1 00:00:06,639 --> 00:00:09,642 - Last week, 2 00:00:06,639 --> 00:00:09,642 at the national finals, 3 00:00:10,777 --> 00:00:12,245 half the field took Stage 1 4 00:00:10,777 --> 00:00:12,245 for a spin. 5 00:00:12,345 --> 00:00:14,447 - Whoo! 6 00:00:12,345 --> 00:00:14,447 - Oh! 7 00:00:14,547 --> 00:00:16,916 - Resulting 8 00:00:14,547 --> 00:00:16,916 in some shocking falls... 9 00:00:17,170 --> 00:00:21,540 - Whoa, did you see him 10 00:00:17,170 --> 00:00:21,540 sky-walking in the air? 11 00:00:21,154 --> 00:00:23,356 - And nail-biting finishes. 12 00:00:23,456 --> 00:00:25,592 - You made it by 1/10 13 00:00:23,456 --> 00:00:25,592 of a second! 14 00:00:25,692 --> 00:00:27,961 - Tonight, 15 00:00:25,692 --> 00:00:27,961 more ninja all-stars 16 00:00:28,610 --> 00:00:29,629 take their shot. 17 00:00:29,729 --> 00:00:31,364 - * Oh, my, my, 18 00:00:29,729 --> 00:00:31,364 gonna make my move * 19 00:00:31,464 --> 00:00:33,967 * I'm all in, 20 00:00:31,464 --> 00:00:33,967 got nothing to lose * 21 00:00:34,670 --> 00:00:36,836 - It feels so good 22 00:00:34,670 --> 00:00:36,836 to be back in Las Vegas. 23 00:00:36,936 --> 00:00:38,271 - Oh, no! 24 00:00:38,371 --> 00:00:39,839 - I have some unfinished 25 00:00:38,371 --> 00:00:39,839 business here. 26 00:00:39,939 --> 00:00:42,108 - Does it again! 27 00:00:39,939 --> 00:00:42,108 - On! 28 00:00:42,208 --> 00:00:43,476 No! 29 00:00:42,208 --> 00:00:43,476 - No! 30 00:00:43,576 --> 00:00:46,546 - It is time for me 31 00:00:43,576 --> 00:00:46,546 to hit a Stage 1 buzzer. 32 00:00:46,646 --> 00:00:48,615 - * Here I go 33 00:00:46,646 --> 00:00:48,615 - Get excited! 34 00:00:48,715 --> 00:00:51,217 - * Are you ready? 35 00:00:48,715 --> 00:00:51,217 Ready to go? * 36 00:00:51,317 --> 00:00:53,687 * Are you ready, 37 00:00:51,317 --> 00:00:53,687 ready for more? * 38 00:00:53,787 --> 00:00:56,356 * Are you ready? 39 00:00:53,787 --> 00:00:56,356 Ready for me? * 40 00:00:56,456 --> 00:00:58,892 * Oh, my, my, 41 00:00:56,456 --> 00:00:58,892 oh, my, my, you ready? * 42 00:00:58,992 --> 00:01:01,661 - Later on, 43 00:00:58,992 --> 00:01:01,661 we'll get our first look 44 00:01:01,761 --> 00:01:03,963 at the redesigned Stage 2, 45 00:01:04,640 --> 00:01:06,433 featuring six new obstacles. 46 00:01:06,533 --> 00:01:08,301 - * Oh, my, my, 47 00:01:06,533 --> 00:01:08,301 oh, my, my * 48 00:01:08,401 --> 00:01:10,136 - There's a lot 49 00:01:08,401 --> 00:01:10,136 of sketchy moves, 50 00:01:10,236 --> 00:01:12,605 sketchy transfers, 51 00:01:10,236 --> 00:01:12,605 so hopefully I can continue 52 00:01:12,706 --> 00:01:14,107 this streak and keep it moving. 53 00:01:14,207 --> 00:01:16,109 - * Oh, my, my, 54 00:01:14,207 --> 00:01:16,109 gonna spin the wheel * 55 00:01:16,209 --> 00:01:18,244 * Cash it in 56 00:01:16,209 --> 00:01:18,244 and roll the dice * 57 00:01:18,345 --> 00:01:19,846 * Are you ready 58 00:01:19,946 --> 00:01:23,283 - Survive Stage 2, 59 00:01:19,946 --> 00:01:23,283 and you're only two steps away 60 00:01:23,383 --> 00:01:25,985 from the life-changing 61 00:01:23,383 --> 00:01:25,985 grand prize. 62 00:01:26,860 --> 00:01:27,854 - * Oh, my, my, 63 00:01:26,860 --> 00:01:27,854 oh, my, my * 64 00:01:27,954 --> 00:01:29,222 * Are you ready? 65 00:01:29,322 --> 00:01:31,725 - If I don't make a mistake 66 00:01:29,322 --> 00:01:31,725 for the next few stages, 67 00:01:31,825 --> 00:01:32,959 I'm gonna be a millionaire. 68 00:01:33,930 --> 00:01:35,950 - * Are you ready? 69 00:01:35,195 --> 00:01:37,931 * Are you ready? 70 00:01:38,980 --> 00:01:41,368 - We're about to light it up 71 00:01:38,980 --> 00:01:41,368 here in Vegas. 72 00:01:41,468 --> 00:01:43,203 It's night two 73 00:01:41,468 --> 00:01:43,203 of the national finals 74 00:01:43,303 --> 00:01:45,505 on "American Ninja Warrior." 75 00:01:45,605 --> 00:01:46,973 Hello, everyone, 76 00:01:45,605 --> 00:01:46,973 thanks for being with us. 77 00:01:47,107 --> 00:01:49,776 I'm Matt Iseman. 78 00:01:47,107 --> 00:01:49,776 - And I'm Akbar Gbajabiamila. 79 00:01:49,876 --> 00:01:51,811 Matt, it's buzzer or bust. 80 00:01:51,911 --> 00:01:53,680 You must hit a buzzer 81 00:01:51,911 --> 00:01:53,680 to move on 82 00:01:53,780 --> 00:01:56,716 and have a chance 83 00:01:53,780 --> 00:01:56,716 at that million dollar prize. 84 00:01:56,816 --> 00:01:59,319 Anything less, 85 00:01:56,816 --> 00:01:59,319 and your season is over. 86 00:01:59,419 --> 00:02:00,920 - Truth, big man. 87 00:02:01,540 --> 00:02:03,289 - And what a lineup we've got. 88 00:02:03,390 --> 00:02:07,127 We'll see the speedster 89 00:02:03,390 --> 00:02:07,127 from Colorado, Jake Murray. 90 00:02:07,227 --> 00:02:09,262 - Yeah! 91 00:02:09,362 --> 00:02:11,297 - Along with the reigning 92 00:02:09,362 --> 00:02:11,297 women's champ, 93 00:02:11,398 --> 00:02:14,670 Meagan Martin. 94 00:02:11,398 --> 00:02:14,670 - Whoo-hoo! 95 00:02:14,134 --> 00:02:17,637 - Plus the cowboy ninja, 96 00:02:14,134 --> 00:02:17,637 Idaho rancher, Lance Pekus. 97 00:02:17,737 --> 00:02:19,205 - Whoo! 98 00:02:19,305 --> 00:02:21,508 - And a competitor 99 00:02:19,305 --> 00:02:21,508 who's been so dominant 100 00:02:21,608 --> 00:02:23,877 this year, 101 00:02:21,608 --> 00:02:23,877 the pride of Chicago, 102 00:02:23,977 --> 00:02:26,146 Jesse "Flex" Labreck. 103 00:02:26,246 --> 00:02:28,715 - Are you kidding me? 104 00:02:28,815 --> 00:02:30,550 We saw the first group 105 00:02:28,815 --> 00:02:30,550 of our national finalists 106 00:02:30,650 --> 00:02:33,860 take on Stage 1 last week, 107 00:02:30,650 --> 00:02:33,860 and it was a night 108 00:02:33,186 --> 00:02:34,654 filled with surprises. 109 00:02:34,754 --> 00:02:36,723 For more, 110 00:02:34,754 --> 00:02:36,723 let's go down to Zuri Hall. 111 00:02:36,823 --> 00:02:40,493 - Guys, Stage 1 has 112 00:02:36,823 --> 00:02:40,493 eight extreme challenges. 113 00:02:40,593 --> 00:02:42,529 And last week, 114 00:02:40,593 --> 00:02:42,529 these ninjas learned 115 00:02:42,629 --> 00:02:46,366 that on this Vegas course, 116 00:02:42,629 --> 00:02:46,366 there are no safe bets. 117 00:02:46,466 --> 00:02:50,136 On Night 1, we saw falls 118 00:02:46,466 --> 00:02:50,136 on virtually every obstacle, 119 00:02:50,236 --> 00:02:52,505 including the new ones, 120 00:02:50,236 --> 00:02:52,505 Slide Surfer... 121 00:02:52,605 --> 00:02:54,341 - Oh, my! 122 00:02:54,441 --> 00:02:56,443 - The second obstacle, 123 00:02:54,441 --> 00:02:56,443 Swinging Blades... 124 00:02:56,543 --> 00:02:57,811 - Oh, no! 125 00:02:57,911 --> 00:02:59,512 - And the seventh obstacle, 126 00:02:57,911 --> 00:02:59,512 Dipping Birds. 127 00:02:59,612 --> 00:03:00,914 - What? 128 00:03:01,470 --> 00:03:03,830 - But the real drama 129 00:03:01,470 --> 00:03:03,830 comes at Split Decision. 130 00:03:03,183 --> 00:03:06,152 It's the final obstacle, 131 00:03:03,183 --> 00:03:06,152 and the ninjas can choose 132 00:03:06,252 --> 00:03:09,289 the safer but more 133 00:03:06,252 --> 00:03:09,289 time-consuming Fly Hooks... 134 00:03:10,457 --> 00:03:13,159 Or the riskier, but quicker, 135 00:03:10,457 --> 00:03:13,159 High Road, 136 00:03:13,259 --> 00:03:15,862 which gave us great moments 137 00:03:13,259 --> 00:03:15,862 last week. 138 00:03:15,962 --> 00:03:18,131 - Oh, yeah! 139 00:03:15,962 --> 00:03:18,131 Okay! 140 00:03:18,231 --> 00:03:21,101 - You only have 141 00:03:18,231 --> 00:03:21,101 2 minutes and 45 seconds 142 00:03:21,201 --> 00:03:23,269 to hit that buzzer, 143 00:03:21,201 --> 00:03:23,269 so they better get moving. 144 00:03:23,370 --> 00:03:24,604 Guys? 145 00:03:24,704 --> 00:03:26,339 - Well, we've talked a lot 146 00:03:24,704 --> 00:03:26,339 this season 147 00:03:26,439 --> 00:03:28,875 about the teenagers, 148 00:03:26,439 --> 00:03:28,875 but we're gonna start tonight 149 00:03:28,975 --> 00:03:30,377 with an oldie but a goody. 150 00:03:30,477 --> 00:03:32,679 This is 35-year-old 151 00:03:30,477 --> 00:03:32,679 Brett Sims. 152 00:03:32,779 --> 00:03:35,782 He was here in season one 153 00:03:32,779 --> 00:03:35,782 when some of these kids were 154 00:03:35,882 --> 00:03:37,117 just toddlers. 155 00:03:37,217 --> 00:03:38,852 And while he's had 156 00:03:37,217 --> 00:03:38,852 a long "Ninja" career, 157 00:03:38,952 --> 00:03:41,521 one thing has eluded him. 158 00:03:42,555 --> 00:03:44,124 - This is my tenth time 159 00:03:42,555 --> 00:03:44,124 competing, 160 00:03:44,224 --> 00:03:46,126 and there are 161 00:03:44,224 --> 00:03:46,126 a ton of teens out here 162 00:03:46,226 --> 00:03:47,994 that are half my age. 163 00:03:48,940 --> 00:03:50,397 And most people, they kind 164 00:03:48,940 --> 00:03:50,397 of peak when they're younger. 165 00:03:50,497 --> 00:03:52,332 [buzzer blares] 166 00:03:53,700 --> 00:03:56,102 But it seems like 167 00:03:53,700 --> 00:03:56,102 I'm doing the opposite. 168 00:03:56,202 --> 00:03:58,204 - He's telling 169 00:03:56,202 --> 00:03:58,204 these young folks 170 00:03:58,304 --> 00:03:59,773 respect your elders. 171 00:03:59,873 --> 00:04:02,876 - I've really started 172 00:03:59,873 --> 00:04:02,876 to excel as I've gotten older. 173 00:04:03,430 --> 00:04:06,880 - Yeah! 174 00:04:03,430 --> 00:04:06,880 - Take that! 175 00:04:07,470 --> 00:04:09,482 - I've cleared every 176 00:04:07,470 --> 00:04:09,482 qualifying and extended course 177 00:04:09,582 --> 00:04:12,352 since season ten, 178 00:04:09,582 --> 00:04:12,352 but I still have not hit 179 00:04:12,452 --> 00:04:14,454 the buzzer 180 00:04:12,452 --> 00:04:14,454 at the end of Stage 1 181 00:04:14,554 --> 00:04:15,789 in the national finals. 182 00:04:15,889 --> 00:04:17,791 One year, 183 00:04:15,889 --> 00:04:17,791 I failed the second obstacle. 184 00:04:17,891 --> 00:04:19,192 - No! 185 00:04:17,891 --> 00:04:19,192 - No! 186 00:04:19,292 --> 00:04:20,894 - One year, 187 00:04:19,292 --> 00:04:20,894 I failed the third obstacle. 188 00:04:21,610 --> 00:04:23,263 - Whoa! 189 00:04:21,610 --> 00:04:23,263 - Whoa, whoa! No! 190 00:04:23,363 --> 00:04:25,899 - And I even failed 191 00:04:23,363 --> 00:04:25,899 the Warped Wall one year. 192 00:04:26,660 --> 00:04:27,300 [buzzer blaring] 193 00:04:27,400 --> 00:04:29,936 - Time runs out. 194 00:04:30,700 --> 00:04:31,905 - I don't know what it is-- 195 00:04:30,700 --> 00:04:31,905 it might be nerves. 196 00:04:32,720 --> 00:04:34,174 Vegas, you know, 197 00:04:32,720 --> 00:04:34,174 it's a big stage. 198 00:04:34,274 --> 00:04:36,309 This year, I've really focused 199 00:04:34,274 --> 00:04:36,309 my training 200 00:04:36,409 --> 00:04:39,612 on doing a lot trickier, 201 00:04:36,409 --> 00:04:39,612 more intricate things. 202 00:04:39,713 --> 00:04:41,748 I'm feeling 203 00:04:39,713 --> 00:04:41,748 a lot more well-rounded. 204 00:04:41,848 --> 00:04:43,183 I'm feeling good. 205 00:04:43,283 --> 00:04:44,818 The drought is gonna 206 00:04:43,283 --> 00:04:44,818 end tonight. 207 00:04:44,918 --> 00:04:47,387 I'm hitting a buzzer. 208 00:04:47,487 --> 00:04:49,422 [cheering and applause] 209 00:04:49,522 --> 00:04:52,926 - He's overdue on Stage 1. 210 00:04:49,522 --> 00:04:52,926 Maybe tonight's the night. 211 00:04:53,930 --> 00:04:55,462 - He's got lots of supporters, 212 00:04:53,930 --> 00:04:55,462 including his parents 213 00:04:55,562 --> 00:04:58,980 back in South Carolina. 214 00:04:58,131 --> 00:05:00,233 And on the sidelines, 215 00:04:58,131 --> 00:05:00,233 Brett's wife, Grace, 216 00:05:00,333 --> 00:05:02,635 who's also a Ninja competitor. 217 00:05:02,736 --> 00:05:04,838 Along with Ninja legend, 218 00:05:02,736 --> 00:05:04,838 Ryan Statis 219 00:05:04,938 --> 00:05:07,474 and Brett's training partner, 220 00:05:04,938 --> 00:05:07,474 Bob Reese. 221 00:05:07,574 --> 00:05:10,210 The stripes on his arm, 222 00:05:07,574 --> 00:05:10,210 one for every year 223 00:05:10,310 --> 00:05:11,244 he's competed. 224 00:05:11,344 --> 00:05:13,380 [countdown clock beeping] 225 00:05:13,480 --> 00:05:15,882 - All right, only 2 minutes 226 00:05:13,480 --> 00:05:15,882 and 45 seconds. 227 00:05:16,490 --> 00:05:17,817 Stage 1 is a sprint. 228 00:05:17,917 --> 00:05:19,185 - Gets through Slide Surfer, 229 00:05:19,285 --> 00:05:22,550 and jumps out 230 00:05:19,285 --> 00:05:22,550 onto the Swinging Blades. 231 00:05:22,155 --> 00:05:24,224 Sims fell on the second 232 00:05:22,155 --> 00:05:24,224 obstacle the last time 233 00:05:24,324 --> 00:05:27,160 he was in Vegas, but gets 234 00:05:24,324 --> 00:05:27,160 through it quickly tonight. 235 00:05:27,260 --> 00:05:30,296 [cheering and applause] 236 00:05:27,260 --> 00:05:30,296 - [howling] 237 00:05:30,397 --> 00:05:32,565 - Bob Reese likes that. 238 00:05:32,665 --> 00:05:34,668 - Brett and Bob run 239 00:05:32,665 --> 00:05:34,668 a Ninja gym together 240 00:05:34,768 --> 00:05:36,236 in South Carolina. 241 00:05:36,336 --> 00:05:39,172 Sims bracing himself 242 00:05:36,336 --> 00:05:39,172 for Double Dipper. 243 00:05:39,272 --> 00:05:41,841 Fell on this 244 00:05:39,272 --> 00:05:41,841 back in season ten, Akbar. 245 00:05:41,941 --> 00:05:44,911 - Here we go. 246 00:05:41,941 --> 00:05:44,911 - Whoa, nearly missed it! 247 00:05:45,780 --> 00:05:46,780 What a great save. 248 00:05:46,880 --> 00:05:48,615 Stratis holding his heart. 249 00:05:48,715 --> 00:05:50,950 He knows how close 250 00:05:48,715 --> 00:05:50,950 that was to disaster. 251 00:05:51,840 --> 00:05:52,185 Let's take a look 252 00:05:51,840 --> 00:05:52,185 at that again. 253 00:05:52,285 --> 00:05:53,920 - So watch as he comes down. 254 00:05:54,870 --> 00:05:56,289 His left hand missed 255 00:05:54,870 --> 00:05:56,289 that bar completely, 256 00:05:56,389 --> 00:05:58,792 and the left side is 257 00:05:56,389 --> 00:05:58,792 way out in front. 258 00:05:58,892 --> 00:06:00,627 Boy, he is lucky he saved it. 259 00:06:00,727 --> 00:06:02,896 He gave Stratis a scare 260 00:06:00,727 --> 00:06:02,896 right there. 261 00:06:03,290 --> 00:06:05,198 - Up next, 262 00:06:03,290 --> 00:06:05,198 the Jumping Spider 263 00:06:05,298 --> 00:06:07,934 for the 5'6" Sims. 264 00:06:08,340 --> 00:06:09,602 - Nice. Great stick. 265 00:06:08,340 --> 00:06:09,602 - Great job. 266 00:06:09,703 --> 00:06:11,905 - That was nice. 267 00:06:09,703 --> 00:06:11,905 - Really locked it in. 268 00:06:12,380 --> 00:06:13,406 - And he's having 269 00:06:12,380 --> 00:06:13,406 a great season. 270 00:06:13,506 --> 00:06:15,842 Hit buzzers in qualifying 271 00:06:13,506 --> 00:06:15,842 and in semi-finals, 272 00:06:15,942 --> 00:06:17,344 which is why 273 00:06:15,942 --> 00:06:17,344 it's so surprising 274 00:06:17,444 --> 00:06:20,246 he's never finished Stage 1. 275 00:06:20,347 --> 00:06:22,482 - Yes, that's great. 276 00:06:20,347 --> 00:06:22,482 You've got it. 277 00:06:22,582 --> 00:06:24,500 - Little over a minute 278 00:06:22,582 --> 00:06:24,500 and a half left. 279 00:06:24,840 --> 00:06:26,519 Ready for the fifth obstacle, 280 00:06:24,840 --> 00:06:26,519 Tire Run. 281 00:06:26,619 --> 00:06:28,355 - You know, come on. 282 00:06:26,619 --> 00:06:28,355 Nice. 283 00:06:28,455 --> 00:06:29,589 Nice rotation. 284 00:06:29,689 --> 00:06:31,191 - Those first four tires 285 00:06:29,689 --> 00:06:31,191 are fixed. 286 00:06:31,291 --> 00:06:32,692 It's this one that spins. 287 00:06:32,792 --> 00:06:34,961 Really gotta control 288 00:06:32,792 --> 00:06:34,961 your foot placement. 289 00:06:35,610 --> 00:06:37,630 - It's that big spare 290 00:06:35,610 --> 00:06:37,630 right there, nice. 291 00:06:37,731 --> 00:06:40,367 - And Brett Sims, 292 00:06:37,731 --> 00:06:40,367 an efficient run. 293 00:06:40,467 --> 00:06:41,935 - Matt, 294 00:06:40,467 --> 00:06:41,935 he wants to get to Stage 2. 295 00:06:42,680 --> 00:06:45,638 He's like, come on, man. 296 00:06:42,680 --> 00:06:45,638 - Never done it in his career. 297 00:06:45,739 --> 00:06:47,841 - Go, Brett! 298 00:06:45,739 --> 00:06:47,841 You got it! 299 00:06:47,941 --> 00:06:52,645 - Now facing the Warped Wall 300 00:06:47,941 --> 00:06:52,645 with the shortened run-up. 301 00:06:52,746 --> 00:06:54,647 Down to a minute left. 302 00:06:52,746 --> 00:06:54,647 - The one thing missing from-- 303 00:06:54,748 --> 00:06:55,715 - Oh! 304 00:06:54,748 --> 00:06:55,715 - Ooh. 305 00:06:55,815 --> 00:06:57,317 - Come on! 306 00:06:55,815 --> 00:06:57,317 - All right, you got it! 307 00:06:57,417 --> 00:06:59,519 - Come on, get that wall now. 308 00:06:57,417 --> 00:06:59,519 - Now a little urgency. 309 00:06:59,619 --> 00:07:02,122 - Here he goes, boost you up. 310 00:06:59,619 --> 00:07:02,122 - But now he gets it. 311 00:07:02,222 --> 00:07:04,591 And he'll face Split Decision. 312 00:07:04,691 --> 00:07:07,394 And he hits the button 313 00:07:04,691 --> 00:07:07,394 that activates the High Road, 314 00:07:07,494 --> 00:07:08,862 the faster option, 315 00:07:09,290 --> 00:07:10,463 but now looks like 316 00:07:09,290 --> 00:07:10,463 he's changed his mind. 317 00:07:10,563 --> 00:07:11,898 - He's going 318 00:07:10,563 --> 00:07:11,898 with the Fly Hooks. 319 00:07:12,320 --> 00:07:14,340 - Yeah, but he's only got 320 00:07:12,320 --> 00:07:14,340 40 seconds, Matt. 321 00:07:14,670 --> 00:07:16,369 - He's gotta hustle. 322 00:07:14,670 --> 00:07:16,369 - Fast! 323 00:07:16,469 --> 00:07:19,572 - First, gotta get 324 00:07:16,469 --> 00:07:19,572 across Dipping Birds. 325 00:07:19,673 --> 00:07:20,940 And he does it. 326 00:07:21,410 --> 00:07:21,941 - Come on, Brett, 327 00:07:21,410 --> 00:07:21,941 don't slow down. 328 00:07:22,420 --> 00:07:23,243 - Fast! 329 00:07:23,343 --> 00:07:25,211 - His sideline's starting 330 00:07:23,343 --> 00:07:25,211 to get nervous. 331 00:07:25,311 --> 00:07:29,490 He's cutting it very close 332 00:07:25,311 --> 00:07:29,490 as he starts on Fly Hooks. 333 00:07:29,820 --> 00:07:30,784 - You gotta land this one 334 00:07:29,820 --> 00:07:30,784 right now. 335 00:07:30,884 --> 00:07:33,687 - Oh, no! 336 00:07:30,884 --> 00:07:33,687 - Oh, he had the snatch-back! 337 00:07:33,787 --> 00:07:36,523 - And that was the nightmare, 338 00:07:33,787 --> 00:07:36,523 that's the problem. 339 00:07:36,623 --> 00:07:39,492 15 seconds, he needs 340 00:07:36,623 --> 00:07:39,492 a high transfer onto this net. 341 00:07:39,592 --> 00:07:41,610 - I don't know 342 00:07:39,592 --> 00:07:41,610 if he can recover, 343 00:07:41,161 --> 00:07:42,462 he's taking too many swings. 344 00:07:41,161 --> 00:07:42,462 - That's too many swings. 345 00:07:42,562 --> 00:07:43,930 - He's gotta go. 346 00:07:42,562 --> 00:07:43,930 - What a nightmare. 347 00:07:44,640 --> 00:07:46,966 This could be another swing. 348 00:07:44,640 --> 00:07:46,966 - Oh, no! Why? 349 00:07:47,670 --> 00:07:49,102 Swing up! 350 00:07:47,670 --> 00:07:49,102 - Akbar-- 351 00:07:49,202 --> 00:07:52,720 - Three, two, one. 352 00:07:49,202 --> 00:07:52,720 Sha-na-na! 353 00:07:52,172 --> 00:07:53,373 [buzzer blares] 354 00:07:53,473 --> 00:07:55,942 - So close 355 00:07:53,473 --> 00:07:55,942 to his first Stage 1 buzzer. 356 00:07:56,760 --> 00:07:59,412 - Brett Sims didn't have 357 00:07:56,760 --> 00:07:59,412 the urgency in his pace, 358 00:07:59,512 --> 00:08:01,748 and it cost him dearly. 359 00:08:01,848 --> 00:08:03,383 - He coulda gone 360 00:08:01,848 --> 00:08:03,383 on the second swing. 361 00:08:03,483 --> 00:08:05,185 - He could've. 362 00:08:06,860 --> 00:08:09,756 - Wow, he could've tried 363 00:08:06,860 --> 00:08:09,756 the fast route with High Road, 364 00:08:09,856 --> 00:08:12,926 but he let it go by 365 00:08:09,856 --> 00:08:12,926 and took his time, 366 00:08:13,260 --> 00:08:15,295 and then got caught up 367 00:08:13,260 --> 00:08:15,295 on Fly Hooks. 368 00:08:15,395 --> 00:08:19,366 He took too many swings, 369 00:08:15,395 --> 00:08:19,366 and time ran out. 370 00:08:19,466 --> 00:08:22,369 - And the Stage 1 buzzer 371 00:08:19,466 --> 00:08:22,369 eludes Brett Sims 372 00:08:22,469 --> 00:08:24,871 once again. 373 00:08:25,380 --> 00:08:28,208 Tonight, 374 00:08:25,380 --> 00:08:28,208 some will find glory. 375 00:08:28,308 --> 00:08:30,760 - Oh, my goodness! 376 00:08:30,176 --> 00:08:32,479 - And some will find 377 00:08:30,176 --> 00:08:32,479 heartbreak. 378 00:08:32,579 --> 00:08:34,314 - No! 379 00:08:32,579 --> 00:08:34,314 - No! 380 00:08:34,414 --> 00:08:36,416 - As our remaining 381 00:08:34,414 --> 00:08:36,416 Ninja all-stars 382 00:08:36,516 --> 00:08:38,451 take on Stage 1. 383 00:08:38,551 --> 00:08:41,540 - Come on! 384 00:08:38,551 --> 00:08:41,540 I am entertained. 385 00:08:41,870 --> 00:08:43,656 - Then we're dropping 386 00:08:41,870 --> 00:08:43,656 the hammer. 387 00:08:43,757 --> 00:08:45,859 - No! 388 00:08:43,757 --> 00:08:45,859 Oh, he got ejected. 389 00:08:45,959 --> 00:08:48,728 - On the all-new Stage 2. 390 00:08:45,959 --> 00:08:48,728 - Whoo! 391 00:08:48,828 --> 00:08:52,365 - As we move a step 392 00:08:48,828 --> 00:08:52,365 closer to a million dollars. 393 00:08:52,465 --> 00:08:53,667 - Let's go! 394 00:09:00,173 --> 00:09:00,306 . 395 00:09:01,474 --> 00:09:02,776 - Welcome back to Night 2 396 00:09:04,100 --> 00:09:05,779 of "American Ninja Warrior's" 397 00:09:04,100 --> 00:09:05,779 national finals. 398 00:09:05,879 --> 00:09:09,449 Moments ago, fashion designer 399 00:09:05,879 --> 00:09:09,449 Brittney Durant, came to Vegas 400 00:09:09,549 --> 00:09:12,318 wearing another one 401 00:09:09,549 --> 00:09:12,318 of her original outfits. 402 00:09:12,419 --> 00:09:14,587 - Okay, I see you. 403 00:09:12,419 --> 00:09:14,587 I like that. 404 00:09:14,688 --> 00:09:15,755 - You got this! 405 00:09:14,688 --> 00:09:15,755 - The 20-year-old 406 00:09:15,855 --> 00:09:17,424 from Vacaville, California 407 00:09:17,524 --> 00:09:19,250 rumbled 408 00:09:17,524 --> 00:09:19,250 through the first obstacle. 409 00:09:19,125 --> 00:09:20,827 - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, 410 00:09:19,125 --> 00:09:20,827 whoa, whoa, whoa! 411 00:09:20,927 --> 00:09:22,162 - But the former cheerleader 412 00:09:22,262 --> 00:09:24,970 came up short 413 00:09:22,262 --> 00:09:24,970 on the Swinging Blade. 414 00:09:24,197 --> 00:09:27,400 - Whoa! 415 00:09:24,197 --> 00:09:27,400 Airball. 416 00:09:27,500 --> 00:09:31,571 - Kinda disappointed in myself, 417 00:09:27,500 --> 00:09:31,571 but, I mean, I made it here, 418 00:09:31,671 --> 00:09:33,707 so hopefully 419 00:09:31,671 --> 00:09:33,707 redemption next year. 420 00:09:33,807 --> 00:09:36,509 - Connecticut's Dan Champagne 421 00:09:33,807 --> 00:09:36,509 brought the bubbly 422 00:09:36,609 --> 00:09:38,345 to celebrate 423 00:09:36,609 --> 00:09:38,345 his first appearance 424 00:09:38,445 --> 00:09:39,446 at the national finals. 425 00:09:39,546 --> 00:09:41,114 - Whoo! 426 00:09:39,546 --> 00:09:41,114 - Oh, got the bottle. 427 00:09:41,214 --> 00:09:42,615 Got the bottle. 428 00:09:42,716 --> 00:09:44,551 - The 32-year-old 429 00:09:42,716 --> 00:09:44,551 financial planner 430 00:09:44,651 --> 00:09:47,921 got off to a rocky start. 431 00:09:44,651 --> 00:09:47,921 - Whoo-hoo! Okay. 432 00:09:48,540 --> 00:09:50,900 He might be a little dizzy 433 00:09:48,540 --> 00:09:50,900 after that hit. 434 00:09:50,190 --> 00:09:51,791 - But the rookie rebounded 435 00:09:51,891 --> 00:09:53,560 and with his family 436 00:09:51,891 --> 00:09:53,560 and good friend 437 00:09:53,660 --> 00:09:56,863 Julius Ferguson watching, 438 00:09:53,660 --> 00:09:56,863 Champagne got it going, 439 00:09:56,963 --> 00:09:59,566 and made a fingertip save 440 00:09:56,963 --> 00:09:59,566 on Double Dipper. 441 00:09:59,666 --> 00:10:02,350 - He is so lucky on that one. 442 00:10:02,135 --> 00:10:05,505 - Then the 6'2" Champagne 443 00:10:02,135 --> 00:10:05,505 took on Jumping Spider. 444 00:10:05,605 --> 00:10:08,274 - Oh--oh, no! 445 00:10:05,605 --> 00:10:08,274 - Oh, no! 446 00:10:08,375 --> 00:10:11,110 And his impressive season 447 00:10:08,375 --> 00:10:11,110 came to an end. 448 00:10:11,111 --> 00:10:14,814 Champagne goes flat 449 00:10:11,111 --> 00:10:14,814 on the Jumping Spider. 450 00:10:14,914 --> 00:10:17,717 Our next athlete is 451 00:10:14,914 --> 00:10:17,717 20 years younger 452 00:10:17,817 --> 00:10:19,386 than some 453 00:10:17,817 --> 00:10:19,386 of the other competitors. 454 00:10:19,486 --> 00:10:21,921 It's Enzo DeFerrari Wilson. 455 00:10:22,220 --> 00:10:24,824 He's just a few weeks 456 00:10:22,220 --> 00:10:24,824 past his 15th birthday, 457 00:10:24,924 --> 00:10:27,927 and he is the youngest 458 00:10:24,924 --> 00:10:27,927 ever to take on Stage 1. 459 00:10:29,696 --> 00:10:32,766 - 2 minutes and 45 seconds, 460 00:10:29,696 --> 00:10:32,766 time is ticking. 461 00:10:32,866 --> 00:10:34,401 - Stage 1 is all about speed. 462 00:10:34,501 --> 00:10:36,236 - Gotta pick 463 00:10:34,501 --> 00:10:36,236 up the pace there! 464 00:10:36,336 --> 00:10:37,704 - But I'm a fast ninja. 465 00:10:37,804 --> 00:10:40,440 - Go, go, go, go, go, go! 466 00:10:37,804 --> 00:10:40,440 Yes! 467 00:10:40,540 --> 00:10:43,430 - Since I competed in LA, 468 00:10:40,540 --> 00:10:43,430 I got my driver's permit. 469 00:10:44,544 --> 00:10:46,379 Sometimes, I'll be driving 470 00:10:44,544 --> 00:10:46,379 where the speed limit's 25, 471 00:10:46,479 --> 00:10:47,380 and I'll look 472 00:10:46,479 --> 00:10:47,380 at my speedometer, 473 00:10:47,480 --> 00:10:48,882 and it'll say almost 40. 474 00:10:48,982 --> 00:10:52,180 And I'll be like, whoa, gotta 475 00:10:48,982 --> 00:10:52,180 take that back a little bit. 476 00:10:52,118 --> 00:10:54,287 I've had my boating license 477 00:10:52,118 --> 00:10:54,287 for a while, 478 00:10:54,387 --> 00:10:56,623 and I love going fast 479 00:10:54,387 --> 00:10:56,623 on the water. 480 00:10:56,723 --> 00:10:57,657 Whenever we do 481 00:10:56,723 --> 00:10:57,657 go to the beach, 482 00:10:57,757 --> 00:10:59,590 I'll always have 483 00:10:57,757 --> 00:10:59,590 my fun and stuff, 484 00:10:59,159 --> 00:11:00,927 but I'll also set aside 485 00:10:59,159 --> 00:11:00,927 a time 486 00:11:01,610 --> 00:11:03,930 to clean up trash. 487 00:11:04,640 --> 00:11:05,565 If the plastics get 488 00:11:04,640 --> 00:11:05,565 into the ocean, 489 00:11:05,665 --> 00:11:07,567 sometimes the fish can feel 490 00:11:05,665 --> 00:11:07,567 like they're full 491 00:11:07,667 --> 00:11:08,635 if they eat the microplastics. 492 00:11:08,735 --> 00:11:09,636 And they could die 493 00:11:08,735 --> 00:11:09,636 because they have 494 00:11:09,736 --> 00:11:12,138 no actual substance in them. 495 00:11:12,238 --> 00:11:13,873 I've been doing 496 00:11:12,238 --> 00:11:13,873 ocean conservation work 497 00:11:13,973 --> 00:11:15,842 ever since I was six years old, 498 00:11:13,973 --> 00:11:15,842 when I went 499 00:11:15,942 --> 00:11:17,143 to my first beach cleanup. 500 00:11:17,243 --> 00:11:19,512 But I started my organization, 501 00:11:17,243 --> 00:11:19,512 O.N.E., 502 00:11:19,612 --> 00:11:22,820 or Ocean Needs Everyone, 503 00:11:19,612 --> 00:11:22,820 when I was 12 years old. 504 00:11:22,148 --> 00:11:25,185 One of the motivations for me 505 00:11:22,148 --> 00:11:25,185 continuing in this competition 506 00:11:25,285 --> 00:11:26,619 is that the longer I go, 507 00:11:26,720 --> 00:11:28,355 the more stages 508 00:11:26,720 --> 00:11:28,355 I'm able to complete, 509 00:11:28,455 --> 00:11:30,900 the more I'm able 510 00:11:28,455 --> 00:11:30,900 to spread my message 511 00:11:30,123 --> 00:11:31,958 of ocean conservation 512 00:11:30,123 --> 00:11:31,958 and saving the ocean, 513 00:11:32,920 --> 00:11:34,294 the more we can make 514 00:11:32,920 --> 00:11:34,294 a difference. 515 00:11:34,394 --> 00:11:36,329 It's just a beautiful thing. 516 00:11:36,429 --> 00:11:38,398 * 517 00:11:38,498 --> 00:11:39,699 Yeah! 518 00:11:39,799 --> 00:11:41,368 Love you guys! 519 00:11:39,799 --> 00:11:41,368 Gonna hit that buzzer! 520 00:11:41,468 --> 00:11:43,103 - Enzo's got a big group 521 00:11:41,468 --> 00:11:43,103 of friends 522 00:11:43,169 --> 00:11:44,571 and family cheering him on 523 00:11:44,671 --> 00:11:45,972 from home in Florida. 524 00:11:46,106 --> 00:11:47,807 - Go, Enzo! 525 00:11:46,106 --> 00:11:47,807 - On the sidelines, 526 00:11:47,907 --> 00:11:51,311 he's got his proud parents 527 00:11:47,907 --> 00:11:51,311 and his sister Valentina, 528 00:11:51,411 --> 00:11:53,213 as well as a couple 529 00:11:51,411 --> 00:11:53,213 of his training partners, 530 00:11:53,313 --> 00:11:55,515 R.J. Roman 531 00:11:53,313 --> 00:11:55,515 and Elijah Browning. 532 00:11:55,615 --> 00:11:57,384 [countdown clock beeping] 533 00:11:57,484 --> 00:11:58,718 - He's pumped up. 534 00:11:58,818 --> 00:12:00,320 He's ready to go. 535 00:11:58,818 --> 00:12:00,320 - Well, we him saw on 536 00:12:00,420 --> 00:12:01,388 "American 537 00:12:00,420 --> 00:12:01,388 Ninja Warrior Junior." 538 00:12:01,488 --> 00:12:02,589 - Whoa, okay! 539 00:12:02,689 --> 00:12:04,570 - That was 540 00:12:02,689 --> 00:12:04,570 a couple of years ago. 541 00:12:04,900 --> 00:12:05,492 This season, he's moved up 542 00:12:04,900 --> 00:12:05,492 to the big course 543 00:12:05,592 --> 00:12:07,193 and has been impressive. 544 00:12:07,293 --> 00:12:10,430 Got a buzzer 545 00:12:07,293 --> 00:12:10,430 back in qualifying. 546 00:12:10,530 --> 00:12:12,265 - He can feel the electricity 547 00:12:10,530 --> 00:12:12,265 in the air. 548 00:12:12,365 --> 00:12:14,200 We've got the fans 549 00:12:12,365 --> 00:12:14,200 back out here, 550 00:12:14,300 --> 00:12:15,301 cheering him on. 551 00:12:15,402 --> 00:12:17,570 A lot of energy here tonight. 552 00:12:17,671 --> 00:12:18,738 Nice! 553 00:12:18,838 --> 00:12:20,573 [cheering and applause] 554 00:12:20,674 --> 00:12:23,443 - 5'8", stepping up 555 00:12:20,674 --> 00:12:23,443 to try Double Dipper. 556 00:12:23,543 --> 00:12:25,478 This is intimidating 557 00:12:23,543 --> 00:12:25,478 your first time down 558 00:12:25,578 --> 00:12:27,414 this roller-coaster of a ride. 559 00:12:27,514 --> 00:12:30,483 - He's 130 pounds, 560 00:12:27,514 --> 00:12:30,483 so he might feel this one 561 00:12:30,583 --> 00:12:32,886 coming in hot. 562 00:12:30,583 --> 00:12:32,886 - Smooth. 563 00:12:32,986 --> 00:12:34,254 - Nice! 564 00:12:34,354 --> 00:12:35,855 [cheering and applause] 565 00:12:35,955 --> 00:12:37,791 - But up next is 566 00:12:35,955 --> 00:12:37,791 the Jumping Spider. 567 00:12:37,891 --> 00:12:40,193 This took out seven ninjas 568 00:12:37,891 --> 00:12:40,193 last week, 569 00:12:40,293 --> 00:12:41,761 more than any other obstacle. 570 00:12:41,861 --> 00:12:44,764 - Good power inside, 571 00:12:41,861 --> 00:12:44,764 on top of that trampoline. 572 00:12:44,864 --> 00:12:46,700 - Gotta go down 573 00:12:44,864 --> 00:12:46,700 below that red bar. 574 00:12:46,800 --> 00:12:48,101 - You got it! 575 00:12:48,201 --> 00:12:50,103 - And you can see 576 00:12:48,201 --> 00:12:50,103 just how tentative he is, 577 00:12:50,203 --> 00:12:51,871 doesn't want to make 578 00:12:50,203 --> 00:12:51,871 a mistake here. 579 00:12:51,971 --> 00:12:55,508 I like it, slow down, 580 00:12:51,971 --> 00:12:55,508 make sure you don't fall, 581 00:12:55,608 --> 00:12:56,776 Jumping Spider. 582 00:12:56,876 --> 00:12:58,144 - That's right, 583 00:12:56,876 --> 00:12:58,144 he's getting up high. 584 00:12:58,244 --> 00:12:59,746 Now big drop. 585 00:12:58,244 --> 00:12:59,746 - Great job. 586 00:12:59,846 --> 00:13:03,490 [cheering and applause] 587 00:13:03,830 --> 00:13:04,551 Ready for Tire Run. 588 00:13:04,651 --> 00:13:08,254 Has a little over 589 00:13:04,651 --> 00:13:08,254 a minute and a half left. 590 00:13:08,355 --> 00:13:09,923 - Oh, oh, oh! 591 00:13:08,355 --> 00:13:09,923 Nice balance! 592 00:13:10,560 --> 00:13:12,959 - Lost his balance 593 00:13:10,560 --> 00:13:12,959 but saved himself. 594 00:13:13,590 --> 00:13:15,128 That's totally legal 595 00:13:13,590 --> 00:13:15,128 and a smart move 596 00:13:15,228 --> 00:13:16,529 by the rookie. 597 00:13:16,629 --> 00:13:19,699 Good save there, 598 00:13:16,629 --> 00:13:19,699 but this tire spins. 599 00:13:19,799 --> 00:13:21,601 Gotta be precise 600 00:13:19,799 --> 00:13:21,601 with the foot placement, 601 00:13:21,701 --> 00:13:23,690 and his heart's 602 00:13:21,701 --> 00:13:23,690 gotta be racing. 603 00:13:23,103 --> 00:13:24,971 - It won't be as forgiving, 604 00:13:23,103 --> 00:13:24,971 Matt. 605 00:13:25,710 --> 00:13:26,906 With the rotation on this one, 606 00:13:25,710 --> 00:13:26,906 he's gotta hit it. 607 00:13:27,730 --> 00:13:29,242 Nice. 608 00:13:27,730 --> 00:13:29,242 - Got it! Good catch. 609 00:13:29,342 --> 00:13:31,678 - Well, he's having 610 00:13:29,342 --> 00:13:31,678 to work for it on Tire Run. 611 00:13:31,778 --> 00:13:35,810 [cheering and applause] 612 00:13:35,115 --> 00:13:36,683 That's gotta have 613 00:13:35,115 --> 00:13:36,683 his heart going, Akbar. 614 00:13:36,783 --> 00:13:38,151 - He needs to get going. 615 00:13:38,251 --> 00:13:39,819 He's gotta get 616 00:13:38,251 --> 00:13:39,819 a little electric charge now. 617 00:13:39,919 --> 00:13:41,621 Oh, little slip, 618 00:13:39,919 --> 00:13:41,621 but recovered. 619 00:13:41,721 --> 00:13:43,823 - You can see that 620 00:13:41,721 --> 00:13:43,823 the traction is a challenge. 621 00:13:43,923 --> 00:13:45,759 Looks like he's just gonna 622 00:13:43,923 --> 00:13:45,759 skip High Road. 623 00:13:45,859 --> 00:13:47,694 - Well, 54 seconds left 624 00:13:45,859 --> 00:13:47,694 on the clock, Matt, 625 00:13:47,794 --> 00:13:48,695 he's gotta go now. 626 00:13:48,795 --> 00:13:51,197 - Go, Enz! 627 00:13:51,297 --> 00:13:53,433 - Right through Dipping Birds. 628 00:13:53,533 --> 00:13:55,368 His only choice is Fly Hooks. 629 00:13:55,468 --> 00:13:57,937 Watch the ring. 630 00:13:55,468 --> 00:13:57,937 You gotta kip it up and out. 631 00:13:58,104 --> 00:14:00,440 Gotta get it off the hook 632 00:13:58,104 --> 00:14:00,440 before you try to advance it 633 00:14:00,540 --> 00:14:02,420 to the next one. 634 00:14:02,108 --> 00:14:03,710 - Oh, no! 635 00:14:02,108 --> 00:14:03,710 He's gotta get up. 636 00:14:03,810 --> 00:14:05,178 Charge up! 637 00:14:05,278 --> 00:14:06,346 - A little bit different move 638 00:14:05,278 --> 00:14:06,346 for some of 639 00:14:06,446 --> 00:14:07,881 these younger ninjas-- 640 00:14:06,446 --> 00:14:07,881 - Nice! 641 00:14:08,480 --> 00:14:10,500 - He saw the height 642 00:14:08,480 --> 00:14:10,500 on that second one, made sure. 643 00:14:10,830 --> 00:14:11,918 - Let's go! 644 00:14:12,520 --> 00:14:13,286 - Oh, Matt, I think 645 00:14:12,520 --> 00:14:13,286 he's starting to feel 646 00:14:13,386 --> 00:14:15,655 a little bit of 647 00:14:13,386 --> 00:14:15,655 that intensity, that fatigue. 648 00:14:15,755 --> 00:14:18,191 - The cargo net 649 00:14:15,755 --> 00:14:18,191 can eat up a lot of time. 650 00:14:18,291 --> 00:14:20,727 He needs to swing up 651 00:14:18,291 --> 00:14:20,727 and land high on the net. 652 00:14:20,827 --> 00:14:22,620 - Don't doubt yourself now, 653 00:14:20,827 --> 00:14:22,620 you're too close! 654 00:14:22,162 --> 00:14:23,229 - Gotta get up high, 655 00:14:22,162 --> 00:14:23,229 get up high! 656 00:14:23,329 --> 00:14:25,298 - Go for it! Nice! 657 00:14:23,329 --> 00:14:25,298 - Nice transfer. 658 00:14:25,398 --> 00:14:27,267 - Way to stay calm 659 00:14:25,398 --> 00:14:27,267 under duress. 660 00:14:27,367 --> 00:14:30,337 - But it is not over-- 661 00:14:27,367 --> 00:14:30,337 that clock is ticking down. 662 00:14:30,437 --> 00:14:32,105 - Uh-oh, he's starting 663 00:14:30,437 --> 00:14:32,105 to see them red lights. 664 00:14:32,205 --> 00:14:33,306 Them red light's the devil. 665 00:14:33,406 --> 00:14:34,674 The red light 666 00:14:33,406 --> 00:14:34,674 doesn't mean stop. 667 00:14:34,774 --> 00:14:36,276 That red light means go. 668 00:14:34,774 --> 00:14:36,276 - Four seconds! 669 00:14:36,376 --> 00:14:39,790 - Three, two--yes! 670 00:14:36,376 --> 00:14:39,790 - Oh, my! 671 00:14:39,145 --> 00:14:41,981 [cheering and applause] 672 00:14:42,820 --> 00:14:44,551 [screaming] 673 00:14:44,651 --> 00:14:47,921 - At 15 years, 2 months, 674 00:14:44,651 --> 00:14:47,921 and 5 days, 675 00:14:48,880 --> 00:14:50,957 we have a new youngest ever 676 00:14:48,880 --> 00:14:50,957 to hit a buzzer 677 00:14:51,910 --> 00:14:53,626 on Stage 1. 678 00:14:51,910 --> 00:14:53,626 - Let's go! 679 00:14:53,727 --> 00:14:56,796 - [chuckles] 680 00:14:53,727 --> 00:14:56,796 Oh, man. 681 00:14:56,896 --> 00:15:00,467 [cheering] 682 00:15:00,567 --> 00:15:02,435 - There it is! 683 00:15:00,567 --> 00:15:02,435 - Yeah, baby! 684 00:15:02,535 --> 00:15:05,638 - Pointing at Stage 4, 685 00:15:02,535 --> 00:15:05,638 he's calling his shot. 686 00:15:05,739 --> 00:15:07,741 [cheering and applause] 687 00:15:07,841 --> 00:15:11,478 - The youngest ninja in Vegas 688 00:15:07,841 --> 00:15:11,478 pulled off a veteran move 689 00:15:11,578 --> 00:15:14,748 on Tire Run, then stayed 690 00:15:11,578 --> 00:15:14,748 calm on Fly Hooks, 691 00:15:14,848 --> 00:15:16,683 even with the clock 692 00:15:14,848 --> 00:15:16,683 ticking down. 693 00:15:16,783 --> 00:15:19,119 He's got a way to go 694 00:15:16,783 --> 00:15:19,119 before Stage 4, 695 00:15:19,219 --> 00:15:22,288 but Electric Enzo just lit 696 00:15:19,219 --> 00:15:22,288 this course up. 697 00:15:22,389 --> 00:15:24,824 - And he's down with Zuri. 698 00:15:22,389 --> 00:15:24,824 - You did it! Yeah! 699 00:15:24,924 --> 00:15:26,326 - You did it! 700 00:15:26,426 --> 00:15:30,630 - Electric Enzo showing off 701 00:15:26,426 --> 00:15:30,630 your power on the Vegas Strip, 702 00:15:30,960 --> 00:15:31,398 man, come on in here. 703 00:15:31,498 --> 00:15:34,434 You are officially 704 00:15:31,498 --> 00:15:34,434 the youngest ninja ever... 705 00:15:34,534 --> 00:15:36,369 - Yeah! 706 00:15:34,534 --> 00:15:36,369 - To complete Stage 1. 707 00:15:36,469 --> 00:15:38,571 How are you feeling right now? 708 00:15:36,469 --> 00:15:38,571 - Oh, yeah! 709 00:15:38,672 --> 00:15:40,974 - I am feeling amazing. 710 00:15:41,740 --> 00:15:42,876 I know how much work 711 00:15:41,740 --> 00:15:42,876 I put into this, 712 00:15:42,976 --> 00:15:44,244 and this is just the beginning. 713 00:15:44,344 --> 00:15:45,545 Stage 4 is coming. 714 00:15:45,645 --> 00:15:47,414 - Oh, I love it. 715 00:15:45,645 --> 00:15:47,414 Already going to Stage 4. 716 00:15:47,514 --> 00:15:49,282 Well, we will see you 717 00:15:47,514 --> 00:15:49,282 on Stage 2, 718 00:15:49,382 --> 00:15:51,618 and if you have it your way, 719 00:15:49,382 --> 00:15:51,618 Stage 4 also. 720 00:15:51,718 --> 00:15:54,521 Congratulations. 721 00:15:51,718 --> 00:15:54,521 Guys, back to you. 722 00:15:54,621 --> 00:15:56,222 [cheering and applause] 723 00:15:56,322 --> 00:15:59,626 - Yeah, baby, yeah! 724 00:15:56,322 --> 00:15:59,626 Ninja Warrior! 725 00:15:59,726 --> 00:16:02,595 - More ninja super-stars 726 00:15:59,726 --> 00:16:02,595 are just ahead, 727 00:16:02,696 --> 00:16:04,431 including Meagan Martin. 728 00:16:04,531 --> 00:16:06,866 And the Weather Man, 729 00:16:04,531 --> 00:16:06,866 Joe Moravsky, 730 00:16:07,330 --> 00:16:09,135 gets a second chance 731 00:16:07,330 --> 00:16:09,135 at Stage 1. 732 00:16:09,235 --> 00:16:12,380 Plus, we're saddling up 733 00:16:09,235 --> 00:16:12,380 with the Cowboy Ninja, 734 00:16:12,138 --> 00:16:13,206 Lance Pekus. 735 00:16:13,306 --> 00:16:15,575 But we're not riding a horse. 736 00:16:15,675 --> 00:16:18,511 - I'm flying by myself. 737 00:16:15,675 --> 00:16:18,511 Whoo! 738 00:16:25,218 --> 00:16:25,352 . 739 00:16:26,920 --> 00:16:28,388 - Welcome back 740 00:16:26,920 --> 00:16:28,388 to the second night 741 00:16:29,550 --> 00:16:30,560 of the national finals. 742 00:16:30,156 --> 00:16:32,359 We have four stages 743 00:16:30,156 --> 00:16:32,359 here in Vegas. 744 00:16:32,459 --> 00:16:34,260 We'll be heading 745 00:16:32,459 --> 00:16:34,260 to Stage 2 later, 746 00:16:34,361 --> 00:16:37,530 but first, our remaining 747 00:16:34,361 --> 00:16:37,530 ninjas get their shot 748 00:16:37,630 --> 00:16:39,650 at Stage 1. 749 00:16:39,165 --> 00:16:41,501 39-year-old 750 00:16:39,165 --> 00:16:41,501 father of two, Ryan Meeks, 751 00:16:41,601 --> 00:16:43,670 showed he still got 752 00:16:41,601 --> 00:16:43,670 some moves. 753 00:16:43,770 --> 00:16:45,710 - Yeah! 754 00:16:43,770 --> 00:16:45,710 [cheering] 755 00:16:45,171 --> 00:16:46,239 - The night's 756 00:16:45,171 --> 00:16:46,239 oldest competitor 757 00:16:46,339 --> 00:16:47,407 took a slow approach 758 00:16:47,507 --> 00:16:48,641 on Slide Surfer. 759 00:16:48,742 --> 00:16:50,310 - What kinda technique? 760 00:16:50,410 --> 00:16:52,545 - And then took 761 00:16:50,410 --> 00:16:52,545 a few bumps along the way. 762 00:16:52,645 --> 00:16:54,114 - Boom, right on his tush. 763 00:16:54,214 --> 00:16:56,349 - But Meeks is an architect 764 00:16:54,214 --> 00:16:56,349 in Houston 765 00:16:56,449 --> 00:16:58,351 and he had 766 00:16:56,449 --> 00:16:58,351 a blueprint that worked 767 00:16:58,451 --> 00:16:59,719 as he's moving on. 768 00:16:59,819 --> 00:17:01,354 - First time on Stage 1. 769 00:17:01,454 --> 00:17:03,230 Matt, 770 00:17:01,454 --> 00:17:03,230 that was an impressive run. 771 00:17:03,560 --> 00:17:05,392 - Captain NBC, Jamie Rahn, 772 00:17:05,492 --> 00:17:08,128 has been to the national 773 00:17:05,492 --> 00:17:08,128 finals seven times. 774 00:17:08,228 --> 00:17:11,264 Rahn's last run on Stage 1 775 00:17:08,228 --> 00:17:11,264 was a memorable one. 776 00:17:11,364 --> 00:17:13,330 - His right shoe 777 00:17:11,364 --> 00:17:13,330 just popped off. 778 00:17:13,990 --> 00:17:15,301 - He lost his shoe 779 00:17:13,990 --> 00:17:15,301 on the second obstacle 780 00:17:15,402 --> 00:17:18,338 and had to run barefoot, 781 00:17:15,402 --> 00:17:18,338 but still finished. 782 00:17:18,438 --> 00:17:22,420 No shoes, no problem! 783 00:17:22,108 --> 00:17:24,611 - Tonight, 784 00:17:22,108 --> 00:17:24,611 shoes weren't the issue 785 00:17:24,711 --> 00:17:27,147 as Rahn sprinted through 786 00:17:24,711 --> 00:17:27,147 the first seven obstacles. 787 00:17:27,247 --> 00:17:29,215 - I like it, he's putting 788 00:17:27,247 --> 00:17:29,215 the pedal to the metal. 789 00:17:29,315 --> 00:17:30,417 - But on the Fly Hooks, 790 00:17:30,517 --> 00:17:32,318 it was his hands 791 00:17:30,517 --> 00:17:32,318 that let him down. 792 00:17:32,419 --> 00:17:34,870 - Ooh! No! 793 00:17:34,187 --> 00:17:35,655 - The longtime veteran 794 00:17:34,187 --> 00:17:35,655 got hung up 795 00:17:35,755 --> 00:17:37,824 and then lost his grip 796 00:17:35,755 --> 00:17:37,824 on the ring. 797 00:17:37,924 --> 00:17:39,859 - The impact pulled him 798 00:17:37,924 --> 00:17:39,859 right off. 799 00:17:43,730 --> 00:17:46,232 - Her smile can light up 800 00:17:43,730 --> 00:17:46,232 the Vegas Strip, 801 00:17:46,332 --> 00:17:48,868 and Meagan Martin is 802 00:17:46,332 --> 00:17:48,868 back in Las Vegas 803 00:17:48,968 --> 00:17:50,603 for the sixth time. 804 00:17:50,704 --> 00:17:53,606 The model, rock climber, 805 00:17:50,704 --> 00:17:53,606 and Olympic commentator 806 00:17:53,707 --> 00:17:55,241 has had a big year already. 807 00:17:55,342 --> 00:17:57,644 She won the first ever 808 00:17:55,342 --> 00:17:57,644 Women's Championship, 809 00:17:57,744 --> 00:17:59,879 and then, this year, 810 00:17:57,744 --> 00:17:59,879 was the first woman 811 00:18:00,130 --> 00:18:01,815 to hit a buzzer in qualifying. 812 00:18:01,915 --> 00:18:04,170 Now, Meagan's hoping 813 00:18:01,915 --> 00:18:04,170 to join Jessie Graff 814 00:18:04,117 --> 00:18:06,152 and Allyssa Beird 815 00:18:04,117 --> 00:18:06,152 to become the third woman 816 00:18:06,252 --> 00:18:08,388 to hit a Stage 1 buzzer. 817 00:18:06,252 --> 00:18:08,388 - You got this! 818 00:18:08,488 --> 00:18:11,191 - Meagan's mom and dad 819 00:18:08,488 --> 00:18:11,191 watching from Florida. 820 00:18:11,291 --> 00:18:13,593 She's got a group of Ninja 821 00:18:11,291 --> 00:18:13,593 veterans cheering her on 822 00:18:13,693 --> 00:18:15,228 from the sidelines. 823 00:18:15,328 --> 00:18:17,530 - This'll be a great 824 00:18:15,328 --> 00:18:17,530 opportunity for Meagan Martin 825 00:18:17,630 --> 00:18:21,167 to get that elusive 826 00:18:17,630 --> 00:18:21,167 Stage 1 buzzer. 827 00:18:21,267 --> 00:18:23,236 [countdown clock beeps] 828 00:18:23,336 --> 00:18:25,338 - Well, the key is gonna 829 00:18:23,336 --> 00:18:25,338 be efficiency. 830 00:18:25,438 --> 00:18:28,641 No extra swings--oh, no! 831 00:18:25,438 --> 00:18:28,641 both: No! 832 00:18:28,742 --> 00:18:29,642 - [groans] 833 00:18:29,743 --> 00:18:31,778 - But what? 834 00:18:29,743 --> 00:18:31,778 What? 835 00:18:31,878 --> 00:18:34,414 - A stumble 836 00:18:31,878 --> 00:18:34,414 on the first obstacle 837 00:18:34,514 --> 00:18:37,817 takes out the legendary 838 00:18:34,514 --> 00:18:37,817 Meagan Martin. 839 00:18:37,917 --> 00:18:41,788 - Everyone course-side 840 00:18:37,917 --> 00:18:41,788 is in shock. 841 00:18:43,690 --> 00:18:47,227 On the Slide Surfer, 842 00:18:43,690 --> 00:18:47,227 Meagan took the slow approach, 843 00:18:47,327 --> 00:18:50,497 but she got too far forward 844 00:18:47,327 --> 00:18:50,497 on that second one. 845 00:18:50,597 --> 00:18:53,800 And that sent her tumbling 846 00:18:50,597 --> 00:18:53,800 forward into the third slider, 847 00:18:53,900 --> 00:18:57,203 and then right into the water. 848 00:18:53,900 --> 00:18:57,203 Whoa. 849 00:18:57,303 --> 00:18:59,873 - I just slipped. 850 00:18:57,303 --> 00:18:59,873 Don't worry. 851 00:19:00,250 --> 00:19:03,760 I'm--[scoffs] 852 00:19:00,250 --> 00:19:03,760 I mean, whoops. 853 00:19:03,176 --> 00:19:06,120 That happens. 854 00:19:03,176 --> 00:19:06,120 Sorry, everybody. 855 00:19:06,790 --> 00:19:07,847 That's so embarrassing. 856 00:19:08,140 --> 00:19:09,616 - Tough way for her to go out. 857 00:19:09,716 --> 00:19:13,186 But what a reminder, Akbar. 858 00:19:09,716 --> 00:19:13,186 Any ninja, any obstacle, 859 00:19:13,286 --> 00:19:15,689 any time, even Meagan Martin. 860 00:19:15,789 --> 00:19:17,657 Crowd's 861 00:19:15,789 --> 00:19:17,657 a little subdued after that, 862 00:19:17,757 --> 00:19:20,460 but our next ninja will get 863 00:19:17,757 --> 00:19:20,460 them going again. 864 00:19:20,560 --> 00:19:22,896 - Las Vegas, 865 00:19:20,560 --> 00:19:22,896 how we doing, guys? 866 00:19:23,290 --> 00:19:24,497 [cheers and applause] 867 00:19:23,290 --> 00:19:24,497 - This is the Law Ninja, 868 00:19:24,597 --> 00:19:26,833 Fort Worth attorney, 869 00:19:24,597 --> 00:19:26,833 Brian Burkhardt. 870 00:19:26,933 --> 00:19:29,336 And he's got something 871 00:19:26,933 --> 00:19:29,336 important in that briefcase. 872 00:19:29,436 --> 00:19:32,806 - Yeah, it's very valuable. 873 00:19:29,436 --> 00:19:32,806 It's his safety pass. 874 00:19:32,906 --> 00:19:34,708 Now that gives him 875 00:19:32,906 --> 00:19:34,708 a second chance 876 00:19:34,808 --> 00:19:37,177 if he falls on Stage 1 or 2. 877 00:19:38,478 --> 00:19:41,181 - Back in semis, 878 00:19:38,478 --> 00:19:41,181 the Law Ninja earned 879 00:19:41,281 --> 00:19:42,649 a ton of new fans 880 00:19:42,749 --> 00:19:45,285 not only with his shocking 881 00:19:42,749 --> 00:19:45,285 defeat of Daniel Gill 882 00:19:45,385 --> 00:19:47,921 on the Power Tower, which 883 00:19:45,385 --> 00:19:47,921 earned him that safety pass. 884 00:19:48,540 --> 00:19:50,256 - Case dismissed! 885 00:19:50,357 --> 00:19:53,493 - But with his tongue 886 00:19:50,357 --> 00:19:53,493 in cheek 1-800 commercial. 887 00:19:53,593 --> 00:19:56,663 If you want results, 888 00:19:53,593 --> 00:19:56,663 call me, Brian Burkhardt 889 00:19:56,763 --> 00:19:59,650 at 1-800-1LAW-NINJA. 890 00:19:59,132 --> 00:20:01,301 I had a lot of fun filming 891 00:19:59,132 --> 00:20:01,301 that commercial. 892 00:20:01,401 --> 00:20:03,203 It came out amazing. 893 00:20:03,303 --> 00:20:05,209 [coughs] 894 00:20:05,105 --> 00:20:06,840 Cut! Cut! 895 00:20:05,105 --> 00:20:06,840 Cut the smoke. 896 00:20:08,174 --> 00:20:09,576 - Oh, yeah? 897 00:20:09,676 --> 00:20:10,844 But at least once a week, 898 00:20:10,944 --> 00:20:13,913 we're faced 899 00:20:10,944 --> 00:20:13,913 with some unexpected accidents. 900 00:20:14,140 --> 00:20:15,482 Paul, come on, man. 901 00:20:15,582 --> 00:20:19,285 Have you ever tried-- 902 00:20:15,582 --> 00:20:19,285 [laughter] 903 00:20:19,386 --> 00:20:20,854 I lost the card. 904 00:20:20,954 --> 00:20:23,156 Carl lost the card. 905 00:20:23,256 --> 00:20:25,925 It was a lot of fun, 906 00:20:23,256 --> 00:20:25,925 being an actor for the day. 907 00:20:26,260 --> 00:20:28,828 Who knows, some people tell me 908 00:20:26,260 --> 00:20:28,828 I have a face for television. 909 00:20:28,928 --> 00:20:30,597 [wink dings] 910 00:20:30,697 --> 00:20:31,998 [laughter] 911 00:20:32,980 --> 00:20:33,400 Oh, sh-- 912 00:20:33,500 --> 00:20:37,370 Pretty good. 913 00:20:33,500 --> 00:20:37,370 Only took 20 takes, not bad. 914 00:20:37,137 --> 00:20:39,439 - Who says lawyers 915 00:20:37,137 --> 00:20:39,439 aren't any fun? 916 00:20:39,539 --> 00:20:42,208 [countdown clock beeps] 917 00:20:42,308 --> 00:20:44,577 This is 918 00:20:42,308 --> 00:20:44,577 his fourth time on Stage 1. 919 00:20:44,678 --> 00:20:47,147 - Oh, oh, oh, ooh! 920 00:20:44,678 --> 00:20:47,147 - Oh, whoa! 921 00:20:47,247 --> 00:20:48,948 - Boy, 922 00:20:47,247 --> 00:20:48,948 he almost got hung up there. 923 00:20:49,490 --> 00:20:51,384 - Almost needed that safety 924 00:20:49,490 --> 00:20:51,384 pass on the first obstacle. 925 00:20:51,484 --> 00:20:53,186 - That would have been 926 00:20:51,484 --> 00:20:53,186 really bad. 927 00:20:53,286 --> 00:20:56,289 - Well, he hasn't 928 00:20:53,286 --> 00:20:56,289 finished Stage 1 in 3 years. 929 00:20:56,389 --> 00:20:58,291 It's gotta be nice, 930 00:20:56,389 --> 00:20:58,291 running with that cushion, 931 00:20:58,391 --> 00:21:01,261 but you don't want to 932 00:20:58,391 --> 00:21:01,261 have to rely on it. 933 00:21:01,361 --> 00:21:03,296 - Going in a little bit 934 00:21:01,361 --> 00:21:03,296 of a circle here. 935 00:21:03,396 --> 00:21:05,650 It's at a weird angle. 936 00:21:05,165 --> 00:21:06,660 - Yeah! 937 00:21:05,165 --> 00:21:06,660 - Nice. 938 00:21:06,166 --> 00:21:07,500 - That's right, come on! 939 00:21:07,600 --> 00:21:09,690 - He's got some 940 00:21:07,600 --> 00:21:09,690 of his fellow Texas ninjas 941 00:21:09,102 --> 00:21:10,337 cheering him on. 942 00:21:10,437 --> 00:21:12,238 Not the start 943 00:21:10,437 --> 00:21:12,238 he was hoping for, 944 00:21:12,339 --> 00:21:13,773 but Brian moves fast, 945 00:21:13,873 --> 00:21:15,709 should be okay 946 00:21:13,873 --> 00:21:15,709 to make that time up. 947 00:21:15,809 --> 00:21:17,644 - All right, Double Dipper, 948 00:21:15,809 --> 00:21:17,644 here we go. 949 00:21:17,744 --> 00:21:20,347 Ooh, look at the air time. 950 00:21:17,744 --> 00:21:20,347 - And there it is. 951 00:21:20,447 --> 00:21:22,820 Back in form. 952 00:21:22,115 --> 00:21:23,983 [cheering] 953 00:21:24,840 --> 00:21:27,220 Easy to have a mistrial 954 00:21:24,840 --> 00:21:27,220 here on Jumping Spider. 955 00:21:27,320 --> 00:21:29,889 Gotta make sure those feet 956 00:21:27,320 --> 00:21:29,889 are really locked in. 957 00:21:29,989 --> 00:21:31,291 - Nice, he's like, 958 00:21:31,391 --> 00:21:33,727 "I am not about to get 959 00:21:31,391 --> 00:21:33,727 hung up on this one." 960 00:21:33,827 --> 00:21:35,895 - But it is 961 00:21:33,827 --> 00:21:35,895 another windy, dusty night, 962 00:21:35,995 --> 00:21:37,697 and those walls 963 00:21:35,995 --> 00:21:37,697 can get slippery. 964 00:21:37,797 --> 00:21:41,101 - And that's why you see Brian 965 00:21:37,797 --> 00:21:41,101 taking really short steps, 966 00:21:41,134 --> 00:21:42,402 not big movements-- 967 00:21:41,134 --> 00:21:42,402 - Oh, boy. 968 00:21:42,502 --> 00:21:43,803 - But he's starting 969 00:21:42,502 --> 00:21:43,803 to get slippery! 970 00:21:43,903 --> 00:21:45,238 He needs to get out of 971 00:21:43,903 --> 00:21:45,238 that chute right now. 972 00:21:45,338 --> 00:21:48,274 - Just continuing to move. 973 00:21:45,338 --> 00:21:48,274 - Oh, boy, counter top! 974 00:21:48,375 --> 00:21:52,379 Nice! 975 00:21:48,375 --> 00:21:52,379 - And a smile for the camera. 976 00:21:52,479 --> 00:21:53,780 [cheering and applause] 977 00:21:53,880 --> 00:21:56,716 But, Akbar, he has expended 978 00:21:53,880 --> 00:21:56,716 a lot of energy early on. 979 00:21:56,816 --> 00:21:58,485 Will that catch up to him 980 00:21:56,816 --> 00:21:58,485 on the back half? 981 00:21:58,585 --> 00:22:00,353 - Can't be thinking 982 00:21:58,585 --> 00:22:00,353 about that safety pass 983 00:22:00,453 --> 00:22:04,257 because that can really 984 00:22:00,453 --> 00:22:04,257 change the intensity. 985 00:22:04,357 --> 00:22:06,559 - Oh, another misstep. 986 00:22:06,659 --> 00:22:09,396 Brian Burkhardt looking 987 00:22:06,659 --> 00:22:09,396 uncomfortable on Stage 1, 988 00:22:09,496 --> 00:22:10,663 but he is surviving. 989 00:22:10,764 --> 00:22:11,731 - He doesn't want 990 00:22:10,764 --> 00:22:11,731 to be cautious; 991 00:22:11,831 --> 00:22:14,501 he's just gotta be efficient. 992 00:22:14,601 --> 00:22:15,769 Nice, get up there. 993 00:22:15,869 --> 00:22:18,710 - Good job, there, 994 00:22:15,869 --> 00:22:18,710 on that transfer. 995 00:22:18,171 --> 00:22:20,373 And the clock ticking down. 996 00:22:20,473 --> 00:22:22,750 - Get out of there. 997 00:22:20,473 --> 00:22:22,750 - Really proud of you. 998 00:22:22,175 --> 00:22:23,576 Hey, you're almost there! 999 00:22:22,175 --> 00:22:23,576 - Come on, Brian. 1000 00:22:23,677 --> 00:22:25,111 Keep moving, 1001 00:22:23,677 --> 00:22:25,111 you gotta keep moving. 1002 00:22:25,211 --> 00:22:27,614 - His sideline telling him 1003 00:22:25,211 --> 00:22:27,614 to keep moving. 1004 00:22:27,714 --> 00:22:29,716 Still three more obstacles 1005 00:22:27,714 --> 00:22:29,716 to go. 1006 00:22:29,816 --> 00:22:32,419 - You better speed up. 1007 00:22:32,519 --> 00:22:34,521 - I think the Jumping Spider 1008 00:22:32,519 --> 00:22:34,521 really took something 1009 00:22:34,621 --> 00:22:36,256 out of him, Akbar. 1010 00:22:34,621 --> 00:22:36,256 He's under a minute. 1011 00:22:36,356 --> 00:22:38,525 And you can see he is winded. 1012 00:22:36,356 --> 00:22:38,525 - Oh, man. 1013 00:22:38,625 --> 00:22:40,226 - Now, he may want 1014 00:22:38,625 --> 00:22:40,226 to do the High Road 1015 00:22:40,326 --> 00:22:41,795 just to preserve energy. 1016 00:22:41,895 --> 00:22:44,130 - I think that's a great 1017 00:22:41,895 --> 00:22:44,130 strategy, you can see-- 1018 00:22:44,230 --> 00:22:46,199 I think that's exactly 1019 00:22:44,230 --> 00:22:46,199 what he's going for. 1020 00:22:46,299 --> 00:22:49,102 - Flies across Dipping Birds, 1021 00:22:46,299 --> 00:22:49,102 and he's got a shot. 1022 00:22:49,169 --> 00:22:51,338 - Jump! And go for it! 1023 00:22:49,169 --> 00:22:51,338 Oh! 1024 00:22:51,438 --> 00:22:52,839 What the comes in! 1025 00:22:52,939 --> 00:22:55,275 - With the one-handed grab, 1026 00:22:52,939 --> 00:22:55,275 he's flexing on them. 1027 00:22:55,375 --> 00:23:00,460 He flexed on them! 1028 00:22:55,375 --> 00:23:00,460 - Oh, my, Brian Burkhardt! 1029 00:23:00,113 --> 00:23:04,150 It wasn't a pretty run, 1030 00:23:00,113 --> 00:23:04,150 but it was all he had to do. 1031 00:23:04,250 --> 00:23:07,420 - 1-800-Are you kidding me? 1032 00:23:07,520 --> 00:23:08,455 [buzzer blares] 1033 00:23:08,555 --> 00:23:10,357 - Oh, my word! 1034 00:23:10,457 --> 00:23:12,580 [cheering and applause] 1035 00:23:12,158 --> 00:23:15,610 [triumphant music] 1036 00:23:15,161 --> 00:23:17,630 - Crowd's going nuts. 1037 00:23:17,163 --> 00:23:18,732 - He got 1038 00:23:17,163 --> 00:23:18,732 the verdict he wanted, 1039 00:23:18,832 --> 00:23:22,680 keeps his safety pass, 1040 00:23:18,832 --> 00:23:22,680 moving on to Stage 2. 1041 00:23:22,168 --> 00:23:24,371 That whole run was filled 1042 00:23:22,168 --> 00:23:24,371 with highlights. 1043 00:23:24,471 --> 00:23:27,674 - Matt, he is guilty 1044 00:23:24,471 --> 00:23:27,674 of being awesome on that run. 1045 00:23:27,774 --> 00:23:30,477 I want to see that one again. 1046 00:23:27,774 --> 00:23:30,477 Whoa! 1047 00:23:30,577 --> 00:23:32,645 You talk about a hang time. 1048 00:23:32,746 --> 00:23:34,681 Check out the hang time 1049 00:23:32,746 --> 00:23:34,681 from Brian. 1050 00:23:34,781 --> 00:23:36,316 And the one-handed grab? 1051 00:23:36,416 --> 00:23:38,952 And then he's gonna flex 1052 00:23:36,416 --> 00:23:38,952 on the jury? 1053 00:23:39,850 --> 00:23:41,855 Whoa! 1054 00:23:39,850 --> 00:23:41,855 - That was an amazing catch. 1055 00:23:41,955 --> 00:23:43,890 Epic, epic. 1056 00:23:41,955 --> 00:23:43,890 - Look at that. 1057 00:23:43,189 --> 00:23:44,724 I didn't think he had it. 1058 00:23:44,824 --> 00:23:46,626 No matter how many 1059 00:23:44,824 --> 00:23:46,626 years we've been doing this, 1060 00:23:46,726 --> 00:23:48,461 we can still be amazed. 1061 00:23:48,561 --> 00:23:50,463 Oh, my word. 1062 00:23:50,563 --> 00:23:53,233 - So the Law Ninja 1063 00:23:50,563 --> 00:23:53,233 moves onto Stage 2 1064 00:23:53,333 --> 00:23:56,336 with one of the greatest grabs 1065 00:23:53,333 --> 00:23:56,336 we've ever seen. 1066 00:23:56,436 --> 00:23:58,538 And he's still got 1067 00:23:56,436 --> 00:23:58,538 his safety pass. 1068 00:23:58,638 --> 00:24:00,707 [cheering and applause] 1069 00:24:00,807 --> 00:24:03,576 Last week, 1070 00:24:00,807 --> 00:24:03,576 he gambled and lost. 1071 00:24:03,677 --> 00:24:06,680 - No! 1072 00:24:03,677 --> 00:24:06,680 - Oh! 1073 00:24:07,814 --> 00:24:09,215 - Come on! 1074 00:24:09,315 --> 00:24:11,885 - Now Joe Moravsky 1075 00:24:09,315 --> 00:24:11,885 gets a second shot 1076 00:24:12,520 --> 00:24:14,187 at Stage 1. 1077 00:24:14,287 --> 00:24:16,856 Plus, 1078 00:24:14,287 --> 00:24:16,856 only two women in history 1079 00:24:16,956 --> 00:24:18,858 have done it, Jessie Graff... 1080 00:24:18,958 --> 00:24:22,862 The first woman ever 1081 00:24:18,958 --> 00:24:22,862 to complete Stage 1! 1082 00:24:22,962 --> 00:24:24,597 And Allyssa Beird. 1083 00:24:24,698 --> 00:24:26,966 - That's my fifth-grade 1084 00:24:24,698 --> 00:24:26,966 teacher! 1085 00:24:27,670 --> 00:24:29,436 - Jessie "Flex" 1086 00:24:27,670 --> 00:24:29,436 Labreck has been close. 1087 00:24:29,536 --> 00:24:32,272 - No, no! 1088 00:24:29,536 --> 00:24:32,272 [buzzer blares] 1089 00:24:32,372 --> 00:24:34,307 - Will this be the year 1090 00:24:32,372 --> 00:24:34,307 she joins them? 1091 00:24:42,248 --> 00:24:42,382 . 1092 00:24:44,417 --> 00:24:46,386 - Welcome back 1093 00:24:44,417 --> 00:24:46,386 to the national finals, 1094 00:24:47,454 --> 00:24:48,421 coming to you 1095 00:24:47,454 --> 00:24:48,421 from just off the Strip 1096 00:24:48,521 --> 00:24:50,724 in Las Vegas. 1097 00:24:50,824 --> 00:24:53,426 Six-time "Ninja" veteran, 1098 00:24:50,824 --> 00:24:53,426 Tyler Yamauchi, is 1099 00:24:53,526 --> 00:24:57,197 having his best season ever 1100 00:24:53,526 --> 00:24:57,197 at age 36. 1101 00:24:57,297 --> 00:24:59,833 - I'm expecting big things 1102 00:24:57,297 --> 00:24:59,833 from Tyler Yamauchi. 1103 00:25:01,301 --> 00:25:04,437 - Though he's the shortest 1104 00:25:01,301 --> 00:25:04,437 competitor at 5'1"... 1105 00:25:04,537 --> 00:25:06,272 - Matt, 1106 00:25:04,537 --> 00:25:06,272 he powered in that one. 1107 00:25:06,373 --> 00:25:08,410 [cheering and applause] 1108 00:25:08,108 --> 00:25:10,430 - The former 1109 00:25:08,108 --> 00:25:10,430 all-American gymnast 1110 00:25:10,760 --> 00:25:13,813 at the University of Illinois 1111 00:25:10,760 --> 00:25:13,813 showed nothing's out of reach. 1112 00:25:13,913 --> 00:25:17,417 - Not--oh! 1113 00:25:13,913 --> 00:25:17,417 A one-handed grab! Okay! 1114 00:25:17,517 --> 00:25:19,552 - With his wife 1115 00:25:17,517 --> 00:25:19,552 and three kids watching, 1116 00:25:19,652 --> 00:25:21,521 the man known as 1117 00:25:19,652 --> 00:25:21,521 "The Muscle Ball" 1118 00:25:21,621 --> 00:25:23,560 rolled through the course. 1119 00:25:23,156 --> 00:25:24,791 [cheering and applause] 1120 00:25:24,891 --> 00:25:27,293 - Ooh, look at him just 1121 00:25:24,891 --> 00:25:27,293 throwing his body around 1122 00:25:27,394 --> 00:25:29,620 like it's nothing. 1123 00:25:29,950 --> 00:25:30,964 - And after hitting 1124 00:25:29,950 --> 00:25:30,964 buzzers in qualifying 1125 00:25:31,640 --> 00:25:34,334 and semi-finals, he got 1126 00:25:31,640 --> 00:25:34,334 another one here tonight. 1127 00:25:35,602 --> 00:25:38,938 - Yo, Yamauchi's being Gucci! 1128 00:25:35,602 --> 00:25:38,938 - Whoo! 1129 00:25:40,730 --> 00:25:41,908 - Then it was 1130 00:25:40,730 --> 00:25:41,908 another top veteran, 1131 00:25:42,750 --> 00:25:45,745 the heavy metal musician 1132 00:25:42,750 --> 00:25:45,745 from Orlando, R.J. Roman. 1133 00:25:45,845 --> 00:25:47,647 - All right, 1134 00:25:45,845 --> 00:25:47,647 let's rock 'n' roll now. 1135 00:25:47,747 --> 00:25:49,482 - Perfect, that's good. 1136 00:25:49,582 --> 00:25:51,618 - Roman's one of 1137 00:25:49,582 --> 00:25:51,618 the 21 elite ninjas 1138 00:25:51,718 --> 00:25:54,354 who made it to Stage 3, 1139 00:25:51,718 --> 00:25:54,354 two years ago. 1140 00:25:54,454 --> 00:25:57,157 - Nice. 1141 00:25:54,454 --> 00:25:57,157 - Yeah, let's go! 1142 00:25:57,257 --> 00:25:59,893 - And he's avoided 1143 00:25:57,257 --> 00:25:59,893 the so-called curse 1144 00:26:00,260 --> 00:26:02,228 that's eliminated all 1145 00:26:00,260 --> 00:26:02,228 but a handful of that group 1146 00:26:02,328 --> 00:26:03,563 this season. 1147 00:26:03,663 --> 00:26:06,666 - Oh, you see 1148 00:26:03,663 --> 00:26:06,666 that little herk and jerk? 1149 00:26:06,766 --> 00:26:08,601 - That is, until tonight. 1150 00:26:08,702 --> 00:26:10,904 Roman got hung up 1151 00:26:08,702 --> 00:26:10,904 on the Fly Hooks 1152 00:26:11,370 --> 00:26:13,106 and couldn't get 1153 00:26:11,370 --> 00:26:13,106 off the first hook. 1154 00:26:13,206 --> 00:26:16,609 - Oh, no! 1155 00:26:13,206 --> 00:26:16,609 - Oh, my word. 1156 00:26:16,710 --> 00:26:18,345 - With time ticking away, 1157 00:26:18,445 --> 00:26:21,470 and no chance to finish, 1158 00:26:18,445 --> 00:26:21,470 this four-time veteran 1159 00:26:21,810 --> 00:26:23,850 went out in style. 1160 00:26:23,950 --> 00:26:25,218 [buzzer blares] 1161 00:26:25,318 --> 00:26:29,456 - And R.J. Roman is out. 1162 00:26:29,556 --> 00:26:32,258 - Now it's the return 1163 00:26:29,556 --> 00:26:32,258 of the Weather Man, 1164 00:26:32,359 --> 00:26:33,626 Joe Moravsky. 1165 00:26:33,727 --> 00:26:36,620 And you can tell 1166 00:26:33,727 --> 00:26:36,620 he is not happy. 1167 00:26:36,129 --> 00:26:37,831 See that black circle 1168 00:26:36,129 --> 00:26:37,831 on this shorts? 1169 00:26:37,931 --> 00:26:40,367 That's where he had 1170 00:26:37,931 --> 00:26:40,367 the safety pass, 1171 00:26:40,467 --> 00:26:42,469 but shockingly had 1172 00:26:40,467 --> 00:26:42,469 to cash it in 1173 00:26:42,569 --> 00:26:45,105 on Night 1 1174 00:26:42,569 --> 00:26:45,105 of the national finals. 1175 00:26:45,205 --> 00:26:47,574 Last week, the nine-time 1176 00:26:45,205 --> 00:26:47,574 veteran was cruising 1177 00:26:47,674 --> 00:26:51,177 through Stage 1 until 1178 00:26:47,674 --> 00:26:51,177 he reached Split Decision. 1179 00:26:51,277 --> 00:26:54,214 - Go for that High Road. 1180 00:26:51,277 --> 00:26:54,214 - Oh, my! 1181 00:26:54,314 --> 00:26:56,583 No! 1182 00:26:54,314 --> 00:26:56,583 - Oh! 1183 00:26:56,683 --> 00:26:59,119 I'm--I'm in total shock 1184 00:26:56,683 --> 00:26:59,119 right now. 1185 00:26:59,219 --> 00:27:01,388 - On the High Road, 1186 00:26:59,219 --> 00:27:01,388 I just mis-timed the jump, 1187 00:27:01,488 --> 00:27:03,456 and I missed it by 6 inches. 1188 00:27:03,556 --> 00:27:04,924 Obviously, 1189 00:27:03,556 --> 00:27:04,924 I was visibly frustrated 1190 00:27:05,250 --> 00:27:07,260 Pathetic! 1191 00:27:07,360 --> 00:27:09,562 But I earned a safety pass, 1192 00:27:07,360 --> 00:27:09,562 and it was meant to be 1193 00:27:09,662 --> 00:27:12,198 that I was supposed to use it, 1194 00:27:09,662 --> 00:27:12,198 for whatever reason. 1195 00:27:12,298 --> 00:27:14,801 That doesn't change anything 1196 00:27:12,298 --> 00:27:14,801 except Split Decision. 1197 00:27:14,901 --> 00:27:17,270 This time, let's just take 1198 00:27:14,901 --> 00:27:17,270 the safe route 1199 00:27:17,370 --> 00:27:19,305 and not go 1200 00:27:17,370 --> 00:27:19,305 trampoline to ring. 1201 00:27:19,406 --> 00:27:20,407 I'm ready to go. 1202 00:27:20,507 --> 00:27:21,875 I'm just gonna go do what I do, 1203 00:27:22,420 --> 00:27:24,377 and just try to hit 1204 00:27:22,420 --> 00:27:24,377 that buzzer. 1205 00:27:25,378 --> 00:27:27,881 - And Joe taking a look 1206 00:27:25,378 --> 00:27:27,881 at that miss. 1207 00:27:28,480 --> 00:27:29,582 - Yeah, you can tell, 1208 00:27:28,480 --> 00:27:29,582 he's still thinking about it. 1209 00:27:29,683 --> 00:27:31,510 - So dumb. 1210 00:27:31,151 --> 00:27:33,119 - But luckily, 1211 00:27:31,151 --> 00:27:33,119 he's got lots of support, 1212 00:27:33,219 --> 00:27:35,550 especially from his wife, 1213 00:27:33,219 --> 00:27:35,550 Stephanie, 1214 00:27:35,155 --> 00:27:38,258 and three kids, 1215 00:27:35,155 --> 00:27:38,258 reminding Joe to breathe. 1216 00:27:38,358 --> 00:27:40,927 And his sister and parents 1217 00:27:38,358 --> 00:27:40,927 also cheering him on. 1218 00:27:41,610 --> 00:27:42,529 - Whoo-hoo! 1219 00:27:41,610 --> 00:27:42,529 - Let's go, Joe, let's go! 1220 00:27:42,629 --> 00:27:43,563 - Whoo! 1221 00:27:43,663 --> 00:27:45,650 [countdown clock beeps] 1222 00:27:45,980 --> 00:27:46,466 - And, Matt, 1223 00:27:45,980 --> 00:27:46,466 we just got word 1224 00:27:46,566 --> 00:27:49,235 that Joe is also suffering 1225 00:27:46,566 --> 00:27:49,235 from food poisoning. 1226 00:27:49,336 --> 00:27:51,204 - And that could 1227 00:27:49,336 --> 00:27:51,204 be disastrous. 1228 00:27:51,304 --> 00:27:53,907 Food poisoning can cause 1229 00:27:51,304 --> 00:27:53,907 dizziness and fatigue, 1230 00:27:54,740 --> 00:27:56,609 not what you want 1231 00:27:54,740 --> 00:27:56,609 to be dealing with on Stage 1. 1232 00:27:56,710 --> 00:27:58,578 The Weather Man used 1233 00:27:56,710 --> 00:27:58,578 to high pressure. 1234 00:27:58,678 --> 00:27:59,779 - Nice. 1235 00:27:59,879 --> 00:28:01,247 - He's been 1236 00:27:59,879 --> 00:28:01,247 the last ninja standing 1237 00:28:01,348 --> 00:28:03,783 twice in his career, 1238 00:28:01,348 --> 00:28:03,783 always one of the favorites 1239 00:28:03,883 --> 00:28:05,552 to win the million dollars. 1240 00:28:05,652 --> 00:28:09,189 - Here we go, not about 1241 00:28:05,652 --> 00:28:09,189 to bow out on this one. 1242 00:28:09,289 --> 00:28:10,523 Nice! 1243 00:28:10,623 --> 00:28:13,193 - Lots of other ninjas 1244 00:28:10,623 --> 00:28:13,193 watching this run. 1245 00:28:13,293 --> 00:28:15,829 5'10", needs a big jump 1246 00:28:13,293 --> 00:28:15,829 off the tramp 1247 00:28:15,929 --> 00:28:18,498 into Jumping Spider. 1248 00:28:18,598 --> 00:28:21,634 Getting locked in. 1249 00:28:18,598 --> 00:28:21,634 - Look how fast he's moving. 1250 00:28:21,735 --> 00:28:24,504 - Well, Joe looking smooth 1251 00:28:21,735 --> 00:28:24,504 and really, just so confident. 1252 00:28:24,604 --> 00:28:25,805 That's as good as we've seen 1253 00:28:24,604 --> 00:28:25,805 anyone get through 1254 00:28:25,905 --> 00:28:27,340 the Jumping Spider. 1255 00:28:27,440 --> 00:28:29,676 - And, Matt, that impact 1256 00:28:27,440 --> 00:28:29,676 shook it up in his stomach. 1257 00:28:29,776 --> 00:28:32,379 - You got it, babe. 1258 00:28:29,776 --> 00:28:32,379 - Bubble guts is a real thing, 1259 00:28:32,479 --> 00:28:35,915 and he does not look 1260 00:28:32,479 --> 00:28:35,915 like himself right now. 1261 00:28:36,490 --> 00:28:39,319 - This course is tough enough 1262 00:28:36,490 --> 00:28:39,319 when you're healthy. 1263 00:28:39,419 --> 00:28:41,654 - Joe Moravsky's having 1264 00:28:39,419 --> 00:28:41,654 his Michael Jordan flu game 1265 00:28:41,755 --> 00:28:43,223 right now. 1266 00:28:43,323 --> 00:28:44,524 - You have to worry about 1267 00:28:43,323 --> 00:28:44,524 strength after losing weight 1268 00:28:44,624 --> 00:28:45,959 like that too. 1269 00:28:46,590 --> 00:28:48,161 - Here he goes, Matt. 1270 00:28:46,590 --> 00:28:48,161 - Watch the transition. 1271 00:28:48,261 --> 00:28:51,131 - The tires will get turning 1272 00:28:48,261 --> 00:28:51,131 enough to turn your stomach. 1273 00:28:51,231 --> 00:28:53,867 - But he's got it! 1274 00:28:51,231 --> 00:28:53,867 - Nice! 1275 00:28:55,368 --> 00:28:56,803 - Good job. 1276 00:28:56,903 --> 00:28:59,439 And you can just see, 1277 00:28:56,903 --> 00:28:59,439 fighting through the pain, 1278 00:28:59,539 --> 00:29:01,741 the courage 1279 00:28:59,539 --> 00:29:01,741 out of Joe Moravsky 1280 00:29:01,841 --> 00:29:03,276 to battle through. 1281 00:29:03,376 --> 00:29:04,911 - Clear your head! 1282 00:29:03,376 --> 00:29:04,911 Clear your head! 1283 00:29:05,110 --> 00:29:08,140 - He wants this so bad. 1284 00:29:05,110 --> 00:29:08,140 A million dollars on the line. 1285 00:29:08,114 --> 00:29:10,150 A realistic shot 1286 00:29:08,114 --> 00:29:10,150 for Joe to win it all. 1287 00:29:10,250 --> 00:29:11,451 - Well, Matt, 1288 00:29:10,250 --> 00:29:11,451 the time is ticking. 1289 00:29:11,551 --> 00:29:13,386 He's gotta turn on the gas. 1290 00:29:11,551 --> 00:29:13,386 - Oh, my! 1291 00:29:13,486 --> 00:29:16,220 Well, he said he's not 1292 00:29:13,486 --> 00:29:16,220 taking the High Road again, 1293 00:29:16,122 --> 00:29:18,391 just hits the button 1294 00:29:16,122 --> 00:29:18,391 out of anger. 1295 00:29:18,491 --> 00:29:19,893 He gonna have to rely 1296 00:29:18,491 --> 00:29:19,893 on Fly Hooks. 1297 00:29:20,260 --> 00:29:22,495 You can see he is frustrated, 1298 00:29:20,260 --> 00:29:22,495 but the wise move 1299 00:29:22,595 --> 00:29:23,763 out of Joe Moravsky. 1300 00:29:23,863 --> 00:29:26,166 Still gotta get across 1301 00:29:23,863 --> 00:29:26,166 Dipping Birds. 1302 00:29:26,266 --> 00:29:29,269 - Joe Moravsky, 1303 00:29:26,266 --> 00:29:29,269 let it go, let it flow. 1304 00:29:29,369 --> 00:29:31,738 - Will he have anything left 1305 00:29:29,369 --> 00:29:31,738 to power his way through 1306 00:29:31,838 --> 00:29:34,740 the Fly Hooks? 1307 00:29:31,838 --> 00:29:34,740 He's looking weak right now. 1308 00:29:34,174 --> 00:29:37,310 That food poisoning has 1309 00:29:34,174 --> 00:29:37,310 really done a number on him. 1310 00:29:37,410 --> 00:29:40,460 If those arms are sapped, 1311 00:29:37,410 --> 00:29:40,460 this could be a problem 1312 00:29:40,800 --> 00:29:41,114 for Joe. 1313 00:29:40,800 --> 00:29:41,114 - Come on, Joe! 1314 00:29:41,214 --> 00:29:42,582 - Engage those arms! 1315 00:29:42,682 --> 00:29:44,184 - Come on, come on. 1316 00:29:42,682 --> 00:29:44,184 - Can he make the transfer-- 1317 00:29:44,284 --> 00:29:45,685 - Nice! 1318 00:29:44,284 --> 00:29:45,685 Okay. 1319 00:29:45,785 --> 00:29:48,154 - The Weather Man fighting 1320 00:29:45,785 --> 00:29:48,154 his way through it. 1321 00:29:48,254 --> 00:29:51,570 Joe Moravsky! 1322 00:29:51,157 --> 00:29:52,225 Get high up! 1323 00:29:52,325 --> 00:29:53,793 And despite it all, 1324 00:29:53,893 --> 00:29:56,830 he's gonna be close to 1325 00:29:53,893 --> 00:29:56,830 Isaiah Thomas' fastest time. 1326 00:29:56,930 --> 00:29:59,632 - He's going for it. 1327 00:29:56,930 --> 00:29:59,632 - That's how good he is. 1328 00:29:59,733 --> 00:30:01,534 - He's gonna do it. 1329 00:30:01,634 --> 00:30:03,203 [buzzer blares] 1330 00:30:03,303 --> 00:30:04,671 - Despite the pain, 1331 00:30:04,771 --> 00:30:07,207 Joe Moravsky gets 1332 00:30:04,771 --> 00:30:07,207 the buzzer he wanted, 1333 00:30:07,307 --> 00:30:09,976 just missing out 1334 00:30:07,307 --> 00:30:09,976 on the fastest time. 1335 00:30:10,760 --> 00:30:12,245 - Let's go! 1336 00:30:12,345 --> 00:30:15,682 - Moravsky passing 1337 00:30:12,345 --> 00:30:15,682 the big test, 1338 00:30:15,782 --> 00:30:19,686 moving on to Stage 2, 1339 00:30:15,782 --> 00:30:19,686 and what a gutsy run 1340 00:30:19,786 --> 00:30:21,855 out of the Weather Man. 1341 00:30:21,955 --> 00:30:23,656 - This run was a gut check. 1342 00:30:23,757 --> 00:30:26,626 Joe Moravsky was hurting, 1343 00:30:23,757 --> 00:30:26,626 but he kept it going, 1344 00:30:26,726 --> 00:30:29,950 and wasn't gonna risk it 1345 00:30:26,726 --> 00:30:29,950 on High Road tonight. 1346 00:30:29,195 --> 00:30:30,997 He played it safe 1347 00:30:29,195 --> 00:30:30,997 on Fly Hooks, 1348 00:30:31,970 --> 00:30:33,900 and ended up with 1349 00:30:31,970 --> 00:30:33,900 one of the fastest finishes. 1350 00:30:34,000 --> 00:30:36,369 [triumphant music] 1351 00:30:36,469 --> 00:30:38,204 - And look, he's pointing 1352 00:30:36,469 --> 00:30:38,204 to Stage 4. 1353 00:30:38,304 --> 00:30:41,808 You know he wants it bad. 1354 00:30:38,304 --> 00:30:41,808 He really is a gamer. 1355 00:30:41,908 --> 00:30:43,643 Well, with uncertain weather, 1356 00:30:43,743 --> 00:30:46,813 we ran the first few ninjas 1357 00:30:43,743 --> 00:30:46,813 before the sun went down, 1358 00:30:46,913 --> 00:30:49,249 including Jersey girl, 1359 00:30:46,913 --> 00:30:49,249 Cara Mack, 1360 00:30:49,349 --> 00:30:51,751 who's had 1361 00:30:49,349 --> 00:30:51,751 her best season ever. 1362 00:30:51,851 --> 00:30:53,887 But the three-time veteran 1363 00:30:51,851 --> 00:30:53,887 came up just short 1364 00:30:53,987 --> 00:30:56,356 on Jumping Spider. 1365 00:30:53,987 --> 00:30:56,356 Oh! 1366 00:30:56,456 --> 00:30:58,258 Heart electrician 1367 00:30:56,456 --> 00:30:58,258 Heather Weissinger's 1368 00:30:58,358 --> 00:31:00,427 in her first national finals, 1369 00:31:00,527 --> 00:31:02,662 but she couldn't get a grip 1370 00:31:00,527 --> 00:31:02,662 on the Swinging Blade. 1371 00:31:02,762 --> 00:31:04,164 - No! 1372 00:31:04,264 --> 00:31:06,266 - South Carolina's 1373 00:31:04,264 --> 00:31:06,266 Bob Reese stalled out 1374 00:31:06,366 --> 00:31:08,680 on the Double Dipper. 1375 00:31:06,366 --> 00:31:08,680 - Oh! 1376 00:31:08,134 --> 00:31:09,369 - Come on! 1377 00:31:09,469 --> 00:31:10,704 - But after trying everything, 1378 00:31:10,804 --> 00:31:12,706 including taking off 1379 00:31:10,804 --> 00:31:12,706 his shoes. 1380 00:31:12,806 --> 00:31:14,374 - He doesn't want his shoes 1381 00:31:12,806 --> 00:31:14,374 to get wet! 1382 00:31:14,474 --> 00:31:17,644 - He decided 1383 00:31:14,474 --> 00:31:17,644 to go out in style. 1384 00:31:17,744 --> 00:31:19,846 And there's more 1385 00:31:17,744 --> 00:31:19,846 of Stage 1 coming up 1386 00:31:28,321 --> 00:31:28,455 . 1387 00:31:29,756 --> 00:31:30,924 - If you're a "Ninja" fan, 1388 00:31:31,591 --> 00:31:32,920 you'll want to check out 1389 00:31:32,959 --> 00:31:34,127 "American Ninja 1390 00:31:32,959 --> 00:31:34,127 Warrior Junior." 1391 00:31:34,227 --> 00:31:36,496 All seasons are now 1392 00:31:34,227 --> 00:31:36,496 airing exclusively 1393 00:31:36,596 --> 00:31:38,765 on Peacock streaming service. 1394 00:31:38,865 --> 00:31:41,101 "Ninja Junior" is 1395 00:31:38,865 --> 00:31:41,101 where many of the teenagers 1396 00:31:41,134 --> 00:31:43,603 tearing up our course 1397 00:31:41,134 --> 00:31:43,603 got their start. 1398 00:31:43,703 --> 00:31:45,105 That includes 1399 00:31:43,703 --> 00:31:45,105 a couple of teens 1400 00:31:45,205 --> 00:31:47,240 who hit the course 1401 00:31:45,205 --> 00:31:47,240 minutes ago. 1402 00:31:47,340 --> 00:31:50,710 15-year-old Kai Beckstrand 1403 00:31:47,340 --> 00:31:50,710 came to the start line 1404 00:31:50,810 --> 00:31:52,245 in his signature mohawk. 1405 00:31:52,345 --> 00:31:53,813 - He's gonna need 1406 00:31:52,345 --> 00:31:53,813 some strong moves 1407 00:31:53,913 --> 00:31:55,181 to keep that mohawk up. 1408 00:31:55,281 --> 00:31:57,484 - And the wind didn't 1409 00:31:55,281 --> 00:31:57,484 flatten the mohawk, 1410 00:31:57,584 --> 00:32:00,820 or slow down the high 1411 00:31:57,584 --> 00:32:00,820 school student from Utah. 1412 00:32:00,920 --> 00:32:04,290 With his parents, who are also 1413 00:32:00,920 --> 00:32:04,290 "Ninja" competitors, watching, 1414 00:32:04,391 --> 00:32:06,760 the teenager made a run 1415 00:32:04,391 --> 00:32:06,760 towards the High Road. 1416 00:32:06,860 --> 00:32:08,128 - You don't got boosters 1417 00:32:06,860 --> 00:32:08,128 like that. 1418 00:32:08,228 --> 00:32:11,131 - But changed his mind 1419 00:32:08,228 --> 00:32:11,131 and went with Fly Hooks. 1420 00:32:11,231 --> 00:32:13,867 This former "Ninja Junior" 1421 00:32:11,231 --> 00:32:13,867 champion hit buzzers 1422 00:32:13,967 --> 00:32:15,769 in qualifying and semifinals, 1423 00:32:15,869 --> 00:32:18,710 and notched another tonight. 1424 00:32:18,104 --> 00:32:20,774 - Getting that buzzer 1425 00:32:18,104 --> 00:32:20,774 as a 15-year-old! 1426 00:32:20,874 --> 00:32:23,309 - Then it was 1427 00:32:20,874 --> 00:32:23,309 another teenager. 1428 00:32:23,410 --> 00:32:25,545 The 16-year-old 1429 00:32:23,410 --> 00:32:25,545 from Massachusetts, 1430 00:32:25,645 --> 00:32:26,946 Jonathan Godbout. 1431 00:32:27,800 --> 00:32:29,282 - Let's go, Godbout! 1432 00:32:29,382 --> 00:32:32,850 - The high schooler 1433 00:32:29,382 --> 00:32:32,850 plays drums in a rock band, 1434 00:32:32,118 --> 00:32:34,387 and he had the rhythm 1435 00:32:32,118 --> 00:32:34,387 on the course tonight. 1436 00:32:34,487 --> 00:32:35,622 - He nails it. 1437 00:32:35,722 --> 00:32:37,524 - Godbout got 1438 00:32:35,722 --> 00:32:37,524 his third buzzer 1439 00:32:37,624 --> 00:32:40,930 of the season and became 1440 00:32:37,624 --> 00:32:40,930 the eighth teenager 1441 00:32:40,193 --> 00:32:42,629 who's moving on to Stage 2. 1442 00:32:40,193 --> 00:32:42,629 - Let's go! 1443 00:32:42,729 --> 00:32:46,733 - Okay, Mr. Sweet 16! 1444 00:32:42,729 --> 00:32:46,733 - Yes! 1445 00:32:46,833 --> 00:32:49,302 - Our next competitor 1446 00:32:46,833 --> 00:32:49,302 is a little older, 1447 00:32:49,402 --> 00:32:51,504 but still qualifies 1448 00:32:49,402 --> 00:32:51,504 as a young gun. 1449 00:32:51,604 --> 00:32:54,107 It's 20-year-old 1450 00:32:51,604 --> 00:32:54,107 Brett Hernandez Strong, 1451 00:32:54,174 --> 00:32:56,743 a college student 1452 00:32:54,174 --> 00:32:56,743 and mountain bike instructor 1453 00:32:56,843 --> 00:32:59,546 from North Carolina. 1454 00:32:56,843 --> 00:32:59,546 - Save that energy. 1455 00:32:59,646 --> 00:33:02,349 He's gonna be exhausted 1456 00:32:59,646 --> 00:33:02,349 before his run starts! 1457 00:33:02,449 --> 00:33:04,918 And now a backflip too? 1458 00:33:02,449 --> 00:33:04,918 - Whoo! 1459 00:33:05,510 --> 00:33:06,686 - He is pumped, 1460 00:33:05,510 --> 00:33:06,686 and why not? 1461 00:33:06,786 --> 00:33:08,688 He has had 1462 00:33:06,786 --> 00:33:08,688 a great rookie season, 1463 00:33:08,788 --> 00:33:12,859 was one of only four Ninjas 1464 00:33:08,788 --> 00:33:12,859 to get up the Mega Wall. 1465 00:33:12,959 --> 00:33:16,620 - Yes! 1466 00:33:12,959 --> 00:33:16,620 Whoo-hoo! 1467 00:33:16,162 --> 00:33:19,650 Hey, everyone! 1468 00:33:16,162 --> 00:33:19,650 I'm in Vegas! 1469 00:33:19,132 --> 00:33:20,700 - But just being here 1470 00:33:19,132 --> 00:33:20,700 is special. 1471 00:33:20,800 --> 00:33:23,737 This was a dream 1472 00:33:20,800 --> 00:33:23,737 between him and his grandma. 1473 00:33:25,905 --> 00:33:27,374 - Back when I was 1474 00:33:25,905 --> 00:33:27,374 nine years old, 1475 00:33:27,474 --> 00:33:28,808 my grandmother told me 1476 00:33:27,474 --> 00:33:28,808 that there was a show 1477 00:33:28,908 --> 00:33:30,276 that I was really gonna like, 1478 00:33:30,377 --> 00:33:31,745 and I would fall in love 1479 00:33:30,377 --> 00:33:31,745 with it instantly. 1480 00:33:31,845 --> 00:33:33,646 And when she showed me 1481 00:33:31,845 --> 00:33:33,646 "American Ninja Warrior," 1482 00:33:33,747 --> 00:33:35,515 she was absolutely right. 1483 00:33:37,884 --> 00:33:40,487 - My grandma would always take 1484 00:33:37,884 --> 00:33:40,487 me to different parks 1485 00:33:40,587 --> 00:33:41,921 after school. 1486 00:33:42,880 --> 00:33:43,490 And she would always say, 1487 00:33:42,880 --> 00:33:43,490 "Hey, keep training. 1488 00:33:43,590 --> 00:33:46,192 You know you gotta push really 1489 00:33:43,590 --> 00:33:46,192 hard to get to Mt. Midoriyama." 1490 00:33:51,364 --> 00:33:54,768 - Having multiple sclerosis 1491 00:33:51,364 --> 00:33:54,768 for a little over 25 years, 1492 00:33:54,868 --> 00:33:57,125 my grandmother's probably 1493 00:33:54,868 --> 00:33:57,125 one of the strongest people 1494 00:33:57,103 --> 00:34:00,400 I've ever met. 1495 00:34:00,140 --> 00:34:03,760 She had the last name Strong, 1496 00:34:00,140 --> 00:34:03,760 and I'm very thankful 1497 00:34:03,176 --> 00:34:06,112 to be born under her side 1498 00:34:03,176 --> 00:34:06,112 of the family. 1499 00:34:08,481 --> 00:34:10,517 I was with my grandmother 1500 00:34:08,481 --> 00:34:10,517 when she passed, 1501 00:34:10,617 --> 00:34:13,253 and I was glad I got to spend 1502 00:34:10,617 --> 00:34:13,253 those moments with her. 1503 00:34:15,455 --> 00:34:18,910 I told her that I would 1504 00:34:15,455 --> 00:34:18,910 fulfill every dream 1505 00:34:18,191 --> 00:34:21,261 that she helped me find. 1506 00:34:21,361 --> 00:34:24,464 [somber music] 1507 00:34:24,564 --> 00:34:26,900 I'm gonna do everything 1508 00:34:24,564 --> 00:34:26,900 that I possibly can 1509 00:34:27,670 --> 00:34:30,236 to hit that buzzer for her. 1510 00:34:33,907 --> 00:34:35,442 [cheering and applause] 1511 00:34:35,542 --> 00:34:37,711 - That's some real 1512 00:34:35,542 --> 00:34:37,711 motivation right there. 1513 00:34:37,811 --> 00:34:40,347 - And he'll have other family 1514 00:34:37,811 --> 00:34:40,347 watching from home, 1515 00:34:40,447 --> 00:34:43,249 including his grandpa, Leroy, 1516 00:34:40,447 --> 00:34:43,249 and his aunt. 1517 00:34:43,350 --> 00:34:45,151 - Let's get it! 1518 00:34:43,350 --> 00:34:45,151 - Whoo! 1519 00:34:45,251 --> 00:34:47,654 - Plus, down on the sideline, 1520 00:34:45,251 --> 00:34:47,654 his mom and little sister, 1521 00:34:47,754 --> 00:34:49,890 along with some other ninjas. 1522 00:34:49,155 --> 00:34:51,491 [countdown clock beeping] 1523 00:34:51,591 --> 00:34:53,360 He is 1524 00:34:51,591 --> 00:34:53,360 a great all-around athlete, 1525 00:34:53,460 --> 00:34:55,462 plays baseball, 1526 00:34:53,460 --> 00:34:55,462 does mountain biking. 1527 00:34:55,562 --> 00:34:57,297 - Goodness, okay, 1528 00:34:55,562 --> 00:34:57,297 he is that strong. 1529 00:34:57,397 --> 00:34:59,933 Look at how fast-- 1530 00:34:57,397 --> 00:34:59,933 Oh, no! 1531 00:35:01,134 --> 00:35:02,635 - What? 1532 00:35:02,736 --> 00:35:06,239 - He is gonna be 1533 00:35:02,736 --> 00:35:06,239 absolutely heartbroken. 1534 00:35:06,339 --> 00:35:09,809 Really wanted a good run 1535 00:35:06,339 --> 00:35:09,809 to honor his grandma. 1536 00:35:09,909 --> 00:35:12,712 - He just overshot 1537 00:35:09,909 --> 00:35:12,712 the trampoline, 1538 00:35:12,812 --> 00:35:14,547 landed way out here, 1539 00:35:14,647 --> 00:35:16,549 almost went 1540 00:35:14,647 --> 00:35:16,549 over it completely, 1541 00:35:16,649 --> 00:35:19,652 so he got no lift, 1542 00:35:16,649 --> 00:35:19,652 and his season is over 1543 00:35:19,753 --> 00:35:22,122 just like that. 1544 00:35:22,222 --> 00:35:23,590 - [sobs] 1545 00:35:23,690 --> 00:35:26,893 - Well, you see how much 1546 00:35:23,690 --> 00:35:26,893 it means to these Ninjas. 1547 00:35:27,600 --> 00:35:29,662 - That's okay, Brett! 1548 00:35:30,497 --> 00:35:32,198 - [whispering] 1549 00:35:30,497 --> 00:35:32,198 I'm sorry, Grandma. 1550 00:35:32,298 --> 00:35:34,734 I'm so sorry. 1551 00:35:32,298 --> 00:35:34,734 [sighs] 1552 00:35:34,834 --> 00:35:37,270 - Oh, I can feel that one. 1553 00:35:38,505 --> 00:35:40,373 - Well, 1554 00:35:38,505 --> 00:35:40,373 our next competitor knows 1555 00:35:40,473 --> 00:35:43,410 what that battle against 1556 00:35:40,473 --> 00:35:43,410 multiple sclerosis is like. 1557 00:35:43,510 --> 00:35:45,879 This is the cowboy ninja, 1558 00:35:43,510 --> 00:35:45,879 Lance Pekus, 1559 00:35:45,979 --> 00:35:47,747 the rancher from Idaho. 1560 00:35:47,847 --> 00:35:51,117 Lance's wife, Heather, has MS, 1561 00:35:47,847 --> 00:35:51,117 and they've shared their story 1562 00:35:51,217 --> 00:35:52,819 with so many fans. 1563 00:35:52,919 --> 00:35:54,721 Heather's on the sideline 1564 00:35:52,919 --> 00:35:54,721 tonight. 1565 00:35:54,821 --> 00:35:57,824 She's able to travel more 1566 00:35:54,821 --> 00:35:57,824 thanks to Lance's new hobby, 1567 00:35:57,924 --> 00:36:00,260 flying planes. 1568 00:36:01,528 --> 00:36:03,530 - I remember when I was young, 1569 00:36:01,528 --> 00:36:03,530 putting that I wanted 1570 00:36:03,630 --> 00:36:05,650 to be a pilot growing up. 1571 00:36:05,165 --> 00:36:08,501 So last year, I took classes, 1572 00:36:05,165 --> 00:36:08,501 I got an instructor... 1573 00:36:08,601 --> 00:36:12,305 I'm flying by myself! 1574 00:36:08,601 --> 00:36:12,305 Whoo! 1575 00:36:12,405 --> 00:36:15,508 And seven months later, 1576 00:36:12,405 --> 00:36:15,508 I became a private pilot. 1577 00:36:15,608 --> 00:36:17,644 Clear to take off. 1578 00:36:17,744 --> 00:36:20,780 Yeah, you guys, whoo! 1579 00:36:20,880 --> 00:36:22,582 With Heather and her MS, 1580 00:36:20,880 --> 00:36:22,582 it's kind of tough 1581 00:36:22,682 --> 00:36:25,510 finding activities that we can 1582 00:36:22,682 --> 00:36:25,510 do together as a family. 1583 00:36:25,151 --> 00:36:26,419 But flying is 1584 00:36:25,151 --> 00:36:26,419 one of those things 1585 00:36:26,519 --> 00:36:27,954 'cause once we're 1586 00:36:26,519 --> 00:36:27,954 in the plane, 1587 00:36:28,540 --> 00:36:30,490 once we're in there together, 1588 00:36:28,540 --> 00:36:30,490 the kids are sticking 1589 00:36:30,590 --> 00:36:31,791 their heads up 1590 00:36:30,590 --> 00:36:31,791 against the window 1591 00:36:31,891 --> 00:36:34,728 and looking outside 1592 00:36:31,891 --> 00:36:34,728 and laughing. 1593 00:36:34,828 --> 00:36:39,599 This is the Lost River Range, 1594 00:36:34,828 --> 00:36:39,599 the tallest range in Idaho. 1595 00:36:39,699 --> 00:36:41,968 Heather's right there with us, 1596 00:36:39,699 --> 00:36:41,968 enjoying the whole thing 1597 00:36:42,680 --> 00:36:43,336 and being able to see it all. 1598 00:36:43,436 --> 00:36:44,571 And it's something really cool 1599 00:36:43,436 --> 00:36:44,571 to be able to do 1600 00:36:44,671 --> 00:36:46,339 as a family. 1601 00:36:46,439 --> 00:36:48,441 My last buzzer here on Stage 1 1602 00:36:48,541 --> 00:36:50,677 was a very emotional run 1603 00:36:48,541 --> 00:36:50,677 for me. 1604 00:36:50,777 --> 00:36:52,278 - He's pointing to his wife, 1605 00:36:50,777 --> 00:36:52,278 Heather, 1606 00:36:52,379 --> 00:36:54,800 who's watching 1607 00:36:52,379 --> 00:36:54,800 from back in Idaho. 1608 00:36:54,180 --> 00:36:57,317 - We had just come out 1609 00:36:54,180 --> 00:36:57,317 with Heather and her MS story. 1610 00:36:57,417 --> 00:36:58,918 She hasn't been able 1611 00:36:57,417 --> 00:36:58,918 to be on the sidelines 1612 00:36:59,850 --> 00:37:00,520 in Vegas. 1613 00:37:00,620 --> 00:37:04,357 - Well, Heather Pekus has 1614 00:37:00,620 --> 00:37:04,357 to be so proud of her husband! 1615 00:37:04,457 --> 00:37:07,270 He's turning in the run 1616 00:37:04,457 --> 00:37:07,270 of his life! 1617 00:37:09,295 --> 00:37:11,564 - So we're just excited 1618 00:37:09,295 --> 00:37:11,564 that she's gonna be there. 1619 00:37:11,664 --> 00:37:13,330 I can look down 1620 00:37:13,133 --> 00:37:14,868 and hopefully have another 1621 00:37:13,133 --> 00:37:14,868 good, emotional run with her. 1622 00:37:19,305 --> 00:37:22,542 - Love to see Heather on 1623 00:37:19,305 --> 00:37:22,542 the sideline supporting Lance. 1624 00:37:22,642 --> 00:37:25,545 - The kids, Gracie 1625 00:37:22,642 --> 00:37:25,545 and Grayson, watching at home, 1626 00:37:25,645 --> 00:37:27,881 staying up late 1627 00:37:25,645 --> 00:37:27,881 to see daddy on the course. 1628 00:37:28,480 --> 00:37:29,115 - Yeah, Daddy! 1629 00:37:29,215 --> 00:37:30,550 [countdown clock beeps] 1630 00:37:30,650 --> 00:37:31,851 - Let's go, let's go! 1631 00:37:31,951 --> 00:37:34,287 - This is 1632 00:37:31,951 --> 00:37:34,287 his tenth season competing, 1633 00:37:34,387 --> 00:37:36,923 but he's only made it 1634 00:37:34,387 --> 00:37:36,923 past Stage 1 twice. 1635 00:37:37,570 --> 00:37:38,158 - Uh-oh, here we go! 1636 00:37:38,258 --> 00:37:40,193 When he takes 1637 00:37:38,258 --> 00:37:40,193 that cowboy hat off, 1638 00:37:40,293 --> 00:37:43,930 you know he's serious. 1639 00:37:40,293 --> 00:37:43,930 - On the Swinging Blades. 1640 00:37:44,640 --> 00:37:46,766 And you can see, I think, 1641 00:37:44,640 --> 00:37:46,766 Pekus has a healthy respect 1642 00:37:46,866 --> 00:37:48,702 for the clock, Akbar. 1643 00:37:46,866 --> 00:37:48,702 - Yes, he does. 1644 00:37:48,802 --> 00:37:49,903 And he's got a sense 1645 00:37:48,802 --> 00:37:49,903 of urgency, 1646 00:37:50,700 --> 00:37:50,970 and you need that. 1647 00:37:50,700 --> 00:37:50,970 - Ooh. 1648 00:37:51,710 --> 00:37:52,405 - It's a veteran move. 1649 00:37:52,505 --> 00:37:54,740 - An extra swing, moving 1650 00:37:52,505 --> 00:37:54,740 to the front of the blade, 1651 00:37:54,107 --> 00:37:55,108 and he's got it. 1652 00:37:55,208 --> 00:37:56,643 - Nice and easy, 1653 00:37:55,208 --> 00:37:56,643 let it do the work! 1654 00:37:56,743 --> 00:37:58,211 - Jody Avila 1655 00:37:56,743 --> 00:37:58,211 and Tiana Webberley 1656 00:37:58,311 --> 00:37:59,746 out here cheering for Lance. 1657 00:37:59,846 --> 00:38:01,715 He's got 1658 00:37:59,846 --> 00:38:01,715 his pilot's license now. 1659 00:38:01,815 --> 00:38:03,550 Is capable of flying, 1660 00:38:01,815 --> 00:38:03,550 gonna have to 1661 00:38:03,650 --> 00:38:06,252 counter-intuitively just go 1662 00:38:03,650 --> 00:38:06,252 for the ride here 1663 00:38:06,353 --> 00:38:07,487 on Double Dipper. 1664 00:38:07,587 --> 00:38:09,890 - All right, 1665 00:38:07,587 --> 00:38:09,890 don't get bucked off. 1666 00:38:09,189 --> 00:38:11,925 Nice. 1667 00:38:09,189 --> 00:38:11,925 - Real smooth out of Pekus. 1668 00:38:12,250 --> 00:38:15,729 - Nice! 1669 00:38:12,250 --> 00:38:15,729 [cheers and applause] 1670 00:38:15,829 --> 00:38:17,864 - The 5'8" Pekus 1671 00:38:15,829 --> 00:38:17,864 needs a big bounce 1672 00:38:18,310 --> 00:38:19,265 for Jumping Spider. 1673 00:38:19,366 --> 00:38:21,134 - Gotta get in there deep. 1674 00:38:19,366 --> 00:38:21,134 Nice! 1675 00:38:21,234 --> 00:38:22,902 - And for Pekus, 1676 00:38:21,234 --> 00:38:22,902 he's fallen here twice 1677 00:38:23,360 --> 00:38:24,371 but makes that mount. 1678 00:38:24,471 --> 00:38:25,905 - Yeah, 1679 00:38:24,471 --> 00:38:25,905 see how aggressive he was? 1680 00:38:26,390 --> 00:38:27,474 He was so aggressive 1681 00:38:26,390 --> 00:38:27,474 and powerful. 1682 00:38:27,574 --> 00:38:29,309 - That's a first. 1683 00:38:27,574 --> 00:38:29,309 - Inside a Jumping Spider. 1684 00:38:29,409 --> 00:38:31,578 - That is a boost 1685 00:38:29,409 --> 00:38:31,578 for Lance Pekus. 1686 00:38:31,678 --> 00:38:33,813 [cheering] 1687 00:38:31,678 --> 00:38:33,813 - Go, Daddy! 1688 00:38:33,913 --> 00:38:37,384 - And here we go, now we can 1689 00:38:33,913 --> 00:38:37,384 see the cowboy ninja ride. 1690 00:38:37,484 --> 00:38:38,418 - Yee-haw! 1691 00:38:38,518 --> 00:38:39,886 - Get on Tire Run. 1692 00:38:40,530 --> 00:38:41,921 - Yeah, 1693 00:38:40,530 --> 00:38:41,921 he is all about business. 1694 00:38:42,550 --> 00:38:43,423 - Watch the balance. 1695 00:38:42,550 --> 00:38:43,423 - Nice, nice. 1696 00:38:43,523 --> 00:38:44,958 Okay, big fella, nice. 1697 00:38:45,580 --> 00:38:47,600 - Got about 1698 00:38:45,580 --> 00:38:47,600 a minute and a half left. 1699 00:38:47,930 --> 00:38:49,329 - Come on! 1700 00:38:47,930 --> 00:38:49,329 - Nice, come on! 1701 00:38:49,429 --> 00:38:50,663 Get on top of it! 1702 00:38:50,764 --> 00:38:52,465 - Watching him stay 1703 00:38:50,764 --> 00:38:52,465 on top of this tire, 1704 00:38:52,565 --> 00:38:55,502 it's gonna spin. 1705 00:38:52,565 --> 00:38:55,502 - Nice, nice, nice--oh, no! 1706 00:38:58,672 --> 00:39:01,374 - Flipped out on Tire Run, 1707 00:39:01,474 --> 00:39:03,510 just couldn't keep 1708 00:39:01,474 --> 00:39:03,510 his balance. 1709 00:39:03,610 --> 00:39:05,545 - Good job, Lance. 1710 00:39:05,645 --> 00:39:07,647 - Well, he had trouble 1711 00:39:05,645 --> 00:39:07,647 lining up the swing, 1712 00:39:07,747 --> 00:39:10,383 so he landed off-center, 1713 00:39:07,747 --> 00:39:10,383 on the edge of the tire. 1714 00:39:10,483 --> 00:39:12,520 As he tried to correct it, 1715 00:39:12,152 --> 00:39:13,820 that big wheel 1716 00:39:12,152 --> 00:39:13,820 started spinning. 1717 00:39:13,920 --> 00:39:15,655 And he couldn't get 1718 00:39:13,920 --> 00:39:15,655 enough height 1719 00:39:15,755 --> 00:39:17,657 to reach that next handle. 1720 00:39:17,757 --> 00:39:20,593 - Got it on the wrong side 1721 00:39:17,757 --> 00:39:20,593 of the--the tire, 1722 00:39:20,694 --> 00:39:23,596 and, uh, missed the jump. 1723 00:39:23,697 --> 00:39:24,864 Dang it. 1724 00:39:25,310 --> 00:39:27,100 Yeah. 1725 00:39:27,200 --> 00:39:30,203 - From corndogs 1726 00:39:27,200 --> 00:39:30,203 to cannonballs... 1727 00:39:30,303 --> 00:39:33,306 - Ey! 1728 00:39:30,303 --> 00:39:33,306 - Come on. 1729 00:39:33,406 --> 00:39:37,430 Jake Murray 1730 00:39:33,406 --> 00:39:37,430 always turns it up on Stage 1, 1731 00:39:45,285 --> 00:39:45,418 . 1732 00:39:46,786 --> 00:39:48,121 - Welcome back 1733 00:39:46,786 --> 00:39:48,121 to the national finals 1734 00:39:49,255 --> 00:39:49,789 here in Las Vegas, where we're 1735 00:39:49,255 --> 00:39:49,789 about halfway through 1736 00:39:50,457 --> 00:39:51,558 our second night on Stage 1. 1737 00:39:51,658 --> 00:39:54,561 - And, Matt, these last few 1738 00:39:51,658 --> 00:39:54,561 runs have been exciting. 1739 00:39:54,661 --> 00:39:58,531 Minutes ago, 15-year-old 1740 00:39:54,661 --> 00:39:58,531 Josiah Pippel got his shot. 1741 00:39:58,631 --> 00:40:00,660 - Let's go, Josiah! 1742 00:40:00,660 --> 00:40:02,302 - With his mentor, "Ninja" 1743 00:40:00,660 --> 00:40:02,302 great, Najee Richardson, 1744 00:40:02,402 --> 00:40:04,804 watching, 1745 00:40:02,402 --> 00:40:04,804 Pippel wasn't intimidated 1746 00:40:04,904 --> 00:40:06,673 in his first appearance 1747 00:40:04,904 --> 00:40:06,673 on Stage 1. 1748 00:40:06,773 --> 00:40:08,842 - Good move by Josiah Pippel. 1749 00:40:08,942 --> 00:40:11,678 - The New Jersey teenager 1750 00:40:08,942 --> 00:40:11,678 has five lizards at home 1751 00:40:11,778 --> 00:40:14,147 as pets, and he had 1752 00:40:11,778 --> 00:40:14,147 sticky feet of his own 1753 00:40:14,247 --> 00:40:15,815 to get through 1754 00:40:14,247 --> 00:40:15,815 the Jumping Spider. 1755 00:40:15,915 --> 00:40:18,585 - Cold blooded on the course, 1756 00:40:15,915 --> 00:40:18,585 like one of his lizards. 1757 00:40:18,685 --> 00:40:21,488 - Pippel got buzzers in 1758 00:40:18,685 --> 00:40:21,488 qualifying and semifinals, 1759 00:40:21,588 --> 00:40:23,556 and he sailed 1760 00:40:21,588 --> 00:40:23,556 to another tonight. 1761 00:40:23,656 --> 00:40:26,793 - Nin-Josiah, 1762 00:40:23,656 --> 00:40:26,793 he remains perfect. 1763 00:40:26,893 --> 00:40:30,363 - Becoming the ninth teenager 1764 00:40:26,893 --> 00:40:30,363 to move on to Stage 2. 1765 00:40:30,463 --> 00:40:33,366 Then it was the pride 1766 00:40:30,463 --> 00:40:33,366 of Visalia, California, 1767 00:40:33,466 --> 00:40:36,169 three-time national finalist, 1768 00:40:33,466 --> 00:40:36,169 Zhanique Lovett. 1769 00:40:36,269 --> 00:40:38,405 - Looking fit as ever. 1770 00:40:38,505 --> 00:40:40,373 - The 34-year-old 1771 00:40:38,505 --> 00:40:40,373 mother of three 1772 00:40:40,473 --> 00:40:43,276 came out strong, blazing 1773 00:40:40,473 --> 00:40:43,276 through the early obstacles. 1774 00:40:43,376 --> 00:40:44,911 - Oh, wow! 1775 00:40:45,110 --> 00:40:47,414 - And was one of the few women 1776 00:40:45,110 --> 00:40:47,414 to get past Jumping Spider. 1777 00:40:47,514 --> 00:40:49,820 - That was impressive. 1778 00:40:49,182 --> 00:40:51,484 - But on Tire Run, 1779 00:40:49,182 --> 00:40:51,484 she stumbled at the start 1780 00:40:51,584 --> 00:40:52,886 and couldn't recover. 1781 00:40:52,986 --> 00:40:54,821 - No! 1782 00:40:54,921 --> 00:40:58,240 - It's still her best run 1783 00:40:54,921 --> 00:40:58,240 ever on Stage 1. 1784 00:40:59,192 --> 00:41:01,728 Then it was 1785 00:40:59,192 --> 00:41:01,728 another "Ninja" veteran, 1786 00:41:01,828 --> 00:41:03,930 26-year-old Kyle Soderman 1787 00:41:04,640 --> 00:41:06,800 - Oh, he is really 1788 00:41:04,640 --> 00:41:06,800 looking good, Akbar. 1789 00:41:06,900 --> 00:41:09,135 - Soderman, Hunter Guerard, 1790 00:41:06,900 --> 00:41:09,135 and Jake Murray call 1791 00:41:09,235 --> 00:41:10,837 themselves the Blonde Boys. 1792 00:41:10,937 --> 00:41:13,173 And Kyle's buddies were 1793 00:41:10,937 --> 00:41:13,173 watching as the stuntman 1794 00:41:13,273 --> 00:41:16,760 threw caution to the wind 1795 00:41:13,273 --> 00:41:16,760 and attacked the course. 1796 00:41:16,109 --> 00:41:17,977 - Now, he may be going 1797 00:41:16,109 --> 00:41:17,977 with High Road. 1798 00:41:18,780 --> 00:41:20,180 - He hit the button 1799 00:41:18,780 --> 00:41:20,180 and made a mad dash 1800 00:41:20,280 --> 00:41:22,849 to High Road. 1801 00:41:20,280 --> 00:41:22,849 - And you've gotta get up! 1802 00:41:22,949 --> 00:41:25,352 - Wow. 1803 00:41:22,949 --> 00:41:25,352 - Yeah! 1804 00:41:25,452 --> 00:41:26,653 - He's pedaling. 1805 00:41:26,753 --> 00:41:28,955 That is a full send 1806 00:41:26,753 --> 00:41:28,955 right there. 1807 00:41:29,890 --> 00:41:30,790 - Whoo-hoo-hoo! 1808 00:41:30,890 --> 00:41:33,927 - That gave Soderman a shot at 1809 00:41:30,890 --> 00:41:33,927 the fastest time of the night, 1810 00:41:34,940 --> 00:41:36,863 and he got it 1811 00:41:34,940 --> 00:41:36,863 by almost 10 seconds. 1812 00:41:36,963 --> 00:41:38,932 - That's what's up! 1813 00:41:39,990 --> 00:41:42,102 Whoo! 1814 00:41:42,135 --> 00:41:45,405 - And now it's Soderman's 1815 00:41:42,135 --> 00:41:45,405 buddy, Jake Murray. 1816 00:41:45,505 --> 00:41:47,440 And you know he's gonna do 1817 00:41:45,505 --> 00:41:47,440 something crazy, 1818 00:41:47,540 --> 00:41:50,110 or be crazy fast. 1819 00:41:50,143 --> 00:41:51,845 That's what he's done 1820 00:41:50,143 --> 00:41:51,845 all season. 1821 00:41:51,945 --> 00:41:54,514 And he likes to do wild things 1822 00:41:51,945 --> 00:41:54,514 off the course as well, 1823 00:41:54,614 --> 00:41:56,850 especially 1824 00:41:54,614 --> 00:41:56,850 with the Blonde Boys, 1825 00:41:56,950 --> 00:41:59,552 Kyle Soderman 1826 00:41:56,950 --> 00:41:59,552 and Hunter Guerard. 1827 00:41:59,652 --> 00:42:02,389 [upbeat music] 1828 00:42:02,489 --> 00:42:03,790 - The Blonde Boys, 1829 00:42:03,890 --> 00:42:06,526 we all like to get 1830 00:42:03,890 --> 00:42:06,526 into the same things, man. 1831 00:42:06,626 --> 00:42:09,496 It has to be a little scary 1832 00:42:06,626 --> 00:42:09,496 and fun. 1833 00:42:09,596 --> 00:42:12,980 We're probably a good, like, 1834 00:42:09,596 --> 00:42:12,980 10,000 feet underground. 1835 00:42:12,198 --> 00:42:14,701 Last year, 1836 00:42:12,198 --> 00:42:14,701 it was caving in San Antonio. 1837 00:42:14,801 --> 00:42:16,936 - We did it! 1838 00:42:17,700 --> 00:42:18,405 - This year, 1839 00:42:17,700 --> 00:42:18,405 we decided to take a trip 1840 00:42:18,505 --> 00:42:19,739 down to this watering hole. 1841 00:42:19,839 --> 00:42:23,760 A one, and a two, 1842 00:42:19,839 --> 00:42:23,760 and a scoobidy-doobidy-doo! 1843 00:42:23,109 --> 00:42:24,344 Whoop-oop-ooh! 1844 00:42:24,444 --> 00:42:26,346 There's jumps everywhere. 1845 00:42:26,446 --> 00:42:28,682 We set up high lines 1846 00:42:26,446 --> 00:42:28,682 across deep water. 1847 00:42:28,782 --> 00:42:30,950 - This is the legend 1848 00:42:28,782 --> 00:42:30,950 Hey, Jacob, No. 1849 00:42:31,840 --> 00:42:32,152 - His name is Jake! 1850 00:42:31,840 --> 00:42:32,152 - Ah! 1851 00:42:32,252 --> 00:42:33,687 - We were flinging 1852 00:42:32,252 --> 00:42:33,687 one direction, 1853 00:42:33,787 --> 00:42:37,323 and flinging another, covered 1854 00:42:33,787 --> 00:42:37,323 in bruises, scratches, 1855 00:42:37,424 --> 00:42:39,693 and full of smiles. 1856 00:42:41,940 --> 00:42:43,663 - It really prepared us to do 1857 00:42:41,940 --> 00:42:43,663 better in Vegas. 1858 00:42:43,763 --> 00:42:46,299 We got used to doing 1859 00:42:43,763 --> 00:42:46,299 a lot of high movements, 1860 00:42:46,399 --> 00:42:48,234 so something like Double 1861 00:42:46,399 --> 00:42:48,234 Dipper isn't gonna be 1862 00:42:48,335 --> 00:42:49,235 too scary anymore. 1863 00:42:49,336 --> 00:42:51,471 - Heck, I'm on a hang! 1864 00:42:51,571 --> 00:42:53,640 We all decided that 1865 00:42:51,571 --> 00:42:53,640 it would be a good idea-- 1866 00:42:53,740 --> 00:42:54,941 in hindsight it wasn't-- 1867 00:42:55,108 --> 00:42:57,744 to toss ourselves 1868 00:42:55,108 --> 00:42:57,744 off the top in the buff. 1869 00:42:57,844 --> 00:43:00,714 all: The Boys! 1870 00:43:00,814 --> 00:43:02,315 Hunter and Kyle and I, 1871 00:43:00,814 --> 00:43:02,315 we're so similar 1872 00:43:02,415 --> 00:43:04,351 that all that has to happen is 1873 00:43:02,415 --> 00:43:04,351 we have to get together, 1874 00:43:04,451 --> 00:43:06,720 and then 1875 00:43:04,451 --> 00:43:06,720 the good times are gonna roll. 1876 00:43:08,254 --> 00:43:11,910 We're gonna have fun tonight. 1877 00:43:08,254 --> 00:43:11,910 [laughter] 1878 00:43:12,158 --> 00:43:13,927 - Those three are trouble, 1879 00:43:12,158 --> 00:43:13,927 Matt. 1880 00:43:14,600 --> 00:43:16,730 - Well, Soderman just put up 1881 00:43:14,600 --> 00:43:16,730 the fastest time, 1882 00:43:16,830 --> 00:43:18,531 and Hunter Guerard runs next. 1883 00:43:18,631 --> 00:43:20,100 - Money! 1884 00:43:18,631 --> 00:43:20,100 [countdown clock beeps] 1885 00:43:20,200 --> 00:43:21,668 - Jake's a skateboarder, 1886 00:43:21,768 --> 00:43:23,603 Side Surfer should be 1887 00:43:21,768 --> 00:43:23,603 no problem. 1888 00:43:23,703 --> 00:43:26,139 And it isn't. 1889 00:43:23,703 --> 00:43:26,139 - Jake Murray can go so fast. 1890 00:43:26,239 --> 00:43:28,842 But in the past, he has been 1891 00:43:26,239 --> 00:43:28,842 prone to mistakes, Akbar. 1892 00:43:28,942 --> 00:43:30,377 And he doesn't have 1893 00:43:28,942 --> 00:43:30,377 a safety pass. 1894 00:43:30,477 --> 00:43:31,878 - No, Matt, and we saw that. 1895 00:43:31,978 --> 00:43:33,513 He came in flying 1896 00:43:31,978 --> 00:43:33,513 with no hands 1897 00:43:33,613 --> 00:43:35,782 into Swinging Blades 1898 00:43:33,613 --> 00:43:35,782 on that first one. 1899 00:43:35,882 --> 00:43:38,785 - Has had an incredible season 1900 00:43:35,882 --> 00:43:38,785 though, fastest finisher 1901 00:43:38,885 --> 00:43:42,155 in both his qualifying 1902 00:43:38,885 --> 00:43:42,155 and semifinal competition. 1903 00:43:43,390 --> 00:43:45,892 - He's reckless and fun 1904 00:43:43,390 --> 00:43:45,892 at the same time. 1905 00:43:45,992 --> 00:43:48,161 It's so cool to watch 1906 00:43:45,992 --> 00:43:48,161 Jake Murray. 1907 00:43:48,261 --> 00:43:50,960 - And right into 1908 00:43:48,261 --> 00:43:50,960 the Jumping Spider. 1909 00:43:50,130 --> 00:43:52,165 - He got to be careful now, 1910 00:43:50,130 --> 00:43:52,165 he likes to have fun, 1911 00:43:52,265 --> 00:43:53,366 go fast. 1912 00:43:53,466 --> 00:43:55,042 - Grew up a skateboarder 1913 00:43:53,466 --> 00:43:55,042 in South Dakota, 1914 00:43:55,101 --> 00:43:57,137 now a Ninja living 1915 00:43:55,101 --> 00:43:57,137 in Colorado, 1916 00:43:57,237 --> 00:43:58,738 and he is always fun to watch. 1917 00:43:58,838 --> 00:44:01,775 - Matt, he is through four 1918 00:43:58,838 --> 00:44:01,775 obstacles in under 40 seconds. 1919 00:44:01,875 --> 00:44:03,843 - Goes right into Tire Run. 1920 00:44:03,943 --> 00:44:07,470 He's running fast, Akbar, 1921 00:44:03,943 --> 00:44:07,470 but looks to be in control. 1922 00:44:07,113 --> 00:44:09,490 - And he's got his boardshorts 1923 00:44:07,113 --> 00:44:09,490 on too. 1924 00:44:09,149 --> 00:44:11,184 I don't think he's planning 1925 00:44:09,149 --> 00:44:11,184 on going swimming. 1926 00:44:11,284 --> 00:44:13,153 - He has really matured 1927 00:44:11,284 --> 00:44:13,153 as a competitor 1928 00:44:13,253 --> 00:44:14,688 in the past couple seasons. 1929 00:44:14,788 --> 00:44:16,256 Last time Jake was in Vegas, 1930 00:44:16,356 --> 00:44:18,291 he put up the top time 1931 00:44:16,356 --> 00:44:18,291 on Stage 1. 1932 00:44:18,391 --> 00:44:20,927 And he's well ahead of 1933 00:44:18,391 --> 00:44:20,927 his buddy Kyle Soderman's pace 1934 00:44:21,610 --> 00:44:22,696 for the fastest time tonight. 1935 00:44:22,796 --> 00:44:24,964 Getting himself 1936 00:44:22,796 --> 00:44:24,964 a huge cushion here. 1937 00:44:25,650 --> 00:44:27,334 - What you gonna do? 1938 00:44:25,650 --> 00:44:27,334 What you gonna do? 1939 00:44:27,434 --> 00:44:30,700 - Oh, and he hits the button? 1940 00:44:27,434 --> 00:44:30,700 Is he gonna try High Road? 1941 00:44:30,103 --> 00:44:32,572 - Oh, he's not messing 1942 00:44:30,103 --> 00:44:32,572 around--no! 1943 00:44:32,672 --> 00:44:34,374 - What a save! 1944 00:44:32,672 --> 00:44:34,374 - What? 1945 00:44:34,474 --> 00:44:36,810 - If he can still-- 1946 00:44:34,474 --> 00:44:36,810 - Jake Murray! 1947 00:44:36,910 --> 00:44:38,244 - Oh! 1948 00:44:36,910 --> 00:44:38,244 - Oh! 1949 00:44:38,345 --> 00:44:41,381 My goodness, another save! 1950 00:44:38,345 --> 00:44:41,381 [cheers and applause] 1951 00:44:41,481 --> 00:44:45,151 - Oh, my! 1952 00:44:41,481 --> 00:44:45,151 His heart has to be racing. 1953 00:44:45,251 --> 00:44:46,519 - Whoa! 1954 00:44:46,619 --> 00:44:48,788 - Well, not only is he gonna 1955 00:44:46,619 --> 00:44:48,788 get a buzzer, 1956 00:44:48,888 --> 00:44:52,892 he's gonna be 30 seconds 1957 00:44:48,888 --> 00:44:52,892 faster than everyone else. 1958 00:44:52,992 --> 00:44:55,695 Well, he can breathe again. 1959 00:44:52,992 --> 00:44:55,695 We all can. 1960 00:44:55,795 --> 00:44:58,998 Two spectacular saves 1961 00:44:55,795 --> 00:44:58,998 out of Jake Murray. 1962 00:44:59,990 --> 00:45:02,936 [cheering and applause] 1963 00:45:03,360 --> 00:45:05,839 - Jake Murray, 1964 00:45:03,360 --> 00:45:05,839 I can't handle you. 1965 00:45:05,939 --> 00:45:09,476 - He stayed dry, hasn't hit 1966 00:45:05,939 --> 00:45:09,476 the water all season. 1967 00:45:09,576 --> 00:45:12,145 - Stage 1 never felt so good. 1968 00:45:12,245 --> 00:45:14,114 It's a dry season. 1969 00:45:14,214 --> 00:45:17,500 - It's a dry season 1970 00:45:14,214 --> 00:45:17,500 for Jake Murray, buddy! 1971 00:45:17,830 --> 00:45:19,919 - Oh, feels awesome! 1972 00:45:17,830 --> 00:45:19,919 Whoo! 1973 00:45:20,530 --> 00:45:22,922 - Never a dull moment 1974 00:45:20,530 --> 00:45:22,922 with that guy. 1975 00:45:23,560 --> 00:45:26,192 - He had two great saves 1976 00:45:23,560 --> 00:45:26,192 in about five seconds. 1977 00:45:26,292 --> 00:45:29,796 He almost lost it on 1978 00:45:26,292 --> 00:45:29,796 Dipping Birds, but recovered, 1979 00:45:29,896 --> 00:45:32,198 and then dashed over 1980 00:45:29,896 --> 00:45:32,198 to the High Road 1981 00:45:32,298 --> 00:45:36,369 and he went full extension, 1982 00:45:32,298 --> 00:45:36,369 barely got the ring. 1983 00:45:36,469 --> 00:45:38,905 Looked like he was trying out 1984 00:45:36,469 --> 00:45:38,905 for my Las Vegas Raiders 1985 00:45:39,720 --> 00:45:42,242 with that grab. 1986 00:45:39,720 --> 00:45:42,242 - And he's down with Zuri. 1987 00:45:43,543 --> 00:45:45,679 - Jake, congratulations, 1988 00:45:43,543 --> 00:45:45,679 that was amazing. 1989 00:45:45,779 --> 00:45:46,913 - Thank you! 1990 00:45:47,800 --> 00:45:49,416 - You had a wild save 1991 00:45:47,800 --> 00:45:49,416 on Dipping Birds. 1992 00:45:49,516 --> 00:45:50,817 What went down there? 1993 00:45:50,917 --> 00:45:52,318 - That was--that was 1994 00:45:50,917 --> 00:45:52,318 terrifying, um. 1995 00:45:52,419 --> 00:45:54,354 Oh, my gosh, 1996 00:45:52,419 --> 00:45:54,354 you got my heart racing. 1997 00:45:54,454 --> 00:45:56,356 Uh, like I said, my cardio's 1998 00:45:54,454 --> 00:45:56,356 feeling really good this year, 1999 00:45:56,456 --> 00:45:58,258 maybe the best it's ever felt 2000 00:45:56,456 --> 00:45:58,258 on Stage 1. 2001 00:45:58,358 --> 00:46:00,493 Uh, but it was close. 2002 00:45:58,358 --> 00:46:00,493 - Okay, got it, got it. 2003 00:46:00,593 --> 00:46:02,395 And you could have taken 2004 00:46:00,593 --> 00:46:02,395 the easy way. 2005 00:46:02,495 --> 00:46:04,664 But you still went for the High 2006 00:46:02,495 --> 00:46:04,664 Road at the end there. 2007 00:46:04,764 --> 00:46:05,899 What was that all about? 2008 00:46:06,320 --> 00:46:07,233 - Uh, if you ask me, 2009 00:46:06,320 --> 00:46:07,233 that is the easy route 2010 00:46:07,334 --> 00:46:10,503 if you stick the jump. 2011 00:46:07,334 --> 00:46:10,503 But, uh, yeah, you know. 2012 00:46:10,603 --> 00:46:12,172 Made it, here we are. 2013 00:46:10,603 --> 00:46:12,172 [laughter] 2014 00:46:12,272 --> 00:46:14,874 - Made it, here we are! 2015 00:46:12,272 --> 00:46:14,874 That's all there is to say. 2016 00:46:15,410 --> 00:46:16,420 You ready for Stage 2? 2017 00:46:16,760 --> 00:46:17,577 - I'm ready. 2018 00:46:16,760 --> 00:46:17,577 More ready than ever. 2019 00:46:17,677 --> 00:46:19,612 - All right, we can't wait 2020 00:46:17,677 --> 00:46:19,612 to watch you take it out. 2021 00:46:19,713 --> 00:46:23,830 Congratulations, Jake. 2022 00:46:19,713 --> 00:46:23,830 Guys, back to you. 2023 00:46:23,183 --> 00:46:26,619 - She's been close 2024 00:46:23,183 --> 00:46:26,619 so many times before. 2025 00:46:26,720 --> 00:46:27,954 - Time is ticking! 2026 00:46:26,720 --> 00:46:27,954 - Oh, no! 2027 00:46:28,540 --> 00:46:29,589 - No! 2028 00:46:28,540 --> 00:46:29,589 - No! 2029 00:46:29,689 --> 00:46:31,524 - Is this the year 2030 00:46:29,689 --> 00:46:31,524 "Flex" Labreck 2031 00:46:31,624 --> 00:46:33,660 finally gets a Stage 1 buzzer? 2032 00:46:42,235 --> 00:46:42,369 . 2033 00:46:44,700 --> 00:46:45,305 - Welcome back. 2034 00:46:46,473 --> 00:46:48,408 Moments ago, 2035 00:46:46,473 --> 00:46:48,408 Jake Murray blew away Stage 1, 2036 00:46:48,508 --> 00:46:51,811 setting the fastest time 2037 00:46:48,508 --> 00:46:51,811 by over 30 seconds. 2038 00:46:51,911 --> 00:46:53,913 And while we were away, 2039 00:46:51,911 --> 00:46:53,913 Jake's buddy 2040 00:46:54,800 --> 00:46:56,483 and the final Blonde Boy, 2041 00:46:54,800 --> 00:46:56,483 Hunter Guerard, 2042 00:46:56,583 --> 00:46:58,985 AKA the Lizard, 2043 00:46:56,583 --> 00:46:58,985 got his shot. 2044 00:46:59,850 --> 00:47:02,255 - Got the retro look going on. 2045 00:46:59,850 --> 00:47:02,255 Look at the headband. 2046 00:47:02,355 --> 00:47:05,225 - Guerard has never failed 2047 00:47:02,355 --> 00:47:05,225 in three previous attempts 2048 00:47:05,325 --> 00:47:06,693 on Stage 1. 2049 00:47:06,793 --> 00:47:09,262 But tonight, he had trouble 2050 00:47:06,793 --> 00:47:09,262 on Jumping Spider. 2051 00:47:09,362 --> 00:47:11,464 - Get out of there! 2052 00:47:09,362 --> 00:47:11,464 Get out of there, Hunter! 2053 00:47:11,564 --> 00:47:14,734 Whoa! I've never seen 2054 00:47:11,564 --> 00:47:14,734 a dismount like that. 2055 00:47:14,834 --> 00:47:17,404 - On Tire Run. 2056 00:47:14,834 --> 00:47:17,404 - Whoa, whoa, whoa! Ooh! 2057 00:47:17,504 --> 00:47:19,390 Watch out. 2058 00:47:19,139 --> 00:47:22,175 - And even the Warped Wall, 2059 00:47:19,139 --> 00:47:22,175 where he needed four attempts. 2060 00:47:22,275 --> 00:47:24,210 - Oh, my goodness. 2061 00:47:22,275 --> 00:47:24,210 He's gotta go. 2062 00:47:24,310 --> 00:47:27,313 He's gotta go now! 2063 00:47:24,310 --> 00:47:27,313 Go, go, go, go, go, go! 2064 00:47:27,414 --> 00:47:29,649 - And then stumbled again 2065 00:47:27,414 --> 00:47:29,649 on the Dipping Birds 2066 00:47:29,749 --> 00:47:31,751 as time finally ran out. 2067 00:47:31,851 --> 00:47:34,921 - Oh! 2068 00:47:31,851 --> 00:47:34,921 Oh, my goodness. 2069 00:47:35,550 --> 00:47:36,256 [buzzer blares] 2070 00:47:36,356 --> 00:47:40,260 That was a lot of drama 2071 00:47:36,356 --> 00:47:40,260 for "Ninja Warrior." 2072 00:47:40,360 --> 00:47:43,630 - Then it was 20-year-old 2073 00:47:40,360 --> 00:47:43,630 Isaiah Wakeham, 2074 00:47:43,960 --> 00:47:45,650 part of the only 2075 00:47:43,960 --> 00:47:45,650 brother-sister duo 2076 00:47:45,165 --> 00:47:46,566 at the national finals. 2077 00:47:46,666 --> 00:47:49,690 His sister, Isabella, 2078 00:47:46,666 --> 00:47:49,690 reached the Dipping Birds 2079 00:47:49,102 --> 00:47:50,303 last week. 2080 00:47:50,403 --> 00:47:52,405 And since both her kids 2081 00:47:50,403 --> 00:47:52,405 made it to Vegas, 2082 00:47:52,505 --> 00:47:55,942 Mom lost a bet and had 2083 00:47:52,505 --> 00:47:55,942 to get a tattoo of us. 2084 00:47:56,760 --> 00:47:59,790 Tonight, older brother 2085 00:47:56,760 --> 00:47:59,790 Isaiah got his time to shine. 2086 00:47:59,179 --> 00:48:00,513 - Here we go! 2087 00:47:59,179 --> 00:48:00,513 Go for it then! 2088 00:48:00,613 --> 00:48:03,183 - Running short on time, 2089 00:48:00,613 --> 00:48:03,183 he hit the button 2090 00:48:03,283 --> 00:48:05,685 and made the mad dash 2091 00:48:03,283 --> 00:48:05,685 to the High Road, 2092 00:48:05,785 --> 00:48:07,187 and timed it perfectly. 2093 00:48:07,287 --> 00:48:10,123 - Oh, okay! 2094 00:48:07,287 --> 00:48:10,123 Take that right there. 2095 00:48:10,223 --> 00:48:14,794 - As he sailed to the buzzer 2096 00:48:10,223 --> 00:48:14,794 with 15 seconds to spare. 2097 00:48:14,894 --> 00:48:16,863 - That's pretty dope 2098 00:48:14,894 --> 00:48:16,863 right there. 2099 00:48:17,300 --> 00:48:18,231 - Whoo! 2100 00:48:18,331 --> 00:48:19,599 crowd: [chanting] Jesse! 2101 00:48:18,331 --> 00:48:19,599 Jesse! Jesse! 2102 00:48:19,699 --> 00:48:21,668 - There's only one runner left 2103 00:48:19,699 --> 00:48:21,668 for Stage 1, 2104 00:48:21,768 --> 00:48:24,700 and this crowd knows 2105 00:48:21,768 --> 00:48:24,700 who it is. 2106 00:48:24,170 --> 00:48:25,939 - Zuri, get her going. 2107 00:48:26,390 --> 00:48:28,475 - Guys, it is time 2108 00:48:26,390 --> 00:48:28,475 to pump things up 2109 00:48:28,575 --> 00:48:31,444 because Jesse "Flex" Labreck 2110 00:48:28,575 --> 00:48:31,444 is ready to run. 2111 00:48:31,544 --> 00:48:34,948 Jesse's hit more buzzers than 2112 00:48:31,544 --> 00:48:34,948 any woman in "Ninja" history, 2113 00:48:35,480 --> 00:48:37,617 but there's one that's missing 2114 00:48:35,480 --> 00:48:37,617 from her resume. 2115 00:48:41,540 --> 00:48:43,923 - My rookie season, I fell on 2116 00:48:41,540 --> 00:48:43,923 the Jumping Spider. 2117 00:48:44,570 --> 00:48:48,940 - Oh! No! 2118 00:48:44,570 --> 00:48:48,940 [buzzer blares] 2119 00:48:48,194 --> 00:48:51,970 - My second year, 2120 00:48:48,194 --> 00:48:51,970 I made it to the cargo net, 2121 00:48:51,197 --> 00:48:52,298 and I spiraled down. 2122 00:48:52,399 --> 00:48:54,467 - Oh, no! 2123 00:48:52,399 --> 00:48:54,467 - No! 2124 00:48:54,567 --> 00:48:57,904 - So close, 2125 00:48:54,567 --> 00:48:57,904 but comes up short. 2126 00:48:58,710 --> 00:49:01,241 - My third try, I failed 2127 00:48:58,710 --> 00:49:01,241 on the second Twist and Fly. 2128 00:49:01,341 --> 00:49:03,777 - Oh, no! 2129 00:49:03,877 --> 00:49:07,547 An unbelievable run comes up 2130 00:49:03,877 --> 00:49:07,547 just short once again. 2131 00:49:09,150 --> 00:49:12,152 - My fourth time, 2132 00:49:09,150 --> 00:49:12,152 I got to the cargo net again, 2133 00:49:12,252 --> 00:49:14,554 and spiraled down 2134 00:49:12,252 --> 00:49:14,554 to the water. 2135 00:49:14,654 --> 00:49:16,389 - Time is ticking-- 2136 00:49:14,654 --> 00:49:16,389 - Oh, no! 2137 00:49:16,489 --> 00:49:17,791 - No! 2138 00:49:16,489 --> 00:49:17,791 - No! 2139 00:49:17,891 --> 00:49:20,393 Couldn't hold on 2140 00:49:17,891 --> 00:49:20,393 and history repeats itself 2141 00:49:20,493 --> 00:49:23,163 for the third year in a row. 2142 00:49:24,531 --> 00:49:27,867 - That was probably 2143 00:49:24,531 --> 00:49:27,867 the most defeated I felt. 2144 00:49:28,340 --> 00:49:32,720 Happened again. 2145 00:49:32,172 --> 00:49:33,673 Brutal. 2146 00:49:33,773 --> 00:49:35,410 Ugh, I was there. 2147 00:49:35,750 --> 00:49:36,443 The other times, 2148 00:49:35,750 --> 00:49:36,443 I was able to kind of 2149 00:49:36,543 --> 00:49:37,777 pick myself back up. 2150 00:49:37,877 --> 00:49:39,846 But that time being 2151 00:49:37,877 --> 00:49:39,846 the third time in a row 2152 00:49:39,946 --> 00:49:41,514 getting to the last obstacle, 2153 00:49:39,946 --> 00:49:41,514 I was like, 2154 00:49:41,614 --> 00:49:44,818 I just can't believe 2155 00:49:41,614 --> 00:49:44,818 this just continues to happen. 2156 00:49:46,219 --> 00:49:48,922 I hate cargo nets. 2157 00:49:49,550 --> 00:49:50,857 [hopeful music] 2158 00:49:50,957 --> 00:49:54,227 I have been practicing them 2159 00:49:50,957 --> 00:49:54,227 so much. 2160 00:49:54,327 --> 00:49:56,529 I try to get as tired 2161 00:49:54,327 --> 00:49:56,529 as I can, 2162 00:49:56,629 --> 00:49:58,498 and then swing 2163 00:49:56,629 --> 00:49:58,498 into a cargo net. 2164 00:49:58,598 --> 00:50:00,900 And I've been practicing that 2165 00:49:58,598 --> 00:50:00,900 over and over. 2166 00:50:01,042 --> 00:50:05,338 * 2167 00:50:05,438 --> 00:50:08,742 I do not want to fall 2168 00:50:05,438 --> 00:50:08,742 on the cargo net again. 2169 00:50:13,460 --> 00:50:15,882 - Jesse's got a huge group 2170 00:50:13,460 --> 00:50:15,882 of supporters watching 2171 00:50:15,982 --> 00:50:17,517 from all over the country, 2172 00:50:17,617 --> 00:50:20,754 including her dad and stepmom, 2173 00:50:17,617 --> 00:50:20,754 and, on the sideline, 2174 00:50:20,854 --> 00:50:22,989 her biggest fan, 2175 00:50:20,854 --> 00:50:22,989 fianc?? and fellow ninja 2176 00:50:23,890 --> 00:50:25,992 Chris DiGangi, who was 2177 00:50:23,890 --> 00:50:25,992 eliminated back in qualifying. 2178 00:50:26,920 --> 00:50:28,280 - Let's go! 2179 00:50:26,920 --> 00:50:28,280 - You got this, baby! 2180 00:50:28,128 --> 00:50:29,562 Come on! 2181 00:50:29,662 --> 00:50:31,131 - Some other notable ninjas 2182 00:50:29,662 --> 00:50:31,131 coming out 2183 00:50:31,231 --> 00:50:32,632 to see this one too. 2184 00:50:32,732 --> 00:50:34,567 No one wants to miss this run. 2185 00:50:34,668 --> 00:50:37,303 [countdown clock beeping] 2186 00:50:37,404 --> 00:50:39,973 - I'm confident she's hitting 2187 00:50:37,404 --> 00:50:39,973 the buzzer tonight, Matt. 2188 00:50:40,730 --> 00:50:41,508 I'm confident in her ability. 2189 00:50:41,608 --> 00:50:43,510 - Well, only twice in history 2190 00:50:41,608 --> 00:50:43,510 has a woman hit 2191 00:50:43,610 --> 00:50:46,813 a Stage 1 buzzer, 2192 00:50:43,610 --> 00:50:46,813 Flex trying to be the third. 2193 00:50:46,913 --> 00:50:49,749 - She's in the zone, Matt; 2194 00:50:46,913 --> 00:50:49,749 this is her best year yet. 2195 00:50:49,849 --> 00:50:51,885 - Oh, had the hands 2196 00:50:49,849 --> 00:50:51,885 on the same side, 2197 00:50:51,985 --> 00:50:53,553 good correction there. 2198 00:50:53,653 --> 00:50:56,256 - The great ninjas, 2199 00:50:53,653 --> 00:50:56,256 they adapt on the go. 2200 00:50:56,356 --> 00:50:58,658 - She's a tremendous 2201 00:50:56,356 --> 00:50:58,658 all-around athlete, 2202 00:50:58,758 --> 00:51:00,827 was a track star 2203 00:50:58,758 --> 00:51:00,827 at the University of Maine, 2204 00:51:00,927 --> 00:51:03,163 still holds 2205 00:51:00,927 --> 00:51:03,163 school records there. 2206 00:51:03,263 --> 00:51:06,599 And we know Stage 1 2207 00:51:03,263 --> 00:51:06,599 is an all-out sprint. 2208 00:51:06,700 --> 00:51:08,468 - She's got an aggressive pace 2209 00:51:06,700 --> 00:51:08,468 because she wants 2210 00:51:08,568 --> 00:51:11,204 to give herself that time 2211 00:51:08,568 --> 00:51:11,204 so she doesn't repeat history 2212 00:51:11,304 --> 00:51:14,740 and run out of time 2213 00:51:11,304 --> 00:51:14,740 on the back end. 2214 00:51:14,908 --> 00:51:18,144 - 5'7", a former long jumper, 2215 00:51:14,908 --> 00:51:18,144 needs to explode 2216 00:51:18,244 --> 00:51:19,779 into the Jumping Spider. 2217 00:51:19,879 --> 00:51:21,981 - And you see how much power 2218 00:51:19,879 --> 00:51:21,981 she put into the trampoline, 2219 00:51:22,820 --> 00:51:24,818 ensuring that she's gonna get 2220 00:51:22,820 --> 00:51:24,818 inside that chute. 2221 00:51:24,918 --> 00:51:26,886 - She fell on this obstacle 2222 00:51:24,918 --> 00:51:26,886 her rookie season, 2223 00:51:26,986 --> 00:51:30,256 five years ago, but has gotten 2224 00:51:26,986 --> 00:51:30,256 past it every year since, 2225 00:51:30,357 --> 00:51:32,592 trying to join Jessie Graff 2226 00:51:30,357 --> 00:51:32,592 and Allyssa Beird, 2227 00:51:32,692 --> 00:51:34,994 becoming the third woman 2228 00:51:32,692 --> 00:51:34,994 to hit a Stage 1 buzzer. 2229 00:51:35,950 --> 00:51:36,563 - You got it! 2230 00:51:35,950 --> 00:51:36,563 Come on, Jessie! 2231 00:51:36,663 --> 00:51:39,532 - And, Akbar, 2232 00:51:36,663 --> 00:51:39,532 I love this pace out of Flex-- 2233 00:51:39,632 --> 00:51:41,042 - Whoa, whoa! 2234 00:51:39,632 --> 00:51:41,042 - Oh, what a save! 2235 00:51:41,101 --> 00:51:42,102 - Don't you play with me 2236 00:51:41,101 --> 00:51:42,102 like that, girl. 2237 00:51:42,168 --> 00:51:43,269 - What a save. 2238 00:51:43,370 --> 00:51:44,637 - Don't you play 2239 00:51:43,370 --> 00:51:44,637 with me like that. 2240 00:51:44,738 --> 00:51:45,839 - That's gotta cause 2241 00:51:44,738 --> 00:51:45,839 the heartrate to spike. 2242 00:51:45,939 --> 00:51:47,741 - Well, mine did. 2243 00:51:45,939 --> 00:51:47,741 - Come on, Jesse! 2244 00:51:47,841 --> 00:51:49,642 - Come on, come on. 2245 00:51:47,841 --> 00:51:49,642 Got it! 2246 00:51:49,743 --> 00:51:52,912 She's in total control. 2247 00:51:49,743 --> 00:51:52,912 - And plenty of time. 2248 00:51:53,130 --> 00:51:55,115 - Let's go, girl, let's go! 2249 00:51:53,130 --> 00:51:55,115 Yes, come on! 2250 00:51:55,148 --> 00:51:56,916 - Chris knows what this means 2251 00:51:55,148 --> 00:51:56,916 to her. 2252 00:51:57,170 --> 00:52:00,120 Three obstacles to go. 2253 00:51:57,170 --> 00:52:00,120 - Come on, Jesse, let's go! 2254 00:52:01,855 --> 00:52:03,289 - No problem 2255 00:52:01,855 --> 00:52:03,289 up the Warped Wall, 2256 00:52:03,390 --> 00:52:04,557 that's how strong she is. 2257 00:52:04,657 --> 00:52:06,192 Doesn't hit 2258 00:52:04,657 --> 00:52:06,192 the High Road button, 2259 00:52:06,292 --> 00:52:07,694 so she'll have to go 2260 00:52:06,292 --> 00:52:07,694 Fly Hooks, 2261 00:52:07,794 --> 00:52:10,630 and that means facing 2262 00:52:07,794 --> 00:52:10,630 her nemesis, the cargo net. 2263 00:52:10,730 --> 00:52:12,766 Well, she's been here 2264 00:52:10,730 --> 00:52:12,766 before, Akbar. 2265 00:52:12,866 --> 00:52:14,634 Gotta get through 2266 00:52:12,866 --> 00:52:14,634 Dipping Birds. 2267 00:52:14,734 --> 00:52:16,403 - All right, she's gotta get 2268 00:52:14,734 --> 00:52:16,403 going now though 2269 00:52:16,503 --> 00:52:17,871 Long legs, don't goof this. 2270 00:52:17,971 --> 00:52:19,839 - Yes! Yes! 2271 00:52:17,971 --> 00:52:19,839 - Let's go! 2272 00:52:19,939 --> 00:52:22,409 - But this is it, 2273 00:52:19,939 --> 00:52:22,409 this spot right here. 2274 00:52:22,509 --> 00:52:26,790 And she's got a lot more time 2275 00:52:22,509 --> 00:52:26,790 left than in past years. 2276 00:52:27,247 --> 00:52:29,816 - Go for it. 2277 00:52:27,247 --> 00:52:29,816 Got it, yes! Come on. 2278 00:52:29,916 --> 00:52:31,840 You go, girl! 2279 00:52:31,151 --> 00:52:32,452 - Right here, 2280 00:52:31,151 --> 00:52:32,452 she's been here before, 2281 00:52:32,552 --> 00:52:34,854 falling into the net, 2282 00:52:32,552 --> 00:52:34,854 gotta get high on it. 2283 00:52:34,954 --> 00:52:37,824 - Don't you do that. 2284 00:52:34,954 --> 00:52:37,824 Don't you do that, Labreck 2285 00:52:37,924 --> 00:52:39,292 - An extra swing here 2286 00:52:37,924 --> 00:52:39,292 as she's got plenty of time. 2287 00:52:39,392 --> 00:52:41,940 - She's got to let go now! 2288 00:52:41,194 --> 00:52:43,196 - Yes! 2289 00:52:41,194 --> 00:52:43,196 - Yes! 2290 00:52:43,296 --> 00:52:44,664 [wild cheers and applause] 2291 00:52:43,296 --> 00:52:44,664 - Okay! 2292 00:52:44,764 --> 00:52:48,042 - That smile says it all. 2293 00:52:44,764 --> 00:52:48,042 Flex is gonna do it! 2294 00:52:48,101 --> 00:52:49,869 - Go get that buzzer! 2295 00:52:49,969 --> 00:52:52,972 - Her perfect season 2296 00:52:49,969 --> 00:52:52,972 continues! 2297 00:52:53,106 --> 00:52:54,674 [buzzer blares] 2298 00:52:53,106 --> 00:52:54,674 - [shrieking] 2299 00:52:54,774 --> 00:52:56,676 Whoo! Whoo! 2300 00:52:56,776 --> 00:52:58,712 - She is the Labreck house! 2301 00:52:58,812 --> 00:53:03,490 - The third woman ever to hit 2302 00:52:58,812 --> 00:53:03,490 a Stage 1 buzzer, Flex Labreck! 2303 00:53:03,149 --> 00:53:04,884 - Come on! 2304 00:53:03,149 --> 00:53:04,884 Come on! 2305 00:53:05,510 --> 00:53:09,589 [cheering] 2306 00:53:09,689 --> 00:53:13,860 - Absolutely one of 2307 00:53:09,689 --> 00:53:13,860 the strongest we've ever seen. 2308 00:53:13,960 --> 00:53:16,496 - Matt, it's the greatest show 2309 00:53:13,960 --> 00:53:16,496 on the Strip, look at this. 2310 00:53:16,596 --> 00:53:18,131 [cheers and applause] 2311 00:53:18,231 --> 00:53:20,333 - Oh, my God, finally. 2312 00:53:20,433 --> 00:53:23,169 - She made it interesting 2313 00:53:20,433 --> 00:53:23,169 on Tire Run 2314 00:53:23,269 --> 00:53:24,838 with that one-handed grab. 2315 00:53:24,938 --> 00:53:27,340 Then it was a showdown 2316 00:53:24,938 --> 00:53:27,340 with that cargo net. 2317 00:53:27,440 --> 00:53:30,877 After being so close, 2318 00:53:27,440 --> 00:53:30,877 she finally got it. 2319 00:53:30,977 --> 00:53:33,146 And that smile, she knew it. 2320 00:53:33,246 --> 00:53:36,616 All that hard work paid off. 2321 00:53:36,716 --> 00:53:40,453 - Jesse "Flex" Labreck, 2322 00:53:36,716 --> 00:53:40,453 congratulations. 2323 00:53:40,553 --> 00:53:41,955 Fourth time's the charm. 2324 00:53:42,880 --> 00:53:44,758 You now join the elite club 2325 00:53:42,880 --> 00:53:44,758 of three women 2326 00:53:44,858 --> 00:53:47,961 to officially complete Stage 1. 2327 00:53:48,940 --> 00:53:49,696 I mean, how are you feeling? 2328 00:53:49,796 --> 00:53:50,997 What was different this time? 2329 00:53:51,970 --> 00:53:54,401 - Um, I trained 2330 00:53:51,970 --> 00:53:54,401 really, really hard for this. 2331 00:53:54,501 --> 00:53:55,835 Not that I didn't train hard 2332 00:53:54,501 --> 00:53:55,835 for it before, 2333 00:53:55,935 --> 00:53:57,771 but I knew what it takes. 2334 00:53:57,871 --> 00:54:00,400 I trained 2335 00:53:57,871 --> 00:54:00,400 for getting really tired 2336 00:54:00,730 --> 00:54:02,642 and pushing through that and 2337 00:54:00,730 --> 00:54:02,642 telling myself that I want it. 2338 00:54:02,742 --> 00:54:04,411 And so that's 2339 00:54:02,742 --> 00:54:04,411 what I was telling myself 2340 00:54:04,511 --> 00:54:07,113 over here, 2341 00:54:04,511 --> 00:54:07,113 is that I wanted it so bad. 2342 00:54:07,213 --> 00:54:09,616 - How confident are you feeling 2343 00:54:07,213 --> 00:54:09,616 heading to Stage 2? 2344 00:54:09,716 --> 00:54:12,819 - Um, I'm just feeling really, 2345 00:54:09,716 --> 00:54:12,819 really thankful 2346 00:54:12,919 --> 00:54:15,422 and really excited to get 2347 00:54:12,919 --> 00:54:15,422 to play on Stage 2 2348 00:54:15,522 --> 00:54:16,656 for my first time. 2349 00:54:16,756 --> 00:54:18,692 - Well, good for you. 2350 00:54:16,756 --> 00:54:18,692 It was well-earned. 2351 00:54:18,792 --> 00:54:21,461 Congratulations, Jesse. 2352 00:54:18,792 --> 00:54:21,461 Guys, back to you. 2353 00:54:21,561 --> 00:54:23,129 [cheers and applause] 2354 00:54:23,229 --> 00:54:25,165 - So what a way 2355 00:54:23,229 --> 00:54:25,165 to wrap up Stage 1, 2356 00:54:25,265 --> 00:54:26,666 and now we're moving over 2357 00:54:26,766 --> 00:54:29,690 to the even tougher 2358 00:54:26,766 --> 00:54:29,690 Stage 2 course. 2359 00:54:29,135 --> 00:54:31,137 And here's the full list 2360 00:54:29,135 --> 00:54:31,137 of those moving on 2361 00:54:31,237 --> 00:54:33,506 from our two nights 2362 00:54:31,237 --> 00:54:33,506 on Stage 1. 2363 00:54:33,606 --> 00:54:37,310 Jake Murray had the fastest 2364 00:54:33,606 --> 00:54:37,310 time by more than 30 seconds. 2365 00:54:37,410 --> 00:54:39,779 There were also two teens 2366 00:54:37,410 --> 00:54:39,779 in the top 5, 2367 00:54:39,879 --> 00:54:42,515 Isaiah Thomas 2368 00:54:39,879 --> 00:54:42,515 and Kaden Lebsack. 2369 00:54:42,615 --> 00:54:44,918 But plenty of veterans 2370 00:54:42,615 --> 00:54:44,918 in the top ten, 2371 00:54:45,850 --> 00:54:47,754 including Tyler Gillett, 2372 00:54:45,850 --> 00:54:47,754 Tyler Yamauchi, 2373 00:54:47,854 --> 00:54:50,457 and the Papal Ninja, 2374 00:54:47,854 --> 00:54:50,457 Sean Bryan. 2375 00:54:50,557 --> 00:54:53,927 The next five includes 2376 00:54:50,557 --> 00:54:53,927 two veterans, two teenagers, 2377 00:54:54,940 --> 00:54:56,529 and the only woman to make it 2378 00:54:54,940 --> 00:54:56,529 to Stage 2, 2379 00:54:56,629 --> 00:54:58,631 Jesse "Flex" Labreck. 2380 00:54:58,732 --> 00:55:02,369 In all, 27 ninjas 2381 00:54:58,732 --> 00:55:02,369 hit the buzzer on Stage 1. 2382 00:55:02,469 --> 00:55:05,438 17 were veterans, 2383 00:55:02,469 --> 00:55:05,438 including the Classy Ninja, 2384 00:55:05,538 --> 00:55:07,107 Donovan Metoyer, 2385 00:55:07,207 --> 00:55:09,376 ten more rookies, 2386 00:55:07,207 --> 00:55:09,376 including teenagers 2387 00:55:09,476 --> 00:55:13,513 Max Feinberg, Elijah Browning, 2388 00:55:09,476 --> 00:55:13,513 and Jonathan Godbout. 2389 00:55:13,613 --> 00:55:15,648 And rounding out 2390 00:55:13,613 --> 00:55:15,648 our finishers, 2391 00:55:15,749 --> 00:55:17,517 concrete worker Adam Rayl, 2392 00:55:17,617 --> 00:55:21,788 who made it by 2393 00:55:17,617 --> 00:55:21,788 just 1/10 of a second. 2394 00:55:21,888 --> 00:55:26,326 Up next, we're heading to the 2395 00:55:21,888 --> 00:55:26,326 even tougher Stage 2 course. 2396 00:55:26,426 --> 00:55:28,428 It's been 2397 00:55:26,426 --> 00:55:28,428 completely redesigned 2398 00:55:28,528 --> 00:55:31,731 with six brutal obstacles. 2399 00:55:31,831 --> 00:55:33,333 - Oh! 2400 00:55:33,433 --> 00:55:37,700 - And one's guaranteed 2401 00:55:33,433 --> 00:55:37,700 to drop the hammer. 2402 00:55:37,137 --> 00:55:38,371 - No! 2403 00:55:45,245 --> 00:55:45,378 . 2404 00:55:47,781 --> 00:55:51,351 - Already some unforgettable 2405 00:55:47,781 --> 00:55:51,351 moments tonight on Stage 1, 2406 00:55:52,519 --> 00:55:53,820 but now the remaining 2407 00:55:52,519 --> 00:55:53,820 competitors move on 2408 00:55:53,920 --> 00:55:57,357 to the second of 2409 00:55:53,920 --> 00:55:57,357 our four stages here in Vegas. 2410 00:55:57,457 --> 00:56:00,126 - Matt, hundreds have run 2411 00:55:57,457 --> 00:56:00,126 our course this year, 2412 00:56:00,226 --> 00:56:02,529 but only 27 are left. 2413 00:56:02,629 --> 00:56:05,231 - And one of them could 2414 00:56:02,629 --> 00:56:05,231 win a million dollars, 2415 00:56:05,331 --> 00:56:07,330 but it will not be easy. 2416 00:56:07,670 --> 00:56:10,537 The next step for them, 2417 00:56:07,670 --> 00:56:10,537 the always challenging Stage 2. 2418 00:56:10,637 --> 00:56:12,872 For more on that, 2419 00:56:10,637 --> 00:56:12,872 let's go down to Zuri Hall. 2420 00:56:13,390 --> 00:56:16,910 - Guys, Stage 2 is always 2421 00:56:13,390 --> 00:56:16,910 over the top and awesome. 2422 00:56:17,430 --> 00:56:19,946 We've got fire, 2423 00:56:17,430 --> 00:56:19,946 a massive pool of water, 2424 00:56:20,460 --> 00:56:24,651 and six obstacles that will 2425 00:56:20,460 --> 00:56:24,651 drop the hammer on our ninjas. 2426 00:56:24,751 --> 00:56:27,454 It starts 2427 00:56:24,751 --> 00:56:27,454 with a new first obstacle, 2428 00:56:27,554 --> 00:56:30,357 the Striding Steps, 2429 00:56:27,554 --> 00:56:30,357 which leads directly 2430 00:56:30,457 --> 00:56:34,160 into a redesigned 2431 00:56:30,457 --> 00:56:34,160 Double Salmon Ladder. 2432 00:56:34,260 --> 00:56:38,164 Then it's the upper body test 2433 00:56:34,260 --> 00:56:38,164 of V Formation. 2434 00:56:38,264 --> 00:56:40,867 And at number four, 2435 00:56:38,264 --> 00:56:40,867 hold on for dear life 2436 00:56:40,967 --> 00:56:44,237 on the brand new Hammer Drop. 2437 00:56:44,337 --> 00:56:47,807 The final two obstacles are 2438 00:56:44,337 --> 00:56:47,807 a supersized Air Surfer, 2439 00:56:47,907 --> 00:56:51,678 followed by the blind grabs 2440 00:56:47,907 --> 00:56:51,678 of Falling Shelves. 2441 00:56:51,778 --> 00:56:53,580 You have to hit that buzzer 2442 00:56:53,680 --> 00:56:56,483 in less than 3 minutes 2443 00:56:53,680 --> 00:56:56,483 and 30 seconds 2444 00:56:56,583 --> 00:56:59,819 if you want to move on 2445 00:56:56,583 --> 00:56:59,819 to Stage 3, guys? 2446 00:56:59,919 --> 00:57:01,210 - Well, we're gonna start with 2447 00:57:01,121 --> 00:57:02,489 one of our youngest 2448 00:57:01,121 --> 00:57:02,489 competitors, 2449 00:57:02,589 --> 00:57:06,192 16-year-old Tennessean, 2450 00:57:02,589 --> 00:57:06,192 Elijah Browning. 2451 00:57:06,292 --> 00:57:08,940 Not only is he 2452 00:57:06,292 --> 00:57:08,940 an impressive ninja, 2453 00:57:08,194 --> 00:57:11,970 he's an entrepreneur with 2454 00:57:08,194 --> 00:57:11,970 his own sports car business. 2455 00:57:11,197 --> 00:57:15,301 But family comes first, 2456 00:57:11,197 --> 00:57:15,301 especially his grandma, Mimi. 2457 00:57:19,205 --> 00:57:21,241 But buzzers are. 2458 00:57:21,341 --> 00:57:22,575 I am a quarter Korean. 2459 00:57:22,676 --> 00:57:25,512 My grandma is 2460 00:57:22,676 --> 00:57:25,512 from Seoul, South Korea. 2461 00:57:26,746 --> 00:57:27,914 - That's gonna add 2462 00:57:26,746 --> 00:57:27,914 a lot of flavor. 2463 00:57:29,949 --> 00:57:31,510 - Just stir it all up? 2464 00:57:33,653 --> 00:57:35,550 - Look at that. 2465 00:57:35,121 --> 00:57:37,624 She's always kept 2466 00:57:35,121 --> 00:57:37,624 the Korean heritage 2467 00:57:37,724 --> 00:57:39,392 very eminent in our house. 2468 00:57:39,492 --> 00:57:41,828 She makes Korean dishes 2469 00:57:39,492 --> 00:57:41,828 all the time, 2470 00:57:41,928 --> 00:57:44,631 rice bowls, kimchi, 2471 00:57:41,928 --> 00:57:44,631 pot stickers. 2472 00:57:44,731 --> 00:57:48,468 Yeah, look at that. 2473 00:57:44,731 --> 00:57:48,468 Looks incredible. 2474 00:57:48,568 --> 00:57:50,437 I don't think I've ever had 2475 00:57:48,568 --> 00:57:50,437 one of Mimi's dishes 2476 00:57:50,537 --> 00:57:51,938 that I don't like. 2477 00:57:52,720 --> 00:57:54,740 So good. 2478 00:57:54,107 --> 00:57:55,842 She worked 2479 00:57:54,107 --> 00:57:55,842 from such a young age. 2480 00:57:55,942 --> 00:57:59,479 I think that's where I got 2481 00:57:55,942 --> 00:57:59,479 my drive and my work ethic. 2482 00:57:59,579 --> 00:58:02,782 I'll literally get inside 2483 00:57:59,579 --> 00:58:02,782 from training for three hours, 2484 00:58:02,882 --> 00:58:04,217 and she'll see me 2485 00:58:02,882 --> 00:58:04,217 on the couch, 2486 00:58:04,317 --> 00:58:05,852 and she'd be like, 2487 00:58:04,317 --> 00:58:05,852 "Are you gonna train today?" 2488 00:58:06,190 --> 00:58:08,880 And I'll be like, "Oh, I 2489 00:58:06,190 --> 00:58:08,880 just trained for three hours." 2490 00:58:08,188 --> 00:58:09,622 And she's like, "Well, 2491 00:58:08,188 --> 00:58:09,622 I want to watch you do stuff." 2492 00:58:09,723 --> 00:58:11,524 And so it gets me training 2493 00:58:09,723 --> 00:58:11,524 even more. 2494 00:58:18,431 --> 00:58:21,201 -I'm hitting that buzzer 2495 00:58:18,431 --> 00:58:21,201 for you tonight, Mimi. 2496 00:58:24,404 --> 00:58:26,940 - Elijah's got lots 2497 00:58:24,404 --> 00:58:26,940 of family watching tonight, 2498 00:58:27,400 --> 00:58:29,776 including Grandma Mimi, 2499 00:58:27,400 --> 00:58:29,776 who's on the right there, 2500 00:58:29,876 --> 00:58:32,412 watching back in Tennessee. 2501 00:58:32,512 --> 00:58:35,815 And on the sidelines are 2502 00:58:32,512 --> 00:58:35,815 Elijah's mom and brother. 2503 00:58:35,915 --> 00:58:39,386 Mom Renee so excited 2504 00:58:35,915 --> 00:58:39,386 to see him compete. 2505 00:58:39,486 --> 00:58:41,521 - Matt, to be this young 2506 00:58:39,486 --> 00:58:41,521 and to be first, that's tough. 2507 00:58:41,621 --> 00:58:43,189 - There's a time limit 2508 00:58:41,621 --> 00:58:43,189 on Stage 2. 2509 00:58:43,289 --> 00:58:45,959 Only 3 minutes, 30 seconds 2510 00:58:43,289 --> 00:58:45,959 to get to the buzzer. 2511 00:58:46,590 --> 00:58:48,261 [countdown clock beeps] 2512 00:58:48,361 --> 00:58:50,630 Starts with 2513 00:58:48,361 --> 00:58:50,630 the Striding Steps. 2514 00:58:50,163 --> 00:58:51,865 These get smaller, 2515 00:58:50,163 --> 00:58:51,865 and the final ones are 2516 00:58:51,965 --> 00:58:53,633 only eight inches wide. 2517 00:58:53,733 --> 00:58:55,769 He goes right 2518 00:58:53,733 --> 00:58:55,769 into the next obstacle. 2519 00:58:55,869 --> 00:58:57,370 - Here we go, 2520 00:58:55,869 --> 00:58:57,370 this is a redesign 2521 00:58:57,470 --> 00:58:59,539 of the Double Salmon Ladder. 2522 00:58:57,470 --> 00:58:59,539 It's a twist on it. 2523 00:58:59,639 --> 00:59:01,841 - You can see the top 2524 00:58:59,639 --> 00:59:01,841 of each ladder is open, 2525 00:59:02,334 --> 00:59:04,310 meaning that bar can 2526 00:59:02,334 --> 00:59:04,310 easily slide out. 2527 00:59:04,411 --> 00:59:06,112 Watch the transition. 2528 00:59:06,212 --> 00:59:07,147 - Oh, nice! 2529 00:59:07,247 --> 00:59:08,648 - Very efficient. 2530 00:59:08,748 --> 00:59:10,717 [cheering] 2531 00:59:10,817 --> 00:59:12,786 He's gonna get 2532 00:59:10,817 --> 00:59:12,786 through Salmon Ladder, 2533 00:59:12,886 --> 00:59:14,454 but no relief for those arms. 2534 00:59:14,554 --> 00:59:16,790 Has to work his way over 2535 00:59:14,554 --> 00:59:16,790 to the third obstacle, 2536 00:59:16,890 --> 00:59:19,759 a tough upper body challenge, 2537 00:59:16,890 --> 00:59:19,759 V Formation. 2538 00:59:19,859 --> 00:59:21,394 - We saw this in Tacoma. 2539 00:59:21,494 --> 00:59:24,297 We saw 70% of the athletes 2540 00:59:21,494 --> 00:59:24,297 fall out on this. 2541 00:59:24,397 --> 00:59:27,167 - 6'1", 155, 2542 00:59:24,397 --> 00:59:27,167 he's longer and leaner 2543 00:59:27,267 --> 00:59:28,635 than some of the other ninjas. 2544 00:59:28,735 --> 00:59:30,503 - Uh-oh, the hat's off, Matt. 2545 00:59:30,603 --> 00:59:33,139 - He did face this in Tacoma 2546 00:59:30,603 --> 00:59:33,139 and got through it. 2547 00:59:33,239 --> 00:59:35,241 His hat fell off 2548 00:59:33,239 --> 00:59:35,241 that time too. 2549 00:59:35,342 --> 00:59:37,310 Going reverse, 2550 00:59:35,342 --> 00:59:37,310 it looks like he's gonna skip 2551 00:59:37,410 --> 00:59:39,546 the first one 2552 00:59:37,410 --> 00:59:39,546 and go straight to the second. 2553 00:59:39,646 --> 00:59:41,681 Oh, my! 2554 00:59:39,646 --> 00:59:41,681 Look at the fingertip save! 2555 00:59:41,781 --> 00:59:43,283 - Uh-oh, his hair's 2556 00:59:41,781 --> 00:59:43,283 in his face. 2557 00:59:43,383 --> 00:59:45,352 He needs the cap to keep 2558 00:59:43,383 --> 00:59:45,352 the hair out of his face. 2559 00:59:45,452 --> 00:59:48,488 - And he skips another one. 2560 00:59:45,452 --> 00:59:48,488 He is taking chances. 2561 00:59:48,588 --> 00:59:51,891 But, so far, it's working. 2562 00:59:48,588 --> 00:59:51,891 And he is through. 2563 00:59:52,580 --> 00:59:55,428 [cheering and applause] 2564 00:59:55,528 --> 00:59:57,764 Now Elijah gets to be 2565 00:59:55,528 --> 00:59:57,764 the first ninja ever 2566 00:59:57,864 --> 00:59:59,332 to face Hammer Drop. 2567 00:59:59,432 --> 01:00:01,368 This thing will pound you. 2568 01:00:01,468 --> 01:00:03,970 Leap out on onto that Hammer, 2569 01:00:01,468 --> 01:00:03,970 22 inch circumference, 2570 01:00:04,700 --> 01:00:05,839 and then go for a ride. 2571 01:00:05,939 --> 01:00:09,642 - He's 6'1", so he should have 2572 01:00:05,939 --> 01:00:09,642 a bigger hug radius. 2573 01:00:09,743 --> 01:00:11,177 - Long arms wrap around-- 2574 01:00:09,743 --> 01:00:11,177 - Nice! 2575 01:00:11,277 --> 01:00:13,460 - Get the legs up. 2576 01:00:11,277 --> 01:00:13,460 - Oh, hold on! 2577 01:00:13,146 --> 01:00:14,647 Wrap your feet around 2578 01:00:13,146 --> 01:00:14,647 that thing, come on now! 2579 01:00:14,748 --> 01:00:16,616 [cheers and applause] 2580 01:00:14,748 --> 01:00:16,616 Yeah, all right. 2581 01:00:16,716 --> 01:00:19,986 - Still has to climb up 2582 01:00:16,716 --> 01:00:19,986 on top of the cylinder. 2583 01:00:20,860 --> 01:00:22,222 - Yes, you can see him. 2584 01:00:20,860 --> 01:00:22,222 Oh, come on! Come on! 2585 01:00:22,322 --> 01:00:24,858 Look at him grip it around-- 2586 01:00:22,322 --> 01:00:24,858 Look how calm his face is! 2587 01:00:24,958 --> 01:00:26,159 Look at his face! 2588 01:00:26,259 --> 01:00:28,628 He ain't scared, 2589 01:00:26,259 --> 01:00:28,628 he ain't never scared. 2590 01:00:28,728 --> 01:00:31,564 - He is relying on 2591 01:00:28,728 --> 01:00:31,564 his prodigious ability 2592 01:00:31,664 --> 01:00:32,866 and strength. 2593 01:00:32,966 --> 01:00:34,200 - I think the strength is 2594 01:00:32,966 --> 01:00:34,200 in his hair. 2595 01:00:34,300 --> 01:00:35,969 - And he's not home free, 2596 01:00:34,300 --> 01:00:35,969 now has to run 2597 01:00:36,690 --> 01:00:38,167 and leap out to that rope. 2598 01:00:38,104 --> 01:00:40,907 This hammer moves 2599 01:00:38,104 --> 01:00:40,907 when you leap away. 2600 01:00:41,292 --> 01:00:43,476 He's got it. 2601 01:00:41,292 --> 01:00:43,476 Real smooth there. 2602 01:00:43,576 --> 01:00:46,546 - You got this! 2603 01:00:43,576 --> 01:00:46,546 - You're crushing it! 2604 01:00:46,646 --> 01:00:48,948 - He's making that climb up. 2605 01:00:46,646 --> 01:00:48,948 - Oh, my. 2606 01:00:49,490 --> 01:00:50,283 - A minute, 2607 01:00:49,490 --> 01:00:50,283 30 seconds left, Matt. 2608 01:00:50,383 --> 01:00:52,552 - And this 16-year-old 2609 01:00:50,383 --> 01:00:52,552 showing such poise 2610 01:00:52,652 --> 01:00:53,753 under pressure. 2611 01:00:53,853 --> 01:00:56,122 - You're crushing it! 2612 01:00:53,853 --> 01:00:56,122 - You've got this! 2613 01:00:56,222 --> 01:00:57,457 - You are crushing it! 2614 01:00:57,557 --> 01:00:59,359 - Now on to Epic Air Surfer. 2615 01:00:59,459 --> 01:01:02,462 This is a supersized version 2616 01:00:59,459 --> 01:01:02,462 of what we saw in qualifying. 2617 01:01:02,562 --> 01:01:04,431 Got to make 2618 01:01:02,562 --> 01:01:04,431 long, precise jumps 2619 01:01:04,531 --> 01:01:06,633 with the upside down 2620 01:01:04,531 --> 01:01:06,633 snowboard. 2621 01:01:06,733 --> 01:01:09,690 - Way to go, way to go! 2622 01:01:06,733 --> 01:01:09,690 [cheering] 2623 01:01:09,169 --> 01:01:12,172 - This is where you just gotta 2624 01:01:09,169 --> 01:01:12,172 lean in on your preparation, 2625 01:01:12,272 --> 01:01:13,840 know that you got here 2626 01:01:12,272 --> 01:01:13,840 for a reason. 2627 01:01:13,940 --> 01:01:16,443 - No breaks at work 2628 01:01:13,940 --> 01:01:16,443 for the boss. 2629 01:01:16,543 --> 01:01:18,780 And you have 2630 01:01:16,543 --> 01:01:18,780 to be precise here, 2631 01:01:18,144 --> 01:01:20,780 just an 18-inch cradle 2632 01:01:18,144 --> 01:01:20,780 on this move. 2633 01:01:20,880 --> 01:01:22,248 He lands it. 2634 01:01:22,349 --> 01:01:25,452 Now a drop down to 2635 01:01:22,349 --> 01:01:25,452 another 18-inch landing pad. 2636 01:01:25,552 --> 01:01:26,820 - Nice! 2637 01:01:26,920 --> 01:01:28,988 - Now another foot drop down 2638 01:01:26,920 --> 01:01:28,988 to the next pad. 2639 01:01:29,890 --> 01:01:30,357 And he hangs on. 2640 01:01:30,457 --> 01:01:33,326 There is so much 2641 01:01:30,457 --> 01:01:33,326 downward force on his arms. 2642 01:01:33,426 --> 01:01:35,362 - All right, 2643 01:01:33,426 --> 01:01:35,362 one more big move. 2644 01:01:35,462 --> 01:01:36,363 - Yes! 2645 01:01:35,462 --> 01:01:36,363 - Yes! 2646 01:01:36,463 --> 01:01:38,865 [cheering and applause] 2647 01:01:38,965 --> 01:01:42,369 Now just needs to swing off. 2648 01:01:38,965 --> 01:01:42,369 Yes! 2649 01:01:42,469 --> 01:01:44,938 One obstacle left! 2650 01:01:42,469 --> 01:01:44,938 40 seconds! 2651 01:01:45,105 --> 01:01:47,941 [cheering and applause] 2652 01:01:45,105 --> 01:01:47,941 - Come on, yeah! 2653 01:01:48,108 --> 01:01:50,977 - It all comes down 2654 01:01:48,108 --> 01:01:50,977 to Falling Shelves. 2655 01:01:51,111 --> 01:01:52,612 Four big moves. 2656 01:01:52,712 --> 01:01:54,681 The final one, a reverse grip, 2657 01:01:54,781 --> 01:01:57,250 and that is gonna be 2658 01:01:54,781 --> 01:01:57,250 the big test for the boss. 2659 01:01:57,350 --> 01:01:59,452 - These first two lock 2660 01:01:57,350 --> 01:01:59,452 in place. 2661 01:01:59,552 --> 01:02:00,887 - Gets the second one. 2662 01:02:01,540 --> 01:02:03,289 - Throwing 155 pounds around 2663 01:02:01,540 --> 01:02:03,289 like it's nothing. 2664 01:02:03,390 --> 01:02:05,580 Oh, watch it now. 2665 01:02:03,390 --> 01:02:05,580 This one moves. 2666 01:02:05,158 --> 01:02:07,360 - One more move! 2667 01:02:05,158 --> 01:02:07,360 This is a reverse grab. 2668 01:02:07,460 --> 01:02:08,528 - Oh, boy. 2669 01:02:08,628 --> 01:02:10,864 - The buzzer just 2670 01:02:08,628 --> 01:02:10,864 a few feet away! 2671 01:02:12,365 --> 01:02:14,734 Oh! 2672 01:02:12,365 --> 01:02:14,734 - No! 2673 01:02:14,834 --> 01:02:17,737 - The boss fired 2674 01:02:14,834 --> 01:02:17,737 on the Falling Shelves, 2675 01:02:17,837 --> 01:02:20,640 the final move. 2676 01:02:17,837 --> 01:02:20,640 Just couldn't hang on. 2677 01:02:20,740 --> 01:02:23,576 - Matt, it's that last one. 2678 01:02:20,740 --> 01:02:23,576 That thing is something else. 2679 01:02:23,677 --> 01:02:27,313 - Elijah Browning so close 2680 01:02:23,677 --> 01:02:27,313 to finishing Stage 2; 2681 01:02:27,414 --> 01:02:30,283 instead, his season is over. 2682 01:02:30,383 --> 01:02:33,653 - He showed amazing composure 2683 01:02:30,383 --> 01:02:33,653 as the first to try 2684 01:02:33,753 --> 01:02:35,880 these new obstacles. 2685 01:02:35,188 --> 01:02:37,457 And then it came down 2686 01:02:35,188 --> 01:02:37,457 to that final move, 2687 01:02:37,557 --> 01:02:41,127 the reverse grab, and, look, 2688 01:02:37,557 --> 01:02:41,127 had both hands on it, 2689 01:02:41,227 --> 01:02:43,630 but just couldn't hang on. 2690 01:02:43,730 --> 01:02:46,266 - Elijah, you were 2691 01:02:43,730 --> 01:02:46,266 absolutely killing it 2692 01:02:46,366 --> 01:02:47,734 out here on Stage 2. 2693 01:02:47,834 --> 01:02:49,469 What went wrong on 2694 01:02:47,834 --> 01:02:49,469 Falling Shelves? 2695 01:02:49,569 --> 01:02:53,173 - Yeah, so, I just-- 2696 01:02:49,569 --> 01:02:53,173 I was really tired, ha. 2697 01:02:53,273 --> 01:02:56,375 So I just gave it everything 2698 01:02:53,273 --> 01:02:56,375 I had into that last one. 2699 01:02:56,109 --> 01:02:57,711 Barely slipped off. 2700 01:02:57,811 --> 01:03:00,246 - Well, look, 2701 01:02:57,811 --> 01:03:00,246 you are 16 years old, 2702 01:03:00,347 --> 01:03:01,848 which is just so unbelievable. 2703 01:03:01,948 --> 01:03:03,383 And you're already on Stage 2. 2704 01:03:03,483 --> 01:03:06,152 It's safe to say we'll see you 2705 01:03:03,483 --> 01:03:06,152 back here next season, right? 2706 01:03:06,252 --> 01:03:07,821 - Thank you so much. 2707 01:03:06,252 --> 01:03:07,821 Absolutely, I'll be back. 2708 01:03:07,921 --> 01:03:09,550 For sure. 2709 01:03:09,122 --> 01:03:10,190 - All right, we can't wait 2710 01:03:09,122 --> 01:03:10,190 to see it happen. 2711 01:03:10,290 --> 01:03:11,691 Good work out there tonight, 2712 01:03:10,290 --> 01:03:11,691 of course. 2713 01:03:11,791 --> 01:03:13,326 - Thank y'all! 2714 01:03:11,791 --> 01:03:13,326 - Guys, back to you. 2715 01:03:13,426 --> 01:03:16,129 - So, a teenager is the first 2716 01:03:13,426 --> 01:03:16,129 to take on Stage 2, 2717 01:03:16,229 --> 01:03:17,731 and he almost beat it. 2718 01:03:17,831 --> 01:03:18,898 - You did so you. 2719 01:03:17,831 --> 01:03:18,898 You were right there. 2720 01:03:19,650 --> 01:03:20,667 You had 11.6 down. 2721 01:03:20,767 --> 01:03:23,536 That was so good, though. 2722 01:03:20,767 --> 01:03:23,536 You did amazing! 2723 01:03:23,636 --> 01:03:26,720 - He went 360 last week. 2724 01:03:26,172 --> 01:03:29,750 - Oh! 2725 01:03:26,172 --> 01:03:29,750 - Oh, okay! 2726 01:03:29,175 --> 01:03:32,780 What's the Classy Ninja 2727 01:03:29,175 --> 01:03:32,780 got planned for tonight? 2728 01:03:32,178 --> 01:03:35,115 Plus, he's finished 2729 01:03:32,178 --> 01:03:35,115 every ninja course 2730 01:03:35,215 --> 01:03:36,349 he's ever faced. 2731 01:03:36,449 --> 01:03:38,151 - Let's go! 2732 01:03:38,251 --> 01:03:42,880 - Will Vance Walker be 2733 01:03:38,251 --> 01:03:42,880 our first buzzer on Stage 2? 2734 01:03:49,262 --> 01:03:49,396 . 2735 01:03:50,530 --> 01:03:52,980 - Welcome back to Las Vegas. 2736 01:03:53,990 --> 01:03:54,100 Minutes ago, 2737 01:03:53,990 --> 01:03:54,100 the Archery Ninja, 2738 01:03:55,468 --> 01:03:58,138 Anthony Porter, showed he's 2739 01:03:55,468 --> 01:03:58,138 excited to be on Stage 2. 2740 01:03:58,238 --> 01:04:01,408 - Anthony Porter coming out 2741 01:03:58,238 --> 01:04:01,408 with the dance moves. 2742 01:04:01,508 --> 01:04:03,843 - The archery instructor 2743 01:04:01,508 --> 01:04:03,843 from Chino Hills, California, 2744 01:04:03,943 --> 01:04:07,313 has had an outstanding season, 2745 01:04:03,943 --> 01:04:07,313 getting two buzzers. 2746 01:04:07,414 --> 01:04:09,516 And he started strong tonight. 2747 01:04:09,616 --> 01:04:11,551 - He's zig-zagging 2748 01:04:09,616 --> 01:04:11,551 through V Formation, 2749 01:04:11,651 --> 01:04:12,886 doing a good job. 2750 01:04:13,530 --> 01:04:15,155 - But Hammer Drop 2751 01:04:13,530 --> 01:04:15,155 is brand new. 2752 01:04:15,255 --> 01:04:17,791 - You better hug this thing 2753 01:04:15,255 --> 01:04:17,791 like it's Valentine's Day. 2754 01:04:17,891 --> 01:04:19,325 - Ooh! 2755 01:04:17,891 --> 01:04:19,325 - Oh! Oh! 2756 01:04:19,426 --> 01:04:21,394 Who loves you, baby? 2757 01:04:21,494 --> 01:04:25,965 - The 25-year-old didn't wrap 2758 01:04:21,494 --> 01:04:25,965 his feet, and he got hammered. 2759 01:04:26,660 --> 01:04:27,567 - Bullseye! 2760 01:04:27,667 --> 01:04:31,204 - 20-year-old Tage Herrington 2761 01:04:27,667 --> 01:04:31,204 took his shot on Stage 2. 2762 01:04:31,304 --> 01:04:32,672 - He might have 2763 01:04:31,304 --> 01:04:32,672 an advantage, though, 2764 01:04:32,772 --> 01:04:34,207 at 130 pounds. 2765 01:04:34,307 --> 01:04:36,943 - The Arizona college student 2766 01:04:34,307 --> 01:04:36,943 survived a close call 2767 01:04:37,770 --> 01:04:39,579 on the rope as he finished up 2768 01:04:37,770 --> 01:04:39,579 Hammer Drop. 2769 01:04:39,679 --> 01:04:42,282 Oh! 2770 01:04:39,679 --> 01:04:42,282 - Ooh, rope burn! 2771 01:04:42,382 --> 01:04:45,819 - And then attacked 2772 01:04:42,382 --> 01:04:45,819 Epic Air Surfer. 2773 01:04:45,919 --> 01:04:47,854 Oh, and peels right off! 2774 01:04:47,954 --> 01:04:51,910 Which ended his impressive 2775 01:04:47,954 --> 01:04:51,910 sophomore season. 2776 01:04:52,425 --> 01:04:55,428 - This next guy is dressed 2777 01:04:52,425 --> 01:04:55,428 for success. 2778 01:04:56,363 --> 01:04:57,664 - You are right about that, 2779 01:04:56,363 --> 01:04:57,664 big man. 2780 01:04:57,764 --> 01:05:00,934 This is the Classy Ninja, 2781 01:04:57,764 --> 01:05:00,934 Donovan Metoyer. 2782 01:05:02,350 --> 01:05:04,137 The gym owner 2783 01:05:02,350 --> 01:05:04,137 from the Kansas City area is 2784 01:05:04,237 --> 01:05:06,339 always dressed to the nines. 2785 01:05:06,439 --> 01:05:10,377 And his run last week 2786 01:05:06,439 --> 01:05:10,377 on Stage 1 was a ten. 2787 01:05:10,477 --> 01:05:13,460 - To be able to do this 2788 01:05:10,477 --> 01:05:13,460 in a suit is 2789 01:05:13,790 --> 01:05:14,581 an obstacle in itself. 2790 01:05:14,681 --> 01:05:17,350 - I want to leave people 2791 01:05:14,681 --> 01:05:17,350 in awe whenever they watch me. 2792 01:05:17,450 --> 01:05:19,619 - What is he doing, Matt? 2793 01:05:17,450 --> 01:05:19,619 What is he doing? 2794 01:05:19,719 --> 01:05:20,887 - So I was like, 2795 01:05:19,719 --> 01:05:20,887 you know what? 2796 01:05:21,540 --> 01:05:22,889 The 360 hasn't been done 2797 01:05:21,540 --> 01:05:22,889 in Vegas yet, 2798 01:05:23,560 --> 01:05:24,524 and this is my time to do it. 2799 01:05:24,624 --> 01:05:27,327 - Oh! Wow! 2800 01:05:24,624 --> 01:05:27,327 - Oh! Okay! 2801 01:05:27,427 --> 01:05:30,363 Okay, man, he's back! 2802 01:05:27,427 --> 01:05:30,363 - He did a 360! 2803 01:05:30,463 --> 01:05:31,598 - I didn't want 2804 01:05:30,463 --> 01:05:31,598 to get this suit wet. 2805 01:05:31,698 --> 01:05:33,800 I knew I had to hit a buzzer 2806 01:05:31,698 --> 01:05:33,800 at all costs. 2807 01:05:33,900 --> 01:05:36,302 - And now he's going 2808 01:05:33,900 --> 01:05:36,302 for High Road, oh, my! 2809 01:05:36,403 --> 01:05:38,438 - Don't let your afro get 2810 01:05:36,403 --> 01:05:38,438 in the way! 2811 01:05:38,538 --> 01:05:40,407 - How classy would this be-- 2812 01:05:38,538 --> 01:05:40,407 - Oh, yeah! 2813 01:05:40,507 --> 01:05:43,243 He did a one-handed save, 2814 01:05:40,507 --> 01:05:43,243 a 360! 2815 01:05:43,343 --> 01:05:44,678 - Just because 2816 01:05:43,343 --> 01:05:44,678 I have to go fast 2817 01:05:44,778 --> 01:05:46,613 doesn't mean 2818 01:05:44,778 --> 01:05:46,613 I can't look good doing it. 2819 01:05:46,713 --> 01:05:48,982 When I got to the buzzer, 2820 01:05:46,713 --> 01:05:48,982 I pulled out the handkerchief 2821 01:05:49,820 --> 01:05:51,217 because, you know, 2822 01:05:49,820 --> 01:05:51,217 that's what classy people do. 2823 01:05:51,317 --> 01:05:54,688 - Wipe it off, wipe it off. 2824 01:05:51,317 --> 01:05:54,688 There it is! 2825 01:05:54,788 --> 01:05:56,656 - But tonight, 2826 01:05:54,788 --> 01:05:56,656 people are gonna see something 2827 01:05:56,756 --> 01:05:58,191 they've never seen before: 2828 01:05:58,291 --> 01:06:00,226 the classiest Stage 2 buzzer 2829 01:06:00,326 --> 01:06:03,630 in "American Ninja Warrior" 2830 01:06:00,326 --> 01:06:03,630 history. 2831 01:06:04,130 --> 01:06:05,699 - Well, with performances 2832 01:06:04,130 --> 01:06:05,699 like that, 2833 01:06:05,799 --> 01:06:08,702 everyone wants to watch 2834 01:06:05,799 --> 01:06:08,702 the Classy Ninja's run. 2835 01:06:08,802 --> 01:06:11,171 He's got friends 2836 01:06:08,802 --> 01:06:11,171 and fellow ninjas tuning in 2837 01:06:11,271 --> 01:06:13,640 from all over the country. 2838 01:06:11,271 --> 01:06:13,640 - Let's go! 2839 01:06:13,740 --> 01:06:16,760 - Let's get classy! 2840 01:06:13,740 --> 01:06:16,760 You got this, bro! 2841 01:06:16,176 --> 01:06:17,444 - Yeah, buddy! 2842 01:06:17,544 --> 01:06:18,878 - He's got other ninjas 2843 01:06:17,544 --> 01:06:18,878 watching 2844 01:06:19,450 --> 01:06:21,470 from down on the sideline 2845 01:06:19,450 --> 01:06:21,470 as well. 2846 01:06:21,114 --> 01:06:24,500 - Look at that flat top too. 2847 01:06:21,114 --> 01:06:24,500 No mousse in that flat top. 2848 01:06:24,840 --> 01:06:25,385 It's just standing right up. 2849 01:06:25,485 --> 01:06:28,455 [countdown button beeps] 2850 01:06:28,555 --> 01:06:29,823 - A six-time veteran 2851 01:06:29,923 --> 01:06:33,226 making his first appearance 2852 01:06:29,923 --> 01:06:33,226 on Stage 2. 2853 01:06:33,326 --> 01:06:35,929 - Oh, no! 2854 01:06:33,326 --> 01:06:35,929 - No! 2855 01:06:37,664 --> 01:06:41,134 - He missed the rope. 2856 01:06:37,664 --> 01:06:41,134 Oh, my word. 2857 01:06:41,234 --> 01:06:44,938 - Flat top cut down, 2858 01:06:41,234 --> 01:06:44,938 the Classy Ninja. 2859 01:06:45,710 --> 01:06:47,674 - You know, these steps 2860 01:06:45,710 --> 01:06:47,674 get smaller and smaller, 2861 01:06:47,774 --> 01:06:50,276 and Donovan starts drifting 2862 01:06:47,774 --> 01:06:50,276 to the right. 2863 01:06:50,377 --> 01:06:52,312 He still got his left hand 2864 01:06:50,377 --> 01:06:52,312 on the rope, 2865 01:06:52,412 --> 01:06:54,180 but whiffed with his right, 2866 01:06:54,280 --> 01:06:57,384 and it slipped 2867 01:06:54,280 --> 01:06:57,384 right through his fingers. 2868 01:06:58,985 --> 01:07:00,860 - Simple mistakes happen. 2869 01:07:00,186 --> 01:07:01,621 Hopefully, I'll be back 2870 01:07:00,186 --> 01:07:01,621 next year. 2871 01:07:01,721 --> 01:07:04,491 Ugh. 2872 01:07:01,721 --> 01:07:04,491 Oh, man. 2873 01:07:04,591 --> 01:07:08,280 - Well, our next ninja 2874 01:07:04,591 --> 01:07:08,280 hasn't fallen on an obstacle 2875 01:07:08,610 --> 01:07:10,960 in his entire career. 2876 01:07:10,196 --> 01:07:12,899 This is 16-year-old 2877 01:07:10,196 --> 01:07:12,899 Vance Walker. 2878 01:07:13,330 --> 01:07:15,101 He's had a breakout season 2879 01:07:13,330 --> 01:07:15,101 already, 2880 01:07:15,201 --> 01:07:18,805 and he's hoping 2881 01:07:15,201 --> 01:07:18,805 to keep his streak alive. 2882 01:07:18,905 --> 01:07:21,274 He's been perfect 2883 01:07:18,905 --> 01:07:21,274 for two years! 2884 01:07:21,374 --> 01:07:22,609 - I won both seasons 2885 01:07:22,709 --> 01:07:24,244 of "American Ninja Warrior 2886 01:07:22,709 --> 01:07:24,244 Junior." 2887 01:07:24,344 --> 01:07:26,680 - What are you gonna do 2888 01:07:24,344 --> 01:07:26,680 on the big show? 2889 01:07:26,780 --> 01:07:28,248 - Hopefully win that too. 2890 01:07:28,348 --> 01:07:31,651 - * Paying my dues with 2891 01:07:28,348 --> 01:07:31,651 my blood, tears, and sweat * 2892 01:07:31,751 --> 01:07:34,287 - And so far this season, 2893 01:07:31,751 --> 01:07:34,287 I have hit every single buzzer. 2894 01:07:34,387 --> 01:07:36,690 I was the youngest and shortest 2895 01:07:34,387 --> 01:07:36,690 person up the Mega Wall. 2896 01:07:36,790 --> 01:07:38,925 - Oh! 2897 01:07:36,790 --> 01:07:38,925 - Teen wonder, teen wonder! 2898 01:07:39,590 --> 01:07:40,126 - Yeah! 2899 01:07:40,226 --> 01:07:41,961 And I'm one of 2900 01:07:40,226 --> 01:07:41,961 four safety pass holders. 2901 01:07:42,620 --> 01:07:46,266 - Oh, man! 2902 01:07:42,620 --> 01:07:46,266 - Let's go! 2903 01:07:46,366 --> 01:07:47,934 Last week on Stage 1, 2904 01:07:48,680 --> 01:07:49,536 I finished 2905 01:07:48,680 --> 01:07:49,536 and kept the safety pass. 2906 01:07:49,636 --> 01:07:52,906 - Vance Walker 2907 01:07:49,636 --> 01:07:52,906 remains perfect! 2908 01:07:53,730 --> 01:07:54,374 - * I've come a long way 2909 01:07:54,474 --> 01:07:56,509 - Getting into Stage 2, 2910 01:07:54,474 --> 01:07:56,509 I'm confident. 2911 01:07:56,609 --> 01:07:58,278 But there's a lot 2912 01:07:56,609 --> 01:07:58,278 of precise moves, 2913 01:07:58,378 --> 01:08:00,580 there's a lot 2914 01:07:58,378 --> 01:08:00,580 of sketchy transfers. 2915 01:08:00,680 --> 01:08:02,215 I'm really glad 2916 01:08:00,680 --> 01:08:02,215 that I have the safety pass, 2917 01:08:02,315 --> 01:08:04,184 but my goal is to not use it, 2918 01:08:02,315 --> 01:08:04,184 'cause I know, 2919 01:08:04,284 --> 01:08:06,860 the second I fall is gonna 2920 01:08:04,284 --> 01:08:06,860 make me really scared 2921 01:08:06,186 --> 01:08:07,420 for my next run. 2922 01:08:07,520 --> 01:08:08,688 - Oh, no! 2923 01:08:07,520 --> 01:08:08,688 - Whoa. 2924 01:08:08,788 --> 01:08:10,357 - Making it to Stage 3 2925 01:08:08,788 --> 01:08:10,357 will prove 2926 01:08:10,457 --> 01:08:11,791 that teens are capable of 2927 01:08:11,891 --> 01:08:14,270 just as much, if not 2928 01:08:11,891 --> 01:08:14,270 more than, the adults. 2929 01:08:14,600 --> 01:08:15,829 Hopefully I can continue 2930 01:08:14,600 --> 01:08:15,829 the streak 2931 01:08:15,929 --> 01:08:17,970 and keep it moving. 2932 01:08:17,197 --> 01:08:18,798 - * I've come a long way 2933 01:08:18,898 --> 01:08:21,101 * 2934 01:08:21,201 --> 01:08:23,837 [cheering and applause] 2935 01:08:21,201 --> 01:08:23,837 - Come on! 2936 01:08:23,937 --> 01:08:26,673 - Vance's parents and brother 2937 01:08:23,937 --> 01:08:26,673 are on the sideline. 2938 01:08:26,773 --> 01:08:28,141 - It's your time! 2939 01:08:26,773 --> 01:08:28,141 - Along with many of 2940 01:08:28,241 --> 01:08:31,277 the ninjas Vance has trained 2941 01:08:28,241 --> 01:08:31,277 with over the years. 2942 01:08:31,378 --> 01:08:34,470 And there's the safety pass 2943 01:08:31,378 --> 01:08:34,470 he won on the Power Tower 2944 01:08:34,800 --> 01:08:35,315 in semifinals. 2945 01:08:35,415 --> 01:08:37,517 If he falls, 2946 01:08:35,415 --> 01:08:37,517 he will get a second chance. 2947 01:08:37,617 --> 01:08:39,886 [countdown clock beeps] 2948 01:08:40,530 --> 01:08:43,323 - Just 5'5", and overcame 2949 01:08:40,530 --> 01:08:43,323 cerebral palsy as a kid, 2950 01:08:43,423 --> 01:08:46,292 which makes his ninja feet 2951 01:08:43,423 --> 01:08:46,292 even more impressive. 2952 01:08:46,393 --> 01:08:47,794 - Onto the Salmon Ladder. 2953 01:08:47,894 --> 01:08:50,163 This is one 2954 01:08:47,894 --> 01:08:50,163 of his favorite obstacles. 2955 01:08:50,263 --> 01:08:52,650 - Be careful when he gets 2956 01:08:50,263 --> 01:08:52,650 to the top of that cradle. 2957 01:08:52,165 --> 01:08:54,801 Make sure it's secure--no! 2958 01:08:52,165 --> 01:08:54,801 - No! Oh! 2959 01:08:58,772 --> 01:09:00,707 The streak is over! 2960 01:09:00,807 --> 01:09:03,375 After hitting a buzzer 2961 01:09:00,807 --> 01:09:03,375 on every run 2962 01:09:03,430 --> 01:09:05,780 for two seasons 2963 01:09:03,430 --> 01:09:05,780 of "Ninja Junior," 2964 01:09:05,178 --> 01:09:08,915 and every run this season, 2965 01:09:05,178 --> 01:09:08,915 Vance Walker finally falls 2966 01:09:09,150 --> 01:09:10,830 on an obstacle. 2967 01:09:10,183 --> 01:09:12,452 - Okay, 2968 01:09:10,183 --> 01:09:12,452 he's got a safety pass. 2969 01:09:12,552 --> 01:09:14,287 - That's right, 2970 01:09:12,552 --> 01:09:14,287 he does have a safety pass. 2971 01:09:14,387 --> 01:09:16,523 He's pulling it 2972 01:09:14,387 --> 01:09:16,523 off his shorts. 2973 01:09:16,623 --> 01:09:19,125 - You earned it. 2974 01:09:16,623 --> 01:09:19,125 Let's go. Let's go! 2975 01:09:19,225 --> 01:09:21,761 - And he is stunned, Akbar. 2976 01:09:21,861 --> 01:09:23,290 - Dang. 2977 01:09:23,960 --> 01:09:25,632 - He's a Salmon Ladder expert, 2978 01:09:25,732 --> 01:09:28,401 does 27 rungs in 10 seconds. 2979 01:09:28,501 --> 01:09:30,403 But this new one 2980 01:09:28,501 --> 01:09:30,403 has no top on it. 2981 01:09:30,503 --> 01:09:33,673 And I think he was worried 2982 01:09:30,503 --> 01:09:33,673 about going too far over, 2983 01:09:33,773 --> 01:09:37,430 so he overcompensated 2984 01:09:33,773 --> 01:09:37,430 and came up short. 2985 01:09:39,346 --> 01:09:41,848 - Time to use it, I guess. 2986 01:09:41,948 --> 01:09:44,500 - He'll get some time to rest, 2987 01:09:41,948 --> 01:09:44,500 and then we'll see 2988 01:09:44,150 --> 01:09:47,821 Vance Walker try it again 2989 01:09:44,150 --> 01:09:47,821 a bit later. 2990 01:09:47,921 --> 01:09:50,790 "Ninja" fans, do we have 2991 01:09:47,921 --> 01:09:50,790 some great news for you! 2992 01:09:50,890 --> 01:09:53,493 Starting this Thursday, 2993 01:09:50,890 --> 01:09:53,493 a new competition series is 2994 01:09:53,593 --> 01:09:54,961 coming to Peacock 2995 01:09:55,610 --> 01:09:57,831 based off the classic 2996 01:09:55,610 --> 01:09:57,831 '80s video game, Frogger. 2997 01:10:04,237 --> 01:10:04,371 . 2998 01:10:05,405 --> 01:10:06,940 - Welcome back to Vegas. 2999 01:10:08,341 --> 01:10:10,343 It's Night 2 of the national 3000 01:10:08,341 --> 01:10:10,343 finals, which is made up of 3001 01:10:10,443 --> 01:10:13,460 four increasingly 3002 01:10:10,443 --> 01:10:13,460 more difficult stages. 3003 01:10:13,146 --> 01:10:16,116 Stage 1 is done, 3004 01:10:13,146 --> 01:10:16,116 and the surviving ninjas are 3005 01:10:16,216 --> 01:10:18,585 now taking on Stage 2. 3006 01:10:18,685 --> 01:10:22,288 Georgia's Tyler Gillett has 3007 01:10:18,685 --> 01:10:22,288 made it at least to Stage 2 3008 01:10:22,389 --> 01:10:25,191 every year he's been 3009 01:10:22,389 --> 01:10:25,191 in Vegas. 3010 01:10:25,291 --> 01:10:27,961 - He is a dark horse, 3011 01:10:25,291 --> 01:10:27,961 and he could win it all. 3012 01:10:28,610 --> 01:10:31,331 - Gillett even made it to 3013 01:10:28,610 --> 01:10:31,331 Stage 3 two years ago, 3014 01:10:31,431 --> 01:10:34,367 which is why what happened 3015 01:10:31,431 --> 01:10:34,367 tonight was such a shock. 3016 01:10:34,467 --> 01:10:36,836 - Oh, no! 3017 01:10:34,467 --> 01:10:36,836 - Oh, no! 3018 01:10:36,936 --> 01:10:38,438 - No! 3019 01:10:36,936 --> 01:10:38,438 - The five-time veteran 3020 01:10:38,538 --> 01:10:40,940 missed a rung on 3021 01:10:38,538 --> 01:10:40,940 the redesigned Salmon Ladder, 3022 01:10:41,410 --> 01:10:43,510 and his season was over. 3023 01:10:43,610 --> 01:10:46,346 - I don't know. 3024 01:10:46,446 --> 01:10:48,581 - Matt, this is heartbreaking. 3025 01:10:48,682 --> 01:10:51,351 - Ah! 3026 01:10:51,451 --> 01:10:53,987 - So Tyler Gillett becomes 3027 01:10:51,451 --> 01:10:53,987 the latest victim 3028 01:10:54,870 --> 01:10:56,589 of the dreaded Stage 3 curse. 3029 01:10:56,690 --> 01:10:58,191 What's the curse? 3030 01:10:58,291 --> 01:11:01,940 Well, two years ago, the 3031 01:10:58,291 --> 01:11:01,940 last time we were in Vegas, 3032 01:11:01,194 --> 01:11:03,897 a record-setting 3033 01:11:01,194 --> 01:11:03,897 21 elite ninjas 3034 01:11:04,640 --> 01:11:05,765 made it to Stage 3. 3035 01:11:05,865 --> 01:11:08,134 We expected many 3036 01:11:05,865 --> 01:11:08,134 of those top athletes 3037 01:11:08,234 --> 01:11:09,769 to get back there again, 3038 01:11:09,869 --> 01:11:11,710 but this season-- 3039 01:11:11,171 --> 01:11:12,405 Oh, no! 3040 01:11:11,171 --> 01:11:12,405 - Oh! 3041 01:11:12,505 --> 01:11:15,442 - Most have been shockingly 3042 01:11:12,505 --> 01:11:15,442 eliminated. 3043 01:11:15,542 --> 01:11:17,410 - Oh, my word. 3044 01:11:17,510 --> 01:11:20,814 - And now, only three are 3045 01:11:17,510 --> 01:11:20,814 still in the competition. 3046 01:11:21,748 --> 01:11:24,840 Well, here's one of the three 3047 01:11:21,748 --> 01:11:24,840 who's still standing. 3048 01:11:24,150 --> 01:11:27,921 It's the Maker, Kevin Carbone, 3049 01:11:24,150 --> 01:11:27,921 the obstacle designer 3050 01:11:28,880 --> 01:11:29,756 now living in Colorado. 3051 01:11:29,856 --> 01:11:33,293 He busted out of a box 3052 01:11:29,856 --> 01:11:33,293 with a hard hat on Stage 1. 3053 01:11:33,393 --> 01:11:35,562 - Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! 3054 01:11:35,662 --> 01:11:38,298 - And his supporters are 3055 01:11:35,662 --> 01:11:38,298 wearing the hats again. 3056 01:11:38,398 --> 01:11:40,400 There are his parents 3057 01:11:38,398 --> 01:11:40,400 watching back in Georgia, 3058 01:11:40,500 --> 01:11:43,103 along with his sister, Kat. 3059 01:11:43,203 --> 01:11:46,239 And he's got other ninjas, 3060 01:11:43,203 --> 01:11:46,239 including Vance Walker, 3061 01:11:46,339 --> 01:11:48,842 and Kevin's roommates, 3062 01:11:46,339 --> 01:11:48,842 Nate Hansen and Austin Gray, 3063 01:11:48,942 --> 01:11:50,910 down on the sideline. 3064 01:11:51,110 --> 01:11:52,512 - Let's go, man! 3065 01:11:51,110 --> 01:11:52,512 - Let's go, Kevin! 3066 01:11:52,612 --> 01:11:56,116 [countdown clock beeps] 3067 01:11:56,149 --> 01:11:58,718 - Carbone missed last season 3068 01:11:56,149 --> 01:11:58,718 with a broken wrist. 3069 01:11:58,818 --> 01:12:01,688 But he is recovered 3070 01:11:58,818 --> 01:12:01,688 and stronger than ever. 3071 01:12:01,788 --> 01:12:03,690 - But this is where his buddy, 3072 01:12:01,788 --> 01:12:03,690 Tyler Gillett, fell 3073 01:12:03,790 --> 01:12:05,291 minutes ago. 3074 01:12:05,392 --> 01:12:06,726 - Looking very strong. 3075 01:12:06,826 --> 01:12:08,561 - All right, here we go. 3076 01:12:08,661 --> 01:12:10,764 - Well, Carbone says 3077 01:12:08,661 --> 01:12:10,764 designing obstacles 3078 01:12:10,864 --> 01:12:13,333 gives him an understanding 3079 01:12:10,864 --> 01:12:13,333 of how to conquer them. 3080 01:12:13,433 --> 01:12:16,169 But this isn't about, 3081 01:12:13,433 --> 01:12:16,169 necessarily, figuring out 3082 01:12:16,269 --> 01:12:18,672 the obstacles, 3083 01:12:16,269 --> 01:12:18,672 it's just surviving them. 3084 01:12:18,772 --> 01:12:21,274 Six ninjas have tried 3085 01:12:18,772 --> 01:12:21,274 Stage 2 so far. 3086 01:12:21,374 --> 01:12:23,309 No one's made it 3087 01:12:21,374 --> 01:12:23,309 to the buzzer yet. 3088 01:12:23,410 --> 01:12:25,945 Carbone fighting his way 3089 01:12:23,410 --> 01:12:25,945 up V Formation. 3090 01:12:26,790 --> 01:12:27,313 Big move. 3091 01:12:27,414 --> 01:12:29,149 - All right, this one 3092 01:12:27,414 --> 01:12:29,149 right here, V Formation, 3093 01:12:29,249 --> 01:12:31,885 can wear you out for 3094 01:12:29,249 --> 01:12:31,885 the other obstacles to come. 3095 01:12:31,985 --> 01:12:34,387 - Well, we often talk about 3096 01:12:31,985 --> 01:12:34,387 the obstacles he's created, 3097 01:12:34,487 --> 01:12:37,791 most memorably, the Wing Nuts, 3098 01:12:34,487 --> 01:12:37,791 but this dude is legit. 3099 01:12:37,891 --> 01:12:39,693 - Matt, he looks so fluid. 3100 01:12:39,793 --> 01:12:43,960 - On the way down, 3101 01:12:39,793 --> 01:12:43,960 needs to jump from V to V. 3102 01:12:43,163 --> 01:12:46,990 And he skips, 3103 01:12:43,163 --> 01:12:46,990 goes right to the second one. 3104 01:12:46,166 --> 01:12:48,868 - That was a riskier move, 3105 01:12:46,166 --> 01:12:48,868 but it paid off. 3106 01:12:48,968 --> 01:12:51,538 - And looks like he's gonna 3107 01:12:48,968 --> 01:12:51,538 skip another one here. 3108 01:12:51,638 --> 01:12:53,740 - Ooh! 3109 01:12:51,638 --> 01:12:53,740 Yes, you know what he's doing? 3110 01:12:53,840 --> 01:12:55,975 He's taking less moves, 3111 01:12:53,840 --> 01:12:55,975 and I like it. 3112 01:12:56,109 --> 01:12:58,812 It's risky though. 3113 01:12:56,109 --> 01:12:58,812 - There it is. 3114 01:12:58,912 --> 01:13:03,249 On down to the Hammer Drop, 3115 01:12:58,912 --> 01:13:03,249 and a good pace to this point. 3116 01:13:03,350 --> 01:13:04,651 [cheers and applause] 3117 01:13:04,751 --> 01:13:07,530 5'8", gonna be a big reach. 3118 01:13:07,870 --> 01:13:08,588 - Nice, just like that. 3119 01:13:07,870 --> 01:13:08,588 - Great job! 3120 01:13:08,688 --> 01:13:10,560 - Nailed it. 3121 01:13:10,900 --> 01:13:12,292 - But now has to climb up 3122 01:13:10,900 --> 01:13:12,292 onto the top, 3123 01:13:12,392 --> 01:13:14,461 and that is exhausting. 3124 01:13:14,561 --> 01:13:18,331 Real key to preserve 3125 01:13:14,561 --> 01:13:18,331 some of that grip strength. 3126 01:13:18,431 --> 01:13:20,767 Carbone, I'm liking this run. 3127 01:13:20,867 --> 01:13:22,802 - Kevin Carbone's 3128 01:13:20,867 --> 01:13:22,802 just been efficient. 3129 01:13:22,902 --> 01:13:24,337 He hasn't wasted 3130 01:13:22,902 --> 01:13:24,337 a lot of moves. 3131 01:13:24,437 --> 01:13:26,720 It should give him 3132 01:13:24,437 --> 01:13:26,720 enough energy 3133 01:13:26,172 --> 01:13:27,540 on the next two obstacles. 3134 01:13:30,777 --> 01:13:33,513 Little low--ooh! 3135 01:13:30,777 --> 01:13:33,513 Extra swing there. 3136 01:13:33,613 --> 01:13:35,315 - Come on, you got this! 3137 01:13:33,613 --> 01:13:35,315 - See, you gotta hook on. 3138 01:13:35,415 --> 01:13:37,183 - Ooh, look at 3139 01:13:35,415 --> 01:13:37,183 that vice grip though. 3140 01:13:37,283 --> 01:13:39,850 - You can see him shaking out 3141 01:13:37,283 --> 01:13:39,850 the forearms 3142 01:13:39,119 --> 01:13:41,454 as he's climbing it. 3143 01:13:39,119 --> 01:13:41,454 He--he is feeling it. 3144 01:13:41,554 --> 01:13:45,525 Two obstacles to go, and 3145 01:13:41,554 --> 01:13:45,525 Carbone is looking exhausted. 3146 01:13:45,625 --> 01:13:47,927 - Yeah, you can see him-- 3147 01:13:45,625 --> 01:13:47,927 Oh, look at that. 3148 01:13:48,940 --> 01:13:49,162 He just dropped on that. 3149 01:13:49,262 --> 01:13:50,663 - You got it! 3150 01:13:49,262 --> 01:13:50,663 Shake it out! 3151 01:13:50,764 --> 01:13:52,832 Shake it out, let's go. 3152 01:13:50,764 --> 01:13:52,832 Let's go! 3153 01:13:52,932 --> 01:13:55,101 - Well, he faced 3154 01:13:52,932 --> 01:13:55,101 Air Surfer in Tacoma, 3155 01:13:55,168 --> 01:13:57,170 but we have upped 3156 01:13:55,168 --> 01:13:57,170 the difficulty here. 3157 01:13:57,270 --> 01:13:58,972 Longer moves, more moves. 3158 01:13:59,105 --> 01:14:01,775 He's gonna have to make 3159 01:13:59,105 --> 01:14:01,775 a big effort to survive this. 3160 01:14:01,875 --> 01:14:04,744 - And, Matt, what really does 3161 01:14:01,875 --> 01:14:04,744 it on the Air Surfer is 3162 01:14:04,844 --> 01:14:07,781 the one foot drop, 3163 01:14:04,844 --> 01:14:07,781 and he's got four of them. 3164 01:14:07,881 --> 01:14:09,849 - And you can see, 3165 01:14:07,881 --> 01:14:09,849 gotta be precise, 3166 01:14:09,949 --> 01:14:12,686 control both sides 3167 01:14:09,949 --> 01:14:12,686 of that board. 3168 01:14:12,786 --> 01:14:14,320 Watch it. 3169 01:14:12,786 --> 01:14:14,320 - Look at this drop. 3170 01:14:14,421 --> 01:14:16,456 The 6 foot dude-- 3171 01:14:14,421 --> 01:14:16,456 - Oh, he is grimacing. 3172 01:14:16,556 --> 01:14:18,391 What does he have left? 3173 01:14:18,491 --> 01:14:20,960 Carbone, fight it--No! 3174 01:14:18,491 --> 01:14:20,960 - No! 3175 01:14:25,650 --> 01:14:27,600 - The Maker ninja made 3176 01:14:25,650 --> 01:14:27,600 his best effort; 3177 01:14:27,701 --> 01:14:30,403 it's not enough on Stage 2. 3178 01:14:30,503 --> 01:14:33,730 - It's okay, it's okay, Kev. 3179 01:14:30,503 --> 01:14:33,730 - Go, Kev-Kev! 3180 01:14:33,139 --> 01:14:36,409 - He made the big move onto 3181 01:14:33,139 --> 01:14:36,409 that next-to-last pad, 3182 01:14:36,509 --> 01:14:39,546 but as he tries to adjust 3183 01:14:36,509 --> 01:14:39,546 to move up slightly, 3184 01:14:39,646 --> 01:14:41,915 he slid the right side 3185 01:14:39,646 --> 01:14:41,915 a little too far 3186 01:14:42,820 --> 01:14:43,783 and off the edge. 3187 01:14:43,883 --> 01:14:47,654 And the Stage 3 curse 3188 01:14:43,883 --> 01:14:47,654 strikes again. 3189 01:14:47,754 --> 01:14:51,324 - Well, sometimes you get it. 3190 01:14:47,754 --> 01:14:51,324 And sometimes you get got. 3191 01:14:52,525 --> 01:14:54,627 - And now only two are left 3192 01:14:54,728 --> 01:14:56,896 from the 21 3193 01:14:54,728 --> 01:14:56,896 that reached Stage 3 3194 01:14:56,996 --> 01:14:58,698 2 years ago. 3195 01:14:58,798 --> 01:15:02,869 Up next, another one of this 3196 01:14:58,798 --> 01:15:02,869 season's impressive teenagers; 3197 01:15:03,360 --> 01:15:06,840 this is McLean, Virginia's 3198 01:15:03,360 --> 01:15:06,840 16-year-old Max Feinberg. 3199 01:15:06,940 --> 01:15:09,209 Taking off the glasses 3200 01:15:06,940 --> 01:15:09,209 for a good look. 3201 01:15:09,309 --> 01:15:12,612 He can't believe 3202 01:15:09,309 --> 01:15:12,612 he's made it to Stage 2. 3203 01:15:12,712 --> 01:15:14,447 - One, two, three-- 3204 01:15:12,712 --> 01:15:14,447 - Step! 3205 01:15:14,547 --> 01:15:16,916 - Max is a self-proclaimed 3206 01:15:14,547 --> 01:15:16,916 band geek, 3207 01:15:17,500 --> 01:15:19,520 a member of 3208 01:15:17,500 --> 01:15:19,520 his school's marching band. 3209 01:15:19,119 --> 01:15:20,487 [trombone riff] 3210 01:15:20,587 --> 01:15:22,956 But he's also got 3211 01:15:20,587 --> 01:15:22,956 a deeper message. 3212 01:15:23,560 --> 01:15:26,192 - That's for you, Mom! 3213 01:15:23,560 --> 01:15:26,192 For you! 3214 01:15:26,292 --> 01:15:28,461 - His mom is fighting 3215 01:15:26,292 --> 01:15:28,461 breast cancer, 3216 01:15:28,561 --> 01:15:30,597 and he wears "1 in 8" 3217 01:15:28,561 --> 01:15:30,597 on his shirt, 3218 01:15:30,697 --> 01:15:32,132 because that's the number 3219 01:15:30,697 --> 01:15:32,132 of women 3220 01:15:32,232 --> 01:15:34,901 diagnosed with breast cancer. 3221 01:15:35,680 --> 01:15:36,536 - Every run is for her. 3222 01:15:36,636 --> 01:15:38,505 And tonight, 3223 01:15:36,636 --> 01:15:38,505 I'm hitting another buzzer 3224 01:15:38,605 --> 01:15:41,740 on Stage 2 for Mom. 3225 01:15:42,909 --> 01:15:44,377 - Whoo! 3226 01:15:44,477 --> 01:15:46,780 - And there's his mom Debbie 3227 01:15:44,477 --> 01:15:46,780 with his dad Peter. 3228 01:15:46,880 --> 01:15:48,314 - This one's for you guys. 3229 01:15:48,415 --> 01:15:49,683 - Let's go! 3230 01:15:48,415 --> 01:15:49,683 Let's go! 3231 01:15:49,783 --> 01:15:51,551 - They have to be 3232 01:15:49,783 --> 01:15:51,551 so proud of their son. 3233 01:15:51,651 --> 01:15:52,686 - Let's go! 3234 01:15:52,786 --> 01:15:54,220 [countdown clock beeps] 3235 01:15:54,320 --> 01:15:55,889 - Didn't bring his trombone 3236 01:15:54,320 --> 01:15:55,889 tonight, 3237 01:15:55,989 --> 01:15:58,124 but he's representing 3238 01:15:55,989 --> 01:15:58,124 for the bank geeks this year. 3239 01:15:58,224 --> 01:16:00,930 Hit three buzzers so far. 3240 01:16:00,193 --> 01:16:02,562 - But this is 3241 01:16:00,193 --> 01:16:02,562 a brand new Stage 2. 3242 01:16:02,662 --> 01:16:03,897 - Brand new 3243 01:16:02,662 --> 01:16:03,897 Double Salmon Ladder. 3244 01:16:04,300 --> 01:16:05,832 - Oh! 3245 01:16:04,300 --> 01:16:05,832 Good rhythm. 3246 01:16:05,932 --> 01:16:08,234 - And, Matt, 3247 01:16:05,932 --> 01:16:08,234 he only weighs 130 pounds. 3248 01:16:08,335 --> 01:16:11,104 So light he can float 3249 01:16:08,335 --> 01:16:11,104 across the rungs. 3250 01:16:11,204 --> 01:16:13,173 It's all about putting 3251 01:16:11,204 --> 01:16:13,173 that game plan together 3252 01:16:13,273 --> 01:16:15,942 on how you're going 3253 01:16:13,273 --> 01:16:15,942 to preserve your energy 3254 01:16:16,420 --> 01:16:17,677 to make it through 3255 01:16:16,420 --> 01:16:17,677 the length of this course. 3256 01:16:17,777 --> 01:16:20,513 - And look at him, 3257 01:16:17,777 --> 01:16:20,513 just easy moves here. 3258 01:16:20,613 --> 01:16:22,949 This is his first time 3259 01:16:20,613 --> 01:16:22,949 on V Formation. 3260 01:16:23,490 --> 01:16:25,719 Did not face this 3261 01:16:23,490 --> 01:16:25,719 back in Tacoma qualifying. 3262 01:16:25,819 --> 01:16:29,456 The key is not to over-grip, 3263 01:16:25,819 --> 01:16:29,456 which is so hard not to do 3264 01:16:29,556 --> 01:16:31,825 when you're in the moment, 3265 01:16:29,556 --> 01:16:31,825 don't want to lose purchase. 3266 01:16:31,925 --> 01:16:33,660 - And you see the way 3267 01:16:31,925 --> 01:16:33,660 he's finessing it through, 3268 01:16:33,760 --> 01:16:35,462 not over-gripping, 3269 01:16:33,760 --> 01:16:35,462 very finessed. 3270 01:16:35,562 --> 01:16:38,665 You can see how light he is 3271 01:16:35,562 --> 01:16:38,665 with it. 3272 01:16:38,765 --> 01:16:40,333 - This descent, 3273 01:16:38,765 --> 01:16:40,333 a real challenge, 3274 01:16:40,433 --> 01:16:44,637 have to get those hands on 3275 01:16:40,433 --> 01:16:44,637 simultaneously. 3276 01:16:44,738 --> 01:16:46,573 - With the bigger bars, 3277 01:16:44,738 --> 01:16:46,573 it's kind of hard 3278 01:16:46,673 --> 01:16:48,908 not to over-grip 3279 01:16:46,673 --> 01:16:48,908 because you wanna make sure 3280 01:16:49,750 --> 01:16:50,844 you don't peel off. 3281 01:16:49,750 --> 01:16:50,844 - Absolutely. 3282 01:16:50,944 --> 01:16:52,212 Skip that first handle, 3283 01:16:52,312 --> 01:16:53,947 now hitting 3284 01:16:52,312 --> 01:16:53,947 second, third, and fourth. 3285 01:16:54,800 --> 01:16:55,815 - Nice, you can see him 3286 01:16:54,800 --> 01:16:55,815 kind of reaching over. 3287 01:16:55,915 --> 01:16:57,584 Nice, he's staying real calm, 3288 01:16:55,915 --> 01:16:57,584 looking good. 3289 01:16:57,684 --> 01:17:00,353 - Well, Akbar, this is 3290 01:16:57,684 --> 01:17:00,353 the fastest we've seen anyone 3291 01:17:00,453 --> 01:17:01,588 to this point. 3292 01:17:01,688 --> 01:17:03,590 - That's it, yes! 3293 01:17:01,688 --> 01:17:03,590 All right. 3294 01:17:03,690 --> 01:17:06,359 - 5'10", long arms here 3295 01:17:03,690 --> 01:17:06,359 on the Hammer Drop. 3296 01:17:06,459 --> 01:17:08,728 Gotta get the legs wrapped 3297 01:17:06,459 --> 01:17:08,728 around to preserve 3298 01:17:08,828 --> 01:17:11,297 that upper body 3299 01:17:08,828 --> 01:17:11,297 'cause this is a ride. 3300 01:17:11,398 --> 01:17:12,499 - You got this, Max. 3301 01:17:12,599 --> 01:17:14,367 - Get ready to go inverted, 3302 01:17:12,599 --> 01:17:14,367 Max. 3303 01:17:14,467 --> 01:17:16,836 - But before he goes inverted, 3304 01:17:14,467 --> 01:17:16,836 he's gotta hug. 3305 01:17:16,936 --> 01:17:19,139 Hug for dear life. 3306 01:17:19,239 --> 01:17:22,909 Hug it like you hug your--oh! 3307 01:17:19,239 --> 01:17:22,909 - No! 3308 01:17:23,430 --> 01:17:24,310 - Oh! 3309 01:17:24,411 --> 01:17:27,113 - The glasses come off, 3310 01:17:24,411 --> 01:17:27,113 and, unfortunately, 3311 01:17:27,213 --> 01:17:28,882 his season is over. 3312 01:17:29,490 --> 01:17:31,885 But he has made marching band 3313 01:17:29,490 --> 01:17:31,885 members proud this year, 3314 01:17:32,520 --> 01:17:35,550 and what a lift 3315 01:17:32,520 --> 01:17:35,550 he's given to his mom. 3316 01:17:35,880 --> 01:17:36,289 - So proud of you, buddy! 3317 01:17:36,389 --> 01:17:37,657 - Check out his hands 3318 01:17:36,389 --> 01:17:37,657 right here! 3319 01:17:37,757 --> 01:17:39,426 They didn't latch 3320 01:17:37,757 --> 01:17:39,426 onto the ledges, 3321 01:17:39,526 --> 01:17:42,562 never got a grip, and 3322 01:17:39,526 --> 01:17:42,562 wasn't able to wrap his legs, 3323 01:17:42,662 --> 01:17:45,465 so he slid right off. 3324 01:17:45,565 --> 01:17:47,670 - I love it 3325 01:17:45,565 --> 01:17:47,670 when I come out here 3326 01:17:47,167 --> 01:17:49,690 and do what I love 3327 01:17:47,167 --> 01:17:49,690 with the people I love. 3328 01:17:49,169 --> 01:17:50,870 And I feel amazing. 3329 01:17:50,970 --> 01:17:53,940 Whew! 3330 01:17:50,970 --> 01:17:53,940 Thank you, all. 3331 01:17:54,740 --> 01:17:55,241 Whoo! 3332 01:17:54,740 --> 01:17:55,241 [cheers and applause] 3333 01:17:55,342 --> 01:17:58,178 - Love you, Max. 3334 01:17:55,342 --> 01:17:58,178 So proud of you, Max! 3335 01:17:58,278 --> 01:18:01,181 - Whoo! 3336 01:17:58,278 --> 01:18:01,181 - Yes! 3337 01:18:01,281 --> 01:18:04,840 - He had his first fall ever, 3338 01:18:01,281 --> 01:18:04,840 minutes ago. 3339 01:18:04,184 --> 01:18:08,521 Now Vance Walker gets 3340 01:18:04,184 --> 01:18:08,521 a second shot at Stage 2. 3341 01:18:17,197 --> 01:18:17,330 . 3342 01:18:19,320 --> 01:18:22,736 - Next week, it's gonna be 3343 01:18:19,320 --> 01:18:22,736 one fantastic finish. 3344 01:18:23,470 --> 01:18:24,337 - Get your popcorn ready. 3345 01:18:25,405 --> 01:18:27,741 - Our remaining ninjas 3346 01:18:25,405 --> 01:18:27,741 tackle Stage 2, 3347 01:18:27,841 --> 01:18:30,710 and move on 3348 01:18:27,841 --> 01:18:30,710 to the brutal Stage 3. 3349 01:18:30,810 --> 01:18:32,612 - No! 3350 01:18:30,810 --> 01:18:32,612 - No! 3351 01:18:32,712 --> 01:18:35,882 If anyone survives, 3352 01:18:32,712 --> 01:18:35,882 they'll climb Stage 4 3353 01:18:36,490 --> 01:18:37,684 for a million dollars! 3354 01:18:37,784 --> 01:18:40,487 - It's about to go down! 3355 01:18:40,587 --> 01:18:45,580 - It's the season finale 3356 01:18:40,587 --> 01:18:45,580 of "American Ninja Warrior." 3357 01:18:45,158 --> 01:18:47,594 Can't wait for that. 3358 01:18:47,694 --> 01:18:50,163 And that brings us to 3359 01:18:47,694 --> 01:18:50,163 our final runner of the night. 3360 01:18:50,263 --> 01:18:53,433 It's gonna be 16-year-old 3361 01:18:50,263 --> 01:18:53,433 Vance Walker taking 3362 01:18:53,533 --> 01:18:56,369 his second run on Stage 2. 3363 01:18:56,469 --> 01:18:58,271 After never falling 3364 01:18:56,469 --> 01:18:58,271 on a "Ninja" course, 3365 01:18:58,371 --> 01:19:01,292 he shockingly fell 3366 01:18:58,371 --> 01:19:01,292 on the second obstacle. 3367 01:19:01,107 --> 01:19:03,760 Luckily, 3368 01:19:01,107 --> 01:19:03,760 he had the safety pass 3369 01:19:03,176 --> 01:19:06,646 he won on the Power Tower 3370 01:19:03,176 --> 01:19:06,646 back in semifinals. 3371 01:19:06,746 --> 01:19:08,848 - It's time to use it, I guess. 3372 01:19:09,150 --> 01:19:11,170 - He's changed 3373 01:19:09,150 --> 01:19:11,170 into some dry clothes, 3374 01:19:11,840 --> 01:19:12,152 got a little rest, 3375 01:19:12,252 --> 01:19:13,787 and he's ready 3376 01:19:12,252 --> 01:19:13,787 to try it again. 3377 01:19:13,887 --> 01:19:16,656 - Go! Let's go! 3378 01:19:13,887 --> 01:19:16,656 You got this! 3379 01:19:16,756 --> 01:19:19,759 - Family and training partners 3380 01:19:16,756 --> 01:19:19,759 back on the sideline. 3381 01:19:19,859 --> 01:19:21,528 [cheers and applause] 3382 01:19:21,628 --> 01:19:24,531 [countdown clock beeps] 3383 01:19:24,631 --> 01:19:26,900 - Well, no one's finished 3384 01:19:24,631 --> 01:19:26,900 Stage 2 so far. 3385 01:19:27,330 --> 01:19:31,304 Let's see if Vance Walker 3386 01:19:27,330 --> 01:19:31,304 can do it on his second try. 3387 01:19:31,404 --> 01:19:34,740 Back to where he fell, 3388 01:19:31,404 --> 01:19:34,740 the Double Salmon Ladder. 3389 01:19:34,174 --> 01:19:35,875 - All right, not gonna make 3390 01:19:34,174 --> 01:19:35,875 that mistake again. 3391 01:19:36,420 --> 01:19:37,444 - And look at him regrouping 3392 01:19:36,420 --> 01:19:37,444 before the cradler, 3393 01:19:37,544 --> 01:19:38,745 doesn't want to overshoot. 3394 01:19:38,845 --> 01:19:40,460 - Yeah! 3395 01:19:38,845 --> 01:19:40,460 - Go, go, go! 3396 01:19:40,146 --> 01:19:41,348 - Yeah, that one took him 3397 01:19:40,146 --> 01:19:41,348 by surprise 3398 01:19:41,448 --> 01:19:42,782 the last time he did it. 3399 01:19:41,448 --> 01:19:42,782 - Good adjustment. 3400 01:19:42,882 --> 01:19:44,250 - Nailed it. 3401 01:19:44,351 --> 01:19:45,885 - Almost jumped to the top 3402 01:19:44,351 --> 01:19:45,885 of the second ladder. 3403 01:19:46,520 --> 01:19:48,288 One more move. 3404 01:19:46,520 --> 01:19:48,288 Looking smooth. 3405 01:19:48,388 --> 01:19:50,657 And there's so many people 3406 01:19:48,388 --> 01:19:50,657 rooting for this kid. 3407 01:19:50,757 --> 01:19:52,559 After overcoming 3408 01:19:50,757 --> 01:19:52,559 cerebral palsy, 3409 01:19:52,659 --> 01:19:54,494 and having such success, 3410 01:19:54,594 --> 01:19:56,563 there are a lot 3411 01:19:54,594 --> 01:19:56,563 of new Vance Walker fans. 3412 01:19:56,663 --> 01:19:57,897 And in one move-- 3413 01:19:56,663 --> 01:19:57,897 - Whoo! 3414 01:19:58,640 --> 01:19:59,466 - And a second. 3415 01:19:59,566 --> 01:20:03,169 - He was so powerful--one 3416 01:19:59,566 --> 01:20:03,169 of the most powerful ninjas. 3417 01:20:03,269 --> 01:20:06,406 - See if he skips V's 3418 01:20:03,269 --> 01:20:06,406 on the way down. 3419 01:20:06,506 --> 01:20:09,242 And, yeah, he jumps straight 3420 01:20:06,506 --> 01:20:09,242 to the second one. 3421 01:20:09,342 --> 01:20:11,311 And now lining up 3422 01:20:09,342 --> 01:20:11,311 the last one. 3423 01:20:11,411 --> 01:20:13,680 - He knows what he has to do. 3424 01:20:13,780 --> 01:20:15,615 - Whoa. 3425 01:20:13,780 --> 01:20:15,615 - Big-time. 3426 01:20:15,715 --> 01:20:18,840 - Well, 3427 01:20:15,715 --> 01:20:18,840 he is really executing. 3428 01:20:18,184 --> 01:20:19,753 And he is through. 3429 01:20:19,853 --> 01:20:22,880 - No fear! 3430 01:20:19,853 --> 01:20:22,880 Be a beast! 3431 01:20:22,188 --> 01:20:25,158 - But here comes Hammer Drop. 3432 01:20:25,258 --> 01:20:27,961 And we talked about 3433 01:20:25,258 --> 01:20:27,961 his cerebral palsy last week; 3434 01:20:28,610 --> 01:20:29,596 it still effects his legs. 3435 01:20:29,696 --> 01:20:32,966 And he really needs those 3436 01:20:29,696 --> 01:20:32,966 to lock onto the Hammer. 3437 01:20:33,660 --> 01:20:36,903 No! 3438 01:20:33,660 --> 01:20:36,903 How is he holding on? 3439 01:20:37,125 --> 01:20:39,839 You see it, that left hand 3440 01:20:37,125 --> 01:20:39,839 wasn't on the grip. 3441 01:20:39,939 --> 01:20:41,541 That was amazing. 3442 01:20:41,641 --> 01:20:43,677 - Nice, and, Matt, 3443 01:20:41,641 --> 01:20:43,677 he used his thighs, 3444 01:20:43,777 --> 01:20:46,346 his inner thighs, 3445 01:20:43,777 --> 01:20:46,346 and everything to hold on. 3446 01:20:46,446 --> 01:20:50,116 [cheers and applause] 3447 01:20:50,216 --> 01:20:52,252 - Well, he knew it was 3448 01:20:50,216 --> 01:20:52,252 gonna be a challenge. 3449 01:20:52,352 --> 01:20:55,655 Vance Walker had a plan. 3450 01:20:52,352 --> 01:20:55,655 Very steady here. 3451 01:20:55,755 --> 01:20:57,590 - I was a little concerned 3452 01:20:55,755 --> 01:20:57,590 for him, Matt, 3453 01:20:57,691 --> 01:20:59,192 but he did it. 3454 01:20:59,292 --> 01:21:02,950 - An excellent adjustment 3455 01:20:59,292 --> 01:21:02,950 there. 3456 01:21:02,195 --> 01:21:06,299 - Get up high on the rope. 3457 01:21:02,195 --> 01:21:06,299 Vance Walker, he's determined. 3458 01:21:06,399 --> 01:21:07,634 Let's look at that again. 3459 01:21:07,734 --> 01:21:10,700 He missed with 3460 01:21:07,734 --> 01:21:10,700 his left hand completely, 3461 01:21:10,103 --> 01:21:12,639 so he was holding on 3462 01:21:10,103 --> 01:21:12,639 with just his right hand 3463 01:21:12,739 --> 01:21:14,574 and squeezing with his legs. 3464 01:21:14,674 --> 01:21:16,509 He somehow managed to hang on. 3465 01:21:16,609 --> 01:21:18,178 And that's a great save 3466 01:21:16,609 --> 01:21:18,178 right there. 3467 01:21:18,278 --> 01:21:20,847 - Oh! 3468 01:21:18,278 --> 01:21:20,847 - You got it! 3469 01:21:20,947 --> 01:21:22,415 [cheers and applause] 3470 01:21:22,515 --> 01:21:25,452 - Now facing 3471 01:21:22,515 --> 01:21:25,452 the Epic Air Surfer, 3472 01:21:25,552 --> 01:21:28,880 Vance Walker making 3473 01:21:25,552 --> 01:21:28,880 the most of his second chance. 3474 01:21:28,154 --> 01:21:30,223 Faced the Air Surfer 3475 01:21:28,154 --> 01:21:30,223 in Tacoma; 3476 01:21:30,323 --> 01:21:32,559 of course, we've ratcheted up 3477 01:21:30,323 --> 01:21:32,559 the difficulty. 3478 01:21:32,659 --> 01:21:35,328 - How great is it to come 3479 01:21:32,659 --> 01:21:35,328 in here at 16 years old 3480 01:21:35,428 --> 01:21:37,197 with the mulligan, 3481 01:21:35,428 --> 01:21:37,197 with the safety pass? 3482 01:21:37,297 --> 01:21:39,599 - And after falling 3483 01:21:37,297 --> 01:21:39,599 for the first time ever 3484 01:21:39,699 --> 01:21:41,401 in "Ninja" competition, 3485 01:21:39,699 --> 01:21:41,401 he didn't let it 3486 01:21:41,501 --> 01:21:44,671 shake his confidence. 3487 01:21:41,501 --> 01:21:44,671 He's come back strong. 3488 01:21:44,771 --> 01:21:47,273 - And this is 3489 01:21:44,771 --> 01:21:47,273 where he excels. 3490 01:21:47,374 --> 01:21:49,676 - But might want to have 3491 01:21:47,374 --> 01:21:49,676 a little urgency here. 3492 01:21:49,776 --> 01:21:51,344 It's gonna be 3493 01:21:49,776 --> 01:21:51,344 a longer throw here. 3494 01:21:51,444 --> 01:21:53,113 - The man's come down. 3495 01:21:51,444 --> 01:21:53,113 And you know what? 3496 01:21:53,146 --> 01:21:55,150 He's controlling his speed 3497 01:21:53,146 --> 01:21:55,150 with a little bit 3498 01:21:55,115 --> 01:21:57,417 of that hangtime 3499 01:21:55,115 --> 01:21:57,417 so he has enough time, 3500 01:21:57,517 --> 01:21:58,885 and then boom! 3501 01:21:58,985 --> 01:22:02,288 - One more move. 3502 01:21:58,985 --> 01:22:02,288 How much does he have left? 3503 01:22:02,389 --> 01:22:04,724 [cheering and applause] 3504 01:22:02,389 --> 01:22:04,724 Got it! 3505 01:22:04,824 --> 01:22:06,590 - Gotta watch 3506 01:22:04,824 --> 01:22:06,590 where his arms are 3507 01:22:06,159 --> 01:22:08,695 so he absorbs 3508 01:22:06,159 --> 01:22:08,695 the pressure coming down. 3509 01:22:08,795 --> 01:22:11,698 [cheering and applause] 3510 01:22:08,795 --> 01:22:11,698 - Way to go, way to go! 3511 01:22:11,798 --> 01:22:14,501 - Vance Walker, 3512 01:22:11,798 --> 01:22:14,501 one obstacle away. 3513 01:22:14,601 --> 01:22:16,469 He's not gonna have 3514 01:22:14,601 --> 01:22:16,469 much time to rest up. 3515 01:22:16,569 --> 01:22:18,138 He's gotta go. 3516 01:22:18,238 --> 01:22:20,407 What does he have left 3517 01:22:18,238 --> 01:22:20,407 in those arms? 3518 01:22:20,507 --> 01:22:23,376 At 5'5", again, 3519 01:22:20,507 --> 01:22:23,376 a relatively longer throw. 3520 01:22:23,476 --> 01:22:25,945 Almost as tall as he is 3521 01:22:23,476 --> 01:22:25,945 in between these shelves, 3522 01:22:26,790 --> 01:22:27,814 and down to 30 seconds. 3523 01:22:27,914 --> 01:22:30,830 Well, once you're up, 3524 01:22:27,914 --> 01:22:30,830 you're gonna move fast. 3525 01:22:30,183 --> 01:22:32,185 - Well, Matt, 3526 01:22:30,183 --> 01:22:32,185 they say Vegas always wins. 3527 01:22:32,285 --> 01:22:33,553 I don't know. 3528 01:22:33,653 --> 01:22:35,622 It looks like Vance Walker's 3529 01:22:33,653 --> 01:22:35,622 about to win. 3530 01:22:35,722 --> 01:22:37,490 - What I like is 3531 01:22:35,722 --> 01:22:37,490 he's getting the hips up. 3532 01:22:37,590 --> 01:22:39,492 That gives his hands, 3533 01:22:37,590 --> 01:22:39,492 give his fingers, 3534 01:22:39,592 --> 01:22:41,795 a chance to find purchase. 3535 01:22:39,592 --> 01:22:41,795 Here's the money grab! 3536 01:22:41,895 --> 01:22:43,830 - All right, come on. 3537 01:22:41,895 --> 01:22:43,830 Find it, it's blind. 3538 01:22:43,930 --> 01:22:45,699 Come on, Vance! 3539 01:22:43,930 --> 01:22:45,699 - You can see it! 3540 01:22:45,799 --> 01:22:47,100 - If you can't see it-- 3541 01:22:45,799 --> 01:22:47,100 - Nine seconds! 3542 01:22:47,167 --> 01:22:48,902 - Feel it, feel it! Yes! 3543 01:22:47,167 --> 01:22:48,902 - Yes! 3544 01:22:49,083 --> 01:22:51,471 - Get the dismount, Vance! 3545 01:22:49,083 --> 01:22:51,471 - That's the one. 3546 01:22:51,571 --> 01:22:52,906 - That's the way-- 3547 01:22:51,571 --> 01:22:52,906 take it, Vance! 3548 01:22:53,250 --> 01:22:55,975 He ran off the course! 3549 01:22:53,250 --> 01:22:55,975 He ran off the course! 3550 01:22:56,109 --> 01:22:58,978 - 16 years old! 3551 01:22:56,109 --> 01:22:58,978 [cheers and applause] 3552 01:22:59,112 --> 01:23:02,382 Vance Walker takes advantage 3553 01:22:59,112 --> 01:23:02,382 of his safety pass 3554 01:23:02,482 --> 01:23:04,818 and going to Stage 3! 3555 01:23:04,918 --> 01:23:07,287 - Oh, my goodness. 3556 01:23:07,387 --> 01:23:11,570 [wild cheers and applause] 3557 01:23:11,910 --> 01:23:13,626 - And this high school student 3558 01:23:11,910 --> 01:23:13,626 is one step closer 3559 01:23:13,727 --> 01:23:16,296 to a million dollars. 3560 01:23:16,396 --> 01:23:18,732 - Oh, I can't wait to see him 3561 01:23:16,396 --> 01:23:18,732 on Stage 3. 3562 01:23:18,832 --> 01:23:22,102 Cancel the prom, Matt, 3563 01:23:18,832 --> 01:23:22,102 cancel the prom! 3564 01:23:22,202 --> 01:23:23,403 - And there it is. 3565 01:23:23,503 --> 01:23:24,971 You can see the family support 3566 01:23:25,710 --> 01:23:26,806 that makes it all possible. 3567 01:23:26,906 --> 01:23:28,141 - Awesome! 3568 01:23:28,241 --> 01:23:30,243 - You did it, buddy, 3569 01:23:28,241 --> 01:23:30,243 you did it! 3570 01:23:30,343 --> 01:23:33,747 - Yeah! Let's go! 3571 01:23:30,343 --> 01:23:33,747 - You did it! 3572 01:23:33,847 --> 01:23:35,448 - Akbar, 3573 01:23:33,847 --> 01:23:35,448 we knew he was special. 3574 01:23:35,548 --> 01:23:38,118 And all of America is 3575 01:23:35,548 --> 01:23:38,118 seeing it now. 3576 01:23:38,218 --> 01:23:40,487 - He landed the cradle 3577 01:23:38,218 --> 01:23:40,487 safely this time 3578 01:23:40,587 --> 01:23:41,955 on the Double Salmon Ladder. 3579 01:23:42,880 --> 01:23:43,923 On Hammer Drop, he couldn't 3580 01:23:42,880 --> 01:23:43,923 get his arms around 3581 01:23:44,900 --> 01:23:45,759 for a good grip at first, 3582 01:23:45,859 --> 01:23:48,940 but he was able 3583 01:23:45,859 --> 01:23:48,940 to use his legs to save it. 3584 01:23:48,194 --> 01:23:51,464 And look at the blind grab 3585 01:23:48,194 --> 01:23:51,464 on the final Falling Shelf. 3586 01:23:51,564 --> 01:23:54,401 It's so hard to bring 3587 01:23:51,564 --> 01:23:54,401 his hands around and hold on, 3588 01:23:54,501 --> 01:23:56,636 but Vance Walker did it. 3589 01:23:56,736 --> 01:23:59,305 - Let's go down to Zuri 3590 01:23:56,736 --> 01:23:59,305 who's standing by with Vance. 3591 01:23:59,406 --> 01:24:02,308 - Vance, congratulations, man. 3592 01:24:02,409 --> 01:24:04,611 First of all, 3593 01:24:02,409 --> 01:24:04,611 how are you feeling right now? 3594 01:24:04,711 --> 01:24:06,880 You were so clearly emotional. 3595 01:24:07,470 --> 01:24:09,482 - I've been waiting for this 3596 01:24:07,470 --> 01:24:09,482 moment for the longest time. 3597 01:24:09,582 --> 01:24:11,451 Stages 1 and 2, 3598 01:24:09,582 --> 01:24:11,451 those are my weak stages. 3599 01:24:11,551 --> 01:24:14,287 Once I get to Stage 3, I feel 3600 01:24:11,551 --> 01:24:14,287 a little bit more confident. 3601 01:24:14,387 --> 01:24:16,556 - All right, let's do it. 3602 01:24:14,387 --> 01:24:16,556 Congratulations, Vance. 3603 01:24:16,656 --> 01:24:17,691 Really great job. 3604 01:24:17,791 --> 01:24:19,125 Hit the buzzer for us 3605 01:24:17,791 --> 01:24:19,125 one more time. 3606 01:24:19,225 --> 01:24:22,328 There we go! 3607 01:24:19,225 --> 01:24:22,328 Guys, back to you. 3608 01:24:26,132 --> 01:24:30,136 - That's it for tonight. 3609 01:24:26,132 --> 01:24:30,136 Next week, our season finale, 3610 01:24:30,236 --> 01:24:31,805 where someone could be 3611 01:24:30,236 --> 01:24:31,805 climbing that rope 3612 01:24:31,905 --> 01:24:33,540 for a million dollars! 3613 01:24:33,640 --> 01:24:36,343 For Akbar Gbajabiamila 3614 01:24:33,640 --> 01:24:36,343 and Zuri Hall, I'm Matt Iseman. 3615 01:24:36,443 --> 01:24:39,112 We'll see you next time 3616 01:24:36,443 --> 01:24:39,112 for the season finale 3617 01:24:39,212 --> 01:24:41,981 of "American Ninja Warrior." 3618 01:24:45,251 --> 01:24:48,880 [intense music] 3619 01:24:48,188 --> 01:24:55,161 *