1 00:02:00,109 --> 00:02:04,803 Subtitle : www.sub-way.fr 2 00:02:06,956 --> 00:02:10,439 Quizmaster, this is Godfather. I have you loud and clear. 3 00:02:10,559 --> 00:02:11,980 Stand by for tasking. 4 00:02:12,286 --> 00:02:14,748 Your mission is to conduct this feint in force, 5 00:02:14,868 --> 00:02:18,218 uncover enemy positions prior to the main force's arrival. 6 00:02:18,507 --> 00:02:21,018 - How copy? - Roger. Solid copy on all. 7 00:02:50,992 --> 00:02:53,425 One, two, three, 8 00:02:54,066 --> 00:02:56,456 four little people outside. 9 00:02:57,048 --> 00:02:58,833 Plus the three old ladies. 10 00:03:00,118 --> 00:03:01,668 Look, Gabe. Haji soccer. 11 00:03:03,431 --> 00:03:04,781 Tough little haji. 12 00:03:08,493 --> 00:03:10,843 My grandma used to beat me with a 2x4. 13 00:03:11,397 --> 00:03:13,000 Your grandma mean like that, Gabe? 14 00:03:13,120 --> 00:03:15,374 No, man. My grandma hit me because she loved me 15 00:03:15,494 --> 00:03:17,744 and she wanted me to turn out good. 16 00:03:20,209 --> 00:03:22,059 Hitman Two, this is Two One. 17 00:03:22,730 --> 00:03:25,340 We've had eyes on the village for over one hour now. 18 00:03:25,460 --> 00:03:27,804 There are seven women and children, 19 00:03:28,167 --> 00:03:29,128 no adult males. 20 00:03:29,861 --> 00:03:32,172 No sign of the men who fired those mortars. 21 00:03:32,334 --> 00:03:33,284 How copy? 22 00:03:34,834 --> 00:03:36,947 This is Hitman Two. Solid copy. 23 00:03:38,493 --> 00:03:39,301 Ray, 24 00:03:40,140 --> 00:03:43,166 - what the fuck is that smell? - M.R.E. cookies. 25 00:03:43,286 --> 00:03:46,270 What I did was I saved up all those creamer packets 26 00:03:46,431 --> 00:03:49,617 and all the sugars and I mixed in peanut butter until I sort of made... 27 00:03:49,737 --> 00:03:52,048 Don't set your face on fire again. 28 00:03:52,438 --> 00:03:54,988 Word to the motherfuckin' street, yo! 29 00:03:55,959 --> 00:03:58,235 I was not the one who set my face on fire. 30 00:03:58,355 --> 00:04:00,986 I was the fuckin' victim and you know it. 31 00:04:03,785 --> 00:04:05,186 Sergeant Colbert, 32 00:04:06,171 --> 00:04:07,417 I was thinking... 33 00:04:07,578 --> 00:04:10,044 Those trees over there behind us, 34 00:04:10,806 --> 00:04:12,881 maybe the guys who fired at us were in them. 35 00:04:14,396 --> 00:04:17,446 Much as I appreciate Rolling Stone's tactical input, 36 00:04:17,728 --> 00:04:19,784 but I'm confident in the birds. 37 00:04:21,716 --> 00:04:22,466 Birds? 38 00:04:22,586 --> 00:04:25,436 Anything moves in those trees, birds don't sing. 39 00:04:32,602 --> 00:04:34,285 - Sgt. Espera? - Yeah? 40 00:04:34,708 --> 00:04:37,091 Do you have any more of that enactionshit? 41 00:04:37,211 --> 00:04:39,865 - Tenactin. - Yeah, 'cause this thing... 42 00:04:42,430 --> 00:04:43,685 Jesus Christ! 43 00:04:46,364 --> 00:04:47,831 Did we call it, Sergeant? 44 00:04:51,079 --> 00:04:53,421 - Someone called it. - Fucking Godfather called it, 45 00:04:54,153 --> 00:04:56,131 - 1,000-pounder from a navy F-18. - God damn it. 46 00:04:56,292 --> 00:04:59,405 - We don't have the full picture. - It was on fucking battalion tac. 47 00:04:59,648 --> 00:05:02,596 We had mortars fire at us from somewhere near that hamlet. Maybe... 48 00:05:03,274 --> 00:05:04,306 Maybe inside. 49 00:05:04,971 --> 00:05:08,874 The bad guys shoot and scoot. By the time we hit bac they're gone. 50 00:05:12,723 --> 00:05:15,346 I am not the one who asked the enemy to mix in with the civilian populace 51 00:05:15,466 --> 00:05:17,155 and use them as cover to attack us. 52 00:05:17,275 --> 00:05:19,762 - This is Hitman Two. R.T.B. Over. - Roger. 53 00:05:20,402 --> 00:05:21,752 We're moving out. 54 00:05:24,279 --> 00:05:27,029 Man, we keep making the same fucking mistakes. 55 00:05:30,655 --> 00:05:32,805 My fucking cookies got schwacked. 56 00:05:36,526 --> 00:05:38,298 What the fuck is his problem? 57 00:05:41,839 --> 00:05:42,989 Come on, Ray. 58 00:05:43,683 --> 00:05:44,877 We're Oscar Mike. 59 00:05:45,258 --> 00:05:48,117 Someone around here is hiding a mortar team! 60 00:05:50,459 --> 00:05:53,420 I warn you again, we will destroy your village 61 00:05:53,751 --> 00:05:55,580 not only if you yourself are hostile, 62 00:05:55,700 --> 00:05:58,026 but if you are harboring any enemy elements! 63 00:06:06,127 --> 00:06:07,732 Is he threatening me? 64 00:06:09,811 --> 00:06:12,132 He's grateful to be liberated and pleased to cooperate. 65 00:06:12,252 --> 00:06:14,334 These people are worse than the goddamn V.C.! 66 00:06:17,551 --> 00:06:19,168 Dave, we've got Meesh. 67 00:06:21,064 --> 00:06:23,677 Not that we're doing any better than the French in Indochina. 68 00:06:23,839 --> 00:06:26,789 I mean, we're making every french mistake, right? 69 00:06:30,081 --> 00:06:32,139 This dude has some cool shit. 70 00:06:32,690 --> 00:06:34,006 Give me the map board. 71 00:06:34,126 --> 00:06:36,676 Moreno, how much longer we gonna be here? 72 00:06:43,760 --> 00:06:45,783 He said the men came from outside, 73 00:06:46,235 --> 00:06:49,190 - not from his village. - How many men? 74 00:06:49,310 --> 00:06:51,246 He used a word that means a lot of dudes. 75 00:06:51,754 --> 00:06:54,666 And he says they're planning to ambush us once we cross the bridge. 76 00:06:55,689 --> 00:06:58,835 Said there are men on the east side, north side, and the west side. 77 00:07:05,225 --> 00:07:08,346 And the men on the east side, they got the big guns. 78 00:07:13,441 --> 00:07:15,691 All Hitman Victors, this is Hitman. 79 00:07:16,191 --> 00:07:18,680 - Hitman Three is debriefing locals. - Hey, Person. 80 00:07:19,380 --> 00:07:22,444 Didn't your mom put your picture up on the Wal-Mart wall of heroes? 81 00:07:23,253 --> 00:07:24,053 Yep. 82 00:07:24,879 --> 00:07:27,429 My grandma did when I went to Afghanistan. 83 00:07:27,816 --> 00:07:31,487 I'm on the Nevada, Missouri Wal-Mart wall of heroes. 84 00:07:32,065 --> 00:07:33,497 Even got my dress blues on. 85 00:07:33,814 --> 00:07:37,321 If my mother ever distributed my likeness without written authorization, 86 00:07:37,441 --> 00:07:38,891 I would disown her. 87 00:07:40,066 --> 00:07:42,151 Technically speaking, Brad, 88 00:07:42,546 --> 00:07:44,756 but didn't your biological parents disown you 89 00:07:44,876 --> 00:07:47,413 when they put you up for adoption? 90 00:07:49,263 --> 00:07:50,363 Point, Ray. 91 00:07:52,312 --> 00:07:56,228 I was one of those unfortunates adopted by upper-middle-class professionals 92 00:07:56,561 --> 00:07:58,698 and nurtured in an environment of learning, 93 00:07:58,818 --> 00:08:01,176 art, and a socio-religious culture 94 00:08:01,296 --> 00:08:04,841 steeped in over two thousand years of talmudic tradition. 95 00:08:06,623 --> 00:08:08,691 Not everyone is lucky enough to have been raised 96 00:08:08,811 --> 00:08:12,442 in a Whiskey Tango trailer park by a bowlegged female 97 00:08:12,562 --> 00:08:16,068 whose sole qualification for motherhood is a womb 98 00:08:16,188 --> 00:08:19,538 that happened to catch a sperm of a passing truck driver. 99 00:08:23,876 --> 00:08:25,841 At least my mom took me to Nascar. 100 00:08:27,250 --> 00:08:29,000 Your dad's a truck driver? 101 00:08:37,577 --> 00:08:38,353 You okay? 102 00:08:40,188 --> 00:08:41,838 It's all good, brother. 103 00:08:44,577 --> 00:08:45,277 Hello. 104 00:08:50,503 --> 00:08:51,753 Asalaam alaikum. 105 00:09:01,049 --> 00:09:02,460 That doesn't get you, poke? 106 00:09:29,344 --> 00:09:31,782 Come on, it'll be good for you. 107 00:09:39,178 --> 00:09:40,207 Asalaam alaikum. 108 00:09:43,787 --> 00:09:44,587 Here. 109 00:09:46,875 --> 00:09:47,925 Here you go. 110 00:09:58,350 --> 00:09:59,150 See? 111 00:10:00,781 --> 00:10:02,174 Don't you feel better? 112 00:10:03,365 --> 00:10:04,374 Fuck it, dawg. 113 00:10:04,832 --> 00:10:08,443 You think giving them some rice and a chocolate bar is gonna fix things? 114 00:10:18,433 --> 00:10:19,849 Change of plan. 115 00:10:20,535 --> 00:10:24,251 We have a village here providing info on a possible ambush on the road ahead. 116 00:10:25,906 --> 00:10:27,502 Well, let me guess, sir. 117 00:10:27,785 --> 00:10:29,965 The plan is for us to drive into it and draw fire. 118 00:10:32,038 --> 00:10:34,478 You'll be happy to know there is no plan for this. 119 00:10:34,598 --> 00:10:36,168 Godfather's pulling us back. 120 00:10:36,424 --> 00:10:38,890 The R.C.T. is pushing up some L.A.Vs to clear out the ambush. 121 00:10:39,864 --> 00:10:42,374 We're staying in a wadi south of the bridge. 122 00:10:54,787 --> 00:10:56,237 Get some! 123 00:11:01,143 --> 00:11:03,206 This is how this ought to be fought. 124 00:11:03,924 --> 00:11:07,858 We feel our way up these back roads, generate intelligence, 125 00:11:07,978 --> 00:11:10,795 and they send some real ass in to deal with it. 126 00:11:10,915 --> 00:11:13,043 You really believe pulling us back from one ambush 127 00:11:13,163 --> 00:11:14,968 represents a change in strategy? 128 00:11:16,581 --> 00:11:18,680 There's no reason battalion can't accidentally make 129 00:11:18,854 --> 00:11:20,421 a smart decision now and then. 130 00:11:20,541 --> 00:11:23,325 Even a broke-ass clock is right twice a day. 131 00:11:23,763 --> 00:11:25,485 What's this I'm hearing about Casey Kasem 132 00:11:25,605 --> 00:11:28,881 going around in front of E-3s and 2s, calling Lieutenant Fick a coward? 133 00:11:31,636 --> 00:11:32,461 Yeah. 134 00:11:33,478 --> 00:11:35,164 Jesus fucking Christ. 135 00:11:36,630 --> 00:11:40,355 At least we ain't in the position of having to babysit our platoon Commander. 136 00:11:42,951 --> 00:11:44,928 I heard back in the rear once they had a plan 137 00:11:45,048 --> 00:11:47,751 to push Navy psychiatrists forward to combat units. 138 00:11:49,158 --> 00:11:52,282 Yeah, I scoffed then, but if ever there was a candidate to be locked up 139 00:11:52,402 --> 00:11:54,924 in the rubber tent, we know who he is. 140 00:11:56,545 --> 00:11:59,799 Can you imagine what the doctors would make of Ray Person? 141 00:11:59,919 --> 00:12:03,669 Need I remind you that he is the best damn R.T.O. in the business? 142 00:12:04,689 --> 00:12:06,798 As long as you keep him away from your uglier daughters 143 00:12:06,918 --> 00:12:08,808 and your smaller livestock. 144 00:12:10,428 --> 00:12:11,158 No. 145 00:12:12,418 --> 00:12:15,111 The individual who needs his head examined is the man responsible 146 00:12:15,231 --> 00:12:18,114 for taking arguably the finest damn independent 147 00:12:18,275 --> 00:12:21,242 recon operators of any military in the world, 148 00:12:21,599 --> 00:12:23,971 and dropping us in Humvee platoons 149 00:12:24,668 --> 00:12:28,924 to lead a parade of pogs, officers, and heavily-armed subhuman morons 150 00:12:29,044 --> 00:12:31,294 like Casey Kasem across Mesopotamia. 151 00:12:36,984 --> 00:12:39,234 How much does Uncle Sam spend on us? 152 00:12:39,996 --> 00:12:43,106 Jump school, dive school, mountain warfare, ranger school, S.E.R.E. 153 00:12:43,226 --> 00:12:46,584 That's a $1,000,000 on average to train up 0321s like us. 154 00:12:50,185 --> 00:12:51,460 And here we are, 155 00:12:52,377 --> 00:12:55,403 perfectly-tuned Ferraris in a demolition derby. 156 00:12:57,876 --> 00:12:59,626 It sure isn't Afghanistan. 157 00:13:04,687 --> 00:13:06,746 Any of us had been running our teams in that AO, 158 00:13:07,094 --> 00:13:09,255 we sure wouldn't have dropped a bomb on that village 159 00:13:09,375 --> 00:13:11,225 like they did this morning. 160 00:13:11,454 --> 00:13:12,432 Gentlemen, 161 00:13:14,319 --> 00:13:15,629 to Afghanistan. 162 00:13:28,261 --> 00:13:30,870 In Somalia we were still able to target these legit motherfuckers... 163 00:13:30,990 --> 00:13:32,481 Hold what you got, warriors. 164 00:13:33,209 --> 00:13:36,027 - November Juliet's coming around. - Better watch your face, Ray. 165 00:13:36,147 --> 00:13:37,778 Rudy's got the espresso pot brewing. 166 00:13:37,898 --> 00:13:41,780 Yeah, it's obvious I was wrong about invading Iraq for NAMBLA. 167 00:13:41,900 --> 00:13:44,718 It turns out we're actually here to set up a forward Starbucks. 168 00:13:44,838 --> 00:13:47,718 Christ, look, we've already inserted our Fruity Barista. 169 00:13:47,838 --> 00:13:49,288 Thank you very much. 170 00:13:50,023 --> 00:13:54,022 Now all we need is some shitty fucking music playing, 171 00:13:54,142 --> 00:13:55,421 like Norah Jones, 172 00:13:56,158 --> 00:13:59,736 a couple of high-school girls getting super fat on iced lattes, 173 00:14:00,057 --> 00:14:02,657 a homeless guy trying to scam the key to the restroom, 174 00:14:02,777 --> 00:14:05,527 and some faggot writing his novel on a laptop. 175 00:14:05,711 --> 00:14:07,861 Gunny, this must steam Godfather, 176 00:14:08,219 --> 00:14:10,393 letting other guys go into an ambush instead of us. 177 00:14:10,959 --> 00:14:13,855 I've never understood what the whole rush was about in the first place. 178 00:14:14,016 --> 00:14:16,859 There is no doubt America is gonna beat Saddam's military. 179 00:14:17,019 --> 00:14:19,088 - So why rush this shit? - Ray, 180 00:14:19,558 --> 00:14:22,467 remember that guy that got his dick cut off and sewed back on? 181 00:14:22,908 --> 00:14:24,576 Yeah. John Wayne Bobbit. 182 00:14:25,487 --> 00:14:28,537 - He's a former Marine. - What other famous Marines were there? 183 00:14:28,697 --> 00:14:30,132 Lee Harvey Oswald, 184 00:14:30,698 --> 00:14:34,495 that old children's television show host Captain Kangaroo, he was one; 185 00:14:34,986 --> 00:14:36,779 and uh, the guy 186 00:14:37,070 --> 00:14:40,739 who climbed the university of Texas clock tower and shot 16 people. 187 00:14:40,859 --> 00:14:42,842 - No presidents? - Closest we got was Oswald. 188 00:14:43,046 --> 00:14:45,491 - I met John Wayne Bobbit. - Get the fuck out of here. 189 00:14:45,611 --> 00:14:48,014 I interviewed him when he was trying to be a porn star. 190 00:14:48,554 --> 00:14:51,267 - He did this movie where - Nice! 191 00:14:51,632 --> 00:14:52,937 He fucked a midget. 192 00:14:53,860 --> 00:14:55,920 A Marine will fuck anything. 193 00:14:57,074 --> 00:14:59,141 She was a nice girl, seriously. 194 00:15:00,676 --> 00:15:02,126 Here you go, Gunny. 195 00:15:02,418 --> 00:15:03,691 Thank you, Rudy. 196 00:15:03,811 --> 00:15:05,741 Looks like we're in for a cold night by the way 197 00:15:05,901 --> 00:15:09,119 - that Zoolander's nipples are twisted. - Thanks, Rude. 198 00:15:09,280 --> 00:15:11,830 Let me hook you up, my backwoods brother. 199 00:15:13,299 --> 00:15:14,099 Pappy. 200 00:15:16,640 --> 00:15:18,551 I always gotta fix you up, Pap. 201 00:15:18,671 --> 00:15:21,589 Looks like you've got some chafing here from your sapi plate. 202 00:15:22,550 --> 00:15:24,492 I've got some emollients in the Humvee. 203 00:15:24,612 --> 00:15:26,262 I'll get the Neutrogena. 204 00:15:27,674 --> 00:15:29,013 Am I pushing you, my man? 205 00:15:30,112 --> 00:15:31,562 Am I going too far? 206 00:15:32,237 --> 00:15:33,768 Pappy, you know I love you, brother. 207 00:15:33,447 --> 00:15:34,629 Rudy, you motherfucker, 208 00:15:34,749 --> 00:15:37,063 hook me up with some of that sweet November Juliet. 209 00:15:37,225 --> 00:15:39,466 - Roger that. - Why November Juliet? 210 00:15:39,586 --> 00:15:41,901 It's like, military phonetic alphabet. 211 00:15:42,063 --> 00:15:43,234 You know, like 212 00:15:45,148 --> 00:15:47,591 - Whiskey Tango for white trash. - Yeah, I get that. 213 00:15:47,711 --> 00:15:50,034 But what does November Juliet stand for? 214 00:15:59,125 --> 00:16:00,287 Nigger juice. 215 00:16:01,227 --> 00:16:02,272 Beautiful. 216 00:16:17,947 --> 00:16:19,673 Jesus Christ, dude. 217 00:16:24,535 --> 00:16:26,390 Gentlemen, as you can see... 218 00:16:32,278 --> 00:16:34,028 I'm told by the C.G. that 219 00:16:34,148 --> 00:16:36,206 the reason for our chow shortage is that 220 00:16:36,633 --> 00:16:39,877 95% of the one MarDiv supply train in central Iraq 221 00:16:40,399 --> 00:16:43,546 is being allocated to haul artillery rounds to the front. 222 00:16:43,836 --> 00:16:46,132 For us tonight, gentlemen, this is good news. 223 00:16:47,279 --> 00:16:49,029 We are on a new map sheet, 224 00:16:49,215 --> 00:16:51,665 the last for phase three of our mission. 225 00:16:52,278 --> 00:16:54,128 I can reveal to you tonight 226 00:16:54,382 --> 00:16:57,810 that the C.G.'s objective since pushing through Nasiriyah has been this: 227 00:16:58,562 --> 00:16:59,313 Al Kut. 228 00:16:59,473 --> 00:17:01,782 Here, to the east of Baghdad, 229 00:17:01,902 --> 00:17:05,152 Al Kut holds the only major bridge crossing the Tigris. 230 00:17:05,714 --> 00:17:07,864 Since the inception of phase one, 231 00:17:08,091 --> 00:17:11,824 CENTCOM has felt the need to control this eastern route to Baghdad. 232 00:17:12,357 --> 00:17:13,424 Phase four, 233 00:17:13,917 --> 00:17:15,621 the assault on Baghdad, 234 00:17:15,901 --> 00:17:19,353 cannot begin until Marines own Al Kut and its bridge. 235 00:17:20,656 --> 00:17:21,706 Three words: 236 00:17:22,341 --> 00:17:24,630 tempo, tempo, tempo. 237 00:17:26,714 --> 00:17:28,283 The swiftness of our advance 238 00:17:28,403 --> 00:17:31,602 has succeeded in outpacing the Iraqi military's efforts 239 00:17:31,722 --> 00:17:33,997 to organize large-scale resistance. 240 00:17:34,220 --> 00:17:35,124 Tonight, 241 00:17:35,382 --> 00:17:37,848 Ferrando expects our tempo to increase. 242 00:17:39,842 --> 00:17:41,092 This afternoon, 243 00:17:41,342 --> 00:17:42,492 Bravo company 244 00:17:42,952 --> 00:17:45,024 exploited the willingness of locals 245 00:17:45,186 --> 00:17:48,236 to provide intelligence regarding an enemy ambush. 246 00:17:48,468 --> 00:17:49,737 That was good work. 247 00:17:50,742 --> 00:17:54,435 No doubt many of you were disappointed when division sent in 248 00:17:55,515 --> 00:17:58,408 the R.C.T.'s light armored units to clean them out. 249 00:17:58,528 --> 00:18:01,374 By all rights, that should have been our tasker. 250 00:18:01,536 --> 00:18:04,686 But it turns out the C.G. hasn't forgotten about us. 251 00:18:05,533 --> 00:18:06,783 We have reports 252 00:18:07,177 --> 00:18:08,842 that increasing numbers 253 00:18:08,962 --> 00:18:12,637 of paramilitary forces are moving into this area south of Al Kut. 254 00:18:13,404 --> 00:18:14,658 Tomorrow morning, 255 00:18:14,778 --> 00:18:17,641 the R.C.T. will begin its final push to Al Kut 256 00:18:17,801 --> 00:18:19,763 on the east bank of the canal. 257 00:18:20,808 --> 00:18:22,487 Our push begins tonight. 258 00:18:23,682 --> 00:18:25,118 We are to advance 259 00:18:25,298 --> 00:18:27,385 along the western side of the canal 260 00:18:27,505 --> 00:18:30,495 starting at approximately 2300 hours local time. 261 00:18:32,406 --> 00:18:34,992 There's a town here, Muwaffaqiyah. 262 00:18:35,426 --> 00:18:38,161 It's about four kliks north of our current position. 263 00:18:38,281 --> 00:18:40,287 Soon as we pass Muwaffaqiyah, 264 00:18:41,120 --> 00:18:42,832 we've got 30 kliks of highway to Al Kut. 265 00:18:46,069 --> 00:18:48,671 This, gentlemen, is our happy hunting ground. 266 00:18:50,801 --> 00:18:52,688 The C.G. has given us free rein 267 00:18:52,808 --> 00:18:55,012 to initiate contact all along 268 00:18:55,172 --> 00:18:56,233 this M.S.R. 269 00:18:59,360 --> 00:19:01,532 There's not a Marine on the planet 270 00:19:01,907 --> 00:19:05,257 who wouldn't want to be in your shoes tonight, gentlemen. 271 00:19:14,082 --> 00:19:15,009 Nate. 272 00:19:16,782 --> 00:19:18,309 Quick word, please? 273 00:19:26,876 --> 00:19:29,326 Looks like we're the quarterback again. 274 00:19:30,764 --> 00:19:31,575 Look, 275 00:19:32,042 --> 00:19:32,807 Nate, 276 00:19:33,628 --> 00:19:35,578 as far as executing this play, 277 00:19:36,691 --> 00:19:38,541 are we gonna have any... 278 00:19:42,346 --> 00:19:43,684 Personal issues, skipper? 279 00:19:47,287 --> 00:19:48,481 Not on my part, sir. 280 00:19:53,072 --> 00:19:55,324 I do however have an issue with unprofessional conduct 281 00:19:55,444 --> 00:19:58,013 of senior enlisted personnel in this company. 282 00:19:58,133 --> 00:20:00,283 - Nate, I... - Gunnery Sergeant, 283 00:20:01,509 --> 00:20:03,063 you do not come up on a discussion 284 00:20:03,183 --> 00:20:07,046 between the Captain and myself and speak unless you are spoken to. 285 00:20:07,495 --> 00:20:09,542 And nobody fucking spoke to you. 286 00:20:12,398 --> 00:20:13,863 Aye aye, Lieutenant. 287 00:20:19,174 --> 00:20:21,356 I want to be certain that senior enlisted personnel 288 00:20:21,476 --> 00:20:22,723 are not speaking for you 289 00:20:22,885 --> 00:20:25,726 when airing derogatory opinions about the command of my platoon. 290 00:20:26,085 --> 00:20:27,761 If such opinions are yours, I would ask 291 00:20:27,881 --> 00:20:30,919 that you share them directly with me in private. 292 00:20:32,755 --> 00:20:33,714 Opinions? 293 00:20:40,757 --> 00:20:43,870 Anyone who says I have opinions like you said, nate, 294 00:20:44,228 --> 00:20:45,706 he's not on my team. 295 00:20:47,005 --> 00:20:48,255 Very good, sir. 296 00:20:56,239 --> 00:20:57,723 Without the right lubricant, 297 00:20:57,843 --> 00:21:01,095 it's the same thing again and again. Sucker just jams. 298 00:21:01,215 --> 00:21:02,563 We just have to accept that 299 00:21:02,683 --> 00:21:05,475 the only dependable weapon you have up there is your saw. 300 00:21:08,077 --> 00:21:09,035 You guys, 301 00:21:09,833 --> 00:21:11,731 I just did a really dirty thing. 302 00:21:12,249 --> 00:21:14,266 You know that picture of Rolling Stone's girlfriend? 303 00:21:14,386 --> 00:21:17,185 I think it's safe to say we all know her intimately at this point. 304 00:21:17,305 --> 00:21:20,842 I got it back from Bravo Three and I swear I was gonna give it back to him. 305 00:21:20,962 --> 00:21:23,247 But I ran into Wasik on the way over here. 306 00:21:23,367 --> 00:21:25,536 I traded that bitch for some pec-2 batteries! 307 00:21:26,638 --> 00:21:28,318 Ray, you pimped her out. 308 00:21:29,181 --> 00:21:31,459 She is a dirty little hoochie, isn't she? 309 00:21:34,435 --> 00:21:35,775 Got any for the thermals? 310 00:21:35,895 --> 00:21:38,685 Jesus, dude. It's a picture of a reporter's girlfriend, 311 00:21:38,805 --> 00:21:41,469 not of J. Lo's cum-dripping twat. 312 00:21:41,808 --> 00:21:43,277 Yeah, you're right. 313 00:21:46,990 --> 00:21:48,605 Walt, get some sleep. 314 00:21:48,847 --> 00:21:52,317 I'm gonna give this another try, Brad. You get some sleep. 315 00:21:53,962 --> 00:21:55,137 Thanks, Walt. 316 00:22:17,171 --> 00:22:18,714 What's the challenge and pass? 317 00:22:19,206 --> 00:22:21,456 Blue diamond, blue diamond, asshole! 318 00:22:27,217 --> 00:22:28,850 Q-Tip, what the fuck? 319 00:22:29,204 --> 00:22:31,354 I had to get medieval on his ass. 320 00:22:32,267 --> 00:22:33,267 What is it? 321 00:22:33,518 --> 00:22:37,468 I don't know, but it's got fur and four legs and a little bit a meat. 322 00:23:00,359 --> 00:23:04,222 All Victors, have team leaders rally up on Hitman Two Victor. Over. 323 00:23:05,330 --> 00:23:06,580 Yeah, copy that. 324 00:23:09,088 --> 00:23:10,074 Brad. 325 00:23:13,897 --> 00:23:15,276 Brad, get up. 326 00:23:17,589 --> 00:23:18,643 56 minutes. 327 00:23:19,276 --> 00:23:21,382 I've been asleep for 56 minutes. 328 00:23:21,833 --> 00:23:23,283 Team leader meeting. 329 00:23:28,506 --> 00:23:30,526 56 minutes and just one dream. 330 00:23:31,706 --> 00:23:33,556 At least you got the dream. 331 00:23:33,801 --> 00:23:36,545 - I dreamt I was in Iraq. - Were you naked? 332 00:23:38,457 --> 00:23:40,907 North of our position is the wild west. 333 00:23:41,027 --> 00:23:43,278 We all know we've killed a lot of bad guys already. 334 00:23:43,398 --> 00:23:44,197 Sure. 335 00:23:44,808 --> 00:23:46,867 Must be some bad guys in all those women and children 336 00:23:46,987 --> 00:23:49,041 we've been stacking along the roads. 337 00:23:49,161 --> 00:23:50,332 Those who remain 338 00:23:50,831 --> 00:23:53,281 are going to take their last stand here. 339 00:23:58,987 --> 00:24:00,932 Bad news is we don't sleep tonight. 340 00:24:01,052 --> 00:24:02,135 Good news is 341 00:24:02,394 --> 00:24:03,986 we get to kill bad guys. 342 00:24:05,216 --> 00:24:07,776 In six zero mikes, Bravo company and Charlie company 343 00:24:07,896 --> 00:24:10,964 are maneuvering onto the western side of this canal. 344 00:24:11,084 --> 00:24:14,466 Our orders are to set up positions as we see fit along the M.S.R. 345 00:24:14,586 --> 00:24:17,529 and hunt for paramilitaries operating in the A-O. 346 00:24:17,649 --> 00:24:20,503 Our goal is to terrorize the Fedayeen, and this platoon will be on point. 347 00:24:20,958 --> 00:24:22,671 Better us than Captain America. 348 00:24:24,524 --> 00:24:26,839 The point is we are taking the initiative. 349 00:24:26,959 --> 00:24:29,526 And they're letting us do it at night when we have the advantage. 350 00:24:29,646 --> 00:24:33,645 Sir, need I remind you a lot of that advantage resides in our thermals, 351 00:24:34,359 --> 00:24:36,860 and we don't have a single working set in the entire platoon? 352 00:24:36,980 --> 00:24:40,482 Brad, we've still got our N.V.G.s, pec-4s and 17-bravos. 353 00:24:42,506 --> 00:24:43,317 Yes, sir. 354 00:24:43,574 --> 00:24:46,425 Sir, the regiment's staying over on the eastern side of the canal? 355 00:24:46,545 --> 00:24:47,864 - Affirmative. - And we got 356 00:24:48,024 --> 00:24:50,367 - Alpha and H-and-S staying behind? - We're going lean. 357 00:24:51,100 --> 00:24:53,869 - We're hunters tonight. - That's all good, sir. 358 00:24:54,217 --> 00:24:56,218 But how do we get around this bridge and the town 359 00:24:56,338 --> 00:24:58,406 up to where the L.A.Vs was fighting? 360 00:24:58,526 --> 00:25:00,276 We're not going around it. 361 00:25:00,896 --> 00:25:03,646 Brad, your team will be leading us across it. 362 00:25:11,449 --> 00:25:15,042 Sir, is my team to do a foot patrol to get eyes on the bridge 363 00:25:15,951 --> 00:25:18,511 and make sure that the enemy ambush has in fact been eliminated? 364 00:25:18,631 --> 00:25:19,932 Negative, Brad. 365 00:25:20,260 --> 00:25:21,852 Reconnaissance, sir. 366 00:25:21,972 --> 00:25:24,279 Isn't that what reconnaissance Marines are supposed to do? 367 00:25:24,399 --> 00:25:27,249 Our timetable does not allow for a foot patrol. 368 00:25:27,499 --> 00:25:29,531 The chances for a serious threat are very low. 369 00:25:29,651 --> 00:25:31,406 We hit those ambush points hard all night. 370 00:25:31,526 --> 00:25:32,327 Sir, 371 00:25:32,447 --> 00:25:35,533 if the L.A.Vs came back with casualties, 372 00:25:35,653 --> 00:25:36,929 how's Humvee supposed... 373 00:25:37,049 --> 00:25:39,708 Frankly, gentlemen, I'm not hearing the aggressiveness I'd like. 374 00:25:46,654 --> 00:25:49,264 - Prepare your teams to step off. - Sir. 375 00:25:53,277 --> 00:25:56,464 The people running this war can fuck things up all they want. 376 00:25:56,584 --> 00:26:00,157 And as long as we keep getting lucky and making it through alive, 377 00:26:00,277 --> 00:26:02,188 they'll just keep repeating the same mistakes. 378 00:26:09,277 --> 00:26:10,141 Nate. 379 00:26:15,401 --> 00:26:16,951 Our orders are clear. 380 00:26:17,153 --> 00:26:18,522 I would not help this platoon 381 00:26:18,642 --> 00:26:21,398 by questioning him or hesitating in any way. 382 00:26:22,354 --> 00:26:24,096 The C.O. reached out to me. 383 00:26:24,216 --> 00:26:26,066 I have to honor that, right? 384 00:26:49,812 --> 00:26:52,281 Hurry up and grab your gear. Let's fucking go! 385 00:26:52,401 --> 00:26:54,491 Hey, you, get the fuck up! Go ! 386 00:26:54,651 --> 00:26:57,034 Hey, yo, Person, I changed the batteries in the N.V.Gs. 387 00:27:02,260 --> 00:27:05,126 - What's our tad with our Cobra escorts? - None. 388 00:27:05,287 --> 00:27:06,877 - We don't have comms. - Why not? 389 00:27:07,275 --> 00:27:08,909 That would be too easy. 390 00:27:09,029 --> 00:27:11,879 I don't know. No one's rogering up on the tads. 391 00:27:12,613 --> 00:27:14,609 This is going to be a short mission. 392 00:27:14,729 --> 00:27:17,638 Why don't you stay back here with headquarters? 393 00:27:19,655 --> 00:27:20,905 - Okay. - Okay. 394 00:27:25,440 --> 00:27:27,532 Reporter ain't gonna leave, Brad. 395 00:27:27,652 --> 00:27:30,527 He skips town on us now, might change our luck, 396 00:27:30,688 --> 00:27:32,913 and that could adversely affect our ability to survive 397 00:27:33,033 --> 00:27:34,613 and complete this mission. 398 00:27:36,964 --> 00:27:38,214 Are you kidding? 399 00:27:39,592 --> 00:27:42,204 You don't want to make our luck adverse and all, do you, dawg? 400 00:27:45,244 --> 00:27:46,160 No. 401 00:27:49,753 --> 00:27:52,160 Poke, make sure your team watches our mark-19. 402 00:27:52,280 --> 00:27:54,849 If we're down, I want Garza to pick up the slack with your 50. 403 00:27:54,969 --> 00:27:55,969 Roger that. 404 00:27:57,303 --> 00:27:59,475 See you on the other side, sucka. 405 00:28:03,080 --> 00:28:04,477 Turn it over, Ray. 406 00:28:07,659 --> 00:28:09,185 Trombley, stow this. 407 00:28:12,579 --> 00:28:13,712 Sorry, dude. 408 00:28:15,684 --> 00:28:17,880 Pass me some of your ripped fuel. 409 00:28:19,911 --> 00:28:22,119 And I fucking mean it about the country music. 410 00:28:22,854 --> 00:28:24,744 You know Brad, you're right. 411 00:28:24,864 --> 00:28:27,966 Now isn't an appropriate time for country music. 412 00:28:28,086 --> 00:28:30,902 I was thinking a little more old-school R&B. 413 00:28:31,261 --> 00:28:33,337 Because look, I'm Stevie Wonder, 414 00:28:34,032 --> 00:28:37,082 blind as a motherfucker in my piece-of-shit N.V.Gs. 415 00:28:40,419 --> 00:28:42,910 All Hitman Two Victors, this is Two Actual. 416 00:28:43,030 --> 00:28:44,423 We are Oscar Mike. 417 00:28:49,364 --> 00:28:51,857 All right, kids, let's make some money. 418 00:29:50,084 --> 00:29:54,045 All Hitman Two Victors, this is Hitman Two. Increase dispersion. Break. 419 00:29:54,792 --> 00:29:58,002 Low illum is restricting our vis on the N.V.Gs. Over. 420 00:29:59,340 --> 00:30:01,301 Hitman Two, Hitman Two Three. 421 00:30:01,462 --> 00:30:02,217 Roger. 422 00:30:03,086 --> 00:30:06,311 HitmanTtwo, this is Hitman Two One Bravo. Roger that. 423 00:30:06,848 --> 00:30:09,498 Hitman Two, this is Hitman Two Two. Solid. 424 00:30:14,436 --> 00:30:17,420 We have the bridge four kliks ahead to the west. 425 00:30:17,774 --> 00:30:20,233 There will be a right turn toward the bridge abutment. 426 00:30:20,353 --> 00:30:21,488 Yeah, roger that. 427 00:30:24,671 --> 00:30:25,471 Brad, 428 00:30:26,920 --> 00:30:29,670 is that a guardrail on this side of the road? 429 00:30:38,055 --> 00:30:39,405 It's the shoulder. 430 00:30:39,668 --> 00:30:40,618 It slopes. 431 00:30:41,903 --> 00:30:44,319 I know you've got no depth perception in those N.V.G.s 432 00:30:44,439 --> 00:30:47,266 but use some common fucking sense in your situational awareness. 433 00:30:47,386 --> 00:30:49,975 It's the way that the fucking ambient light is slanting in. 434 00:30:50,136 --> 00:30:53,383 I can't tell if dark areas are ditches or walls. 435 00:30:56,612 --> 00:30:58,596 Two One Bravo, this is Two One Alpha. 436 00:30:58,716 --> 00:31:01,931 Someone on your victor appears to have his I.R. designator on. 437 00:31:02,051 --> 00:31:04,157 Two One Alpha. Yeah, it's me, dawg. 438 00:31:04,761 --> 00:31:07,866 I got a foot-mobile, possible tango, about one o'clock, 439 00:31:08,470 --> 00:31:09,412 200 meters out, 440 00:31:09,707 --> 00:31:11,120 crouched on a berm. 441 00:31:11,240 --> 00:31:12,040 Over. 442 00:31:13,158 --> 00:31:14,108 Copy that. 443 00:31:21,411 --> 00:31:25,304 Two One Bravo, that is a trash bag caught on some kind of scrub brush. 444 00:31:31,171 --> 00:31:33,121 - What's going on? - Nothing. 445 00:31:34,946 --> 00:31:36,442 It's our I.R. lasers. 446 00:31:37,291 --> 00:31:39,160 You can't see them without N.V.G.s. 447 00:31:39,280 --> 00:31:41,830 I don't even have a plastic bag to shoot. 448 00:31:42,021 --> 00:31:43,978 Oh, now remember James, 449 00:31:44,655 --> 00:31:47,312 once you fire a bullet, you can't take it back. 450 00:32:01,898 --> 00:32:02,948 God damn it! 451 00:32:08,890 --> 00:32:11,295 Two Actual, this is Two One. Interrogative: 452 00:32:11,415 --> 00:32:14,306 do we have any idea what those Cobras are shooting at? 453 00:32:14,426 --> 00:32:17,876 Negative, Two One. We have no comms with the Cobras. Over. 454 00:32:24,770 --> 00:32:25,570 Fuck! 455 00:32:26,048 --> 00:32:27,489 Why are we slowing, Ray? 456 00:32:28,087 --> 00:32:29,665 My N.V.G.s keep going off. 457 00:32:29,785 --> 00:32:33,089 It's from the fucking flashes from the rockets keep washing 'em out. 458 00:32:33,209 --> 00:32:34,329 I can't see shit. 459 00:32:35,541 --> 00:32:37,291 Two Actual, interrogative. 460 00:32:37,683 --> 00:32:41,333 Are we to continue forward into area being lit by those Cobras? 461 00:32:41,538 --> 00:32:44,272 Two One, maintain direction and speed. Over. 462 00:32:45,008 --> 00:32:46,058 Roger that. 463 00:32:48,339 --> 00:32:51,131 Cobras are frapping the east side of the river. Over. 464 00:32:51,251 --> 00:32:52,601 Hold your sectors! 465 00:32:54,098 --> 00:32:55,534 - Oh shit! - Fuck! 466 00:33:00,314 --> 00:33:01,935 Holsey, sweep that area with your I.R. 467 00:33:02,055 --> 00:33:02,855 Shit! 468 00:33:03,394 --> 00:33:04,844 You all right, Walt? 469 00:33:05,220 --> 00:33:06,070 Nothing. 470 00:33:07,021 --> 00:33:08,471 Shell cases hit me. 471 00:33:16,253 --> 00:33:17,457 Why are we turning, Ray? 472 00:33:17,736 --> 00:33:19,510 There was a ditch or something in the road. 473 00:33:19,630 --> 00:33:21,980 Hey, something's blocking the bridge. 474 00:33:22,990 --> 00:33:24,340 You see it, Walt? 475 00:33:24,586 --> 00:33:27,451 It's like a connex box in the middle of the road. 476 00:33:27,571 --> 00:33:29,730 All Hitman Two Victors, be advised, 477 00:33:29,850 --> 00:33:31,638 there is an obstacle in front of the bridge. 478 00:33:31,865 --> 00:33:33,675 We cannot continue forward. 479 00:33:34,344 --> 00:33:36,994 Hitman Two One, is there any way around it? 480 00:33:37,927 --> 00:33:39,957 Negative, Hitman Two. We need to peel. 481 00:33:40,077 --> 00:33:41,648 Ray, I need us to egress immediately. 482 00:33:42,746 --> 00:33:44,213 We're in a kill zone here. 483 00:33:44,333 --> 00:33:47,171 Walt, can you see the ditch that I just drove past? 484 00:33:47,291 --> 00:33:48,641 It ain't a ditch. 485 00:33:48,956 --> 00:33:51,490 It's like a drainpipe that's been drug on the road. 486 00:33:51,651 --> 00:33:53,867 You have to make a three-point turn here. 487 00:33:54,566 --> 00:33:55,516 Turn around. 488 00:33:55,636 --> 00:33:58,538 I got trees on my left, maybe five meters off the road. 489 00:34:01,777 --> 00:34:02,642 Fuck! 490 00:34:07,316 --> 00:34:08,529 Hey, Brad, 491 00:34:09,258 --> 00:34:12,441 Espera's vehicle is in front of us. We're fucking boxed in! 492 00:34:19,337 --> 00:34:20,811 I don't got nobody out here. 493 00:34:21,209 --> 00:34:22,359 I got nothing. 494 00:34:23,134 --> 00:34:26,922 Two One Bravo, this is Two One Alpha. We need you to turn around. 495 00:34:27,225 --> 00:34:28,025 Over. 496 00:34:28,573 --> 00:34:30,775 Two One Alpha, this is Two One Bravo. 497 00:34:31,311 --> 00:34:33,209 Two Two is blocking us. Over. 498 00:34:34,062 --> 00:34:37,007 Hitman Two Three, this is Hitman Two. We need you to turn around. 499 00:34:37,127 --> 00:34:39,577 You're boxing the platoon in. How copy? 500 00:34:39,892 --> 00:34:41,499 Eetman Two, dees is Eetman Two Tree. 501 00:34:42,069 --> 00:34:43,719 We hung up on a pipe... 502 00:34:45,463 --> 00:34:46,920 There are men in the trees. 503 00:34:48,227 --> 00:34:50,377 - Contact right! - Contact right! 504 00:34:52,089 --> 00:34:53,739 Contact, three o'clock! 505 00:34:54,384 --> 00:34:55,287 Go go! 506 00:34:56,382 --> 00:34:57,932 Dismount, 12 o'clock! 507 00:34:58,509 --> 00:35:00,309 - Suppress him with that saw! - I got him! 508 00:35:00,989 --> 00:35:04,462 Two One victor, this is Two Two Victor. We're gonna dismount our vehicles now... 509 00:35:04,582 --> 00:35:06,732 Over on the right! Over on the right! 510 00:35:07,714 --> 00:35:08,764 Taking fire! 511 00:35:09,393 --> 00:35:10,193 Ammo! 512 00:35:12,148 --> 00:35:13,355 Two Three, Two Two. 513 00:35:13,475 --> 00:35:14,657 Stafford, to our three! 514 00:35:21,983 --> 00:35:22,998 Incoming! 515 00:35:27,181 --> 00:35:28,631 Foot mobiles, left! 516 00:35:29,124 --> 00:35:30,715 Ray, how's our progress egressing? 517 00:35:31,584 --> 00:35:34,440 All Hitman Victors, this is Two One. 518 00:35:35,071 --> 00:35:38,222 Is it at all possible for any of you to back up? 519 00:35:39,817 --> 00:35:41,007 Ees two tree... 520 00:35:41,127 --> 00:35:42,943 God damn Baptista! 521 00:35:43,063 --> 00:35:44,436 How the fuck would you like it 522 00:35:44,556 --> 00:35:47,034 if I joined the brazilian Marines and only spoke english? 523 00:35:47,154 --> 00:35:48,204 Shift fire! 524 00:35:49,644 --> 00:35:50,994 He's on the works! 525 00:35:51,904 --> 00:35:53,554 Watch your four o'clock! 526 00:36:00,562 --> 00:36:02,914 - Lilley! - What the fuck? 527 00:36:04,516 --> 00:36:05,966 Would you please... 528 00:36:06,186 --> 00:36:08,377 back the fuck up? 529 00:36:08,944 --> 00:36:11,891 - Garza, are we clear? - Not going well! 530 00:36:14,794 --> 00:36:17,565 Two Three, get up here. I need suppression fire now! 531 00:36:17,685 --> 00:36:19,235 Left side! Left side! 532 00:36:27,583 --> 00:36:28,898 I can't I.D. the target. 533 00:36:29,574 --> 00:36:31,691 Bravo Two's getting chopped up pretty good. 534 00:36:32,828 --> 00:36:34,078 Like Brad says, 535 00:36:35,175 --> 00:36:36,625 stay frosty, gents. 536 00:36:37,197 --> 00:36:38,586 Holy mother of God. 537 00:36:38,706 --> 00:36:40,700 We got a slaughterhouse up there, men! 538 00:36:40,861 --> 00:36:42,711 All gunners, hold your fire! 539 00:36:45,153 --> 00:36:47,103 Eric, watch for infiltrators. 540 00:36:47,651 --> 00:36:48,750 Be prepared to fire. 541 00:36:48,870 --> 00:36:50,020 On my command! 542 00:36:50,821 --> 00:36:54,077 He gives an order to shoot, we'll end up schwacking Bravo Two. 543 00:36:54,197 --> 00:36:55,757 Hot mike the radios, dirty. 544 00:36:56,619 --> 00:36:57,669 You got it. 545 00:37:02,692 --> 00:37:03,718 R.P.G.! 546 00:37:06,487 --> 00:37:08,062 Watch your fire! Watch your fire! 547 00:37:09,960 --> 00:37:11,010 100 meters! 548 00:37:12,102 --> 00:37:13,503 Get that .50 cal up! 549 00:37:15,849 --> 00:37:16,799 Fuck yeah! 550 00:37:19,387 --> 00:37:20,967 Hitman Two, this is Two One. 551 00:37:21,087 --> 00:37:23,285 We are unable to move in any direction, over. 552 00:37:26,032 --> 00:37:27,186 This is Two Two. 553 00:37:27,306 --> 00:37:28,332 Man down! 554 00:37:28,452 --> 00:37:29,330 Say again, 555 00:37:29,450 --> 00:37:31,362 team Two has a man down! 556 00:37:31,482 --> 00:37:32,328 Over. 557 00:37:32,448 --> 00:37:33,628 Who we got, Pappy? 558 00:37:33,789 --> 00:37:35,211 Ah, it's just my foot! 559 00:37:35,331 --> 00:37:36,319 I got you, bro. 560 00:37:36,439 --> 00:37:38,362 Hitman Two, what is the status? 561 00:37:38,482 --> 00:37:41,512 I say again, what is the status of your man down? Over. 562 00:37:44,759 --> 00:37:46,509 I've been hit in the foot. 563 00:37:55,136 --> 00:37:56,686 Change your magazines! 564 00:37:57,016 --> 00:37:58,905 - I'm out! - Gunny, we need to withdraw! 565 00:37:59,612 --> 00:38:01,662 We need to back it up the way... 566 00:38:01,828 --> 00:38:03,367 Back it up the way we came in! 567 00:38:04,930 --> 00:38:06,202 Get this shit up! 568 00:38:06,363 --> 00:38:07,745 Christeson, hold your sector! 569 00:38:07,865 --> 00:38:08,914 On the left! 570 00:38:09,941 --> 00:38:12,408 - Get your weapons up! - Pick up your rate of fire! 571 00:38:12,528 --> 00:38:13,916 Shift left, shift left! 572 00:38:14,036 --> 00:38:17,048 Motherfucker! Turn it around. I'll be right back! 573 00:38:17,598 --> 00:38:21,365 Baptista, turn it around now! We engaged! Turn now! 574 00:38:24,557 --> 00:38:26,662 Don't shoot. Lt. is foot-mobile. 575 00:38:28,778 --> 00:38:31,415 Up onto the berm, hard right, then go! 576 00:38:31,535 --> 00:38:32,585 Roger that! 577 00:38:38,729 --> 00:38:42,408 Billy, you need to back up onto the berm, hard right, follow rudy. 578 00:38:42,528 --> 00:38:45,678 - Rudy, is that Espera to our left? - I'm in, Pappy. 579 00:38:46,809 --> 00:38:49,753 - Who's to our left? - That's Espera. He's trying to turn! 580 00:38:49,873 --> 00:38:52,662 - Garza, how's it looking? - Sergeant, we're clear to our six! 581 00:38:52,782 --> 00:38:53,632 Go slow! 582 00:38:56,273 --> 00:38:57,303 Talk to me, Walt! 583 00:38:57,423 --> 00:38:59,073 Clear! Okay, go go! 584 00:38:59,283 --> 00:39:02,033 - Clear on the right! Go! - Two One peeling. 585 00:39:03,003 --> 00:39:05,965 All Victors, push past Bravo Three's position and hold. 586 00:39:06,085 --> 00:39:07,308 Break, break! 587 00:39:07,428 --> 00:39:09,517 Two Two, what is Echo Five Bravo's status? 588 00:39:10,169 --> 00:39:12,508 We've stopped the bleeding. He's stable. 589 00:39:13,013 --> 00:39:15,189 Break. What's the status of the Cas-evac? Over. 590 00:39:16,851 --> 00:39:17,855 Standby! 591 00:39:23,860 --> 00:39:25,783 Hitman Two Actual, this is Two Three. 592 00:39:25,943 --> 00:39:27,108 All vehicles are up. 593 00:39:27,228 --> 00:39:28,534 Push, push, push! 594 00:40:04,137 --> 00:40:05,710 Check the tires, Ray. 595 00:40:12,812 --> 00:40:13,890 Jesus Christ. 596 00:40:20,531 --> 00:40:24,049 Did you know people shiver when they have an excess of adrenaline? 597 00:40:24,169 --> 00:40:26,360 It cuts the blood flow or something. 598 00:40:26,480 --> 00:40:28,511 They taught us that in S.O.I. 599 00:40:30,633 --> 00:40:32,450 Is that what happens to you? 600 00:40:32,576 --> 00:40:33,377 No. 601 00:40:34,346 --> 00:40:35,509 I get a woody. 602 00:40:42,800 --> 00:40:44,465 Pappy, man, I'm so sorry. 603 00:40:45,030 --> 00:40:45,854 Rude. 604 00:40:45,974 --> 00:40:46,655 Yeah? 605 00:40:47,295 --> 00:40:49,665 - Where's my cope? - Sgt. Patrick, 606 00:40:49,785 --> 00:40:51,781 you're late for your Medevac. 607 00:40:53,773 --> 00:40:54,992 All right, go. 608 00:40:55,166 --> 00:40:56,346 Good luck, pappy. 609 00:40:56,466 --> 00:40:57,756 I got you covered. 610 00:41:11,663 --> 00:41:13,343 You're team leader now. 611 00:41:16,429 --> 00:41:19,074 Get your Victor up. We're moving out again soon. 612 00:41:29,597 --> 00:41:30,533 Lt, sir. 613 00:41:31,218 --> 00:41:33,807 - He refused to get Cas-evaced. - I don't want him if he's ineffective. 614 00:41:33,927 --> 00:41:36,589 I took a Shrapnel of his thigh, but it missed the femoral artery. 615 00:41:36,709 --> 00:41:38,165 He tourniqueted himself, sir. 616 00:41:38,574 --> 00:41:41,082 Got back up on his weapon and returned fire. 617 00:41:41,202 --> 00:41:44,395 Boom, boom. I was taking *** with flurry of *** 618 00:41:44,952 --> 00:41:45,923 ... sir. 619 00:41:51,586 --> 00:41:52,819 Screwby, sir. 620 00:42:24,673 --> 00:42:26,116 The great destroyers. 621 00:42:26,382 --> 00:42:27,828 Yeah, L.A.Vs rock. 622 00:42:28,403 --> 00:42:31,585 Pouring down hate and discontent like a motherfucker. 623 00:42:34,873 --> 00:42:36,527 Get your team ready, Poke. 624 00:42:37,243 --> 00:42:39,393 Lt. wants us Oscar Mike when they finish. 625 00:42:39,787 --> 00:42:43,328 When they finish fucking shit up there might not even be a bridge. 626 00:42:54,570 --> 00:42:56,805 We're linking up with bravo three ahead. 627 00:42:56,925 --> 00:42:58,938 - They are on point. - All right. 628 00:42:59,935 --> 00:43:02,813 I want 15 meters between their last Humvee and ours. 629 00:43:03,913 --> 00:43:05,961 Why aren't they sending tanks over the bridge first? 630 00:43:06,149 --> 00:43:09,548 'Cause they don't know how strong the bridge is, if it'll even hold tanks. 631 00:43:10,193 --> 00:43:11,338 What if it's mined? 632 00:43:11,458 --> 00:43:14,530 That's exactly why they're sending us. I mean, come on, dude. 633 00:43:14,650 --> 00:43:17,170 You don't want to risk a $5,000,000 tank 634 00:43:17,290 --> 00:43:19,642 when you can send a piece-of-crap Humvee. 635 00:43:20,720 --> 00:43:23,312 All Hitman Two Victors, Hitman Three is Oscar Mike ahead of us. 636 00:43:23,472 --> 00:43:24,742 Let's move out. 637 00:43:25,995 --> 00:43:27,029 Let's go. 638 00:43:29,518 --> 00:43:30,868 Wake up, Trombley! 639 00:43:38,998 --> 00:43:41,053 All Hitman Victors, this is Hitman. 640 00:43:41,244 --> 00:43:43,276 War pig has suppressed targets at the bridge, 641 00:43:43,396 --> 00:43:46,846 and tanks have blown barriers at the bridge approach. Over. 642 00:43:47,445 --> 00:43:49,532 This is Hitman Three. Roger that. 643 00:43:49,652 --> 00:43:51,882 Hitman. This is Hitman Two Actual. Roger that. 644 00:44:01,894 --> 00:44:03,709 Dirty, right through the town! 645 00:44:03,882 --> 00:44:05,479 Contact left! R.P.G! 646 00:44:11,203 --> 00:44:13,836 All Hitman. Shift east, 50 meters. 647 00:44:28,909 --> 00:44:29,737 Fuck! 648 00:44:33,298 --> 00:44:34,369 We're stuck! 649 00:44:37,629 --> 00:44:40,898 All Hitman Three Victors, vehicle two is stuck. Over. 650 00:44:41,300 --> 00:44:43,681 Put in four low. Get us the fuck out of here! 651 00:44:43,801 --> 00:44:45,097 It's not going in! 652 00:44:45,293 --> 00:44:46,743 Piece-of-shit Humvee! 653 00:44:48,625 --> 00:44:50,187 Hitman, this is Hitman Three. 654 00:44:50,307 --> 00:44:53,157 Relay to twisting, good effects on target. Break. 655 00:44:53,628 --> 00:44:55,779 R.P.G. team destroyed. Over. 656 00:44:56,321 --> 00:44:58,109 Hitman Three, this is Hitman. 657 00:44:58,525 --> 00:45:00,223 Solid copy. Roger on relay. 658 00:45:01,565 --> 00:45:02,661 Hitman Three. 659 00:45:02,821 --> 00:45:04,869 Enrage Four One established H.A. Susan. 660 00:45:04,989 --> 00:45:06,621 Still waiting for B.D.A. 661 00:45:07,175 --> 00:45:08,947 Twisting copies. Stand by. 662 00:45:10,129 --> 00:45:12,736 Enrage Four One, R.P.G. Team destroyed. 663 00:45:13,957 --> 00:45:15,635 Enrage Four One copies all. 664 00:45:16,634 --> 00:45:18,433 Two Actual, this is Two One. 665 00:45:18,553 --> 00:45:21,669 We have four Hitman Three Victors halted on the bridge. 666 00:45:21,789 --> 00:45:23,198 This is Hitman Two Actual. 667 00:45:23,318 --> 00:45:24,337 Solid copy. 668 00:45:29,133 --> 00:45:31,148 Did one of their Humvees make it? 669 00:45:32,952 --> 00:45:35,173 Hitman Three, this is Hitman Three Two. 670 00:45:35,293 --> 00:45:36,580 We're in the town. 671 00:45:36,888 --> 00:45:38,947 We observe no enemy activity at this time. 672 00:45:39,107 --> 00:45:39,912 Break. 673 00:45:40,032 --> 00:45:42,154 We're still trying to locate a route through. 674 00:45:42,274 --> 00:45:44,667 Movement's restricted due to debris. Over. 675 00:45:49,958 --> 00:45:51,794 Hitman Three, you copy my last? 676 00:45:52,021 --> 00:45:54,185 Redman, how close is Hitman Three? 677 00:45:56,899 --> 00:45:57,710 Fuck. 678 00:46:01,760 --> 00:46:03,008 He ain't bleeding. 679 00:46:03,128 --> 00:46:04,878 His neck don't look broken. 680 00:46:04,998 --> 00:46:06,225 We lost the platoon. 681 00:46:06,759 --> 00:46:09,645 All Hitman Victors, this is Hitman Three Actual. 682 00:46:09,805 --> 00:46:11,457 This is Hitman Three Actual. 683 00:46:11,577 --> 00:46:13,899 The bridge is partially destroyed! We're trapped! 684 00:46:14,512 --> 00:46:16,296 I say again, we are fucking trapped! 685 00:46:16,416 --> 00:46:20,411 Militarily speaking, Kocher, ain't we the only ones that are trapped? 686 00:46:22,031 --> 00:46:23,393 Back the fuck up. 687 00:46:39,399 --> 00:46:41,677 - Where is Hitman Actual? - That way, sir. 688 00:46:42,974 --> 00:46:44,653 Roll it over to company. 689 00:46:47,218 --> 00:46:49,218 ... Tet offensive. Bullshit! 690 00:46:49,466 --> 00:46:50,834 Jesus, Mary and Joseph! 691 00:46:50,954 --> 00:46:53,021 I got some good men dying in there! 692 00:46:53,348 --> 00:46:54,690 Hold your sectors, men! 693 00:46:54,850 --> 00:46:57,776 Break. Hitman Two, Hitman Two, we need to back these Humvees back... 694 00:46:57,936 --> 00:46:59,020 Give me your radio. 695 00:46:59,140 --> 00:47:01,147 There's one thing I learned in ranger school... 696 00:47:01,267 --> 00:47:03,686 - Hand it to me. - ... we must seize initiative. 697 00:47:03,806 --> 00:47:05,378 Keep your eyes on those reeds. 698 00:47:05,498 --> 00:47:08,258 They could be massing a suicide R.P.G. team as we speak. 699 00:47:08,378 --> 00:47:11,158 We don't know. Any movement in there, you... 700 00:47:15,741 --> 00:47:17,614 What the hell is going on here? 701 00:47:19,189 --> 00:47:20,598 We were, we're... 702 00:47:22,090 --> 00:47:23,780 The stuck vehicle, it... 703 00:47:24,438 --> 00:47:25,377 Stuck. 704 00:47:25,735 --> 00:47:28,640 I got my best Marines cut off in that town, dying in there! 705 00:47:29,398 --> 00:47:30,255 Craig, 706 00:47:30,972 --> 00:47:33,812 Godfather needs to unfuck this clusterfuck now. 707 00:47:39,323 --> 00:47:42,127 We need to think of this as a defensive line, 708 00:47:42,247 --> 00:47:43,879 and a goal-line stand. 709 00:47:46,776 --> 00:47:48,368 And you're the offense, Craig. 710 00:47:50,193 --> 00:47:52,459 You need to be a hard charger here. 711 00:47:53,692 --> 00:47:55,780 Put some fuckin' muscle into it. 712 00:48:04,854 --> 00:48:05,658 Men! 713 00:48:06,307 --> 00:48:07,137 Over here! 714 00:48:12,624 --> 00:48:14,392 Two-minute warning, guys, 715 00:48:14,697 --> 00:48:16,223 two-minute warning! 716 00:48:29,102 --> 00:48:29,921 Yeah! 717 00:48:30,560 --> 00:48:31,368 Yeah! 718 00:48:33,327 --> 00:48:34,956 ... this is Hitman. 719 00:48:35,285 --> 00:48:36,735 Bridge is all clear. 720 00:48:36,898 --> 00:48:37,720 Sir, 721 00:48:38,213 --> 00:48:40,587 you did a favor by taking my radio from me. 722 00:48:43,490 --> 00:48:44,498 Gentlemen, 723 00:48:45,796 --> 00:48:47,428 this is the end zone! 724 00:48:54,511 --> 00:48:56,064 Go yellowjackets! 725 00:48:57,467 --> 00:49:00,262 How's it feel now, you filthy motherfuckers? 726 00:49:00,696 --> 00:49:04,192 God damn dirty haji motherfuckers trying to fuck with me? 727 00:49:04,312 --> 00:49:05,298 Fuck you! 728 00:49:05,650 --> 00:49:08,530 That's what you get when you try to ambush Marines, motherfucker! 729 00:49:08,650 --> 00:49:09,879 You get dead! 730 00:49:10,325 --> 00:49:11,629 Son of a bitch! 731 00:49:50,653 --> 00:49:51,459 Sir, 732 00:49:52,113 --> 00:49:53,535 get a load of this. 733 00:49:54,649 --> 00:49:56,663 They don't look like Iraqi regulars. 734 00:50:00,787 --> 00:50:03,781 Looks like he could have been a college student. 735 00:50:16,051 --> 00:50:17,643 We've got a wounded enemy. 736 00:50:18,277 --> 00:50:19,301 Shoot him! 737 00:50:28,509 --> 00:50:29,821 Can you help this man? 738 00:50:30,123 --> 00:50:32,032 He could be booby-trapped, sir. 739 00:50:33,679 --> 00:50:35,120 I'll search him, sir. 740 00:50:42,122 --> 00:50:44,967 Because of this dying motherfucker and his dead friends, 741 00:50:45,087 --> 00:50:47,092 we're eight hours behind schedule. 742 00:50:53,336 --> 00:50:54,993 Look at this motherfucker. 743 00:50:55,632 --> 00:50:57,578 Roll him over and check his back. 744 00:50:58,691 --> 00:51:00,182 He's all yours, doc. 745 00:51:14,220 --> 00:51:15,289 Amphetamine, 746 00:51:15,676 --> 00:51:17,344 pretty high-grade shit. 747 00:51:22,440 --> 00:51:23,272 Dude, 748 00:51:23,854 --> 00:51:25,521 these are Syrian pounds. 749 00:51:27,095 --> 00:51:28,088 Syrian passport. 750 00:51:32,387 --> 00:51:33,817 Ahmed Al Zari, 751 00:51:33,937 --> 00:51:35,220 born in Damascus, 752 00:51:35,340 --> 00:51:36,374 age 26, 753 00:51:37,018 --> 00:51:39,099 entered Iraq... march 23. 754 00:51:39,496 --> 00:51:40,726 Three days after we came. 755 00:51:41,174 --> 00:51:44,187 His address in Iraq is the... Palestine Hotel in Baghdad. 756 00:51:45,674 --> 00:51:49,004 Restaurant is two-star, but room service is out of this world. 757 00:51:49,124 --> 00:51:51,857 And if you go around the corner, there's a club where the ladies go, 758 00:51:51,977 --> 00:51:55,240 - just... say you're a friend of Uday's. - What does the rest of it say? 759 00:51:57,168 --> 00:51:59,079 "Purpose for entering Iraq: 760 00:51:59,362 --> 00:52:00,212 "jihad." 761 00:52:03,797 --> 00:52:06,059 He put "jihad" at passport control. 762 00:52:06,995 --> 00:52:08,906 That's some wicked shit, 763 00:52:09,930 --> 00:52:12,380 some evildoing shit, if you ask me, man. 764 00:52:15,065 --> 00:52:16,511 They're coming here to fight us. 765 00:52:19,341 --> 00:52:21,767 I wonder if President Bush will ever find out about this. 766 00:52:23,825 --> 00:52:27,708 It's what the president's been talking about with the war on terrorists. 767 00:52:28,991 --> 00:52:30,641 This is why we're here. 768 00:53:14,197 --> 00:53:15,847 Go on, man, fuck it up. 769 00:53:26,559 --> 00:53:28,731 The fuck is wrong with you, Dawg? 770 00:53:31,140 --> 00:53:32,993 What is it with you white boys? 771 00:53:33,113 --> 00:53:36,049 Leave you alone for 10 minutes, you go all "lord of the flies" and shit. 772 00:53:44,676 --> 00:53:46,115 What up, yo? 773 00:53:48,931 --> 00:53:50,770 Holy fucking shit, dude. 774 00:53:56,002 --> 00:53:57,028 Unreal. 775 00:53:58,989 --> 00:54:00,614 Rude, check it out. I'm you. 776 00:54:00,803 --> 00:54:02,659 Here, dead. 777 00:54:03,231 --> 00:54:04,119 Alive. 778 00:54:04,560 --> 00:54:06,618 I'm dead here. Now I'm alive. 779 00:54:07,032 --> 00:54:09,416 - I'm dead. Alive. Dead. - Ray. 780 00:54:09,865 --> 00:54:10,917 What's your point? 781 00:54:11,958 --> 00:54:14,308 Just trying to cheer you up, brother. 782 00:54:18,167 --> 00:54:19,117 Fucking unreal. 783 00:54:19,237 --> 00:54:21,945 I'm putting you in Trombley's seat when we move out. 784 00:54:22,065 --> 00:54:23,515 You need some rest. 785 00:54:24,432 --> 00:54:25,582 I'm okay Brad. 786 00:54:26,358 --> 00:54:29,661 Trombley slept a couple of hours last night. You didn't. 787 00:54:30,714 --> 00:54:33,286 I want you in some shade inside the Humvee. 788 00:54:36,996 --> 00:54:39,738 Lt's boys are eating some weird-ass meat over there. 789 00:54:39,899 --> 00:54:41,948 It's like Jeffrey Dahmer's picnic. 790 00:54:42,409 --> 00:54:44,245 Makes you appreciate shit... 791 00:54:44,636 --> 00:54:46,705 Makes you appreciate shit like... 792 00:54:48,206 --> 00:54:49,998 good old-fashioned 793 00:54:50,159 --> 00:54:52,314 chunked, formed meat patties. 794 00:54:59,302 --> 00:55:02,538 That was some fucking true Iceman shit you pulled last night. 795 00:55:03,621 --> 00:55:07,389 Your superhuman powers of observation saved the whole platoon. 796 00:55:08,265 --> 00:55:09,184 Shit, Dawg 797 00:55:09,943 --> 00:55:12,750 they thought they were gonna get the drop on Iceman? 798 00:55:12,870 --> 00:55:13,870 Fuck no. 799 00:55:14,369 --> 00:55:17,525 The Iceman can see you before you even know you're there. 800 00:55:17,645 --> 00:55:19,989 Those guys were untrained amateurs. 801 00:55:20,965 --> 00:55:21,933 Oh yeah? 802 00:55:23,186 --> 00:55:24,765 How come we didn't see them? 803 00:55:24,885 --> 00:55:26,635 You're not as good as me. 804 00:55:30,736 --> 00:55:33,458 What kind of goddamn sadists work at the M.R.E. factory? 805 00:55:35,497 --> 00:55:37,732 10 days and nothing but peanut butter. 806 00:55:38,540 --> 00:55:40,653 When the fuck am I going to get a jalapeno and cheese? 807 00:55:40,773 --> 00:55:42,424 I'm allergic to peanuts. 808 00:55:44,091 --> 00:55:45,604 How's everybody doing? 809 00:55:47,553 --> 00:55:49,213 It's just the same every day now. 810 00:55:49,333 --> 00:55:50,891 Dig a hole, 811 00:55:51,259 --> 00:55:52,109 eat,... 812 00:55:52,869 --> 00:55:54,126 - kill. - And jack off. 813 00:55:54,246 --> 00:55:56,540 Be nice to add some sleep into the mix. 814 00:55:59,668 --> 00:56:01,317 You know funny thing is... 815 00:56:01,437 --> 00:56:04,729 I would done anything to save those shepherds trombley hit. 816 00:56:05,097 --> 00:56:08,198 Yesterday I musta killed two, maybe three guys. 817 00:56:08,935 --> 00:56:10,036 I don't feel nothing. 818 00:56:11,224 --> 00:56:12,474 Me neither Dawg. 819 00:56:13,095 --> 00:56:15,624 I shot some motherfucker right in the grape, 820 00:56:15,785 --> 00:56:17,935 saw the back of his head bust off. 821 00:56:18,438 --> 00:56:19,628 I don't feel nothing. 822 00:56:21,541 --> 00:56:24,591 - Is this how true warriors feel? - Don't fool yourself. 823 00:56:26,153 --> 00:56:28,250 We aren't being warriors out here. 824 00:56:28,768 --> 00:56:31,418 They're just using us as machine operators, 825 00:56:32,548 --> 00:56:34,263 semiskilled labor. 826 00:56:36,630 --> 00:56:38,124 T.ls over here. 827 00:56:38,544 --> 00:56:40,094 Just about ready, Sir. 828 00:56:54,027 --> 00:56:55,475 The news on Pappy is good. 829 00:56:55,595 --> 00:56:57,417 This morning he was taken to the R.C.T. 830 00:56:57,578 --> 00:56:59,586 shock-trauma, where they loaded him onto a bird. 831 00:56:59,943 --> 00:57:02,693 He's on his way to a navy hospital in Spain. 832 00:57:04,931 --> 00:57:07,345 Back at Camp Mathilda, Pappy once said, 833 00:57:07,851 --> 00:57:09,529 "Don't pet a burning dog." 834 00:57:11,835 --> 00:57:14,698 I had nodea what he meant by that until 12 hours ago. 835 00:57:17,542 --> 00:57:19,511 Last night we pet a burning dog. 836 00:57:19,825 --> 00:57:21,356 I know it. You know it. 837 00:57:22,195 --> 00:57:23,860 There's no use in pretending we didn't. 838 00:57:24,415 --> 00:57:26,354 That's very astute, Sir. 839 00:57:31,835 --> 00:57:33,472 We step off in 30 minutes. 840 00:57:35,593 --> 00:57:38,798 Our route is taking us through the center of Muwaffaqiyah, 841 00:57:39,021 --> 00:57:40,835 the town we almost made it to last night. 842 00:57:41,253 --> 00:57:42,879 But isn't the bridge damaged, Sir? 843 00:57:43,040 --> 00:57:44,631 There's an alternate route. 844 00:57:50,941 --> 00:57:52,722 I think we can take it from here, Sir. 845 00:57:56,269 --> 00:57:57,570 Thank you, Gents. 846 00:57:57,690 --> 00:57:59,740 I got new map sheets of the A.O. 847 00:58:01,255 --> 00:58:03,005 We did pet a burning dog. 848 00:58:04,067 --> 00:58:05,617 In more ways than one. 849 00:58:07,145 --> 00:58:09,195 Those jihadists who attacked us? 850 00:58:11,211 --> 00:58:13,743 Isn't this the exact opposite of what we want to have happen here? 851 00:58:14,568 --> 00:58:17,831 It's all on that guy's passport. 2 weeks ago he was still a student in syria. 852 00:58:19,030 --> 00:58:21,477 He wasn't a jihadi until we came to Iraq. 853 00:58:51,126 --> 00:58:54,220 Hitman Two. Something is loose in your vehicle. 854 00:58:54,340 --> 00:58:55,678 Roger that. 855 00:59:04,265 --> 00:59:07,342 Ray, in about one klik we'll hit the cutoff to the town. 856 00:59:09,526 --> 00:59:12,622 Why didn't we go this way last night? 857 00:59:14,380 --> 00:59:16,443 You're not thinking military, dude. 858 00:59:16,851 --> 00:59:19,233 See, bypassing the ambush 859 00:59:19,353 --> 00:59:22,180 is just what the ambushers expected us to do. 860 00:59:27,100 --> 00:59:29,694 If they expected us to bypass them, 861 00:59:29,855 --> 00:59:31,831 why did they set up the ambush? 862 00:59:31,951 --> 00:59:34,421 Because they're not professional military. 863 00:59:38,413 --> 00:59:39,620 Slow down, Ray. 864 00:59:42,755 --> 00:59:46,044 Shit, those could be more of those dudes we fought last night. 865 00:59:52,854 --> 00:59:54,758 Hitman Two, this is Two One. 866 00:59:55,308 --> 00:59:57,764 On our two o'clock we are passing a group of foot-mobiles, 867 00:59:58,498 --> 01:00:01,851 all male, early 20s, definitely not from around here. 868 01:00:02,212 --> 01:00:05,242 I strongly request permission to set up a snatch mission on them. 869 01:00:05,362 --> 01:00:06,231 How copy? 870 01:00:06,682 --> 01:00:07,644 Stand by. 871 01:00:11,577 --> 01:00:12,643 This is two actual. 872 01:00:12,763 --> 01:00:15,113 Our request for a snatch has been denied. Over. 873 01:00:15,862 --> 01:00:17,612 Roger. Thanks for trying. 874 01:00:18,798 --> 01:00:20,328 Jesus, look at all that ordnance. 875 01:00:25,141 --> 01:00:26,708 This looks like jihad central. 876 01:00:28,425 --> 01:00:29,672 All Hitman Two Victors, 877 01:00:29,792 --> 01:00:32,257 we are to proceed to our objective as per Godfather's orders. 878 01:01:05,657 --> 01:01:08,606 All Hitman Two Victors, this is Hitman Two. 879 01:01:09,088 --> 01:01:10,520 Hold your sectors. 880 01:01:13,083 --> 01:01:14,129 It's weird. 881 01:01:14,728 --> 01:01:17,884 We had one guy shot in the foot and another guy 882 01:01:18,004 --> 01:01:21,764 take a little shrapnel in the leg, and we level half the town. 883 01:01:22,016 --> 01:01:23,447 Hajis gotta learn. 884 01:01:32,601 --> 01:01:34,560 Hitman Two One, the M.S.R. that we're blocking 885 01:01:34,680 --> 01:01:36,731 is on the northeast corner of the town. 886 01:01:36,851 --> 01:01:38,281 Push through to that point. 887 01:01:38,789 --> 01:01:39,739 Copy that. 888 01:01:40,750 --> 01:01:42,942 Ray, push through to the edge of town. 889 01:01:44,210 --> 01:01:45,912 We're setting up a roadblock. 890 01:02:00,370 --> 01:02:03,652 Hey, you got that camera working again? I thought that shit was dead. 891 01:02:03,772 --> 01:02:04,474 Yeah. 892 01:02:22,627 --> 01:02:24,744 We got team three accompanying engineers 893 01:02:24,905 --> 01:02:27,652 to check out a Ba'ath military installation. 894 01:02:28,169 --> 01:02:29,119 Cool cool. 895 01:02:37,191 --> 01:02:38,424 We got kids up the alley. 896 01:02:40,467 --> 01:02:41,586 Don't shoot. 897 01:02:42,627 --> 01:02:43,887 They're just curious. 898 01:03:09,700 --> 01:03:12,234 Republican guard took over every classroom. 899 01:03:12,811 --> 01:03:14,963 Now we get to blow up a school. 900 01:03:16,345 --> 01:03:18,548 This is every fourth-grade boy's fantasy. 901 01:03:19,084 --> 01:03:21,246 We know kids were here until february. 902 01:03:25,589 --> 01:03:26,887 Now that's freaky. 903 01:03:27,963 --> 01:03:31,436 Yeah. Why'd these kids draw little girls with blonde hair? 904 01:03:32,208 --> 01:03:34,850 Saddam was even trying to steal our holiday. 905 01:03:35,337 --> 01:03:36,987 That's fucking twisted. 906 01:03:45,077 --> 01:03:46,152 Oh, shit. 907 01:03:47,132 --> 01:03:49,120 I don't like it when civilians flee, Dawg. 908 01:03:58,813 --> 01:03:59,842 Brad. 909 01:04:01,241 --> 01:04:02,747 Meesh has debriefed some locals 910 01:04:02,867 --> 01:04:06,666 who say jihadists are planning to attack us with suicide bombers. 911 01:04:06,786 --> 01:04:09,390 Soon as Team Three gets back, we're clearing the town and pushing north. 912 01:04:09,510 --> 01:04:10,760 Roger that, Sir. 913 01:04:12,090 --> 01:04:14,237 What are you doing with that smoke grenade? 914 01:04:14,357 --> 01:04:16,057 What we discussed yesterday, Sir. 915 01:04:16,177 --> 01:04:18,286 New procedure for stopping cars. 916 01:04:19,120 --> 01:04:21,163 Charlie has already started using blue smoke. 917 01:04:21,283 --> 01:04:22,841 I don't like this, Brad. 918 01:04:22,961 --> 01:04:25,406 We fire the smoke grenade 100 meters distant. 919 01:04:26,167 --> 01:04:28,041 If it's bad guys, we have time to light 'em up. 920 01:04:28,161 --> 01:04:29,949 We've got reports of suicide bombers. 921 01:04:30,069 --> 01:04:32,719 We can still kill the cars that don't stop. 922 01:04:33,421 --> 01:04:34,999 This just gives civilians a chance. 923 01:04:38,531 --> 01:04:39,753 I'm asking, Sir. 924 01:04:41,404 --> 01:04:43,254 You do have power over this. 925 01:04:48,149 --> 01:04:49,170 All right. 926 01:04:50,709 --> 01:04:52,203 We got a vehicle. 927 01:05:01,083 --> 01:05:03,333 Don't fire unless they drive through 928 01:05:04,229 --> 01:05:05,698 and I give the order. 929 01:05:14,490 --> 01:05:16,193 You turned him, Sergeant. 930 01:05:16,451 --> 01:05:18,601 No shit, you obvious motherfucker. 931 01:05:28,451 --> 01:05:31,839 All Hitman Two Victors, this is Hitman Two Three. 932 01:05:32,049 --> 01:05:34,308 Controlled det in 10, 9... 933 01:05:36,214 --> 01:05:39,397 We got a controlled det in five, four, 934 01:05:39,956 --> 01:05:40,934 three, 935 01:05:41,351 --> 01:05:42,824 two, one. 936 01:05:51,529 --> 01:05:54,042 Why'd we leave that ordinance out in the field if we're gonna blow up 937 01:05:54,162 --> 01:05:56,225 the only school in this town? 938 01:05:57,272 --> 01:05:58,582 Am I missing something? 939 01:06:02,850 --> 01:06:04,881 Got another one coming at us. 940 01:06:15,092 --> 01:06:16,058 Fuck, Walt! 941 01:06:19,912 --> 01:06:21,606 You didn't even fire a warning shot. 942 01:06:25,036 --> 01:06:27,394 That was a wounding shot, motherfucker! 943 01:06:35,863 --> 01:06:36,872 You okay? 944 01:06:38,480 --> 01:06:39,664 The car kept coming. 945 01:06:43,877 --> 01:06:44,710 Yeah. 946 01:06:50,680 --> 01:06:51,631 Come on. 947 01:06:56,613 --> 01:06:57,599 Sit down. 948 01:07:01,286 --> 01:07:02,536 It's all right. 949 01:07:10,272 --> 01:07:12,085 Holy shit. Check it out. 950 01:07:17,226 --> 01:07:19,952 That's some real rob zombie shit, man. 951 01:07:21,125 --> 01:07:22,251 Nice shooting. 952 01:07:26,171 --> 01:07:27,915 We're just doing our jobs. 953 01:07:48,373 --> 01:07:51,834 All Hitman Victors, the battalion has cleared Muwaffaqiyah. 954 01:07:51,954 --> 01:07:54,571 We are to advance up to al kut immediately. 955 01:08:03,862 --> 01:08:04,906 Mount up. 956 01:08:06,657 --> 01:08:07,954 We're Oscar Mike. 957 01:08:13,335 --> 01:08:14,885 We're Oscar Mike! 0 00:00:0,500 --> 00:00:2,00 www.tvsubtitles.net