1 00:00:01,172 --> 00:00:02,713 ADAM BALDWIN: Three, two, and, uh... 2 00:00:02,713 --> 00:00:04,425 NATHAN FILLION: We're actually. We started. 3 00:00:04,425 --> 00:00:07,128 The first thing they're gonna hear on this DVD commentary is you. 4 00:00:07,128 --> 00:00:08,429 BALDWIN: Saying three, two, one? 5 00:00:08,429 --> 00:00:10,051 FILLION: Yeah, kinda counting yourself in. 6 00:00:10,051 --> 00:00:11,592 BALDWIN: Excellent. FILLION: That's a good thing. 7 00:00:11,592 --> 00:00:13,594 Why don't you introduce yourself? 8 00:00:13,594 --> 00:00:16,637 BALDWIN: Oh, this is Adam Baldwin. I play Ethan Slaughter on Castle. 9 00:00:16,637 --> 00:00:19,310 FILLION: This is Nathan Fillion. I play Castle on Castle. 10 00:00:19,310 --> 00:00:21,021 Ethan. BALDWIN: Yes. 11 00:00:21,021 --> 00:00:23,144 FILLION: A name that might have gotten him beat up as a kid. 12 00:00:23,144 --> 00:00:25,196 Maybe that's what turned him so tough. 13 00:00:25,196 --> 00:00:27,488 BALDWIN: Yeah. Well, I think we, we investigate that a little bit later. 14 00:00:27,488 --> 00:00:30,071 There's a couple little sub-textual moments that I add there 15 00:00:30,071 --> 00:00:33,994 about Slaughter's background when we go into the, uh, the later office. 16 00:00:38,709 --> 00:00:40,000 FILLION: Here we have Esposito and Ryan 17 00:00:40,000 --> 00:00:42,753 breaking into a dingy, old warehouse. 18 00:00:42,753 --> 00:00:46,927 Flashlights, smoky. Lot of smoke in Castle. When it gets dramatic, 19 00:00:46,927 --> 00:00:48,669 there's a lot of smoke. BALDWIN: Where's all that smoke coming from? 20 00:00:48,669 --> 00:00:50,091 'Cause neither of us are smoking. 21 00:00:50,091 --> 00:00:53,844 FILLION: Oh, these bad guys were doing bong hits. 22 00:00:53,844 --> 00:00:55,806 BALDWIN: God, I love that leather jacket. (FILLION CHUCKLES) 23 00:00:55,806 --> 00:00:57,558 Is that all the guys you brought? 24 00:00:59,520 --> 00:01:01,732 (FILLION CHUCKLES) BALDWIN: You look good with a bloody nose. 25 00:01:01,732 --> 00:01:03,444 FILLION: Ah, let me go back in time and do the whole, 26 00:01:03,444 --> 00:01:05,316 (IMITATES GRIM TONE) "Earlier that morning." 27 00:01:05,316 --> 00:01:07,948 So this is not your first episode of Castle, Adam. 28 00:01:07,948 --> 00:01:10,281 BALDWIN: No, recurring. Reprising, if you will, 29 00:01:10,281 --> 00:01:13,033 one, uh, one other episode in season four. 30 00:01:13,033 --> 00:01:16,247 FILLION: Mmm-hmm. BALDWIN: Ethan Slaughter returns to his old pal, 31 00:01:16,247 --> 00:01:17,828 Castle, for help. 32 00:01:17,828 --> 00:01:20,581 FILLION: Pal. BALDWIN: Well, he's a... 33 00:01:20,581 --> 00:01:23,584 FILLION: It's, you know, it's like... BALDWIN: Useful idiot? 34 00:01:23,584 --> 00:01:25,546 FILLION: Well, I was gonna say, working with you, 35 00:01:25,546 --> 00:01:28,088 it feels like we've worked together before some time. 36 00:01:28,088 --> 00:01:30,511 It's just a very familiar sensation. 37 00:01:30,511 --> 00:01:32,803 BALDWIN: You were with me on The X-Files, weren't you? FILLION: That's not true. 38 00:01:32,803 --> 00:01:34,135 BALDWIN: Oh. FILLION: That's not true. 39 00:01:34,135 --> 00:01:36,137 BALDWIN: Something else. Buffy? Was it at Buffy? 40 00:01:36,137 --> 00:01:38,849 FILLION: What's the over-under on how many Firefly references we make 41 00:01:38,849 --> 00:01:40,771 during this DVD commentary? BALDWIN: I wanna say six. 42 00:01:40,771 --> 00:01:42,563 FILLION: Okay, we'll, we'll see how that goes. 43 00:01:42,563 --> 00:01:45,316 Oh, wait, your agent loved it too. My agent? 44 00:01:45,316 --> 00:01:47,358 Never you mind that. Just listen. 45 00:01:47,358 --> 00:01:49,730 Have faith. 46 00:01:49,730 --> 00:01:51,492 FILLION: The lovely Susan Sullivan. Let's just say hello to her. 47 00:01:51,492 --> 00:01:54,285 Because, gosh, I love this lady. BALDWIN: Mmm-hmm. 48 00:01:54,285 --> 00:01:56,697 FILLION: You know, often when you do DVD commentaries... 49 00:01:56,697 --> 00:01:58,369 BALDWIN: Yeah. FILLION: ...we'll get a director in here, 50 00:01:58,369 --> 00:02:02,002 or one of the writers and you'll hear some really in-depth story points. 51 00:02:02,002 --> 00:02:05,296 BALDWIN: Yeah, right. FILLION: Production stuff, you know, through lines. 52 00:02:05,296 --> 00:02:06,747 You're not gonna get any of that today. 53 00:02:06,747 --> 00:02:09,380 BALDWIN: No, you're just gonna get, like, superfluous, 54 00:02:09,380 --> 00:02:11,342 selfish, acting... "How do I look?" FILLION: Yeah, yeah. Exactly. 55 00:02:11,342 --> 00:02:14,885 "Ooh, I remember that day, that's when they ran out of M&M'S." 56 00:02:14,885 --> 00:02:17,218 BALDWIN: By the way, Molly Quinn is adorable. FILLION: Yeah. 57 00:02:17,218 --> 00:02:19,850 FILLION: 14 years old. Just a reminder to the fans, 58 00:02:19,850 --> 00:02:23,143 if you haven't been watching since the beginning, or even if you have but you forgot. 59 00:02:23,143 --> 00:02:26,397 FILLION: She was 14 years old when she began this show. 60 00:02:26,397 --> 00:02:29,109 BALDWIN: Which posed a special challenge for this moment, 61 00:02:29,109 --> 00:02:32,112 because I tried not to be as creepy as I apparently come off. 62 00:02:32,112 --> 00:02:33,734 (FILLION LAUGHING) 63 00:02:33,734 --> 00:02:36,697 BALDWIN: 'Cause she's, she's like my daughter's age. 64 00:02:36,697 --> 00:02:38,329 (FILLION LAUGHS) 65 00:02:38,329 --> 00:02:40,411 BALDWIN: So, yeah, she's nice but I can't be too creepy. 66 00:02:40,411 --> 00:02:42,583 FILLION: (LAUGHING) Well played. 67 00:02:42,583 --> 00:02:45,456 That is, yeah, that is not a 14-year-old girl anymore. 68 00:02:45,456 --> 00:02:48,168 What a capable, wonderful young woman. BALDWIN: Mmm-hmm. 69 00:02:48,168 --> 00:02:50,631 Right behind the door here? Yeah. 70 00:02:50,631 --> 00:02:52,553 What does he want? I don't know. He just said he was... 71 00:02:52,553 --> 00:02:54,715 FILLION: Now here we see, there's obviously... 72 00:02:54,715 --> 00:02:56,847 His impression here is tainted. (BALDWIN CHUCKLES) 73 00:02:56,847 --> 00:03:00,721 He knows what to expect, he knows what Slaughter is all about. 74 00:03:00,721 --> 00:03:02,062 BALDWIN: Mmm-hmm. FILLION: Not a pleasant memory, I think, 75 00:03:02,062 --> 00:03:03,934 he has of their last encounter. 76 00:03:03,934 --> 00:03:07,268 BALDWIN: Ah, he's just kinda being wimpy and... 77 00:03:07,268 --> 00:03:09,480 FILLION: This is how Castle, I think, deals with stress. 78 00:03:09,480 --> 00:03:11,362 I'm not interested. Huh. 79 00:03:11,362 --> 00:03:15,195 Uh, in whatever he... Whatever it is. 80 00:03:15,195 --> 00:03:19,620 BALDWIN: I love this... Oop, the door's in the way. (BOTH LAUGHING) 81 00:03:19,620 --> 00:03:22,122 FILLION: And coast is clear. 82 00:03:22,122 --> 00:03:25,376 All's good in the world of Castle, phew! 83 00:03:25,376 --> 00:03:29,169 I like that Sergeant... Sorry, is he a Sergeant? BALDWIN: Detective. 84 00:03:29,169 --> 00:03:33,634 FILLION: Detective Slaughter really keeps, uh, Castle off his game. 85 00:03:33,634 --> 00:03:36,717 He's incredibly unprepared for the kind of experiences 86 00:03:36,717 --> 00:03:38,429 that Slaughter is guaranteed to bring. BALDWIN: Yeah. 87 00:03:38,429 --> 00:03:40,511 BALDWIN: Now, for this character I tried to throw in my, uh, 88 00:03:40,511 --> 00:03:43,394 default Chicago accent, because that's where I'm from. 89 00:03:43,394 --> 00:03:46,226 Even though it is a New York-based show, shot here in LA. 90 00:03:46,226 --> 00:03:47,848 (FILLION CHUCKLING) 91 00:03:47,848 --> 00:03:50,401 BALDWIN: But I do throw in my little Chicago accent in there. 92 00:03:50,401 --> 00:03:52,853 I'm Martha Rogers, Richard Castle is my son. 93 00:03:52,853 --> 00:03:55,276 And the last time you two did "business" together... 94 00:03:55,276 --> 00:03:56,737 BALDWIN: I love her. FILLION: Yeah. 95 00:03:56,737 --> 00:03:58,739 ...medication for a month. (CHUCKLES) 96 00:03:58,739 --> 00:04:01,031 She's kidding. Kidder. 97 00:04:01,031 --> 00:04:02,533 It was just a few weeks. 98 00:04:02,533 --> 00:04:04,665 You got a real mama lion here... 99 00:04:04,665 --> 00:04:07,498 FILLION: I love when funny lines turn out to be true. 100 00:04:07,498 --> 00:04:09,079 (BALDWIN CHUCKLES) 101 00:04:09,079 --> 00:04:10,831 FILLION: I think when things are true, they are funny. 102 00:04:10,831 --> 00:04:13,754 Which is why I try not to punch jokes. 103 00:04:13,754 --> 00:04:15,716 BALDWIN: Right. FILLION: Punching jokes makes them 104 00:04:15,716 --> 00:04:19,640 a clever thing to say, whereas if you sell them with honesty, 105 00:04:19,640 --> 00:04:21,261 they become truthful. 106 00:04:21,261 --> 00:04:24,345 BALDWIN: I just like being a straight man to you as best I can. 107 00:04:24,345 --> 00:04:27,057 Because you... Everything's above my pay grade. 108 00:04:27,057 --> 00:04:29,189 FILLION: (CHUCKLES) It's true. 109 00:04:29,189 --> 00:04:30,691 What a wonderful balance you've created. 110 00:04:30,691 --> 00:04:33,273 This is obviously a large character. 111 00:04:33,273 --> 00:04:35,446 BALDWIN: Yeah. Mmm-hmm. FILLION: He's gregarious, he's big. 112 00:04:35,446 --> 00:04:38,028 But at the same time, you play it straight. 113 00:04:38,028 --> 00:04:39,239 It's very satisfying to watch it. 114 00:04:39,239 --> 00:04:41,992 My schedule is so full... 115 00:04:41,992 --> 00:04:43,203 Yeah, we're swamped. Completely swamped. 116 00:04:44,034 --> 00:04:45,075 Completely. 117 00:04:47,408 --> 00:04:48,669 Okay. 118 00:04:48,669 --> 00:04:50,621 You don't have to tell me twice. I got it. 119 00:04:50,621 --> 00:04:52,543 FILLION: He give up so easily here. Slaughter just seems to, 120 00:04:52,543 --> 00:04:54,465 "Okay, no problem. I'm gonna leave." 121 00:04:54,465 --> 00:04:56,547 BALDWIN: Yeah. And yet, he's manipulating you. 122 00:04:56,547 --> 00:04:58,379 Look at that. Like a puppet. 123 00:04:58,379 --> 00:05:01,632 FILLION: Yeah. BALDWIN: Uh, he knows right where your heart is. 124 00:05:02,473 --> 00:05:03,804 Ciao. 125 00:05:03,804 --> 00:05:06,517 BALDWIN: Ciao. (BOTH LAUGHING) 126 00:05:06,517 --> 00:05:08,098 FILLION: Slaughter's great with exits. 127 00:05:08,098 --> 00:05:09,600 ...Richard. In the sewers. 128 00:05:11,311 --> 00:05:13,854 BALDWIN: "Alligators in the sewers." 129 00:05:13,854 --> 00:05:16,777 BALDWIN: (CHUCKLES) "I need a new story!" 130 00:05:16,777 --> 00:05:18,399 BALDWIN: Oh. FILLION: And collision. 131 00:05:18,399 --> 00:05:20,611 Not a lot of people make me look small. 132 00:05:20,611 --> 00:05:22,363 BALDWIN: I'm 6' 4 1/2". 133 00:05:22,363 --> 00:05:24,745 But I had boots on with about, uh, inch and a half. 134 00:05:24,745 --> 00:05:26,036 So, I'm like 6' 6" there. 135 00:05:26,036 --> 00:05:28,208 FILLION: Yeah, you're a big man on a small day. 136 00:05:28,208 --> 00:05:31,832 30-year-old male. Died of exsanguination 137 00:05:31,832 --> 00:05:34,004 from that giant knife in his neck. 138 00:05:34,004 --> 00:05:36,717 Killed between 10:00 and 2:00 last night. 139 00:05:36,717 --> 00:05:38,719 All right, let's find out who Victor was talking... 140 00:05:38,719 --> 00:05:41,632 BALDWIN: Now I wanted to come into this scene really whiny. 141 00:05:41,632 --> 00:05:43,924 FILLION: Yeah. Like this guy being killed really ruins your day. 142 00:05:43,924 --> 00:05:45,806 (BALDWIN CHUCKLES) FILLION: The lovely Tamala Jones. 143 00:05:46,807 --> 00:05:49,059 BALDWIN: And Jon Huertas. 144 00:05:49,059 --> 00:05:50,811 FILLION: And Seamus Dever. 145 00:05:50,811 --> 00:05:52,523 (BALDWIN GRUMBLES) FILLION: (WHISPERS) I mispronounced it on purpose. 146 00:05:52,523 --> 00:05:53,894 BALDWIN: Is it Dever? 147 00:05:53,894 --> 00:05:55,315 FILLION: (CHUCKLES) It is now. 148 00:05:55,315 --> 00:05:56,687 (BOTH CHUCKLE) 149 00:05:56,687 --> 00:05:58,689 (CLEARS THROAT) 150 00:05:58,689 --> 00:06:02,112 Slaughter? Hey, what the hell happened to my guy? 151 00:06:02,112 --> 00:06:03,534 FILLION: Nice timing. BALDWIN: Oh. 152 00:06:03,534 --> 00:06:05,746 Entrances and exits, he just owns them. 153 00:06:06,487 --> 00:06:08,699 I know, right? Huh? 154 00:06:08,699 --> 00:06:10,370 BALDWIN: I love that little moment there. "Huh? 155 00:06:10,370 --> 00:06:13,203 "What? Yeah..." (BOTH LAUGHING) 156 00:06:13,203 --> 00:06:16,667 FILLION: Um, I'm a big fan of the people coming and playing our dead bodies. 157 00:06:16,667 --> 00:06:18,499 BALDWIN: Yeah. FILLION: You think it's, maybe easy work. 158 00:06:18,499 --> 00:06:19,880 It's not easy work. 159 00:06:19,880 --> 00:06:22,302 BALDWIN: No, it's like doing a hospital scene too. 160 00:06:22,302 --> 00:06:24,264 You think, "Oh, God, I get to lie down all day." 161 00:06:24,264 --> 00:06:26,767 But then you're lying down all day. (GRUMBLES) FILLION: Yeah. 162 00:06:26,767 --> 00:06:29,099 FILLION: And then they cover these guys with the sticky, itchy blood, 163 00:06:29,099 --> 00:06:32,603 it's not pleasant, sometimes they're glued to the ground with blood. 164 00:06:32,603 --> 00:06:36,316 BALDWIN: Yeah. Movie blood is particularly uncomfortable. 165 00:06:36,316 --> 00:06:38,358 Sticky. I'd rather be sticky than itchy. 166 00:06:38,358 --> 00:06:40,360 That beard is really itchy. 167 00:06:40,360 --> 00:06:41,522 FILLION: Is that a fake beard? 168 00:06:41,522 --> 00:06:43,484 BALDWIN: Uh, the color is. Yeah. 169 00:06:43,484 --> 00:06:45,696 (BOTH LAUGHING) 170 00:06:45,696 --> 00:06:47,077 ...first step is to identify that guy. 171 00:06:47,077 --> 00:06:49,580 No, that's our job, this is a homicide investigation. 172 00:06:49,580 --> 00:06:52,663 Tough. It's my case first, victim was my guy, 173 00:06:52,663 --> 00:06:54,835 so we're gonna find the rodent that killed him, together. 174 00:06:54,835 --> 00:06:56,126 Come on, Sherlock. 175 00:06:56,126 --> 00:06:58,168 All right. But Slaughter, 176 00:06:58,168 --> 00:07:00,130 you're gonna keep us in the loop on every move you make. 177 00:07:00,130 --> 00:07:02,593 Of course. I'm a team player. 178 00:07:02,593 --> 00:07:04,134 BALDWIN: I'm a liar! 179 00:07:04,134 --> 00:07:06,677 Like, in blazing, red, blinking lights on my forehead. 180 00:07:06,677 --> 00:07:08,138 (BOTH CHUCKLING) 181 00:07:08,138 --> 00:07:09,470 FILLION: I love that you sold that lie, though. 182 00:07:09,470 --> 00:07:11,221 You told the absolute truth in there. 183 00:07:11,221 --> 00:07:13,263 You were like, you totally sold it. 184 00:07:13,263 --> 00:07:15,185 There was no hint you were lying until you come out in the hallway. That's nice. 185 00:07:15,185 --> 00:07:17,187 Isn't this fun? You and me, together again. (ELEVATOR BELL DINGS) 186 00:07:17,187 --> 00:07:18,438 Like Butch and Sundance. 187 00:07:20,771 --> 00:07:23,023 You know they die at the end of the movie, right? 188 00:07:23,023 --> 00:07:26,196 Yeah. What a way to go! 189 00:07:26,196 --> 00:07:28,118 (BALDWIN EXCLAIMS) FILLION: (CHUCKLING) That's it. 190 00:07:28,118 --> 00:07:29,239 (BALDWIN IMITATES EXPLOSION) 191 00:07:29,239 --> 00:07:30,531 Talked to him yesterday. 192 00:07:30,531 --> 00:07:32,332 Well, what did you talk to him about? 193 00:07:32,332 --> 00:07:35,205 Getting back together. We broke up a few months ago. 194 00:07:35,205 --> 00:07:37,748 FILLION: Kerry Barker. Lovely lady, she's very sweet. 195 00:07:37,748 --> 00:07:39,750 BALDWIN: Yeah, on point. Very smart. 196 00:07:39,750 --> 00:07:42,422 He told me he was about to come into some big money. 197 00:07:42,422 --> 00:07:44,795 We were talking about taking off together. 198 00:07:44,795 --> 00:07:47,508 California. 199 00:07:47,508 --> 00:07:51,431 FILLION: These are nice little moments that lets the show land a little bit. 200 00:07:51,431 --> 00:07:54,515 We have to understand that murder matters to somebody. BALDWIN: Yeah. 201 00:07:54,515 --> 00:07:56,727 Obviously not to Slaughter. (BALDWIN CHUCKLES) 202 00:07:56,727 --> 00:07:58,939 BALDWIN: No, he cares. He cared about her in that moment. 203 00:07:58,939 --> 00:08:00,731 FILLION: About her, not so much about that dead guy, though. 204 00:08:00,731 --> 00:08:01,982 (IMITATING WOMAN) "Oh, my guy's dead." 205 00:08:01,982 --> 00:08:03,654 BALDWIN: Yeah, no, he's just my informant. 206 00:08:03,654 --> 00:08:05,526 FILLION: Exactly. BALDWIN: They're a dime a dozen. 207 00:08:05,526 --> 00:08:08,949 We get a minimum-wage job, while all his criminal buddies were pulling in big cash. 208 00:08:08,949 --> 00:08:12,913 Is it so impossible to believe that he might have given in to temptation? 209 00:08:12,913 --> 00:08:15,035 Yeah, it's possible. 210 00:08:15,035 --> 00:08:17,037 I just hate the idea he was playing me. 211 00:08:17,037 --> 00:08:20,290 BALDWIN: (CHUCKLES) It's so selfish. FILLION: Right? 212 00:08:21,041 --> 00:08:23,083 Some guy named Trucco. 213 00:08:23,083 --> 00:08:27,257 FILLION: Now that may or may not have been a reference to Michael Trucco, 214 00:08:27,257 --> 00:08:30,390 an actor who came in to play Demming for us in season two. 215 00:08:30,390 --> 00:08:31,802 BALDWIN: A good friend of ours. 216 00:08:31,802 --> 00:08:33,473 FILLION: A good friend of ours. Very nice man. 217 00:08:33,473 --> 00:08:35,556 ...looking into the database of known fences 218 00:08:35,556 --> 00:08:38,228 to find out who deals in that kind of loot. 219 00:08:38,228 --> 00:08:40,100 BALDWIN: I admire these two so much, they, 220 00:08:40,100 --> 00:08:42,563 they get so much information out to the audience. 221 00:08:42,563 --> 00:08:45,065 FILLION: I know! BALDWIN: It's amazing. 222 00:08:45,065 --> 00:08:47,988 FILLION: They have a lot of exposition. They have a lot of logic tracking to do. 223 00:08:47,988 --> 00:08:51,321 Just to recap mysteries, to keep everybody in the system, 224 00:08:51,321 --> 00:08:53,533 as far as where are we in the mystery. 225 00:08:53,533 --> 00:08:56,997 And they have to do it like it's something people actually say. 226 00:08:56,997 --> 00:08:58,869 BALDWIN: Yeah. FILLION: When I have to do this stuff, 227 00:08:58,869 --> 00:09:00,540 I will come to them and say, 228 00:09:00,540 --> 00:09:02,793 "So what would you do with this information? 229 00:09:02,793 --> 00:09:04,795 "How would you deliver that?" BALDWIN: Yeah. 230 00:09:04,795 --> 00:09:07,297 FILLION: 'Cause they are expertises. 231 00:09:07,297 --> 00:09:08,508 Let's go with, "experts." 232 00:09:08,508 --> 00:09:10,260 His prints found on the murder weapon. 233 00:09:10,260 --> 00:09:12,302 Slaughter killed Victor Lee. 234 00:09:14,635 --> 00:09:16,977 FILLION: Whoa! Right there in my face. BALDWIN: Hi. 235 00:09:16,977 --> 00:09:20,440 Everything okay, Sherlock? 236 00:09:20,440 --> 00:09:22,062 FILLION: Slaughter sneaking. BALDWIN: And commercial break. Boom. 237 00:09:24,184 --> 00:09:26,066 (FILLION HUMMING THEME MUSIC) BALDWIN: Nice. 238 00:09:27,858 --> 00:09:30,530 Who are you talking to? Just my mommy... 239 00:09:30,530 --> 00:09:33,824 BALDWIN: (LAUGHS) Mommy. So improv. 240 00:09:36,196 --> 00:09:38,829 FILLION: The fact that Slaughter puts people off their game 241 00:09:38,829 --> 00:09:41,081 uh, criminals and people alike, 242 00:09:41,081 --> 00:09:42,833 just... Not that criminals aren't people, but... 243 00:09:42,833 --> 00:09:45,205 Just do-gooders and cops and private detectives. 244 00:09:45,205 --> 00:09:46,707 It's Elvez and Lucky Charms, isn't it? 245 00:09:46,707 --> 00:09:51,051 BALDWIN: I love Elvez and Lucky Charms. FILLION: Yeah. 246 00:09:51,051 --> 00:09:53,303 BALDWIN: This little gag here. FILLION: Snatch. 247 00:09:53,303 --> 00:09:55,095 Usually that gun gag works for Castle. 248 00:09:55,095 --> 00:09:57,347 What are you, Inspector Gadget? This is a gun, not a pen. 249 00:09:57,347 --> 00:10:00,100 You don't keep it in your desk, you strap it to your side. 250 00:10:00,100 --> 00:10:01,601 Or in your case, keep it in your purse. 251 00:10:01,601 --> 00:10:02,773 Please don't kill me. 252 00:10:02,773 --> 00:10:04,815 (BOTH LAUGHING) FILLION: That's a great line. 253 00:10:04,815 --> 00:10:06,526 Before you buried a knife in his neck? 254 00:10:06,526 --> 00:10:08,939 That wasn't me. 255 00:10:08,939 --> 00:10:11,031 FILLION: I think Slaughter, much like you, Adam... 256 00:10:11,031 --> 00:10:14,114 BALDWIN: Yeah. FILLION: ...is very much about gun protocol. 257 00:10:14,114 --> 00:10:16,496 BALDWIN: Well, sure, yeah, you wanna have good muzzle management... 258 00:10:16,496 --> 00:10:18,408 FILLION: Muzzle management. BALDWIN: Trigger discipline. 259 00:10:18,408 --> 00:10:20,620 So, you know, I've indexed my finger there nicely, and... 260 00:10:20,620 --> 00:10:23,123 FILLION: Yeah, you don't mess around. 261 00:10:23,123 --> 00:10:25,796 FILLION: The plastic guns, you don't mess around. BALDWIN: No. 262 00:10:25,796 --> 00:10:27,417 You know, the plastic, molded guns 263 00:10:27,417 --> 00:10:30,170 can sometimes and often do cost more than the regular guns? 264 00:10:30,170 --> 00:10:32,052 FILLION: For programs, you mean? Television programs? 265 00:10:32,052 --> 00:10:33,754 BALDWIN: For like, props. 266 00:10:33,754 --> 00:10:36,757 Well, you know, 'cause you get the fake guns and the prop guns. 267 00:10:36,757 --> 00:10:38,518 FILLION: Wow. BALDWIN: It takes longer to mold them. 268 00:10:39,680 --> 00:10:41,351 Neither will anyone else. 269 00:10:41,351 --> 00:10:43,523 So the only way to clear my name is to find the real killer. 270 00:10:44,815 --> 00:10:46,026 So... 271 00:10:47,067 --> 00:10:48,859 Why come to me? 272 00:10:48,859 --> 00:10:50,821 BALDWIN: Because I'm gonna manipulate here, kid. 273 00:10:50,821 --> 00:10:52,773 'Cause I got a lot of enemies. 274 00:10:52,773 --> 00:10:54,444 What I don't got is a friend. 275 00:10:54,444 --> 00:10:56,536 FILLION: You? What? No friends? 276 00:10:56,536 --> 00:11:00,040 BALDWIN: Is he lying? Or is he lying or is he lying? 277 00:11:00,040 --> 00:11:02,833 FILLION: I think right there, you kinda came to an honest point, no? 278 00:11:02,833 --> 00:11:04,124 BALDWIN: Producer Nathan Fillion? 279 00:11:04,124 --> 00:11:05,625 FILLION: Well, that's, you know. 280 00:11:05,625 --> 00:11:08,498 BALDWIN: And producer... Wait a minute! 281 00:11:08,498 --> 00:11:10,670 I need to be a regular on a show. 282 00:11:10,670 --> 00:11:13,293 Wait I am a regular on a show. (GROWLS) 283 00:11:13,293 --> 00:11:14,795 He left a few minutes ago. 284 00:11:14,795 --> 00:11:16,757 What happened? 285 00:11:16,757 --> 00:11:19,259 FILLION: I like this. I've got a secret room, that everybody knows about. 286 00:11:19,259 --> 00:11:20,971 BALDWIN: Everybody knows about your secret room. 287 00:11:20,971 --> 00:11:22,933 FILLION: My secret man-cave. 288 00:11:22,933 --> 00:11:24,434 BALDWIN: Mmm-hmm. What's in the vault? 289 00:11:24,434 --> 00:11:25,976 FILLION: That's actually... The story is, we don't hear about it. 290 00:11:25,976 --> 00:11:28,688 But Alexi and Terence kinda told me that, 291 00:11:28,688 --> 00:11:31,521 when he did the renovation, they found this vault in the building. 292 00:11:31,521 --> 00:11:34,274 BALDWIN: Ahh. FILLION: And Castle decided to keep it closed, 293 00:11:34,274 --> 00:11:36,576 and never look inside. That way, it's always a mystery. 294 00:11:36,576 --> 00:11:37,697 BALDWIN: What if it has, like... 295 00:11:37,697 --> 00:11:39,279 FILLION: Exactly, you'll never know. 296 00:11:39,279 --> 00:11:41,912 BALDWIN: Records and posters and, like, baseball cards. 297 00:11:41,912 --> 00:11:43,744 FILLION: I say, gold bullion. 298 00:11:49,750 --> 00:11:51,251 BALDWIN: I was ready to pop 'em. 299 00:11:51,251 --> 00:11:54,214 FILLION: A secret room, inside the secret room. 300 00:11:55,425 --> 00:11:56,676 You're a good man, Sherlock. 301 00:11:57,798 --> 00:12:00,300 Now we're neck-deep in this, together. 302 00:12:00,300 --> 00:12:02,262 FILLION: (LAUGHING) It just sounds so awful. 303 00:12:02,262 --> 00:12:03,603 (BOTH CHUCKLING) FILLION: Great. 304 00:12:03,603 --> 00:12:05,806 The last thing you wanna hear from a guy like Slaughter. 305 00:12:05,806 --> 00:12:07,267 (IMITATING SLAUGHTER) "We're neck deep in it." 306 00:12:07,267 --> 00:12:09,689 BALDWIN: Alexi Hawley. Ah, bravo, Alexi. 307 00:12:11,982 --> 00:12:13,523 And Paul Holahan, he's a wonderful director. 308 00:12:13,523 --> 00:12:14,775 Come here, you! 309 00:12:16,817 --> 00:12:19,159 FILLION: This was our first scene we filmed of the episode. 310 00:12:19,159 --> 00:12:21,782 BALDWIN: And Paul Holahan, the director... 311 00:12:21,782 --> 00:12:24,414 Because he'd seen the episode in season four, 312 00:12:24,414 --> 00:12:26,827 noticed that I was eating peanuts when you were getting your ass kicked 313 00:12:26,827 --> 00:12:29,129 in the bar. So he said, "Hey, how about if you're eating peanuts again?" 314 00:12:29,129 --> 00:12:31,792 FILLION: Mmm. BALDWIN: Well, nice tie-in. Good director. 315 00:12:31,792 --> 00:12:32,712 I'm sorry to hear that. 316 00:12:33,794 --> 00:12:36,046 Thanks. So, um... 317 00:12:36,046 --> 00:12:38,929 What happened? I don't know. It's just... 318 00:12:38,929 --> 00:12:40,590 Said she needed time to figure things out. 319 00:12:40,590 --> 00:12:41,842 Women. 320 00:12:41,842 --> 00:12:44,144 BALDWIN: Yeah, so true. 321 00:12:45,806 --> 00:12:47,767 FILLION: Now, great car, by the way. 322 00:12:47,767 --> 00:12:49,519 That's a great car. 323 00:12:49,519 --> 00:12:52,352 Not a car for two big guys to get in and out of. 324 00:12:52,352 --> 00:12:55,155 BALDWIN: It's low, it's low, you have to climb way down... FILLION: It's so low. 325 00:12:55,155 --> 00:12:57,317 And the floor is really high and the seats are super low. 326 00:12:57,317 --> 00:12:59,779 It's not... That's not an easy vehicle. BALDWIN: Mmm-hmm. No. 327 00:13:00,490 --> 00:13:02,823 You need me. 328 00:13:02,823 --> 00:13:04,074 FILLION: You'll notice at the end of this scene, 329 00:13:04,074 --> 00:13:05,866 we don't actually get in the car. 330 00:13:05,866 --> 00:13:08,538 Open the doors, and cut. 331 00:13:08,538 --> 00:13:09,749 We don't actually get in. (BALDWIN CHUCKLES) 332 00:13:09,749 --> 00:13:11,711 You're not even gonna raise your voice. 333 00:13:11,711 --> 00:13:14,464 You do, and I'm out. 334 00:13:14,464 --> 00:13:16,546 FILLION: This is Castle trying desperately for control. 335 00:13:16,546 --> 00:13:18,008 BALDWIN: Uh-huh. 336 00:13:18,008 --> 00:13:18,919 No. 337 00:13:20,841 --> 00:13:22,422 BALDWIN: Okay, that's all about playing the positive. 338 00:13:23,093 --> 00:13:24,094 Okay. Deal. 339 00:13:25,725 --> 00:13:27,848 BALDWIN: Hey, I love this. 340 00:13:27,848 --> 00:13:30,810 I found this scene the most complicated of scenes to play, 341 00:13:30,810 --> 00:13:34,354 because the angle that they had to do with that door gone, 342 00:13:34,354 --> 00:13:36,696 was very distracting. 343 00:13:36,696 --> 00:13:38,939 FILLION: Ah, yeah. BALDWIN: They put him up against the board, and, uh, 344 00:13:38,939 --> 00:13:41,741 there were cameras right there. So there's a lot of cuts here. 345 00:13:41,741 --> 00:13:44,574 We'd like to have a little chat with you about a Victor Lee. 346 00:13:44,574 --> 00:13:46,326 Never heard of him. (GRUNTS) 347 00:13:46,326 --> 00:13:48,208 (BOTH CHUCKLING) 348 00:13:49,119 --> 00:13:50,710 Mr. Trucco, 349 00:13:50,710 --> 00:13:53,793 we both know that you fence high-tech items for a living. 350 00:13:53,793 --> 00:13:56,756 And that you had a deal with Victor Lee to move a certain microchip that he stole. 351 00:13:58,838 --> 00:14:01,381 BALDWIN: Oh, I wanna kill him. FILLION: Yeah. 352 00:14:01,381 --> 00:14:03,763 FILLION: It's not so much under the surface as right there on your face. 353 00:14:03,763 --> 00:14:04,844 BALDWIN: Yeah. Yeah, well. 354 00:14:06,676 --> 00:14:08,308 FILLION: Thanks for coming back to do this episode. 355 00:14:08,308 --> 00:14:10,891 BALDWIN: I was, uh, thrilled that you invited me. 356 00:14:10,891 --> 00:14:12,682 FILLION: I was so happy you were available. 357 00:14:12,682 --> 00:14:14,564 BALDWIN: Yeah, we were looking for a window. 358 00:14:14,564 --> 00:14:16,566 And it was perfect timing. 359 00:14:18,278 --> 00:14:19,900 Please, sir, tell us the truth. 360 00:14:19,900 --> 00:14:23,153 (BOTH LAUGHING) 361 00:14:23,153 --> 00:14:25,445 FILLION: Nothing about that says, "Please, sir." 362 00:14:25,445 --> 00:14:27,447 Who's his partner? I don't know. 363 00:14:27,447 --> 00:14:29,249 But from the way Victor talked about him, 364 00:14:29,249 --> 00:14:30,660 it seems like they weren't gonna be partners for long. 365 00:14:30,660 --> 00:14:32,412 FILLION: He was appropriately nervous around you. 366 00:14:32,412 --> 00:14:33,833 BALDWIN: Yeah, I'm big. 367 00:14:35,795 --> 00:14:37,127 You thinking what I'm thinking? 368 00:14:37,127 --> 00:14:38,338 Uh, probably not. 369 00:14:38,338 --> 00:14:40,170 (BOTH LAUGHING) 370 00:14:42,632 --> 00:14:44,965 FILLION: He doesn't even look at him. 371 00:14:44,965 --> 00:14:47,507 Nice going, Sherlock. See, we make a perfect team. Let's go. 372 00:14:49,309 --> 00:14:50,850 FILLION: And when my back is turned... 373 00:14:52,682 --> 00:14:55,145 BALDWIN: Just a little. Just a little exclamation point. 374 00:14:55,145 --> 00:14:56,937 What was that? What was what? 375 00:14:58,568 --> 00:15:01,111 BALDWIN: Do we get in and drive away? FILLION: And cut! 376 00:15:01,111 --> 00:15:02,652 FILLION: Oh, you actually got in. 377 00:15:02,652 --> 00:15:06,696 Caught Victor parked a block away from where the microchip was stolen. 378 00:15:06,696 --> 00:15:09,739 That is Victor, right before the burglary. 379 00:15:09,739 --> 00:15:12,242 FILLION: So often we're pointing at green screens, by the way, here, 380 00:15:12,242 --> 00:15:14,584 and they don't film this stuff until later on... 381 00:15:14,584 --> 00:15:17,497 BALDWIN: These little X's. FILLION: Yeah, piece of tape on the screens. 382 00:15:17,497 --> 00:15:19,709 Reassigned from gangs because a dealer accused him 383 00:15:19,709 --> 00:15:22,092 pocketing 20K during a drug bust. 384 00:15:22,092 --> 00:15:24,304 Word is, Slaughter was about to be suspended, 385 00:15:24,304 --> 00:15:25,925 quite possibly, kicked off the job. 386 00:15:25,925 --> 00:15:27,677 Which means, bye-bye pension. 387 00:15:27,677 --> 00:15:30,430 The microchip burglary might have been Slaughter's retirement plan. 388 00:15:30,430 --> 00:15:32,352 FILLION: What did he say? 389 00:15:32,352 --> 00:15:34,354 BALDWIN: "The microchip burglary might have been Slaughter's retirement plan." 390 00:15:34,354 --> 00:15:36,896 Why involve Castle in all of this? 391 00:15:36,896 --> 00:15:39,519 Maybe Victor hid the microchip before he died. 392 00:15:39,519 --> 00:15:40,900 Slaughter couldn't find it, 393 00:15:40,900 --> 00:15:43,023 and so he thought he could fool Castle into using... 394 00:15:43,023 --> 00:15:45,865 FILLION: It's these logic processes. It's these puzzles, 395 00:15:45,865 --> 00:15:48,198 as they put it together, if, then... 396 00:15:48,198 --> 00:15:50,530 BALDWIN: Does it... Do you think it helps the narrative for the audience? 397 00:15:50,530 --> 00:15:53,833 So you're just assuming the audience is not following along? 398 00:15:53,833 --> 00:15:57,287 So you've to tell them as they go? 399 00:15:57,287 --> 00:15:59,379 FILLION: I think... BALDWIN: Oh, wait. This is more important. 400 00:15:59,379 --> 00:16:01,041 She's hot. This is more important. 401 00:16:01,041 --> 00:16:03,383 No wonder you weren't interested in that nympho roommate, huh? 402 00:16:03,383 --> 00:16:06,636 FILLION: This is Toks. Toks joined us this season. Lovely lady. 403 00:16:06,636 --> 00:16:09,799 BALDWIN: This is one of my favorite lines in the movie. Right. 404 00:16:09,799 --> 00:16:12,262 Yes, Rick has asked me to suss out the break-in at Booth Tower. 405 00:16:12,262 --> 00:16:13,353 BALDWIN: Here. 406 00:16:13,353 --> 00:16:14,474 She speaks British. That's hot. 407 00:16:14,474 --> 00:16:16,266 (BOTH GIGGLING) 408 00:16:16,266 --> 00:16:18,098 Always a pleasure meeting one of your friends, Rick. 409 00:16:18,098 --> 00:16:20,440 He's really not... Just... Please ignore him. 410 00:16:20,440 --> 00:16:21,901 Did you find anything? 411 00:16:21,901 --> 00:16:23,063 (BOTH CHUCKLING) 412 00:16:23,063 --> 00:16:24,774 BALDWIN: Always on you. Like, eh! 413 00:16:24,774 --> 00:16:27,367 None of your little jabs get by me. 414 00:16:27,367 --> 00:16:31,111 FILLION: I have to say, though, a British accent does really class up the show. 415 00:16:31,111 --> 00:16:32,822 BALDWIN: And the Chicago accent does too. 416 00:16:32,822 --> 00:16:35,535 FILLION: Like music to my ears. Thank you, Adam, for bringing it. 417 00:16:35,535 --> 00:16:38,748 'Cause I did some digging and it turns out that Victor volunteered as a mentor 418 00:16:38,748 --> 00:16:42,422 to an underprivileged 16-year-old boy named, Louis Prince. 419 00:16:42,422 --> 00:16:44,464 Now, I hacked Louis' records. 420 00:16:44,464 --> 00:16:48,048 FILLION: Louis Prince, this is Brett DelBuono. BALDWIN: Great kid. 421 00:16:48,048 --> 00:16:51,131 FILLION: Really nice. BALDWIN: Super. Super prepared, super talented. 422 00:16:51,131 --> 00:16:53,433 FILLION: Yeah. BALDWIN: Not exactly 16. 423 00:16:53,433 --> 00:16:55,014 FILLION: How old is he? BALDWIN: I think he's 23. 424 00:16:55,014 --> 00:16:56,266 FILLION: Plays a little younger. BALDWIN: He does. 425 00:16:56,266 --> 00:16:57,477 FILLION: That does well in this business. 426 00:16:57,477 --> 00:16:59,349 BALDWIN: He shaves later. 427 00:16:59,349 --> 00:17:01,601 He's like a criminal Good Will Hunting? 428 00:17:01,601 --> 00:17:04,854 Yeah. And it looks like he's graduated to murder. 429 00:17:06,566 --> 00:17:08,528 FILLION: See what I did there? BALDWIN: Hmm. Yeah. 430 00:17:08,528 --> 00:17:10,150 BALDWIN: Got us right to act three. 431 00:17:10,150 --> 00:17:13,283 FILLION: There was a lot of running in this scene. 432 00:17:13,283 --> 00:17:14,784 Ducking and running. BALDWIN: Uh-huh. 433 00:17:14,784 --> 00:17:16,916 FILLION: I had to time this run out. BALDWIN: Yeah. 434 00:17:16,916 --> 00:17:19,459 Not all latchkey kids wind up killers. 435 00:17:19,459 --> 00:17:20,540 BALDWIN: See that little line there, 436 00:17:20,540 --> 00:17:22,832 "Not all latchkey kids wind up killers." 437 00:17:22,832 --> 00:17:24,924 FILLION: That was about you. BALDWIN: It was totally about me. 438 00:17:24,924 --> 00:17:26,506 I... That wasn't even in the script. 439 00:17:26,506 --> 00:17:29,219 I completely improv'd that. Subtext, that is. 440 00:17:30,800 --> 00:17:33,052 That's when I first met him. 441 00:17:33,052 --> 00:17:35,935 I knew right away he was the perfect candidate for Operation Mentor. 442 00:17:35,935 --> 00:17:37,767 What he needed more than anything was a strong... 443 00:17:37,767 --> 00:17:39,309 FILLION: Every time I went to go sit down, 444 00:17:39,309 --> 00:17:40,770 it seemed like someone put, what, like a... 445 00:17:40,770 --> 00:17:42,352 BALDWIN: A stapler... FILLION: Something like that. 446 00:17:42,352 --> 00:17:44,144 On my seat, every time. 447 00:17:44,144 --> 00:17:45,605 BALDWIN: I don't know who that was. 448 00:17:45,605 --> 00:17:47,987 FILLION: So weird that every time... This is the spot I sit. 449 00:17:47,987 --> 00:17:50,069 FILLION: How did this... BALDWIN: It wasn't me every time doing that. 450 00:17:50,069 --> 00:17:52,742 You know, Detective, you should consider becoming a mentor. 451 00:17:52,742 --> 00:17:55,455 FILLION: I didn't get here what I was thinking. BALDWIN: Oh, hmm. 452 00:17:55,455 --> 00:17:57,457 FILLION: But by the time the take was over, I forgot... 453 00:17:57,457 --> 00:17:59,409 BALDWIN: Why is he not role model material? Wait a minute. 454 00:17:59,409 --> 00:18:01,291 What does that mean, I'm not role model material? 455 00:18:01,291 --> 00:18:03,293 FILLION: I think we all know what I mean. 456 00:18:03,293 --> 00:18:05,465 BALDWIN: Just 'cause I cut to the chase. 457 00:18:05,465 --> 00:18:07,257 FILLION: Is that what you call it? 458 00:18:07,257 --> 00:18:12,051 Now, if Victor were to use Louis' genius to help him commit a crime, 459 00:18:12,051 --> 00:18:14,474 that would have been quite a betrayal of trust, wouldn't it? 460 00:18:14,474 --> 00:18:16,386 BALDWIN: This little hair on your shoulder, did you see that? 461 00:18:16,386 --> 00:18:18,768 FILLION: Was there? BALDWIN: There's a rogue hair on your left shoulder. 462 00:18:18,768 --> 00:18:19,849 FILLION: Thanks for pointing that out. 463 00:18:21,431 --> 00:18:23,143 Finding out he'd been betrayed would have been... 464 00:18:23,143 --> 00:18:24,684 BALDWIN: Yeah. FILLION: It's not mine. 465 00:18:24,684 --> 00:18:26,356 BALDWIN: There it is. See? See? FILLION: It is mine. 466 00:18:26,356 --> 00:18:28,188 And idea where Louis might be hiding? 467 00:18:28,188 --> 00:18:30,400 MARK: Ah, I don't know. Sorry. 468 00:18:30,400 --> 00:18:32,322 Oh, uh, thank you very much for your time, Mr. West. 469 00:18:32,322 --> 00:18:33,653 Uh, we gotta go. 470 00:18:33,653 --> 00:18:35,155 Now. Yeah, thanks. 471 00:18:35,155 --> 00:18:37,537 (BOTH CHUCKLE) BALDWIN: "Gotta go. Bye-bye." 472 00:18:37,537 --> 00:18:39,869 (CHUCKLING) And then, yeah, how many times did we do that running? 473 00:18:42,792 --> 00:18:44,954 FILLION: And zip. Clear. 474 00:18:44,954 --> 00:18:47,917 BALDWIN: Elvez and Lucky Charms are so dumb, they didn't see us. 475 00:18:47,917 --> 00:18:49,839 FILLION: All the glass walls in that office. BALDWIN: Yeah. 476 00:18:49,839 --> 00:18:53,423 FILLION: There was a lot of running around in that office there. 477 00:18:53,423 --> 00:18:54,714 FILLION: They gave us a... They gave us a... 478 00:18:54,714 --> 00:18:57,807 There was an actual functioning office that we were using. 479 00:18:57,807 --> 00:18:59,429 BALDWIN: Yeah. FILLION: They gave us a little side office 480 00:18:59,429 --> 00:19:02,352 to sit in and the fellow there loved horses. 481 00:19:02,352 --> 00:19:04,604 BALDWIN: Yeah. FILLION: The fellow whose office it was. 482 00:19:04,604 --> 00:19:06,566 BALDWIN: Hmm. FILLION: Tell by all knick-knacks and photos. 483 00:19:06,566 --> 00:19:10,440 BALDWIN: Yeah, our holding room was an actual office of that Chief Executive. 484 00:19:10,440 --> 00:19:11,941 Thank you very much for doing this, Hayley. 485 00:19:11,941 --> 00:19:13,403 I have another call. Thanks. 486 00:19:14,404 --> 00:19:15,825 This is Castle. 487 00:19:15,825 --> 00:19:17,197 You lied to us? 488 00:19:17,197 --> 00:19:19,739 Oh, well, when you put it that way... 489 00:19:19,739 --> 00:19:21,621 Castle, no... This is not funny. 490 00:19:21,621 --> 00:19:23,583 What are you doing running around with our murder suspect? 491 00:19:23,583 --> 00:19:25,455 Hey, Slaughter didn't kill anyone. 492 00:19:25,455 --> 00:19:28,668 All right? I promise you. He wants to find Victor's killer just as much as we do. 493 00:19:28,668 --> 00:19:31,000 Really? Did he tell you why he's not working gangs anymore? 494 00:19:31,000 --> 00:19:32,672 Yes. He said he got bored. 495 00:19:32,672 --> 00:19:34,424 No. He got demoted, 496 00:19:34,424 --> 00:19:37,467 he's under investigation for robbing a drug dealer. 497 00:19:37,467 --> 00:19:39,759 FILLION: Oops. You robbed a drug dealer? 498 00:19:39,759 --> 00:19:41,891 Hell, no! That's a BS charge. 499 00:19:41,891 --> 00:19:44,724 FILLION: (LAUGHS) How often does he say that? 500 00:19:44,724 --> 00:19:46,896 (IMITATES SLAUGHTER) Oh, no, come on, that's trumped up. 501 00:19:46,896 --> 00:19:48,017 BALDWIN: A bunch of trumped... Yeah. 502 00:19:49,018 --> 00:19:50,149 SLAUGHTER: Hey, Detective, 503 00:19:50,149 --> 00:19:52,191 get your head out of our butt. 504 00:19:52,191 --> 00:19:56,075 BALDWIN: Our butt! (BOTH LAUGHING) 505 00:19:56,075 --> 00:19:59,118 FILLION: Just carefully crafted insults and barbs. BALDWIN: Yes. 506 00:20:00,159 --> 00:20:01,411 (STATIC) 507 00:20:01,411 --> 00:20:02,822 Hello? 508 00:20:02,822 --> 00:20:04,824 You know you can just take the SIM card out, right? 509 00:20:04,824 --> 00:20:08,788 BALDWIN: Huh? Oh. 510 00:20:08,788 --> 00:20:10,710 BALDWIN: What do you mean you lose... How many phones have you lost? 511 00:20:10,710 --> 00:20:15,635 FILLION: I had to say that because I lose a phone every, maybe third episode. 512 00:20:15,635 --> 00:20:19,839 BALDWIN: Ah! FILLION: Castle must be the best customer for telephones. 513 00:20:21,601 --> 00:20:22,762 (CRASHING) 514 00:20:26,055 --> 00:20:27,977 BALDWIN: Uh-huh. 515 00:20:27,977 --> 00:20:29,228 FILLION: Some wild action there. BALDWIN: Love it. 516 00:20:31,150 --> 00:20:32,902 BALDWIN: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. 517 00:20:34,274 --> 00:20:35,905 Relax, relax. We're not here to hurt you. 518 00:20:35,905 --> 00:20:37,277 Please... Please stay away from me. 519 00:20:42,071 --> 00:20:46,366 BALDWIN: I love this. Just... And I fling him. I make him fly! (LAUGHS) 520 00:20:48,207 --> 00:20:49,789 (CHUCKLES) Just got a little peanuts in my teeth. 521 00:20:51,331 --> 00:20:53,293 We're just trying to figure out what happened to Victor. 522 00:20:53,293 --> 00:20:54,544 I didn't kill him. I swear. 523 00:20:55,254 --> 00:20:56,135 Hey, hey. 524 00:20:59,879 --> 00:21:01,341 No one's saying you did, okay? 525 00:21:04,263 --> 00:21:05,555 Really? 526 00:21:05,555 --> 00:21:08,768 BALDWIN: "Really?" (CHUCKLING) So funny. 527 00:21:14,063 --> 00:21:16,986 FILLION: One of our PAs Caitlin was holding that door closed for me, 528 00:21:16,986 --> 00:21:18,398 so that I could pound on it a little bit. 529 00:21:18,398 --> 00:21:19,609 She had excellent timing. 530 00:21:19,609 --> 00:21:21,491 Sure he did. 531 00:21:21,491 --> 00:21:23,663 You didn't see his face. He was scared. 532 00:21:23,663 --> 00:21:25,825 And young. 533 00:21:25,825 --> 00:21:27,997 FILLION: "He plays a lot younger than he is." I should have said. 534 00:21:27,997 --> 00:21:29,749 We're all killers, Castle. 535 00:21:29,749 --> 00:21:31,501 When push comes to shove. Come on! 536 00:21:31,501 --> 00:21:33,623 BALDWIN: Yeah, we are all killers. 537 00:21:35,214 --> 00:21:37,377 Oh, zip ties! 538 00:21:38,418 --> 00:21:40,179 No. Good. 539 00:21:40,179 --> 00:21:41,971 BALDWIN: (LAUGHS) Play the positive. 540 00:21:41,971 --> 00:21:43,513 You're gonna tell me what you're doing here 541 00:21:43,513 --> 00:21:45,224 or I'm gonna pull your dipstick up to your chin. 542 00:21:45,224 --> 00:21:50,059 FILLION: I have to say, there is an art to muscling someone about 543 00:21:50,059 --> 00:21:53,353 for the hours it takes to film a scene. BALDWIN: Yeah. 544 00:21:53,353 --> 00:21:55,935 FILLION: Repeatedly, for all the angles, all the takes. 545 00:21:55,935 --> 00:21:58,277 This guy got tossed around... BALDWIN: Mmm-hmm. 546 00:21:58,277 --> 00:22:00,650 FILLION: For the better part of two and a half hours... BALDWIN: Yeah. 547 00:22:00,650 --> 00:22:03,823 FILLION: And there's an art to doing all that 548 00:22:03,823 --> 00:22:08,247 without actually sending someone home hurt. Or bruised. Or... 549 00:22:08,247 --> 00:22:09,539 BALDWIN: Well, first of all, he's fit. 550 00:22:09,539 --> 00:22:11,791 And it helps, like, any athlete to... 551 00:22:11,791 --> 00:22:13,122 You know, you're gonna take some bumps and bruises. 552 00:22:13,122 --> 00:22:16,506 When I go home, I tell my wife, Ami, I say, you know, 553 00:22:16,506 --> 00:22:18,798 "I felt like I went to work today, I got some bumps and bruises." 554 00:22:18,798 --> 00:22:22,802 (PRETENDS TO GROAN) "Ah, see this one? Oh, my knee. Ah." 555 00:22:22,802 --> 00:22:24,764 Felt like I had a good day's work. FILLION: Ah, yeah. 556 00:22:24,764 --> 00:22:26,175 BALDWIN: Tossed around a bit. 557 00:22:26,175 --> 00:22:27,847 FILLION: I just think it's... It's responsibility 558 00:22:27,847 --> 00:22:29,429 when you're a big guy like yourself... BALDWIN: Uh-huh. 559 00:22:29,429 --> 00:22:31,020 FILLION: Typically, you're gonna be tossing people around. 560 00:22:31,020 --> 00:22:34,394 And you do a good job of not sending anyone to the hospital. 561 00:22:34,394 --> 00:22:37,777 BALDWIN: Yeah. I played a little Judo when I was a kid. 562 00:22:37,777 --> 00:22:41,110 So I... I know how to help them to the ground. 563 00:22:41,110 --> 00:22:42,111 FILLION: Sure. 564 00:22:42,982 --> 00:22:44,404 Do it! Now! 565 00:22:48,448 --> 00:22:50,199 Easy with that. It's a little more weapon 566 00:22:50,199 --> 00:22:51,491 than you're used to. Yeah. 567 00:22:51,491 --> 00:22:53,202 You have the right to remain silent. 568 00:22:53,202 --> 00:22:55,585 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Heard it all before. 569 00:22:55,585 --> 00:22:58,878 BALDWIN: No kidding! (BOTH LAUGH) 570 00:22:58,878 --> 00:23:01,210 BALDWIN: Now, I'm not really wearing handcuffs here. 571 00:23:01,210 --> 00:23:03,052 I'm just pantomimed handcuffed. 572 00:23:03,052 --> 00:23:05,765 And if my instincts are right, neither did Louis. 573 00:23:06,966 --> 00:23:08,217 FILLION: Oh, look at that! 574 00:23:08,217 --> 00:23:09,218 BALDWIN: Yup, pantomimed handcuffed. 575 00:23:09,218 --> 00:23:10,680 FILLION: We can actually see. 576 00:23:10,680 --> 00:23:12,351 Oh, hello. 577 00:23:13,352 --> 00:23:14,974 It's not gonna happen, Castle. 578 00:23:14,974 --> 00:23:16,516 Slaughter's going in. But... 579 00:23:16,516 --> 00:23:18,978 And you're lucky I don't arrest you, too, for aiding and abetting. 580 00:23:18,978 --> 00:23:21,230 Espo, please. No, Castle. 581 00:23:21,230 --> 00:23:22,321 I'm not changing my mind on this. 582 00:23:22,902 --> 00:23:24,734 Ryan. 583 00:23:24,734 --> 00:23:26,285 Ryan, where are we with that lead unit? 584 00:23:27,406 --> 00:23:29,449 BALDWIN: Uh? 585 00:23:29,449 --> 00:23:30,620 What the hell? I'm sorry. I'm... 586 00:23:30,620 --> 00:23:32,662 (BOTH CHUCKLING) 587 00:23:32,662 --> 00:23:34,704 FILLION: It's like teasing a wolverine. 588 00:23:38,337 --> 00:23:40,379 BALDWIN: "Wait a minute, I don't have a Ferrari." 589 00:23:40,379 --> 00:23:42,462 "That's Castle's car. Oh!" 590 00:23:42,462 --> 00:23:44,253 (BOTH CHUCKLING) 591 00:23:44,253 --> 00:23:46,135 FILLION: That was not me driving, by the by. BALDWIN: No. 592 00:23:46,135 --> 00:23:48,137 What just happened? 593 00:23:48,137 --> 00:23:50,429 Castle just stole our murder suspect 594 00:23:50,429 --> 00:23:52,512 and our car. (CHUCKLING) 595 00:23:52,512 --> 00:23:54,013 (FILLION LAUGHING) BALDWIN: That's awesome. 596 00:23:54,013 --> 00:23:56,105 FILLION: That was a nicely improvised moment there, 597 00:23:56,105 --> 00:23:58,057 with the three guys there, they put that together. 598 00:24:03,903 --> 00:24:06,405 BALDWIN: Now do they normally have an adversarial relationship 599 00:24:06,405 --> 00:24:08,828 with these other cops in there? 600 00:24:08,828 --> 00:24:13,072 FILLION: No, but they're just thinking maybe everybody... Every look is, "They know." 601 00:24:13,072 --> 00:24:15,665 BALDWIN: Uh-huh. FILLION: You see how uncomfortable Ryan is. 602 00:24:15,665 --> 00:24:16,706 Hey. Come here. 603 00:24:20,249 --> 00:24:22,882 What happens if we don't get the car back to the motor pool at the end of our shift? 604 00:24:24,544 --> 00:24:25,795 I think we should call Beckett. 605 00:24:25,795 --> 00:24:29,929 BALDWIN: No. No, no, no, no, no, no. 606 00:24:29,929 --> 00:24:30,850 Well, technically, your nose. 607 00:24:31,721 --> 00:24:33,392 (BOTH EXCLAIMING) 608 00:24:34,263 --> 00:24:35,765 FILLION: Right in the feels. 609 00:24:37,727 --> 00:24:40,269 FILLION: This was great. BALDWIN: Yeah, these two scenes, I love this. 610 00:24:40,269 --> 00:24:41,811 BALDWIN: And the lady who owned this house... 611 00:24:41,811 --> 00:24:43,563 FILLION: Was so pleasant. BALDWIN: Was so beautiful. 612 00:24:43,563 --> 00:24:44,774 FILLION: And you know what she told me? She said, 613 00:24:44,774 --> 00:24:48,237 "Your crew is the loveliest group of people." 614 00:24:48,237 --> 00:24:50,910 They rent this house all out a lot for productions. 615 00:24:50,910 --> 00:24:53,452 She was so pleased with our crew which makes me super happy, 616 00:24:53,452 --> 00:24:56,616 because I'm so pleased with our crew. BALDWIN: Yeah. 617 00:24:56,616 --> 00:24:58,377 FILLION: So that someone else sees it, makes me happy. 618 00:24:58,377 --> 00:25:00,960 BALDWIN: Well, you know the old saying, "crap rolls downhill," Nathan. 619 00:25:00,960 --> 00:25:03,042 FILLION: I... BALDWIN: That's a compliment. 620 00:25:03,042 --> 00:25:04,503 FILLION: Oh, good. Thanks, good, yes. 621 00:25:06,215 --> 00:25:09,468 And I take it Maddie's a fan of the opera? 622 00:25:09,468 --> 00:25:11,801 She's a mezzo-soprano with the New York City Opera. 623 00:25:12,972 --> 00:25:16,345 I'm sorry, Maddie? As in Madeleine Corday? 624 00:25:17,897 --> 00:25:19,809 FILLION: Here's where we start to learn a bit more 625 00:25:19,809 --> 00:25:21,851 about the stereotype-archetype. 626 00:25:21,851 --> 00:25:23,733 BALDWIN: Of course, you've gone to the opera. 627 00:25:23,733 --> 00:25:24,944 FILLION: I'm a classy guy. 628 00:25:24,944 --> 00:25:28,067 BALDWIN: I love that. Ooh! (LAUGHING) 629 00:25:28,067 --> 00:25:29,488 How would you even meet her? 630 00:25:29,488 --> 00:25:32,531 College. We had the same major... 631 00:25:32,531 --> 00:25:33,953 FILLION: Ooh, too much. BALDWIN: Ooh. 632 00:25:33,953 --> 00:25:35,284 You majored in opera singing? 633 00:25:35,284 --> 00:25:37,036 No. 634 00:25:37,036 --> 00:25:38,457 Musical theater. 635 00:25:38,457 --> 00:25:40,870 FILLION: Like it's better. BALDWIN: Yeah. (LAUGHING) 636 00:25:42,081 --> 00:25:43,963 If you tell anyone, 637 00:25:43,963 --> 00:25:45,795 I'm gonna force-feed you your spleen, through your nose. 638 00:25:47,296 --> 00:25:48,758 Yeah, I'm sorry, I'm trying to be scared. 639 00:25:48,758 --> 00:25:50,339 I just keep picturing you doing jazz hands. 640 00:25:51,801 --> 00:25:53,012 (FILLION CHUCKLES) 641 00:25:53,012 --> 00:25:54,974 BALDWIN: Yeah, that was a little arch, there. 642 00:25:54,974 --> 00:25:58,137 I actually did do some musical theater in high school. 643 00:25:58,137 --> 00:26:00,980 I did The King and I. I played the Kralahome. 644 00:26:00,980 --> 00:26:02,942 FILLION: Of course you did. BALDWIN: Of course I did. 645 00:26:02,942 --> 00:26:05,184 BALDWIN: I also played the mayor in Bye Bye Birdie. 646 00:26:05,184 --> 00:26:07,817 FILLION: Do you remember any of your songs you'd like to belt out right now? 647 00:26:07,817 --> 00:26:10,569 BALDWIN: No, but I remember my speech giving in the key to the city. 648 00:26:10,569 --> 00:26:11,991 FILLION: Oh, really? BALDWIN: Yes, it is, 649 00:26:11,991 --> 00:26:15,534 "Now, I present to you, the key to our fair city." 650 00:26:15,534 --> 00:26:17,657 FILLION: Oh, well done. 651 00:26:17,657 --> 00:26:18,958 BALDWIN: Basically, that's all I said, whole show. (FILLION CHUCKLING) 652 00:26:18,958 --> 00:26:20,830 BALDWIN: Sang some other stupid songs. 653 00:26:20,830 --> 00:26:22,041 Knock it off. 654 00:26:22,041 --> 00:26:23,913 But wait, wait, why did you arrest Slaughter? 655 00:26:23,913 --> 00:26:25,875 According to Dad, he didn't kill Victor Lee. 656 00:26:25,875 --> 00:26:27,757 That's not the point. It's kind of the point. 657 00:26:27,757 --> 00:26:29,048 BALDWIN: Love her. 658 00:26:29,048 --> 00:26:30,299 We had reason to believe that Slaughter killed Victor. 659 00:26:30,299 --> 00:26:32,632 But now we're not so sure. 660 00:26:32,632 --> 00:26:34,634 Well, I can tell you this, that genius kid Louis 661 00:26:34,634 --> 00:26:36,095 definitely didn't kill him either. 662 00:26:36,095 --> 00:26:37,216 How do you know that? 663 00:26:37,216 --> 00:26:39,058 While I was tracking his IP address for Castle, 664 00:26:39,058 --> 00:26:40,810 I noticed that during the time of the murder, 665 00:26:40,810 --> 00:26:42,431 Louis was at a coffee shop in Brooklyn. 666 00:26:42,431 --> 00:26:44,143 And a barista remembers seeing him. 667 00:26:44,143 --> 00:26:45,685 BALDWIN: Mmm-hmm. 668 00:26:45,685 --> 00:26:47,066 Which makes David Lacey our prime suspect. 669 00:26:47,066 --> 00:26:48,437 Who's this Lacey guy? 670 00:26:48,437 --> 00:26:50,940 He runs a heist crew with a trail of bodies. 671 00:26:50,940 --> 00:26:52,692 I've got one of his soldiers in holding but he's not talking. 672 00:26:53,572 --> 00:26:55,034 Wait, is my dad in danger? 673 00:26:56,115 --> 00:26:57,036 We really need to find him. 674 00:26:57,496 --> 00:26:58,577 Fast. 675 00:26:58,577 --> 00:26:59,699 SLAUGHTER: Yum, yum, yum, yum. 676 00:26:59,699 --> 00:27:01,290 (BALDWIN CHUCKLES) 677 00:27:01,290 --> 00:27:03,502 FILLION: The apron was a nice touch. BALDWIN: Yes. 678 00:27:03,502 --> 00:27:06,796 BALDWIN: I didn't think of it in time but I wanted an apron 679 00:27:06,796 --> 00:27:08,127 that said, "Don't shoot the cook." 680 00:27:08,127 --> 00:27:10,339 (FILLION LAUGHS) 681 00:27:12,461 --> 00:27:14,423 Ah. Who are you? 682 00:27:14,423 --> 00:27:15,805 FILLION: The jazz hands. 683 00:27:15,805 --> 00:27:17,556 I do some of my best thinking while I'm cooking. 684 00:27:17,556 --> 00:27:19,348 It's what got me through my divorce. 685 00:27:19,348 --> 00:27:20,890 What happened with you and Maddie? 686 00:27:20,890 --> 00:27:23,142 FILLION: This is nice that we... We already know Slaughter. 687 00:27:23,142 --> 00:27:25,604 We've known him, you know, from before. 688 00:27:25,604 --> 00:27:27,266 It's always nice to see another character come back. 689 00:27:27,266 --> 00:27:29,979 But now we start to understand him a little better. 690 00:27:29,979 --> 00:27:32,321 A little more about his history. 691 00:27:32,321 --> 00:27:34,734 BALDWIN: Yeah. FILLION: What makes Slaughter, Slaughter? 692 00:27:34,734 --> 00:27:38,948 BALDWIN: Yeah, it's nice to use him as a device to get to you, 693 00:27:38,948 --> 00:27:43,622 to bring out your feelings in the broader scope of the, uh, 694 00:27:43,622 --> 00:27:47,416 "casket relationship," I believe it's called? FILLION: Mmm-hmm. 695 00:27:47,416 --> 00:27:49,668 Victor told me that if I ever got into trouble, to find you. 696 00:27:49,668 --> 00:27:51,550 He said that you'd look out for me. 697 00:27:51,550 --> 00:27:52,631 He did? 698 00:27:54,633 --> 00:27:56,465 BALDWIN: Oh, you're... You're just so great. 699 00:27:56,465 --> 00:27:59,218 FILLION: Slaughter doesn't even think Slaughter is a... 700 00:27:59,218 --> 00:28:00,850 The go-to guy. BALDWIN: Yeah. 701 00:28:00,850 --> 00:28:02,892 ...generator I created to get your social security number. 702 00:28:02,892 --> 00:28:04,603 After that, it was simple guess work. 703 00:28:04,603 --> 00:28:06,435 I went through your credit-cards, your bank statements, 704 00:28:06,435 --> 00:28:07,977 and when I discovered that you had an ex-wife 705 00:28:07,977 --> 00:28:10,269 who's currently performing in Italy... 706 00:28:10,269 --> 00:28:13,442 FILLION: Now, just a reminder, we're looking at a green iPad. 707 00:28:13,442 --> 00:28:15,614 BALDWIN: Right. FILLION: While someone reads off-screen. 708 00:28:15,614 --> 00:28:18,317 BALDWIN: Yeah, the script supervisor is, uh, prattling this off. 709 00:28:18,317 --> 00:28:19,658 So I assumed it was you, 710 00:28:19,658 --> 00:28:22,081 I hacked her desktop's IP address and here I am. 711 00:28:22,081 --> 00:28:23,662 Maybe I should be calling him Sherlock. 712 00:28:23,662 --> 00:28:24,784 (CLATTERING) 713 00:28:24,784 --> 00:28:25,955 BALDWIN: Uh-oh. 714 00:28:26,956 --> 00:28:28,127 (WHSIPERING) Someone's here. 715 00:28:28,127 --> 00:28:29,378 Hey, kid, tell us where you are, 716 00:28:29,378 --> 00:28:30,960 and then I want you to hide. 717 00:28:30,960 --> 00:28:32,171 I'm at a warehouse... 718 00:28:33,332 --> 00:28:34,673 Hey! 719 00:28:34,673 --> 00:28:36,635 FILLION: Great. (BALDWIN CHUCKLES) 720 00:28:36,635 --> 00:28:38,637 BALDWIN: Hmm. Oh. 721 00:28:41,971 --> 00:28:44,013 What is that? Fumigation notice. 722 00:28:45,765 --> 00:28:47,436 FILLION: So that's where you know that, uh, 723 00:28:47,436 --> 00:28:50,019 we don't see the actual picture, we see it later. 724 00:28:50,019 --> 00:28:52,441 'Cause that slide is a little bit opposite... 725 00:28:52,441 --> 00:28:55,855 BALDWIN: And we return to the warehouse. FILLION: Here we go. 726 00:28:55,855 --> 00:28:57,987 FILLION: That was the last shot of the night, your daughter was there. 727 00:28:57,987 --> 00:28:59,358 BALDWIN: My daughter was there observing. 728 00:28:59,358 --> 00:29:01,200 FILLION: With her broken foot. 729 00:29:01,200 --> 00:29:04,703 BALDWIN: Yes, or badly sprained ankle. FILLION: That's the one. 730 00:29:04,703 --> 00:29:06,916 BALDWIN: In that cast thing. Now there was a puddle here, 731 00:29:06,916 --> 00:29:09,999 but it didn't... I don't think it made the final cut. 732 00:29:09,999 --> 00:29:12,421 Your... You stepped in a puddle, but, you know... 733 00:29:12,421 --> 00:29:14,083 There you are playing in the puddle. FILLION: Yeah, there we are. 734 00:29:14,083 --> 00:29:15,544 BALDWIN: We didn't see you go sploosh. 735 00:29:17,006 --> 00:29:18,838 Might have detracted from the seriousness. 736 00:29:20,009 --> 00:29:21,720 Uh-oh. 737 00:29:21,720 --> 00:29:24,844 FILLION: Oh, he had to rag in his mouth for an entire morning. 738 00:29:24,844 --> 00:29:26,305 BALDWIN: It's just so cavalier. 739 00:29:26,305 --> 00:29:28,097 I only see one. Come on. 740 00:29:28,097 --> 00:29:29,098 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. 741 00:29:30,389 --> 00:29:31,480 You don't even have a gun. 742 00:29:31,480 --> 00:29:33,272 It's just one guy. Come on. 743 00:29:33,272 --> 00:29:35,774 BALDWIN: (LAUGHS) Yeah. 744 00:29:35,774 --> 00:29:37,486 Just one guy. I only see one guy. 745 00:29:43,702 --> 00:29:45,744 When you have one of those gags, they're very dry. 746 00:29:45,744 --> 00:29:47,206 So they do actually make you choke. 747 00:29:47,206 --> 00:29:49,038 So the trick is, when you have a gag... 748 00:29:49,038 --> 00:29:50,789 FILLION: Don't let it go too far. BALDWIN: You wanna wet it. 749 00:29:50,789 --> 00:29:52,121 You wanna make sure it's nice and soaked. 750 00:29:52,121 --> 00:29:54,373 Preferably with a juice. 751 00:29:54,373 --> 00:29:58,047 Or... Uh-oh. Lacey. 752 00:29:59,178 --> 00:30:00,679 Huh. 753 00:30:03,382 --> 00:30:05,224 I guess we should've called for backup. 754 00:30:05,224 --> 00:30:06,886 Do you think? 755 00:30:06,886 --> 00:30:08,727 (BALDWIN AND FILLION CHUCKLING) 756 00:30:09,929 --> 00:30:11,520 BALDWIN: Oops. 757 00:30:11,520 --> 00:30:12,982 Okay, chuckleheads. 758 00:30:12,982 --> 00:30:15,774 Killing a police officer is not exactly... 759 00:30:15,774 --> 00:30:19,108 FILLION: Brian Gaskill. Nice man. BALDWIN: Yeah, he's great. 760 00:30:19,108 --> 00:30:22,111 It's kind of hard to charge us with murder if nobody ever finds the bodies. 761 00:30:22,111 --> 00:30:26,115 BALDWIN: In the broadcast version of this, that "TV-PG" was right over my face 762 00:30:26,115 --> 00:30:28,908 for like the first few beats. It's really annoying. 763 00:30:28,908 --> 00:30:31,120 (FILLION CHUCKLING) Maybe they could do that in the lower corner. 764 00:30:31,120 --> 00:30:32,661 FILLION: Maybe, be shorter. BALDWIN: Yeah, okay. 765 00:30:32,661 --> 00:30:34,954 (SNAPPING FINGERS) 766 00:30:34,954 --> 00:30:35,794 What the hell are you doing? 767 00:30:37,666 --> 00:30:39,508 Hey, knock it off. 768 00:30:39,508 --> 00:30:41,380 Sherlock, we're gonna die here, let's at least try to do it like men, huh? 769 00:30:42,421 --> 00:30:44,843 ♪ Boy, boy, crazy boy. 770 00:30:44,843 --> 00:30:47,887 BALDWIN: Now, when we were rehearsing this I was not good at it 771 00:30:47,887 --> 00:30:51,470 and you had to give me a couple of tricky little... 772 00:30:51,470 --> 00:30:53,852 FILLION: Well, I was snapping on a... BALDWIN: On beat. 773 00:30:53,852 --> 00:30:55,274 FILLION: I was snapping on one and three and 774 00:30:55,274 --> 00:30:57,106 you were going for two and four. BALDWIN: Yeah, just that. 775 00:30:57,106 --> 00:30:59,778 FILLION: I was like, "Wow," but It worked out. It worked out very well. 776 00:30:59,778 --> 00:31:01,740 It was actually you who told me we were singing in the episode 777 00:31:01,740 --> 00:31:02,861 and I thought you were joking. 778 00:31:02,861 --> 00:31:05,244 BALDWIN: Oh, no. Well, I read the script. 779 00:31:05,244 --> 00:31:07,196 FILLION: I well, I just... Before I did. 780 00:31:07,196 --> 00:31:08,827 Shoot these guys! (CONTINUES SINGING) 781 00:31:08,827 --> 00:31:09,828 BOTH: Fight scene! 782 00:31:11,040 --> 00:31:12,621 FILLION: Fight scene bit. 783 00:31:12,621 --> 00:31:14,833 We were rehearsing our song and turned to each other and said, 784 00:31:14,833 --> 00:31:16,996 BOTH: "Fight scene." 785 00:31:16,996 --> 00:31:19,128 FILLION: And decided to play it off... BALDWIN: Just throw it in. 786 00:31:19,128 --> 00:31:22,341 FILLION: And that kick to the nuts I gave Brian... BALDWIN: Yeah, several times. 787 00:31:22,341 --> 00:31:25,504 FILLION: There's a specialized strap that you wear. 788 00:31:25,504 --> 00:31:28,557 Stirrups in your heels that you slip into your boots that you tighten it up, 789 00:31:28,557 --> 00:31:30,639 so that when you get a kick there it's stopped. 790 00:31:30,639 --> 00:31:33,602 BALDWIN: There's like a blocker... FILLION: Yes, stopped. 791 00:31:33,602 --> 00:31:37,356 But, throughout the stunts and whatnot, I guess it worked itself a little bit loose... 792 00:31:37,356 --> 00:31:40,359 BALDWIN: Yeah. FILLION: And I tagged him at one point, so that's, ugh. 793 00:31:40,359 --> 00:31:43,522 The worst feeling. I guess worse for him. 794 00:31:43,522 --> 00:31:45,524 BALDWIN: There are worse feelings but it's not a good one. 795 00:31:45,524 --> 00:31:48,197 And you don't go to work expecting that. 796 00:31:48,197 --> 00:31:50,289 FILLION: No, no. BALDWIN: Yeah. 797 00:31:50,289 --> 00:31:52,411 FILLION: You actually go to work expecting not to have to deal with that. 798 00:31:52,411 --> 00:31:54,293 Right, I know I do. That's on my list of... 799 00:31:54,293 --> 00:31:56,295 BALDWIN: But he wasn't throwing up, so it couldn't have been too bad. 800 00:31:56,295 --> 00:31:57,206 (FILLION CHUCKLING) 801 00:31:59,628 --> 00:32:01,920 Hey, thanks for coming for me. 802 00:32:01,920 --> 00:32:04,343 Victor wasn't wrong about you. 803 00:32:04,343 --> 00:32:06,675 Yeah, but I was wrong about Victor. 804 00:32:06,675 --> 00:32:08,927 He was a crappy role model. 805 00:32:08,927 --> 00:32:09,888 And you're a crappy singer. (CHUCKLES) 806 00:32:11,640 --> 00:32:14,683 BALDWIN: It's true. So true. (FILLION CHUCKLES) 807 00:32:14,683 --> 00:32:19,478 Yeah, they'll be doing some serious time for kidnapping and attempted murder. 808 00:32:19,478 --> 00:32:21,860 Whoa, why aren't they getting charged with actual murder? 809 00:32:21,860 --> 00:32:23,482 Because none of them killed Victor. 810 00:32:23,482 --> 00:32:26,565 They were in a restaurant in SoHo at the time of Victor's homicide. 811 00:32:26,565 --> 00:32:27,866 So we're right back to square one? 812 00:32:27,866 --> 00:32:29,828 Not necessarily. 813 00:32:29,828 --> 00:32:32,241 Louis, is there anything you can remember about Victor's death? 814 00:32:32,241 --> 00:32:34,033 Nothing. I swear. 815 00:32:34,033 --> 00:32:35,834 But you and Victor, you did use your device 816 00:32:35,834 --> 00:32:37,956 to break into Booth Tower and steal that microchip. 817 00:32:37,956 --> 00:32:40,079 FILLION: Here we go with the, "We have to track it." 818 00:32:40,079 --> 00:32:42,211 Track the logic of it, timelines that... 819 00:32:42,211 --> 00:32:44,003 Came to me with the idea, all right? 820 00:32:44,003 --> 00:32:45,754 He was sick of living paycheck to paycheck. 821 00:32:45,754 --> 00:32:47,716 Promised to split the profit that we got from selling 822 00:32:47,716 --> 00:32:49,798 the chip to Booth's competitor. 823 00:32:49,798 --> 00:32:51,720 And I could take care of my mom for once. 824 00:32:51,720 --> 00:32:54,353 BALDWIN: Ronald Booth. 825 00:32:54,353 --> 00:32:55,594 I didn't know what to do. 826 00:32:55,594 --> 00:32:56,935 BALDWIN: Hmm. 827 00:32:58,187 --> 00:32:59,688 Wait a minute. 828 00:32:59,688 --> 00:33:02,271 Nobody frisked the kid? 829 00:33:02,271 --> 00:33:04,193 We're stupid. FILLION: Was he under arrest? 830 00:33:04,193 --> 00:33:06,565 BALDWIN: Oh, nah, but we still would have... Hmm. 831 00:33:06,565 --> 00:33:08,657 Was that part of the plan? No. 832 00:33:08,657 --> 00:33:12,571 FILLION: Prop guys built that little container. Looks super futuristicy. 833 00:33:12,571 --> 00:33:15,954 I think it's a mint box. I'm not sure, but they do great work. 834 00:33:16,995 --> 00:33:19,878 He said he had to take care of some business. 835 00:33:19,878 --> 00:33:20,999 That was probably part of the bigger score. 836 00:33:22,671 --> 00:33:24,623 What bigger score? 837 00:33:24,623 --> 00:33:26,675 Hate to tell you, kid, 838 00:33:26,675 --> 00:33:29,338 that break-in was never just about stealing that microchip. 839 00:33:29,338 --> 00:33:32,091 FILLION: It's like you don't hate to tell him. It's about as soft as you get. 840 00:33:32,091 --> 00:33:34,183 BALDWIN: Yeah, I feel bad 'cause, well, you know, 841 00:33:34,183 --> 00:33:37,096 I have simpatico 'cause I was a latchkey kid. 842 00:33:37,096 --> 00:33:40,099 But not a super-genius latchkey kid. 843 00:33:40,099 --> 00:33:41,690 That's why I ended up a detective. 844 00:33:41,690 --> 00:33:46,775 Now, who is this supposed to, maybe put us in the mind of? 845 00:33:46,775 --> 00:33:49,908 Ronald Booth, hmm? 846 00:33:49,908 --> 00:33:51,490 I'm Detective Ryan this is Detective Esposito. 847 00:33:51,490 --> 00:33:52,991 Oh. 848 00:33:52,991 --> 00:33:54,913 FILLION: This is Phil Reeves. BALDWIN: He's great. 849 00:33:54,913 --> 00:33:58,707 FILLION: Super pleasant in real life. BALDWIN: Yup. Yeah. 850 00:33:58,707 --> 00:34:01,540 FILLION: (CHUCKLING) He barely looks at the microchip. 851 00:34:01,540 --> 00:34:03,542 Who cares? BALDWIN: Who cares? 852 00:34:09,428 --> 00:34:12,431 FILLION: This is the guy who's in control and not used to hearing the word, "No." 853 00:34:12,431 --> 00:34:16,475 And he's not... He's pleasant without being pleasant. BALDWIN: Yeah. 854 00:34:16,475 --> 00:34:20,479 FILLION: It's a nice... He barely has time to talk these guys. 855 00:34:20,479 --> 00:34:22,141 Mr. Booth, is there something you need from us? 856 00:34:22,141 --> 00:34:24,893 A favor. A discreet one, I take it. 857 00:34:24,893 --> 00:34:27,606 Yes, the money I'd lose if a rival brought a version 858 00:34:27,606 --> 00:34:29,738 of that microchip to market before me, 859 00:34:29,738 --> 00:34:31,990 pales in comparison to the real fortune 860 00:34:31,990 --> 00:34:33,652 that punk kid stole from my building. 861 00:34:33,652 --> 00:34:36,325 What fortune is that? 862 00:34:36,325 --> 00:34:41,370 Earlier today, $50 million was wired from a Cayman Islands account I have. 863 00:34:41,370 --> 00:34:43,622 BALDWIN: You've ever been to the Caymans? FILLION: I have not. 864 00:34:43,622 --> 00:34:45,584 BALDWIN: Neither have I. FILLION: I plan to. Mmm. 865 00:34:45,584 --> 00:34:47,376 Gotta see that little scuba trip. 866 00:34:47,376 --> 00:34:50,088 BALDWIN: So, he's... 867 00:34:50,088 --> 00:34:54,763 He's got a little slush fund for his wife in the Caymans of 50 million... 868 00:34:54,763 --> 00:34:57,556 FILLION: I think that one he wants to keep from his wife's knowledge. 869 00:34:57,556 --> 00:35:01,430 BALDWIN: Ah. But, he's a billionaire. 50 million is not that much. 870 00:35:01,430 --> 00:35:04,313 FILLION: I could, I think live quite comfortably on 50 million. 871 00:35:06,104 --> 00:35:08,066 LOUIS: I don't know anything about a Cayman account! 872 00:35:08,066 --> 00:35:09,898 And I, sure as hell, didn't steal $50 million. 873 00:35:09,898 --> 00:35:11,940 Louis, come on, man, be straight with us. 874 00:35:11,940 --> 00:35:14,443 Yeah, kid, if you took that money, first of all, impressive. 875 00:35:14,443 --> 00:35:15,824 But, more importantly, you got to fess up. 876 00:35:15,824 --> 00:35:17,366 Look, it wasn't me! 877 00:35:17,366 --> 00:35:19,738 Guys, I think he's telling the truth. 878 00:35:19,738 --> 00:35:21,410 If Louis stole the money, 879 00:35:21,410 --> 00:35:22,911 why would he go to Slaughter for help in the first place? 880 00:35:22,911 --> 00:35:24,833 Why would we find him hiding in a warehouse? 881 00:35:24,833 --> 00:35:27,005 Look, Sherlock's got a point here, kid's a genius. 882 00:35:27,005 --> 00:35:28,627 With $50 million, 883 00:35:28,627 --> 00:35:31,009 he'd drop-off the face of the Earth before we could even blink. 884 00:35:31,009 --> 00:35:34,092 Okay, Louis, is it possible that Victor 885 00:35:34,092 --> 00:35:35,554 stole the codes from that safe? 886 00:35:35,554 --> 00:35:37,256 FILLION: We're watching rather than talking. 887 00:35:37,256 --> 00:35:39,258 BALDWIN: I know. Are we supposed to talk over everything? 888 00:35:39,258 --> 00:35:40,679 FILLION: I guess I don't know. 889 00:35:40,679 --> 00:35:43,141 If we had a director or writer here, they would say... 890 00:35:43,141 --> 00:35:44,643 BALDWIN: They would be filling in, right now. 891 00:35:44,643 --> 00:35:46,435 Yeah, they would be filling in the rest of it. 892 00:35:46,435 --> 00:35:48,437 FILLION: But, lucky you, folks, you get us. BALDWIN: Yeah. 893 00:35:48,437 --> 00:35:50,399 (BOTH CHUCKLING) 894 00:35:50,399 --> 00:35:52,191 BALDWIN: Shiny. FILLION: This is where we talk about Firefly. 895 00:35:52,191 --> 00:35:54,613 (LAUGHING) That's what... 896 00:35:54,613 --> 00:35:57,536 (CHUCKLING) You'd beat me to it. You'd beat me to it. 897 00:35:57,536 --> 00:36:00,949 Someone else was piggy backing on the burglary to pull a heist of their own. 898 00:36:00,949 --> 00:36:02,241 Who else knew about your plan? 899 00:36:02,241 --> 00:36:05,043 No one. At least, not from me 900 00:36:05,043 --> 00:36:06,124 But maybe from Victor. 901 00:36:07,416 --> 00:36:08,957 Hey, wait a minute. 902 00:36:08,957 --> 00:36:11,210 When we accessed the building's service elevators in the basement... 903 00:36:11,210 --> 00:36:13,632 FILLION: This was like a three-page scene. 904 00:36:13,632 --> 00:36:16,215 There's a lot going on. Lot of people in a three-page-scene 905 00:36:16,215 --> 00:36:20,219 means a lot of angles, means a lot of set-ups, a lot of takes. 906 00:36:20,219 --> 00:36:24,062 I love going to work with a challenge like this in front of me 907 00:36:24,062 --> 00:36:30,229 where everybody tows the line, knows their stuff, delivers every time. 908 00:36:30,229 --> 00:36:31,730 BALDWIN: Yeah. FILLION: And that's what happens. 909 00:36:31,730 --> 00:36:35,364 BALDWIN: Yeah, everyone, your camera crew, all the way on down 910 00:36:35,364 --> 00:36:39,818 make sure it's easier on us and we just have to say the words right. 911 00:36:39,818 --> 00:36:41,700 We're missing someone. 912 00:36:41,700 --> 00:36:44,953 A person who knew Victor and Louis were planning their heist 913 00:36:44,953 --> 00:36:47,536 and an intimate knowledge of Booth's finance. 914 00:36:47,536 --> 00:36:49,748 FILLION: Just wanna say those circles are pretty good. 915 00:36:49,748 --> 00:36:51,630 BALDWIN: Yeah, those were... I was gonna say that too. 916 00:36:51,630 --> 00:36:56,385 Those are beautiful, like you're almost artistic in nature. 917 00:36:56,385 --> 00:36:59,428 Oh, come on, Espo, you're not really gonna charge Louis, are you? 918 00:37:02,761 --> 00:37:05,103 He broke the law, Castle. It's not Monopoly... 919 00:37:05,103 --> 00:37:06,265 BALDWIN: He broke the law. 920 00:37:08,016 --> 00:37:09,558 Even though he's a minor, he's looking at real time. 921 00:37:10,439 --> 00:37:12,521 Kid never stood a chance. 922 00:37:12,521 --> 00:37:14,313 All his life, he'd been taken advantage of by adults 923 00:37:14,313 --> 00:37:16,565 who should be acting like his role models. 924 00:37:16,565 --> 00:37:19,618 BALDWIN: So, wait a minute. FILLION: We just nod. 925 00:37:19,618 --> 00:37:20,949 BALDWIN: Yeah. We don't do anything about it. 926 00:37:20,949 --> 00:37:23,201 BALDWIN: I could be a role model. 927 00:37:23,201 --> 00:37:25,163 He told me that they were set up a mere five years ago. 928 00:37:25,914 --> 00:37:27,366 Yeah, so? 929 00:37:27,366 --> 00:37:29,127 BALDWIN: Explain it to me! 930 00:37:29,127 --> 00:37:30,919 ...worked at the accounting firm that originally set them up. 931 00:37:32,831 --> 00:37:34,793 (BALDWIN GASPS) FILLION: Well, well, well... 932 00:37:34,793 --> 00:37:37,336 BALDWIN: Oh, it's him. 933 00:37:37,336 --> 00:37:39,968 'Cause he was talking about chasing money around Wall Street the whole thing. 934 00:37:39,968 --> 00:37:42,761 FILLION: Mmm-hmm. BALDWIN: So, he tipped his hand early in the story. 935 00:37:42,761 --> 00:37:46,765 (SIGHS) Poor kid, he's been through so much. 936 00:37:46,765 --> 00:37:48,347 Yeah, I'd like to testify... 937 00:37:48,347 --> 00:37:50,649 BALDWIN: Ah-ha. He's great though. FILLION: Yeah. 938 00:37:50,649 --> 00:37:53,352 FILLION: Mark West played by Corey Reynolds. BALDWIN: Excellent. 939 00:37:53,352 --> 00:37:54,603 Won't you be too busy with your own trial? 940 00:37:56,274 --> 00:37:57,736 My trial? What are you talking about? 941 00:37:58,196 --> 00:37:59,277 We know. 942 00:37:59,608 --> 00:38:01,199 You know what? 943 00:38:01,199 --> 00:38:03,662 Well, for starters, you didn't always work with... 944 00:38:03,662 --> 00:38:07,115 BALDWIN: See, this is a perfect example of actors all playing the positive. 945 00:38:07,115 --> 00:38:08,747 You were Mr. Booth's accountant, 946 00:38:08,747 --> 00:38:11,620 where you worked on his most sensitive matters. 947 00:38:11,620 --> 00:38:13,872 Like setting up tax shelters in offshore banks. 948 00:38:13,872 --> 00:38:17,085 Well, yeah. But the work was unfulfilling so I left 949 00:38:17,085 --> 00:38:18,377 because I wanted to give back to the community... 950 00:38:18,377 --> 00:38:20,509 No, you wanted to give back to Mr. Booth's wife, 951 00:38:20,509 --> 00:38:25,093 but she didn't appreciate your sexual advances, so Mr. Booth fired your ass. 952 00:38:25,093 --> 00:38:27,596 FILLION: (CHUCKLES) Ooh. BALDWIN: I would too. 953 00:38:27,596 --> 00:38:29,388 All the stock options. 954 00:38:29,388 --> 00:38:31,560 All right, listen, I know how this looks... 955 00:38:31,560 --> 00:38:33,852 Your reputation was ruined. 956 00:38:33,852 --> 00:38:36,355 The only job you could get was working with juvenile delinquents. 957 00:38:36,355 --> 00:38:38,397 Not exactly the cushy life you were used to. 958 00:38:38,397 --> 00:38:40,989 So you heard about Louis' invention, 959 00:38:40,989 --> 00:38:43,031 and you saw not only a way to get back on top... 960 00:38:43,031 --> 00:38:46,905 But also get revenge on your former boss, who ruined your life. 961 00:38:46,905 --> 00:38:49,948 That's why you convinced Victor to pull that heist, didn't you? 962 00:38:49,948 --> 00:38:54,453 So that you can go in, right behind him and steal those Cayman Islands bank codes. 963 00:38:54,453 --> 00:38:57,546 Well, that is an imaginative story. 964 00:38:59,628 --> 00:39:02,551 It had a surprise twist, revenge, 965 00:39:02,551 --> 00:39:05,223 FILLION: Seamus does a nice thing here. Where, watch. 966 00:39:05,223 --> 00:39:08,427 It looks as though he's disappointed but really he's... 967 00:39:08,427 --> 00:39:10,849 BALDWIN: He's like, "Yeah." FILLION: No, actually, this is bad news. 968 00:39:10,849 --> 00:39:12,391 We have all the proof we need. 969 00:39:12,391 --> 00:39:14,973 ...receipt for a cab ride that you took to Victor's apartment... 970 00:39:14,973 --> 00:39:17,736 BALDWIN: You idiot! You pre-paid for the card. 971 00:39:17,736 --> 00:39:21,239 FILLION: And here is the turn from, 972 00:39:21,239 --> 00:39:24,443 "It's not me, you don't have any proof," to "It's all me!" 973 00:39:24,443 --> 00:39:26,615 BALDWIN: Yeah. The Perry Mason moment. 974 00:39:26,615 --> 00:39:28,407 FILLION: It's not easy playing this turn. 975 00:39:30,158 --> 00:39:31,410 You have to believe me, that was not... 976 00:39:33,201 --> 00:39:35,043 (SIGHS) 977 00:39:35,043 --> 00:39:36,665 BALDWIN: Yeah, nice, nicely played. FILLION: (CHUCKLES) Yeah. 978 00:39:36,665 --> 00:39:38,627 Yeah, desperation. 979 00:39:38,627 --> 00:39:41,500 BALDWIN: This is the first scene I shot on the, uh, production. 980 00:39:41,500 --> 00:39:43,632 FILLION: Oh, nice. BALDWIN: This was before the jacket was ready, so... 981 00:39:43,632 --> 00:39:45,634 FILLION: They were still making it bigger. 982 00:39:45,634 --> 00:39:46,885 BALDWIN: No, they were still beating it up. 983 00:39:46,885 --> 00:39:48,266 (FILLION CHUCKLES) 984 00:39:48,266 --> 00:39:50,889 BALDWIN: They were still making it bigger, that's right. 985 00:39:50,889 --> 00:39:53,351 FILLION: We're gonna have to lengthen this by 17 inches. 986 00:39:53,351 --> 00:39:55,353 BALDWIN: Yeah, and let it out on the chest and shoulders. 987 00:39:55,353 --> 00:39:57,015 (BOTH CHUCKLE) 988 00:39:57,015 --> 00:39:58,727 Louis. 989 00:39:58,727 --> 00:40:01,900 Too good to be rotting in a cell for a few bonehead decisions. 990 00:40:01,900 --> 00:40:04,523 So from now on, I'm gonna personally see to it 991 00:40:04,523 --> 00:40:06,575 that you got someone looking out for you. 992 00:40:06,575 --> 00:40:08,236 That you got a cool role model. 993 00:40:09,027 --> 00:40:10,028 You mean Mr. Castle? 994 00:40:11,199 --> 00:40:13,291 (FILLION CHUCKLES) (BALDWIN SIGHS) 995 00:40:13,792 --> 00:40:15,454 Really? 996 00:40:15,454 --> 00:40:17,836 (BOTH CHUCKLING) BALDWIN: Oh, you? Oh! 997 00:40:17,836 --> 00:40:20,919 FILLION: Kind of appropriately bewildered there. 998 00:40:20,919 --> 00:40:22,711 To reduce your sentence down to probation. 999 00:40:22,711 --> 00:40:25,924 BALDWIN: Gonna use my pull to ask the mayor to get the DA... 1000 00:40:25,924 --> 00:40:29,678 FILLION: And then, you do a lovely bit here, too. 1001 00:40:29,678 --> 00:40:32,050 So you're gonna beat up Mr. Castle if he doesn't do what you ask? 1002 00:40:32,050 --> 00:40:34,352 BALDWIN: Oh, with pleasure. (CHUCKLES) 1003 00:40:34,352 --> 00:40:38,517 FILLION: Sees nothing wrong with it and then, oh, little quick realization. 1004 00:40:38,517 --> 00:40:42,400 Yeah. You got a point. 1005 00:40:42,400 --> 00:40:44,653 Looks like two of us are gonna have to do some role modeling for each other. 1006 00:40:45,403 --> 00:40:47,736 Sound good? 1007 00:40:47,736 --> 00:40:51,199 FILLION: And we know that the two of you will be very good for each other. 1008 00:40:51,199 --> 00:40:53,281 BALDWIN: Yes. Actually, um... 1009 00:40:53,281 --> 00:40:55,704 We've already written the pilot episode for that, uh, series. 1010 00:40:55,704 --> 00:40:57,075 FILLION: Spinoff? What's it called? 1011 00:40:57,075 --> 00:40:58,957 BOTH: "Slaughter House Rules." 1012 00:40:58,957 --> 00:41:00,168 BALDWIN: Just "Slaughter Rules." FILLION: Oh, gotcha. 1013 00:41:00,168 --> 00:41:02,501 I think mine's funnier. 1014 00:41:02,501 --> 00:41:04,462 I don't know. I'm just confused about Beckett. 1015 00:41:04,462 --> 00:41:05,964 That makes two of us. 1016 00:41:05,964 --> 00:41:07,465 FILLION: Here we have the next scene, we're uh... 1017 00:41:07,465 --> 00:41:10,849 (BOTH CHUCKLE) BALDWIN: Next scene for you. 1018 00:41:10,849 --> 00:41:13,011 BALDWIN: Yup. I love pushing your buttons. FILLION: Yeah. 1019 00:41:13,011 --> 00:41:14,853 But not about Beckett. It's not a joke to me. 1020 00:41:14,853 --> 00:41:16,555 Just trying to get your attention, Sherlock. 1021 00:41:16,555 --> 00:41:17,896 BALDWIN: Sherlock. 1022 00:41:17,896 --> 00:41:19,437 I don't know much. 1023 00:41:19,437 --> 00:41:22,480 What I do know is that lady has a bad for you and you feel the same. 1024 00:41:23,862 --> 00:41:27,526 FILLION: And here he is being real, connecting, 1025 00:41:27,526 --> 00:41:30,318 straight to the eyes, absolutely honest. 1026 00:41:30,318 --> 00:41:31,780 Quit asking permission. 1027 00:41:34,823 --> 00:41:36,575 I lost my wife 1028 00:41:36,575 --> 00:41:40,168 because I wasn't man enough to put her needs ahead of mine. 1029 00:41:40,168 --> 00:41:42,581 FILLION: I could feel it. Nice. I could feel it. BALDWIN: Yeah. 1030 00:41:42,581 --> 00:41:43,962 BALDWIN: Man up. 1031 00:41:43,962 --> 00:41:45,213 You know what, Slaughter? 1032 00:41:46,755 --> 00:41:48,256 For all your bluster and bravado... 1033 00:41:48,256 --> 00:41:50,969 FILLION: We see underneath, who Slaughter is and then... 1034 00:41:50,969 --> 00:41:52,510 Whoa! Stop! 1035 00:41:52,510 --> 00:41:55,093 Too much, too deep. BALDWIN: Over the line. 1036 00:41:55,093 --> 00:41:57,636 Only you can take two guys talking about a chick and make it weird. 1037 00:41:58,436 --> 00:41:59,978 (BALDWIN LAUGHING) 1038 00:41:59,978 --> 00:42:01,690 Yeah, me too. Every time. 1039 00:42:01,690 --> 00:42:04,482 FILLION: (CHUCKLING) Nice. You did that. 1040 00:42:04,482 --> 00:42:07,315 Thank you. Whatever, Sherlock. 1041 00:42:07,315 --> 00:42:09,568 BALDWIN: I love the little snap thing. (FILLION CHUCKLING) 1042 00:42:09,568 --> 00:42:11,359 BALDWIN: That's awesome. 1043 00:42:11,359 --> 00:42:14,152 BALDWIN: And... FILLION: I love that Slaughter can't go too deep. 1044 00:42:14,152 --> 00:42:17,155 And that was like the third take you started the body check. 1045 00:42:17,155 --> 00:42:18,747 BALDWIN: Yeah. FILLION: Saying, "this was appropriate," 1046 00:42:18,747 --> 00:42:20,919 and it was really well done. BALDWIN: Oh. 1047 00:42:20,919 --> 00:42:22,420 FILLION: That being the end of the show. 1048 00:42:22,420 --> 00:42:24,462 BALDWIN: I don't remember hearing this at the end of the, uh... 1049 00:42:24,462 --> 00:42:26,755 Because that's when they come in with all the "previously" and "next show." 1050 00:42:26,755 --> 00:42:29,337 FILLION: Oh, this is what we do every show. It's not like other shows. Yeah. 1051 00:42:29,337 --> 00:42:31,089 Let's pretend... BALDWIN: This is your theme song? 1052 00:42:31,089 --> 00:42:32,470 BALDWIN: This is your theme song? FILLION: Yeah. 1053 00:42:32,470 --> 00:42:34,432 BALDWIN: Oh, see, when it's broadcast you don't get to hear that 1054 00:42:34,432 --> 00:42:37,265 'cause they go right to the next show. 1055 00:42:37,265 --> 00:42:38,516 FILLION: Well, we'll get you the soundtrack. 1056 00:42:38,516 --> 00:42:40,268 BALDWIN: On a CD for my car? 1057 00:42:40,268 --> 00:42:41,890 FILLION: Sure, sure. We'll do that for you. BALDWIN: Okay. 1058 00:42:41,890 --> 00:42:43,942 BALDWIN: Just email it to me. 1059 00:42:43,942 --> 00:42:46,104 FILLION: (CHUCKLES) Thanks for being here everybody. BALDWIN: Thanks for having... 1060 00:42:46,104 --> 00:42:48,106 FILLION: Thanks for hanging out. Thanks for being here, Adam. 1061 00:42:48,106 --> 00:42:49,147 BALDWIN: Slaughter rules.