1 00:00:05,792 --> 00:00:10,000 ♪ Kick, Kick, Kick, Kick, Kick 2 00:00:10,000 --> 00:00:11,500 ♪ Kick Buttowski, Buttowski 3 00:00:11,500 --> 00:00:13,083 ♪ Kick 4 00:00:15,291 --> 00:00:16,792 ♪ Kick 5 00:00:17,667 --> 00:00:19,000 ♪ Kick Buttowski 6 00:00:19,000 --> 00:00:21,208 ♪ Kick, Kick, Kick 7 00:00:21,208 --> 00:00:22,875 ♪ Kick Buttowski 8 00:00:22,875 --> 00:00:26,542 ♪ Kick, Kick, Kick, Kick 9 00:00:30,709 --> 00:00:32,542 ♪ Kick 10 00:00:34,458 --> 00:00:35,709 ♪ Kick 11 00:00:40,542 --> 00:00:42,834 ♪ Kick Buttowski 12 00:00:45,542 --> 00:00:47,250 ♪ Kick Buttowski! ♪ 13 00:00:58,542 --> 00:01:01,500 Okay, boys. We're leaving for Brianna's winter pageant. 14 00:01:01,500 --> 00:01:04,834 You three should use this time for some male bonding. 15 00:01:04,834 --> 00:01:08,250 Don't worry, Honey! I'll make sure we bond real good. 16 00:01:08,250 --> 00:01:10,875 And Harold, stay out of my cookie jar! 17 00:01:10,875 --> 00:01:12,542 (CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY) 18 00:01:12,542 --> 00:01:13,875 -KICK: Yeah, Mom. Sure thing. -BRAD: Okay, Mom! 19 00:01:13,875 --> 00:01:15,625 -Yes, dear. -(HONKS HORN) 20 00:01:15,625 --> 00:01:17,458 Okay, boys, 21 00:01:17,458 --> 00:01:19,417 it's every man for himself. 22 00:01:23,000 --> 00:01:24,625 MAN ON RADIO: Good morning, Mellowbrook. 23 00:01:24,625 --> 00:01:26,417 It's a chilly winter's day and it looks like 24 00:01:26,417 --> 00:01:28,542 Mother Nature's about to dump more of that white stuff. 25 00:01:28,542 --> 00:01:30,375 So get out there and enjoy it! 26 00:01:30,375 --> 00:01:32,333 Oh, I will. 27 00:01:32,333 --> 00:01:34,083 Straight out of the attic, down the stairs, 28 00:01:34,083 --> 00:01:36,542 out that front door and right into all of that white stuff. 29 00:01:44,917 --> 00:01:48,542 Ah! You've kept my secret Tankini stash safe, Gnomey. 30 00:01:48,542 --> 00:01:50,959 Good job. (WHISPERING) You're my best friend. 31 00:01:50,959 --> 00:01:54,291 Ha! Your best friend is a lawn ornament! (LAUGHING) 32 00:01:54,291 --> 00:01:55,333 (GRUNTS) 33 00:02:09,583 --> 00:02:11,542 (GASPS) The door! You dillweed! 34 00:02:15,333 --> 00:02:17,000 You broke the lever! 35 00:02:17,000 --> 00:02:19,667 And now we're stuck! 36 00:02:19,667 --> 00:02:21,166 Well, this is all your fault! 37 00:02:21,166 --> 00:02:23,917 My fault? You blinded me with that stupid trophy! 38 00:02:23,917 --> 00:02:26,625 Hey! I won that trophy by cheating fair and square! 39 00:02:26,625 --> 00:02:29,000 I need to get outta here, Brad! I've got stunts to do. 40 00:02:29,000 --> 00:02:31,875 (MOCKING) I've got stunts to do! 41 00:02:31,875 --> 00:02:34,208 Well I've got Tankini magazines to drool on, 42 00:02:34,208 --> 00:02:35,542 so get out of my attic! 43 00:02:35,542 --> 00:02:37,083 Wait. Dad's still downstairs. 44 00:02:37,083 --> 00:02:38,750 We just have to get his attention. 45 00:02:38,750 --> 00:02:40,125 Dad! 46 00:02:40,125 --> 00:02:41,333 (MUFFLED) Yes? 47 00:02:43,667 --> 00:02:45,166 Hello, boys. 48 00:02:46,917 --> 00:02:48,667 (GASPS) We're stuck up here! 49 00:02:48,667 --> 00:02:50,875 (GASPS) And Dad ate all the cookies! 50 00:02:50,875 --> 00:02:52,291 BOTH: Ooh! 51 00:02:52,291 --> 00:02:53,917 Mom said stay out of the cookie jar! 52 00:02:53,917 --> 00:02:55,417 True. True. 53 00:02:55,417 --> 00:02:57,834 And she also told us to have some male bonding. 54 00:02:57,834 --> 00:02:59,667 And what better way to bond 55 00:02:59,667 --> 00:03:02,041 than to keep me eating all the cookies a secret? 56 00:03:03,792 --> 00:03:05,959 Then maybe she needs to find out about your magazine stash. 57 00:03:05,959 --> 00:03:07,750 And your stunts in the house. 58 00:03:07,750 --> 00:03:09,709 We're bonding now. Group hug! 59 00:03:09,709 --> 00:03:11,291 Wonderful! Well, your mother won't be back for three hours. 60 00:03:11,291 --> 00:03:13,417 So let's make the best of this and bond 61 00:03:13,417 --> 00:03:15,709 like real men do! 62 00:03:15,709 --> 00:03:17,417 Do you have a Happy 6th Birthday? 63 00:03:17,417 --> 00:03:20,583 Go Fish. 64 00:03:18,917 --> 00:03:20,583 Do you have any My Sympathies? 65 00:03:20,583 --> 00:03:22,709 That's it! I'm getting us outta here. 66 00:03:27,583 --> 00:03:31,625 Don't bother, Kick. I paid good money to get that door super-reinforced. 67 00:03:31,625 --> 00:03:33,458 Gotta keep those raccoons outta the house. 68 00:03:33,458 --> 00:03:34,709 They can get inside anything. 69 00:03:34,709 --> 00:03:37,125 Clever little raccoons with their clever little hands. 70 00:03:37,125 --> 00:03:39,834 And they're the reason I boarded up the gable window. 71 00:03:39,834 --> 00:03:41,750 Window? A way out! 72 00:03:43,750 --> 00:03:45,041 Do you have a Happy Perm? 73 00:03:45,041 --> 00:03:46,458 Only when I get the day off. 74 00:03:46,458 --> 00:03:48,083 Oh, I mean Go Fish. 75 00:03:48,083 --> 00:03:49,083 (CRASHING) 76 00:03:51,917 --> 00:03:54,125 You have a Get Well Soon? Go Fish. 77 00:03:56,417 --> 00:03:57,875 (SHATTERING) 78 00:03:57,875 --> 00:03:59,083 Kick! Be careful! 79 00:03:59,083 --> 00:04:00,625 If you keep smashing around like that, 80 00:04:00,625 --> 00:04:02,125 you might break your mother's (GASPS) 81 00:04:02,125 --> 00:04:04,291 ceramic Dutch children. 82 00:04:04,291 --> 00:04:07,041 Ooh. You're in trouble. 83 00:04:07,041 --> 00:04:08,375 Now, now. Nobody's in trouble. 84 00:04:08,375 --> 00:04:10,375 When it comes time to confess about the Dutch children, 85 00:04:10,375 --> 00:04:12,500 and the cookies, we'll just blame it on the evil attic gnome. 86 00:04:12,500 --> 00:04:13,709 The... The what? 87 00:04:16,709 --> 00:04:17,917 (EVIL LAUGHTER) 88 00:04:17,917 --> 00:04:20,834 But... That's not real! Gnomey is my friend! 89 00:04:20,834 --> 00:04:24,083 No, Bradley. "Gnomey" is anything but your friend. 90 00:04:24,083 --> 00:04:25,583 They say that the gnome comes to life 91 00:04:25,583 --> 00:04:27,166 and pitter-patters through the attic. 92 00:04:27,166 --> 00:04:29,500 Then, he devours the souls of teenagers! 93 00:04:29,500 --> 00:04:32,458 (CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY) Yeah right, Dad. I don't believe that. 94 00:04:32,458 --> 00:04:33,959 And when the lights go out 95 00:04:33,959 --> 00:04:37,125 the evil attic gnome comes to life! 96 00:04:41,083 --> 00:04:42,792 (SCREAMING) 97 00:04:42,792 --> 00:04:45,417 It's eating my soul! 98 00:04:45,417 --> 00:04:47,458 Oh, I love male bonding. 99 00:04:47,458 --> 00:04:49,959 I wanna get out of here! 100 00:04:49,959 --> 00:04:51,667 (SOBBING) 101 00:04:51,667 --> 00:04:54,083 Oh, calm down, Bradley! Your mother's going to be back in a few hours. 102 00:04:54,083 --> 00:04:56,542 (TELEPHONE RINGING) 103 00:04:56,542 --> 00:04:58,208 DAD ON MACHINE: Hidey ho! You've reached the Buttowskis! 104 00:04:58,208 --> 00:05:01,291 We can't come to the... Quiet! I'm doing the message thing! 105 00:05:01,291 --> 00:05:03,417 MOM: Hi boys! Brianna's pageant's over, 106 00:05:03,417 --> 00:05:06,667 but we've been snowed in, so we'll be staying in a hotel overnight. 107 00:05:06,667 --> 00:05:08,417 Hope the bonding is going well! 108 00:05:08,417 --> 00:05:11,834 We're goners! (SNIFFLING) 109 00:05:11,834 --> 00:05:14,834 Relax! We'll just call someone to come get us out. 110 00:05:14,834 --> 00:05:17,667 -Except my phone's downstairs. -Mine too. 111 00:05:17,667 --> 00:05:19,667 I've got mine! 112 00:05:19,667 --> 00:05:21,166 But the battery's almost dead. 113 00:05:21,166 --> 00:05:23,583 I'll just text Horace to come save us! 114 00:05:23,583 --> 00:05:27,458 H... O... R... 115 00:05:27,458 --> 00:05:29,000 (BEEPING) Oh. Battery's dead. 116 00:05:29,000 --> 00:05:30,709 Well maybe if you didn't text like a grandma... 117 00:05:30,709 --> 00:05:31,917 At least I had my phone! 118 00:05:31,917 --> 00:05:33,166 Boys! Calm down. 119 00:05:33,166 --> 00:05:35,500 Now the one thing we can all agree on is 120 00:05:35,500 --> 00:05:37,959 Brad is the worst texter ever. 121 00:05:37,959 --> 00:05:39,291 Hey! 122 00:05:39,291 --> 00:05:40,917 Looks like we're stuck up here till your mother gets back. 123 00:05:40,917 --> 00:05:42,375 -(GROWLING) -What was that? 124 00:05:42,375 --> 00:05:44,834 My stomach. 125 00:05:44,834 --> 00:05:46,333 Well, if we're gonna be up here all night 126 00:05:46,333 --> 00:05:47,500 does anybody have any food? 127 00:05:47,500 --> 00:05:48,875 Maybe if you hadn't eaten all the cookies! 128 00:05:48,875 --> 00:05:51,041 -Don't judge me! -KICK: Hey, look. 129 00:05:51,041 --> 00:05:52,709 Stocking stuffers. 130 00:05:55,041 --> 00:05:56,542 And Halloween candy. 131 00:05:58,375 --> 00:06:01,041 And look. Old Easter candy. 132 00:06:02,875 --> 00:06:04,041 (BRAD MUNCHING) 133 00:06:09,083 --> 00:06:10,417 I'm sorry. I was so hungry. 134 00:06:10,417 --> 00:06:12,000 Do you forgive me? 135 00:06:13,000 --> 00:06:14,667 No! Let's get him! 136 00:06:14,667 --> 00:06:16,208 -(SCREAMS) -(DOORBELL RINGS) 137 00:06:16,208 --> 00:06:18,041 (GASP) The doorbell! 138 00:06:19,125 --> 00:06:20,667 -Help! -We're stuck! 139 00:06:20,667 --> 00:06:22,083 BRAD: Get us out of here! 140 00:06:22,083 --> 00:06:24,000 (SCREAMS) The evil attic gnome! 141 00:06:24,000 --> 00:06:27,500 It followed us from the old country! Curse you, gnome! 142 00:06:28,208 --> 00:06:30,041 Curse you! 143 00:06:30,041 --> 00:06:32,000 Our last chance, ruined. 144 00:06:36,333 --> 00:06:37,959 (MELANCHOLIC MUSIC PLAYING) 145 00:06:40,625 --> 00:06:43,291 Can you play something with a little more pep? 146 00:06:43,291 --> 00:06:45,208 (PLAYS UPBEAT TUNE) 147 00:06:45,208 --> 00:06:47,542 Much better. How come it's so cold up here? 148 00:06:47,542 --> 00:06:49,083 Um... 149 00:06:49,083 --> 00:06:52,625 Mr. Buttowski, are you sure you don't want any insulation? 150 00:06:52,625 --> 00:06:54,208 It keeps out the cold. 151 00:06:54,208 --> 00:06:56,875 Cold, schmold! When am I ever gonna get stuck in the attic? 152 00:06:56,875 --> 00:07:00,417 What if you secretly eat cookies up here to avoid your wife's wrath? 153 00:07:00,417 --> 00:07:02,542 (SCOFFS) I call the shots around here, buster. 154 00:07:02,542 --> 00:07:04,500 What if your kids get stuck up here? 155 00:07:04,500 --> 00:07:06,250 Kids? I'm never having kids. 156 00:07:06,250 --> 00:07:09,500 I'm just in Mellowbrook till my orchestral career takes off. 157 00:07:11,291 --> 00:07:12,792 I have no idea, Bradley. 158 00:07:12,792 --> 00:07:14,875 Here we go. Looks like this is all we got. 159 00:07:14,875 --> 00:07:16,125 Try not to eat them, Brad. 160 00:07:16,125 --> 00:07:17,917 Yeah. Try not to eat them, Brad! 161 00:07:17,917 --> 00:07:20,542 Huh? I'm not putting on some girly sweater! No way! 162 00:07:23,667 --> 00:07:25,083 Mmm! That's the ticket. 163 00:07:25,083 --> 00:07:26,375 Toasty. 164 00:07:26,375 --> 00:07:27,959 -(TEETH CHATTERING) -I'm so warm! 165 00:07:27,959 --> 00:07:30,542 I don't even need clothes. 166 00:07:30,542 --> 00:07:31,709 -Fair enough. -Yep, more for us. 167 00:07:33,291 --> 00:07:35,500 (SCREAMS) I'm so cold! 168 00:07:35,500 --> 00:07:37,792 You took all the clothes! There's nothing left, except... 169 00:07:37,792 --> 00:07:39,166 What? 170 00:07:40,875 --> 00:07:42,166 (BOTH SNICKERING) 171 00:07:42,166 --> 00:07:45,375 Quiet! This day comes once in a girl's life! 172 00:07:45,375 --> 00:07:47,208 Can you spare an earmuff? 173 00:07:49,625 --> 00:07:51,542 -(BOTH LAUGHING) -You're all jealous! 174 00:07:51,542 --> 00:07:52,792 Yeah, bride! 175 00:07:53,917 --> 00:07:55,667 -(TEETH CHATTERING) -I'm still so cold. 176 00:07:55,667 --> 00:07:58,333 Yes, well, at least we've got the light. 177 00:07:58,333 --> 00:07:59,667 BRAD: We're never gonna get out of here! 178 00:07:59,667 --> 00:08:01,375 We're doomed in this attic! 179 00:08:01,375 --> 00:08:03,542 DAD: Brad! Don't scream so much. 180 00:08:03,542 --> 00:08:05,500 There's only a limited amount of air in here. 181 00:08:05,500 --> 00:08:08,000 BRAD: (SCREAMING) We're gonna run out of air! 182 00:08:09,625 --> 00:08:10,917 (CRASHING) 183 00:08:10,917 --> 00:08:12,917 -(SCREAMING) -(BREAKING) 184 00:08:12,917 --> 00:08:14,750 I landed on a lawn reindeer. 185 00:08:14,750 --> 00:08:16,333 -(CHIRPING) -(PATTERING) 186 00:08:17,667 --> 00:08:19,375 Is it the evil attic gnome? 187 00:08:19,375 --> 00:08:21,291 DAD: (WHISPERING) No, Bradley! I just made that up! 188 00:08:21,291 --> 00:08:22,625 BRAD: Then why are you whispering? 189 00:08:22,625 --> 00:08:24,291 DAD: Well, I also made up head lice, 190 00:08:24,291 --> 00:08:26,500 which turned out to be all too real. 191 00:08:26,500 --> 00:08:28,125 KICK: It's probably just the wind. 192 00:08:28,125 --> 00:08:29,500 Or something Brad knocked over. 193 00:08:29,500 --> 00:08:30,834 DAD: Yeah. Yeah, for sure. 194 00:08:30,834 --> 00:08:32,166 BRAD: Yeah. 195 00:08:34,583 --> 00:08:36,000 (ALL SCREAMING) 196 00:08:36,667 --> 00:08:39,250 (PANTING) 197 00:08:39,250 --> 00:08:41,625 BRAD: Don't hurt me, Gnomey! I was good to you! 198 00:08:41,625 --> 00:08:45,083 (SCREAMING) He's got me! Help! 199 00:08:50,125 --> 00:08:52,000 Found a light! 200 00:08:52,000 --> 00:08:54,583 (SHOUTING GIBBERISH) 201 00:08:58,834 --> 00:09:01,834 Boys, I never thought I'd say this to anyone except your mother, 202 00:09:01,834 --> 00:09:05,375 but we bonded over the death of a possessed lawn gnome. 203 00:09:07,542 --> 00:09:09,667 (CHITTERING) 204 00:09:09,667 --> 00:09:11,709 Yeah, Dad. A possessed lawn gnome. 205 00:09:14,834 --> 00:09:16,083 BOTH: You were a cheerleader? 206 00:09:16,083 --> 00:09:17,750 Not a cheerleader. It's called a yell leader. 207 00:09:17,750 --> 00:09:19,750 Except in the locker room. Then I was a cheerleader. 208 00:09:19,750 --> 00:09:22,041 Yep, I was the captain for three years. 209 00:09:22,041 --> 00:09:25,667 And here is my signature move, the Reverse Pyramid. 210 00:09:25,667 --> 00:09:27,625 Whoa! You had skills! 211 00:09:27,625 --> 00:09:29,250 Whoa! You had babes! 212 00:09:32,250 --> 00:09:33,750 That's it! Down in front! 213 00:09:33,750 --> 00:09:35,917 Dad, your signature move is our way out! 214 00:09:35,917 --> 00:09:38,000 We just gotta work together and make that formation! 215 00:09:38,000 --> 00:09:39,834 But I haven't done that move in years! 216 00:09:39,834 --> 00:09:41,291 And we've never done it at all. 217 00:09:41,291 --> 00:09:44,542 But we can do it because we're Buttowskis! 218 00:09:44,542 --> 00:09:47,500 You're right, Kick! That is our last name! 219 00:09:47,500 --> 00:09:48,875 Let's do this. 220 00:10:00,917 --> 00:10:02,041 Lift me, Brad! 221 00:10:02,041 --> 00:10:05,458 (GROANING) My muscles, they burn! 222 00:10:06,291 --> 00:10:08,166 -Bradley! -Steady, Brad! 223 00:10:08,166 --> 00:10:11,792 Imagine you're reaching for the last Tankini Lumberjack magazine on Earth! 224 00:10:11,792 --> 00:10:12,875 (GROANS) 225 00:10:12,875 --> 00:10:14,291 And there are babes watching! 226 00:10:14,291 --> 00:10:16,667 (GASPS) Babes? (YELLS) 227 00:10:18,125 --> 00:10:19,291 (CHITTERING) 228 00:10:19,291 --> 00:10:20,583 (SCREAMS) 229 00:10:26,458 --> 00:10:27,583 No! Wait for us! 230 00:10:30,166 --> 00:10:32,083 How did they get that open? 231 00:10:32,083 --> 00:10:33,917 Clever little hands. 232 00:10:33,917 --> 00:10:37,000 I'm so tired of fighting. I just want to go to sleep. 233 00:10:37,000 --> 00:10:38,959 No, Bradley! Remember our last name? 234 00:10:38,959 --> 00:10:41,625 We can do this! Who's gonna reach the attic window? 235 00:10:41,625 --> 00:10:46,500 B-U-T-T-OWSKI! 236 00:10:47,500 --> 00:10:48,667 We did it! 237 00:10:52,959 --> 00:10:54,208 All clear! 238 00:10:56,125 --> 00:10:58,333 We did it! We're alive! 239 00:11:03,542 --> 00:11:05,125 Mom? Is that male bonding? 240 00:11:05,125 --> 00:11:07,333 I don't know what that is, honey. But don't look. 241 00:11:26,583 --> 00:11:27,583 (SLURPING) 242 00:11:55,750 --> 00:11:57,542 (BOTH YELLING) 243 00:11:57,542 --> 00:11:59,375 Boom McCondor BMX Joust! 244 00:12:01,542 --> 00:12:03,125 Tonight only! Only tonight! 245 00:12:05,750 --> 00:12:08,875 -Free! Free! Free! -Free! Free! Free! 246 00:12:08,875 --> 00:12:11,208 -Boom McCondor BMX Joust! -Boom McCondor BMX Joust! 247 00:12:13,083 --> 00:12:14,125 Whoo! 248 00:12:15,750 --> 00:12:17,917 -Boom McCondor BMX... -Boom McCondor BMX... 249 00:12:18,750 --> 00:12:20,041 (SCREAMING) 250 00:12:20,041 --> 00:12:21,166 KICK: High five! Oh, yeah! 251 00:12:21,166 --> 00:12:23,542 Boom McCondor BMX Joust! 252 00:12:23,542 --> 00:12:25,458 No, Kick! He's not happy! 253 00:12:25,458 --> 00:12:27,000 -Uh... -(YELLS) Bwar! 254 00:12:27,000 --> 00:12:29,375 What have you done to my lawn dragons? 255 00:12:29,375 --> 00:12:32,333 Gunther, you are grounded! 256 00:12:35,166 --> 00:12:37,166 (BOTH YELLING) 257 00:12:37,166 --> 00:12:39,583 Oh, my gosh! I'm sorry, Dad! I lost my head! 258 00:12:39,583 --> 00:12:41,792 Boom McCondor's BMX Joust is tonight only! 259 00:12:41,792 --> 00:12:43,250 And I can't go without my best bud! 260 00:12:43,250 --> 00:12:44,834 (GROWLING) 261 00:12:44,834 --> 00:12:46,375 Can't you start Gunther's grounding tomorrow? 262 00:12:47,291 --> 00:12:48,375 Of course! 263 00:12:50,125 --> 00:12:51,750 -Seriously? -Yes! 264 00:12:51,750 --> 00:12:53,792 If you break him out! 265 00:12:53,792 --> 00:12:55,583 (GASPS) No! Not... 266 00:12:55,583 --> 00:12:58,041 Yes! The ancient Viking custom of... 267 00:12:58,792 --> 00:13:00,375 (WHOOSHING) 268 00:13:00,375 --> 00:13:02,291 BattleSniegen! 269 00:13:02,291 --> 00:13:03,500 (THUNDER CRASHING) 270 00:13:04,417 --> 00:13:05,709 BattleSniegen? 271 00:13:05,709 --> 00:13:07,000 Yes! 272 00:13:07,000 --> 00:13:08,625 If you break Gunther out of house, 273 00:13:08,625 --> 00:13:12,375 off of property and onto sidewalk, he is free! 274 00:13:12,375 --> 00:13:13,667 Really? What are the rules? 275 00:13:13,667 --> 00:13:14,750 No, Kick... 276 00:13:14,750 --> 00:13:16,583 Only rule is... 277 00:13:16,583 --> 00:13:18,041 No rules! 278 00:13:18,041 --> 00:13:20,375 (ROARS) Bwar! Bwar! Bwar! 279 00:13:20,375 --> 00:13:21,500 (THUNDER CRASHING) 280 00:13:21,500 --> 00:13:22,542 Quiet! 281 00:13:24,792 --> 00:13:26,875 (SOFTLY) Bwar! Bwar! 282 00:13:26,875 --> 00:13:29,333 But, Kick, if you can't get me to the sidewalk by sundown, 283 00:13:29,333 --> 00:13:31,959 my grounding is extended for a year! 284 00:13:31,959 --> 00:13:33,625 Don't accept the challenge. 285 00:13:33,625 --> 00:13:35,917 I accept the challenge! (GROANS) Oh! 286 00:13:35,917 --> 00:13:37,542 BattleSniegen! 287 00:13:37,542 --> 00:13:40,458 (ROARS) Bwar! Bwar! Bwar! 288 00:13:40,458 --> 00:13:41,542 Quiet! 289 00:13:44,000 --> 00:13:47,375 (SOFTLY) Bwar! Let the BattleSniegen begin! 290 00:13:47,375 --> 00:13:51,792 We're done for, Kick! My dad has never lost a BattleSniegen! 291 00:13:51,792 --> 00:13:53,083 Go without me! 292 00:13:53,083 --> 00:13:55,000 Gunther, I helped get you grounded, 293 00:13:55,000 --> 00:13:56,458 and now I'm gonna help get you out. 294 00:13:56,458 --> 00:13:58,125 I'd never go without my best bud! 295 00:13:58,125 --> 00:14:00,375 Besides, this is gonna be a piece of cake. 296 00:14:03,291 --> 00:14:04,750 (DOOR OPENING) 297 00:14:04,750 --> 00:14:06,750 MAGNUS: Now you'll have year to work on papier-mache. 298 00:14:07,291 --> 00:14:08,500 (LAUGHS) 299 00:14:12,542 --> 00:14:14,583 See Gunther? Piece of... What? 300 00:14:14,583 --> 00:14:15,792 (YELLS) 301 00:14:18,208 --> 00:14:21,417 What? You think this is my first BattleSniegen? 302 00:14:21,417 --> 00:14:24,542 This is going to be a slightly more difficult piece of cake. 303 00:14:37,083 --> 00:14:38,792 Please, please, please... 304 00:14:40,625 --> 00:14:42,041 Thank you, magic lamp! 305 00:14:58,375 --> 00:14:59,542 It's finally here! 306 00:14:59,542 --> 00:15:01,667 The enlargement of that pic I took of Kick! 307 00:15:01,667 --> 00:15:04,542 It's like the size of his actual head. 308 00:15:04,542 --> 00:15:06,125 Kiss me, my prince. 309 00:15:06,125 --> 00:15:08,125 (BOTH YELLING) 310 00:15:08,125 --> 00:15:10,500 Everything I ever dreamed of and more! 311 00:15:12,250 --> 00:15:14,375 Don't worry, Gunther. I'm gonna break you out! 312 00:15:14,375 --> 00:15:15,667 It's all right, Kick. 313 00:15:15,667 --> 00:15:17,375 Maybe I can't go to the BMX Joust with you, 314 00:15:17,375 --> 00:15:19,917 but at least you can take my papier-mache likeness. 315 00:15:19,917 --> 00:15:22,542 I still need to add color and whatnot. 316 00:15:22,542 --> 00:15:24,166 Nah, I think I'll break you out. 317 00:15:24,166 --> 00:15:25,750 What this BattleSniegen needs 318 00:15:25,750 --> 00:15:28,917 is some Kick Buttowski-style steely-eyed determination. 319 00:15:28,917 --> 00:15:30,083 Patent pending. 320 00:15:37,917 --> 00:15:39,083 Piece of... 321 00:15:40,166 --> 00:15:41,250 Bwar! 322 00:15:43,500 --> 00:15:44,625 Bwar! 323 00:15:45,750 --> 00:15:48,792 Bwar! Bwar! Bwar! Bwar! 324 00:15:49,750 --> 00:15:50,875 Bwar! 325 00:15:51,709 --> 00:15:52,792 Bwar! 326 00:16:00,542 --> 00:16:06,542 He loves me, he loves me not. 327 00:16:07,250 --> 00:16:08,625 He... (GASPS) 328 00:16:11,667 --> 00:16:13,291 He loves me! 329 00:16:15,083 --> 00:16:16,500 Not big enough. 330 00:16:19,041 --> 00:16:20,375 Not big enough. 331 00:16:23,083 --> 00:16:24,166 Just right. 332 00:16:27,792 --> 00:16:28,834 (LOW RUMBLING) 333 00:16:47,709 --> 00:16:49,834 BMX Joust, here we come! 334 00:16:49,834 --> 00:16:51,417 MAGNUS: Huh? What was that? 335 00:16:51,417 --> 00:16:53,625 Did someone say it's baseball season? 336 00:16:54,875 --> 00:16:56,000 Biscuits. 337 00:16:56,625 --> 00:16:57,709 Batter up! 338 00:17:08,750 --> 00:17:12,208 It's hopeless, Kick. My dad won't give up till you give up. 339 00:17:12,208 --> 00:17:14,625 All I had to do was get you to the sidewalk! 340 00:17:14,625 --> 00:17:16,917 I really thought it was gonna be a piece of cake. 341 00:17:16,917 --> 00:17:18,083 I'm sorry, Gunther. 342 00:17:18,083 --> 00:17:19,750 Just go without me. 343 00:17:19,750 --> 00:17:22,125 Here. I finally finished my papier-mache likeness. 344 00:17:22,875 --> 00:17:24,709 Gunther, you genius! 345 00:17:24,709 --> 00:17:26,041 Oh, you think so? 346 00:17:26,041 --> 00:17:28,000 Originally I wasn't too happy with it, 347 00:17:28,000 --> 00:17:30,709 but when I added color, everything seemed to come together. 348 00:17:30,709 --> 00:17:32,542 I thought this was going to be a piece of cake, 349 00:17:32,542 --> 00:17:35,917 but maybe I should be thinking more along the lines of... 350 00:17:35,917 --> 00:17:37,792 Gunther, I'm gonna go bake a pie. 351 00:17:37,792 --> 00:17:41,000 Oh, my gosh, I was totally thinking the same thing. 352 00:17:42,333 --> 00:17:43,333 (HORN BLOWS) 353 00:17:43,959 --> 00:17:45,709 (ROARS) Bwar! Huh? 354 00:17:45,709 --> 00:17:48,250 The BattleSniegen is yours, Mr. Magnuson. 355 00:17:48,250 --> 00:17:51,750 Please accept this pie as a token of my surrender. 356 00:17:51,750 --> 00:17:56,333 (SNIFFS) Bwar! Humble pie. My favorite! 357 00:17:58,625 --> 00:18:00,458 You know, it's okay, Kick. 358 00:18:00,458 --> 00:18:03,792 You put up great fight for first BattleSniegen. 359 00:18:03,792 --> 00:18:06,375 Yup. I'm sorry I let you down, Gunther. 360 00:18:06,375 --> 00:18:08,458 Yup. You certainly let down... 361 00:18:08,458 --> 00:18:10,166 Gunther? 362 00:18:10,166 --> 00:18:13,208 If Gunther makes it to sidewalk, I lose BattleSniegen! 363 00:18:16,667 --> 00:18:19,333 My baby! My baby! My... 364 00:18:19,333 --> 00:18:20,709 Hmm. (DOOR OPENS) 365 00:18:20,709 --> 00:18:21,750 (GASPS) 366 00:18:25,917 --> 00:18:28,333 Um... Hey, Kick! Just finishing up my pie. 367 00:18:28,333 --> 00:18:31,875 Let's bail, Gunther! Boom McCondor awaits! 368 00:18:31,875 --> 00:18:34,291 But wait, Kick! Getting in's the easy part. 369 00:18:35,750 --> 00:18:38,834 Yes, and getting out is hard! 370 00:18:43,834 --> 00:18:45,875 Uh-oh. Bwar! 371 00:18:45,875 --> 00:18:47,125 (ALARMS BLARING) 372 00:18:47,125 --> 00:18:48,542 MAGNUS: Bwar! 373 00:18:48,542 --> 00:18:50,375 (LAUGHING MANICALLY) 374 00:18:50,375 --> 00:18:52,375 Maybe I should have taken the papier-mache Gunther. 375 00:18:54,917 --> 00:18:56,000 (YELLS) 376 00:18:56,792 --> 00:18:58,250 BattleSniegen! 377 00:19:00,792 --> 00:19:03,333 Bwar! Bwar! Bwar! 378 00:19:07,959 --> 00:19:10,333 (LAUGHING EVILLY) 379 00:19:10,333 --> 00:19:12,417 Gunther, we are going to that show tonight. 380 00:19:15,667 --> 00:19:17,667 I guess the only way to defeat a Viking 381 00:19:17,667 --> 00:19:19,333 is to become a Viking! 382 00:19:20,959 --> 00:19:23,166 -Magnus! -Huh? 383 00:19:23,166 --> 00:19:25,208 Prepare for glorious battle! 384 00:19:26,333 --> 00:19:28,792 Bwar! Bring it, jive turkey! 385 00:19:30,250 --> 00:19:32,375 Gunther, hop on my back! 386 00:19:33,792 --> 00:19:35,291 Now hold on! 387 00:19:35,291 --> 00:19:38,083 Cling to me like a featherless sparrow to its mother! 388 00:19:38,083 --> 00:19:39,750 I'll never let you go! 389 00:19:50,125 --> 00:19:51,333 Bwar! 390 00:19:54,834 --> 00:19:56,041 Bwar! 391 00:19:56,041 --> 00:19:58,083 Now, may the true Viking win! 392 00:19:58,083 --> 00:19:59,834 -Bwar! -Bwar! 393 00:19:59,834 --> 00:20:01,333 (BOTH YELLING) 394 00:20:04,125 --> 00:20:05,250 Quiet! 395 00:20:09,417 --> 00:20:11,458 -What are you doing? -Nothing. 396 00:20:11,458 --> 00:20:13,709 Oh, nothing? Really? Nothing? 397 00:20:18,125 --> 00:20:19,709 Well, while you're doing nothing, 398 00:20:19,709 --> 00:20:21,875 some of us are, gee, I don't know, 399 00:20:21,875 --> 00:20:23,709 getting Gunther's papers ready for school, 400 00:20:23,709 --> 00:20:25,333 dealing with the mechanic over the phone, 401 00:20:25,333 --> 00:20:26,709 doing dishes, doing laundry. 402 00:20:26,709 --> 00:20:28,458 So it must be nice to do nothing! 403 00:20:28,458 --> 00:20:30,709 Because I certainly don't get to do nothing! 404 00:20:39,041 --> 00:20:40,291 Come on. 405 00:20:40,291 --> 00:20:43,000 BattleSniegen over. You win. 406 00:20:55,625 --> 00:20:57,542 (BOTH YELLING) 407 00:20:57,542 --> 00:20:58,834 Boom McCondor! 408 00:20:58,834 --> 00:21:00,500 BMX Joust! 409 00:21:00,500 --> 00:21:02,583 -BMX Joust! -BMX Joust! Whoo-hoo! 410 00:21:02,583 --> 00:21:03,917 (BOTH YELLING) 411 00:21:05,917 --> 00:21:08,041 -Boom McCondor BMX Joust! -Boom McCondor BMX Joust! 412 00:21:10,083 --> 00:21:11,709 Look at what you two just did to my 413 00:21:11,709 --> 00:21:13,542 freshly planted shrubs and flowers! 414 00:21:13,542 --> 00:21:15,417 Kick, you're grounded! 415 00:21:16,291 --> 00:21:17,583 (BOTH YELLING) 416 00:21:23,792 --> 00:21:27,083 Kick! Cling to me like a featherless sparrow to its mother! 417 00:21:27,792 --> 00:21:29,166 BattleSniegen!