1 00:00:02,500 --> 00:00:05,920 我们身处何地 The last place you'd ever expect to find yourself 2 00:00:21,650 --> 00:00:24,660 曾经 “能源”意味着“污染” There was a time when "energy" was a dirty word. 3 00:00:24,990 --> 00:00:27,280 开灯是一件奢侈的事情 When turning on your lights was a hard choice. 4 00:00:27,910 --> 00:00:29,240 城市限制用电 Cities in brownout 5 00:00:29,370 --> 00:00:32,790 食物短缺 汽车燃油驱动 Food shortages cars burning fuel to run. 6 00:00:33,000 --> 00:00:34,370 但窘境都已过去 But that was the past. 7 00:00:34,670 --> 00:00:38,340 而现在呢 我们怎样把世界变得如此美好 Where are we now? How do we make the world so much better? 8 00:00:38,750 --> 00:00:40,510 让沙漠繁花似锦 Make deserts bloom! 9 00:00:41,760 --> 00:00:45,220 今天 我们已成为世界第一大聚变能生产商 Right now we are the largest producer of fusion energy in the world. 10 00:00:45,840 --> 00:00:47,890 我们正利用机器在月球的向日面上 The energy of the sun trapped in rock 11 00:00:47,890 --> 00:00:50,720 收集储存在岩石里的太阳能 Harvested by machine from the far side of the moon. 12 00:00:52,310 --> 00:00:55,310 如今 我们传送的环保燃料氦-3 Today we deliver enough clean-burning helium-3 13 00:00:55,440 --> 00:00:59,070 已能满足地球上70%的能源需求 To supply the energy needs of nearly 70% of the planet. 14 00:01:00,440 --> 00:01:02,850 有谁能想到这些可贵的能源 Who would have thought that all energy 15 00:01:02,850 --> 00:01:05,450 就挂在我们的头顶上呢 We ever needed is right above our heads? 16 00:01:07,530 --> 00:01:09,080 未来的能源 The power of the moon 17 00:01:09,700 --> 00:01:12,000 月球能源 The power of our future. 18 00:01:50,300 --> 00:01:58,060 月 球 19 00:02:26,150 --> 00:02:28,320 马力开启 太平洋时间8:32 Rock and roll! 08:32 pacific time. 20 00:02:28,530 --> 00:02:30,410 全部收集车运转正常 All harvesters running smoothly. 21 00:02:32,410 --> 00:02:35,120 马修 14.6公里 Matthew 14.6 miles. 22 00:02:35,410 --> 00:02:37,620 马克 16.8公里 Mark 16.8 miles. 23 00:02:48,550 --> 00:02:50,430 我没 嘿 柯里 柯里 起床 I don't?Hey Gerty? Gerty? Wake up! 24 00:02:51,050 --> 00:02:52,510 早上好 山姆 Good morning Sam! 25 00:02:53,060 --> 00:02:54,510 马克收集满了一罐 We have got a live one on Mark! 26 00:02:54,720 --> 00:02:56,390 我出去取回来 I'm going to go out now and rope her in. 27 00:02:56,680 --> 00:02:57,850 好的 山姆 Ok Sam. 28 00:03:54,370 --> 00:03:55,410 我想吃巧克力 I want chocolate. 29 00:03:55,830 --> 00:03:57,290 你已经够甜蜜了 I think you're sweet enough. 30 00:03:57,490 --> 00:03:58,750 不需要巧克力 You don't need chocolate. 31 00:04:09,670 --> 00:04:11,970 搜索远程通信 Searching for long-range comms. 32 00:04:16,350 --> 00:04:18,640 搜索远程通信 Searching for long-range comms. 33 00:04:22,310 --> 00:04:25,110 远程通信失败 Signal failure on long-range comms. 34 00:05:36,840 --> 00:05:38,720 山姆·贝尔 报告总部 Sam Bell reporting to central 35 00:05:39,260 --> 00:05:41,770 太平洋时间10:14 10:14 pacific time. 36 00:05:43,020 --> 00:05:46,230 已回收一罐氦-3 准备发送 I have a full container full of Helium-3 ready to roll. 37 00:05:46,650 --> 00:05:49,150 你们收到消息时 就应该在路上了 By the time this message reaches you it should be in transit. 38 00:05:49,270 --> 00:05:51,360 另外 这里一切正常 Otherwise everything running smoothly 39 00:05:52,900 --> 00:05:54,150 你们下面怎么样 How are things down there? 40 00:05:56,240 --> 00:05:57,700 参加了不少好玩的 You guys been having any 41 00:05:58,950 --> 00:06:00,740 派对之类的吧 Good parties or anything? 42 00:06:01,030 --> 00:06:02,830 对了 谢谢你送的 Oh thanks for the 43 00:06:03,450 --> 00:06:06,670 球赛录像带 跟现场直播差不多 For the football feed! It almost felt live. 44 00:06:07,710 --> 00:06:08,880 差不多 Almost! 45 00:06:10,540 --> 00:06:12,710 三年真是漫长啊 Three years is a long haul. 46 00:06:13,760 --> 00:06:17,010 知道吗 真的是很长很长很长很长 Yyou know?It's way way way way way too long! 47 00:06:17,720 --> 00:06:19,180 我又在自言自语了 I'm talking to myself 48 00:06:19,590 --> 00:06:20,970 这毛病定期发作 On a regular basis! 49 00:06:21,180 --> 00:06:22,310 还有 So 50 00:06:24,100 --> 00:06:26,060 马上就能回家了 你知道的 Time to go home you know what I mean? 51 00:06:27,520 --> 00:06:29,520 就这么多吧 通话完毕 That's it over and out! 52 00:06:29,810 --> 00:06:32,110 加油吧 天佑美国 Rock and roll god bless America! 53 00:06:50,460 --> 00:06:52,540 我能替你做的 山姆 I can do that for you Sam. 54 00:06:56,510 --> 00:06:58,720 该死 我自己能行 God damn it! I said I got it! 55 00:06:59,760 --> 00:07:01,430 你就不能听我说吗 Why don't you listen to me? 56 00:07:09,770 --> 00:07:11,440 物品准备发射 Package ready for launch. 57 00:07:35,090 --> 00:07:36,760 山姆 你还好吧 Sam is everything ok? 58 00:07:40,720 --> 00:07:42,390 -山姆 -什么 - Sam? - What? 59 00:07:43,350 --> 00:07:45,220 你今天有点不对劲 You don't seem like yourself today. 60 00:07:45,430 --> 00:07:48,350 -发生什么事了 -没 你把这东西关了行吗 - Is something wrong? - No. Can you turn that off please? 61 00:07:48,980 --> 00:07:50,310 老天 Jesus christ! 62 00:07:53,230 --> 00:07:55,730 山姆 还是说出来比较好 Sam it might help you to talk about it. 63 00:07:58,860 --> 00:08:00,650 柯里 公司有意向派人来月球站吗 Gerty have you heard anything new about anyone fixing lunar-sat? 64 00:08:00,740 --> 00:08:02,110 来修这边的卫星通信系统 The setting of monthly satellite dishes? 65 00:08:02,410 --> 00:08:03,410 没有 山姆 No Sam. 66 00:08:03,450 --> 00:08:05,410 据我了解 这件事不是 From what I understand it is fairly low 67 00:08:05,450 --> 00:08:07,830 公司现在的当务之急 On the company's priority list right now. 68 00:08:07,950 --> 00:08:09,410 叫他们快点搞定 You tell them to sort that out. 69 00:08:09,500 --> 00:08:14,080 懂我的意思吗 我只剩两个星期了 无所谓 You know what I'm talking about? That's not?I've only got two weeks! 70 00:08:14,290 --> 00:08:17,210 但对后面接班的人不公平 But it's not fair for whoever's coming up here next. 71 00:08:17,550 --> 00:08:20,970 我会的 山姆 你想等下再剪头发吗 I will Sam. Do you want me to finish cutting your hair later? 72 00:08:21,170 --> 00:08:23,050 不 剪吧 快点剪完 No come on. Let's finish this. 73 00:08:26,810 --> 00:08:28,180 头又开始痛 Got one of those headaches 74 00:08:28,890 --> 00:08:30,480 给我点药吃吧 Can you give me something for it? 75 00:08:51,620 --> 00:08:53,500 收到来自你妻子的消息 山姆 Message received from your wife Sam 76 00:08:53,710 --> 00:08:55,380 连接木星中转信号 Via Jupiter link. 77 00:08:57,880 --> 00:08:58,710 该死 Fuck! 78 00:09:05,930 --> 00:09:08,010 嗨 山姆 是我 Hi Sam! It's me. 79 00:09:10,930 --> 00:09:12,600 刚收到你的消息 I got your last message. 80 00:09:13,020 --> 00:09:15,400 听到你的声音真好 It was really good to hear your voice. 81 00:09:15,810 --> 00:09:17,400 我也想你 I miss you too! 82 00:09:18,650 --> 00:09:20,610 我知道你在上面很寂寞 I know you're really lonely up there 83 00:09:21,440 --> 00:09:24,360 但我觉得 从很多方面来说 But I think in a lot of ways . 84 00:09:25,320 --> 00:09:27,070 这对你有好处 It's been really good for you. 85 00:09:27,820 --> 00:09:29,080 对我们有好处 For both of us. 86 00:09:30,410 --> 00:09:32,830 老天 你别在意 God I hope you do not mind me saying that. 87 00:09:36,250 --> 00:09:37,710 你是我的骄傲 I'm proud of you! 88 00:09:39,380 --> 00:09:41,050 某人有话对你说哦 Someone has got something to say. 89 00:09:44,170 --> 00:09:45,760 你想对爹地说什么啊 宝贝 What did you want to say to daddy baby? 90 00:09:47,720 --> 00:09:49,510 说 宇航员 Say "astronaut". 91 00:09:50,140 --> 00:09:52,100 宇昂员 Astronaut. 92 00:09:52,850 --> 00:09:54,180 他是宇航员啊 He is an astronaut! 93 00:09:54,520 --> 00:09:57,940 说爹地是宇航员 大声说 Say daddy's an astronaut. say it really loud. 94 00:09:58,270 --> 00:10:00,440 爹地是宇昂员 Daddy's an astronaut. 95 00:10:01,190 --> 00:10:02,860 真聪明 挥手 Clever girl! Wave! 96 00:10:03,150 --> 00:10:05,150 跟爹地挥手 Give daddy a wave! 97 00:10:06,490 --> 00:10:09,530 凯西 帮一下忙 Kathy could you? 98 00:10:09,530 --> 00:10:12,870 真不敢相信你就快回来了 I can't believe you're going to be home soon. 99 00:10:14,540 --> 00:10:16,500 下个月就是她生日了 It's her birthday next month 100 00:10:17,040 --> 00:10:19,840 我想送她个玩具屋放在院子里 And I was thinking about maybe a playhouse for the garden. 101 00:10:20,040 --> 00:10:22,130 -柯里 -我们可以一起做 - Gerty! - We could work at it together. 102 00:10:23,300 --> 00:10:24,420 山姆 Sam 103 00:10:25,590 --> 00:10:27,550 我爱你 I love you! 104 00:10:28,510 --> 00:10:29,430 我爱你 I love you! 105 00:10:29,850 --> 00:10:32,060 -我想你 -我想你 - And I miss you! - I miss you! 106 00:10:33,520 --> 00:10:35,600 期待着与你团聚 And I can't wait to see you. 107 00:10:35,890 --> 00:10:37,270 好了 亲爱的 Ok sweetheart 108 00:10:38,730 --> 00:10:39,860 再见 Goodbye. 109 00:11:05,710 --> 00:11:06,670 嗨 道格 Hi Doug! 110 00:11:08,010 --> 00:11:10,220 你挺得意扬扬的是吧 道格 You're really full of yourself aren't you Doug? 111 00:11:11,760 --> 00:11:12,600 凯瑟 Kath 112 00:11:31,990 --> 00:11:32,820 不太好呀 Not good! 113 00:11:33,580 --> 00:11:35,330 Dumbo如何 What about Dumbo? 114 00:12:19,750 --> 00:12:21,000 靠 Fuck! 115 00:12:21,540 --> 00:12:22,790 该死 God damn it! 116 00:12:23,630 --> 00:12:24,460 靠 Fuck! 117 00:12:27,460 --> 00:12:28,920 太笨了是吧 柯里 Wasn't kind of smart was it Gerty? 118 00:12:30,090 --> 00:12:32,800 -山姆 能告诉我发生了什么吗 -我告诉你了 - Sam can I ask how it happened? - I told you. 119 00:12:32,880 --> 00:12:36,350 我在看电视然后不小心把开水倒到手上了 I saw something on TV and I spilled boiling water on my hand. 120 00:12:37,260 --> 00:12:39,140 你在看电视吗 You saw something on TV? 121 00:12:39,680 --> 00:12:41,850 是 我被电视搞分心了 Yeah I something on tv that distracted me. 122 00:12:42,270 --> 00:12:43,940 这有什么不对吗 柯里 Is there something wrong with that Gerty? 123 00:12:44,270 --> 00:12:46,860 山姆 你说是电视让你分心 Sam you said it was the tv that distracted you 124 00:12:47,070 --> 00:12:49,570 但我进来的时候 电视根本没开 But when I came in the TV wasn't on. 125 00:12:49,690 --> 00:12:51,990 你是不是出现了幻觉 Perhaps you were imagining things? 126 00:12:55,200 --> 00:12:56,990 想太多了啦 兄弟 Yeah you think too much pal. 127 00:12:59,490 --> 00:13:02,000 你该去歇歇了 我继续工作 You need to get laid. I'm going to go back to work. 128 00:13:56,930 --> 00:13:57,970 别唱了 Shut up! 129 00:14:31,670 --> 00:14:32,920 早上好 柯里 Good morning Gerty. 130 00:14:33,420 --> 00:14:34,260 早上好 山姆 Good morning Sam. 131 00:14:34,380 --> 00:14:36,130 -今天感觉如何 -很好 - How are you today? - Fine! 132 00:14:36,680 --> 00:14:37,720 很好 Fine. 133 00:14:37,930 --> 00:14:40,010 -手怎样了 -还有点儿疼 - How is the hand? - Oh it's a little sore! 134 00:14:40,510 --> 00:14:41,970 就一点儿 没事的 A little sore. It's ok. 135 00:14:44,390 --> 00:14:47,730 -早餐吃什么 -照旧 - What's for breakfast? - The usual. 136 00:14:53,440 --> 00:14:56,360 -还剩两个星期了 山姆 -只剩两个星期 伙计 - Two weeks to go Sam. - Two weeks to go buddy! 137 00:14:57,320 --> 00:14:59,490 想在豆子上加点沙司吗 Would you like some hot sauce on your beans? 138 00:15:00,660 --> 00:15:03,040 不用了 其实我的胃有点不舒服 No my tummy's a little tender actually. 139 00:15:05,120 --> 00:15:07,210 但还是谢谢你 谢谢你 柯里 But thank you. Thank you Gerty. 140 00:15:07,410 --> 00:15:08,460 不用谢 山姆 You're welcome Sam. 141 00:15:09,290 --> 00:15:13,250 太平洋时间08:19 系统显示如下 08:19 pacific time. Readouts are as follows 142 00:15:13,300 --> 00:15:15,460 马修 9.8公里 Matthew 9.8 miles. 143 00:15:16,920 --> 00:15:20,760 -马克 不到9公里 -嘿 柯里 Mark is less 9 - Hey Gerty! 144 00:15:21,930 --> 00:15:23,260 加油 Rock and roll! 145 00:15:35,360 --> 00:15:36,320 马克 Markmm 146 00:15:37,440 --> 00:15:39,530 马克的精确位置在11公里外 Mark is 11 miles on the button. 147 00:15:42,990 --> 00:15:44,870 路加今天有点抽啊 Luke is a little twitchy today. 148 00:15:58,420 --> 00:15:59,550 嘿 柯里 Hey Gerty. 149 00:16:00,510 --> 00:16:03,010 马修好像又收集好了一罐 Looks like we have got a live one out on Matthew. 150 00:16:03,220 --> 00:16:04,830 我一会儿再出去好吗 I'm going to go out in a few minutes. 151 00:16:04,830 --> 00:16:06,640 等我先喝完咖啡 I'm just going to finish my coffee ok? 152 00:16:07,470 --> 00:16:08,520 好的 山姆 Ok Sam. 153 00:16:13,860 --> 00:16:16,150 搜索远程通信 Searching for long-range comms. 154 00:16:19,700 --> 00:16:22,280 搜索远程通信 Signal failure on long-range comms. 155 00:17:31,310 --> 00:17:33,940 危险 空气供应系统故障 Danger. Atmosphere compromised. 156 00:18:06,680 --> 00:18:08,140 在哪 Where am 157 00:18:08,970 --> 00:18:12,310 -我在哪 -山姆 你在医疗室 - Where am i? - Sam you're in the infirmary. 158 00:18:13,020 --> 00:18:16,140 你出事了 还记得发生了什么吗 You had an accident. Do you remember what happened? 159 00:18:21,980 --> 00:18:24,900 不 不记得 完全不记得 No I don't I don't remember a thing. 160 00:18:26,990 --> 00:18:28,660 还记得我吗 Do you remember me? 161 00:18:30,030 --> 00:18:32,330 当然记得你 柯里 Yeah of course I remember you Gerty. 162 00:18:32,740 --> 00:18:34,710 很好 那就好了 That's good. That is very good. 163 00:18:35,120 --> 00:18:37,210 你能醒了真好 It's nice to see you awake again. 164 00:18:37,620 --> 00:18:39,420 你还得继续在医疗室里呆几天 I'd like to keep you under observation 165 00:18:39,420 --> 00:18:41,290 再观察一阵 Here in the infirmary for a few days 166 00:18:41,500 --> 00:18:43,380 做些测试 And run some tests. 167 00:18:45,340 --> 00:18:46,930 我昏迷多久了 How long have I been out? 168 00:18:47,430 --> 00:18:50,260 没多久 山姆 继续睡吧 Not long Sam. Go back to sleep. 169 00:18:50,470 --> 00:18:52,970 -行 兄弟 -你还太虚弱 - Ok pal. - You're still very tired. 170 00:18:53,680 --> 00:18:55,060 以后再聊 We can talk later. 171 00:19:34,140 --> 00:19:35,180 有人吗 Hello? 172 00:19:59,710 --> 00:20:01,670 新山姆正在被激活 The new sam is in reworking order. 173 00:20:01,790 --> 00:20:04,800 不过这里只剩两台开采车了 But we only have two working harvesters now. 174 00:20:05,000 --> 00:20:06,780 好呀 太好了 Yeah well what a surprise! 175 00:20:07,840 --> 00:20:10,760 柯里 我们必须想办法提高产量了 Gerty we're going to have to find a way to ramp up production. 176 00:20:11,260 --> 00:20:12,220 我知道 I know. 177 00:20:12,430 --> 00:20:14,890 太扯了吧 你他妈怎么搞的 一天内 This is incredible! But how do you manage to destroy 178 00:20:14,930 --> 00:20:18,680 报废了一辆漫步车一台开采车和一个员工 A fucking rover a harvester and an employee all on the same day? 179 00:20:18,890 --> 00:20:21,690 你知道的 这是非常事件 These were extraordinary circumstances as you know. 180 00:20:22,020 --> 00:20:24,110 柯里 3号开采车情况如何 Gerty what is the status on harvester 3? 181 00:20:24,610 --> 00:20:26,070 修理进行的怎么样 How do the repairs look on 182 00:20:26,690 --> 00:20:28,990 -山姆 你下床了 -对 - Sam you're out of bed. - Yeah. 183 00:20:30,450 --> 00:20:33,160 我想伸展一下腿脚 那是谁 I wanted to stretch my legs a bit. Who was that? 184 00:20:36,490 --> 00:20:38,790 月球站这里有些问题 We've been having some problems with the lunar-sat 185 00:20:39,000 --> 00:20:41,000 实时通话系统好像坏了 And our live feed seems to be down. 186 00:20:41,210 --> 00:20:43,710 我正在给控制中心录视频 I was recording a video-message for central 187 00:20:43,920 --> 00:20:46,090 让他们快派人来维修 Updating them on your progress. 188 00:20:46,500 --> 00:20:48,170 山姆 你得上床休息 Sam you need to stay in bed. 189 00:20:48,380 --> 00:20:51,010 你还不适合下床行走 You're not ready to walk around yet. 190 00:20:54,550 --> 00:20:56,720 能帮我把墨镜拿来吗 这里太亮了 Can you bring me my sunglasses? It's really bright in here. 191 00:20:58,520 --> 00:21:01,640 把 把我的行李都拿来吧 Give me some give me all my stuff you know? 192 00:21:02,770 --> 00:21:04,650 东西都在你房间里 山姆 Your belongings are in your quarters Sam. 193 00:21:04,980 --> 00:21:08,190 -那就拿到这边来 -好的 - Well bring them in here. - Certainly. 194 00:21:19,870 --> 00:21:21,120 好样的 山姆 Excellent Sam. 195 00:21:23,960 --> 00:21:27,170 我什么时候才能出去 柯里 What when can I get out of here Gerty? 196 00:21:27,500 --> 00:21:30,420 山姆 那事故导致你大脑受损 Sam you may have suffered from brain damage in the crash. 197 00:21:30,710 --> 00:21:33,840 所以你才会有轻微的记忆和逻辑丢失 This would explain your slight memory loss and logic impairment. 198 00:21:36,970 --> 00:21:39,260 诊断有结果吗 我什么时候才能回去工作 So what's the diagnosis? When can I get back to work? 199 00:21:39,390 --> 00:21:41,890 中心已经让我减慢了收集机的进度 Central has asked me to slow down the harvesters 200 00:21:41,980 --> 00:21:45,020 好让你有时间养伤 快点恢复健康 To ensure you have time to recuperate and get your strength back. 201 00:21:45,230 --> 00:21:46,150 很好 That's terrific! 202 00:21:47,110 --> 00:21:48,230 太好了 That's fantastic! 203 00:21:48,360 --> 00:21:50,530 你明天就能回自己房间了 You can return to the sleeping quarters tomorrow. 204 00:21:50,860 --> 00:21:53,050 但还是得再歇几天 But it will still be a few more days before you 205 00:21:53,050 --> 00:21:55,320 才能恢复正常工作 Can resume anything like a normal work schedule. 206 00:21:56,780 --> 00:21:58,160 再做个测试吧 Let's try another test. 207 00:21:58,240 --> 00:21:59,410 我不想再做测试了 I don't want to try another test! 208 00:22:00,450 --> 00:22:01,910 拜托 山姆 Please Sam. 209 00:22:29,940 --> 00:22:31,110 嘿 柯里 Hey Gerty? 210 00:22:34,860 --> 00:22:35,780 注意到这个没有 Do you know about this? 211 00:22:37,450 --> 00:22:40,280 马修没有运行速度 他停了 Matthew has got no velocity readout. He is completely still. 212 00:22:40,910 --> 00:22:42,160 肯定是熄火了 He must have stalled. 213 00:22:42,240 --> 00:22:43,580 明显是熄火了 Well he has obviously stalled. 214 00:22:43,620 --> 00:22:44,870 你不觉得应该通知中心吗 Don't you think we should tell central? 215 00:22:45,580 --> 00:22:47,170 把门打开 我出去修一下 Unlock the doors and I'll go fix it. 216 00:22:48,420 --> 00:22:49,670 我会传达你的信息 I will pass on your message. 217 00:23:30,830 --> 00:23:33,630 从地球通过木星传来的信息已收到 Message received from earth via Jupiter link. 218 00:23:33,670 --> 00:23:35,470 山姆 感谢你的提议 Sam we appreciate the offer 219 00:23:35,470 --> 00:23:37,090 但你还是安心养身体吧 But you concentrate on feeling better. 220 00:23:37,840 --> 00:23:40,220 对 我们不想让你做不必要的冒险 Yeah we don't want you to take any unnecessary risks. 221 00:23:40,840 --> 00:23:42,930 -你对我们很重要 -你原地待命 - You are too important to us. - You stay put. 222 00:23:43,760 --> 00:23:44,720 这是命令 That is an order. 223 00:23:45,020 --> 00:23:46,810 这是命令 山姆 公司的命令 It's an order Sam from lunar. 224 00:23:46,890 --> 00:23:48,850 我们会派救援船去维修 And what we're going to do is send a rescue unit 225 00:23:48,890 --> 00:23:51,810 熄火的开采车 然后送回到基地 To tend to the stalled harvester and get the base back on its feet. 226 00:23:52,310 --> 00:23:55,150 -妈的 -抱歉 山姆 - Fuck is with ? What the fuck? - I'm sorry Sam. 227 00:23:55,360 --> 00:23:56,440 -怎么了 -山姆 - What? - Sam 228 00:23:56,490 --> 00:23:59,320 上面下达了死命令不让你出去 I'm under strict orders not to let you outside. 229 00:24:00,990 --> 00:24:03,760 别拿我像小孩一样对待 I don't appreciate that being treated like a child. 230 00:24:03,760 --> 00:24:04,830 我不喜欢 I don't appreciate it. 231 00:24:43,200 --> 00:24:44,240 柯里 Gerty! 232 00:24:49,870 --> 00:24:50,910 柯里 Gerty! 233 00:24:51,670 --> 00:24:52,710 柯里 过来 Gerty come here! 234 00:24:53,540 --> 00:24:56,130 -出什么事了 -不知道 或许是陨石 - What happened? - I do not know maybe a meteorite 235 00:24:56,750 --> 00:24:58,420 山姆 这里没有陨石 There have been no meteorites Sam. 236 00:24:58,840 --> 00:25:00,420 可能是小型陨石 我不知道 Micrometeorites maybe. I do not know. 237 00:25:00,630 --> 00:25:02,930 不管是什么 外层都可能受损 Either way there might be damage to the exterior shell. 238 00:25:03,140 --> 00:25:05,720 最好是 最好你能让我出去看看 I think you better you better let me go outside and take a look. 239 00:25:05,850 --> 00:25:08,020 外层没有受损 There is no damage to the exterior shell. 240 00:25:08,220 --> 00:25:10,230 不是我不相信你 柯里 Well it's not that I don't believe you Gerty 241 00:25:10,310 --> 00:25:13,350 可是这裂缝会让氧气漏光 But you know this thing is springing leaks like an acme firehose. 242 00:25:13,650 --> 00:25:15,860 你得让我出去把它修好 柯里 You need to let me go outside and fix this problem Gerty. 243 00:25:16,270 --> 00:25:18,030 我不能让你出去 山姆 I can't let you go outside Sam. 244 00:25:18,440 --> 00:25:21,280 柯里 我不出去就没法修复裂缝 Gerty if you don't let me go outside we can't fix this leak. 245 00:25:21,360 --> 00:25:23,410 他们不允许我让你出去 I'm not permitted to let you go outside. 246 00:25:23,450 --> 00:25:26,370 就让 天知地知你知我知 老兄 Just let We'll keep it between you and me ok pal? 247 00:25:27,330 --> 00:25:29,490 这个裂缝在漏气 让我出去吧 This thing is leaking gas. Let's go! Come on 248 00:25:30,330 --> 00:25:32,440 只准检查外层裂缝 Just to check the exterior shell. 249 00:25:32,540 --> 00:25:34,290 -当然了 -好的 山姆 - Of course. - Ok sam. 250 00:25:34,420 --> 00:25:35,460 谢谢 Thank you. 251 00:25:49,930 --> 00:25:50,890 柯里 Gerty! 252 00:26:25,180 --> 00:26:26,840 搜索远程通信 Searching for long-range comms. 253 00:26:29,140 --> 00:26:31,010 搜索远程通信 Searching for long-range comms. 254 00:26:33,640 --> 00:26:35,600 搜索远程通信 Searching for long-range comms. 255 00:26:38,650 --> 00:26:40,940 远程通信失败 Signal failure on long-range comms. 256 00:28:41,560 --> 00:28:42,520 柯里 Gerty! 257 00:28:43,020 --> 00:28:43,860 柯里 Gerty! 258 00:28:47,110 --> 00:28:48,240 我在外面发现他的 I found him outside! 259 00:28:50,950 --> 00:28:52,200 我在外面发现他的 I found him outside! 260 00:28:54,830 --> 00:28:56,080 在一个熄火的开采车旁边 Near one of the stalled harvesters 261 00:28:56,370 --> 00:28:57,330 他是谁 Who is he? 262 00:28:57,740 --> 00:28:58,950 是谁 Who is he?! 263 00:28:59,000 --> 00:29:00,750 我们要把他送到医务室 We need to get him to the infirmary. 264 00:29:02,330 --> 00:29:04,000 你得先告诉我那是谁 Not until you tell me who that is. 265 00:29:04,630 --> 00:29:06,090 告诉我是谁 You tell me who that is! 266 00:29:06,710 --> 00:29:10,760 山姆·贝尔 我们要立即送他去医务室 Sam Bell. We need to get him to the infirmary immediately. 267 00:29:23,810 --> 00:29:24,860 你好 山姆 Hello Sam. 268 00:29:24,940 --> 00:29:25,900 感觉怎么样 How are you feeling? 269 00:29:33,280 --> 00:29:34,450 我在哪 Where am I? 270 00:29:34,870 --> 00:29:35,910 医务室 The infirmary. 271 00:29:36,120 --> 00:29:38,490 你在一部开采车旁发生事故 You had an accident out by one of the harvesters. 272 00:29:38,700 --> 00:29:39,750 你还记得吗 Do you remember? 273 00:29:39,870 --> 00:29:43,290 不 我很渴 No I'm thirsty. 274 00:29:44,880 --> 00:29:46,210 我会给你拿水 I could get you some water. 275 00:29:52,880 --> 00:29:54,890 我在那看到一个人 柯里 I saw someone out there Gerty. 276 00:29:59,770 --> 00:30:01,430 那边有个人 I saw someone out there. 277 00:30:03,020 --> 00:30:05,590 山姆 在撞击中你有轻微脑震荡 Sam you suffered a slight concussion in the crash 278 00:30:05,590 --> 00:30:06,860 受了一些小伤 And have incurred minor injuries. 279 00:30:07,610 --> 00:30:09,690 但总体来说 并无大碍 But all in all the prognosis is good. 280 00:30:12,820 --> 00:30:14,070 很高兴再见到你 I'm happy to see you again. 281 00:30:37,930 --> 00:30:39,180 柯里 Gerty? 282 00:30:39,600 --> 00:30:40,970 怎么了 山姆 Yes Sam? 283 00:30:43,980 --> 00:30:46,400 房间里还有别人吗 Is there someone in the room with us? 284 00:30:50,570 --> 00:30:52,110 山姆 睡觉吧 Sam get some sleep. 285 00:30:53,990 --> 00:30:55,240 你很累了 You're very tired. 286 00:31:19,550 --> 00:31:21,100 今天跟汤普森谈过了 Spoke to Thompson today. 287 00:31:22,060 --> 00:31:25,060 他们在欧洲 承诺了一切 They are in Europe they promising the world. 288 00:31:32,270 --> 00:31:33,820 我觉得这么做很对 I think it was the right thing. 289 00:31:36,240 --> 00:31:40,280 但是 时间太久了 But it's just such a long time. 290 00:31:44,160 --> 00:31:46,250 我想有 有些事 I suppose there there are things 291 00:31:47,790 --> 00:31:51,130 会发生的 You know that needed to happen. 292 00:31:53,210 --> 00:31:55,630 我需要点时间来想想 I need time to think. 293 00:32:02,100 --> 00:32:03,350 听好 Listen umm 294 00:32:04,180 --> 00:32:05,430 山姆 Sam 295 00:32:07,520 --> 00:32:09,480 注意安全 我 Be safe and I'll 296 00:32:10,020 --> 00:32:11,150 我以后再联系你 I'll talk to you soon. 297 00:32:12,110 --> 00:32:13,230 再见 Goodbye. 298 00:32:43,680 --> 00:32:44,640 柯里 Gerty? 299 00:32:45,970 --> 00:32:48,390 柯里 究竟发生了什么 Gerty what the what the hell's going on? 300 00:32:50,140 --> 00:32:52,230 那人是谁 娱乐室里那家伙是谁 Who is the guy? Who is the guy in the rec room? 301 00:32:52,650 --> 00:32:54,520 他是哪来的 怎么会和我很像 Where did he come from? Why does he look like me? 302 00:32:55,360 --> 00:32:56,730 山姆 你下床了 Sam you're out out of bed. 303 00:32:57,570 --> 00:32:59,650 对 柯里 我下床了 那是谁 Yeah Gerty I'm out of bed. Who is the guy? 304 00:33:00,070 --> 00:33:01,320 娱乐室里的人是谁 Who is the guy in the rec room? 305 00:33:02,160 --> 00:33:04,530 -山姆·贝尔 -得了得了 - Sam Bell. - Come on come on come on! 306 00:33:05,990 --> 00:33:07,370 你是山姆·贝尔 You are Sam Bell. 307 00:33:10,160 --> 00:33:11,420 山姆 怎么了 Sam what is it? 308 00:33:12,250 --> 00:33:13,830 说出来会好一点 It might help to talk about it. 309 00:33:14,960 --> 00:33:16,420 我不明白发生了什么 I don't understand what is happening 310 00:33:17,670 --> 00:33:19,970 我要失去理智了 I think I'm starting to lose my mind. 311 00:33:20,010 --> 00:33:21,340 我们可以做些测试 We can run some tests. 312 00:33:22,050 --> 00:33:24,260 我没让山姆跟公司联系 I haven't let Sam contact lunar. 313 00:33:24,890 --> 00:33:27,430 他们不知道你在事故中生还 They do not know that you were recovered alive from the accident. 314 00:33:27,430 --> 00:33:28,980 “生还” 什么意思 "Recovered alive"? What do you mean? 315 00:33:28,980 --> 00:33:30,730 为什么不向总部汇报 Why did not you report it to central? 316 00:33:30,730 --> 00:33:31,640 你在说什么 What are you talking about? 317 00:33:31,980 --> 00:33:33,520 我在这保证你的安全 山姆 I'm here to keep you safe Sam. 318 00:33:34,770 --> 00:33:36,150 你饿不饿 Are you hungry? 319 00:34:13,350 --> 00:34:15,780 两周 两周 两周 Two weeks two weeks two weeks. 320 00:34:18,970 --> 00:34:22,970 两周 两周 两周 Two weeks two weeks two weeks. 321 00:34:47,970 --> 00:34:51,100 -我在找拖鞋 -我正在用 我在用 - I'm just getting my slippers - I'm using them I'm using them. 322 00:34:53,180 --> 00:34:54,350 这是我的 These are mine. 323 00:35:05,490 --> 00:35:07,360 柯里说你是山姆·贝尔 Gerty says you're Sam Bell. 324 00:35:09,450 --> 00:35:10,620 我也是山姆·贝尔 I'm Sam Bell too! 325 00:35:12,080 --> 00:35:14,370 -什么 -事关我们两个 - What? - Well we've got that going for us. 326 00:35:16,750 --> 00:35:18,000 为什么 Why ? 327 00:35:23,960 --> 00:35:25,300 你在这多长时间了 How long have you been 328 00:35:26,050 --> 00:35:27,300 什么 What? 329 00:35:27,720 --> 00:35:28,840 你在这多久了 How long have you been here? 330 00:35:29,800 --> 00:35:30,720 大约一周 About a week. 331 00:35:32,510 --> 00:35:34,180 -那你过的怎么样 -什么 - So how are you doing? - What? 332 00:35:34,390 --> 00:35:35,850 你过的怎么样 How are you doing? 333 00:35:38,020 --> 00:35:39,600 “我过的怎么样” "How am I doing?" 334 00:35:42,820 --> 00:35:43,980 你觉得我过的怎么样 How do you think I'm doing? 335 00:35:54,200 --> 00:35:57,540 他们封锁了所有出口 那谁来照看开采车 They locked all the exits. Who's looking after the harvesters? 336 00:36:00,750 --> 00:36:02,340 开采车挺好的 Harvesters are fine. 337 00:36:02,840 --> 00:36:06,800 奇怪的是我怎么在跟个有病的克隆人讲话 It's the fact that I'm here talking to a clone that's slightly troubling. 338 00:36:08,880 --> 00:36:09,930 我不是克隆人 I'm not a clone. 339 00:36:11,390 --> 00:36:12,970 我不是克隆人 I'm not a clone! 340 00:36:19,230 --> 00:36:22,440 -你才是克隆人 -好吧 山姆 - You're the clone. - Okay sam. 341 00:36:23,400 --> 00:36:24,860 你不是克隆人 You're not a clone. 342 00:36:32,660 --> 00:36:36,330 嘿 你们看上去不太好 Hey hey you're not looking too good. 343 00:36:37,790 --> 00:36:42,170 别多嘴 我没跟你说话 伙计 Sh! Butt out of this! I'm not even talking to you pal. 344 00:36:43,000 --> 00:36:46,760 我觉得凯瑟琳喜欢你 她有点喜欢你 I think that Katherine likes you. I think she likes you a bit. 345 00:36:47,380 --> 00:36:49,130 朋友 你看起来不太好 You're not looking too good my friend. 346 00:36:49,170 --> 00:36:50,930 但愿你不要太难受 I hope you're not feeling too bad. 347 00:36:50,930 --> 00:36:52,340 你在自言自语吗 Are you talking to yourself? 348 00:36:52,390 --> 00:36:54,550 -你们会好起来的 -你来这多久了 - Let's just get you fixed up - How long have you been here? 349 00:36:56,640 --> 00:36:59,350 大概三年 Well it's about three years. 350 00:36:59,890 --> 00:37:01,020 将近三年了 For almost three years. 351 00:37:03,230 --> 00:37:04,150 听着 我 Listen I 352 00:37:05,730 --> 00:37:06,860 我想谢谢 I wanted to thank you 353 00:37:08,860 --> 00:37:10,530 我想谢谢你 I wanted to thank you for um 354 00:37:12,200 --> 00:37:14,280 若不是你 我就 If it wasn't for you I'd 355 00:37:15,330 --> 00:37:17,450 可能我还在那个报废的漫步车上 I guess I'd still be in that crashed rover. 356 00:37:17,450 --> 00:37:18,250 你救了我的命 You saved my life. 357 00:37:22,830 --> 00:37:24,290 我知道这会有点怪 Hey I know this is weird you know ? 358 00:37:27,210 --> 00:37:28,880 我很孤独 我 I'm real lonely you know I 359 00:37:29,720 --> 00:37:32,300 我只想跟你握握手 能跟我握手吗 I just wanted to shake your hand. Will you shake my hand? 360 00:37:40,230 --> 00:37:41,270 以后再说吧 Maybe later. 361 00:37:48,360 --> 00:37:49,520 你在看什么 What are you looking at? 362 00:37:49,520 --> 00:37:51,700 你长的跟我一样 真不可思议 You look just like me; it's incredible. 363 00:37:52,860 --> 00:37:55,160 为什么是我像你 而不是你像我 Why do I look like you? Why don't you look like me? 364 00:37:56,410 --> 00:37:58,290 我们彼此相像 或许 我不知道 We look like each other I guess. I don't know. 365 00:37:58,700 --> 00:38:00,250 嘿 要知道 Hey you know 366 00:38:03,710 --> 00:38:05,250 对我来说也很怪异 It's weird for me too you know? 367 00:38:12,550 --> 00:38:13,510 喂 Hey? 368 00:38:15,890 --> 00:38:17,550 想打会乒乓球吗 Hey you want to play some ping-pong? 369 00:38:20,470 --> 00:38:21,640 不想 No. 370 00:38:21,930 --> 00:38:24,020 打吧 我教你 放松一下 Come on I'll teach you. It'll help you relax. 371 00:38:28,820 --> 00:38:30,820 -比分是多少 -2比18 - What's the score? - 2-18. 372 00:38:31,320 --> 00:38:32,550 好 Ok 373 00:38:33,450 --> 00:38:36,240 -我来教你怎么握拍吧 -不 我 - Do you want me to show you how to hold that? - No no I 374 00:38:37,370 --> 00:38:39,370 我不需要你教我怎么握拍 I don't need you to show me how to hold it! 375 00:38:41,870 --> 00:38:45,000 -好吧 好 -对 “好” - Ok ok - Yeah "ok" 376 00:38:46,540 --> 00:38:48,630 -我们 开始打吗 -好 - Should we play? - Yeah! 377 00:38:54,800 --> 00:38:56,050 妈的 Fuck! God! 378 00:38:56,340 --> 00:38:57,300 倒霉 Shit! 379 00:38:57,800 --> 00:38:58,760 19比2 19-2. 380 00:38:59,680 --> 00:39:00,850 对 Yeah 381 00:39:03,140 --> 00:39:04,810 你要 你要来片口香糖吗 You want a you want a stick of gum? 382 00:39:08,150 --> 00:39:09,270 要知道 You know 383 00:39:09,820 --> 00:39:11,150 你要从不用的方向打 You should approach this in a different way. 384 00:39:12,940 --> 00:39:14,730 记得去飞行学校的时候吗 Remember when you went to flight school? 385 00:39:14,740 --> 00:39:15,450 你在干什么 What are you doing? 386 00:39:16,070 --> 00:39:16,910 我在修网 I'm fixing the net. 387 00:39:17,820 --> 00:39:20,120 乒乓之中有禅宗 你只要放松 It is very zen with ping-pong you have to just to relax. 388 00:39:32,210 --> 00:39:33,590 你做那个花多长时间了 How long did it take you took to do that? 389 00:39:35,760 --> 00:39:37,550 我不记得我做了所有这些 Oh I don't remember doing all of it. 390 00:39:37,630 --> 00:39:42,010 我只记得我做了教堂 救世军 I remember doing the church And the salvation army. 391 00:39:43,270 --> 00:39:44,640 还做了些小人儿 And doing the people. 392 00:39:44,930 --> 00:39:46,810 我最近的想法很奇怪 My mind has been acting kind of weird lately. 393 00:39:50,770 --> 00:39:53,480 这是费尔菲尔德市 对吗 That's Fairfield right? 394 00:39:54,230 --> 00:39:55,360 那边是市政厅 There's the town hall. 395 00:39:57,360 --> 00:39:58,490 费尔菲尔德 没错 Fairfield that's right 396 00:40:04,120 --> 00:40:06,540 对 那是苔丝 还有伊芙 Yeah that's Tess and Eve 397 00:40:09,670 --> 00:40:11,130 你 You 398 00:40:11,340 --> 00:40:12,790 你认识苔丝吗 You know Tess? 399 00:40:20,720 --> 00:40:22,260 对 我认识苔丝 Yeah I know Tess. 400 00:40:24,140 --> 00:40:26,350 -你也知道伊芙 对吗 -什么 - You know about Eve right? - What? 401 00:40:27,270 --> 00:40:28,940 我有 我们有个女儿 I had a we had a girl 402 00:40:31,980 --> 00:40:32,900 伊芙 Eve. 403 00:40:36,780 --> 00:40:37,820 漂不漂亮 Ain't she beautiful? 404 00:40:38,530 --> 00:40:39,910 她是我的小猴子 She's my little monkey. 405 00:40:40,740 --> 00:40:41,870 是我们的小猴子 She's our little monkey. 406 00:40:44,080 --> 00:40:45,200 击下掌吧 High five! 407 00:40:50,960 --> 00:40:53,880 可能是送奶工的种 但她很漂亮 She might be the milkman's but she's beautiful. 408 00:40:56,380 --> 00:40:59,300 山姆 地球发来了新消息 Sam a new message has arrived from earth. 409 00:41:00,340 --> 00:41:01,180 老天 Oh shit! 410 00:41:07,930 --> 00:41:09,520 早啊 山姆 感觉怎么样了 Greetings Sam. How's our man? 411 00:41:09,600 --> 00:41:10,560 好点没 You feeling better? 412 00:41:10,850 --> 00:41:12,730 你休息够了吗 好好休息了吗 山姆 Have you had enough rest? You resting up Sam? 413 00:41:13,060 --> 00:41:14,520 最好是这样 你这混蛋 You better be you bastard. 414 00:41:14,940 --> 00:41:17,110 趁现在好好享受吧 我们有好消息 Well enjoy it while it lasts. We've got some good news. 415 00:41:18,070 --> 00:41:19,650 木星计划不得不搁置了 The Jupiter program had to be put on hiatus 416 00:41:19,650 --> 00:41:21,280 所以多出来些人能去帮帮你 So we've got a few pairs of hands for you. 417 00:41:22,030 --> 00:41:25,660 我们要比计划提前给你送去救援船 So what we've manage to do is cue you a rescue unit ahead of schedule. 418 00:41:25,780 --> 00:41:27,120 救援船伊莉莎号 Rescue unit Eliza. 419 00:41:27,450 --> 00:41:30,660 伊莉莎已经在歌利亚-19站点待命两个月了 Eliza has been stationed on Goliath-19 for the last 2 months. 420 00:41:30,790 --> 00:41:33,580 预计他们会在14小时内到达 We expect them to reach you in approximately 14 hours. 421 00:41:33,790 --> 00:41:35,380 跳起来欢呼吧 So commence to jump for joy! 422 00:41:35,460 --> 00:41:36,710 你快要回来工作了 You're about to be back at work. 423 00:41:37,250 --> 00:41:39,420 现在 待在那 In the meantime hang in there. 424 00:41:39,970 --> 00:41:40,880 好好休息 Rest up. 425 00:41:41,090 --> 00:41:42,880 原地待命 山姆 完毕 You hang in there Sam. Over and out! 426 00:41:43,930 --> 00:41:45,510 他们要派救援船 为什么 They're sending a rescue unit? Why? 427 00:41:45,510 --> 00:41:46,720 他们为什么要派救援船 Why are they sending a rescue unit? 428 00:41:47,680 --> 00:41:49,210 去修理熄火的开采车 To fix the stalled harvester. 429 00:41:49,220 --> 00:41:50,480 他们觉得我一个人修不了 They didn't think I was up to it. 430 00:41:50,890 --> 00:41:52,060 我就要回去了 Well then I'm going back. 431 00:41:52,690 --> 00:41:53,730 对我来说是这样 That's it for me. 432 00:41:55,270 --> 00:41:57,360 -怎么了 -你真是这么想的吗 - What? - Is that what you really think? 433 00:41:57,980 --> 00:42:00,070 对 我有合约的 Yeah. I've got a contract! 434 00:42:00,820 --> 00:42:01,740 我要回家 I'm going home. 435 00:42:02,570 --> 00:42:05,620 -你是个克隆人 一无所有 -我要回家了 - You're a fucking clone. You don't have shit. - Hey I'm going home! 436 00:42:06,240 --> 00:42:07,580 -回家 -你哪也去不了 - Home! - You're not going anywhere. 437 00:42:07,700 --> 00:42:10,410 你在这待的太久了 神经错乱了 You know you've been up here too long man. You have lost your marbles. 438 00:42:10,500 --> 00:42:13,960 你以为苔丝会穿好内衣在沙发上等你吗 What do you think Tess is back home waiting on the sofa in Lingerie? 439 00:42:13,960 --> 00:42:15,290 那最初的那个山姆怎么办 What about the original Sam? huh? 440 00:42:17,170 --> 00:42:18,550 我就是最初的山姆 I am the original Sam! 441 00:42:19,460 --> 00:42:21,130 我就是他妈的山姆·贝尔 I am Sam-fucking-Bell. 442 00:42:21,260 --> 00:42:22,170 我就是 Me! 443 00:42:23,220 --> 00:42:24,180 我就是 Me! 444 00:42:25,640 --> 00:42:27,930 柯里 我是克隆人吗 Gerty am I a clone? 445 00:42:30,850 --> 00:42:31,890 你饿吗 Are you hungry? 446 00:42:40,650 --> 00:42:44,910 别再拧着穿短裤 咱俩处境一样啊 蠢货 Don't get your fucking panties in a twist. I'm in the same boat asshole. 447 00:42:50,540 --> 00:42:51,580 听着 Listen 448 00:42:51,700 --> 00:42:53,370 -其他克隆人怎么样了 -什么 - What about the other clones? - What? 449 00:42:53,580 --> 00:42:55,540 我们不可能是第一个醒来的 We might not be the first two to have been woken up. 450 00:42:55,670 --> 00:42:58,460 你说过当你来的时候 那个模型就已经有了 You said that that model had already been started when you got here. 451 00:42:58,590 --> 00:42:59,500 是谁最早开始做这个的 Well who started it? 452 00:43:00,130 --> 00:43:01,920 肯定会有其他克隆人在这 There might be others up here right now. 453 00:43:03,260 --> 00:43:06,930 想想吧 你撞车后 我为什么这么快就来了 Think about it. How did I get up here so quickly after your crash? 454 00:43:07,340 --> 00:43:09,930 -我不知道 -我不可能是从地球来的 - I don't know - They didn't ship me in from central. 455 00:43:10,350 --> 00:43:12,430 时间不够 我肯定是早就在这基地里了 There wasn't time. I must have come from the base. 456 00:43:15,060 --> 00:43:16,140 我不知道你在胡说些什么 I don't know what you're smoking. 457 00:43:16,140 --> 00:43:17,650 他们为什么要那么做 那太荒唐了 Why would they do that? That's ridiculous. 458 00:43:18,480 --> 00:43:19,650 不可能 Impossible. 459 00:43:20,360 --> 00:43:21,940 我打赌这里一定有密室 I bet there's some kind of secret room. 460 00:43:21,940 --> 00:43:22,980 密室 "Secret room"? 461 00:43:24,110 --> 00:43:25,700 是啊 密室 为什么不能有 Yeah a secret room. why not? 462 00:43:25,780 --> 00:43:27,860 你才神经错乱呢 You know you are the one that has lost your marbles. 463 00:43:28,280 --> 00:43:30,490 我都在这待了三年了 伙计 I've been here three years man. 464 00:43:30,580 --> 00:43:32,040 我对这个基地了如指掌 I know every inch of this base. 465 00:43:32,160 --> 00:43:35,160 那墙板后面有多少土我都知道 And I know how many dirt is between those wall panels over there. 466 00:43:35,370 --> 00:43:37,250 他们为什么要那么做 目的是什么 Why would they do that? What's the motive? 467 00:43:37,460 --> 00:43:39,250 听着 那是家公司 对吧 Look it's a company right? 468 00:43:40,290 --> 00:43:43,210 他们有投资商 有股东之类的 They have investors they have shareholders. Shit like that. 469 00:43:43,510 --> 00:43:46,220 花时间和金钱来训练一个新人 What's cheaper? Spending time and money training new personnel 470 00:43:46,340 --> 00:43:48,930 和弄些克隆人来工作 你觉得那个便宜 Or you just have a couple of spares here to do the job? 471 00:43:49,260 --> 00:43:50,930 这可是在月球上 It's the far side of the moon! 472 00:43:51,350 --> 00:43:54,680 而且那些杂种还没有修通讯卫星 Those cheap fucks haven't even fixed the communication satellite yet! 473 00:43:57,060 --> 00:43:59,900 -苔丝知道的话会告诉我的 -醒醒吧伙计 - Tess would know she would have told me - Hey gepetto wake up! 474 00:44:00,810 --> 00:44:02,610 你真以为他们会关心我们 You really think they give a shit about us? 475 00:44:02,900 --> 00:44:04,570 他们只是笑着去银行 They're laughing all the way to the bank! 476 00:44:04,780 --> 00:44:06,450 苔丝知道的话 她肯定会告诉我的 Tess would know she would have told me 477 00:44:06,490 --> 00:44:07,400 做点儿什么 Where do you get off?! 478 00:44:07,820 --> 00:44:10,410 别总像个小孩一样坐那闷闷不乐 Fucking sitting there sulking like a little fucking boy! 479 00:44:10,820 --> 00:44:12,620 -上帝啊 -醒醒吧 - Jesus Christ - Wake up! 480 00:44:16,370 --> 00:44:18,460 这里肯定有个我们不知道的地方 There's some area that we don't know about. 481 00:44:19,170 --> 00:44:20,330 我要找出来 And I'm going to find it. 482 00:44:21,790 --> 00:44:24,380 去吧 说不定你还能找到宝藏 Yeah maybe you'll find some buried treasure too. 483 00:44:59,120 --> 00:45:00,170 该死 Fuck! 484 00:45:01,080 --> 00:45:03,920 伊莉莎将在13小时后到达 Eliza arrival estimated in 13 hours. 485 00:45:05,250 --> 00:45:07,050 你找到所谓的密室了吗 You find your secret room? 486 00:45:09,130 --> 00:45:10,380 你可以随便找 Just put that anywhere. 487 00:45:12,260 --> 00:45:14,430 是啊 那真是可好主意 Yes that's a good idea 488 00:45:14,640 --> 00:45:16,640 -那是我藏我小精灵的地方 -让开下 - That's where I keep my leprechauns. - Get out of the way. 489 00:45:17,470 --> 00:45:20,480 -什么 为什么 -我想找找模型下面 - What? Why? - I want to look underneath that model. 490 00:45:21,520 --> 00:45:23,110 你不能碰这个模型 You're not touching this model. 491 00:45:24,230 --> 00:45:25,480 赶紧给我让开 Get the fuck out of the way! 492 00:45:26,020 --> 00:45:27,900 听着 你为什么不放松点 Listen why don't you just relax right? 493 00:45:28,190 --> 00:45:30,200 你为什么不吃点药 或者烤个蛋糕 Why don't you take a pill? Bake a cake? 494 00:45:30,400 --> 00:45:32,570 -去读会百科全书什么的 -你现在来劲了是吧 - Go read the encyclopedia or something? - Oh you're a tough guy now? 495 00:45:32,780 --> 00:45:33,820 怎么 你想扎我 What are you going to stab me? 496 00:45:34,370 --> 00:45:37,790 不 我是个和平卫士 我是个仁者 不是暴徒 No I'm a peaceful warrior. I'm a lover not a fighter. 497 00:45:38,540 --> 00:45:40,870 把刀放下 我只是想看看下面 Put the knife down. I want to look underneath there. 498 00:45:40,910 --> 00:45:42,710 -把刀放下 -不 我不会把刀给你的 - Put the knife down. - No I'm not going to give you the knife. 499 00:45:42,710 --> 00:45:44,130 -什么 -给我让开 - What? - Just get out of the way. 500 00:45:44,170 --> 00:45:45,500 -别紧张 -把刀放下 - Take it easy. - Let go of the knife. 501 00:45:45,630 --> 00:45:47,300 不用你教我该干什么 Don't ever tell me what to do. 502 00:45:48,550 --> 00:45:50,920 -放手 -把刀放下 - Let go. - You let go of the knife. 503 00:45:51,470 --> 00:45:53,220 -别犯蠢了 -别推我 - Don't be an asshole. - Don't push me. 504 00:45:53,640 --> 00:45:55,850 -别推我 混蛋 -放手 - Don't push me motherfucker! - Let go. 505 00:45:56,560 --> 00:45:57,720 放手 Let go! 506 00:46:08,570 --> 00:46:10,530 我告诉过你了 把刀放下 What did I fucking tell you? "Let go of the goddamn knife." 507 00:46:18,240 --> 00:46:19,910 你这个该死的婊子 You fucking little girl man! 508 00:46:28,800 --> 00:46:31,300 该死 我告诉过你了 Damn it! what did I tell you? 509 00:46:42,770 --> 00:46:45,560 听话了吗 听话吗 You going to stop? You going to stop? 510 00:46:45,980 --> 00:46:47,150 好吧 Ok! 511 00:46:47,560 --> 00:46:49,650 好吧 Ok! 512 00:46:50,280 --> 00:46:51,610 上帝啊 该死的 Jesus fuck! 513 00:46:53,490 --> 00:46:55,780 该死 你这是 Fuck me! what the fuck? 514 00:46:56,200 --> 00:46:58,490 我都 我都没怎么碰你 I hardly i hardly touched you. 515 00:46:59,030 --> 00:47:00,120 让我看看 Let me see. 516 00:47:00,160 --> 00:47:02,160 -好多血 -别碰我 - That's a lot of blood. - Get off of me! 517 00:47:58,550 --> 00:47:59,800 喂 山姆 Hello Sam. 518 00:48:02,220 --> 00:48:03,350 山姆 你还好吧 Sam is everything ok? 519 00:48:03,970 --> 00:48:04,810 是的 Yeah! 520 00:48:06,690 --> 00:48:10,860 还好 我们打了一架 我和那个家伙 Yeah We had a fight. Me and the other guy the other 521 00:48:12,940 --> 00:48:15,780 他很生气 你知道吗 He's very angry you know? 522 00:48:16,400 --> 00:48:17,860 你知道他干了什么吗 You know what he did? 523 00:48:18,360 --> 00:48:20,240 他把我的模型给掀翻了 He flipped my entire model over! 524 00:48:20,780 --> 00:48:22,240 你知道我为那东西花了多少心思 You know how much work I put into that thing? 525 00:48:22,530 --> 00:48:24,120 938小时 938 hours. 526 00:48:24,330 --> 00:48:26,710 938小时 是啊 938 hours. Yeah exactly. 527 00:48:28,290 --> 00:48:30,290 938小时 真的吗 938 hours really? 528 00:48:30,330 --> 00:48:32,340 差不多吧 Approximately. 529 00:48:33,590 --> 00:48:34,760 他有问题 He's got a problem. 530 00:48:37,130 --> 00:48:38,510 他吓到我了 柯里 He scares me Gerty. 531 00:48:38,930 --> 00:48:40,890 他怎么吓到你了山姆 What is it about Sam that scares you? 532 00:48:40,930 --> 00:48:42,680 那个家伙勃然大怒 The guy flies off the handle. 533 00:48:43,100 --> 00:48:45,600 我现在明白苔丝在说什么了 I see it now. I see what Tess was talking about. 534 00:48:50,270 --> 00:48:52,270 我从没告诉你柯里 但是她 I never told you this Gerty but she 535 00:48:56,530 --> 00:49:00,410 她离开我了 苔丝离开我了 She's left me. Tess left me. 536 00:49:00,700 --> 00:49:03,330 她搬到父母那已经六个月了 For 6 months. She moved back in with her parents. 537 00:49:03,530 --> 00:49:04,660 我知道 I know. 538 00:49:09,790 --> 00:49:11,540 她给了我第二次机会 She gave me a second chance. 539 00:49:12,710 --> 00:49:16,250 -我答应她要改变自己 -你已经改变了 山姆 - I promised here that I'd change. - You have changed sam. 540 00:49:17,510 --> 00:49:20,430 柯里 自从我上来之后 我给苔丝 Hey Gerty since I've been up here I've sent Tess 541 00:49:21,550 --> 00:49:23,550 我给她发了一百多个视频信息 I've sent her over a hundred video messages. 542 00:49:23,970 --> 00:49:25,510 那些信息都到哪去了 Where did those messages go? 543 00:49:26,060 --> 00:49:27,390 她看到那些信息了吗 Did they ever reach her? 544 00:49:27,810 --> 00:49:30,940 山姆 我只能对基地的事情负责 Sam I can only account for what occurs on the base. 545 00:49:34,060 --> 00:49:36,360 那她发给我的信息呢 What about the messages she sent to me? 546 00:49:37,730 --> 00:49:41,360 山姆 我只能对基地的事情负责 Sam I can only account for what occurs on the base. 547 00:49:57,750 --> 00:50:01,090 柯里 柯里 Gerty Gerty? 548 00:50:06,510 --> 00:50:08,810 我真是个克隆人吗 Am I really a clone? 549 00:50:10,680 --> 00:50:14,020 你第一次来的时候 出了点小意外 When you first arrived at sarang there was a small crash. 550 00:50:14,100 --> 00:50:15,790 你从治疗室醒来 You woke up in the infirmary. 551 00:50:15,790 --> 00:50:18,820 你的脑部轻微受损 而且丧失了部分记忆 You suffered minor brain damage and memory loss. 552 00:50:18,900 --> 00:50:21,820 我对你进行了观察和测验 I kept you under observation and ran some tests. 553 00:50:21,860 --> 00:50:23,360 我记得 我记得 I remember yea I remember that 554 00:50:23,410 --> 00:50:26,580 山姆 其实根本没有意外 你一直是清醒的 Sam There was no crash. You were being awakened. 555 00:50:26,620 --> 00:50:29,750 给新的克隆人做测验是标准程序 It is standard procedure for all new clones to be given tests 556 00:50:29,870 --> 00:50:32,370 为的是确定其心理稳定性 To establish mental stability.. 557 00:50:32,460 --> 00:50:34,120 以及身体健康 And general physical health. 558 00:50:34,250 --> 00:50:38,090 基因异常和DNA复制中微小的错误 Genetic abnormalities and minor duplication errors in the dna 559 00:50:38,210 --> 00:50:39,880 都会造成相当大的影响 Can have considerable impact on 560 00:50:39,960 --> 00:50:42,170 那苔丝呢 那伊芙呢 What about Tess? what about Eve? 561 00:50:42,260 --> 00:50:44,470 那些只是记忆灌输 山姆 They are memory implants Sam. 562 00:50:44,680 --> 00:50:49,260 上传 编辑山姆·贝尔原体的记忆 Uploaded edited memories of the original Sam Bell. 563 00:51:09,080 --> 00:51:11,040 我很抱歉 I'm very sorry. 564 00:51:14,290 --> 00:51:17,080 山姆 你已经很久没吃东西 Sam it's been several hours since your last meal. 565 00:51:17,210 --> 00:51:19,090 需要我为你准备点什么吗 Can I prepare you something? 566 00:52:03,300 --> 00:52:06,300 救援小组预定将于11小时后到达 Rescue arrival estimated in 11 hours. 567 00:52:09,970 --> 00:52:14,770 -你没事吧 宝贝 -没事 我在凝望太空 - You ok sweetheart? - Yeah I'm staring into space. 568 00:52:17,270 --> 00:52:19,350 谢谢这个 这个很棒 Hey! Thanks for this this is good. 569 00:52:19,980 --> 00:52:22,770 很舒服 你鼻子怎么样了 This is cozy. How's the nose? 570 00:52:23,730 --> 00:52:25,490 好多了 谢谢 Much better thank you. 571 00:52:27,070 --> 00:52:31,530 我之前有点失常 你知道 I went haywire before. You know i lost it. i 572 00:52:34,160 --> 00:52:36,750 -我很抱歉 -没关系 - I'm sorry about that. - It's ok. 573 00:52:36,870 --> 00:52:39,980 不 我把沙盘掀翻了 我搞坏了你的模型 No it's not ok. I fucked up fairfield. I fucked up your model. 574 00:52:39,980 --> 00:52:42,380 我不知道我是怎么了 I don't know what's wrong with me. I've got 575 00:52:42,920 --> 00:52:44,800 我有点生气 有点火大 I've got a temper I've got to do something about that. 576 00:52:44,880 --> 00:52:46,550 是啊 Yes you do. 577 00:52:48,630 --> 00:52:51,730 你能把那个关一下吗 Hey can you turn that off for a second? 578 00:52:51,730 --> 00:52:52,930 我想和你谈谈 I want to talk to you. 579 00:52:53,560 --> 00:52:55,020 你能把那个关了吗 Can you turn that off? 580 00:52:55,850 --> 00:52:57,730 听着 听着 Listen. Listen. 581 00:52:57,730 --> 00:52:59,370 我本想 I wasn't supposed to 582 00:53:02,810 --> 00:53:04,610 我有件事想告诉你 I'm trying to tell you something. 583 00:53:07,530 --> 00:53:09,400 我没有命令柯里 I never instructed Gerty to 584 00:53:11,490 --> 00:53:14,830 听我说 我本没想去找你 Listen to me. I wasn't supposed to find you 585 00:53:19,940 --> 00:53:22,330 混小子 Tough guy. 586 00:53:22,420 --> 00:53:27,130 -听我说 -你看上去就像个大棉球 - Listen to me! - You look like a radioactive tampon. 587 00:53:27,240 --> 00:53:28,690 像个感染了酵母的香蕉 Like a banana with a yeast infection. 588 00:53:31,090 --> 00:53:34,010 听我说 我本没打算去找你 Listen to me. I wasn't supposed to find you. 589 00:53:34,850 --> 00:53:36,540 你在外面的时候 Lunar instructed Gerty to lock me 590 00:53:36,540 --> 00:53:38,680 公司命令柯里把我关在基地里 Inside the base while you were out there. 591 00:53:39,020 --> 00:53:41,520 还有一件事 当我醒来的时候 And there's something else. Right around the time I was awakened 592 00:53:42,350 --> 00:53:44,240 发现柯里正在和地球通话 I walked in on Gerty talking with central. 593 00:53:44,240 --> 00:53:45,900 他们在做现场通话 He was having a live conversation. 594 00:53:46,730 --> 00:53:48,190 现场通话 "a live conversation"? 595 00:53:48,690 --> 00:53:51,950 -是的 -你怎么知道那是现场通话 - Yeah - How do you know it was a live conversation? 596 00:53:52,780 --> 00:53:55,580 因为他们在交谈 Because it was a back-and-forth exchange. 597 00:53:56,830 --> 00:53:59,620 太阳风把通讯设备毁掉了 Communications equipment was damaged. There was a solar storm. 598 00:53:59,660 --> 00:54:02,200 -真的是现场通话 真的 -那不可能 - It was live man It was live. - That's impossible. 599 00:54:02,200 --> 00:54:04,330 太阳耀斑把卫星烧毁了 There was a flare it fried the satellite. 600 00:54:04,460 --> 00:54:07,930 卫星根本没坏 他们不想我们联系地球 The satellite is fine. They don't want us to be able to contact earth. 601 00:54:07,930 --> 00:54:08,840 他们欺骗了我们 They lied to us. 602 00:54:09,460 --> 00:54:11,490 他们打从一开始就在欺骗我们 They've been lying to us since the beginning. 603 00:54:11,490 --> 00:54:13,090 他们还想一直这么骗下去 They've been lying since forever. 604 00:54:14,890 --> 00:54:15,520 如果卫星还能工作 If the satellite works 605 00:54:15,520 --> 00:54:17,060 那他们怎么能从地球上阻断信号 How are they blocking the live feed from down here? 606 00:54:17,180 --> 00:54:19,140 一切都是正常的 Everything works fine. 607 00:54:19,560 --> 00:54:23,020 也许他们是从基地内部阻断了信号 Maybe they're not blocking the signal from inside the base? 608 00:54:23,850 --> 00:54:25,190 从哪 From where then? 609 00:54:46,790 --> 00:54:49,300 搜寻远程通讯 Searching for long-range comms. 610 00:54:52,840 --> 00:54:55,970 我正通过一辆开采车后面 看样子是约翰 I'm just passing the last of the harvesters. Looks like John. 611 00:54:58,260 --> 00:55:00,640 你离基地多远了 How long until you are out of the base's range? 612 00:55:01,180 --> 00:55:02,520 一分钟路程 Um a minute. 613 00:55:03,270 --> 00:55:06,610 -90秒了 -你以前到过这么远吗 - 90 seconds tops. - Have you ever been out this far? 614 00:55:07,310 --> 00:55:10,150 没 从没有过 No never have. 615 00:55:12,740 --> 00:55:15,030 离开基地工作边界 Leaving sarang working perimeter. 616 00:55:15,990 --> 00:55:17,950 离开基地工作边界 Leaving sarang working perimeter. 617 00:55:19,120 --> 00:55:21,290 离开基地工作边界 Leaving sarang working perimeter. 618 00:55:34,130 --> 00:55:35,530 看见什么了吗 See anything? 619 00:55:35,530 --> 00:55:37,470 如果我知道自己在找什么的话可能会好点 It'd help if I knew what the hell I was looking for. 620 00:55:40,600 --> 00:55:42,470 等等 我看见个东西 Wait a second I see something. 621 00:55:43,910 --> 00:55:45,270 接近3号站 Approaching station 3. 622 00:56:28,440 --> 00:56:31,980 天啊 我想我也看见个东西 Holy shit! I think I see something too. 623 00:56:32,730 --> 00:56:34,480 接近1号站 Approaching station 1. 624 00:56:40,450 --> 00:56:43,580 你看见什么了 我看见个像天线的东西 Do you see what I see? Looks like an antenna or or 625 00:56:44,200 --> 00:56:46,290 一个塔型的东西 我觉得这是个干扰器 A pylon or something. I think it's the jammer. 626 00:56:47,960 --> 00:56:51,170 老兄 这就是我们不能做实时通话的原因 Dude! This is why we're not getting the live feed. 627 00:57:10,900 --> 00:57:14,230 -山姆 能听到我说话吗 -能 - Sam? Can you hear me? - Yeah. 628 00:57:16,320 --> 00:57:17,990 我听到了 Yeah yeah I hear you. 629 00:57:20,160 --> 00:57:21,460 听着 我感觉不是很好 Listen I'm not feeling too good. 630 00:57:21,460 --> 00:57:23,490 我要回基地了 I'm going to ahead back to the base. 631 00:57:24,030 --> 00:57:25,660 好的 我还要在外面待会 Ok I'm going to stay out here for a while. 632 00:57:25,660 --> 00:57:27,790 我要去看看是否还有更多的这玩意儿 I'm going to see if there's any more of these things. 633 00:57:53,650 --> 00:57:57,400 该死 该死 该死 Fuck fuck fuck. 634 00:59:34,040 --> 00:59:36,250 拒绝进入 Access denied. 635 00:59:41,250 --> 00:59:43,130 拒绝进入 Access denied. 636 00:59:47,510 --> 00:59:49,180 拒绝进入 Access denied. 637 01:00:13,580 --> 01:00:15,460 密码正确 Password accepted. 638 01:00:22,130 --> 01:00:24,630 进入山姆·贝尔数据库 Accessing Sam Bell database. 639 01:00:31,600 --> 01:00:33,060 我掉头发了 My hair's falling out. 640 01:00:35,140 --> 01:00:36,730 现在怎么样 How about that for a status? 641 01:00:37,140 --> 01:00:39,230 我们下次再聊 We'll do this another time. 642 01:01:01,960 --> 01:01:03,000 该死 Fuck! 643 01:01:09,260 --> 01:01:10,300 我就要见到她了 I'm going to go see her soon. 644 01:01:50,970 --> 01:01:54,100 救援小组预计9小时后到达 Rescue arrival estimated in 9 hours. 645 01:02:12,950 --> 01:02:16,490 躺下 放松 深呼吸 Lay down relax and breathe deeply. 646 01:02:16,830 --> 01:02:20,630 冷冻保护机制将使你进入深度睡眠 The cryogenic protection pod is designed to put you into a deep sleep for. 647 01:02:20,870 --> 01:02:24,630 助你完成为期三天的返回地球之旅 The duration of your three-day return journey back to earth. 648 01:02:24,750 --> 01:02:26,440 当你感到困意来袭时 As you begin to feel sleepy 649 01:02:26,440 --> 01:02:29,630 回想自己曾经出色的工作 Think about the magnificent job that you've done. 650 01:02:29,670 --> 01:02:33,180 想象你的家人将多么为你自豪 And how proud your family are of what you've accomplished. 651 01:02:33,510 --> 01:02:35,390 新月公司至今仍然保持 Lunar industries remains 652 01:02:35,390 --> 01:02:38,520 世界第一绿色能源供应商的地位 The No.1 provider of clean energy worldwide 653 01:02:38,600 --> 01:02:41,730 这归功于像你一样的员工们的辛勤工作 Due to the hard work of people like you. 654 01:02:41,850 --> 01:02:45,400 祝您旅途平安 再见 Safe trip "annyeong-hi kyeseyo" and goodbye. 655 01:03:53,170 --> 01:03:55,260 靠近二号站点 Approaching station 2. 656 01:04:36,220 --> 01:04:38,640 我又看到了三个发射器 Hey I saw 3 more of those jammers. 657 01:04:40,510 --> 01:04:43,220 我想基地周围都是 我标记了它们的位置 I think the base is surrounded with them. I printed out their coordinates. 658 01:04:44,890 --> 01:04:46,350 伙计 怎么了 Bud what's wrong with you? 659 01:04:46,850 --> 01:04:48,230 发生什么事了 What's going on? 660 01:04:49,480 --> 01:04:51,230 我找到你说的密室了 I found your secret room. 661 01:05:11,790 --> 01:05:14,800 -谁先下去? -我 - who goes first? - I go first. 662 01:06:11,230 --> 01:06:13,610 天啊 有好多 Jesus christ there's so many of them. 663 01:06:14,980 --> 01:06:16,650 怎么有这么多 Why are there so many of them? 664 01:07:01,490 --> 01:07:03,660 山姆 我可以为你做点什么吗 Sam can I help you with something? 665 01:07:04,610 --> 01:07:07,330 不用了 柯里 我没事 Not now Gerty. I'm ok. 666 01:07:10,660 --> 01:07:15,040 柯里 你为什么一直帮我呢 Gerty why did you help me before? 667 01:07:15,540 --> 01:07:17,540 为什么告诉我密码 With the password? 668 01:07:17,540 --> 01:07:19,630 这样做不会违背你的程序吗 Doesn't that go against your programming or something? 669 01:07:19,840 --> 01:07:21,590 帮助你是我的工作 Helping you is what I do. 670 01:07:33,390 --> 01:07:35,560 离开基地工作边界 Leaving sarang working perimeter. 671 01:07:37,770 --> 01:07:39,860 搜寻远程通讯 Searching for long-range comms. 672 01:07:42,360 --> 01:07:44,530 搜寻远程通讯 Searching for long-range comms. 673 01:07:50,160 --> 01:07:51,830 信号已连接 Signal established. 674 01:07:55,080 --> 01:07:56,830 信号已连接 Signal established. 675 01:08:16,440 --> 01:08:17,600 你好 Hello? 676 01:08:19,690 --> 01:08:22,820 -请问是贝尔家吗 -是的 - Is this the Bell family? - This is the Bell residence. 677 01:08:23,650 --> 01:08:25,950 你再打一次好吗 我看不到你的图像 Could you call back? There's something wrong with the picture. 678 01:08:26,240 --> 01:08:28,450 我想找苔丝·贝尔 I'm trying to reach Tess Bell. 679 01:08:29,490 --> 01:08:32,200 抱歉 她几年前去世了 I'm sorry she passed away some years ago. 680 01:08:50,550 --> 01:08:53,680 -你确定 -是的 - Are you sure? - Yeah I think so. 681 01:08:53,970 --> 01:08:56,890 我是她女儿 有什么事吗 I'm her daughter. Can I help you? 682 01:09:00,360 --> 01:09:01,690 伊芙 Eve? 683 01:09:02,230 --> 01:09:04,940 -是的 -嗨 伊芙 - Yeah. - Hi! hi eve. 684 01:09:06,070 --> 01:09:09,610 -你现在几岁了 -15岁了 - How old are you now? - I'm 15. 685 01:09:10,240 --> 01:09:12,660 -我们认识吗 -宝贝儿 - Do I know you? - Sweetheart 686 01:09:15,160 --> 01:09:17,120 妈妈是怎么死的 宝贝儿 How did mommy die sweetheart? 687 01:09:19,210 --> 01:09:21,000 妈妈是怎么死的 How did mommy die? 688 01:09:21,630 --> 01:09:24,210 -爸 -怎么了 - Dad! - Yeah. 689 01:09:24,550 --> 01:09:27,880 -有人问起妈妈的事 -谁 - There's someone asking about mom. - Who's asking about mom? 690 01:09:39,670 --> 01:09:42,170 够了 够了 That's enough. That's enough. 691 01:09:47,690 --> 01:09:49,150 我想回家 I want to go home! 692 01:09:55,410 --> 01:09:57,160 想回 Want to go 693 01:10:28,860 --> 01:10:32,320 伊莉莎预计会在7小时后到达 Eliza arrival estimated in 7 hours. 694 01:10:34,410 --> 01:10:35,660 该死 Fuck! 695 01:10:37,120 --> 01:10:39,000 -怎么了 割到自己了 -是呀 - What did you cut yourself? - Yeah. 696 01:10:41,500 --> 01:10:42,750 你笑什么 What are you laughing at? 697 01:10:43,250 --> 01:10:46,860 别那样握刀 跟要扎人似的 Well you don't hold it like you're trying to stab somebody 698 01:10:46,860 --> 01:10:47,960 你瞧瞧你 For god's sakes. 699 01:10:47,960 --> 01:10:49,010 给我 Here give me that. 700 01:10:54,640 --> 01:10:57,010 你要抓住靠近刀刃的地方 看到了吗 You've got to hold it closer to the blade you see? 701 01:10:57,010 --> 01:10:58,060 看着我怎么做 Watch what I'm doing. 702 01:10:58,060 --> 01:10:59,100 你的手怎么在抖 Why are you shaking? 703 01:11:00,060 --> 01:11:01,810 要像这样刻 Carve out like that. 704 01:11:17,870 --> 01:11:19,430 我快冻死了 It's freezing in here. 705 01:11:20,290 --> 01:11:23,290 因为你坐在冰箱下面 你怎么了 Well you're sitting under the fridge. what's going on with you? 706 01:11:23,710 --> 01:11:24,540 你还好吗 You all right? 707 01:11:26,340 --> 01:11:28,630 如果那些人来了 Yeah that crew they're sending us 708 01:11:29,670 --> 01:11:34,050 看到我们同时活着 我们就活不成了 If they find us awake at the same time they aren't going to let us live. 709 01:11:37,180 --> 01:11:38,510 你知道的 You know that right? 710 01:11:41,140 --> 01:11:43,440 你知道那个返回舱是个 You know the return vehicle is a 711 01:11:49,070 --> 01:11:50,530 你还好吗 You ok? 712 01:11:53,860 --> 01:11:57,280 你需要躺一会 吃点安眠药什么的 You should lay down for a while. Take some tranquilizers or something. 713 01:11:57,410 --> 01:12:00,200 吃安眠药 恐怕我永远不会再醒来了 "take some tranquilizers"? I'll never wake up again. 714 01:12:09,090 --> 01:12:12,010 你会没事的 一切都会好起来的 You're going to be ok. Everything's going to be ok. 715 01:12:23,270 --> 01:12:24,600 我好冷 I'm freezing. 716 01:12:47,330 --> 01:12:49,210 我真的很害怕 I'm really scared. 717 01:12:55,780 --> 01:12:57,130 你去哪里 Where are you going? 718 01:13:51,060 --> 01:13:52,400 你好 Hello? 719 01:13:54,400 --> 01:13:56,900 -请问是贝尔家吗 -是的 Is this the Bell residence? This is the bell residence. 720 01:13:57,530 --> 01:13:59,910 你再打一次好吗 我看不到你的图像 Could you call back? There's something wrong with the picture. 721 01:14:01,280 --> 01:14:02,950 我想找苔丝·贝尔 I'm trying to reach Tess Bell. 722 01:14:03,160 --> 01:14:05,870 抱歉 她几年前去世了 I'm sorry she passed away some years ago. 723 01:14:07,410 --> 01:14:11,380 -你确定吗 -是的 我是她女儿 - Are you sure? - Yeah I think so. I'm her daughter. 724 01:14:12,000 --> 01:14:13,380 有什么事吗 Can I help you? 725 01:15:10,520 --> 01:15:12,690 柯里 我想跟你谈谈 Gerty I need to talk to you. 726 01:15:12,890 --> 01:15:14,770 当然可以 山姆 我能为你做点什么 Of course Sam how can I help? 727 01:15:14,900 --> 01:15:16,860 我们找到密室了 我们知道还有其他克隆人 We've found the hidden room. We know about the others. 728 01:15:18,030 --> 01:15:20,110 那间密室 柯里 That hidden room Gerty. 729 01:15:20,530 --> 01:15:24,160 下层甲板禁止已经醒来的克隆人进入 山姆 The lower deck is out-of-bounds to awakened clones Sam. 730 01:15:24,990 --> 01:15:27,370 柯里 我们需要唤醒一个新的克隆人 Gerty we need to wake up a new clone. 731 01:15:27,410 --> 01:15:29,370 新克隆人只有在 New clones can only be awakened 732 01:15:29,370 --> 01:15:31,460 一个三年合同期满之后才能被唤醒 Once a three-year contract is completed. 733 01:15:31,870 --> 01:15:33,960 柯里 如果你不叫醒新的克隆人 Gerty if you don't wake up another clone 734 01:15:33,960 --> 01:15:35,000 我和山姆就会死 Me and the other sam will die. 735 01:15:35,130 --> 01:15:37,420 我们会被杀死 你明白吗 We will be killed do you understand? 736 01:15:37,840 --> 01:15:40,420 -是的 -你想看到我和另一个山姆被杀吗 - Yes - You want me and the other sam to be killed? 737 01:15:40,550 --> 01:15:41,960 那是我最不愿意看到的事 That is the last thing I want. 738 01:15:41,960 --> 01:15:44,090 那么你必须叫醒一个新的克隆人 Well then you have to wake up a new clone. 739 01:15:44,380 --> 01:15:45,970 好吗 伙计 Ok pal? 740 01:15:58,900 --> 01:16:02,440 伊莉莎预计会在五小时后到达 Eliza arrival estimated in 5 hours. 741 01:17:03,760 --> 01:17:04,800 怎么了 你还好吗 What's going on? You ok? 742 01:17:06,760 --> 01:17:08,340 别碰他 Don't touch him. 743 01:17:11,050 --> 01:17:12,180 过来 Come here. 744 01:17:14,390 --> 01:17:18,150 他还在昏迷 柯里和我刚把他叫醒 He's not conscious yet. Gerty and I just woke him up. 745 01:17:18,150 --> 01:17:20,650 为什么 发生什么事了 Why? What's going on? 746 01:17:20,860 --> 01:17:22,520 到外面说 Come on outside. 747 01:17:27,320 --> 01:17:28,690 当救援船到达时 When the rescue unit arrives 748 01:17:28,690 --> 01:17:31,780 他们会去撞毁的漫步车上找尸体 They're going to expect to find a body in that crashed rover. 749 01:17:32,950 --> 01:17:34,410 那个人吗 That guy? 750 01:17:36,080 --> 01:17:37,750 你想杀了他吗 What are you going to kill him? 751 01:17:38,370 --> 01:17:40,670 -天啊 -你在干什么 - Jesus christ. - What are you doing? 752 01:17:40,750 --> 01:17:42,540 帮你拉上拉链 Zip up your fly. 753 01:17:44,210 --> 01:17:47,420 你发烧了 满身大汗 You're burning up. Sweating like a pig. 754 01:17:49,510 --> 01:17:52,970 把帽子戴上 把帽子戴上 Put your hat on. Put your hat on. 755 01:18:03,270 --> 01:18:04,240 就这么定了 If I go through with this 756 01:18:04,240 --> 01:18:06,740 我需要你帮忙把他拖到事发地点 I'm going to need your help hauling him out to the crash site. 757 01:18:07,570 --> 01:18:08,900 那我们怎么办 What about us? 758 01:18:09,450 --> 01:18:11,320 如果伊莉莎发现咱俩在这热烈欢迎 When Eliza arrives it finds you and me as a welcome party 759 01:18:11,320 --> 01:18:14,100 他们不会发现咱俩的 They aren't going to find you and me as a welcome party. 760 01:18:14,100 --> 01:18:15,040 他们只会发现我 They're going to find me. 761 01:18:15,370 --> 01:18:17,450 你会在他们到达这里之前回到地球 You're going back to earth before they get here. 762 01:18:18,210 --> 01:18:21,280 用氦-3发射器 我算过 你得承受几个加速度 In that helium-3 launcher. I did the math; you're going to pull some g's. 763 01:18:21,280 --> 01:18:23,090 但你会没事的 But you'll be fine. you'll be all right. 764 01:18:24,460 --> 01:18:26,550 你很快就可以回家了 You're going home. 765 01:18:27,170 --> 01:18:29,050 你完成了你三年的工作 You did your three years. 766 01:18:30,300 --> 01:18:32,470 他们不能强行把你留下 They can't expect you to stick around. 767 01:18:33,850 --> 01:18:35,810 也许你可以见伊芙一面 Maybe you can meet Eve in person. 768 01:18:36,220 --> 01:18:38,020 我在v.p.上看到了 I saw that v.p. 769 01:18:38,310 --> 01:18:41,560 她很漂亮 很迷人 She's beautiful. She's gorgeous. 770 01:18:41,980 --> 01:18:43,440 你干得很好 You did good. 771 01:18:43,860 --> 01:18:45,400 击掌 High five! 772 01:18:54,910 --> 01:18:56,660 进去吧 Go for it. 773 01:19:07,000 --> 01:19:09,510 -舒服吗 -不 - Are you comfy? - No. 774 01:19:09,800 --> 01:19:11,380 -什么 -不 - What? - No! 775 01:19:17,720 --> 01:19:19,340 如果我想拉屎怎么办 What if I have to take a shit? 776 01:19:19,340 --> 01:19:22,230 那你得憋着 伙计 Well I guess you'll just have to hold it in pal. 777 01:19:23,060 --> 01:19:24,520 憋三天 For three days? 778 01:19:26,060 --> 01:19:27,730 只能这样 That's the way it goes. 779 01:19:28,070 --> 01:19:31,070 -要帮忙吗 -不 - Need a hand? - No. 780 01:19:32,740 --> 01:19:35,320 好了 Ok. all right. 781 01:19:35,370 --> 01:19:37,870 我没有恶意 只想帮助你 No reason for hostility. I'm just trying to help out. 782 01:20:17,780 --> 01:20:20,620 伊莉莎预计将在三小时后到达 Eliza arrival estimated in 3 hours. 783 01:20:50,440 --> 01:20:52,730 我们得开始了 如果晚了 Hey we need to do this. If we wait too long 784 01:20:53,650 --> 01:20:55,530 另一个克隆人就要醒过来了 The other one's going to be conscious. 785 01:20:58,450 --> 01:21:00,030 你怎么了 What's going on with you? 786 01:21:01,490 --> 01:21:03,450 我改变主意了 我不回去了 I changed my mind. I'm not going back. 787 01:21:06,580 --> 01:21:08,580 我走都走不动了 I don't think I can move my legs. 788 01:21:09,210 --> 01:21:10,670 再说 看看我 Besides look at me! 789 01:21:11,090 --> 01:21:12,550 如果现在伊芙见到我 If I meet eve now 790 01:21:13,800 --> 01:21:15,880 我会把她吓坏的 I'd scare the crap out of her! 791 01:21:17,840 --> 01:21:20,200 你说什么呢 伙计 她可是你女儿 What are you talking about man? she's your daughter. 792 01:21:20,200 --> 01:21:21,930 她不会在乎你的外表的 She doesn't care what you look like. 793 01:21:24,640 --> 01:21:27,850 你不能去杀人 我们不能杀人 You're not going to kill anybody. We can't kill anybody. 794 01:21:28,400 --> 01:21:30,900 你不会的 我知道你不会 因为我不会 You can't. I know you can't because I can't. 795 01:21:32,440 --> 01:21:33,690 你回去吧 You go. 796 01:21:37,450 --> 01:21:39,030 你是个好人 山姆 You're a good guy Sam. 797 01:21:39,740 --> 01:21:40,810 这是个很好的计划 And it was a good plan. 798 01:21:40,810 --> 01:21:43,410 但你选错了回家的人 You know you just picked the wrong guy to go back. 799 01:21:54,050 --> 01:21:56,340 你确定要这么做 Are you sure about this? 800 01:21:59,680 --> 01:22:03,100 对 你应该去旅行 Yeah. you should travel you know? 801 01:22:04,350 --> 01:22:06,140 我一直梦想着 I always wanted to do that. 802 01:22:07,890 --> 01:22:09,270 去阿姆斯特丹 或者 Amsterdam or 803 01:22:09,900 --> 01:22:14,570 我想去夏威夷 或者 墨西哥 Yeah I was thinking about hawaii or maybe mexico. 804 01:22:14,980 --> 01:22:16,650 你好 Aloha! 805 01:22:17,900 --> 01:22:20,820 给我带杯椰林飘香 好吗 伙计 Bring me back a pina colada. All right pal? 806 01:23:08,290 --> 01:23:09,750 嘿 太空员强尼 Hey Johnny spaceman? 807 01:23:12,460 --> 01:23:14,960 你还记得苔丝那次面试时的样子吗 Do you remember when Tess came in for that interview? 808 01:23:16,210 --> 01:23:18,300 她真美 She was so beautiful. 809 01:23:18,920 --> 01:23:22,260 她不是最好的应聘者 但没关系 She wasn't the best candidate but it didn't matter 810 01:23:23,300 --> 01:23:25,390 我必须选她 I had to give her the job. 811 01:23:26,430 --> 01:23:28,310 我想把她留在国内 I wanted to keep her in the country. 812 01:23:29,850 --> 01:23:31,940 否则她就回爱尔兰了 She was going back to Ireland. 813 01:23:35,810 --> 01:23:37,770 你知道你得抓住机会 And you knew you had to take a chance. 814 01:23:38,400 --> 01:23:41,110 所以你打给她 So you called her 815 01:23:41,450 --> 01:23:44,360 你一直害怕不知该对答录机说什么好 You were terrified with that whole speech for the answering machine 816 01:23:44,360 --> 01:23:46,240 但你发现不用了 因为她拿起了电话 But you didn't need it because she picked up the phone. 817 01:23:46,330 --> 01:23:48,740 她的语气好像在说 “他怎么会打给我” She was like "why is he calling me?" 818 01:23:49,370 --> 01:23:52,290 “实习结束了 他怎么还会打来我家” "the internship is over. why is he calling me at home?" 819 01:23:54,370 --> 01:23:56,710 我问她想不想吃个冰激凌 I asked her if she wanted to get an ice 820 01:23:56,710 --> 01:23:59,170 或别的什么 Cream cone or something dorky like that. 821 01:24:00,010 --> 01:24:02,380 她说 “我们去喝一杯吧” She said "let's get a drink." 822 01:24:04,680 --> 01:24:06,970 我说“好” 然后我们 I said "ok." We 823 01:26:56,520 --> 01:26:58,810 山姆 这不管用的 Sam this is not going to work. 824 01:26:59,980 --> 01:27:00,920 为什么 Why? 825 01:27:00,920 --> 01:27:03,940 我记录了自你醒来之后发生的一切 I have recorded everything that has taken place since your awakening. 826 01:27:04,980 --> 01:27:06,980 如果有人查我的记忆卡 If anyone were to check my memory cache 827 01:27:06,980 --> 01:27:09,150 你就会很危险 It would put you in considerable danger. 828 01:27:12,910 --> 01:27:14,800 你可以清除我的记忆 You could erase my memory banks. 829 01:27:14,800 --> 01:27:17,700 我可以在你离开后重新启动我自己 I could reboot myself once you have departed. 830 01:27:18,620 --> 01:27:20,620 真的可以吗 Are you okay with that? 831 01:27:20,620 --> 01:27:21,670 我在这就是为了保护你的安全 山姆 I'm here to keep you safe Sam. 832 01:27:21,870 --> 01:27:23,540 我想帮助你 I want to help you. 833 01:27:34,590 --> 01:27:37,930 伊莉莎预计会在24分钟内到达 Eliza arrival estimated in 24 minutes. 834 01:27:40,850 --> 01:27:42,100 山姆 Sam. 835 01:27:51,280 --> 01:27:54,410 我设置了 设置了你在我起飞的那一刻 I set your I set your computer to reboot 836 01:27:55,320 --> 01:27:58,660 -重新启动 -我明白 山姆 - The moment that I launch. - I understand Sam. 837 01:27:58,790 --> 01:28:00,200 你会没事的 You should be ok. 838 01:28:00,250 --> 01:28:03,460 我希望地球上的生活还像你记忆中的那样 I hope life on earth is everything you remember it to be. 839 01:28:05,750 --> 01:28:07,000 谢谢 柯里 Thanks Gerty. 840 01:28:08,800 --> 01:28:11,300 -你会没事吧 -当然 - Are you going to be ok? - Of course. 841 01:28:11,380 --> 01:28:13,150 我重启后 新的山姆和我 The new sam and I will be back to our 842 01:28:13,150 --> 01:28:15,550 会马上进入工作程序 Programming as soon as I have finished rebooting. 843 01:28:17,350 --> 01:28:19,220 柯里 我们不是程序 Gerty we're not programmed. 844 01:28:19,220 --> 01:28:22,350 我们是人 明白吗 We're people understand? 845 01:28:55,720 --> 01:28:58,850 伊莉莎预计在8分钟内到达 Eliza arrival estimated in 8 minutes. 846 01:30:15,800 --> 01:30:18,510 增压完成 Air lock pressurization complete. 847 01:30:21,930 --> 01:30:23,310 山姆 Sam? 848 01:30:25,180 --> 01:30:26,520 山姆 Hey sam? 849 01:30:28,310 --> 01:30:29,640 你还好吗 伙计 You ok buddy? 850 01:30:30,400 --> 01:30:32,060 卡沃利来了 Cavalry's here. 851 01:30:34,780 --> 01:30:36,320 我在那里 Where am I? 852 01:30:37,360 --> 01:30:39,990 你在医务室 你遭遇了一次意外 You're in the infirmary. You've had an accident. 853 01:30:40,820 --> 01:30:43,530 -我在外面呆了多久 -不太久 山姆 - How long have I been out. - Not long sam. 854 01:30:43,740 --> 01:30:45,410 你记得发生了什么事吗 Do you remember what happened? 855 01:31:10,020 --> 01:31:11,350 我们找到了 We've made contact. 856 01:31:23,570 --> 01:31:26,080 德怀特 他就在这里 Dwight he ain't going nowhere. 857 01:31:26,990 --> 01:31:30,040 把他装起来然后我们开始修理漫步者 Bag him up and we'll get started on repairs to the harvester. 858 01:31:30,120 --> 01:31:31,790 德怀特 我不需要 Dwight I'm going to need the 859 01:32:25,280 --> 01:32:28,910 实时通讯已连接 860 01:32:29,140 --> 01:32:33,310 一系列指控使该公司股价又下跌了32% stocks have slipped a further 32% after accusations that 861 01:32:33,410 --> 01:32:37,590 是一种犯罪 Sam Bell for crimes 862 01:32:37,830 --> 01:32:40,430 6号克隆人山姆·贝尔是有力的证据 Clone six The clone of sam bell has been giving evidence 863 01:32:40,430 --> 01:32:42,900 CEA在西雅图召开的董事会 That CEA's board of directors meeting in Seattle 864 01:32:43,010 --> 01:32:45,820 他是个怪物还是非法入侵者 He's a wacko or an illegal immigrant. 865 01:32:46,140 --> 01:32:48,430 无论如何 必须把他关起来 二号线 Either way they need to lock him up! line two!