1 00:00:01,543 --> 00:00:05,088 NARRATOR: Towering figures standing watch over the Earth. 2 00:00:05,088 --> 00:00:08,050 WILLIAM HENRY: There's a built‐in human response 3 00:00:08,050 --> 00:00:11,386 to seeing these giant statues, and that is awe. 4 00:00:11,386 --> 00:00:15,182 NARRATOR: Are they merely testaments to humanity's past? 5 00:00:15,182 --> 00:00:18,268 HUGH NEWMAN: People still revere these stone giants 6 00:00:18,268 --> 00:00:20,938 that were built in the ancient world. 7 00:00:20,938 --> 00:00:24,441 And magical qualities can be associated with this. 8 00:00:24,441 --> 00:00:27,569 NARRATOR: Or do they serve a more profound purpose? 9 00:00:27,569 --> 00:00:30,864 BRUCE FENTON: These giant statues of Tula have this 10 00:00:30,864 --> 00:00:33,700 snakeskin‐like feature to their tops of their heads. 11 00:00:33,700 --> 00:00:35,536 GIORGIO A. TSOUKALOS: So we are looking 12 00:00:35,536 --> 00:00:38,038 at a representation of a cosmic being 13 00:00:38,038 --> 00:00:41,792 ‐that, a long time ago, arrived? ‐DAVID SEDAT: Exactly. 14 00:00:41,792 --> 00:00:44,044 NARRATOR: Could they be hiding ancient knowledge, 15 00:00:44,044 --> 00:00:47,714 brought here by visitors from other worlds? 16 00:00:47,714 --> 00:00:51,760 DAVID CHILDRESS: We want to stand in front of these huge figures 17 00:00:51,760 --> 00:00:54,471 and look at them, because once we're able 18 00:00:54,471 --> 00:00:59,309 to reconnect with the gods, all things become possible. 19 00:01:01,603 --> 00:01:03,939 NARRATOR: There is a doorway 20 00:01:03,939 --> 00:01:06,733 in the universe. 21 00:01:06,733 --> 00:01:09,736 Beyond it is the promise of truth. 22 00:01:11,238 --> 00:01:13,448 It demands we question everything 23 00:01:13,448 --> 00:01:15,784 we have ever been taught. 24 00:01:15,784 --> 00:01:19,997 The evidence is all around us. 25 00:01:19,997 --> 00:01:23,542 The future is right before our eyes. 26 00:01:23,542 --> 00:01:26,211 We are not alone. 27 00:01:26,211 --> 00:01:29,715 We have never been alone. 28 00:01:41,268 --> 00:01:45,022 NARRATOR: March, 1813. 29 00:01:45,022 --> 00:01:49,943 Swiss explorer Johann Burckhardt is traveling north 30 00:01:49,943 --> 00:01:52,279 along the Nile River when he comes across 31 00:01:52,279 --> 00:01:56,199 three massive stone heads protruding from the sand. 32 00:01:56,199 --> 00:01:59,703 Four years later, a thorough excavation reveals 33 00:01:59,703 --> 00:02:03,081 a 3,200‐year‐old temple complex. 34 00:02:03,081 --> 00:02:06,460 The Abu Simbel temple, as it is now known, 35 00:02:06,460 --> 00:02:09,504 contains some of the largest stone statues 36 00:02:09,504 --> 00:02:12,633 ever constructed in the ancient world. 37 00:02:14,885 --> 00:02:17,929 HENRY: In 1244 BC, the Egyptians built, 38 00:02:17,929 --> 00:02:20,307 in a mountain, an incredible temple complex 39 00:02:20,307 --> 00:02:22,100 devoted to Ramesses the Great. 40 00:02:24,144 --> 00:02:26,897 These statues are colossal. 41 00:02:26,897 --> 00:02:29,149 They're 64 feet tall. 42 00:02:29,149 --> 00:02:31,193 And the Egyptians would visit Abu Simbel 43 00:02:31,193 --> 00:02:33,654 and they would see their king, their pharaoh, 44 00:02:33,654 --> 00:02:37,240 as this great godlike being in his perfection. 45 00:02:37,240 --> 00:02:40,494 And people would understand that their king, 46 00:02:40,494 --> 00:02:45,165 their pharaoh, was, in fact, a god incarnate. 47 00:02:46,500 --> 00:02:48,335 NARRATOR: In the 1960s, 48 00:02:48,335 --> 00:02:50,754 the temple was carefully dismantled 49 00:02:50,754 --> 00:02:54,675 and moved to higher ground to make way for the Aswan Dam. 50 00:02:54,675 --> 00:02:58,470 Engineers overseeing the relocation efforts 51 00:02:58,470 --> 00:03:00,972 paid particular attention to assure that both 52 00:03:00,972 --> 00:03:03,392 the geographical and astronomical alignments 53 00:03:03,392 --> 00:03:06,853 of the original site remained intact. 54 00:03:10,148 --> 00:03:15,112 Twice a year, on February 22 and October 22, 55 00:03:15,112 --> 00:03:19,783 the dawning rays of the sun pass through the temple entry. 56 00:03:19,783 --> 00:03:22,494 The light travels 185 feet 57 00:03:22,494 --> 00:03:25,330 through a great hall of stone giants, 58 00:03:25,330 --> 00:03:28,208 and for 20 minutes, shines directly upon 59 00:03:28,208 --> 00:03:31,420 the carved statues of the Egyptian gods Amun, 60 00:03:31,420 --> 00:03:34,798 Ra‐Horakhty and the pharaoh Ramesses II, 61 00:03:34,798 --> 00:03:36,675 located at the end of the temple. 62 00:03:36,675 --> 00:03:38,677 HENRY: These colossal stone statues 63 00:03:38,677 --> 00:03:41,096 serve more than just an artistic purpose, 64 00:03:41,096 --> 00:03:42,973 more than a political purpose. 65 00:03:42,973 --> 00:03:45,892 That purpose, we're told, centers around the idea 66 00:03:45,892 --> 00:03:49,729 that these colossal statues are transmitters. 67 00:03:49,729 --> 00:03:52,232 They're utilized as a mechanism of drawing down 68 00:03:52,232 --> 00:03:55,318 cosmic energies, cosmic forces 69 00:03:55,318 --> 00:03:58,989 that then can be emitted into the surrounding area. 70 00:03:58,989 --> 00:04:03,326 The question arises... are these cosmic vibrations used 71 00:04:03,326 --> 00:04:04,911 in just a religious sense, 72 00:04:04,911 --> 00:04:08,540 or is this more of a technological purpose? 73 00:04:08,540 --> 00:04:13,044 NARRATOR: While the Egyptians' notion of stone statues possessing energy 74 00:04:13,044 --> 00:04:16,423 is regarded by mainstream scholars as purely symbolic, 75 00:04:16,423 --> 00:04:19,092 ancient astronaut theorists believe 76 00:04:19,092 --> 00:04:21,553 that it was meant to be taken literally. 77 00:04:21,553 --> 00:04:25,974 And they suggest evidence can be found by examining similar ideas 78 00:04:25,974 --> 00:04:30,604 held by other civilizations throughout the ancient world. 79 00:04:30,604 --> 00:04:34,983 CHILDRESS: In a number of ancient societies, people associated 80 00:04:34,983 --> 00:04:39,196 these statues as having an energy. 81 00:04:39,196 --> 00:04:41,448 And those statues were alive. 82 00:04:41,448 --> 00:04:45,786 They had even a consciousness. They had power in them. 83 00:04:45,786 --> 00:04:50,207 HENRY: Some of the best‐known giant statues in the world 84 00:04:50,207 --> 00:04:53,585 are the moai heads that we find on Easter Island, 85 00:04:53,585 --> 00:04:56,338 that were actually utilized by the Easter Islanders 86 00:04:56,338 --> 00:05:00,175 as a conductive mechanism for drawing down Mana, 87 00:05:00,175 --> 00:05:02,344 spiritual power. 88 00:05:02,344 --> 00:05:07,974 We found that in Copán, probably Gobekli Tepe is the same idea. 89 00:05:07,974 --> 00:05:10,769 That these colossal stone statues 90 00:05:10,769 --> 00:05:13,063 are more than just statues. 91 00:05:13,063 --> 00:05:15,065 NARRATOR: Is it possible 92 00:05:15,065 --> 00:05:17,734 that ancient stone statues found throughout the world 93 00:05:17,734 --> 00:05:22,364 were built to serve a technological purpose? 94 00:05:22,364 --> 00:05:25,075 While the idea may sound far‐fetched, 95 00:05:25,075 --> 00:05:26,743 geologists point out 96 00:05:26,743 --> 00:05:30,330 that stone is not as lifeless as it might appear. 97 00:05:31,957 --> 00:05:36,169 Rocks and us are made of the same exact thing: matter. 98 00:05:36,169 --> 00:05:39,047 And all matter vibrates, it all has a frequency. 99 00:05:39,047 --> 00:05:41,049 It‐it all has energy. 100 00:05:41,049 --> 00:05:43,844 When you look at a rock, it's not just 101 00:05:43,844 --> 00:05:48,056 a plain inanimate object, it actually has tons and tons 102 00:05:48,056 --> 00:05:50,225 of different types of minerals in it. 103 00:05:50,225 --> 00:05:55,647 And these minerals are‐are like a recipe in a‐a cake mix. 104 00:05:55,647 --> 00:05:57,607 They can be all different types of things. 105 00:05:57,607 --> 00:06:00,861 Mother Nature has her own cookbook, so to speak. 106 00:06:00,861 --> 00:06:04,447 ROGER HOPKINS: Stones give you a different feeling. 107 00:06:04,447 --> 00:06:07,576 I mean, some stones will feel warm. 108 00:06:07,576 --> 00:06:10,871 Some will feel cold. 109 00:06:10,871 --> 00:06:14,958 Others will have a drama about them. 110 00:06:14,958 --> 00:06:19,921 Stonework has a very primordial feeling. 111 00:06:19,921 --> 00:06:22,716 I mean, the ancients were drawn to it. 112 00:06:22,716 --> 00:06:27,429 WILLIAMS: All this, uh, radiation that we're getting from cell phones, 113 00:06:27,429 --> 00:06:32,309 it's almost ironic, if you look at it... that the one thing 114 00:06:32,309 --> 00:06:34,728 that we're trying to get away from, the‐the technology 115 00:06:34,728 --> 00:06:37,731 and the EMFs that we're bombarded with every day... 116 00:06:37,731 --> 00:06:40,984 we actually get those from rocks. 117 00:06:40,984 --> 00:06:45,488 Most stones have a weak magnetic field to them. 118 00:06:45,488 --> 00:06:46,948 And some rocks 119 00:06:46,948 --> 00:06:49,743 have a more pronounced magnetic field to them. 120 00:06:49,743 --> 00:06:53,121 And certain stones act as conductors of energy. 121 00:06:53,121 --> 00:06:55,415 And I think the ancients knew it. 122 00:06:57,417 --> 00:07:00,128 NARRATOR: Of all the minerals capable of conducting 123 00:07:00,128 --> 00:07:04,007 and even generating electromagnetic forms of energy, 124 00:07:04,007 --> 00:07:07,135 the most efficient, and at times most powerful, 125 00:07:07,135 --> 00:07:08,762 are found in granite. 126 00:07:08,762 --> 00:07:12,932 NEWMAN: Red granite is used a lot in ancient Egypt. 127 00:07:12,932 --> 00:07:14,434 But why is this? 128 00:07:14,434 --> 00:07:16,561 It's believed it's because it was 129 00:07:16,561 --> 00:07:19,230 very, very powerful energetically. 130 00:07:19,230 --> 00:07:21,941 And this is partly to do with the piezoelectric effect 131 00:07:21,941 --> 00:07:23,610 of the quartz, 132 00:07:23,610 --> 00:07:28,865 because granite has about 55% quartz in its makeup, 133 00:07:28,865 --> 00:07:33,328 and so when you put weight on it, you actually get this effect 134 00:07:33,328 --> 00:07:36,790 of, like, an electric charge coming off the rock. 135 00:07:36,790 --> 00:07:39,626 NARRATOR: Abundant in nearly all the ancient stone giants 136 00:07:39,626 --> 00:07:41,670 found throughout the world, 137 00:07:41,670 --> 00:07:45,590 including the sandstone figures at Abu Simbel in Egypt, 138 00:07:45,590 --> 00:07:49,969 quartz is known to possess piezoelectric properties. 139 00:07:49,969 --> 00:07:52,263 Today, quartz is being used 140 00:07:52,263 --> 00:07:55,684 for the most powerful data storage device ever created: 141 00:07:55,684 --> 00:07:58,978 the 5D Superman memory crystal. 142 00:07:58,978 --> 00:08:01,981 One of the new ways scientists are working on data storage 143 00:08:01,981 --> 00:08:04,192 is the 5D quartz crystal. 144 00:08:04,192 --> 00:08:06,986 And this is a way of keeping a huge density of data 145 00:08:06,986 --> 00:08:09,572 in a relatively small object. 146 00:08:09,572 --> 00:08:14,244 This is an incredibly secure and lasting way of encoding data 147 00:08:14,244 --> 00:08:16,955 because the data is actually physically encoded 148 00:08:16,955 --> 00:08:18,540 into the crystal. 149 00:08:18,540 --> 00:08:21,501 It's in there forever, until that quartz is destroyed, 150 00:08:21,501 --> 00:08:23,837 and it's very hard to destroy that quartz. 151 00:08:24,879 --> 00:08:26,423 NARRATOR: In 2018, 152 00:08:26,423 --> 00:08:31,386 tech entrepreneur Nova Spivack used a 5D quartz crystal 153 00:08:31,386 --> 00:08:34,180 to create a permanent space library 154 00:08:34,180 --> 00:08:38,935 and sent it into orbit aboard the SpaceX Heavy Falcon rocket. 155 00:08:40,228 --> 00:08:42,856 Quartz is very stable. It's a crystal. 156 00:08:42,856 --> 00:08:45,400 It doesn't change, even for billions of years. 157 00:08:45,400 --> 00:08:47,027 So if you put data in quartz, 158 00:08:47,027 --> 00:08:49,195 it's gonna last basically forever. 159 00:08:49,195 --> 00:08:53,783 NARRATOR: At the University of Southampton in England, 160 00:08:53,783 --> 00:08:56,745 Dr. Peter Kazansky demonstrates to author 161 00:08:56,745 --> 00:08:59,664 and ancient astronaut theorist Andrew Collins 162 00:08:59,664 --> 00:09:03,376 just how this new 5D quartz crystal technology works. 163 00:09:17,265 --> 00:09:19,142 How much information could you put 164 00:09:19,142 --> 00:09:23,063 into this small piece of crystal glass? 165 00:09:30,445 --> 00:09:32,822 ‐800 Blu‐ray discs? ‐Yes. 166 00:09:37,410 --> 00:09:40,830 NARRATOR: This tiny piece of quartz glass is able to store 167 00:09:40,830 --> 00:09:45,627 the same amount of information as 600 standard smartphones. 168 00:09:45,627 --> 00:09:49,005 And the amount of 5D quartz drives it would take to store 169 00:09:49,005 --> 00:09:53,843 the entire British Library could fit in a shoebox. 170 00:09:53,843 --> 00:09:57,013 So, potentially, all of the information in the world 171 00:09:57,013 --> 00:10:01,351 can now be stored indefinitely. 172 00:10:03,478 --> 00:10:06,064 NARRATOR: To demonstrate how the technology works, 173 00:10:06,064 --> 00:10:10,610 Dr. Kazansky transfers a copy of the Bible onto a quartz drive. 174 00:10:19,035 --> 00:10:22,288 What we're looking at here, then, is the very first stage 175 00:10:22,288 --> 00:10:28,294 of converting the Bible, in this instance, uh, into data 176 00:10:28,294 --> 00:10:31,464 which could be stored within one of these memory crystals. 177 00:10:50,692 --> 00:10:54,195 NARRATOR: The laser sends pulses into the quartz glass, 178 00:10:54,195 --> 00:10:58,158 producing a grid of nano‐sized dots or voxels. 179 00:10:58,158 --> 00:11:02,203 A traditional storage device, like a CD, stores information 180 00:11:02,203 --> 00:11:06,332 in pixels, and each pixel can hold one bit of information. 181 00:11:06,332 --> 00:11:08,209 In a quartz drive, 182 00:11:08,209 --> 00:11:11,963 each voxel can hold eight bits of information. 183 00:11:11,963 --> 00:11:15,592 COLLINS: So stored within here now 184 00:11:15,592 --> 00:11:20,388 is the entire Bible within this tiny memory crystal. 185 00:11:20,388 --> 00:11:24,809 So, potentially, this could now be preserved forever. 186 00:11:28,730 --> 00:11:30,648 It's incredible. 187 00:11:30,648 --> 00:11:33,568 NARRATOR: The technology that Dr. Peter Kazansky and others 188 00:11:33,568 --> 00:11:36,279 are developing is still in its infancy, 189 00:11:36,279 --> 00:11:40,909 but is it possible that some form of quartz memory drives 190 00:11:40,909 --> 00:11:44,746 could have existed in the ancient world? 191 00:11:44,746 --> 00:11:47,290 Ancient civilizations clearly had very advanced technologies 192 00:11:47,290 --> 00:11:48,875 for working with stone. 193 00:11:48,875 --> 00:11:51,711 They had advanced technologies for working with crystal, 194 00:11:51,711 --> 00:11:52,879 and with metal. 195 00:11:52,879 --> 00:11:55,715 It's a reasonable question to ask... 196 00:11:55,715 --> 00:11:58,051 if a previous civilization was so advanced 197 00:11:58,051 --> 00:12:02,472 it could build a pyramid, could it have encoded data as well 198 00:12:02,472 --> 00:12:05,350 in a form that we haven't figured out yet? 199 00:12:05,350 --> 00:12:07,769 NARRATOR: Could it be 200 00:12:07,769 --> 00:12:10,605 that embedded within the stone giants of the ancient world 201 00:12:10,605 --> 00:12:13,024 are massive amounts of data? 202 00:12:13,024 --> 00:12:15,526 Perhaps further clues can be found 203 00:12:15,526 --> 00:12:18,154 by examining colossal stone heads 204 00:12:18,154 --> 00:12:22,242 unearthed in Central America that are magnetically charged. 205 00:12:31,084 --> 00:12:34,379 NARRATOR: June, 2019. 206 00:12:34,379 --> 00:12:38,925 A team of researchers from MIT, Harvard and Yale 207 00:12:38,925 --> 00:12:40,885 announce that they have discovered 208 00:12:40,885 --> 00:12:44,514 unusual magnetic anomalies within the colossal stone heads 209 00:12:44,514 --> 00:12:46,557 attributed to the Monte Alto, 210 00:12:46,557 --> 00:12:52,313 a Mesoamerican civilization that emerged around 1800 B. C. 211 00:12:54,065 --> 00:12:58,152 CHILDRESS: Some of these statues have very strong magnetic fields. 212 00:12:58,152 --> 00:13:01,406 The creators of these statures were totally aware 213 00:13:01,406 --> 00:13:04,200 of these magnetic fields, 214 00:13:04,200 --> 00:13:07,495 and that is something that shocked modern archeologists. 215 00:13:07,495 --> 00:13:11,457 That this rather primitive culture, they thought, 216 00:13:11,457 --> 00:13:15,461 was aware of magnetism and that they actually chose 217 00:13:15,461 --> 00:13:20,008 certain rocks because of the magnetic field. 218 00:13:20,008 --> 00:13:23,011 NARRATOR: In Mexico, similar statues 219 00:13:23,011 --> 00:13:25,179 created by the Olmec civilization 220 00:13:25,179 --> 00:13:28,808 were also found to emit magnetic anomalies. 221 00:13:28,808 --> 00:13:31,853 These intricately carved heads vary in height 222 00:13:31,853 --> 00:13:33,396 from nearly five feet 223 00:13:33,396 --> 00:13:36,149 to over 11 feet tall, 224 00:13:36,149 --> 00:13:39,277 the largest weighing approximately 50 tons. 225 00:13:39,277 --> 00:13:42,321 Like the Monte Alto sculptures, 226 00:13:42,321 --> 00:13:45,366 most of these heads were made from basalt. 227 00:13:45,366 --> 00:13:48,786 Basalt has large quantities 228 00:13:48,786 --> 00:13:51,247 of‐of iron and magnesium in them. 229 00:13:51,247 --> 00:13:55,043 The Olmec were so precise with knowing 230 00:13:55,043 --> 00:13:58,046 where the magnetic fields were that they actually carved 231 00:13:58,046 --> 00:14:00,590 the structure around these anomalies. 232 00:14:00,590 --> 00:14:04,135 So when scientists use a magnetometer 233 00:14:04,135 --> 00:14:05,928 around the stone statue, 234 00:14:05,928 --> 00:14:10,099 they notice the nose or the cheeks, around the chin... 235 00:14:10,099 --> 00:14:12,477 the magnetic fields are strongest there. 236 00:14:12,477 --> 00:14:16,981 COLLINS: The great heads of the Olmec are made of basalt. 237 00:14:16,981 --> 00:14:20,902 Basalt is a volcanic substance. 238 00:14:20,902 --> 00:14:24,906 And this closest source to many of these heads 239 00:14:24,906 --> 00:14:27,742 is anything up to 100 miles away. 240 00:14:27,742 --> 00:14:30,953 And this is interesting because I don't think 241 00:14:30,953 --> 00:14:33,706 it's simply the case that the basalt 242 00:14:33,706 --> 00:14:38,336 was easy to sculpt into the forms of head. 243 00:14:38,336 --> 00:14:42,757 WILLIAMS: Basalt is dense. It's very, very heavy, thick rock, 244 00:14:42,757 --> 00:14:44,801 and it's very difficult to work with, 245 00:14:44,801 --> 00:14:49,305 let alone carve with rudimentary tools like flint, 246 00:14:49,305 --> 00:14:54,102 because they range higher on Mohs' test as far as density, 247 00:14:54,102 --> 00:14:58,481 and flint is a much softer material than basalt, 248 00:14:58,481 --> 00:15:00,483 so it's difficult to understand 249 00:15:00,483 --> 00:15:04,278 how they carved these things and the intricate detail 250 00:15:04,278 --> 00:15:08,241 on some of them is just incredible. 251 00:15:10,326 --> 00:15:13,162 NEWMAN: With these stone giants, it really is a question 252 00:15:13,162 --> 00:15:16,415 as to why they chose these specific types of rock, 253 00:15:16,415 --> 00:15:19,335 like granite, we find it's very crystalline, 254 00:15:19,335 --> 00:15:21,671 it's also electrically conductive. 255 00:15:21,671 --> 00:15:23,673 We find basalt, which is volcanic, 256 00:15:23,673 --> 00:15:25,424 again, this is very magnetic. 257 00:15:25,424 --> 00:15:27,677 And so, again, it can be conductive 258 00:15:27,677 --> 00:15:29,804 for various different purposes. 259 00:15:29,804 --> 00:15:31,597 So what's going on here? 260 00:15:31,597 --> 00:15:34,809 Were they specifically choosing certain types of rock 261 00:15:34,809 --> 00:15:38,271 for technological reasons? 262 00:15:38,271 --> 00:15:42,441 When we look at how the ancients were selecting certain stones 263 00:15:42,441 --> 00:15:45,027 that were magnetic or had certain energy, 264 00:15:45,027 --> 00:15:48,322 we wonder how they could know 265 00:15:48,322 --> 00:15:52,994 about all of the‐the properties of these stones. 266 00:15:52,994 --> 00:15:55,705 Are they getting this information 267 00:15:55,705 --> 00:15:57,957 from extraterrestrials? 268 00:15:59,876 --> 00:16:02,378 NARRATOR: Extraterrestrials? 269 00:16:02,378 --> 00:16:05,590 Is it possible that the ancient people of Mesoamerica 270 00:16:05,590 --> 00:16:09,343 were given instructions to sculpt these giant basalt heads 271 00:16:09,343 --> 00:16:11,971 by alien visitors? 272 00:16:11,971 --> 00:16:14,140 But if so, why? 273 00:16:14,140 --> 00:16:18,811 As far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, 274 00:16:18,811 --> 00:16:22,481 the answer is simple: they were intended to be used 275 00:16:22,481 --> 00:16:25,359 for data storage. 276 00:16:26,861 --> 00:16:31,324 In 2017, IBM made a huge breakthrough in data storage. 277 00:16:31,324 --> 00:16:35,578 They figured out how to store 201 gigabytes of data 278 00:16:35,578 --> 00:16:37,455 on a square inch of tape. 279 00:16:37,455 --> 00:16:39,332 That means a magnetic tape reel 280 00:16:39,332 --> 00:16:41,209 the size of the palm of your hand 281 00:16:41,209 --> 00:16:45,379 can hold as much data as you would have in 330 laptops. 282 00:16:45,379 --> 00:16:49,258 WILLIAMS: Mag tape, mag stripe tape is made out of, basically, 283 00:16:49,258 --> 00:16:52,386 very, very tiny magnetic particles. 284 00:16:52,386 --> 00:16:54,472 And what they do is they‐they adhere them 285 00:16:54,472 --> 00:16:56,724 to the back of a‐a thin strip. 286 00:16:56,724 --> 00:17:00,102 And the way it works is the little metal filings, 287 00:17:00,102 --> 00:17:02,063 which are very microscopic, 288 00:17:02,063 --> 00:17:04,482 they would all align in a certain pattern, 289 00:17:04,482 --> 00:17:06,567 kind of like the grooves on a record player. 290 00:17:06,567 --> 00:17:09,070 And it would take another piece of equipment, 291 00:17:09,070 --> 00:17:11,364 similar to the one that actually aligned them, 292 00:17:11,364 --> 00:17:14,909 to interpret how those particles are lined up. 293 00:17:14,909 --> 00:17:19,205 And we still use it to this day for backup data storage. 294 00:17:19,205 --> 00:17:23,709 CHILDRESS: And so, once again, we have to ask ourself if these statues 295 00:17:23,709 --> 00:17:29,507 were in fact devices that had recorded information, 296 00:17:29,507 --> 00:17:33,094 and information could be extracted from them, 297 00:17:33,094 --> 00:17:36,973 like a computer hard drive, or something like that. 298 00:17:36,973 --> 00:17:40,643 And so there's this energy associated with them. 299 00:17:40,643 --> 00:17:43,020 WILLIAMS: Most people don't even realize 300 00:17:43,020 --> 00:17:44,855 when they're looking at some of the artwork 301 00:17:44,855 --> 00:17:47,900 or some of the sculptures or carvings that the ancients did, 302 00:17:47,900 --> 00:17:50,695 they can't figure out how did they know about magnetic fields? 303 00:17:50,695 --> 00:17:52,029 How did they understand? 304 00:17:52,029 --> 00:17:53,656 Well, maybe there's a technology there 305 00:17:53,656 --> 00:17:55,366 that we don't understand today. 306 00:17:57,034 --> 00:17:58,452 SPIVACK: We've been looking at these objects 307 00:17:58,452 --> 00:18:00,705 primarily at the macroscopic level... 308 00:18:00,705 --> 00:18:01,914 what do they look like... 309 00:18:01,914 --> 00:18:05,501 but maybe there's information inside them, 310 00:18:05,501 --> 00:18:08,337 encoded using nanotechnology. 311 00:18:08,337 --> 00:18:10,089 Why is that likely? 312 00:18:10,089 --> 00:18:12,717 Because we ourselves are doing the same thing. 313 00:18:12,717 --> 00:18:15,511 By trying to store information 314 00:18:15,511 --> 00:18:18,556 for thousands or millions of years, 315 00:18:18,556 --> 00:18:24,061 you end up going to the same physical materials and solutions 316 00:18:24,061 --> 00:18:27,273 that the hypothetical ancient aliens may have also 317 00:18:27,273 --> 00:18:29,483 figured out how to use. 318 00:18:29,483 --> 00:18:33,696 NARRATOR: If extraterrestrials taught early civilizations 319 00:18:33,696 --> 00:18:35,740 how to encode data in stone, 320 00:18:35,740 --> 00:18:38,117 as ancient astronaut theorists suggest, 321 00:18:38,117 --> 00:18:41,162 what information were they trying to preserve? 322 00:18:41,162 --> 00:18:45,750 Perhaps further clues can be found by examining a number 323 00:18:45,750 --> 00:18:47,335 of megalithic sculptures 324 00:18:47,335 --> 00:18:49,837 that stand in the jungles of Honduras. 325 00:18:49,837 --> 00:18:54,592 Mysterious stone giants depicting a divine ruler 326 00:18:54,592 --> 00:18:57,470 who could see into both the past 327 00:18:57,470 --> 00:19:00,264 and the future. 328 00:19:07,396 --> 00:19:09,357 NARRATOR: This ancient site, 329 00:19:09,357 --> 00:19:12,443 located deep in the jungles of the Yucatán Peninsula, 330 00:19:12,443 --> 00:19:15,404 served as one of the most important city centers 331 00:19:15,404 --> 00:19:17,198 of the Mayan empire. 332 00:19:18,908 --> 00:19:23,496 The Maya thrived between 2000 B. C. and 900 A. D., 333 00:19:23,496 --> 00:19:27,416 and are celebrated for having a vast knowledge of astronomy, 334 00:19:27,416 --> 00:19:31,003 mathematics, writing, and architecture. 335 00:19:32,713 --> 00:19:36,384 The Maya were one of the longest lasting 336 00:19:36,384 --> 00:19:40,554 and most expansive civilizations that our planet has ever known. 337 00:19:40,554 --> 00:19:43,891 Geographically, they covered an area 338 00:19:43,891 --> 00:19:46,310 from the top of the Yucatán Peninsula 339 00:19:46,310 --> 00:19:48,354 in the Caribbean all the way down 340 00:19:48,354 --> 00:19:50,648 to the Pacific coast of Guatemala. 341 00:19:50,648 --> 00:19:54,944 It bled into what's now today Mexico and Honduras. 342 00:19:54,944 --> 00:19:58,989 It was thought that the great city of Copán at one time 343 00:19:58,989 --> 00:20:01,450 covered an area, like, ten square miles, 344 00:20:01,450 --> 00:20:03,285 something like 20,000 people. 345 00:20:03,285 --> 00:20:07,123 But sometime in the ninth century, 346 00:20:07,123 --> 00:20:09,792 this incredible Mayan city was abandoned, 347 00:20:09,792 --> 00:20:10,960 its people vanished, 348 00:20:10,960 --> 00:20:14,547 and it was swallowed by the jungle overgrowth. 349 00:20:17,925 --> 00:20:19,760 NARRATOR: The ruins of Copán 350 00:20:19,760 --> 00:20:23,305 include dozens of elaborately carved stone statues, 351 00:20:23,305 --> 00:20:28,644 or stelae, depicting Copán's semi‐divine rulers. 352 00:20:28,644 --> 00:20:30,980 These larger‐than‐life figures, 353 00:20:30,980 --> 00:20:33,149 covered with hieroglyphic writings, 354 00:20:33,149 --> 00:20:36,026 provide an intriguing account of how ancient cultures 355 00:20:36,026 --> 00:20:37,903 revered the heavens. 356 00:20:37,903 --> 00:20:41,657 TSOUKALOS: Copán is a place where 357 00:20:41,657 --> 00:20:44,160 even the archeologists agree 358 00:20:44,160 --> 00:20:46,162 that the celestial realm 359 00:20:46,162 --> 00:20:51,917 was built on Earth in order to show as above, so below, 360 00:20:51,917 --> 00:20:56,505 and in Copán we have that in‐between level right there 361 00:20:56,505 --> 00:21:00,593 laid out in this amazing archeological structure. 362 00:21:06,015 --> 00:21:09,143 NARRATOR: Ancient astronaut theorist Giorgio Tsoukalos 363 00:21:09,143 --> 00:21:11,520 travels to Copán to meet up 364 00:21:11,520 --> 00:21:14,940 with renowned Mayan archeologist David Sedat, 365 00:21:14,940 --> 00:21:17,860 who has been involved in the excavation of the site 366 00:21:17,860 --> 00:21:20,738 for more than three decades. 367 00:21:20,738 --> 00:21:22,990 TSOUKALOS: David, great pleasure to meet you. 368 00:21:22,990 --> 00:21:25,201 Well, I've been looking forward to this. 369 00:21:25,201 --> 00:21:27,912 ‐I'm sure you have a lot of things you want to see. ‐This is... Yes, I do. 370 00:21:27,912 --> 00:21:30,664 So, David, what are we looking at here? 371 00:21:30,664 --> 00:21:33,209 Well, this is the Great Plaza. 372 00:21:33,209 --> 00:21:36,670 It's o‐over 100 meters b... Larger than a football field. 373 00:21:36,670 --> 00:21:41,008 And, uh, it's the southern, uh, portion of the Great Plaza 374 00:21:41,008 --> 00:21:44,678 where the majority of the great standing stone giants 375 00:21:44,678 --> 00:21:46,597 that you've come to see are located. 376 00:21:46,597 --> 00:21:50,476 NARRATOR: Before examining Copán's stone giants up close, 377 00:21:50,476 --> 00:21:53,354 Giorgio has been invited to explore the underground tunnels 378 00:21:53,354 --> 00:21:55,815 beneath Temple 16. 379 00:21:57,858 --> 00:22:00,611 BRUCE FENTON: Uh, watch your step and watch your head. 380 00:22:00,611 --> 00:22:03,280 ‐It's low. ‐TSOUKALOS: Oh, wow, yeah. 381 00:22:08,118 --> 00:22:10,371 Okay, wow, look at this corbelled ceiling. 382 00:22:10,371 --> 00:22:12,540 That's unbelievable. 383 00:22:12,540 --> 00:22:16,752 NARRATOR: It was here that archeologists discovered that the structure, 384 00:22:16,752 --> 00:22:20,172 believed to have been built in 776 AD, 385 00:22:20,172 --> 00:22:24,510 completely encased an older temple called Rosalila. 386 00:22:24,510 --> 00:22:29,014 SEDAT: Giorgio will find Rosalila Temple 387 00:22:29,014 --> 00:22:32,434 especially interesting because he'll be able to see 388 00:22:32,434 --> 00:22:36,438 some of these stucco figures right close‐up. 389 00:22:36,438 --> 00:22:38,858 And those images are going to, 390 00:22:38,858 --> 00:22:42,736 I believe, absolutely astound him. 391 00:22:46,323 --> 00:22:47,408 Look at that. 392 00:22:50,995 --> 00:22:53,247 This is extraordinary. 393 00:22:53,247 --> 00:22:55,541 I mean, that to me, it looks like a helmet 394 00:22:55,541 --> 00:22:58,502 and a guy with a regulator 395 00:22:58,502 --> 00:23:01,964 or a microphone in front of his mouth. 396 00:23:01,964 --> 00:23:05,009 ‐Incredible. ‐It's interpreted 397 00:23:05,009 --> 00:23:07,344 as an ancestor figure. 398 00:23:07,344 --> 00:23:10,347 TSOUKALOS: I see an astronaut in a helmet, 399 00:23:10,347 --> 00:23:14,643 you know, rendered by someone who has no concept 400 00:23:14,643 --> 00:23:16,770 what an astronaut is. 401 00:23:16,770 --> 00:23:19,440 No, this is truly extraordinary. 402 00:23:19,440 --> 00:23:22,985 The Rosalila Temple is one of countless examples 403 00:23:22,985 --> 00:23:26,280 where archeologists themselves are saying 404 00:23:26,280 --> 00:23:29,366 this temple was dedicated in honor 405 00:23:29,366 --> 00:23:33,662 of the so‐called celestial gods, the celestial beings. 406 00:23:33,662 --> 00:23:37,499 Well, the archeologists are already speaking my language. 407 00:23:37,499 --> 00:23:40,169 The only thing they have to change is 408 00:23:40,169 --> 00:23:44,882 change "celestial being" to "extraterrestrials." 409 00:23:44,882 --> 00:23:48,469 NARRATOR: On the grounds at Copán 410 00:23:48,469 --> 00:23:51,263 are 15 of what are called stelae. 411 00:23:51,263 --> 00:23:54,475 The most well‐known of these were built during 412 00:23:54,475 --> 00:23:59,063 the 36‐year reign of the ruler Uaxaclajuun Ub'aah K'awiil, 413 00:23:59,063 --> 00:24:02,107 better known by the nickname 18 Rabbit. 414 00:24:04,068 --> 00:24:05,819 TSOUKALOS: This is the first time I'm standing 415 00:24:05,819 --> 00:24:07,321 next to one of these. 416 00:24:07,321 --> 00:24:10,032 Absolutely incredible. 417 00:24:10,032 --> 00:24:13,202 What do the glyphs say about this particular statue 418 00:24:13,202 --> 00:24:15,204 or stela here? 419 00:24:15,204 --> 00:24:18,040 SEDAT: This is all a representation 420 00:24:18,040 --> 00:24:22,920 of the 13th ruler who we have nicknamed 18 Rabbit. 421 00:24:22,920 --> 00:24:26,715 And they show him taking on the persona 422 00:24:26,715 --> 00:24:30,260 of the high god of Copán, Juun Ajaw, 423 00:24:30,260 --> 00:24:32,096 uh, who was a sky god. 424 00:24:32,096 --> 00:24:34,598 Uh, the supreme being. 425 00:24:34,598 --> 00:24:37,851 And the motifs on his headdress and other attributes 426 00:24:37,851 --> 00:24:40,437 show that he is a sky deity. 427 00:24:40,437 --> 00:24:45,943 This is amazing to me, because here we have not only 428 00:24:45,943 --> 00:24:50,364 a statue depicting something, which is a picture, 429 00:24:50,364 --> 00:24:53,325 a carved picture, but on the sides we have writing, 430 00:24:53,325 --> 00:24:57,329 glyphs carved that speak of a sky deity. 431 00:24:59,289 --> 00:25:02,167 Now, when I look at something like this, 432 00:25:02,167 --> 00:25:05,796 I'm immediately reminded of misunderstood technology. 433 00:25:05,796 --> 00:25:10,384 Because imagine if a people who are intelligent, 434 00:25:10,384 --> 00:25:14,263 yet their technological frame of reference, 435 00:25:14,263 --> 00:25:16,765 from 1,000 or 2,000 years ago, 436 00:25:16,765 --> 00:25:18,600 we have to admit, was primitive. 437 00:25:18,600 --> 00:25:20,352 Not their intelligence, 438 00:25:20,352 --> 00:25:23,063 their technological frame of reference. 439 00:25:23,063 --> 00:25:25,899 O‐Of course, let me just add to that 440 00:25:25,899 --> 00:25:31,655 that everything shows his connectedness, uh, of the cosmos 441 00:25:31,655 --> 00:25:36,035 and this living space of mankind in all of its senses. 442 00:25:36,035 --> 00:25:39,872 And by the way, I have seen that headdress right there 443 00:25:39,872 --> 00:25:41,832 elsewhere on planet Earth. 444 00:25:41,832 --> 00:25:46,211 And that is in Mesopotamia, where you have Enki 445 00:25:46,211 --> 00:25:51,675 and the goddess Ishtar, with the exact or similar type headdress. 446 00:25:54,636 --> 00:25:59,975 And, by the way, Enki and Ishtar, too, were sky gods. 447 00:25:59,975 --> 00:26:05,022 So you have these references of sky gods not just here, 448 00:26:05,022 --> 00:26:07,232 not just in Mesopotamia, 449 00:26:07,232 --> 00:26:13,072 but in each and every ancient culture regardless of continent. 450 00:26:13,072 --> 00:26:18,577 So the fact that we have these examples worldwide 451 00:26:18,577 --> 00:26:22,790 leads me to think that it was a flesh and blood extraterrestrial 452 00:26:22,790 --> 00:26:27,669 whom our ancestors misinterpreted as being God. 453 00:26:27,669 --> 00:26:30,297 Why? Because they came from the sky. 454 00:26:30,297 --> 00:26:33,133 Arthur C. Clarke said it best when he said, 455 00:26:33,133 --> 00:26:36,553 "Any sufficiently advanced technology 456 00:26:36,553 --> 00:26:39,640 is indistinguishable from magic." 457 00:26:39,640 --> 00:26:43,811 Imagine showing your great‐great‐grandfather 458 00:26:43,811 --> 00:26:46,313 ‐your smartphone. ‐Right. That's right. 459 00:26:46,313 --> 00:26:49,650 All of a sudden, you've become a magician, a wizard. 460 00:26:49,650 --> 00:26:53,362 When we, uh, talk about technology, 461 00:26:53,362 --> 00:26:56,365 I imagine someday in the future, 462 00:26:56,365 --> 00:27:01,036 that the technology will be such that we'll be able to scan 463 00:27:01,036 --> 00:27:06,583 this, uh, stela here, and we see the resonances 464 00:27:06,583 --> 00:27:10,838 that are inside the crystalline structure of the stone. 465 00:27:10,838 --> 00:27:15,092 In other words, that these were great, uh, memory chip banks. 466 00:27:17,553 --> 00:27:20,806 NARRATOR: Great memory chip banks? 467 00:27:20,806 --> 00:27:25,936 For Giorgio, the fact that David Sedat, a renowned archeologist 468 00:27:25,936 --> 00:27:28,230 and one of the foremost authorities on Copán, 469 00:27:28,230 --> 00:27:31,692 is of the opinion that these stone giants could be 470 00:27:31,692 --> 00:27:34,403 storing information about the ancient world 471 00:27:34,403 --> 00:27:36,655 is an astounding revelation. 472 00:27:36,655 --> 00:27:39,741 But perhaps even more extraordinary is the next figure 473 00:27:39,741 --> 00:27:43,203 David Sedat plans to show him. 474 00:27:52,087 --> 00:27:54,047 NARRATOR: While exploring the ruins of Copán 475 00:27:54,047 --> 00:27:57,467 with renowned Mayan archeologist David Sedat, 476 00:27:57,467 --> 00:28:00,679 ancient astronaut theorist Giorgio Tsoukalos 477 00:28:00,679 --> 00:28:03,307 has just been treated to an astounding theory 478 00:28:03,307 --> 00:28:07,352 concerning the megalithic stone giants that dot the landscape. 479 00:28:07,352 --> 00:28:11,857 These were great memory chip banks. 480 00:28:11,857 --> 00:28:13,734 TSOUKALOS: Wow. 481 00:28:13,734 --> 00:28:16,904 ‐Okay. ‐And in the appropriate, uh, algorithm, 482 00:28:16,904 --> 00:28:20,532 we could peel back into time by hearing 483 00:28:20,532 --> 00:28:23,410 the sights and sounds and everything that happened 484 00:28:23,410 --> 00:28:25,454 in this sacred space 485 00:28:25,454 --> 00:28:28,957 and maybe answer some of the questions that you were posing. 486 00:28:28,957 --> 00:28:30,375 Thank you for that. 487 00:28:30,375 --> 00:28:32,502 Uh, I appreciate that very much. 488 00:28:32,502 --> 00:28:36,590 NARRATOR: Is it possible that these Mayan stone giants were designed 489 00:28:36,590 --> 00:28:41,386 in such a way as to be able to digitally store valuable data, 490 00:28:41,386 --> 00:28:45,807 much like today's so‐called Superman crystals? 491 00:28:45,807 --> 00:28:49,645 Every single thing we do... using a phone, using a laptop... 492 00:28:49,645 --> 00:28:51,355 that all creates little data. 493 00:28:52,648 --> 00:28:55,108 We're even creating data passively. 494 00:28:55,108 --> 00:28:58,570 We have microphones and multiple cameras in all our devices. 495 00:28:58,570 --> 00:29:00,906 We don't know when something might be picked up 496 00:29:00,906 --> 00:29:02,366 and stored to a server. 497 00:29:02,366 --> 00:29:04,785 Or when you Airdrop something to somebody. 498 00:29:04,785 --> 00:29:07,829 Using Bluetooth and cloud‐based storage, 499 00:29:07,829 --> 00:29:10,082 we're transferring data to each other, and something 500 00:29:10,082 --> 00:29:13,293 could be picking up this massive wealth of information 501 00:29:13,293 --> 00:29:15,420 and storing that data somewhere. 502 00:29:15,420 --> 00:29:19,841 SPIVACK: We've learned a lot about how ancient civilizations understood 503 00:29:19,841 --> 00:29:22,427 our solar system and their world. 504 00:29:22,427 --> 00:29:25,430 These civilizations had advanced technologies for working 505 00:29:25,430 --> 00:29:28,266 with stone and metal and, in some cases, crystals. 506 00:29:28,266 --> 00:29:31,561 We still don't know how they did what they did. 507 00:29:31,561 --> 00:29:34,690 It's reasonable that, given these monuments exist, 508 00:29:34,690 --> 00:29:38,527 that we should analyze them to see if there's other layers 509 00:29:38,527 --> 00:29:40,988 of information encoded in them. 510 00:29:40,988 --> 00:29:45,701 CHILDRESS: If these statues were, in fact, devices 511 00:29:45,701 --> 00:29:48,787 that had recorded information, 512 00:29:48,787 --> 00:29:52,290 you wonder if we have, also, 513 00:29:52,290 --> 00:29:54,876 some evidence here from the statues of Copán 514 00:29:54,876 --> 00:29:59,256 that extraterrestrials are coming to this planet. 515 00:30:01,258 --> 00:30:05,012 NARRATOR: Could the ancient stone giants of Copán, 516 00:30:05,012 --> 00:30:06,805 like hundreds of other stone monoliths 517 00:30:06,805 --> 00:30:09,141 found all across the globe, 518 00:30:09,141 --> 00:30:11,560 really be encoded with precious information 519 00:30:11,560 --> 00:30:14,062 about the ancient world? 520 00:30:14,062 --> 00:30:15,897 And, if so, 521 00:30:15,897 --> 00:30:19,985 might they also hold evidence of extraterrestrial contact? 522 00:30:19,985 --> 00:30:24,364 As far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, 523 00:30:24,364 --> 00:30:27,534 the answer is a profound yes. 524 00:30:27,534 --> 00:30:29,494 And to prove their point, 525 00:30:29,494 --> 00:30:32,247 they believe that one of the keys can be found 526 00:30:32,247 --> 00:30:34,666 by examining the elaborate carvings located 527 00:30:34,666 --> 00:30:38,670 on what is referred to as Stela C. 528 00:30:38,670 --> 00:30:43,425 The same one that David Sedat considers the most incredible. 529 00:30:45,093 --> 00:30:49,848 The inscription on this side starts a 20‐year period, 530 00:30:49,848 --> 00:30:52,976 equivalent to December five of 711. 531 00:30:54,519 --> 00:30:56,563 And midnight on that night, 532 00:30:56,563 --> 00:31:00,233 the Milky Way was standing precisely straight up 533 00:31:00,233 --> 00:31:02,069 in the tropical sky here. 534 00:31:02,069 --> 00:31:04,696 The text goes on to say 535 00:31:04,696 --> 00:31:09,659 that this also happened 4,600 years before. 536 00:31:09,659 --> 00:31:13,997 And there is strong implication that he was as well, 537 00:31:13,997 --> 00:31:19,419 like on that night, witnessing this celestial event. 538 00:31:19,419 --> 00:31:23,006 NARRATOR: Witnessing the event? 539 00:31:23,006 --> 00:31:26,218 Is it possible that the ruler depicted on the stela, 540 00:31:26,218 --> 00:31:28,053 known as 18 Rabbit, 541 00:31:28,053 --> 00:31:31,640 was able to observe an astronomical event 542 00:31:31,640 --> 00:31:35,560 that occurred more than 4,000 years before his time? 543 00:31:37,896 --> 00:31:39,564 Let me show you how the narrative 544 00:31:39,564 --> 00:31:41,108 picks up on the other side. 545 00:31:41,108 --> 00:31:43,401 All right, let's check it out. 546 00:31:46,780 --> 00:31:50,075 So now, here, this guy has a beard. 547 00:31:50,075 --> 00:31:52,744 Well, yes, this is, uh, still 18 Rabbit, 548 00:31:52,744 --> 00:31:56,206 but he's achieved great age, great wisdom. 549 00:31:56,206 --> 00:32:00,085 Telling us that he is witnessing this astronomical conjunction 550 00:32:00,085 --> 00:32:03,255 of the Milky Way two million years ago. 551 00:32:03,255 --> 00:32:04,923 Two million years ago? 552 00:32:04,923 --> 00:32:06,174 ‐Two million years ago. ‐So this stela here... 553 00:32:06,174 --> 00:32:07,425 And he witnessed it. 554 00:32:07,425 --> 00:32:11,888 Now, he witnesses this astronomical conjunction 555 00:32:11,888 --> 00:32:16,977 of the Milky Way two million years in the future. 556 00:32:16,977 --> 00:32:19,312 ‐As well? ‐As well. 557 00:32:19,312 --> 00:32:21,565 ‐That's extraordinary. ‐So these stones 558 00:32:21,565 --> 00:32:26,153 have to be seen as the supernatural personas 559 00:32:26,153 --> 00:32:27,487 that can travel in time 560 00:32:27,487 --> 00:32:32,242 simultaneously backwards and forwards. 561 00:32:34,286 --> 00:32:35,704 You've just blown my mind. 562 00:32:36,663 --> 00:32:39,207 NARRATOR: Supernatural personas, 563 00:32:39,207 --> 00:32:41,126 that can travel through time? 564 00:32:41,126 --> 00:32:44,588 If the statues of Copán were really created 565 00:32:44,588 --> 00:32:47,382 as a means of storing valuable ancient knowledge, 566 00:32:47,382 --> 00:32:52,596 as ancient astronaut theorists suggest, then how, and why, 567 00:32:52,596 --> 00:32:55,223 did that knowledge come to be lost, 568 00:32:55,223 --> 00:32:59,769 along with the keys needed to unlock their secrets? 569 00:32:59,769 --> 00:33:02,147 Perhaps further clues can be found 570 00:33:02,147 --> 00:33:05,400 by examining a number of other stone giants 571 00:33:05,400 --> 00:33:09,154 that were mysteriously buried deep underground. 572 00:33:20,373 --> 00:33:23,460 NARRATOR: 45 miles from Mexico City. 573 00:33:23,460 --> 00:33:26,796 Standing guard atop a 30‐foot tall pyramid 574 00:33:26,796 --> 00:33:29,966 dedicated to the feathered serpent god Quetzalcoatl 575 00:33:29,966 --> 00:33:32,302 are four imposing warrior figures, 576 00:33:32,302 --> 00:33:35,597 each over 13 feet tall. 577 00:33:35,597 --> 00:33:38,350 The city's main temple is called 578 00:33:38,350 --> 00:33:40,018 the Temple of Quetzalcoatl. 579 00:33:40,018 --> 00:33:45,440 On top of it stand four very large columns 580 00:33:45,440 --> 00:33:47,192 in the form of warriors. 581 00:33:48,902 --> 00:33:51,154 Archeologists have attributed the figures 582 00:33:51,154 --> 00:33:54,366 to the Toltec civilization that preceded the Aztec 583 00:33:54,366 --> 00:33:58,411 and occupied the region around 750 A. D. 584 00:33:59,955 --> 00:34:03,625 Like the Olmec heads of Mexico and the Monte Alto statues 585 00:34:03,625 --> 00:34:06,336 of Guatemala, they are carved out of basalt, 586 00:34:06,336 --> 00:34:10,173 and weigh eight and a half tons each. 587 00:34:10,173 --> 00:34:13,009 FENTON: These giant statues of Tula... 588 00:34:13,009 --> 00:34:14,678 they had a range of odd features, 589 00:34:14,678 --> 00:34:16,805 but particularly notable are the‐the fact 590 00:34:16,805 --> 00:34:18,223 that some of them have three fingers. 591 00:34:21,685 --> 00:34:23,228 It's as if these guys 592 00:34:23,228 --> 00:34:26,731 are standing inside some pressurized suits... 593 00:34:29,192 --> 00:34:33,280 they have these packs on their chest, 594 00:34:33,280 --> 00:34:35,490 they have helmets on 595 00:34:35,490 --> 00:34:38,910 and they have what seem to be headsets. 596 00:34:38,910 --> 00:34:42,831 NARRATOR: While mainstream archeologists identify the statues 597 00:34:42,831 --> 00:34:44,332 as Toltec warriors, 598 00:34:44,332 --> 00:34:47,919 their actual identity is unknown. 599 00:34:47,919 --> 00:34:50,422 There is, in fact, no way of identifying 600 00:34:50,422 --> 00:34:52,090 exactly who sculpted them, 601 00:34:52,090 --> 00:34:53,466 when they were sculpted 602 00:34:53,466 --> 00:34:56,344 or for what purpose. 603 00:34:56,344 --> 00:34:59,806 Also curious is the fact that they were not found 604 00:34:59,806 --> 00:35:01,391 where they stand now. 605 00:35:01,391 --> 00:35:04,853 They were found deep beneath the earth, as if 606 00:35:04,853 --> 00:35:07,063 deliberately buried. 607 00:35:07,063 --> 00:35:11,568 At Tula, they purposely buried these statues. 608 00:35:11,568 --> 00:35:15,614 And that would be to remove the power 609 00:35:15,614 --> 00:35:18,325 that was also associated with them. 610 00:35:18,325 --> 00:35:21,536 VIEIRA: You find many statues around the world 611 00:35:21,536 --> 00:35:24,205 where it's purposeful vandalism, 612 00:35:24,205 --> 00:35:27,083 because the belief is you disempower the statue. 613 00:35:27,083 --> 00:35:30,545 It seems like superstition, but it seems like the ancients, 614 00:35:30,545 --> 00:35:32,464 uh, really understood a lot of concepts 615 00:35:32,464 --> 00:35:34,049 that we really don't get. 616 00:35:34,049 --> 00:35:37,218 CHILDRESS: The famous statues on Easter Island 617 00:35:37,218 --> 00:35:40,722 were said to be alive and to have a power in them. 618 00:35:40,722 --> 00:35:45,143 But eventually, there was a revolution on Easter Island. 619 00:35:45,143 --> 00:35:48,104 And they had to kill the statues. 620 00:35:50,231 --> 00:35:53,360 They would snap the neck of the statue. 621 00:35:53,360 --> 00:35:55,153 What archeologists have done today 622 00:35:55,153 --> 00:35:58,323 is re‐erected them on platforms, put the heads back on. 623 00:35:58,323 --> 00:36:03,161 Did these statues actually have some energy or power 624 00:36:03,161 --> 00:36:06,956 that the people were aware of, and influenced people as well? 625 00:36:06,956 --> 00:36:09,501 NARRATOR: Is it possible that information 626 00:36:09,501 --> 00:36:12,754 stored within the world's ancient stone giants 627 00:36:12,754 --> 00:36:14,589 or the energy they contained 628 00:36:14,589 --> 00:36:18,510 was considered so powerful and so dangerous 629 00:36:18,510 --> 00:36:21,888 that they had to be buried or deliberately destroyed? 630 00:36:21,888 --> 00:36:25,058 Perhaps further clues can be found 631 00:36:25,058 --> 00:36:27,435 by examining exactly where 632 00:36:27,435 --> 00:36:31,481 many of these quartz‐filled monoliths are located. 633 00:36:31,481 --> 00:36:35,777 One thing that we consistently see all around the world is that 634 00:36:35,777 --> 00:36:38,279 ancient sites are built 635 00:36:38,279 --> 00:36:41,199 on even more ancient sites. 636 00:36:41,199 --> 00:36:43,743 And why are these spots special? 637 00:36:43,743 --> 00:36:46,287 They have power in them. 638 00:36:46,287 --> 00:36:49,374 They're part of this grid network. 639 00:36:49,374 --> 00:36:53,795 And they placed giant statues at these nodal places, 640 00:36:53,795 --> 00:36:58,007 and people associated these statues 641 00:36:58,007 --> 00:37:01,720 as having an energy that came out of them. 642 00:37:03,513 --> 00:37:06,891 NARRATOR: In 1972, Ivan T. Sanderson, 643 00:37:06,891 --> 00:37:08,768 a world mysteries author, 644 00:37:08,768 --> 00:37:11,521 noted a distinct pattern that emerged 645 00:37:11,521 --> 00:37:12,856 when he plotted locations 646 00:37:12,856 --> 00:37:16,818 known for strange magnetic disturbances on a map. 647 00:37:16,818 --> 00:37:19,988 His list... which included the Bermuda Triangle, 648 00:37:19,988 --> 00:37:23,700 the Devil's Sea, south of Japan, 649 00:37:23,700 --> 00:37:26,703 and Easter Island... 650 00:37:26,703 --> 00:37:31,124 fell in a distinct formation that circled the globe. 651 00:37:33,084 --> 00:37:36,087 Other investigators have since elaborated on his work, 652 00:37:36,087 --> 00:37:39,257 and mapped their own intricate worldwide grids 653 00:37:39,257 --> 00:37:41,009 based on sacred structures 654 00:37:41,009 --> 00:37:44,596 and electromagnetically charged regions of the Earth. 655 00:37:44,596 --> 00:37:46,848 HENRY: Places like Machu Picchu, 656 00:37:46,848 --> 00:37:49,517 the Great Pyramid, Kailasa Temple in India, 657 00:37:49,517 --> 00:37:51,686 are all considered to be nodal points 658 00:37:51,686 --> 00:37:52,896 on the world grid. 659 00:37:52,896 --> 00:37:54,564 And what happened in the ancient world 660 00:37:54,564 --> 00:37:55,732 is that they would build 661 00:37:55,732 --> 00:37:58,902 stone giants where they could tune into 662 00:37:58,902 --> 00:38:01,029 this cosmic energy. 663 00:38:01,029 --> 00:38:04,449 The world grid is actually seen as an interdimensional doorway. 664 00:38:04,449 --> 00:38:05,867 That these places 665 00:38:05,867 --> 00:38:10,497 are seen as portals or gateways into other star systems. 666 00:38:12,582 --> 00:38:15,919 NARRATOR: Is it possible that some highly‐advanced civilization 667 00:38:15,919 --> 00:38:18,671 was responsible for teaching early man 668 00:38:18,671 --> 00:38:22,342 not only how to manufacture megalithic stone giants 669 00:38:22,342 --> 00:38:26,930 but what type of material to use and where to place them? 670 00:38:26,930 --> 00:38:31,226 And, if so, were they positioned to draw energy from the Earth 671 00:38:31,226 --> 00:38:33,978 simply to power memory drives 672 00:38:33,978 --> 00:38:35,688 or could they have served another, 673 00:38:35,688 --> 00:38:38,233 even more profound purpose? 674 00:38:38,233 --> 00:38:42,237 One that allowed them to transmit not just data 675 00:38:42,237 --> 00:38:45,615 but the extraterrestrials themselves? 676 00:38:49,994 --> 00:38:53,039 43,000 miles above the Earth 677 00:38:53,039 --> 00:38:55,750 four Magnetospheric Multiscale spacecraft 678 00:38:55,750 --> 00:39:00,588 fly in formation through the Earth's magnetic boundaries. 679 00:39:00,588 --> 00:39:04,008 Their mission is to record data related to x‐points 680 00:39:04,008 --> 00:39:07,011 where the magnetic field of the Earth 681 00:39:07,011 --> 00:39:08,721 and that of the Sun briefly merge, 682 00:39:08,721 --> 00:39:11,391 forming an uninterrupted portal 683 00:39:11,391 --> 00:39:13,393 from the Earth to the Sun. 684 00:39:15,353 --> 00:39:17,355 There are studies that are underway right now 685 00:39:17,355 --> 00:39:20,942 to determine where and why these portals open. 686 00:39:20,942 --> 00:39:24,362 One could easily connect this to the ancient belief 687 00:39:24,362 --> 00:39:27,532 that there are portals that bring cosmic energy 688 00:39:27,532 --> 00:39:29,534 to the Earth and that the stone statues 689 00:39:29,534 --> 00:39:32,287 become vessels of this cosmic energy. 690 00:39:32,287 --> 00:39:36,374 Maybe the stone giants are the x‐portals themselves, 691 00:39:36,374 --> 00:39:38,877 where humans can connect with extraterrestrials 692 00:39:38,877 --> 00:39:40,420 in an energetic way 693 00:39:40,420 --> 00:39:43,381 and possibly even travel there, physically, 694 00:39:43,381 --> 00:39:46,050 to other civilizations, through these portals. 695 00:39:46,050 --> 00:39:50,221 NARRATOR: Portals? Is it possible that the stone giants 696 00:39:50,221 --> 00:39:53,808 served as interdimensional gateways, 697 00:39:53,808 --> 00:39:56,561 allowing not only data to be transmitted and received, 698 00:39:56,561 --> 00:40:00,815 but also extraterrestrial life forms? 699 00:40:03,610 --> 00:40:05,236 JASON MARTELL: The idea that these statues 700 00:40:05,236 --> 00:40:07,655 were buried raises the question as to 701 00:40:07,655 --> 00:40:09,365 should they have been left buried? 702 00:40:09,365 --> 00:40:12,327 If they were conveying extraterrestrials, 703 00:40:12,327 --> 00:40:15,038 have we potentially reactivated them 704 00:40:15,038 --> 00:40:16,414 by unburying them and putting them 705 00:40:16,414 --> 00:40:18,249 in their original locations? 706 00:40:18,249 --> 00:40:21,878 HENRY: The stone giants that we see scattered around the planet 707 00:40:21,878 --> 00:40:24,422 represent a profound cosmic truth 708 00:40:24,422 --> 00:40:26,633 that is that we once were connected 709 00:40:26,633 --> 00:40:27,967 with the divine beings 710 00:40:27,967 --> 00:40:29,594 or the celestial beings, 711 00:40:29,594 --> 00:40:31,763 and we've lost that connection. 712 00:40:31,763 --> 00:40:34,599 So by replacing those stone giants 713 00:40:34,599 --> 00:40:35,767 or recovering them, 714 00:40:35,767 --> 00:40:38,102 we're actually reconnecting ourselves 715 00:40:38,102 --> 00:40:40,605 with these divine beings, with celestial beings, 716 00:40:40,605 --> 00:40:42,899 through these stone statues. 717 00:40:45,777 --> 00:40:49,447 CHILDRESS: If we were able to completely understand this system, 718 00:40:49,447 --> 00:40:52,951 a system which is apparently not completely functioning 719 00:40:52,951 --> 00:40:57,830 right now, and by rebuilding some of the giant statues 720 00:40:57,830 --> 00:41:01,042 at certain places on this world grid, 721 00:41:01,042 --> 00:41:03,962 we might be able to reconstruct that worldwide system 722 00:41:03,962 --> 00:41:05,797 that was in place. 723 00:41:05,797 --> 00:41:08,883 And quite possibly put by extraterrestrials. 724 00:41:08,883 --> 00:41:12,303 In some ways, I think we're doing that right now, 725 00:41:12,303 --> 00:41:14,138 slowly, bit by bit. 726 00:41:14,138 --> 00:41:18,309 NARRATOR: The statues of Abu Simbel in Egypt. 727 00:41:18,309 --> 00:41:21,896 The stelae of Copán in Honduras. 728 00:41:21,896 --> 00:41:24,816 The Olmec heads of Mexico. 729 00:41:24,816 --> 00:41:27,485 The moai of Easter Island. 730 00:41:27,485 --> 00:41:30,363 All were found either buried or broken, 731 00:41:30,363 --> 00:41:32,991 but since then have been restored 732 00:41:32,991 --> 00:41:35,451 to their original placements. 733 00:41:35,451 --> 00:41:37,996 If the stone giants of the ancient world 734 00:41:37,996 --> 00:41:40,164 really did function as portals 735 00:41:40,164 --> 00:41:43,042 for otherworldly beings to travel to Earth, 736 00:41:43,042 --> 00:41:46,671 could we have unwittingly opened a Pandora's box... 737 00:41:46,671 --> 00:41:50,049 one that our ancestors went to great lengths to close? 738 00:41:50,049 --> 00:41:52,719 If true, perhaps the signals stored 739 00:41:52,719 --> 00:41:56,848 within the world's stone giants have already been transmitted 740 00:41:56,848 --> 00:41:59,183 and received. 741 00:41:59,183 --> 00:42:01,853 Communication has already begun. 742 00:42:01,853 --> 00:42:06,065 And the time of contact is sooner than we think.