1 00:00:01,465 --> 00:00:03,665 NARRATOR: Chile is home to Earth's oldest 2 00:00:03,712 --> 00:00:05,881 and most mysterious desert. 3 00:00:05,881 --> 00:00:09,092 We have huge, giant figures carved into the desert. 4 00:00:09,092 --> 00:00:12,846 ERICH VON DANIKEN: On the ground are gigantic stone plates, 5 00:00:12,846 --> 00:00:14,264 really gigantic. 6 00:00:14,264 --> 00:00:16,266 NARRATOR: It has ancient traditions 7 00:00:16,266 --> 00:00:18,894 of visitors from the sky. 8 00:00:18,894 --> 00:00:20,896 NICOLAS BERASAIN: Our ancestors 9 00:00:20,896 --> 00:00:23,106 used to tell stories about beings 10 00:00:23,106 --> 00:00:25,651 who came from outer space. 11 00:00:25,651 --> 00:00:30,155 NARRATOR: And it is considered a hotbed of modern UFO reports. 12 00:00:30,155 --> 00:00:33,784 GEORGE NOORY: Chile has one of the highest rates of UFO sightings 13 00:00:33,784 --> 00:00:35,285 in the world. 14 00:00:35,285 --> 00:00:38,872 You got two hot spots, and they're separated. 15 00:00:38,872 --> 00:00:41,708 It's probably very large, because this is 35 miles away. 16 00:00:41,708 --> 00:00:43,752 I've never seen anything like this in my life. 17 00:00:43,752 --> 00:00:45,796 NARRATOR: Now that the Chilean government 18 00:00:45,796 --> 00:00:48,340 is openly examining UFOs, 19 00:00:48,340 --> 00:00:52,135 could they uncover an extraterrestrial presence 20 00:00:52,135 --> 00:00:54,304 that has been interacting with our planet 21 00:00:54,304 --> 00:00:56,265 for thousands of years? 22 00:00:56,265 --> 00:00:58,308 GIORGIO TSOUKALOS: Extraterrestrial visitation 23 00:00:58,308 --> 00:01:00,269 to Chile never ended. 24 00:01:00,269 --> 00:01:01,645 That's one of the most amazing things 25 00:01:01,645 --> 00:01:03,855 ‐I've ever seen in my life. ‐It is truly amazing. 26 00:01:03,855 --> 00:01:05,857 These are the cases where I think 27 00:01:05,857 --> 00:01:08,652 ‐there's really something to the ancient astronaut theory. ‐I do, too. 28 00:01:10,737 --> 00:01:13,031 NARRATOR: There is a doorway 29 00:01:13,031 --> 00:01:15,826 in the universe. 30 00:01:15,826 --> 00:01:18,829 Beyond it is the promise of truth. 31 00:01:20,330 --> 00:01:22,541 It demands we question everything 32 00:01:22,541 --> 00:01:24,876 we have ever been taught. 33 00:01:24,876 --> 00:01:29,131 The evidence is all around us. 34 00:01:29,131 --> 00:01:32,634 The future is right before our eyes. 35 00:01:32,634 --> 00:01:35,304 We are not alone. 36 00:01:35,304 --> 00:01:39,099 We have never been alone. 37 00:01:46,231 --> 00:01:50,027 The Atacama Desert, Chile. 38 00:01:50,027 --> 00:01:53,655 2013. 39 00:01:54,698 --> 00:01:56,950 An autonomous rover 40 00:01:56,950 --> 00:01:58,744 traverses the barren landscape, 41 00:01:58,744 --> 00:02:01,955 carrying out a two‐week NASA‐funded mission 42 00:02:01,955 --> 00:02:04,916 to collect soil samples from below the surface 43 00:02:04,916 --> 00:02:07,961 of the parched desert floor. 44 00:02:07,961 --> 00:02:10,589 This region of Chile 45 00:02:10,589 --> 00:02:13,592 is the driest place on the planet. 46 00:02:13,592 --> 00:02:16,219 Some parts have not experienced rainfall 47 00:02:16,219 --> 00:02:18,055 for centuries, making it 48 00:02:18,055 --> 00:02:20,140 one of the few locations on Earth 49 00:02:20,140 --> 00:02:24,561 that mimics conditions on Mars. 50 00:02:24,561 --> 00:02:26,188 MICHAEL MASTERS: Because the Atacama Desert 51 00:02:26,188 --> 00:02:29,191 is so similar to the landscape seen on Mars, 52 00:02:29,191 --> 00:02:34,029 it's a very useful research tool for astrobiologists, 53 00:02:34,029 --> 00:02:37,699 those interested in studying how life exists 54 00:02:37,699 --> 00:02:40,369 in such difficult environments 55 00:02:40,369 --> 00:02:43,872 and how it relates to the Mars landscape. 56 00:02:43,872 --> 00:02:47,542 NARRATOR: On February 28, 2019, 57 00:02:47,542 --> 00:02:50,545 the results of the mission are finally published. 58 00:02:50,545 --> 00:02:53,882 While surveying this seemingly lifeless terrain, 59 00:02:53,882 --> 00:02:57,386 the rover discovered evidence of microbial life 60 00:02:57,386 --> 00:03:00,305 thriving just below the surface. 61 00:03:00,305 --> 00:03:02,224 MASTERS: Microbial life 62 00:03:02,224 --> 00:03:05,018 in the Atacama is very unique, 63 00:03:05,018 --> 00:03:09,064 and life has existed where it really shouldn't be. 64 00:03:09,064 --> 00:03:12,317 Anybody who's been to the Atacama Desert of Chile 65 00:03:12,317 --> 00:03:14,403 knows that it's pretty unusual. 66 00:03:14,403 --> 00:03:17,322 There's some very old life‐forms there 67 00:03:17,322 --> 00:03:20,534 you don't find so easily in other parts of the world. 68 00:03:25,122 --> 00:03:26,373 NARRATOR: Scientists believe 69 00:03:26,373 --> 00:03:28,750 that future subsoil sampling on Mars 70 00:03:28,750 --> 00:03:33,588 could reveal similar and perhaps even identical microbes. 71 00:03:33,588 --> 00:03:37,342 Is it possible that there is life in the Atacama Desert 72 00:03:37,342 --> 00:03:39,594 that matches life on a planet 73 00:03:39,594 --> 00:03:42,472 140 million miles from Earth? 74 00:03:42,472 --> 00:03:45,809 As far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, 75 00:03:45,809 --> 00:03:48,478 the desert soil contains evidence 76 00:03:48,478 --> 00:03:52,065 of a more profound extraterrestrial connection. 77 00:03:52,065 --> 00:03:55,569 We have figures that have been carved into the desert 78 00:03:55,569 --> 00:03:59,114 similar to what we see in Nazca in Peru. 79 00:04:00,157 --> 00:04:02,993 And they're huge, giant figures 80 00:04:02,993 --> 00:04:05,787 to be seen from the sky. 81 00:04:05,787 --> 00:04:07,789 NARRATOR: The Nazca Lines in Peru 82 00:04:07,789 --> 00:04:11,418 lie just 500 miles north of the Atacama Desert. 83 00:04:11,418 --> 00:04:14,588 They are the most famous geoglyphs on Earth, 84 00:04:14,588 --> 00:04:16,298 with over 1,100 glyphs 85 00:04:16,298 --> 00:04:20,552 spread across 155 square miles. 86 00:04:22,554 --> 00:04:26,308 But few people are aware that Chile's Atacama Desert 87 00:04:26,308 --> 00:04:30,061 is home to nearly five times as many geoglyphs as Nazca, 88 00:04:30,061 --> 00:04:33,064 with more than 5,000 covering an area 89 00:04:33,064 --> 00:04:36,485 of 90,000 square miles. 90 00:04:36,485 --> 00:04:40,572 MICHAEL BRADBURY: The Atacama Desert has one of the most, 91 00:04:40,572 --> 00:04:44,075 if not the most, harsh environments on the planet. 92 00:04:44,075 --> 00:04:47,496 So, for civilizations years ago, 93 00:04:47,496 --> 00:04:50,707 these glyphs that were engraved into the ground, 94 00:04:50,707 --> 00:04:53,627 you know that was not an easy task. 95 00:04:53,627 --> 00:04:55,879 TSOUKALOS: There is no way 96 00:04:55,879 --> 00:04:58,882 that anyone would go through this effort 97 00:04:58,882 --> 00:05:02,302 unless something very compelling 98 00:05:02,302 --> 00:05:04,721 and something very real 99 00:05:04,721 --> 00:05:07,307 happened to our ancestors. 100 00:05:07,307 --> 00:05:11,311 And so I think it's time that we pay closer attention 101 00:05:11,311 --> 00:05:15,357 to what our ancestors really tried to describe. 102 00:05:15,357 --> 00:05:18,693 NARRATOR: Of the thousands of geoglyphs in Chile, 103 00:05:18,693 --> 00:05:21,947 one towers above the rest. 104 00:05:21,947 --> 00:05:25,867 The Atacama Giant measures 390 feet, 105 00:05:25,867 --> 00:05:28,787 30 feet longer than a football field. 106 00:05:28,787 --> 00:05:34,459 It sits on an ancient hillside known as Cerro Unitas. 107 00:05:34,459 --> 00:05:36,211 VICTOR HIDALGO: When you walk by this, 108 00:05:36,211 --> 00:05:39,339 you cannot really see the shape. 109 00:05:39,339 --> 00:05:40,882 This has been designed, constructed, 110 00:05:40,882 --> 00:05:42,634 you know, to be seen from above. 111 00:05:42,634 --> 00:05:45,053 CHILDRESS: And like at Nazca, 112 00:05:45,053 --> 00:05:47,889 seems to be a signal to the sky gods 113 00:05:47,889 --> 00:05:51,393 and those who are flying above the desert. 114 00:05:51,393 --> 00:05:53,812 So, who are they signaling? 115 00:05:53,812 --> 00:05:56,940 It would seem to be extraterrestrials. 116 00:05:56,940 --> 00:05:59,943 WILLIAM HENRY: The Atacama Giant has these lines coming out 117 00:05:59,943 --> 00:06:01,194 of the top of his head. 118 00:06:01,194 --> 00:06:02,821 We have to ask the question. 119 00:06:02,821 --> 00:06:06,825 Are these the beings that the geoglyph makers 120 00:06:06,825 --> 00:06:09,286 were trying to communicate with? 121 00:06:09,286 --> 00:06:12,038 NARRATOR: Could the figures depicted in the Atacama 122 00:06:12,038 --> 00:06:15,876 and at Nazca represent extraterrestrial visitors, 123 00:06:15,876 --> 00:06:18,712 as ancient astronaut theorists contend? 124 00:06:18,712 --> 00:06:20,505 And if so, 125 00:06:20,505 --> 00:06:22,090 could both the Nazca Lines 126 00:06:22,090 --> 00:06:24,926 and the Atacama glyphs serve a larger, 127 00:06:24,926 --> 00:06:27,345 more interconnected purpose, 128 00:06:27,345 --> 00:06:31,641 having been made long before any national borders existed? 129 00:06:31,641 --> 00:06:34,811 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes 130 00:06:34,811 --> 00:06:39,107 and suggest they could mark an ancient flight path. 131 00:06:39,107 --> 00:06:41,943 CHILDRESS: So, when you look at all of these glyphs in Peru 132 00:06:41,943 --> 00:06:45,280 and Chile and the vast desert spaces 133 00:06:45,280 --> 00:06:48,033 and all of the UFO activity there, 134 00:06:48,033 --> 00:06:53,038 is it possible that Chile is really this UFO avenue? 135 00:06:53,038 --> 00:06:56,458 Is it possible that Chile is this flight path 136 00:06:56,458 --> 00:06:58,043 for extraterrestrials, 137 00:06:58,043 --> 00:06:59,753 an alien alley? 138 00:06:59,753 --> 00:07:01,504 BILL BIRNES: It's interesting 139 00:07:01,504 --> 00:07:03,673 when you look at the Nazca Lines 140 00:07:03,673 --> 00:07:06,009 and the Atacama geoglyphs together. 141 00:07:06,009 --> 00:07:07,802 These are symbols 142 00:07:07,802 --> 00:07:09,804 that are best observed from the sky, 143 00:07:09,804 --> 00:07:11,806 and they explode in numbers 144 00:07:11,806 --> 00:07:14,893 as you move south to the Atacama. 145 00:07:14,893 --> 00:07:17,312 Could this suggest that these symbols 146 00:07:17,312 --> 00:07:19,314 were some sort of aerial guide, 147 00:07:19,314 --> 00:07:22,817 guiding ancient aliens on their way into Chile? 148 00:07:22,817 --> 00:07:24,611 And if so, 149 00:07:24,611 --> 00:07:28,031 this is exactly how the runway lights work 150 00:07:28,031 --> 00:07:31,368 on modern airports. 151 00:07:31,368 --> 00:07:34,037 I think what we are seeing today 152 00:07:34,037 --> 00:07:36,998 is what was seen in the past. 153 00:07:38,625 --> 00:07:42,504 Because Chile is honestly like a kind of arrival point. 154 00:07:45,382 --> 00:07:47,634 NARRATOR: For ancient astronaut theorists, 155 00:07:47,634 --> 00:07:51,221 what makes the Atacama geoglyphs even more compelling 156 00:07:51,221 --> 00:07:53,807 is the fact that Chile also boasts 157 00:07:53,807 --> 00:07:58,853 the highest number of reported UFO sightings in the world. 158 00:08:00,522 --> 00:08:02,524 There is a huge wave, 159 00:08:02,524 --> 00:08:05,360 a large quantity of UFO sightings. 160 00:08:05,360 --> 00:08:08,613 Quite simply, there is not one family in Chile 161 00:08:08,613 --> 00:08:13,451 whose member has not had a UFO experience. 162 00:08:13,451 --> 00:08:16,871 For some reason, Chile has one of the highest rates 163 00:08:16,871 --> 00:08:20,041 of UFO sightings in the world. 164 00:08:20,041 --> 00:08:22,252 Nobody really understands why, 165 00:08:22,252 --> 00:08:24,337 but it seems to be in a region 166 00:08:24,337 --> 00:08:27,006 that there's a cluster of UFO sightings. 167 00:08:27,006 --> 00:08:30,593 NICK POPE: Chile is such a vast country. 168 00:08:30,593 --> 00:08:34,431 It encompasses a wide range of different climates. 169 00:08:34,431 --> 00:08:36,683 There are jungles, there are deserts, 170 00:08:36,683 --> 00:08:38,101 there are forests. 171 00:08:38,101 --> 00:08:41,187 There's huge biodiversity, too, 172 00:08:41,187 --> 00:08:44,149 and diversity in human populations. 173 00:08:44,149 --> 00:08:46,443 There are modern, first world cities 174 00:08:46,443 --> 00:08:47,861 and indigenous peoples. 175 00:08:47,861 --> 00:08:49,654 If we're being visited, 176 00:08:49,654 --> 00:08:52,407 everything that you would want to see on planet Earth 177 00:08:52,407 --> 00:08:54,701 is there in one nation. 178 00:08:54,701 --> 00:08:56,828 NARRATOR: Could there be 179 00:08:56,828 --> 00:09:00,623 a link between Chile's high number of UFO reports 180 00:09:00,623 --> 00:09:04,127 and the ancient geoglyphs found in the Atacama Desert? 181 00:09:04,127 --> 00:09:05,795 Incredibly, 182 00:09:05,795 --> 00:09:09,007 the Chilean government itself has suggested 183 00:09:09,007 --> 00:09:11,134 a connection between the country's ancient 184 00:09:11,134 --> 00:09:13,344 and modern mysteries. 185 00:09:23,063 --> 00:09:26,066 Chile's national tourism board 186 00:09:26,066 --> 00:09:30,153 establishes a designated UFO trail, 187 00:09:30,153 --> 00:09:32,155 a 19‐mile route 188 00:09:32,155 --> 00:09:35,825 through one of the most infamous UFO hot spots in the country, 189 00:09:35,825 --> 00:09:38,161 and it leads to an enigmatic site 190 00:09:38,161 --> 00:09:41,790 known as El Enladrillado. 191 00:09:41,790 --> 00:09:44,542 This megalithic platform was constructed 192 00:09:44,542 --> 00:09:47,378 from 233 volcanic blocks, 193 00:09:47,378 --> 00:09:50,215 each weighing upwards of ten tons. 194 00:09:50,215 --> 00:09:53,134 HIDALGO: Now, the Enladrillado is a plateau 195 00:09:53,134 --> 00:09:56,596 about 800 meters in diameter. 196 00:09:56,596 --> 00:09:59,224 It is not a place of easy access. 197 00:09:59,224 --> 00:10:03,228 You have to go on horseback for a couple days 198 00:10:03,228 --> 00:10:04,854 in order to get there. 199 00:10:04,854 --> 00:10:09,067 There is the belief that it was related to UFO landing. 200 00:10:09,067 --> 00:10:12,070 VON DANIKEN: Also on the ground 201 00:10:12,070 --> 00:10:14,739 are gigantic stone plates, 202 00:10:14,739 --> 00:10:18,493 really gigantic, and it might very well be that 203 00:10:18,493 --> 00:10:21,162 Enladrillado was something like a space port 204 00:10:21,162 --> 00:10:23,706 of the extraterrestrials. 205 00:10:23,706 --> 00:10:26,543 NARRATOR: Is there both ancient and modern evidence 206 00:10:26,543 --> 00:10:29,712 that Chile has been visited by extraterrestrials 207 00:10:29,712 --> 00:10:31,548 for thousands of years? 208 00:10:31,548 --> 00:10:33,883 And if so, why? 209 00:10:33,883 --> 00:10:38,221 Perhaps further clues can be found by examining 210 00:10:38,221 --> 00:10:40,348 an indigenous tribe that once existed 211 00:10:40,348 --> 00:10:42,475 in the southernmost reaches of the country 212 00:10:42,475 --> 00:10:46,479 and their mysterious rituals. 213 00:10:57,157 --> 00:11:00,368 The creator gods of the Selk'nam NARRATOR: German missionary turned anthropologist 214 00:11:00,368 --> 00:11:01,870 Martin Gusinde 215 00:11:01,870 --> 00:11:04,622 arrives in Chile's southernmost outpost 216 00:11:04,622 --> 00:11:08,168 just 200 miles north of Antarctica. 217 00:11:09,210 --> 00:11:11,212 He is met by native islanders 218 00:11:11,212 --> 00:11:13,214 known as the Selk'nam. 219 00:11:13,214 --> 00:11:15,800 But by the time of Gusinde's arrival, 220 00:11:15,800 --> 00:11:20,263 the once thriving tribe had been almost completely wiped out. 221 00:11:26,936 --> 00:11:29,480 ...pre‐Columbian people... 222 00:11:51,127 --> 00:11:53,421 HIDALGO: Something else that happens to them 223 00:11:53,421 --> 00:11:55,798 is that many of them were taken back to Europe 224 00:11:55,798 --> 00:12:00,595 to be displayed in what was called human zoos. 225 00:12:00,595 --> 00:12:03,473 So, unfortunately, it was a genocide. 226 00:12:03,473 --> 00:12:06,726 It was a genocide against this tribe. 227 00:12:06,726 --> 00:12:08,478 NARRATOR: Before the tribe's 228 00:12:08,478 --> 00:12:10,939 tragic and complete annihilation, 229 00:12:10,939 --> 00:12:14,943 Gusinde took a remarkable series of photos of these people. 230 00:12:14,943 --> 00:12:19,322 In 2015, his work was finally published 231 00:12:19,322 --> 00:12:21,991 in The Lost Tribes of Tierra del Fuego, 232 00:12:21,991 --> 00:12:25,870 documenting the Selk'nam's unique ceremonies and rituals. 233 00:12:29,624 --> 00:12:31,709 The Selk'nam were a marvelous culture. 234 00:12:31,709 --> 00:12:34,629 They had various rituals, 235 00:12:34,629 --> 00:12:36,256 and a pantheon of gods 236 00:12:36,256 --> 00:12:38,675 would make them perform a series of ceremonies 237 00:12:38,675 --> 00:12:40,051 where they would dress up 238 00:12:40,051 --> 00:12:42,762 representing these gods from the sky. 239 00:12:42,762 --> 00:12:45,056 The creator gods of the Selk'nam 240 00:12:45,056 --> 00:12:47,558 actually descended from the sky 241 00:12:47,558 --> 00:12:50,270 and gave knowledge to the local population. 242 00:12:50,270 --> 00:12:53,606 These pictures were taken in black and white, 243 00:12:53,606 --> 00:12:57,610 but in real life, the entire body is covered 244 00:12:57,610 --> 00:13:00,280 in bright red and white, 245 00:13:00,280 --> 00:13:03,616 and it is signifying the fire of heaven 246 00:13:03,616 --> 00:13:06,202 according to the traditions. 247 00:13:06,202 --> 00:13:07,954 So you have to wonder what it means, 248 00:13:07,954 --> 00:13:10,790 the fire of heaven that descended from the sky. 249 00:13:10,790 --> 00:13:12,667 Now, you combine this 250 00:13:12,667 --> 00:13:16,296 with the representations of the elongated skulls 251 00:13:16,296 --> 00:13:19,966 and the very strange‐looking costumes that they have, 252 00:13:19,966 --> 00:13:22,969 and right there you have a connection 253 00:13:22,969 --> 00:13:25,054 to extraterrestrial visitation. 254 00:13:28,099 --> 00:13:29,684 Where the Selk'nam are located, 255 00:13:29,684 --> 00:13:33,521 there have been records of UFOs in that whole area. 256 00:13:36,566 --> 00:13:40,028 And if that area is active in UFO sightings, 257 00:13:40,028 --> 00:13:42,822 then it is possible that we are thinking 258 00:13:42,822 --> 00:13:46,576 what the Selk'nam must have been thinking in that time. 259 00:13:46,576 --> 00:13:48,953 LUKES: They were definitely communicating 260 00:13:48,953 --> 00:13:50,580 with other worlds, 261 00:13:50,580 --> 00:13:53,833 with mythological creatures and things. 262 00:13:53,833 --> 00:13:56,002 And so there very well could have been a component 263 00:13:56,002 --> 00:13:58,796 of them having had extraterrestrial encounters 264 00:13:58,796 --> 00:14:03,301 and now trying to communicate and continue that communication. 265 00:14:03,301 --> 00:14:07,305 NARRATOR: Could the clothing, body paint and rituals 266 00:14:07,305 --> 00:14:09,932 of the Selk'nam people have been inspired 267 00:14:09,932 --> 00:14:13,102 by interaction with extraterrestrial visitors? 268 00:14:13,102 --> 00:14:15,772 CHILDRESS: They dressed in all kinds 269 00:14:15,772 --> 00:14:18,107 of strange costumes. 270 00:14:18,107 --> 00:14:21,569 They had very specific rituals 271 00:14:21,569 --> 00:14:25,364 that tied them to the land and to the stars. 272 00:14:25,364 --> 00:14:29,410 When you look at some of these strange costumes 273 00:14:29,410 --> 00:14:30,995 with‐with strange antennas 274 00:14:30,995 --> 00:14:32,663 coming out of the side of their head, 275 00:14:32,663 --> 00:14:33,998 you have to wonder, 276 00:14:33,998 --> 00:14:36,793 are they imitating extraterrestrials 277 00:14:36,793 --> 00:14:38,586 with their costumes? 278 00:14:40,588 --> 00:14:42,757 NARRATOR: As far as ancient astronaut theorists 279 00:14:42,757 --> 00:14:44,342 are concerned, 280 00:14:44,342 --> 00:14:46,094 compelling evidence exists 281 00:14:46,094 --> 00:14:49,138 that alien visitation occurred in this part of the world 282 00:14:49,138 --> 00:14:51,432 not only in the distant past 283 00:14:51,432 --> 00:14:54,060 but continues even today. 284 00:15:04,112 --> 00:15:06,155 Sábado Gigante, 285 00:15:06,155 --> 00:15:08,282 the longest running variety show 286 00:15:08,282 --> 00:15:09,867 in television history, 287 00:15:09,867 --> 00:15:12,328 interrupts its scheduled broadcast 288 00:15:12,328 --> 00:15:14,413 with an urgent report. 289 00:15:14,413 --> 00:15:16,791 At about 2:00 p. m. or something like that, 290 00:15:16,791 --> 00:15:19,043 Sábado Gigante cuts the transmissions, 291 00:15:19,043 --> 00:15:22,296 take the cameras outside to the parking spot, 292 00:15:22,296 --> 00:15:24,882 and they spot this incredible object 293 00:15:24,882 --> 00:15:26,843 in the sky, clear blue sky. 294 00:15:26,843 --> 00:15:29,846 We're talking about a silver‐looking object. 295 00:16:01,335 --> 00:16:03,337 NARRATOR: The Santiago UFO, 296 00:16:03,337 --> 00:16:05,715 as it became known, was seen 297 00:16:05,715 --> 00:16:08,134 from Antofagasta to Concepción, 298 00:16:08,134 --> 00:16:10,887 a distance of about 1,200 miles 299 00:16:10,887 --> 00:16:13,347 or almost half of the country's coastline. 300 00:16:13,347 --> 00:16:16,475 I was perhaps ten years old at the time that we saw it. 301 00:16:16,475 --> 00:16:18,477 And you could hear on the radio, 302 00:16:18,477 --> 00:16:20,730 you know, broadcast from the navy 303 00:16:20,730 --> 00:16:23,482 telling you that they have not been able to identify. 304 00:16:23,482 --> 00:16:25,193 They don't know what it was. 305 00:16:25,193 --> 00:16:27,528 It was one of those cases that really make you wonder, 306 00:16:27,528 --> 00:16:29,280 could it be an extraterrestrial? 307 00:16:29,280 --> 00:16:30,656 Yes, it could have been. 308 00:16:30,656 --> 00:16:33,201 NARRATOR: Ancient astronaut theorists 309 00:16:33,201 --> 00:16:35,912 point out that this mass sighting was reported 310 00:16:35,912 --> 00:16:38,539 along what could be a specific flight path 311 00:16:38,539 --> 00:16:41,542 that has been documented since antiquity. 312 00:16:41,542 --> 00:16:44,879 A route marked by Peru's Nazca Lines, 313 00:16:44,879 --> 00:16:47,590 the geoglyphs of the Atacama, 314 00:16:47,590 --> 00:16:51,260 the megalithic platform of El Enladrillado, 315 00:16:51,260 --> 00:16:54,639 and reaching as far south as Tierra del Fuego, 316 00:16:54,639 --> 00:16:57,141 the homeland of the Selk'nam people. 317 00:16:58,184 --> 00:17:01,187 The indications are that this UFO activity 318 00:17:01,187 --> 00:17:03,606 has been going on in Chile 319 00:17:03,606 --> 00:17:07,777 for‐for centuries if not thousands of years. 320 00:17:36,305 --> 00:17:38,432 NARRATOR: The Santiago UFO incident 321 00:17:38,432 --> 00:17:41,269 is only the tip of a massive iceberg 322 00:17:41,269 --> 00:17:42,937 of well‐documented reports 323 00:17:42,937 --> 00:17:45,481 regarding inexplicable aerial phenomena 324 00:17:45,481 --> 00:17:47,441 observed in Chile. 325 00:17:47,441 --> 00:17:51,946 But if these sightings represent otherworldly encounters, 326 00:17:51,946 --> 00:17:55,908 do extraterrestrials have a special interest in this area 327 00:17:55,908 --> 00:17:58,911 that some now call Alien Alley? 328 00:18:12,341 --> 00:18:14,343 NARRATOR: We see an 4:15 a.m.nary range 329 00:18:14,343 --> 00:18:18,472 Corporal Armando Valdes patrols the northern desert 330 00:18:18,472 --> 00:18:21,058 with a seven‐man military unit. 331 00:18:21,058 --> 00:18:25,104 Suddenly, their lookout bursts into camp. 332 00:18:25,104 --> 00:18:28,107 He has just witnessed two bright violet lights 333 00:18:28,107 --> 00:18:32,695 descend from the sky and land 500 yards away. 334 00:18:32,695 --> 00:18:36,782 Corporal Valdes was the leader of this patrol, 335 00:18:36,782 --> 00:18:39,035 and he approached these objects. 336 00:18:40,953 --> 00:18:42,622 What happened next 337 00:18:42,622 --> 00:18:45,875 is shrouded in confusion and mystery. 338 00:18:45,875 --> 00:18:49,086 His men saw him almost disappear 339 00:18:49,086 --> 00:18:51,297 into the light. 340 00:18:51,297 --> 00:18:53,257 He recalls getting disoriented, 341 00:18:53,257 --> 00:18:56,344 confused, perhaps passing out. 342 00:18:59,347 --> 00:19:01,891 And next thing he knew, 343 00:19:01,891 --> 00:19:04,644 he reappeared again. 344 00:19:05,645 --> 00:19:08,105 But the strange thing was 345 00:19:08,105 --> 00:19:11,442 that he had five days' growth of beard. 346 00:19:12,485 --> 00:19:15,571 And his watch showed a date 347 00:19:15,571 --> 00:19:18,240 five days into the future. 348 00:19:19,450 --> 00:19:23,663 Had he somehow been gone five days, 349 00:19:23,663 --> 00:19:26,582 and yet to all the rest of the people in the patrol, 350 00:19:26,582 --> 00:19:29,502 it was just perceived as a few minutes? 351 00:19:31,504 --> 00:19:34,006 We were able to interview four members 352 00:19:34,006 --> 00:19:35,758 of Valdes's squad. 353 00:19:35,758 --> 00:19:39,470 We interviewed Armando Valdes, and everyone corroborated 354 00:19:39,470 --> 00:19:42,973 that his experience had actually occurred. 355 00:19:42,973 --> 00:19:45,059 NARRATOR: Immediately following the incident, 356 00:19:45,059 --> 00:19:47,687 Corporal Valdes returned to his men 357 00:19:47,687 --> 00:19:49,480 on the verge of collapse 358 00:19:49,480 --> 00:19:52,692 and uttered an ominous phrase: 359 00:19:52,692 --> 00:19:56,862 "You don't know who we are or where we come from, 360 00:19:56,862 --> 00:19:59,490 but we will be back soon." 361 00:19:59,490 --> 00:20:02,827 Based on the growing number of reports 362 00:20:02,827 --> 00:20:05,121 since this mysterious encounter, 363 00:20:05,121 --> 00:20:08,708 many believe that they were true to their word. 364 00:20:10,710 --> 00:20:14,171 There are so many UFO sightings in Chile. 365 00:20:14,171 --> 00:20:16,841 It's a hotbed of UFO activity. 366 00:20:16,841 --> 00:20:20,052 And even just in the last eight years, 367 00:20:20,052 --> 00:20:24,140 there have been some significant UFO sightings 368 00:20:24,140 --> 00:20:27,560 that the Chilean government has actually admitted to. 369 00:20:27,560 --> 00:20:29,603 2012. 370 00:20:29,603 --> 00:20:32,398 The Chilean Air Force documented 371 00:20:32,398 --> 00:20:35,735 five lights forming strange, geometric patterns 372 00:20:35,735 --> 00:20:37,403 in the night sky. 373 00:20:37,403 --> 00:20:40,656 And then in 2015, eight mysterious orbs 374 00:20:40,656 --> 00:20:44,243 flew in an oval formation above Santiago. 375 00:20:44,243 --> 00:20:46,954 Just recently in 2019, 376 00:20:46,954 --> 00:20:50,416 several bright red objects were seen 377 00:20:50,416 --> 00:20:54,295 streaking over the skies of southern Chile. 378 00:20:54,295 --> 00:20:57,757 Chile is a place where there's a tremendous amount 379 00:20:57,757 --> 00:20:59,133 of UFO activity, 380 00:20:59,133 --> 00:21:02,136 and fortunately, the Chilean government 381 00:21:02,136 --> 00:21:06,307 is totally aboveboard on these sightings. 382 00:21:06,307 --> 00:21:11,562 We see an extraordinary range of cases in Chile, 383 00:21:11,562 --> 00:21:17,526 from close encounters, through to pilot encounters with UFOs. 384 00:21:17,526 --> 00:21:21,030 NARRATOR: Why have UFO sightings persisted in Chile 385 00:21:21,030 --> 00:21:25,034 in such abundance for hundreds, if not thousands of years, 386 00:21:25,034 --> 00:21:28,120 as ancient astronaut theorists believe? 387 00:21:28,120 --> 00:21:31,999 I think the reason why Chile to this day 388 00:21:31,999 --> 00:21:34,919 is considered a hot spot of UFO activity 389 00:21:34,919 --> 00:21:37,963 is because Chile features one of the biggest 390 00:21:37,963 --> 00:21:42,301 uninhabited geographical locations on Earth. 391 00:21:44,887 --> 00:21:47,932 CHILDRESS: The northern part is desolate desert 392 00:21:47,932 --> 00:21:51,393 that's virtually unpopulated. 393 00:21:51,393 --> 00:21:56,524 And the southern part of Chile is fjords and glaciers. 394 00:21:56,524 --> 00:21:59,819 It's also hardly populated down there, too. 395 00:21:59,819 --> 00:22:04,240 There are all kinds of hiding spots. 396 00:22:04,240 --> 00:22:07,117 Vacant places on the map 397 00:22:07,117 --> 00:22:10,621 where absolutely no one goes. 398 00:22:10,621 --> 00:22:13,707 It's an ideal place to hide. 399 00:22:13,707 --> 00:22:17,294 It'd be an ideal place for an underground base. 400 00:22:20,297 --> 00:22:22,925 Anything that enters our territory can hide. 401 00:22:22,925 --> 00:22:26,387 Centuries can pass and no one will discover it. 402 00:22:28,055 --> 00:22:30,975 NARRATOR: Are extraterrestrials hiding in, 403 00:22:30,975 --> 00:22:34,645 or even below, the uninhabited regions of Chile? 404 00:22:37,314 --> 00:22:39,900 And if so, is it their intention 405 00:22:39,900 --> 00:22:41,986 to merely observe humanity 406 00:22:41,986 --> 00:22:44,363 or could there be something more tangible 407 00:22:44,363 --> 00:22:49,034 attracting them to this part of the world? 408 00:22:49,034 --> 00:22:52,329 Even highly advanced extraterrestrial civilizations 409 00:22:52,329 --> 00:22:54,832 will have resource needs. 410 00:22:54,832 --> 00:22:58,335 With Chile, one wonders if it isn't copper. 411 00:22:58,335 --> 00:23:01,755 They have the biggest reserves anywhere on the planet. 412 00:23:01,755 --> 00:23:05,134 There are also vast supplies of lithium 413 00:23:05,134 --> 00:23:09,763 and staggering amounts of natural resources, too. 414 00:23:12,182 --> 00:23:15,436 TSOUKALOS: It is not surprising to me that this whole strip 415 00:23:15,436 --> 00:23:17,771 that's present‐day Chile, 416 00:23:17,771 --> 00:23:20,649 that just goes 3,000 miles straight, 417 00:23:20,649 --> 00:23:23,527 that this would be a hotbed of UFOs, 418 00:23:23,527 --> 00:23:27,031 because that area of the planet 419 00:23:27,031 --> 00:23:31,201 is huge with raw materials and resources. 420 00:23:31,201 --> 00:23:35,289 So, if any extraterrestrials would arrive on planet Earth, 421 00:23:35,289 --> 00:23:40,127 that area of the planet would be blinking on their instruments 422 00:23:40,127 --> 00:23:44,423 with, "Hey, come here, check out this area of the planet." 423 00:23:47,509 --> 00:23:49,678 We have data, concrete data 424 00:23:49,678 --> 00:23:52,640 of UFO appearances in mines, 425 00:23:52,640 --> 00:23:55,643 in hydroelectric power plants, 426 00:23:55,643 --> 00:23:58,187 including such cases as in Lake Colbún 427 00:23:58,187 --> 00:24:00,731 in the area of San Clemente. 428 00:24:00,731 --> 00:24:04,944 The UFO landing and takeover of the hydroelectric power plant 429 00:24:04,944 --> 00:24:07,863 caused a vast quantity of blackouts. 430 00:24:12,576 --> 00:24:15,245 When these lights would appear, the locals and the farmers 431 00:24:15,245 --> 00:24:18,248 would call them the "light robbers"‐‐ why? 432 00:24:18,248 --> 00:24:20,626 Because supposedly the locals would attribute 433 00:24:20,626 --> 00:24:23,420 the blackouts to these UFOs. 434 00:24:26,465 --> 00:24:30,469 NARRATOR: Have extraterrestrials mined this region's vast deposits 435 00:24:30,469 --> 00:24:33,973 of natural resources since antiquity? 436 00:24:33,973 --> 00:24:37,393 Or more recently, tapped into energy generated 437 00:24:37,393 --> 00:24:39,812 from Chilean power plants? 438 00:24:39,812 --> 00:24:44,358 Perhaps definitive answers are just over the horizon. 439 00:24:44,358 --> 00:24:46,986 With more and more unidentified flying objects 440 00:24:46,986 --> 00:24:50,114 invading the country's airspace every year, 441 00:24:50,114 --> 00:24:53,283 unlike the United States, the Chilean government 442 00:24:53,283 --> 00:24:55,703 is actively and openly 443 00:24:55,703 --> 00:24:58,163 searching for answers. 444 00:25:11,969 --> 00:25:15,472 HIDALGO: I do believe it's our right to know exactly NARRATOR: After a 17‐year rule, Chilean dictator 445 00:25:15,472 --> 00:25:18,934 Augusto Pinochet steps down, 446 00:25:18,934 --> 00:25:23,522 ushering in a period of reform across the country. 447 00:25:23,522 --> 00:25:28,444 With a new spirit of government transparency and social freedom, 448 00:25:28,444 --> 00:25:31,530 the media, as well as military personnel, 449 00:25:31,530 --> 00:25:37,202 begin to openly investigate Chile's unrivaled UFO phenomena. 450 00:25:37,202 --> 00:25:39,705 HIDALGO: Now, when it came to UFOs, 451 00:25:39,705 --> 00:25:41,999 this is not something new in Chile. 452 00:25:41,999 --> 00:25:45,794 In Chile, we have had sightings long before Pinochet. 453 00:25:45,794 --> 00:25:48,297 So, after Pinochet, 454 00:25:48,297 --> 00:25:49,840 when the democracy comes back, 455 00:25:49,840 --> 00:25:52,885 the military forces were making an effort 456 00:25:52,885 --> 00:25:55,763 to change the public opinion about them. 457 00:25:55,763 --> 00:25:57,806 NARRATOR: Following the country's 458 00:25:57,806 --> 00:26:00,726 newfound openness to UFO sightings, 459 00:26:00,726 --> 00:26:03,353 control tower personnel observed a flurry 460 00:26:03,353 --> 00:26:07,900 of mysterious aerial activity in Chilean airspace. 461 00:26:07,900 --> 00:26:11,612 Unidentified objects were flying dangerously close 462 00:26:11,612 --> 00:26:13,655 to Chilean aircraft. 463 00:26:15,240 --> 00:26:17,534 I do believe it's our right to know exactly 464 00:26:17,534 --> 00:26:20,329 what we are seeing, what our military is seeing 465 00:26:20,329 --> 00:26:22,956 all over the world. 466 00:26:22,956 --> 00:26:25,167 NARRATOR: Several notorious near‐miss incidents 467 00:26:25,167 --> 00:26:28,170 elevated Chile's UFO activity 468 00:26:28,170 --> 00:26:33,300 from harmless curiosity to an issue of national security. 469 00:26:33,300 --> 00:26:36,178 As a result, in 1997, 470 00:26:36,178 --> 00:26:38,180 the Chilean government instituted 471 00:26:38,180 --> 00:26:41,183 the Committee on Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena, 472 00:26:41,183 --> 00:26:43,811 or CEFAA. 473 00:26:43,811 --> 00:26:48,565 CEFAA started as a result of pilot sightings. 474 00:26:48,565 --> 00:26:52,611 Pilots, navigators, radar operators 475 00:26:52,611 --> 00:26:55,280 were reporting UFOs. 476 00:26:55,280 --> 00:26:59,118 Some of these objects came dangerously close to aircraft. 477 00:26:59,118 --> 00:27:02,913 The Chilean government decided to act. 478 00:27:02,913 --> 00:27:04,623 So, this is unique. 479 00:27:04,623 --> 00:27:08,919 It's government, it's military, and importantly, 480 00:27:08,919 --> 00:27:11,338 it's the scientific community as well. 481 00:27:11,338 --> 00:27:14,800 All working together with one common aim‐‐ 482 00:27:14,800 --> 00:27:17,928 find out what these sightings are. 483 00:27:17,928 --> 00:27:19,555 Who's responsible? 484 00:27:19,555 --> 00:27:21,140 What's going on? 485 00:27:24,518 --> 00:27:26,270 CEFAA gets reports 486 00:27:26,270 --> 00:27:29,648 from all citizens from the far north down to Antarctica. 487 00:27:29,648 --> 00:27:33,485 And these reports are made via our website. 488 00:27:33,485 --> 00:27:36,446 In the last 22 years of investigation, 489 00:27:36,446 --> 00:27:39,491 we have received almost 900 reports. 490 00:27:39,491 --> 00:27:41,159 Our process and our manner of looking 491 00:27:41,159 --> 00:27:43,287 at these phenomena has been very rigorous 492 00:27:43,287 --> 00:27:46,540 because we owe it to our community. 493 00:27:46,540 --> 00:27:51,336 Instead of secrecy and cover‐ups and conspiracies, 494 00:27:51,336 --> 00:27:54,381 we have an atmosphere of openness 495 00:27:54,381 --> 00:27:56,258 where people are almost encouraged 496 00:27:56,258 --> 00:27:57,885 to come forward and report. 497 00:27:57,885 --> 00:28:01,305 The default position of CEFAA 498 00:28:01,305 --> 00:28:05,017 after their investigations is to publish, 499 00:28:05,017 --> 00:28:06,894 release the case files, 500 00:28:06,894 --> 00:28:09,605 tell the people what you've discovered. 501 00:28:09,605 --> 00:28:12,232 This is astonishing 502 00:28:12,232 --> 00:28:14,276 and refreshing. 503 00:28:14,276 --> 00:28:17,905 NARRATOR: CEFAA insists that governments 504 00:28:17,905 --> 00:28:20,657 around the world should take a similar approach 505 00:28:20,657 --> 00:28:24,328 to accelerate our understanding of these aerial anomalies 506 00:28:24,328 --> 00:28:27,247 and reveal their true origin. 507 00:28:31,335 --> 00:28:33,337 To us, it is important 508 00:28:33,337 --> 00:28:35,589 that more organizations or institutions 509 00:28:35,589 --> 00:28:39,259 or countries get involved in the study of this phenomena. 510 00:28:39,259 --> 00:28:42,512 The phenomenon clearly exists. 511 00:28:42,512 --> 00:28:44,848 We don't know exactly if there is only 512 00:28:44,848 --> 00:28:47,017 one explanation for its origin. 513 00:28:47,017 --> 00:28:50,520 Without a doubt, however, when other countries 514 00:28:50,520 --> 00:28:53,065 or other states create institutions like ours, 515 00:28:53,065 --> 00:28:57,152 they contribute to the security of airspace operations. 516 00:28:57,152 --> 00:28:59,655 We have more good, 517 00:28:59,655 --> 00:29:02,366 documented video evidence out of Chile 518 00:29:02,366 --> 00:29:05,786 than almost any other nation I can think of. 519 00:29:05,786 --> 00:29:09,331 NARRATOR: On March 13, 2012, 520 00:29:09,331 --> 00:29:11,708 the Chilean government unveiled footage 521 00:29:11,708 --> 00:29:13,669 of a curious event caught on camera 522 00:29:13,669 --> 00:29:18,340 above the prestigious El Bosque Air Force Base in Santiago. 523 00:29:18,340 --> 00:29:20,968 Crowds were gathered to celebrate the change 524 00:29:20,968 --> 00:29:24,972 of Chilean Air Force command in 2010, 525 00:29:24,972 --> 00:29:26,974 recording fighter jets 526 00:29:26,974 --> 00:29:29,559 performing acrobatic maneuvers overhead. 527 00:29:31,311 --> 00:29:33,271 After investigating the footage, 528 00:29:33,271 --> 00:29:37,442 CEFAA concluded that the jets were not alone. 529 00:29:37,442 --> 00:29:42,364 The El Bosque was one that CEFAA was very excited about. 530 00:29:42,364 --> 00:29:45,742 And when they slowed down the videos, 531 00:29:45,742 --> 00:29:50,872 you could see these objects zipping by at incredible speeds. 532 00:29:52,332 --> 00:29:53,625 This case acquired notoriety 533 00:29:53,625 --> 00:29:54,918 once the videos were viewed. 534 00:29:54,918 --> 00:29:58,505 In these videos, there was a dark object 535 00:29:58,505 --> 00:30:01,633 that crossed the lines of flight of these squadron formations. 536 00:30:01,633 --> 00:30:04,094 POPE: Now this is where 537 00:30:04,094 --> 00:30:05,721 it gets really intriguing, 538 00:30:05,721 --> 00:30:07,889 because the official conclusion 539 00:30:07,889 --> 00:30:11,018 was that this UFO was traveling 540 00:30:11,018 --> 00:30:15,063 at a speed of around 4,000 miles an hour. 541 00:30:17,774 --> 00:30:20,777 NARRATOR: Since the objects in the El Bosque footage 542 00:30:20,777 --> 00:30:23,488 only reveal themselves for a brief moment, 543 00:30:23,488 --> 00:30:27,576 definitive answers remain elusive to investigators. 544 00:30:27,576 --> 00:30:30,370 But just a few years later, 545 00:30:30,370 --> 00:30:32,122 the Chilean government would release 546 00:30:32,122 --> 00:30:34,916 an even more incredible video. 547 00:30:43,884 --> 00:30:45,886 Just outside of Santiago, 548 00:30:45,886 --> 00:30:49,848 Chilean Navy officers aboard an Airbus Cougar helicopter 549 00:30:49,848 --> 00:30:53,351 are testing an infrared FLIR high‐definition camera. 550 00:30:54,853 --> 00:30:58,273 Suddenly, the camera captures a strange object 551 00:30:58,273 --> 00:31:02,819 flying alongside them at an altitude of 4,500 feet. 552 00:31:04,488 --> 00:31:07,282 After tracking it for several minutes, they witness 553 00:31:07,282 --> 00:31:11,411 what appears to be some sort of discharge coming from the craft. 554 00:31:14,623 --> 00:31:18,585 The Cougar case was a military helicopter back in 2014 555 00:31:18,585 --> 00:31:21,421 that produced footage in an infrared camera. 556 00:31:21,421 --> 00:31:24,841 And we're talking about military equipment. 557 00:31:24,841 --> 00:31:28,136 We're talking about millions of dollars in equipment. 558 00:31:28,136 --> 00:31:30,138 TAYLOR: It's nine minutes long 559 00:31:30,138 --> 00:31:32,140 that they have continuous infrared footage 560 00:31:32,140 --> 00:31:33,642 of this phenomena. 561 00:31:33,642 --> 00:31:35,477 That's really unprecedented. 562 00:31:35,477 --> 00:31:38,146 And if this phenomena is going on for nine minutes, 563 00:31:38,146 --> 00:31:39,898 we can do analysis on it. 564 00:31:41,316 --> 00:31:43,360 NARRATOR: UFO researchers consider this 565 00:31:43,360 --> 00:31:47,197 to be one of the most baffling incidents ever recorded. 566 00:31:47,197 --> 00:31:50,534 Could a deeper analysis of the footage 567 00:31:50,534 --> 00:31:52,536 provide undeniable proof 568 00:31:52,536 --> 00:31:55,580 that what the Chilean Navy officers caught on camera 569 00:31:55,580 --> 00:31:57,040 was, in fact... 570 00:31:57,040 --> 00:31:59,709 an alien aircraft? 571 00:32:09,886 --> 00:32:11,596 TNARRATOR:t For more than a decade, 572 00:32:11,596 --> 00:32:13,723 image analyst Michael Bradbury 573 00:32:13,723 --> 00:32:16,810 has examined videos of alleged UFOs, 574 00:32:16,810 --> 00:32:19,396 looking for any signs that they could be 575 00:32:19,396 --> 00:32:22,399 something other than man‐made aircraft. 576 00:32:23,775 --> 00:32:26,403 Intrigued by the recently released video shot 577 00:32:26,403 --> 00:32:28,822 from a Chilean Navy helicopter, 578 00:32:28,822 --> 00:32:32,826 he has invited astrophysicist Dr. Travis Taylor 579 00:32:32,826 --> 00:32:35,245 to join him and lend his expert opinion 580 00:32:35,245 --> 00:32:37,455 in examining the footage. 581 00:32:38,957 --> 00:32:41,084 TAYLOR: The Chilean helicopter video 582 00:32:41,084 --> 00:32:44,963 is really intriguing and fascinating, because... 583 00:32:44,963 --> 00:32:48,300 you have this vehicle, or phenomena, whatever it is, 584 00:32:48,300 --> 00:32:51,761 and then it starts releasing some type of material behind it. 585 00:32:51,761 --> 00:32:54,055 So we absolutely need to understand 586 00:32:54,055 --> 00:32:56,183 what this phenomena is. 587 00:32:56,183 --> 00:32:58,059 All right, here we go. 588 00:33:01,188 --> 00:33:03,398 I'm not going into it with a belief 589 00:33:03,398 --> 00:33:05,150 that it is or isn't something. 590 00:33:05,150 --> 00:33:06,985 ‐No. ‐So let's apply our knowledge to it 591 00:33:06,985 --> 00:33:08,695 and see what we can come up with. 592 00:33:08,695 --> 00:33:11,448 Everything I look at, I look at open‐mindedly, 593 00:33:11,448 --> 00:33:13,283 you know, from a standpoint of... 594 00:33:13,283 --> 00:33:15,368 we could be seeing something special here, you know. 595 00:33:15,368 --> 00:33:17,871 And then again, it could be a possible bird or a bug. 596 00:33:17,871 --> 00:33:20,248 That's always an option inside the atmosphere of planet Earth. 597 00:33:20,248 --> 00:33:22,667 ‐That's just the way it is. ‐So this is from the, 598 00:33:22,667 --> 00:33:25,503 uh, helicopter not far from Santiago. 599 00:33:25,503 --> 00:33:28,506 ‐Not far. Uh, November of 2014. ‐Okay. 600 00:33:28,506 --> 00:33:30,842 There's the object, and it's only visible 601 00:33:30,842 --> 00:33:32,928 in infrared format. 602 00:33:32,928 --> 00:33:34,387 That's really intriguing. 603 00:33:34,387 --> 00:33:36,681 The high‐def video, it's like it's not even there. 604 00:33:36,681 --> 00:33:38,892 BRADBURY: Two ground radar didn't see it. 605 00:33:38,892 --> 00:33:41,311 The radar on the helicopter could not pick it up. 606 00:33:41,311 --> 00:33:44,022 So super‐unique circumstances here. 607 00:33:44,022 --> 00:33:46,858 You got two hot spots, and they're separated. 608 00:33:46,858 --> 00:33:49,152 ‐You know, that's intriguing. ‐Well... 609 00:33:49,152 --> 00:33:51,029 it's probably very large, because this is 35 miles away. 610 00:33:51,029 --> 00:33:53,365 TAYLOR: Now, how do we know for sure it's 35 miles away? 611 00:33:53,365 --> 00:33:55,200 Based off of the captain that was flying the... 612 00:33:55,200 --> 00:33:56,284 ‐Okay. ‐helicopter. 613 00:33:56,284 --> 00:33:57,744 That was his estimate. 614 00:33:57,744 --> 00:34:00,247 I've never seen anything like this in my life. 615 00:34:00,247 --> 00:34:02,916 NARRATOR: Michael inverts the image, 616 00:34:02,916 --> 00:34:06,920 so they can examine the object's shape more closely. 617 00:34:06,920 --> 00:34:08,546 BRADBURY: What I've done here 618 00:34:08,546 --> 00:34:10,340 is taken the basic infrared, 619 00:34:10,340 --> 00:34:13,718 and I've just kind of flipped it and adjusted it a little better 620 00:34:13,718 --> 00:34:15,887 ‐for clarity purposes. ‐You can clearly see the shape 621 00:34:15,887 --> 00:34:17,180 ‐of the vehicle... ‐Right. 622 00:34:17,180 --> 00:34:19,057 or whatever the thing is. 623 00:34:19,057 --> 00:34:21,184 It's peanut‐shaped. Why is it peanut‐shaped? 624 00:34:21,184 --> 00:34:22,560 BRADBURY: The pilot, 625 00:34:22,560 --> 00:34:24,479 his description was... 626 00:34:24,479 --> 00:34:26,940 it had a flat body with... 627 00:34:26,940 --> 00:34:29,109 these two, like... 628 00:34:29,109 --> 00:34:31,486 ‐bright lenses or something. ‐You know, it kind of 629 00:34:31,486 --> 00:34:33,530 does look like two jet engines, 630 00:34:33,530 --> 00:34:35,740 if you're looking at it from the back, but... 631 00:34:35,740 --> 00:34:38,618 the motion on it looks like it's moving side to side, 632 00:34:38,618 --> 00:34:42,455 and the aspect ratio doesn't change on the circles. 633 00:34:42,455 --> 00:34:43,707 It's not going into the page... 634 00:34:43,707 --> 00:34:44,958 ‐No. ‐as it should be. 635 00:34:44,958 --> 00:34:46,376 There's no other structure. 636 00:34:46,376 --> 00:34:48,461 ‐That's the thing. ‐Yeah. 637 00:34:48,461 --> 00:34:49,921 You would see... 638 00:34:49,921 --> 00:34:52,007 wings, a nose cone. 639 00:34:52,007 --> 00:34:53,717 ‐Right. ‐You wouldn't just see the engine. 640 00:34:53,717 --> 00:34:56,136 You can look at a aircraft with a infrared camera, 641 00:34:56,136 --> 00:34:59,097 ‐and you see the structure, because it's hot. ‐Right. 642 00:34:59,097 --> 00:35:01,308 ‐You got sun shining on it. You got, you know, the engine... ‐Exactly. 643 00:35:01,308 --> 00:35:02,976 just the mechanics of it make it hot. 644 00:35:02,976 --> 00:35:04,185 That's what I'm looking for here is 645 00:35:04,185 --> 00:35:05,937 reflectivity off of the physical structure, 646 00:35:05,937 --> 00:35:07,314 ‐and it's not there. ‐And there's nothing. 647 00:35:07,314 --> 00:35:09,482 That kind of throws that idea out. 648 00:35:09,482 --> 00:35:11,818 NARRATOR: After isolating the object, 649 00:35:11,818 --> 00:35:13,862 Michael applies color filters 650 00:35:13,862 --> 00:35:16,906 to better define the object's unique heat signature 651 00:35:16,906 --> 00:35:18,533 for closer analysis. 652 00:35:18,533 --> 00:35:21,036 TAYLOR: Now, this one is really interesting. 653 00:35:21,036 --> 00:35:22,704 BRADBURY: This is adjusted, not altered. 654 00:35:22,704 --> 00:35:24,289 TAYLOR: Sure, I got it. 655 00:35:24,289 --> 00:35:26,124 So you got black is hot here. 656 00:35:26,124 --> 00:35:28,376 ‐Green is an ambient temperature, I'm assuming. ‐Yes. 657 00:35:28,376 --> 00:35:29,586 ‐And white is cold. ‐Correct. 658 00:35:29,586 --> 00:35:32,172 So here's the thing. There's clearly a field 659 00:35:32,172 --> 00:35:35,967 of cold air around this thing. That's, uh... 660 00:35:35,967 --> 00:35:37,594 that's baffling. 661 00:35:37,594 --> 00:35:39,346 ‐Baffling. ‐This thing, it's hot, 662 00:35:39,346 --> 00:35:40,347 ‐and then instantly... ‐Instantly cold. 663 00:35:40,347 --> 00:35:41,598 ...it's cold. 664 00:35:41,598 --> 00:35:43,433 And in nature, that's not how things work. 665 00:35:43,433 --> 00:35:44,559 No. 666 00:35:44,559 --> 00:35:46,269 There is a different temperature bubble 667 00:35:46,269 --> 00:35:48,229 around the vehicle than there is 668 00:35:48,229 --> 00:35:50,148 ‐around normal vehicles. ‐Exactly. 669 00:35:50,148 --> 00:35:53,276 Which suggests some type of a field, 670 00:35:53,276 --> 00:35:54,778 whatever that means. 671 00:35:54,778 --> 00:35:57,656 Could be, you know, electrical, magnetic, gravitational. 672 00:35:57,656 --> 00:35:59,824 We just don't know what it is, but there is some sort of 673 00:35:59,824 --> 00:36:04,204 clear anomaly and some sort of field around this craft. 674 00:36:04,204 --> 00:36:07,499 The most amazing thing, from a scientific standpoint, 675 00:36:07,499 --> 00:36:11,461 is some sort of low pressure or cold area 676 00:36:11,461 --> 00:36:14,547 immediately around whatever this phenomena is. 677 00:36:14,547 --> 00:36:16,675 And, from a physics standpoint, 678 00:36:16,675 --> 00:36:18,927 we can't really explain what's causing that. 679 00:36:18,927 --> 00:36:24,099 So, when does it start releasing the particulates? 680 00:36:24,099 --> 00:36:27,519 It does at about five minutes into the video. 681 00:36:27,519 --> 00:36:29,979 ‐TAYLOR: So right there. Now, that's really interesting. ‐Right here. 682 00:36:29,979 --> 00:36:31,564 TAYLOR: So it's very hot. Right? 683 00:36:31,564 --> 00:36:33,358 It's saturated black. Very hot. 684 00:36:33,358 --> 00:36:36,236 BRADBURY: So, again, in hi‐def, you can't see it. 685 00:36:36,236 --> 00:36:38,738 TAYLOR: That means it's a temperature plume. 686 00:36:38,738 --> 00:36:41,658 It's not necessarily a particulate plume. 687 00:36:41,658 --> 00:36:45,370 Like, if you spray out jet fuel from the back of a plane, 688 00:36:45,370 --> 00:36:47,580 it starts cooling off almost immediately, 689 00:36:47,580 --> 00:36:49,249 and you even get ice crystals in it, right? 690 00:36:49,249 --> 00:36:51,334 Absolutely, because it's affected by the atmosphere. 691 00:36:51,334 --> 00:36:53,628 ‐This thing stays hot. ‐And it holds its shape. 692 00:36:53,628 --> 00:36:56,548 Which, in itself, is highly unusual. 693 00:36:56,548 --> 00:36:59,759 ‐It doesn't follow standard fluid mechanics. ‐No. 694 00:36:59,759 --> 00:37:02,095 TAYLOR: You could try to debunk this as just an earthly vehicle 695 00:37:02,095 --> 00:37:05,265 all you want to, but I've never seen any earthly vehicle 696 00:37:05,265 --> 00:37:07,100 that is explained this way. 697 00:37:08,393 --> 00:37:10,562 What on earth could this thing be? 698 00:37:12,147 --> 00:37:15,567 NARRATOR: The video analysis suggests to Travis 699 00:37:15,567 --> 00:37:18,778 that this craft possesses technology that is more advanced 700 00:37:18,778 --> 00:37:21,364 than anything that can be found on Earth. 701 00:37:21,364 --> 00:37:22,866 TAYLOR: That's really interesting. 702 00:37:22,866 --> 00:37:25,577 NARRATOR: Michael completes the analysis 703 00:37:25,577 --> 00:37:28,830 using a variety of metrics. 704 00:37:28,830 --> 00:37:32,459 BRADBURY: This is inverted infrared, full gamma reduction, 705 00:37:32,459 --> 00:37:33,710 and you've still got two hot spots. 706 00:37:33,710 --> 00:37:35,086 So, clearly you've got two hot spots 707 00:37:35,086 --> 00:37:38,006 in your peanut shape, and they're separated. 708 00:37:38,006 --> 00:37:40,717 You know, that‐that's... intriguing. 709 00:37:40,717 --> 00:37:41,885 Looks like a diamond shape around... 710 00:37:41,885 --> 00:37:43,887 BRADBURY: Looks like a diamond at times. 711 00:37:43,887 --> 00:37:45,805 Clearer in some formats 712 00:37:45,805 --> 00:37:48,892 but not visible to the naked eye. 713 00:37:48,892 --> 00:37:51,186 Yeah, it could be, like, two hexagons or two diamonds, 714 00:37:51,186 --> 00:37:53,062 whatever it ends up being. 715 00:37:53,062 --> 00:37:57,108 NARRATOR: Finally, Michael has one more thing to show Travis 716 00:37:57,108 --> 00:37:59,986 that he feels makes this footage even more extraordinary. 717 00:37:59,986 --> 00:38:01,446 There's a good look at it right there. 718 00:38:01,446 --> 00:38:03,782 That is‐‐ that's insane. 719 00:38:10,163 --> 00:38:15,126 NARRATOR: In 2017, the Chilean government released astonishing footage 720 00:38:15,126 --> 00:38:19,589 of a UFO caught on infrared camera near Santiago. 721 00:38:22,258 --> 00:38:27,222 After new analysis, astrophysicist Dr. Travis Taylor 722 00:38:27,222 --> 00:38:30,683 has concluded that this strange aerial object possesses 723 00:38:30,683 --> 00:38:32,769 capabilities that are not consistent 724 00:38:32,769 --> 00:38:35,814 with any known human technology. 725 00:38:38,274 --> 00:38:41,528 But as far as image analyst Michael Bradbury is concerned, 726 00:38:41,528 --> 00:38:43,154 perhaps most incredible of all 727 00:38:43,154 --> 00:38:47,075 is an image that appears not in the video... 728 00:38:47,075 --> 00:38:50,829 but etched into the desert floor. 729 00:38:50,829 --> 00:38:56,000 There is a glyph on the ground that was found in the desert 730 00:38:56,000 --> 00:38:59,587 that has two diamond‐shaped, like, objects 731 00:38:59,587 --> 00:39:01,339 with a plume coming out behind it 732 00:39:01,339 --> 00:39:02,715 that has a line in the center of it. 733 00:39:02,715 --> 00:39:04,092 ‐TAYLOR: No kidding. ‐BRADBURY: Yeah. 734 00:39:04,092 --> 00:39:06,177 That is very intriguing. 735 00:39:07,512 --> 00:39:09,764 BRADBURY: And you see that same structure 736 00:39:09,764 --> 00:39:11,850 that was seen by the Chilean Navy. 737 00:39:11,850 --> 00:39:15,270 They match nearly perfectly. 738 00:39:15,270 --> 00:39:19,482 ‐Just like the phenomena caught by this Chilean helicopter. ‐Yes. 739 00:39:19,482 --> 00:39:22,902 Like the diamond things we were seeing on the, on the infrared. 740 00:39:22,902 --> 00:39:25,488 That's a phenomena right now we're seeing with our own eyes. 741 00:39:25,488 --> 00:39:29,033 And‐and we, we see that somebody else saw it somehow. 742 00:39:29,033 --> 00:39:31,077 How old is the glyph? 743 00:39:31,077 --> 00:39:33,621 Several hundred‐‐ if not thousands‐‐ of years old. 744 00:39:33,621 --> 00:39:35,540 So that's really exciting. 745 00:39:35,540 --> 00:39:38,376 BRADBURY: It's no coincidence that that was found 746 00:39:38,376 --> 00:39:40,378 in the same geographical part of the world. 747 00:39:40,378 --> 00:39:42,672 TAYLOR: That's, that's one of the most amazing things 748 00:39:42,672 --> 00:39:43,673 I've ever seen in my life. 749 00:39:43,673 --> 00:39:45,008 It is truly amazing. 750 00:39:45,008 --> 00:39:48,011 These are the cases where I think there's really 751 00:39:48,011 --> 00:39:49,220 something to the ancient astronaut theory. 752 00:39:49,220 --> 00:39:50,930 I do, too. 753 00:39:52,307 --> 00:39:55,852 TSOUKALOS: Just because, thousands of years ago, 754 00:39:55,852 --> 00:39:57,645 people did not have video cameras 755 00:39:57,645 --> 00:40:00,523 doesn't mean these things did not exist. 756 00:40:03,192 --> 00:40:07,989 These diamond‐shaped wedges have the exact same trail 757 00:40:07,989 --> 00:40:11,576 as we can see in the UFO video. 758 00:40:11,576 --> 00:40:14,037 So is there a connection? 759 00:40:14,037 --> 00:40:18,082 And in my opinion, as far as Chile is concerned, 760 00:40:18,082 --> 00:40:22,086 there is a connection between modern UFOs 761 00:40:22,086 --> 00:40:24,505 and ancient craft. 762 00:40:26,299 --> 00:40:29,636 NARRATOR: Could the striking similarity between an ancient geoglyph 763 00:40:29,636 --> 00:40:32,388 and a craft captured on an infrared camera 764 00:40:32,388 --> 00:40:36,392 provide compelling evidence that extraterrestrials 765 00:40:36,392 --> 00:40:40,229 have been present on Earth for thousands of years? 766 00:40:40,229 --> 00:40:43,024 And if so, has an alien flight path 767 00:40:43,024 --> 00:40:46,819 been positively identified in South America? 768 00:40:49,447 --> 00:40:54,118 POPE: There are UFO reports from the modern industrialized cities, 769 00:40:54,118 --> 00:40:57,372 and there are reports from the indigenous peoples. 770 00:40:57,372 --> 00:41:01,250 Now, when two completely different groups see and report 771 00:41:01,250 --> 00:41:03,878 the same thing, this tells me they're reporting 772 00:41:03,878 --> 00:41:05,922 something tangible and real. 773 00:41:13,763 --> 00:41:18,726 ...the contemporary UFOs and the mythological UFOs. 774 00:41:35,326 --> 00:41:37,787 NARRATOR: Is it possible that the vast desert landscape 775 00:41:37,787 --> 00:41:40,206 stretching through Chile and Peru 776 00:41:40,206 --> 00:41:43,793 is an extraterrestrial outpost on Earth? 777 00:41:44,877 --> 00:41:48,256 Do the incredible sightings, curious rituals, 778 00:41:48,256 --> 00:41:51,175 and strange geoglyphs tell a story 779 00:41:51,175 --> 00:41:54,137 of ongoing alien visitation? 780 00:41:54,137 --> 00:41:58,349 Perhaps as more incredible footage continues to surface, 781 00:41:58,349 --> 00:42:01,853 it will be revealed that our alien ancestors 782 00:42:01,853 --> 00:42:05,982 have been among us... all along.