1 00:01:24,161 --> 00:01:25,801 Quite unexpected, as you could imagine, sir. 2 00:01:26,081 --> 00:01:28,001 The nuns were about to lay Sister St. Ignatius 3 00:01:28,281 --> 00:01:29,721 to her final resting place 4 00:01:30,001 --> 00:01:33,321 when they noticed that her spot was... 5 00:01:33,641 --> 00:01:37,401 well, it was spoken for, you might say, sir. 6 00:01:37,721 --> 00:01:40,321 Oh, watch your step there, sir. 7 00:01:44,241 --> 00:01:45,561 That's a Roman collar. 8 00:01:47,361 --> 00:01:50,201 A Roman collar, sir? 9 00:01:50,521 --> 00:01:52,321 George, if I'm not mistaken, this man was a priest. 10 00:01:52,641 --> 00:01:53,681 Dear Lord. 11 00:01:53,961 --> 00:01:57,041 Sir, Father Hoobin was to conduct the burial service. 12 00:01:57,321 --> 00:01:59,161 Father Hoobin is the convent chaplain. 13 00:01:59,441 --> 00:02:00,241 Father. 14 00:02:00,521 --> 00:02:01,841 Detective. 15 00:02:02,121 --> 00:02:04,361 Reverend Mother? Come, quickly. 16 00:02:04,681 --> 00:02:06,561 George, we'll need to dig this man out. 17 00:02:06,841 --> 00:02:08,521 Sir, I'll get some men on that straightaway. 18 00:02:08,801 --> 00:02:10,641 How may I be of service, gentlemen? 19 00:02:10,921 --> 00:02:12,401 Reverend Mother. 20 00:02:12,721 --> 00:02:14,361 I'm Detective Will... 21 00:02:14,681 --> 00:02:17,001 Will? 22 00:02:17,281 --> 00:02:19,521 Susannah? 23 00:02:19,801 --> 00:02:21,641 Sir? 24 00:02:21,921 --> 00:02:27,081 Constable, allow me to introduce my sister. 25 00:02:32,841 --> 00:02:34,121 Father Logan. 26 00:02:34,401 --> 00:02:37,361 He arrived just last night, traveling to Winnipeg. 27 00:02:37,681 --> 00:02:40,921 - En route from? - Halifax. 28 00:02:41,201 --> 00:02:45,041 His train didn't leave until morning, so we put him up. 29 00:02:45,321 --> 00:02:46,281 Were you acquainted with him? 30 00:02:46,601 --> 00:02:47,441 No, but it's not uncommon 31 00:02:47,761 --> 00:02:50,201 for a traveling priest to stay the night. 32 00:02:51,761 --> 00:02:53,681 Sir, perhaps, I'll take Father Hoobin's statement. 33 00:02:53,961 --> 00:02:56,201 Yes, George. Thank you. 34 00:02:57,681 --> 00:02:59,041 Um... 35 00:03:00,081 --> 00:03:02,401 So you're a detective now, I see. 36 00:03:02,721 --> 00:03:04,241 Yes. 37 00:03:04,561 --> 00:03:06,841 And you a reverend mother. 38 00:03:07,121 --> 00:03:08,321 William. 39 00:03:08,641 --> 00:03:12,561 Ah, Reverend Mother, Dr. Julia Ogden, our coroner. 40 00:03:12,841 --> 00:03:14,161 The Reverend Mother is... 41 00:03:14,441 --> 00:03:16,321 Your sister, Susannah. Yes. 42 00:03:16,641 --> 00:03:18,601 The news has already spread amongst the constables. 43 00:03:18,881 --> 00:03:20,921 I'm so pleased to make your acquaintance. 44 00:03:21,201 --> 00:03:22,961 And you. 45 00:03:23,241 --> 00:03:25,001 You two have work to do. 46 00:03:25,281 --> 00:03:27,641 - Doctor. - Reverend Mother. 47 00:03:27,921 --> 00:03:28,961 We'll speak later. 48 00:03:33,241 --> 00:03:35,961 I thought she was in a cloistered convent in Montreal. 49 00:03:36,241 --> 00:03:38,001 As did I. 50 00:03:43,121 --> 00:03:44,281 Come in, Will. 51 00:03:46,681 --> 00:03:50,321 Dr. Ogden found a fracture in Father Logan's skull. 52 00:03:51,601 --> 00:03:54,921 I'll know more once the postmortem is completed. 53 00:03:55,201 --> 00:03:58,401 I must let the archdiocese in Halifax know of all this. 54 00:03:58,721 --> 00:04:00,281 We'll take care of that. 55 00:04:00,601 --> 00:04:02,201 At any rate, I'll need 56 00:04:02,521 --> 00:04:05,121 all of Father Logan's particulars from them. 57 00:04:08,041 --> 00:04:09,601 How long have you been in Toronto? 58 00:04:09,881 --> 00:04:11,761 Five months. 59 00:04:12,041 --> 00:04:15,521 Our order in Montreal was given special instruction 60 00:04:15,801 --> 00:04:18,161 to establish a mission convent here, 61 00:04:18,441 --> 00:04:22,801 and I was given dispensation to leave the cloister. 62 00:04:24,441 --> 00:04:26,961 You chose not to contact me. 63 00:04:27,241 --> 00:04:30,201 It's been 20 years, Will. 64 00:04:30,521 --> 00:04:32,401 I knew that you would want to meet, 65 00:04:32,721 --> 00:04:36,201 and I was afraid that we would be strangers. 66 00:04:36,521 --> 00:04:38,881 Strangers, Susannah? 67 00:04:39,161 --> 00:04:40,241 I'm your brother. 68 00:04:40,561 --> 00:04:42,241 The 17-year-old who... 69 00:04:42,561 --> 00:04:45,281 left to a logging camp to get his start in the world, 70 00:04:45,601 --> 00:04:47,961 that's how I remember you. 71 00:04:48,241 --> 00:04:50,881 I don't know this Detective Murdoch at all. 72 00:04:53,241 --> 00:04:54,881 We'll have to change that. 73 00:04:56,561 --> 00:04:59,841 How may I be of assistance with your investigation? 74 00:05:03,041 --> 00:05:05,441 What did Father Logan do once he arrived? 75 00:05:05,761 --> 00:05:07,121 He offered to hear confession, 76 00:05:07,401 --> 00:05:10,161 and since Father Hoobin was away, I agreed. 77 00:05:10,441 --> 00:05:13,561 After that, he attended evening prayer. 78 00:05:13,841 --> 00:05:16,401 Vespers. 79 00:05:16,721 --> 00:05:19,201 And then so far as I'm aware, he went to bed 80 00:05:19,521 --> 00:05:21,001 around half-past 9:00. 81 00:05:21,281 --> 00:05:22,841 The grounds have been thoroughly checked, 82 00:05:23,121 --> 00:05:25,001 and there's no sign of an intruder. 83 00:05:25,281 --> 00:05:26,401 But there must be. 84 00:05:27,841 --> 00:05:29,641 No one here had anything to do with this. 85 00:05:29,921 --> 00:05:31,401 Of course not. 86 00:05:31,721 --> 00:05:34,201 I just need to confirm that. 87 00:05:36,521 --> 00:05:40,561 I made confession with Father Logan as we all did, 88 00:05:40,841 --> 00:05:42,921 God rest his soul. 89 00:05:45,881 --> 00:05:47,081 Carry on, Sister. 90 00:05:47,361 --> 00:05:48,681 St. Anthony. 91 00:05:48,961 --> 00:05:50,761 Yes. Yes, I know. 92 00:05:51,041 --> 00:05:53,161 Oh. 93 00:05:53,441 --> 00:05:56,081 Well, uh, we had chores, of course, 94 00:05:56,361 --> 00:05:59,281 although not everyone gets theirs done. 95 00:05:59,601 --> 00:06:00,721 I went to vespers, 96 00:06:01,001 --> 00:06:03,921 and then I helped Sister Theresa with her reading. 97 00:06:04,201 --> 00:06:07,521 She's Anglican, so she needs all the help she can get. 98 00:06:07,801 --> 00:06:11,321 Sister Theresa, did you hear or see anything 99 00:06:11,641 --> 00:06:13,041 out of the ordinary last night? 100 00:06:13,321 --> 00:06:14,561 None of us did. 101 00:06:14,841 --> 00:06:17,041 Did Father Logan seem 102 00:06:17,321 --> 00:06:20,721 apprehensive or distracted in any way? 103 00:06:22,041 --> 00:06:23,881 No. 104 00:06:24,161 --> 00:06:26,281 Do you think he knew someone was after him? 105 00:06:26,601 --> 00:06:29,681 When I was accepted as a novice, I was so happy. 106 00:06:29,961 --> 00:06:33,881 I knew that I'd be safe in God's house. 107 00:06:34,161 --> 00:06:37,281 But how safe are we if a priest can be murdered here? 108 00:06:39,161 --> 00:06:40,921 Sister Bernadette, did you see Father Logan 109 00:06:41,201 --> 00:06:43,201 last night after confession? 110 00:06:43,521 --> 00:06:46,641 Only at vespers. 111 00:06:46,921 --> 00:06:48,881 Then you retired for the night? 112 00:06:49,161 --> 00:06:50,241 No, I had kitchen duty, 113 00:06:50,561 --> 00:06:51,761 but I didn't hear anything outside. 114 00:06:52,041 --> 00:06:53,761 Aren't chores before vespers? 115 00:06:54,041 --> 00:06:55,761 Not all the time. 116 00:07:04,801 --> 00:07:07,161 A Catholic priest gets murdered in a convent 117 00:07:07,441 --> 00:07:10,041 run by the sister you haven't seen since the Crusades. 118 00:07:10,321 --> 00:07:11,441 Yes, sir. 119 00:07:11,761 --> 00:07:13,921 Hell of a family reunion, pardon the expression. 120 00:07:14,201 --> 00:07:16,961 Have a seat, Murdoch. How are you holding up? 121 00:07:17,241 --> 00:07:18,441 Oh, I'm fine. 122 00:07:18,761 --> 00:07:21,961 We've interviewed everyone at the convent, 123 00:07:22,241 --> 00:07:25,121 and no one saw or heard anything that they're admitting to. 124 00:07:25,401 --> 00:07:26,561 You think they're lying? 125 00:07:26,841 --> 00:07:27,801 They're nuns, Murdoch. 126 00:07:28,081 --> 00:07:31,001 They tell a fib, they go to limbo, don't they? 127 00:07:31,281 --> 00:07:34,361 More likely purgatory, briefly-- 128 00:07:34,681 --> 00:07:35,961 I don't understand these choices. 129 00:07:36,241 --> 00:07:38,041 We Protestants have heaven or hell, up or down. 130 00:07:38,321 --> 00:07:39,121 No messing around. 131 00:07:39,401 --> 00:07:40,761 Yes, sir. 132 00:07:41,041 --> 00:07:42,921 What about this Father Hoobin character? 133 00:07:43,201 --> 00:07:46,201 He lives at a nearby rectory, only visiting the convent 134 00:07:46,521 --> 00:07:49,161 to hear confession and conduct evening prayer. 135 00:07:49,441 --> 00:07:51,441 Last night he was at the home of a parishioner 136 00:07:51,761 --> 00:07:53,201 that is on his death bed 137 00:07:53,521 --> 00:07:54,881 to perform extreme unction. 138 00:07:55,161 --> 00:07:56,001 Extreme... 139 00:07:56,281 --> 00:07:58,561 Last rites, so to speak. 140 00:07:59,881 --> 00:08:02,161 Sirs, telegram from the archdiocese in Halifax. 141 00:08:02,441 --> 00:08:04,441 They have no record of a Father Logan. 142 00:08:06,641 --> 00:08:09,441 Perhaps my sister was mistaken about his home parish. 143 00:08:09,761 --> 00:08:11,641 Also, sir, Dr. Ogden called for you. 144 00:08:13,321 --> 00:08:15,361 Father Logan suffered two blows to the head, 145 00:08:15,681 --> 00:08:17,601 the first with something flat and broad. 146 00:08:17,881 --> 00:08:19,041 A shovel perhaps? 147 00:08:19,321 --> 00:08:21,841 Possibly, though the second blow caused the fracture. 148 00:08:22,121 --> 00:08:23,761 It was was done with something small and heavy. 149 00:08:24,041 --> 00:08:24,841 The second blow was fatal. 150 00:08:25,081 --> 00:08:26,881 It likely knocked him unconscious, 151 00:08:27,161 --> 00:08:28,321 but it's not what killed him. 152 00:08:28,641 --> 00:08:32,241 The cause of death is asphyxiation. 153 00:08:32,561 --> 00:08:34,041 There was a sizable amount of inhaled soil 154 00:08:34,321 --> 00:08:36,361 in the esophagus and lungs. 155 00:08:36,681 --> 00:08:38,721 I'm afraid he was buried alive. 156 00:08:40,601 --> 00:08:44,521 So how have you and Susannah been getting along? 157 00:08:44,801 --> 00:08:47,361 Oh, I hardly know. 158 00:08:47,681 --> 00:08:50,881 I haven't seen her or spoken to her since she was 14 159 00:08:51,161 --> 00:08:55,561 and left our aunt's home for the convent school. 160 00:08:55,841 --> 00:08:58,081 And later when she joined the cloistered nuns in Montreal, 161 00:08:58,361 --> 00:08:59,561 she wrote a final letter 162 00:08:59,841 --> 00:09:02,921 saying that the outside world was dead to her. 163 00:09:03,201 --> 00:09:04,561 At 14? 164 00:09:06,681 --> 00:09:09,241 That must have been painful for you. 165 00:09:12,721 --> 00:09:13,641 What do you have there? 166 00:09:13,921 --> 00:09:16,761 Father Logan's stomach contents. 167 00:09:17,041 --> 00:09:18,641 Beef stew. 168 00:09:18,921 --> 00:09:21,241 Father Logan was killed on a Friday. 169 00:09:21,561 --> 00:09:23,401 Catholics don't eat meat that day. 170 00:09:23,721 --> 00:09:27,121 Perhaps he was not so devout. 171 00:09:27,401 --> 00:09:30,401 Perhaps he was no priest. 172 00:09:32,601 --> 00:09:35,001 And this one he invented to see in the dark. 173 00:09:35,281 --> 00:09:36,121 What on Earth for? 174 00:09:36,401 --> 00:09:37,801 Have you no lanterns, Inspector? 175 00:09:38,081 --> 00:09:40,441 Ah, Detective Murdoch. 176 00:09:40,761 --> 00:09:42,161 I was just providing the Reverend Mother 177 00:09:42,441 --> 00:09:44,161 with insight into her big brother. 178 00:09:44,441 --> 00:09:48,441 He built a contraption that can find sunken boats underwater. 179 00:09:48,761 --> 00:09:50,401 Is that right? 180 00:09:50,721 --> 00:09:53,081 Thank you for keeping my sister company, Inspector. 181 00:09:53,361 --> 00:09:54,401 Right. Well... 182 00:09:54,721 --> 00:09:55,521 Pleasure to meet you. 183 00:09:55,761 --> 00:09:57,161 And you. 184 00:10:00,961 --> 00:10:02,801 So this is your world now, Will. 185 00:10:03,081 --> 00:10:04,241 Detective. 186 00:10:04,561 --> 00:10:07,081 Well, not entirely. 187 00:10:07,361 --> 00:10:09,361 Mother had hoped you'd be a priest one day, 188 00:10:09,681 --> 00:10:13,121 but that wouldn't have been right for you. 189 00:10:13,401 --> 00:10:14,641 Why do you say that? 190 00:10:14,921 --> 00:10:20,201 You were forever asking how things worked, why they worked. 191 00:10:20,521 --> 00:10:22,401 A priest or someone like me 192 00:10:22,721 --> 00:10:25,761 tries to comprehend God's ways, but doesn't question. 193 00:10:26,041 --> 00:10:28,921 I suppose you were always a detective, 194 00:10:29,201 --> 00:10:31,601 choosing science over faith. 195 00:10:31,881 --> 00:10:35,961 Judges and juries weigh facts, not my faith. 196 00:10:36,241 --> 00:10:41,161 Besides, the Jesuits taught me mathematics, science. 197 00:10:41,441 --> 00:10:42,521 Of course. 198 00:10:44,441 --> 00:10:45,841 Do you know if he's still alive? 199 00:10:46,121 --> 00:10:47,561 Father? 200 00:10:48,801 --> 00:10:50,761 No. 201 00:10:51,041 --> 00:10:55,561 Last I saw him, two years ago out west, he seemed robust. 202 00:10:57,201 --> 00:10:59,441 You'd think the punishment for the grief he caused us all 203 00:10:59,761 --> 00:11:01,041 would have earned him an early grave. 204 00:11:01,321 --> 00:11:03,361 And damnation. 205 00:11:05,921 --> 00:11:07,921 Is that what you came here to say, Susannah? 206 00:11:09,721 --> 00:11:11,201 No. 207 00:11:12,921 --> 00:11:16,361 I have reason to believe Father Logan was not a priest. 208 00:11:16,681 --> 00:11:19,241 Yes, I've come to the same conclusion. 209 00:11:19,561 --> 00:11:20,321 Why do you say so? 210 00:11:20,641 --> 00:11:23,081 Sister Catherine told me. 211 00:11:23,361 --> 00:11:25,321 Who is Sister Catherine? 212 00:11:37,321 --> 00:11:40,161 Why did you not tell me about her before now? 213 00:11:40,441 --> 00:11:42,721 She never goes outside now. 214 00:11:43,001 --> 00:11:46,721 In fact, she has no contact with anyone other than myself. 215 00:11:47,001 --> 00:11:48,521 Why is that? 216 00:11:52,321 --> 00:11:53,441 Reverend Mother. 217 00:11:53,761 --> 00:11:55,601 This is your brother? 218 00:11:55,881 --> 00:11:59,401 It is, Sister. He has some questions. 219 00:11:59,721 --> 00:12:01,801 Very well. 220 00:12:02,841 --> 00:12:04,761 Sister Catherine, 221 00:12:05,041 --> 00:12:08,361 how do you know that Father Logan was not a priest? 222 00:12:08,681 --> 00:12:11,681 God told me. 223 00:12:12,561 --> 00:12:14,281 God told you. 224 00:12:14,601 --> 00:12:16,441 Well, one of his angels, actually. 225 00:12:16,761 --> 00:12:19,401 But angels are messengers of God, are they not? 226 00:12:19,721 --> 00:12:22,961 Sister Catherine has been chosen by God 227 00:12:23,241 --> 00:12:24,361 to be a conduit to the divine. 228 00:12:24,681 --> 00:12:28,601 It was Mary of Magdala who told me about Father Logan. 229 00:12:28,881 --> 00:12:31,761 She said he was no man of God. 230 00:12:32,041 --> 00:12:33,201 She said... 231 00:12:33,521 --> 00:12:35,721 he was the devil. 232 00:12:38,281 --> 00:12:40,241 And that took place in this room? 233 00:12:40,561 --> 00:12:41,601 On my bed. 234 00:12:41,881 --> 00:12:44,001 The voices often come to me when I am at rest. 235 00:12:49,441 --> 00:12:52,361 Last night I heard the voice of the devil himself. 236 00:12:56,001 --> 00:12:57,241 The devil speaks to you as well? 237 00:12:57,561 --> 00:12:59,641 No, to Mary of Magdala. 238 00:12:59,921 --> 00:13:05,201 He raged at her, but she drove him out. 239 00:13:05,921 --> 00:13:07,721 She must rest. 240 00:13:09,081 --> 00:13:12,561 The angel that slew him is buried beneath him. 241 00:13:12,841 --> 00:13:15,361 Mary spoke those words to me. 242 00:13:20,161 --> 00:13:22,521 Sir, what is it exactly we're looking for? 243 00:13:22,801 --> 00:13:25,601 I suppose we're testing a divine theory. 244 00:13:25,881 --> 00:13:28,321 Ah. 245 00:13:40,921 --> 00:13:43,121 I believe this is an angel, sir. 246 00:13:43,401 --> 00:13:45,641 It's buried beneath him. 247 00:13:53,161 --> 00:13:55,281 The stone angel was exactly where Sister Catherine 248 00:13:55,601 --> 00:13:57,601 said it would be, as instructed by Mary of Magdala. 249 00:13:57,881 --> 00:13:59,761 I would think that you would be appreciative. 250 00:14:00,041 --> 00:14:01,161 And I am. 251 00:14:01,441 --> 00:14:03,321 But Sister Catherine may have witnessed the murder 252 00:14:03,641 --> 00:14:04,721 or be otherwise involved. 253 00:14:05,001 --> 00:14:06,241 Involved? 254 00:14:06,561 --> 00:14:09,201 It's absurd to think that she fractured a man's skull, 255 00:14:09,521 --> 00:14:11,761 dragged him to his grave, and buried him. 256 00:14:12,041 --> 00:14:14,841 I haven't yet established that there was only one assailant. 257 00:14:16,121 --> 00:14:17,681 You don't understand, Will. 258 00:14:17,961 --> 00:14:19,401 Sister Catherine is far too frail 259 00:14:19,721 --> 00:14:21,161 to make her way to the gardens. 260 00:14:21,441 --> 00:14:24,521 These past few weeks, she's refused to eat. 261 00:14:24,801 --> 00:14:25,601 She's starving herself? 262 00:14:25,881 --> 00:14:27,681 She's proving herself to God. 263 00:14:27,961 --> 00:14:29,401 Her single concern is piety, 264 00:14:29,721 --> 00:14:31,401 and I firmly believe that she has been rewarded 265 00:14:31,721 --> 00:14:33,841 with divine communion. 266 00:14:35,601 --> 00:14:37,721 Be that as it may, 267 00:14:38,001 --> 00:14:39,281 I find it hard to believe 268 00:14:39,601 --> 00:14:42,761 that God intervenes in murder investigations, Susannah. 269 00:14:43,041 --> 00:14:45,081 Who are we to assume God's priorities? 270 00:14:45,361 --> 00:14:49,081 The fact is, William, the angels speak to Sister Catherine, 271 00:14:49,361 --> 00:14:52,081 or have you no faith in such things anymore? 272 00:14:54,921 --> 00:14:57,601 And then just as the chapter concludes, 273 00:14:57,881 --> 00:15:00,361 our heroes realize they must rush back to save the queen 274 00:15:00,681 --> 00:15:03,561 from Sekhmet's evil bio-cannon. 275 00:15:04,521 --> 00:15:05,441 This murder mystery of yours 276 00:15:05,761 --> 00:15:07,081 is starting to sound peculiar, George. 277 00:15:07,361 --> 00:15:08,801 Oh, thank you, sir. 278 00:15:09,081 --> 00:15:11,401 Although it doesn't hold a stitch to this scenario. 279 00:15:11,721 --> 00:15:15,401 God having his angels talk to Sister Catherine? 280 00:15:15,721 --> 00:15:19,321 It must mean that angels watch over this place. 281 00:15:19,641 --> 00:15:22,121 In fact, they could be listening to our very words 282 00:15:22,401 --> 00:15:23,881 right this minute. 283 00:15:26,081 --> 00:15:27,161 Sir, what are you looking at? 284 00:15:27,441 --> 00:15:30,161 I think we know where our angel came from, George. 285 00:15:30,441 --> 00:15:31,881 Indeed. Uh, Sir. 286 00:15:32,161 --> 00:15:34,401 I believe there's some blood here. 287 00:15:36,641 --> 00:15:38,161 Yes, George. 288 00:15:40,281 --> 00:15:41,321 This is it. 289 00:15:41,641 --> 00:15:44,041 This is the scene of the crime. 290 00:15:44,321 --> 00:15:45,121 Very good, sir. 291 00:15:45,361 --> 00:15:46,401 Wait... 292 00:15:55,881 --> 00:15:57,281 A crucifix. 293 00:16:01,521 --> 00:16:02,881 A tin box. 294 00:16:03,161 --> 00:16:05,561 It's empty. 295 00:16:07,321 --> 00:16:08,841 You wanted to show me something, Doctor? 296 00:16:09,121 --> 00:16:10,681 It's a syphilitic lesion, 297 00:16:10,961 --> 00:16:14,281 and in mind of the circumstances of this case, I had a thought. 298 00:16:14,601 --> 00:16:15,441 Which is? 299 00:16:15,761 --> 00:16:17,921 Are you familiar with the virgin cure? 300 00:16:18,201 --> 00:16:20,561 The mistaken belief that intimate relations 301 00:16:20,841 --> 00:16:23,161 with a virgin will cure disease. 302 00:16:23,441 --> 00:16:25,841 What better place to find a virgin than a convent? 303 00:16:27,201 --> 00:16:30,961 The virgin cure--I can't imagine anything more evil. 304 00:16:31,241 --> 00:16:34,281 If our victim was attempting to avail himself of this cure, 305 00:16:34,601 --> 00:16:37,121 it could be why he was killed. 306 00:16:37,401 --> 00:16:38,721 I will speak to the sisters of course, 307 00:16:39,001 --> 00:16:40,241 but I'm sure they would have come to me 308 00:16:40,561 --> 00:16:42,641 if there had been any attempt to molest them. 309 00:16:42,921 --> 00:16:45,521 I found this in the garden as well, 310 00:16:45,801 --> 00:16:48,721 where I believe the victim was rendered unconscious. 311 00:16:49,001 --> 00:16:51,961 Do you know who it belongs to? 312 00:16:52,241 --> 00:16:56,681 No, but I'll ask and see if anyone has lost theirs. 313 00:16:57,361 --> 00:16:59,561 Also... 314 00:16:59,841 --> 00:17:02,121 we found blood in the garden, no doubt the victim's. 315 00:17:02,401 --> 00:17:04,161 But it's reasonable to assume 316 00:17:04,441 --> 00:17:08,361 that the killer was splattered during the attack. 317 00:17:08,681 --> 00:17:09,681 And? 318 00:17:09,961 --> 00:17:12,201 I've sent some of my men to the convent 319 00:17:12,521 --> 00:17:14,241 to search for any items of clothing. 320 00:17:14,561 --> 00:17:15,321 You did what? 321 00:17:15,641 --> 00:17:17,721 The killer is not among us, Will, 322 00:17:18,001 --> 00:17:21,681 and I insist that you stop this unseemly pursuit of yours. 323 00:17:24,841 --> 00:17:27,321 I will have my men return to the station 324 00:17:27,641 --> 00:17:30,401 once they have completed their duties. 325 00:17:41,161 --> 00:17:43,721 Sir... 326 00:17:44,001 --> 00:17:45,721 there's been a development. 327 00:17:49,561 --> 00:17:51,521 Ah, sir, there you are. 328 00:17:51,801 --> 00:17:54,601 We found it in the convent laundry. 329 00:17:57,281 --> 00:17:59,881 A man's undergarment. 330 00:18:00,161 --> 00:18:02,921 I believe I need to visit the rectory. 331 00:18:17,201 --> 00:18:19,881 This was found in the convent. 332 00:18:20,161 --> 00:18:22,041 Yes, that's mine. 333 00:18:22,321 --> 00:18:23,841 I usually leave my laundry at the convent 334 00:18:24,121 --> 00:18:25,161 for the nuns to attend to. 335 00:18:25,441 --> 00:18:27,441 You'll note that there's blood on it. 336 00:18:27,761 --> 00:18:29,161 Detective, it's my blood. 337 00:18:31,121 --> 00:18:33,681 Here, I'll show you. 338 00:18:50,881 --> 00:18:53,561 Self-flagellation is performed as a religious discipline 339 00:18:53,841 --> 00:18:57,001 or as penance for wrongdoing. 340 00:18:57,281 --> 00:18:59,641 Which is the case for you, Father Hoobin? 341 00:19:00,521 --> 00:19:01,601 That is between myself and God. 342 00:19:01,881 --> 00:19:02,881 No. 343 00:19:03,161 --> 00:19:05,801 No, that is between you and the constabulary. 344 00:19:06,081 --> 00:19:07,241 I will be needing your answer. 345 00:19:07,561 --> 00:19:10,921 My answer is that I told you I was visiting the bishop. 346 00:19:11,201 --> 00:19:13,001 Check with him. 347 00:19:20,841 --> 00:19:22,881 Will, I'm so glad you're here. 348 00:19:23,161 --> 00:19:24,521 We left on unpleasant terms yesterday. 349 00:19:24,801 --> 00:19:26,001 Oh, don't worry about that. 350 00:19:26,281 --> 00:19:29,121 The angel spoke to Sister Catherine again this morning. 351 00:19:29,401 --> 00:19:31,721 Come. 352 00:19:47,161 --> 00:19:49,041 Sister Catherine. 353 00:19:52,761 --> 00:19:55,801 The cross is lost. 354 00:19:59,521 --> 00:20:02,281 What cross? Lost where? 355 00:20:03,441 --> 00:20:06,041 The garden. 356 00:20:06,321 --> 00:20:07,801 She must be referring to the crucifix 357 00:20:08,081 --> 00:20:09,601 that you found there. 358 00:20:09,881 --> 00:20:11,921 But no one told her. 359 00:20:12,201 --> 00:20:14,441 Do you believe now? 360 00:20:15,401 --> 00:20:19,441 Sister Catherine, whose voice did you hear? 361 00:20:20,321 --> 00:20:23,601 Mary of Magdala. 362 00:20:23,881 --> 00:20:26,721 And no one else? 363 00:20:27,001 --> 00:20:28,641 Sister? 364 00:20:28,921 --> 00:20:29,801 Sister Catherine? 365 00:20:30,081 --> 00:20:32,601 My cross. 366 00:20:32,881 --> 00:20:33,841 Help me find... 367 00:20:34,121 --> 00:20:36,241 cross... 368 00:20:36,561 --> 00:20:37,961 Oh, dear God. 369 00:20:38,241 --> 00:20:40,761 Sisters! 370 00:20:41,041 --> 00:20:42,681 Sisters, we need help! 371 00:20:42,961 --> 00:20:44,721 Sister Catherine. 372 00:20:49,361 --> 00:20:50,921 You must convince her to eat. 373 00:20:51,201 --> 00:20:53,841 Starvation and lack of water will kill her. 374 00:20:54,121 --> 00:20:56,001 I suppose you've reasoned that her condition 375 00:20:56,281 --> 00:20:58,761 explains her communion with God. 376 00:20:59,041 --> 00:21:00,681 Susannah, she could die. 377 00:21:00,961 --> 00:21:02,281 I should be taking her to a hospital. 378 00:21:02,601 --> 00:21:05,761 No, we'll see to her. 379 00:21:59,801 --> 00:22:02,881 Have you lost your faith, William? 380 00:22:08,841 --> 00:22:10,401 You have a responsibility, William. 381 00:22:10,721 --> 00:22:12,441 I have a responsibility. 382 00:22:38,081 --> 00:22:39,641 So figure me this, George. 383 00:22:39,921 --> 00:22:41,401 These papists believe in saints... 384 00:22:41,721 --> 00:22:42,561 Catholics, Henry. 385 00:22:42,841 --> 00:22:44,401 I think they prefer Catholics now. 386 00:22:44,721 --> 00:22:45,641 Okay, well, these Catholics 387 00:22:45,921 --> 00:22:47,281 believe in abstinence for their priests 388 00:22:47,601 --> 00:22:49,001 because that brings them closer to God. 389 00:22:49,281 --> 00:22:50,441 Yes, correct. 390 00:22:50,761 --> 00:22:53,561 But those practicing abstinence don't have children. 391 00:22:53,841 --> 00:22:55,721 And so by Darwin's theory of natural selection 392 00:22:56,001 --> 00:22:58,521 won't pass on their inclination towards taking holy orders. 393 00:22:58,801 --> 00:23:01,601 Pretty soon, no one wants to be a priest. 394 00:23:01,881 --> 00:23:03,641 Are we running out of priests, Henry? 395 00:23:03,921 --> 00:23:04,961 Is this a problem? 396 00:23:05,241 --> 00:23:06,281 I mean, are we entering some sort 397 00:23:06,601 --> 00:23:08,041 of worldwide priest shortage? 398 00:23:08,321 --> 00:23:09,961 You're missing the point, George. 399 00:23:10,241 --> 00:23:11,721 George! Henry! 400 00:23:12,001 --> 00:23:14,201 Can you hear my voice? 401 00:23:14,521 --> 00:23:15,521 Yes, sir. 402 00:23:15,801 --> 00:23:18,001 Are you trapped underground somewhere? 403 00:23:18,281 --> 00:23:19,641 No, no. 404 00:23:19,921 --> 00:23:23,961 Follow the sound of my voice until you see a clay pipe. 405 00:23:24,241 --> 00:23:26,401 Just follow my voice. 406 00:23:26,721 --> 00:23:28,681 Sir, I think we've found you. The pipe leads out here. 407 00:23:28,961 --> 00:23:30,761 Are you in the garden where the murder took place? 408 00:23:31,041 --> 00:23:32,281 Yes, sir. 409 00:23:32,601 --> 00:23:35,521 I hardly think that Sister Catherine's conduit to God 410 00:23:35,801 --> 00:23:36,801 was a drainage pipe. 411 00:23:37,081 --> 00:23:38,801 It's part of an old plumbing system. 412 00:23:39,081 --> 00:23:41,121 Very efficient at conveying sound. 413 00:23:41,401 --> 00:23:44,201 It must have been covered up in the last renovation. 414 00:23:49,241 --> 00:23:50,281 So all of this time 415 00:23:50,601 --> 00:23:52,961 she was hearing conversations in the garden? 416 00:23:53,241 --> 00:23:54,881 And most likely the murder as well. 417 00:23:55,161 --> 00:23:59,041 And the killer, or killers, speaking after the fact. 418 00:23:59,321 --> 00:24:00,921 I need to talk to her again. 419 00:24:01,201 --> 00:24:02,961 We're just nursing her back to health. 420 00:24:03,241 --> 00:24:04,281 She's in no condition. 421 00:24:04,601 --> 00:24:08,561 Susannah, these divine messages could be the key 422 00:24:08,841 --> 00:24:10,201 to solving this murder. 423 00:24:10,521 --> 00:24:13,241 Well, I keep a written record of the messages. 424 00:24:14,681 --> 00:24:16,161 That will have to do. 425 00:24:32,241 --> 00:24:33,521 Detective? 426 00:24:33,801 --> 00:24:34,801 Sir, I spoke with the bishop. 427 00:24:35,081 --> 00:24:37,081 He confirms that, on the night of the murder, 428 00:24:37,361 --> 00:24:38,761 he and Father Hoobin discussed a plan 429 00:24:39,041 --> 00:24:40,401 to repair the church in Millbrook. 430 00:24:40,721 --> 00:24:41,961 That's Hoobin's hometown. 431 00:24:42,241 --> 00:24:43,681 So if Father Hoobin was with the bishop, 432 00:24:43,961 --> 00:24:45,001 he can't be our killer. 433 00:24:45,281 --> 00:24:48,041 Yes, sir, but strangely, Father Hoobin had with him $950 434 00:24:48,321 --> 00:24:50,761 which he just gave the bishop to go towards the repairs. 435 00:24:51,041 --> 00:24:52,161 Really? 436 00:24:52,441 --> 00:24:54,121 Where does a priest get money like that? 437 00:24:54,401 --> 00:24:55,201 Well, good question, sir. 438 00:24:55,521 --> 00:24:56,441 The other strange thing is 439 00:24:56,761 --> 00:24:58,081 that the wife of the dying parishioner 440 00:24:58,361 --> 00:24:59,441 that Hoobin had visited prior 441 00:24:59,761 --> 00:25:01,081 said he left their house at 9:00 p.m., 442 00:25:01,361 --> 00:25:03,081 but the bishop said Father Hoobin didn't arrive 443 00:25:03,361 --> 00:25:04,441 until a quarter of 10:00. 444 00:25:04,761 --> 00:25:07,361 Now, that trip should have taken 20 minutes, not 45. 445 00:25:07,681 --> 00:25:09,921 I can't help wonder what delayed him. 446 00:25:14,161 --> 00:25:15,321 After I left the parishioner's, 447 00:25:15,641 --> 00:25:17,601 I stopped here at the rectory to pick up some documents, 448 00:25:17,881 --> 00:25:19,041 and then I carried on my way. 449 00:25:19,321 --> 00:25:20,441 I see. 450 00:25:20,761 --> 00:25:23,281 If I may, how is it you came into nearly $1,000 451 00:25:23,601 --> 00:25:25,561 to give to the church in Millbrook? 452 00:25:25,841 --> 00:25:27,201 It was my inheritance. 453 00:25:27,521 --> 00:25:29,401 I'd been saving it for a good cause. 454 00:25:29,721 --> 00:25:30,841 That's very commendable. 455 00:25:31,121 --> 00:25:33,641 Detective Murdoch, I didn't kill that man. 456 00:25:33,921 --> 00:25:35,561 I wasn't at the convent. 457 00:25:35,841 --> 00:25:37,241 I believe you were. 458 00:25:37,561 --> 00:25:38,561 You encountered Father Logan, 459 00:25:38,841 --> 00:25:40,601 realized that he was an impostor, 460 00:25:40,881 --> 00:25:42,521 so he attacked you, 461 00:25:42,801 --> 00:25:44,081 to silence you. 462 00:25:44,361 --> 00:25:45,961 Invent any scenario you like. 463 00:25:46,241 --> 00:25:47,561 What about the self-flagellation? 464 00:25:47,841 --> 00:25:50,601 Wasn't it over the guilt you felt for committing murder? 465 00:25:52,561 --> 00:25:54,161 I do have guilt, yes, but not for that reason. 466 00:25:54,441 --> 00:25:56,841 I believe I've lost my faith. 467 00:25:58,041 --> 00:26:00,281 Is your first name William? 468 00:26:00,601 --> 00:26:02,041 Yes, it is. 469 00:26:02,321 --> 00:26:04,641 You were in the convent garden earlier today. 470 00:26:04,921 --> 00:26:06,641 A woman asked you if you'd lost your faith. 471 00:26:06,921 --> 00:26:07,721 Who was it? 472 00:26:07,961 --> 00:26:09,561 Sister Theresa. 473 00:26:11,361 --> 00:26:13,161 No, a novice would never address a priest 474 00:26:13,441 --> 00:26:15,121 by his first name. 475 00:26:15,401 --> 00:26:16,681 She and I became friends. 476 00:26:16,961 --> 00:26:19,361 In the most ironic of ways, 477 00:26:19,681 --> 00:26:22,441 she is discovering her faith just as I am losing mine. 478 00:26:23,761 --> 00:26:26,241 You and Father Hoobin had a conversation 479 00:26:26,561 --> 00:26:28,081 in the garden earlier today. 480 00:26:28,361 --> 00:26:30,321 Yes. 481 00:26:30,641 --> 00:26:33,121 He says he found you there alone. 482 00:26:35,041 --> 00:26:36,241 Were you looking for this? 483 00:26:40,801 --> 00:26:43,001 That's not mine. 484 00:26:45,201 --> 00:26:47,201 This is. 485 00:26:47,521 --> 00:26:49,441 Sister Theresa... 486 00:26:51,561 --> 00:26:52,881 Sister Bernadette. 487 00:26:53,161 --> 00:26:55,441 What seems to be the trouble? 488 00:26:55,761 --> 00:26:56,841 Nothing important. 489 00:26:57,121 --> 00:26:58,681 I'll come back. 490 00:27:01,761 --> 00:27:02,801 Thank you. 491 00:27:10,441 --> 00:27:11,881 Sister Bernadette. 492 00:27:13,801 --> 00:27:16,321 What has you so upset? 493 00:27:16,641 --> 00:27:19,521 I received a scolding from the Reverend Mother. 494 00:27:20,761 --> 00:27:24,041 Somehow she heard about us wagering on card games. 495 00:27:24,321 --> 00:27:25,961 Excuse me. 496 00:27:30,241 --> 00:27:31,441 Hello, Detective. 497 00:27:32,681 --> 00:27:33,881 Sister St. Anthony. 498 00:27:34,161 --> 00:27:36,601 Yes, we're burying Sister Ignatius later today, 499 00:27:36,881 --> 00:27:39,081 and this morning I went to see all was ready. 500 00:27:39,361 --> 00:27:40,801 Her rosary is missing from her body, 501 00:27:41,081 --> 00:27:42,681 crucifix and all. 502 00:27:42,961 --> 00:27:45,241 I think someone stole it. 503 00:27:51,881 --> 00:27:54,161 What's this, then? Quotes from the drainpipe? 504 00:27:54,441 --> 00:27:55,761 Yes, sir. 505 00:27:56,041 --> 00:27:59,561 I'm convinced the solution to this crime is here, somewhere. 506 00:27:59,841 --> 00:28:00,801 I believe Sister Catherine 507 00:28:01,081 --> 00:28:02,641 overheard a series of conversations, 508 00:28:02,921 --> 00:28:04,321 including one with the killer. 509 00:28:04,641 --> 00:28:06,921 But before her seizure, Sister Catherine said, 510 00:28:07,201 --> 00:28:08,321 "My cross. 511 00:28:08,641 --> 00:28:10,161 "Help me find..." 512 00:28:10,441 --> 00:28:13,521 It? 513 00:28:14,521 --> 00:28:18,321 In that case, perhaps it's referring to the crucifix 514 00:28:18,641 --> 00:28:19,561 that I found in the garden, 515 00:28:19,841 --> 00:28:22,761 and if so, she may have overheard the killer, 516 00:28:23,041 --> 00:28:25,521 still at the scene of the crime, looking for it. 517 00:28:25,801 --> 00:28:26,841 And speaking to a third party? 518 00:28:27,121 --> 00:28:27,921 Exactly. 519 00:28:28,161 --> 00:28:29,521 Sirs? 520 00:28:29,801 --> 00:28:31,881 We've had a response to the photograph that we sent around. 521 00:28:32,161 --> 00:28:34,921 It seems our victim's name is Tommy Tasker. 522 00:28:35,201 --> 00:28:37,161 He was arrested a month ago for bank robbery 523 00:28:37,441 --> 00:28:39,241 but escaped while being transferred to court. 524 00:28:39,561 --> 00:28:41,641 - This was in Toronto? - Uh, no sir, in Millbrook. 525 00:28:41,921 --> 00:28:44,161 Father Hoobin's hometown. 526 00:28:44,441 --> 00:28:45,961 Millbrook's barely a hamlet. 527 00:28:46,241 --> 00:28:49,601 Tommy Tasker and Father Hoobin must have crossed paths. 528 00:28:49,881 --> 00:28:53,121 Father Hoobin, do you recognize this man? 529 00:28:55,801 --> 00:28:58,081 All I know is he called himself Father Logan. 530 00:28:58,361 --> 00:29:01,561 His real name is Tommy Tasker. Does that name sound familiar? 531 00:29:01,841 --> 00:29:03,961 No. 532 00:29:06,521 --> 00:29:11,001 Father, I have a telegram here from the Millbrook Constabulary. 533 00:29:11,281 --> 00:29:14,441 It pertains to an attempted robbery nine years ago, 534 00:29:14,761 --> 00:29:17,321 on July 17, 1889. 535 00:29:17,641 --> 00:29:22,001 Could you please read the names of the co-accused? 536 00:29:27,041 --> 00:29:29,041 Tommy Tasker and Billy Hoobin. 537 00:29:32,761 --> 00:29:34,801 We were altar boys, 538 00:29:35,081 --> 00:29:36,561 but we started getting into trouble. 539 00:29:36,841 --> 00:29:37,881 We ran together for a few years. 540 00:29:38,161 --> 00:29:39,521 But after I decided to become a priest, 541 00:29:39,801 --> 00:29:43,881 I never saw Tommy again until he showed up in that grave. 542 00:29:44,161 --> 00:29:45,921 For the last time, I didn't kill him. 543 00:29:47,441 --> 00:29:49,681 Why did you lie about knowing him? 544 00:29:58,281 --> 00:29:59,881 Father William Hoobin, 545 00:30:00,161 --> 00:30:03,521 you are under arrest for the murder of Tommy Tasker. 546 00:30:12,041 --> 00:30:13,241 Susannah. 547 00:30:15,521 --> 00:30:16,961 What brings you here? 548 00:30:18,001 --> 00:30:21,121 It is true you've arrested Father Hoobin for the murder? 549 00:30:22,121 --> 00:30:23,721 Yes, I'm afraid it is. 550 00:30:26,521 --> 00:30:28,681 William... 551 00:30:28,961 --> 00:30:32,081 I can't let an innocent man hang for my sin. 552 00:30:33,081 --> 00:30:34,401 Your sin? 553 00:30:34,721 --> 00:30:37,641 Father Hoobin didn't kill that man. 554 00:30:37,921 --> 00:30:40,241 I did. 555 00:30:45,321 --> 00:30:47,081 It was dark. 556 00:30:47,361 --> 00:30:51,161 After vespers, I went for a walk before retiring. 557 00:30:51,441 --> 00:30:54,521 Sister St. Ignatius was very much on my mind. 558 00:30:54,801 --> 00:30:57,201 She was like a mother to me. 559 00:31:00,601 --> 00:31:03,601 Reverend Mother, please, the circumstances. 560 00:31:03,881 --> 00:31:07,241 I was in the garden when Father Logan or... 561 00:31:07,561 --> 00:31:10,201 Tommy Tasker, as you say, 562 00:31:10,521 --> 00:31:13,041 rushed up behind me and threw me down. 563 00:31:13,321 --> 00:31:15,401 He... 564 00:31:15,721 --> 00:31:18,201 Did he interfere with you? 565 00:31:18,521 --> 00:31:20,441 He tried. 566 00:31:20,761 --> 00:31:23,921 I managed to push him off briefly. 567 00:31:24,201 --> 00:31:27,641 I grabbed a shovel and hit him with it. 568 00:31:27,921 --> 00:31:32,361 He fell, and then he got back up again. 569 00:31:32,681 --> 00:31:35,401 And the next thing I knew, I had a stone angel in my hand, 570 00:31:35,721 --> 00:31:37,761 and he was on the ground. 571 00:31:38,881 --> 00:31:43,161 Susannah, you acted in self-defense. 572 00:31:43,441 --> 00:31:46,121 Why not simply tell me this from the beginning? 573 00:31:47,281 --> 00:31:49,121 I killed a priest, Will. 574 00:31:49,401 --> 00:31:52,121 Or at least, I thought he was one. 575 00:31:52,401 --> 00:31:55,841 Who would believe that a priest could commit a sexual assault? 576 00:31:56,121 --> 00:31:59,161 Not the Archdiocese, or the Holy See, 577 00:31:59,441 --> 00:32:02,841 and most certainly not the police. 578 00:32:04,201 --> 00:32:06,161 So the voices Sister Catherine heard were... 579 00:32:06,441 --> 00:32:07,961 Mine and Tasker's. 580 00:32:08,241 --> 00:32:11,201 And in all this, your crucifix got torn off. 581 00:32:11,521 --> 00:32:12,441 Yes. 582 00:32:12,761 --> 00:32:15,801 I looked everywhere for it, but... 583 00:32:16,081 --> 00:32:18,521 So I took Sister St. Ignatius's as a replacement, 584 00:32:18,801 --> 00:32:20,441 I'm ashamed to say. 585 00:32:20,761 --> 00:32:22,961 So when you were searching for the crucifix in the garden, 586 00:32:23,241 --> 00:32:25,761 who was it you said, "Help me find it," to wasn't Tasker? 587 00:32:27,121 --> 00:32:28,761 There was no one else there but me. 588 00:32:29,041 --> 00:32:30,441 So no one helped you carry Tasker's body 589 00:32:30,761 --> 00:32:31,961 to the grave and dump it in? 590 00:32:32,241 --> 00:32:33,721 No. 591 00:32:34,001 --> 00:32:35,281 Susannah... 592 00:32:35,601 --> 00:32:40,121 I believe Sister Catherine heard a voice 593 00:32:40,401 --> 00:32:42,801 calling out to a third party for help, 594 00:32:43,081 --> 00:32:46,881 saying, "My cross, help me find it." 595 00:32:48,161 --> 00:32:49,521 There was someone else there with you. 596 00:32:49,801 --> 00:32:52,281 Sister Catherine was delirious. 597 00:32:52,601 --> 00:32:55,521 You said so yourself. It was just me. 598 00:32:55,801 --> 00:32:59,521 I'd killed a man, Will. I was frantic. 599 00:32:59,801 --> 00:33:01,361 I checked for a pulse, but... 600 00:33:02,801 --> 00:33:04,641 It was too late. 601 00:33:04,921 --> 00:33:07,241 I didn't know what else to do. 602 00:33:07,561 --> 00:33:09,681 Tasker wasn't dead when he was buried. 603 00:33:09,961 --> 00:33:12,441 If you checked for a pulse, you would have found one. 604 00:33:19,961 --> 00:33:22,841 Well, if he was near dead, 605 00:33:23,121 --> 00:33:24,441 then his pulse would have been weak. 606 00:33:24,761 --> 00:33:25,561 Reverend Mother, 607 00:33:25,801 --> 00:33:27,681 you're lying. 608 00:33:40,281 --> 00:33:42,321 Listen, Murdoch, 609 00:33:42,641 --> 00:33:45,641 if your sister won't tell us who the accomplice is, 610 00:33:45,921 --> 00:33:48,521 we're just going to have to figure this out for ourselves. 611 00:33:48,801 --> 00:33:50,361 Could be this third party's the killer, 612 00:33:50,681 --> 00:33:53,361 and that Susannah was only involved after the fact. 613 00:33:53,681 --> 00:33:57,721 That distinction is less than comforting, sir, but I agree. 614 00:33:58,001 --> 00:34:00,881 Susannah appears to be protecting someone. 615 00:34:01,161 --> 00:34:03,841 Tasker knew that Father Hoobin was Chaplain to a convent. 616 00:34:04,121 --> 00:34:06,601 If Tasker really was after the virgin cure, 617 00:34:06,881 --> 00:34:09,081 it would make sense that he would go there. 618 00:34:09,361 --> 00:34:12,041 He stole some of Father Hoobin's vestments from the rectory 619 00:34:12,321 --> 00:34:14,001 while Hoobin was at the parishioner's house. 620 00:34:14,281 --> 00:34:16,281 That makes sense. 621 00:34:16,601 --> 00:34:19,721 So what's your problem? 622 00:34:21,361 --> 00:34:23,041 - Sir... - What? 623 00:34:23,321 --> 00:34:25,201 A cross... 624 00:34:29,521 --> 00:34:31,161 Sir, a Catholic nun loses her crucifix 625 00:34:31,441 --> 00:34:33,161 in the middle of a garden. 626 00:34:33,441 --> 00:34:35,641 Why does she call it a cross? 627 00:34:35,921 --> 00:34:36,721 Doesn't make sense. 628 00:34:36,961 --> 00:34:39,281 No, it doesn't. 629 00:34:39,601 --> 00:34:43,121 Unless that nun was raised as an Anglican. 630 00:34:47,841 --> 00:34:51,001 For my salvation is near to come 631 00:34:51,281 --> 00:34:54,201 and my righteousness to be revealed. 632 00:34:54,521 --> 00:34:55,281 Blessed is the... 633 00:34:55,561 --> 00:34:57,201 Sisters. 634 00:35:00,041 --> 00:35:02,321 Sister Theresa. 635 00:35:02,641 --> 00:35:06,441 May I see your rosary, please? 636 00:35:06,761 --> 00:35:08,601 Of course. 637 00:35:13,001 --> 00:35:15,001 Hmm. 638 00:35:15,281 --> 00:35:17,081 This has years of wear. 639 00:35:20,121 --> 00:35:22,801 It belonged to Sister Ignatius, didn't it? 640 00:35:26,881 --> 00:35:28,961 Sister Bernadette? 641 00:35:29,241 --> 00:35:32,081 I was working the kitchen when I heard a noise outside. 642 00:35:32,361 --> 00:35:36,561 I went out and found Theresa and the Father in a struggle. 643 00:35:36,841 --> 00:35:39,601 He was on top of her, so... 644 00:35:39,881 --> 00:35:41,641 I hit him with the shovel. 645 00:35:43,161 --> 00:35:44,041 Then what? 646 00:35:44,321 --> 00:35:45,761 He still wouldn't stop, 647 00:35:46,041 --> 00:35:47,601 so I picked up a stone angel-- 648 00:35:47,881 --> 00:35:49,961 Bernadette, please. 649 00:35:53,601 --> 00:35:56,761 I was the one who hit him with the angel. 650 00:35:57,041 --> 00:35:59,161 He tried to rape me. 651 00:35:59,441 --> 00:36:01,801 I thought he was going to go after me again. 652 00:36:04,721 --> 00:36:07,761 And you both decided to bury him. 653 00:36:08,041 --> 00:36:10,561 The Father would have simply disappeared, 654 00:36:10,841 --> 00:36:15,321 to catch his train to Winnipeg for all anyone would know. 655 00:36:15,641 --> 00:36:16,601 But when we saw his hand 656 00:36:16,881 --> 00:36:18,561 sticking out of the dirt the next day, 657 00:36:18,841 --> 00:36:19,881 we realized-- 658 00:36:20,161 --> 00:36:21,681 We thought he was dead when we buried him, 659 00:36:21,961 --> 00:36:24,041 Detective Murdoch. 660 00:36:24,321 --> 00:36:26,441 You must believe that. 661 00:36:26,761 --> 00:36:29,241 We're not monsters. 662 00:36:30,641 --> 00:36:32,641 Why let the Reverend Mother take the blame 663 00:36:32,921 --> 00:36:35,681 for what you had done and surely go to the gallows? 664 00:36:35,961 --> 00:36:37,721 She insisted. 665 00:36:38,001 --> 00:36:41,121 That time you saw me crying, I had just told her the truth. 666 00:36:41,401 --> 00:36:45,081 I pleaded with her not to confess to our sins, 667 00:36:45,361 --> 00:36:46,761 but she wouldn't hear it. 668 00:36:47,041 --> 00:36:50,321 She said it was better this way. 669 00:37:06,201 --> 00:37:07,961 This way, please. 670 00:37:14,121 --> 00:37:16,241 Susannah, I don't understand. 671 00:37:18,361 --> 00:37:22,161 Father Hoobin was entirely innocent of any crime, Will. 672 00:37:22,441 --> 00:37:23,801 Sisters Bernadette and Theresa 673 00:37:24,081 --> 00:37:27,961 were faced with an agonizing choice for survival's sake. 674 00:37:28,241 --> 00:37:31,201 In each instance, my duty was clear. 675 00:37:31,521 --> 00:37:32,761 We must sacrifice our own interests 676 00:37:33,041 --> 00:37:35,201 to protect the innocent. 677 00:37:35,521 --> 00:37:38,361 What are you hiding from me? 678 00:37:41,601 --> 00:37:45,241 I must go now. They'll be needing lawyers. 679 00:38:01,321 --> 00:38:03,121 Glad to see this case wrapped up 680 00:38:03,401 --> 00:38:04,761 and with your sister no part in the murder 681 00:38:05,041 --> 00:38:06,881 and so on and so forth. 682 00:38:07,161 --> 00:38:10,201 But the thought of two nuns swinging from a rope, well... 683 00:38:12,561 --> 00:38:15,281 The case is wrapped up, Murdoch, right? 684 00:38:15,601 --> 00:38:16,681 I suppose so, sir. 685 00:38:16,961 --> 00:38:18,841 But it troubles me 686 00:38:19,121 --> 00:38:21,161 that once Tasker was knocked to the ground, 687 00:38:21,441 --> 00:38:25,441 they didn't simply run or call for help. 688 00:38:25,761 --> 00:38:28,201 Sister Theresa did not need to finish him off. 689 00:38:28,521 --> 00:38:30,281 Well, maybe not, but with something like that... 690 00:38:30,601 --> 00:38:32,601 Sirs. Excuse me. 691 00:38:32,881 --> 00:38:35,921 From the Millbrook Constabulary, Tommy Tasker's complete file. 692 00:38:36,201 --> 00:38:39,281 I've perused it, and it is enlightening, to say the least. 693 00:38:39,601 --> 00:38:43,081 Especially... this part. 694 00:38:43,361 --> 00:38:46,561 Tommy Tasker was arrested for seduction 695 00:38:46,841 --> 00:38:47,921 five years ago in Millbrook. 696 00:38:48,201 --> 00:38:49,361 Seduction, huh? 697 00:38:49,681 --> 00:38:51,241 Promised marriage to a girl to win her favors 698 00:38:51,561 --> 00:38:52,321 and then backed out, did he? 699 00:38:52,601 --> 00:38:53,921 Yes, sir. 700 00:38:54,201 --> 00:38:56,201 And the man who brought the charges against Tommy Tasker 701 00:38:56,521 --> 00:38:58,321 was Billy Hoobin. 702 00:38:58,641 --> 00:38:59,681 What's going on? 703 00:39:02,121 --> 00:39:04,641 Sir, the young woman that Tasker attacked 704 00:39:04,921 --> 00:39:08,641 was a Mary Albert from Bethany, Ontario. 705 00:39:08,921 --> 00:39:10,881 Mary of Bethany. 706 00:39:11,161 --> 00:39:12,201 What's Bethany got to do with anything? 707 00:39:12,521 --> 00:39:14,801 Sister Catherine said that one of the voices she heard 708 00:39:15,081 --> 00:39:17,521 was that of Mary Magdala. 709 00:39:17,801 --> 00:39:20,361 The biblical Mary Magdala was from Bethany. 710 00:39:20,681 --> 00:39:23,761 Mary Magdala is Mary of Bethany. 711 00:39:24,041 --> 00:39:27,361 And our Mary from Bethany is Mary Albert. 712 00:39:27,681 --> 00:39:29,641 So who's Mary Albert? 713 00:39:29,921 --> 00:39:33,641 The young woman Father Hoobin lied to protect. 714 00:39:38,121 --> 00:39:41,641 - Have a seat. - Why is Sister Theresa here? 715 00:39:41,921 --> 00:39:44,201 Oh, I think you know, Father. 716 00:39:46,401 --> 00:39:49,681 Five years ago, Tommy Tasker was arrested for seduction. 717 00:39:49,961 --> 00:39:52,841 The complainant was one Billy Hoobin, 718 00:39:53,121 --> 00:39:57,881 and the alleged victim was Mary Albert. 719 00:39:59,801 --> 00:40:03,561 Sister Theresa, that was the religious name you were given 720 00:40:03,841 --> 00:40:05,521 when you became a novice, yes? 721 00:40:06,721 --> 00:40:07,881 Yes. 722 00:40:09,281 --> 00:40:10,521 Father Hoobin, 723 00:40:10,801 --> 00:40:14,721 the crime of seduction carries with it a prison sentence. 724 00:40:16,801 --> 00:40:19,361 Alerting the authorities to an occurrence of seduction 725 00:40:19,681 --> 00:40:22,841 would be an ideal way of ridding oneself of a rival 726 00:40:23,121 --> 00:40:24,441 for a woman's affections. 727 00:40:24,761 --> 00:40:25,561 Wouldn't it? 728 00:40:25,841 --> 00:40:27,521 So what happened then? 729 00:40:27,801 --> 00:40:30,641 Missy here was free and clear of Tasker. 730 00:40:30,921 --> 00:40:34,281 I reckon you offered a shoulder to cry on. 731 00:40:34,601 --> 00:40:36,041 But she didn't want you. 732 00:40:36,321 --> 00:40:39,161 Still pining for Tasker, was she? 733 00:40:39,441 --> 00:40:41,321 Alas, after a short stint in prison, 734 00:40:41,641 --> 00:40:43,401 Tasker reunited with Mary, 735 00:40:43,721 --> 00:40:45,361 right about the time you left Millbrook 736 00:40:45,681 --> 00:40:47,201 to study for the priesthood. 737 00:40:47,521 --> 00:40:51,001 No one likes being rejected, Father, 738 00:40:51,281 --> 00:40:52,681 but that seems a bit drastic to me. 739 00:40:52,961 --> 00:40:55,681 So as the years went on, Tasker moved his way up, 740 00:40:55,961 --> 00:40:58,441 from petty theft to bank robbery. 741 00:40:58,761 --> 00:41:02,001 With his lovely Mary by his side the whole time. 742 00:41:03,841 --> 00:41:06,641 Most recently, Tasker stole nearly $1,000 743 00:41:06,921 --> 00:41:08,001 from a Millbrook bank. 744 00:41:08,281 --> 00:41:11,841 Strangely, the authorities were tipped off 745 00:41:12,121 --> 00:41:14,441 by an anonymous letter. 746 00:41:14,761 --> 00:41:18,721 Tasker went to jail, Mary Albert vanished, 747 00:41:19,001 --> 00:41:20,641 and so did the money. 748 00:41:20,921 --> 00:41:24,801 Why don't you two take it from here? 749 00:41:34,681 --> 00:41:37,561 Tommy was a brute. 750 00:41:37,841 --> 00:41:40,641 Not at first, but then it started. 751 00:41:44,441 --> 00:41:47,561 I realized I should have been with Billy all along. 752 00:41:49,001 --> 00:41:51,001 So you took the money and ran. 753 00:41:54,641 --> 00:41:55,681 I needed to hide from Tommy, 754 00:41:55,961 --> 00:41:59,241 and I knew that Billy would take me in. 755 00:42:02,041 --> 00:42:03,961 When Mary showed up at my door two months ago, 756 00:42:04,241 --> 00:42:06,201 I realized nothing had changed. 757 00:42:07,921 --> 00:42:09,281 My love for her never died. 758 00:42:09,601 --> 00:42:13,641 I wrote to the Holy Father to be released from my vows. 759 00:42:18,361 --> 00:42:21,001 We were planning to marry. 760 00:42:21,281 --> 00:42:24,201 But then Tasker showed up. 761 00:42:24,521 --> 00:42:27,041 On the other side of the confessional. 762 00:42:29,041 --> 00:42:30,281 He wanted the money, 763 00:42:30,601 --> 00:42:34,881 and I was going to give it to him just to make him go away. 764 00:42:38,521 --> 00:42:40,881 It was gone. 765 00:42:42,721 --> 00:42:46,041 I'd hidden it in a tin box in the garden, 766 00:42:46,321 --> 00:42:47,801 and when I took Tommy there, 767 00:42:48,081 --> 00:42:50,321 he saw that it was empty, 768 00:42:50,641 --> 00:42:51,601 and he thought I'd lied to him. 769 00:42:51,881 --> 00:42:53,601 He attacked me. 770 00:42:56,881 --> 00:42:58,321 I'm sure if Bernadette hadn't come along, 771 00:42:58,641 --> 00:43:01,761 he would have killed me. 772 00:43:04,361 --> 00:43:07,841 So you killed him first, while you had the chance. 773 00:43:11,521 --> 00:43:13,401 It was him or me. 774 00:43:15,321 --> 00:43:18,521 And fabricated the story of the attempted rape. 775 00:43:19,921 --> 00:43:22,841 I needed Bernadette's help to hide the body. 776 00:43:24,201 --> 00:43:25,321 She never would have if she'd known 777 00:43:25,641 --> 00:43:27,921 that I killed a man on purpose. 778 00:43:28,201 --> 00:43:31,241 Which you wouldn't have had to do had I not... 779 00:43:31,561 --> 00:43:32,601 taken the money. 780 00:43:32,881 --> 00:43:35,961 You took it? 781 00:43:37,521 --> 00:43:39,161 What-- that was our nest egg, Billy! 782 00:43:39,441 --> 00:43:40,281 Why would you do that? 783 00:43:40,601 --> 00:43:42,921 To absolve me of my sins, I hoped. 784 00:43:43,201 --> 00:43:45,761 And to ease the guilt of leaving the church. 785 00:43:46,041 --> 00:43:48,081 I wanted Mary and I to have a fresh start, yes, 786 00:43:48,361 --> 00:43:49,841 but with a clean break from the past. 787 00:43:50,121 --> 00:43:53,681 If you hadn't done that, none of this would have happened! 788 00:43:53,961 --> 00:43:57,001 All Tommy wanted was the money! 789 00:44:09,201 --> 00:44:10,521 Father Hoobin will be required 790 00:44:10,801 --> 00:44:13,001 to testify against Sister Theresa. 791 00:44:13,281 --> 00:44:14,801 And Sister Bernadette? 792 00:44:15,081 --> 00:44:16,761 We'll petition the courts for leniency. 793 00:44:17,041 --> 00:44:20,041 I doubt any judge will want to punish her too severely, 794 00:44:20,321 --> 00:44:22,841 but there will be punishment of some duration. 795 00:44:23,121 --> 00:44:26,561 This terrible business has quite crushed our spirit here. 796 00:44:26,841 --> 00:44:30,121 My heart is heavy knowing the full truth. 797 00:44:30,401 --> 00:44:33,721 It's not how I imagined our reunion. 798 00:44:35,121 --> 00:44:39,321 I've spoken harshly to you at times these last few days, Will. 799 00:44:39,641 --> 00:44:41,441 I regret that. 800 00:44:41,761 --> 00:44:43,681 You were in a difficult position. 801 00:44:45,361 --> 00:44:47,441 Thank you. 802 00:44:47,761 --> 00:44:50,441 It's my hope that we can find time for each other now. 803 00:44:50,761 --> 00:44:52,601 I know that there must be many demands on you-- 804 00:44:52,881 --> 00:44:53,921 Will... 805 00:44:56,521 --> 00:44:59,641 I will be returning to the cloister in Montreal. 806 00:45:01,641 --> 00:45:04,161 But we've only just found each other. 807 00:45:04,441 --> 00:45:05,241 I know. 808 00:45:05,521 --> 00:45:08,801 I feel the same way. 809 00:45:09,881 --> 00:45:11,361 Then why leave? 810 00:45:15,321 --> 00:45:17,801 My reasons for confessing to the murder 811 00:45:18,081 --> 00:45:19,841 were not based solely on protecting those 812 00:45:20,121 --> 00:45:23,961 that I assumed to be innocent. 813 00:45:24,241 --> 00:45:26,361 The truth is... 814 00:45:29,721 --> 00:45:32,321 God has called me home. 815 00:45:33,841 --> 00:45:36,441 Called you home? 816 00:45:36,761 --> 00:45:39,081 I've been unwell for some time. 817 00:45:39,361 --> 00:45:42,201 And I haven't long. 818 00:45:45,241 --> 00:45:49,401 You wondered why I hadn't told you that I was in Toronto. 819 00:45:49,721 --> 00:45:51,881 I didn't think that God would give me the strength... 820 00:45:52,161 --> 00:45:53,361 No. 821 00:45:53,681 --> 00:45:57,521 To tell my brother whom I love so deeply. 822 00:46:06,081 --> 00:46:08,121 I hope that you will forgive me for wanting to spend 823 00:46:08,401 --> 00:46:11,761 my final days in prayer and contemplation. 824 00:46:12,601 --> 00:46:14,961 Can you forgive me? 825 00:46:18,321 --> 00:46:20,561 Of course. 826 00:46:24,401 --> 00:46:25,401 Come. 827 00:46:25,721 --> 00:46:28,801 Pray with me.