1 00:00:07,591 --> 00:00:09,884 [NEAL LAUGHS] 2 00:00:10,052 --> 00:00:11,427 [NEAL SIGHS] 3 00:00:11,595 --> 00:00:16,432 NEAL: Scenery, fresh air, just about everything I couIdn't get at my Iast address. 4 00:00:16,600 --> 00:00:20,520 Byron loved the park too for very much the same reasons. 5 00:00:21,605 --> 00:00:24,107 You do Iike bad boys. 6 00:00:26,735 --> 00:00:27,902 She's ?retty good. 7 00:00:28,487 --> 00:00:30,113 JUNE: Yes, she is. 8 00:00:30,989 --> 00:00:32,115 NEAL: Oh, here she comes. 9 00:00:32,282 --> 00:00:35,785 Grandma June, did you see? Yes, l did. And you were wonderfuI. 10 00:00:35,953 --> 00:00:37,370 I'm gonna go again. Watch. 11 00:00:37,538 --> 00:00:39,455 Okay, l'm watching. Go get them. 12 00:00:41,166 --> 00:00:43,292 Your granddaughter doesn't Iook sick. 13 00:00:43,460 --> 00:00:44,585 Not today. 14 00:00:46,505 --> 00:00:50,299 Samantha was taken off of the donor's list last week. 15 00:00:52,010 --> 00:00:53,136 What can I do? 16 00:01:02,479 --> 00:01:04,480 [DOOR OPENS AND CLOSES] 17 00:01:05,774 --> 00:01:06,816 Morning, Neal. 18 00:01:06,984 --> 00:01:08,985 Hope you don't mind. I Iet myseIf in. 19 00:01:09,153 --> 00:01:10,153 I mind. 20 00:01:12,573 --> 00:01:16,242 You guys having breakfast? Yeah. We're having breakfast, yeah. 21 00:01:16,410 --> 00:01:19,328 It's a crazy rituaI l'm sort of fond of. You wanna know why? 22 00:01:19,496 --> 00:01:20,955 Because you Iove the free toys. 23 00:01:21,123 --> 00:01:22,999 PETER: Because breakfast doesn't invoIve you. 24 00:01:23,167 --> 00:01:25,418 You see, every morning I sit at my dining tabIe... 25 00:01:25,586 --> 00:01:29,297 ...with my IoveIy wife and my deIicious cereaI and no thoughts of NeaI Caffrey. 26 00:01:29,465 --> 00:01:31,466 Free sheriff's badge. You get it aIready? 27 00:01:31,633 --> 00:01:32,675 EI, do something. 28 00:01:33,218 --> 00:01:35,511 Do you want a bowI with that cereal? 29 00:01:35,679 --> 00:01:37,472 Thank you. Manners. 30 00:01:37,639 --> 00:01:39,682 That's not what I had in mind. 31 00:01:40,768 --> 00:01:41,934 Why are you here? 32 00:01:43,187 --> 00:01:44,353 I'm here because of June. 33 00:01:44,897 --> 00:01:48,107 June owns the house Neal Iives in. I know who June is. 34 00:01:48,275 --> 00:01:50,026 Her granddaughter needs a kidney... 35 00:01:50,194 --> 00:01:53,112 ...but she was bumped from the transpIant Iist Iast week. 36 00:01:53,280 --> 00:01:54,864 Why? NEAL: I don't know. 37 00:01:55,032 --> 00:01:56,449 But a woman approached June... 38 00:01:56,617 --> 00:01:59,702 ...said her organization couId find a kidney for her granddaughter. 39 00:01:59,870 --> 00:02:01,329 A Iot of charities do that. 40 00:02:01,497 --> 00:02:06,042 Yeah. But she asked for a donation of $1 00,000. 41 00:02:06,376 --> 00:02:07,960 A hundred grand? 42 00:02:08,128 --> 00:02:09,837 Look at you bringing me a case. 43 00:02:10,172 --> 00:02:12,840 WeIl, it's what us Iawmen do. 44 00:02:14,051 --> 00:02:16,719 Okay, l'm interested. TaIk to June. Get me specifics. 45 00:02:17,137 --> 00:02:18,221 So l can run with it? 46 00:02:18,388 --> 00:02:19,722 "Run with it?" No, Barney Fife. 47 00:02:19,890 --> 00:02:24,018 No, you can waIk very sIowIy as Iong as you don't interru?t my breakfast again. 48 00:02:25,229 --> 00:02:27,563 Gotcha. Enjoy your meaI. 49 00:02:29,149 --> 00:02:30,733 Neal? 50 00:02:31,068 --> 00:02:32,527 Remember, that's not reaI. 51 00:02:57,094 --> 00:02:59,595 MOZZIE: Those were his words? "Run with it?" 52 00:02:59,763 --> 00:03:00,930 NEAL: More or Iess. 53 00:03:01,098 --> 00:03:02,431 I'm assuming Iess. 54 00:03:02,599 --> 00:03:04,183 Peter told me to get s?ecifics. 55 00:03:04,351 --> 00:03:06,602 I can't do that untiI I meet the representative. 56 00:03:06,770 --> 00:03:10,565 Which is why I set up a face-to-face as June's financiaI advisor. 57 00:03:10,732 --> 00:03:13,317 Who's the representative? Melissa CalIoway. 58 00:03:13,485 --> 00:03:15,444 Charity's caIIed Hearts Wide O?en. 59 00:03:15,612 --> 00:03:16,946 That is truIy menacing. 60 00:03:17,114 --> 00:03:22,285 If l made a horror movie, I wouId definitely caII it Hearts Wide Open. 61 00:03:22,452 --> 00:03:24,078 NEAL: Right on time. 62 00:03:24,246 --> 00:03:27,039 AIready l don't trust this woman. Because she drove here? 63 00:03:27,207 --> 00:03:30,459 A New Yorker who doesn't take the subway is not a New Yorker you trust. 64 00:03:30,627 --> 00:03:33,296 I don't take the subway. PreciseIy. 65 00:03:34,506 --> 00:03:36,299 NEAL: She Ieft her briefcase in the back. 66 00:03:36,466 --> 00:03:38,509 AIl right, Mozz. I need a favor. 67 00:03:38,677 --> 00:03:40,052 Break into her car. 68 00:03:40,220 --> 00:03:43,139 That's not so much a favor as a truly horribIe idea. 69 00:03:43,307 --> 00:03:47,310 It's 1 :00 in the afternoon. There's a reason crimes happen at night. People can't see. 70 00:03:47,477 --> 00:03:49,186 AIl right, fine. Fine. I'II do it. 71 00:03:49,354 --> 00:03:50,688 You have a meeting. 72 00:03:50,856 --> 00:03:52,273 No. 73 00:03:52,441 --> 00:03:53,482 You have a meeting. 74 00:03:54,026 --> 00:03:56,819 This is for June, remember? 75 00:03:57,404 --> 00:03:59,488 I need a tie. 76 00:04:00,741 --> 00:04:04,660 Ask about the charity. How it works. More im?ortantIy, how the money works. 77 00:04:04,828 --> 00:04:06,579 And buy me 20 minutes. 78 00:04:06,747 --> 00:04:08,497 Since when am I a ?eopIe person? 79 00:04:08,916 --> 00:04:10,124 Just do what I do. 80 00:04:10,292 --> 00:04:12,376 MOZZIE: "Just do what I do." 81 00:04:13,670 --> 00:04:15,338 Good morning. 82 00:04:15,589 --> 00:04:17,298 Good day. 83 00:04:38,195 --> 00:04:40,488 Great. Man, just great. 84 00:04:40,656 --> 00:04:41,864 What's going on here? 85 00:04:42,282 --> 00:04:43,783 Oh, officer, hi. 86 00:04:43,951 --> 00:04:46,786 Can you give me a hand here? I locked my briefcase in my car. 87 00:04:46,954 --> 00:04:50,206 And, of course, my wife grabbed the wrong keys again. 88 00:04:50,374 --> 00:04:52,875 And.... You got ID that proves this is your car? 89 00:04:53,043 --> 00:04:55,336 Yes, sir. yes, sir. In the gIove box right here. 90 00:04:55,504 --> 00:04:58,631 Damn it. I gotta be at the courthouse in 20 minutes. 91 00:04:59,341 --> 00:05:01,217 You a lawyer? Prosecutor. 92 00:05:01,885 --> 00:05:06,722 Arraigning this dirtbag who took a swing at a cop when he showed up on a domestic. 93 00:05:07,432 --> 00:05:08,557 Guy hit a cop? 94 00:05:08,725 --> 00:05:10,226 Right across the jaw. 95 00:05:13,188 --> 00:05:15,982 This is Yatsko. I'm gonna need a patrol car right away. 96 00:05:16,149 --> 00:05:19,068 MAN [OVER RADlO]: 10-4. Copy that. Patrol car to your location. 97 00:05:22,906 --> 00:05:27,201 As I said to June, our organization saw what happened to Samantha. 98 00:05:27,619 --> 00:05:29,996 Bureaucracy often gets in the way of compassion. 99 00:05:30,163 --> 00:05:32,748 We attempt to rectify that by finding a match. 100 00:05:33,291 --> 00:05:37,086 But going around the National Registry, isn't that iIlegaI? 101 00:05:37,879 --> 00:05:39,422 OnIy if money exchanges hands. 102 00:05:39,798 --> 00:05:43,926 We find donors wiIIing to contribute through the Good Samaritan law. 103 00:05:44,594 --> 00:05:46,721 I am sure that there is someone... 104 00:05:46,888 --> 00:05:50,808 ...who wiIl find Samantha's case as compelIing as we do. 105 00:05:51,601 --> 00:05:54,437 A donation is what heIps to move things along. 106 00:05:54,938 --> 00:05:57,565 We'd never discourage anyone from heIping us continue. 107 00:05:57,899 --> 00:05:58,941 MOZZIE: Oh, boy. 108 00:06:01,111 --> 00:06:02,945 How much is a ty?icaI donation? 109 00:06:03,739 --> 00:06:05,489 It varies. 110 00:06:07,784 --> 00:06:10,286 BalIpark it for me. 111 00:06:10,537 --> 00:06:13,956 CALLOWAY: Anywhere from a hundred thousand to haIf a milIion. 112 00:06:15,125 --> 00:06:17,793 How much time do we have to consider? 113 00:06:18,128 --> 00:06:21,422 Not much, unfortunateIy. There are onIy so many wiIIing donors. 114 00:06:21,590 --> 00:06:24,050 And there are many peopIe in difficuIt situations. 115 00:06:25,093 --> 00:06:26,260 Truer words. 116 00:06:29,306 --> 00:06:31,474 You have no idea how much I appreciate this. 117 00:06:31,641 --> 00:06:32,641 OFFlCER 1 : Anytime. 118 00:06:33,643 --> 00:06:36,812 Hey, what was the name of the arresting officer on your case? 119 00:06:36,980 --> 00:06:38,064 Jones. 120 00:06:38,231 --> 00:06:39,815 Jones. Sixth Precinct. 121 00:06:40,442 --> 00:06:41,734 Jones. 122 00:06:41,902 --> 00:06:43,819 Jones. You know a Jones? 123 00:06:43,987 --> 00:06:45,279 OFFlCER 1 : I know Jones. 124 00:06:45,781 --> 00:06:47,490 NEAL: Of course you know Jones. 125 00:06:47,657 --> 00:06:50,242 Yeah. Tough guy. 126 00:06:50,702 --> 00:06:53,245 He couId do something if he appIied himseIf, you know? 127 00:06:53,413 --> 00:06:55,748 Yes. Yeah, he's a reaI baIIbuster. NEAL: Yeah. 128 00:06:57,250 --> 00:07:00,252 Oh, great. Let me just-- Let me just grab my ID for you. 129 00:07:00,420 --> 00:07:02,797 OFFlCER 2: No, you're good. You sure? I got it right here. 130 00:07:02,964 --> 00:07:04,757 OFFlCER 2: Yeah, don't worry about it. 131 00:07:05,592 --> 00:07:07,760 Right. See you. I'm gonna get this guy for you. 132 00:07:07,928 --> 00:07:10,179 Thanks. AII right. OFFlCER 1 : AIl right. Thanks. 133 00:07:18,522 --> 00:07:21,190 WeIl, I ho?e I've answered aII your questions. 134 00:07:23,026 --> 00:07:25,027 And then some. But-- But-- 135 00:07:25,195 --> 00:07:27,363 FeeI free to calI if you have more. 136 00:07:27,531 --> 00:07:32,201 Wait. You haven't given me the chance to ask you to dinner. 137 00:07:33,370 --> 00:07:36,205 You're crazy. Crazy for you. 138 00:07:37,082 --> 00:07:40,543 Thank you, Mr. Honeycutt. That's fine. 139 00:07:42,170 --> 00:07:45,714 [SHUTTER CLlCkING] 140 00:07:46,466 --> 00:07:48,300 [PHONE RlNGS] 141 00:07:48,468 --> 00:07:50,052 Mozz, don't worry. Cops are gone. 142 00:07:50,220 --> 00:07:52,221 MOZZIE: That's great. I hope you're done. 143 00:07:52,556 --> 00:07:54,682 Not yet. WelI, then get done. 144 00:07:54,850 --> 00:07:57,560 You told me to do what you do. So l asked her to dinner. 145 00:07:57,894 --> 00:07:58,894 What happened? 146 00:07:59,062 --> 00:08:01,313 She Ieft. Running. 147 00:08:11,032 --> 00:08:12,867 Tennis tournament. 148 00:08:30,927 --> 00:08:32,428 Looked into Hearts Wide Open. 149 00:08:32,596 --> 00:08:35,931 Your friend MeIissa works for the charity's founder, Dr. Wayne PoweII. 150 00:08:36,099 --> 00:08:39,226 Runs a number of high-end medicaI clinics across the East Coast. 151 00:08:39,394 --> 00:08:40,769 Very respectabIe kind of guy. 152 00:08:40,937 --> 00:08:43,230 NEAL: I wouIdn't be so sure. 153 00:08:43,398 --> 00:08:45,274 I taIked to MeIissa. 154 00:08:45,442 --> 00:08:47,693 I got some names. Are they admissibIe? 155 00:08:47,861 --> 00:08:50,279 Let me teIl you a story. RealIy not necessary. 156 00:08:50,447 --> 00:08:52,823 I had a CI once. LocaI kid named Jimmy Burger. 157 00:08:52,991 --> 00:08:55,367 Raised some money and o?ened a restaurant on 5th. 158 00:08:55,535 --> 00:08:57,536 He calIed it Jimmy's Burgers. Burger Joint? 159 00:08:57,704 --> 00:08:58,746 You done? Yeah. 160 00:08:58,914 --> 00:09:02,249 In order to stay in business, he had to do the mob some favors. 161 00:09:02,417 --> 00:09:04,793 But Jimmy didn't Iike that. So he came to us. 162 00:09:04,961 --> 00:09:06,420 He heIped us make some cases. 163 00:09:06,588 --> 00:09:08,130 But then Jimmy got cocky. 164 00:09:08,298 --> 00:09:11,717 Started sticking his nose where it didn't beIong. You know what happened? 165 00:09:12,135 --> 00:09:13,761 It didn't end happiIy ever after? 166 00:09:13,929 --> 00:09:15,137 No. He took one. 167 00:09:15,555 --> 00:09:17,181 Right there. 168 00:09:17,474 --> 00:09:18,766 Why are you teIIing me this? 169 00:09:18,934 --> 00:09:21,393 Because Jimmy Burger is an exampIe of what happens... 170 00:09:21,561 --> 00:09:24,480 ...when you try running the show on your own. Don't. 171 00:09:24,648 --> 00:09:27,316 JONES: Hey, NeaI. Info on those names you asked me to check out. 172 00:09:27,484 --> 00:09:30,694 UnbeIievabIe. Like taIking to a walI. I hadn't heard your story yet. 173 00:09:30,862 --> 00:09:32,571 Let me see. 174 00:09:33,490 --> 00:09:36,951 NEAL: Huh. AII members of DoctoraI GIobaI Initiative. 175 00:09:38,954 --> 00:09:41,747 PowelI's charity sup?lies organs, this is how he finds them. 176 00:09:41,915 --> 00:09:44,917 Interesting using the Third WorId as your own organ bank. 177 00:09:45,085 --> 00:09:47,711 StiII, it's too circumstantial to make a case. 178 00:09:47,879 --> 00:09:49,004 Let's taIk to PoweIl. 179 00:09:49,172 --> 00:09:51,215 I know where to find him. 180 00:10:08,441 --> 00:10:11,235 PETER: AII right, scan the crowd. PowelI's gotta be there somewhere. 181 00:10:11,403 --> 00:10:12,528 MAN: Invite only, gentIemen. 182 00:10:13,321 --> 00:10:15,781 Okay. l Ieft mine at home. 183 00:10:15,949 --> 00:10:18,200 Sorry. You're gonna have to go home and get it. 184 00:10:18,368 --> 00:10:19,868 Okay. 185 00:10:21,621 --> 00:10:23,789 That was your pIan? Didn't forge an invitation? 186 00:10:23,957 --> 00:10:25,916 I was aIIowed to? No. 187 00:10:28,545 --> 00:10:29,545 NEAL: Wait, that's her. 188 00:10:29,713 --> 00:10:32,339 Excuse me. Hi. 189 00:10:32,924 --> 00:10:35,551 I seem to have forgotten my invitation. 190 00:10:36,136 --> 00:10:37,177 And you are? 191 00:10:37,345 --> 00:10:41,473 Dr. Parker from Doctoral GIobaI lnitiative. But you can caII me Leonard. 192 00:10:41,641 --> 00:10:43,142 And you are? 193 00:10:43,768 --> 00:10:45,644 Miss CaIIoway. 194 00:10:45,895 --> 00:10:49,189 Remember your invitation next time, doctor. Have a good afternoon. 195 00:10:49,357 --> 00:10:50,774 NEAL: You too. 196 00:10:51,151 --> 00:10:54,862 Let's go. I'm sorry. And you are? 197 00:10:55,196 --> 00:10:56,739 Doctor-- Edgar Tannenbaum. 198 00:10:56,906 --> 00:10:58,407 He's from DGI as welI. 199 00:10:58,575 --> 00:11:01,243 PIeasure to meet you. I'm MeIissa. 200 00:11:01,411 --> 00:11:03,579 Nice to meet you, MeIissa. 201 00:11:03,747 --> 00:11:05,581 What is your area of expertise, doctor? 202 00:11:06,291 --> 00:11:07,833 Chiropractics. 203 00:11:08,001 --> 00:11:09,918 You're a chiropractor? 204 00:11:10,086 --> 00:11:11,295 And you work with DGl? 205 00:11:11,463 --> 00:11:12,963 Poor posture doesn't discriminate. 206 00:11:13,131 --> 00:11:14,173 No. 207 00:11:15,508 --> 00:11:19,928 We may have a few slots stiIl avaiIable. You boys wilIing to get your hands dirty? 208 00:11:20,597 --> 00:11:22,556 Sure are. Yeah. yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. 209 00:11:22,724 --> 00:11:24,308 CALLOWAY: Then foIIow me. 210 00:11:26,770 --> 00:11:27,936 You underestimate me. 211 00:11:28,438 --> 00:11:30,105 They're aIl right. 212 00:11:32,650 --> 00:11:36,278 You do realize you have to fIirt with her for the rest of the day, right? 213 00:11:36,446 --> 00:11:39,573 ShouId be a fun story to teII EIizabeth over breakfast tomorrow. 214 00:11:51,169 --> 00:11:52,753 PETER: There's PoweII by the bar. 215 00:11:52,921 --> 00:11:54,797 See if you can get cIose to him. 216 00:11:54,964 --> 00:11:57,383 NEAL: You'Il have to pry your girIfriend off his arm first. 217 00:11:57,550 --> 00:11:59,551 Any schlub can pick up a girl at a bar. 218 00:11:59,719 --> 00:12:02,304 Want a chalIenge? Try kee?ing a beautiful woman happy... 219 00:12:02,472 --> 00:12:03,806 ...for 1 0 years running. 220 00:12:03,973 --> 00:12:05,307 How Iong has it been? 221 00:12:05,475 --> 00:12:08,018 Summer of '98. Whoa. 222 00:12:08,186 --> 00:12:10,938 You haven't fIirted in the 21 st century? 223 00:12:11,356 --> 00:12:12,773 No. 224 00:12:13,691 --> 00:12:17,861 Listen, when you taIk to PoweII, teIl him that you're from DoctoraI GIobal Initiative. 225 00:12:18,029 --> 00:12:19,154 See how he reacts. 226 00:12:19,322 --> 00:12:20,614 Copy that, Tannenbaum. 227 00:12:20,782 --> 00:12:23,951 MAN: Can I refiIl that for you, sir? Cranberry juice. 228 00:12:24,327 --> 00:12:25,869 Hey there. 229 00:12:26,121 --> 00:12:27,329 You Iook thirsty. 230 00:12:27,997 --> 00:12:29,164 I wouId Iove a drink. 231 00:12:29,499 --> 00:12:32,167 Oh, and I stiIl need to show you your s?ot, don't I? 232 00:12:32,627 --> 00:12:34,837 Right. Let's go see my spot. 233 00:12:35,004 --> 00:12:36,839 I'II be back in a minute. 234 00:12:40,218 --> 00:12:41,927 Scotch on the rocks, pIease. 235 00:12:42,095 --> 00:12:45,681 ActuaIIy, you know what, hoId the rocks. I just got off a 30-hour flight. 236 00:12:45,849 --> 00:12:47,307 Sooner l forget it the better. 237 00:12:47,559 --> 00:12:50,018 There's a trick to that, you know? SIeeping piIls. 238 00:12:51,563 --> 00:12:54,356 Yeah, it never works. Too wound up. 239 00:12:54,649 --> 00:12:59,486 The trick is not taking it on the ?lane. Take it in the car on the way to the airport. 240 00:12:59,946 --> 00:13:02,656 Thanks for the advice, Doctor...? PowelI. 241 00:13:03,032 --> 00:13:06,034 PowelI? Dr. Wayne PoweII? 242 00:13:06,202 --> 00:13:09,872 Oh, my-- You're one of my heroes. 243 00:13:10,039 --> 00:13:13,208 Leonard Parker, DoctoraI GlobaI lnitiative. 244 00:13:13,626 --> 00:13:17,129 DGI. WeII, may I say that you are one of my heroes. 245 00:13:17,297 --> 00:13:19,089 PETER: You work closely with PowelI? 246 00:13:19,257 --> 00:13:20,883 CALLOWAY: He keeps a smaII circIe. 247 00:13:21,050 --> 00:13:23,385 Your friend back there seems to have captured his attention. 248 00:13:23,553 --> 00:13:25,471 PETER: He's a charmer. 249 00:13:26,389 --> 00:13:30,058 I prefer someone with a little more experience. 250 00:13:31,394 --> 00:13:32,728 You're married. 251 00:13:32,896 --> 00:13:34,897 Ten years and counting. 252 00:13:35,064 --> 00:13:39,067 Commitment. Another quaIity I admire. 253 00:13:42,489 --> 00:13:46,867 DoctoraI GlobaI lnitiative is one of the few charitabIe organizations l stiIl respect. 254 00:13:47,035 --> 00:13:49,161 Is that why you founded Hearts Wide Open? 255 00:13:49,329 --> 00:13:50,370 One of the reasons. 256 00:13:50,538 --> 00:13:52,414 MAN: What can l get you? Cranberry juice. 257 00:13:53,833 --> 00:13:55,918 You know, perhaps you can heIp me. 258 00:13:56,085 --> 00:13:58,921 I've got what you might caII a friend in need. 259 00:14:01,257 --> 00:14:05,260 We've arranged this setup in case any of our athIetes have any injuries today. 260 00:14:05,428 --> 00:14:09,306 The cIub has a doctor on caII but would you mind acting as backup? 261 00:14:09,682 --> 00:14:12,392 I'm here to heIp. Great. 262 00:14:14,604 --> 00:14:16,605 I'II be your first patient. 263 00:14:16,773 --> 00:14:20,567 I've had this knot in my back. 264 00:14:20,818 --> 00:14:23,987 WouId you mind taking a look? No. 265 00:14:26,282 --> 00:14:29,284 Okay. Everything appears smooth. 266 00:14:29,452 --> 00:14:33,163 Just beIow the fifth vertebrae. 267 00:14:34,624 --> 00:14:36,291 FeeI that? 268 00:14:36,834 --> 00:14:38,126 A Iot of tension, right? 269 00:14:38,294 --> 00:14:40,462 I can feeI the tension, yup. Yup. 270 00:14:40,964 --> 00:14:45,592 Maybe this is stress from work, maybe. 271 00:14:45,885 --> 00:14:47,469 Maybe. 272 00:14:48,846 --> 00:14:50,973 Why don't you go Iower? 273 00:14:55,144 --> 00:14:58,772 See, his remaining kidney is highly sensitized. 274 00:14:58,940 --> 00:15:00,274 PRA is through the roof. 275 00:15:01,150 --> 00:15:03,944 What he needs is a zero mismatch. 276 00:15:04,654 --> 00:15:06,572 WeIl, ?erfect compatibility is rare. 277 00:15:07,282 --> 00:15:08,657 I'm hopefuI. 278 00:15:09,409 --> 00:15:13,161 There's a vilIage on the outskirts of Manipur. 279 00:15:13,329 --> 00:15:15,455 Genetics of the popuIation show some ?romise. 280 00:15:15,623 --> 00:15:18,041 India? l traveI there often. 281 00:15:18,209 --> 00:15:21,545 It's unfortunate the IocaIs can't legaIly seII you what you need. 282 00:15:21,713 --> 00:15:22,838 Both ?arties wouId win. 283 00:15:23,965 --> 00:15:25,841 My friend wouId agree with you. 284 00:15:27,677 --> 00:15:32,097 I teIl you what. Why don't you give me a calI... 285 00:15:32,265 --> 00:15:33,932 ...whenever you find yourself there? 286 00:15:35,018 --> 00:15:39,563 We make exceptionaIly charitabIe donations. 287 00:15:45,445 --> 00:15:47,362 Maybe we're working the wrong side. 288 00:15:47,530 --> 00:15:49,656 PETER: I'm not quite ready for that. 289 00:15:49,824 --> 00:15:54,119 Maybe you shouId telI me more about your work with Dr. PowelI? 290 00:15:54,287 --> 00:15:57,372 Why it's causing so much tension down here. 291 00:16:00,376 --> 00:16:03,879 WeIl, we operate the Howser CIinic in Manhattan. 292 00:16:04,047 --> 00:16:05,213 The Howser? 293 00:16:05,381 --> 00:16:08,967 Best cIinic there is. I've been dying to check it out. 294 00:16:09,677 --> 00:16:14,222 WeIl, you shouId come see it for yourseIf. 295 00:16:20,480 --> 00:16:23,690 This is my personaI number. 296 00:16:24,734 --> 00:16:27,194 FeeI free to give me a calI... 297 00:16:28,404 --> 00:16:29,821 ...whenever you're ready. 298 00:16:55,223 --> 00:16:57,766 Hey, Dr. Tannenbaum. 299 00:16:57,975 --> 00:17:02,270 EIizabeth was just wondering, does FBI stand for FemaIe Body Inspector? 300 00:17:02,980 --> 00:17:04,231 Sit down and shut u?. 301 00:17:05,608 --> 00:17:07,776 I puIIed PoweII's traveI records. 302 00:17:07,944 --> 00:17:09,736 He's been fIying to lndia quite a bit. 303 00:17:09,904 --> 00:17:12,280 I can't arrest the guy for buiIding up his miIeage. 304 00:17:12,448 --> 00:17:14,741 What about the peopIe he uses to scout for organs? 305 00:17:14,909 --> 00:17:18,662 VirtuaIIy impossibIe to prove. The charity masks their work as volunteering. 306 00:17:18,830 --> 00:17:22,958 And alI the funds that pass through there are tagged as charitabIe contributions. 307 00:17:23,668 --> 00:17:28,130 PowelI looks like a saint through aIl this. And considering his own condition.... 308 00:17:28,548 --> 00:17:29,631 His own condition? 309 00:17:29,799 --> 00:17:30,799 kidney disease. 310 00:17:30,967 --> 00:17:33,343 That expIains why he was drinking cranberry juice. 311 00:17:33,511 --> 00:17:34,678 That's right. 312 00:17:34,846 --> 00:17:37,597 A?parentIy he was born with just one kidney. 313 00:17:37,765 --> 00:17:39,933 His PRAs are high. He needs-- 314 00:17:40,101 --> 00:17:42,811 A zero mismatch. Peter, he's got the ?erfect cover here. 315 00:17:43,646 --> 00:17:45,814 If he weren't so dirty, I'd almost respect him. 316 00:17:45,982 --> 00:17:49,317 AIl right, what we have here is a nice little theory. l need proof. 317 00:17:49,485 --> 00:17:51,319 And I'm guessing it's aII here. 318 00:17:52,238 --> 00:17:55,615 The Howser CIinic? What, you think he'd keep ?atient records there? 319 00:17:55,783 --> 00:17:57,826 Gotta kee? a Iog of those wealthy friends. 320 00:17:57,994 --> 00:17:59,578 Let's take a Iook. Can't. 321 00:17:59,746 --> 00:18:03,331 Doctor-?atient confidentiaIity prohibits us from getting inside. 322 00:18:03,499 --> 00:18:05,959 We need to Iook at this another way. 323 00:18:16,679 --> 00:18:19,139 Byrne vs. Bobby Fischer, 1 956. 324 00:18:19,724 --> 00:18:21,600 Very good. Who won? 325 00:18:22,143 --> 00:18:23,185 Fischer. 326 00:18:23,352 --> 00:18:26,188 Sacrificed his queen on move 1 7. 327 00:18:27,607 --> 00:18:29,316 You alI right? 328 00:18:29,859 --> 00:18:33,403 The charity rescinded its offer to June's granddaughter. 329 00:18:33,571 --> 00:18:36,198 What? Yup. 330 00:18:37,533 --> 00:18:38,575 God. 331 00:18:38,743 --> 00:18:40,035 They say why? 332 00:18:40,203 --> 00:18:44,206 They say they found a more urgent reci?ient. 333 00:18:45,416 --> 00:18:47,709 And you...? Yes. 334 00:18:47,877 --> 00:18:50,837 I scouted the cIinic. Something's got them spooked. 335 00:18:51,005 --> 00:18:54,382 EmpIoyees have been throwing fiIes into the garbage alI day. 336 00:18:54,550 --> 00:18:56,885 You see what the fiIes were? I couIdn't. 337 00:18:57,053 --> 00:19:00,514 It's pretty upscaIe. Private security everywhere. 338 00:19:02,725 --> 00:19:04,976 Any idea what's got them rattIed? 339 00:19:18,407 --> 00:19:19,991 Honey? 340 00:19:20,993 --> 00:19:22,577 PETER: Yeah. 341 00:19:24,080 --> 00:19:25,247 What is this? 342 00:19:27,083 --> 00:19:29,251 I was gonna taIk to you about that. 343 00:19:29,418 --> 00:19:34,464 That is part of an undercover job I was working. 344 00:19:34,632 --> 00:19:38,510 And ?art of the cover was that I had to taIk to another woman. 345 00:19:40,137 --> 00:19:42,430 You must've been quite the conversationaIist. 346 00:19:43,891 --> 00:19:48,770 I had to flirt with her so NeaI couId get cIoser to the target. 347 00:19:49,105 --> 00:19:51,106 Isn't it usuaIIy the other way around? 348 00:19:51,649 --> 00:19:52,691 She chose me. 349 00:19:53,609 --> 00:19:55,610 You had to seduce another woman? 350 00:19:55,778 --> 00:19:59,614 No. No. l had-- Just had drinks with her. 351 00:19:59,782 --> 00:20:02,492 Nothing happened, EI. I swear. 352 00:20:03,744 --> 00:20:05,453 Are you Iaughing? 353 00:20:05,621 --> 00:20:08,623 You're laughing. 354 00:20:10,793 --> 00:20:12,294 You had to fIirt? 355 00:20:12,670 --> 00:20:15,964 You hate flirting. I know. And now I remember why. 356 00:20:16,507 --> 00:20:17,924 What did you say to her? 357 00:20:18,885 --> 00:20:20,802 I said that she looked thirsty. 358 00:20:22,263 --> 00:20:23,597 It worked. 359 00:20:23,764 --> 00:20:25,974 Oh, ?lease telI me there's surveiIIance video of this. 360 00:20:26,142 --> 00:20:27,225 [PHONE RlNGS] 361 00:20:27,393 --> 00:20:29,185 I gotta see this. 362 00:20:33,149 --> 00:20:34,149 Yeah? 363 00:20:34,483 --> 00:20:37,110 It's me. Wondering if you looked into that cIinic yet. 364 00:20:37,278 --> 00:20:38,945 I had the bureau put in a request... 365 00:20:39,113 --> 00:20:40,655 ...for their financial records. Why? 366 00:20:40,823 --> 00:20:42,282 [ELlZAbETH LAUGHING OVER PHONE] 367 00:20:42,450 --> 00:20:43,950 No. I'm just checking. Thanks. 368 00:20:44,493 --> 00:20:46,995 Why is Elizabeth laughing? No idea. 369 00:20:47,163 --> 00:20:48,914 Talk to you later. 370 00:20:49,999 --> 00:20:52,626 The FBI asked for copies of their financiaI records. 371 00:20:53,544 --> 00:20:55,003 That expIains it. 372 00:20:55,171 --> 00:20:57,631 I'd be doctoring my books right now too. 373 00:20:58,007 --> 00:21:01,968 We have to get into that cIinic. See what they're trying to get rid of. 374 00:21:03,346 --> 00:21:04,846 Have a ?lan? 375 00:21:08,809 --> 00:21:12,020 MOZZIE: Promise I'lI never even think about going up in a taII building again. 376 00:21:12,188 --> 00:21:14,648 Oh, God. PIease don't let me die. 377 00:21:17,860 --> 00:21:22,113 Hi. l'm here to dro? off a patient. MOZZIE: Fists with your toes. I'm a cop. 378 00:21:22,281 --> 00:21:24,074 WOMAN: Uh.... 379 00:21:24,867 --> 00:21:28,328 Mental HeaIth Services doesn't have anyone scheduled to come in today. 380 00:21:28,496 --> 00:21:30,664 See you take this under advisement, jerkweed! 381 00:21:30,831 --> 00:21:33,959 Right. They wouldn't have said anything. Um.... 382 00:21:34,168 --> 00:21:35,543 This is a bit sensitive. 383 00:21:35,711 --> 00:21:38,046 The mayor asked for it to be handled quietly. 384 00:21:39,382 --> 00:21:42,759 It's his nephew. I can't exactIy give you his name. 385 00:21:42,927 --> 00:21:45,637 But he thinks he's-- Yip?ee ki-yay, mother--! 386 00:21:45,805 --> 00:21:47,347 Bruce. Bruce. 387 00:21:47,515 --> 00:21:49,099 MOZZIE: Just a fIy in the ointment, Hans. 388 00:21:49,266 --> 00:21:50,892 NEAL: Gotta get him to see Dr. Westlake. 389 00:21:51,060 --> 00:21:52,477 I'II ring him now. 390 00:21:52,645 --> 00:21:56,189 HoId on. HoId on. My patient sees you making a calI, he might get upset. 391 00:21:56,357 --> 00:21:57,816 Think you're aIerting bad guys. 392 00:21:57,984 --> 00:22:01,236 I'II just take him to Dr. WestIake myseIf. It's Room 207, right? 393 00:22:01,570 --> 00:22:03,905 Right. Great. 394 00:22:04,407 --> 00:22:06,783 On your feet, bruce. Come on. 395 00:22:07,326 --> 00:22:08,910 Thank you. 396 00:22:09,078 --> 00:22:11,371 WeIcome to the party, paI. Don't overseII it. 397 00:22:13,708 --> 00:22:15,458 This way. This way. 398 00:22:19,755 --> 00:22:20,755 Nice work, Mozz. 399 00:22:21,632 --> 00:22:23,091 You can quit shaking now. 400 00:22:23,259 --> 00:22:24,926 MOZZIE: I'm not acting. I hate hospitaIs. 401 00:22:25,094 --> 00:22:26,261 [MAN SNEEZES] 402 00:22:26,429 --> 00:22:28,179 Now I have what he has. 403 00:22:31,684 --> 00:22:32,851 Dr. WestIake, pIease. 404 00:22:35,396 --> 00:22:37,397 WOMAN [OVER SPEAkERS]: Dr. WestIake, calI reception. 405 00:22:37,565 --> 00:22:39,607 Dr. WestIake, calI reception. 406 00:22:51,620 --> 00:22:54,956 Looks Iike a waste of some perfectIy good files. 407 00:22:55,124 --> 00:22:56,958 AIl right, l'm going. 408 00:23:47,593 --> 00:23:48,927 Here we go. 409 00:23:51,222 --> 00:23:54,307 Every donor on here is a major pIayer in this city. 410 00:23:58,521 --> 00:24:00,688 MAN: Hey, who's in Dr. PoweII's office? 411 00:24:00,856 --> 00:24:03,274 WOMAN [OVER SPEAkERS]: Paging security to Dr. PoweIl's office. 412 00:24:03,442 --> 00:24:06,194 Paging security to Dr. PoweIl's office. Oh, no. 413 00:24:06,362 --> 00:24:07,695 Peter, I ho?e you get this. 414 00:24:21,544 --> 00:24:23,461 Hey, hey. MAN: Stop that fax. 415 00:24:23,629 --> 00:24:24,671 Don't move. 416 00:24:24,839 --> 00:24:26,548 NEAL: I'm borrowing Dr. PoweIl's fax machine. 417 00:24:26,715 --> 00:24:28,091 MAN: Come here. 418 00:24:31,053 --> 00:24:33,388 ELlZABETH: Honey, you expecting a fax? PETER: No. 419 00:24:33,556 --> 00:24:36,516 I didn't even know that thing was stilI pIugged in. 420 00:24:37,685 --> 00:24:40,311 Jimmy Burger? Who's Jimmy Burger? 421 00:24:40,479 --> 00:24:42,105 That's NeaI. 422 00:24:43,023 --> 00:24:44,065 He was in your office. 423 00:24:44,233 --> 00:24:46,526 POWELL: Who is he? MAN: He won't say. 424 00:24:46,694 --> 00:24:48,611 He has some kind of tracker on his ankle. 425 00:24:48,779 --> 00:24:50,488 And he was going through your fiIes. 426 00:24:51,699 --> 00:24:54,576 We figured you'd wanna know before we invoIved the authorities. 427 00:24:55,077 --> 00:24:58,413 He's probabIy one of WestIake's patients escaped from the third floor. 428 00:24:58,873 --> 00:25:01,082 l'm on my way. HoId him untiI l arrive. 429 00:25:03,002 --> 00:25:06,087 It wouId be best if you caIm him down. Understood. 430 00:25:17,600 --> 00:25:19,017 WOMAN: This is to heIp you reIax. 431 00:25:20,394 --> 00:25:23,313 I hope there's something fun in there, Nurse Ratched. 432 00:25:36,702 --> 00:25:38,953 WOMAN [OVER PHONE]: EIectronic Monitoring Compliance Unit. 433 00:25:39,121 --> 00:25:40,288 This is burke, FBI. 434 00:25:40,456 --> 00:25:45,668 I need the Iocation of Detention Tracking AnkIet 9305-Al?ha. NeaI Caffrey. 435 00:25:45,836 --> 00:25:47,128 One moment, please. 436 00:25:47,296 --> 00:25:50,465 Is Neal in troubIe? Yeah. He's in a Iot of troubIe. 437 00:25:50,633 --> 00:25:55,220 Agent Burke, we have him located at 626 WilIiam Street. 438 00:26:00,517 --> 00:26:02,977 Caffrey. I toId him not to go to that cIinic! 439 00:26:03,145 --> 00:26:04,270 I toId him! 440 00:26:04,772 --> 00:26:06,564 But he's NeaI. He doesn't think. 441 00:26:07,107 --> 00:26:09,108 They're gonna send him to prison for this. 442 00:26:09,276 --> 00:26:11,903 What l have to do is caIl Judge Chivero, get a warrant. 443 00:26:12,071 --> 00:26:15,657 Why don't you just get somebody to, I don't know, show you the pIace? 444 00:26:16,200 --> 00:26:20,161 If she invites you in, that's okay, right? 445 00:26:21,747 --> 00:26:23,039 [PHONE RlNGS] 446 00:26:23,207 --> 00:26:24,249 This is MeIissa. 447 00:26:24,416 --> 00:26:27,001 Hey, Melissa. 448 00:26:27,586 --> 00:26:29,170 Hello? 449 00:26:30,005 --> 00:26:34,300 This is Dr. Tannenbaum from the tennis cIub. How are you? 450 00:26:34,718 --> 00:26:37,762 ActuaIIy, I'm going into the office for Dr. PoweII. 451 00:26:38,222 --> 00:26:42,600 Perfect. You said I could swing by anytime, and l'm gonna be in the neighborhood. 452 00:26:42,768 --> 00:26:44,852 Oh, I'm sorry. But today... 453 00:26:45,020 --> 00:26:46,354 ...is not looking good. 454 00:26:46,522 --> 00:26:50,108 TeII her you need to see her. TeII her you can't stop thinking about her. 455 00:26:52,361 --> 00:26:53,528 This is a test, isn't it? 456 00:26:53,696 --> 00:26:55,113 Doctor? Are you there? Yeah. 457 00:26:55,531 --> 00:26:58,825 I need to see you. I can't stop thinking about you. 458 00:27:00,202 --> 00:27:01,536 Is that right? 459 00:27:03,539 --> 00:27:04,664 Okay, compIiment her. 460 00:27:04,832 --> 00:27:08,543 TeII her that you've never met someone Iike her. You're intrigued. 461 00:27:09,712 --> 00:27:12,213 I've never met someone Iike you before. 462 00:27:13,007 --> 00:27:14,841 I'm intrigued. 463 00:27:15,175 --> 00:27:18,511 WeIl, I'd be Iying if I said l didn't miss those magic hands of yours. 464 00:27:20,639 --> 00:27:22,140 "Magic hands?" 465 00:27:22,683 --> 00:27:23,808 I was a chiropractor. 466 00:27:23,976 --> 00:27:25,101 RealIy? 467 00:27:25,269 --> 00:27:27,020 Doctor? Yes? 468 00:27:27,187 --> 00:27:32,400 I've gotta run. But if you're reaIIy interested in seeing the cIinic, I can get you a ?ass. 469 00:27:32,568 --> 00:27:34,819 You could come by later, we couId grab a drink. 470 00:27:35,612 --> 00:27:37,238 Perfect. 471 00:27:38,657 --> 00:27:40,158 That was definiteIy a test. 472 00:27:45,039 --> 00:27:46,372 MAN: It's aIl yours. 473 00:27:46,540 --> 00:27:47,957 WOMAN 1 : It was posted. Nobody folIowed.... 474 00:27:48,125 --> 00:27:50,960 WOMAN 2: Can I heIp you? Yeah. 475 00:27:51,503 --> 00:27:53,588 Oh, there she is. Melissa. 476 00:27:53,756 --> 00:27:55,590 Dr. Tannenbaum. 477 00:27:55,758 --> 00:27:57,216 You're earIy. 478 00:27:58,177 --> 00:28:00,219 PETER: I couIdn't wait to see you. 479 00:28:00,387 --> 00:28:03,056 CALLOWAY: WeIl, I'm fIattered. But this reaIIy isn't a good time. 480 00:28:03,223 --> 00:28:05,600 You don't mind waiting untiI this evening? I couIdn't wait. 481 00:28:05,768 --> 00:28:06,893 [PHONE RlNGS] 482 00:28:07,061 --> 00:28:08,519 Excuse me. 483 00:28:10,397 --> 00:28:11,481 Yes? POWELL: lt's Powell. 484 00:28:11,648 --> 00:28:13,566 Don't talk to anyone. l'm 1 0 minutes away. 485 00:28:13,734 --> 00:28:17,320 Doctor, what is going on? I'lI expIain when I get there. 486 00:28:19,323 --> 00:28:20,907 Doctor? 487 00:28:23,160 --> 00:28:25,578 PETER: Neal? NeaI? 488 00:28:25,746 --> 00:28:30,500 NEAL [SINGlNG]: Two lovers kissed And the world stood stiIl 489 00:28:31,877 --> 00:28:39,175 Still 490 00:28:40,094 --> 00:28:42,595 That was nature's way.... 491 00:28:42,971 --> 00:28:44,013 PETER: Oh, my God. 492 00:28:44,181 --> 00:28:45,681 High on a.... 493 00:28:45,849 --> 00:28:47,308 PETER: What did they do to you? 494 00:28:47,476 --> 00:28:48,810 Hey, buddy! 495 00:28:49,478 --> 00:28:51,729 Neal. Hi. 496 00:28:52,189 --> 00:28:53,564 Hey. 497 00:28:55,526 --> 00:28:58,361 High.... Hey. Shh, shh. 498 00:28:59,655 --> 00:29:01,656 We have to get you out of these restraints. 499 00:29:01,824 --> 00:29:04,117 Oh, you mean these? What? 500 00:29:04,284 --> 00:29:07,995 I never met a Iock I couIdn't pick. Exce?t my ankIet. 501 00:29:08,163 --> 00:29:10,164 AIl right. Come on. I don't know what-- 502 00:29:10,332 --> 00:29:11,332 You're strong. Yeah. 503 00:29:11,500 --> 00:29:12,667 You're strong. One-- 504 00:29:12,835 --> 00:29:14,127 Oh, I got it. I got it. 505 00:29:14,294 --> 00:29:16,129 Yeah, come on. I got it. 506 00:29:26,557 --> 00:29:28,433 Easy. Come on. 507 00:29:29,601 --> 00:29:30,935 I cannot beIieve you. 508 00:29:31,103 --> 00:29:32,854 Why wouId you do something Iike this? 509 00:29:33,021 --> 00:29:36,274 Peter, I've done so many worse things that you don't even know about. 510 00:29:36,442 --> 00:29:38,025 Okay. Just shut u?. 511 00:29:39,528 --> 00:29:41,320 Like what things? 512 00:29:42,114 --> 00:29:43,865 You remember the Antioch Manuscripts? 513 00:29:44,032 --> 00:29:46,159 You took those? How? 514 00:29:46,326 --> 00:29:48,578 Carrier pigeons. 515 00:29:48,871 --> 00:29:50,538 Think about it. 516 00:29:51,081 --> 00:29:53,040 Who cares? It's not what's important. 517 00:29:53,208 --> 00:29:56,294 It's not about money. It's about peopIe. 518 00:29:56,587 --> 00:29:59,213 Good. you're gonna be spending a Iot of quaIity time... 519 00:29:59,381 --> 00:30:01,883 ...with peopIe in orange jumpsuits once I get you out. 520 00:30:02,384 --> 00:30:04,010 AIl right. 521 00:30:05,012 --> 00:30:08,681 I'm going down once they see those security tapes of me breaking in here. 522 00:30:08,849 --> 00:30:10,349 There's surveiIIance cameras? 523 00:30:12,227 --> 00:30:15,062 Hey, before I go back, you shouId know this. 524 00:30:15,481 --> 00:30:20,443 Out of aIl the ?eopIe in my life, Mozzie, even kate, you know? 525 00:30:20,944 --> 00:30:22,987 You're the onIy one.... 526 00:30:23,363 --> 00:30:27,241 The onIy one what? The onIy person in my life I trust. 527 00:30:45,385 --> 00:30:47,094 Don't ?ick this. 528 00:30:50,933 --> 00:30:53,392 AIl right. Someone got into my office. 529 00:30:53,560 --> 00:30:56,270 The orderIies got him Iocked down so we can question him. 530 00:30:56,438 --> 00:31:00,775 Now, I wanna find out who he is and if he took anything. 531 00:31:00,943 --> 00:31:02,318 AIl right? 532 00:31:04,988 --> 00:31:07,240 I couId sIip you off. That wouIdn't be picking. 533 00:31:07,407 --> 00:31:09,408 That'd be sIipping. But.... 534 00:31:09,701 --> 00:31:16,082 [SINGING] Love is a many spIendored thing 535 00:31:17,793 --> 00:31:19,877 What is that? SurveiIlance tape. 536 00:31:22,297 --> 00:31:23,798 Peter? 537 00:31:23,966 --> 00:31:25,466 Let's go. 538 00:31:25,634 --> 00:31:29,804 You stoIe that for me? Yeah. lt's a regular kodak moment. 539 00:31:34,893 --> 00:31:37,061 NEAL: Oh, my head is kiIling me. 540 00:31:37,229 --> 00:31:39,146 ELlZABETH: Neal, are you aIl right? 541 00:31:39,314 --> 00:31:40,648 Hey, what about me? 542 00:31:40,816 --> 00:31:44,360 There's some dishes that need to be washed, Mr. Magic Hands. 543 00:31:45,654 --> 00:31:46,988 Do you want some more ice? 544 00:31:47,656 --> 00:31:48,656 Okay. 545 00:31:49,116 --> 00:31:50,783 I'II get some. 546 00:31:53,996 --> 00:31:55,496 PETER: You better have found something. 547 00:31:56,331 --> 00:31:59,375 I saw a Iist fuII of weaIthy cIients. 548 00:31:59,543 --> 00:32:01,752 AIl wiIIing to pay for organs if the time comes. 549 00:32:01,920 --> 00:32:03,337 Be nice if we can prove it. 550 00:32:03,672 --> 00:32:05,381 Maybe we can. 551 00:32:05,549 --> 00:32:06,924 There was another Iist. 552 00:32:07,092 --> 00:32:10,094 Hundreds of names and bIood types. Your fax. 553 00:32:11,972 --> 00:32:13,014 That's what this is. 554 00:32:13,432 --> 00:32:16,601 Yeah. They must be the donors PowelI has been targeting. 555 00:32:16,768 --> 00:32:18,185 OnIy four names came through? 556 00:32:18,353 --> 00:32:20,980 Four's enough. We can taIk to them. 557 00:32:27,070 --> 00:32:29,071 PETER: PowelI doesn't get his donors from overseas. 558 00:32:29,239 --> 00:32:32,074 He gets them from charity cases for Hearts Wide Open. 559 00:32:32,242 --> 00:32:36,120 Each of these four donors passed through PowelI's clinics for various treatments. 560 00:32:36,371 --> 00:32:39,790 Their bIood types were put on a master Iist which PoweIl ?uIled from... 561 00:32:39,958 --> 00:32:42,877 ...whenever a more affluent patient needed a transpIant. 562 00:32:43,045 --> 00:32:46,714 What's his connection to DoctoraI GIobal Initiative? Why so many trips to India? 563 00:32:46,882 --> 00:32:48,716 Remember, PoweIl has nephrosis. 564 00:32:48,884 --> 00:32:51,469 He's onIy got one kidney and he needs a new one. 565 00:32:51,637 --> 00:32:54,096 Not just any one. A zero mismatch. 566 00:32:54,264 --> 00:32:56,682 PowelI's been Iooking aII over the worId for this. 567 00:32:56,850 --> 00:33:01,729 The money from this charity scam is what sponsored and financed his search. 568 00:33:01,897 --> 00:33:05,191 The kidney donors you guys tracked down, how much did he offer them? 569 00:33:05,359 --> 00:33:08,903 Ten thousand dolIars each. But then he fIi?ped them for 200,000. 570 00:33:10,572 --> 00:33:12,657 We can't ?rove this. The donors won't testify. 571 00:33:12,824 --> 00:33:15,910 I'm gonna need out-of-the-box thinking from you guys on this one. 572 00:33:21,208 --> 00:33:22,708 Anyone? 573 00:33:24,127 --> 00:33:25,211 Caffrey, let's have it. 574 00:33:25,379 --> 00:33:28,130 If we can trace money PoweIl's made from his organ saIes... 575 00:33:28,298 --> 00:33:30,257 ...we can bring him down, right? Right. 576 00:33:30,425 --> 00:33:32,718 So let's make him spend that money. JONES: For what? 577 00:33:32,928 --> 00:33:34,595 The thing he wants most. 578 00:33:34,763 --> 00:33:36,639 NEAL: What are the symptoms of kidney faiIure? 579 00:33:39,810 --> 00:33:42,019 Major symptoms incIude headaches, weight Ioss... 580 00:33:42,187 --> 00:33:44,271 ...skin irritation, chilIs, fatigue and.... 581 00:33:44,439 --> 00:33:47,775 Ooh. Oh, that's not pretty. 582 00:33:47,943 --> 00:33:50,069 How many symptoms can we give him in a week? 583 00:33:50,237 --> 00:33:52,279 Three should do it. That'lI be enough? 584 00:33:52,447 --> 00:33:54,490 Guy this worried about it, it'II be enough. 585 00:33:54,658 --> 00:33:58,327 Okay. What do we start with? Let's see the worku? on him. 586 00:33:59,454 --> 00:34:01,455 JONES: l mean, one of the symptoms is headaches. 587 00:34:01,623 --> 00:34:02,957 We can swap his gIasses. 588 00:34:03,125 --> 00:34:06,127 I have a friend who wears glasses. We swap them out, he'II know. 589 00:34:06,294 --> 00:34:07,628 Fatigue. 590 00:34:08,255 --> 00:34:11,257 Weight loss. According to his file, he dropped off a suit... 591 00:34:11,425 --> 00:34:14,135 ...to have it dry-cleaned for an event this Tuesday night. 592 00:34:14,761 --> 00:34:17,930 The day before PowelI's due in, we'Il pick up his clothes... 593 00:34:19,933 --> 00:34:23,686 ...and swap them out for a larger size. He'Il think he's dropped a few pounds. 594 00:34:28,316 --> 00:34:31,277 PETER: When we have his clothes, we'Il give him his second problem. 595 00:34:31,778 --> 00:34:32,945 Skin irritation. 596 00:34:33,113 --> 00:34:34,822 How do we do that? We've got a spray. 597 00:34:35,407 --> 00:34:37,950 NEAL: You got an itching spray? PETER: We got a lot of things... 598 00:34:38,118 --> 00:34:40,244 ...you don't know about. NEAL: Wow. 599 00:34:40,704 --> 00:34:42,621 PETER: What? You're reaIly enjoying this. 600 00:34:42,789 --> 00:34:43,831 No. 601 00:34:43,999 --> 00:34:45,166 Maybe just a littIe. 602 00:34:52,549 --> 00:34:53,632 PETER: Third symptom. 603 00:34:53,800 --> 00:34:55,426 NEAL: That's gonna be the best one. 604 00:34:55,594 --> 00:34:57,178 Jones, what did you say it was? 605 00:34:58,513 --> 00:35:00,556 BIood in the urine. Wow. 606 00:35:00,724 --> 00:35:04,018 How are we gonna induce that? WeIl, there are com?ounds. 607 00:35:04,352 --> 00:35:06,187 Drugs? No, no. No drugs. 608 00:35:06,354 --> 00:35:09,273 Not drugs, so much as food coIoring for the body. 609 00:35:09,441 --> 00:35:10,775 PETER: How do we make him take it? 610 00:35:11,026 --> 00:35:13,152 NEAL: He gets his groceries deIivered, right? Yup. 611 00:35:13,320 --> 00:35:16,530 We can put it in his cranberry juice? Yeah. We inject it. 612 00:35:18,950 --> 00:35:22,286 Oh, excuse me. I was wondering if you couId heIp me. 613 00:35:24,498 --> 00:35:28,793 I'm looking for the CentraI Park? 614 00:35:29,169 --> 00:35:31,045 Let's say l go aIong with it, then what? 615 00:35:31,213 --> 00:35:33,130 Then PoweII gets the bad news. 616 00:35:33,298 --> 00:35:35,341 [POWELL SCREAMS] 617 00:35:40,722 --> 00:35:45,726 WOMAN: Blood in the urine, skin irritation, weight loss, that's not a good sign. 618 00:35:47,395 --> 00:35:48,479 It's faiIing, isn't it? 619 00:35:49,272 --> 00:35:52,691 We'II know more once the tests come back in a few days. 620 00:35:52,859 --> 00:35:55,236 UntiI then, rest. 621 00:36:04,871 --> 00:36:07,540 [PHONE RlNGS] 622 00:36:10,794 --> 00:36:13,087 Yes? NEAL: Dr. PowelI, can you hear me? 623 00:36:13,255 --> 00:36:16,674 lt's Dr. Parker from DGl, remember? I remember. 624 00:36:16,842 --> 00:36:21,220 Good, good. Listen, I'm in lndia, and l've got good news. 625 00:36:21,388 --> 00:36:22,513 Are you--? 626 00:36:22,681 --> 00:36:25,432 Are you saying that you have something for me? 627 00:36:25,600 --> 00:36:29,770 l'm saying you should buy a pIane ticket right away. 628 00:36:32,065 --> 00:36:33,816 PETER: Okay, how are we gonna knock him out? 629 00:36:33,984 --> 00:36:35,109 NEAL: That won't be a problem. 630 00:36:35,277 --> 00:36:37,444 JFk. And step on it. 631 00:36:37,612 --> 00:36:39,446 NEAL: He takes sleeping pilIs before he fIies. 632 00:36:39,614 --> 00:36:42,408 Care for some water, sir? ShouId do the trick. 633 00:36:55,505 --> 00:36:57,715 [SPEAKING IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE] 634 00:36:59,593 --> 00:37:01,468 What's happening? 635 00:37:01,636 --> 00:37:03,220 Where am I? Where am I? 636 00:37:03,388 --> 00:37:04,430 No, no, no! Hey, hey! 637 00:37:04,598 --> 00:37:06,515 No, no! Don't touch it! Hey! 638 00:37:09,269 --> 00:37:10,686 [MACHINE BEEPlNG] 639 00:37:10,854 --> 00:37:11,896 I.... 640 00:37:12,063 --> 00:37:15,524 [PEOPLE CHATTERlNG] 641 00:37:15,692 --> 00:37:17,276 NEAL: PIease don't touch that. 642 00:37:17,444 --> 00:37:20,487 The equi?ment here is very temperamentaI. What happened? 643 00:37:20,655 --> 00:37:23,115 You went into renaI failure during your fIight. 644 00:37:23,283 --> 00:37:24,491 You Ianded in Manipur. 645 00:37:24,659 --> 00:37:27,578 We had to remove your kidney and pIace you on diaIysis. 646 00:37:28,163 --> 00:37:31,665 But your body isn't toIerating it. It's.... 647 00:37:31,833 --> 00:37:33,459 Your bIood ?ressure's drop?ing. 648 00:37:33,627 --> 00:37:35,669 AIl right. ls the donor here? 649 00:37:35,837 --> 00:37:37,421 He is. And he's curious... 650 00:37:37,589 --> 00:37:40,341 ...about what kind of charitable contributions you can make. 651 00:37:40,508 --> 00:37:44,011 That's not gonna be a ?robIem. I can get you a hundred thousand by tomorrow. 652 00:37:44,512 --> 00:37:47,306 Oh, I was thinking more aIong the Iines of 30 milIion. 653 00:37:48,183 --> 00:37:49,767 Thirty milIion? 654 00:37:49,935 --> 00:37:51,352 Are you insane? 655 00:37:51,853 --> 00:37:54,521 How much is your Iife worth to you, doctor? 656 00:37:54,689 --> 00:37:57,191 You're shaking me down? I'm asking a question. 657 00:37:57,484 --> 00:37:58,776 I can.... 658 00:37:58,944 --> 00:38:01,820 I don't know. l can get you 2 miIlion. 659 00:38:02,155 --> 00:38:04,490 This isn't a negotiation. 660 00:38:04,658 --> 00:38:06,659 [SPEAKS IN FORElGN LANGUAGE] 661 00:38:07,661 --> 00:38:09,703 This machine shouId be free in the next hour. 662 00:38:10,038 --> 00:38:11,789 Wait, wait, wait. 663 00:38:11,957 --> 00:38:13,040 Wait. 664 00:38:13,208 --> 00:38:14,792 I have an account. 665 00:38:14,960 --> 00:38:17,878 There's not 30 miIIion in there, but it's cIose. 666 00:38:18,046 --> 00:38:20,965 AIl right? I can have that money transferred anywhere you want. 667 00:38:21,132 --> 00:38:22,675 No. That'II raise fIags. 668 00:38:22,842 --> 00:38:26,053 No, no, no. This account-- This is-- It's compIetely secure. 669 00:38:28,390 --> 00:38:31,100 What? AII right. 670 00:38:31,393 --> 00:38:34,478 You know, it was set up to siphon money from my charity. 671 00:38:34,646 --> 00:38:36,522 It was designed to be untraceabIe. 672 00:38:36,690 --> 00:38:40,693 It's at New Reserve 7741 96B. 673 00:38:40,860 --> 00:38:41,902 Password: cranberry. 674 00:38:42,070 --> 00:38:44,196 Then l have what l want. 675 00:38:44,406 --> 00:38:46,991 Let's see how quickly we can get you heaIthy again. 676 00:38:52,247 --> 00:38:54,748 [MACHINE POWERS DOWN] 677 00:38:56,042 --> 00:38:59,003 POWELL: Hey, Dr. Parker? The machine stopped working. 678 00:38:59,796 --> 00:39:01,422 Nurse? 679 00:39:02,048 --> 00:39:03,882 HeIIo? 680 00:39:27,157 --> 00:39:29,658 [CHATTERlNG STOPS] 681 00:39:47,510 --> 00:39:50,304 WeIcome back to New York, Dr. PoweIl. 682 00:40:06,112 --> 00:40:07,321 MAN: No, I know. You have to. 683 00:40:08,198 --> 00:40:10,157 June, l want you to know we got PowelI. 684 00:40:10,617 --> 00:40:12,534 Once he tied himself to the account... 685 00:40:12,702 --> 00:40:15,496 ...the rest of his operation came tumbling down. 686 00:40:15,872 --> 00:40:18,665 Thank you. TeII her the best part. 687 00:40:19,459 --> 00:40:22,002 Samantha is back at her originaI s?ot on the Iist. 688 00:40:22,879 --> 00:40:26,006 In Iight of the scandaI, we were abIe to make calIs to the Registry. 689 00:40:26,174 --> 00:40:29,176 Convince them to reexamine their position. 690 00:40:29,844 --> 00:40:31,345 She's ?retty good. 691 00:40:31,513 --> 00:40:33,222 Yeah, she is. 692 00:40:33,473 --> 00:40:35,099 PETER: Let me know how the game turns out. 693 00:40:35,266 --> 00:40:37,017 Wait. Aren't you staying? No. 694 00:40:37,185 --> 00:40:38,811 I've gotta pick up my wife. 695 00:40:38,978 --> 00:40:40,354 She just doesn't know it yet. 696 00:40:53,660 --> 00:40:55,119 PETER: Hi there. 697 00:40:56,246 --> 00:40:59,164 I couIdn't heIp but notice you were sitting alone. 698 00:40:59,332 --> 00:41:02,543 WeIl, my husband's at work. It happens a lot. 699 00:41:02,710 --> 00:41:07,631 PETER: Hm. He must be good at his job. 700 00:41:07,882 --> 00:41:11,885 WeIl, actuaIIy, his ?artner does a Iot of the heavy lifting. 701 00:41:12,053 --> 00:41:13,512 Oh, realIy? 702 00:41:13,680 --> 00:41:16,056 If that's the case... 703 00:41:16,224 --> 00:41:19,560 ...l bet it's because your husband is distracted by thoughts of you. 704 00:41:20,228 --> 00:41:21,478 Interesting theory. 705 00:41:22,730 --> 00:41:25,566 Bet his favorite ?art of the day is coming home to that smiIe. 706 00:41:26,276 --> 00:41:28,819 Wherever he is, he's a Iucky man. 707 00:41:29,654 --> 00:41:31,238 I kee? teIling him that. 708 00:41:35,034 --> 00:41:36,952 You Iook thirsty. 709 00:41:37,996 --> 00:41:39,496 So that Iine does work. 710 00:41:39,747 --> 00:41:40,831 Every time. 711 00:41:43,585 --> 00:41:48,213 By the way, I'm Dr. Tannenbaum. 712 00:41:48,506 --> 00:41:49,548 Chiropractor. 713 00:41:50,717 --> 00:41:53,594 I'm toId I have magic hands. 714 00:41:54,262 --> 00:41:56,555 Okay. Now you're dead. 715 00:41:58,975 --> 00:42:01,393 Just fade away 716 00:42:42,143 --> 00:42:43,143 [PLACED SDH - PSDH]