1 00:00:07,826 --> 00:00:12,692 [soothing singing] 2 00:01:37,460 --> 00:01:42,460 [upbeat instrumental music] 3 00:01:54,926 --> 00:01:57,326 No cloud coverage reported over (mumbling). 4 00:01:57,326 --> 00:01:59,193 - (mumbling) 5 00:02:02,359 --> 00:02:03,592 -Squander and Lee, 6 00:02:03,592 --> 00:02:05,393 reporting heavy flack over at the target. 7 00:02:18,625 --> 00:02:21,259 Heads up gentlemen, here it comes. 8 00:02:22,426 --> 00:02:23,792 Change your vessels, 9 00:02:23,792 --> 00:02:25,792 flack's getting real thick out there. 10 00:02:25,792 --> 00:02:27,992 - Hay Archer, how much longer? 11 00:02:29,692 --> 00:02:31,592 - Five minutes to I-P. 12 00:02:31,592 --> 00:02:33,326 - Rodger that. 13 00:02:34,359 --> 00:02:35,525 - Two hundred leader, 14 00:02:35,525 --> 00:02:37,193 reporting heavy fighters in our area. 15 00:02:38,059 --> 00:02:39,559 - Nine fighters at the same time? 16 00:02:39,559 --> 00:02:41,393 I thought that wasn't supposed to happen? 17 00:02:41,792 --> 00:02:43,393 - It does today. 18 00:02:43,393 --> 00:02:45,592 Hay Eddy, keep an eye out for bogies on our 6. 19 00:02:45,592 --> 00:02:47,625 - Yea don't worry about it, I got our 6 covered, 20 00:02:47,625 --> 00:02:48,992 long as Al stays awake and the 21 00:02:48,992 --> 00:02:50,226 ball is covering my belly. 22 00:02:50,226 --> 00:02:51,460 - Nice swing. 23 00:02:51,460 --> 00:02:53,926 - I Bet Andy's belly the lack will be easy. 24 00:02:53,926 --> 00:02:56,426 - (laughs) (mumbling) are gonna take off. 25 00:02:56,625 --> 00:02:58,159 - Ey, I'm not taking this shit from 26 00:02:58,159 --> 00:02:59,892 a midget and a kidyer. 27 00:03:00,926 --> 00:03:03,026 - At 3, primary target area. 28 00:03:03,026 --> 00:03:04,692 - Two minutes to I-P. 29 00:03:11,193 --> 00:03:13,460 - Charlie, Reggy Reg's going down. 30 00:03:13,460 --> 00:03:14,393 - Rodger that Clide. 31 00:03:14,393 --> 00:03:16,826 - Bogie, Four o'clock, prime! 32 00:03:16,892 --> 00:03:18,193 Come in from the left side. 33 00:03:18,193 --> 00:03:19,625 - Ey, wake up! 34 00:03:24,159 --> 00:03:26,992 - (mumbling). 35 00:03:29,892 --> 00:03:32,493 - That's the other right, it's getting close. 36 00:03:34,926 --> 00:03:36,892 - We're on your way Tom. 37 00:03:37,759 --> 00:03:39,159 - One minute to the I-P. 38 00:03:39,959 --> 00:03:42,692 -(mumbling) 39 00:03:47,092 --> 00:03:49,926 - Oh shit, the rim of wreck is going down in flames. 40 00:03:50,259 --> 00:03:52,093 Count the shoots Eddy. 41 00:03:52,093 --> 00:03:54,559 No, nobody got out. 42 00:03:58,126 --> 00:04:00,259 - Archie, how far to Redocia? 43 00:04:01,226 --> 00:04:05,293 - Almost there Pops, call it 30 seconds. 44 00:04:05,293 --> 00:04:06,193 - We're almost there, keep your eyes on that 45 00:04:06,193 --> 00:04:07,659 compass and off the flack. 46 00:04:07,659 --> 00:04:09,493 You let those boys worry 'bout the fight. 47 00:04:10,426 --> 00:04:11,625 - He is coming back. 48 00:04:13,759 --> 00:04:15,692 - I got him, I got the bastard! 49 00:04:15,692 --> 00:04:17,493 - Approaching target now. 50 00:04:17,625 --> 00:04:18,992 - Billy you're on. 51 00:04:19,059 --> 00:04:21,193 - Alright, keep it steady boss and I'll be as 52 00:04:21,193 --> 00:04:22,393 quick as I can. 53 00:04:22,926 --> 00:04:25,226 - Look alive boys, enemy fire (mumbling). 54 00:04:25,625 --> 00:04:26,692 - Shit. 55 00:04:36,559 --> 00:04:38,126 - DB2 is riding a bit high. 56 00:04:38,126 --> 00:04:40,326 She might have taken a bullet on that pass. 57 00:04:40,326 --> 00:04:41,559 - Alright keep an eye on it. 58 00:04:41,559 --> 00:04:43,426 But get back up on that gun. 59 00:04:43,659 --> 00:04:46,326 - Holy shit, there goes our 10 leg Charlie. 60 00:04:46,326 --> 00:04:48,393 - That was a bit too close. 61 00:04:48,393 --> 00:04:50,326 - Opening bomb bay. 62 00:04:56,159 --> 00:04:57,826 - You mind holding her steady up there? 63 00:04:57,826 --> 00:04:59,826 It seems like you're wearing horse shoes. 64 00:04:59,926 --> 00:05:01,959 - Yea, yea I'll take that under advisement. 65 00:05:02,792 --> 00:05:04,293 - Target is in site. 66 00:05:05,026 --> 00:05:06,259 Bombs away. 67 00:05:11,493 --> 00:05:14,226 - Pops, Wally, come to a heading of 2-8-5 68 00:05:14,226 --> 00:05:15,625 and get us the hell out of here. 69 00:05:15,625 --> 00:05:18,059 - Rodger that, turning to 2-8-5. 70 00:05:33,026 --> 00:05:35,326 - Good work boys, we're heading home. 71 00:05:40,826 --> 00:05:43,892 - (mumbling) we've got an engine fire. 72 00:05:47,326 --> 00:05:48,892 - We better shoot it down Pops. 73 00:05:48,892 --> 00:05:50,460 It's looking pretty bad. 74 00:05:50,926 --> 00:05:53,426 - (mumbling) we're gonna drop. 75 00:06:00,559 --> 00:06:01,959 Hitting the extinguisher. 76 00:06:02,892 --> 00:06:04,992 - Vertigo, check on the other engines. 77 00:06:04,992 --> 00:06:06,359 - Engine 3 is out. 78 00:06:06,359 --> 00:06:09,059 Engine 2 is running hot and red lighting. 79 00:06:10,759 --> 00:06:12,193 - Rodger that. 80 00:06:12,193 --> 00:06:14,426 - Charlie, notify squandrant lead that we are 81 00:06:14,426 --> 00:06:16,826 damaged and unable to remain in formation. 82 00:06:17,293 --> 00:06:18,725 - Keep your eyes peeled guys. 83 00:06:18,725 --> 00:06:20,226 We're about to be sitting ducks out here. 84 00:06:41,826 --> 00:06:43,559 - Three bogies, 12 o' clock high. 85 00:06:43,559 --> 00:06:45,026 - They're forming up, they're coming in. 86 00:06:45,026 --> 00:06:46,059 - You're breaking up. 87 00:06:46,592 --> 00:06:48,059 - (mumbling). 88 00:06:48,059 --> 00:06:49,426 - Oh, shit. 89 00:06:52,859 --> 00:06:54,226 - Deek! 90 00:06:54,326 --> 00:06:55,625 Deek! 91 00:06:55,625 --> 00:06:57,359 They hit Deek (mumbling). 92 00:06:57,359 --> 00:06:58,792 - Hang in there Joe. 93 00:06:58,792 --> 00:07:00,326 - I'm on my way. 94 00:07:00,792 --> 00:07:02,625 - They got Deek, Charlie! 95 00:07:02,692 --> 00:07:04,359 Help him out! 96 00:07:04,525 --> 00:07:06,159 Charlie, help him out! 97 00:07:08,359 --> 00:07:09,659 - Deek! 98 00:07:09,659 --> 00:07:10,926 - They got him real bad. 99 00:07:10,926 --> 00:07:12,759 They got him real bad. 100 00:07:12,759 --> 00:07:14,226 - They're forming up, they're coming in. 101 00:07:14,226 --> 00:07:16,692 - Cannon get back on your wheel (mumbling). 102 00:07:16,692 --> 00:07:18,792 They other side, they're on the other side, 3 o'clock. 103 00:07:18,792 --> 00:07:20,059 - Get an angle on him. 104 00:07:25,759 --> 00:07:26,692 - Hey Archie, go see what the hell's 105 00:07:26,692 --> 00:07:27,959 going on back there. 106 00:07:27,959 --> 00:07:29,159 - On my way Pops. 107 00:07:29,792 --> 00:07:31,426 - (mumbling). 108 00:07:31,426 --> 00:07:33,159 - I got him, I got him. 109 00:07:33,159 --> 00:07:34,859 - Good shot Bird, (mumbling). 110 00:07:36,426 --> 00:07:38,126 - One down, where the hell are the other two? 111 00:07:38,126 --> 00:07:39,826 - Charlie? 112 00:07:39,826 --> 00:07:41,525 Charlie? 113 00:07:41,525 --> 00:07:43,226 Charlie you're okay. 114 00:07:43,826 --> 00:07:45,226 You're okay. 115 00:07:45,226 --> 00:07:46,725 - Bogie coming back around. 116 00:07:46,725 --> 00:07:47,625 - Oh shit. 117 00:07:47,625 --> 00:07:49,026 He's making a pass at me. 118 00:08:02,159 --> 00:08:03,525 - Dammit! 119 00:08:05,692 --> 00:08:08,359 - Archie, I need you in the cockpit. 120 00:08:08,559 --> 00:08:09,926 Now. 121 00:08:12,393 --> 00:08:13,725 Looks like they're done. 122 00:08:13,725 --> 00:08:15,259 They're breaking off. 123 00:08:19,159 --> 00:08:20,792 - Archie, get Pops down. 124 00:08:20,792 --> 00:08:22,426 I need you in the pilot's position. 125 00:08:22,926 --> 00:08:24,426 Come on pal. 126 00:08:24,525 --> 00:08:26,126 We can do this. 127 00:08:36,259 --> 00:08:39,759 Alright, there's a situation fellas. 128 00:08:41,226 --> 00:08:42,992 Pops... 129 00:08:44,226 --> 00:08:46,059 Pops isn't going home, 130 00:08:46,625 --> 00:08:48,293 but we are. 131 00:08:48,926 --> 00:08:51,159 We keep our heads level and do our jobs. 132 00:08:51,159 --> 00:08:53,193 Now we've lost hydraulics in one engine, 133 00:08:54,359 --> 00:08:56,992 but we're making good air speed 134 00:08:56,992 --> 00:08:59,326 and the controls are responsive. 135 00:09:01,259 --> 00:09:02,725 - Burt. 136 00:09:04,625 --> 00:09:06,659 I need a damage report. 137 00:09:07,659 --> 00:09:09,326 - Right away, Sir. 138 00:09:11,992 --> 00:09:13,992 We'll be coming up on the Tunisian coast line in 139 00:09:13,992 --> 00:09:15,826 about an hour, which means now with fuel 140 00:09:15,826 --> 00:09:17,725 is about 2 hours out. 141 00:09:19,326 --> 00:09:22,026 Charlie I need you to advise them of our situation. 142 00:09:23,959 --> 00:09:26,692 That we are damaged and have casualties. 143 00:09:27,059 --> 00:09:28,293 - Yes, Sir. 144 00:09:28,725 --> 00:09:30,725 We're below 10,000 guys. 145 00:09:30,725 --> 00:09:31,926 We can come off until-- 146 00:09:31,926 --> 00:09:34,659 - Hey Wally, the hydraulics is shot. 147 00:09:34,659 --> 00:09:36,826 We're gonna have to crank the gear down by half. 148 00:09:36,826 --> 00:09:37,959 - Rodger that. 149 00:09:39,326 --> 00:09:41,059 - Ok, here's the plan. 150 00:09:42,625 --> 00:09:44,359 We're gonna crank the gear down. 151 00:09:44,826 --> 00:09:46,426 As soon as we're over dry land, 152 00:09:46,426 --> 00:09:47,826 those of us who are fit enough to jump, 153 00:09:47,826 --> 00:09:49,359 are bailing out. 154 00:09:50,625 --> 00:09:52,226 Archie and I, 155 00:09:52,226 --> 00:09:54,259 we're gonna try to land her in Navrick field. 156 00:09:55,625 --> 00:09:59,359 - Sir, in my professional opinion, 157 00:09:59,359 --> 00:10:01,359 this bird isn't fit to land. 158 00:10:02,959 --> 00:10:04,592 - You sure about that? 159 00:10:05,559 --> 00:10:06,959 - Damn sure. 160 00:10:07,926 --> 00:10:09,959 - Everybody in Charlie's cave. 161 00:10:09,959 --> 00:10:13,359 (instrumental music) 162 00:10:22,059 --> 00:10:27,026 (male vocalizing) 163 00:10:50,059 --> 00:10:52,326 - Every fucking morning, the same wake up call. 164 00:10:55,359 --> 00:10:58,092 - Every fucking morning you complain about it. 165 00:10:58,692 --> 00:11:01,460 You're getting about as predictable as the Arabs. 166 00:11:01,992 --> 00:11:04,293 - If they can just give it a rest one morning. 167 00:11:04,525 --> 00:11:05,892 Why am I explaining myself to you? 168 00:11:05,892 --> 00:11:07,625 Fuck off. 169 00:11:08,959 --> 00:11:10,892 - Hair of the dog, Sergeant? 170 00:11:11,926 --> 00:11:13,926 - Fuck it. 171 00:11:50,193 --> 00:11:51,493 - Good morning. 172 00:11:52,692 --> 00:11:54,092 - Good morning. 173 00:11:55,659 --> 00:11:57,759 Didn't know I had a new roommate. 174 00:11:58,759 --> 00:12:01,460 - We met last night Sir, but you were a little-- 175 00:12:01,460 --> 00:12:02,892 - Drunk. 176 00:12:04,126 --> 00:12:07,226 I was more than drunk, I was black out shit-faced. 177 00:12:08,493 --> 00:12:10,792 The only thing I can remember is, 178 00:12:11,159 --> 00:12:13,559 canned ham and lima beans. 179 00:12:15,959 --> 00:12:17,792 What was your name again? 180 00:12:17,792 --> 00:12:19,759 - Schmidt Sir, Michael Schmidt. 181 00:12:19,759 --> 00:12:23,659 I'm assigned to 4224503, as co-pilot. 182 00:12:23,892 --> 00:12:26,193 - She's called The Lucky Lass. 183 00:12:26,892 --> 00:12:29,625 If she ever flies again, welcome aboard. 184 00:12:30,059 --> 00:12:32,493 - If she ever flies again, Sir? 185 00:12:32,759 --> 00:12:36,193 - If she doesn't, you and I can share a jeep back 186 00:12:36,193 --> 00:12:37,792 to the replacement depo. 187 00:12:38,892 --> 00:12:40,293 - I don't suppose you know when I can expect my 188 00:12:40,293 --> 00:12:41,826 gear to be delivered? 189 00:12:44,126 --> 00:12:46,293 - Probably on the next supply truck in from Algiers. 190 00:12:46,293 --> 00:12:47,393 I mean, wouldn't you know? 191 00:12:47,393 --> 00:12:48,759 You're the replacement. 192 00:12:48,759 --> 00:12:51,359 I flew in with my luggage on the Lass. 193 00:12:51,826 --> 00:12:53,426 - So what happened to the-- 194 00:12:53,426 --> 00:12:55,659 - Are you always this talkative in the morning? 195 00:12:55,926 --> 00:12:57,525 - Sorry, Sir. 196 00:12:59,826 --> 00:13:01,326 - I'm sorry. 197 00:13:03,625 --> 00:13:05,460 I'm not feeling too well right now. 198 00:13:06,293 --> 00:13:08,126 It's been a hard couple days. 199 00:13:09,026 --> 00:13:10,259 Tell you what. 200 00:13:12,226 --> 00:13:13,992 Put some coffee in me. 201 00:13:14,359 --> 00:13:15,659 I'll answer all your questions after 202 00:13:15,659 --> 00:13:17,126 the briefing alright? 203 00:13:17,792 --> 00:13:20,026 But, until then. 204 00:13:20,026 --> 00:13:23,393 Please, shhshsh. 205 00:13:29,859 --> 00:13:31,892 (sighs) 206 00:13:37,725 --> 00:13:39,460 - So how's the batch? 207 00:13:41,725 --> 00:13:43,625 - It's refreshing. 208 00:13:43,625 --> 00:13:44,725 You got your money? 209 00:13:44,725 --> 00:13:46,159 - Yea, I got my money. 210 00:13:46,159 --> 00:13:47,992 You guys flying today? 211 00:13:47,992 --> 00:13:49,159 -No, not us. 212 00:13:49,159 --> 00:13:50,859 Caparelli's got our Bird and Hawk. 213 00:13:50,859 --> 00:13:51,859 You? 214 00:13:52,226 --> 00:13:54,326 - Yea, going back to Girbini. 215 00:13:54,759 --> 00:13:56,359 - Girbini? 216 00:13:57,293 --> 00:13:58,725 Well this one's on the house. 217 00:13:58,725 --> 00:13:59,926 - Thanks Charlie. 218 00:13:59,926 --> 00:14:01,559 - Girbini again. 219 00:14:01,559 --> 00:14:03,226 What's that, 5 days in a row? 220 00:14:03,226 --> 00:14:04,892 - Yea, something like that. 221 00:14:04,892 --> 00:14:06,892 They not hardly shooting at us no more. 222 00:14:06,892 --> 00:14:08,460 A little flack now and again. 223 00:14:08,460 --> 00:14:10,026 We drop bombs. 224 00:14:10,026 --> 00:14:11,426 Back in time for supper. 225 00:14:12,826 --> 00:14:16,226 And here we are, stuck on the ground doing fuck. 226 00:14:16,692 --> 00:14:18,493 How well our crew chief figures out his ass 227 00:14:18,493 --> 00:14:19,992 from a socket wrench. 228 00:14:19,992 --> 00:14:21,159 - [All] (laughs) 229 00:14:21,159 --> 00:14:23,126 - Hey Burr, how's the hang over? 230 00:14:23,126 --> 00:14:24,659 - Hey good morning Sir. 231 00:14:25,460 --> 00:14:26,592 - Hey guys. 232 00:14:26,692 --> 00:14:28,126 You up late today. 233 00:14:28,193 --> 00:14:29,759 - Not a whole lot of incentive to get up before the 234 00:14:29,759 --> 00:14:31,525 Arabs start wailing when we're not flying. 235 00:14:31,525 --> 00:14:32,493 -[All] (laughs) 236 00:14:32,493 --> 00:14:33,926 - It's the guy with the Arabs. 237 00:14:33,926 --> 00:14:34,959 - You guys, they can't keep us on 238 00:14:34,959 --> 00:14:36,359 the ground forever. 239 00:14:36,659 --> 00:14:38,159 Look, if they didn't think the Lass was gonna fly 240 00:14:38,159 --> 00:14:39,293 again then they would have re-assigned us 241 00:14:39,293 --> 00:14:40,926 to other planes by now. 242 00:14:41,293 --> 00:14:43,959 - You got a point Sir but uh, just the same. 243 00:14:45,159 --> 00:14:46,859 You might walk in out on a flight line. 244 00:14:46,859 --> 00:14:48,859 Caparelli's been giving us a run around 245 00:14:48,859 --> 00:14:51,826 and we could really use the back up. 246 00:14:52,092 --> 00:14:53,792 - I would be delighted to. 247 00:14:55,126 --> 00:14:56,525 - Alright this is good. 248 00:14:56,525 --> 00:14:57,826 I want you take a look at Heckman's cow flaps 249 00:14:57,826 --> 00:14:59,826 and also those hydraulics and plane, back 250 00:14:59,826 --> 00:15:01,493 down to last mission, ok? 251 00:15:01,493 --> 00:15:02,625 - Got you. 252 00:15:02,625 --> 00:15:05,026 - The rest of this looks good. 253 00:15:05,026 --> 00:15:06,992 - Excuse me Sir? 254 00:15:07,992 --> 00:15:09,193 - See to it. 255 00:15:09,193 --> 00:15:11,393 - What can I do for you there, Sergeant? 256 00:15:11,393 --> 00:15:13,859 - We were assigned to 4224503. 257 00:15:13,859 --> 00:15:16,092 - That's McCallister's bird. 258 00:15:16,092 --> 00:15:18,559 You're going to find that right down there, on the left. 259 00:15:18,559 --> 00:15:19,692 - Thank you Sir. 260 00:15:30,859 --> 00:15:32,059 - Hey Pal. 261 00:15:32,259 --> 00:15:33,592 Pal. 262 00:15:33,592 --> 00:15:35,625 Sergeant Martinez, Giscard, reporting in. 263 00:15:35,625 --> 00:15:37,460 Looking for Lieutenant McCallister. 264 00:15:37,460 --> 00:15:39,692 - Oh for fucks sake. 265 00:15:39,692 --> 00:15:41,859 Do I look like Lieutenant McCallister? 266 00:15:41,859 --> 00:15:42,892 Huh? 267 00:15:42,892 --> 00:15:44,959 I'm Vincent Caparelli. 268 00:15:44,959 --> 00:15:46,959 But, knowing Lieutenant McCallister, 269 00:15:46,959 --> 00:15:49,226 he and his Mc-crew are already drunk 270 00:15:49,226 --> 00:15:50,792 and pissing the day away. 271 00:15:51,592 --> 00:15:52,725 - Oh well we just figured we'd come-- 272 00:15:52,725 --> 00:15:54,126 - Figured what? 273 00:15:54,126 --> 00:15:55,293 You figured what, what you'd find the entire air crew 274 00:15:55,293 --> 00:15:56,725 just fawning over on their broken bird? 275 00:15:56,725 --> 00:15:57,659 Just waiting for the replacement 276 00:15:57,659 --> 00:15:59,659 waste gunners, to show up? 277 00:15:59,659 --> 00:16:01,359 - We don't know, but what would you suggest 278 00:16:01,359 --> 00:16:02,659 we do Sergeant Caparelli? 279 00:16:02,659 --> 00:16:05,259 - Hey Caparelli, these two giving you trouble? 280 00:16:05,759 --> 00:16:07,526 - Nothing I can't handle. 281 00:16:07,526 --> 00:16:08,892 Besides, these two belong to you. 282 00:16:08,892 --> 00:16:09,759 - We're your new gunners. 283 00:16:09,759 --> 00:16:10,792 I'm Sergeant Giscard 284 00:16:10,792 --> 00:16:12,059 and this is Sergeant Martinez. 285 00:16:12,059 --> 00:16:13,293 - Go see Leiutenant Felps over there, 286 00:16:13,293 --> 00:16:15,426 he'll make sure you're in the right spot but-- 287 00:16:15,426 --> 00:16:17,460 We got business with Caparelli this morning. 288 00:16:17,460 --> 00:16:19,059 - Oh come on. 289 00:16:19,059 --> 00:16:20,259 What do you want from me, huh? 290 00:16:20,259 --> 00:16:22,692 I told you yesterday and the day before that 291 00:16:22,692 --> 00:16:24,159 and the day before that. 292 00:16:24,159 --> 00:16:27,792 We allowed planes on the ground after the (mumbling). 293 00:16:27,959 --> 00:16:29,659 - It's been five days. 294 00:16:29,659 --> 00:16:30,559 - Oh yea? 295 00:16:30,559 --> 00:16:31,493 Your plane was shot to shit 296 00:16:31,493 --> 00:16:33,592 and needed an engine rebuilt. 297 00:16:33,992 --> 00:16:36,493 Look we have a lot crews work around the clock to 298 00:16:36,493 --> 00:16:38,526 keep the planes--where? 299 00:16:38,526 --> 00:16:40,526 In the air and off the ground. 300 00:16:40,526 --> 00:16:41,493 - -But they got to sleep-- 301 00:16:41,493 --> 00:16:42,892 - Alright look. 302 00:16:42,892 --> 00:16:46,093 We appreciate all the hard work that you and your 303 00:16:46,093 --> 00:16:48,293 crew are putting in for the U.S. Army Aircore. 304 00:16:48,293 --> 00:16:53,026 But our plane, specifically, how much longer? 305 00:16:54,126 --> 00:16:55,559 - Jesus Christ. 306 00:16:55,559 --> 00:16:57,026 Alright, here. 307 00:16:57,625 --> 00:17:01,159 42-24503 released for flight operations 308 00:17:01,159 --> 00:17:04,126 as of July 11th 1943. 309 00:17:04,326 --> 00:17:07,460 - Holy shit, how fucking difficult was that? 310 00:17:10,559 --> 00:17:12,725 - Took us 10 hours to fly here from the states. 311 00:17:12,725 --> 00:17:14,493 When they finally got here, they were so short of 312 00:17:14,493 --> 00:17:17,159 crew and planes, the minute we landed, they were 313 00:17:17,159 --> 00:17:19,059 already loading us up with bombs and fuel. 314 00:17:19,526 --> 00:17:21,426 In four hours, we were already up in 315 00:17:21,426 --> 00:17:23,026 the air on our first mission. 316 00:17:23,526 --> 00:17:24,659 You're lucky. 317 00:17:24,659 --> 00:17:26,692 I guess my point is I mean you know, 318 00:17:26,692 --> 00:17:27,892 you've got some time to settle in. 319 00:17:28,493 --> 00:17:30,393 - I'm just anxious to fly Sir. 320 00:17:30,393 --> 00:17:31,792 - Well anxious is good. 321 00:17:31,792 --> 00:17:33,759 Everybody's anxious for their first flight. 322 00:17:33,759 --> 00:17:37,959 By that fifth flight, you're just hoping that-- 323 00:17:39,926 --> 00:17:41,393 Hoping your luck doesn't run out when those 324 00:17:41,393 --> 00:17:43,126 fighters with flack show up. 325 00:17:43,559 --> 00:17:46,493 Looks like your luggage finally caught up with ya. 326 00:17:47,460 --> 00:17:48,826 - Yes Sir. 327 00:17:58,293 --> 00:17:59,725 - Guess that's that. 328 00:18:00,293 --> 00:18:01,493 - Hey Boss! 329 00:18:01,493 --> 00:18:02,759 Good news! 330 00:18:02,759 --> 00:18:04,426 Caparelli's designated the last ready-to-fly. 331 00:18:04,426 --> 00:18:06,359 We're back on the flight roster tomorrow. 332 00:18:06,359 --> 00:18:07,792 - That is good news. 333 00:18:07,792 --> 00:18:09,559 This is Lieutenant Michael Schmidt. 334 00:18:09,559 --> 00:18:10,992 He's our new co-pilot. 335 00:18:10,992 --> 00:18:12,159 - How're you doing? 336 00:18:12,159 --> 00:18:13,259 Archie Mason, navigation. 337 00:18:13,259 --> 00:18:14,159 - Very nice to meet you. 338 00:18:14,159 --> 00:18:15,426 - You too. 339 00:18:15,426 --> 00:18:16,326 - Alright fellas, why don't we go ahead and 340 00:18:16,326 --> 00:18:17,092 take our lunch on the Lass? 341 00:18:17,092 --> 00:18:17,759 Check the girl out. 342 00:18:17,759 --> 00:18:19,092 - Sounds good. 343 00:18:19,092 --> 00:18:21,326 Oh you got a little, something on your. 344 00:18:21,326 --> 00:18:22,826 Oh!(laughs) 345 00:18:24,226 --> 00:18:25,460 - You'll get used to it. 346 00:18:25,460 --> 00:18:26,659 He's an asshole. 347 00:18:37,026 --> 00:18:38,892 - Over there is Officer's country. 348 00:18:38,892 --> 00:18:40,159 Which you should avoid, 349 00:18:40,159 --> 00:18:42,059 unless you've got some business. 350 00:18:42,059 --> 00:18:45,126 Now over there is your latrine pits, 351 00:18:45,126 --> 00:18:46,792 about 150 yards off. 352 00:18:46,926 --> 00:18:48,959 Just follow the smell. 353 00:18:49,692 --> 00:18:51,659 Over there is the mess tent. 354 00:18:51,659 --> 00:18:53,426 You guys get a chance to get breakfast? 355 00:18:53,426 --> 00:18:54,092 - No. 356 00:18:54,092 --> 00:18:54,992 - No, not yet. 357 00:18:54,992 --> 00:18:56,193 - If you missed it today, 358 00:18:56,193 --> 00:18:57,359 you'll get a chance to get it tomorrow. 359 00:18:57,359 --> 00:18:59,126 It's the same thing everyday 360 00:19:01,259 --> 00:19:03,625 and over here, 361 00:19:04,092 --> 00:19:05,692 this is you. 362 00:19:05,692 --> 00:19:09,326 (mumbling) go ahead and store your shit. 363 00:19:17,259 --> 00:19:19,193 Yea, so this is you. 364 00:19:19,526 --> 00:19:22,226 Me, Eddy and Al are in the tent next to you. 365 00:19:22,226 --> 00:19:24,259 Burt here is over on the end. 366 00:19:24,959 --> 00:19:27,193 Wait, why are you three crammed in a tent while 367 00:19:27,193 --> 00:19:28,592 Burt's all alone on the end? 368 00:19:34,659 --> 00:19:36,226 - And there she is. 369 00:19:36,226 --> 00:19:37,559 That's my girl. 370 00:19:38,725 --> 00:19:41,226 - Man it's mighty hot in here next to the boiler 371 00:19:41,226 --> 00:19:43,092 and it's hot enough enough as it is, 372 00:19:43,092 --> 00:19:45,792 so I used to cram in with Jake and Joe. 373 00:19:45,792 --> 00:19:46,926 - What the hell is that thing? 374 00:19:46,926 --> 00:19:47,926 - It's a still. 375 00:19:47,926 --> 00:19:49,226 A pot still. 376 00:19:49,493 --> 00:19:51,460 How'd you guys put that thing together? 377 00:19:51,892 --> 00:19:55,059 - Copper piping and tubing from scrap 17. 378 00:19:55,059 --> 00:19:59,692 Gasoline stove and one standard issue oil drum. 379 00:19:59,692 --> 00:20:02,926 - That and about 20 gallons of aviation fuel. 380 00:20:02,926 --> 00:20:04,326 - Aviation fuel? 381 00:20:04,326 --> 00:20:08,759 - They blend in pure grain alcohol and av-gas to 382 00:20:08,759 --> 00:20:10,659 raise it's octane for the aircraft. 383 00:20:10,659 --> 00:20:14,059 - So we just carefully boil it back out. 384 00:20:14,493 --> 00:20:15,926 - That's genius. 385 00:20:15,926 --> 00:20:17,159 - Yea, we know. 386 00:20:17,159 --> 00:20:18,692 Take some of this moonshine. 387 00:20:18,692 --> 00:20:20,892 Mix in a little water. 388 00:20:20,892 --> 00:20:23,959 - And lemon powder from the carads. 389 00:20:23,959 --> 00:20:25,892 - Get yourself some Irish lemonade. 390 00:20:25,892 --> 00:20:27,992 - (laughs) Whoo that sounds good. 391 00:20:32,092 --> 00:20:33,193 - Alright. 392 00:20:33,625 --> 00:20:34,892 I suppose there's enough room 393 00:20:34,892 --> 00:20:36,026 in our tent for a third. 394 00:20:36,026 --> 00:20:37,393 - Alright! 395 00:20:37,393 --> 00:20:38,393 - Provided we're included in the distribution, 396 00:20:38,393 --> 00:20:39,460 of course. 397 00:20:39,460 --> 00:20:40,692 - Of course. 398 00:20:41,193 --> 00:20:43,393 - We've got new gunners and I think this is an 399 00:20:43,393 --> 00:20:45,126 appropriate situation for a celebration. 400 00:20:45,126 --> 00:20:46,592 - Heck yea. 401 00:20:46,592 --> 00:20:49,992 - So Charlie, do you think we have the starch for a 402 00:20:49,992 --> 00:20:51,792 few extra batches of hooch? 403 00:20:52,826 --> 00:20:54,359 - I know we do. 404 00:20:54,359 --> 00:20:55,892 Why don't you take these two to meet the Louie's 405 00:20:55,892 --> 00:20:57,426 while Eddy scores us some female 406 00:20:57,426 --> 00:20:59,259 companionship for the night. 407 00:20:59,460 --> 00:21:00,625 - Alright, alright. 408 00:21:00,625 --> 00:21:02,259 - This way boys. 409 00:21:02,826 --> 00:21:06,059 - Hay, we'll have refreshments by dinner time. 410 00:21:15,093 --> 00:21:16,592 - You guys are late. 411 00:21:16,692 --> 00:21:18,159 I already checked her out. 412 00:21:19,092 --> 00:21:20,725 They patched her up pretty good though. 413 00:21:20,725 --> 00:21:23,259 So we'll start the engines up after lunch. 414 00:21:23,559 --> 00:21:26,692 Well this is Michael Schmidt, our new co-pilot. 415 00:21:26,692 --> 00:21:27,625 From Iowa. 416 00:21:27,625 --> 00:21:30,226 - Oh uh, new gunners. 417 00:21:30,592 --> 00:21:32,692 Tom and-- 418 00:21:34,093 --> 00:21:35,193 - Oliver. 419 00:21:35,625 --> 00:21:37,460 - Welcome aboard. 420 00:21:37,460 --> 00:21:38,659 Where's Charlie? 421 00:21:38,659 --> 00:21:40,692 - He's making sure that we have plenty of 422 00:21:40,692 --> 00:21:43,259 refreshment for our little celebration. 423 00:21:43,259 --> 00:21:44,625 - (laughs). 424 00:21:44,625 --> 00:21:45,859 - Hey Wally, can you Ziri to find us something 425 00:21:45,859 --> 00:21:47,059 to chow on tonight? 426 00:21:47,059 --> 00:21:47,992 - Of course. 427 00:21:47,992 --> 00:21:49,193 It gives us more incentive to 428 00:21:49,193 --> 00:21:50,725 get all those checks done. 429 00:21:50,725 --> 00:21:52,159 - He's getting pretty girls right? 430 00:21:52,159 --> 00:21:53,359 - Just drink until they get pretty. 431 00:21:53,359 --> 00:21:54,792 - No it's a party. 432 00:21:54,792 --> 00:21:56,926 Hell, I'll see if I can't get Ziri to cater the event. 433 00:22:00,826 --> 00:22:01,792 - Hm. 434 00:22:01,792 --> 00:22:03,393 Oh come one guys. 435 00:22:03,393 --> 00:22:05,026 You got to remember. 436 00:22:05,026 --> 00:22:09,026 The dark haired girl with the green eyes and the 437 00:22:09,026 --> 00:22:10,426 long legs and those big-- 438 00:22:10,426 --> 00:22:11,493 - Sister. 439 00:22:11,493 --> 00:22:13,725 - (laughs) No your mother. 440 00:22:16,559 --> 00:22:19,193 - Oh yea, I remember that one. 441 00:22:19,193 --> 00:22:22,159 What she had isn't anything, 442 00:22:22,159 --> 00:22:23,359 compared to the broads I got 443 00:22:23,359 --> 00:22:24,859 showing up here tonight. 444 00:22:24,959 --> 00:22:26,859 Some local Red Cross nurses. 445 00:22:29,059 --> 00:22:29,926 - Hello. 446 00:22:29,926 --> 00:22:31,259 - Hey, Ziri. 447 00:22:31,259 --> 00:22:32,725 What'd you bring us? 448 00:22:32,926 --> 00:22:34,093 - It's a traditional Indian dish. 449 00:22:34,093 --> 00:22:36,992 Spice goat with couscous in min sauce. 450 00:22:36,992 --> 00:22:37,826 - Cous what? 451 00:22:37,826 --> 00:22:38,992 - Couscous. 452 00:22:38,992 --> 00:22:39,992 - Look at this guys, looks good right? 453 00:22:39,992 --> 00:22:41,692 - Great, thank you Ziri. 454 00:22:41,692 --> 00:22:42,625 - Appreciate it. 455 00:22:42,625 --> 00:22:44,092 - Pleasure, bye bye, goodnight. 456 00:22:44,159 --> 00:22:46,059 - Alright boys, dig in. 457 00:22:46,059 --> 00:22:47,926 - There's no way in hell I'm eating that. 458 00:22:47,926 --> 00:22:48,826 - Yea, I don't know. 459 00:22:48,826 --> 00:22:49,759 I got my dinner right here. 460 00:22:49,759 --> 00:22:51,193 - He worked very hard for this. 461 00:22:51,193 --> 00:22:52,592 A goat died for this. 462 00:22:52,592 --> 00:22:54,126 - And there's no way in hell we're eating that. 463 00:22:54,126 --> 00:22:55,526 - Captain. 464 00:22:55,526 --> 00:22:57,625 Isn't it against protocol to eat civilian food? 465 00:22:57,625 --> 00:22:59,725 - Michael, we won't tell anyone. 466 00:22:59,725 --> 00:23:00,592 - It's still moving Boss. 467 00:23:00,592 --> 00:23:01,992 - Who wants carads? 468 00:23:01,992 --> 00:23:03,959 - They're actually not that bad guys. 469 00:23:03,959 --> 00:23:05,126 - I'll take your word for it. 470 00:23:05,126 --> 00:23:06,293 - Alright. 471 00:23:06,293 --> 00:23:07,426 - I'm telling ya, it's nice marinated. 472 00:23:07,426 --> 00:23:08,692 - We're passing. 473 00:23:10,059 --> 00:23:12,126 - Alright fine, more for me. 474 00:23:12,126 --> 00:23:13,926 You guys enjoy your boxes. 475 00:23:15,259 --> 00:23:18,526 (joyful music) 476 00:23:54,092 --> 00:23:56,293 - Come on kid, straighten up. 477 00:24:03,559 --> 00:24:04,926 This is a wake. 478 00:24:07,592 --> 00:24:09,326 -(mumbling) 479 00:24:20,159 --> 00:24:21,859 - I don't drink, Sir. 480 00:24:21,859 --> 00:24:23,426 - Well you do tonight. 481 00:24:23,426 --> 00:24:24,792 This is a wake. 482 00:24:24,859 --> 00:24:26,992 Everybody drinks at a wake. 483 00:24:34,559 --> 00:24:35,592 Listen up! 484 00:24:36,259 --> 00:24:37,426 To Pops. 485 00:24:39,093 --> 00:24:41,359 You got us through flight training. 486 00:24:41,859 --> 00:24:43,625 You got us through Girbini 487 00:24:44,126 --> 00:24:47,293 and your spirit will get us through this war. 488 00:24:48,093 --> 00:24:49,026 Here, here! 489 00:24:49,026 --> 00:24:50,359 -[All] Here, here! 490 00:24:55,725 --> 00:24:57,159 - To Jake and Joe. 491 00:24:57,159 --> 00:24:58,625 -[All] To Jake and Joe. 492 00:24:58,625 --> 00:25:00,393 - They were good fighters 493 00:25:00,393 --> 00:25:01,926 and good friends. 494 00:25:02,393 --> 00:25:03,859 They will always be remembered. 495 00:25:03,859 --> 00:25:04,725 To Jake and Joe. 496 00:25:04,725 --> 00:25:05,792 - Here, here! 497 00:25:05,792 --> 00:25:07,026 -[All] Here, here! 498 00:25:11,193 --> 00:25:12,293 - Schmidt. 499 00:25:12,293 --> 00:25:13,792 Take a walk with me. 500 00:25:13,792 --> 00:25:14,493 - Yes, Sir. 501 00:25:14,493 --> 00:25:15,259 - Ey! 502 00:25:15,259 --> 00:25:16,426 We need more music. 503 00:25:20,326 --> 00:25:21,792 - Just what we need. 504 00:25:21,792 --> 00:25:23,326 A fucking stiff. 505 00:25:26,326 --> 00:25:27,559 - Sir? 506 00:25:28,059 --> 00:25:29,526 - There's more to being a bomber pilot 507 00:25:29,526 --> 00:25:31,059 than just flying the plane. 508 00:25:32,725 --> 00:25:34,926 - I'm afraid I don't follow. 509 00:25:35,093 --> 00:25:36,359 - A pilot has to be more than just 510 00:25:36,359 --> 00:25:38,259 the guy who flies the plane. 511 00:25:39,092 --> 00:25:40,692 He has to be a father. 512 00:25:40,692 --> 00:25:42,259 A brother, a friend. 513 00:25:42,259 --> 00:25:43,493 All at once. 514 00:25:43,992 --> 00:25:45,859 He has to trust the men under his command 515 00:25:45,859 --> 00:25:47,293 and they have to trust him. 516 00:25:47,293 --> 00:25:49,326 Or else it all goes to shit when it falls in the pot. 517 00:25:51,359 --> 00:25:52,926 - I'm trying my best. 518 00:25:52,926 --> 00:25:54,293 - No you're not. 519 00:25:54,926 --> 00:25:56,859 Do you even know what's going on in there? 520 00:25:57,293 --> 00:25:59,326 - Binge drinking and celebration of 521 00:25:59,326 --> 00:26:00,526 the plane being fixed? 522 00:26:00,526 --> 00:26:01,992 - No, it's coping. 523 00:26:02,460 --> 00:26:04,493 When you're up there getting shot at, 524 00:26:04,493 --> 00:26:06,193 watching the people you care about get killed. 525 00:26:06,193 --> 00:26:08,659 You come back down and you drink. 526 00:26:09,159 --> 00:26:10,992 So you can wake up the next morning and do it 527 00:26:10,992 --> 00:26:12,159 all over again. 528 00:26:13,326 --> 00:26:15,526 They were giving you a free pass, kid. 529 00:26:16,159 --> 00:26:18,092 All you had to do was loosen up. 530 00:26:18,092 --> 00:26:20,526 Just, raise your glass, drink your whiskey 531 00:26:20,526 --> 00:26:22,826 and toast the man you're replacing 532 00:26:23,460 --> 00:26:24,792 and those men would've followed you 533 00:26:24,792 --> 00:26:26,226 to hell and back 534 00:26:26,226 --> 00:26:27,992 But now you're gonna have to find a different way. 535 00:26:31,193 --> 00:26:33,493 So the next time an opportunity comes along for 536 00:26:33,493 --> 00:26:35,259 you and these men to bond like brothers, 537 00:26:35,259 --> 00:26:36,992 I advise you to take it. 538 00:27:08,859 --> 00:27:10,126 - Lieutenant? 539 00:27:10,126 --> 00:27:11,293 Lieutenant? 540 00:27:11,293 --> 00:27:12,493 You have a mandatory briefing. 541 00:27:12,493 --> 00:27:13,792 Scheduled in 30 minutes. 542 00:27:34,625 --> 00:27:36,526 - Get your asses up! 543 00:27:38,826 --> 00:27:39,592 Up, up! 544 00:27:39,592 --> 00:27:40,892 Get them out of bed! 545 00:27:41,026 --> 00:27:42,493 We've got shit to deliver to the Italians. 546 00:27:42,493 --> 00:27:43,559 Let's go. 547 00:27:45,026 --> 00:27:46,759 Let's go, let's go. 548 00:27:55,926 --> 00:27:57,126 - Oh Jesus. 549 00:27:57,959 --> 00:27:58,859 - You ok? 550 00:27:58,859 --> 00:27:59,959 - Aw man. 551 00:28:00,093 --> 00:28:01,659 I can't find my socks. 552 00:28:02,159 --> 00:28:04,359 - I can't find anything right now. 553 00:28:04,759 --> 00:28:05,826 - Fellas. 554 00:28:06,026 --> 00:28:06,959 - Hey Wally. 555 00:28:06,959 --> 00:28:08,259 - Goodmorning. 556 00:28:08,259 --> 00:28:09,426 - How you doing Filly? 557 00:28:10,259 --> 00:28:12,193 - Coffee, food. 558 00:28:12,193 --> 00:28:13,526 Anything would be good right now. 559 00:28:13,526 --> 00:28:14,926 - Got to make it quick. 560 00:28:14,926 --> 00:28:16,293 Briefing in 15. 561 00:28:16,992 --> 00:28:18,592 - I think I'm still drunk guys. 562 00:28:34,526 --> 00:28:35,926 - Good morning Monroe. 563 00:28:36,559 --> 00:28:37,725 Sir. 564 00:28:38,725 --> 00:28:40,426 - Good morning. 565 00:28:42,792 --> 00:28:47,226 Well, well this is an interesting and quite extensive 566 00:28:47,226 --> 00:28:50,092 list if items required Seargeant uh... 567 00:28:50,159 --> 00:28:51,892 What was it? 568 00:28:51,959 --> 00:28:53,493 - O'hara. 569 00:28:53,493 --> 00:28:54,792 - Right. 570 00:28:54,792 --> 00:28:57,460 Perhaps you can explain to me Sergeant O'hara, 571 00:28:57,460 --> 00:29:01,759 the purpose of just a quarter of the items on this list. 572 00:29:02,559 --> 00:29:04,092 - The rations are for the flight today 573 00:29:04,092 --> 00:29:07,259 and the gasoline is for a tent stove. 574 00:29:07,759 --> 00:29:11,059 - A tent stove when it never gets below 95 degrees? 575 00:29:11,792 --> 00:29:14,460 Chocolate bars, cigarettes. 576 00:29:14,460 --> 00:29:16,592 Three emergency aid kits. 577 00:29:16,892 --> 00:29:18,659 Baker's yeast? 578 00:29:19,026 --> 00:29:20,259 - What? 579 00:29:20,259 --> 00:29:22,460 My crew likes bread. 580 00:29:24,625 --> 00:29:26,259 - Let me remind you that the penalty, 581 00:29:26,259 --> 00:29:28,959 for selling army goods to the local population 582 00:29:28,959 --> 00:29:30,293 is quite severe. 583 00:29:30,359 --> 00:29:31,293 - Oh. 584 00:29:31,293 --> 00:29:32,992 - I suggest you remember that. 585 00:29:35,393 --> 00:29:36,692 You'll get your rations, 586 00:29:36,692 --> 00:29:38,559 but that'll be it for today Sergeant. 587 00:29:40,426 --> 00:29:41,992 - Well thank you. 588 00:29:41,992 --> 00:29:44,092 For your advise and your generosity. 589 00:29:45,293 --> 00:29:47,460 - There you are O'hara. 590 00:29:48,559 --> 00:29:49,926 - Thank you 591 00:29:49,926 --> 00:29:51,926 and you take it easy. 592 00:29:51,992 --> 00:29:54,460 - Oh I will Ms. Scarlett. 593 00:29:58,892 --> 00:30:00,493 - Good morning. 594 00:30:02,792 --> 00:30:05,792 Today's target is the martialing yard. 595 00:30:05,926 --> 00:30:09,692 Located in the eastern coastal city of Katanya. 596 00:30:10,659 --> 00:30:13,293 This is going to be a longer than average mission. 597 00:30:13,659 --> 00:30:15,592 As the core selected spans a good distance 598 00:30:15,592 --> 00:30:18,326 across the Mediterranean and crosses 599 00:30:18,326 --> 00:30:20,692 Malta's southern reach. 600 00:30:21,692 --> 00:30:23,692 This is to avoid flying over the invasion force-- 601 00:30:23,692 --> 00:30:24,826 - You okay Boss? 602 00:30:24,826 --> 00:30:26,059 - And island's defenders. 603 00:30:28,426 --> 00:30:30,759 This particular target has been getting bombed 604 00:30:30,759 --> 00:30:34,026 in some capacity since June, 605 00:30:34,026 --> 00:30:38,059 by aria of Wellington's, Mitchell's and Marauders. 606 00:30:38,625 --> 00:30:40,426 But now that Husky's underway, 607 00:30:40,426 --> 00:30:43,826 they want the heavies in there to finish the job. 608 00:30:53,759 --> 00:30:56,625 - Ain't you two a pair of eager beavers. 609 00:30:56,692 --> 00:30:58,326 - Yea you could say that. 610 00:30:58,326 --> 00:31:00,359 It's always nice to make a good first impression. 611 00:31:00,592 --> 00:31:02,826 - Even so, I'm gonna save your lives before you 612 00:31:02,826 --> 00:31:04,293 even stop on to that plane. 613 00:31:04,792 --> 00:31:07,092 - How you gonna do that? 614 00:31:07,159 --> 00:31:09,826 - You see that tent over there? 615 00:31:09,826 --> 00:31:11,625 The one with the black tent peg? 616 00:31:11,859 --> 00:31:13,959 Best way to come back in one piece, 617 00:31:13,959 --> 00:31:15,592 is when you're ready to get on the plane, 618 00:31:15,592 --> 00:31:17,792 you stop and take a piss on it. 619 00:31:18,059 --> 00:31:19,892 - (laughs) No. 620 00:31:19,992 --> 00:31:21,592 - Are you fucking kidding? 621 00:31:21,592 --> 00:31:22,959 - The second mission. 622 00:31:22,959 --> 00:31:24,659 Heavy flack flying all over the place. 623 00:31:24,659 --> 00:31:26,559 Not a single hit on the plane. 624 00:31:26,559 --> 00:31:27,792 Third mission. 625 00:31:27,792 --> 00:31:29,493 Piece of flack the size of a quarter comes 626 00:31:29,493 --> 00:31:32,659 ripping the tail, misses my head by three inches. 627 00:31:32,892 --> 00:31:34,460 I'm telling you, pissing on that peg stops 628 00:31:34,460 --> 00:31:36,460 the flack from getting you. 629 00:31:37,059 --> 00:31:38,026 - Well what about Jake and Joe, 630 00:31:38,026 --> 00:31:39,426 they guys we're replacing then? 631 00:31:39,426 --> 00:31:40,692 Didn't they piss on the tent peg? 632 00:31:40,692 --> 00:31:41,493 - Yea. 633 00:31:42,926 --> 00:31:44,659 - Of course they did, 634 00:31:44,659 --> 00:31:46,359 but it was fighters that got them, not flack. 635 00:31:46,359 --> 00:31:47,826 It's entirely different. 636 00:31:49,059 --> 00:31:51,393 - Just piss on the tent peg. 637 00:31:51,692 --> 00:31:53,259 - Just do it. 638 00:31:53,725 --> 00:31:56,092 - I'm not pissing on a tent peg. 639 00:31:58,059 --> 00:32:00,259 - I don't want anymore of my buddies dying up there. 640 00:32:00,259 --> 00:32:03,625 So just go piss on the fucking tent peg! 641 00:32:07,293 --> 00:32:08,725 See? 642 00:32:08,725 --> 00:32:10,826 Now there's a guy who's serious about his safety. 643 00:32:10,826 --> 00:32:12,359 - Nice work. 644 00:32:12,359 --> 00:32:14,759 You're up. 645 00:32:15,659 --> 00:32:17,092 - You're saving your life. 646 00:32:17,092 --> 00:32:19,359 - And ours, more importantly. 647 00:32:24,959 --> 00:32:26,792 - Hey Boss. 648 00:32:27,625 --> 00:32:29,859 - Geez. 649 00:32:31,359 --> 00:32:32,592 - You ok Boss? 650 00:32:32,592 --> 00:32:33,393 - I'm fine. 651 00:32:33,393 --> 00:32:34,792 - You look like shit. 652 00:32:34,792 --> 00:32:37,326 - Yea I'm fine, I just drink too much last night. 653 00:32:37,426 --> 00:32:38,859 Just the same, we're gonna let Schmidt here, 654 00:32:38,859 --> 00:32:41,493 do most of the flying today. 655 00:32:41,792 --> 00:32:43,092 - So how bad is it? 656 00:32:43,092 --> 00:32:44,926 - Not bad at all. 657 00:32:44,926 --> 00:32:46,692 It's a milk run boys. 658 00:32:46,692 --> 00:32:48,026 Softened up martialing yard with the full 659 00:32:48,026 --> 00:32:50,493 12 bomber squad I'm flying. 660 00:32:50,493 --> 00:32:53,092 Light flack if any, no fighters expected. 661 00:32:53,226 --> 00:32:55,460 But, they're sending us in with some 662 00:32:55,460 --> 00:32:57,059 spit fires from Malta. 663 00:32:57,059 --> 00:32:58,959 - Thank fucking God. 664 00:32:58,959 --> 00:33:00,725 - Where's Al? 665 00:33:01,393 --> 00:33:03,359 - He's in that (mumbling). 666 00:33:03,359 --> 00:33:04,992 Trying to beat the hang over. 667 00:33:05,293 --> 00:33:06,859 - Well that sounds good. 668 00:33:06,859 --> 00:33:08,725 We should go join him. 669 00:33:09,059 --> 00:33:11,493 - Alright fellas, we're scheduled to be up in the air 670 00:33:11,493 --> 00:33:14,859 and in formation in 45 and on mission in 2. 671 00:33:15,092 --> 00:33:17,859 So let's... 672 00:33:18,026 --> 00:33:20,326 Let's get our free flights all done. 673 00:33:20,326 --> 00:33:22,293 Alright? 674 00:33:31,293 --> 00:33:32,426 - Jackpot! 675 00:33:32,426 --> 00:33:34,026 Bacon and cheese. 676 00:33:34,026 --> 00:33:36,059 - Shit, pork and beans again. 677 00:33:39,293 --> 00:33:40,359 - Yea I understand the lemon powder 678 00:33:40,359 --> 00:33:42,026 from the carads. 679 00:33:42,026 --> 00:33:43,959 What's with the crackers? 680 00:33:44,026 --> 00:33:45,359 - What, these? 681 00:33:45,359 --> 00:33:47,725 These are for you buddy. 682 00:33:47,792 --> 00:33:49,725 When the Germans start shooting at us. 683 00:33:49,725 --> 00:33:52,559 You take these, you huck them out that window. 684 00:33:52,559 --> 00:33:54,326 Fools the radar. 685 00:33:56,692 --> 00:33:58,426 - Seriously? 686 00:34:01,092 --> 00:34:03,759 -[All] (laughs) 687 00:35:04,992 --> 00:35:09,226 - (mumbling) 688 00:35:09,226 --> 00:35:10,059 - Hey guys. 689 00:35:10,059 --> 00:35:11,792 I found an Access Sally. 690 00:35:11,792 --> 00:35:14,592 How about some (mumbling) to pass the time? 691 00:35:17,892 --> 00:35:21,460 - That's my girl, start her up! (laughs) 692 00:35:21,460 --> 00:35:24,692 -[Voiceover] But the wind wasn't right. 693 00:35:24,692 --> 00:35:26,326 They just didn't have their hearts in it 694 00:35:26,326 --> 00:35:30,326 and that poor poor Sergeant Stevey. 695 00:35:30,326 --> 00:35:32,759 - Forty minutes to I-P. 696 00:35:32,759 --> 00:35:34,259 - Rodger. 697 00:35:41,725 --> 00:35:42,959 - Got it? 698 00:35:42,959 --> 00:35:44,625 -[Voiceover] To think he has a chance but, 699 00:35:44,625 --> 00:35:46,892 only time will tell. 700 00:35:46,892 --> 00:35:49,792 So to all you boys going ashore today, 701 00:35:49,792 --> 00:35:52,892 goodluck and let me say goodnight. 702 00:36:07,059 --> 00:36:08,826 - Hey Boss, I got a message from Abel. 703 00:36:08,826 --> 00:36:09,959 Extensive cloud coverage 704 00:36:09,959 --> 00:36:11,659 extending over the target area. 705 00:36:11,659 --> 00:36:13,226 We are instructed to use the clouds as cover 706 00:36:13,226 --> 00:36:15,293 until our turn towards the I-P. 707 00:36:15,293 --> 00:36:17,226 Descend at 18,000 feet 708 00:36:17,226 --> 00:36:19,259 and 3 degrees angle descent. 709 00:36:19,259 --> 00:36:21,359 - Rodger that, Charlie. 710 00:36:22,226 --> 00:36:23,826 Changing. 711 00:36:24,460 --> 00:36:26,226 Vector. 712 00:36:45,226 --> 00:36:46,426 Oh God. 713 00:36:46,426 --> 00:36:47,592 Shit. 714 00:36:48,059 --> 00:36:49,826 - What's wrong, Sir? 715 00:36:50,926 --> 00:36:52,393 Burt. 716 00:36:52,393 --> 00:36:54,093 Give me your helmet. 717 00:36:54,093 --> 00:36:55,725 - What for? 718 00:36:55,725 --> 00:36:57,926 - Just give me your god damn helmet. 719 00:37:09,826 --> 00:37:11,326 Fuck. 720 00:37:18,659 --> 00:37:21,026 - Hey Charlie, make a log entry. 721 00:37:21,026 --> 00:37:23,093 Spice goat with couscous. 722 00:37:23,093 --> 00:37:25,725 Bad pre-flight cuisine choice. 723 00:37:25,725 --> 00:37:27,792 You okay Boss? 724 00:37:27,792 --> 00:37:29,426 - I'm fine. 725 00:37:29,859 --> 00:37:32,093 Feel a lot better now. 726 00:37:32,093 --> 00:37:34,293 - What the hell do I do with this? 727 00:37:34,293 --> 00:37:36,725 - Give it back to Ziri. 728 00:37:36,725 --> 00:37:39,792 Tonight, I'm taking (mumbling). 729 00:38:17,892 --> 00:38:20,625 - Sir, I had my eye on Baker 1 the entire time. 730 00:38:20,625 --> 00:38:21,560 - I-- 731 00:38:21,560 --> 00:38:22,460 - You mean you were flying my 732 00:38:22,460 --> 00:38:24,859 instruments in this suit? 733 00:38:26,892 --> 00:38:29,259 - Archie, tell me where the hell we are. 734 00:38:34,193 --> 00:38:37,126 - Wally, you're gonna need to give me a moment 735 00:38:37,126 --> 00:38:38,592 to figure this out. 736 00:38:38,826 --> 00:38:40,759 - Wherever we are, we've got company. 737 00:38:40,759 --> 00:38:42,659 1-0-9, red count. 738 00:38:42,659 --> 00:38:45,859 Boss, 5 coming up fast! 739 00:38:48,692 --> 00:38:50,259 - Hey Wally, what the hell is going on up there? 740 00:38:50,259 --> 00:38:52,659 You want to fill in the rest of the family? 741 00:38:53,826 --> 00:38:55,625 - We're off course and we've got incoming fires. 742 00:38:55,625 --> 00:38:58,226 Eyes open gentlemen, hold on tight. 743 00:38:58,226 --> 00:39:01,326 We don't have (mumbling). 744 00:39:34,625 --> 00:39:36,659 - Motherfucker, they're all over the place. 745 00:39:38,493 --> 00:39:39,659 - Charlie, get on the radio. 746 00:39:39,659 --> 00:39:40,592 Request immediate assistance from 747 00:39:40,592 --> 00:39:41,892 any friendlies in the area. 748 00:39:41,892 --> 00:39:43,259 - I'm way ahead of you Boss. 749 00:39:43,259 --> 00:39:45,659 I might have some (background noise covers voice). 750 00:39:46,026 --> 00:39:47,226 - Rodger. 751 00:39:47,460 --> 00:39:50,092 - (mumbling) 752 00:39:50,259 --> 00:39:51,159 - Which way, where? 753 00:39:51,159 --> 00:39:53,892 - (mumbling) 754 00:40:13,560 --> 00:40:15,592 - Charlie, tell them to get here a hell of a lot faster. 755 00:40:15,592 --> 00:40:16,659 They're gonna miss the party. 756 00:40:16,659 --> 00:40:17,592 - If I keep this up Boss, 757 00:40:17,592 --> 00:40:20,026 I'm gonna run low on ammo. 758 00:40:20,026 --> 00:40:21,193 - I'm getting low too. 759 00:40:23,826 --> 00:40:25,959 - Okay fellas, make every shot count. 760 00:40:25,959 --> 00:40:27,992 We're got help on the way. 761 00:40:27,992 --> 00:40:28,892 - Hey Wally, I think that they're screwing with us. 762 00:40:28,892 --> 00:40:31,226 They're coming up on our 6. 763 00:40:31,326 --> 00:40:32,725 - Alright boys, don't hold back. 764 00:40:32,725 --> 00:40:34,526 I'm only gonna get one shot at those 1-0-9's 765 00:40:34,526 --> 00:40:36,226 'cause once those fighters make the run at us, 766 00:40:36,226 --> 00:40:38,926 there's not gonna be much left to last up here. 767 00:40:38,926 --> 00:40:40,259 Now you boys make sure you shoot to clear 768 00:40:40,259 --> 00:40:41,792 and ready to hook up. 769 00:40:41,792 --> 00:40:43,692 I'll see you on the ground. 770 00:40:43,926 --> 00:40:46,226 - Alright, they're coming into rings. 771 00:40:47,259 --> 00:40:48,460 - Fuck, this is it. 772 00:40:48,460 --> 00:40:50,592 Let's make them pay for that kill. 773 00:40:54,659 --> 00:40:55,792 - Wait a minute. 774 00:40:55,792 --> 00:40:57,826 Incoming friendlies, 6 o' clock high. 775 00:41:00,592 --> 00:41:05,592 (instrumental music) 776 00:41:14,926 --> 00:41:16,625 - War hogs, boys. 777 00:41:16,625 --> 00:41:17,560 - Whoo! 778 00:41:17,560 --> 00:41:18,759 - Yea, give them hell boys! 779 00:41:18,859 --> 00:41:20,359 - This is Yankee 1, sorry we're late. 780 00:41:20,359 --> 00:41:21,792 You guys okay? 781 00:41:21,892 --> 00:41:23,560 - Better late than never. 782 00:41:23,560 --> 00:41:26,059 We're low on ammo and taking a beating. 783 00:41:26,059 --> 00:41:27,326 - Rodger, we'll try and draw them off you. 784 00:41:27,326 --> 00:41:28,959 - Yankee 2, break left, I've got this one. 785 00:41:29,692 --> 00:41:31,059 - (mumbling) I'm on them. 786 00:41:31,059 --> 00:41:32,493 - Yankee 1, you've got a bogey on your 6. 787 00:41:32,493 --> 00:41:33,792 - I see him. 788 00:42:03,659 --> 00:42:04,859 - Fighters are taking care of a few 789 00:42:04,859 --> 00:42:06,725 and we've still got plenty to deal with. 790 00:42:06,725 --> 00:42:07,792 Alright you guys, let me know which direction 791 00:42:07,792 --> 00:42:09,093 I should be going. 792 00:42:09,093 --> 00:42:11,326 - We'll work on it Boss, but South is a good bet. 793 00:42:11,326 --> 00:42:12,659 I've got that much covered. 794 00:42:12,659 --> 00:42:14,560 Let me know when you guys are headed. 795 00:42:32,526 --> 00:42:33,426 - I hope those fighters are having a 796 00:42:33,426 --> 00:42:35,692 better time than we are. 797 00:42:35,692 --> 00:42:38,792 - Alright you bastards (background covers voice). 798 00:42:55,393 --> 00:42:58,326 - (mumbling) let's go for a little fly. 799 00:43:09,560 --> 00:43:10,826 - Come on. 800 00:43:10,826 --> 00:43:12,226 Come on. 801 00:43:16,026 --> 00:43:16,725 Just a little higher. 802 00:43:16,992 --> 00:43:18,426 Come on. 803 00:43:29,493 --> 00:43:31,926 Alright, now you're mine. 804 00:44:05,926 --> 00:44:07,426 Split one! 805 00:44:08,859 --> 00:44:09,959 - Hey nice shooting Yankee 1. 806 00:44:09,959 --> 00:44:11,493 - Got mine too. 807 00:44:12,059 --> 00:44:13,493 - (mumbling) 808 00:44:13,493 --> 00:44:15,226 - Rodger. 809 00:44:18,326 --> 00:44:22,725 (background noise covers voices) 810 00:44:39,659 --> 00:44:40,560 - Yes! 811 00:44:40,560 --> 00:44:41,659 Take that you brown fuck! 812 00:44:50,926 --> 00:44:51,859 - Looks like they're breaking off. 813 00:44:51,859 --> 00:44:52,692 Guess they ain't got a taste for 814 00:44:52,692 --> 00:44:54,393 targets that shoot back. 815 00:44:54,393 --> 00:44:56,259 - Rodger that. 816 00:45:00,992 --> 00:45:02,725 - They are bugging out (mumbling). 817 00:45:02,725 --> 00:45:03,725 - Now we've got enough fuel to 818 00:45:03,725 --> 00:45:04,992 get you back to the Mat. 819 00:45:04,992 --> 00:45:06,259 You promise not to get into anymore trouble 820 00:45:06,259 --> 00:45:07,426 once we get you there? 821 00:45:07,426 --> 00:45:08,826 - On my honor Yankee 1. 822 00:45:08,826 --> 00:45:10,493 - Next time you're in Navrick, drinks are on me. 823 00:45:10,493 --> 00:45:11,592 Rodger that, Baker 1. 824 00:45:11,592 --> 00:45:12,992 Yankee 1, out. 825 00:45:14,493 --> 00:45:15,326 - Charlie go ahead and send a 826 00:45:15,326 --> 00:45:16,859 message out to Navrick. 827 00:45:16,859 --> 00:45:18,226 Tell them about our situation 828 00:45:18,226 --> 00:45:20,393 and we're aborting mission. 829 00:45:20,393 --> 00:45:21,326 Archie? 830 00:45:21,326 --> 00:45:22,526 Head us home. 831 00:45:22,526 --> 00:45:25,526 - Alright Boss, turn to 1 nine-r 8. 832 00:45:28,293 --> 00:45:30,059 - Turning to 1 nine-r 8. 833 00:45:31,560 --> 00:45:33,560 - Sir, I'm sorry. 834 00:45:36,293 --> 00:45:37,725 - You've got to be kidding. 835 00:45:37,725 --> 00:45:39,359 That's one more mission we're not getting credit for. 836 00:45:41,359 --> 00:45:45,992 (sad instrumental music) 837 00:46:33,393 --> 00:46:36,725 - I just passed the Doc on the way over. 838 00:46:36,725 --> 00:46:39,059 - Yea, he said I had mild food poisoning. 839 00:46:39,992 --> 00:46:41,326 Didn't feel so mild to me but, 840 00:46:41,326 --> 00:46:45,592 said I'm supposed to be feeling better soon. 841 00:46:45,592 --> 00:46:48,026 He gave me some pepto bismal. 842 00:46:49,959 --> 00:46:51,393 - Sorry about screwing up today Sir. 843 00:46:51,393 --> 00:46:52,926 It won't happen again. 844 00:46:53,059 --> 00:46:55,359 - Yea I know it won't happen again. 845 00:46:55,725 --> 00:46:58,326 Come on in Mike and have a seat. 846 00:47:01,692 --> 00:47:04,460 You know you only fuck up that bad once. 847 00:47:04,460 --> 00:47:07,026 You can't let that happen again. 848 00:47:08,026 --> 00:47:09,725 'Course you're 'spose to get that out of your system in 849 00:47:09,725 --> 00:47:13,092 flight training but, things happen. 850 00:47:14,792 --> 00:47:16,959 You fucked up on a milk run, kid. 851 00:47:17,625 --> 00:47:18,959 Certainly not gonna win a popularity 852 00:47:18,959 --> 00:47:20,892 contest with the crew. 853 00:47:22,326 --> 00:47:24,093 - What can I do to smooth this over? 854 00:47:25,359 --> 00:47:28,259 - (scoffs) I'm not sure there's much you can do. 855 00:47:29,293 --> 00:47:32,426 But if I were you, I'd walk out there with my head 856 00:47:32,426 --> 00:47:35,759 hung low, apologize and drink with those men until 857 00:47:35,759 --> 00:47:37,959 they forgot what I did wrong. 858 00:47:39,759 --> 00:47:41,293 - I'm not sure about the drinking Sir, 859 00:47:41,293 --> 00:47:43,393 but I can certainly apologize. 860 00:47:43,393 --> 00:47:47,226 -(laughs) Well it's a start. 861 00:47:50,592 --> 00:47:52,625 They're probably on their way to the chow tanner. 862 00:47:52,625 --> 00:47:53,992 To the still. 863 00:47:54,759 --> 00:47:56,059 You can go catch them. 864 00:48:11,560 --> 00:48:13,759 - Yea so Lieutenant Flack Magnet-- 865 00:48:13,759 --> 00:48:15,625 uh, what was I talking about? 866 00:48:19,859 --> 00:48:21,692 - You were talking about that stuff, Schmidt. 867 00:48:21,692 --> 00:48:22,792 - Oh yea. 868 00:48:22,792 --> 00:48:24,326 Mr. Flack Magnet did his best to 869 00:48:24,326 --> 00:48:25,959 get us killed on mission today. 870 00:48:25,959 --> 00:48:28,359 - Lieutenant Schmidt should just stay on his fucking 871 00:48:28,359 --> 00:48:30,592 side of the field from now on. 872 00:48:30,592 --> 00:48:31,792 That's all I'm saying. 873 00:48:31,792 --> 00:48:32,692 - I don't think the Army put up with taking a 874 00:48:32,692 --> 00:48:34,259 baseball bat to an officer. 875 00:48:34,259 --> 00:48:36,526 Regardless of how bad he fucked up. 876 00:48:36,526 --> 00:48:38,926 - Yea but fucking up on a milk run? 877 00:48:39,359 --> 00:48:41,393 - All I know is, my crew's ready to disappear his ass 878 00:48:41,393 --> 00:48:43,059 into the desert. 879 00:48:43,059 --> 00:48:45,393 Take our chances with the next replacement. 880 00:48:45,393 --> 00:48:46,926 - What about Mason, your navigator? 881 00:48:46,926 --> 00:48:48,359 I heard he went to flight school. 882 00:48:48,359 --> 00:48:49,359 - What? 883 00:48:49,359 --> 00:48:50,560 Archie went to flight school? 884 00:48:50,560 --> 00:48:51,792 - Yea. 885 00:48:51,792 --> 00:48:53,625 - How the hell did he become a navigator? 886 00:48:53,625 --> 00:48:54,759 - Well he went to be a fighter pilot 887 00:48:54,759 --> 00:48:56,926 but they washed him out. 888 00:48:56,926 --> 00:48:57,959 - Why? 889 00:48:58,226 --> 00:48:59,625 What'd he do to deserve that? 890 00:48:59,625 --> 00:49:01,826 - Aren't you a nosy little spick. 891 00:49:02,259 --> 00:49:04,359 - Count me in the nosy column too then. 892 00:49:04,359 --> 00:49:06,359 - Alright, alright. 893 00:49:06,359 --> 00:49:09,059 I might've heard he uh, 894 00:49:09,059 --> 00:49:09,792 crashed a trainer on the runway. 895 00:49:09,792 --> 00:49:12,092 -[All] (laughs) 896 00:49:12,092 --> 00:49:13,426 - CAA kind of frowns on that, 897 00:49:13,426 --> 00:49:14,992 so they washed him out. 898 00:49:14,992 --> 00:49:16,359 - Yea, well maybe landing ain't Mason's 899 00:49:16,359 --> 00:49:17,926 strong suit but even so, 900 00:49:17,926 --> 00:49:19,560 he could've flown a compass heading 901 00:49:19,560 --> 00:49:21,692 through a couple of clouds. 902 00:49:21,692 --> 00:49:22,926 - Yea I mean, 903 00:49:22,926 --> 00:49:24,326 flying instruments is supposed to be, 904 00:49:24,326 --> 00:49:26,826 basic training for a pilot. 905 00:49:27,026 --> 00:49:29,592 Fucking Schmidt couldn't even do that. 906 00:49:29,659 --> 00:49:30,826 - Yea even Al can do that. 907 00:49:30,826 --> 00:49:33,026 - What's that suppoesd to mean. 908 00:49:35,759 --> 00:49:37,992 - How you doing Wally? 909 00:49:39,725 --> 00:49:42,826 I think the cure is worse than the disease. 910 00:49:43,659 --> 00:49:45,826 - (laughs) I hear that. 911 00:49:47,026 --> 00:49:48,959 Brought you something to eat. 912 00:49:48,959 --> 00:49:51,326 - I don't think I can stomach that right now. 913 00:49:52,259 --> 00:49:53,426 - Oh come on now. 914 00:49:53,426 --> 00:49:54,759 I know it's not the usual Burbur fare 915 00:49:54,759 --> 00:49:56,659 you've come to enjoy. 916 00:49:56,659 --> 00:49:58,759 - (laughs) 917 00:50:02,826 --> 00:50:04,326 - Food poisoning aside, you okay? 918 00:50:04,625 --> 00:50:07,293 - (sighs) Never thought I'd have to sit in the pilot's 919 00:50:07,293 --> 00:50:09,625 seat and be the den mother to a pack of hooligan's 920 00:50:09,625 --> 00:50:12,092 and a clueless co-pilot who can't find his ass with 921 00:50:12,092 --> 00:50:14,826 both hands and a map. 922 00:50:14,826 --> 00:50:16,792 -(laughs) No, but you're better at it than you think. 923 00:50:17,059 --> 00:50:18,659 - I am maybe. 924 00:50:19,759 --> 00:50:23,759 Whether I'm good at it or not though, Art. 925 00:50:23,759 --> 00:50:26,759 I wasn't ready for this all to fall in my lap. 926 00:50:27,526 --> 00:50:28,826 - If we waited until we were ready for things to 927 00:50:28,826 --> 00:50:30,560 happen before we did anything, 928 00:50:30,560 --> 00:50:33,493 we'd never do anything. 929 00:50:36,560 --> 00:50:37,992 - I suppose you're right, Arch. 930 00:50:37,992 --> 00:50:40,293 - Of course I'm right. 931 00:50:40,692 --> 00:50:42,092 - Ow! 932 00:50:42,259 --> 00:50:43,592 - I'm always right. 933 00:50:43,592 --> 00:50:44,959 - And yet so humble. 934 00:50:44,959 --> 00:50:47,725 - Yeap, that too. 935 00:50:48,226 --> 00:50:50,426 Feel better Boss. 936 00:50:55,259 --> 00:50:56,659 - Hey (mumbling). 937 00:50:56,659 --> 00:50:58,393 Try this on the Lass. 938 00:51:16,992 --> 00:51:17,926 Hey Chief? 939 00:51:17,926 --> 00:51:18,692 Chief? 940 00:51:18,692 --> 00:51:19,460 - Yea? 941 00:51:19,460 --> 00:51:21,059 - Come here. 942 00:51:21,159 --> 00:51:22,592 You should see this. 943 00:51:28,592 --> 00:51:30,359 Get those engines covered! 944 00:51:30,359 --> 00:51:31,759 Get the engines covered now! 945 00:51:31,759 --> 00:51:36,759 Come on, move it! 946 00:51:36,826 --> 00:51:40,326 (screaming) 947 00:51:46,426 --> 00:51:48,293 - Come on Burt, come on. 948 00:51:48,393 --> 00:51:49,926 It's nearly on us. 949 00:51:50,326 --> 00:51:52,326 - Yea, I'm gonna be thirsty. 950 00:52:28,460 --> 00:52:30,460 - It's a sand storm. 951 00:52:30,725 --> 00:52:32,426 They come up every now and again. 952 00:52:34,426 --> 00:52:35,826 Problem? 953 00:52:35,959 --> 00:52:37,560 - Yea. 954 00:52:38,326 --> 00:52:39,959 I'm thinking about asking to be transferred 955 00:52:39,959 --> 00:52:41,560 to another plane. 956 00:52:42,426 --> 00:52:45,826 - I take it the apology didn't go well then, huh? 957 00:52:45,892 --> 00:52:47,526 - Let's just say, I get the impression that they 958 00:52:47,526 --> 00:52:48,859 didn't wanna hear one. 959 00:52:51,059 --> 00:52:52,226 - Just give them a night to cool off. 960 00:52:52,226 --> 00:52:53,359 They'll come around. 961 00:52:53,359 --> 00:52:55,059 - Yea well I'm doing my best. 962 00:52:55,059 --> 00:52:56,460 I really am I just-- 963 00:52:56,460 --> 00:52:58,560 I'm not sure that I can be Pops. 964 00:52:59,859 --> 00:53:01,026 - Well I think that would be 965 00:53:01,026 --> 00:53:03,426 an unreasonable request on their part. 966 00:53:03,426 --> 00:53:05,460 I do know something that's gonna help though. 967 00:53:05,460 --> 00:53:07,226 - And what's that? 968 00:53:07,226 --> 00:53:08,426 - Flack. 969 00:53:08,426 --> 00:53:09,625 When stick enough to walk on 970 00:53:09,625 --> 00:53:11,659 and you're up there with them. 971 00:53:18,393 --> 00:53:21,759 - You're telling me that I should pray for flack? 972 00:53:22,259 --> 00:53:24,359 So that a bunch of guys who hate me will stop hating 973 00:53:24,359 --> 00:53:26,293 me and learn to trust me. 974 00:53:26,560 --> 00:53:27,493 - Yea. 975 00:53:27,493 --> 00:53:29,293 Something like that. 976 00:53:29,293 --> 00:53:30,892 Good news is this a shooting war and everything so 977 00:53:30,892 --> 00:53:32,892 it's just a matter of time. 978 00:53:33,560 --> 00:53:36,092 - You ever feel like you're living on borrowed time? 979 00:53:36,493 --> 00:53:38,759 - Yea every second of the day. 980 00:53:39,959 --> 00:53:43,393 Luckily, there is medication for that though. 981 00:53:46,892 --> 00:53:48,359 Go ahead. 982 00:53:48,359 --> 00:53:50,259 Pick the bottle up and take a swig. 983 00:53:51,426 --> 00:53:52,326 It's good for you. 984 00:53:52,326 --> 00:53:54,460 It's gonna ease the nerves. 985 00:54:06,692 --> 00:54:08,725 - That's really terrible. 986 00:54:09,226 --> 00:54:11,959 - Yea but it works. 987 00:54:12,959 --> 00:54:15,026 Get some rest. 988 00:54:15,092 --> 00:54:17,359 We'll fly in the morning. 989 00:54:18,859 --> 00:54:20,092 - (sighs) 990 00:54:34,826 --> 00:54:36,259 - Ever get deja vu? 991 00:54:37,092 --> 00:54:38,792 - Every got damn day. 992 00:54:41,759 --> 00:54:43,393 - Finally. 993 00:54:54,393 --> 00:54:56,792 - What the fuck!? 994 00:54:57,526 --> 00:54:59,692 I'm gonna shit in your fucking canteen. 995 00:55:02,592 --> 00:55:04,059 Fucking assholes. 996 00:55:07,259 --> 00:55:09,059 - You are going down now my friend. 997 00:55:09,059 --> 00:55:09,892 - Give me two. 998 00:55:09,892 --> 00:55:10,692 - No. 999 00:55:10,692 --> 00:55:11,859 You dealt me this hand. 1000 00:55:11,859 --> 00:55:12,792 - Come on, are we gonna pay some cards 1001 00:55:12,792 --> 00:55:13,959 or are we gonna play some cards 1002 00:55:14,560 --> 00:55:16,859 (voices overlapping) 1003 00:55:16,859 --> 00:55:18,526 - Fellas? 1004 00:55:18,526 --> 00:55:19,460 - Hey Captain. 1005 00:55:19,460 --> 00:55:20,692 - Hey Boss. 1006 00:55:20,692 --> 00:55:22,493 Oh great, flack magnet. 1007 00:55:22,692 --> 00:55:24,393 - Well lucky us! 1008 00:55:24,393 --> 00:55:26,460 - Guess he survived the sandstorm. 1009 00:55:29,393 --> 00:55:30,759 - Still feeling a little under the weather. 1010 00:55:30,759 --> 00:55:32,692 Why don't you take the pilot's seat today? 1011 00:55:33,892 --> 00:55:35,259 - You sure about that Captain? 1012 00:55:35,259 --> 00:55:36,826 - Let's do the pre-flights. 1013 00:55:36,892 --> 00:55:38,126 - Yes Sir. 1014 00:55:39,826 --> 00:55:41,426 - Man that nut farm boy couldn't find his 1015 00:55:41,426 --> 00:55:43,393 asshole from a hole in the ground. 1016 00:55:44,326 --> 00:55:45,526 Hey Tommy, how much you wanna bet he 1017 00:55:45,526 --> 00:55:47,625 fucks up this mission too? 1018 00:56:00,859 --> 00:56:03,859 - I am taking you guys to the cleaners! 1019 00:56:10,759 --> 00:56:12,692 - Oh Jesus. 1020 00:56:15,526 --> 00:56:17,293 - First he blows a mission. 1021 00:56:17,293 --> 00:56:19,460 Now he's screwing up our poker game. 1022 00:56:20,326 --> 00:56:21,892 I had a hand. 1023 00:56:22,092 --> 00:56:23,992 - Reducing power. 1024 00:56:24,059 --> 00:56:25,592 Cow flap? 1025 00:56:25,859 --> 00:56:27,859 - Checked out. 1026 00:56:28,393 --> 00:56:29,926 - Landing gear? 1027 00:56:30,326 --> 00:56:32,293 - Up and locked. 1028 00:56:35,992 --> 00:56:37,625 What was that jolt? 1029 00:56:37,859 --> 00:56:39,892 - I don't know. 1030 00:56:39,892 --> 00:56:41,526 Give me a moment Boss. 1031 00:56:41,692 --> 00:56:42,859 - Ok fellas. 1032 00:56:42,859 --> 00:56:44,460 We're the last ones up. 1033 00:56:44,460 --> 00:56:46,326 Proceed to 20,000 feet. 1034 00:56:46,526 --> 00:56:48,560 - Yea, rodger that. 1035 00:56:48,926 --> 00:56:51,026 Taking up to 20,000 feet. 1036 00:56:52,560 --> 00:56:53,859 What the hell. 1037 00:56:53,859 --> 00:56:56,526 Burt, we've got a problem here. 1038 00:56:57,259 --> 00:56:58,226 - I know. 1039 00:56:58,226 --> 00:57:00,059 I'm seeing it. 1040 00:57:00,059 --> 00:57:02,759 I need you 3 and 4, oil brakes are rising. 1041 00:57:03,293 --> 00:57:05,625 - Yea, I'm having trouble staying in formation here. 1042 00:57:05,625 --> 00:57:06,892 - I can imagine. 1043 00:57:06,892 --> 00:57:09,259 A good play with the mixture. 1044 00:57:09,326 --> 00:57:12,226 See if you can keep up with them while I do it. 1045 00:57:22,226 --> 00:57:23,593 This isn't working. 1046 00:57:23,593 --> 00:57:25,560 We're gonna have an engine fire at this rate. 1047 00:57:25,560 --> 00:57:26,892 - Understood. 1048 00:57:26,892 --> 00:57:28,826 Throttle back. 1049 00:57:29,393 --> 00:57:31,059 - Engine 3 is out 1050 00:57:32,560 --> 00:57:34,493 and now engine 4 is out. 1051 00:57:35,026 --> 00:57:36,293 - Yea give me a moment Boss 1052 00:57:36,293 --> 00:57:38,259 I'm checking things out. 1053 00:57:38,359 --> 00:57:40,826 Oh no, these engines are running way hot. 1054 00:57:40,826 --> 00:57:43,259 - With the air speed Burt, what's the situation? 1055 00:57:45,493 --> 00:57:46,393 - Two just went out. 1056 00:57:46,393 --> 00:57:48,026 We're down to one engine. 1057 00:57:48,026 --> 00:57:49,226 - Still working on the problem Boss. 1058 00:57:49,226 --> 00:57:50,992 Give me a minute. 1059 00:57:50,992 --> 00:57:51,792 - That might be optimistic. 1060 00:57:51,792 --> 00:57:52,692 - Keep her in the air. 1061 00:57:52,692 --> 00:57:54,625 I'm gonna work on engine 3. 1062 00:57:57,426 --> 00:57:59,725 Ok Boss, I've done about all I can. 1063 00:57:59,725 --> 00:58:01,226 Go ahead and give engine 3 a try. 1064 00:58:11,393 --> 00:58:12,460 - Burt, we're way too heavy to be 1065 00:58:12,460 --> 00:58:14,092 flying on one engine. 1066 00:58:14,393 --> 00:58:15,759 - I can't read on the mixture anymore. 1067 00:58:15,759 --> 00:58:17,092 It's too thin up here. 1068 00:58:17,092 --> 00:58:18,625 We need to reduce altitude. 1069 00:58:18,625 --> 00:58:19,560 - Rodger. 1070 00:58:19,560 --> 00:58:21,493 Michael drop to (mumbling) fast. 1071 00:58:21,493 --> 00:58:23,326 - Ok Boss. 1072 00:58:23,393 --> 00:58:25,226 Let's give it a try now. 1073 00:58:33,359 --> 00:58:35,826 - Ok Burt, engine 3 and 4 are up. 1074 00:58:35,826 --> 00:58:36,859 Trying 2. 1075 00:58:39,526 --> 00:58:41,625 Alright, we got 2 back up. 1076 00:58:41,725 --> 00:58:43,092 - Pull up. 1077 00:58:54,959 --> 00:58:56,426 - Hey Wally, why is there a mountain 1078 00:58:56,426 --> 00:58:58,393 outside my window? 1079 00:58:58,992 --> 00:59:00,460 - I'll do it. 1080 00:59:00,460 --> 00:59:02,293 Let it come from me. 1081 00:59:06,826 --> 00:59:08,859 Notifying Abel 1 that we are aborting mission 1082 00:59:08,859 --> 00:59:11,560 due to mechanical failure. 1083 00:59:15,560 --> 00:59:17,359 - That's two love birds in a row. 1084 00:59:17,359 --> 00:59:19,226 - That's 6 in a row, just 'cause we weren't flying, 1085 00:59:19,226 --> 00:59:21,293 don't mean we didn't miss them. 1086 00:59:21,625 --> 00:59:22,992 - What's the matter Eddy? 1087 00:59:22,992 --> 00:59:24,526 You're thinking we're jinxed or something? 1088 00:59:24,526 --> 00:59:25,625 - We ain't jinxed. 1089 00:59:25,625 --> 00:59:28,026 - It's that gwaup Caparelli. 1090 00:59:28,026 --> 00:59:29,625 He's fucking with us, I know it. 1091 00:59:40,526 --> 00:59:41,725 - Hey Chief, there's-- 1092 00:59:41,725 --> 00:59:43,426 - Jesus Christ, come on don't you fuckers 1093 00:59:43,426 --> 00:59:44,992 know how to knock? 1094 00:59:44,992 --> 00:59:46,293 - Sorry Cap but 1095 00:59:46,293 --> 00:59:48,493 tower reports there's a bird coming back. 1096 00:59:48,493 --> 00:59:49,293 - Which one? 1097 00:59:49,293 --> 00:59:51,259 - It's the last, Cap. 1098 00:59:53,625 --> 00:59:55,326 - Jesus. 1099 00:59:55,326 --> 00:59:57,526 The bad penny that keeps turning up. 1100 00:59:58,359 --> 00:59:59,759 Alright let me get dressed. 1101 00:59:59,759 --> 01:00:01,026 I'll be out there in 10. 1102 01:00:01,026 --> 01:00:02,892 - Good luck. 1103 01:00:14,460 --> 01:00:15,259 - No. 1104 01:00:15,259 --> 01:00:16,460 But what I do want 1105 01:00:16,460 --> 01:00:17,759 is for you to open the fucking engines 1106 01:00:17,759 --> 01:00:19,560 and fix that shit. 1107 01:00:19,659 --> 01:00:20,859 - Look, half the fucking crews are 1108 01:00:20,859 --> 01:00:22,493 in their racks alright? 1109 01:00:22,493 --> 01:00:24,226 Both shifts were up all night. 1110 01:00:24,226 --> 01:00:27,460 All night, getting sand off that run way, ok? 1111 01:00:27,460 --> 01:00:29,092 - Alright, alright, alright, you again. 1112 01:00:29,092 --> 01:00:31,460 - Yea, you gonna fix our fucking engine or not? 1113 01:00:31,593 --> 01:00:34,092 - Not in 110 degree heat I'm not. 1114 01:00:34,092 --> 01:00:34,892 - We work in it. 1115 01:00:34,892 --> 01:00:36,126 - Where's your pilot? 1116 01:00:36,126 --> 01:00:37,460 - He's finishing the post flight checklist. 1117 01:00:37,460 --> 01:00:40,326 Now that the fuck is wrong with our plane? 1118 01:01:10,859 --> 01:01:11,792 - I want your word that this plane 1119 01:01:11,792 --> 01:01:12,892 will be flying by tomorrow. 1120 01:01:12,892 --> 01:01:14,792 Is that clear, Sergeant Capparelli? 1121 01:01:15,426 --> 01:01:17,293 - You know, all due respect Sir, 1122 01:01:17,293 --> 01:01:19,593 I can't certify a plane without looking at it. 1123 01:01:19,593 --> 01:01:20,759 - Then go look at it! 1124 01:01:20,759 --> 01:01:22,092 Or do I need to pull rank for 1125 01:01:22,092 --> 01:01:23,593 you to do your fucking job? 1126 01:01:23,593 --> 01:01:24,792 - I didn't put a crew on a bird, in the middle of the 1127 01:01:24,792 --> 01:01:26,692 day even after half the squad was shot 1128 01:01:26,692 --> 01:01:27,759 to shit at Girbini. 1129 01:01:27,759 --> 01:01:28,792 You can have my-- 1130 01:01:28,792 --> 01:01:29,959 (voices overlap) 1131 01:01:29,959 --> 01:01:32,426 That's why we don't work from 9 to 5. 1132 01:01:32,792 --> 01:01:33,859 - Look, if you don't want the crew working 1133 01:01:33,859 --> 01:01:35,293 during the day, that's fine. 1134 01:01:35,293 --> 01:01:36,460 But I want this plane looked at, 1135 01:01:36,460 --> 01:01:37,959 the instant crews are available. 1136 01:01:37,959 --> 01:01:38,725 You got that? 1137 01:01:38,725 --> 01:01:39,892 - Feasible enough. 1138 01:01:39,892 --> 01:01:41,892 I'll put the first crew on tonight. 1139 01:01:54,560 --> 01:01:56,859 - Oh man, she is gone. 1140 01:01:56,859 --> 01:01:59,560 The girl is completely fucking blown. 1141 01:02:04,092 --> 01:02:05,460 - Don't worry buddy 1142 01:02:05,460 --> 01:02:07,226 It'll be okay. 1143 01:02:09,826 --> 01:02:11,725 - Another scratched mission 1144 01:02:11,725 --> 01:02:13,426 and another few tons of bombs into the bank. 1145 01:02:13,493 --> 01:02:14,725 - Oh relax, really. 1146 01:02:14,725 --> 01:02:15,992 I've been assured by the army that the cost of 1147 01:02:15,992 --> 01:02:17,792 expended ordinates is not going to come out 1148 01:02:17,792 --> 01:02:19,460 of our paychecks. 1149 01:02:19,460 --> 01:02:21,293 - It's not our paychecks I'm worried about Archie. 1150 01:02:21,293 --> 01:02:23,226 It's that crout Schmidt. 1151 01:02:23,826 --> 01:02:24,892 When we go 6 missions without-- 1152 01:02:24,892 --> 01:02:26,092 - Oh yea, Romania. 1153 01:02:26,092 --> 01:02:28,692 That was smooth as silk. 1154 01:02:28,692 --> 01:02:30,092 - Well at least we were over the target. 1155 01:02:30,092 --> 01:02:31,359 - Just give the kid a break guy, 1156 01:02:31,359 --> 01:02:32,926 those big birds are hard to fly. 1157 01:02:32,926 --> 01:02:34,059 He'll loosen up. 1158 01:02:34,059 --> 01:02:35,493 - Alright, alright. 1159 01:02:35,493 --> 01:02:37,126 I'll give the stiff a chance. 1160 01:02:37,460 --> 01:02:39,026 - Alright 1161 01:02:39,026 --> 01:02:40,393 - But you're not gonna get all mushy and sentimental 1162 01:02:40,393 --> 01:02:42,593 on me by starting on our wop right? 1163 01:02:42,593 --> 01:02:43,859 - (laughs) Who Caparelli? 1164 01:02:43,859 --> 01:02:45,393 Fuck no. 1165 01:02:45,393 --> 01:02:48,326 That guy deserves all the shit we can toss at him. 1166 01:03:08,959 --> 01:03:10,092 - I guess it wasn't much of a milk run after all. 1167 01:03:10,293 --> 01:03:11,892 - Holy shit. 1168 01:03:24,393 --> 01:03:26,059 - Find out what happened? 1169 01:03:26,826 --> 01:03:28,092 - No, not specifics. 1170 01:03:28,092 --> 01:03:29,826 'Cause I was with Caparelli on the Lass. 1171 01:03:29,826 --> 01:03:31,426 I came in, it sounds like it all fell in 1172 01:03:31,426 --> 01:03:33,059 the pot over there. 1173 01:03:33,293 --> 01:03:34,759 Lots of casualties. 1174 01:03:39,759 --> 01:03:41,859 - That is not good. 1175 01:03:41,859 --> 01:03:43,226 - No, it's not good. 1176 01:03:43,526 --> 01:03:46,659 - Wally, am I the one that's jinxed? 1177 01:03:46,659 --> 01:03:48,359 - Look, if we hadn't had that failure, we'd have been 1178 01:03:48,359 --> 01:03:50,326 shot up like the rest of the squadron. 1179 01:03:50,725 --> 01:03:54,092 Best thing we can do is just not think about it much. 1180 01:03:54,426 --> 01:03:57,393 You're no more jinxed than the rest of us. 1181 01:03:58,226 --> 01:03:59,659 When we're up in that plane. 1182 01:03:59,659 --> 01:04:02,059 Our lives are in God's hands. 1183 01:04:05,293 --> 01:04:06,859 Whiskey? 1184 01:04:06,859 --> 01:04:08,393 - Hm. 1185 01:04:08,393 --> 01:04:10,393 - Appropriate choice. 1186 01:04:10,959 --> 01:04:13,426 - I'm starting to see the need for it. 1187 01:04:16,359 --> 01:04:19,560 - Yesterday, our mission at Macino 1188 01:04:19,560 --> 01:04:21,625 went horribly wrong. 1189 01:04:22,226 --> 01:04:26,092 Intel screwed up, electing to divert our escort 1190 01:04:26,092 --> 01:04:28,093 to a higher risk mission, 1191 01:04:28,792 --> 01:04:30,992 believing there was no capacity for the Looft Waft 1192 01:04:30,992 --> 01:04:33,692 at our operate in Sicily. 1193 01:04:34,526 --> 01:04:36,526 They were wrong. 1194 01:04:36,759 --> 01:04:39,826 But today gentlemen, we are going to remedy that 1195 01:04:39,826 --> 01:04:42,293 problem and strike the offending 1196 01:04:42,293 --> 01:04:45,259 air drone in Katanya 1197 01:04:45,259 --> 01:04:47,992 and the old man has secured us a squadron of 1198 01:04:47,992 --> 01:04:49,593 war hawks from Tunisia. 1199 01:04:49,593 --> 01:04:52,326 They will escort us, to and from the target, 1200 01:04:52,326 --> 01:04:55,859 in case any uninvited guests show us this time. 1201 01:04:56,426 --> 01:04:57,826 We'll be mixing up the planes 1202 01:04:57,826 --> 01:05:00,659 and crews for this operation. 1203 01:05:00,659 --> 01:05:02,326 Flying some of the older E-models that 1204 01:05:02,326 --> 01:05:04,725 we hold as reserves. 1205 01:05:04,725 --> 01:05:05,926 So be sure to check your posting, 1206 01:05:05,926 --> 01:05:07,826 before heading to the flight lines. 1207 01:05:09,059 --> 01:05:11,959 Now, for the meat and potatoes. 1208 01:05:15,992 --> 01:05:19,560 - I'm on 41001 nine-r, what do you guys got? 1209 01:05:19,560 --> 01:05:22,226 - 423819, Iris B. 1210 01:05:22,226 --> 01:05:24,859 - I'm on the Bugs with Al. 1211 01:05:25,426 --> 01:05:26,593 At least we'll have some company. 1212 01:05:26,593 --> 01:05:28,059 - That's good. 1213 01:05:28,059 --> 01:05:29,460 - I'm un-assigned fellas, sorry. 1214 01:05:30,560 --> 01:05:32,859 - What are you apologizing for, that's great. 1215 01:05:32,859 --> 01:05:34,959 Somebody has to keep on Caparelli, 1216 01:05:34,959 --> 01:05:36,026 makes sure he stays on our plane. 1217 01:05:36,026 --> 01:05:37,026 You stay on him. 1218 01:05:37,026 --> 01:05:37,926 - Yea. 1219 01:05:37,926 --> 01:05:39,059 If our plane ain't flying, 1220 01:05:39,059 --> 01:05:40,593 with all the casualties floating around, 1221 01:05:40,593 --> 01:05:42,259 they'll just re-assign us to new slots. 1222 01:05:42,259 --> 01:05:43,460 - He's right. 1223 01:05:45,226 --> 01:05:46,426 - Coming Archie? 1224 01:05:46,493 --> 01:05:48,393 - Yea, go ahead I'll catch up with you guys. 1225 01:05:48,393 --> 01:05:50,326 - Hey Mikey, look, 1226 01:05:50,326 --> 01:05:51,293 don't let that grease bug give you 1227 01:05:51,293 --> 01:05:52,692 any excuses alright? 1228 01:05:52,692 --> 01:05:54,293 Caparelli can be kind of a prick but, 1229 01:05:54,293 --> 01:05:55,992 he's good at his job. 1230 01:05:56,526 --> 01:05:58,959 Just see to it that our plane gets fixed. 1231 01:05:58,959 --> 01:06:00,293 We'll all go up, do our job and... 1232 01:06:00,926 --> 01:06:05,326 and then we'll go home. 1233 01:06:05,326 --> 01:06:07,026 - Alright Archie. 1234 01:06:07,326 --> 01:06:08,792 - We'll see you tonight. 1235 01:06:08,792 --> 01:06:10,792 - Alright, thanks. 1236 01:06:14,259 --> 01:06:16,059 - Just fucking take it Al. 1237 01:06:16,059 --> 01:06:17,659 - It's yours brother, I couldn't take it. 1238 01:06:17,659 --> 01:06:18,725 - It's good luck. 1239 01:06:18,725 --> 01:06:20,892 Take it. 1240 01:06:20,892 --> 01:06:23,059 - While there's still a fucking war, Al. 1241 01:06:25,293 --> 01:06:26,725 - Better have something waiting for us 1242 01:06:26,725 --> 01:06:28,526 when we get back. 1243 01:06:28,526 --> 01:06:29,959 I don't know about those guys but, 1244 01:06:30,026 --> 01:06:31,426 If I I have to spend 7 hours in the ball, listening to 1245 01:06:31,426 --> 01:06:34,326 the corn fed yokels on the bugs wining about how 1246 01:06:34,326 --> 01:06:36,792 they miss their Momma's apple pie back on the farm. 1247 01:06:36,859 --> 01:06:38,692 I'm gonna need a stiff one. 1248 01:06:39,359 --> 01:06:40,959 - Well I'll see what I can do. 1249 01:06:40,959 --> 01:06:42,493 But the still's gone. 1250 01:06:42,792 --> 01:06:45,460 Perhaps you remember the big fire ball yesterday. 1251 01:06:45,792 --> 01:06:48,059 - You're a shifty little fuck with no moral compass. 1252 01:06:48,059 --> 01:06:49,759 You won't let me down. 1253 01:06:49,859 --> 01:06:51,759 - Yea, I guess I am. 1254 01:06:51,759 --> 01:06:53,593 I'll see what I can do. 1255 01:06:56,692 --> 01:06:58,593 Hey, take care of that little guy. 1256 01:06:58,593 --> 01:07:01,560 - Yea, make sure you bring that back too Al. 1257 01:07:03,959 --> 01:07:05,625 - Alright gentlemen, listen up. 1258 01:07:05,625 --> 01:07:09,393 I know it seems like we never get a break. 1259 01:07:10,226 --> 01:07:11,359 But Scarborough says there's a big 1260 01:07:11,359 --> 01:07:13,026 operation coming up 1261 01:07:13,026 --> 01:07:14,959 and Captain Shay's put a lot of pressure on us 1262 01:07:14,959 --> 01:07:17,826 to get these battle damaged planes in the air 1263 01:07:17,826 --> 01:07:21,892 or condemned and pulled for parts, so. 1264 01:07:22,959 --> 01:07:24,792 - Well I don't know about the rest of the crews, 1265 01:07:24,792 --> 01:07:26,593 but we won't let you down Captain. 1266 01:07:27,625 --> 01:07:28,759 - Yea. 1267 01:07:29,326 --> 01:07:30,959 I know you won't. 1268 01:07:32,493 --> 01:07:34,326 That's it. 1269 01:07:34,326 --> 01:07:36,092 Get lost. 1270 01:07:37,659 --> 01:07:39,526 Get some rest. 1271 01:07:42,426 --> 01:07:44,859 Didn't catch a plane today Lieutenant? 1272 01:07:44,926 --> 01:07:46,159 Schmidt was it? 1273 01:07:46,159 --> 01:07:47,093 - That's right. 1274 01:07:47,093 --> 01:07:48,226 - Right yea. 1275 01:07:48,226 --> 01:07:49,293 Your with the Mitt crew. 1276 01:07:49,293 --> 01:07:50,226 - That's right. 1277 01:07:50,226 --> 01:07:51,692 - I remember you. 1278 01:07:51,692 --> 01:07:53,659 What can I help with you today? 1279 01:07:53,659 --> 01:07:55,226 - Well you can tell me the status of the Lucky Lass-- 1280 01:07:55,226 --> 01:07:56,526 - Excuse me, one second. 1281 01:07:56,526 --> 01:07:58,692 - Ladies, what is this, amateur theater? 1282 01:07:58,692 --> 01:08:00,226 I said get lost! 1283 01:08:00,226 --> 01:08:01,859 Get some rest! 1284 01:08:02,092 --> 01:08:03,359 - Got dammit. 1285 01:08:03,359 --> 01:08:04,659 Uh right, the Lass. 1286 01:08:04,659 --> 01:08:06,725 We checked out the engines, 1287 01:08:06,725 --> 01:08:09,093 they were reported faulty. 1288 01:08:09,093 --> 01:08:11,560 We found nothing evidently wrong with them. 1289 01:08:12,226 --> 01:08:13,859 The engine was started and nothing abnormal 1290 01:08:13,859 --> 01:08:15,725 was detected, so. 1291 01:08:15,725 --> 01:08:16,992 - So that's your diagnosis? 1292 01:08:16,992 --> 01:08:17,892 There's nothing mechanically wrong 1293 01:08:17,892 --> 01:08:19,759 with the engines? 1294 01:08:19,759 --> 01:08:23,393 - Well, that's what the engineers wrote down. 1295 01:08:23,393 --> 01:08:24,560 I mean they're clearing it for 1296 01:08:24,560 --> 01:08:27,493 flight operations tomorrow. 1297 01:08:27,493 --> 01:08:29,593 - I was in the pilot seat, 1298 01:08:29,593 --> 01:08:31,026 when we were unable to stay in formation. 1299 01:08:31,259 --> 01:08:32,992 There was power loss at 15,000 feet. 1300 01:08:32,992 --> 01:08:34,393 - Mhm. 1301 01:08:34,393 --> 01:08:36,725 You know, I'm getting tired of repeating 1302 01:08:36,725 --> 01:08:37,725 myself on this okay? 1303 01:08:37,725 --> 01:08:38,725 We looked at it. 1304 01:08:38,725 --> 01:08:40,359 We couldn't find anything wrong. 1305 01:08:40,359 --> 01:08:41,259 Maybe it's a gremlin. 1306 01:08:41,259 --> 01:08:42,359 Or maybe it's just bad luck. 1307 01:08:42,359 --> 01:08:43,659 But there's sure as shit, 1308 01:08:43,659 --> 01:08:47,393 nothing wrong mechanically with that bird. 1309 01:08:47,393 --> 01:08:50,859 - Okay, two things, Sergeant Caparelli. 1310 01:08:50,859 --> 01:08:54,692 First, I'm an officer, so please try and show some 1311 01:08:54,692 --> 01:08:56,293 semblance of respect for my rank. 1312 01:08:56,293 --> 01:08:58,359 - I'm sorry, Sir. 1313 01:08:58,359 --> 01:09:01,226 - And 2nd, I might be new to this outfit and the odd 1314 01:09:01,226 --> 01:09:02,526 man out on the crew of that bird, 1315 01:09:02,526 --> 01:09:03,759 but she's still my bird. 1316 01:09:03,759 --> 01:09:04,859 - I understand that, Sir. 1317 01:09:04,859 --> 01:09:06,293 It's just-- 1318 01:09:06,293 --> 01:09:07,460 Now I can overlook the disrespect to me 'cause well, 1319 01:09:07,460 --> 01:09:08,593 I'm a good Lutheran boy, was taught 1320 01:09:08,593 --> 01:09:10,359 to turn the other cheek. 1321 01:09:10,359 --> 01:09:12,293 But the Lass is another story. 1322 01:09:12,293 --> 01:09:14,393 I don't know where this gremlin is living on my plane 1323 01:09:14,393 --> 01:09:16,460 Sergeant, but you and I are gonna find it. 1324 01:09:16,460 --> 01:09:18,326 Today. 1325 01:09:18,326 --> 01:09:20,526 Now. 1326 01:09:20,926 --> 01:09:23,826 - I--no I--can understand your urgency Sir. 1327 01:09:23,826 --> 01:09:25,593 It's just that SOP is to refrain from working 1328 01:09:25,593 --> 01:09:28,226 crews in the midday sun. 1329 01:09:29,493 --> 01:09:31,992 - Is that SOP something the CO put in place? 1330 01:09:32,992 --> 01:09:35,692 - Sir, all due respect, it's 105 degrees in the shade. 1331 01:09:35,692 --> 01:09:37,892 My men are not going out there. 1332 01:09:38,926 --> 01:09:41,359 - Okay. 1333 01:09:42,026 --> 01:09:46,593 Find me your two best mechanics. 1334 01:09:46,593 --> 01:09:47,859 Between the four of us, there should be enough 1335 01:09:47,859 --> 01:09:49,826 hands to go through all the engines in no time. 1336 01:09:49,826 --> 01:09:51,959 - (laughs) Really? 1337 01:09:51,959 --> 01:09:53,092 The 4 of us? 1338 01:09:53,092 --> 01:09:54,426 - Well I used to help fix tractors on 1339 01:09:54,426 --> 01:09:56,093 my family's farm back home. 1340 01:09:56,093 --> 01:09:57,926 I'm a fair hand with a wrench. 1341 01:09:58,026 --> 01:09:59,759 You tell me what to do and I'll do it. 1342 01:09:59,759 --> 01:10:02,526 Right there next to you, in the 105 heat. 1343 01:10:05,759 --> 01:10:08,326 - Well okay I'll uh, 1344 01:10:08,326 --> 01:10:10,625 I'll see if I can find you some volunteers. 1345 01:10:10,625 --> 01:10:11,892 - Good man. 1346 01:10:11,892 --> 01:10:14,992 Let's meet by the Lass in say, 20 minutes? 1347 01:10:14,992 --> 01:10:16,560 Uh, and Sergeant? 1348 01:10:16,792 --> 01:10:18,426 When we fly tomorrow, 1349 01:10:18,426 --> 01:10:20,959 I want that gremlin dead and buried. 1350 01:10:20,959 --> 01:10:23,826 - Yes, Sir. 1351 01:10:25,926 --> 01:10:27,926 - Shit. 1352 01:10:37,093 --> 01:10:39,393 - Come on Eddy, you gotta think of something. 1353 01:10:39,393 --> 01:10:41,293 - I know, I'm thinking. 1354 01:10:46,792 --> 01:10:47,859 I got an idea. 1355 01:10:47,859 --> 01:10:49,026 - What is it? 1356 01:10:49,026 --> 01:10:50,759 - We go, check out a jeep. 1357 01:10:50,759 --> 01:10:52,625 We head into Constantine. 1358 01:10:52,625 --> 01:10:54,393 We go to the Red Cross and we get some beer, 1359 01:10:54,393 --> 01:10:55,625 and some wine and see if we can make some 1360 01:10:55,625 --> 01:10:57,259 trades for something stronger. 1361 01:10:57,259 --> 01:10:58,560 - I already did that. 1362 01:10:58,560 --> 01:10:59,792 No dice. 1363 01:10:59,792 --> 01:11:00,926 You know all the really hard cases? 1364 01:11:00,926 --> 01:11:02,692 They went last night 1365 01:11:02,692 --> 01:11:05,493 and this morning, all the badly wounded went off to 1366 01:11:05,493 --> 01:11:08,293 Regimental, they won't be back 'till tonight. 1367 01:11:08,293 --> 01:11:10,625 Man we are SOL. 1368 01:11:12,593 --> 01:11:14,460 - I bet nobody at the old club would even miss a few 1369 01:11:14,460 --> 01:11:17,725 bottles when the planes come back. 1370 01:11:18,326 --> 01:11:20,326 - They are loaded over there. 1371 01:11:21,859 --> 01:11:24,259 - You gonna do it? 1372 01:11:24,259 --> 01:11:25,359 I was kinda thinking you should do it. 1373 01:11:25,359 --> 01:11:26,460 - Oh, oh yea. 1374 01:11:26,460 --> 01:11:27,359 - Yea. 1375 01:11:27,359 --> 01:11:28,126 You know, you're faster. 1376 01:11:28,126 --> 01:11:29,959 But I'll look out. 1377 01:11:29,959 --> 01:11:32,326 - I'm risking my ass on this one. 1378 01:11:32,526 --> 01:11:34,725 You keep your eagle eye out for that fuck Monroe. 1379 01:11:34,725 --> 01:11:36,359 - Absolutely. 1380 01:11:36,359 --> 01:11:37,692 Absolutely. 1381 01:11:37,692 --> 01:11:39,792 Let's get some fucking hooch. 1382 01:11:45,659 --> 01:11:46,659 - What's that right there? 1383 01:11:46,659 --> 01:11:49,026 Looks like the oil pump? 1384 01:11:49,560 --> 01:11:51,426 - It is. 1385 01:11:51,859 --> 01:11:52,892 - You know our flight engineer said we had 1386 01:11:52,892 --> 01:11:54,359 high oil pressure. 1387 01:11:54,359 --> 01:11:56,259 Right before we boarded so. 1388 01:11:57,759 --> 01:11:59,460 - How's the oil pump looking? 1389 01:11:59,725 --> 01:12:01,992 - Like a brand new oil pump, Cap. 1390 01:12:01,992 --> 01:12:04,259 Replaced it, 3 weeks ago. 1391 01:12:07,526 --> 01:12:08,992 - Let's pull it out and take a look at it. 1392 01:12:08,992 --> 01:12:10,159 Alright, just to be safe. 1393 01:12:10,159 --> 01:12:12,026 - We replaced it 3 weeks ago, Sir. 1394 01:12:12,026 --> 01:12:14,625 - Just pull it for the Lieutenant, Lou. 1395 01:12:17,560 --> 01:12:19,493 We really did just replace those. 1396 01:12:20,759 --> 01:12:21,959 - Well then it's exactly where I would hide if 1397 01:12:21,959 --> 01:12:23,959 I was a gremlin. 1398 01:12:37,593 --> 01:12:38,826 - We're gonna have the ground crew replace the 1399 01:12:38,826 --> 01:12:41,692 pumps and the screens tonight. 1400 01:12:43,493 --> 01:12:44,926 I don't know Cap. 1401 01:12:44,926 --> 01:12:46,460 Due to the amount of sand and grit in this screen, 1402 01:12:46,460 --> 01:12:48,259 must've been a gap or something 1403 01:12:48,259 --> 01:12:49,792 in the engine cover. 1404 01:12:49,792 --> 01:12:51,460 Got a lot of sand storm. 1405 01:12:51,460 --> 01:12:53,460 Sorry Sir. 1406 01:12:54,393 --> 01:12:55,959 - Don't apologize, I just missed it. 1407 01:12:55,959 --> 01:12:57,692 It's alright. 1408 01:12:57,959 --> 01:12:59,725 - Well we uh, found that gremlin after all, 1409 01:12:59,725 --> 01:13:01,759 huh Sergeant? 1410 01:13:01,759 --> 01:13:04,226 - I suppose we did, Sir. 1411 01:13:05,359 --> 01:13:07,759 - I thank you, Sir. 1412 01:13:07,759 --> 01:13:10,059 For going the extra mile for my bird and her crew. 1413 01:13:10,059 --> 01:13:11,426 I'll make sure they know you did. 1414 01:13:12,593 --> 01:13:14,926 - Yea, well. 1415 01:13:14,926 --> 01:13:15,892 Why don't you wait to thank me 'till 1416 01:13:15,892 --> 01:13:18,460 after you get the bill. 1417 01:13:41,092 --> 01:13:43,059 - Sir, thank God I found you. 1418 01:13:43,059 --> 01:13:44,593 - Likewise, I've got good news. 1419 01:13:44,593 --> 01:13:45,526 - Yea? 1420 01:13:45,526 --> 01:13:46,926 I don't. 1421 01:13:46,926 --> 01:13:48,926 You got any idea when Wally's birds coming back? 1422 01:13:48,926 --> 01:13:50,526 - Based on the briefing this morning, 1423 01:13:50,526 --> 01:13:52,059 it should be within the hour. 1424 01:13:52,059 --> 01:13:53,259 Why what's going on? 1425 01:13:53,259 --> 01:13:54,560 - What's going on is our bird's gonna be down 1426 01:13:54,560 --> 01:13:56,326 one radio operate. 1427 01:13:56,326 --> 01:13:57,659 - I don't follow. 1428 01:13:58,093 --> 01:13:59,959 - MP's escort him back to our tent, 1429 01:13:59,959 --> 01:14:01,293 where they're waiting for him to put on 1430 01:14:01,293 --> 01:14:03,059 his dress uniform. 1431 01:14:03,059 --> 01:14:04,992 Fucking prick, Monroe. 1432 01:14:04,992 --> 01:14:08,959 QM, he caught him stealing. 1433 01:14:09,259 --> 01:14:11,892 - Stealing what? 1434 01:14:12,926 --> 01:14:14,792 - Sir. 1435 01:14:15,293 --> 01:14:16,959 The still blew up. 1436 01:14:17,460 --> 01:14:19,659 - Shit. 1437 01:14:20,625 --> 01:14:22,326 Where is he now? 1438 01:14:22,526 --> 01:14:23,992 - I don't know. 1439 01:14:23,992 --> 01:14:25,625 I don't know, I beat feet out here soon as I figured 1440 01:14:25,625 --> 01:14:27,092 out what was going on but, 1441 01:14:27,092 --> 01:14:30,226 I imagine he's on his way to see the old man by now. 1442 01:14:32,725 --> 01:14:34,126 - Okay. 1443 01:14:35,625 --> 01:14:39,625 - And when I opened the box, I found no less than 7, 1444 01:14:39,625 --> 01:14:43,692 1 liter bottles of alcohol and having observed 1445 01:14:43,692 --> 01:14:46,560 Sergeant O'hara leaving the officer's club, 1446 01:14:46,560 --> 01:14:48,692 no more than a few minutes prior, 1447 01:14:48,692 --> 01:14:50,625 there's no question as to the source 1448 01:14:50,625 --> 01:14:52,460 of the stolen goods. 1449 01:14:52,859 --> 01:14:55,526 The penalties provided by the Uniform Code of 1450 01:14:55,526 --> 01:14:58,026 Military Justice are quite clear when it comes 1451 01:14:58,026 --> 01:14:59,493 to the case of larceny. 1452 01:14:59,493 --> 01:15:02,092 - Do you have an explanation or defense 1453 01:15:02,092 --> 01:15:04,359 in these actions? 1454 01:15:04,759 --> 01:15:06,359 - Well I was, over in the officer's-- 1455 01:15:06,359 --> 01:15:07,759 - Colonel, Sir. 1456 01:15:07,759 --> 01:15:09,493 Lieutenant Michael Schmidt, co-pilot of the aircraft 1457 01:15:09,493 --> 01:15:11,059 that Sergeant O'hara's assigned to. 1458 01:15:11,059 --> 01:15:12,792 - Well Lieutenant, your crew member was just caught 1459 01:15:12,792 --> 01:15:14,892 stealing alcohol from the officer's club so I don't 1460 01:15:14,892 --> 01:15:16,426 expect that he will be assigned to your 1461 01:15:16,426 --> 01:15:17,859 aircraft much longer. 1462 01:15:17,859 --> 01:15:19,426 - So I've heard, thank you. 1463 01:15:19,426 --> 01:15:21,625 Has Sergeant O'hara given an explanation 1464 01:15:21,625 --> 01:15:23,560 for his actions yet? 1465 01:15:23,560 --> 01:15:24,959 - No Mr. Schmidt, 1466 01:15:24,959 --> 01:15:27,692 he was about to give us his side when you walked in. 1467 01:15:27,826 --> 01:15:29,625 - That's good Sir, I'm certain I can explain. 1468 01:15:31,826 --> 01:15:33,359 It was my fault. 1469 01:15:34,926 --> 01:15:36,692 You see our plane had an early return yesterday, 1470 01:15:36,692 --> 01:15:38,259 due to a mechanical issue. 1471 01:15:38,259 --> 01:15:39,759 After working on it all day, we determined the cause 1472 01:15:39,759 --> 01:15:42,293 of the problem to be sand in the fuel and oil lots. 1473 01:15:42,293 --> 01:15:44,725 Now the crew chief has replaced the fuel pump 1474 01:15:44,725 --> 01:15:47,059 and fuel screens, however there is still quite bit of 1475 01:15:47,059 --> 01:15:49,560 build up in the lines of sediment and sludge. 1476 01:15:50,659 --> 01:15:52,625 The problem Sir is that, the acetone used to clean 1477 01:15:52,625 --> 01:15:55,359 engine parts will eat right through the rubber hoses. 1478 01:15:55,426 --> 01:15:56,859 Replacing them will cause us to be grounded 1479 01:15:56,859 --> 01:16:00,026 another day, so the crew chief had suggested to use 1480 01:16:00,026 --> 01:16:03,393 an alcohol as a solvent to flush out the lines. 1481 01:16:03,859 --> 01:16:05,593 - Really? 1482 01:16:05,759 --> 01:16:07,859 I asked Sergeant O'hara here to locate some. 1483 01:16:08,226 --> 01:16:09,659 I had expected that he would go to the Quarter 1484 01:16:09,659 --> 01:16:11,892 Master and request it. 1485 01:16:12,393 --> 01:16:14,593 However, I didn't clarify or specify, 1486 01:16:14,892 --> 01:16:16,792 nor did I draft any orders. 1487 01:16:16,792 --> 01:16:18,526 I'm sorry Sir, I wasn't thinking 1488 01:16:18,826 --> 01:16:20,293 and I would hate for him to be court martialed 1489 01:16:20,293 --> 01:16:22,892 for stealing, due to an oversight on my part. 1490 01:16:23,792 --> 01:16:25,493 - Lieutenant Schmidt. 1491 01:16:25,493 --> 01:16:26,759 - Sir. 1492 01:16:26,759 --> 01:16:29,460 - It's irresponsible and borderline dereliction 1493 01:16:29,460 --> 01:16:32,059 to order an air man, under your direct authority, 1494 01:16:32,059 --> 01:16:34,792 to acquire an item for your plane, 1495 01:16:34,792 --> 01:16:36,193 without clear instructions-- 1496 01:16:36,193 --> 01:16:38,259 - Colonel, you can't actually be buying this story? 1497 01:16:38,359 --> 01:16:40,859 - Lieutenant Monroe, are you now accusing a fellow 1498 01:16:40,859 --> 01:16:42,659 officer of collusion? 1499 01:16:42,859 --> 01:16:46,293 Some sort of conspiracy to steal Army property? 1500 01:16:47,226 --> 01:16:49,625 - No, Sir. 1501 01:16:49,625 --> 01:16:52,026 Not at all, but I just-- 1502 01:16:52,026 --> 01:16:53,859 - Then I suggest that you stop wasting my time 1503 01:16:53,859 --> 01:16:55,359 with this chicken shit. 1504 01:16:55,359 --> 01:16:56,493 I got a war to fight son 1505 01:16:56,493 --> 01:16:58,759 and a bomb group to command 1506 01:16:58,759 --> 01:17:01,526 and unless there is a soldier in this unit, 1507 01:17:01,526 --> 01:17:03,926 that is directly harming the war effort through 1508 01:17:03,926 --> 01:17:05,692 deliberate action to do so, 1509 01:17:05,692 --> 01:17:07,426 I would prefer that you take that up with 1510 01:17:07,426 --> 01:17:08,992 that man's direct superior. 1511 01:17:08,992 --> 01:17:10,326 Do you understand? 1512 01:17:10,326 --> 01:17:11,992 Are we clear Lieutenant Monroe? 1513 01:17:12,593 --> 01:17:13,759 - Yes, Sir. 1514 01:17:14,393 --> 01:17:15,460 Clear. 1515 01:17:16,426 --> 01:17:17,293 - Good. 1516 01:17:17,293 --> 01:17:19,626 You may go. 1517 01:17:26,593 --> 01:17:28,092 Get your solvent, 1518 01:17:28,092 --> 01:17:31,026 Sergeant O'hara and be on your way. 1519 01:17:31,426 --> 01:17:33,326 - Yes, Sir. 1520 01:17:36,393 --> 01:17:37,892 - Sergeant? 1521 01:17:38,026 --> 01:17:39,526 Just one more question. 1522 01:17:39,526 --> 01:17:41,626 - Yes, Sir? 1523 01:17:41,826 --> 01:17:43,359 - With all the alcohol you could have selected at the 1524 01:17:43,359 --> 01:17:47,259 officer's club, why the 7 bottles of Scotch whiskey? 1525 01:17:49,393 --> 01:17:53,393 - Well the Lucky Lass is an Irish plane Sir 1526 01:17:53,393 --> 01:17:57,293 and as such, she has discriminating tastes. 1527 01:17:58,460 --> 01:17:59,826 Sir. 1528 01:18:03,093 --> 01:18:03,926 - Get out of here. 1529 01:18:04,092 --> 01:18:05,393 - Yes, Sir. 1530 01:18:05,393 --> 01:18:06,926 - Sergeant. 1531 01:18:06,926 --> 01:18:09,293 - Yes, Sir. 1532 01:18:13,759 --> 01:18:15,659 - Now you may go. 1533 01:18:16,059 --> 01:18:17,926 - Yes, Sir. 1534 01:18:27,826 --> 01:18:30,093 First, he handles Caparelli like a grifter 1535 01:18:30,093 --> 01:18:31,892 at a fucking fare. 1536 01:18:31,892 --> 01:18:34,892 He gets them to take apart and clean all our engines. 1537 01:18:34,892 --> 01:18:37,393 Then this fucking crout, he has time to come across 1538 01:18:37,393 --> 01:18:40,526 the entire base to save my bacon. 1539 01:18:40,859 --> 01:18:42,560 Sure did, bud. 1540 01:18:42,560 --> 01:18:44,692 I was about to spill. 1541 01:18:46,460 --> 01:18:47,959 - Good job today. 1542 01:18:47,959 --> 01:18:51,859 We owe you one and Charlie here, he owes you two. 1543 01:18:53,059 --> 01:18:56,326 - One last item of business, 1544 01:18:56,326 --> 01:18:58,226 here's to dedication, 1545 01:18:58,226 --> 01:19:00,326 perseverance 1546 01:19:00,326 --> 01:19:03,226 and the balls the size of a 500 pound bomb. 1547 01:19:04,626 --> 01:19:06,892 I hereby declare Lieutenant Michael Schmidt 1548 01:19:06,892 --> 01:19:08,326 an honorary Irishman. 1549 01:19:08,326 --> 01:19:09,560 With all the benefits. 1550 01:19:09,560 --> 01:19:11,526 - And limitations. 1551 01:19:11,526 --> 01:19:15,026 - And limitations, that such an honor confers. 1552 01:19:15,026 --> 01:19:15,826 Here, here. 1553 01:19:15,826 --> 01:19:17,826 -[All] Here, here. 1554 01:19:17,826 --> 01:19:20,692 - Welcome aboard, Lieutenant O' Schmidt. 1555 01:19:20,959 --> 01:19:24,626 -[All] (laughs) 1556 01:19:26,493 --> 01:19:28,259 - Gentlemen uh, 1557 01:19:28,259 --> 01:19:30,593 I want to say thank you. 1558 01:19:31,560 --> 01:19:34,059 That's it, that's all I got (laughs). 1559 01:19:38,959 --> 01:19:41,992 - Good morning gentlemen. 1560 01:19:41,992 --> 01:19:43,259 The brass and the politicians have finally sorted out 1561 01:19:43,259 --> 01:19:45,759 the specifics for this operation 1562 01:19:45,759 --> 01:19:49,626 because today gentlemen, we are hitting Rome. 1563 01:19:50,659 --> 01:19:53,426 This is to be a precision bombing. 1564 01:19:53,626 --> 01:19:56,959 We will be flying at 10,000 feet. 1565 01:19:56,959 --> 01:19:59,892 The good news is, that after Girbini, 1566 01:19:59,892 --> 01:20:02,426 the brass is convinced that the diamond backs are 1567 01:20:02,426 --> 01:20:04,293 the right men for the job. 1568 01:20:04,293 --> 01:20:06,959 Roosevelt has been in contact with the Vatican 1569 01:20:06,959 --> 01:20:10,826 and made certain assurances to the Pope. 1570 01:20:10,826 --> 01:20:12,926 As a result of the concerns over damaging 1571 01:20:12,926 --> 01:20:16,560 irreplaceable historical sites and harming the 1572 01:20:16,560 --> 01:20:20,359 civilian population, two days ago, the RAF 1573 01:20:20,359 --> 01:20:22,892 began dropping pamphlets. 1574 01:20:22,892 --> 01:20:26,792 These pamphlets, as it were, indicate the areas we 1575 01:20:26,792 --> 01:20:29,226 will be bombing and warning the civilian 1576 01:20:29,226 --> 01:20:31,560 population to avoid them. 1577 01:20:32,259 --> 01:20:34,992 The flack is expected to be extensive. 1578 01:20:34,992 --> 01:20:38,626 Good luck and God speed. 1579 01:21:21,326 --> 01:21:23,226 - Coming up on our turn to the I-P. 1580 01:21:23,226 --> 01:21:26,059 Turns are heading 3-4 and 30 seconds. 1581 01:21:26,059 --> 01:21:27,926 - Rodger that, Archie. 1582 01:21:28,659 --> 01:21:30,393 Thanks. 1583 01:21:30,560 --> 01:21:32,460 You ready for this Mike? 1584 01:21:32,460 --> 01:21:35,092 - Sir. 1585 01:21:39,293 --> 01:21:41,692 - No fighters boss. 1586 01:21:41,992 --> 01:21:43,992 - Lots of flack. 1587 01:21:44,926 --> 01:21:47,092 - Just keep your eye on the compass, not the flack. 1588 01:21:47,826 --> 01:21:49,526 When Archie tells us it's time, 1589 01:21:49,526 --> 01:21:51,493 we're gonna turn and keep her straight and level. 1590 01:21:51,493 --> 01:21:52,759 Got it? 1591 01:21:52,759 --> 01:21:54,526 - Got it. 1592 01:21:55,259 --> 01:21:57,259 - Holy shit (mumbling). 1593 01:21:58,026 --> 01:21:59,892 - Sometimes it's worse. 1594 01:22:06,359 --> 01:22:11,359 - Make your heading in 3-4 degrees, in 5-4-3-2-1. 1595 01:22:12,259 --> 01:22:14,092 Go. 1596 01:22:16,426 --> 01:22:19,692 - At the I-P villain, burning shores. 1597 01:22:19,692 --> 01:22:22,725 - Rodger that, let's get some precision bombing. 1598 01:22:25,759 --> 01:22:29,359 - Those SOB's are hiding 88's in church courtyards. 1599 01:22:29,359 --> 01:22:30,293 - You thought they'd leave them where 1600 01:22:30,293 --> 01:22:32,493 they said we'd bomb? 1601 01:22:32,493 --> 01:22:35,259 - Yea well, still seems shifty to me. 1602 01:22:35,259 --> 01:22:37,493 - Fly like a plane with Mousalini. 1603 01:22:42,826 --> 01:22:43,992 - That's it. 1604 01:22:43,992 --> 01:22:46,426 I think they've figured our altitude Boss. 1605 01:22:47,593 --> 01:22:50,460 - How much longer Filly? 1606 01:22:51,359 --> 01:22:56,293 - Almost over target (background noise covers voice) 1607 01:22:56,293 --> 01:22:57,359 - Not that they need them, (mumbling) 1608 01:22:57,359 --> 01:22:59,493 of this god damn flack. 1609 01:23:04,992 --> 01:23:05,493 - Fuck. 1610 01:23:05,493 --> 01:23:06,293 fuck 1611 01:23:06,293 --> 01:23:07,393 - Oh shit. 1612 01:23:07,393 --> 01:23:09,926 - Charlie. 1613 01:23:09,926 --> 01:23:11,259 Charlie we need you here right now. 1614 01:23:11,259 --> 01:23:13,293 They got Burt. 1615 01:23:13,293 --> 01:23:14,593 - Come one Charlie. 1616 01:23:14,593 --> 01:23:16,493 - Fuckin' Christ, fuck. 1617 01:23:16,692 --> 01:23:19,093 My left leg, my God. 1618 01:23:19,526 --> 01:23:23,659 (background noise covers voices) 1619 01:23:29,460 --> 01:23:31,359 - We're opening bomb bay doors. 1620 01:23:33,026 --> 01:23:36,426 - (mumbling) getting better Boss, 1621 01:23:36,560 --> 01:23:38,926 they're making (mumbling) of my balls. 1622 01:23:45,259 --> 01:23:48,326 - Almost there. 1623 01:23:48,326 --> 01:23:50,259 Steady. 1624 01:23:50,593 --> 01:23:52,460 Bombs away. 1625 01:23:55,526 --> 01:23:59,759 (background noise covers voices) 1626 01:24:08,959 --> 01:24:11,126 - No, fuck me. 1627 01:24:11,426 --> 01:24:15,326 (background noise covers voices) 1628 01:24:48,326 --> 01:24:50,293 - (screams) 1629 01:24:50,959 --> 01:24:53,659 (background noise covers voices) 1630 01:25:02,226 --> 01:25:06,093 (background noise covers voices) 1631 01:25:06,293 --> 01:25:07,293 - Come on Mike, pull back. 1632 01:25:12,725 --> 01:25:15,593 (background noise covers voices) 1633 01:25:16,959 --> 01:25:18,959 - Hold on boys, hold on. 1634 01:25:19,959 --> 01:25:22,193 - Come on B, come on, hold on (mumbling). 1635 01:25:22,193 --> 01:25:25,493 (background noise covers voices) 1636 01:26:03,092 --> 01:26:04,326 - I'm okay. 1637 01:26:04,326 --> 01:26:05,959 I'm okay, I'm good. 1638 01:26:05,959 --> 01:26:08,026 - Scared the shit out of me. 1639 01:26:12,959 --> 01:26:14,526 - Hang in there boys, looks like we're 1640 01:26:14,526 --> 01:26:17,926 almost to the edge of the city. 1641 01:26:17,926 --> 01:26:20,626 (background noise covers voices) 1642 01:26:24,460 --> 01:26:26,826 - Okay, Looks like we're getting in range Boss. 1643 01:26:30,226 --> 01:26:31,593 - Lieutenant. 1644 01:26:34,892 --> 01:26:36,460 Hey Lieutenant. 1645 01:26:36,626 --> 01:26:38,526 - Everybody okay back there? 1646 01:26:38,526 --> 01:26:40,393 - I'm good. 1647 01:26:40,393 --> 01:26:42,293 I'm okay. 1648 01:26:43,826 --> 01:26:45,859 - Radio is okay. 1649 01:26:46,059 --> 01:26:48,792 Burt's hurt Sir but, he's coming around. 1650 01:26:49,826 --> 01:26:54,226 - Filly, Archie, Tom, Oliver, check in. 1651 01:27:09,626 --> 01:27:10,892 - I'm okay. 1652 01:27:10,892 --> 01:27:13,026 Filly's gone. 1653 01:27:14,393 --> 01:27:16,560 Tom, Oliver, check in. 1654 01:27:17,859 --> 01:27:19,959 - Are you okay Boss? 1655 01:27:19,959 --> 01:27:20,959 - I'm uninjured. 1656 01:27:20,959 --> 01:27:22,126 I don't need you up here, 1657 01:27:22,126 --> 01:27:23,526 go back and check on our gunners. 1658 01:27:23,992 --> 01:27:25,725 - Okay I'm on it. 1659 01:27:25,959 --> 01:27:27,725 Come on Burt. 1660 01:27:29,526 --> 01:27:30,560 - Take it easy. 1661 01:27:30,560 --> 01:27:31,560 - Archie? 1662 01:27:31,560 --> 01:27:33,826 I need you up in the cockpit. 1663 01:27:40,626 --> 01:27:41,725 - Archie? 1664 01:27:41,725 --> 01:27:44,626 I need you up here now. 1665 01:28:03,460 --> 01:28:04,359 Archie. 1666 01:28:04,359 --> 01:28:05,259 I can't keep her steady. 1667 01:28:05,259 --> 01:28:07,759 I need your help. 1668 01:28:09,992 --> 01:28:11,026 Do what you gotta for me buddy, come on. 1669 01:28:11,026 --> 01:28:12,792 - Tom's gone. 1670 01:28:12,792 --> 01:28:14,759 Oliver's wounded, but I'm taking care of him. 1671 01:28:14,859 --> 01:28:16,826 - Rodger. 1672 01:28:17,426 --> 01:28:19,059 - I gotta peak out the nose. 1673 01:28:19,059 --> 01:28:21,460 I've got an idea of where we are. 1674 01:28:21,460 --> 01:28:22,626 There's a lot of water. 1675 01:28:22,626 --> 01:28:25,725 North we'll get back home. 1676 01:28:25,959 --> 01:28:28,426 - Alright guys, here's the situation. 1677 01:28:28,426 --> 01:28:30,526 Wally's gone 1678 01:28:31,259 --> 01:28:33,659 but we're still here, we're gonna make it home. 1679 01:28:33,659 --> 01:28:35,626 We're not far from Tunisia, once we're over land 1680 01:28:35,626 --> 01:28:37,892 Eddy, Charlie, Al you're gonna bail out and locate 1681 01:28:37,892 --> 01:28:39,892 friendlies on the ground. 1682 01:28:41,393 --> 01:28:43,259 - And what about Burt and Oliver? 1683 01:28:43,259 --> 01:28:44,659 - After the crew bails out, Archie and I will stay 1684 01:28:44,659 --> 01:28:47,792 behind landed with the wounded in Malta. 1685 01:28:48,959 --> 01:28:53,926 - (laughs) If we make it that far. 1686 01:28:55,725 --> 01:28:57,259 - How does the latch look from where you're sitting? 1687 01:28:57,259 --> 01:28:58,759 - You mean apart from the blown up engine 1688 01:28:58,759 --> 01:29:00,526 and lots of new holes? 1689 01:29:00,526 --> 01:29:02,426 A little smoke off the number one engine but, 1690 01:29:02,426 --> 01:29:05,393 otherwise looks okay to me. 1691 01:29:05,659 --> 01:29:07,725 I think I speak for all of us, 1692 01:29:07,725 --> 01:29:09,593 we can be a crater in Rome right now. 1693 01:29:09,593 --> 01:29:12,859 I don't think the (mumbling) through all this just to 1694 01:29:12,859 --> 01:29:14,792 give up on us now. 1695 01:29:16,460 --> 01:29:18,026 - Alright. 1696 01:29:18,026 --> 01:29:20,026 Well you boys hold on back there. 1697 01:29:20,326 --> 01:29:21,393 I gotta get some altitude if we're gonna 1698 01:29:21,393 --> 01:29:23,293 fly over Sicily. 1699 01:29:51,026 --> 01:29:52,759 - Charlie? 1700 01:29:56,892 --> 01:29:58,759 - Riding in there buddy. 1701 01:29:58,759 --> 01:30:01,126 We're almost home, alright? 1702 01:30:07,426 --> 01:30:10,626 - Hey (mumbling) I just got word from (mumbling) 1703 01:30:10,626 --> 01:30:12,226 they have us on radar. 1704 01:30:12,226 --> 01:30:13,593 - Engine 1 is out. 1705 01:30:13,593 --> 01:30:15,792 - Archie (mumbling). 1706 01:30:27,059 --> 01:30:28,792 - Well that lasted longer than we thought it would. 1707 01:30:30,359 --> 01:30:32,093 - Ey Charlie, can you further instructions 1708 01:30:32,093 --> 01:30:33,826 from the RAF base? 1709 01:30:34,792 --> 01:30:36,892 - We're about 35 miles out, Sir. 1710 01:30:36,892 --> 01:30:38,659 - Rodger that. 1711 01:30:39,725 --> 01:30:42,193 They have a clear runway for us? 1712 01:30:42,560 --> 01:30:43,859 - Yea they do. 1713 01:30:43,859 --> 01:30:45,059 Vanguard and field home in the 600 1714 01:30:45,059 --> 01:30:47,092 and 1st quadrant. 1715 01:30:47,859 --> 01:30:49,859 - Ey Charlie, I'm still new at this job. 1716 01:30:49,859 --> 01:30:52,059 Why does it sound like you're giving me bad news? 1717 01:30:52,359 --> 01:30:53,725 - Because Vanguard (mumbling) runway is made 1718 01:30:53,725 --> 01:30:55,992 to land spit fires not heavy bombers. 1719 01:30:55,992 --> 01:30:58,759 It's only 1,600 feet long. 1720 01:31:01,826 --> 01:31:05,059 - C, 1101 approach. 1721 01:31:06,593 --> 01:31:09,059 Adjusting speed, lowering gear. 1722 01:31:16,692 --> 01:31:18,326 - Uh hey, the gears are down. 1723 01:31:18,326 --> 01:31:19,659 - it's getting lower? 1724 01:31:19,659 --> 01:31:20,926 - Uh no it lowered, 1725 01:31:20,926 --> 01:31:23,460 it just sort of fell off on the left side. 1726 01:31:23,725 --> 01:31:26,493 - Well that certainly complicates things. 1727 01:31:27,193 --> 01:31:29,992 - Alright gentlemen, change of plans. 1728 01:31:29,992 --> 01:31:32,159 This girl's got damaged flaps. 1729 01:31:32,526 --> 01:31:34,959 One engine, no elevators 1730 01:31:34,959 --> 01:31:37,159 and unusable gear on a short runway. 1731 01:31:37,159 --> 01:31:41,159 There's landing and then there's crashing. 1732 01:31:41,159 --> 01:31:43,059 I think we're gonna cut out early for this dance. 1733 01:31:43,359 --> 01:31:45,026 Al, you still awake back there? 1734 01:31:45,026 --> 01:31:46,426 - Yea, I'm here. 1735 01:31:46,426 --> 01:31:48,326 - Go ahead and come up out of that ball. 1736 01:31:48,326 --> 01:31:50,259 Collect chutes, get Burt and Oliver rigged up 1737 01:31:50,259 --> 01:31:52,526 and I'll be back there to help in a sec. 1738 01:31:56,892 --> 01:31:58,526 Check to trim? 1739 01:31:58,526 --> 01:32:00,692 - Yea. 1740 01:32:09,092 --> 01:32:10,359 - Oh, hey! 1741 01:32:10,359 --> 01:32:11,326 Forget that. 1742 01:32:11,326 --> 01:32:13,193 Grab Burt, get ready to bail. 1743 01:32:13,926 --> 01:32:15,659 - Fuck. 1744 01:32:23,792 --> 01:32:25,892 - As soon as you're out, Burt pull. 1745 01:32:25,892 --> 01:32:27,892 Charlie will take care of you. 1746 01:32:29,560 --> 01:32:30,792 - You got me buddy? 1747 01:32:30,792 --> 01:32:32,526 - I got you buddy, I'm right behind you. 1748 01:32:32,526 --> 01:32:33,826 This is your cord. 1749 01:32:33,826 --> 01:32:35,493 As soon as you're out, you pull okay? 1750 01:32:35,493 --> 01:32:36,859 Let's go. 1751 01:32:39,259 --> 01:32:41,426 - Al, you're up. 1752 01:32:44,426 --> 01:32:46,159 God speed. 1753 01:32:46,359 --> 01:32:47,792 - Eddy, look up, this is Oliver. 1754 01:32:47,792 --> 01:32:50,126 - I got him. 1755 01:33:14,426 --> 01:33:16,526 - What happened? 1756 01:33:17,326 --> 01:33:19,892 - I'm bleeding out (mumbling). 1757 01:33:22,226 --> 01:33:24,092 - Hey, hey. 1758 01:33:24,092 --> 01:33:25,426 When we get down, the medics, 1759 01:33:25,426 --> 01:33:28,126 they're gonna take good care of you. 1760 01:33:29,059 --> 01:33:32,493 Archie, what the hell happened to your chute? 1761 01:33:33,526 --> 01:33:36,759 - (mumbling). 1762 01:33:42,826 --> 01:33:44,426 - Hey, hey. 1763 01:33:44,526 --> 01:33:47,159 We'll take the old girl down alright? 1764 01:33:47,159 --> 01:33:49,859 We'll just crash her in the surf. 1765 01:33:51,626 --> 01:33:54,259 I'm not leaving you behind. 1766 01:33:57,560 --> 01:33:59,159 Two to a chute! 1767 01:33:59,159 --> 01:34:02,159 Archie, two to a chute, it's been done right? 1768 01:34:02,826 --> 01:34:04,992 - Alright, ok. 1769 01:34:07,026 --> 01:34:08,759 Hook us up. 1770 01:34:09,460 --> 01:34:11,326 - (laughs) That's right. 1771 01:34:11,926 --> 01:34:13,792 You ready? 1772 01:34:15,560 --> 01:34:18,293 - Take care of the boys. 1773 01:34:20,759 --> 01:34:23,126 - No! 1774 01:34:35,926 --> 01:34:40,926 (female vocalizing) 1775 01:36:06,393 --> 01:36:08,359 - Good morning Sir. 1776 01:36:11,159 --> 01:36:12,426 I'm your new co-pilot. 1777 01:36:12,426 --> 01:36:13,659 Leiutenant Bob Tremane. 1778 01:36:13,659 --> 01:36:15,659 I look forward to flying with you Sir. 1779 01:36:20,792 --> 01:36:23,359 So I uh, I don't suppose you'd know when I can 1780 01:36:23,359 --> 01:36:25,460 expect my luggage to be delivered? 1781 01:36:26,259 --> 01:36:30,859 (instrumental music)