1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:03,360 Your friend's death by your former mentor must have been a blow. 2 00:00:05,809 --> 00:00:08,689 Why would Satan conspire with the Chief Exorcist? 3 00:00:08,689 --> 00:00:11,809 Exorcism is now a discredited ministry. 4 00:00:11,809 --> 00:00:14,609 Where did we serve? Last stop Bosnia. 5 00:00:14,609 --> 00:00:18,289 First rule of possession. You don't listen to a single word they say. 6 00:00:18,289 --> 00:00:20,369 Jacob is the one you should be afraid of. 7 00:00:20,369 --> 00:00:23,329 There are several ways a man can become possessed. 8 00:00:23,329 --> 00:00:27,369 Innocently, through the will of God, or as the victim of some occult ritual. 9 00:00:27,369 --> 00:00:30,489 A man can actively invite demons. 10 00:00:30,489 --> 00:00:32,089 I could be good. 11 00:00:32,089 --> 00:00:34,009 Not for much longer. 12 00:01:31,449 --> 00:01:34,529 Come on, mate, not again. You can miss it one night, can't you? 13 00:02:07,729 --> 00:02:09,129 Who are you? 14 00:02:25,449 --> 00:02:27,369 Come and see this! 15 00:02:28,289 --> 00:02:30,169 You've all got to come and see this! 16 00:02:38,369 --> 00:02:39,529 She's here! 17 00:02:43,049 --> 00:02:45,289 Mum, she's here. 18 00:02:53,409 --> 00:03:00,249 He broke the bread, gave it to his disciples and he said, take this, all of you, and eat it. 19 00:03:00,249 --> 00:03:03,369 This is my body which shall be given up for you. 20 00:03:12,209 --> 00:03:14,569 Are you Father Jacob's secretary? 21 00:03:15,529 --> 00:03:17,369 How can I help you? 22 00:03:17,369 --> 00:03:21,409 Misal Kopavic. Hi. Any chance I could grab a quick word with him? 23 00:03:21,409 --> 00:03:23,169 Yes, if you make an appointment. 24 00:03:23,169 --> 00:03:25,969 I know he investigates miracles, visions... 25 00:03:25,969 --> 00:03:29,169 Can I stop you there? Have you tried your local place of worship? 26 00:03:29,169 --> 00:03:31,449 The mosque. Yeah, my mum's been down. 27 00:03:31,449 --> 00:03:33,929 I'm sure they have procedures to deal with it. 28 00:03:33,929 --> 00:03:35,729 He says he saw the Virgin Mary. 29 00:03:35,729 --> 00:03:39,129 Good for him. Who's this? My brother. What does your Imam say? 30 00:03:39,129 --> 00:03:42,089 He's not my Imam. I don't really believe in all that. 31 00:03:43,369 --> 00:03:45,089 He says my brother's disturbed. 32 00:03:45,089 --> 00:03:47,089 Well, your Imam sounds very sensible. 33 00:03:47,089 --> 00:03:49,369 Has he been to see a psychologist? He won't go. 34 00:03:49,369 --> 00:03:52,089 Has your brother had 35 00:03:52,089 --> 00:03:55,009 The Virgin Mary is a very prominent figure in the Koran. 36 00:03:55,009 --> 00:03:58,089 It's a perfectly respectable vision for a Muslim to have. 37 00:03:58,089 --> 00:04:00,489 Then why'd she tell him to go get a priest? 38 00:04:00,489 --> 00:04:03,489 And why's he sweating blood? 39 00:04:04,729 --> 00:04:10,369 We've got one mental patient. Shouldn't we be focusing on Michael? I am. Why don't I talk to him? 40 00:04:10,369 --> 00:04:12,369 As long as you talk to him and not at him. 41 00:04:12,369 --> 00:04:15,369 You could tell me how you met him. That might help. 42 00:04:15,369 --> 00:04:17,049 You still don't trust me. 43 00:04:17,049 --> 00:04:20,489 The last person I trusted is in prison for murdering a priest and a nun. 44 00:04:20,489 --> 00:04:22,049 But you expect me to trust you. 45 00:04:22,049 --> 00:04:23,529 No, but you can though. 46 00:04:43,169 --> 00:04:45,969 Sorry. The door was open. 47 00:04:45,969 --> 00:04:48,729 Didn't you hear me? We've got plenty more. 48 00:04:48,729 --> 00:04:51,169 You blessed it. I'll bless another one. 49 00:04:53,169 --> 00:04:55,889 I've made an appointment at the local Army office. 50 00:04:55,889 --> 00:04:58,489 They should be able to fill in some of the blanks in your past. 51 00:04:58,489 --> 00:05:00,249 It doesn't matter who I was. 52 00:05:00,249 --> 00:05:05,129 Well, I thought we agreed that you were going to take responsibility for your actions. 53 00:05:05,129 --> 00:05:06,889 I have. 54 00:05:06,889 --> 00:05:09,689 I asked God for forgiveness and He said yes. 55 00:05:09,689 --> 00:05:11,929 God said? That's right. 56 00:05:11,929 --> 00:05:17,529 Are you sure you're not telling yourself what you want to hear? You want me to keep digging up the past. 57 00:05:17,529 --> 00:05:20,769 I've made the appointment for 12 o clock. I'll come with you. 58 00:05:35,969 --> 00:05:41,809 Don't ask me. It's Arabic. 59 00:05:41,809 --> 00:05:44,969 It's probably some kind of blessing or something. 60 00:05:44,969 --> 00:05:50,569 "I exorcise you in the name of Allah from everything that may harm you, 61 00:05:50,569 --> 00:05:54,049 "from the evil of every soul or jealous eye. 62 00:05:54,049 --> 00:05:57,089 "May Allah cure you. 63 00:05:57,089 --> 00:06:00,089 "I exorcise you in the name of Allah." 64 00:06:00,089 --> 00:06:03,769 You know the Koran? It's not the Koran, it's a prayer of exorcism. 65 00:06:03,769 --> 00:06:06,369 He's exorcising my brother? It doesn't mean he's possessed, 66 00:06:06,369 --> 00:06:09,889 he doesn't look possessed. Nah, it's just a precaution. 67 00:06:09,889 --> 00:06:11,329 First thing I'd do. 68 00:06:15,609 --> 00:06:18,729 You must be Zaid's mother? Sana. 69 00:06:18,729 --> 00:06:22,809 Are you here on your own? My husband's dead. He was a soldier. 70 00:06:22,809 --> 00:06:25,369 He was a war hero. Bosnian war. 71 00:06:25,369 --> 00:06:27,369 You're refugees? We're British. 72 00:06:27,369 --> 00:06:31,529 We've been here 15 years. Well, we were refugees. We're going back one day. 73 00:06:31,529 --> 00:06:34,089 Dream on. Father Jacob... 74 00:06:34,089 --> 00:06:37,089 The apparition the boy claims to have seen seems to match 75 00:06:37,089 --> 00:06:39,689 with Christian imagery of the Virgin Mary. 76 00:06:39,689 --> 00:06:43,969 Do you know why she asked you to bring a priest? 77 00:06:43,969 --> 00:06:48,289 Or why she chooses to appear when Muslims are arriving for prayer? 78 00:06:48,289 --> 00:06:52,569 Maybe she wants to bring people together. Is she coming back? 79 00:06:52,569 --> 00:06:54,249 Yes. 80 00:06:54,249 --> 00:06:56,969 Will you ask her a question for me? 81 00:07:01,809 --> 00:07:04,089 Did he say something? 82 00:07:17,369 --> 00:07:18,329 What's he saying? 83 00:07:25,289 --> 00:07:26,929 Can he hear us? 84 00:07:50,929 --> 00:07:53,649 There's something happening with the sun. 85 00:08:03,409 --> 00:08:06,089 I can see colours. It's dancing. 86 00:08:20,129 --> 00:08:22,409 Please don't. 87 00:08:28,769 --> 00:08:31,209 Please. Not Dad! 88 00:08:47,209 --> 00:08:51,609 Did you see her? No. What about Dad? 89 00:08:51,609 --> 00:08:52,929 What did she show you? 90 00:08:56,449 --> 00:08:57,649 What was it? 91 00:08:59,249 --> 00:09:01,409 Dad was in there. 92 00:09:01,409 --> 00:09:04,489 Where? Hell. 93 00:09:06,249 --> 00:09:07,769 What do you mean? 94 00:09:07,769 --> 00:09:10,209 He, he was burning. 95 00:09:10,209 --> 00:09:12,529 What's she doing showing him shit like that? 96 00:09:12,529 --> 00:09:14,129 Did she answer my question? 97 00:09:14,129 --> 00:09:17,009 She said, "Do not worship me. Worship my son." 98 00:09:17,009 --> 00:09:19,049 Oh, Zaid, she can't have said that. 99 00:09:19,049 --> 00:09:22,449 She did. Jesus is not God. 100 00:09:22,449 --> 00:09:24,089 He's a prophet, that's all. 101 00:09:24,089 --> 00:09:26,489 There is only one God, Allah. But that's what she said. 102 00:09:26,489 --> 00:09:28,929 Then you don't listen to her. She's Satan. 103 00:09:28,929 --> 00:09:31,049 Agreed. 104 00:09:31,049 --> 00:09:33,689 And don't look at the sun when he's playing tricks with it. 105 00:09:33,689 --> 00:09:35,929 He'll burn your eyes out. I saw her. 106 00:09:38,289 --> 00:09:40,729 No, I'm sorry. 107 00:09:40,729 --> 00:09:44,289 Satan can take any form. 108 00:10:01,529 --> 00:10:03,009 I'm not listening. 109 00:10:03,009 --> 00:10:06,609 Prove who you are. 110 00:10:06,609 --> 00:10:08,089 Give me a sign. 111 00:10:31,209 --> 00:10:33,249 Why do you think it's Satan? 112 00:10:33,249 --> 00:10:39,609 The Virgin Mary's appeared in many Islamic countries, but she doesn't tell Muslims to worship Jesus. 113 00:10:39,609 --> 00:10:43,369 She's given visions of Hell but she doesn't show relatives burning in it. 114 00:10:44,929 --> 00:10:46,689 Why would he pick my son? 115 00:10:46,689 --> 00:10:52,049 Satan likes nothing better than Christians and Muslims at each other's throats. 116 00:10:52,049 --> 00:10:55,929 Yes, I've seen his work. 117 00:10:55,929 --> 00:11:00,729 You sound like someone who's had personal experience of him. 118 00:11:00,729 --> 00:11:02,569 Things I saw in Bosnia. 119 00:11:04,049 --> 00:11:06,569 I didn't want to believe human beings can do that. 120 00:11:08,169 --> 00:11:11,049 In the beginning, I thought 121 00:11:11,049 --> 00:11:16,049 it was wrong to think they were driven by something else, 122 00:11:16,049 --> 00:11:19,729 that it let them off the hook somehow. 123 00:11:21,329 --> 00:11:24,889 But in the end, it was the only explanation that made sense. 124 00:11:24,889 --> 00:11:26,409 Did Zaid know his father? 125 00:11:26,409 --> 00:11:28,049 No. 126 00:11:28,049 --> 00:11:30,089 He died before he was born. 127 00:11:31,929 --> 00:11:34,409 And he was a war hero? 128 00:11:38,529 --> 00:11:41,609 Yes, he was. 129 00:11:44,369 --> 00:11:47,889 The important thing is for Zaid to understand 130 00:11:47,889 --> 00:11:52,769 that this apparition is false... 131 00:11:52,769 --> 00:11:55,649 and dangerous. 132 00:12:46,449 --> 00:12:48,289 Monsignor. 133 00:12:48,289 --> 00:12:51,409 Call me Vincenzo. 134 00:12:51,409 --> 00:12:53,329 Thank you for agreeing to my visit. 135 00:12:53,329 --> 00:12:55,729 How is he? 136 00:12:55,729 --> 00:12:57,689 Father Jacob is well. 137 00:12:57,689 --> 00:13:01,329 That's not what my visitors tell me. 138 00:13:01,329 --> 00:13:03,529 I didn't realise 139 00:13:03,529 --> 00:13:05,729 The Governor told me that you... 140 00:13:08,849 --> 00:13:12,369 Oh, you mean "visitors". 141 00:13:12,369 --> 00:13:15,209 Am I supposed to be scared? Of me? 142 00:13:15,209 --> 00:13:17,009 No. 143 00:13:17,009 --> 00:13:19,769 I am not possessed. 144 00:13:19,769 --> 00:13:22,329 I have not been granted that grace. 145 00:13:24,369 --> 00:13:26,129 He has. 146 00:13:31,009 --> 00:13:32,729 And he has. 147 00:13:37,529 --> 00:13:41,049 Jacob thinks he sent me to prison. 148 00:13:41,049 --> 00:13:46,769 This is a sanctuary where the possessed learn how to control their gifts. 149 00:13:46,769 --> 00:13:50,209 So, getting a life sentence, all part of Satan's plan? 150 00:13:50,209 --> 00:13:51,649 Life? 151 00:13:56,089 --> 00:13:59,449 What can I do for you, Sister? 152 00:13:59,449 --> 00:14:03,609 Did you kill the priest? 153 00:14:03,609 --> 00:14:05,209 Vimal was skinned alive. 154 00:14:05,209 --> 00:14:07,929 That takes great strength, and you're not possessed. 155 00:14:07,929 --> 00:14:11,129 Michael was the one who killed Vimal. That's right, isn't it? 156 00:14:11,129 --> 00:14:13,289 Michael was an innocent vessel. 157 00:14:13,289 --> 00:14:15,809 Was he? Or did he invite it in? 158 00:14:15,809 --> 00:14:18,449 It's good you came. 159 00:14:18,449 --> 00:14:20,689 You can't win against God. 160 00:14:20,689 --> 00:14:23,849 We ARE winning. 161 00:14:23,849 --> 00:14:25,769 Every day. 162 00:14:25,769 --> 00:14:28,569 In the hearts of men. 163 00:14:31,609 --> 00:14:33,729 Next time, we will visit you. 164 00:14:43,809 --> 00:14:45,369 You think I'm possessed. 165 00:14:45,369 --> 00:14:48,849 Far from it. Satan spoke to Jesus. 166 00:14:48,849 --> 00:14:51,769 And the Prophet Mohammed. 167 00:14:51,769 --> 00:14:54,369 Take it as a compliment. She asked for a priest. 168 00:14:54,369 --> 00:14:59,009 Many priests have been fooled by Satan. I've been taken more than once. 169 00:14:59,009 --> 00:15:01,329 I'll ask her. Forget it. You're not going there again. 170 00:15:01,329 --> 00:15:03,129 It's best you stay away from there. 171 00:15:03,129 --> 00:15:04,809 You can't stop me. Yes, I will. 172 00:15:04,809 --> 00:15:07,369 You're jealous cos I saw Dad. 173 00:15:07,369 --> 00:15:11,209 Whatever you saw's got nothing to do with... We'll talk about that at home. 174 00:15:11,209 --> 00:15:13,969 Thank you. 175 00:15:15,569 --> 00:15:16,569 You can't stop her. 176 00:15:18,969 --> 00:15:25,529 If she follows you home, the Imam has a gift I think she'll appreciate. 177 00:15:25,529 --> 00:15:29,889 It's Islamic holy water. If she's genuine, she'll thank you for it. 178 00:15:31,569 --> 00:15:34,409 What else did she say? 179 00:15:36,049 --> 00:15:37,409 Nothing. 180 00:15:37,409 --> 00:15:40,889 During the conversation, your mouth was moving. 181 00:15:42,529 --> 00:15:46,489 One of the words looked like "secret". 182 00:15:49,809 --> 00:15:51,529 No, she told me not to tell. 183 00:15:51,529 --> 00:15:55,289 If it's Satan, you don't have to keep your promise. 184 00:15:55,289 --> 00:15:56,729 She's not Satan. 185 00:16:07,809 --> 00:16:09,809 What are you hiding in here for? 186 00:16:09,809 --> 00:16:11,929 Thank God it's you. 187 00:16:11,929 --> 00:16:13,729 Do you want to confess something? 188 00:16:13,729 --> 00:16:16,769 I thought I was safe inside the seminary, but they can get in. 189 00:16:16,769 --> 00:16:20,929 Anytime they want. They won't leave me alone. 190 00:16:20,929 --> 00:16:26,169 Maybe it's time you left. 191 00:16:26,169 --> 00:16:29,329 Can that be any worse than what you're going through now? 192 00:16:29,329 --> 00:16:31,409 I could let it into me again. 193 00:16:31,409 --> 00:16:33,289 Would that be so terrible? 194 00:16:35,449 --> 00:16:37,289 I killed your friend. 195 00:16:37,289 --> 00:16:40,369 For people who worship God, death is a blessing. 196 00:16:40,369 --> 00:16:43,089 The more agonising the better. 197 00:16:43,089 --> 00:16:45,969 They worship suffering. Not you. 198 00:16:45,969 --> 00:16:50,089 Please. The crucifix is a lie. 199 00:16:50,089 --> 00:16:51,729 That's why it burns you. 200 00:16:51,729 --> 00:16:56,369 There is only one true God and you're getting closer to Him every day. 201 00:16:56,369 --> 00:16:58,569 You're not Jacob! And you're not Michael. 202 00:17:39,209 --> 00:17:40,689 We better make a move. 203 00:17:42,889 --> 00:17:46,689 Why do I have to go? The army's the only contact we have. 204 00:17:46,689 --> 00:17:48,729 I'm not leaving here. 205 00:17:48,729 --> 00:17:52,569 That's what they want. I'll stay with you. 206 00:17:52,569 --> 00:17:54,969 They won't get through me. 207 00:18:03,089 --> 00:18:06,649 It's me. 208 00:18:06,649 --> 00:18:08,449 I'm losing. 209 00:18:08,449 --> 00:18:11,369 I know I'm losing. Only if you give up. 210 00:18:11,369 --> 00:18:14,289 Why do I have to remember? 211 00:18:14,289 --> 00:18:16,969 As soon as I know what I did, they'll make me do it again. 212 00:18:16,969 --> 00:18:18,489 You're stronger than that. 213 00:18:20,849 --> 00:18:24,409 You expect everyone to be like you. 214 00:18:24,409 --> 00:18:27,329 Any strength I have isn't mine. 215 00:18:27,329 --> 00:18:30,849 You can be strong, too. 216 00:18:45,489 --> 00:18:46,889 They left them for me. 217 00:18:49,489 --> 00:18:52,249 Let's talk inside. I can't breathe in there. 218 00:18:52,249 --> 00:18:55,249 Are you going to sleep out here? Maybe. 219 00:18:56,889 --> 00:18:59,649 Will you promise to stay here where I can find you? 220 00:19:06,089 --> 00:19:08,049 There will be an end to this... 221 00:19:09,649 --> 00:19:11,769 ..I promise. 222 00:19:16,689 --> 00:19:19,049 Bye. 223 00:19:31,289 --> 00:19:35,289 You look as though you're about to burst into song. I went to see Monsignor Vincenzo. 224 00:19:37,449 --> 00:19:39,329 I thought you were smarter than that. 225 00:19:39,329 --> 00:19:41,649 He said he didn't kill Vimal. Is he lying? 226 00:19:41,649 --> 00:19:44,689 That's the thing about Satan. 227 00:19:44,689 --> 00:19:49,809 He'll tell you a thousand truths just to get you to believe one lie. Michael did it. 228 00:19:51,609 --> 00:19:55,249 You know enough about possession to know the real Michael was nowhere near the scene. 229 00:19:55,249 --> 00:19:57,369 Neither was Vincenzo. You framed him. 230 00:19:57,369 --> 00:20:02,089 He may not have actually held the knife but he was responsible. And he did murder Sister Anne. 231 00:20:02,089 --> 00:20:05,649 You don't get to pick and choose who gets prosecuted for what! 232 00:20:05,649 --> 00:20:08,249 Who died and made you God? 233 00:20:08,249 --> 00:20:10,409 The man who DID commit one of those murders, 234 00:20:10,409 --> 00:20:13,249 the man who DID hold the knife, is now living under this roof. 235 00:20:13,249 --> 00:20:16,249 How do you know he's cured after one exorcism? 236 00:20:16,249 --> 00:20:21,049 Where do you suppose the safest place is for a man like that who could relapse at any moment? 237 00:20:21,049 --> 00:20:22,809 Prison. 238 00:20:36,929 --> 00:20:41,009 Zaid. You're scaring us. 239 00:20:43,289 --> 00:20:44,729 You're scaring your mum. 240 00:20:44,729 --> 00:20:47,609 A holy woman wouldn't ask you to do this. 241 00:20:49,849 --> 00:20:55,689 Zaid, please just look at your mum, you're hurting her. 242 00:20:55,689 --> 00:20:58,409 You're hurting me. 243 00:21:00,049 --> 00:21:01,689 Dad wouldn't want this. 244 00:21:25,769 --> 00:21:30,769 Can't you get rid of her? I can exorcise his room but that will just drive them outside. 245 00:21:30,769 --> 00:21:32,929 Has he told you what she's asking him to do? 246 00:21:32,929 --> 00:21:35,089 How do you know she's asking him to do anything? 247 00:21:35,089 --> 00:21:38,209 Satan's not here for his amusement. 248 00:21:39,849 --> 00:21:42,849 Is it something to do with your father? What do you mean? 249 00:21:42,849 --> 00:21:45,089 Why would Zaid think he's in Hell? 250 00:21:45,089 --> 00:21:49,169 There's no such thing as Hell, and if there is my Dad's not in it. 251 00:21:49,169 --> 00:21:51,249 Your father was a soldier. 252 00:21:51,249 --> 00:21:54,129 Was he involved in something controversial? 253 00:21:56,689 --> 00:21:59,369 Both sides did terrible things. 254 00:21:59,369 --> 00:22:02,089 Where in Bosnia was he stationed? 255 00:22:03,929 --> 00:22:06,529 He wasn't regular army, 256 00:22:06,529 --> 00:22:08,249 he was part of a militia. 257 00:22:08,249 --> 00:22:11,289 The Croats were putting Muslims in concentration camps. 258 00:22:11,289 --> 00:22:14,649 Mum knows the names. Dretelj camp? 259 00:22:14,649 --> 00:22:16,489 You been there? 260 00:22:16,489 --> 00:22:20,169 There was a concentration camp there. 261 00:22:20,169 --> 00:22:24,409 It was about half an hour from a place called Medjugorje. 262 00:22:24,409 --> 00:22:28,769 Apparitions of the Virgin Mary have been appearing there for nearly 30 years. 263 00:22:39,089 --> 00:22:41,089 It's OK, he lives here. 264 00:22:41,089 --> 00:22:43,449 He's homeless. Where's he from? 265 00:22:43,449 --> 00:22:45,049 London. 266 00:22:48,809 --> 00:22:50,449 Do you know him? 267 00:22:50,449 --> 00:22:52,129 No. 268 00:22:52,129 --> 00:22:53,889 Does he remind you of somebody? 269 00:22:53,889 --> 00:22:55,369 Let's go. 270 00:23:07,569 --> 00:23:09,889 I'm sorry you felt you couldn't confide in me, 271 00:23:09,889 --> 00:23:11,769 but I'm not surprised. 272 00:23:11,769 --> 00:23:16,009 Father Jacob has this effect on people. Cult leaders have it, too. 273 00:23:16,009 --> 00:23:18,089 I've seen possession. Well, we all have. 274 00:23:18,089 --> 00:23:19,809 It's what we choose to make of it. 275 00:23:19,809 --> 00:23:21,729 Father Jacob is a good man. 276 00:23:21,729 --> 00:23:23,369 Tell me about Michael. 277 00:23:43,169 --> 00:23:46,649 He was killed by a Croatian fascist. 278 00:23:46,649 --> 00:23:49,409 Where? In our home. 279 00:23:50,969 --> 00:23:52,929 Did you witness it? 280 00:23:52,929 --> 00:23:54,569 Yes. 281 00:23:54,569 --> 00:23:57,409 He was only seven. He didn't see anything. 282 00:24:01,209 --> 00:24:02,769 What happened afterwards? 283 00:24:06,769 --> 00:24:11,049 He took us to a concentration camp. The one near Medjugorje? 284 00:24:11,049 --> 00:24:14,009 The Virgin Mary never appeared to us. 285 00:24:14,009 --> 00:24:16,289 She was too busy entertaining the tourists. 286 00:24:18,169 --> 00:24:20,609 How old was the man who attacked you? 287 00:24:20,609 --> 00:24:22,169 Early twenties. 288 00:24:22,169 --> 00:24:23,969 Was he part of a military unit? 289 00:24:23,969 --> 00:24:26,089 No, he was on his own. 290 00:24:26,089 --> 00:24:28,369 And you're sure he was Croatian? 291 00:24:29,569 --> 00:24:32,089 Could he... 292 00:24:32,089 --> 00:24:34,369 Could he have been a British soldier? 293 00:24:34,369 --> 00:24:37,889 Why's a British soldier attack Muslims? They were peacekeepers. 294 00:24:39,769 --> 00:24:42,129 Did you ever meet a British man called Michael? 295 00:24:42,129 --> 00:24:45,009 No-one helped us. 296 00:24:45,009 --> 00:24:47,929 Until it was too late. 297 00:24:47,929 --> 00:24:51,849 I'm sorry to ask you to relive this. 298 00:24:51,849 --> 00:24:57,129 The man who killed your husband, can you describe him? She just said. 299 00:24:57,129 --> 00:25:01,409 He wasn't British. He spoke perfect Croatian and he wasn't in uniform. 300 00:25:01,409 --> 00:25:05,009 Possessed people can speak any language like a native. 301 00:25:05,009 --> 00:25:06,889 It's OK. 302 00:25:06,889 --> 00:25:09,409 He wasn't tall. 303 00:25:09,409 --> 00:25:11,609 Brown hair. 304 00:25:11,609 --> 00:25:13,049 Average. 305 00:25:16,249 --> 00:25:17,769 Did he have a tattoo? 306 00:25:17,769 --> 00:25:19,089 On his back. 307 00:25:21,529 --> 00:25:23,049 I didn't see it properly. 308 00:25:23,049 --> 00:25:26,089 She doesn't have to talk about this. You're here to help Zaid. 309 00:25:27,809 --> 00:25:29,449 Was this man ever caught? No. 310 00:25:30,929 --> 00:25:34,209 He disappeared along with the rest of the war criminals. 311 00:25:34,209 --> 00:25:37,809 And you were pregnant with Zaid at the time? 312 00:25:39,569 --> 00:25:41,489 Yes. 313 00:25:48,249 --> 00:25:51,969 Do you have a photograph of yourself from that time? 314 00:25:51,969 --> 00:25:57,009 We have no concrete evidence Michael is a murderer. 315 00:25:57,009 --> 00:25:59,769 Vincenzo's hardly a credible witness. 316 00:26:01,369 --> 00:26:03,889 He may be trying to incriminate Father Jacob. 317 00:26:03,889 --> 00:26:05,769 Father Jacob confirmed it. 318 00:26:05,769 --> 00:26:09,169 He's already lied to the police, he'll simply retract it. 319 00:26:11,449 --> 00:26:16,169 I think we should find out more before handing this over to the authorities. 320 00:26:16,169 --> 00:26:18,169 I came to you before going to the police 321 00:26:18,169 --> 00:26:21,369 because I thought it should come from you. But we can't delay. 322 00:26:21,369 --> 00:26:22,929 Michael is a dangerous man. 323 00:26:22,929 --> 00:26:27,009 Michael's been living in the seminary for months without incident. 324 00:26:27,009 --> 00:26:28,529 You're agitated 325 00:26:28,529 --> 00:26:32,129 because you've only just found out what he may have done. 326 00:26:32,129 --> 00:26:34,969 He's no more dangerous than he was yesterday. 327 00:26:34,969 --> 00:26:36,449 I'm sorry, Your Eminence, 328 00:26:36,449 --> 00:26:38,809 if you won't alert the authorities, I will. 329 00:26:38,809 --> 00:26:41,569 Father Jacob's manner is contagious. 330 00:26:41,569 --> 00:26:43,609 I don't want to see any more deaths. 331 00:26:45,529 --> 00:26:47,289 And that's your final decision? 332 00:26:56,209 --> 00:26:57,889 I suggest 333 00:26:57,889 --> 00:27:01,729 you go back to the seminary and pray 334 00:27:01,729 --> 00:27:05,809 before setting your will against the authority of the Church. 335 00:27:05,809 --> 00:27:08,569 Yes, I will Father. 336 00:27:08,569 --> 00:27:10,649 Your Eminence. 337 00:27:28,729 --> 00:27:29,809 Did you use it? 338 00:27:29,809 --> 00:27:32,569 She doesn't have to prove anything to me. 339 00:27:34,689 --> 00:27:37,129 I know you believe it. 340 00:27:37,129 --> 00:27:38,889 I know you feel it. 341 00:27:38,889 --> 00:27:41,889 Many good people have been taken in by Satan. 342 00:27:41,889 --> 00:27:43,009 Like Mohammed. 343 00:27:44,289 --> 00:27:47,689 I don't believe that Mohammed was inspired by Satan. 344 00:27:47,689 --> 00:27:49,769 Was he inspired by God, then? 345 00:27:49,769 --> 00:27:51,769 I believe there are many ways to God. 346 00:27:53,089 --> 00:27:57,209 Mohammed says that Jesus isn't God, Mary says that He is. 347 00:27:57,209 --> 00:27:59,729 The woman appearing to you is not Mary. 348 00:27:59,729 --> 00:28:03,049 Satan fooled Mohammed but he didn't fool Jesus. 349 00:28:03,049 --> 00:28:05,569 Has she asked you to convert? 350 00:28:05,569 --> 00:28:06,569 I already have. 351 00:28:08,329 --> 00:28:10,089 What else has she asked you to do? 352 00:28:12,169 --> 00:28:17,529 I realise that the idea of your father in Hell must be intolerable, 353 00:28:17,529 --> 00:28:21,089 but even if he was there, and I don't think for one moment that he is, 354 00:28:21,089 --> 00:28:23,729 the Virgin Mary doesn't rescue people from Hell. 355 00:28:23,729 --> 00:28:27,769 Jesus went into Hell. After he was crucified. He rescued people. 356 00:28:27,769 --> 00:28:31,649 No, Jesus rescued people who'd never heard the Gospels. 357 00:28:31,649 --> 00:28:34,329 People in Hell are not being punished. 358 00:28:34,329 --> 00:28:37,489 They're there because... because they reject God. 359 00:28:39,809 --> 00:28:43,089 It's their choice. Then why is he screaming for help?! 360 00:28:43,089 --> 00:28:44,409 I'm gonna save him. 361 00:29:36,449 --> 00:29:38,689 What do you think she's asked him to do? 362 00:29:38,689 --> 00:29:40,089 I don't know, 363 00:29:40,089 --> 00:29:43,409 but if you believed in Hell and you thought your father was in it, 364 00:29:43,409 --> 00:29:45,049 what would you do to get him out? 365 00:29:45,049 --> 00:29:46,489 Anything. 366 00:30:07,569 --> 00:30:10,529 Don't try and stop me. 367 00:30:17,009 --> 00:30:18,329 Are you Michael? 368 00:30:18,329 --> 00:30:20,449 I've got a message for you. 369 00:30:23,369 --> 00:30:27,569 She says that if you don't leave here soon, it'll be too late. 370 00:30:45,249 --> 00:30:47,089 Gospodjo Kopavic? Da. 371 00:30:47,089 --> 00:30:49,609 Oprostite na smetnji. (Sorry for bothering you.) 372 00:30:49,609 --> 00:30:52,649 Velecasni Jakob je moj prijatelj. (Father Jacob is frend of mine.) 373 00:31:16,329 --> 00:31:18,529 What did I do? 374 00:31:46,809 --> 00:31:49,209 You were stationed in Bosnia. 375 00:31:50,209 --> 00:31:51,929 You were peacekeepers. 376 00:31:53,009 --> 00:31:54,929 Surrounded by atrocities. 377 00:32:00,529 --> 00:32:03,449 We weren't allowed to do anything about it. 378 00:32:06,649 --> 00:32:09,929 We knew what was going on in the camps. 379 00:32:09,929 --> 00:32:11,809 The villages. 380 00:32:11,809 --> 00:32:13,729 Is that where you saw her? 381 00:32:17,249 --> 00:32:19,289 We went there on surveillance. 382 00:32:21,609 --> 00:32:24,689 The next night I went on my own. 383 00:32:31,089 --> 00:32:32,529 The third night... 384 00:32:34,809 --> 00:32:36,249 ..I joined in. 385 00:32:42,489 --> 00:32:45,129 You can only watch for so long. 386 00:32:46,529 --> 00:32:48,449 That's why I was chosen. 387 00:32:50,249 --> 00:32:52,929 You don't get possessed for no reason. 388 00:32:59,689 --> 00:33:00,649 I wanted it. 389 00:33:02,409 --> 00:33:04,729 Still think there's hope for me? 390 00:33:04,729 --> 00:33:06,449 Yes. 391 00:33:06,449 --> 00:33:09,209 A place for ME in Heaven. 392 00:33:09,209 --> 00:33:11,129 If you want it. 393 00:33:11,129 --> 00:33:13,449 I killed her husband. I raped her... 394 00:33:14,929 --> 00:33:17,889 ..in front of her child. What's the worse thing you've done? 395 00:33:20,649 --> 00:33:22,449 Any sin can be forgiven. 396 00:33:22,449 --> 00:33:27,129 But I have to be sorry. 397 00:33:27,129 --> 00:33:29,209 Aren't you? That's who I am. 398 00:33:29,209 --> 00:33:30,889 You have good in you. 399 00:33:30,889 --> 00:33:34,049 Every time I talk to you it hurts. 400 00:33:35,889 --> 00:33:38,169 I want him back. 401 00:33:38,169 --> 00:33:39,529 You can change. 402 00:33:40,729 --> 00:33:43,609 I don't want to be me any more. 403 00:33:46,049 --> 00:33:47,889 I choose Hell. 404 00:33:49,049 --> 00:33:50,649 You're going to prison first. 405 00:33:50,649 --> 00:33:52,449 No, no. 406 00:33:54,649 --> 00:33:55,689 Call the police. 407 00:33:55,689 --> 00:33:57,569 Put it down! Police. 408 00:34:07,649 --> 00:34:09,369 I'm sorry. 409 00:34:56,289 --> 00:35:00,809 If your father is suffering, Zaid, no-one knows except Allah. 410 00:35:00,809 --> 00:35:04,009 And if I pray to Allah will he let my Dad go? 411 00:35:04,009 --> 00:35:06,369 You mustn't think that way. 412 00:35:06,369 --> 00:35:09,129 I saw him. 413 00:35:09,129 --> 00:35:11,209 Burning. 414 00:35:11,209 --> 00:35:13,889 Screaming. 415 00:35:13,889 --> 00:35:16,249 His face was black. 416 00:35:16,249 --> 00:35:18,129 I can't do nothing. 417 00:35:18,129 --> 00:35:19,809 Zaid. 418 00:35:19,809 --> 00:35:22,689 I think we need to get somebody to talk to you, 419 00:35:22,689 --> 00:35:25,369 someone who will help you think this through. 420 00:35:25,369 --> 00:35:28,049 The loss of your father in... Would you pray for him? 421 00:35:29,969 --> 00:35:31,849 If you knew that he was in Hell? 422 00:35:31,849 --> 00:35:34,289 But we can't know that. 423 00:35:35,689 --> 00:35:38,849 Hell doesn't exist before the day of judgement. 424 00:35:38,849 --> 00:35:41,449 If Allah showed you. And you believed him. 425 00:35:46,569 --> 00:35:49,609 If I knew for sure somebody's soul was suffering, 426 00:35:49,609 --> 00:35:53,769 and it was the final judgement of Allah... 427 00:35:57,889 --> 00:36:00,169 ..then it's too late for prayer. 428 00:36:15,569 --> 00:36:18,009 Prepustite meni da to rijesim s njim. 429 00:36:18,009 --> 00:36:21,409 I've been explaining that apparitions of the Virgin Mary 430 00:36:21,409 --> 00:36:26,169 are subject to investigation by the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith 431 00:36:26,169 --> 00:36:29,809 and not, despite your interest, the responsibility 432 00:36:29,809 --> 00:36:33,049 of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. 433 00:36:33,049 --> 00:36:36,649 She seems to grasp this simple theological point. 434 00:36:36,649 --> 00:36:37,969 May I speak to you alone? 435 00:36:37,969 --> 00:36:41,849 Anything you wish to say to Mrs Kopavic you can say in front of me. 436 00:36:41,849 --> 00:36:44,569 I don't know what he's said to you or what he's offered you 437 00:36:44,569 --> 00:36:47,409 but I'd strongly advise you to think again. 438 00:36:47,409 --> 00:36:49,289 Sjetite se sto smo pricali. (Remember what we talked about.) 439 00:36:49,289 --> 00:36:52,729 Ovaj covjek pokusava pomoci ali na najgori nacin. (This man is trying to help, but doesn't know how.) 440 00:36:52,729 --> 00:36:54,769 In order to help your son, 441 00:36:54,769 --> 00:36:57,409 I need to know what happened to you in Bosnia. 442 00:37:01,169 --> 00:37:03,249 Mum, 443 00:37:03,249 --> 00:37:05,129 you don't have to. 444 00:37:12,129 --> 00:37:14,569 Go outside. 445 00:37:27,769 --> 00:37:29,409 Misal saw you being attacked? 446 00:37:31,409 --> 00:37:33,329 We don't talk about it. 447 00:37:36,569 --> 00:37:38,169 You said 448 00:37:38,169 --> 00:37:41,249 you were pregnant at the time of the attack. 449 00:37:43,769 --> 00:37:44,929 Is that true? 450 00:37:47,449 --> 00:37:49,729 Why do you need to discuss this? 451 00:37:49,729 --> 00:37:54,329 Please. The man who attacked you was Zaid's father. 452 00:38:01,289 --> 00:38:02,929 Yes. 453 00:38:06,089 --> 00:38:08,369 He was a British soldier. 454 00:38:08,369 --> 00:38:12,809 Would I have come here to live if it was a British soldier who raped me? 455 00:38:14,409 --> 00:38:19,409 He spoke perfect Croatian. He was possessed. I exorcised him. 456 00:38:23,609 --> 00:38:27,009 I'm afraid Zaid's father's soul is in Hell. 457 00:38:28,729 --> 00:38:34,889 And this is Michael, the man you've been shielding. 458 00:38:36,009 --> 00:38:37,729 Please, stay outside. It's Zaid. 459 00:38:38,649 --> 00:38:40,769 He'll only speak with Jacob. 460 00:38:58,769 --> 00:39:01,569 Was this the Virgin Mary's idea? 461 00:39:03,369 --> 00:39:06,409 I want you to say prayers for my father. 462 00:39:15,329 --> 00:39:18,449 If you don't say these prayers she'll know and she'll tell me. 463 00:39:25,609 --> 00:39:28,129 Do you understand what you're asking? 464 00:39:28,129 --> 00:39:31,689 I want them to stop torturing my dad. 465 00:39:31,689 --> 00:39:35,289 The man that she showed you, it's not who you think it is. 466 00:39:46,089 --> 00:39:47,689 What does he want you to do? 467 00:39:49,809 --> 00:39:51,489 It's a prayer of exorcism. 468 00:39:51,489 --> 00:39:53,209 In reverse. 469 00:39:53,209 --> 00:39:56,929 Assorted childish blasphemy. Fine. 470 00:39:58,609 --> 00:40:00,729 You approve of this? 471 00:40:00,729 --> 00:40:04,609 If I had to spit on the Cross in order to save a life I'd do it. 472 00:40:07,609 --> 00:40:10,169 It's what's in your heart that matters. 473 00:40:17,529 --> 00:40:20,489 Would you rather I perform the ceremony? 474 00:40:22,729 --> 00:40:24,049 It's just words. 475 00:40:25,729 --> 00:40:27,009 You have to. 476 00:40:37,649 --> 00:40:41,489 When demons escape from Hell they take refuge in us. 477 00:40:41,489 --> 00:40:44,329 An exorcism sends them back. 478 00:40:44,329 --> 00:40:48,769 Your son wants me to perform a ritual that will reverse that process 479 00:40:48,769 --> 00:40:51,089 and help a demon to escape from Hell. 480 00:40:53,449 --> 00:40:55,329 And possess someone else. 481 00:40:57,609 --> 00:41:00,489 Please, just don't let him hurt anyone. 482 00:41:05,329 --> 00:41:06,329 I can't. 483 00:41:08,729 --> 00:41:09,969 Prepare the chapel. 484 00:41:43,289 --> 00:41:45,249 That's good. That's good. 485 00:41:45,249 --> 00:41:46,689 Come on. Let's move. 486 00:41:46,689 --> 00:41:49,169 Let's move, Come on. 487 00:42:18,969 --> 00:42:21,009 You can't do this. 488 00:42:22,569 --> 00:42:25,249 If I don't do it, Bukovak will. 489 00:42:26,849 --> 00:42:29,129 I can only hope that with me doing it 490 00:42:29,129 --> 00:42:31,889 the power of the ritual will be reduced. 491 00:42:31,889 --> 00:42:35,529 And if it doesn't you'll help Michael become possessed. 492 00:42:35,529 --> 00:42:38,049 What if it was your father with a knife at his throat? 493 00:42:38,049 --> 00:42:41,249 That's one life against how many? 494 00:42:42,329 --> 00:42:44,649 Vincenzo once asked me if you could go back 495 00:42:44,649 --> 00:42:48,649 and kill Adolf Hitler as a child, wouldn't you do it? 496 00:42:48,649 --> 00:42:50,969 That's one life against how many? 497 00:42:50,969 --> 00:42:52,649 That was his philosophy. 498 00:42:54,449 --> 00:42:56,369 It's not mine. 499 00:42:58,689 --> 00:43:00,329 Hold on, Dad. 500 00:43:00,329 --> 00:43:01,569 Help's coming. 501 00:43:01,569 --> 00:43:04,329 Zaid, please don't do this. 502 00:43:04,329 --> 00:43:05,769 It's for Dad. 503 00:43:07,289 --> 00:43:09,529 If you could see him, Mum. 504 00:43:14,809 --> 00:43:19,089 Zaid... He was a war hero. Why should he burn in hell? 505 00:43:19,089 --> 00:43:20,609 Zaid, my love, please. 506 00:43:20,609 --> 00:43:22,089 Did he do anything bad? 507 00:43:23,449 --> 00:43:24,689 Did you lie about him? 508 00:43:24,689 --> 00:43:27,249 Please stop. She would never lie to me. 509 00:43:37,849 --> 00:43:39,249 I will prove it to you. 510 00:43:44,689 --> 00:43:45,849 Stay with him. 511 00:43:45,849 --> 00:43:47,449 Where are you going? Home. 512 00:43:47,449 --> 00:43:49,249 I'll be five minutes. What for? 513 00:43:49,249 --> 00:43:51,409 Holy water. 514 00:44:07,169 --> 00:44:09,009 It's OK, baby. It's all right. 515 00:44:10,049 --> 00:44:11,609 It's gonna be OK. 516 00:44:11,609 --> 00:44:14,849 Easy. Easy. 517 00:44:14,849 --> 00:44:18,449 Now you're getting it. Come on, that's my girl. 518 00:44:18,449 --> 00:44:20,649 Get up. Get up. 519 00:44:56,849 --> 00:44:59,689 This is a communion wafer that's been desecrated. 520 00:44:59,689 --> 00:45:00,889 Oh, you don't know that. 521 00:45:00,889 --> 00:45:02,729 What if it's the Body of Christ? 522 00:45:02,729 --> 00:45:05,009 We are not the ones who desecrated it. 523 00:45:21,569 --> 00:45:26,249 As long as your soul is pure these actions have no meaning. 524 00:45:26,249 --> 00:45:30,089 It's only if you worship Satan 525 00:45:30,089 --> 00:45:32,209 that this ritual has any power. 526 00:46:09,889 --> 00:46:11,369 See what you did to me. 527 00:46:12,529 --> 00:46:14,169 Huh?! 528 00:47:11,569 --> 00:47:12,569 She's here. 529 00:47:48,649 --> 00:47:50,769 Don't do it, brother. 530 00:47:55,529 --> 00:47:57,969 Bless you Mary, Mother of God. 531 00:48:11,649 --> 00:48:14,649 It's words Jacob. 532 00:48:14,649 --> 00:48:16,129 Zaid! Zaid! 533 00:48:17,929 --> 00:48:19,529 Anything else is in your mind. 534 00:49:22,369 --> 00:49:23,929 You're not my Dad. 535 00:49:52,329 --> 00:49:54,409 I'm sorry. 536 00:50:06,809 --> 00:50:08,169 Thank you. 537 00:50:09,489 --> 00:50:10,769 Where did he go? 538 00:50:10,769 --> 00:50:13,289 He's gone home. 539 00:50:13,289 --> 00:50:15,489 He says his father is free. 540 00:50:18,769 --> 00:50:20,289 Are you going to prosecute? 541 00:50:20,289 --> 00:50:23,169 Not if he accepts help. 542 00:50:34,409 --> 00:50:37,089 I'm not sure I could have done what you did. 543 00:50:42,289 --> 00:50:45,009 I could not desecrate the Koran. 544 00:50:45,009 --> 00:50:46,329 Now he tells me. 545 00:50:56,289 --> 00:50:58,729 It's anti-Islam stuff. 546 00:50:58,729 --> 00:51:01,169 He's just some racist psycho. 547 00:51:01,169 --> 00:51:02,889 No, this is anti-Christian. 548 00:51:02,889 --> 00:51:05,289 How? You eat pigs. 549 00:51:05,289 --> 00:51:11,209 Jesus asked a possessed man what was the name of his demon 550 00:51:11,209 --> 00:51:16,209 and the man answered "My name is Legion for we are many." 551 00:51:16,209 --> 00:51:18,729 And then Jesus sent the demons 552 00:51:18,729 --> 00:51:22,409 into a herd of swine and they stampeded over a cliff. 553 00:51:22,409 --> 00:51:24,529 2,000 of them. 554 00:51:24,529 --> 00:51:26,169 Is Satan on a budget? 555 00:51:38,489 --> 00:51:42,049 Is this guy after us? 556 00:51:42,049 --> 00:51:44,729 I don't think so. What about Zaid? 557 00:51:46,809 --> 00:51:49,289 I know he's not my brother. 558 00:51:49,289 --> 00:51:51,689 Not my full brother. 559 00:51:51,689 --> 00:51:55,289 Do you think Zaid knows? That his Dad's a rapist? 560 00:51:55,289 --> 00:51:58,569 Isn't that what all this is about? 561 00:51:58,569 --> 00:52:01,009 He wants him to burn in Hell. 562 00:52:01,009 --> 00:52:03,529 Zaid is not suffering from a metaphor. 563 00:52:03,529 --> 00:52:07,209 His father really was in Hell. 564 00:52:07,209 --> 00:52:09,009 Are you OK? 565 00:52:22,649 --> 00:52:24,569 I've still got him under my nails. 566 00:52:26,729 --> 00:52:29,089 Otherwise I would think it was all a dream. 567 00:52:36,289 --> 00:52:38,289 How did he get off the roof? 568 00:52:41,689 --> 00:52:43,969 I'm going to find him. 569 00:52:46,409 --> 00:52:48,449 I'm going to send him back. 570 00:53:05,529 --> 00:53:06,889 What are you doing? 571 00:53:06,889 --> 00:53:10,489 I've got to get the guest room ready for the next psychopath. 572 00:53:11,849 --> 00:53:13,489 You know he isn't a psychopath. 573 00:53:13,489 --> 00:53:16,249 No, he's much worse and you brought him back. 574 00:53:16,249 --> 00:53:18,129 He could kill any number of people. 575 00:53:18,129 --> 00:53:19,489 It's up to us to stop him. 576 00:53:19,489 --> 00:53:20,969 There's isn't anybody else. 577 00:53:26,449 --> 00:53:28,329 More than you think you can give. 578 00:53:34,329 --> 00:53:38,129 If you left now I wouldn't think any the less of you. 579 00:53:40,169 --> 00:53:41,649 Nice try. 580 00:54:08,969 --> 00:54:10,649 You were blind. 581 00:54:12,289 --> 00:54:14,449 Now you see. 582 00:54:17,969 --> 00:54:21,889 The ceremony wasn't for me, Jacob, it was for you. 583 00:54:24,849 --> 00:54:26,169 To open your soul. 584 00:54:27,249 --> 00:54:31,849 However many times you escape, Hell will always be there waiting for you. 585 00:54:31,849 --> 00:54:36,369 It's been an eternity of pain since I last saw you Jacob. 586 00:54:36,369 --> 00:54:37,689 You chose it. 587 00:54:37,689 --> 00:54:42,009 You still think you can save Michael? How many times? 588 00:54:42,009 --> 00:54:44,329 There is no end to God's forgiveness. 589 00:54:44,329 --> 00:54:48,049 It's not Michael that drives you it's your own pride. 590 00:54:48,049 --> 00:54:49,249 You should approve. 591 00:54:49,249 --> 00:54:50,449 We do. 592 00:54:52,449 --> 00:54:54,529 Well, what's next? 593 00:54:54,529 --> 00:54:58,929 Do you think I doubt your ability to generate atrocities? 594 00:54:58,929 --> 00:55:00,929 Yes, I'm afraid you do. 595 00:55:02,609 --> 00:55:06,409 I made a book out of one of your priests and that wasn't enough. 596 00:55:06,409 --> 00:55:08,969 We'll speak again after I've made a library. 597 00:55:08,969 --> 00:55:12,889 No. God will speak and you will listen. 598 00:55:15,689 --> 00:55:18,809 Michael gave it to you because he couldn't do it himself. 599 00:55:20,489 --> 00:55:23,529 Are you going to assist in his suicide? 600 00:55:23,529 --> 00:55:26,809 I appeal to your holy name... 601 00:55:29,209 --> 00:55:32,729 ..humbly begging your kindness... 602 00:55:34,449 --> 00:55:36,289 ..that you grant me help... 603 00:55:38,529 --> 00:55:41,449 ..against this and every... 604 00:55:43,569 --> 00:55:47,169 ..unclean spirit now tormenting this creature of yours. 605 00:55:49,729 --> 00:55:51,209 Amen. 606 00:55:55,249 --> 00:55:56,809 I cast you out... 607 00:55:58,529 --> 00:56:00,929 ..unclean spirit, 608 00:56:00,929 --> 00:56:04,929 along with every Satanic... 609 00:56:04,929 --> 00:56:07,049 Power of the enemy. 610 00:56:08,089 --> 00:56:10,289 ..every spectre from Hell... 611 00:56:10,289 --> 00:56:13,409 I think those lies are hurting you more than they are me. 612 00:56:16,649 --> 00:56:17,809 I can't hear you. 613 00:56:17,809 --> 00:56:22,129 ..for it is he who commands you. 614 00:56:22,129 --> 00:56:23,209 Who's that? 615 00:56:23,209 --> 00:56:25,009 Jesus Ch... 616 00:56:26,129 --> 00:56:28,689 You should have let the Mohammed priest die. 617 00:56:30,409 --> 00:56:34,529 Imagine thinking that human life is more precious than the word of God. 618 00:56:34,529 --> 00:56:36,809 That way of thinking leads you to Satan. 619 00:56:37,809 --> 00:56:40,289 Your God is a jealous God. 620 00:56:41,529 --> 00:56:45,489 See how he punishes those who refuse to sacrifice the innocent. 621 00:56:46,609 --> 00:56:48,529 I'm free now Father. 622 00:56:48,529 --> 00:56:52,049 And I will make sure you can never exorcise me again. 623 00:56:56,009 --> 00:56:57,209 Jacob... 624 00:56:59,009 --> 00:57:00,809 ..say goodbye to Michael. 625 00:57:03,929 --> 00:57:05,529 Michael... 626 00:57:08,329 --> 00:57:09,849 Say hello to Hell. 627 00:57:23,289 --> 00:57:24,609 Are you possessed? 628 00:57:26,769 --> 00:57:29,809 Your God won't even allow you to speak his name. 629 00:57:29,809 --> 00:57:31,649 There's only one thing that can heal him... 630 00:57:31,649 --> 00:57:33,689 Exorcism is the cause of his illness. 631 00:57:33,689 --> 00:57:35,809 Michael is the cause. 632 00:57:35,809 --> 00:57:37,689 I had two friends who helped me... 633 00:57:39,409 --> 00:57:41,529 ..they were both murdered. 634 00:57:41,529 --> 00:57:43,409 If you collaborate with this exorcism, 635 00:57:43,409 --> 00:57:47,049 you are feeding his delusion. People have died. 636 00:57:47,049 --> 00:57:49,969 Everyone who gets involved with this delusion dies. 637 00:58:14,729 --> 00:58:17,849 transcript:chocolate sync:innuit