1 00:00:00,248 --> 00:00:02,800 Unexplained sightings. 2 00:00:02,920 --> 00:00:07,258 The first responders on the scene reported a UFO. 3 00:00:07,868 --> 00:00:10,135 Miraculous appearances. 4 00:00:10,151 --> 00:00:13,060 Inside the tilma was the Virgin Mother. 5 00:00:13,506 --> 00:00:16,470 And visions that changed the world. 6 00:00:16,720 --> 00:00:19,388 This extraordinary sign from the heavens 7 00:00:19,427 --> 00:00:23,658 becomes one of the crucial turning points in human history. 8 00:00:24,706 --> 00:00:29,852 Stories of strange encounters accompany many of history's major events. 9 00:00:30,727 --> 00:00:33,035 Is it merely coincidence? 10 00:00:33,504 --> 00:00:38,125 Or might it be evidence of extraterrestrial intervention? 11 00:00:38,891 --> 00:00:42,637 It appears that there is an ongoing plan in place, 12 00:00:42,757 --> 00:00:46,039 a hidden hand in history that is manipulating events 13 00:00:46,078 --> 00:00:48,088 for a certain given outcome. 14 00:00:48,917 --> 00:00:51,311 Millions of people around the world 15 00:00:51,319 --> 00:00:55,941 believe we have been visited in the past by extraterrestrial beings. 16 00:00:56,183 --> 00:00:58,420 What if it were true? 17 00:00:59,335 --> 00:01:03,574 Did ancient aliens really help to shape our history? 18 00:01:03,816 --> 00:01:05,490 And if so, 19 00:01:05,529 --> 00:01:11,715 might mankind's greatest moments have been influenced by alien encounters? 20 00:01:26,685 --> 00:01:33,106 - synced and corrected by chamallow - - www.addic7ed.com - 21 00:01:42,647 --> 00:01:44,109 Japan. 22 00:01:44,508 --> 00:01:47,370 March 11, 2011. 23 00:01:49,317 --> 00:01:54,252 Emanating 43 miles off the eastern coast of the Oshika Peninsula... 24 00:01:56,802 --> 00:01:59,945 one of the largest earthquakes in recorded history... 25 00:02:00,065 --> 00:02:02,346 a magnitude 9.0... 26 00:02:02,466 --> 00:02:04,512 shakes the earth. 27 00:02:05,459 --> 00:02:08,415 The massive movement of two tectonic plates 28 00:02:08,439 --> 00:02:11,145 instantly moves the entire Japanese mainland 29 00:02:11,169 --> 00:02:12,968 some eight feet, 30 00:02:14,414 --> 00:02:16,080 ripping down buildings, 31 00:02:16,112 --> 00:02:17,442 setting fires, 32 00:02:17,562 --> 00:02:19,733 and killing thousands of people. 33 00:02:20,022 --> 00:02:22,502 But the worst is yet to come. 34 00:02:23,041 --> 00:02:27,037 The earthquake also triggers enormous tsunamis. 35 00:02:27,428 --> 00:02:30,259 Waves as high as 130 feet 36 00:02:30,306 --> 00:02:32,370 begin smashing ashore 37 00:02:32,386 --> 00:02:34,701 with devastating consequences. 38 00:02:35,280 --> 00:02:36,612 One wave in particular 39 00:02:36,625 --> 00:02:39,703 struck the Fukushima Daiichi power generating plant 40 00:02:39,728 --> 00:02:42,738 and overwhelmed the safety systems, 41 00:02:42,926 --> 00:02:46,117 which caused the plant to enter a critical phase 42 00:02:46,129 --> 00:02:49,952 and release radioactive material into the atmosphere and into the water. 43 00:02:51,309 --> 00:02:54,607 With the nuclear power plant's reactors melting down 44 00:02:55,113 --> 00:02:58,366 and radiation seeping into the atmosphere, 45 00:02:59,668 --> 00:03:02,233 the authorities evacuate the region. 46 00:03:04,197 --> 00:03:07,275 The only people who remain are employees 47 00:03:07,325 --> 00:03:11,548 who struggle for days to prevent a larger catastrophe from occurring. 48 00:03:12,487 --> 00:03:15,390 But according to eyewitnesses on the scene, 49 00:03:15,446 --> 00:03:18,306 these workers were not alone. 50 00:03:19,714 --> 00:03:21,529 There were UFO sightings 51 00:03:21,540 --> 00:03:25,289 reported in some significant numbers in that area 52 00:03:25,351 --> 00:03:29,068 in the weeks and the days leading up to the earthquake and tsunami. 53 00:03:29,305 --> 00:03:32,628 And there were a number of UFO sightings 54 00:03:32,646 --> 00:03:36,345 reported in the immediate area, uh, directly afterward. 55 00:03:39,742 --> 00:03:42,075 And this suggests the possibility that 56 00:03:42,100 --> 00:03:44,640 extraterrestrials were involved 57 00:03:44,678 --> 00:03:47,868 in stabilizing that situation. 58 00:03:47,988 --> 00:03:51,397 Because had that Fukushima plant melted down, 59 00:03:51,460 --> 00:03:54,319 it would have made a large swath of Asia 60 00:03:54,325 --> 00:03:56,634 uninhabitable for a very long time. 61 00:03:59,136 --> 00:04:00,750 Is it possible 62 00:04:00,870 --> 00:04:05,155 that extraterrestrials became aware of this meltdown 63 00:04:05,275 --> 00:04:07,157 and they did something 64 00:04:07,226 --> 00:04:10,899 to lessen the impact of this disaster 65 00:04:10,912 --> 00:04:18,301 and ultimately save mankind from what could have been a much worse cataclysm? 66 00:04:19,158 --> 00:04:23,887 Could extraterrestrials really have been present at the Fukushima meltdown 67 00:04:24,939 --> 00:04:27,023 and might they have helped to prevent it 68 00:04:27,029 --> 00:04:30,413 from being an even more catastrophic disaster? 69 00:04:30,983 --> 00:04:32,803 Ancient astronaut theorists 70 00:04:32,828 --> 00:04:37,083 point out that similar accounts of strange objects seen in the sky 71 00:04:37,376 --> 00:04:40,548 were also reported 25 years earlier 72 00:04:40,668 --> 00:04:45,178 during the meltdown at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine. 73 00:04:45,779 --> 00:04:49,045 A number of witnesses reported that there were UFOs 74 00:04:49,057 --> 00:04:51,660 hovering around the power station 75 00:04:53,350 --> 00:04:57,141 and that even beams of light were coming down from these UFOs 76 00:04:57,604 --> 00:05:00,933 and doing something to the nuclear power plants, 77 00:05:00,951 --> 00:05:06,720 and keeping them from having a much worse meltdown than they did have. 78 00:05:08,121 --> 00:05:12,726 Some have speculated that the UFOs that were seen during the crisis 79 00:05:12,738 --> 00:05:15,948 may have been, perhaps, protecting us, 80 00:05:16,467 --> 00:05:20,815 trying to stave off a horrifying nuclear explosion. 81 00:05:20,935 --> 00:05:24,031 Or if not protecting us, at least protecting our world. 82 00:05:25,364 --> 00:05:27,284 Was it simply good fortune 83 00:05:27,315 --> 00:05:30,256 that the nuclear accidents at Fukushima and Chernobyl 84 00:05:30,281 --> 00:05:31,952 weren't far more deadly? 85 00:05:33,472 --> 00:05:37,320 Or is it possible that the UFOs eyewitnesses spotted 86 00:05:37,357 --> 00:05:40,467 were responsible for averting these catastrophes 87 00:05:40,492 --> 00:05:43,357 when humans were powerless to do so? 88 00:05:44,934 --> 00:05:49,757 Ancient astronaut theorists believe these encounters weren't random occurrences, 89 00:05:49,964 --> 00:05:53,142 but part of an extraterrestrial agenda 90 00:05:53,179 --> 00:05:56,990 that has been in place on Earth for thousands of years. 91 00:05:57,414 --> 00:06:01,256 It appears that there is an ongoing plan in place, 92 00:06:01,519 --> 00:06:05,047 a hidden hand in history that is manipulating events 93 00:06:05,085 --> 00:06:08,764 and that we are interacting with an alien civilization. 94 00:06:09,146 --> 00:06:11,749 And that we are experiencing the fruits 95 00:06:11,869 --> 00:06:13,726 of what they are offering us 96 00:06:13,846 --> 00:06:18,899 because our history is being intelligently guided and directed 97 00:06:18,968 --> 00:06:21,933 to steer us towards a particular outcome. 98 00:06:22,721 --> 00:06:24,980 But if alleged alien encounters 99 00:06:25,100 --> 00:06:28,002 really are evidence that extraterrestrials 100 00:06:28,033 --> 00:06:30,542 are intervening in human affairs, 101 00:06:30,773 --> 00:06:32,450 what is their purpose? 102 00:06:33,483 --> 00:06:37,544 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest the answer can be found 103 00:06:37,664 --> 00:06:43,068 by looking back at the very earliest alien encounters ever recorded. 104 00:06:44,807 --> 00:06:46,196 Mt. Sinai, 105 00:06:46,603 --> 00:06:49,043 the 15th century, B.C. 106 00:06:50,519 --> 00:06:53,072 According to the Bible's Book of Exodus, 107 00:06:53,192 --> 00:06:55,599 it was on the peak of this holy mountain 108 00:06:55,618 --> 00:06:57,601 that Moses met with God. 109 00:06:59,353 --> 00:07:01,949 But ancient astronaut theorists believe 110 00:07:01,987 --> 00:07:05,364 Moses's encounter may have been with a different kind 111 00:07:05,365 --> 00:07:07,311 of otherworldly entity. 112 00:07:08,369 --> 00:07:12,261 There's an interesting legend passed down from temple times itself 113 00:07:12,317 --> 00:07:16,590 that when Moses ascended to Mt. Sinai to speak with God, 114 00:07:16,659 --> 00:07:19,850 a cloud came down from heaven 115 00:07:20,244 --> 00:07:23,335 and told Moses, "Come into the cloud 116 00:07:23,372 --> 00:07:25,168 to ascend to God." 117 00:07:26,087 --> 00:07:28,559 A door opened in the cloud 118 00:07:28,605 --> 00:07:31,771 and Moses walked in and it closed behind him and he ascended. 119 00:07:32,372 --> 00:07:37,777 The Lord descends with smoke, fire, loud noise, trembling and so on. 120 00:07:37,897 --> 00:07:41,099 All religions speak about the same thing. 121 00:07:41,149 --> 00:07:43,221 They use different names 122 00:07:43,239 --> 00:07:44,710 and the stories change, 123 00:07:44,747 --> 00:07:47,193 but the basic stories are always the same... 124 00:07:47,313 --> 00:07:51,317 somebody descended with loud noise, smoke, fire. 125 00:07:51,579 --> 00:07:53,738 The humans could not understand what it was. 126 00:07:53,800 --> 00:07:59,267 They misinterpreted and believed that this was God or the gods. 127 00:07:59,387 --> 00:08:01,551 It's just a misinterpretation. 128 00:08:01,564 --> 00:08:04,479 I am absolutely sure... there's no doubt... 129 00:08:04,542 --> 00:08:07,689 that we were visited by beings from outer space. 130 00:08:09,453 --> 00:08:12,299 According to ancient astronaut theorists, 131 00:08:12,355 --> 00:08:14,752 such accounts of unearthly encounters 132 00:08:14,808 --> 00:08:17,186 can be found in every major religion, 133 00:08:17,373 --> 00:08:19,463 including Islam, 134 00:08:19,544 --> 00:08:22,998 where the angel Gabriel, also known as Jibril, 135 00:08:23,023 --> 00:08:25,050 was said to be the intermediary 136 00:08:25,100 --> 00:08:26,764 between the prophet Muhammad 137 00:08:26,827 --> 00:08:29,330 and the Muslim god Allah. 138 00:08:29,849 --> 00:08:34,241 Jibril normally would come and dispense wisdom to Muhammad 139 00:08:34,341 --> 00:08:37,213 inside this cave that he was dwelling in. 140 00:08:37,457 --> 00:08:39,359 But on two occasions, 141 00:08:39,703 --> 00:08:43,582 Muhammad did not meet Jibril in the cave in person, 142 00:08:43,702 --> 00:08:45,997 Muhammad went outside the cave, 143 00:08:46,117 --> 00:08:50,927 and it was at this time that something absolutely fantastic happened. 144 00:08:50,946 --> 00:08:54,424 What did Muhammad see when he went outside the cave? 145 00:08:54,430 --> 00:08:56,007 The records show 146 00:08:56,420 --> 00:09:00,912 that there was a magnificent shining object there in front of him. 147 00:09:01,156 --> 00:09:03,934 It was said to have 600 wings, 148 00:09:03,959 --> 00:09:06,649 and it was burning as if it was on fire. 149 00:09:06,962 --> 00:09:09,491 What do we know of in modern times that could 150 00:09:09,528 --> 00:09:12,281 add up to a sighting like that? It's obvious. 151 00:09:12,794 --> 00:09:15,403 A craft that would be hovering there 152 00:09:15,428 --> 00:09:18,600 in front of him, giving off brilliant white light 153 00:09:18,607 --> 00:09:20,784 that he interpreted as fire. 154 00:09:20,809 --> 00:09:25,107 And when he went out and saw this magnificent shining object, 155 00:09:25,345 --> 00:09:28,273 the same wisdom that he was getting from Jibril 156 00:09:28,341 --> 00:09:30,000 was imparted to him, 157 00:09:30,050 --> 00:09:33,985 though he could not see any being; he only could see this object. 158 00:09:34,992 --> 00:09:38,758 Is it possible that many of the stories of gods and angels 159 00:09:38,789 --> 00:09:42,868 descending from the heavens are not actually divine encounters, 160 00:09:43,606 --> 00:09:46,378 but extraterrestrial visitations? 161 00:09:47,348 --> 00:09:48,441 And if so, 162 00:09:48,561 --> 00:09:51,315 are they purposely guiding our future? 163 00:09:52,478 --> 00:09:56,650 Ancient astronaut theorists believe further evidence can be found 164 00:09:57,013 --> 00:10:00,048 by examining a famous vision so important, 165 00:10:00,098 --> 00:10:03,157 it changed the course of human history. 166 00:10:09,039 --> 00:10:10,109 Rome. 167 00:10:10,585 --> 00:10:13,901 October 27, 312 A.D. 168 00:10:15,396 --> 00:10:17,167 Just north of the city, 169 00:10:17,287 --> 00:10:19,119 the emperor Constantine 170 00:10:19,239 --> 00:10:22,091 leads his troops toward the Milvian Bridge 171 00:10:22,211 --> 00:10:26,264 and a decisive battle with Maxentius to reclaim his throne. 172 00:10:27,372 --> 00:10:32,265 At stake is control over the western part of the vast Roman Empire. 173 00:10:34,986 --> 00:10:38,258 According to an account from the historian Eusebius, 174 00:10:38,283 --> 00:10:42,193 on the eve of the battle, Constantine looks up into the sky... 175 00:10:43,588 --> 00:10:46,602 and sees what he believes is a divine vision. 176 00:10:47,880 --> 00:10:51,202 Constantine and his followers 177 00:10:51,214 --> 00:10:53,523 saw in the sky what 178 00:10:53,567 --> 00:10:55,406 their chroniclers say 179 00:10:55,419 --> 00:10:58,141 was a huge, white... 180 00:10:58,672 --> 00:11:01,869 fiery cross. 181 00:11:02,708 --> 00:11:06,410 Now, his followers didn't know what to make of this, 182 00:11:06,411 --> 00:11:10,465 but Constantine decided that this was the Christian cross. 183 00:11:11,435 --> 00:11:12,806 Constantine feels, 184 00:11:12,831 --> 00:11:16,221 after viewing this extraordinary sign from the heavens, 185 00:11:16,222 --> 00:11:18,318 this lighted cross in the sky, 186 00:11:18,438 --> 00:11:20,664 that he will go forth the next day 187 00:11:20,695 --> 00:11:23,291 and he will conquer the Roman Empire, 188 00:11:23,298 --> 00:11:25,794 and this is exactly what he does. 189 00:11:31,118 --> 00:11:36,811 This vision becomes one of the crucial turning points in human history. 190 00:11:42,167 --> 00:11:45,095 After winning the brutal battle of Milvian Bridge, 191 00:11:45,295 --> 00:11:47,691 Constantine consolidates his power 192 00:11:47,866 --> 00:11:51,895 and begins a campaign of religious tolerance across the empire, 193 00:11:52,015 --> 00:11:54,986 and he himself converts to Christianity. 194 00:12:00,241 --> 00:12:03,563 But what exactly did Constantine see in the sky 195 00:12:03,683 --> 00:12:07,179 that ended up changing the course of Western civilization? 196 00:12:07,636 --> 00:12:09,457 Was it a divine vision... 197 00:12:09,826 --> 00:12:11,640 or something else? 198 00:12:11,816 --> 00:12:14,763 Don't we all see crosses up in the sky 199 00:12:14,806 --> 00:12:17,265 when we look at planes? 200 00:12:17,747 --> 00:12:20,462 Because you have lights on the sides and at the front. 201 00:12:20,500 --> 00:12:22,646 And if you have a little bit of light shining on it, 202 00:12:22,683 --> 00:12:25,242 sometimes they look like crosses. 203 00:12:25,292 --> 00:12:28,139 is it possible 204 00:12:28,164 --> 00:12:31,224 that this was absolutely no Christian symbol at all, 205 00:12:31,267 --> 00:12:34,326 but that it was adapted over time 206 00:12:34,339 --> 00:12:37,736 after something that was witnessed in the sky? 207 00:12:39,025 --> 00:12:41,709 Is it possible that extraterrestrials 208 00:12:41,734 --> 00:12:44,137 were responsible for Constantine's vision? 209 00:12:48,028 --> 00:12:49,892 Ancient astronaut theorists 210 00:12:49,917 --> 00:12:52,126 say one compelling piece of evidence 211 00:12:52,246 --> 00:12:55,073 that aliens have tried to manipulate mankind 212 00:12:55,079 --> 00:12:58,764 through religious visions still exists today. 213 00:13:02,849 --> 00:13:04,375 Mexico City. 214 00:13:05,732 --> 00:13:08,235 December 1531. 215 00:13:09,505 --> 00:13:12,333 According to an account called the Nican Mopohua, 216 00:13:12,533 --> 00:13:15,493 published in the Aztec language of Nahuatl, 217 00:13:16,318 --> 00:13:18,515 a peasant named Juan Diego 218 00:13:18,635 --> 00:13:20,686 was walking in the countryside 219 00:13:20,717 --> 00:13:22,287 when he heard a beautiful voice 220 00:13:22,300 --> 00:13:24,570 singing on the other side of a hill. 221 00:13:25,427 --> 00:13:27,373 Diego climbed the hill 222 00:13:27,429 --> 00:13:29,356 and saw an angelic vision... 223 00:13:30,257 --> 00:13:33,629 a woman in white garments that shone like the sun. 224 00:13:34,718 --> 00:13:37,001 She said to him, 225 00:13:37,020 --> 00:13:40,467 "Juan Diego, I am the Virgin Mary, and I'm asking you 226 00:13:40,536 --> 00:13:44,058 to build a sanctuary for me here on this hill." 227 00:13:44,340 --> 00:13:47,305 Well, Juan Diego fell to his knees in awe, 228 00:13:47,336 --> 00:13:50,821 and he said, "Great lady, I will do as you desire." 229 00:13:52,754 --> 00:13:54,656 But according to the story, 230 00:13:54,776 --> 00:13:57,979 Juan Diego couldn't convince the local bishop 231 00:13:58,035 --> 00:14:00,662 that he had actually seen the Virgin Mary, 232 00:14:00,782 --> 00:14:02,752 so he went back to the hill, 233 00:14:02,872 --> 00:14:05,441 where he again saw the vision. 234 00:14:05,561 --> 00:14:07,845 He says, "Lady, please give me a sign, 235 00:14:07,876 --> 00:14:11,566 because nobody believes me when I tell them that I have seen you." 236 00:14:11,686 --> 00:14:14,652 And she says, "Juan Diego, take off your cloak." 237 00:14:14,677 --> 00:14:16,711 And he does, he takes off his cloak, 238 00:14:16,755 --> 00:14:20,165 and she fills his cloak with roses. 239 00:14:22,648 --> 00:14:25,151 He took the roses to the bishop, 240 00:14:25,164 --> 00:14:27,779 and the bishop fell down on his knees, 241 00:14:27,829 --> 00:14:29,811 because it wasn't the roses 242 00:14:29,818 --> 00:14:32,696 as to why he believed the story from Diego, 243 00:14:32,739 --> 00:14:35,799 but inside the tilma was a painting 244 00:14:35,868 --> 00:14:37,720 of the Virgin Mother. 245 00:14:39,008 --> 00:14:43,288 And the bishop believed, and they built the church on that hill. 246 00:14:46,885 --> 00:14:49,288 This cloak still exists today, 247 00:14:49,408 --> 00:14:51,615 and despite its frail fabric, 248 00:14:51,678 --> 00:14:54,356 it has reportedly remained in pristine condition 249 00:14:54,406 --> 00:14:57,071 despite the cruel ravages of time. 250 00:14:58,516 --> 00:15:01,025 Right now you can go to the church 251 00:15:01,194 --> 00:15:03,965 and see the tilma hanging there. 252 00:15:04,028 --> 00:15:06,343 And it has not degraded 253 00:15:06,386 --> 00:15:09,571 over the 400-plus years that they've had it. 254 00:15:09,790 --> 00:15:13,219 It's been through a fire, it's been through an explosion, 255 00:15:13,532 --> 00:15:17,161 where purportedly an iron cross was twisted 256 00:15:17,174 --> 00:15:19,764 from the explosion, but the tilma 257 00:15:19,884 --> 00:15:22,348 right next to the cross was still fine. 258 00:15:23,218 --> 00:15:25,576 Could this sacred image on the cloak, 259 00:15:25,589 --> 00:15:28,892 really be evidence of a visitation by the Virgin Mary? 260 00:15:29,211 --> 00:15:32,815 Or might it have a different, otherworldly explanation? 261 00:15:32,871 --> 00:15:37,683 In addition to the tilma inexplicably enduring for hundreds of years, 262 00:15:37,739 --> 00:15:39,335 those who have studied it 263 00:15:39,366 --> 00:15:42,307 have found other unexplainable qualities. 264 00:15:42,895 --> 00:15:44,747 Most bizarre of all 265 00:15:44,785 --> 00:15:46,512 are the eyes of the image. 266 00:15:49,021 --> 00:15:52,199 Approximately seven to eight millimeters wide, 267 00:15:52,319 --> 00:15:55,115 what we see inside those eyes 268 00:15:55,235 --> 00:15:58,387 is a highly enigmatic mystery, 269 00:15:58,444 --> 00:16:00,915 because it appears 270 00:16:00,959 --> 00:16:04,087 that there are characters in the eyes, 271 00:16:04,207 --> 00:16:06,810 the faces of the people who were there 272 00:16:06,930 --> 00:16:08,943 at the time that the tilma was unveiled 273 00:16:08,981 --> 00:16:11,827 by Our Lady of Guadalupe in 1531. 274 00:16:15,900 --> 00:16:20,893 But if Our Lady of Guadalupe really does have otherworldly origins, 275 00:16:21,013 --> 00:16:23,289 did it come from a heavenly realm 276 00:16:23,409 --> 00:16:25,197 or somewhere else? 277 00:16:26,718 --> 00:16:29,152 Not only do ancient astronaut theorists 278 00:16:29,177 --> 00:16:30,835 believe Juan Diego's vision 279 00:16:30,860 --> 00:16:33,181 was an extraterrestrial encounter, 280 00:16:33,301 --> 00:16:35,640 but even some members of the church 281 00:16:35,652 --> 00:16:39,306 claim that it was something other than a religious experience. 282 00:16:40,426 --> 00:16:42,371 Our Lady of Guadalupe 283 00:16:42,403 --> 00:16:45,099 is definitely a heavenly visitor. 284 00:16:45,731 --> 00:16:50,618 In my opinion, though, what her story said 285 00:16:50,738 --> 00:16:53,765 disagrees with what the Bible says. 286 00:16:54,403 --> 00:16:59,084 In fact, she said she would protect the people that worship at the church. 287 00:16:59,204 --> 00:17:01,868 What that does is really deify Mary 288 00:17:01,893 --> 00:17:07,517 when the Bible is very clear that only God can protect those that serve him. 289 00:17:07,893 --> 00:17:10,871 And so any otherworldly being 290 00:17:11,122 --> 00:17:13,506 that demands worship or respect, 291 00:17:13,549 --> 00:17:16,621 it cannot be an angel from God. 292 00:17:18,249 --> 00:17:20,282 Juan Diego may have witnessed 293 00:17:20,315 --> 00:17:22,303 not just an apparition 294 00:17:22,360 --> 00:17:25,557 but an actual live extraterrestrial 295 00:17:25,613 --> 00:17:28,246 appearing through some sort of advanced technology 296 00:17:28,366 --> 00:17:32,269 whose mission was to impart spiritual faith 297 00:17:32,332 --> 00:17:34,134 and a thirst for the divine. 298 00:17:38,882 --> 00:17:43,043 Could it be that some of history's most significant religious visions 299 00:17:43,105 --> 00:17:44,908 have actually been produced 300 00:17:44,920 --> 00:17:48,737 by alien beings carrying out a secret mission? 301 00:17:49,050 --> 00:17:52,015 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes 302 00:17:52,090 --> 00:17:57,019 and believe further proof that extraterrestrials have been guiding our future 303 00:17:57,245 --> 00:18:00,673 can be found in the story of a mysterious magician 304 00:18:00,929 --> 00:18:03,075 that may have helped propel humanity 305 00:18:03,107 --> 00:18:05,002 into the modern age. 306 00:18:09,714 --> 00:18:11,453 The English Channel. 307 00:18:12,417 --> 00:18:14,106 1588. 308 00:18:14,226 --> 00:18:17,046 King Philip II of Spain 309 00:18:17,077 --> 00:18:20,763 has dispatched an enormous armada of ships to invade England. 310 00:18:22,164 --> 00:18:25,930 They are reportedly filled with more than 20,000 soldiers 311 00:18:25,967 --> 00:18:29,176 and scores of medieval torture devices. 312 00:18:30,478 --> 00:18:32,401 According to some historians, 313 00:18:32,405 --> 00:18:34,507 Philip, a devout Catholic, 314 00:18:34,627 --> 00:18:38,068 wants to bring the brutal Spanish Inquisition to England 315 00:18:38,168 --> 00:18:40,352 to punish Queen Elizabeth I 316 00:18:40,383 --> 00:18:43,561 and her subjects for leaving the Catholic Church. 317 00:18:45,213 --> 00:18:48,942 Philip was a Catholic, and England had been turned Protestant 318 00:18:48,967 --> 00:18:50,824 by Elizabeth's father, Henry VII, 319 00:18:50,825 --> 00:18:55,824 when he broke with the Catholic Church in order to marry Elizabeth's mother, Anne Boleyn. 320 00:18:56,550 --> 00:19:00,047 So, to Philip, the English were sinners 321 00:19:00,066 --> 00:19:03,015 and their ways needed to be reformed. 322 00:19:03,019 --> 00:19:08,006 So he sent a great armada, a great fleet of over 130 ships. 323 00:19:08,262 --> 00:19:11,472 There had never been anything like it before. 324 00:19:14,607 --> 00:19:16,915 England didn't have a lot of money, 325 00:19:16,921 --> 00:19:18,861 and a lot of their vessels 326 00:19:18,981 --> 00:19:21,807 were not even official government vessels. 327 00:19:21,839 --> 00:19:26,494 They were whatever merchant seamen and sailors could cobble together. 328 00:19:28,608 --> 00:19:31,317 The Spanish Armada seemed invincible 329 00:19:31,354 --> 00:19:33,963 and the British severely over-matched. 330 00:19:35,909 --> 00:19:38,149 But when the two forces finally met, 331 00:19:38,330 --> 00:19:40,821 superior English tactics and strategy 332 00:19:40,858 --> 00:19:43,186 forced the armada to retreat. 333 00:19:43,718 --> 00:19:46,620 But the number of Spanish ships was so overwhelming 334 00:19:46,670 --> 00:19:49,692 that the English couldn't score a decisive victory 335 00:19:49,724 --> 00:19:52,639 until a freak storm struck. 336 00:19:52,821 --> 00:19:55,848 The English ships were more maneuverable than the Spanish ships. 337 00:19:55,880 --> 00:19:58,532 In order to counter this, the Spanish cut their anchors. 338 00:19:58,564 --> 00:20:01,780 They figured, "Well, let's get rid of some of this dead weight, so to speak." 339 00:20:03,544 --> 00:20:05,052 But when the winds hit, 340 00:20:05,071 --> 00:20:07,299 they had no way to find a mooring, 341 00:20:07,330 --> 00:20:09,181 and then therefore the winds blew 342 00:20:09,182 --> 00:20:10,565 their ships all over the place, 343 00:20:10,596 --> 00:20:12,322 including into the coast. 344 00:20:12,372 --> 00:20:16,008 They lost roughly half of their fleet due to the weather. 345 00:20:16,227 --> 00:20:18,461 From the point of view of the English people, 346 00:20:18,473 --> 00:20:22,275 this extraordinary storm that destroys the Spanish Armada is a miracle, 347 00:20:22,301 --> 00:20:24,677 destroying the might of Spain 348 00:20:24,703 --> 00:20:26,849 when mankind cannot do it. 349 00:20:28,238 --> 00:20:30,816 The English believed this miraculous storm 350 00:20:30,847 --> 00:20:32,405 was the work of God, 351 00:20:33,131 --> 00:20:35,532 but some ancient astronaut theorists 352 00:20:35,533 --> 00:20:37,586 claim there is evidence that suggests 353 00:20:37,598 --> 00:20:39,280 it may have actually been the work 354 00:20:39,293 --> 00:20:41,232 of otherworldly beings. 355 00:20:42,421 --> 00:20:43,847 Their first clue 356 00:20:43,916 --> 00:20:47,300 comes from one of Queen Elizabeth's closest advisors, 357 00:20:47,531 --> 00:20:50,647 a mysterious man named John Dee. 358 00:20:51,035 --> 00:20:56,329 John Dee was the court astrologer, mathematician, philosopher, 359 00:20:56,449 --> 00:21:00,133 medical doctor at the court of Queen Elizabeth I. 360 00:21:00,253 --> 00:21:03,944 He was an extraordinarily learned man for his time. 361 00:21:05,214 --> 00:21:08,680 He dealt with magic and potions 362 00:21:08,699 --> 00:21:12,640 and what we might call spells to try to effect change. 363 00:21:16,613 --> 00:21:18,795 John Dee was a Hermetic thinker. 364 00:21:18,796 --> 00:21:20,384 Hermetic thinkers believed 365 00:21:20,385 --> 00:21:25,159 that there was a contemporary of Moses by the name of Hermes Trismegistus 366 00:21:25,228 --> 00:21:26,548 who lived in Egypt. 367 00:21:26,616 --> 00:21:30,909 And, just as God revealed the Ten Commandments to Moses, 368 00:21:30,965 --> 00:21:35,576 God revealed to Hermes the secret knowledge of how nature worked 369 00:21:35,595 --> 00:21:38,916 and that with the proper mind-set 370 00:21:38,917 --> 00:21:42,677 and proper tools that one could uncover 371 00:21:42,684 --> 00:21:44,692 essentially what God was thinking 372 00:21:44,729 --> 00:21:47,251 by reading the world. 373 00:21:49,190 --> 00:21:50,773 According to legend, 374 00:21:50,893 --> 00:21:55,015 John Dee used this knowledge of the natural and supernatural worlds 375 00:21:55,135 --> 00:21:59,158 to predict the storm that would ultimately thwart the Spanish Armada. 376 00:22:01,604 --> 00:22:04,963 The story goes that John Dee told 377 00:22:05,083 --> 00:22:10,263 Queen Elizabeth not to worry because a storm would destroy the Spanish fleet. 378 00:22:10,475 --> 00:22:12,258 And then, when it happened, 379 00:22:12,271 --> 00:22:16,025 it confirmed his knowledge of the world and what lay beneath it. 380 00:22:16,657 --> 00:22:20,035 But if John Dee really did make such a prophecy, 381 00:22:20,155 --> 00:22:21,737 what was the source? 382 00:22:22,407 --> 00:22:24,440 Was it something divine? 383 00:22:24,560 --> 00:22:28,394 Or is it possible, as ancient astronaut theorists contend, 384 00:22:28,514 --> 00:22:30,258 that this mysterious man 385 00:22:30,271 --> 00:22:33,768 was using Hermetic wisdom to establish communication 386 00:22:33,781 --> 00:22:36,277 with extraterrestrial beings? 387 00:22:36,584 --> 00:22:39,206 John Dee was very interested in the occult 388 00:22:39,249 --> 00:22:42,178 and seemed to spend a lot of time harnessing or 389 00:22:42,209 --> 00:22:43,798 finding a way to communicate 390 00:22:43,804 --> 00:22:46,050 to life-forms beyond this Earth. 391 00:22:46,170 --> 00:22:48,728 We really don't understand the influence over John Dee 392 00:22:48,759 --> 00:22:51,945 as to how he was able to interpret such accurate information. 393 00:22:52,257 --> 00:22:54,284 It's very possible that John Dee 394 00:22:54,297 --> 00:22:56,740 was receiving his information from an outside source 395 00:22:56,777 --> 00:22:59,274 that was possibly an extraterrestrial. 396 00:23:00,995 --> 00:23:03,851 But if John Dee's pursuit of Hermetic wisdom 397 00:23:03,907 --> 00:23:07,167 gave him insights into the alien agenda on Earth, 398 00:23:07,367 --> 00:23:08,856 what did he find? 399 00:23:08,976 --> 00:23:11,127 And why would extraterrestrials 400 00:23:11,152 --> 00:23:13,642 want to sink the Spanish Armada? 401 00:23:13,762 --> 00:23:17,509 It is possible these extraterrestrials had a vested interest 402 00:23:17,553 --> 00:23:20,192 in preserving the monarchy of Queen Elizabeth, 403 00:23:20,193 --> 00:23:23,290 in seeing that the monarchy was not overthrown, 404 00:23:23,410 --> 00:23:26,906 and they repelled any such invading forces 405 00:23:27,150 --> 00:23:31,310 in order to make sure that this carefully constructed power structure 406 00:23:31,379 --> 00:23:33,450 was kept fully intact. 407 00:23:34,995 --> 00:23:37,617 Ancient astronaut theorists suggest 408 00:23:37,737 --> 00:23:42,434 extraterrestrials were not acting to favor Protestants over Catholics 409 00:23:42,554 --> 00:23:45,703 but may have wanted to preserve the great cultural 410 00:23:45,707 --> 00:23:49,098 and scientific developments that would occur in England 411 00:23:49,129 --> 00:23:50,718 in the coming centuries. 412 00:23:50,737 --> 00:23:53,434 What happened in England 413 00:23:53,554 --> 00:23:56,537 after Queen Elizabeth's time 414 00:23:56,956 --> 00:24:00,204 was nothing less than miraculous. 415 00:24:00,410 --> 00:24:02,725 We had the Scientific Revolution. 416 00:24:02,781 --> 00:24:05,165 We had people like Isaac Newton. 417 00:24:05,528 --> 00:24:09,188 And we had other great scientists develop 418 00:24:09,301 --> 00:24:12,523 what eventually became the Industrial Revolution... 419 00:24:12,561 --> 00:24:16,408 steam trains, electricity and the modern world. 420 00:24:17,453 --> 00:24:18,886 The period that followed 421 00:24:18,904 --> 00:24:22,277 also gave rise to champions of the scientific method, 422 00:24:22,534 --> 00:24:25,205 like Francis Bacon and John Locke, 423 00:24:25,325 --> 00:24:27,620 and led to an age of exploration 424 00:24:27,740 --> 00:24:33,557 that would give rise to a greater investment in the still fledgling new land of America. 425 00:24:34,514 --> 00:24:37,561 If the Spanish had succeeded in conquering England, 426 00:24:37,618 --> 00:24:39,688 they would have brought the Inquisition with them 427 00:24:39,751 --> 00:24:42,591 in a period of darkness and torture. 428 00:24:42,760 --> 00:24:46,608 And, likely, the Industrial Revolution never would have happened. 429 00:24:48,529 --> 00:24:51,006 Might some otherworldly entity 430 00:24:51,126 --> 00:24:54,028 really have intervened in the Spanish invasion, 431 00:24:54,447 --> 00:24:56,987 sending a storm to destroy their ships 432 00:24:56,993 --> 00:24:59,076 and ensure the future of England? 433 00:25:00,565 --> 00:25:01,835 And, if so, 434 00:25:01,955 --> 00:25:06,715 is this a sign that aliens really do have an interest in our future? 435 00:25:06,947 --> 00:25:09,174 Perhaps the answer can be found 436 00:25:09,294 --> 00:25:14,523 by examining the vision that inspired one of the world's newest religions. 437 00:25:17,658 --> 00:25:19,404 Manchester, New York. 438 00:25:20,825 --> 00:25:24,040 September 21, 1823. 439 00:25:26,512 --> 00:25:28,147 As he settles into bed, 440 00:25:28,267 --> 00:25:31,348 a 17-year-old farmhand named Joseph Smith 441 00:25:31,361 --> 00:25:33,306 begins to say his prayers. 442 00:25:35,307 --> 00:25:37,211 Suddenly, without warning, 443 00:25:37,411 --> 00:25:40,326 an overpowering light envelops his room, 444 00:25:41,490 --> 00:25:43,248 and a robed figure appears. 445 00:25:44,537 --> 00:25:46,358 According to Smith's account, 446 00:25:46,470 --> 00:25:49,035 "Not only was his robe exceedingly white, 447 00:25:49,104 --> 00:25:52,508 but his whole person was glorious beyond description." 448 00:25:53,753 --> 00:25:55,535 Speaking from the center of the light, 449 00:25:55,573 --> 00:25:57,975 the angel, whose name is Moroni, 450 00:25:58,095 --> 00:26:01,498 sends Smith on a quest for several sacred texts 451 00:26:01,510 --> 00:26:03,412 hidden near a local tree. 452 00:26:06,410 --> 00:26:08,581 Upon locating the tree, 453 00:26:08,612 --> 00:26:11,564 Joseph dug and indeed found the texts, 454 00:26:11,684 --> 00:26:15,256 but they recorded a language which he could not read. 455 00:26:16,351 --> 00:26:19,211 A second visitation from Moroni 456 00:26:19,261 --> 00:26:22,001 told Joseph Smith where he could find 457 00:26:22,121 --> 00:26:24,792 what we might call a device of some kind 458 00:26:24,912 --> 00:26:27,532 that would allow him to read the texts. 459 00:26:30,035 --> 00:26:35,672 Joseph Smith was given this translating stone, 460 00:26:35,691 --> 00:26:38,644 the Urim and Dethumium, with which he was able to 461 00:26:38,656 --> 00:26:41,653 not only write down this text, 462 00:26:43,030 --> 00:26:45,808 but also to be able to translate it. 463 00:26:46,865 --> 00:26:50,187 He then translated the texts into English, 464 00:26:50,193 --> 00:26:51,914 which become The Book of Mormon. 465 00:26:52,959 --> 00:26:55,719 And it depicts, among other things, 466 00:26:55,769 --> 00:26:58,052 that after Jesus ascended into heaven, 467 00:26:58,077 --> 00:26:59,654 he came to the Americas 468 00:26:59,666 --> 00:27:02,394 and ministered to the native peoples here, 469 00:27:03,940 --> 00:27:06,755 to convert them to his way of life, 470 00:27:06,799 --> 00:27:11,029 and that at some point the texts that become The Book of Mormon are deposited here, 471 00:27:11,048 --> 00:27:13,119 so that Joseph Smith could find them. 472 00:27:16,366 --> 00:27:18,024 Seven years later, 473 00:27:18,068 --> 00:27:21,871 Smith publishes these texts as part of The Book of Mormon, 474 00:27:21,991 --> 00:27:26,125 establishing The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 475 00:27:26,752 --> 00:27:30,810 a denomination with more than 15 million followers today. 476 00:27:33,175 --> 00:27:37,730 Many religions worldwide have been founded with the help of angels. 477 00:27:38,493 --> 00:27:41,696 Whether they're representatives of Christian, Muslim, 478 00:27:41,758 --> 00:27:43,598 or Buddhist gods, 479 00:27:43,718 --> 00:27:46,226 these apparitions are thought to be a way 480 00:27:46,263 --> 00:27:49,460 the gods intervene on Earth with humans. 481 00:27:49,761 --> 00:27:53,640 Angels, when they appear in religious legends and in myths, 482 00:27:53,652 --> 00:27:57,795 generally are messengers between the heavenly realm and the human realm. 483 00:27:58,783 --> 00:28:02,544 Throughout the Bible, we have stories of angels 484 00:28:02,575 --> 00:28:05,534 and demons appearing to mankind. 485 00:28:06,448 --> 00:28:09,113 In fact, Paul says that, 486 00:28:09,138 --> 00:28:12,210 "You be careful how you entertain strangers 487 00:28:12,229 --> 00:28:15,845 because some of you entertain angels unaware." 488 00:28:16,101 --> 00:28:18,203 The Bible is very clear that 489 00:28:18,237 --> 00:28:20,850 angels can take on human form 490 00:28:20,869 --> 00:28:23,854 and appear in the likeness of man. 491 00:28:26,944 --> 00:28:29,659 But ancient astronaut theorists suggest 492 00:28:29,660 --> 00:28:32,926 that sometimes these heavenly visions and apparitions 493 00:28:32,983 --> 00:28:36,812 may not actually be angels sent by an omniscient god. 494 00:28:37,581 --> 00:28:38,926 And curiously, 495 00:28:38,945 --> 00:28:42,862 the so-called angel that led Joseph Smith to the sacred texts 496 00:28:42,881 --> 00:28:44,801 that would become The Book of Mormon 497 00:28:44,851 --> 00:28:47,717 did not profess to have heavenly origins, 498 00:28:48,280 --> 00:28:51,139 but claimed to be from another part of the universe. 499 00:28:52,321 --> 00:28:56,251 Now, Moroni did not say that he was an angel. 500 00:28:56,371 --> 00:29:00,243 He said that at one time he had lived on Earth, 501 00:29:00,524 --> 00:29:04,003 but that now he came from the Pleiades star cluster. 502 00:29:04,635 --> 00:29:07,125 And he said there were many others like him. 503 00:29:08,883 --> 00:29:11,142 When we look at the background of The Book of Mormon, 504 00:29:11,157 --> 00:29:14,388 we see some very interesting parallels to what could be 505 00:29:14,395 --> 00:29:16,009 an extraterrestrial tale. 506 00:29:16,129 --> 00:29:19,412 This angel, Moroni, that appears to Joseph Smith 507 00:29:20,939 --> 00:29:23,347 seems to be more than just chance. 508 00:29:24,461 --> 00:29:26,694 It's very possible that Joseph Smith was 509 00:29:26,814 --> 00:29:30,017 interacting with a type of extraterrestrial. 510 00:29:32,181 --> 00:29:35,803 These extraterrestrials may be giving these messages 511 00:29:35,816 --> 00:29:39,232 to world leaders and to prophets and seers and mystics 512 00:29:39,352 --> 00:29:40,984 to let us know 513 00:29:41,115 --> 00:29:45,844 that we are the product of an extraterrestrial interbreeding, 514 00:29:45,964 --> 00:29:49,886 and an ongoing contact with these other people 515 00:29:50,006 --> 00:29:51,706 who were not born on Earth. 516 00:29:52,607 --> 00:29:55,867 And we have lost touch with that history 517 00:29:55,955 --> 00:29:57,494 only because 518 00:29:57,500 --> 00:29:59,740 we refuse to believe the truth 519 00:29:59,777 --> 00:30:02,111 that is recorded in our historical books 520 00:30:02,249 --> 00:30:04,558 and see what's right in front of our faces, 521 00:30:04,577 --> 00:30:07,035 even now with the encounters 522 00:30:07,067 --> 00:30:08,931 that are happening in the modern world. 523 00:30:12,709 --> 00:30:14,962 But if an extraterrestrial 524 00:30:14,987 --> 00:30:17,082 being really did inspire Joseph Smith 525 00:30:17,095 --> 00:30:19,954 to found the Mormon church, why? 526 00:30:20,661 --> 00:30:22,557 Joseph Smith's encounter 527 00:30:22,588 --> 00:30:25,328 ultimately led the Mormons to migrate west 528 00:30:25,359 --> 00:30:28,363 to establish a new holy land in Utah, 529 00:30:28,413 --> 00:30:32,423 which has led some to speculate that aliens, once again, 530 00:30:32,479 --> 00:30:35,014 were guiding the course of humanity. 531 00:30:35,134 --> 00:30:39,011 Moroni let Joseph Smith know that he would be the prophet, 532 00:30:39,049 --> 00:30:42,477 and he would lead his people to the new Jerusalem. 533 00:30:42,653 --> 00:30:45,831 Mormonism is another example, potentially, 534 00:30:45,869 --> 00:30:48,610 of an extraterrestrial influence 535 00:30:48,622 --> 00:30:50,655 steering the course of our humanity, 536 00:30:50,680 --> 00:30:52,533 and helping steer the outcome 537 00:30:52,551 --> 00:30:54,772 of historical events here on Earth. 538 00:30:58,264 --> 00:31:00,347 Is it possible that Joseph Smith, 539 00:31:00,378 --> 00:31:02,286 the founder of the Mormon religion, 540 00:31:02,406 --> 00:31:05,809 was guided by an extraterrestrial being? 541 00:31:06,423 --> 00:31:07,711 And if so, 542 00:31:07,786 --> 00:31:10,796 was this alien encounter another attempt 543 00:31:10,821 --> 00:31:14,006 to guide us into a more enlightened age? 544 00:31:14,293 --> 00:31:17,172 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 545 00:31:18,348 --> 00:31:20,882 and believe further evidence can be found 546 00:31:20,932 --> 00:31:22,553 by examining a dream 547 00:31:22,673 --> 00:31:25,355 that helped defeat one of the 20th century's 548 00:31:25,362 --> 00:31:28,302 most diabolical dictators. 549 00:31:33,764 --> 00:31:35,753 Olympia, Greece. 550 00:31:37,198 --> 00:31:40,252 his valley on the Peloponnesus Peninsula, 551 00:31:40,289 --> 00:31:44,075 once filled with temples, altars and statues, 552 00:31:44,106 --> 00:31:47,904 is where the ancient Greeks came to pay tribute to their gods. 553 00:31:48,956 --> 00:31:52,178 Near the temple to Zeus, the king of the gods, 554 00:31:52,298 --> 00:31:55,068 was a sanctuary dedicated to the Moirai, 555 00:31:55,299 --> 00:31:58,440 the only beings that Zeus was said to fear. 556 00:31:59,084 --> 00:32:03,145 These mythical figures were believed to control destiny. 557 00:32:03,265 --> 00:32:06,486 English speakers call them "The Fates." 558 00:32:07,518 --> 00:32:10,484 In ancient times, fate and human destiny 559 00:32:10,503 --> 00:32:12,843 were thought to be in the hands of the gods. 560 00:32:12,855 --> 00:32:16,498 There was much less this idea that we're in charge of our own destiny 561 00:32:16,529 --> 00:32:21,265 and that we make our own lives through choices and decisions and action. 562 00:32:21,947 --> 00:32:24,563 The idea was that human destiny 563 00:32:24,613 --> 00:32:28,329 was in someone else's hands. It was in the hands of the fates. 564 00:32:28,373 --> 00:32:30,870 There were three supernatural creatures. 565 00:32:31,064 --> 00:32:33,479 Clotho, who spun the thread of life; 566 00:32:33,516 --> 00:32:35,925 Lachesis, who wove it; 567 00:32:35,981 --> 00:32:39,823 and Atropos, who cut the thread at the moment of death. 568 00:32:40,123 --> 00:32:42,190 In the ancient times, gods and goddesses 569 00:32:42,215 --> 00:32:44,861 were thought to be able to influence people's destiny, 570 00:32:44,874 --> 00:32:48,115 and that they were constantly interfering in human affairs. 571 00:32:48,290 --> 00:32:50,348 They were constantly messing with humans. 572 00:32:50,392 --> 00:32:52,519 They could make humans do all kinds of things. 573 00:32:52,556 --> 00:32:55,115 They could disguise themselves. They could trick humans. 574 00:32:55,121 --> 00:32:56,604 They could persuade humans. 575 00:32:56,724 --> 00:32:59,620 And yet, that final moment of destiny 576 00:33:00,183 --> 00:33:02,992 was still in the hands of the Fates. 577 00:33:04,274 --> 00:33:07,653 Other ancient cultures had similar beliefs. 578 00:33:07,665 --> 00:33:11,650 The Egyptians personified fate as the god Shai 579 00:33:11,770 --> 00:33:14,516 who was said to control the actions of humans, 580 00:33:15,673 --> 00:33:18,264 while the Vedic texts of ancient India 581 00:33:18,282 --> 00:33:21,348 talked about a universal order called Rta. 582 00:33:21,730 --> 00:33:24,907 There was a similar legend in ancient Mesopotamia. 583 00:33:24,908 --> 00:33:26,609 And it was of the Mamitu, 584 00:33:26,634 --> 00:33:28,736 who was a goat-headed goddess 585 00:33:29,062 --> 00:33:32,547 who lived with the Anunnaki in the realms of the sky. 586 00:33:33,460 --> 00:33:37,039 The Mamitu was also in charge of our fate. 587 00:33:37,233 --> 00:33:40,356 So you have to wonder... was the Mamitu 588 00:33:40,476 --> 00:33:42,471 and these other gods of fate 589 00:33:42,496 --> 00:33:47,588 some kind of extraterrestrials that were controlling our lives? 590 00:33:48,615 --> 00:33:52,694 Is it possible, as some ancient astronaut theorists suggest, 591 00:33:52,756 --> 00:33:55,716 that the gods who were said to control our fate 592 00:33:55,728 --> 00:33:59,489 were actually members of an advanced alien civilization? 593 00:34:00,390 --> 00:34:01,673 And if so, 594 00:34:01,793 --> 00:34:05,915 how were they able to interfere in people's lives undetected? 595 00:34:06,328 --> 00:34:09,500 Some ancient astronaut theorists suggest 596 00:34:09,525 --> 00:34:12,972 that extraterrestrials not only communicate with us 597 00:34:13,003 --> 00:34:15,437 through visions and physical encounters, 598 00:34:15,481 --> 00:34:18,065 but even through our dreams. 599 00:34:19,460 --> 00:34:20,937 New York City. 600 00:34:20,987 --> 00:34:23,358 Spring, 1940. 601 00:34:24,074 --> 00:34:26,715 At the Bell Laboratory complex in Manhattan, 602 00:34:26,784 --> 00:34:29,656 a young engineer named David Parkinson 603 00:34:29,776 --> 00:34:32,646 is using a device called a potentiometer 604 00:34:32,696 --> 00:34:34,955 to track the varying electrical voltages 605 00:34:34,980 --> 00:34:37,770 that course through a telephone when people use it. 606 00:34:38,834 --> 00:34:42,774 Parkinson's work with potentiometers seems unimportant 607 00:34:42,894 --> 00:34:45,408 compared to the big news of the day. 608 00:34:46,796 --> 00:34:49,881 Nazis have begun their shattering blitz on Britain. 609 00:34:52,684 --> 00:34:55,518 The Nazis have conquered most of Europe, 610 00:34:55,787 --> 00:34:58,221 forcing the Allies to flee the continent 611 00:34:58,240 --> 00:35:02,969 in a ragtag flotilla of civilian boats after the Battle of Dunkirk. 612 00:35:04,752 --> 00:35:08,094 The Nazis were almost undefeatable at this time in the war, 613 00:35:08,132 --> 00:35:13,049 and there was a tremendous despair and fear amongst the Allied forces. 614 00:35:14,119 --> 00:35:17,522 And the story goes that David Parkinson had a dream one night, 615 00:35:17,523 --> 00:35:21,427 and in the dream he was standing beside a certain type of gun. 616 00:35:25,869 --> 00:35:31,055 And that gun was hitting every Nazi plane with absolute accuracy. 617 00:35:33,457 --> 00:35:36,510 Parkinson's dream gave him a brilliant idea. 618 00:35:37,805 --> 00:35:41,427 He could use the same technology that tracked electrical charges 619 00:35:41,434 --> 00:35:42,841 flowing through a telephone 620 00:35:42,879 --> 00:35:46,282 to track enemy airplanes flying through the sky. 621 00:35:46,995 --> 00:35:50,531 And in the dream, he was able to see the technology 622 00:35:50,556 --> 00:35:54,322 that was created to make this gun so accurate. 623 00:35:55,005 --> 00:35:57,044 And it is said that when he awoke, 624 00:35:57,094 --> 00:36:01,223 he went back to the labs and he ultimately created the technology 625 00:36:01,236 --> 00:36:04,414 that was necessary to shoot down Nazi aircraft. 626 00:36:07,437 --> 00:36:12,273 Parkinson's dream inspired him to create the M-9 electrical gun director, 627 00:36:12,856 --> 00:36:15,446 which allowed Allied anti-aircraft guns 628 00:36:15,465 --> 00:36:18,574 to hit moving targets like the dangerous V-1 rocket 629 00:36:18,599 --> 00:36:20,589 with incredible accuracy. 630 00:36:23,116 --> 00:36:25,206 But how could such an advanced weapon 631 00:36:25,244 --> 00:36:28,216 be completely realized in a single dream? 632 00:36:30,675 --> 00:36:32,627 The weird part about it is 633 00:36:32,695 --> 00:36:34,766 this guy was a scientist, 634 00:36:34,785 --> 00:36:37,413 but he knew nothing about aeronautics. 635 00:36:38,646 --> 00:36:43,595 Because David Parkinson had no background in aerodynamics, 636 00:36:43,626 --> 00:36:46,880 his contemporaries, other scientists, and the military were 637 00:36:46,899 --> 00:36:50,928 literally taking him not seriously at all. 638 00:36:51,541 --> 00:36:55,763 But he insisted and he even spent a lot of his own time 639 00:36:55,795 --> 00:36:59,999 creating prototypes, which eventually were found to work. 640 00:37:02,764 --> 00:37:03,947 Throughout human history, 641 00:37:03,959 --> 00:37:07,633 there are amazing stories of how mankind has been inspired 642 00:37:07,658 --> 00:37:09,816 through their dreams and through their visions. 643 00:37:10,529 --> 00:37:12,781 I think we have to ask ourselves 644 00:37:12,825 --> 00:37:15,140 what is the source of this inspiration? 645 00:37:15,171 --> 00:37:18,106 Where do these dreams and visions come from? 646 00:37:18,875 --> 00:37:24,541 Is it possible that we are being communicated with by otherworldly beings? 647 00:37:25,769 --> 00:37:27,571 Could extraterrestrials 648 00:37:27,577 --> 00:37:31,274 really be using dreams to convey ideas and information 649 00:37:31,306 --> 00:37:33,039 to the human race? 650 00:37:33,602 --> 00:37:36,642 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 651 00:37:36,692 --> 00:37:39,607 and claim the proof that dream manipulation 652 00:37:39,658 --> 00:37:41,366 is a real possibility 653 00:37:41,486 --> 00:37:44,294 can be found in the human brain. 654 00:37:47,566 --> 00:37:48,779 Throughout history, 655 00:37:48,836 --> 00:37:51,232 many of mankind's greatest thinkers 656 00:37:51,257 --> 00:37:53,685 have been inspired by their dreams. 657 00:37:54,780 --> 00:37:56,744 Scientist James Watson 658 00:37:56,775 --> 00:37:59,329 claimed the double helix structure of DNA 659 00:37:59,449 --> 00:38:03,126 came to him through his dream of a spiral staircase. 660 00:38:03,458 --> 00:38:05,404 Friedrich August Kekulé 661 00:38:05,448 --> 00:38:08,001 discovered the chemical structure of benzene 662 00:38:08,038 --> 00:38:10,248 when he had a dream of a group of snakes 663 00:38:10,255 --> 00:38:12,013 swallowing their tails. 664 00:38:13,239 --> 00:38:15,047 Srinivasa Ramanujan, 665 00:38:15,066 --> 00:38:19,678 whose mathematic principles are still being used by quantum physicists today, 666 00:38:19,853 --> 00:38:22,581 said that he obtained these mathematic theorems 667 00:38:22,618 --> 00:38:24,745 in dreams implanted in his mind 668 00:38:24,814 --> 00:38:27,135 by the Hindu goddess Namagiri. 669 00:38:28,750 --> 00:38:31,402 We are seeing an ongoing pattern 670 00:38:31,522 --> 00:38:34,581 of dreams being used to communicate information. 671 00:38:35,231 --> 00:38:37,415 This is a widespread phenomenon. 672 00:38:37,458 --> 00:38:40,655 It's been going on for many thousands of years. 673 00:38:40,680 --> 00:38:43,502 And it continues right straight through to the present day. 674 00:38:44,772 --> 00:38:48,420 Is it really possible that extraterrestrial beings 675 00:38:48,439 --> 00:38:51,473 could actually manipulate our dreams? 676 00:38:51,811 --> 00:38:54,602 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes; 677 00:38:55,484 --> 00:38:59,244 and as evidence, they point out that modern science 678 00:38:59,307 --> 00:39:01,766 is already starting to understand 679 00:39:01,828 --> 00:39:05,019 how to interpret and manipulate dreams. 680 00:39:06,965 --> 00:39:09,411 Moran Cerf is a neuroscientist 681 00:39:09,436 --> 00:39:11,738 who studies human brainwaves. 682 00:39:12,095 --> 00:39:13,878 In one of his experiments, 683 00:39:13,928 --> 00:39:16,787 he shows pictures to test subjects while they're awake 684 00:39:16,907 --> 00:39:20,666 and analyzes how their brains process the images. 685 00:39:21,097 --> 00:39:26,071 So each of those little squares here corresponds to a cell in Matt's brain. 686 00:39:26,277 --> 00:39:30,055 So, right now, Matt has 128 electrodes in his brain. 687 00:39:30,105 --> 00:39:34,848 They come from all various parts of his brain... right, left and so on. 688 00:39:34,968 --> 00:39:36,869 All of those wires going to this computer. 689 00:39:36,882 --> 00:39:41,086 What we see here are the activities of those little cells in his brain. 690 00:39:41,086 --> 00:39:43,156 So, if I pick cell number 36, 691 00:39:43,188 --> 00:39:44,915 and I double click on that, 692 00:39:45,428 --> 00:39:48,274 what you see here is the activity inside his brain. 693 00:39:48,600 --> 00:39:52,003 This is like a microphone sitting next to one cell in his brain. 694 00:39:53,405 --> 00:39:58,129 Dr. Cerf can determine which cell stores the memory of a particular picture, 695 00:39:58,323 --> 00:40:00,444 like movie star Cary Grant, 696 00:40:00,619 --> 00:40:04,923 by analyzing which cell reacted when he showed it to his test subject. 697 00:40:06,425 --> 00:40:09,635 Once he's figured this out for dozens of cells, 698 00:40:09,691 --> 00:40:13,107 Dr. Cerf waits for his patients to go to sleep 699 00:40:13,144 --> 00:40:17,437 and then watches for signs that they're dreaming about the images he has shown them. 700 00:40:18,450 --> 00:40:19,989 In a very basic way, 701 00:40:20,052 --> 00:40:22,586 he can see his patients' dreams. 702 00:40:23,912 --> 00:40:25,276 But in the future, 703 00:40:25,295 --> 00:40:28,605 Dr. Cerf may actually be able to dictate our dreams 704 00:40:28,661 --> 00:40:32,083 by stimulating the set of cells that store our memories 705 00:40:32,089 --> 00:40:33,985 about a person or event. 706 00:40:34,673 --> 00:40:38,847 If I really map the entire sequence, if I know all the, say, one million cells 707 00:40:38,859 --> 00:40:41,574 that encode Cary Grant in your brain and know exactly what they are, 708 00:40:41,599 --> 00:40:44,371 and I activate all of them, I stimulate all of them, 709 00:40:44,491 --> 00:40:48,482 then, we believe, you are going to actually see Cary Grant. 710 00:40:51,060 --> 00:40:55,127 If aliens really have been coming to Earth for thousands of years, 711 00:40:55,247 --> 00:40:59,763 could they be using similar technology to manipulate our dreams? 712 00:41:00,888 --> 00:41:03,979 Is it possible that the extraterrestrials 713 00:41:03,992 --> 00:41:08,434 don't want to directly interfere in our society 714 00:41:08,496 --> 00:41:11,392 but to guide us from behind the scenes? 715 00:41:11,968 --> 00:41:14,032 And even though they have to 716 00:41:14,070 --> 00:41:16,604 push us along in certain directions, 717 00:41:16,635 --> 00:41:19,588 we need to have the feeling that we're doing it, 718 00:41:20,065 --> 00:41:24,982 even if it does include some extraterrestrial guidance. 719 00:41:27,272 --> 00:41:31,589 They continue to communicate with humans through dreams and visions 720 00:41:31,589 --> 00:41:34,367 and other methods of indirect communication 721 00:41:34,411 --> 00:41:36,451 in order for them to provide guidance, 722 00:41:36,469 --> 00:41:40,286 but also to provide this guidance in a hands-off way. 723 00:41:41,987 --> 00:41:45,560 Is it possible that they withdrew from our reality 724 00:41:45,628 --> 00:41:48,269 because we had to modernize? 725 00:41:48,788 --> 00:41:51,140 It could be that the purpose of this 726 00:41:51,159 --> 00:41:53,505 was to give us the opportunity 727 00:41:53,518 --> 00:41:56,146 to follow them without being pushed. 728 00:41:56,183 --> 00:41:58,010 And if they forced it upon us, 729 00:41:58,016 --> 00:42:01,401 we would simply worship them as gods and we would have learned nothing. 730 00:42:02,133 --> 00:42:03,960 But by doing it ourselves, 731 00:42:04,017 --> 00:42:05,869 we form our own path. 732 00:42:05,887 --> 00:42:09,122 We actually make our own ascension experience. 733 00:42:09,165 --> 00:42:10,574 And we become 734 00:42:10,599 --> 00:42:12,914 much more like them in the process. 735 00:42:14,609 --> 00:42:18,557 Has life on Earth been influenced by alien encounters 736 00:42:18,808 --> 00:42:20,972 for thousands of years? 737 00:42:21,254 --> 00:42:24,483 Are divine visions, prophetic dreams, 738 00:42:24,539 --> 00:42:26,685 and modern-day UFO sightings 739 00:42:26,735 --> 00:42:29,651 all signs that we are being manipulated 740 00:42:29,657 --> 00:42:32,523 by a more advanced race of beings? 741 00:42:32,643 --> 00:42:34,756 Could it be that these encounters 742 00:42:34,762 --> 00:42:37,584 are not meant for them to get to know us, 743 00:42:37,609 --> 00:42:40,168 but for us to get to know them? 744 00:42:40,562 --> 00:42:44,197 And if so, what are they guiding us towards? 745 00:42:44,317 --> 00:42:47,988 Perhaps we are getting closer to our ultimate destination, 746 00:42:48,226 --> 00:42:49,577 and when we reach it, 747 00:42:49,627 --> 00:42:51,810 we will once again be reunited 748 00:42:51,985 --> 00:42:54,532 with our alien ancestors. 749 00:42:54,807 --> 00:42:58,817 - synced and corrected by chamallow - - www.addic7ed.com -