1 00:00:02,031 --> 00:00:03,515 Breathe it in, girls. 2 00:00:03,540 --> 00:00:05,147 My journey begins today. 3 00:00:05,172 --> 00:00:07,672 Finally bringing something into this world I can be proud of. 4 00:00:07,755 --> 00:00:11,490 As children, the Wright Brothers dreamed of flying machines. 5 00:00:11,515 --> 00:00:14,082 Oprah dreamed of hiding presents under chairs. 6 00:00:14,151 --> 00:00:17,920 And I dreamed of building something magnificent. 7 00:00:18,264 --> 00:00:20,498 Well, recently, Jay and I bought a vacant lot 8 00:00:20,523 --> 00:00:22,990 on which we are building Dunphy Tower. 9 00:00:23,093 --> 00:00:24,659 What I wouldn't give to reach back in time 10 00:00:24,728 --> 00:00:27,295 to tell the 15-year-old dreamer who drew this, 11 00:00:27,363 --> 00:00:29,330 "We did it, kid." 12 00:00:29,399 --> 00:00:30,431 Hey. 13 00:00:30,533 --> 00:00:33,426 - Claire, you look terrible. - Thanks. 14 00:00:33,451 --> 00:00:35,168 No. I mean, you're all locked up. 15 00:00:35,193 --> 00:00:36,332 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. 16 00:00:36,357 --> 00:00:38,754 I guess the spa day that I booked for you tomorrow 17 00:00:38,779 --> 00:00:40,312 came at the perfect time. 18 00:00:40,337 --> 00:00:43,160 Oh, right, that. 19 00:00:43,185 --> 00:00:46,997 I have to be very delicate with Gloria around my birthday. 20 00:00:47,098 --> 00:00:49,698 Last year, for some insane reason, 21 00:00:49,801 --> 00:00:51,667 she got me this gift certificate 22 00:00:51,769 --> 00:00:54,203 for ridiculous salsa-dancing lessons. 23 00:00:54,272 --> 00:00:56,992 Like I'm ever gonna use that. Come on. 24 00:00:57,017 --> 00:00:59,184 Anyway, somehow, she's convinced herself 25 00:00:59,209 --> 00:01:01,453 I didn't "appreciate" her gifts. 26 00:01:01,554 --> 00:01:02,586 You know. 27 00:01:02,655 --> 00:01:04,255 Some people. 28 00:01:04,323 --> 00:01:07,347 So, tomorrow at work might be a little bit hectic. 29 00:01:07,372 --> 00:01:09,160 Just a lot of stuff going on at the office. 30 00:01:09,185 --> 00:01:10,943 And it's not that I don't want to do it, 'cause I do. 31 00:01:10,968 --> 00:01:13,130 No, Claire, let's not do this dance again. 32 00:01:13,232 --> 00:01:15,849 We all know how you feel about dancing. 33 00:01:18,167 --> 00:01:19,591 Proud, proud day, Phil. 34 00:01:19,616 --> 00:01:20,681 Thanks, partner. 35 00:01:20,706 --> 00:01:22,206 Maybe we should get this show on the road. 36 00:01:22,308 --> 00:01:23,974 The photographer's been taking shots of Haley 37 00:01:24,076 --> 00:01:25,175 when she's not looking. 38 00:01:25,200 --> 00:01:26,917 That's weird. I didn't hire a photographer. 39 00:01:26,942 --> 00:01:28,912 Dunphy, right? Jared Cook. 40 00:01:29,015 --> 00:01:31,315 - Nice shovel. - Thanks. I painted it myself. 41 00:01:31,408 --> 00:01:33,094 This is my partner, Jay Pritchett. 42 00:01:33,119 --> 00:01:34,164 I represent Jetatech. 43 00:01:34,189 --> 00:01:36,086 - Are you familiar with us? - Not in the least. 44 00:01:36,188 --> 00:01:38,469 Oh, you'll have to forgive Jay. He's a bit of Luddite. 45 00:01:38,494 --> 00:01:40,115 Anyway, our building is two doors down, 46 00:01:40,140 --> 00:01:41,358 and we're looking to expand our campus. 47 00:01:41,460 --> 00:01:42,559 We want this lot, 48 00:01:42,584 --> 00:01:43,594 and we're prepared to offer you 49 00:01:43,696 --> 00:01:46,297 20% over what you paid plus expenses. 50 00:01:46,399 --> 00:01:47,631 That's a nice offer, Jare, 51 00:01:47,700 --> 00:01:49,566 but I don't think you understand what's happening here. 52 00:01:49,669 --> 00:01:51,502 It's not about the huge profits. 53 00:01:51,604 --> 00:01:53,337 We're building my son-in-law's dream, 54 00:01:53,439 --> 00:01:55,039 and it's gonna be a giant success 55 00:01:55,141 --> 00:01:56,507 because this is man of vision. 56 00:01:56,575 --> 00:01:58,275 Oh, I know all about dreams. 57 00:01:58,344 --> 00:02:00,744 Someday, I hope to get into encrypted packet switching. 58 00:02:00,813 --> 00:02:02,631 Good luck to you, gentlemen. 59 00:02:03,600 --> 00:02:05,816 Jay, this man's vision just got blurry with tears. 60 00:02:05,841 --> 00:02:06,984 Would you get ahold of yourself. 61 00:02:07,009 --> 00:02:09,153 I just said that crap to drive the price up. 62 00:02:09,178 --> 00:02:10,946 - He'll be back. - I don't want him to come back. 63 00:02:10,981 --> 00:02:12,614 Whether you meant it or not, this is my dream. 64 00:02:12,716 --> 00:02:13,874 We're in this to make money. 65 00:02:13,899 --> 00:02:15,491 And we will. 66 00:02:17,261 --> 00:02:20,580 By the power vested in me by the Commercial Zoning Board, 67 00:02:20,665 --> 00:02:22,932 I do hereby officially break ground 68 00:02:23,001 --> 00:02:25,020 on the future home... 69 00:02:25,045 --> 00:02:27,260 of Dunphy Tower. 70 00:02:27,338 --> 00:02:30,089 Oh, that's... strong soil. 71 00:02:30,114 --> 00:02:31,474 That's a good omen. 72 00:02:31,543 --> 00:02:32,842 I'm gonna pogo it. 73 00:02:34,569 --> 00:02:36,083 Anybody else bring a shovel? 74 00:02:43,422 --> 00:02:48,313 Synced and corrected by Aaronnmb www.addic7ed.com 75 00:02:50,773 --> 00:02:53,162 Oh, thank God you're here. It's a nightmare. 76 00:02:53,231 --> 00:02:55,608 The staff is in an uproar about these budget cuts. 77 00:02:55,633 --> 00:02:57,500 Telling them there's no more overtime was bad, 78 00:02:57,569 --> 00:02:59,669 but when I had to tell them there were no more bagels, 79 00:02:59,771 --> 00:03:01,070 someone threw a cup at my head. 80 00:03:01,139 --> 00:03:02,805 I don't know what else to do. 81 00:03:02,907 --> 00:03:04,217 Sales-wise we didn't exactly have 82 00:03:04,242 --> 00:03:06,375 the Christmas I was hoping for. 83 00:03:06,477 --> 00:03:07,910 What do people give each other, anyway? 84 00:03:08,012 --> 00:03:09,178 Well, just spitballing here... 85 00:03:09,247 --> 00:03:11,825 maybe we could fire Kenny from the warehouse. 86 00:03:11,850 --> 00:03:12,916 No one's getting fired. 87 00:03:12,941 --> 00:03:14,565 But he does a really hurtful impression of me. 88 00:03:14,597 --> 00:03:16,613 Come on, guys. Everybody gather round. 89 00:03:16,638 --> 00:03:19,066 I don't like these budget cuts any more than you do, 90 00:03:19,168 --> 00:03:21,535 but I want you to know I'm in this with you. 91 00:03:21,637 --> 00:03:23,117 I've cut my expenses. 92 00:03:23,142 --> 00:03:24,993 All the execs are flying coach. 93 00:03:25,025 --> 00:03:27,459 But I do want you to feel like you have a voice in this. 94 00:03:27,561 --> 00:03:30,862 So, not only is my office door always open to you, 95 00:03:30,964 --> 00:03:33,098 I've actually had it removed. 96 00:03:33,166 --> 00:03:34,799 That's a very powerful metaphor, boss. 97 00:03:34,835 --> 00:03:36,368 That's a very powerful metaphor, boss. 98 00:03:37,537 --> 00:03:40,038 Kenny, thanks for keeping it light. 99 00:03:41,531 --> 00:03:43,033 So good. 100 00:03:43,777 --> 00:03:45,377 Happy birthday! 101 00:03:45,479 --> 00:03:47,512 - What are you doing in here? - You said that you were too busy 102 00:03:47,581 --> 00:03:49,280 to get away from the office to celebrate. 103 00:03:49,383 --> 00:03:51,349 So I brought the celebration to you. 104 00:03:51,451 --> 00:03:52,751 - Snap. - Oh. 105 00:03:52,853 --> 00:03:54,486 - Is that caviar? - Yes! 106 00:03:54,554 --> 00:03:57,422 And something to wash it down. 107 00:03:57,524 --> 00:04:00,247 Oh, yay, champagne. 108 00:04:00,272 --> 00:04:01,938 Get me a door. 109 00:04:03,570 --> 00:04:05,009 If I don't win the science fair 110 00:04:05,034 --> 00:04:06,664 with this thing you built me, it's rigged. 111 00:04:06,767 --> 00:04:08,333 Amen, sister. 112 00:04:08,435 --> 00:04:10,235 Oh, come on, you started without me? 113 00:04:10,337 --> 00:04:11,603 No, we finished without you. 114 00:04:11,705 --> 00:04:13,705 Yeah, we wanted it work. 115 00:04:13,807 --> 00:04:15,540 I guess you also wanted it to be really simplistic, 116 00:04:15,609 --> 00:04:17,242 because right there, you can make it better 117 00:04:17,351 --> 00:04:19,051 if you just added... Okay. 118 00:04:19,146 --> 00:04:20,689 So, right there, you can make it better 119 00:04:20,714 --> 00:04:21,897 if you just added... Okay, 120 00:04:21,922 --> 00:04:23,191 I thought you said you were done! 121 00:04:23,216 --> 00:04:24,628 Okay, Mitchell, 122 00:04:24,653 --> 00:04:26,907 - I love you. - But...? 123 00:04:26,932 --> 00:04:29,020 No "but." 124 00:04:29,386 --> 00:04:33,725 Yet we both know I'm the more mechanically-inclined daddy. 125 00:04:33,827 --> 00:04:35,193 I'm handy. 126 00:04:35,262 --> 00:04:37,729 If it makes you feel any better, I didn't do anything, either. 127 00:04:37,831 --> 00:04:39,230 No, that doesn't make me feel better. 128 00:04:39,332 --> 00:04:40,865 You're supposed to be learning from this. 129 00:04:40,967 --> 00:04:42,300 I learned a new swear word. 130 00:04:42,325 --> 00:04:44,242 Uh, um, I got a splinter. 131 00:04:44,267 --> 00:04:46,037 It was worth it. 132 00:04:46,139 --> 00:04:47,472 Watch. 133 00:04:54,381 --> 00:04:55,681 Is that it? 134 00:04:55,706 --> 00:04:57,949 I'm confused 'cause I'm not mechanically inclined. 135 00:04:57,974 --> 00:04:59,007 Hardy-har-har. 136 00:04:59,032 --> 00:05:02,087 No, I just need to make a little adjustment. 137 00:05:02,112 --> 00:05:03,683 - Watch out! - Ohh! Oh, my God! 138 00:05:03,708 --> 00:05:06,224 - Oh! Oh! Oh! - Are you okay? 139 00:05:07,190 --> 00:05:09,494 That's not part of it. 140 00:05:09,839 --> 00:05:11,162 I got here as quick as I could. 141 00:05:11,187 --> 00:05:13,009 Please tell me this is good news. 142 00:05:14,634 --> 00:05:16,142 Please tell me that's oil. 143 00:05:16,167 --> 00:05:18,503 Found a sewer line running straight through the property. 144 00:05:18,605 --> 00:05:19,671 Also, a water main, 145 00:05:19,773 --> 00:05:22,173 and for some reason, giant pockets of methane. 146 00:05:22,275 --> 00:05:24,586 - Talk to me, Pete. - I feel like I just did. 147 00:05:24,611 --> 00:05:26,044 How much is it gonna cost? 148 00:05:26,113 --> 00:05:28,215 Money-wise, you're looking at mid-six-figures. 149 00:05:28,240 --> 00:05:31,382 When you say six, does that include the two-cent figures? 150 00:05:31,407 --> 00:05:32,739 No. 151 00:05:32,764 --> 00:05:35,220 Plus, time-wise, you're looking at maybe a year delay 152 00:05:35,245 --> 00:05:37,255 with permits and utilities, environmental... 153 00:05:37,280 --> 00:05:39,113 Stop talking to me, Pete. 154 00:05:39,292 --> 00:05:41,776 - Oh, my God, why is Jay here? - I called him, too. 155 00:05:41,801 --> 00:05:43,461 He'll shut this whole project down if he sees this. 156 00:05:43,563 --> 00:05:44,796 Put some plywood over the hole. 157 00:05:44,898 --> 00:05:46,798 Tony, do what you can to cover the methane smell. 158 00:05:46,823 --> 00:05:48,519 Everybody else, just look busy. 159 00:05:48,654 --> 00:05:51,655 How could this happen? I had a ladybug land on my shoulder today. 160 00:05:57,857 --> 00:05:59,222 What's the problem? 161 00:05:59,248 --> 00:06:00,414 Problem is I'm hungry. 162 00:06:00,474 --> 00:06:02,577 The solution... we're walking distance to Little India. 163 00:06:02,603 --> 00:06:04,010 - Shall we? - What's that smell? 164 00:06:04,079 --> 00:06:05,312 Shh, that's... that's Pete. 165 00:06:05,380 --> 00:06:07,547 He's, uh, very sensitive about it. Don't bring it up. 166 00:06:07,616 --> 00:06:08,782 While I got you, 167 00:06:08,850 --> 00:06:11,629 I was thinking about putting in a bike rack over here. 168 00:06:11,785 --> 00:06:14,175 - What the hell is that? - I didn't see anything. 169 00:06:14,200 --> 00:06:15,426 I'm sure if something was wrong, 170 00:06:15,451 --> 00:06:17,134 someone would... Oh, they love quittin' time. 171 00:06:17,159 --> 00:06:19,089 Just like "The Flintstones." 172 00:06:19,468 --> 00:06:21,223 I'm starting to develop a theory 173 00:06:21,259 --> 00:06:23,259 that maybe all this is related to why Pete called me. 174 00:06:23,295 --> 00:06:26,263 Jay, I think that's just a little paranoid. 175 00:06:29,140 --> 00:06:30,533 Well, there... 176 00:06:30,602 --> 00:06:32,108 there was one thing. 177 00:06:34,344 --> 00:06:36,229 Sorry. This one's definitely vanilla. 178 00:06:36,257 --> 00:06:38,324 I thought you said "mocha." 179 00:06:40,776 --> 00:06:43,598 Oops, I accidentally made my favorite drink. 180 00:06:43,623 --> 00:06:45,801 - Thanks for the tip. - I've been working here for five years. 181 00:06:45,826 --> 00:06:47,336 Didn't get this far by being stupid. 182 00:06:47,368 --> 00:06:49,935 I'm thinking about having a little party at my place tonight. 183 00:06:49,996 --> 00:06:51,362 You down, A-Dogg? 184 00:06:51,387 --> 00:06:52,864 If "down" means attending 185 00:06:52,932 --> 00:06:55,538 and "A-Dogg" means Alex, then yes. 186 00:06:55,563 --> 00:06:57,874 I thought I'd quit the coffee shop when I went back to school, 187 00:06:57,900 --> 00:06:59,772 but I'm kind of loving it. 188 00:06:59,797 --> 00:07:01,369 Plus, it taught me something important. 189 00:07:01,437 --> 00:07:04,022 If you pretend to be who people want you to be, 190 00:07:04,047 --> 00:07:06,162 you can have as many friends as you want. 191 00:07:06,271 --> 00:07:08,416 God, I would love another crack at high school. 192 00:07:08,485 --> 00:07:10,473 Oh, God, here he comes. 193 00:07:10,498 --> 00:07:11,597 - Who? - Ugh. 194 00:07:11,666 --> 00:07:14,206 This little guy in his 40s... here every Friday. 195 00:07:14,231 --> 00:07:15,935 Always has a super-complicated drink order. 196 00:07:18,610 --> 00:07:19,676 Oh, hey, Alex. 197 00:07:19,701 --> 00:07:21,993 I'll have a 20-ounce iced skinny hazelnut macchiato, 198 00:07:22,018 --> 00:07:23,602 sugar-free syrup, double shot of espresso, 199 00:07:23,627 --> 00:07:25,923 light ice... not no ice... no whip. 200 00:07:26,420 --> 00:07:29,553 - Thank you for meeting with me. - I came as fast as I could. 201 00:07:31,603 --> 00:07:32,936 I lied to my boyfriend. 202 00:07:32,961 --> 00:07:35,402 Everybody does it at the beginning of a relationship. 203 00:07:35,427 --> 00:07:38,061 "Oh, I love jazz." "It's sexy when a man cries." 204 00:07:38,130 --> 00:07:39,959 "Your daughter is so sweet." 205 00:07:39,984 --> 00:07:42,929 Me... I told Rainer I love his favorite show, "Game of Thrones," 206 00:07:42,954 --> 00:07:45,007 so now he's taking me to Comic-Con. 207 00:07:45,032 --> 00:07:46,376 I don't love "Game of Thrones." 208 00:07:46,401 --> 00:07:47,732 I've never even seen "Game of Thrones." 209 00:07:47,767 --> 00:07:50,367 And for the record, his daughter is kind of a monster. 210 00:07:50,436 --> 00:07:52,269 This is a lot to cover in four hours. 211 00:07:52,338 --> 00:07:53,537 Let's start with everything you know 212 00:07:53,573 --> 00:07:55,673 about George R.R. Martin's masterwork. 213 00:07:55,698 --> 00:07:57,842 Well, I know this guy dies, there's lots of boobs, 214 00:07:57,945 --> 00:08:00,251 and I want to say... a spaceship? 215 00:08:00,276 --> 00:08:02,805 This will go a lot faster if you don't talk. 216 00:08:03,258 --> 00:08:06,221 So, he's kind of related to me, but it's a long story. 217 00:08:06,290 --> 00:08:09,430 Hey, it's okay. We all come from messed-up families. 218 00:08:09,455 --> 00:08:11,430 My uncle's my dad. 219 00:08:11,680 --> 00:08:13,742 Shift schedule is up. 220 00:08:15,962 --> 00:08:17,622 What the literal hell?! 221 00:08:17,647 --> 00:08:20,296 Double shift today and 6:00 A.M. tomorrow? 222 00:08:20,321 --> 00:08:22,444 - That's not fair. - Management don't care. 223 00:08:22,469 --> 00:08:24,051 Party tonight is off. 224 00:08:24,120 --> 00:08:26,387 Nothing is off. A-Dogg is on it. 225 00:08:26,489 --> 00:08:28,901 - "A-Dogg"? - Let me have this. 226 00:08:29,388 --> 00:08:31,504 So, you put a little bit of the cream on top. 227 00:08:31,529 --> 00:08:33,123 - Uh-huh. - And then... 228 00:08:33,225 --> 00:08:34,691 Got it. Mmm. 229 00:08:34,727 --> 00:08:37,125 Terrific birthday surprise. Sorry it's over. 230 00:08:37,150 --> 00:08:38,249 It's just starting. 231 00:08:38,359 --> 00:08:40,359 I have a lot of surprises coming. 232 00:08:40,436 --> 00:08:41,735 Knockedy-knock-knock. 233 00:08:41,829 --> 00:08:43,402 - Okay, what do I do? - What did you do? 234 00:08:43,427 --> 00:08:44,630 It's a massage! 235 00:08:44,699 --> 00:08:46,398 Let them in, young man. 236 00:08:46,423 --> 00:08:48,724 It's Ben. We've met 30 times. 237 00:08:48,749 --> 00:08:50,259 Oh, Gloria. 238 00:08:50,327 --> 00:08:51,493 Friend. 239 00:08:51,518 --> 00:08:53,714 Listen, while I appreciate the idea of a massage... 240 00:08:53,739 --> 00:08:55,697 - You hate it. - Well... 241 00:08:55,766 --> 00:08:58,317 You always hate my gifts. I don't even know why I try. 242 00:08:58,342 --> 00:09:00,075 No, no, please, uh, let me finish. 243 00:09:00,178 --> 00:09:02,661 I've always appreciated the thought 244 00:09:02,686 --> 00:09:04,013 of a massage in my office, 245 00:09:04,038 --> 00:09:05,675 and now it's actually happening. 246 00:09:05,700 --> 00:09:07,066 - Ah! - Thank you. 247 00:09:07,091 --> 00:09:08,276 Which one of you lovelies is Claire? 248 00:09:08,301 --> 00:09:09,802 - She is! - Oh, great. 249 00:09:09,904 --> 00:09:11,070 Just give me the quick version, okay? 250 00:09:11,105 --> 00:09:12,905 - 90 minutes. You got it, hon. - Okay. 251 00:09:12,941 --> 00:09:15,436 My department is asking if there's still gonna be coffee 252 00:09:15,461 --> 00:09:16,794 or if they have to start bringing it. 253 00:09:16,864 --> 00:09:18,063 Who... who's this? 254 00:09:18,088 --> 00:09:20,922 Uh, he's interviewing for a job in the warehouse. 255 00:09:21,001 --> 00:09:22,834 He's a, um, forklift operator. 256 00:09:22,937 --> 00:09:24,266 That's right. It's 2017. 257 00:09:24,291 --> 00:09:27,020 There are plenty of gay forklift drivers. 258 00:09:27,045 --> 00:09:28,545 I'm not gay. 259 00:09:28,570 --> 00:09:29,713 It's cool, bro. I'm woke. 260 00:09:29,799 --> 00:09:31,786 It's cool, bro. I'm woke. 261 00:09:31,811 --> 00:09:33,040 That's funny! 262 00:09:33,118 --> 00:09:35,852 You sound just like that guy over there. 263 00:09:35,921 --> 00:09:38,058 - That guy? - Okay, it's back-to-work time. 264 00:09:38,083 --> 00:09:39,603 - We got to take a look at these. - Yeah. 265 00:09:39,644 --> 00:09:41,610 See ya later. We'll catch up. 266 00:09:41,810 --> 00:09:43,254 Okay, this is crazy. 267 00:09:43,356 --> 00:09:45,890 I don't need an MRI. 268 00:09:45,957 --> 00:09:48,157 The doctor ordered when you told her you could taste colors 269 00:09:48,260 --> 00:09:50,059 - in a French accent. - Oh... all right. 270 00:09:50,128 --> 00:09:51,582 Well, I don't even do a French accent. 271 00:09:51,607 --> 00:09:52,773 I didn't say it was a good one. 272 00:09:52,798 --> 00:09:54,965 Guys, we usually try to move the head injuries along. 273 00:09:55,079 --> 00:09:57,573 - Yes. - Okay. Well, it's... 274 00:09:58,053 --> 00:09:59,454 it's just so small. 275 00:09:59,523 --> 00:10:00,822 It's bigger than it looks. 276 00:10:00,891 --> 00:10:02,090 See, there's nothing wrong with my brain, 277 00:10:02,159 --> 00:10:03,653 'cause I have three funny comebacks to that. 278 00:10:03,678 --> 00:10:05,455 Cam, come on, let's listen to, uh, Bobby. 279 00:10:05,504 --> 00:10:06,903 He knows what he's talking about. 280 00:10:07,005 --> 00:10:09,005 I don't think we can really trust 281 00:10:09,074 --> 00:10:11,040 anything a grown man named Bobby says. 282 00:10:11,065 --> 00:10:12,559 Come on, honey, you got this. 283 00:10:12,584 --> 00:10:14,846 Okay. Uh, Robert, hi. 284 00:10:15,129 --> 00:10:16,781 Can I have... question. So, listen. 285 00:10:16,806 --> 00:10:18,439 I know this is a giant magnet, 286 00:10:18,541 --> 00:10:20,141 and I have a lot of fillings. 287 00:10:20,209 --> 00:10:21,809 Are they just gonna fly out of my head? 288 00:10:21,844 --> 00:10:23,590 - That never happens. - Okay. 289 00:10:23,615 --> 00:10:25,809 Um, I'm also on an iron supplement. 290 00:10:25,834 --> 00:10:27,701 - Is that... - An issue? No. 291 00:10:27,788 --> 00:10:29,154 Let's just get you on that table, huh? 292 00:10:29,223 --> 00:10:30,689 Come on. 293 00:10:30,791 --> 00:10:32,138 Hm. 294 00:10:38,088 --> 00:10:39,354 No, okay, not happening. 295 00:10:39,439 --> 00:10:40,605 I'm having flashbacks. 296 00:10:40,673 --> 00:10:41,906 I don't know if I ever told you this, 297 00:10:41,975 --> 00:10:43,694 but when I was kid, I fell into a well. 298 00:10:43,719 --> 00:10:45,356 It happened the same day as baby Jessica, 299 00:10:45,381 --> 00:10:46,554 but she got all the press. 300 00:10:46,579 --> 00:10:48,833 It still stings. Everybody loves a baby, 301 00:10:48,858 --> 00:10:50,458 but not one single prayer for a husky teen 302 00:10:50,493 --> 00:10:51,798 who's stuck head-first in a well 303 00:10:51,806 --> 00:10:52,951 for the better part of an hour. 304 00:10:52,987 --> 00:10:54,849 Okay, Cam, come on. You have got to calm down, all right? 305 00:10:54,904 --> 00:10:56,370 It'll be over before you know it. 306 00:10:56,472 --> 00:10:58,148 - In an hour. - I'm... I can't! 307 00:10:58,173 --> 00:10:59,843 - I'm done, I'm out! - Okay, wait, wait, Cam, Cam. 308 00:10:59,868 --> 00:11:01,701 Okay, Bobby, is it okay if I get in there 309 00:11:01,726 --> 00:11:03,239 to show Cam that it's all right? 310 00:11:03,264 --> 00:11:04,347 Do we have time for that? 311 00:11:04,372 --> 00:11:05,838 Sure, my 4:00 hemorrhaged. 312 00:11:05,940 --> 00:11:07,072 Can you not... okay. 313 00:11:07,389 --> 00:11:09,088 All right, look at this, Cam. 314 00:11:09,131 --> 00:11:10,957 - Just be careful. - It's comfortable. 315 00:11:11,059 --> 00:11:12,953 - We've got you. - Okay, I'm good. 316 00:11:12,978 --> 00:11:14,164 Okay. 317 00:11:15,283 --> 00:11:16,812 Ah. 318 00:11:17,445 --> 00:11:20,112 Actually, Cam, this is very peaceful. 319 00:11:20,181 --> 00:11:21,280 It was a torture chamber. 320 00:11:21,316 --> 00:11:23,278 I was in there one minute, and I cried. 321 00:11:23,645 --> 00:11:24,717 I feel so rested. 322 00:11:24,786 --> 00:11:26,861 I do, I do, I really do. 323 00:11:26,886 --> 00:11:28,498 Now you. It's all good. 324 00:11:28,523 --> 00:11:30,421 There you go. All right. 325 00:11:30,489 --> 00:11:32,623 And I will be right here beside you. 326 00:11:32,692 --> 00:11:34,291 Uh, no one's allowed in here except the patient. 327 00:11:34,360 --> 00:11:36,983 I will be in the next room right beside you. 328 00:11:37,008 --> 00:11:38,177 Okay, so put your headphones on. 329 00:11:38,202 --> 00:11:39,322 They're gonna play you something 330 00:11:39,346 --> 00:11:41,213 - to get your mind off of it. - Yeah. 331 00:11:41,238 --> 00:11:42,390 - This is a panic button. - Oh. 332 00:11:42,415 --> 00:11:44,611 - Just push it if you need to get out. - Oh, okay. 333 00:11:44,642 --> 00:11:46,148 Well, I think I can do this. 334 00:11:50,892 --> 00:11:52,704 "This American Life," I'm Ira Glass. 335 00:11:52,729 --> 00:11:54,729 Today's program... "Puppy Love." 336 00:11:54,765 --> 00:11:56,000 We'll hear the story of a man 337 00:11:56,025 --> 00:11:58,473 who met his soul mate through a lost schnauzer, 338 00:11:58,497 --> 00:12:01,732 a beagle from Coos Bay, Oregon, who, for one week, was mayor. 339 00:12:01,842 --> 00:12:03,175 And we start with Act 1, 340 00:12:03,210 --> 00:12:05,472 a search-and-rescue collie looking for his owner, 341 00:12:05,497 --> 00:12:07,531 who was buried alive for 18 days. 342 00:12:07,566 --> 00:12:10,067 After drinking his own urine for a week, 343 00:12:10,135 --> 00:12:13,448 Horace Laughton could no longer ignore the terrible truth... 344 00:12:13,473 --> 00:12:14,705 he was running out of oxygen. 345 00:12:14,807 --> 00:12:16,623 H-help. Help! 346 00:12:16,648 --> 00:12:18,533 Help! Get me out of here! 347 00:12:18,558 --> 00:12:20,511 Hey! I will kill you! 348 00:12:21,378 --> 00:12:22,566 Ohh! 349 00:12:22,591 --> 00:12:24,658 Cam, come on, this is serious. 350 00:12:25,863 --> 00:12:27,510 Oh, my God. I can't breathe. 351 00:12:27,535 --> 00:12:29,492 I need air. I need air! 352 00:12:29,527 --> 00:12:31,762 I'm sorry. He is being such a baby, huh? 353 00:12:31,787 --> 00:12:35,224 There's a camera in there. I watched you cry. 354 00:12:35,991 --> 00:12:38,425 And finally, employees should have a say in the shift schedule. 355 00:12:38,494 --> 00:12:40,193 It would allow us to plan our lives accordingly 356 00:12:40,218 --> 00:12:41,938 and would result in fewer missed days. 357 00:12:41,963 --> 00:12:45,537 In summation, no caffeination without representation. 358 00:12:46,137 --> 00:12:48,403 So, am I fired? 359 00:12:49,101 --> 00:12:50,590 Are you kidding me? 360 00:12:50,625 --> 00:12:53,225 Those are 20-ounce ideas in a 16-ounce cup. 361 00:12:54,362 --> 00:12:57,410 I have overlooked a rising star... 362 00:12:57,435 --> 00:12:59,706 right under my nose. 363 00:13:00,268 --> 00:13:03,169 - But that's the... - Yes, the assistant manager's apron. 364 00:13:03,271 --> 00:13:04,816 I didn't come in here for that. 365 00:13:04,841 --> 00:13:07,238 That's exactly why you're getting it. 366 00:13:07,340 --> 00:13:09,807 - But I... I can't. - Shh. 367 00:13:09,909 --> 00:13:11,810 Oh, my God, this is so confusing. 368 00:13:11,835 --> 00:13:13,945 - So, the little guy from "Elf"... - Tyrion Lannister. 369 00:13:13,970 --> 00:13:15,323 Whatever. I don't know actors' names. 370 00:13:15,348 --> 00:13:17,348 Is he Jaime's brother or Cersei's brother? 371 00:13:17,450 --> 00:13:19,517 Both... Jaime and Cersei are brother and sister. 372 00:13:19,585 --> 00:13:20,751 But they were just doing it in the tower. 373 00:13:20,853 --> 00:13:21,975 That is so twisted. 374 00:13:22,000 --> 00:13:23,778 Go on. 375 00:13:23,856 --> 00:13:25,301 Guys, the craziest thing just happened. 376 00:13:25,326 --> 00:13:26,559 I went in there with a list of demands. 377 00:13:26,661 --> 00:13:28,661 And weaseled your way to a promotion. 378 00:13:28,763 --> 00:13:31,122 No, trust me... n-nothing is going to change. 379 00:13:31,147 --> 00:13:33,265 But while I'm staring at it, would one of you guys mind 380 00:13:33,367 --> 00:13:34,744 taking out this trash at some point? 381 00:13:34,769 --> 00:13:36,469 Heil, assistant manager. 382 00:13:36,571 --> 00:13:38,471 No, no, no, no, no! This is good for all of us. 383 00:13:38,573 --> 00:13:41,807 Now we have someone on the inside... me. 384 00:13:41,909 --> 00:13:44,201 - A-Dogg. - More like Adolf. 385 00:13:44,766 --> 00:13:47,959 I-I-I think you're really minimizing that atrocity. 386 00:13:53,056 --> 00:13:54,553 Now, let me do the talking. 387 00:13:54,578 --> 00:13:56,745 Good. I don't feel like talking. 388 00:13:57,054 --> 00:13:58,834 It's just you nurture a dream for 30 years, 389 00:13:58,859 --> 00:14:01,493 only to see it go up in flames like Pete's eyebrow. 390 00:14:01,562 --> 00:14:03,893 - I feel like a part of... - This is you not talking? 391 00:14:03,918 --> 00:14:05,998 There he is. Go. 392 00:14:06,904 --> 00:14:08,378 Oh, it's you. 393 00:14:08,403 --> 00:14:09,812 Now, before you say anything, 394 00:14:09,848 --> 00:14:11,194 we're still not interested. 395 00:14:11,219 --> 00:14:12,815 - Okay. - But if we were interested, 396 00:14:12,884 --> 00:14:15,391 it would take a hell of a lot more than what you offered. 397 00:14:15,416 --> 00:14:17,549 - What about all the sewage? - You get used to it. 398 00:14:17,618 --> 00:14:18,684 Gentlemen, when I made that offer, 399 00:14:18,752 --> 00:14:19,985 we didn't know about any of the problems. 400 00:14:20,054 --> 00:14:21,520 I'm afraid we're no longer interested. 401 00:14:21,622 --> 00:14:23,709 Jared, I like you. 402 00:14:24,533 --> 00:14:26,400 We're willing to go 5%. 403 00:14:26,468 --> 00:14:28,778 Like I said, the offer's off the table. 404 00:14:29,038 --> 00:14:31,451 - You guys need a ride? - I have a car. Thank you. 405 00:14:31,716 --> 00:14:33,893 Hope it's not that one over there. 406 00:14:34,893 --> 00:14:37,561 Yo! My dog is in that car! 407 00:14:37,880 --> 00:14:39,613 Hey! 408 00:14:39,921 --> 00:14:42,816 And as Hodor blocked the door to save his friend Bran Stark, 409 00:14:42,885 --> 00:14:45,218 Bran had a vision of a younger Hodor saying, 410 00:14:45,287 --> 00:14:47,387 "Hold the door, hold the door. 411 00:14:47,489 --> 00:14:48,622 "Hold door." 412 00:14:48,691 --> 00:14:50,991 And finally, "Hodor," the only word he would say 413 00:14:51,016 --> 00:14:52,660 for the rest of his life, 414 00:14:52,685 --> 00:14:54,451 a life that was now ending. 415 00:14:54,520 --> 00:14:56,296 He knew. 416 00:14:56,321 --> 00:14:58,188 Hodor knew his whole life 417 00:14:58,224 --> 00:15:01,312 that his destiny was to save his little friend. 418 00:15:01,337 --> 00:15:03,560 Just like you have saved from embarrassment at Comic-Con, 419 00:15:03,629 --> 00:15:05,614 - so thank you, Manny. - My pleasure. 420 00:15:05,639 --> 00:15:06,765 I should get going. 421 00:15:06,793 --> 00:15:09,160 Oh, my God, me too. I have to change into my Khaleesi costume. 422 00:15:09,185 --> 00:15:12,085 I could probably stick around for a few more minutes. 423 00:15:12,329 --> 00:15:13,917 Maybe I'll move the party to Monday. 424 00:15:13,952 --> 00:15:15,218 Oh! I'm free Monday. 425 00:15:15,244 --> 00:15:16,680 Let's talk later. 426 00:15:16,705 --> 00:15:18,766 No, please. I never meant to betray you. 427 00:15:18,791 --> 00:15:21,230 Your friendship means more to me than this stupid apron. 428 00:15:21,255 --> 00:15:22,726 Stupid? 429 00:15:22,829 --> 00:15:24,261 Oh, Scott. 430 00:15:24,613 --> 00:15:26,180 There's a whole world of people 431 00:15:26,248 --> 00:15:27,347 that would kill to wear this apron, 432 00:15:27,383 --> 00:15:29,116 but this just isn't my path. 433 00:15:29,217 --> 00:15:32,213 This extra responsibility has me feeling alienated. 434 00:15:32,238 --> 00:15:35,010 It's lonely one step down from the top. 435 00:15:35,041 --> 00:15:36,357 You may not believe this, 436 00:15:36,392 --> 00:15:39,311 but it's even lonelier way up here. 437 00:15:39,336 --> 00:15:42,821 Somewhere on my climb, I forgot my own dream... 438 00:15:42,845 --> 00:15:45,520 to be the best damn speed-metal drummer in the Inland Empire. 439 00:15:45,573 --> 00:15:48,042 - There's still time, Scott. - You're right. 440 00:15:48,083 --> 00:15:49,558 - I quit. - What? 441 00:15:49,627 --> 00:15:51,994 You are the manager now. 442 00:15:52,062 --> 00:15:54,865 Hey, you two, party at my house. Come on! 443 00:15:54,890 --> 00:15:56,469 - Yeah. - Okay. 444 00:15:58,432 --> 00:16:01,695 Oh, FYI, one of the toilets is overflowing. 445 00:16:06,945 --> 00:16:08,345 Seriously, the roof? 446 00:16:08,663 --> 00:16:09,929 I've been looking for you everywhere. 447 00:16:10,031 --> 00:16:11,998 I just needed some space and some fresh air. 448 00:16:12,100 --> 00:16:14,100 It smells so purple. 449 00:16:14,183 --> 00:16:15,850 Okay, you're going in that tube. Come on. 450 00:16:18,374 --> 00:16:20,268 Seriously, that's as hard as you can pull? 451 00:16:20,330 --> 00:16:21,848 I am not the weak one here. 452 00:16:21,873 --> 00:16:23,765 You're the one who won't even get a simple medical test. 453 00:16:23,867 --> 00:16:25,800 What are you... scared? Huh? You're chicken? 454 00:16:25,902 --> 00:16:28,500 Yeah, and I thought I made that clear in there when I peed a little. 455 00:16:28,525 --> 00:16:30,524 Fine, you just go ahead and die. 456 00:16:30,549 --> 00:16:32,194 And I'll raise Lily by myself, 457 00:16:32,229 --> 00:16:35,263 and she will never step foot in another farm or circus. 458 00:16:35,365 --> 00:16:36,598 I will haunt you. 459 00:16:36,667 --> 00:16:39,336 Or you could just get your head checked 460 00:16:39,361 --> 00:16:41,928 so we don't lose you over some stupid fear. 461 00:16:42,030 --> 00:16:43,763 Do you know what I went through in that well 462 00:16:43,865 --> 00:16:45,498 on October 14, 1987, 463 00:16:45,567 --> 00:16:46,866 while the whole world was focused 464 00:16:46,935 --> 00:16:48,436 on that media whore Jessica? 465 00:16:48,461 --> 00:16:50,814 - She was a baby, but yeah. - It was hell. 466 00:16:50,839 --> 00:16:52,773 And I would not have survived 467 00:16:52,798 --> 00:16:54,698 if those firemen wouldn't have figured out a way 468 00:16:54,767 --> 00:16:56,795 to lower my little Aunt Edna into that we 469 00:16:56,820 --> 00:16:58,954 and touch my feet and tell me it was gonna be okay 470 00:16:59,023 --> 00:17:00,189 and that I wasn't alone. 471 00:17:00,257 --> 00:17:02,357 Cam, if there's a way that I could be in there with you, 472 00:17:02,382 --> 00:17:03,815 I would, but I... 473 00:17:03,961 --> 00:17:05,561 Wait a minute. 474 00:17:06,101 --> 00:17:07,234 Hey, you're doing great. 475 00:17:07,302 --> 00:17:09,062 Okay, I'm right there with you. 476 00:17:09,087 --> 00:17:10,770 You're not alone. 477 00:17:14,440 --> 00:17:15,773 Thank you. 478 00:17:15,875 --> 00:17:18,375 - You're a good husband. - Oh, that's very sweet. 479 00:17:18,428 --> 00:17:20,051 Oh, and, Cam. 480 00:17:20,092 --> 00:17:22,426 If the scan shows that you're fine, you can suck it, 481 00:17:22,451 --> 00:17:24,184 because this mechanically-challenged daddy 482 00:17:24,238 --> 00:17:26,345 made this foot-rubbing machine all by himself. 483 00:17:26,455 --> 00:17:28,455 I did. I did this. 484 00:17:30,604 --> 00:17:32,259 It's good, right? 485 00:17:32,284 --> 00:17:34,168 I see you unclenching. 486 00:17:34,193 --> 00:17:36,760 I'm just concerned that other people are gonna see me. 487 00:17:37,959 --> 00:17:39,292 Keep still, please. 488 00:17:39,317 --> 00:17:42,183 I told you, she's in a meeting right now. 489 00:17:42,208 --> 00:17:43,474 Let... let go of my tie. 490 00:17:43,509 --> 00:17:44,842 You're not getting any looser. 491 00:17:44,867 --> 00:17:45,899 Oh, I wonder why. 492 00:17:46,111 --> 00:17:47,177 Come on, get back to work. 493 00:17:47,202 --> 00:17:49,313 It's a little hard to focus with the smell of truffles 494 00:17:49,348 --> 00:17:51,415 just wafting out of your girlfriend's office. 495 00:17:51,440 --> 00:17:54,085 My girlfriend is your boss, okay? 496 00:17:54,110 --> 00:17:55,240 And she's not my girlfriend. 497 00:17:55,266 --> 00:17:56,733 I won't deny we have chemistry, 498 00:17:56,801 --> 00:17:59,296 a certain will-they, won't-they kind of vibe. 499 00:17:59,321 --> 00:18:00,597 Okay, guys, hi. 500 00:18:00,684 --> 00:18:02,017 If you could just give me 20 minutes 501 00:18:02,086 --> 00:18:03,452 to deal with a personal situation, 502 00:18:03,520 --> 00:18:06,175 I promise I will come out and address all of your concerns. 503 00:18:06,200 --> 00:18:07,549 - What is going on in there? - Yeah. 504 00:18:07,574 --> 00:18:10,792 Well, um, it's a medical situation. 505 00:18:10,828 --> 00:18:13,143 Actually, and it's kind of embarrassing, 506 00:18:13,168 --> 00:18:17,599 so I appreciate your support in this difficult time. 507 00:18:19,456 --> 00:18:21,322 We got to wrap this up. How long do you need? 508 00:18:21,425 --> 00:18:22,690 At least 15 minutes. 509 00:18:22,793 --> 00:18:23,992 You got five. 510 00:18:24,060 --> 00:18:25,527 Ma'am, this job is hard enough. 511 00:18:27,800 --> 00:18:29,564 Uh, hey, so, small problem. 512 00:18:29,666 --> 00:18:31,063 It can wait! 513 00:18:31,088 --> 00:18:32,874 Every problem can wait. 514 00:18:32,943 --> 00:18:34,747 So now go, mister. 515 00:18:34,772 --> 00:18:36,572 Come on, I've been in your home. 516 00:18:36,640 --> 00:18:38,265 All right, Ben. What is it? 517 00:18:38,291 --> 00:18:39,819 - Today's Margaret's birthday... - Uh-huh. 518 00:18:39,844 --> 00:18:41,911 ... but it was too late to cancel the cake. 519 00:18:42,013 --> 00:18:43,179 Everyone saw it get delivered. 520 00:18:43,204 --> 00:18:44,791 It's fine. Let them eat cake. 521 00:18:44,816 --> 00:18:46,549 - What? - Is she kidding? 522 00:18:46,574 --> 00:18:48,713 That's not what I meant! 523 00:18:48,738 --> 00:18:50,740 - Claire, breathe. - No, no! 524 00:18:50,765 --> 00:18:51,964 Gloria, we're done. 525 00:18:52,033 --> 00:18:54,633 Don't scream at me. I just wanted to make you happy. 526 00:18:54,702 --> 00:18:56,164 And I'm just trying to make you happy 527 00:18:56,189 --> 00:18:57,570 because you're so damn sensitive 528 00:18:57,638 --> 00:18:59,709 about me not liking your birthday presents. 529 00:18:59,734 --> 00:19:02,569 Come on, this is the last thing I needed today. 530 00:19:04,739 --> 00:19:06,806 Oh, my God. Look at her hands. 531 00:19:07,133 --> 00:19:08,799 She's just been in here getting a manicure. 532 00:19:08,862 --> 00:19:09,935 How do you sleep? 533 00:19:09,960 --> 00:19:11,793 - Get her! - Whoa, whoa, back it up, Josie. 534 00:19:11,827 --> 00:19:13,047 Nobody's gonna get her. 535 00:19:13,079 --> 00:19:16,848 I realize that the optics are a bit troubling, especially today. 536 00:19:16,943 --> 00:19:18,442 A day when you've been sipping champagne 537 00:19:18,511 --> 00:19:20,811 while we've gone over an hour without snacks. 538 00:19:20,880 --> 00:19:22,134 Enough! 539 00:19:22,515 --> 00:19:24,270 You should all be ashamed of yourselves. 540 00:19:24,339 --> 00:19:25,939 How long have I known you people? 541 00:19:26,041 --> 00:19:28,174 Dom, Kenny, Josie, 542 00:19:28,276 --> 00:19:29,876 - the two Herms. - Seriously? 543 00:19:29,945 --> 00:19:33,131 You all go home at 5:00. This woman never punches out. 544 00:19:33,156 --> 00:19:35,056 She goes home and never sleeps 545 00:19:35,103 --> 00:19:37,837 because she's thinking how to make this company better. 546 00:19:38,080 --> 00:19:41,181 Can't you tell what a mess she has become? 547 00:19:41,250 --> 00:19:44,018 How tense she is, her awkward tics, 548 00:19:44,086 --> 00:19:47,588 the way she grinds her teeth to dust. 549 00:19:47,690 --> 00:19:50,155 I think that she deserves some pampering. 550 00:19:50,180 --> 00:19:51,980 So now get out of here! 551 00:19:52,049 --> 00:19:53,448 Let's go. Come on. 552 00:19:53,550 --> 00:19:54,683 Gloria. 553 00:19:54,751 --> 00:19:55,750 I am sorry. 554 00:19:55,853 --> 00:19:57,953 I just wanted to make it right this year. 555 00:19:58,055 --> 00:20:00,644 Oh, you did. You really did. 556 00:20:00,669 --> 00:20:02,569 Okay, good. So go back and sit down 557 00:20:02,594 --> 00:20:05,271 because hugging you is like hugging a coat rack. 558 00:20:05,297 --> 00:20:07,219 Bah. Okay. 559 00:20:07,244 --> 00:20:09,599 Oh, that's good. 560 00:20:10,941 --> 00:20:12,407 I'm sorry. 561 00:20:12,681 --> 00:20:14,824 - I dreamt too big. - It's not your fault. 562 00:20:14,849 --> 00:20:17,250 I'm the one who believed in you. 563 00:20:18,053 --> 00:20:19,893 You're also the one who overplayed his hand. 564 00:20:19,918 --> 00:20:22,145 We've already established mistakes were made. 565 00:20:22,170 --> 00:20:24,631 We need to be thinking about next steps. 566 00:20:24,733 --> 00:20:26,066 Maybe we need to build something smaller, 567 00:20:26,168 --> 00:20:27,878 like a cool restaurant or something. 568 00:20:27,903 --> 00:20:30,012 I've thought about that. Who's gonna come down here? 569 00:20:30,037 --> 00:20:32,200 There's nowhere to park. 570 00:20:32,340 --> 00:20:35,739 Oh, my God, that's it... a parking lot. 571 00:20:35,840 --> 00:20:37,678 That's not bad. 572 00:20:37,780 --> 00:20:38,845 We could build it for nothing 573 00:20:38,947 --> 00:20:40,989 and pay off the majority of the loan by tomorrow. 574 00:20:41,014 --> 00:20:43,278 Let's talk about this somewhere else. 575 00:20:43,952 --> 00:20:46,253 Maybe 15-year-old Phil had it right. 576 00:20:46,355 --> 00:20:47,721 Sometimes you have to look at your dream 577 00:20:47,746 --> 00:20:49,833 from a different angle. 578 00:20:50,959 --> 00:20:53,763 I guess it was a parking lot all along. 579 00:20:58,680 --> 00:21:00,788 Please tell me that's dinner. I'm starving. 580 00:21:00,813 --> 00:21:01,836 No, that's Daddy's alarm. 581 00:21:01,861 --> 00:21:03,394 We can't let him nap for more than two hours 582 00:21:03,419 --> 00:21:05,172 because of the concussion. 583 00:21:05,203 --> 00:21:07,217 Oh, look at him. He looks so peaceful. 584 00:21:07,319 --> 00:21:08,967 He's had such a rough day. 585 00:21:08,992 --> 00:21:11,248 When I tried to wake him up last time, he got so upset. 586 00:21:11,280 --> 00:21:13,998 - I'll do it. - Who raised you? 587 00:21:14,023 --> 00:21:16,194 - Fine, just be gentle, okay? - Thanks. 588 00:21:16,219 --> 00:21:17,631 Also, don't touch this. 589 00:21:17,656 --> 00:21:19,022 It's my art project. 590 00:21:19,047 --> 00:21:20,913 - Oh, can I help you with that? - No. 591 00:21:20,938 --> 00:21:23,545 Daddy said he should because he's more artistic than you. 592 00:21:23,570 --> 00:21:24,576 Okay. 593 00:21:26,842 --> 00:21:28,615 What?! What?! Why?! 594 00:21:28,640 --> 00:21:30,907 Oh, good, you're alive. 595 00:21:31,071 --> 00:21:35,727 Synced and corrected by Aaronnmb www.addic7ed.com