1 00:00:03,418 --> 00:00:05,157 Highly advanced humans 2 00:00:05,594 --> 00:00:07,794 living thousands of years ago... 3 00:00:09,495 --> 00:00:13,699 unidentified DNA in the human genome... 4 00:00:14,701 --> 00:00:17,168 and ancient chronicles 5 00:00:17,570 --> 00:00:20,873 describing heavenly interventions on Earth. 6 00:00:22,375 --> 00:00:25,743 Did humans really evolve from apes? 7 00:00:25,945 --> 00:00:30,512 Or is our intelligence the result of an otherworldly design? 8 00:00:32,417 --> 00:00:34,783 What are humans made of? 9 00:00:35,053 --> 00:00:38,254 Why do we evolve the way we do, grow the way we do, 10 00:00:38,256 --> 00:00:39,723 think the way we do? 11 00:00:39,825 --> 00:00:42,457 There's no explanation for human beings. 12 00:00:42,794 --> 00:00:44,760 They shouldn't be here on this planet. 13 00:00:46,097 --> 00:00:48,097 Science and the world of history, 14 00:00:48,099 --> 00:00:51,065 even in archeology, is still scrambling around for answers. 15 00:00:51,770 --> 00:00:54,505 We should finally come to grips with the 16 00:00:54,507 --> 00:00:57,608 idea that extraterrestrials had 17 00:00:57,610 --> 00:01:00,809 something to do with our development. 18 00:01:02,748 --> 00:01:05,849 Millions of people around the world believe we have 19 00:01:05,851 --> 00:01:09,853 been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings. 20 00:01:09,855 --> 00:01:13,423 What if it were true? 21 00:01:13,425 --> 00:01:17,761 Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? 22 00:01:17,763 --> 00:01:23,066 And if so, might evidence of alien contact help to unlock the 23 00:01:23,068 --> 00:01:26,501 mystery behind the creation of man? 24 00:01:45,838 --> 00:01:48,838 sync and corrections by Bellows www.addic7ed.com 25 00:01:57,638 --> 00:01:59,138 South Africa 26 00:02:00,839 --> 00:02:05,708 25 miles northwest of Johannesburg lie the Malapa Caves. 27 00:02:07,612 --> 00:02:12,449 Here, in August of 2008, paleoanthropologist Lee Berger 28 00:02:12,451 --> 00:02:16,153 and his nine-year-old son Mathew discover several 29 00:02:16,155 --> 00:02:20,157 fossilized skeletal remains of two-million-year-old early 30 00:02:20,159 --> 00:02:25,796 humans, including a female adult and male child, perhaps a 31 00:02:25,798 --> 00:02:27,400 mother and son. 32 00:02:29,802 --> 00:02:34,438 The size and shape of the bones indicate that the individuals 33 00:02:34,440 --> 00:02:37,808 walked upright and had modern hands. 34 00:02:39,910 --> 00:02:43,313 Over the past several decades, scientists have unearthed the 35 00:02:43,315 --> 00:02:47,150 remains of nearly two dozen different types of early human 36 00:02:47,152 --> 00:02:50,753 ancestors, all known as hominids. 37 00:02:56,956 --> 00:02:59,855 We have an extremely good fossil record 38 00:02:59,856 --> 00:03:01,256 of ancient hominids. 39 00:03:02,257 --> 00:03:05,057 and I think the picture emerging from it is 40 00:03:05,058 --> 00:03:09,558 pretty clear that in earlier days, before Homo Sapiens came along 41 00:03:09,559 --> 00:03:11,559 there were typically many different kinds 42 00:03:11,560 --> 00:03:14,155 of hominids coexisting in the world. 43 00:03:14,756 --> 00:03:16,556 We have a hard time giving 44 00:03:16,557 --> 00:03:18,157 our minds around this now because of course 45 00:03:18,158 --> 00:03:19,857 there is just one kind of human on earth today 46 00:03:19,858 --> 00:03:21,258 and there are 7 billion of it 47 00:03:21,759 --> 00:03:24,357 but at one time within the last few hundred thousand years, 48 00:03:24,358 --> 00:03:29,258 you could find two or even three species of hominids 49 00:03:29,260 --> 00:03:32,462 living the same area at the same time. 50 00:03:32,464 --> 00:03:38,335 Most mainstream scholars tell us hominids 51 00:03:38,337 --> 00:03:41,838 evolved from an ape ancestor nearly six million years ago 52 00:03:41,840 --> 00:03:45,644 through what is referred to as natural selection. 53 00:03:47,346 --> 00:03:51,748 This theory of evolution was first popularized by English 54 00:03:51,750 --> 00:03:53,550 anthropologist Charles Darwin in 55 00:03:53,552 --> 00:03:57,986 his 1859 book On the Origin of Species. 56 00:03:58,390 --> 00:04:01,526 Darwin's mechanism of evolution was natural selection. 57 00:04:01,527 --> 00:04:04,728 That is to say a long-term process whereby 58 00:04:04,730 --> 00:04:09,299 better-adapted individuals reproduce more successfully. 59 00:04:10,401 --> 00:04:13,000 Darwin's theory of evolution 60 00:04:13,182 --> 00:04:19,883 by natural selection explained that organism with certain traits 61 00:04:19,984 --> 00:04:22,384 such as mutation 62 00:04:22,685 --> 00:04:26,585 turned out to be actually beneficial 63 00:04:26,886 --> 00:04:31,386 turned out to be of advantage in the struggle for reproduction 64 00:04:31,387 --> 00:04:36,860 So mutation allow organism to survive and 65 00:04:36,862 --> 00:04:42,496 to pass on to the next generation this mutation. 66 00:04:47,269 --> 00:04:50,540 Darwin speculated that over time, hominids walking 67 00:04:50,542 --> 00:04:54,043 on two feet used their hands to make tools. 68 00:04:55,380 --> 00:04:57,812 This, in turn, made them smarter. 69 00:04:57,950 --> 00:05:03,153 Then, approximately 200,000 years ago, hominids evolved into 70 00:05:03,155 --> 00:05:06,590 Homo sapiens... or modern man. 71 00:05:06,692 --> 00:05:09,758 But many scholars dispute Darwin's findings. 72 00:05:10,095 --> 00:05:14,195 We don't see dolphins building cars, 73 00:05:14,331 --> 00:05:16,331 We don't see elephants building houses. 74 00:05:16,332 --> 00:05:19,569 That might sound trite, but it's a fact that these animals just 75 00:05:19,571 --> 00:05:22,038 simply haven't progressed and advanced in the way we have. 76 00:05:22,040 --> 00:05:24,207 And the big question is, why is that? 77 00:05:24,209 --> 00:05:25,775 Why should that happen? 78 00:05:25,777 --> 00:05:27,445 Why should we be so unique? 79 00:05:27,446 --> 00:05:30,580 Tool use doesn't really come into play for 80 00:05:30,582 --> 00:05:33,283 several million years after the first earliest humans began to 81 00:05:33,285 --> 00:05:34,117 walk upright. 82 00:05:34,119 --> 00:05:36,687 And then brain size doesn't really begin to 83 00:05:36,689 --> 00:05:40,190 expand and really mushroom in size until the last several 84 00:05:40,292 --> 00:05:41,458 hundred thousand years. 85 00:05:41,460 --> 00:05:43,927 So, actually six million years of human evolution, there are 86 00:05:43,929 --> 00:05:47,130 millions of years separating each of those major features: 87 00:05:47,132 --> 00:05:50,133 upright posture, tool use, brain expansion. 88 00:05:50,135 --> 00:05:52,936 So Darwin was wrong because he couldn't possibly have known the 89 00:05:52,938 --> 00:05:54,639 chronology in his day. 90 00:05:56,141 --> 00:06:01,678 In 1967, British zoologist Desmond Morris argued 91 00:06:01,680 --> 00:06:05,015 against Darwin's theories on evolution in his book 92 00:06:05,017 --> 00:06:06,650 The Naked Ape. 93 00:06:07,852 --> 00:06:11,121 In it, Morris wrote that there was no reason why man stood 94 00:06:11,123 --> 00:06:15,125 alone from other species in terms of his nudity. 95 00:06:15,127 --> 00:06:17,661 Well, of course, as Homo sapiens we still 96 00:06:17,663 --> 00:06:21,131 continue to have a coating of hair, but that hair is very 97 00:06:21,133 --> 00:06:24,134 much reduced over most of our bodies, and that reduction 98 00:06:24,136 --> 00:06:28,839 probably goes back way beyond Homo sapiens in time. 99 00:06:28,841 --> 00:06:32,142 It probably goes back to the time when the very first early 100 00:06:32,144 --> 00:06:37,781 bipedal hominids came out of the forests in Africa into the 101 00:06:37,783 --> 00:06:39,616 savannahs where they had more 102 00:06:39,618 --> 00:06:44,319 sun and more thermal radiation to cope with. 103 00:06:50,957 --> 00:06:53,963 In places like Europe, Northern Europe, why we 104 00:06:53,965 --> 00:06:55,631 lost body hair is the chicken and egg question. 105 00:06:55,701 --> 00:06:58,335 Did we lose our body hair because we began to wear 106 00:06:58,337 --> 00:07:01,171 clothing to keep us warm or was there some other factor at work 107 00:07:01,173 --> 00:07:03,172 that caused us to lose our body hair? 108 00:07:03,342 --> 00:07:06,143 Perhaps women didn't find body hair on men attractive, and so 109 00:07:06,145 --> 00:07:08,445 it was lost because they didn't choose those men as mates. 110 00:07:08,447 --> 00:07:11,513 There's no way to ever answer that question. 111 00:07:11,884 --> 00:07:13,949 If we were to subscribe 112 00:07:14,194 --> 00:07:18,994 100% to the idea of the survival of the fittest 113 00:07:19,095 --> 00:07:23,895 isn't it illogical to think that all of a sudden 114 00:07:23,993 --> 00:07:28,194 we're completely naked and we're losing all of our fur? 115 00:07:28,297 --> 00:07:32,669 I mean, that makes absolutely no sense because right after we 116 00:07:32,671 --> 00:07:37,407 shed our fur, we had to wear furs to keep warm. 117 00:07:37,809 --> 00:07:41,044 Had we not worn any furs, we would have frozen to death, 118 00:07:41,046 --> 00:07:43,079 we would have died. 119 00:07:43,281 --> 00:07:46,883 So the whole idea that we shed all of our hair in order to 120 00:07:46,885 --> 00:07:52,387 survive because we were stronger, logically makes no sense. 121 00:07:56,527 --> 00:07:59,062 But if Darwin's theory of natural selection 122 00:07:59,064 --> 00:08:01,565 cannot account for the appearance of intelligent 123 00:08:01,567 --> 00:08:04,637 hairless Homo sapiens, what can? 124 00:08:06,939 --> 00:08:10,874 Might the transition of hominids to modern human beings have been 125 00:08:10,876 --> 00:08:14,778 the result of an otherworldly design, as ancient astronaut 126 00:08:14,780 --> 00:08:16,581 theorists believe? 127 00:08:17,583 --> 00:08:21,952 Alfred Russel Wallace, a colleague of Darwin, called it 128 00:08:21,954 --> 00:08:24,621 the intelligence evolution. 129 00:08:24,623 --> 00:08:27,424 Darwin believed that the human brain had 130 00:08:27,426 --> 00:08:30,894 been driven into existence by natural selection, but Wallace 131 00:08:30,896 --> 00:08:33,530 couldn't quite see how this could be so. 132 00:08:34,432 --> 00:08:39,903 What Wallace perceived was that the way that humans think, 133 00:08:40,805 --> 00:08:44,608 their intellectual faculties are qualitatively different from 134 00:08:44,610 --> 00:08:49,246 anything that had preceded them, and he couldn't quite see how 135 00:08:49,248 --> 00:08:54,451 this enormous gap could be bridged by natural selection. 136 00:08:54,453 --> 00:08:59,256 So he invoked another explanation for the evolution, 137 00:08:59,258 --> 00:09:04,261 the arrival of modern human cognitive abilities. 138 00:09:04,263 --> 00:09:10,531 His choice was a spiritual explanation. 139 00:09:13,138 --> 00:09:15,371 Alfred believed there was an unseen 140 00:09:15,373 --> 00:09:21,144 creative spirit that was behind all life on our planet. 141 00:09:21,146 --> 00:09:24,379 And he believed that this unseen creative spirit 142 00:09:24,882 --> 00:09:27,651 had interceded three times in this planet. 143 00:09:30,453 --> 00:09:35,959 First was to create life from inorganic matter. 144 00:09:35,961 --> 00:09:38,428 And then the second time was 145 00:09:38,430 --> 00:09:42,197 when animals achieved some kind of consciousness. 146 00:09:43,067 --> 00:09:47,604 And the third time was when humans suddenly were able to 147 00:09:47,606 --> 00:09:51,406 have the mental abilities that we have today. 148 00:09:52,811 --> 00:09:55,145 But he felt that it wasn't just 149 00:09:55,147 --> 00:09:59,781 random selection like Charles Darwin thought. 150 00:09:59,818 --> 00:10:04,321 He believed that all of these changes had a creative 151 00:10:04,323 --> 00:10:06,624 intelligence behind it. 152 00:10:07,626 --> 00:10:11,461 The view that I have is that because the rest of 153 00:10:11,463 --> 00:10:15,332 nature hasn't changed that much, that arguably, we shouldn't. 154 00:10:15,334 --> 00:10:18,335 So that suggests to me we're seeing something potentially 155 00:10:18,337 --> 00:10:21,638 that has gone against nature, and if it's gone against nature, 156 00:10:21,640 --> 00:10:26,107 maybe that means because somebody has been manipulating nature. 157 00:10:27,812 --> 00:10:30,611 There's no explanation for human beings. 158 00:10:30,738 --> 00:10:33,038 They shouldn't be here on this planet. 159 00:10:33,239 --> 00:10:39,576 If we were evolved and changed by an extraterrestrial source 160 00:10:39,672 --> 00:10:42,872 from our early primate ancestors 161 00:10:43,673 --> 00:10:45,672 That's the only way, really, you could've come 162 00:10:45,673 --> 00:10:46,873 from the human species. 163 00:10:47,374 --> 00:10:50,174 Unless you, of course, put god into the equation. 164 00:10:50,775 --> 00:10:53,775 Then, who knows who the gods may have been. 165 00:10:54,776 --> 00:10:59,576 Charles Darwin may be crawling over in his grave right now 166 00:10:59,777 --> 00:11:03,377 but it's very possible that mankind came about 167 00:11:03,517 --> 00:11:06,317 because of extraterrestrial intervention. 168 00:11:10,318 --> 00:11:12,918 Did the evolution of modern humans 169 00:11:13,019 --> 00:11:16,919 really received a jump start by extraterrestrial beings, 170 00:11:16,920 --> 00:11:20,320 as ancient astronaut theorists believe 171 00:11:20,321 --> 00:11:23,321 and if so, might there be tangible evidence. 172 00:11:24,518 --> 00:11:27,618 Some scientists believe proof can be found, 173 00:11:27,819 --> 00:11:30,719 inside the human brain. 174 00:11:40,318 --> 00:11:42,362 Chicago, Illinois. 175 00:11:43,864 --> 00:11:46,322 December 2004. 176 00:11:46,824 --> 00:11:50,658 Researchers at the Howard Hughes Medical lnstitute of the 177 00:11:50,660 --> 00:11:55,029 University of Chicago publish the results of a study that 178 00:11:55,031 --> 00:11:59,366 claims the sophistication of the human brain was the result of a 179 00:11:59,368 --> 00:12:01,705 so-called special event. 180 00:12:04,307 --> 00:12:08,175 They said mankind's intelligence was not only the result of 181 00:12:08,177 --> 00:12:12,847 evolution, and that around 50,000 years ago, the genes of 182 00:12:12,849 --> 00:12:17,051 ancient humans went through an intense amount of change in a 183 00:12:17,053 --> 00:12:19,086 relatively short amount of time-- 184 00:12:20,088 --> 00:12:23,760 what some refer to as the big bang of the brain. 185 00:12:26,862 --> 00:12:31,162 No one really knows how human beings developed so fast 186 00:12:31,225 --> 00:12:33,025 in such a short period of time 187 00:12:33,326 --> 00:12:35,726 They don't believe it was done naturally. 188 00:12:36,126 --> 00:12:41,126 It's very clear the fully modern intellectual function 189 00:12:41,127 --> 00:12:44,127 is a very recent acquisition in our lineage. 190 00:12:44,128 --> 00:12:47,028 It's not an improvement of what was there before 191 00:12:47,029 --> 00:12:51,429 it's a new kind of manipulation of information and the mind. 192 00:12:53,230 --> 00:12:56,430 There is no other animal creature on the planet 193 00:12:56,531 --> 00:12:59,731 that has such a comparative point and that is why they call it 194 00:12:59,732 --> 00:13:02,232 the big brain event. 195 00:13:03,233 --> 00:13:05,633 People talk about the missing link. 196 00:13:06,434 --> 00:13:09,334 Where is between the link between going from apes 197 00:13:09,335 --> 00:13:11,135 monkeys, gorillas, ectetera, 198 00:13:11,136 --> 00:13:15,137 to being out to develop atomic weaponry and fly in space. 199 00:13:16,426 --> 00:13:19,526 When we're looking at the origins of man, 200 00:13:19,827 --> 00:13:24,727 we've realised that 50,000 years ago, we really went where 201 00:13:24,728 --> 00:13:27,028 no creature has even gone before. 202 00:13:27,229 --> 00:13:29,729 We have become human. 203 00:13:31,727 --> 00:13:35,460 But what was the spark that spored human intelligence 204 00:13:36,544 --> 00:13:38,144 Was it a genetic mutation brought about 205 00:13:38,145 --> 00:13:41,845 by the natural selection process of evolution 206 00:13:41,846 --> 00:13:44,244 as many mainstream scientists contend 207 00:13:45,045 --> 00:13:48,145 or could've it been a genetic modification 208 00:13:48,146 --> 00:13:51,246 produced by extraterrestrial beings 209 00:13:51,247 --> 00:13:54,147 as ancient astronaut theorists believe? 210 00:13:58,048 --> 00:14:01,648 There's also the idea that there was a gene or genes 211 00:14:01,649 --> 00:14:04,049 that popped up some time in our ancestors 212 00:14:04,050 --> 00:14:07,050 randomly, that might have given the ability 213 00:14:07,051 --> 00:14:09,451 to symbolically represent objects in our environment 214 00:14:09,452 --> 00:14:12,852 or the abstract, those are things that for instance 215 00:14:12,853 --> 00:14:14,453 chimpanzees have a great deal of trouble with 216 00:14:14,454 --> 00:14:15,954 even with the talk language 217 00:14:18,955 --> 00:14:24,755 Homo Sapiens emerging from Africa started to behave symbolically 218 00:14:25,056 --> 00:14:28,056 They started to manipulate information in their mind 219 00:14:28,257 --> 00:14:31,157 in a way their predecessors had never done before 220 00:14:31,158 --> 00:14:35,558 They disassembled the world around them into a vocabulary 221 00:14:36,259 --> 00:14:39,159 of discrete symbols and recombined them 222 00:14:39,160 --> 00:14:41,360 so they could imagine new kinds of worlds 223 00:14:44,261 --> 00:14:45,861 Long long time ago, 224 00:14:46,262 --> 00:14:49,462 extraterrestrials arrived on this planet. 225 00:14:50,063 --> 00:14:52,363 They realised that the planet was full of life 226 00:14:52,364 --> 00:14:55,164 and one of them was the most advanced form 227 00:14:55,265 --> 00:14:56,965 was one of our ancestors. 228 00:14:59,266 --> 00:15:02,066 They took the DNA out 229 00:15:02,167 --> 00:15:05,867 and they changed the basic information in the DNA. 230 00:15:05,968 --> 00:15:08,568 This is what our genetics are doing every day. 231 00:15:08,869 --> 00:15:14,669 Now, the cell was changed, the product you plant into womb 232 00:15:14,670 --> 00:15:17,370 of a female of the same species 233 00:15:17,471 --> 00:15:22,171 This female will give birth to a child approximately after 9 months 234 00:15:22,272 --> 00:15:27,872 but because of this artificial mutation, and that is the difference, 235 00:15:27,873 --> 00:15:31,073 because it was made artificially by the extraterrestrials. 236 00:15:34,274 --> 00:15:37,874 What if as part of the genetics updates 237 00:15:37,875 --> 00:15:40,175 human beings were getting from extraterrestrials 238 00:15:40,776 --> 00:15:46,276 one of those genetic updates involved a software download 239 00:15:46,277 --> 00:15:49,877 biological download to differentiate 240 00:15:49,878 --> 00:15:51,678 the different hemispheres of the brain 241 00:15:51,779 --> 00:15:57,479 to allow human society, tool making, fire, social organization 242 00:15:57,480 --> 00:16:01,880 to be creative, and from that, that particular species 243 00:16:01,881 --> 00:16:04,981 of hominid became the human being we are today. 244 00:16:09,081 --> 00:16:11,880 If alien species out there could 245 00:16:11,881 --> 00:16:14,481 fly across, interstellar space 246 00:16:14,482 --> 00:16:17,982 then in all probability they would have similar DNA 247 00:16:17,983 --> 00:16:19,283 in common and technology. 248 00:16:19,384 --> 00:16:23,584 Of course it would depend on their own genetic composition 249 00:16:23,585 --> 00:16:25,185 being similar to ours 250 00:16:25,586 --> 00:16:28,686 but if they understood sufficient chemistry 251 00:16:28,687 --> 00:16:32,387 and physical principles from their own experience 252 00:16:32,388 --> 00:16:33,888 of their physical world model 253 00:16:33,889 --> 00:16:41,949 then in all probability, manipulating our DNA would be simple. 254 00:16:46,151 --> 00:16:49,690 But if alien beings created humans by genetically 255 00:16:49,692 --> 00:16:51,491 altering our primitive ancestors, 256 00:16:53,330 --> 00:16:55,963 might various versions of hominids have been 257 00:16:55,965 --> 00:17:00,433 the result of experiments at creating intelligent life on Earth, 258 00:17:00,435 --> 00:17:03,369 as ancient astronaut theorists contend? 259 00:17:04,607 --> 00:17:08,976 This is one of the greatest unanswered questions. 260 00:17:08,978 --> 00:17:10,444 The ancient records do not say 261 00:17:10,446 --> 00:17:13,346 that we are part of a social experiment. 262 00:17:13,549 --> 00:17:17,351 The ancient records say that we were bestowed upon this gift. 263 00:17:17,353 --> 00:17:20,219 The gods gave us the gift of intellect. 264 00:17:20,356 --> 00:17:22,156 And it is for us to use it. 265 00:17:22,158 --> 00:17:25,592 So yes, we might actually be part of an experiment, but it 266 00:17:25,594 --> 00:17:27,727 might be an experiment in intelligence. 267 00:17:28,164 --> 00:17:29,430 It might actually be a game, 268 00:17:29,432 --> 00:17:33,700 a kind of the greatest reality TV show, whereby the entire human 269 00:17:33,702 --> 00:17:37,371 species is watched by ancient aliens who have been watching 270 00:17:37,373 --> 00:17:40,177 the show for maybe 50,000 years. 271 00:17:43,779 --> 00:17:49,404 FOXP2 is a gene that was found in our nucleotides 272 00:17:49,405 --> 00:17:53,405 and it is something that sets us completely apart 273 00:17:53,406 --> 00:17:56,106 from any other animal 274 00:17:56,107 --> 00:18:01,607 And scientists have suggested that that gene alone 275 00:18:01,608 --> 00:18:05,308 is responsible for language 276 00:18:05,909 --> 00:18:09,209 And there is absolutely no evidence of origin 277 00:18:09,405 --> 00:18:11,505 where as this thing somehow mutated 278 00:18:11,506 --> 00:18:13,506 from the animal kingdom towards us. 279 00:18:13,707 --> 00:18:20,007 So this gene exists out of nowhere without any origin. 280 00:18:20,110 --> 00:18:25,719 So my question is, is it possible that this gene was 281 00:18:25,721 --> 00:18:30,423 given to us, or grafted into us, 282 00:18:30,425 --> 00:18:32,658 by extraterrestrials in the remote past? 283 00:18:33,695 --> 00:18:36,263 And the answer is yes. 284 00:18:40,575 --> 00:18:44,775 Was it the same non human ancient aliens 285 00:18:44,776 --> 00:18:48,776 so many ancient settlements on this planet 286 00:18:48,777 --> 00:18:51,777 deciding that they wanted humans to be able 287 00:18:51,778 --> 00:18:54,278 to communicate at a more sophisticated level 288 00:18:54,380 --> 00:18:59,719 I think that's the fundamental angst today among people trying 289 00:18:59,721 --> 00:19:05,724 to understand who are we in relationship to extraterrestrials 290 00:19:05,726 --> 00:19:08,263 that may have been manipulating DNA 291 00:19:08,264 --> 00:19:10,433 on this planet for thousands of years. 292 00:19:13,535 --> 00:19:17,871 Might the evidence of our alien origins really have 293 00:19:17,873 --> 00:19:20,839 been passed down to us implanted in our genetic code, 294 00:19:21,077 --> 00:19:25,278 as ancient astronaut theorists believe? 295 00:19:25,280 --> 00:19:30,150 Perhaps further evidence can be found, not by scientists, but 296 00:19:30,152 --> 00:19:36,021 by religious scholars, that claim Adam and Eve really did exist. 297 00:19:42,949 --> 00:19:44,349 The Hebrew Bible. 298 00:19:45,450 --> 00:19:49,079 In it, the Book of Genesis describes how God created the 299 00:19:49,081 --> 00:19:54,985 first two humans, Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden and told 300 00:19:54,987 --> 00:19:59,356 them to "go forth and multiply." 301 00:19:59,358 --> 00:20:04,428 For centuries, scientists and theologians have debated whether 302 00:20:04,430 --> 00:20:10,067 this story of the Creation of Man was mere myth or historical fact. 303 00:20:10,069 --> 00:20:13,370 The Torah mentions that humanity is made 304 00:20:13,372 --> 00:20:16,974 out of the dust of the Earth, and that God breathed life into 305 00:20:16,976 --> 00:20:19,643 this to make us animated. 306 00:20:19,645 --> 00:20:23,345 Here is the breath of soul, the breath of vitality, 307 00:20:23,346 --> 00:20:26,831 the divine breath that suggests that with the spark 308 00:20:26,832 --> 00:20:29,732 the life force that makes a human body tick 309 00:20:29,733 --> 00:20:31,933 it's divine in its nature 310 00:20:33,734 --> 00:20:37,734 In 1987, scholars disagreements 311 00:20:37,735 --> 00:20:40,135 over the origin of man intensified 312 00:20:40,136 --> 00:20:44,436 with the discovery that the genetic lineage of every living person 313 00:20:44,437 --> 00:20:48,837 could be traced back to a single woman who once lived in Africa. 314 00:20:52,738 --> 00:20:54,438 It's pretty well established by now 315 00:20:54,439 --> 00:20:57,539 particularly from the molecular, the DNA record 316 00:20:57,540 --> 00:21:01,940 that homo sapiens did originate at one place in Africa 317 00:21:01,941 --> 00:21:07,441 and after having become fully modern in the sense of intellectually modern 318 00:21:07,942 --> 00:21:11,842 spread out to occupy Europe, to occupy Eastern Asia 319 00:21:12,143 --> 00:21:14,143 and the old world in general. 320 00:21:14,744 --> 00:21:16,644 It is sometimes called the Eve model 321 00:21:16,745 --> 00:21:19,645 not meaning that we all descended from the same woman 322 00:21:19,646 --> 00:21:22,546 but it does mean that there was a woman 323 00:21:22,547 --> 00:21:26,047 in that early population migrating out of Africa 324 00:21:26,048 --> 00:21:29,748 who was the only female, who ultimately left her genes 325 00:21:29,749 --> 00:21:31,149 in every modern person. 326 00:21:31,550 --> 00:21:34,350 But is it possible that mainstream science 327 00:21:34,351 --> 00:21:37,751 and the book of Genesis are both pointing to the same 328 00:21:37,752 --> 00:21:42,153 moment in ancient time when modern man first appeared on Earth. 329 00:21:44,654 --> 00:21:47,054 The myth of Adam and Eve, I think, it's not a myth 330 00:21:47,131 --> 00:21:48,731 I think it's a true story 331 00:21:48,932 --> 00:21:49,932 I think Adam and Eve were on this planet 332 00:21:49,933 --> 00:21:56,833 they were the first human beings that we know of 333 00:21:56,834 --> 00:21:59,434 and they helped populate this planet 334 00:22:00,935 --> 00:22:02,335 What is the Garden of Eden? 335 00:22:02,336 --> 00:22:04,736 I think it just happened to be the area 336 00:22:04,737 --> 00:22:08,638 that the genetically manipulated human beings, Adam and Eve, 337 00:22:08,839 --> 00:22:09,839 were placed. 338 00:22:10,040 --> 00:22:13,841 That's where they lived that's where they started to breathe 339 00:22:13,842 --> 00:22:17,242 and that's where the population's planet started to grow 340 00:22:17,243 --> 00:22:20,543 If Adam and Eve actually had existed 341 00:22:20,544 --> 00:22:22,744 as described in the Hebrew Bible, 342 00:22:22,845 --> 00:22:26,545 might this also mean that a serpent really did 343 00:22:26,546 --> 00:22:29,246 tempt them to eat from the tree of knowledge 344 00:22:29,247 --> 00:22:33,847 and if so, might this account have been an effort to describe 345 00:22:33,848 --> 00:22:36,748 the sudden awakening of the modern human mind, 346 00:22:36,749 --> 00:22:40,349 when man first became an intelligent being. 347 00:22:40,350 --> 00:22:46,050 In the Bible says that if you eat from this tree 348 00:22:46,051 --> 00:22:47,551 you will be like god. 349 00:22:47,552 --> 00:22:53,852 Satan in a form of a snake tempted Adam and Eve 350 00:22:53,853 --> 00:22:56,253 and promises them that they will be like god 351 00:22:56,254 --> 00:23:01,354 The knowledge that Adam and Eve acquire 352 00:23:01,431 --> 00:23:03,531 as well as humanity in general 353 00:23:03,532 --> 00:23:07,632 gives man the ability to eventually carry out genetic manipulations 354 00:23:11,333 --> 00:23:13,433 So what was this tree of knowledge? 355 00:23:13,434 --> 00:23:18,534 Is the tree of knowledge in fact a helical DNA sequencing 356 00:23:18,535 --> 00:23:23,034 in our own bodies that was genetically engineered 357 00:23:23,035 --> 00:23:25,635 by extraterrestrials 50,000 years ago? 358 00:23:25,730 --> 00:23:28,530 So that we would have the abilities that we have today? 359 00:23:28,531 --> 00:23:33,670 In my mind, it's our DNA itself that is the Tree of Knowledge. 360 00:23:33,672 --> 00:23:37,472 But why was this suddenly a bad thing? 361 00:23:37,676 --> 00:23:42,045 It would seem that the aliens... some of them wanted us to have 362 00:23:42,047 --> 00:23:47,150 this knowledge, to be like the gods, but others said no, no. 363 00:23:47,152 --> 00:23:50,786 Man is not to have all of this knowledge. 364 00:23:50,956 --> 00:23:55,158 This is also the same story of the Greek god Prometheus, who, 365 00:23:55,160 --> 00:23:59,696 against the orders of the other gods, comes down to Earth and 366 00:23:59,698 --> 00:24:02,698 gives mankind the knowledge of fire. 367 00:24:03,335 --> 00:24:08,538 But because of this gift to mankind, he himself, as a god, 368 00:24:08,540 --> 00:24:12,142 is, like Satan, he's banished from the Earth. 369 00:24:12,144 --> 00:24:13,577 And why? 370 00:24:13,579 --> 00:24:16,845 Because he helped mankind to have greater knowledge. 371 00:24:20,689 --> 00:24:24,689 The whole idea or concept of Satan 372 00:24:24,690 --> 00:24:29,290 is based on a misunderstood visit by extraterrestrials 373 00:24:29,291 --> 00:24:31,091 in the remote past. 374 00:24:32,494 --> 00:24:34,530 According to the ancient astronaut theory, 375 00:24:34,532 --> 00:24:40,366 the reason why we have the idea of a Satan today 376 00:24:40,471 --> 00:24:43,505 is because there might have been some type of a mutiny 377 00:24:44,809 --> 00:24:47,410 between good and bad 378 00:24:47,412 --> 00:24:50,679 extraterrestrial factions in the remote past. 379 00:24:53,917 --> 00:24:58,188 And so the mutineers were cast out by the commander and they 380 00:24:58,190 --> 00:25:02,758 became known as the evil fallen angels, 381 00:25:04,160 --> 00:25:05,496 which they never were. 382 00:25:08,098 --> 00:25:10,967 If as astronaut theorists believe, 383 00:25:10,969 --> 00:25:14,471 extraterrestrials were responsible for providing humans 384 00:25:14,473 --> 00:25:16,373 with intelligence, might they 385 00:25:16,375 --> 00:25:19,674 have also given man the ability to speak? 386 00:25:20,711 --> 00:25:24,312 Our voice box, our larynx is so different than the apes 387 00:25:24,409 --> 00:25:27,309 even the chimpanzee who's our closest cousin 388 00:25:27,310 --> 00:25:30,410 that we are able to produce sounds and produce language. 389 00:25:30,411 --> 00:25:34,611 To a scientist today, that's almost like it was genetically designed 390 00:25:34,612 --> 00:25:38,812 so that we can say words and sing 391 00:25:39,713 --> 00:25:43,113 There really isn't anything more advanced than the human language 392 00:25:43,214 --> 00:25:48,014 So many different cultures, dialects, languages around the world 393 00:25:48,215 --> 00:25:53,815 and the very fact we can communicate on such a deep extensive level 394 00:25:53,816 --> 00:25:56,516 that really sets us apart from all other animals. 395 00:25:58,317 --> 00:26:00,817 Who invented language? Where did that come from? 396 00:26:01,018 --> 00:26:03,018 Was it something instilled in us? 397 00:26:04,219 --> 00:26:07,519 I think there is a mystery to it, that to a large degree science 398 00:26:07,520 --> 00:26:10,220 and the world of history, even archeology are still 399 00:26:10,221 --> 00:26:11,521 scrambling around for answers 400 00:26:11,522 --> 00:26:14,422 Maybe we shouldn't be looking down here for answers 401 00:26:14,522 --> 00:26:16,022 maybe we should be looking up there. 402 00:26:19,323 --> 00:26:20,823 We are told in the bible 403 00:26:20,824 --> 00:26:24,825 that we are made into the image of God What does that mean? 404 00:26:24,926 --> 00:26:28,827 Does it mean that we were made physically in somebody's image? 405 00:26:29,319 --> 00:26:31,919 And so as for the question namely 406 00:26:31,920 --> 00:26:33,620 whether we are descendants from apes 407 00:26:33,621 --> 00:26:35,321 or some other creatures on this planet 408 00:26:35,322 --> 00:26:37,522 or whether we have been truly engineered 409 00:26:37,623 --> 00:26:40,423 can be answered by mythology. 410 00:26:41,323 --> 00:26:45,228 Mythology is able to say that we are not descending from the ape, 411 00:26:45,230 --> 00:26:48,498 but that something happened on this Earth and an alien 412 00:26:48,500 --> 00:26:51,469 intervention came and we were the end result of this. 413 00:26:53,671 --> 00:26:54,637 In my opinion 414 00:26:54,647 --> 00:26:57,447 the extraterrestrials, by an artificial mutation 415 00:26:57,448 --> 00:27:00,048 they created the intelligence of human 416 00:27:00,249 --> 00:27:02,449 Then the extraterrestrial disappeared. 417 00:27:02,450 --> 00:27:08,750 And some of our ancestors had again sex with their ancestors, 418 00:27:08,751 --> 00:27:10,651 with ape-like beings. 419 00:27:10,652 --> 00:27:15,092 And that was called into mythology, "original sin." 420 00:27:15,894 --> 00:27:19,297 Then they return again, the gods, they realized what happened... 421 00:27:20,299 --> 00:27:24,734 and they decided to destroy the whole race by a great flood, 422 00:27:24,736 --> 00:27:26,636 and to restart the experiment 423 00:27:26,638 --> 00:27:30,305 again with what we call in mythology, Noah. 424 00:27:30,409 --> 00:27:31,474 That's all text. 425 00:27:31,476 --> 00:27:33,045 That's the way it is. 426 00:27:35,547 --> 00:27:39,749 It would appear that extraterrestrials came 427 00:27:39,751 --> 00:27:46,323 here, used great apes, other early hominids, created what 428 00:27:46,325 --> 00:27:50,293 would be Neanderthal man, or Homo erectus, somebody similar 429 00:27:50,295 --> 00:27:56,299 to us, and then refined that hominid until they came up with 430 00:27:56,301 --> 00:28:01,605 Homo sapiens... and then the other early 431 00:28:01,607 --> 00:28:04,774 hominids were destroyed. 432 00:28:04,776 --> 00:28:07,777 Might the biblical account of Adam and Eve and 433 00:28:07,779 --> 00:28:13,115 Noah's Ark really be the retelling of extraterrestrial events, 434 00:28:13,117 --> 00:28:16,184 as ancient astronaut theorists believe? 435 00:28:16,221 --> 00:28:20,423 Perhaps further evidence can be found in the archeological 436 00:28:20,425 --> 00:28:22,225 remnants and eyewitness 437 00:28:22,227 --> 00:28:26,794 accounts from man's earliest known civilization. 438 00:28:34,458 --> 00:28:36,258 Northern Iraq 439 00:28:37,159 --> 00:28:41,479 Along the east bank of the Tigris River, opposite the city 440 00:28:41,481 --> 00:28:46,251 of Mosul, lie the ruins of the ancient city of Nineveh, 441 00:28:46,253 --> 00:28:50,986 a place originally inhabited by the Sumerians of Mesopotamia. 442 00:28:54,159 --> 00:29:00,198 Here, in 1842, British archaeologist Austen Henry Layard 443 00:29:00,200 --> 00:29:02,900 unearthed the ruins of the great library of 444 00:29:03,070 --> 00:29:08,273 Assurbanipal, a royal archive containing thousands of clay 445 00:29:08,275 --> 00:29:10,775 tablets with cuneiform inscriptions. 446 00:29:12,079 --> 00:29:17,348 Dating to 3000 BC, the messages carved into stone are considered 447 00:29:17,350 --> 00:29:19,884 to be the world's first written accounts. 448 00:29:20,887 --> 00:29:23,287 Sumerian tablets are probably one of the oldest 449 00:29:23,350 --> 00:29:25,150 form of written record that we have. 450 00:29:27,151 --> 00:29:30,851 They've been translated and tell exciting stories about how 451 00:29:30,852 --> 00:29:32,652 Gods intervene with human beings 452 00:29:32,745 --> 00:29:35,445 and actually had a hand in the creation of human beings. 453 00:29:35,446 --> 00:29:39,346 Whether or not it's just mythology, or if it's fact 454 00:29:39,347 --> 00:29:40,447 no one really knows. 455 00:29:41,348 --> 00:29:45,648 According to interpretations of the sumerian tablets, 456 00:29:45,649 --> 00:29:48,349 the gods were called the Annunaki. 457 00:29:50,150 --> 00:29:50,950 What we are looking at here, 458 00:29:51,951 --> 00:29:54,750 is a sumerian tablet that actually shows the tree of life. 459 00:29:54,751 --> 00:29:58,651 linked by divine beings, you can see here the Annunaki on each side 460 00:29:58,892 --> 00:30:02,660 We also see the winged disc, a symbolic reference that the 461 00:30:02,662 --> 00:30:04,862 Anunnaki had the power of flight. 462 00:30:05,298 --> 00:30:09,634 They actually had necklaces with astronomical references-- 463 00:30:09,636 --> 00:30:13,371 a moon, a star, various symbols, which even could be symbolized 464 00:30:13,373 --> 00:30:17,875 as a wristwatch-- technology being used 6,000 years ago. 465 00:30:18,645 --> 00:30:21,479 The written accounts etched into stone 466 00:30:21,481 --> 00:30:25,550 suggest the Annunaki were giant beings, standing eight 467 00:30:25,552 --> 00:30:29,554 feet tall, who came to Earth in search of gold for 468 00:30:29,556 --> 00:30:30,556 their home planet. 469 00:30:31,858 --> 00:30:35,193 When the Sumerian gods, the Anunnaki, realized the 470 00:30:35,195 --> 00:30:38,930 toll it was taking to mine the gold themselves, they decided 471 00:30:38,932 --> 00:30:42,968 to fashion a worker being, a slave to mine the gold for them. 472 00:30:43,970 --> 00:30:47,539 And they explain in the Sumerian creation tales that this was an 473 00:30:47,541 --> 00:30:48,673 arduous process. 474 00:30:48,975 --> 00:30:53,144 So it's very possible that our genetic evolution was a process 475 00:30:53,146 --> 00:30:56,714 done by the Anunnaki to create us in their image and 476 00:30:56,716 --> 00:30:57,984 after their likeness. 477 00:30:59,286 --> 00:31:03,319 They created man according to the sumerian texts. 478 00:31:03,728 --> 00:31:06,728 They created Adam and Eve. 479 00:31:07,129 --> 00:31:10,529 How interesting that the Bible will echo the story 480 00:31:11,731 --> 00:31:14,366 but talked about it in terms of God. 481 00:31:18,414 --> 00:31:20,614 So much like these highly advanced creatures 482 00:31:20,615 --> 00:31:22,815 we're acting as teachers. 483 00:31:22,816 --> 00:31:28,216 And certainly sumerian culture and mythology is full of stories of, 484 00:31:28,217 --> 00:31:32,917 you know, we're saving visitation from these mysterious higher entities 485 00:31:33,918 --> 00:31:36,918 that you know bestowed wisdom and fantastic ideas and concepts. 486 00:31:36,920 --> 00:31:39,524 And, you know, you have to wonder-- is this just down to 487 00:31:39,526 --> 00:31:40,992 myth, or was somebody coming 488 00:31:40,994 --> 00:31:43,660 down and really trying to give us a push, if you like? 489 00:31:46,898 --> 00:31:50,168 Ancient chronicles of sky beings creating human 490 00:31:50,170 --> 00:31:54,638 life are common in early cultures found all over the world. 491 00:31:55,508 --> 00:31:59,177 But while mainstream scholars often dismiss this evidence, 492 00:31:59,179 --> 00:32:04,182 might such tangible historical accounts provide proof of alien 493 00:32:04,184 --> 00:32:06,585 intervention in man's evolution, 494 00:32:06,987 --> 00:32:09,553 as ancient astronaut theorists believe? 495 00:32:10,090 --> 00:32:13,222 The Sumerians are not the only culture 496 00:32:13,525 --> 00:32:15,025 that talks about this. 497 00:32:15,126 --> 00:32:18,529 Also in the Koran, it says that 498 00:32:18,531 --> 00:32:23,499 language was given to us by Allah, or God. 499 00:32:24,537 --> 00:32:26,704 The Maya Popol Vuh says that 500 00:32:26,706 --> 00:32:29,073 language was given to us by the gods. 501 00:32:30,377 --> 00:32:36,281 The ancient Egyptian texts are saying the exact same thing. 502 00:32:36,283 --> 00:32:42,287 It doesn't matter what ancient culture we look at, they all say 503 00:32:42,289 --> 00:32:47,960 the same, that language was a gift from the gods. 504 00:32:49,262 --> 00:32:52,495 We should finally come to grips with the idea 505 00:32:52,499 --> 00:32:57,599 that extraterrestrials had something to do with our development. 506 00:33:01,338 --> 00:33:04,075 Prior to the use of early systems of writing, 507 00:33:04,077 --> 00:33:08,347 ancient people carved symbolic communication into stone. 508 00:33:08,949 --> 00:33:11,082 Called petroglyphs, the oldest 509 00:33:11,084 --> 00:33:14,184 date to about 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. 510 00:33:16,489 --> 00:33:20,858 According to ancient astronaut theorists, petroglyphs located 511 00:33:20,860 --> 00:33:25,563 in the American Southwest link the prehistoric ancestors of the 512 00:33:25,565 --> 00:33:28,832 Zuni and Hopi tribes with star beings. 513 00:33:32,302 --> 00:33:37,302 The first graphic expressions by humans were petroglyphs. 514 00:33:37,307 --> 00:33:42,246 That means symbols or figures scratched into stone. 515 00:33:42,248 --> 00:33:45,984 The Hopi Indians, for example, scratched petroglyphs into their 516 00:33:45,986 --> 00:33:50,088 rock faces that show people with radiating wreaths, gods that 517 00:33:50,090 --> 00:33:52,824 descend from the sky. 518 00:33:52,826 --> 00:33:57,362 The Hopi Indians say that these beings are Kachinas-- 519 00:33:57,364 --> 00:34:01,366 beings from space who came to Earth in aircraft, who were not 520 00:34:01,368 --> 00:34:04,537 gods, but who brought them knowledge from another planet. 521 00:34:06,539 --> 00:34:11,275 We have the same phenomenon in Europe, in Valcamonica. 522 00:34:11,277 --> 00:34:12,944 We have it in Asia. 523 00:34:12,946 --> 00:34:16,647 We have it in Brazil. 524 00:34:16,649 --> 00:34:19,484 When we look at the fact that all around the world 525 00:34:19,486 --> 00:34:23,821 we hear similar legends of people from the stars coming 526 00:34:23,823 --> 00:34:26,858 down and having a profound impact on the people of this 527 00:34:26,860 --> 00:34:29,594 country or that particular culture, all embroiled in 528 00:34:29,596 --> 00:34:32,497 similar time frames, you know, we're seeing a pattern 529 00:34:32,499 --> 00:34:36,634 developing, and it's difficult to dismiss that that pattern is suggestive. 530 00:34:36,636 --> 00:34:39,837 In our ancient past, creatures came down, interacted with us, 531 00:34:39,839 --> 00:34:43,972 and maybe manipulated us to become the people we are today. 532 00:34:47,611 --> 00:34:53,784 Why are so many past civilizations all saying similar things? 533 00:34:54,120 --> 00:34:59,123 I think the simple answer is, is that the same thing happened 534 00:34:59,125 --> 00:35:01,659 and they know the story. 535 00:35:01,661 --> 00:35:06,064 And the story is that extraterrestrials came to this 536 00:35:06,066 --> 00:35:10,401 planet, genetically made and manipulated whatever creatures 537 00:35:10,403 --> 00:35:14,236 were here at the time, and helped jump-start society. 538 00:35:14,774 --> 00:35:22,580 The bottom line is every civilization talks about 539 00:35:22,582 --> 00:35:27,251 the existence of man through the eyes of a god, and if you think 540 00:35:27,253 --> 00:35:31,623 of the eyes of the god as ETs, it all makes sense. 541 00:35:32,425 --> 00:35:35,693 Back then, this was the way they communicated events 542 00:35:35,695 --> 00:35:37,329 that were significant to them. 543 00:35:38,131 --> 00:35:42,233 And so when we have this imagery of the so-called star people on 544 00:35:42,235 --> 00:35:43,534 petroglyphs and things like that, 545 00:35:43,536 --> 00:35:46,772 they're clearly chronicling something real, 546 00:35:46,773 --> 00:35:49,706 to my mind at least, that occurred in their history. 547 00:35:49,976 --> 00:35:51,143 The big question is, what? 548 00:35:52,445 --> 00:35:55,146 But while the evidence of contact between 549 00:35:55,148 --> 00:36:00,051 alien beings and early humans is compelling, what if life did not 550 00:36:00,053 --> 00:36:04,786 begin here on Earth, but arrived from somewhere else? 551 00:36:10,740 --> 00:36:13,669 Huntsville, Alabama. 552 00:36:14,071 --> 00:36:16,271 NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. 553 00:36:17,807 --> 00:36:23,344 Here, in March of 2011, astrobiologist Richard Hoover 554 00:36:23,346 --> 00:36:27,682 reports the extraordinary news that he found micro fossil 555 00:36:27,684 --> 00:36:30,785 organisms-- or ancient bacteria-- inside rare 556 00:36:30,787 --> 00:36:34,956 meteorites that are more than four billion years old, dating 557 00:36:34,958 --> 00:36:37,958 back to the birth of our solar system. 558 00:36:39,963 --> 00:36:44,532 Until recently, scientists did not believe life could survive 559 00:36:44,534 --> 00:36:46,968 the rigors of space travel. 560 00:36:46,970 --> 00:36:51,672 But Hoover's finding suggests that live bacteria made it to Earth 561 00:36:51,674 --> 00:36:53,974 and may have even taken root here. 562 00:36:58,352 --> 00:37:02,252 Microorganism trapped inside the comets 563 00:37:02,353 --> 00:37:07,253 can survive the travel through interplanetary space 564 00:37:07,254 --> 00:37:09,054 and interstellar space. 565 00:37:09,057 --> 00:37:11,760 And the reason is that the 566 00:37:11,762 --> 00:37:15,530 microorganism are trapped in the rocky core. 567 00:37:16,933 --> 00:37:21,468 Around, you have a thick shield of icy material. 568 00:37:21,872 --> 00:37:26,539 And on top, you have a stratification of dust. 569 00:37:27,444 --> 00:37:30,111 Dust is highly effective in 570 00:37:30,113 --> 00:37:35,315 shielding the microorganism from ultraviolet light. 571 00:37:36,453 --> 00:37:40,787 So comet are an excellent vehicle to transport 572 00:37:40,958 --> 00:37:44,659 microorganism, single-cell life, 573 00:37:44,661 --> 00:37:47,862 amino acid in the vastness of space. 574 00:37:50,933 --> 00:37:53,200 Instead of aliens coming to the earth in UFOs 575 00:37:53,209 --> 00:37:54,509 in classic Hollywood terms 576 00:37:54,610 --> 00:37:59,110 a microbial phase of life comes to the earth in a meteorite 577 00:37:59,111 --> 00:38:01,711 survives entering our atmosphere 578 00:38:01,812 --> 00:38:06,114 crashes on the planet and begins to thrive. 579 00:38:06,116 --> 00:38:12,020 The theory that life on Earth began with alien 580 00:38:12,022 --> 00:38:13,889 organisms landing here from 581 00:38:13,891 --> 00:38:16,890 other parts of the universe is controversial. 582 00:38:18,328 --> 00:38:22,531 Called panspermia, one of the most vocal proponents of this 583 00:38:22,533 --> 00:38:26,902 theory was Sir Francis Crick, a British scientist who 584 00:38:26,904 --> 00:38:30,639 co-discovered DNA in 1953. 585 00:38:31,741 --> 00:38:34,841 Francis Crick co-discovered 586 00:38:34,981 --> 00:38:36,481 of the double helix himself. 587 00:38:37,182 --> 00:38:40,082 Said that all this can't happen by chance 588 00:38:40,182 --> 00:38:41,982 that it has to have been engineered. 589 00:38:43,083 --> 00:38:46,955 One of his arguments is that the rotation of the DNA is in the 590 00:38:46,957 --> 00:38:49,056 same direction for all living things. 591 00:38:50,660 --> 00:38:55,229 Had DNA developed on Earth, it would probably have had a 50-50 592 00:38:55,231 --> 00:38:58,632 distribution, and that's exactly what we don't have. 593 00:39:03,208 --> 00:39:04,808 One of the reasons why I think 594 00:39:04,809 --> 00:39:08,809 the theory of panspermia is so incredible 595 00:39:08,910 --> 00:39:13,310 is that it tells you that there is life throughout the universe. 596 00:39:14,814 --> 00:39:20,587 If panspermia is correct, life came here on comets or meteorites, 597 00:39:20,589 --> 00:39:23,356 and we're being seeded, not only on this planet, 598 00:39:23,427 --> 00:39:24,925 but other planets as well. 599 00:39:25,695 --> 00:39:27,461 And it could be part of the great design. 600 00:39:29,899 --> 00:39:34,466 It is the intentional deliberate colonization 601 00:39:34,482 --> 00:39:40,083 of other planets, other worlds by an intelligent race of beings 602 00:39:40,084 --> 00:39:44,284 using not flying saucers landing in the desert somewhere 603 00:39:44,285 --> 00:39:45,385 or in the middle of the sea 604 00:39:45,786 --> 00:39:48,186 but the best way to colonize a planet 605 00:39:48,287 --> 00:39:52,887 you colonize it with your own DNA and let the DNA sprout 606 00:39:52,888 --> 00:39:54,288 into your own species 607 00:39:55,989 --> 00:39:58,561 In terms of our science and technology today, 608 00:39:58,563 --> 00:40:03,698 we have the ability to extract cells and DNA at a genetic level 609 00:40:03,700 --> 00:40:05,867 and save them. 610 00:40:05,869 --> 00:40:09,337 That's how we have so-called test tube babies for couples 611 00:40:09,339 --> 00:40:10,672 who can't have babies. 612 00:40:10,674 --> 00:40:13,940 We preserve the materials for when they need it. 613 00:40:13,977 --> 00:40:17,712 And the day may well come when we send into outer space the 614 00:40:17,714 --> 00:40:21,149 equivalent of, like, Noah's Ark, but instead of sending literal 615 00:40:21,151 --> 00:40:25,521 animals, we send their essence-- their DNA, their genetic makeup. 616 00:40:26,523 --> 00:40:31,057 I don't rule out the idea that we could seed a whole new world. 617 00:40:35,262 --> 00:40:38,500 Today, scientists know that only about five 618 00:40:38,502 --> 00:40:40,201 percent of the DNA contained in 619 00:40:40,203 --> 00:40:43,637 our genes is used to reproduce human beings. 620 00:40:44,207 --> 00:40:47,342 The remainder is an undecipherable code, once 621 00:40:47,344 --> 00:40:51,146 referred to as junk DNA. 622 00:40:51,148 --> 00:40:56,283 But is it really possible that so much of our DNA is unnecessary? 623 00:40:56,620 --> 00:40:58,787 Or might the majority of our DNA 624 00:40:58,789 --> 00:41:01,856 be decoded sometime in the future? 625 00:41:02,693 --> 00:41:04,526 And when it is, what might our 626 00:41:04,528 --> 00:41:08,495 DNA reveal about the origin of modern man? 627 00:41:08,966 --> 00:41:12,099 Just because we cannot decipher 628 00:41:12,271 --> 00:41:18,071 95% of our genetic material doesn't necessarily mean 629 00:41:18,072 --> 00:41:23,072 that that 95% is in fact useless. 630 00:41:24,576 --> 00:41:28,083 Nature is extremely efficient. 631 00:41:28,085 --> 00:41:33,555 DNA is the most powerful storage device in the universe. 632 00:41:33,557 --> 00:41:37,392 Not even with all the supercomputers combined in the 633 00:41:37,394 --> 00:41:40,028 world could we store as much 634 00:41:40,030 --> 00:41:43,730 information as we could store on DNA. 635 00:41:44,034 --> 00:41:48,269 So I'm suggesting that the ultimate proof of 636 00:41:48,271 --> 00:41:53,675 extraterrestrial life will not be found in a crashed spaceship 637 00:41:53,677 --> 00:42:00,083 or in a text, but it will be found within our own genes. 638 00:42:01,585 --> 00:42:05,555 We have so much to learn from studying our own DNA. 639 00:42:05,656 --> 00:42:10,756 We are only just now beginning to decode the human DNA sequence 640 00:42:10,757 --> 00:42:16,131 And as we do that, what we may discover is that 641 00:42:16,133 --> 00:42:21,102 extraterrestrial DNA is built into our own genetics. 642 00:42:21,304 --> 00:42:26,141 Whatever is out there created the universe, this 643 00:42:26,143 --> 00:42:28,775 planet, and other planets and life. 644 00:42:29,312 --> 00:42:35,016 And I strongly believe that this tie-in with whether gods and ETs 645 00:42:35,018 --> 00:42:38,752 were one of the same might very well be the case. 646 00:42:39,956 --> 00:42:45,060 It does not take away from the fact that there's a god, that 647 00:42:45,062 --> 00:42:49,130 there's a higher power, that there's some creation out there 648 00:42:49,132 --> 00:42:54,502 that made the ETs, but I think that layer between God and man 649 00:42:54,504 --> 00:42:58,073 is right in the middle, and that's extraterrestrials 650 00:42:58,075 --> 00:42:59,475 from other planets. 651 00:43:01,177 --> 00:43:04,810 We have to learn that most of our knowledge in religion 652 00:43:04,983 --> 00:43:08,783 is wrong, except one thing there is creation 653 00:43:08,784 --> 00:43:11,684 there is what we call god in all respect 654 00:43:11,986 --> 00:43:17,158 And we have to learn by religion we are very teeny, little beings 655 00:43:17,160 --> 00:43:19,394 in this gigantic universe and 656 00:43:19,396 --> 00:43:23,829 why God is absolutely inexpressible. 657 00:43:23,900 --> 00:43:25,333 It's so gigantic. 658 00:43:25,335 --> 00:43:26,701 It's so wonderful. 659 00:43:26,703 --> 00:43:29,070 So we would never lose God when 660 00:43:29,072 --> 00:43:33,072 we continue to think of extraterrestrials. 661 00:43:33,143 --> 00:43:34,410 God becomes bigger. 662 00:43:37,312 --> 00:43:40,515 Is it really possible that humans evolved 663 00:43:40,517 --> 00:43:44,353 from bacteria growing in some sort of primordial ooze? 664 00:43:45,055 --> 00:43:48,757 Or were we intelligently designed by a higher power-- 665 00:43:49,159 --> 00:43:51,326 of extraterrestrial origin-- 666 00:43:51,728 --> 00:43:54,495 as ancient astronaut theorists believe? 667 00:43:55,365 --> 00:43:57,065 Perhaps the answer lies within 668 00:43:57,067 --> 00:43:59,733 the very essence of what makes us, human. 669 00:44:00,370 --> 00:44:02,370 And with this knowledge, we may 670 00:44:02,372 --> 00:44:06,271 yet discover our rightful place in the universe. 671 00:44:06,471 --> 00:44:07,971 sync and corrections by Bellows www.addic7ed.com