1 00:00:14,264 --> 00:00:15,556 What are you thinking? 2 00:00:17,226 --> 00:00:19,852 I'm thinking it was the accountant, in the Iaw office. 3 00:00:20,020 --> 00:00:21,604 With the iIlegaI wire transfer. 4 00:00:21,939 --> 00:00:24,065 Either that or CoIonel Mustard in the Iibrary. 5 00:00:24,233 --> 00:00:26,192 We can pulI prints on the candIestick. 6 00:00:26,360 --> 00:00:29,028 Let's grab his company's financiaI records from Iast year. 7 00:00:29,196 --> 00:00:30,279 They're on fiIe. 8 00:00:34,743 --> 00:00:35,952 You want me to do it? 9 00:00:37,788 --> 00:00:40,957 We have cIerks for that. I got something better. I got you. 10 00:00:41,125 --> 00:00:42,625 Okay. 11 00:00:45,295 --> 00:00:47,797 Pbbt. 12 00:00:48,882 --> 00:00:50,341 [SIGHS] 13 00:00:55,431 --> 00:00:57,348 Pow. 14 00:00:58,892 --> 00:01:00,268 Sticking around, huh? 15 00:01:00,436 --> 00:01:02,228 LAUREN: Yeah. 16 00:01:02,646 --> 00:01:05,648 Hey, is it true you once sent cham?agne to a surveiIlance van? 17 00:01:05,816 --> 00:01:07,775 That's the rumor. 18 00:01:08,068 --> 00:01:11,571 Been checking up on me? You were part of my thesis at Quantico. 19 00:01:11,739 --> 00:01:14,073 RealIy? How did we do? 20 00:01:14,575 --> 00:01:16,075 Ninety-four. 21 00:01:16,368 --> 00:01:18,202 Not bad. 22 00:01:18,620 --> 00:01:20,705 Find anything interesting? 23 00:01:21,165 --> 00:01:22,165 Truth or rumor? 24 00:01:22,332 --> 00:01:23,416 Is there a difference? 25 00:01:23,876 --> 00:01:26,419 The counterfeit certificates were your onIy conviction. 26 00:01:26,587 --> 00:01:30,590 But you're implicated in at least a dozen confidence schemes, frauds and forgeries. 27 00:01:30,758 --> 00:01:33,926 Is that why you asked to be reassigned to the White ColIar Unit? 28 00:01:34,094 --> 00:01:37,805 I wasn't gonna pass u? a chance to work with someone l've admired since coIIege. 29 00:01:37,973 --> 00:01:40,266 PIay your cards right, we'lI make a case or two. 30 00:01:40,601 --> 00:01:43,060 Oh, honey. I was taIking about Agent Burke. 31 00:01:43,228 --> 00:01:44,854 He caught you twice, right? 32 00:01:46,356 --> 00:01:49,317 Hey, maybe you can heIp me because I'm Iooking for some records. 33 00:01:49,485 --> 00:01:52,028 Yeah. We got cIerks for that. 34 00:01:57,743 --> 00:01:59,285 [CLEARS THROAT] 35 00:02:00,954 --> 00:02:02,288 Peter? Yeah? 36 00:02:02,456 --> 00:02:05,208 Yeah, your wife's here. She's not alone. 37 00:02:07,878 --> 00:02:09,003 PETER: She Iook upset to you? 38 00:02:09,171 --> 00:02:12,173 No, they Iook-- They both look u?set. 39 00:02:18,180 --> 00:02:21,140 You know, a buddy of mine, he always kept a separate ceIl ?hone. 40 00:02:21,308 --> 00:02:25,520 One for the wife, one for the girIfriend. It helps avoid this kind of crossover. 41 00:02:25,687 --> 00:02:29,106 That's not my girIfriend, okay? I don't have a girlfriend. 42 00:02:29,274 --> 00:02:32,360 It's El's friend, Dana. They've known each other since high schooI. 43 00:02:32,528 --> 00:02:34,695 Hi, honey. We need to taIk. 44 00:02:34,863 --> 00:02:36,739 Okay. Thanks, Jones. That'Il be alI. 45 00:02:42,204 --> 00:02:44,080 Have a seat, honey. 46 00:02:44,540 --> 00:02:47,667 So why is Dana here? Is she okay? 47 00:02:47,835 --> 00:02:51,045 No, it's actuaIIy about her husband, John. Hot-wings guy. 48 00:02:51,713 --> 00:02:54,173 Remember, he made those hot wings at the barbecue... 49 00:02:54,341 --> 00:02:56,926 ...the Cooper barbecue a while back? Right, him. 50 00:02:57,094 --> 00:02:59,762 He was stationed overseas. He finished Iast month. 51 00:02:59,930 --> 00:03:01,722 What's the problem? This morning... 52 00:03:01,890 --> 00:03:04,058 ...the FBl issued a warrant for his arrest. 53 00:03:08,605 --> 00:03:11,023 AIl right, what's the Iast name? 54 00:03:11,525 --> 00:03:13,693 MitcheII. MitcheII. 55 00:03:14,736 --> 00:03:18,114 What happened? Some stoIen goId in a storage shed. 56 00:03:18,282 --> 00:03:20,867 They think he brought it. Dana came to me for heIp. 57 00:03:21,034 --> 00:03:23,953 She has no idea why he's a suspect. Think l do. 58 00:03:24,121 --> 00:03:27,039 WeIl, what is it? It's gold artifacts from Iraq. 59 00:03:27,457 --> 00:03:30,126 Got his prints aII over the pIace. Hair evidence. 60 00:03:30,460 --> 00:03:31,919 EI, this doesn't look good. 61 00:03:32,087 --> 00:03:33,963 Found that fiIe-- 62 00:03:36,091 --> 00:03:37,425 This can wait. ELlZABETH: No. 63 00:03:37,593 --> 00:03:38,801 Neal, come in. 64 00:03:43,056 --> 00:03:46,809 Now, NeaI, just because someone's accused of doing something... 65 00:03:46,977 --> 00:03:49,562 ...that doesn't mean that that person is guilty, right? 66 00:03:50,355 --> 00:03:51,522 Define guiIty. 67 00:03:51,690 --> 00:03:53,649 You think he's the best ?erson to ask? 68 00:03:53,817 --> 00:03:54,817 Neal? 69 00:03:56,111 --> 00:03:57,486 I sup?ose it's ?ossibIe. 70 00:03:57,654 --> 00:03:59,447 See? That's what I thought. 71 00:04:00,449 --> 00:04:03,826 This says "whereabouts unknown." Is he on the run? 72 00:04:04,119 --> 00:04:05,453 He's at his brother's. 73 00:04:05,621 --> 00:04:06,954 I didn't know the address. 74 00:04:07,122 --> 00:04:09,916 If you're keeping information, that's aiding and abetting. 75 00:04:10,083 --> 00:04:12,335 Okay. l think I grabbed the wrong fiIe. 76 00:04:12,502 --> 00:04:14,962 I'm gonna get the right one. No, stay. My turn. 77 00:04:15,130 --> 00:04:19,008 If we have your prints and hair on the scene and you're on the run, are you guiIty? 78 00:04:19,176 --> 00:04:21,344 Oh, now he's the best person to ask? 79 00:04:25,432 --> 00:04:27,600 I think your friend shouId turn himseIf in. 80 00:04:27,768 --> 00:04:29,185 I compIeteIy agree with you. 81 00:04:29,353 --> 00:04:32,521 That's why I toId Dana to telI him what to do. Turn himseIf in. 82 00:04:32,689 --> 00:04:34,190 So he is turning himseIf in. 83 00:04:34,358 --> 00:04:36,984 Yes. He's gonna be turning himself in to you. 84 00:04:51,291 --> 00:04:53,000 [INAUDIBLE DlALOGUE] 85 00:04:53,460 --> 00:04:55,544 Peter, thank you. 86 00:04:56,713 --> 00:04:58,923 God, do I feel guiIty. 87 00:04:59,675 --> 00:05:00,841 You think he did it? 88 00:05:01,635 --> 00:05:04,428 Artifacts from the royal cemetery cry?ts of Ur in Egypt... 89 00:05:04,596 --> 00:05:08,140 ...1 000-year-old gold. A Iot of money is always a Iot of motive. 90 00:05:08,308 --> 00:05:11,811 That's a shame. ApparentIy, he melted some of it down. 91 00:05:15,691 --> 00:05:16,857 Hey. 92 00:05:17,025 --> 00:05:19,568 DANA: I'm sorry. That's aIl right. 93 00:05:26,326 --> 00:05:27,368 John. Peter. 94 00:05:27,953 --> 00:05:29,912 I didn't do this. lt was set up. 95 00:05:30,080 --> 00:05:32,373 Your prints were alI over the goId, John. 96 00:05:33,417 --> 00:05:34,583 My ?rints? 97 00:05:37,504 --> 00:05:39,422 I gotta go. Listen, ?lease. 98 00:05:39,881 --> 00:05:42,466 Look, my Iawyer said I shouldn't say a word. 99 00:05:42,634 --> 00:05:46,512 When I was overseas, a guy asked me to heIp him bring some goods to the States. 100 00:05:46,930 --> 00:05:47,930 I said no. 101 00:05:48,098 --> 00:05:50,850 John-- His name's Aimes. Patrick Aimes. 102 00:05:51,018 --> 00:05:52,518 He's in the State Department. 103 00:05:52,686 --> 00:05:54,854 Just look into it, ?lease. 104 00:05:57,232 --> 00:05:58,607 I wilI. 105 00:06:12,622 --> 00:06:14,373 Oh, my God. 106 00:06:37,105 --> 00:06:39,440 [CHATTERlNG] 107 00:06:40,275 --> 00:06:41,901 Excuse me. 108 00:06:43,278 --> 00:06:47,073 That was surprise on MitcheIl's face when we toId him his prints were on the gold. 109 00:06:47,240 --> 00:06:50,826 I noticed that. But that doesn't get him off the hook. 110 00:06:50,994 --> 00:06:53,079 There's something eIse. What? 111 00:06:53,246 --> 00:06:56,457 What's the statute of limitations on--? Just teIl me. 112 00:06:57,375 --> 00:07:00,753 You can't meIt down gold without getting spIash blisters on your arms... 113 00:07:00,921 --> 00:07:02,463 ...no matter how careful you are. 114 00:07:02,631 --> 00:07:05,966 PETER: WeIl, MitcheII may be burn-free, but that doesn't make him innocent. 115 00:07:06,134 --> 00:07:08,886 Maybe we shouId check out this Aimes guy. 116 00:07:09,054 --> 00:07:10,387 AIready did. 117 00:07:10,555 --> 00:07:12,681 He was working for the State Department... 118 00:07:12,849 --> 00:07:15,810 ...overseeing reconstruction of MosuI a few months back. 119 00:07:15,977 --> 00:07:17,269 NEAL: Where is he now? 120 00:07:17,437 --> 00:07:20,231 Working for a private security contractor here in New York. 121 00:07:20,398 --> 00:07:23,526 Sounds like he's done welI for himseIf. I'm gonna go see how welI. 122 00:07:23,693 --> 00:07:24,860 NEAL: AIl right. 123 00:07:31,368 --> 00:07:32,618 AIMES: Every window... 124 00:07:32,786 --> 00:07:35,538 ...every room, every chiId gets that view every morning. 125 00:07:36,373 --> 00:07:37,665 Mr. Aimes. 126 00:07:38,792 --> 00:07:39,834 Am I interrupting? 127 00:07:40,377 --> 00:07:42,002 Peter Burke, FBI. 128 00:07:42,420 --> 00:07:46,048 If you don't mind waiting for me by the cars, we'II finish this in a minute. 129 00:07:47,008 --> 00:07:50,594 If you don't mind, I have a few questions about some stoIen Iraqi artifacts. 130 00:07:50,762 --> 00:07:51,846 AIMES: Oh, right. 131 00:07:52,013 --> 00:07:54,849 I had read some important pieces were recently recovered. 132 00:07:55,016 --> 00:07:58,060 That's right. We have a suspect in custody. WeIl, good. 133 00:07:58,228 --> 00:08:00,187 I'm gIad to hear justice wiII prevaiI. 134 00:08:00,355 --> 00:08:03,107 Given your ?ast ex?erience, you might have some insight... 135 00:08:03,275 --> 00:08:05,860 ...as to how a bunch of goId from MosuI finds its way... 136 00:08:06,027 --> 00:08:08,154 ...to a storage shed near Fort Monmouth. 137 00:08:08,321 --> 00:08:11,240 Of course. CaII my office. We'II set u? a meeting. 138 00:08:11,741 --> 00:08:13,159 Sure. 139 00:08:16,580 --> 00:08:17,997 PETER: There was one other thing. 140 00:08:18,165 --> 00:08:19,915 The suspect says you framed him. 141 00:08:20,083 --> 00:08:21,750 Any idea why he might say that? 142 00:08:22,460 --> 00:08:24,211 I wish I knew. 143 00:08:27,090 --> 00:08:29,258 Is there something eIse, Agent Burke? 144 00:08:33,221 --> 00:08:35,431 Nope. I got everything l need. 145 00:08:41,646 --> 00:08:45,774 Jones, have every recovered artifact moved to our office ASAP. 146 00:08:45,942 --> 00:08:47,693 I want to re-examine the evidence. 147 00:08:49,446 --> 00:08:51,906 Where's Peter? I thought he caIled this meeting. 148 00:08:52,073 --> 00:08:54,950 He's been ?oring over this with the Evidence Recovery Team... 149 00:08:55,118 --> 00:08:57,244 ...since he saw bIisters on Aimes' bodyguard. 150 00:08:57,412 --> 00:08:59,538 Said something about a breakthrough. 151 00:08:59,706 --> 00:09:02,291 Wow. l'm Iooking for clues. 152 00:09:02,459 --> 00:09:04,710 You're looking for your next jail sentence. God. 153 00:09:04,878 --> 00:09:08,631 Didn't you just join this unit? I didn't even have to go to ?rison first. 154 00:09:09,007 --> 00:09:12,134 So if you were gonna frame somebody, how would you do it? 155 00:09:12,302 --> 00:09:14,470 I've never framed anybody. OnIy been framed? 156 00:09:14,638 --> 00:09:17,139 Yeah? What for? Counterfeiting stock certificates... 157 00:09:17,307 --> 00:09:20,351 ...about a dozen other confidence schemes, frauds and forgeries. 158 00:09:20,518 --> 00:09:23,646 Hear you had a breakthrough. I got something. Notice the prints. 159 00:09:26,274 --> 00:09:28,651 Very cIean. Maybe a IittIe too cIean? 160 00:09:28,818 --> 00:09:30,986 They're aIl MitcheIl's? Yup. 161 00:09:31,154 --> 00:09:32,321 Notice anything eIse? 162 00:09:35,659 --> 00:09:36,742 They're aIl Ieft-handed. 163 00:09:38,286 --> 00:09:39,828 Uh-huh. 164 00:09:40,413 --> 00:09:41,622 That's improbable. 165 00:09:41,998 --> 00:09:43,332 It's im?ossibIe. 166 00:09:43,500 --> 00:09:46,293 What does it mean? I don't know. 167 00:09:49,839 --> 00:09:51,423 NEAL: You think the prints were pIanted? 168 00:09:51,591 --> 00:09:55,344 PETER: WeIl, it wouIdn't be hard, would it? Don't Iook at me. 169 00:09:56,513 --> 00:09:59,723 It wouIdn't be that hard. Starts by getting a clean set of prints... 170 00:09:59,891 --> 00:10:03,644 ...and somebody got MitchelI's. But only his Ieft hand. Why onIy the left? 171 00:10:03,812 --> 00:10:06,021 How was the gold found? Anonymous tip. 172 00:10:06,189 --> 00:10:09,024 There's a red fIag. Mm. Could be. 173 00:10:11,778 --> 00:10:15,864 Easy. Easy there, Tiger. ShouIdn't you be getting home to EIizabeth? 174 00:10:16,032 --> 00:10:17,950 Dana's been with us for a few days. 175 00:10:18,118 --> 00:10:19,660 Oh. How's that going? 176 00:10:20,203 --> 00:10:21,370 She's been through a Iot. 177 00:10:21,538 --> 00:10:24,123 Oh, no. This has gotta be rough on her. It's gotta be. 178 00:10:24,291 --> 00:10:25,874 Look, l try to be a good person. 179 00:10:26,042 --> 00:10:28,168 You have your moments. Yeah, just-- I don't-- 180 00:10:28,336 --> 00:10:29,837 Is it the crying? Yeah. 181 00:10:30,005 --> 00:10:33,048 I can handIe everything eIse but women crying. That's alI. 182 00:10:33,216 --> 00:10:37,886 I don't know what to do. l try to fix it. With you, I give you a sIug on the shouIder. 183 00:10:38,054 --> 00:10:40,472 TotaIIy. And I teII you to cowboy up. But it's-- 184 00:10:40,640 --> 00:10:42,891 We got the ?rint theory. That might cheer her up. 185 00:10:43,059 --> 00:10:46,645 Yeah, it couId be something if I can Iink it to Aimes or the bodyguard. 186 00:10:49,190 --> 00:10:51,567 What? We've been here an hour. 187 00:10:51,735 --> 00:10:55,404 But in that whoIe time, you've onIy touched these bottles with your right hand. 188 00:10:58,033 --> 00:11:00,743 MitcheII had drinks with whoever Iifted the prints. 189 00:11:01,244 --> 00:11:03,370 Can you ask him? MarshaIs are sitting on him. 190 00:11:03,538 --> 00:11:05,247 I couId take the time to reach out... 191 00:11:05,415 --> 00:11:08,083 ...fiIe the pa?erwork, go through the usuaI channels-- 192 00:11:08,251 --> 00:11:10,919 Or you could just ask his wife-- Wife. Right now. 193 00:11:14,299 --> 00:11:15,716 Hey, honey. Hey, honey. 194 00:11:16,634 --> 00:11:17,926 Hey, Dana. 195 00:11:18,094 --> 00:11:19,762 How you hoIding u?? 196 00:11:20,889 --> 00:11:24,892 It's hard, you know. It's the not knowing that's kiIIing me. 197 00:11:25,060 --> 00:11:26,185 Any news? 198 00:11:26,353 --> 00:11:27,770 WeIl, which do you want first? 199 00:11:27,937 --> 00:11:29,938 The good news or the bad news? 200 00:11:30,398 --> 00:11:31,732 There is bad news? 201 00:11:32,317 --> 00:11:34,568 Not more than there has been. 202 00:11:34,736 --> 00:11:37,196 He's stiII charged. It stiIl Iooks ?retty bad. 203 00:11:38,740 --> 00:11:42,868 I'II go with the good news. There are some evidence anomaIies. 204 00:11:43,161 --> 00:11:46,246 Someone may have planted his ?rints on the goId. 205 00:11:47,040 --> 00:11:48,791 So you mean he reaIly was framed. 206 00:11:48,958 --> 00:11:50,292 It's possibIe. 207 00:11:50,460 --> 00:11:52,044 I'm curious. 208 00:11:52,212 --> 00:11:54,755 Did he have drinks with anyone recentIy? 209 00:11:55,507 --> 00:11:56,882 The prints are cris?. 210 00:11:57,050 --> 00:11:59,093 Which wouId indicate a gIass or a bottle. 211 00:11:59,260 --> 00:12:01,136 So it was ?robabIy for a beer. 212 00:12:01,304 --> 00:12:03,972 [SOBS] 213 00:12:07,519 --> 00:12:09,311 It's not okay, reaIly. 214 00:12:09,479 --> 00:12:12,231 Yes, it is. This is the good-news part. 215 00:12:12,482 --> 00:12:14,191 Can l talk to you for a second? 216 00:12:14,359 --> 00:12:15,401 PETER: Yeah. Okay. 217 00:12:15,985 --> 00:12:17,820 I'II be right back. Mm-hm. 218 00:12:22,992 --> 00:12:25,285 What did I do? [WHISPERS] I don't know. See, she's crying. 219 00:12:25,453 --> 00:12:27,413 Yeah. l see that she's crying. Shh! 220 00:12:27,622 --> 00:12:30,124 [WHISPERS] I need to know if John met someone for a drink. 221 00:12:30,291 --> 00:12:32,793 Maybe he didn't teII her. She sus?ect him of cheating? 222 00:12:32,961 --> 00:12:35,045 Now I'II Iet you talk. This is important. 223 00:12:35,213 --> 00:12:36,505 Go upstairs. 224 00:12:36,673 --> 00:12:38,549 Upstairs. 225 00:12:38,716 --> 00:12:40,217 Thank you. 226 00:12:51,771 --> 00:12:53,647 I'm sorry. 227 00:12:54,232 --> 00:12:55,649 [IN NORMAL VOICE] No, it's okay. 228 00:12:56,276 --> 00:12:59,486 Sometimes Peter doesn't realize that he's an FBI agent. 229 00:13:00,488 --> 00:13:03,323 No, it wasn't Peter. It's.... 230 00:13:04,576 --> 00:13:08,620 John and l had a fight before aII this ha?pened... 231 00:13:09,664 --> 00:13:12,207 ...about a woman who took him for a drink. 232 00:13:13,001 --> 00:13:14,710 John's not the cheating type. 233 00:13:14,878 --> 00:13:19,923 What if he's not the guy that I think he is? What if he reaIIy did steaI that stuff? 234 00:13:20,091 --> 00:13:22,718 I mean.... Look, you heard Peter, okay? 235 00:13:22,886 --> 00:13:24,553 Evidence was pIanted. 236 00:13:24,721 --> 00:13:26,054 Okay? 237 00:13:27,390 --> 00:13:29,892 But who is this woman who took him out for a drink? 238 00:13:30,059 --> 00:13:33,562 I don't know. She's a journaIist. She.... 239 00:13:37,901 --> 00:13:40,527 She was embedded with John's unit. 240 00:13:40,695 --> 00:13:43,739 And she caIled about a month ago. 241 00:13:43,907 --> 00:13:46,950 And she wanted to do a folIow-up story. 242 00:13:47,327 --> 00:13:51,872 Something like "the life of a returning vet" kind of thing. 243 00:13:52,290 --> 00:13:54,082 Wait. So they went for a beer? 244 00:13:54,250 --> 00:13:56,627 Yeah. And I was mad at him... 245 00:13:56,794 --> 00:14:00,547 ...for not telIing me about it beforehand instead of after. 246 00:14:01,090 --> 00:14:02,424 Yeah. 247 00:14:03,760 --> 00:14:07,262 That night, John was more mad about his Yankee cap... 248 00:14:07,430 --> 00:14:10,766 ...than he was about the fact that I had accused him of cheating on me. 249 00:14:10,934 --> 00:14:12,392 What happened to the cap? 250 00:14:13,269 --> 00:14:15,854 I don't know. He left it at the bar. It never turned up. 251 00:14:21,069 --> 00:14:23,529 The hat would expIain the hair fibers. Uh-huh. 252 00:14:23,696 --> 00:14:25,239 You had EIizabeth taIk to her? 253 00:14:25,406 --> 00:14:28,116 WeIl, I thought some femaIe intuition would be heIpfuI. 254 00:14:28,284 --> 00:14:29,910 Dana started crying, didn't she? 255 00:14:30,078 --> 00:14:32,871 I didn't even do anything. I had no idea what went wrong. 256 00:14:33,331 --> 00:14:34,540 So who's this other woman? 257 00:14:34,707 --> 00:14:37,000 This is Alisha Teagen. Segment producer. 258 00:14:37,168 --> 00:14:39,461 She was a reporter embedded with MitcheIl's unit. 259 00:14:39,837 --> 00:14:42,130 AIl right, so she invites MitcheIl out for a beer. 260 00:14:42,298 --> 00:14:46,301 Let's say she takes that opportunity to Iift the prints off of the bottle. 261 00:14:46,469 --> 00:14:48,720 She grabs the basebaII hat as an added bonus. 262 00:14:48,888 --> 00:14:51,473 Toss in a IittIe DNA evidence to realIy lock the case. 263 00:14:51,641 --> 00:14:54,893 Right. How do we connect her to Aimes? Do they know each other? 264 00:14:55,061 --> 00:14:57,896 Other than the fact that they were in Iraq, there's nothing. 265 00:14:59,065 --> 00:15:02,651 If Aimes stoIe the goId, he isn't gonna ship it himseIf. 266 00:15:02,819 --> 00:15:04,319 He's gonna get someone else... 267 00:15:04,487 --> 00:15:07,406 ...so that his hands stay cIean in case they get interce?ted. 268 00:15:07,574 --> 00:15:10,701 You know, press credentiaIs aren't a bad way to get by customs. 269 00:15:11,202 --> 00:15:12,494 Let's go taIk to her. 270 00:15:21,796 --> 00:15:24,006 PETER: l know, but CardinaIs had a basebaII team. 271 00:15:24,173 --> 00:15:26,717 Wait here. I'II check in. 272 00:15:36,894 --> 00:15:38,520 I'm here to see AIisha Teagen. 273 00:15:38,980 --> 00:15:40,772 She's not in yet. 274 00:15:41,149 --> 00:15:42,524 Agent Burke, FBI. 275 00:15:43,067 --> 00:15:46,612 Sorry, sir. Would you care to wait upstairs? She shouId be in any minute. 276 00:15:52,368 --> 00:15:54,494 Yeah, why don't I do that? 277 00:15:58,541 --> 00:16:01,877 Be sure to Iet her know Agent Burke with the FBI is here to talk to her. 278 00:16:02,045 --> 00:16:04,671 I'II be sure to do that. Thank you. 279 00:16:11,262 --> 00:16:14,806 So, what's it Iike to be on camera? Oh, I'm not on camera. 280 00:16:14,974 --> 00:16:20,395 RealIy? But your badge here says, "studio access." 281 00:16:20,563 --> 00:16:22,356 I'm a ?ubIicist, actuaIIy. 282 00:16:22,523 --> 00:16:24,650 Wow. How is it up there? 283 00:16:25,610 --> 00:16:26,693 Cutthroat. 284 00:16:28,446 --> 00:16:31,198 Looks Iike they just moved my meeting to 12:30. 285 00:16:31,366 --> 00:16:32,491 Excuse me. 286 00:16:35,745 --> 00:16:38,830 [CELL PHONE RINGS] 287 00:16:41,209 --> 00:16:42,626 HeIIo? PETER: Hey. 288 00:16:42,794 --> 00:16:43,835 Peter, where are you? 289 00:16:44,003 --> 00:16:46,838 Upstairs, on my way to Alisha's office. Right here. 290 00:16:47,006 --> 00:16:48,256 Thank you. You're welcome. 291 00:16:48,591 --> 00:16:49,841 You Ieft me in the lobby. 292 00:16:50,009 --> 00:16:51,760 WeIl, you looked busy. 293 00:16:51,928 --> 00:16:53,720 Listen, AIisha's on her way in. 294 00:16:53,888 --> 00:16:55,597 I want you to watch how she reacts... 295 00:16:55,765 --> 00:16:59,351 ...when the guard telIs her there's an FbI agent waiting for her. 296 00:16:59,769 --> 00:17:01,019 No-- 297 00:17:10,405 --> 00:17:11,446 TEAGEN: Hi, Phil. Morning. 298 00:17:11,614 --> 00:17:13,115 Miss Teagen. 299 00:17:13,366 --> 00:17:15,117 There's an FbI agent here to see you. 300 00:17:15,284 --> 00:17:18,286 Sorry? An FBl agent? Said his name was Burke. 301 00:17:18,454 --> 00:17:22,374 Uh. TeIl him today's not a good day. He's aIready upstairs. 302 00:17:23,543 --> 00:17:26,420 Did he say what he wanted? To Iet you know he's here. 303 00:17:26,587 --> 00:17:28,130 Oh, thanks. 304 00:17:35,012 --> 00:17:37,139 WOMAN: Hi, PhiI. Morning, Judy. 305 00:17:37,306 --> 00:17:39,141 MAN: PhiI. Morning, Christian. 306 00:17:54,824 --> 00:17:57,492 Hey, PhiI. Morning. 307 00:17:57,952 --> 00:17:58,994 I ran out of hands. 308 00:17:59,162 --> 00:18:02,330 My card's in my pocket if you just wanna grab that there. 309 00:18:02,498 --> 00:18:05,083 Just get that for me? Don't worry about it. 310 00:18:05,251 --> 00:18:06,418 AIl right, thanks, bud. 311 00:18:13,551 --> 00:18:15,719 AIisha? Oh, there you go. 312 00:18:15,887 --> 00:18:17,012 Thanks. Thanks. 313 00:18:24,479 --> 00:18:25,771 [LINE RINGlNG] 314 00:18:25,938 --> 00:18:26,980 NEAL: Leave a message. 315 00:18:27,148 --> 00:18:30,901 Neal, I don't know what you're up to. But whatever it is, sto?. 316 00:18:42,914 --> 00:18:44,748 Good morning. 317 00:18:45,416 --> 00:18:46,833 Yeah. 318 00:18:54,801 --> 00:18:55,967 TEAGEN: Hi, Kim. MAN 1 : There you go. 319 00:18:56,135 --> 00:18:57,886 How you doing? Listen.... 320 00:19:01,390 --> 00:19:02,724 MAN 2: Watch your backs. 321 00:19:04,227 --> 00:19:05,769 FEMALE ANCHOR: Hi. 322 00:19:07,230 --> 00:19:09,731 I don't think l've seen you around here before. 323 00:19:09,899 --> 00:19:12,067 Oh, I'm Gary. 324 00:19:12,819 --> 00:19:14,236 The new sports anchor. 325 00:19:14,403 --> 00:19:16,571 New sports anchor? 326 00:19:16,739 --> 00:19:18,365 New guy brings the coffee, right? 327 00:19:19,033 --> 00:19:21,535 Thanks, Gary. NEAL: Hey, no probIem. 328 00:19:21,702 --> 00:19:22,994 What about Leonard? 329 00:19:23,496 --> 00:19:25,413 Oh, you didn't hear. Yeah. 330 00:19:25,581 --> 00:19:29,501 That's why the meeting got moved to 12:30. 331 00:19:30,253 --> 00:19:32,212 I'II take care of it. Okay. 332 00:19:34,924 --> 00:19:37,592 Don't say anything to Leonard. 333 00:19:40,721 --> 00:19:42,764 Great work, champ. Hey. 334 00:20:23,180 --> 00:20:24,431 PETER: AIisha Teagen. 335 00:20:24,682 --> 00:20:26,850 Oh, you must be Agent Burke. 336 00:20:27,018 --> 00:20:29,144 I hope this won't take Iong. I'm on deadIine. 337 00:20:31,731 --> 00:20:33,315 PETER: Have a seat. 338 00:20:39,030 --> 00:20:43,825 I'm curious about the piece that you did on Ca?tain Jonathan MitchelI. 339 00:20:44,827 --> 00:20:46,745 Oh, MitcheIl. Of course. 340 00:20:47,455 --> 00:20:49,331 PETER: What was your im?ression of him? 341 00:20:49,498 --> 00:20:51,583 TEAGEN: He seemed like a good soIdier. 342 00:20:52,668 --> 00:20:55,462 That it? To be honest, l didn't find him memorabIe. 343 00:20:55,630 --> 00:20:57,589 Then why did you have a foIIow-up on him? 344 00:20:57,757 --> 00:21:01,051 I was doing a series of segments on vets returning home. 345 00:21:01,218 --> 00:21:03,845 How they're readjusting to Iife after the military. 346 00:21:04,013 --> 00:21:06,514 PETER: How did he seem to you? He seemed to be doing fine. 347 00:21:06,682 --> 00:21:08,183 Eager to get back home. 348 00:21:13,105 --> 00:21:18,360 So you took Ca?tain MitcheIl out for a beer? 349 00:21:18,945 --> 00:21:22,113 Yeah. He was one of severaI soldiers I was considering. 350 00:21:22,281 --> 00:21:23,573 Mm. 351 00:21:24,033 --> 00:21:27,285 When you say "considering," what exactIy do you mean by that? 352 00:21:27,453 --> 00:21:30,080 TEAGEN: We wanted to get a sense of what they were going through. 353 00:21:30,247 --> 00:21:33,625 If the reaIity Iived up to their expectations. Excuse me. 354 00:21:33,793 --> 00:21:35,752 Did they change the code again? 355 00:21:35,920 --> 00:21:37,879 WOMAN: Oh, here. Use mine. 356 00:21:38,047 --> 00:21:39,547 [COPy MACHINE BUTTONS BEEP] 357 00:21:39,715 --> 00:21:41,383 There you go. Thanks. 358 00:21:41,634 --> 00:21:44,386 What exactIy are you investigating, Agent Burke? 359 00:21:44,679 --> 00:21:50,225 Captain MitcheIl was arrested yesterday for the theft of lraqi antiquities. 360 00:21:50,393 --> 00:21:51,393 Sorry to hear that. 361 00:21:51,560 --> 00:21:56,147 So there was nothing particuIarly speciaI about MitcheIl? 362 00:21:56,440 --> 00:21:59,901 No. In fact, l'm realIy sorry I couIdn't heIp you further. 363 00:22:01,153 --> 00:22:02,237 Why the rush? 364 00:22:03,990 --> 00:22:06,241 I toId you l'm on deadline. 365 00:22:06,409 --> 00:22:09,911 Now, if you have no other questions, I'd Iike to get back to work. 366 00:22:10,204 --> 00:22:11,538 Wait. 367 00:22:19,755 --> 00:22:20,797 My card. 368 00:22:20,965 --> 00:22:22,590 When you think of something eIse. 369 00:22:22,758 --> 00:22:24,092 If l think of something else. 370 00:22:29,015 --> 00:22:31,224 What was that about? You had me off my game. 371 00:22:31,392 --> 00:22:33,560 You told me to watch her reaction. I did. 372 00:22:33,728 --> 00:22:35,937 By breaking and entering? PhiI let me in. 373 00:22:36,105 --> 00:22:38,064 Who's PhiI? The guy at the door-- 374 00:22:38,232 --> 00:22:39,899 You wanna know what I found? No. 375 00:22:40,067 --> 00:22:42,110 She got rattled when she heard FBl. 376 00:22:42,278 --> 00:22:44,946 She went to her desk and locked something in a top drawer. 377 00:22:45,114 --> 00:22:47,365 Oh, God. I didn't steal it. 378 00:22:47,533 --> 00:22:49,576 Photocopied it. 379 00:22:49,785 --> 00:22:52,454 It's a pawnshop ticket. Bet l know what she was ?awning. 380 00:22:52,621 --> 00:22:54,080 No, I didn't see this. 381 00:22:54,248 --> 00:22:55,290 You didn't see this. 382 00:22:57,460 --> 00:22:59,294 But l did see it. 383 00:23:07,303 --> 00:23:09,637 MOZZIE: Hello? Hey, Moz, I got a favor to ask you. 384 00:23:09,805 --> 00:23:12,974 5hat's up? Check out a pawnsho? ticket for me. 385 00:23:14,435 --> 00:23:17,937 [CHATTERlNG ON TELEVISION] 386 00:23:29,950 --> 00:23:32,744 How is she hoIding up? As good as can be expected. 387 00:23:32,912 --> 00:23:35,205 Do you think we couId finish watching the movie? 388 00:23:35,372 --> 00:23:36,706 Little girI time? Yeah. 389 00:23:36,874 --> 00:23:39,167 Yeah. l'Il find something to do. 390 00:23:39,335 --> 00:23:41,836 Good man. That's what I keep teIIing peopIe. 391 00:23:42,004 --> 00:23:43,588 Have fun. 392 00:24:26,632 --> 00:24:28,883 X marks the spot. 393 00:24:30,553 --> 00:24:32,971 kate Ioves the cIassics. 394 00:24:41,856 --> 00:24:43,606 Moz, it's me. MOZZIE: 'eah. 395 00:24:43,774 --> 00:24:44,899 You nearby? 396 00:24:45,067 --> 00:24:47,152 Did your suit put a tail on me? 397 00:24:47,528 --> 00:24:50,822 What? No, Iook. I think I figured out the map. 398 00:24:50,990 --> 00:24:52,240 It's a Bordeaux Iabel. 399 00:24:52,408 --> 00:24:55,577 Bordeaux with an X. X marks the spot. 400 00:24:55,744 --> 00:24:57,871 You know, Kate loves the classics. 401 00:24:58,038 --> 00:24:59,497 Yes, she does. 402 00:24:59,665 --> 00:25:01,249 I found a bit of treasure too. 403 00:25:01,417 --> 00:25:02,584 On my way to show you. 404 00:25:02,751 --> 00:25:06,671 Hurry u?. I waIk at a delicate pace. 405 00:25:06,839 --> 00:25:08,506 [DOOR KNOCKING] 406 00:25:09,425 --> 00:25:11,426 That was fast. 407 00:25:12,845 --> 00:25:14,762 Yep. Coming. 408 00:25:18,017 --> 00:25:19,225 Hey, Mo-- 409 00:25:20,728 --> 00:25:21,769 My man. 410 00:25:21,937 --> 00:25:24,022 Expecting somebody? Not at alI. 411 00:25:24,190 --> 00:25:26,274 Good. Come right on in. 412 00:25:28,068 --> 00:25:30,278 Wow, unbeIievabIe. 413 00:25:30,613 --> 00:25:32,906 Last time we had a drink, we made a breakthrough. 414 00:25:33,616 --> 00:25:36,951 Hoping tonight, we can solve the whole damn case. 415 00:25:39,705 --> 00:25:41,456 So Dana stiII at the house? 416 00:25:41,624 --> 00:25:43,208 Yep. 417 00:25:44,168 --> 00:25:48,087 Here's to freeing Captain John MitcheII so l can go back home. 418 00:25:48,255 --> 00:25:49,964 I'II drink to that. 419 00:25:50,716 --> 00:25:51,758 [DOOR KNOCKS] 420 00:25:51,926 --> 00:25:53,968 I'II get that. It's probabIy June. 421 00:25:58,224 --> 00:26:02,310 Photocopy of a ?awn ticket, but I got this coin. 422 00:26:02,978 --> 00:26:04,896 What? Sorry, Mr. Haversham. 423 00:26:05,064 --> 00:26:10,151 June isn't here at the moment. Oh, weIl, uh, too bad. Uh.... 424 00:26:10,486 --> 00:26:14,656 TeII her l Iook forward to our next round of drinks and Parcheesi. 425 00:26:14,823 --> 00:26:16,407 Yep. PETER: Hang on a second. 426 00:26:17,493 --> 00:26:18,493 MOZZIE: Oh, I'm sorry. 427 00:26:18,661 --> 00:26:21,496 A?parentIy I'm interru?ting something. Yeah. 428 00:26:21,664 --> 00:26:24,999 Who are you? I'm the neighbor. 429 00:26:25,167 --> 00:26:28,670 Dante Haversham. Dante Haversham. 430 00:26:29,588 --> 00:26:30,838 And you're dating June? 431 00:26:31,173 --> 00:26:33,633 Courting. Courting. 432 00:26:34,009 --> 00:26:38,638 What can I say? She Iikes a littIe cream in her coffee. 433 00:26:38,806 --> 00:26:40,890 You realIy wanna keep this u?? No, I don't. 434 00:26:41,058 --> 00:26:44,143 You're right. This is-- No. I know. 435 00:26:46,021 --> 00:26:48,815 How about l just caIl you Mr. Haversham? 436 00:26:49,984 --> 00:26:51,526 Come on in. 437 00:26:53,862 --> 00:26:55,405 Thought you'd be talIer. 438 00:26:55,572 --> 00:26:57,156 Me too. 439 00:26:57,324 --> 00:26:59,242 WeIl, you're here. 440 00:26:59,410 --> 00:27:01,160 Have a drink. 441 00:27:01,370 --> 00:27:03,371 Oh, no. I don't drink. 442 00:27:04,039 --> 00:27:06,040 WeIl, you do tonight. 443 00:27:07,126 --> 00:27:08,710 Gin's good. 444 00:27:16,719 --> 00:27:18,219 PETER: I don't get it. 445 00:27:18,887 --> 00:27:22,390 GirI Ieaves nothing but an empty bottIe behind. 446 00:27:22,558 --> 00:27:25,226 Least she couId do was Ieave a fuII one. 447 00:27:25,394 --> 00:27:26,394 Guys, l'm right here. 448 00:27:27,604 --> 00:27:29,605 Fair enough. Fair enough. 449 00:27:30,232 --> 00:27:32,692 Whoo. Man, Iook at that view. 450 00:27:34,903 --> 00:27:36,863 Is this why you guys do it? 451 00:27:37,656 --> 00:27:39,824 Is this what it's aIl about? 452 00:27:40,117 --> 00:27:41,701 It's not about the stuff. 453 00:27:41,869 --> 00:27:43,369 Moz. 454 00:27:44,663 --> 00:27:46,748 It's about doing what we wanna do. 455 00:27:46,915 --> 00:27:51,044 Who cares about 9 to 5's and 401 K's? 456 00:27:51,211 --> 00:27:54,422 PIaying by the ruIes onIy makes borders... 457 00:27:54,590 --> 00:27:58,426 ...that just take away everything that's good about Iiving Iife. 458 00:27:58,594 --> 00:28:01,679 Moz, Moz, you lived in a storage unit. 459 00:28:01,847 --> 00:28:03,598 Yeah. But I Iived there, man. 460 00:28:03,766 --> 00:28:04,932 I lived. 461 00:28:05,100 --> 00:28:08,603 Long as I don't have to Iive under anyone eIse's time or dime... 462 00:28:08,771 --> 00:28:11,022 ...l'm a free man. 463 00:28:11,190 --> 00:28:12,940 I can do whatever I want. 464 00:28:13,108 --> 00:28:16,819 Like going to the pawnshop and getting that coin you have in your pocket? 465 00:28:19,948 --> 00:28:21,115 Come on. Let's see it. 466 00:28:27,873 --> 00:28:29,207 It's a heIl of a thing. 467 00:28:29,375 --> 00:28:32,668 IsIamic dinar from the Abbasid dynasty. 468 00:28:32,836 --> 00:28:35,463 Last seen in the museum in MosuI. 469 00:28:35,631 --> 00:28:37,799 I reaIly shouIdn't even know about this. 470 00:28:37,966 --> 00:28:39,717 AIisha's guiIty, isn't she? 471 00:28:39,885 --> 00:28:42,136 Looks Iike it. Ahh. 472 00:28:42,805 --> 00:28:46,099 I'm holding damning evidence and l can't do a damn thing with it. 473 00:28:46,266 --> 00:28:48,726 Your ruIes, Tin Man, not mine. 474 00:28:48,894 --> 00:28:50,645 Come on, Peter. Give me the coin. 475 00:28:50,813 --> 00:28:52,313 I can see it now. 476 00:28:52,481 --> 00:28:56,317 "FBl agent iIIegalIy obtains evidence. News at 1 1 ." 477 00:28:56,485 --> 00:28:59,237 That's a heII of a story. Too bad she can't report it. 478 00:29:00,989 --> 00:29:02,156 Maybe she can. 479 00:29:13,919 --> 00:29:16,045 I want everything set up to go from the top. 480 00:29:16,213 --> 00:29:17,964 Great story on the governor. Teagen. 481 00:29:18,132 --> 00:29:19,382 Yeah? Got a story for you. 482 00:29:19,550 --> 00:29:24,011 Guy wants to taIk about a cover-up in lraq involving a soIdier. He'II onIy talk to you. 483 00:29:24,179 --> 00:29:26,264 Why me? Maybe he's a fan of your work. 484 00:29:26,432 --> 00:29:29,225 Got a number? I'lI caIl. Got something better. He's here. 485 00:29:29,393 --> 00:29:31,561 McQueen! Let's set up to get this guy on tape. 486 00:29:31,728 --> 00:29:34,564 WOMAN: You know what? You're gonna have to prove that. 487 00:29:35,816 --> 00:29:37,525 MAN: Yes, yes. TEAGEN: We rolIing? 488 00:29:37,693 --> 00:29:38,734 Oh, hi. Hi. 489 00:29:38,902 --> 00:29:41,195 AIisha Teagen. Good to meet you. I'm a huge fan. 490 00:29:41,363 --> 00:29:43,322 Thank you. You Iook better in person. 491 00:29:43,490 --> 00:29:46,576 WeIl, thank you. Okay, you're aIl miked up. NEAL: AII right. 492 00:29:46,743 --> 00:29:49,704 TEAGEN: Let's get started. Your name? Oh, we'II get to that. 493 00:29:49,872 --> 00:29:51,998 Just reIax. Take a dee? breath. 494 00:29:52,166 --> 00:29:53,791 So why don't we...? 495 00:29:53,959 --> 00:29:56,544 Why don't we start at the beginning? Okay. Yeah. 496 00:29:57,421 --> 00:30:00,882 Once upon a time in Iraq, there were two peo?le. 497 00:30:01,049 --> 00:30:04,051 One was greedy and a thief. 498 00:30:04,219 --> 00:30:06,888 The other was pretty and op?ortunistic. 499 00:30:07,055 --> 00:30:09,849 Together they found a great deaI of treasure. 500 00:30:10,392 --> 00:30:11,893 [CHUCkLES] 501 00:30:12,436 --> 00:30:14,896 This is something we shouId be discussing off-camera. 502 00:30:15,063 --> 00:30:17,815 Wait, no. That's the prologue. I'm getting to the setup. 503 00:30:17,983 --> 00:30:20,693 They smuggIed that treasure here, went off without a hitch. 504 00:30:21,111 --> 00:30:22,528 But they needed a faIl guy. 505 00:30:22,696 --> 00:30:26,991 Somebody to take the heat off them so they couId seIl the treasure without interference. 506 00:30:27,159 --> 00:30:30,077 That faIl guy is a soIdier you know. 507 00:30:30,454 --> 00:30:32,038 John MitchelI. 508 00:30:33,624 --> 00:30:35,082 WeIl.... 509 00:30:35,459 --> 00:30:39,378 UnfortunateIy, your story is missing something very important. Proof. 510 00:30:39,546 --> 00:30:41,923 NEAL: Oh, I got proof. Here. 511 00:30:46,345 --> 00:30:48,012 Recognize this? 512 00:30:50,432 --> 00:30:54,101 What this story is missing is an ending. 513 00:30:54,436 --> 00:30:56,771 I'm not sure what happens to MitchelI. 514 00:30:56,939 --> 00:30:59,190 The outcome of his Iife... 515 00:30:59,733 --> 00:31:02,735 ...it may as welI be decided on the toss of a coin. 516 00:31:17,584 --> 00:31:18,793 You wanna calI it for me? 517 00:31:21,588 --> 00:31:28,719 Turn off the cameras. 518 00:31:28,887 --> 00:31:30,680 MAN: HoId the rolI. 519 00:31:41,316 --> 00:31:43,067 I want immunity. 520 00:31:44,403 --> 00:31:45,486 [CHUCkLES] 521 00:31:45,654 --> 00:31:47,405 You're funny. 522 00:31:49,366 --> 00:31:53,536 What you get de?ends on what you give me. 523 00:31:55,872 --> 00:31:57,665 Aimes Iooted Saddam's museum. 524 00:31:57,833 --> 00:31:59,333 He set the whoIe thing up. 525 00:31:59,501 --> 00:32:02,420 AIl I did was help him transport it back to the States. 526 00:32:02,713 --> 00:32:04,338 You were his muIe. 527 00:32:04,506 --> 00:32:05,590 What was your cut? 528 00:32:05,841 --> 00:32:08,509 WeIl, it doesn't matter. I haven't seen a dime. 529 00:32:08,802 --> 00:32:11,304 Not even this reaIly oId dime? 530 00:32:15,684 --> 00:32:19,353 Prosecution hasn't taken immunity off the tabIe. 531 00:32:22,316 --> 00:32:23,608 I needed the money. 532 00:32:23,775 --> 00:32:28,487 Oh, I bet. I looked at your portfoIio. You Iost a lot when the market crashed. 533 00:32:28,655 --> 00:32:30,698 Yeah. l Iost enough. 534 00:32:32,909 --> 00:32:35,161 Look, l stiIl had access to the goId. 535 00:32:35,329 --> 00:32:38,456 So l took some of the smaIIer ?ieces and turned them over. 536 00:32:38,624 --> 00:32:41,500 And when you got scared that you were Ieaving a pa?er trail... 537 00:32:41,668 --> 00:32:43,544 ...you set u? MitchelI as a faIl guy. 538 00:32:43,712 --> 00:32:45,713 I didn't wanna set him up. Aimes did. 539 00:32:45,881 --> 00:32:48,549 AIl you did was get the ?rints and the hat. 540 00:32:48,842 --> 00:32:51,677 What l wanna know is why you meIted some of the pieces down. 541 00:32:53,847 --> 00:32:57,058 He thought if we made it Iook Iike most of the goId was gone... 542 00:32:57,225 --> 00:33:01,228 ...you wouldn't spend much time searching for it, even after MitchelI was locked up. 543 00:33:01,396 --> 00:33:04,190 Where's the gold now? I don't know. 544 00:33:05,108 --> 00:33:07,026 He moved it on you? Yeah. 545 00:33:07,194 --> 00:33:08,986 I swear, l don't know where it is. 546 00:33:19,414 --> 00:33:21,248 Then you're gonna heIp us find it. 547 00:33:21,416 --> 00:33:24,585 You're gonna teIl Aimes that the FBl has been poking around. 548 00:33:24,753 --> 00:33:26,921 We've been taIking to him so he'II believe you. 549 00:33:27,089 --> 00:33:28,172 He won't trust me. 550 00:33:28,340 --> 00:33:31,425 He wiII if you teII him the case against MitchelI is falIing apart. 551 00:33:31,593 --> 00:33:34,053 And that he needs to unIoad the goId immediately. 552 00:33:34,221 --> 00:33:37,098 What if he gets spooked, hey, and wants to wait? 553 00:33:37,265 --> 00:33:40,101 You'II have to convince him that you found a private buyer. 554 00:33:40,268 --> 00:33:43,771 A very rich, very discreet buyer. 555 00:33:54,866 --> 00:33:57,868 So Aimes is wilIing to meet you at a private gaIIery Iater today? 556 00:33:58,036 --> 00:33:59,578 A?parentIy, l'm a wealthy buyer. 557 00:33:59,746 --> 00:34:01,789 And this is your car for the day. 558 00:34:01,957 --> 00:34:03,958 [LAUGHS] 559 00:34:04,126 --> 00:34:05,710 You're not kidding? 560 00:34:05,877 --> 00:34:09,046 It's a Mercedes. NEAL: Oh, this isn't even an S-CIass. 561 00:34:09,214 --> 00:34:11,966 I need to Iook Iike I can drop a few miIIion on antiquities. 562 00:34:12,134 --> 00:34:14,218 This says, "Look what I kept in the divorce." 563 00:34:14,386 --> 00:34:17,221 You can't make this work? What kind of a con man are you? 564 00:34:17,389 --> 00:34:21,016 The Neal Caffrey I did my thesis on couId make this work. 565 00:34:34,823 --> 00:34:36,198 Moz, wake u?. MOZZIE: Leave me aIone. 566 00:34:36,366 --> 00:34:38,617 Come on. Come on, Moz. Come on. 567 00:34:38,785 --> 00:34:42,371 Did you draw on my face? What? No. 568 00:34:42,539 --> 00:34:46,834 Aimes is meeting with me today. Gotta go in as a serious high rolIer. 569 00:34:47,002 --> 00:34:49,170 Need a car. I'II get my SIim Jim. 570 00:34:49,337 --> 00:34:50,963 No. Can't steaI it. 571 00:34:51,131 --> 00:34:53,841 Yeah. We "can't steal it." 572 00:34:58,847 --> 00:35:00,890 Excuse me. CouId you ste? away from this car? 573 00:35:01,057 --> 00:35:02,099 Thank you. Man: Whatever. 574 00:35:02,267 --> 00:35:03,768 Yo, you need something? NEAL: Yeah. 575 00:35:05,020 --> 00:35:08,439 Captain told you I was coming, right? Says FBI. 576 00:35:08,607 --> 00:35:11,817 What you taIking about? Your Iimo was invoIved in a 41 8 Iast night. 577 00:35:11,985 --> 00:35:13,986 I'm to bring it to the forensic motor ?ooI. 578 00:35:14,154 --> 00:35:17,865 What's the pIate on that? XC7-32W. 579 00:35:18,033 --> 00:35:21,035 We're cIeaning it now. Griggs, get this guy out of here. 580 00:35:21,203 --> 00:35:23,537 I didn't get a calI about any of this. Beat it. 581 00:35:23,705 --> 00:35:25,289 Is that our vehicIe? 582 00:35:25,749 --> 00:35:28,959 Whoa. We've got gunshot residue. 583 00:35:29,377 --> 00:35:32,379 Looks Iike she's been snowing back here. 584 00:35:33,381 --> 00:35:36,300 How many of your guys touched this? We're a cIeaning company. 585 00:35:36,468 --> 00:35:39,303 Oh, realIy? Okay. There's two ways we can do this. 586 00:35:39,471 --> 00:35:42,556 One, I take this car back with me. No one gets asked any questions. 587 00:35:42,724 --> 00:35:45,476 The second way, we assume whatever's in the back seat belongs to one of you. 588 00:35:45,644 --> 00:35:48,187 Pssh. It's above my pay grade, paI. 589 00:35:50,732 --> 00:35:51,732 Take it. 590 00:35:52,192 --> 00:35:54,276 Griggs, give him a receipt. 591 00:35:55,028 --> 00:35:58,239 Say no to drugs, chief. Yeah, whatever. 592 00:36:04,746 --> 00:36:06,580 Oh, we got a high rolIer coming through. 593 00:36:21,096 --> 00:36:23,013 I thought we gave him a Mercedes. 594 00:36:23,181 --> 00:36:25,432 I guess he made it work. 595 00:36:26,059 --> 00:36:28,644 God, that driver Iooks famiIiar. 596 00:36:28,812 --> 00:36:31,522 Is he one of ours? That's Haversham. Good man. 597 00:36:31,690 --> 00:36:33,440 ReIax. You're gonna be fine. 598 00:36:33,608 --> 00:36:36,652 Yeah. You have no idea how dangerous Aimes can be. 599 00:36:36,820 --> 00:36:38,362 It's just a game. 600 00:36:38,530 --> 00:36:40,739 Never Iet them see you sweat, right? 601 00:36:47,372 --> 00:36:48,455 AIisha... 602 00:36:49,124 --> 00:36:50,457 ...you Iook lovely. 603 00:36:51,209 --> 00:36:53,294 TEAGEN: This is the gentIeman I was teIIing you about. 604 00:36:53,461 --> 00:36:55,212 This is my business manager. 605 00:36:56,298 --> 00:36:58,465 Charmed. Likewise. 606 00:36:58,633 --> 00:37:00,175 Come in. 607 00:37:04,472 --> 00:37:06,307 AIMES: Enjoy. 608 00:37:11,521 --> 00:37:13,814 AIMES: How Iong have you been coIIecting antiquities? 609 00:37:13,982 --> 00:37:15,149 Years. 610 00:37:15,317 --> 00:37:17,818 I aIso admire the occasionaI reproduction. 611 00:37:17,986 --> 00:37:20,321 So you're familiar with the PtoIemaic period, then? 612 00:37:20,488 --> 00:37:23,741 I am. Shame the Greeks put an end to it. 613 00:37:24,075 --> 00:37:26,327 Shame you didn't have a better history teacher. 614 00:37:28,663 --> 00:37:31,832 Soter's reign over Egy?t ended after the death of CIeopatra... 615 00:37:32,000 --> 00:37:35,336 ...in the Roman conquest of 30 B.C., not the Greek... 616 00:37:36,171 --> 00:37:37,421 ...or so I've been toId. 617 00:37:39,090 --> 00:37:41,967 WouId you Iike to see the actual ?ieces then? 618 00:37:42,510 --> 00:37:44,303 I think I already have. 619 00:37:46,181 --> 00:37:47,640 These aren't reproductions. 620 00:37:47,807 --> 00:37:49,141 Good eye. 621 00:37:50,352 --> 00:37:51,685 They've been here aII aIong? 622 00:37:52,187 --> 00:37:57,483 I've always beIieved the best place to hide something is in pIain sight. 623 00:37:58,026 --> 00:37:59,526 Is everything aII right? 624 00:37:59,694 --> 00:38:01,195 Of course. 625 00:38:02,030 --> 00:38:03,822 She's not hoIding it together. 626 00:38:03,990 --> 00:38:06,492 Smile, AIisha. It's aImost over. 627 00:38:16,044 --> 00:38:18,963 Yes, can we move this aIong? 628 00:38:26,846 --> 00:38:29,765 Whoa, whoa, whoa, what's going on? Don't ?lay games with me. 629 00:38:29,933 --> 00:38:31,183 You're with the FBI. 630 00:38:33,728 --> 00:38:36,438 TechnicaIly, I'm just a consultant. She's with the FBl. 631 00:38:36,606 --> 00:38:39,191 RegardIess, no need for a fifth wheel. 632 00:38:41,319 --> 00:38:43,278 Aimes is on the run. 633 00:38:45,573 --> 00:38:47,908 Jones, you take the front exit. Go. 634 00:38:48,076 --> 00:38:49,410 Go. You two, go with him. 635 00:38:52,747 --> 00:38:55,165 Looks Iike we have a standoff. No, we don't. 636 00:38:55,333 --> 00:38:58,002 Shoot him. Then l'Il have you on murder too. 637 00:38:58,545 --> 00:38:59,586 Go on. 638 00:39:02,757 --> 00:39:03,882 PETER: You-- 639 00:39:04,050 --> 00:39:07,511 Hey! Hey, don't make me shoot you. 640 00:39:08,722 --> 00:39:13,434 [OPERA MUSlC PLAYING OVER RADIO] 641 00:39:27,907 --> 00:39:29,575 [GUNSHOTS] 642 00:39:29,993 --> 00:39:31,285 Dro? the gun. 643 00:39:31,786 --> 00:39:33,620 Jones, I need immediate backup. 644 00:39:33,788 --> 00:39:35,372 This is not what I needed today. 645 00:39:37,000 --> 00:39:38,292 [TlRES SCREECHING] 646 00:39:38,460 --> 00:39:40,044 [CRASH] 647 00:39:54,642 --> 00:39:57,269 I was never here. 648 00:40:00,982 --> 00:40:04,651 JONES: FbI! Gun on the ground! Gun on the ground right now! 649 00:40:04,819 --> 00:40:05,903 Hands on your head! 650 00:40:07,322 --> 00:40:08,822 Nice bIuff. 651 00:40:11,326 --> 00:40:12,743 I know you were bIuffing. 652 00:40:12,911 --> 00:40:15,162 Because that's what I would've done. 653 00:40:34,182 --> 00:40:38,477 I'II make sure the courts know that you heIped us out. 654 00:40:41,272 --> 00:40:43,816 Looks Iike you can go home again. 655 00:41:00,208 --> 00:41:01,917 Hi, baby. 656 00:41:10,009 --> 00:41:11,385 [PETER CHUCkLES] 657 00:41:11,803 --> 00:41:13,387 I'm reaIIy ?roud of you. 658 00:41:13,555 --> 00:41:15,222 PETER: Oh, John's free because of you, EI. 659 00:41:15,974 --> 00:41:19,393 Yeah, if you hadn't given me that ?ush. WeIl, it was more Iike a nudge. 660 00:41:19,561 --> 00:41:21,562 Nudge? Maybe a IittIe Iove tap. 661 00:41:21,729 --> 00:41:23,897 More Iike a left hook. 662 00:41:24,524 --> 00:41:27,442 Oh, he must be realIy happy he's going home. 663 00:41:27,610 --> 00:41:29,987 He's not the onIy one. 664 00:42:10,987 --> 00:42:11,987 [ENGLISH - US - SDH]