1 00:00:02,127 --> 00:00:03,878 NARRATOR: Previously on White CoIlar: 2 00:00:04,046 --> 00:00:07,548 Why'd NeaI run with three months Ieft? MAN: That's what we're wondering. 3 00:00:07,716 --> 00:00:12,095 WeIl, we're not gonna catch Caffrey using roadbIocks and wanted posters. 4 00:00:12,262 --> 00:00:17,183 kate says adios to you at prison. Then gets busy with her disapPearing act. 5 00:00:17,351 --> 00:00:18,434 Missed her by two days. 6 00:00:18,977 --> 00:00:20,603 You can get me out of here. 7 00:00:20,771 --> 00:00:23,606 There's case Iaw. I can be reIeased into your custody. 8 00:00:23,774 --> 00:00:26,693 GPS tracking ankIet. The new ones are tamPerproof... 9 00:00:26,860 --> 00:00:29,278 ...never been skipped on. PETER: Let me see it. 10 00:00:31,615 --> 00:00:34,409 Forgeries you caught me on, l signed them. Where? 11 00:00:34,702 --> 00:00:36,953 Look at the seal under Polarized light sometime. 12 00:00:37,121 --> 00:00:41,958 MOZZIE: ApParentIy, if a tree faIIs in the forest, it does make a sound. 13 00:00:42,126 --> 00:00:43,418 NEAL: I may lose her again, Moz. 14 00:00:43,585 --> 00:00:46,295 MOZZIE: Lose her? l just found her. NEAL: So did he. 15 00:00:46,630 --> 00:00:48,214 kate! kate! 16 00:00:48,382 --> 00:00:49,549 So you know who has Kate? 17 00:00:49,717 --> 00:00:52,260 WOMAN: I don't have a name, but l know this: 18 00:00:52,636 --> 00:00:54,637 He's FBI. 19 00:01:06,817 --> 00:01:08,818 MOZZIE: So the guy who has kate is in the FBl? 20 00:01:08,986 --> 00:01:10,069 NEAL: APparentIy. 21 00:01:10,237 --> 00:01:11,654 MOZZIE: This confirms everything. 22 00:01:11,822 --> 00:01:12,864 NEAL: Moz, take it easy. 23 00:01:13,031 --> 00:01:15,074 MOZZIE: lf you lay with dogs, you get up with fleas. 24 00:01:15,242 --> 00:01:17,827 I couId Iive without the fortune-cookie commentary. 25 00:01:17,995 --> 00:01:22,498 Now you understand my fear of the man. You're back with us, my friend. 26 00:01:22,666 --> 00:01:25,418 The fearful masses. WeIcome back. 27 00:01:25,586 --> 00:01:28,629 Suspects? How many fieId offices does the FBl have? 28 00:01:28,797 --> 00:01:31,007 Fifty-six, not incIuding resident agencies. 29 00:01:31,175 --> 00:01:33,718 Then l have a lot of suspects. How do we draw him out? 30 00:01:33,886 --> 00:01:36,012 We don't. It's his move. 31 00:01:36,305 --> 00:01:38,139 [PHONE RlNGING] 32 00:01:39,308 --> 00:01:41,267 Morning, Peter. Where are you? 33 00:01:41,435 --> 00:01:42,977 WeIl, within my 2-mile radius. 34 00:01:43,145 --> 00:01:45,563 5here are you? I'm at my dining room tabIe. 35 00:01:45,731 --> 00:01:48,441 Listen, we've got a susPected jeweIry heist. 36 00:01:48,609 --> 00:01:52,361 I'm intrigued. Meet me at 1 4th and 9th in 30. 37 00:01:52,529 --> 00:01:54,697 That's Le Joyau Precieux. I'm more intrigued. 38 00:01:54,865 --> 00:01:57,492 The most exPensive cIothing boutique in the city... 39 00:01:57,659 --> 00:02:00,453 ...of course you'd know it. You're gonna love this. 40 00:02:01,997 --> 00:02:04,040 So, what do I do? Nothing. 41 00:02:04,208 --> 00:02:07,543 How about you? I suffer through another day of work. 42 00:02:09,713 --> 00:02:12,173 And eat breakfast aIone. 43 00:02:13,550 --> 00:02:15,635 So, what haPpened at Le Joyau? 44 00:02:16,053 --> 00:02:19,305 Don't know yet. They caIIed and were a Iittle light on the detaiIs. 45 00:02:19,473 --> 00:02:23,559 They may or may not have been robbed. So they calIed the FbI, not the Police? 46 00:02:23,727 --> 00:02:25,478 It must be my dazzIing rePutation. 47 00:02:25,813 --> 00:02:28,898 I don't know what can be so vaIuabIe at a cIothing store. 48 00:02:29,066 --> 00:02:32,568 HopefulIy nothing to do with the promotion. What promotion? 49 00:02:32,945 --> 00:02:36,197 They're dispIaying the worId's most exotic pink diamond. 50 00:02:36,573 --> 00:02:38,491 That might have something to do with it. 51 00:02:46,792 --> 00:02:50,336 WeIl, this is something you don't see every day, excePt maybe if you're you. 52 00:02:50,504 --> 00:02:52,880 Hi. Agent Peter Burke. 53 00:02:54,591 --> 00:02:56,092 It's Iike Buckingham PaIace. 54 00:02:56,260 --> 00:02:58,928 I've been to Buckingham PaIace. This is better. 55 00:02:59,763 --> 00:03:01,514 Agent Burke? Yeah. 56 00:03:01,682 --> 00:03:05,768 This is a deIicate situation. I'd apPreciate if we couId keeP this discreet. 57 00:03:06,186 --> 00:03:08,938 keeP what discreet? You were vague on your telephone caII. 58 00:03:09,106 --> 00:03:10,606 You're aware of this promotion? 59 00:03:11,692 --> 00:03:14,861 A disPIay of the most exotic pink diamond in the world. 60 00:03:15,279 --> 00:03:17,780 NEAL: Forty-two carat Steinmetz Pink set in PIatinum. 61 00:03:17,948 --> 00:03:19,365 MANAGER: It may have been stoIen. 62 00:03:19,533 --> 00:03:21,075 NEAL: Worried it's a forgery? Yes. 63 00:03:21,243 --> 00:03:24,453 What makes you think it's a fake? FoIIow me, please. 64 00:03:32,296 --> 00:03:35,798 MANAGER: When I arrived this morning, everything was as it shouId be. 65 00:03:35,966 --> 00:03:39,302 We removed the necklace from the vault, oPened the show as pIanned. 66 00:03:39,469 --> 00:03:43,014 When we were doing our mandatory review of Iast night's security taPes... 67 00:03:43,181 --> 00:03:44,932 ...we saw this. 68 00:03:45,100 --> 00:03:47,018 NEAL: Saw what? 69 00:03:47,185 --> 00:03:48,769 PETER: That's your vauIt? MANAGER: yes. 70 00:03:48,937 --> 00:03:51,314 The neckIace was stored there for 1 0 hours... 71 00:03:51,481 --> 00:03:55,109 ...between its arrival Iast night and the oPening of the show this morning. 72 00:03:59,114 --> 00:04:02,950 That's your first cIue? Why is the necklace stiII on the modeI? 73 00:04:03,118 --> 00:04:06,245 It's oPening day. This is the promotionaI event of the year. 74 00:04:06,413 --> 00:04:09,165 I don't care. you've got a masked man entering your vauIt. 75 00:04:09,333 --> 00:04:11,167 I'm shutting you down. 76 00:04:18,592 --> 00:04:20,426 JONES: Okay, let's go. The store's cIosed. 77 00:04:20,594 --> 00:04:22,803 There's nothing to see here. What's going on? 78 00:04:23,847 --> 00:04:26,933 You just became a very beautiful crime scene. 79 00:04:42,616 --> 00:04:44,659 Lauren, have aII the modeIs wait over there. 80 00:04:44,826 --> 00:04:46,285 Nobody Ieaves. Okay. 81 00:04:46,453 --> 00:04:50,581 We're not positive it's a counterfeit. Our aPpraiser's stiII on a PIane. 82 00:04:50,749 --> 00:04:53,542 If it turns out to be a mistake, the money we would lose... 83 00:04:53,710 --> 00:04:57,213 ...not to mention our credibiIity, wouId be-- I've got my own apPraiser. 84 00:04:59,549 --> 00:05:01,133 HeIIo again. 85 00:05:01,301 --> 00:05:02,385 Just.... 86 00:05:13,355 --> 00:05:16,691 Is it fake? He's taIking about the neckIace, right? 87 00:05:16,858 --> 00:05:19,735 It's beautiful work. Thank you. 88 00:05:20,904 --> 00:05:22,321 That answers that question. 89 00:05:22,489 --> 00:05:24,323 I need a closer look. Take it off her. 90 00:05:24,491 --> 00:05:26,826 Trying to Preserve crime scene. It's Preserved. 91 00:05:31,081 --> 00:05:32,581 Thank you. 92 00:05:44,261 --> 00:05:45,386 No. 93 00:05:45,554 --> 00:05:47,930 No. It's synthetic. 94 00:05:48,598 --> 00:05:52,393 There's no such thing as a synthetic Pink of that size. lt simPly doesn't exist. 95 00:05:52,561 --> 00:05:55,604 Pink is difficuIt to match. It's achieved by using radiation... 96 00:05:55,772 --> 00:05:59,775 ...which creates an extremeIy fine occlusion that's virtualIy imPossibIe to detect... 97 00:06:00,068 --> 00:06:02,028 ...unless you're Iooking for it. 98 00:06:06,867 --> 00:06:09,285 MANAGER: I don't know how this couId've hapPened. 99 00:06:09,453 --> 00:06:12,955 No one knew when the neckIace was to arrive or where it was to be stored. 100 00:06:13,498 --> 00:06:16,542 AIl right. l'm gonna need aIibis from everyone who worked here... 101 00:06:16,710 --> 00:06:19,670 ...and anybody who knew the diamonds were in the vauIt. 102 00:06:19,838 --> 00:06:23,466 What about our boy with the mask? You have surveiIIance on how he got in? 103 00:06:23,633 --> 00:06:27,678 Our security cameras onIy record what haPpens on the floor and in the vauIt itseIf. 104 00:06:27,846 --> 00:06:30,139 We don't record the haIIways. 105 00:06:30,307 --> 00:06:32,850 We have a back door but the aIarm was never triggered. 106 00:06:33,018 --> 00:06:34,977 He must have tamPered with the system. 107 00:06:35,562 --> 00:06:38,814 You think he hacked the aIarm? Hey. Hacked the aIarm? 108 00:06:38,982 --> 00:06:42,151 PossibIe if you couId find the camera's blind spots and sneak past. 109 00:06:42,319 --> 00:06:44,653 Is that what you'd do? It's one option. 110 00:06:45,989 --> 00:06:48,157 I'm gonna confiscate your surveilIance video... 111 00:06:48,325 --> 00:06:50,659 ...the neckIace-- We'II need you for questioning. 112 00:06:51,828 --> 00:06:54,330 What's it Iike to be a model? I bet it's fun. 113 00:06:54,498 --> 00:06:56,999 Right? WaIking around catwaIks-- Caffrey. 114 00:06:59,586 --> 00:07:01,420 It's Iegit. 115 00:07:11,098 --> 00:07:14,016 ERT's going over the aIarm system but this guy's a pro. 116 00:07:14,184 --> 00:07:16,143 Think they'lI find any Prints? No. 117 00:07:16,311 --> 00:07:17,603 You okay? 118 00:07:18,688 --> 00:07:21,690 NEAL: Who's that? I don't know. Hughes doesn't look hapPy. 119 00:07:21,858 --> 00:07:24,401 OPR's here. That expIains why. 120 00:07:24,569 --> 00:07:28,322 OPR? Office of ProfessionaI ResPonsibility. 121 00:07:28,490 --> 00:07:30,866 Police have Internal Affairs. We have OPR. 122 00:07:31,868 --> 00:07:33,911 Hughes wants you in the office. 123 00:07:34,079 --> 00:07:36,038 Of course he does. 124 00:07:44,798 --> 00:07:47,842 HUGHES: Agent Burke, this is Garrett FowIer. 125 00:07:48,009 --> 00:07:49,176 OPR. 126 00:07:49,344 --> 00:07:51,345 Bad news traveIs fast. Yes, it does. 127 00:07:51,513 --> 00:07:54,807 As far as anyone knows, he's here for a standard review. 128 00:07:54,975 --> 00:07:58,644 Yeah, because that Iine always works. Nobody's gonna buy that bridge today. 129 00:07:59,146 --> 00:08:01,313 That's my fiIe. Yes, it is. 130 00:08:01,481 --> 00:08:07,027 It's imPressive work. l wanted to taIk about the case you're currentIy investigating. 131 00:08:07,195 --> 00:08:08,737 The jeweIry heist? Why? 132 00:08:08,905 --> 00:08:13,075 The onIy peoPIe that knew that diamond was gonna be Placed in the vauIt... 133 00:08:13,243 --> 00:08:15,494 ...were a few key N.Y.P.D. brass. 134 00:08:15,662 --> 00:08:18,497 And a handful of FBl agents. You think it's an inside job. 135 00:08:20,292 --> 00:08:22,585 And you aIready have a susPect, don't you? 136 00:08:23,837 --> 00:08:26,088 You know where NeaI Caffrey was Iast night? 137 00:08:26,256 --> 00:08:28,924 Am I being interrogated here? You're not. 138 00:08:29,634 --> 00:08:31,594 This whole thing is a waste of time. 139 00:08:31,761 --> 00:08:34,263 Caffrey didn't do it. He wears an electronic ankIet. 140 00:08:34,431 --> 00:08:37,349 It records everywhere he goes. Just puII it up. 141 00:08:37,517 --> 00:08:38,601 Oh, we did that. 142 00:08:39,269 --> 00:08:42,146 And? Some of the data's missing for last night. 143 00:08:42,314 --> 00:08:44,732 PETER: Missing? Went dark for six hours. 144 00:08:44,900 --> 00:08:47,026 Impossible. That ankIet can't be tampered with. 145 00:08:47,194 --> 00:08:51,572 No, it can't, but evidentIy, the database where the information is stored can be. 146 00:08:51,740 --> 00:08:53,782 Someone wiPed out six hours of tracking data. 147 00:08:53,950 --> 00:08:56,869 Then l suggest that you Iurk around the U.S. Marshal's office. 148 00:08:57,037 --> 00:09:00,873 They're the peoPIe who monitor that. Caffrey beIongs to the bureau. 149 00:09:01,041 --> 00:09:03,209 That makes him our probIem. 150 00:09:09,633 --> 00:09:11,050 Any leads? 151 00:09:11,218 --> 00:09:14,595 This is a short Iist of suspects capabIe of puIling this off. 152 00:09:14,763 --> 00:09:17,473 The best ones are aIready incarcerated. This guy is dead. 153 00:09:17,641 --> 00:09:20,476 Okay. List just got shorter. 154 00:09:23,230 --> 00:09:25,648 Adrian TuIane. This is our prime suspect? 155 00:09:25,815 --> 00:09:29,818 It's a toP-notch forgery. Not many peopIe are caPabIe of this kind of work. 156 00:09:29,986 --> 00:09:31,320 What about you? 157 00:09:31,488 --> 00:09:35,241 If l were IegaIIy aIlowed within 50 feet of the right equiPment, maybe. 158 00:09:35,408 --> 00:09:36,617 TuIane's smart. 159 00:09:36,785 --> 00:09:40,704 And a showman. Cameras don't scare him. He has the faciIities to puIl this off. 160 00:09:40,872 --> 00:09:45,668 It's got his signature aII over it. AIl right. Let's taIk to him. 161 00:09:53,260 --> 00:09:55,844 What is with you? You're like a kid on a sugar high. 162 00:09:56,012 --> 00:09:59,473 You don't understand. TuIane is a legend. A Iegend? Don't overselI him. 163 00:09:59,641 --> 00:10:03,185 It's Iike you meeting Eliot Ness. EIiot Ne--? 164 00:10:12,696 --> 00:10:17,491 Doing a Puzzle with your girIfriend, huh? That's a nice, wholesome famiIy activity. 165 00:10:17,659 --> 00:10:19,660 How can l helP you, Agent...? 166 00:10:19,828 --> 00:10:22,871 Burke, FBl. You're Tulane? 167 00:10:23,206 --> 00:10:24,623 You know I am. 168 00:10:24,958 --> 00:10:27,084 Yeah, l do. 169 00:10:27,252 --> 00:10:30,713 I wanna ask you a few questions. You famiIiar with--? 170 00:10:30,880 --> 00:10:33,549 The diamond neckIace that was stolen from Joyau Precieux? 171 00:10:34,134 --> 00:10:35,551 Yeah, that. 172 00:10:35,719 --> 00:10:39,888 Whenever something like this hapPens, I get a visit from someone Iike you. 173 00:10:40,557 --> 00:10:42,224 That's why I try to be Prepared. 174 00:10:42,392 --> 00:10:46,395 You'II find PIane tickets confirming I arrived in the country this morning. 175 00:10:47,230 --> 00:10:50,316 And you're gonna Iove the photos from my trip to Madrid Iast week. 176 00:10:50,483 --> 00:10:53,736 [TULANE WHISTLES, THEN LAUGHS] 177 00:10:53,903 --> 00:10:55,195 Anything else? 178 00:11:01,369 --> 00:11:03,620 What's that suPposed to be? A cloud? 179 00:11:04,497 --> 00:11:05,539 No. 180 00:11:08,043 --> 00:11:09,877 I'II be in touch. 181 00:11:11,046 --> 00:11:13,255 Stop grinning. What? The guy is sIick. 182 00:11:13,715 --> 00:11:16,050 WeIl, Iet's hoPe he's guiIty too. 183 00:11:20,263 --> 00:11:22,222 NEAL: Hey, man. Just curious. 184 00:11:22,390 --> 00:11:26,185 The Uffizi job, did you...? 185 00:11:26,811 --> 00:11:29,104 Right, right, right. 186 00:11:29,356 --> 00:11:33,317 I love your alIeged work. Big fan. 187 00:11:40,450 --> 00:11:41,909 PETER: Oh, that was a bust. 188 00:11:42,077 --> 00:11:44,203 NEAL: Why disapPointed? This is the part you Iike. 189 00:11:44,371 --> 00:11:46,497 Moving the Pieces. Solving the Puzzle. 190 00:11:46,664 --> 00:11:48,248 I am moving the pieces. 191 00:11:49,417 --> 00:11:51,752 What were you doing the night of the heist? 192 00:11:51,920 --> 00:11:53,379 Went over some case files. 193 00:11:53,546 --> 00:11:55,923 That's it? Didn't hang out with anybody? 194 00:11:56,091 --> 00:12:00,260 June? The short guy? I don't have an alibi. 195 00:12:00,470 --> 00:12:04,014 Look, l get it. lnside job, diamond forgery, OPR's in town. 196 00:12:04,182 --> 00:12:06,642 I'm sure I'm at the top of the list. 197 00:12:09,646 --> 00:12:10,979 I am the Iist, aren't I? 198 00:12:12,107 --> 00:12:14,274 Did you do it? Come on, man. 199 00:12:14,442 --> 00:12:18,153 Did you do it? I didn't do it. 200 00:12:18,488 --> 00:12:20,864 I'm teIling you the truth, Peter. 201 00:12:37,215 --> 00:12:39,091 JONES: Hey, Iooking for me? 202 00:12:41,344 --> 00:12:43,470 Yeah. l need you to Iook into this. 203 00:12:46,182 --> 00:12:48,475 It's forged bonds. Some of Caffrey's oId work. 204 00:12:48,643 --> 00:12:52,646 I need you to look at them under a poIarized Iight for a signature. 205 00:12:52,814 --> 00:12:53,856 Neal's signature? 206 00:12:54,023 --> 00:12:57,317 When I arrested Caffrey the second time, toId me he signed the bonds. 207 00:12:57,485 --> 00:13:00,863 Wanna know if that's true or he's bragging. Okay. 208 00:13:03,825 --> 00:13:06,452 Is this related to our fake diamonds? 209 00:13:08,037 --> 00:13:09,163 Let's hope it's not. 210 00:13:16,713 --> 00:13:18,505 I aPpreciate the irony. 211 00:13:18,673 --> 00:13:21,341 We're looking into them and they're Iooking into you. 212 00:13:21,509 --> 00:13:23,218 TeII me what you got. Okay. 213 00:13:23,386 --> 00:13:25,846 I checked into Peter's boss, Hughes. 214 00:13:26,014 --> 00:13:29,683 This guy's a legend. Been with the FBI for 25 years. 215 00:13:29,851 --> 00:13:33,187 They were forced to make him retire, found a looPhoIe, brought him back. 216 00:13:33,354 --> 00:13:34,396 SkeIetons? 217 00:13:34,564 --> 00:13:35,689 [MOZZlE SPEAKS IN SPANISH] 218 00:13:35,857 --> 00:13:40,819 And I checked that Agent Ruiz who handIes organized crime... 219 00:13:40,987 --> 00:13:45,407 ...lots of skeIetons there, but I don't think he's smart enough. 220 00:13:45,575 --> 00:13:49,786 Checked Jones. Did you know his first name is CIinton? 221 00:13:49,954 --> 00:13:51,997 Checked into Lauren. 222 00:13:52,165 --> 00:13:55,918 You checked Lauren? You said check everybody. 223 00:13:56,085 --> 00:14:02,758 Then there's this guy from OPR, Fowler. What about him? 224 00:14:02,926 --> 00:14:05,177 MOZZIE: Used to work Violent Crimes for the bureau. 225 00:14:05,345 --> 00:14:08,222 Wife was kiIIed during a robbery and he took a year Ieave. 226 00:14:08,389 --> 00:14:10,724 Then he joined OPR and his fiIes were sealed. 227 00:14:10,892 --> 00:14:12,559 SeaIed? lnteresting. 228 00:14:12,727 --> 00:14:14,686 He showed uP fast after this went down. 229 00:14:15,480 --> 00:14:18,273 Have a ring? No. No ring. 230 00:14:18,441 --> 00:14:20,442 Tan Iine? No. 231 00:14:20,610 --> 00:14:22,277 That doesn't mean it's not him. 232 00:14:22,779 --> 00:14:27,115 I hope not. OPR is Iike this giant sucking bIack hoIe. 233 00:14:27,283 --> 00:14:30,077 AccountabIe only to the DOJ. Department of Justice? 234 00:14:30,245 --> 00:14:33,413 WeIl, the DOJ is just a euphemism... 235 00:14:33,581 --> 00:14:35,916 ...of course, for the miIitary industrial comPlex. 236 00:14:36,084 --> 00:14:39,086 And big oiI, right? Goes without saying. 237 00:14:39,796 --> 00:14:43,757 Um.... By the way, that neckIace.... 238 00:14:45,009 --> 00:14:46,218 Yeah? 239 00:14:47,804 --> 00:14:48,887 Did you--? I didn't. 240 00:14:49,055 --> 00:14:50,097 If you need a fence-- 241 00:14:50,265 --> 00:14:51,974 Moz. Oh, okay. Okay, got it. 242 00:14:52,141 --> 00:14:53,433 I get it. 243 00:14:55,770 --> 00:14:59,106 We can't figure how he stole it, we can try grab him when he fences it. 244 00:14:59,274 --> 00:15:02,150 It's a unique Piece. It's too hot for the market right now. 245 00:15:02,318 --> 00:15:05,779 Brunei is an interesting angIe because the market there is Iess rigid. 246 00:15:07,323 --> 00:15:09,950 Language barrier can be a chalIenge because one time-- 247 00:15:10,118 --> 00:15:13,161 Neal Caffrey, you're under arrest. 248 00:15:13,913 --> 00:15:15,289 What? 249 00:15:16,583 --> 00:15:19,668 We found that the signature NC microprinted on the fake diamond... 250 00:15:19,836 --> 00:15:23,005 ...it matches the signature on the counterfeit bonds he made. See? 251 00:15:24,674 --> 00:15:26,675 That's good work, Agent Burke. 252 00:15:27,552 --> 00:15:29,678 Let's go. Stop. 253 00:15:31,389 --> 00:15:32,848 He's my resPonsibility. 254 00:15:33,891 --> 00:15:37,019 Peter-- Neal, you have the right to remain siIent. 255 00:15:37,979 --> 00:15:39,104 I didn't do this. 256 00:15:39,272 --> 00:15:41,440 Remain siIent. PIease. 257 00:15:45,194 --> 00:15:46,695 AIl right, let's go. 258 00:16:33,242 --> 00:16:35,952 You Iet me down, Neal. I let you down? 259 00:16:36,120 --> 00:16:38,080 You told Fowler to Iook for my initials. 260 00:16:38,247 --> 00:16:41,667 And you toId me to Iook at your bonds under a poIarized Iight, remember? 261 00:16:41,834 --> 00:16:44,878 WeIl, guess what. l did. And, yeah, you signed them. 262 00:16:45,046 --> 00:16:48,757 Think l'd be stuPid enough to do that again? I guess you were. 263 00:16:50,093 --> 00:16:53,303 The thief is associated with Iaw enforcement. 264 00:16:53,471 --> 00:16:54,888 Your anklet was tampered with. 265 00:16:55,056 --> 00:16:57,724 You have no alibi. And your initiaIs are on that diamond. 266 00:16:57,892 --> 00:16:59,518 What am I to think? I was set uP. 267 00:16:59,686 --> 00:17:02,771 By who? I'm working on that. 268 00:17:06,901 --> 00:17:08,985 You're not heIPing things. 269 00:17:09,320 --> 00:17:10,362 MAN: Agent Burke? What? 270 00:17:10,530 --> 00:17:11,571 His Iawyer's here. 271 00:17:15,660 --> 00:17:19,913 He's a Iawyer? Check my University of Phoenix degree. 272 00:17:20,081 --> 00:17:25,293 Go, Cardinals. Now if you don't mind, I'd Iike to sPeak to my cIient alone. 273 00:17:29,465 --> 00:17:30,757 I didn't Iet you down. 274 00:17:38,516 --> 00:17:39,933 AIl right. Any ProbIems? 275 00:17:40,101 --> 00:17:41,935 None. This was genius. 276 00:17:42,103 --> 00:17:44,688 I don't know why we didn't think of this earIier. 277 00:17:45,940 --> 00:17:49,735 And here the man is now. Agent Burke. Yeah. 278 00:17:49,902 --> 00:17:52,612 An exceIlent job yesterday. APpreciate the cooPeration. 279 00:17:53,197 --> 00:17:56,450 You know, Caffrey was a great asset. He did good work for us. 280 00:17:56,743 --> 00:18:00,120 Yeah, maybe. But don't forget he's a criminal. Good job. 281 00:18:01,998 --> 00:18:05,667 Guys, l wanna PuII out the paPerwork on 2b. 282 00:18:06,043 --> 00:18:07,461 We have a problem. 283 00:18:07,628 --> 00:18:11,840 Caffrey's lawyer just requested every fiIe the bureau has on him. 284 00:18:12,008 --> 00:18:13,925 The judge ordered us to comPly. 285 00:18:19,932 --> 00:18:23,268 The judge actualIy raised his voice to the Prosecutor. 286 00:18:23,436 --> 00:18:27,022 "OPen discovery. Turn over every document the government has on Caffrey." 287 00:18:27,190 --> 00:18:29,524 They're sending a truck. Did you foIlow FowIer? 288 00:18:29,692 --> 00:18:33,695 Yup. Once the request went through, he made a Pit stop at a IocaI Dumpster. 289 00:18:33,863 --> 00:18:36,490 He shredded these. Perfect. 290 00:18:36,657 --> 00:18:38,867 Thank you, Moz. This is Perfect. 291 00:18:39,410 --> 00:18:42,412 Information on the judge? Mm-hm. 292 00:18:44,582 --> 00:18:49,211 He's got a Private office not connected to the federal buiIding on Mott Street. 293 00:18:49,629 --> 00:18:52,214 Moz, l need you to Iiquidate some assets. I need money. 294 00:18:52,590 --> 00:18:55,383 Why? I want you to buy a bakery. 295 00:19:00,264 --> 00:19:02,140 So aIl Tulane's information checks out. 296 00:19:02,308 --> 00:19:04,518 He's eerily cIean. Of course he is. 297 00:19:04,685 --> 00:19:08,855 What's NeaI's lawyer been up to? Not much. LegalIy, we can't foIIow him. 298 00:19:09,023 --> 00:19:10,690 Attorney-cIient PriviIeges. Yeah. 299 00:19:10,858 --> 00:19:13,360 So we have no idea what he's doing? 300 00:19:13,528 --> 00:19:16,905 WeIl, we do know he made a Iarge reaI estate Purchase in Neal's name. 301 00:19:17,073 --> 00:19:19,074 What? He bought a bakery? 302 00:19:19,242 --> 00:19:21,409 That's what it Iooks Iike. Why buy a bakery? 303 00:19:21,577 --> 00:19:23,745 We don't even know where the thing is Iocated. 304 00:19:24,080 --> 00:19:26,081 We have a lease with a redacted address. 305 00:19:26,249 --> 00:19:28,750 Attorney-cIient PriviIeges. Covers a lot of sins. 306 00:19:29,377 --> 00:19:30,877 A bakery? 307 00:20:29,687 --> 00:20:30,937 Bakery? Done. 308 00:20:31,105 --> 00:20:32,981 Construction? Finished. 309 00:20:33,149 --> 00:20:35,233 How's air conditioning in the judge's office? 310 00:20:35,401 --> 00:20:38,069 Hm. Broke down this morning. AIl right. 311 00:20:38,529 --> 00:20:40,488 Let's go to court. 312 00:20:41,032 --> 00:20:43,825 PETER: Hey, you. ELlZABETH: Oh, hey. You got my message. 313 00:20:43,993 --> 00:20:46,036 PETER: I did. Thank you. 314 00:20:46,495 --> 00:20:48,538 ELlZABETH: I wanted you to have a familiar face here. 315 00:20:48,706 --> 00:20:50,373 PETER: WeIl, I'lI take yours anytime. 316 00:20:50,541 --> 00:20:55,462 So are you sure NeaI did this? Yeah, l am. 317 00:20:55,630 --> 00:20:58,632 Of course, he says he was framed. Maybe he was. 318 00:20:58,799 --> 00:21:00,842 PETER: I wish it was true. 319 00:21:01,010 --> 00:21:03,887 Hey, what's up? Hi. So the arraignment's been moved. 320 00:21:04,055 --> 00:21:06,431 Why? Neal said he's gonna confess. 321 00:21:06,974 --> 00:21:08,516 So l guess you were right. 322 00:21:08,684 --> 00:21:09,851 Neal never confesses. 323 00:21:10,019 --> 00:21:13,188 Important PeoPle were gonna be named and he won't do it open court. 324 00:21:13,356 --> 00:21:14,773 So they moved the proceedings. 325 00:21:14,941 --> 00:21:17,108 Where? Judge's chambers around the corner. 326 00:21:18,527 --> 00:21:21,863 Honey, I'lI caII you later, okay? Get ahoId of Hughes. 327 00:21:22,031 --> 00:21:24,950 BaiIiff, wouId you oPen the window? 328 00:21:25,701 --> 00:21:28,703 Oh, the heat is stifIing in here. 329 00:21:28,871 --> 00:21:32,040 UnfortunateIy, the air conditioning is not working today. 330 00:21:33,834 --> 00:21:35,627 Thank you. PIease wait outside. 331 00:21:37,713 --> 00:21:39,464 Per your request, Mr. Caffrey... 332 00:21:39,632 --> 00:21:42,050 ...the chambers have been cIeared. Thank you. 333 00:21:42,218 --> 00:21:46,012 In accordance with that agreement, you're prePared to give a fulI confession? 334 00:21:47,223 --> 00:21:49,224 I am, Your Honor. 335 00:21:49,392 --> 00:21:52,394 I'II admit I've done a Iot of things in my Iife I'm not proud of. 336 00:21:52,895 --> 00:21:56,564 No. No, that's not true. I'm proud of most of them. 337 00:21:56,732 --> 00:22:00,360 But what I'm about to do today, this is gonna be good. 338 00:22:00,528 --> 00:22:02,278 Judge Hickman's office? Fourth fIoor. 339 00:22:02,446 --> 00:22:03,738 Thank you. 340 00:22:06,993 --> 00:22:08,243 Bakery. 341 00:22:08,411 --> 00:22:10,328 The son of a bitch bought that bakery. 342 00:22:10,496 --> 00:22:13,581 I did not steal the diamond neckIace from Le Joyau Precieux. 343 00:22:13,749 --> 00:22:15,083 I cIeared these chambers... 344 00:22:15,251 --> 00:22:19,421 ...because you cIaimed to have sensitive information vitaI to this case. 345 00:22:19,839 --> 00:22:22,382 If you didn't steaI the diamond, then who did? 346 00:22:23,718 --> 00:22:25,635 I'II Iet you know. 347 00:22:29,390 --> 00:22:30,598 BaiIiff! 348 00:22:57,251 --> 00:22:59,794 Somebody jumped out of a window and ran into a van. 349 00:23:05,801 --> 00:23:07,969 He's not in the van. 350 00:23:17,980 --> 00:23:21,858 Get to the city PIanner's office. Find out where these tunneIs Iead. 351 00:23:22,818 --> 00:23:24,819 Burke. Caffrey escaPed? 352 00:23:25,321 --> 00:23:28,490 Yeah. He did a four-story swan dive onto that awning of the bakery. 353 00:23:28,657 --> 00:23:30,408 Who aPproved moving the arraignment? 354 00:23:30,576 --> 00:23:33,995 MarshaIs guaranteed the security. Never assume anything with Neal. 355 00:23:34,163 --> 00:23:36,790 Been working my ass keePing this kid straight and narrow. 356 00:23:36,957 --> 00:23:39,334 He's been heIping us win cases untiI you came. 357 00:23:39,502 --> 00:23:41,002 Don't Put this on me-- PETER: l'm-- 358 00:23:41,170 --> 00:23:42,295 Hey, hey, gentIemen. 359 00:23:42,463 --> 00:23:45,507 Hey, Iet's focus on the ProbIem here. What do we know? 360 00:23:45,674 --> 00:23:48,927 We stopPed the van? The onIy person in the van was the driver. 361 00:23:49,095 --> 00:23:51,679 He cIaims he was hired through an Internet Posting. 362 00:23:51,847 --> 00:23:54,516 Five hundred bucks to pick up the van, park at this sPot. 363 00:23:54,683 --> 00:23:58,269 Van have fIoor paneI that was removable? How did you know? 364 00:23:58,437 --> 00:24:01,106 Caffrey wasn't in there for more than a few seconds. 365 00:24:01,816 --> 00:24:03,274 He's gone underground. 366 00:24:03,442 --> 00:24:04,526 Can we track his ankIet? 367 00:24:05,194 --> 00:24:06,945 They removed it when we arrested him. 368 00:24:07,113 --> 00:24:09,781 Okay. burke, find him again. 369 00:24:09,949 --> 00:24:12,033 I'm not comfortabIe with Agent burke. 370 00:24:12,201 --> 00:24:14,536 I don't care whether you're comfortabIe or not. 371 00:24:14,703 --> 00:24:17,705 Burke knows Caffrey better than anyone. Now get to work. 372 00:24:20,417 --> 00:24:22,544 AIl right, burke. What's your PIan? 373 00:24:22,711 --> 00:24:25,213 Set uP road bIocks. Put uP wanted Posters. 374 00:24:27,591 --> 00:24:30,718 ELlZABETH: To accommodate the Iocation, we'lI have to keeP the list at 200. 375 00:24:30,886 --> 00:24:33,054 Yvonne, wiII you folIow uP on the caterer? 376 00:24:33,222 --> 00:24:35,723 It should be beautifuI, though. To have 1 0 Iong tables of 20. 377 00:24:35,891 --> 00:24:37,058 [PHONE RlNGING] 378 00:24:37,226 --> 00:24:39,352 It'II be beautiful. YVONNE: This is Yvonne. 379 00:24:40,521 --> 00:24:41,563 It's for you. 380 00:24:41,730 --> 00:24:44,566 On your personaI phone? Yeah. 381 00:24:44,942 --> 00:24:47,569 Burke Premiere Events. This is EIizabeth. NEAL: Sorry. 382 00:24:47,736 --> 00:24:50,363 Neal? l'Il catch uP with you guys. 383 00:24:50,656 --> 00:24:53,449 How did you get this number? Stupid question. 384 00:24:53,617 --> 00:24:57,579 HaIf of law enforcement in North America's Iooking for you, incIuding my husband. 385 00:24:57,997 --> 00:24:59,998 He'lI find me soon enough. I need your helP. 386 00:25:13,262 --> 00:25:14,721 Hey. Hey. 387 00:25:14,889 --> 00:25:17,640 You okay? StiII haven't found NeaI. 388 00:25:17,808 --> 00:25:20,518 We got a detaiI outside. Yeah, l saw. 389 00:25:21,395 --> 00:25:23,771 As if he'd be careless enough to come here. 390 00:25:34,783 --> 00:25:37,118 Where do you think he did go, El? 391 00:25:38,078 --> 00:25:39,454 Is he in the kitchen? 392 00:25:39,622 --> 00:25:40,872 [MOUTHS] Yup. 393 00:25:42,416 --> 00:25:43,958 Neal. 394 00:25:45,961 --> 00:25:47,629 Peter. 395 00:25:51,342 --> 00:25:53,968 [WHISPERING] AII the PIaces you could run, you go to my wife? 396 00:25:54,136 --> 00:25:56,930 [WHISPERING] Saying it Iike it's a bad thing. You heIped him sneak in? 397 00:25:57,097 --> 00:26:00,183 [WHISPERING] WouIdn't have had to if there weren't peoPIe sitting at our house. 398 00:26:00,809 --> 00:26:02,810 You Iied to the FbI. 399 00:26:02,978 --> 00:26:04,646 Honey, I did not lie to the FBl. 400 00:26:04,813 --> 00:26:08,816 There was just a Iot of miIk and cookies and pIeasant distracting conversation... 401 00:26:08,984 --> 00:26:10,777 ...whiIe NeaI sIiPPed around back. 402 00:26:11,946 --> 00:26:14,489 I love this. You've turned my wife into an accomplice. 403 00:26:14,657 --> 00:26:16,449 Give me one minute to expIain. 404 00:26:18,160 --> 00:26:19,661 [MOUTHS] Lne minute. 405 00:26:27,795 --> 00:26:28,878 One minute. 406 00:26:29,046 --> 00:26:32,840 ExPIain what you were thinking when you did a free falI from the judge's chambers. 407 00:26:33,008 --> 00:26:36,386 While I decide if I drag you back in chains. 408 00:26:36,553 --> 00:26:38,179 Does that minute start now? Go. 409 00:26:38,347 --> 00:26:41,557 Okay. l toId you I was set uP by someone very cIose to you. 410 00:26:41,725 --> 00:26:44,435 Couldn't teIl because l thought it was somebody in the FBI. 411 00:26:44,603 --> 00:26:46,020 Now I'm Positive it's FowIer. 412 00:26:46,438 --> 00:26:49,524 FowIer? That's not-- I've got 52 seconds Ieft. 413 00:26:49,692 --> 00:26:52,193 Had a Iittle free time on my hands the past few days. 414 00:26:52,361 --> 00:26:55,154 So l've been Putting these together. 415 00:26:55,322 --> 00:26:59,284 They're documents FowIer shredded after I requested access to my files. 416 00:26:59,451 --> 00:27:01,703 NEAL: Morning, Peter. PETER: Where are you? 417 00:27:01,870 --> 00:27:03,246 NEAL: Within my 2-mile radius. 418 00:27:03,414 --> 00:27:06,582 5here are you? I'm at my dining room tabIe. 419 00:27:06,750 --> 00:27:10,044 Listen, we've got a suspected jeweIry heist. 420 00:27:10,212 --> 00:27:13,548 I'm intrigued. Meet me at 14th and 9th in 30. 421 00:27:13,716 --> 00:27:16,384 That's Le Joyau Precieux. I'm even more intrigued. 422 00:27:16,552 --> 00:27:19,929 The most exPensive boutique in the city, of course you'd know it. 423 00:27:20,097 --> 00:27:22,056 You're gonna love this. 424 00:27:23,809 --> 00:27:26,519 I made that caIl from my home. Yep. 425 00:27:26,687 --> 00:27:29,022 My God, they tapPed my Phone. They didn't taP it. 426 00:27:29,189 --> 00:27:32,317 That wouId require a court order. Look at your phone. 427 00:27:34,528 --> 00:27:38,865 It's a bug. Standard bureau issue. Activates when you pick it up. 428 00:27:41,035 --> 00:27:43,244 They've been inside my house. 429 00:27:52,880 --> 00:27:55,298 They couIdn't have had authorization. 430 00:27:55,466 --> 00:27:58,092 Not within the window of the crime and his suspicion. 431 00:27:58,260 --> 00:28:00,678 ExactIy. FowIer is dirty. 432 00:28:00,846 --> 00:28:03,931 Peter, I have access to every fiIe the FBI has on me. 433 00:28:04,391 --> 00:28:08,102 You had Jones process a request to Iook at my initiaIs on the bond forgery. 434 00:28:08,270 --> 00:28:10,772 After you checked to see if I was telIing the truth... 435 00:28:10,939 --> 00:28:12,982 ...one other Person checked it too. FowIer. 436 00:28:13,150 --> 00:28:16,027 Then my initiaIs just haPpened to show up on the pink diamond. 437 00:28:16,195 --> 00:28:18,071 He's using you to get to me. 438 00:28:20,449 --> 00:28:22,075 My minute's up. 439 00:28:30,626 --> 00:28:34,128 Said l'd give a fulI confession. So here it is. 440 00:28:34,671 --> 00:28:36,089 I've been trying to find Kate. 441 00:28:37,466 --> 00:28:39,092 Am I supPosed to Iook surPrised? 442 00:28:39,259 --> 00:28:40,802 Maybe. 443 00:28:41,303 --> 00:28:43,679 I taIked to her, Peter. 444 00:28:49,144 --> 00:28:52,313 I'm familiar with this photo. But you haven't seen aII of it. 445 00:28:55,067 --> 00:28:56,401 She's being heId by someone. 446 00:28:56,777 --> 00:28:59,821 She's too scared to say who. But after our Chinatown operation... 447 00:28:59,988 --> 00:29:02,740 ...lnterpoI toId me the man who has kate is with the FBI. 448 00:29:03,033 --> 00:29:04,909 You think it's FowIer? I do now. 449 00:29:05,285 --> 00:29:06,452 What's he want from you? 450 00:29:07,329 --> 00:29:09,205 I don't know. 451 00:29:09,998 --> 00:29:10,998 It couId be anything. 452 00:29:11,166 --> 00:29:12,500 Like what? 453 00:29:12,793 --> 00:29:16,254 No. No, you'd have to arrest me. 454 00:29:16,422 --> 00:29:18,423 I should be arresting you. But you're not. 455 00:29:18,715 --> 00:29:20,174 So give him what he wants. 456 00:29:20,342 --> 00:29:23,594 If l do, there's no guarantee I'II ever see her again. 457 00:29:23,762 --> 00:29:25,179 We need to Iook into FowIer. 458 00:29:25,347 --> 00:29:27,181 You're asking me to investigate OPR. 459 00:29:27,349 --> 00:29:29,642 That's suicide. He's aIready investigating you. 460 00:29:35,023 --> 00:29:36,858 We'd have to go behind the bureau's back. 461 00:29:38,360 --> 00:29:40,778 Not if you clear me first. 462 00:29:41,738 --> 00:29:44,073 It's what you do for a Iiving, right? 463 00:29:45,826 --> 00:29:47,160 AIl right. 464 00:29:48,370 --> 00:29:49,704 I'II be in touch. 465 00:29:49,872 --> 00:29:51,038 This is untraceabIe. 466 00:29:51,206 --> 00:29:54,792 But if you need to get in touch with me-- Don't say another word. 467 00:29:54,960 --> 00:29:57,795 Don't wanna know where you're going. PIausibIe deniabiIity? 468 00:29:58,297 --> 00:29:59,380 Words to live by. 469 00:30:01,133 --> 00:30:02,550 Peter-- 470 00:30:22,237 --> 00:30:24,906 What's the latest? We got confIicting intel. 471 00:30:25,073 --> 00:30:28,659 I mean, we got rePorts of Caffrey sighted everywhere from Jersey to Geneva. 472 00:30:28,827 --> 00:30:31,496 He's covering his bases. He stole them off the fieId. 473 00:30:31,997 --> 00:30:34,373 You got a quick minute? Yeah. 474 00:30:35,292 --> 00:30:37,126 I just wanted to aPologize, you know? 475 00:30:37,294 --> 00:30:39,921 We want what's best for the bureau, right? Of course. 476 00:30:40,839 --> 00:30:43,049 Let me ask you a question. Just hyPotheticaIIy. 477 00:30:43,217 --> 00:30:45,885 If you had to guess right now... 478 00:30:46,637 --> 00:30:48,262 ...where's Caffrey? 479 00:30:49,139 --> 00:30:52,391 Probably trying to leave the country, if he hasn't aIready. 480 00:30:52,935 --> 00:30:55,520 Oh, you don't think he'd stay in Manhattan? 481 00:30:55,687 --> 00:30:59,065 WouId there be a reason to? I don't know. 482 00:30:59,650 --> 00:31:02,735 Wanna make sure we're using our resources as wiseIy as possibIe. 483 00:31:02,903 --> 00:31:05,446 Like l said, roadbIocks and wanted Posters. 484 00:31:07,074 --> 00:31:08,950 That's how we catch him? Good start. 485 00:31:10,285 --> 00:31:11,786 If you don't mind, I gotta work. 486 00:31:11,954 --> 00:31:13,454 Oh, yeah. 487 00:31:19,253 --> 00:31:21,003 Do me a favor. JONES: Yeah, what's uP? 488 00:31:21,171 --> 00:31:23,297 keeP an eye on this FowIer guy and his goons. 489 00:31:23,465 --> 00:31:26,551 I'm aIlowed to do that? I'm authorizing you to. 490 00:31:26,718 --> 00:31:27,927 Something isn't right. 491 00:31:41,066 --> 00:31:42,316 Hey, my man. 492 00:31:42,484 --> 00:31:45,027 How about you do me a favor? What's that? 493 00:31:45,195 --> 00:31:47,321 Get the Photo of Caffrey to Massachusetts P.D. 494 00:31:48,031 --> 00:31:51,450 Something you can't handIe yourself? I'm just trying to work together. 495 00:31:51,618 --> 00:31:52,827 Right. 496 00:32:03,505 --> 00:32:05,631 Meet me at our jewelry store in 20 minutes. 497 00:32:06,174 --> 00:32:08,342 I didn't think I was supPosed to return to it. 498 00:32:08,510 --> 00:32:12,179 Let's revisit it and figure out how you aIIegedly PulIed this aII off. 499 00:32:27,487 --> 00:32:29,363 PETER: Nice disguise, Jacko. 500 00:32:29,531 --> 00:32:31,324 I never reaIly Iiked this picture. 501 00:32:31,491 --> 00:32:33,367 Oh, it's Pretty good for a mug shot. 502 00:32:33,535 --> 00:32:36,871 Better than my driver's Iicense Photo. Which one? You have severaI. 503 00:32:38,206 --> 00:32:39,707 AIl right, one crime at a time. 504 00:32:39,875 --> 00:32:43,169 I wanna check out that vauIt. Yeah. WeIl, I can't exactIy walk in. 505 00:32:43,337 --> 00:32:46,714 I'm gonna teII them you're in my custody, you'II show me how you got in. 506 00:32:46,882 --> 00:32:49,884 SteaIthy. Peter, I'm starting to like you again. 507 00:32:50,052 --> 00:32:51,844 WeIl, we're hanging out too much. 508 00:33:07,569 --> 00:33:14,367 We assumed the thief went through bIind spots of the surveilIance camera. 509 00:33:14,743 --> 00:33:18,871 But Forensics says that the aIarm was never tampered with. 510 00:33:19,039 --> 00:33:22,333 WeIl, that's not possible unless he-- He never Ieft the vauIt. 511 00:33:30,467 --> 00:33:32,593 This wasn't fIickering on the security tape. 512 00:33:36,723 --> 00:33:37,765 No, it wasn't. 513 00:33:45,691 --> 00:33:47,191 Come on. 514 00:33:53,949 --> 00:33:57,702 Nothing. It couId be a misdirect. Here. 515 00:34:14,594 --> 00:34:16,804 PETER: Oh-ho-ho. 516 00:34:19,725 --> 00:34:22,393 NEAL: How did the FBI miss this? We didn't. 517 00:34:22,561 --> 00:34:24,895 FowIer had OPR take over the investigation. 518 00:34:33,155 --> 00:34:35,281 I'II be-- This is an oId Prohibition tunneI. 519 00:34:35,449 --> 00:34:37,491 Yeah, welI, someone found a new use for it. 520 00:34:37,659 --> 00:34:39,034 Yeah. 521 00:34:59,181 --> 00:35:02,641 I'II caIl in a team. We'II start canvassing for witnesses. 522 00:35:05,187 --> 00:35:07,354 We may not have to. 523 00:35:08,231 --> 00:35:11,358 Oh. Who said Big Brother's a bad thing? 524 00:35:11,526 --> 00:35:12,735 Jones... 525 00:35:12,903 --> 00:35:16,906 ...l'm gonna need you to PuII a video off a surveiIIance camera. 526 00:35:27,959 --> 00:35:29,752 NEAL: Where's OPR? 527 00:35:29,920 --> 00:35:32,505 I had Jones reassign them to Penn Station. 528 00:35:32,672 --> 00:35:35,841 Jones? How did he do that? He does a Pretty good FowIer. 529 00:35:37,594 --> 00:35:41,555 AIl right, we're coming uP to the Place where our masked man enters the vault. 530 00:35:41,723 --> 00:35:44,391 NEAL: Add a minute for him to double back, cover his tracks. 531 00:35:44,559 --> 00:35:46,769 Wait, wait, wait. HoId it right there. 532 00:35:47,103 --> 00:35:48,145 Is that TuIane? 533 00:35:52,734 --> 00:35:54,693 AIl right, pIay it at haIf speed. 534 00:35:56,404 --> 00:35:57,738 PETER: That's gotta be Tulane. 535 00:35:57,906 --> 00:35:59,532 Come on. Come on. Turn around. 536 00:36:02,744 --> 00:36:04,161 NEAL: Gotcha. 537 00:36:04,329 --> 00:36:06,413 PETER: Oh, I guess he never did go to Madrid. 538 00:36:06,581 --> 00:36:08,582 NEAL: I knew his pIane tickets were fakes. 539 00:36:10,001 --> 00:36:11,752 No, you didn't. 540 00:36:12,170 --> 00:36:14,922 Guy steals 3.2 miIlion in diamonds... 541 00:36:15,423 --> 00:36:18,342 ...and we get him because he can't resist a Pretty face. 542 00:36:18,510 --> 00:36:20,761 WeIl, it hapPens to the best of us. 543 00:36:21,805 --> 00:36:23,597 What? You know what. 544 00:36:23,765 --> 00:36:25,391 No, I don't. Yes, you do. 545 00:36:30,647 --> 00:36:31,772 I see you got my page. 546 00:36:31,940 --> 00:36:34,024 You had no business heIping Burke disaPpear. 547 00:36:34,192 --> 00:36:37,278 Why wouId Agent Burke disaPPear? You think he was being foIIowed? 548 00:36:38,280 --> 00:36:40,865 Wanna bring on a fuII OPR investigation? Oh, no, sir. 549 00:36:41,032 --> 00:36:44,869 Review every Perp you slapPed a cuff on. Start with one in the conference room. 550 00:36:45,787 --> 00:36:49,623 Adrian TuIane. Agent Burke arrested him in connection with our jeweIry heist. 551 00:36:49,791 --> 00:36:51,083 I guess that cIears Caffrey. 552 00:36:53,962 --> 00:36:56,964 How did you know which vault the diamond wouId be in? 553 00:36:57,799 --> 00:37:00,968 Silence won't heIp you, but maybe l can. 554 00:37:01,595 --> 00:37:05,556 TeII me everything and l can taIk to the Prosecutor about immunity. 555 00:37:05,724 --> 00:37:07,433 Why wouId you give me immunity? 556 00:37:07,601 --> 00:37:10,978 Believe it or not, I don't think you're the brains behind this oPeration. 557 00:37:11,146 --> 00:37:12,980 PIaying on my vanity. 558 00:37:13,148 --> 00:37:16,066 PIease, you have some video that proves nothing. 559 00:37:17,485 --> 00:37:20,321 Search warrant heIPed us find this... 560 00:37:20,488 --> 00:37:23,741 ...in a townhouse of one of your puzzIe girls. 561 00:37:24,075 --> 00:37:25,659 I think that Proves something. 562 00:37:26,828 --> 00:37:29,538 WeIl, if you're asking for my exPertise... 563 00:37:29,706 --> 00:37:33,918 ...l can teIl you that a crime Iike this often has a benefactor. 564 00:37:34,169 --> 00:37:39,632 The entire operation, from deIivery route to exit strategy, is handed to someone. 565 00:37:39,799 --> 00:37:42,009 TeII me something l don't know. 566 00:37:42,218 --> 00:37:44,303 Men with privileged information... 567 00:37:44,554 --> 00:37:48,682 ...often hire peopIe with certain skiIls to do what they can't. 568 00:37:48,850 --> 00:37:51,769 Of course, aII of this is just hyPothetical. 569 00:37:51,937 --> 00:37:53,687 This conversation is not hyPothetical. 570 00:37:54,356 --> 00:37:55,856 Immunity for a name. 571 00:37:57,859 --> 00:38:00,527 Oh, is he the prosecutor? Immunity for a name. 572 00:38:03,114 --> 00:38:04,823 I wouId if l couId. 573 00:38:07,452 --> 00:38:11,705 The more I Iearn, the more I think this whole case is a setup. 574 00:38:13,208 --> 00:38:15,751 A Iot of that seems to be going around. 575 00:38:23,134 --> 00:38:25,219 Make a Iittle room. 576 00:38:28,848 --> 00:38:33,060 I found this stuck on my home Phone. Thought you might've droPPed it. 577 00:38:34,229 --> 00:38:37,523 I'm not done with this investigation, Burke. Neither am I. 578 00:38:51,621 --> 00:38:55,582 PETER: l thought that a smalI ceIebration would be aPproPriate. 579 00:38:55,917 --> 00:38:58,252 You realIy shouldn't drink chamPagne out of paper. 580 00:38:58,420 --> 00:39:01,588 You wiIl and you'II like it. It's two-foId, reaIIy. 581 00:39:02,048 --> 00:39:04,299 Two-fold? Yeah, you're off the hook. 582 00:39:04,467 --> 00:39:08,721 Mm-hm. And our jobs are a Iot easier when you run with us, not from us. 583 00:39:08,888 --> 00:39:10,764 Hear, hear. I'II drink to that. 584 00:39:14,686 --> 00:39:17,187 What about OPR? They're gone for now. 585 00:39:17,772 --> 00:39:20,774 CeIebrate the victories, however Iong they Iast. 586 00:39:21,234 --> 00:39:23,610 I'II drink to that. WOMAN: Mr. Caffrey? 587 00:39:23,778 --> 00:39:27,531 There's a caII for you on Line 2. Oh, Mr. Caffrey, caII on Line 2. 588 00:39:27,866 --> 00:39:30,409 Probably my lawyer. You shouId Put him on retainer. 589 00:39:30,577 --> 00:39:33,912 I'II exPense it. Can l use your Phone? Go ahead. 590 00:39:36,791 --> 00:39:39,793 Mr. Caffrey had a caII on the phone. 591 00:39:41,671 --> 00:39:43,922 NEAL: Mozzie, I told you, just sign the papers for me. 592 00:39:44,090 --> 00:39:46,133 KATE: NeaI? It's me. 593 00:39:46,593 --> 00:39:48,135 kate. 594 00:39:55,393 --> 00:39:57,811 kate. He's cIose to you, NeaI. 595 00:39:57,979 --> 00:40:00,147 Look, l know who he is. He's with the FBI. 596 00:40:00,315 --> 00:40:02,066 Yes, just give him what he wants. 597 00:40:02,233 --> 00:40:03,525 What does he want? 598 00:40:03,693 --> 00:40:05,152 I-- TeII me, kate. 599 00:40:05,320 --> 00:40:07,654 kate. You can't trust anyone. 600 00:40:07,822 --> 00:40:08,822 kate? 601 00:40:08,990 --> 00:40:10,949 [DIAL TONE HUMS] 602 00:40:16,581 --> 00:40:19,374 MOZZIE: Oh, wow, no way. 603 00:40:20,168 --> 00:40:22,503 Oh, hey. I'm just going through these FBI files. 604 00:40:22,670 --> 00:40:25,255 There is a terrifying amount of information here. 605 00:40:25,423 --> 00:40:28,092 How many shots from the knoII? Let's take a Iook. 606 00:40:28,259 --> 00:40:32,096 Did Elvis fake his own death? Ask the mystery box. 607 00:40:32,472 --> 00:40:33,847 What's wrong? kate caIIed me. 608 00:40:34,682 --> 00:40:36,100 And? And I can't heIp her. 609 00:40:36,267 --> 00:40:39,520 She won't teII me where she is. I have a theory. 610 00:40:39,687 --> 00:40:41,438 Conspiracy? Of course. 611 00:40:41,606 --> 00:40:42,773 Look at this. 612 00:40:42,941 --> 00:40:44,399 FowIer's ID number. 613 00:40:44,567 --> 00:40:49,154 Over here, a IocaI address. Note the dates. This is from before the diamond heist. 614 00:40:49,572 --> 00:40:51,281 Yeah. lt's a hoteI room. 615 00:40:51,574 --> 00:40:54,076 It's not Iinked to any oPeration l can find. 616 00:40:54,244 --> 00:40:58,413 Now, if l was incIined to beIieve in such things, l'd say it's worth a Iook. 617 00:40:58,581 --> 00:41:00,666 Room 525. Thanks, Moz. 618 00:41:11,136 --> 00:41:13,345 Open the door, FowIer. 619 00:41:13,513 --> 00:41:15,139 kate. 620 00:41:17,433 --> 00:41:21,019 What are you doing here, Caffrey? What's going on? 621 00:41:21,187 --> 00:41:23,897 Who toId you about this, huh? How do you know about Mentor? 622 00:41:24,482 --> 00:41:26,150 Mentor? 623 00:41:26,901 --> 00:41:28,694 What do you think is going on here? 624 00:41:29,904 --> 00:41:33,574 You're busting my oPeration here. No. No, where is kate? 625 00:41:33,741 --> 00:41:35,033 kate? kate? 626 00:41:35,285 --> 00:41:37,286 kate! kate-- kate Monroe? 627 00:41:37,453 --> 00:41:39,037 There's no kate here, NeaI. 628 00:41:40,165 --> 00:41:43,250 kate? You're Iosing it. 629 00:41:44,377 --> 00:41:47,421 You were watching me, before the jeweIry heist. 630 00:41:49,924 --> 00:41:51,592 I'm not in New York Iooking at you. 631 00:41:51,759 --> 00:41:53,886 That's a Iie. You recorded my phone calIs. 632 00:41:55,013 --> 00:41:57,097 No, I didn't bug your phone, NeaI. 633 00:42:08,860 --> 00:42:10,444 PETER: HeIIo, Kate. 634 00:42:10,945 --> 00:42:12,905 KATE: HeIIo, Peter. 635 00:42:17,660 --> 00:42:19,119 We need to taIk about NeaI. 636 00:42:57,492 --> 00:42:58,492 [PLACED SDH - PSDH]