1 00:00:09,000 --> 00:01:01,000 AGE OF HEROES (2011) Sub by Jiboy Kitsune 2 00:01:14,525 --> 00:01:15,692 France. May, 1940. 3 00:01:25,025 --> 00:01:26,108 Come on. 4 00:01:29,108 --> 00:01:29,983 Come on. 5 00:01:34,775 --> 00:01:37,692 We're fine. Down. 6 00:01:38,067 --> 00:01:40,275 We're fine. 7 00:01:41,650 --> 00:01:43,567 NEDA devil is? 8 00:01:46,817 --> 00:01:49,608 Shut up. 9 00:01:49,817 --> 00:01:51,233 Get down. 10 00:01:52,025 --> 00:01:53,275 Come on. 11 00:01:55,025 --> 00:01:56,442 Watch out for rocks. 12 00:01:57,817 --> 00:02:00,317 We are finished. 13 00:02:00,525 --> 00:02:02,400 Be still. We're fine. 14 00:02:04,775 --> 00:02:07,983 Come on, man. 15 00:02:08,400 --> 00:02:12,108 Come on, man. 16 00:02:15,817 --> 00:02:17,692 It l? 17 00:02:17,942 --> 00:02:19,942 Quiet. 18 00:02:23,525 --> 00:02:25,442 What we do, Smithy? 19 00:02:29,400 --> 00:02:30,692 Watch the rocks. 20 00:02:30,983 --> 00:02:32,983 Quiet. 21 00:02:39,733 --> 00:02:41,900 Come, Arise. 22 00:02:42,650 --> 00:02:44,817 I'm coming! 23 00:03:03,275 --> 00:03:04,858 Cover me. 24 00:03:05,192 --> 00:03:06,025 By God! 25 00:03:06,733 --> 00:03:07,983 Well, my friend. 26 00:03:08,192 --> 00:03:09,733 Ah come. 27 00:03:10,067 --> 00:03:11,442 Cover us. 28 00:03:11,692 --> 00:03:15,525 - We gotta go. - Shut the mouth, yes. 29 00:03:16,192 --> 00:03:18,608 Watch, I'm on it. 30 00:03:20,108 --> 00:03:22,692 - Ah come. - Train. 31 00:03:27,317 --> 00:03:29,650 At 11:00 o'clock. 32 00:03:47,108 --> 00:03:48,775 Grenade below. 33 00:03:50,775 --> 00:03:53,733 Come on, now. Come on. 34 00:03:56,775 --> 00:03:58,900 Come move it. 35 00:04:12,275 --> 00:04:14,858 Come on in Quiet. 36 00:04:28,983 --> 00:04:32,650 We lost. We will not die. I do not die. 37 00:04:32,858 --> 00:04:34,608 Shut the mouth. 38 00:04:34,900 --> 00:04:37,192 Upload your rifle. 39 00:04:37,733 --> 00:04:41,400 Listen, we must go back 12 km to the coast. 40 00:04:41,692 --> 00:04:44,567 As we see a boat ride. 41 00:04:44,733 --> 00:04:47,650 We must keep our minds active, can not give up now. 42 00:04:47,775 --> 00:04:49,483 We've gone too far. 43 00:04:49,692 --> 00:04:50,983 Stay alert. 44 00:04:51,233 --> 00:04:52,942 Stay sharp. 45 00:04:53,525 --> 00:04:55,108 We leave this. 46 00:04:55,233 --> 00:04:56,608 - Yes? - Yes. 47 00:04:56,817 --> 00:05:00,608 We'll be fine, we just have to do what we know. 48 00:05:00,858 --> 00:05:03,067 Look at me. 49 00:05:03,483 --> 00:05:06,567 Tomorrow we will be in a bar drinking beer. 50 00:05:07,025 --> 00:05:08,692 The people of yours? 51 00:05:09,817 --> 00:05:12,692 If they had better come more to me. 52 00:05:13,733 --> 00:05:16,150 Come on. 53 00:06:34,067 --> 00:06:35,275 Stop! 54 00:06:35,442 --> 00:06:37,567 Get in your hands or shooting. 55 00:06:37,900 --> 00:06:41,483 - Calm down, boy. - Do not shoot. 56 00:06:41,733 --> 00:06:43,817 - We british. - Good to see them. 57 00:06:43,900 --> 00:06:46,900 - Anyone have a cigarette? -identify yourself. 58 00:06:47,442 --> 00:06:49,067 The 3 Little Pigs. 59 00:06:49,233 --> 00:06:52,275 Do not make it funny. Say your unit. 60 00:06:52,525 --> 00:06:56,192 Platoon 2. company B, camp west sir. 61 00:06:56,358 --> 00:06:58,525 Where the commander platoon est? 62 00:06:58,817 --> 00:07:00,317 Dead, sir. 63 00:07:00,817 --> 00:07:03,108 - And the sergeant platoon? - Dead. 64 00:07:05,150 --> 00:07:07,900 I would appreciate to give us something to eat, give my men do not eat. 65 00:07:08,192 --> 00:07:11,067 I have not, but I have a job to them. 66 00:07:13,525 --> 00:07:16,233 Reprtense Sergeant of the company higher. 67 00:07:16,525 --> 00:07:18,192 REACH U.S.. 68 00:07:18,400 --> 00:07:20,900 We can let these bastards ambushed. 69 00:07:21,692 --> 00:07:23,233 Ambush? 70 00:07:23,983 --> 00:07:26,358 He knows what lies ahead? 71 00:07:31,067 --> 00:07:33,233 Dont you dare to question, Corporal. 72 00:07:33,483 --> 00:07:36,275 - We're headed for the coast. - No, enter. 73 00:07:36,567 --> 00:07:40,108 I have orders to hold the bloody line, and that's what. 74 00:07:40,400 --> 00:07:42,525 Orders are orders. And they gave me orders. 75 00:07:42,775 --> 00:07:46,817 And I give an order. What kind of soldier are you? 76 00:07:47,733 --> 00:07:50,275 I wish you luck. 77 00:07:50,567 --> 00:07:52,233 But going to the coast. 78 00:07:52,483 --> 00:07:55,067 Those were the orders he gave us our last sergeant. 79 00:07:55,233 --> 00:07:58,150 We to stay here and will make the arrest. 80 00:07:59,942 --> 00:08:03,192 For now, we're done fighting. 81 00:08:07,150 --> 00:08:08,650 Come on, guys. 82 00:08:13,525 --> 00:08:16,025 - Sgt. - Corporal! 83 00:08:16,275 --> 00:08:18,442 - Calm down. - They do? 84 00:08:18,650 --> 00:08:20,858 - Bjala. - We are on your side. 85 00:08:23,983 --> 00:08:25,817 Calm down. 86 00:08:29,108 --> 00:08:30,983 Come on. 87 00:08:31,608 --> 00:08:34,150 Gives live to fight another. 88 00:08:35,775 --> 00:08:38,483 these not Stop bastards. 89 00:08:39,025 --> 00:08:44,233 - If you are not creern me. - Are deserting it? 90 00:08:44,400 --> 00:08:47,358 Bloody cowards should get shot at. 91 00:08:50,192 --> 00:08:52,108 Arrest these men. 92 00:08:54,192 --> 00:08:58,233 Age Of Heroes. 93 00:09:00,817 --> 00:09:04,400 Government department of Naval Intelligence, London. 94 00:09:08,025 --> 00:09:10,192 - Thanks. - Come on, Sophie. 95 00:09:10,775 --> 00:09:13,317 The biggest is how to? 96 00:09:13,567 --> 00:09:17,025 A naval marine CFI. Rudo and attractiveness. 97 00:09:21,317 --> 00:09:23,525 In fact, it is quite unconventional. 98 00:09:23,775 --> 00:09:25,692 Some say he is lucky to still be greater. 99 00:09:25,942 --> 00:09:28,608 But I was investigating and his father has a great story. 100 00:09:28,942 --> 00:09:31,025 Pele all over the world, including the pole. 101 00:09:31,358 --> 00:09:33,275 It has been part of special operations since 1939. 102 00:09:33,525 --> 00:09:35,650 Buenos das, Seorita. 103 00:09:37,442 --> 00:09:39,858 Many anecdotes to tell. 104 00:09:41,483 --> 00:09:43,275 You look familiar? 105 00:09:48,067 --> 00:09:50,442 - Sophie. - Yes? 106 00:09:50,733 --> 00:09:54,317 - Have you ever loved? - That's What does it mean? 107 00:09:56,275 --> 00:09:57,525 Mayor. 108 00:09:59,817 --> 00:10:01,233 Come in. 109 00:10:03,192 --> 00:10:06,275 Wonderful, Jack. What's good to see. 110 00:10:06,858 --> 00:10:07,692 Steiner. 111 00:10:07,900 --> 00:10:09,108 Thanks, Lindsey. 112 00:10:09,442 --> 00:10:11,817 - I guess that has been presented. - No. 113 00:10:12,942 --> 00:10:15,983 - But that manner. - Sorry. 114 00:10:16,108 --> 00:10:19,567 Mayor Jones, this is Lieutenant Mortensen. 115 00:10:20,400 --> 00:10:24,025 And of course, both know to Holbrook. Please sintense. 116 00:10:25,067 --> 00:10:25,858 Thank you. 117 00:10:27,108 --> 00:10:29,692 Bean pas Pens lost your interest in this war. 118 00:10:29,817 --> 00:10:33,608 In fact, I'm not. I moved to Boston with 14 years. 119 00:10:34,025 --> 00:10:36,983 It is difficult for someone not interested in this fight. 120 00:10:37,233 --> 00:10:39,400 Mortensen, has agreed to help. 121 00:10:39,733 --> 00:10:42,650 - Unofficially, of course. - Llmelo an investment interest. 122 00:10:42,775 --> 00:10:44,483 If you want to see a little deed. 123 00:10:44,942 --> 00:10:49,775 Jack, I'm afraid that your position as an instructor will need to be revoked. 124 00:10:49,858 --> 00:10:51,608 Go to a mission? 125 00:10:53,150 --> 00:10:56,192 Operacin Grendel. 126 00:10:56,567 --> 00:10:58,900 - What know about RDF? - RDF? 127 00:10:59,358 --> 00:11:02,942 - It relates to the defense. - It means finding an address range. 128 00:11:03,275 --> 00:11:05,942 It is part of the line of defense that we see along our coast line. 129 00:11:06,358 --> 00:11:07,650 - Radar, right? - As is. 130 00:11:07,817 --> 00:11:09,983 The technology is what can make us win this war. 131 00:11:10,358 --> 00:11:12,275 The problem is that Jerry also has it. 132 00:11:12,567 --> 00:11:14,733 Use radar to reach their goals, while 133 00:11:15,025 --> 00:11:18,483 our guys are still using the stars as brjula. 134 00:11:18,858 --> 00:11:22,025 The disaster occurred on December 19, was due to our soldiers 135 00:11:22,275 --> 00:11:26,317 were detected 78 km from the German coast by RDF. 136 00:11:26,775 --> 00:11:30,442 Construirn these things from Norway to southern France. 137 00:11:30,733 --> 00:11:32,775 The Germans are known as RDF Freire 138 00:11:33,025 --> 00:11:36,275 and this is the center of research, here. In the mountains. 139 00:11:36,900 --> 00:11:39,942 We believe that the new technology est here. 140 00:11:40,150 --> 00:11:42,817 The admiral allowed me to send a commando unit. 141 00:11:42,942 --> 00:11:45,275 Smallest, most versatile. 142 00:11:45,567 --> 00:11:49,150 What I need from you is to infiltrate one of these stations Freire 143 00:11:49,483 --> 00:11:53,067 cause as much harm as possible and bring back the intelligence intact. 144 00:11:54,567 --> 00:11:57,192 We have a chance. 145 00:11:58,525 --> 00:12:02,233 Officially, do not even exist as a unit. 146 00:12:02,275 --> 00:12:04,692 Need to know that ESTs agree. 147 00:12:06,233 --> 00:12:07,858 How much people have? 148 00:12:07,983 --> 00:12:09,942 A team of 8 men specialists. 149 00:12:10,233 --> 00:12:14,567 I'm afraid you were punished, so we only have 6 weeks. 150 00:12:16,233 --> 00:12:18,483 If we delay more than that we lose the ability to enter at night. 151 00:12:18,692 --> 00:12:22,317 Need maps, photos and all the possible intelligence. 152 00:12:22,400 --> 00:12:26,358 - You know this area, Mortensen? - Know the terrain. It is very difcil. 153 00:12:26,900 --> 00:12:29,567 I only camp in the mountains when I was NIO. 154 00:12:29,733 --> 00:12:32,525 Good. Be able to help coach the team. 155 00:12:32,775 --> 00:12:34,858 Need to these men. 156 00:12:36,233 --> 00:12:39,608 But I need them. 157 00:12:41,400 --> 00:12:43,317 I understand, will make the calls. 158 00:12:49,358 --> 00:12:50,650 Mayor. 159 00:12:56,358 --> 00:12:59,942 Estn together. Are a couple. 160 00:13:01,692 --> 00:13:04,608 I do not think that should stop them. 161 00:13:05,983 --> 00:13:07,733 How Grace est? 162 00:13:08,317 --> 00:13:10,858 Giving birth at any time. 163 00:13:10,983 --> 00:13:12,192 Esplndido. 164 00:13:23,900 --> 00:13:26,150 My mother must have been. 165 00:13:27,317 --> 00:13:29,067 As is best. 166 00:13:29,483 --> 00:13:31,567 - I do not want in London. - Yes, it is the best. 167 00:13:32,608 --> 00:13:34,858 It is always for the better. 168 00:13:35,150 --> 00:13:37,317 It is to the right or left, I always forget? 169 00:13:37,442 --> 00:13:39,192 It is to the left. 170 00:13:39,233 --> 00:13:41,608 Qu pas with the position of instructor? 171 00:13:42,692 --> 00:13:46,358 - Grace, I never said stop. - You said you will be an instructor. 172 00:13:46,733 --> 00:13:49,567 Grace, please. Difcil not do this more than it already is. 173 00:13:49,942 --> 00:13:51,358 Jack, please. 174 00:14:04,942 --> 00:14:09,067 NIOS many fatherless will be when this war is over? 175 00:14:09,692 --> 00:14:11,692 I want you to know yours. 176 00:14:20,483 --> 00:14:23,567 Prisin military. Dashwood, Kent. 177 00:14:24,275 --> 00:14:27,567 Estn here, because they are trash. 178 00:14:28,858 --> 00:14:31,358 Have disappointed everyone. 179 00:14:31,608 --> 00:14:33,275 Yourself. 180 00:14:33,525 --> 00:14:36,067 At their units, their PASY king. 181 00:14:36,317 --> 00:14:41,650 I'm here to fix that, to put them back on track. 182 00:14:41,817 --> 00:14:48,483 Irn not without understanding what it means to be a decent human being. 183 00:14:48,733 --> 00:14:54,525 Not a coward, deserter, thief rapist. 184 00:14:55,692 --> 00:14:56,858 Eyes front. 185 00:14:57,233 --> 00:14:58,358 And who knows? 186 00:14:58,650 --> 00:15:00,275 Alone. 187 00:15:00,817 --> 00:15:02,400 No s qu? 188 00:15:02,983 --> 00:15:04,942 Soldier Rains, enough. 189 00:15:06,692 --> 00:15:12,733 Soldier Rains. Atac an officer, disobeyed orders, a coward. Contino? 190 00:15:12,900 --> 00:15:15,608 You are a fucking disgrace. 191 00:15:15,942 --> 00:15:18,900 It was a mistake. Should be back to the islands. 192 00:15:19,150 --> 00:15:21,233 Ahrrate speech for your court-martial. 193 00:15:22,025 --> 00:15:24,983 For you join the armies qu? 194 00:15:26,067 --> 00:15:29,608 - We want to see the world, son? - It was either that or go to prisin father. 195 00:15:31,900 --> 00:15:34,150 You will increase the charges. 196 00:15:34,400 --> 00:15:36,025 Damn stop giving orders, sir. 197 00:15:36,192 --> 00:15:37,525 Well DSTs? 198 00:15:37,775 --> 00:15:39,692 Speaking of brave, and see who jumps. 199 00:15:40,400 --> 00:15:44,483 Sergeant, the hill, one hour. Dblenle weight, come on. 200 00:15:44,942 --> 00:15:46,817 Go ahead. 201 00:15:48,108 --> 00:15:52,442 Corran stupid. They are nothing. Move your ass. 202 00:15:54,192 --> 00:15:55,942 Arise. 203 00:15:56,067 --> 00:15:58,025 move it. 204 00:15:58,692 --> 00:16:00,567 I have a heart attack. 205 00:16:00,900 --> 00:16:02,692 Follow the group. 206 00:16:02,900 --> 00:16:04,317 Damn! 207 00:16:04,608 --> 00:16:06,650 - The rot alone, damn worm. - I can not breathe. 208 00:16:06,900 --> 00:16:10,067 You do not need help. He is special. Not true, Brightling? 209 00:16:10,358 --> 00:16:12,650 It is a command, right? 210 00:16:13,400 --> 00:16:16,567 Yes. Come on. 211 00:16:16,692 --> 00:16:18,733 Not true, bastard? 212 00:16:18,983 --> 00:16:20,942 Sultame, I teach. 213 00:16:21,150 --> 00:16:22,692 I can not move the damn legs. 214 00:16:24,650 --> 00:16:27,608 Come on. I'm not disappointed. 215 00:16:29,650 --> 00:16:32,192 You two, take the trunk. 216 00:16:34,108 --> 00:16:35,983 As you were command. 217 00:16:36,233 --> 00:16:38,400 No, it was not. 218 00:16:38,567 --> 00:16:40,358 How was it? 219 00:16:42,067 --> 00:16:43,817 Or you. 220 00:16:44,067 --> 00:16:45,775 I never knew existed. 221 00:16:45,942 --> 00:16:48,400 I thought it was propaganda. 222 00:16:49,567 --> 00:16:51,900 If we leave here. 223 00:16:52,650 --> 00:16:53,942 Escape. 224 00:16:54,192 --> 00:16:56,942 I have something in mind. 225 00:16:57,108 --> 00:16:59,858 We can get out of here. Change the names. 226 00:17:00,192 --> 00:17:03,233 Become commands and kill those damn Nazis. 227 00:17:04,108 --> 00:17:05,358 M. conf 228 00:17:06,067 --> 00:17:08,108 S what I say. 229 00:17:09,817 --> 00:17:11,275 I'm serious. 230 00:17:12,025 --> 00:17:14,150 S command me. 231 00:17:24,525 --> 00:17:26,942 - Mayor Jones. - Colonel. 232 00:17:27,108 --> 00:17:29,650 I received a call. 233 00:17:29,900 --> 00:17:31,608 Good. 234 00:17:33,567 --> 00:17:35,150 As you ... 235 00:17:35,483 --> 00:17:39,192 - Is planning something big. - It's just routine. 236 00:17:39,400 --> 00:17:43,275 - I came to pick up one of my men. - As is, Brightling. 237 00:17:44,192 --> 00:17:47,650 I think he is doing exercise. 238 00:17:52,775 --> 00:17:55,817 What think you do, damned lazy? Follow the step. 239 00:17:56,108 --> 00:17:59,400 Cape. Give him some encouragement. 240 00:18:00,983 --> 00:18:02,358 What the hell is it? 241 00:18:02,650 --> 00:18:04,483 Djenlo calm. 242 00:18:06,192 --> 00:18:07,692 Shit. 243 00:18:08,525 --> 00:18:10,108 Water. 244 00:18:11,650 --> 00:18:14,483 What shit you, sir? 245 00:18:14,650 --> 00:18:16,483 Retrense. 246 00:18:16,733 --> 00:18:18,483 Well DSTs? 247 00:18:18,650 --> 00:18:20,525 - Aljate. - Qutense. 248 00:18:20,733 --> 00:18:22,983 He ayudndolo, idiots. Sultenlo. 249 00:18:24,900 --> 00:18:26,067 How is your name? 250 00:18:26,442 --> 00:18:29,650 - Bob Rains, West Camp, sir. - Collect your things ysgueme. 251 00:18:40,650 --> 00:18:43,567 - You take it? - Yes. 252 00:18:43,900 --> 00:18:45,650 There is room for one more? 253 00:18:46,733 --> 00:18:48,275 What does here? 254 00:18:48,525 --> 00:18:51,317 - A misunderstanding, sir. - Ped No excuses. 255 00:18:51,983 --> 00:18:54,483 For assaulting an officer and a coward. 256 00:18:54,775 --> 00:18:57,942 But I'm not a coward ningn and the officer, they deserve it. 257 00:18:58,567 --> 00:19:01,858 - Wiring plan, please. - I'm afraid not. 258 00:19:05,442 --> 00:19:08,108 Well, Syd, here we go. 259 00:19:09,983 --> 00:19:11,983 Bows his head. 260 00:19:14,192 --> 00:19:17,650 Mayor. Sorry about your man. 261 00:19:17,817 --> 00:19:19,608 Good luck. 262 00:19:19,858 --> 00:19:21,483 Back row, inmate. 263 00:19:21,608 --> 00:19:25,192 - Please, I want to be a command. - I think on another occasion. 264 00:19:25,483 --> 00:19:27,233 Rains, back row. 265 00:19:27,358 --> 00:19:29,733 - I hope you do well. - I'm wasting here. 266 00:19:29,983 --> 00:19:34,317 You can control your man? All day was a total shame. 267 00:19:34,442 --> 00:19:36,233 S, Ser. 268 00:19:36,483 --> 00:19:38,817 A special man and t, will always have a chance. 269 00:19:39,067 --> 00:19:41,900 As you leave, encuntranos. 270 00:19:45,525 --> 00:19:47,192 Rains. 271 00:19:47,650 --> 00:19:48,817 Vyas to hell. 272 00:19:49,067 --> 00:19:50,483 Hold on to that man. 273 00:19:52,025 --> 00:19:53,900 He tries to escape. 274 00:19:54,983 --> 00:19:57,317 Reverse. 275 00:20:00,525 --> 00:20:03,650 - Do not be stupid. - I am not. 276 00:20:03,900 --> 00:20:06,275 The older I get out of here, right now. 277 00:20:06,608 --> 00:20:09,233 - Do not har. - I think s Sgt. 278 00:20:09,733 --> 00:20:14,983 Why do not we calm? You remove. 279 00:20:15,358 --> 00:20:17,692 Do not try anything stupid. 280 00:20:18,317 --> 00:20:20,150 Mtete in the car. 281 00:20:22,525 --> 00:20:24,525 MTAs in the car higher. 282 00:20:24,733 --> 00:20:26,900 Back to the lines, fag. 283 00:20:28,442 --> 00:20:29,775 See ya, guys. 284 00:20:33,817 --> 00:20:37,275 Kill you. 285 00:20:44,192 --> 00:20:48,775 Sal, I found I want to be a command. 286 00:20:50,317 --> 00:20:51,692 Ace ace? 287 00:20:51,942 --> 00:20:53,858 - Told me so. - S what I said. 288 00:20:54,150 --> 00:20:55,900 - He gave me a note. - I did not. 289 00:20:56,108 --> 00:20:57,275 But I'm encouraged. 290 00:20:57,650 --> 00:20:59,150 Syd, said he was planning something. 291 00:21:03,233 --> 00:21:05,192 He was planning something? 292 00:21:06,442 --> 00:21:09,192 As you thought it was a signal to do this. 293 00:21:10,233 --> 00:21:12,108 What? I'm a fool. 294 00:21:12,358 --> 00:21:14,233 Damn stupid. 295 00:21:15,192 --> 00:21:17,900 Should return you just for that. 296 00:21:18,108 --> 00:21:20,275 If it takes me back I'm dead. 297 00:21:29,358 --> 00:21:32,775 - Been in action? - In France. 298 00:21:33,942 --> 00:21:37,608 - What do you think? - A butcher. 299 00:21:40,358 --> 00:21:43,150 - Dive? - Like a monkey. 300 00:21:45,358 --> 00:21:46,733 Good. 301 00:21:46,983 --> 00:21:51,650 Take care of Syd, est dehydrated. Give water, little and often. 302 00:21:52,358 --> 00:21:54,025 S, Ser. Thank you, sir. 303 00:21:54,358 --> 00:21:56,358 - Todava are not a command. - No. 304 00:21:56,733 --> 00:22:00,358 If I fail to pass this test, return to prisin, I understand? 305 00:22:01,067 --> 00:22:02,567 S, Ser. 306 00:22:03,650 --> 00:22:06,025 How we pass by the Police? 307 00:22:11,025 --> 00:22:13,442 If I go back to pointing a gun 308 00:22:13,983 --> 00:22:15,567 sers a dead man. 309 00:22:23,983 --> 00:22:26,192 Have courage, you know, right? 310 00:22:37,150 --> 00:22:39,817 Stop what they are doing and go. 311 00:22:39,942 --> 00:22:42,692 Reprtense, muvanse. 312 00:22:43,192 --> 00:22:45,608 Come quickly. 313 00:22:45,817 --> 00:22:47,358 In attention. 314 00:22:48,858 --> 00:22:51,150 Buenos das, sir. 315 00:22:52,108 --> 00:22:54,567 What good to see. 316 00:22:55,608 --> 00:22:57,400 Go ahead, Sergeant. 317 00:22:57,817 --> 00:23:03,483 To my right, the silver est Grey. I Mckensy Sgt. 318 00:23:04,817 --> 00:23:07,067 You can call me, Mac 319 00:23:07,358 --> 00:23:10,108 The majority of you already know me. 320 00:23:10,400 --> 00:23:15,025 Those who do not prepress for a big surprise. 321 00:23:23,233 --> 00:23:25,900 - Do not look ahead, Gable. - No, sir. 322 00:23:26,150 --> 00:23:28,567 - I like your mustache. - Thanks, Sarge. 323 00:23:32,275 --> 00:23:36,650 I hope we had a great time. 324 00:23:38,275 --> 00:23:44,233 Gentlemen, despus to end you wish had never been born. 325 00:23:45,275 --> 00:23:47,817 Do not underestimate me. 326 00:23:48,858 --> 00:23:52,775 And never fuck me. 327 00:23:53,733 --> 00:23:56,358 - I do understand? - Yes, sergeant. 328 00:23:56,650 --> 00:24:00,025 - I can not orlos. - S, Ser. 329 00:24:07,233 --> 00:24:11,442 It is vital that we move quick and in unity as a team. 330 00:24:11,650 --> 00:24:14,608 Look at the man who is at his side. 331 00:24:15,192 --> 00:24:16,650 Conzcanlo. 332 00:24:17,067 --> 00:24:21,983 COMERN is afeitarny mearn with l. 333 00:24:22,275 --> 00:24:24,858 I confiarn life. 334 00:24:29,192 --> 00:24:30,942 Good. 335 00:24:31,400 --> 00:24:34,525 Let's start with our first tctica attack. 336 00:24:34,775 --> 00:24:36,442 Escuadrn in progress. 337 00:24:37,692 --> 00:24:40,275 Come move it. 338 00:24:48,150 --> 00:24:49,650 Come Rains. 339 00:25:09,983 --> 00:25:12,400 - Golpalo. - Dale hard 340 00:25:12,567 --> 00:25:14,025 Time. 341 00:25:16,025 --> 00:25:19,525 Okay, Gable. The mustache is perfect. 342 00:25:19,692 --> 00:25:22,567 Come move it. 343 00:25:22,900 --> 00:25:25,817 Rains, you're the last. You lost the game. 344 00:25:43,567 --> 00:25:46,025 Move your butt. 345 00:25:46,233 --> 00:25:48,358 Make a line. 346 00:25:48,650 --> 00:25:50,400 Pnganse online. 347 00:25:58,942 --> 00:26:01,067 Still. 348 00:26:09,275 --> 00:26:11,025 Back online. 349 00:26:11,400 --> 00:26:13,192 The FS commando knife. 350 00:26:14,233 --> 00:26:18,483 It was Designed specially for you. 351 00:26:19,192 --> 00:26:20,817 Why? 352 00:26:21,608 --> 00:26:24,733 For the melee. He continued firing people. 353 00:26:25,067 --> 00:26:26,983 But only if we must. 354 00:26:28,275 --> 00:26:30,275 Acostmbrense to l. 355 00:26:31,858 --> 00:26:34,525 Tnganlo with you all the time. 356 00:26:35,567 --> 00:26:37,483 Sergeant Mac 357 00:26:38,108 --> 00:26:38,858 Despchelos. 358 00:26:39,025 --> 00:26:40,733 Come on. 359 00:26:41,025 --> 00:26:43,358 TOPSON. A trench. 360 00:26:43,733 --> 00:26:46,150 Come on, is for today, please. 361 00:26:46,942 --> 00:26:49,442 Riley, to the trench. 362 00:26:50,025 --> 00:26:52,233 Mortensen, to the trench. 363 00:26:54,733 --> 00:26:57,733 Gable, to the trench. 364 00:26:58,317 --> 00:27:01,525 Brightling, to the trench. 365 00:27:02,400 --> 00:27:05,567 We do not have all day. 366 00:27:10,317 --> 00:27:12,067 Come Rains. 367 00:27:21,192 --> 00:27:23,525 This face. 368 00:27:23,733 --> 00:27:26,275 They must learn to use them. 369 00:27:26,692 --> 00:27:29,108 Let's start with the gun. 370 00:27:30,025 --> 00:27:33,108 Mrenla, 9 mm. automatically. 371 00:27:33,608 --> 00:27:36,817 Vern preferred by officers and why. 372 00:27:44,608 --> 00:27:47,733 Two shots to the body, one to the head to finish the job. 373 00:27:47,983 --> 00:27:51,192 Any questions? No? Good. 374 00:27:51,358 --> 00:27:52,817 Mr. Mortensen, go ahead. 375 00:28:01,150 --> 00:28:02,817 Good. Riley. 376 00:28:09,733 --> 00:28:13,567 Good shot. If you were not so ugly kiss you. 377 00:28:13,775 --> 00:28:15,358 Quin teach you to shoot so well? 378 00:28:15,525 --> 00:28:17,650 - You, Sergeant. - Me? Never. 379 00:28:17,817 --> 00:28:19,900 - You, Sergeant. - What are you talking about? 380 00:28:20,192 --> 00:28:21,692 Mr. Rains. 381 00:28:29,817 --> 00:28:33,525 If you need a door ATRS, we'll call. 382 00:28:33,775 --> 00:28:35,858 Sorry, Sarge. 383 00:28:36,108 --> 00:28:38,025 It DBIL me. 384 00:28:45,900 --> 00:28:47,567 Rains. 385 00:28:50,358 --> 00:28:52,692 Where you learned to shoot so well? 386 00:28:53,358 --> 00:28:56,775 - In the cowboy movies. - Ah, s? 387 00:28:56,942 --> 00:29:00,733 We are in the presence of Jessie James, right? 388 00:29:01,733 --> 00:29:07,900 For being so funny, I think that deserves a little run, is not it? 389 00:29:08,858 --> 00:29:11,483 Do not believe it, Sergeant Grey? 390 00:29:11,692 --> 00:29:14,567 Put it over your head. Over. 391 00:29:15,733 --> 00:29:17,775 Sgueme, come on. 392 00:29:20,275 --> 00:29:21,650 Cllense! 393 00:29:30,692 --> 00:29:32,608 How est your arm? 394 00:29:33,025 --> 00:29:34,400 No sorry. 395 00:29:34,650 --> 00:29:36,192 Hurt? 396 00:29:36,400 --> 00:29:37,442 S, Ser. 397 00:29:38,275 --> 00:29:44,108 Pain, Rains, it is only weakness leaving the body. 398 00:29:51,192 --> 00:29:52,733 Prate. 399 00:30:00,650 --> 00:30:02,817 What do you think you teach? 400 00:30:04,983 --> 00:30:06,442 Discipline. 401 00:30:09,733 --> 00:30:12,317 - He seems to have aversin. - sir, I ... 402 00:30:12,483 --> 00:30:15,233 Shut up. I'm talking about! 403 00:30:16,317 --> 00:30:19,150 Cul is your problem? Dime. 404 00:30:20,025 --> 00:30:22,442 - No, sorry. - Sorry? 405 00:30:23,233 --> 00:30:24,983 Sorry. 406 00:30:26,067 --> 00:30:27,983 Apparently. 407 00:30:29,067 --> 00:30:30,733 What happens? 408 00:30:30,983 --> 00:30:33,608 Your mother does not love you? Is that it? 409 00:30:33,733 --> 00:30:35,608 You were a decepcin? 410 00:30:35,775 --> 00:30:37,317 - Why you became a matn? - No. 411 00:30:37,567 --> 00:30:39,358 - Do not do it again. - Of course not. 412 00:30:40,608 --> 00:30:42,108 I send back. 413 00:30:42,525 --> 00:30:45,150 No! 414 00:30:45,817 --> 00:30:47,150 sir. 415 00:30:47,358 --> 00:30:50,400 - Give me a reason why not. - Because if. 416 00:30:50,608 --> 00:30:52,358 Why qu? 417 00:30:52,525 --> 00:30:53,942 Why? 418 00:30:54,233 --> 00:30:59,400 Because I've done more and achieved more here than in my whole life. 419 00:30:59,442 --> 00:31:02,608 Rains, have not accomplished anything here. 420 00:31:06,275 --> 00:31:09,692 An opportunity ms. Please. 421 00:31:14,983 --> 00:31:20,317 The upcoming das hars determinarn that the rest of your life. 422 00:31:25,150 --> 00:31:27,775 - Depends on you. - Thanks. 423 00:31:28,025 --> 00:31:30,108 - Sergeant Grey. - Thanks. 424 00:31:30,275 --> 00:31:32,025 Thank you. 425 00:31:32,233 --> 00:31:34,650 Top with your head, Rains. 426 00:31:47,108 --> 00:31:49,525 Well, looks official. 427 00:31:50,650 --> 00:31:54,233 Come on, we have internal hotfix in 5 min. 428 00:31:56,650 --> 00:31:58,567 Come on. 429 00:32:01,358 --> 00:32:03,358 Okay, hagmoslo. 430 00:32:05,650 --> 00:32:08,775 Exit Mr. Rains. 431 00:32:14,317 --> 00:32:16,983 - What is it, Sergeant? - Just wait here. 432 00:32:17,108 --> 00:32:19,608 - Come on, Sergeant. - Hello. 433 00:32:19,858 --> 00:32:21,067 Despus from you 434 00:32:33,900 --> 00:32:35,692 Rest, soldier. 435 00:32:38,692 --> 00:32:42,317 As you are my escaped convict. 436 00:32:44,692 --> 00:32:46,775 - You can not talk? - Yes, sir. 437 00:32:47,733 --> 00:32:49,442 Me. 438 00:32:51,650 --> 00:32:54,650 I want it back. It's a disaster. 439 00:32:55,567 --> 00:33:00,275 - Some people want your head. - Sorry, sir. 440 00:33:00,358 --> 00:33:03,400 If these were other times, the largest court-martial iraa Jones, 441 00:33:03,608 --> 00:33:05,817 and you were shot. 442 00:33:06,567 --> 00:33:09,858 But these are ex raordinary times. 443 00:33:10,067 --> 00:33:12,567 And the biggest Elder Jones is an exception. 444 00:33:13,108 --> 00:33:14,733 You're lucky. 445 00:33:14,942 --> 00:33:17,775 Persuaded me to let you stay in this operation. 446 00:33:18,983 --> 00:33:21,317 - Thank you, sir. - Do not thank me am. 447 00:33:25,775 --> 00:33:28,817 - Do not disappoint. - Of course not. 448 00:33:36,150 --> 00:33:38,108 Will prefer not to take notes. 449 00:33:41,233 --> 00:33:46,400 Gentlemen, we are the masters of our own destiny. 450 00:33:48,608 --> 00:33:50,900 Or so it should be. 451 00:33:52,400 --> 00:33:55,650 So I like many, 452 00:33:55,900 --> 00:33:58,233 I have explored innovative ideas 453 00:33:58,733 --> 00:34:01,317 to destroy the enemy. 454 00:34:02,358 --> 00:34:04,692 We need men like you, 455 00:34:06,025 --> 00:34:09,025 men with courage and honor. 456 00:34:09,358 --> 00:34:12,733 Certainly we live in a time of honor. 457 00:34:12,858 --> 00:34:16,525 With the honor comes the duty. And the sacrifice. 458 00:34:16,692 --> 00:34:18,442 I'm not naive. 459 00:34:23,942 --> 00:34:24,983 But you 460 00:34:26,650 --> 00:34:29,192 are the first of a new race. 461 00:34:29,442 --> 00:34:33,525 A unit that works lite detrs crush the enemy lines. 462 00:34:34,150 --> 00:34:38,775 If we succeed, we will be a whole desafoa operacin in the future. 463 00:34:40,400 --> 00:34:41,608 Mayor. 464 00:34:45,733 --> 00:34:49,150 We went to Norway, Case Of Grendel. 465 00:34:49,900 --> 00:34:54,358 This tower and many more to protect our shores 466 00:34:55,192 --> 00:34:57,567 are known as RDF. 467 00:34:57,817 --> 00:35:00,608 Jerry also has them, known as Friere. 468 00:35:00,900 --> 00:35:04,483 Instruments discover our ships and aircraft miles away. 469 00:35:04,525 --> 00:35:06,567 And it gives you an advantage. 470 00:35:06,608 --> 00:35:11,067 Our msn infiltrate and occupy Norway. 471 00:35:12,150 --> 00:35:16,275 COMMUNICATION assaulting a estacin of which has a range of reach in the north. 472 00:35:16,525 --> 00:35:19,483 I say attack because the main objective of this operation 473 00:35:20,150 --> 00:35:26,150 is to put hands on the latest generation of technology RDF. 474 00:35:26,650 --> 00:35:29,442 Ballright Sergeant, I explain more. 475 00:35:30,108 --> 00:35:31,483 Buenos das. 476 00:35:32,233 --> 00:35:37,400 The principle of operation of the RDF BSIC is very simple. 477 00:35:37,692 --> 00:35:43,650 The space of sky that must be monitored est literally filled our pulse RAF. 478 00:35:44,192 --> 00:35:48,858 The echoes of all aircraft within the facility receives 479 00:35:49,150 --> 00:35:53,233 a group of poles in the background stations y. .. estn 480 00:35:53,442 --> 00:35:55,567 Ballright ... 481 00:35:56,025 --> 00:35:58,192 in English, please. 482 00:36:02,025 --> 00:36:08,900 The technology which refer the greater is the more advanced there. 483 00:36:09,442 --> 00:36:14,858 Where I work we create a signal that the signs of their pirate radio towers. 484 00:36:15,317 --> 00:36:16,858 However, 485 00:36:17,067 --> 00:36:20,858 believe they have created an anti piratera. 486 00:36:21,067 --> 00:36:24,400 As our work is useless. 487 00:36:24,608 --> 00:36:31,442 If they have it, I need to see with my eyes. Analyze and steal the technology. 488 00:36:32,525 --> 00:36:33,858 Thank you. 489 00:36:34,358 --> 00:36:37,817 Ballright Sergeant, accompanied in the excursin. 490 00:36:38,358 --> 00:36:40,733 Trtenlo kindly. 491 00:36:41,150 --> 00:36:42,900 Let the details. 492 00:36:43,150 --> 00:36:47,233 They informed me that we have contact with an agent. 493 00:36:47,442 --> 00:36:53,358 We have informed their operacin but keep the contact to a minimum. 494 00:36:53,775 --> 00:36:57,900 We Insertion in avin, with a landing tctico. 495 00:36:58,233 --> 00:37:01,192 The avin fly with the engines off. 496 00:37:01,567 --> 00:37:05,025 If weather permits we have thought of a parachute landing. 497 00:37:05,192 --> 00:37:07,442 - The extraction will be made by sea. - So ... 498 00:37:08,900 --> 00:37:11,608 - Any questions? - Our position. 499 00:37:11,775 --> 00:37:14,817 General details, once you start the operation. 500 00:37:14,983 --> 00:37:17,900 We'll have to ask our agent the ubicacin target. 501 00:37:18,150 --> 00:37:20,525 But do not think there is more than a platoon. 502 00:37:20,942 --> 00:37:22,317 - Are they good? - Very. 503 00:37:22,483 --> 00:37:24,233 Us too. 504 00:37:24,483 --> 00:37:26,775 - We esperarn. - Exactly. 505 00:37:28,692 --> 00:37:31,608 I have to go back to London. I leave here Ballright to acclimatize. 506 00:37:32,942 --> 00:37:35,400 That God is with you. 507 00:37:35,858 --> 00:37:37,358 And good luck. 508 00:37:37,608 --> 00:37:41,608 Okay, get out, we have much to do. 509 00:37:47,025 --> 00:37:50,483 You also, Mr. Ballright. It seems we have to teach you to shoot. 510 00:37:50,900 --> 00:37:52,608 S shoot. 511 00:37:52,942 --> 00:37:55,817 Quitmosle that expensive to teach us even as it does. 512 00:37:55,942 --> 00:37:57,442 Watch your head. 513 00:37:59,608 --> 00:38:01,650 Tenas reason. 514 00:38:03,692 --> 00:38:05,608 It's a smart man. 515 00:38:05,817 --> 00:38:08,483 It seems he knows a lot of our facilities RDF. 516 00:38:09,483 --> 00:38:11,525 The magnetrn. 517 00:38:12,858 --> 00:38:15,358 We must be careful with Jerry. 518 00:38:17,108 --> 00:38:18,775 Very good. 519 00:38:18,900 --> 00:38:20,275 Steiner. 520 00:38:20,692 --> 00:38:22,067 I can help? 521 00:38:22,233 --> 00:38:24,400 Want to talk a moment with Mr. Fleming. 522 00:38:25,108 --> 00:38:26,567 Of course. 523 00:38:27,567 --> 00:38:29,608 I wondered if I could give it a. .. 524 00:38:29,775 --> 00:38:32,150 I am sure that once you receive it. 525 00:38:37,150 --> 00:38:39,692 These are the wills of men in case of ... 526 00:38:44,483 --> 00:38:46,650 One last thing, Jones. 527 00:38:48,358 --> 00:38:50,483 About our convict 528 00:38:50,525 --> 00:38:52,317 asegrate there is nothing to worry about. 529 00:39:03,608 --> 00:39:05,400 Rains. 530 00:39:09,608 --> 00:39:11,400 DGamer, boss. 531 00:39:12,567 --> 00:39:14,233 I want you to take care. 532 00:39:15,150 --> 00:39:16,858 No problem. 533 00:39:16,983 --> 00:39:18,567 Do not fret. 534 00:39:18,900 --> 00:39:20,525 Three shots each time. Again. 535 00:39:21,192 --> 00:39:24,817 Investigu you a little Rains. Study your records. 536 00:39:25,025 --> 00:39:29,358 You bring your men back. Why did not you say? 537 00:39:30,608 --> 00:39:32,817 I did the best I could. 538 00:39:33,358 --> 00:39:36,150 Yes. We propose for a medal. 539 00:39:37,983 --> 00:39:40,150 Of course you never get the darn. 540 00:39:43,525 --> 00:39:46,025 Do not be afraid, Mr. Ballright. 541 00:39:46,275 --> 00:39:48,900 L Stay near all the time once we land. 542 00:39:49,108 --> 00:39:50,317 Three shots and stops. 543 00:39:50,567 --> 00:39:52,775 He is the nephew of someone important. 544 00:39:52,983 --> 00:39:55,192 If this operation cagamos know what we Harn. 545 00:39:55,358 --> 00:39:57,192 - S, I imagine. - Really? 546 00:39:57,442 --> 00:39:59,233 In addition Niera'm good. 547 00:40:01,942 --> 00:40:04,442 It seems that capturarn. 548 00:40:04,692 --> 00:40:08,025 And if caught, you shoot. 549 00:40:10,900 --> 00:40:12,817 By the way ... 550 00:40:14,192 --> 00:40:15,858 you do not have yours. 551 00:40:16,317 --> 00:40:17,525 sir. 552 00:40:19,025 --> 00:40:20,442 Very good. 553 00:40:21,025 --> 00:40:22,525 Mayor Jones 554 00:40:23,192 --> 00:40:24,983 not have to worry about me. 555 00:40:25,192 --> 00:40:26,900 They do not fail. 556 00:40:27,150 --> 00:40:29,025 I train a little longer. 557 00:40:29,275 --> 00:40:31,942 In fact, once applied to be on one of these units. 558 00:40:32,108 --> 00:40:34,192 But I accepted. 559 00:40:34,317 --> 00:40:36,858 It seems that my talents lie elsewhere. 560 00:40:37,067 --> 00:40:39,942 - We just want to contribute something. - Sure you do. 561 00:40:40,108 --> 00:40:41,692 Good to have you on board. 562 00:40:41,983 --> 00:40:45,400 This is Bob Rains. You watch your back once we land. 563 00:40:45,567 --> 00:40:47,442 - A pleasure. - Likewise. 564 00:40:47,733 --> 00:40:51,317 Contrlalo, that gives you edge. 565 00:40:52,608 --> 00:40:53,858 Repasmoslo again. 566 00:40:54,567 --> 00:40:56,858 Once we land we will 567 00:40:57,108 --> 00:41:00,775 3267678. We landed at a disused warehouse. 568 00:41:00,942 --> 00:41:04,025 - Enemy forces: - 5 alpha. That's easy. 569 00:41:04,275 --> 00:41:05,400 Mission: 570 00:41:05,692 --> 00:41:09,608 COMMUNICATION storm the enemy's center to 277,890. 571 00:41:10,108 --> 00:41:12,983 Extraction Infiltracinarea and by sea. 572 00:41:13,150 --> 00:41:15,483 Go to the control room, create a distraction in any way. 573 00:41:16,733 --> 00:41:18,942 Ensure the team. 574 00:41:19,358 --> 00:41:20,983 Shoot loads. 575 00:41:21,275 --> 00:41:23,692 Ensure intelligence within the facility. 576 00:41:23,858 --> 00:41:27,983 If they do this without waking the commander, we might as 577 00:41:28,317 --> 00:41:33,025 move to 277,995, and watch the fireworks. 578 00:41:34,067 --> 00:41:37,067 We return to the trailer, then the submarine and back home. 579 00:41:37,317 --> 00:41:39,608 A hug their children and rest. 580 00:41:40,067 --> 00:41:41,900 We leave tomorrow night. 581 00:42:25,192 --> 00:42:27,733 15 minutes. 582 00:42:51,567 --> 00:42:56,442 Salten. 583 00:42:56,900 --> 00:42:59,942 Come on. 584 00:43:01,192 --> 00:43:03,400 React. 585 00:44:26,983 --> 00:44:27,733 How much more there? 586 00:44:34,275 --> 00:44:36,775 Cul is your Misin? 587 00:44:57,942 --> 00:45:00,650 - Well DSTs? - I got shot. 588 00:45:00,942 --> 00:45:02,775 I too. 589 00:45:03,483 --> 00:45:04,942 What is that? 590 00:45:23,442 --> 00:45:24,608 Leader. 591 00:45:26,858 --> 00:45:28,025 Gable? 592 00:45:31,983 --> 00:45:33,567 His neck was broken. 593 00:45:40,733 --> 00:45:44,858 - Have you had contact? - No, all clear. 594 00:45:45,025 --> 00:45:46,775 This is our problem. 595 00:45:47,192 --> 00:45:49,650 You must be across the damn lake. 596 00:45:49,817 --> 00:45:54,358 We lost the majority of our team and I fear that the radio is our hope. 597 00:45:58,150 --> 00:46:00,983 Okay, we have a trailer todava. 598 00:46:01,233 --> 00:46:03,150 Movmonos. 599 00:47:29,650 --> 00:47:31,692 Crtense, Rains. 600 00:47:31,942 --> 00:47:34,108 Riley, viglalo. 601 00:47:34,692 --> 00:47:37,150 Be well, take care. 602 00:47:38,608 --> 00:47:40,817 Despus est base of the forest. 603 00:47:41,067 --> 00:47:43,275 Remember, keyword: Grendel. 604 00:47:43,442 --> 00:47:45,275 - Answer? - Viking. 605 00:47:45,442 --> 00:47:47,442 At the slightest sign of danger, leaving ah. 606 00:47:47,900 --> 00:47:49,650 The main thing about their lives. 607 00:48:28,275 --> 00:48:29,317 What happens? 608 00:48:33,275 --> 00:48:35,150 It may be a patrol. 609 00:48:35,567 --> 00:48:37,275 Wait a minute. 610 00:49:45,108 --> 00:49:46,525 Dila. 611 00:49:47,400 --> 00:49:48,150 Dila. 612 00:49:48,400 --> 00:49:49,567 Viking. 613 00:49:54,067 --> 00:49:56,233 - They are late. - A NIIT. 614 00:49:56,483 --> 00:49:58,108 I'm not a NIIT. 615 00:49:58,233 --> 00:50:00,275 I already knew. 616 00:50:00,692 --> 00:50:03,275 Put the gun down. 617 00:50:04,108 --> 00:50:06,233 Enough, Steiner. 618 00:50:06,525 --> 00:50:09,275 I again point again. 619 00:50:09,567 --> 00:50:11,400 Not once. 620 00:50:14,025 --> 00:50:16,608 I call back NIIT. 621 00:50:16,817 --> 00:50:18,275 From whence are you? 622 00:50:22,900 --> 00:50:24,650 As you supposed to say? 623 00:50:24,858 --> 00:50:26,817 Beowoulf? 624 00:50:28,775 --> 00:50:30,442 Dganme Jensen. 625 00:50:30,650 --> 00:50:32,858 Really, I'm Steiner, and l is Bob. 626 00:50:33,192 --> 00:50:34,692 Hello. 627 00:50:34,858 --> 00:50:36,317 We are well? 628 00:50:36,733 --> 00:50:38,858 - And the rest of you? - On the road. 629 00:51:04,733 --> 00:51:08,108 - Jones, combined operations. - Jensen, welcome to Norway. 630 00:51:08,567 --> 00:51:12,317 - We talk about the orders o. ..? - First you need to contact London. 631 00:51:13,650 --> 00:51:17,233 - On radio, you have one? - Yes. Of course. 632 00:51:21,525 --> 00:51:24,858 - Some Upgrading the target? - If the Germans are occupied. 633 00:51:25,608 --> 00:51:29,233 They go through the mountains disparndoles everyone what they think are the resistance. 634 00:51:29,483 --> 00:51:31,400 What is this? 635 00:51:34,567 --> 00:51:36,483 Estn a month ago here. 636 00:51:36,692 --> 00:51:38,358 I told him to London. 637 00:51:47,150 --> 00:51:49,817 - What do I say? - Say this ... 638 00:51:55,692 --> 00:51:59,483 Just arrived, what I fear is bad news. 639 00:52:01,400 --> 00:52:03,442 Curse. 640 00:52:05,983 --> 00:52:07,942 Enven the trailer. 641 00:52:09,942 --> 00:52:12,233 No llegarna time. 642 00:52:12,858 --> 00:52:14,067 sir. 643 00:52:15,192 --> 00:52:16,983 Need an answer. 644 00:52:22,358 --> 00:52:23,858 Continue. 645 00:52:28,608 --> 00:52:32,775 - I need to confirm numbers. - 20 to 30 soldiers a day. 646 00:52:32,858 --> 00:52:35,900 In addition some naval radio operators. 647 00:52:38,900 --> 00:52:43,400 As you know, the way of rapprochement est full of heavy machinery. 648 00:52:43,900 --> 00:52:47,358 And also put a spotlight. 649 00:52:47,733 --> 00:52:50,317 Mac encrgate this. 650 00:52:51,525 --> 00:52:54,192 Bean said that intelligence. 651 00:52:54,483 --> 00:52:57,192 Michael was killed trying to get that information. 652 00:52:57,400 --> 00:53:00,442 - Cun far from here? - On foot, 6 hours and 12 min. 653 00:53:00,650 --> 00:53:03,233 This farm est half miles south of the target. 654 00:53:03,442 --> 00:53:05,150 - It is in the valley ... - What s. 655 00:53:05,192 --> 00:53:08,567 But we can continue to count it? We need ammunition, explosives. 656 00:53:09,233 --> 00:53:11,900 - I have something hidden ah. - Good. 657 00:53:12,775 --> 00:53:15,525 I extraern with you tomorrow night. 658 00:53:18,525 --> 00:53:20,692 - Why? - Commands. 659 00:53:32,608 --> 00:53:35,900 - She is not Beowoulf. - You may have reason. 660 00:53:36,733 --> 00:53:39,525 We may be leading a patrol est. 661 00:53:39,942 --> 00:53:42,608 - This is crazy. - Make contact with London. 662 00:53:42,733 --> 00:53:44,692 Not Beowoulf. 663 00:53:44,733 --> 00:53:46,775 I do not care who he is. 664 00:53:47,733 --> 00:53:49,650 Est helping us. 665 00:53:50,275 --> 00:53:52,942 If we agree 666 00:53:53,442 --> 00:53:56,108 I myself shoot. 667 00:53:56,733 --> 00:53:57,817 Stay alert. 668 00:55:02,525 --> 00:55:03,900 Hello. 669 00:55:07,108 --> 00:55:10,608 - I tenamos agreement. - I s, sorry. 670 00:55:10,650 --> 00:55:13,150 Then you come here, where my family est. 671 00:55:14,650 --> 00:55:15,650 With German siguindote. 672 00:55:21,525 --> 00:55:23,817 We appreciate the help. 673 00:55:23,858 --> 00:55:25,567 Thank you very much. 674 00:55:26,900 --> 00:55:28,400 - Insurance. - Sorry. 675 00:55:28,442 --> 00:55:30,150 Come on. 676 00:55:37,442 --> 00:55:40,108 As there cazndote SS patrols. 677 00:55:40,525 --> 00:55:42,317 A What do you mean by SS? 678 00:55:43,108 --> 00:55:44,650 Est compromised. 679 00:55:44,942 --> 00:55:47,817 - NEDA est the rest of your team? - Hidden or dead. 680 00:55:49,108 --> 00:55:50,983 Why do not you tell us you were engaged? 681 00:55:51,275 --> 00:55:54,150 What difference will? You have the supplies, no? 682 00:55:55,108 --> 00:55:57,108 - Quin you? - Steiner, What do you do? 683 00:55:57,400 --> 00:55:59,108 This girl will make us all killed. 684 00:55:59,650 --> 00:56:01,483 Beowoulf're not, right? 685 00:56:02,858 --> 00:56:04,317 You? 686 00:56:05,317 --> 00:56:06,525 Are you? 687 00:56:08,817 --> 00:56:10,608 Now tell me, 688 00:56:10,692 --> 00:56:12,400 Curse. 689 00:56:15,650 --> 00:56:18,650 l I promised myself I llevaraa England. 690 00:56:48,733 --> 00:56:51,692 - What is history? - Room with Mr. Beowoulf. 691 00:56:52,567 --> 00:56:55,525 Rather they were dating. 692 00:56:57,275 --> 00:57:02,900 Discussed, fight and l leaves. 693 00:57:03,733 --> 00:57:06,567 And she continues to spread like l, no? 694 00:57:06,817 --> 00:57:10,483 - Why do that? - It is a mission important, no? 695 00:57:11,067 --> 00:57:12,817 Right. 696 00:57:13,067 --> 00:57:16,400 That stupid cow pens we deceit. 697 00:57:16,692 --> 00:57:18,400 And I will leave as. 698 00:57:19,067 --> 00:57:21,233 Okay, ladies, cllense. 699 00:57:42,358 --> 00:57:45,858 You Schnapps? My men need to drink. 700 00:57:51,192 --> 00:57:53,608 Joerg, brings drinks. 701 00:57:54,692 --> 00:57:57,567 Tell me who've been helping. 702 00:57:57,692 --> 00:58:00,150 I do not understand. 703 00:58:00,275 --> 00:58:02,067 Record the farm. 704 00:58:08,400 --> 00:58:12,817 You know you should obey the commands of the armies Alemán? 705 00:58:12,858 --> 00:58:14,692 S, I know. 706 00:58:14,733 --> 00:58:17,233 Do not hurt my family. 707 00:58:18,692 --> 00:58:20,567 A fifth aid? 708 00:58:26,608 --> 00:58:28,108 Come here. 709 00:58:29,608 --> 00:58:33,567 Tell us what we know and we'll go. 710 00:58:35,525 --> 00:58:39,567 Renanlos all, as it is. 711 00:58:39,608 --> 00:58:41,775 I want to help. 712 00:58:41,817 --> 00:58:43,900 This is your wife? 713 00:58:43,983 --> 00:58:46,525 Please do not hurt my family. 714 00:58:46,942 --> 00:58:49,067 A beautiful family. 715 00:58:49,317 --> 00:58:52,150 Aid to terrorists? 716 00:58:56,650 --> 00:58:57,567 Want food. 717 00:58:58,900 --> 00:59:00,317 Nourished terrorists? 718 00:59:01,567 --> 00:59:03,317 Are Norwegian? 719 00:59:03,358 --> 00:59:06,483 Campesinos, sir, we just want food. 720 00:59:06,608 --> 00:59:09,525 I want a family photo. 721 00:59:11,692 --> 00:59:14,900 Sure, Schmidt, brings the Chamber. 722 00:59:16,442 --> 00:59:19,233 Bring the family here. 723 00:59:30,692 --> 00:59:33,858 Smile. Family photo. 724 00:59:34,442 --> 00:59:36,817 Smiling all, smile. 725 01:00:10,525 --> 01:00:12,692 Now we dirs the damn truth. 726 01:00:13,150 --> 01:00:16,775 Please stop. Dir everything. 727 01:00:17,067 --> 01:00:19,358 I want my. 728 01:00:40,608 --> 01:00:44,567 Fear not. Mrenle eyes. 729 01:00:45,650 --> 01:00:49,150 Fear not. Mrenle eyes. 730 01:01:36,650 --> 01:01:38,358 Let's talk, Jensen. 731 01:01:46,775 --> 01:01:49,608 Regardless of who you really 732 01:01:49,858 --> 01:01:53,275 - You've accomplished your task. - Thank you, sir. 733 01:01:53,317 --> 01:01:57,275 The Misin follows. I need to go now to the first trailer. 734 01:01:58,025 --> 01:02:00,233 Tell to London where we are. 735 01:02:00,275 --> 01:02:02,400 And we are in position. 736 01:02:02,442 --> 01:02:06,400 Confirm the coordinates of the extraction. And wait for them all you can. 737 01:02:07,025 --> 01:02:10,650 I want you to get into the submarine with or without us. 738 01:02:11,900 --> 01:02:14,775 You Beowoulf until you get to London, you understand? 739 01:02:15,108 --> 01:02:17,358 What I say when I get to London? 740 01:02:17,817 --> 01:02:19,317 The truth. 741 01:02:29,483 --> 01:02:31,442 Okay, renanse. 742 01:02:32,692 --> 01:02:37,108 The new equipment. Mortensen Ballright and go with me. 743 01:02:38,192 --> 01:02:40,358 The work is the same. 744 01:02:40,692 --> 01:02:45,775 Mac and his team plant IRNA. Seguirn Pondrn charges and later. 745 01:02:46,025 --> 01:02:48,900 My team go to the room of communication. 746 01:02:49,192 --> 01:02:51,817 Mac, we need a lot of noise to distract these damned. 747 01:02:52,233 --> 01:02:54,400 Riley, qudate as possible. 748 01:02:54,483 --> 01:02:58,317 Ballright, msrpido do everything you can. Enter and exit. 749 01:02:59,358 --> 01:03:03,525 He lowered his head and see the trailer. 750 01:05:35,275 --> 01:05:38,400 Loads. Go make some noise. 751 01:08:37,900 --> 01:08:39,483 It ends now. 752 01:09:02,275 --> 01:09:04,775 Damn tower and there should be exploited. 753 01:09:33,983 --> 01:09:35,817 Ballright. 754 01:09:36,067 --> 01:09:38,817 - Let the greatest. - I stay, I see in the trailer. 755 01:09:42,942 --> 01:09:44,317 More noise. 756 01:09:55,025 --> 01:09:56,608 Rains. 757 01:10:00,442 --> 01:10:01,525 You have not finished? 758 01:10:02,067 --> 01:10:04,983 This place is full of secret treasures of the enemy. 759 01:10:05,400 --> 01:10:07,317 I refer to RDF precision. 760 01:10:07,692 --> 01:10:08,983 Give me your knife, Major. 761 01:10:17,192 --> 01:10:18,692 It's incredible. 762 01:10:18,858 --> 01:10:23,442 Campuses technicians, operations freire recordings. 763 01:10:24,150 --> 01:10:26,817 That's great, but you should go. 764 01:10:36,858 --> 01:10:39,067 Rains, get out of here. 765 01:10:39,442 --> 01:10:40,817 Steiner, Vyans. 766 01:10:56,817 --> 01:10:59,525 Well, come on. Take your weapon. 767 01:11:09,025 --> 01:11:11,400 No bullets. No fire. 768 01:11:25,317 --> 01:11:29,192 - We are going to drop. - Okay, we are in the trailer. 769 01:11:29,942 --> 01:11:32,233 Dirjanse the hills. 770 01:11:32,442 --> 01:11:35,733 - What with Riley and Brightling pas? - Do not make it. 771 01:11:36,983 --> 01:11:39,233 Well, come on. 772 01:11:50,858 --> 01:11:53,025 sir, is Beowoulf. 773 01:11:53,192 --> 01:11:56,067 Grendel destroyed. Low. No trailer. 774 01:11:56,275 --> 01:11:59,275 Esperarn to 12 in the designated place. 775 01:12:00,358 --> 01:12:01,775 Operator. 776 01:12:02,067 --> 01:12:03,692 Strategically command of the navy. 777 01:12:10,317 --> 01:12:13,108 - Command strategically. - SOS operacin strategically. 778 01:12:13,317 --> 01:12:14,942 Strategically collection is needed urgently. 779 01:12:15,192 --> 01:12:16,983 - What Misin? - Grendel. 780 01:12:17,108 --> 01:12:18,317 Hold the line, please. 781 01:12:34,567 --> 01:12:35,858 Thank you. 782 01:12:43,692 --> 01:12:48,525 - Steiner is alive? - No. 783 01:12:48,942 --> 01:12:52,775 - Operacin special. - If you need to collect priority. 784 01:12:52,900 --> 01:12:57,317 Tonight, at 2000 hours, Alpha North operacin Grendel. 785 01:12:57,817 --> 01:12:59,817 I'm afraid it is not possible. 786 01:13:01,108 --> 01:13:02,983 Esccheme. 787 01:13:03,233 --> 01:13:08,358 This is an extraction of maximums priority. Enven a damn submarine. 788 01:13:08,650 --> 01:13:11,650 sir, we sent a collection. 789 01:13:14,900 --> 01:13:19,150 If there is an op ortunity, msmnima. 790 01:13:19,358 --> 01:13:20,483 We'll see. 791 01:13:24,358 --> 01:13:25,317 sir. 792 01:13:31,942 --> 01:13:33,192 Tell Viking. 793 01:13:37,317 --> 01:13:40,900 It is not possible naval collection. 794 01:13:43,358 --> 01:13:46,025 Go on your own to Sweden. 795 01:13:47,692 --> 01:13:52,067 We know that as the new Jones? 796 01:13:53,525 --> 01:14:00,192 Yes, of course. 797 01:14:00,358 --> 01:14:05,400 Sara's daughter was born. Are well-two. 798 01:14:07,275 --> 01:14:08,858 What say? 799 01:14:09,150 --> 01:14:11,608 The most just had a girl. 800 01:14:13,108 --> 01:14:14,942 Good job. 801 01:14:17,067 --> 01:14:20,733 They cancel the gathering. We have to go ourselves. 802 01:14:20,900 --> 01:14:22,942 - Okay, adnde? - A Sweden. 803 01:14:23,108 --> 01:14:26,108 - Be difficult. - But we have come here. 804 01:14:26,775 --> 01:14:29,817 Stop feeling sorry for yourself. 805 01:14:36,317 --> 01:14:40,150 We will walk to Sweden. They are 2 or 3 days away on foot. 806 01:14:40,400 --> 01:14:42,900 - We need supplies. - And the farm? 807 01:14:43,150 --> 01:14:45,775 - We promised we would not return. - There is another farm? 808 01:14:45,983 --> 01:14:47,858 We will need more than just food. 809 01:14:49,025 --> 01:14:51,442 Why we do what we came for? 810 01:14:52,108 --> 01:14:55,317 - It's a good idea. - Okay, come on. 811 01:15:07,567 --> 01:15:09,858 Come on, everything is fine. 812 01:15:12,067 --> 01:15:14,442 You did it all. 813 01:15:16,150 --> 01:15:18,358 Bean never killed anyone. 814 01:15:18,858 --> 01:15:20,692 I serams difcil. 815 01:15:20,817 --> 01:15:24,317 - All pass so quickly. - listen. 816 01:15:24,358 --> 01:15:26,608 Better them than t. 817 01:15:26,983 --> 01:15:29,233 Well done. 818 01:15:29,650 --> 01:15:31,567 Do not think about that or volvers you crazy. 819 01:15:31,608 --> 01:15:35,942 People die, it happens. Now come on, pick up that weapon and synthetic proud. 820 01:15:45,733 --> 01:15:47,317 Mac takes here. 821 01:15:48,025 --> 01:15:49,942 Steiner and Rains come with me. 822 01:17:28,817 --> 01:17:31,400 - Dress blood out ah? - Yes. 823 01:17:58,900 --> 01:18:00,067 Curse. 824 01:18:05,275 --> 01:18:07,025 Rains, Get down. 825 01:18:13,108 --> 01:18:14,192 You see? 826 01:18:14,775 --> 01:18:16,067 Rains, you see? 827 01:18:16,317 --> 01:18:17,650 Fuck. 828 01:18:18,483 --> 01:18:20,358 It Brightling. 829 01:18:21,275 --> 01:18:22,942 We need help. 830 01:18:23,442 --> 01:18:25,233 Steiner and Mac will be able to cover it. 831 01:18:25,692 --> 01:18:28,108 No, Get down. Head down. 832 01:18:33,317 --> 01:18:35,942 Damn bastards. 833 01:18:37,567 --> 01:18:39,608 Fucking animals. 834 01:18:42,942 --> 01:18:46,900 Germans cursed. 835 01:18:50,108 --> 01:18:51,233 They're fucking animals. 836 01:18:53,233 --> 01:18:55,733 Be better to go out. 837 01:19:01,608 --> 01:19:04,817 The friendly farmers no longer are available for trading. 838 01:19:05,983 --> 01:19:08,275 I have a friend. 839 01:19:14,817 --> 01:19:17,483 I think he was very pleased to see them. 840 01:19:18,025 --> 01:19:19,733 Do not shoot if they leave now. 841 01:19:21,567 --> 01:19:24,275 His friend continue to suffer until they leave. 842 01:19:26,442 --> 01:19:27,858 They have to Syd. 843 01:19:28,150 --> 01:19:30,317 Mac, we do? Mac? 844 01:19:30,733 --> 01:19:32,525 Tranquilzate. 845 01:19:34,442 --> 01:19:37,275 SABRN we parted. 846 01:19:37,483 --> 01:19:39,775 We are waiting for us to be. Qudense below. 847 01:19:41,692 --> 01:19:43,525 Seorita, take this. 848 01:20:03,775 --> 01:20:06,817 It Sentarn see his friend suffer? 849 01:20:10,567 --> 01:20:13,108 Now be a good time to exit. 850 01:20:20,942 --> 01:20:22,525 We have to go. 851 01:20:22,775 --> 01:20:26,150 - We can not rnments, we can not leave. - She has reason. 852 01:20:27,317 --> 01:20:29,150 Very good. Enough. 853 01:20:29,650 --> 01:20:31,025 Listen. 854 01:20:31,942 --> 01:20:33,733 Assume firing position. 855 01:20:43,108 --> 01:20:45,067 Fucking animals. 856 01:21:20,900 --> 01:21:22,650 A shot at a time. 857 01:21:24,858 --> 01:21:26,233 Save ammunition. 858 01:21:45,983 --> 01:21:48,067 Cubrirn when I fall. 859 01:21:48,275 --> 01:21:50,650 When lowering, whether estn dead or not, 860 01:21:51,317 --> 01:21:53,525 IRNA is Sweden. 861 01:21:54,400 --> 01:21:57,192 - I can stay. - I have no time for this. 862 01:21:57,567 --> 01:21:59,150 - Asegrate of llevrtelo. - Of course. 863 01:22:00,108 --> 01:22:02,067 Okay, hganlo. 864 01:22:11,775 --> 01:22:13,192 Curse. 865 01:22:44,567 --> 01:22:45,942 Mac 866 01:22:46,983 --> 01:22:50,358 Ceasefire. 867 01:22:50,692 --> 01:22:52,400 You should be in Sweden, Mckensy. 868 01:22:52,567 --> 01:22:54,608 With respect, sir. But Vyasa to shit. 869 01:22:54,733 --> 01:22:56,483 A waiting? 870 01:22:57,400 --> 01:22:58,775 Ceasefire. 871 01:22:58,817 --> 01:23:01,733 - Seek a balance. - No output. 872 01:23:02,692 --> 01:23:04,733 They have no chance to escape. 873 01:23:04,942 --> 01:23:06,442 Vyans, Vyans. 874 01:23:06,650 --> 01:23:08,983 Is enjoying this? 875 01:23:09,233 --> 01:23:11,150 - Vyans. - Shut up. 876 01:23:13,108 --> 01:23:15,317 You want to do with this, sir? 877 01:23:16,733 --> 01:23:17,900 - Vyans. - Prisoners of war Sern. 878 01:23:20,525 --> 01:23:21,942 Prenle the suffering of his friend. 879 01:23:24,358 --> 01:23:26,025 That is unbearable. 880 01:23:26,192 --> 01:23:28,192 Obviously it has orders to trap alive. 881 01:23:28,442 --> 01:23:30,608 And the truth to turn down us out. 882 01:23:30,983 --> 01:23:33,150 But we still live. 883 01:23:37,942 --> 01:23:39,692 Save her their suffering. 884 01:23:39,983 --> 01:23:41,025 No. 885 01:23:41,358 --> 01:23:43,317 Put it end the suffering of his friend. 886 01:23:43,567 --> 01:23:44,733 Or I will make. 887 01:23:45,483 --> 01:23:47,483 Time to go. 888 01:23:47,858 --> 01:23:50,192 - Steiner. Rains seen in Sweden. - What? 889 01:23:50,608 --> 01:23:52,108 I need grenades. 890 01:23:52,400 --> 01:23:54,733 And in 30 seconds. end up with this. 891 01:23:54,942 --> 01:23:57,400 When you pull the damn grenade 892 01:23:57,650 --> 01:24:00,775 Me and Mac paddles north. You east. See you in Stockholm. 893 01:24:00,983 --> 01:24:02,900 If we stay together we have more possibilities. 894 01:24:03,025 --> 01:24:04,692 Ms have separate Snos possibilities. 895 01:24:09,275 --> 01:24:11,567 Make sure to reach safety. 896 01:24:11,942 --> 01:24:14,192 You are a great command. 897 01:24:14,650 --> 01:24:16,567 It was a privilege. 898 01:24:31,650 --> 01:24:33,817 God forgive me. 899 01:24:34,733 --> 01:24:35,733 No. 900 01:24:46,775 --> 01:24:50,608 - Rains, throw the grenade. - Throw the damn grenade. 901 01:24:51,400 --> 01:24:53,108 Rains. 902 01:24:53,650 --> 01:24:55,442 Come on. move it. 903 01:25:07,317 --> 01:25:08,900 ESTS dead? 904 01:25:22,400 --> 01:25:24,858 - Ammunition? - Few. 905 01:25:28,233 --> 01:25:30,400 What's on? 906 01:25:31,483 --> 01:25:35,358 - Go t, I'll cover you. - Of course not. 907 01:25:38,858 --> 01:25:40,067 Come on. 908 01:25:58,067 --> 01:26:00,442 Steiner. 909 01:26:03,817 --> 01:26:05,442 MRAM. 910 01:26:08,483 --> 01:26:11,275 Come with me. Come, Arise, soldier. 911 01:26:12,483 --> 01:26:15,692 Damn lazy, damn Steiner. 912 01:26:16,192 --> 01:26:18,317 Do not get ah. 913 01:26:19,858 --> 01:26:22,233 Well DSTs. 914 01:26:25,275 --> 01:26:27,317 Do not die. 915 01:26:32,525 --> 01:26:34,817 Stay ah. 916 01:26:35,192 --> 01:26:38,192 Wait, come back for you. 917 01:27:14,942 --> 01:27:16,442 Drop the knife. 918 01:27:20,358 --> 01:27:22,942 Rains, come on. 919 01:27:23,650 --> 01:27:25,692 Rains, us. 920 01:27:26,442 --> 01:27:27,442 Rains. 921 01:27:29,817 --> 01:27:31,400 Rains. 922 01:27:31,983 --> 01:27:35,650 Your orders were to take me home or if you do not shoot pruning. 923 01:27:37,483 --> 01:27:40,400 If you stay here, morirs. 924 01:27:41,483 --> 01:27:43,650 I shoot myself. 925 01:27:52,067 --> 01:27:54,817 If you are strong, damn. 926 01:27:57,900 --> 01:27:59,108 Come on. 927 01:28:55,567 --> 01:28:57,025 That's Sweden. 928 01:29:06,483 --> 01:29:07,608 Great. 929 01:29:07,609 --> 01:29:58,609 THE END 930 01:30:08,610 --> 01:31:09,610 Age Of Heroes (2011) 720p.BluRay.X264 Sub by Jiboy Kitsune