1 00:00:12,189 --> 00:00:13,189 Previously on the Real 2 00:00:13,029 --> 00:00:13,189 Housewives of New York City... 3 00:00:15,169 --> 00:00:16,280 Have you talked to Mom 4 00:00:15,169 --> 00:00:16,280 about Grandma? 5 00:00:19,170 --> 00:00:22,059 You have a nice relationship. 6 00:00:19,170 --> 00:00:22,059 And then.... 7 00:00:22,070 --> 00:00:24,070 - Sorry. 8 00:00:22,070 --> 00:00:24,070 - I was in the middle 9 00:00:24,079 --> 00:00:26,030 of a conversation. Can you 10 00:00:24,079 --> 00:00:26,030 come back in five minutes? 11 00:00:26,039 --> 00:00:27,160 I'm just, like, 12 00:00:26,039 --> 00:00:27,160 an open wound right now. 13 00:00:27,170 --> 00:00:29,070 Oh, that's interesting. 14 00:00:29,079 --> 00:00:31,149 So Eboni comes in 15 00:00:29,079 --> 00:00:31,149 and you're nice to her? 16 00:00:31,160 --> 00:00:33,119 Yeah, 'cause I was having a 17 00:00:31,160 --> 00:00:33,119 private conversation with Luann. 18 00:00:33,130 --> 00:00:35,000 You're honestly 19 00:00:33,130 --> 00:00:35,000 such a freaking bitch. 20 00:00:35,009 --> 00:00:37,039 It's insane. 21 00:00:35,009 --> 00:00:37,039 Sorry if I don't seem my-- 22 00:00:37,049 --> 00:00:39,179 I'm struggling 23 00:00:37,049 --> 00:00:39,179 with the grandmother stuff. 24 00:00:39,189 --> 00:00:41,149 - You know what I mean? 25 00:00:39,189 --> 00:00:41,149 - Yeah. Don't apologize. 26 00:00:41,159 --> 00:00:43,159 So if I seem, like, weird, 27 00:00:41,159 --> 00:00:43,159 that is why. 28 00:00:43,170 --> 00:00:45,070 Meet Garth. 29 00:00:45,079 --> 00:00:47,000 Oh, no wonder Luann 30 00:00:45,079 --> 00:00:47,000 is so ----ing happy. 31 00:00:47,009 --> 00:00:48,149 - Hi, Garth. 32 00:00:47,009 --> 00:00:48,149 - Garth again. 33 00:00:48,159 --> 00:00:50,100 - That Garth is driving me nuts! 34 00:00:48,159 --> 00:00:50,100 - Yes! 35 00:00:50,109 --> 00:00:52,100 That was my bald guy 36 00:00:50,109 --> 00:00:52,100 she married, by the way. 37 00:00:52,109 --> 00:00:54,179 He was never your guy. I'm tired 38 00:00:52,109 --> 00:00:54,179 of your bullsh--, Sonja, OK? 39 00:00:54,189 --> 00:00:56,189 - He was my bald guy! 40 00:00:54,189 --> 00:00:56,189 - Just be happy for me 41 00:00:56,200 --> 00:00:58,170 - once in a while. 42 00:00:56,200 --> 00:00:58,170 - Why don't you 43 00:00:58,179 --> 00:01:00,210 - come up this weekend with us? 44 00:00:58,179 --> 00:01:00,210 - Maybe I could swing 45 00:01:00,219 --> 00:01:02,109 a couple days 46 00:01:00,219 --> 00:01:02,109 out in the Hamptons! 47 00:01:02,119 --> 00:01:04,040 You said that Luann 48 00:01:02,119 --> 00:01:04,040 had done hard drugs 49 00:01:04,049 --> 00:01:05,200 when you guys 50 00:01:04,049 --> 00:01:05,200 were in St. Barts. 51 00:01:05,209 --> 00:01:07,109 It was about my experience. 52 00:01:07,120 --> 00:01:09,039 - Who was the guest? 53 00:01:07,120 --> 00:01:09,039 - It was Carol. 54 00:01:09,049 --> 00:01:10,210 - Oh, bitch. 55 00:01:09,049 --> 00:01:10,210 - If it bothered you 56 00:01:10,219 --> 00:01:12,170 in any way, I really 57 00:01:10,219 --> 00:01:12,170 apologize to you about it. 58 00:01:12,180 --> 00:01:14,129 Let's make some new memories. 59 00:01:14,140 --> 00:01:17,010 Conversation is getting 60 00:01:14,140 --> 00:01:17,010 a little crazy in there. 61 00:01:17,019 --> 00:01:19,180 I feel like if a guy doesn't eat 62 00:01:17,019 --> 00:01:19,180 your ass he's not a real man. 63 00:01:19,189 --> 00:01:22,010 Who talks about, like-- 64 00:01:19,189 --> 00:01:22,010 okay, it's just not me. 65 00:01:22,019 --> 00:01:23,129 Your dick is smaller 66 00:01:22,019 --> 00:01:23,129 than your balls! 67 00:01:23,140 --> 00:01:24,269 Right! 68 00:01:24,280 --> 00:01:26,069 It's a whole different 69 00:01:24,280 --> 00:01:26,069 ball game! 70 00:01:26,079 --> 00:01:28,269 [roaring laughter] 71 00:01:28,280 --> 00:01:30,180 I mean, we're not supposed 72 00:01:28,280 --> 00:01:30,180 to look at it. 73 00:01:30,189 --> 00:01:32,200 We're supposed to turn 74 00:01:30,189 --> 00:01:32,200 the lights off and jump on. 75 00:01:32,210 --> 00:01:34,180 [laughter] 76 00:01:34,189 --> 00:01:36,140 I'll get on top for, 77 00:01:34,189 --> 00:01:36,140 like, 30 seconds. 78 00:01:36,150 --> 00:01:37,189 And I'm, like, "okay..." 79 00:01:37,200 --> 00:01:39,170 And I'm saying, "Ah!" 80 00:01:39,180 --> 00:01:42,090 No, I had to have boyfriends 81 00:01:39,180 --> 00:01:42,090 that had talks with me. 82 00:01:42,099 --> 00:01:45,140 Like, okay, after you come, 83 00:01:42,099 --> 00:01:45,140 like, you can't just stop. 84 00:01:45,150 --> 00:01:47,229 - And I'm, like, "all right." 85 00:01:45,150 --> 00:01:47,229 - Why? 86 00:01:47,240 --> 00:01:49,159 You came back at the wrong time. 87 00:01:49,170 --> 00:01:51,090 - Exactly. 88 00:01:49,170 --> 00:01:51,090 - Fine, I'll go back. 89 00:01:51,099 --> 00:01:53,060 Yeah, go back, 90 00:01:51,099 --> 00:01:53,060 get a shot for courage. 91 00:01:53,069 --> 00:01:54,200 - Oh, Ramona, stop! 92 00:01:53,069 --> 00:01:54,200 - Oh, Ramona! 93 00:01:54,210 --> 00:01:56,099 [overlapping conversations] 94 00:01:56,109 --> 00:01:58,069 I think Leah doesn't 95 00:01:56,109 --> 00:01:58,069 have a lot to talk about 96 00:01:58,079 --> 00:02:00,030 other than sex. 97 00:01:58,079 --> 00:02:00,030 It's pretty sad, isn't it? 98 00:02:00,040 --> 00:02:04,090 Miss Eboni, do you need 99 00:02:00,040 --> 00:02:04,090 a little refill? My Caymus? 100 00:02:04,099 --> 00:02:05,129 This is delicious. 101 00:02:05,140 --> 00:02:07,040 The best way to handle Leah 102 00:02:07,049 --> 00:02:09,009 is just try 103 00:02:07,049 --> 00:02:09,009 to change the subject. 104 00:02:09,020 --> 00:02:11,280 After all, I am the host. 105 00:02:09,020 --> 00:02:11,280 I set the tone of the weekend. 106 00:02:11,289 --> 00:02:14,099 - We had a huge day yesterday. 107 00:02:11,289 --> 00:02:14,099 - Huge day. 108 00:02:14,110 --> 00:02:18,030 She got totally upset. 109 00:02:14,110 --> 00:02:18,030 She got totally upset. 110 00:02:18,039 --> 00:02:20,189 - Her Grandma's dying. 111 00:02:18,039 --> 00:02:20,189 - Right. 112 00:02:20,199 --> 00:02:22,129 And then she had 113 00:02:20,199 --> 00:02:22,129 an altercation with me. 114 00:02:22,139 --> 00:02:24,030 But whatever, it doesn't matter. 115 00:02:24,039 --> 00:02:25,240 - Sh-- happened. 116 00:02:24,039 --> 00:02:25,240 - It was an altercation. 117 00:02:25,250 --> 00:02:28,079 I kind of feel like that's juicy 118 00:02:25,250 --> 00:02:28,079 and I want to hear more-- 119 00:02:28,090 --> 00:02:30,039 No, we're not. No! 120 00:02:30,050 --> 00:02:33,180 Oh, my God! We may hear it 121 00:02:30,050 --> 00:02:33,180 next week on your podcast! 122 00:02:33,189 --> 00:02:35,139 No, we're going forward! 123 00:02:35,150 --> 00:02:36,210 Okay, okay, go on. 124 00:02:36,219 --> 00:02:38,120 And then 125 00:02:36,219 --> 00:02:38,120 they had an altercation. 126 00:02:38,129 --> 00:02:41,099 The thing is, 127 00:02:38,129 --> 00:02:41,099 Ramona pushes buttons and gets-- 128 00:02:41,110 --> 00:02:43,199 that is her special talent 129 00:02:41,110 --> 00:02:43,199 and that's why me and Sonja 130 00:02:43,210 --> 00:02:47,159 - both freaking went psycho. 131 00:02:43,210 --> 00:02:47,159 - She's a button-pusher. 132 00:02:47,170 --> 00:02:49,069 - Yes! 133 00:02:47,170 --> 00:02:49,069 - We fight like crazy 134 00:02:49,079 --> 00:02:51,060 but then we make up like crazy. 135 00:02:51,069 --> 00:02:52,150 It's a sisterhood! 136 00:02:52,159 --> 00:02:54,090 These two 137 00:02:52,159 --> 00:02:54,090 were going to the death! 138 00:02:54,099 --> 00:02:57,079 And then five minutes later... 139 00:02:54,099 --> 00:02:57,079 Love. 140 00:02:57,090 --> 00:02:59,060 That's good though. 141 00:02:57,090 --> 00:02:59,060 That's very good. 142 00:02:59,069 --> 00:03:01,219 It's a sisterhood, 143 00:02:59,069 --> 00:03:01,219 but it could be like you're... 144 00:03:01,229 --> 00:03:03,139 Fight for your ----ing life. 145 00:03:03,150 --> 00:03:05,030 [overlapping conversation] 146 00:03:06,219 --> 00:03:08,169 It's very Biggie-Pac, Heather. 147 00:03:08,180 --> 00:03:10,120 - Exactly! 148 00:03:08,180 --> 00:03:10,120 - We can pop! 149 00:03:10,129 --> 00:03:11,250 How'd you say that? 150 00:03:11,259 --> 00:03:13,219 Pac! Tupac Shakur. 151 00:03:13,229 --> 00:03:16,110 "We can Two Pac?" No, we can 152 00:03:13,229 --> 00:03:16,110 pac off. What'd you say? 153 00:03:16,120 --> 00:03:18,139 - No, no! No! 154 00:03:16,120 --> 00:03:18,139 - Pop off! 155 00:03:18,150 --> 00:03:20,050 [laughter] 156 00:03:20,060 --> 00:03:21,180 - She get it wrong? 157 00:03:20,060 --> 00:03:21,180 - She got it wrong! 158 00:03:21,189 --> 00:03:23,000 Oh, she got it wrong. 159 00:03:23,009 --> 00:03:24,139 But can I tell you 160 00:03:23,009 --> 00:03:24,139 something again? 161 00:03:24,150 --> 00:03:25,229 - Yes. 162 00:03:24,150 --> 00:03:25,229 - Again. 163 00:03:25,240 --> 00:03:27,110 - Yeah. 164 00:03:25,240 --> 00:03:27,110 - Again. 165 00:03:27,120 --> 00:03:29,139 - Again. 166 00:03:27,120 --> 00:03:29,139 - Again. 167 00:03:29,150 --> 00:03:31,079 What makes me uncomfortable? 168 00:03:32,259 --> 00:03:34,219 - Talking about sex? 169 00:03:32,259 --> 00:03:34,219 - Yes. 170 00:03:34,229 --> 00:03:36,199 So you're asking me to not 171 00:03:34,229 --> 00:03:36,199 to talk about sex again? 172 00:03:36,210 --> 00:03:39,110 - Why? 173 00:03:36,210 --> 00:03:39,110 - I'm just-- I don't know why. 174 00:03:39,120 --> 00:03:41,259 I'm sex positive. 175 00:03:43,229 --> 00:03:45,219 You've never heard of that? 176 00:03:45,229 --> 00:03:47,210 I think it's a new thing 177 00:03:45,229 --> 00:03:47,210 that you made up. 178 00:03:47,219 --> 00:03:50,099 No, it's a thing. 179 00:03:47,219 --> 00:03:50,099 Sex positive. 180 00:03:51,099 --> 00:03:53,050 Okay, Boomer! 181 00:03:53,060 --> 00:03:55,259 My God, your earrings say 182 00:03:53,060 --> 00:03:55,259 "Cha-cha-cha." 183 00:03:55,270 --> 00:03:58,099 - I know, they're-- no, Chanel. 184 00:03:55,270 --> 00:03:58,099 - Cha-nel. 185 00:03:58,110 --> 00:04:01,229 Well, I will tell you, 186 00:03:58,110 --> 00:04:01,229 you won tonight, 187 00:04:01,240 --> 00:04:03,150 the "Breakfast at Tiffany" look. 188 00:04:03,159 --> 00:04:06,020 I won "Breakfast at Tiffany?" 189 00:04:03,159 --> 00:04:06,020 Are we voting? 190 00:04:06,030 --> 00:04:07,270 There's no goddamn contest. 191 00:04:07,280 --> 00:04:09,259 - So, [bleep] you. 192 00:04:07,280 --> 00:04:09,259 - All right, I'm going to bed. 193 00:04:09,270 --> 00:04:11,229 - I love you. 194 00:04:09,270 --> 00:04:11,229 - EBONI: I love you. 195 00:04:11,240 --> 00:04:13,120 - I love you. I have my tea. 196 00:04:11,240 --> 00:04:13,120 - Bye, honey. 197 00:04:13,129 --> 00:04:15,060 I am going to bed. 198 00:04:15,069 --> 00:04:17,089 Nothing good happens 199 00:04:15,069 --> 00:04:17,089 after a certain hour for me, 200 00:04:17,100 --> 00:04:19,100 especially with the drinking. 201 00:04:17,100 --> 00:04:19,100 I'm like, okay. 202 00:04:19,110 --> 00:04:21,250 - Good night. I'm going to bed. 203 00:04:19,110 --> 00:04:21,250 - Where you going? 204 00:04:21,259 --> 00:04:23,149 She has a big day for us 205 00:04:21,259 --> 00:04:23,149 planned tomorrow. 206 00:04:23,160 --> 00:04:24,259 All right, fine. 207 00:04:23,160 --> 00:04:24,259 We're having a big conversation. 208 00:04:24,269 --> 00:04:26,160 I know, I love it. 209 00:04:26,170 --> 00:04:28,110 Sometimes it's better 210 00:04:26,170 --> 00:04:28,110 to call it a night 211 00:04:28,120 --> 00:04:30,120 and not hang around too long. 212 00:04:28,120 --> 00:04:30,120 If you know what I mean. 213 00:04:30,129 --> 00:04:33,269 Maybe I'm weird 214 00:04:30,129 --> 00:04:33,269 and maybe it's old school. 215 00:04:33,279 --> 00:04:35,240 Or maybe it's the way 216 00:04:33,279 --> 00:04:35,240 I was brought up. 217 00:04:35,250 --> 00:04:39,029 I was never taught 218 00:04:35,250 --> 00:04:39,029 to talk about sex. 219 00:04:39,040 --> 00:04:41,090 Like, like, you know, like, 220 00:04:41,100 --> 00:04:44,079 like, "This dick is big, 221 00:04:41,100 --> 00:04:44,079 this dick is small. 222 00:04:44,090 --> 00:04:48,120 "I like dick. I like to [bleep], 223 00:04:44,090 --> 00:04:48,120 his ---- is big, 224 00:04:48,129 --> 00:04:52,279 "and she has a... W.P. 225 00:04:48,129 --> 00:04:52,279 or let's do a W.A.P." 226 00:04:52,290 --> 00:04:56,129 Or whatever it's called. 227 00:04:52,290 --> 00:04:56,129 I don't feel comfortable. 228 00:04:56,139 --> 00:04:58,199 You sounded 229 00:04:56,139 --> 00:04:58,199 pretty comfortable just there. 230 00:05:00,110 --> 00:05:03,120 Can you just, like, edit 231 00:05:00,110 --> 00:05:03,120 yourself a little around me? 232 00:05:03,129 --> 00:05:06,079 - Just a little. Just a little. 233 00:05:03,129 --> 00:05:06,079 - She wants me to edit. 234 00:05:06,089 --> 00:05:07,290 - 'Cause look. The fact-- 235 00:05:06,089 --> 00:05:07,290 - She wants to edit me. 236 00:05:08,000 --> 00:05:10,089 Wait, the fact that you say 237 00:05:08,000 --> 00:05:10,089 all these things to me, 238 00:05:10,100 --> 00:05:12,180 - all this verbiage, is huge. 239 00:05:10,100 --> 00:05:12,180 - It's huge. 240 00:05:12,189 --> 00:05:14,089 - It's ----ing huge. 241 00:05:12,189 --> 00:05:14,089 - It's ----ing huge. 242 00:05:14,100 --> 00:05:17,079 Like huge! It's huge! 243 00:05:17,089 --> 00:05:19,160 - Huge! 244 00:05:17,089 --> 00:05:19,160 - [laughing] 245 00:05:19,170 --> 00:05:21,149 So can you help me a little?! 246 00:05:21,160 --> 00:05:25,139 If Ramona was just honest 247 00:05:21,160 --> 00:05:25,139 about how into sex she was 248 00:05:25,149 --> 00:05:28,189 and how she's just constantly 249 00:05:25,149 --> 00:05:28,189 on the prowl for dick, 250 00:05:28,199 --> 00:05:32,120 she'd be sex-positive too, 251 00:05:28,199 --> 00:05:32,120 because I know for a fact 252 00:05:32,129 --> 00:05:36,159 this woman is getting laid more 253 00:05:32,129 --> 00:05:36,159 than all of the women combined. 254 00:05:36,170 --> 00:05:38,159 You're not talking about it 255 00:05:36,170 --> 00:05:38,159 in a sensual way. 256 00:05:38,170 --> 00:05:39,240 Like, how about this? 257 00:05:39,250 --> 00:05:41,170 Here. Here's a feather. 258 00:05:42,170 --> 00:05:47,259 You know, 259 00:05:42,170 --> 00:05:47,259 this man makes me feel so hot. 260 00:05:47,269 --> 00:05:50,220 When he just strokes me 261 00:05:47,269 --> 00:05:50,220 and touches me... 262 00:05:50,230 --> 00:05:52,220 I feel so good. 263 00:05:52,230 --> 00:05:54,250 She looks like 264 00:05:52,230 --> 00:05:54,250 she's about to climax. 265 00:05:54,259 --> 00:05:57,159 Sitting right next to me. 266 00:05:54,259 --> 00:05:57,159 With a feather. 267 00:05:57,170 --> 00:05:59,250 We're still talking about that 268 00:05:57,170 --> 00:05:59,250 I make her feel uncomfortable. 269 00:05:59,259 --> 00:06:01,250 We're trying to bond. 270 00:05:59,259 --> 00:06:01,250 I'm saying I like to say-- 271 00:06:01,259 --> 00:06:03,160 You guys are so close! 272 00:06:01,259 --> 00:06:03,160 Like, you guys-- 273 00:06:03,170 --> 00:06:05,050 I know! 274 00:06:03,170 --> 00:06:05,050 But it's, like, I can't-- 275 00:06:05,060 --> 00:06:06,269 She's like, "Why do you talk 276 00:06:05,060 --> 00:06:06,269 about body parts, 277 00:06:06,279 --> 00:06:08,269 "and coming, 278 00:06:06,279 --> 00:06:08,269 and ----, and sex-" 279 00:06:08,279 --> 00:06:11,269 Well, Ramona, I just heard you 280 00:06:08,279 --> 00:06:11,269 say you could take a big dick. 281 00:06:11,279 --> 00:06:13,209 I heard you say that 282 00:06:11,279 --> 00:06:13,209 two seconds ago. 283 00:06:13,220 --> 00:06:15,060 I never said that. 284 00:06:15,069 --> 00:06:17,060 Did you not say that 285 00:06:15,069 --> 00:06:17,060 two seconds ago? 286 00:06:17,069 --> 00:06:19,060 Did she not say 287 00:06:17,069 --> 00:06:19,060 "I can take a big penis?" 288 00:06:19,069 --> 00:06:20,209 No! 289 00:06:20,220 --> 00:06:22,009 [uproarious laughter] 290 00:06:22,019 --> 00:06:23,180 Now I'm leaving the table! 291 00:06:23,189 --> 00:06:25,149 I liked you, 292 00:06:23,189 --> 00:06:25,149 but now I don't like you! 293 00:06:25,160 --> 00:06:27,220 Ramona! I'm sorry! 294 00:06:27,230 --> 00:06:29,290 Wait, Ramona! Don't be mad! 295 00:06:30,000 --> 00:06:33,220 Ramona! I thought you said you 296 00:06:30,000 --> 00:06:33,220 could take a big dick! 297 00:06:33,230 --> 00:06:35,120 [laughter] 298 00:06:35,129 --> 00:06:37,009 I didn't say anything 299 00:06:35,129 --> 00:06:37,009 about a penis 300 00:06:37,019 --> 00:06:38,230 and a big one or nothing, okay? 301 00:06:38,240 --> 00:06:41,100 - Are you ----ing crazy? 302 00:06:38,240 --> 00:06:41,100 - You can't be mad. 303 00:06:41,110 --> 00:06:43,129 I am mad. 304 00:06:41,110 --> 00:06:43,129 Are you ----ing crazy? 305 00:06:43,139 --> 00:06:46,209 Now I'm getting this from Eboni? 306 00:06:43,139 --> 00:06:46,209 I am, like, dumbfounded. 307 00:06:46,220 --> 00:06:48,129 I'm sorry. I had two gins. 308 00:06:48,139 --> 00:06:50,209 Okay, do ladies 309 00:06:48,139 --> 00:06:50,209 talk about body parts? 310 00:06:50,220 --> 00:06:53,180 They talk about P's, 311 00:06:50,220 --> 00:06:53,180 and C's, and D's. 312 00:06:53,189 --> 00:06:55,230 I'm sorry. I don't. 313 00:06:55,240 --> 00:06:57,009 And that's why 314 00:06:55,240 --> 00:06:57,009 I had a big problem 315 00:06:57,019 --> 00:06:58,230 with your girlfriend, Leah, 316 00:06:58,240 --> 00:07:00,180 and now you're doing 317 00:06:58,240 --> 00:07:00,180 the same ----ing thing. 318 00:07:00,189 --> 00:07:02,189 - And now I'm really pissed off. 319 00:07:00,189 --> 00:07:02,189 - Ramona, don't be upset. 320 00:07:02,199 --> 00:07:05,100 - No, I am upset. 321 00:07:02,199 --> 00:07:05,100 - Ramona's upset with me! 322 00:07:05,110 --> 00:07:08,120 - I am so upset. 323 00:07:05,110 --> 00:07:08,120 - Ramona's upset with me. 324 00:07:08,129 --> 00:07:10,019 I thought that's what she said! 325 00:07:10,029 --> 00:07:11,250 Welcome to my world. 326 00:07:11,259 --> 00:07:14,000 Take my Duckhorn and I'm going 327 00:07:11,259 --> 00:07:14,000 to ----ing bed. 328 00:07:14,009 --> 00:07:15,290 I thought she said 329 00:07:14,009 --> 00:07:15,290 she could take a big dick. 330 00:07:16,000 --> 00:07:17,199 That's ----ing amazing. 331 00:07:17,209 --> 00:07:19,279 - I'm sorry. 332 00:07:17,209 --> 00:07:19,279 - I think she probably can... 333 00:07:19,290 --> 00:07:24,189 I mean, seriously, what happened 334 00:07:19,290 --> 00:07:24,189 to class and elegance? 335 00:07:24,199 --> 00:07:28,000 Elegance and class! 336 00:07:24,199 --> 00:07:28,000 Where did it all go? 337 00:07:28,009 --> 00:07:30,290 Did Aubrey Hepburn 338 00:07:28,009 --> 00:07:30,290 ever do this? No. 339 00:07:31,000 --> 00:07:32,199 Coming up... 340 00:07:32,209 --> 00:07:34,290 Maybe "Three, two, one," 341 00:07:32,209 --> 00:07:34,290 maybe, I don't know. 342 00:07:35,000 --> 00:07:37,279 Three! Two! One! 343 00:07:37,290 --> 00:07:41,199 [all shrieking and laughing] 344 00:07:46,220 --> 00:07:46,290 [upbeat music] 345 00:07:50,129 --> 00:07:52,040 - Hello? 346 00:07:50,129 --> 00:07:52,040 - Hi, mom. 347 00:07:52,050 --> 00:07:54,259 Hi Jack! 348 00:07:52,050 --> 00:07:54,259 You're voice sounds so low. 349 00:07:54,269 --> 00:07:58,040 ♪♪♪♪♪ 350 00:07:58,050 --> 00:08:00,129 - On the brown. 351 00:07:58,050 --> 00:08:00,129 - Yeah, on the brown. 352 00:08:00,139 --> 00:08:02,120 I think Luann left already 353 00:08:02,129 --> 00:08:04,149 'cause she's getting things 354 00:08:02,129 --> 00:08:04,149 ready for Garth for the launch. 355 00:08:04,160 --> 00:08:06,149 I'm gonna get a male model over 356 00:08:06,160 --> 00:08:08,189 and we're gonna do some 357 00:08:06,160 --> 00:08:08,189 nude drawing and painting 358 00:08:08,199 --> 00:08:11,129 So, I thought the party, 359 00:08:08,199 --> 00:08:11,129 over all, went well. 360 00:08:11,139 --> 00:08:13,220 - It was very nice. 361 00:08:11,139 --> 00:08:13,220 - I don't know why 362 00:08:13,230 --> 00:08:15,050 when we get together, everyone 363 00:08:13,230 --> 00:08:15,050 has to talk 364 00:08:15,060 --> 00:08:16,250 about penises, okay? 365 00:08:16,259 --> 00:08:18,170 - Okay. 366 00:08:16,259 --> 00:08:18,170 - What is it about the penises? 367 00:08:18,180 --> 00:08:20,240 - Okay, not even cold. 368 00:08:18,180 --> 00:08:20,240 - It's really not as cold 369 00:08:20,250 --> 00:08:23,170 as I thought it was gonna be. 370 00:08:20,250 --> 00:08:23,170 Oh my God, tiki torches suck. 371 00:08:23,180 --> 00:08:25,279 See? That's the devil. 372 00:08:25,290 --> 00:08:27,209 So Eboni, 373 00:08:25,290 --> 00:08:27,209 you know, is feeling 374 00:08:27,220 --> 00:08:31,009 a little exuberant 375 00:08:27,220 --> 00:08:31,009 from the champagne and the wine. 376 00:08:31,019 --> 00:08:33,159 She said you can 377 00:08:31,019 --> 00:08:33,159 handle a big dick. 378 00:08:33,169 --> 00:08:35,179 Everyone says that. 379 00:08:35,190 --> 00:08:37,009 But she thought 380 00:08:35,190 --> 00:08:37,009 she heard you say it. 381 00:08:37,019 --> 00:08:39,220 Yes, and I got upset. 382 00:08:39,230 --> 00:08:41,179 So I have to 383 00:08:39,230 --> 00:08:41,179 apologize to Ramona. 384 00:08:41,190 --> 00:08:43,000 - I mean not, like, a deep one. 385 00:08:41,190 --> 00:08:43,000 - Oh, God. 386 00:08:43,009 --> 00:08:44,259 I want to respect 387 00:08:43,009 --> 00:08:44,259 her comfort zone. 388 00:08:44,269 --> 00:08:46,129 I do think 389 00:08:44,269 --> 00:08:46,129 she's a huge hypocrite 390 00:08:46,139 --> 00:08:48,039 - because I saw you guys too. 391 00:08:46,139 --> 00:08:48,039 - She is! 392 00:08:48,049 --> 00:08:50,009 When I was taking those 393 00:08:48,049 --> 00:08:50,009 thirst trap pictures of you. 394 00:08:50,019 --> 00:08:51,230 I'm like were you not 395 00:08:50,019 --> 00:08:51,230 just saying 396 00:08:51,240 --> 00:08:53,210 "Don't even say the word." 397 00:08:53,220 --> 00:08:56,080 I swear. I really thought 398 00:08:53,220 --> 00:08:56,080 Ramona said 399 00:08:56,090 --> 00:08:58,190 she could take a big dick, 400 00:08:56,090 --> 00:08:58,190 and I was proud of her, 401 00:08:58,200 --> 00:09:00,169 and I meant it as a compliment. 402 00:09:00,179 --> 00:09:02,059 But I don't think 403 00:09:00,179 --> 00:09:02,059 I lied on Ramona. 404 00:09:02,070 --> 00:09:03,250 And it's also, like, 405 00:09:02,070 --> 00:09:03,250 again, like, 406 00:09:03,259 --> 00:09:05,200 these respectability politics 407 00:09:05,210 --> 00:09:07,149 that play for women too, 408 00:09:05,210 --> 00:09:07,149 it's like we have to be these 409 00:09:07,159 --> 00:09:09,019 - pretty little princesses. 410 00:09:07,159 --> 00:09:09,019 - Thank you. 411 00:09:09,029 --> 00:09:11,289 It's like, yeah, guess what? 412 00:09:09,029 --> 00:09:11,289 I have a law degree 413 00:09:12,000 --> 00:09:13,269 I practiced law for many years. 414 00:09:13,279 --> 00:09:15,179 I've worked in some of 415 00:09:13,279 --> 00:09:15,179 the biggest news organizations 416 00:09:15,190 --> 00:09:17,019 in the world 417 00:09:15,190 --> 00:09:17,019 and I say the word dick. 418 00:09:17,029 --> 00:09:19,019 I am so over her 419 00:09:17,029 --> 00:09:19,019 being, like, 420 00:09:19,029 --> 00:09:21,070 "I need you to stop 421 00:09:19,029 --> 00:09:21,070 talking about sex 422 00:09:21,080 --> 00:09:22,240 because it makes me 423 00:09:21,080 --> 00:09:22,240 so uncomfortable." 424 00:09:22,250 --> 00:09:24,250 And then 20 minutes later. 425 00:09:24,259 --> 00:09:27,019 The bitch is in 426 00:09:24,259 --> 00:09:27,019 her freaking thongs 427 00:09:27,029 --> 00:09:28,289 dancing around like a stripper. 428 00:09:29,000 --> 00:09:32,190 I cannot believe that Leah 429 00:09:29,000 --> 00:09:32,190 started all this trouble 430 00:09:32,200 --> 00:09:34,220 with Heather 431 00:09:32,200 --> 00:09:34,220 about this podcast. 432 00:09:34,230 --> 00:09:37,190 She has to just stop 433 00:09:34,230 --> 00:09:37,190 talking about everybody else. 434 00:09:37,200 --> 00:09:39,009 Did she agree to do that? 435 00:09:39,019 --> 00:09:40,230 [Sonja sighing] 436 00:09:40,240 --> 00:09:42,080 I don't think so. 437 00:09:40,240 --> 00:09:42,080 She's, she loves the scoop. 438 00:09:42,090 --> 00:09:43,279 She loves the T. 439 00:09:43,289 --> 00:09:45,090 So maybe I'll say something 440 00:09:43,289 --> 00:09:45,090 to her later 441 00:09:45,100 --> 00:09:47,000 If she wants to hang out 442 00:09:45,100 --> 00:09:47,000 with us all again 443 00:09:47,009 --> 00:09:49,029 she can't do that. 444 00:09:47,009 --> 00:09:49,029 She has to stop that. 445 00:09:49,039 --> 00:09:53,220 [quirky music] 446 00:09:59,009 --> 00:10:01,029 [Leah sniffling] 447 00:10:01,039 --> 00:10:07,029 My mom basically told me 448 00:10:01,039 --> 00:10:07,029 that my grandmother is... 449 00:10:07,039 --> 00:10:09,279 not communicating and 450 00:10:07,039 --> 00:10:09,279 she just keeps saying to me, 451 00:10:09,289 --> 00:10:11,240 "She's slipping away." 452 00:10:11,250 --> 00:10:15,039 You know, it's like 453 00:10:11,250 --> 00:10:15,039 I'm realizing in real time 454 00:10:15,049 --> 00:10:16,250 while my mother's 455 00:10:15,049 --> 00:10:16,250 telling me this, 456 00:10:16,259 --> 00:10:18,250 like, I'm not getting 457 00:10:16,259 --> 00:10:18,250 another conversation 458 00:10:18,259 --> 00:10:20,100 with my grandmother. 459 00:10:22,090 --> 00:10:25,259 [upbeat music] 460 00:10:25,269 --> 00:10:27,200 - Good morning! 461 00:10:25,269 --> 00:10:27,200 - Hi, baby. 462 00:10:27,210 --> 00:10:29,210 - What's going on? 463 00:10:27,210 --> 00:10:29,210 - Everything is good. 464 00:10:29,220 --> 00:10:31,039 You have a nice time 465 00:10:29,220 --> 00:10:31,039 at dinner last night? 466 00:10:31,049 --> 00:10:33,009 I did! It was really nice. 467 00:10:33,019 --> 00:10:35,220 I mean, aside from 468 00:10:33,019 --> 00:10:35,220 getting attacked a little. 469 00:10:35,230 --> 00:10:38,169 I feel like 470 00:10:35,230 --> 00:10:38,169 I proved my point 471 00:10:38,179 --> 00:10:42,029 that it was, like, 472 00:10:38,179 --> 00:10:42,029 my experience, my podcast, my... 473 00:10:42,039 --> 00:10:43,279 - my look at it. 474 00:10:42,039 --> 00:10:43,279 - Right. 475 00:10:43,289 --> 00:10:46,049 I think it would behoove you 476 00:10:43,289 --> 00:10:46,049 not to talk about it. 477 00:10:46,059 --> 00:10:48,100 Don't mention me. 478 00:10:46,059 --> 00:10:48,100 Don't mention Sonja. 479 00:10:48,110 --> 00:10:49,269 - Don't mention-- 480 00:10:48,110 --> 00:10:49,269 - Sure. 481 00:10:49,279 --> 00:10:51,220 We don't wanna be 482 00:10:49,279 --> 00:10:51,220 talked about, that's all. 483 00:10:51,230 --> 00:10:53,269 Yeah, listen, I think that 484 00:10:51,230 --> 00:10:53,269 what I go through in life 485 00:10:53,279 --> 00:10:55,269 and the way that I want 486 00:10:53,279 --> 00:10:55,269 to talk about my life 487 00:10:55,279 --> 00:10:58,110 and my experiences, 488 00:10:55,279 --> 00:10:58,110 I feel like is, you know, 489 00:10:58,120 --> 00:11:00,200 - that's my business. 490 00:10:58,120 --> 00:11:00,200 - But do you, like, promise? 491 00:11:00,210 --> 00:11:01,269 I mean, can you promise? 492 00:11:00,210 --> 00:11:01,269 At least when it comes to me? 493 00:11:01,279 --> 00:11:03,049 - Yeah. 494 00:11:01,279 --> 00:11:03,049 - I don't want you 495 00:11:03,059 --> 00:11:04,210 to mention me. 496 00:11:03,059 --> 00:11:04,210 Even if it's nice. 497 00:11:04,220 --> 00:11:06,019 I don't want you 498 00:11:04,220 --> 00:11:06,019 to talk about me. 499 00:11:06,029 --> 00:11:07,240 I just don't want 500 00:11:06,029 --> 00:11:07,240 to be in the press. 501 00:11:07,250 --> 00:11:09,049 - You won't be. 502 00:11:07,250 --> 00:11:09,049 - I really don't. All right. 503 00:11:09,059 --> 00:11:11,000 With Ramona, 504 00:11:09,059 --> 00:11:11,000 it's just more hot air 505 00:11:11,009 --> 00:11:13,019 and ridiculousness over nothing. 506 00:11:13,029 --> 00:11:16,110 So, I'd like to just move on 507 00:11:13,029 --> 00:11:16,110 and try to see if there's some 508 00:11:16,120 --> 00:11:18,240 fun to be had here. 509 00:11:16,120 --> 00:11:18,240 That's what I'm here for. 510 00:11:18,250 --> 00:11:20,039 I'm glad we're on the same page. 511 00:11:20,049 --> 00:11:21,240 - Yeah. 512 00:11:20,049 --> 00:11:21,240 - So I'm gonna get ready. 513 00:11:21,250 --> 00:11:23,019 I mean, I still have 514 00:11:21,250 --> 00:11:23,019 my last night's do. 515 00:11:23,029 --> 00:11:24,220 I know! 516 00:11:23,029 --> 00:11:24,220 What are you gonna do? 517 00:11:24,230 --> 00:11:26,230 - The new tennis hairdo. 518 00:11:24,230 --> 00:11:26,230 - I think it looks good. 519 00:11:26,240 --> 00:11:28,059 I mean, it really did 520 00:11:26,240 --> 00:11:28,059 hold its own. 521 00:11:28,070 --> 00:11:29,120 - I know, right? 522 00:11:28,070 --> 00:11:29,120 - Are you gonna 523 00:11:29,129 --> 00:11:30,230 wear it painting? 524 00:11:30,240 --> 00:11:32,029 Victoria is running it 525 00:11:32,039 --> 00:11:34,039 so I'm expecting 526 00:11:32,039 --> 00:11:34,039 full frontal nudity. 527 00:11:34,049 --> 00:11:36,120 Hey, maybe it'll be, 528 00:11:34,049 --> 00:11:36,120 uh, Garth naked. 529 00:11:36,129 --> 00:11:37,269 Oh! 530 00:11:37,279 --> 00:11:40,029 - He is an Adonis. 531 00:11:37,279 --> 00:11:40,029 - Oh, good. 532 00:11:40,039 --> 00:11:41,129 - All right, I'll get ready. 533 00:11:40,039 --> 00:11:41,129 - Hot, he's hot. 534 00:11:41,139 --> 00:11:44,200 [quirky music] 535 00:11:44,210 --> 00:11:47,039 ♪♪♪♪♪ 536 00:11:47,049 --> 00:11:50,049 [car beeping] 537 00:11:50,059 --> 00:11:52,000 Hello? 538 00:11:52,009 --> 00:11:54,070 - Hi guys! 539 00:11:52,009 --> 00:11:54,070 - I'm helping. I'm a sous chef. 540 00:11:54,080 --> 00:11:56,240 Hi! Oh, good. 541 00:11:56,250 --> 00:11:59,230 - Hey, how are you? 542 00:11:56,250 --> 00:11:59,230 - You look nice. 543 00:11:59,240 --> 00:12:01,070 It's gonna be a good day. 544 00:12:01,080 --> 00:12:03,220 We've got lamb curry 545 00:12:01,080 --> 00:12:03,220 being prepared by Garth. 546 00:12:03,230 --> 00:12:06,000 We've got a male nude model. 547 00:12:06,009 --> 00:12:08,220 What's better than food 548 00:12:06,009 --> 00:12:08,220 and nude? 549 00:12:08,230 --> 00:12:10,250 Well, thank you 550 00:12:08,230 --> 00:12:10,250 for coming to do this. 551 00:12:10,259 --> 00:12:13,240 The girls are really looking 552 00:12:10,259 --> 00:12:13,240 forward to your lamb curry. 553 00:12:13,250 --> 00:12:15,250 Well I hope that, you know, 554 00:12:13,250 --> 00:12:15,250 they're gonna be prepared 555 00:12:15,259 --> 00:12:19,110 for lamb curry after the, um... 556 00:12:15,259 --> 00:12:19,110 What's it called? Life-- 557 00:12:19,120 --> 00:12:21,039 - Life drawing. 558 00:12:19,120 --> 00:12:21,039 - Life drawing. 559 00:12:21,049 --> 00:12:23,080 - Are you doing that? 560 00:12:21,049 --> 00:12:23,080 - Well, of course. 561 00:12:23,090 --> 00:12:25,259 I am surrounded 562 00:12:23,090 --> 00:12:25,259 by artists in my house. 563 00:12:25,269 --> 00:12:28,269 Victoria's an artist. Nicole's 564 00:12:25,269 --> 00:12:28,269 an artist. My son is an artist. 565 00:12:28,279 --> 00:12:31,240 So I thought what can we do 566 00:12:28,279 --> 00:12:31,240 that's different in the Hamptons 567 00:12:31,250 --> 00:12:34,080 and, you know, Victoria came up 568 00:12:31,250 --> 00:12:34,080 with a great idea. 569 00:12:34,090 --> 00:12:36,279 I knew the girls 570 00:12:34,090 --> 00:12:36,279 would have a hard-on. 571 00:12:36,289 --> 00:12:39,110 I've always wanted to do one of 572 00:12:36,289 --> 00:12:39,110 those classes so, you know-- 573 00:12:39,120 --> 00:12:41,080 Yeah. Do they teach you 574 00:12:39,120 --> 00:12:41,080 how to draw? Or just... 575 00:12:41,090 --> 00:12:46,019 No, you can just explore 576 00:12:41,090 --> 00:12:46,019 how you want to draw someone. 577 00:12:46,029 --> 00:12:48,059 This is gonna be hysterical. 578 00:12:49,220 --> 00:12:52,049 - Hi kids. 579 00:12:49,220 --> 00:12:52,049 - Oh, wow! Cute! 580 00:12:52,059 --> 00:12:54,139 Are we painting? You guys are 581 00:12:52,059 --> 00:12:54,139 very dressy for painting. 582 00:12:54,149 --> 00:12:56,090 My goodness, you look great. 583 00:12:56,100 --> 00:12:58,090 You know what? We like to look 584 00:12:56,100 --> 00:12:58,090 chic for each other. 585 00:12:58,100 --> 00:12:59,269 - You are chic. 586 00:12:58,100 --> 00:12:59,269 - You didn't get the memo? 587 00:12:59,279 --> 00:13:01,269 - But you look chic too. 588 00:12:59,279 --> 00:13:01,269 - Yeah, I'm cool. 589 00:13:01,279 --> 00:13:03,220 - But we look chic-er. 590 00:13:01,279 --> 00:13:03,220 - Yeah. 591 00:13:05,259 --> 00:13:08,049 Hey, can you make it, 592 00:13:05,259 --> 00:13:08,049 like, more, like, 593 00:13:08,059 --> 00:13:10,090 even like separate the pieces 594 00:13:08,059 --> 00:13:10,090 so that this piece... 595 00:13:10,100 --> 00:13:12,250 Are they getting their ----ing 596 00:13:10,100 --> 00:13:12,250 makeup done? It's ridiculous. 597 00:13:12,259 --> 00:13:14,259 I mean what, they can't do 598 00:13:12,259 --> 00:13:14,259 their own hair and makeup? 599 00:13:14,269 --> 00:13:17,059 I knew going into this trip 600 00:13:14,269 --> 00:13:17,059 it wasn't gonna be easy 601 00:13:17,070 --> 00:13:19,049 and I was gonna be 602 00:13:17,070 --> 00:13:19,049 an emotional wreck. 603 00:13:19,059 --> 00:13:22,080 I think that, like, having my 604 00:13:19,059 --> 00:13:22,080 glam there is emotional support. 605 00:13:22,090 --> 00:13:24,019 And being able 606 00:13:22,090 --> 00:13:24,019 to look cute 607 00:13:24,029 --> 00:13:26,230 even though I don't feel cute 608 00:13:24,029 --> 00:13:26,230 will help me. 609 00:13:26,240 --> 00:13:28,049 Hey girls. 610 00:13:26,240 --> 00:13:28,049 Are you almost done? 611 00:13:28,059 --> 00:13:29,159 'Cause we got to go. 612 00:13:28,059 --> 00:13:29,159 You're, like-- 613 00:13:29,169 --> 00:13:31,080 Yeah, actually 614 00:13:29,169 --> 00:13:31,080 we are almost done. 615 00:13:31,090 --> 00:13:32,250 All right, but why do you 616 00:13:31,090 --> 00:13:32,250 need hair and makeup 617 00:13:32,259 --> 00:13:34,100 when we're just 618 00:13:32,259 --> 00:13:34,100 going to a luncheon? 619 00:13:34,110 --> 00:13:36,070 'Cause I want to look 620 00:13:34,110 --> 00:13:36,070 my best for you, baby. 621 00:13:36,080 --> 00:13:37,269 Yeah, but baby we're late. 622 00:13:36,080 --> 00:13:37,269 Already half an hour late. 623 00:13:37,279 --> 00:13:39,070 - Seriously. 624 00:13:37,279 --> 00:13:39,070 - I don't want you to be late 625 00:13:39,080 --> 00:13:40,159 at all, I totally respect that. 626 00:13:40,169 --> 00:13:42,019 - So, you got one minute? 627 00:13:40,169 --> 00:13:42,019 - No. 628 00:13:42,029 --> 00:13:44,070 I've got probably... 629 00:13:42,029 --> 00:13:44,070 at least 15. 630 00:13:44,080 --> 00:13:45,220 - 20 maybe. 631 00:13:44,080 --> 00:13:45,220 - You've gotta be kidding me. 632 00:13:45,230 --> 00:13:47,009 - No. 633 00:13:45,230 --> 00:13:47,009 - This is so rude of you. 634 00:13:47,019 --> 00:13:49,049 No, it's not. 635 00:13:47,019 --> 00:13:49,049 As a Black woman 636 00:13:49,059 --> 00:13:51,070 my hair situation 637 00:13:49,059 --> 00:13:51,070 is quite different than yours. 638 00:13:51,080 --> 00:13:52,240 I had to wash it. 639 00:13:52,250 --> 00:13:54,230 I can't like get it 640 00:13:52,250 --> 00:13:54,230 to the texture 641 00:13:54,240 --> 00:13:56,240 - it needs to be by myself. 642 00:13:54,240 --> 00:13:56,240 - Well, then you should have 643 00:13:56,250 --> 00:13:58,080 just started earlier, 644 00:13:56,250 --> 00:13:58,080 that's all. 645 00:13:58,090 --> 00:14:00,000 Well, baby, we had 646 00:13:58,090 --> 00:14:00,000 technical issues. But go. 647 00:14:00,009 --> 00:14:02,110 - You guys go. Thank you. 648 00:14:00,009 --> 00:14:02,110 - 15 minutes. 649 00:14:02,120 --> 00:14:06,009 It's just that I get a little 650 00:14:02,120 --> 00:14:06,009 angry 'cause I haven't eaten. 651 00:14:06,019 --> 00:14:08,019 - She gets hangry! 652 00:14:06,019 --> 00:14:08,019 - Hangry! 653 00:14:08,029 --> 00:14:09,169 You're hangry. 654 00:14:08,029 --> 00:14:09,169 Don't be hangry. 655 00:14:09,179 --> 00:14:11,279 - I'm hangry! 656 00:14:09,179 --> 00:14:11,279 - 1865, 657 00:14:11,289 --> 00:14:13,169 Emancipation Proclamation. 658 00:14:13,179 --> 00:14:15,080 I'm free, okay? 659 00:14:15,090 --> 00:14:17,049 So what you're not gonna do 660 00:14:15,090 --> 00:14:17,049 is come down here 661 00:14:17,059 --> 00:14:18,169 and tell me 662 00:14:17,059 --> 00:14:18,169 what to do with my time. 663 00:14:18,179 --> 00:14:20,279 Do not wait for me 664 00:14:18,179 --> 00:14:20,279 one more second. 665 00:14:20,289 --> 00:14:23,279 - I will see you at Lu's. 666 00:14:20,289 --> 00:14:23,279 - [Ramona screeching] 667 00:14:23,289 --> 00:14:25,279 - Freaking go! 668 00:14:23,289 --> 00:14:25,279 - Yeah! Scream! 669 00:14:25,289 --> 00:14:28,250 - It's the healing! 670 00:14:25,289 --> 00:14:28,250 - [Leah screaming] 671 00:14:28,259 --> 00:14:29,289 I'll scream with you. 672 00:14:30,000 --> 00:14:31,259 [Ramona screaming] 673 00:14:31,269 --> 00:14:34,029 [Leah screaming] 674 00:14:34,039 --> 00:14:35,269 All right, Eboni, 675 00:14:34,039 --> 00:14:35,269 I'll see you up there. 676 00:14:35,279 --> 00:14:37,120 I will, babe. 677 00:14:35,279 --> 00:14:37,120 I'll be up in ten. 678 00:14:37,129 --> 00:14:39,120 - Bye team! 679 00:14:37,129 --> 00:14:39,120 - Bye! Nice to see you again! 680 00:14:39,129 --> 00:14:41,250 - See you guys there. 681 00:14:39,129 --> 00:14:41,250 - See you when you get there. 682 00:14:41,259 --> 00:14:43,110 - No, take your time. 683 00:14:41,259 --> 00:14:43,110 - I'm gonna wait for her. 684 00:14:43,120 --> 00:14:45,110 We'll see you in a little bit. 685 00:14:45,120 --> 00:14:46,289 I didn't mean to yell, 686 00:14:47,000 --> 00:14:48,120 but I'm just-- 687 00:14:47,000 --> 00:14:48,120 I was just impatient. 688 00:14:48,129 --> 00:14:50,039 - Like, she's yelling! 689 00:14:48,129 --> 00:14:50,039 - Good. It's therapeutic. 690 00:14:50,049 --> 00:14:52,080 - [screaming] 691 00:14:50,049 --> 00:14:52,080 - Let's go. 692 00:14:52,090 --> 00:14:54,289 [screaming] 693 00:14:55,000 --> 00:14:56,149 [barking] 694 00:14:56,159 --> 00:14:58,039 - Coming up... 695 00:14:56,159 --> 00:14:58,039 - I understand. 696 00:14:58,049 --> 00:14:59,120 My daughter 697 00:14:58,049 --> 00:14:59,120 doesn't speak that way. 698 00:14:59,129 --> 00:15:01,110 - Speak what way? 699 00:14:59,129 --> 00:15:01,110 - The way you speak 700 00:15:01,120 --> 00:15:03,110 - about certain things. 701 00:15:01,120 --> 00:15:03,110 - Are you frigging kidding me? 702 00:15:03,120 --> 00:15:05,059 You think your daughter 703 00:15:03,120 --> 00:15:05,059 is gonna speak to you 704 00:15:05,070 --> 00:15:06,269 about sex in front of you? 705 00:15:06,279 --> 00:15:09,120 I'm ----ing over it. 706 00:15:06,279 --> 00:15:09,120 I'm done. 707 00:15:14,200 --> 00:15:14,259 [warm music] 708 00:15:17,110 --> 00:15:19,100 Oh, the table looks great, 709 00:15:17,110 --> 00:15:19,100 Nicki. Good job. 710 00:15:19,110 --> 00:15:21,049 And what, are those smocks? 711 00:15:21,059 --> 00:15:22,269 - Yeah. 712 00:15:21,059 --> 00:15:22,269 - And where's the male model? 713 00:15:22,279 --> 00:15:24,269 - He should be here. 714 00:15:22,279 --> 00:15:24,269 - Is he coming? 715 00:15:24,279 --> 00:15:26,129 - Ah. 716 00:15:24,279 --> 00:15:26,129 - Hello. Hello. 717 00:15:26,139 --> 00:15:28,039 - Hello. 718 00:15:26,139 --> 00:15:28,039 - Welcome. 719 00:15:28,049 --> 00:15:29,139 Hi, Kurt. 720 00:15:28,049 --> 00:15:29,139 How are you? 721 00:15:29,149 --> 00:15:31,039 - This is Luann. 722 00:15:29,149 --> 00:15:31,039 - This is beautiful. 723 00:15:31,049 --> 00:15:32,279 - Hi. How are you? 724 00:15:31,049 --> 00:15:32,279 - Boom. How are you? 725 00:15:32,289 --> 00:15:34,139 - Boom, good to see you. 726 00:15:32,289 --> 00:15:34,139 - Well, you're gonna have to 727 00:15:34,149 --> 00:15:36,080 take that mask off 728 00:15:34,149 --> 00:15:36,080 eventually, right? 729 00:15:36,090 --> 00:15:38,269 I think I'm gonna take off 730 00:15:36,090 --> 00:15:38,269 more than this mask... 731 00:15:38,279 --> 00:15:41,059 Kurt's a friend 732 00:15:38,279 --> 00:15:41,059 of my niece, Nicole, 733 00:15:41,070 --> 00:15:43,070 and he's a professional poser. 734 00:15:43,080 --> 00:15:44,289 - How are you? 735 00:15:43,080 --> 00:15:44,289 - How are you? 736 00:15:45,000 --> 00:15:46,129 As a male nude artist 737 00:15:46,139 --> 00:15:48,149 he has to be mentally 738 00:15:46,139 --> 00:15:48,149 prepared up here 739 00:15:48,159 --> 00:15:50,279 so we don't have to worry 740 00:15:48,159 --> 00:15:50,279 about what happens down there. 741 00:15:50,289 --> 00:15:53,250 - We arrived. Are you serious? 742 00:15:50,289 --> 00:15:53,250 - Awesome. 743 00:15:53,259 --> 00:15:56,149 Well, thank you for coming. 744 00:15:53,259 --> 00:15:56,149 The girls are super excited. 745 00:15:56,159 --> 00:15:58,039 Yeah. It's gonna be great. 746 00:15:56,159 --> 00:15:58,039 I'm excited. 747 00:15:58,049 --> 00:15:59,169 Super excited. 748 00:15:58,049 --> 00:15:59,169 I'm super excited. 749 00:15:59,179 --> 00:16:02,149 - How's the lamb stew? 750 00:15:59,179 --> 00:16:02,149 - It smells good. 751 00:16:02,159 --> 00:16:04,169 Wow. 752 00:16:02,159 --> 00:16:04,169 Thank you. 753 00:16:04,179 --> 00:16:07,120 - The view is gorgeous. 754 00:16:04,179 --> 00:16:07,120 - Oh, it's heaven. 755 00:16:07,129 --> 00:16:09,169 - Hi girls! 756 00:16:07,129 --> 00:16:09,169 - Adorable. 757 00:16:09,179 --> 00:16:11,029 - How are ya? 758 00:16:09,179 --> 00:16:11,029 - Good, babes. 759 00:16:11,039 --> 00:16:12,289 - Hi! 760 00:16:11,039 --> 00:16:12,289 - Really outdone yourself. 761 00:16:13,000 --> 00:16:14,129 - Senorita! 762 00:16:13,000 --> 00:16:14,129 - Look at this! 763 00:16:14,139 --> 00:16:16,100 Come on in. Look who's here. 764 00:16:16,110 --> 00:16:18,159 - The man! The man! 765 00:16:16,110 --> 00:16:18,159 - The man. 766 00:16:18,169 --> 00:16:20,259 Come and say hello. 767 00:16:18,169 --> 00:16:20,259 This is Heather. 768 00:16:20,269 --> 00:16:22,129 - Hi! 769 00:16:20,269 --> 00:16:22,129 - This is Garth. 770 00:16:22,139 --> 00:16:23,289 Very nice to meet you, Garth. 771 00:16:24,000 --> 00:16:25,120 - Nice to meet you. 772 00:16:24,000 --> 00:16:25,120 - Pleasure. 773 00:16:25,129 --> 00:16:27,049 I have shrimp cocktail, 774 00:16:25,129 --> 00:16:27,049 I have crudité, 775 00:16:27,059 --> 00:16:29,059 - I have all kinds of things. 776 00:16:27,059 --> 00:16:29,059 - Eboni and Leah 777 00:16:29,070 --> 00:16:31,059 are still at my house 778 00:16:29,070 --> 00:16:31,059 getting makeup done. 779 00:16:31,070 --> 00:16:32,279 - All right. 780 00:16:31,070 --> 00:16:32,279 - Hey, Sonja. 781 00:16:32,289 --> 00:16:34,100 - Hi! 782 00:16:32,289 --> 00:16:34,100 - What do you want to drink? 783 00:16:34,110 --> 00:16:35,269 - How are you? 784 00:16:34,110 --> 00:16:35,269 - Can I get a little 785 00:16:35,279 --> 00:16:37,169 - taste test of your curry? 786 00:16:35,279 --> 00:16:37,169 - Sure. 787 00:16:37,179 --> 00:16:40,070 Sonja is so jealous of people 788 00:16:37,179 --> 00:16:40,070 that I have around me, 789 00:16:40,080 --> 00:16:42,139 especially Garth. 790 00:16:40,080 --> 00:16:42,139 So I'm hoping that the curry 791 00:16:42,149 --> 00:16:43,200 is gonna win her over. 792 00:16:43,210 --> 00:16:46,080 He's a-----ing-dorable. 793 00:16:46,090 --> 00:16:48,090 When you said at lunch 794 00:16:46,090 --> 00:16:48,090 he was young, I thought-- 795 00:16:48,100 --> 00:16:50,009 No, he's my age. 796 00:16:50,019 --> 00:16:51,200 Well, he's not my age. 797 00:16:50,019 --> 00:16:51,200 He's gonna be 50. 798 00:16:51,210 --> 00:16:53,159 - Yeah. 799 00:16:51,210 --> 00:16:53,159 - He's been a godsend. 800 00:16:53,169 --> 00:16:55,120 I have to say he's a good soul, 801 00:16:55,129 --> 00:16:57,120 you know, when I call him 802 00:16:55,129 --> 00:16:57,120 he picks up the phone. 803 00:16:57,129 --> 00:16:59,169 - Yeah. 804 00:16:57,129 --> 00:16:59,169 - There's no games. There is-- 805 00:16:59,179 --> 00:17:01,059 "We're having dinner 806 00:16:59,179 --> 00:17:01,059 Friday, right?" 807 00:17:01,070 --> 00:17:02,179 "Okay, Friday." 808 00:17:01,070 --> 00:17:02,179 And Friday he's there. 809 00:17:02,190 --> 00:17:04,130 - Right. Right. 810 00:17:02,190 --> 00:17:04,130 - I can count on him. 811 00:17:04,140 --> 00:17:06,269 I love Garth because 812 00:17:04,140 --> 00:17:06,269 he's there when you need him. 813 00:17:06,279 --> 00:17:08,140 And he doesn't drink, 814 00:17:08,150 --> 00:17:10,180 which is a very good thing 815 00:17:08,150 --> 00:17:10,180 for me to be around. 816 00:17:11,180 --> 00:17:13,269 Thank you! 817 00:17:13,279 --> 00:17:15,130 Thanks so much. 818 00:17:15,140 --> 00:17:17,089 - All right. 819 00:17:15,140 --> 00:17:17,089 - Okay. 820 00:17:17,099 --> 00:17:19,200 - This is beautiful. 821 00:17:17,099 --> 00:17:19,200 - Yeah, it's so cute. 822 00:17:19,210 --> 00:17:21,109 - It's so quaint. 823 00:17:19,210 --> 00:17:21,109 - Yup. 824 00:17:21,119 --> 00:17:26,059 [indistinct conversation] 825 00:17:26,069 --> 00:17:29,019 [overlapping greetings] 826 00:17:29,029 --> 00:17:31,019 It's so good to see you! 827 00:17:31,029 --> 00:17:32,140 Beauty queen! 828 00:17:32,150 --> 00:17:34,160 - How do you feel? 829 00:17:32,150 --> 00:17:34,160 - Hi, Nicole, Eboni. 830 00:17:34,170 --> 00:17:36,289 Hey, Garth, how are you? 831 00:17:37,000 --> 00:17:38,180 And I'll apologize to you later. 832 00:17:38,190 --> 00:17:40,099 It's all right. But I still 833 00:17:38,190 --> 00:17:40,099 don't quite understand 834 00:17:40,109 --> 00:17:42,079 why you guys have to get 835 00:17:40,109 --> 00:17:42,079 so perfect and coiffed. 836 00:17:42,089 --> 00:17:43,289 But you know what? 837 00:17:42,089 --> 00:17:43,289 It's your prerogative. 838 00:17:44,000 --> 00:17:45,099 Only 'cause it's this vacation. 839 00:17:45,109 --> 00:17:46,200 - Okay. Okay. 840 00:17:45,109 --> 00:17:46,200 - Not all the time. 841 00:17:46,210 --> 00:17:48,150 - Oh, look who's here. 842 00:17:46,210 --> 00:17:48,150 - Hi! 843 00:17:48,160 --> 00:17:50,289 Hi! Oh, my God. 844 00:17:48,160 --> 00:17:50,289 How are you? 845 00:17:51,000 --> 00:17:53,140 Good. 846 00:17:51,000 --> 00:17:53,140 Sorry about being late. 847 00:17:53,150 --> 00:17:56,029 - Your house is gorgeous! 848 00:17:53,150 --> 00:17:56,029 - Thank you. 849 00:17:56,039 --> 00:17:57,160 Come on in, get a drink, 850 00:17:56,039 --> 00:17:57,160 all right? 851 00:17:57,170 --> 00:17:59,089 - You girls enjoy. 852 00:17:57,170 --> 00:17:59,089 - Hey, Garth is saying-- 853 00:17:59,099 --> 00:18:01,089 - Bye Garth! 854 00:17:59,099 --> 00:18:01,089 - Bye Garth! 855 00:18:01,099 --> 00:18:03,140 Bye Garth-- 856 00:18:01,099 --> 00:18:03,140 Garth, you're leaving already? 857 00:18:03,150 --> 00:18:05,220 Yeah, well all these women 858 00:18:03,150 --> 00:18:05,220 in here, you know? 859 00:18:05,230 --> 00:18:09,029 - It's good to go. 860 00:18:05,230 --> 00:18:09,029 - A lot of hormones going on. 861 00:18:09,039 --> 00:18:10,220 All right. 862 00:18:09,039 --> 00:18:10,220 So, what is everybody drinking? 863 00:18:10,230 --> 00:18:12,089 I'm getting a little 864 00:18:10,230 --> 00:18:12,089 Pellegrino for now. 865 00:18:12,099 --> 00:18:13,210 Uh-oh. 866 00:18:12,099 --> 00:18:13,210 Did we drink a lot last night? 867 00:18:13,220 --> 00:18:15,210 - It was a little- 868 00:18:13,220 --> 00:18:15,210 - Ooh, girlfriend. 869 00:18:15,220 --> 00:18:17,130 - I don't know if that shot... 870 00:18:15,220 --> 00:18:17,130 - She was on fire last night! 871 00:18:17,140 --> 00:18:18,230 ...was such a good idea. 872 00:18:18,240 --> 00:18:20,150 - But you misheard my words! 873 00:18:18,240 --> 00:18:20,150 - I did! 874 00:18:20,160 --> 00:18:22,019 That's why I was saying 875 00:18:20,160 --> 00:18:22,019 I'm sorry, baby. 876 00:18:22,029 --> 00:18:23,210 I'll own it. I'll own it! 877 00:18:23,220 --> 00:18:26,029 But I have SAT words, 878 00:18:23,220 --> 00:18:26,029 and then I say, like, 879 00:18:26,039 --> 00:18:28,009 - curse words and crosswords. 880 00:18:26,039 --> 00:18:28,009 - Ramona, she used 881 00:18:28,019 --> 00:18:30,039 to walk out of a room 882 00:18:28,019 --> 00:18:30,039 if you talked about boobs! 883 00:18:30,049 --> 00:18:31,220 And that's what 884 00:18:30,049 --> 00:18:31,220 I was trying to say to Leah! 885 00:18:31,230 --> 00:18:33,140 We'll get along great, 886 00:18:31,230 --> 00:18:33,140 but go talk to 887 00:18:33,150 --> 00:18:35,039 the other girls about all that, 888 00:18:33,150 --> 00:18:35,039 but not with me. 889 00:18:35,049 --> 00:18:36,200 Right. It makes me, just... 890 00:18:35,049 --> 00:18:36,200 I don't know. 891 00:18:36,210 --> 00:18:38,039 - It makes you uncomfortable. 892 00:18:36,210 --> 00:18:38,039 - Yeah, it does! 893 00:18:38,049 --> 00:18:39,130 So I won't 894 00:18:38,049 --> 00:18:39,130 do that anymore, Ramona. 895 00:18:39,140 --> 00:18:41,039 It's all good. 896 00:18:39,140 --> 00:18:41,039 You know what? 897 00:18:41,049 --> 00:18:43,009 Eboni, new friend. 898 00:18:41,049 --> 00:18:43,009 We're getting along great. 899 00:18:43,019 --> 00:18:46,000 She seems to get me. Why can't 900 00:18:43,019 --> 00:18:46,000 Leah do the same thing? 901 00:18:46,009 --> 00:18:47,200 Luann was a lot cooler than 902 00:18:46,009 --> 00:18:47,200 I thought she was gonna be. 903 00:18:47,210 --> 00:18:49,039 I thought she was gonna be 904 00:18:47,210 --> 00:18:49,039 pissed that I was late. 905 00:18:49,049 --> 00:18:50,150 I'm glad she isn't. 906 00:18:50,160 --> 00:18:52,039 Oh, nobody's pissed 907 00:18:50,160 --> 00:18:52,039 that you're late, 908 00:18:52,049 --> 00:18:54,099 except Ramona was just starving 909 00:18:54,109 --> 00:18:56,000 and she wanted 910 00:18:54,109 --> 00:18:56,000 to get out of there. 911 00:18:56,009 --> 00:18:58,089 All right, 912 00:18:56,009 --> 00:18:58,089 so the curry is cooking. 913 00:18:58,099 --> 00:18:59,240 - Yum. 914 00:18:58,099 --> 00:18:59,240 - It's gonna be done shortly. 915 00:18:59,250 --> 00:19:01,160 So what do we say 916 00:18:59,250 --> 00:19:01,160 about painting? 917 00:19:01,170 --> 00:19:03,049 - Sure! 918 00:19:01,170 --> 00:19:03,049 - Let's go outside! 919 00:19:03,059 --> 00:19:04,099 What? 920 00:19:04,109 --> 00:19:06,039 [all] Ohhhh! 921 00:19:06,049 --> 00:19:08,089 Alfredo! Hey! 922 00:19:08,099 --> 00:19:10,220 - Well, he's handsome too! 923 00:19:08,099 --> 00:19:10,220 - How are you? 924 00:19:10,230 --> 00:19:12,210 - Yeah! My God. Heather, Eboni. 925 00:19:10,230 --> 00:19:12,210 - Eboni. 926 00:19:12,220 --> 00:19:14,109 - Nice to meet you. 927 00:19:12,220 --> 00:19:14,109 - And Ramona. 928 00:19:14,119 --> 00:19:16,009 - I love your colors! 929 00:19:14,119 --> 00:19:16,009 - Well, thank you. 930 00:19:16,019 --> 00:19:18,019 This is Alfredo, 931 00:19:16,019 --> 00:19:18,019 my amazing friend 932 00:19:18,029 --> 00:19:20,230 who is a musician 933 00:19:18,029 --> 00:19:20,230 and writes his own music. 934 00:19:20,240 --> 00:19:22,210 The whole movie, she's like, 935 00:19:20,240 --> 00:19:22,210 "Who's that? Did he die? 936 00:19:22,220 --> 00:19:24,119 - Did he--" 937 00:19:22,220 --> 00:19:24,119 - Wait, this is the guy 938 00:19:24,130 --> 00:19:26,220 she wants you to meet, 939 00:19:24,130 --> 00:19:26,220 with the ----ing guitar. 940 00:19:26,230 --> 00:19:28,140 - Oh, my God! 941 00:19:26,230 --> 00:19:28,140 - Okay, Luann 942 00:19:28,150 --> 00:19:30,039 has no idea what I like. 943 00:19:30,049 --> 00:19:32,049 I actually have a guitar 944 00:19:30,049 --> 00:19:32,049 player coming over, 945 00:19:32,059 --> 00:19:35,059 Alfredo, who I think 946 00:19:32,059 --> 00:19:35,059 Sonja's gonna like. 947 00:19:35,069 --> 00:19:36,160 - Ooh! 948 00:19:35,069 --> 00:19:36,160 - Oh, like, like him, like him? 949 00:19:36,170 --> 00:19:38,150 - He's hot. 950 00:19:36,170 --> 00:19:38,150 - Oh, nice! 951 00:19:38,160 --> 00:19:40,119 She doesn't know what-- 952 00:19:38,160 --> 00:19:40,119 I'm an artist, I'm not 953 00:19:40,130 --> 00:19:42,039 - gonna be with an artist. 954 00:19:40,130 --> 00:19:42,039 - You're so not-- you're already 955 00:19:42,049 --> 00:19:43,170 - not into that guy. 956 00:19:42,049 --> 00:19:43,170 - I'm not into artists. 957 00:19:43,180 --> 00:19:44,220 - Oh my God, no way. 958 00:19:43,180 --> 00:19:44,220 - I do like French, 959 00:19:44,230 --> 00:19:46,130 but I'm not gonna do artists. 960 00:19:46,140 --> 00:19:49,150 Sometimes Luann just 961 00:19:46,140 --> 00:19:49,150 ----ing astonishes me. 962 00:19:49,160 --> 00:19:52,059 I like a dandy guy 963 00:19:49,160 --> 00:19:52,059 with a checked shirt, 964 00:19:52,069 --> 00:19:55,119 maybe a pochette, 965 00:19:52,069 --> 00:19:55,119 a navy blazer. 966 00:19:55,130 --> 00:19:58,230 Take your head out 967 00:19:55,130 --> 00:19:58,230 of Garth's ass! What?! 968 00:19:58,240 --> 00:20:01,130 Oh, look. 969 00:19:58,240 --> 00:20:01,130 Here's your boyfriend. 970 00:20:03,099 --> 00:20:04,230 - Hello! 971 00:20:03,099 --> 00:20:04,230 - This is Alfredo. 972 00:20:04,240 --> 00:20:07,039 - This is Sonja. 973 00:20:04,240 --> 00:20:07,039 - Hi, so nice to meet you. 974 00:20:07,049 --> 00:20:08,150 - And this is Sonja. 975 00:20:07,049 --> 00:20:08,150 - Enchanté. 976 00:20:08,160 --> 00:20:09,250 Leah. 977 00:20:09,259 --> 00:20:12,220 [Alfredo & Luann 978 00:20:09,259 --> 00:20:12,220 speaking French] 979 00:20:12,230 --> 00:20:15,069 [laughing] 980 00:20:22,140 --> 00:20:24,190 And my heels are, like, 981 00:20:22,140 --> 00:20:24,190 falling into the grass. 982 00:20:24,200 --> 00:20:26,069 -I'm gonna-- 983 00:20:24,200 --> 00:20:26,069 -[laughing] 984 00:20:26,079 --> 00:20:27,250 Look at those boots. 985 00:20:26,079 --> 00:20:27,250 I love it. 986 00:20:27,259 --> 00:20:29,190 All right, 987 00:20:27,259 --> 00:20:29,190 so you want to set up? 988 00:20:29,200 --> 00:20:31,039 Yeah, I need to set up. 989 00:20:29,200 --> 00:20:31,039 You want a drink? 990 00:20:31,049 --> 00:20:33,130 I'm offering up 991 00:20:31,049 --> 00:20:33,130 an artist, a guy! 992 00:20:33,140 --> 00:20:36,059 He's a male, he has a penis, 993 00:20:33,140 --> 00:20:36,059 and she can flirt with him. 994 00:20:36,069 --> 00:20:37,269 What more can you ask for? 995 00:20:37,279 --> 00:20:40,240 And just maybe she'll 996 00:20:37,279 --> 00:20:40,240 get off my back about Garth! 997 00:20:40,250 --> 00:20:43,160 Why would she think 998 00:20:40,250 --> 00:20:43,160 I like this kind of guy? 999 00:20:43,170 --> 00:20:45,190 I'm not into artists at all. 1000 00:20:43,170 --> 00:20:45,190 I'm into bankers. 1001 00:20:45,200 --> 00:20:48,079 Problem is, 1002 00:20:45,200 --> 00:20:48,079 Luann is trying to do something 1003 00:20:48,089 --> 00:20:51,150 nice for Sonja, 1004 00:20:48,089 --> 00:20:51,150 but Sonja likes Luann's type. 1005 00:20:51,160 --> 00:20:52,269 And of course, 1006 00:20:51,160 --> 00:20:52,269 if it was Luann's type, 1007 00:20:52,279 --> 00:20:54,170 she wouldn't 1008 00:20:52,279 --> 00:20:54,170 be throwing it to Sonja. 1009 00:20:54,180 --> 00:20:56,180 Did you see the male model 1010 00:20:54,180 --> 00:20:56,180 is gonna be nude? 1011 00:20:56,190 --> 00:20:57,279 Yeah. 1012 00:20:56,190 --> 00:20:57,279 He looks really good. 1013 00:20:57,289 --> 00:21:00,150 I was trying not 1014 00:20:57,289 --> 00:21:00,150 to act too thirsty. 1015 00:21:00,160 --> 00:21:01,240 - Isn't he gorgeous? 1016 00:21:00,160 --> 00:21:01,240 - Oh my God. 1017 00:21:01,250 --> 00:21:03,140 - He's gorgeous. 1018 00:21:01,250 --> 00:21:03,140 - [laughing] 1019 00:21:03,150 --> 00:21:05,079 I don't think I have 1020 00:21:03,150 --> 00:21:05,079 painted anyone nude 1021 00:21:05,089 --> 00:21:07,140 before, but... 1022 00:21:05,089 --> 00:21:07,140 actually, maybe I have. 1023 00:21:07,150 --> 00:21:10,250 Regardless, I hope... 1024 00:21:07,150 --> 00:21:10,250 he impresses me. 1025 00:21:10,259 --> 00:21:12,150 All right, we can get started. 1026 00:21:12,160 --> 00:21:15,160 - Yeah, let's start painting! 1027 00:21:12,160 --> 00:21:15,160 - Naked! 1028 00:21:15,170 --> 00:21:18,079 So are we picking our medi-- 1029 00:21:15,170 --> 00:21:18,079 okay, I'm ready to roll here. 1030 00:21:18,089 --> 00:21:19,200 He's gonna do one minute, 1031 00:21:19,210 --> 00:21:21,049 - one minute-- 1032 00:21:19,210 --> 00:21:21,049 - Oh, different poses? 1033 00:21:21,059 --> 00:21:22,200 So you'll do one minute, 1034 00:21:21,059 --> 00:21:22,200 one minute, 1035 00:21:22,210 --> 00:21:24,089 and then it's gonna be, 1036 00:21:22,210 --> 00:21:24,089 like, five minute, 1037 00:21:24,099 --> 00:21:25,200 and then it's gonna be, 1038 00:21:24,099 --> 00:21:25,200 like, ten minutes. 1039 00:21:25,210 --> 00:21:27,089 - I'm so nervous. 1040 00:21:25,210 --> 00:21:27,089 - No! 1041 00:21:27,099 --> 00:21:28,250 He's gonna do different poses? 1042 00:21:28,259 --> 00:21:30,180 - Yeah! 1043 00:21:28,259 --> 00:21:30,180 - Like... 1044 00:21:30,190 --> 00:21:32,150 - Yeah, so it'll be like-- 1045 00:21:30,190 --> 00:21:32,150 - Oh, yeah! 1046 00:21:32,160 --> 00:21:36,059 - There's gonna be this one! 1047 00:21:32,160 --> 00:21:36,059 - [laughing] 1048 00:21:36,069 --> 00:21:37,269 Oh, my God. 1049 00:21:37,279 --> 00:21:39,289 - Coming up... 1050 00:21:37,279 --> 00:21:39,289 - You're not gonna treat me 1051 00:21:40,000 --> 00:21:41,210 like I'm the ---ing raunchy 1052 00:21:40,000 --> 00:21:41,210 bitch, 'cause I'm not! 1053 00:21:41,220 --> 00:21:43,200 I'm not treating you 1054 00:21:41,220 --> 00:21:43,200 like anything! 1055 00:21:43,210 --> 00:21:46,089 You're a ----ing hoe, you're a 1056 00:21:43,210 --> 00:21:46,089 hoe, you're a hoe, you're a hoe. 1057 00:21:46,099 --> 00:21:48,000 Leave me the [bleep] alone! 1058 00:21:54,099 --> 00:21:55,009 All right, girls! 1059 00:21:54,210 --> 00:21:55,009 I think we're ready! 1060 00:21:57,029 --> 00:21:59,019 Oh my God, here he comes, 1061 00:21:57,029 --> 00:21:59,019 here he comes, here he comes. 1062 00:21:59,029 --> 00:22:01,029 - Oh, awesome! 1063 00:21:59,029 --> 00:22:01,029 - Hello. 1064 00:22:01,039 --> 00:22:02,279 - [all] Hi! 1065 00:22:01,039 --> 00:22:02,279 - Oh, hello-hello! 1066 00:22:02,289 --> 00:22:05,029 Holy sh--, he looks better naked 1067 00:22:02,289 --> 00:22:05,029 than with clothes. 1068 00:22:05,039 --> 00:22:08,089 - Awesome. 1069 00:22:05,039 --> 00:22:08,089 - Oh, this is working for me! 1070 00:22:08,099 --> 00:22:11,170 I've never, 1071 00:22:08,099 --> 00:22:11,170 ever painted a nude model, 1072 00:22:11,180 --> 00:22:13,119 but I've also 1073 00:22:11,180 --> 00:22:13,119 never been a stripper. 1074 00:22:13,130 --> 00:22:15,109 There's a few things 1075 00:22:13,130 --> 00:22:15,109 I haven't done. 1076 00:22:15,119 --> 00:22:17,009 God, 1077 00:22:15,119 --> 00:22:17,009 I'm so weirded out right now! 1078 00:22:17,019 --> 00:22:19,190 You're such a kid! 1079 00:22:17,019 --> 00:22:19,190 You are such a kid, Leah. 1080 00:22:19,200 --> 00:22:22,279 We're gonna start with 1081 00:22:19,200 --> 00:22:22,279 a couple of one-minute poses. 1082 00:22:24,269 --> 00:22:26,130 ...there's one thing 1083 00:22:24,269 --> 00:22:26,130 I can't do, is-- 1084 00:22:26,140 --> 00:22:28,109 - What? 1085 00:22:26,140 --> 00:22:28,109 - --take this off by myself. 1086 00:22:28,119 --> 00:22:30,170 - [all] OHH! 1087 00:22:28,119 --> 00:22:30,170 - Uh, well-- 1088 00:22:30,180 --> 00:22:32,130 - Get in there, girl! 1089 00:22:30,180 --> 00:22:32,130 - Someone, a helping hand? 1090 00:22:32,140 --> 00:22:34,019 - Sonja? 1091 00:22:32,140 --> 00:22:34,019 - Come here! 1092 00:22:34,029 --> 00:22:36,130 - Sonja, Sonja, Sonja! 1093 00:22:34,029 --> 00:22:36,130 - Sonja's running up there! 1094 00:22:36,140 --> 00:22:38,190 Wait, I was painting you 1095 00:22:36,140 --> 00:22:38,190 with a sarong on! 1096 00:22:39,180 --> 00:22:41,109 - Okay. 1097 00:22:39,180 --> 00:22:41,109 - Holy sh--. 1098 00:22:41,119 --> 00:22:43,109 Now I'm gonna, 1099 00:22:41,119 --> 00:22:43,109 like, hyperventilate. 1100 00:22:43,119 --> 00:22:45,230 - Okay! 1101 00:22:43,119 --> 00:22:45,230 - I would be lying 1102 00:22:45,240 --> 00:22:48,130 if I didn't say there was 1103 00:22:45,240 --> 00:22:48,130 some sort of anticipation! 1104 00:22:48,140 --> 00:22:50,170 Like, what exactly 1105 00:22:48,140 --> 00:22:50,170 am I gonna be painting here? 1106 00:22:50,180 --> 00:22:52,259 - [laughing] 1107 00:22:50,180 --> 00:22:52,259 - We can have you just... 1108 00:22:52,269 --> 00:22:55,119 - grab right here. 1109 00:22:52,269 --> 00:22:55,119 - Girl, I can't believe this. 1110 00:22:55,130 --> 00:22:57,220 Maybe three-two-one, maybe? 1111 00:22:55,130 --> 00:22:57,220 I don't know. 1112 00:22:57,230 --> 00:23:00,140 [all] Three, two, one! 1113 00:23:00,150 --> 00:23:02,140 [all exclaiming excitedly] 1114 00:23:02,150 --> 00:23:04,140 - [Kurt laughing] 1115 00:23:02,150 --> 00:23:04,140 - Awesome. 1116 00:23:04,150 --> 00:23:06,289 [laughing] 1117 00:23:07,000 --> 00:23:08,289 Your one minute starts now! 1118 00:23:09,000 --> 00:23:10,039 - Okay. 1119 00:23:09,000 --> 00:23:10,039 - Ooh-la-la. 1120 00:23:10,049 --> 00:23:11,279 - ...Ooh! 1121 00:23:10,049 --> 00:23:11,279 - [giggles] 1122 00:23:11,289 --> 00:23:14,119 I actually am, like, 1123 00:23:11,289 --> 00:23:14,119 really shocked right now! 1124 00:23:14,130 --> 00:23:17,269 I see why this is his job. 1125 00:23:14,130 --> 00:23:17,269 Good for you, Kurt. 1126 00:23:17,279 --> 00:23:20,109 - Oh my God! 1127 00:23:17,279 --> 00:23:20,109 - He has a pretty penis. 1128 00:23:20,119 --> 00:23:22,180 - I'm very happy over here! 1129 00:23:20,119 --> 00:23:22,180 - It is-- 1130 00:23:22,190 --> 00:23:24,130 - Oh, my God. 1131 00:23:22,190 --> 00:23:24,130 - Oh, Luann! 1132 00:23:24,140 --> 00:23:26,220 I love you! Look at her go! 1133 00:23:26,230 --> 00:23:28,059 Look at her go! 1134 00:23:28,069 --> 00:23:29,279 I am so bad. 1135 00:23:29,289 --> 00:23:31,230 Ramona, get yourself 1136 00:23:29,289 --> 00:23:31,230 under control over there. 1137 00:23:31,240 --> 00:23:33,210 Ooh, he's manscaped nicely. 1138 00:23:33,220 --> 00:23:36,029 - Yeah, appreciate that. 1139 00:23:33,220 --> 00:23:36,029 - All right, next pose. 1140 00:23:36,039 --> 00:23:38,220 [all] What?! 1141 00:23:38,230 --> 00:23:41,140 [cheering & giggling] 1142 00:23:41,150 --> 00:23:44,150 His dick is bigger than 1143 00:23:41,150 --> 00:23:44,150 his balls when he's not erect, 1144 00:23:44,160 --> 00:23:46,240 and that's honestly 1145 00:23:44,160 --> 00:23:46,240 what we really need! 1146 00:23:46,250 --> 00:23:48,150 That is the most 1147 00:23:46,250 --> 00:23:48,150 important thing. 1148 00:23:48,160 --> 00:23:50,180 It was definitely, 1149 00:23:48,160 --> 00:23:50,180 like, not flaccid. 1150 00:23:50,190 --> 00:23:54,150 I mean, it was, like, 1151 00:23:50,190 --> 00:23:54,150 a nice in-betweenie weenie. 1152 00:23:54,160 --> 00:23:55,230 [giggling] 1153 00:23:55,240 --> 00:23:57,230 Look what I drew! 1154 00:23:57,240 --> 00:24:00,230 [laughing] 1155 00:24:00,240 --> 00:24:02,259 Flap formation is key! 1156 00:24:02,269 --> 00:24:05,140 It's thicker than that, though. 1157 00:24:02,269 --> 00:24:05,140 It's very thin, that one. 1158 00:24:05,150 --> 00:24:07,000 I don't know! 1159 00:24:05,150 --> 00:24:07,000 It's how I see it. 1160 00:24:07,009 --> 00:24:08,140 Ramona loves dick! 1161 00:24:08,150 --> 00:24:10,009 She may not like 1162 00:24:08,150 --> 00:24:10,009 the word "dick," 1163 00:24:10,019 --> 00:24:12,000 but she likes actual dick. 1164 00:24:12,009 --> 00:24:13,230 Next pose. 1165 00:24:13,240 --> 00:24:15,269 [laughing] 1166 00:24:15,279 --> 00:24:17,230 - Oh, my... 1167 00:24:15,279 --> 00:24:17,230 - Nice! 1168 00:24:17,240 --> 00:24:19,059 - ...goodness. 1169 00:24:17,240 --> 00:24:19,059 - Oh, my God. 1170 00:24:19,069 --> 00:24:21,140 - That face! 1171 00:24:19,069 --> 00:24:21,140 - Things just got good! 1172 00:24:21,150 --> 00:24:22,230 Yeah, who's looking 1173 00:24:21,150 --> 00:24:22,230 at his face? 1174 00:24:22,240 --> 00:24:24,059 Wow. Beautiful, Kurt! 1175 00:24:24,069 --> 00:24:25,269 Can I get one more minute 1176 00:24:24,069 --> 00:24:25,269 on this side? 1177 00:24:25,279 --> 00:24:27,230 I saw that in 1178 00:24:25,279 --> 00:24:27,230 a museum somewhere. 1179 00:24:27,240 --> 00:24:29,150 I had enough of 1180 00:24:27,240 --> 00:24:29,150 the painting, okay? 1181 00:24:29,160 --> 00:24:31,130 I mean, you paint one penis, 1182 00:24:29,160 --> 00:24:31,130 you paint another one. 1183 00:24:31,140 --> 00:24:33,160 It's enough already, okay? 1184 00:24:31,140 --> 00:24:33,160 I'm done with that. 1185 00:24:33,170 --> 00:24:35,000 What happened, Ramona? 1186 00:24:35,009 --> 00:24:36,059 I'm relaxing. 1187 00:24:35,009 --> 00:24:36,059 I'm enjoying the view. 1188 00:24:36,069 --> 00:24:38,019 - All right! 1189 00:24:36,069 --> 00:24:38,019 - The view 1190 00:24:38,029 --> 00:24:40,250 of you beautiful ladies gazing 1191 00:24:38,029 --> 00:24:40,250 at this beautiful man. 1192 00:24:40,259 --> 00:24:44,049 Looking at the beautiful view, 1193 00:24:40,259 --> 00:24:44,049 actually, of the water. 1194 00:24:44,059 --> 00:24:45,259 I mean, this is in a whole 1195 00:24:44,059 --> 00:24:45,259 'nother experience right here. 1196 00:24:45,269 --> 00:24:49,009 It's relaxing, right? 1197 00:24:45,269 --> 00:24:49,009 Very relaxing, no? Yeah. 1198 00:24:49,019 --> 00:24:51,039 Are you cold? 1199 00:24:51,049 --> 00:24:53,220 - [laughing] 1200 00:24:51,049 --> 00:24:53,220 - You don't look that cold. 1201 00:24:55,210 --> 00:24:57,150 I'm running out of steam. 1202 00:24:58,250 --> 00:25:00,140 I'm coming up here. 1203 00:25:00,150 --> 00:25:02,039 I like the dick. 1204 00:25:00,150 --> 00:25:02,039 I did a good job with that. 1205 00:25:02,049 --> 00:25:04,160 That's the only thing 1206 00:25:02,049 --> 00:25:04,160 I did good! 1207 00:25:04,170 --> 00:25:06,240 Okay, girls. 1208 00:25:04,170 --> 00:25:06,240 This is the last pose. 1209 00:25:06,250 --> 00:25:08,049 - Okay. 1210 00:25:06,250 --> 00:25:08,049 - Okay? 1211 00:25:08,059 --> 00:25:10,019 I know the other girls 1212 00:25:08,059 --> 00:25:10,019 are nailing this. 1213 00:25:10,029 --> 00:25:12,059 They want to nail it! 1214 00:25:10,029 --> 00:25:12,059 That's why they're so focused. 1215 00:25:12,069 --> 00:25:13,289 I don't want to nail this guy. 1216 00:25:14,000 --> 00:25:17,259 I'm into his face, keeping 1217 00:25:14,000 --> 00:25:17,259 my eye off the... pickle. 1218 00:25:17,269 --> 00:25:19,269 It's a lot. 1219 00:25:17,269 --> 00:25:19,269 Lot goin' on here! 1220 00:25:19,279 --> 00:25:22,250 [guitar strumming] 1221 00:25:22,259 --> 00:25:25,180 [Alfredo singing in French] 1222 00:25:25,190 --> 00:25:27,259 Is this, do you think, 1223 00:25:25,190 --> 00:25:27,259 his original music, 1224 00:25:27,269 --> 00:25:31,000 or this is someone, like, 1225 00:25:27,269 --> 00:25:31,000 famous music he's playing? 1226 00:25:31,009 --> 00:25:32,210 No, I think 1227 00:25:31,009 --> 00:25:32,210 this is his own music. 1228 00:25:32,220 --> 00:25:34,009 - He's really talented. 1229 00:25:32,220 --> 00:25:34,009 - Yeah. 1230 00:25:34,019 --> 00:25:35,160 - It's very sensual. 1231 00:25:34,019 --> 00:25:35,160 - Yeah. 1232 00:25:35,170 --> 00:25:39,059 ♪♪♪♪♪ 1233 00:25:42,049 --> 00:25:44,250 ♪♪♪♪♪ 1234 00:25:44,259 --> 00:25:47,190 I really love your music. 1235 00:25:44,259 --> 00:25:47,190 I really do. 1236 00:25:47,200 --> 00:25:49,180 It just-- it's moving me. 1237 00:25:47,200 --> 00:25:49,180 It's touching me. 1238 00:25:49,190 --> 00:25:51,240 I really love it. 1239 00:25:51,250 --> 00:25:53,049 It's so beautiful. 1240 00:25:53,059 --> 00:25:55,279 It's touching me. 1241 00:25:53,059 --> 00:25:55,279 It's touching me. 1242 00:25:55,289 --> 00:25:57,190 Good. 1243 00:25:57,200 --> 00:26:00,240 I don't think Alfredo 1244 00:25:57,200 --> 00:26:00,240 is Sonja's type, but... 1245 00:26:00,250 --> 00:26:03,250 he has a dick, so he's 1246 00:26:00,250 --> 00:26:03,250 definitely Ramona's type. 1247 00:26:03,259 --> 00:26:05,059 [chuckling] 1248 00:26:05,069 --> 00:26:07,009 - He has such a square jaw! 1249 00:26:05,069 --> 00:26:07,009 - Look! 1250 00:26:07,019 --> 00:26:09,009 - I did the square jaw! 1251 00:26:07,019 --> 00:26:09,009 - Good! 1252 00:26:09,019 --> 00:26:11,000 - [laughing] 1253 00:26:09,019 --> 00:26:11,000 - So good. 1254 00:26:11,009 --> 00:26:13,059 The penis 1255 00:26:11,009 --> 00:26:13,059 looks better in real life. 1256 00:26:13,069 --> 00:26:14,269 This is kind of droopy, right? 1257 00:26:14,279 --> 00:26:16,200 - Yeah! 1258 00:26:14,279 --> 00:26:16,200 - His penis is a little droopy. 1259 00:26:16,210 --> 00:26:19,079 I've never really been 1260 00:26:16,210 --> 00:26:19,079 so hands-off 1261 00:26:19,089 --> 00:26:20,279 with a naked man 1262 00:26:19,089 --> 00:26:20,279 in front of me. 1263 00:26:20,289 --> 00:26:22,059 I never really stare at 'em. 1264 00:26:22,069 --> 00:26:23,200 I just kinda utilize 'em. 1265 00:26:23,210 --> 00:26:25,099 Don't show him that! 1266 00:26:25,109 --> 00:26:28,259 I guess I'll just grip 1267 00:26:25,109 --> 00:26:28,259 my pencil a little tighter. 1268 00:26:28,269 --> 00:26:30,099 - Thank you, Kurt! 1269 00:26:28,269 --> 00:26:30,099 - That was great. 1270 00:26:30,109 --> 00:26:31,200 [applauding] 1271 00:26:31,210 --> 00:26:33,009 I'm having vertigo again. 1272 00:26:33,019 --> 00:26:34,200 - Oh, my God. 1273 00:26:33,019 --> 00:26:34,200 - I'm sorry. 1274 00:26:34,210 --> 00:26:36,069 You have low blood sugar 1275 00:26:34,210 --> 00:26:36,069 or something? 1276 00:26:36,079 --> 00:26:39,180 This one, I wanted to do 1277 00:26:36,079 --> 00:26:39,180 your face and accent, 1278 00:26:39,190 --> 00:26:41,259 your beautiful lips 1279 00:26:39,190 --> 00:26:41,259 and square jawline. 1280 00:26:41,269 --> 00:26:44,029 - Don't judge me for my drawing. 1281 00:26:41,269 --> 00:26:44,029 - And hair. 1282 00:26:44,039 --> 00:26:47,019 And then it went south 1283 00:26:44,039 --> 00:26:47,019 when I got to the penis. 1284 00:26:47,029 --> 00:26:50,089 Literally! Yeah, 1285 00:26:47,029 --> 00:26:50,089 'cause you have a nice, round... 1286 00:26:50,099 --> 00:26:52,089 - Go on. 1287 00:26:50,099 --> 00:26:52,089 - Beautiful. 1288 00:26:52,099 --> 00:26:54,089 - ...sack. 1289 00:26:52,099 --> 00:26:54,089 - Ballsack. 1290 00:26:54,099 --> 00:26:56,009 - Oh! Okay. 1291 00:26:54,099 --> 00:26:56,009 - Right? 1292 00:26:56,019 --> 00:26:58,009 You gave him 1293 00:26:56,019 --> 00:26:58,009 a big badonkadonk, too! 1294 00:26:58,019 --> 00:26:59,269 - Yeah! 1295 00:26:58,019 --> 00:26:59,269 - That's beautiful. 1296 00:26:59,279 --> 00:27:01,200 Gave him a big ol' Cardi B ass. 1297 00:27:01,210 --> 00:27:04,099 - [all laughing] 1298 00:27:01,210 --> 00:27:04,099 - She did! 1299 00:27:04,109 --> 00:27:06,069 If you had severe vertigo, 1300 00:27:04,109 --> 00:27:06,069 you would have, like, 1301 00:27:06,079 --> 00:27:08,289 fallen over, so just sit. 1302 00:27:06,079 --> 00:27:08,289 You'll be fine. 1303 00:27:09,000 --> 00:27:10,210 And I'm, like, 1304 00:27:09,000 --> 00:27:10,210 stressing out about when 1305 00:27:10,220 --> 00:27:12,069 - I'm gonna go see my-- 1306 00:27:10,220 --> 00:27:12,069 - No, don't stress out. 1307 00:27:12,079 --> 00:27:14,009 I'm stressing out about 1308 00:27:12,079 --> 00:27:14,009 when I'm gonna 1309 00:27:14,019 --> 00:27:15,210 - go see my grandmother! 1310 00:27:14,019 --> 00:27:15,210 - Why don't you FaceTime her 1311 00:27:15,220 --> 00:27:17,079 - with your family? 1312 00:27:15,220 --> 00:27:17,079 - I can't FaceTime her. 1313 00:27:17,089 --> 00:27:19,029 She can't even pick up 1314 00:27:17,089 --> 00:27:19,029 her phone anymore. 1315 00:27:19,039 --> 00:27:22,099 Like, 1316 00:27:19,039 --> 00:27:22,099 I physically feel terrible, 1317 00:27:22,109 --> 00:27:23,220 and obviously 1318 00:27:22,109 --> 00:27:23,220 it's all connected. 1319 00:27:23,230 --> 00:27:25,049 Like, mind-body-spirit. 1320 00:27:25,059 --> 00:27:26,259 I'm having a hard time. 1321 00:27:26,269 --> 00:27:29,220 Girl, you look too pretty 1322 00:27:26,269 --> 00:27:29,220 to mess up that good eye. 1323 00:27:29,230 --> 00:27:31,200 It's, like, 1324 00:27:29,230 --> 00:27:31,200 I can't even ----ing, like, 1325 00:27:31,210 --> 00:27:33,190 enjoy myself 'cause 1326 00:27:31,210 --> 00:27:33,190 I physically don't feel well! 1327 00:27:33,200 --> 00:27:35,119 - Like, no one gets it. 1328 00:27:33,200 --> 00:27:35,119 - No, I know. 1329 00:27:35,130 --> 00:27:39,079 Like, I'm not, like ----ing, 1330 00:27:35,130 --> 00:27:39,079 like, lying or being a baby. 1331 00:27:39,089 --> 00:27:41,039 - Like, I don't-- 1332 00:27:39,089 --> 00:27:41,039 - You're not exaggerating. 1333 00:27:41,049 --> 00:27:43,019 I don't physically feel well. 1334 00:27:41,049 --> 00:27:43,019 I'm not exaggerating. 1335 00:27:43,029 --> 00:27:44,269 I really don't physically feel-- 1336 00:27:43,029 --> 00:27:44,269 my head is ----ing pounding, 1337 00:27:44,279 --> 00:27:46,089 - I'm dizzy. 1338 00:27:44,279 --> 00:27:46,089 - Right. At some point, 1339 00:27:46,099 --> 00:27:48,089 like, it is what it is. 1340 00:27:48,099 --> 00:27:51,210 You know what? 1341 00:27:48,099 --> 00:27:51,210 I know that your grandmother 1342 00:27:51,220 --> 00:27:54,099 is the only one who's been there 1343 00:27:51,220 --> 00:27:54,099 for you forever, 1344 00:27:54,109 --> 00:27:57,009 who's loved you unconditionally, 1345 00:27:54,109 --> 00:27:57,009 and that's what's real. 1346 00:27:57,019 --> 00:27:59,269 I think that's a huge thing. 1347 00:27:59,279 --> 00:28:01,089 I don't want to upset you, 1348 00:28:01,099 --> 00:28:03,009 but I'm getting 1349 00:28:01,099 --> 00:28:03,009 to know you better, 1350 00:28:03,019 --> 00:28:05,079 and I know that's what 1351 00:28:03,019 --> 00:28:05,079 it's about for you. 1352 00:28:05,089 --> 00:28:06,230 - Just making sure. 1353 00:28:05,089 --> 00:28:06,230 - Yup, thank you. 1354 00:28:06,240 --> 00:28:08,140 She gets you more 1355 00:28:06,240 --> 00:28:08,140 than your mommy does. 1356 00:28:08,150 --> 00:28:11,049 More than Rob does. 1357 00:28:08,150 --> 00:28:11,049 And that's-- 1358 00:28:11,059 --> 00:28:12,230 [choked] Oh, God, 1359 00:28:11,059 --> 00:28:12,230 I don't mean to make you cry. 1360 00:28:12,240 --> 00:28:14,049 I'm just trying 1361 00:28:12,240 --> 00:28:14,049 to relate to you, 1362 00:28:14,059 --> 00:28:15,279 and now I think 1363 00:28:14,059 --> 00:28:15,279 I'm making it worse. 1364 00:28:15,289 --> 00:28:17,279 Am I making it worse? 1365 00:28:15,289 --> 00:28:17,279 Oh, sh--. 1366 00:28:17,289 --> 00:28:20,230 Flag on the play, Mona. 1367 00:28:17,289 --> 00:28:20,230 Stop it. 1368 00:28:20,240 --> 00:28:22,269 But I do know she means well. 1369 00:28:22,279 --> 00:28:24,210 - I don't mean to make it worse. 1370 00:28:22,279 --> 00:28:24,210 - [tearful] I feel so bad. 1371 00:28:24,220 --> 00:28:26,220 I'm turning this whole trip 1372 00:28:24,220 --> 00:28:26,220 into me being sad-- 1373 00:28:26,230 --> 00:28:28,119 - Nooo! 1374 00:28:26,230 --> 00:28:28,119 - No, it's not that. 1375 00:28:28,130 --> 00:28:31,000 I just keep thinking 1376 00:28:28,130 --> 00:28:31,000 about her face. It's like... 1377 00:28:31,009 --> 00:28:33,240 - You don't want to even-- 1378 00:28:31,009 --> 00:28:33,240 - [mouthing] I understand. 1379 00:28:33,250 --> 00:28:36,069 I think maybe Ramona 1380 00:28:33,250 --> 00:28:36,069 taking a vow of silence 1381 00:28:36,079 --> 00:28:38,019 would be the best thing 1382 00:28:36,079 --> 00:28:38,019 for me right now. 1383 00:28:38,029 --> 00:28:40,029 I feel bad. I'm, like, 1384 00:28:38,029 --> 00:28:40,029 okay, and then I'm crying. 1385 00:28:40,039 --> 00:28:41,240 - I'm okay, and then I'm crying. 1386 00:28:40,039 --> 00:28:41,240 - Okay. 1387 00:28:41,250 --> 00:28:43,109 You don't need to feel bad 1388 00:28:41,250 --> 00:28:43,109 because this isn't 1389 00:28:43,119 --> 00:28:45,049 your burden to carry, Leah. 1390 00:28:45,059 --> 00:28:46,279 I feel like you think 1391 00:28:45,059 --> 00:28:46,279 you gotta carry this sh--, 1392 00:28:46,289 --> 00:28:48,240 and you need 1393 00:28:46,289 --> 00:28:48,240 to stop thinking that. 1394 00:28:48,250 --> 00:28:51,119 Everybody's grown. 1395 00:28:48,250 --> 00:28:51,119 Everybody's doing their part. 1396 00:28:51,130 --> 00:28:53,150 You need to take care 1397 00:28:51,130 --> 00:28:53,150 of you, baby. 1398 00:28:53,160 --> 00:28:55,059 I know. 1399 00:28:55,069 --> 00:28:57,099 And I know that's what 1400 00:28:55,069 --> 00:28:57,099 this is really about. 1401 00:28:57,109 --> 00:29:00,059 You're scared 1402 00:28:57,109 --> 00:29:00,059 that when she goes, 1403 00:29:00,069 --> 00:29:03,069 nobody's gonna be there 1404 00:29:00,069 --> 00:29:03,069 to tell you they're proud. 1405 00:29:03,079 --> 00:29:05,039 - You are good, Leah. 1406 00:29:03,079 --> 00:29:05,039 - [Leah sobbing] 1407 00:29:05,049 --> 00:29:07,099 You got a good heart. 1408 00:29:05,049 --> 00:29:07,099 You're there for other people. 1409 00:29:07,109 --> 00:29:10,000 - You're strong for the people. 1410 00:29:07,109 --> 00:29:10,000 - [sniffling] 1411 00:29:10,009 --> 00:29:11,250 And you're not-- like, Leah, 1412 00:29:11,259 --> 00:29:14,000 when she passes, 1413 00:29:11,259 --> 00:29:14,000 you're not losing that! 1414 00:29:14,009 --> 00:29:18,029 She will always feel 1415 00:29:14,009 --> 00:29:18,029 that for you, baby. 1416 00:29:20,029 --> 00:29:21,230 Leah, of course. 1417 00:29:21,240 --> 00:29:24,059 [laughing] 1418 00:29:21,240 --> 00:29:24,059 It's okay, child. 1419 00:29:24,069 --> 00:29:26,000 That's what 1420 00:29:24,069 --> 00:29:26,000 the dry cleaners is for. 1421 00:29:26,009 --> 00:29:27,160 It's okay. 1422 00:29:27,170 --> 00:29:29,000 It's okay, baby. 1423 00:29:29,009 --> 00:29:30,240 Coming up... 1424 00:29:30,250 --> 00:29:32,160 You think you're the smartest 1425 00:29:30,250 --> 00:29:32,160 girl in the room. 1426 00:29:32,170 --> 00:29:34,019 - Nobody said that. 1427 00:29:32,170 --> 00:29:34,019 - But guess what? You're not! 1428 00:29:34,029 --> 00:29:35,250 Don't come into my house 1429 00:29:34,029 --> 00:29:35,250 and tell me 1430 00:29:35,259 --> 00:29:37,140 - I don't have an education! 1431 00:29:35,259 --> 00:29:37,140 - Luann, 1432 00:29:37,150 --> 00:29:38,259 - I can leave your house, Lu! 1433 00:29:37,150 --> 00:29:38,259 - She didn't say-- 1434 00:29:38,269 --> 00:29:40,109 That's fine! 1435 00:29:45,210 --> 00:29:46,119 If you need anything, 1436 00:29:46,029 --> 00:29:46,119 just let me know. 1437 00:29:48,049 --> 00:29:49,140 - Thank you. 1438 00:29:48,049 --> 00:29:49,140 - Okay. Of course, baby. 1439 00:29:49,150 --> 00:29:52,140 - Anytime. 1440 00:29:49,150 --> 00:29:52,140 - Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa! 1441 00:29:52,150 --> 00:29:54,119 Whoa, we're not gonna 1442 00:29:52,150 --> 00:29:54,119 Instagram that! 1443 00:29:54,130 --> 00:29:57,079 I guess this is so Victoria 1444 00:29:54,130 --> 00:29:57,079 can continue her painting. 1445 00:29:57,089 --> 00:30:00,069 Well, I'm trying to get, 1446 00:29:57,089 --> 00:30:00,069 like, classical realism. 1447 00:30:00,079 --> 00:30:02,009 Well, 1448 00:30:00,079 --> 00:30:02,009 this is definitely classical. 1449 00:30:02,019 --> 00:30:04,140 - And very real. 1450 00:30:02,019 --> 00:30:04,140 - Girls, can you come and sit? 1451 00:30:04,150 --> 00:30:05,279 Because we're having lunch. 1452 00:30:05,289 --> 00:30:07,279 Do we go in and 1453 00:30:05,289 --> 00:30:07,279 serve ourselves? 1454 00:30:07,289 --> 00:30:09,259 - Give me your plate. 1455 00:30:07,289 --> 00:30:09,259 - However... 1456 00:30:09,269 --> 00:30:11,049 - Thanks, Lu. 1457 00:30:09,269 --> 00:30:11,049 - Yep. 1458 00:30:12,049 --> 00:30:13,109 Death is harder on the living. 1459 00:30:13,119 --> 00:30:15,000 So much harder 1460 00:30:13,119 --> 00:30:15,000 on the living. 1461 00:30:15,009 --> 00:30:17,019 I think for people 1462 00:30:15,009 --> 00:30:17,019 that lean emotional, 1463 00:30:17,029 --> 00:30:19,150 which Leah does, 1464 00:30:17,029 --> 00:30:19,150 it's very difficult. 1465 00:30:19,160 --> 00:30:22,000 - Yeah. 1466 00:30:19,160 --> 00:30:22,000 - Her pain is just deafening. 1467 00:30:22,009 --> 00:30:24,170 And it sounds like 1468 00:30:22,009 --> 00:30:24,170 her grandmother was, 1469 00:30:24,180 --> 00:30:26,150 you know, 1470 00:30:24,180 --> 00:30:26,150 really the rock in her life, 1471 00:30:26,160 --> 00:30:28,240 so she feels like she's losing 1472 00:30:26,160 --> 00:30:28,240 control a little bit. 1473 00:30:28,250 --> 00:30:30,289 Well, she's scared that, 1474 00:30:28,250 --> 00:30:30,289 who's gonna tell her 1475 00:30:31,000 --> 00:30:32,140 she's enough now? 1476 00:30:32,150 --> 00:30:34,039 Well, that's when your 1477 00:30:32,150 --> 00:30:34,039 friends step in, though. 1478 00:30:34,049 --> 00:30:35,259 - Yeah. 1479 00:30:34,049 --> 00:30:35,259 - That's where she and I 1480 00:30:35,269 --> 00:30:37,089 have our conflict, because 1481 00:30:35,269 --> 00:30:37,089 she looks up to me. 1482 00:30:37,099 --> 00:30:39,079 She looks at me 1483 00:30:37,099 --> 00:30:39,079 as an older sister, 1484 00:30:39,089 --> 00:30:41,049 and she looks for affirmation, 1485 00:30:39,089 --> 00:30:41,049 and when I don't give it to her, 1486 00:30:41,059 --> 00:30:43,190 she gets really angry at me 1487 00:30:41,059 --> 00:30:43,190 and kind of aggressive. 1488 00:30:43,200 --> 00:30:45,160 Thank you. 1489 00:30:43,200 --> 00:30:45,160 This looks delish. 1490 00:30:45,170 --> 00:30:46,269 Oh, here are my sunglasses. 1491 00:30:46,279 --> 00:30:49,059 [sighs] 1492 00:30:49,069 --> 00:30:51,019 Okay. 1493 00:30:51,029 --> 00:30:53,079 - How you doing? 1494 00:30:51,029 --> 00:30:53,079 - Okay. 1495 00:30:53,089 --> 00:30:55,160 - I'm giving you space. 1496 00:30:53,089 --> 00:30:55,160 - You're so sweet. 1497 00:30:55,170 --> 00:30:57,130 I don't like to be in people's 1498 00:30:55,170 --> 00:30:57,130 face every five seconds. 1499 00:30:57,140 --> 00:31:00,109 [chuckling] Thank you. 1500 00:30:57,140 --> 00:31:00,109 How is it? Good? 1501 00:31:00,119 --> 00:31:01,259 Man, this is amazing. 1502 00:31:01,269 --> 00:31:03,140 - Ce bon? 1503 00:31:01,269 --> 00:31:03,140 - Delicious. 1504 00:31:03,150 --> 00:31:04,250 All right, 1505 00:31:03,150 --> 00:31:04,250 so let's raise a glass! 1506 00:31:04,259 --> 00:31:06,089 Yes. 1507 00:31:06,099 --> 00:31:08,140 It's really great 1508 00:31:06,099 --> 00:31:08,140 to have you here. 1509 00:31:08,150 --> 00:31:09,269 Thank you, Victoria! 1510 00:31:09,279 --> 00:31:11,059 [all] 1511 00:31:09,279 --> 00:31:11,059 Thank you, Victoria! 1512 00:31:11,069 --> 00:31:13,130 - Come out here! 1513 00:31:11,069 --> 00:31:13,130 - Thank you! 1514 00:31:13,140 --> 00:31:15,049 [overlapping chatter] 1515 00:31:15,059 --> 00:31:17,029 Thank you. 1516 00:31:15,059 --> 00:31:17,029 And thank you, Garth, 1517 00:31:17,039 --> 00:31:18,279 for making this fabulous 1518 00:31:17,039 --> 00:31:18,279 lamb curry. 1519 00:31:18,289 --> 00:31:21,019 - Very much, thank you, Garth. 1520 00:31:18,289 --> 00:31:21,019 - Just so delicious. 1521 00:31:21,029 --> 00:31:22,180 - Just a little bit. 1522 00:31:21,029 --> 00:31:22,180 - Yeah, the lamb is so tender. 1523 00:31:22,190 --> 00:31:24,160 - Oh, my God! 1524 00:31:22,190 --> 00:31:24,160 - I don't know how long 1525 00:31:24,170 --> 00:31:27,140 this relationship's gonna last, 1526 00:31:24,170 --> 00:31:27,140 but I can see 1527 00:31:27,150 --> 00:31:29,089 what Luann's raving about. 1528 00:31:29,099 --> 00:31:31,029 And it's the curry! 1529 00:31:31,039 --> 00:31:33,019 So, what did I miss last night? 1530 00:31:33,029 --> 00:31:34,279 I went upstairs, 1531 00:31:34,289 --> 00:31:38,039 and then I heard Ramona 1532 00:31:34,289 --> 00:31:38,039 come running out, 1533 00:31:38,049 --> 00:31:40,259 going [angry babbling], 1534 00:31:38,049 --> 00:31:40,259 and then you were chasing her. 1535 00:31:40,269 --> 00:31:43,099 Oh! 1536 00:31:40,269 --> 00:31:43,099 Going "oh, Ramona, Ramona!" 1537 00:31:43,109 --> 00:31:45,009 And I'm like, 1538 00:31:43,109 --> 00:31:45,009 "What's going on?!" 1539 00:31:45,019 --> 00:31:46,109 So then I ran over 1540 00:31:45,019 --> 00:31:46,109 to the staircase 1541 00:31:46,119 --> 00:31:48,009 - and I was kinda like-- 1542 00:31:46,119 --> 00:31:48,009 - Being nosy! 1543 00:31:48,019 --> 00:31:49,200 - I was being nosy! 1544 00:31:48,019 --> 00:31:49,200 - [Eboni laughing] 1545 00:31:49,210 --> 00:31:51,289 - I was apologizing because-- 1546 00:31:49,210 --> 00:31:51,289 - What about? 1547 00:31:52,000 --> 00:31:54,180 - About, about? 1548 00:31:52,000 --> 00:31:54,180 - I was using language 1549 00:31:54,190 --> 00:31:56,170 - that Ramona does not like. 1550 00:31:54,190 --> 00:31:56,170 - Actually, 1551 00:31:56,180 --> 00:32:00,170 Ramona was talking with me 1552 00:31:56,180 --> 00:32:00,170 about how she loves me, 1553 00:32:00,180 --> 00:32:02,140 - but... 1554 00:32:00,180 --> 00:32:02,140 - "But"! 1555 00:32:02,150 --> 00:32:04,109 ...does not like the way 1556 00:32:02,150 --> 00:32:04,109 I talk about sex, 1557 00:32:04,119 --> 00:32:06,029 - because it-- 1558 00:32:04,119 --> 00:32:06,029 - When I'm around. 1559 00:32:06,039 --> 00:32:07,130 - makes her uncomfortable. 1560 00:32:06,039 --> 00:32:07,130 - When I'm around. 1561 00:32:07,140 --> 00:32:08,190 - Yeah, obviously. 1562 00:32:07,140 --> 00:32:08,190 - Fair enough. 1563 00:32:08,200 --> 00:32:10,039 Listen, this one, you know, 1564 00:32:10,049 --> 00:32:12,019 she was a church-going 1565 00:32:10,049 --> 00:32:12,019 Catholic. 1566 00:32:12,029 --> 00:32:13,210 I was brought up, 1567 00:32:12,029 --> 00:32:13,210 like, the same way. 1568 00:32:13,220 --> 00:32:15,170 Kind of more conservative, 1569 00:32:13,220 --> 00:32:15,170 you know what I mean? 1570 00:32:15,180 --> 00:32:18,079 - So it's-- 1571 00:32:15,180 --> 00:32:18,079 - Come on, give me a break. 1572 00:32:18,089 --> 00:32:22,059 "Ramona Singer" 1573 00:32:18,089 --> 00:32:22,059 and "Christian values" 1574 00:32:22,069 --> 00:32:24,220 are not to be used 1575 00:32:22,069 --> 00:32:24,220 in the same sentence! 1576 00:32:24,230 --> 00:32:28,130 This is a woman who lied 1577 00:32:24,230 --> 00:32:28,130 about donating blood plasma! 1578 00:32:28,140 --> 00:32:30,130 "Thou shall not lie." 1579 00:32:30,140 --> 00:32:32,000 No, but we love to talk 1580 00:32:30,140 --> 00:32:32,000 about those kinds of things. 1581 00:32:32,009 --> 00:32:33,140 Right, exactly. 1582 00:32:33,150 --> 00:32:35,000 But there's 1583 00:32:33,150 --> 00:32:35,000 a certain cutoff point 1584 00:32:35,009 --> 00:32:37,039 where it gets a little much. 1585 00:32:37,049 --> 00:32:39,000 For some people! 1586 00:32:37,049 --> 00:32:39,000 For some people. 1587 00:32:39,009 --> 00:32:41,089 - And if that's how she is-- 1588 00:32:39,009 --> 00:32:41,089 - Right, but it's hard 1589 00:32:41,099 --> 00:32:43,059 - for me to know. 1590 00:32:41,099 --> 00:32:43,059 - Right. 1591 00:32:43,069 --> 00:32:45,079 Because there's some hypocrisy, 1592 00:32:43,069 --> 00:32:45,079 you know what I mean? 1593 00:32:45,089 --> 00:32:47,079 But now you understand, 1594 00:32:45,089 --> 00:32:47,079 though, why she got up, 1595 00:32:47,089 --> 00:32:49,000 'cause it makes her 1596 00:32:47,089 --> 00:32:49,000 feel uncomfortable. 1597 00:32:49,009 --> 00:32:50,180 But I don't understand why, 1598 00:32:49,009 --> 00:32:50,180 because Sonja-- 1599 00:32:50,190 --> 00:32:52,130 I like to hear it all. 1600 00:32:52,140 --> 00:32:54,069 But there are certain, 1601 00:32:52,140 --> 00:32:54,069 like, words, like the C-word, 1602 00:32:54,079 --> 00:32:55,140 that you don't really 1603 00:32:54,079 --> 00:32:55,140 like to hear that much. 1604 00:32:55,150 --> 00:32:57,150 Oh, the "C-U-Next-Tuesday"? 1605 00:32:57,160 --> 00:33:00,099 I'd never call my vagina, 1606 00:32:57,160 --> 00:33:00,099 like, a C-word, ever. 1607 00:33:00,109 --> 00:33:03,009 But, it's not about that word. 1608 00:33:03,019 --> 00:33:05,089 It's about the words 1609 00:33:03,019 --> 00:33:05,089 that you use 1610 00:33:05,099 --> 00:33:07,089 that might be offensive to her. 1611 00:33:07,099 --> 00:33:09,009 I was trying to explain to her, 1612 00:33:07,099 --> 00:33:09,009 like, I want a relationship 1613 00:33:09,019 --> 00:33:10,230 with you, 1614 00:33:09,019 --> 00:33:10,230 but please don't do that. 1615 00:33:10,240 --> 00:33:12,150 That doesn't really-- I don't 1616 00:33:10,240 --> 00:33:12,150 understand the logic-- 1617 00:33:12,160 --> 00:33:14,000 My daughter 1618 00:33:12,160 --> 00:33:14,000 doesn't speak that way! 1619 00:33:14,009 --> 00:33:15,160 Her friends don't 1620 00:33:14,009 --> 00:33:15,160 speak that way. 1621 00:33:15,170 --> 00:33:17,130 - Don't speak what way? 1622 00:33:15,170 --> 00:33:17,130 - The way you speak 1623 00:33:17,140 --> 00:33:19,039 - about certain things! 1624 00:33:17,140 --> 00:33:19,039 - Are you freaking kidding me? 1625 00:33:19,049 --> 00:33:20,170 You think your daughter's 1626 00:33:19,049 --> 00:33:20,170 gonna speak to you 1627 00:33:20,180 --> 00:33:22,069 about sex in front of you? 1628 00:33:22,079 --> 00:33:24,009 I'm ----ing over it. 1629 00:33:22,079 --> 00:33:24,009 Get me out of here. 1630 00:33:24,019 --> 00:33:25,150 - I don't get it either! 1631 00:33:24,019 --> 00:33:25,150 - I'm done. 1632 00:33:25,160 --> 00:33:27,039 - I don't know. 1633 00:33:25,160 --> 00:33:27,039 - I'm done. 1634 00:33:27,049 --> 00:33:30,160 Do not compare me 1635 00:33:27,049 --> 00:33:30,160 to your daughter. 1636 00:33:30,170 --> 00:33:33,109 Me and your daughter 1637 00:33:30,170 --> 00:33:33,109 are nothing alike. 1638 00:33:33,119 --> 00:33:35,099 I'm also not your daughter! 1639 00:33:35,109 --> 00:33:36,250 Ramona, I don't get it either. 1640 00:33:36,259 --> 00:33:38,069 - Why can't she just be herself? 1641 00:33:36,259 --> 00:33:38,069 - I'm so done. 1642 00:33:38,079 --> 00:33:39,170 If she wants to say the C-word! 1643 00:33:39,180 --> 00:33:41,119 You don't want me 1644 00:33:39,180 --> 00:33:41,119 talking about sex, 1645 00:33:41,130 --> 00:33:43,059 and ----ing you were dancing 1646 00:33:41,130 --> 00:33:43,059 around in your thong, 1647 00:33:43,069 --> 00:33:44,190 flashing your titties 1648 00:33:43,069 --> 00:33:44,190 to me yesterday. 1649 00:33:44,200 --> 00:33:47,089 - Make up your mind! 1650 00:33:44,200 --> 00:33:47,089 - She edited me! 1651 00:33:47,099 --> 00:33:49,019 - [gasping] 1652 00:33:47,099 --> 00:33:49,019 - I was gonna go like this-- 1653 00:33:49,029 --> 00:33:50,140 Oh, my God! 1654 00:33:50,150 --> 00:33:53,089 - [clapping] 1655 00:33:50,150 --> 00:33:53,089 - Whoo! 1656 00:33:53,099 --> 00:33:55,000 Which one is it? 1657 00:33:53,099 --> 00:33:55,000 And you're acting 1658 00:33:55,009 --> 00:33:57,000 on a high horse, Luann. 1659 00:33:55,009 --> 00:33:57,000 Give me a ----ing break. 1660 00:33:57,009 --> 00:33:58,210 I am not! 1661 00:33:57,009 --> 00:33:58,210 I'm not acting on a high-- 1662 00:33:58,220 --> 00:34:00,190 - I mean, it's a little-- 1663 00:33:58,220 --> 00:34:00,190 - I'm trying to explain to you! 1664 00:34:00,200 --> 00:34:03,069 But do me a favor 1665 00:34:00,200 --> 00:34:03,069 and don't explain it to me. 1666 00:34:03,079 --> 00:34:04,160 Leah and I been getting along, 1667 00:34:04,170 --> 00:34:06,069 but then as soon 1668 00:34:04,170 --> 00:34:06,069 as we get along, 1669 00:34:06,079 --> 00:34:07,259 it's like she throws a wrench 1670 00:34:06,079 --> 00:34:07,259 in it on purpose! 1671 00:34:07,269 --> 00:34:09,110 Like, are you doing this 1672 00:34:07,269 --> 00:34:09,110 on purpose, Leah? 1673 00:34:09,119 --> 00:34:11,070 She's being overly sensitive. 1674 00:34:11,079 --> 00:34:13,019 Her grandmother's dying, 1675 00:34:11,079 --> 00:34:13,019 she's overly sensitive. 1676 00:34:13,030 --> 00:34:14,190 She was just crying in there. 1677 00:34:13,030 --> 00:34:14,190 Let's leave her alone. 1678 00:34:14,199 --> 00:34:18,119 - God. Jesus. 1679 00:34:14,199 --> 00:34:18,119 - She's being overly sensitive. 1680 00:34:18,130 --> 00:34:20,070 If I have to hear about 1681 00:34:18,130 --> 00:34:20,070 her ----ing ---- daughter 1682 00:34:20,079 --> 00:34:22,179 one more time, 1683 00:34:20,079 --> 00:34:22,179 I'm gonna ----ing lose it. 1684 00:34:22,190 --> 00:34:25,059 This is a lot for something 1685 00:34:22,190 --> 00:34:25,059 that's not that big of a deal. 1686 00:34:25,070 --> 00:34:26,230 You guys don't like the word, 1687 00:34:25,070 --> 00:34:26,230 no problem. 1688 00:34:26,239 --> 00:34:28,199 No, excuse me, excuse me. 1689 00:34:26,239 --> 00:34:28,199 She came out to dinner 1690 00:34:28,210 --> 00:34:30,199 with my daughter 1691 00:34:28,210 --> 00:34:30,199 and her four girlfriends, 1692 00:34:30,210 --> 00:34:32,110 and my daughter goes 1693 00:34:30,210 --> 00:34:32,110 "Who speaks this way?" 1694 00:34:32,119 --> 00:34:34,170 She was using the P-word. 1695 00:34:36,210 --> 00:34:39,119 I would like to find 1696 00:34:36,210 --> 00:34:39,119 a billionaire 1697 00:34:39,130 --> 00:34:41,139 with a nine-inch-- 1698 00:34:39,130 --> 00:34:41,139 never mind! 1699 00:34:41,150 --> 00:34:42,230 Leah, seriously, 1700 00:34:41,150 --> 00:34:42,230 you have to stop. 1701 00:34:42,239 --> 00:34:44,179 They're 24 years old! 1702 00:34:44,190 --> 00:34:46,239 - I had a kid at 24! 1703 00:34:44,190 --> 00:34:46,239 - Leah, you want a time-out? 1704 00:34:46,250 --> 00:34:49,039 - I'm gonna give you a time-out. 1705 00:34:46,250 --> 00:34:49,039 - Your daughter is 25, right? 1706 00:34:49,050 --> 00:34:50,230 Yeah. 1707 00:34:49,050 --> 00:34:50,230 But she doesn't speak that way. 1708 00:34:50,239 --> 00:34:52,179 Okay, so then that's Avery. 1709 00:34:50,239 --> 00:34:52,179 That's your daughter. 1710 00:34:52,190 --> 00:34:53,250 - Fine! 1711 00:34:52,190 --> 00:34:53,250 - So that's no problem-- 1712 00:34:53,260 --> 00:34:55,090 But she can respect me! 1713 00:34:55,099 --> 00:34:56,250 - It-- okay. 1714 00:34:55,099 --> 00:34:56,250 - Respect me. 1715 00:34:56,260 --> 00:34:58,159 Look, Ramona. I said, 1716 00:34:56,260 --> 00:34:58,159 you don't like the words. 1717 00:34:58,170 --> 00:35:00,070 - She doesn't get it! 1718 00:34:58,170 --> 00:35:00,070 - I won't use the words. 1719 00:35:00,079 --> 00:35:01,170 She makes me feel bad 1720 00:35:00,079 --> 00:35:01,170 that I feel this way. 1721 00:35:01,179 --> 00:35:03,159 But you understand 1722 00:35:01,179 --> 00:35:03,159 what I'm saying-- 1723 00:35:03,170 --> 00:35:05,150 I understand what you're saying, 1724 00:35:03,170 --> 00:35:05,150 but I don't agree fully, Lu. 1725 00:35:05,159 --> 00:35:07,079 I won't use it with you, because 1726 00:35:05,159 --> 00:35:07,079 you've said "I don't like it." 1727 00:35:07,090 --> 00:35:09,230 But I don't subscribe to 1728 00:35:07,090 --> 00:35:09,230 the fact that to use those words 1729 00:35:09,239 --> 00:35:11,150 mean you're unclassy, 1730 00:35:09,239 --> 00:35:11,150 or you're not a lady. 1731 00:35:11,159 --> 00:35:12,250 - I never said that! 1732 00:35:11,159 --> 00:35:12,250 - I'm not saying you did! 1733 00:35:12,260 --> 00:35:14,150 - But you said-- 1734 00:35:12,260 --> 00:35:14,150 - I never said that. 1735 00:35:14,159 --> 00:35:16,090 You said something about 1736 00:35:14,159 --> 00:35:16,090 being conservative and-- 1737 00:35:16,099 --> 00:35:18,199 I never said that! I said 1738 00:35:16,099 --> 00:35:18,199 it makes me uncomfortable! 1739 00:35:18,210 --> 00:35:20,280 I could have sworn 1740 00:35:18,210 --> 00:35:20,280 I just heard Lu say something 1741 00:35:20,289 --> 00:35:22,139 about being raised 1742 00:35:20,289 --> 00:35:22,139 through the church. 1743 00:35:22,150 --> 00:35:24,050 Yeah, but it has nothing 1744 00:35:22,150 --> 00:35:24,050 to do with class. 1745 00:35:24,059 --> 00:35:25,250 - It has to do with education. 1746 00:35:24,059 --> 00:35:25,250 - Well, no! 1747 00:35:25,260 --> 00:35:27,099 It doesn't have to do 1748 00:35:25,260 --> 00:35:27,099 with education either, Lu. 1749 00:35:27,099 --> 00:35:28,150 I have more education, 1750 00:35:27,099 --> 00:35:28,150 frankly, 1751 00:35:28,150 --> 00:35:30,050 than anybody at this table! 1752 00:35:30,050 --> 00:35:31,179 I'm the most educated person 1753 00:35:30,050 --> 00:35:31,179 in this group! 1754 00:35:31,179 --> 00:35:33,050 - Oh, oh, really? 1755 00:35:31,179 --> 00:35:33,050 - I am! 1756 00:35:33,050 --> 00:35:34,179 Really? 1757 00:35:33,050 --> 00:35:34,179 Why, have you Googled us? 1758 00:35:34,179 --> 00:35:36,030 How do you know 1759 00:35:34,179 --> 00:35:36,030 what my education is? 1760 00:35:36,030 --> 00:35:37,130 Yes, I do! 1761 00:35:36,030 --> 00:35:37,130 I Googled everybody, 1762 00:35:37,130 --> 00:35:39,030 because I Google 1763 00:35:37,130 --> 00:35:39,030 everybody I talk to! 1764 00:35:39,030 --> 00:35:40,179 - Wait, wait. 1765 00:35:39,030 --> 00:35:40,179 - Of course! 1766 00:35:40,179 --> 00:35:42,170 So you think your degree-- 1767 00:35:40,179 --> 00:35:42,170 your degree 1768 00:35:42,170 --> 00:35:44,199 - makes you more educated? 1769 00:35:42,170 --> 00:35:44,199 - Means nothing. 1770 00:35:44,199 --> 00:35:46,210 Well, it does make me more 1771 00:35:44,199 --> 00:35:46,210 technically educated, Luann. 1772 00:35:46,210 --> 00:35:48,139 Well, that's probably 1773 00:35:46,210 --> 00:35:48,139 the stupidest thing 1774 00:35:48,139 --> 00:35:49,289 I've ever heard anybody say... 1775 00:35:49,289 --> 00:35:51,139 Does somebody else have 1776 00:35:49,289 --> 00:35:51,139 a terminal degree? 1777 00:35:51,139 --> 00:35:52,260 for somebody 1778 00:35:51,139 --> 00:35:52,260 who's so educated. 1779 00:35:52,260 --> 00:35:54,119 If you bring up 1780 00:35:52,260 --> 00:35:54,119 your freaking daughter 1781 00:35:54,119 --> 00:35:56,050 to me one more time, 1782 00:35:54,119 --> 00:35:56,050 about sex... 1783 00:35:56,050 --> 00:35:57,230 - Give me a ----ing break! 1784 00:35:56,050 --> 00:35:57,230 - I'm, not-- Stop! Stop! 1785 00:35:57,230 --> 00:35:59,150 Do you think-- they've 1786 00:35:57,230 --> 00:35:59,150 probably been sucking ---- 1787 00:35:59,150 --> 00:36:00,199 - since ----ing age 14! 1788 00:35:59,150 --> 00:36:00,199 - Who gives a sh--? 1789 00:36:00,199 --> 00:36:02,159 I don't wanna hear about it! 1790 00:36:02,159 --> 00:36:04,130 I don't wanna hear about it 1791 00:36:02,159 --> 00:36:04,130 at a dinner! 1792 00:36:04,130 --> 00:36:06,239 - I don't need to hear it! 1793 00:36:04,130 --> 00:36:06,239 - [bleep] that sh--, Ramona. 1794 00:36:06,239 --> 00:36:08,170 - Honestly. 1795 00:36:06,239 --> 00:36:08,170 - You're full of bullsh--. 1796 00:36:08,170 --> 00:36:10,110 - No, I'm not. 1797 00:36:08,170 --> 00:36:10,110 - You're so full of bullsh--. 1798 00:36:10,110 --> 00:36:11,230 - Absolutely not. I'm not. 1799 00:36:10,110 --> 00:36:11,230 - Leah, stop. Stop it. 1800 00:36:11,230 --> 00:36:13,119 This is not fair! 1801 00:36:13,119 --> 00:36:15,090 Of course Leah 1802 00:36:13,119 --> 00:36:15,090 is acting out, 1803 00:36:15,090 --> 00:36:17,289 because she likes to get 1804 00:36:15,090 --> 00:36:17,289 a rise out of Ramona. 1805 00:36:17,289 --> 00:36:21,269 And I don't blame her, 1806 00:36:17,289 --> 00:36:21,269 but I wouldn't personally 1807 00:36:21,269 --> 00:36:24,170 throw the insults 1808 00:36:21,269 --> 00:36:24,170 at someone's child. 1809 00:36:24,170 --> 00:36:26,119 Guess what? Maybe last year 1810 00:36:26,130 --> 00:36:27,269 I was like, 1811 00:36:26,130 --> 00:36:27,269 "Sure, okay, hee-hee!" 1812 00:36:27,280 --> 00:36:29,219 You're not gonna treat me 1813 00:36:27,280 --> 00:36:29,219 like I'm the ---ing 1814 00:36:29,230 --> 00:36:31,070 raunchy bitch, 1815 00:36:29,230 --> 00:36:31,070 'cause I'm not! 1816 00:36:31,079 --> 00:36:32,070 I'm not treating you 1817 00:36:31,079 --> 00:36:32,070 like anything! 1818 00:36:32,079 --> 00:36:33,210 ---ing bullsh--. 1819 00:36:33,219 --> 00:36:35,190 You're a ----ing hoe, 1820 00:36:33,219 --> 00:36:35,190 you're a hoe, 1821 00:36:35,199 --> 00:36:38,119 you're a hoe, you're a hoe. 1822 00:36:35,199 --> 00:36:38,119 Leave me the [bleep] alone! 1823 00:36:38,130 --> 00:36:40,070 - Oh, my God. 1824 00:36:38,130 --> 00:36:40,070 - Biggest hoes ever! 1825 00:36:40,079 --> 00:36:42,110 ♪♪♪♪♪ 1826 00:36:47,199 --> 00:36:48,199 you're a hoe, you're a hoe! 1827 00:36:48,059 --> 00:36:48,199 Leave me the [bleep] alone! 1828 00:36:50,150 --> 00:36:52,210 - Oh, my God. 1829 00:36:50,150 --> 00:36:52,210 - Biggest hoes ever! 1830 00:36:52,219 --> 00:36:54,260 She's always so defensive 1831 00:36:52,219 --> 00:36:54,260 and aggressive! 1832 00:36:54,269 --> 00:36:56,210 - Aggressive, defensive-- 1833 00:36:54,269 --> 00:36:56,210 - There was no need 1834 00:36:56,219 --> 00:36:58,150 - to get like that. 1835 00:36:56,219 --> 00:36:58,150 - This is ridiculous. 1836 00:36:58,159 --> 00:37:00,000 - Uncalled for. Disrespectful... 1837 00:36:58,159 --> 00:37:00,000 - I think she should 1838 00:37:00,010 --> 00:37:01,199 be able to be herself, 1839 00:37:00,010 --> 00:37:01,199 but don't bring her 1840 00:37:01,210 --> 00:37:03,099 around people 1841 00:37:01,210 --> 00:37:03,099 you don't want her around! 1842 00:37:03,110 --> 00:37:04,280 Listen, she's going 1843 00:37:03,110 --> 00:37:04,280 through a hard time. 1844 00:37:04,289 --> 00:37:06,250 - Her grandmother is not well. 1845 00:37:04,289 --> 00:37:06,250 - Like your friends, 1846 00:37:06,260 --> 00:37:08,059 - like your daughter. 1847 00:37:06,260 --> 00:37:08,059 - No excuse for that behavior. 1848 00:37:08,070 --> 00:37:09,170 - Hi. 1849 00:37:08,070 --> 00:37:09,170 - Listen, I think there's 1850 00:37:09,179 --> 00:37:10,219 a big lesson here, 1851 00:37:09,179 --> 00:37:10,219 and I think 1852 00:37:10,230 --> 00:37:12,059 it's listening to each other, 1853 00:37:12,070 --> 00:37:13,139 and that's 1854 00:37:12,070 --> 00:37:13,139 what's missing here. 1855 00:37:13,150 --> 00:37:14,239 Yeah, that's for sure! 1856 00:37:14,250 --> 00:37:16,260 Nobody's listening 1857 00:37:14,250 --> 00:37:16,260 to each other. 1858 00:37:16,269 --> 00:37:18,219 - I just tried to explain it. 1859 00:37:16,269 --> 00:37:18,219 - Leah's not listening to you-- 1860 00:37:18,230 --> 00:37:21,139 And I think I was pretty clear. 1861 00:37:18,230 --> 00:37:21,139 For an uneducated person. 1862 00:37:22,159 --> 00:37:23,280 Nobody said 1863 00:37:22,159 --> 00:37:23,280 you're uneducated, Lu! 1864 00:37:23,289 --> 00:37:25,110 - Well-- 1865 00:37:23,289 --> 00:37:25,110 - No, I gotta clear this up! 1866 00:37:25,119 --> 00:37:26,250 Uh-uh. Luann-- 1867 00:37:25,119 --> 00:37:26,250 No, no, no! 1868 00:37:26,260 --> 00:37:28,159 - Time out! 1869 00:37:26,260 --> 00:37:28,159 - I am not going to yell. 1870 00:37:28,170 --> 00:37:29,210 - No, timeout. 1871 00:37:28,170 --> 00:37:29,210 - Why are you yelling, then? 1872 00:37:29,219 --> 00:37:31,119 But Luann I just said, because-- 1873 00:37:31,130 --> 00:37:32,269 Can we, like, not make it 1874 00:37:31,130 --> 00:37:32,269 about you right now? 1875 00:37:32,280 --> 00:37:35,159 No, we're not making it 1876 00:37:32,280 --> 00:37:35,159 about Leah, Ramona! 1877 00:37:35,170 --> 00:37:37,070 You're an LPN. 1878 00:37:35,170 --> 00:37:37,070 You have a nursing degree. 1879 00:37:37,079 --> 00:37:38,289 You said to me, 1880 00:37:37,079 --> 00:37:38,289 "I'm the smartest one here." 1881 00:37:39,000 --> 00:37:40,269 - No, I did not. That's a lie. 1882 00:37:39,000 --> 00:37:40,269 - No, she didn't say that. 1883 00:37:40,280 --> 00:37:42,179 - Sonja knows I didn't say that. 1884 00:37:40,280 --> 00:37:42,179 - She said she's the most 1885 00:37:42,190 --> 00:37:44,070 educated person at the table! 1886 00:37:44,079 --> 00:37:46,070 Which is a fact! 1887 00:37:44,079 --> 00:37:46,070 That is a personal fact! 1888 00:37:46,079 --> 00:37:48,250 She didn't say she was smarter, 1889 00:37:46,079 --> 00:37:48,250 or prettier, 1890 00:37:48,260 --> 00:37:51,070 or more, 1891 00:37:48,260 --> 00:37:51,070 you know, anything. 1892 00:37:51,079 --> 00:37:53,000 - Just educated. 1893 00:37:51,079 --> 00:37:53,000 - It's a resume. 1894 00:37:53,010 --> 00:37:54,250 I don't think you speak 1895 00:37:53,010 --> 00:37:54,250 three languages, okay? 1896 00:37:54,260 --> 00:37:56,199 Let's not go tit for tat 1897 00:37:56,210 --> 00:37:58,190 on who has an education 1898 00:37:56,210 --> 00:37:58,190 or not, girlfriend. 1899 00:37:58,199 --> 00:38:00,130 - 'Cause I don't like that. 1900 00:37:58,199 --> 00:38:00,130 - That's not even subjective. 1901 00:38:00,139 --> 00:38:02,179 At this point, I'm seeing red. 1902 00:38:02,190 --> 00:38:04,079 You know, 1903 00:38:02,190 --> 00:38:04,079 education to me is somebody 1904 00:38:04,090 --> 00:38:07,079 that's well-rounded 1905 00:38:04,090 --> 00:38:07,079 in so many ways. 1906 00:38:07,090 --> 00:38:08,289 Well-traveled, speaks languages. 1907 00:38:09,000 --> 00:38:12,230 Is she trying to make us feel 1908 00:38:09,000 --> 00:38:12,230 like we're... idiots? 1909 00:38:12,239 --> 00:38:14,170 I don't like 1910 00:38:12,239 --> 00:38:14,170 the way you said 1911 00:38:14,179 --> 00:38:16,269 that people that don't speak 1912 00:38:14,179 --> 00:38:16,269 and adhere to your 1913 00:38:16,280 --> 00:38:18,159 - social status or rhetoric-- 1914 00:38:16,280 --> 00:38:18,159 - That's not what I said. 1915 00:38:18,170 --> 00:38:19,280 - Yes, it is! 1916 00:38:18,170 --> 00:38:19,280 - Not what I said. 1917 00:38:19,289 --> 00:38:21,159 She said 1918 00:38:19,289 --> 00:38:21,159 it speaks to your education. 1919 00:38:21,170 --> 00:38:23,079 Girlfriend, you got it 1920 00:38:21,170 --> 00:38:23,079 all wrong. 1921 00:38:23,090 --> 00:38:24,230 Luann, that's a quote. 1922 00:38:23,090 --> 00:38:24,230 No, Luann, you said that! 1923 00:38:24,239 --> 00:38:26,110 I was talking about 1924 00:38:24,239 --> 00:38:26,110 Catholic education. 1925 00:38:26,119 --> 00:38:27,159 I don't care what 1926 00:38:26,119 --> 00:38:27,159 you were talking about! 1927 00:38:27,170 --> 00:38:28,269 I'm talking about Catholicism! 1928 00:38:28,280 --> 00:38:30,250 This one, she was 1929 00:38:28,280 --> 00:38:30,250 a church-going Catholic. 1930 00:38:30,260 --> 00:38:32,170 I was brought up, 1931 00:38:30,260 --> 00:38:32,170 like, the same way. 1932 00:38:32,179 --> 00:38:34,090 - More conservative. 1933 00:38:32,179 --> 00:38:34,090 - You said "education"! 1934 00:38:34,099 --> 00:38:35,230 Well, that's what I meant, 1935 00:38:34,099 --> 00:38:35,230 and you jumped on me, 1936 00:38:35,239 --> 00:38:37,139 - 'cause you're Miss Ed-u-cated. 1937 00:38:35,239 --> 00:38:37,139 - No, I-- 1938 00:38:37,150 --> 00:38:40,239 - [laughing] 1939 00:38:37,150 --> 00:38:40,239 - I am fully educated, Luann. 1940 00:38:40,250 --> 00:38:42,230 Well, we know now! 1941 00:38:40,250 --> 00:38:42,230 We got your number! 1942 00:38:42,239 --> 00:38:44,139 No, and we got yours, Lu! 1943 00:38:44,150 --> 00:38:46,030 You think you're 1944 00:38:44,150 --> 00:38:46,030 the smartest girl in the room. 1945 00:38:46,039 --> 00:38:48,000 - Nobody said that. 1946 00:38:46,039 --> 00:38:48,000 - But guess what? You're not! 1947 00:38:48,010 --> 00:38:49,230 She didn't say "smartest"! 1948 00:38:48,010 --> 00:38:49,230 She said "the most educated." 1949 00:38:49,239 --> 00:38:51,090 - You're not. 1950 00:38:49,239 --> 00:38:51,090 - That's your insecurity, Lu. 1951 00:38:51,099 --> 00:38:53,170 I went to UNC Chapel Hill 1952 00:38:51,099 --> 00:38:53,170 at 16 years old. 1953 00:38:53,179 --> 00:38:55,150 I completed my degree, 1954 00:38:53,179 --> 00:38:55,150 I went straight to law school, 1955 00:38:55,159 --> 00:38:57,139 I've been practicing 1956 00:38:55,159 --> 00:38:57,139 law since I was 23. 1957 00:38:57,150 --> 00:38:59,079 You can say 1958 00:38:57,150 --> 00:38:59,079 a lot of sh-- about me, 1959 00:38:59,090 --> 00:39:01,179 - but I have an education. 1960 00:38:59,090 --> 00:39:01,179 - I don't like the way you talk. 1961 00:39:01,190 --> 00:39:04,289 - I don't like the way you talk! 1962 00:39:01,190 --> 00:39:04,289 - This is no longer about Leah. 1963 00:39:05,000 --> 00:39:06,230 This is just all about egos. 1964 00:39:06,239 --> 00:39:08,039 Don't come into my house 1965 00:39:08,050 --> 00:39:09,199 and tell me I don't have 1966 00:39:08,050 --> 00:39:09,199 an education! 1967 00:39:09,210 --> 00:39:11,099 Luann, I can leave 1968 00:39:09,210 --> 00:39:11,099 your house, Lu! 1969 00:39:11,110 --> 00:39:12,239 - She didn't say! 1970 00:39:11,110 --> 00:39:12,239 - That's fine! Go with Leah! 1971 00:39:12,250 --> 00:39:14,099 I never said that! 1972 00:39:12,250 --> 00:39:14,099 I never said that. 1973 00:39:14,110 --> 00:39:15,190 She didn't say you don't 1974 00:39:14,110 --> 00:39:15,190 have an education! 1975 00:39:15,199 --> 00:39:17,099 She said 1976 00:39:15,199 --> 00:39:17,099 she's the most educated. 1977 00:39:17,110 --> 00:39:19,099 I essentially gave you 1978 00:39:17,110 --> 00:39:19,099 much respect for the fact 1979 00:39:19,110 --> 00:39:21,000 - that you are a trained nurse. 1980 00:39:19,110 --> 00:39:21,000 - It didn't sound like that. 1981 00:39:21,010 --> 00:39:22,239 Well, then you need to clean 1982 00:39:21,010 --> 00:39:22,239 your ears out and listen. 1983 00:39:22,250 --> 00:39:24,159 - You're the one screaming here. 1984 00:39:22,250 --> 00:39:24,159 - I'm not screaming. 1985 00:39:24,170 --> 00:39:26,099 - I have a loud voice-- 1986 00:39:24,170 --> 00:39:26,099 - You are. 1987 00:39:26,110 --> 00:39:27,269 You're shouting again! 1988 00:39:26,110 --> 00:39:27,269 Oh, my God, my ears are hurting! 1989 00:39:27,280 --> 00:39:29,170 - No, Ramona, I'm not. 1990 00:39:27,280 --> 00:39:29,170 - Bring it down! You are. 1991 00:39:29,179 --> 00:39:31,099 Your white fragility 1992 00:39:29,179 --> 00:39:31,099 is killing me right now. 1993 00:39:31,110 --> 00:39:32,289 I have a hearing problem! 1994 00:39:33,000 --> 00:39:34,260 - Don't go after her race! 1995 00:39:33,000 --> 00:39:34,260 - This is white fragility! 1996 00:39:34,269 --> 00:39:37,019 - We didn't go after your race. 1997 00:39:34,269 --> 00:39:37,019 - I wish you would. 1998 00:39:37,030 --> 00:39:38,250 - Please, do it. 1999 00:39:37,030 --> 00:39:38,250 - No, we wouldn't even 2000 00:39:38,260 --> 00:39:40,159 - go close to it. 2001 00:39:38,260 --> 00:39:40,159 - Please do it! 2002 00:39:40,170 --> 00:39:42,110 - I know you wouldn't. 2003 00:39:40,170 --> 00:39:42,110 - What does my race 2004 00:39:42,119 --> 00:39:45,260 have to do with anything? 2005 00:39:42,119 --> 00:39:45,260 It's my ears! 2006 00:39:45,269 --> 00:39:47,260 [calmly] So "white fragility" 2007 00:39:45,269 --> 00:39:47,260 is when white women-- 2008 00:39:47,269 --> 00:39:49,159 - You're shouting. 2009 00:39:47,269 --> 00:39:49,159 - I'm not shouting. 2010 00:39:49,170 --> 00:39:51,159 - Let her finish! 2011 00:39:49,170 --> 00:39:51,159 - I can hear, I just-- 2012 00:39:51,170 --> 00:39:53,030 - Okay, then I'm gonna move back 2013 00:39:51,170 --> 00:39:53,030 - I do have a loud voice! 2014 00:39:53,039 --> 00:39:54,230 - just so you're not so loud. 2015 00:39:53,039 --> 00:39:54,230 - I'm a podcaster! 2016 00:39:54,239 --> 00:39:56,219 - I'm listening. I'm listening! 2017 00:39:54,239 --> 00:39:56,219 - Okay. 2018 00:39:56,230 --> 00:39:58,260 We were talking 2019 00:39:56,230 --> 00:39:58,260 about certain words 2020 00:39:58,269 --> 00:40:01,280 that Ramona and Luann 2021 00:39:58,269 --> 00:40:01,280 don't like to be used 2022 00:40:01,289 --> 00:40:03,019 dealing with 2023 00:40:01,289 --> 00:40:03,019 reproductive systems. 2024 00:40:03,030 --> 00:40:04,210 - Thank you. 2025 00:40:03,030 --> 00:40:04,210 - Okay? 2026 00:40:04,219 --> 00:40:06,030 - What? 2027 00:40:04,219 --> 00:40:06,030 - And then Luann went on to-- 2028 00:40:06,039 --> 00:40:07,230 you guys don't like the C-word, 2029 00:40:07,239 --> 00:40:09,099 the D-word, 2030 00:40:07,239 --> 00:40:09,099 that's what we're talking about! 2031 00:40:09,110 --> 00:40:10,210 I don't like people 2032 00:40:09,110 --> 00:40:10,210 talking about dicks 2033 00:40:10,219 --> 00:40:12,010 - and ---- at a dinner! 2034 00:40:10,219 --> 00:40:12,010 - Right! 2035 00:40:12,019 --> 00:40:14,010 Okay? Sorry! Sorry! 2036 00:40:12,019 --> 00:40:14,010 And she says 2037 00:40:14,019 --> 00:40:16,000 - 'cause my Catholic education-- 2038 00:40:14,019 --> 00:40:16,000 - She did not say that! 2039 00:40:16,010 --> 00:40:17,170 - Yes, she did! 2040 00:40:16,010 --> 00:40:17,170 - She said it has to do 2041 00:40:17,179 --> 00:40:19,019 - with your education! 2042 00:40:17,179 --> 00:40:19,019 - Yes, I did. 2043 00:40:19,030 --> 00:40:20,119 - No, you did not! 2044 00:40:19,030 --> 00:40:20,119 - You were very quick 2045 00:40:20,130 --> 00:40:21,230 - to jump on me. 2046 00:40:20,130 --> 00:40:21,230 - You did not. 2047 00:40:21,239 --> 00:40:23,059 Heather, did she say that? 2048 00:40:21,239 --> 00:40:23,059 Say yes. 2049 00:40:23,070 --> 00:40:24,269 Run the tape back! 2050 00:40:23,070 --> 00:40:24,269 Run the tape back! 2051 00:40:24,280 --> 00:40:26,210 She said "education." 2052 00:40:26,219 --> 00:40:28,269 I could have sworn 2053 00:40:26,219 --> 00:40:28,269 I just heard Lu say something 2054 00:40:28,280 --> 00:40:30,159 about being raised 2055 00:40:28,280 --> 00:40:30,159 through the church. 2056 00:40:30,170 --> 00:40:31,219 Yeah, but it has nothing 2057 00:40:30,170 --> 00:40:31,219 to do with class. 2058 00:40:31,230 --> 00:40:33,219 It has to do with education. 2059 00:40:33,230 --> 00:40:36,179 Why are you getting so angry? 2060 00:40:33,230 --> 00:40:36,179 Why are you yelling right now? 2061 00:40:36,190 --> 00:40:38,119 Oh, so now I'm the angry 2062 00:40:36,190 --> 00:40:38,119 Black woman, Luann. 2063 00:40:38,130 --> 00:40:40,050 You're calling yourself-- 2064 00:40:38,130 --> 00:40:40,050 I'm not going there. 2065 00:40:40,059 --> 00:40:41,199 No... Not going there. 2066 00:40:41,210 --> 00:40:43,019 [overlapping arguments] 2067 00:40:43,030 --> 00:40:45,170 Wait, wait, wait, wait! 2068 00:40:43,030 --> 00:40:45,170 We all know that 2069 00:40:45,179 --> 00:40:47,239 conservative and buttoned-up 2070 00:40:45,179 --> 00:40:47,239 empowers some people, 2071 00:40:47,250 --> 00:40:50,130 and naked and open-up 2072 00:40:47,250 --> 00:40:50,130 empowers other people. 2073 00:40:50,139 --> 00:40:52,130 - But what I don't like-- 2074 00:40:50,139 --> 00:40:52,130 - That's a different style! 2075 00:40:52,139 --> 00:40:54,210 Not to cut you off. 2076 00:40:52,139 --> 00:40:54,210 I didn't like Luann equating, 2077 00:40:54,219 --> 00:40:58,050 making the false equivalency, 2078 00:40:54,219 --> 00:40:58,050 between people's education-- 2079 00:40:58,059 --> 00:41:01,000 - No, what she said-- 2080 00:40:58,059 --> 00:41:01,000 - I need another tequila. 2081 00:41:01,010 --> 00:41:02,250 I need a big tequila right now. 2082 00:41:02,260 --> 00:41:05,190 Why are you so angry? 2083 00:41:02,260 --> 00:41:05,190 You're an angry woman right now. 2084 00:41:06,260 --> 00:41:08,210 - That implication-- 2085 00:41:06,260 --> 00:41:08,210 - I never referred 2086 00:41:08,219 --> 00:41:09,289 - to your color, nor would I. 2087 00:41:08,219 --> 00:41:09,289 - No, you didn't have to. 2088 00:41:10,000 --> 00:41:11,239 - You didn't have to. 2089 00:41:10,000 --> 00:41:11,239 - No. 2090 00:41:11,250 --> 00:41:13,039 - 'Cause you're a woman to me. 2091 00:41:11,250 --> 00:41:13,039 - You don't have to. 2092 00:41:13,050 --> 00:41:14,119 Our dear friend 2093 00:41:13,050 --> 00:41:14,119 Leah McSweeney, 2094 00:41:14,130 --> 00:41:15,159 not five minutes ago, 2095 00:41:15,170 --> 00:41:16,230 storms off in a mad dash, 2096 00:41:16,239 --> 00:41:18,210 and we don't see 2097 00:41:16,239 --> 00:41:18,210 her ass no more. 2098 00:41:18,219 --> 00:41:22,039 And nobody called Leah "angry." 2099 00:41:18,219 --> 00:41:22,039 Nobody. 2100 00:41:22,050 --> 00:41:25,239 I simply take a visceral 2101 00:41:22,050 --> 00:41:25,239 response to something 2102 00:41:25,250 --> 00:41:28,219 that felt deeply personal 2103 00:41:25,250 --> 00:41:28,219 and painful to me, 2104 00:41:28,230 --> 00:41:30,230 and I'm immediately 2105 00:41:28,230 --> 00:41:30,230 called "angry." 2106 00:41:30,239 --> 00:41:32,179 Tell me it's not about race. 2107 00:41:32,190 --> 00:41:34,139 - I see passion, defensing-- 2108 00:41:32,190 --> 00:41:34,139 - But I am a Black woman. 2109 00:41:34,150 --> 00:41:36,139 - I am a Black woman. 2110 00:41:34,150 --> 00:41:36,139 - I don't see anger. 2111 00:41:36,150 --> 00:41:39,210 Girl doesn't seem angry to me. 2112 00:41:36,150 --> 00:41:39,210 She seems to use her words. 2113 00:41:39,219 --> 00:41:41,190 So, I want to ask you 2114 00:41:39,219 --> 00:41:41,190 a question. 2115 00:41:41,199 --> 00:41:43,059 - Yeah? 2116 00:41:41,199 --> 00:41:43,059 - And I don't usually like 2117 00:41:43,070 --> 00:41:44,289 to use these words, 2118 00:41:43,070 --> 00:41:44,289 but I'm gonna say. 2119 00:41:45,000 --> 00:41:46,210 So, when you're, like, 2120 00:41:45,000 --> 00:41:46,210 hanging out at a table 2121 00:41:46,219 --> 00:41:48,059 with your friends, 2122 00:41:46,219 --> 00:41:48,059 or with your mother, 2123 00:41:48,070 --> 00:41:49,280 - whatever. 2124 00:41:48,070 --> 00:41:49,280 - Whatever. 2125 00:41:50,000 --> 00:41:51,210 You wouldn't say, like, 2126 00:41:50,000 --> 00:41:51,210 "I like ----ing ----, 2127 00:41:51,219 --> 00:41:54,079 and "Ooh, that ---- is hard, 2128 00:41:51,219 --> 00:41:54,079 and I like dick!" 2129 00:41:54,090 --> 00:41:56,260 - Do you do that? 2130 00:41:54,090 --> 00:41:56,260 - I don't-- not really, no. 2131 00:41:56,269 --> 00:41:59,000 If you don't want me here, 2132 00:41:56,269 --> 00:41:59,000 because I'm not free 2133 00:41:59,010 --> 00:42:01,010 to express 2134 00:41:59,010 --> 00:42:01,010 how I feel about things, 2135 00:42:01,019 --> 00:42:02,260 I will leave your property, 2136 00:42:01,019 --> 00:42:02,260 because I respect you. 2137 00:42:02,269 --> 00:42:04,070 I think you should go. 2138 00:42:04,079 --> 00:42:06,050 - Oh my God! 2139 00:42:04,079 --> 00:42:06,050 - No, that's fine. 2140 00:42:06,059 --> 00:42:08,010 You need to calm down and think 2141 00:42:06,059 --> 00:42:08,010 about what you just said, 2142 00:42:08,019 --> 00:42:09,239 - it was very offensive to us. 2143 00:42:08,019 --> 00:42:09,239 - I will not be here, 2144 00:42:09,250 --> 00:42:11,250 and I will not silence 2145 00:42:09,250 --> 00:42:11,250 myself for you, Luann. 2146 00:42:11,260 --> 00:42:13,230 - Not to me! 2147 00:42:11,260 --> 00:42:13,230 - No, you're not gonna 2148 00:42:13,239 --> 00:42:15,079 - police my feelings. 2149 00:42:13,239 --> 00:42:15,079 - I'm not policing 2150 00:42:15,090 --> 00:42:17,000 - your feelings. 2151 00:42:15,090 --> 00:42:17,000 - What you did to shame 2152 00:42:17,010 --> 00:42:18,079 - this woman around her-- 2153 00:42:17,010 --> 00:42:18,079 - I didn't shame her. 2154 00:42:18,090 --> 00:42:20,030 - Yes, you did. 2155 00:42:18,090 --> 00:42:20,030 - No, I did not. 2156 00:42:20,039 --> 00:42:22,030 And you tried to shame any woman 2157 00:42:20,039 --> 00:42:22,030 that is sexually free, 2158 00:42:22,039 --> 00:42:23,280 and you used education to do it. 2159 00:42:22,039 --> 00:42:23,280 It's trash, Lu. 2160 00:42:23,289 --> 00:42:25,150 It has nothing to do 2161 00:42:23,289 --> 00:42:25,150 with being sexually free. 2162 00:42:25,159 --> 00:42:27,019 It's trash. It's trash. 2163 00:42:27,030 --> 00:42:30,019 - Well, that's a good word. 2164 00:42:27,030 --> 00:42:30,019 - It's trash. 2165 00:42:30,030 --> 00:42:32,280 You should be familiar. 2166 00:42:30,030 --> 00:42:32,280 Have a safe trip! 2167 00:42:34,269 --> 00:42:36,159 Next time, 2168 00:42:34,269 --> 00:42:36,159 on the Real Housewives 2169 00:42:36,170 --> 00:42:38,010 of New York City... 2170 00:42:38,019 --> 00:42:39,159 Luann called me 2171 00:42:38,019 --> 00:42:39,159 an angry Black woman. 2172 00:42:39,170 --> 00:42:42,030 No she did not! 2173 00:42:39,170 --> 00:42:42,030 No she did not! 2174 00:42:42,039 --> 00:42:43,230 She did not call you that. 2175 00:42:43,239 --> 00:42:45,210 Trying not to get 2176 00:42:43,239 --> 00:42:45,210 emotional right now. 2177 00:42:45,219 --> 00:42:47,159 - I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. 2178 00:42:45,219 --> 00:42:47,159 - Because it's such the bullsh-- 2179 00:42:47,170 --> 00:42:48,269 I've dealt with 2180 00:42:47,170 --> 00:42:48,269 my whole ----ing life. 2181 00:42:48,280 --> 00:42:50,230 I apologize that 2182 00:42:48,280 --> 00:42:50,230 I got so upset with you. 2183 00:42:50,239 --> 00:42:52,219 - I don't-- you know-- 2184 00:42:50,239 --> 00:42:52,219 - Yeah. And I appreciate that. 2185 00:42:52,230 --> 00:42:54,150 - I do, and I accept it. 2186 00:42:52,230 --> 00:42:54,150 - And you know, I would hope 2187 00:42:54,159 --> 00:42:56,190 that you would extend 2188 00:42:54,159 --> 00:42:56,190 the same to me. 2189 00:42:58,170 --> 00:43:00,050 [squealing] 2190 00:43:00,059 --> 00:43:02,210 She better back up a little bit. 2191 00:43:00,059 --> 00:43:02,210 Those waves are big. 2192 00:43:02,219 --> 00:43:03,260 [shouting] 2193 00:43:02,219 --> 00:43:03,260 Eboni, get back! 2194 00:43:03,269 --> 00:43:05,210 - [screaming] 2195 00:43:03,269 --> 00:43:05,210 - My God. 2196 00:43:05,219 --> 00:43:07,170 - Back up, back up! 2197 00:43:05,219 --> 00:43:07,170 - Why are you talking about me 2198 00:43:07,179 --> 00:43:09,059 - and what I said? 2199 00:43:07,179 --> 00:43:09,059 - Well, I want to talk 2200 00:43:09,070 --> 00:43:10,230 - to you about it. 2201 00:43:09,070 --> 00:43:10,230 - Are you ----ing kidding me? 2202 00:43:10,239 --> 00:43:12,239 Do not talk about 2203 00:43:10,239 --> 00:43:12,239 if I want a vote or not. 2204 00:43:12,250 --> 00:43:14,090 Why do you have to be 2205 00:43:12,250 --> 00:43:14,090 in everyone's business 2206 00:43:14,099 --> 00:43:16,170 like a Karen? 2207 00:43:14,099 --> 00:43:16,170 It's none of your business! 2208 00:43:16,179 --> 00:43:17,269 Do you understand 2209 00:43:16,179 --> 00:43:17,269 what I'm saying? 2210 00:43:17,280 --> 00:43:19,289 - Not really. 2211 00:43:17,280 --> 00:43:19,289 - [bleep] off.