1 00:00:01,792 --> 00:00:04,385 [ Thunder crashes ] 2 00:00:04,385 --> 00:00:06,006 Mm. 3 00:00:06,006 --> 00:00:07,838 No sign of it letting up. 4 00:00:07,838 --> 00:00:09,470 Hayley: Just gonna have to be late. 5 00:00:09,470 --> 00:00:11,512 Frankly, I'm in no rush to leave this party -- 6 00:00:11,512 --> 00:00:13,013 thanks to your father's excellent taste 7 00:00:13,013 --> 00:00:14,395 in Scotch and daughters. 8 00:00:14,395 --> 00:00:15,936 Oh, the man knows his stuff. Mm. 9 00:00:15,936 --> 00:00:18,018 [ Thunder crashes ] 10 00:00:26,567 --> 00:00:29,610 ♪♪ 11 00:00:39,710 --> 00:00:41,622 Ohhh. Blackout. Come on. 12 00:00:41,622 --> 00:00:43,754 [ Sighs ] Must be from the storm. 13 00:00:43,754 --> 00:00:44,925 Hold on. I know my dad keeps 14 00:00:44,925 --> 00:00:47,168 a flashlight here somewhere. 15 00:00:49,800 --> 00:00:51,802 [ Thunder crashes, glass shatters ] 16 00:00:51,802 --> 00:00:53,134 Did you hear that? 17 00:00:53,134 --> 00:00:54,265 Is someone trying to break in? 18 00:00:59,810 --> 00:01:01,482 [ Both gasp ] 19 00:01:01,482 --> 00:01:04,145 Finis omnium nunc est. 20 00:01:09,990 --> 00:01:11,242 [ Groans ] 21 00:01:13,114 --> 00:01:14,615 [ Thunder crashes ] 22 00:01:18,499 --> 00:01:22,163 So, the power is out, the phones are down. 23 00:01:22,163 --> 00:01:23,334 You know what that means? 24 00:01:23,334 --> 00:01:24,965 No late-night calls from work 25 00:01:24,965 --> 00:01:26,917 to interrupt our game of naked Twister. 26 00:01:26,917 --> 00:01:28,088 What, why are you still dressed? 27 00:01:28,088 --> 00:01:29,340 I've got to go to the precinct. 28 00:01:29,340 --> 00:01:30,801 What? Now?! 29 00:01:30,801 --> 00:01:33,474 T-There's nothing more romantic than a blackout. 30 00:01:33,474 --> 00:01:34,925 Yeah, and nothing more deadly. 31 00:01:34,925 --> 00:01:36,977 You know as well as I do that as soon as the lights go out, 32 00:01:36,977 --> 00:01:38,219 bad things happen. 33 00:01:38,219 --> 00:01:39,980 [ Alarm blaring ] 34 00:01:39,980 --> 00:01:41,392 What the hell's that? 35 00:01:41,392 --> 00:01:43,224 The panic signal from the P.I. office. 36 00:01:43,224 --> 00:01:45,646 I had it set up for when Alexis is there by herself. 37 00:01:45,646 --> 00:01:47,027 No service. 38 00:01:48,489 --> 00:01:50,531 This is Captain Beckett to Central. 39 00:01:50,531 --> 00:01:52,323 Alexis? 40 00:01:52,323 --> 00:01:53,694 What happened? Are you all right? 41 00:01:53,694 --> 00:01:56,116 Yeah. That guy broke in with an ax, 42 00:01:56,116 --> 00:01:57,158 yelling something in Latin. 43 00:01:57,158 --> 00:01:59,079 Then he just dropped dead. 44 00:01:59,079 --> 00:02:01,081 What did he say? 45 00:02:01,081 --> 00:02:02,293 I don't know. It all happened so fast. 46 00:02:02,293 --> 00:02:04,165 Beckett: Is that what he broke in with? 47 00:02:04,165 --> 00:02:06,587 Yep. Talk about crashing a party. 48 00:02:06,587 --> 00:02:08,549 Turns out it's the fire ax from the downstairs lobby. 49 00:02:08,549 --> 00:02:10,671 So our intruder must've grabbed it on his way up. 50 00:02:10,671 --> 00:02:13,013 But why? I mean, there's easier ways 51 00:02:13,013 --> 00:02:14,555 to break into this office. 52 00:02:14,555 --> 00:02:15,966 Yeah, and more silent. 53 00:02:15,966 --> 00:02:18,179 He certainly wasn't planning on sneaking up on anyone. 54 00:02:18,179 --> 00:02:19,260 You get an ID on the guy? 55 00:02:19,260 --> 00:02:21,432 No. No wallet, and your, uh, 56 00:02:21,432 --> 00:02:23,143 portable fingerprint thingumajiggy is down 57 00:02:23,143 --> 00:02:24,685 due to weather. 58 00:02:24,685 --> 00:02:26,647 Lanie: He bled to death from a wound in his left side. 59 00:02:26,647 --> 00:02:28,569 My guess is whatever he was stabbed with 60 00:02:28,569 --> 00:02:30,821 punctured his subclavian artery. 61 00:02:30,821 --> 00:02:32,693 After that, he would've had about 30 minutes 62 00:02:32,693 --> 00:02:34,405 to an hour, tops. 63 00:02:34,405 --> 00:02:38,078 Well, he came in here with this around 9:00 p.m. 64 00:02:38,078 --> 00:02:39,580 He keeled over shortly thereafter. 65 00:02:39,580 --> 00:02:42,873 So he must've been stabbed between 8:00 and 8:30. 66 00:02:42,873 --> 00:02:45,996 There's a -- There's a hospital bracelet. 67 00:02:45,996 --> 00:02:49,049 Our intruder's name is G. Shaw, 68 00:02:49,049 --> 00:02:51,422 and he was a patient at... 69 00:02:51,422 --> 00:02:54,505 Peakmore Psychiatric Facility. 70 00:02:54,505 --> 00:02:55,886 Yikes. 71 00:02:55,886 --> 00:02:57,638 You know it? 72 00:02:57,638 --> 00:02:59,930 It's a psychiatric hospital for the criminally insane. 73 00:02:59,930 --> 00:03:04,144 Our ax-wielding psycho is an escaped mental patient. 74 00:03:07,478 --> 00:03:09,610 Back-up generator's not working so well. 75 00:03:09,610 --> 00:03:11,442 Yeah, place like this you'd think would be state of the art. 76 00:03:11,442 --> 00:03:12,653 We're here about an escaped inmate 77 00:03:12,653 --> 00:03:14,735 just tried to kill two people with an ax. 78 00:03:14,735 --> 00:03:17,658 Um...wait here. 79 00:03:17,658 --> 00:03:19,990 [ Man yelling in distance ] 80 00:03:19,990 --> 00:03:23,874 Yo, I'd try to escape, too, if I lived here. 81 00:03:23,874 --> 00:03:26,126 Who knows what they're doing to them back there. 82 00:03:26,126 --> 00:03:28,379 Can't be anything worse than what we did historically. 83 00:03:28,379 --> 00:03:31,462 Many cultures mistook mental illness for a sign of sorcery. 84 00:03:31,462 --> 00:03:33,834 Treatments ranged from, well, prayer 85 00:03:33,834 --> 00:03:36,046 to drilling holes in the skull to release the demons. 86 00:03:36,046 --> 00:03:37,137 Definitely a case of the cure 87 00:03:37,137 --> 00:03:38,469 being worse than the disease. 88 00:03:38,469 --> 00:03:39,890 The Director's coming out now. 89 00:03:39,890 --> 00:03:42,052 Thanks, man. 90 00:03:42,052 --> 00:03:44,014 Detectives, I'm Dr. Brock Martin. 91 00:03:44,014 --> 00:03:45,936 Did you find Gabriel Shaw? 92 00:03:45,936 --> 00:03:48,809 No, he found us, but not before he was fatally stabbed. 93 00:03:48,809 --> 00:03:50,981 That's terrible. 94 00:03:50,981 --> 00:03:54,024 Gabriel Shaw's been here at Peakmore for the last 20 years. 95 00:03:54,024 --> 00:03:55,616 What did he do? 96 00:03:55,616 --> 00:03:57,658 He broke into the house of a man named Warren Crowne, 97 00:03:57,658 --> 00:03:59,950 tried to kill him and his entire family. 98 00:03:59,950 --> 00:04:01,161 Warren Crowne the philanthropist? 99 00:04:01,161 --> 00:04:02,703 I remember the headlines. 100 00:04:02,703 --> 00:04:05,326 Didn't his attacker say he was some kind of avenging angel? 101 00:04:05,326 --> 00:04:06,667 The archangel Gabriel -- the divine messenger. 102 00:04:06,667 --> 00:04:08,459 Catechism class. 103 00:04:08,459 --> 00:04:10,080 Gabriel Shaw was convinced 104 00:04:10,080 --> 00:04:11,922 that he was on a mission from God 105 00:04:11,922 --> 00:04:13,754 to rid the world of evil. 106 00:04:13,754 --> 00:04:17,257 It was a mission that even 20 years of antipsychotic drugs 107 00:04:17,257 --> 00:04:20,220 and electroshock therapy could not dissuade him from. 108 00:04:20,220 --> 00:04:21,682 Any idea who might've wanted him dead? 109 00:04:21,682 --> 00:04:23,384 None. 110 00:04:23,384 --> 00:04:26,056 Gabriel's contact with the outside world was virtually nil. 111 00:04:26,056 --> 00:04:28,188 His room's down here. 112 00:04:28,188 --> 00:04:31,061 Any idea how he might've escaped? 113 00:04:31,061 --> 00:04:34,234 Yes, he, uh, he stole a keycard from one of our orderlies. 114 00:04:34,234 --> 00:04:38,278 Uh, we realized he was missing around noon today. 115 00:04:38,278 --> 00:04:41,402 Noon? Why the hell didn't you call the police before? 116 00:04:41,402 --> 00:04:42,863 We should have. I realize that now. 117 00:04:42,863 --> 00:04:44,865 The man came to my office wielding an ax. 118 00:04:44,865 --> 00:04:46,286 Which is why I sent out 119 00:04:46,286 --> 00:04:48,499 a group of orderlies looking for Gabriel. 120 00:04:48,499 --> 00:04:52,212 They searched all day and came back empty-handed. 121 00:04:52,212 --> 00:04:54,505 Except -- Except what? 122 00:04:54,505 --> 00:04:57,087 One of the orderlies hasn't come back yet. 123 00:04:57,087 --> 00:04:58,839 Uh, Dave Holmby. 124 00:04:58,839 --> 00:05:02,262 I-I-I tried calling him, but the phones are out. 125 00:05:02,262 --> 00:05:04,635 Have Dave and Gabriel had any problems in the past? 126 00:05:04,635 --> 00:05:08,599 They've had... issues, yes. 127 00:05:08,599 --> 00:05:12,393 In fact, it was Dave's keycard that Gabriel stole. 128 00:05:12,393 --> 00:05:15,606 But Dave's been with us a long time. 129 00:05:15,606 --> 00:05:17,147 He's not the type of person to kill anyone, 130 00:05:17,147 --> 00:05:18,739 if that's what you're thinking. 131 00:05:18,739 --> 00:05:20,531 You sent an orderly out to recapture 132 00:05:20,531 --> 00:05:22,903 a violent, mentally unstable man. 133 00:05:22,903 --> 00:05:24,785 It's possible he was trying to subdue Gabriel 134 00:05:24,785 --> 00:05:26,537 and things got out of control. 135 00:05:26,537 --> 00:05:29,079 So, Dave stabs Gabriel, but then loses him in the storm. 136 00:05:29,079 --> 00:05:30,871 [ Rattling in distance ] Guys, are you hearing that? 137 00:05:34,214 --> 00:05:36,046 [ Creaking ] 138 00:05:40,461 --> 00:05:42,052 Something in here. 139 00:05:51,772 --> 00:05:53,273 [ Clattering ] 140 00:05:53,273 --> 00:05:54,475 [ All shout ] 141 00:05:57,528 --> 00:05:59,440 Might've told me about your rodent problem. 142 00:05:59,440 --> 00:06:00,981 We don't have one. 143 00:06:00,981 --> 00:06:02,943 Not usually. 144 00:06:02,943 --> 00:06:05,035 Must've been driven to higher ground by the storm. 145 00:06:05,035 --> 00:06:06,987 That a bible? 146 00:06:06,987 --> 00:06:11,872 Yeah, but with... drawings... 147 00:06:11,872 --> 00:06:14,164 of demons, page after page of them. 148 00:06:14,164 --> 00:06:17,047 [ Walkie-talkie beeps ] Lanie: Ryan, Javi, anyone there? 149 00:06:17,047 --> 00:06:18,629 Yeah, Lanie. We're here. Go ahead. 150 00:06:18,629 --> 00:06:20,421 Well, get your ass to the morgue. 151 00:06:20,421 --> 00:06:22,593 I found something disturbing. 152 00:06:22,593 --> 00:06:24,054 Yeah, well, that seems to be going around. 153 00:06:30,220 --> 00:06:31,852 So, what is so -- 154 00:06:34,515 --> 00:06:36,016 Whoa. 155 00:06:36,016 --> 00:06:37,317 Is that blood? 156 00:06:37,317 --> 00:06:39,109 [ Sighs ] Well, not according to Lanie. 157 00:06:39,109 --> 00:06:41,732 Then...what is it? 158 00:06:41,732 --> 00:06:43,944 Some kind of ink. 159 00:06:43,944 --> 00:06:45,616 Lanie sent samples to the lab, 160 00:06:45,616 --> 00:06:47,868 but one thing that we do know is, based on the writing, 161 00:06:47,868 --> 00:06:49,700 there's no way that Gabriel did this to himself. 162 00:06:49,700 --> 00:06:51,411 So, then, someone at the hospital. 163 00:06:51,411 --> 00:06:52,913 Yeah, I called, and they said 164 00:06:52,913 --> 00:06:54,334 that he didn't have any writing on him 165 00:06:54,334 --> 00:06:55,496 when he escaped this morning. 166 00:06:55,496 --> 00:06:57,498 The Roman numerals are bible verses, 167 00:06:57,498 --> 00:06:58,919 and the words are all in Latin. 168 00:06:58,919 --> 00:07:04,044 "Protect me, O Lord, from the hands of the wicked." 169 00:07:04,044 --> 00:07:05,926 It's a prayer for salvation. 170 00:07:05,926 --> 00:07:07,808 Sounds like he was scared, but of what? 171 00:07:07,808 --> 00:07:10,050 The mysteries don't stop there. 172 00:07:10,050 --> 00:07:12,683 When I conducted the autopsy, I found that the wound 173 00:07:12,683 --> 00:07:15,686 had been inflicted by some kind of talon or claw. 174 00:07:15,686 --> 00:07:17,227 Like an animal? 175 00:07:17,227 --> 00:07:18,859 It gets even weirder. 176 00:07:18,859 --> 00:07:21,652 There was a strange substance inside the wound. 177 00:07:21,652 --> 00:07:24,615 Let me guess -- sulfur. 178 00:07:24,615 --> 00:07:26,326 Yeah, how'd you know? 179 00:07:26,326 --> 00:07:29,329 Guys, isn't it obvious? 180 00:07:29,329 --> 00:07:32,783 Latin prayers, a claw, sulfur -- also known... 181 00:07:32,783 --> 00:07:34,575 as brimstone? 182 00:07:34,575 --> 00:07:35,876 [ Scoffs ] Come on, Castle. 183 00:07:35,876 --> 00:07:37,037 Castle, you don't think that -- 184 00:07:37,037 --> 00:07:38,378 Oh, but I do. 185 00:07:40,040 --> 00:07:43,043 We all have our demons. 186 00:07:43,043 --> 00:07:45,175 But Gabriel was killed by his. 187 00:07:54,765 --> 00:07:56,266 What did I tell you? 188 00:07:56,266 --> 00:07:57,938 I mean, as soon as the lights go out, bad things happen. 189 00:07:57,938 --> 00:07:59,399 You know, at least the precinct is on a backup generator, 190 00:07:59,399 --> 00:08:00,440 'cause the rest of the city 191 00:08:00,440 --> 00:08:01,902 is gonna have intermittent power. 192 00:08:01,902 --> 00:08:03,063 Today's gonna be hell. 193 00:08:03,063 --> 00:08:04,605 Well, that's appropriate, 194 00:08:04,605 --> 00:08:06,737 since that's the likely place our killer is from. 195 00:08:06,737 --> 00:08:09,279 You know, do you think we're gonna need specialized equipment 196 00:08:09,279 --> 00:08:12,492 to capture this demon murderer, something exorcism-esque? 197 00:08:12,492 --> 00:08:14,825 There's nothing supernatural about this case. 198 00:08:14,825 --> 00:08:17,668 Our victim was stabbed with a brimstone-covered claw, 199 00:08:17,668 --> 00:08:19,419 or gored by a horn, perhaps. 200 00:08:19,419 --> 00:08:21,041 Now, what but a demon could do that? 201 00:08:21,041 --> 00:08:24,334 Look, Ryan and Espo are bringing in Dave Holmby, our rogue orderly, 202 00:08:24,334 --> 00:08:26,176 and I am sure that they are going to get 203 00:08:26,176 --> 00:08:28,298 a very sane and grounded explanation 204 00:08:28,298 --> 00:08:30,390 as to why he killed Gabriel Shaw. 205 00:08:30,390 --> 00:08:32,803 Seek the truth and thou shalt be enlightened. 206 00:08:32,803 --> 00:08:34,805 Is that scripture? 207 00:08:34,805 --> 00:08:36,096 From the book of Castle. 208 00:08:37,808 --> 00:08:39,439 Hot damn, that was some storm! 209 00:08:39,439 --> 00:08:42,102 Seriously, fit for neither man nor beast. 210 00:08:42,102 --> 00:08:45,025 I can only imagine how hard it was 211 00:08:45,025 --> 00:08:47,317 to track down an escaped mental patient in the middle of it. 212 00:08:47,317 --> 00:08:48,909 Yeah, that was some Sherlock-level 213 00:08:48,909 --> 00:08:50,450 detective work, Dave. 214 00:08:50,450 --> 00:08:53,203 NYPD would be lucky to have someone like you. 215 00:08:53,203 --> 00:08:54,454 You know what we should do? Hmm? 216 00:08:54,454 --> 00:08:56,917 Give him an application. Ooh, that's a good idea. 217 00:08:56,917 --> 00:08:58,158 Oh. 218 00:08:58,158 --> 00:09:00,120 Ahh, there's that whole murder issue. 219 00:09:00,120 --> 00:09:02,122 [ Inhales sharply ] Right. 220 00:09:02,122 --> 00:09:04,464 If only you wouldn't have killed Shaw last night 221 00:09:04,464 --> 00:09:06,046 after you caught him. 222 00:09:06,046 --> 00:09:08,589 Not that I don't sympathize. I mean, he stole your keycard. 223 00:09:08,589 --> 00:09:10,380 Yep. You probably were gonna get fired. 224 00:09:10,380 --> 00:09:12,512 Wait a minute. When I left Shaw, he was still alive. 225 00:09:12,512 --> 00:09:14,975 Oh, so you admit to seeing him after he escaped? 226 00:09:14,975 --> 00:09:16,977 Yeah. 227 00:09:16,977 --> 00:09:19,559 Look, he used to talk about this church on 87th street. 228 00:09:19,559 --> 00:09:22,232 So I went up there. There he was, walking out. 229 00:09:22,232 --> 00:09:24,444 I grabbed him, I tried to drag him into my car, but... 230 00:09:24,444 --> 00:09:25,856 But what? 231 00:09:25,856 --> 00:09:28,568 [ Sighs ] He knew that I was... 232 00:09:28,568 --> 00:09:30,280 liberating meds from patients 233 00:09:30,280 --> 00:09:31,491 and selling them on the street. 234 00:09:31,491 --> 00:09:33,573 Let me guess. 235 00:09:33,573 --> 00:09:35,616 He told you that if you took him back, 236 00:09:35,616 --> 00:09:37,457 he was gonna rat you out. 237 00:09:37,457 --> 00:09:39,459 I wish he said that. 238 00:09:39,459 --> 00:09:41,201 He promised he was gonna out me no matter what. 239 00:09:41,201 --> 00:09:42,332 [ Laughs ] Wait a minute, that sounds like 240 00:09:42,332 --> 00:09:43,834 even more of a motive to stab the guy. 241 00:09:43,834 --> 00:09:45,626 I swear, I let him go. 242 00:09:45,626 --> 00:09:47,377 He was alive at 4:30 yesterday, 243 00:09:47,377 --> 00:09:48,969 and that was the last time that I saw him. 244 00:09:48,969 --> 00:09:50,340 So, why didn't you go back to Peakmore? 245 00:09:50,340 --> 00:09:51,972 Why were you hiding out at your girlfriend's apartment? 246 00:09:51,972 --> 00:09:53,553 I wasn't hiding. 247 00:09:53,553 --> 00:09:54,925 I figured Shaw was gonna get caught sooner or later, 248 00:09:54,925 --> 00:09:57,307 which meant that I was out of a job no matter what. 249 00:09:57,307 --> 00:09:58,639 So I said screw it. 250 00:09:58,639 --> 00:10:00,270 Might as well take the rest of the night off and, 251 00:10:00,270 --> 00:10:02,432 you know, spend some time with my girl. 252 00:10:02,432 --> 00:10:04,184 All right, let's pretend that that's true. 253 00:10:04,184 --> 00:10:07,147 Why now? After 20 years of confinement, 254 00:10:07,147 --> 00:10:09,279 why would Shaw decide to break out? 255 00:10:09,279 --> 00:10:11,031 All I know is in the past few weeks, 256 00:10:11,031 --> 00:10:12,112 he was really amped up. 257 00:10:12,112 --> 00:10:13,443 Why? Something happen to him? 258 00:10:13,443 --> 00:10:15,115 Not something, someone -- a visitor. 259 00:10:15,115 --> 00:10:16,156 Esposito: Who? 260 00:10:16,156 --> 00:10:18,038 I don't know. 261 00:10:18,038 --> 00:10:21,081 But whoever it was really set Shaw off. 262 00:10:21,081 --> 00:10:22,542 I mean, he was already disturbed, 263 00:10:22,542 --> 00:10:25,085 but after this guy came by, he got even worse. 264 00:10:28,248 --> 00:10:29,710 So, I pulled the police file and court records 265 00:10:29,710 --> 00:10:31,511 for Shaw's prosecution 20 years ago, 266 00:10:31,511 --> 00:10:33,674 and according to this, Shaw's attack on the Crowne family 267 00:10:33,674 --> 00:10:35,135 was anything but random. 268 00:10:35,135 --> 00:10:36,386 He was working as a consultant 269 00:10:36,386 --> 00:10:38,098 for a P.I. named Noah Kramer. 270 00:10:38,098 --> 00:10:39,599 What kind of consultant? 271 00:10:39,599 --> 00:10:40,971 Spiritual. 272 00:10:40,971 --> 00:10:43,393 Kramer had been hired to investigate the Crowne family. 273 00:10:43,393 --> 00:10:46,146 Wait. Why would a P.I. hire a spiritual consultant 274 00:10:46,146 --> 00:10:48,819 to help investigate a billionaire philanthropist? 275 00:10:48,819 --> 00:10:50,320 [ Chuckles ] 276 00:10:50,320 --> 00:10:51,982 What? What is it? 277 00:10:51,982 --> 00:10:54,034 I know why Shaw came to this office. 278 00:10:54,034 --> 00:10:56,236 20 years ago, this was Noah Kramer's office. 279 00:10:56,236 --> 00:10:58,909 Ooh, updating the murder board must mean 280 00:10:58,909 --> 00:11:00,871 Holmby's alibi checked out? That it did. 281 00:11:00,871 --> 00:11:02,582 Yes! Really? 282 00:11:02,582 --> 00:11:05,455 Come on. I'm just excited to get off the whole orderly thing 283 00:11:05,455 --> 00:11:07,337 and on to the trail of the true killer, 284 00:11:07,337 --> 00:11:09,249 which is most likely a road paved to hell, 285 00:11:09,249 --> 00:11:10,250 because we all know 286 00:11:10,250 --> 00:11:11,671 that's where demons come from. 287 00:11:11,671 --> 00:11:13,673 Well, I will be sure to cross reference 288 00:11:13,673 --> 00:11:16,596 Shaw's visitor against the list of fallen angels, okay? 289 00:11:16,596 --> 00:11:18,799 Has Esposito gotten the visitor logs yet? 290 00:11:18,799 --> 00:11:20,260 Well, he's trying, but the power outage 291 00:11:20,260 --> 00:11:22,142 is slowing everything down. 292 00:11:22,142 --> 00:11:23,894 Something wrong? 293 00:11:23,894 --> 00:11:26,306 Look at that. 294 00:11:26,306 --> 00:11:29,439 Yeah, it looks just like a lens flair. Why? 295 00:11:29,439 --> 00:11:31,571 There it is again. Weird. 296 00:11:35,736 --> 00:11:37,197 That's not... 297 00:11:37,197 --> 00:11:40,120 [ Cellphone rings ] 298 00:11:40,120 --> 00:11:41,491 [ Cellphone beeps ] 299 00:11:41,491 --> 00:11:42,913 Hey. 300 00:11:42,913 --> 00:11:45,285 Dad, Hayley and I did some digging, and 20 years ago, 301 00:11:45,285 --> 00:11:46,827 Gabriel Shaw worked as a consultant 302 00:11:46,827 --> 00:11:49,790 for a P.I. named Noah Kramer who worked out of your office. 303 00:11:49,790 --> 00:11:52,382 It's possible that Shaw came there with the ax 304 00:11:52,382 --> 00:11:53,673 looking for Kramer. 305 00:11:53,673 --> 00:11:55,005 Well, it's a nice theory, but Kramer's long dead. 306 00:11:55,005 --> 00:11:56,546 He was killed in an accident 307 00:11:56,546 --> 00:11:58,388 a year and a half after Shaw was committed to Peakmore. 308 00:11:58,388 --> 00:11:59,840 What kind of an accident? 309 00:11:59,840 --> 00:12:02,302 He was impaled by a pipe that fell at a construction site. 310 00:12:02,302 --> 00:12:03,723 Okay. That's horrible. 311 00:12:03,723 --> 00:12:06,767 But still, it's possible that Shaw was delusional enough 312 00:12:06,767 --> 00:12:08,478 to believe that Kramer was still alive. 313 00:12:08,478 --> 00:12:09,850 Maybe. You know, Kramer's wife and kid 314 00:12:09,850 --> 00:12:11,151 still live in the city. 315 00:12:11,151 --> 00:12:13,984 Perhaps they can shed some light on Shaw's motives. 316 00:12:13,984 --> 00:12:15,065 Give me an address for them. 317 00:12:15,065 --> 00:12:16,116 Write this down. 318 00:12:17,908 --> 00:12:19,659 Hang on, let me get a pen. 319 00:12:19,659 --> 00:12:22,032 Gabriel Shaw is dead? Mm-hmm. 320 00:12:22,032 --> 00:12:23,743 We just saw him yesterday. 321 00:12:23,743 --> 00:12:25,535 Where? 322 00:12:25,535 --> 00:12:27,327 Well, he came by the house. 323 00:12:27,327 --> 00:12:29,169 He said he was released from Peakmore. 324 00:12:29,169 --> 00:12:30,540 What did he want? 325 00:12:30,540 --> 00:12:33,333 He was looking for stuff he left with my dad 20 years ago. 326 00:12:33,333 --> 00:12:34,374 What kind of stuff? 327 00:12:34,374 --> 00:12:35,585 I don't know. I didn't ask. We -- 328 00:12:38,008 --> 00:12:39,219 We didn't want anything to do with him. 329 00:12:39,219 --> 00:12:41,221 He ruined my dad's life. 330 00:12:41,221 --> 00:12:43,513 Marshall's too young to remember, 331 00:12:43,513 --> 00:12:48,148 but he's well aware of how Gabriel Shaw ruined our family. 332 00:12:48,148 --> 00:12:50,270 After Shaw attacked the Crownes, 333 00:12:50,270 --> 00:12:53,523 my husband's reputation was destroyed. 334 00:12:53,523 --> 00:12:57,657 Noah was shocked to think that a man he befriended 335 00:12:57,657 --> 00:13:01,491 could've hidden such...evil. 336 00:13:01,491 --> 00:13:04,244 [ Scoffs ] Noah thought the work they had done together 337 00:13:04,244 --> 00:13:07,167 was a mistake and thought it needed to be buried. 338 00:13:07,167 --> 00:13:08,408 So, do you have anything of Shaw's? 339 00:13:08,408 --> 00:13:10,500 Oh, no. No, after my husband died, 340 00:13:10,500 --> 00:13:12,622 I just couldn't bear going into his office, 341 00:13:12,622 --> 00:13:15,215 so I-I hired a company to sell off the furniture 342 00:13:15,215 --> 00:13:16,967 and just dump the rest. 343 00:13:16,967 --> 00:13:19,049 I told Shaw all of this before he left. 344 00:13:19,049 --> 00:13:20,510 What time was that? 345 00:13:20,510 --> 00:13:22,132 Around 5:00. 346 00:13:22,132 --> 00:13:25,135 That's still 3.5 hours before he met his murderer. 347 00:13:25,135 --> 00:13:27,888 Did he mention anything about where he was going next? 348 00:13:27,888 --> 00:13:30,931 No, but he said something in Latin before he walked away. 349 00:13:30,931 --> 00:13:34,644 Do you remember what that was? It could be very important. 350 00:13:34,644 --> 00:13:37,067 Mm. 351 00:13:37,067 --> 00:13:39,649 Finis omnium... I don't know. 352 00:13:39,649 --> 00:13:41,741 Nunc est. 353 00:13:41,741 --> 00:13:42,993 Finis omnium nunc est. 354 00:13:45,115 --> 00:13:47,447 Together: The end is upon us. 355 00:13:47,447 --> 00:13:50,000 I know why Shaw came here wielding an ax last night. 356 00:13:50,000 --> 00:13:51,291 To commit unholy murder 357 00:13:51,291 --> 00:13:52,873 on two unbelievably exceptional women? 358 00:13:52,873 --> 00:13:54,834 Close, but no. 359 00:13:54,834 --> 00:13:56,666 He was trying to get in there. 360 00:13:56,666 --> 00:13:58,668 The safe? 361 00:13:58,668 --> 00:14:01,551 This was all drywalled over when I rented the office. 362 00:14:01,551 --> 00:14:03,723 The contractors found it when I was doing the renovations. 363 00:14:03,723 --> 00:14:05,095 The landlord thought it had been removed, 364 00:14:05,095 --> 00:14:08,518 but clearly Noah Kramer walled it up before he died, 365 00:14:08,518 --> 00:14:10,470 intent on burying whatever he and Shaw were working on. 366 00:14:10,470 --> 00:14:12,102 That's why Shaw grabbed the ax -- 367 00:14:12,102 --> 00:14:13,773 to try and break into the safe. 368 00:14:13,773 --> 00:14:16,396 So, what's inside? I don't know. 369 00:14:16,396 --> 00:14:18,028 Wait a minute. You've never opened -- 370 00:14:18,028 --> 00:14:19,439 Why the hell not? 371 00:14:19,439 --> 00:14:20,820 Schrodinger's cat. 372 00:14:20,820 --> 00:14:21,821 Oh, God. Is this another one of his -- 373 00:14:21,821 --> 00:14:23,073 Mm-hmm. Great! 374 00:14:23,073 --> 00:14:24,864 No, no. It's -- look. 375 00:14:24,864 --> 00:14:26,576 If I opened it, I was bound to be disappointed 376 00:14:26,576 --> 00:14:27,867 with whatever was inside. 377 00:14:27,867 --> 00:14:29,489 If I never opened it, 378 00:14:29,489 --> 00:14:31,791 literally anything I imagine could be in there. 379 00:14:31,791 --> 00:14:33,583 So, you chose fantasy over reality? 380 00:14:33,583 --> 00:14:34,704 Well, duh. 381 00:14:34,704 --> 00:14:35,795 But we're going to open it now, right? 382 00:14:35,795 --> 00:14:36,997 Well, duh. 383 00:14:36,997 --> 00:14:38,588 When an ax-wielding psychopath 384 00:14:38,588 --> 00:14:41,211 is killed by a demon trying to get inside, clearly, 385 00:14:41,211 --> 00:14:42,882 whatever's in there is worth seeing. 386 00:14:42,882 --> 00:14:44,884 If only... 387 00:14:44,884 --> 00:14:47,767 I knew someone who could crack a safe? 388 00:14:47,767 --> 00:14:50,600 It's a Jefferson Titanium 500 vault. 389 00:14:50,600 --> 00:14:53,603 Meaning? 390 00:14:53,603 --> 00:14:55,815 I need 28 minutes and a chocolate milkshake. 391 00:14:55,815 --> 00:14:57,317 You're kidding. 392 00:14:57,317 --> 00:14:58,648 Chocolate milkshake. Chocolate milkshake. 393 00:14:58,648 --> 00:14:59,779 Chocolate milkshake. 394 00:14:59,779 --> 00:15:01,361 Captain. Yeah? 395 00:15:01,361 --> 00:15:03,233 According to Peakmore's visitor's logs, 396 00:15:03,233 --> 00:15:05,575 the person who came to see Shaw was named Dennis Wormwood. 397 00:15:05,575 --> 00:15:06,866 Oh, good. Any luck finding him? 398 00:15:06,866 --> 00:15:08,158 No, because it's a fake name. 399 00:15:08,158 --> 00:15:09,990 Okay, well, Peakmore must have security videos, 400 00:15:09,990 --> 00:15:11,161 so pull the feed, see if you can ID him. 401 00:15:11,161 --> 00:15:12,452 I did. 402 00:15:12,452 --> 00:15:13,373 Check this out. 403 00:15:16,456 --> 00:15:17,587 Oh, that's strange. 404 00:15:17,587 --> 00:15:19,629 Creepy is more like it. 405 00:15:19,629 --> 00:15:20,961 So, do you think Castle's right -- 406 00:15:20,961 --> 00:15:23,673 No, no, no, no. Don't even add fuel to that fire. 407 00:15:23,673 --> 00:15:26,426 Whoever gave the fake name must've sabotaged the videos 408 00:15:26,426 --> 00:15:27,757 in order to keep that visit a secret, 409 00:15:27,757 --> 00:15:29,599 which makes him look even more like our killer. 410 00:15:29,599 --> 00:15:30,600 All right, I'll keep digging. 411 00:15:30,600 --> 00:15:32,352 [ Slurping ] 412 00:15:32,352 --> 00:15:34,184 [ Slurping continuing ] 413 00:15:38,318 --> 00:15:40,650 [ Slurping stops ] 414 00:15:40,650 --> 00:15:43,023 Is this -- this is -- this is loud. I'm gonna... 415 00:15:47,027 --> 00:15:49,069 [ Clicking ] 416 00:15:53,123 --> 00:15:55,205 [ Loud click ] Got it. 417 00:15:55,205 --> 00:15:58,208 Okay, it's your last chance 418 00:15:58,208 --> 00:16:01,881 to let your imagination run wild. 419 00:16:01,881 --> 00:16:04,794 I'm good. Eh, maybe we shouldn't. 420 00:16:04,794 --> 00:16:08,048 Given the whole Satanic, escaped-mental-patient angle? 421 00:16:08,048 --> 00:16:10,640 Alexis, we can't let fear control our actions. 422 00:16:25,155 --> 00:16:28,778 [ Sighs ] Care to rethink that? 423 00:16:28,778 --> 00:16:30,410 Here we go. 424 00:17:18,828 --> 00:17:19,919 What is it all? 425 00:17:27,797 --> 00:17:30,720 Looks like research. 426 00:17:30,720 --> 00:17:32,172 Into what? 427 00:17:34,594 --> 00:17:36,636 The end of days. 428 00:17:36,636 --> 00:17:40,940 Which, according to this, is two days from now. 429 00:17:45,855 --> 00:17:47,607 Ryan: Man, I hate walls of crazy. 430 00:17:47,607 --> 00:17:49,569 What if it's not crazy? 431 00:17:49,569 --> 00:17:51,611 Shaw believed the apocalypse starts in two days. 432 00:17:51,611 --> 00:17:53,743 Then why did Shaw want to get back inside of here? 433 00:17:53,743 --> 00:17:54,954 What was he after? 434 00:17:54,954 --> 00:17:56,366 Yeah. It's a good question. 435 00:17:56,366 --> 00:17:57,867 It's insane to think that this has all been sitting 436 00:17:57,867 --> 00:17:58,698 right next to us all this time. 437 00:17:58,698 --> 00:18:00,250 It's twisted. 438 00:18:00,250 --> 00:18:02,412 Looks like they were following this boy, Victor Crowne. 439 00:18:02,412 --> 00:18:04,204 Wait, Crowne. That was the family 440 00:18:04,204 --> 00:18:06,126 that Shaw tried to murder 20 years ago. 441 00:18:06,126 --> 00:18:07,507 Ryan: Yeah, I looked into them. 442 00:18:07,507 --> 00:18:09,919 Warren and Alice Crowne were the parents. 443 00:18:09,919 --> 00:18:11,881 They had a nine-year-old boy named Victor. 444 00:18:11,881 --> 00:18:13,973 What's worse, after surviving Shaw's attacks, 445 00:18:13,973 --> 00:18:16,976 they were killed in a freak skiing avalanche 446 00:18:16,976 --> 00:18:18,017 and Victor became an orphan. 447 00:18:18,017 --> 00:18:19,389 Alexis: Poor kid. 448 00:18:19,389 --> 00:18:21,391 Well, yes and no. They were billionaires. 449 00:18:21,391 --> 00:18:23,313 Victor stood to inherit the entire fortune. 450 00:18:23,313 --> 00:18:26,146 Are you kidding me? 451 00:18:26,146 --> 00:18:28,488 Guys, tell me you're seeing this. 452 00:18:28,488 --> 00:18:31,441 A targeted orphan standing to inherit an empire 453 00:18:31,441 --> 00:18:34,113 in the center of a religious Armageddon plot? 454 00:18:34,113 --> 00:18:35,735 Hello! 455 00:18:35,735 --> 00:18:37,497 It's "The Omen"! 456 00:18:37,497 --> 00:18:39,789 Shaw believed that Victor Crowne was the Antichrist. 457 00:18:39,789 --> 00:18:41,291 The A-- as in... 458 00:18:41,291 --> 00:18:43,203 As in the personification of the devil. 459 00:18:43,203 --> 00:18:45,205 Yes, dear. Yes. It -- 460 00:18:45,205 --> 00:18:46,876 That's why Shaw went after the Crownes. 461 00:18:46,876 --> 00:18:49,339 He was going after their son. 462 00:18:49,339 --> 00:18:51,130 Except that was a film. 463 00:18:51,130 --> 00:18:52,592 Please don't tell me 464 00:18:52,592 --> 00:18:54,214 you are Googling the Antichrist right now. 465 00:18:54,214 --> 00:18:56,306 I'm looking into Victor Crowne. 466 00:18:56,306 --> 00:18:58,178 He still lives here in New York. 467 00:18:58,178 --> 00:19:01,641 If Shaw believed that Victor was some sort of devil, 468 00:19:01,641 --> 00:19:03,603 maybe that's why he escaped from that institution -- 469 00:19:03,603 --> 00:19:05,104 so that he could finish his mission. 470 00:19:05,104 --> 00:19:06,766 According to this article, in two days, 471 00:19:06,766 --> 00:19:08,728 Victor Crowne turns 30 and will gain full control 472 00:19:08,728 --> 00:19:10,400 over his parents' empire. 473 00:19:10,400 --> 00:19:12,862 That's it. 474 00:19:12,862 --> 00:19:16,486 Jesus began his ministry when he was 30. 475 00:19:16,486 --> 00:19:18,778 Many people believe that the Antichrist 476 00:19:18,778 --> 00:19:21,451 will begin his reign on Earth at the same age. 477 00:19:21,451 --> 00:19:22,582 And that once his ascension has started, 478 00:19:22,582 --> 00:19:24,994 it cannot be stopped. 479 00:19:24,994 --> 00:19:28,668 Guys, what if Victor Crowne is the Antichrist 480 00:19:28,668 --> 00:19:29,749 and Shaw isn't crazy? 481 00:19:29,749 --> 00:19:31,961 No, Rick. He was very crazy. 482 00:19:31,961 --> 00:19:33,343 Remember -- he tried to kill a child. 483 00:19:33,343 --> 00:19:34,754 Esposito: You know, we still haven't accounted for 484 00:19:34,754 --> 00:19:36,716 all of Shaw's time after he escaped. 485 00:19:36,716 --> 00:19:38,348 If he's still obsessed with killing Victor, 486 00:19:38,348 --> 00:19:39,929 there's a chance he took a run at him last night. 487 00:19:39,929 --> 00:19:43,012 Except Victor is a full-grown man now, able to defend himself. 488 00:19:43,012 --> 00:19:45,144 And if Victor stabbed Shaw in self-defense, 489 00:19:45,144 --> 00:19:47,106 he might be too afraid to come forward. 490 00:19:47,106 --> 00:19:48,067 We need to talk to this guy. 491 00:19:52,272 --> 00:19:55,365 Come on. Half the city is blacked out, 492 00:19:55,365 --> 00:19:57,617 but this place is lit up like a Christmas tree? 493 00:19:57,617 --> 00:19:59,239 The lights probably run on generators. 494 00:19:59,239 --> 00:20:00,700 Sure. 495 00:20:00,700 --> 00:20:02,912 Thermoelectric generator fueled by the flames of Hell. 496 00:20:02,912 --> 00:20:04,494 Check this out, you guys. Look at this. 497 00:20:04,494 --> 00:20:08,087 Billionaire entrepreneur hell-bent on "saving the world" 498 00:20:08,087 --> 00:20:10,630 with his water reclamation project? I'm sure. 499 00:20:10,630 --> 00:20:12,292 Ryan: Castle, by all accounts, Victor Crowne has helped 500 00:20:12,292 --> 00:20:13,673 millions of impoverished people 501 00:20:13,673 --> 00:20:15,675 by providing them with clean drinking water. 502 00:20:15,675 --> 00:20:17,507 Or is he infecting us with it? 503 00:20:17,507 --> 00:20:18,548 Ow! 504 00:20:18,548 --> 00:20:20,970 Gentlemen, follow me this way, please. 505 00:20:20,970 --> 00:20:23,553 You stole this from the safe to protect yourself?! 506 00:20:23,553 --> 00:20:25,054 Castle! 507 00:20:25,054 --> 00:20:27,727 What?! You guys have guns. 508 00:20:31,561 --> 00:20:34,233 The NYPD. 509 00:20:34,233 --> 00:20:37,116 And Richard Castle in the flesh. 510 00:20:37,116 --> 00:20:38,488 [ Chuckles ] I'm fans of you all. 511 00:20:39,859 --> 00:20:43,162 Yikes! [ Chuckles ] You got a shock. 512 00:20:43,162 --> 00:20:45,285 Don't you hate when that happens? 513 00:20:45,285 --> 00:20:47,787 So, how can I help you fine gentlemen? 514 00:20:47,787 --> 00:20:50,129 Mr. Crowne, we just have some questions about this man. 515 00:20:53,793 --> 00:20:56,546 I take it you recognize him. 516 00:20:56,546 --> 00:20:59,258 Gabriel Shaw. Hard face to forget. 517 00:20:59,258 --> 00:21:01,140 Have you seen him recently? 518 00:21:01,140 --> 00:21:03,052 Okay, what's this all about? 519 00:21:03,052 --> 00:21:04,594 Shaw is dead. 520 00:21:04,594 --> 00:21:06,556 He escaped from Peakmore yesterday afternoon 521 00:21:06,556 --> 00:21:07,767 and was killed later that evening. 522 00:21:10,099 --> 00:21:11,441 You seem pleased. 523 00:21:11,441 --> 00:21:13,393 The man attacked my family, Mr. Castle. 524 00:21:13,393 --> 00:21:16,946 Don't expect me to shed a tear over his demise. 525 00:21:16,946 --> 00:21:19,198 20 years, this face has haunted me. 526 00:21:19,198 --> 00:21:20,660 How's that? 527 00:21:20,660 --> 00:21:23,613 Days after his attack, my parents and I left the city. 528 00:21:23,613 --> 00:21:26,326 My parents perished in a freak accident on that trip. 529 00:21:26,326 --> 00:21:27,997 You blame Shaw for their deaths. 530 00:21:27,997 --> 00:21:29,499 He set those events in motion. 531 00:21:29,499 --> 00:21:31,461 That man forever cursed my life. 532 00:21:31,461 --> 00:21:34,504 But I've turned my pain into a blessing. 533 00:21:34,504 --> 00:21:36,295 Channeled all that negative energy 534 00:21:36,295 --> 00:21:39,879 into a plan for something good -- a better world. 535 00:21:39,879 --> 00:21:42,131 My clean-water initiative. 536 00:21:42,131 --> 00:21:44,223 We're launching a global network of offices 537 00:21:44,223 --> 00:21:45,635 in just a couple of days. 538 00:21:45,635 --> 00:21:46,926 On your 30th birthday. 539 00:21:46,926 --> 00:21:50,099 As it so happens, yes. 540 00:21:50,099 --> 00:21:52,562 Well, I hate to have to ask you this, Mr. Crowne, 541 00:21:52,562 --> 00:21:54,143 but where were you last night? 542 00:22:00,400 --> 00:22:02,742 Here. Working. 543 00:22:02,742 --> 00:22:04,614 Rollins can provide you with surveillance tapes 544 00:22:04,614 --> 00:22:06,366 if you'd like to verify that. 545 00:22:06,366 --> 00:22:07,246 We're done here. 546 00:22:08,948 --> 00:22:10,209 Gentlemen. 547 00:22:15,254 --> 00:22:16,916 What is that -- 548 00:22:16,916 --> 00:22:18,418 Something smells like -- 549 00:22:18,418 --> 00:22:20,670 Sulfur. 550 00:22:20,670 --> 00:22:22,632 We had an accident during a demonstration yesterday. 551 00:22:22,632 --> 00:22:24,343 I'm still working out the kinks. 552 00:22:29,389 --> 00:22:30,930 [ Beep, ringing ] 553 00:22:30,930 --> 00:22:33,272 [ Door opens ] 554 00:22:33,272 --> 00:22:34,974 Rollins: Detectives. 555 00:22:34,974 --> 00:22:36,976 I burned those copies of our surveillance tapes. 556 00:22:36,976 --> 00:22:38,357 Thank you. 557 00:22:39,739 --> 00:22:41,360 Thanks, Rollins. 558 00:22:41,360 --> 00:22:43,443 Every floor for the last 48 hours. 559 00:22:43,443 --> 00:22:45,034 Thanks, Rollins. Really appreciate it. 560 00:22:45,034 --> 00:22:46,115 You're welcome. 561 00:22:53,913 --> 00:22:56,706 Castle? Geez! 562 00:22:56,706 --> 00:22:58,207 What's with you? 563 00:22:58,207 --> 00:23:00,670 I-I'm -- I'm marked for death. 564 00:23:00,670 --> 00:23:02,001 What? 565 00:23:02,001 --> 00:23:03,593 [ Clears throat ] I'm marked for death. 566 00:23:10,890 --> 00:23:12,391 [ Siren chirping ] 567 00:23:12,391 --> 00:23:14,644 Bro, you have to stop watching these horror films. 568 00:23:14,644 --> 00:23:16,015 That same slash of light 569 00:23:16,015 --> 00:23:17,647 appeared in the crime-scene photos, okay? 570 00:23:17,647 --> 00:23:20,149 In the exact same place -- right across my neck. 571 00:23:20,149 --> 00:23:21,901 Now it's showing up again in the video feed? 572 00:23:21,901 --> 00:23:24,654 That's live feed! That cannot be manipulated! 573 00:23:24,654 --> 00:23:27,527 Castle, all this stuff about omens and the Antichrist -- 574 00:23:27,527 --> 00:23:28,578 You being marked for death... 575 00:23:28,578 --> 00:23:29,368 Together: It's all in your head. 576 00:23:29,368 --> 00:23:30,289 Guys -- Look out! 577 00:23:35,835 --> 00:23:37,296 You were saying?! 578 00:23:42,632 --> 00:23:44,093 It was a frayed cable. 579 00:23:44,093 --> 00:23:45,424 Yes. Yes, I agree. If by frayed cable, you mean Satan. 580 00:23:45,424 --> 00:23:47,046 Look, Castle, don't take this the wrong way, 581 00:23:47,046 --> 00:23:48,548 but you're starting to sound crazy. 582 00:23:48,548 --> 00:23:51,551 And not your usual crazy, I mean, next-level nutter. 583 00:23:51,551 --> 00:23:53,392 Beckett, listen to me. 584 00:23:53,392 --> 00:23:56,435 I looked into the cold, soulless eyes of Victor Crowne, 585 00:23:56,435 --> 00:24:00,019 and let me tell you what I saw -- 586 00:24:00,019 --> 00:24:01,691 Evil. 587 00:24:01,691 --> 00:24:04,153 Well, I looked into the surveillance tapes 588 00:24:04,153 --> 00:24:05,274 from Victor Crowne's building, 589 00:24:05,274 --> 00:24:07,116 and let me tell you what I saw -- 590 00:24:07,116 --> 00:24:09,619 Victor Crowne working all night. 591 00:24:09,619 --> 00:24:11,240 He never left the building, Castle. 592 00:24:11,240 --> 00:24:12,451 [ Scoffs ] He's not our killer. 593 00:24:12,451 --> 00:24:14,373 He's not gonna be bound by earthly laws, Beckett. 594 00:24:14,373 --> 00:24:15,625 That's Demon 101. 595 00:24:15,625 --> 00:24:17,456 Yo, Cap. 596 00:24:17,456 --> 00:24:19,418 We're still not having any luck figuring out where Shaw was 597 00:24:19,418 --> 00:24:20,459 during that time-of-death window. 598 00:24:20,459 --> 00:24:21,881 Well, someone must've seen him, 599 00:24:21,881 --> 00:24:23,793 so why don't we get unis to re-canvass? All right. 600 00:24:23,793 --> 00:24:25,545 Yo, I just got a call from Lanie. 601 00:24:25,545 --> 00:24:27,346 Uh, do you remember the biblical verses 602 00:24:27,346 --> 00:24:28,638 painted all over our vic's body? 603 00:24:28,638 --> 00:24:31,140 Well, the lab ran an analysis, and the results are...odd. 604 00:24:31,140 --> 00:24:32,682 It's a paste made from a mixture 605 00:24:32,682 --> 00:24:36,646 of olive oil, cassia, cinnamon, cymbopogon, and myrrh. 606 00:24:36,646 --> 00:24:39,649 Cymbopogon and myrrh? I've seen this somewhere before. 607 00:24:39,649 --> 00:24:40,560 I swear it. 608 00:24:42,151 --> 00:24:44,564 Go. All right. 609 00:24:44,564 --> 00:24:46,025 Castle: Hey, guys. 610 00:24:46,025 --> 00:24:47,697 Hey, Dad. 611 00:24:47,697 --> 00:24:49,198 You wouldn't believe some of the stuff we're finding in here. 612 00:24:49,198 --> 00:24:51,701 Did you find a recipe? 613 00:24:51,701 --> 00:24:54,323 For what? Antichrist cookies? 614 00:24:54,323 --> 00:24:55,665 [ Laughter ] No, of course not. 615 00:24:55,665 --> 00:24:57,376 But, actually, I don't even know. 616 00:24:57,376 --> 00:24:59,789 All I know is I saw a letter in here that had a recipe on it 617 00:24:59,789 --> 00:25:03,332 with olive oil, cassia, cinnamon, cymbopogon, and myrrh. 618 00:25:03,332 --> 00:25:05,504 Wait, wait, wait a minute. Why does that sound so familiar? 619 00:25:05,504 --> 00:25:06,756 Hold on, hold on, hold on. 620 00:25:06,756 --> 00:25:08,758 Uh... 621 00:25:08,758 --> 00:25:11,180 Yeah, here it is. Uh-huh. 622 00:25:11,180 --> 00:25:15,595 It's addressed to Gabriel Shaw from a Karl Von Eckland. 623 00:25:15,595 --> 00:25:18,437 Now the letter goes on and on and on about anointing oil. 624 00:25:18,437 --> 00:25:20,980 It was used in ancient times to prepare the righteous 625 00:25:20,980 --> 00:25:23,022 for battle against demons, 626 00:25:23,022 --> 00:25:26,816 and the ingredients include cymbopogon and myrrh. 627 00:25:26,816 --> 00:25:28,568 Okay, now listen to this part. 628 00:25:28,568 --> 00:25:31,360 "Find me when it's your turn to answer the call. 629 00:25:31,360 --> 00:25:33,953 I will prepare you for your battle against evil." 630 00:25:33,953 --> 00:25:35,575 Esposito: And who's the guy who wrote that? 631 00:25:35,575 --> 00:25:37,206 Karl Von Eckland. 632 00:25:37,206 --> 00:25:38,868 We really need to talk to this guy. 633 00:25:38,868 --> 00:25:40,750 Well, um, he's dead. 634 00:25:40,750 --> 00:25:42,331 So, unless you have a Ouija board 635 00:25:42,331 --> 00:25:43,963 somewhere around here, it might be a bit of a challenge. 636 00:25:43,963 --> 00:25:45,254 How did he die? 637 00:25:45,254 --> 00:25:46,505 Looks like he had a fatal heart attack 638 00:25:46,505 --> 00:25:48,798 on December 13, 1996. 639 00:25:48,798 --> 00:25:52,131 Ooh. That is just one month after this letter was written. 640 00:25:52,131 --> 00:25:54,553 And a week after Gabriel Shaw was sent to Peakmore. 641 00:25:54,553 --> 00:25:56,636 Wait a minute. If Shaw was institutionalized, 642 00:25:56,636 --> 00:25:58,267 it's possible he didn't know Karl Von Eckland was dead. 643 00:25:58,267 --> 00:25:59,889 Alexis: Which means after he broke out, 644 00:25:59,889 --> 00:26:01,520 he probably went to Von Eckland's apartment 645 00:26:01,520 --> 00:26:03,643 to get prepared for his supposed demonic battle. 646 00:26:03,643 --> 00:26:05,775 Ryan, who lives in Von Eckland's apartment now? 647 00:26:05,775 --> 00:26:07,566 His son, Oscar. 648 00:26:07,566 --> 00:26:09,649 Looks like he moved in after his father died. 649 00:26:09,649 --> 00:26:11,030 Nice place. 650 00:26:11,030 --> 00:26:14,453 It's very, uh... eclectic. 651 00:26:14,453 --> 00:26:16,746 Yeah, it's creepy as all hell, 652 00:26:16,746 --> 00:26:18,658 but it's my dad's old stuff. 653 00:26:18,658 --> 00:26:20,790 Never had the heart to get rid of any of it. 654 00:26:20,790 --> 00:26:22,041 So, you didn't follow 655 00:26:22,041 --> 00:26:23,623 in your father's religious footsteps? 656 00:26:23,623 --> 00:26:25,254 [ Chuckles ] Hell, no. 657 00:26:25,254 --> 00:26:26,756 It's all mumbo jumbo. 658 00:26:26,756 --> 00:26:28,127 20 bucks? 659 00:26:28,127 --> 00:26:30,009 Hey, a man's got to eat, right? 660 00:26:30,009 --> 00:26:32,091 So, I make a little money on the side. 661 00:26:32,091 --> 00:26:34,423 You know, selling blessed crap to suckers. 662 00:26:34,423 --> 00:26:36,716 Yeah, blessed candles, blessed crosses. 663 00:26:36,716 --> 00:26:38,888 Can I interest you in a blessed bracelet? 664 00:26:38,888 --> 00:26:42,141 No, but, uh, we are interested in this man. 665 00:26:42,141 --> 00:26:44,103 Was he here last night? 666 00:26:44,103 --> 00:26:47,106 Yeah. Around 6:00. 667 00:26:47,106 --> 00:26:48,778 Gabriel something? 668 00:26:48,778 --> 00:26:50,149 Was looking for my old man. 669 00:26:50,149 --> 00:26:51,691 He wanted your father to anoint him 670 00:26:51,691 --> 00:26:53,402 with the oil for spiritual battle. 671 00:26:53,402 --> 00:26:55,574 How do you know that? 672 00:26:55,574 --> 00:26:57,737 Did you anoint him, Oscar? 673 00:26:57,737 --> 00:27:00,119 For 50 bucks, hell yeah, I did. 674 00:27:00,119 --> 00:27:02,291 What? He was desperate, 675 00:27:02,291 --> 00:27:04,003 so I grabbed one of Pop's old books, 676 00:27:04,003 --> 00:27:06,956 and I whipped up a batch of the anointing oil, 677 00:27:06,956 --> 00:27:10,169 and I, uh, wrote some bible verses on him. 678 00:27:10,169 --> 00:27:12,011 It gave him great peace. 679 00:27:12,011 --> 00:27:14,133 Well, that peace didn't last. The man's dead. 680 00:27:14,133 --> 00:27:17,717 Really? What happened to him? 681 00:27:17,717 --> 00:27:19,889 He was murdered... by the spawn of Satan. 682 00:27:19,889 --> 00:27:22,061 Is he serious? Very. 683 00:27:23,893 --> 00:27:25,354 So, Oscar, did Gabriel Shaw 684 00:27:25,354 --> 00:27:27,767 tell you whether he was meeting anyone? 685 00:27:27,767 --> 00:27:29,729 Did he say where he was going? 686 00:27:29,729 --> 00:27:31,901 No, just thanked me and left. 687 00:27:31,901 --> 00:27:34,984 What time did he leave? A little after 7:30. 688 00:27:34,984 --> 00:27:36,946 Castle: That's 30 minutes before Shaw was stabbed. 689 00:27:36,946 --> 00:27:38,698 Guys, we're getting close. 690 00:27:38,698 --> 00:27:41,040 Okay, so good and bad news. 691 00:27:41,040 --> 00:27:43,332 The good news is we found surveillance footage 692 00:27:43,332 --> 00:27:46,205 of Shaw in Oscar's neighborhood 693 00:27:46,205 --> 00:27:47,456 and we were able to track him 694 00:27:47,456 --> 00:27:49,048 back to the location where he was stabbed. 695 00:27:49,048 --> 00:27:50,419 You have video of Gabriel Shaw's murder? 696 00:27:50,419 --> 00:27:53,172 Well, yeah. Uh, sort of. 697 00:27:53,172 --> 00:27:55,254 Oh. This is where the bad news comes in. 698 00:27:55,254 --> 00:27:57,717 It appears that due to the thunderstorm, 699 00:27:57,717 --> 00:28:00,139 none of the cameras are functioning properly. 700 00:28:00,139 --> 00:28:02,261 What does that mean? 701 00:28:02,261 --> 00:28:05,975 It -- Uh...It's just gonna be sort of...odd. 702 00:28:05,975 --> 00:28:08,397 Like odd odd? Or work of the Devil odd? 703 00:28:08,397 --> 00:28:11,020 No, just odd odd, Castle, all right? 704 00:28:11,020 --> 00:28:12,521 Go ahead. Okay. 705 00:28:12,521 --> 00:28:15,314 ♪♪ 706 00:28:40,800 --> 00:28:43,472 That...is a demon. 707 00:28:43,472 --> 00:28:44,934 You guys, you did it. 708 00:28:44,934 --> 00:28:47,646 You have video of Gabriel Shaw 709 00:28:47,646 --> 00:28:49,809 killed by something not of this world. 710 00:28:49,809 --> 00:28:50,940 All right, Castle. Easy. 711 00:28:50,940 --> 00:28:52,772 Look, guys, I-I know it's late, 712 00:28:52,772 --> 00:28:54,814 but I need you to go down to that loading dock 713 00:28:54,814 --> 00:28:56,485 and see what you can find, please. 714 00:28:56,485 --> 00:28:58,157 Both: Yeah. 715 00:28:58,157 --> 00:28:59,949 Thank you. 716 00:28:59,949 --> 00:29:01,821 I'm gonna go pack up. 717 00:29:01,821 --> 00:29:05,034 And, um...Castle? 718 00:29:05,034 --> 00:29:06,956 It's just a glitch. 719 00:29:13,462 --> 00:29:16,255 ♪♪ 720 00:29:20,049 --> 00:29:22,221 "And the beast shall rise 721 00:29:22,221 --> 00:29:24,143 and appear as astute and miraculous -- 722 00:29:24,143 --> 00:29:26,385 the leader who comes into power 723 00:29:26,385 --> 00:29:28,808 on a platform of prosperity and peace." 724 00:29:30,810 --> 00:29:32,691 Or, in a nutshell, 725 00:29:32,691 --> 00:29:34,814 Victor Crowne. 726 00:29:34,814 --> 00:29:36,896 [ Rattling in distance ] 727 00:30:26,745 --> 00:30:29,078 [ Gasping ] 728 00:30:32,331 --> 00:30:33,662 Geez! 729 00:30:33,662 --> 00:30:35,254 [ Laughs ] 730 00:30:35,254 --> 00:30:36,795 Gotcha. 731 00:30:36,795 --> 00:30:38,457 Not funny, Beckett! 732 00:30:38,457 --> 00:30:39,959 I am being targeted by dark forces. 733 00:30:39,959 --> 00:30:41,630 I'm serious. I can feel it. 734 00:30:41,630 --> 00:30:43,382 Okay, fine. Can you just feel it in the morning? 735 00:30:43,382 --> 00:30:45,965 'Cause it's late. Let's go to bed. 736 00:30:45,965 --> 00:30:47,676 Yeah, just give me a few minutes. 737 00:30:47,676 --> 00:30:48,677 All right. 738 00:30:51,770 --> 00:30:52,972 Boo! Geez! 739 00:30:52,972 --> 00:30:55,024 [ Laughs ] You're so easy! 740 00:31:10,539 --> 00:31:15,955 The Angel Dagger. 741 00:31:15,955 --> 00:31:17,206 Where have I seen -- 742 00:31:43,232 --> 00:31:44,863 [ Cellphone ringing ] 743 00:31:48,157 --> 00:31:49,618 [ Cellphone beeps ] Hey, Beckett. 744 00:31:49,618 --> 00:31:51,240 Hey, where are you? 745 00:31:51,240 --> 00:31:53,202 I'm at the office. I figured out why Shaw broke in here. 746 00:31:53,202 --> 00:31:54,623 Really? Yeah. 747 00:31:54,623 --> 00:31:56,295 He was looking for a weapon. 748 00:31:56,295 --> 00:31:58,537 It's the only thing that can kill the Antichrist. 749 00:31:58,537 --> 00:31:59,748 It's called the Angel Dagger. 750 00:31:59,748 --> 00:32:01,880 [ Sighs ] Castle, would you please just -- 751 00:32:01,880 --> 00:32:03,462 Beckett, I am serious. 752 00:32:03,462 --> 00:32:06,305 I-I found references to it on the Internet, and it was here. 753 00:32:06,305 --> 00:32:08,347 It's been in the safe the whole time. 754 00:32:08,347 --> 00:32:11,930 I-It's a blade that was hidden in a -- [ Electricity crackles ] 755 00:32:11,930 --> 00:32:14,603 Who's there? Who's where? 756 00:32:15,975 --> 00:32:18,057 Hello? Castle -- [ Door slams ] 757 00:32:18,057 --> 00:32:20,269 [ Whispering ] He's here. 758 00:32:20,269 --> 00:32:21,610 Who? 759 00:32:22,982 --> 00:32:25,654 Castle? 760 00:32:25,654 --> 00:32:27,116 Hello? 761 00:32:42,251 --> 00:32:43,462 I saw his eyes. It was a demon. 762 00:32:43,462 --> 00:32:45,884 Or someone with night-vision goggles. 763 00:32:45,884 --> 00:32:47,466 Beckett, how much proof do you need 764 00:32:47,466 --> 00:32:48,717 before you finally accept the fact 765 00:32:48,717 --> 00:32:50,589 that your husband has been marked for death! 766 00:32:50,589 --> 00:32:52,301 Okay, if you were marked for death, 767 00:32:52,301 --> 00:32:53,802 then the demon would've killed you. 768 00:32:53,802 --> 00:32:56,145 Instead, you were knocked out by a very human attacker 769 00:32:56,145 --> 00:32:59,018 who managed to run off with your...w-whatever dagger. 770 00:32:59,018 --> 00:33:00,399 Angel Dagger! Angel -- Angel Dagger. 771 00:33:00,399 --> 00:33:02,561 Angel Dagger. It's something only a demon would want. 772 00:33:02,561 --> 00:33:04,483 Look, if that's true, then why did the demon 773 00:33:04,483 --> 00:33:06,105 ransack your safe? 774 00:33:06,105 --> 00:33:07,776 Hello? 775 00:33:07,776 --> 00:33:09,818 To look for other items with supernatural abilities. 776 00:33:09,818 --> 00:33:11,910 Is it -- What? Hey, Castle. 777 00:33:11,910 --> 00:33:13,412 How you doing, buddy? 778 00:33:13,412 --> 00:33:14,913 Well, boys, I looked into the eyes of the devil, 779 00:33:14,913 --> 00:33:16,325 so there's that. 780 00:33:16,325 --> 00:33:18,167 Did they check him for a concussion? 781 00:33:18,167 --> 00:33:21,420 Uh, no. He's fine. He's just a little shaken. 782 00:33:21,420 --> 00:33:23,332 You guys got anything on the canvass? 783 00:33:23,332 --> 00:33:25,003 Yeah, a bouncer who was working at a club 784 00:33:25,003 --> 00:33:27,426 across the alley from where Shaw's stabbing took place 785 00:33:27,426 --> 00:33:29,298 saw a gray Explorer tear ass out of there. 786 00:33:29,298 --> 00:33:30,339 All right, did you get the plates? 787 00:33:30,339 --> 00:33:31,930 Nope, and we don't need them. 788 00:33:31,930 --> 00:33:33,762 Turns out there's only one person in this case 789 00:33:33,762 --> 00:33:35,514 who has a gray Explorer. 790 00:33:35,514 --> 00:33:37,726 Oh, yeah? Well, a lot of people have that kind of SUV. 791 00:33:37,726 --> 00:33:39,138 Yes, but not a lot of people 792 00:33:39,138 --> 00:33:41,019 have the murder weapon in their garage. 793 00:33:41,019 --> 00:33:43,312 See, we got a search warrant for your place, 794 00:33:43,312 --> 00:33:47,526 and, uh, we found your garden claw. 795 00:33:49,778 --> 00:33:51,700 Oh. So, that explains 796 00:33:51,700 --> 00:33:54,823 the claw-shaped wound on Shaw's body. 797 00:33:54,823 --> 00:33:56,535 See, Castle? 798 00:33:56,535 --> 00:33:57,956 No demon. 799 00:33:57,956 --> 00:34:00,249 Yeah, then, uh, why was there sulfur, 800 00:34:00,249 --> 00:34:03,502 i.e. brimstone, found in Shaw's body. 801 00:34:03,502 --> 00:34:06,425 Our labs did an analysis of the murder weapon, 802 00:34:06,425 --> 00:34:08,927 and not only did they find traces of Shaw's blood on it, 803 00:34:08,927 --> 00:34:13,011 but they also found particles of sulfuric gardening fertilizer, 804 00:34:13,011 --> 00:34:15,474 which matches the sulfur we found in the wound. 805 00:34:18,137 --> 00:34:20,349 Anything else? 806 00:34:20,349 --> 00:34:22,481 Sondra: I was just trying to talk some sense into him, 807 00:34:22,481 --> 00:34:26,525 but Shaw just started rambling 808 00:34:26,525 --> 00:34:30,239 about his mission to vanquish evil. 809 00:34:30,239 --> 00:34:33,742 He was the true evil. 810 00:34:33,742 --> 00:34:36,115 If all you wanted to do was talk, 811 00:34:36,115 --> 00:34:39,698 then why did you bring the murder weapon? 812 00:34:39,698 --> 00:34:44,413 I keep tools for my flower shop in my SUV. 813 00:34:44,413 --> 00:34:49,338 And, I don't know, he just started going on and on, 814 00:34:49,338 --> 00:34:52,631 [voice breaking] and I grabbed the claw. 815 00:34:55,134 --> 00:34:59,598 20 years ago, that man ruined my family, 816 00:34:59,598 --> 00:35:03,982 and I couldn't let him do it all over again to us. 817 00:35:03,982 --> 00:35:07,526 [ Crying ] 818 00:35:07,526 --> 00:35:09,148 Mrs. Kramer, why did you break into 819 00:35:09,148 --> 00:35:12,491 your husband's old office last night? 820 00:35:12,491 --> 00:35:14,903 [ Crying ] What are you talking about? 821 00:35:14,903 --> 00:35:16,945 There's no reason to lie now. 822 00:35:16,945 --> 00:35:18,497 We know you took the Angel Dagger. 823 00:35:21,500 --> 00:35:25,294 I was home all night with my son. 824 00:35:29,378 --> 00:35:32,881 If she wasn't the one who attacked me, who the hell did? 825 00:35:35,013 --> 00:35:37,756 Yo, any evidence to help identify 826 00:35:37,756 --> 00:35:39,258 Castle's demonic assailant? 827 00:35:39,258 --> 00:35:41,310 No, but, Rick, whoever attacked you 828 00:35:41,310 --> 00:35:43,932 also took all of the files on the Crowne family. 829 00:35:43,932 --> 00:35:45,684 That sneaky little devil. 830 00:35:45,684 --> 00:35:47,316 It's Victor Crowne. He did this. 831 00:35:47,316 --> 00:35:49,027 How do you figure? 832 00:35:49,027 --> 00:35:50,939 Well, clearly he's trying to take possession of any weapon 833 00:35:50,939 --> 00:35:53,482 that could be used against him and erase any and all evidence 834 00:35:53,482 --> 00:35:55,824 of his true identity as the spawn of Satan. 835 00:35:55,824 --> 00:35:57,236 We already looked into Victor Crowne. 836 00:35:57,236 --> 00:35:58,487 He was out celebrating all night 837 00:35:58,487 --> 00:36:00,118 at a club for his 30th birthday. 838 00:36:00,118 --> 00:36:01,950 Okay, who else is gonna go to such lengths? 839 00:36:01,950 --> 00:36:04,953 Well, we don't know, but they left a souvenir. 840 00:36:04,953 --> 00:36:07,286 This was not in the original inventory 841 00:36:07,286 --> 00:36:08,877 of the safe's contents. [ Cellphone chimes ] 842 00:36:08,877 --> 00:36:12,501 Yo, that's Oscar Von Eckland's bracelet. 843 00:36:12,501 --> 00:36:14,883 Why would he want the Angel Dagger? 844 00:36:14,883 --> 00:36:16,505 Because he was in on it the whole time. 845 00:36:16,505 --> 00:36:18,887 Do you remember the distorted image 846 00:36:18,887 --> 00:36:21,430 of Shaw's mystery visitor at the psychiatric facility? 847 00:36:21,430 --> 00:36:23,222 Well, Vikram was able to clean it up. 848 00:36:26,014 --> 00:36:28,307 He said he didn't believe in all this religious stuff. 849 00:36:28,307 --> 00:36:30,649 He lied, and you all know what that means. 850 00:36:30,649 --> 00:36:32,110 That he's insane. 851 00:36:32,110 --> 00:36:34,523 No, unlike Shaw, he has all his faculties, 852 00:36:34,523 --> 00:36:38,407 but Oscar, like his father before him, is a true believer. 853 00:36:38,407 --> 00:36:40,239 He's gonna pick up where his old man left off -- 854 00:36:40,239 --> 00:36:43,242 complete the mission. Kill the Antichrist. 855 00:36:43,242 --> 00:36:45,123 Oscar's gonna assassinate Victor Crowne. 856 00:36:49,748 --> 00:36:51,250 Hey, Rollins, lock down the building 857 00:36:51,250 --> 00:36:52,591 and secure Victor Crowne. Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's going on? 858 00:36:52,591 --> 00:36:54,673 Your boss is in danger. Have you seen this man? 859 00:36:54,673 --> 00:36:57,135 That's the notary who just showed up with legal documents 860 00:36:57,135 --> 00:36:58,677 for Mr. Crowne to sign. 861 00:36:58,677 --> 00:37:00,259 Did you give him access to Mr. Crowne? 862 00:37:00,259 --> 00:37:02,220 Yes, but not without an escort. 863 00:37:02,220 --> 00:37:03,802 Varella, come in. 864 00:37:06,144 --> 00:37:07,686 Varella, what's your 20? 865 00:37:07,686 --> 00:37:09,608 Where did they go? Basement. 866 00:37:09,608 --> 00:37:12,020 We're about to start a major renovation. 867 00:37:12,020 --> 00:37:13,982 Mr. Crowne's down there alone walking the site. 868 00:37:17,696 --> 00:37:19,278 All right, let's split up. 869 00:37:19,278 --> 00:37:20,699 You two go that way, we'll go this way. Got it. 870 00:37:23,662 --> 00:37:25,073 Somebody's down. Yeah. 871 00:37:28,497 --> 00:37:30,038 He's still alive. 872 00:37:30,038 --> 00:37:31,750 All right, Castle, drag him upstairs to safety, all right? 873 00:37:31,750 --> 00:37:33,582 Yeah. Wait -- me? Yeah. 874 00:37:34,833 --> 00:37:37,135 By myself? Yes! 875 00:37:39,678 --> 00:37:41,510 Okay. 876 00:37:41,510 --> 00:37:42,881 [ Grunts ] 877 00:37:44,723 --> 00:37:46,184 [ Rustling ] 878 00:37:48,437 --> 00:37:49,808 Guys? 879 00:37:49,808 --> 00:37:51,149 [ Click ] 880 00:37:59,858 --> 00:38:01,029 Sorry. 881 00:38:12,671 --> 00:38:15,374 [ Yelling in distance ] 882 00:38:21,800 --> 00:38:26,685 Te expello, daemon vilis, in abyssum profundissimum Tartari! 883 00:38:26,685 --> 00:38:30,349 Oscar! Oscar. 884 00:38:30,349 --> 00:38:33,141 Castle! Do something. 885 00:38:33,141 --> 00:38:35,233 Don't do it. 886 00:38:35,233 --> 00:38:37,436 He is the beast. 887 00:38:37,436 --> 00:38:38,737 The lawless one. 888 00:38:38,737 --> 00:38:40,148 The son of perdition. 889 00:38:40,148 --> 00:38:42,240 All bad things. 890 00:38:42,240 --> 00:38:44,613 But thou shalt not kill, remember? 891 00:38:44,613 --> 00:38:47,826 He isn't human, so it's not murder. 892 00:38:47,826 --> 00:38:49,948 Good luck selling that in a court of law. 893 00:38:49,948 --> 00:38:51,620 Enough! 894 00:38:51,620 --> 00:38:54,663 I have to stop the end of days. 895 00:38:54,663 --> 00:38:56,795 I promised my father. 896 00:38:56,795 --> 00:38:58,006 No! Don't! No! 897 00:38:59,758 --> 00:39:01,960 What have you done?! 898 00:39:01,960 --> 00:39:03,592 If I have to kill you first, I will! 899 00:39:09,768 --> 00:39:10,849 Oscar, look out! 900 00:39:18,607 --> 00:39:20,238 Esposito: Castle! Ryan: Castle, where are you?! 901 00:39:20,238 --> 00:39:22,360 Over here! 902 00:39:22,360 --> 00:39:24,242 You okay? Yeah, you? 903 00:39:24,242 --> 00:39:25,243 Yeah. Good. 904 00:39:25,243 --> 00:39:26,364 You okay? Yeah, I'm still good. You? 905 00:39:26,364 --> 00:39:27,906 Yeah, I'm okay. 906 00:39:27,906 --> 00:39:29,988 Now that we know you're all okay, can someone untie me? 907 00:39:29,988 --> 00:39:32,951 Right. Sorry. 908 00:39:32,951 --> 00:39:36,044 We're lucky those pipes fell when they did, huh? 909 00:39:36,044 --> 00:39:38,547 Yeah. Lucky. 910 00:39:38,547 --> 00:39:40,459 Thank you for saving me. 911 00:39:40,459 --> 00:39:43,341 Just to be clear, you really aren't the Antichrist, right? 912 00:39:43,341 --> 00:39:45,303 [ Laughs ] 913 00:39:45,303 --> 00:39:48,346 Ahh, I love your sense of humor. 914 00:39:48,346 --> 00:39:50,559 You saved my life. 915 00:39:50,559 --> 00:39:52,641 That means I owe you. 916 00:39:52,641 --> 00:39:56,975 So, whatever you want, just ask. It's yours. Okay? 917 00:39:56,975 --> 00:39:58,937 Okay. [ Clicks tongue ] 918 00:40:03,902 --> 00:40:05,864 Did I just literally... 919 00:40:05,864 --> 00:40:08,026 make a deal with the Devil? 920 00:40:11,289 --> 00:40:14,202 So, Oscar's on his way to Peakmore 921 00:40:14,202 --> 00:40:16,164 for a full psych evaluation. 922 00:40:16,164 --> 00:40:17,666 Okay, well, let's hope they can help him. 923 00:40:17,666 --> 00:40:18,837 I wouldn't hold my breath. 924 00:40:18,837 --> 00:40:20,418 They didn't do so great with Shaw. 925 00:40:20,418 --> 00:40:22,210 Hey, boss. 926 00:40:22,210 --> 00:40:23,922 What's your husband doing? 927 00:40:23,922 --> 00:40:25,844 [ Shutter clicking ] 928 00:40:29,307 --> 00:40:33,311 Castle, this is getting out of hand. 929 00:40:33,311 --> 00:40:35,894 I'm... still marked for death. 930 00:40:35,894 --> 00:40:38,356 Oh, well, you'd think that saving the Antichrist 931 00:40:38,356 --> 00:40:39,898 would actually give you a pass. 932 00:40:39,898 --> 00:40:41,149 You know, you mock, but you're gonna miss me when I'm gone. 933 00:40:41,149 --> 00:40:42,771 You're not going anywhere. 934 00:40:42,771 --> 00:40:44,152 How can you be so sure? 935 00:40:45,153 --> 00:40:46,655 Take off your jacket. 936 00:40:46,655 --> 00:40:47,826 I really don't think this is the time -- 937 00:40:47,826 --> 00:40:49,237 Take off your jacket. 938 00:40:54,332 --> 00:40:55,954 Okay, now take another selfie. 939 00:40:58,286 --> 00:41:00,579 [ Sighs ] 940 00:41:00,579 --> 00:41:02,250 [ Shutter clicks ] 941 00:41:04,713 --> 00:41:07,215 How... 942 00:41:07,215 --> 00:41:08,587 The zipper on your chest pocket. 943 00:41:08,587 --> 00:41:11,640 It was catching the light, causing a flare. 944 00:41:11,640 --> 00:41:13,722 I'm not marked for death. 945 00:41:13,722 --> 00:41:16,094 You sound disappointed there. 946 00:41:16,094 --> 00:41:17,726 Are you kidding? I'm thrilled. 947 00:41:17,726 --> 00:41:19,397 Let's celebrate. 948 00:41:19,397 --> 00:41:20,769 Naked Twister. 949 00:41:20,769 --> 00:41:22,561 Actually, I had something else in mind. 950 00:41:24,773 --> 00:41:27,195 We really could've done movie night at my place. 951 00:41:27,195 --> 00:41:28,276 No, no. We need to get rid of 952 00:41:28,276 --> 00:41:29,908 some of the bad vibes in here. 953 00:41:29,908 --> 00:41:32,030 So, what are we watching -- rom-com? 954 00:41:32,030 --> 00:41:33,321 Action-comedy? 955 00:41:33,321 --> 00:41:35,073 Horror! 956 00:41:35,073 --> 00:41:37,415 You're kidding. No. 957 00:41:37,415 --> 00:41:39,918 Oh, come on. We just survived the ax man. 958 00:41:39,918 --> 00:41:42,380 A little Freddy-Jason action will be cathartic. 959 00:41:42,380 --> 00:41:44,382 All right, but if I can't sleep tonight, 960 00:41:44,382 --> 00:41:45,964 I'm kicking your ass in the morning. 961 00:41:45,964 --> 00:41:48,086 In your dreams. [ Sighs ] 962 00:41:48,086 --> 00:41:50,629 [ Creaking ] 963 00:41:50,629 --> 00:41:52,180 Hayley? Hmm? 964 00:41:59,057 --> 00:42:00,098 Run. 965 00:42:00,098 --> 00:42:01,019 Yep. 966 00:42:09,027 --> 00:42:11,950 That was genius. 967 00:42:11,950 --> 00:42:13,281 Now can we play naked Twister?