1 00:00:02,083 --> 00:00:04,000 NARRATOR: Incredible accounts of U.S. presidents 2 00:00:04,167 --> 00:00:06,750 receiving visitors from beyond Earth. 3 00:00:06,875 --> 00:00:08,375 BILL BIRNES: President Eisenhower and Richard Nixon 4 00:00:08,542 --> 00:00:11,833 are contacted by an E.T. 5 00:00:12,000 --> 00:00:15,000 NARRATOR: Stories of alien ambassadors 6 00:00:15,167 --> 00:00:17,792 reaching out to the British Royal Family. 7 00:00:17,917 --> 00:00:19,667 NICK POPE: This is the top royal aide 8 00:00:19,833 --> 00:00:21,417 who's been introduced 9 00:00:21,542 --> 00:00:23,333 to a mysterious individual from another planet. 10 00:00:23,417 --> 00:00:25,292 NARRATOR: And shocking claims 11 00:00:25,375 --> 00:00:29,083 that Earth belongs to a galactic federation. 12 00:00:29,208 --> 00:00:30,417 I found the spreadsheet. 13 00:00:30,542 --> 00:00:32,125 It was actually titled in the column 14 00:00:32,250 --> 00:00:34,000 "Non-terrestrial Officers." 15 00:00:34,125 --> 00:00:36,292 NARRATOR: Could there be certain people on Earth 16 00:00:36,417 --> 00:00:40,708 who not only have knowledge of extraterrestrial visitors 17 00:00:40,833 --> 00:00:43,500 but are even in contact with them? 18 00:00:43,625 --> 00:00:47,375 GIORGIO TSOUKALOS: When it becomes accepted knowledge that, 19 00:00:47,542 --> 00:00:51,333 not only are we not alone today but we never have been alone, 20 00:00:51,500 --> 00:00:54,667 that'll be the most profound conclusion 21 00:00:54,792 --> 00:00:57,167 in the history of humanity. 22 00:00:59,875 --> 00:01:01,583 NARRATOR: There is a doorway 23 00:01:01,708 --> 00:01:03,333 in the universe. 24 00:01:03,458 --> 00:01:07,500 Beyond it is the promise of truth. 25 00:01:09,042 --> 00:01:11,000 It demands we question everything 26 00:01:11,167 --> 00:01:13,333 we have ever been taught. 27 00:01:13,417 --> 00:01:17,792 The evidence is all around us. 28 00:01:17,917 --> 00:01:21,083 The future is right before our eyes. 29 00:01:21,208 --> 00:01:23,875 We are not alone. 30 00:01:24,000 --> 00:01:27,458 We have never been alone. 31 00:01:40,375 --> 00:01:42,542 NARRATOR: In the first month of the new year, 32 00:01:42,667 --> 00:01:45,375 it is announced that a new spending bill 33 00:01:45,542 --> 00:01:48,042 will require the U.S. Defense Department 34 00:01:48,167 --> 00:01:52,833 to review UFO sightings dating to 1945. 35 00:01:53,958 --> 00:01:57,125 Another major headline involves controversial claims 36 00:01:57,208 --> 00:02:01,875 by a U.S. congressman of a huge UFO coverup, 37 00:02:02,000 --> 00:02:05,000 and yet another claims that a UFO 38 00:02:05,125 --> 00:02:07,792 was shot down by the Russian military. 39 00:02:07,917 --> 00:02:11,958 In today's world, UFO reports 40 00:02:12,083 --> 00:02:13,500 are no longer a fringe curiosity 41 00:02:13,667 --> 00:02:16,458 but part of the daily news cycle. 42 00:02:18,208 --> 00:02:20,333 LINDA MOULTON HOWE: Finally, in the 21st century, 43 00:02:20,458 --> 00:02:24,500 you got the whole world curious. 44 00:02:24,667 --> 00:02:28,750 Everybody's looking for real UFOs. 45 00:02:29,708 --> 00:02:33,125 Headlines in every newspaper, everywhere. 46 00:02:33,958 --> 00:02:34,917 Every television, 47 00:02:35,042 --> 00:02:37,000 every radio, 48 00:02:37,125 --> 00:02:39,208 every cell phone. 49 00:02:39,333 --> 00:02:42,833 Things like, "NASA Announces Unidentified 50 00:02:42,958 --> 00:02:44,667 Aerial Phenomena Study." 51 00:02:45,708 --> 00:02:48,708 The big headline in The New York Times 52 00:02:48,833 --> 00:02:52,833 having to do with UFOs doing remarkable demonstrations 53 00:02:53,000 --> 00:02:55,542 in front of military pilots. 54 00:02:57,042 --> 00:02:59,833 It's suddenly respectable for these topics 55 00:02:59,917 --> 00:03:01,167 to be discussed in the open. 56 00:03:01,292 --> 00:03:03,875 The level of official interest, 57 00:03:04,042 --> 00:03:07,333 the level of scientific interest 58 00:03:07,458 --> 00:03:09,167 and media interest is to the point 59 00:03:09,292 --> 00:03:11,167 where now we can look at evidence 60 00:03:11,333 --> 00:03:13,417 that's been sitting around for decades 61 00:03:13,542 --> 00:03:15,542 that hasn't been scrutinized. 62 00:03:16,375 --> 00:03:18,292 And finally, it's getting some scrutiny. 63 00:03:18,417 --> 00:03:19,250 It's getting attention. 64 00:03:19,375 --> 00:03:20,833 That is a sea change. 65 00:03:21,708 --> 00:03:23,625 And because of the media interest, 66 00:03:23,750 --> 00:03:26,167 the topic became acceptable for Congress. 67 00:03:26,250 --> 00:03:28,792 There's political cover for them to go ahead 68 00:03:28,917 --> 00:03:30,708 and ask questions. 69 00:03:30,875 --> 00:03:32,667 In May 2022, 70 00:03:32,833 --> 00:03:36,833 there was an unprecedented congressional hearing 71 00:03:36,917 --> 00:03:39,583 from one of the subcommittees 72 00:03:39,708 --> 00:03:42,167 of the House Intelligence Committee-- 73 00:03:42,250 --> 00:03:46,000 a lot of it in public-- 74 00:03:46,167 --> 00:03:47,375 and some absolutely 75 00:03:47,542 --> 00:03:50,333 fascinating information was disclosed. 76 00:03:50,458 --> 00:03:51,833 I mean, effectively, this was 77 00:03:51,958 --> 00:03:54,125 an admission that the phenomenon was real. 78 00:03:54,208 --> 00:03:58,167 We know that our service members have encountered 79 00:03:58,333 --> 00:04:00,375 unidentified aerial phenomena, 80 00:04:00,542 --> 00:04:03,333 and because UAPs pose potential flight safety 81 00:04:03,458 --> 00:04:06,208 and general security risk, we are committed 82 00:04:06,333 --> 00:04:08,625 to a focused effort to determine their origins. 83 00:04:10,042 --> 00:04:12,417 RALPH BLUMENTHAL: Here was Congress paying serious attention to it, 84 00:04:12,542 --> 00:04:16,500 that these objects are undoubtedly real, 85 00:04:16,625 --> 00:04:19,042 they're not, uh, figments of the imagination, 86 00:04:19,208 --> 00:04:20,167 they're not hoaxes. 87 00:04:21,125 --> 00:04:24,125 There are objects up there that are legitimate mysteries. 88 00:04:25,125 --> 00:04:28,833 NARRATOR: Considering the recent explosion of UFO reports, 89 00:04:28,958 --> 00:04:31,167 is it possible that there is, 90 00:04:31,292 --> 00:04:33,542 in fact, an extraterrestrial presence on Earth? 91 00:04:33,667 --> 00:04:38,250 And if so, have there been encounters 92 00:04:38,375 --> 00:04:41,542 not only with strange objects in the sky 93 00:04:41,708 --> 00:04:44,417 but also with alien entities? 94 00:04:46,333 --> 00:04:47,625 JEREMY CORBELL: Now we're kind of saying, 95 00:04:47,750 --> 00:04:49,250 well, UFOs are real, these craft are real. 96 00:04:49,375 --> 00:04:51,833 The next logical question is: 97 00:04:52,000 --> 00:04:54,333 Have people engaged entities, 98 00:04:54,458 --> 00:04:56,667 intelligences that operate these craft, 99 00:04:56,792 --> 00:05:00,792 whether it be biological or artificial intelligence, 100 00:05:00,917 --> 00:05:03,292 or some sort of marriage between the two? 101 00:05:04,458 --> 00:05:06,042 NARRATOR: Dr. Travis Taylor, 102 00:05:06,167 --> 00:05:08,375 who was hired as the chief scientist 103 00:05:08,542 --> 00:05:13,000 for the U.S. government's UAP Task Force in 2019, 104 00:05:13,167 --> 00:05:14,583 says that in his experience, 105 00:05:14,708 --> 00:05:19,125 while UFO sightings are no longer scoffed at, 106 00:05:19,250 --> 00:05:21,833 the same cannot be said for reports 107 00:05:21,958 --> 00:05:23,417 of much closer encounters. 108 00:05:25,542 --> 00:05:27,000 TRAVIS TAYLOR: If an F-18 pilot came to you 109 00:05:27,125 --> 00:05:28,792 and said, "We chased 110 00:05:28,917 --> 00:05:32,042 "a UAP in the sky with our fighter plane 111 00:05:32,208 --> 00:05:33,208 and couldn't catch it," 112 00:05:33,375 --> 00:05:35,792 you're gonna listen to that guy. 113 00:05:35,917 --> 00:05:38,500 But if the same fighter pilot came and said, 114 00:05:38,625 --> 00:05:40,333 "I was flying along in my F-18, 115 00:05:40,458 --> 00:05:42,333 "and a UAP came down and abducted me 116 00:05:42,458 --> 00:05:45,250 "from my cockpit, took me off, 117 00:05:45,375 --> 00:05:46,750 "did something to me and brought me back 118 00:05:46,875 --> 00:05:48,333 "and put me right back in my cockpit 119 00:05:48,500 --> 00:05:49,917 as though I'd never been gone," 120 00:05:50,042 --> 00:05:52,625 you would think he's crazy. Why? 121 00:05:53,375 --> 00:05:55,542 Why is that any more fantastic 122 00:05:55,667 --> 00:05:58,750 than there being something we can't explain what it is, 123 00:05:58,875 --> 00:06:02,000 that we can't catch with a modern-day fighter plane? 124 00:06:02,083 --> 00:06:05,667 I think each are equally fantastic 125 00:06:05,792 --> 00:06:08,083 and should at least be considered. 126 00:06:09,167 --> 00:06:11,500 NARRATOR: One of the first people to suggest 127 00:06:11,583 --> 00:06:13,875 that reports of close encounters with extraterrestrials 128 00:06:14,000 --> 00:06:16,417 should be taken seriously 129 00:06:16,542 --> 00:06:20,125 was the man who held Travis Taylor's position 130 00:06:20,208 --> 00:06:21,667 more than 60 years prior: 131 00:06:21,750 --> 00:06:25,667 astrophysicist J. Allen Hynek. 132 00:06:26,542 --> 00:06:30,208 In 1952, Hynek was the scientific consultant 133 00:06:30,375 --> 00:06:31,875 for Project Blue Book, 134 00:06:32,000 --> 00:06:35,083 the U.S. government's first public investigation 135 00:06:35,208 --> 00:06:37,583 into the UFO phenomenon. 136 00:06:38,375 --> 00:06:41,500 According to J. Allen Hynek's son Paul, 137 00:06:41,667 --> 00:06:42,708 one of the cases his father found 138 00:06:42,833 --> 00:06:46,833 most compelling involved an encounter 139 00:06:46,958 --> 00:06:48,667 with alien entities. 140 00:06:48,833 --> 00:06:53,250 My father didn't talk that much 141 00:06:53,375 --> 00:06:55,042 about individual cases, 142 00:06:55,167 --> 00:06:57,958 but there were some cases that really stood out to him. 143 00:06:59,292 --> 00:07:01,542 One was the case of Lonnie Zamora 144 00:07:01,667 --> 00:07:04,000 in 1964 in New Mexico. 145 00:07:05,250 --> 00:07:07,375 Lonnie Zamora was a policeman, 146 00:07:07,542 --> 00:07:10,042 and he saw some kind of craft in the sky land. 147 00:07:11,542 --> 00:07:13,167 It was an egg-shaped craft. 148 00:07:13,292 --> 00:07:15,375 He saw some humanoids come out, 149 00:07:15,500 --> 00:07:18,583 a fairly brief encounter, and they took off. 150 00:07:20,375 --> 00:07:24,292 Lonnie Zamora had not been active in UFOs 151 00:07:24,417 --> 00:07:26,625 or flying saucers before that. 152 00:07:28,042 --> 00:07:30,000 My father thought he was very credible. 153 00:07:30,125 --> 00:07:33,167 And it was the case 154 00:07:33,250 --> 00:07:35,542 that was maybe the straw that broke the camel's back 155 00:07:35,667 --> 00:07:37,167 on my father being more comfortable 156 00:07:37,250 --> 00:07:40,833 talking publicly about abduction cases and humanoids. 157 00:07:41,667 --> 00:07:44,667 NARRATOR: Of the 12,618 sightings 158 00:07:44,833 --> 00:07:47,458 reported to Project Blue Book, 159 00:07:47,583 --> 00:07:51,375 701 were left unexplained, 160 00:07:51,542 --> 00:07:54,708 including the case of policeman Lonnie Zamora. 161 00:07:54,875 --> 00:07:59,458 Yet, despite the hundreds of unsolved close encounters, 162 00:07:59,542 --> 00:08:02,667 the government shut down Project Blue Book in 1969. 163 00:08:02,833 --> 00:08:06,708 But not before J. Allen Hynek 164 00:08:06,875 --> 00:08:09,583 made arguably his most famous contribution 165 00:08:09,708 --> 00:08:11,625 to the UFO phenomenon. 166 00:08:12,958 --> 00:08:15,500 PAUL HYNEK: My father, being a scientist, 167 00:08:15,625 --> 00:08:18,833 decided that UFOs needed to have a classification system. 168 00:08:18,958 --> 00:08:21,833 So, he came up with a close encounters 169 00:08:21,958 --> 00:08:23,958 of the first, second and third kind. 170 00:08:25,375 --> 00:08:27,500 A close encounter of the first kind 171 00:08:27,583 --> 00:08:31,917 is a visual sighting within 500 feet or so. 172 00:08:33,667 --> 00:08:35,625 A close encounter of the second kind 173 00:08:35,750 --> 00:08:38,417 is where there is some kind of physical evidence: 174 00:08:38,542 --> 00:08:41,000 a sunburned face, 175 00:08:41,125 --> 00:08:44,083 broken tree branches, radar sighting, etcetera. 176 00:08:44,208 --> 00:08:46,500 And a close encounter of the third kind 177 00:08:46,583 --> 00:08:49,042 is where you actually see some type of creature. 178 00:08:50,417 --> 00:08:53,458 NARRATOR: Following the demise of Project Blue Book, 179 00:08:53,583 --> 00:08:57,083 claims of even more bizarre alien encounters 180 00:08:57,208 --> 00:09:00,583 started being reported across the globe, 181 00:09:00,708 --> 00:09:02,333 and two more categories 182 00:09:02,417 --> 00:09:04,792 of close encounters were identified. 183 00:09:07,125 --> 00:09:09,667 A close encounter of the fourth kind indicates 184 00:09:09,750 --> 00:09:11,542 an alien abduction. 185 00:09:13,542 --> 00:09:15,417 And a close encounter of the fifth kind 186 00:09:15,542 --> 00:09:17,500 involves communication and interaction 187 00:09:17,667 --> 00:09:20,917 with an alien entity. 188 00:09:21,708 --> 00:09:24,458 Close encounters of the fifth kind 189 00:09:24,583 --> 00:09:26,542 are essentially human interactions 190 00:09:26,708 --> 00:09:28,667 with extraterrestrials. 191 00:09:28,792 --> 00:09:30,375 It's not just seeing. 192 00:09:30,542 --> 00:09:33,042 It's being a participant in an event. 193 00:09:33,167 --> 00:09:38,667 There is often, for example, direct communication, 194 00:09:38,750 --> 00:09:41,667 either verbal or telepathic. 195 00:09:41,792 --> 00:09:44,208 And this is particularly interesting, 196 00:09:44,333 --> 00:09:48,167 because what we get is not just description and perceptions 197 00:09:48,292 --> 00:09:51,333 but often information, 198 00:09:51,458 --> 00:09:54,083 messages are sometimes given 199 00:09:54,208 --> 00:09:57,917 in this two-way interactive communication. 200 00:09:58,042 --> 00:10:01,667 And that's fascinating because it gives us 201 00:10:01,833 --> 00:10:03,833 perhaps our best insight 202 00:10:03,958 --> 00:10:07,500 into extraterrestrial motivation. 203 00:10:07,583 --> 00:10:11,583 NARRATOR: Accounts of close encounters of the fifth kind 204 00:10:11,708 --> 00:10:15,708 are often regarded as too sensational to be true. 205 00:10:16,625 --> 00:10:19,167 But according to ancient astronaut theorists, 206 00:10:19,250 --> 00:10:23,125 such face-to-face interactions with extraterrestrials 207 00:10:23,208 --> 00:10:26,750 can be found throughout recorded history. 208 00:10:27,667 --> 00:10:30,167 Throughout the history of humankind, 209 00:10:30,250 --> 00:10:33,542 cultures from all continents of the world 210 00:10:33,708 --> 00:10:37,333 described someone descending from the sky 211 00:10:37,458 --> 00:10:40,167 and imparting knowledge. 212 00:10:41,250 --> 00:10:45,667 And instead of attributing these stories to pure fantasy, 213 00:10:45,833 --> 00:10:48,833 the ancient astronaut theory proposes 214 00:10:48,958 --> 00:10:52,667 that contact between physical extraterrestrials 215 00:10:52,750 --> 00:10:55,500 and our human ancestors 216 00:10:55,625 --> 00:10:57,875 happened face-to-face. 217 00:10:59,375 --> 00:11:01,833 NARRATOR: Could it be that the designation 218 00:11:01,958 --> 00:11:04,208 "close encounters of the fifth kind" 219 00:11:04,333 --> 00:11:06,208 is not merely terminology 220 00:11:06,375 --> 00:11:09,750 for potential alien encounters in the distant future 221 00:11:09,875 --> 00:11:12,000 but describes interactions that have been 222 00:11:12,125 --> 00:11:15,833 happening on Earth for thousands of years? 223 00:11:16,000 --> 00:11:19,583 Perhaps clues can be found by examining 224 00:11:19,708 --> 00:11:22,667 claims of such encounters within the highest levels 225 00:11:22,792 --> 00:11:25,875 of the United States government. 226 00:11:36,708 --> 00:11:39,542 NARRATOR: At 5:05 AM, 227 00:11:39,667 --> 00:11:42,042 one of a series of nuclear tests 228 00:11:42,167 --> 00:11:46,708 under the umbrella code-named Upshot-Knothole is set off. 229 00:11:49,958 --> 00:11:52,333 Within seconds of the blast, 230 00:11:52,458 --> 00:11:55,000 a disc-shaped object is seen rapidly descending from the sky 231 00:11:55,167 --> 00:11:58,708 headed south toward Las Vegas, 232 00:11:58,833 --> 00:12:01,708 then disappearing into the mountains. 233 00:12:03,542 --> 00:12:05,625 Just two days after this event, 234 00:12:05,708 --> 00:12:09,625 government officials secretly gather a team of scientists 235 00:12:09,708 --> 00:12:11,500 for a curious assignment. 236 00:12:11,667 --> 00:12:14,000 They were to investigate the crash 237 00:12:14,083 --> 00:12:16,000 of an unidentified flying object 238 00:12:16,125 --> 00:12:18,917 on the outskirts of Kingman, Arizona, 239 00:12:19,042 --> 00:12:24,958 a city 175 miles south of the nuclear test site. 240 00:12:25,083 --> 00:12:28,042 There were 40 engineers that boarded a bus, 241 00:12:28,167 --> 00:12:30,667 and they took a long, three-and-a-half-hour ride 242 00:12:30,792 --> 00:12:32,875 from Phoenix to Kingman. 243 00:12:34,667 --> 00:12:37,000 When they got there, it was nighttime. 244 00:12:37,958 --> 00:12:41,083 There were MPs on all corners of the craft. 245 00:12:41,208 --> 00:12:43,667 It's about a 40-foot diameter disc shaped craft 246 00:12:43,750 --> 00:12:45,167 that was perfectly intact. 247 00:12:45,250 --> 00:12:47,292 There wasn't a scratch on it. 248 00:12:47,375 --> 00:12:51,000 There were four beings associated with this craft, 249 00:12:51,125 --> 00:12:53,958 and they shipped it to Groom Lake. 250 00:12:54,042 --> 00:12:57,083 RICHARD DOLAN: Groom Lake is the Area 51 region in Nevada. 251 00:12:57,208 --> 00:12:59,958 When Area 51 was just bare bones, 252 00:13:00,083 --> 00:13:01,125 they took the craft and the aliens 253 00:13:01,250 --> 00:13:03,667 out to that location in the middle 254 00:13:03,833 --> 00:13:05,750 of the Nevada desert, because it was so remote. 255 00:13:05,875 --> 00:13:08,375 And around that, they built Area 51. 256 00:13:10,375 --> 00:13:12,667 NARRATOR: Hidden within a ring of mountains 257 00:13:12,792 --> 00:13:14,250 deep in the Nevada desert, 258 00:13:14,375 --> 00:13:18,792 Area 51 is a top secret military installation 259 00:13:18,917 --> 00:13:20,708 that has long been rumored 260 00:13:20,875 --> 00:13:23,667 to hold evidence of alien technology. 261 00:13:23,792 --> 00:13:25,750 And there are even stories 262 00:13:25,875 --> 00:13:28,667 that a special facility at Area 51 263 00:13:28,750 --> 00:13:30,667 once held a survivor 264 00:13:30,792 --> 00:13:34,083 of the 1953 Kingman UFO crash. 265 00:13:34,958 --> 00:13:38,292 An alien entity known as J-Rod. 266 00:13:40,208 --> 00:13:42,833 DENNETT: J-Rod is an alien who allegedly worked 267 00:13:43,000 --> 00:13:46,000 at Area 51 over a period of years. 268 00:13:46,167 --> 00:13:50,625 And it was J-Rod's mission or duty 269 00:13:50,708 --> 00:13:54,833 to help reverse engineer technology 270 00:13:54,958 --> 00:13:56,958 that was apparently from 271 00:13:57,042 --> 00:14:00,833 the 1953 Kingman UFO crash. 272 00:14:02,125 --> 00:14:04,667 J-Rod was one of the crash survivors 273 00:14:04,750 --> 00:14:08,458 and worked directly with our own government. 274 00:14:11,083 --> 00:14:14,000 NARRATOR: Captain Bill Uhouse, a former Navy pilot 275 00:14:14,125 --> 00:14:15,958 who later worked for the U.S. Air Force 276 00:14:16,042 --> 00:14:19,917 performing experimental testing on aircraft, 277 00:14:20,042 --> 00:14:23,542 was assigned to Area 51 in the mid-1960s, 278 00:14:23,667 --> 00:14:26,250 and he claims that he not only studied the craft 279 00:14:26,375 --> 00:14:30,042 that allegedly crashed in Kingman, Arizona, 280 00:14:30,167 --> 00:14:35,167 but also had direct contact with J-Rod. 281 00:14:35,500 --> 00:14:41,000 We had a long period of introduction into meeting, 282 00:14:41,167 --> 00:14:43,958 you know, an alien. 283 00:14:44,042 --> 00:14:46,875 And I-I called him J-Rod. 284 00:14:47,000 --> 00:14:49,083 That's the name that the linguists gave him. 285 00:14:49,208 --> 00:14:50,167 And he talked, he would talk, 286 00:14:50,333 --> 00:14:52,167 but he'd sound just like... 287 00:14:52,333 --> 00:14:55,917 If you spoke, he'd sound like you. 288 00:14:56,042 --> 00:14:58,500 You know, he's, like one of these, ah, a parrot. 289 00:14:58,667 --> 00:15:02,708 (laughs) But he'd try and answer your question, you know? 290 00:15:02,875 --> 00:15:05,625 Basically, it was only engineering advice 291 00:15:05,750 --> 00:15:07,083 or science advice. 292 00:15:08,125 --> 00:15:09,958 DENNETT: There's also another whistleblower 293 00:15:10,083 --> 00:15:12,042 by the name of Dan Burisch. 294 00:15:12,167 --> 00:15:14,208 And Dan Burisch said that he was hired 295 00:15:14,333 --> 00:15:18,792 as a microbiologist to basically care for J-Rod, 296 00:15:18,875 --> 00:15:21,458 ensuring that he remained healthy. 297 00:15:21,583 --> 00:15:24,167 And, uh, this went on for years and years and years. 298 00:15:25,208 --> 00:15:28,250 NARRATOR: According to Dan Burisch and Bill Uhouse, 299 00:15:28,375 --> 00:15:29,750 J-Rod was housed 300 00:15:29,875 --> 00:15:32,292 in a special underground chamber at Area 51. 301 00:15:32,417 --> 00:15:35,750 And there have been numerous other accounts 302 00:15:35,875 --> 00:15:37,333 of extraterrestrials working with 303 00:15:37,417 --> 00:15:40,500 the United States government. 304 00:15:40,583 --> 00:15:42,250 ALEJANDRO ROJAS: There's a lot of stories 305 00:15:42,375 --> 00:15:44,625 that we worked with the aliens at Area 51. 306 00:15:44,708 --> 00:15:46,208 Or, uh, some say, at a base nearby, 307 00:15:46,375 --> 00:15:49,125 kind of in the desert out there. 308 00:15:49,250 --> 00:15:52,000 And we've been working with them 309 00:15:52,125 --> 00:15:53,208 in underground labs, 310 00:15:53,375 --> 00:15:57,000 and they have been sharing information 311 00:15:57,125 --> 00:15:59,333 for us to enhance our technologies. 312 00:16:02,750 --> 00:16:05,167 NARRATOR: Is it possible that the United States government 313 00:16:05,292 --> 00:16:07,875 has met with, and worked with, 314 00:16:08,042 --> 00:16:10,583 entities like J-Rod and other alien visitors 315 00:16:10,708 --> 00:16:13,833 since at least the 1950s? 316 00:16:13,958 --> 00:16:16,792 According to UFO researchers, 317 00:16:16,875 --> 00:16:19,958 there is evidence that extraterrestrials 318 00:16:20,083 --> 00:16:21,417 have not only been held at secret military bases 319 00:16:21,542 --> 00:16:26,708 but have even met face-to-face with the Commander in Chief 320 00:16:26,875 --> 00:16:30,500 inside the walls of the Pentagon. 321 00:16:32,167 --> 00:16:34,167 One of the most detailed accounts 322 00:16:34,250 --> 00:16:35,333 of a presidential close encounter 323 00:16:35,417 --> 00:16:39,000 is the story of an otherworldly visitor 324 00:16:39,083 --> 00:16:41,667 named Valiant Thor. 325 00:16:41,750 --> 00:16:43,667 DENNETT: The story of Valiant Thor 326 00:16:43,792 --> 00:16:46,875 comes from a gentleman by the name of Frank Stranges, 327 00:16:47,042 --> 00:16:48,500 who's a chaplain, 328 00:16:48,625 --> 00:16:51,750 and apparently held a top secret clearance. 329 00:16:53,167 --> 00:16:55,417 As the story goes, 330 00:16:55,542 --> 00:16:58,083 in 1957, 331 00:16:58,208 --> 00:17:00,875 a UFO landed in Virginia 332 00:17:01,042 --> 00:17:02,833 very close to Washington, D.C. 333 00:17:02,958 --> 00:17:04,292 (siren wailing) 334 00:17:04,375 --> 00:17:06,917 Police officers were called to the scene, 335 00:17:07,042 --> 00:17:10,750 and out stepped a human-looking gentleman 336 00:17:10,875 --> 00:17:15,083 who wanted to visit with then President Eisenhower. 337 00:17:17,167 --> 00:17:19,833 He was taken directly to the Pentagon 338 00:17:19,958 --> 00:17:22,250 and was able to arrange a meeting 339 00:17:22,375 --> 00:17:25,167 with President Eisenhower. 340 00:17:26,042 --> 00:17:28,917 In this meeting, he basically stated 341 00:17:29,042 --> 00:17:30,500 that he was very much concerned 342 00:17:30,625 --> 00:17:33,000 about our use of nuclear weapons. 343 00:17:33,958 --> 00:17:37,083 POPE: Just as another country would post an ambassador 344 00:17:37,208 --> 00:17:41,167 to the United States, the theory was that Valiant Thor 345 00:17:41,250 --> 00:17:45,042 was the ambassador from the extraterrestrials. 346 00:17:45,167 --> 00:17:49,125 And he was, from time to time, advising 347 00:17:49,208 --> 00:17:51,708 President Eisenhower and the U.S. government 348 00:17:51,875 --> 00:17:54,083 on policy issues. 349 00:17:55,042 --> 00:17:58,875 This idea that an actual, 350 00:17:59,042 --> 00:18:00,375 physical, extraterrestrial visitor 351 00:18:00,542 --> 00:18:04,208 could potentially be influencing 352 00:18:04,333 --> 00:18:06,833 the course of the world 353 00:18:06,958 --> 00:18:09,375 is a possibility. 354 00:18:10,250 --> 00:18:13,167 I am sure there's envoys out there 355 00:18:13,250 --> 00:18:14,917 that do the same thing, 356 00:18:15,042 --> 00:18:17,500 not just on a planet 357 00:18:17,583 --> 00:18:20,375 but in entire planetary systems. 358 00:18:21,542 --> 00:18:23,917 NARRATOR: Could it be that the United States 359 00:18:24,042 --> 00:18:28,292 has had diplomatic relations with otherworldly beings? 360 00:18:28,375 --> 00:18:31,625 And if so, do they continue even today? 361 00:18:31,750 --> 00:18:36,417 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes 362 00:18:36,542 --> 00:18:39,625 and suggest there is evidence that extraterrestrials 363 00:18:39,750 --> 00:18:42,167 have also attempted to make contact 364 00:18:42,250 --> 00:18:44,417 with the British monarchy. 365 00:18:53,083 --> 00:18:55,542 NARRATOR: Across the United Kingdom, 366 00:18:55,667 --> 00:18:57,625 people gather to pay their respects 367 00:18:57,750 --> 00:19:00,292 to Queen Elizabeth's husband Prince Philip, 368 00:19:00,375 --> 00:19:02,333 the Duke of Edinburgh, 369 00:19:02,500 --> 00:19:05,833 who passed away at the age of 99. 370 00:19:06,792 --> 00:19:09,542 In the months after his death, reports begin to surface 371 00:19:09,667 --> 00:19:13,292 that Prince Philip spent more than half his life 372 00:19:13,417 --> 00:19:16,833 investigating claims of alien close encounters. 373 00:19:17,708 --> 00:19:21,125 In the process, he allegedly amassed 374 00:19:21,208 --> 00:19:22,958 a trove of secret evidence 375 00:19:23,042 --> 00:19:25,667 that's been coined the "Royal X-Files," 376 00:19:25,833 --> 00:19:28,708 and that has never been viewed by the public. 377 00:19:30,542 --> 00:19:35,625 Prince Philip had a lifelong fascination-- 378 00:19:35,708 --> 00:19:37,500 And I would even say more than fascination. 379 00:19:37,583 --> 00:19:40,583 I would say a serious interest in UFOs. 380 00:19:42,167 --> 00:19:44,000 ROJAS: He read all the books. 381 00:19:44,125 --> 00:19:46,333 He was actually secretly 382 00:19:46,500 --> 00:19:48,708 going to the media and saying, 383 00:19:48,875 --> 00:19:50,667 "Hey, the Americans are writing these great books. 384 00:19:50,833 --> 00:19:52,583 You guys need to serialize these." 385 00:19:52,708 --> 00:19:54,833 And he-he convinced them to do that. 386 00:19:55,000 --> 00:19:59,333 POPE: This was not generally known, of course, 387 00:19:59,500 --> 00:20:02,667 because it would have caused something of a-a scandal. 388 00:20:02,750 --> 00:20:07,667 The irony being that Ministry of Defence policy 389 00:20:07,833 --> 00:20:10,000 was to play down the subject of UFOs, 390 00:20:10,125 --> 00:20:14,667 but here were our royal bosses, absolutely fascinated by it. 391 00:20:15,000 --> 00:20:18,333 NARRATOR: In order to escape public ridicule 392 00:20:18,417 --> 00:20:21,000 and provide cover for the royal family, 393 00:20:21,083 --> 00:20:23,208 Prince Philip enlisted the service 394 00:20:23,333 --> 00:20:26,333 of the former Commander of the Royal Air Force, 395 00:20:26,458 --> 00:20:29,042 Sir Peter Horsley, to secretly investigate 396 00:20:29,167 --> 00:20:31,250 reported sightings and encounters. 397 00:20:32,542 --> 00:20:35,208 DENNETT: Prince Philip charged Sir Peter Horsley, 398 00:20:35,333 --> 00:20:39,000 to contact the MOD, the Ministry of Defence, 399 00:20:39,167 --> 00:20:41,333 and provide firsthand reports 400 00:20:41,458 --> 00:20:44,708 of UFO encounters, UAP encounters. 401 00:20:44,833 --> 00:20:47,000 And not only that, his other assistant 402 00:20:47,167 --> 00:20:49,833 brought in firsthand witnesses 403 00:20:50,000 --> 00:20:50,583 to talk face-to-face 404 00:20:50,708 --> 00:20:54,625 with Prince Philip about UFOs. 405 00:20:55,542 --> 00:20:56,667 NARRATOR: In his autobiography titled 406 00:20:56,792 --> 00:20:59,667 Sounds from Another Room, 407 00:20:59,792 --> 00:21:02,958 Sir Peter Horsley recounts meeting a bizarre individual 408 00:21:03,083 --> 00:21:05,250 during his investigations 409 00:21:05,375 --> 00:21:07,542 on behalf of the Prince of Edinburgh. 410 00:21:08,500 --> 00:21:10,042 DENNETT: In this memoir, he talks about 411 00:21:10,167 --> 00:21:13,375 meeting an individual by the name of Mr. Janus. 412 00:21:13,542 --> 00:21:15,792 He met face-to-face with this gentleman, 413 00:21:15,875 --> 00:21:17,958 who was entirely human-looking, 414 00:21:18,083 --> 00:21:20,458 but it became very clear to him from the beginning 415 00:21:20,583 --> 00:21:22,542 that this was not a normal person. 416 00:21:22,667 --> 00:21:24,375 For one thing, he seemed to be able 417 00:21:24,500 --> 00:21:27,250 to read Sir Peter Horsley's mind. 418 00:21:27,375 --> 00:21:29,625 He apparently had telepathic abilities. 419 00:21:29,708 --> 00:21:32,042 And not only that, he began to talk about subjects 420 00:21:32,167 --> 00:21:34,125 such as UFOs, 421 00:21:34,208 --> 00:21:36,333 space travel, even time travel. 422 00:21:36,458 --> 00:21:37,917 And I think the thing that impressed 423 00:21:38,042 --> 00:21:40,583 Sir Peter Horsley most 424 00:21:40,708 --> 00:21:43,375 was that this individual, Mr. Janus, 425 00:21:43,500 --> 00:21:47,000 knew all of Britain's nuclear secrets. 426 00:21:47,125 --> 00:21:51,708 He knew all about where materials were being kept 427 00:21:51,833 --> 00:21:53,792 and all the activity that was going on. 428 00:21:53,875 --> 00:21:57,292 He seemed to know all of it. 429 00:21:57,375 --> 00:21:59,333 Mr. Janus says, "Well, I-I need to have 430 00:21:59,458 --> 00:22:00,708 a meeting with Prince Philip." 431 00:22:00,833 --> 00:22:02,500 And Horsley, he's like, "Well, 432 00:22:02,625 --> 00:22:05,542 you don't just walk in and have a meeting with the prince." 433 00:22:05,667 --> 00:22:09,583 Horsley was a very sophisticated, intelligent man. 434 00:22:09,708 --> 00:22:12,375 But Horsley walked out of that room convinced... 435 00:22:12,500 --> 00:22:14,250 convinced that this was an extraterrestrial. 436 00:22:15,417 --> 00:22:18,375 POPE: And he apparently talked about 437 00:22:18,542 --> 00:22:20,875 some sort of galactic council, 438 00:22:21,000 --> 00:22:24,125 and there being interest in planet Earth, 439 00:22:24,250 --> 00:22:27,833 but there was a genuine prospect of nuclear war, 440 00:22:27,917 --> 00:22:31,042 and apparently that was of concern to Mr. Janus. 441 00:22:32,125 --> 00:22:32,833 NARRATOR: Much like Peter Horsley's account 442 00:22:32,958 --> 00:22:36,000 of his meeting with Mr. Janus, 443 00:22:36,083 --> 00:22:40,083 Frank Stranges claimed that Valiant Thor came to Earth 444 00:22:40,208 --> 00:22:43,000 to warn President Eisenhower about the dangers 445 00:22:43,083 --> 00:22:44,917 of nuclear proliferation. 446 00:22:46,417 --> 00:22:49,167 Many researchers also believe 447 00:22:49,250 --> 00:22:52,542 that the reported 1953 UFO crash 448 00:22:52,667 --> 00:22:56,667 in Kingman, Arizona, was caused by a nuclear test. 449 00:22:56,750 --> 00:22:59,375 And, perhaps not coincidentally, 450 00:22:59,500 --> 00:23:01,792 the number of modern-day UFO sightings 451 00:23:01,875 --> 00:23:04,833 increased exponentially after World War II. 452 00:23:05,000 --> 00:23:07,667 DENNETT: In the late 1940s, 453 00:23:07,833 --> 00:23:10,167 1947, in particular, 454 00:23:10,250 --> 00:23:14,292 it was absolutely undeniable that something was going on. 455 00:23:14,375 --> 00:23:17,583 This is when we started first exploding nuclear bombs, 456 00:23:17,708 --> 00:23:21,208 and in 1947, there was a huge super-wave 457 00:23:21,333 --> 00:23:23,250 of UFO sightings 458 00:23:23,375 --> 00:23:26,333 which swept across the United States and the world. 459 00:23:26,417 --> 00:23:29,333 And this was not one or two sightings. 460 00:23:29,417 --> 00:23:31,583 This was hundreds upon hundreds. 461 00:23:31,708 --> 00:23:33,000 DOLAN: You've got claim after claim of people 462 00:23:33,167 --> 00:23:36,333 from the 1950s onward, 463 00:23:36,458 --> 00:23:40,542 some of them say, "I met these human-looking beings, uh, 464 00:23:40,667 --> 00:23:42,667 "who said they were from another planet, 465 00:23:42,792 --> 00:23:44,583 "and they-they have said to us, uh, 466 00:23:44,708 --> 00:23:47,500 "'Your nuclear technology is dangerous. 467 00:23:47,625 --> 00:23:49,833 Uh, you-you need to be more peaceful.'" 468 00:23:50,833 --> 00:23:53,292 NARRATOR: There have also been a high number 469 00:23:53,375 --> 00:23:55,833 of UFO sightings at nuclear weapons facilities, 470 00:23:56,000 --> 00:23:59,833 including the Hanford nuclear site in Washington state, 471 00:23:59,958 --> 00:24:03,583 Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, 472 00:24:03,708 --> 00:24:06,167 Kapustin Yar in Russia, 473 00:24:06,250 --> 00:24:10,500 and the Malmstrom nuclear missile facility in Montana. 474 00:24:11,542 --> 00:24:16,167 DAVID CHILDRESS: There's tremendous amount of conflict here on planet Earth, 475 00:24:16,292 --> 00:24:18,667 and that would be one reason why the extraterrestrials 476 00:24:18,792 --> 00:24:20,167 would want to contact 477 00:24:20,292 --> 00:24:23,625 leaders from around the world to try to stop 478 00:24:23,708 --> 00:24:27,083 some terrible nuclear war from happening. 479 00:24:27,208 --> 00:24:30,500 NARRATOR: Could it be that extraterrestrials 480 00:24:30,583 --> 00:24:32,125 who have been monitoring Earth 481 00:24:32,250 --> 00:24:35,083 for thousands of years have approached world leaders 482 00:24:35,208 --> 00:24:38,833 to deter them from nuclear proliferation? 483 00:24:38,958 --> 00:24:41,625 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 484 00:24:41,708 --> 00:24:43,625 and they contend 485 00:24:43,708 --> 00:24:45,833 that such encounters of the fifth kind 486 00:24:45,917 --> 00:24:49,625 don't just happen to prominent political figures. 487 00:24:49,750 --> 00:24:53,417 They can happen to people from all walks of life, 488 00:24:53,542 --> 00:24:55,750 who are then often compelled to share 489 00:24:55,875 --> 00:24:58,167 such warnings with the world. 490 00:25:03,292 --> 00:25:05,125 NARRATOR: Desert Center, California. 491 00:25:06,667 --> 00:25:09,833 November 20, 1952. 492 00:25:09,958 --> 00:25:14,208 Photographer and amateur astronomer George Adamski 493 00:25:14,333 --> 00:25:15,792 is hiking with friends 494 00:25:15,917 --> 00:25:19,000 along the rocky sands of the Colorado desert 495 00:25:19,167 --> 00:25:22,958 when he sees a large saucer-shaped craft in the sky. 496 00:25:23,875 --> 00:25:24,917 According to Adamski, 497 00:25:25,042 --> 00:25:28,708 a voice from the spaceship speaks to him, 498 00:25:28,833 --> 00:25:32,500 telling him to walk off the main road. 499 00:25:32,625 --> 00:25:34,375 Allegedly, uh, the four of them 500 00:25:34,500 --> 00:25:37,458 saw a craft, uh, land 501 00:25:37,583 --> 00:25:39,417 farther out in the desert. 502 00:25:39,542 --> 00:25:41,667 George Adamski, by himself, 503 00:25:41,792 --> 00:25:44,667 then walked over this hill and to the craft, 504 00:25:44,792 --> 00:25:48,167 where he claimed he met with an extraterrestrial. 505 00:25:48,292 --> 00:25:51,292 That extraterrestrial invited, uh, Adamski 506 00:25:51,375 --> 00:25:56,125 ultimately to go on one of the craft at some point. 507 00:25:56,208 --> 00:25:59,500 WILLIAM HENRY: He claimed they took him in a spaceship 508 00:25:59,583 --> 00:26:02,333 out into space and toured other planets, 509 00:26:02,500 --> 00:26:05,333 and along the way, he is educated or schooled 510 00:26:05,458 --> 00:26:07,083 by a thousand-year-old being 511 00:26:07,208 --> 00:26:09,667 he refers to as "the master." 512 00:26:09,750 --> 00:26:12,750 POPE: He believed that they were 513 00:26:12,875 --> 00:26:16,708 enlightened, advanced beings 514 00:26:16,875 --> 00:26:20,833 who were keeping an eye on our development 515 00:26:20,958 --> 00:26:24,250 and were concerned about some of 516 00:26:24,375 --> 00:26:27,083 the turns that the human journey had taken: 517 00:26:27,208 --> 00:26:29,583 pollution of the environment, 518 00:26:29,708 --> 00:26:30,917 development of nuclear weapons. 519 00:26:31,042 --> 00:26:35,042 And so Adamski then went on 520 00:26:35,208 --> 00:26:38,083 to spread his message around the world 521 00:26:38,208 --> 00:26:41,708 because he felt that this was a mission for him. 522 00:26:42,708 --> 00:26:46,042 CHILDRESS: Adamski wrote a number of books about this, 523 00:26:46,167 --> 00:26:49,833 and his photos are still famous photos 524 00:26:49,917 --> 00:26:52,875 that he took of cylindrical cigar-shaped ships 525 00:26:53,000 --> 00:26:55,125 and of flying saucers. 526 00:26:56,000 --> 00:26:58,000 He actually traveled around the world 527 00:26:58,125 --> 00:27:00,167 as a special ambassador. 528 00:27:00,292 --> 00:27:03,750 He even met with the Queen of Holland 529 00:27:03,875 --> 00:27:04,958 and other world leaders. 530 00:27:05,042 --> 00:27:08,458 He was greeted often as 531 00:27:08,542 --> 00:27:12,000 some kind of ambassador from the extraterrestrials. 532 00:27:12,125 --> 00:27:16,167 Most of these contactees will say 533 00:27:16,292 --> 00:27:19,000 they're lectured to in some fashion 534 00:27:19,125 --> 00:27:23,000 about technology and their place in the universe. 535 00:27:23,125 --> 00:27:25,875 It's a message that they're given 536 00:27:26,000 --> 00:27:27,500 to take to other people. 537 00:27:28,542 --> 00:27:31,125 NARRATOR: Do extraterrestrials select certain people 538 00:27:31,250 --> 00:27:34,208 to deliver information to humanity? 539 00:27:35,667 --> 00:27:38,083 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes 540 00:27:38,208 --> 00:27:42,167 and suggest there may even be physical evidence to prove it. 541 00:27:46,875 --> 00:27:48,417 Ulster County, New York. 542 00:27:49,708 --> 00:27:53,250 December 26, 1985. 543 00:27:54,167 --> 00:27:56,125 Best-selling author Whitley Strieber 544 00:27:56,208 --> 00:28:00,417 is celebrating Christmas with his wife and young son 545 00:28:00,542 --> 00:28:01,833 at their cabin. 546 00:28:01,917 --> 00:28:02,667 In the middle of the night, 547 00:28:02,750 --> 00:28:06,167 he is awoken by a disturbing feeling. 548 00:28:08,208 --> 00:28:10,833 I felt that there was something around me. 549 00:28:11,000 --> 00:28:12,083 In other words, there was movement 550 00:28:12,208 --> 00:28:13,667 that shouldn't have been there. 551 00:28:13,792 --> 00:28:15,792 And I opened my eyes, 552 00:28:15,917 --> 00:28:20,000 and I saw these big, black eyes staring at me. 553 00:28:21,333 --> 00:28:25,833 And I had no idea where I was. 554 00:28:25,917 --> 00:28:28,000 It was a little round room. 555 00:28:28,958 --> 00:28:30,542 And I began to scream. 556 00:28:32,792 --> 00:28:35,500 This automatic voice turned on, saying, 557 00:28:35,625 --> 00:28:38,000 "What can we do to help you stop screaming?" 558 00:28:39,125 --> 00:28:40,333 There were these other figures, 559 00:28:40,500 --> 00:28:43,000 dark blue little figures darting around, 560 00:28:43,083 --> 00:28:45,417 and they assaulted me, basically. 561 00:28:45,542 --> 00:28:46,750 It was not easy. 562 00:28:46,875 --> 00:28:48,542 It was a very terrifying experience. 563 00:28:50,042 --> 00:28:52,208 NARRATOR: To process the traumatic event, 564 00:28:52,333 --> 00:28:54,542 Whitley wrote about his close encounter, 565 00:28:54,708 --> 00:28:59,083 which became the basis of his best-selling memoir Communion. 566 00:28:59,208 --> 00:29:02,667 He hoped the experience was behind him. 567 00:29:02,792 --> 00:29:04,625 But in May of 1989, 568 00:29:04,708 --> 00:29:08,917 Whitley had another strange nocturnal encounter. 569 00:29:10,375 --> 00:29:13,458 STRIEBER: I'm on my side, on my right side, 570 00:29:13,542 --> 00:29:17,000 and there's a hand pressing down on my left temple, 571 00:29:17,167 --> 00:29:21,833 pressing it into the pillow in like waves, like this. 572 00:29:22,000 --> 00:29:24,458 And I can't struggle. I can't move a muscle. 573 00:29:24,542 --> 00:29:25,917 I can't see anything. 574 00:29:27,375 --> 00:29:29,042 I am completely immobilized. 575 00:29:30,708 --> 00:29:33,667 After a few seconds, that ends. 576 00:29:33,750 --> 00:29:35,917 And I think, "Was it a dream?" 577 00:29:36,583 --> 00:29:41,333 Then, the next day or the day after, my ear started hurting. 578 00:29:41,458 --> 00:29:44,625 I reach up and I feel this bump here on my ear. 579 00:29:45,458 --> 00:29:48,458 And I thought, "Oh, my God, it's an implant." 580 00:29:48,542 --> 00:29:51,458 WOMAN: Ooh, that looks like a little white thing. 581 00:29:51,542 --> 00:29:54,333 STRIEBER: There was an attempt to remove it. 582 00:29:58,292 --> 00:30:00,833 It failed because the implant went from here 583 00:30:01,000 --> 00:30:04,083 right down into here on its own. 584 00:30:06,375 --> 00:30:07,208 And the doctor pulled out. 585 00:30:07,333 --> 00:30:10,833 Two days later, it went from my ear lobe 586 00:30:10,917 --> 00:30:13,083 back up to where it is to this day. 587 00:30:13,208 --> 00:30:17,042 NARRATOR: Could extraterrestrials have really implanted 588 00:30:17,167 --> 00:30:20,458 some kind of device inside Whitley Strieber's ear? 589 00:30:20,542 --> 00:30:22,500 And if so, why? 590 00:30:24,458 --> 00:30:27,333 According to Whitley, whatever the implant is, 591 00:30:27,458 --> 00:30:30,500 it has had a profound effect on him. 592 00:30:30,667 --> 00:30:32,208 STRIEBER: In 2015, 593 00:30:32,375 --> 00:30:35,500 I noticed a slit opened up in my right eye, 594 00:30:35,625 --> 00:30:38,542 and you could see words racing through it. 595 00:30:38,708 --> 00:30:42,500 But they were like someone was typing very quickly and racing. 596 00:30:42,625 --> 00:30:45,750 And it had something to do with my writing, 597 00:30:45,875 --> 00:30:48,042 because, at the same time, 598 00:30:48,167 --> 00:30:49,167 my ability to do research 599 00:30:49,292 --> 00:30:53,667 changed dramatically and weirdly. 600 00:30:53,833 --> 00:30:57,583 I found that if I just thought about something I needed, 601 00:30:57,708 --> 00:30:59,208 no matter how obscure, 602 00:30:59,375 --> 00:31:01,167 one way or another, it would come to me. 603 00:31:02,208 --> 00:31:03,292 NARRATOR: Since receiving the alleged implant, 604 00:31:03,375 --> 00:31:07,708 Strieber claims to have had regular interaction 605 00:31:07,833 --> 00:31:10,083 with otherworldly beings. 606 00:31:10,208 --> 00:31:12,458 STRIEBER: The visitors are a part of my life now, 607 00:31:12,583 --> 00:31:14,042 very much so. 608 00:31:14,208 --> 00:31:15,167 Uh, I don't think 609 00:31:15,333 --> 00:31:18,375 I would be comfortable working 610 00:31:18,500 --> 00:31:21,000 without knowing that there was... 611 00:31:21,083 --> 00:31:24,167 using the implant, that there was a connection. 612 00:31:24,292 --> 00:31:28,208 Now, what do they want from us? 613 00:31:28,333 --> 00:31:31,833 That is a very big unanswered question. 614 00:31:32,667 --> 00:31:35,083 GEORGE KNAPP: Humans have been interacting with 615 00:31:35,208 --> 00:31:37,833 these beings, wherever they're from, 616 00:31:37,917 --> 00:31:40,042 for eons throughout human history. 617 00:31:40,167 --> 00:31:42,250 I think that, uh, this intelligence, 618 00:31:42,375 --> 00:31:45,333 instead of revealing itself on a global scale, 619 00:31:45,458 --> 00:31:48,000 they've been engaging with people one-on-one. 620 00:31:48,167 --> 00:31:50,958 Maybe they put us on the path where we are now. 621 00:31:51,042 --> 00:31:52,500 Don't know. 622 00:31:52,583 --> 00:31:54,125 They seem to have an ongoing interest in us. 623 00:31:54,250 --> 00:31:56,333 They take direct involvement 624 00:31:56,458 --> 00:31:58,417 with certain bloodlines and certain people. 625 00:31:58,542 --> 00:32:01,500 And the dramatic transformations 626 00:32:01,583 --> 00:32:03,542 that have taken place after people 627 00:32:03,708 --> 00:32:06,625 have had these claimed contacts is very real. 628 00:32:07,625 --> 00:32:09,667 NARRATOR: If close encounters of the fifth kind 629 00:32:09,833 --> 00:32:12,542 are, in fact, taking place, 630 00:32:12,667 --> 00:32:16,542 are alien entities making contact for our benefit 631 00:32:16,667 --> 00:32:18,542 or for theirs? 632 00:32:18,667 --> 00:32:20,875 According to ancient astronaut theorists, 633 00:32:21,000 --> 00:32:23,083 both could be true. 634 00:32:23,208 --> 00:32:25,833 Because they say there is evidence 635 00:32:26,000 --> 00:32:28,000 that Earth is being visited 636 00:32:28,125 --> 00:32:31,250 by multiple alien species. 637 00:32:40,333 --> 00:32:41,000 (siren wailing) 638 00:32:41,167 --> 00:32:42,333 NARRATOR: Shortly after 8:00 a.m., 639 00:32:42,458 --> 00:32:45,083 the National High Tech Crime Unit 640 00:32:45,208 --> 00:32:46,750 arrives at the home 641 00:32:46,875 --> 00:32:51,000 of 36-year-old Scottish computer engineer Gary McKinnon. 642 00:32:51,167 --> 00:32:53,333 They are there to arrest him on behalf 643 00:32:53,458 --> 00:32:57,000 of the United States Justice Department 644 00:32:57,125 --> 00:32:59,042 for hacking into top secret computers 645 00:32:59,167 --> 00:33:01,125 at NASA and the Pentagon. 646 00:33:02,042 --> 00:33:04,792 McKinnon not only admits to the crime 647 00:33:04,917 --> 00:33:08,417 but claims he uncovered evidence that the U.S. government 648 00:33:08,542 --> 00:33:11,333 was working with extraterrestrial beings. 649 00:33:11,417 --> 00:33:14,000 I was obsessed with UFOs. 650 00:33:14,083 --> 00:33:15,875 I was dying to find out the information. 651 00:33:16,042 --> 00:33:17,833 The Internet was a real enabler 652 00:33:17,958 --> 00:33:20,333 for finding out information, um, 653 00:33:20,458 --> 00:33:22,417 by going to places you shouldn't be in, 654 00:33:22,542 --> 00:33:24,167 um, because they were so open. 655 00:33:24,542 --> 00:33:27,125 There were a lot of text files 656 00:33:27,208 --> 00:33:28,833 that had lists of places, installations, 657 00:33:28,958 --> 00:33:32,500 military bases, Air Force bases, Navy sites, NASA sites. 658 00:33:32,625 --> 00:33:34,292 So, there was a lot to go through. 659 00:33:34,375 --> 00:33:37,458 But I did find a gold mine of information. 660 00:33:37,583 --> 00:33:40,333 NARRATOR: According to McKinnon, 661 00:33:40,458 --> 00:33:43,542 he unearthed a secret U.S. military program 662 00:33:43,667 --> 00:33:45,833 that existed entirely in space. 663 00:33:45,958 --> 00:33:48,333 McKINNON: I found the spreadsheet. It was actually titled 664 00:33:48,417 --> 00:33:50,583 in the column, "Non-terrestrial Officers." 665 00:33:50,708 --> 00:33:54,583 As well as officers' names, it had ship names. 666 00:33:54,708 --> 00:33:57,167 None of these were ocean-going ships. 667 00:33:57,292 --> 00:33:59,000 It was astounding. 668 00:33:59,125 --> 00:34:00,917 They're not Navy. They're not in the Army. 669 00:34:01,042 --> 00:34:02,417 And not even Air Force. 670 00:34:02,542 --> 00:34:04,125 So, to me, I was thinking 671 00:34:04,250 --> 00:34:06,833 there must be an off-planet space force, 672 00:34:06,917 --> 00:34:08,458 or space fleet, at least. 673 00:34:08,542 --> 00:34:11,083 NARRATOR: After McKinnon's arrest, 674 00:34:11,208 --> 00:34:13,167 he was told the U.S. government 675 00:34:13,292 --> 00:34:17,375 intended to sentence him to 70 years in prison. 676 00:34:17,542 --> 00:34:18,958 McKINNON: At the time, I thought 677 00:34:19,083 --> 00:34:20,708 six months community service 678 00:34:20,875 --> 00:34:23,750 was all you'd do for a Computer Misuse Act in Britain. 679 00:34:24,667 --> 00:34:26,500 We fought extradition for ten years, 680 00:34:26,625 --> 00:34:29,167 and we actually won the case. 681 00:34:29,292 --> 00:34:31,250 But, unfortunately, today, 682 00:34:31,375 --> 00:34:33,417 the arrest warrant is still live, 683 00:34:33,542 --> 00:34:36,333 and I'm still on the Interpol Red list, 684 00:34:36,417 --> 00:34:37,083 so I can't travel. 685 00:34:37,208 --> 00:34:39,292 NARRATOR: Could it be 686 00:34:39,375 --> 00:34:42,000 that Gary McKinnon's account of what he saw 687 00:34:42,083 --> 00:34:42,833 when he hacked into computers 688 00:34:42,958 --> 00:34:46,625 at the Pentagon and NASA is genuine? 689 00:34:46,750 --> 00:34:50,958 Is the U.S. government engaged in secret operations 690 00:34:51,083 --> 00:34:53,167 beyond Earth? 691 00:34:53,333 --> 00:34:55,833 I think Gary McKinnon is truthful 692 00:34:55,958 --> 00:34:57,583 in that he did see files on secret space programs 693 00:34:57,708 --> 00:35:00,417 and UFO-related material. 694 00:35:00,542 --> 00:35:03,000 Whether that information was legit 695 00:35:03,083 --> 00:35:06,000 or was just sitting there somewhere, we can't say. 696 00:35:06,083 --> 00:35:08,000 But there's no question that he did 697 00:35:08,125 --> 00:35:09,500 what he claimed to have done. 698 00:35:09,625 --> 00:35:10,667 NARRATOR: While there are many who question 699 00:35:10,750 --> 00:35:14,417 the authenticity of Gary McKinnon's account, 700 00:35:14,542 --> 00:35:16,833 other more notable figures 701 00:35:16,958 --> 00:35:19,917 have since come forward with similar claims. 702 00:35:21,958 --> 00:35:27,000 In 2013, former Canadian Minister of National Defence 703 00:35:27,125 --> 00:35:30,542 Paul Hellyer declared that the United States government 704 00:35:30,667 --> 00:35:33,250 and other governments around the world, 705 00:35:33,375 --> 00:35:36,958 are working with organized groups of extraterrestrials. 706 00:35:37,083 --> 00:35:39,708 Why do you say that UFOs are as real 707 00:35:39,833 --> 00:35:42,833 as the airplanes flying over our heads? 708 00:35:42,958 --> 00:35:45,250 Well, because I know that they are. 709 00:35:45,375 --> 00:35:48,917 And they've been visiting this planet for thousands of years. 710 00:35:49,042 --> 00:35:52,375 And there is what is called a federation 711 00:35:52,500 --> 00:35:54,958 of these people, and they have rules. 712 00:35:56,375 --> 00:35:59,000 DOLAN: Paul Hellyer was a former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada 713 00:35:59,125 --> 00:36:02,792 and a former Minister of Defence of Canada. 714 00:36:02,875 --> 00:36:04,917 He was able to talk to a lot of important people 715 00:36:05,042 --> 00:36:08,208 within the U.S. and Canadian system, 716 00:36:08,333 --> 00:36:09,792 and it was his opinion, 717 00:36:09,917 --> 00:36:11,792 based on the sources that he had, 718 00:36:11,875 --> 00:36:16,167 that there are many groups that are here visiting us. 719 00:36:16,292 --> 00:36:19,917 NARRATOR: Paul Hellyer is not the only government official 720 00:36:20,042 --> 00:36:22,333 to come forward with alleged knowledge 721 00:36:22,458 --> 00:36:24,833 of a federation of extraterrestrial races. 722 00:36:24,917 --> 00:36:30,833 HYNEK: Recently the former Israeli chief of space security, 723 00:36:30,958 --> 00:36:34,500 Haim Eshed, came out and said that 724 00:36:34,625 --> 00:36:37,000 there is a galactic federation, 725 00:36:37,125 --> 00:36:38,750 and that indeed many world leaders 726 00:36:38,875 --> 00:36:43,458 know of and are in talks with 727 00:36:43,542 --> 00:36:46,042 delegates of the galactic federation. 728 00:36:46,167 --> 00:36:49,250 I don't know what to make of that claim. 729 00:36:50,708 --> 00:36:54,333 But when you have enough of them, a pattern emerges, 730 00:36:54,500 --> 00:36:57,542 and it starts to take on a bit more gravitas 731 00:36:57,667 --> 00:37:00,500 in functioning as bona fide evidence. 732 00:37:00,583 --> 00:37:04,875 CHILDRESS: Dr. Haim Eshed claimed 733 00:37:05,000 --> 00:37:06,875 that the extraterrestrials in this galactic federation 734 00:37:07,042 --> 00:37:10,458 were in contact 735 00:37:10,583 --> 00:37:13,375 with governments around the world. 736 00:37:13,500 --> 00:37:15,917 It's a fascinating idea 737 00:37:16,042 --> 00:37:19,083 and one that may well be true. 738 00:37:20,167 --> 00:37:23,375 NARRATOR: Should the sensational claims made by Paul Hellyer 739 00:37:23,500 --> 00:37:25,667 and Haim Eshed be believed? 740 00:37:25,792 --> 00:37:28,833 That close encounters of the fifth kind are occurring 741 00:37:28,917 --> 00:37:33,167 at the highest levels of government around the world 742 00:37:33,250 --> 00:37:37,708 and with entire factions of extraterrestrial beings. 743 00:37:37,833 --> 00:37:41,083 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes 744 00:37:41,208 --> 00:37:45,000 and argue that recent revelations from world leaders 745 00:37:45,125 --> 00:37:48,917 may be preparing mankind for a groundbreaking event: 746 00:37:49,042 --> 00:37:52,000 full disclosure. 747 00:37:58,250 --> 00:37:59,417 NARRATOR: In today's world, 748 00:37:59,542 --> 00:38:01,458 where cell phones are equipped 749 00:38:01,583 --> 00:38:03,250 with high-definition cameras 750 00:38:03,375 --> 00:38:05,500 and the Internet makes it possible 751 00:38:05,667 --> 00:38:06,833 to share videos in an instant, 752 00:38:06,958 --> 00:38:11,417 average citizens have become frontline reporters 753 00:38:11,542 --> 00:38:13,042 on the UFO phenomenon. 754 00:38:13,167 --> 00:38:17,417 New images and accounts of unidentified phenomena 755 00:38:17,542 --> 00:38:20,208 are posted online nearly every day, 756 00:38:20,375 --> 00:38:22,667 and UFO researchers 757 00:38:22,750 --> 00:38:25,125 say the proof that extraterrestrials 758 00:38:25,208 --> 00:38:28,708 are visiting Earth is right before our eyes. 759 00:38:29,917 --> 00:38:31,833 But they also suggest the evidence that's been accumulated 760 00:38:31,958 --> 00:38:35,500 by the public pales in comparison 761 00:38:35,625 --> 00:38:37,667 to what the United States government 762 00:38:37,750 --> 00:38:41,625 has had in its possession for decades. 763 00:38:42,750 --> 00:38:45,625 Technology has changed so much over the past 30, 764 00:38:45,708 --> 00:38:47,542 40 years that now it's possible 765 00:38:47,667 --> 00:38:50,875 for regular Joe citizens to be part of this investigation. 766 00:38:51,833 --> 00:38:54,542 The flip side of that is our military 767 00:38:54,667 --> 00:38:58,625 has incredible sensors that watch everything that happens 768 00:38:58,708 --> 00:39:00,333 on and around the Earth. 769 00:39:00,458 --> 00:39:04,833 There's a gigantic storehouse of information somewhere 770 00:39:04,958 --> 00:39:06,792 that the public has never been allowed to see. 771 00:39:07,833 --> 00:39:10,125 TSOUKALOS: World leaders and the governments think 772 00:39:10,250 --> 00:39:14,083 that we, the people, cannot handle the truth. 773 00:39:15,167 --> 00:39:18,875 But in 2017, when The New York Times 774 00:39:19,042 --> 00:39:22,000 talked about the idea that the U.S. government 775 00:39:22,167 --> 00:39:25,833 actually is investigating UAPs and UFOs, 776 00:39:25,958 --> 00:39:28,250 you know, that story came, 777 00:39:28,375 --> 00:39:32,292 and people went about their daily lives. Why? 778 00:39:32,375 --> 00:39:33,833 Just because you understand 779 00:39:33,958 --> 00:39:35,417 that you're not alone in the universe 780 00:39:35,542 --> 00:39:38,625 does not change the fact that you have to go to work, 781 00:39:38,750 --> 00:39:40,167 you have to put food on the table. 782 00:39:40,250 --> 00:39:43,833 And the idea to be afraid of extraterrestrials-- 783 00:39:43,917 --> 00:39:45,667 There's nothing we can do anyway, 784 00:39:45,792 --> 00:39:48,292 so why be afraid? 785 00:39:48,417 --> 00:39:49,250 We should not be afraid 786 00:39:49,375 --> 00:39:53,458 because they would have eliminated us 787 00:39:53,542 --> 00:39:54,292 hundreds of years ago, 788 00:39:54,417 --> 00:39:58,708 before we invented nuclear weapons. 789 00:39:59,667 --> 00:40:01,667 NARRATOR: While there has been much speculation 790 00:40:01,792 --> 00:40:04,458 as to whether there are people within the U.S. government 791 00:40:04,542 --> 00:40:07,500 covering up the truth about Earth's interactions 792 00:40:07,625 --> 00:40:09,000 with alien visitors, 793 00:40:09,083 --> 00:40:12,000 some researchers have proposed that 794 00:40:12,125 --> 00:40:15,333 there may be another authority controlling the narrative. 795 00:40:15,458 --> 00:40:20,333 It isn't humans that are holding it back. 796 00:40:20,458 --> 00:40:23,500 It's the extraterrestrial biological entities 797 00:40:23,667 --> 00:40:27,375 who said humans are not ready 798 00:40:27,500 --> 00:40:30,000 for the introduction yet. 799 00:40:30,833 --> 00:40:33,167 And that's what Haim Eshed said, 800 00:40:33,250 --> 00:40:35,000 even in television interviews. 801 00:40:35,125 --> 00:40:37,542 They have said, 802 00:40:37,708 --> 00:40:40,375 "Keep the information down 803 00:40:40,500 --> 00:40:43,292 "until we decide 804 00:40:43,375 --> 00:40:47,708 "that you are technologically advanced enough 805 00:40:47,875 --> 00:40:50,500 to be introduced to us." 806 00:40:51,375 --> 00:40:53,958 NARRATOR: But many UFO researchers believe 807 00:40:54,083 --> 00:40:57,792 that the truth is becoming harder to hide, 808 00:40:57,875 --> 00:40:59,125 and the day may be rapidly approaching 809 00:40:59,250 --> 00:41:02,125 when the public will be introduced 810 00:41:02,208 --> 00:41:04,583 to a profound new reality. 811 00:41:06,292 --> 00:41:07,750 These public hearings 812 00:41:07,875 --> 00:41:12,000 mark a U-turn in U.S. government policy. 813 00:41:12,125 --> 00:41:14,125 We've had decades of debunking and denying 814 00:41:14,250 --> 00:41:17,208 and playing the whole thing down, 815 00:41:17,333 --> 00:41:19,500 and now it's as if they're putting it out there 816 00:41:19,583 --> 00:41:20,625 in front of us all. 817 00:41:20,750 --> 00:41:22,833 And one wonders, 818 00:41:23,000 --> 00:41:25,042 are they preparing us for something? 819 00:41:25,167 --> 00:41:27,375 Are they laying the groundwork 820 00:41:27,500 --> 00:41:31,667 for some big reveal or some huge global event? 821 00:41:32,542 --> 00:41:36,167 It is a one day at a time to walk towards 822 00:41:36,333 --> 00:41:39,167 what ultimately will be complete disclosure. 823 00:41:39,292 --> 00:41:43,167 NARRATOR: Are we on the verge of discovering 824 00:41:43,333 --> 00:41:45,500 that close encounters of the fifth kind 825 00:41:45,625 --> 00:41:46,208 are not hypothetical 826 00:41:46,333 --> 00:41:49,875 but have already taken place? 827 00:41:50,042 --> 00:41:53,667 Will we soon learn, once and for all, 828 00:41:53,833 --> 00:41:56,542 that we are not alone? 829 00:41:56,667 --> 00:42:00,250 Perhaps one day soon, the truth will be revealed, 830 00:42:00,375 --> 00:42:02,792 not through a government agency 831 00:42:02,917 --> 00:42:05,167 but by the extraterrestrials themselves. 832 00:42:05,333 --> 00:42:08,667 CAPTIONING PROVIDED BY A+E NETWORKS