1 00:00:31,440 --> 00:00:33,054 你们经历过这样的夜晚吗? Ever had one of those nights 2 00:00:33,100 --> 00:00:34,528 开始的时候平平常常 that starts out like any other, 3 00:00:34,588 --> 00:00:37,520 后来却永生难忘 but ends up being the best night of your life? 4 00:00:37,559 --> 00:00:40,211 大家坐好了吗? Are you sitting comfortably? 5 00:00:40,785 --> 00:00:41,760 我们要开始了 Then we'll begin. 6 00:00:41,880 --> 00:00:44,994 那是1990年6月22日 It was June the 22nd, 1990, 7 00:00:45,082 --> 00:00:46,470 我们毕业的前一天 our final day of school. 8 00:00:46,720 --> 00:00:49,448 有奥利弗·钱伯莱恩 皮特·佩奇 There was Oliver Chamberlain, Peter Page, 9 00:00:49,522 --> 00:00:52,730 史蒂文·普林斯 安迪·奈特利 和我 Steven Prince, Andy Knightley and me. 10 00:00:53,240 --> 00:00:55,060 我们叫我老金 They called me The King. 11 00:00:55,220 --> 00:00:57,630 因为我的名字是加里·金 Because my name's Gary King. 12 00:00:57,920 --> 00:01:01,171 奥利挺有意思 他自以为风流倜傥 Ollie was funny, he fancied himself as a bit of a player, 13 00:01:01,245 --> 00:01:02,610 但其实只会耍嘴皮子 but really, he was all mouth. 14 00:01:02,640 --> 00:01:04,039 我们叫他圈仔 We called him 0-Man 15 00:01:04,120 --> 00:01:06,839 因为他额头上有个"6"形状的胎记 because he had a birthmark on his forehead that looked like a six. 16 00:01:06,960 --> 00:01:08,916 他喜欢那个胎记 He loved it. 17 00:01:09,054 --> 00:01:11,100 皮特是我们的老幺 Pete was the baby of the group. 18 00:01:11,320 --> 00:01:13,594 他不是我们常一起混的那种孩子 He wasn't the kind of kid we'd usually hang out with, 19 00:01:13,660 --> 00:01:14,951 但是他很搞笑 but he was good for a laugh. 20 00:01:14,960 --> 00:01:17,679 而且他是个土豪 And he was absolutely minted. 21 00:01:18,840 --> 00:01:20,920 史蒂文很酷 Steve was a pretty cool guy. 22 00:01:20,990 --> 00:01:23,348 我们一起厮混 一起追女孩子 We jammed together, chased the girls. 23 00:01:23,440 --> 00:01:25,505 我觉得他把我看做对手 I think he saw us as rivals. 24 00:01:25,565 --> 00:01:26,670 但我们关系很好 Sweet, really. 25 00:01:26,760 --> 00:01:28,011 还有安迪 And Andy. 26 00:01:28,085 --> 00:01:29,830 他是我的左膀右臂 Andy was my wingman. 27 00:01:29,840 --> 00:01:32,673 他是我最信任的人 The one guy I could rely on to back me up. 28 00:01:32,840 --> 00:01:36,355 他爱我 而我也爱他 我没开玩笑 He loved me, and I'm not being funny, but I loved him, too. 29 00:01:37,200 --> 00:01:39,794 学校里的一切我们都毫不留恋 There was nothing we were gonna miss about school. 30 00:01:39,920 --> 00:01:40,989 或许有点舍不得谢菲尔德老师 Maybe Mr. Shepherd. 31 00:01:41,200 --> 00:01:42,713 他确实是个好人 He was definitely one of the good guys. 32 00:01:42,880 --> 00:01:45,235 他曾经问过我以后有什么打算 He used to ask me what I wanted to do with my life. 33 00:01:45,520 --> 00:01:47,192 我告诉他 我只想找点乐子 I told him I just wanted to have a good time. 34 00:01:47,520 --> 00:01:49,005 他说我们不正经 He thought that was funny. 35 00:01:49,205 --> 00:01:50,517 但其实不然 It wasn't meant to be. 36 00:01:50,571 --> 00:01:51,734 最起码那晚我们很认真 Not that night. 37 00:01:53,960 --> 00:01:55,994 纽顿海文是我们的家乡 Newton Haven was our hometown. 38 00:01:56,068 --> 00:01:57,891 我们的游乐场 我们的宇宙 Our playground, our universe. 39 00:01:57,982 --> 00:02:00,885 而在那一晚 那里是传奇探险的发生地 And that night it was the site of a heroic quest. 40 00:02:00,948 --> 00:02:03,750 目标? 完成豪饮马拉松 The aim? To conquer The Golden Mile. 41 00:02:03,920 --> 00:02:08,108 十二家酒馆组成了我们的纵情畅饮之旅 Twelve pubs along a legendary path of alcoholic indulgence. 42 00:02:08,188 --> 00:02:10,070 它们是一号邮局 老相识 There was The First Post, The Old Familiar, 43 00:02:10,160 --> 00:02:12,720 闻名雄鸡 交叉之手 好伙伴 The Famous Cock, The Cross Hands, The Good Companions, 44 00:02:12,800 --> 00:02:15,851 忠仆 双头狗 美人鱼 蜂窝 The Trusty Servant, The Two Headed Dog, The Mermaid, The Beehive, 45 00:02:15,920 --> 00:02:17,382 国王之颅 墙洞... The King's Head, The Hole in the Wall... 46 00:02:17,440 --> 00:02:19,857 但我们最终的目的地 All before reaching our destiny, 47 00:02:19,928 --> 00:02:21,750 世界的尽头 The World's End. 48 00:02:21,880 --> 00:02:23,199 我们开着我的车进了城 We took my car into town. 49 00:02:23,320 --> 00:02:26,392 我管它叫野兽 因为它真的很猛 I called it The Beast because she was pretty hairy. 50 00:02:26,880 --> 00:02:29,474 我们的长大成人之旅由此开始 And so, our journey into manhood began. 51 00:02:29,560 --> 00:02:32,120 我们出发了 把握好每一寸光阴 We were off. We didn 't waste any time. 52 00:02:32,320 --> 00:02:34,436 我们去了酒吧 大喝一场 We hit pub one and we hit it hard. 53 00:02:34,880 --> 00:02:37,997 我们醉了 我们笑了 我们针锋相对 There was drinking, there was fun, there was controversy, 54 00:02:38,160 --> 00:02:41,072 有小妞 有烈酒 有好戏看 there were ladies, there were shots, there was drama, 55 00:02:41,080 --> 00:02:43,992 当然了 最重要的还是有酒喝 and of course, there was drinking. 56 00:02:45,920 --> 00:02:47,911 喝到第五家 我们觉得自己天下无敌 By pub five, we were feeling invincible 57 00:02:48,040 --> 00:02:50,474 于是决定从那个叫绿圣人的人那里 and decided to purchase some herbal refreshment 58 00:02:50,480 --> 00:02:53,233 买点带劲的草本物质 from a man we called The Reverend Green. 59 00:02:53,360 --> 00:02:56,591 喝到第六杯 圈仔不省人事 于是我们扔下他继续走 Pint six put 0-Man out of commission, so we carried on without him. 60 00:02:56,720 --> 00:02:59,280 幸好如此 在下一间酒吧我遇到了他妹妹 Good thing, I bumped into his sister in the next pub, 61 00:02:59,400 --> 00:03:02,073 我们躲进残障洗手间 我又上了她一次 we went into the disableds and I bumped into her again. 62 00:03:02,360 --> 00:03:05,477 山姆跟着我们了一会儿 但是我得甩掉她 Sam tagged along for a while, but then I had to let her go. 63 00:03:05,560 --> 00:03:07,017 因为晚上我还有个约会 I had another date that night... 64 00:03:07,142 --> 00:03:09,260 她的名字叫安博尔 and her name was Amber. 65 00:03:10,160 --> 00:03:13,152 喝到第九杯 我们开始与世界为敌 Nine pints in and it was us againstthe world. 66 00:03:13,320 --> 00:03:14,639 在蜂窝 事情有点大条 Things got mental in The Beehive, 67 00:03:14,720 --> 00:03:16,312 但我们在保龄球俱乐部弥补了回来 so we repaired to the bowls club 68 00:03:16,385 --> 00:03:17,760 我们喜欢这样叫它 or as we liked to call it, 69 00:03:17,828 --> 00:03:19,028 “烟屋” The Smokehouse, 70 00:03:19,085 --> 00:03:21,510 那里的一切都很疯狂 which is when it all went fuck up. 71 00:03:21,828 --> 00:03:24,942 每个人都迷迷糊糊 皮特吸得脸发白 所以我们让他留下休息 Everyone got para and Pete chucked a whitey, so we had to bench him. 72 00:03:25,000 --> 00:03:28,354 最后 我们喝过了最后三家酒馆 开始向山上进发 In the end, we blew off the last three pubs and headed for the hills. 73 00:03:31,160 --> 00:03:32,673 我记得坐在那里 I remember sitting up there, 74 00:03:32,714 --> 00:03:35,908 我的指节还在流血 衣服上洒满啤酒 鞋子上沾着呕吐物 blood on my knuckles, beer down my shirt, sick on my shoes, 75 00:03:35,922 --> 00:03:38,110 看着黎明的太阳冲破地平线 seeing the orange glow of a new dawn break 76 00:03:38,177 --> 00:03:39,385 我心里明白 and knowing in my heart, 77 00:03:39,437 --> 00:03:42,491 生活再也不会像这一刻这样美妙 life would never feel this good again. 78 00:03:43,440 --> 00:03:44,555 知道吗? And you know what? 79 00:03:46,280 --> 00:03:48,475 确实如此 It never did. 80 00:03:50,640 --> 00:03:51,808 谢谢 加里 Thank you, Gary. 81 00:03:51,891 --> 00:03:53,790 非常有启发性 That was very enlightening. 82 00:03:54,640 --> 00:03:56,517 还有人想说点什么吗 Would anyone like to add anything... 83 00:03:56,977 --> 00:03:58,470 或是问加里个问题? or maybe challenge Gary? 84 00:03:58,560 --> 00:04:00,357 你失望了吗? Are you disappointed? 85 00:04:00,417 --> 00:04:01,445 失望什么? About what? 86 00:04:01,685 --> 00:04:04,230 你们最终没有到达世界的尽头? That you didn't make it to The World's End? 87 00:04:08,120 --> 00:04:09,235 不 No. 88 00:04:10,320 --> 00:04:12,709 你们到底想要什么? Just what is it that you want to do? 89 00:04:12,720 --> 00:04:14,711 我们想要自由! We want to be free! 90 00:04:14,720 --> 00:04:17,712 我们想要为所欲为! We wantto be free to do what we want to do! 91 00:04:17,800 --> 00:04:20,155 我们想喝醉 想玩个痛快 And we want And we want a good time. to get loaded. to have 92 00:04:20,160 --> 00:04:21,752 我们就是这样 And that's what we're going to do. 93 00:04:21,840 --> 00:04:23,398 想要玩个痛快 We're going to have a good time. 94 00:04:23,480 --> 00:04:24,515 我们要举办一场派对 We're going to have a party. 95 00:04:41,500 --> 00:04:45,480 片名:世界的尽头 96 00:05:39,360 --> 00:05:41,396 你们到底想要做什么? Just what is it that you want to do? 97 00:05:42,560 --> 00:05:45,757 我们想喝醉 想要玩个痛快 And we want to get loaded. And we want to have a good time. 98 00:05:49,280 --> 00:05:50,465 它真美 She's a beauty. 99 00:05:50,560 --> 00:05:51,422 对 Yeah, 100 00:05:51,857 --> 00:05:53,350 但它不是野兽 but she's no Beast. 101 00:05:53,440 --> 00:05:55,158 你好 皮特 Hello, Peter. 102 00:05:55,280 --> 00:05:57,316 天啊! 加里? Jesus! Gary? 103 00:05:57,600 --> 00:05:59,477 永远的老金 The once and future King. 104 00:05:59,600 --> 00:06:00,953 今天早上是你在我家外面晃吗? Were you outside my house this morning? 105 00:06:01,160 --> 00:06:02,275 不是 No. 106 00:06:02,400 --> 00:06:03,958 我敢肯定我看到你在我家门口的大街上 I could have sworn I saw you on my street. 107 00:06:03,960 --> 00:06:05,837 我从来没去过毕肖普花园 I've never been to Bishop's Gardens. 108 00:06:05,920 --> 00:06:07,148 你还好吗 哥们? How you doing, man? 109 00:06:07,240 --> 00:06:09,549 - 还好 你呢? - 我很好 - I'm well. You? - Yeah, never better. 110 00:06:09,640 --> 00:06:11,312 - 她怎么样... - 你说维尼萨? - How is, uh... - Vanessa? 111 00:06:11,377 --> 00:06:12,670 - 不 是你妻子? - 她叫维尼萨 - No. Your wife? - Vanessa. 112 00:06:12,800 --> 00:06:14,916 - 好吧 她怎么样? - 她很好 - Yeah. How's she? - She's good. 113 00:06:15,000 --> 00:06:17,230 - 你们上床了吗? - 我们都有两个孩子了 - Have you had sex yet? - We have two children. 114 00:06:17,320 --> 00:06:20,198 哦 上了两次 你这个大色狼 Ooh, twice. Get you, fuck machine. 115 00:06:20,200 --> 00:06:21,519 我们一点没变 是吧? We haven't changed, have we? 116 00:06:21,520 --> 00:06:22,839 他来这里干嘛? What is he doing here? 117 00:06:22,840 --> 00:06:24,876 没事的 爸爸 It's all right, Dad. We're fine. 118 00:06:24,880 --> 00:06:26,279 嗨 P叔 Hi, Mr. P. 119 00:06:27,520 --> 00:06:29,317 加里 有什么能帮你的吗? So, Gary, how can I help you? 120 00:06:29,320 --> 00:06:31,151 - 你老爹还挺精神 - 你要买车? - He looks well. - Are you looking to buy a car? 121 00:06:31,840 --> 00:06:35,515 呃... 不是 我们已经很接近尽头了 Uh... No. I'm afraid the end is nigh. 122 00:06:36,265 --> 00:06:38,190 - 什么? - 世界的尽头 - What? - The World's End. 123 00:06:38,280 --> 00:06:39,395 什么意思? What do you mean? 124 00:06:39,400 --> 00:06:42,995 你懂我的意思的 一晚上 五个人 喝遍十二家酒吧 You know what I mean. One night. Five guys. Twelve pubs. 125 00:06:43,120 --> 00:06:44,519 让酒瓶飞一会 Let battle commence. 126 00:06:44,520 --> 00:06:45,714 你还想再来一次? You want to try that again? 127 00:06:45,720 --> 00:06:47,392 这难道这不是你一直梦寐以求的吗? Yeah, isn't that something you've always wanted? 128 00:06:47,400 --> 00:06:49,516 - 不是 - 听着 皮特 - Not particularly. - No. Look. Peter. 129 00:06:49,600 --> 00:06:50,848 那时我们没有成功 We didn't make it before, 130 00:06:50,942 --> 00:06:53,760 但这一次我们一定要到达尽头 but this time, we're gonna see it through to the bitter end. 131 00:06:53,840 --> 00:06:54,875 一探究竟 Or lager end. 132 00:06:54,960 --> 00:06:56,518 - 我们? - 嗯 所有人 - We? - Yeah, the whole gang. 133 00:06:56,600 --> 00:06:59,353 - 安迪也去? - 安迪为什么不去? - Even Andy? - Why wouldn't Andy be coming? 134 00:06:59,360 --> 00:07:02,352 - 我以为那场事故之后... - 没那回事 他来的 - Well, I thought that after the accident... - Not an issue. He's in. 135 00:07:02,360 --> 00:07:04,749 我们只想知道 你来不来? What we wanna know is are you? 136 00:07:04,760 --> 00:07:06,432 我得问一下维尼萨 I'd have to check with Vanessa. 137 00:07:06,760 --> 00:07:08,352 - 维尼萨是谁 - 我太太 - Who's Vanessa? - My wife. 138 00:07:08,360 --> 00:07:09,952 从什么时候开始你听老婆的话了? Since when have you had to check with your wife? 139 00:07:10,040 --> 00:07:11,075 从我们结婚开始 Since we got married. 140 00:07:11,080 --> 00:07:13,196 别这样 哥们 你不怀念那些日子吗? Oh, come on, man, don't you miss it? 141 00:07:13,200 --> 00:07:16,875 欢笑 兴奋 打架 The laughs, the camaraderie, the fights, 142 00:07:16,880 --> 00:07:19,633 醉得好像脑袋要炸掉一样 the hangovers so fierce it feels like your head is full of ants. 143 00:07:19,720 --> 00:07:20,789 前两个比较怀念 Maybe the first two. 144 00:07:20,960 --> 00:07:22,871 好了 你的新号码是什么? It begins. What's your new number? 145 00:07:23,000 --> 00:07:24,399 我十年来一直用的那个号码啊 Same one I've had for 10 years. 146 00:07:24,640 --> 00:07:25,629 嗯 号码是什么? Yeah. What's that one? 147 00:07:28,680 --> 00:07:30,085 这一整排 This entire row here, 148 00:07:30,231 --> 00:07:32,757 房子屋顶上都有天窗 they'll all have dormer windows above the front elevation. 149 00:07:32,888 --> 00:07:34,745 那是谁没戴安全帽? Who's the helmet without an helmet? 150 00:07:38,951 --> 00:07:40,550 是加里·金 That's Gary King. 151 00:07:44,028 --> 00:07:44,870 咚咚 Knock, knock. 152 00:07:45,508 --> 00:07:46,750 你来这里干嘛 加里? What are you doing here, Gary? 153 00:07:46,880 --> 00:07:48,313 你应该说"谁在敲门?" You're supposed to say, "Who's there?" 154 00:07:48,708 --> 00:07:50,205 我可以看到 I can see who's there. 155 00:07:50,434 --> 00:07:51,470 是你 It's you. 156 00:07:51,974 --> 00:07:53,628 我喜欢你盖的房子 I like what you've done with the place. 157 00:07:53,797 --> 00:07:54,871 通风不错 Bit draughty. 158 00:07:56,000 --> 00:07:58,753 - 瑟琳娜还好吗? - 我们十年前就离婚了 - How's Selina? - We divorced 10 years ago. 159 00:07:58,760 --> 00:08:00,637 我知道 我就是问问她好不好 Yeah, I know, just wondered how she was. 160 00:08:00,640 --> 00:08:03,154 很显然 她过得不错 She's doing very well, apparently. 161 00:08:03,160 --> 00:08:04,479 你有下一个目标了吗? Have you got anyone else on the go? 162 00:08:04,560 --> 00:08:08,155 是的 她是个健身教练 二十六岁 Yeah, I do, as it happens. She's a fitness instructor. Twenty-six. 163 00:08:08,280 --> 00:08:10,919 恋童癖 我开玩笑的 有机会我想见见她 Pedophile. I'm kidding. I'd love to meet her sometime. 164 00:08:11,080 --> 00:08:12,513 别了 你来这里干嘛? No. Why are you here? 165 00:08:12,600 --> 00:08:16,229 你没听说吗? 我们要东山再起 Haven't you heard? We're getting the band back together. 166 00:08:16,840 --> 00:08:18,432 我早都不玩贝斯了 I'm not your bass player anymore. 167 00:08:18,440 --> 00:08:20,431 我是说兄弟联盟要东山再起 No, I mean we're getting the boys back together. 168 00:08:20,520 --> 00:08:22,158 如果你希望 乐队也可以重组 We can get the band back together as well if you want. 169 00:08:22,240 --> 00:08:25,516 不行了 你用我的吉他换毒品了 No, we can't. You sold my guitar to buy drugs. 170 00:08:25,640 --> 00:08:28,871 我一直都很好奇 门上面的那个是什么? I've always wondered, what's that thing over the door called? 171 00:08:28,960 --> 00:08:29,949 是门梁 That's a lintel. 172 00:08:30,040 --> 00:08:33,112 计划是这样的 我们回到纽顿海文 So, the plan is, we're going to go back to Newton Haven, 173 00:08:33,120 --> 00:08:34,314 去完成豪饮马拉松 we are gonna do The Golden Mile 174 00:08:34,320 --> 00:08:37,198 这次我们一定要到达世界的尽头 and this time, we are gonna make it to The World's End. 175 00:08:37,280 --> 00:08:38,679 大家都来 Everybody's in. 176 00:08:38,680 --> 00:08:39,829 安迪也去? What, even Andy? 177 00:08:39,840 --> 00:08:41,478 一点没错 Oh, you better believe it, big balls. 178 00:08:41,480 --> 00:08:44,119 - 安迪答应和你们一起喝酒? - 和我们一起 - Andy is going drinking with you? - With us. 179 00:08:44,240 --> 00:08:47,710 考虑一下吧 回到老地方 大伙一起喝点酒 Think about it, go back to the old town, sink a few pints... 180 00:08:47,800 --> 00:08:49,472 - 喝十二杯 - 嗯 - Twelve pints. - Yeah. 181 00:08:49,640 --> 00:08:51,676 - 喝十二杯太疯狂了 - 我知道! - Twelve pints is insane. - I know! 182 00:08:53,280 --> 00:08:54,793 为什么要这么做 加里? What is this all about, Gary? 183 00:08:55,160 --> 00:08:57,515 因为要有始有终 It's about closure, you know. 184 00:08:57,600 --> 00:09:00,717 为什么岁月会磨灭我们珍贵的友情? Why should getting older affect something as important as friendship? 185 00:09:00,840 --> 00:09:03,638 - 我们都变了很多 奥利弗 - 是的 - A lot's changed since then, Oliver. - Right. 186 00:09:04,120 --> 00:09:06,475 我们可以好好叙叙旧 This is our chance to take stock. 187 00:09:06,480 --> 00:09:08,471 叙叙旧? 听你说倒是挺有意思的 A stock take? You make it sound so much fun. 188 00:09:08,760 --> 00:09:10,751 别这样 圈仔 你难道不想那样吗? Come on, 0-Man. Isn't that something you'd like? 189 00:09:10,840 --> 00:09:13,195 我只想让你别躺在沙发上 What I'd really like is for you to take your DMs off the sofa. 190 00:09:13,280 --> 00:09:16,397 听着 如果你担心我 大可不必 Look. If you're worried about me, don't be. All right? 191 00:09:16,400 --> 00:09:19,551 我是来告诉你 加里·金放马回来了 I'm here to tell you that Gary King is back on the horse. 192 00:09:19,560 --> 00:09:22,358 哇 哇 你放马回来了? Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're back on the horse? 193 00:09:22,440 --> 00:09:23,475 好吧 我是骑自行车回来的 No, I mean I'm back on the bike. 194 00:09:23,600 --> 00:09:24,669 - 自行车是什么意思? - 怎么了? - What is bike? - What do you mean? 195 00:09:24,760 --> 00:09:26,352 - 自行车有什么内涵? - 就是自行车 - What is bike slang for? - Bicycle. 196 00:09:26,440 --> 00:09:27,555 - 我晕了 - 别这样 - I'm lost. - Don't be. 197 00:09:27,560 --> 00:09:28,675 - 好吧 - 听着 - Okay. - Listen. 198 00:09:28,760 --> 00:09:31,433 我们终于有机会完成心愿了 This is our chance to finally finish what we started. 199 00:09:31,520 --> 00:09:34,193 来吧 哥们 疯狂一回! Come on, man, it'll be fucking mental! 200 00:09:35,360 --> 00:09:37,112 我们看完了... I think we're all done. So... 201 00:09:37,200 --> 00:09:38,679 你们觉得这处房子怎么样? How do you like the property? 202 00:09:38,680 --> 00:09:40,591 - 还不错 - 位置多好啊 - Yeah. - It's amazing. Amazing location. 203 00:09:40,680 --> 00:09:42,352 - 很棒 - 确实很棒 - Fantastic. - Fantastic aspects. 204 00:09:42,440 --> 00:09:45,193 - 但有点... - 有点超出我们的预算了 - It's just... - It's just a little bit out of our price range. 205 00:09:45,280 --> 00:09:47,191 他会给你们优惠的 你们能出多少? He'll knock some off for you. What's it down for? 206 00:09:47,200 --> 00:09:49,077 - 一百二十万 - 去死吧! - 1.2 million. - Fuck off! 207 00:09:52,040 --> 00:09:53,871 你们有我名片 You have my card. 208 00:09:53,951 --> 00:09:54,857 加里 Gary, 209 00:09:55,220 --> 00:09:56,030 达不溜替弗? WTF? 210 00:09:56,040 --> 00:09:57,553 我也很想你 圈仔 It's good to see you, too, 0-Man. 211 00:09:57,640 --> 00:09:59,153 - 别叫我圈仔 拜托了 - 好吧 - Please don't call me 0-Man. - Sure. 212 00:09:59,240 --> 00:10:01,071 - 嘿 你妹妹怎么样了? - 她很好 - Hey, how's your sister? - She's fine. 213 00:10:01,160 --> 00:10:02,309 - 她常提起我吗? - 没有 - She talk about me? - No. 214 00:10:02,400 --> 00:10:04,197 周五我们一起出发 So, Friday, we'll all go down together. 215 00:10:04,200 --> 00:10:05,633 来个公路旅行 我来开车 Make a road trip of it, I'll drive. 216 00:10:05,720 --> 00:10:08,234 我好像不行 我约了医生 Don't think I can. I think I've got a doctor's appointment. 217 00:10:08,480 --> 00:10:09,879 是啊 你约了"醉好"的医生! Yeah, you do. With Dr. Ink! 218 00:10:11,440 --> 00:10:14,079 - 你知道吗? - "醉好"的医生 我听到了 - You know, Dr. Ink? - Yeah. "Drink." I get it. 219 00:10:14,145 --> 00:10:15,231 别这样 Come on. 220 00:10:15,597 --> 00:10:17,091 没有圈仔怎么行 It wouldn't be the same without the 0-Man. 221 00:10:17,131 --> 00:10:17,880 天啊 Jesus. 222 00:10:18,080 --> 00:10:20,377 你能见到大家伙 看看他们都过得怎么样 You can see the guys, see how they're doing. 223 00:10:20,477 --> 00:10:21,950 也说说你过得怎么样 Tell them how you're doing. 224 00:10:22,040 --> 00:10:24,474 这次我们或许能到达尽头 You never know, you might make it to the end this time. 225 00:10:25,440 --> 00:10:27,795 - 安迪肯定会去? - 嗯 - And Andy's definitely coming? - Yeah. 226 00:10:28,840 --> 00:10:31,308 - 安迪·奈特利? - 没错 - Andy Knightley? - Totes. 227 00:10:31,400 --> 00:10:33,595 你已经跟他说好了? And you convinced him how? 228 00:10:37,760 --> 00:10:39,796 - 奈特利先生 - 有事吗 - Mr. Knightley. - Felicity. 229 00:10:39,880 --> 00:10:41,632 有位朋友想见您 You have a friend here to see you. 230 00:10:44,400 --> 00:10:45,753 我不想见他 No, I don't. 231 00:10:47,680 --> 00:10:50,353 - 真是有模有样 对吧? - 嗯 - This is a bit grown up, isn't it? - Yup. 232 00:10:52,280 --> 00:10:54,669 前几天碰到哥几个了 Saw the boys the other day. 233 00:10:54,760 --> 00:10:57,911 圈仔 史蒂文 还有皮特 0-Man, Stevie-Baby, the Petertron. 234 00:10:58,800 --> 00:11:02,315 发小的名字我没忘记 加里 Yeah, I remember the names of our childhood friends, Gary. 235 00:11:02,320 --> 00:11:05,357 我们有个小点子 We had ourselves a little idea. 236 00:11:05,440 --> 00:11:06,475 是吗? Did you now? 237 00:11:06,560 --> 00:11:08,198 我们想回到纽顿海文 Yeah. We're going to go back to Newton Haven. 238 00:11:08,280 --> 00:11:09,240 为什么? Why? 239 00:11:09,414 --> 00:11:12,430 为了未完成的事业 For some unfinished business. 240 00:11:14,645 --> 00:11:15,870 你在开玩笑吗? That's a joke, right? 241 00:11:15,960 --> 00:11:18,477 五个哥们 十二家酒馆 五十杯啤酒 Five guys. Twelve pubs. Fifty pints. 242 00:11:18,525 --> 00:11:19,710 是六十杯 Sixty pints. 243 00:11:19,800 --> 00:11:21,677 是吗 你这个大酒鬼 Steady on, you fucking alky. 244 00:11:21,800 --> 00:11:23,995 我十六年来滴酒不沾 加里 I haven't had a drink for 16 years, Gary. 245 00:11:24,000 --> 00:11:25,956 那你肯定很想喝点 You must be thirsty then. 246 00:11:25,960 --> 00:11:29,236 我们可以回去 大伙一起吃吃饭 就像以前一样 We can go back, see the guys, chew the fat, it'll be just like it always was, 247 00:11:29,320 --> 00:11:32,153 但这一次我们不达目的誓不罢休 except this time we're going to finish this thing once and for all. 248 00:11:32,240 --> 00:11:34,834 - 你还真是选择性记忆啊 加里 - 好吧 - You have a very selective memory, Gary. - Thanks. 249 00:11:34,920 --> 00:11:36,558 你只记得周五晚上 You remember the Friday nights. 250 00:11:36,640 --> 00:11:37,834 而我还记着周一早上 I remember the Monday mornings. 251 00:11:37,840 --> 00:11:39,956 所以我们选周五晚上回去呀 Yeah, that's why we're going back on a Friday. 252 00:11:40,320 --> 00:11:43,039 你知道为什么我们全都离开纽顿海文吗? Why do you think none of us live in Newton Haven anymore? 253 00:11:43,040 --> 00:11:43,794 不知道 I don't know. 254 00:11:43,908 --> 00:11:46,510 因为那是个黑洞 乏味无聊 Because it's a black hole. It's boring. 255 00:11:46,600 --> 00:11:48,352 过去现在将来一直如此 It always was and it always will be. 256 00:11:48,440 --> 00:11:50,829 因为我们不在那里 所以才无聊的 It's only boring because we're not there. 257 00:11:51,000 --> 00:11:53,912 - 对牛弹琴 - 没错 所以你就来吧 - It's pointless arguing with you. - Exactly. So come. 258 00:11:54,000 --> 00:11:57,709 我星期五三点整到海威科姆车站接你们 I'm picking everybody up from High Wycombe station, Friday, 3:00 sharp. 259 00:11:57,720 --> 00:11:58,709 不 加里 No, Gary. 260 00:11:58,800 --> 00:12:01,155 天啊 怎么了? 你也要问问你太太吗? Oh, God, why? Have you got to check with your missus? 261 00:12:01,354 --> 00:12:04,510 不 我不用问我太太 No, actually, I don't have to check with my missus. 262 00:12:05,211 --> 00:12:06,040 你干嘛? What are you doing? 263 00:12:06,371 --> 00:12:07,950 这是出去的门 I'm showing you the door. 264 00:12:09,000 --> 00:12:10,122 这是门吗? Is it a door? 265 00:12:10,288 --> 00:12:11,457 怎么没有门梁 It doesn't have a lintel. 266 00:12:11,540 --> 00:12:12,462 它是玻璃的 And it's glass. 267 00:12:12,517 --> 00:12:14,390 所以这是窗还是门? So is it a window or is it a door? 268 00:12:14,480 --> 00:12:17,757 或者是个门窗 Maybe it's a windoor. 269 00:12:17,934 --> 00:12:18,814 这样就行了 You can have that. 270 00:12:18,891 --> 00:12:19,990 请走吧 加里 Please leave, Gary. 271 00:12:22,800 --> 00:12:26,110 好吧 好吧 All right. All right. 272 00:12:28,200 --> 00:12:30,509 600英镑 对吧? 600 pounds, wasn't it? 273 00:12:35,342 --> 00:12:36,557 我应该告诉你 I thought you should know. 274 00:12:36,668 --> 00:12:37,470 什么? What? 275 00:12:38,360 --> 00:12:39,873 我妈去世了 Mum died. 276 00:12:40,405 --> 00:12:42,048 - 什么时候? - 几个礼拜前 - When? - Couple of weeks ago. 277 00:12:43,080 --> 00:12:44,991 是癌症 The big cancer. 278 00:12:46,960 --> 00:12:48,029 很抱歉 I'm sorry. 279 00:12:48,240 --> 00:12:50,708 她很喜欢你 She just always really liked you, you know. 280 00:12:50,800 --> 00:12:53,109 她走了 让我想起了以前 Got me thinking about the old days. 281 00:12:53,240 --> 00:12:55,595 特别是那天晚上 因为那时我们真的很开心 Particularly that night, you know, because we were so happy. 282 00:12:56,614 --> 00:12:57,940 而且你知道 And, you know, 283 00:12:58,242 --> 00:13:00,534 这些哥们和我亲如兄弟 I love the boys like brothers, 284 00:13:00,657 --> 00:13:02,110 但是话说回来 but when all's said and done, 285 00:13:02,491 --> 00:13:04,390 你才是我最好的朋友 you're the best friend I ever had. 286 00:13:06,200 --> 00:13:08,350 能见到你真好 哥们 It was good to see you, mate. 287 00:13:20,440 --> 00:13:21,668 皮特? Pete? 288 00:13:21,760 --> 00:13:23,591 - 史蒂文 - 太好了 - Steven. - Thank God. 289 00:13:23,600 --> 00:13:25,431 我还担心只有我一个人会来呢 I had a horrible feeling I was going to be the only one here. 290 00:13:25,520 --> 00:13:28,114 我敢打赌肯定有更糟的事情等着你 I reckon that's not the last horrible feeling you're gonna have today, mate. 291 00:13:28,200 --> 00:13:29,349 不会吧? This can't be happening. Can it? 292 00:13:29,440 --> 00:13:31,237 说不准 我们来这是干嘛的? You said it. What the hell are we doing here? 293 00:13:31,360 --> 00:13:32,759 我们总是这样 What we always did. 294 00:13:32,840 --> 00:13:35,513 跟在加里·金屁股后面到处逛 Follow Gary King into almost certain oblivion. 295 00:13:35,600 --> 00:13:36,749 你好 史蒂文 Hello, Steven. 296 00:13:36,840 --> 00:13:37,955 你还好吧 哥们? You all right, mate? 297 00:13:38,040 --> 00:13:39,598 - 皮特 - 嗨 哥们 - Pete. - Hi, mate. 298 00:13:39,600 --> 00:13:42,910 我们不是从1992年开始就不叫他无敌领袖了吗? Didn't we decide to stop calling him Fearless Leader somewhere around 1992? 299 00:13:42,920 --> 00:13:44,148 真是本性难移 Old habits die hard. 300 00:13:44,240 --> 00:13:45,673 他们会把这几个字刻在加里的墓碑上 They'll be putting that on Gary's tombstone. 301 00:13:45,760 --> 00:13:47,432 不会的 他肯定活的比我们长 No, they won't. You know he'll outlive us all. 302 00:13:47,520 --> 00:13:49,192 要是那样就有意思了 That'd be funny if it wasn't true. 303 00:13:49,280 --> 00:13:51,157 - 等一下 - 怎么了? - Hang on a sec. - What? 304 00:13:51,240 --> 00:13:54,312 我想知道我们究竟谁是最傻的那一个 I'm just trying to decide which of us is the biggest idiot for coming. 305 00:14:01,440 --> 00:14:04,113 也许他出车祸了 不好意思 安迪 Maybe he had an accident. Oh, sorry, Andy. 306 00:14:04,120 --> 00:14:06,475 - 抱歉 - 没事 没事 - Sorry. - No, no, no. It's fine. 307 00:14:06,560 --> 00:14:07,754 我觉得加里要是真出了车祸 I think Gary having an accident 308 00:14:07,840 --> 00:14:10,513 这对我们都好 对他自己也好 would actually be the best outcome for all of us, including Gary. 309 00:14:13,840 --> 00:14:15,319 没搞错吧 Unbelievable. 310 00:14:20,160 --> 00:14:21,229 来吧 Oh, yes. 311 00:14:21,600 --> 00:14:23,238 看看这些贱人 Look at these cunts. 312 00:14:23,320 --> 00:14:24,799 - 你迟到了 - 没有 - You're late. - No, I'm not. 313 00:14:24,800 --> 00:14:27,360 你有 你说的是三点 现在都快四点了 Yeah, you are. You said 3:00. It's almost 4:00. 314 00:14:27,480 --> 00:14:28,799 对 不三不四嘛 Yeah, 3 for 4. 315 00:14:28,920 --> 00:14:30,797 你知道吗 加里? 你从来不肯低头认错 You know your problem, Gary? You're never wrong. 316 00:14:30,800 --> 00:14:31,869 这有什么不对吗? How is that a problem? 317 00:14:31,960 --> 00:14:33,871 真不敢相信 你又买了一辆格拉纳达二代 I can't believe you bought another Granada Mark II. 318 00:14:33,880 --> 00:14:34,869 什么意思? What do you mean? 319 00:14:34,960 --> 00:14:37,474 它和我89年卖给你的那辆一模一样 This looks exactly like the carl sold you in 1989. 320 00:14:37,560 --> 00:14:40,472 这就是1989年你卖给我的那辆 300英镑真是物超所值 This is the car you sold me in 1989. Best 300 quid I ever spent. 321 00:14:40,560 --> 00:14:41,993 - 这是野兽? - 嗯 - This is The Beast? - Yeah. 322 00:14:42,480 --> 00:14:44,550 差不多吧 我把她修整了一下 Pretty much. I mean, she's had a bit of work done. 323 00:14:44,560 --> 00:14:47,677 换了刹车 悬架 排气管 座椅 轮胎 I had to replace the brakes, suspension, exhaust, seats, wheels, 324 00:14:47,760 --> 00:14:51,036 嵌板 化油器 分电盘 全套发动机 后视镜 还有头灯 paneling, carburetor, manifold, the whole engine, really, mirrors, headlamps. 325 00:14:51,120 --> 00:14:53,714 但除此之外 它还是原来那样车 Other than that, she's the same old motor. 326 00:14:53,720 --> 00:14:54,994 它可以算是古董了 You could almost say an antique. 327 00:14:55,160 --> 00:14:59,358 我们开着这个古董上路表演吧 Well, then let's get this antique on the roadshow. 328 00:15:04,920 --> 00:15:06,876 来吧 巡回演出 别晚了 Come on, you bellends. We're going to be late. 329 00:15:07,440 --> 00:15:10,318 我们回来了 就像五个火枪手 And we're back. Just like the Five Musketeers. 330 00:15:10,480 --> 00:15:12,038 不是三个火枪手吗? Three Musketeers, isn't it? 331 00:15:12,120 --> 00:15:13,553 算上达达尼昂是四个 Four if you count D'Artagnan. 332 00:15:13,560 --> 00:15:15,551 没人知道他们到底有几个人 是吧 皮特? Well, nobody knows how many there were, really, do they, Pete? 333 00:15:15,560 --> 00:15:16,913 我是说 历史有其随笔集 I mean, history's a sketchbook. 334 00:15:16,920 --> 00:15:19,878 "三个火枪手"是部小说 你知道的吧? You do know that The Three Musketeers is a fiction, right? 335 00:15:19,960 --> 00:15:21,075 大仲马写的? Written byAlexandre Dumas? 336 00:15:21,080 --> 00:15:22,911 现在很多人老这么念叨圣经 A lot of people are saying that about the Bible these days. 337 00:15:23,000 --> 00:15:24,911 怎么了 难不成也是大仲马写的? What, that it was written byAlexandre Dumas? 338 00:15:25,000 --> 00:15:27,150 别傻了 史蒂文 是耶稣写的 Don't be daft, Steve, it was written by Jesus. 339 00:15:27,360 --> 00:15:29,191 噢 随便啦 五个听起来顺口些 Oh. Anyway, five sounds much better. 340 00:15:29,280 --> 00:15:30,759 我觉得他就弄三个主角有点失误 I think they missed a trick only having three. 341 00:15:30,760 --> 00:15:33,638 如果是五个人 可以牺牲掉两个 最后还是剩下他们仨 'Cause you'd have five, then two could've died and they'd still have three left. 342 00:15:33,720 --> 00:15:35,631 - 我们到了吗? - 出发吧! - Are we there yet? - Let's do this! 343 00:15:50,720 --> 00:15:53,632 汤龙乐队! 我记得这首歌 Soup Dragons! I remember this one. 344 00:15:54,800 --> 00:15:56,392 我还录了盘带子给你 记得吗? I put this on a tape for you, didn't I? 345 00:15:56,400 --> 00:15:57,549 没错 现在放的就是 Yeah, this is it. 346 00:15:57,560 --> 00:16:00,632 - 就是这盘带子? - 是啊 没错! 瞧瞧 - This is the tape? - Yeah, yeah! Look, look. 347 00:16:00,920 --> 00:16:02,514 你在哪找到的? Where did you find it? 348 00:16:02,640 --> 00:16:04,350 一直在磁带机里啊 It was in the tape player. 349 00:16:07,600 --> 00:16:09,989 噢 看那 有人饿了吗? Oh, look. Is anyone hungry? 350 00:16:11,360 --> 00:16:13,430 我想去尿尿 I need a piss actually. 351 00:16:20,400 --> 00:16:21,628 他去了好久啊 This is a long piss. 352 00:16:22,320 --> 00:16:24,356 尿的话是挺久的 If it is a piss. 353 00:16:24,440 --> 00:16:26,874 - 也许还... - 拉屎 - Might be a little... - Poo. 354 00:16:26,960 --> 00:16:28,397 怎么就成拉屎了呢? How is that a poo? 355 00:16:28,457 --> 00:16:30,090 还给你家老头子打工呢 皮特? Still work for your old man, Pete? 356 00:16:30,271 --> 00:16:32,190 是的 我现在是合伙人了 Yeah. I'm a partner now. 357 00:16:32,580 --> 00:16:33,222 你呢? You? 358 00:16:33,308 --> 00:16:35,382 89年我开始创业 Yeah, started my own firm in '98. 359 00:16:35,642 --> 00:16:37,310 05年把公司卖了 Got bought out in '05. 360 00:16:37,400 --> 00:16:39,277 不过开心多了 没那么大压力 I'm happier, though. It's less stress. 361 00:16:39,280 --> 00:16:40,838 - 奥利你呢? - 还在卖房子 - Ollie? - Property. 362 00:16:40,840 --> 00:16:44,276 我管伦敦北区的高档房屋中介 I co-manage a boutique estate agency in North London. 363 00:16:44,360 --> 00:16:45,509 这行竞争很激烈 Very competitive. 364 00:16:45,640 --> 00:16:48,438 - 还在处理家庭法相关案子吗 安迪? - 换企业法了 - Is it family law you're in, Andy? - Corporate. 365 00:16:48,560 --> 00:16:49,834 有人知道加里现在做什么吗? Does anyone know what Gary's doing? 366 00:16:49,840 --> 00:16:51,637 他在玩极品飞车呢 就在那 He's playing Need ForSpeed. Over there. 367 00:16:51,720 --> 00:16:53,950 快 快 快啊! Come on, come on, come on! 368 00:16:54,040 --> 00:16:55,029 他一点都没变 对吗? He hasn't changed, has he? 369 00:16:55,960 --> 00:16:57,154 我不知道 I don't know. 370 00:16:57,688 --> 00:16:59,990 他倒是把欠我的600镑还了 He did finally pay me back that 600 pounds. 371 00:17:00,320 --> 00:17:03,312 - 真的吗? 他找我借了200镑呢 - 还有我 - Really? He borrowed 200 pounds off me. - And me. 372 00:17:04,880 --> 00:17:08,031 我不敢相信 这种事你也做得出来! I can't believe it. I can't believe you'd do that! 373 00:17:09,400 --> 00:17:10,515 噢! 必须的好不好 Oh! Of course I can. 374 00:17:10,640 --> 00:17:12,517 抢皮特的钱还给保罗 It's just robbing Peter to pay Paul. 375 00:17:12,800 --> 00:17:16,315 错 我借皮特钱还给了你 我还欠着保罗呢 No, I borrowed it from Peter to pay you. I still owe Paul. 376 00:17:21,840 --> 00:17:24,559 噢 爽啊 Oh, shit. 377 00:17:24,640 --> 00:17:26,358 纽顿海文 Newton Haven. 378 00:17:27,120 --> 00:17:29,891 花点时间记住它原来的模样 兄弟们 Take a moment to look upon it in its original colors, boys, 379 00:17:29,940 --> 00:17:32,400 今晚我们要给它改头换面了 for tonight we paint it red. 380 00:17:37,680 --> 00:17:40,990 噢 不要 不 不 不 糟糕 Oh, no, no, no. Shit. 381 00:17:43,560 --> 00:17:46,028 妈的 妈的 Fuck, fuck, fuck. 382 00:17:46,040 --> 00:17:47,393 妈的 Fuck, fuck. 383 00:17:47,400 --> 00:17:49,436 噢 不 没事的 我常在服务区这么干 Oh, no, it's okay, I did it all in the services. 384 00:17:53,520 --> 00:17:55,192 知道我为什么拦你吗 先生? Know why I pulled you over, sir? 385 00:17:56,360 --> 00:17:57,839 音乐太吵吗? Was the music too loud? 386 00:17:58,000 --> 00:17:59,928 你左侧刹车灯坏了 Your left brake light is faulty. 387 00:18:01,560 --> 00:18:05,235 老掉牙的刹车灯! 难怪叫刹车灯 因为动不动就歇菜 The old brake lights! So called because they're always breaking. 388 00:18:05,320 --> 00:18:06,719 警官 我一定会修好的 I'll get that sorted out, Officer. 389 00:18:07,360 --> 00:18:09,999 - 能给我看看你的驾照吗 先生? - 好的 - Can I see your license, sir? - Yup. 390 00:18:12,360 --> 00:18:13,873 完蛋了? 在我钱包里 You know what? It's in my wallet. 391 00:18:13,880 --> 00:18:16,713 钱包落在健身房了! And I left that at the bloody gym! 392 00:18:16,777 --> 00:18:18,454 有什么其他证件吗? Any other form of identification? 393 00:18:18,557 --> 00:18:21,230 没有 都在我包里 No, it's all in my sports bag. 394 00:18:21,360 --> 00:18:22,900 这种状况挺常见的 对吗? That's bloody typical, isn't it? 395 00:18:23,880 --> 00:18:26,917 我把名字和地址告诉你 你能在系统里查到 I'll give you my name and address, you can run me through the old system. 396 00:18:27,000 --> 00:18:28,035 说吧 Go on then. 397 00:18:28,120 --> 00:18:30,111 我叫皮特·佩奇 It's Peter Page. 398 00:18:30,262 --> 00:18:35,060 住在伦敦北区 48号 毕肖普花园 48 Bishop's Gardens, London, N2T12. 399 00:18:37,760 --> 00:18:40,718 - 天啊 加里! 达不溜替弗? - 你干嘛说我的名字? - Jesus, Gary! WTF? - Why did you give him my name? 400 00:18:40,800 --> 00:18:42,313 我又不可能告诉他我的 对吧? I'm not gonna give him my name, am I? 401 00:18:42,400 --> 00:18:43,799 你想让警察找我麻烦? Suppose I get done by the police? 402 00:18:43,800 --> 00:18:45,233 不会有警察找你的 You won't get done by the police. 403 00:18:45,240 --> 00:18:47,151 加里 警察会发现人车对不上号! Gary, he will check the number plate against his name! 404 00:18:47,240 --> 00:18:48,912 我知道 所以我告诉他我是皮特啊 I know. Why do you think I gave him Pete's name? 405 00:18:48,920 --> 00:18:51,798 天啊 加里 我有个租车行 而且刚入股 Jesus Christ, Gary, I own a car showroom. I am a junior partner. 406 00:18:51,800 --> 00:18:53,279 真是... This is... 407 00:18:53,280 --> 00:18:54,395 相信我就是了 Just trust me. 408 00:18:55,960 --> 00:18:58,679 那么 皮特先生 你为什么来纽顿海文? So, Mr. Page, what brings you to Newton Haven? 409 00:18:58,760 --> 00:19:01,638 我们过去都住这 回来看看风景 Well, we're all from here. We're just back to see the sights. 410 00:19:01,720 --> 00:19:03,631 重温儿时回忆 Have a crack at the old Golden Mile. 411 00:19:03,720 --> 00:19:04,948 也许还会捣点乱 Might get a bit messy. 412 00:19:05,040 --> 00:19:07,270 这么说吧 首先你得保证把刹车灯修好 Well, you make sure you get that brake light fixed 413 00:19:07,280 --> 00:19:09,840 可能还得做个尾气标准测试 and you might want to do an emissions test, too. 414 00:19:10,600 --> 00:19:11,749 噢 还有 皮特 Oh, and, Peter. 415 00:19:11,840 --> 00:19:13,114 记住别闹大了 Don't make too much mess. 416 00:19:15,320 --> 00:19:16,435 不会的! We won't! 417 00:19:16,680 --> 00:19:17,795 嗯 Hmm. 418 00:19:17,800 --> 00:19:18,994 我搞不懂 I don't understand. 419 00:19:19,000 --> 00:19:20,831 很简单 皮特 It's simple, Pete. 420 00:19:20,960 --> 00:19:23,952 从1989年起 这辆车就一直在你名下 The car's still registered to you, it has been since 1989. 421 00:19:23,960 --> 00:19:25,279 但那以后我都搬过三次家了 But I've moved three times since then. 422 00:19:25,360 --> 00:19:26,952 我知道 我改了记录 I know, I changed the log book. 423 00:19:26,960 --> 00:19:28,598 不然我哪来分给警察扣? Where do you think all those points came from? 424 00:19:28,760 --> 00:19:29,954 天啊 大伙都放松点 Jesus. You guys need to relax. 425 00:19:46,560 --> 00:19:48,516 你知道你会惹出一堆麻烦吗? Do you know how much trouble you could get into? 426 00:19:48,520 --> 00:19:50,033 你都不知道我已经一团糟了? Do you know how much trouble I'm already in? 427 00:19:50,120 --> 00:19:51,314 你这话什么意思? What's that supposed to mean? 428 00:19:51,400 --> 00:19:54,631 嘿 这究竟是怎么回事? 我们为什么来这里? Hey. What the hell is this? Why are we even here? 429 00:19:54,720 --> 00:19:57,359 一起全军覆没 We are here to get annihilated. 430 00:19:58,600 --> 00:20:00,511 晚上有什么想吃的吗? Have you got any plans for dinner at all? 431 00:20:00,600 --> 00:20:03,478 今天晚上 我们要完成豪饮马拉松 Tonight, we will be partaking of a liquid repast 432 00:20:03,560 --> 00:20:05,869 今天晚上酒就是我们的晚餐 as we wend our way up The Golden Mile. 433 00:20:05,960 --> 00:20:08,679 先去一号邮局 来一大桶啤酒 Commencing with an inaugural tankard at The First Post, 434 00:20:08,680 --> 00:20:11,877 然后去老相识 闻名雄鸡 交叉之手 then onto The Old Familiar, The Famous Cock, The Cross Hands, 435 00:20:11,880 --> 00:20:13,313 好伙伴 忠仆 The Good Companions, The Trusty Servant, 436 00:20:13,320 --> 00:20:15,470 双头猎狗 美人鱼 蜂窝 国王之颅 The Two Headed Dog, The Mermaid, The Beehive, The King's Head 437 00:20:15,600 --> 00:20:17,556 然后墙洞 和上回路线一致 and The Hole in the Wall for a measure of the same. 438 00:20:17,640 --> 00:20:21,519 直到宿命的终点站 喝光最后一滴酒 All before the last bittersweet pint in that most fateful terminus, 439 00:20:21,520 --> 00:20:22,669 世界的尽头 The World's End. 440 00:20:22,760 --> 00:20:23,829 为我们留盏灯 夫人 Leave a light on, good lady, 441 00:20:23,840 --> 00:20:26,195 虽然我们回来时 眼神还透着兴奋劲 for though we may return with a twinkle in our eyes, 442 00:20:26,200 --> 00:20:28,430 但我敢打包票 全都烂醉如泥了 we will, in truth, be blind drunk. 443 00:21:50,600 --> 00:21:51,589 来吧! Come on! 444 00:21:57,720 --> 00:21:59,472 - 直到1840年... - 去他妈的 - Until 1840... - Fucking hell. 445 00:21:59,560 --> 00:22:02,632 这里还是纽顿海文第一家邮局 ? . .this building was the site of Newton Haven's first post office. 446 00:22:02,640 --> 00:22:04,596 一个进取的生意人发现 Until an enterprising business fellow decided that 447 00:22:04,680 --> 00:22:07,638 相比用来收发邮件 far from befitting the sending and receiving of mail 448 00:22:07,720 --> 00:22:09,870 这儿更适合做酒吧 it was perhaps better suited as a humble taproom 449 00:22:09,960 --> 00:22:13,669 给疲倦的旅人歇歇脚 快进来吧 where a weary traveler might get twatted. Come on. 450 00:22:17,840 --> 00:22:19,432 简直是昨日重现 It's like deja vu. 451 00:22:25,640 --> 00:22:27,790 我一点印象都没有 这里重装了吗? I don't remember this at all. Has it been refurbished? 452 00:22:27,800 --> 00:22:29,677 被连锁店收购了 对吗? Been bought by a chain, hasn't it? 453 00:22:29,760 --> 00:22:31,352 全国性提案的一部分 Part of that nationwide initiative to rob 454 00:22:31,440 --> 00:22:34,352 同化那些个性的小酒吧 small, charming pubs of any discernible character. 455 00:22:34,480 --> 00:22:36,869 好比星巴克 哥们 这种事很常见 Starbucking, man. It's happening everywhere. 456 00:22:38,400 --> 00:22:39,958 不过 味道还和过去一样 Can't take away that smell, though. 457 00:22:40,017 --> 00:22:41,371 我相信他们尽力了 I'm sure they tried. 458 00:22:41,514 --> 00:22:43,640 晚上好 雷蒙多 Good evening, Raymondo. 459 00:22:43,685 --> 00:22:45,228 浪子们回头了 The prodigal sons return. 460 00:22:45,560 --> 00:22:47,198 今晚都有什么嘉宾? Who's on the guest list tonight? 461 00:22:47,200 --> 00:22:49,156 - 你说什么? - 宾客名单 - Come again? - The guest ales. 462 00:22:49,160 --> 00:22:51,993 我们几个 先生 我们来重温美好时光了 We, sir, are doing The Golden Mile and you have 463 00:22:52,000 --> 00:22:54,195 你有幸成为第一位见证者 the honor of drawing first blood. 464 00:22:54,280 --> 00:22:56,874 - 有什么推荐的? - 有一个还不错 至高荣耀 - What do you recommend? - There's one. Crowning Glory. 465 00:22:57,920 --> 00:22:59,399 - 再合适不过了 - 怎么说? - Rather fitting. - How's that? 466 00:22:59,480 --> 00:23:01,198 - 我叫加里·金 - 什么? - I'm Gary King. - What? 467 00:23:01,280 --> 00:23:03,510 - 多说点 - 关于什么? - So tell me more. - About what? 468 00:23:03,640 --> 00:23:05,870 至高荣耀 带果仁吗? 气泡多吗? 会让人开心吗? Crowning Glory. Is it nutty? Is it foamy? Is it hoppy? 469 00:23:05,960 --> 00:23:08,474 是不是有种特殊的果味 会留香唇齿间? Does it have a surprisingly fruity note which lingers on the tongue? 470 00:23:09,145 --> 00:23:10,910 啤酒而已 It's beer. 471 00:23:11,000 --> 00:23:12,353 我们要五杯 We'll have five of those, please. 472 00:23:12,440 --> 00:23:15,432 不 不好意思 只要四杯外加杯水 谢谢 No. Sorry. Can we have four of those and a tap water, please? 473 00:23:15,880 --> 00:23:17,074 什么? What? 474 00:23:26,080 --> 00:23:27,488 不敢相信 I don't believe this, 475 00:23:28,120 --> 00:23:30,731 猛男居然喝… a man of your legendary prowess drinking... 476 00:23:31,017 --> 00:23:32,750 他妈的雨水 fucking rain. 477 00:23:33,560 --> 00:23:35,782 简直和狮子吃豆泥一样荒唐 It's like seeing a lion eating some hummus. 478 00:23:35,888 --> 00:23:37,750 - 没道理 - 的确没道理 - That doesn't make any sense. - I know it doesn't make any sense. 479 00:23:37,760 --> 00:23:40,354 发生了那样的事 你还计较我不喝酒? You seriously have a problem with me not drinking, after what happened? 480 00:23:40,402 --> 00:23:43,030 - 我不知道 不过亚瑟王知道! - 没准有点用 - I don't, but King Arthur does! - Oh, this'II be good. 481 00:23:43,277 --> 00:23:44,651 亚瑟王会怎么做? What's King Arthur got to do with it? 482 00:23:44,691 --> 00:23:48,070 从黑斯廷斯战场归来后 你觉得亚瑟王 Do you honestly think that King Arthur came back from the Battle of Hastings, 483 00:23:48,134 --> 00:23:51,430 - 会他妈躲进城堡... - 卡米洛特 - fucking rocked up at Arthur's Castle... - Camelot. 484 00:23:51,520 --> 00:23:52,714 走向酒吧然后说 ? walked up to the bar and went, 485 00:23:52,800 --> 00:23:54,631 "你好 给我来杯自来水?" "Hello. Could I have a tap water?" 486 00:23:54,720 --> 00:23:57,188 不会 在亚瑟王的时代 根本就没有自来水 No, because they didn't have running water in Arthurian times. 487 00:23:57,560 --> 00:24:01,109 说的没错 他会要杯蜂蜜酒 亚瑟王的啤酒 Exactly. He would have had a mead. The King Arthur of beers. 488 00:24:01,240 --> 00:24:03,390 我喝水就不是男人了吗? And I'm less of a man because I choose to drink water? 489 00:24:03,600 --> 00:24:04,953 的确有点娘 不是吗? Well, it's a bit "ooh ducky", innit? 490 00:24:05,040 --> 00:24:06,393 加里 这么说很不友好 That's not very PC, Gary. 491 00:24:06,480 --> 00:24:08,277 别整老一套 皮特 Get out of the '90s, Pete. 492 00:24:08,360 --> 00:24:11,272 戒酒一点也不娘 There's nothing "ooh ducky" about being teetotal, 493 00:24:11,360 --> 00:24:13,857 尤其是在橄榄球赛结束后 走进酒吧 about walking into a pub after a rugby match 494 00:24:13,920 --> 00:24:15,874 然后要一杯白开水 and ordering a tap water at a bar... 495 00:24:15,945 --> 00:24:18,300 往脸上涂着油彩混球们中间一站 packed full of big ugly bastards wearing warpaint. 496 00:24:18,571 --> 00:24:20,588 那可是需要极大自信的 朋友 That, my friend, takes confidence, yeah? 497 00:24:20,628 --> 00:24:21,745 我有的是胆量 I'm talking balls. 498 00:24:21,805 --> 00:24:23,230 谁信啊 傻瓜 You said it, poof. 499 00:24:23,920 --> 00:24:25,922 我不知道你意识到没有 加里 I don't know if you're aware of this, Gary, 500 00:24:25,977 --> 00:24:27,880 我们已经不是小孩子了 but we are not teenagers anymore. 501 00:24:28,040 --> 00:24:30,600 上帝是不会允许你有孩子的 因为... And God forbid you ever have children, because if... 502 00:24:30,600 --> 00:24:31,669 我可能有孩子 I might have kids. 503 00:24:31,760 --> 00:24:33,239 那你最好做好负责任的准备... Then you had better be ready to take re S O n si b iii ty... 504 00:24:33,320 --> 00:24:34,912 不 我是说我可能真有孩子 No. I mean I might have kids. 505 00:24:35,600 --> 00:24:38,512 还记得卡伦·艾格顿吗 我们睡过? You remember Karen Eggerton, who I fucked? 506 00:24:38,880 --> 00:24:41,440 他们家移民去诺曼底的时候 她月经迟到了两周 She was two weeks late when her parents emigrated to Normandy. 507 00:24:41,600 --> 00:24:45,275 我和她再也没联系过了 她也许有孩子了 I never heard from her again. She might have had a baby. 508 00:24:45,480 --> 00:24:47,914 想象一下? 法国孩子 Imagine that? A French kid. 509 00:24:48,120 --> 00:24:49,678 简直是对牛弹琴 It's pointless arguing with you. 510 00:24:49,920 --> 00:24:52,195 为孩子干杯 不管他们如何 To kids. Wherever they may be. 511 00:24:53,120 --> 00:24:54,109 - 为了孩子 - 孩子 - Kids. - Kids. 512 00:24:57,080 --> 00:24:58,638 干杯 我们嘘嘘吧 Drink up. Let's Boo-Boo. 513 00:24:59,120 --> 00:25:00,314 "嘘嘘" 什么意思? "Boo-Boo". What is that? 514 00:25:00,320 --> 00:25:02,629 你记得 "我们嘘嘘吧" You remember, "Let's Boo-Boo." 515 00:25:02,640 --> 00:25:04,710 谢菲尔德先生的课 墙上写着 You know, from Mr. Shepherd's classroom, it said on the wall, 516 00:25:04,800 --> 00:25:07,268 "快逃 熊追上来了" 还记得吗 莎士比亚的剧本? "Exit, pursued by a bear," you know, from that Shakespeare play? 517 00:25:07,360 --> 00:25:09,112 - 冬日絮语 - 没错 叫什么来着? - A Winter's Tale. - Yeah. What was it called? 518 00:25:09,200 --> 00:25:10,428 冬日絮语 就叫这个 A Winter's Tale. That's it. 519 00:25:10,560 --> 00:25:13,677 所以如果我们要赶紧撤 就会说 "快逃 熊追上来了" And if we needed to make a quick getaway, we'd say, "Exit, pursued by a bear," 520 00:25:13,680 --> 00:25:15,671 后来就成了 "快逃 瑜伽熊追上来了" and then it was, "Exit, pursued by Yogi Bear," 521 00:25:15,760 --> 00:25:17,512 然后是 "练练瑜伽嘘嘘吧" and then it was just, "Let's Yogi and Boo-Boo," 522 00:25:17,600 --> 00:25:18,874 最后就成了 "我们嘘嘘吧" and then, "Let's Boo-Boo." 523 00:25:18,960 --> 00:25:21,155 - 你的意思是 我们撤? - 没错 这就是重点 对不对? - So you're saying we should go? - Yeah. It's shit here, innit? 524 00:25:28,040 --> 00:25:30,048 老相识 The Old Familiar. 525 00:25:30,560 --> 00:25:33,310 这才是酒吧 Nowthis isa pub. 526 00:25:36,000 --> 00:25:38,514 是啊 和第一个差不多 Yes. This is more like it. 527 00:25:41,600 --> 00:25:42,794 昨日重现 Like deja vu. 528 00:25:43,440 --> 00:25:45,891 戴维 哥们 David, my man, 529 00:25:45,948 --> 00:25:47,294 听到消息了吗? have you heard the news? 530 00:25:47,365 --> 00:25:49,542 加里·金回镇上了 Gary King is back in town. 531 00:25:49,670 --> 00:25:50,454 他是谁? Who's he? 532 00:26:06,265 --> 00:26:07,814 葬礼怎么样 加里? How was the funeral, Gary? 533 00:26:10,091 --> 00:26:11,380 你妈妈的葬礼? Your mum's funeral? 534 00:26:12,120 --> 00:26:14,190 难以用言语形容 It's difficult to put into words. 535 00:26:15,080 --> 00:26:16,922 不过用三个词的话 But if I had to choose three, 536 00:26:17,302 --> 00:26:18,990 我会说 I would say, 537 00:26:19,560 --> 00:26:22,358 "真的 真的 难过" "Really, really sad." 538 00:26:23,480 --> 00:26:25,118 噢 不 这是两个词 对不对? Oh, no, that's two, isn't it? 539 00:26:25,200 --> 00:26:27,998 这样吧 "真的 非常 难过" How about, "Really, very sad"? 540 00:26:29,000 --> 00:26:32,197 真遗憾 你妈妈很好 It's a shame, she was a good woman. 541 00:26:33,080 --> 00:26:34,752 我真的很喜欢你妈妈 I really liked your mum. 542 00:26:34,760 --> 00:26:37,672 我也是 伙计 我也是 Me, too, mate. Me, too. 543 00:26:38,520 --> 00:26:40,431 - 喂 - 你好 伙计 - Hello. - Hello, mate. 544 00:26:40,440 --> 00:26:41,475 你到了吗? Are you here? 545 00:26:41,560 --> 00:26:43,551 是啊 我在这待了好久了 你说什么呢? Yeah, I've been here for ages. What are you talking about? 546 00:26:43,640 --> 00:26:45,551 又在环岛公路上迷路了? You get lost on the ring road again? 547 00:26:46,480 --> 00:26:48,232 这里是纽顿海文 This is Newton Haven. 548 00:26:48,240 --> 00:26:49,992 - 打算几点去见双胞胎? - 双胞胎? - What time are you meeting The Twins? - Twins? 549 00:26:50,160 --> 00:26:52,720 我们在老相识 没事的话过来吧 We're all at The Old Familiar. Come by if you want. 550 00:26:54,751 --> 00:26:56,211 没错 他也在 Yeah, he is. 551 00:26:56,917 --> 00:26:57,791 好的 Okay. 552 00:26:57,880 --> 00:26:58,788 待会见 See you soon. 553 00:26:58,922 --> 00:26:59,910 和谁说话呢 圈仔? Who was that, 0-Man? 554 00:27:00,040 --> 00:27:03,231 别叫我圈仔 加里 如果你非要知道的话… Don't call me 0-Man, Gary. If you must know... 555 00:27:04,080 --> 00:27:05,282 - 是山姆 - 山姆在这? - it was Sam. - Sam's here? 556 00:27:05,337 --> 00:27:08,470 我听见回音了吗? 没错 山姆在这 Is there a fucking echo in here? Yes, Sam's here. 557 00:27:08,560 --> 00:27:10,835 她从曼彻斯特过来 明天我们一起去妈妈那里 She's down from Manchester. We're driving to Mum's tomorrow. 558 00:27:10,920 --> 00:27:12,114 什么 她要来这? What, and she's coming here? 559 00:27:12,120 --> 00:27:14,588 - 冷静点 史蒂文 我先看到她的 - 天啊 又来了 - Calm down, Steve, I saw her first. - Jesus Christ, not this again. 560 00:27:14,637 --> 00:27:16,420 开什么玩笑? Are you fucking kidding me? 561 00:27:16,531 --> 00:27:18,380 是我先看到她的 I saw her first. 562 00:27:18,400 --> 00:27:20,834 你有选择性记忆症 对吧? You really have a selective memory, don't you? 563 00:27:20,920 --> 00:27:22,433 是有人这么说 Somebody else was saying that. 564 00:27:22,440 --> 00:27:24,237 - 我说的 - 不 你说的话我肯定记得 - Me. - No. I would have remembered. 565 00:27:24,240 --> 00:27:26,117 我告诉过你我喜欢山姆 I told you I had a thing about Sam 566 00:27:26,200 --> 00:27:28,760 可一有机会你就想上她 and you proceeded to try and get in her pants at every opportunity. 567 00:27:28,760 --> 00:27:29,749 兄弟们 拜托 Guys, please. 568 00:27:29,840 --> 00:27:32,070 因为我喜欢她所以你才喜欢她! You only liked her after you found out I liked her! 569 00:27:32,200 --> 00:27:33,918 没错 因为你在学校演话剧 That's right, because you did the school play. 570 00:27:34,080 --> 00:27:36,036 - 卡巴莱歌舞表演 - 卡巴莱 因为她也出演了 - Cabaret. - Cabaret. Because she was in it. 571 00:27:36,120 --> 00:27:38,918 她穿了网袜 结果你在台上硬了 And she wore those fishnet stockings and you got a big boner on stage. 572 00:27:39,040 --> 00:27:40,109 天啊 Jesus Christ. 573 00:27:40,200 --> 00:27:43,317 无所谓了 她随时恭候阿德里安·基恩呢 Doesn't matter anyway, she always had a massive wide on for Adrian Keane. 574 00:27:43,320 --> 00:27:44,435 我讨厌那混蛋 I hated that prick. 575 00:27:44,520 --> 00:27:49,150 能不能不要提到我妹妹 就说起 Can we not talk about my sister in relation to, 576 00:27:49,240 --> 00:27:50,777 A 随时恭候 A, massive wide ons, 577 00:27:51,008 --> 00:27:52,350 B 史蒂文的老二? B, Steven's erect penis? 578 00:27:52,571 --> 00:27:53,665 好的 All right. 579 00:27:53,931 --> 00:27:56,462 - 她还是前凸后翘吗 说真的? - 我不会告诉你的 - Is she still fit, though? - I'm not answering that. 580 00:27:57,091 --> 00:27:58,845 - 她是不是呀? - 我是什么? - Is she, though? - Am I what? 581 00:27:59,522 --> 00:28:00,508 苗条 Fit. 582 00:28:00,960 --> 00:28:01,805 你好 山姆 Hello, Sam. 583 00:28:01,860 --> 00:28:04,500 史蒂文? 你变化真大啊? Steven? You've grown, haven't you? 584 00:28:04,520 --> 00:28:06,476 - 没错 横向发展 - 你看起来真棒 - Yeah, sideways. - You look fantastic. 585 00:28:06,560 --> 00:28:07,993 胆固醇太多 Steroids. 586 00:28:08,000 --> 00:28:10,753 安迪 好久没见了 Andy, long time. 587 00:28:10,880 --> 00:28:12,438 - 你好 皮特 - 你好 山姆 - Hi, Pete. - Hi, Sam. 588 00:28:12,560 --> 00:28:13,549 好啦 老弟? All right, big brother? 589 00:28:15,120 --> 00:28:16,155 加里 Gary. 590 00:28:16,240 --> 00:28:19,550 欢迎 欢迎 欢迎 Wilikommen. Bien venue. Welcome. 591 00:28:19,640 --> 00:28:20,789 山姆 一起喝杯酒吗? Sam. Would you like a drink? 592 00:28:21,000 --> 00:28:23,673 嘿 史蒂文 她才刚到这 拜托 Hey, Steve. She's just got here. Come on. 593 00:28:23,760 --> 00:28:24,875 山姆 一起喝杯酒吗? Sam. Would you like a drink? 594 00:28:25,000 --> 00:28:27,150 - 给我来杯伏特加汤力 谢谢 史蒂文 - 好的 - I'll have a vodka tonic, thanks, Steven. - Sure. 595 00:28:27,240 --> 00:28:28,673 - 我先去下洗手间 - 好的 - I'm just going to nip to the loo. - Cool. 596 00:28:30,320 --> 00:28:31,833 上厕所了 Nature calls. 597 00:28:38,720 --> 00:28:40,438 - 你要做什么? - 你要做什么? - What are you doing? - What are you doing? 598 00:28:40,560 --> 00:28:42,551 - 我要去洗手间 - 好吧 我也是 - I'm going to the toilet. - Well, then, so am I. 599 00:28:44,520 --> 00:28:46,192 加里! 你疯了吗! Gary! You are out of your mind! 600 00:28:46,200 --> 00:28:47,679 你说什么呢? 是你先给我暗示的 What are you talking about? You gave me the sign. 601 00:28:47,800 --> 00:28:50,519 - 什么暗示? - 你去厕所 - What sign? - You went to the toilet. 602 00:28:50,640 --> 00:28:52,551 加里 你玩真的呀? 我都二十年没见你了 Gary, are you serious? I haven't seen you in 20 years. 603 00:28:52,560 --> 00:28:55,028 你不会真以为我要在女厕所和你做爱? Do you really think I'm going to have sex with you in the ladies' toilet? 604 00:28:55,160 --> 00:28:56,832 好吧 残疾人用的厕所坏了 Well, the disableds is out of order. 605 00:28:56,840 --> 00:28:58,876 - 加里 发生了什么事? - 我不知道 - Gary. What happened? - I don't know, 606 00:28:58,880 --> 00:29:01,189 也许有人往马桶里扔了太多纸巾 maybe one of them put too many paper towels down the toilet. 607 00:29:01,200 --> 00:29:03,350 实在搞不清他们究竟在想什么 对不对? I mean, we don't know what they are thinking, really, do we? 608 00:29:03,640 --> 00:29:05,596 不 你是怎么了? No. What happened to you? 609 00:29:05,680 --> 00:29:06,874 没什么 Nothing. 610 00:29:07,880 --> 00:29:09,711 什么都没发生 我还是以前那个加里 Nothing happened to me. I'm the same old Gary. 611 00:29:10,000 --> 00:29:11,877 扯淡 No shit. 612 00:29:12,120 --> 00:29:13,235 那么 想来一炮吗? So, do you wanna? 613 00:29:15,160 --> 00:29:17,594 - 奥利弗 待会见 - 你要走了? - Oliver. I'll see you later. - You're going? 614 00:29:17,680 --> 00:29:19,796 我以为你半小时后才去接双胞胎呢? I thought you weren't meeting The Twins for another half hour? 615 00:29:19,880 --> 00:29:22,758 我改主意了 对了 这玩意应该是你的 I'm not. Oh, yeah. I believe this is yours. 616 00:29:27,394 --> 00:29:28,997 "故障" "Out of order." 617 00:29:30,648 --> 00:29:31,960 私人玩笑 It's a private joke. 618 00:29:32,337 --> 00:29:33,590 我不想听 I don't want to know. 619 00:29:48,520 --> 00:29:50,431 - 那是什么? - 现代艺术 - What is that? - Modern art. 620 00:29:50,520 --> 00:29:51,555 纪念碑吧 对吗? It's a memorial, isn't it? 621 00:29:51,640 --> 00:29:52,993 没错 纪念现代艺术 Yeah. To modern art. 622 00:29:53,880 --> 00:29:55,359 嘿 伙计们 现在是什么时间? Hey, guys, do you know what time it is? 623 00:29:56,040 --> 00:29:57,340 还不到六点 It's not even 6:00. 624 00:29:57,382 --> 00:30:01,230 答错了! 是我们冲进大公鸡的时间! Wrong! It's high time we got onto The Cock! 625 00:30:01,240 --> 00:30:02,275 哇哦! Whoo-hoo! 626 00:30:04,000 --> 00:30:04,989 冲啊 Let's go. 627 00:30:06,000 --> 00:30:07,638 走吧 Come on. 628 00:30:16,920 --> 00:30:18,433 伙计 等你忙完了 When you're ready, mate. 629 00:30:21,600 --> 00:30:23,716 天啊 瞧瞧那是谁 Oh, shit. Look who it is. 630 00:30:24,360 --> 00:30:25,952 巴希尔 疯巴希尔! Basil. Mad Basil! 631 00:30:26,360 --> 00:30:27,475 你们还记得吗? 我们以前老来这 Do you remember? We used to come in here 632 00:30:27,480 --> 00:30:29,857 听他讲关于飞碟 and listen to him talk about fucking UFOs... 633 00:30:29,897 --> 00:30:32,150 蜥蜴人 还有水底纳粹的鬼话 and lizard people and underwater Nazis. 634 00:30:32,320 --> 00:30:34,276 他是不是还说过百慕大三角 Didn't he spout some bullshit about the Bermuda Triangle 635 00:30:34,280 --> 00:30:35,269 实际上是方形的? actually being a square? 636 00:30:35,360 --> 00:30:38,477 不 他说那其实是个两个个等腰三角形拼成的菱形 No, he said it was two isosceles triangles forming a rhombus. 637 00:30:38,560 --> 00:30:39,788 他是你的好基友 对吗 史蒂文? He was your best mate, wasn't he, Steve? 638 00:30:39,880 --> 00:30:42,314 不 他不是我的好基友 加里 No, he wasn't my best mate, Gary. 639 00:30:42,400 --> 00:30:44,550 他老无所依 我有点同情他而已 He was a lonely, old guy and I felt a bit sorry for him. 640 00:30:44,640 --> 00:30:46,471 没错 巴希尔! That's right. Basil! 641 00:30:48,760 --> 00:30:50,716 也许我们在这没你想的那么有名 Maybe we're not the local legends you think we are. 642 00:30:50,800 --> 00:30:52,472 - 加里·金? - 说给你自己听吧 - Gary King? - Speak for yourself, mate. 643 00:30:52,480 --> 00:30:53,833 你被拉黑了 You're barred. 644 00:30:55,800 --> 00:30:59,236 开什么玩笑 太可笑了 I cannot fucking believe this. This is ridiculous. 645 00:30:59,320 --> 00:31:00,389 相信我 加里 没必要啊 Believe me, Gary, it's not worth it. 646 00:31:00,480 --> 00:31:03,153 - 下场双倍啦 - 要我说 下场喝透算了 - Have two in the next one. - Have them all in the next one, for all I care. 647 00:31:03,280 --> 00:31:06,033 每家酒馆都要喝一杯 否则就不算数了 We've got to have one in every pub otherwise the whole thing's fucked. 648 00:31:06,160 --> 00:31:07,991 伙计 我早就觉得没戏了 I'd say it was fairly fucked already, mate. 649 00:31:08,280 --> 00:31:09,269 好极了 Great. 650 00:31:17,160 --> 00:31:19,151 我们还要忍受多久啊? How much more of this do we have to endure? 651 00:31:19,240 --> 00:31:21,231 - 才逛了三家 还剩九家 - 哦 好极了 - That was three. There's nine more. - Oh, good. 652 00:31:21,320 --> 00:31:23,197 我操 我要吃点东西 Fuck that. I need to eat something. 653 00:31:23,280 --> 00:31:24,599 下家店 我们去弄点吃的吧 We can get some food in the next pub. 654 00:31:24,680 --> 00:31:26,716 只要那些东西吃起来健康就行了 As long as it's reasonably healthy. 655 00:31:26,720 --> 00:31:28,153 这里是纽顿海文 This is Newton Haven. 656 00:31:28,360 --> 00:31:30,316 估计跟有机和健康不沾边吧 Hardly the heart of the organic revolution. 657 00:31:30,320 --> 00:31:31,958 我怀疑这里没什么跟现代搭边的 I doubt it's the heart of anything. 658 00:31:32,040 --> 00:31:34,048 我老婆想让我吃有机食品 Mywife wanted usto go organic, 659 00:31:34,102 --> 00:31:35,820 问题在于我更加偏向吃垃圾食品 problem is, I kinda like eating shit. 660 00:31:35,920 --> 00:31:37,831 下个酒吧专卖垃圾食品! 速度来! The next pub does shit! Keep up! 661 00:31:41,520 --> 00:31:44,353 哦 赞啊 我记得这家店 Oh, yeah. I remember this one. 662 00:31:44,440 --> 00:31:46,590 - 跨年狂欢 不是吗? - 90年的新年那次 - We had New Year's in here, didn't we? - '89 into '90. 663 00:31:46,720 --> 00:31:48,597 你是不是还在台球桌上睡着了 安迪? Isn't that when you slept on the pool table, Andy? 664 00:31:48,720 --> 00:31:49,789 没错 我还记得呢 Yeah. I believe it was. 665 00:31:50,000 --> 00:31:51,319 - 睡了六个小时 - 六个小时啊 - For six hours. - Six hours. 666 00:31:52,480 --> 00:31:54,038 多亏你提醒我啊 Thank you for reminding me. 667 00:31:56,960 --> 00:31:58,075 你还记得 你醒来的时候 Do you remember when you woke up, 668 00:31:58,080 --> 00:32:00,389 我们骗你说 你睡了一年 现在是1991年 we said you'd been asleep for a year and that it was 1991 669 00:32:00,400 --> 00:32:01,879 然后你被吓疯了 还把钟给打坏了? and you freaked out and punched a clock? 670 00:32:03,080 --> 00:32:04,229 那晚上真是赞啊 That was a great night. 671 00:32:04,480 --> 00:32:06,311 你最后把艾瑞卡·里奇斯钓走了吗 皮特? Didn't you manage to get off with Erika Leekes, Peter? 672 00:32:06,560 --> 00:32:09,393 妥妥的搞定 我必须说 完全是人生的丰碑啊 Yes, I did. Something of a personal triumph, if I say so myself. 673 00:32:09,400 --> 00:32:12,198 - 她是那个甜心三明治的那个? - 甜心三明治... - She of the Marmalade Sandwich fame? - Marmalade Sandwich... 674 00:32:12,320 --> 00:32:13,309 真像啊 The very same. 675 00:32:13,480 --> 00:32:16,233 艾丽卡·里克斯 翠西·本森 贝吉·索特 Erika Leekes, Tracy Benson, Becky Salt. 676 00:32:16,360 --> 00:32:18,157 两个金发妞 夹着一个红发小魔女 Two blondes and a redhead in the middle. 677 00:32:18,280 --> 00:32:21,238 - 甜心三明治 - 贝吉·索特 那身材啊 - The Marmalade Sandwich. - Becky Salt. Fucking hell. 678 00:32:21,320 --> 00:32:22,389 不知道她们现在在做什么? Wonder what they're doing now. 679 00:32:22,560 --> 00:32:23,709 干嘛不直接问她们呢? Why don't you ask them? 680 00:32:23,720 --> 00:32:24,755 什么意思? What do you mean? 681 00:32:24,840 --> 00:32:27,282 我说 坐在那边卡间里是两边金发 I mean, sitting at that table over there are two blondes... 682 00:32:27,371 --> 00:32:28,511 中间红发 and a redhead in the middle. 683 00:32:28,562 --> 00:32:29,700 真他妈见鬼 Shut the fuck up. 684 00:32:29,800 --> 00:32:32,075 我猜左边是艾瑞卡·里奇斯 右边是崔西·本森 I'd say that's Erika Leekes on the left, Tracy Benson on the right, 685 00:32:32,160 --> 00:32:34,151 剩下的 中间肯定是贝吉·索特 and by process of elimination, there's Becky Salt in the middle. 686 00:32:34,240 --> 00:32:36,071 甜心三明治都成熟了啊 That's the Marmalade Sandwich all growed up. 687 00:32:36,160 --> 00:32:37,832 感觉好怪啊 That is very spooky. 688 00:32:37,920 --> 00:32:39,558 - 我们把她们叫过来啦 - 别啊 - We should get them over. - No. 689 00:32:39,560 --> 00:32:41,073 不要破坏了过去的美好啊 Leave the past where it is. 690 00:32:41,160 --> 00:32:42,718 看着你这张皱巴巴的臭脸就很扫兴了 It's bad enough having to look at your old, ugly mugs. 691 00:32:42,800 --> 00:32:45,155 你这话说的 好像我们快入土的感觉 You make it sound like we're fucking ancient. 692 00:32:45,240 --> 00:32:46,275 我们才没有变多少呢 We haven't changed that much. 693 00:32:46,280 --> 00:32:48,430 - 当然啦 史蒂文身材是走样了一点 - 什么? - I mean, sure, Steve's let himself go a bit. - What? 694 00:32:48,560 --> 00:32:51,279 皮特的发型还是那么挫 奥利弗那鬼记号还在 Pete's got the same haircut and Oliver has still got his mark of the devil. 695 00:32:51,280 --> 00:32:52,599 - 奇怪 记号不见了 - 的确不见了 - No, he hasn't. - No, he hasn't. 696 00:32:52,600 --> 00:32:53,749 有个东西叫做激光手术 加里 It's called laser surgery, Gary. 697 00:32:53,840 --> 00:32:56,274 为了不被叫圈仔 这代价完全忽略不计 It's a small price to pay for not being called fucking 0-Man. 698 00:32:56,400 --> 00:32:57,958 这手术也能除纹身 比如你身上的仁慈姐妹 That works for Sisters Of Mercy tattoos as well. 699 00:32:58,040 --> 00:32:59,473 我可喜欢这纹身了 I still like the Sisters Of Mercy. 700 00:32:59,600 --> 00:33:00,828 那好的吧 你就别想游泳了 Well, good job, or you'd never go swimming. 701 00:33:00,960 --> 00:33:02,154 - 我不懂你说什么 - 少装傻 - Don't be. - I'm lost. 702 00:33:02,280 --> 00:33:04,953 我代表我自己 很高兴再看到你们这群老家伙啊 Well, I for one, think it's nice to see the old faces again. 703 00:33:05,080 --> 00:33:06,149 多谢啦 伙计 Cheers, mate. 704 00:33:06,360 --> 00:33:07,759 不好意思? 这位置有人坐吗? Excuse me? This taken? 705 00:33:09,920 --> 00:33:11,194 这位置有人坐吗? Is this seat taken? 706 00:33:12,840 --> 00:33:13,955 拿去吧 伙计 Have it, mate. 707 00:33:14,360 --> 00:33:15,349 谢啦 Thanks. 708 00:33:18,280 --> 00:33:20,840 那不是... 尚恩·霍金 Wasn't that... Shane Hawkins. 709 00:33:20,920 --> 00:33:22,638 - 话说 他不是... - 没错 是的 - Hey, didn't he... - Yes, he did. 710 00:33:22,760 --> 00:33:24,990 等等 尚恩·霍金又怎么了? Hang on. What happened with Shane Hawkins again? 711 00:33:25,000 --> 00:33:27,355 没事的话 我还是不说的好 I'd rather not bring it all up again, if that's okay. 712 00:33:28,440 --> 00:33:30,112 伙计 皮特 听着 Hey, man. Listen, Pete. 713 00:33:30,120 --> 00:33:31,838 把童年的阴影深埋在心里 Bottling up past trauma can lead to 714 00:33:31,920 --> 00:33:35,117 会对未来的生活造成很大的影响 真的 inadequate coping strategies in later life, apparently. 715 00:33:35,200 --> 00:33:37,668 我也不知道 倒不是为了过去的事情 I don't know, I mean, it's not even about the past, you know. 716 00:33:37,680 --> 00:33:40,831 不是因为上学他欺负我 It's not about the fact that he bullied me, 717 00:33:40,840 --> 00:33:43,308 他害我请假比出水痘请假还多 that he made me miss more school days than chicken pox. 718 00:33:43,480 --> 00:33:45,054 也不是因为他强迫我 It's not even that he forced me... 719 00:33:45,114 --> 00:33:47,510 整节课躲在厕所蹲坑间里 to spend entire lessons hiding in a toilet cubicle, 720 00:33:47,611 --> 00:33:50,310 也不是因为他把我打得眼球移位 or that he punched me so hard he dislodged my eyeball. 721 00:33:50,480 --> 00:33:53,438 也不是因为他毁了我的童年生活 And it's not even that he ruined a large portion of my childhood. 722 00:33:53,880 --> 00:33:55,677 都不是 只是因为就刚刚 No, it's the fact that just then, 723 00:33:56,340 --> 00:33:57,790 他竟然认不出我了 he didn't recognize me. 724 00:33:58,274 --> 00:33:59,817 他直直地看着我 He looked straight through me... 725 00:34:00,265 --> 00:34:02,070 就好像之前他完全没这么对我过一样 like it all meant nothing. 726 00:34:03,000 --> 00:34:05,195 这听起来很奇怪 是吧? That probably sounds weird, doesn't it? 727 00:34:05,280 --> 00:34:06,759 干了! Shots! 728 00:34:06,840 --> 00:34:09,991 大 家 干 了 干杯 S-H-O-T-S. Shots. 729 00:34:10,080 --> 00:34:11,308 你在干什么 加里? What are you doing, Gary? 730 00:34:11,560 --> 00:34:13,551 我以为这很明显啊 喝酒啊 I thought it was obvious. Shots. 731 00:34:13,680 --> 00:34:15,159 首先 皮特刚刚在说的事情 Firstly, Peter was talking about something 732 00:34:15,240 --> 00:34:16,719 很明显让他觉得很不开心的 which clearly made him feel very u n comfortable. 733 00:34:16,720 --> 00:34:18,836 - 没事 安迪 - 错了 皮特 怎么可能没事 - It's all right, Andy. - No, Peter, it's not all right. 734 00:34:19,160 --> 00:34:22,202 其次 十二杯酒完全超量了 最后 Secondly, 12 pints is more than enough, and thirdly, 735 00:34:22,522 --> 00:34:24,254 我戒酒了啊! I don't fucking drink! 736 00:34:24,320 --> 00:34:25,990 但烈酒不算的 对吧? But shots don't count, do they? 737 00:34:26,080 --> 00:34:27,832 你说 你想跟我们聊天叙旧 放松放松 You said you wanted to catch up and chew the fat. 738 00:34:27,840 --> 00:34:29,671 我觉得你就是想喝酒 I think you just wanted to drink it. 739 00:34:29,880 --> 00:34:31,199 我们连你的朋友都不是 We're not here as your friends. 740 00:34:31,280 --> 00:34:32,918 我们变成你的酒友了啊 We're just your fucking enablers. 741 00:34:33,360 --> 00:34:35,510 酒友 这词好喜感 不是吗? 酒友 Enablers. That's a funny word, isn't it? "Enabler." 742 00:34:35,600 --> 00:34:37,272 加里·金及他的酒友们 Gary King And The Enablers. 743 00:34:37,360 --> 00:34:38,918 这个做乐队的名字正好 史蒂文 记得记下来啊 That's a good name for a band, Steve. Write that down. 744 00:34:39,040 --> 00:34:40,359 别跟加里一样 加里 Don't do a Gary, Gary. 745 00:34:40,360 --> 00:34:42,271 - 哦 现在还有这说法了 啊? - 这说法一直都有 - Oh, is that a thing now, is it? - It's always been a thing. 746 00:34:42,360 --> 00:34:44,032 你完全不用我们来灌你 You don't need us to help you get fucked up, 747 00:34:44,120 --> 00:34:46,918 你自己一个人妥妥的可以把自己灌死 you've done a perfectly good job so far on your own. 748 00:34:48,040 --> 00:34:50,031 我要去查查有没有回伦敦的公车 I'm gonna go and see if there's a bus back to London 749 00:34:50,040 --> 00:34:51,234 有人要跟我一起回去吗 if anyone wants to come with me. 750 00:34:51,320 --> 00:34:52,797 你不能走 You can't go. 751 00:34:53,034 --> 00:34:55,100 这次很特别的 这可是我们的纪念日 This is special. This is our anniversary. 752 00:34:55,200 --> 00:34:56,553 这不是什么纪念日 加里 It's not the anniversary, Gary. 753 00:34:56,640 --> 00:34:58,232 上次我们是六月 现在十月了 We did this in June. It's October. 754 00:34:58,240 --> 00:35:00,037 没错 但今年是纪念日那年 对吧? Yeah, but it's the anniversary of the year, isn't it? 755 00:35:00,040 --> 00:35:01,871 每年都是纪念日的一年 Every year is the anniversary of a year! 756 00:35:01,960 --> 00:35:03,712 如今不同往日了 加里 It's just not the same anymore, Gary, 757 00:35:03,800 --> 00:35:06,234 不是这镇子变了 是我们变了 and it's not that the town's changed, we have changed. 758 00:35:06,440 --> 00:35:09,079 好吧 但你也走不了了 因为公车最后一班刚刚开走 Yeah, well, you can't go, 'cause the buses are finished. 759 00:35:09,720 --> 00:35:12,029 那我回家居旅馆了 你来吗? Then I'm gonna go back to the B&B. You coming? 760 00:35:12,160 --> 00:35:13,229 早点睡对我来说也不错的 I could do with an early one actually. 761 00:35:13,320 --> 00:35:14,389 我应该去出发找山姆了 I should probably go and find Sam. 762 00:35:14,680 --> 00:35:16,352 是吧 我跟奥利弗一起去找山姆 Yeah, I'm gonna go and find Sam with Oliver. 763 00:35:16,560 --> 00:35:17,754 那就这么定了 行吗? That's settled then, yeah? 764 00:35:19,280 --> 00:35:21,919 你们知道我怎么想吗? 我觉得你们是在嫉妒我 You know what I think? I think you're jealous. 765 00:35:22,774 --> 00:35:27,251 没错 你们是有房有车有老婆有工作 Yeah, you've got your houses and your cars and your wives and your job security. 766 00:35:27,360 --> 00:35:29,151 但你们没有我的有的东西 But you don't have what I have. 767 00:35:29,405 --> 00:35:30,310 自由 Freedom. 768 00:35:30,520 --> 00:35:31,725 你们是生活的奴隶 You're all slaves... 769 00:35:31,774 --> 00:35:34,680 而我是自己的主人 跟以前一样 and I'm free to do what I want any old time. 770 00:35:35,240 --> 00:35:36,673 这就是你想要的吗? And this is what you want? 771 00:35:37,600 --> 00:35:40,239 你好快点长大了 伙计 闯荡一下社会 You should grow up, mate. Join society. 772 00:35:40,560 --> 00:35:42,790 是啊 但我妈妈刚去世 Yeah, but Mum died. 773 00:35:42,880 --> 00:35:46,316 我们都恨遗憾 但现在是时候回家了 And we're all very sorry, but now it's time to go home. 774 00:35:49,480 --> 00:35:51,311 我以为我们已经回家了 I thought we were home. 775 00:35:57,320 --> 00:36:00,232 我都为他感到遗憾啊 I can't help feeling sorry for him. 776 00:36:08,640 --> 00:36:09,993 混账 Don't. 777 00:36:19,280 --> 00:36:21,510 哦! 操! 尿! 我操... Oh! Fuck! Piss! 778 00:36:30,920 --> 00:36:33,912 当心 有人尿在地板上了 Careful, the floor's a bit pissy. 779 00:36:35,120 --> 00:36:36,553 不是我干的 Wasn't me. 780 00:36:40,120 --> 00:36:41,997 那砖倒是我干的 That was me. 781 00:36:43,160 --> 00:36:44,878 90年的时候干的 Did that back in '90. 782 00:36:46,480 --> 00:36:47,993 1990年的战绩 1990. 783 00:36:49,480 --> 00:36:52,552 把这墙打的一个洞啊 Punched the shit out of the wall. 784 00:36:52,640 --> 00:36:56,235 我不知道为什么 但那时候感觉很爽 I don't know why. Seemed important at the time. 785 00:36:59,360 --> 00:37:02,750 你们看上去玩得很开心的样子 You guys look like you're having a good night, though. 786 00:37:02,840 --> 00:37:05,798 我们正在进行豪饮马拉松 你要不一起来啊? I'm doing The Golden Mile tonight. You want to tag along? 787 00:37:06,840 --> 00:37:09,673 我们可以组成六个火枪手的 We'll be like The Six Musketeers. 788 00:37:12,520 --> 00:37:15,193 我说我们正在进行豪饮马拉松 I said we're doing The Golden Mile. 789 00:37:18,480 --> 00:37:20,311 你用不用这么酷啊 啊? You think you're so cool, don't you? 790 00:37:21,040 --> 00:37:22,029 啊? Huh? 791 00:37:22,440 --> 00:37:24,112 但我们更酷 But we were cooler. 792 00:37:24,200 --> 00:37:25,918 我们罩着这镇子的 We owned this town. 793 00:37:25,920 --> 00:37:28,434 我们给你们铺了路 留了线索 We paved the way for you lot. Blazed a trail. 794 00:37:28,600 --> 00:37:30,636 嘿! 跟你说话呢 看着我! Hey! Look at me when I'm talking to you! 795 00:37:30,720 --> 00:37:32,836 - 请别这样 - 别这么样? - Please don't. - Don't what? 796 00:37:33,200 --> 00:37:34,519 最好别这么做 You don't want to do that. 797 00:37:34,600 --> 00:37:36,238 是吗? Don't I? 798 00:38:01,760 --> 00:38:03,398 什么? What? 799 00:38:11,400 --> 00:38:13,231 你现在给我好好解释一下! You need to explain this right now! 800 00:38:13,320 --> 00:38:14,469 安迪 这小子刚刚打我了 Andy, this kid just attacked me. 801 00:38:14,560 --> 00:38:15,549 你少给我转移话题! Don't you dare change the subject! 802 00:38:15,640 --> 00:38:16,789 他按着我的头撞玻璃 He smashed my head in the mirror. 803 00:38:16,800 --> 00:38:19,234 你知道我刚刚跟谁通话了吗? 你妈! You know who I just spoke to? Your mum! 804 00:38:19,320 --> 00:38:21,914 不是地狱打来的 是从博纳矛斯 And not from the afterlife. From fucking Bournemouth. 805 00:38:22,000 --> 00:38:22,989 是真的吗? Is that real? 806 00:38:23,080 --> 00:38:24,638 她说 她已经八个月没跟你说过话了 She says she hasn't spoken to you for eight months. 807 00:38:24,640 --> 00:38:26,119 - 安迪... - 他的头就这么掉下来了! - Andy... - His head just came off! 808 00:38:26,240 --> 00:38:28,754 想都别想 加里 你这次不可能糊弄过关了 No, Gary, you are not gonna wriggle out of it this time. 809 00:38:46,560 --> 00:38:50,314 达不溜替弗 WTF! 810 00:39:55,000 --> 00:39:56,877 这坑有人占了 There's someone in here. 811 00:40:28,520 --> 00:40:29,714 安迪 你看到... Andy, did you see... 812 00:41:05,037 --> 00:41:07,662 达不溜替弗 加里 WTF, Gary. 813 00:41:08,511 --> 00:41:09,630 达不溜替弗 WTF. 814 00:41:09,720 --> 00:41:12,792 达不溜替弗是什么意思啊? What the fuck does "WTF" mean? 815 00:41:13,080 --> 00:41:15,435 - 什么意思的意思 - 哦 懂了 - What the fuck? - Oh, yeah. 816 00:41:16,120 --> 00:41:17,838 这是开玩笑的吧 是吧? This can't be happening. Can it? 817 00:41:17,920 --> 00:41:19,035 你说呢 伙计 You said it, mate. 818 00:41:19,160 --> 00:41:20,798 难以置信啊 I can't believe it. 819 00:41:20,880 --> 00:41:21,995 懂的 伙计 I know, mate. 820 00:41:22,080 --> 00:41:23,991 我不敢相信 你骗我们你妈妈的事情! I can't believe you lied about your mum! 821 00:41:24,200 --> 00:41:25,189 那无伤大雅! That was a white lie! 822 00:41:25,280 --> 00:41:27,794 - 怎么无伤大雅啊? - 她不是没死吗 不是吗? - How is that a white lie? - She's not dead, is she? 823 00:41:30,360 --> 00:41:32,920 等等 等等! 你去哪里? Wait, wait, wait! Where are you going? 824 00:41:33,040 --> 00:41:34,951 - 去找帮手啊 - 别 先别声张! - To get help. - No, don't do that! 825 00:41:35,040 --> 00:41:37,270 - 什么 别去找帮手? - 我们还不知道是什么情况呢 - What, don't get help? - We don't know how far this goes. 826 00:41:38,560 --> 00:41:39,834 - 等等 你打给谁呢? - 维尼萨 - Wait, who are you calling? - Vanessa. 827 00:41:39,840 --> 00:41:40,875 - 谁是维尼萨? - 我老婆 - Who's Vanessa? - My wife. 828 00:41:40,960 --> 00:41:42,791 - 为什么你要打给你老婆? - 因为她是我老婆 - Why are you calling your wife? - Because she's my wife. 829 00:41:42,800 --> 00:41:44,279 你刚刚说 我们不知道是什么情况 You just said we don't know how far this goes. 830 00:41:44,360 --> 00:41:45,631 - 我只是想说酒吧的事情 Iwas just thinking about the pub. 831 00:41:45,808 --> 00:41:47,200 你觉得是酒吧活动啊 There's a surprise. 832 00:41:47,300 --> 00:41:48,260 我打不通 I can't get through. 833 00:41:48,400 --> 00:41:49,628 你能打通山姆吗? Can you get through to Sam? 834 00:41:49,877 --> 00:41:51,602 我信号满格 但我也打不通 I've got full bars and I'm not getting through. 835 00:41:51,694 --> 00:41:55,180 不好意思 您的电话现在无法接通 I'm sorry, your call cannot be connected at this time. 836 00:41:57,120 --> 00:41:58,553 肯定是网络的问题 Must be the network. 837 00:41:58,965 --> 00:42:00,737 该死的 Holy shit. 838 00:42:01,197 --> 00:42:02,950 这一切都是有联系的 This is all connected. 839 00:42:04,320 --> 00:42:06,550 这就解释了 为什么所有事情都变样了 This explains why everything's gone fuck up. 840 00:42:06,640 --> 00:42:07,993 因为每个人都被这种东西调包了 Everybody's been replaced by one of these. 841 00:42:08,000 --> 00:42:09,831 所以他们都不认识我们 That's why no one recognized us, 842 00:42:09,908 --> 00:42:11,470 比如巴希尔 戴维 雷蒙多 Basil, Dave, Raymondo. 843 00:42:11,617 --> 00:42:14,040 - 我早就觉得奇怪了 - 还有尚恩·霍金 - I thought it was weird. - Shane Hawkins. 844 00:42:14,120 --> 00:42:14,971 对的 Exactly. 845 00:42:15,077 --> 00:42:17,990 不是我们变了 是这镇子变了 It's not us that's changed, it's the town. 846 00:42:18,080 --> 00:42:20,196 我没说错 对吧 安迪? I'm right, aren't I, Andy? 847 00:42:20,200 --> 00:42:22,509 - 安迪 我说的对吧? - 你从来没错过 - Andy, aren't I right? - You're never wrong. 848 00:42:22,780 --> 00:42:26,054 的确 不管发生了什么 我们不能总躲在厕所里 No, whatever the fuck's happening, we can't stay in the gents forever. 849 00:42:26,160 --> 00:42:28,128 过去五分钟里 这厕所进了十个人 Ten people have entered this toilet in the last five minutes 850 00:42:28,157 --> 00:42:29,750 还没有一个人出这厕所门 and not a single one has come back out again. 851 00:42:29,840 --> 00:42:31,193 这情况很容易让人怀疑的 That's going to look suspicious. 852 00:42:31,320 --> 00:42:32,753 搞基 Gay loving. 853 00:42:33,000 --> 00:42:34,877 这比五具残尸还糟糕 And that's worse than five dismembered bodies? 854 00:42:35,000 --> 00:42:37,434 这里可是纽顿海文 This is Newton Haven. 855 00:42:48,717 --> 00:42:49,782 看上去怎么样? How's it looking? 856 00:42:49,891 --> 00:42:50,991 正常 Normal. 857 00:42:51,268 --> 00:42:52,514 很正常 Very normal. 858 00:42:53,588 --> 00:42:54,680 我不喜欢这气氛 I don't like it. 859 00:42:54,757 --> 00:42:55,800 我们怎么办? What do we do? 860 00:42:55,914 --> 00:42:57,950 先把酒喝了呗 Let's finish our drinks. 861 00:43:10,120 --> 00:43:12,190 要我说 我们一口干 然后速度的离开这里 I say we neck these and get the fuck out of here. 862 00:43:12,280 --> 00:43:13,633 - 去伦敦? - 去忠仆 - To London? - To The Trusty Servant. 863 00:43:13,720 --> 00:43:15,870 - 你搞笑吧? - 哦 我错了 - Are you fucking kidding? - Oh, yeah. 864 00:43:16,680 --> 00:43:19,114 下场是去好伙伴 我总是把这两个搞混 It's The Good Companions next. I always mix those two up. 865 00:43:19,200 --> 00:43:21,031 你提议我们去下个酒吧? Are you saying we move on to the next pub? 866 00:43:21,040 --> 00:43:23,076 我们应该开上野兽 然后直奔伦敦 We should get in The Beast and head back to London! 867 00:43:23,200 --> 00:43:25,714 - 我刹车灯坏了 - 那就别刹车啊! - My brake light is broken. - So don't use the brakes! 868 00:43:25,720 --> 00:43:27,756 - 我早就醉酒了 - 你之前醉酒不也照开的吗? - I'm way over the limit. - When has that ever stopped you? 869 00:43:27,760 --> 00:43:30,558 我不想再让皮特的驾照扣分了 I don't want to put any more points on Pete's license. 870 00:43:30,640 --> 00:43:33,234 安迪能开 他滴酒未沾! Andy can drive, he's teetotal! 871 00:43:45,800 --> 00:43:47,119 那就这么定了 That's settles it then. 872 00:43:47,200 --> 00:43:49,270 我们最不希望的 就是被警察拦住 The last thing we need to do is get pulled over by the police. 873 00:43:49,360 --> 00:43:50,588 首先 我们都喝酒了 A, we're all drunk, 874 00:43:50,720 --> 00:43:53,473 其次 他们可能被调包 最后 我们手上都是血 B, they might be in on it and, C, we've got blood on our hands. 875 00:43:53,600 --> 00:43:55,670 - 更像是墨水 - 我们手上都是墨水 - It's more like ink. - We've got ink on our hands. 876 00:43:55,800 --> 00:43:58,668 那么 看起来还没造成什么乱子嘛? So, has it got messy yet? 877 00:43:58,851 --> 00:43:59,745 什么? What? 878 00:43:59,868 --> 00:44:01,431 怎么样 逛了五家了? What are you, five pubs in? 879 00:44:01,600 --> 00:44:02,510 四家 Four. 880 00:44:02,920 --> 00:44:06,390 哦 还没过一半啊 接下去乐子好多着呢 Oh, not even halfway. Plenty more fun to be had. 881 00:44:07,680 --> 00:44:09,033 玩的开心啊 皮特 Enjoy your night, Peter. 882 00:44:09,160 --> 00:44:10,275 多谢 Thank you. 883 00:44:11,960 --> 00:44:13,279 谢谢 Thank you. 884 00:44:16,720 --> 00:44:17,755 不好意思 Sorry. 885 00:44:17,760 --> 00:44:19,910 我觉得 我们跟所有人都说过了我们在豪饮马拉松 The way I see it, we've told everybody we were doing The Golden Mile. 886 00:44:20,040 --> 00:44:21,029 只有你说了 You did. 887 00:44:21,120 --> 00:44:22,758 如果我们突然跳上野兽 回头走人的话 If we suddenly jump in The Beast now and head for the hills, 888 00:44:22,840 --> 00:44:24,114 他们就知道 我们知道了 they're gonna know that we know, 889 00:44:24,200 --> 00:44:26,316 但是如果我们继续按照预定计划的话 but if we keep doing what we're doing and going where we're going, 890 00:44:26,400 --> 00:44:27,469 他们就不会知道了 then they're not gonna know. 891 00:44:27,480 --> 00:44:28,595 - 知道什么? - 我们知道的事情 - Know what? - That we know. 892 00:44:28,680 --> 00:44:31,319 我建议 我们把事情办完 然后明早安静地离开 I suggest we finish what we started and leave quietly in the morning. 893 00:44:31,320 --> 00:44:32,725 等等 那你是建议... Wait. You're really suggesting... 894 00:44:32,848 --> 00:44:34,550 我们继续完成豪饮马拉松 We finish The Golden Mile. 895 00:44:35,120 --> 00:44:37,190 跟他说就是对牛弹琴 It's pointless arguing with him. 896 00:44:37,600 --> 00:44:38,953 干了这杯 我们走人 Drink up. Let's Boo-Boo. 897 00:44:45,400 --> 00:44:46,958 我们只是五个朋友 We're just five friends 898 00:44:47,800 --> 00:44:49,916 晚上出来逛逛 找些乐子 on a night out, having a good time. 899 00:45:52,960 --> 00:45:54,359 喝酒 Drinking. 900 00:45:54,440 --> 00:45:55,873 - 啤酒 - 酒吧 - Beer. - Pubs. 901 00:45:55,880 --> 00:45:57,108 下一家? Shall we? 902 00:46:02,240 --> 00:46:04,708 喝这么多 我觉得有点不舒服 I feel a little uncomfortable drinking this much. 903 00:46:04,720 --> 00:46:06,756 酒壮怂人胆 不是吗? It's like Dutch courage, isn't it? 904 00:46:06,791 --> 00:46:08,005 以前的英国士兵 You know, when the English soldiers... 905 00:46:08,046 --> 00:46:09,449 经常杀敌之前喝荷兰的金酒 used to drink Dutch gin before battle 906 00:46:09,520 --> 00:46:10,794 这会给他们非凡的勇气 to give them super strength. 907 00:46:10,880 --> 00:46:13,440 我觉得 那是为了削弱害怕的负面影响 You know, I thought thatwasto numb the sense of impending doom. 908 00:46:13,440 --> 00:46:14,475 完全正确 Exactly. 909 00:46:14,560 --> 00:46:17,597 我们就是五个好朋友 晚上出来逛逛 找些乐子 We're just five friends on a night out, having a good time. 910 00:46:39,240 --> 00:46:40,719 我要去厕所 I need the toilet. 911 00:46:40,800 --> 00:46:43,034 去吧 应该的 Go on then. You've earned it. 912 00:46:43,640 --> 00:46:45,835 你进步很多啊 奥利弗 You're doing really good, Oliver. 913 00:46:47,080 --> 00:46:49,640 上次他可没这么持久 我为他骄傲 He didn't make it this far last time. I'm proud of him. 914 00:46:49,960 --> 00:46:51,632 你很享受现在 是吗? You're enjoying this, aren't you? 915 00:46:51,720 --> 00:46:54,314 是啊 五个伙计大晚上一起出来 找乐子 Yeah, five guys on a night out, having a great time. 916 00:46:54,320 --> 00:46:55,753 假装在找乐子 Pretending to have a great time. 917 00:46:55,920 --> 00:46:56,989 你是在装吗? Are you pretending? 918 00:46:57,080 --> 00:46:59,799 如果我们活着出去 我就把你干掉 If we get out of here alive, I'm going to kill you. 919 00:46:59,800 --> 00:47:01,438 别人还蒙在鼓里呢 加里 We're still in the dark, Gary. 920 00:47:01,520 --> 00:47:04,114 是啊 我们的家人可能都受到威胁了 Yeah, our families could be in danger for all we know. 921 00:47:04,280 --> 00:47:06,377 我知道 我老妈可能要死了 I know, my mum could be dead. 922 00:47:06,657 --> 00:47:08,110 这次是真的 For reals this time. 923 00:47:08,840 --> 00:47:10,605 嘿 为什么我们不问问其他人呢? Hey, why don't we just ask somebody? 924 00:47:10,848 --> 00:47:12,230 谁啊? Who? 925 00:47:13,280 --> 00:47:14,857 就问绿圣人 The Reverend Green. 926 00:47:15,020 --> 00:47:16,470 - 跟上 - 等等 - Come on. - Wait. 927 00:47:16,920 --> 00:47:18,319 你要去干嘛? What the fuck are you doing? 928 00:47:18,400 --> 00:47:21,358 我过去跟绿圣人私下聊聊 I'm going to go and have a little chat with The Reverend Green. 929 00:47:22,000 --> 00:47:23,522 你是要去买毒品吗? You're going to buy drugs? 930 00:47:23,580 --> 00:47:25,410 我就过去旁敲侧击地打探一下 I am going to go over there and subtly check... 931 00:47:25,442 --> 00:47:26,560 他是不是绿圣人 if that is The Reverend Green 932 00:47:26,800 --> 00:47:29,678 如果是的话 我就能问他怎么回事了 and if it is, I can ask him what's going on, 933 00:47:29,760 --> 00:47:31,239 也许顺便买点毒品 and possibly buy some drugs. 934 00:47:31,560 --> 00:47:33,118 但如果他也是其中一员吗? But what if he's one of them? 935 00:47:33,200 --> 00:47:35,350 不可能 我和圣人谈起买大麻的时候 No, me and had a highly code The Reverend sophisticated 936 00:47:35,440 --> 00:47:37,112 有个很复杂的暗号 when discussing the purchase of herbal narcotics. 937 00:47:37,560 --> 00:47:38,725 如果他不懂的话 If he doesn't understand me, 938 00:47:38,788 --> 00:47:39,802 那就说明他是其中一员 it means he's one of them... 939 00:47:39,908 --> 00:47:41,710 那我就走开好了 and I will simplywalk away. 940 00:47:49,320 --> 00:47:50,645 还有大麻吗? Have you got any drugs? 941 00:47:50,691 --> 00:47:52,070 早就不干了 加里 I don't do that anymore, Gary. 942 00:47:52,160 --> 00:47:54,071 - 做什么? - 这暗号 - Do what? - That. 943 00:47:54,160 --> 00:47:55,388 所以你穿西装打领带了 是吗? That why you're in a suit, is it? 944 00:47:55,480 --> 00:47:57,311 因为贩毒不能满足你了吗? 'Cause drug dealing is not good enough for you? 945 00:47:57,320 --> 00:47:59,470 这里没人贩毒了 加里 There are no drug dealers anymore, Gary. 946 00:47:59,480 --> 00:48:01,311 我现在在固定地点 上固定的班 I've got a proper job in a proper office. 947 00:48:01,400 --> 00:48:04,039 - 你还有固定地点上班 - 那可是男洗手间 - You had a proper office. - That was the gents' toilets. 948 00:48:04,040 --> 00:48:05,917 你以前本来就在洗手间干营生 Nothing wrong with doing your business in the toilet. 949 00:48:06,160 --> 00:48:08,833 - 听着 你走了之后 很多事情都改变了 - 我知道 - Look, a lot has changed since you have left. - I know. 950 00:48:08,960 --> 00:48:10,996 - 你知道多少? - 就一点 - How much do you know? - A little. 951 00:48:11,120 --> 00:48:12,394 一点是多少? How much is a little? 952 00:48:12,560 --> 00:48:14,437 镇子被一群蓝墨水机器人给占领了 The town has been taken over by robots full of blue stuff. 953 00:48:14,520 --> 00:48:15,589 嘘 小声点 Shh. Keep your voice down. 954 00:48:15,680 --> 00:48:16,908 你知道自己在说什么吗 You don't even know what you're talking about. 955 00:48:17,000 --> 00:48:19,434 - 那告诉我们 - 他们不是机器人 - Tell us then. - Well, they're not robots. 956 00:48:19,520 --> 00:48:21,205 你知道机器人是什么吗? Do you even know what robot means? 957 00:48:21,277 --> 00:48:22,271 我当然知道啦 Course I do. 958 00:48:22,331 --> 00:48:22,951 像这样" It's like, 959 00:48:23,005 --> 00:48:25,190 “你好 我是个机器人” "Hello, I am a robot." 960 00:48:25,360 --> 00:48:27,580 是奴隶的意思 而且相信我 It means "slave" and believe me, 961 00:48:27,662 --> 00:48:28,870 他们不是什么奴隶 they are not slaves. 962 00:48:29,000 --> 00:48:31,116 - 你变成他们的囚犯了? - 没有 我很开心 - Are you their prisoner? - No, I am very happy. 963 00:48:31,200 --> 00:48:32,349 说谎注意表情啊 Tell your face. 964 00:48:33,791 --> 00:48:34,670 怎么样了? What's going on? 965 00:48:34,714 --> 00:48:36,677 这个小镇被自称不是机器人的机器人占领了 The town's been invaded by robots who aren't robots 966 00:48:36,705 --> 00:48:39,008 - 他是他们的囚犯 - 我不是 - and The Rev's their prisoner. - I am not. 967 00:48:39,160 --> 00:48:41,515 我们马上就走了 我们能帮你逃出去 We're leaving first thing. We can get you out of here. 968 00:48:41,585 --> 00:48:42,611 我不会走的 I'm not going. 969 00:48:42,657 --> 00:48:44,630 这里也不是你们想的那样 这对我们大家都好 It's not what you think. This is for all our benefit. 970 00:48:44,720 --> 00:48:46,420 你说太多了 特拉沃尔 You've said too much, Trevor. 971 00:48:46,462 --> 00:48:48,230 对 该停了 特拉沃尔 Yeah, put a cork in it, Trevor. 972 00:48:48,320 --> 00:48:50,470 - 我只是想帮忙 - 这里不该由你来帮忙 - I'm just trying to help. - It's not your place to help. 973 00:48:50,560 --> 00:48:52,073 他们最后会知道一切的 They will have everything in hand. 974 00:48:52,160 --> 00:48:53,195 你们是机器人吗? Are you guys robots? 975 00:48:53,360 --> 00:48:56,750 机器人这个词实际上起源于一个古老的捷克词语... Well, the word robot actually comes from an old Czech word... 976 00:48:56,880 --> 00:48:58,359 - 机器... - 意思是奴隶 - robotnik... - meaning slave. 977 00:48:58,560 --> 00:49:00,437 - 我们不是奴隶 - 我们过得非常非常开心 - And we are not slaves. - We are very, very happy. 978 00:49:00,440 --> 00:49:01,714 所以我们不是机器人 And not robots. 979 00:49:01,720 --> 00:49:03,233 天啊 这些人是机器人吗? Oh, my God, are these guys robots? 980 00:49:03,240 --> 00:49:04,434 别再谈机器人了! Shut up about robots! 981 00:49:04,440 --> 00:49:06,032 我说我们什么都别再谈了! I say we shut up about everything! 982 00:49:12,880 --> 00:49:14,074 特拉沃尔 Trevor. 983 00:49:16,360 --> 00:49:18,828 是你的监督人 It's your supervisor. 984 00:49:21,160 --> 00:49:23,674 - 你好 特拉沃尔 - 你好 先生 - Hello, Trevor. - Hello, sir. 985 00:49:25,840 --> 00:49:27,432 但... But... 986 00:49:28,360 --> 00:49:29,759 我明白 I understand. 987 00:49:50,640 --> 00:49:52,073 太感谢你们了 Thanks a bunch. 988 00:49:58,320 --> 00:49:59,719 我错过了什么? What did I miss? 989 00:49:59,880 --> 00:50:01,791 你的朋友们想帮忙 Your friends trying to help. 990 00:50:01,880 --> 00:50:03,154 我们不需要你们的帮忙 We don't need your help. 991 00:50:03,240 --> 00:50:04,559 那我们该做什么? Well, what should we do? 992 00:50:05,160 --> 00:50:08,277 我建议你们该干什么就干什么 Isuggest you get on your way. 993 00:50:10,200 --> 00:50:11,952 我觉得我们应该听他的 I thinkwe should do what he says. 994 00:50:12,800 --> 00:50:14,074 好吧 Okay. 995 00:50:20,531 --> 00:50:21,641 双头狗 996 00:50:21,800 --> 00:50:22,994 我们走吧 Here we go. 997 00:50:26,640 --> 00:50:28,517 - 来吧! - 加里 - Come on! - Gary. 998 00:50:28,520 --> 00:50:29,794 加里! Gary! 999 00:50:29,880 --> 00:50:31,950 我们进去就马上出来 怎样? Let's just get in and out of this one, yeah? 1000 00:50:32,080 --> 00:50:33,798 不要再交新朋友了 No more making new friends. 1001 00:50:34,725 --> 00:50:35,768 先生们! Gentlemen! 1002 00:50:35,802 --> 00:50:37,728 浪子回归了! The prodigal sons return! 1003 00:50:37,800 --> 00:50:40,758 要点什么呢 不如来点啤酒? What will it be, one of our guest ales perchance? 1004 00:50:41,840 --> 00:50:44,400 我推荐来五杯至高荣耀啤酒 如何? Might I recommend five pints of Crowning Glory? 1005 00:50:44,460 --> 00:50:46,585 非常合适 你觉得呢 加里? Rather fitting, wouldn't you say, Gary? 1006 00:50:46,697 --> 00:50:47,614 什么? 抱歉 什么? What? Sorry. What? 1007 00:50:47,657 --> 00:50:50,670 精心酿造 口感跳脱 令人迷醉 泡沫丰富 It's a delightful brew. Hoppy, nutty, foamy. 1008 00:50:50,760 --> 00:50:53,911 喝完是不是还会在舌尖留下水果的味道? Does it have a fruity note that the lingers on the tongue? 1009 00:50:54,160 --> 00:50:56,628 您一看就是个行家 You're obviously a connoisseur. 1010 00:50:56,737 --> 00:50:58,710 那您肯定知道能喝到这种啤酒很难得 Then you'll already know that it's a rare treat 1011 00:50:58,762 --> 00:51:02,710 仅供流氓、传教士、皇室成员和其他好人 for rogues, reverends, royalty and all good folks between. 1012 00:51:02,908 --> 00:51:04,270 那就来五杯 Five of those, please. 1013 00:51:04,674 --> 00:51:06,270 欢迎回家 孩子们 Welcome home, boys. 1014 00:51:10,640 --> 00:51:12,517 我都不记得他会这么友好 I don't remember him being that friendly. 1015 00:51:12,617 --> 00:51:14,820 他显然是他们中的一员 He's obviously one of them. 1016 00:51:15,040 --> 00:51:16,519 他怎么可能? 他记得我 How can he be? He remembered me. 1017 00:51:16,600 --> 00:51:18,079 我们不知道他们记得什么 We don't know what they remember. 1018 00:51:18,080 --> 00:51:19,479 可能他们有选择性记忆 Maybe they have selective memories. 1019 00:51:19,640 --> 00:51:21,471 没错 就像 他的名字是什么? 我 Yeah, like what's his name? Me. 1020 00:51:21,560 --> 00:51:23,391 可能他是其他人中的一员 像老圣人 Maybe he's one of the others. Like The Reverend. 1021 00:51:23,480 --> 00:51:24,879 这很难分辨 对吧? It is very hard to tell, isn't it? 1022 00:51:25,000 --> 00:51:26,877 对 我是说 他是他们中的一个还是他们中的一个? Yeah, I mean, is he one of them or is he one of them? 1023 00:51:26,960 --> 00:51:28,712 等等 等等 他们是哪个他们? Wait, wait, which ones are the thems again? 1024 00:51:28,800 --> 00:51:30,074 有两个他们 对吧? Well, they're both thems, aren't they? 1025 00:51:30,160 --> 00:51:31,388 有两种方法来说 But there's two ways of saying it. 1026 00:51:31,400 --> 00:51:33,516 他是他们中的一个还是他们中的一个? Is he one of them or is he one of them? 1027 00:51:33,520 --> 00:51:34,794 我们要用不同的名称 We need different terms. 1028 00:51:35,137 --> 00:51:37,228 一个指代不是机器人的人 One for the people who aren't robots... 1029 00:51:37,420 --> 00:51:39,771 还有一个指代自称不是机器人的机器人 and one for the robots who aren't robots. 1030 00:51:39,877 --> 00:51:40,854 好吧 All right, 1031 00:51:40,931 --> 00:51:43,817 我们得能区分他们 we need to be able to differentiate between them, 1032 00:51:43,894 --> 00:51:45,137 他们和我们 them and us. 1033 00:51:45,197 --> 00:51:47,030 对 我觉得代词真的很难区分 Yeah, I think the pronouns are really confusing. 1034 00:51:47,120 --> 00:51:49,031 对 我甚至都不知道代词是什么意思 Yes. I don't even know what a pronoun is. 1035 00:51:49,120 --> 00:51:51,236 代词自身能起到名词的作用 It's a word that can function by itself as a noun 1036 00:51:51,240 --> 00:51:52,753 但在语境中指代其他东西 which refers to something else in the discourse. 1037 00:51:52,840 --> 00:51:54,239 - 我没听懂它 - 你刚刚就用了一个 - I don't get it. - You just used one. 1038 00:51:54,360 --> 00:51:55,588 - 是吗? - 用了 "它"就是个代词 - Did I? - Yeah. "It" is a pronoun. 1039 00:51:55,680 --> 00:51:56,715 - 哪个词? - 它 - What is? - It. 1040 00:51:56,720 --> 00:51:57,709 - 是它? - 神啊 - Is it? - Christ. 1041 00:51:57,740 --> 00:51:59,260 听着 我们只是要找他妈的一个词而已 Look, we just need a fucking word... 1042 00:51:59,310 --> 00:52:00,785 只要分辨谁是谁就行了 so we can identify who's who. 1043 00:52:00,817 --> 00:52:03,011 他是空壳 她是空壳 He's a blank, she's a blank, 1044 00:52:03,582 --> 00:52:05,705 那两个人肯定也是空壳 those two people are definitely blanks. 1045 00:52:07,360 --> 00:52:08,349 山姆 Sam. 1046 00:52:09,520 --> 00:52:10,999 我来 史蒂文 I got this, Steve. 1047 00:52:14,160 --> 00:52:15,639 - 你好吗 山姆? - 神经病 - All right, Sam? - Oh, crumbs. 1048 00:52:16,040 --> 00:52:17,792 今晚过得怎么样? How's your night going? 1049 00:52:17,880 --> 00:52:20,189 挺好的 基本还不错 Good. Sort of. 1050 00:52:20,920 --> 00:52:22,911 "基本"是什么意思? What do you mean "sort of"? 1051 00:52:24,240 --> 00:52:26,674 真奇怪 不是吗? Well, it's weird, isn't it? 1052 00:52:26,760 --> 00:52:29,042 你回来后发现一切都没变 You come back and everything's the same, 1053 00:52:29,848 --> 00:52:31,225 都又有点不同 but sort of different. 1054 00:52:31,302 --> 00:52:32,550 怎么不同了? Different how? 1055 00:52:32,720 --> 00:52:34,233 就是很奇怪 Just weird. 1056 00:52:34,360 --> 00:52:35,759 怎么奇怪了? How weird? 1057 00:52:36,640 --> 00:52:37,629 你想知道什么 加里? What are you getting at, Gary? 1058 00:52:37,760 --> 00:52:39,273 跟我来 Come with me. 1059 00:52:39,451 --> 00:52:40,151 残疾人洗手间 1060 00:52:41,800 --> 00:52:43,472 去你妹的 加里 我没给你什么暗示 Fuck's sake, Gary, take a hint. 1061 00:52:43,560 --> 00:52:44,993 没关系 我不是要和你做爱 It's all right, I'm not trying to have sex with you. 1062 00:52:45,000 --> 00:52:46,433 那我们为什么跑到残疾人洗手间里? Why are we in the disabled toilets then? 1063 00:52:46,440 --> 00:52:47,634 现在我要告诉你一些事 There's something I need to tell you right now, 1064 00:52:47,720 --> 00:52:48,948 除非你确实想做爱 unless you do want to have sex, 1065 00:52:49,040 --> 00:52:50,155 那样的话 我们先做爱我再告诉你 in which case I'll tell you afterwards. 1066 00:52:50,160 --> 00:52:51,149 现在就告诉我吧 Tell me right now. 1067 00:52:51,240 --> 00:52:52,593 你有没有发现那对双胞胎有些惊悚的地方 Have you noticed anything creepy about The Twins 1068 00:52:52,600 --> 00:52:53,715 除了她们是双胞胎这个事实之外? apart from the fact that they're twins? 1069 00:52:53,800 --> 00:52:56,109 她们是双胞胎不意味着她们很惊悚 Just because they're twins doesn't automatically make them creepy. 1070 00:52:56,200 --> 00:52:57,872 - 不 确实会有点惊悚 - 你和她们上床了 - It does a little bit. - You had sex with them. 1071 00:52:57,960 --> 00:53:01,270 第一 我没有 第二 你怎么知道的? A, I did not, and, B, how did you know about that? 1072 00:53:01,480 --> 00:53:04,199 第一 这个镇子很小 第二 我不蠢 第三 她们告诉我的 A, it's a small town, B, I'm not stupid and, C, they told me. 1073 00:53:04,280 --> 00:53:06,111 好吧 我们确实睡过一次 但我快累死了 Right. Well, I did once, but I was wasted, 1074 00:53:06,120 --> 00:53:07,951 令人惊悚的就是那时好像有四个人在干我一样 which was creepy because it was like there was four of them. 1075 00:53:08,040 --> 00:53:09,678 我一点都不骄傲 事实上我确实有点骄傲 I am not proud of it. I am a bit. 1076 00:53:09,680 --> 00:53:12,194 - 这就是你想告诉我的? - 不 这是... - Is this what you wanted to tell me? - No, this is... 1077 00:53:15,560 --> 00:53:16,675 - 你还好吗 山姆? - 你还好吧 山姆? - Are you okay, Sam? - Are you okay, Sam? 1078 00:53:16,800 --> 00:53:18,313 我想抽根烟 I need a cigarette. 1079 00:53:19,320 --> 00:53:21,709 - 机器鬼? - 机器假人怎么样? - Nobots? - How about Fauxbots? 1080 00:53:21,800 --> 00:53:23,836 我觉得我们应该彻底撇开这些机器人的问题 Ithinkwe should getaway from the whole robots thing. 1081 00:53:23,840 --> 00:53:24,989 史蒂文? Steven? 1082 00:53:25,400 --> 00:53:26,594 他去干什么? What's he up to? 1083 00:53:27,400 --> 00:53:30,198 别担心 他可能是想去上奥利弗的妹妹 Oh, don't worry, he's probably just trying to fuck Oliver's sister. 1084 00:53:30,200 --> 00:53:31,189 安迪 Andy. 1085 00:53:33,000 --> 00:53:34,672 天啊 那个人就是个渣 Oh, my God, that man is full of shit. 1086 00:53:35,800 --> 00:53:37,518 我知道这不会让你们惊讶 I know that's not a surprise to you. 1087 00:53:37,520 --> 00:53:39,476 - 他说什么了 山姆? - 他说什么了 山姆? - What did he say, Sam? - What did he say, Sam? 1088 00:53:39,720 --> 00:53:43,674 他说牛顿·海文被机器人占领了 He said that Newton Haven has been taken over by robots... 1089 00:53:43,737 --> 00:53:44,940 都是蓝色的东西 full of blue stuff... 1090 00:53:45,120 --> 00:53:46,685 如果我们不按照他们说的做 and if we don't do what they say, 1091 00:53:46,751 --> 00:53:48,308 他们就会把我们变成奴隶 they will make us their prisoners. 1092 00:53:48,380 --> 00:53:49,954 - 你相信他吗? - 你相信他吗? - Did you believe him? - Did you believe him? 1093 00:53:51,100 --> 00:53:52,277 不信 当然不信 No, of course not. 1094 00:53:54,565 --> 00:53:55,830 - 你相信他吗? - 你相信他吗? - Did you believe him? - Did you believe him? 1095 00:53:56,680 --> 00:53:58,033 什么? What? 1096 00:54:10,400 --> 00:54:12,550 - 看到了吗? - 别信他 山姆 - See? - Come on, Sam. 1097 00:54:12,560 --> 00:54:14,516 你不会蠢到去相信加里·金的 You know betterthan to believe Gary King. 1098 00:54:16,200 --> 00:54:17,189 神经病 Oh, crumbs. 1099 00:54:18,760 --> 00:54:19,749 山姆! Sam! 1100 00:54:28,400 --> 00:54:31,073 天啊! 你们这两个疯婆娘 放手! God! You creepy bitches, get off! 1101 00:54:46,840 --> 00:54:47,829 给我根烟 Chuck us a ciggie. 1102 00:54:48,240 --> 00:54:49,229 哦 Oh. 1103 00:54:52,680 --> 00:54:54,398 加里 发生了什么? Gary, what's happening? 1104 00:54:54,480 --> 00:54:57,119 - 我在残疾人厕所告诉过你了 - 哦 对 你说过 - I told you in the disableds. - Oh, yes, you did. 1105 00:54:57,320 --> 00:54:58,548 我们进去吧 嗯? We should get inside, eh? 1106 00:54:58,800 --> 00:55:01,473 不然就会有人来问他妈的出什么事了 Otherwise people are going to ask what the hell's going on. 1107 00:55:01,720 --> 00:55:02,914 他妈的出什么事了? What the hell's going on? 1108 00:55:02,920 --> 00:55:04,273 - 史蒂文 我发现了 - 发现什么了? - Steve, I got this. - Got what? 1109 00:55:04,280 --> 00:55:06,635 山姆 他配不上你 Sam, he's not good enough for you. 1110 00:55:06,640 --> 00:55:07,629 - 什么? - 什么? - What? - What? 1111 00:55:07,720 --> 00:55:10,314 我们今晚经历了很多疯狂的事 We've been through some crazy shit tonight 1112 00:55:11,440 --> 00:55:14,352 这让我明白了一些事 and it's really put things in perspective for me, 1113 00:55:14,440 --> 00:55:17,000 如果一切都像看上去那样神经 and if everything is as fucked up as it seems, 1114 00:55:17,165 --> 00:55:18,974 那么我要告诉你一些事 then there's something I need to tell you. 1115 00:55:19,920 --> 00:55:22,348 你可能会认为是因为我喝了七杯酒的关系 You might think this is because I've had seven pints, 1116 00:55:22,405 --> 00:55:23,750 但不是的 but it's not. 1117 00:55:23,840 --> 00:55:24,829 不是的 It's not. 1118 00:55:25,560 --> 00:55:27,232 我爱你 山姆 I'm in love with you, Sam. 1119 00:55:27,560 --> 00:55:29,118 我一直都爱你 I always have been, 1120 00:55:29,480 --> 00:55:30,605 我很伤心 and it breaks my heart 1121 00:55:30,660 --> 00:55:33,590 看到你把情感浪费在他妈的加里·金上 to see you waste your affections on Gary fucking King. 1122 00:55:33,680 --> 00:55:36,319 - 嘿 那么说有点难听 - 哦 不 你搞错了 - Hey, that's a bit harsh. - Oh, no, you've got it all wrong. 1123 00:55:36,440 --> 00:55:38,510 - 没发生什么... - 让我坦白告诉你 - There's nothing between... - And while I'm being honest, 1124 00:55:38,600 --> 00:55:40,222 把所有都摊开来说 just to lay it all out there, 1125 00:55:40,351 --> 00:55:42,480 我正在和一个健身教练谈恋爱 I am currently seeing a fitness instructor. 1126 00:55:42,520 --> 00:55:43,953 她26岁 She's 26 years old, 1127 00:55:44,080 --> 00:55:46,799 但如果我有一次机会能和你在一起 but I would drop her in a heartbeat if it meant 1128 00:55:46,880 --> 00:55:48,518 我立马就会甩了她 that I had one last chance with you. 1129 00:55:48,720 --> 00:55:51,871 史蒂文 我和加里·金之间没有什么事 Steven, there's nothing between me and Gary King. 1130 00:55:54,640 --> 00:55:55,629 他妈的 Oh, fuck. 1131 00:56:14,120 --> 00:56:15,633 不好意思 Sorry. 1132 00:56:23,120 --> 00:56:25,236 嘿! 把你的脚从她身上拿开! Hey! Get your feet off her! 1133 00:56:29,960 --> 00:56:32,474 把头拧掉! 就像拧开阿司匹林药瓶一样把她的头拧掉 Pop its head off! Pop its head off like an aspirin bottle. 1134 00:56:39,520 --> 00:56:40,669 蓝血人? Blue-bloods? 1135 00:56:40,680 --> 00:56:42,830 过去3分钟我们的提议都不如 Nothing suggested in the last three minutes 1136 00:56:42,920 --> 00:56:44,558 碎碎蛋头博士来得好 has been better than Smashy-Smashy Egg Men. 1137 00:56:44,680 --> 00:56:46,398 - 都比不上 - 他妈的到底怎么回事? - Nothing. - What the hell's going on? 1138 00:56:46,400 --> 00:56:48,675 你们想好怎么叫那些自称不是机器人的机器人了吗? Did you guys think of a name for the robots who aren't robots? 1139 00:56:48,680 --> 00:56:51,069 我想我们就叫空壳人了 I'm afraid we've drawn a blank. 1140 00:56:51,160 --> 00:56:53,833 那我们刚刚就在花园里和两个空白人大干了一场 Well, we just had a barney with two blanks in the beer garden. 1141 00:56:53,960 --> 00:56:55,598 - 我们现在就走吧! - 同意 - We have to leave now! - Agreed. 1142 00:56:59,760 --> 00:57:01,079 我们出发去美人鱼 Let's hit The Mermaid. 1143 00:57:01,080 --> 00:57:02,752 - 等等 什么? - 第八家啊 - Wait, what? - Number eight. 1144 00:57:02,840 --> 00:57:03,875 "第八家"? "Number eight"? 1145 00:57:03,880 --> 00:57:06,110 - 他妈的 - 安迪 怎么回事? - Oh, fuck. - Andy, what's happening? 1146 00:57:06,640 --> 00:57:08,428 加里认为我们应该继续按计划行动 Gary thinks we should keep on with the crawl... 1147 00:57:08,460 --> 00:57:09,885 因为他们知道我们要做什么 because they know what we're doing, 1148 00:57:10,040 --> 00:57:12,076 但他们不知道我们知道他们要做什么 but they don't know that we know what they're doing. 1149 00:57:12,160 --> 00:57:14,608 而且主要别人也没更好的主意 And basically no one else has a better idea, 1150 00:57:14,654 --> 00:57:15,522 所以他妈的就这样了 so fuck it. 1151 00:57:17,160 --> 00:57:18,309 什么? What? 1152 00:57:19,480 --> 00:57:20,469 等等! Wait! 1153 00:57:24,720 --> 00:57:27,154 伙计们! 伙计们! 我有一个更好的主意 Guys! Guys! I've got a better idea. 1154 00:57:27,240 --> 00:57:29,276 我的车就停在附近 I'm parked right round here somewhere. 1155 00:57:29,280 --> 00:57:31,748 把车开过来 我们就马上走! 史蒂文 告诉他们! Haul it. Just go! Steven, tell them! 1156 00:57:31,840 --> 00:57:34,115 加里说如果我们现在打算离开 他们就会抓到我们 Gary said they'll get us if we try and leave now. 1157 00:57:34,120 --> 00:57:36,714 现在说离开已经太晚了 来吧 We're way past leaving now. Come on. 1158 00:57:39,151 --> 00:57:40,873 美人鱼 1159 00:57:50,400 --> 00:57:51,958 没错 就该这样 Oh, yeah. 1160 00:57:52,760 --> 00:57:54,591 孩子们就想要这样的 This is what the kids want. 1161 00:57:54,680 --> 00:57:56,079 有点疯狂 不是吗? This is a bit mad, isn't it? 1162 00:57:56,080 --> 00:57:58,913 这才是完美 我们可以躲在这里 我去拿点酒 This is perfect. We can hide out in here. I'll get the drinks in. 1163 00:57:59,040 --> 00:58:00,598 好计划 圈仔 Good plan, 0-Man. 1164 00:58:00,600 --> 00:58:02,113 小心空壳人 Keep an eye out for blanks. 1165 00:58:02,440 --> 00:58:03,429 你终于领会了 You've got it. 1166 00:58:14,720 --> 00:58:17,712 - 你之前为什么不说? - 说什么? - Why didn't you say anything? - About what? 1167 00:58:17,800 --> 00:58:19,631 你在花园里说的那些 About what you said in the garden. 1168 00:58:21,080 --> 00:58:22,308 我一直想说 I always wanted to. 1169 00:58:22,320 --> 00:58:24,231 但总觉得没有合适的时机 It just never seemed like the right moment. 1170 00:58:24,320 --> 00:58:26,197 总有别的事要做 Something always got in the way. 1171 00:58:26,280 --> 00:58:28,316 给 喝了这些吧 Here you go, get these down you. 1172 00:58:28,960 --> 00:58:29,949 谢了 Thanks. 1173 00:58:30,080 --> 00:58:32,275 史蒂文? Steven? 1174 00:58:36,960 --> 00:58:40,111 求求你! 我还有好多事没做呢! Please! I have so much to live for! 1175 00:58:40,120 --> 00:58:42,111 - 是我 你个笨蛋 - 巴希尔! - It's me, you numpty. - Basil! 1176 00:58:42,200 --> 00:58:45,112 我就知道 看到你们的脸就意味着麻烦来了 I knew seeing your faces again would spell trouble. 1177 00:58:45,120 --> 00:58:47,554 等等 我怎么知道你是不是真正的你? Wait. How do I know it's really you? 1178 00:58:47,720 --> 00:58:49,777 因为我是唯一 Because I'm the only one... 1179 00:58:49,831 --> 00:58:52,420 要告诉你牛顿·海文真相的人 who's going to tell you the truth about Newton Haven. 1180 00:58:53,320 --> 00:58:57,472 现在 你还记得1990年6月22号傍晚发生的事吗? Now, do you recall the events of the evening of June the 22nd, 1990? 1181 00:58:57,560 --> 00:58:59,551 不记得了 但我认识一个人 他记得 No, but I know a man who does. 1182 00:59:02,960 --> 00:59:04,632 给 Here you go. 1183 00:59:04,760 --> 00:59:06,716 有我们认识的人吗? See anyone we know? 1184 00:59:12,480 --> 00:59:14,596 - 甜心三明治 - 甜心三明治 - The Marmalade Sandwich. - The Marmalade Sandwich. 1185 00:59:21,120 --> 00:59:22,269 她们还像过去一样美 They look good. 1186 00:59:25,000 --> 00:59:27,434 - 是灯光的效果 - 是酒的效果 - It's the lights. - It's the drink. 1187 00:59:31,440 --> 00:59:32,953 谁管它是什么的效果? Who cares what it is? 1188 00:59:34,760 --> 00:59:35,909 史蒂文? Steven? 1189 00:59:37,360 --> 00:59:38,349 史蒂文? Steven? 1190 00:59:39,480 --> 00:59:40,959 他们就是那晚来的 That was the night they arrived. 1191 00:59:41,040 --> 00:59:43,190 记得那颗流星吗? 那就是他们 Remember the shooting star? That was them. 1192 00:59:43,280 --> 00:59:44,554 一开始什么事都没有 Nothing happened at first. 1193 00:59:44,680 --> 00:59:48,355 他们在准备 躲在地下 准备着 They were getting ready, burrowing in underground, preparing. 1194 00:59:48,440 --> 00:59:51,557 不久以后 人们就开始转变了 Not long after you lot left, people started to change. 1195 00:59:51,560 --> 00:59:53,471 一开始只有一两个 之后越来越多 Just one or two at first, then more. 1196 00:59:53,640 --> 00:59:55,671 他们替换了有影响力的大人物 They replaced people of influence, 1197 00:59:55,720 --> 00:59:57,134 占领了大学 taking over the institutions, 1198 00:59:57,280 --> 00:59:58,148 重建 remaking, 1199 00:59:58,240 --> 00:59:58,991 重塑 remodeling, 1200 00:59:59,060 --> 01:00:00,510 重组 refurbishing. 1201 01:00:00,640 --> 01:00:02,551 他们尽一切可能 让我们成为他们 Doing everything they could to make us join them. 1202 01:00:10,240 --> 01:00:12,040 我找不到史蒂文了 I can't find Steven. 1203 01:00:13,057 --> 01:00:14,437 其他人在哪里? Where are the others? 1204 01:00:15,000 --> 01:00:16,228 他们在调情 They're blending in. 1205 01:00:19,400 --> 01:00:20,719 神经病 Oh, crumbs. 1206 01:00:21,000 --> 01:00:24,072 替代品不是恶魔 完全不是 It's not like the replacements were evil, far from it. 1207 01:00:24,080 --> 01:00:27,675 人们变得更友好 这就是他们做的 People got a lot friendlier. That's how they do it. 1208 01:00:28,400 --> 01:00:31,153 这不是占领 是融合 It's not an invasion, it's a merger. 1209 01:00:31,240 --> 01:00:34,198 他们不想除掉我们 根本不想 They don't want to get rid of us, not if they can help it. 1210 01:00:34,600 --> 01:00:37,194 他们只是想让我们变得更像他们 They just want to make us more like them. 1211 01:00:37,320 --> 01:00:39,117 改变我们思考的方式 Change the way we think. 1212 01:00:39,200 --> 01:00:41,316 把我们和其他人都带到一条生产线上 Bring us into line with all the ot he rs. 1213 01:00:41,440 --> 01:00:43,431 成为他们链条的一环 Become another linkin their chain. 1214 01:00:43,840 --> 01:00:46,229 这一切都很好 除非你拒绝 Which is fine, unless you say no. 1215 01:00:47,440 --> 01:00:49,078 然后你就会被替换掉 That's when you get replaced. 1216 01:00:49,080 --> 01:00:51,435 一旦他们拿到你的基因 你就完了 Once they get your DNA, they've got you. 1217 01:00:51,440 --> 01:00:52,509 他们怎么拿? How do they do that? 1218 01:00:52,600 --> 01:00:53,794 用他们想用的任何方式 Any way they like. 1219 01:00:53,880 --> 01:00:54,797 血检 Blood tests, 1220 01:00:54,851 --> 01:00:55,791 打针护士 the nit nurse, 1221 01:00:55,837 --> 01:00:56,785 汗液 sweat, 1222 01:00:56,825 --> 01:00:57,808 亲吻 kissing, 1223 01:00:57,897 --> 01:01:00,025 杯缘的唾液 saliva on the rim of a glass. 1224 01:01:00,400 --> 01:01:02,994 不然我为什么要用这么奇怪的吸管喝酒? Why do you think I drink with this crazy straw? 1225 01:01:03,080 --> 01:01:04,399 现在看上去不那么奇怪了吧? Not so crazy now, is it? 1226 01:01:04,680 --> 01:01:06,137 如果你反对他们 If you're not on their side, 1227 01:01:06,194 --> 01:01:07,620 他们就会创造一个同意他们的你 they'll create a version that is. 1228 01:01:08,120 --> 01:01:10,220 他们可以复制一模一样的你 They can bring you back exactly the same... 1229 01:01:10,260 --> 01:01:11,920 甚至创造更年轻的你 or even make you young again. 1230 01:01:12,440 --> 01:01:14,317 那看上去很像你 甚至还有你的记忆 It looks like you, it even has your memories, 1231 01:01:14,400 --> 01:01:16,868 但事实上那只是传播他们信息的管道 but really it's just a vessel to spread their message. 1232 01:01:17,411 --> 01:01:18,288 信任 Trust, 1233 01:01:18,354 --> 01:01:19,017 爱 love, 1234 01:01:19,082 --> 01:01:20,048 尊敬 respect, 1235 01:01:20,134 --> 01:01:21,190 欲望 desire. 1236 01:01:21,280 --> 01:01:24,033 都以进化的名义被取代了 Replaced in the name of progress. 1237 01:01:25,280 --> 01:01:27,794 那么 那些被替代的人怎么样了? So, what happens to the people who get replaced? 1238 01:01:27,800 --> 01:01:30,758 废容器? 别问我他们怎么样了 The empties? Don't ask me what happens to them. 1239 01:01:30,880 --> 01:01:32,154 为什么 废容器怎么样了? Why, what happens to the empties? 1240 01:01:32,280 --> 01:01:33,838 我告诉过你不要问我! I told you not to ask me that! 1241 01:01:33,920 --> 01:01:36,229 快走! 快离开这里 否则就太晚了! Go! Get out, before it's too late! 1242 01:01:40,360 --> 01:01:42,351 - 巴希尔? - 我说过快走! - Basil? - I said go! 1243 01:01:46,360 --> 01:01:47,839 这太不好了 This just can't be good. 1244 01:01:48,160 --> 01:01:51,072 山姆 你高二高三的时候喜欢的男孩子是谁? 阿德里安? Sam, who was the boy that you liked in sixth form? Adrian? 1245 01:01:51,880 --> 01:01:54,314 阿德里安·基恩 怎么了? Adrian Keane. Why? 1246 01:01:55,000 --> 01:01:56,149 他在那里 He's over there. 1247 01:02:05,200 --> 01:02:07,839 嘿 山姆 过得怎么样? Hey, Sam. How's life? 1248 01:02:12,200 --> 01:02:14,350 - 山姆 我们得离开这里! - 我们得离开这里! - Sam, we have to get out of here! - We have to get out of here! 1249 01:02:14,360 --> 01:02:16,510 - 其他人在哪里? - 他们在调情 - Where are the others? - They're blending in. 1250 01:02:18,320 --> 01:02:19,912 他妈的! Oh, fuck! 1251 01:02:22,360 --> 01:02:24,191 - 加里! - 不要 再来一首歌 - Gary! - No, just one more song. 1252 01:02:24,560 --> 01:02:26,551 加里 她是空白人! Gary, she's a blank! 1253 01:02:26,560 --> 01:02:28,039 别这么歧视 Don't be so judgmental. 1254 01:02:28,040 --> 01:02:29,029 他妈的... Oh, for fuck... 1255 01:02:29,751 --> 01:02:30,851 学校联谊会 1256 01:02:31,360 --> 01:02:32,349 好吧 走吧 Oh, yeah. Come on. 1257 01:02:32,560 --> 01:02:33,993 还是到手了 够了就是够了 Still got it. Enough's enough. 1258 01:02:34,240 --> 01:02:35,275 我们快走 Let's go. 1259 01:02:35,360 --> 01:02:37,669 哇 哇 哇 等等 等等 Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up. Hold up. 1260 01:02:38,000 --> 01:02:39,069 你们要去哪? Where are you all going? 1261 01:02:39,200 --> 01:02:41,191 - 我们要走了 - 真的? 怎么回事? - We're leaving. - Really? What happened? 1262 01:02:41,280 --> 01:02:43,191 - 阿德里安·基恩在酒吧里 - 蠢货 - Adrian Keane was in that bar. - Prick. 1263 01:02:43,200 --> 01:02:44,679 我还以为你喜欢阿德里安·基恩 I thought you liked Adrian Keane. 1264 01:02:44,760 --> 01:02:46,432 - 阿德里安·基恩已经死了 - 天啊 - Adrian Keane is dead. - Oh, God. 1265 01:02:46,440 --> 01:02:49,432 八年前在意大利 阿德里安·基恩死于一场摩托车事故 Adrian Keane died in a motorbike accident in Italy eight years ago. 1266 01:02:49,520 --> 01:02:51,397 - 是吗? - 他们肯定拿到了他的基因 - Did he? - They must have had his DNA on file. 1267 01:02:51,400 --> 01:02:52,719 然后才能复制一个他 That's how they were able to replicate him. 1268 01:02:52,880 --> 01:02:54,871 他们知道怎么抓到我们 老兄 他们知道一切 They know how to get to us, man. They know everything. 1269 01:02:55,160 --> 01:02:57,628 - 他们不知道阿德里安死了 - 他们知道的足够诱惑我们了 - They didn't know Adrian was dead. - They knew enough to tempt us. 1270 01:02:57,720 --> 01:03:00,280 他们知道这三个家伙看到穿着校服的姑娘就无法自拔 They knew these three would fall fora bunch of girls in school uniform. 1271 01:03:00,280 --> 01:03:02,557 嘿 谁不会呢?我说的对吧? Hey, who wouldn't? Am I right? 1272 01:03:02,648 --> 01:03:03,642 他妈的还真对 Fuck, yeah. 1273 01:03:03,760 --> 01:03:04,875 我们得离开这个镇子 We've gotta get out of town, 1274 01:03:04,880 --> 01:03:06,313 我们得在事情恶化之前离开这里 we've gotta get beyond it before it's too late. 1275 01:03:06,560 --> 01:03:08,278 - 谁告诉你这些的? - 巴希尔 - Where are you getting all this from? - Basil. 1276 01:03:08,360 --> 01:03:11,557 疯子巴希尔? 说百慕大四角洲和水下纳粹的? Mad Basil? He of the Bermuda Rhombus and the Aqua Nazis? 1277 01:03:11,640 --> 01:03:13,835 又一个很好的乐队名字 史蒂文 Another good name for the band, Steve. 1278 01:03:13,920 --> 01:03:15,751 你就把我们的生命赌在那个疯老头身上? You're putting our lives in the hands of a crazy old man? 1279 01:03:15,760 --> 01:03:17,273 - 他没有疯! - 或许他没疯 - He's not crazy! - No, maybe he's not. 1280 01:03:17,440 --> 01:03:19,271 或许他就是个空壳人 想引诱我们走到镇子边缘的 Or maybe he's a blank trying to lure us to the edge of town, 1281 01:03:19,360 --> 01:03:21,920 黑色乡间小路上 然后他们就会把我们干掉 onto those dark country roads where they can deal with us. 1282 01:03:21,920 --> 01:03:23,740 没错 我们可能最后会死在稻田里 Yeah, we could end up dead in a field. 1283 01:03:23,991 --> 01:03:25,150 我讨厌稻田 I hate fields. 1284 01:03:25,240 --> 01:03:27,549 没错 我也是这么想的 Yes. My thoughts precisely. 1285 01:03:28,080 --> 01:03:29,991 史蒂文说的对 我们应该离开 Steven's right. We should go. 1286 01:03:30,080 --> 01:03:31,433 不 我们要去蜂巢 No, we're going to The Beehive. 1287 01:03:31,520 --> 01:03:32,999 加里的计划仍然是现在的最佳计划 Gary's plan is still the best we have. 1288 01:03:33,880 --> 01:03:34,869 等一下 Wait a minute. 1289 01:03:37,400 --> 01:03:40,437 九零款奥利弗在今晚此时退役 The 1990-model Oliver was out of commission by this point in the evening. 1290 01:03:41,840 --> 01:03:42,829 你在说什么? What are you saying? 1291 01:03:44,760 --> 01:03:46,665 我喜欢新的你 I like the new you. 1292 01:03:47,000 --> 01:03:47,989 走吧 Come on. 1293 01:03:49,480 --> 01:03:51,065 这样做是不对的 This is a mistake, isn't it? 1294 01:03:51,160 --> 01:03:52,275 - 快点! - 跟我走 - Hold up! - Just stick with me. 1295 01:03:53,120 --> 01:03:54,235 安迪 来啊! Andy, come on! 1296 01:03:56,200 --> 01:03:58,873 到啦 第九个酒吧 Here we go. Pub number nine. 1297 01:03:58,960 --> 01:03:59,995 太他妈对了! Fuck yes! 1298 01:04:00,000 --> 01:04:02,434 这就是目标 目标! 皮特! 追求目标吧 That's the spirit, Pete! Spirits! We should do chasers. 1299 01:04:02,560 --> 01:04:03,959 你真令人刮目相看 Who is this guy? 1300 01:04:03,960 --> 01:04:07,350 来吧 安迪! 少了你就没法开始了 Come on. Andy! It can't start without you. 1301 01:04:10,040 --> 01:04:11,029 你说什么? You what? 1302 01:04:11,560 --> 01:04:13,630 我们没你可不行 We can't start without you. 1303 01:04:18,120 --> 01:04:20,554 好 现在轮到谁了? Now then. Whose round is it? 1304 01:04:20,800 --> 01:04:22,153 我来 It's mine. 1305 01:04:23,760 --> 01:04:25,557 谢菲尔德先生! 是谢菲尔德老师? Mr. Shepherd! Is it Mr. Shepherd? 1306 01:04:25,880 --> 01:04:27,714 你们几个小鬼来一起坐吧? Why don't you kids join me? 1307 01:04:28,054 --> 01:04:30,108 一起喝一杯 You look like you could do with a drink. 1308 01:04:31,480 --> 01:04:32,517 现在 Now, 1309 01:04:33,022 --> 01:04:36,470 来谈谈你们的未来 怎么样? let's have a little chat about your future, shall we, hmm? 1310 01:04:36,720 --> 01:04:38,722 - 谢菲尔德老师? - 拜托 - Mr. Shepherd? - Please, 1311 01:04:38,920 --> 01:04:39,990 叫我哥们 call me Guy. 1312 01:04:41,280 --> 01:04:42,269 好吧 All right. 1313 01:04:44,000 --> 01:04:44,989 哥们... Guy... 1314 01:04:46,000 --> 01:04:47,353 瞧瞧你 Look at you. 1315 01:04:50,040 --> 01:04:51,109 你是机器人吗? Are you a robot? 1316 01:04:51,840 --> 01:04:54,274 谁知道机器人语出何处? Does anyone know what robot means? 1317 01:04:54,480 --> 01:04:55,629 - 我知道! - 请说 加里 - Yeah. I do! - Yes, Gary. 1318 01:04:56,040 --> 01:04:57,553 意思就是"奴隶" It means "slave." 1319 01:04:57,640 --> 01:04:59,631 很好 加里 Oh, very good, Gary. 1320 01:05:00,080 --> 01:05:01,559 那你是机器人吗? Are you a robot, sir? 1321 01:05:01,640 --> 01:05:04,552 不 皮特 我当然不是 No, Peter, of course I'm not a robot. 1322 01:05:04,640 --> 01:05:05,629 - 先生? - 请说 史蒂文 - Sir? - Yes, Steven. 1323 01:05:05,760 --> 01:05:07,113 但你站在他们那边的 对吗? But you're on their side, though? 1324 01:05:07,200 --> 01:05:09,873 无关站在哪边 史蒂文 This is not about sides, Steven. 1325 01:05:10,080 --> 01:05:12,230 这与外在无关 It's not about shirts versus skins. 1326 01:05:12,360 --> 01:05:15,989 这关乎精诚合作 It's about working together as one team. 1327 01:05:16,160 --> 01:05:19,675 我知道有点奇怪 还有点吓人 I know it may seem a bit weird and a little bit scary, 1328 01:05:20,320 --> 01:05:22,470 当请相信我 完全不是这样的 but please believe me, it's quite the opposite. 1329 01:05:22,600 --> 01:05:24,238 他们是来帮助我们的 They're here to help. 1330 01:05:24,240 --> 01:05:27,710 纠正我们 让我们准备好加入大家庭 To straighten us out. To prepare us for the big league. 1331 01:05:28,040 --> 01:05:31,350 他们能看到我们的潜力 They've seen something in us, a potential. 1332 01:05:31,520 --> 01:05:33,988 在那上面还有个庞大的社会 There's a vast community of worlds up there, 1333 01:05:34,800 --> 01:05:36,014 一起生活 living together, 1334 01:05:36,137 --> 01:05:37,202 和平 peacefully, 1335 01:05:37,434 --> 01:05:38,430 合作 cooperatively. 1336 01:05:38,880 --> 01:05:41,872 知道吗? 他们想让我们加入 And guess what? They want us along for the ride. 1337 01:05:43,760 --> 01:05:45,910 很不错吧 兄弟们? Pretty cool, eh, gang? 1338 01:05:46,040 --> 01:05:48,634 那么 他们不会伤害我们? So, they're not here to harm us? 1339 01:05:49,325 --> 01:05:51,505 怎么会呢 圈仔 吧 Far from it, 0-Man. No, 1340 01:05:51,642 --> 01:05:53,148 他们是来提供帮助的 they're here to help. 1341 01:05:53,240 --> 01:05:55,993 我可没说他们惧怕暴力 I'm not saying they're afraid to get tough. 1342 01:05:56,120 --> 01:05:58,839 过去我可被你们折腾的够呛 I certainly had to get tough with you in my day. 1343 01:05:59,240 --> 01:06:02,357 难道你们中没有一个人对我表示感谢吗? And what one amongst you wouldn't thank me for it? Hmm? 1344 01:06:02,560 --> 01:06:04,034 请表示尊敬 In some respects, 1345 01:06:04,211 --> 01:06:05,880 他们其实更像教师 they're a lot like teachers. 1346 01:06:05,960 --> 01:06:06,974 严格 Stern, 1347 01:06:07,240 --> 01:06:08,348 没错 yes. 1348 01:06:08,622 --> 01:06:10,270 有些可怕 A little frightening. 1349 01:06:10,280 --> 01:06:11,838 但都是为了我们好 But it's all for our betterment. 1350 01:06:12,760 --> 01:06:13,565 那么 So, 1351 01:06:13,780 --> 01:06:14,942 你怎么说… what do you say... 1352 01:06:15,034 --> 01:06:18,710 我们一起换个地方体面地谈谈这事儿? we all go somewhere and talk about this properly? 1353 01:06:18,920 --> 01:06:20,011 这么谈不体面吗? That wasn't properly? 1354 01:06:20,085 --> 01:06:21,214 嗯 我看很显然 Well, I think it's pretty clear, 1355 01:06:21,262 --> 01:06:23,730 伙计们 谢菲尔德老师是想告诉我们... guys, what Mr. Shepherd is trying to say is that... 1356 01:06:26,440 --> 01:06:27,391 安迪! Andy! 1357 01:06:27,637 --> 01:06:28,710 你干什么? What the fuck? 1358 01:06:28,960 --> 01:06:30,214 是啊 安迪 Yes, Andy. 1359 01:06:30,640 --> 01:06:31,605 你干什么? What the fuck? 1360 01:06:31,640 --> 01:06:33,073 干什么? WTF? 1361 01:06:36,120 --> 01:06:37,665 人类 Humans, 1362 01:06:37,728 --> 01:06:40,110 你们让我们别无选择 you leave us no recourse. 1363 01:06:40,320 --> 01:06:43,278 如果你们不肯自愿加入我们 If you will not join us willingly, 1364 01:06:43,760 --> 01:06:47,719 我们只能采取别的方式让你们就范 we will be forced to use other means of persuasion. 1365 01:06:47,800 --> 01:06:49,392 现在 请... Now, please... 1366 01:06:56,800 --> 01:06:58,677 我他妈恨死这里啦! I fucking hate this town! 1367 01:07:39,280 --> 01:07:40,508 哦 哦! Oh, oh! 1368 01:07:48,040 --> 01:07:49,917 - 哦 哥们 你真重 - 不好意思 - Oh, crumbs, you're heavy. - Sorry. 1369 01:08:14,520 --> 01:08:15,873 该死的! Moth e rfu c ke r! 1370 01:08:35,600 --> 01:08:37,318 安迪! Andy! 1371 01:08:37,480 --> 01:08:38,833 强扭瓜 哥们! Twist the melon, man! 1372 01:08:41,640 --> 01:08:43,073 棒! Yeah! 1373 01:08:45,160 --> 01:08:45,994 山姆 Sam, 1374 01:08:46,231 --> 01:08:48,910 你难道连家人都不信任了吗 this is no way for a family to behave. 1375 01:08:57,680 --> 01:09:00,069 山姆 我对你很失望 Sam, I'm disappointed in you. 1376 01:09:06,560 --> 01:09:08,551 圈仔! 0-Man! 1377 01:09:23,280 --> 01:09:24,269 好了 安迪 Okay, Andy. 1378 01:09:24,600 --> 01:09:25,953 扯碎它 Break it up. 1379 01:09:27,600 --> 01:09:29,238 完全没必要这样 It doesn't have to be like this. 1380 01:09:30,440 --> 01:09:32,805 其实可以很简单的 It could be so much simpler, 1381 01:09:33,091 --> 01:09:36,470 完全没有痛苦的 so completely painless. 1382 01:09:37,360 --> 01:09:39,430 你们只需要看着那光 If only you'd see the light. 1383 01:09:39,560 --> 01:09:40,709 是的 Yes. 1384 01:09:40,800 --> 01:09:44,349 完全无需挣扎 See, it's not about conflict, 1385 01:09:46,320 --> 01:09:48,117 只是聚合而已 it's about togetherness. 1386 01:09:48,120 --> 01:09:51,271 好吧 再来一波 怎么样? Yes. Let's try this again, shall we? 1387 01:09:51,840 --> 01:09:52,829 在来一轮吧? How about another round? 1388 01:09:53,440 --> 01:09:54,442 不了 Nah, 1389 01:09:56,665 --> 01:09:57,820 这的酒已经喝了 we're done here. 1390 01:09:58,048 --> 01:09:59,091 好吧 Yes, Gary, 1391 01:09:59,531 --> 01:10:01,630 加里 那试试这个 that appears to be the case. 1392 01:10:01,720 --> 01:10:03,153 烟屋! The Smokehouse! 1393 01:10:03,600 --> 01:10:04,828 - 什么? - 快走! - What? - Just do it! 1394 01:10:05,800 --> 01:10:06,789 快点! Come on! 1395 01:10:07,720 --> 01:10:08,709 这边! This way! 1396 01:10:18,720 --> 01:10:21,553 人类 这是最后通牒 Humans, this is your final warning. 1397 01:10:21,640 --> 01:10:23,915 若仍不服从 会导致... Failure to comply will result in your... 1398 01:10:25,680 --> 01:10:29,116 人类 立即服从 否则将承担一切后果 Humans, obey now, or face the consequences. 1399 01:10:32,520 --> 01:10:33,509 快走! Let's go! 1400 01:10:42,600 --> 01:10:43,715 该死 Shit. 1401 01:10:44,480 --> 01:10:45,674 哦 看 那是我的车! Oh, look, there's my car! 1402 01:10:48,520 --> 01:10:49,509 顺着排水管下去 Let's climb down the drainpipe. 1403 01:10:50,960 --> 01:10:52,473 我有更好的办法 I've got a better idea. 1404 01:10:56,000 --> 01:10:57,433 还是爬水管吧 Climb down the drainpipe. 1405 01:11:01,280 --> 01:11:02,395 好了 快走 Okay, just go. 1406 01:11:02,480 --> 01:11:03,549 等等 他们呢? Wait. What about the others? 1407 01:11:03,560 --> 01:11:05,073 有我呢 交给我了 Leave 'em with me, okay? I got this. 1408 01:11:05,080 --> 01:11:06,991 - 你行吗? - 当然 我绝对靠得住 - Are you sure? - Yeah, I always land on my feet. 1409 01:11:07,560 --> 01:11:08,595 让我很难相信 加里 I don't know if that's true, Gary. 1410 01:11:09,400 --> 01:11:10,389 快走 Just go. 1411 01:11:10,920 --> 01:11:12,638 别忘了找到我哥哥 Will you find out what happened to my brother? 1412 01:11:12,880 --> 01:11:14,031 当然 放心好了 Yeah, of course, of course, 1413 01:11:14,082 --> 01:11:16,350 我还会照顾好史蒂文的 and I'll look after Stevie for you, eh? 1414 01:11:17,040 --> 01:11:18,385 他是个好男人 He's a good guy. 1415 01:11:18,805 --> 01:11:19,980 他比我强 He's better than me. 1416 01:11:20,480 --> 01:11:22,617 加里 你不是坏人 Gary, you're not a bad person, 1417 01:11:22,937 --> 01:11:24,502 不过你不是当男朋友的料 but you're not boyfriend material. 1418 01:11:25,000 --> 01:11:27,753 "在残障厕所里快速来一发自由精神"这种事情 The whole "free spirit quick one in the disabled toilets" thing 1419 01:11:27,760 --> 01:11:29,991 十七岁玩还可以 is kinda cool when you're 17, 1420 01:11:30,362 --> 01:11:31,900 但是你现在已经奔四了 but not when you're facing 40. 1421 01:11:32,560 --> 01:11:36,030 你得成熟起来 不能再幼稚了 There comes a time when you have to go forwards and not backwards. 1422 01:11:36,951 --> 01:11:38,214 如果我那晚没有甩了你 Maybe if I hadn't left you behind that night, 1423 01:11:38,271 --> 01:11:40,168 现在事情就大不一样了 things would all be different. 1424 01:11:40,920 --> 01:11:42,478 不仅仅是那晚的事 加里 It's not all about that night, Gary. 1425 01:11:43,440 --> 01:11:44,429 是吗? Isn't it? 1426 01:11:45,080 --> 01:11:46,354 根本就不该开始 It doesn't have to be. 1427 01:11:48,720 --> 01:11:50,438 事情总是不能令人满意 是吧? We'll always have the disableds, though, won't we? 1428 01:11:51,600 --> 01:11:54,114 没错 总是不能令人满意 Yeah. Yeah, we'll always have the disableds. 1429 01:12:16,280 --> 01:12:17,269 哦 不 Oh, no. 1430 01:12:29,520 --> 01:12:30,919 山姆呢? Where's Sam? 1431 01:12:31,200 --> 01:12:32,428 我把她送到车上了 I put her in her car. 1432 01:12:32,600 --> 01:12:33,635 你怎么她了? You did what? 1433 01:12:33,760 --> 01:12:35,796 我把她送到她的车上了 我告诉她让她走 I put her in her car. I just told her to leave. 1434 01:12:35,800 --> 01:12:38,633 你把唯一清醒能开车的人送走了? You just sent away the only one of us sober enough to drive? 1435 01:12:38,640 --> 01:12:40,835 - 对 - 你是没法接受 - Yeah. - You just couldn't stand the fact 1436 01:12:40,920 --> 01:12:42,353 她更喜欢我这个事实 that she might prefer me to you. 1437 01:12:42,440 --> 01:12:44,112 - 瞎扯 - 本来就是 加里! - That's not true. - It is true, Gary! 1438 01:12:44,374 --> 01:12:46,265 我和她关系不一般 手拉手来着 I was getting somewhere. We held hands. 1439 01:12:46,325 --> 01:12:47,454 我是想帮忙! I was just trying to help! 1440 01:12:47,488 --> 01:12:48,910 你在帮自己! You were trying to help yourself, more like! 1441 01:12:49,000 --> 01:12:50,511 上帝啊 我将功补过来着 Jesus, I do something right for a change... 1442 01:12:50,568 --> 01:12:51,880 你们还没完了 and you fuckers get on my case. 1443 01:12:52,400 --> 01:12:55,350 头次听到你承认错误 That's the first time I've ever heard you admit being wrong. 1444 01:12:55,360 --> 01:12:57,032 我说的是将功 功! I said I did something right! 1445 01:12:57,120 --> 01:12:58,348 对啊 "补过"不是吗 Yeah, "for a change". 1446 01:12:58,360 --> 01:13:00,476 所以 这说明你肯定做错了什么 So? Meaning the rest of the time you're wrong. 1447 01:13:00,560 --> 01:13:02,152 不可能 Not necessarily. 1448 01:13:02,240 --> 01:13:05,471 听着 我是想让她离开这危险的地方 Look, I just thought it was best to keep her out of harm's way. 1449 01:13:05,600 --> 01:13:07,875 那我们呢? 我们就呆在这危险的地方? And what about us, Gary? Aren't we in harm's way? 1450 01:13:07,960 --> 01:13:10,679 我们没事的 皮特 开玩笑 我们可是五个火枪手 We're all right, Pete. Come on, we're The Five Musketeers. 1451 01:13:10,680 --> 01:13:12,750 不 现在是四个火枪手了 No, we're the Four Musketeers. 1452 01:13:14,880 --> 01:13:18,350 等下 我们怎么知道你让她上车了? Wait, how do we know you put her in the car? 1453 01:13:19,080 --> 01:13:20,672 我们怎么知道你是你? How do we know you're you? 1454 01:13:20,680 --> 01:13:21,829 我当然是我! Of course I'm me! 1455 01:13:21,840 --> 01:13:23,708 你到底是谁 加里? Well, who the fuck are you, Gary? 1456 01:13:23,780 --> 01:13:25,190 我是加里·金 I'm Gary King. 1457 01:13:25,680 --> 01:13:28,240 只有一个加里·金 我怎么知道你们是谁? There's only one Gary King. How do I know you guys are you? 1458 01:13:28,320 --> 01:13:29,673 我们一直在一起 We've been together the whole time. 1459 01:13:29,920 --> 01:13:33,230 也许你们全被换了呢 你怎么知道圈仔不再是圈仔了? You might all not be you. How did you know 0-Man wasn't 0-Man? 1460 01:13:33,240 --> 01:13:35,231 因为他的胎记回来了 Because his birthmark was back. 1461 01:13:35,240 --> 01:13:37,515 - 那怎么了? - 巴希尔说过 - What does that prove? - Because of what Basil said. 1462 01:13:37,520 --> 01:13:39,192 他们通过基因复制人 They make a copy from your DNA. 1463 01:13:39,200 --> 01:13:40,519 所以他的胎记又出来了 That's why he had his birthmark. 1464 01:13:40,520 --> 01:13:42,033 他是新的 就像刚生下一样 He was new, like a baby. 1465 01:13:42,040 --> 01:13:43,917 成人版婴儿 或者婴儿版成人 Like a man-baby. Like a "maybe". 1466 01:13:44,000 --> 01:13:46,195 假的奥利弗不会有真奥利弗身上那些后天的东西 Oliver with none of the shit that had happened to the real Oliver. 1467 01:13:46,360 --> 01:13:48,396 激光除痕手术! The laser surgery! 1468 01:13:48,400 --> 01:13:49,879 所以空壳真的是只是空壳? So the blanks really are just blank? 1469 01:13:50,280 --> 01:13:53,192 没装饰 没眼泪 没伤疤 No wear and tear, no scars. 1470 01:13:53,600 --> 01:13:56,034 史蒂文 1987年我们玩板球我推了你一把 Steven, in 1987 we were playing cricket and I accidentally pushed you 1471 01:13:56,120 --> 01:13:58,236 你坐在玻璃瓶上了差点爆了菊花 onto a broken bottle that nearly went up your ass. 1472 01:13:58,360 --> 01:13:59,634 - 干嘛? - 让我们看你的屁股 - So? - Show us your bum. 1473 01:14:05,560 --> 01:14:06,959 - 很漂亮 - 谢谢 - Very nice. - Thank you. 1474 01:14:07,040 --> 01:14:09,713 皮特 1988你搞到了一辆铃木摩托 Pete, you got that 50cc Suzuki in 1988, 1475 01:14:09,720 --> 01:14:11,392 我骑的时候轧过了你的腿 and you let me have a go on it and Iran over your leg. 1476 01:14:14,040 --> 01:14:15,234 什么情况? What the fuck? 1477 01:14:15,320 --> 01:14:17,390 等等 是另一条腿 Oh, wait, it's the other one. 1478 01:14:19,960 --> 01:14:23,236 安迪 1986年我们一起玩刀的时候 Andy, in 1986 we re-enacted the Knife Game from Aliens 1479 01:14:23,240 --> 01:14:24,593 我把你的中指扎穿了 and I stabbed you in the middle finger. 1480 01:14:24,720 --> 01:14:28,269 怎么不提1997年 你嗑药过量 How about December 1 997, when you ODd 1481 01:14:28,360 --> 01:14:31,238 我开车送你去医院 四倍超速 and I drove you to the hospital fourtimesoverthe limit 1482 01:14:31,320 --> 01:14:33,045 结果车翻了 and I ended up rolling the car... 1483 01:14:33,160 --> 01:14:35,230 我差点弄断自己的股动脉 and almost severing my femoral artery, 1484 01:14:35,320 --> 01:14:38,118 然后你奇迹般的恢复正常 at which point you made a miraculous fucking recovery 1485 01:14:38,120 --> 01:14:41,351 直接午夜狂奔了 留下我一个人 and ran off into the night, leaving me to get arrested 1486 01:14:41,440 --> 01:14:43,476 经过了十二小时抢救才活下来? after 12 hours of life-saving surgery? 1487 01:14:44,040 --> 01:14:45,268 你说这些没意义 Either one of those will do. 1488 01:14:47,840 --> 01:14:49,831 - 谢谢 - 你呢? - Thank you. - What about you? 1489 01:14:49,920 --> 01:14:51,319 很简单 That's easy. 1490 01:14:52,960 --> 01:14:55,633 - 那很容易就画上去的 - 纹身不都是画上去的吗? - That could have been drawn on. - Aren't all tattoos drawn on? 1491 01:14:55,640 --> 01:14:57,949 - 没错 - 让我们看胳膊 - Yeah. - Show us your arm. 1492 01:14:58,520 --> 01:15:01,273 - 啥? - 把胳膊露出来 - What? - Show us your arm. 1493 01:15:02,360 --> 01:15:03,395 不 不 No, no. 1494 01:15:03,560 --> 01:15:06,520 你在五年级舞会上从舞台上掉下来 You fell off stage at the fifth-year ball fucking around... 1495 01:15:06,562 --> 01:15:08,320 胳膊肘脱臼了 and dislocated your elbow. 1496 01:15:08,360 --> 01:15:10,510 装入钢板的时候留下了疤 You've got a scar where they put the metal plate in. 1497 01:15:10,640 --> 01:15:12,471 我没必要给你们看任何东西 好吧? I don't have to show you anything, all right? 1498 01:15:12,480 --> 01:15:14,789 我是加里·金 我知道自己是 I'm Gary King. I know I'm me. 1499 01:15:14,880 --> 01:15:16,074 如果我不是我 我怎么知道 If I'm not me, then how do I know... 1500 01:15:16,108 --> 01:15:17,788 那刻在你头顶的横梁上 that carved into that beam above your head 1501 01:15:17,828 --> 01:15:19,720 的字是"国王加里"? are the words "King Gary"? 1502 01:15:19,920 --> 01:15:21,114 那刻得根本不是什么"国王加里" But it doesn't say "King Gary". 1503 01:15:21,120 --> 01:15:23,634 怎么可能 绝对是! Yes, it does. Doesn't it? 1504 01:15:23,800 --> 01:15:26,553 不 那刻着是"国王基佬" No. It says "King Gay". 1505 01:15:26,640 --> 01:15:29,518 哪个混蛋把"R"给我划掉了! Some cunt scrubbed out the "R"! 1506 01:15:29,640 --> 01:15:30,993 - 是我 - 为什么? - That was me. - Why? 1507 01:15:31,120 --> 01:15:33,634 "国王基佬" 意思是后宫三千尽菊花 "King Gay". That means fuck-all anyway. 1508 01:15:33,720 --> 01:15:35,836 谢菲尔德老师都记得 还有奥利弗 Mr. Shepherd remembered stuff, so did Oliver. 1509 01:15:36,160 --> 01:15:38,196 选择性记忆 明白吗? Selective memory, remember? 1510 01:15:40,280 --> 01:15:41,914 我们多少年没见你了 We don't see you for years... 1511 01:15:41,991 --> 01:15:44,090 一见面你就把我们骗来这里 and you just pitch up and bring us here. 1512 01:15:44,680 --> 01:15:47,114 你还是想点有力的证据证明你是人类吧 You better come out with some hard evidence that you're human, 1513 01:15:47,800 --> 01:15:50,075 否则我们就动手证明了 otherwise we're going to find out for ourselves. 1514 01:15:51,400 --> 01:15:53,550 你想要证据? You want evidence? 1515 01:15:55,000 --> 01:15:56,149 瞧着! There! 1516 01:16:00,920 --> 01:16:01,955 这可以证明我是人类! That proves I'm human! 1517 01:16:02,160 --> 01:16:03,149 这可以证明你够蠢 It proves you're stupid. 1518 01:16:03,240 --> 01:16:04,514 说得对! Exactly! 1519 01:16:04,600 --> 01:16:06,033 噢! Ow! 1520 01:16:06,160 --> 01:16:07,513 他是加里 是他 It's Gary. It's Gary. 1521 01:16:10,600 --> 01:16:12,716 所有人都在找我们 The whole town's out looking for us. 1522 01:16:12,800 --> 01:16:13,868 好事 That's a good thing. 1523 01:16:13,914 --> 01:16:15,820 所有人都在外面 那里面就没人了 If everybody's outside, that means nobody's inside. 1524 01:16:16,280 --> 01:16:18,350 加里 等等! 该死! Gary, wait! Fuck! 1525 01:16:21,280 --> 01:16:24,033 加里 加里! 什么叫"里面就没人了" Gary, Gary! What do you mean "nobody's inside"? 1526 01:16:24,120 --> 01:16:25,439 我是说我们可以继续! I mean we can still do this! 1527 01:16:25,520 --> 01:16:26,669 继续什么? Do what exactly? 1528 01:16:26,680 --> 01:16:28,193 继续行动啊 Oh, we're still on the crawl. 1529 01:16:31,200 --> 01:16:32,428 "国王基佬" "King Gay". 1530 01:16:32,720 --> 01:16:33,948 皮特? Peter? 1531 01:16:35,000 --> 01:16:36,149 皮特 Peter. 1532 01:16:38,920 --> 01:16:42,310 我就觉得是你 你没事吧? I thought that was you. Are you okay? 1533 01:16:42,840 --> 01:16:44,398 我怎么? Am I what? 1534 01:16:44,880 --> 01:16:47,599 我知道在学校我们互相看不顺眼 I know we didn't see eye to eye at school. 1535 01:16:47,600 --> 01:16:49,750 上帝作证我是想表示歉意 Goodness knows I regret that. 1536 01:16:50,400 --> 01:16:52,072 刚才在酒吧里我就想跟你说了 I wanted to say something back at the pub, 1537 01:16:52,080 --> 01:16:55,038 但我对自己做的事情觉得很羞耻 but I felt so terribly ashamed by what I'd done. 1538 01:16:55,640 --> 01:16:57,551 接受我的歉意吧 皮特 Let me make it up to you, Peter. 1539 01:16:58,537 --> 01:16:59,488 求你了 Please. 1540 01:17:02,640 --> 01:17:04,710 加里 你疯了吗? 我们跑太远了 Gary, you're out of your mind! We've come too far. 1541 01:17:04,800 --> 01:17:05,835 这是要自杀 It's fucking suicide. 1542 01:17:05,920 --> 01:17:06,725 我知道 I know. 1543 01:17:07,057 --> 01:17:09,750 哪怕死了 我们也要到世界尽头去 We are going to get to The World's End if it kills us. 1544 01:17:09,760 --> 01:17:11,398 皮特呢? Where's Pete? 1545 01:17:11,520 --> 01:17:13,238 我恨你! I hate you! 1546 01:17:13,440 --> 01:17:16,079 你这该死的的混蛋! 我恨你! You fucking bastard! I hate you! 1547 01:17:16,360 --> 01:17:19,397 皮特! 别这样! 你这是干嘛啊 皮特? Pete! Leave it! Why are you doing this, Peter? 1548 01:17:19,560 --> 01:17:20,675 我们不想伤害你 We don't want to hurt you. 1549 01:17:21,760 --> 01:17:23,432 行了 哥们! 没必要这样! Come on, mate! It's not worth it! 1550 01:17:23,920 --> 01:17:25,751 有必要 绝对有必要! Yes, it fucking is! 1551 01:17:27,320 --> 01:17:28,309 他干什么? What's he doing? 1552 01:17:28,960 --> 01:17:30,075 该死 Oh, shit. 1553 01:17:31,000 --> 01:17:31,989 皮特... Peter... 1554 01:17:34,080 --> 01:17:35,069 皮特... Peter... 1555 01:17:36,160 --> 01:17:37,402 我得说 I must say, 1556 01:17:38,200 --> 01:17:40,430 我对你很失望 皮特 I'm very disappointed in you, Peter. 1557 01:17:44,720 --> 01:17:46,790 我要把它们的灯都捶灭 I'll punch their fucking lights out. 1558 01:17:46,800 --> 01:17:48,392 安迪! 不行 它们数量太多 Andy! No, no, no, there's too many of them. 1559 01:17:56,120 --> 01:17:57,109 皮特 Pete. 1560 01:18:08,840 --> 01:18:09,829 皮特 Peter. 1561 01:18:09,920 --> 01:18:11,478 我们得走了 加里说的对 We gotta go. Gary's right. 1562 01:18:11,480 --> 01:18:13,232 我们要去国王之颅 We gotta get to The King's Head. Exactly. 1563 01:18:13,320 --> 01:18:14,435 啥? What? 1564 01:18:15,640 --> 01:18:18,393 我们不去国王之颅 那事儿完了 We are not going to The King's Head. We're done. 1565 01:18:18,480 --> 01:18:20,357 我们要做早都该做的事情 We're going to do what we should have done in the first place. 1566 01:18:20,440 --> 01:18:21,634 去开上野兽 立即离开这里 Get The Beast and get out of here. 1567 01:18:22,040 --> 01:18:24,998 立即他妈的离开 绝不再来 We are fucking leaving and we are never coming back. 1568 01:18:26,120 --> 01:18:27,872 你可以自愿跟我们走 Now, you can either come with us willingly 1569 01:18:27,960 --> 01:18:30,872 或者我把你干到然后扛着你走 or I'm gonna knock you the fuck out and carry you there myself. 1570 01:18:30,960 --> 01:18:32,951 - 你选吧 - 好了 好了 - You choose. - All right. All right. 1571 01:18:33,040 --> 01:18:34,931 你知道自己在说什么吗 Just think about what you're saying, you know, 1572 01:18:34,991 --> 01:18:36,690 你喝多了 because you have been drinking. 1573 01:18:36,760 --> 01:18:37,749 你混蛋 You fuck. 1574 01:18:55,440 --> 01:18:57,192 该死 是那群小孩 Shit, it's those fucking kids. 1575 01:18:57,360 --> 01:18:58,793 可别再来了 Not them again. 1576 01:19:03,640 --> 01:19:05,596 那到底是什么? What the hell is that? 1577 01:19:05,680 --> 01:19:08,194 不知道 反正绝不是什么现代艺术 I don't know, but it's definitely not modern art. 1578 01:19:18,040 --> 01:19:19,857 该死 被围住了 Oh, shit, we're trapped. 1579 01:19:20,162 --> 01:19:21,000 野兽在哪? Where's The Beast? 1580 01:19:21,048 --> 01:19:22,594 好 Okay, all right. 1581 01:19:22,751 --> 01:19:23,954 我们在这里 We're here, 1582 01:19:24,028 --> 01:19:25,657 野兽停在下一条街 so The Beast is in the next street. 1583 01:19:25,710 --> 01:19:26,797 怎么过去? How are we gonna get to it? 1584 01:19:26,828 --> 01:19:28,630 - 穿过这家店 - 哪家店? - We'll have to go through. - Through where? 1585 01:19:28,720 --> 01:19:30,597 真他妈难以置信 I don't fucking believe this. 1586 01:19:32,240 --> 01:19:33,593 第十个 Number 10. 1587 01:19:37,400 --> 01:19:38,389 快点 Come on. 1588 01:19:41,640 --> 01:19:42,629 快走 Let's go. 1589 01:19:43,240 --> 01:19:45,117 后门 后门 快走 The back door, back door. Let's go. 1590 01:19:46,080 --> 01:19:47,069 就这里 Here we go. 1591 01:19:50,240 --> 01:19:51,229 就是这 Okay, there it is. 1592 01:19:52,040 --> 01:19:53,029 该死 Shit. 1593 01:19:54,920 --> 01:19:57,309 等空壳们没过来的时候 跑过去 We wait for an opening, and then we leg it to The Beast. 1594 01:19:57,400 --> 01:19:59,038 车钥匙呢 We need the keys. 1595 01:20:01,520 --> 01:20:02,748 加里? Gary? 1596 01:20:05,040 --> 01:20:07,235 加里 你干什么呢? Gary, what are you doing? 1597 01:20:08,320 --> 01:20:09,958 喝一点而已 Just a little toast. 1598 01:20:10,040 --> 01:20:12,952 加里 把酒杯放下 好吗? Gary, put the pint down, yeah? 1599 01:20:13,040 --> 01:20:16,077 敬奥利弗 皮特 To Oliver, Pete. 1600 01:20:17,320 --> 01:20:18,309 还有我们 And to us. 1601 01:20:19,040 --> 01:20:21,076 知道吗 十个酒吧已经不错了 You know, 'cause 10 pubs isn't bad. 1602 01:20:21,800 --> 01:20:25,270 是不错 没时间了 It's not, but we're calling time. 1603 01:20:27,280 --> 01:20:28,269 好吧 Okay. 1604 01:20:45,320 --> 01:20:46,639 就差一点了 So close. 1605 01:20:48,640 --> 01:20:49,675 第十个 Number 10. 1606 01:20:51,640 --> 01:20:52,629 好吧 Okay. 1607 01:20:53,280 --> 01:20:54,599 就差一点了 So close. 1608 01:20:59,960 --> 01:21:03,191 不 不 不 不 加里! No, no, no, no, no. Gary! 1609 01:21:04,680 --> 01:21:06,238 加里! 加里! Gary! Gary! 1610 01:21:06,320 --> 01:21:08,675 让他去吧 他以前也这么干过 哥们 Let him go. He left you, man. 1611 01:21:09,440 --> 01:21:10,429 我不能 I can't. 1612 01:21:11,320 --> 01:21:12,309 安迪! Andy! 1613 01:21:23,200 --> 01:21:25,316 加里! 加里! Gary! Gary! 1614 01:21:28,600 --> 01:21:31,319 加里 快回来! 回来你个蠢货! Gary, come back! Come back, you stupid bastard! 1615 01:21:55,360 --> 01:21:56,588 加里! Gary! 1616 01:21:57,320 --> 01:21:59,629 加里! 加里! Gary! Gary! 1617 01:22:23,440 --> 01:22:25,032 安迪 小心! Andy, look out! 1618 01:22:41,960 --> 01:22:42,949 拜托! Come on! 1619 01:22:44,920 --> 01:22:45,909 你他妈... What the... 1620 01:22:48,920 --> 01:22:51,150 进来 进来 Get in. Get in. 1621 01:22:52,000 --> 01:22:54,389 加里 安迪 快点进来! Gary, Andy, get the fuck in! 1622 01:22:54,800 --> 01:22:57,519 你听到了 安迪 快进去 You heard him, Andy. Get the fuck in. 1623 01:22:57,720 --> 01:22:59,517 没时间啦! We haven't much time! 1624 01:23:10,920 --> 01:23:13,514 - 安迪! 快跑! - 史蒂文! - Andy! Go, now! - Steven! 1625 01:23:14,560 --> 01:23:15,709 快跑! Go! 1626 01:23:35,720 --> 01:23:36,709 安迪 Andy. 1627 01:23:38,560 --> 01:23:40,118 来插我吧 I want you inside me. 1628 01:23:41,240 --> 01:23:42,229 好吧 Okay. 1629 01:23:47,680 --> 01:23:48,669 哟呵 Cheers. 1630 01:24:10,960 --> 01:24:13,349 - 你够了! - 这里是世界尽头! - You've had enough! - This is The World's End, man! 1631 01:24:13,480 --> 01:24:14,629 我知道! I know! 1632 01:24:15,360 --> 01:24:16,349 别这样! Stop this! 1633 01:24:18,080 --> 01:24:20,674 别管我! 干嘛管我啊? Leave me alone! What do you care anyway? 1634 01:24:20,760 --> 01:24:24,389 我当然要管你 我对你很生气! Of course I fucking care. There's a reason I'm angry at you! 1635 01:24:24,400 --> 01:24:26,356 我知道你为什么生我气 I know why you're angry at me, okay? 1636 01:24:26,440 --> 01:24:28,908 但你把车开翻了管我什么事 But it's not my fault that you crashed that car. 1637 01:24:29,000 --> 01:24:31,992 不是说这个 你让我失望了 哥们 That's not the point. You let me down, man. 1638 01:24:32,360 --> 01:24:35,193 你是加里·金 该死的加里·金 You were Gary King. Gary fucking King. 1639 01:24:36,040 --> 01:24:37,662 我应该跟你走向世界尽头 I would have followed you to the end. 1640 01:24:39,025 --> 01:24:39,822 我做到了! I fucking have! 1641 01:24:39,874 --> 01:24:42,070 那就别跟着我了! Then stop following me! 1642 01:24:47,040 --> 01:24:49,793 不! 再来一杯 No! It's just one more. 1643 01:24:50,480 --> 01:24:52,277 让我喝了这杯 Let me have this. 1644 01:24:53,520 --> 01:24:55,238 你们想要的都得到了 You've got everything you want. 1645 01:24:55,320 --> 01:24:56,602 你说什么呢? What are you talking about? 1646 01:24:56,657 --> 01:24:58,220 你们有好工作 You've got your perfect job... 1647 01:24:58,260 --> 01:25:00,614 好房子 好老婆 and your perfect house and your perfect wife. 1648 01:25:00,640 --> 01:25:02,000 你觉得这些很好吗? You think it's so perfect? 1649 01:25:04,880 --> 01:25:06,199 她走了 加里 She left me, Gary. 1650 01:25:06,800 --> 01:25:09,075 她三周前带着孩子回娘家了 She took the kids to her mum's three weeks ago. 1651 01:25:09,122 --> 01:25:10,720 说我不够好 Said I'm not present enough. 1652 01:25:10,833 --> 01:25:12,490 我努力地想把她追回来 I'm trying to win her back. 1653 01:25:12,560 --> 01:25:14,118 我才是个失败者 And God knows I am losing. 1654 01:25:14,200 --> 01:25:15,814 但我还不放弃 But I will continue to fight, 1655 01:25:15,994 --> 01:25:18,160 这就是我们的生存方式 because that is how we survive. 1656 01:25:19,440 --> 01:25:20,308 该死的 加里 For fuck's sake, Gary, 1657 01:25:20,357 --> 01:25:23,137 我刚刚把我的结婚戒指从一个机器人的胃里掏出来了 I just punched my wedding ring out of a robot's tummy. 1658 01:25:23,194 --> 01:25:25,590 说得对! 你为了重要的东西而奋斗 Exactly! You fight for what's important. 1659 01:25:25,680 --> 01:25:27,636 豪饮马拉松对你来说这么重要吗? But what is so important about The Golden Mile? 1660 01:25:27,720 --> 01:25:29,233 我只有这个追求了! It's all I've got! 1661 01:25:30,040 --> 01:25:31,155 加里 Gary. 1662 01:25:50,114 --> 01:25:52,363 查特汉姆皇家医院 精神科 1663 01:25:52,640 --> 01:25:53,755 你需要帮助 加里 You need help, Gary. 1664 01:25:54,040 --> 01:25:57,510 我得到帮助了 你知道是什么样的帮助吗? I got help. You know what help was? 1665 01:25:58,600 --> 01:26:00,591 帮助就是一群人坐成一个圈 Help was a lot of people sitting in a circle 1666 01:26:00,680 --> 01:26:02,591 互相说着那些自己身上发生的可怕的事 talking about how fucking awful things had got. 1667 01:26:03,280 --> 01:26:05,510 那不是我想要的好日子 That is not my idea of a good time. 1668 01:26:05,600 --> 01:26:08,672 - 那这就是了? - 他们告诉我该上床睡觉了 - And this is? - They told me when to go to bed. 1669 01:26:09,960 --> 01:26:10,949 我! Me! 1670 01:26:11,680 --> 01:26:12,722 加里 Gary, 1671 01:26:13,171 --> 01:26:14,211 兄弟 mate, 1672 01:26:14,637 --> 01:26:17,110 从没清醒过你怎么能知道自己醉了? how can you tell when you're drunk if you're never sober? 1673 01:26:17,200 --> 01:26:19,077 我不想清醒 I don't wanna be sober. 1674 01:26:20,560 --> 01:26:23,074 那一晚无与伦比 It never got better than that night. 1675 01:26:23,720 --> 01:26:25,631 那本该是我开始新生活的一晚 That was supposed to be the beginning of my life. 1676 01:26:26,440 --> 01:26:29,318 那样的承诺和乐观 All that promise and fucking optimism. 1677 01:26:29,640 --> 01:26:33,030 感觉我们就像拥有整个宇宙 That feeling like we could take on the whole universe. 1678 01:26:33,720 --> 01:26:35,312 全是谎话 It was a big lie. 1679 01:26:37,080 --> 01:26:39,150 什么都没有发生 Nothing happened. 1680 01:26:39,240 --> 01:26:40,878 你没必要这样 加里 You don't need to do this, Gary. 1681 01:26:44,120 --> 01:26:45,314 有 有必要 Yeah, I do. 1682 01:26:49,840 --> 01:26:51,319 请勿移动 Please, stand by. 1683 01:26:53,400 --> 01:26:54,958 请勿移动 Please, stand by. 1684 01:26:57,320 --> 01:26:58,992 请勿移动 Please, stand by. 1685 01:27:01,200 --> 01:27:02,713 请勿移动 Please, stand by. 1686 01:27:49,680 --> 01:27:50,954 你干什么? What are you doing? 1687 01:27:51,040 --> 01:27:52,758 别 别出去 No, don't go out there. 1688 01:27:52,840 --> 01:27:55,559 加里·金 Gary King. 1689 01:27:56,680 --> 01:27:57,874 是我 Yeah? 1690 01:28:00,720 --> 01:28:03,553 人类成员加里·金 Gary King of the humans. 1691 01:28:03,920 --> 01:28:05,717 是我 想干嘛? Yeah. What do you want? 1692 01:28:06,120 --> 01:28:09,556 我们是来激发你们全部潜能的 We are here to enable your full potential, 1693 01:28:09,640 --> 01:28:13,110 就像在银河不可胜数的世界上做的一样 as we have with countless worlds across the galaxy. 1694 01:28:13,120 --> 01:28:15,634 是吗? 说说怎么做的? Oh, yeah? How'd you manage that, then? 1695 01:28:15,800 --> 01:28:18,268 我们在星球上2000个左右的渗入区 We appropriate a small percentage of the population 1696 01:28:18,280 --> 01:28:21,636 侵占一定比例的人口 at 2,000 or so penetration points across the planet. 1697 01:28:21,920 --> 01:28:24,718 用以保证一定的覆盖率 This ensures maximum coverage. 1698 01:28:25,188 --> 01:28:26,234 从那里 From there, 1699 01:28:26,317 --> 01:28:30,611 我们制造复制人通过和平教化 we create simulants to spread our ideologies 1700 01:28:30,760 --> 01:28:32,432 来传播我们的观念 through peaceful indoctrination. 1701 01:28:33,040 --> 01:28:34,788 我们的目标很简单 Our objective is simple, 1702 01:28:34,988 --> 01:28:36,790 让这里的居民做好准备 to ready the population... 1703 01:28:36,845 --> 01:28:39,840 加入我们的伟大社会 for participation in our galactic community. 1704 01:28:40,120 --> 01:28:42,125 这种方法需要… This method requires... 1705 01:28:42,440 --> 01:28:43,950 一定的牺牲 a small sacrifice. 1706 01:28:44,160 --> 01:28:46,435 但是我们对行动的评估 But the fewer replacements we make, 1707 01:28:46,520 --> 01:28:49,208 主要取决于替换人数的多少 越少越好 the more successful we consider our operation. 1708 01:28:49,260 --> 01:28:50,330 当然 Of course, 1709 01:28:50,537 --> 01:28:53,390 我们欢迎志愿者 we welcome those who volunteer themselves. 1710 01:28:53,680 --> 01:28:56,471 我们提供极好的奖励… We can offer attractive incentives... 1711 01:28:56,888 --> 01:28:58,660 对自愿合作的人 for those who willingly combine. 1712 01:28:59,080 --> 01:29:00,605 可以返老还童 The chance to be young again... 1713 01:29:00,791 --> 01:29:02,760 并选择性地保留记忆 and yet retain selected memories. 1714 01:29:03,480 --> 01:29:05,869 这样你们不喜欢吗? Isn't that something you'd like? 1715 01:29:06,760 --> 01:29:09,069 你们一直想要的东西? Something you've always wanted? 1716 01:29:18,640 --> 01:29:21,837 天呐! 我真帅! Oh, my God! I'm so cute! 1717 01:29:22,800 --> 01:29:26,429 这种双赢正是我们系统的美好之处 The beauty of our system is that we all win. 1718 01:29:26,640 --> 01:29:28,835 没有失败者 There are no losers. 1719 01:29:32,160 --> 01:29:34,799 让我续写你的传奇 Allow me to carry your legend forward. 1720 01:29:35,640 --> 01:29:37,422 让让现在的你… Let the man you have become... 1721 01:29:38,317 --> 01:29:40,005 成为年轻的你 be the boy you were. 1722 01:29:48,800 --> 01:29:49,760 不要 Nah. 1723 01:29:51,760 --> 01:29:53,716 只有一个加里·金 There's only one Gary King. 1724 01:29:55,720 --> 01:29:57,968 这就是你的选择了 Then you have made your choice, 1725 01:29:58,037 --> 01:30:01,150 人类成员加里·金 Gary King of the humans. 1726 01:30:01,560 --> 01:30:02,913 对 是我的选择 Yeah, I have. 1727 01:30:03,000 --> 01:30:04,385 话说回来 Because frankly, 1728 01:30:04,437 --> 01:30:06,690 你他妈是什么东西啊? who the fuck are you to come down here... 1729 01:30:06,728 --> 01:30:07,980 来这里指手画脚的? and tell us what to do? 1730 01:30:08,014 --> 01:30:10,034 我们是网络 We are The Network 1731 01:30:10,102 --> 01:30:12,362 我们来为你们谋福利 and we are here for your betterment. 1732 01:30:12,445 --> 01:30:14,117 在过去的二十三年中 In the last 23 years, 1733 01:30:14,162 --> 01:30:17,508 你难道没察觉到信息技术的爆炸式发展吗? have you not marveled as in formation technology has surged forward? 1734 01:30:17,537 --> 01:30:18,108 没有 No. 1735 01:30:18,145 --> 01:30:22,322 随着沟通的增强地球本身变得小而精彩 Earth has grown smaller yet greater as connectivity has grown. 1736 01:30:22,840 --> 01:30:26,389 这是我们的杰作 这仅仅是个开始 This is our doing and it is just the beginning. 1737 01:30:26,400 --> 01:30:28,960 哦 得了吧 大灯泡 Oh, fuck off, you big lamp. 1738 01:30:29,160 --> 01:30:32,357 你们是孩子 你们需要教导 You are children and you require guidance. 1739 01:30:32,920 --> 01:30:34,558 不能容忍瑕疵的存在 There is no room for imperfection. 1740 01:30:34,880 --> 01:30:38,555 地球本不完美 好吗? 人类本不完美 Hey, Earth isn't perfect, all right? And humans aren't perfect. 1741 01:30:38,720 --> 01:30:41,029 知道吗? 连我也不完美 And guess what? I ain't perfect. 1742 01:30:41,320 --> 01:30:44,462 因此才需要我们的介入 And therein lies the necessity for this intervention. 1743 01:30:44,560 --> 01:30:49,031 难道银河要受制于你们这种人所管理的地球吗? Must the galaxy be subjected to an entire planet of people like you? 1744 01:30:49,160 --> 01:30:52,391 哇 哇 等等 Whoa, whoa, whoa. 1745 01:30:52,600 --> 01:30:54,716 凭什么你说了算 啊? Who put you in charge, huh? 1746 01:30:54,800 --> 01:30:57,155 你有什么资格评判别人? Who are you to criticize anyone? 1747 01:30:57,360 --> 01:30:59,555 你也许觉得加里是个混球 Now, you might think Gary's a bit of a cock, 1748 01:31:00,200 --> 01:31:02,117 虽然他确实有点混 and he is a bit of a cock, 1749 01:31:02,320 --> 01:31:03,360 但我喜欢 but he's my cock. 1750 01:31:03,425 --> 01:31:04,334 谢谢 哥们 Oh, thanks, man. 1751 01:31:04,377 --> 01:31:06,230 但他损害了自己的利益 But he is a detriment to himself, 1752 01:31:06,265 --> 01:31:09,560 地球也在损害着银河的利益 just as Earth is a detriment to the galaxy. 1753 01:31:09,800 --> 01:31:10,835 你说什么? What did you say? 1754 01:31:10,920 --> 01:31:14,860 你们无数次实行着毁灭自己的行为 You act out the same cycles of self-destruction again and again. 1755 01:31:14,925 --> 01:31:16,185 如今你们的星球 At this point your planet... 1756 01:31:16,231 --> 01:31:19,900 是整个银河中文明程度最低的 is the least civilized in the entire galaxy. 1757 01:31:20,160 --> 01:31:22,913 - 他说什么? - 他说我们是一群该死的蠢货 - What did he say? - He's saying we're a bunch of fuck-ups. 1758 01:31:23,200 --> 01:31:26,749 做蠢货是我们的基本人权 Hey, it's our basic human right to be fuck-ups. 1759 01:31:26,782 --> 01:31:30,830 这个文明就是蠢货建立的 你知道吗? This civilization was founded on fuck-ups. And you know what? 1760 01:31:30,960 --> 01:31:33,474 - 我为此而骄傲 - 我也是! - That makes me proud. - And me! 1761 01:31:33,480 --> 01:31:36,233 那句话怎么说来着? "人非圣贤" What is it they say? "Toerr is.. 1762 01:31:36,760 --> 01:31:37,749 "人非圣贤孰能无过" "Toerr is human." 1763 01:31:37,840 --> 01:31:39,548 "人非圣贤孰能无过" "Toerr is human," 1764 01:31:39,665 --> 01:31:41,380 所以 嗯... so, uh... 1765 01:31:42,440 --> 01:31:45,318 我们认为你们不能代表全体人类 We do not believe you speak for all humanity. 1766 01:31:45,320 --> 01:31:48,437 你们只有两个人 两个醉鬼 You are but two men. Two drunk men. 1767 01:31:48,440 --> 01:31:50,112 三个醉鬼! Three drunk men! 1768 01:31:51,280 --> 01:31:53,111 史蒂文宝贝! Stevie-baby! 1769 01:31:55,160 --> 01:31:58,630 够了! 够了 人类! Enough! Enough, humans! 1770 01:31:59,240 --> 01:32:01,502 哦 你麻烦大了 Oh, you are in trouble now. 1771 01:32:01,600 --> 01:32:04,030 三个火枪手到齐了 It's only the fucking Three Musketeers. 1772 01:32:04,120 --> 01:32:07,837 你们这是要背叛无数星系的智慧生命 You are revolting against the wisdom of countless solar systems. 1773 01:32:07,891 --> 01:32:09,528 没错 我们就是要背叛! Yeah, we are revolting! 1774 01:32:10,240 --> 01:32:13,357 你刚刚说你不是来征服的 让我问问你 You just said you're not here to conquer. Can I just ask, 1775 01:32:13,520 --> 01:32:16,353 你在纽顿海文替换掉了多少人? how many people did you have to replace in Newton Haven? 1776 01:32:16,480 --> 01:32:18,198 - 与此无关 - 是吗? - That is irrelevant. - Is it? 1777 01:32:18,640 --> 01:32:19,811 举手 Hands up. 1778 01:32:20,057 --> 01:32:22,550 这里谁是人类? Who here is human? 1779 01:32:24,080 --> 01:32:25,593 - 我是 - 一个! - I'm human. - One! 1780 01:32:26,600 --> 01:32:28,352 - 还有我 - 两个 - And me. - That's two. 1781 01:32:28,840 --> 01:32:30,910 我也是 但不知道还能做多久 lam. But don't know for how long. 1782 01:32:31,000 --> 01:32:32,513 巴希尔! Basil! 1783 01:32:32,542 --> 01:32:34,148 怎么样? 三个人? So what's that? Three? 1784 01:32:34,222 --> 01:32:36,300 你把整个镇的人都替换了? You had to replace an entire town? 1785 01:32:36,320 --> 01:32:37,673 不是整个镇 Not the entire town. 1786 01:32:37,680 --> 01:32:40,911 包括纳特博尔和谢夫迪双胞胎的所有人 Everybody apart from old Nutbowl and the Shifty twins. 1787 01:32:41,000 --> 01:32:43,036 这名字用在乐队上不错啊 加里 你该记下来 That's a good name for a band, Gary. You should write that down. 1788 01:32:43,040 --> 01:32:45,031 我会的 那你替换掉的那些人呢 I will. What about the ones you replaced, 1789 01:32:45,120 --> 01:32:46,599 皮特和奥利弗他们? like Peter and Oliver? 1790 01:32:46,680 --> 01:32:48,989 这些废容器你们怎么处理了? Yeah, what happened to the empties? 1791 01:32:49,042 --> 01:32:50,571 告诉过你别问这个! I told you not to ask that! 1792 01:32:50,620 --> 01:32:52,777 废容器被回收 Redundant vessels are recycled, 1793 01:32:52,820 --> 01:32:54,651 利用转化为肥料 mulched and converted into fertilizer, 1794 01:32:54,680 --> 01:32:56,254 他们被归还给土壤 whereupon they are returned to the earth 1795 01:32:56,294 --> 01:32:58,120 用于绿化和生长 to promote verdancy and growth. 1796 01:32:58,200 --> 01:33:00,873 这是非常高效的有机物回收利用手段 It is a highly efficient means of organic renewal. 1797 01:33:00,905 --> 01:33:01,665 做肥料? Mulched? 1798 01:33:01,702 --> 01:33:04,510 根据我们的长远规划 这只是一小部分 It is a relative few in light of our long-term plan. 1799 01:33:04,600 --> 01:33:07,876 你是说有那么几十万人被你们做成该死的农家肥了? You mean a few hundred thousand turned to fucking compost? 1800 01:33:07,960 --> 01:33:10,190 那其他那些地方的人呢? 其他那些渗入点? What about the other places? The penetration points. 1801 01:33:11,400 --> 01:33:13,277 都像纽顿海文这么成功吗? Are they as successful as Newton Haven? 1802 01:33:13,360 --> 01:33:16,272 因为我觉得你系统里不听话的人不止我们几个吧 Because I'm guessing we're not the only glitch in your system. 1803 01:33:16,360 --> 01:33:19,875 是的 网络的确面对过一些挫折 It is true, The Network has been experiencing some difficulties. 1804 01:33:19,960 --> 01:33:23,396 我猜你们觉得地球没有那么容易被搞定 对吧? I think you bit off more than you can chew with Earth, mate. 1805 01:33:23,480 --> 01:33:25,755 没错 因为我们更好斗 更顽强 Yeah, 'cause we are more belligerent, more stubborn 1806 01:33:25,840 --> 01:33:28,035 比你想象的更白痴吧 and more idiotic than you can possibly imagine, 1807 01:33:28,160 --> 01:33:30,037 我不仅在说加里 and I am not just talking about Gary. 1808 01:33:30,120 --> 01:33:31,712 是的 他这样的人还多得是 Yeah, there's more than one Gary King. 1809 01:33:31,800 --> 01:33:32,565 但你们说过... But you said... 1810 01:33:32,617 --> 01:33:34,437 我知道我说过什么! I fucking know what I fucking said! 1811 01:33:34,520 --> 01:33:36,100 你们对亵渎的依赖 Your reliance on profanity... 1812 01:33:36,151 --> 01:33:38,990 说明了你们作为人或者是物种都是不成熟的 is a measure of your immaturity as a man and a species. 1813 01:33:39,080 --> 01:33:41,262 你干嘛不滚回你的火箭 Why don't you just get in your rocket... 1814 01:33:41,302 --> 01:33:43,368 飞回你们的天国去呢 蠢货! and fuck off back to Legoland, you cunts! 1815 01:33:43,400 --> 01:33:46,671 对!别想在这里开连锁店! Yeah! Stop fucking Starbucking us, man! 1816 01:33:47,240 --> 01:33:48,912 转化你们是我们的责任 It is our duty to challenge you. 1817 01:33:49,000 --> 01:33:51,753 我们的事我们自己说了算 混账! Just leave us to our own devices, you intergalactic arseholes. 1818 01:33:51,840 --> 01:33:53,319 - 你们误会了 - 闭嘴! - You misunderstand. - Shut up! 1819 01:33:53,400 --> 01:33:55,277 - 我们试图... - 我不听我不听! - We are trying... - Nobody's listening! 1820 01:33:55,280 --> 01:33:56,269 如果你们... If you'd only... 1821 01:33:56,360 --> 01:33:57,300 面对吧 Face it, 1822 01:33:57,362 --> 01:33:59,122 我们是人类 we are the human race... 1823 01:33:59,188 --> 01:34:01,830 我们不需要别人教我们怎么做 and we don't like being told what to do. 1824 01:34:03,920 --> 01:34:05,990 你们想要的到底是什么? Just what is it that you want to do? 1825 01:34:06,920 --> 01:34:09,070 - 我们想要自由! - 没错 - We want to be free! - Yeah. 1826 01:34:09,080 --> 01:34:11,116 我们想要为所欲为! We want to be free to do what we want to do! 1827 01:34:11,200 --> 01:34:12,315 就是 Yeah. 1828 01:34:12,320 --> 01:34:13,958 - 我们要喝醉 - 没错 - We want to get loaded. - Yeah. 1829 01:34:13,960 --> 01:34:15,916 想玩个痛快 And we want to have a good time. 1830 01:34:15,920 --> 01:34:18,229 我们就是这样 And that's what we're going to do. 1831 01:34:19,280 --> 01:34:21,748 简直是对牛弹琴 It is pointless arguing with you. 1832 01:34:21,760 --> 01:34:24,797 你们自己做主吧 You will be leftto your own devices. 1833 01:34:25,000 --> 01:34:26,558 真的? Really? 1834 01:34:26,680 --> 01:34:27,749 是的 Yeah. 1835 01:34:28,440 --> 01:34:29,429 操 Fuck it. 1836 01:34:39,120 --> 01:34:41,793 他们熄火了 They fucked off. 1837 01:34:47,225 --> 01:34:49,950 顶你! 你! 还有你! Up yours! Up yours! Up yours! 1838 01:34:50,320 --> 01:34:53,995 耶 成功了 我们赢了! Yeah, we did it! We won, we won! 1839 01:34:57,920 --> 01:34:59,797 加里 快闪吧 Gary, let's Boo-Boo. 1840 01:35:03,600 --> 01:35:05,158 这里要毁了 是吧? Yeah, it's shit here, inn it? 1841 01:35:07,800 --> 01:35:10,155 喂 从这走! Oi, up here! 1842 01:35:10,560 --> 01:35:11,549 走! Go! 1843 01:35:14,800 --> 01:35:15,789 上去 Get up. 1844 01:35:16,240 --> 01:35:17,229 快点! Come on! 1845 01:35:33,520 --> 01:35:35,112 干得好 Well done. 1846 01:35:35,360 --> 01:35:37,669 太谢谢你了 享受胜利的果实吧? Thanks a bunch. Had to go and spoil it, didn't you? 1847 01:35:37,760 --> 01:35:39,671 高兴了吧现在? Yeah, happy now? 1848 01:35:40,560 --> 01:35:42,118 巴希尔 现在做什么? Basil, what do we do now? 1849 01:35:42,520 --> 01:35:44,192 跟以前一样 Same as before. 1850 01:35:44,280 --> 01:35:46,077 跑! Go! 1851 01:35:50,360 --> 01:35:51,509 野兽呢? Where's The Beast? 1852 01:35:52,640 --> 01:35:54,073 野兽牺牲了 哥们 The Beast is dead, mate. 1853 01:35:54,160 --> 01:35:57,391 知道吗... 知道什么事让我不爽吗? You know what... You know what's really annoying? 1854 01:35:57,480 --> 01:35:58,515 什么? What? 1855 01:35:58,520 --> 01:36:01,193 我发誓不要死在这里的 I promised myself I wouldn't die in this town. 1856 01:36:03,040 --> 01:36:04,712 你不会的 You're not gonna. 1857 01:36:05,880 --> 01:36:07,871 我们已经转运了 I think our luck just changed. 1858 01:36:07,880 --> 01:36:09,472 呜呼! Whoo-hoo! 1859 01:36:11,200 --> 01:36:12,189 噢! Oh! 1860 01:36:12,640 --> 01:36:13,629 不好意思! Sorry! 1861 01:36:13,720 --> 01:36:15,711 - 山姆? - 是我 - Sam? - Yes. 1862 01:36:15,800 --> 01:36:17,028 你回来救我们了! You came back for us! 1863 01:36:17,120 --> 01:36:19,953 没错 其实我是在环路上迷路了 但我确实回来了 Yes, I did. Well, I got lost on the ring road. But, yes. 1864 01:36:20,240 --> 01:36:23,915 嗨 山姆 捎我们去伦敦好吗? Hi, Sam, could you give us a lift to London, please? 1865 01:36:23,920 --> 01:36:25,717 我哥哥到底怎么样了? Did you find out what happened to my brother? 1866 01:36:25,800 --> 01:36:26,835 路上再跟你说 We'll tell you on the way. 1867 01:36:28,800 --> 01:36:31,155 对不起有点乱 我本想回头弄干净的 Sorry about the mess. I've been meaning to clear that up. 1868 01:36:31,240 --> 01:36:33,390 - 原谅你了 快走 - 朝哪? - We forgive you. Let's go. - Which way? 1869 01:36:34,280 --> 01:36:35,269 朝后! Backwards! 1870 01:36:56,800 --> 01:36:58,119 现在朝哪? Which way now? 1871 01:36:58,840 --> 01:37:00,068 直走! Go straight over! 1872 01:37:18,440 --> 01:37:19,953 我们能做到 We can make it. 1873 01:37:22,360 --> 01:37:23,429 我们就要做到了 We're gonna make it. 1874 01:37:31,080 --> 01:37:32,479 我们成功了! We made it! 1875 01:38:33,040 --> 01:38:34,473 对不起 I'm sorry. 1876 01:38:38,200 --> 01:38:39,394 我知道 I know. 1877 01:38:41,360 --> 01:38:42,554 我知道 I know. 1878 01:38:43,040 --> 01:38:44,439 当整个地球失去灯光的时候 Everyone remembers where they were 1879 01:38:44,520 --> 01:38:46,750 每个人都记得当时自己在哪里 when the lights went out on Planet Earth. 1880 01:38:46,880 --> 01:38:48,900 我 加里 史蒂文和山姆 Me, Gary, Steven and Sam, 1881 01:38:49,277 --> 01:38:51,348 当时就站在开关旁边 we were standing right by the switch. 1882 01:38:52,240 --> 01:38:55,073 我们一起度过了一个漫长的黑夜 I guess it was a big night for everyone. 1883 01:38:55,760 --> 01:38:58,957 随之而来的清晨让"宿醉"这个词有了全新的定义 That morning gave a whole new meaning to the word "hangover". 1884 01:39:00,354 --> 01:39:02,277 我们决定散步解酒 We decided to walk it off, 1885 01:39:02,874 --> 01:39:04,350 一路走回了伦敦 all the way back to London, 1886 01:39:05,240 --> 01:39:08,835 但是头痛丝毫没有缓解 反而一直持续不断 but the headache didn't end there. It justwent on and on. 1887 01:39:10,560 --> 01:39:12,232 说起伦敦 Talk about the Big Smoke. 1888 01:39:13,880 --> 01:39:16,782 当网络瘫痪时 造成了… When The Network went down, it triggered some... 1889 01:39:17,520 --> 01:39:19,025 某种停顿 kind of pulse, 1890 01:39:20,520 --> 01:39:22,431 使我们的技术化为乌有 wiped out all our technology 1891 01:39:24,400 --> 01:39:26,072 导致我们现在 and sent us here, 1892 01:39:27,880 --> 01:39:29,916 回到了黑暗中世纪 back to the Dark Ages. 1893 01:39:31,080 --> 01:39:34,231 伤亡在所难免 我就知道不少 There were casualties, of course. I knewa few of them. 1894 01:39:34,654 --> 01:39:36,774 一个同事 我表弟保罗 Some guy from work, my cousin Paul, 1895 01:39:37,705 --> 01:39:38,691 加里的妈妈 Gary's mum. 1896 01:39:41,560 --> 01:39:43,915 没人清楚我们到底死了多少人 Nobody really knew how many we lost, 1897 01:39:43,920 --> 01:39:46,639 因为地球上的通信联系再也没恢复过 because we never heard from the rest of the world again. 1898 01:39:46,640 --> 01:39:48,358 只留下无数的孤岛 Everyone got cut off. 1899 01:39:49,320 --> 01:39:51,914 的确很艰难 但也很简单 It isn't easy now, but it is simpler. 1900 01:39:52,520 --> 01:39:54,909 我妻子回到了我的身边 这是件好事 I'm back with the wife, which is something. 1901 01:39:54,920 --> 01:39:55,945 我们一致认为我俩之间的事情 We decided our problems 1902 01:39:55,994 --> 01:39:58,380 与周围比起来微不足道 didn't seem as bad in the grand scheme of things. 1903 01:39:58,917 --> 01:40:01,140 我们只能吃天然食品 We all had to go organic in a big way, 1904 01:40:01,348 --> 01:40:02,870 但说实话 but if I'm honest, 1905 01:40:02,960 --> 01:40:06,509 我真的很怀念那些垃圾食品 I'm hard pressed to recall any processed foods I actually miss. 1906 01:40:10,440 --> 01:40:11,891 而那些空壳 As for the blanks, 1907 01:40:12,448 --> 01:40:13,870 产生了一些有意思的变化 well, a funny thing happened there. 1908 01:40:14,800 --> 01:40:16,233 他们醒了 They woke up. 1909 01:40:16,640 --> 01:40:18,365 网络离开后大约一周 A week or so after The Network pulled out, 1910 01:40:18,431 --> 01:40:20,730 他们好像是自我启动了 they just sort of rebooted by themselves, 1911 01:40:21,800 --> 01:40:23,472 想要重新做人了 tried to start afresh. 1912 01:40:25,040 --> 01:40:26,600 一开始他们很迷茫 They seemed lost at first, 1913 01:40:26,660 --> 01:40:28,970 就像离开了父母的小孩子 children cut off from their parents, 1914 01:40:29,680 --> 01:40:31,274 被抛弃 被遗忘 abandoned, forgotten, 1915 01:40:31,417 --> 01:40:32,710 寻求指引 looking for guidance, 1916 01:40:32,765 --> 01:40:34,511 希望得到帮助 for someone to show them the way. 1917 01:40:35,520 --> 01:40:37,476 说实话 对它们我感到有点内疚 I felt a bit sorry for them, to be honest. 1918 01:40:39,280 --> 01:40:41,032 网络说对了一件事 The Network was right about one thing. 1919 01:40:41,120 --> 01:40:43,429 我们真的是不怎么文明 We can be a bit uncivilized. 1920 01:40:44,160 --> 01:40:47,835 也许已经对银河的其他世界造成了恶劣的影响 Maybe we would've been a bad influence on the rest of the galaxy. 1921 01:40:48,640 --> 01:40:51,393 奥利弗重新做了房产销售 Oliver went back to being an estate agent. 1922 01:40:51,480 --> 01:40:53,755 人们仍然需要房屋遮风避雨 People still need a roof over their heads, 1923 01:40:53,840 --> 01:40:56,149 老奥利一向很能扯淡 and the old Ollie always had a gift for the gab. 1924 01:40:56,320 --> 01:40:58,214 我估计他的替代品继承了这一点 I guess the new one has, too. 1925 01:40:59,520 --> 01:41:01,158 他干得很不错 He's doing all right. 1926 01:41:02,020 --> 01:41:05,251 我听说皮特回到了毕肖普花园的家 I hear that the Peter found his way home to Bishop's Gardens. 1927 01:41:05,908 --> 01:41:08,820 估计是被别人遗弃后他又占了回来 I suppose he picked up where the other one left off. 1928 01:41:09,840 --> 01:41:12,195 不知他老婆有没有注意到 I'm not sure his wife noticed. 1929 01:41:12,520 --> 01:41:14,262 估计只是佯装不知吧 Maybe she chose not to. 1930 01:41:14,542 --> 01:41:16,750 大家都说他是个好父亲 He's a pretty good dad by all accounts. 1931 01:41:18,920 --> 01:41:21,639 史蒂文和山姆在一起了 Steven and Sam got together in the end. 1932 01:41:21,760 --> 01:41:23,716 完全不在乎世界的现状 Didn't see that coming. 1933 01:41:23,720 --> 01:41:26,029 他们住在伦敦城外的棚屋里 They shacked up just outside London. 1934 01:41:26,040 --> 01:41:28,270 棚屋也相当不错 It's a pretty nice shack, too. 1935 01:41:28,760 --> 01:41:31,877 至于加里? 不知道加里怎么样了 As for Gary? I don't know what happened to Gary. 1936 01:41:33,040 --> 01:41:35,998 自从分手后再没见过他 We got separated and I never saw him again. 1937 01:41:37,080 --> 01:41:40,595 据说他回到了纽顿海文 不知道为什么 Some say he went back to Newton Haven. I don't know why. 1938 01:41:41,320 --> 01:41:43,311 我觉得他在那里也没事可做 I think his there was business done. 1939 01:41:44,560 --> 01:41:47,393 很有意思 但我很想他 It's funny, but I miss him. 1940 01:41:48,400 --> 01:41:50,128 不知他是不是想我 I wonder if he misses me. 1941 01:41:50,997 --> 01:41:52,230 想我们 Misses the boys. 1942 01:41:58,880 --> 01:42:01,394 不论在哪里 我希望他快乐 Wherever he is, I hope he's happy. 1943 01:42:01,720 --> 01:42:03,756 那是他最看重的东西 That's all he ever wanted, really. 1944 01:42:03,760 --> 01:42:05,398 玩个痛快 To have a good time. 1945 01:42:06,040 --> 01:42:09,112 希望他可以在酒杯以外的地方找到快活 I just hope he found it beyond the bottom of a glass. 1946 01:42:10,240 --> 01:42:12,728 因为真的幸福 真的朋友 Because real happiness, real friends, 1947 01:42:13,005 --> 01:42:14,910 才是生活的意义 those are things worth living for, 1948 01:42:16,720 --> 01:42:18,358 是值得为之奋斗的东西 worth fighting for. 1949 01:42:30,600 --> 01:42:31,919 混蛋空壳 Blank bastards. 1950 01:42:35,440 --> 01:42:37,112 该死的机器人 Fucking robots. 1951 01:42:46,508 --> 01:42:47,750 五杯水 谢谢 Five waters, please. 1952 01:42:50,120 --> 01:42:51,599 你可以要一杯 You can have one. 1953 01:42:52,440 --> 01:42:54,237 这些杂碎我不招待 But I ain't serving this scum. 1954 01:42:54,794 --> 01:42:57,431 我觉得应该人人为我 我为人人 Well, I'm afraid it's all for one and one for all. 1955 01:42:57,640 --> 01:42:59,917 你瞧 我和我的小伙伴一起冒险 You see, my young friends and I are on an adventure. 1956 01:43:00,000 --> 01:43:01,305 完成某个任务 A quest, if you will. 1957 01:43:01,357 --> 01:43:03,590 如果我们需要点刺激的话 And since we find ourselves in need of refreshment, 1958 01:43:03,680 --> 01:43:06,319 你 先生 将为此付出血的代价 you, sir, have the honor of drawing first blood. 1959 01:43:07,520 --> 01:43:09,590 所以 我再说一遍 So, I'll ask you again, 1960 01:43:09,960 --> 01:43:11,473 最后一遍 for the last time, 1961 01:43:12,800 --> 01:43:15,872 五杯水 谢谢 five waters, please. 1962 01:43:24,320 --> 01:43:26,885 你他妈以为自己是谁? Who the hell do you think you are? 1963 01:43:27,120 --> 01:43:27,845 我? Me? 1964 01:43:29,388 --> 01:43:30,990 他们管我叫老金 They call me The King. 1965 01:43:32,827 --> 01:43:40,941 SCG字幕组