1 00:01:51,177 --> 00:01:54,635 (Coming Soon) 2 00:03:21,634 --> 00:03:24,432 You spoiled brat! You brat, where are you? 3 00:03:25,838 --> 00:03:28,007 You think you can escape from me? 4 00:06:06,399 --> 00:06:08,959 It's ok, my child. Don't cry. 5 00:06:09,135 --> 00:06:13,094 Look at your brothers and sisters, they are such good kids. 6 00:06:58,518 --> 00:07:02,318 Pom, are you sure Chaba was the one who abducted the kids? 7 00:07:02,488 --> 00:07:05,719 You're sure about that? She looks so frail. 8 00:07:05,892 --> 00:07:07,621 She can barely walk. 9 00:07:07,927 --> 00:07:10,987 I heard Pang's voice coming from in here. 10 00:07:26,512 --> 00:07:30,380 Be still my child. So you won't be afraid to look at me anymore. 11 00:07:31,417 --> 00:07:33,681 Don't worry, it won't hurt. 12 00:07:34,053 --> 00:07:35,486 I'll be quick. 13 00:07:48,234 --> 00:07:49,360 Get out! 14 00:07:53,272 --> 00:07:55,866 - Jesus! It's me, Mom. - Mom, help me please! 15 00:07:56,042 --> 00:07:57,703 You bitch, don't you dare touch my kid. 16 00:07:58,778 --> 00:08:00,211 No! 17 00:08:00,379 --> 00:08:01,209 Stop! 18 00:08:01,914 --> 00:08:02,676 My child... 19 00:08:02,849 --> 00:08:04,749 Stop! Don't touch my kids. 20 00:08:05,151 --> 00:08:07,779 Crazy bitch, your kids were burnt to death. 21 00:08:15,194 --> 00:08:16,752 How could you do this to my kids? 22 00:08:52,832 --> 00:08:55,198 Kill her! 23 00:09:00,907 --> 00:09:04,968 Kill her! Kill her right now! Kill her! 24 00:09:49,889 --> 00:09:53,188 Hey Toh, why are you sitting here? 25 00:09:53,459 --> 00:09:55,984 You don't want to go back in to see your work? 26 00:09:59,231 --> 00:10:00,892 Last night I already watched it once. 27 00:10:01,233 --> 00:10:02,996 So how was it? You weren't happy? 28 00:10:04,570 --> 00:10:06,231 Um... I think... 29 00:10:08,307 --> 00:10:11,140 I'm going to edit the scene where Chaba was hung. 30 00:10:26,659 --> 00:10:27,853 Hello, what's up? 31 00:10:39,805 --> 00:10:40,737 Pang... 32 00:10:43,876 --> 00:10:45,673 - Pang... what's wrong? Pang are you alright? - Leave me alone! 33 00:10:45,845 --> 00:10:47,369 She is here. 34 00:10:47,546 --> 00:10:49,377 Chaba is here. 35 00:10:50,316 --> 00:10:53,251 Pang, don't be afraid. 36 00:10:54,220 --> 00:10:55,915 Pang, you are having a bad dream. 37 00:11:59,618 --> 00:12:00,778 Who's that? 38 00:12:01,487 --> 00:12:02,818 Toh is that you? 39 00:12:08,160 --> 00:12:09,354 Toh? 40 00:13:26,672 --> 00:13:29,539 Shit! Shane, the reel is running out. 41 00:13:45,057 --> 00:13:48,026 Hey, this is the ghost movie showing in theatres next week. 42 00:13:48,227 --> 00:13:49,626 Where did you get these reels? 43 00:13:49,962 --> 00:13:54,160 The production team had a private screening. 44 00:13:54,333 --> 00:13:57,166 Is it scary? I really want to see this movie. 45 00:13:57,336 --> 00:14:01,238 No, I don't even like scary movies so I won't see it. 46 00:14:01,407 --> 00:14:03,671 Gosh, you think you're just too cool, huh? 47 00:14:03,909 --> 00:14:05,740 So you're so chicken, you don't even dare to watch it? 48 00:14:05,911 --> 00:14:11,679 It's not like that. I just don't like to watch stupid movies. 49 00:14:21,193 --> 00:14:24,128 "Revengeful Spirit" 50 00:14:30,569 --> 00:14:31,558 Is it ready yet? 51 00:14:32,538 --> 00:14:34,699 No, not yet. I just got around to it. 52 00:14:34,907 --> 00:14:38,365 So just swap these reels in for now. They're outside, waiting for the film. 53 00:15:01,166 --> 00:15:02,258 Yod, 54 00:15:03,969 --> 00:15:05,402 are you sure we won't get in trouble for this? 55 00:15:07,206 --> 00:15:09,504 You pussy. It's too late to back out now. 56 00:15:09,675 --> 00:15:11,666 If you want your money now, just say so. 57 00:15:17,950 --> 00:15:20,817 This is your share. Here's half now. 58 00:15:22,454 --> 00:15:24,217 As for the rest, I'll get it to you later. 59 00:15:39,605 --> 00:15:42,733 Hello, is this Joe? Tonight, I want to bet on three matches. 60 00:15:43,642 --> 00:15:45,200 On Calcio. 61 00:15:46,912 --> 00:15:52,248 OK, yes Cagiari, Milan, and Palermo. 62 00:15:55,487 --> 00:15:59,218 Palermo! You idiot, not Palamo Picasso. 63 00:15:59,758 --> 00:16:01,817 Yeah, 1,000 baht. 64 00:16:10,269 --> 00:16:12,897 Yes, 1,000 on all 3 matches. 65 00:16:21,080 --> 00:16:22,604 So are you leaving now? 66 00:16:27,519 --> 00:16:28,508 Hello? 67 00:16:31,123 --> 00:16:32,215 Thank you. 68 00:16:33,025 --> 00:16:35,789 I didn't think you would remember my birthday. 69 00:16:47,606 --> 00:16:48,573 Som, 70 00:16:49,208 --> 00:16:50,300 happy birthday. 71 00:16:54,213 --> 00:16:58,616 Hey, am I interrupting something? 72 00:17:04,957 --> 00:17:05,946 Yod! 73 00:17:12,164 --> 00:17:13,529 What the hell is wrong with you, Shane? 74 00:18:41,453 --> 00:18:42,920 Yod! 75 00:18:43,889 --> 00:18:45,083 Yod! 76 00:18:45,757 --> 00:18:46,451 Shane! 77 00:18:56,902 --> 00:18:58,199 Yod! 78 00:18:59,438 --> 00:19:01,406 - Yod, are you ok? - That freaking hurts man! 79 00:19:02,541 --> 00:19:03,599 Oh my gosh! 80 00:19:03,976 --> 00:19:05,102 I'm sorry. 81 00:19:05,277 --> 00:19:07,040 Som, did you really have to hit me? 82 00:19:07,746 --> 00:19:09,304 I didn't know it was you. 83 00:19:11,450 --> 00:19:12,474 Everyone already ate everything. 84 00:19:12,684 --> 00:19:15,118 I wanted to taste your cake. 85 00:19:18,257 --> 00:19:20,555 I really didn't think you were going to remember my birthday. 86 00:19:21,293 --> 00:19:24,285 I don't remember, but your boyfriend did. 87 00:19:31,703 --> 00:19:35,867 Cheers! Cheers man! Pepsi? Whatever! 88 00:19:36,575 --> 00:19:40,443 Bro, try not to drink too much. Tomorrow you have to go to work. 89 00:19:40,612 --> 00:19:43,012 Som, you're my sister, not my mother. 90 00:19:43,515 --> 00:19:45,449 It's just a little, I will be fine. 91 00:19:47,920 --> 00:19:48,909 I got to go now. 92 00:19:49,087 --> 00:19:50,748 Why, what's the hurry? 93 00:19:50,923 --> 00:19:52,288 I won't be able to wake up. 94 00:19:52,457 --> 00:19:53,515 Ok, it's up to you. 95 00:19:53,859 --> 00:19:56,123 You know, a petite girl like you 96 00:19:56,295 --> 00:19:58,456 going home alone late like this is not safe. 97 00:19:58,797 --> 00:20:00,321 I told you to move in with me. 98 00:20:01,567 --> 00:20:05,230 Bro, your place is way too dirty for anyone to live. 99 00:20:05,470 --> 00:20:06,835 Even the rats have to leave. 100 00:20:07,005 --> 00:20:08,131 You're so dramatic. 101 00:20:09,274 --> 00:20:10,104 I'm going now, bye. 102 00:20:13,412 --> 00:20:14,674 Go... 103 00:20:34,333 --> 00:20:37,598 Isn't the weather nice tonight? 104 00:20:49,982 --> 00:20:52,849 - Um, Som about the watch I took... - Forget about it. 105 00:21:20,946 --> 00:21:24,382 Hey Shane, you have the worst luck man. 106 00:21:24,683 --> 00:21:26,947 I really think Som hates your guts. 107 00:21:44,970 --> 00:21:47,962 Uh... Yod? 108 00:21:49,574 --> 00:21:51,474 Yod, are you sure security is not going to walk in? 109 00:21:52,144 --> 00:21:54,009 Shit man, you know I got your back. 110 00:21:55,013 --> 00:21:57,004 Don't you need the money to get Som's watch? 111 00:21:57,616 --> 00:21:59,015 Just hurry and get it done. 112 00:22:27,646 --> 00:22:29,045 "Taweesup Pawnshop" 113 00:22:31,783 --> 00:22:33,410 "Pawing: 1 Lady watch" 114 00:22:46,231 --> 00:22:47,926 Shane! What are you doing? 115 00:22:50,836 --> 00:22:51,962 Why are you taking my watch? 116 00:22:52,671 --> 00:22:53,865 I just need to borrow it, Som. 117 00:22:54,606 --> 00:22:56,005 You're gonna trade it for drugs, right? 118 00:22:57,809 --> 00:23:00,607 - C'mon Som I will give it back later. - No! You can't have it! Give it to me! 119 00:23:02,180 --> 00:23:03,579 Let go! 120 00:23:13,225 --> 00:23:14,453 Som... 121 00:23:43,355 --> 00:23:44,379 Oh shit! 122 00:23:46,224 --> 00:23:47,248 Damn it! 123 00:24:28,900 --> 00:24:30,197 Who is that? 124 00:24:33,238 --> 00:24:34,432 What are you doing here? 125 00:24:36,174 --> 00:24:39,143 Uh, I am looking for my stuff. 126 00:24:40,278 --> 00:24:42,746 Yesterday, while I was watching a movie, I must've dropped it. 127 00:24:45,383 --> 00:24:47,214 Ok, have you seen Yod? 128 00:24:51,456 --> 00:24:53,651 Um, no. I just got here. 129 00:24:54,092 --> 00:24:55,320 Where the heck is he? 130 00:24:55,594 --> 00:24:58,222 Why, do you have something urgent for him? If I run into Yod, I will let him know. 131 00:24:59,231 --> 00:25:02,359 Yesterday Yod returned the wrong print. 132 00:25:03,335 --> 00:25:05,860 Now everyone is scrambling to find it. 133 00:25:06,204 --> 00:25:08,138 They are worried the film will be pirated. 134 00:25:08,540 --> 00:25:10,201 Som where are you? 135 00:25:11,076 --> 00:25:12,566 Please go get the posters at the entrance for me. 136 00:25:12,777 --> 00:25:14,267 Yes, I am on the way. 137 00:26:32,791 --> 00:26:35,259 Dude, why is the door locked, are you wacking off in there? 138 00:26:35,894 --> 00:26:38,624 Oh, I accidentally locked it. 139 00:26:39,164 --> 00:26:41,598 Dude, do you know the result of last night's games? 140 00:26:41,967 --> 00:26:43,366 You won all your bets! 141 00:26:44,836 --> 00:26:46,428 - Today your shift ends in the afternoon right? - Yes. 142 00:26:46,838 --> 00:26:48,203 Can you do me a favor? 143 00:26:48,640 --> 00:26:50,073 Go collect my winnings for me. 144 00:26:50,875 --> 00:26:55,608 Then take my share of the winnings and this money and go redeem my stuff for me. 145 00:26:57,015 --> 00:26:58,482 - I got to go now. - Ok. 146 00:27:00,518 --> 00:27:01,610 Don't forget. 147 00:27:03,388 --> 00:27:04,616 Yod... 148 00:27:06,625 --> 00:27:07,785 Yod... 149 00:27:40,892 --> 00:27:42,052 Yod. 150 00:27:59,744 --> 00:28:01,507 Shit! Damn it! 151 00:29:08,913 --> 00:29:09,971 Hey Shane. 152 00:29:11,249 --> 00:29:12,614 Where is your supervisor? 153 00:29:13,384 --> 00:29:14,749 When I call, no one picks up. 154 00:29:18,223 --> 00:29:19,349 I really don't know. 155 00:29:19,891 --> 00:29:21,381 So the both of you think you can screw me over, huh? 156 00:29:23,394 --> 00:29:24,622 So, where's that movie 157 00:29:26,698 --> 00:29:28,063 that I asked you to copy? 158 00:29:28,233 --> 00:29:30,724 Right now all the theatre staff is on the lookout. 159 00:29:32,270 --> 00:29:34,795 About the money, I'll find a way to pay you back. 160 00:29:36,908 --> 00:29:40,469 I don't want your money. You got to find a way to copy that film. 161 00:29:40,879 --> 00:29:43,677 I want to deliver the copy before its release date. 162 00:30:17,949 --> 00:30:21,885 Hey Pom, are you sure it's Chaba who abducted the kids? 163 00:30:22,520 --> 00:30:25,182 Seriously, I've heard Pang's voice from the inside. 164 00:30:25,824 --> 00:30:27,291 Pang! Pang! 165 00:30:59,757 --> 00:31:01,486 "Calling... Yod" 166 00:31:17,775 --> 00:31:18,764 Phong! 167 00:31:18,943 --> 00:31:20,342 What is it, Pom? 168 00:31:20,511 --> 00:31:22,945 Hurry, take the girl with you and run! 169 00:31:23,481 --> 00:31:25,346 Chaba's ghost is back to take revenge. 170 00:31:25,583 --> 00:31:28,518 Everyone else is dead. 171 00:31:28,953 --> 00:31:32,411 Hurry! Grab your sister. Go Phong! Get out of here. 172 00:32:15,099 --> 00:32:16,066 Yod? 173 00:33:18,796 --> 00:33:20,161 Who is that? 174 00:33:40,685 --> 00:33:42,653 "Calling... Som" 175 00:36:07,165 --> 00:36:09,156 - Yesterday were you at work? - Yes. 176 00:36:10,134 --> 00:36:11,965 When you were on your way out, did you see Yod? 177 00:36:12,470 --> 00:36:13,528 No, I didn't see him. 178 00:36:14,372 --> 00:36:15,839 Did you see the film? 179 00:36:16,340 --> 00:36:18,672 - Which film are you talking about? - The Film "Revengeful Spirit". 180 00:36:19,143 --> 00:36:20,041 No, I didn't see it. 181 00:36:21,712 --> 00:36:24,613 And do you know where the print could be sent to? 182 00:36:28,920 --> 00:36:30,717 Shane, 183 00:36:34,058 --> 00:36:35,082 are you free? 184 00:36:35,259 --> 00:36:37,250 Please come and help us assemble this Standee. 185 00:36:49,674 --> 00:36:53,405 Som, ever since the both of you broke up, 186 00:36:54,178 --> 00:36:55,770 you haven't given any thought of ever talking to him? 187 00:36:57,848 --> 00:37:00,248 If I have nothing to talk about why should I talk to him? 188 00:37:00,718 --> 00:37:03,209 You knew that Shane was high on drugs. 189 00:37:03,521 --> 00:37:05,421 He didn't mean to hurt you. 190 00:37:07,024 --> 00:37:12,052 Who knows... One day, he might not be there, and you're going to regret it. 191 00:37:28,679 --> 00:37:30,772 "Base on the most horrifying true story." 192 00:40:54,652 --> 00:40:56,085 Why are you doing this? 193 00:40:58,823 --> 00:41:00,313 You want to go to jail? 194 00:41:02,793 --> 00:41:05,990 Don't tell me that you need the money for drugs. 195 00:41:09,500 --> 00:41:12,333 Is Yod part of this too? Where is he? 196 00:41:17,541 --> 00:41:19,941 Yod... 197 00:41:20,578 --> 00:41:22,102 Yod is dead, Som. 198 00:41:22,913 --> 00:41:24,278 Shane, what are you talking about? 199 00:41:26,550 --> 00:41:28,575 This might sound ridiculous, 200 00:41:30,421 --> 00:41:33,720 but there is something more to this movie. 201 00:41:35,025 --> 00:41:38,552 The ghost in the movie, I think she is for real. 202 00:41:39,763 --> 00:41:41,128 Shane, are you high? 203 00:41:42,733 --> 00:41:44,132 No, Som. 204 00:41:47,304 --> 00:41:48,498 Som, take a look at this. 205 00:41:55,279 --> 00:41:59,079 Last night, I was screening the movie again. 206 00:41:59,750 --> 00:42:01,615 I... 207 00:42:01,886 --> 00:42:04,047 I noticed Yod's corpse in the movie. 208 00:42:05,155 --> 00:42:06,281 In the movie? 209 00:42:11,662 --> 00:42:13,493 Ever since I watched this movie, 210 00:42:16,667 --> 00:42:18,601 I've seen her haunting me. 211 00:42:22,106 --> 00:42:24,700 Don't watch the movie, Som or else you will end up like me! 212 00:42:28,212 --> 00:42:32,410 Why? If I want to watch, what are you going to do? Hit me? 213 00:43:00,844 --> 00:43:02,675 "Calling... Yod" 214 00:43:10,721 --> 00:43:12,689 Sorry, the number you've dialed... 215 00:43:36,513 --> 00:43:38,981 Shane, why the hell are you sitting here for? 216 00:43:39,483 --> 00:43:40,916 I thought you went home already. 217 00:43:42,353 --> 00:43:44,446 Here is the stuff you asked me to get for you. 218 00:43:52,563 --> 00:43:55,657 Luckily, I redeemed it in time. Or else it might have been sold. 219 00:44:42,780 --> 00:44:43,906 Open the door! 220 00:44:45,482 --> 00:44:46,972 Let me out! Help! 221 00:45:01,231 --> 00:45:02,220 Open the door! 222 00:45:04,334 --> 00:45:05,528 Open it! 223 00:45:16,146 --> 00:45:18,614 Shane! 224 00:45:18,782 --> 00:45:21,148 Shane, what's wrong? 225 00:45:22,086 --> 00:45:23,246 Please help him. 226 00:45:23,721 --> 00:45:27,748 Shane, what happened? 227 00:45:37,167 --> 00:45:38,498 What the hell is going on? 228 00:45:39,303 --> 00:45:41,396 I have no clue what's scaring the shit out of him! 229 00:45:41,572 --> 00:45:44,666 But this time he is really in bad shape. 230 00:45:47,544 --> 00:45:49,671 What else could be causing this... 231 00:45:49,847 --> 00:45:51,474 except for him getting high and overdosing again? 232 00:45:51,949 --> 00:45:56,648 Som, you know what? Ever since you broke up. He stopped using drugs. 233 00:46:00,624 --> 00:46:03,787 - See you tomorrow. - Ok. 234 00:46:33,557 --> 00:46:35,115 "Revengeful Spirit" 235 00:46:40,464 --> 00:46:42,659 "Production crew of "Revengeful Spirit" felt the curse." 236 00:46:42,833 --> 00:46:46,860 "Electricity went out during the shoot, staff prayed for forgiveness." 237 00:46:50,474 --> 00:46:51,406 "Chaba" 238 00:46:52,943 --> 00:46:54,205 "Chaba / Wikipedia" 239 00:46:58,282 --> 00:47:00,944 "Hanging" 240 00:47:25,542 --> 00:47:28,909 "Eye-gouging" 241 00:47:36,019 --> 00:47:38,078 "An insane woman captures the children and gouged their eyes out." 242 00:47:40,991 --> 00:47:42,959 "Do you still remember this house?!?" 243 00:47:43,126 --> 00:47:44,957 "Here, an insane woman captured children and" 244 00:47:45,128 --> 00:47:47,892 "gouged their eyes, believing they were her own." 245 00:47:48,599 --> 00:47:50,032 "Do you still remember this house?!?" 246 00:47:58,842 --> 00:48:03,336 "30 years ago, Mrs Chaba Ngamsri," 247 00:48:03,513 --> 00:48:06,004 "an insane lady who captured" 248 00:48:06,183 --> 00:48:10,779 "kids and gouged their eyes out, thought they were her own." 249 00:48:12,823 --> 00:48:15,587 "The villagers found out," 250 00:48:15,759 --> 00:48:20,719 "broke in and swarmed Chaba, and hung her." 251 00:48:55,999 --> 00:49:00,129 Thank you for taking care of me, Som. 252 00:49:06,843 --> 00:49:08,037 Shane, 253 00:49:08,679 --> 00:49:10,647 you know that story you told me 254 00:49:13,283 --> 00:49:14,375 about Yod 255 00:49:16,453 --> 00:49:17,852 and the ghost in the movie? 256 00:49:19,756 --> 00:49:22,623 I just don't know, it's so hard for me to believe. 257 00:49:24,261 --> 00:49:25,421 But... 258 00:49:25,595 --> 00:49:27,790 I came across the story you told me from the internet and 259 00:49:28,231 --> 00:49:29,960 it's exactly as you told me. 260 00:49:33,937 --> 00:49:37,429 Shane, if everything that is happening to you takes place exactly like the movie, 261 00:49:37,674 --> 00:49:39,198 then how does the movie end? 262 00:49:44,381 --> 00:49:45,848 In the end, 263 00:49:49,720 --> 00:49:51,119 the hero dies. 264 00:49:52,489 --> 00:49:55,947 He breaks into an abandoned house to find Chaba's body to cremate. 265 00:49:58,195 --> 00:49:59,526 But he doesn't make it. 266 00:50:03,800 --> 00:50:04,960 What if? 267 00:50:05,802 --> 00:50:07,064 We can make it? 268 00:50:11,108 --> 00:50:14,202 Chaba's body might still be in this house. 269 00:50:14,978 --> 00:50:23,044 "Until now, Chaba's body still has not been found." 270 00:51:05,796 --> 00:51:06,728 Shane, 271 00:51:08,131 --> 00:51:09,291 look! 272 00:52:47,731 --> 00:52:48,959 This can't be? 273 00:52:51,101 --> 00:52:52,693 There should be another room here? 274 00:52:55,105 --> 00:52:58,734 Shane, everything might not be exactly like the movie. 275 00:52:59,676 --> 00:53:00,608 Som. 276 00:53:03,914 --> 00:53:04,938 Shane... 277 00:53:05,448 --> 00:53:08,508 Shane, are you ok? 278 00:53:10,453 --> 00:53:11,477 Shane... 279 00:53:12,889 --> 00:53:14,720 Shane, can you hear me? 280 00:53:19,329 --> 00:53:20,591 Shane... 281 00:53:23,600 --> 00:53:24,828 Shane... 282 00:53:29,139 --> 00:53:30,936 Shane, I will be right back. 283 00:55:01,197 --> 00:55:04,530 Shane, are you ok? Are you hurt anywhere? 284 00:55:06,803 --> 00:55:07,861 I'm fine. 285 00:55:08,538 --> 00:55:09,698 Let's get out of here. 286 00:55:15,045 --> 00:55:16,069 Shane... 287 00:55:16,246 --> 00:55:18,237 Shane climb up here quickly. 288 00:55:18,615 --> 00:55:19,673 Shane, what's wrong? 289 00:55:21,318 --> 00:55:23,479 Shane, what's wrong? Shane, come with me. 290 00:55:24,421 --> 00:55:26,412 Just come with me. 291 00:55:30,093 --> 00:55:32,823 Shane, I told you to come this way. 292 00:55:33,697 --> 00:55:34,561 Shane... 293 00:55:37,967 --> 00:55:40,561 Shane, hurry this way. 294 00:55:42,605 --> 00:55:44,698 Come with me. 295 00:55:47,344 --> 00:55:48,538 Go away! 296 00:55:48,712 --> 00:55:50,304 Shane... 297 00:55:51,514 --> 00:55:52,412 Shane, 298 00:55:53,016 --> 00:55:54,483 it's me Som. 299 00:55:55,719 --> 00:55:57,448 Shane, it's ok now. 300 00:55:58,054 --> 00:55:59,385 It's me Som. 301 00:56:24,347 --> 00:56:26,372 I am going to die like Yod. 302 00:56:37,260 --> 00:56:39,091 I got your watch back to return to you... 303 00:56:41,831 --> 00:56:43,856 but I accidentally broke it again. 304 00:56:51,608 --> 00:56:53,508 I don't think I will be around to get it fixed this time. 305 00:56:55,245 --> 00:56:57,008 Shane, don't talk like that. 306 00:57:08,658 --> 00:57:10,216 You are going to be alright. 307 00:57:12,962 --> 00:57:15,328 Mr. Rashane, please go to the examination room. 308 00:57:17,434 --> 00:57:20,369 From what I can see, you have a fracture in your left arm. 309 00:57:20,770 --> 00:57:24,262 I will give you some medicine for pain. Take some and you can go home. 310 00:57:27,677 --> 00:57:31,477 So, what were the two of you doing in that house? 311 00:57:35,819 --> 00:57:39,585 We were looking for more information 312 00:57:39,756 --> 00:57:43,021 to do a news story about Chaba's death. 313 00:57:47,263 --> 00:57:50,960 What are you talking about? Chaba is not dead. 314 00:57:54,838 --> 00:57:56,396 Doctor, what do you mean? 315 00:57:56,773 --> 00:57:59,367 Right after Chaba was taken by the villagers to be hanged, 316 00:57:59,709 --> 00:58:02,906 the police arrived just in time to send her to the hospital and saved her life. 317 00:58:03,379 --> 00:58:07,816 However, all the villagers believed she died. So the story was forgotten. 318 00:58:09,385 --> 00:58:10,852 There... there she is - Chaba. 319 00:58:14,057 --> 00:58:17,618 Are you sure that old lady is really Chaba? 320 00:58:17,794 --> 00:58:19,421 Yes, I'm sure. 321 00:58:24,033 --> 00:58:26,297 So if Chaba is not dead 322 00:58:26,503 --> 00:58:30,337 then who was that woman you saw? 323 00:58:32,141 --> 00:58:33,574 Who is she? 324 00:58:34,711 --> 00:58:41,082 Is it possible that everything is just your imagination? 325 00:58:51,928 --> 00:58:52,986 Shane... 326 00:58:55,632 --> 00:58:56,894 Shane? 327 00:58:59,602 --> 00:59:00,660 Som, 328 00:59:02,005 --> 00:59:05,907 the person that I keep seeing is her. 329 00:59:09,846 --> 00:59:12,838 Shane, you mean this actress? 330 00:59:13,016 --> 00:59:16,474 "Revengeful Spirit", starring Ingchan" 331 00:59:44,247 --> 00:59:45,236 Thank you. 332 00:59:48,484 --> 00:59:50,076 Are you looking for somebody? 333 00:59:51,054 --> 00:59:54,615 Nobody has come to work at this company for over a week. 334 01:00:41,237 --> 01:00:42,329 "Cast and Crew" 335 01:00:50,513 --> 01:00:52,743 "Crew List: "Revengeful Spirit" 336 01:01:17,040 --> 01:01:18,507 "Behind the scene: villagers search for missing kids." 337 01:01:21,310 --> 01:01:23,141 "Behind the scene: Chaba was hung." 338 01:01:43,733 --> 01:01:45,564 Sorry, the number you've dialed... 339 01:01:53,176 --> 01:01:54,507 "Behind the scene: Chaba was hung." 340 01:02:15,231 --> 01:02:16,721 Ok, ready? 341 01:02:17,700 --> 01:02:18,530 Action! 342 01:02:19,035 --> 01:02:22,163 Kill her! Kill her! 343 01:02:22,772 --> 01:02:23,534 Cut. 344 01:02:25,875 --> 01:02:26,967 Action. 345 01:02:27,410 --> 01:02:30,470 Yeah! Kill her! Kill her! 346 01:02:35,384 --> 01:02:39,787 - Action! - Help! Somebody help! 347 01:02:40,723 --> 01:02:42,452 - Cut! - Take 25 348 01:02:42,859 --> 01:02:43,553 Action! 349 01:02:44,794 --> 01:02:46,887 Help! Help me! 350 01:02:47,063 --> 01:02:49,657 Cut! Damn it! Get you act together! 351 01:02:50,366 --> 01:02:51,333 Jeab, 352 01:02:54,070 --> 01:02:55,162 you call this acting? 353 01:02:58,174 --> 01:03:01,610 Hey, your foot position is wrong. You know what I mean? 354 01:03:02,512 --> 01:03:06,539 What are you afraid of? You're tensing all the wrong body parts. 355 01:03:06,916 --> 01:03:09,783 You look like you're dancing, not dying. 356 01:03:11,154 --> 01:03:13,588 Try to focus this time! 357 01:03:14,624 --> 01:03:15,750 Action! 358 01:03:18,594 --> 01:03:21,256 Cut! You don't even have any lines. 359 01:03:21,430 --> 01:03:24,058 All you have to do is act like you're dying. You can't even do that! 360 01:03:26,736 --> 01:03:27,430 Action! 361 01:03:28,204 --> 01:03:31,264 Kill her! Kill her! 362 01:03:31,440 --> 01:03:32,771 Cut! 363 01:03:40,683 --> 01:03:43,516 Damn, why is it so difficult? 364 01:03:43,920 --> 01:03:45,387 Can we try it again, one more time? 365 01:03:49,592 --> 01:03:52,755 If she can't get it this time, then Jeab, you go change and take her place instead. 366 01:03:53,062 --> 01:03:55,155 What are you scared of? I don't get it! 367 01:03:55,331 --> 01:03:57,993 What's not safe about this? See? It's safe. Ok? 368 01:03:59,302 --> 01:04:02,135 How many times are you going to repeat the same mistake? 369 01:04:02,238 --> 01:04:04,297 Everybody is waiting on you. 370 01:04:04,640 --> 01:04:06,005 Can we film already, damn it! 371 01:04:06,175 --> 01:04:09,975 Ok, ready everyone? Just one more time ok? 372 01:04:11,948 --> 01:04:13,506 Get out of my way! 373 01:04:14,016 --> 01:04:17,144 Help! Help! 374 01:04:57,360 --> 01:04:59,885 Hey, Jeab. Jeab. Come here. 375 01:05:00,196 --> 01:05:03,723 - What? - Look at this, the sling is broken. 376 01:05:03,900 --> 01:05:07,028 Oh damn! Stop! Everybody stop! 377 01:05:07,203 --> 01:05:10,229 The sling broke. Toh, the sling is broken. 378 01:05:10,406 --> 01:05:12,237 Hey, get her down from there. Get her down. Cut! Cut! 379 01:05:12,408 --> 01:05:14,273 Get her down. Come on help her down. 380 01:05:14,443 --> 01:05:16,570 Get her down. 381 01:05:50,379 --> 01:05:51,778 I'm sorry... 382 01:06:04,293 --> 01:06:05,055 Shane. 383 01:06:06,395 --> 01:06:07,054 Shane. 384 01:06:07,229 --> 01:06:08,628 Where are you going? 385 01:06:11,834 --> 01:06:12,630 Som, 386 01:06:13,436 --> 01:06:14,994 if I don't make it back tomorrow, 387 01:06:15,738 --> 01:06:17,262 don't go to the theatre. 388 01:06:17,974 --> 01:06:19,464 Don't watch the movie. 389 01:06:21,010 --> 01:06:21,908 Why? 390 01:06:26,115 --> 01:06:30,518 The scene where Chaba died in the movie is for real. 391 01:06:30,953 --> 01:06:33,649 Ingchan... she really died. 392 01:06:35,725 --> 01:06:37,659 Whoever watches that scene 393 01:06:38,627 --> 01:06:39,821 will die too. 394 01:06:42,465 --> 01:06:44,194 And what are you going to do, Shane? 395 01:07:01,917 --> 01:07:03,248 Shane, where are you going? 396 01:07:03,786 --> 01:07:04,718 Shane. 397 01:07:09,492 --> 01:07:10,823 Som, I am sorry. 398 01:07:14,363 --> 01:07:15,330 Shane... 399 01:07:15,865 --> 01:07:16,797 Shane... 400 01:07:18,501 --> 01:07:19,468 Shane. 401 01:07:35,151 --> 01:07:38,678 Hey Shane, keeping to yourself lately? 402 01:07:40,489 --> 01:07:42,286 Where are you going in such a hurry? 403 01:07:42,691 --> 01:07:44,420 I've been waiting for you for many days now. 404 01:07:45,127 --> 01:07:46,822 Don't tell me that you're going to try to skip out on me again. 405 01:07:49,799 --> 01:07:51,289 The exit is to your right. 406 01:07:51,567 --> 01:07:53,398 Yeah, the movie just ended. I'm leaving now. 407 01:07:53,569 --> 01:07:56,094 Hey wait up! What's the hurry? 408 01:08:05,481 --> 01:08:06,379 "Revengeful Spirit" 409 01:08:36,512 --> 01:08:40,004 Hey Shane, keeping to yourself lately? 410 01:08:43,486 --> 01:08:44,953 Where are you going in such a hurry? 411 01:08:45,654 --> 01:08:47,178 I've been waiting for you for many days. 412 01:08:47,656 --> 01:08:49,351 Don't tell me that you're going to try to skip out on me again. 413 01:08:51,794 --> 01:08:53,455 The exit is to your right. 414 01:08:53,662 --> 01:08:55,323 Yeah, the movie just ended. I'm leaving now. 415 01:08:55,664 --> 01:08:57,188 Hey wait up! What's the hurry? 416 01:09:47,416 --> 01:09:50,749 Hey! Shane, keeping to yourself lately? 417 01:09:52,621 --> 01:09:54,054 Where are you going in such a hurry? 418 01:09:55,191 --> 01:09:56,852 I've been waiting for you for many days now. 419 01:09:57,026 --> 01:09:58,687 Don't tell me that you're going to try to skip out on me again. 420 01:10:11,040 --> 01:10:12,029 Piece of shit! 421 01:11:41,897 --> 01:11:43,057 Som. 422 01:11:45,567 --> 01:11:46,534 Som. 423 01:11:55,844 --> 01:11:56,776 Som. 424 01:11:57,880 --> 01:11:58,812 Shane. 425 01:12:00,482 --> 01:12:01,346 Shane. 426 01:12:04,520 --> 01:12:05,316 Shane. 427 01:12:14,263 --> 01:12:15,230 Som! 428 01:12:23,672 --> 01:12:24,832 Som! 429 01:12:30,245 --> 01:12:31,337 Som! 430 01:13:18,927 --> 01:13:20,292 You really want to see me die? 431 01:13:20,462 --> 01:13:22,589 You really want to see?! Here look! 432 01:13:22,765 --> 01:13:23,891 Look at me! 433 01:13:24,700 --> 01:13:26,258 You really want to see me die? 434 01:13:26,902 --> 01:13:28,927 You really want to see?! 435 01:14:37,539 --> 01:14:38,836 Shane? 436 01:14:43,278 --> 01:14:44,506 Shane? 437 01:15:10,572 --> 01:15:11,630 Yod! 438 01:15:27,222 --> 01:15:28,519 Shane! 439 01:15:39,268 --> 01:15:40,166 Shane! 440 01:15:42,404 --> 01:15:43,598 Shane! 441 01:15:44,907 --> 01:15:46,169 Shane! 442 01:15:59,521 --> 01:16:01,113 Shane! 443 01:16:57,779 --> 01:17:03,240 "Revengeful Spirit" at 14:15 444 01:17:03,418 --> 01:17:07,479 is now ready for showing. 445 01:17:55,303 --> 01:17:58,500 "A Film by Sophon Sakdaphisit" 446 01:17:59,307 --> 01:18:01,104 You really want to see me die?