1 00:00:20,088 --> 00:00:23,023 Oh hey, I need to pick up some cargo 2 00:00:23,124 --> 00:00:25,025 do you think I could maybe borrow a ship 3 00:00:25,126 --> 00:00:27,395 from your hubby Aristotle Onassis? 4 00:00:27,495 --> 00:00:31,432 What a completely pointless snap, 5 00:00:31,532 --> 00:00:32,966 you numbskull. 6 00:00:33,067 --> 00:00:34,268 Rough night? 7 00:00:37,105 --> 00:00:38,739 I did my scene in the Apatow movie. 8 00:00:38,839 --> 00:00:40,074 Oh great. 9 00:00:40,174 --> 00:00:43,211 And afterward I went out with Seth and these guys. 10 00:00:43,311 --> 00:00:44,412 Seth Rogan and Jonah Hill. 11 00:00:44,512 --> 00:00:46,647 Just when the names were dropping so subtly. 12 00:00:46,747 --> 00:00:49,450 We hit this premier after party thing. 13 00:00:49,550 --> 00:00:51,385 sponsored by that fig vodka. 14 00:00:51,485 --> 00:00:52,386 They have Fig vodka now? 15 00:00:52,486 --> 00:00:53,387 They do. 16 00:00:53,487 --> 00:00:54,622 Oh my god I'm so sorry, 17 00:00:54,722 --> 00:00:58,359 I totally forgot, you don't get out very much any more. 18 00:00:58,459 --> 00:01:00,194 You must be so jealous. 19 00:01:00,294 --> 00:01:04,332 I am, I am so-- 20 00:01:04,432 --> 00:01:06,467 Ron? Hey Ron? 21 00:01:09,403 --> 00:01:11,539 You prep the buffet table? 22 00:01:11,639 --> 00:01:13,374 Ah right, Buffet. 23 00:01:26,487 --> 00:01:30,090 ""Dust in the Wind." On repeat. 24 00:01:32,393 --> 00:01:33,661 Kyle. 25 00:01:33,761 --> 00:01:35,028 Could you give me a hand? 26 00:01:35,129 --> 00:01:36,464 Yeah. 27 00:01:36,564 --> 00:01:38,299 I didn't want want Henry to know. 28 00:01:38,399 --> 00:01:39,500 I was putting in my earrings and I tripped, 29 00:01:39,600 --> 00:01:40,801 and I dropped one, 30 00:01:40,901 --> 00:01:42,170 Why would Henry care if you dropped one? 31 00:01:42,270 --> 00:01:44,572 I dropped in there. In the casket. 32 00:01:44,672 --> 00:01:45,706 Oh. 33 00:01:45,806 --> 00:01:47,775 I'm sorry Kyle, I wouldn't normally ask, 34 00:01:47,875 --> 00:01:50,043 It's just that Escapade gave me these earrings. 35 00:01:50,144 --> 00:01:51,679 No it's-- in there with the guy? 36 00:01:51,779 --> 00:01:53,247 Yeah, yeah. 37 00:01:53,347 --> 00:01:54,315 Okay, um-- 38 00:01:54,415 --> 00:01:55,449 You guys are ridiculous. 39 00:01:55,549 --> 00:01:57,117 You've never seen a dead body before. 40 00:01:57,218 --> 00:01:58,352 Don't say dead body. 41 00:01:58,452 --> 00:02:00,053 Why, that's what it is. 42 00:02:00,154 --> 00:02:01,255 An inanimate object. 43 00:02:01,355 --> 00:02:03,291 Okay, so get her earring that was dropped in there. 44 00:02:03,391 --> 00:02:05,193 Go for it. 45 00:02:05,293 --> 00:02:07,761 You're like medieval villagers. 46 00:02:07,861 --> 00:02:09,129 On a molecular level, 47 00:02:09,230 --> 00:02:11,665 this is no different than digging in a sandbox 48 00:02:11,765 --> 00:02:12,700 or a sock drawer. 49 00:02:12,800 --> 00:02:14,134 Don't touch it. 50 00:02:14,235 --> 00:02:16,304 What, you don't oh, on no I touched it.. 51 00:02:16,404 --> 00:02:18,172 Oh no I hope he wasn't murdered, 52 00:02:18,272 --> 00:02:20,374 or his unquiet spirit will come and haunt us. 53 00:02:20,474 --> 00:02:22,843 Man, come on. 54 00:02:22,943 --> 00:02:25,479 Dude, seriously, cut it out. 55 00:02:25,579 --> 00:02:27,215 Or what, you think his eyes'll open 56 00:02:27,315 --> 00:02:29,183 and he'll come out and eat everybody's brains. 57 00:02:29,283 --> 00:02:31,752 Hi. Hey, now. 58 00:02:31,852 --> 00:02:34,388 So, about ten minutes? 59 00:02:34,488 --> 00:02:35,789 Yeah, we're all set here. 60 00:02:35,889 --> 00:02:36,824 Good. 61 00:02:36,924 --> 00:02:38,259 And we over-ordered on food, 62 00:02:38,359 --> 00:02:39,393 So someone from the homeless shelter 63 00:02:39,493 --> 00:02:41,329 is gonna come and pick up the extras. 64 00:02:41,429 --> 00:02:43,264 So come you show them to the back ? Yep. 65 00:02:43,364 --> 00:02:45,399 And could you put my dad's cufflink back? 66 00:02:52,406 --> 00:02:53,574 Sorry. 67 00:03:04,418 --> 00:03:08,121 If there was a common thread in my husband's life, 68 00:03:08,222 --> 00:03:10,691 from success at Dunn and Bradshaw, 69 00:03:10,791 --> 00:03:12,260 to marriage, 70 00:03:12,360 --> 00:03:14,662 to raising our beautiful daughter Mary. 71 00:03:14,762 --> 00:03:18,165 It was a commitment to values. 72 00:03:18,266 --> 00:03:19,767 The value of hard work. 73 00:03:19,867 --> 00:03:21,168 The value of family. 74 00:03:21,269 --> 00:03:23,271 The value of giving back. 75 00:03:23,371 --> 00:03:24,538 I know for me, 76 00:03:24,638 --> 00:03:28,809 the values of James Walter Ellison live on. 77 00:03:28,909 --> 00:03:30,278 Dad? 78 00:03:37,285 --> 00:03:41,455 Six minutes to sum up a whole life. 79 00:03:41,555 --> 00:03:42,856 Kind of makes you think, doesn't it? 80 00:03:46,560 --> 00:03:49,430 Huh. An old black man playing the blues. 81 00:03:49,530 --> 00:03:50,598 How original. 82 00:03:50,698 --> 00:03:52,433 Dude, shut up. 83 00:03:52,533 --> 00:03:53,567 Awesome. 84 00:03:53,667 --> 00:03:55,703 [ man singing ] 85 00:04:00,408 --> 00:04:03,344 Ron, what are you doing? 86 00:04:03,444 --> 00:04:05,178 Death. 87 00:04:05,279 --> 00:04:06,280 It's heavy shit. 88 00:04:06,380 --> 00:04:07,615 Just takin' the edge off, no big deal. 89 00:04:07,715 --> 00:04:09,583 Okay, but if a guest came in and saw you, 90 00:04:09,683 --> 00:04:10,651 Henry, please, don't worry about, 91 00:04:10,751 --> 00:04:11,785 these people are cool. 92 00:04:11,885 --> 00:04:12,953 Oh right, because they're black, 93 00:04:13,053 --> 00:04:14,788 they're cool with the wait staff 94 00:04:14,888 --> 00:04:16,724 getting high at their loved one's funeral. 95 00:04:16,824 --> 00:04:17,925 God, doesn't that blow your mind? 96 00:04:18,025 --> 00:04:22,430 one minute he's alive, next minute he's dead? 97 00:04:22,530 --> 00:04:23,664 "Dust in the wind." That's all we. 98 00:04:23,764 --> 00:04:26,199 All right. 99 00:04:26,300 --> 00:04:28,669 Ahh, 100 00:04:28,769 --> 00:04:31,505 you're busting me for getting high. 101 00:04:31,605 --> 00:04:33,607 Come on, don't see the irony there? 102 00:04:33,707 --> 00:04:34,875 I do and I don't like it, 103 00:04:34,975 --> 00:04:38,746 but I need you at the bar, Ron. 104 00:04:38,846 --> 00:04:39,747 You okay? 105 00:04:39,847 --> 00:04:42,249 Am I, Henry? 106 00:04:42,350 --> 00:04:44,752 Am I, I got a dead-end job, no woman, no. 107 00:04:44,852 --> 00:04:46,787 I mean, are you mentally capable 108 00:04:46,887 --> 00:04:49,757 of performing simple tasks? 109 00:04:49,857 --> 00:04:51,625 Don't worry about me, Henry. 110 00:04:51,725 --> 00:04:55,463 I was pretty much constantly high between 1987 and 2002. 111 00:04:57,331 --> 00:04:58,466 Okay? 112 00:04:58,832 --> 00:05:00,901 So I think I can manage myself. 113 00:05:02,002 --> 00:05:03,337 You just relax. 114 00:05:12,346 --> 00:05:13,381 Relax, Honey, 115 00:05:13,481 --> 00:05:15,916 It's a lovely reception, you did great. 116 00:05:16,016 --> 00:05:18,652 It's just, that none of the Phoenix people showed. 117 00:05:18,752 --> 00:05:20,854 For all the time he spent in that office. 118 00:05:20,954 --> 00:05:23,391 Excuse me, I'm sorry. 119 00:05:23,491 --> 00:05:24,758 Can I get either of you anything? 120 00:05:24,858 --> 00:05:26,760 Oh no thank you, thanks. 121 00:05:26,860 --> 00:05:29,563 The girl is getting something for me, thank you. 122 00:05:29,663 --> 00:05:30,964 I'm very sorry for your loss. 123 00:05:31,064 --> 00:05:32,833 Seems like he was a good man. 124 00:05:32,933 --> 00:05:34,702 That he was. 125 00:05:34,802 --> 00:05:35,803 You married? 126 00:05:35,903 --> 00:05:36,870 Me, no. 127 00:05:36,970 --> 00:05:40,340 Girlfriend? Um. yeah. 128 00:05:40,441 --> 00:05:42,275 Little tip about relationships. 129 00:05:42,376 --> 00:05:43,711 Forget fireworks. 130 00:05:43,811 --> 00:05:45,846 You don't want something that blows all bright, 131 00:05:45,946 --> 00:05:48,549 and then fades. 132 00:05:48,649 --> 00:05:50,818 Oh, thank you, sweetheart. Sure. 133 00:05:50,918 --> 00:05:53,353 Know what love is? 134 00:05:53,454 --> 00:05:54,622 It's a crockpot. 135 00:05:54,722 --> 00:05:57,425 Not flashy, not exciting, 136 00:05:57,525 --> 00:06:03,497 but cooks at a low heat, day in, and day out, and won't fade. 137 00:06:03,597 --> 00:06:05,766 That's what you want. 138 00:06:05,866 --> 00:06:07,768 I'm guessing your girlfriend 139 00:06:07,868 --> 00:06:10,838 has got herself a crockpot. mm-hmm. 140 00:06:16,009 --> 00:06:16,944 What? 141 00:06:17,044 --> 00:06:19,379 You crockpot. 142 00:06:19,480 --> 00:06:23,050 So did he die at peace, or was he, you know, murdered? 143 00:06:30,691 --> 00:06:32,993 Good, Thank you so much for coming. 144 00:06:33,093 --> 00:06:34,728 Um, you're welcome. 145 00:06:34,828 --> 00:06:36,029 If you could come with us? 146 00:06:36,129 --> 00:06:37,030 You. 147 00:06:37,130 --> 00:06:38,499 This way. 148 00:06:43,571 --> 00:06:46,674 Excuse me sir. 149 00:06:46,774 --> 00:06:48,576 You're awesome. 150 00:06:48,676 --> 00:06:50,478 The blues. 151 00:06:50,578 --> 00:06:53,614 Yeah, I'm in a band, I know. 152 00:06:53,714 --> 00:06:54,882 That's where it all started. 153 00:06:54,982 --> 00:06:55,916 Do you think you could you...teach me. 154 00:06:56,016 --> 00:06:57,017 The guitar? 155 00:06:57,117 --> 00:06:58,486 No, the blues. 156 00:06:58,586 --> 00:07:00,020 What it's about. 157 00:07:00,120 --> 00:07:03,891 What it really is, that'd be, awesome. 158 00:07:03,991 --> 00:07:07,461 Mmm, I don't know whether I can really explain it in words. 159 00:07:07,561 --> 00:07:09,930 It's more something you live. 160 00:07:10,030 --> 00:07:11,832 Like, the black experience. 161 00:07:11,932 --> 00:07:14,668 And having stuff to be blue about. 162 00:07:14,768 --> 00:07:16,504 Oh, yeah. Yeah, okay. 163 00:07:16,604 --> 00:07:19,540 Like, I did this movie, right? 164 00:07:19,640 --> 00:07:21,542 Supposed to bump me up to the B list, Okay. 165 00:07:21,642 --> 00:07:23,744 Well it goes straight to video. 166 00:07:23,844 --> 00:07:26,379 Yeah, and this yoga model I was hooking up with 167 00:07:26,480 --> 00:07:30,884 stopped calling, and my Xbox is weird, 168 00:07:30,984 --> 00:07:33,687 it's like nothing's going right. 169 00:07:33,787 --> 00:07:35,055 Well, maybe I can try, 170 00:07:35,155 --> 00:07:36,990 sorta like give you a feel for it. 171 00:07:37,090 --> 00:07:38,526 Yeah, okay. 172 00:07:38,626 --> 00:07:40,928 Gimme your belt. 173 00:07:41,028 --> 00:07:41,995 You want my belt? 174 00:07:42,095 --> 00:07:43,697 You want to experience the blues, 175 00:07:43,797 --> 00:07:45,799 start by giving me your belt. 176 00:07:45,899 --> 00:07:49,603 experience getting whipped, like slaves-- 177 00:07:49,703 --> 00:07:51,539 What? No. 178 00:07:51,639 --> 00:07:54,074 What's wrong with you? 179 00:07:54,174 --> 00:07:55,743 This is a nice belt. 180 00:07:55,843 --> 00:07:56,944 It's Donna Karan. 181 00:07:57,044 --> 00:07:58,512 So are we gonna switching belts? 182 00:07:58,612 --> 00:08:00,047 No. I'm taking your belt. 183 00:08:00,147 --> 00:08:02,583 Because the blues is about what you don't have? 184 00:08:02,683 --> 00:08:04,718 Don't try to understand. 185 00:08:04,818 --> 00:08:05,919 Just experience. 186 00:08:06,019 --> 00:08:09,823 Right, okay, experiencing having no a belt. 187 00:08:09,923 --> 00:08:10,891 And get me a Squirt. 188 00:08:10,991 --> 00:08:11,959 Casey's on drinks. 189 00:08:12,059 --> 00:08:13,961 Oh she wanna learn about the blues? 190 00:08:14,061 --> 00:08:16,664 Oh, this is part of the experience, Okay. 191 00:08:16,764 --> 00:08:17,698 Got it, got it. 192 00:08:17,798 --> 00:08:18,866 And a plate of shrimp. 193 00:08:18,966 --> 00:08:20,467 We have shrimp puffs. 194 00:08:20,568 --> 00:08:21,602 Pick out the shrimp. 195 00:08:21,702 --> 00:08:24,572 Okay, Yeah...like picking cotton? 196 00:08:24,672 --> 00:08:26,139 What'd I say? 197 00:08:26,239 --> 00:08:28,909 Don't try to understand. 198 00:08:29,009 --> 00:08:30,978 Just experience. Right, I got it. 199 00:08:31,078 --> 00:08:32,212 Thank you. 200 00:08:34,882 --> 00:08:36,584 So, the rest of the food is in there, 201 00:08:36,684 --> 00:08:38,852 if you can just help her out, that'd be great. 202 00:08:38,952 --> 00:08:40,821 So, did you park in back? 203 00:08:40,921 --> 00:08:43,891 Uh, no, down the block? 204 00:08:43,991 --> 00:08:47,460 Oh, all right, well I guess I could carry it, 205 00:08:47,561 --> 00:08:48,862 or you could pull around back. 206 00:08:48,962 --> 00:08:51,732 Um, I don't know what you're? 207 00:08:51,832 --> 00:08:54,001 Aren't you from the shelter? 208 00:08:54,101 --> 00:08:56,670 I'm here for the funeral? 209 00:08:56,770 --> 00:08:58,538 Oh. I'm sorry. 210 00:09:05,178 --> 00:09:06,213 Oh shit-- 211 00:09:06,313 --> 00:09:08,148 Ah-- 212 00:09:08,248 --> 00:09:09,917 Are you-- 213 00:09:10,017 --> 00:09:11,218 I'm-- I'm-- 214 00:09:11,318 --> 00:09:12,853 Were you close? 215 00:09:12,953 --> 00:09:14,121 Mom? 216 00:09:14,221 --> 00:09:15,823 In here, Walter. 217 00:09:21,228 --> 00:09:25,766 Oh God, God, it's so obvious, isn't it? No. 218 00:09:25,866 --> 00:09:28,135 I just wanted to come say goodbye, 219 00:09:28,235 --> 00:09:31,839 but I stick out like a sore thumb. 220 00:09:31,939 --> 00:09:33,173 Can I drink this? 221 00:09:33,273 --> 00:09:36,009 Yeah. 222 00:09:36,109 --> 00:09:38,879 Sorry, I was just getting more-- 223 00:09:38,979 --> 00:09:40,113 sparkling water. 224 00:09:45,719 --> 00:09:48,722 [ continuing to cry ] 225 00:09:53,393 --> 00:09:56,063 You did good, my man. 226 00:09:56,163 --> 00:09:58,198 Sales Leader of the year. 227 00:09:58,298 --> 00:10:00,167 Twice. 228 00:10:00,267 --> 00:10:02,002 Community Leadership award, 229 00:10:04,304 --> 00:10:07,975 friends and family out there talking about your legacy. 230 00:10:08,075 --> 00:10:11,111 That's a life, my friend, that's a life. 231 00:10:11,211 --> 00:10:12,980 Resume like that, 232 00:10:14,648 --> 00:10:17,985 I'd feel pretty good about being dead. 233 00:10:18,085 --> 00:10:19,953 I mean, what are they gonna say about me? 234 00:10:20,053 --> 00:10:24,157 "Here lies Ronald Wayne Donald. 235 00:10:24,257 --> 00:10:28,896 Repeated first grade because he couldn't figure out scissors. 236 00:10:28,996 --> 00:10:31,631 First in his class to master a keg stand. 237 00:10:34,067 --> 00:10:36,203 Partied for twenty years, 238 00:10:36,303 --> 00:10:37,705 ran a soup place for five months. 239 00:10:37,805 --> 00:10:40,240 Never did anything. 240 00:10:40,340 --> 00:10:41,574 Never won anything. 241 00:10:41,675 --> 00:10:44,745 Never mattered. 242 00:10:44,845 --> 00:10:50,117 Now he's dead, nobody cares, 243 00:10:50,217 --> 00:10:51,218 Got nothing to put on the wall 244 00:10:51,318 --> 00:10:53,253 to show he ever existed at all. 245 00:10:53,353 --> 00:10:55,856 Excuse me. 246 00:10:55,956 --> 00:10:58,058 Kind of an unspoken time limit. 247 00:10:58,158 --> 00:10:59,126 How am I doing on time? 248 00:10:59,226 --> 00:11:01,228 You're done. Okay. 249 00:11:04,331 --> 00:11:06,599 I don't know if I can do this. 250 00:11:06,700 --> 00:11:08,702 I never imagined it'd be like this. 251 00:11:08,802 --> 00:11:09,703 Like what? 252 00:11:09,803 --> 00:11:12,973 So...black. 253 00:11:13,073 --> 00:11:14,674 Well, he was black... 254 00:11:14,775 --> 00:11:18,145 Not like this, all, fancy pants 255 00:11:18,245 --> 00:11:22,649 NAACP award I'm-so-great stuffy. 256 00:11:22,750 --> 00:11:24,885 They thought I was hired help. 257 00:11:24,985 --> 00:11:26,920 The James I knew was a free spirit, 258 00:11:27,020 --> 00:11:28,188 he hung with everyone. 259 00:11:28,288 --> 00:11:30,023 Just be one of them. 260 00:11:30,123 --> 00:11:31,624 and if anyone asks. 261 00:11:31,725 --> 00:11:34,661 "I knew James from the Phoenix office of Dunn and Bradshaw." 262 00:11:34,762 --> 00:11:35,963 That's right, and no one will know 263 00:11:36,063 --> 00:11:37,397 Because no one from Phoenix came. 264 00:11:37,497 --> 00:11:39,900 It's just, I'm a terrible liar. 265 00:11:40,000 --> 00:11:42,770 It's not lying, it's acting. 266 00:11:42,870 --> 00:11:44,271 I was an actor, it's easy. 267 00:11:44,371 --> 00:11:46,907 You just use the true bits, fake the fake bits. 268 00:11:47,007 --> 00:11:48,876 And that's acting? 269 00:11:48,976 --> 00:11:49,877 Most actors aren't bright, 270 00:11:49,977 --> 00:11:51,779 so it has to be simple. 271 00:11:51,879 --> 00:11:52,846 Thank you, Henry. 272 00:11:52,946 --> 00:11:54,114 No problem. 273 00:11:56,283 --> 00:11:57,918 Hey, three whites. 274 00:11:58,018 --> 00:12:00,320 What is going on with you and that woman? 275 00:12:00,420 --> 00:12:03,056 Oh nothing. 276 00:12:03,156 --> 00:12:05,058 You are truly the worst actor I've ever seen 277 00:12:05,158 --> 00:12:06,326 in my entire life. What do you mean? 278 00:12:06,426 --> 00:12:08,128 It's so obvious you're lying to me right now. 279 00:12:08,228 --> 00:12:09,296 What was that? 280 00:12:09,396 --> 00:12:11,164 Okay, that woman. 281 00:12:11,264 --> 00:12:13,000 What, she's the dead guy's mistress, 282 00:12:13,100 --> 00:12:15,803 and that kid's his love child? 283 00:12:15,903 --> 00:12:18,305 Wait are you-- Fuckin' serious, is it that obvious? 284 00:12:18,405 --> 00:12:19,372 Are you serious? 285 00:12:19,472 --> 00:12:21,108 Are you serious-- 286 00:12:21,208 --> 00:12:22,409 That's really what it is I just guess-- 287 00:12:22,509 --> 00:12:24,211 White wine. 288 00:12:24,311 --> 00:12:25,813 What's that lady from 289 00:12:25,913 --> 00:12:28,081 the homeless shelter still doing here? 290 00:12:28,181 --> 00:12:32,319 Oh, she's not from the shelter, she's here to pay her respects. 291 00:12:32,419 --> 00:12:34,287 I've never seen her before. 292 00:12:34,387 --> 00:12:37,157 She said she's from the Phoenix office. 293 00:12:37,257 --> 00:12:39,960 Well, at least someone showed up. 294 00:12:40,060 --> 00:12:41,962 Worst actor ever? 295 00:12:42,062 --> 00:12:44,097 I know why you're doing this why? 296 00:12:44,197 --> 00:12:46,066 Because that woman called you a crockpot. 297 00:12:46,166 --> 00:12:47,801 Ah No. And I'm not, so. 298 00:12:47,901 --> 00:12:49,102 Yeah cause your life is boring 299 00:12:49,202 --> 00:12:51,104 so you're creating melodrama. 300 00:12:51,204 --> 00:12:53,941 No, I'm just trying to help that woman out. 301 00:12:54,041 --> 00:12:55,708 If the widow finds out about this-- 302 00:12:55,809 --> 00:12:58,311 Which she won't. Because I am coaching that girl. 303 00:12:58,411 --> 00:13:00,447 Oh, well in that case. 304 00:13:05,018 --> 00:13:06,887 Hey, honey, who's that? 305 00:13:06,987 --> 00:13:09,823 I don't know. I think she might be from the Phoenix office, 306 00:13:09,923 --> 00:13:11,859 Oh. I saw her come in, and I was like, 307 00:13:11,959 --> 00:13:14,727 who here came down with a case of jungle fever. 308 00:13:14,828 --> 00:13:17,397 Right, like any of these guys. 309 00:13:17,497 --> 00:13:18,999 Actually, you have it reversed. 310 00:13:19,099 --> 00:13:21,268 Her lusting after him, that's jungle fever. 311 00:13:21,368 --> 00:13:23,103 I think it applies generally. 312 00:13:23,203 --> 00:13:25,873 No, technically, it's white on black. 313 00:13:25,973 --> 00:13:27,875 Because black people live in the jungle. 314 00:13:27,975 --> 00:13:29,843 Not all, obviously. 315 00:13:29,943 --> 00:13:31,444 Just no white people do. 316 00:13:31,544 --> 00:13:33,914 What term would you use to refer to a black person 317 00:13:34,014 --> 00:13:35,415 lusting after a white person. 318 00:13:35,515 --> 00:13:39,953 Temperate Deciduous fever, fjord fever... 319 00:13:40,053 --> 00:13:41,221 These're just facts of semantics, 320 00:13:41,321 --> 00:13:42,890 I'm not being racist. 321 00:13:42,990 --> 00:13:44,124 I'm post-racial. 322 00:13:44,224 --> 00:13:45,325 People are people. 323 00:13:45,425 --> 00:13:47,794 If you're cool, you're cool. 324 00:13:47,895 --> 00:13:49,162 If you're an ass, you're an ass. 325 00:13:49,262 --> 00:13:50,430 Exactly. 326 00:13:50,998 --> 00:13:54,034 [ singing ] 327 00:13:56,403 --> 00:13:57,804 What're you doing? 328 00:13:57,905 --> 00:14:01,341 That old bluesman is teaching me understand the blues. 329 00:14:01,441 --> 00:14:03,243 What is that supposed to help you understand? 330 00:14:03,343 --> 00:14:05,445 Oh well, not really just to understand more-- 331 00:14:05,545 --> 00:14:08,448 more to experience. 332 00:14:08,548 --> 00:14:09,983 Experience the blues. 333 00:14:10,083 --> 00:14:11,351 Right. 334 00:14:11,451 --> 00:14:15,388 Guess you could say I done that. 335 00:14:15,488 --> 00:14:17,224 [ singing ] 336 00:14:17,324 --> 00:14:19,960 * Ah Got no woman, 337 00:14:20,060 --> 00:14:24,564 * mm...lost the lease to my camaro, 338 00:14:24,664 --> 00:14:27,500 * I got a dead-end job, girl. 339 00:14:27,600 --> 00:14:29,302 * I got a dead-end job. 340 00:14:29,402 --> 00:14:31,204 What kind of accent is that? 341 00:14:31,304 --> 00:14:32,205 It's a blues accent. 342 00:14:32,305 --> 00:14:35,075 Sounded like Indian or Jamaican. 343 00:14:35,175 --> 00:14:36,509 No it's a blues accent. 344 00:14:36,609 --> 00:14:38,311 It's more like. 345 00:14:38,411 --> 00:14:39,980 * 346 00:14:40,080 --> 00:14:43,250 * workin' for the man, 347 00:14:43,350 --> 00:14:46,286 * picking shrimp all day, 348 00:14:46,386 --> 00:14:47,554 * Ain't got no belt. 349 00:14:47,654 --> 00:14:49,156 * where's your belt 350 00:14:49,256 --> 00:14:52,892 Woo, singing. * Ain't got no belt. 351 00:14:52,993 --> 00:14:54,127 What are you singing? 352 00:14:54,227 --> 00:14:55,162 Thinking 'bout the blues. 353 00:14:55,262 --> 00:14:56,496 Yeah and life. 354 00:14:56,596 --> 00:14:57,497 Struggle. 355 00:14:57,597 --> 00:14:59,499 Like, does anything matter, 356 00:14:59,599 --> 00:15:00,600 If death's just the end? 357 00:15:00,700 --> 00:15:01,534 Death is not the end. 358 00:15:01,634 --> 00:15:04,237 I can tell you that one for sure. 359 00:15:04,337 --> 00:15:07,274 When my friend Peg's fiancee got shot, 360 00:15:07,374 --> 00:15:08,475 he haunted her apartment. 361 00:15:08,575 --> 00:15:09,509 Oh he got shot? 362 00:15:09,609 --> 00:15:11,044 Hunting accident. 363 00:15:11,144 --> 00:15:12,980 Yeah Randy had this t-shirt 364 00:15:13,080 --> 00:15:14,014 with a big eagle on it, 365 00:15:14,114 --> 00:15:18,385 came through the bushes, and Peg just. 366 00:15:18,485 --> 00:15:19,552 There's an eagle season? 367 00:15:19,652 --> 00:15:23,056 Duck. But you see wings, you just react. 368 00:15:23,156 --> 00:15:24,992 But let me tell you something 369 00:15:25,092 --> 00:15:27,294 Randy haunted her plumbing 370 00:15:27,394 --> 00:15:30,597 until she had to move into a different unit. 371 00:15:33,533 --> 00:15:36,136 * ain't got no belt 372 00:15:36,236 --> 00:15:39,239 [ continuing to sing ] 373 00:15:45,678 --> 00:15:48,015 No you go high, I'm gonna go low. 374 00:15:48,115 --> 00:15:54,921 * ain't got no belt... 375 00:15:55,022 --> 00:15:55,922 Not bad. 376 00:15:56,023 --> 00:15:56,990 Pretty good man. 377 00:15:57,090 --> 00:15:58,625 Thank you so much for coming. 378 00:16:01,761 --> 00:16:06,433 Mary, who is that? 379 00:16:06,533 --> 00:16:08,268 She's from the Phoenix office. 380 00:16:08,368 --> 00:16:10,903 Oh someone did come. Well that's nice. 381 00:16:11,004 --> 00:16:13,406 Well, he certainly does seem to have been well loved. 382 00:16:13,506 --> 00:16:16,276 [ crying ] 383 00:16:16,376 --> 00:16:19,079 Yes, he was a good man. 384 00:16:19,179 --> 00:16:20,113 You married? 385 00:16:20,213 --> 00:16:22,082 Ah looking. 386 00:16:22,182 --> 00:16:24,117 Well, you should do what I did. 387 00:16:24,217 --> 00:16:26,486 Find yourself a crockpot. 388 00:16:30,557 --> 00:16:33,193 Hey, mind if I ask you a question? 389 00:16:33,293 --> 00:16:36,063 Your parents, is that like a one of each, kind of thing? 390 00:16:36,163 --> 00:16:37,097 Yeah. 391 00:16:37,197 --> 00:16:39,166 Great, you might know this. 392 00:16:39,266 --> 00:16:41,601 Jungle Fever, Is it only when a Caucasian 393 00:16:41,701 --> 00:16:43,736 lusts after a black person? 394 00:16:47,040 --> 00:16:51,078 All right, a plate of shrimp and a squirt. 395 00:16:51,178 --> 00:16:53,246 These have tails. Yes. 396 00:16:54,314 --> 00:16:55,248 No I thought-- 397 00:16:55,348 --> 00:16:58,085 Ahh-- Don't try to understand. 398 00:16:58,185 --> 00:17:00,187 Clean it up, and think about what you feeling, 399 00:17:00,287 --> 00:17:02,489 when you crawling around down there. 400 00:17:02,589 --> 00:17:03,723 All right. 401 00:17:06,459 --> 00:17:08,195 I think I gettin' it. 402 00:17:10,097 --> 00:17:11,098 Everything okay? 403 00:17:11,198 --> 00:17:14,367 Yes, thank you, that really helped. 404 00:17:14,467 --> 00:17:15,968 Can I drink this? 405 00:17:16,069 --> 00:17:17,437 Yeah. 406 00:17:17,537 --> 00:17:19,706 So my dad must have been very popular 407 00:17:19,806 --> 00:17:21,208 at the Phoenix office. 408 00:17:21,308 --> 00:17:22,575 Oh. Yes, he. 409 00:17:22,675 --> 00:17:24,144 What department were you in? 410 00:17:24,244 --> 00:17:27,080 Um...the Phoenix office. 411 00:17:27,180 --> 00:17:28,481 Sales, did you say sales? 412 00:17:28,581 --> 00:17:30,417 Sales, that's what I said. 413 00:17:30,517 --> 00:17:33,553 Sales is in LA. 414 00:17:33,653 --> 00:17:34,587 Is this is your son? 415 00:17:34,687 --> 00:17:36,689 Oh, yes. Walter. 416 00:17:36,789 --> 00:17:38,091 Walter? 417 00:17:38,191 --> 00:17:39,992 That's my Dad's middle name? 418 00:17:40,093 --> 00:17:40,993 It's a popular name. 419 00:17:41,094 --> 00:17:42,595 Oh, my fucking god. 420 00:17:42,695 --> 00:17:44,097 My Dad? And you? 421 00:17:44,197 --> 00:17:46,366 And a fuckin' kid? 422 00:17:46,466 --> 00:17:49,569 I just wanted to say goodbye. 423 00:17:49,669 --> 00:17:50,670 I shouldn't have come. 424 00:17:50,770 --> 00:17:52,205 Get her out of here, now. 425 00:17:52,305 --> 00:17:53,406 Um, I don't really do that. 426 00:17:53,506 --> 00:17:56,243 I'm trying to throw a perfect reception 427 00:17:56,343 --> 00:17:57,777 for my mother's perfect husband, 428 00:17:57,877 --> 00:18:00,347 and there's no way on today of all days 429 00:18:00,447 --> 00:18:02,149 My mother's gonna find out-- 430 00:18:02,249 --> 00:18:03,216 Hello. 431 00:18:03,316 --> 00:18:04,417 I'm Diane. 432 00:18:04,517 --> 00:18:06,553 I heard you're from the Phoenix office? 433 00:18:06,653 --> 00:18:08,588 Vanna DeMilo. 434 00:18:08,688 --> 00:18:10,022 She's in sales. 435 00:18:10,123 --> 00:18:11,791 I am so glad you came. 436 00:18:11,891 --> 00:18:13,393 He spent so much time there, 437 00:18:13,493 --> 00:18:14,761 I'd love to talk about it. 438 00:18:14,861 --> 00:18:16,629 Come, come. 439 00:18:22,602 --> 00:18:26,773 What the hell is wrong with you people? 440 00:18:26,873 --> 00:18:28,175 White people? 441 00:18:28,275 --> 00:18:31,344 Hey I'm from Sunrise Shelters? 442 00:18:31,444 --> 00:18:32,612 Hey Ron. 443 00:18:33,913 --> 00:18:37,350 Can you show this guy the extra food in back, please? 444 00:18:37,450 --> 00:18:39,219 I mean men! Why can't you keep 445 00:18:39,319 --> 00:18:41,454 your goddamn brains in your pants. 446 00:18:41,554 --> 00:18:42,689 Give me a scotch. 447 00:18:42,789 --> 00:18:45,758 Look, It doesn't matter, you know, they'll talk. 448 00:18:45,858 --> 00:18:48,295 she'll leave, and your mom will never know the difference, okay. 449 00:18:48,395 --> 00:18:50,062 You better hope not. 450 00:18:50,163 --> 00:18:51,198 My theory, you know that white girl, 451 00:18:51,298 --> 00:18:53,166 with the half-black kid? Walter. 452 00:18:53,266 --> 00:18:57,103 Oh, I met that woman, she is from the Phoenix office. 453 00:18:57,204 --> 00:18:58,738 Three whites and a red please. 454 00:18:58,838 --> 00:19:01,208 Dead guy, his middle name is Walter? 455 00:19:01,308 --> 00:19:03,109 Ten bucks says that's his mistress. 456 00:19:03,210 --> 00:19:04,344 Uh, Roman, have you met Mary? 457 00:19:04,444 --> 00:19:06,078 Daughter of the deceased? 458 00:19:06,179 --> 00:19:07,680 Hey, you should tell your mom all this stuff. 459 00:19:07,780 --> 00:19:09,382 No, no Roman, not now. 460 00:19:09,482 --> 00:19:12,485 What's more important, truth, or protecting someone's feelings? 461 00:19:12,585 --> 00:19:15,222 "The truth shall set you free." Martin Luther King. 462 00:19:15,322 --> 00:19:17,224 No, actually, that's Jesus. 463 00:19:17,324 --> 00:19:18,358 Also black. 464 00:19:18,458 --> 00:19:20,193 Shut it, white boy. 465 00:19:22,262 --> 00:19:24,096 It's obvious who has the racial issues. 466 00:19:24,197 --> 00:19:27,166 Roman, remember time that you made me that script 467 00:19:27,267 --> 00:19:28,501 about the intelligent fungus? 468 00:19:28,601 --> 00:19:29,802 Which one? 469 00:19:29,902 --> 00:19:31,338 There's more than one? 470 00:19:31,438 --> 00:19:33,640 The one, there was meteor that came down, 471 00:19:33,740 --> 00:19:36,343 and the people they breath in this fungus. 472 00:19:36,443 --> 00:19:38,110 "Overlords of Gron?" 473 00:19:38,211 --> 00:19:42,181 That was probably the worst piece of writing 474 00:19:42,282 --> 00:19:44,384 I've ever read in my entire life. 475 00:19:44,484 --> 00:19:46,619 But I lied and I told you that I liked it, 476 00:19:46,719 --> 00:19:47,787 So I wouldn't hurt your feelings. 477 00:19:47,887 --> 00:19:48,888 It's obvious you're just saying this 478 00:19:48,988 --> 00:19:50,390 to refute my point. 479 00:19:50,490 --> 00:19:52,659 No, I would call Henry and I would read him lines 480 00:19:52,759 --> 00:19:56,263 over the phone and we would just-- oh we would laugh. 481 00:19:56,363 --> 00:19:58,665 "We are all descendants of Gron" 482 00:19:58,765 --> 00:20:03,169 "You will be mere cells in the super-brain." 483 00:20:03,270 --> 00:20:05,137 This does not change how I feel, 484 00:20:05,238 --> 00:20:06,839 It doesn't. I'm glad you told me. 485 00:20:06,939 --> 00:20:08,541 Try to be constructive next time. 486 00:20:08,641 --> 00:20:10,910 Okay. Never show that to anybody involved 487 00:20:11,010 --> 00:20:13,813 in the film industry, ever. 488 00:20:13,913 --> 00:20:15,248 There you go. 489 00:20:21,020 --> 00:20:24,324 So through there. 490 00:20:24,424 --> 00:20:26,559 Makes you think, doesn't it. 491 00:20:26,659 --> 00:20:27,794 This is it. 492 00:20:30,263 --> 00:20:33,300 End of the line. 493 00:20:33,400 --> 00:20:37,304 Oh. 494 00:20:37,404 --> 00:20:40,307 Oh-- oh. 495 00:20:40,407 --> 00:20:43,242 OOO. 496 00:20:43,343 --> 00:20:44,844 Hey you want one, man? 497 00:20:44,944 --> 00:20:46,279 Sure. 498 00:20:53,953 --> 00:20:57,957 Makes you think doesn't it buddy? 499 00:20:58,057 --> 00:21:02,729 We're dead a hell of a lot longer than we're alive. 500 00:21:02,829 --> 00:21:04,631 In a box, Excuse me-- 501 00:21:04,731 --> 00:21:05,898 six feet under. 502 00:21:08,768 --> 00:21:09,936 That's life. 503 00:21:12,439 --> 00:21:14,474 Non-existence, For eternity. 504 00:21:18,445 --> 00:21:25,251 [ muffled ] Oh wow, all right, that's freaky. 505 00:21:25,352 --> 00:21:27,920 Hey buddy , the latch is ah-- 506 00:21:28,020 --> 00:21:29,556 There's no latch in here. 507 00:21:29,656 --> 00:21:31,491 can you open it up for me outside? 508 00:21:31,591 --> 00:21:33,993 [ knocking ] 509 00:21:34,093 --> 00:21:36,363 Hey. Hey! 510 00:21:36,463 --> 00:21:37,364 Oh come on. 511 00:21:37,464 --> 00:21:39,332 [ banging ] 512 00:21:39,432 --> 00:21:40,567 [ screaming ] 513 00:21:40,667 --> 00:21:42,369 No, no, no, no! 514 00:21:42,469 --> 00:21:44,371 [ banging ] No, no, no, no! 515 00:21:44,471 --> 00:21:45,805 There's just so much archeological evidence 516 00:21:45,905 --> 00:21:46,839 that supports the fact that Jesus 517 00:21:46,939 --> 00:21:47,840 was African American. 518 00:21:47,940 --> 00:21:49,241 And the pyramids? 519 00:21:49,342 --> 00:21:51,010 Nubian pharaohs? 520 00:21:51,110 --> 00:21:52,645 I mean homeboy was dark. 521 00:21:52,745 --> 00:21:56,649 Who's the white chick with the kid? 522 00:21:56,749 --> 00:21:58,284 She's from Phoenix. 523 00:21:58,385 --> 00:22:00,653 James did spend a lot of time in Phoenix. 524 00:22:00,753 --> 00:22:02,355 Uh-mm. Um-hm. 525 00:22:02,455 --> 00:22:03,656 Haystack head. 526 00:22:03,756 --> 00:22:06,393 You missed a spot. 527 00:22:06,493 --> 00:22:08,428 Kyle, what the hell are you doing down there? 528 00:22:08,528 --> 00:22:09,829 I'm learning about the blues, 529 00:22:09,929 --> 00:22:13,533 something you wouldn't understand, man. 530 00:22:13,633 --> 00:22:17,404 Sorry, I just can't take any more. 531 00:22:17,504 --> 00:22:18,671 Stand up, kid, 532 00:22:20,840 --> 00:22:22,809 he's a goddamn dentist. 533 00:22:22,909 --> 00:22:26,513 I got him the how-to-play guitar videos when he retired! 534 00:22:40,627 --> 00:22:44,764 This is his NAACP community image award. 535 00:22:44,864 --> 00:22:46,298 Oh he was so proud of that. 536 00:22:46,399 --> 00:22:49,736 Wow. That's a side of him we never saw in Phoenix. 537 00:22:49,836 --> 00:22:52,705 Ed, my ex, he was also very proud 538 00:22:52,805 --> 00:22:53,773 of his race. 539 00:22:53,873 --> 00:22:54,807 He had an award. 540 00:22:54,907 --> 00:22:58,845 Oh he sounds like a very good man. 541 00:22:58,945 --> 00:23:00,680 And what about your boy's daddy? 542 00:23:00,780 --> 00:23:01,881 Actually, Vanna was just-- 543 00:23:01,981 --> 00:23:04,617 Passed away, actually. 544 00:23:04,717 --> 00:23:06,052 Oh, I'm so sorry. 545 00:23:06,152 --> 00:23:09,388 No, it feels good to talk about it. 546 00:23:09,489 --> 00:23:10,590 He was a good man. 547 00:23:10,690 --> 00:23:14,761 A lot like your husband, but more of a free spirit. 548 00:23:14,861 --> 00:23:16,929 With us, it was just, fireworks 549 00:23:17,029 --> 00:23:18,598 Excuse me would anyone like anything, 550 00:23:18,698 --> 00:23:20,332 or maybe-- maybe are we done here? 551 00:23:20,433 --> 00:23:21,734 I'd like a club soda. 552 00:23:21,834 --> 00:23:22,835 Actually Vanna was just-- 553 00:23:22,935 --> 00:23:24,336 Whiskey and sprite. 554 00:23:24,437 --> 00:23:25,472 White wine. 555 00:23:25,572 --> 00:23:27,740 For me I would think, who needs all that drama 556 00:23:27,840 --> 00:23:29,842 and excitement? But you need some excitement. 557 00:23:29,942 --> 00:23:31,444 What'd be perfect is to have two guys. 558 00:23:31,544 --> 00:23:34,981 One boring, and one crazy. 559 00:23:35,081 --> 00:23:36,616 Mrs. Ellison? 560 00:23:36,716 --> 00:23:37,750 Morris Haines. 561 00:23:37,850 --> 00:23:39,351 Head of the Phoenix branch. 562 00:23:39,452 --> 00:23:40,587 I'm so sorry for your loss. 563 00:23:40,687 --> 00:23:42,388 Oh, thank you for coming. 564 00:23:42,489 --> 00:23:44,657 Well, if he could visit us twice a year, 565 00:23:44,757 --> 00:23:46,759 it was only right I-- Twice a year? 566 00:23:46,859 --> 00:23:50,029 He was in Phoenix practically every month. 567 00:23:50,129 --> 00:23:52,499 You know Vanna DeMilo. 568 00:23:52,599 --> 00:23:53,733 From sales department. 569 00:23:56,102 --> 00:24:01,440 I'm sorry...I shouldn't have come. 570 00:24:02,008 --> 00:24:04,110 Oh, mama, I'm sorry. 571 00:24:07,213 --> 00:24:10,149 Oh, it's you? 572 00:24:10,249 --> 00:24:13,753 I always just assumed it'd be some Asian lady. 573 00:24:13,853 --> 00:24:14,921 Mom? 574 00:24:15,021 --> 00:24:15,922 Asian lady? 575 00:24:16,022 --> 00:24:18,891 He was very into Asian ladies. 576 00:24:18,991 --> 00:24:20,827 Honey, I knew he had someone. 577 00:24:20,927 --> 00:24:23,530 Your father was a good father, a good husband 578 00:24:23,630 --> 00:24:25,698 and did well at Dunn and Bradshaw, 579 00:24:25,798 --> 00:24:29,468 but if we had not had an open relationship, 580 00:24:29,569 --> 00:24:31,904 we'd have been bored to death years ago. 581 00:24:32,004 --> 00:24:34,440 Well, it's so nice to meet you. 582 00:24:34,541 --> 00:24:36,509 Thank you very much for coming. 583 00:24:36,609 --> 00:24:38,978 Excuse me, Mr. Haines, 584 00:24:39,078 --> 00:24:42,815 did my husband ever tell you he was cited by the city council? 585 00:24:42,915 --> 00:24:45,151 Oh the City Council? 586 00:24:47,887 --> 00:24:49,021 Excuse me. 587 00:24:49,822 --> 00:24:51,858 Is this the James Ellison funeral? 588 00:24:58,665 --> 00:25:01,668 * 589 00:25:08,708 --> 00:25:14,947 * 590 00:25:15,047 --> 00:25:16,215 Sir, Sir, 591 00:25:16,315 --> 00:25:19,952 Sir, Hey, I just wanna say thank you. 592 00:25:20,052 --> 00:25:21,588 You know, I know you were pulling my leg, 593 00:25:21,688 --> 00:25:23,823 but I still feel like I learned something. 594 00:25:23,923 --> 00:25:25,658 It was nothing to learn, son. 595 00:25:25,758 --> 00:25:27,459 But, I still think I learned something from it. 596 00:25:27,560 --> 00:25:28,595 It was a joke. 597 00:25:28,695 --> 00:25:30,597 Which is what I think I learned from. 598 00:25:30,697 --> 00:25:31,864 It was a joke. 599 00:25:34,701 --> 00:25:35,868 I totally get it. 600 00:25:38,638 --> 00:25:41,107 Oh hey, I found it, 601 00:25:41,207 --> 00:25:42,174 it wasn't easy it was in his mouth. 602 00:25:42,274 --> 00:25:43,509 Oh god, oh. 603 00:25:43,610 --> 00:25:44,777 Who's mouth? The dead guy. 604 00:25:44,877 --> 00:25:45,845 The dead guy's mouth? 605 00:25:45,945 --> 00:25:47,614 So funny, I can't even say dead guy 606 00:25:47,714 --> 00:25:48,748 without you guys freakin' out. 607 00:25:48,848 --> 00:25:49,749 (BANGING) 608 00:25:49,849 --> 00:25:51,017 Oh my god! 609 00:25:57,624 --> 00:25:59,759 Henry! Ron. 610 00:25:59,859 --> 00:26:03,162 Are you real? Am I alive? 611 00:26:03,262 --> 00:26:05,031 Yes, on both counts. 612 00:26:05,131 --> 00:26:07,967 Oh, my god, Henry. 613 00:26:08,067 --> 00:26:09,836 I saw everything. 614 00:26:14,774 --> 00:26:18,845 I need to change my entire life. 615 00:26:18,945 --> 00:26:20,212 Don't open the bottom half, 616 00:26:20,312 --> 00:26:21,714 I have an erection for some reason. 617 00:26:21,814 --> 00:26:24,851 * 618 00:27:11,931 --> 00:27:14,934 * 619 00:27:17,269 --> 00:27:21,073 ** 620 00:27:21,173 --> 00:27:22,909 TREE.