1 00:00:02,319 --> 00:00:04,294 ♪ ♪ 2 00:00:21,580 --> 00:00:23,505 Ready for the big history test today, Susmita? 3 00:00:23,599 --> 00:00:25,524 Does this look ready? Mmm. 4 00:00:25,675 --> 00:00:26,767 -Oh, wow. -Uh, yeah. 5 00:00:26,861 --> 00:00:28,101 I stayed up pretty late studying. 6 00:00:28,254 --> 00:00:29,936 I'm not as confident as you, but, uh, history, 7 00:00:30,089 --> 00:00:33,348 how hard can it be? It happened already. (laughs) 8 00:00:33,442 --> 00:00:34,591 Oh, hey, Chelsea. 9 00:00:34,610 --> 00:00:36,902 Um, you're making a lot of eye contact. 10 00:00:37,038 --> 00:00:38,370 Are you ready for the test? 11 00:00:38,597 --> 00:00:39,204 Mm-hmm. Yeah. 12 00:00:39,431 --> 00:00:41,540 Well, if you studied hard, 13 00:00:41,691 --> 00:00:43,267 I'm sure you'll... 14 00:00:43,285 --> 00:00:44,785 -do great. -(moans mockingly) 15 00:00:44,937 --> 00:00:45,878 Okay, cool. 16 00:00:46,105 --> 00:00:47,862 Just gonna talk to Susmita again. 17 00:00:47,956 --> 00:00:49,623 Hey, Susmita. You ready for the test? 18 00:00:49,775 --> 00:00:51,383 I already asked you that. Sorry, sorry. 19 00:00:51,535 --> 00:00:52,793 ♪ If you need a lot of fish ♪ 20 00:00:52,887 --> 00:00:54,444 ♪ In a jiffy ♪ 21 00:00:54,463 --> 00:00:56,371 ♪ Call Jeffrey Ruth Seafood Delivery ♪ 22 00:00:56,390 --> 00:00:57,556 -MS. TWITCHELL: Gene. -Yes? 23 00:00:57,783 --> 00:00:58,706 Please stop singing that. 24 00:00:58,726 --> 00:01:00,133 What, we're not allowed to sing 25 00:01:00,286 --> 00:01:01,727 radio jingles during quiet reading time? 26 00:01:01,896 --> 00:01:03,211 -You're not. -Can I hum it? 27 00:01:03,230 --> 00:01:04,546 -Nope. -FROND: Hello, Wagstaffians. 28 00:01:04,640 --> 00:01:06,548 If I could have your attention, please. 29 00:01:06,567 --> 00:01:08,975 LOUISE: Ms. Labonz, wait, Mr. Frond needs our attention. 30 00:01:09,128 --> 00:01:10,811 -(Labonz grunts) -I'd like to remind everyone 31 00:01:10,963 --> 00:01:13,463 about my new thera-doll "Accountability Billy." 32 00:01:13,557 --> 00:01:15,299 When you see your fellow classmates doing anything wrong, 33 00:01:15,467 --> 00:01:17,801 write it down, and put it in Billy's little fanny pack. 34 00:01:17,894 --> 00:01:20,637 And then I help Billy go through the notes every morning. 35 00:01:20,656 --> 00:01:23,565 Don't worry, it is cool to tattle on your friends. 36 00:01:23,584 --> 00:01:26,568 You know the saying: "Everyone loves a tattle tale." 37 00:01:26,587 --> 00:01:29,588 So, Neil Roberts, Billy wants to see you in my office. 38 00:01:29,739 --> 00:01:31,072 Unrelated, thank you, Rudy. 39 00:01:31,092 --> 00:01:33,759 What? No. No. Not me. 40 00:01:35,096 --> 00:01:36,503 TINA: Okay, getting to the end here. 41 00:01:36,655 --> 00:01:38,004 Boom. Easy peasy. Heh. 42 00:01:38,099 --> 00:01:39,339 Another one. Boom again. 43 00:01:39,433 --> 00:01:41,600 Dang, you're good, Tina. Last question. 44 00:01:41,751 --> 00:01:42,768 Yup, I know this one. 45 00:01:42,995 --> 00:01:44,586 I, um, think. 46 00:01:44,605 --> 00:01:47,331 Wait. No. That doesn't feel right. 47 00:01:48,091 --> 00:01:49,608 Okay, phew. There it is. Final answer. 48 00:01:49,835 --> 00:01:52,277 Well, look at that. Susmita also picked "C." 49 00:01:52,429 --> 00:01:53,612 Wait, whoops. 50 00:01:53,763 --> 00:01:55,689 Don't-don't look at her test. That's not good. 51 00:01:55,841 --> 00:01:57,190 Um, let's make sure nobody saw me doing that. 52 00:01:57,359 --> 00:01:59,676 -Ah! -You're cheating. 53 00:01:59,695 --> 00:02:01,011 -No. I'm not. -What? 54 00:02:01,029 --> 00:02:03,196 Nothing. (gasps) You're cheating. 55 00:02:03,290 --> 00:02:04,514 You're cheating right now. 56 00:02:04,533 --> 00:02:05,940 You're writing down all of her answers. 57 00:02:05,960 --> 00:02:07,351 No, I am not. 58 00:02:07,444 --> 00:02:08,443 -Yes, you are. -What? 59 00:02:08,462 --> 00:02:09,777 -Nothing, nothing. Sorry. Sorry. -Shh. 60 00:02:09,797 --> 00:02:11,355 -(Tina groans) -(bell rings) 61 00:02:11,373 --> 00:02:13,114 All right, bring your tests to the front, 62 00:02:13,134 --> 00:02:16,117 and go be in someone else's classroom. 63 00:02:16,137 --> 00:02:17,636 Wait. Chelsea, can we talk? 64 00:02:17,863 --> 00:02:18,953 Um... 65 00:02:18,973 --> 00:02:20,197 Uh, hang on, Chelsea. Heh. 66 00:02:20,215 --> 00:02:23,142 Chelsea? Chelsea! 67 00:02:23,293 --> 00:02:25,035 ♪ If you need a lot of fish ♪ 68 00:02:25,128 --> 00:02:26,536 ♪ In a jiffy ♪ 69 00:02:26,555 --> 00:02:28,722 ♪ Call Jeffrey Ruth Seafood Delivery ♪ 70 00:02:28,816 --> 00:02:30,315 So, is that a thing you do now? 71 00:02:30,467 --> 00:02:31,483 Sing that jingle? 72 00:02:31,710 --> 00:02:33,152 I don't even notice I'm doing it anymore. 73 00:02:33,303 --> 00:02:34,711 -We do. -I heard it on the radio, 74 00:02:34,730 --> 00:02:37,381 like, one time. I guess it's stuck in my head. 75 00:02:37,474 --> 00:02:38,824 Well, I don't get songs stuck in my head, 76 00:02:38,975 --> 00:02:41,568 'cause my head isn't like a big gooshy ball of bubble gum 77 00:02:41,662 --> 00:02:42,810 that things can get stuck in. 78 00:02:42,830 --> 00:02:44,237 It's already in my head. 79 00:02:44,390 --> 00:02:46,814 ♪ Call bum-bum, bloop-blop bip bi-bippy ♪ 80 00:02:46,834 --> 00:02:47,891 Now there's that version. 81 00:02:47,910 --> 00:02:48,834 ♪ Na-dippy ♪ 82 00:02:48,985 --> 00:02:50,076 Hey, so this just might be 83 00:02:50,229 --> 00:02:51,503 my tiny, child body talking, 84 00:02:51,655 --> 00:02:53,246 but is our house freezing? 85 00:02:53,399 --> 00:02:54,989 I turned up the heat a little before dinner. 86 00:02:55,083 --> 00:02:56,233 It should warm up in here soon. 87 00:02:56,251 --> 00:02:57,325 In the meantime, I feel like 88 00:02:57,344 --> 00:02:58,510 I should go put on a bra. 89 00:02:58,662 --> 00:02:59,994 Or at least some pasties. 90 00:03:00,014 --> 00:03:01,496 Look at these little diamonds. 91 00:03:01,515 --> 00:03:03,256 Wait, Tina, you had your big history test today. 92 00:03:03,409 --> 00:03:04,683 -How was it? -It was great. 93 00:03:04,910 --> 00:03:06,576 I definitely didn't cheat. (nervous laughter) 94 00:03:06,595 --> 00:03:08,470 Anyway, can you pass the spaghetti? 95 00:03:08,522 --> 00:03:09,855 Sure. Wait, what? 96 00:03:10,006 --> 00:03:11,598 -Nothing. -Okay. 97 00:03:11,692 --> 00:03:13,750 Thanks. Mmm, so good. 98 00:03:13,769 --> 00:03:15,585 Uh-oh, that's too big a bite. 99 00:03:15,679 --> 00:03:16,436 A gigabyte? 100 00:03:16,588 --> 00:03:18,438 Gonna push it back in my mouth. 101 00:03:18,590 --> 00:03:20,348 -Good work. -♪ Boo-ba-dippy ♪ 102 00:03:20,442 --> 00:03:24,018 (Tina groaning) 103 00:03:24,038 --> 00:03:26,205 LOUISE: Tina? It's your brother and sister. 104 00:03:26,432 --> 00:03:27,931 -GENE: From childhood? -We couldn't help but notice 105 00:03:27,950 --> 00:03:31,268 you were acting more not normal than usual at dinner tonight. 106 00:03:31,286 --> 00:03:32,452 And there was nothing on TV, 107 00:03:32,546 --> 00:03:34,213 so we decided to come check on you. 108 00:03:34,364 --> 00:03:36,215 -Thanks, but I'm good. -She seems great. 109 00:03:36,291 --> 00:03:37,941 Okay fine. Shut the door. 110 00:03:37,960 --> 00:03:40,868 Something kind of happened during the history test today. 111 00:03:40,888 --> 00:03:41,962 Not an interesting start. 112 00:03:42,056 --> 00:03:43,280 I was taking the test 113 00:03:43,373 --> 00:03:45,390 and I kind of glanced at Susmita's test. 114 00:03:45,617 --> 00:03:48,118 But I didn't mean to look, and I looked away fast. 115 00:03:48,211 --> 00:03:49,228 But this other girl, Chelsea, 116 00:03:49,379 --> 00:03:50,787 was also looking at Susmita's test, 117 00:03:50,789 --> 00:03:52,472 and she was just copying down all of her answers. 118 00:03:52,624 --> 00:03:54,791 -Getting interesting-er. -But Chelsea saw me 119 00:03:54,810 --> 00:03:56,309 look at Susmita's test and she called me a cheater. 120 00:03:56,462 --> 00:03:57,677 And when I tried to find her after class 121 00:03:57,829 --> 00:03:59,129 to talk to her, she was gone. 122 00:03:59,147 --> 00:04:01,131 So what? Now you're worried she's gonna tell on you? 123 00:04:01,300 --> 00:04:02,557 What? I didn't even think about that. 124 00:04:02,576 --> 00:04:04,134 I feel like we're already helping. 125 00:04:04,227 --> 00:04:05,652 Well, do you think she's gonna tell on you? 126 00:04:05,804 --> 00:04:07,637 I mean, she doesn't seem like the telling on people type, 127 00:04:07,731 --> 00:04:10,490 since she's, you know, basically, uh, a criminal. 128 00:04:10,584 --> 00:04:11,583 She's the girl who got in trouble 129 00:04:11,735 --> 00:04:13,252 for saying the F-word 23 times 130 00:04:13,328 --> 00:04:15,069 during one game of kickball and she got suspended. 131 00:04:15,089 --> 00:04:16,329 Is that the same girl 132 00:04:16,482 --> 00:04:17,739 who spray-painted the F-word on the bleachers? 133 00:04:17,833 --> 00:04:19,483 Yeah, she really likes the F-word. 134 00:04:19,501 --> 00:04:22,152 So, do you think she thinks you'll tell on her? 135 00:04:22,212 --> 00:04:23,987 Uh, I mean, I'm not sure. 136 00:04:24,080 --> 00:04:25,322 Well, let me help you out. 137 00:04:25,340 --> 00:04:27,081 Of course she thinks you're gonna tell on her. 138 00:04:27,159 --> 00:04:28,249 You're a hall monitor. 139 00:04:28,269 --> 00:04:29,601 A really cool hall monitor? 140 00:04:29,753 --> 00:04:31,344 I've been calling people "Tiger" a lot lately. 141 00:04:31,497 --> 00:04:33,087 Like, "Slow down there, Tiger." Heh. 142 00:04:33,107 --> 00:04:34,681 -Pretty cool. -I'm just saying, 143 00:04:34,758 --> 00:04:36,500 if you saw this girl cheating, and she saw you cheating... 144 00:04:36,518 --> 00:04:37,943 -I wasn't. -...she might think 145 00:04:38,094 --> 00:04:40,520 she has to tell on you before you tell on her. 146 00:04:40,672 --> 00:04:42,522 I'm not gonna tell on her. I'm terrified of her. 147 00:04:42,599 --> 00:04:44,691 And maybe she knows that, but maybe she thinks 148 00:04:44,843 --> 00:04:46,267 you might tell on her anonymously, 149 00:04:46,287 --> 00:04:47,786 like say, by writing it on a note 150 00:04:48,013 --> 00:04:50,271 and stuffing it in a certain little doll's fanny pack? 151 00:04:50,365 --> 00:04:52,273 Oh, my God. Accountability Billy. 152 00:04:52,293 --> 00:04:53,517 W-What do I do? I'm freaking out. (panting) 153 00:04:53,610 --> 00:04:55,352 Do you need more spaghetti? Never mind. 154 00:04:55,354 --> 00:04:56,444 You weren't so good with it. 155 00:04:56,463 --> 00:04:57,354 Just talk to Chelsea 156 00:04:57,372 --> 00:04:58,538 when you get to school tomorrow 157 00:04:58,632 --> 00:04:59,965 and make sure she knows 158 00:05:00,075 --> 00:05:01,207 you aren't gonna rat her out to Billy. 159 00:05:01,360 --> 00:05:03,318 Yeah. Right. Okay. That's a good plan. 160 00:05:03,378 --> 00:05:05,971 (groans) It's cold. I think I can see my breath. 161 00:05:06,122 --> 00:05:07,255 I can taste Tina's. 162 00:05:07,366 --> 00:05:09,049 What? (exhales) Oh, yeah. 163 00:05:09,201 --> 00:05:11,051 Okay, let's go find Chelsea. 164 00:05:11,145 --> 00:05:12,702 -Hey, Tina. -(Tina shouts) 165 00:05:12,721 --> 00:05:13,979 There's a note in my fanny pack 166 00:05:14,130 --> 00:05:15,630 that says you're a cheater. 167 00:05:15,649 --> 00:05:16,556 -What? -And soon, 168 00:05:16,708 --> 00:05:17,816 everyone's gonna know it. 169 00:05:17,893 --> 00:05:19,376 I'm not a cheater. Chelsea's a cheater. 170 00:05:19,394 --> 00:05:20,652 Well, then you're just like her. 171 00:05:20,804 --> 00:05:22,062 -No. -You're two cheats in a pod. 172 00:05:22,230 --> 00:05:23,488 -No. -Two Cheater Cottontails. 173 00:05:23,565 --> 00:05:25,973 -No. -A couple of Cheater Sarsgaards. 174 00:05:26,026 --> 00:05:28,568 No! (panting) 175 00:05:28,645 --> 00:05:30,570 I got to talk to Chelsea. 176 00:05:30,722 --> 00:05:33,390 All right, the Tina train is heading out of the station 177 00:05:33,408 --> 00:05:35,149 if anyone wants to jump on board. 178 00:05:35,243 --> 00:05:36,743 Toot, toot. Wow, it's cold in here. 179 00:05:36,837 --> 00:05:39,079 -Tina, look outside. -No school. 180 00:05:39,173 --> 00:05:41,173 -It's a snow day, baby! -What? 181 00:05:41,400 --> 00:05:42,841 -(wind gusting) -(Tina shouts) 182 00:05:43,068 --> 00:05:44,992 Also, we think the heater is broken 183 00:05:45,012 --> 00:05:46,327 because we don't have heat. 184 00:05:46,347 --> 00:05:48,180 I guess she fought hard all through yesterday, 185 00:05:48,289 --> 00:05:49,573 but she didn't make it. 186 00:05:49,591 --> 00:05:51,183 I'm wearing layers. It's a dress shirt. 187 00:05:51,334 --> 00:05:52,517 You're gonna want layers. 188 00:05:52,669 --> 00:05:54,353 And the heat is off in the restaurant, 189 00:05:54,580 --> 00:05:58,172 which is bad because customers expect to have heat. 190 00:05:58,266 --> 00:05:59,507 I'm trying to get through to Teddy, 191 00:05:59,526 --> 00:06:00,341 but he's not picking up. 192 00:06:00,361 --> 00:06:02,194 So, no work and no school. 193 00:06:02,421 --> 00:06:04,588 Wait, no. I have to go to school! 194 00:06:04,606 --> 00:06:06,089 Aw, so excited to learn. 195 00:06:06,182 --> 00:06:08,516 ♪ If you need a lot of fish in a jiffy ♪ 196 00:06:08,610 --> 00:06:10,035 ♪ Call Jeffrey Ruth Seafood Delivery ♪ 197 00:06:10,262 --> 00:06:12,162 -(Tina groans) -(Linda sings gibberish) 198 00:06:16,435 --> 00:06:17,951 -(Tina groans) -LOUISE: Look alive, Tina. 199 00:06:18,045 --> 00:06:18,952 We need your help. 200 00:06:19,046 --> 00:06:20,286 We need you to help bring 201 00:06:20,439 --> 00:06:21,863 every single pillow and blanket you can find. 202 00:06:21,957 --> 00:06:23,456 We're building a pillow and blanket fort 203 00:06:23,609 --> 00:06:25,642 'cause playing in the snow didn't really work out. 204 00:06:25,644 --> 00:06:27,277 -Don't like it! Don't like it! Don't... -(Gene screaming) 205 00:06:27,370 --> 00:06:28,387 So, if we're gonna enjoy this day, 206 00:06:28,538 --> 00:06:30,296 we have to stay warm, and the first step 207 00:06:30,432 --> 00:06:31,965 to winter survival is making a shelter. 208 00:06:32,059 --> 00:06:34,375 I learned that from that show, Making A Shelter. 209 00:06:34,395 --> 00:06:36,302 I can't help. I'm busy doing this. 210 00:06:36,471 --> 00:06:37,396 (groaning) 211 00:06:37,547 --> 00:06:39,639 Tina, it's gonna be a really long day 212 00:06:39,791 --> 00:06:41,141 if you spend it wishing you were talking to 213 00:06:41,235 --> 00:06:43,235 you-know-who about you-know-what. 214 00:06:43,386 --> 00:06:44,903 She's talking about how that girl Chelsea 215 00:06:45,072 --> 00:06:46,238 thinks you're a cheater. 216 00:06:46,465 --> 00:06:47,480 -(groaning) -Come on. 217 00:06:47,633 --> 00:06:48,907 You can sulk inside our fort. 218 00:06:49,134 --> 00:06:50,300 That you're gonna help finish. 219 00:06:50,318 --> 00:06:51,985 But also please don't sulk inside our fort. 220 00:06:52,137 --> 00:06:55,414 We're trying to curate kind of a non-sulky vibe/experience. 221 00:06:55,565 --> 00:06:56,397 (groans) Fine. 222 00:06:56,491 --> 00:06:57,474 LOUISE: There's our girl. 223 00:06:57,492 --> 00:06:59,192 Now pillows and blankets. Mush! 224 00:06:59,269 --> 00:07:01,235 GENE: And try to find a nice accent piece. 225 00:07:01,255 --> 00:07:03,313 Thanks for calling back, Teddy. 226 00:07:03,406 --> 00:07:05,498 Yeah, it's broken-broken. Do you think you could come? 227 00:07:05,592 --> 00:07:08,260 Bob, I've literally had this exact dream. 228 00:07:08,411 --> 00:07:09,744 Your heater breaks. I rush over. 229 00:07:09,763 --> 00:07:11,171 Linda is scared and so are you, 230 00:07:11,265 --> 00:07:13,173 but I look you both in the eyes and I say, 231 00:07:13,341 --> 00:07:16,660 "Shh-shh, I'm here. Teddy's here. You're fine." 232 00:07:16,678 --> 00:07:18,586 And we all hold hands while I fix your heater. 233 00:07:18,664 --> 00:07:20,513 I don't know how I do it with no hands. 234 00:07:20,666 --> 00:07:21,848 Maybe I use my feet? 235 00:07:22,000 --> 00:07:24,350 -Mm-hmm. So, can you come over? -I can't. 236 00:07:24,445 --> 00:07:27,112 I'm headed to a job. Ah, why do I take jobs? 237 00:07:27,263 --> 00:07:28,672 -Oh, my God. -But don't worry. 238 00:07:28,690 --> 00:07:30,431 I know an HVAC guy who's really good, 239 00:07:30,451 --> 00:07:33,176 but you know, he's a sweet man. Maybe a little sensitive. 240 00:07:33,269 --> 00:07:34,527 But, what does that mean? 241 00:07:34,680 --> 00:07:35,603 Just don't razz him. 242 00:07:35,697 --> 00:07:37,013 I know you like to razz, Bob. 243 00:07:37,106 --> 00:07:38,773 -I-I don't razz. -You roast. You razz. 244 00:07:38,867 --> 00:07:41,034 -Teddy, that's not true. -Ask anybody. 245 00:07:41,186 --> 00:07:42,869 Teddy, I just want our heater to work. 246 00:07:42,963 --> 00:07:44,162 I'll send you his number. 247 00:07:44,314 --> 00:07:45,780 Boy, I hit the brakes, like, 20 seconds ago 248 00:07:45,799 --> 00:07:48,800 and I'm still skidding. I just slid right by my exit. 249 00:07:49,027 --> 00:07:50,026 Teddy, be careful. 250 00:07:50,028 --> 00:07:51,303 Ah, you know what I'm gonna do? 251 00:07:51,530 --> 00:07:53,530 I'm gonna gently steer into the guard rail. 252 00:07:53,699 --> 00:07:55,048 -Teddy, don't do that. -Hell of a time for a roast, Bobby. 253 00:07:55,200 --> 00:07:56,700 -That wasn't a roast. -I'm just about to go into 254 00:07:56,702 --> 00:07:58,459 a guard rail, and you're razzing me. 255 00:07:58,479 --> 00:08:01,054 Oh, I regained control, but I should probably go. 256 00:08:01,148 --> 00:08:02,222 LOUISE: It's nice in here. 257 00:08:02,316 --> 00:08:03,873 Maybe nicer than our house? 258 00:08:03,967 --> 00:08:05,709 Oh, my God. It's so cozy. 259 00:08:05,727 --> 00:08:08,211 There's my comforter. Just right there on the floor. 260 00:08:08,230 --> 00:08:09,713 And I'm using your pillow as my foot rest. 261 00:08:09,806 --> 00:08:11,323 My feet are gonna smell like your face. 262 00:08:11,399 --> 00:08:13,325 No. Give it to me. (sniffs, groans) 263 00:08:13,476 --> 00:08:14,400 It's too late. Keep it. 264 00:08:14,495 --> 00:08:15,494 Tina, you okay, sweetie? 265 00:08:15,645 --> 00:08:17,329 You look anxious. You have to poop? 266 00:08:17,480 --> 00:08:20,147 I'm great. So happy we're not going to school. 267 00:08:20,167 --> 00:08:21,391 Well, it's gonna be a little longer 268 00:08:21,409 --> 00:08:22,909 until the heat gets fixed today. 269 00:08:23,061 --> 00:08:24,077 Do you guys need anything? 270 00:08:24,229 --> 00:08:26,079 Hot cocoa please? And just keep it coming? 271 00:08:26,231 --> 00:08:27,839 Yeah, okay. You kids just stay here 272 00:08:28,066 --> 00:08:29,582 -and make everything smell bad. -On it. 273 00:08:29,735 --> 00:08:32,010 Ugh, Teddy's heater guy still isn't answering. 274 00:08:32,237 --> 00:08:33,236 Probably busy today. 275 00:08:33,405 --> 00:08:34,738 Or maybe he's out making a snowman? 276 00:08:34,831 --> 00:08:36,089 It's just, if you run a business, 277 00:08:36,183 --> 00:08:37,757 you should pick up your ph... Hi. 278 00:08:37,851 --> 00:08:39,184 Hey. This is, uh, Bob Belcher. 279 00:08:39,335 --> 00:08:41,186 I got your number from Teddy. 280 00:08:41,413 --> 00:08:43,337 What-what did... What did I say? 281 00:08:43,357 --> 00:08:46,082 Oh, I said if-if you run a business, 282 00:08:46,101 --> 00:08:47,250 you should pick up your phone. 283 00:08:47,269 --> 00:08:48,843 But I was talking about something else, 284 00:08:48,937 --> 00:08:51,254 'cause you did pick up your phone. Eventually. 285 00:08:51,347 --> 00:08:52,422 Hello? Oh, good. 286 00:08:52,515 --> 00:08:54,274 I-I thought you... I thought you hung up. 287 00:08:54,426 --> 00:08:56,426 You're doing great, Bob. But do it better. 288 00:08:56,519 --> 00:08:59,929 What a day. No school, no restaurant. 289 00:09:00,023 --> 00:09:01,281 Bottomless hot cocoa on the way. 290 00:09:01,433 --> 00:09:03,357 Bottomless hot cocoa? Yes, please. 291 00:09:03,377 --> 00:09:05,268 No, no-no-no. You'll catch your death. 292 00:09:05,361 --> 00:09:07,194 -Keep your cheeks warm. -Fine. 293 00:09:07,214 --> 00:09:09,289 ♪ Call Jeffrey Ruth Seafood Delivery ♪ 294 00:09:09,441 --> 00:09:11,608 Nope. Nope. Nuh-uh. Not in here. 295 00:09:11,701 --> 00:09:12,717 Wait, where did Tina go? 296 00:09:12,869 --> 00:09:14,201 TINA (muffled): I didn't cheat! 297 00:09:14,263 --> 00:09:16,446 There she is. Tina, we have to fix you. 298 00:09:16,539 --> 00:09:18,114 For the sake of the Pillow Palace, 299 00:09:18,133 --> 00:09:19,373 which is a name I'm workshopping. 300 00:09:19,393 --> 00:09:21,301 -Cushion Castle? -Damn it, that's better. 301 00:09:21,453 --> 00:09:22,635 The only thing that could fix me 302 00:09:22,729 --> 00:09:24,470 would be going to school and talking to Chelsea. 303 00:09:24,547 --> 00:09:26,565 I'm gonna put the blanket back over you. Night-night. 304 00:09:26,674 --> 00:09:28,474 Tina, there's some exciting new technology 305 00:09:28,627 --> 00:09:30,735 I think you should know about. It's called the telephone. 306 00:09:30,887 --> 00:09:32,128 Call Chelsea? 307 00:09:32,147 --> 00:09:33,313 I don't know the number of whatever burner phone 308 00:09:33,465 --> 00:09:34,923 she's probably using right now. 309 00:09:35,058 --> 00:09:36,633 Mom and Dad have to have a school directory 310 00:09:36,726 --> 00:09:37,650 around here somewhere, right? 311 00:09:37,803 --> 00:09:39,152 Oh, my God. School directory. 312 00:09:39,304 --> 00:09:40,412 Yeah, go ask Mom and Dad for it 313 00:09:40,563 --> 00:09:42,229 and find out what's going on with that cocoa. 314 00:09:42,249 --> 00:09:44,490 Yeah, this miss needs some Swiss. 315 00:09:44,643 --> 00:09:45,825 He's gonna come, right? 316 00:09:45,977 --> 00:09:47,919 I feel like we won't survive the night. 317 00:09:48,071 --> 00:09:49,254 And that's bad parenting. 318 00:09:49,405 --> 00:09:50,905 I mean he said he was gonna come. 319 00:09:50,999 --> 00:09:52,148 Maybe-maybe I should call him again. 320 00:09:52,241 --> 00:09:54,000 Bob, it's fine. Get me the milk. 321 00:09:54,152 --> 00:09:55,318 But wait, smell it first. 322 00:09:55,487 --> 00:09:57,337 (sniffs) Let's say it's good enough. 323 00:09:57,431 --> 00:09:59,246 Hey, hey, hey. Uh, I want to, um, 324 00:09:59,341 --> 00:10:00,915 call a friend from school 325 00:10:00,934 --> 00:10:02,375 that's always been my friend. 326 00:10:02,527 --> 00:10:04,327 So do you happen to have the school directory handy? 327 00:10:04,420 --> 00:10:05,586 I forgot some of the numbers. 328 00:10:05,606 --> 00:10:07,439 I know there's a six, just need a couple more. 329 00:10:07,666 --> 00:10:09,608 School directory. Where have I seen that? 330 00:10:09,835 --> 00:10:12,185 Oh. I think it's under the leg of our bed frame 331 00:10:12,337 --> 00:10:13,837 'cause the legs are uneven. 332 00:10:13,855 --> 00:10:15,505 Or our house is. I'm not sure which. 333 00:10:15,523 --> 00:10:17,173 Uh, we didn't think you kids would need it 334 00:10:17,192 --> 00:10:19,892 'cause you don't seem to ever call anyone or do things. 335 00:10:19,953 --> 00:10:22,269 Not in a bad way. You-you have each other. 336 00:10:22,364 --> 00:10:24,772 Um, I'm gonna go get it from under your bed. Bye. 337 00:10:24,791 --> 00:10:27,367 Oh, and, uh, the Cushion Castle is still waiting on that cocoa. 338 00:10:27,461 --> 00:10:28,368 Taste this. 339 00:10:28,520 --> 00:10:29,944 Oh, I was wrong. Milk's bad. 340 00:10:29,963 --> 00:10:31,112 Do you think they'll notice? 341 00:10:31,206 --> 00:10:32,856 I think start over. Just use water. 342 00:10:32,949 --> 00:10:35,541 We shouldn't make our kids drink old milk, right? 343 00:10:35,694 --> 00:10:37,135 Okay, Dr. Fresh Milk. 344 00:10:37,304 --> 00:10:40,363 I got it. And apparently I can lift beds 345 00:10:40,382 --> 00:10:42,474 when I'm really stressed out. Anyway, I'm calling her. 346 00:10:42,550 --> 00:10:44,142 Quick question. Who would you guys call 347 00:10:44,293 --> 00:10:46,127 if you needed a lot of fish, but in a jiffy? 348 00:10:46,146 --> 00:10:47,294 -Gene, no. -It's ringing. 349 00:10:47,389 --> 00:10:49,706 Uh, hey, is this Chelsea? 350 00:10:49,724 --> 00:10:51,465 Hi, it's Tina. From school? 351 00:10:51,485 --> 00:10:52,466 Why are you calling me? 352 00:10:52,486 --> 00:10:54,210 Well, I was trying to talk to you 353 00:10:54,229 --> 00:10:55,987 after the history test yesterday, 354 00:10:56,139 --> 00:10:57,489 but you kind of ran off there. 355 00:10:57,716 --> 00:11:01,234 Anyway, I just wanted to talk about the, um, thing? 356 00:11:01,386 --> 00:11:03,052 Oh, you mean when you cheated? 357 00:11:03,146 --> 00:11:04,645 No, no, no, when you cheated. 358 00:11:04,665 --> 00:11:06,647 Sorry. Sorry. (nervous laughter) 359 00:11:06,667 --> 00:11:10,059 So, what? Are you calling just to tell me you told on me? 360 00:11:10,061 --> 00:11:12,486 No. No. No, no, no, no, no. I definitely didn't tell on you. 361 00:11:12,506 --> 00:11:15,156 And also, I wasn't cheating. I-I got the right answer 362 00:11:15,175 --> 00:11:16,508 before I looked at Susmita's test. 363 00:11:16,735 --> 00:11:18,067 So, I'm not a cheater. 364 00:11:18,161 --> 00:11:19,585 -Okay, great. Neither am I. -Yup, great. 365 00:11:19,738 --> 00:11:22,572 So, uh, just, since we're talking about it, 366 00:11:22,590 --> 00:11:25,258 um, did you tell on me? 367 00:11:25,385 --> 00:11:27,334 Oh, you know what? I might have. 368 00:11:27,354 --> 00:11:29,412 I might've written it on like a little note 369 00:11:29,414 --> 00:11:32,190 and put it in that creepy puppet's pocket or something. 370 00:11:32,341 --> 00:11:34,192 Fanny pack! You put it in his fanny pack. 371 00:11:34,419 --> 00:11:36,252 Well, this has been fun. Bye. 372 00:11:36,271 --> 00:11:38,196 (gasping) She told on me. 373 00:11:38,423 --> 00:11:39,847 Chelsea told on me! (shouts) 374 00:11:39,941 --> 00:11:42,275 I don't know if the castle can handle this kind of meltdown. 375 00:11:42,427 --> 00:11:44,277 -(Tina shouts) -No, no, no, no, no. 376 00:11:44,429 --> 00:11:45,203 (shouting) 377 00:11:45,430 --> 00:11:46,930 GENE: Hmm, kind of feels like 378 00:11:46,948 --> 00:11:48,373 we're just sitting on the floor now. Gross. 379 00:11:51,953 --> 00:11:53,712 Ah! Chelsea told on me. 380 00:11:53,939 --> 00:11:55,696 But I didn't do anything. I didn't cheat off Susmita. 381 00:11:55,716 --> 00:11:57,623 Oh, no. What's sweet, sweet Susmita going to think of me? 382 00:11:57,776 --> 00:12:00,126 I'll just switch schools. Or Susmita should. 383 00:12:00,220 --> 00:12:01,778 Or we both should? How does this work? 384 00:12:01,796 --> 00:12:04,038 I can't believe my life is being ruined by a stupid puppet. 385 00:12:04,132 --> 00:12:05,631 Oh wait, Mr. Frond's puppet. 386 00:12:05,726 --> 00:12:08,393 You know what, I'm just gonna text the heater guy real quick. 387 00:12:08,544 --> 00:12:10,787 Maybe I'll just casually send him our address. 388 00:12:10,805 --> 00:12:13,064 -So he has it. -You already told him where we were. 389 00:12:13,291 --> 00:12:14,399 Well, now he'll have it in writing. 390 00:12:14,626 --> 00:12:17,477 "Here is our address again." (groans) New phone. 391 00:12:17,571 --> 00:12:20,888 Not good at texting on it. And... send. 392 00:12:20,982 --> 00:12:22,073 -Oh, my God. -What? 393 00:12:22,150 --> 00:12:24,075 It wrote "again" in all caps somehow. 394 00:12:24,152 --> 00:12:25,243 So, now it's like I'm yelling at him. 395 00:12:25,394 --> 00:12:27,245 Like, "Here is our address AGAIN." 396 00:12:27,396 --> 00:12:28,747 I told you not to text him. 397 00:12:28,898 --> 00:12:31,232 I'm going to apologize. "My bad." 398 00:12:31,251 --> 00:12:33,400 -Wait, no. Oh, my God. -What? 399 00:12:33,420 --> 00:12:35,344 It autocorrected "bad" to "butt," 400 00:12:35,480 --> 00:12:37,163 so I just texted him, "My butt." 401 00:12:37,257 --> 00:12:39,090 Just stop, Bob. Put down the phone. 402 00:12:39,317 --> 00:12:42,668 Okay, I just wrote, "My bad. Not my butt. Please still come." 403 00:12:42,821 --> 00:12:43,669 Okay, good save. 404 00:12:43,764 --> 00:12:44,578 I'm bringing the super special, 405 00:12:44,598 --> 00:12:45,764 no-spoiled-milk cocoa 406 00:12:45,991 --> 00:12:47,507 to our maybe slightly spoiled kids. 407 00:12:47,659 --> 00:12:49,250 Don't call anyone, don't text anyone. 408 00:12:49,269 --> 00:12:50,417 Uh, I'm calling Teddy. 409 00:12:50,495 --> 00:12:52,161 LINDA: Just stop calling people! 410 00:12:52,180 --> 00:12:53,179 It's going to voice mail. 411 00:12:53,331 --> 00:12:55,348 Teddy, it's Bob. Um, I think I did bad. 412 00:12:55,500 --> 00:12:56,849 I might need you to call that guy 413 00:12:56,943 --> 00:12:58,167 and tell him that I'm nice, 414 00:12:58,186 --> 00:13:00,594 and that-that we don't deserve to die. 415 00:13:00,688 --> 00:13:02,447 Really good cocoa time. 416 00:13:02,616 --> 00:13:04,507 Just a second, Mom. We weren't expecting 417 00:13:04,526 --> 00:13:06,359 a teen-nado to destroy our precious palace. 418 00:13:06,528 --> 00:13:09,270 But I think we've built back better, stronger, cozier. 419 00:13:09,364 --> 00:13:11,197 What happened? Where's Tina? What's going on? 420 00:13:11,291 --> 00:13:12,606 She's fine, she's fine. 421 00:13:12,626 --> 00:13:14,108 Nothing you need to concern yourself with. 422 00:13:14,202 --> 00:13:15,943 Some might blame the lateness of the cocoa, 423 00:13:15,962 --> 00:13:17,278 but I think that's unfair. 424 00:13:17,372 --> 00:13:19,205 I'm here. Hi. Thank you, Mom. I'll take those. 425 00:13:19,299 --> 00:13:20,948 And off you go. Back to the kitchen. 426 00:13:20,967 --> 00:13:22,041 Heh. Oh, not to be sexist. 427 00:13:22,135 --> 00:13:23,543 I might go to a different room. 428 00:13:23,637 --> 00:13:25,619 Nah, I'm going to the kitchen. 429 00:13:25,639 --> 00:13:26,696 I'm gonna heat up some crackers. 430 00:13:26,698 --> 00:13:28,122 Hey. So, we're glad you're back, 431 00:13:28,216 --> 00:13:30,216 and we're hoping you're not gonna go all standy-uppy. 432 00:13:30,368 --> 00:13:32,310 The insurance company paid for the repairs, 433 00:13:32,537 --> 00:13:34,203 but we don't want to go through that again. 434 00:13:34,297 --> 00:13:35,796 We're still rebuilding emotionally. 435 00:13:35,816 --> 00:13:38,316 I have an idea. I just need the school directory again. 436 00:13:38,543 --> 00:13:39,876 There's someone I have to talk to. 437 00:13:39,894 --> 00:13:41,468 -Who are you calling? -Mr. Frond. 438 00:13:41,488 --> 00:13:42,987 I can get ahead of this. I just have to tell him 439 00:13:43,064 --> 00:13:44,805 that there's a note in Billy's fanny pack that's not true. 440 00:13:44,899 --> 00:13:47,141 Sounds like a desperate, last ditch effort to save yourself. 441 00:13:47,160 --> 00:13:48,827 -Thank you. It's ringing. -(line ringing) 442 00:13:48,936 --> 00:13:50,477 (TV music playing) 443 00:13:50,497 --> 00:13:52,555 No, Phillip. Don't answer the phone. 444 00:13:52,648 --> 00:13:55,558 Not until the glutes and quads cooldown routine. 445 00:13:55,651 --> 00:13:58,244 You owe it to them because they are on fire right now. 446 00:13:58,338 --> 00:14:00,338 No answer. Crap. Crap, crap, crap. 447 00:14:00,565 --> 00:14:03,490 Sorry, T. Guess you'll just have to deal with Billy tomorrow. 448 00:14:03,585 --> 00:14:04,658 No. I'm calling back. 449 00:14:04,678 --> 00:14:06,493 -(phone ringing) -Leave me alone. 450 00:14:06,588 --> 00:14:08,495 I'm toning. (groans) 451 00:14:08,590 --> 00:14:09,922 Dang it. Okay, okay. 452 00:14:10,016 --> 00:14:11,407 You know what's better than a phone call? 453 00:14:11,500 --> 00:14:13,017 Me going to Mr. Frond's house. He has to be home. 454 00:14:13,169 --> 00:14:15,094 And I know where he lives. And-and if he's not home, 455 00:14:15,188 --> 00:14:16,579 I'll wait for him. Or I'll find him. 456 00:14:16,598 --> 00:14:18,581 I'll hunt him down. I'll get his scent, track him, 457 00:14:18,600 --> 00:14:20,375 and then I tell him, "You gonna believe me 458 00:14:20,377 --> 00:14:21,675 or you gonna believe that puppet?" 459 00:14:21,844 --> 00:14:23,177 And he's gonna look in my eyes, 460 00:14:23,196 --> 00:14:25,012 and he's gonna believe me. I love this plan. 461 00:14:25,031 --> 00:14:26,255 How are you gonna get there? 462 00:14:26,349 --> 00:14:28,441 With these two bad girls. My feet. 463 00:14:28,593 --> 00:14:30,426 They taste just like regular crackers, 464 00:14:30,519 --> 00:14:31,852 but they're hot. And I love them. 465 00:14:31,872 --> 00:14:33,262 They feel good on your face, too. 466 00:14:33,281 --> 00:14:34,614 ♪ Bum-buh, ba-dippy ♪ 467 00:14:34,766 --> 00:14:36,265 Ooh. Mm, crackers. Mm, crackers. 468 00:14:36,434 --> 00:14:37,617 Lin, what are we gonna do if he doesn't come? 469 00:14:37,693 --> 00:14:39,452 I don't think we can stay here tonight. 470 00:14:39,604 --> 00:14:42,121 We could all pile into the kids' little blanket castle thing. 471 00:14:42,248 --> 00:14:44,624 It'll be breathy, but maybe kind of warmish? 472 00:14:44,718 --> 00:14:47,051 I don't know, I think we might have to go to a hotel. 473 00:14:47,278 --> 00:14:49,278 Or probably a motel, 'cause poor. 474 00:14:49,297 --> 00:14:50,537 Wait, could we even get there? 475 00:14:50,557 --> 00:14:52,056 I don't think our car can drive in this. 476 00:14:52,283 --> 00:14:53,633 Oh, my God, we might be stuck here. 477 00:14:53,785 --> 00:14:55,226 Bob, you're freaking me out! 478 00:14:55,453 --> 00:14:56,710 Uh, give me... Give me more crackers. More crackers. 479 00:14:56,730 --> 00:14:58,438 I'm putting them on my face. Put them on your face. 480 00:14:58,623 --> 00:14:59,546 -Ow. -What? 481 00:14:59,566 --> 00:15:01,474 I don't want hot crackers on my face. 482 00:15:01,568 --> 00:15:03,234 -They're hot. -You get used to it. 483 00:15:03,461 --> 00:15:04,644 (groans) Is this our life now? 484 00:15:04,738 --> 00:15:06,462 Should we just leave the oven on and open it a little 485 00:15:06,555 --> 00:15:08,481 -so we can use it as a heater? -Bob, no! 486 00:15:08,633 --> 00:15:11,576 I think, like, 20 million people die like that every month. 487 00:15:11,727 --> 00:15:13,469 What? Oh, my God, that's so many. 488 00:15:13,562 --> 00:15:15,580 That's awful. Wait, it can't be that many. 489 00:15:15,731 --> 00:15:16,989 Just stay away from the oven. 490 00:15:17,142 --> 00:15:18,565 You know what? I'm calling the heater guy again. 491 00:15:18,585 --> 00:15:21,419 Fine, call him, but try not be how you are. 492 00:15:21,570 --> 00:15:22,662 I always try to do that. 493 00:15:22,830 --> 00:15:25,572 (sighs) Bob sounded so upset in that message. 494 00:15:25,592 --> 00:15:28,760 He just had to razz, and now his family's freezing. 495 00:15:28,911 --> 00:15:30,836 That's straight, right? Looks straight. 496 00:15:30,989 --> 00:15:33,580 What does it even matter? People are dying out there. 497 00:15:33,600 --> 00:15:35,007 MAN: You doing okay? 498 00:15:35,101 --> 00:15:36,826 Yes. I'm fine, Mr. Yazdian. 499 00:15:36,919 --> 00:15:37,936 Everything's fine! 500 00:15:38,163 --> 00:15:39,270 Tina, it's really cold 501 00:15:39,497 --> 00:15:41,088 and windy and snowy out there. 502 00:15:41,107 --> 00:15:42,440 The truth will keep me warm. 503 00:15:42,667 --> 00:15:44,500 I mean, it's like really cold, Tina. 504 00:15:44,593 --> 00:15:47,094 Justice will be my jacket. And also this jacket. 505 00:15:47,188 --> 00:15:49,096 Mm-hmm. And what do we tell Mom and Dad 506 00:15:49,190 --> 00:15:50,114 if they ask where you went? 507 00:15:50,266 --> 00:15:52,024 Tell them I went for a... stroll? 508 00:15:52,118 --> 00:15:53,192 Winter storm stroll. Got it. 509 00:15:53,344 --> 00:15:54,435 That sounds delightful. 510 00:15:54,529 --> 00:15:56,512 Enjoy yourself out there, sister. 511 00:15:56,531 --> 00:15:59,106 -(wind gusting) -(shivering) 512 00:15:59,125 --> 00:16:00,349 Oh, my God. So cold. 513 00:16:00,443 --> 00:16:02,293 The truth is not warm enough. 514 00:16:06,374 --> 00:16:08,949 (panting) How long have I been out here? 515 00:16:09,118 --> 00:16:10,635 Oh. Hi, restaurant. 516 00:16:10,786 --> 00:16:12,119 Do you kids want hot crackers? 517 00:16:12,213 --> 00:16:13,471 Your mother and I are having hot crackers. 518 00:16:13,698 --> 00:16:15,289 We don't know if the heater guy is coming or not 519 00:16:15,366 --> 00:16:16,474 and it's nobody's fault. 520 00:16:16,701 --> 00:16:18,309 -It's my fault. -It's your father's fault. 521 00:16:18,461 --> 00:16:20,219 Had a really bad phone call. 522 00:16:20,313 --> 00:16:22,146 A couple of them. Some bad texts, too. Sorry. 523 00:16:22,298 --> 00:16:24,890 Ooh, yes to crackers. Also, more cocoa please. 524 00:16:25,043 --> 00:16:27,485 -GENE: Me, too. -Tina, you want one, too? 525 00:16:27,654 --> 00:16:28,878 GENE (imitating Tina): Yes. 526 00:16:28,896 --> 00:16:29,988 Um, Gene. 527 00:16:30,139 --> 00:16:31,881 GENE: No? 528 00:16:31,899 --> 00:16:33,140 Uh, did you murder Tina? 529 00:16:33,234 --> 00:16:34,141 W-Where's Tina? 530 00:16:34,160 --> 00:16:35,309 That's her, isn't it? 531 00:16:35,328 --> 00:16:37,161 That is not. That is a pillow. 532 00:16:37,313 --> 00:16:38,979 -What? -Kids, where's your sister? 533 00:16:39,073 --> 00:16:40,406 She went for a stroll. 534 00:16:40,500 --> 00:16:42,667 A totally normal winter storm stroll. 535 00:16:42,744 --> 00:16:43,984 -LINDA: What? -She's outside? 536 00:16:44,078 --> 00:16:45,336 (wind gusting) 537 00:16:45,488 --> 00:16:46,579 LINDA: I can't see her. I can't see her. 538 00:16:46,731 --> 00:16:48,989 Oh, my God, Bob, she's gonna freeze to death. 539 00:16:49,158 --> 00:16:50,041 Like an Encino Man. 540 00:16:50,193 --> 00:16:51,567 I'll go find her. Louise? 541 00:16:51,660 --> 00:16:53,236 Got any tips which direction I should go? 542 00:16:53,296 --> 00:16:54,828 -Towards Mr. Frond's house? -What? 543 00:16:54,922 --> 00:16:56,405 I'm just using that as a direction, 544 00:16:56,424 --> 00:16:58,407 like some people say, "Go towards the water." 545 00:16:58,426 --> 00:17:00,167 You know, go towards Mr. Frond's house. 546 00:17:00,186 --> 00:17:01,761 GENE: Frond-ward. 547 00:17:01,929 --> 00:17:03,579 (shivering) 548 00:17:03,672 --> 00:17:05,023 Nice day for a walk, huh? 549 00:17:05,174 --> 00:17:06,673 Ah! Accountability Billy? 550 00:17:06,693 --> 00:17:08,434 Uh, it seems like you're going around my back 551 00:17:08,586 --> 00:17:10,511 to talk to Mr. Frond about something, 552 00:17:10,605 --> 00:17:12,938 so I'm just here to say, uh, ouch. 553 00:17:13,033 --> 00:17:14,423 And I can't let you do that. 554 00:17:14,592 --> 00:17:15,682 What do you mean? Are you threatening me? 555 00:17:15,702 --> 00:17:17,777 All accountability reports go through Billy. 556 00:17:17,895 --> 00:17:19,945 That's Billy's business. So, back off. 557 00:17:20,040 --> 00:17:22,523 No. I'm gonna tell Mr. Frond I'm not a cheater. 558 00:17:22,617 --> 00:17:25,376 Oh. I don't know, Tina. I mean, is that true? 559 00:17:25,603 --> 00:17:26,602 Yes, it's true. 560 00:17:26,604 --> 00:17:28,195 Okay. But, like, uh, I have to ask... 561 00:17:28,214 --> 00:17:29,380 What would you have done if Susmita had 562 00:17:29,532 --> 00:17:31,382 -a different answer than you? -What? 563 00:17:31,459 --> 00:17:33,367 When you looked at her test, she had the same answer. 564 00:17:33,461 --> 00:17:35,294 But what if she had circled a different answer? 565 00:17:35,446 --> 00:17:37,113 What would you have done? Would you have changed yours? 566 00:17:37,131 --> 00:17:39,873 No. I-I mean... I don't want to talk about it. 567 00:17:39,967 --> 00:17:41,208 Tina, you can tell me. 568 00:17:41,302 --> 00:17:43,286 In fact, you should tell me. It'll feel better. 569 00:17:43,379 --> 00:17:44,453 And if you don't tell me, 570 00:17:44,472 --> 00:17:45,546 it'll make Billy angry. 571 00:17:45,640 --> 00:17:47,398 And you don't want to make Billy angry. 572 00:17:47,625 --> 00:17:48,733 ♪ Da-da-da-dah ♪ 573 00:17:48,884 --> 00:17:51,627 Whoa. Okay, maybe I would've cheated. 574 00:17:51,646 --> 00:17:53,312 Okay, Billy? If she had a different answer, 575 00:17:53,464 --> 00:17:55,073 maybe I would've changed mine to hers. 576 00:17:55,224 --> 00:17:56,223 I studied so hard for that test 577 00:17:56,392 --> 00:17:57,800 and I wanted to get a good grade. 578 00:17:57,893 --> 00:17:59,302 So, I guess maybe I am a cheater. 579 00:17:59,395 --> 00:18:00,469 Are you happy? Huh? 580 00:18:00,563 --> 00:18:01,412 I mean, a little. 581 00:18:01,639 --> 00:18:02,580 Ugh. God. (grunts) 582 00:18:02,731 --> 00:18:04,156 Uh, no, don't kick snow at me. 583 00:18:04,309 --> 00:18:05,975 I'll kick snow at you. (grunts) 584 00:18:06,068 --> 00:18:07,810 (both grunting) 585 00:18:07,829 --> 00:18:08,661 TEDDY: Tina? 586 00:18:08,813 --> 00:18:09,903 -Is that you? -Teddy? 587 00:18:09,997 --> 00:18:11,089 What are you doing out here? 588 00:18:11,274 --> 00:18:12,815 Were you screaming and kicking snow? 589 00:18:12,834 --> 00:18:14,483 Uh, a little. Yeah. 590 00:18:14,502 --> 00:18:15,668 Y-Your dad said he upset 591 00:18:15,820 --> 00:18:17,911 the heater repair guy and he's not gonna come. 592 00:18:17,931 --> 00:18:19,746 I finished the other job really well, 593 00:18:19,766 --> 00:18:22,100 and I hopped in my truck, but then it got stuck in the snow 594 00:18:22,251 --> 00:18:24,677 a couple miles away, so I decided to walk. 595 00:18:24,829 --> 00:18:25,511 Get on my back. 596 00:18:25,663 --> 00:18:27,421 I mean, I can probably walk. 597 00:18:27,515 --> 00:18:29,107 Okay, good. Thanks. 598 00:18:29,258 --> 00:18:30,441 The tools are kind of heavy. 599 00:18:30,593 --> 00:18:32,110 -I'm gonna go find Tina. -(front door opens) 600 00:18:32,261 --> 00:18:33,427 Never mind. Tina's here. 601 00:18:33,596 --> 00:18:34,612 With Teddy. 602 00:18:34,763 --> 00:18:35,947 Don't worry, you're all safe. 603 00:18:36,098 --> 00:18:37,356 Teddy's here to save the day. 604 00:18:37,508 --> 00:18:39,283 I'm gonna fix your heater. But I'm also really cold. 605 00:18:39,435 --> 00:18:41,344 And weak. And I can't feel my body. 606 00:18:41,362 --> 00:18:42,603 But then Chelsea told on me 607 00:18:42,697 --> 00:18:44,455 that I was a cheater, and maybe I am a cheater 608 00:18:44,682 --> 00:18:45,939 'cause if Susmita had had a different answer, 609 00:18:45,959 --> 00:18:48,275 I might have changed mine like a cheating cheater. 610 00:18:48,294 --> 00:18:49,443 So this is why you've been 611 00:18:49,462 --> 00:18:51,520 acting so weird all day, moping around. 612 00:18:51,539 --> 00:18:54,690 Destroying award-winning pillow and blanket architecture. 613 00:18:54,709 --> 00:18:55,949 I'm a terrible cheater person. 614 00:18:55,969 --> 00:18:57,468 You're not a terrible cheater person. 615 00:18:57,695 --> 00:18:59,862 You didn't cheat, so let's start there. 616 00:18:59,881 --> 00:19:01,955 Maybe if Susmita had a different answer, 617 00:19:01,975 --> 00:19:04,066 you would've changed yours, but maybe not. 618 00:19:04,126 --> 00:19:05,868 So there's no point in beating yourself up, 619 00:19:05,887 --> 00:19:07,370 -'cause you don't know. -Yeah? 620 00:19:07,388 --> 00:19:09,296 And next time you're in this situation, 621 00:19:09,390 --> 00:19:10,706 you probably won't cheat then either 622 00:19:10,725 --> 00:19:12,541 because you know how bad you feel right now. 623 00:19:12,560 --> 00:19:14,543 -Really bad. -And hey, when I was your age, 624 00:19:14,637 --> 00:19:16,803 I did a little looking, I did a little peeking. 625 00:19:16,898 --> 00:19:18,805 Except for when I was sitting in the back of the class 626 00:19:18,900 --> 00:19:20,065 with the dum-dums. 627 00:19:20,234 --> 00:19:21,400 I knew they didn't have the right answer. 628 00:19:21,494 --> 00:19:22,643 -Lin. -I'm saying, 629 00:19:22,662 --> 00:19:24,553 I didn't feel good when I did it either. 630 00:19:24,572 --> 00:19:25,812 But here's the thing: 631 00:19:25,832 --> 00:19:27,147 Even if you do something you're not proud of, 632 00:19:27,241 --> 00:19:29,500 that's okay, too. That's survivable. 633 00:19:29,652 --> 00:19:31,227 You don't have to go out in snowstorms. 634 00:19:31,245 --> 00:19:32,578 That's not always survivable. 635 00:19:32,730 --> 00:19:35,231 20 million people a week die in snowstorms. 636 00:19:35,249 --> 00:19:37,400 -That's true. -There-there would be no people. 637 00:19:37,418 --> 00:19:38,992 -Dad. Shh. -Sorry. I just... 638 00:19:39,012 --> 00:19:41,161 So, yeah, don't forget to cut yourself some slack. 639 00:19:41,222 --> 00:19:42,738 You're a good kid. 640 00:19:42,831 --> 00:19:44,740 Thanks, Mom, but I'm still gonna get in a lot of trouble tomorrow 641 00:19:44,833 --> 00:19:47,334 when Mr. Frond pulls a note out of Billy's fanny pack. 642 00:19:47,353 --> 00:19:48,911 -Wait, what? -Who's Billy? 643 00:19:49,004 --> 00:19:50,095 A disciplinary puppet. 644 00:19:50,190 --> 00:19:51,505 What is wrong with your school? 645 00:19:51,599 --> 00:19:53,916 Okay, so, yeah, you might get in a lot of trouble. 646 00:19:53,935 --> 00:19:55,676 -Oh. -Should we go murder the puppet? 647 00:19:55,695 --> 00:19:57,344 -Lin. -I don't know, I'm cold. 648 00:19:57,363 --> 00:19:59,104 -(knock on door) -MAN: Hello? 649 00:19:59,199 --> 00:20:00,940 It's the heater guy. Am I in the right place? 650 00:20:01,034 --> 00:20:03,092 What? No, Larry. Go away. 651 00:20:03,261 --> 00:20:04,351 -Teddy! -LARRY: Teddy? 652 00:20:04,370 --> 00:20:06,520 I mean, uh, we'll fix it together. 653 00:20:06,539 --> 00:20:08,021 I'm coming down. I'll show you where it is. 654 00:20:08,115 --> 00:20:10,524 Hi, Larry. You have a couple voice mails from me. 655 00:20:10,601 --> 00:20:11,934 You can j... You can just erase them. 656 00:20:12,027 --> 00:20:13,211 -LARRY: Uh, okay. -♪ In a jiffy ♪ 657 00:20:13,362 --> 00:20:15,546 Ah, you sang it. You sang it. 658 00:20:15,698 --> 00:20:16,939 I broke you. It's in your head. 659 00:20:17,032 --> 00:20:18,082 Ugh. Damn it! 660 00:20:18,309 --> 00:20:19,275 FROND (over P.A.): Okay, uh, 661 00:20:19,277 --> 00:20:20,443 Accountability Billy 662 00:20:20,461 --> 00:20:22,369 has just one note for me today. 663 00:20:22,447 --> 00:20:24,204 (groans) 664 00:20:24,298 --> 00:20:27,116 Neil Roberts, can you please come to my office. Again. 665 00:20:27,134 --> 00:20:28,784 (gasps) Oh, thank God. 666 00:20:28,803 --> 00:20:31,896 It is not cool to threaten Rudy for telling on you last time. 667 00:20:32,047 --> 00:20:33,639 Oh, and, uh, thank you 668 00:20:33,791 --> 00:20:36,625 to the anonymous tipster, who still isn't Rudy. 669 00:20:36,719 --> 00:20:38,644 Heh, yeah. Yup. Wasn't me. Heh. 670 00:20:38,738 --> 00:20:41,054 -So, you didn't write a note? -I'm not a snitch. 671 00:20:41,223 --> 00:20:42,723 I said I might have written a note. 672 00:20:42,742 --> 00:20:46,577 (sighs) Well, that might have given me diarrhea all morning. 673 00:20:46,729 --> 00:20:48,913 Cool, but there was a note 674 00:20:49,082 --> 00:20:51,415 that I wanted to write you. 675 00:20:51,492 --> 00:20:54,252 Oh. Oh, that's a lot of F-bombs. Um, thanks? 676 00:20:54,328 --> 00:20:57,980 (sung operatically): ♪ If you need ♪ 677 00:20:57,999 --> 00:21:00,499 ♪ A lot ♪ 678 00:21:00,668 --> 00:21:04,003 -♪ Of fish ♪ -♪ If you need a lot of fish ♪ 679 00:21:04,155 --> 00:21:06,764 -♪ If you need a lot of fish ♪ -♪ In a jiffy ♪ 680 00:21:06,915 --> 00:21:08,824 -♪ In a jiffy ♪ -♪ In a jiffy ♪ 681 00:21:08,843 --> 00:21:11,844 -♪ Call Jeffrey Ruth ♪ -♪ If you need a lot of fish ♪ 682 00:21:11,938 --> 00:21:15,347 -♪ Seafood Delivery ♪ -♪ Never stinky, always fresh ♪ 683 00:21:15,500 --> 00:21:16,999 ♪ That's why our fish are the best ♪ 684 00:21:17,018 --> 00:21:20,836 ♪ If you need a lot of ♪ 685 00:21:20,929 --> 00:21:22,596 ♪ Fish...! ♪ 686 00:21:22,690 --> 00:21:24,282 ♪ Flakey and fresh ♪ 687 00:21:24,433 --> 00:21:26,266 ♪ Jeffrey Ruth Sea... ♪ 688 00:21:26,360 --> 00:21:28,452 Captioning sponsored by BENTO BOX ENTERTAINMENT 689 00:21:28,604 --> 00:21:29,704 and TOYOTA.