1 00:00:33,575 --> 00:00:37,455 I get to work before the sun comes up and I leave long after it's gone down. 2 00:00:37,621 --> 00:00:42,001 I haven't had sex in six months with someone other than myself 3 00:00:42,167 --> 00:00:44,920 And the only thing in my refrigerator is an old lime. 4 00:00:45,087 --> 00:00:46,805 Could be a kiwi. No way to tell. 5 00:00:46,964 --> 00:00:50,093 - Morning, Thomas. - Good morning, Nick. You better hurry. 6 00:00:51,969 --> 00:00:53,596 This is just temporary. 7 00:00:55,973 --> 00:00:57,020 Quick story: 8 00:00:57,182 --> 00:00:59,935 My grandmother came to this country with $20 in her pocket. 9 00:01:00,102 --> 00:01:03,197 She worked hard her whole life and never took shit from anyone. 10 00:01:03,355 --> 00:01:08,657 When she died, she had turned that $20 into $2000. 11 00:01:08,819 --> 00:01:10,662 That sucks. 12 00:01:10,821 --> 00:01:12,664 You know why she didn't succeed? 13 00:01:12,823 --> 00:01:15,497 Because she didn't take shit from anyone. 14 00:01:15,659 --> 00:01:16,751 The key to success... 15 00:01:16,910 --> 00:01:19,789 They will not teach you this in business school... is taking shit. 16 00:01:21,164 --> 00:01:24,384 That's what I've been doing the last eight years, and it's all about to pay off 17 00:01:24,543 --> 00:01:25,590 This is Nick. 18 00:01:25,752 --> 00:01:29,677 I'm this close to getting a big promotion with my own office... 19 00:01:29,881 --> 00:01:31,383 I'll be right there, Mr. Harken. 20 00:01:31,550 --> 00:01:34,850 Then all the endless hours, and the sacrifice and the shit-eating... 21 00:01:35,012 --> 00:01:36,309 ...will have been worth it. 22 00:01:36,471 --> 00:01:38,269 See, this is what concerns me, Nick. 23 00:01:38,432 --> 00:01:42,187 You're a punctual guy. You know the importance of being here right at 6 a.m. 24 00:01:42,394 --> 00:01:45,193 Which is what leads me to think that... 25 00:01:45,355 --> 00:01:48,450 ...there must be something wrong with the clock on our system. 26 00:01:48,609 --> 00:01:49,952 May have been a minute late. 27 00:01:50,110 --> 00:01:53,614 But according to this, you were two minutes late. So either you're a liar... 28 00:01:53,780 --> 00:01:58,502 ...or this system is off by a full minute. 29 00:01:58,660 --> 00:01:59,877 The only hitch? 30 00:02:00,037 --> 00:02:02,290 I work for this guy, David Harken... 31 00:02:02,456 --> 00:02:06,802 ...who right now is giving me some fresh shit for being two minutes late. 32 00:02:06,960 --> 00:02:09,133 He 's a total fucking asshole. 33 00:02:09,296 --> 00:02:13,551 If that's the case, I'm gonna have to fire Thomas, our longtime security coordinator. 34 00:02:13,717 --> 00:02:15,970 - I may have been two minutes late. - Oh. 35 00:02:16,345 --> 00:02:17,767 Well, then you were lying. 36 00:02:18,472 --> 00:02:20,065 No. I... Who you calling? 37 00:02:20,390 --> 00:02:21,858 - Thomas. I gotta let him go. - No, uh... 38 00:02:22,017 --> 00:02:23,314 - I was lying. Sorry. - Lying? 39 00:02:23,477 --> 00:02:27,402 I didn't mean to. It was more of a saying. "Might have been a minute late." 40 00:02:27,564 --> 00:02:32,161 Literally, uh, truthfully, was two minutes late. 41 00:02:32,694 --> 00:02:37,040 Boy, I have to get used to driving with this big, heavy ring on my finger. 42 00:02:37,199 --> 00:02:39,577 - Come on. - I keep swerving to the left, babe. 43 00:02:39,743 --> 00:02:43,088 When I was a kid, people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up. 44 00:02:43,246 --> 00:02:44,839 I always gave the same answer. 45 00:02:44,998 --> 00:02:46,090 I love you so much. 46 00:02:46,708 --> 00:02:47,755 I love you too. 47 00:02:47,918 --> 00:02:49,261 I wanted to be a husband. 48 00:02:49,419 --> 00:02:51,672 - I will call you when I'm done. - Have a good day. 49 00:02:51,838 --> 00:02:53,090 I know that sounds weird. 50 00:02:53,256 --> 00:02:56,476 Most boys wanna be firehouse chiefs or personal trainers... 51 00:02:56,635 --> 00:02:59,935 ...but to me being a husband was, like, the highest calling. 52 00:03:00,097 --> 00:03:01,223 And thanks to Stacy... 53 00:03:01,556 --> 00:03:03,274 ...that dream's about to come true. 54 00:03:03,433 --> 00:03:07,939 Unfortunately, no one's gonna pay you to be a husband unless you marry Oprah. 55 00:03:08,105 --> 00:03:09,903 So I had to find a job... 56 00:03:10,065 --> 00:03:12,284 Now, I always admired dentists. 57 00:03:12,442 --> 00:03:15,412 They're smart, they're capable, they keep your teeth healthy. 58 00:03:15,570 --> 00:03:18,164 So I went out and I became one. 59 00:03:18,615 --> 00:03:21,494 - How are you today, Dale? - I'm fine. Thanks. 60 00:03:21,827 --> 00:03:22,874 Excavator. 61 00:03:23,036 --> 00:03:26,540 - Okay, I became a dental assistant. - It's basically the same thing... 62 00:03:26,707 --> 00:03:28,926 I just make a lot less money. 63 00:03:29,084 --> 00:03:31,132 Did you ever see that show Gossip Girl? 64 00:03:31,294 --> 00:03:33,171 - No. - Ooh. 65 00:03:33,338 --> 00:03:35,306 I watched an episode last night. 66 00:03:35,632 --> 00:03:39,603 I fingered myself so hard to that Penn Badgley guy, I broke a nail. 67 00:03:39,761 --> 00:03:42,810 And it would have been the perfect job. If not for one... 68 00:03:42,973 --> 00:03:47,399 ...evil crazy bitch, D.D.S. 69 00:03:47,728 --> 00:03:50,698 I bet you're no shrimp in the cock department, huh, there, Dale? 70 00:03:50,856 --> 00:03:52,153 - Okay, Julia. Come on. - What? 71 00:03:52,315 --> 00:03:55,319 - I'm uncomfortable talking about that. - Oh, Dale, come on. 72 00:03:55,485 --> 00:03:56,953 You know that I like to fool around. 73 00:03:57,112 --> 00:03:58,614 - Oops. - Mr. Anderton. 74 00:03:59,406 --> 00:04:01,329 Not in the office. This is bad. 75 00:04:01,491 --> 00:04:04,335 - Bad, bad, bad! - You probably shouldn't hit the patients. 76 00:04:04,828 --> 00:04:07,672 Ah, I love this. So festive. 77 00:04:07,831 --> 00:04:09,003 I love my job. 78 00:04:09,166 --> 00:04:13,012 If you ask me, anyone who hates their job has no one to blame but them self 79 00:04:13,170 --> 00:04:15,639 We make our own destinies, and I've made a sweet one. 80 00:04:15,797 --> 00:04:18,175 We have stairs. You don't need to bring your own. 81 00:04:18,341 --> 00:04:22,221 I'm an account manager at a chemical company. I'll tell you, the job has its perks. 82 00:04:22,387 --> 00:04:23,434 Hi, can I help you? 83 00:04:23,597 --> 00:04:25,941 He's just signing for these packages. Thank you. 84 00:04:26,099 --> 00:04:27,271 Oh, no. I should do this. 85 00:04:27,434 --> 00:04:28,902 Reggie, I got this. Thank you, buddy. 86 00:04:29,060 --> 00:04:31,529 - This is high-priority stuff here. - Thank you. 87 00:04:31,688 --> 00:04:33,315 - So, what's going on here? - I'm sorry? 88 00:04:33,482 --> 00:04:35,951 - Is this one of those hidden camera shows? - What do you mean? 89 00:04:36,109 --> 00:04:38,282 You're way too cute to be just a FedEx girl. 90 00:04:38,445 --> 00:04:41,039 You gotta be a model or actress or something, right? 91 00:04:41,198 --> 00:04:44,372 What happens when I open these? Something'll jump out, bite my penis? 92 00:04:44,534 --> 00:04:47,663 No. Nothing's gonna jump out. I'm just a FedEx girl. 93 00:04:47,829 --> 00:04:49,251 - Shut up. - Ha, ha. 94 00:04:49,414 --> 00:04:50,757 - Bye. - Have a great afternoon. 95 00:04:50,916 --> 00:04:51,963 Thank you. 96 00:04:52,125 --> 00:04:54,924 I didn't sign that form, by the way, so she has to come back. 97 00:04:55,086 --> 00:04:56,133 She's cute, huh, Reg? 98 00:04:56,296 --> 00:04:59,220 - Caught another fly in your web, did you? - Ha, ha. Hey, Jack. 99 00:05:02,219 --> 00:05:05,564 Jack Pellit, my boss. The sweetest man I know. 100 00:05:06,181 --> 00:05:08,775 He loves me and I love him. Everybody loves him. 101 00:05:08,934 --> 00:05:11,483 - You all right, Margie? - Hi, Mr. Pellit. Kurt. 102 00:05:11,645 --> 00:05:13,739 I've been waiting to get in there for a while. 103 00:05:13,897 --> 00:05:16,320 - Who's in there? - It's your son. 104 00:05:17,025 --> 00:05:18,072 Bobby! 105 00:05:19,736 --> 00:05:22,239 Margie's waiting. You nearly done in there? 106 00:05:25,033 --> 00:05:27,001 A man can't get any privacy around here. 107 00:05:27,160 --> 00:05:28,753 - Okay, Margie. Bobby? - What? 108 00:05:29,246 --> 00:05:32,170 Your stomach okay? You seem to spend more time on the toilet... 109 00:05:32,332 --> 00:05:33,424 ...than at your desk. 110 00:05:33,667 --> 00:05:37,217 I didn't realize I had to tell you every time I wanna take a dump. 111 00:05:37,379 --> 00:05:40,508 If the worst thing about this job is having to tolerate my boss's... 112 00:05:40,674 --> 00:05:44,395 ...dipshit cokehead son, well, it's a small price to pay. 113 00:05:44,553 --> 00:05:46,180 Need me to tell you when I pee-pee? 114 00:05:46,346 --> 00:05:49,691 I'm just trying to get you to do your part, son. It's not easy times. 115 00:05:49,850 --> 00:05:52,194 I do my part. I do other people's parts. 116 00:05:52,352 --> 00:05:56,277 But it doesn't matter to you. You just wanna ride my ass because I'm your son. 117 00:05:56,439 --> 00:06:00,285 You know what? I don't hear you giving dickskin any shit. 118 00:06:00,443 --> 00:06:02,366 - "Dickskin"? Nice. - Kiss-ass. 119 00:06:02,529 --> 00:06:04,452 - Come on, come on. - Yeah, go on. In you go. 120 00:06:04,614 --> 00:06:05,991 - Go on, gay boy. - I'm not gay. 121 00:06:06,157 --> 00:06:08,785 Please, I've seen gay boys. You're one of them. 122 00:06:08,952 --> 00:06:11,296 - Where'd you see them? - At your house. Get in! 123 00:06:12,247 --> 00:06:14,500 - I'm a green belt, motherfucker. - What? 124 00:06:14,666 --> 00:06:16,714 - Yeah. All right? - Okay. 125 00:06:16,877 --> 00:06:20,131 Now, I know you've been working your tail off for that promotion. 126 00:06:20,297 --> 00:06:22,391 But I'm not sure I can even consider... 127 00:06:22,591 --> 00:06:26,641 ...making you the Senior Vice President of Sales... 128 00:06:28,638 --> 00:06:30,060 ...if I can't trust you. 129 00:06:30,515 --> 00:06:33,314 - You can trust me. - Yeah, now you sound like my wife. 130 00:06:33,476 --> 00:06:36,150 "Trust me. You can trust me, honey. 131 00:06:36,313 --> 00:06:38,532 Nothing's happening behind your back. Trust me." 132 00:06:38,690 --> 00:06:41,660 Meanwhile, she's fucking every guy in the neighborhood. 133 00:06:43,528 --> 00:06:45,246 Oh, you want one? 134 00:06:45,655 --> 00:06:46,998 It's 8:15 a.m. 135 00:06:47,157 --> 00:06:50,661 Well, is there something wrong with a man enjoying a drink in the morning? 136 00:06:50,994 --> 00:06:52,462 No. 137 00:06:52,829 --> 00:06:55,673 Thank you. Sure, thanks. 138 00:07:04,841 --> 00:07:06,434 Bottoms up. 139 00:07:06,801 --> 00:07:08,519 Nothing for you? 140 00:07:08,887 --> 00:07:10,981 Nick, it's 8:15 in the morning. I'm not an alcoholic. 141 00:07:12,349 --> 00:07:14,852 The only reason I took one, I thought you were gonna have one. 142 00:07:15,018 --> 00:07:19,023 You took one because you thought I was? Is that something a Senior VP would do? 143 00:07:19,189 --> 00:07:21,066 I was just trying to be polite. 144 00:07:21,232 --> 00:07:23,906 So if I, uh, was gonna put my balls in honey and shaved coconut... 145 00:07:24,069 --> 00:07:25,116 ...you'd do that too? 146 00:07:25,278 --> 00:07:26,575 - I would not. - Sure? 147 00:07:26,738 --> 00:07:29,116 - Yeah. - Because I've got some coconut. 148 00:07:30,241 --> 00:07:33,871 I'm having my teeth whitened Tuesday. You have to get your work done by Monday... 149 00:07:34,037 --> 00:07:36,381 ...which means you'll probably be here all weekend. 150 00:07:36,539 --> 00:07:38,962 Look, if you want a promotion, you gotta earn it. 151 00:07:39,167 --> 00:07:40,419 Now, what do I keep saying? 152 00:07:40,585 --> 00:07:43,054 Life is a marathon, and you cannot win a marathon... 153 00:07:43,213 --> 00:07:46,513 ...without putting a few Band-Aids on your nipples, right? 154 00:07:46,675 --> 00:07:48,222 Right. 155 00:07:48,885 --> 00:07:50,478 Nick. 156 00:07:51,221 --> 00:07:52,723 It's 18-year-old Scotch. 157 00:07:52,889 --> 00:07:56,393 You don't really expect me to pour it back into the bottle, do you? 158 00:08:11,950 --> 00:08:14,453 - Water. - Yep. 159 00:08:15,787 --> 00:08:18,131 All right. Let's see if this thing's working. Oh! 160 00:08:18,581 --> 00:08:23,303 - Oh, my God. - Oh! I'm sorry. I'm a squirter, Dale. 161 00:08:24,963 --> 00:08:27,216 - Oh, you know what? - What? 162 00:08:27,382 --> 00:08:31,603 Ah. I think I can make out our little friend right there. 163 00:08:31,761 --> 00:08:32,762 Stop it. 164 00:08:34,139 --> 00:08:35,516 - Somebody's circumcised. - Okay. 165 00:08:37,434 --> 00:08:38,526 - Listen. - What? 166 00:08:38,685 --> 00:08:42,610 - Can we stop doing this thing here? - Why? Because you have a girlfriend? 167 00:08:42,981 --> 00:08:45,609 She's not just my girlfriend anymore. We're engaged now. 168 00:08:45,775 --> 00:08:48,619 - What? - We're engaged. 169 00:08:50,613 --> 00:08:52,866 You said that she was just a hole for your dick. 170 00:08:53,033 --> 00:08:54,956 I never said that. 171 00:08:55,118 --> 00:08:56,370 Not really my style. 172 00:08:57,829 --> 00:08:58,921 Shut up. 173 00:09:00,457 --> 00:09:01,800 That's a lot of gas. 174 00:09:01,958 --> 00:09:05,053 - That's good. No, those are great ideas. - Yeah? 175 00:09:05,253 --> 00:09:07,301 - Put them down on paper, will you? - Will do. 176 00:09:10,633 --> 00:09:13,102 - You're happy here, aren't you? - Yeah, of course. 177 00:09:13,636 --> 00:09:14,979 Good. 178 00:09:15,805 --> 00:09:17,933 You got a bright future here, you know? 179 00:09:18,308 --> 00:09:21,027 Someday soon, it'll be you running this place. 180 00:09:21,519 --> 00:09:24,113 - See you, kid. - All right, now. 181 00:09:24,814 --> 00:09:27,112 - Drive safe. - Yeah. 182 00:09:31,780 --> 00:09:32,872 Oh, shit. 183 00:09:33,031 --> 00:09:34,078 He had a heart attack. 184 00:09:34,783 --> 00:09:39,163 They said his, uh, heart burst in his chest like a water balloon. 185 00:09:40,163 --> 00:09:43,167 Oh, my God. I'm sorry, man. I know you guys were close. 186 00:09:43,333 --> 00:09:45,836 Yeah. Yeah, I loved that guy. 187 00:09:46,002 --> 00:09:49,176 I loved working for him, you know? It was, like, awesome. 188 00:09:49,339 --> 00:09:52,013 Now his shitbag son's gonna be in charge and it's like... 189 00:09:52,175 --> 00:09:53,176 The cokehead? 190 00:09:53,343 --> 00:09:56,017 Yeah. Know how many times I caught him doing blow at work? 191 00:09:56,179 --> 00:10:00,355 This thing's a real bummer. Sorry. You're the only one of us who didn't hate his job. 192 00:10:00,517 --> 00:10:04,863 Did I tell you that Harken tricked me into having a drink at 8:00 this morning? 193 00:10:05,021 --> 00:10:06,694 I mean, I work for the Antichrist. 194 00:10:06,856 --> 00:10:09,780 - How did he trick you? - I thought he was giving you a promotion. 195 00:10:09,943 --> 00:10:12,366 He is, definitely. That's why he's being extra evil. 196 00:10:12,529 --> 00:10:14,873 This is his last chance to make my life miserable. 197 00:10:15,031 --> 00:10:18,126 Right. At least your boss isn't sexually harassing you. 198 00:10:18,284 --> 00:10:20,082 - God. Here we go. - Don't give me shit. 199 00:10:20,245 --> 00:10:21,872 You won't get sympathy for this. 200 00:10:22,038 --> 00:10:25,542 She's going crazy. It's like a totally hostile work environment now, man. 201 00:10:25,708 --> 00:10:27,130 - It's not funny. - Yeah? 202 00:10:27,293 --> 00:10:31,389 All right, today she starts spraying water at my crotch to see the outline of my dick. 203 00:10:31,548 --> 00:10:32,970 - That's great. - It's not great. 204 00:10:33,133 --> 00:10:36,137 What are you talking about? Why don't you just, you know, fuck her? 205 00:10:36,302 --> 00:10:39,932 Because I am engaged to be married and I love my fiancee, okay? 206 00:10:40,098 --> 00:10:41,145 That's true. 207 00:10:41,307 --> 00:10:42,729 - Congratulations. - Thank you. 208 00:10:42,892 --> 00:10:45,361 What about getting a different dental hygienist job? 209 00:10:45,520 --> 00:10:46,612 I can't get another job. 210 00:10:46,771 --> 00:10:49,695 - No, he's a child molester, Nick. - No, uh, deviant. Sexual deviant? 211 00:10:49,858 --> 00:10:52,236 What is it? How do they classify it? Sex offender. 212 00:10:52,402 --> 00:10:54,245 I'm on the registered sex offender list, yes. 213 00:10:55,572 --> 00:10:59,122 You can't get that expunged? All you did was pull your dick out on a playground. 214 00:10:59,284 --> 00:11:01,582 I was taking a piss at night, there were no kids. 215 00:11:01,744 --> 00:11:06,045 All right, you know what? You don't put a playground right next to a bar. 216 00:11:06,207 --> 00:11:07,754 - It's entrapment. Mm-hm. 217 00:11:09,252 --> 00:11:12,756 Speaking of entrapment, I'm gonna go see that girl about her vagina. 218 00:11:13,089 --> 00:11:14,557 Excuse me. 219 00:11:19,596 --> 00:11:20,722 He did say 10:00, right? 220 00:11:21,097 --> 00:11:24,852 - Yeah. Do you know what this is about? - It just said "staff meeting" on the memo. 221 00:11:25,018 --> 00:11:29,524 It's funny how he gets all over my ass if I'm a minute late, but then he makes us wait 15. 222 00:11:29,689 --> 00:11:31,407 - You were two minutes late. - Morning. 223 00:11:31,566 --> 00:11:33,864 Didn't think I had to punch a clock with you. 224 00:11:34,027 --> 00:11:36,280 I'll just attribute this to your drinking problem. 225 00:11:36,446 --> 00:11:39,120 - I don't have... - Please, we're in the middle of a meeting. 226 00:11:39,282 --> 00:11:42,456 Morning, everyone. So I have finally decided... 227 00:11:42,744 --> 00:11:48,797 ...who I want to be our new Senior Vice President of Sales. 228 00:11:50,293 --> 00:11:52,216 He's right here in this room. 229 00:11:54,297 --> 00:11:56,516 - It's me. - What'd he say? 230 00:11:56,674 --> 00:11:59,974 I've decided to absorb the responsibilities... 231 00:12:00,136 --> 00:12:02,810 ...of the Senior VP position into my own. 232 00:12:02,972 --> 00:12:06,567 I've realized if you wanna get something done right, you gotta do it yourself. 233 00:12:06,726 --> 00:12:10,902 I'll break through the wall of the office that would have been the Senior VP's... 234 00:12:11,064 --> 00:12:13,192 ...and make one huge enormous office. 235 00:12:13,358 --> 00:12:18,660 However, I will only be taking 85 percent of the additional salary I am entitled to... 236 00:12:18,821 --> 00:12:21,700 ...and that is self-sacrifice, people. Learn from it. 237 00:12:21,866 --> 00:12:23,334 Fucker! 238 00:12:25,495 --> 00:12:27,338 You fucking son of a bitch! 239 00:12:28,581 --> 00:12:31,050 You are so fucking fired! 240 00:12:35,004 --> 00:12:36,426 Yeah! 241 00:12:38,841 --> 00:12:40,593 So, meeting adjourned. 242 00:12:44,347 --> 00:12:46,099 - Can I speak to you? - Sure, what is it? 243 00:12:46,266 --> 00:12:49,190 For months you've been hinting I was in line for that promotion. 244 00:12:49,352 --> 00:12:51,354 And look how hard you've been working. 245 00:12:51,521 --> 00:12:53,398 - You were just lying to me? - Lying? 246 00:12:54,065 --> 00:12:57,069 No, Nick, motivating. 247 00:12:57,235 --> 00:12:59,909 I mean, look, we're all part of the same team here. 248 00:13:00,071 --> 00:13:03,325 Plus, you know, I'm the one who's gonna be doing all the extra work. 249 00:13:03,491 --> 00:13:05,664 You know last month you made me work so late... 250 00:13:05,827 --> 00:13:08,501 ...I missed saying goodbye to my Gam Gam? 251 00:13:10,498 --> 00:13:11,875 - Sorry, what? - My grandmother. 252 00:13:12,041 --> 00:13:14,715 I told you I needed to see her because she was very sick. 253 00:13:14,877 --> 00:13:16,720 You said if I left early, I'd get fired. 254 00:13:16,879 --> 00:13:19,007 And she died before I made it to the hospital. 255 00:13:20,216 --> 00:13:21,968 - I'm sorry. - Thank you. 256 00:13:22,385 --> 00:13:27,562 I had no idea that you called your grandmother "Gam Gam." 257 00:13:30,727 --> 00:13:32,570 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 258 00:13:32,895 --> 00:13:35,899 I'm sorry you didn't get to say bye-bye to Gam Gam. 259 00:13:36,065 --> 00:13:39,444 Really, I really am. I'm sorry. 260 00:13:39,610 --> 00:13:44,286 But I needed you to work late because you are an invaluable member of this operation. 261 00:13:44,449 --> 00:13:46,497 And I need you in the position you're in. 262 00:13:46,659 --> 00:13:49,583 Well, tough shit, okay? 263 00:13:50,955 --> 00:13:54,960 Been in that position for eight years. Why would I stay after being treated like this? 264 00:13:55,126 --> 00:13:59,176 Well, because I'd make sure that nobody in the industry would ever hire you again. 265 00:13:59,339 --> 00:14:00,465 Bullshit. 266 00:14:00,631 --> 00:14:04,010 No, because they're gonna want my letter of recommendation, right? 267 00:14:04,177 --> 00:14:09,775 So I'm perfectly willing to write that you are an insubordinate, dishonest drunk. 268 00:14:09,932 --> 00:14:12,151 You can't do that. That's not true. 269 00:14:15,563 --> 00:14:19,693 Let me tell you something, you stupid little runt. 270 00:14:19,859 --> 00:14:21,452 I own you. 271 00:14:21,611 --> 00:14:23,079 You're my bitch. 272 00:14:23,237 --> 00:14:26,286 Don't walk around thinking you have free will because you don't. 273 00:14:26,449 --> 00:14:28,793 I can crush you any time I want. 274 00:14:29,577 --> 00:14:34,128 So settle in because you are here for the long haul. 275 00:14:50,348 --> 00:14:51,816 Yo, dickwall. 276 00:14:52,308 --> 00:14:54,902 - What the fuck? - What? 277 00:14:55,603 --> 00:14:58,322 Three hours late. What's the deal? 278 00:14:58,648 --> 00:15:00,901 - I was at your father's funeral. - Uh-huh. Mm-hm. 279 00:15:01,067 --> 00:15:05,038 Maybe that excuse would have flown when my dad was here, but I'm in charge now. 280 00:15:05,196 --> 00:15:07,995 That excuse wouldn't make any sense if your dad was still here. 281 00:15:08,157 --> 00:15:09,704 Whoa. 282 00:15:09,867 --> 00:15:11,869 In my office, now. 283 00:15:15,623 --> 00:15:16,670 Yes? 284 00:15:18,000 --> 00:15:19,047 All right, sit. 285 00:15:19,210 --> 00:15:20,712 - I'm not a dog, Bobby. - Good boy. 286 00:15:20,878 --> 00:15:24,132 I've been looking through the books. You're the accountant. Tell me... 287 00:15:24,298 --> 00:15:26,926 ...why is this company in the crapper? Well, we're not. 288 00:15:27,093 --> 00:15:29,346 - It's a recession, but we're still profitable. - Bullshit. 289 00:15:29,512 --> 00:15:31,105 Look, I know you and my dad were pals. 290 00:15:31,264 --> 00:15:36,566 Frankly, I always thought it was, uh, weird, it was gay. 291 00:15:36,727 --> 00:15:39,196 - Do you know what that word means? - Yeah, it's dick on dick. 292 00:15:39,355 --> 00:15:41,528 It ain't my bag. I thought it was a little bit weird... 293 00:15:41,691 --> 00:15:44,035 ...that my dad thought you were so fucking special. 294 00:15:44,318 --> 00:15:46,537 But that doesn't matter now, he's in the ground. 295 00:15:46,696 --> 00:15:49,540 I'm your boss. And there's gonna be some changes around here. 296 00:15:49,699 --> 00:15:51,793 - Can't wait to hear them. - First things first. 297 00:15:51,951 --> 00:15:53,578 Hospital bills, Larry Murinsky. 298 00:15:53,744 --> 00:15:57,044 Why the fuck are we paying his hospital bills, he doesn't even work here? 299 00:15:57,206 --> 00:16:00,210 He doesn't work here because he had a horrible accident in our warehouse. 300 00:16:00,376 --> 00:16:03,630 - All right? The guy burned off half his face. - Exactly. 301 00:16:03,796 --> 00:16:06,174 I don't want my money going to support monsters. 302 00:16:06,340 --> 00:16:10,470 He's not a monster. He's a great guy who worked for us for many, many years. 303 00:16:10,887 --> 00:16:13,356 Cut him off. Second. 304 00:16:13,598 --> 00:16:16,397 EnviroTech Waste Management. It's costing us a lot of money. 305 00:16:16,559 --> 00:16:18,982 Your dad chose to dispose of our waste responsibly. 306 00:16:19,145 --> 00:16:20,988 To do that, you gotta spend money. 307 00:16:21,147 --> 00:16:23,866 Fuck that. The Bolivians are gonna do it for a third of the price. 308 00:16:24,025 --> 00:16:25,993 - I'm gonna hire them. - No, you can't go to them. 309 00:16:26,152 --> 00:16:27,825 I Will. I think I Will. 310 00:16:28,112 --> 00:16:29,864 They're gonna endanger local residents. 311 00:16:30,031 --> 00:16:33,285 Oh, I give a fuck some tribesman gets cancer. Cry me a fucking river. 312 00:16:33,451 --> 00:16:35,294 They're not tribesmen. It's a modern society. 313 00:16:35,453 --> 00:16:36,875 Do I look like I fucking care? 314 00:16:37,079 --> 00:16:39,502 Your dad told me very clearly he would rather die... 315 00:16:39,665 --> 00:16:41,542 ...than save money and hurt people, okay? 316 00:16:41,709 --> 00:16:45,259 Well, guess what, looks like we're right on schedule, doesn't it? 317 00:16:46,339 --> 00:16:48,592 What else? Gotta trim some of the fat around here. 318 00:16:48,758 --> 00:16:50,886 What do you mean by "trim the fat"? 319 00:16:51,052 --> 00:16:53,271 - I want you to fire the fat people. - What? 320 00:16:53,429 --> 00:16:55,978 They're lazy, and slow and they make me sad to look at. 321 00:16:56,140 --> 00:16:59,314 You can start with Large Marge. Marge, can you come in here, please? 322 00:16:59,477 --> 00:17:02,481 No, Margie's not fat, she's pregnant. I'm not gonna fire her. 323 00:17:02,647 --> 00:17:04,069 Well, fine. Uh... 324 00:17:04,232 --> 00:17:06,735 ...stay where you are, Marge. Congratulations. 325 00:17:07,652 --> 00:17:11,373 - You can fire, uh, Professor Xavier. - Who are you talking about? 326 00:17:12,615 --> 00:17:14,083 - You mean Hank? - Yeah. 327 00:17:14,242 --> 00:17:17,462 He creeps me out, rolling around all day in his special secret chair. 328 00:17:17,620 --> 00:17:19,668 - He's up to something. - I won't fire anyone. 329 00:17:19,830 --> 00:17:21,878 - You're not? Oh, really? - Yeah, really. 330 00:17:22,041 --> 00:17:24,464 It's like you don't care about this company at all. 331 00:17:24,627 --> 00:17:28,177 No fucking shit I don't care about this company. This is just an ATM to me. 332 00:17:28,339 --> 00:17:31,809 You think when I was a kid I dreamed of running a fucking chemical company? 333 00:17:31,968 --> 00:17:36,064 No. I dreamed of being on a beach with a model sewing me tropical drinks. 334 00:17:36,222 --> 00:17:38,771 That's what I dreamed of. That's what's gonna happen... 335 00:17:38,933 --> 00:17:43,655 ...as soon as I squeeze the profit out of this company. But first things first. 336 00:17:44,146 --> 00:17:47,867 You either fire the fatty or you fire the cripple, or I fire all three of you. 337 00:17:48,234 --> 00:17:53,411 Decision is yours. You can phone a friend, ask the audience, fifty-fifty. 338 00:17:53,698 --> 00:17:56,952 Do the math. One loses the job or three loses it. 339 00:17:58,327 --> 00:18:00,876 Your call. I think I know who you're gonna fire. 340 00:18:02,373 --> 00:18:05,172 And tell him to leave his handicap parking pass when he leaves. 341 00:18:05,376 --> 00:18:07,344 You can't take that. It's issued by the state, Bobby. 342 00:18:07,503 --> 00:18:10,097 Well, this is... You're looking at the state. 343 00:18:10,256 --> 00:18:12,725 The State of Bobbyville. 344 00:18:12,883 --> 00:18:15,352 - Okay? Deal with it. - That would be a town, Bobby. 345 00:18:15,511 --> 00:18:16,558 United States of Me. 346 00:18:16,721 --> 00:18:18,564 - Okay, there we go. - It's all here. 347 00:18:32,778 --> 00:18:35,372 - Hey, Hank, how you doing, man? - Good, what's up? 348 00:18:35,531 --> 00:18:36,748 Um ... 349 00:18:37,199 --> 00:18:39,918 We're going through a real tough time... 350 00:18:40,202 --> 00:18:42,955 ...financially and... 351 00:18:45,041 --> 00:18:47,135 We're gonna have to let you go. 352 00:18:49,503 --> 00:18:50,629 Shit. 353 00:18:51,714 --> 00:18:54,263 - I'm sorry. - Everyone. 354 00:18:54,717 --> 00:18:58,096 Uh, can I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make. 355 00:18:58,262 --> 00:19:03,894 I've just learned that Kurt has fired our dear friend Hank here. 356 00:19:04,060 --> 00:19:10,067 I just want you all to know that I am just as shocked and angered as you all are. 357 00:19:10,232 --> 00:19:11,575 - What are you doing? - Please. 358 00:19:11,734 --> 00:19:14,203 Enough out of you already today. My dad... 359 00:19:14,362 --> 00:19:16,364 ...on the day of his funeral. 360 00:19:16,530 --> 00:19:19,579 This is an accounting department decision. My hands are tied. 361 00:19:19,992 --> 00:19:23,587 I'm sorry. You are one cold, heartless bastard, Buckman. 362 00:19:29,293 --> 00:19:33,423 - Hank, this wasn't my idea. - Fuck you, Kurt. 363 00:19:51,399 --> 00:19:52,901 Come in. 364 00:19:53,776 --> 00:19:55,995 Julia, you needed to see me? Oh, shit. 365 00:20:03,035 --> 00:20:04,537 Uh-oh. 366 00:20:04,912 --> 00:20:07,415 - Will you have a seat, Dale? - Do I have to? 367 00:20:07,873 --> 00:20:09,420 Please. 368 00:20:11,419 --> 00:20:12,762 Sure. 369 00:20:16,716 --> 00:20:19,139 This is a little ridiculous, but... 370 00:20:19,301 --> 00:20:23,898 Look, Dale, you know, I know that I like to fool around at work. Right? 371 00:20:24,056 --> 00:20:27,310 And I might even... You know, I might even cross the line a bit. 372 00:20:27,476 --> 00:20:31,151 But the last thing that I wanna do is make you uncomfortable. 373 00:20:31,480 --> 00:20:34,279 I mean, it's just not professional. You know? 374 00:20:34,442 --> 00:20:37,821 And I pride myself on being a professional. 375 00:20:37,987 --> 00:20:42,584 So from now on, what I would like you to do is just tell me, you know... 376 00:20:42,742 --> 00:20:46,087 ...when and if, uh, I cross the line. Okay? 377 00:20:46,245 --> 00:20:48,668 Okay. Now. 378 00:20:49,165 --> 00:20:50,212 What? 379 00:20:50,374 --> 00:20:53,878 Well, now, you're kind of crossing a line... 380 00:20:54,670 --> 00:20:56,138 ...because you're naked. 381 00:20:56,297 --> 00:20:57,844 Uh ... 382 00:20:58,549 --> 00:21:00,392 Not naked, Dale. 383 00:21:00,551 --> 00:21:03,725 - Can you see my pussy? - Hmm. 384 00:21:04,263 --> 00:21:07,358 True. Um ... 385 00:21:07,516 --> 00:21:12,272 But I think, uh, even really saying the word "pussy" is... 386 00:21:12,438 --> 00:21:14,440 - That's crossing the line? - Little bit. 387 00:21:14,607 --> 00:21:16,701 You're starting to sound like a little faggot. 388 00:21:16,859 --> 00:21:20,580 There we go. That one's another one, probably illegal thing to say too. 389 00:21:20,738 --> 00:21:25,835 Okay. Let's not talk about illegal, Mr. I-Like-To-Pee-On-Little-Boys. 390 00:21:25,993 --> 00:21:28,542 It was an empty playground in the middle of the night. 391 00:21:28,704 --> 00:21:31,082 Ah. That's weirder. Poor child must have been terrified. 392 00:21:31,248 --> 00:21:34,502 There were no children. No kids in the park. Why do people think that? 393 00:21:34,668 --> 00:21:38,889 You know what? Forget it. Listen, let's just out to the chase, all right, mister? 394 00:21:39,048 --> 00:21:40,971 - You're engaged now. - Right. 395 00:21:41,133 --> 00:21:45,730 And I respect the institution of marriage way too much to violate it. 396 00:21:46,013 --> 00:21:49,893 So that's why you're gonna have to fuck me well before the wedding. 397 00:21:50,476 --> 00:21:54,822 Because the closer we get to this date, the less ladylike I'm gonna feel about it. 398 00:21:55,481 --> 00:21:57,324 Julia, I'm not gonna sleep with you. 399 00:22:03,781 --> 00:22:04,907 We'll see about that. 400 00:22:06,242 --> 00:22:07,744 Get out. 401 00:22:10,996 --> 00:22:12,418 Could you do the, uh...? 402 00:22:16,710 --> 00:22:18,678 I'm a sucker. Harken wasn't gonna promote me. 403 00:22:18,838 --> 00:22:21,557 That coked-up prick is gonna ruin Pellit Chemicals. 404 00:22:21,799 --> 00:22:23,597 He's just gonna fire everybody. 405 00:22:23,759 --> 00:22:26,729 She stood there with her breasts right in my face. 406 00:22:26,887 --> 00:22:29,015 Yeah, you know, yours doesn't sound that bad. 407 00:22:29,181 --> 00:22:30,774 I'll stop bringing it up. 408 00:22:30,933 --> 00:22:32,981 I don't understand why you guys don't quit. 409 00:22:33,143 --> 00:22:36,613 Julia's the only one who'd hire me. Are you registered sex offenders? 410 00:22:36,772 --> 00:22:40,652 Going to school, changing fields, starting from the bottom. Who wants to do that? 411 00:22:40,818 --> 00:22:44,789 What do I care about protecting Pellit's name when his own son doesn't? 412 00:22:44,947 --> 00:22:48,042 - Gotta be a million jobs out there. - You could find another job. 413 00:22:48,200 --> 00:22:50,623 - Is this really happening? Look at this. - Oh! 414 00:22:50,786 --> 00:22:54,256 The Three Musketeers. Nick, Kurt and Dale. Look, hanging like high school. 415 00:22:54,415 --> 00:22:55,667 Oh, shit. 416 00:22:55,958 --> 00:22:57,005 - Kenny's here. - What's up? 417 00:22:57,293 --> 00:22:59,295 - Yeah, I love this. - Kenny Sommerfeld. 418 00:22:59,461 --> 00:23:01,338 In the flesh, boys. In the flesh. 419 00:23:01,505 --> 00:23:02,631 Oh, my goodness. 420 00:23:02,840 --> 00:23:06,344 Now, I heard you moved to New York, you're working at Lehman Brothers. 421 00:23:06,510 --> 00:23:08,638 - They, uh, hired me right out of Yale. - Hell yeah. 422 00:23:08,804 --> 00:23:12,308 - Smart Kenny. I love that shit. - What are you doing here? 423 00:23:12,600 --> 00:23:15,900 - You read the papers? They shut us down. - Right. Sorry about that. 424 00:23:16,061 --> 00:23:18,359 I've been looking for work for the last two years. 425 00:23:18,522 --> 00:23:20,570 I can't even get a job waiting tables. 426 00:23:20,816 --> 00:23:22,659 You waiting tables. I don't buy that. 427 00:23:22,818 --> 00:23:25,617 Kenny Sommerfeld, you were voted "Most Likely to Succeed," weren't you? 428 00:23:25,779 --> 00:23:28,498 - I mean, everyone thought you were set. - Everybody including me! 429 00:23:29,992 --> 00:23:31,335 I'll tell you what though. 430 00:23:31,493 --> 00:23:33,666 I would fucking murder those Lehman Brothers if I could. 431 00:23:33,829 --> 00:23:35,502 - I don't blame you. - I bet. 432 00:23:35,664 --> 00:23:39,510 Line them up, and I would put one bullet through the three of their heads. 433 00:23:39,668 --> 00:23:41,295 - That would do it. - Heh. 434 00:23:41,462 --> 00:23:43,806 - Take it easy, Kenny. - No, you guys don't understand, okay. 435 00:23:43,964 --> 00:23:49,516 I was making the high six figures, and now, ha, I can't even pay for this fucking drink. 436 00:23:49,678 --> 00:23:52,932 - You can't? - Well, we'll cover it, right? Dale's got it. 437 00:23:53,098 --> 00:23:55,226 - Seriously, yeah? - Uh, I actually can't cover it. 438 00:23:55,392 --> 00:23:57,065 - I'll do it. - Will you spot him? 439 00:23:57,227 --> 00:23:59,229 Got some extra, maybe throw my way? 440 00:23:59,438 --> 00:24:02,612 - Beyond the drink? - Maybe some extra scratch, if you got it. 441 00:24:02,775 --> 00:24:04,743 - Of course. - Can you cover me? Just because... 442 00:24:04,902 --> 00:24:07,200 - And I'll get you next time I see you. - Cool, thank you. 443 00:24:07,363 --> 00:24:09,536 Kenny, I had no idea it was that bad, buddy. 444 00:24:09,698 --> 00:24:12,247 - Do you have change for a 10? - No, I don't. 445 00:24:12,409 --> 00:24:15,458 You know what? That's probably not gonna cut it, so I'll tell you what. 446 00:24:15,746 --> 00:24:17,498 How about I give you guys some hand jobs? 447 00:24:17,790 --> 00:24:19,007 - What is it? - Huh? 448 00:24:19,166 --> 00:24:21,589 Forty bucks a piece. We'll do it right here in the bathroom. 449 00:24:21,752 --> 00:24:23,720 All right, you guys are driving a hard bargain. 450 00:24:23,879 --> 00:24:26,177 Since I know you, I'll let you stare into my eyes. 451 00:24:26,340 --> 00:24:29,310 - I'll do the three of you for a hundred. - Kenny, are you gay now? 452 00:24:29,468 --> 00:24:31,721 - No, I'm not gay! - You just do gay stuff. 453 00:24:31,887 --> 00:24:35,608 I'm the opposite of gay. Now, come on. What do you say? 454 00:24:35,766 --> 00:24:37,814 Handies for the Three Musketeers. 455 00:24:39,395 --> 00:24:42,490 Come on. You know what? I'll hit the three of you at the same time. 456 00:24:42,648 --> 00:24:44,400 Dale, I'm gonna deal with you right here behind my knee. 457 00:24:44,566 --> 00:24:47,410 Nobody's doing that, you're gonna love it. You two, I'm gonna rock you. 458 00:24:47,569 --> 00:24:49,742 Nordic style. You know what they're saying right now? 459 00:24:49,905 --> 00:24:52,374 They're saying my hands are rated four stars. 460 00:24:52,533 --> 00:24:56,254 Four stars wrapped around your stick, pop the thumb, nick the top. Nick the top. 461 00:24:56,412 --> 00:24:59,586 - Nick the top, nick the top, pecker spit. - You been drinking all day, Kenny? 462 00:24:59,748 --> 00:25:03,127 Look at me. I know what I'm doing down there. Nobody will ever know. 463 00:25:03,293 --> 00:25:06,012 Hey! Come on, man. I thought I told you to stay out of here. 464 00:25:06,171 --> 00:25:08,299 I gotta go. But listen, if you guys change your mind... 465 00:25:08,465 --> 00:25:10,638 ...I'm staying at my mom's house. Mm. 466 00:25:10,801 --> 00:25:13,350 For an extra hundred, I'll let you guys pool your mayonnaise... 467 00:25:13,512 --> 00:25:16,607 ...right here in my bellybutton. You'll love it. Think about it. Ugh, ugh! Yes! 468 00:25:16,765 --> 00:25:17,766 I'll be at my mom's. 469 00:25:17,933 --> 00:25:19,105 Okay. 470 00:25:19,935 --> 00:25:22,029 Oh, Kenny. 471 00:25:23,397 --> 00:25:26,401 That dude banged all three of my sisters. 472 00:25:29,194 --> 00:25:31,947 He might be looking for your brother now, you know. 473 00:25:32,197 --> 00:25:34,040 Maybe don't quit your job. 474 00:25:35,242 --> 00:25:38,462 I guess we'll be miserable for the rest of our lives? That's the deal? 475 00:25:38,704 --> 00:25:41,173 - That's the way it's looking. - Why you saying that? 476 00:25:41,331 --> 00:25:42,958 We don't have many options, do we? 477 00:25:43,333 --> 00:25:46,086 Think about it, we can quit our jobs and turn into Kenny... 478 00:25:46,253 --> 00:25:49,507 ...or, uh, keep our jobs and just become spineless losers... 479 00:25:49,673 --> 00:25:52,893 ...that spend their entire day dreaming of ways to kill their bosses. 480 00:25:53,052 --> 00:25:54,645 - You do that too? - Of course. 481 00:25:54,803 --> 00:25:57,977 - Sounds a little sick. - It's not- It's just a way to blow off steam... 482 00:25:58,140 --> 00:26:00,484 It's not like we're gonna actually kill our bosses. 483 00:26:00,642 --> 00:26:03,111 - Good. - Ha, ha. Though you would have to admit... 484 00:26:03,270 --> 00:26:06,319 ...that our lives would be a lot easier if our bosses weren't alive. 485 00:26:06,482 --> 00:26:07,529 Mm-hm. 486 00:26:07,691 --> 00:26:12,322 Hypothetically, if we could do it and none of us get caught, would you guys do it? 487 00:26:12,821 --> 00:26:14,289 - No. - I would. 488 00:26:14,448 --> 00:26:15,825 - No, you wouldn't. - I would. 489 00:26:15,991 --> 00:26:17,243 - You would? - Yeah. 490 00:26:17,409 --> 00:26:20,709 It's not murder if it's justified. Justifiable homicide, right? 491 00:26:20,871 --> 00:26:22,214 I can't wait to hear this. 492 00:26:22,372 --> 00:26:25,091 If one evil person dies for the greater good, so be it. 493 00:26:25,250 --> 00:26:29,426 You know, Bobby Pellit is an absolute monster. He's a fucking jerk. 494 00:26:29,588 --> 00:26:33,934 If he has his way, he's gonna end up killing thousands of innocent Bolivians. 495 00:26:34,093 --> 00:26:35,140 What? 496 00:26:35,302 --> 00:26:37,600 Technically, I think it's immoral not to kill him. 497 00:26:37,763 --> 00:26:40,687 I should kill Harken for not letting me say goodbye to Gam Gam? 498 00:26:40,849 --> 00:26:42,817 Yes. Yes, you should. 499 00:26:42,976 --> 00:26:45,820 But I don't care how bad our bosses are. We're not murderers. 500 00:26:45,979 --> 00:26:48,482 Julia is ruining your life, you know? That's wrong. 501 00:26:48,649 --> 00:26:51,368 - That is wrong. - It's affecting your possible marriage. 502 00:26:51,527 --> 00:26:54,872 - Come on, she's not ruining it. - Would your life be easier without Julia? 503 00:26:55,030 --> 00:26:56,782 You're right. Uh, know what I'm gonna do? 504 00:26:56,949 --> 00:26:59,577 I'm gonna go to Julia's house, maybe I'll slash her up... 505 00:26:59,743 --> 00:27:03,373 ...and I'll put her in a box and I'll mail it to you two, uh, tough-guy mafiosos. 506 00:27:03,539 --> 00:27:07,339 I'm done with this conversation. You're paying for dinner because you've upset me. 507 00:27:08,001 --> 00:27:11,050 You're paying and I'm finding a cab somehow. 508 00:27:11,213 --> 00:27:13,807 I was just speaking hypothetically, you know. 509 00:27:13,966 --> 00:27:15,718 Me too. 510 00:27:19,596 --> 00:27:20,848 Guess who. 511 00:27:21,014 --> 00:27:23,608 Look, I'm really kind of not in the mood for this. 512 00:27:23,809 --> 00:27:25,356 Not in the mood for what? 513 00:27:25,686 --> 00:27:26,778 - Hi. - Hi, babe. 514 00:27:26,937 --> 00:27:28,530 Oh, what are you doing here? 515 00:27:28,689 --> 00:27:31,738 - I invited her. - Yes. She called. 516 00:27:31,900 --> 00:27:36,280 And she said that now that we're engaged, she wanted to offer me free dental work. 517 00:27:36,446 --> 00:27:39,416 - And you know I have that loose filling. - Yeah. 518 00:27:39,575 --> 00:27:41,577 This really was so, so sweet of you, Julia. 519 00:27:41,743 --> 00:27:44,212 Oh, please. Come on, Stacy, it's my pleasure. 520 00:27:44,371 --> 00:27:45,873 You're part of the family now. 521 00:27:52,796 --> 00:27:56,175 But, um, I don't know if it's a good idea, sweetie. 522 00:27:56,341 --> 00:27:58,093 Oh, why not? 523 00:27:58,260 --> 00:28:02,606 Because we're mixing pleasure with business. Business and pleasure. 524 00:28:02,764 --> 00:28:04,391 We're taking advantage of Julia. 525 00:28:05,225 --> 00:28:06,442 Dale. 526 00:28:06,602 --> 00:28:10,482 There's nothing that you could do ever that would be taking advantage of me. 527 00:28:11,106 --> 00:28:13,450 - Okay? - So sweet. 528 00:28:14,151 --> 00:28:17,121 All right, you. Let's go say we pump you full of gas, huh? 529 00:28:18,614 --> 00:28:20,491 - Okay. - Okay. 530 00:28:21,909 --> 00:28:23,877 Fuck me. 531 00:28:24,161 --> 00:28:25,959 Ten. 532 00:28:26,455 --> 00:28:27,798 Nine. 533 00:28:30,083 --> 00:28:32,177 I don't know what you're doing with your hand. 534 00:28:32,336 --> 00:28:33,804 - Okay. - Seven. 535 00:28:33,962 --> 00:28:37,466 Put your hand in a safe place because there's sharp tools here. 536 00:28:39,009 --> 00:28:40,101 Oh, there she goes. 537 00:28:40,427 --> 00:28:43,271 - Come here! - What are you doing? What are you doing? 538 00:28:45,057 --> 00:28:47,151 You're gonna give me that dong, Dale. 539 00:28:47,476 --> 00:28:48,523 My dong? 540 00:28:48,685 --> 00:28:50,653 You're gonna fuck my slutty little mouth. 541 00:28:50,812 --> 00:28:53,986 Do you hear the words you say sometimes? I mean, who talks like that? 542 00:28:54,149 --> 00:28:56,743 Let's have sex on top of her. Let's use her like a bed. 543 00:28:57,152 --> 00:29:00,031 Get down, get down. Hey, hey! Get off of her. 544 00:29:00,197 --> 00:29:04,418 Goddamn you! That's it, okay? You know what? That's crossing the line. 545 00:29:04,576 --> 00:29:06,078 So I'm done, Julia. 546 00:29:06,245 --> 00:29:09,840 Fuck this. I'm out. I don't need this job. So goodbye, I'm quitting. I'm done. 547 00:29:09,998 --> 00:29:11,671 I'm gonna tell her you fucked me. 548 00:29:12,376 --> 00:29:13,423 What? 549 00:29:13,585 --> 00:29:16,338 If you don't fuck me, I'm gonna tell her that you fucked me. 550 00:29:16,672 --> 00:29:20,017 Okay. Tell her whatever the hell you want. She's not gonna believe you. 551 00:29:20,550 --> 00:29:23,349 She already knows that you're a sex offender. 552 00:29:23,804 --> 00:29:26,728 And I think once she gets a look at these... 553 00:29:27,516 --> 00:29:29,518 ...she's gonna believe me. 554 00:29:30,352 --> 00:29:32,980 - What is that? - Do you remember your first week here? 555 00:29:33,146 --> 00:29:35,399 When I changed the crown on your second bicuspid? 556 00:29:35,565 --> 00:29:36,691 Yeah. 557 00:29:37,067 --> 00:29:41,368 Well, I just, uh, took a few pictures of the procedure. 558 00:29:41,530 --> 00:29:43,453 DALE; on, my God. Right? 559 00:29:45,033 --> 00:29:47,035 Oh, no. What? 560 00:29:47,869 --> 00:29:49,496 Oh. Ooh. 561 00:29:49,663 --> 00:29:51,415 You did all this while I was unconscious? 562 00:29:51,581 --> 00:29:53,504 Ooh. Mm-hm. Yep. 563 00:29:55,377 --> 00:29:57,175 That's my favorite. 564 00:29:57,337 --> 00:29:58,384 - Rape. - What? 565 00:29:58,547 --> 00:30:00,720 Rape. That's a rape. This is what raping is. 566 00:30:00,882 --> 00:30:03,476 You're a raper and you've raped me. That's a rape! Rape! 567 00:30:03,635 --> 00:30:06,058 Just relax there, Jodie Foster. 568 00:30:06,555 --> 00:30:08,023 Your dick wasn't even hard. 569 00:30:08,181 --> 00:30:09,899 That does not give me any relief. 570 00:30:10,058 --> 00:30:12,777 But it will be next time, and if it is not... 571 00:30:12,936 --> 00:30:17,487 ...this little sweetheart right here is gonna get a peek at my little photo album. 572 00:30:18,066 --> 00:30:23,618 So please prep the patient for the bitewing x-ray. 573 00:30:24,239 --> 00:30:26,116 I'll be back in a jiffy. 574 00:30:38,211 --> 00:30:40,213 I'm in. Let's kill this bitch! 575 00:30:40,505 --> 00:30:43,725 - What bitch? - "What bitch"? Guys, my boss. 576 00:30:43,884 --> 00:30:47,138 Our bosses need to die. You were right, man. We should do this thing. 577 00:30:47,304 --> 00:30:50,353 We were drinking last night. You said that killing is wrong. 578 00:30:50,515 --> 00:30:54,770 I know. That was before Julia tried to fuck me on top of Stacy's unconscious body. 579 00:30:54,936 --> 00:30:56,062 - Really? - Yes, dude. 580 00:30:56,229 --> 00:30:59,608 She's gone fucking batshit crazy. She took a bunch of photographs of me... 581 00:30:59,775 --> 00:31:02,449 - Where are they? - They'll ruin my life. I can't show them. 582 00:31:02,611 --> 00:31:05,455 - It's a whole thing. You guys in or out? - I was in last night. 583 00:31:05,614 --> 00:31:07,662 - Nick, what do you say? - Please. Let's go. 584 00:31:07,824 --> 00:31:08,871 Nick, come on. 585 00:31:09,034 --> 00:31:12,288 Seriously. I mean, uh, what about your grandma, you know? Bubbe. 586 00:31:12,454 --> 00:31:13,751 - Gam Gam. - Whatever it is. 587 00:31:13,914 --> 00:31:16,008 She didn't get to say goodbye to her grandson. 588 00:31:16,166 --> 00:31:19,010 Because his dickbag of a boss wouldn't let him leave. Right? 589 00:31:19,169 --> 00:31:22,469 - What would Gam Gam want you to do? - She wouldn't want me to kill him. 590 00:31:22,631 --> 00:31:25,510 Okay, forget about Gam Gam. She's dead. You gotta accept that. 591 00:31:25,675 --> 00:31:28,519 This is about you, Nick. Okay, what do you want? 592 00:31:28,970 --> 00:31:30,597 Well, obviously I want him gone. 593 00:31:30,764 --> 00:31:32,516 - Exactly. So let's do this. - Right? 594 00:31:33,100 --> 00:31:34,977 - How do we do this? - I thought about that. 595 00:31:35,143 --> 00:31:38,647 Stacy and I, we watch a ton of Law & Order. Huge Law & Order buffs. 596 00:31:38,814 --> 00:31:41,909 There's all sorts of ways the bad guys on the show mess up, right? 597 00:31:42,067 --> 00:31:44,946 They leave behind skin cells and, uh, bullet casing... 598 00:31:45,112 --> 00:31:46,159 Sperm. 599 00:31:46,321 --> 00:31:48,415 - Most of the time, it's sperm. - Silent killer. 600 00:31:48,573 --> 00:31:50,450 Anyway, that's not the point. Point is... 601 00:31:50,617 --> 00:31:53,666 ...we're not qualified. We gotta hire a professional. 602 00:31:53,995 --> 00:31:55,838 - Are you talking about a hit man? - Yeah. 603 00:31:55,997 --> 00:31:57,999 That's a really good idea. 604 00:31:58,166 --> 00:32:00,669 Yeah. We don't clean our own apartments or cut our own hair. 605 00:32:00,836 --> 00:32:02,463 - No, we pay someone to do that. - Yeah. 606 00:32:02,796 --> 00:32:05,640 Well, I don't actually. Stacy cuts my hair. 607 00:32:06,091 --> 00:32:07,934 - She does? - Yeah. 608 00:32:08,343 --> 00:32:10,687 - She have training for that? - Doesn't need it. 609 00:32:10,846 --> 00:32:12,143 She might. 610 00:32:13,014 --> 00:32:14,891 And where are you gonna find a hit man? 611 00:32:15,058 --> 00:32:17,186 Why don't you guys leave that up to me, okay? 612 00:32:17,352 --> 00:32:19,650 I got this whole thing figured out. 613 00:32:19,813 --> 00:32:24,319 I'm gonna give you a call tomorrow, I'm gonna tell you where to meet me. 614 00:32:24,484 --> 00:32:26,031 Why don't you just tell us now? 615 00:32:29,865 --> 00:32:32,334 I don't have it all figured out. I got some of it figured out. 616 00:32:32,492 --> 00:32:34,335 - Okay. - I'm gonna go home and start. 617 00:32:34,494 --> 00:32:37,168 Okay. All right. I'm gonna go home too. 618 00:32:37,330 --> 00:32:41,676 - Well, you are. This is your house here. - Oh. I couldn't tell that by the way you go... 619 00:32:41,835 --> 00:32:44,714 ...in and out of my fridge drinking all my fucking beer. 620 00:32:46,006 --> 00:32:48,885 - No, no. - Enjoy. 621 00:33:07,652 --> 00:33:10,121 - Were you followed? - Why would I be followed? 622 00:33:10,280 --> 00:33:13,409 People follow people in these types of situations. Sure you weren't? 623 00:33:13,575 --> 00:33:14,622 Oh, boy. What people? 624 00:33:14,784 --> 00:33:16,912 Just take one quick look around, make sure. 625 00:33:17,078 --> 00:33:19,501 - Let's put this down. - Look around, make sure some... 626 00:33:19,664 --> 00:33:21,416 - Calm down! - That's what you get. 627 00:33:21,583 --> 00:33:23,836 Shut the door, take the chain off and let me in. 628 00:33:24,002 --> 00:33:25,925 - I pissed him off already. - Already? 629 00:33:27,589 --> 00:33:30,058 What the hell's going on, huh? What are we doing here? 630 00:33:30,217 --> 00:33:31,890 I don't want an assassin in my apartment. 631 00:33:32,052 --> 00:33:34,271 Don't want this guy knowing where we live. 632 00:33:34,429 --> 00:33:37,979 Hang on, you guys already went ahead and found someone and he's coming here? 633 00:33:38,141 --> 00:33:40,439 - Oh, bigtime. - Not "we." Dale, all by himself. 634 00:33:40,602 --> 00:33:44,277 - It was easy. Easy as buying a used futon. - You found a hit man online? 635 00:33:44,439 --> 00:33:46,862 Yeah. They don't write "hit man," right? That's dumb. 636 00:33:47,025 --> 00:33:50,450 They use code words, like wet work, right? Liquidation. Check him out. 637 00:33:50,612 --> 00:33:52,910 "Skilled professional with years of experience..." 638 00:33:53,073 --> 00:33:55,075 ...in domestic and international wet work. 639 00:33:55,242 --> 00:33:57,336 "Discreet. No children, no political figures." 640 00:33:57,494 --> 00:34:00,464 That last part was important. I saw that, I thought, "This is a good idea." 641 00:34:01,873 --> 00:34:03,921 I feel we should've got a cheese plate for this guy. 642 00:34:04,084 --> 00:34:05,301 - 20/20 hindsight. - Is that him? 643 00:34:05,460 --> 00:34:08,134 - Oh, shit. - Yeah, that was definitely a car. 644 00:34:12,676 --> 00:34:15,145 - He looks like James Bond. - He really does, dude. 645 00:34:15,303 --> 00:34:19,308 Bet he carries a gun you screw together. Those are, like, the coolest guns they make. 646 00:34:19,474 --> 00:34:21,693 So dangerous. What if that is an undercover cop? 647 00:34:21,851 --> 00:34:23,398 - Come on. - What if it's the real thing? 648 00:34:23,562 --> 00:34:26,532 He charges so much we can't afford it, gets pissed, kills us. 649 00:34:26,690 --> 00:34:28,442 - Kills all three of us? Hold on. - That's a thing? 650 00:34:28,608 --> 00:34:29,655 Could that happen? 651 00:34:30,986 --> 00:34:32,488 - Gotta let him in. - How's my hair? 652 00:34:32,654 --> 00:34:35,703 - What do you mean? - It doesn't matter. Let's do this. Okay. 653 00:34:35,865 --> 00:34:37,412 Ready? 654 00:34:44,499 --> 00:34:45,671 Yeah? 655 00:34:45,959 --> 00:34:47,006 Are you Dale? 656 00:34:49,004 --> 00:34:51,883 - I am the one they call Dale. - Hmm. 657 00:34:52,299 --> 00:34:54,142 Please come in. 658 00:34:54,676 --> 00:34:56,144 Thank you. 659 00:34:59,306 --> 00:35:02,025 Are all three of you participating in this? 660 00:35:02,183 --> 00:35:03,275 - Yes. - Well, um ... 661 00:35:03,435 --> 00:35:05,312 - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yep. Yep. - Yes. 662 00:35:05,478 --> 00:35:07,105 Very well. 663 00:35:07,272 --> 00:35:09,991 Now, before we go any further... 664 00:35:10,150 --> 00:35:13,620 ...I need to know if there are any hidden recording devices in the room. 665 00:35:13,778 --> 00:35:15,701 I will find out if there are. 666 00:35:15,864 --> 00:35:19,494 I'm sure you would, but there's none because that would be stupid of us. 667 00:35:19,659 --> 00:35:21,707 - That's a silly move. - It's a no. 668 00:35:23,580 --> 00:35:25,503 Then let's get started. 669 00:35:27,959 --> 00:35:29,836 - I love this guy. - This is the real deal. 670 00:35:30,003 --> 00:35:32,005 - His voice, you kidding? - This guy is legit. 671 00:35:32,172 --> 00:35:35,426 And you do know that we just wanna start with a...? 672 00:35:36,384 --> 00:35:38,762 Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, wait, what's this for? 673 00:35:38,928 --> 00:35:40,396 - For the mess. - What? 674 00:35:40,555 --> 00:35:42,148 Wouldn't wanna leave a stain, now. 675 00:35:42,307 --> 00:35:44,309 - Oh, my God. I knew it. - Who's first? 676 00:35:44,476 --> 00:35:46,820 - "Who's first"? No. - We don't want you to kill us. 677 00:35:46,978 --> 00:35:50,107 We want you to kill another person. If anyone's first, probably him. 678 00:35:50,273 --> 00:35:51,320 No. Goddamn it. 679 00:35:51,483 --> 00:35:53,952 Gentlemen, gentlemen, what are you talking about? 680 00:35:54,944 --> 00:35:56,912 Your ad said you do wet work. 681 00:35:57,072 --> 00:35:58,073 That's correct. 682 00:35:58,365 --> 00:36:00,208 I urinate on other men for money. 683 00:36:00,492 --> 00:36:01,914 - What was that? - What'd he say? 684 00:36:02,077 --> 00:36:03,704 I think he said he pisses on dudes. 685 00:36:04,371 --> 00:36:07,500 Why else do you think my ad was in the "men seeking men" section? 686 00:36:08,917 --> 00:36:09,964 Where was it? 687 00:36:10,126 --> 00:36:12,003 - You fucking idiot. - Could you be dumber? 688 00:36:12,170 --> 00:36:15,390 - Why look in the "men seeking men"...? - We are men looking for a man! 689 00:36:15,548 --> 00:36:17,471 How do people let you work on their teeth? 690 00:36:17,634 --> 00:36:20,012 They don't, actually. I just hand the tools to Julia. 691 00:36:20,261 --> 00:36:24,607 Are you telling me that I've driven all this way and nobody wants to get pissed on? 692 00:36:24,766 --> 00:36:26,268 Uh-uh. - Well, it's not our thing. 693 00:36:26,434 --> 00:36:27,435 Sorry about that. 694 00:36:27,602 --> 00:36:30,947 Can I use your toilet? I stored up rather a large amount of pee for this. 695 00:36:31,106 --> 00:36:33,905 Sure. Yeah, it's right through there. Knock yourself out. 696 00:36:34,067 --> 00:36:36,911 Oh, and by the way, I still will want my $200. 697 00:36:37,070 --> 00:36:38,367 - Understandable. - We insist. 698 00:36:38,530 --> 00:36:40,783 - Two hundred, huh? A bargain. - To kill three people? 699 00:36:40,949 --> 00:36:43,418 - I thought it was such a good deal. - Dipshit. Unbelievable. 700 00:36:44,786 --> 00:36:46,038 I'll be in the car. 701 00:36:46,204 --> 00:36:48,298 Okay, but you guys are gonna chip in for the... 702 00:36:48,456 --> 00:36:51,005 Am I gonna have to give him all my money? 703 00:36:51,751 --> 00:36:54,675 Sir, I'm going to leave your money on the bed. 704 00:36:58,800 --> 00:37:00,518 God, he would have drenched us. 705 00:37:06,683 --> 00:37:08,856 Okay, I'm gonna take the blame on that one. 706 00:37:09,018 --> 00:37:11,567 - You bet your ass you will. - You should take the blame. 707 00:37:11,730 --> 00:37:14,574 - It was an honest mistake. - That's not how you find a killer. 708 00:37:14,733 --> 00:37:17,282 - Oh, you know how to find a killer? - Yeah, I bet I... 709 00:37:17,444 --> 00:37:19,697 Yeah, hey, you know what? Yeah. I got an idea. 710 00:37:19,863 --> 00:37:20,989 What are you doing? 711 00:37:21,156 --> 00:37:22,157 What are you doing? 712 00:37:22,323 --> 00:37:24,325 Good evening, Mr. Buckman. 713 00:37:24,492 --> 00:37:26,711 Thank you for contacting Nav Guide. My name is Gregory. 714 00:37:26,870 --> 00:37:28,622 How may I be of service this evening? 715 00:37:28,788 --> 00:37:32,668 Yeah, we're looking for the most dangerous bar in the city. Can you help us, please? 716 00:37:32,834 --> 00:37:34,677 - We're going to dinner. - I'm sorry? 717 00:37:34,836 --> 00:37:38,340 Looking for a bar filled with criminals. Lowlife thugs, hard-core shitheads. 718 00:37:38,506 --> 00:37:40,850 - What do you got for us? - Let's go to a restaurant. 719 00:37:41,009 --> 00:37:44,730 I'm afraid our listings are not organized by danger, sir. 720 00:37:44,888 --> 00:37:47,858 I see there's an Applebee's three blocks from your location. 721 00:37:48,016 --> 00:37:49,563 - Perfect. - No, not really helpful. 722 00:37:49,726 --> 00:37:52,400 They're not the kind of shitheads we need. Anything else? 723 00:37:52,562 --> 00:37:54,439 I could direct you to a neighborhood... 724 00:37:54,606 --> 00:37:56,279 ...with the greatest number of cadackings. 725 00:37:56,441 --> 00:37:59,240 - Now we're thinking outside the box. - I wanna go to dinner. 726 00:37:59,402 --> 00:38:00,904 - Love it. - That's probably right. 727 00:38:01,070 --> 00:38:04,290 - Very good, sir. - You may wish to lock your doors. 728 00:38:11,206 --> 00:38:13,129 - This is worse than getting pissed on. - Shh. 729 00:38:13,291 --> 00:38:15,293 - I'd rather be pissed on. - Jesus. 730 00:38:15,460 --> 00:38:18,179 You weren't kidding, Gregory. This is, uh, a bad part of town. 731 00:38:18,338 --> 00:38:20,636 You can stay on the line. You're still there? 732 00:38:20,799 --> 00:38:23,769 - I'm still here, sir. - Just keep, uh, keep us on the line. 733 00:38:23,927 --> 00:38:27,272 I'm always curious about these things, but is your real name Gregory? 734 00:38:27,430 --> 00:38:31,560 Uh, no, sir. My real name is Atmanand. 735 00:38:31,726 --> 00:38:33,069 How do you get Gregory from that? 736 00:38:33,228 --> 00:38:35,526 Oh. Gregory was assigned to me... 737 00:38:35,688 --> 00:38:38,191 - .-.by Nev Guide- - Why not let you use your real name? 738 00:38:38,358 --> 00:38:41,578 They say many Americans find our real names hard to pronounce. 739 00:38:41,736 --> 00:38:43,704 I'm not gonna play by their rules anymore. 740 00:38:43,863 --> 00:38:45,911 From now on, I'm gonna call you Ahmenan. 741 00:38:46,074 --> 00:38:47,951 - Atmanand. - Ammenand. 742 00:38:48,117 --> 00:38:49,915 - Atmanad. - Atmanand. 743 00:38:50,078 --> 00:38:52,581 I'm gonna call you Gregory, that name's a nightmare. 744 00:38:52,747 --> 00:38:54,875 - Hey, baby. - Oh, boy. 745 00:38:55,041 --> 00:38:56,759 - You hurt his feelings. - I didn't. 746 00:38:56,918 --> 00:38:58,920 You have arrived at your destination, sir. 747 00:38:59,087 --> 00:39:02,432 - All right. Well, thanks, Gregory. - You're welcome. 748 00:39:07,887 --> 00:39:11,266 All right. All right, here we go. 749 00:39:11,599 --> 00:39:13,977 - This is a really bad idea. - This is a great idea. 750 00:39:14,143 --> 00:39:17,317 - Gonna yell "anybody here kill for money"? - No. 751 00:39:17,480 --> 00:39:19,733 - That's a terrible plan. - Follow me. I got this. 752 00:39:19,899 --> 00:39:22,277 - Where you going? - I don't feel we should stay. 753 00:39:22,443 --> 00:39:24,070 All right. 754 00:39:26,072 --> 00:39:28,291 - Bowflex? - Shut up. 755 00:39:31,327 --> 00:39:32,920 Ah. 756 00:39:33,663 --> 00:39:35,290 My man. 757 00:39:36,666 --> 00:39:39,795 Hey, uh, does anyone here kill people for money? 758 00:39:39,961 --> 00:39:41,463 - Kurt. - The fuck you just say? 759 00:39:41,629 --> 00:39:43,051 No, it's not a race thing. 760 00:39:43,214 --> 00:39:46,468 Uh, I believe that society discriminates and disenfranchises you folks. 761 00:39:46,634 --> 00:39:47,886 - "You folks"? - Subtle. 762 00:39:48,052 --> 00:39:51,647 Man, I'm a small-business owner. Who the hell you calling disenfranchised? 763 00:39:51,806 --> 00:39:53,979 Well, not you in particular, in that instance. 764 00:39:54,142 --> 00:39:56,895 - Oh, right. You mean all black people. - Yes. 765 00:39:57,061 --> 00:39:59,234 - I'm gonna be in the car. - Oh, a baseball bat. 766 00:39:59,397 --> 00:40:02,571 Uh, I didn't mean to offend you. I'm sorry if that's what happened. 767 00:40:02,734 --> 00:40:04,577 My heart's in the right place. 768 00:40:04,736 --> 00:40:07,330 In five seconds, your heart gonna be in the wrong place. 769 00:40:07,488 --> 00:40:10,162 - Four, three, two, let's roll. - Got it. Okay. Take care. 770 00:40:10,325 --> 00:40:11,952 Have a nice day. Good day to you. 771 00:40:12,118 --> 00:40:13,870 Bye, baby. 772 00:40:16,998 --> 00:40:18,841 Don't say a word. I know, I know. 773 00:40:19,000 --> 00:40:20,593 Hit the button. Hit the button. 774 00:40:20,752 --> 00:40:22,880 - Guys, I don't know. Should we quit? - Yeah, definitely. 775 00:40:23,046 --> 00:40:25,674 - Yo. Think I can help you boys. - Is that for us? 776 00:40:27,342 --> 00:40:29,344 - Here we go. - Not interested, thank you. 777 00:40:29,510 --> 00:40:30,557 Hey, hey, hey. 778 00:40:31,930 --> 00:40:34,058 Let's follow a strange guy into a dark corner. 779 00:40:39,771 --> 00:40:42,775 Somebody said y'all looking for somebody to help with business. 780 00:40:42,941 --> 00:40:46,161 - Yep. - Well, um... 781 00:40:46,319 --> 00:40:48,037 ...are you a businessman? Yeah. 782 00:40:48,196 --> 00:40:49,698 Motherfucker Jones. 783 00:40:50,323 --> 00:40:53,452 - How's that? - Motherfucker Jones. 784 00:40:54,327 --> 00:40:57,126 Your first name is Motherfucker? 785 00:40:57,288 --> 00:41:00,792 Not Motherfucker. Motherfuckah. White people say "er." 786 00:41:00,959 --> 00:41:03,257 Negroes say "fuckah." 787 00:41:03,419 --> 00:41:05,547 - Got it. - You say E-R. I say A-H. 788 00:41:05,880 --> 00:41:09,384 Cool name. Yeah. Is that, like, on your birth certificate too? 789 00:41:09,550 --> 00:41:10,893 No, goofball. 790 00:41:11,886 --> 00:41:13,103 My real name is Dean. 791 00:41:13,262 --> 00:41:15,981 Dean Jones. Same name of the actor in Herbie, the Love Bug. 792 00:41:16,140 --> 00:41:17,357 He won't know who that is. 793 00:41:17,517 --> 00:41:19,565 - I know who he is, bitch. - Sorry. 794 00:41:19,727 --> 00:41:23,322 I can't walk around in this fucking neighborhood with that Disney-ass name. 795 00:41:23,731 --> 00:41:25,233 How'd you get the name Motherfucker? 796 00:41:25,942 --> 00:41:28,070 When I was a kid, I snuck into my mother's bedroom. 797 00:41:28,236 --> 00:41:29,488 - Ooh. Uh-Oh. 798 00:41:32,907 --> 00:41:36,502 - She was sleeping on the bed. - She had been drinking all night. 799 00:41:36,661 --> 00:41:38,629 - I've heard enough. - Her skin was glistening. 800 00:41:40,415 --> 00:41:42,509 - And I snuck up behind hen - Dean. 801 00:41:42,959 --> 00:41:44,586 And I slipped my fingers... 802 00:41:44,752 --> 00:41:46,049 Ahh. 803 00:41:46,504 --> 00:41:48,882 - ...Into her purse. - Purse? He said "purse." 804 00:41:49,257 --> 00:41:52,932 - And I took all of her money. - And it was her week's pay. 805 00:41:53,094 --> 00:41:54,937 - I really fucked her over. - Motherfucker! 806 00:41:55,096 --> 00:41:58,646 And that's how I got the name Motherfucker Jones. 807 00:41:58,808 --> 00:41:59,855 Right. 808 00:42:00,018 --> 00:42:02,988 They should call you Motherfucker-Over Jones to avoid confusion. 809 00:42:03,146 --> 00:42:05,274 - What's the confusion? - There's no confusion. 810 00:42:05,440 --> 00:42:08,614 We're gonna get back on track here. Sir, we each have a boss, uh... 811 00:42:08,776 --> 00:42:09,777 ...that, you know... 812 00:42:09,944 --> 00:42:13,915 There's three bosses, and it would be best if those bosses maybe were no longer ... 813 00:42:14,115 --> 00:42:16,243 - No longer around anymore. - We want them... 814 00:42:16,409 --> 00:42:19,504 You know? ...killed. 815 00:42:20,496 --> 00:42:21,622 You got the cheese? 816 00:42:23,124 --> 00:42:25,843 We got the cheese. What kind of cheese are you thinking? 817 00:42:26,002 --> 00:42:28,721 - What is that, three hits? That's ... - Yeah. 818 00:42:31,466 --> 00:42:33,309 - Thirty large. - Whoa. 819 00:42:33,468 --> 00:42:35,641 - Hungry. - That's a lot of cheese. 820 00:42:35,803 --> 00:42:36,975 Oh, here's an idea. 821 00:42:37,138 --> 00:42:39,891 If you kill two, could we get the third one hold the cheese? 822 00:42:40,058 --> 00:42:43,278 It's no negotiations. Thirty large or nothing. 823 00:42:43,436 --> 00:42:46,861 - That's more cheese than we've got- - Okay, then- It's five large now. 824 00:42:49,859 --> 00:42:52,362 Then We're in. We're in. We're in. Right? 825 00:42:52,528 --> 00:42:55,657 Hang on. Wouldn't it be awful if it was traceable back to us? 826 00:42:55,823 --> 00:42:57,166 I don't even know your names. 827 00:42:57,325 --> 00:42:59,248 - That is rude. This is Dale. - Don't say my name. 828 00:42:59,410 --> 00:43:03,290 Shut the fuck up. Listen. Bring the money here tomorrow, I'll take care of the rest. 829 00:43:03,456 --> 00:43:06,335 Do you want it in something specific, a shoebox, duffel bag? 830 00:43:06,501 --> 00:43:08,879 - Just be here with the fucking money. - Yeah. 831 00:43:09,045 --> 00:43:11,423 - Put it in a briefcase. - Thanks for your time. 832 00:43:11,589 --> 00:43:12,636 Here we go. 833 00:43:12,799 --> 00:43:14,016 Is the briefcase coming out of your end? 834 00:44:51,355 --> 00:44:52,572 Looks like it's all there. 835 00:44:52,732 --> 00:44:55,110 Didn't even need a briefcase. It's a smell stack. 836 00:44:55,276 --> 00:44:57,950 - We should have used a manila envelope. - It's all right. 837 00:44:58,112 --> 00:45:01,992 What is your projected outside date of completion, Motherfucker? 838 00:45:03,618 --> 00:45:05,120 Ah. 839 00:45:05,786 --> 00:45:09,256 I just got back from doing a dime for some real nasty shit. 840 00:45:09,540 --> 00:45:10,962 - That's 10 years. - I know. 841 00:45:11,125 --> 00:45:14,254 They're looking at me. I'm on probation, and if I step out of line... 842 00:45:16,297 --> 00:45:17,344 ...I'm going back. 843 00:45:18,049 --> 00:45:20,268 - Right. - Understood. 844 00:45:21,052 --> 00:45:23,646 - Period? End of story? - What does that mean? 845 00:45:23,804 --> 00:45:27,274 - Wait. You said you'd take care of this. - Yeah, I'll take care of it. 846 00:45:29,393 --> 00:45:31,862 I'm gonna be your murder consultant. 847 00:45:32,605 --> 00:45:34,778 I'm sorry, but, uh ... 848 00:45:34,941 --> 00:45:39,663 - No, man. Right? That's not cool. - You don't shut this fucking hamster up ... 849 00:45:39,820 --> 00:45:41,868 - Don't call me a hamster now. Come on. - Easy, easy. 850 00:45:42,031 --> 00:45:44,284 - It's just upsetting. - No, it's somewhat accurate. 851 00:45:44,450 --> 00:45:46,498 Look, that is not what we talked about, Motherfucker. 852 00:45:46,661 --> 00:45:49,665 So how about we just take the money and we'll get out of here? 853 00:45:49,830 --> 00:45:51,832 How about you go fuck yourself? No refunds. 854 00:45:51,999 --> 00:45:55,674 That's $5000. If you think we're just gonna walk out and let you keep that... 855 00:45:55,836 --> 00:45:58,510 I think you're forgetting... Don't go grabbing quickly. 856 00:45:58,673 --> 00:45:59,674 Jesus. 857 00:45:59,840 --> 00:46:03,219 Mr. Motherfucker, please, don't shoot us. Let's just talk it out. 858 00:46:03,386 --> 00:46:05,684 Listen, $5000 is mine. I don't care what you say. 859 00:46:05,846 --> 00:46:08,190 You can take my advice or get the fuck out of here. 860 00:46:08,349 --> 00:46:10,522 - That's a terrible deal. - We should listen. 861 00:46:10,685 --> 00:46:12,653 - Okay, $5000 worth of advice? - Yeah. 862 00:46:12,812 --> 00:46:14,234 Most killers are first-timers. 863 00:46:14,397 --> 00:46:17,947 You wanna pull off a brilliant murder, you gotta act like it's an accident. 864 00:46:18,109 --> 00:46:21,204 Failed brakes, gas leaks, suicide. 865 00:46:21,362 --> 00:46:24,411 You do it right, you ain't even gotta be there when it goes down. 866 00:46:24,573 --> 00:46:27,167 Oh, boy. That's five grand worth, huh? 867 00:46:27,368 --> 00:46:30,338 - Pretty pedestrian. - Not really. Obvious information, isn't it? 868 00:46:30,496 --> 00:46:33,796 Sounds like Scooby-Doo. How are we supposed to fake three accidents? 869 00:46:33,958 --> 00:46:35,050 You stalk your prey. 870 00:46:35,209 --> 00:46:39,385 Gotta be smart. Find out where they live, find out their habits. What's their hobbies? 871 00:46:39,547 --> 00:46:42,300 What they like, what food they like, who they fucking. 872 00:46:42,466 --> 00:46:44,184 - Word. - Find them vulnerable. 873 00:46:44,343 --> 00:46:47,768 I have a job, you know? What's that, surveillance and recon? 874 00:46:47,930 --> 00:46:51,560 That's why we were hiring, because we wanna sub that out. We have jobs. 875 00:46:51,726 --> 00:46:54,320 Even if you pull it off perfectly... 876 00:46:54,645 --> 00:46:57,068 ...if you crackers got motives... 877 00:46:57,231 --> 00:46:58,232 ...the popo... 878 00:46:58,399 --> 00:47:00,447 - That's police. - ...will pin it to you. 879 00:47:00,609 --> 00:47:03,237 We all have clear motives for killing our bosses... 880 00:47:03,404 --> 00:47:06,408 ...so this is not gonna work. This is garbage. 881 00:47:07,533 --> 00:47:09,080 I got it. 882 00:47:09,285 --> 00:47:11,128 Why don't you kill each other's bosses? 883 00:47:15,916 --> 00:47:18,465 - That's actually a good idea. - It's not bad. 884 00:47:18,627 --> 00:47:21,130 Yeah, like Hitchcock's Strangers on a Train, right? 885 00:47:21,297 --> 00:47:24,221 - I didn't see that. They do that? - Danny DeVito movie. It's funny. 886 00:47:24,383 --> 00:47:27,933 That famous Alfred Hitchcock, Danny DeVito movie. That's the one he's... 887 00:47:28,095 --> 00:47:30,393 Come on. You're thinking of Throw Momma From the Train. 888 00:47:30,556 --> 00:47:32,604 - That's what it is. - That I saw. 889 00:47:32,767 --> 00:47:34,895 Good movie. That's what you're thinking about. 890 00:47:35,061 --> 00:47:38,406 Same idea, though. We kill each other's bosses, there's no link to us. 891 00:47:38,564 --> 00:47:40,817 Exactly. Five thousand dollars well spent, right? 892 00:47:40,983 --> 00:47:43,281 - No. Not at all. - Waste of money. 893 00:47:43,444 --> 00:47:45,117 Well, too fucking bad. 894 00:47:45,279 --> 00:47:46,576 Get out. 895 00:47:50,368 --> 00:47:51,415 Hello. 896 00:47:51,577 --> 00:47:54,501 Hey. I'm outside. You ready to do a little recon? 897 00:47:54,663 --> 00:47:59,009 Yep. Yeah. I have to get Harken to let me leave a little bit early. 898 00:47:59,168 --> 00:48:02,138 What's the difference? Not like he'll be your boss much longer. 899 00:48:02,463 --> 00:48:03,931 I'll be down in three minutes. 900 00:48:04,090 --> 00:48:06,843 Three minutes it is. Bye. He'll be down in three minutes. 901 00:48:07,009 --> 00:48:11,606 - Dude, these seats are crazy comfortable. - Look at this. I know, it's so good. Ah. 902 00:48:11,972 --> 00:48:15,146 The worst report I have ever read in my life, you nimwit. 903 00:48:15,309 --> 00:48:17,027 You're such a fucking dweeb. 904 00:48:18,521 --> 00:48:21,866 Do you have a parking space? Because I'm gonna take it away from you. 905 00:48:22,024 --> 00:48:25,073 Who is it, like your mother-in-law that knows my wife? 906 00:48:25,236 --> 00:48:27,364 How you got this fucking job, I don't even understand. 907 00:48:32,368 --> 00:48:33,790 Ugh. 908 00:48:34,036 --> 00:48:35,959 What the hell? 909 00:48:36,580 --> 00:48:40,255 Sorry, everybody. I've been fighting that bug all day. Let me get back to work. 910 00:48:40,418 --> 00:48:44,298 No, no, no. You're disgusting. Go home. I don't want you getting anyone else sick. 911 00:48:44,463 --> 00:48:46,181 Probably best. 912 00:48:47,425 --> 00:48:50,474 Take all your work with you and have it on my desk 6 a.m. Monday. 913 00:48:50,636 --> 00:48:53,139 - You got it. Thank you, Mr. Harken. - Jesus Christ. 914 00:48:53,305 --> 00:48:56,525 - Don't forget to take your fucking trash can. - Yeah. No, that's mine. 915 00:48:56,684 --> 00:48:59,107 You goddamn barfing pig. 916 00:49:04,024 --> 00:49:05,025 Evens are over here. 917 00:49:05,192 --> 00:49:08,412 I know, but sometimes on some streets evens are on the opposite side. 918 00:49:08,571 --> 00:49:09,618 Never. 919 00:49:09,780 --> 00:49:12,033 Never have and they never will. There it is, 428. 920 00:49:12,199 --> 00:49:14,793 - Which one, which one? - Don't stop right in front of it. 921 00:49:14,952 --> 00:49:17,705 Stop right here. Right here, right here. 922 00:49:19,957 --> 00:49:21,334 Okay, boys. 923 00:49:21,500 --> 00:49:26,176 We wait till Pellit makes a move, then we tail him, all right? 924 00:49:26,338 --> 00:49:27,931 - It is on like Donkey Kong. - Ha, ha. 925 00:49:28,090 --> 00:49:30,718 - Hells yeah, man. - Here we go, huh? 926 00:49:32,761 --> 00:49:35,059 - Fire that the other way next time, okay. - Is my breath bad? 927 00:49:35,222 --> 00:49:38,442 - Yeah. Find some gum or lean back. - I had a falafel. 928 00:49:39,268 --> 00:49:42,989 You had a shawarrna, right? It's like a lamb mistake. 929 00:49:43,147 --> 00:49:45,115 - Where'd you get a falafel? - Mickey's. 930 00:49:45,274 --> 00:49:48,073 - Mickey's has falafels? No kidding. - Mm-hm. 931 00:49:48,235 --> 00:49:49,657 Why don't you lean back? 932 00:49:50,237 --> 00:49:53,457 Because he parked right in front of a tree. If I lean back, I can't see the house over there. 933 00:49:53,616 --> 00:49:57,246 Stop exasperating on me, or watch your H's. 934 00:49:57,703 --> 00:50:00,081 Through the nose stinks too, okay? 935 00:50:01,582 --> 00:50:02,799 I hate that angle. 936 00:50:03,834 --> 00:50:06,257 We should probably get lower. If he sees three guys... 937 00:50:06,420 --> 00:50:08,297 - Slouch down a little. - I'm gonna get back. 938 00:50:08,464 --> 00:50:10,592 - You're gonna back your seat up? - If you get in your seat... 939 00:50:10,758 --> 00:50:12,260 ...I can back my seat up. 940 00:50:12,426 --> 00:50:15,475 I don't really have a good angle from here because there's that tree. 941 00:50:15,638 --> 00:50:17,732 - You got a whole window to look through. - I'm coming up. 942 00:50:17,890 --> 00:50:20,439 - Come on, lean back. - I like the three man thing. 943 00:50:21,060 --> 00:50:22,437 What are you doing, Kurt? 944 00:50:24,063 --> 00:50:25,986 - What's going on? - He's fucking around, man. 945 00:50:26,148 --> 00:50:30,779 Creating a finger web in front of your face. Is that...? Is that like a camouflage? 946 00:50:30,945 --> 00:50:33,118 It is his boss. I mean, he's the one who's going to get recognized. 947 00:50:33,280 --> 00:50:35,374 Finger-flage. It's called finger-flage. 948 00:50:35,533 --> 00:50:38,207 Finger-flage. This is actually a pretty damn good idea, dude. 949 00:50:38,369 --> 00:50:40,838 Just roll up your window. Please, I can't... I can't... 950 00:50:40,996 --> 00:50:43,545 - Do the finger-flage. - Let's not have jokes for two hours. 951 00:50:43,707 --> 00:50:45,960 - This is serious business. - This is fun. 952 00:50:48,254 --> 00:50:52,134 Oh, my God. I cannot believe how much this sucks. 953 00:50:52,299 --> 00:50:55,849 I don't get it, man. On TV, surveillance always looks fun, right? 954 00:50:56,011 --> 00:50:59,686 You know, the cops, they got the sunflower seeds and the coffee. 955 00:50:59,848 --> 00:51:01,850 Talk about their lives and shit. And then... 956 00:51:02,017 --> 00:51:05,567 You know, right when someone reveals something really intimate, the perp appears. 957 00:51:05,729 --> 00:51:07,823 - They spring into action. - Yeah. 958 00:51:10,985 --> 00:51:12,578 Are we even sure this guy's home? 959 00:51:18,826 --> 00:51:21,204 - Let's go check this out. - Yeah, we should probably look, right? 960 00:51:23,497 --> 00:51:24,999 Shh. 961 00:51:25,165 --> 00:51:26,257 Oh, my God. 962 00:51:26,417 --> 00:51:28,215 What do you wanna do? What's the plan? 963 00:51:28,377 --> 00:51:32,007 - Let's look through this window right here. - No, no. No, let's ring the bell. 964 00:51:32,172 --> 00:51:35,301 You're not gonna ring the bell. Look through the window right here. 965 00:51:35,467 --> 00:51:38,721 Chances are, he's not home. I haven't seen any activity in this house... 966 00:51:38,887 --> 00:51:41,857 What are you doing? You're not gonna ring the doorbell. 967 00:51:50,274 --> 00:51:51,617 - Come on. Come on. - Dale, Dale, Dale. 968 00:51:58,407 --> 00:52:00,375 I didn't make it in. 969 00:52:04,288 --> 00:52:06,791 I'm sorry, guys. Didn't make it in. 970 00:52:06,957 --> 00:52:08,049 You in? 971 00:52:08,208 --> 00:52:11,712 Yeah, I'm okay. Jesus Christ, the guy owns a fucking bear? 972 00:52:12,046 --> 00:52:15,596 - We're breaking and entering here. - I know. Shh. Oh, look at this. 973 00:52:16,508 --> 00:52:19,307 Look at this place. It's awful. It's like a douchebag museum. 974 00:52:20,804 --> 00:52:23,557 It's like we stepped inside the mind of an asshole. 975 00:52:24,933 --> 00:52:26,230 Shit. He's got a foosball table. 976 00:52:26,393 --> 00:52:29,112 Dale! Don't touch anything. Get your hands off that. 977 00:52:29,897 --> 00:52:31,570 - Fingerprints. - Yeah, fingerprints. 978 00:52:31,732 --> 00:52:35,077 - God. We should be wearing gloves. - We don't have... Oh, here. I know. 979 00:52:35,235 --> 00:52:37,078 Use your sleeves. Use your sleeves. 980 00:52:37,237 --> 00:52:38,955 - For what? - Use them for gloves. 981 00:52:39,114 --> 00:52:42,084 - Come on. - I can see my fingerprints from here. 982 00:52:42,242 --> 00:52:45,212 - What do we do? What's the plan? - We're here to get some intel. 983 00:52:45,371 --> 00:52:47,248 - "Intel"'? - It's short for "intelligence." 984 00:52:47,414 --> 00:52:49,917 - I know what it stands for. - Then why did you ask? 985 00:52:50,167 --> 00:52:52,465 Why are we talking about this? Let's split up. 986 00:52:52,628 --> 00:52:56,428 In and out, in and out. We'll find something good, and we're in and out of here. 987 00:52:56,590 --> 00:53:00,220 - Stop chatting and start looking. - We're committing a crime. This is a crime. 988 00:53:00,636 --> 00:53:02,229 Whoa. 989 00:53:05,099 --> 00:53:07,101 - Nick. - Yeah? 990 00:53:07,267 --> 00:53:10,771 - Now, this would count as intel, right? - Holy shit, that's a lot of cocaine. 991 00:53:10,938 --> 00:53:12,815 Have you ever seen this much cocaine? 992 00:53:12,981 --> 00:53:15,109 That's gotta be worth, what, 10, 15,000...? 993 00:53:16,568 --> 00:53:19,913 Oh, I blew it. I blew that, didn't I? 994 00:53:21,490 --> 00:53:22,992 Hmm. 995 00:53:35,421 --> 00:53:37,549 - Don't inhale. - Grab the box. I'll scoop it in. 996 00:53:37,715 --> 00:53:40,468 I really don't wanna touch it. I don't have sleeve-gloves. 997 00:53:40,634 --> 00:53:42,978 Get something to... Ugh. I'll scoop it in. 998 00:53:43,137 --> 00:53:44,389 So bitter. 999 00:53:52,062 --> 00:53:53,814 Hmm. 1000 00:54:01,405 --> 00:54:04,158 In the butt you go, go, go. 1001 00:54:06,034 --> 00:54:07,752 There you go. 1002 00:54:07,953 --> 00:54:09,000 Big scoop. 1003 00:54:09,163 --> 00:54:11,211 All right, let me try this. Look out. 1004 00:54:11,373 --> 00:54:13,341 - Yeah, that better work. - Watch out. 1005 00:54:14,626 --> 00:54:15,673 There you go. 1006 00:54:15,836 --> 00:54:17,179 - I don't know. - Go slow. 1007 00:54:17,337 --> 00:54:20,887 Get on the couch. Stop helping. 1008 00:54:25,345 --> 00:54:27,347 All right. 1009 00:54:29,558 --> 00:54:30,935 In you go. 1010 00:54:33,228 --> 00:54:34,354 Ooh. 1011 00:54:40,903 --> 00:54:44,077 You probably should have emptied the DustBuster first. 1012 00:54:48,076 --> 00:54:49,168 Is that what you think? 1013 00:54:49,369 --> 00:54:51,747 I was thinking that. On account of the dust. 1014 00:54:54,625 --> 00:54:57,720 Well, I've heard of butt floss, but this is ridiculous. Ha, ha. 1015 00:54:57,878 --> 00:54:59,551 - Get a sifter, or a... - Colander. 1016 00:54:59,713 --> 00:55:01,761 Colander would be good. 1017 00:55:02,007 --> 00:55:04,009 And I'll start picking. 1018 00:55:08,722 --> 00:55:10,349 That'll do. 1019 00:55:13,936 --> 00:55:17,440 I feel like everything'll work out. I'm like a machine. Look how fast I am. 1020 00:55:17,606 --> 00:55:19,904 I'm moving super fast. I can't even feel my nose. 1021 00:55:20,067 --> 00:55:22,320 Wanna know what's weird? I should be panicking... 1022 00:55:22,486 --> 00:55:24,864 ..-and I am a little, but it's in a very good way... 1023 00:55:25,030 --> 00:55:27,783 It's a good kind of panic because I feel like I wanna die... 1024 00:55:27,950 --> 00:55:30,248 ...but I also feel very, very, very good. Yeah. 1025 00:55:30,410 --> 00:55:32,287 Hey! What are you guys doing? 1026 00:55:32,454 --> 00:55:35,082 Nothing. But before we go, I wanna take one more dump. 1027 00:55:35,249 --> 00:55:38,423 Take a dump and I'm gonna do push-ups. Because I gotta get fit. 1028 00:55:38,961 --> 00:55:40,804 What the hell have you guys done? 1029 00:55:42,172 --> 00:55:44,015 I'm feeling good, dude. Wanna help me clean? 1030 00:55:44,174 --> 00:55:46,176 We bond over this. This is friendship stuff. 1031 00:55:46,343 --> 00:55:49,813 We broke into someone's house. It's the most amazing experience of my life. 1032 00:55:49,972 --> 00:55:53,852 We broke into a man's house. Suddenly, I'm like an expert at sifting cocaine. 1033 00:55:54,017 --> 00:55:55,985 It's amazing. Come here and help me with this. 1034 00:55:56,395 --> 00:55:57,988 Can't believe we weren't prepared. 1035 00:55:58,146 --> 00:56:00,490 That was completely dangerous, a total waste of time. 1036 00:56:00,649 --> 00:56:04,074 Well, no. Actually, not a total waste of time. Look what I got. 1037 00:56:04,236 --> 00:56:05,613 - Not bad, huh? - What is that? 1038 00:56:05,779 --> 00:56:07,622 - Is this his phone? - That's his phone. 1039 00:56:07,865 --> 00:56:09,287 - You steal this? - I sure did. 1040 00:56:09,449 --> 00:56:12,794 I got his contacts, schedule. Weird pictures of him doing awesome shit. 1041 00:56:12,953 --> 00:56:14,000 - Very nice. - Thank you. 1042 00:56:14,162 --> 00:56:15,459 - No. - What do you mean, "no"? 1043 00:56:15,622 --> 00:56:18,671 That's a crime. Pfft. Nope. Ha. No one said we'd be stealing. 1044 00:56:18,834 --> 00:56:21,508 - This is a good grab. - We broke in! You guys did cocaine! 1045 00:56:21,670 --> 00:56:24,640 - Right. Two... Three crimes. - He's all jitzed out. Ignore him. 1046 00:56:24,798 --> 00:56:27,597 We're in the process of getting ready to kill three people... 1047 00:56:27,759 --> 00:56:30,137 ...and you're giving me shit about stealing a phone? 1048 00:56:30,304 --> 00:56:32,398 Run it by me if you'll be stealing stuff. 1049 00:56:32,556 --> 00:56:33,978 - Run it by you? - Run it by me! 1050 00:56:34,141 --> 00:56:37,236 - Nick, will you hold this for a second? - What are you doing? 1051 00:56:37,394 --> 00:56:39,817 "Run"? I'm not gonna run anything by you. 1052 00:56:39,980 --> 00:56:42,358 I'm not gonna run anything by you. Dickhead. 1053 00:56:42,524 --> 00:56:44,777 - There's a lot of stuff in here. - I know. 1054 00:56:44,943 --> 00:56:47,321 - Wanna go check out your boss now? - Yeah, I guess we should. 1055 00:56:47,487 --> 00:56:48,909 Okay, let's do it. 1056 00:56:49,448 --> 00:56:51,325 - Hold on. - You gotta take care of that. 1057 00:56:51,491 --> 00:56:53,960 No. No! 1058 00:56:54,620 --> 00:56:56,497 Get off me! Come on, hey! 1059 00:56:56,663 --> 00:56:59,507 - You don't punch the driver! - I need you back here for the brakes. 1060 00:56:59,666 --> 00:57:03,546 Oh, shit, the brakes. I'm sorry, buddy. I'm sorry. Don't punch the driver, Dale! 1061 00:57:03,712 --> 00:57:05,339 I'm sorry I hit you! Get the wheel. 1062 00:57:05,505 --> 00:57:08,509 - You don't punch the driver! - You don't punch the fucking driver. 1063 00:57:08,675 --> 00:57:12,145 I'm coked out of my fucking brain. I'll punch whoever the fuck I want to. 1064 00:57:28,612 --> 00:57:30,614 Let's do this, guys. Feeling good. 1065 00:57:30,781 --> 00:57:33,455 - Be very quiet out there. - Calm down, Dale. 1066 00:57:33,617 --> 00:57:35,369 You know what? Hang on a second. 1067 00:57:35,535 --> 00:57:39,415 Dale? Dude, hold it. Last time the three of us did this, it was very messy. 1068 00:57:39,581 --> 00:57:41,879 - It was awesome, exciting. - It was clunky as hell. 1069 00:57:42,042 --> 00:57:46,047 Here's what we'll do. In the event that Harken is not here, just me and Kurt go in. 1070 00:57:46,213 --> 00:57:48,636 You'll stay out here, not go in, and be our lookout. 1071 00:57:48,799 --> 00:57:51,803 What? Are you kidding me? That's awesome. I love that. The lookout. 1072 00:57:51,969 --> 00:57:54,097 - I don't know what the guy looks like. - Doesn't matter. 1073 00:57:54,262 --> 00:57:57,391 You see anybody, just assume that it's Harken, send us a signal. 1074 00:57:57,557 --> 00:57:59,230 - Okay? Have a seat. - Okay. 1075 00:57:59,393 --> 00:58:03,068 Okay. Send a sig... I'm gonna honk the horn six times. 1076 00:58:03,230 --> 00:58:04,857 - Goddamn it. No. - Did he say "six"? 1077 00:58:05,023 --> 00:58:07,401 - Something much more subtle. - That's too many. 1078 00:58:07,567 --> 00:58:09,990 - More subtle? Four honks? - Can you honk once? 1079 00:58:10,153 --> 00:58:11,621 - Are you kidding? - Not at all. 1080 00:58:11,780 --> 00:58:14,249 People honk once all the time. You'll be in and out... 1081 00:58:14,408 --> 00:58:17,457 - We'll know it's you. - Come on, man. Dale, two honks. 1082 00:58:17,619 --> 00:58:20,839 That kind of tone's gonna get you nowhere. All right, two honks. 1083 00:58:20,998 --> 00:58:23,672 - Just two honks. A little tap, tap. - Okay. 1084 00:58:23,834 --> 00:58:28,260 Two very long, very slow honks. 1085 00:58:30,257 --> 00:58:33,511 - I'm gonna check this window over here. - Okay. 1086 00:58:37,305 --> 00:58:41,355 - There's nothing on that side. - Yeah. I don't think there's anyone in there. 1087 00:58:41,893 --> 00:58:44,316 I think he's definitely out. 1088 00:58:44,855 --> 00:58:46,698 Maybe we can find a way in upstairs. 1089 00:58:47,232 --> 00:58:50,281 Yeah, or maybe there's a window open. 1090 00:58:54,197 --> 00:58:56,165 Or better yet ... 1091 00:58:56,783 --> 00:58:58,285 That makes things easier, huh? 1092 00:58:58,452 --> 00:59:00,546 I like the way you think. Move. 1093 00:59:00,704 --> 00:59:02,627 - No, don't do that. Hey! God! - Oh, shit. 1094 00:59:03,165 --> 00:59:04,212 I broke a rock. 1095 00:59:04,374 --> 00:59:07,002 Please tell me you realize that was a key thingy. 1096 00:59:07,169 --> 00:59:10,218 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. 1097 00:59:10,380 --> 00:59:12,633 You weren't gonna throw a rock through the door? 1098 00:59:12,799 --> 00:59:14,801 No, of course not. No, I wanted to open it. 1099 00:59:14,968 --> 00:59:17,187 Like a real cat burglar. 1100 00:59:19,473 --> 00:59:21,441 Wow. 1101 00:59:21,767 --> 00:59:23,861 Just recon, now, okay? 1102 00:59:24,019 --> 00:59:27,523 Hey, take this. I don't want it. I want my hands free. 1103 00:59:27,689 --> 00:59:29,487 You broke it. 1104 00:59:36,031 --> 00:59:37,078 I feel the intel... 1105 00:59:38,450 --> 00:59:39,952 - God! - Okay, just a cat. 1106 00:59:40,118 --> 00:59:41,165 Out of nowhere. 1107 00:59:41,328 --> 00:59:44,832 Just a cat. We're all right. Let's look upstairs. Come on. 1108 00:59:45,373 --> 00:59:46,670 The call me hell 1109 00:59:46,833 --> 00:59:48,176 They call me Stacey 1110 00:59:48,335 --> 00:59:54,183 That's not my name That's not my name 1111 00:59:54,341 --> 00:59:55,467 They call me hell 1112 00:59:55,634 --> 00:59:56,806 They call me her 1113 00:59:56,968 --> 00:59:58,265 They call me hell 1114 00:59:58,428 --> 00:59:59,680 They call me Stacey 1115 00:59:59,846 --> 01:00:02,520 That's not my name That's not my name 1116 01:00:12,526 --> 01:00:14,244 Oh! Goddamn it. 1117 01:00:14,402 --> 01:00:16,075 Jesus, how many oats do they have? 1118 01:00:16,238 --> 01:00:18,366 - It's the same one, I think. Yeah. - Really? 1119 01:00:18,990 --> 01:00:20,867 Quick little bugger, huh? 1120 01:00:21,034 --> 01:00:22,081 Hey. 1121 01:00:22,244 --> 01:00:24,747 - Shit, is that Harken's wife? - Yeah, that's her. 1122 01:00:24,913 --> 01:00:27,211 - Oh, man, she is hot. - She sure is. Here we go. 1123 01:00:27,374 --> 01:00:30,503 I'd like to bend her over a barrel and show her the 50 states. 1124 01:00:30,794 --> 01:00:33,547 - I don't know what that means. - Ah, it's a saying. 1125 01:00:33,713 --> 01:00:37,138 - I don't think so. - No, it is, it is. Yeah. No, people say that. 1126 01:00:37,300 --> 01:00:40,053 - I haven't heard it. - I've definitely heard people say that. 1127 01:00:40,220 --> 01:00:42,439 I'm not gonna argue. Let's continue the recon. 1128 01:00:42,597 --> 01:00:45,521 - Well, it's definitely a phrase. - It sure isn't. 1129 01:00:45,684 --> 01:00:48,904 Yeah, it is. It's from a book. The Great Gatsby, maybe? 1130 01:00:49,062 --> 01:00:52,862 Let's just look for an address book or a day planner or something. You know? 1131 01:00:53,066 --> 01:00:56,946 You know, it's too bad we're not looking for cats. These people fucking love cats. 1132 01:01:19,259 --> 01:01:20,260 Hey, schmuokface. 1133 01:01:23,388 --> 01:01:27,768 You Wanna tell me what you're doing littering on my street? 1134 01:01:27,934 --> 01:01:31,438 I think what happened, ahem, was that the wind blew it out of my hand. 1135 01:01:31,605 --> 01:01:33,949 I don't care if the wind blew it out of your twat. 1136 01:01:34,107 --> 01:01:38,283 Why don't you take this piece-of-shit car and get off my fucking block? 1137 01:01:38,445 --> 01:01:42,291 I don't know why you're mad at the car. I don't think we should get hostile now. 1138 01:01:42,449 --> 01:01:44,292 "Hostile"? You wanna see hostile? 1139 01:01:44,451 --> 01:01:46,124 How about I go in my house and I get my...? 1140 01:01:47,495 --> 01:01:48,963 What are...? What's going on with you? 1141 01:01:50,207 --> 01:01:51,675 Peanuts. 1142 01:01:51,875 --> 01:01:53,627 "Penis"? 1143 01:01:54,252 --> 01:01:55,629 Oh, peanuts. 1144 01:01:55,795 --> 01:01:58,969 That was a peanut butter sandwich. Are you not good with peanuts? 1145 01:01:59,132 --> 01:02:01,976 What are you pointing at? What's going on? What's here? 1146 01:02:02,469 --> 01:02:04,471 Oh, I got it! What do I do? What do I do? 1147 01:02:04,971 --> 01:02:08,316 "Check the needle, pump back, pump..." Okay, hold on. I'm a slow reader. 1148 01:02:08,475 --> 01:02:09,977 "Hold the pump... " Okay, okay! 1149 01:02:10,143 --> 01:02:12,646 Jab it in your chest. Okay. I got you, dude. Ready? 1150 01:02:17,150 --> 01:02:18,367 How you feeling, you good? 1151 01:02:18,526 --> 01:02:20,824 You good? Did I get you? Did I get you? 1152 01:02:24,032 --> 01:02:27,252 Whoa. Whoa. Dude, come here. Hurry. 1153 01:02:27,410 --> 01:02:28,957 Look at this. 1154 01:02:31,331 --> 01:02:34,005 - Is that Harken? Dale's killing Harken? - That's Harken? 1155 01:02:34,167 --> 01:02:36,010 I'm gonna hit you again, okay? 1156 01:02:37,003 --> 01:02:38,926 - What is he doing? - He's really doing it? 1157 01:02:39,089 --> 01:02:41,387 - This is the recon stage. - Holy shit. 1158 01:02:41,549 --> 01:02:44,177 We gotta get out of here. Come on, we gotta go. Oh, God. 1159 01:02:47,347 --> 01:02:48,473 I'm pushing on it. Okay. 1160 01:02:49,849 --> 01:02:52,443 What about little jabs? Little jabs? 1161 01:02:52,644 --> 01:02:53,861 Do I get your neck? 1162 01:02:55,897 --> 01:02:57,444 Was that good? 1163 01:03:00,652 --> 01:03:02,279 Come on, man! 1164 01:03:02,445 --> 01:03:03,492 Oh, my God. 1165 01:03:03,697 --> 01:03:04,914 Hey, hey! Come here! 1166 01:03:05,073 --> 01:03:08,452 What's going on? What are you doing? What's happened? 1167 01:03:08,618 --> 01:03:11,212 I think he's okay! I hit him with this. Do you know him? 1168 01:03:11,371 --> 01:03:14,841 Of course, he's my husband. Sweetie? Honey? Sweetheart, are you okay? 1169 01:03:17,460 --> 01:03:20,134 - There he is. Hey. - Ah. What did you do to me? 1170 01:03:20,297 --> 01:03:23,267 I saved you with your thingy. It was incredible. 1171 01:03:23,425 --> 01:03:25,803 Oh, my God, sweetie. He saved your life. 1172 01:03:25,969 --> 01:03:27,061 You saved his life. 1173 01:03:27,887 --> 01:03:29,434 Okay. That's cool. 1174 01:03:29,597 --> 01:03:31,645 - What's with the hugging? - Saved your life! 1175 01:03:31,808 --> 01:03:36,314 Oh, sweetie, I am just so grateful that he was here. You could have died. 1176 01:03:36,479 --> 01:03:38,823 - I'm sure you are grateful he's here. - Yes, I am. 1177 01:03:38,982 --> 01:03:40,780 - You know this guy? - No, I don't. 1178 01:03:40,942 --> 01:03:44,287 Are you fucking this guy? What were you doing, waiting to fuck my wife? 1179 01:03:44,446 --> 01:03:47,199 Dude, I just met your wife. You want your thing back? 1180 01:03:49,367 --> 01:03:51,244 - You better get out of here. - No problem. 1181 01:03:51,411 --> 01:03:53,584 Dave. Dave, what are you...? Honey? 1182 01:03:53,747 --> 01:03:57,502 Honey, you should be thanking this young man. Why are you being so suspicious? 1183 01:03:57,667 --> 01:03:59,510 Why? You know why I'm being suspicious. 1184 01:03:59,669 --> 01:04:01,137 Because I know you sleep around on me. 1185 01:04:02,505 --> 01:04:03,552 That's ridiculous. 1186 01:04:03,715 --> 01:04:05,183 What about the way you look at Maurilio? 1187 01:04:07,594 --> 01:04:10,473 You realize We're all going to jail because of that idiot? 1188 01:04:10,638 --> 01:04:13,687 Man, I can't go to jail. Look at me. I'll get raped like crazy. 1189 01:04:13,850 --> 01:04:15,102 Fuck, me too. 1190 01:04:16,353 --> 01:04:18,105 Yeah, totally. 1191 01:04:19,022 --> 01:04:21,241 I'd get raped just as much as you would, Kurt. 1192 01:04:21,399 --> 01:04:23,652 - Do you think you're more rape-able? - I'm not saying that. 1193 01:04:25,028 --> 01:04:27,201 - You're pretty close to saying... - Oh, fuck. 1194 01:04:33,953 --> 01:04:36,456 Holy shit. Did you guys see me out there? 1195 01:04:36,623 --> 01:04:38,125 Yeah, we saw you, Dale. 1196 01:04:38,291 --> 01:04:40,259 Shh. Yeah, we saw that. 1197 01:04:40,418 --> 01:04:41,670 How cool was that? 1198 01:04:41,836 --> 01:04:44,635 It wasn't cool at all. We come out to gather information... 1199 01:04:44,798 --> 01:04:48,052 ...and you start stabbing Harken to death in front of the neighborhood? 1200 01:04:48,218 --> 01:04:50,471 - Harken? - Who'd you think you were stabbing? 1201 01:04:50,637 --> 01:04:51,809 I wasn't stabbing anyone. 1202 01:04:51,971 --> 01:04:55,646 He had an allergic reaction to some peanuts and I rescued him, know what I mean? 1203 01:04:55,809 --> 01:04:57,811 He had a little allergy shot on him and I... 1204 01:04:58,019 --> 01:05:01,068 I mean, I jabbed him with that, but I was just saving his life. 1205 01:05:01,231 --> 01:05:02,983 - Saved a man's life. - Hang on a second. 1206 01:05:03,149 --> 01:05:05,743 So my boss, who we're thinking about planning to kill... 1207 01:05:05,902 --> 01:05:08,405 ...is dying in front of you and you saved his life? 1208 01:05:08,571 --> 01:05:10,994 Well, that sounds bad when you say it like that. 1209 01:05:11,157 --> 01:05:13,455 - Can you open the door? - That's not cool. 1210 01:05:13,618 --> 01:05:16,167 - But I didn't know it was Harken. - Hit the button. 1211 01:05:16,329 --> 01:05:18,582 This is why I need to know what people look like. 1212 01:05:18,748 --> 01:05:20,421 You're mad at me for killing him ... 1213 01:05:20,583 --> 01:05:22,551 Can we give him a time-out? For one second. 1214 01:05:22,710 --> 01:05:24,963 Make up your fucking mind. It's like... 1215 01:05:25,130 --> 01:05:26,177 What is this? 1216 01:05:26,339 --> 01:05:28,683 You gotta admit we got some good intel tonight. 1217 01:05:28,842 --> 01:05:32,221 Harken is allergic to peanuts and Pellit's got a huge stash of cocaine. 1218 01:05:32,387 --> 01:05:33,684 Are you playing this game? 1219 01:05:33,847 --> 01:05:38,023 So all we gotta do is figure a way to get peanuts somewhere into Harken's house... 1220 01:05:38,184 --> 01:05:40,107 ...and put some poison in Pellit's coke. 1221 01:05:40,270 --> 01:05:43,399 It's easy for someone to think Pellit got a bad batch of cocaine. 1222 01:05:43,565 --> 01:05:46,694 You seriously locking me out of the car like we're in 8th grade? 1223 01:05:46,860 --> 01:05:49,579 What about Harken? Probably always got that injector thing. 1224 01:05:49,737 --> 01:05:51,114 Doesn't shower with it. 1225 01:05:51,281 --> 01:05:53,579 So then we'll put some peanuts inside his shampoo. 1226 01:05:53,783 --> 01:05:56,457 A couple of fatal accidents we're not even there for. 1227 01:05:56,619 --> 01:05:59,168 - Motherfucker Jones would be so proud. - Yeah, he would. 1228 01:05:59,330 --> 01:06:02,004 - Getting old. - What do you do about dummy's boss? 1229 01:06:02,167 --> 01:06:04,795 I'll stake her out tomorrow and get to the bottom of it. 1230 01:06:04,961 --> 01:06:07,840 - A man has his limits. - That left a fucking dent. 1231 01:06:10,216 --> 01:06:11,968 Get him fucking home. 1232 01:06:12,135 --> 01:06:16,231 Very funny. That was very funny, guys. 1233 01:06:16,389 --> 01:06:18,892 We have one thing to figure out, if you can help us. 1234 01:06:19,058 --> 01:06:22,403 If Nick and I were in prison, who do you think would get raped more? 1235 01:06:23,229 --> 01:06:24,446 Nick. 1236 01:06:24,606 --> 01:06:27,576 Really? Why? 1237 01:06:27,817 --> 01:06:30,866 It's about weakness and vulnerability- It's not a looks thing. 1238 01:06:31,029 --> 01:06:32,246 It probably would be Nick. 1239 01:06:32,405 --> 01:06:35,625 Getting locked out of the car is bullshit, man. 1240 01:07:19,994 --> 01:07:21,917 That's an awesome deal. 1241 01:07:27,710 --> 01:07:30,805 Jesus, Dale- It's a murder, not a cocktail party... 1242 01:07:30,964 --> 01:07:33,387 I know. You don't have to announce that to the world. 1243 01:07:33,550 --> 01:07:36,554 There was a great deal on nuts. I'm not gonna pass up on savings. 1244 01:07:36,719 --> 01:07:37,936 Okay, so this is it. 1245 01:07:38,096 --> 01:07:42,317 I'm doing Pellit, you're gonna do Harken, and you'll get some intel from Julia, right? 1246 01:07:42,559 --> 01:07:45,062 - Copy that. - Okay. See you on the other side. 1247 01:08:15,466 --> 01:08:16,888 Okay. 1248 01:08:21,472 --> 01:08:23,349 - Thank you, Kimmy. - You're welcome. 1249 01:08:24,058 --> 01:08:25,105 That was great. 1250 01:08:25,268 --> 01:08:27,566 - See you next time. - Yeah. 1251 01:08:27,729 --> 01:08:31,108 - Thank you, Bill. - Thank you, Bobby. 1252 01:08:38,906 --> 01:08:40,533 What? 1253 01:08:41,159 --> 01:08:42,456 Whew. 1254 01:08:43,369 --> 01:08:44,370 Oh. 1255 01:08:51,711 --> 01:08:53,054 Shit. 1256 01:08:54,797 --> 01:08:56,720 - Hey. - How's it going over there? 1257 01:08:57,050 --> 01:09:00,224 - What do you know about Julia? - I learned I gotta switch dentists... 1258 01:09:00,386 --> 01:09:02,388 ...because this woman is unbelievably hot. 1259 01:09:02,555 --> 01:09:05,729 - How's it going over there? - Uh, it's... 1260 01:09:06,059 --> 01:09:10,565 Just I'm waiting for, you know, Pellit to sleep or leave or ... 1261 01:09:10,730 --> 01:09:13,199 Just... Just waiting. 1262 01:09:13,358 --> 01:09:16,077 Wonder what, uh, Dale's doing with Harken. 1263 01:09:16,235 --> 01:09:17,987 It's gonna be really hard. 1264 01:09:18,154 --> 01:09:22,000 And well have to work at this every day, but I wanna do that because I want you. 1265 01:09:22,158 --> 01:09:25,503 I want all of you forever, you and me, every day... 1266 01:09:43,429 --> 01:09:45,602 Everybody was kung-fu fighting 1267 01:09:46,974 --> 01:09:50,274 Everybody was kung-fu fighting 1268 01:09:52,355 --> 01:09:53,948 Give me that. 1269 01:09:54,107 --> 01:09:55,859 Give it to me. 1270 01:10:14,335 --> 01:10:18,306 Jesus. Where does this guy get the energy? 1271 01:10:21,551 --> 01:10:23,144 Oh, yeah. 1272 01:10:41,487 --> 01:10:43,535 What the fuck was that? 1273 01:10:49,996 --> 01:10:52,840 Okay. Okay. 1274 01:10:57,879 --> 01:11:01,179 Okay. Okay. 1275 01:11:06,304 --> 01:11:09,183 - Yeah, Dale? - I don't think I can do this. 1276 01:11:09,891 --> 01:11:12,690 Look, I know you really hate Harken but... 1277 01:11:13,561 --> 01:11:15,404 ...I don't think I can go through with it. 1278 01:11:15,563 --> 01:11:16,610 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 1279 01:11:16,773 --> 01:11:19,868 I know. I've been thinking the same thing. 1280 01:11:20,026 --> 01:11:22,575 - Yeah, let's just call it off - What the fuck? 1281 01:11:22,737 --> 01:11:24,865 - What? - It's Harken. He's here. 1282 01:11:25,031 --> 01:11:26,123 He's at Pellit's? Why? 1283 01:11:26,282 --> 01:11:28,785 I don't know. He's walking right up to the front door. 1284 01:11:29,202 --> 01:11:32,001 - You think he's onto us? - How the fuck do I know? 1285 01:11:32,413 --> 01:11:34,381 Knock a little louder? 1286 01:11:34,540 --> 01:11:35,541 What? What? 1287 01:11:38,252 --> 01:11:41,256 Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, Harken just shot Pellit. 1288 01:11:41,422 --> 01:11:42,799 Are you sure? 1289 01:11:42,965 --> 01:11:46,344 Holy shit. Pellit opened up the door, Harken shot him in the chest... 1290 01:11:46,511 --> 01:11:48,684 ...he fell down, he shot him again in the head. 1291 01:11:48,846 --> 01:11:52,396 - He shot him? Wait, what's going on? - I don't understand. He shot him? 1292 01:11:52,558 --> 01:11:54,606 Nick? Say something. Nick, say something. 1293 01:11:54,769 --> 01:11:57,989 Nick! Nick, Nick, talk to me. Nick, what's happening? 1294 01:11:58,147 --> 01:11:59,239 What's going on? 1295 01:11:59,398 --> 01:12:01,901 - How's Pellit doing? - Still pretty fucking dead, Dale. 1296 01:12:09,158 --> 01:12:13,083 I gotta get out of here before somebody sees me. Meet me at the bar. I'll call Kurt. 1297 01:12:13,246 --> 01:12:14,668 Yeah. I'll meet you there. 1298 01:12:14,831 --> 01:12:18,756 I might throw up a couple times in the toilet here, but then I'll meet you there. 1299 01:12:21,128 --> 01:12:22,220 Oh. 1300 01:12:22,380 --> 01:12:23,677 Oh, Toyota. 1301 01:12:34,725 --> 01:12:36,443 Stay calm. We'll figure this out. 1302 01:12:36,602 --> 01:12:38,604 "Calm"? I saw a guy get shot an hour ago. 1303 01:12:38,771 --> 01:12:42,275 - I know. A guy you were gonna kill anyway. - Listen, I don't know about that. 1304 01:12:42,441 --> 01:12:44,114 - What? - Don't Know if I had it in me. 1305 01:12:44,277 --> 01:12:46,371 I freaked out and panicked, got out of there. 1306 01:12:46,529 --> 01:12:48,952 Are you kidding? You can't change a plan like this... 1307 01:12:49,115 --> 01:12:50,162 I'm not a murderer. 1308 01:12:50,324 --> 01:12:53,328 You think when it came down to it, you'd be able to kill Julia? 1309 01:12:53,494 --> 01:12:57,340 I don't know. Maybe you're right. It is a little hard to imagine killing her now. 1310 01:12:57,498 --> 01:13:00,627 - "Now"? - Wait, what does that mean? 1311 01:13:00,793 --> 01:13:02,386 - Did you sleep with her? - No, no. 1312 01:13:02,545 --> 01:13:04,968 - Tell me you didn't sleep with her. - You're a mess. 1313 01:13:05,131 --> 01:13:07,384 But this time it wasn't my fault, I swear to God. 1314 01:13:07,550 --> 01:13:09,928 You will be a suspect if you try and kill her now. 1315 01:13:10,094 --> 01:13:13,143 At first I was surveilling her, like I was asked to do. 1316 01:13:13,306 --> 01:13:17,482 - She's incredibly hot, by the way. So hot. - Don't talk about how hot she is, bastard. 1317 01:13:17,643 --> 01:13:19,816 Next thing, she starts deliberately undressing. 1318 01:13:19,979 --> 01:13:21,026 Come on. 1319 01:13:21,188 --> 01:13:23,156 In front of her window with the lights on. 1320 01:13:23,316 --> 01:13:25,739 - Like she knew I was watching. - "Deliberately undressed"? 1321 01:13:25,902 --> 01:13:28,030 Slowly, seductively, lot of shoulder moves... 1322 01:13:28,195 --> 01:13:30,072 ...is clearly putting on a show. 1323 01:13:30,239 --> 01:13:33,163 - Next she makes herself a little snack. - She have a nice chest? 1324 01:13:33,326 --> 01:13:34,327 A Popsicle. 1325 01:13:34,493 --> 01:13:36,086 - Then a banana. - Come on. 1326 01:13:36,245 --> 01:13:39,795 - And finally, a hot dog. I mean, come on. - Now I don't believe your story. 1327 01:13:39,957 --> 01:13:42,836 Three penis-shaped foods, that can't be a coincidence, right? 1328 01:13:43,002 --> 01:13:45,596 Eating them in that weird order? Not a proper meal. 1329 01:13:45,755 --> 01:13:46,847 It's cold to hot. 1330 01:13:47,006 --> 01:13:49,885 Fine. So you took the penis foods as an invitation to fuck her. 1331 01:13:50,051 --> 01:13:53,851 No, no. God, no. I took he-r invitation to fuck her as an invitation to fuck her. 1332 01:13:54,055 --> 01:13:56,308 She lured me in. lt was like one of these things. 1333 01:13:56,474 --> 01:13:59,023 - Something clinically wrong with you. - You're a whore. 1334 01:13:59,185 --> 01:14:02,029 - Come on. That's not nice, okay? - Look, your problem 's solved. 1335 01:14:02,188 --> 01:14:03,690 She won't mess with you anymore. 1336 01:14:03,856 --> 01:14:06,484 Can we move on? Let's talk about what happened to Pellit. 1337 01:14:06,651 --> 01:14:10,326 All right, okay. Let me think. Okay, here's what I'm thinking. Here's my idea. 1338 01:14:10,488 --> 01:14:12,866 We call the cops with an anonymous tip. All right? 1339 01:14:13,032 --> 01:14:15,080 We tell them Harken killed Pellit. Boom. 1340 01:14:15,242 --> 01:14:18,712 Harken's in jail, Pellit's in hell, Julia's had the crazy fucked out of her... 1341 01:14:18,871 --> 01:14:21,044 ...and all three of us have our problems solved. 1342 01:14:21,207 --> 01:14:23,460 It could work. An anonymous tip, that's not bad. 1343 01:14:23,626 --> 01:14:24,673 Mm-hm. 1344 01:14:24,835 --> 01:14:27,759 Gotta be from a pay phone, though, so it's not traced back to us. 1345 01:14:27,922 --> 01:14:30,971 - Exactly. - Good. Let's take my car. Let's do it. 1346 01:14:32,009 --> 01:14:34,683 All right. Where do you even find a pay phone these days? 1347 01:14:34,845 --> 01:14:36,813 There's a ton at the bus station for sure. 1348 01:14:36,973 --> 01:14:39,772 Oh, yeah, I guess that's a good point. Maybe the mall. 1349 01:14:39,934 --> 01:14:41,402 What is this? 1350 01:14:41,769 --> 01:14:44,568 - What is this? - Is that for us? 1351 01:14:44,730 --> 01:14:46,858 - What? - Oh, shit. 1352 01:14:54,615 --> 01:14:56,413 All the way down. 1353 01:14:57,827 --> 01:14:59,420 Right there. 1354 01:15:01,122 --> 01:15:04,843 - Are you the owner of this vehicle? - I own it. Yup. 1355 01:15:05,042 --> 01:15:10,424 We got an APB on a gray Toyota Prius, license 2-Whiskey-Alpha-Quincy-2-3-3. 1356 01:15:10,589 --> 01:15:11,806 - How come? - Hang on, man. 1357 01:15:11,966 --> 01:15:13,934 - Did I talk to you? - No. 1358 01:15:14,385 --> 01:15:17,104 That's this car. Tell me how I can help. 1359 01:15:17,263 --> 01:15:20,312 A traffic cam caught this car fleeing the scene of a crime tonight. 1360 01:15:20,474 --> 01:15:23,944 - Would you know anything about that? - I don't know why it would do that. 1361 01:15:24,395 --> 01:15:27,365 I mean, I don't know. What happened? 1362 01:15:27,523 --> 01:15:29,571 - Have you been drinking? - No. 1363 01:15:29,900 --> 01:15:31,117 I smell alcohol. 1364 01:15:31,277 --> 01:15:33,496 - This guy and the mouth in the back. - That's me. 1365 01:15:34,780 --> 01:15:36,953 I'm gonna need you to follow us to the station. 1366 01:15:37,116 --> 01:15:38,242 Officer. 1367 01:15:38,659 --> 01:15:39,785 My man. 1368 01:15:41,871 --> 01:15:45,967 I cannot believe I let you talk me into this whole thing. I cannot believe it. 1369 01:15:46,125 --> 01:15:48,219 Are you kidding me? We were being hypothetical. 1370 01:15:48,377 --> 01:15:50,755 - Being hypothetical? - You're the one that pushed us into it. 1371 01:15:54,133 --> 01:15:55,635 Well, don't bark. 1372 01:15:56,635 --> 01:15:58,933 - You know we're dead, right? - Why? 1373 01:15:59,096 --> 01:16:01,315 Because they know everything. Cops are smart. 1374 01:16:01,474 --> 01:16:03,818 You realize we can't even mention Harken now? 1375 01:16:03,976 --> 01:16:05,319 - Yeah, I know. - Shit, dude. 1376 01:16:05,478 --> 01:16:08,231 - Wait, why? - It was supposed to be an anonymous tip. 1377 01:16:08,397 --> 01:16:09,694 - Yeah, so? - Come on, man. 1378 01:16:09,857 --> 01:16:13,077 Should I just tell them the only reason I know about Harken is... 1379 01:16:17,865 --> 01:16:20,334 So should I just say that the only reason I know about Harken... 1380 01:16:20,493 --> 01:16:23,212 ...is because I was parked in front of your dead boss's house? 1381 01:16:23,370 --> 01:16:25,668 You were at the scene of the crime. It was bad then. 1382 01:16:25,831 --> 01:16:29,586 You kind of fled the scene of a crime. That's actually a crime in and of itself. 1383 01:16:29,752 --> 01:16:32,175 Shouldn't have done that. I'm the one that hasn't done anything. 1384 01:16:32,338 --> 01:16:34,466 - You broke into two people's houses. - So you broke into a house. 1385 01:16:34,632 --> 01:16:37,010 I followed you into a house after you broke into it. 1386 01:16:37,176 --> 01:16:39,099 - You stole a blackberry. - You did cocaine. 1387 01:16:39,261 --> 01:16:41,059 I accidentally inhaled some cocaine. 1388 01:16:41,222 --> 01:16:44,522 - What are you gonna do, rat me out? - Maybe I will rat you out. What do you think? 1389 01:16:44,683 --> 01:16:46,526 - You gonna rat me out too? - I Could. 1390 01:16:46,685 --> 01:16:48,858 You stole a blackberry. You fled a crime. You raped my boss. 1391 01:16:49,021 --> 01:16:51,570 - I did not rape her. - I'll climb over and kick your ass! 1392 01:16:51,732 --> 01:16:54,906 - Wanna see what happens? - Hey! Gentlemen. Gentlemen! 1393 01:16:55,069 --> 01:16:56,787 - Right this way. - Yeah, let's do it. Come on. 1394 01:16:56,946 --> 01:16:58,539 Let's go in there. Let's go. Let's do it. 1395 01:16:58,739 --> 01:17:02,789 Do you wanna explain why you were doing 61 in a 25 zone... 1396 01:17:02,952 --> 01:17:05,171 ...one block from the victim's house... 1397 01:17:05,329 --> 01:17:07,502 ...just moments after he got shot dead? 1398 01:17:09,083 --> 01:17:10,335 I was drag racing. 1399 01:17:11,502 --> 01:17:14,255 - I'm a drag racer. - You were drag racing? 1400 01:17:14,588 --> 01:17:15,680 Mm. 1401 01:17:16,382 --> 01:17:17,884 In a Prius? 1402 01:17:21,303 --> 01:17:22,395 I don't win a lot. 1403 01:17:22,555 --> 01:17:24,899 Here's what I don't understand. 1404 01:17:25,057 --> 01:17:27,276 You were at the crime scene. 1405 01:17:27,434 --> 01:17:31,735 Hour later we find the car. You happened to be hanging with this freaky motherfucker. 1406 01:17:31,897 --> 01:17:34,741 - A registered sex offender. - It was an empty playground. 1407 01:17:34,900 --> 01:17:39,030 And this guy. Who happens to be working for Pellit Chemicals, the victim's company. 1408 01:17:39,488 --> 01:17:40,910 What? 1409 01:17:42,241 --> 01:17:43,493 My boss was murdered? 1410 01:17:44,368 --> 01:17:49,750 Oh, wow. What were you doing at his house, Nick? Why were you there? 1411 01:17:50,749 --> 01:17:53,252 Where were you during the murder? 1412 01:17:53,919 --> 01:17:57,799 I was making love. I was making love to a woman. 1413 01:17:57,965 --> 01:18:00,093 Yeah. Murdering some ass. 1414 01:18:01,427 --> 01:18:04,021 - Detectives ... - No, uh, I have a question. 1415 01:18:04,180 --> 01:18:06,854 If one of us knew, you know, who the shooter was... 1416 01:18:07,016 --> 01:18:11,362 ...and he was willing to serve you that perp on a platter... 1417 01:18:12,021 --> 01:18:15,491 ...he would be entitled to some sort of immunity, right? 1418 01:18:15,649 --> 01:18:18,493 No. He would be entitled to some jail time. 1419 01:18:18,986 --> 01:18:21,489 If he knew who the shooter was and didn't tell us... 1420 01:18:21,655 --> 01:18:23,532 ...that would be obstruction of justice. 1421 01:18:23,782 --> 01:18:25,625 Glad none of us know who the shooter is. 1422 01:18:25,784 --> 01:18:30,881 Listen, if you think we're gonna believe that this is all just a big coincidence... 1423 01:18:31,040 --> 01:18:33,213 ...we're gonna be here for a long time. 1424 01:18:35,044 --> 01:18:40,096 Okay, wait. By saying "we're gonna be here for a long time"... 1425 01:18:40,716 --> 01:18:43,515 ...you're implying that we're not allowed to leave... 1426 01:18:43,677 --> 01:18:47,307 ...which would only be the case if we were under arrest. Are we under arrest? 1427 01:18:47,598 --> 01:18:50,477 No. We just brought you in for questioning. 1428 01:18:51,435 --> 01:18:54,154 Well, then, ipso facto... 1429 01:18:54,313 --> 01:18:57,658 ...you don't have sufficient evidence... 1430 01:18:57,816 --> 01:19:00,660 ...constituting probable cause for an arrest warrant. 1431 01:19:00,819 --> 01:19:01,820 Not yet. 1432 01:19:01,987 --> 01:19:06,493 Well, uh, then, pursuant to the Fourth Amendment... 1433 01:19:07,493 --> 01:19:10,963 ...I believe we are free to go. Are we not? 1434 01:19:11,580 --> 01:19:13,002 Yeah, technically. Yeah. 1435 01:19:14,041 --> 01:19:16,009 Technically is good enough for me. 1436 01:19:16,168 --> 01:19:19,012 Gentlemen, ahem, we are free men. 1437 01:19:19,505 --> 01:19:21,007 Let's go. 1438 01:19:21,173 --> 01:19:23,267 We gotta get back to your car. Keep moving. 1439 01:19:23,425 --> 01:19:25,894 We get a cab? Take the train? What do you wanna do? 1440 01:19:26,053 --> 01:19:29,728 - You ever been on a subway in this town? - Pretty great. Where'd that come from? 1441 01:19:29,890 --> 01:19:32,689 Law & Order, okay? You can learn stuff watching Law & Order. 1442 01:19:32,851 --> 01:19:34,694 - We showed them, huh? - We did show them. 1443 01:19:34,853 --> 01:19:36,355 You were about to turn us in. 1444 01:19:36,522 --> 01:19:38,945 There was a few conversations about ratting each other out... 1445 01:19:39,108 --> 01:19:40,701 ...but it was gonna be fine. 1446 01:19:40,859 --> 01:19:42,111 Hold on. 1447 01:19:42,278 --> 01:19:45,077 That's for you, hotshot. Speeding and running a red light. 1448 01:19:45,948 --> 01:19:48,076 You boys don't get too comfortable out there. 1449 01:19:48,242 --> 01:19:53,373 Our forensics team is sweeping the Pellit house right now for DNA and fingerprints. 1450 01:19:53,706 --> 01:19:56,550 And I'll tell you something. They don't miss shit. 1451 01:20:01,213 --> 01:20:03,307 In the butt you go, go, go. 1452 01:20:05,050 --> 01:20:07,394 Why would you put his whole bathroom in your ass?! 1453 01:20:07,553 --> 01:20:11,558 - I didn't I know I had DNA in my butt. - Lying! You know there's DNA in your butt. 1454 01:20:11,724 --> 01:20:14,227 You just like shoving shit in your ass, you fucking pervert! 1455 01:20:14,393 --> 01:20:16,191 We are lawyering up, men. That's it. 1456 01:20:16,353 --> 01:20:20,324 I don't have money for a lawyer. I bought a very expensive ring I can't afford... 1457 01:20:20,482 --> 01:20:23,406 ...then I gave the rest of my motherfucking money to Motherfucker Jones. 1458 01:20:23,569 --> 01:20:25,196 That's who we should talk to. 1459 01:20:25,362 --> 01:20:27,205 He's covered us this far, right? Five grand? 1460 01:20:27,364 --> 01:20:29,366 Five thousand forty with the briefcase. 1461 01:20:29,575 --> 01:20:31,828 - Shut up about that! - Shut up about the briefcase. 1462 01:20:34,621 --> 01:20:37,044 Excuse me. Excuse me. Da-da-da. 1463 01:20:37,207 --> 01:20:40,711 - Hello, Motherfucker. - Hey, look who's back. Look who's back. 1464 01:20:40,878 --> 01:20:43,722 Whatever happened to that, uh, Strangers on a Train shit? 1465 01:20:43,881 --> 01:20:45,554 Didn't work out. We need your help. 1466 01:20:45,716 --> 01:20:48,560 One of our intended victims killed the other intended victim. 1467 01:20:48,719 --> 01:20:50,312 - Shut the fuck up. - It's gone bad. 1468 01:20:50,471 --> 01:20:52,348 You guys are some fucking evil geniuses. 1469 01:20:52,514 --> 01:20:55,984 Thank you, but we had nothing to do with it. We don't know why it happened. 1470 01:20:56,143 --> 01:20:57,690 The cops bring us in as suspects. 1471 01:20:57,853 --> 01:21:01,574 Kurt's DNA's all over the apartment because he shoved a toothbrush up his ass. 1472 01:21:01,732 --> 01:21:04,281 - That's not the point. - I'm giving him the whole story. 1473 01:21:04,443 --> 01:21:06,571 I got you. First thing first, we gotta handle business. 1474 01:21:06,737 --> 01:21:08,284 Mm-hm. 1475 01:21:08,781 --> 01:21:11,534 - I need $5000. - There's gonna be no more money. 1476 01:21:11,700 --> 01:21:13,293 - Two thousand? - Absolutely not. 1477 01:21:13,452 --> 01:21:16,581 No way, Motherfucker. No. 1478 01:21:17,456 --> 01:21:19,424 All right, look, pay for my drinks. 1479 01:21:19,583 --> 01:21:21,130 - Pay for his drink. - I'll do that. 1480 01:21:21,293 --> 01:21:22,795 Not a very good negotiator. 1481 01:21:22,961 --> 01:21:26,056 The guy that killed the other guy, are the cops after him? 1482 01:21:26,215 --> 01:21:28,058 No, no, they don't suspect him. 1483 01:21:28,217 --> 01:21:30,140 Then this is what you need to do: 1484 01:21:30,427 --> 01:21:34,807 Get him to confess to the murder while you're wearing a wire. 1485 01:21:34,973 --> 01:21:36,646 A wire? We can do that. That's easy. 1486 01:21:36,809 --> 01:21:39,983 That how they got you when you murdered somebody? 1487 01:21:44,191 --> 01:21:46,285 - I ain't never murder nobody. - I'm sorry? 1488 01:21:46,527 --> 01:21:48,370 I never murdered anybody. 1489 01:21:48,529 --> 01:21:51,499 Wait, no. You said you did a dime for some pretty nasty shit. 1490 01:21:51,657 --> 01:21:54,911 It was some nasty shit, but does that mean I murdered somebody? 1491 01:21:55,077 --> 01:21:56,124 You implied it. 1492 01:21:56,286 --> 01:21:58,505 You didn't murder someone, what'd you do? 1493 01:21:59,164 --> 01:22:01,258 All right, listen, get in here. 1494 01:22:04,044 --> 01:22:06,672 You guys ever see the movie Snow Falling on Cedars? 1495 01:22:06,839 --> 01:22:07,840 No. 1496 01:22:08,006 --> 01:22:09,679 - Never seen that. - I love that movie. 1497 01:22:09,842 --> 01:22:13,642 What happened was is that I took a video camera into the movie and I bootleg it. 1498 01:22:13,804 --> 01:22:16,273 They was waiting right outside the exit. They got me. 1499 01:22:16,432 --> 01:22:18,480 - You did 10 years for video piracy? - Yeah. 1500 01:22:18,642 --> 01:22:21,361 - They take that shit so serious, man. - Not that seriously. 1501 01:22:21,520 --> 01:22:23,113 We've been taking murder advice... 1502 01:22:23,272 --> 01:22:26,446 ...from some guy whose biggest crime is taping an Ethan Hawke movie. 1503 01:22:26,608 --> 01:22:29,031 - So you do know the movie. - I know who's in it. 1504 01:22:29,194 --> 01:22:33,119 Everyone knows the movie. That's not the point. You tricked us, Motherfuck... 1505 01:22:33,282 --> 01:22:37,879 Hang on a second, something doesn't stack up quite right with this, all right? 1506 01:22:38,036 --> 01:22:42,337 So you just call yourself a video pirate, right? Pirating the high seas of videocy? 1507 01:22:42,499 --> 01:22:45,002 Why do you Carly a gun on you, Mr. Video Pirate? 1508 01:22:45,169 --> 01:22:46,671 - A gun? - Yeah. 1509 01:22:46,837 --> 01:22:48,965 - I don't wanna see it. - It's my cell phone. 1510 01:22:50,048 --> 01:22:53,143 - It's a Sidekick. I'm gonna be in the car. - Oh, shit. 1511 01:22:53,302 --> 01:22:57,398 You grab at it like a gun and you confuse people. Goddamn it, I feel like a moron. 1512 01:22:57,556 --> 01:22:59,229 - Let's go. - You are a moron. 1513 01:22:59,641 --> 01:23:04,238 Look, you don't go into a bar and hand a guy $5000 just because he black. 1514 01:23:04,396 --> 01:23:06,615 - It was never a black-white thing. - No, come on. 1515 01:23:06,773 --> 01:23:08,741 Let's go. Come on. Dale. 1516 01:23:08,901 --> 01:23:10,903 Y'all motherfuckers crazy. 1517 01:23:21,288 --> 01:23:23,040 Okay. 1518 01:23:23,207 --> 01:23:24,379 Looks pretty quiet, yeah? 1519 01:23:24,541 --> 01:23:28,842 Yeah, it does. Okay, tape recorder's ready to roll, I got some fresh batteries in here. 1520 01:23:29,004 --> 01:23:32,929 It was a pretty big investment so I should be the one who does the tape-recording. 1521 01:23:33,091 --> 01:23:35,310 - No way. No, I'll do it. - You're gonna do it? 1522 01:23:35,469 --> 01:23:37,517 You'll have to duct-tape that to your chest. 1523 01:23:37,679 --> 01:23:40,102 I can't tape this to my chest. I have hair on chest. 1524 01:23:40,265 --> 01:23:43,109 Just put it in your pocket. Not gonna tape it to his chest. 1525 01:23:43,769 --> 01:23:47,945 So, what do we do? Wait for him to come home, we grab a office chair or something? 1526 01:23:48,106 --> 01:23:51,610 One of us gets in the chair, spins around and dramatically confronts him. 1527 01:23:51,777 --> 01:23:53,620 - I'm in the chair. - Nick's in the chair. 1528 01:23:53,779 --> 01:23:55,656 - Why are you in the chair? - He's my boss. 1529 01:23:55,822 --> 01:23:59,292 Maybe we should get three chairs and all spin around at the same time. 1530 01:23:59,451 --> 01:24:00,577 Confront him like that. 1531 01:24:00,744 --> 01:24:03,213 That's not intimidating, that's like a musical number. 1532 01:24:04,957 --> 01:24:06,083 Watch out for the cat. 1533 01:24:06,250 --> 01:24:07,467 Surprise! 1534 01:24:09,795 --> 01:24:12,389 Okay. It's a false alarm- Just mingle, mingle, mingle... 1535 01:24:12,548 --> 01:24:13,800 Hi. Who are you? 1536 01:24:13,966 --> 01:24:15,809 Come inside. Close that door. Hurry. 1537 01:24:15,968 --> 01:24:17,811 Um, okay. Now, wait a minute. 1538 01:24:17,970 --> 01:24:21,315 You're the young man who helped Dave out on the street the other night. 1539 01:24:21,473 --> 01:24:23,771 - That's him. - Yeah, that's who I am. 1540 01:24:23,934 --> 01:24:27,905 - How is he? - He is great, thanks to you. Thank you. 1541 01:24:28,480 --> 01:24:30,653 - Did I invite you? - You did and you didn't. 1542 01:24:30,816 --> 01:24:32,659 I work with your husband. We're late. 1543 01:24:32,818 --> 01:24:34,946 - These are my plus-twos. - He's in the garage. 1544 01:24:35,112 --> 01:24:37,160 Oh, we should hide. Everybody, come on in. 1545 01:24:38,156 --> 01:24:42,127 - Someone get the lights. - Get down, get down, get down. 1546 01:24:42,995 --> 01:24:46,795 I'm Kurt, by the way. I didn't get a chance to introduce myself at the door. 1547 01:24:46,957 --> 01:24:50,086 - Oh, hey, Rhonda. Hi. Hi. - Hi, Rhonda. Very nice to meet you. 1548 01:24:50,294 --> 01:24:52,843 Nick didn't tell me his boss was married to a model. 1549 01:24:53,005 --> 01:24:55,133 Ha, ha. Yeah, not a model. 1550 01:24:56,508 --> 01:24:58,181 When did you quit? 1551 01:25:02,723 --> 01:25:04,725 Surprise! 1552 01:25:04,891 --> 01:25:07,189 Goddamn it! God, I hate that! 1553 01:25:07,352 --> 01:25:08,569 We got you, huh, honey? 1554 01:25:09,438 --> 01:25:11,736 - So you were surprised? - Yeah. 1555 01:25:11,898 --> 01:25:13,195 Look, sweetie, everybody's here. 1556 01:25:14,651 --> 01:25:16,119 I'm gonna put my stuff down. 1557 01:25:16,278 --> 01:25:19,031 She knows I hate surprises. 1558 01:25:19,364 --> 01:25:22,914 I think we got him. Ha, ha. We got him good. 1559 01:25:24,119 --> 01:25:25,712 Okay. 1560 01:25:25,871 --> 01:25:28,294 He's gone off on his own. This is our chance. 1561 01:25:28,457 --> 01:25:30,209 - You guys ready? - Yeah, very ready. 1562 01:25:30,375 --> 01:25:32,173 - Stay close, okay? Mm-hm. 1563 01:25:32,544 --> 01:25:34,967 Let's do it. Let's do it. 1564 01:25:36,673 --> 01:25:38,141 Harken. 1565 01:25:39,343 --> 01:25:41,095 I cannot believe my wife invited you. 1566 01:25:41,386 --> 01:25:44,185 What are you doing here? Come to stab me a few more times? 1567 01:25:44,348 --> 01:25:46,897 - We know what you did. - Well, what does that mean? 1568 01:25:47,059 --> 01:25:49,153 We were there. We saw you kill him. 1569 01:25:50,062 --> 01:25:51,439 Really? 1570 01:25:52,272 --> 01:25:54,741 So, what is this, then? Your little Shakedown? 1571 01:25:55,859 --> 01:25:58,658 You think that you can blackmail me... 1572 01:25:59,237 --> 01:26:02,537 ...because you saw me kill my wife's lover? 1573 01:26:03,742 --> 01:26:04,914 Say his name! 1574 01:26:06,828 --> 01:26:08,296 What? 1575 01:26:08,997 --> 01:26:11,216 The man you killed, you say his name. 1576 01:26:11,375 --> 01:26:14,595 Pellit? Trust me, Pellit's name means nothing anymore. 1577 01:26:14,753 --> 01:26:17,222 There it is. Thank you. Let's do it, guys. 1578 01:26:17,381 --> 01:26:19,850 - Yeah, that's right. - Hang on. Where the fuck is Kurt? 1579 01:26:20,008 --> 01:26:21,601 I killed Pellit. 1580 01:26:21,760 --> 01:26:23,603 Hold that thought, I'm missing my friend Kurt. 1581 01:26:23,762 --> 01:26:28,359 I walked right up to his door, I put a gun in his chest and I shot him. 1582 01:26:28,517 --> 01:26:31,771 Then you know what? You know what I did after that? I shot him again. 1583 01:26:31,937 --> 01:26:33,905 And let me tell you something. 1584 01:26:34,523 --> 01:26:36,400 I liked it. 1585 01:26:37,275 --> 01:26:41,121 So if you think that I'm some sort of pussy... 1586 01:26:41,279 --> 01:26:45,876 ...who won't do exactly the same thing to a couple of lame-assed blackmailers... 1587 01:26:46,034 --> 01:26:47,160 ...think again. 1588 01:26:47,327 --> 01:26:50,456 Know who thinks you're a pussy? My friend Kurt. Let me grab him. 1589 01:26:50,622 --> 01:26:52,044 You are pathetic, Hendricks. 1590 01:26:53,333 --> 01:26:59,431 You walk into my house on my goddamn birthday and pull this shit. 1591 01:27:01,049 --> 01:27:02,642 Well, let me tell you something. 1592 01:27:04,052 --> 01:27:05,895 You're dead. 1593 01:27:06,513 --> 01:27:09,016 You and you. 1594 01:27:09,182 --> 01:27:10,525 - And...'? - Kurt. 1595 01:27:10,684 --> 01:27:13,312 Kurt. Dead men. 1596 01:27:14,062 --> 01:27:16,656 - I didn't know it was your birthday. - What's he doing? 1597 01:27:16,815 --> 01:27:19,489 - What do you got? - Getting my gun. Only take a second. 1598 01:27:19,651 --> 01:27:20,948 - I'll get the car. - I'll go. 1599 01:27:21,111 --> 01:27:25,161 We had him, we had the whole goddamn thing. What the fuck happened to Kurt? 1600 01:27:25,407 --> 01:27:26,579 - Hey! - There you are. 1601 01:27:26,742 --> 01:27:27,789 Where were you? 1602 01:27:27,951 --> 01:27:30,329 My, uh, stomach was bothering me. Had to use the bathroom. 1603 01:27:30,495 --> 01:27:32,793 He confessed everything, now he's getting his gun. 1604 01:27:32,956 --> 01:27:34,424 - Kurt, what happened there? - Oh, uh... 1605 01:27:34,583 --> 01:27:36,585 ...she was giving me a tour of the mouth... House. 1606 01:27:37,002 --> 01:27:39,846 - Ow! What are you... '? - Get in the car. Right now. 1607 01:27:40,005 --> 01:27:42,133 - Knock it off. - Come on. 1608 01:27:45,886 --> 01:27:48,514 Look, I wasn't thinking, okay? I'm sorry. 1609 01:27:49,055 --> 01:27:52,309 She-'s just very hot. And I'm weak. I'm a weak, weak man, okay? 1610 01:27:52,476 --> 01:27:53,602 I admit it. 1611 01:27:54,978 --> 01:27:56,946 - Back it up, back it up. - Oh, shit. Oh, shit. 1612 01:27:57,105 --> 01:27:58,607 - They found my DNA. - Back it up. 1613 01:27:58,774 --> 01:28:03,200 Go backwards. Go backwards. See? They found your poop brush. 1614 01:28:03,779 --> 01:28:07,204 - You are obsessed with your asshole! - No, I'm not. It was a prank, Dale. 1615 01:28:07,365 --> 01:28:10,244 Shut it down. Let's start talking about where we're gonna live. 1616 01:28:10,410 --> 01:28:13,380 - The current situation Won't work. - There'll be cops everywhere. 1617 01:28:13,538 --> 01:28:14,835 You talking about fleeing? 1618 01:28:14,998 --> 01:28:17,547 Damn right. I'm talking about Canada or Mexico. 1619 01:28:17,876 --> 01:28:20,595 I can't live in Mexico. I mean, I can't handle the food. 1620 01:28:20,754 --> 01:28:22,677 My digestion alone... I'll probably die. 1621 01:28:22,839 --> 01:28:25,433 - You'd rather be in jail the rest of your life? - Shut the fuck up. 1622 01:28:26,802 --> 01:28:28,930 I'm getting a call. I gotta get this. Hello? 1623 01:28:29,387 --> 01:28:30,559 Hello, lover. 1624 01:28:30,722 --> 01:28:33,475 Uh, look, Julia, now's not a good time to talk. 1625 01:28:33,642 --> 01:28:35,736 - Hey, I'm not here. - That's okay. 1626 01:28:35,894 --> 01:28:38,113 I actually meant to call your home phone. 1627 01:28:38,271 --> 01:28:40,069 You know, tell Stacy about us. 1628 01:28:40,232 --> 01:28:43,406 - No, don't do that. Wait. Wait. - We'll learn the metric system. 1629 01:28:43,568 --> 01:28:46,742 We gotta buy coats and sweaters and learn hockey and all that shit. 1630 01:28:46,905 --> 01:28:49,158 No, I think I've waited long enough, Dale. 1631 01:28:49,324 --> 01:28:51,668 I'm sort of tired of you toying with my emotions. 1632 01:28:51,827 --> 01:28:53,249 I'm not playing with you. 1633 01:28:53,411 --> 01:28:57,041 I'm not toying with you. I'm gonna take care of it. I'm gonna take care of it. 1634 01:28:57,207 --> 01:29:00,086 Wait, wait, wait. What are you gonna do to me? 1635 01:29:00,418 --> 01:29:02,091 - I'm gonna have sex with you. - What? 1636 01:29:02,254 --> 01:29:04,382 I want you to give me details, you pussy. 1637 01:29:04,548 --> 01:29:06,221 And please be explicit. 1638 01:29:06,383 --> 01:29:09,637 Details? I'm in a car with people. Now is not a good time for details. 1639 01:29:09,886 --> 01:29:13,231 - I don't care if it's not a great time. - Okay, fine. 1640 01:29:13,390 --> 01:29:15,438 I'm gonna make you feel good. You know? 1641 01:29:15,600 --> 01:29:18,069 With my fingers and my tongue and whatnot. 1642 01:29:18,228 --> 01:29:20,105 I know you can do better than that. 1643 01:29:20,272 --> 01:29:22,946 All right, I'm gonna put my penis in your pussy, Julia. 1644 01:29:23,108 --> 01:29:25,406 Oh, boy, that's gonna get me done. 1645 01:29:27,279 --> 01:29:28,701 What the fuck was that? 1646 01:29:31,199 --> 01:29:33,748 - What the fuck? - That's Harken. Lose him. 1647 01:29:34,953 --> 01:29:36,955 - Oh, my God! - Get out of here. 1648 01:29:39,207 --> 01:29:40,925 Look, careful. 1649 01:29:43,420 --> 01:29:46,765 Hey, are you gonna slap me in the face with your cock, Dale? 1650 01:29:46,923 --> 01:29:49,221 Yes, I'll slap you in the face with my cock! 1651 01:29:49,384 --> 01:29:52,638 - This guy's fucking crazy. - Slap you all over your face with my cock! 1652 01:29:53,138 --> 01:29:55,140 - Don't get in a wreck. - It's go time. 1653 01:29:57,309 --> 01:29:58,982 Okay. More, Dale. 1654 01:29:59,144 --> 01:30:00,646 I will go up and down on you... 1655 01:30:00,812 --> 01:30:03,736 ...and I'll rub my naked butt against your naked butt... 1656 01:30:03,899 --> 01:30:05,492 ...until it's raw and red... 1657 01:30:05,650 --> 01:30:07,698 ...and we're both really chafed up real bad. 1658 01:30:14,284 --> 01:30:17,163 Not good. Get us out of here! Get us out of here! 1659 01:30:17,329 --> 01:30:18,330 I got it, I got it. 1660 01:30:20,332 --> 01:30:22,426 - Come on. - I'll spit on your arms and stuff. 1661 01:30:22,584 --> 01:30:24,336 - What else? - And then I'm gonna... 1662 01:30:24,502 --> 01:30:26,379 ...jam my skull into the crack of your ass! 1663 01:30:28,673 --> 01:30:30,675 Yeah, baby. In the crack of your ass. 1664 01:30:30,842 --> 01:30:34,187 And I'll dance on your boobies, and I'll jump up and down on your butt. 1665 01:30:36,765 --> 01:30:39,939 Ah. I'll see you Friday, dirty bird. 1666 01:30:40,101 --> 01:30:41,444 Good. Friday. See you Friday. 1667 01:30:41,603 --> 01:30:43,605 Nice job fucking the crazy out of her, Kurt! 1668 01:30:43,772 --> 01:30:46,116 Maybe I should have been dancing on her boobs, huh? 1669 01:30:46,274 --> 01:30:47,366 Maybe you should have. 1670 01:30:47,525 --> 01:30:49,243 That was very good driving, by the way. 1671 01:30:49,402 --> 01:30:50,494 Thank you very much. 1672 01:30:50,654 --> 01:30:53,578 - Good evening, Mn Buckman. - Yeah, hey, Gregory. How are you? 1673 01:30:53,740 --> 01:30:56,209 Our onboard sensors report you've had a collision. 1674 01:30:56,368 --> 01:30:58,496 That's because we have a crazy man that hit us. 1675 01:30:58,662 --> 01:31:01,541 I will alert the authorities and direct them to your location. 1676 01:31:01,706 --> 01:31:03,800 Don't call the cops. They're already after us. 1677 01:31:03,959 --> 01:31:07,964 No, Gregory, they think we murdered someone, all right? Do not call the cops. 1678 01:31:09,881 --> 01:31:11,599 What's going on? Why you slowing down, Kurt? 1679 01:31:11,758 --> 01:31:14,728 Whoa. Oh, no, no, no. I didn't do that. No, the engine died. 1680 01:31:14,886 --> 01:31:17,230 - I remotely disabled your engine. - What? 1681 01:31:17,389 --> 01:31:19,141 It is standard Nav Guide protocol... 1682 01:31:19,307 --> 01:31:21,230 ...whenever a driver has committed a crime. 1683 01:31:21,393 --> 01:31:23,987 I pay 19 bucks a month for this fucking service. 1684 01:31:24,187 --> 01:31:27,066 - Remain with your vehicle. - The police will be arriving shortly. 1685 01:31:27,232 --> 01:31:30,031 Gregory, I thought you were our fucking friend, man! 1686 01:31:45,458 --> 01:31:47,927 Get out of the car, all of you. Come on. Come on. 1687 01:31:50,839 --> 01:31:53,934 - Remember I saved your life that one time? - Shut up. 1688 01:31:56,261 --> 01:31:58,138 - Just take it easy with that... - Shut up. 1689 01:31:58,304 --> 01:31:59,977 I got six bullets in this gun. 1690 01:32:00,140 --> 01:32:03,610 Which means I can shoot all of you twice, just like that bastard Pellit... 1691 01:32:03,768 --> 01:32:05,770 ...if I really wanted to, but I'm not gonna. 1692 01:32:05,937 --> 01:32:08,440 You're not gonna shoot us twice or not gonna shoot us? 1693 01:32:08,606 --> 01:32:09,778 Shut up. 1694 01:32:10,817 --> 01:32:14,663 I got a better idea. I'm gonna tell the cops that you killed Pellit. 1695 01:32:14,821 --> 01:32:18,451 And when I found out, you tried to kill me to shut me up. 1696 01:32:18,616 --> 01:32:20,118 - That's crazy. - Is it? 1697 01:32:20,285 --> 01:32:24,131 Because I don't see one shred of evidence that proves that I shot Pellit. 1698 01:32:24,289 --> 01:32:26,792 And besides, I'm the guy with the bullet in his leg. 1699 01:32:26,958 --> 01:32:28,255 What? 1700 01:32:30,420 --> 01:32:32,263 God, that hurts so much. 1701 01:32:32,422 --> 01:32:34,174 Son of a bitch. 1702 01:32:34,340 --> 01:32:35,762 - Catch! - No, don't ca...! 1703 01:32:35,925 --> 01:32:37,802 - Goddamn it, Dale. - You see? 1704 01:32:37,969 --> 01:32:41,473 You can't win a marathon without putting some Band-Aids on your nipples. 1705 01:32:42,182 --> 01:32:44,776 - What does that mean? - Watch this. 1706 01:32:50,607 --> 01:32:51,859 - Everybody freeze! - Police! 1707 01:32:52,025 --> 01:32:54,244 Drop the gun! On your knees! 1708 01:32:54,402 --> 01:32:57,326 - Thank God. - Officers, thank God you're here. 1709 01:32:57,489 --> 01:32:59,491 These guys, they shot me. 1710 01:32:59,657 --> 01:33:01,330 - That's not true! - That's bullshit! 1711 01:33:01,493 --> 01:33:04,292 I found out they murdered someone. They tried to shut me up. 1712 01:33:04,454 --> 01:33:07,333 Please protect me from them. I have a wife and a cat! 1713 01:33:07,499 --> 01:33:09,877 - All right, take it easy. - Call for an ambulance. 1714 01:33:10,210 --> 01:33:13,931 - Hey, what is this? - It's nothing. It's just a tape recorder. 1715 01:33:14,089 --> 01:33:15,636 Oh, shit! It's a tape recorder! 1716 01:33:15,799 --> 01:33:18,848 - A tape recorder. Did you turn that off? - No, it's been recording! 1717 01:33:19,010 --> 01:33:21,388 - So listen to us, officer. - Hands up! 1718 01:33:21,554 --> 01:33:24,603 Listen to us for one second. He confessed to killing Pellit. 1719 01:33:24,766 --> 01:33:26,063 He said he shot him twice... 1720 01:33:26,226 --> 01:33:29,480 ...and he was gonna shoot us once or twice. He was unclear about that. 1721 01:33:29,646 --> 01:33:31,865 - You are insane. - Just play the tape. 1722 01:33:34,609 --> 01:33:37,158 But all those people are just right outside. 1723 01:33:37,320 --> 01:33:39,038 Your balls are so smooth. 1724 01:33:39,405 --> 01:33:40,952 Wait a minute. Is that my wife? 1725 01:33:41,116 --> 01:33:43,039 No, no. Of course not, no. Let's move past that. 1726 01:33:43,201 --> 01:33:45,875 - -Jam my skull into the crack of your ass! 1727 01:33:46,037 --> 01:33:48,460 I'll dance on your boobies, and jump up and down on your butt. 1728 01:33:48,623 --> 01:33:49,670 What the fuck is this? 1729 01:33:49,833 --> 01:33:53,178 Don't judge. I have a thing with my boss- It's none of your business. 1730 01:33:53,336 --> 01:33:54,838 If you could get to the end...'? 1731 01:33:58,550 --> 01:33:59,676 There's nothing on here. 1732 01:33:59,843 --> 01:34:01,220 - Shit! - What happened? 1733 01:34:01,386 --> 01:34:03,229 Thing must have stopped when we crashed. 1734 01:34:03,388 --> 01:34:05,061 Before this guy supposedly confessed? 1735 01:34:05,223 --> 01:34:07,726 I told you, these guys are liars. They cannot be trusted. 1736 01:34:07,892 --> 01:34:09,735 They shot me in the leg, killed a guy. 1737 01:34:09,894 --> 01:34:12,397 - He shot himself. - I don't need to hear anything else. 1738 01:34:14,566 --> 01:34:16,409 - Cuff them. - Oh, my God. 1739 01:34:16,568 --> 01:34:19,321 - You don't need to cuff us. - My God, we're going to jail. 1740 01:34:19,487 --> 01:34:21,114 We're going to jail. Unbelievable. 1741 01:34:21,281 --> 01:34:22,703 It hurts. It hurts so much. 1742 01:34:22,866 --> 01:34:24,664 Excuse me? Officers? 1743 01:34:24,868 --> 01:34:26,996 I should mention that it is Nav Guide policy... 1744 01:34:27,162 --> 01:34:30,006 ...to record all conversations for quality assurance. 1745 01:34:30,165 --> 01:34:32,463 - Who the hell's that? - That's our Nav Guide rep. 1746 01:34:32,625 --> 01:34:34,218 - His name is Almonan. - Hands up! 1747 01:34:34,377 --> 01:34:35,924 - Atmanad. - Almondmond. 1748 01:34:36,087 --> 01:34:38,431 - Atmanad is what it was! - Atmanand. 1749 01:34:38,590 --> 01:34:41,434 Atmand... Gregory, uh, play what he said. 1750 01:34:41,593 --> 01:34:44,221 - Play it just after the crash. - Very good, sir. 1751 01:34:44,387 --> 01:34:47,106 You're not gonna listen to this. This isn't evidence. 1752 01:34:47,265 --> 01:34:49,313 I got six bullets in this gun. 1753 01:34:49,475 --> 01:34:52,445 Which means I can shoot all of you twice, just like that bastard Pellit... 1754 01:34:52,604 --> 01:34:55,073 ...if I really wanted to, but I'm not gonna. 1755 01:34:55,231 --> 01:34:56,699 - That's it. - So it was you. 1756 01:34:59,235 --> 01:35:02,614 That is not proof. That's just a car. You're not gonna listen to a car. 1757 01:35:02,780 --> 01:35:05,374 Looks like I'm getting that promotion after all. Yeah. 1758 01:35:05,783 --> 01:35:07,785 To answer your question, that was your wife. 1759 01:35:07,952 --> 01:35:10,080 - You fucked my wife? - I fucked your wife. 1760 01:35:10,246 --> 01:35:11,293 Nobody fucks my wife! 1761 01:35:14,375 --> 01:35:15,672 Ah. 1762 01:35:16,836 --> 01:35:18,304 How you like them nipples? 1763 01:35:18,463 --> 01:35:20,090 Did you just do the catchphrase? 1764 01:35:20,256 --> 01:35:22,475 - Good Will Hunting. - Good Will Hunting. 1765 01:35:22,634 --> 01:35:24,261 - That's so great. - Caught it, yeah. 1766 01:35:24,427 --> 01:35:27,556 Good Will Hunting rip. Instead of saying "apples" he said “nipples." 1767 01:35:27,722 --> 01:35:29,816 - Felt like a moment. - And happy birthday. 1768 01:35:29,974 --> 01:35:32,352 So in the end, we didn't wind up going to jail. 1769 01:35:32,518 --> 01:35:35,146 Actually, we did later that night when they booked us. 1770 01:35:35,313 --> 01:35:37,315 But since we led the cops to Harken... 1771 01:35:37,482 --> 01:35:40,361 ...they ultimately agreed to let our other offenses slide. 1772 01:35:40,526 --> 01:35:42,028 Strangely enough, lucky for Kurt... 1773 01:35:42,654 --> 01:35:46,329 ...there 's no laws on the books against putting people's toiletries up your ass. 1774 01:35:46,491 --> 01:35:48,619 Anyway, with Harken in his new position... 1775 01:35:48,785 --> 01:35:54,042 ...on all fours in prison for 25 to life, Comnidyne made me acting president. 1776 01:35:54,749 --> 01:35:58,424 It's a great job, I got a solid raise and I 'm actually my own boss. 1777 01:35:58,586 --> 01:35:59,883 Well, except for the CEO. 1778 01:36:00,046 --> 01:36:03,767 - Morning. - Oh, morning. You, uh, must be Nick. 1779 01:36:03,925 --> 01:36:06,678 - I am. - Well, it's great to finally meet you. 1780 01:36:06,844 --> 01:36:09,848 - You too, Mr. Sherman. - Please. Lou. 1781 01:36:10,515 --> 01:36:12,438 Okay. Lou. 1782 01:36:12,600 --> 01:36:15,695 I appreciate the opportunity you've given me. I won't let you down. 1783 01:36:16,020 --> 01:36:17,522 Yeah, I'm sure you won't, son. 1784 01:36:17,689 --> 01:36:20,363 From what I hear people say he's the nicest guy in the world. 1785 01:36:21,734 --> 01:36:23,657 Mr. Sherman, I'm sorry your coffee was cold. 1786 01:36:23,820 --> 01:36:24,867 Uh, Lou? 1787 01:36:25,029 --> 01:36:26,246 Most people. 1788 01:36:26,406 --> 01:36:29,376 Mr. Sherman, I'm hungry! 1789 01:36:29,534 --> 01:36:31,502 Can I come out now, please? 1790 01:36:31,661 --> 01:36:34,039 - You hear that? - No. 1791 01:36:34,205 --> 01:36:36,299 Sounds like there's someone in your trunk. 1792 01:36:36,499 --> 01:36:40,879 Why don't we let this be, uh, our little secret? 1793 01:36:41,045 --> 01:36:42,422 I need a shower. 1794 01:36:42,588 --> 01:36:44,886 Yeah. Turns out my new boss... 1795 01:36:45,049 --> 01:36:47,222 ...is a twisted old fuck. 1796 01:36:48,553 --> 01:36:52,399 Meanwhile, the Pellit family put the most senior person in charge of the company... 1797 01:36:52,557 --> 01:36:55,561 ...which wasn't Kurt. But he was okay with that. 1798 01:36:55,727 --> 01:36:59,652 Because he realized that when you're the boss, sometimes people want you dead. 1799 01:36:59,814 --> 01:37:03,193 - Hey, Kurt. Come in. - Margie, I wanted to congratulate you. 1800 01:37:03,359 --> 01:37:04,406 Thank you. 1801 01:37:04,569 --> 01:37:08,324 If there's anything I can do to help out before the baby gets here, let me know. 1802 01:37:08,489 --> 01:37:10,662 - What baby? - Your baby. 1803 01:37:11,743 --> 01:37:14,747 - I'm not pregnant. - So I'm just touching you? 1804 01:37:16,247 --> 01:37:17,373 AY... 1805 01:37:17,749 --> 01:37:19,296 Julia. 1806 01:37:19,834 --> 01:37:24,260 I was thinking perhaps we could drill the patient first. 1807 01:37:24,422 --> 01:37:25,469 And Dale? 1808 01:37:25,840 --> 01:37:29,435 Ultimately, he decided his only choice was to screw Julia after all. 1809 01:37:29,594 --> 01:37:33,599 You just continue to surprise me... 1810 01:37:33,765 --> 01:37:35,938 ...you dirty, dirty little man. 1811 01:37:36,351 --> 01:37:38,274 Just you wait. 1812 01:37:39,937 --> 01:37:41,530 You like that, Dale? 1813 01:37:41,689 --> 01:37:43,282 - You like that, Dale? - Oh, my God, yeah. 1814 01:37:43,441 --> 01:37:45,284 Oh. 1815 01:37:46,486 --> 01:37:50,457 Oh, gosh, do I wish I could have sex with Julia. 1816 01:37:53,284 --> 01:37:54,536 What? 1817 01:37:54,702 --> 01:37:57,455 I'm so sorry, but I couldn't keep it together! It's amazing! 1818 01:37:57,622 --> 01:37:59,795 - She was talking to your penis! - Who are you? 1819 01:37:59,957 --> 01:38:03,712 Julia, this is my good friend, Kenny Sommerfeld. 1820 01:38:03,878 --> 01:38:05,551 Most Likely to Succeed. 1821 01:38:05,713 --> 01:38:07,807 - Give me some of that. - Don't you touch me. 1822 01:38:07,965 --> 01:38:10,639 Now, Kenny here, he'll do just about anything for 50 bucks. 1823 01:38:10,802 --> 01:38:12,896 - Yeah, it's true. - Yeah, and it's not pretty. 1824 01:38:13,054 --> 01:38:15,807 But that's why I asked him to help me frame you. 1825 01:38:15,973 --> 01:38:20,103 Really? ls this all you've got? Your word against mine? 1826 01:38:20,269 --> 01:38:21,816 Don't forget about that guy. 1827 01:38:21,979 --> 01:38:25,574 Say hi to my cameraman. He's filmed a lot of Hollywood hits. 1828 01:38:25,733 --> 01:38:27,485 You are a sick little bastard. 1829 01:38:27,652 --> 01:38:29,450 You are a sick little bastard. 1830 01:38:29,612 --> 01:38:31,034 Shut the fuck up for a second. 1831 01:38:31,197 --> 01:38:34,167 Julia, shut the fuck up for a second, all right? 1832 01:38:34,325 --> 01:38:36,293 Now, here's what's gonna happen, okay? 1833 01:38:36,452 --> 01:38:39,080 I'm going to take a very nice, very expensive... 1834 01:38:39,247 --> 01:38:41,716 ...two-week vacation with my fiancée. 1835 01:38:41,874 --> 01:38:45,003 Let's call it a honeymoon, all right? And you are gonna pay for it. 1836 01:38:45,211 --> 01:38:50,263 Then I'm going to return to a rape-free workplace, all right? 1837 01:38:50,425 --> 01:38:55,352 Because if you so much as look at my sexy little ass, Julia... 1838 01:38:55,513 --> 01:38:58,266 ...I will have yours locked the fuck up... 1839 01:38:58,433 --> 01:39:04,361 ...you crazy bitch whore! 1840 01:39:05,189 --> 01:39:07,692 Ah, that felt good. 1841 01:39:15,700 --> 01:39:19,546 How's the hair? Is it good, is it great? It's not as bad as his, is it? 1842 01:39:21,205 --> 01:39:27,178 I had no idea that you called your grandmother "Gam Gam." 1843 01:39:29,714 --> 01:39:31,261 Calm down! 1844 01:39:32,717 --> 01:39:33,843 Oh! 1845 01:39:37,013 --> 01:39:40,233 Holy shit. He went out the door. 1846 01:39:40,558 --> 01:39:43,732 This place is awful. It's like The Sharper Image took a shit in here... 1847 01:39:43,895 --> 01:39:45,112 Five forty with the briefcase. 1848 01:39:45,271 --> 01:39:47,899 Oh, shut up about the briefcase. 1849 01:39:48,065 --> 01:39:51,865 Gonna put that "briefcase" up my ass. 1850 01:39:53,237 --> 01:39:55,080 'M gonna put that briefcase up my ass! 1851 01:40:02,580 --> 01:40:03,581 A dancin' girl 1852 01:40:03,748 --> 01:40:05,716 - You're good? He's good. - Yeah, I'm okay. 1853 01:40:06,083 --> 01:40:08,586 Or else little Stacy here's gonna get a little peek... 1854 01:40:08,753 --> 01:40:12,178 ...at my photo album. 1855 01:40:14,926 --> 01:40:17,554 One more. Let's fix this. 1856 01:40:19,430 --> 01:40:22,104 Have you ever in your life seen this much co...? 1857 01:40:24,852 --> 01:40:27,605 Pee, pee, pee, pee on the... 1858 01:40:29,106 --> 01:40:30,278 Let's... 1859 01:40:34,820 --> 01:40:37,414 Now I'm sneezing dust bunnies. Is that diabetes? 1860 01:40:37,573 --> 01:40:39,575 I'm a pharmacist, not a doctor. 1861 01:40:39,742 --> 01:40:41,460 Is that my brain? Take my temperature. 1862 01:40:41,619 --> 01:40:43,087 Have you any, uh, roofies? 1863 01:40:43,246 --> 01:40:45,089 I want a lollipop. Do you like karaoke? 1864 01:40:45,248 --> 01:40:48,001 Do you have MDMA? I'll suck your d... 1865 01:40:53,297 --> 01:40:55,140 Shit happens. 1866 01:40:56,801 --> 01:41:01,682 What is your projected outside date of completion, Motherfucker? 1867 01:41:10,481 --> 01:41:12,233 Give me that again. 1868 01:41:14,819 --> 01:41:17,117 - Oh, hi! Hi! Hello. - Hi. 1869 01:41:17,280 --> 01:41:18,497 Come on, what are you...? 1870 01:41:20,324 --> 01:41:23,544 Wouldn't mind bending her over a barrel and showing her the 50 states. 1871 01:41:23,703 --> 01:41:25,125 I don't know what that means. 1872 01:41:25,288 --> 01:41:27,256 - It's a phrase. - I don't think so. 1873 01:41:27,415 --> 01:41:31,261 Yeah, it is. It certainly is. Yeah, it definitely is. 1874 01:41:31,419 --> 01:41:33,672 - Really? - Yeah, it's from a movie. 1875 01:41:33,838 --> 01:41:34,885 Mm-mm. 1876 01:41:35,047 --> 01:41:36,720 It is now. 1877 01:41:37,008 --> 01:41:38,726 Beautiful.