1 00:00:15,916 --> 00:00:19,053 --and this recession's been great. 2 00:00:19,153 --> 00:00:22,223 When people want less, they turn to us! 3 00:00:22,323 --> 00:00:26,427 What's bad for America is good for Party Down. 4 00:00:26,527 --> 00:00:28,662 [ applause ] 5 00:00:28,762 --> 00:00:31,999 So on behalf of myself, Bolus Lugoshze, 6 00:00:32,100 --> 00:00:33,601 and the main office, 7 00:00:33,701 --> 00:00:37,138 I say, free food and booze! 8 00:00:37,238 --> 00:00:38,239 Yay. [ both ] 9 00:00:38,339 --> 00:00:41,642 And this year, we're catered! 10 00:00:41,742 --> 00:00:43,511 Welcome to he fifth annual 11 00:00:43,611 --> 00:00:46,347 Party Down Company Picnic! 12 00:00:46,447 --> 00:00:47,381 Yeah! 13 00:00:47,481 --> 00:00:50,518 [ applause ] 14 00:00:53,087 --> 00:00:54,122 Shit. 15 00:00:54,222 --> 00:00:58,092 So, I've thought about what happened last night-- 16 00:00:58,192 --> 00:01:00,761 and I was thinking that, 17 00:01:00,861 --> 00:01:04,465 that we have two options-- Yeah? 18 00:01:04,565 --> 00:01:07,135 The first option being that we just 19 00:01:07,235 --> 00:01:10,338 write it off as a drunken indiscretion 20 00:01:10,438 --> 00:01:13,107 and we decide that we're never ever going to do it again. 21 00:01:13,207 --> 00:01:14,742 Right. Done. 22 00:01:14,842 --> 00:01:17,044 And the second option is-- What? 23 00:01:17,145 --> 00:01:19,012 I break up with Uda? 24 00:01:19,113 --> 00:01:21,149 Only if that's what you want. 25 00:01:21,249 --> 00:01:24,152 I mean, we can also just fool around every once in a while. 26 00:01:24,252 --> 00:01:25,486 Yeah, see, there are two options-- 27 00:01:25,586 --> 00:01:26,687 Two options. 28 00:01:26,787 --> 00:01:28,722 Yeah, I mean-- 29 00:01:28,822 --> 00:01:30,624 Y'know, next time I see Uda, 30 00:01:30,724 --> 00:01:33,227 I could talk to her. 31 00:01:33,327 --> 00:01:34,495 And say what? 32 00:01:35,796 --> 00:01:37,165 I don't know. 33 00:01:42,136 --> 00:01:43,304 Shit. 34 00:01:49,177 --> 00:01:50,811 Ron, are you wearing a fucking tie? 35 00:01:50,911 --> 00:01:52,346 To a company picnic? 36 00:01:52,446 --> 00:01:54,782 I'm not here for fun, I'm here to seize an opportunity. 37 00:01:54,882 --> 00:01:57,418 Roman, the key to success is being ready to act 38 00:01:57,518 --> 00:01:58,719 when an opportunity arises. 39 00:01:58,819 --> 00:02:00,654 Fact. Alan Duk was just 40 00:02:00,754 --> 00:02:03,324 sentenced to four months for welfare fraud, 41 00:02:03,424 --> 00:02:05,493 transferred ownership of Party Down 42 00:02:05,593 --> 00:02:08,462 to Bolus Lugozsh, operations manager. 43 00:02:08,562 --> 00:02:10,431 Fact, with Bolus in the top slot, 44 00:02:10,531 --> 00:02:13,701 operations manager is wide open. 45 00:02:13,801 --> 00:02:16,370 Fact, I'll be the only one here who spent 46 00:02:16,470 --> 00:02:20,274 all last week camped out at Kinkos preparing an in depth, 47 00:02:20,374 --> 00:02:24,077 professional grade presentation for said job. 48 00:02:24,178 --> 00:02:27,748 Ergo, fact, I am perfectly positioned to-- 49 00:02:31,819 --> 00:02:33,153 You wearing a tie? 50 00:02:51,839 --> 00:02:53,707 Hello, Mr. Lugozshe. Hey, Sport. 51 00:02:53,807 --> 00:02:55,776 You shouldn've been circulating those two minutes ago-- 52 00:02:55,876 --> 00:02:57,144 These people are cretins. 53 00:02:57,245 --> 00:02:58,446 This is the worst function we ever worked! 54 00:02:58,546 --> 00:03:00,814 Worse than Fred Durst's birthday? Suck it up, Bracken, 55 00:03:00,914 --> 00:03:03,284 we're professionals. 56 00:03:03,384 --> 00:03:04,785 Kale, what is it about "more weiners" 57 00:03:04,885 --> 00:03:06,387 That you do not understand? 58 00:03:06,487 --> 00:03:07,621 Uda! 59 00:03:07,721 --> 00:03:10,258 Hey, saw the van, 60 00:03:10,358 --> 00:03:12,393 I thought I'd say hi. 61 00:03:12,493 --> 00:03:14,762 Sato, a Heineken, then outside. 62 00:03:14,862 --> 00:03:17,565 Thanks. 63 00:03:17,665 --> 00:03:19,132 Hi. Hi. 64 00:03:19,233 --> 00:03:21,469 Sorry I didn't tell you we were working this function, 65 00:03:21,569 --> 00:03:26,440 but I realized I've never surprised you, so-- 66 00:03:26,540 --> 00:03:29,142 You look surprised, I did it. 67 00:03:29,243 --> 00:03:31,412 How was the theater thing? 68 00:03:31,512 --> 00:03:32,846 Oh, whatever-- 69 00:03:32,946 --> 00:03:33,847 Tell me what happened. 70 00:03:33,947 --> 00:03:34,915 Nothing happened, what do you--? 71 00:03:35,015 --> 00:03:37,751 Dog shit or human shit? 72 00:03:37,851 --> 00:03:41,455 Use a stick, burn the garment, bleach everything. 73 00:03:41,555 --> 00:03:43,223 Henry, we need to talk. 74 00:03:43,324 --> 00:03:44,325 Talk? What do you--? 75 00:03:44,425 --> 00:03:45,759 About us. 76 00:03:45,859 --> 00:03:47,528 Between work and Bryce's school, 77 00:03:47,628 --> 00:03:49,363 and our schedules, I feel we're growing distant-- 78 00:03:49,463 --> 00:03:51,565 Yeah okay, 'cause, you know, actually, 79 00:03:51,665 --> 00:03:53,567 I wanted to talk to-- Just listen. 80 00:03:53,667 --> 00:03:55,669 I don't want us to be like that. 81 00:03:55,769 --> 00:03:57,305 And Bolus Lugozshe was just in here 82 00:03:57,405 --> 00:04:01,174 with an interesting proposition that might concern us both. 83 00:04:01,275 --> 00:04:02,410 Okay 84 00:04:04,445 --> 00:04:06,414 Excuse me, there's a hair on my miniburger. 85 00:04:06,514 --> 00:04:07,581 Right here. 86 00:04:07,681 --> 00:04:09,450 Just a little advice from a fellow caterer, 87 00:04:09,550 --> 00:04:12,453 usually when we handle the food, we don't use our vaginas. 88 00:04:12,553 --> 00:04:15,456 That's good! [ laughing ] 89 00:04:15,556 --> 00:04:17,391 "Fellow caterer?" That's funny. 90 00:04:17,491 --> 00:04:19,560 That is rich. Why is that funny? 91 00:04:19,660 --> 00:04:21,729 You think because you're better looking, you're a better caterer? 92 00:04:21,829 --> 00:04:23,464 Looks have nothing to do with it. 93 00:04:23,564 --> 00:04:25,633 Good thing for you, 'cause you're not better looking than me. 94 00:04:25,733 --> 00:04:27,335 I'm better looking than him, and her. 95 00:04:27,435 --> 00:04:28,602 And everyone else here. 96 00:04:28,702 --> 00:04:29,937 And we're better caterers. 97 00:04:30,037 --> 00:04:31,839 That guy is not better looking than me. 98 00:04:31,939 --> 00:04:33,507 No, no, of course not, darling. 99 00:04:33,607 --> 00:04:34,742 You're much better looking. 100 00:04:34,842 --> 00:04:36,477 You too, Roman. 101 00:04:36,577 --> 00:04:39,480 Look, Escapade, want to try some nice watermelon? 102 00:04:39,580 --> 00:04:42,616 You can't tell me what to do anymore! 103 00:04:44,718 --> 00:04:45,653 God. 104 00:04:45,753 --> 00:04:48,789 The non-stop hormonal shitstorm. 105 00:04:48,889 --> 00:04:49,957 Glad I'm not a girl. 106 00:04:50,057 --> 00:04:53,561 She fired me. [ sobbing ] 107 00:04:53,661 --> 00:04:55,696 As her manager. [ sobbing ] 108 00:04:58,866 --> 00:05:00,868 [ sobbing ] 109 00:05:03,671 --> 00:05:05,439 A great picnic, Mr. Lugozshe. 110 00:05:05,539 --> 00:05:07,841 Perfectly planned, well executed-- 111 00:05:07,941 --> 00:05:09,710 Don't stop eating, I'll just need 112 00:05:09,810 --> 00:05:11,278 a "hotdog's worth" of your time. 113 00:05:11,379 --> 00:05:13,347 Mr. Lugoszhe, since returning to Party Down 114 00:05:13,447 --> 00:05:15,416 after running my own business, I've worked hard. 115 00:05:15,516 --> 00:05:17,885 Worked smart, worked hard and-- 116 00:05:17,985 --> 00:05:21,922 Worked hard, dammit. 117 00:05:22,022 --> 00:05:24,692 My point being, I think once you see my materials, 118 00:05:24,792 --> 00:05:26,960 that I made up, you'll-- 119 00:05:27,060 --> 00:05:29,329 Shit. 120 00:05:29,430 --> 00:05:31,932 that hard and smart are exactly what you need 121 00:05:32,032 --> 00:05:33,300 in an operations manager-- 122 00:05:33,401 --> 00:05:34,668 If this is about the job, Don, 123 00:05:34,768 --> 00:05:35,936 there's nothing to talk about. 124 00:05:36,036 --> 00:05:38,806 Ron. But I think if you look at the materials, sir-- 125 00:05:41,642 --> 00:05:42,810 Fuck. 126 00:05:43,677 --> 00:05:45,879 --auditions and stuff, I mean that's just part of it, 127 00:05:45,979 --> 00:05:48,682 Just as important is networking. 128 00:05:48,782 --> 00:05:51,719 Where you go out, who you see, who sees you. 129 00:05:51,819 --> 00:05:53,987 See, my mom doesn't know any of this stuff. 130 00:05:54,087 --> 00:05:55,689 Yeah, okay. This is key. 131 00:05:55,789 --> 00:05:57,357 Sky Bar Mondays, 132 00:05:57,458 --> 00:05:58,592 Cherry Tuesdays, 133 00:05:58,692 --> 00:06:00,661 Wednesday nights is Bar Marmont. 134 00:06:00,761 --> 00:06:01,829 How old are you? 135 00:06:01,929 --> 00:06:02,863 Fourteen. 136 00:06:02,963 --> 00:06:04,832 Okay, do not tell them that. 137 00:06:04,932 --> 00:06:07,435 Oh, and do you shave your arms? 138 00:06:07,535 --> 00:06:09,069 Three hits, one homer. 139 00:06:09,169 --> 00:06:11,472 Who knew I was fucking awesome at kickball? 140 00:06:11,572 --> 00:06:13,741 Awesome. For a girl. 141 00:06:13,841 --> 00:06:16,644 Stick around, see how a man does it. 142 00:06:16,744 --> 00:06:18,746 Jesus, who is that asshole? 143 00:06:18,846 --> 00:06:20,047 Garlan Greenbush. 144 00:06:20,147 --> 00:06:22,950 Company picnic all-around champ three years running. 145 00:06:23,050 --> 00:06:25,986 Guy's a winning machine. 146 00:06:26,086 --> 00:06:27,521 What's "all around?" 147 00:06:27,621 --> 00:06:29,089 You know, whoever gets the most points 148 00:06:29,189 --> 00:06:31,859 at all the picnic games. 149 00:06:31,959 --> 00:06:33,093 Stupid. 150 00:06:35,128 --> 00:06:36,497 Is there a trophy? 151 00:06:37,831 --> 00:06:39,433 Come on, Trace, you're up! 152 00:06:42,636 --> 00:06:44,505 You a religious man? No. 153 00:06:44,605 --> 00:06:47,040 Yeah, me, too, but sometimes I wonder. 154 00:06:47,140 --> 00:06:49,610 Why do some people succeed and others, 155 00:06:49,710 --> 00:06:52,580 who work hard and work smart, just don't? 156 00:06:52,680 --> 00:06:54,482 I mean, is there an order to things, 157 00:06:54,582 --> 00:06:56,750 Or is, is the Universe-- 158 00:06:56,850 --> 00:06:58,385 unfair? 159 00:06:58,486 --> 00:06:59,887 I don't know. 160 00:06:59,987 --> 00:07:00,988 [ squealing ] 161 00:07:01,088 --> 00:07:02,355 Oh, why, why, why? 162 00:07:02,456 --> 00:07:04,124 Why, why, why why why why? 163 00:07:04,224 --> 00:07:06,894 Oh my God, I'm so sorry, I'm totally uncoordinated, 164 00:07:06,994 --> 00:07:09,963 I am so sorry, please don't sue my dad. 165 00:07:10,063 --> 00:07:11,532 Your dad? Why would I sue your dad? 166 00:07:11,632 --> 00:07:12,733 Well, 'cause he owns the company. 167 00:07:12,833 --> 00:07:14,535 Bolus Lugozshe is your dad? 168 00:07:14,635 --> 00:07:17,638 Yes. Are you okay? 169 00:07:17,738 --> 00:07:19,540 No, it really hurts-- 170 00:07:19,640 --> 00:07:21,008 Oh my god, can you speak? 171 00:07:21,108 --> 00:07:22,409 Yes, I'm speaking right now. 172 00:07:22,510 --> 00:07:24,678 You are. 173 00:07:24,778 --> 00:07:26,980 So, load the trays, spiral pattern, 174 00:07:27,080 --> 00:07:29,149 overhand carry once around the barrel, 175 00:07:29,249 --> 00:07:30,751 around the bench and back. 176 00:07:30,851 --> 00:07:32,520 Set tray, open beers, 177 00:07:32,620 --> 00:07:33,754 pour standard two thirds, 178 00:07:33,854 --> 00:07:35,055 points deducted for excess head. 179 00:07:35,155 --> 00:07:38,559 And of course, any spills, instant disqualification-- 180 00:07:38,659 --> 00:07:41,394 Yeah, dude, we got it. Just prepare to lose, 'kay? 181 00:07:41,495 --> 00:07:43,597 Hey, you guys seen Casey anywhere? No. 182 00:07:43,697 --> 00:07:45,666 What are you doing? Catering race. 183 00:07:45,766 --> 00:07:47,901 These guys are talking shit, we're gonna teach 'em a lesson. 184 00:07:48,001 --> 00:07:49,469 Yeah we are. Oh, so on your day off, 185 00:07:49,570 --> 00:07:51,505 you turn your shitty job into a contest? 186 00:07:51,605 --> 00:07:53,073 Do you guys want to put money on this? 187 00:07:53,173 --> 00:07:54,107 Fuck yeah, let's make it interesting. 188 00:07:54,207 --> 00:07:55,442 What've you got, Kyle? 189 00:07:55,543 --> 00:07:57,010 Four bucks. Four bucks? 190 00:07:57,110 --> 00:07:59,680 What do you have, Henry? Nope. 191 00:07:59,780 --> 00:08:02,683 Okay, so, nine bucks on it. 192 00:08:02,783 --> 00:08:04,184 Now it's interesting. 193 00:08:04,284 --> 00:08:05,452 Gentlemen, take your trays. 194 00:08:05,553 --> 00:08:07,154 Fuck yeah! Come on, Kyle! 195 00:08:07,254 --> 00:08:08,556 These guys suck! 196 00:08:08,656 --> 00:08:09,690 No we don't. 197 00:08:09,790 --> 00:08:11,925 Waiters set? Go. 198 00:08:12,025 --> 00:08:14,528 Let's go Kyle. Go, go, go! 199 00:08:14,628 --> 00:08:15,763 Come on, Sado. 200 00:08:15,863 --> 00:08:17,631 Come on Kyle, go Kyle! 201 00:08:17,731 --> 00:08:18,832 Come on! Kyle, come on! 202 00:08:18,932 --> 00:08:19,833 The lead, keep the lead! 203 00:08:19,933 --> 00:08:21,902 Come on, Kyle. 204 00:08:22,002 --> 00:08:25,438 [ laughing ] 205 00:08:25,539 --> 00:08:26,607 That's a forfeit, man. 206 00:08:26,707 --> 00:08:28,175 Oh, man. 207 00:08:28,275 --> 00:08:30,678 Not only are you guys ugly, you're dumb! 208 00:08:30,778 --> 00:08:33,146 Oh, we're dumb? You owe us nine bucks, bitch. 209 00:08:33,246 --> 00:08:34,481 Yeah, bitch. 210 00:08:34,582 --> 00:08:37,785 You guys suck. At everything. 211 00:08:37,885 --> 00:08:39,653 Fucking hate them. 212 00:08:39,753 --> 00:08:41,622 This is it, dog, this is it, bro! 213 00:08:41,722 --> 00:08:43,724 Come on, you think you got what it takes? 214 00:08:43,824 --> 00:08:48,461 You don't! HORSE, motherfucker! 215 00:08:48,562 --> 00:08:50,030 Oh, you got second place. 216 00:08:50,130 --> 00:08:51,565 That's not bad. 217 00:08:51,665 --> 00:08:52,800 For a girl. 218 00:08:52,900 --> 00:08:54,234 You telling me you threw a perfect game of HORSE? 219 00:08:54,334 --> 00:08:55,769 Yeah, and guess what else? 220 00:08:55,869 --> 00:08:57,137 I'm gonna win the all around. 221 00:08:57,237 --> 00:08:58,205 Oh. That's right. 222 00:08:58,305 --> 00:09:00,007 Garlan Greenbush. 223 00:09:00,107 --> 00:09:01,508 What the fuck kind of name is that, anyway? 224 00:09:01,609 --> 00:09:02,743 Seriously, are you, like, 225 00:09:02,843 --> 00:09:04,678 an unemployed wizard or something? 226 00:09:04,778 --> 00:09:07,615 A wizard of this. [ weird noises ] 227 00:09:07,715 --> 00:09:10,751 You're a wizard of making women uncomfortable. 228 00:09:10,851 --> 00:09:12,586 No, I'm a lead guitarist. Oh. 229 00:09:12,686 --> 00:09:14,221 Yeah, yeah, see, and that's an actual move. 230 00:09:14,321 --> 00:09:15,689 And that's your band? 231 00:09:15,789 --> 00:09:18,158 Pilvdryzt? 232 00:09:18,258 --> 00:09:20,661 Pile. Driverz. 233 00:09:20,761 --> 00:09:22,495 Like what's gonna happen to you. 234 00:09:22,596 --> 00:09:24,497 You step into the ring with me, 235 00:09:24,598 --> 00:09:25,699 and you are entering-- 236 00:09:25,799 --> 00:09:28,636 A world of shit. 237 00:09:28,736 --> 00:09:32,505 I'm sure that applies to doing just about anything with you. 238 00:09:32,606 --> 00:09:35,008 See you at the three legged race, Garlan. 239 00:09:37,745 --> 00:09:39,813 I was a crew member, and team leader. 240 00:09:39,913 --> 00:09:42,515 You know, I know the company, I ran my own Soup'R Crackers. 241 00:09:42,616 --> 00:09:46,053 Really? I loved Soup'R Crackers! 242 00:09:46,153 --> 00:09:48,055 Really? I was shocked when they went bankrupt. 243 00:09:48,155 --> 00:09:49,657 I mean, when I think bad economy, 244 00:09:49,757 --> 00:09:51,158 I think Soup Kitchens, breadlines-- 245 00:09:51,258 --> 00:09:52,993 All you can eat salad, I know! 246 00:09:53,093 --> 00:09:54,227 Did it bleed? 247 00:09:54,327 --> 00:09:55,896 This's my only good shirt, 248 00:09:55,996 --> 00:09:57,030 I don't have a backup. 249 00:09:57,130 --> 00:09:58,799 No, but there's a bump. 250 00:09:58,899 --> 00:10:00,067 Oh, no. That's always been there, 251 00:10:00,167 --> 00:10:02,135 they don't know what it is. 252 00:10:02,235 --> 00:10:04,004 I was going to present this to your dad, 253 00:10:04,104 --> 00:10:06,206 but now with my spine the way it is, 254 00:10:06,306 --> 00:10:07,808 I just, I don't feel 100%. 255 00:10:07,908 --> 00:10:09,076 I can totally show this to him. 256 00:10:09,176 --> 00:10:10,678 Yeah? Yes! 257 00:10:10,778 --> 00:10:12,680 That would be great, that would be great. 258 00:10:12,780 --> 00:10:13,914 Oh wait, but he already offered the job 259 00:10:14,014 --> 00:10:15,683 to the woman from Valhalla catering-- 260 00:10:15,783 --> 00:10:19,119 Uda Bengt? Shit. 261 00:10:19,219 --> 00:10:21,154 Crap, well, why did I even bother-- 262 00:10:21,254 --> 00:10:24,124 Wait, no, I mean, if you really want to, 263 00:10:24,224 --> 00:10:25,726 I've got another idea! 264 00:10:28,261 --> 00:10:30,230 Hey. Can I interest you 265 00:10:30,330 --> 00:10:33,033 in a three-legged race? 266 00:10:33,133 --> 00:10:34,735 So, I talked to her. 267 00:10:34,835 --> 00:10:35,769 Yeah? 268 00:10:35,869 --> 00:10:37,137 And she offered me a job-- 269 00:10:37,237 --> 00:10:38,806 What do you mean she offered you a job? 270 00:10:38,906 --> 00:10:41,208 To work for her at the main office. 271 00:10:41,308 --> 00:10:44,077 Better pay, regular hours, 401K. 272 00:10:44,177 --> 00:10:45,245 The whole thing. 273 00:10:45,345 --> 00:10:47,114 She said she wants to make "us" work. 274 00:10:47,214 --> 00:10:48,615 Yeesh. 275 00:10:48,716 --> 00:10:51,051 I mean, I went in there ready to break it off with her, 276 00:10:51,151 --> 00:10:53,787 but then she just starts saying all this crazy shit. 277 00:10:53,887 --> 00:10:55,222 Do you want that stuff? 278 00:10:55,322 --> 00:10:57,224 I don't know, I don't even know if that's the question. 279 00:10:57,324 --> 00:11:00,027 Y'know, I mean, I want a million dollars 280 00:11:00,127 --> 00:11:01,862 and a giant house, 281 00:11:01,962 --> 00:11:04,765 but when is it dumb to give up something 282 00:11:04,865 --> 00:11:08,268 stable, and okay to role the dice? 283 00:11:08,368 --> 00:11:12,105 And I'm the dice--? 284 00:11:12,205 --> 00:11:14,808 I don't know, I mean-- 285 00:11:16,844 --> 00:11:18,678 She gave me this. 286 00:11:18,779 --> 00:11:19,679 What's this? 287 00:11:19,780 --> 00:11:21,048 Her kid did it for me. 288 00:11:21,148 --> 00:11:22,282 What's this supposed to be? 289 00:11:22,382 --> 00:11:24,217 It's me. I didn't even think he liked me, 290 00:11:24,317 --> 00:11:27,855 but he drew me-- He drew you with a giant boner. 291 00:11:27,955 --> 00:11:29,056 No, he didn't, that's an arm-- 292 00:11:29,156 --> 00:11:30,958 Attached to your crotch? 293 00:11:31,058 --> 00:11:34,094 He's not Rembrandt, he's five-- 294 00:11:36,163 --> 00:11:38,631 Oh yeah. That is a boner. 295 00:11:38,732 --> 00:11:40,934 Well, what you have to understand is that 296 00:11:41,034 --> 00:11:43,904 Hollywood is a raw Darwinian struggle 297 00:11:44,004 --> 00:11:46,639 pitting assholes against other assholes. 298 00:11:46,740 --> 00:11:48,842 If you want to get anything done, you're gonna have to be 299 00:11:48,942 --> 00:11:50,643 the biggest asshole you can be. 300 00:11:50,744 --> 00:11:52,746 Whis is why I struggle, 301 00:11:52,846 --> 00:11:54,681 I'm just, I'm too nice-- 302 00:11:54,782 --> 00:11:57,918 Hurry up, you stupid queer! 303 00:11:58,018 --> 00:11:59,352 You know? 304 00:11:59,452 --> 00:12:01,121 Secret of success-- 305 00:12:01,221 --> 00:12:04,925 When opportunity arises, be the bigger asshole. 306 00:12:05,025 --> 00:12:08,095 The bigger asshole. 307 00:12:08,195 --> 00:12:09,229 Yeah, yeah, yeah! 308 00:12:09,329 --> 00:12:10,363 We got-- Oh, we got this! 309 00:12:10,463 --> 00:12:12,365 We got it, we got it! 310 00:12:12,465 --> 00:12:15,803 [ shouting ] 311 00:12:15,903 --> 00:12:18,705 [ cheering ] 312 00:12:18,806 --> 00:12:21,241 Oh my goodness! 313 00:12:21,341 --> 00:12:23,076 You dickless weenis! 314 00:12:23,176 --> 00:12:25,278 No, put an asterix next to it, okay? 315 00:12:25,378 --> 00:12:27,815 Because my real partner pulled a hammy, so-- 316 00:12:27,915 --> 00:12:29,749 Is this an excuse contest? 317 00:12:29,850 --> 00:12:31,151 Is it? 'Cause you're good. 318 00:12:31,251 --> 00:12:33,320 See you, Garlan. 319 00:12:33,420 --> 00:12:34,754 Do over! 320 00:12:34,855 --> 00:12:37,357 Do over, you stupid fuck! 321 00:12:37,457 --> 00:12:39,326 This is insane! 322 00:12:39,426 --> 00:12:41,394 Company code of conduct provision number five states 323 00:12:41,494 --> 00:12:45,032 "Employees must conduct themselves in a civil manner. Foul language, drug use, 324 00:12:45,132 --> 00:12:48,101 and lewd behavior are grounds for dismissal." [ both speaking ] 325 00:12:48,201 --> 00:12:49,870 Biggest my dad ever freaked out was when 326 00:12:49,970 --> 00:12:51,872 he found pot in my room. 327 00:12:51,972 --> 00:12:53,807 You smoke pot? No. 328 00:12:53,907 --> 00:12:54,975 I quit. 329 00:12:55,075 --> 00:12:56,776 I mean, I'm trying, to quit. 330 00:12:56,877 --> 00:13:01,281 I am stoned right now, but just a tiny bit. 331 00:13:01,381 --> 00:13:02,983 Okay. 332 00:13:03,083 --> 00:13:04,852 I'm gonna sneak in, put this in Uda's bag-- 333 00:13:04,952 --> 00:13:06,486 Right, then if somebody comes, I call you, 334 00:13:06,586 --> 00:13:08,721 I got the number on my cell phone, got it in my head. 335 00:13:08,822 --> 00:13:09,957 Okay. 336 00:13:10,958 --> 00:13:13,326 Wait, hold on! 337 00:13:13,426 --> 00:13:15,228 Why are you doing this? 338 00:13:15,328 --> 00:13:16,997 I mean, it was just a horse shoe to the back-- 339 00:13:17,097 --> 00:13:19,232 No, it wasn't. 340 00:13:19,332 --> 00:13:23,736 You worked really hard on that proposal, Ron. 341 00:13:23,837 --> 00:13:26,306 I mean, there's gotta be some order to the Universe, 342 00:13:26,406 --> 00:13:27,574 right? 343 00:13:28,976 --> 00:13:30,810 Here we go. Maybe. 344 00:13:30,911 --> 00:13:33,947 Maybe there is an order to the Universe. 345 00:13:34,047 --> 00:13:35,482 Ron. Why're you standing there? 346 00:13:35,582 --> 00:13:38,919 I'm not, I'm just enjoying 347 00:13:39,019 --> 00:13:41,288 the party, Uda. Do it elsewhere. 348 00:13:41,388 --> 00:13:42,389 This is a service lane-- 349 00:13:42,489 --> 00:13:44,324 I can hang out wherever-- 350 00:13:44,424 --> 00:13:46,026 Uda! 351 00:13:46,126 --> 00:13:48,561 I did want to talk to you about something-- 352 00:13:52,265 --> 00:13:54,267 I hear you're up for operation manager. 353 00:13:54,367 --> 00:13:55,402 What about it? 354 00:13:55,502 --> 00:13:56,769 Just, surprised, you know, 355 00:13:56,870 --> 00:13:58,105 I always thought Party Down was beneath you? 356 00:13:58,205 --> 00:13:59,272 Who told you? 357 00:13:59,372 --> 00:14:00,874 No one. Was it Henry? 358 00:14:00,974 --> 00:14:02,409 No. 359 00:14:02,509 --> 00:14:03,810 Yes. 360 00:14:03,911 --> 00:14:05,112 Well, did he have a reaction? 361 00:14:05,212 --> 00:14:06,880 You know Henry, it's hard to tell-- 362 00:14:06,980 --> 00:14:08,916 You know him very well, Ron, was he pleased? 363 00:14:09,016 --> 00:14:10,417 Or was he uncomfortable? 364 00:14:10,517 --> 00:14:12,019 Uncomfortable? Why would he be uncomfortable? 365 00:14:12,119 --> 00:14:13,320 He didn't do anything-- Tell me what happened. 366 00:14:13,420 --> 00:14:14,922 Nothing happened! It was a theater party, 367 00:14:15,022 --> 00:14:17,024 and I for one would know what would happen-- 368 00:14:17,124 --> 00:14:19,559 Test the fabric, then spread it on the vomit. 369 00:14:19,659 --> 00:14:21,929 What does that mean, Ron? 370 00:14:22,029 --> 00:14:24,097 Nothing. Nothing. Henry didn't do anything, okay? 371 00:14:24,197 --> 00:14:26,266 He didn't even tell me about the job. 372 00:14:26,366 --> 00:14:27,400 So-- 373 00:14:27,500 --> 00:14:28,535 Hey, hold on! 374 00:14:28,635 --> 00:14:30,137 Stop it, hey, Daniel! 375 00:14:30,237 --> 00:14:35,142 Stop, somebody's coming! 376 00:14:35,242 --> 00:14:38,979 Those are available at the party. 377 00:14:39,079 --> 00:14:40,647 Okay, I'm higher than I thought. 378 00:14:44,584 --> 00:14:46,319 Another thing. Your shirt. 379 00:14:46,419 --> 00:14:48,088 What is that, like, Target or something? 380 00:14:48,188 --> 00:14:49,957 See, your look is key. 381 00:14:50,057 --> 00:14:51,824 What do you think about this shirt? 382 00:14:51,925 --> 00:14:54,294 It's cool. Like, casual, but cool. 383 00:14:54,394 --> 00:14:56,229 Yeah, see, that's my image right there. 384 00:14:56,329 --> 00:14:57,497 300 bucks. 385 00:14:57,597 --> 00:14:59,266 These jeans, a grand. 386 00:14:59,366 --> 00:15:01,268 Really? They're so cool. 387 00:15:01,368 --> 00:15:03,503 My manager's gay, and he thinks I'm gay, 388 00:15:03,603 --> 00:15:05,973 so he gives me a ton of gifts, lots of stuff. 389 00:15:06,073 --> 00:15:08,008 So your mom needs to be like totally 390 00:15:08,108 --> 00:15:09,276 spending way more on your clothes. 391 00:15:09,376 --> 00:15:11,211 Hey, everybody, how's it going? 392 00:15:11,311 --> 00:15:12,445 At the picnic. 393 00:15:12,545 --> 00:15:14,481 Mom, I'm talking to Kyle, here. 394 00:15:14,581 --> 00:15:15,848 Keep going. 395 00:15:15,949 --> 00:15:17,084 Is that a beer--? 396 00:15:17,184 --> 00:15:18,251 You're not my manager anymore, 397 00:15:18,351 --> 00:15:19,486 so, if you speak to me again, 398 00:15:19,586 --> 00:15:21,421 I'm gonna hitch-hike home with a maniac. 399 00:15:21,521 --> 00:15:23,856 C'mon, Kyle. Copy that. 400 00:15:23,957 --> 00:15:26,559 Okay, well. 401 00:15:26,659 --> 00:15:28,528 It only gets worse. 402 00:15:28,628 --> 00:15:31,999 My daughter just quit on me. 403 00:15:32,099 --> 00:15:33,533 On her own mother? 404 00:15:33,633 --> 00:15:35,002 What did she do? 405 00:15:35,102 --> 00:15:36,569 Singing shoe. 406 00:15:36,669 --> 00:15:38,038 What is that? 407 00:15:38,138 --> 00:15:39,406 Discount Shoe Center. 408 00:15:39,506 --> 00:15:41,508 We run local ads, 409 00:15:41,608 --> 00:15:43,343 she was our singing shoe. 410 00:15:45,245 --> 00:15:46,413 Huh? 411 00:15:47,247 --> 00:15:51,584 [ cheering, clapping ] 412 00:15:51,684 --> 00:15:53,620 Five, four, 413 00:15:53,720 --> 00:15:57,024 Three, two, one! 414 00:15:57,124 --> 00:15:58,325 And, stop! 415 00:15:58,425 --> 00:16:00,193 No. I win! I win! 416 00:16:00,293 --> 00:16:03,030 And the winner of the hot dog eating contest is 417 00:16:03,130 --> 00:16:04,464 Garlan Greenbush! Yes! 418 00:16:04,564 --> 00:16:05,999 [ cheering, booing ] 419 00:16:06,099 --> 00:16:08,035 And the overall winner on points 420 00:16:08,135 --> 00:16:11,004 is Casey Klein! 421 00:16:11,104 --> 00:16:13,306 [ cheering ] Yeah, yeah! 422 00:16:13,406 --> 00:16:18,278 [ shouting with mouth full ] 423 00:16:18,378 --> 00:16:21,048 [ speaking with mouth full ] 424 00:16:21,148 --> 00:16:24,184 [ cheering ] 425 00:16:26,286 --> 00:16:30,957 [ cheering continues ] 426 00:16:31,058 --> 00:16:33,060 Hear you may join us at the main office? 427 00:16:33,160 --> 00:16:34,594 Capital of North Dakota. 428 00:16:34,694 --> 00:16:36,329 What? Bismark. 429 00:16:36,429 --> 00:16:37,564 Bone up on your trivia. 430 00:16:37,664 --> 00:16:38,998 We're a crazy bunch over there. 431 00:16:39,099 --> 00:16:40,067 Ah, trivia. 432 00:16:40,167 --> 00:16:41,468 What's green and falls up? 433 00:16:41,568 --> 00:16:43,936 That's not trivia. 434 00:16:44,037 --> 00:16:45,338 Hey. Hey. 435 00:16:45,438 --> 00:16:47,006 Hi. Hi. 436 00:16:47,107 --> 00:16:48,075 Sorry. Sorry. 437 00:16:48,175 --> 00:16:50,077 Look at it, it looks just like gold. 438 00:16:50,177 --> 00:16:51,211 How's it feel to be a winner? 439 00:16:51,311 --> 00:16:52,945 So good, like really good. 440 00:16:53,046 --> 00:16:54,347 Okay, break it up, guys. 441 00:16:54,447 --> 00:16:57,350 We've taken all we can take from these Valhalla assholes. 442 00:16:57,450 --> 00:16:58,985 Maybe they are better caterers. 443 00:16:59,086 --> 00:17:00,620 Maybe they are better looking-- 444 00:17:00,720 --> 00:17:02,089 No, you know what, they're not better looking-- 445 00:17:02,189 --> 00:17:03,490 No, they're not better looking than you, Kyle, 446 00:17:03,590 --> 00:17:05,158 or you, Roman. Thank you. 447 00:17:05,258 --> 00:17:06,693 But on aggragate, they're better looking. 448 00:17:06,793 --> 00:17:09,096 Okay, we need to teach these guys a lesson. 449 00:17:09,196 --> 00:17:11,098 Just because you're better looking 450 00:17:11,198 --> 00:17:14,134 and more talented, does not mean you're better. 451 00:17:14,234 --> 00:17:15,468 How do we teach them a lesson? 452 00:17:15,568 --> 00:17:17,137 By kicking their ass at Kickball. 453 00:17:17,237 --> 00:17:18,238 Oh my God! 454 00:17:18,338 --> 00:17:19,306 Yeah! Who's in? 455 00:17:19,406 --> 00:17:20,473 I'm in. I'm in. 456 00:17:20,573 --> 00:17:21,974 Fuck 'em in the ass! 457 00:17:22,075 --> 00:17:23,376 One, two, three! 458 00:17:23,476 --> 00:17:25,645 Fuck 'em in the ass! [ all speaking ] 459 00:17:25,745 --> 00:17:27,414 Kyle. 460 00:17:27,514 --> 00:17:30,383 I was thinking, since it's American, 461 00:17:30,483 --> 00:17:36,223 and a ball game, Escapade should sing the national anthem. 462 00:17:36,323 --> 00:17:37,657 Hey sloth, hurry up, let's go. 463 00:17:37,757 --> 00:17:39,559 Yeah, uh-- Yeah, that sounds-- 464 00:17:39,659 --> 00:17:42,395 Kyle, she won't talk to me, I need you to get her to sing! 465 00:17:42,495 --> 00:17:43,530 Lydia, we're going to play a game-- 466 00:17:43,630 --> 00:17:46,166 [ incoherrent squealing ] 467 00:17:46,266 --> 00:17:48,000 Cut your-- The fuck? 468 00:17:48,101 --> 00:17:49,536 Are you insane? 469 00:17:49,636 --> 00:17:51,404 This is a $300 shirt! 470 00:17:51,504 --> 00:17:53,240 And this was $1.29 at Target. 471 00:17:53,340 --> 00:17:55,275 And it'll cost me a quarter to call your manager 472 00:17:55,375 --> 00:17:56,509 and tell him you're not gay. 473 00:17:56,609 --> 00:18:00,147 So you get her to sing, shit morsel. 474 00:18:00,247 --> 00:18:05,218 * And the rockets red glare, * 475 00:18:05,318 --> 00:18:10,523 * the bombs bursting in air, * 476 00:18:10,623 --> 00:18:13,526 * gave proof through the night * 477 00:18:13,626 --> 00:18:15,295 Look at this little thing, she's a trible threat, 478 00:18:15,395 --> 00:18:17,664 She sings, dances, acts-- 479 00:18:17,764 --> 00:18:19,566 she's beautiful. 480 00:18:19,666 --> 00:18:21,468 She'd be adorable as a shoe. 481 00:18:21,568 --> 00:18:24,171 Woo! * And the home 482 00:18:24,271 --> 00:18:28,541 * of the brave 483 00:18:28,641 --> 00:18:31,244 [ cheering ] 484 00:18:31,344 --> 00:18:34,581 [ cheering continues ] 485 00:18:34,681 --> 00:18:36,616 Finally, can we go kill these bastards, already? 486 00:18:36,716 --> 00:18:37,717 Let's do it. Yeah! 487 00:18:37,817 --> 00:18:38,751 Ready? Yes. 488 00:18:38,851 --> 00:18:40,052 Hey, so, uh, 489 00:18:40,153 --> 00:18:41,588 They're roping you into this too? 490 00:18:41,688 --> 00:18:44,491 It's my team. And I was all state soccer in highschool. 491 00:18:44,591 --> 00:18:47,594 You have ketchup on your collar. 492 00:18:47,694 --> 00:18:52,064 [ chatter ] 493 00:18:52,165 --> 00:18:54,601 [ clapping, cheering ] 494 00:18:54,701 --> 00:18:56,703 Check this out! 495 00:18:56,803 --> 00:18:58,338 I'm gonna kill 'em! 496 00:18:58,438 --> 00:19:01,508 [ squealing ] 497 00:19:01,608 --> 00:19:05,345 Run, run you dolt! 498 00:19:05,445 --> 00:19:06,779 Look, I'm on a base! You're out. 499 00:19:06,879 --> 00:19:08,848 I did it, what? It's like baseball. 500 00:19:08,948 --> 00:19:10,283 But I'm on the base. Same rules. 501 00:19:10,383 --> 00:19:11,584 What're you talking about? Well, I was at the base 502 00:19:11,684 --> 00:19:13,653 with the ball when you got here, you're out! 503 00:19:13,753 --> 00:19:15,488 It's all right, it's all right. 504 00:19:15,588 --> 00:19:16,656 Get off the field. 505 00:19:16,756 --> 00:19:17,724 Okay. 506 00:19:17,824 --> 00:19:19,192 That's all right, that's all right. 507 00:19:19,292 --> 00:19:21,093 Tie game, motherfucker. 508 00:19:21,194 --> 00:19:22,495 Dude, you're not pitching-- 509 00:19:22,595 --> 00:19:23,763 Yeah. No. 510 00:19:23,863 --> 00:19:25,632 Fuck off, I got the wicked spin. 511 00:19:25,732 --> 00:19:27,500 See, I think this is where'd I'd just stop. 512 00:19:27,600 --> 00:19:30,270 I like "tied," it's a good feeling-- 513 00:19:30,370 --> 00:19:32,505 No, no, no, now that I'm a winner, I can't stop winning, 514 00:19:32,605 --> 00:19:34,106 That's all I wanna do, I'm addicted to winning! 515 00:19:34,207 --> 00:19:35,708 Look at me, come on! 516 00:19:35,808 --> 00:19:37,844 Around the horn. Around the horn. 517 00:19:40,913 --> 00:19:42,582 All right, let's go team, all right Party Down. 518 00:19:42,682 --> 00:19:44,384 Three up, three down! 519 00:19:44,484 --> 00:19:45,385 Do this. Don't fuck it up! 520 00:19:45,485 --> 00:19:46,519 Fuck off. 521 00:19:46,619 --> 00:19:48,255 Let's go, buddy, now! 522 00:19:52,425 --> 00:19:55,628 [ shouting ] 523 00:19:55,728 --> 00:19:57,397 I got it, got it! 524 00:19:57,497 --> 00:19:59,466 Throw it home, home! 525 00:19:59,566 --> 00:20:01,868 What are you-- throw the ball! 526 00:20:01,968 --> 00:20:03,202 Okay-- 527 00:20:03,303 --> 00:20:09,776 [ incoherent chatter ] 528 00:20:09,876 --> 00:20:12,245 Did we get 'em? Are we celebrating, or are they celebrating? 529 00:20:12,345 --> 00:20:13,313 They are celebrating. 530 00:20:13,413 --> 00:20:15,415 Come on, get in there! 531 00:20:15,515 --> 00:20:16,683 You know what to do. 532 00:20:16,783 --> 00:20:18,418 We got this, we got this you guys, 533 00:20:18,518 --> 00:20:19,719 we got this, three up three down! 534 00:20:19,819 --> 00:20:20,920 Let's crush 'em! 535 00:20:21,020 --> 00:20:22,154 We got this one! 536 00:20:22,255 --> 00:20:24,524 Let's do it! 537 00:20:24,624 --> 00:20:27,159 She's got nothing, man! 538 00:20:27,260 --> 00:20:28,395 Hey. 539 00:20:29,496 --> 00:20:30,630 Hey. 540 00:20:33,366 --> 00:20:35,702 Ron! Ron! 541 00:20:35,802 --> 00:20:36,936 I snuck back in and got it! 542 00:20:37,036 --> 00:20:38,938 I put the stuff in, we just have to show my dad-- 543 00:20:39,038 --> 00:20:40,407 Thank you. 544 00:20:40,507 --> 00:20:42,909 Maybe that horseshoe that hit me in the spine 545 00:20:43,009 --> 00:20:44,777 was guided by God himself. 546 00:20:48,715 --> 00:20:49,882 Ron! 547 00:20:50,517 --> 00:20:52,552 Oh, shit! 548 00:20:52,652 --> 00:20:53,720 Ron, Ron, are you okay? 549 00:20:53,820 --> 00:20:55,622 Somebody help him! 550 00:20:55,722 --> 00:20:57,357 [ gasping ] 551 00:20:57,457 --> 00:20:59,426 All right guys, so, we're calling the game on account of injury. 552 00:20:59,526 --> 00:21:00,527 It's a tie. 553 00:21:00,627 --> 00:21:01,594 It's not a tie, we're winning. 554 00:21:01,694 --> 00:21:03,229 We're going by the rulebook here. 555 00:21:03,330 --> 00:21:04,464 You can forfeit, if you want. 556 00:21:04,564 --> 00:21:07,500 Not like you losers aren't used to losing. 557 00:21:07,600 --> 00:21:08,968 Let us find a replacement. 558 00:21:09,068 --> 00:21:10,737 Yeah, let us replace our guy. 559 00:21:10,837 --> 00:21:13,473 We'll finish the game, and may the best team win. 560 00:21:13,573 --> 00:21:17,677 Sure. It won't make a difference. 561 00:21:17,777 --> 00:21:19,346 Hey, what're you doing? 562 00:21:19,446 --> 00:21:21,348 A ringer! We're gonna win this. 563 00:21:21,448 --> 00:21:22,582 We're gonna be winners! 564 00:21:25,318 --> 00:21:26,453 Hey, Greenbush. 565 00:21:27,987 --> 00:21:29,322 Greenbush! 566 00:21:30,557 --> 00:21:31,591 It's fuckin' Skynard. 567 00:21:31,691 --> 00:21:33,493 Always puts me in a weird space, you know? 568 00:21:33,593 --> 00:21:35,562 Listen-- 569 00:21:35,662 --> 00:21:37,364 I know you lost the trophy after three years. 570 00:21:37,464 --> 00:21:38,665 I know that's hard for you. 571 00:21:38,765 --> 00:21:40,833 You don't have to apologize for you're feelings. 572 00:21:40,933 --> 00:21:42,502 Not to me. 573 00:21:42,602 --> 00:21:43,736 What, you just come here to gloat? 574 00:21:43,836 --> 00:21:44,904 No, I didn't. 575 00:21:45,004 --> 00:21:47,874 I came her to ask for your help. 576 00:21:47,974 --> 00:21:50,743 Fat chance, you fucking cheating douche whore bitch. 577 00:21:50,843 --> 00:21:51,744 Slut. 578 00:21:51,844 --> 00:21:53,480 Listen to me, I will surrender the trophy 579 00:21:53,580 --> 00:21:55,782 to you, if you just get off your ass 580 00:21:55,882 --> 00:21:58,685 get on the field, do your thing, 581 00:21:58,785 --> 00:22:01,588 and be a goddamn hero. 582 00:22:01,688 --> 00:22:02,922 What do you say? 583 00:22:06,526 --> 00:22:08,561 Definitely get the trophy back? 584 00:22:08,661 --> 00:22:11,598 It'll be like you never lost it. 585 00:22:11,698 --> 00:22:12,799 [ cheering ] 586 00:22:12,899 --> 00:22:14,801 Get it done, come on Garlan! 587 00:22:14,901 --> 00:22:17,537 [ cheering ] 588 00:22:17,637 --> 00:22:20,006 Come on, Garlan! 589 00:22:20,106 --> 00:22:21,273 Bases loaded. 590 00:22:21,374 --> 00:22:23,776 [ indistinct shouting ] 591 00:22:23,876 --> 00:22:25,545 [ cheering ] 592 00:22:25,645 --> 00:22:26,813 Shit. 593 00:22:27,914 --> 00:22:28,881 Go, go, go, go, go! 594 00:22:28,981 --> 00:22:32,018 [ cheering ] 595 00:22:40,460 --> 00:22:45,064 [ crowd gasping ] 596 00:22:45,164 --> 00:22:46,499 What happened? 597 00:22:46,599 --> 00:22:50,637 The hell was that? 598 00:22:50,737 --> 00:22:52,572 That wasn't necessary! 599 00:22:52,672 --> 00:22:53,840 Goddammit! 600 00:22:55,475 --> 00:22:56,709 Hey! 601 00:22:56,809 --> 00:22:58,845 I got you some ice. Are you okay? 602 00:22:58,945 --> 00:23:00,312 I think so. Thanks. 603 00:23:00,413 --> 00:23:02,582 When you said that earlier, about how you feel like 604 00:23:02,682 --> 00:23:05,585 God threw the horseshoe, did you really mean that? 605 00:23:05,685 --> 00:23:07,754 Oh, Danielle, 606 00:23:07,854 --> 00:23:08,988 I always thought that there was no one 607 00:23:09,088 --> 00:23:10,423 like me in the world, you know? 608 00:23:10,523 --> 00:23:12,024 And then you come along and you're proactive, 609 00:23:12,124 --> 00:23:13,926 and you think outside the box. 610 00:23:14,026 --> 00:23:16,829 You were just as shocked about Soup'R'Crackers as I was, 611 00:23:16,929 --> 00:23:19,666 and then, you throw a horseshoe in my back, I mean, 612 00:23:19,766 --> 00:23:21,801 that can't be random chance, can it? 613 00:23:29,108 --> 00:23:30,577 RON: Ow! Ow! Ow! 614 00:23:30,677 --> 00:23:31,878 Stop, stop, stop! 615 00:23:31,978 --> 00:23:33,546 No, don't, don't stop, don't stop. 616 00:23:33,646 --> 00:23:36,683 Oh, oh, stop stop, no, no, no, no. 617 00:23:36,783 --> 00:23:38,818 Don't stop, don't stop! 618 00:23:41,554 --> 00:23:42,722 Son of a bitch. 619 00:23:42,822 --> 00:23:44,757 There's no order to the Universe. 620 00:23:44,857 --> 00:23:46,626 I can't believe I gave up my trophy 621 00:23:46,726 --> 00:23:48,127 just so I could be a loser again. 622 00:23:48,227 --> 00:23:49,662 Awesome game, guys. 623 00:23:49,762 --> 00:23:51,097 Go fuck yourself. 624 00:23:51,197 --> 00:23:52,632 [ squealing ] 625 00:23:52,732 --> 00:23:54,634 Oh my God, I'm gonna be on TV! 626 00:23:54,734 --> 00:23:56,603 My little singing shoe! This is so great! 627 00:23:56,703 --> 00:23:58,638 Okay, now let's talk about my deal. 628 00:23:58,738 --> 00:24:00,773 I would like a two year exclusive as your manager, 629 00:24:00,873 --> 00:24:03,109 full wardrobe approval, and of course pay wise, 630 00:24:03,209 --> 00:24:06,445 we'll just do the traditional 50/50 split. 631 00:24:14,220 --> 00:24:17,089 Hey, where're you going? 632 00:24:17,189 --> 00:24:18,825 To roll the dice. 633 00:24:23,496 --> 00:24:24,897 This is from Uda Bengt's bag? 634 00:24:24,997 --> 00:24:28,568 Yes. Joints. Marijuana joints. 635 00:24:28,668 --> 00:24:30,002 Uda Bengt's a pothead? 636 00:24:30,102 --> 00:24:31,437 I'm really surprised. 637 00:24:31,538 --> 00:24:33,172 I know, I know, you'd think that she'd be 638 00:24:33,272 --> 00:24:35,575 someone who follows ethical guidelines, 639 00:24:35,675 --> 00:24:37,744 especially number five, 640 00:24:37,844 --> 00:24:41,714 which states, uh-- 641 00:24:41,814 --> 00:24:44,984 She just turned the job down. 642 00:24:45,084 --> 00:24:46,452 [ laughing ] 643 00:24:46,553 --> 00:24:48,555 Are you trying to bribe me, Ron? 644 00:24:48,655 --> 00:24:51,791 [ laughing ] 645 00:24:51,891 --> 00:24:54,026 Yes, you are! 646 00:24:54,126 --> 00:24:55,494 Hey. 647 00:24:57,897 --> 00:24:58,965 So, I was thinking we should talk. 648 00:24:59,065 --> 00:25:00,466 Yes, me too actually, -- 649 00:25:00,567 --> 00:25:02,434 Just listen. 650 00:25:02,535 --> 00:25:05,471 I'm not taking the job. 651 00:25:05,572 --> 00:25:07,139 It's not right for me, it's not right for you, 652 00:25:07,239 --> 00:25:08,841 and I don't think this is what you want. 653 00:25:08,941 --> 00:25:09,976 This, meaning, the job--? 654 00:25:10,076 --> 00:25:11,177 Yes. Okay. 655 00:25:11,277 --> 00:25:13,145 You're not a good team leader. 656 00:25:13,245 --> 00:25:14,847 You don't want it. 657 00:25:14,947 --> 00:25:16,583 But that's no what I wanted to talk to you about. 658 00:25:16,683 --> 00:25:19,619 You can't be good at something you're not interested in. 659 00:25:19,719 --> 00:25:21,220 I'm sorry, are we still talking about work? 660 00:25:21,320 --> 00:25:23,189 Now I'm talking about us. 661 00:25:23,289 --> 00:25:24,691 I'm not blind. 662 00:25:24,791 --> 00:25:26,859 And it's clear you have a more natural relationship 663 00:25:26,959 --> 00:25:28,494 with Casey and the others 664 00:25:28,595 --> 00:25:30,196 than you ever did with me, 665 00:25:30,296 --> 00:25:31,898 and I don't want to be just a job for you-- 666 00:25:31,998 --> 00:25:34,000 Okay, stop just, just for a sec. 667 00:25:34,100 --> 00:25:35,602 Uda, look, I think-- 668 00:25:35,702 --> 00:25:39,171 I think we should break up. 669 00:25:39,271 --> 00:25:41,140 Was that what you were going to say? 670 00:25:41,240 --> 00:25:42,609 Yeah. 671 00:25:42,709 --> 00:25:44,110 Good, then we're in agreement. 672 00:25:44,210 --> 00:25:45,678 I hope we can remain friends. 673 00:25:45,778 --> 00:25:47,546 And, I'm sorry, Uda-- 674 00:25:47,647 --> 00:25:49,882 It's fine. Don't worry about me. 675 00:25:49,982 --> 00:25:51,884 You're not the only man in the world, 676 00:25:51,984 --> 00:25:53,920 even if Bryce did like you. 677 00:25:54,020 --> 00:25:57,056 Well, if it makes you feel any better, I don't think he did. 678 00:26:00,860 --> 00:26:04,496 I don't think that's an arm. 679 00:26:04,597 --> 00:26:05,865 Nope, that's your dick. 680 00:26:25,752 --> 00:26:26,919 Hey, Ron. 681 00:26:27,787 --> 00:26:28,955 Yeah? 682 00:26:33,159 --> 00:26:34,961 You have any interest in leading the team? 683 00:26:35,061 --> 00:26:36,829 What, team leader? Really? 684 00:26:36,929 --> 00:26:39,165 I don't think it's really what I want to be doing. 685 00:26:39,265 --> 00:26:40,900 With the raise and the benefits and everything? 686 00:26:41,000 --> 00:26:43,002 No. Just, title and responsibilities. 687 00:26:45,972 --> 00:26:47,606 Yes, yes! 688 00:26:47,707 --> 00:26:50,609 Yes. Good. 689 00:26:50,710 --> 00:26:51,878 Danielle! 690 00:26:52,879 --> 00:26:54,714 Danielle, can I call you sometime? 691 00:26:54,814 --> 00:26:55,948 I got your number in my head. 692 00:26:56,048 --> 00:26:59,652 Yes, absolutely, that'd be great. 693 00:26:59,752 --> 00:27:00,853 Oh my God, Ron, listen, 694 00:27:00,953 --> 00:27:02,822 if a guy answers my phone, just hang up, 695 00:27:02,922 --> 00:27:03,956 that's my fiancee. 696 00:27:04,056 --> 00:27:05,224 You're engaged. 697 00:27:05,324 --> 00:27:07,326 I know, it's kind of a drag. 698 00:27:08,795 --> 00:27:11,764 * 699 00:27:18,838 --> 00:27:21,874 * 700 00:27:38,858 --> 00:27:41,894 * 701 00:27:58,878 --> 00:28:01,914 * 702 00:28:08,454 --> 00:28:11,724 ** 703 00:28:11,824 --> 00:28:13,225 Tree--