:03:39,955 --> 00:03:43,257 a deep state of meditation. 42 00:03:43,259 --> 00:03:47,261 But the most powerful ritual that takes place at El Castillo 43 00:03:47,263 --> 00:03:52,466 is a reenactment of Kukulkan's descent to Earth, a reenactment 44 00:03:52,468 --> 00:03:56,071 that is literally built into the pyramid itself. 45 00:03:57,473 --> 00:04:00,807 El Castillo is a stepped pyramid with some 46 00:04:00,809 --> 00:04:02,843 outward radiating staircases. 47 00:04:02,845 --> 00:04:05,579 And these staircases have big high balustrades on them. 48 00:04:05,581 --> 00:04:10,384 And on the autumn and the spring equinox, the sun casts a shadow 49 00:04:10,386 --> 00:04:12,853 across the corner of this stepped pyramid, and you see the 50 00:04:12,855 --> 00:04:16,121 shadows of the steps on the staircase balustrade. 51 00:04:18,925 --> 00:04:22,862 This is a model of the pyramid of Chechen ltza in Mexico. 52 00:04:24,200 --> 00:04:28,035 And every year, on March 21, 53 00:04:28,098 --> 00:04:32,598 when the sun goes up, directly on the stairway here 54 00:04:32,698 --> 00:04:37,698 is created **** shadow coming down the stairs 55 00:04:37,699 --> 00:04:44,098 which represents god Kukulkan has descended to the humans. 56 00:04:44,398 --> 00:04:48,798 At the end, you see the face of god Kukulkan 57 00:04:48,898 --> 00:04:54,297 On September 21st, it is the opposite, this time when the sun 58 00:04:54,298 --> 00:04:59,197 rises up in the morning, god Kukulkan goes up the stairs, 59 00:04:59,198 --> 00:05:04,997 and ends in a bright light up on the little temple 60 00:05:04,998 --> 00:05:09,397 which means god Kukulkan visits the earthlings, teaches them 61 00:05:09,398 --> 00:05:13,797 and after a certain period, it disappears into the sky, 62 00:05:13,798 --> 00:05:16,698 with the promise to return one day. 63 00:05:18,596 --> 00:05:23,496 What we see happening in Chichen ltza, it is a light phenomenon. 64 00:05:23,497 --> 00:05:26,197 If we really see technology being displayed here 65 00:05:26,198 --> 00:05:28,193 we see that somebody engineered this 66 00:05:28,194 --> 00:05:31,394 so that at each equinox, people would experience 67 00:05:31,399 --> 00:05:33,266 stone serpent coming alive. 68 00:05:36,015 --> 00:05:39,115 There was a visual reminder of this connection to the gods. 69 00:05:40,615 --> 00:05:44,715 It could be that not only are the Maya, 70 00:05:44,716 --> 00:05:49,110 celebrating their extraterrestrial ancestors, 71 00:05:49,111 --> 00:05:53,212 but it could well be that ancient aliens who came to Earth 72 00:05:53,213 --> 00:05:57,413 instructed the societies that they helped 73 00:05:57,414 --> 00:06:01,714 to maintain a connection with them by performing certain rituals, 74 00:06:01,715 --> 00:06:04,415 celebrations at the appearance of stars, 75 00:06:04,611 --> 00:06:08,211 and keeping the story of the extraterrestrial alive in their legends. 76 00:06:09,512 --> 00:06:12,112 Did the Maya really conduct these elaborate 77 00:06:12,113 --> 00:06:15,413 and bloody rituals to honor a mythical deity? 78 00:06:16,014 --> 00:06:20,314 Or might it've been as ancient astronaut theories content, 79 00:06:20,315 --> 00:06:25,507 commemorating and actual visitation by extraterrestrial beings? 80 00:06:27,908 --> 00:06:32,708 A ritual is absolutely a way to kind of reconnect with the gods. 81 00:06:32,809 --> 00:06:36,309 So not only, you are reenacting your faith to this god, right, 82 00:06:36,310 --> 00:06:39,410 you are actually reenacting the original moment, 83 00:06:39,411 --> 00:06:42,111 when the god did a very specific thing. 84 00:06:42,712 --> 00:06:48,512 All over the world, ancient people and modern people are using rituals 85 00:06:48,513 --> 00:06:50,613 to connect them with gods. 86 00:06:50,713 --> 00:06:56,313 Yet these gods may well be ancient astronauts. 87 00:06:59,314 --> 00:07:02,514 The hill of Uisneach, Ireland. 88 00:07:02,515 --> 00:07:05,415 Each year on the first day of May, 89 00:07:05,416 --> 00:07:09,510 the local citizens celebrate the sacred festival of Beltane 90 00:07:09,611 --> 00:07:13,511 similar to the one first performed by the ancient Celts 91 00:07:13,512 --> 00:07:15,212 more than 2,000 years ago. 92 00:07:16,813 --> 00:07:21,113 Like the ceremony at Chichen ltza, it is designed to connect 93 00:07:21,114 --> 00:07:24,814 and communicate with beings from outside our world. 94 00:07:26,415 --> 00:07:32,015 This day was the day when you would set fires, bonfires, 95 00:07:32,018 --> 00:07:36,489 And then you would walk your cattle between the fires, as a 96 00:07:36,491 --> 00:07:39,759 way to protect them for the coming spring and summer. 97 00:07:39,761 --> 00:07:45,765 And these Mayday fires were a magical way of calling down 98 00:07:45,767 --> 00:07:48,367 protection upon animals and human beings. 99 00:07:51,470 --> 00:07:52,670 But why fire? 100 00:07:52,671 --> 00:07:56,974 But what was it about this most basic of elements that made it 101 00:07:56,975 --> 00:07:58,945 so important to the ancient Celts? 102 00:08:01,016 --> 00:08:04,882 The association of hills and fire with Beltane 103 00:08:04,887 --> 00:08:11,090 suggest that this is a time when extra vision, extra knowledge is available. 104 00:08:11,960 --> 00:08:17,797 And what the Celtic peoples were most interested in knowing about 105 00:08:17,999 --> 00:08:19,701 was in fact the other-world. 106 00:08:20,602 --> 00:08:23,870 There is this notion that at Beltane, there is a greater 107 00:08:23,872 --> 00:08:28,875 opportunity for actually perhaps meeting people from the other- 108 00:08:28,877 --> 00:08:31,811 world or of seeing into their world. 109 00:08:32,014 --> 00:08:35,216 We have some stories from medieval Irish tradition where 110 00:08:35,918 --> 00:08:39,219 a hero happens to come near a sidhe-- one of those 111 00:08:39,221 --> 00:08:41,855 otherworldly dwellings which is in a hill. 112 00:08:42,257 --> 00:08:46,657 And the sidhe is open, and what he sees inside it is a fire. 113 00:08:48,229 --> 00:08:50,865 Now, the fire inside the otherworldly dwelling makes it 114 00:08:50,866 --> 00:08:54,501 possible to look into the otherworldly dwelling and to see 115 00:08:54,503 --> 00:08:56,603 some of the details, including 116 00:08:56,605 --> 00:08:58,938 the people there and what they look like. 117 00:08:59,508 --> 00:09:02,676 But might the fire rituals of the Beltane Festival 118 00:09:02,678 --> 00:09:07,147 have been started by the early Celts as an attempt to recreate 119 00:09:07,149 --> 00:09:11,884 the strange lights and ignitions they saw from an alien spacecraft? 120 00:09:12,654 --> 00:09:15,956 Although no written records exist to explain the event's 121 00:09:15,958 --> 00:09:18,158 true origins, there are those 122 00:09:18,160 --> 00:09:23,893 who believe that such an incredible idea is possible. 123 00:09:25,798 --> 00:09:29,069 And to prove it they point to a ceremony practiced 124 00:09:29,071 --> 00:09:32,704 each year by the Kayapo people of Brazil. 125 00:09:36,152 --> 00:09:41,951 A long time ago, Bep Kororoti appeared descending from the sky. 126 00:09:41,952 --> 00:09:44,851 And when he landed, there was a lot of wind. 127 00:09:44,852 --> 00:09:50,056 The earth was shaking and trembling. There was a lot of noise. 128 00:09:50,058 --> 00:09:55,695 The appearance of Bep Kororoti has been preserved to this day. 129 00:09:55,697 --> 00:10:00,400 In fact, it's a medicine man wearing a straw suit. 130 00:10:00,402 --> 00:10:02,702 And that straw suit looks 131 00:10:02,704 --> 00:10:07,704 eerily similar to a modern-day astronaut suit. 132 00:10:09,844 --> 00:10:13,744 The Kayapo remember the very special suit, 133 00:10:13,745 --> 00:10:15,445 this man or alien wore, 134 00:10:16,646 --> 00:10:19,646 which is essentially completely enclose the body. 135 00:10:20,851 --> 00:10:24,457 And what more interesting is what a neighboring tribe said, 136 00:10:24,459 --> 00:10:28,761 namely the Bakairi-- they already had such a thing hanging 137 00:10:28,763 --> 00:10:30,597 in a hut in the 19th century. 138 00:10:32,399 --> 00:10:35,702 But for the Kayapo, the Bep Kororati Festival is 139 00:10:35,704 --> 00:10:39,706 only one of the ways they honor an ancient visitation by 140 00:10:39,708 --> 00:10:42,077 extraterrestrial being. 141 00:10:43,679 --> 00:10:47,681 They also recount his visitation in their everyday lives by 142 00:10:47,683 --> 00:10:51,282 wearing symbolic head dresses made of feathers. 143 00:10:55,553 --> 00:10:57,557 There is this feather head dress that has 144 00:10:57,559 --> 00:11:02,462 a row of feathers, and when it's worn, it looks like a halo. 145 00:11:02,664 --> 00:11:06,932 And these feathers represent no more and no less 146 00:11:06,934 --> 00:11:08,334 than outer space. 147 00:11:09,736 --> 00:11:13,872 The Kayapo see outer space as being a flat disk, 148 00:11:13,874 --> 00:11:16,309 spreading out into infinity. 149 00:11:17,811 --> 00:11:21,913 The band that holds these feathers together is a symbol 150 00:11:21,915 --> 00:11:24,982 for the rope that the Kayapos' ancestors 151 00:11:24,984 --> 00:11:30,118 used to climb down to Earth from a celestial world. 152 00:11:35,690 --> 00:11:39,498 Could the Kayapo's rituals of Brazil really have been 153 00:11:39,500 --> 00:11:42,433 inspired by an extraterrestrial visitation? 154 00:11:42,937 --> 00:11:47,340 Perhaps the answer can be found by examining a somewhat more 155 00:11:47,342 --> 00:11:52,812 traditional ceremony-- one still performed to this day, 156 00:11:52,814 --> 00:11:56,481 and to an audience of millions around the world. 157 00:12:01,519 --> 00:12:04,419 Edinburgh Castle, Scotland. 158 00:12:05,188 --> 00:12:10,188 In the crown room, lies a 336 pound oblong stone block 159 00:12:11,489 --> 00:12:16,289 known as the Stone of Destiny and also as the Stone of Scone 160 00:12:16,290 --> 00:12:21,790 It is been present at the coronation of nearly every English and Scottish monarch 161 00:12:21,791 --> 00:12:23,791 for more than 800 years. 162 00:12:25,292 --> 00:12:29,592 Its purpose to unite the new ruler with God. 163 00:12:29,593 --> 00:12:33,693 And there are those who believe, it is part of a meteor 164 00:12:33,694 --> 00:12:36,894 that fell to Earth more than 3,000 years ago. 165 00:12:37,595 --> 00:12:41,095 In England today, all the kings and queens 166 00:12:41,096 --> 00:12:45,596 are crowned on what's known as the Stone of Destiny 167 00:12:46,097 --> 00:12:51,097 And this stone, according to legend, goes back to the biblical story of Jacob 168 00:12:51,098 --> 00:12:53,598 who had rested his head on this stone. 169 00:12:53,699 --> 00:12:57,499 Jacob in the Bible has a dream, he falls asleep on a stone 170 00:12:57,500 --> 00:13:02,200 And he sees a place nearby from which angels ascend in heaven 171 00:13:02,201 --> 00:13:04,301 but also for which angels descend to Earth. 172 00:13:04,515 --> 00:13:07,815 And when he wakes up, he says this is a gateway to heaven 173 00:13:07,816 --> 00:13:11,416 where earthy things can go to heaven, and heavenly things can come to earth. 174 00:13:13,017 --> 00:13:15,317 The Stone *** one day 175 00:13:15,318 --> 00:13:18,018 the connection point between heaven and earth. 176 00:13:18,019 --> 00:13:22,311 It was almost like the English strengthened their own belief 177 00:13:22,312 --> 00:13:26,512 that Westminster Abbey was the access one day. 178 00:13:26,683 --> 00:13:33,483 They placed it within a throne right in front of the *** pavement 179 00:13:33,484 --> 00:13:40,384 Within this *** pavement, are circles and swirls and linings 180 00:13:40,385 --> 00:13:43,985 that represent the universe as a whole. 181 00:13:45,086 --> 00:13:51,486 And the monarch becomes what's known as a cosmocrator, 182 00:13:51,487 --> 00:13:56,187 looking over not just what was going on on the earth 183 00:13:56,188 --> 00:14:02,388 but the stars, heavens as a whole while sitting on the throne. 184 00:14:03,889 --> 00:14:08,289 Is this ancient stone merely a symbol of divine right 185 00:14:09,090 --> 00:14:14,290 Or might it, at one time, have held some strange unknown power. 186 00:14:16,891 --> 00:14:20,791 Throughout recorded history, coronation rituals have incorporated 187 00:14:20,792 --> 00:14:25,792 devices like the Stone of Destiny, as a way of linking the new ruler 188 00:14:25,793 --> 00:14:28,893 with superior beings beyond our world. 189 00:14:29,194 --> 00:14:32,194 What is coronation in the first place? 190 00:14:32,195 --> 00:14:38,995 Well, it is the idea that the monarch can embody some kind 191 00:14:38,996 --> 00:14:43,096 of cosmic consciousness, something that is divine. 192 00:14:43,297 --> 00:14:49,397 And this is actually best seen through the eyes of the old traditions 193 00:14:49,398 --> 00:14:51,798 related to the Japanese Mikados. 194 00:14:52,399 --> 00:14:57,399 They would have to sit upon the throne which would be considered to be 195 00:14:57,400 --> 00:14:59,800 the point of creation of the world 196 00:14:59,801 --> 00:15:02,701 There is a notion called divine right of Kings, 197 00:15:02,702 --> 00:15:10,002 that a certain British kings had, that somehow the sovereign is God's 198 00:15:10,003 --> 00:15:15,303 represented upon planet's Earth. But for the ancients, it went steps further. 199 00:15:16,604 --> 00:15:21,204 But if some other worldly power is actually being handed down, 200 00:15:21,405 --> 00:15:25,805 who or what is the source of that power. 201 00:15:26,406 --> 00:15:29,906 If you are an extraterrestrial and you came down to this planet 202 00:15:29,907 --> 00:15:34,307 one of the first things you would try to do would be to mingle with leadership. 203 00:15:34,308 --> 00:15:38,908 And I think the Pharaohs believed that they might've been gods themselves. 204 00:15:42,009 --> 00:15:44,009 The king was considered a deity? 205 00:15:44,010 --> 00:15:49,310 Did he go back into his room and sit and talk with the gods? 206 00:15:49,311 --> 00:15:52,611 I don't know, we weren't there. 207 00:15:52,612 --> 00:15:58,012 But he did certainly communicate with the deities through these rituals. 208 00:15:58,913 --> 00:16:03,012 In addition to the Stone of Destiny another ritualistic symbol 209 00:16:03,013 --> 00:16:07,613 which features in most coronation ceremonies, is that of the scepter. 210 00:16:07,714 --> 00:16:11,614 The scepter is a symbol of divinely granted authority 211 00:16:11,615 --> 00:16:17,815 And in ancient times, often took the form of a staff or a golden one. 212 00:16:20,816 --> 00:16:25,216 According to historians, its use dates back to ancient Egypt. 213 00:16:25,217 --> 00:16:29,217 And there are those who believe, it is connected symbolically 214 00:16:29,218 --> 00:16:30,618 to the Egyptian Ankh. 215 00:16:30,619 --> 00:16:37,419 When it comes to the Ankh ancient Egypt, we find this intimate familiar with lsis. 216 00:16:37,420 --> 00:16:40,686 Isis symbolizes the Ankh, because she is the one 217 00:16:40,687 --> 00:16:43,187 who is able to restore life. 218 00:16:43,188 --> 00:16:47,488 It is the symbol of transformation, the symbol of alchemy, 219 00:16:47,489 --> 00:16:49,089 the symbol of ritual. 220 00:16:49,490 --> 00:16:54,790 The Ankh is always a symbol used in Pharaonic times as a scepter. 221 00:16:54,791 --> 00:16:58,391 But an interesting play on the word, Ankh, shows that also stems 222 00:16:58,392 --> 00:17:02,192 from the word Anunnaki, which meant, those who from heaven came to earth. 223 00:17:03,493 --> 00:17:09,593 And what's fascinating to me, it's that the Ankh, in many occasions, 224 00:17:09,594 --> 00:17:15,694 is also shown next to the Djed pillar. And the Djed pillar also, 225 00:17:15,695 --> 00:17:22,095 is one of the earliest symbols, we have in ancient Egypt, and both symbols 226 00:17:22,096 --> 00:17:26,596 describe a connection to the stars. 227 00:17:26,597 --> 00:17:34,797 If you combine the two, in some of the ancient Egyptian carvings that we see 228 00:17:34,798 --> 00:17:41,198 something very technological is described or depicted. 229 00:17:42,199 --> 00:17:48,221 Now, over time, the Ankh symbol turned into something divine 230 00:17:48,223 --> 00:17:52,400 but it never was that, because according to the ancient astronaut theory, 231 00:17:52,401 --> 00:17:58,001 ancient symbols are based upon something that our ancestors 232 00:17:58,002 --> 00:18:00,402 encountered in real life. 233 00:18:01,003 --> 00:18:04,603 You have to wonder here if the original ankh wasn't some kind 234 00:18:04,604 --> 00:18:10,904 of high tech device that the ancient astronauts used and then it was given 235 00:18:10,905 --> 00:18:14,605 to the kings for their use, and with the coronation ritual 236 00:18:14,606 --> 00:18:20,706 and the holding of the scepter, suddenly normal people become as gods. 237 00:18:21,007 --> 00:18:24,407 And today all we have is a symbolic representation 238 00:18:24,407 --> 00:18:26,407 of this high-tech object. 239 00:18:29,208 --> 00:18:32,841 If the throne and the scepter are identified with a connection 240 00:18:32,909 --> 00:18:37,909 to otherworldly or extraterrestrial power, 241 00:18:37,910 --> 00:18:42,610 what about the most iconic of all coronation symbols, 242 00:18:42,711 --> 00:18:45,311 the crown, itself. 243 00:18:45,912 --> 00:18:48,212 What says kingship? It's the crown. 244 00:18:48,213 --> 00:18:52,913 It is clearly a device, whether you see a crown as a symbol 245 00:18:52,914 --> 00:18:55,514 or whether you see a crown as a something literal 246 00:18:55,515 --> 00:19:00,815 it is clear that somehow it was very specific, something placed on your head 247 00:19:00,816 --> 00:19:02,616 establish this connection. 248 00:19:03,017 --> 00:19:07,117 Some historians believe the idea for the crown 249 00:19:07,118 --> 00:19:10,763 may have originated with a divine image of the halo. 250 00:19:10,764 --> 00:19:16,864 Sumerian described their gods, the Anunnaki, as literally having a glow about them, 251 00:19:16,865 --> 00:19:20,865 and this was carried into more recent times as angels with a halo over their head. 252 00:19:20,866 --> 00:19:23,266 These were the beings that from heaven came to Earth. 253 00:19:23,267 --> 00:19:28,867 Kingship now wants to have this same lineage of connection with the gods. 254 00:19:28,868 --> 00:19:31,068 by placing the crown, on the king's head. 255 00:19:31,569 --> 00:19:39,669 That head piece symbolized the translation of a human being heir apparent 256 00:19:39,670 --> 00:19:42,170 into a sovereign, to deify that sovereign, to make that sovereign extraterrestrial. 257 00:19:48,671 --> 00:19:53,771 Some of the earliest cave drawings, we can find in the world, show these 258 00:19:53,772 --> 00:19:59,972 humanoid beings with halos around their heads and that is very fascinating 259 00:19:59,973 --> 00:20:03,073 because if you look today at modern day astronauts 260 00:20:03,074 --> 00:20:07,774 if you have the sun rising behind them, or even just with their flashlights 261 00:20:07,775 --> 00:20:12,275 that they have on the sides of their helmets, well, if someone 262 00:20:12,276 --> 00:20:19,276 is not knowledgeable in technology sees this, well it looks like their head 263 00:20:19,277 --> 00:20:24,477 is surrounded by this divine light, which is not divine at all, 264 00:20:24,478 --> 00:20:25,978 it's a light source. 265 00:20:26,179 --> 00:20:33,479 So over time, people, our ancestors, started to imitate the gods, 266 00:20:33,480 --> 00:20:37,180 these extraterrestrials, by wearing crowns. 267 00:20:40,881 --> 00:20:46,582 The throne, the scepter, the crown: 268 00:20:46,583 --> 00:20:52,183 Could these symbols of coronation have been inspired not by the imagination 269 00:20:52,184 --> 00:20:58,084 or even spiritual visions, but by some sort of alien encounters. 270 00:20:59,385 --> 00:21:05,385 If so, what other ancient rituals might find their roots in a kingdom 271 00:21:05,386 --> 00:21:06,786 not of this world. 272 00:21:11,187 --> 00:21:16,087 Tabasco, Mexico 1862 273 00:21:16,988 --> 00:21:21,888 Prospectors drilling for oil unearth the colossal stone head 274 00:21:21,889 --> 00:21:23,689 weighing more than 20 tons. 275 00:21:23,890 --> 00:21:31,590 50 years later, 16 more heads are discovered, each with a unique face 276 00:21:31,591 --> 00:21:34,991 and not characteristic of the indigenous people 277 00:21:34,992 --> 00:21:40,092 These gigantic heads are believed to have been carved by a mysterious 278 00:21:40,093 --> 00:21:43,393 ancient culture known as the Olmec. 279 00:21:44,594 --> 00:21:50,394 But even more mysterious, perhaps, is that each appears to be wearing 280 00:21:50,395 --> 00:21:51,995 some sort of helmet. 281 00:21:55,196 --> 00:21:59,396 The mother culture of Central America was the Olmec. 282 00:21:59,697 --> 00:22:06,997 In older images made by the Olmec, we can see helmeted beads dressed in overalls. 283 00:22:06,998 --> 00:22:09,098 dressed in overalls ascending. 284 00:22:10,099 --> 00:22:14,599 They've wings and they have microphones almost 285 00:22:14,600 --> 00:22:15,600 in front of their mouths. 286 00:22:18,001 --> 00:22:22,001 Are these the heads of rulers? Or priests? 287 00:22:22,702 --> 00:22:26,702 Or were they maybe aliens that they wanted to portray? 288 00:22:27,203 --> 00:22:32,003 Could these giant Olmec heads be the depictions of visitors 289 00:22:32,004 --> 00:22:33,304 from another planet? 290 00:22:35,405 --> 00:22:41,705 Some ancient astronaut theories believe, these colossal heads are the proof that 291 00:22:41,706 --> 00:22:46,806 the Olmec communicated directly with otherworldly beings through shamans, 292 00:22:46,807 --> 00:22:48,207 their holy men. 293 00:22:49,208 --> 00:22:52,208 A shaman is an intermediary or a messenger 294 00:22:52,209 --> 00:22:55,809 between the spiritual worlds and the world of humans. 295 00:22:58,610 --> 00:23:01,710 Shamans can inherit their power and their knowledge 296 00:23:01,711 --> 00:23:05,711 but more often than not they're chosen by particular spirits. 297 00:23:06,412 --> 00:23:13,212 When it comes to the Olmec, we know that they say that people were taken 298 00:23:13,213 --> 00:23:17,613 to become transformed into a person who was going to make the connection 299 00:23:17,614 --> 00:23:20,014 between our world and the other world. 300 00:23:21,415 --> 00:23:26,715 In order to answer the spiritual realm, the shaman must use 301 00:23:26,716 --> 00:23:28,916 particular tools to get there. 302 00:23:28,917 --> 00:23:31,717 These include instruments like drums or rattles. 303 00:23:33,118 --> 00:23:38,218 Aid the shaman in his or her communication with that world. 304 00:23:39,119 --> 00:23:45,219 Like the Olmec, many ancient cultures throughout the centuries have believed 305 00:23:45,220 --> 00:23:48,595 Shamans could communicate with otherworldly beings. 306 00:23:48,696 --> 00:23:53,896 But what exactly were these beings? Were they really gods? 307 00:23:54,097 --> 00:23:57,897 Or were they perhaps extraterrestrials? 308 00:23:59,798 --> 00:24:04,498 There are star ancestors, we call them ***. 309 00:24:04,599 --> 00:24:10,999 That's a *** word, and so, they are the ones that come from another world. 310 00:24:12,100 --> 00:24:16,600 Similar to Hindus, Buddhists, and even ancient Egyptians, 311 00:24:17,701 --> 00:24:22,601 many native american tribes claim to communicate with their gods. 312 00:24:22,602 --> 00:24:24,302 by means of telepathy. 313 00:24:25,403 --> 00:24:29,403 Telepathy is basically one of the communications 314 00:24:29,404 --> 00:24:32,904 that is practiced with many spiritual people. 315 00:24:33,005 --> 00:24:40,005 Feathers work as antennas and they bring in a message at times when it's necessary. 316 00:24:40,906 --> 00:24:46,606 There's basically three things, chanting, drums and song. 317 00:24:46,707 --> 00:24:52,707 What it is, is that they are going into a frequency in harmony 318 00:24:52,708 --> 00:24:58,308 to actually talk directly with those beings that are supernatural. 319 00:24:58,309 --> 00:25:04,609 In the area of Horseshoe Canyon, Utah graphic depictions called petroglyphs 320 00:25:04,610 --> 00:25:08,010 can be found of ancient native american shamans, 321 00:25:08,511 --> 00:25:12,111 and the otherworldly creatures, they claim to communicate with. 322 00:25:14,912 --> 00:25:19,812 Here we have a classic shaman with the hour glass figure 323 00:25:19,813 --> 00:25:25,613 feet pointed upward, arms which have birds, feet at the end 324 00:25:25,814 --> 00:25:30,414 it signifies spirituality, and it's got horns with the fringes coming out. 325 00:25:31,615 --> 00:25:34,815 One of these petroglyphs, called the Ghost Panel 326 00:25:34,816 --> 00:25:40,816 depicts nine ft tall figures conducting what some believe is an actual encounter 327 00:25:40,817 --> 00:25:43,117 between shamans and star beings. 328 00:25:44,618 --> 00:25:48,218 Looks like a group of figures surrounding or standing or hoovering around 329 00:25:48,219 --> 00:25:52,399 a central ghost-like figure, which is called the Holy Ghost. 330 00:25:52,400 --> 00:25:55,800 If you look at the head of the Holy Ghost, you'll see that there are two eyes 331 00:25:55,801 --> 00:25:58,401 in the front of his face, but if you look to the left 332 00:25:58,502 --> 00:26:02,902 you'll see the side of his head. This is a device which you do not see in 333 00:26:02,903 --> 00:26:04,703 any prehistoric art. 334 00:26:04,704 --> 00:26:06,904 And this mostly is one of the reasons why 335 00:26:06,905 --> 00:26:09,566 I feel that this represents an event. 336 00:26:12,706 --> 00:26:16,706 Does the Ghost Panel really depicted an actual visitation 337 00:26:16,707 --> 00:26:18,807 by extraterrestrial beings? 338 00:26:20,108 --> 00:26:24,508 And if so could the horns coming from the shaman's head, 339 00:26:24,509 --> 00:26:28,009 similar to the feathers found in the native american head dress 340 00:26:28,010 --> 00:26:31,710 really represent some sort of antenna? 341 00:26:31,711 --> 00:26:36,111 A device for giving and receiving information or energy 342 00:26:36,112 --> 00:26:38,112 perhaps from another world. 343 00:26:38,413 --> 00:26:44,213 And is this energy at all connected to ritualized chants and prayers 344 00:26:44,214 --> 00:26:47,314 employed by the shaman in their effort to communicate 345 00:26:47,315 --> 00:26:48,515 with star beings. 346 00:26:51,416 --> 00:26:56,416 In the early 1980's, using a device for measuring electric charge, 347 00:26:56,417 --> 00:27:00,617 called an electroscope, biochemist doctor Boguslaw Lipinski, 348 00:27:00,618 --> 00:27:04,918 claims to have successfully measured the amount of energy created 349 00:27:04,919 --> 00:27:06,719 through rituals and prayer. 350 00:27:07,305 --> 00:27:10,205 The instrument called electroscope 351 00:27:10,206 --> 00:27:16,506 measures the flow of current between two oppositely charged plates. 352 00:27:16,507 --> 00:27:23,507 Electrons are the purest form of energy. And this form of energy now is 353 00:27:23,508 --> 00:27:27,508 being explained by physicists in terms of vibrations. 354 00:27:30,509 --> 00:27:35,109 In 1985, Dr Lipinski took his electroscope 355 00:27:35,110 --> 00:27:38,010 to the shrine of Medjugorje, in Yugoslavia. 356 00:27:38,511 --> 00:27:45,211 To measure what if any energy is created by large scale group prayer 357 00:27:46,612 --> 00:27:50,612 For decades, thousands of people have gathered here claiming 358 00:27:50,613 --> 00:27:54,813 to see an apparition of Virgin Mary, floating in the sky above. 359 00:27:56,014 --> 00:28:02,014 I found out that during the times of apparitions, particularly when the groups 360 00:28:02,015 --> 00:28:05,715 of people pray, I got readings on my electroscope. 361 00:28:05,716 --> 00:28:13,116 This graph shows measurements of the energy when people start praying 362 00:28:13,117 --> 00:28:18,017 the energy comes very quickly up. 363 00:28:22,199 --> 00:28:27,699 Somewhat similar to Dr. Lipinski contention, that the ritual of prayer generates 364 00:28:27,700 --> 00:28:32,700 energy is a scientific concept called quantum entanglement. 365 00:28:33,501 --> 00:28:38,201 This theory supports the idea, that human beings might 366 00:28:38,202 --> 00:28:40,502 be able to communicate telepathically. 367 00:28:40,603 --> 00:28:46,203 The idea of quantum entanglement is that a single particle 368 00:28:46,204 --> 00:28:49,104 can split and become two individual particles, 369 00:28:49,105 --> 00:28:54,805 and they still somehow retain a link between each other. 370 00:28:54,806 --> 00:28:57,006 They can communicate with each other. 371 00:28:57,007 --> 00:29:03,307 It's not only real but it can explain the idea of telepathy and remote viewing. 372 00:29:03,308 --> 00:29:09,108 And if we assume that extraterrestrials do exist, then it becomes 373 00:29:09,109 --> 00:29:14,109 the most obvious form of communication that we can use between us. 374 00:29:14,110 --> 00:29:20,110 Maybe this is already occurring, just maybe this has been going on 375 00:29:20,111 --> 00:29:22,011 for tens of thousands of years. 376 00:29:22,012 --> 00:29:26,712 And this can easily be induced for the use of sound 377 00:29:26,713 --> 00:29:28,913 of tones and notes. 378 00:29:34,814 --> 00:29:38,114 Could the provocative implications of quantum entanglement 379 00:29:38,115 --> 00:29:42,615 help to explain why so many cultures, claim to communicate with 380 00:29:42,616 --> 00:29:45,116 otherworldly beings telepathically. 381 00:29:45,417 --> 00:29:50,017 And could the elaborate head dresses, like those worn by native americans 382 00:29:50,018 --> 00:29:52,818 and even the crowns of ancient kings, 383 00:29:52,819 --> 00:29:55,919 be linked to some sort of ancient technology, 384 00:29:55,920 --> 00:29:58,711 for communicating with alien beings? 385 00:29:59,012 --> 00:30:05,612 Perhaps the answer can be found by examining more contemporary examples. 386 00:30:05,613 --> 00:30:11,513 The times of rites and rituals still practiced by billions of people 387 00:30:11,514 --> 00:30:12,814 around the world. 388 00:30:18,020 --> 00:30:23,037 The Giza Plateau, May 26th, 1954. 389 00:30:24,439 --> 00:30:28,575 Egyptian archeologist Kamal-el-Mallakh is lowered into 390 00:30:28,577 --> 00:30:32,713 a long narrow pit he discovered on the south side of the Great 391 00:30:32,715 --> 00:30:35,449 Pyramid of Khufu. 392 00:30:35,451 --> 00:30:42,020 With the use of a torch and a mirror, he catches sight of a large oar. 393 00:30:42,058 --> 00:30:48,695 The oar belongs to a 143-foot-long ship that has been 394 00:30:48,697 --> 00:30:50,065 buried beneath the earth. 395 00:30:51,367 --> 00:30:56,203 The ship was constructed for King Khufu, the second pharaoh 396 00:30:56,205 --> 00:31:03,277 of the Fourth Dynasty, who reigned from around 2589 to 2566 BC 397 00:31:03,279 --> 00:31:08,281 and is generally accepted as the builder of the Great Pyramid. 398 00:31:09,118 --> 00:31:14,822 It is what egyptologists call a solar barge; a funerary boat 399 00:31:14,824 --> 00:31:18,159 that was built for the sole purpose of carrying him across 400 00:31:18,161 --> 00:31:19,261 the heavens. 401 00:31:21,463 --> 00:31:26,963 The significance of boats in the funerary context, 402 00:31:26,964 --> 00:31:31,209 are intended as, were a posthumous pilgrimage to the city of Abydos. 403 00:31:31,210 --> 00:31:35,510 Abydos was the sacred city of Osiris, the God of the Death. 404 00:31:36,011 --> 00:31:41,011 The word God, according to ancient Egyptians is ***, 405 00:31:41,018 --> 00:31:45,820 it means a being that came from the cosmos. 406 00:31:47,502 --> 00:31:51,202 The word origin doesn't exist in Ancient Egyptian. 407 00:31:51,203 --> 00:31:54,503 They truly believe, they were very adamant about this, 408 00:31:54,503 --> 00:31:55,703 that their origins is in the sky. 409 00:31:56,204 --> 00:32:00,704 In the case of King Khufu, we find there is a literal boat 410 00:32:00,705 --> 00:32:04,405 thought to be a boat of a million years, even though this might appear 411 00:32:04,406 --> 00:32:05,505 to be a normal ship, 412 00:32:05,506 --> 00:32:10,106 it is actually something far more, it can also represent a spaceship 413 00:32:10,107 --> 00:32:13,707 because they just didn't speak of years, they spoke millions of years, 414 00:32:13,708 --> 00:32:16,707 and this is precisely what space travel is all about. 415 00:32:16,708 --> 00:32:20,308 Somehow, the dead body was able to go on this voyage. 416 00:32:20,609 --> 00:32:25,209 But could funerary boats, like the one found near the Giza pyramid 417 00:32:25,210 --> 00:32:30,710 have been the early Egyptians attempt to recreate an alien spacecraft. 418 00:32:30,711 --> 00:32:34,611 What could this represent? Could it mean that the ancient Egyptians 419 00:32:34,612 --> 00:32:38,909 believed that their honored dead would then rejoin 420 00:32:38,910 --> 00:32:41,710 the deities in the sky, the extraterrestrials? 421 00:32:42,511 --> 00:32:48,011 Ancient Egyptians were experts at mimicking what they saw. 422 00:32:48,509 --> 00:32:53,409 And let's assume that Gods came down from heaven, or ETs came down from space 423 00:32:53,510 --> 00:32:56,510 The Egyptians tried to emulate what they saw. 424 00:32:56,511 --> 00:33:02,610 In order to mimic the idea, of returning to the Gods 425 00:33:02,611 --> 00:33:07,511 who have descended from the sky, funerary boats were created. 426 00:33:07,610 --> 00:33:15,810 And the idea of funerary boats came after the egyptians encountered 427 00:33:15,812 --> 00:33:18,346 the heavenly barges which descended from the sky. 428 00:33:22,048 --> 00:33:27,719 As in most modern societies, funeral rituals are usually based upon the notion 429 00:33:27,723 --> 00:33:31,623 that the spirit moves on after the body dies. 430 00:33:31,627 --> 00:33:36,263 For some, there is the belief that the souls or spirits of the 431 00:33:36,265 --> 00:33:40,035 dead reconnect with god or some sort of deity. 432 00:33:41,637 --> 00:33:46,707 And for many ancient societies-- like the Egyptians-- death 433 00:33:46,709 --> 00:33:49,310 also meant a return to the stars. 434 00:33:50,412 --> 00:33:53,445 What is also interesting about the ancient egyptian belief 435 00:33:53,446 --> 00:33:59,851 is that after the final fall or conversion was going back to the stars. 436 00:33:59,852 --> 00:34:05,023 I always quote Carl Sagan on "We are star stuff." 437 00:34:05,194 --> 00:34:09,527 Some star exploded some billions of years ago, and we're it. 438 00:34:09,632 --> 00:34:11,933 But we're star stuff become conscious. 439 00:34:11,934 --> 00:34:15,168 Having said this, it is not impossible that we contain 440 00:34:15,170 --> 00:34:18,272 the knowledge of our origins literally within us, and that 441 00:34:18,274 --> 00:34:20,474 there's a way to retrieve that information. 442 00:34:20,476 --> 00:34:26,979 It may well be that the ancient Egyptians had found some sort of inner route. 443 00:34:28,484 --> 00:34:32,252 The use of funerary boats during burial was not 444 00:34:32,254 --> 00:34:33,556 unique to ancient Egypt. 445 00:34:35,758 --> 00:34:38,926 The Norse Vikings also incorporated boats into their 446 00:34:38,928 --> 00:34:43,430 funeral rites, sometimes burying their dead with actual boats, 447 00:34:43,532 --> 00:34:48,567 but more often forming the shape of a boat with large rocks above the grave. 448 00:34:49,772 --> 00:34:53,674 On certain occasions, they would even create giant pyres to burn 449 00:34:53,676 --> 00:34:58,045 their dead within these rock formations, believing the pillar 450 00:34:58,047 --> 00:35:01,516 of smoke would elevate the deceased to the afterlife. 451 00:35:03,018 --> 00:35:04,851 Burning the dead on a large pyre 452 00:35:04,853 --> 00:35:08,621 was practiced in ancient Rome as well. 453 00:35:09,024 --> 00:35:13,662 And in India, most Hindus still use funeral pyres to this day. 454 00:35:15,464 --> 00:35:19,063 The cremation ceremony basically is performed 455 00:35:19,070 --> 00:35:20,869 by the male members of the family. 456 00:35:20,870 --> 00:35:24,770 and then there are the priest who guard them on how to do it 457 00:35:24,771 --> 00:35:29,009 And they put them on, you know, the pyre, and then the eldest 458 00:35:29,311 --> 00:35:31,645 member of the family has to light the fire. 459 00:35:31,647 --> 00:35:35,115 And then they sit there until everything is burned. 460 00:35:35,117 --> 00:35:40,184 It purifies the soul that it could pass on to the next life. 461 00:35:40,255 --> 00:35:43,321 According to some Ancient Astronaut theorists, 462 00:35:43,325 --> 00:35:47,992 the idea of burning the dead may have been inspired by an ancient 463 00:35:47,996 --> 00:35:50,896 encounter with an alien spacecraft. 464 00:35:51,666 --> 00:35:55,166 There's still another aspect to this. 465 00:35:55,167 --> 00:35:59,973 If we look at the Vedic texts and read about the Vimana; the 466 00:35:59,975 --> 00:36:05,010 ancient craft that made war upon Earth, these were craft that came in fire. 467 00:36:05,514 --> 00:36:10,751 Could it be that the passing of the soul from one life to the 468 00:36:10,753 --> 00:36:14,588 next is like the appearance of the Vimana? 469 00:36:14,590 --> 00:36:16,957 The appearance in flame? 470 00:36:16,959 --> 00:36:21,762 and so that flame emulates the actual craft itself? 471 00:36:21,764 --> 00:36:25,766 Is it possible that when our ancestors 472 00:36:25,768 --> 00:36:31,004 witnessed rockets or spaceships taking off and landing with 473 00:36:31,006 --> 00:36:35,509 all of this fire and this smoke that they, over time, 474 00:36:35,511 --> 00:36:40,480 thought that by burning their dead, they would imitate what 475 00:36:40,482 --> 00:36:43,483 they saw in the past? 476 00:36:43,485 --> 00:36:49,656 Meaning, as the body burns and the smoke rises up to the sky, 477 00:36:49,658 --> 00:36:55,963 that they were ascending into the sky, becoming a god. 478 00:36:57,065 --> 00:37:00,367 If rituals of burial were ancient man's 479 00:37:00,369 --> 00:37:03,904 attempt to reconnect with gods or alien visitors, 480 00:37:03,906 --> 00:37:05,906 did they succeed? 481 00:37:06,308 --> 00:37:10,811 Some would answer by pointing to the billions around the world 482 00:37:10,813 --> 00:37:12,913 for whom death still acts as a 483 00:37:12,915 --> 00:37:19,415 gateway to Heaven--- or somewhere else far, far away. 484 00:37:21,402 --> 00:37:25,205 Vatican City, Italy. 485 00:37:25,207 --> 00:37:30,010 Pope Benedict XVI walks down the aisle in St. Peter's 486 00:37:30,012 --> 00:37:33,480 Basilica carrying a golden crucifix. 487 00:37:33,482 --> 00:37:38,385 Upon reaching the altar, he lifts the thurible, a metal 488 00:37:38,387 --> 00:37:44,522 vessel suspended from chains in which incense is burned for purification. 489 00:37:46,495 --> 00:37:50,831 The Pope recites the Eucharist Prayer, and then he and his 490 00:37:50,833 --> 00:37:54,868 congregation consume the consecrated bread and wine. 491 00:37:54,870 --> 00:37:59,039 They are, according to the most sacred laws of the Church, 492 00:37:59,041 --> 00:38:03,677 eating the actual body and blood of Jesus Christ. 493 00:38:03,679 --> 00:38:09,446 In the Mass, the priest is empowered 494 00:38:09,447 --> 00:38:16,114 by the prayers that are said to energize the substance of the bread 495 00:38:16,115 --> 00:38:19,815 and the substance of the wine, such that it becomes transformed 496 00:38:19,816 --> 00:38:24,516 or transubstanciated, changed into the living presence 497 00:38:24,517 --> 00:38:27,817 of body and the blood of Christ. 498 00:38:27,818 --> 00:38:31,518 The Mass, the Communion, the Transubstantiation 499 00:38:31,519 --> 00:38:37,118 of the eating of the body of God allows us to ingest the divine energy 500 00:38:37,119 --> 00:38:39,819 this is called Manna, or magical energy. 501 00:38:39,917 --> 00:38:43,517 And the almost the cannibalistic aspect of the ritual is crucial 502 00:38:43,518 --> 00:38:49,118 for a ***, which is head one, to become one with the divine source. 503 00:38:50,420 --> 00:38:54,957 In the New Testament, the Second Letter of Peter states that 504 00:38:54,996 --> 00:38:58,962 believers in this practice "become partakers of the divine nature". 505 00:38:59,333 --> 00:39:01,568 They become united with God. 506 00:39:03,270 --> 00:39:07,706 The Roman Catholic Church adheres to this interpretation 507 00:39:07,708 --> 00:39:12,344 of Communion so strongly that in the 16th century, the Council of 508 00:39:12,346 --> 00:39:17,150 Trent declared anyone who denied it subject to excommunication. 509 00:39:18,252 --> 00:39:22,588 And during the infamous Spanish Inquisition, nonbelievers were 510 00:39:22,590 --> 00:39:27,226 branded as heretics and were often burned at the stake--- 511 00:39:27,228 --> 00:39:28,929 or worse. 512 00:39:30,031 --> 00:39:35,869 But what does it mean to become one with the divinity? 513 00:39:36,571 --> 00:39:40,773 Most historians say the ritual of the Catholic Mass can be 514 00:39:40,775 --> 00:39:44,977 traced back to the Last Supper, when the act of Jesus serving 515 00:39:44,979 --> 00:39:48,881 bread and wine to his disciples, during what was actually 516 00:39:48,883 --> 00:39:54,252 a Passover Seder, created a powerful spiritual bond that must not be broken. 517 00:39:55,890 --> 00:40:00,392 But there are others who believe the Catholic Mass stems from a 518 00:40:00,394 --> 00:40:03,596 ritual practiced thousands of years earlier. 519 00:40:03,598 --> 00:40:06,432 Scholars have speculated that the Mass 520 00:40:06,434 --> 00:40:09,134 is actually inspired by Egyptian mythology and a similar 521 00:40:09,136 --> 00:40:11,870 ritual that was done for the god Osiris. 522 00:40:11,872 --> 00:40:15,708 The idea is, we take the divine substance, the body of the god, 523 00:40:15,710 --> 00:40:19,244 into us so that we are one with that transcendent energy. 524 00:40:19,246 --> 00:40:23,048 The legend of Osiris tells how he was killed 525 00:40:23,050 --> 00:40:27,252 and dismembered by his jealous brother, then resurrected from 526 00:40:27,254 --> 00:40:30,657 the various parts of his body by his wife lsis. 527 00:40:31,359 --> 00:40:35,794 Egyptian priests reenacted this ancient event with a ritual 528 00:40:35,796 --> 00:40:37,463 involving clay and wheat. 529 00:40:38,065 --> 00:40:41,800 The ritual has to do with making wheat cakes that 530 00:40:41,802 --> 00:40:46,639 resemble the pieces of the dismembered god, which are then 531 00:40:46,641 --> 00:40:50,175 hidden, and a--- a woman playing the--- the wife, uh, goes and 532 00:40:50,177 --> 00:40:52,144 finds the pieces. 533 00:40:52,146 --> 00:40:54,680 And then, in the end, the priests eat the pieces. 534 00:40:55,082 --> 00:40:58,183 Those who ate the sacramental wheat cakes believed 535 00:40:58,185 --> 00:41:02,722 they had brought the god Osiris back to life within themselves. 536 00:41:03,624 --> 00:41:08,258 But where did early Egyptians get such a profound idea? 537 00:41:08,529 --> 00:41:13,362 The question then is --- are they mimicking things which they saw 538 00:41:15,099 --> 00:41:18,735 And it somehow involved this transformation from a dead 539 00:41:18,736 --> 00:41:21,339 Osiris to a person who was regenerated. 540 00:41:23,444 --> 00:41:27,112 When we're looking at some of these rituals, really, contact 541 00:41:27,114 --> 00:41:30,816 with the divine is a technology, whether it's the ritual or 542 00:41:30,818 --> 00:41:32,084 whether it's practical or 543 00:41:32,086 --> 00:41:34,252 whether it's to mimic extraterrestrials. 544 00:41:35,089 --> 00:41:38,891 Could the Roman Catholic ceremony of eating the 545 00:41:38,893 --> 00:41:43,261 body and blood of Christ actually have its origins in 546 00:41:43,263 --> 00:41:45,665 the ancient Egyptian story of Osiris? 547 00:41:45,967 --> 00:41:51,003 And if so, does it suggest that the Catholic religion, like 548 00:41:51,005 --> 00:41:53,105 other ancient beliefs, has its 549 00:41:53,107 --> 00:41:56,273 roots in an extraterrestrial encounter? 550 00:41:56,744 --> 00:42:00,811 A ritual is a participatory performance and the main objective 551 00:42:00,899 --> 00:42:03,099 of the ritual is to communicate something about 552 00:42:03,100 --> 00:42:04,698 an underlying belief or an idea. 553 00:42:04,799 --> 00:42:11,098 These ancient rituals coincided with the appearance of various constellations 554 00:42:11,099 --> 00:42:12,799 in the sky, various stars. 555 00:42:12,999 --> 00:42:15,798 All across the world in ancient societies 556 00:42:15,799 --> 00:42:19,698 there was a belief that human beings were placed on planet Earth 557 00:42:19,699 --> 00:42:20,999 by the star people. 558 00:42:21,300 --> 00:42:25,739 Mythology, like legend, has real history in it. 559 00:42:27,741 --> 00:42:31,043 There's a strong sense of connection to those sources 560 00:42:31,045 --> 00:42:32,879 when one enters into ritual. 561 00:42:32,881 --> 00:42:36,715 Our deepest yearnings are for things we cannot remember. 562 00:42:36,717 --> 00:42:39,418 We yearn for lost wisdom, lost possibilities. 563 00:42:39,720 --> 00:42:45,024 It seems we work toward goals we do not understand. 564 00:42:45,026 --> 00:42:51,260 It seems we are driven by aspirations that are truly mysterious. 565 00:42:53,133 --> 00:42:57,500 The ones who come from another world are relatives 566 00:42:57,543 --> 00:43:01,543 are the ones that bring the loss and the instructions in the ceremony, 567 00:43:02,544 --> 00:43:06,012 in the rituals here, so the people will go through this process of evolution. 568 00:43:06,014 --> 00:43:13,253 Are today's frequently practiced rituals such as prayers--- 569 00:43:13,255 --> 00:43:19,192 funerals--- and coronations--- really based on early man's 570 00:43:19,194 --> 00:43:23,394 attempts to emulate ancient alien visitors? 571 00:43:23,398 --> 00:43:27,865 Or are they something even more profound? 572 00:43:27,902 --> 00:43:31,836 Could they provide an actual means with which humans may 573 00:43:31,906 --> 00:43:36,906 communicate with-- or even return to-- another, perhaps 574 00:43:36,910 --> 00:43:39,512 extraterrestrial existence? 575 00:43:40,414 --> 00:43:46,449 If so, we may only know the truth when we ourselves 576 00:43:46,487 --> 00:43:47,620 make the journey. 577 00:43:47,622 --> 00:43:51,222 Or perhaps--- when they return. 578 00:43:51,324 --> 00:43:56,458 sync by Bellows www.addic7ed.com