1 00:03:42,213 --> 00:03:43,984 Where is she? 2 00:03:45,131 --> 00:03:49,302 - What the fuck do you care? - I do... I do care. 3 00:03:50,864 --> 00:03:54,930 - Is she alive? - You wanna know where she is, Cruz? 4 00:03:55,242 --> 00:03:56,702 You wanna how she is? 5 00:03:56,703 --> 00:04:01,394 Then start talking. And I mean everything. Every last fuckin' detail. 6 00:04:03,268 --> 00:04:04,937 I can't see. I need a doctor. 7 00:04:05,146 --> 00:04:08,793 You'll get one soon as you tell us what the fuck and why for. 8 00:04:09,001 --> 00:04:10,044 I think he's faking. 9 00:04:10,045 --> 00:04:14,318 - You dont just go blind. - I think the motherfuckers faking! 10 00:04:14,943 --> 00:04:19,841 No. Heard of this. Head Trauma. You'll see again. 11 00:04:20,676 --> 00:04:25,158 Just in time to look the judge in the eye when he sentences you. 12 00:04:25,366 --> 00:04:28,076 Sentences me? For what? 13 00:04:28,494 --> 00:04:33,601 Take your pick. You look quite the 'Train in the head'. Five dead. 14 00:04:34,227 --> 00:04:36,310 - Five? - Mm... 15 00:04:36,623 --> 00:04:41,105 - Maybe I ought to see a... - Ought to see a lawyer or a faggoty lawyer? 16 00:04:41,210 --> 00:04:42,251 You're not under arrest, Ned? 17 00:04:42,252 --> 00:04:45,901 So why the cuffs? Why won't you tell me where she is, if she's alright? 18 00:04:46,214 --> 00:04:51,529 Because of the law, Cruz. I ask the questions, you answer them. 19 00:04:53,197 --> 00:04:57,263 My client... is she alive? 20 00:05:06,227 --> 00:05:08,625 You really dont know? 21 00:05:11,646 --> 00:05:13,836 Bullshit! He's playing like he's fucking here, I'm thinking. 22 00:05:14,149 --> 00:05:15,815 If we let him get away with this, we gonna be here all night. 23 00:05:16,128 --> 00:05:17,901 We dont want you to think, Cruz. Allright. 24 00:05:17,903 --> 00:05:21,758 We dont want you to ask questions. We just want you to respond. 25 00:05:21,966 --> 00:05:24,781 Like a Reflex, with the truth, Compadre! 26 00:05:33,015 --> 00:05:34,057 I am a human lie detector. 27 00:05:34,370 --> 00:05:39,060 If you dont tell me the truth, I'll beat it outta you. And love every minute of it. 28 00:05:39,061 --> 00:05:40,208 All right, all right.. 29 00:05:45,315 --> 00:05:48,546 Sorry, sorry. 30 00:05:54,278 --> 00:05:56,574 Go ahead, entertain us. 31 00:05:58,345 --> 00:06:02,931 - You were there the night it started. - Tell us anyway. 32 00:06:03,244 --> 00:06:04,287 He's doing it again. 33 00:06:04,288 --> 00:06:08,874 You wily fucking Duke. Quit thinking. Quit stalling. Can we do this my way? 34 00:06:09,291 --> 00:06:15,440 Okay, Poley but tell Frizer to get down when I start to shave skin.. 35 00:06:20,026 --> 00:06:22,006 - Skeres? - Yeah? 36 00:06:24,508 --> 00:06:28,157 - Do you like Adam Nova? - The actor? 37 00:06:29,615 --> 00:06:32,950 He's alright. I guess he makes an honest buck. 38 00:06:33,263 --> 00:06:37,226 Try 20 million per picture and 20 percent junk off the back-end. 39 00:06:38,787 --> 00:06:41,081 One of the highest paid moviestars in history 40 00:06:41,290 --> 00:06:45,981 and I have to tell him... That its all over. 41 00:06:47,231 --> 00:06:53,381 Shortly after Nova's very public feud with a certain studio mogul, 42 00:06:53,486 --> 00:06:55,465 The mogul paid some low-rent private eye to get the dirt on Nova. 43 00:06:55,466 --> 00:06:57,656 And leak it to a tabloid website. 44 00:06:58,280 --> 00:07:03,178 Nova hires me to find out what dirt that tabloid website is going to expose. 45 00:07:03,283 --> 00:07:09,434 Whats the 411 on Adam Nova, Uh? What flashbulb boys handle me this time? 46 00:07:11,205 --> 00:07:12,560 I'm fucking terrified. 47 00:07:13,394 --> 00:07:15,791 We've all got kinks. 48 00:07:16,000 --> 00:07:18,082 Contrary to what science tells us, 49 00:07:18,292 --> 00:07:22,046 All DNA does not twist the same. 50 00:07:29,550 --> 00:07:30,905 Well Adam, you gonna open it or what? 51 00:07:31,112 --> 00:07:36,011 Adam Nova's side kink is an albino little person named Russell. 52 00:07:36,325 --> 00:07:40,181 And the two of them have made a habit of mixing viagra with meth-amphetamines 53 00:07:40,494 --> 00:07:45,290 And doing the double dolphin with Degaulle Groupie for 48 hours straight. 54 00:07:45,810 --> 00:07:47,582 Fuck! 55 00:07:49,772 --> 00:07:53,628 - What is it, buddy? - This is your fucking fault! 56 00:07:53,941 --> 00:07:57,798 - Let me fucking see! - Away from me, you sick little pervert! 57 00:07:58,422 --> 00:08:00,404 Nova is finished. 58 00:08:00,925 --> 00:08:03,530 When these sort of things get near the internet 59 00:08:03,738 --> 00:08:07,074 its moving at the speed of light. 60 00:08:07,387 --> 00:08:11,244 I suppose you wanna get paid. 61 00:08:13,745 --> 00:08:17,394 Wait here. I'll be right back. 62 00:08:19,477 --> 00:08:22,397 Adam, wait a minute! Let me see the fucking pictures! 63 00:08:22,606 --> 00:08:24,274 Get off my ass! 64 00:08:26,983 --> 00:08:28,964 No matter what it is, I can fix this. 65 00:08:29,589 --> 00:08:34,280 We've all got kinks, The built-in closets where they hide. 66 00:08:34,593 --> 00:08:38,657 There is always the fear that some day, someone walks into your closet, 67 00:08:39,595 --> 00:08:44,391 And switches on the light and there in the corner, is your kink. 68 00:08:46,162 --> 00:08:48,455 And most terrible fear of all... 69 00:08:53,459 --> 00:08:55,648 the fear of being exposed. 70 00:09:02,528 --> 00:09:04,821 You wanna explain this? 71 00:09:07,634 --> 00:09:13,472 - Is that.. aftershave or cologne? - What? Aftershave. 72 00:09:13,785 --> 00:09:15,243 - Whoa... - Fuck you! 73 00:09:16,808 --> 00:09:22,540 Why is it that when weird shit happens, its always stuck to the bottom of your shoe? 74 00:09:25,252 --> 00:09:26,709 So, who is the crispy midget? 75 00:09:27,648 --> 00:09:29,942 He's Astrophysicst, Frizer. 76 00:09:29,943 --> 00:09:32,862 - Astrophysicst. - His name is Russell. 77 00:09:33,485 --> 00:09:36,301 He's a white dwarf gone supernova. 78 00:09:38,593 --> 00:09:43,076 It's 2:00 am. I'm sick of Los Angeles. 79 00:09:44,118 --> 00:09:46,828 Sick of bearing witness to human tragedy. 80 00:09:49,015 --> 00:09:51,100 And sick of Frizer's shitty aftershave. 81 00:09:52,456 --> 00:09:58,606 I'm too jack-topped to go home. So... I go back to the office to hate myself. 82 00:10:10,176 --> 00:10:14,866 Maybe its my favorite jacket, ruined forever. 83 00:10:17,472 --> 00:10:22,580 but all of a sudden I dont like what I do for a living. 84 00:10:27,793 --> 00:10:29,669 I should go home. 85 00:10:34,151 --> 00:10:35,818 I should climb into the tub... 86 00:10:35,854 --> 00:10:38,842 and pull the water up over my head. 87 00:10:40,614 --> 00:10:45,200 But all I can do is return to the scene of my own crime. 88 00:10:55,832 --> 00:11:01,149 - You are private eye? - Yeah... I used to be a private 'H'. 89 00:11:02,190 --> 00:11:06,776 Maybe one day I'll be a 'G' man. I'm just working my way around the alphabet. 90 00:11:06,777 --> 00:11:11,469 Blah Blah Blah! I want you should find somebody. 91 00:11:11,469 --> 00:11:14,801 You've specific person in mind? Or just anybody do? 92 00:11:14,803 --> 00:11:18,867 My name is Anton. They call me "The Pro". 93 00:11:19,492 --> 00:11:24,705 Okay Anton, listen. Today treated me like a dog treats a fire hydrant. 94 00:11:24,742 --> 00:11:27,728 I... I'm closed for work really. Please... 95 00:11:28,146 --> 00:11:34,711 Her name... is Lexie. Lexie Persimmon. She is my girl. 96 00:11:34,712 --> 00:11:36,172 I think, wherever she is, 97 00:11:36,173 --> 00:11:40,551 I'm sure she's snug in bed, and dreaming about bungee-jumping off your forehead. 98 00:11:40,757 --> 00:11:43,571 It would be a shame to wake her up. 99 00:12:00,563 --> 00:12:05,982 - All right, what's the punchline? - What is meaning of punchline? 100 00:12:06,503 --> 00:12:08,589 - This is your girlfriend? - Duh! 101 00:12:13,175 --> 00:12:14,737 She wrote to me. 102 00:12:22,242 --> 00:12:26,204 I wrote her back. Every wednesday for 5 whole years. 103 00:12:27,766 --> 00:12:29,957 Wow! you must've had a jumbo box of crayons. 104 00:12:30,373 --> 00:12:34,960 But there's nothing, no house at her return address. 105 00:12:37,148 --> 00:12:42,257 Where did you do your time, Big Anton? What were you in for? 106 00:12:43,610 --> 00:12:45,800 No stamps, No post marks. 107 00:12:46,530 --> 00:12:48,719 You know the Federal Bureau of Prisons... 108 00:12:48,720 --> 00:12:53,098 require the letters to prisoners are in sealed envelopes. You see? 109 00:12:55,181 --> 00:13:01,227 I've been doing life at Lompoc. but they let me go, let me out. 110 00:13:01,332 --> 00:13:04,355 Now I've got to find her. 111 00:13:06,751 --> 00:13:09,253 But she's aint dancing at Minkowski's no more. 112 00:13:11,337 --> 00:13:13,527 So come on, we go to Minkowski. Maybe they will tell you something. 113 00:13:19,676 --> 00:13:23,949 If I write you a letter and sprinkle it with Chanel No 5, 114 00:13:23,987 --> 00:13:27,806 Would you believe me when I tell you that I'm done for the day? 115 00:13:50,946 --> 00:13:53,762 This is it, where she worked. 116 00:14:24,406 --> 00:14:25,657 Ask him. 117 00:14:25,866 --> 00:14:30,034 Don't bother, Bonto. I told him already. I never seen her before. 118 00:14:30,347 --> 00:14:32,849 I don't know who she was. 119 00:14:39,520 --> 00:14:41,709 How many bouncers do you figure it would take? 120 00:14:43,270 --> 00:14:48,276 - Who the fuck are you? - Where is Minkowski? 121 00:14:49,110 --> 00:14:51,715 Where do you go when you die? 122 00:14:55,260 --> 00:14:58,596 - Now how is it working for you? - What the fuck, man! 123 00:14:58,700 --> 00:15:01,202 Answerig questions with questions.. 124 00:15:01,515 --> 00:15:05,683 Now who you been dallying with in this place and slowly? Hm? 125 00:15:07,039 --> 00:15:10,478 - You gonna let me go? - There you go again. 126 00:15:15,586 --> 00:15:17,983 - Hey! - What the fuck! 127 00:15:18,296 --> 00:15:21,214 Do you know Lexie Persimmon? 128 00:15:21,423 --> 00:15:22,987 Hey, Asshole! 129 00:15:28,616 --> 00:15:31,847 A right hook like a freight train coming around a corner. 130 00:15:31,848 --> 00:15:34,663 And it all comes back to me. 131 00:15:34,973 --> 00:15:40,187 A decade ago. Everyone had hear of Anton 'The Pro' Protopov. 132 00:15:40,811 --> 00:15:42,479 Let's get out of here! Come on. 133 00:15:42,686 --> 00:15:48,211 He was 18 all when he threw a fight. Took a dive... for a prize. 134 00:15:48,733 --> 00:15:50,400 - Excuse me. - Ow. Shit! 135 00:15:51,965 --> 00:15:56,551 Skinny Faddeev, The boss of the Russian mob, Los Angeles. 136 00:15:56,864 --> 00:16:01,241 - Dont be an asshole. - We know who Faddeev is. Was. 137 00:16:01,658 --> 00:16:05,202 Ofcourse you do. So you know he was grooming his own nephew... 138 00:16:05,410 --> 00:16:08,122 to be next the heavyweight contender. 139 00:16:08,329 --> 00:16:12,186 And you know he offered Anton 'The Pro' Protopov 30 million upfront to take a.. 140 00:16:12,499 --> 00:16:16,146 fall in the third round of his nephew's exhibition match. 141 00:16:16,355 --> 00:16:19,900 But Anton 'The Pro' was so... well, unclear on the concept. 142 00:16:39,286 --> 00:16:44,082 Because if you crush your opponent's skull, 143 00:16:44,812 --> 00:16:50,544 and then go down for the count, nobody bites it. 144 00:16:54,191 --> 00:16:55,234 It's stupid. 145 00:16:55,338 --> 00:16:59,509 Anthon 'The Pro's boxing career is over. 146 00:17:01,489 --> 00:17:04,096 Hey hey, the car's over there! 147 00:17:04,097 --> 00:17:08,055 You got pictures, you got letters. Find her. 148 00:17:08,056 --> 00:17:12,120 I'll do better without your help anyway. 149 00:17:13,997 --> 00:17:18,478 - Sometimes, I dont know... I just.. - React, right? 150 00:17:29,006 --> 00:17:33,073 - How do I find you? - No, I find you. 151 00:17:37,033 --> 00:17:40,577 Skinny Faddeev's nephew dies of a fractured skull... 152 00:17:40,578 --> 00:17:42,558 and a bleeding brain in less than a week. 153 00:17:43,079 --> 00:17:44,850 I saw that fight. 154 00:17:46,623 --> 00:17:50,063 I saw Anton 'The Pro' take that phony fucking dive. 155 00:17:50,896 --> 00:17:57,046 Outside for me, allright, that is the damndest angel of heresy. 156 00:17:57,984 --> 00:17:59,443 What the fuck you laughing at? 157 00:17:59,758 --> 00:18:04,136 Dont answer that! Faddeev? What about Faddeev? 158 00:18:04,552 --> 00:18:09,554 Allright, Skinny Faddeev ruins the career of an 18 year old heavyweight, 159 00:18:09,591 --> 00:18:15,495 Gets his nephew killed and loses a cool 30 million. 160 00:18:17,894 --> 00:18:19,978 And, uh... one other thing. 161 00:18:19,979 --> 00:18:24,982 He does it all without letting the Mob in Las Vegas in on the fix. 162 00:18:26,232 --> 00:18:29,152 But instead of taking the blame for such colossal clusterfuck... 163 00:18:29,462 --> 00:18:32,694 and trying to make peace with the Las Vegas boys, 164 00:18:32,903 --> 00:18:34,571 Skinny Faddeev decides... 165 00:18:34,572 --> 00:18:37,803 that he has a score to settle with Anton 'The Pro' Protopov. 166 00:18:41,242 --> 00:18:45,829 3 days later, they found Skinny Faddeev in the kitchen at Prostranstva. 167 00:18:46,140 --> 00:18:51,040 And its hard to tell the difference between former Master and Borscht. 168 00:18:55,313 --> 00:18:58,961 It's the same Borscht mixed with Skinny Faddeev's blood, 169 00:18:59,170 --> 00:19:05,008 That you boy scouts find on Anton Protopov's dirty laundry at the Roseville Hotel. 170 00:19:09,490 --> 00:19:10,844 He's coming down the hall. 171 00:19:21,998 --> 00:19:24,605 Freeze, motherfucker! 172 00:19:24,918 --> 00:19:26,272 Put the bottle down. Hands up! 173 00:19:28,983 --> 00:19:32,109 You were there. You were the arresting officers. 174 00:19:32,110 --> 00:19:33,150 Yeah, we were. 175 00:19:33,152 --> 00:19:35,341 So what? Dont get clever again. 176 00:19:35,549 --> 00:19:38,259 What the fucks all this got to do with finding the stripper? 177 00:19:38,884 --> 00:19:42,532 What the fucks a bastard condom got to with your birth certificate, Poley? 178 00:19:42,569 --> 00:19:44,618 It's just cause and effect. 179 00:19:45,139 --> 00:19:47,953 By the way, he'll hurt you. 180 00:19:48,162 --> 00:19:50,768 And Skeres and me, we'll just look the other way. 181 00:19:51,601 --> 00:19:55,771 Skeres and I. Skeres and I, will look the other way. 182 00:19:57,544 --> 00:20:00,566 You think you're better than me. Dont you, Cruz? 183 00:20:01,504 --> 00:20:07,549 You and I, we're just migrant workers in the land of opportunity. 184 00:20:07,862 --> 00:20:11,928 But I'm the one with a badge. I'm gonna ask you one more time.. 185 00:20:12,241 --> 00:20:15,679 Tell us everything you did, everything you know and tell us now. 186 00:20:16,410 --> 00:20:19,641 Or else what? Poley is gonna hit me? It may get my sight back. 187 00:20:19,955 --> 00:20:21,101 Anything that helps, yeah. 188 00:20:21,412 --> 00:20:24,853 The faster you draw us a map, the faster you get outta here. See? 189 00:20:25,166 --> 00:20:26,834 No, I dont care about that. 190 00:20:27,250 --> 00:20:28,502 Just tell me she's alright... 191 00:20:28,503 --> 00:20:30,379 - and tell me she's alive. - No. 192 00:20:32,461 --> 00:20:34,233 You first. 193 00:20:37,465 --> 00:20:38,820 All right. 194 00:20:39,133 --> 00:20:40,905 Anton 'The Pro' Protopov... 195 00:20:40,906 --> 00:20:45,075 is sentenced to life imprisonment for murder of Skinny Faddeev. 196 00:20:45,387 --> 00:20:49,451 Suddenly, after serving 5 years of life sentence, without parole... 197 00:20:49,452 --> 00:20:52,581 he's back on the streets. Free man. 198 00:20:52,683 --> 00:20:55,080 So... somebody else confessed to the crime. 199 00:20:55,184 --> 00:20:58,520 Yeah, a Vegas hitman already serving 300 years... 200 00:20:58,729 --> 00:21:03,315 for murder, rape, kidnapping and arson, claims he killed Faddeev. 201 00:21:03,351 --> 00:21:06,859 because Faddeev had no business trying to fix a Vegas fight game. 202 00:21:07,171 --> 00:21:11,967 Now this convict claims that Anton 'The Pro' was framed with blood and Borscht. 203 00:21:12,003 --> 00:21:13,009 So what? 204 00:21:13,113 --> 00:21:18,325 So what? Do you really believe that? 205 00:21:18,637 --> 00:21:22,808 Enough with the Mob shit. Get to the girl. 206 00:21:23,328 --> 00:21:26,039 Now, if you dont understand the Mob angle. 207 00:21:26,351 --> 00:21:30,521 then it wont make any sense when you get to the part about diamonds. 208 00:21:37,192 --> 00:21:39,901 What diamonds? 209 00:21:40,838 --> 00:21:41,881 Where was I? 210 00:21:43,549 --> 00:21:48,136 The 7 foot, 300 pound lifer is sprung from prison and all he's looking for... 211 00:21:48,240 --> 00:21:52,305 is his girl. How romantic is that? 212 00:21:54,806 --> 00:21:58,246 And cut! Recess. Who's next? 213 00:22:01,269 --> 00:22:03,667 So you'd agree today you brought tape to my club, Uh? 214 00:22:03,980 --> 00:22:05,438 Oh, you heard about that? 215 00:22:05,439 --> 00:22:07,418 Yeah, I fuckin heard about that. How'd you find me? 216 00:22:07,419 --> 00:22:10,442 - I looked under the rug. - So, you asking to get fucked up? 217 00:22:10,754 --> 00:22:14,298 The fuck that your entire legal name is Puss was a surprise. 218 00:22:14,506 --> 00:22:17,842 Then Maincoon Production popped up.. 219 00:22:18,154 --> 00:22:23,054 And here I am... Schrodinger's warehouse. watching an artist at work. 220 00:22:24,721 --> 00:22:28,788 - I ain't ever saw this bitch. - Hey, fair enough. So, listen.. 221 00:22:29,622 --> 00:22:34,937 Herman Minkowski died 4 years ago. You bought the joint a year later. 222 00:22:35,250 --> 00:22:41,399 - Who sold it to you? - His widow. Stripper, actress, tweaker. 223 00:22:42,441 --> 00:22:44,526 Allright, cum for chrissakes! 224 00:22:47,027 --> 00:22:48,696 What you saying? What is the plot? 225 00:22:49,217 --> 00:22:53,699 Well, the guy she's fucking, he keeps changing into another guy. 226 00:22:54,012 --> 00:22:56,201 Point being they really all the same. 227 00:22:56,514 --> 00:22:58,493 You just dont know where they disappear to. 228 00:22:58,702 --> 00:23:00,163 Its like they go in... 229 00:23:00,997 --> 00:23:03,499 - They never come out. - Beautiful. 230 00:23:03,810 --> 00:23:05,998 And... Cut. 231 00:23:06,936 --> 00:23:13,087 - Minkowski's widow, she got a name? - Yeah, Zooey. Zooey Wigner. 232 00:23:14,338 --> 00:23:20,280 - You making a cameo? - Hitchcock dead. Slide in. 233 00:23:25,804 --> 00:23:31,953 Lights. Camera. Action, Motherfuckers! 234 00:23:39,354 --> 00:23:43,524 It takes about 30 minutes online to find Zooey Wigner. 235 00:23:44,359 --> 00:23:50,091 Slow down. You claim it was the last time you saw Puss? 236 00:23:50,403 --> 00:23:51,864 Yeah. 237 00:23:53,010 --> 00:23:56,344 Really? So, it would surprise you to learn that.. 238 00:23:56,345 --> 00:23:59,681 when Schrodinger's warehouse was open the next morning, Puss was still there. 239 00:23:59,994 --> 00:24:03,120 Well, why would that surprise me? 240 00:24:03,539 --> 00:24:08,750 It would. If you knew your client broke his fuckin' back. 241 00:24:13,649 --> 00:24:16,461 That, is one well-hung negro!. 242 00:24:20,007 --> 00:24:24,802 It'd take a pretty big motherfucker to do that kind of damage to hoist him up there. 243 00:24:25,323 --> 00:24:26,991 - Might even take... - What the fuck are you guys talking? 244 00:24:27,305 --> 00:24:31,264 Zooey Wigner. Tell us about Zooey Wigner. 245 00:24:35,851 --> 00:24:38,872 I dont found her at any of Italian agencies. 246 00:24:39,185 --> 00:24:42,835 She isn't listed as client of any manager. 247 00:24:43,147 --> 00:24:48,255 I find her on a UCLA Medical Center website. 248 00:24:51,172 --> 00:24:54,926 Zooey Wigner's meth-addiction has burned through capital gains... 249 00:24:55,239 --> 00:24:57,948 ...from her dead husband's strip club. 250 00:24:58,365 --> 00:25:04,515 The only acting gig she can get... ... is to act like a patient... 251 00:25:05,141 --> 00:25:09,206 with a medical condition for interest to test their diagnostic skills. 252 00:25:09,623 --> 00:25:12,126 Fridays, she's got Autosarcophagy. 253 00:25:12,230 --> 00:25:14,834 A disorder causing people to eat themselves, 254 00:25:15,043 --> 00:25:17,128 on account of severe sexual anxiety. 255 00:25:17,337 --> 00:25:20,047 Its a really fucked-up job. 256 00:25:20,085 --> 00:25:25,049 But... it keeps me in a rehab and... 257 00:25:25,086 --> 00:25:30,053 shithole base apartment in El Segundo. 258 00:25:33,285 --> 00:25:35,368 Here's the... Take a look at this. 259 00:25:40,789 --> 00:25:45,896 She does kinda look like a girl who worked at the club a while ago. I dont know... 260 00:25:47,460 --> 00:25:50,483 Do you remember her name? 261 00:25:54,965 --> 00:25:59,030 No, no... That's not it. 262 00:26:00,907 --> 00:26:04,138 I just... I dont really remember much... from back then. 263 00:26:04,659 --> 00:26:06,535 You know what, take it. 264 00:26:07,579 --> 00:26:11,748 You're an actress, a professional. Your time is valuable, meaningful. Take it. 265 00:26:11,956 --> 00:26:16,855 Meaningful? I'm pretending to eat myself. 266 00:26:19,773 --> 00:26:21,128 Where's the meaning in that? 267 00:26:30,821 --> 00:26:34,470 Wait. Jules maybe... 268 00:26:36,346 --> 00:26:39,056 - Or just Julie... I think. - Hmm. 269 00:26:44,268 --> 00:26:47,395 The 'Ouroboros' is what Plato described... 270 00:26:47,397 --> 00:26:49,689 as the first living creature in the universe. 271 00:26:50,001 --> 00:26:55,526 An immortal, perfect creature. A serpent eatng itself... 272 00:26:55,562 --> 00:26:57,403 swallowing its own tail. 273 00:27:01,884 --> 00:27:04,802 Everything has meaning. 274 00:27:06,262 --> 00:27:09,909 Thats sweet. I bet you made her feel better. 275 00:27:10,222 --> 00:27:14,080 So, I suppose you never went to Zooey Wigner's apartment that night? 276 00:27:14,288 --> 00:27:17,936 No. You're not going to surprise me this time? 277 00:27:18,144 --> 00:27:21,793 Yesterday, Zooey Wigner was found with the left side of her head caved-in... 278 00:27:23,184 --> 00:27:27,943 floating face-up in that shithole basement apartment. 279 00:27:30,444 --> 00:27:31,488 Floating? 280 00:27:31,697 --> 00:27:35,240 Somebody must've left the water running in her tub. 281 00:27:35,449 --> 00:27:39,826 But you didn't go there, and I suppose, neither did Anton. 282 00:27:40,242 --> 00:27:42,431 No. I wet to Kepler's. 283 00:27:56,086 --> 00:27:58,066 So, whats tickened you, Right Man? 284 00:27:58,798 --> 00:28:02,445 - Who broke your doll? - I'm fine. 285 00:28:04,738 --> 00:28:06,822 You killing me when you say 'The Band'. 286 00:28:07,030 --> 00:28:12,765 I'm thinking of becoming a Tele-Evangelist. This business blows. 287 00:28:13,078 --> 00:28:17,977 Like a sand, wind went out of you. So, what is it this time? 288 00:28:18,915 --> 00:28:22,564 I'm looking for someone who is supposed to exist when nobody has seen. 289 00:28:23,083 --> 00:28:25,586 - Ah... That again? - Yeah. 290 00:28:26,420 --> 00:28:31,840 You're always looking for that, the ultimate missing person... 291 00:28:32,153 --> 00:28:35,279 - The theoretical other, the soul mate. - This isn't about me. Nobody want. 292 00:28:35,489 --> 00:28:37,677 - Sure it is... - No, it's for a client. 293 00:28:37,990 --> 00:28:40,388 - It's a job. - OK. 294 00:28:41,534 --> 00:28:45,912 I've picked up a tail. It could be my client or it could be somebody else onto them. 295 00:28:46,224 --> 00:28:48,205 So you think its later for crashville? 296 00:28:48,206 --> 00:28:51,437 Nothing much. Skin marks and treader's fault. 297 00:28:53,103 --> 00:28:56,229 I dig it in you. Just remember... 298 00:28:57,688 --> 00:29:00,609 Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind. 299 00:29:01,651 --> 00:29:05,403 - Cupid is blind. - Yeah. 300 00:29:09,884 --> 00:29:13,115 - What the fuck was that about? - Love and... longing. 301 00:29:18,015 --> 00:29:22,497 He knew what was going to happen. He always knows. 302 00:29:22,758 --> 00:29:27,709 Holy Shit! He's doing it again. Cruz, what the fuck you talking about? 303 00:29:28,126 --> 00:29:29,897 - Jazz. - Huh? 304 00:29:30,732 --> 00:29:36,048 Sex, your heartbeat... your soul. 305 00:29:37,299 --> 00:29:41,468 - Skeres, you're a married man, right? - Divorced. 306 00:29:44,804 --> 00:29:47,410 You still remember love, right? 307 00:29:47,620 --> 00:29:50,223 I got kids in college and I've already paid. 308 00:29:50,432 --> 00:29:54,705 - I dont have time for fucking love stories. - I'm sorry. 309 00:30:10,653 --> 00:30:12,843 Close your eyes... 310 00:30:15,553 --> 00:30:18,054 and I will show you my secrets. 311 00:30:23,058 --> 00:30:30,771 You gonna love me... without shame or fear. 312 00:30:37,650 --> 00:30:41,195 Your search ends with me. 313 00:30:46,198 --> 00:30:52,140 I am missing person... of your heart. 314 00:30:56,100 --> 00:31:02,146 Your one true love. 315 00:31:25,703 --> 00:31:30,602 Anton is right. There is nothing at the La Riviera's return address. 316 00:31:30,914 --> 00:31:34,980 Wherever she's writing from, Lexie Persimmon prefers in hiding. 317 00:32:16,467 --> 00:32:19,385 - Excuse me. Lady... Lady... Excume me. - What you say to me? 318 00:32:19,802 --> 00:32:23,033 Just a second. 319 00:32:24,387 --> 00:32:28,869 Until recently, a letter has come this vacant lot every week. 320 00:32:29,077 --> 00:32:30,954 It would be forwarded by the mail carrier... 321 00:32:30,955 --> 00:32:33,770 to whoever submitted a change in Further's form. 322 00:32:34,186 --> 00:32:35,437 Okay, so? 323 00:32:42,108 --> 00:32:44,194 I'm a U.S. postal employee. I dont take bribes. 324 00:32:44,506 --> 00:32:49,301 No, no. Dont making money, but please help me. 325 00:32:49,822 --> 00:32:54,200 I need this address. Its very important. 326 00:32:57,326 --> 00:32:59,098 General Deliveries, San Celeritas. 327 00:32:59,307 --> 00:33:04,519 - What was that? - San Celeritas, New Mexico. Okay? 328 00:33:07,020 --> 00:33:08,897 Thank you. I appreciate it. 329 00:33:16,819 --> 00:33:22,968 I go back to the office to grab a couple of shirts and some clean underwear. 330 00:33:23,907 --> 00:33:29,327 Thats when I realized that it isn't my client who's tailing me. 331 00:33:33,913 --> 00:33:37,561 Anton 'The Pro' has no reason to toss my office. 332 00:33:37,874 --> 00:33:42,877 So, someone must've been following him when he first came to see me. 333 00:33:43,192 --> 00:33:45,378 He had a duffel bag when he came in, 334 00:33:45,380 --> 00:33:50,384 but not when he left. So, they either know whats in the bag... 335 00:33:50,695 --> 00:33:54,864 or they know about the letters or together who'd sent them. 336 00:33:55,072 --> 00:33:58,512 - Oh yeah? Why? - I didn't know, Poley. 337 00:33:59,555 --> 00:34:01,952 I hadn't quite read them all yet. 338 00:34:10,500 --> 00:34:15,712 San Celeritas, New Mexico, is a ghost town in the land of enchantment. 339 00:34:18,109 --> 00:34:21,653 Wait a minute. So, Anton and this stripper, she's never even met him. 340 00:34:21,965 --> 00:34:23,425 - But shes writing him letters? - Yeah. 341 00:34:23,634 --> 00:34:27,073 This is fucking stupid. I dont wanna listen to this shit. 342 00:34:27,386 --> 00:34:32,493 I dont know if Anton said that because Space and time are relative, Poley. 343 00:34:33,431 --> 00:34:36,663 Time slows down when you approach the speed of light. 344 00:34:36,976 --> 00:34:39,998 Things get shorter, more dense. 345 00:34:40,207 --> 00:34:43,542 The faster you travel, the slower and even dumber you appear. 346 00:34:43,855 --> 00:34:45,418 Oh god... thats so funny. 347 00:34:45,419 --> 00:34:48,859 Yeah. Well, its just the laws of physics, Poley. 348 00:34:49,796 --> 00:34:53,445 You know what you are? You think you're a smart guy. 349 00:34:54,903 --> 00:34:58,031 I hate such a smart guys. I hate 'em more when they think they're tough guys. 350 00:34:58,239 --> 00:35:03,869 You're one of them too, aren't you? 351 00:35:05,120 --> 00:35:06,369 Stay on trail. 352 00:35:06,681 --> 00:35:12,832 I know your fucking ways. Remember I can read your mind. 353 00:35:15,439 --> 00:35:17,731 You couldn't read even a picture book. 354 00:35:18,043 --> 00:35:19,608 What? What's you say? 355 00:35:19,609 --> 00:35:21,276 What, huh? 356 00:35:21,380 --> 00:35:25,341 You know, Poley, I know. I know you're gonna hit me, but listen to this... 357 00:35:25,654 --> 00:35:27,946 You hurt me, you hurt me too bad... 358 00:35:27,982 --> 00:35:31,595 You will never find out where the diamonds are! 359 00:35:34,513 --> 00:35:38,766 - What diamonds? - Okay, okay. 360 00:35:41,601 --> 00:35:46,396 I'm on my way to New Mexico, and I am moving very fast. 361 00:35:57,236 --> 00:36:00,156 Lexie Persimmon is as good as found. 362 00:36:00,365 --> 00:36:04,115 She's in San Celeritas where her mail is forwarded. 363 00:36:05,575 --> 00:36:12,037 I chose to drive, to clear my head. Think about quitting this shit business. 364 00:36:12,350 --> 00:36:15,894 Settling down... Something real. 365 00:36:17,666 --> 00:36:19,125 But is no good. 366 00:36:22,461 --> 00:36:24,754 I keep wondering why Skinny Faddeev... 367 00:36:25,066 --> 00:36:28,506 would pay Anoton 30 million upfront. 368 00:36:30,591 --> 00:36:32,884 And where is the money now? 369 00:36:36,219 --> 00:36:41,847 And why would a streeter, who is god's own wet dream, chose to be pampered... 370 00:36:42,056 --> 00:36:44,663 with a Darwin's worst nightmare? 371 00:36:51,752 --> 00:36:55,712 I cant stop thinking about her. 372 00:36:55,748 --> 00:36:57,482 The woman, the photograph... 373 00:36:59,151 --> 00:37:03,739 I tell myself that I'll find Lexie Persimmon, 374 00:37:04,053 --> 00:37:06,970 if that is her real name, 375 00:37:08,845 --> 00:37:11,662 I'll tell her that King Kong is looking for her. 376 00:37:15,205 --> 00:37:17,810 And... that will be the end of it. 377 00:37:20,729 --> 00:37:23,857 But I dont believe it. 378 00:37:25,836 --> 00:37:27,505 Not for a second. 379 00:38:45,053 --> 00:38:50,996 - Wow! You totally dont belong here. - Where is here? 380 00:38:51,623 --> 00:38:56,625 Around people like this. Red Auras.. 381 00:38:57,876 --> 00:39:03,192 Material, physical. Blue: Reverence. 382 00:39:04,026 --> 00:39:05,485 And... mostly Yellow: Intellectual. 383 00:39:06,214 --> 00:39:10,489 You're Grey. You are so conflicted, 384 00:39:11,219 --> 00:39:14,553 But you've also got this purple-red spiritual vibe... 385 00:39:14,762 --> 00:39:20,287 Its extremely rare on this earth, but... there's something so dark about you. 386 00:39:24,664 --> 00:39:29,250 - Is there anything else to see around here? - No! I mean, not really. you know its just, 387 00:39:29,771 --> 00:39:34,774 Its an old Airforce base shutdown in 1962. 388 00:39:35,088 --> 00:39:38,632 We should test the V2 rockets that were captured from the germans here. 389 00:39:38,944 --> 00:39:42,488 - Then Kestral bought it... - Simon Kestral? 390 00:39:42,801 --> 00:39:48,535 Oh yeah. A Simon, 'the reclusive gazillionaire fucking visionary' Kestral 391 00:39:48,847 --> 00:39:50,411 And no, I've never actually seen him. 392 00:39:50,619 --> 00:39:55,727 But he bought San Celeritas and everything underneath it. 393 00:39:55,831 --> 00:39:59,167 There's these tunnels, some people say they run all the way to Dolche, 394 00:39:59,168 --> 00:40:01,148 where there's supposed to be this like... 395 00:40:01,251 --> 00:40:05,628 secret underground military base filled with extra-terrestrials. 396 00:40:06,775 --> 00:40:09,694 But you dont believe that? 397 00:40:11,258 --> 00:40:16,574 No. And you can't go down there anyway on account of the Colliders. 398 00:40:16,990 --> 00:40:18,033 The Collider? 399 00:40:18,034 --> 00:40:20,744 The Particle Accelerator that Kelstral spilled. 400 00:40:23,350 --> 00:40:26,371 So God, I'm sorry. Do you want breakfast? 401 00:40:28,144 --> 00:40:30,227 Yeah, where can I find her? 402 00:40:35,545 --> 00:40:39,610 I dont know, man. But I knew you didn't belong here. 403 00:40:41,798 --> 00:40:43,674 Do you recognize her? 404 00:40:43,987 --> 00:40:45,863 - May I please? Ketchup? - Sure. 405 00:40:46,176 --> 00:40:47,323 Sorry. 406 00:40:48,156 --> 00:40:50,762 Do you know this woman, sir? 407 00:40:55,348 --> 00:40:59,727 He's a Sikh. And it means God is true and timeless. 408 00:41:02,853 --> 00:41:05,772 Okay, thats really cool that you know that. 409 00:41:07,754 --> 00:41:12,653 - So you own this place? - No no, I just work here. 410 00:41:14,320 --> 00:41:19,532 - Who is the Post Master? - Guy that owns this place. 411 00:41:20,573 --> 00:41:26,410 Orders up. I gotta go. 412 00:41:27,349 --> 00:41:28,808 When do you get off? 413 00:41:29,435 --> 00:41:34,229 About 14 minutes after I start fucking. 414 00:41:39,754 --> 00:41:40,796 What is all this? 415 00:41:42,673 --> 00:41:48,198 These are the spiral trails left by sub-atomic particles. 416 00:41:48,509 --> 00:41:52,576 moving through liquid hydrogen in presence of a magnet field. 417 00:41:53,096 --> 00:41:55,702 You know, it certainly look familiar. 418 00:41:57,057 --> 00:42:01,018 You gotta understand, everything behaves 419 00:42:01,226 --> 00:42:07,168 like a particle in a wave at the same time until something is actually observed. 420 00:42:08,628 --> 00:42:13,943 because of the same multiple states of reality simultaneously. 421 00:42:14,152 --> 00:42:20,302 Then only you actually observe anything, anywhere in the universe, to change it. 422 00:42:20,823 --> 00:42:26,973 And if that thing is entangled in a relationship with anything else, 423 00:42:27,010 --> 00:42:28,641 it changes still, instantly. 424 00:42:30,830 --> 00:42:32,810 And that's faster than a speed of light. 425 00:42:36,251 --> 00:42:42,295 But you know what, nothing's faster than speed of light. 426 00:42:43,860 --> 00:42:46,360 Its real-life magic... 427 00:42:50,842 --> 00:42:52,198 and Atom. 428 00:42:56,992 --> 00:43:02,204 It's made of Electrons, Protons and Neutrons. 429 00:43:02,724 --> 00:43:05,852 And Protons and Neutrons are made up of Quarks, 430 00:43:06,478 --> 00:43:08,249 and Quarks are held together by Gluons. 431 00:43:08,562 --> 00:43:12,419 and Gluons are Bosons, and Bosons... are elementary particles, 432 00:43:12,730 --> 00:43:17,943 which are the fundamental forces of nature. 433 00:43:27,220 --> 00:43:29,513 So, you're here because... 434 00:43:30,868 --> 00:43:34,516 Because... in 2 days, just 300 feet underground, 435 00:43:35,871 --> 00:43:41,916 Two Proton beams are going to collide with each other, at nearly the speed of light. 436 00:43:42,229 --> 00:43:44,210 Nothing is faster. 437 00:43:45,983 --> 00:43:50,776 And you may find it right here and in the middle of desert. 438 00:43:52,965 --> 00:43:59,116 - Find what? - 'It'. The God particle. 439 00:44:04,849 --> 00:44:06,934 And you are here beacuse...? 440 00:44:09,955 --> 00:44:16,106 Because I'm looking for someone who is supposed to exist but nobody has seen. 441 00:44:19,234 --> 00:44:21,004 In the middle of desert. 442 00:44:24,445 --> 00:44:28,093 Someone is following me, but don't know who. 443 00:44:28,927 --> 00:44:30,386 Honest? 444 00:44:32,366 --> 00:44:38,308 Yeah. So, tell me how does the mail service work here? 445 00:44:41,122 --> 00:44:44,249 The Mail service? It doesnt. 446 00:44:45,188 --> 00:44:48,314 People just use Priority Mail or Email. 447 00:44:48,523 --> 00:44:51,025 Regular mail just goes into basket. 448 00:44:51,755 --> 00:44:55,506 People come in and collect whats their's. 449 00:44:55,819 --> 00:44:59,988 Then I tell her everything I know. 450 00:45:01,552 --> 00:45:06,555 About the 260 letters, about the lonely stripper, 451 00:45:06,868 --> 00:45:10,934 and washed-up boxer who became pen-pounce. 452 00:45:11,246 --> 00:45:13,018 About a beautiful woman who found a way, 453 00:45:13,331 --> 00:45:18,438 to share her deepest passions, her kinks without fear of consequences. 454 00:45:18,647 --> 00:45:24,797 Because she chose to give her love to a man who'll never get out of prison. 455 00:45:25,734 --> 00:45:29,800 Until... all of a sudden... 456 00:45:33,135 --> 00:45:34,177 he did. 457 00:45:35,221 --> 00:45:36,784 And by that time... 458 00:45:38,033 --> 00:45:43,663 the Boxer was... Well, he was in... 459 00:45:53,462 --> 00:45:55,233 Bullshit! 460 00:45:57,632 --> 00:46:03,782 I'm sorry, Poley. Anton 'The Pro' never expected to seeing the light of day. 461 00:46:04,408 --> 00:46:06,805 Thats why he told her where to find the diamonds. 462 00:46:07,014 --> 00:46:09,097 - Yeah, the diamonds. - Thats right. 463 00:46:09,514 --> 00:46:11,599 And Lexie Persimmon never expected 464 00:46:11,807 --> 00:46:15,248 Anton 'The Pro' Protopov to come looking for her. 465 00:46:15,560 --> 00:46:16,811 Okay, Ned. 466 00:46:18,478 --> 00:46:22,648 This is where you need to be very, very specific, we dont have a lotta time. 467 00:46:22,649 --> 00:46:23,899 Why? 468 00:46:23,900 --> 00:46:26,191 Because Smartass, its gonna be morning soon. 469 00:46:26,192 --> 00:46:29,006 And you went half-explaining to the local authorities... 470 00:46:29,007 --> 00:46:30,672 how everything went sideways... 471 00:46:30,673 --> 00:46:34,739 - You're gonna need every detail. - Every last fucking detail, yes. 472 00:46:43,183 --> 00:46:45,684 Man, why'd you chose to share your investigation with this waitress? 473 00:46:45,998 --> 00:46:51,730 I needed the username and the password for cafe's account with Arbitrum Inc. 474 00:46:52,459 --> 00:46:57,879 Every week Lexie Persimmon retrieved a letter from the basket at Planck's Constant 475 00:46:58,192 --> 00:47:02,152 And she sent a letter in an unsealed envelope by Priority Mail. 476 00:47:02,465 --> 00:47:05,281 Since Fay had never seen Lexie Persimmon, 477 00:47:05,593 --> 00:47:07,471 she probably did it after hours. 478 00:47:07,886 --> 00:47:12,682 The only witness to this weekly event was the digital DVR camera, 479 00:47:12,995 --> 00:47:15,079 in the Arbitrum ATM. 480 00:47:18,831 --> 00:47:22,898 Why was it so fucking important to see her getting her mail? 481 00:47:23,939 --> 00:47:28,108 Because I was starting to wonder if... 482 00:47:29,359 --> 00:47:33,319 Lexie Persimmon even existed... 483 00:47:33,528 --> 00:47:35,406 outside of her letters. 484 00:49:09,008 --> 00:49:13,698 Simon Kestral is surfing, stoned, off Papara beach, Tahiti 485 00:49:15,054 --> 00:49:16,512 Well, he has an idea, 486 00:49:16,825 --> 00:49:20,370 that revolutionizes microchip technology. 487 00:49:20,578 --> 00:49:25,164 At age 60, he's the 12th richest man in the world, 488 00:49:25,476 --> 00:49:27,665 and a total recluse. 489 00:49:33,919 --> 00:49:36,005 Fuck! 490 00:49:37,256 --> 00:49:39,027 Shit, man. 491 00:49:41,111 --> 00:49:43,405 You know these guys are sikhs. 492 00:49:44,031 --> 00:49:47,471 They work for one of the largest security firms in the country. 493 00:49:47,783 --> 00:49:52,473 We're talking government and private sector. Why? 494 00:49:52,682 --> 00:49:55,496 Because they view self-defense and protection... 495 00:49:55,497 --> 00:49:58,624 of the defenseless as duty of the highest honor. 496 00:49:59,771 --> 00:50:02,689 But they're fucking literal, you know... 497 00:50:02,897 --> 00:50:07,275 I ask them to bring you to see me, so they bring you to see me. 498 00:50:07,796 --> 00:50:09,255 I'm Simon Kestral. 499 00:50:10,089 --> 00:50:13,424 and this is what I do to offer my hand beacuse according to the tabloid, 500 00:50:13,460 --> 00:50:16,760 I'm such a freak, I don't touch other people. 501 00:50:16,969 --> 00:50:20,200 I'll touch a tissue of eyes. 502 00:50:22,807 --> 00:50:24,474 Aw, go ahead. 503 00:50:26,037 --> 00:50:28,957 Look, I'm sorry you're here without your shirt. 504 00:50:29,268 --> 00:50:31,041 And you got a little booboo... 505 00:50:32,813 --> 00:50:34,793 What the fuck, Chuck? 506 00:50:40,317 --> 00:50:42,089 I'll make it upto you. 507 00:50:43,757 --> 00:50:45,634 You can start right now. 508 00:50:58,037 --> 00:50:59,185 Oh. 509 00:51:00,123 --> 00:51:03,458 You're in a 8-mile long circular tunnel, 510 00:51:03,666 --> 00:51:06,586 300 feet below San Celeritas. 511 00:51:07,210 --> 00:51:09,295 And 27 hours from now... 512 00:51:09,920 --> 00:51:13,256 8 Magnet-Assembly storing 10 GigaJoules of energy, 513 00:51:13,293 --> 00:51:16,904 will guide two Proton beams fired simultaneously... 514 00:51:17,009 --> 00:51:19,615 in a semi-circular path towards each other, 515 00:51:19,718 --> 00:51:23,054 at 99.999% of the speed of light 516 00:51:23,471 --> 00:51:26,388 and they'll collide right in there. 517 00:51:27,222 --> 00:51:32,018 To recreate conditions of 3/8th of a second after The Big Bang. 518 00:51:32,645 --> 00:51:34,311 Ther beginning of the universe... 519 00:51:35,354 --> 00:51:38,480 13 billion years ago. 520 00:51:39,420 --> 00:51:40,982 Questions? 521 00:51:42,024 --> 00:51:44,006 Pretty good task. 522 00:51:44,318 --> 00:51:46,402 'What the fuck for', comes to mind. 523 00:51:46,403 --> 00:51:49,634 But I know you're gonna tell me. Because you can't resist, rght? 524 00:51:50,155 --> 00:51:53,177 27 hours, I'm gonna find something that theoretically should exist, 525 00:51:53,385 --> 00:51:54,742 But no one has ever seen. 526 00:51:54,743 --> 00:51:57,867 Funny. This is exactly what I'm looking for. 527 00:51:57,868 --> 00:51:58,806 You know why? 528 00:51:58,910 --> 00:52:01,621 Yes, because I'm a private detective and I've been hired to. 529 00:52:01,829 --> 00:52:05,685 Because I already know why we're here. I knew it the first time I dropped acid. 530 00:52:05,998 --> 00:52:08,292 Really? When was the last time? 531 00:52:09,752 --> 00:52:14,651 We are sentient means, evolved in an infinite universe. 532 00:52:14,964 --> 00:52:17,881 An infinite extrapolation of our evolution, 533 00:52:18,090 --> 00:52:22,154 is to become Gods ourselves. You dig? 534 00:52:23,823 --> 00:52:27,054 Now, along the way, we must learn the secret, 535 00:52:27,576 --> 00:52:29,764 of his magic wand. 536 00:52:40,605 --> 00:52:44,357 If everything there is, from all the heavenly bodies, 537 00:52:44,565 --> 00:52:48,110 in all the galaxy's still expanding universe, 538 00:52:48,214 --> 00:52:52,071 To you and me was one smaller than this single atom, 539 00:52:52,383 --> 00:52:54,364 where did all this mass and matter come from? 540 00:52:54,572 --> 00:52:56,553 Dont tell me, the God particle. 541 00:52:56,865 --> 00:52:58,534 Fucking A! 542 00:52:59,368 --> 00:53:01,035 At 7:00 am. tomorrow morning, 543 00:53:01,036 --> 00:53:04,163 with 5 billion dollars worth off-the-shelf technology, 544 00:53:05,309 --> 00:53:07,811 I'm gonna answer the greatest question of all time. 545 00:53:07,915 --> 00:53:12,709 - Why do men have nipples? - You're a philistine! 546 00:53:13,335 --> 00:53:18,233 The reason we are here is to find out how we are here. 547 00:53:18,337 --> 00:53:19,484 What's the trick? 548 00:53:19,521 --> 00:53:24,384 What is the divine mechanism that gives form and substance to all things? 549 00:53:25,634 --> 00:53:29,178 Any other questions are waste of fucking time. 550 00:53:29,803 --> 00:53:34,808 This is the only worthwhile pursuit in the universe, Bro. 551 00:53:36,370 --> 00:53:41,478 - I'm looking for a woman. - You're living your life in vain, Hombré. 552 00:53:43,042 --> 00:53:45,438 Coming to my town at the 11th hour, 553 00:53:45,543 --> 00:53:48,983 asking me insignificant questions of a personal nature. 554 00:53:49,192 --> 00:53:53,465 - What's the point? - Love. 555 00:53:59,615 --> 00:54:01,388 That got to him. 556 00:54:06,078 --> 00:54:08,058 I'm bought with our security boss, 557 00:54:08,371 --> 00:54:12,854 with an invitation to dinner that night, at Kestral's house. 558 00:54:13,791 --> 00:54:18,378 He told me there is somebody that he wants me to meet. 559 00:54:20,149 --> 00:54:22,026 I need sleep. 560 00:54:22,548 --> 00:54:27,550 I need the username and password to the ATM digital cam. 561 00:54:27,759 --> 00:54:30,155 But I cant help it. 562 00:54:30,468 --> 00:54:34,952 I've got a bag full of a beautiful woman's private thoughts. 563 00:54:35,265 --> 00:54:38,077 that her subconscious desires.. 564 00:54:42,142 --> 00:54:47,042 I was the one you dreamed of, when you were a boy becaming a man. 565 00:54:47,355 --> 00:54:51,108 I was made for you... and you alone. 566 00:54:52,047 --> 00:54:56,736 We're entangled, you and I, in our own universe. 567 00:54:57,778 --> 00:55:00,176 Forever, Lexie Persimmon. 568 00:55:03,407 --> 00:55:06,222 PS: I did as you asked. 569 00:55:06,639 --> 00:55:09,557 They were exactly where you told me that they would be. 570 00:55:10,078 --> 00:55:14,144 In their safe, back in the earth, where they belong. 571 00:55:14,456 --> 00:55:17,793 Because I've no use for material wealth. 572 00:55:18,209 --> 00:55:22,274 - I have you... - For the rest of my life. 573 00:55:23,213 --> 00:55:27,695 - Where is she? - How the fuck did you get in here? 574 00:55:28,007 --> 00:55:31,031 You find her? What're you doing here? Is she... 575 00:55:31,136 --> 00:55:34,471 Shut the fuck up for a second! 576 00:55:35,200 --> 00:55:38,117 - You're being followed. - I know that. 577 00:55:39,682 --> 00:55:40,828 What is this place? 578 00:55:41,141 --> 00:55:42,913 The land of fucking make-believe.. 579 00:55:43,226 --> 00:55:45,831 Stick around, they'll make you a mayor. 580 00:55:46,040 --> 00:55:47,500 What the fuck is this... what the fuck is this? 581 00:55:47,501 --> 00:55:48,644 You know what it is. 582 00:55:48,646 --> 00:55:53,546 No. What was exactly where you told her it would be? 583 00:55:53,961 --> 00:55:56,463 - Ice. - What? 584 00:55:56,985 --> 00:55:59,799 Wooden Bling. Skinny give me. 585 00:56:00,320 --> 00:56:02,092 What Diamond, Frizer? 586 00:56:02,614 --> 00:56:04,073 Those diamonds. 587 00:56:04,386 --> 00:56:08,972 The ones Skinny Faddeev gave Anton 'The Pro' to throw the prize fight. 588 00:56:09,076 --> 00:56:12,307 - Wait, slow down... - No, no. Dont play dumb, Poley. 589 00:56:12,308 --> 00:56:13,507 You dont have to. 590 00:56:14,497 --> 00:56:17,205 Anton thought he was never getting out of prison, 591 00:56:17,518 --> 00:56:20,646 and he was in love with his Penpal 592 00:56:21,272 --> 00:56:22,731 So he told his girl where to find 'em. 593 00:56:23,043 --> 00:56:25,232 - Right. - Where? 594 00:56:25,755 --> 00:56:28,463 - In the closet. - What closet? 595 00:56:28,672 --> 00:56:32,738 In Anton's room at Roosevelt Hotel. 596 00:56:44,307 --> 00:56:47,227 $30 million worth of conflict diamonds... 597 00:56:47,263 --> 00:56:49,935 hidden in the ceiling fixture. 598 00:56:50,458 --> 00:56:51,814 Conflict diamonds? 599 00:56:53,480 --> 00:56:57,545 You know... It always bothered me then, 600 00:56:58,275 --> 00:57:02,549 Faddeev paid Anton upfront to throw the fight, 601 00:57:02,966 --> 00:57:07,239 But if Faddeev thought he was dumping something hard to sell on the open market, 602 00:57:07,551 --> 00:57:11,305 like a couple handsful of non-certified blood diamonds, 603 00:57:11,722 --> 00:57:14,222 Anton wouldn't know the difference, but... 604 00:57:14,432 --> 00:57:18,183 Faddeev would've still want them back. 605 00:57:18,497 --> 00:57:23,395 Especially after Anton killed his nephew and fucked up the fight. 606 00:57:23,708 --> 00:57:25,272 You think too much. 607 00:57:26,524 --> 00:57:29,754 Compared to you, Poley, its sold as asparagus. 608 00:57:29,961 --> 00:57:32,464 Say, thats my favorite fucking vegetable. 609 00:57:33,194 --> 00:57:35,486 - Fuck! - Stops it! 610 00:57:41,531 --> 00:57:45,595 What is it about, What the fuck we're doing here that you dont understand? 611 00:57:45,908 --> 00:57:50,287 - You dont get to touch me. - I wont fucking touch you. 612 00:57:55,083 --> 00:57:56,646 Oh violent, so violent! 613 00:57:59,147 --> 00:58:03,733 Diamonds, Ned. Where are the diamonds now? 614 00:58:04,359 --> 00:58:06,235 Back in earth, where they belong? 615 00:58:06,339 --> 00:58:08,528 - What does that mean? - She bury them? 616 00:58:08,841 --> 00:58:13,323 Yea, yea, yea. I'm coming to that. 617 00:58:14,052 --> 00:58:19,368 First, I have to explain to Anton, 618 00:58:20,203 --> 00:58:22,809 That I haven't found Lexie Persimmon. 619 00:58:22,913 --> 00:58:27,082 Then I have to find out if he knows... 620 00:58:28,959 --> 00:58:30,522 Who is in my town. 621 00:58:32,085 --> 00:58:35,317 Maybe Baratva. Mafia. 622 00:58:36,880 --> 00:58:39,799 He follow me, now follow you. 623 00:58:41,674 --> 00:58:44,385 Why would Mob be following me? 624 00:58:45,010 --> 00:58:50,014 I am thinking on that. I am thinking on account of ice. 625 00:58:51,995 --> 00:58:56,894 - Diamonds? Why? - Because I did killed Skinny Faddeev. 626 00:59:00,958 --> 00:59:03,044 - So he did. - Yes. 627 00:59:04,189 --> 00:59:07,005 He want his jewels back after I fuck up. 628 00:59:09,507 --> 00:59:11,799 I did not mean to kill his nephew. 629 00:59:12,633 --> 00:59:15,551 I feel bad. But Skinny... 630 00:59:16,490 --> 00:59:18,784 He get in my face. 631 00:59:20,452 --> 00:59:23,683 I did not mean to kill him neither. 632 00:59:24,621 --> 00:59:29,728 But I did. Sometimes... I don't know, I just.. 633 00:59:30,563 --> 00:59:33,167 - React. - I know. 634 00:59:33,376 --> 00:59:37,234 When other convict confessed of killing Faddeev, 635 00:59:38,381 --> 00:59:40,569 I am confused... 636 00:59:41,195 --> 00:59:44,009 because I know I'm the one who did it. 637 00:59:44,842 --> 00:59:49,011 But now I'm thinking, Mob, they want me out of prison. 638 00:59:50,053 --> 00:59:53,078 So it can lead them to diamonds. 639 00:59:53,285 --> 00:59:56,309 Anton, you're a genius. 640 00:59:59,332 --> 01:00:03,501 But now I have to protect my Lexie. 641 01:00:05,273 --> 01:00:07,149 Well, we've got to find her first. 642 01:00:09,441 --> 01:00:11,109 She... she has diamonds. 643 01:00:11,735 --> 01:00:14,654 And you... if you find her, 644 01:00:15,905 --> 01:00:19,032 All you'll do is lead them to her. 645 01:00:23,513 --> 01:00:26,433 Its late when I get the call from Fay. 646 01:00:26,746 --> 01:00:30,707 And I accessed the Arbitrum ATM website. 647 01:00:35,084 --> 01:00:37,899 I start scanning through the ATM's DVR, 648 01:00:38,211 --> 01:00:40,191 looking for a pattern. 649 01:00:40,295 --> 01:00:44,049 Someone retrieving a letter and sending one by Priority Mail. 650 01:00:44,881 --> 01:00:48,113 Lexie Persimmon stopped writing 8 weeks ago. 651 01:00:48,426 --> 01:00:51,970 So only the first 4 weeks of the 12 available on the server, 652 01:00:52,006 --> 01:00:53,429 were relevant. 653 01:00:54,785 --> 01:00:59,579 Any minute Dharm's security van is gonna pull up and drag me to dinner. 654 01:01:01,352 --> 01:01:03,645 And then I see it. 655 01:01:05,834 --> 01:01:11,150 All of a sudden my searh is over. I'd found who I was looking for. 656 01:01:13,546 --> 01:01:16,570 Detective, I'd like you to meet my wife. 657 01:01:17,716 --> 01:01:22,616 Julie, meet Ned Cruz. 658 01:01:23,241 --> 01:01:25,325 A real-life private detective. 659 01:01:30,015 --> 01:01:34,081 Isnt she anything a righetous man has dedicated his time on earth... 660 01:01:34,290 --> 01:01:38,460 to inserting himself into other people's unexamined lives. 661 01:01:42,316 --> 01:01:44,192 - Hello. - Hello. 662 01:01:44,922 --> 01:01:48,362 He's a Remorra. A sucker fish, 663 01:01:48,778 --> 01:01:52,217 that attaches itself to the younger belly of a big fat city, 664 01:01:52,843 --> 01:01:56,492 and feeds off its leftovers. Parasites. 665 01:01:56,596 --> 01:02:01,808 He's from LA, the home of your distinguisged stage career. 666 01:02:02,434 --> 01:02:05,351 He's brought an artifact from your past. 667 01:02:05,768 --> 01:02:08,895 All the way to San Celeritas. 668 01:02:10,251 --> 01:02:13,482 I'm glad you're ashamed of him. It'll be a fun. 669 01:02:14,628 --> 01:02:18,694 - Are you a sucker fish, Mr. Cruz? - No. 670 01:02:19,528 --> 01:02:22,446 Then why would you let my husband say such ugly things? 671 01:02:22,864 --> 01:02:25,261 Well... they are just words. 672 01:02:26,512 --> 01:02:28,283 Are words important to you? 673 01:02:28,701 --> 01:02:30,159 When you hurt. 674 01:02:32,348 --> 01:02:34,746 Ouch! That's fucking profound. 675 01:02:37,976 --> 01:02:39,957 Detach yourself, Detective. 676 01:02:44,543 --> 01:02:46,213 Dr. Niels Geck. 677 01:02:46,733 --> 01:02:50,590 PhD at MIT, age 13. 678 01:02:51,528 --> 01:02:53,924 Rogue scholar, age 16. 679 01:02:54,655 --> 01:02:59,554 Professor of Theoretical Physics, University of Geneva, age 20. 680 01:03:01,951 --> 01:03:06,225 Chief Physicist at the San Celeritas particle Collider. 681 01:03:09,143 --> 01:03:13,522 It's blesseded with a neurological disorder. 682 01:03:13,834 --> 01:03:18,316 He sees numbers and words as shapes and colors. 683 01:03:18,838 --> 01:03:23,424 Its called Synesthesia. Its like being born on acid. 684 01:03:24,882 --> 01:03:28,010 So he has very rich inner life. 685 01:03:30,200 --> 01:03:32,492 I envy him above all others. 686 01:03:36,453 --> 01:03:39,163 He's gonna teach you a lesson. 687 01:03:41,145 --> 01:03:44,377 - Niels, let's eat. - Okay. 688 01:03:53,132 --> 01:03:56,051 Once upon a time we believed we lived in a clockwork universe... 689 01:03:56,052 --> 01:03:58,032 governed by Newtonian mechanics. 690 01:03:58,240 --> 01:03:59,490 Cause and Effect. 691 01:03:59,907 --> 01:04:02,826 Newton was elegant, yes, but then certain principles came along... 692 01:04:02,930 --> 01:04:04,389 and changed everything. 693 01:04:05,223 --> 01:04:09,080 The electron can be two different things and in two different places, 694 01:04:09,184 --> 01:04:13,248 at the same time, so Cause and Effect is ridiculous. 695 01:04:13,561 --> 01:04:17,002 You cannot predict, with any certainty, 696 01:04:17,522 --> 01:04:19,504 what will happen next. 697 01:04:20,858 --> 01:04:23,673 Tell me about the God particle. 698 01:04:29,301 --> 01:04:32,220 When the universe was created... 699 01:04:34,617 --> 01:04:35,555 Thank you. 700 01:04:36,494 --> 01:04:39,100 There was an equal amount of matter and antimatter... 701 01:04:39,413 --> 01:04:43,061 and they should've annihilated each other leaving nothing but empty space. 702 01:04:43,373 --> 01:04:46,812 Theres just no explaining for, how this universe acquired mass. 703 01:04:47,020 --> 01:04:52,336 There's no explanation at all for how, we're here in a physical sense. 704 01:04:53,795 --> 01:04:56,507 Unless, unless there is some... 705 01:04:57,026 --> 01:05:01,092 special, mysterious particle... 706 01:05:01,822 --> 01:05:05,573 which actually gives mass... well, to everything. 707 01:05:06,931 --> 01:05:08,805 In a sense, such a particle must exist, 708 01:05:09,222 --> 01:05:11,098 but we've never seen it. 709 01:05:12,037 --> 01:05:15,060 It's like love. We know it exists. 710 01:05:15,477 --> 01:05:18,396 We can feel it, but we've never saw it. 711 01:05:22,147 --> 01:05:23,398 So, what happens tomorrow? 712 01:05:23,711 --> 01:05:25,899 Well, we recreate the conditions that existed... 713 01:05:25,900 --> 01:05:29,132 One-Trillionth of a second after the Big Bang. 714 01:05:30,695 --> 01:05:35,073 Protons will head toward collisions at nearly the speed of light. 715 01:05:35,490 --> 01:05:39,346 And Quarks and Gluons will release enough energy to create... 716 01:05:39,451 --> 01:05:43,828 the Higgs Boson particle, The God particle. 717 01:05:44,870 --> 01:05:46,955 Its unstable, its fragile. 718 01:05:47,789 --> 01:05:52,063 And it will last for less than a one-millionth, of a billionth, 719 01:05:52,376 --> 01:05:54,565 of a billionth of a second... 720 01:05:54,773 --> 01:05:56,545 before it decays. 721 01:05:58,943 --> 01:06:01,131 But we've seen it for the first time in history. 722 01:06:03,217 --> 01:06:05,092 Questions? 723 01:06:05,405 --> 01:06:10,096 Yes. The woman who's serving us, she's Hindu... 724 01:06:10,825 --> 01:06:15,516 she's dressed in white, and she's mourning. Why? 725 01:06:15,829 --> 01:06:20,311 Her name's Prabha and her husband died down there. 726 01:06:21,561 --> 01:06:22,709 There've been a lotta accidents. 727 01:06:22,709 --> 01:06:26,983 Whoa! He was an engineer and he made a mistake. 728 01:06:27,190 --> 01:06:31,984 - There has been a lot of mistakes. - A lot? Compared to what? 729 01:06:32,402 --> 01:06:33,444 He was trapped. 730 01:06:33,445 --> 01:06:37,198 Pinned under the weight of something much larger than he was. 731 01:06:37,404 --> 01:06:41,887 - He crushed his rib-cage. - Yeah. Broke his heart. 732 01:06:43,346 --> 01:06:45,326 It was his own damn fault. 733 01:06:45,431 --> 01:06:46,787 - His fault? - You bet. 734 01:06:47,204 --> 01:06:49,704 Because the only error is our human errors. 735 01:06:50,017 --> 01:06:54,604 He made the wrong choice. Unfortunately, he didn't live to regret it. 736 01:06:55,646 --> 01:06:59,815 Unlike my oh-so-lonley wife. 737 01:07:00,960 --> 01:07:04,195 who made some very bad choices a long ago. 738 01:07:04,506 --> 01:07:05,861 Please... 739 01:07:09,615 --> 01:07:12,532 And that's why you're here. Isn't it? 740 01:07:13,679 --> 01:07:17,224 Let me guess. Somebody is looking for her. 741 01:07:18,266 --> 01:07:20,767 Maybe its just me. 742 01:07:22,122 --> 01:07:24,415 So... what's the worst that can happen... 743 01:07:24,416 --> 01:07:28,271 with a couple of billion worth of off-the-shelf technology, 744 01:07:28,272 --> 01:07:32,859 brought it together by imperfect human beings HO here in Mexico? 745 01:07:33,067 --> 01:07:35,047 - A black hole. - What was that? 746 01:07:35,256 --> 01:07:36,715 A black hole. 747 01:07:37,445 --> 01:07:39,425 Theoretically, collisions with this much energy, 748 01:07:39,738 --> 01:07:42,448 could create a black hole that could swallow the earth. 749 01:07:42,657 --> 01:07:48,285 or create strangements that could initiate runaway fusion, 750 01:07:48,322 --> 01:07:52,038 and turn the planet into a shrunken lump of strange matter. 751 01:07:52,074 --> 01:07:54,332 We've got nothing to worry about. 752 01:07:54,644 --> 01:07:58,918 You havee arrived here at the penultimate moment! 753 01:08:00,898 --> 01:08:03,816 The ultimate spiritual pursuit. 754 01:08:04,338 --> 01:08:07,256 As God is the Wizard of Oz. 755 01:08:08,611 --> 01:08:11,010 He's the man behind the curtain. 756 01:08:12,261 --> 01:08:16,847 And tomorrow... I'm yanking back that curtain. 757 01:08:19,661 --> 01:08:22,684 So, I should attend my business and roll away like... 758 01:08:23,101 --> 01:08:25,914 a little ball of shit in prenatal position, because... 759 01:08:26,228 --> 01:08:27,687 whatever concerns, its 760 01:08:28,312 --> 01:08:29,771 Inconsequential... 761 01:08:29,772 --> 01:08:33,942 compared to whatever you think is gonna happen when you flip that switch tomorrow. 762 01:08:34,568 --> 01:08:38,631 The point, you insignificant asshole, 763 01:08:39,779 --> 01:08:44,053 is that showing up here, seeking disturbed shit about me, 764 01:08:44,156 --> 01:08:46,136 is cosmically fucked-up. 765 01:08:46,239 --> 01:08:49,264 You are fucked up. You're the guy that have the magic show. 766 01:08:49,680 --> 01:08:52,182 The one who cant live, not knowing how the trick is done. 767 01:08:52,286 --> 01:08:55,205 And all you're gonna do is, just ruin it for the rest of us. 768 01:09:02,190 --> 01:09:05,733 I think you two need to go... away. 769 01:09:08,027 --> 01:09:10,007 Do your business. 770 01:09:11,778 --> 01:09:15,322 Talk, fuck... whatever. 771 01:09:16,886 --> 01:09:20,221 By 7.00am tomorrow, I'm gonna be on stage 772 01:09:21,055 --> 01:09:23,557 standing next to God... 773 01:09:25,641 --> 01:09:28,561 and looking right up your sleeve. 774 01:09:43,674 --> 01:09:47,843 So, what do you think, is gonna at 7.00am tomorrow? 775 01:09:50,450 --> 01:09:54,828 There are hidden variables, so its difficult to predict the outcome. 776 01:09:57,434 --> 01:10:00,769 But I think, one way or another, at 7am tomorrow, 777 01:10:01,602 --> 01:10:04,415 Simon Kestral will be close to God. 778 01:10:09,421 --> 01:10:14,216 So Geck goes home and Kestral goes down to the Collider... 779 01:10:14,528 --> 01:10:19,219 to do whatever the fuck he has to do, with only 8 hours to go before showtime. 780 01:10:21,511 --> 01:10:23,492 And Julie and I... 781 01:10:26,827 --> 01:10:28,600 We go for a walk. 782 01:10:40,691 --> 01:10:45,068 So, did you really came here for me? 783 01:10:46,320 --> 01:10:48,404 Yes... yes. 784 01:10:50,698 --> 01:10:53,304 - I am what you're looking for? - Yeah. 785 01:10:54,138 --> 01:10:55,492 How do you know? 786 01:10:56,533 --> 01:11:00,288 You're exactly what I'm looking for. 787 01:11:02,060 --> 01:11:06,541 How do I know you're not like every man I've ever met? 788 01:11:07,271 --> 01:11:10,920 You know, you look at me you see what you wanna see. 789 01:11:11,752 --> 01:11:16,757 I'm gonna stop defining myself by how men see me. 790 01:11:19,362 --> 01:11:23,636 - You've got father issues, right? - Yeah. 791 01:11:28,430 --> 01:11:33,225 - I stripped for him too. - And your husband. 792 01:11:33,851 --> 01:11:39,272 You know, it's more the same. I'm nothing but a metaphor to him. 793 01:11:39,583 --> 01:11:43,858 Like a trophy, a symbol for what he's looking for... what we're all looking for. 794 01:11:44,275 --> 01:11:45,629 What? 795 01:11:45,943 --> 01:11:51,154 You know... you just... you dont know. The inner... 796 01:11:54,386 --> 01:11:57,614 We're standing above it, right now. 797 01:11:59,700 --> 01:12:01,159 Oh, the Collider. 798 01:12:02,410 --> 01:12:05,328 Basically its 'Beams Collider'. He's insane. 799 01:12:05,432 --> 01:12:08,039 I'ts all gonna blow up in his face. 800 01:12:08,351 --> 01:12:10,957 You know... we got a bigger problem here. 801 01:12:13,250 --> 01:12:14,606 Kiss me. 802 01:12:18,670 --> 01:12:23,153 No, not yet. Listen, he's here. 803 01:12:24,299 --> 01:12:28,678 - Who? - Anton 'The Pro', he's here. Protopov. 804 01:12:29,199 --> 01:12:32,743 - What? - My god!... All right, listen. 805 01:12:33,472 --> 01:12:35,037 I can help you. 806 01:12:35,454 --> 01:12:38,583 But you've got to come clean. So, tell me... was it random? 807 01:12:38,894 --> 01:12:40,457 Did you do it because you were lonely? 808 01:12:40,458 --> 01:12:42,438 Did you write to him beacuse you read in the paper, 809 01:12:42,542 --> 01:12:45,773 about a boxer who was going to spend the rest of life in prison? 810 01:12:46,711 --> 01:12:48,796 Might be worth $30 million. 811 01:12:48,899 --> 01:12:51,090 Wait, I dont know what you're talking about. 812 01:12:51,402 --> 01:12:55,049 $30 million is a lot of lifestyle to which you've become accustomed to. 813 01:12:55,050 --> 01:12:57,968 Stop! you're confusing me. 814 01:13:06,204 --> 01:13:07,454 Where did you get this? 815 01:13:08,914 --> 01:13:11,832 I buried all of these. 816 01:13:11,868 --> 01:13:12,978 Bury them? 817 01:13:13,083 --> 01:13:16,835 My headshots, everything from back then, right here. 818 01:13:17,147 --> 01:13:21,213 Listen, you're not making any sense, you know. Why the accomplice? 819 01:13:21,629 --> 01:13:23,091 Why Geck? 820 01:13:23,714 --> 01:13:25,070 No, no. Dont deny it. 821 01:13:25,383 --> 01:13:28,301 I have seen him, he was recorded at the cafe. 822 01:13:28,510 --> 01:13:32,782 Why did you use Niel's Geck to pick up your mail and send your letters? 823 01:13:33,095 --> 01:13:34,347 What letters? 824 01:13:35,702 --> 01:13:39,767 Let me see. Who is Lexie Persimmon? 825 01:13:48,835 --> 01:13:50,087 Jesus! 826 01:13:55,402 --> 01:13:58,321 - Lexie! - Shit! 827 01:14:06,035 --> 01:14:11,141 - What the hell is that? - You really dont know? 828 01:14:15,416 --> 01:14:17,813 - Come on, you gotta run. - Wait. 829 01:14:18,126 --> 01:14:20,731 Back, go there. Now now! 830 01:14:24,796 --> 01:14:29,174 Anton, wait! Listen to me! It's not her. She's not Lexie Persimmon! 831 01:14:29,383 --> 01:14:33,657 You cannot stop me. You wanna try, tough guy? shoot me. 832 01:14:35,012 --> 01:14:38,244 I can't. You're my client. 833 01:14:39,389 --> 01:14:40,952 Lexie! 834 01:14:53,983 --> 01:14:55,130 Such a cliche! Come on. 835 01:15:13,891 --> 01:15:15,247 It's unlocked. 836 01:15:16,498 --> 01:15:19,624 What the fuck is going on? 837 01:15:20,249 --> 01:15:23,273 - Where are we? - Its Niel's house. 838 01:15:23,480 --> 01:15:25,983 Geck? Now, hold on. 839 01:15:26,191 --> 01:15:29,108 Who would know you danced at Minkowski? Who would have your photograph? 840 01:15:29,944 --> 01:15:32,862 - He would. - Geck went to a striptease club? 841 01:15:33,175 --> 01:15:37,970 Yeah. He brought my husband one night. Niels introduced us. 842 01:15:39,533 --> 01:15:40,783 Oh shit! 843 01:15:41,096 --> 01:15:42,869 Lexie! 844 01:15:44,328 --> 01:15:45,891 Who is that? 845 01:15:46,100 --> 01:15:47,976 A guy who thinks, you're the woman of his dreams. 846 01:15:48,184 --> 01:15:49,539 What? 847 01:15:50,687 --> 01:15:52,770 - All right, let's go. - Lexie! 848 01:15:57,879 --> 01:15:59,546 Niels? 849 01:16:14,556 --> 01:16:18,309 Lex Parsimoniae. What does it mean? 850 01:16:18,830 --> 01:16:23,833 Why, its the Latin expression for a philosophical concept, 851 01:16:24,041 --> 01:16:27,065 known as 'Occam's Razor'. 852 01:16:28,627 --> 01:16:31,338 In language that Poley can understand, 853 01:16:32,380 --> 01:16:37,487 It means... "All things being equal, 854 01:16:37,905 --> 01:16:40,718 The simplest solution is the best". 855 01:16:40,927 --> 01:16:46,141 Now in this case it just means that a lonely physicist... 856 01:16:46,661 --> 01:16:51,247 starts a 5-year long paper-sex relationship, 857 01:16:51,561 --> 01:16:54,478 with a convicted killer, doing life at Lompoc. 858 01:16:55,520 --> 01:16:58,647 You know... it is safe, perfect. 859 01:16:59,898 --> 01:17:03,026 The killer gets love and the Physicist gets treated like a... 860 01:17:03,235 --> 01:17:05,945 woman he pretends to be. 861 01:17:06,362 --> 01:17:10,323 Late at night, in the privacy of his home, 862 01:17:10,359 --> 01:17:15,014 his kink hidden and with no fear of being exposed. 863 01:17:16,472 --> 01:17:21,579 It means that Niels Geck, 864 01:17:23,248 --> 01:17:26,063 is Lex Parsimoniae. 865 01:17:29,085 --> 01:17:31,796 Lexie Persimmon. 866 01:17:33,879 --> 01:17:37,007 - So, you wrote the letters, right? - What letters? 867 01:17:37,633 --> 01:17:41,176 - You... you read them? - Yeah. 868 01:17:44,928 --> 01:17:46,597 I dont understand. 869 01:17:51,600 --> 01:17:55,457 Oh my god! So, you knew he was coming for you. 870 01:17:55,769 --> 01:17:57,854 You had to know. His last letter! 871 01:17:57,855 --> 01:18:00,147 He must've told you he was getting out, right? 872 01:18:00,459 --> 01:18:03,795 Yes of course, I calculated the way he functioned, 873 01:18:04,733 --> 01:18:07,339 The likelihood that I'd be where he was looking for me. 874 01:18:07,652 --> 01:18:09,424 Wait a minute! What? 875 01:18:11,404 --> 01:18:14,219 Did I do something wrong? 876 01:18:15,679 --> 01:18:17,554 Where are the diamonds? 877 01:18:17,868 --> 01:18:19,014 Lexie! 878 01:18:23,392 --> 01:18:26,311 - Oh my god! You, come here. - What about the... - Dont make a sound. 879 01:18:32,564 --> 01:18:35,379 All right Anton, stop! Enough! 880 01:18:37,881 --> 01:18:39,027 Hello Anton. 881 01:18:42,988 --> 01:18:47,470 Niels Geck calculated the probability that Anton Protopov would find him. 882 01:18:48,721 --> 01:18:49,660 Lexie? 883 01:18:50,596 --> 01:18:54,559 And based on his result, he bought himself a gun. 884 01:19:02,271 --> 01:19:06,962 - You not look like self. - I am. 885 01:19:14,779 --> 01:19:18,530 You are not my Lexie. You're a guy! 886 01:19:24,576 --> 01:19:26,870 I'm both at the same time. 887 01:19:30,727 --> 01:19:33,855 Could you please... please, put the gun down? 888 01:19:35,416 --> 01:19:40,108 - You can love me. - What? No! Where is she? 889 01:19:40,421 --> 01:19:41,776 - I'm here. - No! 890 01:19:42,088 --> 01:19:44,903 - I'm here. - Anton, wait! 891 01:19:48,342 --> 01:19:49,593 - Anton, no! Stop! - No, No. No! 892 01:19:52,824 --> 01:19:54,909 I love you. 893 01:19:55,952 --> 01:19:57,723 Drop the gun, now! 894 01:20:07,418 --> 01:20:11,900 And that's it. That's all I remember. 895 01:20:12,316 --> 01:20:17,319 Till I come to and I can't see a fucking thing and you guys are here and... 896 01:20:18,154 --> 01:20:21,906 I don't know who's alive or dead. 897 01:20:22,218 --> 01:20:25,867 All I want... all I need to know, is... 898 01:20:26,493 --> 01:20:31,286 is Julie all right? That's it. 899 01:20:33,372 --> 01:20:35,457 Good. Good boy. 900 01:20:38,166 --> 01:20:40,669 Just one more thing. 901 01:20:40,705 --> 01:20:44,212 Who was it? Who crashed the party? 902 01:20:44,316 --> 01:20:46,922 That... that's simple. 903 01:20:48,381 --> 01:20:53,281 The guy who had been shadowing Anton, then tailing me... 904 01:20:53,698 --> 01:20:58,493 the guys in the Lincoln Town car. I can describe them. 905 01:21:01,306 --> 01:21:05,371 One is a fucking sociopath, 906 01:21:06,519 --> 01:21:10,272 who never finished first grade school and who nobody likes. 907 01:21:11,625 --> 01:21:14,650 And the other is a broken down family man, 908 01:21:14,754 --> 01:21:18,297 with nothing... nothing to show for his life. 909 01:21:20,278 --> 01:21:21,944 And the third type... 910 01:21:22,779 --> 01:21:26,324 wears a brown shoes and a black suit because... 911 01:21:26,360 --> 01:21:30,390 he can't tell the difference between right and wrong. 912 01:21:32,683 --> 01:21:35,288 How could you tell who it was, I thought you couldnt fucking see? 913 01:21:35,497 --> 01:21:37,373 Right, Poley, but you know what... 914 01:21:37,477 --> 01:21:42,168 I didn't need to see to recognize Frizer's fucking aftershave. 915 01:21:47,797 --> 01:21:53,425 No one... nobody knew story of Anton 'The Pro' Protopov... 916 01:21:53,529 --> 01:21:55,718 better than you guys. 917 01:21:56,031 --> 01:21:57,700 Three stooges! 918 01:21:58,012 --> 01:22:02,703 Working homicide and organized crime, 919 01:22:02,807 --> 01:22:04,683 for so long that you're no better than the bad guys. 920 01:22:05,726 --> 01:22:08,018 - Whoah! The Bad guys. - The bad guys. 921 01:22:08,054 --> 01:22:11,354 You know, Anton was right. 922 01:22:12,291 --> 01:22:15,523 He was sprung from prison by the Mob... 923 01:22:16,565 --> 01:22:19,900 with a phony confession, from a three time loser... 924 01:22:19,901 --> 01:22:24,904 so that he could lead them to $30 million worth of Skinny Faddeev's stupidity! 925 01:22:25,008 --> 01:22:28,968 And you guys... you guys, are either working for the Mob, 926 01:22:29,386 --> 01:22:31,158 or you stiff-armed them, pull rank... 927 01:22:31,159 --> 01:22:32,306 garbage worked for you all. 928 01:22:32,341 --> 01:22:35,432 But it was you guys, you all along! 929 01:22:39,289 --> 01:22:40,748 All along. 930 01:22:46,585 --> 01:22:48,044 It is funny. 931 01:22:49,609 --> 01:22:51,797 Anton didn't give a shit about the diamonds. 932 01:22:53,778 --> 01:22:57,216 But you guys, sure as hell did. 933 01:22:58,260 --> 01:22:59,510 Oh yeah. 934 01:23:02,533 --> 01:23:05,557 Poley, go ahead. 935 01:23:27,132 --> 01:23:28,383 Get him up, Poley. 936 01:23:28,592 --> 01:23:32,240 - You get him up. - We're out of fucking time here. 937 01:23:35,055 --> 01:23:36,305 Hell, get him up. 938 01:23:53,295 --> 01:23:57,465 Its a dead fucking end. He doesn't know where the diamonds are. 939 01:23:57,779 --> 01:23:59,654 Poley killed the only one who does. 940 01:23:59,966 --> 01:24:01,739 - Shut the fuck up. - No, fuck you, Poley! 941 01:24:02,052 --> 01:24:03,198 What'd you say? 942 01:24:03,407 --> 01:24:05,700 We got to use him, you fucking messin' all it. 943 01:24:06,742 --> 01:24:09,765 - What the fuck are we doing here? - Wait wait wait... 944 01:24:11,120 --> 01:24:13,309 Who Killed Puss? 945 01:24:13,413 --> 01:24:15,184 - Your client did. - Why? 946 01:24:15,393 --> 01:24:18,313 Guess, he was following up on your so-called investigation, 947 01:24:18,834 --> 01:24:21,648 Didn't like the African-American's personality. 948 01:24:22,064 --> 01:24:27,068 What about Zooey Wigner? I mean, Anton couldn't have known where she lived. 949 01:24:28,944 --> 01:24:32,488 You... Assholes! 950 01:24:32,905 --> 01:24:36,344 You follow me to the medical center. 951 01:24:36,762 --> 01:24:40,931 I leave, you go in, and flash the badges, 952 01:24:41,244 --> 01:24:44,266 Find out who I was there to see, 953 01:24:44,474 --> 01:24:49,479 and then... And then, Poley, Poley tails her home. 954 01:24:49,687 --> 01:24:54,691 Tries to milk her and loses his little temper. 955 01:24:57,506 --> 01:24:59,381 Oye, you did not. 956 01:25:01,047 --> 01:25:03,446 - Yeah. - Oh Shit... 957 01:25:04,592 --> 01:25:07,616 You cannot clean this up. 958 01:25:07,823 --> 01:25:11,472 You know, there are too many loose ends. It's messy, messy. 959 01:25:11,576 --> 01:25:14,599 He's right. We got it okay till we housed him here. 960 01:25:14,808 --> 01:25:17,413 It was a stupid idea. And you... you! 961 01:25:18,039 --> 01:25:20,332 You're a fucking sociopath! 962 01:25:21,479 --> 01:25:26,483 You be sickly sorry, you make a move on me, you grisly piece of shit. 963 01:25:28,566 --> 01:25:30,652 - Sorry? - Well... 964 01:25:31,381 --> 01:25:32,945 What? 965 01:25:36,384 --> 01:25:38,887 Stop them, Frizer, before they kill again. 966 01:25:39,199 --> 01:25:41,388 - I didn't kill anybody. - Not yet. 967 01:25:45,453 --> 01:25:48,996 All right, here's how its gonna be... 968 01:25:50,145 --> 01:25:52,437 Anton gets out of prison and partners with you, 969 01:25:52,749 --> 01:25:55,356 to find this Persimmon bitch who's got his diamonds. 970 01:25:55,460 --> 01:25:59,421 Typically, you leave behind the path of death and destruction. 971 01:26:00,985 --> 01:26:04,841 It's morning now and any minute somebody's gonna find... 972 01:26:05,154 --> 01:26:10,263 a towel-head security guard, with broken neck, over at Kestral's place. 973 01:26:11,721 --> 01:26:15,474 Geck doesn't show up for work, they gonna come looking for him. 974 01:26:15,787 --> 01:26:18,808 They gonna find you at end of the trail, everybody dead. 975 01:26:18,912 --> 01:26:20,788 A real fucking bloodbath. 976 01:26:20,892 --> 01:26:25,479 - What is... what is this? - The gun that brought down Anton 'The Pro'. 977 01:26:27,146 --> 01:26:29,232 The one they will find with your fingerprints on 'em, 978 01:26:29,233 --> 01:26:30,484 Next to the corpse. 979 01:26:31,317 --> 01:26:34,861 - You can't... you can't use that thing. - Unregistered. 980 01:26:35,693 --> 01:26:38,927 See... I like my aftershave. 981 01:26:39,030 --> 01:26:41,322 I like the color of my shoes and I like that... 982 01:26:41,636 --> 01:26:44,763 at the end of the day, I beat you, Cruz. 983 01:26:52,788 --> 01:26:57,583 I might not have the diamonds but you gonna take the fall for my efforts. 984 01:26:59,772 --> 01:27:04,254 And Poley is gonna use Geck's little 22 to kill your girlfriend. 985 01:27:04,462 --> 01:27:06,339 Wait a minute... What? Wait... 986 01:27:06,340 --> 01:27:08,841 Yeah, she's been here all along, smart guy. 987 01:27:09,571 --> 01:27:12,698 To imagine you'll be able to see whats gonna happen to her. 988 01:27:13,011 --> 01:27:16,971 - Poley, wait. - No, no. No! 989 01:27:17,007 --> 01:27:19,369 Well, Skeres, you've a better idea? 990 01:27:20,515 --> 01:27:23,642 Wanna confess your partner's, go to prison? 991 01:27:28,853 --> 01:27:31,355 Frankly, I don't think your partners will let you. 992 01:27:43,446 --> 01:27:44,697 Oh shit... 993 01:27:53,453 --> 01:27:55,434 I know where the diamonds are. 994 01:27:55,851 --> 01:27:58,876 Don't tell them. They're gonna kill us anyway. 995 01:28:03,564 --> 01:28:05,857 - Where are they? - Make me a deal. 996 01:28:06,170 --> 01:28:09,297 - No. - Then go and fuck yourself. 997 01:28:09,715 --> 01:28:10,861 All right... 998 01:28:15,967 --> 01:28:19,512 All right... all right... all right. I know... I know where they are. 999 01:28:20,450 --> 01:28:23,265 I know where they are, but I can't see. 1000 01:28:23,681 --> 01:28:26,601 Julie knows too, but she doesn't know she knows. 1001 01:28:26,913 --> 01:28:30,666 With my help she can lead you right to them. 1002 01:28:31,291 --> 01:28:36,503 But if you kill her, nobody will be able to show you where Geck buried them. 1003 01:28:37,963 --> 01:28:41,923 It's your call, man, it's your call. It's your call. 1004 01:29:23,512 --> 01:29:26,224 Open the trunk! Poley! 1005 01:29:38,105 --> 01:29:42,692 You keep the car running, maybe we could get a little air back here. 1006 01:29:51,864 --> 01:29:54,470 Dr. Geck is not answering his telephone. 1007 01:30:00,829 --> 01:30:03,434 Geck the geek. Fuck him. 1008 01:30:03,956 --> 01:30:07,292 - Detector hot? - All systems are all go, sir. 1009 01:30:07,501 --> 01:30:08,750 Tic Toc... 1010 01:30:26,993 --> 01:30:28,348 Go ahead. 1011 01:30:29,913 --> 01:30:31,892 What the fuck do I look like? 1012 01:30:36,373 --> 01:30:38,250 You're an asshole, Frizer. 1013 01:30:39,814 --> 01:30:41,481 Roll-it-down asshole. 1014 01:30:42,523 --> 01:30:45,235 If we've a contest, World's biggest asshole, 1015 01:30:46,694 --> 01:30:49,299 - you coming second. - Yeah? Why not first? 1016 01:30:49,404 --> 01:30:51,280 Because you're an asshole. 1017 01:31:00,869 --> 01:31:02,745 3 years to retirement. 1018 01:31:03,682 --> 01:31:04,933 How the fuck! 1019 01:31:05,769 --> 01:31:09,208 - I end up here. - How? Who gives a shit. Keep digging. 1020 01:31:09,312 --> 01:31:11,501 I give a shit, simple motherfucker! 1021 01:31:12,126 --> 01:31:15,357 Maybe I wanna take a minute and consider that my decision's been really bad. 1022 01:31:16,191 --> 01:31:17,339 Fucking decision! 1023 01:31:17,964 --> 01:31:20,881 Yeah... Now's a great time for that. 1024 01:31:29,222 --> 01:31:31,515 - I fucking knew it. - Go! 1025 01:31:34,329 --> 01:31:36,412 Maybe its not hell, you know? 1026 01:31:36,726 --> 01:31:41,626 Why... why! Why the fuck, did I let you talk me into this? 1027 01:31:54,654 --> 01:31:58,616 How about $30 million worth of 'Why'? 1028 01:32:05,078 --> 01:32:06,328 Oh fuck! 1029 01:32:09,873 --> 01:32:11,124 Get the gun, get his gun! 1030 01:32:18,003 --> 01:32:19,150 What the fuck is this? 1031 01:32:21,861 --> 01:32:23,944 What the fuck is that? 1032 01:32:28,843 --> 01:32:30,616 What's he doing? 1033 01:32:43,436 --> 01:32:44,478 Shit! 1034 01:32:48,649 --> 01:32:49,692 Get down! 1035 01:32:57,925 --> 01:32:59,072 Shit! 1036 01:33:00,740 --> 01:33:03,449 - You okay? - No. I dropped the gun. 1037 01:33:20,127 --> 01:33:22,317 Let's see what we're made of. 1038 01:33:44,622 --> 01:33:46,080 Oh fuck! 1039 01:34:21,626 --> 01:34:22,772 Oh god! 1040 01:34:32,882 --> 01:34:33,925 Shit! 1041 01:34:39,970 --> 01:34:42,472 - We have to turn! - I can't, I can't! 1042 01:34:48,622 --> 01:34:51,124 - Can't we go any faster? - Fucking bitch! 1043 01:35:00,401 --> 01:35:01,444 Dammit! 1044 01:35:08,741 --> 01:35:10,721 Its coming directly at us. 1045 01:35:12,284 --> 01:35:13,640 Christ! 1046 01:35:33,965 --> 01:35:35,216 You all right? 1047 01:35:46,994 --> 01:35:48,141 Fuck it! 1048 01:36:05,655 --> 01:36:08,988 So, were you really blind that whole time? 1049 01:36:10,865 --> 01:36:13,679 So you just kinda smash things together and see what comes out? 1050 01:36:16,284 --> 01:36:18,683 Most of the time, yes. More or less. 1051 01:36:20,037 --> 01:36:23,477 I mean, Newtonian mechanics is so 17th century. 1052 01:36:23,581 --> 01:36:25,666 Cause and Effect are totally bogus. 1053 01:36:25,771 --> 01:36:30,461 And Reality, I mean reality is just a wave function. 1054 01:36:30,773 --> 01:36:33,380 It's all about likelihood, nothing is certain. 1055 01:36:33,899 --> 01:36:35,672 I mean, you solved everything. 1056 01:36:36,087 --> 01:36:39,632 You got the girl and I got the Gecko. 1057 01:36:41,509 --> 01:36:44,011 And $30 million worth of diamonds. 1058 01:36:44,324 --> 01:36:47,243 That we should really give back, you know... 1059 01:36:47,278 --> 01:36:49,849 to like Angola, or Liberia... 1060 01:36:50,057 --> 01:36:53,393 or The Ivory Coast or The Republic of the Congo. 1061 01:36:53,601 --> 01:36:55,164 Or something... 1062 01:36:56,310 --> 01:36:57,666 I don't know. 1063 01:36:59,021 --> 01:37:02,147 But man, I really like this car.