1 00:00:02,819 --> 00:00:04,962 ♪ ♪ 2 00:00:20,170 --> 00:00:22,579 The green ones taste like apple-flavored paint, 3 00:00:22,672 --> 00:00:25,098 the purple ones taste like grape-flavored hair spray. 4 00:00:25,192 --> 00:00:26,767 I love discount candy. Mmm. 5 00:00:26,919 --> 00:00:29,194 Gene, we're supposed to share the candy, remember? 6 00:00:29,346 --> 00:00:30,696 You're kind of eating it a little fast there, buddy. 7 00:00:30,847 --> 00:00:33,532 Yeah, but you're not eating it at all, like a sociopath. 8 00:00:33,759 --> 00:00:35,034 Because I'm saving mine for later. 9 00:00:35,185 --> 00:00:36,610 Wait, where'd my stash go? 10 00:00:36,704 --> 00:00:37,944 -Louise! -Tina, relax. 11 00:00:38,097 --> 00:00:40,539 I'm just storing it for you in my face. 12 00:00:40,690 --> 00:00:41,689 Ugh! Give me the bag. 13 00:00:41,709 --> 00:00:43,267 -Tina, no! -No! 14 00:00:43,285 --> 00:00:46,211 Hey, I told you kids you could have that bag of cheap candy 15 00:00:46,363 --> 00:00:48,029 as long as you shared it like civilized people. 16 00:00:48,123 --> 00:00:51,050 It's Gene's fault. He started double-fisting it. 17 00:00:51,201 --> 00:00:53,610 But I only did that because I saw Tina hoarding it. 18 00:00:53,629 --> 00:00:55,946 It's hard to hoard when Louise keeps stealing from me. 19 00:00:56,039 --> 00:00:57,539 I mean, Lin, you did give three kids 20 00:00:57,558 --> 00:00:59,800 a giant bag of candy and said, "Go nuts." 21 00:00:59,952 --> 00:01:02,377 Yeah, go nuts, but don't start fighting 22 00:01:02,471 --> 00:01:04,121 like a bunch of Hunger Games. Gimme. 23 00:01:04,139 --> 00:01:05,455 -ALL: No! -You can have this back 24 00:01:05,549 --> 00:01:07,641 when you stop being Sour Patch poops. 25 00:01:07,735 --> 00:01:10,143 Good job, Tina. Now we have nothing to live for. 26 00:01:10,237 --> 00:01:12,462 Kids, come on, I-I know sugar makes you all insane, 27 00:01:12,481 --> 00:01:15,557 but maybe try not to act like jerks toward each other? 28 00:01:15,651 --> 00:01:17,651 -What, Dad? I wasn't listening. -Yeah, me, neither. 29 00:01:17,745 --> 00:01:21,305 -I couldn't hear you over the sugar in my body. -I want candy. 30 00:01:21,323 --> 00:01:23,064 -Okay, forget it. -(fryer beeping) 31 00:01:23,084 --> 00:01:24,899 Will one of you kids take the basket out of the deep fryer? 32 00:01:24,919 --> 00:01:27,586 I made some fries 'cause I know Teddy will be here soon 33 00:01:27,737 --> 00:01:30,330 -and you know how he gets when he has to wait for fries. -On it. 34 00:01:30,424 --> 00:01:32,999 ♪ Fries are done, I'm a great son ♪ 35 00:01:33,094 --> 00:01:35,319 ♪ Fries are done, I'm a great son. ♪ 36 00:01:35,337 --> 00:01:37,096 Gene, you know you don't have to sing along 37 00:01:37,323 --> 00:01:39,581 with every sound in the world, right? 38 00:01:39,600 --> 00:01:40,824 I wish I didn't, Father. 39 00:01:40,917 --> 00:01:42,542 -Hey, Teddy. -Hi, everyone. 40 00:01:42,694 --> 00:01:44,494 -Uh, do I smell fries? -They're coming. 41 00:01:44,588 --> 00:01:46,588 They're coming. Soon, or, uh... 42 00:01:46,607 --> 00:01:48,423 Okay, I'm gonna go park the car real quick. 43 00:01:48,517 --> 00:01:50,425 -Can I come with you? -Yeah! -Me, too. 44 00:01:50,444 --> 00:01:51,610 You kids realize I'm just driving 45 00:01:51,761 --> 00:01:52,927 around the corner, right? 46 00:01:53,021 --> 00:01:54,504 We don't have a lot going on today. 47 00:01:54,598 --> 00:01:56,115 Yeah, that candy was kind of my whole schedule. 48 00:01:56,266 --> 00:01:58,617 Well, you could help me fill up these napkin holders. 49 00:01:58,786 --> 00:02:02,103 Mom, are you paying attention? Dad needs us to help him park. 50 00:02:02,123 --> 00:02:04,181 -Fine, go. -ALL: Yay! 51 00:02:04,274 --> 00:02:05,773 Hey, Andy. Hey, Ollie. 52 00:02:05,793 --> 00:02:07,684 We're playing outside today. 53 00:02:07,703 --> 00:02:10,462 That's a cantaloupe. Fruit can be heads. 54 00:02:10,689 --> 00:02:11,797 And vice versa. 55 00:02:12,024 --> 00:02:14,541 Okay. All right, Dad. Where are we really going? 56 00:02:14,693 --> 00:02:16,360 -Lake Titicaca! -Gene. 57 00:02:16,378 --> 00:02:18,286 -Vegas, baby. -I told you, we're just going 58 00:02:18,380 --> 00:02:20,380 to park the car around the block. Oh! 59 00:02:20,474 --> 00:02:22,549 -(all shout) -Is-is everyone okay? 60 00:02:22,701 --> 00:02:23,642 -I'm good. -Me, too. 61 00:02:23,793 --> 00:02:24,810 I'm great. Again! 62 00:02:24,961 --> 00:02:26,645 Uh, it's just a little fender bender. 63 00:02:26,796 --> 00:02:28,147 We-we just got hit from behind. 64 00:02:28,374 --> 00:02:30,207 Also, you hit someone in front of you, I think? 65 00:02:30,300 --> 00:02:32,225 LOUISE: And they hit someone in front of them. 66 00:02:32,378 --> 00:02:35,212 Okay, so, uh, it's, uh, a few fender benders. 67 00:02:35,230 --> 00:02:37,714 AKA a friender blender. 68 00:02:37,733 --> 00:02:39,307 My babies! My babies! 69 00:02:39,326 --> 00:02:41,551 Are you hurt? I knew I should have never let you get in cars. 70 00:02:41,570 --> 00:02:43,478 -E-Everyone's okay. -JIMMY: Hey, Bob! 71 00:02:43,497 --> 00:02:45,980 I always knew you were a train wreck, but this? 72 00:02:46,000 --> 00:02:47,315 (laughs) Zoom! 73 00:02:47,334 --> 00:02:49,576 Good one, Jimmy. That was a funny comment to make. 74 00:02:49,728 --> 00:02:51,411 Trev, I told you, don't say, 75 00:02:51,563 --> 00:02:53,230 "That was a funny comment to make." 76 00:02:53,323 --> 00:02:54,840 -But it was. -So just laugh. 77 00:02:55,067 --> 00:02:56,324 I don't like my laugh. 78 00:02:56,343 --> 00:02:58,159 Oh, my gosh. What the heck just happened? 79 00:02:58,253 --> 00:03:00,070 Uh, you rear-ended us. 80 00:03:00,163 --> 00:03:02,664 I got to call you back. I just got into an accident. 81 00:03:02,758 --> 00:03:04,074 No, no, baby's fine. 82 00:03:04,092 --> 00:03:05,909 -Oh, God, there's a baby in there? -(shushes) 83 00:03:05,928 --> 00:03:08,002 You're okay, baby. You're just scared, 84 00:03:08,096 --> 00:03:09,596 -that's all. -Oh. 85 00:03:09,748 --> 00:03:12,082 Well, that was a real bumper bummer. (chuckles) 86 00:03:12,175 --> 00:03:14,251 If you're wondering about my face, I'm a clown. 87 00:03:14,269 --> 00:03:16,028 That was gonna be my third guess. 88 00:03:16,179 --> 00:03:19,272 So, we should probably all exchange info, right? 89 00:03:19,425 --> 00:03:21,849 (belches) Sorry. When I get stressed, 90 00:03:21,869 --> 00:03:24,594 I burp. I just... (belches) I feel terrible. 91 00:03:24,613 --> 00:03:27,431 Look, I-I'm sorry this happened, but you know, um, 92 00:03:27,449 --> 00:03:28,782 -people make mistakes. -(belches) 93 00:03:28,934 --> 00:03:30,450 I mean, if you need to sit down, get a glass of water, 94 00:03:30,602 --> 00:03:32,769 this is actually our restaurant right here. 95 00:03:32,788 --> 00:03:35,029 I... uh, I'm Bob, by the way. 96 00:03:35,123 --> 00:03:36,122 Bob Burger. 97 00:03:36,217 --> 00:03:38,124 And I'm his wife, Linda. Hi. 98 00:03:38,277 --> 00:03:40,126 Also we live here. Not in the restaurant. 99 00:03:40,221 --> 00:03:42,036 Upstairs. In our mansion. 100 00:03:42,056 --> 00:03:43,889 -I'm Elaine. -Graham. -I'm Patti. 101 00:03:44,040 --> 00:03:46,207 Seriously, though, you're all welcome to... 102 00:03:46,301 --> 00:03:47,709 And I'm Teddy. Bob's best friend. 103 00:03:47,728 --> 00:03:49,394 This is going great. (laughs) 104 00:03:49,504 --> 00:03:50,971 Bob, can I speak to you real quick? 105 00:03:51,123 --> 00:03:54,066 If I were you, I wouldn't be too chummy with these other drivers. 106 00:03:54,217 --> 00:03:56,460 I'm not being chummy. I'm just being friendly. 107 00:03:56,553 --> 00:03:58,478 Look, I think you should just call the police 108 00:03:58,630 --> 00:04:00,072 and make sure you cover your butt. 109 00:04:00,299 --> 00:04:02,241 I mean, I really don't think we need to call the police, Teddy. 110 00:04:02,392 --> 00:04:03,633 This seems pretty cut-and-dry. 111 00:04:03,727 --> 00:04:05,786 Bob, if there's one thing I know about accidents, 112 00:04:05,971 --> 00:04:07,654 it's that they are never cut-and-dry. 113 00:04:07,806 --> 00:04:11,308 -Trust me. I've been in 17 collisions. -You have? 114 00:04:11,326 --> 00:04:14,736 Yes. Hit by 21 cars in five states, not including Guam. 115 00:04:14,830 --> 00:04:17,405 -That's a lot. -And what I've learned is these accidents-- 116 00:04:17,424 --> 00:04:19,316 they bring out the absolute worst in people. 117 00:04:19,409 --> 00:04:21,501 -Wait. When were you in Guam? -When I was in the Navy. 118 00:04:21,653 --> 00:04:23,320 Plus, I got a friend there named Tom. 119 00:04:23,338 --> 00:04:25,505 -I never told you about Guam Tom? -Mm, no. 120 00:04:25,599 --> 00:04:28,658 So, Patti, I-I don't want to be that guy, 121 00:04:28,677 --> 00:04:30,585 but since you were the driver in the back, 122 00:04:30,679 --> 00:04:33,105 h-how did you want to handle this, i-insurance-wise? 123 00:04:33,332 --> 00:04:36,016 Wait, you think this is my fault? 124 00:04:36,110 --> 00:04:39,169 Um, I mean, uh, who else's fault would it be? 125 00:04:39,187 --> 00:04:41,338 -I don't know. Maybe him? -Right. That's Teddy. 126 00:04:41,431 --> 00:04:43,782 -He wasn't even in a car. -But I get that a lot. 127 00:04:43,933 --> 00:04:46,451 Well, whoever was driving, besides me, 128 00:04:46,678 --> 00:04:47,786 'cause it wasn't my fault. 129 00:04:47,937 --> 00:04:50,122 -It wasn't my fault. -It sure wasn't mine. 130 00:04:50,349 --> 00:04:51,698 I don't think it was mine, either. 131 00:04:51,850 --> 00:04:53,608 Oh, my God. Was it my fault? 132 00:04:53,627 --> 00:04:55,276 Tina, sweetie, no. 133 00:04:55,296 --> 00:04:57,629 I mean, why were people stopped in the middle of the road? 134 00:04:57,781 --> 00:04:59,205 Roads are for driving. 135 00:04:59,300 --> 00:05:01,207 And life is a highway. 136 00:05:01,360 --> 00:05:04,194 Maybe Elaine here was clowning around 137 00:05:04,212 --> 00:05:05,971 and slammed on her brakes for no reason. 138 00:05:06,198 --> 00:05:07,622 Actually, the reason I stopped 139 00:05:07,641 --> 00:05:09,641 was because a ball bounced into the road. 140 00:05:09,868 --> 00:05:12,811 Maybe Graham didn't notice because he was on his phone? 141 00:05:13,038 --> 00:05:15,981 What? Uh, no. What about this guy Bob? 142 00:05:16,132 --> 00:05:17,390 He could be at fault. 143 00:05:17,543 --> 00:05:20,043 Maybe he was jamming out to his music or something? 144 00:05:20,062 --> 00:05:21,728 What? I-I wasn't jamming out. 145 00:05:21,880 --> 00:05:23,396 Then why'd you apologize earlier? 146 00:05:23,549 --> 00:05:25,215 -I didn't. -Uh, yeah, you did. 147 00:05:25,233 --> 00:05:26,550 -When? -The part where you said, 148 00:05:26,568 --> 00:05:28,735 -"I'm sorry this happened." -You did say that. 149 00:05:28,829 --> 00:05:30,144 I heard it, too. 150 00:05:30,164 --> 00:05:31,404 -I think you did, Bob. -Um... 151 00:05:31,498 --> 00:05:34,240 To be fair, our dad has resting apology face. 152 00:05:34,335 --> 00:05:36,576 And his body is all like, "my bad." 153 00:05:36,728 --> 00:05:38,745 Okay, fine. Maybe I did say sorry. 154 00:05:38,897 --> 00:05:42,248 But, um, uh, Patti said she felt terrible, remember? 155 00:05:42,401 --> 00:05:45,569 I do feel terrible. My wiener dog broke. 156 00:05:45,662 --> 00:05:48,663 He lives on my dashboard and he keeps me company in traffic. 157 00:05:48,757 --> 00:05:51,074 -Mm-hm. -I'm telling you, Bob, just call the cops. 158 00:05:51,167 --> 00:05:52,300 You know what, everyone? 159 00:05:52,411 --> 00:05:53,743 Maybe we should just call the police 160 00:05:53,762 --> 00:05:55,078 and let them figure this out. 161 00:05:55,097 --> 00:05:56,246 -Fine by me. -Me, too. 162 00:05:56,264 --> 00:05:57,839 Just as long as we're done by 4:00. 163 00:05:57,858 --> 00:06:00,083 I'm clowning at a bris pre-party. 164 00:06:00,176 --> 00:06:02,752 (sighs) I guess this is not gonna be so simple. 165 00:06:02,846 --> 00:06:06,013 That's what I say every time I approach a toilet seat. 166 00:06:06,033 --> 00:06:09,659 Remember, in life there are no accidents! 167 00:06:14,375 --> 00:06:15,599 Okay, so the police are on their way. 168 00:06:15,692 --> 00:06:16,950 I still can't believe that Patti person 169 00:06:17,102 --> 00:06:17,876 won't admit it was her fault. 170 00:06:18,027 --> 00:06:19,436 It's so obvious. 171 00:06:19,529 --> 00:06:21,621 Yeah, she sure went from sorry to sassy in no time. 172 00:06:21,773 --> 00:06:23,273 I told you, accidents have a way 173 00:06:23,291 --> 00:06:24,699 of bringing out the worst in people. 174 00:06:24,718 --> 00:06:26,534 Their fenders aren't the only things that bender. 175 00:06:26,628 --> 00:06:29,295 -You mean their ding-dongs? -No, I mean they'll do anything 176 00:06:29,448 --> 00:06:30,555 to get out of trouble. You'll see. 177 00:06:30,782 --> 00:06:33,040 Stories change, alliances form. 178 00:06:33,060 --> 00:06:34,375 This shouldn't be complicated, right? 179 00:06:34,469 --> 00:06:36,953 The driver in the back is always at fault. 180 00:06:37,046 --> 00:06:38,063 Well, almost always. 181 00:06:38,306 --> 00:06:39,289 There are two exceptions where the driver in front 182 00:06:39,382 --> 00:06:40,624 is responsible. 183 00:06:40,642 --> 00:06:42,901 One, if they slam on their brakes for no reason. 184 00:06:43,052 --> 00:06:44,127 I was barely even moving. 185 00:06:44,146 --> 00:06:45,404 -That's your thing. -And two, 186 00:06:45,555 --> 00:06:46,980 if they swerve into traffic recklessly. 187 00:06:47,132 --> 00:06:48,298 I didn't do that, either. 188 00:06:48,316 --> 00:06:49,816 All I did was pull away from the curb. 189 00:06:49,910 --> 00:06:51,576 Well, it sounds like you're in the clear then, Bob. 190 00:06:51,728 --> 00:06:53,912 As long as you signaled when you pulled away from the curb. 191 00:06:54,063 --> 00:06:55,138 You did, right? 192 00:06:55,231 --> 00:06:56,581 Yeah. I mean, I always signal 193 00:06:56,733 --> 00:07:00,143 when I leave a curb, because I'm a safe driver. 194 00:07:00,162 --> 00:07:02,812 Mm. I'm hearing some doubt, Bob. Do you have some doubt? 195 00:07:02,831 --> 00:07:05,148 No. I believe I signaled. 196 00:07:05,241 --> 00:07:06,332 Oh, yeah, I'm hearing it, too. 197 00:07:06,485 --> 00:07:07,834 Could be doubt, could be gas. 198 00:07:07,928 --> 00:07:09,928 -Someone push on his stomach. -Gene, stop. 199 00:07:10,155 --> 00:07:12,005 Bob, you believe you signaled or you did? 200 00:07:12,099 --> 00:07:14,324 Those are two different things, legally speaking. 201 00:07:14,417 --> 00:07:16,176 Look, Teddy, the fact is it's Patti's job 202 00:07:16,328 --> 00:07:18,495 to not hit the car in front her. 203 00:07:18,513 --> 00:07:20,087 All I'm saying is in my experience, 204 00:07:20,107 --> 00:07:22,515 you only have a few minutes till the police get here. 205 00:07:22,668 --> 00:07:23,942 So you need to make the words coming out of your mouth 206 00:07:24,169 --> 00:07:26,686 good ones, not bad ones like they just were. 207 00:07:26,838 --> 00:07:28,354 I'm just trying to help you cover your butt. 208 00:07:28,449 --> 00:07:30,006 That's the brand of pants he wears. 209 00:07:30,025 --> 00:07:31,450 -"Help You Cover Your Butt." -Teddy's right. 210 00:07:31,601 --> 00:07:33,176 People can say whatever they want. 211 00:07:33,195 --> 00:07:35,120 Otherwise it's just he-said-she-shed. 212 00:07:35,271 --> 00:07:36,455 He-shed-she-stead. 213 00:07:36,606 --> 00:07:38,439 -It's one of those. -What about Jimmy Pesto? 214 00:07:38,459 --> 00:07:40,366 He came out on the street after the crash. 215 00:07:40,519 --> 00:07:41,776 Mostly to make fun of you, 216 00:07:41,795 --> 00:07:44,278 but maybe he could tell you who caused the accident. 217 00:07:44,298 --> 00:07:46,189 No. I am not talking to Jimmy. 218 00:07:46,324 --> 00:07:47,448 It might be worth it, Bob. 219 00:07:47,468 --> 00:07:49,209 What if his handsome eyes saw something? 220 00:07:49,303 --> 00:07:51,285 -Handsome eyes? -You think so, too? 221 00:07:51,305 --> 00:07:54,639 -(groans) Okay, I-I'll be right back. -I'm coming. 222 00:07:54,791 --> 00:07:56,549 -Why? -I like going places. 223 00:07:56,702 --> 00:07:58,535 Hi, Andy. Hi, Ollie. 224 00:07:58,628 --> 00:08:01,538 -Who's your friend? -We're making a scarecrow. 225 00:08:01,631 --> 00:08:03,965 We'll finally be able to grow corn. 226 00:08:03,984 --> 00:08:05,466 Aw, I love it. 227 00:08:05,486 --> 00:08:08,394 Well, well, well. If it isn't Driving Mr. Oopsy. 228 00:08:08,489 --> 00:08:11,323 -(laughs) See? I laughed. -Yeah, that was good. 229 00:08:11,474 --> 00:08:13,140 Uh, look, Jimmy, we were wondering 230 00:08:13,235 --> 00:08:14,976 if you saw what happened with the accident. 231 00:08:14,995 --> 00:08:16,811 Yeah, I'm always looking across the street, 232 00:08:16,830 --> 00:08:18,980 because I'm obsessed with you, Bob. 233 00:08:19,107 --> 00:08:20,832 Not! (laughs) 234 00:08:21,059 --> 00:08:22,817 Actually, you do look over there a lot, Jimmy. 235 00:08:22,836 --> 00:08:24,318 Trev, just... (stammers) shush. 236 00:08:24,338 --> 00:08:26,171 No, Bob, I didn't see the accident. 237 00:08:26,398 --> 00:08:28,248 I was too busy serving customers. 238 00:08:28,400 --> 00:08:30,400 Ever heard of them? (laughs) 239 00:08:30,418 --> 00:08:32,344 Oh, go choke-y on a gnocchi, Jimmy. 240 00:08:32,495 --> 00:08:34,161 Thank you for not helping in any way at all. 241 00:08:34,256 --> 00:08:36,089 Sure thing, Bob. All the best. 242 00:08:36,183 --> 00:08:37,907 -Nyah, nyah, la, la... -Now I'm craving gnocchis. 243 00:08:37,926 --> 00:08:39,576 LOUISE: Boy, I sure wish I was eating 244 00:08:39,669 --> 00:08:42,412 a giant bag of candy right now, but I can't, 245 00:08:42,430 --> 00:08:45,248 'cause you two ruined it with your hoarding and snorting. 246 00:08:45,267 --> 00:08:47,950 Louise, you were stealing. You're the one who ruined it. 247 00:08:47,952 --> 00:08:49,361 I snorted one. 248 00:08:49,588 --> 00:08:52,364 Bob, hey, just the guy I was looking for. 249 00:08:52,515 --> 00:08:53,365 Hi, Graham. 250 00:08:53,592 --> 00:08:55,534 Uh, do you mind if we step inside? 251 00:08:55,761 --> 00:08:57,610 Uh, sure. Uh, come on in. 252 00:08:57,763 --> 00:09:00,947 Can we get you burger? A little fender-bender burger? 253 00:09:01,041 --> 00:09:02,432 No, I'm good. 254 00:09:02,525 --> 00:09:04,376 Something to drink? Little fender-bender drink? 255 00:09:04,603 --> 00:09:06,545 Someone get the nice man something to drink. 256 00:09:06,696 --> 00:09:09,381 Can I start you off with a glass of fresh-squeezed water? 257 00:09:09,532 --> 00:09:10,531 Are you an ice man? 258 00:09:10,551 --> 00:09:11,958 Actually Bob, I was hoping to maybe 259 00:09:12,110 --> 00:09:13,943 talk with you in private? 260 00:09:13,962 --> 00:09:16,721 Don't mind me. I'm just Bob's best friend, as we discussed. 261 00:09:16,948 --> 00:09:19,115 -(chuckles) -Graham, y-you can just go ahead and say 262 00:09:19,134 --> 00:09:20,967 whatever you need to say. It's fine. 263 00:09:21,061 --> 00:09:22,227 Okay. Well, here goes. 264 00:09:22,454 --> 00:09:24,929 I wanted to see if maybe you would be interested 265 00:09:25,156 --> 00:09:27,065 in making an arrangement? 266 00:09:27,292 --> 00:09:29,809 -(coughs): Told you, Bob. -What kind of an arrangement? 267 00:09:29,961 --> 00:09:32,237 -Like an alliance? -It's just your standard arrangement 268 00:09:32,464 --> 00:09:34,631 where we forge an understanding between us 269 00:09:34,649 --> 00:09:38,225 -to nail down a story. -Nail down a story. 270 00:09:38,245 --> 00:09:39,411 Yeah. Here's what I'm thinking. 271 00:09:39,562 --> 00:09:41,170 You know how Patti was super into 272 00:09:41,172 --> 00:09:43,582 that weird little plastic wiener dog on her dashboard? 273 00:09:43,809 --> 00:09:46,326 -Yeah? -Probably pretty distracting, right? 274 00:09:46,478 --> 00:09:48,253 -Okay. -Well, maybe we should both bring that up. 275 00:09:48,404 --> 00:09:50,330 I-I feel like we should probably 276 00:09:50,482 --> 00:09:52,649 just tell the police what happened. 277 00:09:52,667 --> 00:09:54,334 And then, that's all. 278 00:09:54,486 --> 00:09:56,669 No, no, I know. But here's the thing, Bob. 279 00:09:56,763 --> 00:09:58,338 Patti's gonna have a story about us, 280 00:09:58,490 --> 00:10:00,657 so we should have a story about her. 281 00:10:00,675 --> 00:10:03,326 And if you and I both have the same story, 282 00:10:03,419 --> 00:10:05,103 then it really seals the deal. 283 00:10:05,330 --> 00:10:06,496 We're same-story bros, right? 284 00:10:06,514 --> 00:10:08,348 All you have to say is, "Officer, 285 00:10:08,442 --> 00:10:10,516 "the woman who hit me was distracted. 286 00:10:10,611 --> 00:10:13,169 Big time, 100%, no doubt about it." 287 00:10:13,262 --> 00:10:14,854 I-I'm not gonna say that. 288 00:10:14,948 --> 00:10:16,448 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You're right. 289 00:10:16,599 --> 00:10:18,599 We probably don't even need to have the same story. 290 00:10:18,619 --> 00:10:20,176 (laughs): I don't know why I brought that up. 291 00:10:20,195 --> 00:10:21,453 Ooh, water. Yum, yum, yum. 292 00:10:21,680 --> 00:10:23,513 Hey, I got to go. Nice chatting with you, Bob. 293 00:10:23,606 --> 00:10:24,605 See you later. 294 00:10:24,699 --> 00:10:25,865 Ugh. Do you believe that guy? 295 00:10:26,001 --> 00:10:27,942 I know. He had a watch and everything. 296 00:10:27,961 --> 00:10:29,443 You maybe should've taken the deal, Bob. 297 00:10:29,537 --> 00:10:30,962 Also, he smelled nice. 298 00:10:31,114 --> 00:10:32,372 -Oh, boy. -What? W-What's happening? 299 00:10:32,466 --> 00:10:34,966 Oh, looks like Graham over there is talking to Patti now. 300 00:10:35,193 --> 00:10:37,043 They do seem to be huddling. 301 00:10:37,195 --> 00:10:38,878 -Oh, no. -Huddling's not good, Bob. 302 00:10:38,972 --> 00:10:42,349 -Maybe they're just cold? -All right, I-I'm gonna go talk with them, also. 303 00:10:42,458 --> 00:10:44,291 -(speaking indistinctly) -Hello. Hi. 304 00:10:44,311 --> 00:10:48,872 -Hey, there, Bob. -I-I was just wondering what you two were talking about. 305 00:10:48,965 --> 00:10:51,557 Oh, we were just talking about the clouds. 306 00:10:51,652 --> 00:10:53,877 -Clouds. -Yeah, clouds. Don't you love them? 307 00:10:53,970 --> 00:10:55,654 They're so fluffy. Isn't that right, Patti? 308 00:10:55,881 --> 00:10:57,138 Oh, yeah. Uh, big time. 309 00:10:57,232 --> 00:10:59,382 100%. No doubt about it. (belches) 310 00:10:59,401 --> 00:11:01,642 -Wait, why did you just say that? -What do you mean? 311 00:11:01,662 --> 00:11:04,829 Graham just said those exact words to me. 312 00:11:05,056 --> 00:11:06,480 Uh, I big time did not. 313 00:11:06,500 --> 00:11:08,983 So you two were making an alliance. 314 00:11:09,077 --> 00:11:10,894 You were alliancing. 315 00:11:10,987 --> 00:11:12,003 Bob, the cops are here. 316 00:11:12,155 --> 00:11:13,672 Yep. Yep, they are. 317 00:11:13,823 --> 00:11:15,248 -Oh, God. -What's wrong, Dad? 318 00:11:15,342 --> 00:11:17,008 I think I just didn't cover my butt. 319 00:11:17,235 --> 00:11:20,136 -TEDDY: Uh-huh. -LOUISE: And now it's flappin' all over the place. 320 00:11:24,351 --> 00:11:25,517 Afternoon. I'm Officer Bridget. 321 00:11:25,668 --> 00:11:26,743 Glad to see everyone's okay. 322 00:11:26,836 --> 00:11:27,835 Here's how this is gonna work. 323 00:11:27,929 --> 00:11:29,187 I'll speak with each driver individually 324 00:11:29,414 --> 00:11:30,671 to get your accounts of what happened, 325 00:11:30,765 --> 00:11:32,248 then I'll write my report, and based on that 326 00:11:32,267 --> 00:11:34,675 your insurance companies will determine liability 327 00:11:34,695 --> 00:11:36,085 and all that fun stuff. 328 00:11:36,179 --> 00:11:37,678 Let's make this quick since I know everyone's busy. 329 00:11:37,698 --> 00:11:39,605 Some of us are even trying to rent out a guest house. 330 00:11:39,758 --> 00:11:41,941 Newly renovated. Eh, something to think about. 331 00:11:42,035 --> 00:11:43,350 Okay, who wants to start? 332 00:11:43,370 --> 00:11:44,610 -Me, me. I'll go. -(Bob groans) 333 00:11:44,763 --> 00:11:46,687 Great. You a homeowner? Could you see yourself 334 00:11:46,707 --> 00:11:48,264 living real close to a highway? 335 00:11:48,283 --> 00:11:50,742 Uh-oh, Bob, you think they're gonna throw you under the bus? 336 00:11:50,969 --> 00:11:53,436 -The car accident bus? -Ugh, maybe. 337 00:11:53,455 --> 00:11:55,029 (quietly): Psst, Bob, if I were you, 338 00:11:55,123 --> 00:11:56,439 I'd go talk to the clown lady. 339 00:11:56,532 --> 00:11:58,049 She could be your last chance to form an alliance 340 00:11:58,201 --> 00:11:59,384 of your own and protect yourself. 341 00:11:59,535 --> 00:12:01,553 Yeah, maybe that's a good idea. 342 00:12:01,780 --> 00:12:03,129 Whoa, whoa, I'm coming with you. 343 00:12:03,223 --> 00:12:05,206 -Why? -You crazy? Free clown. 344 00:12:05,225 --> 00:12:06,558 I could use a little clown. 345 00:12:06,785 --> 00:12:08,209 -Hell yeah. -Okay. 346 00:12:08,228 --> 00:12:10,878 Hi, Elaine, I was wondering if we could, uh, 347 00:12:10,897 --> 00:12:12,288 maybe chat for a second. 348 00:12:12,307 --> 00:12:14,107 -Also, my kids are right here. -Ooh! 349 00:12:16,069 --> 00:12:17,810 Who wants one of these? 350 00:12:17,904 --> 00:12:19,645 Yay! Is it a hat? 351 00:12:19,740 --> 00:12:21,555 It's a hat and it's a swan. 352 00:12:21,575 --> 00:12:22,741 Whoa, whoa, slow down. 353 00:12:22,892 --> 00:12:24,968 -Ow! I'm okay. -So, uh, yeah. 354 00:12:24,986 --> 00:12:28,805 I just wanted to chat about how you and I, uh, could maybe, 355 00:12:28,898 --> 00:12:31,249 um, you know, help each other out 356 00:12:31,400 --> 00:12:34,085 -with all this car stuff. -Uh-huh, uh-huh. 357 00:12:34,312 --> 00:12:36,070 Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. 358 00:12:36,164 --> 00:12:39,148 Oh... oh... oh... 359 00:12:39,167 --> 00:12:40,574 -Aha! -Huh. That's, uh... 360 00:12:40,668 --> 00:12:43,336 That-That's so good. That's funny. Anyway, 361 00:12:43,488 --> 00:12:46,656 I was wondering if you wanted to, um-- oh, God-- 362 00:12:46,749 --> 00:12:47,673 f-form an alliance. 363 00:12:47,826 --> 00:12:49,267 Hmm, let me think about that. 364 00:12:49,418 --> 00:12:50,435 -(bicycle horn honks) -Oop! 365 00:12:50,662 --> 00:12:53,179 -Oh, there's my horn! -Keep it coming. 366 00:12:53,331 --> 00:12:55,331 Elaine, I get the feeling you're not taking 367 00:12:55,424 --> 00:12:57,350 this accident very seriously. 368 00:12:57,444 --> 00:12:59,836 Oh, sorry. It's-it's hard to turn it off. 369 00:12:59,929 --> 00:13:02,614 I just get such a kick out of seeing people light up 370 00:13:02,765 --> 00:13:04,173 when I do stuff like this. 371 00:13:04,267 --> 00:13:07,176 Woop! Meerp. Woop! Meerp. 372 00:13:07,195 --> 00:13:09,178 -So much range. -One more. 373 00:13:09,272 --> 00:13:10,363 -Whoop! -Thank you. 374 00:13:10,515 --> 00:13:11,514 Life can be tough. 375 00:13:11,533 --> 00:13:14,017 People can use a few extra smiles, huh? 376 00:13:14,110 --> 00:13:15,018 I'll take that. 377 00:13:15,111 --> 00:13:16,202 "Clown Eyed Girl. 378 00:13:16,296 --> 00:13:19,022 Mobile door-to-door clowning service." 379 00:13:19,115 --> 00:13:20,373 This clown gets around. 380 00:13:20,525 --> 00:13:22,208 Anyway, what were you asking me about, Bob? 381 00:13:22,360 --> 00:13:23,359 Something about an alliance? 382 00:13:23,378 --> 00:13:24,544 You know what, don't-don't... 383 00:13:24,696 --> 00:13:26,471 don't worry about it. Just forget it. 384 00:13:26,622 --> 00:13:30,216 Well, there is one thing I would love to discuss with you. 385 00:13:30,368 --> 00:13:32,218 -What happened to your nose?! -Aah! 386 00:13:32,370 --> 00:13:34,704 Phew. (chuckles) Good one. 387 00:13:34,722 --> 00:13:36,630 So, how'd it go with Elaine? 388 00:13:36,650 --> 00:13:39,208 -It was... I mean... -She's our new godmother. 389 00:13:39,260 --> 00:13:42,228 -Sir? You're up. -Okay. I-I'm coming. 390 00:13:42,322 --> 00:13:43,988 This is it, Bob. You're gonna do great. 391 00:13:44,140 --> 00:13:45,398 You can cry on cue, right? 392 00:13:45,492 --> 00:13:48,234 So, yeah, I had just started the car, 393 00:13:48,328 --> 00:13:49,810 and I was turning into traffic... 394 00:13:49,830 --> 00:13:52,071 You and your family were eating at this diner? 395 00:13:52,223 --> 00:13:53,723 Um, it's not a diner. 396 00:13:53,741 --> 00:13:57,076 I mean, nothing against diners, but this is a burger place. 397 00:13:57,228 --> 00:13:59,504 -Uh, also, we own it. -Got it. 398 00:13:59,655 --> 00:14:00,897 -Owns... diner. -Mm-hmm. 399 00:14:00,990 --> 00:14:02,489 Continue with your story, please. 400 00:14:02,509 --> 00:14:05,234 So, uh, yeah, like I said, I was, um, uh, 401 00:14:05,253 --> 00:14:06,827 turning into traffic when... 402 00:14:06,921 --> 00:14:09,422 And did you use your turn signal when you entered the lane? 403 00:14:09,574 --> 00:14:10,590 I-I believe so. 404 00:14:10,742 --> 00:14:12,333 No, no, no, no, no. Don't say that. 405 00:14:12,352 --> 00:14:14,594 I mean, I, um, uh, not believe... I... 406 00:14:14,746 --> 00:14:17,580 (chuckles) Yeah, I-I definitely did. Yes. 407 00:14:17,599 --> 00:14:19,340 -Attaboy. -(quietly): Okay, Teddy, okay. 408 00:14:19,359 --> 00:14:21,192 Is that man punching the air? 409 00:14:21,344 --> 00:14:23,677 Yes. He's, uh, he-he's one of our customers. 410 00:14:23,697 --> 00:14:26,606 -Do you know if he rents or owns? -Uh, I think he owns. 411 00:14:26,700 --> 00:14:29,425 -Mm. -Um, so it's the car in the back's fault, right? 412 00:14:29,518 --> 00:14:31,427 I got what I need. Good luck with your diner. 413 00:14:31,520 --> 00:14:33,930 It's not a... Uh, uh, thank you. 414 00:14:34,023 --> 00:14:35,948 (groans) Now she's talking to Patti. 415 00:14:36,042 --> 00:14:37,266 Wh-What is she saying? 416 00:14:37,285 --> 00:14:39,102 Why can't people own up to their mistakes? 417 00:14:39,195 --> 00:14:40,436 I-It doesn't seem that hard. 418 00:14:40,529 --> 00:14:42,046 Ah, I'd love to live in that world, too. 419 00:14:42,273 --> 00:14:43,940 -(fryer beeping) -Poor, sweet, dumb Bob. 420 00:14:44,033 --> 00:14:46,626 -Ooh, is that more fries? -Hold your horses. Coming right up. 421 00:14:46,778 --> 00:14:49,536 (to beeping rhythm): ♪ Fries are done, I'm a great son ♪ 422 00:14:49,631 --> 00:14:51,797 ♪ Fries are done, I'm a great son. ♪ 423 00:14:51,950 --> 00:14:54,117 (gasps) Wait, Dad. I just realized something 424 00:14:54,135 --> 00:14:55,635 about the accident. 425 00:14:55,729 --> 00:14:57,803 -Really? -I don't think you used your turn signal. 426 00:14:57,956 --> 00:14:59,880 -What? How do you know that? -Yeah. 427 00:14:59,900 --> 00:15:02,901 -You know how Gene has a song for every sound in our lives? -Yeah. 428 00:15:03,128 --> 00:15:05,069 Well, he has a song for your turn signal, too. 429 00:15:05,221 --> 00:15:07,071 Yep. It goes: ♪ Fart left, it's a stinker ♪ 430 00:15:07,223 --> 00:15:08,981 ♪ Fart right, use your blinker! ♪ 431 00:15:09,075 --> 00:15:11,134 Okay, okay, yes, Gene, we all know the song. 432 00:15:11,227 --> 00:15:13,411 Well, I don't remember him singing it in the car today. 433 00:15:13,562 --> 00:15:16,322 -I don't remember that, either. -Neither do I. 434 00:15:16,416 --> 00:15:17,473 Oh, Bob. 435 00:15:17,566 --> 00:15:19,692 Okay, fine, maybe I didn't signal. 436 00:15:19,753 --> 00:15:23,312 But tha-that doesn't mean I entered the lane dangerously. 437 00:15:23,331 --> 00:15:25,148 Bup-bup-bup. Father, you just said 438 00:15:25,241 --> 00:15:26,832 people should own up to their mistakes. 439 00:15:26,927 --> 00:15:28,760 And then you said it doesn't seem that hard. 440 00:15:28,911 --> 00:15:30,836 And also you've been saying it all day, and it's, like, 441 00:15:30,989 --> 00:15:32,822 cool catchphrase, give it a rest! 442 00:15:32,840 --> 00:15:36,659 (sighs) All right, I'll go talk to Officer Bridget. 443 00:15:36,752 --> 00:15:37,751 Officer Bridget, hi. 444 00:15:37,920 --> 00:15:40,329 I-I just wanted to change the words I said, 445 00:15:40,423 --> 00:15:43,349 -uh, in your report. -I don't really have time right now, Bob. 446 00:15:43,443 --> 00:15:45,501 I have to go deal with a highway robbery. 447 00:15:45,520 --> 00:15:47,111 And by "highway robbery," I'm referring to the guy 448 00:15:47,263 --> 00:15:49,672 who's painting my guesthouse-- he's charging me a fortune. 449 00:15:49,765 --> 00:15:51,783 Anyway, it's too late to change the report. I'm all done. 450 00:15:51,934 --> 00:15:53,600 W-Wait, what do you mean you're all done? 451 00:15:53,620 --> 00:15:55,511 Patti told me what happened. Graham backed it up. 452 00:15:55,530 --> 00:15:57,622 Car one-- that's Elaine-- slammed on her brakes 453 00:15:57,849 --> 00:15:59,624 for no apparent reason, which caused the accident. 454 00:15:59,851 --> 00:16:02,460 So your report just says this is Elaine's fault, 455 00:16:02,687 --> 00:16:04,537 and she's gonna have to pay for this? 456 00:16:04,631 --> 00:16:07,206 Well, her insurance will. Some people shouldn't drive. 457 00:16:07,358 --> 00:16:09,300 No, no, no, no, she-she can't not drive. 458 00:16:09,452 --> 00:16:10,784 She's a traveling clown. 459 00:16:10,804 --> 00:16:13,529 Can't she just carpool with 20 or 30 other clowns? 460 00:16:13,548 --> 00:16:15,640 (chuckles) Sorry. Someone had to say it. 461 00:16:15,867 --> 00:16:17,458 What'd the policewoman say? 462 00:16:17,477 --> 00:16:20,127 She said Patti and Graham both blamed it on Elaine. 463 00:16:20,146 --> 00:16:22,722 So I guess the report's gonna say it was her fault. 464 00:16:22,874 --> 00:16:26,133 -Oh, no. Poor Elaine. -She was the best of all of us. 465 00:16:26,152 --> 00:16:27,968 I guess heaven needed a clown. 466 00:16:28,062 --> 00:16:30,304 She's not dead, kids. She just got screwed over. 467 00:16:30,323 --> 00:16:31,897 You did what you could, Bob. 468 00:16:31,992 --> 00:16:35,309 -You owned up to your mistakes. -Actually, I never told the cop 469 00:16:35,328 --> 00:16:37,720 about me not using my turn signal. 470 00:16:37,739 --> 00:16:39,646 -Wait. You didn't? -I started to, but, uh, 471 00:16:39,666 --> 00:16:42,667 it just didn't quite get all the way out of my mouth. 472 00:16:42,894 --> 00:16:44,227 Oh, boy. Sounds like you kinda 473 00:16:44,245 --> 00:16:45,578 threw that clown under the bus, Bob, 474 00:16:45,730 --> 00:16:47,672 and now she's gonna have to take the bus. 475 00:16:47,823 --> 00:16:50,324 Bad news for Elaine. Good news for that bus driver. 476 00:16:50,343 --> 00:16:53,052 She's gonna find so many quarters behind his ear! 477 00:16:56,924 --> 00:16:58,574 I can't believe you never told the policewoman you didn't 478 00:16:58,593 --> 00:17:00,426 -use your turn signal, Dad. -In other words, 479 00:17:00,578 --> 00:17:01,927 we should take responsibility for acting like jerks 480 00:17:02,080 --> 00:17:03,929 when it comes to cheap bags of candy, 481 00:17:04,082 --> 00:17:06,006 but you can just say whatever you want 482 00:17:06,026 --> 00:17:07,583 in an official police report. 483 00:17:07,602 --> 00:17:10,102 (sighs) I know, Louise. I screwed up. 484 00:17:10,196 --> 00:17:12,755 I-I need to go make this right. 485 00:17:12,774 --> 00:17:14,014 Wait, wait, wait. Stop. 486 00:17:14,108 --> 00:17:16,200 Whoa, whoa, hey! We don't want another accident 487 00:17:16,352 --> 00:17:17,368 in front of your diner, Bob. 488 00:17:17,595 --> 00:17:19,428 Officer Bridget, please. J-Just hear me out. 489 00:17:19,522 --> 00:17:22,206 I came here before to tell you that 490 00:17:22,433 --> 00:17:24,433 I didn't actually put on my signal. 491 00:17:24,527 --> 00:17:26,026 I-I remembered that after we spoke. 492 00:17:26,120 --> 00:17:29,105 But the point is, at least some of the blame for this accident 493 00:17:29,123 --> 00:17:30,381 should be on me. 494 00:17:30,533 --> 00:17:32,366 Okay, great. I'll definitely make a note of that. 495 00:17:32,460 --> 00:17:33,700 Now, please move out of the way. 496 00:17:33,795 --> 00:17:36,370 Look, I-I just think maybe, in a perfect world, 497 00:17:36,464 --> 00:17:39,557 -this was all of our faults. -PATTI: Hey, Bob. 498 00:17:39,708 --> 00:17:42,209 -What are you talking about? -Yeah, what's going on, Bob? 499 00:17:42,228 --> 00:17:43,728 I was just telling Officer Bridget here 500 00:17:43,879 --> 00:17:45,454 that I didn't use my turn signal, 501 00:17:45,473 --> 00:17:47,473 so it's only fair that I share some of the blame. 502 00:17:47,567 --> 00:17:50,976 Wow, that's kind of inspiring, Bob. 503 00:17:51,071 --> 00:17:53,905 The truth is, I was distracted by my wiener dog. 504 00:17:54,132 --> 00:17:57,316 So I guess I was also partially responsible. 505 00:17:57,468 --> 00:17:58,818 Mm, okay. 506 00:17:59,061 --> 00:18:02,988 I was on my phone, too, so, yes, I was probably very distracted. 507 00:18:03,083 --> 00:18:04,807 ♪ I was distracted ♪ 508 00:18:04,900 --> 00:18:07,643 ♪ By my wiener dog ♪ 509 00:18:07,662 --> 00:18:11,738 ♪ So it's almost my fault, I think ♪ 510 00:18:11,833 --> 00:18:14,333 ♪ And I was on my cell phone ♪ 511 00:18:14,485 --> 00:18:16,335 ♪ Didn't see what was going on ♪ 512 00:18:16,429 --> 00:18:19,413 ♪ So I can't say my poop don't stink ♪ 513 00:18:19,432 --> 00:18:22,325 ♪ Because taking responsibility ♪ 514 00:18:22,418 --> 00:18:24,343 ♪ For your actions ♪ 515 00:18:24,495 --> 00:18:26,512 ♪ Whoa, is the real path ♪ 516 00:18:26,664 --> 00:18:29,423 ♪ To satisfaction ♪ 517 00:18:29,442 --> 00:18:32,351 ♪ The only thing that works in life ♪ 518 00:18:32,503 --> 00:18:34,670 ♪ Is not being a jerk in life ♪ 519 00:18:34,689 --> 00:18:39,008 ♪ Taking responsibility is the best way to be ♪ 520 00:18:39,101 --> 00:18:41,602 ♪ For you ♪ 521 00:18:41,621 --> 00:18:45,456 ♪ And for me. ♪ 522 00:18:45,608 --> 00:18:47,125 BRIDGET: You okay, Bob? 523 00:18:47,276 --> 00:18:48,275 Lost you there for a second. 524 00:18:48,294 --> 00:18:50,461 Oh. Right. Everyone's gone. 525 00:18:50,613 --> 00:18:52,688 Um, sorry. So, I-I don't know why Elaine stopped, 526 00:18:52,781 --> 00:18:55,466 but I-I just don't think this was all her fault. 527 00:18:55,618 --> 00:18:58,377 Well, she said she saw a ball bounce into the street, 528 00:18:58,471 --> 00:19:00,696 but no one else saw it, so I just assumed 529 00:19:00,715 --> 00:19:01,955 she was covering her butt. 530 00:19:02,016 --> 00:19:04,367 And then she sat on a horn and it honked. 531 00:19:04,385 --> 00:19:07,127 -Which was pretty funny. -ANDY: Be scared, crows. 532 00:19:07,147 --> 00:19:08,962 Be very scared! 533 00:19:08,982 --> 00:19:11,207 Wait. Andy, Ollie, 534 00:19:11,225 --> 00:19:12,650 didn't your scarecrow have a head before? 535 00:19:12,801 --> 00:19:14,819 Li-Like a cantaloupe head? 536 00:19:15,046 --> 00:19:16,061 We lost it. 537 00:19:16,214 --> 00:19:17,546 What-what do you mean, you lost it? 538 00:19:17,640 --> 00:19:19,715 It rolled into the street and we didn't see where it went. 539 00:19:19,808 --> 00:19:21,993 That must have been the ball that Elaine stopped for. 540 00:19:22,144 --> 00:19:23,736 It was probably a cantaloupe. 541 00:19:23,888 --> 00:19:25,979 It probably bounced into the street in front of her car! 542 00:19:25,999 --> 00:19:28,891 -Look! Is that it? -ANDY and OLLIE: No! 543 00:19:28,910 --> 00:19:30,926 We got to be strong. 544 00:19:30,928 --> 00:19:32,912 We have to get ready for the harvest. 545 00:19:33,064 --> 00:19:34,063 You're right. 546 00:19:34,156 --> 00:19:35,748 Okay, so that changes things. 547 00:19:35,842 --> 00:19:38,176 The way I see it now, driver one stopped for a legitimate reason, 548 00:19:38,327 --> 00:19:41,512 driver two rear-ended her, driver three- that's you, Bob-- 549 00:19:41,664 --> 00:19:43,514 pulled into traffic without signaling, 550 00:19:43,666 --> 00:19:45,349 driver four rear-ended driver three, 551 00:19:45,501 --> 00:19:47,576 when then sent driver three into driver two's car, 552 00:19:47,595 --> 00:19:50,003 which caused driver two to hit driver one's car 553 00:19:50,097 --> 00:19:51,931 for a second time. 554 00:19:52,083 --> 00:19:54,192 Uh, yeah, that sounds right. 555 00:19:54,343 --> 00:19:55,676 Look, I'm no insurance adjuster, 556 00:19:55,695 --> 00:19:57,920 but it sounds like you may be the only person 557 00:19:58,013 --> 00:20:00,031 taking any responsibility for this accident. 558 00:20:00,182 --> 00:20:02,033 Which, in insurance terms, could mean 559 00:20:02,184 --> 00:20:04,035 that you end up taking all of it. 560 00:20:04,186 --> 00:20:06,019 Oh, God. (sighs) Fine. 561 00:20:06,113 --> 00:20:08,264 If that's the way it has to be. 562 00:20:08,282 --> 00:20:09,856 I'll put your amended statement in my report. 563 00:20:09,951 --> 00:20:11,659 And I'm glad we got this nailed down. 564 00:20:11,711 --> 00:20:13,711 Just like, uh, we nailed down that new indoor-outdoor carpet 565 00:20:13,938 --> 00:20:17,381 at my guesthouse. It's 100 extra square feet of living area. 566 00:20:17,533 --> 00:20:19,533 I mean, why can't I rent this place? 567 00:20:19,627 --> 00:20:22,053 Well, our insurance is gonna go up. 568 00:20:22,204 --> 00:20:23,963 Well, up's better than down. 569 00:20:24,115 --> 00:20:25,205 Wait, no, that's not right. 570 00:20:25,225 --> 00:20:26,741 But hey, you did the right thing, Bob. 571 00:20:26,743 --> 00:20:28,208 And you know what goes great 572 00:20:28,228 --> 00:20:29,969 with our insurance rates going up? 573 00:20:30,121 --> 00:20:31,378 Some discount candy! 574 00:20:31,472 --> 00:20:33,639 -KIDS: Yay! -I mean, not really. 575 00:20:33,733 --> 00:20:36,216 Ugh, you know what? I don't want to be jerky. 576 00:20:36,269 --> 00:20:37,884 Tina, you can have mine. 577 00:20:37,979 --> 00:20:40,053 I kinda sorta stole a lot from you earlier. 578 00:20:40,073 --> 00:20:41,239 Oh, I know. But it's okay. 579 00:20:41,466 --> 00:20:42,573 I was hoarding like a hoardin' fool. 580 00:20:42,800 --> 00:20:45,134 You can both have mine. I was eating too fast. 581 00:20:45,152 --> 00:20:46,969 -I stopped unwrapping them. -Wait a minute. 582 00:20:46,988 --> 00:20:49,822 This bag is light. Like, really light. 583 00:20:49,916 --> 00:20:51,249 Mother! 584 00:20:51,476 --> 00:20:52,899 What? No! 585 00:20:52,994 --> 00:20:55,068 No, I wouldn't do that. Bob, back me up. 586 00:20:55,088 --> 00:20:56,420 You want an alliance? 587 00:20:56,572 --> 00:20:59,331 -LINDA: Ooh! Yeah, yeah, yeah. -GENE: Pump her stomach! 588 00:20:59,484 --> 00:21:02,576 ♪ Responsibility for your actions ♪ 589 00:21:02,595 --> 00:21:06,171 ♪ Is the real path to satisfaction ♪ 590 00:21:06,933 --> 00:21:09,249 ♪ The only thing that works in life ♪ 591 00:21:09,269 --> 00:21:12,177 ♪ Is not being a jerk in life ♪ 592 00:21:12,330 --> 00:21:16,923 ♪ Taking responsibility's the best way to be ♪ 593 00:21:16,943 --> 00:21:19,018 ♪ For you ♪ 594 00:21:19,170 --> 00:21:20,169 ♪ And ♪ 595 00:21:20,187 --> 00:21:22,780 ♪ For me ♪ 596 00:21:23,007 --> 00:21:24,615 ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ 597 00:21:24,767 --> 00:21:27,285 ♪ For you ♪ 598 00:21:27,436 --> 00:21:29,561 -♪ And ♪ -♪ Responsibility ♪ 599 00:21:29,713 --> 00:21:30,771 ♪ For me ♪ 600 00:21:30,865 --> 00:21:32,348 ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah. ♪ 601 00:21:32,366 --> 00:21:33,549 Captioning sponsored by BENTO BOX ENTERTAINMENT 602 00:21:33,576 --> 00:21:34,750 and TOYOTA.