1 00:00:01,867 --> 00:00:03,566 اسمي تيريزا ميندوزا. 2 00:00:03,692 --> 00:00:06,592 أدير أكبر إمبراطورية مخدرات في نصف الكرة الغربي 3 00:00:06,733 --> 00:00:09,597 لم يكن من المفترض أن تكون حياتي مثل هذا 4 00:00:14,300 --> 00:00:18,000 إذا الآن بعد أن أصبحت خارج العمل، هل أنت معنا؟ 5 00:00:21,833 --> 00:00:23,700 أنت لا تعرفينني يا تيريزا 6 00:00:23,733 --> 00:00:26,233 (غيرو) مات. اخرج من المنزل الآن 7 00:00:28,333 --> 00:00:30,567 أوقف السيارة. 8 00:00:35,433 --> 00:00:37,079 من أين أعرفك؟ 9 00:00:37,112 --> 00:00:38,438 كنت صديقة (غيرو) 10 00:00:38,487 --> 00:00:40,500 سأسلم المخدرات التي لم يسلمها بغلك 11 00:00:40,533 --> 00:00:42,400 لقد أثبت أنه يمكن الاعتماد عليك 12 00:00:42,433 --> 00:00:44,000 أن أفعل ما أحتاجه 13 00:00:44,033 --> 00:00:45,476 لقد بدأوا يذوبون هيا. 14 00:00:45,500 --> 00:00:46,900 أنت عليك. ثلاثة آخرون 15 00:00:49,300 --> 00:00:50,900 أريد أن أكون جزءا من العمل 16 00:00:50,933 --> 00:00:53,733 -هل ستموت من أجلي؟ -سأنجو من أجلكم 17 00:00:53,767 --> 00:00:55,309 انظر، لم يكن عليك العودة من أجلي 18 00:00:55,333 --> 00:00:58,167 لكنك لم تتركني ورائي ولن أنساها 19 00:00:58,200 --> 00:01:00,033 ما هذا؟ لم أوقع هذه الأوراق أبدا 20 00:01:00,067 --> 00:01:01,400 كاميلا تحاول أن تحاكمك 21 00:01:01,433 --> 00:01:03,359 لتحمل المسؤولية عن عملها 22 00:01:03,658 --> 00:01:05,925 حياتي على المحك مع (إل سانتو) 23 00:01:05,950 --> 00:01:09,115 هل أنت على علم بكلمة مويوكويوتزين؟ 24 00:01:09,367 --> 00:01:12,033 لقد حان الوقت بالنسبة لك لخلق نفسك. 25 00:01:12,067 --> 00:01:14,300 في الصباح، سنعود إلى دالاس 26 00:01:14,333 --> 00:01:15,933 و خذ ما هو حق لي 27 00:01:15,967 --> 00:01:19,500 لكل شخص الحق في العرش إذا استطاع أن يأخذه. 28 00:01:19,533 --> 00:01:21,933 لا يمكن أن يكون هناك سوى ملكة واحدة. 29 00:01:23,867 --> 00:01:25,667 ستعيش بقية حياتك 30 00:01:25,700 --> 00:01:27,867 كهارب من بلدك 31 00:01:27,900 --> 00:01:30,267 سأرسلك إلى المنفى 32 00:01:30,300 --> 00:01:32,533 منذ 48 ساعة لم يكن لدينا مورد 33 00:01:32,567 --> 00:01:36,017 الآن نحن نملك الممر على طول الطريق من سينالوا وصولا الى فينيكس. 34 00:01:36,047 --> 00:01:37,300 سالود، سالود. 35 00:01:37,333 --> 00:01:39,033 بيع على شبكة الإنترنت المظلمة، 36 00:01:39,067 --> 00:01:40,267 الاستغناء عن الوسيط، 37 00:01:40,300 --> 00:01:41,610 وتحويل المنتج إلى شمبانيا. 38 00:01:41,634 --> 00:01:42,839 نحن فعلنا ذلك. 39 00:01:42,863 --> 00:01:45,633 30,000 قدم مربع من العقارات التجارية. 40 00:01:45,667 --> 00:01:46,833 مستقبلنا. 41 00:01:46,867 --> 00:01:48,300 هل تريد بناء مركز تجاري؟ 42 00:01:48,333 --> 00:01:50,633 أريد أن نملك شركات قانونية 43 00:01:50,667 --> 00:01:53,100 لن نضطر للعمل مع أشخاص مثل (كاستل) و(بواز) 44 00:01:53,133 --> 00:01:54,667 -أنا أقود؟ -إنها سيارتك 45 00:01:54,700 --> 00:01:56,538 توني! 46 00:01:59,033 --> 00:02:01,533 سوف نقتلهم جميعا 47 00:02:01,567 --> 00:02:03,309 لن أدعك تلدين مكبلة اليدين 48 00:02:03,333 --> 00:02:04,500 لا أريد ذلك أيضا 49 00:02:04,533 --> 00:02:06,333 لكن هذا ليس قرارك لتتخذه 50 00:02:06,367 --> 00:02:09,867 -أي قرار؟ -أنا ... نحن... 51 00:02:09,900 --> 00:02:11,469 نحن حامل 52 00:02:12,167 --> 00:02:13,733 لقد سيطرنا على ميامي 53 00:02:13,767 --> 00:02:15,567 لماذا تتحرك بسرعة مع الروس؟ 54 00:02:15,600 --> 00:02:17,967 أود منك أن تقدمني 55 00:02:18,000 --> 00:02:18,967 إلى قريبك كوستيا 56 00:02:19,000 --> 00:02:21,333 إذا كوستيا يدفع لك زيارة مفاجئة، 57 00:02:21,367 --> 00:02:23,700 إنه آخر شخص سترينه 58 00:02:23,733 --> 00:02:25,467 أتريدني أن أتوقف عن البيع ل(كوستيا)؟ 59 00:02:25,500 --> 00:02:27,567 لا، أريدك أن تقتله 60 00:02:27,600 --> 00:02:29,667 نسمح لأشخاص مثلك بالتواجد 61 00:02:29,700 --> 00:02:31,867 حتى عندما ندعوك من أجل الصالح العام 62 00:02:31,900 --> 00:02:33,333 تجيب. 63 00:02:33,367 --> 00:02:35,867 سأتولى عملك بعد أن أقتلك 64 00:02:35,900 --> 00:02:37,300 وكل شعبك 65 00:02:37,333 --> 00:02:38,967 لكنك ميت بالفعل 66 00:02:49,500 --> 00:02:53,167 -أحبك -أحبك 67 00:02:54,900 --> 00:02:56,533 نحن نخرج من العمل 68 00:02:56,567 --> 00:02:59,533 أنا شرعي فقط حتى يقرر ديفون أنني لست كذلك 69 00:02:59,567 --> 00:03:00,833 نحن ذاهبون إلى بليز. 70 00:03:00,867 --> 00:03:02,533 شيء آخر تحتاجين للعناية به 71 00:03:02,567 --> 00:03:04,033 تيريزا ليست تهديدا 72 00:03:04,067 --> 00:03:07,133 لا أحد يخرج أنت تعرف ما يجب القيام به. 73 00:03:26,600 --> 00:03:28,500 لقد هبطنا للتو 74 00:03:28,533 --> 00:03:30,333 قبل دقائق قليلة من حدوثه 75 00:03:32,600 --> 00:03:35,100 (تيريزا) بدت سعيدة جدا 76 00:03:35,803 --> 00:03:38,900 كان من المفترض أن تكون بليز بداية جديدة. 77 00:03:38,933 --> 00:03:41,900 آخر شيء قالته قبل أن تصعد للأعلى هو... 78 00:03:41,933 --> 00:03:45,100 اليوم هو اليوم الأول من بقية حياتنا. 79 00:03:50,000 --> 00:03:52,600 كانت تلك آخر مرة رأيتها على قيد الحياة 80 00:03:54,867 --> 00:03:56,567 هل تتذكر سماع الطلق الناري؟ 81 00:04:00,267 --> 00:04:01,900 سماره؟ 82 00:04:05,133 --> 00:04:07,933 أتذكر موسيقى البوب. 83 00:04:10,500 --> 00:04:13,667 صوت الزجاج يتحطم 84 00:04:13,700 --> 00:04:15,927 ماذا تتذكر بعد البوب؟ 85 00:04:16,533 --> 00:04:18,133 صرخات. 86 00:04:18,167 --> 00:04:19,700 تيريزيتا! 87 00:04:21,700 --> 00:04:23,433 تيريزا! 88 00:04:25,667 --> 00:04:28,267 لن أخرجهم من رأسي أبدا 89 00:04:28,690 --> 00:04:29,900 هل رأيت جثتها؟ 90 00:04:29,933 --> 00:04:32,467 كانت مستلقية على الأرض 91 00:04:32,500 --> 00:04:36,933 (بوتي) كان يقف فوقها. كان هناك دماء في كل مكان 92 00:04:40,633 --> 00:04:43,467 تيريزيتا، تيريزيتا 93 00:04:43,500 --> 00:04:45,433 هل قال لك شيئا؟ 94 00:04:45,467 --> 00:04:48,200 تيريسي... 95 00:04:48,233 --> 00:04:50,267 لقد رآني آتي و... 96 00:04:50,300 --> 00:04:52,967 اخرج! اخرج! 97 00:04:53,700 --> 00:04:58,067 بقي هناك، يحرس جسدها 98 00:04:58,100 --> 00:04:59,933 حتى أخذوه بعيدا 99 00:05:01,200 --> 00:05:06,300 كان ذلك عندما عرفت أن تيريزا ميندوزا ماتت 100 00:05:11,907 --> 00:05:18,795 العنوان الفرعي الأصلي بواسطة -robtor- www.addic7ed.com 101 00:05:40,033 --> 00:05:43,733 تحدثت إلى شعب جورج في بليز. 102 00:05:43,767 --> 00:05:47,500 كل شيء تم ضبطه. إنهم يتوقعوننا 103 00:05:48,900 --> 00:05:53,167 إلى جورج القادمة من خلال بالنسبة لنا حتى في الموت. 104 00:05:53,200 --> 00:05:54,567 سالود، سالود. 105 00:05:58,400 --> 00:06:00,933 أتعلم، لقد أحبك كالشقيقة 106 00:06:02,600 --> 00:06:04,400 لم نتمكن من دفنه 107 00:06:04,433 --> 00:06:06,245 أعرف. 108 00:06:07,622 --> 00:06:11,100 -أراد أن يدفن في البحر -أجل، لقد كان ذلك كذلك 109 00:06:13,933 --> 00:06:15,421 عندما نموت 110 00:06:16,589 --> 00:06:19,267 رمادنا يجب أن يذهب إلى كولياكان 111 00:06:29,685 --> 00:06:31,020 تعال. 112 00:06:37,568 --> 00:06:39,767 الشرطة لديها ما تحتاجه مني 113 00:06:40,667 --> 00:06:44,600 لذا جئت لأقول وداعا 114 00:06:47,600 --> 00:06:48,967 ما هذا؟ 115 00:06:49,000 --> 00:06:52,250 شيء صغير لمساعدتك على الوقوف على قدميك. 116 00:07:00,367 --> 00:07:01,926 شكرًا لك. 117 00:07:04,867 --> 00:07:06,556 ماذا ستفعل الآن؟ 118 00:07:07,233 --> 00:07:09,767 سآخذ تيريزا للمنزل 119 00:07:10,200 --> 00:07:13,980 و نشرت رمادها في حقول داليا في كولياكان 120 00:07:15,398 --> 00:07:17,167 أليست المكسيك خطرة عليك؟ 121 00:07:17,200 --> 00:07:18,933 نعم. 122 00:07:18,967 --> 00:07:21,867 لكنني لم أستطع حمايتها في الحياة 123 00:07:21,900 --> 00:07:25,567 أقل ما يمكنني فعله هو حمل رغباتها في الموت 124 00:07:25,600 --> 00:07:28,533 لقد كنت حول رجال مثلك طوال حياتي 125 00:07:30,546 --> 00:07:33,146 ستفعل أكثر من تنفيذ رغباتها 126 00:07:34,300 --> 00:07:36,711 كلما قل معرفتك، كلما كان ذلك أفضل. 127 00:07:37,967 --> 00:07:39,463 حظ سعيد. 128 00:07:40,933 --> 00:07:42,633 أنت أيضًا. 129 00:08:14,000 --> 00:08:15,900 أحبك. 130 00:08:45,700 --> 00:08:47,067 هل أنت بخير؟؟ 131 00:08:47,100 --> 00:08:48,967 حسنا، أنا هنا فقط جالسا في الظلام، 132 00:08:49,000 --> 00:08:51,500 و أمسك سلاحي في كل مرة أسمع سيارة تمر بها، لكن. 133 00:08:52,078 --> 00:08:54,000 أعلم أنك خائفة 134 00:08:54,538 --> 00:08:56,867 أنا قلقة فقط بشأن ذهابك إلى المكسيك 135 00:08:56,900 --> 00:08:59,335 لقد تحدثنا عن هذا يا كيلي آن 136 00:08:59,900 --> 00:09:02,046 هذا ما أرادته (تيريزا) 137 00:09:02,967 --> 00:09:07,500 هذه هي الطريقة التي نحصل على خاتمة. يجب أن أفعل هذا 138 00:09:07,802 --> 00:09:09,261 أعرف. 139 00:09:10,533 --> 00:09:11,933 دعني أذهب معك إذا 140 00:09:11,967 --> 00:09:13,833 إذا حدث شيء ما، على الأقل نحن معا. 141 00:09:13,867 --> 00:09:18,067 أنت تعلم أنني لا أستطيع فعل ذلك الأمر خطير للغاية. 142 00:09:18,100 --> 00:09:20,433 يجب أن نلتزم بالخطة 143 00:09:20,467 --> 00:09:22,267 إذا حدث شيء لي 144 00:09:22,300 --> 00:09:23,433 أعرف. 145 00:09:23,467 --> 00:09:25,800 لا أحد يعرف أين أنت. 146 00:09:28,280 --> 00:09:29,933 هل حركت السيارة؟ 147 00:09:29,967 --> 00:09:32,009 نعم. لقد أوقفتها في الشارع كما قلت 148 00:09:32,033 --> 00:09:36,600 هذا جيد. كل شيء سيكون على ما يرام 149 00:09:37,206 --> 00:09:39,133 أحبك. 150 00:09:39,667 --> 00:09:41,467 أنا أيضًا أحبك. 151 00:09:45,000 --> 00:09:46,733 سأتصل بك من المكسيك 152 00:10:43,233 --> 00:10:44,600 ألم يكن كافيا لشراء منزلها؟ 153 00:10:44,633 --> 00:10:46,567 الآن أنت تبيع التكيلا الخاصة بك؟ 154 00:10:47,700 --> 00:10:49,070 أهلًا وسهلًا. 155 00:10:50,071 --> 00:10:54,033 إنها رسالة مثل المنزل 156 00:10:54,700 --> 00:10:56,900 هناك ملك جديد في المدينة 157 00:10:59,325 --> 00:11:02,500 النوم في سرير تيريزا ليس مثل ملء حذائها. 158 00:11:03,542 --> 00:11:06,337 حذاء (تيريزا) قادها إلى القبر 159 00:11:06,733 --> 00:11:08,881 سأجد طريقي الخاص 160 00:11:09,533 --> 00:11:10,676 أتعلمين، (تيريزا) كانت ناجحة 161 00:11:10,700 --> 00:11:12,843 لأنها حلقت تحت الرادار 162 00:11:13,233 --> 00:11:16,067 ومع ذلك لم تطير منخفضة بما فيه الكفاية لتفادي رصاصتك. 163 00:11:17,932 --> 00:11:21,567 لم أنجو كل هذا الوقت دون أن أكون حذرا 164 00:11:21,600 --> 00:11:23,233 أنت قلق بشأن (بوتي) 165 00:11:23,687 --> 00:11:26,067 طالما هو على قيد الحياة، سأنظر على كتفي. 166 00:11:26,398 --> 00:11:28,033 هذا لا يجب أن يكون أطول من ذلك بكثير 167 00:11:28,567 --> 00:11:30,600 هل تعرف أين هو؟ 168 00:11:30,633 --> 00:11:32,600 -لدي رجل يتعقبه الآن -واحد فقط؟ 169 00:11:32,633 --> 00:11:34,300 إنه جيد جدا في عمله 170 00:11:34,333 --> 00:11:36,233 نعم، وكذلك بوتي. 171 00:11:36,267 --> 00:11:39,500 ومع موت (تيريزا)، ليس لديه ما يخسره. 172 00:11:39,533 --> 00:11:41,433 -وبعد ذلك ، ربما يتم التعامل مع الأمر 173 00:11:41,872 --> 00:11:44,100 فقط تأكد من أن القطار يعمل في الوقت المحدد 174 00:11:44,133 --> 00:11:48,233 هذه ليست سينالوا 175 00:12:42,467 --> 00:12:44,393 شكرا لمجيئك 176 00:12:45,967 --> 00:12:47,897 ما زلت لا أصدق أنها رحلت 177 00:12:49,690 --> 00:12:52,533 إنها في مكان أفضل 178 00:12:53,833 --> 00:12:56,113 أي شيء من جيمس حتى الآن؟ 179 00:12:57,000 --> 00:12:59,200 لا بد أن (ديفون) وصل إليه 180 00:13:00,117 --> 00:13:03,333 هو أو بوعز إنه في "نولا". 181 00:13:04,288 --> 00:13:06,767 - كابرون. -لقد مر يومان فقط 182 00:13:06,800 --> 00:13:08,933 إنه لا يضيع أي وقت 183 00:13:16,267 --> 00:13:18,767 لا يزال لدي أصدقاء في المكسيك. 184 00:13:18,800 --> 00:13:20,846 والأعداء. 185 00:13:22,867 --> 00:13:24,500 هل تعتقد أن هذا يكفي؟ 186 00:13:24,533 --> 00:13:27,833 إذا لم يتم رصدنا من قبل رجال (بواز) 187 00:13:27,867 --> 00:13:29,200 لكنه أكثر من كاف 188 00:13:29,233 --> 00:13:32,024 أن ننزل بعض من هؤلاء ال(كابرون) معنا 189 00:13:32,939 --> 00:13:34,672 لنذهب. 190 00:13:41,302 --> 00:13:43,195 شعب غرفة التجارة الملونة 191 00:13:43,233 --> 00:13:46,067 هو نظام دعم لأصحاب الأعمال المحلية من اللون 192 00:13:46,100 --> 00:13:48,832 للتواصل وتبادل الأفكار. 193 00:13:49,367 --> 00:13:50,667 نعم أعرف. 194 00:13:50,700 --> 00:13:52,833 لقد تمت تبرئتي تم إسقاط جميع التهم. 195 00:13:52,867 --> 00:13:56,400 الآن، عضو المجلس، هذا سيكون نعمة لمنطقتك... 196 00:13:59,009 --> 00:14:00,367 نعم. 197 00:14:00,400 --> 00:14:03,973 أفهم. شكرا على وقتك 198 00:14:07,400 --> 00:14:10,733 هل تعتقد أن هؤلاء الرجال البيض المسنين سيسمحون لك بدخول ناديهم؟ 199 00:14:10,767 --> 00:14:12,400 ماذا تفعل هنا؟ 200 00:14:12,433 --> 00:14:14,233 لدي أخبار جيدة 201 00:14:16,033 --> 00:14:17,633 تيريزا ماتت 202 00:14:20,900 --> 00:14:23,117 وأنت تاكين على NOLA. 203 00:14:24,600 --> 00:14:27,767 أريدك أن تقدم المقدمات اللازمة 204 00:14:28,247 --> 00:14:30,124 أعطني وضع الأرض. 205 00:14:31,292 --> 00:14:33,377 كن ابني المحلي. 206 00:14:35,667 --> 00:14:36,700 لا. 207 00:14:40,267 --> 00:14:44,179 أفهم أنك مستاء من كيف سارت الأمور 208 00:14:44,767 --> 00:14:46,333 لكن ما حدث قد حدث 209 00:14:46,367 --> 00:14:50,436 أنا خارج هذا العمل. متقاعد. 210 00:14:51,186 --> 00:14:54,600 كل ما لدي هو حانتي، بي-تريبل-سي. 211 00:14:54,633 --> 00:14:55,900 هذا هو. 212 00:14:56,191 --> 00:14:57,943 نعم، هراء. 213 00:14:58,733 --> 00:15:00,958 أن PC pendejada حماقة. 214 00:15:02,167 --> 00:15:03,949 إنه غطاء جيد 215 00:15:04,800 --> 00:15:06,733 -لكني أعرفك - مرحبا ، لقد كان هذا 216 00:15:11,367 --> 00:15:12,901 أنت لا تعرف شيئا 217 00:15:14,710 --> 00:15:18,297 لقد خرجت مرحلة زمنية. 218 00:15:19,067 --> 00:15:23,100 لذا اذهب وافعل ما تفعله 219 00:15:23,133 --> 00:15:25,012 لن أشق طريقك 220 00:15:25,900 --> 00:15:28,133 لكني لن أساعدك أيضا 221 00:15:28,974 --> 00:15:30,601 هذا سيء للغاية 222 00:15:32,367 --> 00:15:34,313 سوف تمشي على الخط 223 00:15:35,433 --> 00:15:37,500 من الأفضل أن تمشي على التوالي 224 00:15:37,533 --> 00:15:41,100 لأنني إذا سمعت عن أي شيء مختلف، كابرون 225 00:15:43,000 --> 00:15:45,115 الاسري! 226 00:15:52,267 --> 00:15:54,249 هذا هو. 227 00:16:09,833 --> 00:16:12,700 انتظر هنا. راقب. 228 00:18:05,133 --> 00:18:06,367 أين أنت؟؟ 229 00:18:06,400 --> 00:18:09,100 أنا في سينالوا، خارج كولياكان. 230 00:18:09,133 --> 00:18:10,867 بوتي) يخاطر كثيرا) 231 00:18:10,900 --> 00:18:12,500 هذا ما أرادته (تيريزا) 232 00:18:12,533 --> 00:18:15,700 لا أعتقد أنه سيخاطر لو لم تكن ميتة 233 00:18:15,733 --> 00:18:17,267 لا. 234 00:18:17,700 --> 00:18:18,833 لذا انتهى الأمر. 235 00:18:18,867 --> 00:18:21,400 نعم، لقد انتهى الأمر 236 00:18:21,919 --> 00:18:23,886 وكذلك نحن. 237 00:18:25,776 --> 00:18:27,694 أريد أن أسمعك تقولها 238 00:18:29,167 --> 00:18:30,739 Yes. 239 00:18:31,167 --> 00:18:32,467 We're done. 240 00:20:00,633 --> 00:20:02,433 Finch is coming for you and Kelly Anne. 241 00:20:02,467 --> 00:20:04,374 He knows where she is. 242 00:20:09,833 --> 00:20:10,900 - Hello? - Devon's men. 243 00:20:10,933 --> 00:20:12,833 - They're coming for you. - What? 244 00:20:12,867 --> 00:20:14,633 They know where you are, Kelly Anne. 245 00:20:14,667 --> 00:20:17,094 You need to run. Leave everything. Go... now! 246 00:20:17,127 --> 00:20:18,767 - My God. - We're gonna meet 247 00:20:18,800 --> 00:20:21,667 at the Sunset Motel just off the I-10. 248 00:20:21,700 --> 00:20:23,467 If we're not there by 3:00 a.m., 249 00:20:23,500 --> 00:20:24,867 you need to disappear. 250 00:20:24,900 --> 00:20:26,800 - Do not look back. - What about you? 251 00:20:26,833 --> 00:20:29,600 We're gonna get out of this. You, me, the baby. 252 00:20:29,633 --> 00:20:32,067 But right now, I need you to be strong. 253 00:20:32,100 --> 00:20:34,267 - Yeah. - We'll see you at the motel. 254 00:20:34,300 --> 00:20:35,900 Okay. I love you. 255 00:20:35,933 --> 00:20:37,467 I love you, too. 256 00:20:37,500 --> 00:20:41,000 Shit. Shit, shit, shit. 257 00:20:52,300 --> 00:20:54,000 Sí. 258 00:20:58,033 --> 00:20:59,933 I got eyes on him now. 259 00:21:00,180 --> 00:21:02,046 Vámanos. 260 00:21:17,633 --> 00:21:19,500 Shit. 261 00:21:20,600 --> 00:21:22,667 Shit. 262 00:22:39,100 --> 00:22:41,467 Move, cabrón! Move! 263 00:22:43,047 --> 00:22:44,451 Vamos! 264 00:23:07,219 --> 00:23:08,219 Conyo! 265 00:23:08,252 --> 00:23:10,152 Vamonos. 266 00:23:20,982 --> 00:23:24,081 Get out! Move! 267 00:23:24,115 --> 00:23:26,619 Okay, okay. Hey! 268 00:23:51,286 --> 00:23:53,119 Hey, girl. 269 00:24:19,286 --> 00:24:21,252 Watch it! 270 00:24:23,152 --> 00:24:24,634 Is he coming? 271 00:24:25,652 --> 00:24:27,220 We're good. 272 00:24:40,786 --> 00:24:43,852 We got a spare, but no jack. 273 00:24:44,446 --> 00:24:46,619 See if someone will lend you one. 274 00:24:59,386 --> 00:25:00,921 Need a hand? 275 00:25:02,456 --> 00:25:05,386 Thank you, officer. I already called AAA. 276 00:25:05,419 --> 00:25:07,852 How long they tell you it would take? 277 00:25:07,886 --> 00:25:09,986 They said they're gonna send someone immediately. 278 00:25:10,019 --> 00:25:12,419 Out here, that means two hours. 279 00:25:12,452 --> 00:25:14,028 You got a jack, I'll have you on your way in ten minutes. 280 00:25:14,052 --> 00:25:15,919 Actually, I don't one, sir. 281 00:25:15,952 --> 00:25:18,052 Well, lucky for you, I have one. 282 00:25:18,086 --> 00:25:19,767 Give me a sec, and we'll get you all squared away. 283 00:25:19,791 --> 00:25:21,785 I don't want to trouble you, officer. 284 00:25:21,813 --> 00:25:23,276 No trouble at all. 285 00:25:24,786 --> 00:25:26,786 Grab the jack. 286 00:25:28,386 --> 00:25:32,052 I used to have a ol' piece of crap Toyota in high school. 287 00:25:32,086 --> 00:25:35,186 Between you and me, I lost my virginity in it. 288 00:25:35,219 --> 00:25:36,952 Attention, all patrols. We got a 215. 289 00:25:36,986 --> 00:25:38,619 Two armed suspects in a gray Toyota. 290 00:25:38,652 --> 00:25:41,352 Texas license Charlie, Echo, Seven-Niner... 291 00:25:41,386 --> 00:25:44,652 Put your hands in the air! Do it now! 292 00:25:44,686 --> 00:25:47,006 Put your hands behind your head and interlace your fingers. 293 00:25:47,425 --> 00:25:49,419 Do you have any weapons on you? 294 00:25:49,452 --> 00:25:51,519 I do. I'm permit. 295 00:25:51,552 --> 00:25:52,952 Got him? 296 00:25:54,458 --> 00:25:55,458 Cuff him. 297 00:26:40,019 --> 00:26:41,452 Diga. 298 00:26:41,486 --> 00:26:43,419 Hi, it's me. 299 00:26:43,452 --> 00:26:45,619 It's 3:00 a.m., and I don't know where you are 300 00:26:45,652 --> 00:26:47,086 so please call me. 301 00:26:59,719 --> 00:27:01,952 Shit. 302 00:27:09,319 --> 00:27:11,116 A little bit longer. 303 00:27:22,486 --> 00:27:25,356 I talked to the manager. She's in 140. 304 00:27:28,886 --> 00:27:30,252 Let's do it. 305 00:28:00,183 --> 00:28:01,895 Kelly Anne? 306 00:28:03,061 --> 00:28:04,395 I'm sorry. 307 00:28:05,772 --> 00:28:09,594 I got to her motel room, she was gone. 308 00:28:09,619 --> 00:28:11,152 Kelly Anne! 309 00:28:16,152 --> 00:28:17,986 Devon's people grabbed her. 310 00:28:18,019 --> 00:28:21,619 You told her to disappear. Maybe she did. 311 00:28:21,652 --> 00:28:23,919 Maybe they got to the motel and she was already gone. 312 00:28:24,499 --> 00:28:26,152 I hope to God. 313 00:28:29,019 --> 00:28:30,619 What about James? 314 00:28:30,652 --> 00:28:34,452 I made some inquiries. Checked around like you asked. 315 00:28:34,486 --> 00:28:35,885 Nothing. 316 00:28:40,052 --> 00:28:43,219 I'm taking a plea deal on the carjacking. 317 00:28:43,252 --> 00:28:45,186 Five years. 318 00:28:45,919 --> 00:28:47,795 Lawyer says I can get out in three to four years 319 00:28:47,819 --> 00:28:50,400 for good behavior. 320 00:28:51,852 --> 00:28:53,736 If I survive. 321 00:28:54,852 --> 00:28:56,656 Can I do anything for you? 322 00:28:57,152 --> 00:28:58,739 I can keep looking for Kelly Anne. 323 00:28:58,786 --> 00:29:00,118 No. 324 00:29:00,686 --> 00:29:02,652 If she did get away, 325 00:29:02,686 --> 00:29:05,415 I don't want to risk you leading someone to her. 326 00:29:07,019 --> 00:29:09,544 She's better off without me. 327 00:29:17,665 --> 00:29:19,932 Take care of yourself, Chicho. 328 00:29:43,586 --> 00:29:45,486 You always show up unannounced, cabrón? 329 00:29:46,986 --> 00:29:48,652 You're not on the books for any meetings. 330 00:29:48,686 --> 00:29:50,501 Can't you see I'm busy? 331 00:29:53,254 --> 00:29:54,886 I can see that. 332 00:29:54,919 --> 00:29:57,352 Yeah. Your man failed. 333 00:29:57,386 --> 00:30:01,252 So I took matters into my own hands. 334 00:30:01,554 --> 00:30:03,052 It's clear you have no intentions 335 00:30:03,086 --> 00:30:05,558 of running your business like Teresa. 336 00:30:05,952 --> 00:30:07,719 But at least try to be discreet. 337 00:30:07,752 --> 00:30:11,898 I was discreet. I cut out his... tongue. 338 00:30:12,352 --> 00:30:14,952 So the neighbors wouldn't hear his scream. 339 00:30:16,386 --> 00:30:19,486 Turns out he didn't know where to find Pote. 340 00:30:19,781 --> 00:30:21,491 He's been arrested. 341 00:30:22,052 --> 00:30:24,952 He's being transferred to the state penitentiary this week. 342 00:30:24,986 --> 00:30:26,621 Good. 343 00:30:27,152 --> 00:30:29,207 Soon as he lands, we'll hit him. 344 00:30:30,667 --> 00:30:33,519 He'll bleed out in the shower like the pig he is. 345 00:30:33,552 --> 00:30:35,652 Is that not discreet enough for you? 346 00:30:35,913 --> 00:30:39,913 Actually, I want you to stand down. 347 00:30:42,319 --> 00:30:45,586 I thought you wanted all of Teresa's people dead. 348 00:30:46,139 --> 00:30:48,152 - Pote isn't a risk. - Bullshit. 349 00:30:48,186 --> 00:30:49,462 He could've talked, given us up, 350 00:30:49,486 --> 00:30:50,952 gone into Witness Protection. 351 00:30:50,986 --> 00:30:53,186 But he didn't. 352 00:30:53,219 --> 00:30:55,419 If he's murdered now, 353 00:30:55,452 --> 00:30:58,919 or worse, if your plan fails like the last one, 354 00:30:58,952 --> 00:31:00,752 it could push him to talk. 355 00:31:00,786 --> 00:31:03,324 You work for the... CIA. 356 00:31:03,819 --> 00:31:05,419 The moment he talks, 357 00:31:05,452 --> 00:31:07,986 you can make him disappear in five seconds. 358 00:31:10,019 --> 00:31:11,666 This isn't a request. 359 00:31:13,519 --> 00:31:14,961 Stand down. 360 00:31:29,052 --> 00:31:30,919 This looks like solitary. 361 00:31:30,952 --> 00:31:32,452 It's protective custody. 362 00:31:32,486 --> 00:31:35,086 Warden got a tip about a threat on your life. 363 00:31:35,119 --> 00:31:37,152 How long am I gonna be here for? 364 00:31:37,186 --> 00:31:38,986 Till the threat goes away. 365 00:31:39,019 --> 00:31:40,752 Cell 348 loading. 366 00:31:40,786 --> 00:31:43,519 348 loading. 367 00:31:44,532 --> 00:31:46,552 So my whole sentence, then? 368 00:31:46,586 --> 00:31:49,652 The warning came from high up. Someone's looking out for you. 369 00:31:49,686 --> 00:31:51,414 I'd be thankful. 370 00:32:00,053 --> 00:32:01,520 Lock it down! 371 00:32:01,545 --> 00:32:03,945 You heard him. Stand back. 372 00:32:07,352 --> 00:32:09,719 - Lights out! - Lights out. 373 00:32:34,452 --> 00:32:36,042 It's open. 374 00:32:47,086 --> 00:32:50,086 Look at you, all flaco. 375 00:32:50,119 --> 00:32:53,386 Yeah, that food was a disgrace. 376 00:32:53,694 --> 00:32:55,661 We got to get you some new clothes. 377 00:32:55,686 --> 00:32:57,986 No, you got to get me in front of a stove first. 378 00:32:58,019 --> 00:32:59,986 Gonna make myself some carnitas, 379 00:33:00,019 --> 00:33:02,193 and then we kill Boaz. 380 00:33:06,852 --> 00:33:08,719 That's a nice surprise. 381 00:33:08,752 --> 00:33:10,119 Yeah. 382 00:33:10,660 --> 00:33:13,186 Pote was released from prison today. 383 00:33:13,663 --> 00:33:16,919 Yeah. Nobody's seen him. 384 00:33:18,126 --> 00:33:20,219 He's with Chicho. 385 00:33:21,619 --> 00:33:24,319 Old white man never let you into his club? 386 00:33:25,216 --> 00:33:27,086 Do you want him or not? 387 00:33:29,088 --> 00:33:30,163 How much? 388 00:33:30,196 --> 00:33:31,696 Well, that depends. 389 00:33:31,730 --> 00:33:33,663 How much is it worth to you? 390 00:33:33,696 --> 00:33:35,935 Not having to look over your shoulder? 391 00:33:37,463 --> 00:33:40,763 You'll get a million and your life. 392 00:33:42,530 --> 00:33:44,569 Tonight. 393 00:33:45,169 --> 00:33:47,655 My bar. He'll be here. 394 00:34:09,900 --> 00:34:11,721 Got you a present. 395 00:34:13,967 --> 00:34:15,567 Welcome home, cabrón. 396 00:34:15,600 --> 00:34:17,300 No mames, guey. 397 00:34:22,106 --> 00:34:25,400 That's a beauty. Gracias. 398 00:34:25,433 --> 00:34:27,667 De nada. 399 00:34:27,700 --> 00:34:28,843 I know you didn't want me to look for Kelly Anne, 400 00:34:28,867 --> 00:34:30,467 but I did. 401 00:34:31,199 --> 00:34:32,867 Couldn't find a trace. 402 00:34:41,033 --> 00:34:42,433 It's Dumas. 403 00:34:50,667 --> 00:34:53,333 You look good. You slimmed down. 404 00:34:53,367 --> 00:34:55,800 I'm at my fighting weight now. 405 00:34:58,000 --> 00:35:01,706 Oof. Times have changed. 406 00:35:02,500 --> 00:35:04,633 Chicho told me you lost the business. 407 00:35:04,667 --> 00:35:05,733 Yeah. 408 00:35:05,767 --> 00:35:08,569 Hard to make a living on whiskey and music alone. 409 00:35:09,200 --> 00:35:10,900 Might as well go out with a bang. 410 00:35:12,726 --> 00:35:15,093 Boaz is coming by the bar tonight. 411 00:35:16,352 --> 00:35:19,452 - We finish it, then. - Yeah. 412 00:35:28,700 --> 00:35:30,733 Go, go! I'll cover you! Go! 413 00:35:40,233 --> 00:35:41,727 Chicho! 414 00:35:46,240 --> 00:35:48,763 We got to go, Pote. 415 00:35:48,788 --> 00:35:50,533 Chicho! 416 00:35:50,567 --> 00:35:53,700 It's a death trap! We got to go now! 417 00:35:55,167 --> 00:35:56,867 Come on! 418 00:35:56,900 --> 00:35:58,500 Let's go. 419 00:36:01,600 --> 00:36:04,533 We lost some good men. Everyone else is laying low. 420 00:36:04,567 --> 00:36:06,400 Boaz knows you tried to set him up. 421 00:36:06,433 --> 00:36:08,200 He's not gonna stop coming. 422 00:36:08,233 --> 00:36:10,900 Yeah. I still got my people in Atlanta. 423 00:36:10,933 --> 00:36:13,633 We can chill there till things cool down. 424 00:36:13,667 --> 00:36:15,233 But we're out of options here. 425 00:36:15,553 --> 00:36:18,633 Nah, there's one more play. 426 00:36:18,986 --> 00:36:21,392 I throw myself to the wolves. 427 00:36:27,200 --> 00:36:31,233 When I came to town, I left you alone. 428 00:36:31,267 --> 00:36:33,200 I didn't come after you or your family. 429 00:36:33,233 --> 00:36:35,631 And this is how you repay me? 430 00:36:36,267 --> 00:36:38,267 Where's your little, putito friend? 431 00:36:38,300 --> 00:36:40,467 I'm here, cabrón! 432 00:36:46,000 --> 00:36:49,962 Yeah. I knew you had the balls, cabrón. 433 00:36:52,067 --> 00:36:54,400 'Cause you just showed up to your own funeral. 434 00:36:54,433 --> 00:36:57,762 Came here to settle this once and for all. 435 00:37:00,133 --> 00:37:01,400 Tenderize this bitch. 436 00:37:09,100 --> 00:37:11,633 Yeah. 437 00:37:16,033 --> 00:37:17,867 Parese. 438 00:37:17,900 --> 00:37:21,267 We can do it mano a mano? 439 00:37:21,300 --> 00:37:23,704 Sinaloa-style. 440 00:37:24,433 --> 00:37:26,567 The sicario code, puto. 441 00:37:27,767 --> 00:37:30,933 Nah, I should have killed you a long time ago. 442 00:37:33,267 --> 00:37:35,633 Pote was a legend in Sinaloa. 443 00:37:36,425 --> 00:37:38,300 If you don't accept his challenge... 444 00:37:51,533 --> 00:37:53,167 Orale. 445 00:37:55,867 --> 00:37:57,933 Carve you like the pig you are, puto. 446 00:38:01,233 --> 00:38:02,967 Let's dance. 447 00:38:28,933 --> 00:38:29,933 Pote! 448 00:38:34,433 --> 00:38:36,026 Pote! 449 00:38:41,567 --> 00:38:44,133 Hey! 450 00:38:56,445 --> 00:38:57,933 You ready, cabrón? 451 00:39:06,167 --> 00:39:07,600 Son of a bitch. 452 00:39:08,467 --> 00:39:09,967 - Pote! - For George! 453 00:39:10,600 --> 00:39:12,167 Kelly Anne! 454 00:39:15,233 --> 00:39:16,840 For Teresa. 455 00:39:40,500 --> 00:39:42,567 Ven, Chico. 456 00:39:47,124 --> 00:39:49,367 Aah... 457 00:40:16,778 --> 00:40:18,445 Sorry I'm late. 458 00:40:18,478 --> 00:40:21,378 I had to wrap some business in town. 459 00:40:21,985 --> 00:40:23,418 How you feeling? 460 00:40:23,711 --> 00:40:26,545 I'm okay. You? 461 00:40:27,332 --> 00:40:29,165 I'll live. 462 00:40:30,571 --> 00:40:32,171 Guessing this is goodbye. 463 00:40:33,745 --> 00:40:36,063 I'm going to disappear. 464 00:40:36,758 --> 00:40:38,774 But before I leave. 465 00:40:39,665 --> 00:40:41,944 I wanted to give you this. 466 00:40:42,858 --> 00:40:45,739 I had to wait until Boaz was out of the picture. 467 00:40:45,991 --> 00:40:48,358 - What is it? - It's a gift. 468 00:40:48,585 --> 00:40:50,202 And a reminder 469 00:40:50,718 --> 00:40:53,118 that after what you and Teresa went through, 470 00:40:53,484 --> 00:40:56,292 she still considered you family. 471 00:41:04,158 --> 00:41:08,191 The bar is yours again, Chicho. Just like Teresa wanted. 472 00:41:09,511 --> 00:41:11,677 Adios, amigo. 473 00:41:12,465 --> 00:41:14,265 I won't see you again? 474 00:41:14,311 --> 00:41:16,020 Don't look for me. 475 00:41:31,245 --> 00:41:32,945 What is it? 476 00:41:34,844 --> 00:41:37,499 She left me the waterfront property. 477 00:41:40,016 --> 00:41:42,630 And all the money to complete the project. 478 00:41:50,716 --> 00:41:52,473 I'm gonna need some help. 479 00:41:57,916 --> 00:42:00,416 We'll build the headquarters of the P-triple-C. 480 00:42:00,449 --> 00:42:02,232 Penthouse maybe. 481 00:42:30,989 --> 00:42:32,856 That's a pretty castle. 482 00:42:35,083 --> 00:42:37,810 You know what your castle needs? 483 00:42:38,616 --> 00:42:41,183 A little soldier to protect it. 484 00:42:42,016 --> 00:42:46,416 Look, I carved this myself. 485 00:42:47,049 --> 00:42:49,783 - Gracias. - De nada. 486 00:42:49,816 --> 00:42:52,816 Mommy, look what that man gave me. 487 00:42:59,216 --> 00:43:01,183 My God! 488 00:43:12,716 --> 00:43:14,483 I missed you so much. 489 00:43:16,369 --> 00:43:17,569 Look at you. 490 00:43:17,594 --> 00:43:18,791 You left half of you in the States. 491 00:43:18,815 --> 00:43:21,715 - You like? - I don't not like it. 492 00:43:22,832 --> 00:43:26,299 Lena baby, this is your papi. 493 00:43:26,449 --> 00:43:27,583 Papi? 494 00:43:27,616 --> 00:43:31,049 That's right. I am your papi. 495 00:43:31,083 --> 00:43:33,949 And I'm sorry that I haven't been around. 496 00:43:34,283 --> 00:43:38,783 But I will never leave again. I promise. 497 00:43:48,916 --> 00:43:51,649 Can you build me a dog for my castle? 498 00:43:52,783 --> 00:43:54,916 I can build you whatever you want. 499 00:43:54,949 --> 00:43:56,930 You want to show him? 500 00:43:58,749 --> 00:44:00,183 So a little toy soldier? 501 00:44:00,216 --> 00:44:01,749 You were hoping for a boy, still? 502 00:44:01,783 --> 00:44:02,949 Nah. 503 00:44:05,549 --> 00:44:07,816 I love my beautiful daughter. 504 00:44:13,683 --> 00:44:16,149 I have some burritos inside we can share. 505 00:44:16,183 --> 00:44:18,383 That's so nice. 506 00:44:18,416 --> 00:44:20,249 How long has it been since you had a burrito? 507 00:44:20,283 --> 00:44:23,416 Over four years. 508 00:44:23,449 --> 00:44:26,049 Go play inside. Okay. Go, go, go. 509 00:44:30,483 --> 00:44:32,049 What took you so long? 510 00:44:41,183 --> 00:44:43,549 What's going on out here? 511 00:44:49,129 --> 00:44:50,616 It's James. 512 00:44:53,983 --> 00:44:55,283 Is Pote with you? 513 00:44:55,316 --> 00:44:56,883 No. We need to leave right now. 514 00:44:56,916 --> 00:44:58,616 Okay. 515 00:45:05,816 --> 00:45:08,149 Thank you for saving Kelly Anne, brother. 516 00:45:08,885 --> 00:45:10,316 Of course, brother. 517 00:45:10,915 --> 00:45:12,648 Welcome home. 518 00:45:16,749 --> 00:45:19,304 Teresita. 519 00:45:20,055 --> 00:45:21,749 Hola. 520 00:45:21,783 --> 00:45:23,016 You look good. 521 00:45:23,049 --> 00:45:24,949 You look different. 522 00:45:25,811 --> 00:45:27,583 Four years. 523 00:45:27,616 --> 00:45:31,583 It's better late than never. Your plan worked, Teresita. 524 00:45:31,616 --> 00:45:35,216 You know that Devon is not just gonna let you walk away. 525 00:45:35,249 --> 00:45:37,183 People don't do that in this business. 526 00:45:37,216 --> 00:45:40,049 It's either prison or death, the only way out. 527 00:45:40,083 --> 00:45:42,035 I'm not going to prison. 528 00:45:42,549 --> 00:45:44,783 Devon's gonna ask James to kill me, 529 00:45:44,816 --> 00:45:46,540 and he's gonna say yes. 530 00:45:47,116 --> 00:45:49,209 You're gonna disappear? 531 00:45:50,483 --> 00:45:53,316 Prison or death. It's the only way. 532 00:45:54,256 --> 00:45:56,959 Orale. What's the plan? 533 00:45:57,009 --> 00:46:00,316 Samara's gonna come with us. She'll be a good witness. 534 00:46:03,849 --> 00:46:05,783 تيريزا! 535 00:46:06,406 --> 00:46:08,716 Get out. Get out! 536 00:46:11,383 --> 00:46:13,349 The officials in Belize will help sell it. 537 00:46:13,383 --> 00:46:15,090 They're gonna get paid 538 00:46:15,130 --> 00:46:18,083 and Devon will get the proof that he needs. 539 00:46:33,783 --> 00:46:36,183 From there, I'll escape by sea. 540 00:46:36,216 --> 00:46:39,083 I already bought a boat along with the captain. 541 00:46:39,116 --> 00:46:41,383 He's been on standby for two years. 542 00:46:41,416 --> 00:46:44,083 You need to take Teresa's ashes to Mexico 543 00:46:44,116 --> 00:46:45,616 to convince Devon she's dead, 544 00:46:45,649 --> 00:46:47,783 then I'll meet you and Kelly Anne at Texas. 545 00:46:47,816 --> 00:46:49,683 We leave the U.S. from there. 546 00:46:51,016 --> 00:46:53,149 You thought of everything. 547 00:46:53,649 --> 00:46:56,215 I'm sorry you missed so much time with your daughter. 548 00:46:56,248 --> 00:46:59,983 If something had to go wrong, rather be in my end. 549 00:47:00,016 --> 00:47:02,849 So Teresa's plan worked, and we're safe. 550 00:47:03,325 --> 00:47:05,016 Only if it's finished. 551 00:47:05,049 --> 00:47:06,416 Boaz is dead. 552 00:47:06,449 --> 00:47:08,116 What about Marcel and Chicho? 553 00:47:08,149 --> 00:47:09,716 They don't suspect a thing. 554 00:47:09,749 --> 00:47:10,749 Now... 555 00:47:10,783 --> 00:47:13,049 Put me in front of a kitchen. Put me to work. 556 00:47:13,502 --> 00:47:15,416 Actually, 557 00:47:15,449 --> 00:47:17,589 I'm cooking for you tonight. 558 00:47:18,649 --> 00:47:20,216 I know! 559 00:47:20,249 --> 00:47:21,983 A lot has changed in four years. 560 00:47:22,016 --> 00:47:23,283 You have a daughter, 561 00:47:23,316 --> 00:47:24,883 she's been taking cooking lessons, 562 00:47:24,916 --> 00:47:27,455 and this one surfs. 563 00:47:27,488 --> 00:47:29,883 Well, we're living a quiet life. 564 00:47:31,249 --> 00:47:33,383 You should rest. I'll start on dinner. 565 00:47:33,416 --> 00:47:35,849 Will you mírala, mírala? 566 00:47:35,883 --> 00:47:38,116 Just because you know how to scramble a few eggs 567 00:47:38,149 --> 00:47:40,070 doesn't mean you're gonna get rid of me again. 568 00:47:41,316 --> 00:47:44,583 I'll never make the mistake again, ever. 569 00:47:47,849 --> 00:47:49,449 Finally got her to go to sleep. 570 00:47:49,483 --> 00:47:51,316 She was just so excited to see you. 571 00:47:51,349 --> 00:47:53,749 Aww. She's gorgeous. 572 00:47:53,783 --> 00:47:55,183 I know. 573 00:47:55,216 --> 00:47:57,483 Is this the widow's soup that I was trying to learn 574 00:47:57,516 --> 00:47:59,349 when we were in Malta? 575 00:47:59,383 --> 00:48:00,716 It looks good. 576 00:48:00,749 --> 00:48:02,342 Let me see. 577 00:48:06,483 --> 00:48:08,583 Gracias. 578 00:48:08,616 --> 00:48:10,916 You got to teach me how to do this. 579 00:48:10,949 --> 00:48:12,316 I will. 580 00:48:12,349 --> 00:48:13,683 Luckily Teresa took to cooking 581 00:48:13,716 --> 00:48:15,156 'cause if it were up to James and I, 582 00:48:15,183 --> 00:48:16,292 we probably would have starved. 583 00:48:16,316 --> 00:48:19,083 That's true. 584 00:48:20,601 --> 00:48:22,016 You know, I just realized 585 00:48:22,049 --> 00:48:25,316 this is the first time that we have all sat down together 586 00:48:25,349 --> 00:48:27,159 to eat as a family. 587 00:48:28,368 --> 00:48:30,083 We're so happy to have you back. 588 00:48:30,116 --> 00:48:32,249 It's good to be back. 589 00:48:32,283 --> 00:48:34,083 Isn't she beautiful? 590 00:48:34,116 --> 00:48:36,183 Yes, she is. 591 00:48:57,356 --> 00:48:58,982 You okay? 592 00:48:59,549 --> 00:49:00,650 Yeah. 593 00:49:08,149 --> 00:49:09,149 A toast. 594 00:49:12,788 --> 00:49:15,516 - To a new life. - To a new life. 595 00:49:15,549 --> 00:49:17,016 - Salud. - Salud. 596 00:49:26,016 --> 00:49:27,677 So what do you think? 597 00:49:29,316 --> 00:49:32,283 Not exactly what you expected, right? 598 00:49:32,316 --> 00:49:36,383 I wasn't lying when I said I would be dead in 30 seconds. 599 00:49:36,416 --> 00:49:39,231 That Teresa did die. 600 00:49:39,616 --> 00:49:43,318 But she wasn't murdered by an enemy or a rival. 601 00:49:44,183 --> 00:49:45,987 She was killed by me, 602 00:49:46,483 --> 00:49:48,740 a money changer from Culiacán, 603 00:49:48,982 --> 00:49:52,077 who defied all odds to survive. 604 00:49:53,116 --> 00:49:57,457 They said that prison or death were my only options. 605 00:49:58,383 --> 00:50:00,335 But what do they know? 606 00:50:02,083 --> 00:50:03,880 I chose life.