1 00:00:18,919 --> 00:00:21,089 Wow look at you? It's new Ron. 2 00:00:21,189 --> 00:00:22,990 It's new, new Ron? 3 00:00:23,091 --> 00:00:24,458 Being locked in that coffin, Henry, 4 00:00:24,558 --> 00:00:27,061 I was mano y mano with some heavy shit. 5 00:00:27,161 --> 00:00:29,997 Like what is a life? Who am I? 6 00:00:30,098 --> 00:00:32,300 And how high were you during this? 7 00:00:32,400 --> 00:00:33,434 Unimportant. 8 00:00:33,534 --> 00:00:35,303 Don't do grass. Get high on life. 9 00:00:35,403 --> 00:00:38,106 The cereal? I didn't know that you could smoke cereal. 10 00:00:38,206 --> 00:00:39,607 No, existence. 11 00:00:39,707 --> 00:00:42,343 I was drifting in darkness and I heard a voice. 12 00:00:42,443 --> 00:00:44,378 "Only dead fish go with the flow." 13 00:00:44,478 --> 00:00:46,314 The voice of Sarah Palin? 14 00:00:46,414 --> 00:00:48,982 Or maybe God, or Jesus. 15 00:00:49,083 --> 00:00:50,318 Budhda, anyone of those guys. 16 00:00:50,418 --> 00:00:54,388 And I went out, got a hair cut, Joined AA, 17 00:00:54,488 --> 00:00:56,124 got a new new backup shirt. 18 00:00:56,224 --> 00:00:57,991 Don't drift through life. 19 00:00:58,092 --> 00:01:01,462 My take-away from being locked in a coffin while high. 20 00:01:01,562 --> 00:01:06,134 My take-away, don't get into a coffin while high. 21 00:01:06,234 --> 00:01:07,468 Ohh. 22 00:01:08,336 --> 00:01:09,537 So you didn't see anything? 23 00:01:09,637 --> 00:01:12,206 No. are you sure this is even the right House? 24 00:01:12,306 --> 00:01:13,574 That's what it says here. 25 00:01:13,674 --> 00:01:17,778 [ horn honking ] 26 00:01:17,878 --> 00:01:19,313 Hi. What's all this? 27 00:01:19,413 --> 00:01:21,182 Ahh, Party Down catering? 28 00:01:21,282 --> 00:01:22,483 You booked us- 29 00:01:22,583 --> 00:01:25,653 Shit. 30 00:01:25,753 --> 00:01:27,155 Oh my god. Did you guys see 31 00:01:27,255 --> 00:01:28,489 "Three Men and a Little Lady"? 32 00:01:28,589 --> 00:01:29,623 That's Ted Danson! 33 00:01:29,723 --> 00:01:31,625 That's actually, Steve Guttenberg. 34 00:01:31,725 --> 00:01:32,693 Not Jewishy much. 35 00:01:32,793 --> 00:01:35,429 No wonder he changed it to Danson. 36 00:01:35,529 --> 00:01:37,030 My fiftieth was tonight, 37 00:01:37,131 --> 00:01:39,167 but my friends threw me a surprise party on Friday. 38 00:01:39,267 --> 00:01:41,302 and I totally forgot to cancel you. 39 00:01:41,402 --> 00:01:43,804 Kind a have a two day cancellation policy. 40 00:01:43,904 --> 00:01:46,274 So, I eat the deposit. Yeah. 41 00:01:46,374 --> 00:01:48,176 Add what about the food and everything? 42 00:01:48,276 --> 00:01:49,310 Probably toss it. 43 00:01:49,410 --> 00:01:51,712 Ah man, that's-- that's a waste. 44 00:01:51,812 --> 00:01:53,247 That feels wrong. 45 00:01:54,782 --> 00:01:59,320 Hey, it's still my birthday, I'm not doing anything. 46 00:01:59,420 --> 00:02:03,457 You know what, Invite your friends, we'll have a party! 47 00:02:03,557 --> 00:02:05,058 Oh no-- Yeah. 48 00:02:05,159 --> 00:02:06,727 Unless you've got other plans. 49 00:02:06,827 --> 00:02:07,795 Oh my god. 50 00:02:07,895 --> 00:02:10,498 Other plans, are you kidding me? 51 00:02:10,598 --> 00:02:12,233 Partyin' with the Gutt! 52 00:02:23,877 --> 00:02:25,846 This place is friggin' amazing. It is. 53 00:02:25,946 --> 00:02:28,148 I'm totally gonna have a place like this. 54 00:02:31,485 --> 00:02:33,721 Yes, and I'm full, 55 00:02:33,821 --> 00:02:36,156 thank you. 56 00:02:36,257 --> 00:02:37,725 I can't believe I'm really talking to you. 57 00:02:37,825 --> 00:02:39,693 Oh aren't you sweet? 58 00:02:39,793 --> 00:02:41,495 My daughter's an actress, 59 00:02:41,595 --> 00:02:44,198 so I'm going to pester you for secrets 60 00:02:44,298 --> 00:02:45,299 on how to be an actor. 61 00:02:45,399 --> 00:02:47,501 No secret. It's like the joke. 62 00:02:47,601 --> 00:02:48,736 Guy gets into a cab and says, 63 00:02:48,836 --> 00:02:50,238 "how do I get to Carnegie Hall?" 64 00:02:50,338 --> 00:02:54,542 and the driver answers "Practice!" 65 00:02:54,642 --> 00:02:56,410 Right, practice. 66 00:02:58,912 --> 00:03:00,714 The driver's deaf! 67 00:03:00,814 --> 00:03:04,151 Oh where are my manners this is my friend Mrs. Gomez. 68 00:03:04,252 --> 00:03:05,786 You guys appear to be very close. 69 00:03:05,886 --> 00:03:07,187 Well now I've just moved here. 70 00:03:07,288 --> 00:03:08,556 and I'm making new friends. 71 00:03:08,656 --> 00:03:13,527 and Mrs. Go-- Fulgenicia, is my neighbor across the hall. 72 00:03:13,627 --> 00:03:14,562 That's nice. 73 00:03:14,662 --> 00:03:15,763 "Boys from Brazil." 74 00:03:15,863 --> 00:03:17,231 That's right. 75 00:03:17,331 --> 00:03:20,601 Are you from Brazil? 76 00:03:20,701 --> 00:03:21,669 No. 77 00:03:21,769 --> 00:03:22,936 Hey. 78 00:03:23,871 --> 00:03:25,573 Nice set-up, huh. 79 00:03:25,673 --> 00:03:26,807 Bet you must be thinking right now, 80 00:03:26,907 --> 00:03:29,810 what a terrible mistake it was to quit acting. 81 00:03:29,910 --> 00:03:32,145 Well did I happen to mention that my place 82 00:03:32,246 --> 00:03:33,681 has a view of a Taco Bell? 83 00:03:33,781 --> 00:03:35,716 Did I happen to mention that this guy 84 00:03:35,816 --> 00:03:37,285 has got Herbie fully loaded 85 00:03:37,385 --> 00:03:39,520 on DVD and on BluRay. 86 00:03:39,620 --> 00:03:41,255 Point, Guttenberg. 87 00:03:41,355 --> 00:03:42,290 Shrimp? 88 00:03:42,390 --> 00:03:44,692 How's it feeling, New Ron? 89 00:03:44,792 --> 00:03:46,394 New New Ron. 90 00:03:46,494 --> 00:03:48,262 Getting my chops back, Henry. 91 00:03:48,362 --> 00:03:49,897 Ah tonight's gonna be a good night. 92 00:03:49,997 --> 00:03:54,335 Yeh I can't wait to see that feedback card. 93 00:03:54,435 --> 00:03:55,703 He wanted to work the party anyway. 94 00:03:55,803 --> 00:03:56,937 Who am I to say no? 95 00:03:57,037 --> 00:03:58,772 Right. 96 00:03:58,872 --> 00:04:00,774 Oh, holy shit. 97 00:04:00,874 --> 00:04:02,242 What? 98 00:04:02,343 --> 00:04:04,845 "Sundown Strip." Yeh, what is that? 99 00:04:04,945 --> 00:04:06,880 This Indie I did years ago. 100 00:04:06,980 --> 00:04:10,418 I had this tiny part as a troubled teen. 101 00:04:10,518 --> 00:04:12,853 Hey, you guys know German? 102 00:04:12,953 --> 00:04:15,589 What's "Ein Rand?" Like, "A Rand--?" 103 00:04:15,689 --> 00:04:17,458 Ayn Rand, the writer? Is that what you're talking about? 104 00:04:17,558 --> 00:04:18,826 Yeah, that sounds kind of familiar. 105 00:04:18,926 --> 00:04:22,396 Ayn Rand, wrote about how awesome awesome people are. 106 00:04:22,496 --> 00:04:23,897 Right. 107 00:04:23,997 --> 00:04:26,266 Who's that little waif? 108 00:04:26,367 --> 00:04:27,267 That is Colette. 109 00:04:27,368 --> 00:04:28,669 She's in my scene study class. 110 00:04:28,769 --> 00:04:29,670 Really cool. 111 00:04:29,770 --> 00:04:30,704 She's like super deep- 112 00:04:30,804 --> 00:04:31,872 Like you? Yeah. 113 00:04:31,972 --> 00:04:33,607 I really want to bang her. 114 00:04:33,707 --> 00:04:34,975 A man of fine taste. 115 00:04:37,311 --> 00:04:38,211 Ah, here, here-- 116 00:04:38,312 --> 00:04:41,749 ...Pert,'93 Barolo. 117 00:04:41,849 --> 00:04:43,384 Thank you so much. 118 00:04:43,484 --> 00:04:45,853 This goes great with cheese, and duck. 119 00:04:45,953 --> 00:04:47,488 I can see that, yeah. 120 00:04:47,588 --> 00:04:49,990 Hey, hey, don't touch! 121 00:04:50,090 --> 00:04:51,492 That's art. 122 00:04:51,592 --> 00:04:52,893 This is art? 123 00:04:52,993 --> 00:04:54,528 Joseph Kootz. 124 00:04:54,628 --> 00:04:56,229 That's pure iceberg water. 125 00:04:56,330 --> 00:04:57,765 Costs ten grand a year just to fly in 126 00:04:57,865 --> 00:04:59,467 new ice from Greenland. 127 00:04:59,567 --> 00:05:00,834 That's a lot of money. 128 00:05:00,934 --> 00:05:03,337 Okay, you'll be all right, yeah. Yeah. 129 00:05:03,437 --> 00:05:06,273 Kootz. 130 00:05:06,374 --> 00:05:08,909 Oh God, this just takes me back. 131 00:05:09,009 --> 00:05:10,944 Um, I was a caterer, 132 00:05:11,044 --> 00:05:13,481 a waiter, yeah I did everything. 133 00:05:13,581 --> 00:05:14,815 So you're actors, I presume? 134 00:05:14,915 --> 00:05:15,816 Oh, yeah. 135 00:05:15,916 --> 00:05:18,652 Well, he was, but- 136 00:05:18,752 --> 00:05:20,388 Didn't work out? 137 00:05:20,488 --> 00:05:21,555 Well kind of. 138 00:05:21,655 --> 00:05:22,790 Well let me tell you something, 139 00:05:22,890 --> 00:05:25,025 Those days, working gigs, 140 00:05:25,125 --> 00:05:27,294 making squat, just a bunch of struggling actors 141 00:05:27,395 --> 00:05:30,798 goofing around, best time of my life. 142 00:05:30,898 --> 00:05:32,500 Oh, love it. 143 00:05:32,600 --> 00:05:35,769 Better than when you were one of the biggest stars in America? 144 00:05:35,869 --> 00:05:38,406 Better than now? 145 00:05:38,506 --> 00:05:40,541 Well, maybe not the best time. 146 00:05:46,046 --> 00:05:47,047 Hey Ron, do we have any more cheese? 147 00:05:47,147 --> 00:05:48,281 I got it, I got it. 148 00:05:48,382 --> 00:05:50,818 That's my job, I got it. 149 00:05:50,918 --> 00:05:52,820 Don't worry. 150 00:05:52,920 --> 00:05:54,622 I'm not worried. 151 00:05:54,722 --> 00:05:55,823 Should I be? 152 00:05:55,923 --> 00:05:58,426 No Henry, as I said, 153 00:05:58,526 --> 00:05:59,893 I am back and everything is going great. 154 00:05:59,993 --> 00:06:01,695 Okay, I thought you were back in AA? 155 00:06:01,795 --> 00:06:04,297 I am. 156 00:06:04,398 --> 00:06:06,634 Okay Ron, if any of this is making you uncomfortable. 157 00:06:06,734 --> 00:06:07,935 Not at all, no, no, no. 158 00:06:08,035 --> 00:06:08,969 You sure? 159 00:06:09,069 --> 00:06:10,504 Yes, I'm totally copacetic. 160 00:06:10,604 --> 00:06:11,772 All right. 161 00:06:20,548 --> 00:06:23,517 Travis? It's Ron, from AA. 162 00:06:23,617 --> 00:06:25,018 I'm at a party in Sherman Oaks, 163 00:06:25,118 --> 00:06:26,720 I could really use your help. 164 00:06:26,820 --> 00:06:28,088 What the fuck, 165 00:06:28,188 --> 00:06:29,723 see he totally just went off on it. 166 00:06:29,823 --> 00:06:31,091 He said it was just a bunch of "technobabble" 167 00:06:31,191 --> 00:06:32,460 he didn't understand-- 168 00:06:32,560 --> 00:06:34,327 Yeah, the only words that aren't technobabble 169 00:06:34,428 --> 00:06:36,764 to a producer are coke and whore. 170 00:06:36,864 --> 00:06:37,765 So, you guys actors, too? 171 00:06:37,865 --> 00:06:39,399 Do we look that stupid? 172 00:06:39,500 --> 00:06:40,534 No, we're writers. 173 00:06:40,634 --> 00:06:41,535 This is my writing partner. 174 00:06:41,635 --> 00:06:43,003 Kent Gerbels. 175 00:06:43,103 --> 00:06:44,938 and no it's not spelled like the Nazi propaganda minister. 176 00:06:45,038 --> 00:06:46,339 It's like the rodent. 177 00:06:46,440 --> 00:06:47,541 But with an "e." 178 00:06:47,641 --> 00:06:49,677 Instead of the "I." Huh. 179 00:06:49,777 --> 00:06:50,978 So, what you got there? 180 00:06:51,078 --> 00:06:53,046 We gave our script to a producer who was interested 181 00:06:53,146 --> 00:06:55,415 and then he gave us these notes you just took from me-- 182 00:06:55,516 --> 00:06:56,817 and you're gonna read them. 183 00:06:56,917 --> 00:06:58,686 "Inert and without humanity ..." 184 00:06:58,786 --> 00:06:59,887 Yeah, it's just like he read the words, 185 00:06:59,987 --> 00:07:01,889 he didn't get the big picture. 186 00:07:01,989 --> 00:07:04,458 In one ear, out one ear. 187 00:07:04,558 --> 00:07:06,660 Let me ask you something? 188 00:07:06,760 --> 00:07:08,395 Have you ever had anything produced? 189 00:07:08,496 --> 00:07:09,997 Yeah, we wrote "I am Legend." 190 00:07:10,097 --> 00:07:11,765 I just work catering to keep 191 00:07:11,865 --> 00:07:13,366 in touch with the common man. 192 00:07:13,467 --> 00:07:14,635 What I'm getting at is-- 193 00:07:14,735 --> 00:07:17,738 Have you ever heard your words read aloud? 194 00:07:21,475 --> 00:07:22,610 No. 195 00:07:24,011 --> 00:07:27,147 In the theater, where I come from, 196 00:07:27,247 --> 00:07:29,817 writing and acting are intertwined. 197 00:07:29,917 --> 00:07:32,452 The first play I did, off-Broadway thing 198 00:07:32,553 --> 00:07:33,987 called "Screw You?" 199 00:07:34,087 --> 00:07:35,789 Totally rewritten in rehearsals. 200 00:07:35,889 --> 00:07:38,025 So I was thinking that since we have time, 201 00:07:38,125 --> 00:07:40,060 and expert thespians at the ready. 202 00:07:40,160 --> 00:07:41,061 We would read a scene 203 00:07:41,161 --> 00:07:42,530 from your comrades script 204 00:07:42,630 --> 00:07:43,697 and see if we can give'em some insight. 205 00:07:43,797 --> 00:07:44,698 All right. 206 00:07:44,798 --> 00:07:46,767 Yeah, okay. 207 00:07:46,867 --> 00:07:49,136 Mr. Guttenberg, I don't wanna do this anymore, 208 00:07:49,236 --> 00:07:51,972 I don't like it. That's fear talking, Roman. 209 00:07:52,072 --> 00:07:53,841 No, it's honesty. - Really? 210 00:07:56,810 --> 00:08:01,515 Henry you are our Captain DuKlark, 211 00:08:01,615 --> 00:08:03,016 Casey, you are Slave Girl, 212 00:08:03,116 --> 00:08:04,151 What a shock. 213 00:08:04,251 --> 00:08:05,819 Kyle, you are Krond. 214 00:08:05,919 --> 00:08:07,120 Krond. 215 00:08:07,220 --> 00:08:10,524 Colette, you are BORP-7. 216 00:08:10,624 --> 00:08:12,159 Wait, can I be the robot, please.? 217 00:08:12,259 --> 00:08:14,995 It's not a "robot," it's a biocybernetic organism. 218 00:08:15,095 --> 00:08:15,996 Can I be that? 219 00:08:16,096 --> 00:08:17,798 What do we do, Ted? 220 00:08:17,898 --> 00:08:21,569 Ah my beautiful little birds, 221 00:08:21,669 --> 00:08:23,804 You are our audience, 222 00:08:23,904 --> 00:08:25,438 Without whom, 223 00:08:25,539 --> 00:08:26,907 This would all have no point. 224 00:08:27,007 --> 00:08:29,710 Mr. Guttenberg, can I-- 225 00:08:29,810 --> 00:08:31,579 I don't think this is gonna help 226 00:08:31,679 --> 00:08:32,846 I think we should call it quits. 227 00:08:32,946 --> 00:08:34,147 I don't think there's no point in doing this. 228 00:08:34,247 --> 00:08:37,551 I know, I understand, this is scary. 229 00:08:37,651 --> 00:08:38,986 and you feel vulnerable. 230 00:08:39,086 --> 00:08:40,988 But if you want to be a true writer, 231 00:08:41,088 --> 00:08:42,522 you have to commit to your work. 232 00:08:42,623 --> 00:08:44,057 If you don't share it with the world, 233 00:08:44,157 --> 00:08:46,459 you're only a writer in your head. 234 00:08:46,560 --> 00:08:50,163 "Making art is an act of courage?" 235 00:08:50,263 --> 00:08:51,799 Do you know who said that? 236 00:08:51,899 --> 00:08:52,800 Morrison. 237 00:08:52,900 --> 00:08:53,834 Steve Guttenberg? 238 00:08:53,934 --> 00:08:54,868 Yes! 239 00:08:54,968 --> 00:08:56,469 "No Risk, No Reward." 240 00:08:56,570 --> 00:08:57,771 Let's be brave. 241 00:08:57,871 --> 00:08:59,072 Come on you're like a tiger. 242 00:08:59,172 --> 00:09:01,508 A lion strong with your mane. 243 00:09:01,609 --> 00:09:02,676 Come on! huh! 244 00:09:02,776 --> 00:09:07,247 Okay my cast prepares, 245 00:09:07,347 --> 00:09:11,318 Interior Bridge, and action. 246 00:09:13,253 --> 00:09:15,155 Reading on deuterium levels. 247 00:09:15,255 --> 00:09:19,226 7 - 0 - 5 point 2, captain. 248 00:09:19,326 --> 00:09:20,560 Your ship will never with stand 249 00:09:20,661 --> 00:09:22,863 the quantum flux between a binary star, 250 00:09:22,963 --> 00:09:24,998 What's that? 251 00:09:25,098 --> 00:09:27,567 When like two stars kind of like form. 252 00:09:27,668 --> 00:09:31,538 Not important, keep the flow, going. 253 00:09:31,639 --> 00:09:34,541 It will in a Godel space-time field. 254 00:09:34,642 --> 00:09:36,710 Without negative energy synthesis? 255 00:09:36,810 --> 00:09:38,612 We reverse the tachyon cannon, 256 00:09:38,712 --> 00:09:40,748 generate an Alubierre Warp. 257 00:09:40,848 --> 00:09:43,183 Quantum tunnel through the kelkey horizon-- 258 00:09:43,283 --> 00:09:45,585 and form a naked singularity. 259 00:09:45,686 --> 00:09:47,554 DuKlark... 260 00:09:47,655 --> 00:09:48,889 What're you doing on the bridge? 261 00:09:48,989 --> 00:09:50,724 You should be in a surgi-tube. 262 00:09:50,824 --> 00:09:54,662 I was scared. I heard explosions. 263 00:09:54,762 --> 00:09:55,863 If the coordinates you stole 264 00:09:55,963 --> 00:09:57,731 from your boyfriend aren't accurate, 265 00:09:57,831 --> 00:09:58,999 you'll hear more. 266 00:09:59,099 --> 00:10:01,869 Because this ship will be totally atomized. 267 00:10:01,969 --> 00:10:03,036 Boyfriend? 268 00:10:03,136 --> 00:10:04,672 He's a slave trader. 269 00:10:04,772 --> 00:10:07,540 I was nothing to him but merchandise. 270 00:10:07,641 --> 00:10:09,810 Fine merchandise, eh, DuKlark? 271 00:10:09,910 --> 00:10:11,044 The best. 272 00:10:12,913 --> 00:10:14,181 If we don't make it, 273 00:10:14,281 --> 00:10:16,116 I don't use the word "don't" 274 00:10:16,216 --> 00:10:17,550 He pushes her away roughly, 275 00:10:17,651 --> 00:10:18,919 Just-- I got it, Sorry, sorry. 276 00:10:19,019 --> 00:10:22,122 I just wanted to thank you for saving my people. 277 00:10:22,222 --> 00:10:23,957 "Dies?" 278 00:10:24,057 --> 00:10:24,958 For real? 279 00:10:25,058 --> 00:10:25,959 [ unintelligible ] 280 00:10:26,059 --> 00:10:27,327 Juliet died. 281 00:10:27,427 --> 00:10:29,029 Seven, check her readings. 282 00:10:29,129 --> 00:10:32,265 Life functions terminated. 283 00:10:32,365 --> 00:10:34,735 Cauchy horizon passed at deuteri. 284 00:10:34,835 --> 00:10:40,107 level 7.001. 285 00:10:40,207 --> 00:10:41,709 A statistical anomaly. 286 00:10:41,809 --> 00:10:44,077 What you call luck. 287 00:10:44,177 --> 00:10:45,312 Is it? 288 00:10:48,682 --> 00:10:52,352 And...scene! 289 00:10:52,452 --> 00:10:53,586 I thought it was just great! 290 00:10:53,687 --> 00:10:56,289 I love nautical stories. 291 00:10:56,389 --> 00:10:57,858 Do we have to discuss it? 292 00:10:57,958 --> 00:10:59,259 Courage, young writer. 293 00:10:59,359 --> 00:11:01,028 This is the crucible! 294 00:11:01,128 --> 00:11:02,095 It's like previews. 295 00:11:02,195 --> 00:11:04,597 My character seemed to lack depth. 296 00:11:04,698 --> 00:11:06,233 Yeah, it was a robot. 297 00:11:06,333 --> 00:11:08,101 And DuKlark's kind of a dick. 298 00:11:08,201 --> 00:11:10,370 Yeah, slave girl saves his life. 299 00:11:10,470 --> 00:11:13,707 and he just makes crass jokes to his nemesis. 300 00:11:13,807 --> 00:11:15,275 Crass? that wasn't crass-- 301 00:11:15,375 --> 00:11:16,877 He said that she's the best- 302 00:11:16,977 --> 00:11:18,678 Yeah, you are the best space whore. 303 00:11:18,779 --> 00:11:20,047 Thank you. Thanks. 304 00:11:20,147 --> 00:11:22,750 You know I feel like it could have been more, deep-- 305 00:11:22,850 --> 00:11:24,017 Okay. 306 00:11:24,117 --> 00:11:25,753 I think it was really interesting 307 00:11:25,853 --> 00:11:27,187 how neither of the alpha males 308 00:11:27,287 --> 00:11:28,922 could see past their gender construct 309 00:11:29,022 --> 00:11:30,090 of femaleness 310 00:11:30,190 --> 00:11:32,025 to relate to her humanity. 311 00:11:32,125 --> 00:11:34,862 You know it was like, they can only relate to each other. 312 00:11:34,962 --> 00:11:37,164 Yeah, it's like they were both um, like...gay. 313 00:11:37,264 --> 00:11:40,033 I thought of them as Jungian shadow figures, 314 00:11:40,133 --> 00:11:41,268 Oh I just started Jung. 315 00:11:41,368 --> 00:11:42,269 Have you read Man and his Symbols? 316 00:11:42,369 --> 00:11:43,270 Oh my god yes I have. 317 00:11:43,370 --> 00:11:45,038 You guys I just ordered it. 318 00:11:45,138 --> 00:11:46,907 I can't wait. 319 00:11:47,007 --> 00:11:48,041 All right, I won't ruin it for you. 320 00:11:48,141 --> 00:11:49,709 Okay thanks. 321 00:11:50,410 --> 00:11:52,212 Hey um-- 322 00:11:52,312 --> 00:11:54,882 do you have any smart shit I could say. 323 00:11:54,982 --> 00:11:56,249 I just didn't feel it. 324 00:11:56,349 --> 00:11:58,385 Oh sorry, It's not Pat the Bunny. 325 00:11:58,485 --> 00:11:59,419 You know, I think that's it. 326 00:11:59,519 --> 00:12:00,821 the missing element. 327 00:12:00,921 --> 00:12:01,922 Heart. 328 00:12:02,022 --> 00:12:03,957 It's hard sci-fi, Steve. 329 00:12:04,057 --> 00:12:06,293 Are science fiction and heart mutually exclusive? 330 00:12:06,393 --> 00:12:07,660 One word answer. 331 00:12:07,761 --> 00:12:09,329 "Cocoon." 332 00:12:09,429 --> 00:12:12,265 Just give it another pass, and we'll try it again. 333 00:12:12,365 --> 00:12:14,667 You want me to do that again? 334 00:12:14,768 --> 00:12:16,703 I felt like I was being hunted for sport. 335 00:12:16,804 --> 00:12:18,806 Courage. What'd we talk about? 336 00:12:18,906 --> 00:12:20,440 No risk, no reward. 337 00:12:20,540 --> 00:12:21,741 Okay, everyone. 338 00:12:21,842 --> 00:12:25,045 Drink, relax, hit the jacuzzi, whatever you want. 339 00:12:25,145 --> 00:12:26,346 We'll reconvene in half an hour. 340 00:12:26,446 --> 00:12:28,148 For another reading! 341 00:12:29,449 --> 00:12:30,450 Hey, what'd you do this weekend? 342 00:12:30,550 --> 00:12:34,922 Oh I Hung out in Steve Guttenberg's jacuzzi. 343 00:12:35,022 --> 00:12:37,290 How badly do you want to say that? 344 00:12:37,390 --> 00:12:39,793 Yeah, but rain check. 345 00:12:39,893 --> 00:12:40,894 Okay. 346 00:12:40,994 --> 00:12:42,930 Wasn't really asking. 347 00:12:43,030 --> 00:12:44,464 It's the singularity. 348 00:12:44,564 --> 00:12:47,100 The theory that machines will become conscious-- 349 00:12:47,200 --> 00:12:48,869 Like computers with souls. 350 00:12:48,969 --> 00:12:50,303 Yeah. Have you read Eckhart Tolle? 351 00:12:50,403 --> 00:12:51,771 Yeah, of course kind of what going for. 352 00:12:51,872 --> 00:12:53,006 Yeah, that was what I was thinking about. 353 00:12:53,106 --> 00:12:54,374 Hey when you're done trying to hit that, 354 00:12:54,474 --> 00:12:56,409 do you think maybe we can go re-write? 355 00:12:56,509 --> 00:12:58,846 Let's do it, let's make it happen I guess-- 356 00:12:58,946 --> 00:13:01,849 Geez man-- Motherfucker. 357 00:13:01,949 --> 00:13:03,851 So little. 358 00:13:03,951 --> 00:13:06,253 Hey You know, whole experience really just makes me 359 00:13:06,353 --> 00:13:09,389 think of "This Said Zarathisis ." 360 00:13:09,489 --> 00:13:10,891 By Neezshe. 361 00:13:10,991 --> 00:13:12,860 (DOORBELL) You mean, Nieztche? 362 00:13:12,960 --> 00:13:14,828 It's actually pronounced Neezsh. 363 00:13:14,928 --> 00:13:16,063 It's German. 364 00:13:19,232 --> 00:13:20,133 Hello, 365 00:13:20,233 --> 00:13:21,768 Hey Steve. Travis. 366 00:13:21,869 --> 00:13:23,203 Hey Travis, come on in. 367 00:13:23,303 --> 00:13:24,838 Is Ron around? Travis. 368 00:13:24,938 --> 00:13:26,406 Travis hey, Hi. 369 00:13:26,506 --> 00:13:27,440 Your friend yeah? Is a friend. 370 00:13:27,540 --> 00:13:28,808 You said invite a friend. Sure. 371 00:13:28,909 --> 00:13:30,743 I'm so glad you invited somebody. 372 00:13:30,844 --> 00:13:31,879 Here you go. 373 00:13:31,979 --> 00:13:32,880 You know who that is? 374 00:13:32,980 --> 00:13:33,881 Yeah, Steve Guttenberg. 375 00:13:33,981 --> 00:13:36,016 Come here for a second. 376 00:13:36,116 --> 00:13:37,217 Thank you for coming. No problem. 377 00:13:37,317 --> 00:13:39,419 I've gone off the wagon a few times myself. 378 00:13:39,519 --> 00:13:40,753 Probably not a good idea, 379 00:13:40,854 --> 00:13:42,455 to be hanging around all this wine- 380 00:13:42,555 --> 00:13:44,257 This is some nice shit though. 381 00:13:44,357 --> 00:13:46,159 I'm sure the temptation to just have a taste 382 00:13:46,259 --> 00:13:47,794 is driving you crazy. 383 00:13:47,895 --> 00:13:49,196 I'm more of a beer man, myself. 384 00:13:49,296 --> 00:13:51,431 I actually need your help with this. 385 00:13:51,531 --> 00:13:53,400 I got a shrimp caught in the filter 386 00:13:53,500 --> 00:13:55,435 pump thingy, and I can't get it out. 387 00:13:55,535 --> 00:13:56,436 So, you're not drinking? 388 00:13:56,536 --> 00:13:58,105 This is a work of art. 389 00:13:58,205 --> 00:13:59,206 A Kootz. 390 00:13:59,306 --> 00:14:01,241 and If the host finds out I got a shrimp 391 00:14:01,341 --> 00:14:04,277 caught in his Kootz, Travis, please help me. 392 00:14:06,246 --> 00:14:08,115 Can you tell the difference? 393 00:14:08,215 --> 00:14:10,783 They both taste, just ...bad. 394 00:14:10,884 --> 00:14:14,922 One's like rocks, this one like dirt. 395 00:14:15,022 --> 00:14:17,490 Okay, yes, yes, maybe I taste dirt. 396 00:14:17,590 --> 00:14:20,193 No, you got the rock. 397 00:14:20,293 --> 00:14:21,962 So Lydia, you were saying before 398 00:14:22,062 --> 00:14:23,997 that you thought your daughter was gonna be a star. 399 00:14:24,097 --> 00:14:26,466 Oh, yes, my daughters' is gonna become a star. 400 00:14:26,566 --> 00:14:29,536 Success is a lifestyle you need to prepare for. 401 00:14:29,636 --> 00:14:31,338 You read in the tabloids every day, 402 00:14:31,438 --> 00:14:33,340 some shmuck hits it big and falls to pieces 403 00:14:33,440 --> 00:14:35,008 'cause he wasn't ready for success. 404 00:14:35,108 --> 00:14:36,209 Oh gosh. 405 00:14:36,309 --> 00:14:38,345 Let's imagine, you make millions of dollars. 406 00:14:38,445 --> 00:14:39,412 What do you do? 407 00:14:39,512 --> 00:14:41,248 I have millions of dollars? 408 00:14:41,348 --> 00:14:43,483 I throw a big party and I buy some new shoes 409 00:14:43,583 --> 00:14:44,952 and Escapade loves horses, 410 00:14:45,052 --> 00:14:47,454 so we could probably get, like, a hundred? 411 00:14:47,554 --> 00:14:50,457 Henry, what would you do with your millions of dollars? 412 00:14:50,557 --> 00:14:52,059 I'm floundering here. 413 00:14:52,159 --> 00:14:54,461 Wow, I don't know ...fleet of blimps? 414 00:14:54,561 --> 00:14:56,096 Oh that's such a good idea. 415 00:14:56,196 --> 00:14:57,164 See, okay, that's what I'm talking about 416 00:14:57,264 --> 00:14:58,898 you've got to educate yourself. 417 00:14:58,999 --> 00:15:00,968 I was very, very lucky, someone showed me the way. 418 00:15:01,068 --> 00:15:02,502 I learned to live well. 419 00:15:02,602 --> 00:15:05,038 Fine wine, clothing, art- 420 00:15:05,138 --> 00:15:09,142 In fact, have you got a second? 421 00:15:09,242 --> 00:15:14,214 [ music playing ] 422 00:15:14,314 --> 00:15:18,185 Here is Gerd Schlimt, German expressionism. 423 00:15:19,419 --> 00:15:24,924 I put it here to contrast these very different views of nature. 424 00:15:25,025 --> 00:15:26,626 One is pretty, and one is ugly. 425 00:15:26,726 --> 00:15:27,860 Yes! 426 00:15:27,961 --> 00:15:29,396 There are many different ways of seeing. 427 00:15:29,496 --> 00:15:31,864 You are an expert. 428 00:15:31,965 --> 00:15:35,002 Here is my little Felix Graham. 429 00:15:35,102 --> 00:15:37,404 Okay this is where I'm like, it looks like a bunch of squiggles. 430 00:15:37,504 --> 00:15:38,972 That's exactly what it is. 431 00:15:39,072 --> 00:15:41,874 That's a picture of a feeling. Exactly. 432 00:15:41,975 --> 00:15:45,545 Hm, Hm, Hm somebody's gonna do well with their millions. 433 00:15:45,645 --> 00:15:48,081 Millions? I work at the airport. 434 00:15:48,181 --> 00:15:49,382 You could find it. In a bag. 435 00:15:49,482 --> 00:15:50,383 Sure. 436 00:15:50,483 --> 00:15:51,918 Miracles do happen. 437 00:15:52,019 --> 00:15:53,253 Oh this is so exciting. 438 00:15:53,353 --> 00:15:55,055 By George, I think I'm getting it. 439 00:15:55,155 --> 00:15:56,723 Ah that's the spirit. 440 00:16:00,060 --> 00:16:04,064 Ah Henry, It's great, isn't it? 441 00:16:04,164 --> 00:16:05,332 Yeah. 442 00:16:08,201 --> 00:16:09,636 It's Ian Spankler. 443 00:16:09,736 --> 00:16:10,637 British. 444 00:16:10,737 --> 00:16:11,671 I picked it up for three hundred 445 00:16:11,771 --> 00:16:13,506 Just before he took off. 446 00:16:13,606 --> 00:16:14,674 Three hundred dollars? 447 00:16:14,774 --> 00:16:16,509 Three hundred thousand. 448 00:16:20,147 --> 00:16:22,649 He wants to have sex with the porcupine, 449 00:16:22,749 --> 00:16:26,053 but it's poking him. 450 00:16:26,153 --> 00:16:27,320 Yes. 451 00:16:29,389 --> 00:16:30,690 So what if Borp-7 was, like, wrestling 452 00:16:30,790 --> 00:16:34,594 with some kind of proto-soul- 453 00:16:34,694 --> 00:16:36,096 Is that Henry? What? 454 00:16:36,196 --> 00:16:37,930 What were you watching? What are you watching? 455 00:16:38,031 --> 00:16:39,166 Weirdos. 456 00:16:40,067 --> 00:16:41,234 Look, she's a robot. 457 00:16:41,334 --> 00:16:43,570 No she's Bio-Cybernetic. 458 00:16:43,670 --> 00:16:45,105 she has these Nanotech circuits 459 00:16:45,205 --> 00:16:47,074 that can make her evolve. 460 00:16:47,174 --> 00:16:48,341 The only reason you're saying that 461 00:16:48,441 --> 00:16:50,477 is because because you wanna put your falis in Colette. 462 00:16:50,577 --> 00:16:53,012 No I'm saying that because what they said was right. 463 00:16:53,113 --> 00:16:55,348 When Slave Girl dies, it should be moving. 464 00:16:55,448 --> 00:16:56,383 Know what'd be moving? 465 00:16:56,483 --> 00:16:58,118 If there was a panda and a kitty 466 00:16:58,218 --> 00:17:00,487 on the Titanic and they got cancer. 467 00:17:00,587 --> 00:17:02,989 and fell in love, that would be moving, 468 00:17:03,090 --> 00:17:04,091 Let's put that in script. 469 00:17:04,191 --> 00:17:05,625 Can you relax man, can we try this, 470 00:17:05,725 --> 00:17:06,993 No risk, no reward, 471 00:17:07,094 --> 00:17:08,361 whatever Steve Guttenberg said. 472 00:17:08,461 --> 00:17:10,663 Try it, whatever. 473 00:17:10,763 --> 00:17:14,267 Just don't sprain your fingers selling out. 474 00:17:14,367 --> 00:17:15,635 Can you fix it? 475 00:17:15,735 --> 00:17:19,472 Diaguchi intake feeding some kind of chick driven 476 00:17:19,572 --> 00:17:22,008 Jap filter system, 477 00:17:22,109 --> 00:17:25,044 I can't even see the shrimp. 478 00:17:25,145 --> 00:17:28,515 I can try, but it's gonna be tricky, 479 00:17:28,615 --> 00:17:31,351 Jesus Ron! 480 00:17:31,451 --> 00:17:33,686 He's pouring a '89 St. Emilion. 481 00:17:33,786 --> 00:17:34,721 Ah yeah. 482 00:17:34,821 --> 00:17:36,289 New pages! 483 00:17:36,389 --> 00:17:37,590 Ron, more vino! 484 00:17:37,690 --> 00:17:39,459 Oh yes Mr. Guttenberg. 485 00:17:39,559 --> 00:17:40,760 Hey, where are my players! 486 00:17:40,860 --> 00:17:43,130 Okay, I really appreciate it, Travis. 487 00:17:43,230 --> 00:17:44,197 Wine. 488 00:17:44,297 --> 00:17:47,033 Oh hey, try this one. 489 00:17:47,134 --> 00:17:48,468 Okay. All right. 490 00:17:48,568 --> 00:17:50,069 They'll like it. 491 00:17:52,739 --> 00:17:54,141 Okay. We've got Krond. 492 00:17:54,241 --> 00:17:55,242 Yes. 493 00:17:55,342 --> 00:17:56,609 And the handsome Captain DuKlark, 494 00:17:56,709 --> 00:17:58,211 Ah yes. 495 00:17:58,311 --> 00:18:01,748 The spectacular gorgeous Slave girl, Thanks. 496 00:18:01,848 --> 00:18:05,152 and Borp-7. 497 00:18:05,252 --> 00:18:06,319 Let's get it on it's feet! 498 00:18:06,419 --> 00:18:08,555 Henry, what would you say if I said, 499 00:18:08,655 --> 00:18:11,558 I'm about to act your ass into next week? 500 00:18:11,658 --> 00:18:12,692 I'd say, I'm retired. 501 00:18:12,792 --> 00:18:14,161 So who gives a shit. 502 00:18:14,261 --> 00:18:16,696 Well then I'd say you're a massive enormous pussy? 503 00:18:16,796 --> 00:18:18,030 Okay then I guess I would say, 504 00:18:18,131 --> 00:18:19,499 I could act you under the table 505 00:18:19,599 --> 00:18:24,437 with one feeling tied behind my back. - Oh really? 506 00:18:24,537 --> 00:18:26,673 I'm tasting...sticks? 507 00:18:26,773 --> 00:18:27,707 And rope? 508 00:18:27,807 --> 00:18:29,176 Thank you. 509 00:18:30,410 --> 00:18:33,313 Now my actors, prepare, 510 00:18:33,413 --> 00:18:36,549 "Interior, Bridge." Action. 511 00:18:36,649 --> 00:18:38,485 Captain. I'm worried. 512 00:18:38,585 --> 00:18:40,052 Good, right off, with the feelings. 513 00:18:40,153 --> 00:18:41,421 They caught me, what could I do? 514 00:18:41,521 --> 00:18:42,555 About our deuterium levels? 515 00:18:42,655 --> 00:18:43,656 Yeah, me too. 516 00:18:43,756 --> 00:18:45,057 About you, sir. 517 00:18:45,158 --> 00:18:47,460 Since when was worrying part of your programming? 518 00:18:47,560 --> 00:18:49,061 Coordinates set? 519 00:18:49,162 --> 00:18:50,297 Thread a binary star? 520 00:18:50,397 --> 00:18:52,232 You'll kill us all, DuKlark. 521 00:18:52,332 --> 00:18:54,234 Or is that what you want, since she died? 522 00:18:54,334 --> 00:18:55,735 Yeah, maybe it is. Maybe I've-- 523 00:18:55,835 --> 00:18:57,069 Ahh-- 524 00:18:57,170 --> 00:18:58,705 What are you doing here? I thought you were dead. 525 00:18:58,805 --> 00:19:00,773 I had to know if the coordinates worked. 526 00:19:00,873 --> 00:19:02,475 I had to know that you were safe. 527 00:19:02,575 --> 00:19:06,513 If they work, it's because you've saved us all. 528 00:19:06,613 --> 00:19:08,681 Now get back in the surgi-tube. 529 00:19:08,781 --> 00:19:12,185 Her face's ruined, she's of no use. 530 00:19:12,285 --> 00:19:13,353 DuKlark, no! 531 00:19:14,454 --> 00:19:15,488 Is that all she is to you? 532 00:19:15,588 --> 00:19:16,489 A face? 533 00:19:16,589 --> 00:19:17,490 What the fuck was that? 534 00:19:17,590 --> 00:19:19,192 Dude, I'm acting? 535 00:19:19,292 --> 00:19:20,393 Oh, awesome. 536 00:19:20,493 --> 00:19:21,494 Okay, I'm back in. 537 00:19:21,594 --> 00:19:25,298 Sir, chance of survival is point 079-- 538 00:19:25,398 --> 00:19:27,166 She risked all. 539 00:19:27,267 --> 00:19:28,635 So can we. 540 00:19:28,735 --> 00:19:29,669 Engage! 541 00:19:29,769 --> 00:19:31,170 Let's do it! 542 00:19:31,271 --> 00:19:34,841 Ah sorry, the door was open. 543 00:19:34,941 --> 00:19:36,509 Is Travis... 544 00:19:36,609 --> 00:19:37,677 Yeah, go kitchen. 545 00:19:37,777 --> 00:19:39,812 Okay Borp-7 fires the tachyon cannon, 546 00:19:39,912 --> 00:19:41,948 there's a space warp thing, oh no. 547 00:19:46,719 --> 00:19:47,854 We're clear. 548 00:19:49,922 --> 00:19:53,960 Thank you for saving my people. 549 00:19:59,499 --> 00:20:00,867 No! 550 00:20:00,967 --> 00:20:04,170 No, no, no- 551 00:20:04,271 --> 00:20:05,672 Sir, her life readings. 552 00:20:05,772 --> 00:20:09,409 What do you know about life? 553 00:20:09,509 --> 00:20:10,543 I'm learning, sir. 554 00:20:10,643 --> 00:20:12,679 What do you know about life? 555 00:20:22,689 --> 00:20:26,192 You saved the galaxy. 556 00:20:26,293 --> 00:20:28,961 And...scene! 557 00:20:31,564 --> 00:20:33,300 What a thrill ride! 558 00:20:33,400 --> 00:20:36,736 Oh my god it was so sad when the slave girl dies. 559 00:20:36,836 --> 00:20:37,737 Right. 560 00:20:37,837 --> 00:20:39,439 He loved her. 561 00:20:39,539 --> 00:20:40,473 Humanity. 562 00:20:40,573 --> 00:20:41,674 Heart. Drama. 563 00:20:41,774 --> 00:20:43,710 God, great, 564 00:20:43,810 --> 00:20:45,512 this is what I love about theater! 565 00:20:45,612 --> 00:20:47,714 You put yourself out there, voila! 566 00:20:47,814 --> 00:20:50,450 I loved when she said, "I'm learning." 567 00:20:50,550 --> 00:20:53,185 You know it's like she was learning to learn. 568 00:20:53,286 --> 00:20:54,354 Yeah, I can't believe this guy 569 00:20:54,454 --> 00:20:55,788 didn't want to put that in there. 570 00:20:55,888 --> 00:20:57,390 Why you gonna say that? I didn't say that. 571 00:20:57,490 --> 00:20:59,692 Yeah, it made me think of Ayn Rand- 572 00:20:59,792 --> 00:21:00,793 How so? 573 00:21:00,893 --> 00:21:02,729 Hey have you seen his art collection? 574 00:21:02,829 --> 00:21:04,864 He has a Spankler. 575 00:21:04,964 --> 00:21:07,199 of the dude fucking the porcupine. 576 00:21:07,300 --> 00:21:08,735 Yeah. I love Spankler. 577 00:21:08,835 --> 00:21:10,337 Oh you want me to show you, it's right over there. 578 00:21:10,437 --> 00:21:13,773 Oh yeah, that'd be great. 579 00:21:13,873 --> 00:21:16,476 It's a dude fucking a porcupine. 580 00:21:16,576 --> 00:21:17,577 It's a bad environment. 581 00:21:17,677 --> 00:21:18,745 I know. What are you doing here? 582 00:21:18,845 --> 00:21:20,713 He's my sponsor, he's helping me. 583 00:21:20,813 --> 00:21:21,748 Who are you? 584 00:21:21,848 --> 00:21:23,350 I'm Carlos. 585 00:21:23,450 --> 00:21:25,618 I'm AA, too, I'm here to help Travis. 586 00:21:25,718 --> 00:21:27,587 Oh. Didn't you fix the pump? 587 00:21:27,687 --> 00:21:29,889 I got the shrimp out, but I'm too wasted 588 00:21:29,989 --> 00:21:32,359 to re-attach the intake. 589 00:21:32,459 --> 00:21:34,394 So they sent you to attach it? 590 00:21:34,494 --> 00:21:37,330 You called your sponsor here to fix a fish tank? 591 00:21:37,430 --> 00:21:38,831 It's art. 592 00:21:38,931 --> 00:21:40,367 A Kootz- 593 00:21:40,467 --> 00:21:43,870 Do you understand what AA is actually for? 594 00:21:43,970 --> 00:21:45,938 I thought I did. 595 00:21:46,038 --> 00:21:47,407 You don't! 596 00:21:49,442 --> 00:21:51,010 I should've been a movie star. 597 00:21:51,110 --> 00:21:53,680 Yeah, hey, this isn't going to be awkward, right? 598 00:21:53,780 --> 00:21:55,314 That we're just in our under panties? 599 00:21:55,415 --> 00:21:57,316 No, no, no. 600 00:21:57,417 --> 00:21:58,718 Nothing I haven't seen before. 601 00:21:58,818 --> 00:21:59,986 True. 602 00:22:02,755 --> 00:22:04,290 Hey, so I saw your scene, 603 00:22:04,391 --> 00:22:05,725 in that movie. 604 00:22:05,825 --> 00:22:07,994 God, come on. 605 00:22:08,094 --> 00:22:09,696 You were really good, 606 00:22:09,796 --> 00:22:12,264 Like-- I didn't know that you were that good. 607 00:22:12,365 --> 00:22:14,667 Cause you never told me, that you were like 608 00:22:14,767 --> 00:22:16,503 a legitimate actor. 609 00:22:16,603 --> 00:22:17,870 Come on, For real. 610 00:22:17,970 --> 00:22:19,939 You gotta miss that a little bit. 611 00:22:20,039 --> 00:22:21,340 Miss constantly being constantly rejected? 612 00:22:21,441 --> 00:22:22,709 Not really. 613 00:22:22,809 --> 00:22:26,979 No miss doing something that you're amazing at. 614 00:22:27,079 --> 00:22:29,348 I'm good at team leading. 615 00:22:29,449 --> 00:22:31,818 Yeah, but-- 616 00:22:31,918 --> 00:22:34,421 "No risk, no reward?" 617 00:22:34,521 --> 00:22:37,356 Well I have a saying. 618 00:22:37,457 --> 00:22:41,861 "No risk, no risk." After all that bullshit, 619 00:22:41,961 --> 00:22:44,296 going back and starting over, no way. 620 00:22:44,397 --> 00:22:45,432 Ron did. 621 00:22:45,532 --> 00:22:47,033 Oh Ron did. 622 00:22:47,133 --> 00:22:49,368 Did I just use Ron as a life example. 623 00:22:53,039 --> 00:22:53,940 What are you doing? 624 00:22:54,040 --> 00:22:56,042 Inviting you to just-- be quite. 625 00:23:07,920 --> 00:23:09,055 Don't do that. 626 00:23:12,825 --> 00:23:14,594 You have a girlfriend. 627 00:23:14,694 --> 00:23:16,996 And you have a boyfriend so-- 628 00:23:17,096 --> 00:23:20,833 Paul and I kinda drifted apart 629 00:23:20,933 --> 00:23:24,003 I guess like a few weeks ago. Okay. 630 00:23:24,103 --> 00:23:28,875 But still...Maybe this kind of lost in the shuffle, 631 00:23:28,975 --> 00:23:32,945 but you did kind of, "break my heart" 632 00:23:33,045 --> 00:23:36,015 and that's kinda-- still there. 633 00:23:36,115 --> 00:23:39,519 Now it's very awkward. 634 00:23:39,619 --> 00:23:41,488 Hot tub, yes! 635 00:23:41,588 --> 00:23:42,622 Mind if I join? 636 00:23:42,722 --> 00:23:44,691 I'm gonna get out. 637 00:23:44,791 --> 00:23:47,794 You-- No, I'm gonna get out of the hot tub. 638 00:23:47,894 --> 00:23:49,061 Casey. 639 00:23:53,600 --> 00:23:54,734 Whoa. 640 00:23:56,736 --> 00:23:58,104 You really should take your underwear off. 641 00:23:58,204 --> 00:23:59,906 The jets feel great on your balls. 642 00:24:00,006 --> 00:24:01,641 Um, I should probably- 643 00:24:01,741 --> 00:24:02,942 Get going. 644 00:24:03,042 --> 00:24:04,511 Ooh. What's going on out here? 645 00:24:04,611 --> 00:24:06,012 Oh ho ho! Wouldn't you like to know? 646 00:24:06,112 --> 00:24:07,647 Are there suits we could borrow? 647 00:24:07,747 --> 00:24:11,518 Who needs suits? No risk, no reward! 648 00:24:11,618 --> 00:24:13,085 Get you tokuses in here, right now! 649 00:24:13,185 --> 00:24:14,821 I said, right now! 650 00:24:16,789 --> 00:24:18,791 I don't know man, I think that the first draft have 651 00:24:18,891 --> 00:24:20,392 is way stronger. 652 00:24:20,493 --> 00:24:22,629 You know, DuKlark, and Krond-- 653 00:24:22,729 --> 00:24:23,796 that's where your story's at. 654 00:24:23,896 --> 00:24:25,898 Like, Jungian shadow figures. 655 00:24:25,998 --> 00:24:27,934 So much came out of that re-write. 656 00:24:28,034 --> 00:24:30,637 Why hadn't I ever re-written before? 657 00:24:30,737 --> 00:24:32,004 Why did Steve Guttenberg, have to tell me 658 00:24:32,104 --> 00:24:33,472 that I needed a re-write? 659 00:24:33,573 --> 00:24:34,741 Taking off? 660 00:24:35,675 --> 00:24:37,109 All right, see ya. 661 00:24:37,209 --> 00:24:40,713 Hot tubing it Hollywood style! 662 00:24:40,813 --> 00:24:42,682 Now this you don't have to teach me. 663 00:24:42,782 --> 00:24:44,784 Hot tub I get! 664 00:24:44,884 --> 00:24:46,686 When I'm rich I'm gonna buy you one. 665 00:24:46,786 --> 00:24:47,787 Thanks. 666 00:24:47,887 --> 00:24:49,589 The rewrite was great, wasn't it? 667 00:24:49,689 --> 00:24:50,923 Yeah, you know what I think would be cool 668 00:24:51,023 --> 00:24:52,959 is if more of it was more like, 669 00:24:53,059 --> 00:24:55,595 the robot, growing a soul? 670 00:24:55,695 --> 00:24:56,896 You know, that's a cool idea. 671 00:24:56,996 --> 00:25:01,100 Maybe we could get together, some after and talk about it. 672 00:25:01,200 --> 00:25:02,535 No. 673 00:25:03,803 --> 00:25:05,004 Hey Henry you were great in it. 674 00:25:05,104 --> 00:25:06,673 How come you gave that up? 675 00:25:06,773 --> 00:25:07,707 Thanks. 676 00:25:07,807 --> 00:25:09,441 Henry, all that talent. 677 00:25:09,542 --> 00:25:11,443 it's for my experience 9 times out of 10 678 00:25:11,544 --> 00:25:15,514 if you've got the talent, you break through. 679 00:25:15,615 --> 00:25:20,119 Yeah, but what about that one guy? 680 00:25:20,219 --> 00:25:21,187 Who wants Mochi? 681 00:25:21,287 --> 00:25:23,122 [ all screaming ] 682 00:25:23,222 --> 00:25:24,991 I have takers? 683 00:25:25,091 --> 00:25:26,593 [ all talking ] 684 00:25:26,693 --> 00:25:29,729 * 685 00:25:39,706 --> 00:25:40,973 I think Steve Guttenberg had a fun time. 686 00:25:41,073 --> 00:25:42,474 It was a great night, huh? 687 00:25:42,575 --> 00:25:43,876 Have you seen my clipboard, anywhere? 688 00:25:43,976 --> 00:25:45,211 Oh yeah I took it. 689 00:25:45,311 --> 00:25:47,614 Force of habit. 690 00:25:47,714 --> 00:25:49,081 "Sorry. You really were good? " 691 00:25:49,181 --> 00:25:50,549 Who's that? 692 00:25:53,720 --> 00:25:56,756 Oh. you know what I think this is for you, 693 00:25:56,856 --> 00:25:57,990 Your buddy Travis. 694 00:25:58,090 --> 00:26:00,526 He must be sorry you got kicked out of AA. 695 00:26:00,627 --> 00:26:01,761 Oh, that's sweet. 696 00:26:01,861 --> 00:26:03,562 I realized I don't actually need it. 697 00:26:03,663 --> 00:26:06,699 I mean, those guys have real drinking problems. 698 00:26:06,799 --> 00:26:08,601 I can't wait to see that feedback card. 699 00:26:08,701 --> 00:26:12,238 I got so much out of tonight Here are my A-list writers. 700 00:26:12,338 --> 00:26:14,073 Steve. Pleasure. 701 00:26:14,173 --> 00:26:15,942 Roman, so talented. 702 00:26:16,042 --> 00:26:16,943 I had a great time. 703 00:26:17,043 --> 00:26:17,977 We're gonna send you the new copies. 704 00:26:18,077 --> 00:26:19,879 You helped out, you helped out a lot. 705 00:26:19,979 --> 00:26:21,080 Thank you. Good night. 706 00:26:21,180 --> 00:26:22,248 Whoo! 707 00:26:22,348 --> 00:26:23,683 What an education. 708 00:26:23,783 --> 00:26:24,917 Wow! 709 00:26:25,017 --> 00:26:28,287 Thank you. I feel so ready to be rich. 710 00:26:28,387 --> 00:26:31,691 Goodbye, gotta make my shift at the airport. 711 00:26:31,791 --> 00:26:34,193 Oh maybe tonight's the night you'll find your bag of money. 712 00:26:34,293 --> 00:26:35,662 Bye Ted. 713 00:26:35,762 --> 00:26:38,030 Careful, hey Steve, great hangin' with you. 714 00:26:38,130 --> 00:26:39,198 So wonderful, Kyle. 715 00:26:39,298 --> 00:26:41,067 You are amazing. Awe, thank you. 716 00:26:41,167 --> 00:26:43,202 again, you're the best. 717 00:26:43,302 --> 00:26:45,037 See you in class Kyle. 718 00:26:45,137 --> 00:26:46,572 And remember "No risk-- 719 00:26:46,673 --> 00:26:47,840 No reward." 720 00:26:51,043 --> 00:26:52,645 I fucking hate Steve Guttenberg. 721 00:26:52,745 --> 00:26:55,748 * 722 00:27:02,789 --> 00:27:05,825 * 723 00:27:12,865 --> 00:27:15,902 * 724 00:27:22,809 --> 00:27:25,845 * 725 00:27:32,885 --> 00:27:35,922 * 726 00:27:42,829 --> 00:27:45,865 * 727 00:27:51,470 --> 00:27:53,105 ** 728 00:27:53,205 --> 00:27:54,340 Tree.