1 00:00:02,077 --> 00:00:03,485 Narrator: Incredible stone monuments 2 00:00:03,579 --> 00:00:06,005 Erected thousands of years ago. 3 00:00:06,156 --> 00:00:09,750 The precision engineering of the obelisks in egypt 4 00:00:09,844 --> 00:00:12,827 Is absolutely ingenious. 5 00:00:12,921 --> 00:00:16,164 Narrator: These ancient monoliths display mysterious 6 00:00:16,183 --> 00:00:18,408 Electromagnetic power. 7 00:00:18,427 --> 00:00:20,577 They were like lightning rods 8 00:00:20,596 --> 00:00:23,914 That absorbed electrical energy from the heavens. 9 00:00:24,007 --> 00:00:26,174 Narrator: And ancient traditions 10 00:00:26,268 --> 00:00:29,086 Connect them to interstellar travel. 11 00:00:29,179 --> 00:00:30,771 Childress: This obelisk was thought of 12 00:00:30,923 --> 00:00:33,423 As being a stargate, 13 00:00:33,517 --> 00:00:36,684 Through this inter-dimensional portal. 14 00:00:36,704 --> 00:00:39,263 Narrator: Were megalithic obelisks 15 00:00:39,356 --> 00:00:41,540 Simply created to memorialize 16 00:00:41,767 --> 00:00:44,618 The pharaohs and kings of ancient egypt? 17 00:00:44,712 --> 00:00:48,939 Or did they serve a far more profound purpose? 18 00:00:49,032 --> 00:00:50,365 Tsoukalos: These standing stones are 19 00:00:50,384 --> 00:00:52,943 Pointing to the stars. 20 00:00:52,961 --> 00:00:57,222 Why? Because that is where we came from. 21 00:00:59,802 --> 00:01:01,894 Narrator: There is a doorway 22 00:01:02,045 --> 00:01:04,879 In the universe. 23 00:01:04,899 --> 00:01:07,733 Beyond it is the promise of truth. 24 00:01:09,461 --> 00:01:11,478 It demands we question everything 25 00:01:11,630 --> 00:01:13,814 We have ever been taught. 26 00:01:13,908 --> 00:01:18,135 The evidence is all around us. 27 00:01:18,153 --> 00:01:21,563 The future is right before our eyes. 28 00:01:21,657 --> 00:01:24,232 We are not alone. 29 00:01:24,326 --> 00:01:27,711 We have never been alone. 30 00:01:36,079 --> 00:01:38,746 Standing in the most honored locations 31 00:01:38,841 --> 00:01:41,491 Of the greatest cities on earth 32 00:01:41,585 --> 00:01:46,087 Are massive stone obelisks pointing to the sky. 33 00:01:47,666 --> 00:01:51,017 William henry: When you look at true power cities around the world-- 34 00:01:51,112 --> 00:01:54,095 Paris, london, 35 00:01:54,189 --> 00:01:57,858 New york, washington, d.C.-- 36 00:01:58,010 --> 00:02:01,120 They all have one thing in common: Obelisks. 37 00:02:02,865 --> 00:02:05,365 Jonathan young: There are obelisks at key locations 38 00:02:05,459 --> 00:02:08,085 In some of the most important cities on the planet. 39 00:02:09,204 --> 00:02:11,538 In a key square in istanbul, 40 00:02:11,690 --> 00:02:13,281 There is an ancient obelisk 41 00:02:13,300 --> 00:02:16,117 From egypt with hieroglyphics. 42 00:02:16,211 --> 00:02:18,862 Another is in paris, 43 00:02:18,881 --> 00:02:20,547 At the place de la concorde, 44 00:02:20,699 --> 00:02:22,766 Which is in the largest square in paris. 45 00:02:25,704 --> 00:02:28,630 Narrator: Although they are found across the globe, 46 00:02:28,649 --> 00:02:31,391 The vast majority of the world's obelisks 47 00:02:31,543 --> 00:02:35,154 Have a single point of origin: Ancient egypt. 48 00:02:35,305 --> 00:02:39,807 In fact, most obelisks that adorn major cities 49 00:02:39,827 --> 00:02:43,162 Were originally part of egypt's ancient landscape. 50 00:02:43,313 --> 00:02:45,980 In ancient egypt, there were over 100 obelisks 51 00:02:46,074 --> 00:02:47,815 That were sculpted and erected. 52 00:02:47,910 --> 00:02:51,912 Only nine or ten of them remain in egypt, 53 00:02:52,006 --> 00:02:54,506 But a lot, actually, are outside of egypt. 54 00:02:56,235 --> 00:02:59,753 Obelisks have literally become the spoils of war, 55 00:02:59,847 --> 00:03:02,664 Where a country invades egypt, 56 00:03:02,683 --> 00:03:05,075 Or a country overtakes egypt. 57 00:03:05,168 --> 00:03:06,852 And this goes back to roman times. 58 00:03:08,171 --> 00:03:10,580 And they would take obelisks away 59 00:03:10,674 --> 00:03:12,691 To erect in their own capital city, 60 00:03:12,842 --> 00:03:15,360 Whether it was rome, under roman times, 61 00:03:15,512 --> 00:03:17,112 Or, later, constantinople. 62 00:03:18,515 --> 00:03:20,257 Narrator: The removal of obelisks from egypt 63 00:03:20,350 --> 00:03:23,685 Continued right into the 19th century. 64 00:03:23,704 --> 00:03:28,874 The paris obelisk was carried from luxor in 1833. 65 00:03:29,101 --> 00:03:34,454 London purchased its obelisk from egypt in 1878. 66 00:03:34,606 --> 00:03:37,699 Cleopatra's needle was given to new york 67 00:03:37,718 --> 00:03:42,295 As a gift from the egyptian government in 1881. 68 00:03:42,389 --> 00:03:45,373 Andrew collins: Why would you want to move them around 69 00:03:45,467 --> 00:03:48,042 And take them to foreign countries? 70 00:03:48,062 --> 00:03:51,879 And I think the answer must lie in the fact 71 00:03:51,899 --> 00:03:55,734 That they were seen to have an inherent power within them. 72 00:03:57,238 --> 00:04:00,739 Romany: The egyptian obelisk is one of the most unique 73 00:04:00,966 --> 00:04:03,909 Pieces of architecture in ancient egypt. 74 00:04:05,895 --> 00:04:08,138 Every obelisk you look at, 75 00:04:08,231 --> 00:04:12,042 It is a perfect mathematical equation. 76 00:04:13,479 --> 00:04:17,506 Geometrically perfect, physics-wise perfect. 77 00:04:18,834 --> 00:04:21,576 They were always made of granite, 78 00:04:21,670 --> 00:04:24,263 And they were four-sided, 79 00:04:24,490 --> 00:04:26,431 And towered upwards 80 00:04:26,658 --> 00:04:31,186 And eventually ended in this perfect pyramid. 81 00:04:32,422 --> 00:04:34,088 Most obelisks are found in pairs, 82 00:04:34,108 --> 00:04:36,683 Often at the entrance to certain temples. 83 00:04:36,777 --> 00:04:38,944 And most of the obelisks 84 00:04:39,171 --> 00:04:42,672 Have beautiful hieroglyphs carved into them. 85 00:04:42,691 --> 00:04:45,784 Most hieroglyphs that are on the obelisks 86 00:04:46,011 --> 00:04:48,936 Are always the king asking the gods 87 00:04:49,031 --> 00:04:50,847 To be there for him 88 00:04:50,866 --> 00:04:53,125 On his journey through the afterlife, 89 00:04:53,276 --> 00:04:55,869 So that he can arrive to the afterlife 90 00:04:56,021 --> 00:04:58,038 And live for immortality. 91 00:04:58,132 --> 00:05:00,373 And the top was always 92 00:05:00,526 --> 00:05:03,635 Dedicated to the sun god ra, 93 00:05:03,862 --> 00:05:07,139 One of the most powerful gods in ancient egypt. 94 00:05:07,290 --> 00:05:09,533 Narrator: The pyramid-shaped stone 95 00:05:09,551 --> 00:05:11,217 On top of each obelisk, 96 00:05:11,312 --> 00:05:13,145 Called the benben stone, 97 00:05:13,372 --> 00:05:15,897 Was a design rooted in egyptian mythology. 98 00:05:17,151 --> 00:05:19,225 The benben was a vehicle 99 00:05:19,378 --> 00:05:22,395 Which atum, the god of all creation, 100 00:05:22,489 --> 00:05:24,731 Used to travel back and forth 101 00:05:24,825 --> 00:05:26,808 Between the heavens and earth. 102 00:05:26,902 --> 00:05:29,069 Henry: We think of the benben as a craft, because 103 00:05:29,221 --> 00:05:31,555 It is believed to have come from the stars, originally. 104 00:05:31,648 --> 00:05:33,981 When the god atum arrived on earth, 105 00:05:34,076 --> 00:05:36,168 He arrived in the benben. 106 00:05:36,395 --> 00:05:39,579 When the god atum left the earth, 107 00:05:39,673 --> 00:05:41,506 He rose in the benben 108 00:05:41,658 --> 00:05:43,658 And presumably went back to the stars. 109 00:05:43,677 --> 00:05:47,161 Narrator: Curiously, the ancient egyptian gods 110 00:05:47,181 --> 00:05:49,923 Were often depicted as human-like figures 111 00:05:50,017 --> 00:05:54,094 Who came from the stars and possessed incredible powers. 112 00:05:54,188 --> 00:05:58,357 And as far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, 113 00:05:58,584 --> 00:06:01,360 Accounts of gods traveling in the benben 114 00:06:01,587 --> 00:06:04,696 Could be a case of misunderstood technology. 115 00:06:05,941 --> 00:06:07,424 We always have to remember 116 00:06:07,442 --> 00:06:10,869 That the technological frame of reference 117 00:06:11,096 --> 00:06:14,539 That our ancestors had cannot be compared 118 00:06:14,691 --> 00:06:17,542 To the technological frame of reference that we have today. 119 00:06:18,787 --> 00:06:21,621 Our ancestors perhaps witnessed 120 00:06:21,773 --> 00:06:23,456 Some type of a craft 121 00:06:23,550 --> 00:06:25,458 Descending from the sky, 122 00:06:25,611 --> 00:06:28,445 Out of which these extraterrestrials came 123 00:06:28,538 --> 00:06:32,039 And jump-started civilization. 124 00:06:32,134 --> 00:06:34,951 And they tried to replicate the vehicles 125 00:06:34,970 --> 00:06:38,713 Which those gods arrived in. 126 00:06:38,807 --> 00:06:40,457 Narrator: Could it be true 127 00:06:40,550 --> 00:06:42,475 That the top of every obelisk 128 00:06:42,628 --> 00:06:44,569 Commemorates an alien visitation? 129 00:06:46,055 --> 00:06:48,965 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 130 00:06:49,058 --> 00:06:51,910 And they suggest the obelisks hold 131 00:06:52,061 --> 00:06:54,246 Far more profound secrets. 132 00:06:59,995 --> 00:07:04,814 The ancient city, located more than 500 miles south of cairo 133 00:07:04,908 --> 00:07:07,834 On the eastern bank of the nile river, 134 00:07:07,928 --> 00:07:11,245 Was the southern center of trade for the egyptian empire 135 00:07:11,339 --> 00:07:13,515 More than 3,000 years ago. 136 00:07:14,826 --> 00:07:17,752 It was also the home of a sacred stone quarry 137 00:07:17,846 --> 00:07:19,771 Rich in red granite. 138 00:07:21,275 --> 00:07:23,925 Henry: At aswan, at the first cataract of the nile, 139 00:07:23,944 --> 00:07:27,070 You find this immense red granite quarry. 140 00:07:28,690 --> 00:07:30,782 This is where almost all the red granite 141 00:07:30,934 --> 00:07:32,433 That's used in the temples 142 00:07:32,453 --> 00:07:34,177 And even the pyramids of egypt originates. 143 00:07:34,270 --> 00:07:35,937 And here is where you find the quarry 144 00:07:36,031 --> 00:07:37,914 That the obelisks came from. 145 00:07:39,609 --> 00:07:40,959 Narrator: Many of the obelisks 146 00:07:41,186 --> 00:07:43,703 That were carved out of the aswan quarry 147 00:07:43,855 --> 00:07:46,206 Were then transported hundreds of miles 148 00:07:46,358 --> 00:07:48,358 To their final destinations. 149 00:07:48,376 --> 00:07:52,378 But how people living thousands of years ago 150 00:07:52,473 --> 00:07:55,865 Were able to move and erect such massive monuments 151 00:07:55,959 --> 00:07:58,960 Continues to baffle modern engineers. 152 00:07:59,054 --> 00:08:01,538 Romany: We have inscriptions on the walls in ancient egypt 153 00:08:01,556 --> 00:08:04,557 That shows us how the process happened, 154 00:08:04,710 --> 00:08:08,211 With multiple ropes 155 00:08:08,230 --> 00:08:11,397 And people dragging it on tree trunks 156 00:08:11,550 --> 00:08:13,992 All the way to the port on the nile, 157 00:08:14,143 --> 00:08:16,495 Where they then have to put it on 158 00:08:16,722 --> 00:08:22,058 Sometimes 27, 30, 35 ships attached together 159 00:08:22,151 --> 00:08:24,485 To carry this one massive obelisk, 160 00:08:24,505 --> 00:08:27,580 And then sailing it on the nile, 161 00:08:27,674 --> 00:08:31,158 All the way to the port that is closest to the temple, 162 00:08:31,178 --> 00:08:34,070 And then arriving to the spot 163 00:08:34,163 --> 00:08:37,423 Where you have to erect an obelisk 164 00:08:37,576 --> 00:08:40,001 That is 400 tons or more. 165 00:08:40,020 --> 00:08:42,929 That is 130 feet or more 166 00:08:43,023 --> 00:08:46,775 Up into a 90-degrees angle without modern machinery. 167 00:08:48,011 --> 00:08:50,529 But years and years later, 168 00:08:50,756 --> 00:08:53,365 People tried to replicate the process 169 00:08:53,516 --> 00:08:55,200 And have failed miserably. 170 00:08:56,444 --> 00:08:58,185 Transporting an obelisk 171 00:08:58,205 --> 00:09:00,021 And putting it in place, 172 00:09:00,040 --> 00:09:02,523 Let alone sculpting it in a quarry, 173 00:09:02,543 --> 00:09:05,710 Is still a big mystery to us today. 174 00:09:05,862 --> 00:09:08,696 Narrator: While researchers agree 175 00:09:08,790 --> 00:09:10,623 That the rope and pulley method 176 00:09:10,776 --> 00:09:13,534 Can explain the transport of some obelisks, 177 00:09:13,554 --> 00:09:15,962 Ancient astronaut theorists point to 178 00:09:16,056 --> 00:09:18,281 Another, more profound method, 179 00:09:18,300 --> 00:09:20,350 That was documented as well. 180 00:09:21,711 --> 00:09:25,046 We have some references in ancient egyptian texts 181 00:09:25,065 --> 00:09:27,457 That also speak of 182 00:09:27,550 --> 00:09:30,569 Some of these obelisks being levitated. 183 00:09:32,130 --> 00:09:33,387 And the way that worked 184 00:09:33,407 --> 00:09:37,242 Is that a magical white powder 185 00:09:37,393 --> 00:09:40,561 Had to be strewn across the stones 186 00:09:40,581 --> 00:09:42,914 And then water was added 187 00:09:43,141 --> 00:09:46,918 And through some "magical incantations," 188 00:09:47,070 --> 00:09:50,980 Then those rocks lifted themselves 189 00:09:51,074 --> 00:09:54,150 And they could levitate into place. 190 00:09:54,169 --> 00:09:58,263 Childress: Were the egyptians using some kind of alien technology? 191 00:09:58,414 --> 00:10:02,325 Not just to quarry the obelisk, but to lift it up? 192 00:10:02,418 --> 00:10:06,688 To move it, and then to ultimately stand it up? 193 00:10:09,759 --> 00:10:12,444 Narrator: Although mainstream archeologists 194 00:10:12,595 --> 00:10:15,780 Dismiss the idea that such advanced technology 195 00:10:16,007 --> 00:10:18,675 Could have been available to the ancient egyptians, 196 00:10:18,768 --> 00:10:22,345 There is one obelisk that still lies unfinished 197 00:10:22,364 --> 00:10:25,439 In the aswan quarry that defies explanation 198 00:10:25,459 --> 00:10:27,367 As to how it would have been moved 199 00:10:27,461 --> 00:10:31,704 To its final destination using mere ropes and pulleys. 200 00:10:31,798 --> 00:10:35,358 The unfinished obelisk of queen hatshepsut. 201 00:10:35,377 --> 00:10:38,619 It was actually the biggest obelisk, 202 00:10:38,639 --> 00:10:41,288 The tallest obelisk ever made, 203 00:10:41,383 --> 00:10:42,974 Never completely finished. 204 00:10:45,370 --> 00:10:50,464 It would have stood over 130 feet into the air. 205 00:10:51,877 --> 00:10:55,278 It would have weighed maybe 1,200 tons, it's estimated. 206 00:10:57,048 --> 00:10:59,324 Romany: The unfinished obelisk was abandoned 207 00:10:59,551 --> 00:11:02,719 Because, as they were sculpting the obelisk, 208 00:11:02,737 --> 00:11:04,496 It had a crack that started showing. 209 00:11:06,241 --> 00:11:09,167 Every obelisk had to survive 210 00:11:09,318 --> 00:11:11,911 For the rest of time and even more. 211 00:11:12,063 --> 00:11:14,655 So, one little crack, it was not acceptable 212 00:11:14,749 --> 00:11:17,008 And they had to abandon it. 213 00:11:17,160 --> 00:11:20,661 Narrator: Considering the immense amount of work it took to quarry, 214 00:11:20,681 --> 00:11:23,740 Carve, and transport obelisks, 215 00:11:23,758 --> 00:11:27,093 Could these monuments have had some practical purpose 216 00:11:27,187 --> 00:11:29,429 Beyond mere adornment? 217 00:11:29,581 --> 00:11:32,339 According to ancient astronaut theorists, 218 00:11:32,434 --> 00:11:36,027 There is evidence that these incredible stone structures 219 00:11:36,179 --> 00:11:39,197 May have been used for the transmission 220 00:11:39,348 --> 00:11:41,866 Of energy. 221 00:11:46,264 --> 00:11:47,613 Narrator: One of the many mysteries 222 00:11:47,766 --> 00:11:49,432 Surrounding egypt's ancient obelisks 223 00:11:49,525 --> 00:11:51,543 Is why the original builders 224 00:11:51,770 --> 00:11:55,121 Chose to use stone from the aswan quarry 225 00:11:55,273 --> 00:11:57,215 When, in most cases, other stone 226 00:11:57,366 --> 00:11:59,050 Was more easily available. 227 00:12:00,946 --> 00:12:03,204 It was very important to the ancient egyptians 228 00:12:03,223 --> 00:12:06,132 That when they erected an obelisk, 229 00:12:06,284 --> 00:12:09,394 That it be all one piece of stone 230 00:12:09,545 --> 00:12:13,714 And that they be carved from the "correct rock," 231 00:12:13,734 --> 00:12:17,627 Which was this very high-quality granite 232 00:12:17,720 --> 00:12:20,071 Found in aswan in southern egypt. 233 00:12:21,724 --> 00:12:25,318 Kaku: These monoliths were made out of granite. 234 00:12:25,470 --> 00:12:28,062 And there's some quartz inside the granite. 235 00:12:28,081 --> 00:12:30,898 And quartz has some rather interesting properties. 236 00:12:30,917 --> 00:12:34,068 Like the piezoelectric effect. 237 00:12:34,087 --> 00:12:37,480 If I take quartz crystal and I squeeze it, 238 00:12:37,499 --> 00:12:40,258 I can generate electricity. 239 00:12:40,409 --> 00:12:43,410 Now, some people believe that the obelisks 240 00:12:43,430 --> 00:12:45,488 Were like lightning rods 241 00:12:45,507 --> 00:12:48,674 That absorbed electrical energy from the heavens. 242 00:12:48,827 --> 00:12:52,086 Narrator: Could the egyptian obelisks have been designed 243 00:12:52,105 --> 00:12:53,846 To attract energy? 244 00:12:53,999 --> 00:12:57,275 In addition to the conductivity of quartz stone, 245 00:12:57,426 --> 00:13:00,779 It has been found that when the obelisks were first erected, 246 00:13:00,930 --> 00:13:02,930 They were capped with 247 00:13:02,949 --> 00:13:07,101 A naturally occurring metal alloy called electrum. 248 00:13:07,195 --> 00:13:10,622 We know that they were covered or capped, in many cases, 249 00:13:10,773 --> 00:13:14,608 With electrum, which is a combination of gold and silver, 250 00:13:14,628 --> 00:13:16,777 And they may have been 251 00:13:16,797 --> 00:13:19,022 Meant to attract plasma, 252 00:13:19,040 --> 00:13:21,282 Electrically charged particles. 253 00:13:22,861 --> 00:13:25,303 Narrator: As far as ancient astronaut theorists are concerned, 254 00:13:25,454 --> 00:13:28,789 The obelisks were almost certainly intended 255 00:13:28,883 --> 00:13:31,050 To conduct energy. 256 00:13:31,202 --> 00:13:33,961 And they suggest that the source of this energy 257 00:13:33,980 --> 00:13:37,482 May not have been from the heavens, but instead 258 00:13:37,633 --> 00:13:41,945 From the world's most extraordinary ancient structure. 259 00:13:45,659 --> 00:13:48,326 On the western bank of the nile river 260 00:13:48,553 --> 00:13:50,978 Stands a marvel of ancient engineering: 261 00:13:50,997 --> 00:13:53,832 The great pyramid. 262 00:13:53,983 --> 00:13:57,060 The largest structure in the giza pyramid complex 263 00:13:57,078 --> 00:14:00,154 Stands roughly 450 feet tall 264 00:14:00,173 --> 00:14:03,749 And consists of over two million stone blocks, 265 00:14:03,844 --> 00:14:07,236 Some of which are made from the same red granite 266 00:14:07,255 --> 00:14:09,330 That was used to create the obelisks 267 00:14:09,424 --> 00:14:10,923 Throughout the country. 268 00:14:11,076 --> 00:14:13,500 While egyptologists believe 269 00:14:13,520 --> 00:14:16,187 That it was built around 2570 bc 270 00:14:16,339 --> 00:14:19,916 With earthen ramps, ropes and pulleys, 271 00:14:20,009 --> 00:14:22,527 Definitive proof of how it was constructed 272 00:14:22,678 --> 00:14:25,512 And how old the giant structure is 273 00:14:25,607 --> 00:14:27,031 Remains a mystery. 274 00:14:29,277 --> 00:14:32,612 Romany: The great pyramid of giza is a marvel of architecture. 275 00:14:32,764 --> 00:14:35,856 Every block was five tons 276 00:14:35,876 --> 00:14:38,042 And there is about two million of them 277 00:14:38,194 --> 00:14:41,862 To create a perfect pyramid shape 278 00:14:41,882 --> 00:14:45,274 That is one of the seven ancient wonders of the world. 279 00:14:45,368 --> 00:14:47,276 The most ancient one of them all and-- 280 00:14:47,295 --> 00:14:49,554 And the only one standing. 281 00:14:51,540 --> 00:14:54,708 Christopher dunn: The great pyramid at giza covers 13 acres. 282 00:14:54,728 --> 00:14:57,787 It's a very remarkable building. 283 00:14:57,805 --> 00:14:59,713 The precision of this building, 284 00:14:59,807 --> 00:15:03,626 Uh, exceeds anything that we require of builders today. 285 00:15:03,645 --> 00:15:07,630 For instance, the area-- over 13 acres-- 286 00:15:07,649 --> 00:15:10,724 Was leveled within seven-eighths of an inch. 287 00:15:10,744 --> 00:15:13,077 That's about the thickness of a thumbnail. 288 00:15:14,397 --> 00:15:17,398 The casing stones are joined line to line, 289 00:15:17,417 --> 00:15:19,250 To within 10/1000 of an inch. 290 00:15:19,402 --> 00:15:22,478 And their joints are 291 00:15:22,571 --> 00:15:25,815 Filled with some kind of mysterious cement. 292 00:15:25,833 --> 00:15:27,908 But nobody's been able to figure out 293 00:15:28,002 --> 00:15:29,427 What the formula is. 294 00:15:29,654 --> 00:15:32,579 This is not the work of primitive people 295 00:15:32,599 --> 00:15:34,657 Who have copper chisels. 296 00:15:34,676 --> 00:15:39,586 Inside the great pyramid are a number of fascinating 297 00:15:39,681 --> 00:15:41,998 Chambers and corridors, 298 00:15:42,016 --> 00:15:43,942 Like the grand gallery, 299 00:15:44,093 --> 00:15:47,111 This towering stairway 300 00:15:47,338 --> 00:15:50,949 That goes up into the so-called king's chamber. 301 00:15:52,268 --> 00:15:54,601 Narrator: Mainstream scholars theorize 302 00:15:54,621 --> 00:15:57,121 That the great pyramid was built as a tomb 303 00:15:57,273 --> 00:15:58,623 For the pharaoh khufu, 304 00:15:58,774 --> 00:16:03,795 Who reigned from 2589 to 2566 bc. 305 00:16:05,448 --> 00:16:08,708 But archaeologists have yet to find any human remains 306 00:16:08,860 --> 00:16:12,211 Or authentic grave markers within the structure. 307 00:16:12,363 --> 00:16:14,639 The design of the tunnel system 308 00:16:14,790 --> 00:16:17,700 And chamber rooms within the great pyramid 309 00:16:17,719 --> 00:16:20,386 Have convinced engineering expert chris dunn 310 00:16:20,538 --> 00:16:23,206 That the true purpose of the massive structure 311 00:16:23,224 --> 00:16:25,966 Was to act as a power plant, 312 00:16:25,986 --> 00:16:28,802 Distributing energy through obelisks. 313 00:16:28,896 --> 00:16:30,321 Dunn: We're taught in school 314 00:16:30,473 --> 00:16:32,973 That the great pyramid is a tomb. 315 00:16:33,067 --> 00:16:34,325 But if you look at 316 00:16:34,552 --> 00:16:36,494 The complexity of these buildings, 317 00:16:36,721 --> 00:16:40,056 The precision with which they were built, 318 00:16:40,074 --> 00:16:43,501 The features that you see on the inside, 319 00:16:43,652 --> 00:16:47,897 These various shafts and passageways... 320 00:16:47,990 --> 00:16:50,508 For me, it looks like a machine. 321 00:16:52,012 --> 00:16:53,845 Narrator: With more than 50 years of experience 322 00:16:53,996 --> 00:16:56,239 In the aerospace industry, 323 00:16:56,257 --> 00:16:58,758 Dunn believes that chemical reactions took place 324 00:16:58,852 --> 00:17:00,685 Within the great pyramid 325 00:17:00,912 --> 00:17:03,187 That generated electromagnetic waves. 326 00:17:05,525 --> 00:17:07,433 Dunn: You have two shafts leading 327 00:17:07,585 --> 00:17:10,177 Into the queen's chamber. 328 00:17:10,271 --> 00:17:13,514 And these shafts delivered the chemicals to the chamber 329 00:17:13,533 --> 00:17:16,534 That they would mix and boil off hydrogen 330 00:17:16,761 --> 00:17:19,278 And then hydrogen would pass through 331 00:17:19,430 --> 00:17:22,040 Another passageway to the grand gallery, 332 00:17:22,267 --> 00:17:25,359 And then into the king's chamber. 333 00:17:25,378 --> 00:17:27,194 Narrator: Dunn speculates 334 00:17:27,288 --> 00:17:30,773 That once the hydrogen gas reached the king's chamber, 335 00:17:30,792 --> 00:17:35,127 Vibrations energized and converted the hydrogen atoms 336 00:17:35,221 --> 00:17:36,946 Into microwaves. 337 00:17:36,964 --> 00:17:39,891 You have evidence to support 338 00:17:40,042 --> 00:17:42,468 The, uh, theory that 339 00:17:42,562 --> 00:17:47,381 Hydrogen was being fed down the northern shaft 340 00:17:47,400 --> 00:17:49,716 Which leads to the king's chamber, 341 00:17:49,736 --> 00:17:52,886 And then it enters the chamber 342 00:17:52,980 --> 00:17:56,315 And collects the energy that has accumulated in that chamber 343 00:17:56,409 --> 00:17:59,410 And then directs it through the southern shaft 344 00:17:59,562 --> 00:18:02,488 For the microwaves to spread out. 345 00:18:02,640 --> 00:18:07,085 So, that energy, uh, would reach large distances. 346 00:18:07,312 --> 00:18:10,479 And I think if you had an obelisk 347 00:18:10,498 --> 00:18:12,924 At any distance, it could actually affect 348 00:18:13,075 --> 00:18:15,985 That particular structure. 349 00:18:16,003 --> 00:18:19,672 The great pyramid is itself a power generator. 350 00:18:19,766 --> 00:18:22,749 And that energy, it is broadcast from the pyramid, 351 00:18:22,769 --> 00:18:24,844 It's picked up by the transmitters, 352 00:18:24,996 --> 00:18:28,606 Which are the obelisks, placed at key sites, 353 00:18:28,833 --> 00:18:32,351 Made of red granite, that are able to be tuned 354 00:18:32,445 --> 00:18:34,779 To the specific frequencies coming from the pyramid. 355 00:18:36,023 --> 00:18:37,931 Narrator: Could it be true-- 356 00:18:37,951 --> 00:18:41,101 As some researchers and experts like chris dunn believe-- 357 00:18:41,121 --> 00:18:43,012 That the great pyramid of giza 358 00:18:43,105 --> 00:18:45,364 Was actually a power plant? 359 00:18:45,458 --> 00:18:48,960 And that obelisks were used as receiver towers 360 00:18:49,187 --> 00:18:53,189 Designed to distribute the generated power? 361 00:18:53,207 --> 00:18:55,708 While such a sensational notion 362 00:18:55,860 --> 00:18:58,027 May sound like science fiction, 363 00:18:58,120 --> 00:19:00,212 Egypt's pyramids and obelisks 364 00:19:00,365 --> 00:19:03,641 Served as inspiration for the first person 365 00:19:03,792 --> 00:19:05,384 To wirelessly transmit electricity 366 00:19:05,536 --> 00:19:06,978 In the modern world: 367 00:19:07,129 --> 00:19:09,814 Nikola tesla. 368 00:19:14,212 --> 00:19:15,469 Narrator: When engineering expert chris dunn 369 00:19:15,563 --> 00:19:17,304 First presented his theory 370 00:19:17,398 --> 00:19:19,490 That the great pyramid was used to generate electricity 371 00:19:19,717 --> 00:19:23,310 In his 1998 book the giza power plant, 372 00:19:23,329 --> 00:19:26,906 It ignited a firestorm of controversy. 373 00:19:27,000 --> 00:19:29,408 But he was not the first 374 00:19:29,560 --> 00:19:32,578 To propose this audacious notion. 375 00:19:32,730 --> 00:19:36,490 A century earlier, in the 1890s, 376 00:19:36,509 --> 00:19:40,252 Nikola tesla, the famed engineer and inventor 377 00:19:40,346 --> 00:19:43,014 Of the first alternating current motor and power system, 378 00:19:43,241 --> 00:19:45,683 Studied the ancient structures of egypt 379 00:19:45,834 --> 00:19:47,910 While working to develop a system 380 00:19:48,003 --> 00:19:49,578 For transmitting electricity 381 00:19:49,597 --> 00:19:51,689 Without the use of wires. 382 00:19:53,084 --> 00:19:55,418 Seifer: Tesla studied the ancient egyptians. 383 00:19:55,511 --> 00:19:57,603 He was fascinated by the ancients 384 00:19:57,755 --> 00:19:59,680 And their understanding that quartz produced 385 00:19:59,774 --> 00:20:01,682 Electrical frequencies. 386 00:20:01,701 --> 00:20:05,036 He thought that they understood what quartz was all about. 387 00:20:05,263 --> 00:20:07,446 Tesla used crystals. He used quartz. 388 00:20:07,540 --> 00:20:10,374 And all of that can be found in the ancient obelisks. 389 00:20:12,787 --> 00:20:14,861 Narrator: According to chris dunn's theory, 390 00:20:14,881 --> 00:20:18,216 Chemical reactions took place inside the great pyramid 391 00:20:18,367 --> 00:20:20,292 To create microwave energy 392 00:20:20,445 --> 00:20:22,053 And transmit it to the obelisks 393 00:20:22,204 --> 00:20:24,055 Through the air. 394 00:20:24,282 --> 00:20:27,783 But tesla believed the ancient egyptians may 395 00:20:27,802 --> 00:20:29,802 Have instead been amplifying 396 00:20:29,896 --> 00:20:32,396 The natural energy currents present in the earth. 397 00:20:33,624 --> 00:20:36,067 In 1898, 398 00:20:36,218 --> 00:20:39,462 He began building an electrical tower in colorado springs 399 00:20:39,480 --> 00:20:41,722 Based on this hypothesis, 400 00:20:41,816 --> 00:20:43,299 And, three years later, 401 00:20:43,317 --> 00:20:45,150 Announced that he had succeeded 402 00:20:45,303 --> 00:20:47,636 In creating the modern world's first 403 00:20:47,655 --> 00:20:49,822 Wireless energy transmitter. 404 00:20:49,974 --> 00:20:51,824 It's really interesting to me 405 00:20:51,976 --> 00:20:55,144 That when nikola tesla was putting together 406 00:20:55,162 --> 00:20:57,146 His colorado experiments, 407 00:20:57,164 --> 00:21:00,649 He was getting information from an expedition 408 00:21:00,668 --> 00:21:03,819 That j.P. Morgan was paying for in egypt. 409 00:21:03,912 --> 00:21:05,429 And he was getting information 410 00:21:05,581 --> 00:21:07,765 About the size of the pyramids and the obelisks 411 00:21:07,992 --> 00:21:11,918 And tesla was talking about using these towers 412 00:21:11,938 --> 00:21:14,755 To send power that he takes from the earth 413 00:21:14,774 --> 00:21:17,441 Around the world to people wirelessly. 414 00:21:18,761 --> 00:21:20,336 It was a large tower 415 00:21:20,429 --> 00:21:23,522 That has a ray conductor on top of it 416 00:21:23,616 --> 00:21:26,509 And then a large conducting pipe that went way deep 417 00:21:26,527 --> 00:21:28,452 Into the granite basin underneath it. 418 00:21:28,679 --> 00:21:31,196 He was grounding his system into the earth, 419 00:21:31,349 --> 00:21:32,957 Electrically connecting it to the earth, 420 00:21:33,108 --> 00:21:35,293 And then he would tune this system 421 00:21:35,520 --> 00:21:36,919 Until it reached a certain frequency. 422 00:21:38,189 --> 00:21:39,855 He drives the energy into the ground. 423 00:21:39,874 --> 00:21:43,283 He then put light bulbs all along the mountains 424 00:21:43,303 --> 00:21:45,210 And all these light bulbs lit. 425 00:21:45,305 --> 00:21:48,622 That was his proof that he could send electrical energy 426 00:21:48,716 --> 00:21:51,142 Through a wireless system. 427 00:21:52,795 --> 00:21:55,704 Narrator: After the success of his initial experiment, 428 00:21:55,723 --> 00:21:58,816 Tesla began devising a much more ambitious plan 429 00:21:59,043 --> 00:22:01,877 For wirelessly transmitting electricity. 430 00:22:01,896 --> 00:22:04,638 In March of 1901, 431 00:22:04,657 --> 00:22:07,566 After relocating to long island, new york, 432 00:22:07,718 --> 00:22:12,555 Tesla began construction on a nearly 200-foot-tall structure 433 00:22:12,573 --> 00:22:15,482 Known as wardenclyffe tower. 434 00:22:15,501 --> 00:22:18,394 The larger structure would allow him 435 00:22:18,412 --> 00:22:22,322 To generate more energy to send into the earth. 436 00:22:22,416 --> 00:22:24,733 Tesla's wardenclyffe tower 437 00:22:24,752 --> 00:22:27,736 Was supposed to be his crowning achievement. 438 00:22:27,755 --> 00:22:31,256 A lasting monument that would generate energy, 439 00:22:31,409 --> 00:22:34,093 And send energy over hundreds of miles. 440 00:22:34,187 --> 00:22:38,171 Tesla thought he could energize entire cities. 441 00:22:38,191 --> 00:22:40,249 Unfortunately, it was never tested 442 00:22:40,267 --> 00:22:42,193 Because he ran out of money. 443 00:22:43,863 --> 00:22:46,755 Narrator: Although nikola tesla was unable 444 00:22:46,774 --> 00:22:48,366 To realize his grand vision 445 00:22:48,593 --> 00:22:50,534 For wirelessly transmitting energy 446 00:22:50,686 --> 00:22:52,036 With wardenclyffe tower, 447 00:22:52,187 --> 00:22:55,021 Is it possible that he was on the brink 448 00:22:55,116 --> 00:22:57,357 Of recreating a technology 449 00:22:57,377 --> 00:22:59,602 That the ancient egyptians possessed 450 00:22:59,695 --> 00:23:02,605 Nearly 4,000 years before him? 451 00:23:02,623 --> 00:23:05,216 Taylor: Tesla's original designs 452 00:23:05,367 --> 00:23:07,292 For the wardenclyffe tower 453 00:23:07,445 --> 00:23:10,279 Was to be the same height as the king's pyramid in giza. 454 00:23:10,372 --> 00:23:12,372 I find it really interesting. 455 00:23:12,392 --> 00:23:15,451 Was he thinking that the ancient egyptians 456 00:23:15,469 --> 00:23:17,878 Were actually sending power, 457 00:23:17,897 --> 00:23:19,397 Collecting it from the earth somehow, 458 00:23:19,624 --> 00:23:22,566 And transmitting it with these obelisks? 459 00:23:22,793 --> 00:23:25,144 If nikola tesla was onto something like that, 460 00:23:25,238 --> 00:23:27,405 Perhaps that was 461 00:23:27,556 --> 00:23:29,407 What the ancient egyptians were doing. 462 00:23:29,558 --> 00:23:31,800 Narrator: But if egypt's obelisks 463 00:23:31,894 --> 00:23:33,986 Were designed to conduct energy, 464 00:23:34,080 --> 00:23:36,138 The question remains: 465 00:23:36,157 --> 00:23:38,416 What purpose did this serve? 466 00:23:38,567 --> 00:23:42,586 Was it to create a source of electricity for the community? 467 00:23:43,756 --> 00:23:46,165 Or could the power of the obelisks 468 00:23:46,317 --> 00:23:49,501 Have served an otherworldly purpose? 469 00:23:49,654 --> 00:23:53,413 Perhaps clues can be found at the temple of edfu, 470 00:23:53,433 --> 00:23:55,415 Which contains thousands of hieroglyphs 471 00:23:55,435 --> 00:23:59,437 Detailing the customs and mythology of ancient egypt. 472 00:23:59,664 --> 00:24:02,606 According to the so-called edfu texts, 473 00:24:02,758 --> 00:24:06,335 A 160-foot-tall obelisk once stood 474 00:24:06,428 --> 00:24:09,505 At the sun temple of abu gorab in memphis, 475 00:24:09,523 --> 00:24:11,949 Where the people could commune with the gods. 476 00:24:13,786 --> 00:24:15,678 Tsoukalos: According to the ancient egyptian 477 00:24:15,696 --> 00:24:17,771 Building texts from edfu, 478 00:24:17,790 --> 00:24:21,459 Abu gorab was known as "the place of the gods." 479 00:24:22,795 --> 00:24:24,203 And what's so interesting is that 480 00:24:24,355 --> 00:24:26,464 Most mainstream egyptologists 481 00:24:26,615 --> 00:24:28,132 Are actually saying that 482 00:24:28,283 --> 00:24:30,042 We know it as a place 483 00:24:30,136 --> 00:24:33,879 Where the ancients connected with "divine energies." 484 00:24:33,973 --> 00:24:36,532 Young: The obelisk itself was the point of contact 485 00:24:36,550 --> 00:24:39,125 Between humans and the gods. 486 00:24:39,145 --> 00:24:42,480 We communicated with the gods through that stone. 487 00:24:44,132 --> 00:24:45,649 Henry: I think it's quite possible that 488 00:24:45,801 --> 00:24:48,802 Where you find these obelisks were 489 00:24:48,821 --> 00:24:50,488 Places of communion or communication 490 00:24:50,639 --> 00:24:52,305 With the sky gods, 491 00:24:52,399 --> 00:24:53,782 With extraterrestrials. 492 00:24:55,569 --> 00:24:57,720 Narrator: Could it be that the obelisks 493 00:24:57,813 --> 00:25:00,072 Were alien communication devices, 494 00:25:00,224 --> 00:25:03,075 Allowing the ancient egyptians to make contact 495 00:25:03,227 --> 00:25:05,669 With their extraterrestrial gods? 496 00:25:06,839 --> 00:25:10,323 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 497 00:25:10,343 --> 00:25:13,010 And suggest further evidence can be found 498 00:25:13,161 --> 00:25:17,348 By examining the story of egypt's most famous son: 499 00:25:17,499 --> 00:25:19,642 The prophet moses. 500 00:25:26,917 --> 00:25:29,026 Narrator: Cairo, egypt. 501 00:25:29,177 --> 00:25:32,771 Roughly 20 miles northeast of the giza pyramids and the sphinx 502 00:25:32,923 --> 00:25:35,515 Is a site that was of great significance 503 00:25:35,609 --> 00:25:37,034 To the ancient egyptians: 504 00:25:38,854 --> 00:25:41,113 The sacred city of heliopolis. 505 00:25:41,265 --> 00:25:45,450 Here, at the site of a 70-foot-tall obelisk, 506 00:25:45,603 --> 00:25:47,936 The pharaohs were said to commune 507 00:25:47,955 --> 00:25:51,290 With a council of nine gods called the "ennead," 508 00:25:51,442 --> 00:25:54,385 Who brought technology and knowledge to mankind. 509 00:25:56,280 --> 00:25:59,056 One of the oldest obelisks we have today 510 00:25:59,283 --> 00:26:01,950 Is one that was of a pair of obelisks 511 00:26:01,969 --> 00:26:04,453 That stood in heliopolis, 512 00:26:04,471 --> 00:26:07,856 The city of the sun god ra, so close to cairo today. 513 00:26:09,460 --> 00:26:12,052 In heliopolis, the pharaoh of egypt 514 00:26:12,071 --> 00:26:15,814 Would have to consult with the nine gods, the ennead, 515 00:26:15,966 --> 00:26:17,741 With every aspect in life 516 00:26:17,968 --> 00:26:20,986 To make sure he is doing the right thing. 517 00:26:21,080 --> 00:26:24,323 Every ancient egyptian would have their full trust 518 00:26:24,417 --> 00:26:29,569 That anything coming out from the mouth of the king 519 00:26:29,589 --> 00:26:32,214 Is the word of the nine gods. 520 00:26:33,408 --> 00:26:35,317 And the obelisk is there 521 00:26:35,336 --> 00:26:37,486 To receive the messages 522 00:26:37,579 --> 00:26:40,080 And deliver it to its people. 523 00:26:40,174 --> 00:26:42,749 Collins: So, once more, 524 00:26:42,843 --> 00:26:45,844 We have the idea of the obelisk 525 00:26:45,938 --> 00:26:48,254 Associated with 526 00:26:48,274 --> 00:26:51,933 Communication with some kind of higher intelligence. 527 00:26:53,428 --> 00:26:55,946 Narrator: What makes heliopolis of particular interest 528 00:26:56,173 --> 00:26:59,099 To ancient astronaut theorists is the fact 529 00:26:59,118 --> 00:27:02,602 That it is associated with a famous biblical figure 530 00:27:02,622 --> 00:27:06,439 Who also created a device for communicating with the heavens: 531 00:27:06,459 --> 00:27:08,125 The prophet moses. 532 00:27:09,295 --> 00:27:11,370 According to the book of exodus, 533 00:27:11,522 --> 00:27:15,040 Moses was born in egypt to hebrew parents, 534 00:27:15,134 --> 00:27:18,193 Who set him afloat on the nile in a reed basket 535 00:27:18,212 --> 00:27:19,953 To save him from an edict 536 00:27:19,972 --> 00:27:22,473 Calling for the death of all newborn hebrew males. 537 00:27:24,126 --> 00:27:26,535 Found by the pharaoh's daughter, 538 00:27:26,553 --> 00:27:28,704 He was raised in the egyptian court, 539 00:27:28,722 --> 00:27:31,890 And educated in heliopolis. 540 00:27:31,984 --> 00:27:34,151 We know from the bible 541 00:27:34,378 --> 00:27:37,946 That moses was raised in the house of pharaoh. 542 00:27:39,383 --> 00:27:42,217 He was raised amongst the priests 543 00:27:42,236 --> 00:27:44,477 Of the egyptian religion. 544 00:27:44,497 --> 00:27:46,497 They had knowledge 545 00:27:46,648 --> 00:27:48,314 Of the ancient wisdoms 546 00:27:48,334 --> 00:27:50,225 And the ancient technologies. 547 00:27:50,244 --> 00:27:54,963 Moses learned many of these things from them. 548 00:27:56,083 --> 00:28:00,068 So, years later, when god speaks to moses 549 00:28:00,162 --> 00:28:01,845 And commands moses to bring 550 00:28:02,072 --> 00:28:04,907 The children of israel out of egypt, 551 00:28:04,925 --> 00:28:09,578 Moses brought with him many of these secrets. 552 00:28:09,671 --> 00:28:12,189 Narrator: In the book of exodus, 553 00:28:12,416 --> 00:28:14,917 Moses frees the israelites from enslavement 554 00:28:14,935 --> 00:28:16,985 And leads them out of egypt. 555 00:28:18,513 --> 00:28:20,589 Collins: The israelites were taken out 556 00:28:20,682 --> 00:28:23,425 Into the wilderness of sinai. 557 00:28:23,444 --> 00:28:28,688 And they came to mount sinai itself. 558 00:28:28,708 --> 00:28:32,284 And moses went up the top of the mountain 559 00:28:32,378 --> 00:28:34,712 And he saw yahweh 560 00:28:34,939 --> 00:28:38,382 In the form of an incredibly bright light. 561 00:28:39,534 --> 00:28:41,534 And during this time, 562 00:28:41,554 --> 00:28:43,887 God gives him the ten commandments. 563 00:28:45,040 --> 00:28:47,282 But what he also does 564 00:28:47,301 --> 00:28:49,542 Is give him the instructions 565 00:28:49,562 --> 00:28:51,895 On how to make the ark of the covenant. 566 00:28:53,457 --> 00:28:55,474 Narrator: The ark of the covenant is described in the bible 567 00:28:55,568 --> 00:28:57,960 As the sacred wooden box 568 00:28:58,053 --> 00:29:00,462 That would hold the ten commandments. 569 00:29:00,481 --> 00:29:03,148 It was also said to enable 570 00:29:03,300 --> 00:29:05,576 Direct communication with god. 571 00:29:07,304 --> 00:29:10,655 Is it possible that moses's education in egypt 572 00:29:10,808 --> 00:29:14,234 Influenced the construction of the ark of the covenant, 573 00:29:14,253 --> 00:29:17,996 A sacred vessel believed to be a communication device 574 00:29:18,148 --> 00:29:20,148 And possessing the same powers 575 00:29:20,167 --> 00:29:22,426 Attributed to the obelisks? 576 00:29:24,263 --> 00:29:27,580 Curiously, within the ancient egyptian temple of seti 577 00:29:27,674 --> 00:29:30,342 In abydos, there is a mural 578 00:29:30,436 --> 00:29:33,829 That depicts an object which, to some researchers, 579 00:29:33,847 --> 00:29:36,940 Looks strikingly similar to the ark of the covenant: 580 00:29:38,335 --> 00:29:40,778 The so-called osiris device. 581 00:29:41,005 --> 00:29:44,097 Henry: At the temple of seti at abydos 582 00:29:44,116 --> 00:29:47,843 Is a depiction of a very technological-looking apparatus. 583 00:29:47,861 --> 00:29:49,953 That is the osiris device. 584 00:29:51,273 --> 00:29:54,440 Now, when we look at the platform 585 00:29:54,460 --> 00:29:58,353 Upon which the pillar portion of the osiris device rests, 586 00:29:58,372 --> 00:30:01,465 That platform looks exactly like depictions 587 00:30:01,692 --> 00:30:04,117 Of the biblical ark of the covenant. 588 00:30:04,211 --> 00:30:06,637 This is no coincidence. 589 00:30:06,788 --> 00:30:09,932 This is a continuity of tradition. 590 00:30:11,293 --> 00:30:14,812 Now, if this is a real communications device, 591 00:30:14,963 --> 00:30:17,556 It actually, honestly, must have worked 592 00:30:17,708 --> 00:30:21,393 With some form of a technology. 593 00:30:21,545 --> 00:30:24,470 Narrator: According to some researchers, 594 00:30:24,490 --> 00:30:27,825 Not only was the ark of the covenant based on technology 595 00:30:28,052 --> 00:30:30,661 That moses learned about in heliopolis, 596 00:30:30,812 --> 00:30:32,888 But the fact that it was described 597 00:30:32,906 --> 00:30:34,665 As a communication device 598 00:30:34,892 --> 00:30:37,793 Points to a connection with the obelisks. 599 00:30:40,414 --> 00:30:45,584 Collins: This is a box that's covered over in gold in layers. 600 00:30:45,678 --> 00:30:47,569 And then it has a lid, 601 00:30:47,662 --> 00:30:49,588 The so-called "mercy seat," 602 00:30:49,740 --> 00:30:52,516 With the two cherubim facing each other 603 00:30:52,667 --> 00:30:56,502 And god would appear 604 00:30:56,522 --> 00:31:00,932 Between those two cherubim as this blinding light. 605 00:31:02,010 --> 00:31:04,695 We have elements here in connection with the obelisks. 606 00:31:06,090 --> 00:31:08,256 They, too, would seem to have had 607 00:31:08,350 --> 00:31:11,034 Gold placed at their apexes. 608 00:31:11,186 --> 00:31:13,704 And we also know that the pyramids 609 00:31:13,855 --> 00:31:16,448 Had capstones made of gold 610 00:31:16,600 --> 00:31:20,878 And that gold is an incredible conductor of electricity. 611 00:31:22,456 --> 00:31:25,941 Childress: So here we have the obelisks as, perhaps, electrical devices 612 00:31:25,959 --> 00:31:29,778 And also communication devices. 613 00:31:29,871 --> 00:31:32,631 And then you have the ark of the covenant. 614 00:31:32,783 --> 00:31:35,875 And they seem to have the same function. 615 00:31:35,895 --> 00:31:37,452 And you have to ask yourself, 616 00:31:37,471 --> 00:31:39,545 Could it be the same technology 617 00:31:39,565 --> 00:31:41,732 Coming from the egyptian gods? 618 00:31:45,387 --> 00:31:46,811 Narrator: Was the ark of the covenant 619 00:31:46,964 --> 00:31:49,406 A portable version of an obelisk? 620 00:31:49,557 --> 00:31:52,150 An energetic device that provided 621 00:31:52,302 --> 00:31:54,152 A direct communication link 622 00:31:54,304 --> 00:31:56,246 To otherworldly beings? 623 00:31:56,398 --> 00:32:00,308 Ancient astronaut theorists say yes, 624 00:32:00,327 --> 00:32:04,237 And suggest that further evidence can be found 625 00:32:04,331 --> 00:32:08,150 In a place where tradition holds that the ark of the covenant 626 00:32:08,168 --> 00:32:10,335 Has remained hidden for centuries-- 627 00:32:10,487 --> 00:32:13,838 A place that also happens to be home 628 00:32:13,991 --> 00:32:16,725 To the largest collection of obelisks on earth. 629 00:32:24,685 --> 00:32:26,168 Narrator: Aksum, ethiopia. 630 00:32:26,186 --> 00:32:28,428 This ancient city 631 00:32:28,447 --> 00:32:30,855 Was once the heart of the kingdom of aksum, 632 00:32:30,950 --> 00:32:35,118 A powerful empire that thrived for nearly 900 years 633 00:32:35,270 --> 00:32:39,105 Starting in the first century ad. 634 00:32:39,124 --> 00:32:42,960 It is also home to more than a dozen ancient obelisks. 635 00:32:47,024 --> 00:32:49,524 Henry: What's curious about aksum is 636 00:32:49,543 --> 00:32:51,710 The large number of obelisks that are there. 637 00:32:51,804 --> 00:32:53,804 It's a city of obelisks. 638 00:32:53,955 --> 00:32:56,139 It's practically a forest of obelisks. 639 00:32:57,643 --> 00:32:59,810 Newman: There, the obelisks are a whole different thing. 640 00:32:59,961 --> 00:33:03,463 These aren't just perfectly smooth. 641 00:33:03,557 --> 00:33:06,817 These have got almost, like, windows going up in levels. 642 00:33:08,545 --> 00:33:10,988 One of them even has, like, a doorway carved on the bottom 643 00:33:11,139 --> 00:33:14,049 With a small handle, just carved out of solid rock. 644 00:33:14,067 --> 00:33:18,403 Narrator: The obelisks of aksum were not topped with a pyramidion 645 00:33:18,555 --> 00:33:22,240 Or carved from the aswan quarry like those in egypt, 646 00:33:22,392 --> 00:33:25,393 But they were equally as massive 647 00:33:25,487 --> 00:33:28,672 And were each made from a single stone. 648 00:33:28,823 --> 00:33:31,842 Childress: The largest obelisk that we know that was ever erected 649 00:33:32,069 --> 00:33:35,345 Was not erected in egypt but in aksum. 650 00:33:35,572 --> 00:33:38,240 There were over 100 obelisks at one time. 651 00:33:38,333 --> 00:33:42,019 And the biggest is a huge obelisk 652 00:33:42,170 --> 00:33:45,147 That weighed well over 1,000 tons. 653 00:33:46,841 --> 00:33:50,193 Narrator: But why did the people of aksum make so many obelisks? 654 00:33:52,422 --> 00:33:53,846 Could they have learned the secrets 655 00:33:53,940 --> 00:33:56,091 Of the ancient egyptians? 656 00:33:56,184 --> 00:33:58,777 According to some researchers, 657 00:33:58,929 --> 00:34:01,872 These obelisks may have been erected to indicate 658 00:34:02,023 --> 00:34:05,691 That aksum has a profound connection to the heavens. 659 00:34:05,786 --> 00:34:09,546 A connection that may combine two ancient technologies: 660 00:34:09,773 --> 00:34:11,940 The obelisks 661 00:34:11,958 --> 00:34:14,551 And the ark of the covenant. 662 00:34:14,702 --> 00:34:16,294 The ark of the covenant. 663 00:34:16,446 --> 00:34:18,963 The great mystery: Where is it? 664 00:34:19,116 --> 00:34:21,892 The bible, of course, has its own traditions 665 00:34:22,043 --> 00:34:23,727 And teachings on this. 666 00:34:25,397 --> 00:34:27,956 But out of the ethiopian culture 667 00:34:28,049 --> 00:34:30,625 We have an alternate teaching, 668 00:34:30,644 --> 00:34:34,053 An alternate lesson about where is the ark. 669 00:34:34,073 --> 00:34:37,299 They believe that the ark of the covenant 670 00:34:37,392 --> 00:34:39,409 Is there residing with them. 671 00:34:40,913 --> 00:34:43,729 Narrator: The mystery of what happened to the ark of the covenant 672 00:34:43,749 --> 00:34:46,808 Began in 587 bc, 673 00:34:46,827 --> 00:34:49,644 When the babylonians conquered jerusalem 674 00:34:49,663 --> 00:34:51,496 And looted solomon's temple, 675 00:34:51,648 --> 00:34:55,317 Where the ark had been housed for 350 years. 676 00:34:55,335 --> 00:34:57,260 After this event, 677 00:34:57,412 --> 00:34:59,504 The ark of the covenant disappears 678 00:34:59,656 --> 00:35:01,932 From the historical record, 679 00:35:02,159 --> 00:35:05,251 But, curiously, there is also no record 680 00:35:05,270 --> 00:35:08,163 Of the babylonians having taken it. 681 00:35:08,181 --> 00:35:11,441 While there are many theories as where the ark went, 682 00:35:11,668 --> 00:35:14,002 One of the most prominent claims can be found 683 00:35:14,095 --> 00:35:16,238 In ancient ethiopian history. 684 00:35:19,434 --> 00:35:23,603 One version of the fate of the ark of the covenant 685 00:35:23,622 --> 00:35:28,683 Is contained within a ethiopian holy book 686 00:35:28,702 --> 00:35:31,294 Known as the kebra nagast. 687 00:35:31,521 --> 00:35:34,205 It's a story involving king solomon, 688 00:35:34,299 --> 00:35:36,800 Who had the ark, 689 00:35:37,027 --> 00:35:40,119 And his meeting with the queen of sheba. 690 00:35:40,139 --> 00:35:43,214 And it was said that they had a liaison, 691 00:35:43,308 --> 00:35:46,885 And that a son was born to the queen of sheba 692 00:35:47,037 --> 00:35:48,961 By the name of menelik. 693 00:35:48,981 --> 00:35:52,374 And that, eventually, menelik traveled 694 00:35:52,467 --> 00:35:55,301 From his homeland of ethiopia 695 00:35:55,320 --> 00:36:00,157 To visit his father solomon in israel. 696 00:36:00,308 --> 00:36:02,550 Narrator: According to the story, 697 00:36:02,569 --> 00:36:04,810 When menelik left israel, 698 00:36:04,905 --> 00:36:09,315 He and his men secretly took the ark with them back to aksum. 699 00:36:09,409 --> 00:36:11,393 Devoted followers believe 700 00:36:11,486 --> 00:36:14,296 It still resides there today. 701 00:36:15,916 --> 00:36:17,248 Reverend michael j.S. Carter: Many believe, 702 00:36:17,401 --> 00:36:19,567 Especially ethiopian orthodox christians, 703 00:36:19,661 --> 00:36:21,327 That the ark of the covenant 704 00:36:21,421 --> 00:36:23,513 Is in a small chapel 705 00:36:23,740 --> 00:36:27,350 Called our lady mary of zion church. 706 00:36:28,854 --> 00:36:32,764 And monks are there who guard this day and night. 707 00:36:32,916 --> 00:36:35,250 On pain of death, they cannot leave the grounds. 708 00:36:35,343 --> 00:36:39,254 So, something is there that is 709 00:36:39,272 --> 00:36:41,773 Worth these monks saying, 710 00:36:41,925 --> 00:36:45,368 "I will die before I leave this compound." 711 00:36:46,780 --> 00:36:49,539 Henry: You wonder, why are there so many obelisks 712 00:36:49,766 --> 00:36:51,783 In this place, at the very same place 713 00:36:51,935 --> 00:36:54,285 Where the ark of the covenant is said to have been located? 714 00:36:54,379 --> 00:36:56,004 Is there a connection? 715 00:36:57,457 --> 00:37:00,217 Carter: Aksum, at one time, 716 00:37:00,368 --> 00:37:04,221 Was a center of power and prestige 717 00:37:04,372 --> 00:37:07,390 In the ancient world. 718 00:37:07,542 --> 00:37:09,300 It was the trading route 719 00:37:09,394 --> 00:37:14,122 Between persia and rome. 720 00:37:14,215 --> 00:37:16,233 And so they were connected to... 721 00:37:16,460 --> 00:37:18,960 To other parts of the ancient world. 722 00:37:18,979 --> 00:37:21,887 And now you have the ark of the covenant, 723 00:37:21,982 --> 00:37:24,482 And you have the obelisks. 724 00:37:24,576 --> 00:37:26,985 If you connect the dots, 725 00:37:27,137 --> 00:37:30,488 It's very difficult not to think 726 00:37:30,582 --> 00:37:35,310 That civilization got its knowledge from egypt. 727 00:37:35,403 --> 00:37:38,421 Childress: In aksum, they believe that the ark of the covenant 728 00:37:38,573 --> 00:37:40,482 And the obelisks are all connected. 729 00:37:40,575 --> 00:37:42,650 So we have to ask ourselves, 730 00:37:42,669 --> 00:37:46,838 Were the ancient people using some kind of super technology? 731 00:37:46,990 --> 00:37:49,432 It remains a mystery to this day. 732 00:37:50,936 --> 00:37:53,586 Narrator: Could the obelisks of ancient egypt, 733 00:37:53,605 --> 00:37:56,606 Which still mystify modern engineers, 734 00:37:56,758 --> 00:38:00,777 Have been highly advanced tools of otherworldly technology? 735 00:38:00,928 --> 00:38:04,447 While the truth may remain hidden in the past, 736 00:38:04,599 --> 00:38:06,932 Ancient astronaut theorists believe 737 00:38:06,952 --> 00:38:11,529 That, today, obelisks may still provide a connection 738 00:38:11,681 --> 00:38:13,456 To our alien ancestors. 739 00:38:19,947 --> 00:38:21,539 Narrator: Washington, d.C. 740 00:38:21,633 --> 00:38:24,950 December 6, 1884. 741 00:38:25,045 --> 00:38:27,137 The final stone is placed 742 00:38:27,288 --> 00:38:29,864 At the top of the washington monument, 743 00:38:29,883 --> 00:38:32,809 An egyptian-style obelisk 744 00:38:32,960 --> 00:38:36,629 Dedicated to the first president of the united states: 745 00:38:36,723 --> 00:38:39,040 George washington. 746 00:38:39,133 --> 00:38:41,059 Henry: The washington monument 747 00:38:41,211 --> 00:38:43,803 Is considered the tallest obelisk in the world. 748 00:38:43,897 --> 00:38:45,989 It's 555 feet tall. 749 00:38:47,551 --> 00:38:49,326 Tsoukalos: It's fascinating that the largest obelisk 750 00:38:49,553 --> 00:38:52,478 Currently exists in washington, d.C. 751 00:38:52,497 --> 00:38:56,057 And you have to ask the question, why? 752 00:38:56,076 --> 00:38:59,836 Because, worldwide, there has been a fascination 753 00:38:59,987 --> 00:39:02,897 That goes back into deep antiquity 754 00:39:02,990 --> 00:39:04,341 About these standing stones. 755 00:39:05,585 --> 00:39:07,752 The vatican, ancient egypt, 756 00:39:07,846 --> 00:39:09,679 In new york city, 757 00:39:09,831 --> 00:39:11,497 Aksum, in ethiopia, 758 00:39:11,516 --> 00:39:15,185 All over the world you have these obelisks, 759 00:39:15,412 --> 00:39:18,671 These markers that point to the sky. 760 00:39:18,690 --> 00:39:22,100 Narrator: Since the decline of the egyptian empire 761 00:39:22,252 --> 00:39:24,861 Approximately 2,000 years ago, 762 00:39:25,088 --> 00:39:28,013 Nearly 30 obelisks have been moved 763 00:39:28,108 --> 00:39:32,110 From their original locations to sites across the globe. 764 00:39:32,262 --> 00:39:34,204 But why? 765 00:39:36,266 --> 00:39:39,267 Newman: There may have been something more magical at play. 766 00:39:39,285 --> 00:39:42,879 Because I believe these ancient cultures 767 00:39:43,030 --> 00:39:46,883 Had mastered things we are only just starting to understand. 768 00:39:48,553 --> 00:39:51,221 And perhaps the power of these obelisks has been kept 769 00:39:51,372 --> 00:39:54,391 For multiple generations in secret. 770 00:39:55,877 --> 00:39:58,061 In fact, the symbol of the obelisk 771 00:39:58,288 --> 00:40:00,730 Became part of many secret societies. 772 00:40:02,308 --> 00:40:07,070 It became part of the masonic founding of washington, d.C. 773 00:40:07,297 --> 00:40:09,814 And where they're placed around the world 774 00:40:09,966 --> 00:40:11,983 Is also very interesting, 775 00:40:12,077 --> 00:40:14,469 Because they're not placed in just random positions. 776 00:40:14,562 --> 00:40:16,638 They're placed geodetically, 777 00:40:16,731 --> 00:40:19,582 Often linked with ancient egypt. 778 00:40:21,086 --> 00:40:22,827 Carter: What is it about the obelisks 779 00:40:22,979 --> 00:40:25,422 That attracts us, that resonates with us? 780 00:40:25,573 --> 00:40:28,483 Well, number one is 781 00:40:28,501 --> 00:40:31,094 Humanity's always striving. 782 00:40:32,413 --> 00:40:35,265 We're always reaching up to the stars. 783 00:40:35,416 --> 00:40:38,250 Because, I think, in some cellular memory, 784 00:40:38,270 --> 00:40:41,679 We get it: That that's really where we come from. 785 00:40:41,773 --> 00:40:45,090 Even if we don't realize 786 00:40:45,110 --> 00:40:47,852 That what we're probably doing is 787 00:40:47,946 --> 00:40:51,781 Commemorating our extraterrestrial origins. 788 00:40:53,618 --> 00:40:57,011 Tsoukalos: I think the evidence is right in front of our eyes. 789 00:40:57,030 --> 00:41:01,624 These standing stones are pointing to the stars. 790 00:41:01,851 --> 00:41:06,129 Why? Because that is where we came from. 791 00:41:07,782 --> 00:41:10,374 Henry: In washington, d.C., they put the reflecting pool 792 00:41:10,527 --> 00:41:12,969 Beside the obelisk. 793 00:41:13,120 --> 00:41:15,788 This draws our eye into the heavens, 794 00:41:15,807 --> 00:41:18,866 Because we see the reflections of the stars 795 00:41:18,885 --> 00:41:21,126 And the heavens in that reflecting pool. 796 00:41:21,221 --> 00:41:24,147 And we instantly connect that the obelisk and the heavens-- 797 00:41:24,298 --> 00:41:27,108 And d.C., in fact-- are all connected. 798 00:41:28,545 --> 00:41:30,545 Narrator: Could the towering stone obelisks 799 00:41:30,563 --> 00:41:34,157 Of ancient egypt represent an advanced technology 800 00:41:34,308 --> 00:41:37,994 That existed on earth thousands of years ago? 801 00:41:39,498 --> 00:41:41,572 Have we placed them in important locations 802 00:41:41,725 --> 00:41:44,225 All around the world 803 00:41:44,244 --> 00:41:47,337 Because of our innate awareness of their profound power? 804 00:41:48,581 --> 00:41:50,840 While the original function 805 00:41:51,067 --> 00:41:53,676 Of the obelisks may be lost to time, 806 00:41:53,903 --> 00:41:56,495 Perhaps they now serve a new purpose: 807 00:41:56,589 --> 00:41:58,906 To stand as a testament 808 00:41:58,925 --> 00:42:00,350 To the enduring connection 809 00:42:00,577 --> 00:42:04,521 Between humanity and our alien creators. 810 00:42:04,672 --> 00:42:07,524 Captioning provided by a+e networks