1 00:00:01,901 --> 00:00:08,323 Gods descending to Earth... Converging on the same hallowed ground... 2 00:00:09,293 --> 00:00:14,768 A holy shrine built to mark the landing of a meteorite. 3 00:00:17,219 --> 00:00:24,164 And sacred caves whose walls are lined with images of strange, half-human beings. 4 00:00:25,098 --> 00:00:26,833 Allahu Akbar. 5 00:00:27,089 --> 00:00:32,358 Are holy sites around the world the product of man's reverence for God... 6 00:00:32,864 --> 00:00:37,510 Or are they the result of contact with ancient space travelers? 7 00:00:38,495 --> 00:00:40,194 There's no question that these monuments 8 00:00:40,284 --> 00:00:43,436 might have had some kind of E.T. intervention. 9 00:00:44,208 --> 00:00:49,593 They're just too immense, too perfect to be constructed by ancient mankind. 10 00:00:50,697 --> 00:00:53,944 Yes, it was human beings who built this 11 00:00:54,032 --> 00:00:59,919 place but with technology given by extraterrestrials. 12 00:01:00,943 --> 00:01:04,643 Millions of people around the world believe we have 13 00:01:04,796 --> 00:01:08,736 been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings. 14 00:01:09,533 --> 00:01:11,606 What if it were true? 15 00:01:12,315 --> 00:01:16,684 Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? 16 00:01:17,135 --> 00:01:23,928 And if so, how did they influence the creation of mankind's sacred places? 17 00:01:26,780 --> 00:01:31,599 Sync by n17t01 www.addic7ed.com 18 00:01:56,707 --> 00:02:01,675 It is perhaps the most sacred site in all of humanity, 19 00:02:02,433 --> 00:02:06,458 the place where three of the world's most prominent religions-- 20 00:02:07,423 --> 00:02:14,046 Christianity, Judaism and Islam-- All converge. 21 00:02:15,181 --> 00:02:19,635 It is the heart and soul of what is called the Holy Land. 22 00:02:21,669 --> 00:02:25,297 Temple Mount, Old City, Jerusalem, 23 00:02:26,144 --> 00:02:31,450 and this 35-acre plateau, surrounded by ancient walls, 24 00:02:31,611 --> 00:02:35,145 has been considered sacred for thousands of years. 25 00:02:36,469 --> 00:02:39,364 The Temple Mount is sacred to Jews and Christians 26 00:02:39,464 --> 00:02:44,217 because it is at this spot that Abraham bound Isaac 27 00:02:44,316 --> 00:02:47,154 and prepared to sacrifice him in Genesis 22. 28 00:02:50,415 --> 00:02:54,337 For Muslims this side is sacred because it's from the rock, 29 00:02:54,472 --> 00:02:59,780 where the Dome of the Rock today stands that Mohammed ascended into heaven. 30 00:03:01,323 --> 00:03:06,438 What we have on the Temple Mount really is a mixture of three religions, 31 00:03:06,643 --> 00:03:12,089 and each one of them has * aspect to it which makes the place even more important. 32 00:03:12,764 --> 00:03:17,925 But in origin, really what we have is a place where God touched down on planet Earth. 33 00:03:18,767 --> 00:03:22,558 And ever after, this is the place where communications with the off the life 34 00:03:22,593 --> 00:03:24,824 with the divine realm is to be made. 35 00:03:25,613 --> 00:03:28,860 Each year millions of pilgrims come to Temple Mount, 36 00:03:28,960 --> 00:03:32,299 to worship God and celebrate holy occasions. 37 00:03:32,933 --> 00:03:34,561 But why? 38 00:03:37,801 --> 00:03:42,000 In The X century B.C., King David and the Israelites 39 00:03:42,035 --> 00:03:45,828 chose this rocky high ground to build a great temple. 40 00:03:46,535 --> 00:03:51,533 This was the site that David, the Great King of Israel had conquered. 41 00:03:52,793 --> 00:03:57,207 And so it already had a kind of a blessing about it because this was where 42 00:03:57,242 --> 00:04:03,184 the people of Israel were destined to center their lives in this sacred kind of place. 43 00:04:03,922 --> 00:04:08,067 According to the Bible, King David who had just made Jerusalem his capital 44 00:04:08,102 --> 00:04:11,147 wanted to build in a house for the Lord. 45 00:04:12,121 --> 00:04:16,040 But for reasons that aren't entirely clear he didn't do so and it was his son 46 00:04:16,075 --> 00:04:18,732 Solomon who built the first Jewish temple. 47 00:04:20,274 --> 00:04:25,320 Completed in 957 B.C. by David's son, King Solomon 48 00:04:25,355 --> 00:04:28,979 the temple was set the house the Ark of the Covenant. 49 00:04:31,072 --> 00:04:34,976 The sacred chest believed to have contained the stone tables 50 00:04:35,011 --> 00:04:37,804 on which the 10 commandments were written. 51 00:04:39,175 --> 00:04:41,917 But according to many ancient astronaut theorists, 52 00:04:41,952 --> 00:04:47,457 the Ark also may have contained a power source of extraterrestrial origin. 53 00:04:48,307 --> 00:04:51,643 In the Bible you read about the Ark of the Covenant. 54 00:04:51,678 --> 00:04:55,147 Moses was ordered to go to the Holy Mountain 55 00:04:55,378 --> 00:05:00,257 and the Lord gave Moses instruction to construct the Ark of the Covenant. 56 00:05:00,458 --> 00:05:04,241 As we know later, the Ark of the Covenant was something very, very dangerous. 57 00:05:07,168 --> 00:05:10,557 Solomon installed it in the Temple and it served as 58 00:05:10,720 --> 00:05:15,507 the focal point of the Temple in its innermost room, the holy of holies 59 00:05:16,992 --> 00:05:20,620 into which only the chief priest, the high priest could go. 60 00:05:22,012 --> 00:05:24,626 It's in this innermost sanctum, the holy of holies 61 00:05:24,811 --> 00:05:30,427 where God was viewed as resident, so in a sense, the Ark 62 00:05:30,515 --> 00:05:34,527 of the Covenant was God's throne in the holy of holies and the 63 00:05:34,604 --> 00:05:37,936 place where God reigned from Jerusalem. 64 00:05:38,706 --> 00:05:42,093 According to the Talmud, a central text of Judaism, 65 00:05:42,625 --> 00:05:46,595 King Solomon possessed a magic ring with a special 66 00:05:46,681 --> 00:05:53,325 symbol called the Seal of Solomon, today known as the Star of David. 67 00:05:54,425 --> 00:05:56,825 This special ring would allow him to accomplish 68 00:05:56,934 --> 00:06:00,342 things beyond what mortals could usually accomplish, 69 00:06:00,717 --> 00:06:04,765 and part of what he could do with that ring with the seal on it was control the demons, 70 00:06:05,929 --> 00:06:09,471 and that gave him a kind of power and an ability in 71 00:06:09,554 --> 00:06:12,926 the construction of that temple that others would never have had. 72 00:06:15,168 --> 00:06:18,515 According to Islamic text, King Solomon also 73 00:06:18,646 --> 00:06:21,621 had a magic carpet of green silk, 74 00:06:21,796 --> 00:06:26,217 sufficient for his throne and all his forces to stand on. 75 00:06:27,112 --> 00:06:31,440 Now, magic carpets, do they exist? Of course not. 76 00:06:31,566 --> 00:06:37,667 So what was it that our ancestors try to describe in those stories. 77 00:06:38,317 --> 00:06:41,479 So where was he getting these strange powers? 78 00:06:41,935 --> 00:06:44,795 Was he really in contact with extraterrestrials who 79 00:06:44,830 --> 00:06:49,471 had literally given him a spacecraft to fly around in? 80 00:06:53,430 --> 00:06:58,334 After studying the * geometry and design of Solomon's temple, 81 00:06:58,369 --> 00:07:04,767 even Sir Isaac Newton questioned if the king had built the temple with secret knowledge. 82 00:07:07,085 --> 00:07:11,756 It was very highly advanced architecturally catching certains ** of light 83 00:07:11,791 --> 00:07:14,937 being very precise in his astronomical alignment. 84 00:07:15,930 --> 00:07:19,303 And the question for modern scholars and architects is, 85 00:07:19,338 --> 00:07:24,241 what was the level of technology available to King Solomon 86 00:07:24,276 --> 00:07:28,522 that allowed him to design and lay out the temple 87 00:07:28,557 --> 00:07:29,918 according to these principles. 88 00:07:31,516 --> 00:07:34,970 There's a text, as a matter of fact, called the Testament of Solomon, 89 00:07:35,077 --> 00:07:40,086 that suggests that Solomon didn't only use mortal builders and architects, 90 00:07:40,233 --> 00:07:42,129 but he brought in demons. 91 00:07:42,207 --> 00:07:46,823 He forced them to do some of the labor because demons are especially strong. 92 00:07:47,675 --> 00:07:50,312 Might an advanced energy source within the Ark of 93 00:07:50,407 --> 00:07:54,624 the Covenant have allowed King Solomon to wield immense power, 94 00:07:55,838 --> 00:08:00,817 and might that power have had an extraterrestrial origin? 95 00:08:03,196 --> 00:08:09,286 After King Solomon's Temple was destroyed in the sixth century B.C. by the Babylonians, 96 00:08:09,943 --> 00:08:14,895 a second Temple was built on the same site in the first century B.C. 97 00:08:15,205 --> 00:08:17,221 by King Herod the Great. 98 00:08:18,570 --> 00:08:20,337 According to the New Testament, 99 00:08:20,576 --> 00:08:24,056 it was this Second Temple that played a significant role in the 100 00:08:24,142 --> 00:08:26,496 life of Jesus of Nazareth 101 00:08:27,195 --> 00:08:31,356 because it was here that Jesus chased out the moneylenders, 102 00:08:31,965 --> 00:08:35,273 an event which led to his crucifixion and death at the 103 00:08:35,359 --> 00:08:38,062 hands of both the Jews and the Romans. 104 00:08:39,808 --> 00:08:42,650 And it was also nearby, on the Mount of Olives, 105 00:08:43,144 --> 00:08:48,382 that Jesus reportedly rose from the dead and ascended bodily into Heaven. 106 00:08:51,225 --> 00:08:52,970 When we get to the story of Jesus, 107 00:08:53,042 --> 00:08:57,228 we find that his disciples believed that he ascended into heaven 108 00:08:57,343 --> 00:08:59,689 and then some day he would return. 109 00:09:02,381 --> 00:09:07,139 So this idea of the extraterrestrial reality of which Jesus is part, 110 00:09:07,446 --> 00:09:12,244 it's something that in the biblical traditions says yes, you can buy that. 111 00:09:12,995 --> 00:09:18,261 But might Jesus like King Solomon before him really have been connected to 112 00:09:18,296 --> 00:09:23,367 an other worldly reality, as ancient astronaut theorists suggest? 113 00:09:23,962 --> 00:09:28,262 The topic of * we're dealing with, extraterrestrial contacts 114 00:09:28,297 --> 00:09:31,004 are common one because we have Jesus ascending 115 00:09:31,039 --> 00:09:35,051 in the New Testament, these stories give credence to the fact 116 00:09:35,164 --> 00:09:39,300 that there is some type of technology that is lifting up 117 00:09:39,370 --> 00:09:43,459 human beings into a craft, into a waiting ship. 118 00:09:46,082 --> 00:09:47,841 Nearly six centuries after the 119 00:09:47,923 --> 00:09:52,592 Second Hebrew Temple was destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D., 120 00:09:53,497 --> 00:09:57,308 Persian invaders built yet another holy shrine on the site-- 121 00:09:58,365 --> 00:10:03,003 The Dome of the Rock, known to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary. 122 00:10:05,449 --> 00:10:09,531 This magnificent seventh-century architectural 123 00:10:09,627 --> 00:10:16,215 monument of Islam was built over a huge outcrop of bedrock which, 124 00:10:16,299 --> 00:10:20,220 according to Muslim tradition, was the site from which Muhammad 125 00:10:20,319 --> 00:10:22,853 had been taken up into Heaven by God. 126 00:10:23,541 --> 00:10:27,313 In fact, there is a hole in the rock showing the 127 00:10:27,391 --> 00:10:30,785 exact route that Muhammad took when he ascended into Heaven, 128 00:10:30,975 --> 00:10:35,851 to Allah, to have a vision of the divine, and to return back once 129 00:10:35,933 --> 00:10:37,304 again to this very site. 130 00:10:39,316 --> 00:10:41,191 So for Muslims the Dome of the Rock 131 00:10:41,272 --> 00:10:44,381 is a very significant and a very sacred place. 132 00:10:46,772 --> 00:10:49,422 According to the Islamic Koran, the rock from 133 00:10:49,513 --> 00:10:53,603 which Muhammad ascended is called the Foundation Stone. 134 00:10:54,276 --> 00:10:57,878 This rock is believed by religious scholars to have also 135 00:10:57,970 --> 00:11:01,355 been the very stone beneath the Ark of the Covenant 136 00:11:02,485 --> 00:11:05,621 and the holy of holies in Solomon's Temple. 137 00:11:06,918 --> 00:11:09,703 This is where God came down to Earth and where 138 00:11:09,794 --> 00:11:13,285 certain people actually are said to have made contact with God, 139 00:11:13,589 --> 00:11:17,633 so this is a piece of rock which is of such importance because of 140 00:11:17,740 --> 00:11:21,672 the fact that something of the divine manifested itself there. 141 00:11:22,669 --> 00:11:25,935 That stone signifies the coming together of 142 00:11:26,018 --> 00:11:28,674 the kingdoms of Heaven and Earth. 143 00:11:29,292 --> 00:11:32,922 The problem is, we've forgotten that whoever visited us in the 144 00:11:33,018 --> 00:11:36,991 past wasn't God, but it was extraterrestrials. 145 00:11:39,930 --> 00:11:43,027 Some ancient astronaut theorists believe that 146 00:11:43,164 --> 00:11:47,308 Temple Mount was one of the earliest intergalactic gateways. 147 00:11:48,825 --> 00:11:52,467 But could space travelers really have landed here tens of 148 00:11:52,566 --> 00:11:54,892 thousands of years ago? 149 00:11:56,251 --> 00:11:58,620 It seems that the reverence for the site of 150 00:11:58,713 --> 00:12:04,827 Jerusalem may stem from it early on being some kind of a spaceport, 151 00:12:05,674 --> 00:12:10,449 a gigantic landing pad for extraterrestrials, 152 00:12:10,697 --> 00:12:13,783 and that's why King Solomon built his temple there, 153 00:12:14,152 --> 00:12:17,764 and then later the Muslims built the Dome of the Rock. 154 00:12:20,497 --> 00:12:23,129 Might Temple Mount really be the place where 155 00:12:23,221 --> 00:12:26,976 ancient aliens first made contact with early humans? 156 00:12:29,153 --> 00:12:33,188 And might its spiritual significance help provide proof 157 00:12:33,278 --> 00:12:36,457 of its unique extraterrestrial history? 158 00:12:38,900 --> 00:12:42,790 Perhaps further evidence may be found only a few hundred miles 159 00:12:42,882 --> 00:12:46,842 away in the heart of the Muslim world. 160 00:12:52,033 --> 00:12:55,553 Saudi Arabia, the heart of the Middle East. 161 00:12:59,351 --> 00:13:02,711 In a narrow valley 50 miles inland from the Red Sea 162 00:13:03,236 --> 00:13:06,996 lies Islam's holiest city Mecca. 163 00:13:07,885 --> 00:13:13,553 Here, in the year 570, Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was born, 164 00:13:15,540 --> 00:13:19,893 considered by Muslims to be a prophet and the messenger of God. 165 00:13:20,892 --> 00:13:23,696 At that time, Mecca was a prosperous commercial center, 166 00:13:23,806 --> 00:13:29,736 a port from which goods brought from India and farther away 167 00:13:29,859 --> 00:13:35,965 in Asia were transported over land north to Damascus and by sea to Egypt. 168 00:13:36,514 --> 00:13:42,439 It was in this commercial center that prophet Mohammed received his first revelation. 169 00:13:45,208 --> 00:13:49,222 If you want to encounter Mohammed, if you want a way to meet with his ideas 170 00:13:49,447 --> 00:13:52,692 one of the greatest places to go is to go to Mecca. 171 00:13:53,330 --> 00:13:57,511 Muslims pray in the direction of Mecca five times a day. 172 00:13:58,229 --> 00:14:02,955 So certainly as a holy shrine it is the center of the Earth. 173 00:14:04,589 --> 00:14:08,802 A Heaven's gate, where the opening of Heaven takes place. 174 00:14:09,103 --> 00:14:11,788 And that's why it is so revered. 175 00:14:14,986 --> 00:14:18,266 In the center of Mecca lies the Grand Mosque, 176 00:14:18,530 --> 00:14:21,958 the largest and holiest place of worship for Muslims... 177 00:14:25,583 --> 00:14:32,592 And at the heart of the Grand Mosque is the Kaaba, a cube-shaped granite 178 00:14:32,686 --> 00:14:38,053 structure measuring 43 feet high by 36 feet wide. 179 00:14:38,864 --> 00:14:40,531 According to Islamic tradition, 180 00:14:40,869 --> 00:14:45,545 the Kaaba was built approximately in 2000 B.C. by Abraham, 181 00:14:45,936 --> 00:14:50,428 a figure who serves as patriarch to both Muslims and Jews. 182 00:14:51,101 --> 00:14:54,690 In the Bible it is said that Abraham had a couple 183 00:14:54,780 --> 00:14:59,542 of children, and his first son was Ishmael and his second son 184 00:14:59,635 --> 00:15:04,021 was Isaac, and it is said in Islam that Abraham and Ishmael 185 00:15:04,102 --> 00:15:07,393 were in fact the two that came to build the Kaaba. 186 00:15:08,839 --> 00:15:12,153 Covered by black silk and embroidered in gold, 187 00:15:12,336 --> 00:15:15,894 the Kaaba is the most sacred structure in Islam. 188 00:15:16,797 --> 00:15:20,038 Nearly three million Muslims make a pilgrimage to the Kaaba 189 00:15:20,130 --> 00:15:24,401 every year, a journey known as the hajj. 190 00:15:28,383 --> 00:15:32,851 Every Muslim, if he or she can do so, sometime in a 191 00:15:32,948 --> 00:15:37,944 lifetime is obliged to go on a pilgrimage, or the hajj, 192 00:15:38,028 --> 00:15:44,039 to Mecca, in a way, to walk in the footsteps of Abraham and of Ishmael, 193 00:15:44,687 --> 00:15:46,868 to walk in the footsteps of Muhammad. 194 00:15:49,522 --> 00:15:53,696 The main ritual performed at the Kaaba is for pilgrims to enter into 195 00:15:53,779 --> 00:15:58,304 the enclosure where the Kaaba is, that cubicle structure 196 00:15:58,404 --> 00:16:04,646 and circumnavigate the Kaaba seven times in a counter clockwise direction. 197 00:16:07,131 --> 00:16:10,329 In one part of that building there's a black stone 198 00:16:10,437 --> 00:16:12,705 that is imbedded in the side of the building. 199 00:16:13,155 --> 00:16:17,716 And nobody knows exactly where it came from but the legend is that it came down from 200 00:16:17,816 --> 00:16:20,832 the sky, it was brought down by an angel and found 201 00:16:21,011 --> 00:16:24,704 it's way into this particular location of the shrine. 202 00:16:25,983 --> 00:16:29,796 There's another tradition that suggests that this rock had been worshiped long 203 00:16:30,080 --> 00:16:35,195 before Mohammed's time and that it is in fact an ancient meteorite... 204 00:16:37,993 --> 00:16:43,650 Which for ancient peoples would have been a sign from a god or gods. 205 00:16:45,803 --> 00:16:47,810 Now, during the time that they're encircling the 206 00:16:47,977 --> 00:16:52,085 Kaaba seven times, if they are able, they should try to kiss 207 00:16:52,175 --> 00:16:56,525 the meteorite stone, but because of the numbers of people, 208 00:16:56,621 --> 00:16:58,898 especially in recent times, that's impossible, 209 00:16:59,414 --> 00:17:02,949 so the practice is that if you're unable to kiss the stone, 210 00:17:03,249 --> 00:17:04,906 you should point towards the stone. 211 00:17:05,442 --> 00:17:09,556 That shows your respect for the stone and your veneration of it. 212 00:17:10,602 --> 00:17:13,108 People believe that, of course it was a meteorite 213 00:17:13,143 --> 00:17:16,311 that fell from the heavens, that they had been able 214 00:17:16,346 --> 00:17:21,550 to keep, some of it is in small fragments, it's broken away but they kept it intact 215 00:17:21,643 --> 00:17:27,046 with this * structure around it. It is a magnificent artifact. 216 00:17:30,931 --> 00:17:33,778 Might the black stone really be a meteorite 217 00:17:34,069 --> 00:17:36,946 as many scientists and scholars believe? 218 00:17:37,917 --> 00:17:43,127 If so, what does that say about the historical and possibly metaphysical 219 00:17:43,162 --> 00:17:45,494 origins of the Islamic faith? 220 00:17:47,258 --> 00:17:52,111 It's kind of strange really that other Muslims are all praying towards Mecca 221 00:17:52,146 --> 00:17:56,066 and to this black stone that's there. 222 00:17:58,069 --> 00:18:03,090 There are stories that the Kaaba in Mecca is radiating some kind of energy... 223 00:18:07,381 --> 00:18:12,095 That it energizes people and increases their spirituality and health. 224 00:18:12,221 --> 00:18:13,927 Perhaps it's coming from this 225 00:18:13,986 --> 00:18:18,228 meteorite, this black stone of extraterrestrial origin. 226 00:18:18,263 --> 00:18:25,643 Today, because of its intense spiritual significance in the Islamic world... 227 00:18:25,678 --> 00:18:31,804 Any forensic examination of the Black Stone is strictly forbidden. 228 00:18:33,102 --> 00:18:35,048 As far as Muslims are concerned, 229 00:18:35,297 --> 00:18:39,013 the Black Stone simply "descended from paradise." 230 00:18:41,119 --> 00:18:43,988 Archangel Michael descended from the sky 231 00:18:44,023 --> 00:18:49,784 and Michael gave Abraham an information in a written form. 232 00:18:50,640 --> 00:18:55,210 And this information was sealed into a stone. 233 00:18:55,532 --> 00:19:00,773 And this stone is the today's Kaaba. It is said it is a stone from Heaven. 234 00:19:07,334 --> 00:19:10,666 The ancients possessed an ability to look toward the 235 00:19:10,757 --> 00:19:13,889 heavens in order to get their divine guidance. 236 00:19:14,315 --> 00:19:17,102 This could very well be another one of those cases. 237 00:19:19,060 --> 00:19:21,477 According to researchers, the position of the 238 00:19:21,564 --> 00:19:25,865 Kaaba is precisely aligned with the rising of the star Canopus, 239 00:19:27,610 --> 00:19:32,706 the cycles of the moon, and the summer and winter solstices. 240 00:19:34,490 --> 00:19:38,351 But just how-- And where-- Did the ancients obtain such an 241 00:19:38,440 --> 00:19:40,846 advanced knowledge of astronomy? 242 00:19:41,793 --> 00:19:44,315 Just as the planets are revolving around the Sun, 243 00:19:44,476 --> 00:19:47,765 the knowledge of traveling around the Kaaba is a symbolic reference 244 00:19:47,800 --> 00:19:52,219 for knowledge of astronomical alignments taking place at that time. 245 00:19:55,069 --> 00:20:01,561 In Islam we have stories of wind angels that have descended with lots of light 246 00:20:01,596 --> 00:20:07,867 and a lot of wind and the earth trembling. So what was described there? 247 00:20:07,902 --> 00:20:14,394 Wasn't necessarily a quote - unquote divine encounter but a flesh and blood 248 00:20:14,429 --> 00:20:17,447 extraterrestrial encounter. 249 00:20:19,675 --> 00:20:23,810 Might the Kaaba's interplanetary alignment suggest 250 00:20:23,891 --> 00:20:27,528 that ancient Muslims may have possessed secret knowledge? 251 00:20:29,673 --> 00:20:33,276 And might their veneration for the Black Stone really serve to 252 00:20:33,361 --> 00:20:38,266 commemorate an ancient encounter with extraterrestrial beings? 253 00:20:39,917 --> 00:20:43,136 As far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, 254 00:20:43,171 --> 00:20:47,711 the answer to both these questions is a resounding yes. 255 00:20:49,581 --> 00:20:51,270 And they point to further proof 256 00:20:51,736 --> 00:20:55,951 in a series of caves located halfway around the world. 257 00:21:01,302 --> 00:21:05,771 Western India, April 28, 1819. 258 00:21:06,576 --> 00:21:10,387 While hunting tigers just outside the village of Ajanta, 259 00:21:11,784 --> 00:21:16,108 British officer John Smith discovers 29 elaborate cave 260 00:21:16,195 --> 00:21:19,246 temples carved into the side of 261 00:21:19,339 --> 00:21:22,978 a rocky cliff overlooking the Waghora River. 262 00:21:27,196 --> 00:21:30,247 Believed to had been constructed in 200 B.C., 263 00:21:31,140 --> 00:21:35,478 the caves' architecture and artwork reveal new insights into the 264 00:21:35,565 --> 00:21:39,589 origins of India's mysterious sacred past. 265 00:21:41,761 --> 00:21:46,174 Ajanta is unique in the sense that these other ** of India. 266 00:21:46,681 --> 00:21:53,707 Here they started the work from 200 B.C. and this work continued to VI century A.D. 267 00:22:10,486 --> 00:22:17,087 As you walk into the Ajanta caves you see all kinds of temples, 268 00:22:17,122 --> 00:22:22,963 carved out of solid rock, niches and alcoves, even statues... 269 00:22:23,280 --> 00:22:29,163 But it's all been carved out of one giant block of rock. 270 00:22:32,991 --> 00:22:36,524 Visited yearly by thousands of Buddhist worshipers, 271 00:22:36,841 --> 00:22:39,941 the caves are considered sacred even to this day. 272 00:22:42,188 --> 00:22:45,930 Built as holy shrines and temples by devoted monks, 273 00:22:46,700 --> 00:22:50,088 they contain numerous places of worship-- Complete with 274 00:22:50,161 --> 00:22:54,295 paintings and sculptures depicting the life and times of 275 00:22:54,386 --> 00:22:58,879 the Supreme Buddha, often referred to as the Enlightened One. 276 00:23:03,745 --> 00:23:07,140 There are many different sculpture subjects at Ajanta. 277 00:23:07,918 --> 00:23:10,999 Many of the sculptures are of the Buddha. 278 00:23:11,334 --> 00:23:13,348 In addition to those sculptures, 279 00:23:13,495 --> 00:23:17,816 there are various depictions of other mythological beings. 280 00:23:18,702 --> 00:23:20,290 These are called Jatakas. 281 00:23:21,559 --> 00:23:23,979 These Jatakas show these previous lives, 282 00:23:24,070 --> 00:23:29,675 and these lives could be related to, say, the Buddha being born as an animal, 283 00:23:30,241 --> 00:23:34,798 being born as a deity, or being born as a human. 284 00:23:36,880 --> 00:23:40,353 Even today, modern engineers are baffled 285 00:23:40,465 --> 00:23:44,170 as to how the caves could have been cut from the 70-foot-high 286 00:23:44,242 --> 00:23:47,878 granite cliffs more than 2,000 ago. 287 00:23:50,339 --> 00:23:52,903 These caves were created through the removal of 288 00:23:52,976 --> 00:23:56,949 stone, literally tunneling into the surface of the rock. 289 00:23:58,160 --> 00:24:02,354 Rock was removed, it was chiseled away, taken out, and 290 00:24:02,433 --> 00:24:06,724 any interior space that you see at the caves today, were created 291 00:24:06,786 --> 00:24:09,049 through this removal of stone. 292 00:24:09,350 --> 00:24:13,006 Any architectural details that one finds at the site, any 293 00:24:13,095 --> 00:24:16,663 sculptures, they're actually carved from the same piece of 294 00:24:16,740 --> 00:24:19,985 stone, which is the mountainside itself. 295 00:24:26,120 --> 00:24:31,603 According to researchers, the Ajanta complex is significant because of the 296 00:24:31,691 --> 00:24:35,276 deliberate positioning of the caves around the cliffs-- 297 00:24:35,623 --> 00:24:41,819 An arrangement that reveals an unusually advanced understanding of celestial activity. 298 00:24:43,140 --> 00:24:46,199 The caves are carved into this horseshoe bend, and 299 00:24:46,270 --> 00:24:49,134 are oriented in various directions. 300 00:24:49,247 --> 00:24:53,441 Some are oriented towards the west, others to the south, and 301 00:24:53,531 --> 00:24:59,277 some are oriented to the east so that they are oriented towards the rising sun. 302 00:25:00,668 --> 00:25:03,889 It does seem to be the case that ancient peoples in India were 303 00:25:03,991 --> 00:25:10,713 very much interested in the universe and the relationship of heavenly bodies. 304 00:25:15,710 --> 00:25:19,044 Evidence of the cave sculptor's precise knowledge of celestial 305 00:25:19,132 --> 00:25:23,334 movements can be found in two particular caves. 306 00:25:24,277 --> 00:25:28,995 Each contains large stupas, or dome-shaped structures featuring 307 00:25:29,076 --> 00:25:31,562 Siddhartha Gautama, 308 00:25:31,683 --> 00:25:35,905 the supreme Buddha and spiritual teacher who founded Buddhism. 309 00:25:39,752 --> 00:25:43,606 Cave 19 is oriented towards the winter solstice, 310 00:25:43,818 --> 00:25:47,300 and what this means is that on the day of the winter solstice, 311 00:25:47,403 --> 00:25:50,686 the morning sunlight would filter through this large window 312 00:25:50,768 --> 00:25:55,441 on the facade and the sunlight itself would illuminate the stupa. 313 00:25:55,806 --> 00:25:58,670 This is also true of Cave 26 at Ajanta. 314 00:25:58,911 --> 00:26:02,060 It's oriented towards the summer solstice, and so on the day of 315 00:26:02,144 --> 00:26:07,692 the summer solstice, that light would filter and strike the stupa within it. 316 00:26:08,548 --> 00:26:10,244 Now, this would have been very difficult to do, 317 00:26:10,375 --> 00:26:15,654 itself, because you're cutting solid rock from inside of a cave. 318 00:26:15,856 --> 00:26:20,383 So you would need some pretty high-tech gear in order to 319 00:26:20,474 --> 00:26:27,434 tunnel and build and chip away inside of solid rock in order to 320 00:26:27,538 --> 00:26:30,945 really be perfectly oriented to the solstice. 321 00:26:36,898 --> 00:26:39,411 Might the Ajanta caves had been constructed with 322 00:26:39,446 --> 00:26:43,002 the aid of advanced alien technology 323 00:26:43,037 --> 00:26:45,818 as ancient astronaut theorists believe? 324 00:26:46,686 --> 00:26:51,936 If so, might they also had been considered sacred by the locals because of their 325 00:26:51,971 --> 00:26:55,757 connection to early extraterrestrial visitors? 326 00:26:56,842 --> 00:27:00,597 Many ancient astronaut theorists look at the stupa and say it's a symbolic 327 00:27:00,632 --> 00:27:04,466 reference from the power of light. Many times is symbolically shown with 328 00:27:04,501 --> 00:27:06,878 a young Buddha placed in there and it almost looks like he could 329 00:27:06,913 --> 00:27:10,144 be manipulating some type of controls within the stupa. 330 00:27:12,539 --> 00:27:15,910 The stupas were always used as a, as a way for Buddha to 331 00:27:15,945 --> 00:27:20,625 ascend or descend into the heavens. And he do see stupas in this art work 332 00:27:20,660 --> 00:27:24,786 very possibly saying that the Buddha was going into space. 333 00:27:25,879 --> 00:27:28,788 There was an obsession of ancient human beings 334 00:27:28,823 --> 00:27:31,618 to depict things that they saw. 335 00:27:33,969 --> 00:27:37,673 And I think they did it with carvings on caves and 336 00:27:37,767 --> 00:27:41,705 depictions and sculptures and monuments... 337 00:27:42,836 --> 00:27:45,910 Because that's what they saw. 338 00:27:46,230 --> 00:27:50,238 They were duplicating what they saw. 339 00:27:51,350 --> 00:27:55,438 But what they depict are very strange things. 340 00:27:56,220 --> 00:28:02,453 They depict gods and half animal/half god type figures. 341 00:28:02,768 --> 00:28:06,061 So you have here what seems to be some kind of special 342 00:28:06,136 --> 00:28:12,575 subterranean temple that's built for extraterrestrials or some 343 00:28:12,650 --> 00:28:14,227 kind of space gods. 344 00:28:15,797 --> 00:28:18,777 What were the Buddhist monks seeing? 345 00:28:19,261 --> 00:28:23,735 Could the Buddhist monks have been helped by some kind of an 346 00:28:23,810 --> 00:28:25,808 extraterrestrial presence? 347 00:28:27,041 --> 00:28:30,592 The ancient astronaut theory suggests that if 348 00:28:30,627 --> 00:28:35,929 we find paintings or carvings of half men half animals, 349 00:28:36,218 --> 00:28:43,322 that that means that those creatures at one point really existed because 350 00:28:43,357 --> 00:28:48,230 they were genetically created by extraterrestrials. 351 00:28:52,758 --> 00:28:56,012 The sculptures and wall paintings at Ajanta are 352 00:28:56,113 --> 00:28:59,905 some of the oldest surviving works of art from ancient India. 353 00:29:00,628 --> 00:29:04,381 But was their elaborate construction really the result 354 00:29:04,466 --> 00:29:07,489 of early human contact with space travelers? 355 00:29:08,327 --> 00:29:13,548 If so, might there be additional evidence of stone-carved shrines 356 00:29:13,633 --> 00:29:15,918 in other regions of the world? 357 00:29:16,425 --> 00:29:21,834 Evidence that might provide the clues to our own origins. 358 00:29:25,855 --> 00:29:28,412 Lalibela, Ethiopia. 359 00:29:29,606 --> 00:29:33,220 Hidden from view within this mountainous African landscape 360 00:29:34,535 --> 00:29:39,723 lie 11 churches carved entirely from a single block of stone. 361 00:29:43,671 --> 00:29:47,961 If you approach to Lalibela you don't even see anything. 362 00:29:49,816 --> 00:29:54,507 But the moment you get closer all of the sudden the ground opens up 363 00:29:55,821 --> 00:29:59,779 and you have these huge magnificent churches 364 00:29:59,814 --> 00:30:02,730 that have been cut out of the bed rock. 365 00:30:04,637 --> 00:30:09,237 So really rather than building Lalibela was cut from the rocks. 366 00:30:11,747 --> 00:30:16,872 From upstairs to downstairs. So really what you have is 367 00:30:16,907 --> 00:30:20,597 an amazing engineering feet which literally tops 368 00:30:20,711 --> 00:30:22,821 everything we know about building technics. 369 00:30:23,916 --> 00:30:27,447 Religious ritual is central to the life of Lalibela. 370 00:30:27,992 --> 00:30:32,921 Each year nearly 21,000 Christian pilgrims come to worship. 371 00:30:33,692 --> 00:30:37,708 Ethiopian Christianity is a much more directly tied to the Old Testament 372 00:30:37,743 --> 00:30:42,128 than the Christianity practice in the rest of the world today. 373 00:30:44,321 --> 00:30:46,631 Christianity was introduced to Ethiopia at about the same time 374 00:30:46,732 --> 00:30:49,951 it was introduced to Western Europe, to France, for example. 375 00:30:50,122 --> 00:30:53,636 Interestingly enough, that of all the Christian world, 376 00:30:54,242 --> 00:30:59,530 Ethiopia is the only place where they have these monolithic churches. 377 00:31:03,223 --> 00:31:05,853 Mainstream archaeologists believe the 378 00:31:06,215 --> 00:31:09,136 churches were carved as early as the 12th century. 379 00:31:10,560 --> 00:31:14,315 But engineers who have studied the design of the churches have 380 00:31:14,385 --> 00:31:19,521 concluded that their construction is scientifically inexplicable. 381 00:31:21,483 --> 00:31:23,463 When you see the churches of Lalibela 382 00:31:23,609 --> 00:31:28,719 you can see that they are using what probably have to be power tools. 383 00:31:29,938 --> 00:31:33,572 Anytime you're cutting hard stone, you're looking at 384 00:31:33,650 --> 00:31:37,698 specialized cutting tools, you need iron tools. 385 00:31:37,919 --> 00:31:43,772 Even today we would have to use power saws and grinding wheels and chisels. 386 00:31:44,967 --> 00:31:48,469 But if, as ancient astronaut theorists believe, 387 00:31:48,614 --> 00:31:52,360 the churches of Lalibela could not have been made without modern 388 00:31:52,434 --> 00:31:56,940 technology, then who, or what, built them? 389 00:31:59,824 --> 00:32:03,768 Now, according to the story, the life of King Lalibela, 390 00:32:03,867 --> 00:32:06,274 which is written down in the 15th century, 391 00:32:06,380 --> 00:32:14,425 the angel Gabriel came to King Lalibela and took him off to the heavenly Jerusalem, 392 00:32:14,525 --> 00:32:17,315 where he had a conversation with God, 393 00:32:17,397 --> 00:32:20,455 and God said that he wanted him to go back and build these churches. 394 00:32:20,604 --> 00:32:25,074 So he came back and had them constructed, he had them hewn out of the rock. 395 00:32:26,351 --> 00:32:29,036 It took years to complete the job. 396 00:32:29,312 --> 00:32:35,287 It was 24 hours a day, but Lalibela had the help of the angels. 397 00:32:38,719 --> 00:32:43,558 So according to legend angels came down from heaven. 398 00:32:43,838 --> 00:32:48,682 And at night they did the work that the human beings could not do 399 00:32:48,717 --> 00:32:50,548 because they were sleeping. 400 00:32:50,780 --> 00:32:56,596 So there were actually two shifts of workers at the rocks of Lalibela. 401 00:32:56,839 --> 00:33:01,679 One, human beings working during the day, and the other, 402 00:33:01,824 --> 00:33:05,958 extraterrestrial beings working at night, doing the night shift. 403 00:33:07,809 --> 00:33:11,563 To me, that is a very fascinating story, 404 00:33:11,644 --> 00:33:16,865 because in my opinion, angels do not exist. 405 00:33:17,945 --> 00:33:22,151 Angels were merely a misinterpretation of 406 00:33:22,292 --> 00:33:25,544 flesh-and-blood extraterrestrials who descended 407 00:33:25,627 --> 00:33:28,805 from the sky with means of technology. 408 00:33:30,153 --> 00:33:35,144 And that is what these quote-unquote, "angels" used. 409 00:33:35,747 --> 00:33:39,267 If the churches of Lalibela were constructed with 410 00:33:39,351 --> 00:33:42,217 the help of celestial beings, why? 411 00:33:43,162 --> 00:33:44,991 Was it to worship God? 412 00:33:45,314 --> 00:33:50,754 Or was it to honor some other mystical-- Or extraterrestrial-- being? 413 00:33:52,270 --> 00:33:54,456 According to the Kebra Nagast, 414 00:33:54,586 --> 00:33:57,844 the ancient holy book of Ethiopian Christians, 415 00:33:58,292 --> 00:34:00,036 the Hebrew Ark of the Covenant-- 416 00:34:00,149 --> 00:34:03,217 The gold box containing the Ten Commandments-- 417 00:34:03,563 --> 00:34:09,566 Was transported to Ethiopia from Jerusalem sometime in the 9th century B.C. 418 00:34:11,940 --> 00:34:16,401 The child of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba was named 419 00:34:16,502 --> 00:34:22,393 Menelik I, and he is attributed with being the first king of Ethiopia. 420 00:34:23,574 --> 00:34:28,798 When he was 22 years old, he said to his mother, the Queen of Sheba, 421 00:34:28,923 --> 00:34:32,804 that he wanted to meet his father, and so she arranged 422 00:34:32,904 --> 00:34:35,907 for him to go to Jerusalem to do that. 423 00:34:36,251 --> 00:34:39,560 And he spends an extended period of time there, and got to know 424 00:34:39,645 --> 00:34:43,121 the young noblemen of his age. 425 00:34:43,390 --> 00:34:46,313 And the night before they left, they went into the temple and 426 00:34:46,418 --> 00:34:51,447 they took the Ark of the Covenant and together Menelik 427 00:34:51,550 --> 00:34:56,177 with these noble boys made their way off back to Ethiopia. 428 00:34:59,608 --> 00:35:03,832 Could the Ark of the Covenant ever have resided in Lalibela? 429 00:35:04,219 --> 00:35:09,670 There is no historical reason to believe it could have, 430 00:35:09,792 --> 00:35:15,181 but inlegend you do hear that there was a time when it was in Lalibela. 431 00:35:16,413 --> 00:35:20,224 Now, interestingly enough, in Lalibela there is an altar, 432 00:35:20,330 --> 00:35:24,080 which is in the exact dimensions of the Ark of the Covenant. 433 00:35:24,678 --> 00:35:26,219 And then the question is really, 434 00:35:26,325 --> 00:35:29,646 what if some of the churches in Lalibela at some point might not 435 00:35:29,718 --> 00:35:32,439 have shielded the Ark of the Covenant as well? 436 00:35:34,297 --> 00:35:37,438 According to the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, 437 00:35:37,582 --> 00:35:43,928 the Ark no longer resides within the churches at Lalibela but instead 438 00:35:44,012 --> 00:35:48,080 lies 200 miles north in the city of Aksum. 439 00:35:48,311 --> 00:35:51,264 Even today there's a special temple that's guarded 440 00:35:51,363 --> 00:35:56,213 by the Ethiopian priests, and no one else is allowed inside it, 441 00:35:56,326 --> 00:36:01,318 and it's said that the Ark of the Covenant is kept inside of this church. 442 00:36:02,074 --> 00:36:04,530 And there is one big cathedral, it's called the 443 00:36:04,626 --> 00:36:09,134 Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Mary in the city of Aksum, 444 00:36:09,231 --> 00:36:14,050 and down there is a tunnel, and under this tunnel are the 445 00:36:14,155 --> 00:36:17,077 remains of the Ark of the Covenant. 446 00:36:17,743 --> 00:36:22,288 This is known, this is not a a secret. I have been there. 447 00:36:24,630 --> 00:36:27,121 Is it really possible that the Ark of the 448 00:36:27,214 --> 00:36:31,902 Covenant might still be hidden deep within the cathedral at Aksum? 449 00:36:32,149 --> 00:36:36,548 If so, why has it been concealed for so long? 450 00:36:37,794 --> 00:36:42,211 According to ancient astronaut theorists, the extraterrestrial 451 00:36:42,298 --> 00:36:47,826 source of the Ark's legendary power will return one day to reclaim it 452 00:36:49,055 --> 00:36:52,506 and some believe the return will happen at the same 453 00:36:52,648 --> 00:36:57,978 sacred place where alien beings first arrived. 454 00:37:03,830 --> 00:37:08,020 Eastern Lebanon. The Bekaa Valley. 455 00:37:08,618 --> 00:37:13,933 Here at this archaeological site stand the ruins of Heliopolis, 456 00:37:14,192 --> 00:37:19,486 built in the fourth century B.C. by Alexander the Great to honor Zeus. 457 00:37:19,804 --> 00:37:23,327 But beneath the Corinthian columns and remnants of both 458 00:37:23,404 --> 00:37:27,925 Greek and Roman architecture lie the ruins of a site that is 459 00:37:28,013 --> 00:37:30,068 much, much older. 460 00:37:30,337 --> 00:37:35,788 According to archaeologists, it dates back nearly 9,000 years. 461 00:37:37,469 --> 00:37:44,807 The ancient city of Baalbek, named after the early Canaanite deity Baal. 462 00:37:45,321 --> 00:37:49,578 Baal is the god of life, the god of the sky, the god of the sun. 463 00:37:49,673 --> 00:37:53,956 He was the god that was venerated on the sight of Baalbek 464 00:37:54,031 --> 00:37:57,125 during the Canaanite and the Phoenician times. 465 00:37:59,219 --> 00:38:04,650 And so because it was already sacred to the God Baal, then later the Greeks and 466 00:38:04,685 --> 00:38:08,676 the Romans then would build temples on this very same spot. 467 00:38:11,818 --> 00:38:14,764 Archaeological surveys have revealed that the 468 00:38:14,874 --> 00:38:18,269 enormous stone foundation that lies at the base of the site 469 00:38:18,924 --> 00:38:22,573 dates back tens of thousands of years. 470 00:38:23,511 --> 00:38:26,039 Baalbek, as we know from the archaeological 471 00:38:26,129 --> 00:38:29,519 evidence, must have existed during the Neolithic Period, 472 00:38:29,600 --> 00:38:34,167 between 6000 to 8000 years or even 9000 years B.C. 473 00:38:36,734 --> 00:38:39,583 But even more significant to ancient astronaut 474 00:38:39,664 --> 00:38:45,134 theorists is their belief that the colossal stone platform may 475 00:38:45,221 --> 00:38:49,143 once have served as a landing pad for space travelers. 476 00:38:53,506 --> 00:38:58,178 We don't know why Baalbek was chosen as this specific sight, 477 00:38:58,213 --> 00:39:02,451 may well be some kind of special power place. 478 00:39:08,887 --> 00:39:14,620 But was originally there, before the Roman temple was this 479 00:39:14,711 --> 00:39:19,833 spaceport platform that was apparently used for 480 00:39:20,864 --> 00:39:23,663 extraterrestrials coming and going on Planet Earth. 481 00:39:25,715 --> 00:39:28,458 As evidence, researchers point to the 482 00:39:28,553 --> 00:39:31,876 gigantic megalithic stones incorporated into the 483 00:39:31,953 --> 00:39:37,038 foundation, each weighing between 800 to 1,200 tons 484 00:39:38,794 --> 00:39:41,001 and perfectly fitted together. 485 00:39:43,793 --> 00:39:47,634 This is the real mystery of Baalbek. Heavy stones came to be 486 00:39:47,669 --> 00:39:50,946 there, why they were placed there, and specifically how they were 487 00:39:50,981 --> 00:39:54,614 transported into place, because some of the stones are of such magnitude 488 00:39:54,649 --> 00:39:57,632 that modern machinery is incapable of putting them there. 489 00:39:57,667 --> 00:40:00,451 But somehow our ancestors were able to do this. 490 00:40:02,516 --> 00:40:07,803 Some have suggested that this stone alone weights an excess 491 00:40:07,838 --> 00:40:15,971 of 1,200 tons. How was it moved there? Because obviously it's situated 492 00:40:16,006 --> 00:40:20,334 on top of these stone roads that we can find down here. 493 00:40:20,369 --> 00:40:26,770 Which means that this stone had to be lifted and then set on top 494 00:40:26,805 --> 00:40:29,773 of these stones down here. 495 00:40:32,601 --> 00:40:39,334 And because these stones were gigantic ancient people assumed that 496 00:40:39,369 --> 00:40:44,414 extraterrestrial or unknown forces brought them to the site itself. 497 00:40:48,775 --> 00:40:52,528 It is one of the oldest, oldest megalithic sights on the planet 498 00:40:52,563 --> 00:40:57,105 and it has these huge stones laid out in a precise geometrical shape. 499 00:40:58,595 --> 00:41:03,165 At a time, when the prehistoric people who would have lived there, 500 00:41:03,325 --> 00:41:05,426 who would have gone to the back of that alley in Lebanon 501 00:41:05,461 --> 00:41:09,936 would have no concept of how to move stones of that nature. 502 00:41:13,278 --> 00:41:16,539 But if the moving, hoisting, and setting of such 503 00:41:16,617 --> 00:41:19,400 massive stones was so incredibly difficult 504 00:41:20,005 --> 00:41:23,522 then who-- Or what-- Placed them there? 505 00:41:23,796 --> 00:41:27,296 And perhaps more importantly, why? 506 00:41:27,573 --> 00:41:29,178 We know that the ancients always went to power 507 00:41:29,309 --> 00:41:32,273 places and Baalbek clearly is one of them. 508 00:41:33,017 --> 00:41:35,405 It is a place where the gods were worshiped, where the gods 509 00:41:35,484 --> 00:41:38,261 this were said to be present, and so when it comes to Baalbek, 510 00:41:38,341 --> 00:41:40,910 platform was built there for a reason. 511 00:41:41,084 --> 00:41:43,972 For what purpose it was used is a question we can't answer at 512 00:41:44,066 --> 00:41:47,914 this moment in time, but what we do know is that whatever was 513 00:41:48,005 --> 00:41:50,907 happening there had a great religious significance to them 514 00:41:51,010 --> 00:41:53,327 and was linked with worshiping deities-- 515 00:41:54,135 --> 00:41:56,858 Deities which clearly are of an otherworldly origin. 516 00:41:59,787 --> 00:42:02,768 Is it possible, as ancient astronaut theorists 517 00:42:02,867 --> 00:42:07,595 believe, that Baalbek had been considered a sacred place for 518 00:42:07,691 --> 00:42:10,843 tens of thousands of years because it was where 519 00:42:10,928 --> 00:42:14,903 extraterrestrial beings first arrived on Earth? 520 00:42:15,704 --> 00:42:19,573 The answer may have been found on excavated clay tablets 521 00:42:19,682 --> 00:42:22,288 inscribed with cuneiform script, 522 00:42:22,509 --> 00:42:26,807 written nearly 5,000 years ago by the earliest known human 523 00:42:26,922 --> 00:42:30,943 civilization, the Sumerians of Mesopotamia. 524 00:42:32,635 --> 00:42:35,602 What's really interesting about Baalbek it's that has always been known 525 00:42:35,637 --> 00:42:38,814 as the landing place. There's an actual text from Sumerian 526 00:42:38,849 --> 00:42:40,958 times called the Epic of Gilgamesh. 527 00:42:43,666 --> 00:42:47,109 Gilgamesh actually claims to have seen rockets descend and 528 00:42:47,246 --> 00:42:50,689 ascend from Baalbek, the landing place. 529 00:43:00,322 --> 00:43:03,547 A comparison between Baalbek, Lebanon and 530 00:43:03,640 --> 00:43:07,900 Jerusalem's Temple Mount reveals a striking resemblance between 531 00:43:07,991 --> 00:43:10,419 their massive stone platforms. 532 00:43:10,913 --> 00:43:13,989 Might they have been built for the same purpose-- 533 00:43:14,307 --> 00:43:17,208 To support the weight of spacecraft? 534 00:43:17,580 --> 00:43:20,752 Hopefully at one point archeology will be so 535 00:43:20,854 --> 00:43:23,502 open-minded that they actually want to explore this further. 536 00:43:23,890 --> 00:43:27,912 We may never get the answer, but at least trying to 537 00:43:27,998 --> 00:43:31,742 find out what happened, I think, is what drives all of us. 538 00:43:33,569 --> 00:43:37,219 Did otherworldly forces really descend from the 539 00:43:37,339 --> 00:43:40,541 heavens at the world's holiest places? 540 00:43:41,380 --> 00:43:45,570 It may be that the world's faithful already know the truth, 541 00:43:45,865 --> 00:43:52,438 or perhaps the truth will be withheld until some day in the future. 542 00:43:54,000 --> 00:43:57,500 Sync by n17t01 www.addic7ed.com