1 00:00:21,939 --> 00:00:25,233 Realists don't fear the resuIts of their study. 2 00:00:25,401 --> 00:00:28,444 Then why don't you find me more favorabIe results, Dostoyevsky? 3 00:00:28,612 --> 00:00:32,156 I hit everybody who would or could know about the damn music box. 4 00:00:32,324 --> 00:00:34,784 Nothing's coming u?. WeIl, keep Iooking. 5 00:00:36,245 --> 00:00:37,495 Mozz. Ah. 6 00:00:37,663 --> 00:00:39,539 Your anonymous chess opponent again. 7 00:00:39,707 --> 00:00:42,542 Why aren't you more curious about who's sending them? 8 00:00:42,710 --> 00:00:45,211 I like the mystery. Your girlfriend's missing. 9 00:00:45,379 --> 00:00:47,922 You can't find the one thing that might free her. 10 00:00:48,090 --> 00:00:50,633 One couId say there's enough mystery in your Iife. 11 00:00:50,801 --> 00:00:53,928 Where's the postmark from on this one? There isn't one. 12 00:00:54,096 --> 00:00:55,304 There isn't one? 13 00:00:55,472 --> 00:00:58,391 As in someone hand-deIivered this card to your door? 14 00:00:58,559 --> 00:01:00,601 This is odd. The other cards are bIank. 15 00:01:00,769 --> 00:01:03,563 The new one has a picture of the Museum of NaturaI History on it. 16 00:01:03,731 --> 00:01:06,899 A good mystery makes Iife interesting. You know the Chinese curse. 17 00:01:07,067 --> 00:01:10,987 May you Iive in interesting times. You know that's the first of two curses. 18 00:01:11,155 --> 00:01:12,363 What's the other one? 19 00:01:12,531 --> 00:01:14,323 May you find what you're Iooking for. 20 00:01:14,992 --> 00:01:17,076 What's the move? Uh, knight to D-7. 21 00:01:18,829 --> 00:01:20,955 NEAL: knight to D-7. 22 00:01:25,294 --> 00:01:27,336 You've done this move before, haven't you? 23 00:01:27,504 --> 00:01:28,921 Mozz, I know who I'm pIaying. 24 00:01:31,008 --> 00:01:33,509 kelIer. This was our Iast game. 25 00:01:33,677 --> 00:01:35,470 kelIer. 26 00:01:36,472 --> 00:01:37,847 Looks Iike he's in New York. 27 00:01:38,015 --> 00:01:40,016 Who won? I don't know. 28 00:01:40,184 --> 00:01:42,351 We never finished pIaying. 29 00:02:16,136 --> 00:02:18,221 [ELEVATOR DINGS THEN DOOR OPENS] 30 00:02:24,019 --> 00:02:26,229 Neal. Peter. 31 00:02:29,316 --> 00:02:30,358 You're here earIy. 32 00:02:30,901 --> 00:02:32,276 So are you. 33 00:02:32,444 --> 00:02:33,569 What you doing? 34 00:02:34,404 --> 00:02:36,197 Research. 35 00:02:40,160 --> 00:02:44,455 PETER: "Heist of the American Museum of NaturaI History." 36 00:02:44,623 --> 00:02:46,833 Not your normaI hotbed of crime and intrigue. 37 00:02:47,000 --> 00:02:49,460 Yeah, it's probabIy nothing. HoId on. 38 00:02:49,628 --> 00:02:51,671 Interesting Iist of items stolen. 39 00:02:51,839 --> 00:02:55,258 Antique cork duck decoys from the store room. 40 00:02:55,926 --> 00:03:00,680 They also took wax-seaIed supply Iist and French soiI sampIes... 41 00:03:00,848 --> 00:03:02,765 ...that belonged to Dr. John Bartram. 42 00:03:03,350 --> 00:03:04,767 Father of American botany. 43 00:03:06,019 --> 00:03:08,437 Just pIaying a hunch? Ah, they aIready have a suspect. 44 00:03:08,605 --> 00:03:10,731 They caught a guy stuffing his backpack. It's-- 45 00:03:10,899 --> 00:03:14,443 ManueI Cam?os. He's out on bail today. 46 00:03:15,529 --> 00:03:17,071 Maybe we shouId go talk to him. 47 00:03:18,448 --> 00:03:19,699 We could do that. 48 00:03:24,246 --> 00:03:28,165 I think it's great you've taken an interest in a smaII-time museum heist. 49 00:03:28,333 --> 00:03:30,001 History is im?ortant. Yes. 50 00:03:30,168 --> 00:03:33,462 Duck decoys and French soil samples. 51 00:03:33,630 --> 00:03:35,548 You don't want me looking into this. Why? 52 00:03:35,716 --> 00:03:39,635 Don't waste your time with a hunch. Cut the crap. What's going on here? 53 00:03:39,803 --> 00:03:42,221 Look, l'm being honest with you, Peter. I don't know yet. 54 00:03:42,389 --> 00:03:43,973 There's something bigger going on. 55 00:03:44,141 --> 00:03:46,893 I don't beIieve Campos is the mastermind. Neither do you. 56 00:03:47,060 --> 00:03:49,604 Who's puIIing the strings and why do I give a damn? 57 00:03:49,771 --> 00:03:51,439 I have a theory. 58 00:03:51,607 --> 00:03:52,982 Look out. Look out. 59 00:03:53,150 --> 00:03:54,650 [MAN GRUNTS] 60 00:03:54,818 --> 00:03:56,736 [WOMAN GASPS] 61 00:03:56,904 --> 00:04:01,407 NEAL: That's Campos. Oh, my God, ManueI! Aah! 62 00:04:01,575 --> 00:04:03,743 You're gonna teIl me what the helI is going on. 63 00:04:24,473 --> 00:04:25,890 PETER: Right. 64 00:04:27,225 --> 00:04:29,352 ManueI Cam?os just died in ICU. 65 00:04:29,853 --> 00:04:32,188 His wife's a mess. Says she didn't see the driver. 66 00:04:32,356 --> 00:04:36,359 N.Y.P.D.'s out of Ieads. TeII me who's responsible for this. 67 00:04:37,194 --> 00:04:40,488 His name's Matthew kelIer. He's the bIue-coIlar version of me. 68 00:04:40,656 --> 00:04:43,783 kelIer. He's been on our radar before. And he aIways sIipped off. 69 00:04:43,951 --> 00:04:47,787 Inter?oI has Iinked him to everything from arms smuggIing to stoIen antiquities. 70 00:04:47,955 --> 00:04:50,373 Yeah, but they never had anything more than hearsay. 71 00:04:50,540 --> 00:04:52,375 kelIer's never been caught. 72 00:04:52,709 --> 00:04:55,127 Who is he? Some kind of rivaI of yours? 73 00:04:55,295 --> 00:04:56,379 More Iike an opponent. 74 00:04:56,546 --> 00:04:58,005 We met at the Grand Casino. 75 00:04:58,173 --> 00:05:00,967 Cut our teeth in Monaco working the WorId Backgammon FinaIs. 76 00:05:01,134 --> 00:05:03,386 Last I heard he pulIed the StockhoIm Airport robbery. 77 00:05:03,553 --> 00:05:05,930 He drove right up to a flight unIoading krugerrands. 78 00:05:06,098 --> 00:05:08,557 Left fake bombs on the runway so no one could foIlow. 79 00:05:09,059 --> 00:05:10,726 You met him playing backgammon? 80 00:05:10,894 --> 00:05:12,103 Ah. 81 00:05:12,270 --> 00:05:13,396 It was simpIer times. 82 00:05:15,565 --> 00:05:17,358 If this is KeIler... 83 00:05:17,526 --> 00:05:21,320 ...l'm guessing he ?osted Campos' bail so he couId get rid of him. 84 00:05:21,738 --> 00:05:22,947 AIl right. 85 00:05:23,115 --> 00:05:25,658 What's with the museum heist, the cork and the wax? 86 00:05:25,826 --> 00:05:28,202 It was a bet KeIler and l made a Iong time ago. 87 00:05:28,370 --> 00:05:30,496 Counterfeit a bottIe of wine owned by Ben FrankIin. 88 00:05:30,664 --> 00:05:33,207 You and your wine. That's why peopIe are dying on the street? 89 00:05:33,375 --> 00:05:36,419 Marie-Antoinette gave FrankIin a bottIe of Chateau Du Munn. 90 00:05:36,586 --> 00:05:39,880 It's rumored to be in private hands, but it's never gone to auction. 91 00:05:40,048 --> 00:05:42,591 The point is the FrankIin bottle can't be counterfeited. 92 00:05:43,427 --> 00:05:46,345 So it's a chalIenge. Figure out who can puII off the impossible. 93 00:05:46,513 --> 00:05:47,722 May the best man win. 94 00:05:47,889 --> 00:05:51,392 I don't care about your rivalry. If he's my kilIer, I want him. 95 00:05:51,560 --> 00:05:55,271 Let's check around. Let's see if there's any chatter on this bottIe. 96 00:06:00,277 --> 00:06:01,736 Mr. Cattigan. 97 00:06:01,903 --> 00:06:04,530 Sir Roland Cattigan. 98 00:06:04,698 --> 00:06:05,823 Ah. 99 00:06:05,991 --> 00:06:09,493 Sir Cattigan, you know about this Franklin bottIe? 100 00:06:09,661 --> 00:06:13,456 Yes. A selIer wiIl be presenting it on Friday. 101 00:06:13,623 --> 00:06:15,583 And we wiIl be adding it to Weatherbys Auction. 102 00:06:15,959 --> 00:06:16,959 Who is the seIler? 103 00:06:17,544 --> 00:06:19,378 May I ask why the FBI wants to know? 104 00:06:19,588 --> 00:06:21,672 It's a forgery. Oh, that's quite impossibIe. 105 00:06:21,840 --> 00:06:24,633 The FrankIin bottIe-- Can't be faked, ever. 106 00:06:26,053 --> 00:06:28,804 WeIl, my seIler wishes to remain anonymous. 107 00:06:28,972 --> 00:06:30,973 Then you're gonna have to disa?point him. 108 00:06:31,141 --> 00:06:34,310 TeII me, agent, do you fashion yourself a wine aficionado? 109 00:06:35,520 --> 00:06:37,396 I like a good Pinot now and then. 110 00:06:37,814 --> 00:06:41,108 Pinot. You've seen Sideways. 111 00:06:42,402 --> 00:06:43,819 Your point? My ?oint is... 112 00:06:43,987 --> 00:06:47,573 ...that my paIate is insured by LIoyd's of London for a miIIion Euros. 113 00:06:47,741 --> 00:06:52,328 My ?oint is that you don't understand the subtIeties of my business. 114 00:06:52,496 --> 00:06:54,246 I think I do. 115 00:06:54,414 --> 00:07:00,002 Word gets out a high-?rofiIe bottIe Iike this is fake, you're done. 116 00:07:00,170 --> 00:07:02,254 Now, I don't wanna shut your business down... 117 00:07:02,422 --> 00:07:04,673 ...and search your ?remises with a warrant... 118 00:07:05,175 --> 00:07:07,176 ...but l wiII. 119 00:07:11,098 --> 00:07:12,723 I don't know the selIer. 120 00:07:12,891 --> 00:07:16,519 But the broker for the bottIe is a woman named Grace Quinn. 121 00:07:17,687 --> 00:07:18,771 Satisfied? 122 00:07:20,065 --> 00:07:21,357 I beIieve I am. 123 00:07:35,205 --> 00:07:36,956 What's this? My search warrant. 124 00:07:37,124 --> 00:07:39,125 Put me down for moo shu ?ork. 125 00:07:39,292 --> 00:07:41,377 I'm a bad influence. 126 00:07:41,795 --> 00:07:44,130 Our broker's name is Grace Quinn. 127 00:07:44,297 --> 00:07:48,509 Says here that she runs an upscaIe wine celIar caIled Bin 903. 128 00:07:48,677 --> 00:07:50,719 Think we can Iink her to KeIler? 129 00:07:50,887 --> 00:07:52,388 Let me taIk to her. What? 130 00:07:52,556 --> 00:07:55,516 You can't go asking around with a badge. You'Il scare him off. 131 00:07:55,684 --> 00:07:59,061 I'II teII her I'm representing a client who's interested in the bottIe... 132 00:07:59,229 --> 00:08:00,563 ...see what I can dig up. 133 00:08:01,148 --> 00:08:02,356 You know where to find me. 134 00:08:02,524 --> 00:08:04,483 AIways do. AIl right. 135 00:08:12,784 --> 00:08:17,788 Chateau Latour, Mouton RothschiId, a case of Petrus, 1 945. 136 00:08:17,956 --> 00:08:20,082 That's a serious colIection. 137 00:08:20,250 --> 00:08:24,044 Look, my cIient doesn't want his ex-wife or the lRS to know about his hoIdings. 138 00:08:24,921 --> 00:08:27,923 That's not uncommon. We're very discreet here. 139 00:08:28,466 --> 00:08:29,925 If you'd Iike to bring him by... 140 00:08:30,093 --> 00:08:33,846 ...l'm hosting a private wine tasting to ceIebrate Weatherbys' annuaI seIl. 141 00:08:35,932 --> 00:08:38,601 Does that invite extend to me? Heh. Heh. 142 00:08:38,768 --> 00:08:40,436 If you bring your cIient, it does. 143 00:08:40,604 --> 00:08:42,730 We'II be opening some rare bottIes. 144 00:08:42,898 --> 00:08:44,857 AIl right, l'Il see what I can do. 145 00:08:45,025 --> 00:08:47,359 My cIient is a very cautious man. 146 00:08:47,527 --> 00:08:50,779 It'II heIp if I can give him a firsthand account of the facilities. 147 00:08:50,947 --> 00:08:52,448 Any chance l can get a tour? 148 00:08:54,284 --> 00:08:55,784 Of course. 149 00:08:56,286 --> 00:08:57,953 Right this way. 150 00:08:58,955 --> 00:09:01,207 As you'Il see, our vault is state-of-the-art. 151 00:09:01,374 --> 00:09:06,378 Humidity is at a constant 62 percent. Temp at 50 degrees Fahrenheit. 152 00:09:06,546 --> 00:09:08,380 Nice. 153 00:09:10,592 --> 00:09:11,717 [ALARM WAILING] 154 00:09:11,885 --> 00:09:13,302 Ooh. Sorry about that. Ha, ha. 155 00:09:13,470 --> 00:09:15,804 It's okay. That's what it's here for. 156 00:09:15,972 --> 00:09:17,932 [DOOR BUZZES] 157 00:09:18,099 --> 00:09:19,850 We change the code every day. 158 00:09:20,018 --> 00:09:23,145 Good. I noticed you don't have surveilIance cameras. 159 00:09:23,313 --> 00:09:26,065 We consider our cIients' anonymity to be top priority. 160 00:09:26,733 --> 00:09:30,569 I assume it's something a cautious man Iike your cIient wouId ap?reciate. 161 00:09:30,737 --> 00:09:32,279 WeIl, you assume right, Grace. 162 00:09:32,822 --> 00:09:34,406 ShaIl we? 163 00:09:40,413 --> 00:09:41,997 [DOOR LOCKS] 164 00:09:50,298 --> 00:09:53,509 Chateau Du Munn, post-French RevoIution. 165 00:09:53,677 --> 00:09:55,511 Nice. Who's the coIlector? 166 00:09:55,679 --> 00:09:58,138 Heh. I can't say. 167 00:09:59,182 --> 00:10:03,227 WouIdn't happen to be the same individuaI who wiII auction Franklin bottIe on Friday? 168 00:10:03,395 --> 00:10:05,104 I can't comment on that bottle. 169 00:10:05,272 --> 00:10:07,314 But, uh, no. 170 00:10:08,149 --> 00:10:10,526 It's not the same individuaI. 171 00:10:15,657 --> 00:10:17,908 Mm-hm. 172 00:10:19,077 --> 00:10:20,286 Seems more his speed. 173 00:10:21,037 --> 00:10:23,372 That I can neither confirm nor deny. 174 00:10:24,040 --> 00:10:26,875 Let's be honest with each other. I know you're brokering the saIe. 175 00:10:27,252 --> 00:10:28,377 You shouIdn't. 176 00:10:28,545 --> 00:10:31,297 If l didn't, I wouldn't be very good at my job, Miss Quinn. 177 00:10:32,007 --> 00:10:34,341 Your client must be welI connected. 178 00:10:35,552 --> 00:10:37,386 That I can neither confirm nor deny. 179 00:10:37,554 --> 00:10:38,595 [NEAL CHUCKLES] 180 00:10:38,763 --> 00:10:41,223 I'd Iove to meet the seIler of the bottIe sometime. 181 00:10:55,405 --> 00:10:57,906 He's been here recentIy, hasn't he? 182 00:10:58,742 --> 00:11:00,743 What makes you say that? 183 00:11:01,036 --> 00:11:05,331 A man of his taste, I'm sure he has an ap?reciation for history, as do I. 184 00:11:05,498 --> 00:11:08,417 May I? Be my guest. 185 00:11:12,547 --> 00:11:14,089 "King's Crown. 186 00:11:15,091 --> 00:11:17,217 A tavern once frequented by George Washington. 187 00:11:17,385 --> 00:11:20,095 Now Iong buried under Water Street." 188 00:11:20,805 --> 00:11:21,847 Fascinating. 189 00:11:30,982 --> 00:11:32,941 I get the message. 190 00:11:37,947 --> 00:11:39,948 [CELL PHONE RINGlNG] 191 00:11:41,951 --> 00:11:44,912 What's u?, Peter? How did your chat go with Miss Quinn? 192 00:11:45,080 --> 00:11:48,123 Ah, l didn't find anything on KeIIer. Think he finished the forgery? 193 00:11:48,291 --> 00:11:50,959 Maybe. I don't know. Did you find anything on your end? 194 00:11:51,127 --> 00:11:54,880 I might know why he's running this scam and it's got nothing to do with you. 195 00:11:55,048 --> 00:11:57,132 Am l supposed to feel relieved? I wouId be. 196 00:11:57,300 --> 00:12:01,804 I contacted InterpoI. Their sources say he's got a big buIl's-eye on his back. 197 00:12:02,680 --> 00:12:04,223 Yeah? Yeah. 198 00:12:04,641 --> 00:12:09,520 That StockhoIm heist he pulIed, it was bankroIled with Russian mob money. 199 00:12:09,687 --> 00:12:13,607 Comrades got a little u?set when he skip?ed Europe without giving them their cut. 200 00:12:13,775 --> 00:12:15,150 If they catch him, they'Il kiII him. 201 00:12:15,318 --> 00:12:18,404 UnIess he promised the Russians their money back and then some. 202 00:12:18,571 --> 00:12:21,782 He's gonna pay off his debt with the money from the bottIe. Heh. 203 00:12:21,950 --> 00:12:25,661 I want you here first thing in the morning. I wanna find kelIer before they do. 204 00:12:29,582 --> 00:12:31,125 Me too. 205 00:12:44,431 --> 00:12:45,472 NEAL: Matthew keIIer. 206 00:12:45,890 --> 00:12:48,183 See you got my postcards. 207 00:12:48,977 --> 00:12:50,352 Thanks for keeping in touch. 208 00:12:51,563 --> 00:12:53,856 We never did get to finish our game. 209 00:12:54,023 --> 00:12:56,567 Aren't you curious to see who wins? 210 00:12:56,943 --> 00:12:57,985 Not anymore. 211 00:12:59,529 --> 00:13:01,155 ManueI Cam?os died today. 212 00:13:02,115 --> 00:13:04,700 I'm sorry. Who? Your thief. 213 00:13:05,618 --> 00:13:06,702 He had a wife. 214 00:13:08,455 --> 00:13:10,372 StiII afraid to get dirty, huh, Caffrey? 215 00:13:10,540 --> 00:13:12,207 [NEAL SCOFFS] 216 00:13:12,375 --> 00:13:14,001 NEAL: VioIence requires no imagination. 217 00:13:14,169 --> 00:13:17,212 Anyone can use a gun or a car. 218 00:13:17,881 --> 00:13:19,715 That's why you'II aIways be second-rate. 219 00:13:20,884 --> 00:13:22,176 Yeah. 220 00:13:22,343 --> 00:13:26,013 You're too weak to do what's necessary to get what you want. 221 00:13:26,181 --> 00:13:27,764 Including kate, from what I heard. 222 00:13:32,562 --> 00:13:34,229 Nice try. 223 00:13:35,023 --> 00:13:36,565 But you officiaIIy Iost that one. 224 00:13:37,233 --> 00:13:39,610 You were in prison for what, four years? 225 00:13:39,903 --> 00:13:42,404 Missed a lot of Valentine's Days. 226 00:13:43,156 --> 00:13:46,074 I forgot how endearing it was when she taIks in her sIeep. 227 00:13:47,827 --> 00:13:49,912 [ANKLET BEEPING] 228 00:13:52,415 --> 00:13:53,999 [BEEPlNG STOPS] 229 00:13:56,169 --> 00:14:01,173 I should've warned you, but we're, uh, at the edge of your Ieash here. 230 00:14:01,341 --> 00:14:03,175 Might wanna take it easy. 231 00:14:06,513 --> 00:14:11,225 Imagine how I felt when I discovered that you of aIl peopIe... 232 00:14:11,601 --> 00:14:12,935 ...were working for the Feds. 233 00:14:13,102 --> 00:14:16,438 I step forward and a dozen FBI agents wiII be here in minutes. 234 00:14:16,606 --> 00:14:18,357 That right? Be my guest. 235 00:14:18,525 --> 00:14:21,610 The onIy one they'd have sufficient cause to arrest is you. 236 00:14:21,778 --> 00:14:23,779 RealIy? Yeah. 237 00:14:24,948 --> 00:14:26,615 Trespassing? Ugh. 238 00:14:26,783 --> 00:14:29,117 Come on, NeaI. You're cIutching at straws here. 239 00:14:29,285 --> 00:14:31,286 NEAL: They got AI Capone on tax evasion. 240 00:14:31,454 --> 00:14:33,247 You fIatter me with the comparison. 241 00:14:33,414 --> 00:14:36,458 What do you want? I wanna pIay the game. 242 00:14:37,961 --> 00:14:39,044 The FrankIin bottIe? 243 00:14:39,212 --> 00:14:41,713 Yeah. l wanna know who's the best. 244 00:14:42,298 --> 00:14:44,967 You already submitted yours for the auction. 245 00:14:45,385 --> 00:14:47,052 Guess you won. 246 00:14:47,762 --> 00:14:49,638 You never could foIIow through, Caffrey. 247 00:14:51,140 --> 00:14:53,475 That's why kate went looking for something else. 248 00:14:54,811 --> 00:14:56,645 I'II give you the first ?iece. 249 00:14:58,064 --> 00:14:59,231 Now Iet's ?lay the game. 250 00:15:00,942 --> 00:15:02,901 You got 1 0 days. 251 00:15:19,502 --> 00:15:21,795 What is this? A chaIIenge. 252 00:15:21,963 --> 00:15:24,131 Okay, where'd you get it? kelIer. 253 00:15:24,299 --> 00:15:25,340 He wants a face-off. 254 00:15:25,508 --> 00:15:28,051 Gave me the first piece to forge my own FrankIin bottle. 255 00:15:28,219 --> 00:15:30,596 AwfuIly sporting of him. WeIl, not exactly. 256 00:15:30,763 --> 00:15:32,306 Gave himseIf a big head start. 257 00:15:32,473 --> 00:15:35,267 Why do l get the feeIing this isn't about the bottIe? 258 00:15:35,435 --> 00:15:37,811 Mozz. It's about kate. 259 00:15:37,979 --> 00:15:41,315 It aIways was between you and KeIIer. Like he ever had a chance. 260 00:15:41,482 --> 00:15:43,942 Doesn't matter what it was about. kelIer kiIled a man. 261 00:15:44,110 --> 00:15:46,653 Oh, sure, sure. Now you're the nobIe warrior. 262 00:15:47,488 --> 00:15:50,282 Okay, what's the plan? I'm gonna beat him. 263 00:15:50,825 --> 00:15:51,867 He gave me the bottIe. 264 00:15:52,035 --> 00:15:54,786 Now we need to fiII it, cork it, seaI it and labeI it. 265 00:15:55,496 --> 00:15:57,122 You Iike scavenger hunts? 266 00:15:57,290 --> 00:16:01,293 I've been known to uncover an Easter egg or two in my time. 267 00:16:01,461 --> 00:16:03,045 What's on the list? 268 00:16:10,053 --> 00:16:11,720 You saw KeIler? NEAL: I did. 269 00:16:11,888 --> 00:16:13,889 Damn it, Neal. We could've done this right. 270 00:16:14,057 --> 00:16:16,141 I couId've taken him down. On what, exactIy? 271 00:16:16,309 --> 00:16:18,352 He's compIeteIy clean. That's how he works. 272 00:16:18,519 --> 00:16:21,396 Doesn't take away that you shouId've cIeared it with me first. 273 00:16:21,564 --> 00:16:23,857 You're right. I shouId have. 274 00:16:24,692 --> 00:16:26,068 You shouId have. 275 00:16:27,070 --> 00:16:29,696 Weatherbys received kelIer's bottIe this morning. 276 00:16:29,864 --> 00:16:31,073 Oh. 277 00:16:31,240 --> 00:16:32,699 It's good. PETER: Yeah. 278 00:16:32,867 --> 00:16:36,870 It's aIso our only piece of evidence Iinking KeIler to Campos' murder. 279 00:16:37,038 --> 00:16:38,372 And it's Iocked in a vauIt. 280 00:16:38,539 --> 00:16:42,584 Might as weII be at the AtIantic Ocean, considering how circumstantial alI of this is. 281 00:16:42,752 --> 00:16:45,337 I'm assuming a takeout menu won't fIy this time. 282 00:16:45,505 --> 00:16:46,838 Nope. 283 00:16:47,465 --> 00:16:49,883 UnIess we can convince him it's a fake. 284 00:16:50,051 --> 00:16:53,679 That Cattigan guy won't sto? the auction just because we cIaim it's a fake. 285 00:16:53,846 --> 00:16:55,472 And we need proof that it is. 286 00:16:55,640 --> 00:16:58,266 We can submit a FrankIin bottIe of our own. 287 00:16:58,434 --> 00:17:00,602 There's only one bottIe in existence, right? 288 00:17:00,770 --> 00:17:03,772 If l turn in a fake just as good as keIIer's, they'II test them both. 289 00:17:03,940 --> 00:17:06,066 What kind of test? Standard stuff. 290 00:17:06,234 --> 00:17:09,361 Carbon-date the cork, run a moIecuIar test on the wax... 291 00:17:09,529 --> 00:17:11,446 ...spectroscopic refraction on the glass. 292 00:17:11,614 --> 00:17:13,699 Stuff they got from the museum heist. Right. 293 00:17:13,866 --> 00:17:15,784 His bottIe wiII pass those. And so wiII mine. 294 00:17:15,952 --> 00:17:18,412 That'lI force the auction house to run a cesium test. 295 00:17:18,579 --> 00:17:21,123 They don't Iike to run them, because they're so expensive. 296 00:17:21,624 --> 00:17:25,419 It's a way to determine the age of the wine inside the bottle without opening it. 297 00:17:25,586 --> 00:17:28,213 Cesium 1 37 doesn't exist in nature. 298 00:17:28,756 --> 00:17:32,092 After they detonated the first atomic bomb, it spread around the worId. 299 00:17:32,260 --> 00:17:35,220 Anything bottIed before 1 945-- Like the reaI FrankIin bottIe. 300 00:17:35,388 --> 00:17:36,805 Right. --is cesium free. 301 00:17:36,973 --> 00:17:38,640 kelIer's bottIe has it. It's a fake. 302 00:17:38,808 --> 00:17:41,101 Can't I get hundred-year-oId wine and fiII it up? 303 00:17:41,269 --> 00:17:42,352 There's the rub. 304 00:17:42,520 --> 00:17:45,814 They'd know you just added it. The oxygen content would be too high. 305 00:17:45,982 --> 00:17:47,816 That's why it can't be forged. 306 00:17:47,984 --> 00:17:50,026 And you think you can beat this cesium test? 307 00:17:50,194 --> 00:17:52,654 No, nobody can. It's impossibIe. 308 00:17:52,822 --> 00:17:55,991 And that's the beauty of it. You force the test, you both faiI. 309 00:17:56,159 --> 00:17:59,494 It proves that kelIer's bottIe is a counterfeit. We got him on fraud. 310 00:17:59,662 --> 00:18:01,621 Yeah, it's not murder, but it's a start. 311 00:18:02,498 --> 00:18:05,834 How you gonna put the bottle together? I aIready got a man on it. 312 00:18:22,852 --> 00:18:24,311 How's it coming? Aah! 313 00:18:24,479 --> 00:18:28,190 Mozz, overreact much? What are you gonna do with tweezers? 314 00:18:28,357 --> 00:18:30,609 The shinobi ninja can fashion a weapon out of anything. 315 00:18:30,818 --> 00:18:33,945 You're not a ninja. That's exactIy what I want you to beIieve. 316 00:18:34,113 --> 00:18:35,322 How's the bottIe coming? 317 00:18:35,490 --> 00:18:38,200 Oh, I, uh, paid off a guard at that maritime exhibit... 318 00:18:38,367 --> 00:18:41,286 ...for French cork made before the IndustriaI Revolution. 319 00:18:41,454 --> 00:18:45,582 We got our newspaper. This is a New 'ork Gazette from 1 785. 320 00:18:45,750 --> 00:18:49,503 They use it for insuIation in the waIIs at the CoIoniaI Ale House. 321 00:18:49,670 --> 00:18:50,712 That's perfect. 322 00:18:50,880 --> 00:18:54,049 There's only one egg missing from our basket. 323 00:18:54,217 --> 00:18:55,258 Wax. 324 00:18:55,426 --> 00:19:00,055 Preferably 1 8th-century beeswax from the Chateau Du Munn vineyard. 325 00:19:00,223 --> 00:19:03,141 Grace, KeIIer's broker, has a few Chateau Du Munn in her vauIt. 326 00:19:03,309 --> 00:19:05,101 How much wax do we need? Not much. 327 00:19:05,269 --> 00:19:08,647 I can make it work with just a few shavings. 328 00:19:08,815 --> 00:19:10,899 How's the security there? Good. 329 00:19:11,067 --> 00:19:14,694 keypad with a rotating code, biometric scanner plate. 330 00:19:14,862 --> 00:19:16,822 Oh, we can ju-- With pulse monitor. 331 00:19:16,989 --> 00:19:19,574 Oh, that makes it trickier. So how do you get in? 332 00:19:19,742 --> 00:19:21,201 Have her open the door. 333 00:19:22,870 --> 00:19:24,704 For you? No. 334 00:19:24,872 --> 00:19:27,415 For my cIient, CarIton Leed. 335 00:19:27,583 --> 00:19:29,125 Who's that? 336 00:19:29,919 --> 00:19:31,795 No. That's your favorite word, isn't it? 337 00:19:31,963 --> 00:19:34,840 It's a cIassic. Nope, never, forget about it. 338 00:19:35,007 --> 00:19:36,341 What makes you think... 339 00:19:36,509 --> 00:19:39,761 ...l wouId break into any?lace with you and steaI anything? 340 00:19:39,929 --> 00:19:42,931 We are not breaking in. You'II be shown around. 341 00:19:43,099 --> 00:19:44,766 And we're not steaIing anything... 342 00:19:45,476 --> 00:19:46,852 ...of value. 343 00:19:47,228 --> 00:19:48,770 AIl I need are some wax shavings. 344 00:19:48,938 --> 00:19:51,606 It's Iike taking a Iock of hair from the floor of a barber shop. 345 00:19:51,774 --> 00:19:54,943 Theft is theft. I'm a Cl, not an agent. 346 00:19:55,111 --> 00:19:57,612 I don't have the same restrictions. CaII this one a gray area. 347 00:19:57,780 --> 00:19:59,739 Nada. Come on. 348 00:19:59,907 --> 00:20:01,241 You can get aIl dressed up... 349 00:20:01,409 --> 00:20:04,619 ...hobnob with pretty peopIe, drink a fine gIass of port. 350 00:20:04,787 --> 00:20:06,454 From everything you know about me... 351 00:20:06,622 --> 00:20:09,416 ...what makes you think I'd enjoy any of what you just said? 352 00:20:10,543 --> 00:20:12,460 Because this is about catching a kiIIer. 353 00:20:13,129 --> 00:20:15,130 A wax shaving for a murderer. 354 00:20:17,133 --> 00:20:19,801 This won't affect the vaIue of anything in Grace's coIIection? 355 00:20:19,969 --> 00:20:21,970 Nope, no, nada. 356 00:20:22,722 --> 00:20:24,806 [SIGHS] 357 00:20:24,974 --> 00:20:27,809 You know, for the record, l hate ?ort. It's syrupy. 358 00:20:28,853 --> 00:20:31,146 There wilI be other o?tions. 359 00:20:39,405 --> 00:20:41,197 I stiIl say this tie is ridicuIous. 360 00:20:41,365 --> 00:20:43,366 It's ltaIian. And it Iooks good. 361 00:20:43,534 --> 00:20:47,120 I should be flossing my teeth with it, not wearing it around my neck. 362 00:20:47,288 --> 00:20:49,664 The sooner we can get Grace to show us the celIar... 363 00:20:49,832 --> 00:20:52,918 ...the sooner you can get back to your favorite ?air of sweat?ants. 364 00:20:53,085 --> 00:20:55,754 Now, I know wine isn't your thing. It's a tasting, Neal. 365 00:20:55,922 --> 00:20:57,380 You nose a bottle, take a sip... 366 00:20:57,548 --> 00:21:02,010 ...and say something pretentious, Iike rich with nice body. 367 00:21:02,386 --> 00:21:04,012 S?eaking of. 368 00:21:04,180 --> 00:21:06,514 You made it. You must be Mr. Leed. 369 00:21:06,682 --> 00:21:09,351 PIease, caIl me CarIton. Grace Quinn. 370 00:21:09,518 --> 00:21:11,686 I hear you're a man of discriminating taste. 371 00:21:11,854 --> 00:21:13,939 I hope we find something to your liking today. 372 00:21:14,106 --> 00:21:16,483 Ha, ha. Love your tie. 373 00:21:19,236 --> 00:21:21,738 She Ioves the tie. Yeah. 374 00:21:23,824 --> 00:21:26,660 [CHATTERlNG] 375 00:21:32,041 --> 00:21:35,543 We'II be starting with a 1 985 Chateau Petrus PomeroI. 376 00:21:36,170 --> 00:21:38,964 Great year. you're not hoIding back. 377 00:21:43,928 --> 00:21:45,011 What do you think? 378 00:21:46,013 --> 00:21:49,557 I'd say it's, uh, woodsy with a medium body and hint of-- 379 00:21:49,725 --> 00:21:51,643 The Iady asked what I thought. 380 00:21:51,811 --> 00:21:53,395 [SNlFFS] 381 00:21:53,562 --> 00:21:56,690 The use of wood is evident in its broadness of flavors. 382 00:21:57,358 --> 00:21:59,734 Great persistence in the mouth. 383 00:22:00,319 --> 00:22:01,861 It o?ens up weIl in the glass. 384 00:22:02,571 --> 00:22:04,406 I wouId agree. 385 00:22:06,534 --> 00:22:11,079 I understand you have a more substantial private coIlection. 386 00:22:11,747 --> 00:22:14,082 WouId you care to see the vault? 387 00:22:24,677 --> 00:22:25,927 [GRACE SIGHS] 388 00:22:26,095 --> 00:22:29,848 Your friend's not coming? Oh, no. I don't need a babysitter. 389 00:22:30,266 --> 00:22:32,434 PIease, aIIow me. 390 00:22:33,060 --> 00:22:34,394 And you're a gentIeman too. 391 00:22:34,562 --> 00:22:35,854 [GRACE CHUCkLES] 392 00:22:36,022 --> 00:22:39,691 As you can see, our security system is state-of-the-art. 393 00:22:39,859 --> 00:22:41,443 RealIy? 394 00:22:45,364 --> 00:22:48,199 MAN: Yes, he's quite an expert. WOMAN: Oh, yeah. 395 00:22:48,367 --> 00:22:50,785 MAN: Mm-hm. AbsoluteIy. 396 00:22:51,162 --> 00:22:54,039 GRACE: Like to try something else? PETER: l'd love some, thank you. 397 00:22:54,206 --> 00:22:56,499 [CHATTERlNG] 398 00:23:17,438 --> 00:23:19,272 [FOOTSTEPS ON STAlRS] 399 00:23:22,568 --> 00:23:24,486 There you are. 400 00:23:28,616 --> 00:23:31,493 Chateau Du Munn, post-French RevoIution. 401 00:23:42,296 --> 00:23:46,216 Miss Quinn, I have a question about the Chateau Petrus. 402 00:23:48,094 --> 00:23:49,344 Sorry to interru?t. 403 00:23:49,512 --> 00:23:51,596 Mm. PIease. 404 00:23:51,972 --> 00:23:54,349 Don't I know you? I don't think so. 405 00:23:54,892 --> 00:23:57,268 I guess you just have one of them faces, huh? 406 00:23:58,687 --> 00:24:00,438 Mind fiIling this up for me? 407 00:24:00,981 --> 00:24:02,649 Of course. Thank you. 408 00:24:06,946 --> 00:24:08,696 Now I got it. 409 00:24:08,864 --> 00:24:11,699 Yeah, l saw you earIier. You, uh-- You came in with your friend. 410 00:24:13,369 --> 00:24:16,830 Where'd he get off to anyway? I don't know. l'm not his keeper. 411 00:24:16,997 --> 00:24:18,873 You're not, huh? 412 00:24:19,041 --> 00:24:20,125 See, I think you are. 413 00:24:20,292 --> 00:24:21,876 Then l wonder what wouId happen... 414 00:24:22,044 --> 00:24:26,172 ...if I asked the security guard to check the vauIt right now. 415 00:24:26,966 --> 00:24:29,092 I wonder what that does to a lawman's career... 416 00:24:29,260 --> 00:24:32,887 ...when his errand boy gets caught breaking into somebody's private property. 417 00:24:33,055 --> 00:24:35,056 And I'm having a hard time figuring out... 418 00:24:35,224 --> 00:24:37,892 ...why I don't book you for murder one right now. 419 00:24:39,228 --> 00:24:41,729 Is that right? Yeah. 420 00:24:41,897 --> 00:24:44,649 How about l get Grace to Iock this vauIt down? 421 00:24:45,651 --> 00:24:47,986 What are the cops gonna find when they Iook inside? 422 00:24:48,154 --> 00:24:51,364 A celIar fuII of dusty, over?riced wine. 423 00:24:56,078 --> 00:24:57,871 [CHUCkLES] 424 00:24:58,038 --> 00:25:00,790 You know what? I'm gIad you brought in the FBI, Caffrey. 425 00:25:00,958 --> 00:25:02,250 Makes it exciting, right? 426 00:25:03,169 --> 00:25:05,420 Be that much richer when I beat you. 427 00:25:05,588 --> 00:25:07,714 Oh, I forgot to telI you. 428 00:25:07,882 --> 00:25:09,924 He's a big fan of himseIf. I noticed that. 429 00:25:10,092 --> 00:25:15,388 Hmm. l heard that somebody mowed down a citizen right in front of an FBI agent. 430 00:25:15,556 --> 00:25:16,931 What a shame. 431 00:25:17,099 --> 00:25:19,809 I mean, that's gotta be embarrassing for the Bureau, right? 432 00:25:20,477 --> 00:25:22,103 Good Iuck with that investigation. 433 00:25:28,402 --> 00:25:31,404 I spend five minutes with the guy, I wanna punch him right in the face. 434 00:25:31,572 --> 00:25:33,865 Imagine how I feeI. 435 00:25:34,033 --> 00:25:36,534 You'II feeI better when we take him down. 436 00:25:48,422 --> 00:25:49,464 [kNOCkING] 437 00:25:52,009 --> 00:25:53,051 This can't be good. 438 00:25:53,219 --> 00:25:55,637 Why does everyone say that when I waIk into their office? 439 00:25:55,804 --> 00:25:57,472 So you have good news? No. 440 00:25:57,640 --> 00:26:00,642 I contacted the auction house. They're closed to new entries. 441 00:26:01,060 --> 00:26:03,144 CIosed. We can't submit our bottIe? 442 00:26:03,312 --> 00:26:04,479 Sorry, Peter. 443 00:26:04,647 --> 00:26:06,940 Now quit the fooI's errands and catch this guy. 444 00:26:12,404 --> 00:26:14,781 You've outdone yourseIf, Mozz. 445 00:26:17,159 --> 00:26:18,660 Flatterer. 446 00:26:18,827 --> 00:26:20,995 What's next? I set up the vacuum pum?s. 447 00:26:22,248 --> 00:26:24,624 And transfer the wine. 448 00:26:24,792 --> 00:26:27,168 [kNOCkING] 449 00:26:28,504 --> 00:26:30,338 Expecting someone? 450 00:26:30,506 --> 00:26:32,340 Uh, kelIer maybe? 451 00:26:38,931 --> 00:26:41,516 June? PETER: No. 452 00:26:41,684 --> 00:26:43,309 NEAL: Peter, hey. What you doing here? 453 00:26:43,477 --> 00:26:48,022 Got some bad news. The auction house is cIosed to new entries. 454 00:26:54,446 --> 00:26:57,782 I appreciate your A-Team run here, guys... 455 00:26:58,575 --> 00:27:01,035 ...but l can't Iet you take your bottle to Weatherbys. 456 00:27:01,537 --> 00:27:03,037 It's Hughes. He puIled the ?lug. 457 00:27:03,205 --> 00:27:05,206 If we don't, they won't run the cesium test. 458 00:27:05,374 --> 00:27:07,834 kelIer gets away with a haIf-milIion doIlars and murder. 459 00:27:08,002 --> 00:27:10,086 What if he wins? Or worse, what if you win? 460 00:27:10,254 --> 00:27:11,796 This guy wiIl stop at nothing. 461 00:27:11,964 --> 00:27:17,802 That's why we have to stop him. No offense, but your team hasn't. 462 00:27:22,641 --> 00:27:23,683 You're right. 463 00:27:24,059 --> 00:27:26,227 keep going. Let's take him down. 464 00:27:27,271 --> 00:27:29,564 Finish? Lactose. 465 00:27:29,732 --> 00:27:30,898 See you in the morning. 466 00:27:31,066 --> 00:27:34,402 I'II caIl Jones and figure out a way to get this bottIe into the auction. 467 00:27:36,822 --> 00:27:38,281 [DOOR CLOSES] 468 00:27:38,449 --> 00:27:40,074 Let's go, Haversham. 469 00:27:44,121 --> 00:27:46,039 SIow it down. 470 00:27:53,839 --> 00:27:55,715 Morning, Peter. Morning. 471 00:27:55,883 --> 00:27:59,093 I got nothing on the auction house. Weatherbys Iooks ?retty damn Iegit. 472 00:27:59,261 --> 00:28:03,097 Damn. l need some kind of Ieverage so Cattigan wilI let our bottle in. 473 00:28:03,515 --> 00:28:05,266 kelIer realIy got to you, huh? 474 00:28:05,434 --> 00:28:08,019 Yeah, he's a ?iece of work. 475 00:28:08,187 --> 00:28:10,063 He and NeaI may be rivaIs... 476 00:28:10,230 --> 00:28:13,816 ...but he's the anti-Caffrey, the Bizarro-NeaI. Hmm. 477 00:28:16,195 --> 00:28:17,779 What, you got something? 478 00:28:18,364 --> 00:28:22,116 Yeah. Yeah, they had Iousy weather in France this summer. 479 00:28:22,284 --> 00:28:24,077 CoupIe blazing hot months. 480 00:28:24,244 --> 00:28:26,496 Grape harvest came up short. 481 00:28:26,663 --> 00:28:29,665 That's good? Yeah. 482 00:28:29,833 --> 00:28:33,294 1 947 was not a good year. 483 00:28:35,297 --> 00:28:37,715 Forty thousand doIIars, $45,000. 484 00:28:37,883 --> 00:28:41,135 Thank you very much. $50,000. Thank you, sir. 485 00:28:41,303 --> 00:28:43,763 Fifty thousand doIIars with the gentIeman on my right. 486 00:28:43,931 --> 00:28:48,643 Fifty thousand, $55,000. $55,000 with the lady in the back. 487 00:28:48,811 --> 00:28:52,772 Fifty-five thousand doIIars. 55,000, $60,000. 488 00:28:52,940 --> 00:28:55,775 Thank you, sir. $60,000. 489 00:28:56,193 --> 00:28:59,237 I see European nobles and a handfuI of hedge fund managers... 490 00:28:59,405 --> 00:29:01,656 ...but no sign of your buddy, kelIer. 491 00:29:01,824 --> 00:29:04,992 It's hard to arrest him on fraud if he doesn't show up. 492 00:29:05,160 --> 00:29:08,371 kelIer wouIdn't miss the chance to see my face when this goes down. 493 00:29:08,539 --> 00:29:10,665 He must be watching. PETER: So he couId be anywhere? 494 00:29:10,833 --> 00:29:13,292 No, he'lI be nearby just in case anything goes wrong. 495 00:29:13,460 --> 00:29:15,294 Doesn't heIp us much. 496 00:29:15,462 --> 00:29:17,296 You think we can get this into the auction? 497 00:29:17,464 --> 00:29:19,841 I have a move u? my sIeeve. 498 00:29:21,343 --> 00:29:24,971 I'm sorry. I can't submit your bottIe, since cIearIy it has to be counterfeit. 499 00:29:25,139 --> 00:29:26,472 NEAL: One of them has to be. 500 00:29:26,640 --> 00:29:28,141 How do you know it's not yours? 501 00:29:28,308 --> 00:29:31,185 We have reason to beIieve this is the reaI bottIe. 502 00:29:31,353 --> 00:29:32,645 Where did you get it? 503 00:29:35,357 --> 00:29:38,151 We're not at Iiberty to say. Ah. 504 00:29:38,318 --> 00:29:40,403 I won't admit it to the auction. 505 00:29:40,571 --> 00:29:41,696 PETER: You sure about that? 506 00:29:41,864 --> 00:29:45,825 Last year you sold six magnums of Chateau La Fleur, 1 947... 507 00:29:45,993 --> 00:29:47,827 ...at about $50,000 a bottIe. 508 00:29:47,995 --> 00:29:49,412 That's pubIic record. 509 00:29:49,580 --> 00:29:50,997 PETER: I taIked to the vineyard. 510 00:29:51,165 --> 00:29:54,208 They onIy produced five magnums that year. 511 00:29:56,795 --> 00:30:00,006 You don't want peopIe knowing you got scammed, do you? 512 00:30:01,800 --> 00:30:03,009 Bad for business. 513 00:30:03,177 --> 00:30:05,136 You'II have to test them both to find out. 514 00:30:05,304 --> 00:30:07,430 I can't. It wouId take at Ieast three hours. 515 00:30:07,598 --> 00:30:10,391 The auction-- GRACE: Can wait three hours. 516 00:30:10,559 --> 00:30:12,477 My cIient weIcomes the chalIenge. 517 00:30:12,644 --> 00:30:14,228 Figured he might. 518 00:30:17,232 --> 00:30:20,109 Oh, while we wait, why don't you give me the IP addresses... 519 00:30:20,277 --> 00:30:22,403 ...of everyone watching on your lnternet feed? 520 00:30:23,572 --> 00:30:24,989 Thanks. 521 00:30:27,910 --> 00:30:30,369 LAUREN: Boss, how's it going? They're running the tests now. 522 00:30:30,537 --> 00:30:32,788 Congrats. Yeah, not ceIebrating yet. 523 00:30:32,956 --> 00:30:35,166 How's it going in there? We're tracing those IPs. 524 00:30:35,334 --> 00:30:36,959 Any hits? Three Iocations. 525 00:30:37,127 --> 00:30:39,921 The CarlisIe, the PeninsuIa and a parking garage. 526 00:30:40,088 --> 00:30:43,591 Who would be watching from a garage? Somebody who wants to be on the move. 527 00:30:43,759 --> 00:30:45,051 Send units to the hotels... 528 00:30:45,219 --> 00:30:47,678 ...but put the bulk of our guys on the parking garage. 529 00:30:47,846 --> 00:30:51,098 They're about to announce the resuIts. We're about to move on kelIer. 530 00:30:51,266 --> 00:30:52,600 Sounds like checkmate to me. 531 00:30:54,436 --> 00:30:57,104 CATTIGAN: Thank you again for your patience. 532 00:30:57,272 --> 00:30:58,606 We apoIogize for the delay. 533 00:30:58,774 --> 00:31:00,399 But as some of you are aware... 534 00:31:00,567 --> 00:31:05,571 ...we have had to conduct a cesium test to verify the authenticity... 535 00:31:05,739 --> 00:31:08,616 ...of the two bottIes we have been ?resented with. 536 00:31:08,784 --> 00:31:12,870 The test shows that one of the bottIes is a forgery. 537 00:31:13,622 --> 00:31:14,956 One of the bottIes? 538 00:31:15,123 --> 00:31:20,086 The other, represented by Miss Grace Quinn, is authentic. 539 00:31:20,254 --> 00:31:21,462 [CROWD MURMURING] 540 00:31:21,630 --> 00:31:24,590 Thank you for your ?atience. The bidding wilI commence shortIy. 541 00:31:24,758 --> 00:31:28,803 You said it was im?ossibIe to fake. It is impossible. 542 00:31:30,013 --> 00:31:33,516 UnIess he had the real bottIe alI aIong. He had the reaI bottIe aII aIong. 543 00:31:44,653 --> 00:31:47,905 If KeIIer had the reaI bottle, why would he go through alI this? 544 00:31:48,073 --> 00:31:50,074 Why pretend to have a fake? MAN: WeII. 545 00:31:50,576 --> 00:31:52,493 This changes the game com?leteIy. 546 00:31:53,787 --> 00:31:55,663 Yes, the Lafite. 547 00:31:55,831 --> 00:31:58,124 He wanted to drive up the ?rice. Damn. That's it. 548 00:31:58,292 --> 00:32:01,460 Surround the bottIe with controversy. Now everyone is dying to get it. 549 00:32:01,628 --> 00:32:03,796 It wilI go for double, even tripIe the price now. 550 00:32:03,964 --> 00:32:06,757 Which gives him more money to pay off his debt to the Russians. 551 00:32:06,925 --> 00:32:09,510 He used me to do it. This was his pIan the whoIe time. 552 00:32:09,678 --> 00:32:11,929 He is good. We have to arrest him now. 553 00:32:12,097 --> 00:32:13,431 This auction ends, he's gone. 554 00:32:13,599 --> 00:32:16,684 What am I gonna arrest him on? I mean, we have nothing on him now. 555 00:32:19,104 --> 00:32:21,480 Trespassing. What? 556 00:32:23,609 --> 00:32:26,193 I'm gonna ask you this. Have you seen him trespassing? 557 00:32:26,361 --> 00:32:30,364 I have, actuaIIy, at a construction site. It had a no trespassing sign and everything. 558 00:32:30,532 --> 00:32:33,200 AIl right, we may not be able to hoId him for Iong. 559 00:32:33,368 --> 00:32:35,369 But finding keIIer is gonna take a bit. 560 00:32:35,537 --> 00:32:37,038 I'II staIl until you can get him. 561 00:32:37,205 --> 00:32:39,624 Nothing-- IlIegal, I know. 562 00:32:41,418 --> 00:32:42,877 [SIGHS] 563 00:32:46,006 --> 00:32:47,173 [LINE RINGlNG] 564 00:32:47,341 --> 00:32:49,300 [CELL PHONE BUZZING] 565 00:32:50,719 --> 00:32:52,511 Yo. Hey, Mozz, it's me. 566 00:32:52,679 --> 00:32:55,306 Is the auction over? No. I just stepped outside. 567 00:32:55,474 --> 00:32:57,433 So how's it going? Not good. 568 00:32:57,601 --> 00:32:59,435 KeIler's bottle is real. 569 00:32:59,603 --> 00:33:00,728 He has the real bottIe? 570 00:33:00,896 --> 00:33:02,480 You're kidding me. Nope. 571 00:33:02,648 --> 00:33:03,981 Then why--? 572 00:33:04,149 --> 00:33:05,483 To drive the price up. 573 00:33:05,651 --> 00:33:07,318 BriIliant. And we took the bait. 574 00:33:07,486 --> 00:33:09,403 Did they test both bottles? Yup. 575 00:33:09,571 --> 00:33:10,571 How did our bottIe do? 576 00:33:10,739 --> 00:33:12,698 Passed every test except the cesium. 577 00:33:13,367 --> 00:33:15,660 You did great, Mozz. Now focus. l need your help. 578 00:33:15,827 --> 00:33:18,412 We can stiIl nail this guy. Ln what? 579 00:33:18,580 --> 00:33:20,581 I'II teII you Iater. Gotta find him first. 580 00:33:20,749 --> 00:33:23,125 Remember how l toId you KeIler has debt to the Russians? 581 00:33:23,293 --> 00:33:24,877 Of course. I have perfect recaII. 582 00:33:25,045 --> 00:33:27,171 WeIl, I'm trying to stalI the bidding. 583 00:33:27,339 --> 00:33:29,715 kelIer's gonna wanna pay these guys off soon. 584 00:33:29,883 --> 00:33:32,259 Which must mean that they're in town somewhere. 585 00:33:32,427 --> 00:33:34,845 ExactIy. I'lI ask around. 586 00:33:35,013 --> 00:33:37,598 Do it fast. lf you find anything, meet me at Weatherbys. 587 00:33:37,766 --> 00:33:40,142 I'II Ieave a pass for you in the front. 588 00:33:49,695 --> 00:33:52,363 Anything? SignaI's from the corner of the garage. 589 00:33:52,531 --> 00:33:54,615 We sealed off every entrance and exit. Good. 590 00:33:54,783 --> 00:33:57,660 We're doing a fIoor-by-fIoor search, peopIe, starting now. 591 00:33:57,828 --> 00:34:00,204 I want everyone pre?ared. This guy could be armed. 592 00:34:00,372 --> 00:34:02,373 Nobody gets out. 593 00:34:05,168 --> 00:34:09,922 I must say it appears this spot of intrigue has whetted a?petites. 594 00:34:10,090 --> 00:34:15,386 So without further ado, we'lI o?en the bidding at $1 00,000. 595 00:34:16,012 --> 00:34:18,973 One hundred thousand and 20. What did you find out? 596 00:34:19,141 --> 00:34:21,267 I did folIow-up on your suit's inteI. 597 00:34:21,435 --> 00:34:23,894 It turns out the Russians are indeed after keIIer. 598 00:34:24,062 --> 00:34:27,732 They want their money now. And Sergei himseIf is in town. 599 00:34:27,899 --> 00:34:29,817 He wants personaI assurance from keIIer... 600 00:34:29,985 --> 00:34:33,487 ...that he's gonna get paid the moment this auction is done. 601 00:34:33,655 --> 00:34:35,573 I got an idea. 602 00:34:37,367 --> 00:34:38,909 Anything? No, nothing yet. 603 00:34:39,077 --> 00:34:40,619 CIear. JONES: CIear over here. 604 00:34:40,787 --> 00:34:43,497 Damn it. AIl right, next floor. Let's move. 605 00:34:43,665 --> 00:34:45,833 Three seventy-five, Iadies and gentIemen. 606 00:34:46,001 --> 00:34:49,295 Three seventy-five from the gentIeman on my right. 607 00:34:49,671 --> 00:34:52,006 WOMAN: Here. Four hundred thousand on the phone. 608 00:34:52,174 --> 00:34:53,966 Do I hear 425? 609 00:35:13,695 --> 00:35:16,071 No one inside. Look at this. 610 00:35:18,617 --> 00:35:20,951 Son of a bitch must have seen us coming. 611 00:35:24,206 --> 00:35:25,206 PETER: He's not here. 612 00:35:25,373 --> 00:35:27,708 Security cameras have him fIeeing the scene. 613 00:35:27,876 --> 00:35:31,212 He hotwired another car two minutes before we cordoned off the buiIding. 614 00:35:31,379 --> 00:35:33,339 So you have no idea where he is? 615 00:35:33,507 --> 00:35:36,467 We're puIIing surveilIance on him now with traffic cams. 616 00:35:36,635 --> 00:35:39,386 Putting together a timeline. He couIdn't have gotten far. 617 00:35:39,554 --> 00:35:41,347 Didn't take his things with him. 618 00:35:41,515 --> 00:35:42,681 His things? Yeah. 619 00:35:42,849 --> 00:35:45,226 He had a Ia?top. He'd been monitoring the auction. 620 00:35:45,393 --> 00:35:48,395 He's not watching the auction anymore? Probably not. 621 00:35:48,563 --> 00:35:52,900 Too concerned with getting out of here. AIl right. Find out where he's headed. 622 00:35:53,735 --> 00:35:58,072 CATTIGAN: The bidding is now $800,000 to the gentIeman on my right. 623 00:35:58,240 --> 00:36:00,449 This is a Iousy idea. Do it, Mozz. 624 00:36:00,617 --> 00:36:02,701 These peopIe don't take lOUs. 625 00:36:02,869 --> 00:36:07,248 Fair warning. I can seIl for $800,000. 626 00:36:07,415 --> 00:36:08,415 Do it. 627 00:36:12,379 --> 00:36:14,755 One milIion doIIars. 628 00:36:14,923 --> 00:36:16,006 [CROWD MURMURING] 629 00:36:16,174 --> 00:36:17,633 Thank you, sir. 630 00:36:17,801 --> 00:36:20,928 One milIion doIIars and sold. 631 00:36:26,142 --> 00:36:28,519 NEAL: Ah. What did you get us into? 632 00:36:28,937 --> 00:36:31,105 NEAL: Peter, where are you? PETER: StilI in the garage. 633 00:36:31,273 --> 00:36:33,399 What happened? Won the bid. 634 00:36:33,567 --> 00:36:35,985 What? Don't worry. l got a pIan. 635 00:36:36,152 --> 00:36:38,404 You usuaIly do. What's the status on kelIer? 636 00:36:38,572 --> 00:36:42,950 Headquarters is monitoring his movements in reaI time from traffic cams. 637 00:36:43,118 --> 00:36:46,912 Looks Iike he's headed south on Park. South on Park. Thanks. 638 00:36:48,456 --> 00:36:50,124 I know where kelIer's going. 639 00:37:08,393 --> 00:37:10,227 NEAL: Bravo, KeIler. 640 00:37:10,437 --> 00:37:12,479 Seriously. kELLER: Wow. 641 00:37:12,856 --> 00:37:14,899 So you came by to see me off, huh, Caffrey? 642 00:37:15,400 --> 00:37:17,067 Who knew you were a gracious loser? 643 00:37:17,235 --> 00:37:18,652 I have to admit... 644 00:37:18,820 --> 00:37:21,822 ...using the reaI Ben Franklin bottIe, did not see that coming. 645 00:37:22,991 --> 00:37:24,825 Stroke of genius, reaIly. 646 00:37:24,993 --> 00:37:26,243 Thanks. 647 00:37:26,411 --> 00:37:28,746 That actualIy means a Iot coming from you. 648 00:37:28,914 --> 00:37:30,664 OnIy wish kate was around to see it. 649 00:37:30,832 --> 00:37:32,750 We both know she always loved a winner. 650 00:37:32,918 --> 00:37:35,836 Who knows? Maybe l'Il Iook her up, see if she stiII does. 651 00:37:37,339 --> 00:37:40,633 So l'm curious. How'd you find me? 652 00:37:41,134 --> 00:37:43,636 Checked Sergei's traveI pIans. kELLER: Ah. 653 00:37:43,803 --> 00:37:45,179 NEAL: See he does it in styIe. Hmm. 654 00:37:45,347 --> 00:37:48,307 I aIso hear he doesn't take it IightIy when someone owes him money. 655 00:37:48,516 --> 00:37:50,017 Owed. 656 00:37:50,185 --> 00:37:51,685 As in ?ast tense. 657 00:37:51,853 --> 00:37:57,066 Yeah, you see, our, uh, IittIe go-around with the bottIe cIeared my debts. 658 00:37:57,233 --> 00:38:00,945 In fact, l just got a text from my broker. BottIe went for seven figures. 659 00:38:01,112 --> 00:38:04,156 Wow. Wow, congratulations, man. Thank you. Thank you. 660 00:38:04,324 --> 00:38:07,409 So it was a two birds, one stone thing. 661 00:38:07,577 --> 00:38:10,913 Humiliate me, turn a hefty profit whiIe you're at it? 662 00:38:11,081 --> 00:38:13,082 See? Now you're catching on, NeaI. 663 00:38:14,209 --> 00:38:15,709 Listen, I'd Iove to chat, buddy. 664 00:38:15,877 --> 00:38:18,337 But unless you got anything eIse, I should get going. 665 00:38:18,505 --> 00:38:20,089 Be good. 666 00:38:20,256 --> 00:38:22,800 NEAL: I haven't made my offer yet. 667 00:38:27,597 --> 00:38:29,431 This shouId be good. 668 00:38:30,225 --> 00:38:34,103 I'd Iike to offer you the o?portunity to make a fulI confession for your crimes. 669 00:38:34,270 --> 00:38:37,648 The robbery of the Natural History Museum, the murder of ManueI Campos... 670 00:38:37,816 --> 00:38:39,733 ...anything else you wanna add in. 671 00:38:39,901 --> 00:38:41,986 You know what? I was wrong. 672 00:38:42,153 --> 00:38:44,446 This isn't good. This is sad, man. 673 00:38:45,907 --> 00:38:48,242 This is a moment I'lI cherish. 674 00:38:48,410 --> 00:38:50,703 Seeing you at your most desperate. 675 00:38:55,583 --> 00:38:57,835 NEAL: The winner of the Franklin bottIe... 676 00:38:58,003 --> 00:39:01,088 ...it wouldn't happen to be bidder number 57, would it? 677 00:39:04,676 --> 00:39:05,759 Why? 678 00:39:05,927 --> 00:39:09,054 Now, this is just awkward, but I don't have a miIlion doIIars. 679 00:39:11,057 --> 00:39:14,351 The auction house said they'd give me a week to put the money together. 680 00:39:14,519 --> 00:39:15,811 A week, huh? 681 00:39:17,105 --> 00:39:19,773 You know what? A week's not that long. l can buy that. 682 00:39:19,941 --> 00:39:23,235 Did you teIl him I'm Iaunching a federaI investigation on the bottle? 683 00:39:23,403 --> 00:39:24,945 NEAL: Oh, yeah, yeah. There's that too. 684 00:39:25,113 --> 00:39:27,114 How Iong can a federaI investigation go on for? 685 00:39:27,282 --> 00:39:29,908 Not sure. Years. Oh, years, wow. 686 00:39:30,618 --> 00:39:32,411 Son of a bitch. 687 00:39:32,579 --> 00:39:34,788 How patient are Sergei and your Russian friends? 688 00:39:34,956 --> 00:39:37,082 PETER: You can take a heIicopter ride and find out. 689 00:39:37,250 --> 00:39:39,960 Or you can come with us. Your choice. 690 00:39:41,254 --> 00:39:42,921 WeIl ?layed. 691 00:39:47,886 --> 00:39:48,927 Good game, KeIler. 692 00:39:49,095 --> 00:39:50,804 Ha, ha. The game ain't over. 693 00:39:51,347 --> 00:39:52,890 PETER: HeIp the gentleman into the car. 694 00:39:53,850 --> 00:39:56,143 Looks that way to me. kELLER: Yeah? 695 00:39:56,311 --> 00:39:59,104 I mean, you were locked up, broke out. 696 00:39:59,647 --> 00:40:03,984 Maybe it's my turn to accept a chaIIenge. Best two out of three. 697 00:40:05,695 --> 00:40:07,946 I'II see you around, Caffrey. 698 00:40:09,407 --> 00:40:11,241 I'm counting the days. 699 00:40:14,454 --> 00:40:16,580 PETER: Poor Sergei's going home empty-handed. 700 00:40:47,362 --> 00:40:48,654 Did I miss KeIIer? 701 00:40:48,822 --> 00:40:51,657 Damn. l wanted to see him do the perp waIk. 702 00:40:51,825 --> 00:40:53,033 Sorry. 703 00:40:53,201 --> 00:40:55,577 Good news is he won't be bothering us for a while. 704 00:40:55,745 --> 00:40:57,162 How Iong is a whiIe? 705 00:40:57,330 --> 00:40:59,540 Maybe Iong enough to finish our chess game. 706 00:40:59,707 --> 00:41:01,875 You think they have a prison that can hoId him? 707 00:41:02,043 --> 00:41:04,962 I don't know. Okay, so, what's the bad news? 708 00:41:05,130 --> 00:41:08,382 You won't be drinking a miIlion-doIlar bottIe of wine tonight. 709 00:41:08,550 --> 00:41:09,550 I'II Iive. 710 00:41:11,719 --> 00:41:13,303 NEAL: You were right. 711 00:41:14,055 --> 00:41:16,181 I couId use one Iess mystery in my Iife. 712 00:41:17,350 --> 00:41:20,561 Oh, I rescind that comment. 713 00:41:20,979 --> 00:41:24,565 There's suddenly been a Iot of chatter about the music box. 714 00:41:24,732 --> 00:41:26,191 You need to taIk to Alex. 715 00:41:26,359 --> 00:41:29,069 She won't teII me anything whiIe l work for the FBI. 716 00:41:29,237 --> 00:41:31,405 Then make it worth her whiIe. 717 00:42:12,822 --> 00:42:13,822 [PLACED SDH - PSDH]