1 00:00:28,821 --> 00:00:32,156 Byron aIways got Iike that when he couldn't crack a hustIe. 2 00:00:32,324 --> 00:00:35,618 Heh. ReIaxing aIways hel?s. 3 00:00:35,786 --> 00:00:38,496 Sorry, June. I'm not reaIIy in the mood to reIax. 4 00:00:38,664 --> 00:00:41,958 Not even if you have a very IoveIy visitor? 5 00:00:45,087 --> 00:00:46,879 AIex. 6 00:00:53,971 --> 00:00:55,805 Got your message. 7 00:00:55,973 --> 00:00:58,599 I'm here. What do you want, Neal? 8 00:00:59,476 --> 00:01:00,643 I want the music box. 9 00:01:00,811 --> 00:01:03,229 I think you have a memory probIem. 10 00:01:03,397 --> 00:01:07,233 Because I said that as Iong as you're a fed, I'm not teIling you where it is. 11 00:01:07,401 --> 00:01:09,152 You're stiIl with them, right? 12 00:01:09,319 --> 00:01:11,529 Then there's nothing to taIk about. 13 00:01:13,157 --> 00:01:14,991 I'II make it worth your whiIe. 14 00:01:15,159 --> 00:01:16,826 You need me to get it. No, I don't. 15 00:01:16,994 --> 00:01:20,329 Then why don't you have it aIready? I'II steal it and give it to you. 16 00:01:20,497 --> 00:01:22,331 Just like that? Just like that. 17 00:01:22,499 --> 00:01:23,541 I don't beIieve you. 18 00:01:23,709 --> 00:01:25,668 You'II just hand it over? Yeah. 19 00:01:25,836 --> 00:01:27,670 When I'm done with it. 20 00:01:30,215 --> 00:01:31,758 knew there was a catch. 21 00:01:34,219 --> 00:01:35,428 What's this reaIly about? 22 00:01:36,180 --> 00:01:38,806 You get the box in the end. That's my offer. 23 00:01:38,974 --> 00:01:42,477 Okay. lf you figure out how to get the anklet off. 24 00:01:42,770 --> 00:01:45,855 I'm not wearing this as a fashion accessory. 25 00:01:46,023 --> 00:01:48,274 WeIl, when the time comes... 26 00:01:48,442 --> 00:01:51,027 ...l need to know that you can get off your Ieash. 27 00:01:51,195 --> 00:01:52,779 Otherwise, you're a Iiability. 28 00:01:53,238 --> 00:01:54,697 I'II come back tomorrow at 6. 29 00:01:54,865 --> 00:01:57,325 Lose the bIinking jeweIry... 30 00:01:57,576 --> 00:02:00,244 ...and you'II get what you need. 31 00:02:11,048 --> 00:02:13,090 You were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago. 32 00:02:13,258 --> 00:02:15,718 Where you been? Late start to the morning. 33 00:02:15,886 --> 00:02:17,804 Won't hap?en again. 34 00:02:19,139 --> 00:02:20,348 Thank you. 35 00:02:26,563 --> 00:02:28,898 Who's that? kimberIy Rice. 36 00:02:29,066 --> 00:02:31,859 Rising star in the bureau. NEAL: You're not a fan. 37 00:02:32,027 --> 00:02:34,987 Nope. She works in kidnapping and missing persons. 38 00:02:35,155 --> 00:02:38,199 NEAL: What's she doing in white colIar? She's here to see you. 39 00:02:38,367 --> 00:02:40,827 Whatever I did, I have proof I didn't do it. 40 00:02:40,994 --> 00:02:43,329 PETER: Here we go. We just got the finger point. 41 00:02:43,497 --> 00:02:44,914 The doubIe finger point. 42 00:02:45,666 --> 00:02:48,084 NEAL: Must be serious. PETER: Yeah. 43 00:02:48,293 --> 00:02:50,336 Rice. RICE: Burke. 44 00:02:50,712 --> 00:02:53,172 And you must be the Neal Caffrey. 45 00:02:53,507 --> 00:02:54,590 Agent kimberIy Rice. 46 00:02:54,758 --> 00:02:56,759 I've just heard wonderfuI things about you. 47 00:02:56,927 --> 00:02:58,719 HUGHES: Let's get straight to it. 48 00:02:58,887 --> 00:03:00,388 We've got a ransom situation. 49 00:03:00,556 --> 00:03:01,681 Name's Lindsay Gless. 50 00:03:01,849 --> 00:03:04,016 She was grabbed Iast night in a home invasion. 51 00:03:04,184 --> 00:03:07,603 She's the daughter of Stuart GIess. As in the CEO of AtIantic Partners. 52 00:03:07,771 --> 00:03:10,314 The company whose bonds you were convicted of forging. 53 00:03:10,482 --> 00:03:15,278 What's this kidna?ping got to do with me? You have a history with our prime suspect. 54 00:03:15,445 --> 00:03:17,071 Ryan WiIkes. 55 00:03:17,823 --> 00:03:19,448 You know him? 56 00:03:20,200 --> 00:03:21,409 Neal. Yeah, yeah. 57 00:03:21,577 --> 00:03:23,244 Runs his own Iittle crime syndicate. 58 00:03:23,412 --> 00:03:25,955 They work everything from grand theft auto to extortion. 59 00:03:26,123 --> 00:03:28,124 You used to run with him. That's a rumor. 60 00:03:28,292 --> 00:03:30,918 Neal. We may have tried working together once. 61 00:03:31,086 --> 00:03:32,712 But our styIes didn't mesh. 62 00:03:32,880 --> 00:03:34,797 PETER: What makes you think WiIkes took the girI? 63 00:03:34,965 --> 00:03:36,716 Chatter from CIs puts WiIkes in town. 64 00:03:36,884 --> 00:03:40,094 We also found traces of ?lasticine cIay in a Iock at the crime scene. 65 00:03:40,262 --> 00:03:42,763 Someone made a copy of the key. RICE: It's Wilkes' m.o. 66 00:03:42,931 --> 00:03:44,640 And that's why we need NeaI. 67 00:03:45,726 --> 00:03:46,767 Neal. 68 00:03:46,935 --> 00:03:50,479 Stuart GIess Iikes to eat lunch at Ristorante Laurienzo every Thursday. 69 00:03:50,647 --> 00:03:51,772 At Ieast he used to. 70 00:03:52,733 --> 00:03:56,193 There's only one vaIet there. Makes it easy to get your hands on his keys. 71 00:03:56,361 --> 00:03:58,446 WiIkes wanted in his house. He'd start there. 72 00:03:58,614 --> 00:04:00,823 I'd check the security tapes. That's good. 73 00:04:00,991 --> 00:04:04,160 That's good. I'd Iike to borrow Caffrey for the remainder of my case. 74 00:04:04,328 --> 00:04:07,914 If WiIkes is behind this, isn't it dangerous to put Caffrey on his trail? 75 00:04:08,081 --> 00:04:10,166 Caffrey's proven he can take care of himseIf. 76 00:04:11,209 --> 00:04:14,086 Neal, starting immediateIy, you report to Agent Rice. 77 00:04:14,254 --> 00:04:18,174 AIl right, great. Now that we're alI on the same page, let's start with an easy one. 78 00:04:18,342 --> 00:04:20,676 When's the Iast time you saw Wilkes? 79 00:04:22,554 --> 00:04:24,889 Probably when he tried to kiII me. 80 00:04:43,158 --> 00:04:46,118 RICE: We ?uIled the security ta?es for Ristorante Laurienzo. 81 00:04:46,286 --> 00:04:47,578 Got a positive lD of Wilkes. 82 00:04:47,746 --> 00:04:49,664 Nice work. Thanks. 83 00:04:50,040 --> 00:04:51,207 RICE: Something eating you? 84 00:04:52,000 --> 00:04:55,878 No, it's just Iast time I saw GIess, he was on the witness stand at my triaI... 85 00:04:56,046 --> 00:04:59,882 ...expIaining why I was abIe to beat his com?any's unbeatabIe bond. 86 00:05:00,717 --> 00:05:02,969 I'm sure it didn't do wonders for his reputation. 87 00:05:03,136 --> 00:05:07,056 The man Iost his daughter, okay? You want his forgiveness, heIp get her back. 88 00:05:12,270 --> 00:05:16,399 GLESS: Mr. Caffrey. Been a Iong time. NEAL: Mr. GIess, l want you to know-- 89 00:05:16,566 --> 00:05:20,069 GLESS: Agent Rice thinks you can find the peo?le who took Lindsay. 90 00:05:20,529 --> 00:05:22,113 That's good enough for me. 91 00:05:22,280 --> 00:05:25,992 Could you pIease just take us through what hap?ened one more time? 92 00:05:27,202 --> 00:05:29,537 GLESS: I came home from the office. 93 00:05:29,705 --> 00:05:33,582 Everything in Lindsay's room was knocked down. 94 00:05:34,960 --> 00:05:37,586 She was gone. Then he caIled. 95 00:05:37,754 --> 00:05:41,048 I toId him I want proof she's okay. That's it. 96 00:05:41,383 --> 00:05:43,217 Did he give you any way to contact him? 97 00:05:43,385 --> 00:05:45,011 No, he, uh-- 98 00:05:45,178 --> 00:05:48,097 He just hung up without giving you his demands? 99 00:05:48,265 --> 00:05:50,099 WouId you mind excusing us for a moment? 100 00:05:50,267 --> 00:05:51,767 Neal, may I have a word, pIease? 101 00:05:57,441 --> 00:05:58,858 What was that? Sorry, what--? 102 00:05:59,026 --> 00:06:01,110 Remind me again how much training you have... 103 00:06:01,278 --> 00:06:03,404 ...interviewing parents of kidnapping victims. 104 00:06:03,572 --> 00:06:05,614 You brought me into this. To consuIt. 105 00:06:05,949 --> 00:06:07,950 Not to take the Iead with my witness. 106 00:06:08,118 --> 00:06:10,578 Your witness? I thought we were on the same team. 107 00:06:10,746 --> 00:06:13,372 Let me get something cIear right here, right now. 108 00:06:13,540 --> 00:06:15,458 You're a tooI in my beIt. 109 00:06:15,625 --> 00:06:17,710 Understand? TooI in your beIt. Got it. 110 00:06:17,878 --> 00:06:19,962 You wiIl Iisten and observe. 111 00:06:20,130 --> 00:06:23,466 If l ask you to do anything, you do it. If l have a question, answer it. 112 00:06:23,633 --> 00:06:25,968 What if I have a question? Then you run it by me. 113 00:06:26,136 --> 00:06:28,804 You do not under any circumstance address my witness. 114 00:06:28,972 --> 00:06:31,474 Oh, God. Sounds like a reaIIy great deaI. 115 00:06:31,641 --> 00:06:34,393 But it'lI work better if, uh, you treat me more like a partner. 116 00:06:34,561 --> 00:06:35,811 The way Peter and I do it-- 117 00:06:35,979 --> 00:06:39,648 I don't care how you and Peter do it. I care how you and Agent Rice do it. 118 00:06:39,816 --> 00:06:41,984 Just wanna hel? find his daughter. Wanna heIp? 119 00:06:42,152 --> 00:06:46,447 WeIl, then kee? your mouth shut unIess l ask you to open it, okay? 120 00:06:48,075 --> 00:06:49,617 Oh.... 121 00:06:50,285 --> 00:06:52,244 What? Permission to s?eak? 122 00:06:52,412 --> 00:06:53,454 What? 123 00:06:53,622 --> 00:06:56,082 Have you found any of WiIkes' prints around the house? 124 00:06:56,249 --> 00:06:59,627 He Iikes to use found items from the target Iocation to cover his tracks. 125 00:06:59,795 --> 00:07:01,754 Check the gIoves under the kitchen sink. 126 00:07:01,922 --> 00:07:05,299 You have any more briIliant ideas rumbIing around that head of yours? 127 00:07:05,467 --> 00:07:08,511 No, I think that's it for now. Good. Then go wait in the car. 128 00:07:13,517 --> 00:07:17,645 If we have that many peopIe in the gaIIery, he has to do something about the A/C. 129 00:07:17,813 --> 00:07:21,857 Of course, he didn't. And by 1 0:00, it was Iike a sauna in there. 130 00:07:22,692 --> 00:07:25,986 So l toId him I would spend the night with him for a miIlion doIlars. 131 00:07:26,154 --> 00:07:29,698 I'd have to run it by my husband first. But honey, it's a miIlion doIlars. 132 00:07:29,866 --> 00:07:33,452 What do you think? I think-- I think that's great. 133 00:07:34,621 --> 00:07:37,039 I don't think that's great. What did you ask me? 134 00:07:37,207 --> 00:07:41,085 Okay, admit it. You're worried about NeaI. No, I am not worried about NeaI. 135 00:07:41,253 --> 00:07:46,549 Let's just have a nice quiet Iunch without taIking about him, aIl right? 136 00:07:46,967 --> 00:07:49,718 Mm. That's a nice deviIed ham right there. 137 00:07:49,886 --> 00:07:53,222 What's the problem? Oh, something feeIs wrong about this case. 138 00:07:53,390 --> 00:07:54,515 I don't trust Rice. 139 00:07:54,683 --> 00:07:57,560 Rice? kimberIy Rice. 140 00:07:57,727 --> 00:08:01,397 She's some hotshot from another division. She's Neal's handIer on this one. 141 00:08:01,565 --> 00:08:03,566 If you're worried, go down and check it out. 142 00:08:03,733 --> 00:08:07,528 Yeah, it's bad form to crash another agent's crime scene. 143 00:08:07,696 --> 00:08:09,155 That's never stop?ed you before. 144 00:08:22,669 --> 00:08:25,754 Peter. Didn't expect to see you here. 145 00:08:25,922 --> 00:08:28,215 Oh, I had a case in the neighborhood. Thought l'd dro? by. 146 00:08:28,383 --> 00:08:32,636 Uh-huh. I'm touched. You can't handIe being apart from me. 147 00:08:32,804 --> 00:08:34,180 No. 148 00:08:34,347 --> 00:08:38,642 Heh, so this has nothing to do with Rice? No, don't read into it. 149 00:08:38,810 --> 00:08:42,354 How's it going with Rice? I see she's got you babysitting the car. 150 00:08:42,522 --> 00:08:45,399 She caIIed me a tooI in her beIt. 151 00:08:45,567 --> 00:08:48,027 I bet you're reaIIy starting to miss working with me. 152 00:08:48,195 --> 00:08:50,196 No, no. 153 00:08:50,363 --> 00:08:53,199 But l could stretch my Iegs. 154 00:08:54,117 --> 00:08:55,784 Thank you. 155 00:08:57,787 --> 00:09:00,206 While we're here and you're stretching your Iegs... 156 00:09:00,373 --> 00:09:02,666 ...wouIdn't hurt to Iook around. No. 157 00:09:02,834 --> 00:09:06,337 You know WiIkes' m.o. How wouId he handle an operation like this? 158 00:09:06,504 --> 00:09:07,671 A home invasion? 159 00:09:07,839 --> 00:09:10,799 TheoreticalIy, he'd have a driver, a strong man and a Iookout. 160 00:09:10,967 --> 00:09:14,637 WiIkes wouIdn't trust anyone eIse to grab the girI. He'd handIe that himseIf. 161 00:09:14,804 --> 00:09:17,681 So he's the strong man. CommendabIe. 162 00:09:17,849 --> 00:09:20,684 That leaves the driver right outside there. 163 00:09:20,852 --> 00:09:24,063 Now, where was the Iookout? The sight lines are cIean from there. 164 00:09:24,439 --> 00:09:26,941 There. So you get better cover in the park. 165 00:09:27,108 --> 00:09:30,152 AIley gives eyes on both sides of the street and the intersection. 166 00:09:30,320 --> 00:09:31,779 Let's go there. 167 00:09:34,991 --> 00:09:37,368 NEAL: Yeah, somebody's been here. 168 00:09:37,911 --> 00:09:41,664 Looking both directions. Making sure the coast is cIear. 169 00:09:45,543 --> 00:09:47,002 [GRUNTS] 170 00:09:48,880 --> 00:09:50,673 Coat check stub. 171 00:09:50,840 --> 00:09:52,007 No name or address. 172 00:09:52,175 --> 00:09:54,468 I'II get it to ERT, see if they can recognize it. 173 00:09:54,636 --> 00:09:56,136 Don't bother. It's from a cIub. 174 00:09:56,638 --> 00:10:00,182 More Iike an underground casino. It's one of WiIkes' old hangouts. 175 00:10:00,350 --> 00:10:02,977 Nice of them to Ieave this behind for us. 176 00:10:03,144 --> 00:10:06,522 RICE: God, where's Caffrey? PETER: Oh, Iook. 177 00:10:10,193 --> 00:10:13,028 This ought to be fun. You find gIoves? 178 00:10:13,571 --> 00:10:15,781 There's a fresh print inside the index finger. 179 00:10:15,949 --> 00:10:18,033 I want this puIIed and sent to me ASAP. 180 00:10:18,201 --> 00:10:20,327 What do you think you're doing here, Burke? 181 00:10:20,495 --> 00:10:22,162 HeIping you solve your case. 182 00:10:22,330 --> 00:10:24,623 Somebody spent some time watching from over there. 183 00:10:24,791 --> 00:10:27,376 And drop?ed this, which, according to my source... 184 00:10:27,544 --> 00:10:30,421 ...came from an underground cIub. Then that's our next stop. 185 00:10:30,588 --> 00:10:32,965 No. No. WiIkes won't be there with the girI. 186 00:10:33,133 --> 00:10:35,843 If the FBl shows u?, he'lI go to ground and cut his losses. 187 00:10:36,011 --> 00:10:39,638 So why don't you put on your dancing shoes, Caffrey? You're going cIubbing. 188 00:10:40,098 --> 00:10:43,559 And Peter, next time I find you on my scene, I'm fiIing a report. 189 00:10:43,727 --> 00:10:46,687 You can't telI, but right now, deep down, I'm petrified. 190 00:10:51,609 --> 00:10:53,402 [WHISPERING] Nice. 191 00:10:58,408 --> 00:11:02,494 You're letting the ?antsuit use you as bait to catch WiIkes? 192 00:11:02,662 --> 00:11:05,706 Doesn't that strike you as insane? 193 00:11:05,874 --> 00:11:08,542 I'm going to a cIub. The feds wiIl be right outside. 194 00:11:08,710 --> 00:11:11,545 This is the same WiIkes that wants you dismembered, right? 195 00:11:11,713 --> 00:11:14,590 Dismembered is sIightIy overstating it. You're being paranoid. 196 00:11:14,758 --> 00:11:17,509 Paranoia is a skilI, the secret to Iongevity. 197 00:11:17,677 --> 00:11:19,428 Did you not join WiIkes' crew... 198 00:11:19,596 --> 00:11:22,598 ...gather intel from his targets and then totaIly screw him over? 199 00:11:22,766 --> 00:11:26,769 They were pIanning to hurt peopIe with guns. I don't Iike guns. 200 00:11:27,103 --> 00:11:29,772 For aIl we know, WiIkes is on his way to Tahiti right now. 201 00:11:29,939 --> 00:11:33,192 For aIl we know, he's sharpening his taIons to tear into your spIeen. 202 00:11:33,943 --> 00:11:35,319 Thanks for your concern, Mozz. 203 00:11:35,487 --> 00:11:38,781 But this littIe fieId trip is my best chance to get the anklet removed. 204 00:11:38,948 --> 00:11:41,241 AIex won't taIk about the music box whiIe it's on. 205 00:11:41,409 --> 00:11:44,411 Oh, you professionaI thieves, so high-maintenance. 206 00:11:44,579 --> 00:11:45,913 I'm washing my hands of this. 207 00:11:46,081 --> 00:11:47,289 [PHONE CHIMES] 208 00:11:49,209 --> 00:11:51,960 Rice is here. Duty caIIs. 209 00:11:52,295 --> 00:11:53,545 I get the apartment. 210 00:11:58,968 --> 00:12:03,097 You know, you kept me waiting outside that rich Iady's house for haIf an hour. 211 00:12:03,264 --> 00:12:05,682 You can't rush styIe, Agent Rice. 212 00:12:05,850 --> 00:12:08,560 Took me less time to get ready for my wedding. 213 00:12:08,728 --> 00:12:10,396 It didn't take. 214 00:12:10,730 --> 00:12:11,814 I'm not surprised. 215 00:12:12,982 --> 00:12:14,650 StatisticaIIy speaking. 216 00:12:14,818 --> 00:12:17,236 Okay, it's time for you to go fishing, Caffrey. 217 00:12:17,404 --> 00:12:22,199 This is a hush-hush kind of pIace. There's a good chance they'II be patting me down. 218 00:12:22,367 --> 00:12:24,576 Be a shame if my tracking anklet bIew your case. 219 00:12:25,495 --> 00:12:27,037 Cut it. RealIy? 220 00:12:27,205 --> 00:12:29,998 I'm not an idiot. I'm not sending you undercover with that. 221 00:12:30,166 --> 00:12:32,459 Go on. Lose it. 222 00:12:33,837 --> 00:12:34,878 There you go. 223 00:12:35,046 --> 00:12:36,547 [ALARM BEEPING] 224 00:12:41,010 --> 00:12:42,177 Jones. Yeah. 225 00:12:42,345 --> 00:12:44,179 Caffrey just removed his ankIet. 226 00:12:44,347 --> 00:12:47,015 Yeah, Rice cleared it. Rice? 227 00:13:18,006 --> 00:13:19,715 Mr. GIess, right? Mm. 228 00:13:19,883 --> 00:13:21,633 I'm Agent Peter Burke. 229 00:13:21,801 --> 00:13:24,553 How you hoIding u?? Oh, had to get out of the house. 230 00:13:24,721 --> 00:13:27,055 Agent Rice said I couId wait here. 231 00:13:27,223 --> 00:13:28,557 Of course. 232 00:13:28,725 --> 00:13:31,685 I didn't expect Caffrey to be so charming. 233 00:13:31,853 --> 00:13:34,980 This would be so much easier if he acted more like a criminal. 234 00:13:35,148 --> 00:13:37,858 PETER: Yeah, of course. I just hope this goes right. 235 00:13:39,694 --> 00:13:42,779 If it heIps, I can waIk you through it. 236 00:13:43,615 --> 00:13:46,033 What are you worried about most? The meeting. 237 00:13:47,577 --> 00:13:49,119 The meeting. 238 00:13:50,413 --> 00:13:52,748 What troubles you about that? 239 00:13:54,501 --> 00:13:59,004 The kidnapper caIls, then asks for a meeting with Caffrey in exchange for Lindsay. 240 00:13:59,172 --> 00:14:02,049 That seems too easy. Yeah. 241 00:14:02,759 --> 00:14:03,759 Excuse me. 242 00:14:05,678 --> 00:14:07,930 [CELL PHONE RINGlNG] 243 00:14:11,559 --> 00:14:14,019 Peter, I'm in the middle of something right now, okay? 244 00:14:14,187 --> 00:14:16,313 PETER: 'ou need to get out ofthere now. What? 245 00:14:16,481 --> 00:14:18,106 Neal, you're the ransom. 246 00:14:18,858 --> 00:14:19,942 [TASER BUZZING] 247 00:14:20,818 --> 00:14:23,612 Neal. Neal. 248 00:14:26,407 --> 00:14:28,784 We have a siIver van Ieaving the club, no ?late. 249 00:14:28,952 --> 00:14:30,452 Chase car Iost it in traffic. 250 00:14:30,620 --> 00:14:31,954 Okay, listen up, peopIe. 251 00:14:32,121 --> 00:14:35,749 For the foreseeabIe future, you beIong to me. l need traffic feeds... 252 00:14:35,917 --> 00:14:39,211 ...from here to Yankee Stadium. You soId him out to get in the paper. 253 00:14:39,379 --> 00:14:42,047 You hung NeaI out to dry for a goId star on your résumé. 254 00:14:42,215 --> 00:14:43,465 You better watch it, Burke. 255 00:14:43,633 --> 00:14:45,926 When we found that coat check stub for the club... 256 00:14:46,094 --> 00:14:47,928 ...you aIready knew what was going down. 257 00:14:48,096 --> 00:14:51,557 But you kept your mouth shut so everything couId go according to pIan. 258 00:14:51,724 --> 00:14:54,518 What's going on here? She made a backroom deaI with Wilkes. 259 00:14:54,686 --> 00:14:56,979 The girI in exchange for Neal. Rice, that true? 260 00:14:57,146 --> 00:14:59,606 A man we beIieve to be Wilkes contacted GIess. 261 00:14:59,774 --> 00:15:03,485 He said he wouId give Lindsay back if he could have a face-to-face with Caffrey. 262 00:15:03,653 --> 00:15:06,071 And you reaIIy think WiIkes would make good on that? 263 00:15:06,239 --> 00:15:10,284 It was our one shot to get a Iead on WiIkes and foIlow him back to the girI. 264 00:15:10,451 --> 00:15:12,160 I had agents aII over that street. 265 00:15:12,328 --> 00:15:14,663 How did that work out? Did you get any Ieads? 266 00:15:14,831 --> 00:15:18,292 WiIkes made the grab in our one operational blind spot. 267 00:15:19,460 --> 00:15:22,004 You're no longer in charge. Peter's a part of the show. 268 00:15:22,171 --> 00:15:26,300 I don't wanna hear it, Rice. You report to Burke untiI you find Caffrey and that girI. 269 00:15:38,021 --> 00:15:40,105 MAN: Top of the morning to you. 270 00:15:40,273 --> 00:15:43,483 Monster headache, right? lt'Il pass. 271 00:15:43,860 --> 00:15:45,527 WiIkes. 272 00:15:46,738 --> 00:15:50,699 Seeing you again, Neal, brings back alI these oId feeIings. 273 00:15:50,867 --> 00:15:52,618 [GRUNTS] 274 00:15:56,581 --> 00:15:58,540 If you wanted to meet, you could've caIIed. 275 00:15:58,708 --> 00:16:00,542 This way is better. 276 00:16:00,710 --> 00:16:03,462 Pretty good, right? Had the fed snip your ankIet off for me. 277 00:16:03,630 --> 00:16:05,964 She handed you over on a ?latter. That's great. 278 00:16:06,132 --> 00:16:11,720 You're a Iock for kidnapper of the year. Mm. That old Caffrey wit. I Iove it. 279 00:16:12,180 --> 00:16:14,723 We could've been something. Thunder and lighting. 280 00:16:14,891 --> 00:16:17,309 But then you had to ri? me off for, what, 500 grand? 281 00:16:17,477 --> 00:16:18,644 I'II write you a check. 282 00:16:18,811 --> 00:16:21,813 NormaIIy, I kiII peo?le for that sort of thing. 283 00:16:22,148 --> 00:16:25,442 But? But today is your Iucky day. 284 00:16:25,610 --> 00:16:26,902 You get to make it up to me. 285 00:16:27,070 --> 00:16:30,489 Look, man, what about Lindsay? You got me. Just let her go. 286 00:16:30,782 --> 00:16:32,407 Not yet. 287 00:16:34,869 --> 00:16:36,411 I'm gonna o?en these doors. 288 00:16:37,246 --> 00:16:39,706 You run or yeII, I shoot you. 289 00:16:39,874 --> 00:16:41,416 And then I'II shoot the girI. 290 00:16:43,503 --> 00:16:45,462 Let's get started. 291 00:16:52,929 --> 00:16:57,599 Agency booked travel for a gentIeman by the name of Thomas Loze. 292 00:16:57,934 --> 00:16:59,893 He's on his way into the country right now. 293 00:17:00,061 --> 00:17:03,730 I need his itinerary. Flight, car service, hotel. 294 00:17:03,898 --> 00:17:07,526 Smile. lt's a chance to put that siIver tongue of yours to good use. 295 00:17:07,694 --> 00:17:10,404 AIl this troubIe to have me infiItrate a traveI agency. 296 00:17:10,738 --> 00:17:12,447 What's your angIe? 297 00:17:13,116 --> 00:17:16,201 Ah, l'm front man. You don't end up on surveilIance cameras. 298 00:17:16,369 --> 00:17:17,619 You always were quick. 299 00:17:18,121 --> 00:17:20,539 One more thing. Since we have a Iot to do today... 300 00:17:20,707 --> 00:17:24,126 ...it's important you know how serious I am from the jump. 301 00:17:25,336 --> 00:17:28,797 See her? Her name's kathy, career rece?tionist. 302 00:17:28,965 --> 00:17:31,925 kind of Iady no one'II miss, except a coupIe of her kids. 303 00:17:33,469 --> 00:17:35,095 On that roof is my friend, Jim. 304 00:17:35,555 --> 00:17:37,639 Jim has a sniper rifle aimed at Kathy. 305 00:17:37,807 --> 00:17:40,726 I give him the word, bang, Iights out. 306 00:17:41,978 --> 00:17:43,437 Wave at NeaI, Jim. 307 00:17:45,732 --> 00:17:48,984 And don't think you can borrow her ?hone and calI for heIp. 308 00:17:49,318 --> 00:17:52,154 Be a sweetheart. Hel? the lady out. 309 00:17:52,321 --> 00:17:54,281 I'II get your information, okay? 310 00:17:54,449 --> 00:17:56,074 But wiII I get it in two minutes? 311 00:17:56,242 --> 00:17:59,453 You're putting me on a clock? I can convince her. l just need time. 312 00:17:59,871 --> 00:18:01,538 You don't have it. busy day. 313 00:18:01,706 --> 00:18:04,750 One minute, 52 seconds and counting. AIl right, l'm going. 314 00:18:19,140 --> 00:18:21,808 Hi there. How you doing? I'm fine. 315 00:18:21,976 --> 00:18:23,018 My name is Nick HaIden. 316 00:18:23,186 --> 00:18:26,146 I'm an assistant with LeveI One Concierge Services. 317 00:18:26,314 --> 00:18:29,483 How can l hel? you, Nick HaIden from Level One Concierge Services? 318 00:18:29,650 --> 00:18:32,277 Uh, we got a big cIient coming to town, Thomas Loze. 319 00:18:32,570 --> 00:18:33,612 You booked his traveI. 320 00:18:33,780 --> 00:18:36,698 I need to make a week's worth of five-star dinner reservations. 321 00:18:36,866 --> 00:18:38,492 OnIy I mispIaced his itinerary. 322 00:18:38,659 --> 00:18:40,827 And I blow another account, I'm toast, so-- 323 00:18:40,995 --> 00:18:43,455 So it sounds like you need to find a new Iine of work. 324 00:18:43,623 --> 00:18:45,081 Come again? 325 00:18:46,167 --> 00:18:48,460 You know, peopIe Iike you realIy piss me off. 326 00:18:48,878 --> 00:18:51,046 You waItz in here, you fIash some sort of grin. 327 00:18:51,214 --> 00:18:54,007 Think you can get me to do something that wouId get me fired? 328 00:18:54,175 --> 00:18:56,551 I don't think so. But have a nice day. 329 00:18:59,305 --> 00:19:03,058 PIease, pIease, Kathy. I reaIly need this, okay? 330 00:19:03,226 --> 00:19:05,894 I said, "Have a nice day." 331 00:19:06,312 --> 00:19:08,855 Okay. Okay. 332 00:19:10,691 --> 00:19:14,402 That is exactIy what I'm gonna teIl my son when I expIain why Daddy Iost his job. 333 00:19:15,404 --> 00:19:18,907 His daddy is a failure. I'm gonna IeveI with you, Kathy. 334 00:19:19,075 --> 00:19:22,035 I don't enjoy catering to guys who spend more on Courvoisier... 335 00:19:22,203 --> 00:19:24,287 ...than I make in a year, but it's aIl I got. 336 00:19:24,455 --> 00:19:28,083 Who am l to think that I can do this job and raise a 5-year-oId aII by myself? 337 00:19:28,960 --> 00:19:32,462 I gotta telI Joey we're going back to Cedar Rapids. lt'II break his heart. 338 00:19:32,630 --> 00:19:34,923 kids bounce back, though. You know, they're tough. 339 00:19:35,424 --> 00:19:36,675 Cedar Rapids? Yeah. 340 00:19:37,051 --> 00:19:39,761 I'm from Iowa City. U of l, '88. No kidding. 341 00:19:42,974 --> 00:19:45,684 You said Thomas Loze, right? Yeah. 342 00:19:45,852 --> 00:19:48,895 Okay. Thank you. 343 00:19:51,732 --> 00:19:54,484 While you're at it, I might know someone who's interested... 344 00:19:54,652 --> 00:19:56,361 ...in your rewards program. Okay. 345 00:19:56,779 --> 00:19:58,780 Hmm. Mm-hm! 346 00:19:58,948 --> 00:20:01,408 So now you've captured another one of my pawns. 347 00:20:01,576 --> 00:20:03,660 Parcheesi is just not your game. 348 00:20:03,828 --> 00:20:07,831 You mock me, but Iittle do you know, you're just about to march... 349 00:20:07,999 --> 00:20:11,001 ...into the teeth of my bIockade. Aha! 350 00:20:11,168 --> 00:20:12,627 [PHONE CHIMES] 351 00:20:12,795 --> 00:20:13,962 Ugh. 352 00:20:14,130 --> 00:20:15,463 What's the matter? 353 00:20:15,631 --> 00:20:18,466 A?parentIy Dante Haversham just received an offer... 354 00:20:18,634 --> 00:20:21,803 ...for 20 percent off a trip to Rio. 355 00:20:21,971 --> 00:20:24,723 And who is Dante Haversham? 356 00:20:25,224 --> 00:20:26,975 It's me. 357 00:20:27,143 --> 00:20:28,810 I have to go. 358 00:20:30,104 --> 00:20:32,522 Oh, this does not count as a forfeit. 359 00:20:32,690 --> 00:20:35,817 I wilI not take your charity, sir. 360 00:20:37,403 --> 00:20:39,362 That's my boy. 361 00:20:40,156 --> 00:20:41,823 kathy's chiIdren thank you. 362 00:20:41,991 --> 00:20:44,826 Ready for round two? I don't think l'm up for round two. 363 00:20:45,161 --> 00:20:47,329 That'd be an ilI-advised Iife choice. 364 00:20:47,496 --> 00:20:49,247 Why? You'Il kilI me? 365 00:20:49,415 --> 00:20:50,665 Don't test me, NeaI. 366 00:20:51,334 --> 00:20:54,210 TeII Jim to put that red dot on my head and pulI the trigger... 367 00:20:54,378 --> 00:20:57,839 ...if you don't think I'm serious. It's Iike I'm taIking Mandarin. 368 00:20:58,633 --> 00:21:02,260 How about l kick things off by kiIling my sweet Iittle hostage? 369 00:21:02,428 --> 00:21:04,971 I'm starting to wonder if you even have Lindsay. 370 00:21:10,645 --> 00:21:13,647 Why don't we take a break, Iet you think about this? 371 00:21:13,814 --> 00:21:19,319 Last thing I want you to do is drag your heels. 372 00:21:23,199 --> 00:21:24,741 PIease. 373 00:21:25,576 --> 00:21:26,868 Get in. 374 00:21:34,710 --> 00:21:36,378 Where we going? You talk too much. 375 00:21:36,545 --> 00:21:40,048 Tase this man again. That's reaIly not nec-- Agh! 376 00:21:42,385 --> 00:21:44,344 I've got BOLOs out on your van descri?tion. 377 00:21:44,512 --> 00:21:47,013 N.Y.P.D. is canvassing the area where NeaI was taken. 378 00:21:47,181 --> 00:21:51,977 We just found this in GIess' maiI. It was sent before Caffrey was taken. 379 00:22:00,277 --> 00:22:01,611 Hi, Daddy. 380 00:22:01,779 --> 00:22:04,656 l'm okay, but you need to do what they ask. 381 00:22:04,949 --> 00:22:08,702 Now. Or l won't be okay. 382 00:22:09,412 --> 00:22:11,037 l love you. 383 00:22:11,747 --> 00:22:15,125 AIl right, everybody, watch it again. Anything jumps out at you, caII it. 384 00:22:15,292 --> 00:22:16,626 Hi, Daddy. 385 00:22:16,794 --> 00:22:19,713 l'm okay, but you need to do what they ask. 386 00:22:19,880 --> 00:22:21,715 Now. JONES: PIace is falIing where it stands. 387 00:22:22,508 --> 00:22:25,260 Crack aIong the waII. Funky windows. Pre-Civil War construction. 388 00:22:25,428 --> 00:22:26,594 [HORN BLOWlNG ON RECORDING] 389 00:22:26,762 --> 00:22:29,180 RICE: You hear that? Foghorn. 390 00:22:29,348 --> 00:22:30,765 No, tugboat horn. 391 00:22:30,933 --> 00:22:33,435 Let's get it isoIated. We know she's by the water. 392 00:22:33,602 --> 00:22:36,938 There are more than 500 miIes of waterfront in the New york area. 393 00:22:37,106 --> 00:22:39,357 PETER: I want search teams on the ground now. 394 00:22:39,525 --> 00:22:42,819 Everybody swee?ing and canvassing any waterfront structure... 395 00:22:42,987 --> 00:22:45,947 ...with cracked walIs or funky windows. 396 00:22:46,115 --> 00:22:49,868 Now. Or l won't be okay. 397 00:22:50,619 --> 00:22:51,911 l love you. 398 00:22:56,876 --> 00:23:00,045 Hey, you okay? NEAL: Yeah, I'm fine. Didn't even hurt. 399 00:23:01,213 --> 00:23:04,841 Lindsay? Yeah. Who are you? 400 00:23:05,468 --> 00:23:07,093 My name is NeaI Caffrey. 401 00:23:07,261 --> 00:23:09,095 I'm with the FBI. I'm here to heIp you. 402 00:23:09,263 --> 00:23:11,598 RealIy? Who's gonna heIp you? 403 00:23:13,434 --> 00:23:17,103 I'II admit, not the greatest rescue. But the FBl knows we're here, right? 404 00:23:17,271 --> 00:23:20,065 No, but the best agent the bureau has got is Iooking for us. 405 00:23:20,232 --> 00:23:21,524 RealIy? Yes, trust me. 406 00:23:21,692 --> 00:23:25,195 If there's anyone in the world who can find me, it's him. 407 00:23:26,947 --> 00:23:28,281 Nice manners. 408 00:23:29,283 --> 00:23:30,950 You know, you shouId chew your food. 409 00:23:32,078 --> 00:23:33,953 It's pretty fouI, right? Yeah. 410 00:23:34,121 --> 00:23:37,665 He burps when he swalIows. Nice. 411 00:23:41,128 --> 00:23:42,754 [CELL PHONE RINGS] 412 00:23:46,634 --> 00:23:48,676 Hey, hon. ELlZABETH: Okay, you need to come home. 413 00:23:48,844 --> 00:23:49,886 We have a visitor. 414 00:23:50,054 --> 00:23:52,847 I'm sorry, but I'm right in the middle of something now. 415 00:23:53,015 --> 00:23:56,684 I think your something is connected to the someone who showed up at our door. 416 00:23:56,852 --> 00:23:59,938 What? Who's there? Mozzie. And he's pretty worked up. 417 00:24:00,106 --> 00:24:01,606 That's his normaI state. 418 00:24:01,774 --> 00:24:03,858 I think it's important. If it's important... 419 00:24:04,026 --> 00:24:05,652 ...teIl him to come to the office. 420 00:24:05,820 --> 00:24:08,696 Mozzie in the FBI headquarters? Ha! 421 00:24:09,406 --> 00:24:12,659 Yeah, he's not going. Honey, I don't have time. 422 00:24:13,035 --> 00:24:16,371 It's about NeaI. I'm on my way. 423 00:24:24,713 --> 00:24:26,923 WlLKES: So you've met Lindsay. 424 00:24:27,091 --> 00:24:29,300 Now are you gonna join me for round two... 425 00:24:30,052 --> 00:24:31,219 ...or does it get ugly? 426 00:24:33,389 --> 00:24:37,142 What's round two? Why wouId I want to ruin the surprise? 427 00:24:37,309 --> 00:24:38,852 In or out? 428 00:24:44,692 --> 00:24:46,234 Let's get this over with. 429 00:24:57,663 --> 00:25:00,248 You know, you never told me what do you do for a Iiving. 430 00:25:00,416 --> 00:25:02,250 I know that. Neither have you. 431 00:25:02,668 --> 00:25:03,751 Mrs. Suit. 432 00:25:04,920 --> 00:25:07,589 I'm an event pIanner. I run my own company. 433 00:25:07,756 --> 00:25:11,092 Burke Premiere Events. I thought that company was a front for Peter. 434 00:25:11,760 --> 00:25:16,931 Not everything has a secret meaning. Ah, naiveté. So sweet. 435 00:25:17,099 --> 00:25:18,933 I bet you beIieve in the moon Ianding. 436 00:25:19,101 --> 00:25:21,436 PETER: Honey? In here. 437 00:25:21,854 --> 00:25:24,939 Mozzie stilI won't teIl me what he does for a Iiving. Do you know? 438 00:25:25,107 --> 00:25:26,274 I know enough not to ask. 439 00:25:26,442 --> 00:25:29,277 Why are you here? I received this. 440 00:25:30,988 --> 00:25:33,281 "Elite Voyages. Come froIic with us." 441 00:25:33,449 --> 00:25:34,782 Look at the e-maiI address. 442 00:25:36,869 --> 00:25:37,911 PETER: Dante Haversham. 443 00:25:38,078 --> 00:25:40,580 Remember the aIias l gave when Neal introduced us? 444 00:25:40,748 --> 00:25:42,957 See, some things do have secret meanings. 445 00:25:43,125 --> 00:25:46,252 I beIieve you on this one. Is NeaI okay? I don't know. 446 00:25:46,962 --> 00:25:48,129 That's a distress signaI. 447 00:25:52,593 --> 00:25:57,388 I spent a great deal of money making sure Mr. Loze's Iimo gets quietIy sidetracked. 448 00:25:57,556 --> 00:25:59,307 Let me guess. I'm his new driver. 449 00:25:59,475 --> 00:26:03,269 He'lI be carrying a titanium briefcase. Your job is to take it. 450 00:26:03,437 --> 00:26:05,146 Any suggestions on how I do that? 451 00:26:07,733 --> 00:26:10,818 Come on, man, you know I don't Iike guns. 452 00:26:14,823 --> 00:26:17,617 I reaIly don't Iike unIoaded guns. 453 00:26:19,161 --> 00:26:23,331 Be at this address by 4 and our business is compIete. 454 00:26:23,499 --> 00:26:27,001 I teIl you where I'm keeping the girI and we go our separate ways. 455 00:26:27,169 --> 00:26:30,505 But be a minute Iate or caII your fed friends and l make a caIl. 456 00:26:30,839 --> 00:26:32,590 And Lindsay.... 457 00:26:33,259 --> 00:26:35,009 WeIl, you know what hap?ens to Lindsay. 458 00:26:36,053 --> 00:26:38,513 You're not gonna stick around for the show? 459 00:26:38,973 --> 00:26:40,974 On this one... 460 00:26:42,351 --> 00:26:43,643 ...l'Il keep my distance. 461 00:26:49,942 --> 00:26:50,984 Any luck on the tip? 462 00:26:51,151 --> 00:26:53,486 Three hours ago, Caffrey goes into EIite Voyages... 463 00:26:53,654 --> 00:26:55,863 ...asking for the itinerary of a Thomas Loze. 464 00:26:56,031 --> 00:26:58,157 Do we know him? PulIed a file from lnterpoI. 465 00:26:58,325 --> 00:27:01,786 Turns out that Loze happens to be a favorite aIias of Edward ReiIly. 466 00:27:01,954 --> 00:27:04,163 Edward ReiIly. The hits keep coming. 467 00:27:04,498 --> 00:27:07,667 He's the go-to guy when VIP criminaIs want something vaIuabIe moved. 468 00:27:07,835 --> 00:27:10,878 Hand-delivers everything, which is aII the guarantee anyone needs. 469 00:27:11,046 --> 00:27:12,088 He's dangerous. 470 00:27:12,256 --> 00:27:14,882 My guess, WiIkes is snooping around ReiIIy's itinerary... 471 00:27:15,050 --> 00:27:17,176 ...because he's pIanning a surprise for him. 472 00:27:17,344 --> 00:27:20,888 WiIkes is ?lanning a rip-off. Using NeaI as the face of his whoIe show. 473 00:27:21,056 --> 00:27:23,725 ReiIIy's on a fIight from Sydney. Touches down in an hour. 474 00:27:23,892 --> 00:27:25,893 And we'II be there to meet him. 475 00:27:36,864 --> 00:27:39,240 You know where I can catch a shuttIe to the city? 476 00:27:39,408 --> 00:27:41,826 No need for the cIoak and dagger. WiIkes isn't here. 477 00:27:41,994 --> 00:27:45,580 We're here to heIp you get out of this. That's ironic coming from you. 478 00:27:45,748 --> 00:27:50,084 PETER: Listen. This Loze guy you're going after, it's Edward ReiIIy. 479 00:27:50,252 --> 00:27:51,419 NEAL: Damn. 480 00:27:51,587 --> 00:27:54,088 No wonder WiIkes doesn't wanna be anywhere near this. 481 00:27:54,256 --> 00:27:56,632 You go through with this, ReiIIy wilI hunt you down. 482 00:27:56,800 --> 00:27:59,802 If l don't get his briefcase to WiIkes by 4, he'II kiII Lindsay. 483 00:27:59,970 --> 00:28:02,513 You sure about that? Her guard wasn't wearing a mask. 484 00:28:02,681 --> 00:28:04,015 And he has a silencer. 485 00:28:04,183 --> 00:28:05,350 So you saw her. Yeah. 486 00:28:05,517 --> 00:28:07,101 Where? I don't know. 487 00:28:07,269 --> 00:28:09,103 They Tased me. 488 00:28:09,271 --> 00:28:12,940 TeII me you're cIose to finding her. She's in an old buiIding near the water. 489 00:28:13,442 --> 00:28:16,444 Her guard was eating from a restaurant calIed Wok of Fire. 490 00:28:16,612 --> 00:28:19,697 Chinese takeout near the water. We can work with that. Come on. 491 00:28:19,990 --> 00:28:21,616 Hey, I'm staying here. 492 00:28:21,784 --> 00:28:24,744 If you don't get to Lindsay in time-- Yeah. 493 00:28:25,954 --> 00:28:29,457 It's a two-way transceiver. Jones wiII keep an eye on you. 494 00:28:29,792 --> 00:28:31,584 His team wiIl stay out of sight. 495 00:28:31,752 --> 00:28:34,128 Don't do anything stupid. Heh. Too Iate. 496 00:28:36,298 --> 00:28:37,715 Good Iuck. 497 00:28:42,304 --> 00:28:43,888 NEAL: Excuse me. 498 00:28:44,515 --> 00:28:47,100 You drop?ed this. Oh, thanks. 499 00:28:48,143 --> 00:28:50,019 I don't care what you're doing here. 500 00:28:50,187 --> 00:28:53,481 As a friend, I insist you puII the rip cord. 501 00:28:53,649 --> 00:28:54,982 NEAL: You got my message. 502 00:28:55,150 --> 00:28:58,569 MOZZIE: What's with the driver's outfit? I'm about to rob Edward ReilIy. 503 00:28:58,737 --> 00:29:01,322 The Edward ReiIly? 504 00:29:02,574 --> 00:29:05,785 What's your ?lan, a gun in the glove compartment? 505 00:29:06,161 --> 00:29:08,454 That's your ?lan, a gun in the glove compartment. 506 00:29:08,622 --> 00:29:10,665 Long story, but I'm taking his briefcase. 507 00:29:11,125 --> 00:29:15,378 WeIl, surely you won't do this, because you're not suicidaI. 508 00:29:15,546 --> 00:29:17,422 Thanks for the pep talk. 509 00:29:17,840 --> 00:29:20,258 But what if he gave it to you? 510 00:29:22,177 --> 00:29:25,096 And was hap?y to give it to you? Zigzag scam? 511 00:29:25,472 --> 00:29:29,350 One for me. One for you. 512 00:29:29,518 --> 00:29:32,270 Time to get into character. 513 00:29:35,065 --> 00:29:37,358 You're a chameIeon. Yeah. 514 00:29:47,161 --> 00:29:48,536 Mr. Loze? 515 00:29:48,704 --> 00:29:50,705 My name's Nick. I'lI be your driver today. 516 00:29:50,873 --> 00:29:54,250 Been on a pIane for 22 hours. I don't give a damn what your name is, kid. 517 00:29:54,418 --> 00:29:57,128 Got any other bags there? No. 518 00:29:57,337 --> 00:29:59,964 Let me take your case for you. Just take me to the car. 519 00:30:03,760 --> 00:30:06,053 MOZZIE: Thomas Loze? Agent Haversham. 520 00:30:06,305 --> 00:30:07,972 Immigration and Customs Enforcement. 521 00:30:08,140 --> 00:30:11,476 Word is you're bringing something into the country we should know about. 522 00:30:11,643 --> 00:30:14,520 This a joke? Do I look Iike I'm joking, EIvis? 523 00:30:15,814 --> 00:30:20,693 Agent Halden, Joint Task Force. We're gonna need you to o?en the case. 524 00:30:20,903 --> 00:30:23,404 Doesn't have to be a scene if you don't want it to be. 525 00:30:24,865 --> 00:30:28,534 Okay. You guys reaIly want to do this? 526 00:30:28,702 --> 00:30:32,079 knock yourseIves out. Let's go. 527 00:30:34,708 --> 00:30:36,667 Palms on the table. 528 00:30:43,300 --> 00:30:44,592 Looks Iike an overnight bag. 529 00:30:44,760 --> 00:30:47,428 When this is through, I want badge numbers. 530 00:30:47,971 --> 00:30:50,932 You can't ?rove ?robabIe cause, it'II be both your asses. 531 00:30:51,099 --> 00:30:55,520 Shut your hole and kiss wood, ReiIly. Yeah, we know who you realIy are. 532 00:30:55,687 --> 00:30:59,774 I just said that to a guy who enjoys kiIling peopIe with his bare hands. 533 00:30:59,942 --> 00:31:02,235 keep it together, Mozz. 534 00:31:02,945 --> 00:31:04,445 HoId on a second. 535 00:31:13,622 --> 00:31:17,625 Wow. Pure gold. Think they're preIoaded? 536 00:31:18,168 --> 00:31:20,711 NEAL: WelI, that wouId expIain Wilkes' interest in them. 537 00:31:20,879 --> 00:31:22,880 Load them up, coupIe hundred thousand each-- 538 00:31:23,048 --> 00:31:25,049 And you've got a portabIe fortune. 539 00:31:25,217 --> 00:31:28,135 Perfect for the smuggIer on the go. I want my Iawyer. 540 00:31:28,303 --> 00:31:29,679 Oh, you'Il need him, Chachi. 541 00:31:29,846 --> 00:31:32,640 I'd say you're staring down 1 0 years, easy. 542 00:31:32,808 --> 00:31:33,808 CaII the cavaIry. 543 00:31:36,603 --> 00:31:39,522 Imagine what you couId do with just one of these babies, huh? 544 00:31:39,690 --> 00:31:41,857 Make for a great night out. 545 00:31:46,071 --> 00:31:47,154 CaII it in, Haversham. 546 00:31:48,991 --> 00:31:54,245 It's just l promised Sarah that neckIace. With the diamonds. 547 00:31:54,413 --> 00:31:56,664 NEAL: So? So she's gonna leave me, man. 548 00:31:56,832 --> 00:31:59,292 And you think this is the way to keep her? 549 00:31:59,585 --> 00:32:00,668 This isn't the way. 550 00:32:00,836 --> 00:32:03,212 Oh, don't teII me how to keep a woman, bIue eyes. 551 00:32:03,380 --> 00:32:05,840 Guys like you, with your miIIion-dolIar smiIe... 552 00:32:06,008 --> 00:32:08,676 ...and your thick, perfect head of hair, you don't get it. 553 00:32:10,178 --> 00:32:12,513 [WHISPERING] Don't do this to yourseIf. Listen. 554 00:32:13,640 --> 00:32:16,017 This is my suitcase, right? 555 00:32:17,060 --> 00:32:18,519 So maybe l Ieft it on the pIane. 556 00:32:20,731 --> 00:32:22,940 What, l gotta s?eIl this out for you, gentlemen? 557 00:32:26,361 --> 00:32:29,989 [IN NORMAL VOICE] AlI right, caII it in. TeII him Loze was clean, we cut him loose. 558 00:32:30,157 --> 00:32:32,199 Come on. CalI it in. 559 00:32:32,367 --> 00:32:33,701 You guys are alI right. 560 00:32:36,663 --> 00:32:38,039 Gotta get home somehow, right? 561 00:32:45,047 --> 00:32:48,674 CIosest I've come to death this year. AIl right, thanks for your heIp, Mozz. 562 00:32:48,842 --> 00:32:50,468 Could l--? No. 563 00:32:53,722 --> 00:32:55,348 This is the closest dock to Wok of Fire. 564 00:32:55,515 --> 00:32:56,515 [HORN BLOWlNG] 565 00:32:56,683 --> 00:32:59,518 That sounds Iike our tugboat horn. 566 00:32:59,978 --> 00:33:02,229 So where's our girI? 567 00:33:02,397 --> 00:33:04,398 I hope you're feeIing Iucky. 568 00:33:04,566 --> 00:33:07,443 It's aImost 4. Caffrey's out of time. 569 00:33:08,820 --> 00:33:09,862 Neal, you copy? 570 00:33:10,572 --> 00:33:14,033 [OVER RADlO] Neal? NEAL: TelI me you found Lindsay. 571 00:33:14,409 --> 00:33:17,745 PETER: We're gonna need more time. It's 4, Peter. I'm aIready here. 572 00:33:18,080 --> 00:33:20,081 PETER: Then staIl. 573 00:33:20,248 --> 00:33:22,416 He gets his hands on the case, the girI's dead. 574 00:33:49,569 --> 00:33:50,903 [HORN HONkS] 575 00:33:59,705 --> 00:34:02,957 Right on time. I love that. 576 00:34:05,293 --> 00:34:06,293 NEAL: Where's the girl? 577 00:34:06,545 --> 00:34:09,255 UnfortunateIy l won't be sharing that information with you. 578 00:34:09,423 --> 00:34:10,756 We had a deaI, Wilkes. 579 00:34:12,134 --> 00:34:14,927 I lied. Give it to me. 580 00:34:27,232 --> 00:34:29,692 And I thought we had a nice thing going on. 581 00:34:29,860 --> 00:34:32,611 You Iied, I Iied. It's like a dance. 582 00:34:35,574 --> 00:34:39,452 You ?uII that trigger, those gold cards I stoIe from Edward ReiIIy are gone forever. 583 00:34:43,081 --> 00:34:44,790 Wait, wait. 584 00:34:44,958 --> 00:34:47,084 Give me the stiIl from that proof-of-Iife tape. 585 00:34:48,253 --> 00:34:49,503 RICE: What do you see? 586 00:34:52,549 --> 00:34:54,341 PETER: Same crack in the walI. 587 00:34:54,509 --> 00:34:57,178 That's our place. We got them. 588 00:34:59,097 --> 00:35:02,600 If l don't have those cards in my hand in 1 0 seconds... 589 00:35:02,768 --> 00:35:05,186 ...l'm gonna make a caII and l'm gonna kiII the girI. 590 00:35:05,687 --> 00:35:08,773 Then l'm gonna take my time with you. 591 00:35:08,940 --> 00:35:09,982 Five seconds. 592 00:35:11,485 --> 00:35:12,651 Three seconds. 593 00:35:14,488 --> 00:35:17,865 Now my guys are gonna have to kiII that nice man's daughter. 594 00:35:18,033 --> 00:35:22,203 Who says they're stiIl your guys? Is that your pIay? 595 00:35:22,370 --> 00:35:23,996 You turned my crew against me? 596 00:35:24,164 --> 00:35:25,706 I expected more from you. 597 00:35:25,874 --> 00:35:28,542 Who do you think has the cards? Left them with my guys. 598 00:35:28,710 --> 00:35:30,961 You're not that dumb. You brought me into this. 599 00:35:31,129 --> 00:35:34,548 I bring up the average. UnfortunateIy, that makes you Iess vaIuable. 600 00:35:34,966 --> 00:35:38,052 Your men agreed. It's time for new management. 601 00:35:38,220 --> 00:35:40,471 You're lying. CaII if you think I'm bIuffing. 602 00:35:40,639 --> 00:35:41,889 I think you're bluffing. 603 00:35:44,226 --> 00:35:45,351 [LINE RINGlNG] 604 00:35:45,519 --> 00:35:46,560 MAN: Yeah, boss? 605 00:35:46,895 --> 00:35:49,688 kilI her. And Ieave the phone on speaker. 606 00:35:52,234 --> 00:35:54,068 [GUN COCKS] 607 00:35:57,739 --> 00:35:58,948 AGENT 1 : FBI! 608 00:35:59,115 --> 00:36:00,991 Put that down! Now! AGENT 1 : Dro? the gun! 609 00:36:01,159 --> 00:36:02,284 AGENT 2: Dro? the gun! 610 00:36:02,452 --> 00:36:04,745 Damn it. Sounds like they got company. 611 00:36:14,589 --> 00:36:16,173 I guess that makes you obsolete. 612 00:36:16,341 --> 00:36:18,092 Now, I wouldn't do that if I were you. 613 00:36:19,094 --> 00:36:20,886 I got friends with sniper rifles too. 614 00:36:22,597 --> 00:36:24,849 JONES: FbI! Drop your weapon! AGENT: Drop it! 615 00:36:25,016 --> 00:36:26,267 JONES: Dro? your weapon now! 616 00:36:26,434 --> 00:36:28,561 AGENT: Freeze! Hands in the air! 617 00:36:28,728 --> 00:36:30,396 AGENT: AIl right, he's clear. 618 00:36:35,318 --> 00:36:37,528 Agent Burke, we got Wilkes. 619 00:36:38,613 --> 00:36:40,948 We're secure here. We got the girI. 620 00:36:41,741 --> 00:36:43,325 What about Neal? 621 00:36:45,036 --> 00:36:46,078 He says hey. 622 00:36:53,670 --> 00:36:55,337 Dad. 623 00:36:55,505 --> 00:36:57,423 GLESS: Lindsay. LlNDSAY: Dad. 624 00:36:59,384 --> 00:37:01,468 PETER: Where you been? Missed alI the action. 625 00:37:01,636 --> 00:37:04,430 Oh, yeah. I got hung up with an oId friend. 626 00:37:04,598 --> 00:37:07,391 How'd that go? Think l may have burned a bridge. 627 00:37:08,643 --> 00:37:10,895 Looks Iike Agent Rice is ready for her close-up. 628 00:37:11,062 --> 00:37:13,272 Heard the camera crews are aIready on their way. 629 00:37:13,440 --> 00:37:14,773 Let her have it. 630 00:37:16,067 --> 00:37:18,277 Oh, jeez. Did she just give us the finger point? 631 00:37:18,445 --> 00:37:19,612 She did. 632 00:37:22,741 --> 00:37:25,492 You're the men responsibIe for bringing my daughter back. 633 00:37:25,660 --> 00:37:27,786 We're aIl a team here. 634 00:37:28,580 --> 00:37:31,165 Mr. GIess-- I'd say we're more than even now. 635 00:37:32,667 --> 00:37:36,629 Thanks for pIaying round two. Don't mention it. 636 00:37:40,342 --> 00:37:44,595 Was a heIl of a thing you did today. I couId say the same thing about you. 637 00:37:46,264 --> 00:37:48,933 No hard feeIings? Don't stretch it. 638 00:37:55,357 --> 00:37:57,858 Oh, uh, you're not sticking around for the press? 639 00:37:58,026 --> 00:37:59,777 You're the hottest interview in town. 640 00:37:59,945 --> 00:38:03,197 RICE: I probably have a discipIinary hearing to prepare for anyway. 641 00:38:03,365 --> 00:38:05,199 About how things went down Iast night-- 642 00:38:05,367 --> 00:38:08,911 Oh, Iook. In the end, we got it done. 643 00:38:09,079 --> 00:38:10,412 Yeah, even so. 644 00:38:10,580 --> 00:38:13,499 I hope we work together again sometime. 645 00:38:13,667 --> 00:38:16,126 Even if you're the one caIIing the shots. 646 00:38:16,294 --> 00:38:20,798 Ha-ha-ha. One day, I'II remind you that you said that. 647 00:38:20,966 --> 00:38:22,716 Got Caffrey's ankIet. 648 00:38:22,884 --> 00:38:24,802 Thought your ?eopIe aIready ?ut it on him. 649 00:38:24,970 --> 00:38:27,930 Not me. He's your consuItant, remember? 650 00:38:31,518 --> 00:38:32,851 Anybody seen Caffrey? 651 00:38:33,269 --> 00:38:34,895 AGENT: No, sir. 652 00:38:37,399 --> 00:38:39,858 PETER: Damn it. You gotta be kidding me. 653 00:38:43,071 --> 00:38:47,574 Jones, Iet's check the usuaI suspects. 654 00:38:53,206 --> 00:38:55,124 ALEX: You're late. 655 00:38:55,667 --> 00:38:56,834 Long day. 656 00:38:57,002 --> 00:39:00,671 What's with the outfit? Long story. 657 00:39:01,256 --> 00:39:03,298 CongratuIations. How'd you do it? 658 00:39:03,466 --> 00:39:05,467 You'd be surprised what I get done in a day. 659 00:39:05,802 --> 00:39:07,594 I kept my ?romise. It's your turn. 660 00:39:09,264 --> 00:39:11,306 I give you this... 661 00:39:11,474 --> 00:39:14,059 ...and we get the music box together. 662 00:39:14,227 --> 00:39:17,730 No, I toId you. It's yours when I'm through with it. 663 00:39:17,897 --> 00:39:19,356 I don't Iike the sound of that. 664 00:39:19,524 --> 00:39:23,610 We spIit it fifty-fifty. What you gonna do with half a music box? 665 00:39:23,778 --> 00:39:28,073 And if you screw me on this, you know I can make your Iife miserabIe. 666 00:39:32,704 --> 00:39:34,621 When did you become so distrusting? 667 00:39:34,956 --> 00:39:37,291 When what ha?pened with kate.... 668 00:39:37,584 --> 00:39:40,878 Happened? Yeah. 669 00:39:41,379 --> 00:39:42,421 That's over now. 670 00:39:48,678 --> 00:39:52,306 Nice fIower. I learned from the best. 671 00:40:01,649 --> 00:40:04,026 You go haIfway around the worId chasing something... 672 00:40:04,194 --> 00:40:06,487 ...and the whoIe time, it's in your own backyard. 673 00:40:12,368 --> 00:40:14,661 See you soon, Caffrey. 674 00:40:38,353 --> 00:40:39,853 PETER: Forget something? 675 00:40:40,021 --> 00:40:42,689 Made it alI the way home before I reaIized it was gone. 676 00:40:42,857 --> 00:40:45,651 Just sIipped your mind? I came back. 677 00:40:45,819 --> 00:40:48,195 What did AIex have to say? 678 00:40:49,239 --> 00:40:51,198 You had a Iong brown hair on your jacket. 679 00:40:51,366 --> 00:40:53,492 How many brunettes you meet before work? 680 00:40:54,035 --> 00:40:55,869 Don't answer that. 681 00:40:56,538 --> 00:41:00,874 AIl your brunettes seem to be connected to that music box. 682 00:41:01,209 --> 00:41:03,961 You and AIex are pIanning to steal it, aren't you? 683 00:41:04,337 --> 00:41:08,006 She's just an oId friend. She's a fence, NeaI. 684 00:41:08,174 --> 00:41:13,512 She either knows how to find things or seII them. 685 00:41:13,805 --> 00:41:15,889 PeopIe Iike that don't trust the FBl. 686 00:41:16,057 --> 00:41:18,183 That's why you waIked away without your ankIet. 687 00:41:18,560 --> 00:41:19,852 That's a fascinating theory. 688 00:41:21,229 --> 00:41:24,565 I'm wilIing to look past your IittIe trip off the reservation... 689 00:41:24,732 --> 00:41:26,733 ...because you did weII today. Thank you. 690 00:41:26,901 --> 00:41:28,068 Don't. 691 00:41:28,236 --> 00:41:31,321 Remember how it felt when you saw that girl in her father's arms. 692 00:41:32,824 --> 00:41:34,700 Moments Iike that are rare. 693 00:41:34,868 --> 00:41:38,078 But if you try to steaI the music box, I wilI catch you. 694 00:41:39,247 --> 00:41:41,915 Is that a threat? Just the way it is. 695 00:41:46,421 --> 00:41:51,091 You know, you can either go back to wearing an orange jumpsuit... 696 00:41:51,259 --> 00:41:53,927 ...and pining for the girI that got away... 697 00:41:54,095 --> 00:41:56,930 ...or you can stay here and do something good with your life. 698 00:41:58,600 --> 00:42:00,267 Your choice. 699 00:42:52,528 --> 00:42:53,528 [PLACED SDH - PSDH]