1 00:00:31,281 --> 00:00:32,658 (HORSE SNORTS) 2 00:00:56,391 --> 00:00:58,894 WOMAN: The Oracle's words stand as a warning. 3 00:00:59,602 --> 00:01:00,603 A prophecy. 4 00:01:02,521 --> 00:01:04,319 Sparta will fall. 5 00:01:04,815 --> 00:01:07,364 All of Greece will fall. 6 00:01:07,609 --> 00:01:09,452 (YELLING) 7 00:01:14,366 --> 00:01:17,996 And Persian fire will reduce Athens to cinder. 8 00:01:18,745 --> 00:01:21,294 For Athens is a pile of stone and wood... 9 00:01:21,540 --> 00:01:23,213 and cloth and dust... 10 00:01:23,750 --> 00:01:27,425 and, as dust, will vanish into the wind. 11 00:01:27,754 --> 00:01:30,303 Only the Athenians themselves exist. 12 00:01:30,549 --> 00:01:33,553 And the fate of the world hangs on their every syllable. 13 00:01:40,475 --> 00:01:41,601 Only the Athenians exist. 14 00:01:43,687 --> 00:01:46,156 And only stout wooden ships can save them. 15 00:01:47,899 --> 00:01:49,572 Wooden ships... 16 00:01:50,152 --> 00:01:52,450 and a tidal wave of heroes' blood. 17 00:02:02,039 --> 00:02:04,713 Leonidas, my husband... 18 00:02:05,417 --> 00:02:06,964 Leonidas, your king... 19 00:02:08,629 --> 00:02:12,304 Leonidas and the brave 300 are dead. 20 00:02:13,592 --> 00:02:15,219 The free men and women of Greece... 21 00:02:15,469 --> 00:02:18,222 are not bound by a beautiful Spartan death. 22 00:02:18,597 --> 00:02:20,599 War is not their love. 23 00:02:20,849 --> 00:02:23,193 Yet he lay down his life for them. 24 00:02:23,435 --> 00:02:25,403 For the promise Greece holds. 25 00:02:28,148 --> 00:02:32,153 'Tis our enemies who forged our freedom in the fires of war. 26 00:02:33,278 --> 00:02:36,373 It was King Darius who came to take our land. 27 00:02:37,449 --> 00:02:40,749 Ten years ago, when youth still burned in our eyes... 28 00:02:41,078 --> 00:02:44,799 before this bitter war forced our children to become men. 29 00:02:46,416 --> 00:02:50,341 Ten years ago, this war began... 30 00:02:50,587 --> 00:02:52,589 as all wars begin: 31 00:02:53,382 --> 00:02:55,225 With a grievance. 32 00:02:58,220 --> 00:02:59,722 Marathon. 33 00:03:01,139 --> 00:03:02,982 The Persian king, Darius... 34 00:03:03,475 --> 00:03:05,898 annoyed by the notion of Greek freedom... 35 00:03:06,728 --> 00:03:09,072 has come to Greece to bring us to heel. 36 00:03:11,608 --> 00:03:13,702 He makes landfall at the field of Marathon... 37 00:03:13,944 --> 00:03:16,367 with an invading force which outnumbers... 38 00:03:16,613 --> 00:03:18,581 the Greek defenders three-to-one. 39 00:03:18,824 --> 00:03:21,953 And so at dawn, the hopeless Athenians do the unthinkable. 40 00:03:22,744 --> 00:03:24,246 They attack. 41 00:03:24,496 --> 00:03:26,874 They attack the weary Persians as they disembark... 42 00:03:27,124 --> 00:03:30,594 their ships on shaky legs after a month at sea. 43 00:03:31,545 --> 00:03:34,048 They attack before they can establish their war camp... 44 00:03:34,297 --> 00:03:35,765 and supply their soldiers. 45 00:03:36,758 --> 00:03:37,759 And who... 46 00:03:38,009 --> 00:03:40,387 is the architect of this mad strategy? 47 00:03:41,012 --> 00:03:42,052 A little-known Athenian... 48 00:03:42,222 --> 00:03:43,724 soldier. 49 00:03:44,641 --> 00:03:46,234 His men call him... 50 00:03:46,476 --> 00:03:48,274 Themistokles. 51 00:03:48,520 --> 00:03:52,115 He gives the Persians a taste of Athenian shock combat. 52 00:03:52,357 --> 00:03:53,358 (THEMISTOKLES YELLS) 53 00:03:53,608 --> 00:03:55,201 (ALL YELLING AND GRUNTING) 54 00:05:00,759 --> 00:05:01,806 (HORSES NEIGHING) 55 00:05:15,524 --> 00:05:17,367 (HORSE NEIGHING) 56 00:05:49,766 --> 00:05:51,768 (ALL SHOUTING INDISTINCTLY) 57 00:05:56,898 --> 00:05:57,615 (YELLS) 58 00:06:03,572 --> 00:06:05,495 (YELLS) 59 00:06:14,583 --> 00:06:16,176 GORGO: All thoughts of glory are gone. 60 00:06:17,752 --> 00:06:18,719 Thousands dead. 61 00:06:19,421 --> 00:06:20,968 Hundreds of them their own. 62 00:06:23,884 --> 00:06:27,309 All for an idea: A free Greece... 63 00:06:27,554 --> 00:06:30,478 an Athenian experiment called "democracy." 64 00:06:34,102 --> 00:06:35,399 Could this idea be worth it? 65 00:06:36,605 --> 00:06:39,324 Worth all this sacrifice? 66 00:06:41,401 --> 00:06:43,745 Themistokles would let the good King Darius decide. 67 00:06:47,032 --> 00:06:48,659 For through the chaos... 68 00:06:48,909 --> 00:06:50,456 a moment appeared. 69 00:06:53,997 --> 00:06:55,670 And Themistokles would seize it. 70 00:07:06,885 --> 00:07:07,932 A moment... 71 00:07:08,178 --> 00:07:09,976 that would ring across the centuries. 72 00:07:10,221 --> 00:07:11,222 A moment that would... 73 00:07:11,473 --> 00:07:13,225 raise him from simple soldier... 74 00:07:13,475 --> 00:07:15,648 to the height of Athenian political power. 75 00:07:15,894 --> 00:07:18,443 No! 76 00:07:20,857 --> 00:07:24,282 A moment that would make Themistokles a legend. 77 00:07:43,046 --> 00:07:44,673 Yet even as the praise and glory... 78 00:07:44,923 --> 00:07:46,766 were heaped upon him... 79 00:07:47,008 --> 00:07:49,932 Themistokles knew in his heart he had made a mistake. 80 00:07:51,179 --> 00:07:53,807 It was Darius' son, Xerxes... 81 00:07:54,057 --> 00:07:56,480 whose eyes had the stink of destiny about them. 82 00:07:58,561 --> 00:08:01,064 Themistokles knew he should have killed that boy. 83 00:08:02,941 --> 00:08:06,036 That glorious mistake would forever haunt him. 84 00:08:12,325 --> 00:08:14,043 And so it was Themistokles himself... 85 00:08:14,285 --> 00:08:17,380 who sent a ripple across the Persian empire... 86 00:08:17,622 --> 00:08:19,340 and set into motion... 87 00:08:19,582 --> 00:08:22,301 forces that would bring fire to the heart of Greece. 88 00:08:25,005 --> 00:08:26,928 For as the good king lay dying... 89 00:08:27,173 --> 00:08:28,641 all his greatest generals... 90 00:08:28,883 --> 00:08:31,887 and advisers were summoned to his bedside. 91 00:08:32,220 --> 00:08:33,392 None greater... 92 00:08:33,638 --> 00:08:37,359 than his finest naval commander, Artemisia. 93 00:08:37,767 --> 00:08:40,441 Her ferocity bested only by her beauty. 94 00:08:40,687 --> 00:08:43,941 Her beauty matched only by her devotion to her king. 95 00:08:50,071 --> 00:08:52,324 Darius favored Artemisia among his generals... 96 00:08:52,574 --> 00:08:55,498 for she had brought him victory on the battlefield. 97 00:08:56,119 --> 00:08:57,291 In her... 98 00:08:57,537 --> 00:09:00,461 he had the perfect warrior protégée... 99 00:09:00,707 --> 00:09:02,630 that his son, Xerxes, would never be. 100 00:09:06,838 --> 00:09:10,217 DARIUS (IN STRAINED VOICE): So sweet, my child. 101 00:09:11,217 --> 00:09:13,015 My sweet... 102 00:09:13,762 --> 00:09:15,389 child. 103 00:09:23,772 --> 00:09:25,274 XERXES: Father. 104 00:09:25,982 --> 00:09:27,529 Xerxes. 105 00:09:28,026 --> 00:09:31,405 Do not repeat your father's mistake. 106 00:09:32,739 --> 00:09:36,414 Leave the ignoble Greeks to their ways. 107 00:09:37,535 --> 00:09:40,664 Only the gods can defeat them. 108 00:09:41,581 --> 00:09:44,676 Only the gods. 109 00:09:56,721 --> 00:09:58,769 GORGO: For seven days, Xerxes mourned... 110 00:09:59,015 --> 00:10:01,109 paralyzed by grief. 111 00:10:01,351 --> 00:10:04,696 On the eighth day, Artemisia whispered the seed of madness... 112 00:10:04,938 --> 00:10:06,690 that would consume him. 113 00:10:06,940 --> 00:10:10,695 (WHISPERING) Your father's words were not a warning... 114 00:10:11,486 --> 00:10:13,113 but a challenge. 115 00:10:14,614 --> 00:10:17,538 Only the gods can defeat the Greeks? 116 00:10:20,120 --> 00:10:24,125 You will be a god-king. 117 00:10:28,461 --> 00:10:30,759 GORGO: Artemisia gathered the priests, wizards... 118 00:10:31,005 --> 00:10:34,100 and mystics from every corner of the empire. 119 00:10:34,509 --> 00:10:35,635 They wrapped... 120 00:10:35,885 --> 00:10:39,264 the young king in Cimmerian gauze dipped in ancient potions... 121 00:10:39,681 --> 00:10:42,059 and set him to wander the desert... 122 00:10:43,268 --> 00:10:46,522 till in a delirium of heat and thirst, he stumbled upon... 123 00:10:46,771 --> 00:10:48,148 a hermit's cave. 124 00:10:52,110 --> 00:10:54,659 Xerxes passed the vacant eyes... 125 00:10:54,904 --> 00:10:56,326 and empty souls... 126 00:10:56,573 --> 00:11:00,578 of the hollow creatures that dwell in the dark corners of all men's hearts. 127 00:11:03,163 --> 00:11:05,291 And in that darkness... 128 00:11:06,624 --> 00:11:08,467 he surrendered himself completely... 129 00:11:08,710 --> 00:11:11,759 to power so evil and perverse... 130 00:11:15,383 --> 00:11:17,101 that, as he emerged... 131 00:11:17,343 --> 00:11:20,688 no part of a human man that was Xerxes survived. 132 00:11:29,314 --> 00:11:32,534 His eyes blazed like scarlet coals. 133 00:11:34,402 --> 00:11:38,327 He was stripped, cleansed, glabrous... 134 00:11:38,573 --> 00:11:40,075 and smooth. 135 00:11:41,993 --> 00:11:43,245 Xerxes was reborn... 136 00:11:43,494 --> 00:11:44,962 a god. 137 00:11:50,293 --> 00:11:52,466 Artemisia trusted no one. 138 00:11:53,171 --> 00:11:55,048 So in the cover of night... 139 00:11:55,298 --> 00:11:59,053 the palace was cleansed of all Xerxes' allies. 140 00:12:02,388 --> 00:12:04,106 All those he trusted... 141 00:12:08,770 --> 00:12:11,023 all those who had raised him... 142 00:12:15,818 --> 00:12:18,162 all those he had once looked to for counsel... 143 00:12:19,989 --> 00:12:22,742 were quickly introduced to her wrath. 144 00:12:45,181 --> 00:12:47,183 (CROWD CHEERING) 145 00:12:48,476 --> 00:12:49,978 And as the god-king stood... 146 00:12:50,228 --> 00:12:51,901 before his people... 147 00:12:53,064 --> 00:12:55,908 Artemisia watched her flawless manipulation take shape. 148 00:12:56,150 --> 00:12:58,903 - For glory's sake... - ARTEMISIA (WHISPERING): For glory's sake... 149 00:12:59,153 --> 00:13:01,747 - ...for vengeance's sake... - ...for vengeance's sake... 150 00:13:03,992 --> 00:13:05,289 war. 151 00:13:05,868 --> 00:13:07,290 war! 152 00:13:07,537 --> 00:13:09,539 (CROWD CHEERING) 153 00:13:10,081 --> 00:13:12,630 GORGO: War is coming to Greece... 154 00:13:12,875 --> 00:13:16,379 in the visage of a monster army over a million strong. 155 00:13:17,255 --> 00:13:20,475 It should be little more than a formality for Themistokles... 156 00:13:20,717 --> 00:13:22,390 the hero of Marathon... 157 00:13:22,635 --> 00:13:24,603 to finish what he began. 158 00:13:25,888 --> 00:13:29,438 Please! We must appeal to Xerxes' reason! 159 00:13:29,684 --> 00:13:30,731 MAN 1: Coward! 160 00:13:30,977 --> 00:13:33,230 Athens is a city of cowards! 161 00:13:33,479 --> 00:13:34,025 Shut your cock hole! 162 00:13:34,272 --> 00:13:35,364 Shut your own! 163 00:13:35,606 --> 00:13:37,574 I'll kill you! Fuck the Spartans! 164 00:13:37,817 --> 00:13:39,444 Fuck those muscle-bound boy-lovers! 165 00:13:39,694 --> 00:13:40,411 Silence! 166 00:13:40,653 --> 00:13:42,214 MAN 2: Silence for the hero of Marathon! 167 00:13:42,447 --> 00:13:44,950 THEMISTOKLES: This is a democracy, not a street fight. 168 00:13:45,199 --> 00:13:46,997 MAN 3: Quiet! It's Themistokles. 169 00:13:47,243 --> 00:13:50,838 The Persian attack will come from both the north and the south. 170 00:13:51,080 --> 00:13:53,674 The city-states should negotiate a truce. 171 00:13:53,916 --> 00:13:56,294 Yes, yes, we must negotiate. 172 00:13:57,295 --> 00:13:58,888 THEMISTOKLES: Negotiate with tyranny? 173 00:14:00,089 --> 00:14:02,968 Give me one example of when that has ever profited a nation. 174 00:14:03,217 --> 00:14:06,097 - MAN 4: You're right. We must unite. - THEMISTOKLES: My fellow countrymen... 175 00:14:06,763 --> 00:14:09,437 we can only judge the future... 176 00:14:09,682 --> 00:14:12,356 from what we have suffered in the past. 177 00:14:13,728 --> 00:14:16,356 Now, many of you here stood with me at Marathon. 178 00:14:17,523 --> 00:14:19,525 And for those of you who served... 179 00:14:19,776 --> 00:14:21,904 and faced the cut and thrust of battle... 180 00:14:22,153 --> 00:14:24,702 you know how true peace is forged. 181 00:14:25,615 --> 00:14:27,333 Do not be deceived. 182 00:14:27,575 --> 00:14:29,623 Xerxes, the son of Darius... 183 00:14:29,869 --> 00:14:31,963 is a wolf at our door. 184 00:14:32,747 --> 00:14:34,920 Right here, right now... 185 00:14:35,792 --> 00:14:37,510 we must choose: 186 00:14:37,919 --> 00:14:40,593 Do we stand and fight for Greece or not? 187 00:14:41,756 --> 00:14:42,928 Argos... 188 00:14:43,174 --> 00:14:44,346 Corinth... 189 00:14:44,592 --> 00:14:45,764 Megara... 190 00:14:46,010 --> 00:14:47,637 Athens. 191 00:14:47,887 --> 00:14:50,356 Not even Sparta can match the Persians alone. 192 00:14:50,598 --> 00:14:52,817 We must persevere as one nation. 193 00:14:53,059 --> 00:14:55,312 Or we will perish clinging onto... 194 00:14:55,561 --> 00:14:57,234 our own self-interests. 195 00:14:58,356 --> 00:15:01,701 Send us the ships that we need to defend Greece. 196 00:15:01,943 --> 00:15:04,366 Themistokles will need more than our cities' ships. 197 00:15:04,612 --> 00:15:06,535 He will need our children to join the fight. 198 00:15:06,781 --> 00:15:08,408 (CROWD MURMURS) 199 00:15:08,658 --> 00:15:10,035 And what of Sparta? 200 00:15:10,284 --> 00:15:13,128 You send every ship that we have... 201 00:15:13,371 --> 00:15:15,715 to the northern coast of Euboea. 202 00:15:16,958 --> 00:15:20,838 I will go and seek the help of the great Spartans. 203 00:15:21,087 --> 00:15:22,680 (CROWD MURMURING) 204 00:15:42,483 --> 00:15:43,564 ARTEMISIA: Still no word... 205 00:15:43,734 --> 00:15:46,203 from the messenger you sent to Sparta. 206 00:15:46,863 --> 00:15:49,992 King Leonidas may have been insulted by your generous offer. 207 00:15:50,241 --> 00:15:54,212 Perhaps I need to march into Sparta myself and burn it to the ground. 208 00:15:56,164 --> 00:15:57,666 Remember... 209 00:15:57,915 --> 00:15:59,633 when a king is loved as I am... 210 00:16:01,085 --> 00:16:03,338 much can be accomplished. 211 00:16:04,881 --> 00:16:08,226 They would be fools to resist my divine power. 212 00:16:08,468 --> 00:16:11,267 Athens is attempting to assemble a coalition. 213 00:16:11,512 --> 00:16:13,981 It'll be nothing more than a patchwork of ships. 214 00:16:16,184 --> 00:16:19,984 Once these waters have been traversed, I will lead my force across the land. 215 00:16:20,229 --> 00:16:22,573 I will remind the cowards of Greece... 216 00:16:22,815 --> 00:16:26,240 that we have not forgotten their insolence. 217 00:16:36,162 --> 00:16:37,960 Rest and water the horses. 218 00:16:38,206 --> 00:16:39,628 It's best I go alone. 219 00:16:39,874 --> 00:16:43,299 Spartans don't get along well with others. 220 00:16:46,297 --> 00:16:47,298 (GRUNTING) 221 00:17:04,106 --> 00:17:05,733 (MEN GRUNTING IN UNISON) 222 00:17:32,969 --> 00:17:33,561 (GROANS) 223 00:17:34,762 --> 00:17:36,560 - Spartans. - DILIOS: Themistokles. 224 00:17:37,932 --> 00:17:39,400 You old snake. 225 00:17:39,642 --> 00:17:42,486 - What brings you this far south? - I've come to see Leonidas. 226 00:17:42,728 --> 00:17:45,652 - To warn him that the Persians are on the march. - You're too late. 227 00:17:45,898 --> 00:17:49,072 Persian messenger already presented his terms to Leonidas. 228 00:17:49,819 --> 00:17:52,197 Symbolic offering of earth and water. 229 00:18:00,830 --> 00:18:02,207 Spartans! 230 00:18:02,456 --> 00:18:03,537 Know this and know it well. 231 00:18:03,749 --> 00:18:04,750 (COUGHS) 232 00:18:05,001 --> 00:18:07,595 That any Spartan's finest moment... 233 00:18:08,337 --> 00:18:09,759 the greatest fulfillment... 234 00:18:10,006 --> 00:18:11,849 of all he holds dear... 235 00:18:12,091 --> 00:18:13,388 is that moment... 236 00:18:13,634 --> 00:18:15,762 when he has fought his heart out... 237 00:18:16,012 --> 00:18:18,856 for the preservation of Sparta... 238 00:18:19,098 --> 00:18:22,443 and lies dead on the battlefield... 239 00:18:22,685 --> 00:18:24,403 victorious. 240 00:18:26,188 --> 00:18:27,440 Now... 241 00:18:27,940 --> 00:18:29,988 who is willing to die at our king's side? 242 00:18:30,234 --> 00:18:31,360 MEN (IN UNISON): Ah-ooh! 243 00:18:31,611 --> 00:18:33,864 Ah-ooh! Ah-ooh! 244 00:18:34,488 --> 00:18:36,081 GORGO: Themistokles. 245 00:18:38,034 --> 00:18:41,959 You've come a long way to stroke your cock whilst watching real men train. 246 00:18:42,204 --> 00:18:43,251 THEMISTOKLES: Queen Gorge. 247 00:18:44,415 --> 00:18:47,385 Shouldn't he be training them to live at their king's side? 248 00:18:48,961 --> 00:18:50,601 THEMISTOKLES: A new age is dawning, Gorgo. 249 00:18:52,256 --> 00:18:56,102 Won't be long before men rise up and shed the yoke of mysticism and tyranny. 250 00:18:56,344 --> 00:18:58,813 - That sounds like a threat. - No. 251 00:18:59,221 --> 00:19:02,896 An opportunity to join the rest of free Greece and stand against a true tyrant. 252 00:19:04,518 --> 00:19:08,148 Unless, of course, you and Leonidas have already made a deal with Xerxes. 253 00:19:08,397 --> 00:19:10,149 No terms were reached. 254 00:19:10,733 --> 00:19:12,610 Xerxes' messenger was... 255 00:19:12,860 --> 00:19:15,329 Well, he was rude and he lacked respect. 256 00:19:15,571 --> 00:19:19,576 He didn't understand the same threats made in Thebes and Athens would not work here. 257 00:19:20,326 --> 00:19:23,671 This is the birthplace of the world's greatest warriors. 258 00:19:24,955 --> 00:19:28,755 Men whose king would stand and fight and die for any one of them. 259 00:19:29,794 --> 00:19:31,011 Xerxes' messenger... 260 00:19:31,253 --> 00:19:34,473 did not understand this is no typical Greek city-state. 261 00:19:37,551 --> 00:19:39,394 This is Sparta. 262 00:19:40,763 --> 00:19:43,642 It was clear to the messenger there'd be no Spartan submission? 263 00:19:43,891 --> 00:19:44,938 It was clear. 264 00:19:45,184 --> 00:19:48,484 Even now Leonidas is in counsel with the Oracle over his battle plan. 265 00:19:48,729 --> 00:19:51,403 The Festival of the Carneia is all that stands in our way. 266 00:19:51,649 --> 00:19:54,368 Surely the Oracle will see we must fight. 267 00:19:54,610 --> 00:19:56,203 Well, then my timing is perfect. 268 00:19:56,987 --> 00:20:00,161 I am commanding a fleet of ships that will represent a united Greece. 269 00:20:00,408 --> 00:20:02,661 I need Sparta to join me. 270 00:20:03,577 --> 00:20:04,999 Give me your ships, Gorgo. 271 00:20:05,246 --> 00:20:08,090 I'll make sure that Xerxes wishes he never crossed the Aegean. 272 00:20:08,332 --> 00:20:11,586 You'll receive no Spartan ships. We've no interest in a united Greece. 273 00:20:11,836 --> 00:20:14,430 That is your dream, Themistokles, not ours. 274 00:20:15,047 --> 00:20:17,175 All I am concerned with is the preservation... 275 00:20:17,425 --> 00:20:18,551 of Sparta. 276 00:20:19,719 --> 00:20:21,642 My guards will see you out. 277 00:20:24,014 --> 00:20:25,641 It's funny that you mock freedom... 278 00:20:25,891 --> 00:20:27,768 here in your selfish isolation. 279 00:20:28,728 --> 00:20:30,856 Yet freedom, in her wisdom... 280 00:20:31,105 --> 00:20:33,403 has chosen you to defend her. 281 00:20:36,444 --> 00:20:37,661 My queen. 282 00:20:41,240 --> 00:20:43,413 AESKYLOS: Will Sparta join our fight? 283 00:20:44,744 --> 00:20:47,497 Apparently the Persians have offered the Spartans something they cannot refuse. 284 00:20:47,747 --> 00:20:48,428 And what is that? 285 00:20:50,249 --> 00:20:51,922 A beautiful death. 286 00:21:10,227 --> 00:21:13,527 They say you are the bravest of our captives. 287 00:21:14,106 --> 00:21:17,610 They say you are a whore from the eastern seas. 288 00:21:21,030 --> 00:21:23,624 You're not the smartest. 289 00:21:26,035 --> 00:21:28,037 Your commander is a Greek. 290 00:21:28,287 --> 00:21:30,255 Just like me. 291 00:21:31,540 --> 00:21:34,794 You Persian men take your orders from a Greek woman. 292 00:21:35,044 --> 00:21:38,389 Yes, my brother, I am Greek by birth... 293 00:21:38,631 --> 00:21:41,680 and I have Greek blood running through my veins. 294 00:21:44,386 --> 00:21:46,138 But my heart... 295 00:21:48,641 --> 00:21:49,858 is Persian. 296 00:22:10,162 --> 00:22:11,755 (THUNDER CRASHING) 297 00:22:22,383 --> 00:22:23,805 ARTEMISIA: Within hours... 298 00:22:24,510 --> 00:22:26,888 the Greek fleet will be shattered. 299 00:22:27,137 --> 00:22:29,936 What of our master and the much-feared Spartans? 300 00:22:30,182 --> 00:22:32,310 ARTEMISIA: There's nothing to fear. 301 00:22:32,893 --> 00:22:36,773 Only King Leonidas and his personal guard of 300... 302 00:22:37,022 --> 00:22:39,024 have marched to fight. 303 00:22:39,275 --> 00:22:40,396 They'll collapse. Instantly. 304 00:22:44,071 --> 00:22:44,663 You. 305 00:22:51,328 --> 00:22:52,796 Do you agree? 306 00:22:55,332 --> 00:22:56,709 Many will perish. 307 00:22:58,127 --> 00:23:01,256 Your confidence leaves me with a strong impression. 308 00:23:02,756 --> 00:23:04,929 It's a curious thing for a simple ship guard... 309 00:23:05,175 --> 00:23:07,928 to not lower his eyes when questioned by me. 310 00:23:09,054 --> 00:23:11,807 That could've been just a lack of discipline. 311 00:23:13,017 --> 00:23:15,486 But a man's hands do not lie. 312 00:23:15,728 --> 00:23:16,820 They can reveal... 313 00:23:17,062 --> 00:23:21,067 every imperfection and flaw in his character. 314 00:23:22,026 --> 00:23:23,994 You see, your hands are not rough enough... 315 00:23:24,236 --> 00:23:26,284 to work the rigging of this ship. 316 00:23:27,823 --> 00:23:30,576 I know every single man beneath my lash. 317 00:23:30,826 --> 00:23:34,626 Can you explain to me how I don't know you? 318 00:23:36,457 --> 00:23:38,676 Forgive me, commander. 319 00:23:41,378 --> 00:23:43,380 Let me introduce myself. 320 00:23:45,049 --> 00:23:45,766 Seize the spy. 321 00:23:46,008 --> 00:23:47,305 (GRUNTING) 322 00:23:49,887 --> 00:23:50,604 (YELLS) 323 00:24:05,235 --> 00:24:07,033 Coward. 324 00:24:08,197 --> 00:24:09,949 Storm is upon us. 325 00:24:12,785 --> 00:24:15,664 It's just some mad Greek weather. 326 00:24:27,174 --> 00:24:27,970 (KNOCKING ON DOOR) 327 00:24:28,217 --> 00:24:30,470 - SCYLLIAS: Themistokles. - Come. 328 00:24:34,014 --> 00:24:35,311 Calisto. 329 00:24:35,557 --> 00:24:38,151 What is spoken here must not be repeated. 330 00:24:38,602 --> 00:24:39,819 Anywhere. 331 00:24:42,731 --> 00:24:45,951 My son has not earned the right to sit at the table of combat veterans. 332 00:24:46,193 --> 00:24:48,571 - But you can trust him. - THEMISTOKLES: Very well. 333 00:24:50,489 --> 00:24:52,332 - Tell me. - A Greek woman... 334 00:24:52,574 --> 00:24:54,872 commands all of Xerxes' ships to the south. 335 00:24:56,286 --> 00:24:57,913 Artemisia. 336 00:24:58,914 --> 00:24:59,915 I know of her. 337 00:25:00,958 --> 00:25:03,882 Artemisia is murderous by trade with true skill on the sea... 338 00:25:04,128 --> 00:25:05,926 and she has thirst for vengeance. 339 00:25:06,547 --> 00:25:08,049 Rumors are her entire family... 340 00:25:08,298 --> 00:25:10,596 was murdered by a squad of Greek hoplites. 341 00:25:11,677 --> 00:25:14,146 I have heard all the stories. 342 00:25:15,222 --> 00:25:17,850 And the hoplites spared no one on that day. 343 00:25:19,268 --> 00:25:21,270 (WOMAN SCREAMING) 344 00:25:44,334 --> 00:25:46,382 THEMISTOKLES: The story goes that they raped and murdered... 345 00:25:46,628 --> 00:25:48,096 her entire family. 346 00:25:50,132 --> 00:25:53,056 And then they turned their attention towards her. 347 00:26:15,908 --> 00:26:19,412 After years of being kept in the bowels of a Greek slave ship... 348 00:26:20,579 --> 00:26:23,128 she was discarded and left for dead... 349 00:26:24,083 --> 00:26:26,677 where she was found near death by a Persian emissary. 350 00:26:47,898 --> 00:26:50,492 Artemisia vowed that day to return to Greece... 351 00:26:51,944 --> 00:26:53,662 only when she could watch it burn. 352 00:26:56,448 --> 00:26:57,495 (GRUNTING) 353 00:27:05,249 --> 00:27:08,844 She was fed, clothed, trained by the finest warriors of the Persian empire... 354 00:27:12,923 --> 00:27:14,391 until no match could be found... 355 00:27:14,633 --> 00:27:16,313 for her skills and gift with the sword. 356 00:27:44,079 --> 00:27:46,582 The great King Darius was impressed by her commitment. 357 00:27:47,875 --> 00:27:50,094 And she quickly rose to command at his side. 358 00:27:53,839 --> 00:27:55,466 AESKYLOS: She has sold her soul... 359 00:27:55,716 --> 00:27:57,184 to Death himself. 360 00:27:58,510 --> 00:28:00,854 Well, some could say that I've sold mine to Greece. 361 00:28:05,100 --> 00:28:06,101 And what do you think? 362 00:28:06,351 --> 00:28:08,069 - Me? - THEMISTOKLES: Yes. 363 00:28:08,312 --> 00:28:10,189 You are the future of this country. 364 00:28:11,231 --> 00:28:12,608 I'm ready to fight. 365 00:28:13,609 --> 00:28:15,031 (THEMISTOKLES CHUCKLES) 366 00:28:16,111 --> 00:28:18,580 I like him. He reminds me of you. 367 00:28:19,364 --> 00:28:20,035 AESKYLOS: We will need... 368 00:28:20,282 --> 00:28:21,078 every last man. 369 00:28:21,325 --> 00:28:22,417 He is still just a boy. 370 00:28:22,659 --> 00:28:24,002 Much younger... 371 00:28:24,244 --> 00:28:26,042 - ...have defended our country. - Enough! 372 00:28:26,496 --> 00:28:29,249 You are a dreamer and will speak of this no more. 373 00:28:33,086 --> 00:28:35,088 Themistokles, I've set your plan in motion. 374 00:28:35,339 --> 00:28:38,263 And my land force will be assembled by the second day. 375 00:28:38,508 --> 00:28:41,352 You will be needed. I can assure you of that. 376 00:28:45,140 --> 00:28:47,063 And there is bad news. 377 00:28:47,309 --> 00:28:50,279 Leonidas has marched north to the Hot Gates. 378 00:28:52,064 --> 00:28:54,032 AESKYLOS: Bad news? With the Spartans... 379 00:28:54,274 --> 00:28:58,120 - ...at the Hot Gates, our victory is assured. - SCYLLIAS: If the army were with him. 380 00:28:59,112 --> 00:29:01,035 But between the Oracle and the Carneia... 381 00:29:01,281 --> 00:29:03,909 Leonidas has marched to Thermopylae with just 300 men. 382 00:29:05,077 --> 00:29:08,547 AESKYLOS: So the only thing standing between Athens... 383 00:29:08,789 --> 00:29:10,291 and total annihilation... 384 00:29:11,333 --> 00:29:13,927 is Leonidas and 300 Spartans. 385 00:29:18,757 --> 00:29:20,851 AESKYLOS: I will search out the veterans among them. 386 00:29:21,093 --> 00:29:23,846 - Establish some order among the volunteers. - THEMISTOKLES: Good. 387 00:29:24,554 --> 00:29:27,683 There's little time to teach these farmhands strategy. 388 00:29:28,267 --> 00:29:30,315 Just keep them well fed... 389 00:29:31,270 --> 00:29:32,647 and sober. 390 00:29:33,313 --> 00:29:34,735 AESKYLOS: Anything else? 391 00:29:35,274 --> 00:29:37,197 Wouldn't hurt if they could swing a sword. 392 00:29:40,112 --> 00:29:41,830 Well, I'll be damned. 393 00:29:43,282 --> 00:29:44,283 Shit. 394 00:29:44,533 --> 00:29:47,457 - Does your father know that you're here? - No, sir. 395 00:29:47,703 --> 00:29:49,751 And this shield and sword? 396 00:29:49,997 --> 00:29:51,499 My grandfather's. 397 00:29:51,748 --> 00:29:54,547 My mother entrusted them to me this morning. 398 00:29:55,043 --> 00:29:58,343 - When she gave you her blessing? - CALISTO: Yes, sir. 399 00:29:58,964 --> 00:30:01,217 With a sharp blade, no less. 400 00:30:03,010 --> 00:30:05,854 Your father is preparing a surprise for our enemy tomorrow. 401 00:30:06,096 --> 00:30:09,441 I choose to fight here. Now. 402 00:30:11,518 --> 00:30:13,270 Come aboard my ship. 403 00:30:13,895 --> 00:30:15,272 That is where you will fight. 404 00:30:15,522 --> 00:30:16,774 Yes, sir. 405 00:30:21,069 --> 00:30:22,549 COMMANDER 1: We've just over 50 ships. 406 00:30:22,571 --> 00:30:25,324 Persian forces reported a number in the thousands. 407 00:30:25,574 --> 00:30:29,014 - Those ships appear hardly seaworthy. - COMMANDER 1: Nothing like the monster ships... 408 00:30:29,161 --> 00:30:32,461 - ...of the Persian fleet. - We have the advantage. Speed, maneuverability. 409 00:30:32,748 --> 00:30:36,469 The rest of the city-states have sent anywhere from a handful to a single ship. 410 00:30:36,710 --> 00:30:40,010 - Of course, Athens supplied the balance. - COMMANDER 2: We have report... 411 00:30:40,255 --> 00:30:44,260 a small advance force of Persian ships have taken refuge from the storm across the strait. 412 00:30:44,551 --> 00:30:46,849 If the weather breaks, we could hit them at dawn. 413 00:30:48,722 --> 00:30:49,769 An early Greek victory. 414 00:30:50,015 --> 00:30:51,813 COMMANDER 1: The gods have given us an opportunity... 415 00:30:52,059 --> 00:30:54,027 to wound the Persians, strengthen Greek morale. 416 00:30:56,188 --> 00:30:57,314 A tempting distraction. 417 00:30:57,564 --> 00:30:59,658 But we'll stick to the battle plan. 418 00:30:59,900 --> 00:31:03,029 Today at sundown, we will sail out to meet the main Persian fleet. 419 00:31:03,278 --> 00:31:06,327 We'll attack in the open water with no shore to narrow the battle. 420 00:31:06,573 --> 00:31:08,613 COMMANDER 2: To attack a force of over 1000 ships... 421 00:31:08,658 --> 00:31:10,456 with our meager force is suicide. 422 00:31:11,995 --> 00:31:13,963 Such is my plan. 423 00:31:18,126 --> 00:31:20,720 ARTAPHERNES: Look at their excuse for a navy. 424 00:31:21,588 --> 00:31:23,966 ARTEMISIA: Their ships are of little threat. 425 00:31:24,841 --> 00:31:27,094 I need a second in command, Artaphernes. 426 00:31:27,344 --> 00:31:31,349 And whoever proves their excellence will earn a place beside me. 427 00:31:32,766 --> 00:31:35,610 General Bandari has offered to lead the first attack. 428 00:31:35,852 --> 00:31:37,069 Bandari. 429 00:31:39,856 --> 00:31:40,948 Commander. 430 00:31:41,191 --> 00:31:43,114 If I let you lead our first offensive... 431 00:31:43,360 --> 00:31:46,409 what guarantee do I have that you'll bring me a quick victory? 432 00:31:46,655 --> 00:31:48,578 BANDARI: My word and my life. 433 00:31:49,157 --> 00:31:50,158 Good. 434 00:31:50,700 --> 00:31:52,247 My rules of engagement? 435 00:31:52,869 --> 00:31:56,544 Humiliate the Greeks and lay waste to their tiny ships. 436 00:31:57,541 --> 00:31:59,964 BANDARI: They'll be dead to the last man. 437 00:32:10,595 --> 00:32:12,222 THEMISTOKLES: My brothers. 438 00:32:12,722 --> 00:32:14,724 Steady your hearts. 439 00:32:16,560 --> 00:32:18,233 Look deep into your souls. 440 00:32:22,482 --> 00:32:25,577 For your mettle is to be tested this day. 441 00:32:29,406 --> 00:32:31,659 If in the heat of battle... 442 00:32:33,034 --> 00:32:35,708 you need a reason to fight on... 443 00:32:36,830 --> 00:32:39,549 an idea for which you will give up... 444 00:32:40,167 --> 00:32:42,420 all that you will ever have... 445 00:32:43,628 --> 00:32:46,598 you need only to look at the man who fights at your side. 446 00:32:48,550 --> 00:32:51,053 This is the "why" of battle. 447 00:32:51,303 --> 00:32:54,102 This is the brotherhood of men-at-arms. 448 00:32:55,140 --> 00:32:56,608 An unbreakable bond... 449 00:32:56,850 --> 00:32:59,854 made stronger by the crucible of combat. 450 00:33:01,313 --> 00:33:05,068 You will never be closer than with those who you shed your blood with. 451 00:33:07,027 --> 00:33:09,121 For there is no nobler cause... 452 00:33:09,362 --> 00:33:12,707 than to fight for those who will lay down their life for you. 453 00:33:14,701 --> 00:33:17,124 So you fight strong today. 454 00:33:18,246 --> 00:33:20,340 You fight for your brothers. 455 00:33:21,625 --> 00:33:23,673 Fight for your families. 456 00:33:24,461 --> 00:33:26,463 Most of all, you fight for Greece! 457 00:33:26,713 --> 00:33:27,680 ALL: Greece! 458 00:33:27,923 --> 00:33:28,549 (ALL SHOUT) 459 00:33:28,798 --> 00:33:29,799 Yeah! 460 00:33:32,010 --> 00:33:35,310 And there is only one thing to make sure of when the fighting starts. 461 00:33:35,555 --> 00:33:36,602 What's that? 462 00:33:37,682 --> 00:33:39,434 Don't get killed on the first day. 463 00:33:39,684 --> 00:33:40,776 (MEN LAUGH) 464 00:33:41,019 --> 00:33:43,238 That goes for the rest of you. 465 00:34:14,928 --> 00:34:15,679 Persian ships... 466 00:34:15,929 --> 00:34:17,431 are strong at the front. 467 00:34:17,681 --> 00:34:18,682 But they are weak... 468 00:34:18,932 --> 00:34:20,354 in the middle. 469 00:34:20,600 --> 00:34:22,443 We attack them there. 470 00:34:32,696 --> 00:34:34,369 Now! 471 00:34:39,744 --> 00:34:42,338 (GRUNTING) 472 00:34:55,385 --> 00:34:56,477 Attack! 473 00:35:07,272 --> 00:35:08,068 (YELLING) 474 00:35:13,111 --> 00:35:13,703 (SCREAMING) 475 00:35:20,368 --> 00:35:20,960 (YELLING) 476 00:35:24,664 --> 00:35:26,041 Ram them! 477 00:35:36,968 --> 00:35:40,063 COMMANDER: Archers, now! Now! 478 00:35:44,851 --> 00:35:45,898 (ALL YELL) 479 00:35:49,314 --> 00:35:50,782 Reverse! 480 00:35:51,107 --> 00:35:52,529 Now! 481 00:35:59,324 --> 00:36:00,701 Go through them! 482 00:36:10,335 --> 00:36:11,382 (MEN YELL) 483 00:36:29,020 --> 00:36:30,146 (MEN SCREAMING) 484 00:36:55,588 --> 00:36:56,868 ARTEMISIA: The enemy's tactics... 485 00:36:57,090 --> 00:36:58,467 are creative. 486 00:36:58,717 --> 00:37:01,140 The defensive circle leaves no front to assault. 487 00:37:01,720 --> 00:37:03,097 We are losing. 488 00:37:03,346 --> 00:37:05,019 No, you are losing. 489 00:37:11,479 --> 00:37:12,856 Pull back. 490 00:37:13,356 --> 00:37:15,029 Let them have this day. 491 00:37:15,650 --> 00:37:18,699 I'm bored with your failures, Bandari. 492 00:37:23,867 --> 00:37:25,915 I'll not let this wound slow me. 493 00:37:26,161 --> 00:37:28,414 Heh. Somehow I believe you. 494 00:37:28,663 --> 00:37:30,882 My blade will be sharp and ready by the morning. 495 00:37:31,875 --> 00:37:34,549 Good. Tomorrow you will fight alongside your father. 496 00:37:36,629 --> 00:37:37,630 Not bad... 497 00:37:37,881 --> 00:37:41,351 - ...for a bunch of farmers. - And poets and sculptors. 498 00:37:41,593 --> 00:37:43,061 Who'd have known untrained men... 499 00:37:43,303 --> 00:37:46,102 would do so well against such a considerable adversary? 500 00:37:48,475 --> 00:37:51,729 We're going to need all of our strength for tomorrow's fight. 501 00:37:52,353 --> 00:37:54,572 How long do you think we can hold them? 502 00:37:57,525 --> 00:37:59,778 If my plan is to work... 503 00:38:01,613 --> 00:38:04,662 long enough for the Spartans to unite Greece. 504 00:38:05,950 --> 00:38:07,247 Men! 505 00:38:07,786 --> 00:38:09,147 Who will share their wine with me? 506 00:38:09,370 --> 00:38:11,498 (MEN SHOUT) 507 00:38:22,967 --> 00:38:24,059 Report. 508 00:38:24,302 --> 00:38:26,100 We are still tallying the losses. 509 00:38:26,721 --> 00:38:29,315 But you must understand, it is extremely difficult... 510 00:38:29,557 --> 00:38:31,901 given the sea and the darkness... 511 00:38:32,143 --> 00:38:33,736 to get an accurate... 512 00:38:33,978 --> 00:38:35,525 (GRUNTS) 513 00:38:44,948 --> 00:38:46,074 Report? 514 00:38:46,699 --> 00:38:48,139 ARTAPHERNES: Seventy-five ships lost. 515 00:38:48,368 --> 00:38:49,745 Thirty damaged beyond repair. 516 00:38:49,994 --> 00:38:53,043 Twenty could return with a few weeks' work in a safe harbor. 517 00:38:57,210 --> 00:39:00,134 The commander of the Greek force is named Themistokles. 518 00:39:00,380 --> 00:39:02,382 Yes, he is an Athenian general. 519 00:39:03,216 --> 00:39:05,059 He's rumored to have loosed the arrow... 520 00:39:05,301 --> 00:39:07,850 that felled the great King Darius himself. 521 00:39:20,400 --> 00:39:22,368 No! 522 00:39:37,000 --> 00:39:41,005 This Themistokles has shown himself to be quite brilliant in battle. 523 00:39:42,630 --> 00:39:44,724 Which is more than I can say for any of you. 524 00:39:46,092 --> 00:39:49,312 Do you gentlemen find my command unreasonable? 525 00:39:49,762 --> 00:39:52,311 Is it too much to ask for victory? 526 00:39:52,557 --> 00:39:54,317 Your disappointment in yesterday's losses... 527 00:39:54,559 --> 00:39:56,152 is warranted. 528 00:39:57,604 --> 00:39:59,606 My disappointment. 529 00:40:00,940 --> 00:40:03,363 My disappointment is not with my losses. 530 00:40:03,610 --> 00:40:07,240 The meager number of damaged ships and dead slaves means nothing to me. 531 00:40:07,488 --> 00:40:11,288 No, my disappointment... 532 00:40:13,828 --> 00:40:15,546 is in these men. 533 00:40:16,831 --> 00:40:17,832 For though I stand... 534 00:40:18,082 --> 00:40:20,176 among 10,000... 535 00:40:20,501 --> 00:40:21,969 I am alone. 536 00:40:24,047 --> 00:40:27,426 I long for a soul who would stand by my side. 537 00:40:27,675 --> 00:40:28,847 Who I could trust. 538 00:40:34,891 --> 00:40:37,189 Tell me, General Kashani. 539 00:40:37,810 --> 00:40:39,653 Are you that man? 540 00:40:41,522 --> 00:40:44,776 You will taste your victory by the day's end. 541 00:40:45,234 --> 00:40:47,578 I will make certain of it. 542 00:40:48,821 --> 00:40:50,619 I hope so. 543 00:41:24,691 --> 00:41:26,693 (ALL GRUNTING) 544 00:42:22,206 --> 00:42:24,379 Advance! 545 00:42:31,507 --> 00:42:35,057 Now! 546 00:42:58,743 --> 00:43:01,041 Don't lose sight of them. 547 00:43:15,384 --> 00:43:16,510 The Greeks are retreating. 548 00:43:16,761 --> 00:43:19,230 ARTEMISIA: He's got him right where he wants him. 549 00:43:19,472 --> 00:43:21,349 Kashani is a fine tactician. 550 00:43:21,974 --> 00:43:24,648 I was speaking of Themistokles. 551 00:43:34,487 --> 00:43:35,534 Rocks! 552 00:43:38,699 --> 00:43:40,201 Stop, stop! 553 00:43:40,451 --> 00:43:41,748 Stop! 554 00:43:42,453 --> 00:43:44,171 Brace yourselves! 555 00:43:46,958 --> 00:43:48,585 (ALL YELLING) 556 00:44:11,274 --> 00:44:13,276 (YELLING) 557 00:44:20,324 --> 00:44:21,621 (YELLS) 558 00:44:21,868 --> 00:44:23,870 (ALL YELLING AND GRUNTING) 559 00:45:47,662 --> 00:45:48,754 (SIGHS) 560 00:46:30,621 --> 00:46:31,581 What are you doing here? 561 00:46:31,622 --> 00:46:35,126 A man's responsibility is to protect his family and his nation. 562 00:46:35,376 --> 00:46:38,346 - Who told you this? - My father. 563 00:47:12,788 --> 00:47:13,835 (GROANING) 564 00:47:41,776 --> 00:47:44,780 You see how Themistokles employs deception with such grace? 565 00:47:45,279 --> 00:47:48,203 - Why is it so much to ask for victory? - How can I make amends? 566 00:47:48,449 --> 00:47:49,826 Silence. 567 00:47:53,245 --> 00:47:55,623 You will carry a message for me. 568 00:47:56,707 --> 00:47:58,129 MAN: Now they will fear us! 569 00:47:58,376 --> 00:48:02,006 Now they will fear the Greek men-at-arms! Hup! 570 00:48:03,589 --> 00:48:04,590 THEMISTOKLES: He's right. 571 00:48:05,341 --> 00:48:07,218 Fear the Greek fighting man. 572 00:48:07,468 --> 00:48:08,594 Fear his sword. 573 00:48:08,844 --> 00:48:10,187 His shield. 574 00:48:10,638 --> 00:48:13,232 Fear his love for Mother Greece. 575 00:48:13,474 --> 00:48:14,976 But most of all... 576 00:48:15,559 --> 00:48:17,186 fear his freedom! 577 00:48:17,436 --> 00:48:19,564 (ALL CHEERING) 578 00:48:23,275 --> 00:48:25,198 Don't be angry with the boy. 579 00:48:25,486 --> 00:48:26,783 I took him under my command. 580 00:48:27,029 --> 00:48:30,033 Anger is something I reserve for my enemies. 581 00:48:38,290 --> 00:48:39,883 Themistokles. 582 00:49:00,187 --> 00:49:03,908 Artemisia's ship is being anchored in neutral waters. 583 00:49:04,150 --> 00:49:06,323 She'd like to meet with Themistokles. 584 00:49:06,569 --> 00:49:09,448 - How can you guarantee his safe return? - ARTAPHERNES: Well, boy... 585 00:49:09,697 --> 00:49:11,620 the only honor for her now... 586 00:49:11,866 --> 00:49:15,245 will be when she watches your crushed and broken fleet... 587 00:49:15,494 --> 00:49:17,417 sinking to the bottom of the Aegean... 588 00:49:17,663 --> 00:49:19,256 and is able to recognize you... 589 00:49:19,498 --> 00:49:22,593 nailed to the mast of your ship with her sword... 590 00:49:22,835 --> 00:49:25,588 as you descend to a watery grave. 591 00:49:30,968 --> 00:49:33,471 Why didn't you just say that to begin with? 592 00:50:00,915 --> 00:50:03,418 ARTEMISIA: Welcome to my humble barge. 593 00:50:03,667 --> 00:50:06,216 We are honored by your presence. 594 00:50:08,672 --> 00:50:10,925 Your barge and you... 595 00:50:11,634 --> 00:50:13,261 are quite impressive. 596 00:50:18,057 --> 00:50:19,900 Kind words. 597 00:50:21,519 --> 00:50:24,739 Now come, Themistokles. We have much to discuss. 598 00:50:26,440 --> 00:50:29,114 Do you believe the Greeks are descended from the gods? 599 00:50:29,360 --> 00:50:30,953 I have heard some say that. 600 00:50:31,195 --> 00:50:34,495 And what of you? Is there a god in your lineage? 601 00:50:34,740 --> 00:50:38,165 My men say so, and based on the last two days' battle... 602 00:50:38,661 --> 00:50:41,915 I'd say there's a spark of the divine in you. 603 00:50:43,123 --> 00:50:45,717 Now who's using kind words? 604 00:50:52,591 --> 00:50:54,184 My men also say that it was you... 605 00:50:54,426 --> 00:50:57,600 who slayed the good King Darius at Marathon. 606 00:50:57,846 --> 00:51:00,269 Many heroic deeds occurred on that day. 607 00:51:00,516 --> 00:51:02,234 But it was 10 years ago... 608 00:51:02,476 --> 00:51:04,979 and the facts of battle are often embellished. 609 00:51:05,229 --> 00:51:07,072 This deed, you would remember. 610 00:51:08,399 --> 00:51:11,528 I do what I must to defend Greece. 611 00:51:11,777 --> 00:51:14,326 And I do what I must to defeat her. 612 00:51:17,449 --> 00:51:20,453 For every one Greek killed, you must kill a thousand Persians. 613 00:51:22,454 --> 00:51:24,127 For every ship I sink... 614 00:51:25,082 --> 00:51:26,880 you must sink a hundred. 615 00:51:27,876 --> 00:51:29,878 I can sustain losses for weeks. 616 00:51:30,129 --> 00:51:32,427 Months, if need be. 617 00:51:32,673 --> 00:51:34,175 My numbers will defeat you... 618 00:51:34,425 --> 00:51:37,144 and I will take your precious boats with my sword. 619 00:51:37,386 --> 00:51:38,979 I will take your Greek freedom. 620 00:51:39,680 --> 00:51:42,524 Are you asking me to negotiate a surrender? 621 00:51:42,766 --> 00:51:43,813 No. 622 00:51:44,810 --> 00:51:47,780 I offer you a chance to avoid such misery and join me. 623 00:51:49,356 --> 00:51:51,905 I'm in need of a commander such as you. 624 00:51:52,901 --> 00:51:54,528 Look at the defense you've mounted. 625 00:51:56,572 --> 00:51:58,040 A handful of triremes. 626 00:51:58,866 --> 00:52:01,085 Leonidas with 300 Spartans. 627 00:52:01,327 --> 00:52:02,624 (CHUCKLES) 628 00:52:02,870 --> 00:52:04,087 It's insulting, frankly... 629 00:52:04,330 --> 00:52:07,459 that the mightiest empire the world has ever seen is met by this. 630 00:52:09,627 --> 00:52:11,800 I don't blame you, Themistokles. 631 00:52:12,630 --> 00:52:15,383 You fought as if the blood of Poseidon himself... 632 00:52:15,633 --> 00:52:17,761 was coursing through your veins. 633 00:52:18,010 --> 00:52:19,933 No, I blame Greece. 634 00:52:20,846 --> 00:52:23,850 The squabbling bureaucrats protecting their political hides... 635 00:52:24,099 --> 00:52:26,978 by sending you here to die. 636 00:52:30,356 --> 00:52:32,654 And yet you still fight. 637 00:52:34,234 --> 00:52:36,032 So there must be... 638 00:52:37,696 --> 00:52:38,993 What? 639 00:52:40,324 --> 00:52:44,329 Family back home in Athens that compels you... 640 00:52:45,412 --> 00:52:48,040 to battle with such passion? 641 00:52:50,292 --> 00:52:52,886 Truth is, I've had no time for family. 642 00:52:53,128 --> 00:52:55,597 I have spent my entire adult life... 643 00:52:55,839 --> 00:52:57,637 with my one true love... 644 00:52:58,592 --> 00:53:00,185 the Greek fleet... 645 00:53:00,928 --> 00:53:02,771 and my one passion... 646 00:53:03,013 --> 00:53:04,890 readying it for you. 647 00:53:06,517 --> 00:53:08,235 (LAUGHS) 648 00:53:09,061 --> 00:53:10,563 Now, that brings me pleasure... 649 00:53:10,813 --> 00:53:14,283 the thought of you pining away for me... 650 00:53:15,192 --> 00:53:17,786 forsaking family and love... 651 00:53:18,028 --> 00:53:21,202 for the promise of a deeper ecstasy. 652 00:53:28,247 --> 00:53:31,672 The ecstasy of steel and flesh... 653 00:53:32,835 --> 00:53:35,805 death and life... 654 00:53:37,631 --> 00:53:39,178 of rage... 655 00:53:40,050 --> 00:53:42,394 and sweat of muscle... 656 00:53:43,512 --> 00:53:45,435 of pure joy... 657 00:53:46,432 --> 00:53:48,605 and deepest sorrow. 658 00:53:49,852 --> 00:53:53,698 Die with me each night and be born again with me each morning... 659 00:53:54,356 --> 00:53:58,236 as you plant your sword into the hearts of our enemies. 660 00:54:01,989 --> 00:54:03,662 You fight for freedom. 661 00:54:04,199 --> 00:54:07,954 I offer freedom without consequence or responsibility. 662 00:54:11,206 --> 00:54:12,674 Join me... 663 00:54:14,126 --> 00:54:15,844 at my side. 664 00:54:16,128 --> 00:54:20,133 Breathe each breath with me as if it were your last. 665 00:54:39,234 --> 00:54:40,907 (PANTING) 666 00:54:48,494 --> 00:54:50,337 (ARTEMISIA GRUNTING) 667 00:54:55,459 --> 00:54:56,506 (GRUNTING) 668 00:55:15,938 --> 00:55:17,940 (ARTEMISIA & THEMISTOKLES GRUNTING) 669 00:55:30,244 --> 00:55:31,962 (MOANS) 670 00:56:09,199 --> 00:56:10,701 Join me. 671 00:56:16,748 --> 00:56:17,965 No. 672 00:56:22,296 --> 00:56:23,388 (BOTH GRUNTING) 673 00:56:29,094 --> 00:56:32,348 You're no god. You're just a man. 674 00:56:47,487 --> 00:56:49,740 Be quick with your sword. 675 00:56:53,201 --> 00:56:55,420 You'll not have your death tonight. 676 00:56:55,954 --> 00:56:57,126 Guards! 677 00:56:58,749 --> 00:57:00,922 Remove this filth from my ship. 678 00:57:04,922 --> 00:57:06,139 (YELLS THEN SWORD CLANGS) 679 00:57:27,194 --> 00:57:27,945 AESKYLOS: Well? 680 00:57:28,904 --> 00:57:30,781 What have you learned? 681 00:57:32,032 --> 00:57:33,909 (SIGHS) 682 00:57:38,121 --> 00:57:40,089 Can Artemisia be beaten? 683 00:57:41,792 --> 00:57:44,090 The next time that we face her... 684 00:57:44,336 --> 00:57:46,964 she's going to bring all of hell with her. 685 00:57:47,214 --> 00:57:49,057 (SIGHS) 686 00:58:40,892 --> 00:58:43,315 Hold! Hold! 687 00:58:54,865 --> 00:58:56,959 Send in my personal guard. 688 00:59:23,852 --> 00:59:24,853 Pull back! 689 00:59:25,103 --> 00:59:26,195 Retreat! 690 00:59:26,438 --> 00:59:27,564 - MAN: Retreat! - SCYLLIAS: Retreat! 691 00:59:27,814 --> 00:59:29,316 - MAN: Retreat! - SCYLLIAS: Retreat! 692 00:59:30,025 --> 00:59:31,743 Themistokles! 693 00:59:31,985 --> 00:59:33,487 In the water! 694 00:59:37,032 --> 00:59:39,205 Archers on deck now! 695 00:59:39,451 --> 00:59:41,124 SCYLLIAS: Archers on deck now! Quickly! 696 00:59:41,703 --> 00:59:42,863 THEMISTOKLES: Starboard side! 697 00:59:43,080 --> 00:59:44,252 Fire at will! 698 00:59:51,713 --> 00:59:53,715 (YELLING) 699 01:00:02,432 --> 01:00:03,649 (GRUNTING) 700 01:00:22,452 --> 01:00:23,920 (ARROW PIERCES FLESH) 701 01:00:57,779 --> 01:00:59,281 (GASPS) 702 01:01:00,907 --> 01:01:02,204 Fight on, boy. 703 01:01:02,450 --> 01:01:03,497 Uh-huh. 704 01:01:03,743 --> 01:01:05,211 SCYLLIAS: Fight on! 705 01:01:06,997 --> 01:01:08,965 (WHOOSHING IN DISTANCE) 706 01:01:13,503 --> 01:01:14,720 (ALL YELLING) 707 01:01:25,015 --> 01:01:26,733 THEMISTOKLES: Aim for the men on top! 708 01:01:26,975 --> 01:01:28,192 Up there! 709 01:02:38,713 --> 01:02:41,557 Abandon ship! Abandon ship! 710 01:02:41,800 --> 01:02:43,768 Abandon ship! 711 01:04:11,139 --> 01:04:12,106 (GRUNTS) 712 01:04:29,532 --> 01:04:31,876 GORGO: The dead have no guilt. 713 01:04:32,410 --> 01:04:34,629 No responsibility. 714 01:04:35,830 --> 01:04:38,003 Themistokles watches the bodies of his men... 715 01:04:38,249 --> 01:04:41,093 turn the Aegean red with blood. 716 01:04:42,128 --> 01:04:43,971 Were they sacrificed for his ego? 717 01:04:45,673 --> 01:04:49,678 Or to relieve the guilt of the long-ago mistake at Marathon? 718 01:04:52,680 --> 01:04:54,398 How many men would have been saved... 719 01:04:54,641 --> 01:04:57,611 if Themistokles had killed that boy? 720 01:05:00,355 --> 01:05:03,108 Not even his own soul can be sure. 721 01:05:04,567 --> 01:05:06,194 My friend. 722 01:05:07,112 --> 01:05:09,080 We faced the odds. 723 01:05:10,407 --> 01:05:12,000 (IN STRAINED VOICE) Together. 724 01:05:13,993 --> 01:05:14,994 Listen to me... 725 01:05:15,245 --> 01:05:17,122 Themistokles. 726 01:05:20,708 --> 01:05:22,881 You will have to fight... 727 01:05:23,128 --> 01:05:25,927 with twice as much strength in the morning. 728 01:05:26,798 --> 01:05:28,800 We will fight shoulder-to-shoulder. 729 01:05:29,050 --> 01:05:30,427 SCYLLIAS: No, my son. 730 01:05:31,886 --> 01:05:34,639 You will carry on for both of us. 731 01:05:48,445 --> 01:05:50,447 (SCYLLIAS WHISPERING INDISTINCTLY) 732 01:06:21,436 --> 01:06:23,438 (SOBBING) 733 01:06:33,948 --> 01:06:35,370 What did he say? 734 01:06:37,911 --> 01:06:40,164 I will tell you in time, boy. 735 01:06:42,415 --> 01:06:43,758 Quiet now. 736 01:06:45,084 --> 01:06:47,507 You go and be with your father's spirit. 737 01:06:56,679 --> 01:06:59,432 How many times do you think we will repeat such a tragedy? 738 01:07:00,975 --> 01:07:02,147 As many times as we must. 739 01:07:03,228 --> 01:07:05,071 We are turning young men into memories. 740 01:07:08,691 --> 01:07:10,614 Do you think I enjoy this? 741 01:07:12,153 --> 01:07:14,155 Witnessing my friend's final breath? 742 01:07:18,076 --> 01:07:20,420 Every widow that is made by my decision... 743 01:07:22,497 --> 01:07:25,216 every child that will grow without a father... 744 01:07:27,001 --> 01:07:28,753 they are my choices. 745 01:07:29,754 --> 01:07:33,384 This is the burden of my command. 746 01:07:48,898 --> 01:07:50,115 (SQUAWKS) 747 01:07:57,282 --> 01:07:58,909 XERXES: How easy it is to silence... 748 01:07:59,158 --> 01:08:02,378 the strong and self-disciplined. 749 01:08:02,620 --> 01:08:05,794 Let my army witness the great warriors of Sparta. 750 01:08:09,043 --> 01:08:12,217 March them past these corpses. 751 01:08:12,463 --> 01:08:15,637 Let them see the cost of daring to challenge the god-king. 752 01:08:19,387 --> 01:08:20,934 King Leonidas... 753 01:08:21,180 --> 01:08:25,185 and his brave 300 were the finest Greece has to offer. 754 01:08:25,476 --> 01:08:26,728 There will be no saviors... 755 01:08:26,978 --> 01:08:29,401 to rise up and vanquish us. 756 01:08:30,023 --> 01:08:32,822 Nothing will stop the march of my empire. 757 01:08:35,361 --> 01:08:36,533 EPHIALTES: Your Majesty. 758 01:08:39,365 --> 01:08:41,333 XERXES: You, take this dead king's sword... 759 01:08:41,576 --> 01:08:42,873 to Athens. 760 01:08:43,119 --> 01:08:46,043 Let them know that I am coming next for them. 761 01:08:47,206 --> 01:08:48,799 Let them know... 762 01:08:49,042 --> 01:08:50,544 Athens... 763 01:08:51,252 --> 01:08:54,131 their prize jewel of a city... 764 01:08:54,922 --> 01:08:57,345 will disappear from the histories. 765 01:09:01,012 --> 01:09:02,434 Themistokles! 766 01:09:05,516 --> 01:09:06,517 I bring word... 767 01:09:06,768 --> 01:09:09,396 from Thermopylae. Leonidas was betrayed by a hunchback. 768 01:09:09,646 --> 01:09:11,319 The Spartans have been slaughtered. 769 01:09:11,564 --> 01:09:12,781 The Hot Gates have fallen. 770 01:09:15,777 --> 01:09:17,825 Such a sacrifice. 771 01:09:21,949 --> 01:09:24,122 Now Greece has her martyrs. 772 01:09:25,370 --> 01:09:27,543 Daxos, take that message... 773 01:09:27,789 --> 01:09:29,336 from the Hot Gates... 774 01:09:29,582 --> 01:09:31,926 to every city, every village. 775 01:09:32,168 --> 01:09:34,762 Let every countryman hear your words. 776 01:09:35,004 --> 01:09:36,802 But they are dead. All of them. 777 01:09:37,048 --> 01:09:39,847 Sparta's sacrifice will be what unites us. 778 01:09:40,426 --> 01:09:41,803 Now go. 779 01:09:43,054 --> 01:09:43,646 DAXOS: Hyah! 780 01:09:43,888 --> 01:09:46,607 Move all of our ships and men back to the safety of Salamis. 781 01:09:46,849 --> 01:09:48,226 And you? 782 01:09:49,060 --> 01:09:51,313 I will take Daxos' message to Athens. 783 01:09:52,522 --> 01:09:55,802 THEMISTOKLES: I was told a hunchback was accountable for the fall of the Hot Gates. 784 01:09:57,193 --> 01:10:00,288 That he sold out his country... 785 01:10:00,530 --> 01:10:03,750 pulled the crimson from his back and replaced it with Persian gold. 786 01:10:06,494 --> 01:10:08,292 What is your name, traitor? 787 01:10:09,372 --> 01:10:12,501 Ephialtes of Trachis. 788 01:10:24,429 --> 01:10:28,434 I should wet this noble blade with your blood. 789 01:10:30,184 --> 01:10:32,027 You would be right to do so. 790 01:10:32,854 --> 01:10:35,528 There is little beauty about me. 791 01:10:35,773 --> 01:10:39,778 There is little beauty in what I have done. 792 01:10:44,615 --> 01:10:46,288 Say what you must. 793 01:10:46,951 --> 01:10:48,794 I beg of you... 794 01:10:49,370 --> 01:10:50,872 and all of Athens! 795 01:10:51,122 --> 01:10:54,672 The god-king will burn this city to the ground! 796 01:10:54,917 --> 01:10:55,964 MAN: What does he mean? 797 01:10:56,502 --> 01:10:58,175 THEMISTOKLES: Quiet yourselves! 798 01:10:59,130 --> 01:11:03,135 Leonidas' and Sparta's great sacrifice was no defeat. 799 01:11:06,262 --> 01:11:08,356 It was a beautiful victory. 800 01:11:11,642 --> 01:11:14,111 This simple act of valor... 801 01:11:14,395 --> 01:11:16,864 will allow us to rally each of our city-states... 802 01:11:17,106 --> 01:11:19,108 and unite Greece... 803 01:11:19,984 --> 01:11:21,986 for one purpose... 804 01:11:22,320 --> 01:11:23,492 against one enemy! 805 01:11:24,906 --> 01:11:25,953 And you. 806 01:11:26,199 --> 01:11:29,453 You take this message to your god-king. 807 01:11:29,702 --> 01:11:32,251 That we will take whatever ships we have left... 808 01:11:32,789 --> 01:11:35,258 and finish this in the Bay of Salamis. 809 01:11:36,125 --> 01:11:38,719 But there will be death and destruction. 810 01:11:38,961 --> 01:11:42,761 Yes, there will be. 811 01:11:44,717 --> 01:11:45,513 (THUNDER RUMBLING) 812 01:11:49,514 --> 01:11:50,936 Themistokles. 813 01:11:53,267 --> 01:11:55,440 I'm here to speak to your queen. 814 01:11:56,187 --> 01:11:57,689 A warning, Athenian. 815 01:11:57,939 --> 01:12:00,692 You may not receive a warm welcome. 816 01:12:27,468 --> 01:12:30,062 May I offer my deepest sympathies. 817 01:12:31,681 --> 01:12:34,525 I cannot change what has happened to Leonidas... 818 01:12:34,767 --> 01:12:37,611 but his sacrifice will not be forgotten. 819 01:12:38,563 --> 01:12:42,033 Do not lecture me on sacrifice, and be quick with your words, Athenian. 820 01:12:44,902 --> 01:12:48,156 I request of you the entire Spartan navy. 821 01:12:48,906 --> 01:12:50,499 Every man, every ship... 822 01:12:50,741 --> 01:12:53,085 - ...that you can spare. - Have I not given enough... 823 01:12:53,327 --> 01:12:55,000 for your dream of a united Greece? 824 01:12:55,371 --> 01:12:58,750 Shall I put swords in the hands of my son? Our children? 825 01:12:59,000 --> 01:13:00,217 Would that please you? 826 01:13:01,669 --> 01:13:05,173 Have I not given enough for your ambitions, Themistokles? 827 01:13:05,423 --> 01:13:06,970 A king. 828 01:13:07,675 --> 01:13:10,053 Husbands, fathers, brothers. 829 01:13:10,303 --> 01:13:12,772 Sparta will give no more. 830 01:13:28,446 --> 01:13:29,993 This belongs with you. 831 01:13:40,249 --> 01:13:41,717 Avenge him. 832 01:13:59,685 --> 01:14:02,438 GORGO: The Oracle's words stood as a warning. 833 01:14:03,189 --> 01:14:05,112 All of Greece will fall... 834 01:14:05,733 --> 01:14:09,033 as Persian fire reduces Athens to cinder. 835 01:14:10,488 --> 01:14:12,832 For Athens is a pile of stone and wood... 836 01:14:13,074 --> 01:14:15,668 and cloth and dust... 837 01:14:16,577 --> 01:14:19,376 and, as dust, will vanish into the wind. 838 01:14:21,040 --> 01:14:23,839 Only the Athenians themselves exist. 839 01:14:25,044 --> 01:14:28,639 And the fate of the world hangs on their every syllable. 840 01:14:29,507 --> 01:14:31,885 Only the Athenians exist. 841 01:14:32,259 --> 01:14:35,229 And only stout wooden ships can save them. 842 01:14:35,888 --> 01:14:37,481 Wooden ships... 843 01:14:38,265 --> 01:14:41,109 and a tidal wave of heroes' blood. 844 01:14:48,192 --> 01:14:51,287 XERXES: The Greeks were fools to stand against us. 845 01:14:51,529 --> 01:14:53,156 Leonidas and his pride... 846 01:14:53,406 --> 01:14:56,000 were no match for the will of a god. 847 01:14:58,285 --> 01:15:02,210 Themistokles was a worthless coward. 848 01:15:02,456 --> 01:15:03,958 And now... 849 01:15:04,500 --> 01:15:08,221 this pathetic navy is barely worth our attention. 850 01:15:08,462 --> 01:15:10,760 If that worthless coward had stood at my side... 851 01:15:11,007 --> 01:15:12,600 we would have laid the world... 852 01:15:12,842 --> 01:15:13,934 at your feet. 853 01:15:14,844 --> 01:15:15,970 EPHIALTES: My king. 854 01:15:17,179 --> 01:15:20,683 Your humble servant brings you news. 855 01:15:22,018 --> 01:15:24,396 The Greek fleet are defenseless... 856 01:15:24,645 --> 01:15:26,818 within the Bay of Salamis. 857 01:15:27,481 --> 01:15:29,950 You need only finish them. 858 01:15:30,860 --> 01:15:32,533 Who commands their forces? 859 01:15:36,032 --> 01:15:38,535 Themistokles of Athens. 860 01:15:38,784 --> 01:15:40,627 Themistokles is dead. 861 01:15:40,870 --> 01:15:44,340 EPHIALTES: He is alive. I have seen him myself. 862 01:15:58,637 --> 01:16:00,435 ARTEMISIA: Ready my troops and armor. 863 01:16:00,681 --> 01:16:01,978 We will attack at once. 864 01:16:02,224 --> 01:16:03,225 Wisdom... 865 01:16:04,935 --> 01:16:05,695 would have us... 866 01:16:05,936 --> 01:16:08,610 send a probing force to confirm it is not a trap. 867 01:16:09,774 --> 01:16:12,027 You would dare to advise me in matters of war? 868 01:16:13,652 --> 01:16:15,575 I am the god-king. 869 01:16:15,821 --> 01:16:18,540 I am the one who triumphed over Leonidas. 870 01:16:18,783 --> 01:16:20,831 I am the one who laid waste... 871 01:16:21,077 --> 01:16:22,875 to this showpiece of Athens. 872 01:16:23,120 --> 01:16:26,294 - I am your king. - ARTEMISIA: Killing Leonidas and his men... 873 01:16:26,540 --> 01:16:28,713 only made them martyrs. 874 01:16:29,585 --> 01:16:31,587 And when you razed Athens... 875 01:16:32,213 --> 01:16:33,886 you set fire to the only thing... 876 01:16:34,131 --> 01:16:36,054 of value in this country. 877 01:16:48,062 --> 01:16:50,485 I will attack the Greeks... 878 01:16:51,649 --> 01:16:54,243 with my entire navy. 879 01:16:55,444 --> 01:16:56,570 Artemisia. 880 01:16:56,821 --> 01:16:58,164 Enough! 881 01:16:59,657 --> 01:17:03,036 Do not forget who put the crown on your childish head. 882 01:17:03,619 --> 01:17:05,246 My king. 883 01:17:06,330 --> 01:17:07,832 Now sit on your golden throne... 884 01:17:08,082 --> 01:17:10,756 and watch this battle from the safety I provide you. 885 01:17:17,049 --> 01:17:18,722 THEMISTOKLES: There in the distance... 886 01:17:19,927 --> 01:17:22,680 we witness the destruction of Athens. 887 01:17:26,225 --> 01:17:30,230 Alone, we will face the monster that cast a shadow across our land. 888 01:17:33,315 --> 01:17:36,945 I had prayed that the Spartans would come to lend a hand this morning. 889 01:17:39,989 --> 01:17:41,912 Perhaps they feel they have given enough. 890 01:17:42,158 --> 01:17:43,580 COMMANDER 1: You failed us all. 891 01:17:43,826 --> 01:17:45,203 This is your fault, Themistokles. 892 01:17:45,452 --> 01:17:47,045 Without Spartans, we're farmhands. 893 01:17:47,288 --> 01:17:50,368 COMMANDER 2: We should've negotiated with the Persians when we had the chance. 894 01:17:54,253 --> 01:17:55,971 You are all right. 895 01:17:57,798 --> 01:18:01,553 Yes, we are down to a handful of boats. 896 01:18:02,636 --> 01:18:06,106 And, yes, we are just farmhands. 897 01:18:06,807 --> 01:18:08,559 We are tradesmen. 898 01:18:09,685 --> 01:18:10,777 We are boys... 899 01:18:11,437 --> 01:18:15,158 turned to men through the sacrifice and forge of combat. 900 01:18:17,610 --> 01:18:19,954 I played a dangerous game... 901 01:18:20,196 --> 01:18:21,789 and I lost! 902 01:18:26,660 --> 01:18:30,005 If you choose to turn your back on me... 903 01:18:30,456 --> 01:18:31,833 on your country... 904 01:18:35,127 --> 01:18:37,050 I will not judge you. 905 01:18:38,714 --> 01:18:40,762 You are free to leave. 906 01:18:41,842 --> 01:18:43,640 You are still free men. 907 01:19:07,076 --> 01:19:08,248 Very well. 908 01:19:10,162 --> 01:19:11,163 Then let us... 909 01:19:11,413 --> 01:19:15,384 put our shoulders to work and free those ships from the bosom of Greece. 910 01:19:17,711 --> 01:19:20,385 Today is a privilege to call our own. 911 01:19:21,715 --> 01:19:25,310 A story that will be told for a thousand years. 912 01:19:26,470 --> 01:19:28,472 Let our final stand... 913 01:19:28,722 --> 01:19:30,770 be recorded to the histories. 914 01:19:31,225 --> 01:19:33,023 And let it be shown... 915 01:19:33,602 --> 01:19:36,196 that we chose to die on our feet... 916 01:19:36,438 --> 01:19:38,691 rather than live on our knees! 917 01:19:38,941 --> 01:19:40,943 (ALL CHEERING) 918 01:20:26,905 --> 01:20:29,283 There is only one thing you need to know today. 919 01:20:29,533 --> 01:20:31,035 Not to get killed. 920 01:20:31,285 --> 01:20:35,290 No. Your father's last words. 921 01:20:39,376 --> 01:20:42,425 He told me that you had earned the right to sit at the table. 922 01:20:59,688 --> 01:21:03,693 Well, my brother, I have no more tactics or tricks. 923 01:21:05,486 --> 01:21:07,864 This will be the last battle that we share. 924 01:21:08,113 --> 01:21:11,743 We have fought next to one other for as long as I can remember. 925 01:21:12,576 --> 01:21:15,955 Nothing would please me more than to rest this sword. 926 01:21:17,122 --> 01:21:20,717 - The preparations that are required? - Below deck. 927 01:21:21,794 --> 01:21:23,717 - Good. - Are you sure... 928 01:21:23,962 --> 01:21:25,760 that you want to commit everything? 929 01:21:26,465 --> 01:21:27,557 Yes. 930 01:21:29,385 --> 01:21:32,264 Without Arlemisia's command, the Persian navy is nothing. 931 01:21:34,014 --> 01:21:36,142 AESKYLOS: We will never be able to reach her. 932 01:21:36,392 --> 01:21:37,939 THEMISTOKLES: I will reach her... 933 01:21:38,727 --> 01:21:40,650 and put an end to this. 934 01:21:41,563 --> 01:21:43,986 There will be no room for a retreat. 935 01:21:45,401 --> 01:21:46,823 I know. 936 01:21:49,196 --> 01:21:52,621 ARTEMISIA: Today the last Greek ships will be destroyed. 937 01:21:52,866 --> 01:21:54,960 Show them no mercy. 938 01:21:55,202 --> 01:21:57,705 Give them no quarter. 939 01:21:57,955 --> 01:22:01,175 Today we will dance across the backs of dead Greeks. 940 01:22:01,875 --> 01:22:04,628 Today we deliver submission. 941 01:22:05,504 --> 01:22:07,552 Today I want to feel Themistokles' throat... 942 01:22:07,840 --> 01:22:09,808 beneath my boots. 943 01:22:28,861 --> 01:22:30,283 (MEN YELLING) 944 01:22:40,622 --> 01:22:43,091 Men, brace yourselves! 945 01:23:37,221 --> 01:23:38,814 Prepare for close quarters. 946 01:23:39,056 --> 01:23:40,558 Attack! 947 01:23:40,807 --> 01:23:42,525 (MEN YELLING) 948 01:23:46,688 --> 01:23:47,814 Your father watches you! 949 01:23:49,191 --> 01:23:51,364 Hold nothing back! 950 01:23:51,610 --> 01:23:52,953 Seize your glory! 951 01:23:58,283 --> 01:24:00,285 (ALL GRUNTING) 952 01:24:13,674 --> 01:24:14,675 (YELLS) 953 01:24:21,306 --> 01:24:23,855 I'm not here as a witness. 954 01:24:28,939 --> 01:24:30,407 (ALL YELLING AND GRUNTING) 955 01:24:41,868 --> 01:24:42,869 (MAN GASPING) 956 01:25:25,787 --> 01:25:26,629 Now! 957 01:25:27,414 --> 01:25:30,042 And let them send our souls straight to hell! 958 01:25:30,292 --> 01:25:31,714 (HORSE NEIGHING) 959 01:26:07,621 --> 01:26:10,170 Hyah! Come on! 960 01:26:21,426 --> 01:26:22,723 (THEMISTOKLES YELLS) 961 01:27:16,898 --> 01:27:18,445 You offered freedom without... 962 01:27:18,692 --> 01:27:21,662 - ...consequence or responsibility. - Are you accepting my offer? 963 01:27:21,903 --> 01:27:23,371 My answer is still no. 964 01:27:51,975 --> 01:27:54,353 You fight much harder than you fuck. 965 01:28:07,866 --> 01:28:08,746 (THEMISTOKLES SCREAMS) 966 01:28:37,896 --> 01:28:40,570 Surrender to me or meet your death. 967 01:28:40,816 --> 01:28:41,942 Who would you fight... 968 01:28:42,192 --> 01:28:43,444 if not for me? 969 01:28:44,069 --> 01:28:46,288 No one could challenge your skill. 970 01:28:46,530 --> 01:28:49,500 I would rather die a free man than as a slave. 971 01:28:50,617 --> 01:28:53,086 Even if the chain was attached to you. 972 01:29:02,212 --> 01:29:04,681 GORGO: It begins as a whisper. 973 01:29:05,465 --> 01:29:07,092 A promise. 974 01:29:08,134 --> 01:29:09,477 The lightest of breezes... 975 01:29:09,719 --> 01:29:10,999 dances through the rigging... 976 01:29:11,221 --> 01:29:14,316 as it creaks above the death cries of 10,000 men. 977 01:29:15,684 --> 01:29:19,279 It moves through her hair as gently as a lover's hand. 978 01:29:19,771 --> 01:29:20,647 That breeze... 979 01:29:21,940 --> 01:29:25,786 that promise, became a wind, a wind that is blown across Greece... 980 01:29:26,027 --> 01:29:28,496 carrying a message told again and again... 981 01:29:28,738 --> 01:29:31,708 of our Lady Freedom and how wise she was... 982 01:29:31,950 --> 01:29:35,705 to charge Leonidas to lay all at her feet. 983 01:29:37,372 --> 01:29:40,251 A wind, my brothers, of sacrifice. 984 01:29:42,127 --> 01:29:44,050 A wind of freedom. 985 01:29:46,256 --> 01:29:48,429 A wind of justice. 986 01:29:56,099 --> 01:29:58,147 A wind of vengeance. 987 01:30:21,041 --> 01:30:22,793 MEN (IN UNISON): Ah-ooh! Ah-ooh! Ah-ooh! 988 01:30:23,043 --> 01:30:25,045 (MEN CONTINUE CHANTING) 989 01:30:40,268 --> 01:30:41,440 (ARTEMISIA GRUNTS) 990 01:30:42,604 --> 01:30:43,856 You are being surrounded. 991 01:30:44,356 --> 01:30:47,280 All of Greece has united against you. 992 01:30:47,901 --> 01:30:50,825 Delphi, Thebes, Olympia... 993 01:30:51,071 --> 01:30:53,870 Arcadia and Sparta. 994 01:31:08,213 --> 01:31:10,762 If death comes for me today, I'm ready. 995 01:31:12,050 --> 01:31:14,052 I could lower my sword. 996 01:31:14,302 --> 01:31:16,976 There's still time for you to ready a launch and escape. 997 01:31:21,267 --> 01:31:24,862 It would be a poor choice to force my hand into action. 998 01:31:25,480 --> 01:31:29,201 Now order your ships to disengage and surrender to me. 999 01:31:31,611 --> 01:31:33,284 Surrender? 1000 01:31:39,202 --> 01:31:40,203 (GROANS) 1001 01:31:43,915 --> 01:31:45,383 (SWORD PIERCING FLESH) 1002 01:32:22,912 --> 01:32:24,914 (ALL YELLING) 1003 01:33:42,992 --> 01:33:43,914 (YELLING) 1004 01:33:48,706 --> 01:33:49,753 (YELLING) 1005 01:42:31,562 --> 01:42:33,564 (English - US - SDH)