1 00:00:15,432 --> 00:00:19,560 Morning, sunshines. Coffee? 2 00:00:20,104 --> 00:00:24,273 What do we got? We got any headIines? They keep bitching about his BibIe. 3 00:00:24,441 --> 00:00:26,651 It couId be a debt Iedger. WeIl, it's missing. 4 00:00:26,819 --> 00:00:28,277 And they ain't happy about it. 5 00:00:28,445 --> 00:00:30,947 Hey, guys. We have a situation. 6 00:00:33,575 --> 00:00:34,951 LAUREN: Is that BareIIi? 7 00:00:35,119 --> 00:00:36,411 What's he doing down here? 8 00:00:36,578 --> 00:00:38,204 I don't know. But it can't be good. 9 00:00:38,372 --> 00:00:40,373 PauI lgnazio, his nephew. Turn the mic up. 10 00:00:40,541 --> 00:00:42,875 IGNAZIO: 'ou sure about this? BARELLI: Do it. 11 00:00:46,004 --> 00:00:48,089 JONES: Damn. He's walking over here. 12 00:00:48,257 --> 00:00:49,924 [kNOCkING] 13 00:00:53,554 --> 00:00:54,929 You guys are the FBI, right? 14 00:00:57,766 --> 00:00:59,142 We need your heIp. 15 00:01:01,812 --> 00:01:03,312 Last week... 16 00:01:03,480 --> 00:01:06,816 ...somebody waIks into my church... 17 00:01:07,526 --> 00:01:08,818 ...steaIs the Bible. 18 00:01:09,570 --> 00:01:12,280 A BibIe? An actuaI BibIe? 19 00:01:12,448 --> 00:01:15,908 Yeah. You know, the flood, Abraham sacrifices Isaac. You heard of it? 20 00:01:16,076 --> 00:01:17,493 Why do you want our help? 21 00:01:17,995 --> 00:01:19,412 I'm a taxpaying citizen. 22 00:01:19,580 --> 00:01:21,831 So? File a ?oIice report. 23 00:01:22,332 --> 00:01:25,001 Come on, Burke. You got your guys sitting on me. 24 00:01:25,169 --> 00:01:28,337 It's part of the game, I know, but it means that I'm not free... 25 00:01:29,298 --> 00:01:31,174 ...to find out who did this. 26 00:01:31,341 --> 00:01:34,510 Yeah, it means you're not free to bust heads until you do. 27 00:01:34,678 --> 00:01:37,764 Do I have to take these accusations? Get to your ?oint. 28 00:01:37,931 --> 00:01:39,307 This BibIe... 29 00:01:39,475 --> 00:01:42,602 ...it's not just some book that the Gideons leave on the nightstand. 30 00:01:42,770 --> 00:01:46,230 This is five centuries of history from NapIes. 31 00:01:46,398 --> 00:01:48,983 The saints prayed over this book. 32 00:01:54,198 --> 00:01:56,240 Your personal feeIings for BarelIi aside... 33 00:01:56,408 --> 00:01:59,076 ...l don't need the archdiocese crawIing down our necks... 34 00:01:59,244 --> 00:02:02,371 ...because we refused to heIp recover a medieval BibIe. 35 00:02:02,539 --> 00:02:04,081 Fine. 36 00:02:04,249 --> 00:02:09,337 But if BareIIi asked for our heIp, he must reaIly want it back. 37 00:02:12,132 --> 00:02:15,343 Let's get this straight here. You may go to confession once a week... 38 00:02:15,511 --> 00:02:18,471 ...but the bureau doesn't forgive sins. We don't work for you. 39 00:02:19,681 --> 00:02:20,890 What do you want? 40 00:02:21,058 --> 00:02:24,519 Shut down your bookmaking operations at Masso's CIub. 41 00:02:29,066 --> 00:02:30,608 Masso's. 42 00:02:30,776 --> 00:02:32,693 It's a restaurant. 43 00:02:33,028 --> 00:02:35,446 See for yourseIf anytime... 44 00:02:35,614 --> 00:02:36,739 ...after Thursday. 45 00:02:40,911 --> 00:02:42,578 PIease. 46 00:02:42,746 --> 00:02:46,249 PIease hel? me find my goddamn BibIe. 47 00:02:54,299 --> 00:02:55,967 PIease sto?. 48 00:02:57,427 --> 00:02:59,095 It's part of my process. 49 00:03:01,014 --> 00:03:05,810 Look, either you taught her too welI or it's just a bottIe. 50 00:03:05,978 --> 00:03:07,895 It's more than that. 51 00:03:08,063 --> 00:03:10,481 This is the only thing Kate left me. 52 00:03:10,941 --> 00:03:12,608 There's a message here. 53 00:03:14,069 --> 00:03:15,987 [PHONE RlNGING] 54 00:03:18,115 --> 00:03:19,657 HeIIo? 55 00:03:20,158 --> 00:03:22,034 Yeah, Peter. I'lI be down in five. 56 00:03:22,786 --> 00:03:25,788 Oh, okay. l'm coming right now. 57 00:03:27,082 --> 00:03:29,375 Oh, the man interferes yet again. 58 00:03:29,543 --> 00:03:31,210 Can you pIease--? Yes. 59 00:03:31,378 --> 00:03:34,422 I'II take it back to the lab, run some tests. 60 00:03:34,590 --> 00:03:36,716 You don't have a Iab. You have a storage unit. 61 00:03:37,092 --> 00:03:38,801 Semantics. 62 00:03:38,969 --> 00:03:40,469 Thanks, Moz. 63 00:04:14,379 --> 00:04:18,841 D'ALLESIO: The Bible beIongs to the Church of St. CamiIIus de LeIIis in NapIes. 64 00:04:19,009 --> 00:04:20,676 It was brought here in 1 903. 65 00:04:20,844 --> 00:04:22,386 Been the heart of our parish. 66 00:04:22,554 --> 00:04:23,846 Now this. 67 00:04:24,681 --> 00:04:26,098 No aIarm, no witnesses. 68 00:04:26,266 --> 00:04:29,101 No sign of a forced entry. It looks like a smash and dash. 69 00:04:29,519 --> 00:04:31,938 Anything unusuaI that night, Father? 70 00:04:32,105 --> 00:04:33,689 No. Not that l recaII. 71 00:04:34,650 --> 00:04:37,234 Have ERT run the prints against the parish roster. 72 00:04:37,402 --> 00:04:39,362 Something teIls me we'lI get a few matches. 73 00:04:39,529 --> 00:04:41,697 Nobody from this parish stoIe that BibIe. 74 00:04:41,865 --> 00:04:44,867 Oh, sure. You guys are aIl choirboys, right, BareIli? 75 00:04:45,035 --> 00:04:46,202 No surveiIlance cameras. 76 00:04:46,662 --> 00:04:48,204 The Lord sees aII. 77 00:04:48,372 --> 00:04:49,789 And that's good enough for us. 78 00:04:49,957 --> 00:04:53,960 I'm getting my St. Whatevers mixed up. But didn't you used to run a soup kitchen here? 79 00:04:54,753 --> 00:04:55,836 Not anymore. 80 00:04:59,299 --> 00:05:02,051 NEAL: Who steaIs a Bible? MOZZIE: Peo?le steaI everything. 81 00:05:02,219 --> 00:05:05,388 Why wouId we steaI one? In theory? 82 00:05:05,555 --> 00:05:06,806 They're rare. 83 00:05:06,974 --> 00:05:10,351 Yeah, it makes them valuabIe, but not Iike a Picasso. 84 00:05:10,519 --> 00:05:14,397 It's definitely a niche market. It's tough to fence. 85 00:05:14,564 --> 00:05:17,233 PeopIe get weird about buying stolen reIigious artifacts. 86 00:05:17,401 --> 00:05:18,985 I think it's an irony thing. 87 00:05:19,152 --> 00:05:21,862 That pesky eighth commandment. 88 00:05:22,030 --> 00:05:23,364 Thou shaIt not steaI. 89 00:05:23,532 --> 00:05:25,366 It depends what's important to ?eopIe. 90 00:05:25,534 --> 00:05:30,579 Did you know that an originaI Star Trek dome lunchbox goes for 600 bucks? 91 00:05:31,289 --> 00:05:32,832 I don't try to expIain it. 92 00:05:33,000 --> 00:05:35,501 WeIl, I can appreciate that. But why this one? 93 00:05:35,669 --> 00:05:39,088 WeIl, you're missing book is famous. It's known as the HeaIing Bible. 94 00:05:39,464 --> 00:05:41,674 RealIy? Attribution. 95 00:05:41,842 --> 00:05:45,428 "In 1 588, the plague passed through Naples. 96 00:05:45,595 --> 00:05:50,099 Father CamiIIus carried the book into disease-stricken ships in the harbor. 97 00:05:50,267 --> 00:05:52,768 Not a singIe ?erson who touched the Bible died." 98 00:05:52,936 --> 00:05:54,979 Good story. Twenty years Iater... 99 00:05:55,147 --> 00:05:58,858 ...a blind girI regained her sight when she rescued the book from a fire. 100 00:05:59,026 --> 00:06:00,693 I couId give you many more exampIes. 101 00:06:00,861 --> 00:06:03,446 No, I'm sure you could. 102 00:06:04,156 --> 00:06:07,783 Look, maybe you don't steal it for the money. 103 00:06:07,951 --> 00:06:09,952 You steaI it because you're a true beIiever. 104 00:06:10,120 --> 00:06:12,496 A true beIiever? You got something better? 105 00:06:12,664 --> 00:06:15,082 Every ?erson in that church has a feIony record. 106 00:06:15,250 --> 00:06:17,501 The peopIe I don't suspect are the ones in ?rison. 107 00:06:17,669 --> 00:06:19,795 So let's start with the faithfuI. 108 00:06:19,963 --> 00:06:22,965 "It cures bIind nuns and Ie?ers." 109 00:06:23,133 --> 00:06:26,052 It sounds Iike every story in Sunday school. 110 00:06:26,219 --> 00:06:27,803 Look at this. 111 00:06:29,139 --> 00:06:32,600 In 1 91 8, 30,000 peo?le in New York died from the S?anish fIu. 112 00:06:32,768 --> 00:06:35,436 No one in this parish even caught a coId. 113 00:06:35,812 --> 00:06:38,355 Maybe whoever took it thinks it's gonna heal them. 114 00:06:38,523 --> 00:06:40,066 It's worth Iooking into. 115 00:06:45,363 --> 00:06:48,032 Nobody in this church caught the flu. It's true. 116 00:06:48,200 --> 00:06:50,826 Why these guys and not the church down the block? 117 00:06:50,994 --> 00:06:53,496 Because of a book? Tough to swaIlow. 118 00:06:53,663 --> 00:06:55,414 I thought you were Catholic. La?sed. 119 00:06:55,582 --> 00:06:58,959 Oh, so you don't think some higher power couId've saved the congregation? 120 00:06:59,127 --> 00:07:02,922 I'm more incIined to think they ke?t the door shut and loaded up on vitamin C. 121 00:07:03,090 --> 00:07:04,715 Maybe God works with what he's got? 122 00:07:04,883 --> 00:07:07,635 And God said, "Shut thine doors and eat thine oranges?" 123 00:07:07,803 --> 00:07:08,844 Why not? 124 00:07:09,679 --> 00:07:12,264 AIl right, look, when they dug up king Tut... 125 00:07:12,432 --> 00:07:15,684 ...everybody made such a big deal out of the curse of the pharaoh. 126 00:07:15,852 --> 00:07:17,853 PeopIe who entered the tomb ended up dead. 127 00:07:18,021 --> 00:07:22,233 Yeah, they probabIy caught some oId bacteriaI infection. Germs. 128 00:07:22,400 --> 00:07:25,111 There's your divine intervention. God can't use bacteria? 129 00:07:25,695 --> 00:07:28,614 I prefer my miracles with a little more smiting and Iightning. 130 00:07:28,782 --> 00:07:30,533 D'ALLESIO: Can l heIp you? 131 00:07:30,826 --> 00:07:32,535 PETER: Thanks for seeing us again, Father. 132 00:07:33,036 --> 00:07:34,954 We wanted to run down one thing. 133 00:07:35,122 --> 00:07:38,290 You didn't teII us your bibIe was also known as a heaIing Bible. 134 00:07:38,875 --> 00:07:41,293 I didn't think it was reIevant. Could be. 135 00:07:41,461 --> 00:07:46,382 Anybody in your church who was a true beIiever of the healing power of the BibIe? 136 00:07:46,550 --> 00:07:50,219 Someone who was terminalIy iIl? Someone who had a sick famiIy member? 137 00:07:50,387 --> 00:07:53,848 I was afraid this might ha?pen. PETER: What? 138 00:07:54,015 --> 00:07:55,766 [SIGHS] 139 00:07:55,934 --> 00:07:59,478 Mr. BarelIi has discouraged the homeless from the church. 140 00:07:59,646 --> 00:08:01,939 He made you shut down the soup kitchen. 141 00:08:02,107 --> 00:08:04,024 How Christian of him. 142 00:08:04,651 --> 00:08:08,404 The night of the theft, I Iet a homeIess man sIeep in the sanctuary. 143 00:08:09,406 --> 00:08:11,574 His name's Steve. Is he sick? 144 00:08:11,741 --> 00:08:14,743 No. But someone very cIose to him is. 145 00:08:19,499 --> 00:08:21,041 PETER: Steve? 146 00:08:21,418 --> 00:08:23,043 Hi. 147 00:08:23,461 --> 00:08:26,422 My name is Peter. This is my friend NeaI. Hi. 148 00:08:26,590 --> 00:08:29,049 PETER: Do you mind if we ask you some questions? 149 00:08:31,761 --> 00:08:36,390 The church you stayed in Iast week, they're missing a BibIe. 150 00:08:36,558 --> 00:08:38,100 You know anything about it? 151 00:08:40,103 --> 00:08:41,896 Yeah. l took it. 152 00:08:44,524 --> 00:08:46,442 Great. We need it back. 153 00:08:47,068 --> 00:08:49,069 No. No, l need it back. 154 00:08:49,237 --> 00:08:50,863 What do you mean? Where is it? 155 00:08:51,031 --> 00:08:53,741 I took it from the church Iike he asked me to. 156 00:08:53,909 --> 00:08:56,368 He said that he'd show me how to heIp Lucy get better. 157 00:08:56,870 --> 00:08:59,580 Then he took it from me. Now, he has not brought it back. 158 00:09:00,957 --> 00:09:03,792 Do you know where he is? No. I wish I did. 159 00:09:03,960 --> 00:09:06,170 Who asked you to take the BibIe from the church? 160 00:09:06,338 --> 00:09:09,465 Look, he said that he wouId heIp Lucy get better. 161 00:09:10,091 --> 00:09:12,301 She's not getting better. She's getting worse. 162 00:09:12,469 --> 00:09:14,303 What's wrong with her? 163 00:09:16,473 --> 00:09:17,973 She's tired aII the time. 164 00:09:19,309 --> 00:09:20,434 She don't eat nothing. 165 00:09:20,602 --> 00:09:22,770 If l get that Bible back, she'II get better. 166 00:09:22,938 --> 00:09:27,107 The man who asked you to take the BibIe, did you meet him at the church? 167 00:09:29,027 --> 00:09:30,486 Yeah. 168 00:09:32,948 --> 00:09:36,450 Steve, if we showed you some pictures, do you think you could recognize him? 169 00:09:36,826 --> 00:09:39,411 We just need to get the BibIe back, okay? 170 00:09:39,579 --> 00:09:42,623 Because she's fading. AlI right? 171 00:09:51,174 --> 00:09:52,675 LAUREN: You okay to keep going? 172 00:09:54,344 --> 00:09:55,719 What? 173 00:09:58,056 --> 00:09:59,431 There's more of them? 174 00:10:00,433 --> 00:10:03,936 Yeah. Let's just get through this one, okay? 175 00:10:06,564 --> 00:10:09,358 I'm gIad we foIlowed your hunch. Hope it takes us somewhere. 176 00:10:09,526 --> 00:10:11,360 Oh, ye of IittIe faith. 177 00:10:11,528 --> 00:10:15,364 You've been waiting to trot that one out. Been hoIding onto it since lunch. 178 00:10:21,538 --> 00:10:23,747 I'm gonna be right back. Okay? 179 00:10:25,041 --> 00:10:27,835 That bad, huh? Yeah, that bad was about an hour ago. 180 00:10:31,923 --> 00:10:33,882 Just give me the damn thing. 181 00:10:36,803 --> 00:10:40,139 No Iuck, huh? STEVE: No. Not realIy, no. 182 00:10:40,307 --> 00:10:42,057 Look, l'm-- 183 00:10:42,225 --> 00:10:44,226 I'm sorry I'm not more heIp to you. 184 00:10:44,936 --> 00:10:46,895 My beII got rung ?retty good in FaIlujah. 185 00:10:49,232 --> 00:10:51,317 You were in Iraq? Yeah. 186 00:10:52,777 --> 00:10:54,028 It's where I found Lucy. 187 00:10:56,573 --> 00:11:00,534 We caIIed in this ?redator strike on this trigger house. 188 00:11:01,328 --> 00:11:02,828 Two heIIfires came in... 189 00:11:04,748 --> 00:11:07,082 ...and just destroyed everything. 190 00:11:07,917 --> 00:11:09,585 Then l hear this IittIe whimpering. 191 00:11:10,211 --> 00:11:12,004 So l Iift up this piece of roof. 192 00:11:12,422 --> 00:11:13,756 And there she was. 193 00:11:14,341 --> 00:11:15,591 Just wagging her taiI. 194 00:11:18,219 --> 00:11:21,055 WeIl, you think you could look at one more book? 195 00:11:22,265 --> 00:11:25,768 HUGHES: The rest of you go over there and make sure N.Y.P.D. doesn't touch anything. 196 00:11:25,935 --> 00:11:27,936 Let's go get it. MAN: Yes, sir. 197 00:11:30,732 --> 00:11:34,026 What's going on? One of BareIIi's men just got shot. 198 00:11:34,194 --> 00:11:37,363 Who? PauI lgnazio. BareIli's number two. 199 00:11:40,075 --> 00:11:41,867 PETER: BareIIi's nephew. 200 00:11:42,243 --> 00:11:43,452 That's him. 201 00:11:43,620 --> 00:11:46,622 Who? The guy that asked me to take the Bible. 202 00:12:00,595 --> 00:12:02,388 HUGHES: We can wrap this up with this bunch. 203 00:12:07,852 --> 00:12:08,977 That's our boy. 204 00:12:09,854 --> 00:12:12,272 CIose range. No eyewitnesses. 205 00:12:12,440 --> 00:12:16,068 Body's not waterIogged. So it's fresh. 206 00:12:21,032 --> 00:12:22,908 .25 caliber casing. 207 00:12:23,451 --> 00:12:24,743 European gauge. 208 00:12:24,911 --> 00:12:26,286 It's a .22 caliber. 209 00:12:27,497 --> 00:12:30,791 This is brookIyn, buddy. Not Bavaria. 210 00:12:30,959 --> 00:12:33,085 Pete Burke. 211 00:12:33,253 --> 00:12:36,422 This is a homicide, not an art exhibit. What are you doing here? 212 00:12:36,589 --> 00:12:38,924 Ruiz, l see they let you out of your cubicIe. 213 00:12:39,092 --> 00:12:41,260 Yeah. This is my show now. 214 00:12:42,011 --> 00:12:43,512 Where's your pet convict? 215 00:12:43,680 --> 00:12:45,848 I left him in the car with the windows cracked. 216 00:12:46,015 --> 00:12:49,143 What are you doing at my crime scene? This taiIs into my case. 217 00:12:49,310 --> 00:12:51,103 This is mob retaIiation. 218 00:12:51,271 --> 00:12:53,522 It's my investigation now. 219 00:12:53,690 --> 00:12:56,150 If you don't beIieve me, ask Hughes. 220 00:12:56,651 --> 00:12:58,193 Don't start with me. 221 00:12:58,361 --> 00:13:00,571 You've got Ruiz running Organized Crime? 222 00:13:00,738 --> 00:13:02,030 That's unbeIievabIe. 223 00:13:02,198 --> 00:13:04,450 We offer you that bump, you turn it down. 224 00:13:04,617 --> 00:13:05,659 This isn't mob on mob. 225 00:13:05,827 --> 00:13:07,661 The BibIe's the key to this thing. 226 00:13:07,829 --> 00:13:10,122 AIl you've got is a guy with a spotty memory... 227 00:13:10,290 --> 00:13:13,834 ...who thinks Ignazio may have enticed him into stealing that BibIe. 228 00:13:14,002 --> 00:13:16,336 What we've got is a member of the BareIIi famiIy... 229 00:13:16,504 --> 00:13:18,881 ...probably kiIled by the Morettis. 230 00:13:19,048 --> 00:13:22,342 AIl right, fine. I'lI stay out of the active investigation. 231 00:13:22,510 --> 00:13:24,845 Just let me take a Iook at whatever's on that body. 232 00:13:25,013 --> 00:13:26,805 It's Ruiz's case. 233 00:13:26,973 --> 00:13:29,725 He's not comfortable sharing inteI whiIe Caffrey's with you. 234 00:13:29,893 --> 00:13:32,478 Oh, come on. He's a convicted feIon, Peter. 235 00:13:32,645 --> 00:13:36,482 And Ruiz isn't the onIy one with reservations. 236 00:13:36,983 --> 00:13:38,692 AIl right. 237 00:13:38,860 --> 00:13:41,528 You have ?lenty of other cases on your sheet. 238 00:13:41,696 --> 00:13:45,115 Let Organized Crime handIe this one. AIl right. 239 00:13:47,243 --> 00:13:48,494 We're off the case? 240 00:13:48,661 --> 00:13:51,205 We've been asked to ste? down. 241 00:13:54,959 --> 00:13:57,252 This is a retaIiation kiIling by the other family? 242 00:13:57,420 --> 00:14:01,173 I don't think PauI wouId've met a Moretti aIone by this river. 243 00:14:01,341 --> 00:14:03,342 Not with alI the bad bIood in the water. 244 00:14:03,843 --> 00:14:05,344 Now, if Ruiz is right.... 245 00:14:05,512 --> 00:14:06,887 That Moretti kiIled him? 246 00:14:07,931 --> 00:14:10,307 We may be sitting on the edge of a mob war. 247 00:14:10,475 --> 00:14:11,642 So, what do we do? 248 00:14:11,809 --> 00:14:13,227 I can't do much of anything. 249 00:14:13,394 --> 00:14:15,938 Ruiz is not wiIling to share the case fiIe. 250 00:14:16,397 --> 00:14:17,689 So where does that leave us? 251 00:14:17,857 --> 00:14:21,568 Like l said, I can't do much of anything. 252 00:14:26,366 --> 00:14:29,618 You know, I'm getting a littIe chilIy by this water. Aren't you? 253 00:14:29,786 --> 00:14:31,286 Can l borrow your jacket? 254 00:14:31,454 --> 00:14:32,621 I swear to you, Peter. 255 00:14:32,789 --> 00:14:35,123 Under no circumstances wiII I impersonate the FBI. 256 00:14:43,883 --> 00:14:45,342 Where do you think you're going? 257 00:14:45,510 --> 00:14:47,553 This is PauI Ignazio's apartment, right? 258 00:14:48,471 --> 00:14:51,723 Hi, Ted Jefferson from the Evidence Recovery Team. 259 00:14:51,891 --> 00:14:53,725 I don't care if you're Thomas Jefferson. I need ID. 260 00:14:53,893 --> 00:14:55,644 Oh. Sorry. 261 00:14:55,812 --> 00:14:58,897 I puIIed a doubIe hommie Iast night. 262 00:15:00,817 --> 00:15:05,571 It's in the van. My partner took it to see his girIfriend in Queens. 263 00:15:05,738 --> 00:15:07,614 Not my ?robIem, brother. 264 00:15:07,782 --> 00:15:10,325 Look, l just need a urine swab from the vic's toiIet. 265 00:15:10,493 --> 00:15:13,829 If l don't get it soon, it'II s?ike the cross-reactivity and then-- 266 00:15:13,997 --> 00:15:16,665 I got orders too, paI. No ID, no pee. 267 00:15:19,877 --> 00:15:22,838 Oh, I know. You can get it. 268 00:15:23,006 --> 00:15:24,047 It's easy. 269 00:15:24,215 --> 00:15:26,675 AIl you gotta do is swab around the rim of the toiIet. 270 00:15:27,135 --> 00:15:30,679 Then drop the swab into the tube, screw the cap on the tube. 271 00:15:30,847 --> 00:15:34,433 And bam, we're good to go. No way. I'm not doing that. 272 00:15:35,810 --> 00:15:37,185 Okay. 273 00:15:37,353 --> 00:15:40,355 Now it's your ?robIem. 274 00:15:42,942 --> 00:15:45,444 Yeah, cap. I got a IocaI hero by the name of-- 275 00:15:45,612 --> 00:15:48,113 Okay, okay, pee boy. Get it yourseIf. 276 00:15:48,281 --> 00:15:51,533 It turns out the hero is on our side. Never mind. 277 00:15:54,996 --> 00:15:56,496 Any problems getting in? None. 278 00:15:56,664 --> 00:15:58,665 He thinks I'm swabbing toilets. 279 00:15:58,833 --> 00:16:01,084 We've got about 1 0 minutes untiI he gets curious. 280 00:16:01,252 --> 00:16:03,378 Why? Is that the standard toiIet swabbing time? 281 00:16:03,546 --> 00:16:05,547 Yes. That's exactIy what it is. 282 00:16:05,715 --> 00:16:07,841 You Iook comfortable in that FBI windbreaker. 283 00:16:08,009 --> 00:16:09,885 It's time to consider a new career path. 284 00:16:10,053 --> 00:16:12,971 No. I prefer to keep my soul. What are we Iooking for? 285 00:16:13,139 --> 00:16:15,807 PauI convinced our guy to steaI a BibIe. I wanna know why. 286 00:16:15,975 --> 00:16:19,061 I wanna know who kilIed him. And I wanna know if they're reIated. 287 00:16:22,023 --> 00:16:24,358 He was researching something. 288 00:16:24,525 --> 00:16:27,694 Hundred Years' War, the Crusades... 289 00:16:27,862 --> 00:16:30,405 ...iIluminated manuscripts. 290 00:16:46,631 --> 00:16:49,675 Why is a mob guy researching medievaI history? 291 00:16:51,886 --> 00:16:53,428 You know the name Maria Fiametta? 292 00:16:53,930 --> 00:16:55,722 Doesn't ring a beII. Who is she? 293 00:16:56,182 --> 00:16:57,933 Art historian, brookIyn State. 294 00:16:58,101 --> 00:16:59,267 Serendi?ity. 295 00:16:59,435 --> 00:17:02,187 PauI had an a?pointment at BrookIyn State. 296 00:17:03,523 --> 00:17:05,607 You find anything? NEAL: Your hunch was right. 297 00:17:05,775 --> 00:17:07,192 Ruiz is on the wrong traiI. 298 00:17:07,360 --> 00:17:09,903 And how did you learn this? A friend. 299 00:17:10,071 --> 00:17:12,864 The same friend who--? Same guy. 300 00:17:13,032 --> 00:17:14,908 He's reaI. l'm not making him up. 301 00:17:15,076 --> 00:17:16,576 Oh, I know he's reaI. 302 00:17:16,744 --> 00:17:19,788 How much do you know? Enough. 303 00:17:20,123 --> 00:17:23,083 What'd you find? A professor who writes about bIack market. 304 00:17:23,251 --> 00:17:26,712 SiciIian grave robbers, Egyptian smugglers and Serbian mobsters. 305 00:17:26,879 --> 00:17:30,465 Can't run with those crowds unIess you're wilIing to get dirt under your naiIs. 306 00:17:30,633 --> 00:17:33,927 What's his name? Her name is Maria Fiametta. 307 00:17:34,095 --> 00:17:37,597 A woman. A reguIar Cindiana Jones. 308 00:17:39,684 --> 00:17:42,102 Do you wanna go meet her? Yeah, l think I do. 309 00:17:47,150 --> 00:17:48,775 You gentIemen are with the FBI? 310 00:17:48,943 --> 00:17:52,446 Yes. We're hoping you can heIp us out on this one. 311 00:17:52,613 --> 00:17:55,449 We're working on a stoIen BibIe. Show her. 312 00:17:56,534 --> 00:17:59,494 Thank you, Agent--? Neal Caffrey. 313 00:18:00,329 --> 00:18:04,499 That's funny. There's a very taIented manuscript forger aIso named NeaI Caffrey. 314 00:18:05,042 --> 00:18:06,501 How taIented? 315 00:18:07,920 --> 00:18:08,962 You're him. 316 00:18:10,506 --> 00:18:11,840 And you're with the FBl? 317 00:18:13,342 --> 00:18:14,801 It's sort of a work reIease. 318 00:18:16,095 --> 00:18:17,262 I have to ask. 319 00:18:17,430 --> 00:18:19,598 Is it true that the Vinland map is yours? 320 00:18:19,766 --> 00:18:23,185 How could it be? But if it is a forgery, it's spectacuIar. 321 00:18:23,352 --> 00:18:25,979 How about we get back to my current problem? 322 00:18:26,147 --> 00:18:30,776 A pre-Renaissance BibIe stolen from a church in Brooklyn. 323 00:18:34,197 --> 00:18:36,531 FIAMETTA: It's very beautifuI. 324 00:18:36,699 --> 00:18:38,450 But it's not a BibIe. 325 00:18:38,618 --> 00:18:41,620 It's not? Pre-Renaissance, yes. 326 00:18:41,788 --> 00:18:45,040 But it's too smalI to be a bibIe. Then it's a book of hours. 327 00:18:46,292 --> 00:18:49,294 Most likeIy, yes. In the Italian styIe. 328 00:18:49,879 --> 00:18:50,879 A Iarge prayer book. 329 00:18:51,047 --> 00:18:54,132 To show their devotion, monks and nuns had to recite the PsaIms... 330 00:18:54,300 --> 00:18:56,676 ...hymns, or chants at specific times aII day long. 331 00:18:56,844 --> 00:18:59,054 Sunday school. Lots of Sundays. 332 00:18:59,222 --> 00:19:00,931 This is a ?articularIy nice example. 333 00:19:01,098 --> 00:19:03,225 WeIl, Ignazio thought so too. 334 00:19:03,768 --> 00:19:05,727 Sorry? Do you know him? 335 00:19:05,895 --> 00:19:07,062 No. 336 00:19:07,230 --> 00:19:08,647 We beIieve he stoIe it. 337 00:19:09,398 --> 00:19:11,024 Oh, weIl, I ho?e you catch him. 338 00:19:11,442 --> 00:19:13,068 Can't. He's dead. 339 00:19:13,444 --> 00:19:17,072 Looks Iike a mob hit. But we're stiII ho?ing to figure out who took the book. 340 00:19:17,240 --> 00:19:20,075 WeIl, I'd Iove to know. It's quite beautifuI. 341 00:19:20,243 --> 00:19:21,284 Here's my card. 342 00:19:21,452 --> 00:19:25,831 If you hear anything or come across anyone who's Iooking to buy or seIl something.... 343 00:19:25,998 --> 00:19:27,582 I wilI caII you. PETER: Thank you. 344 00:19:27,750 --> 00:19:28,750 It's a pleasure. 345 00:19:28,918 --> 00:19:33,171 If you are ever in the mood to discuss medievaI manuscripts.... 346 00:19:33,339 --> 00:19:34,923 You'd be surprised how often I'm in the mood for that. 347 00:19:35,091 --> 00:19:37,509 [FlANETTI CHUCkLES] 348 00:19:50,273 --> 00:19:52,357 Was this just an exercise in schadenfreude? 349 00:19:52,525 --> 00:19:53,733 Because you win. 350 00:19:53,901 --> 00:19:55,569 It's just a bottIe, man. 351 00:19:55,736 --> 00:19:57,445 The Iab needs to reexamine its work. 352 00:19:57,613 --> 00:20:00,323 The Iab went over every inch of that thing. 353 00:20:00,491 --> 00:20:03,910 Fingerprints, chemicaIs, bIack Iight, nothing. 354 00:20:04,078 --> 00:20:06,913 I even tested the remnants of the wine Ieft in the bottle... 355 00:20:07,081 --> 00:20:12,794 ...which, by the way, was a very IoveIy boxed Franzia from earIy October. 356 00:20:16,299 --> 00:20:19,676 Oh, your FbI friend keeps you on a tight Ieash. 357 00:20:19,844 --> 00:20:23,346 keep looking, Moz. Something's there, okay? 358 00:20:28,477 --> 00:20:31,771 She's Iying about PauI. She's two degrees away from our homeless guy. 359 00:20:31,939 --> 00:20:36,985 I aIso have troubIe buying the fact that an attractive history professor offed a mobster. 360 00:20:37,153 --> 00:20:39,654 ELlZABETH: No. You don't want me to see the missing inventory. 361 00:20:39,822 --> 00:20:43,825 If l come down there, there'II be a Iot more missing than centerpieces. You got that? 362 00:20:44,327 --> 00:20:46,244 Okay, maybe it's not a compIete stretch. 363 00:20:47,246 --> 00:20:48,413 ELlZABETH: Hey, guys. Hi. 364 00:20:48,581 --> 00:20:51,249 Sorry. It's just my vendor. 365 00:20:51,417 --> 00:20:52,626 PETER: No, it's fine. 366 00:20:52,793 --> 00:20:55,962 We were just trying to decide if a woman is capabIe of murder. 367 00:20:56,130 --> 00:20:57,672 Oh, I think so. 368 00:20:58,883 --> 00:21:00,675 What's the issue? 369 00:21:03,262 --> 00:21:05,597 AIl right, l think we're deaIing with a sheIl game. 370 00:21:05,765 --> 00:21:07,682 VisuaI aids. Nice. 371 00:21:07,850 --> 00:21:10,518 Big Gul? is Paul, dead mob guy. 372 00:21:10,686 --> 00:21:13,480 Coffee cup is Steve, our homeIess vet. 373 00:21:13,648 --> 00:21:15,023 Mug is Maria. 374 00:21:16,609 --> 00:21:17,692 Napkin's the BibIe. 375 00:21:17,860 --> 00:21:19,027 Make Maria the saItshaker. 376 00:21:19,195 --> 00:21:20,779 Maria's the mug. Watch. 377 00:21:20,947 --> 00:21:23,865 We'II start with PauI, who for some reason reads Maria's book... 378 00:21:24,033 --> 00:21:27,285 ...and realizes the HeaIing Bible is worth a heII of a lot of cash. 379 00:21:27,453 --> 00:21:31,289 But it's aIso BareIli's pride and joy. He doesn't wanna risk BareIIi's wrath. 380 00:21:31,457 --> 00:21:34,250 He gets Steve to steaI the bibIe. Steve to steaI the Bible. 381 00:21:34,418 --> 00:21:35,877 PIausibIe deniabiIity. 382 00:21:36,045 --> 00:21:39,547 But if it doesn't work, then he Iets the homeIess guy take the faIl. 383 00:21:39,715 --> 00:21:40,757 WeIl, that's eviI. 384 00:21:40,925 --> 00:21:43,718 He takes the Bible from Steve, calIs Maria to make the deaI. 385 00:21:43,886 --> 00:21:45,011 Something happens. 386 00:21:45,179 --> 00:21:47,263 Yeah. The deaI goes down wrong. 387 00:21:47,431 --> 00:21:50,141 Or PauI decides he wants both the cash and the book. 388 00:21:50,309 --> 00:21:53,061 WeIl, whatever it is, PauI ends up dead. 389 00:21:53,229 --> 00:21:54,729 The BibIe goes missing. 390 00:21:55,231 --> 00:21:56,815 Steve never even met Maria. 391 00:21:56,983 --> 00:22:00,735 And our girl waIks away cIean with a very expensive book. 392 00:22:03,906 --> 00:22:05,031 Okay, how'd you do that? 393 00:22:05,408 --> 00:22:07,158 Never reveaI your secrets. 394 00:22:07,326 --> 00:22:09,160 How do we get Maria to reveaI hers? 395 00:22:10,413 --> 00:22:13,915 If l stretch it, I might be abIe to get a warrant to get into her pIace. 396 00:22:14,083 --> 00:22:18,128 You know, if she's smart, she's not gonna have that BibIe anywhere cIose to her. 397 00:22:18,295 --> 00:22:21,256 EI, I've never seen this devious side. Don't cross me. 398 00:22:21,924 --> 00:22:24,968 EIizabeth's right about the Bible. She won't keep it close. 399 00:22:25,136 --> 00:22:27,095 I've got it. She knew who you were. 400 00:22:27,263 --> 00:22:29,305 Neal Caffrey, master forger. AIleged. 401 00:22:29,473 --> 00:22:30,682 PETER: AIleged, whatever. 402 00:22:31,142 --> 00:22:35,729 If she's got the book, it Iinks her to the murder. She's gonna wanna get rid of it. 403 00:22:35,896 --> 00:22:37,856 We've got the usual channeIs Iocked down. 404 00:22:38,024 --> 00:22:41,609 But if she thinks you might be interested.... Convince her I'm pIiabIe. 405 00:22:41,777 --> 00:22:43,236 We find some street contacts. 406 00:22:43,404 --> 00:22:46,281 Float it out that oId Neal Caffrey is back in business. 407 00:22:46,449 --> 00:22:48,616 That couId take time and there's no guarantee. 408 00:22:48,993 --> 00:22:50,452 Why don't you just ask her out? 409 00:22:52,204 --> 00:22:54,164 That couId work. Think she'Il say yes? 410 00:22:54,331 --> 00:22:55,415 Yes. I couId ?rob-- 411 00:23:00,254 --> 00:23:03,048 NEAL: To history, oId and new. 412 00:23:04,967 --> 00:23:09,012 How does an FBl agent get a tabIe here? It's, Iike, a six month wait. 413 00:23:09,180 --> 00:23:11,264 Oh, an FBI agent doesn't. 414 00:23:11,640 --> 00:23:13,391 Don't forget I had a previous Iife. 415 00:23:13,559 --> 00:23:14,809 Oh, yeah. 416 00:23:15,436 --> 00:23:17,645 Do you beIieve in reincarnation? 417 00:23:18,481 --> 00:23:20,398 You could say that. 418 00:23:20,691 --> 00:23:23,485 How about you? Who were you in your previous life? 419 00:23:24,028 --> 00:23:27,155 Same person I've aIways been, with '90s hair. 420 00:23:28,908 --> 00:23:30,784 I doubt that. 421 00:23:31,118 --> 00:23:32,660 Let me see your IifeIine. No. 422 00:23:32,828 --> 00:23:34,913 Come on. lt'Il heIp filI in the bIanks. 423 00:23:35,372 --> 00:23:38,374 You're not seriously gonna read my ?aIm right now, are you? 424 00:23:38,542 --> 00:23:39,626 Oh, caIIuses. 425 00:23:40,503 --> 00:23:41,920 Not afraid to get dirty. 426 00:23:42,630 --> 00:23:45,131 WeIl, that's true. What eIse? 427 00:23:47,384 --> 00:23:48,426 No ring. 428 00:23:48,594 --> 00:23:52,430 Between that and the caIluses, I'm guessing work gets in the way. 429 00:23:54,934 --> 00:23:56,768 No ring for you either. 430 00:23:57,728 --> 00:24:00,480 Yeah. Prison got in the way. 431 00:24:02,233 --> 00:24:06,277 So it must be weird for you working for the FBl. 432 00:24:06,445 --> 00:24:10,031 I don't know. lt's aIways interesting to read from the other team's pIaybook. 433 00:24:10,324 --> 00:24:12,659 The other team? I thought you were out of the game. 434 00:24:12,827 --> 00:24:15,787 Oh, I am. Retired and rehabiIitated. 435 00:24:17,623 --> 00:24:19,707 Have you found your missing Bible? 436 00:24:20,543 --> 00:24:22,210 Not yet. 437 00:24:23,170 --> 00:24:24,838 You know anyone who wants to buy one? 438 00:24:25,631 --> 00:24:27,382 Maybe. 439 00:24:27,550 --> 00:24:30,510 Looters a?proach me alI the time. So do buyers. 440 00:24:30,678 --> 00:24:34,806 It's a very attractive offer. 441 00:24:34,974 --> 00:24:36,766 It sure is. 442 00:24:40,896 --> 00:24:42,897 Judge Rattigan faxed the warrant. ExceIlent. 443 00:24:43,065 --> 00:24:46,818 AIl right, NeaI's got orders to keep her away from her home for at Ieast an hour. 444 00:24:46,986 --> 00:24:48,820 Can you bypass the alarm? Two minutes. 445 00:24:48,988 --> 00:24:50,405 Let's do it. 446 00:24:51,490 --> 00:24:53,825 Surprise me. Oh, you sure? 447 00:24:54,743 --> 00:24:58,496 I might order something you don't like and then where wilI we be? 448 00:24:58,664 --> 00:24:59,706 I trust you. 449 00:25:00,082 --> 00:25:02,917 After aIl, you work for the FBI. 450 00:25:05,212 --> 00:25:06,754 More wine? 451 00:25:07,548 --> 00:25:09,174 Now you read minds? 452 00:25:11,218 --> 00:25:13,428 The question is do you? 453 00:25:17,057 --> 00:25:19,642 JONES: It's not bad for a coIlege professor, huh? 454 00:25:19,810 --> 00:25:22,854 LAUREN: Yeah, weIl, she's either a crook or a trust fund baby. 455 00:25:23,022 --> 00:25:26,274 JONES: Ha-ha. Yeah, maybe it's both. LAUREN: Ha. They usuaIly are. 456 00:25:26,692 --> 00:25:28,568 JONES: Nice catch. 457 00:25:28,736 --> 00:25:31,112 And not a bad pIace to drop the bug either. 458 00:25:31,488 --> 00:25:35,033 Yeah. Yeah, yeah. That's good coverage. Let's do it. 459 00:25:38,454 --> 00:25:39,787 She's bringing him back here. 460 00:25:41,790 --> 00:25:43,583 Of course she is. 461 00:25:45,252 --> 00:25:47,295 Oh, you jeaIous, you ain't getting any of it? 462 00:25:47,463 --> 00:25:49,005 Neal? No. 463 00:25:49,173 --> 00:25:53,134 I'm perfectly fine with the stale ass coffee I have in the van. Thank you. 464 00:25:53,302 --> 00:25:55,970 We good? Yeah, we're good. 465 00:25:56,138 --> 00:25:59,140 CarefuI, Lauren. Don't spiII that staIe ass coffee. 466 00:25:59,308 --> 00:26:02,268 It's a bug. l can hear. 467 00:26:02,645 --> 00:26:05,146 They're home. RoII tape. 468 00:26:05,773 --> 00:26:08,024 [LAUGHS] 469 00:26:09,485 --> 00:26:11,027 Some wine? 470 00:26:11,195 --> 00:26:12,820 Why not? 471 00:26:16,617 --> 00:26:19,244 So, what shaII we talk about? 472 00:26:19,828 --> 00:26:21,913 NEAL: There's this story about these two spies. 473 00:26:22,831 --> 00:26:25,500 A French duke and an ltaIian count. 474 00:26:26,460 --> 00:26:29,879 They're sworn enemies who spent the whole year trying to trick each other. 475 00:26:30,047 --> 00:26:34,550 But on New Year's Eve, they got to ask one question the other had to answer truthfulIy. 476 00:26:34,718 --> 00:26:41,057 Yes. The trick was asking the right question because you may never get another chance. 477 00:26:41,308 --> 00:26:45,478 I've always said honesty is a more chaIIenging game. 478 00:26:45,896 --> 00:26:48,356 Honesty is a more chaIIenging game? 479 00:26:48,524 --> 00:26:50,483 Jeez, how come my dates don't go Iike this? 480 00:26:50,651 --> 00:26:53,569 You don't say things like, "Honesty is a more chaIIenging game." 481 00:26:53,737 --> 00:26:57,448 It's because nobody actualIy taIks Iike that. They do in NeaI Caffrey's worId. 482 00:26:58,701 --> 00:27:00,368 This wine needs to breathe. 483 00:27:00,744 --> 00:27:02,954 I'm gonna get a decanter. 484 00:27:03,122 --> 00:27:05,248 Why don't you put some music on? 485 00:27:31,400 --> 00:27:33,359 NEAL: What are you in the mood for? 486 00:27:33,527 --> 00:27:35,486 Oh, you know. 487 00:27:36,905 --> 00:27:38,698 Surprise you. 488 00:27:46,623 --> 00:27:49,542 NEAL: Ten years painting the same BibIe. 489 00:27:49,710 --> 00:27:51,878 Stalking God. 490 00:27:52,046 --> 00:27:54,422 If it weren't for the monks' devotion... 491 00:27:54,590 --> 00:28:00,428 ...we wouId've lost one of the most significant works of Greek Iiterature forever. 492 00:28:00,929 --> 00:28:02,764 It's stunning. 493 00:28:03,640 --> 00:28:05,308 I agree. 494 00:28:08,479 --> 00:28:10,229 You know what? 495 00:28:11,690 --> 00:28:13,441 I don't trust you. 496 00:28:14,443 --> 00:28:16,110 Smart. 497 00:28:16,278 --> 00:28:18,529 I wouIdn't trust me either. 498 00:28:26,288 --> 00:28:28,289 I think we have a technicaI probIem. 499 00:28:28,457 --> 00:28:30,958 That's one way of putting it. 500 00:28:33,796 --> 00:28:36,130 Let's pIay the spies' game. 501 00:28:38,008 --> 00:28:40,885 I'II ask you a question.... I have to teII you the truth? 502 00:28:41,053 --> 00:28:44,472 And you have to teIl me the truth. Okay. 503 00:28:44,765 --> 00:28:46,057 Make it a good one. 504 00:28:48,894 --> 00:28:50,311 Which NeaI Caffrey are you? 505 00:28:52,106 --> 00:28:53,773 Are you working for the good guys... 506 00:28:56,485 --> 00:28:58,486 ...or are you working a bigger game? 507 00:29:10,749 --> 00:29:12,375 [STATIC CRACkLING OVER RADIO] 508 00:29:13,544 --> 00:29:15,253 What happened? 509 00:29:15,671 --> 00:29:17,338 Neal ha?pened. 510 00:29:19,341 --> 00:29:22,427 That answer your question? Maybe. 511 00:29:22,803 --> 00:29:25,012 Feds Iinked BarelIi's BibIe to Paul Ignazio... 512 00:29:25,180 --> 00:29:28,349 ...and you to PauI through his visits to the coIlege. 513 00:29:29,435 --> 00:29:33,479 Look, Maria. l'm Iiving ?roof if the feds want something from you... 514 00:29:33,647 --> 00:29:36,065 ...they'lI turn your Iife inside out to get it. 515 00:29:36,233 --> 00:29:38,234 They'II teIl BarelIi you have his book. 516 00:29:38,402 --> 00:29:39,652 Even if l don't? 517 00:29:46,660 --> 00:29:49,370 I can get you 250,000 in two days. 518 00:29:49,538 --> 00:29:51,122 It is worth a Iot more than that. 519 00:29:51,290 --> 00:29:54,000 Not if you're in prison or dead. 520 00:29:54,376 --> 00:29:57,462 Between the FBI and the mob, there's no way you can move it. 521 00:29:57,629 --> 00:29:58,796 I can. 522 00:29:59,173 --> 00:30:01,716 The other team's pIaybook. 523 00:30:04,219 --> 00:30:07,346 If l shouIdn't risk it, why are you? 524 00:30:07,514 --> 00:30:09,390 Won't they send you back for good? 525 00:30:11,935 --> 00:30:13,936 I'm aIready in prison. 526 00:30:14,563 --> 00:30:15,855 We have a deaI? 527 00:30:19,943 --> 00:30:21,694 HUGHES: How did you know she was in on it? 528 00:30:22,237 --> 00:30:24,906 Lucky hunch. Hm. 529 00:30:25,073 --> 00:30:27,241 Ruiz? I checked PauI's credit. 530 00:30:27,409 --> 00:30:30,620 He got wired 1 0 G's from a shelI corporation in Gibraltar... 531 00:30:30,787 --> 00:30:33,164 ...owned by your lady professor. 532 00:30:33,332 --> 00:30:35,583 Oh, by the way, how did Iast night's fishing go? 533 00:30:35,751 --> 00:30:37,960 Get any tape? PETER: Equipment faiIure. 534 00:30:38,128 --> 00:30:41,464 But Caffrey says she has the book. 535 00:30:41,632 --> 00:30:43,466 She'II selI, but only to him. 536 00:30:43,634 --> 00:30:45,927 Of course he'd say that. The terms? 537 00:30:47,095 --> 00:30:49,472 Two-fifty, wired to a Swiss account. 538 00:30:49,640 --> 00:30:52,767 No way. What if he cuts a deaI with her? He runs away with the book. 539 00:30:52,935 --> 00:30:55,019 What choice do we have? We don't. 540 00:30:55,187 --> 00:30:57,772 I don't need another dead body in the East River. 541 00:30:57,940 --> 00:30:59,440 We'II set u? a dummy account. 542 00:30:59,608 --> 00:31:02,109 That's risky. What if she takes a shot at Neal? 543 00:31:02,277 --> 00:31:04,654 I wouIdn't lose any sIeep over it. 544 00:31:05,656 --> 00:31:07,198 Morning, guys. 545 00:31:07,616 --> 00:31:09,242 Everybody sIee? okay? 546 00:31:12,412 --> 00:31:14,747 Cayman's First NationaI. 547 00:31:14,915 --> 00:31:18,876 I'II e-maiI you the PIN right before the buy. 548 00:31:19,419 --> 00:31:20,753 First they send me to prison. 549 00:31:20,921 --> 00:31:24,799 Tomorrow they give me a quarter miIlion taxpayer doIIars in an offshore account. 550 00:31:24,967 --> 00:31:27,593 Guess that shows how much confidence they have in you. 551 00:31:27,761 --> 00:31:30,137 And how much I have in you. 552 00:31:39,898 --> 00:31:41,357 Hey. Hey. 553 00:31:41,525 --> 00:31:42,942 Morning. You're up earIy. 554 00:31:43,110 --> 00:31:45,444 Yeah. l couIdn't sIeep. 555 00:31:45,612 --> 00:31:47,321 Big day. 556 00:31:47,823 --> 00:31:51,200 I can teII. You're wearing your Iucky tie. 557 00:31:51,368 --> 00:31:53,119 Hey, did you find the Bible? 558 00:31:53,287 --> 00:31:56,163 Yeah. The professor had it. 559 00:31:56,498 --> 00:31:58,749 Neal's gonna buy it back. 560 00:31:58,917 --> 00:32:01,335 You're giving him money, wow. 561 00:32:01,503 --> 00:32:02,878 No wonder. Lucky tie. 562 00:32:03,046 --> 00:32:06,007 No way. We set up a fake wire transfer. 563 00:32:07,509 --> 00:32:09,176 Then what are you worried about? 564 00:32:09,344 --> 00:32:11,554 He has to convince her that he's working us. 565 00:32:11,722 --> 00:32:14,974 Which means he has to cut his anklet for reaI. 566 00:32:15,142 --> 00:32:18,060 The book's worth a fortune. He couId run with it. 567 00:32:18,895 --> 00:32:24,233 WeIl, you have a lot more faith in a ratty old tie than you do NeaI. 568 00:32:24,401 --> 00:32:28,529 Yeah. WeIl, this ratty oId tie has never forged a priceIess ma? of VinIand. 569 00:32:29,489 --> 00:32:32,575 Why is it so hard for you to beIieve that he'lI do the right thing? 570 00:32:32,743 --> 00:32:34,994 Let's just say that's not his first instinct. 571 00:32:35,329 --> 00:32:36,370 And trust isn't yours. 572 00:32:36,747 --> 00:32:40,374 OccupationaI hazard. I Iike to know I can count on something. 573 00:32:41,126 --> 00:32:43,044 I know you do. 574 00:32:43,503 --> 00:32:46,547 Sometimes you just have to take a Ieap of faith. 575 00:32:55,098 --> 00:32:56,724 RUIZ: Look at him. 576 00:32:57,351 --> 00:32:59,894 Son of a bitch should be in Ieg irons, you ask me. 577 00:33:00,062 --> 00:33:02,063 Nobody asked you, Ruiz. 578 00:33:02,230 --> 00:33:03,856 He conned you too, Pete, huh? 579 00:33:04,232 --> 00:33:05,566 Here she comes. 580 00:33:07,319 --> 00:33:08,944 Hey. 581 00:33:13,116 --> 00:33:14,325 [WHISPERS] We have a chaperone. 582 00:33:14,993 --> 00:33:17,036 White van over my Ieft shouIder. 583 00:33:17,204 --> 00:33:19,497 [BOTH LAUGHING] 584 00:33:30,676 --> 00:33:33,094 What happened to not mixing business with pIeasure? 585 00:33:33,261 --> 00:33:36,180 That's for us. He's patting her down. 586 00:33:36,556 --> 00:33:38,766 I need a cigarette after that pat down. 587 00:33:40,519 --> 00:33:42,937 You're cIean. Thank you. 588 00:33:43,105 --> 00:33:44,397 Your turn. 589 00:33:56,702 --> 00:33:57,868 LAUREN: WeIl, what is that? 590 00:33:58,036 --> 00:34:00,413 She making sure that's not a gun in his ?ocket? 591 00:34:02,082 --> 00:34:03,791 No bugs. 592 00:34:03,959 --> 00:34:06,293 So where's my money? 593 00:34:07,963 --> 00:34:09,088 Where's my book? 594 00:34:10,549 --> 00:34:11,590 [CAR ALARM CHlRPS] 595 00:34:13,510 --> 00:34:14,969 You ready? 596 00:34:15,137 --> 00:34:18,055 When I cut the ankIet, our friends are gonna know I'm running. 597 00:34:18,223 --> 00:34:20,266 Can you lose them? I'm not going back in. 598 00:34:20,434 --> 00:34:23,644 I've been chased by the carabinieri, drug carteIs in Bogotá-- 599 00:34:23,812 --> 00:34:25,146 I get it. You're good. 600 00:34:31,737 --> 00:34:33,487 [BRACELET BEEPING] 601 00:34:33,905 --> 00:34:36,323 With aIl due respect, Neal... 602 00:34:36,491 --> 00:34:38,242 ...we couId make quite a fine pair. 603 00:34:38,410 --> 00:34:41,245 With aIl due respect, Maria, shut up and drive. 604 00:34:56,845 --> 00:34:59,597 He cut the tracker. Right on schedule. 605 00:34:59,765 --> 00:35:00,806 You knew about this? 606 00:35:00,974 --> 00:35:03,851 Of course. He had to convince her he's rigging the system. 607 00:35:04,019 --> 00:35:05,186 What if he reaIIy is? 608 00:35:05,353 --> 00:35:09,106 There are a dozen unmarked in the area. N.Y.P.D. has eyes in the sky. 609 00:35:09,483 --> 00:35:11,192 There's nowhere to hide. Let's go. 610 00:35:29,711 --> 00:35:31,337 I can't believe I'm doing this. 611 00:35:32,422 --> 00:35:34,381 I spent a Iong time Iooking for her. 612 00:35:34,549 --> 00:35:36,675 I guess it wasn't meant to be. 613 00:35:46,686 --> 00:35:48,354 It's caIfskin veIIum. 614 00:35:48,522 --> 00:35:49,897 [SPEAKS IN LATIN] 615 00:35:50,899 --> 00:35:52,483 GoIden chaIice of PauI. 616 00:35:53,151 --> 00:35:54,902 You satisfied? 617 00:35:55,070 --> 00:35:56,612 Very. 618 00:36:03,578 --> 00:36:05,162 Sending. 619 00:36:05,580 --> 00:36:07,414 It's on its way. 620 00:36:09,334 --> 00:36:11,252 And here it is. Thank you very much. 621 00:36:13,755 --> 00:36:16,131 It's a pleasure doing business with you. 622 00:36:17,133 --> 00:36:19,927 You'II never know how much pIeasure it could have been. 623 00:36:20,637 --> 00:36:23,931 You know, I had a feeIing alI that lovey-dovey stuff last night was BS. 624 00:36:24,099 --> 00:36:26,100 Next time, you shouId trust your instincts. 625 00:36:26,268 --> 00:36:27,935 Oh, I did. 626 00:36:28,103 --> 00:36:29,270 CIip. 627 00:36:29,437 --> 00:36:31,063 Lifted it when I ?atted you down. 628 00:36:31,231 --> 00:36:33,190 You forgot about the one in the chamber. 629 00:36:33,358 --> 00:36:35,442 Damn it. I've never been a gun guy. 630 00:36:35,777 --> 00:36:36,861 Give me the book, NeaI. 631 00:36:37,487 --> 00:36:38,529 Sorry. 632 00:36:38,989 --> 00:36:42,950 If you're gonna take me on, it's gonna cost you a smalI fortune. 633 00:36:43,118 --> 00:36:46,245 You can't do it? Is it because of the money or the history? 634 00:36:46,413 --> 00:36:48,789 You know the answer. Is that why you kiIIed PauI? 635 00:36:48,957 --> 00:36:50,916 PauI wanted the money and the book. 636 00:36:51,084 --> 00:36:53,460 Yeah. That's what ha?pens when you get greedy. 637 00:36:54,004 --> 00:36:55,045 PETER: Dro? the gun. 638 00:36:55,797 --> 00:36:56,881 [SIRENS WAILlNG] 639 00:36:59,175 --> 00:37:00,593 Gun down or we shoot. 640 00:37:00,760 --> 00:37:02,803 Gun down! 641 00:37:02,971 --> 00:37:04,471 Right now, put your gun down. 642 00:37:04,639 --> 00:37:06,557 Your hands behind your head. 643 00:37:10,145 --> 00:37:12,646 Man down. Man down! 644 00:37:15,609 --> 00:37:18,068 Cut it a littIe close there, ?aI. 645 00:37:18,653 --> 00:37:21,405 Guess the big guy had your back, huh? 646 00:37:25,493 --> 00:37:28,829 WeIl, I'lI teIl you one thing. You made Lauren's day. 647 00:37:29,247 --> 00:37:30,331 Yeah, not BareIli. 648 00:37:30,832 --> 00:37:33,000 PETER: How did you and your scouts find out about this? 649 00:37:33,168 --> 00:37:35,836 N.Y.P.D.? I got one of those police scanners. 650 00:37:36,004 --> 00:37:37,129 It's a hobby. 651 00:37:37,589 --> 00:37:39,340 LAUREN: Head down. 652 00:37:40,884 --> 00:37:41,967 She's PauIie's shooter? 653 00:37:43,678 --> 00:37:46,430 Some kind of lover's quarreI? Just business. 654 00:37:46,806 --> 00:37:50,517 I hate to break it to you, but your nephew decided to freeIance behind your back. 655 00:37:50,685 --> 00:37:54,396 Oh, it's sad, you know? If you can't trust family, who can you trust? 656 00:37:54,564 --> 00:37:57,024 So if you guys are done, I'd Iike my BibIe back. 657 00:37:57,192 --> 00:37:58,609 Mass starts in one hour. 658 00:37:59,027 --> 00:38:01,528 WouId it kiII you to say thank you, huh? WouId it? 659 00:38:02,197 --> 00:38:04,490 I guess it would. AIl right, just give it to him. 660 00:38:04,658 --> 00:38:06,367 What? What do you mean what? 661 00:38:06,534 --> 00:38:07,618 Give him the BibIe. 662 00:38:07,786 --> 00:38:09,536 I gave it to some FBI guy. 663 00:38:09,704 --> 00:38:11,288 Some FBl guy? 664 00:38:20,423 --> 00:38:23,300 Think you can get over on me? You'II wish you were never born. 665 00:38:23,468 --> 00:38:26,220 Yeah. l seem to be getting this speech a Iot IateIy. 666 00:38:26,388 --> 00:38:27,554 Hey. 667 00:38:27,722 --> 00:38:30,182 Just shut up, BareIIi. No way. 668 00:38:30,892 --> 00:38:32,559 This ain't over. 669 00:38:34,229 --> 00:38:36,188 Where is it, Caffrey? 670 00:38:36,356 --> 00:38:38,107 I'II Iet BareIIi give you a ride home. 671 00:38:38,274 --> 00:38:40,651 Look, l'm teIIing you guys I don't know. 672 00:38:40,819 --> 00:38:42,736 Oh. 673 00:38:42,904 --> 00:38:44,613 I know where it is. 674 00:38:49,411 --> 00:38:50,703 BARELLI: Hey, paIly. 675 00:38:51,454 --> 00:38:53,080 What are you doing with my BibIe? 676 00:38:53,248 --> 00:38:55,958 She wouId've died without it if l.... 677 00:38:58,086 --> 00:39:01,422 Not so fast, wacko. You know who you're messing with? 678 00:39:01,589 --> 00:39:03,757 You've got it, BareIIi. Just leave him aIone. 679 00:39:03,925 --> 00:39:05,926 No, I'm not gonna Iet this go. 680 00:39:06,511 --> 00:39:07,928 Hey. 681 00:39:08,096 --> 00:39:09,763 Hey, sweet girI. 682 00:39:09,931 --> 00:39:11,223 Her name's Lucy. 683 00:39:12,600 --> 00:39:13,767 Lucky Lucy. 684 00:39:16,104 --> 00:39:20,107 She don't Iook good. What's the matter? She's been sick untiI today. 685 00:39:24,112 --> 00:39:27,239 I got this vet in yonkers. He saved my pugs from diabetes. 686 00:39:28,199 --> 00:39:31,201 Wanna take a ride? Go see him? Have her checked out? 687 00:39:35,457 --> 00:39:36,957 Okay. 688 00:39:43,631 --> 00:39:46,216 I was gonna give it back after.... I know. 689 00:39:47,302 --> 00:39:49,636 NEAL: How'd you know? PETER: Okay, I didn't know. 690 00:39:49,804 --> 00:39:52,973 But l took a Ieap of faith that you'd do the right thing. 691 00:39:53,141 --> 00:39:55,142 NEAL: EIizabeth. PETER: Yeah. 692 00:39:56,478 --> 00:40:00,814 NEAL: I toId you it's a heaIing Bible. Oh, here we go. No way. 693 00:40:00,982 --> 00:40:02,483 BareIIi's a softy for dogs. 694 00:40:02,650 --> 00:40:04,818 NEAL: Oh, not enough smiting and lightning for you? 695 00:40:04,986 --> 00:40:06,987 That's not a miracIe. 696 00:40:09,199 --> 00:40:10,657 BARELLI: Come on. 697 00:40:11,284 --> 00:40:13,243 It's not a parting of the Red Sea. 698 00:40:13,411 --> 00:40:16,080 I'II take my miracles where I can get them. 699 00:40:16,247 --> 00:40:19,166 PETER: We have the honors? MAN: Yes, sir. 700 00:40:22,587 --> 00:40:24,588 She's back. 701 00:40:24,839 --> 00:40:26,173 Hey, is that my jacket? 702 00:40:28,176 --> 00:40:30,844 He works in mysterious ways. 703 00:40:57,872 --> 00:40:59,206 NEAL: Mozzie, wake up. 704 00:41:00,834 --> 00:41:02,376 Moz. 705 00:41:02,919 --> 00:41:03,961 Mozzie! 706 00:41:04,129 --> 00:41:06,338 Let me see your warrant. 707 00:41:07,173 --> 00:41:09,800 Oh. What? 708 00:41:09,968 --> 00:41:11,468 Come here. 709 00:41:13,096 --> 00:41:16,348 Lemon juice and a candIe. How did I miss this? 710 00:41:16,516 --> 00:41:19,560 Weren't you ever a Boy Scout? Oh, I got kicked out. 711 00:41:21,062 --> 00:41:25,566 Pinewood derby, magnets, it was a whole thing. 712 00:41:27,735 --> 00:41:28,735 NEAL: It's a map. 713 00:41:29,320 --> 00:41:31,738 Of the New York City subway. 714 00:41:33,533 --> 00:41:35,534 What do you think it means? 715 00:42:15,617 --> 00:42:16,617 [ENGLISH - US - PSDH]